#and gets sad when he sees him holding torren or something
autistic-crypt1d · 1 month
Season 5 SGA live blogging:
S1, S2, S3, S4
Big ass cliffhanger, Teyla is still being held captive by Michael and the team is racing against the clock to find her before she gives birth only to have a damn building fall on them!
- Ronon calling Sheppard buddy 😭
- good lord that was a long ass zoom out
- Ronon and Teyla love eachother so much dude
- "you don't have to do everything yourself" facts Ronon, facts
- awww Rodneyyyyy
- Ronon carrying Teyla and her baby is just so AHHHHH
- I don't remember how Keller got infected in the first place, during the rescue op for Sheppard, Ronon, Rodney, and Lorne?
- Carson!!
- ahhhhh yeah it was that planet
- I missed Teyla so muchhhh
- poor Sheppard y'all
- it always gets me watching Ronon pace around aggressively when something is hurting people that he can't fight. You can literally see him wanting to punch whatever it is no matter what it is or the fact that it is unpunchable
- of course Rodney stays with Sheppard ♡
- also, does this mean that all wraith hive ships are people??
- love how Woolsey is immediately and very rudely awakened to the reason why "going by the book" on Atlantis does not work
- shouldn't the stuff be attacking Sheppard now that he's cured?
- well, now it is
- did the vine stab Sheppard or just break a rib or something?
- Broken Ties, if this is the episode I think it is I'm about to be very sad
- I love seeing Ronon and Teyla together so much
- Ronon's jacket is so cool
- wait no I think the episode I'm thinking of is one of the last 2
- for all of his faults, I really so love how understanding Woolsey is when it comes to Teyla and her baby
- oof ok I remember what this episode is now and while it isn't the one that I thought it was, I will still be very sad
- Tyre you're a back stabbing little shit and I hate you
- Woolsey really does become quite sweet in SGA
- Rononnnnn AHHHHHHH
- of course Sheppard is the person Rodney goes to when he gets stuck
- Lorne!!!
- Ronon's voice on the verge of tears, BRO
- Kanaan, supportive husband of the year
- Tyre gets points for helping them get Ronon back but I still hate him for everything else
- let's go Rononnnnn
- Ronon truly looks very coo coo bananas here
- god the acting is so good
- Rodney talking to Ronon while he's unconscious recovering 😭
- Ronon holding the sword after Sheppard gave it to him, AHHHHHH
- ah crap, The Daedalus Variations, this is one of the few episodes that I immediately know by title
- I always wanna yell "DON'T GET ON THAT SHIP!!!"
- The duplicate bodies, AHHHHH
- is Ronon wearing a cardigan? It's fantastic regardless
- I love Rodney's little rectangle backpack so much
- the alternate reality drive is reminding me of the spore drive from Star Trek: Discovery, I still need to finish that
- ok it's not a cardigan but the cut is very similar and I dig it
- Ronon is so good at talking Teyla through stuff
- this other alien race intrigues me so much
- how tf did that dart just zoop through the shield??
-poor Sheppard being the only one who actually knows how to operate the ship in any significant way, Teyla knows a bit but that's it
- Ronon really has a 6th sense y'all
- good lord it takes a lot to down those aliens!
- I wish we got to see more of them so badly. Maybe if we'd gotten another season?
- ahhhh Ronon and Sheppard are the most badass duo ever istg
- poor Ronon y'all, he is not prepared for operating this shit
- since when does Atlantis have F-302s? I mean I know this is an alternate reality but like, you'd assume they'd be jumpers
- alternate reality Atlantis came in clutch tho
- not Sheppard basically flirting with himself XD
- Sheppard and his ds, I love it
- the way Rodney absolutely adores Torren even though he's simatioualy terrified of him is so cute
- I wish we got to see more of the alien fauna so badddd
- Ghost in the Machine, oh boy
- Atlantis going dark is always so freaky and cool
- AHHHHH the Elizabeth episodes always hurt so bad y'all
- I really don't understand why replicators want to ascend so bad, they can live forever, why not just go explore the galaxy now? Why do they need to do it as energy?
- I hate that Elizabeth has this arc
- ouch ouch ouch
- The Shrine, ouch ouch ouch
- y'all this episode breaks my heart
- Rodney calling for John, OUCH
- AHHH you can see the organism in the water!!!!
- I know the water would've come through too, but couldn't they have just gotten back into the water and they open the shield just long enough for them to swim through???
- Rononnnnnn, he's so caring and sweet and AHHHH
- the whole thing with Jennifer hurts, Rodney tells her he loves her and she has to watch him fade away
- I don't really understand why the jumpers can't be cloaked while going through the gate, the only reason I can think of is that they made it up to make it difficult
- y'all Rodney coming to John on the verge of tears, desperately coming to him for comfort breaks my heart
- "you're stuck with me Rodney" HELP
- Sheppard loves that arrogant, whiney man so much
- "I keep seeing a face, everytime I close my eyes. I think it's my mother" BRO
- Keller has come such a long way, I mean she went from a flailing mess on the Bola Kai episode to proposing brain surgery in a damp cave to remove an alien parasite
- Whispers is so cool, it freaks me the hell out, but still cool af. Everytime I see the intro though I think of the SG-1 episode where they can't sleep or they die
- also, love seeing Carson again
- Porter and Mehra irritate me so much though. When characters are supposed to be tough but are either written badly, acted badly, or both, it's just so bad. Same thing with characters that are supposed to be hot, like, yuck.
- pfffft, Sheppard and Carson bonding over being in stasis pods
- I really like Vega though, and Teldy is cool
- I also desperately hate the weird thing between Porter and Carson, like, it makes me WILDLY uncomfortable
- god damn that was a clean ass transition
- Mirellus I swear to god
- these things are so scary y'all, I love it
- honestly Mirellus, you deserved that. Not only did you release these things but you started screaming about them, like, wtf
- he really could've just grabbed the rope to bring up the bucket instead of using the crank, then used it to lower it the rest of the way
- poor Carson, his first mission back and he gets this
- see Mehra is great when she's being a bit goofy, but the whole dead pan serious tough as nails thing is so bad. I've never once enjoyed a character like that unless they had something else going on. Like, Teal'c and Ronon have personalities on top of that. I just think she was written badly honestly.
- The Queen, oh boy this episode is wild
- I truly do not understand the whole surgery thing. What exactly are they doing to her and how tf is it not permanent or leaving any lasting effects???
- Ronon's little smile at saying they were getting their asses kicked is so cute
- at least they finally got a new actor to play the Primary wraith queen
- ahhhh Ronon loves her so muchhhh
- oooo and new actors to play the wraith dudes too! Let's goooooo
- nice work Teyla, god damn
- Todd, buddy, you're really pushing it rn
- it will never stop being hilarious that Ronon has to get stunned like 8 times to go down
- Teyla is the tiniest wraith I've ever seen and it's so funny
- Tracker, very exciting, I kinda love this eoisode
- Sheppard is so totally jealous about Rodney and Keller
- AH I hate the awkward tension between the 3 sooooo much
- Rodney, Ronon, please be normal for like t seconds please
- the thing I hate about this episode is that they suddenly bring back the thing between Ronon and Keller. They don't mention it for a long ass time and their interactions don't hint to it whatsoever and now all the sudden he's into her again
- also the fact that it's so obvious Ronon loves Teyla so the whole Keller thing is just super weird
- it's weird they don't have a life signs detector with them, or maybe Keller has it
- Ronon and Rodney are both like obsessed with Sheppard (for different reasons), but it's hilarious that when they're without Sheppard, they're just a mess of a duo. Like they cannot agree on anything, they're constantly bickering, it's a mess
- idk about y'all, but I ship Keller with Kyrik more than anyone else
- Kyrik is awesome man, I'm really sad we never see him again
- ahhh I hate the awkward love triangle shitttt
- DANIEL!!! First Contact is one of my favorite episodes, I'm so excitedddd
- Daniel and Rodney are so funny together, I love it
- pfffft, Rodney telling him to push against the wall as hard as he could XD
- good lord that attempted speech interaction was awkward as hell
- poor Woolsey XD
- god damn the hyperspace window opening over the water is SO COOL
- I may not like these Asgaurd but they are so damn cool, the way they just completely ignore every effort Atlantis tries to stop them is wild. Shield? Ignored, floors between them and their goal? Going through them. Gun fire? Shields.
- the way that the 3rd just no hesitation sacrifices itself so the other 2 can get away with the guys and the device???
- poor Sheppard man, he's been in charge for only like a couple hours and they've been invaded and 2 of their people are taken
- god those two are so sassy I love it
- AHHHH Sheppard and Rodney thinking the same thing is so gay I love it
- the self destruct feature so that no one can find out what they really are??? AHHHH
- y'all, the existential crisis Todd has thinking about who the wraith would be without the war is devastatinggggg
- pfffft Daniel and his immediate urge to talk it out with his kidnappers
- those knockout sticks Todd has are so cool wtf
- the power spike, AHHHH CHILLS
- Sheppard staying with Radek no matter what, he's such a good leader y'all
- the explosion FX is not great lol
- oh shit I forgot this was a 2 parter
- I recognize the travers lady from somewhere
- omfg Rodney stepping between Daniel and the gun, BRO
- oh right she was on One Tree Hill!!
- yeah idk how anyone could ship Ronon and Keller in my opinion, they clash so badly personally wise
- good lord that engineering room gives me and Zelenka anxiety
- I can't help but wonder if the war would've ended differently if instead of hiding, the Asgard had helped the Ancients
- man Daniel is really getting tossed around today
- ahhhh I missed Daniel's silly little mannerisms so much
- Keller with a P-90 is dope af, way to go doc
- I'm like 90% sure those "empty suits" had people in them cuz I could kinda see them swaying a bit and I think that's hilarious
- Daniel looks cool af in that suit
- pffft Daniel's little shrug
- Daniel please stop standing right by the damn antenna you're giving me anxiety
- Daniel you really cannot die again
- "wanna unzip me?" "I'll look for a can opener" PFFFFT
- Ronon may be very emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people's feelings, but when it comes to his own, NOPE
- of course Rodney and Daniel are immediately sassy with eachother now that they're not about to die
- Rodney, please
- Outsiders is such an infuriating episode y'all, the way the villagers turn against these innocent people is just so AHHH
- Jervis I hate you so much, please shut up
- Jervis you are actually like, the worst
- the fact that he thinks that there is even a chance the wraith will keep their word and not destroy their village anyway means he is a damn fool
- Safaris you are also the worst and a fool and I hate you too
- Todd is literally the only wraith we've seen to my knowledge that's actually ever kept his word but even then he steals shit or throws wrenches in the plan every single time
- ok Rodney left out the time they did in fact escape from one of those cells but Ronon had like 80 knives on him that allowed that to happen sooooo
- wraith facial hair is so scrungly looking
- dude has become such a badass since he came back to life
- "you're gonna have to hold them off" "am I now?" PFFFT
- PFFFFT Carson and Rodney shoved into the dart is hilarious
- oh damn
- way to go Rodneyyyyy
- awww, Carson realizing Rodney misses him and taking a break for him 😭
- Inquisition, I have no recollection of this episode so far
- oh wait, oh yeah no I remember this
- honestly the counsel isn't entirely wrong, but they've been trying their best to fix their mistake and they're the best hope this galaxy has of defeating the wraith
- plus the fact that they woke them up early led to the infighting which gave them the advantage to defeat them
- why're they showing clips of the wraith that was converted long after Michael with the consent of the queen instead of Michael's transformation when that's what they were talking about?
- y'all they are fully tripping if they think the Genii's nuclear plan was going to defeat the wraith, there are far too many for them to have succeeded with a plan like that. Working with Atlantis there could've been a really helpful alliance but instead they decided to betray them again and again
- Atlantis has been making a lot of unilateral decisions yes, but like they said, they're the only ones out there fighting them. The ancients failed and there was no one left with the tech or numbers to stand up to them until the expedition showed up
- a lot of their plans have made things worse in some ways, but that's what happens when you're taking action, you can't be sure how things will turn out most of the time but you have to do something
- SG-1 got shit for this too about how they went about fighting the Goa'uld, but again, they were trying. Granted so were the Tok'ra, but they were also letting people die, leaving worlds enslaved, and had completely written off the Jaffa
- not to mention the fact that they've been expending countless resources giving aid to every society in need they come across, most of the time with zero in return
- these people revere the ancients as gods even though they were quite literally the cause of the wraith and replicators existing and abandoned the pegasus galaxy when they realized they couldn't atop the wraith, but now they put the expedition on trial for accidentally stumbling across what they left??? It's not their fault that the ancients left a damn minefield of awful shit across the whole damn galaxy
- I just noticed that Ronon had to physically drag Sheppard away when Elizabeth was sacrificing themselves
- I know that these people are upset but if they didn't wake them and they had those 50 years to prepare, the lives would've been lost anyway, different lives but lives nonetheless. At least with Atlantis here they have the chance to win and save future generations from this ever happening again
- Woolsey you sly dog
- Pfffft wtf was that swivel John XD
- The Prodigal, oh shit here we go
- see, Rodney and Sheppard are literally always spending time together
- I feel for Rodney with the stairs y'all, they are my sworn enemy
- Teyla is so pretty
- god damn it Michael
- damn that door lowering shot was pretty sick gotta say
- Lorne!!!
- Michael's obsession with Teyla is horrifying, he truly does not understand why she won't just go with him
- we don't get a lot of Chuck and Banks but I ADORE THEM, especially her
- Ronon may have technically lost that fight but he gave Teyla the opportunity to run and that's a win in this situation, especially given the fact that that buys them all time
- god I love Sheppard and Rodney during these situations "what do you need? 15 minutes?" And Rodney just rolls his eyes and does it
- Teyla is so resourceful and smart, she can't fight because she's holding a baby but you bet your ass she can kick that mf down the stairs
- the jumpers chairs look so comfy, I want one
- yessss let's go Radek!!!
- ooooo the fight scene is coming!!!!
- it's soooo over for you Michael
- Sheppard what did I say about hanging off of towers
- you tried to hurt her baby, you were never getting out of here alive
- god Teyla is so cool help
- Ronon's mission report is so cute
- Remnants, poor Sheppard man, I'm stressed and it's been 2 seconds, I just knw what's about to happen to this man
- also, Rodney's immediate flustered reaction as to why Sheppard would volunteer to spend a night away from Atlantis (him) is so gay I love it
- y'all watching this episode knowing what's actually going on from the start is wild, especially from Sheppard's pov. Bro really just could not help torturing himself
- poor Chuck
- also, have the uniform colors changed a bit? Chuck's looks like a weird dark green and Rodney's is a different blue than I remember. I feel like this must have happened when they changed the uniform style but idk why I'm just noticing.
- are Amelia and Chuck both military???
- ugh, Brain Storm. Malcolm is the worst.
- I hate that they did Bill Nye so dirtyyyy
- the fact that Keller doesn't trust Rodney's instincts that this is a horrible idea is WILD
- "you're smarter than me" "I know" DAMN RIGHT RODNEY
- PFFFFT the Bill Nye slap
- "I love you. Have for some time now." CALLBACK LET'S GOOOO
- Infection, see now this is the episode I though Spoils of War was initially. This episode is so freaky I love it
- I originally was remembering it as being caused by the Hoffan virus but it's Keller's treatment, I remember now
- the wall melting, SO COOL
- I still ship Rodney and Sheppard, but I will still admit that Rodney and Keller are sweet
- my god the wraith eating people is just such a new horrific thing
- the massive crater in the ship is so cool
- I love wraith shit so much, it's so unique and so cool and freaky
- "we're too late, the pods are opened" AHHHH
- oh my god I love this scene, the hive tearing in half, Rodney freaking out, they're going down y'all!!!
- "impact in 15 seconds" "not if I can help it" AHHHHH
- the cgi of the shop landing in the water is rough af but still
- Identity, ah hell I hate this episode
- poor Radek, he was just trying to help
- Vegas is such a weird episode
- Vegas feels like such a random place for them to be, the wraith being there I can understand, but why are John and Keller?
- man I remember watching this episode for the firs time so vividly
- the scene where the wraith is disguising himself is so cool, but also like totally confirmation that wraith would be emo, punk, or goth if they were on earth lmao
- a wraith playing poker will never not be funny
- and the damn finger conversation
- god this chase is so cool, taking the gunfire like it was nothing, leaping down the stairs, thr wall vault, and god damn that no hesitation leap off the roof only to stand back up after slamming into the pavement, AHHHHHH
- there is not a single reality where this mf doesn't get dragged into this shit somehow is there
- Rodney!!!!
- alternate reality Todddddd
- I guess Keller was there cuz the government sent her and she was brought back from Atlantis too? Idk
- I'm sorry but an emo wraith wielding dual machine guns is so cool
- rip John
- wait stop this is sad I hate it, his face when he lies down just broke my heart
- I'm so excited, I may hate that the show ends like this, but my god are these episodes so cool
- I'm honestly shocked the finale isn't a 2 parter
- pfffft Todd in a Deadalus jump suit is so silly, they unfashioned him
- Sam!!!!
- Atlantis is leaving the Pegasus Galaxy y'all!!!
- Davis!! Loved that guy in SG-1
- ah hell the converstaion between Woolsey, Teyla, and Ronon makes me tear up
- one would think they would've adapted some of the shield technology they've come across and used it to defend where the chair was being held in case of something like this. I get they can't protect the whole planet with it but they could at least cover that
- rip chair and area 51
- Sheppard's on yet another suicide mission
- oh shit this is the episode with Ronon that makes me cry
- Teyla and Rodney's yells for him break my heart y'all
- I love you random ass wraith for saving Ronon ♡♡♡
- Lorne supporting Ronon, ahhhhhh
- "it's Atlantis, they're engaging the hive!" CHILLS
- y'all I'm tearing up this is so cool
- "This is my home" AHHHH
- Ronon is so awkward when he thinks someone is cute I love it
- if it has to be someone other than Teyla, I'm glad it's Banks
- I'm gonna cry, I love this show so much 😭
I hope you enjoyed reading these live blogs, it made me really happy to do it 💛
3 notes · View notes
rodneymckays · 3 years
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Stargate Atlantis | 5x04 The Daedalus Variations
93 notes · View notes
sparklijam · 4 years
Telling the Truth (Pt. Three)(FINAL)
[The Cavern, Poseidon’s Bed Chamber]
‘...So warm...~’
Zips’ thoughts hums in content, snuggling close to the pillow that gave off that cozy feeling. He knew Poseidon’s pillows were so comfortable, but the mako never thought it would be this soft!
He shifts for a more comfortable position for his guppies, but he freezes when he hears a dull heartbeat. Follow by a steady breathing.
‘...Wait,’ Zips fluttered his eyes open. ‘Pillows don’t have heartbeats...or breathe...’
When his vision cleared from sleep, he sees a bright yellow-gold heart in front of him. That’s when he was aware that someone was holding him close. A familiar scent wafts over his nostrils, identifying exactly who was holding him.
He took a moment before he slowly lifts his head up to see if his fears were correct, and sure enough...
Torrent was asleep with the mako in his arms.
Torrent jolts awake from the scream, shouting in shock when Zips violently pushes him off the pillow with force. “GAH!”
Zips sits up quickly before folding his arms over his belly to hide his bump, trembling as he stuttered out. “T-T-Torrent?! Wh-What are you doing here?!”
Torrent gets up, shaking his head from the sudden wake up call. He looks at Zips before swimming back up.
“Poseidon called me here. Right after he sent for you too,” Torrent answered, looking at him with an apologetic expression. “He, Tank and Tide told me what happened.”
Zips felt his heart racing, tears welling up from his rising fear and anxiety. “I-I don’t know what y-you’re taking about! I’m f-fine! J-Just please go home! I wanna be alone!”
“Torrent please please PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!”
The captain frowned before he instantly hugs Zips, the mako yelping before he squirms wildly to break free.
“LET GO OF ME!” Zips yelled as he pounds at Torrent’s shoulder, the tears streaming down from his eyes. “LET ME GO!”
Torrent said nothing, keeping his iron hold from letting Zips swim away.
“DAMN IT YOU MORON LET ME GO!! LET GO!! L...Let go...! G-Get away from...m-me...!”
Zips slows his punches, letting out broken whimpers as he grips at his brother’s shoulders. Torrent rubs at Zips’ back, the mako slumping into his hold.
“Zips,” Torrent started to say gently. “I know you’ve been keeping everything inside. I’ve been there...but you don’t have to do this alone Zips. I’m your brother...you can tell me anything, and I wouldn’t push you away... That’s what’s been scaring you, isn’t it?”
“...yes,” Zips whispered out hoarsely, his lips trembling.
“Zips...you don’t have to worry about something that would never happen. I’m here little brother, I’m here...”
The mako trembles all over as he croaks out a whimper. Then the whimper turned into a soft keen...then into a loud cry that escalated into a sorrowful wail. Torrent shut his eyes tight as he held Zips close in comfort, crooning out softly to calm him down as the mako lets out those emotions he desperately tried to keep buried.
This was tearing Torrent’s heart seeing Zips in such a state, feeling the guilt more for not there when he needed him. He’s sure as hell that it won’t happen again.
“Shh,” Torrent said softly to Zips, rubbing the top of his head. “It’s going to okay now Zips. I’m here, I’m here...”
Zips continued to cry, curling up at his older brother’s chest as more tears continued to fall.
[One Hour of Crying Later]
After a while, Zips had finally calmed down, leaning against Torren’s shoulder with a tired and heavy sigh.
“...Whew,” Zips said in exhaustion. “I thought I would dry out from this much crying.”
Torrent smiled a bit at that, holding his hand in comfort. “I think you’d be fine, considering we’re underwater.”
“Heh...oh yeah. I’ll just swallow some of it for my tears’ worth. Heh heh.”
The two chuckles a bit, then went into a comfortable silence. Honestly, it felt good to finally just cry in front of his brother, but Zips still held that anxiety of his reason why he had been avoiding him for nearly a month.
‘...I guess it’s now or never,’ Zips mentally sighed, subtly placing a hand over his stomach. ‘And I can’t deal with never anymore.’
Zips pulls away from Torrent, coughing a bit when Torrent looks at him in confusion. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
“Torri,” Zips started to say. “There’s...There’s something that I need to tell you...Actually, something that I should have told you from the start.”
Torrent shook his head. “I know something’s been going on Zips, and that’s been making you feel anxious. You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to-”
“But I do! It’s been driving me crazy that I avoided telling you because I was just so scared of what you might think! B-But...I want to tell you anyways; you HAVE to know!”
Torrent stares at Zips for a moment, making the mako feel even more anxious. The great white sighed, then added. “Okay then. But know that I understand if you can’t Zips. I’m your brother, and whatever you have to tell me, I would never ever judge or shun you away. Otherwise, I don’t deserve to be called your brother.”
“...You do deserve it Bro. I mean, how else will you know that you’ll be an uncle to my first clutch?”
Torrent stopped midway, widening his eyes at the mako. What...did he just heard...?
“Wait,” Torrent said in a surprised tone. “W...What...?”
Zips smiled a bit before he lifts his sweater up, revealing his baby bump to Torrent. This was it...
“Torrent,” Zips said, placing a hand over his tummy. “I’m Carrying. You’re...You’re gonna be an uncle. Again.”
There was another moment of silence, Zips swallowing a bit as Torrent stared dumbfounded at him and at his abdomen.
This could go many ways.
Torrent might yell at him, he might faint in front of him, he might demand who impregnated him so he can kill them. The thoughts were endless and scary!
‘J-Just shout, scream,’ Zips thought as he closed his eyes in shame. ‘Say something!’
Zips jumps with a gasp when he felt a hand touching his baby bump, snapping his eyes open to seeing Torrent touching his belly. He trembled a bit at the vacant look of shock, his heart beating again.
“...You’re...” Torrent said in a whisper, his eyes started to shimmer from the tears. “...You’re Carrying...”
“...Y-Yeah,” Zips said in a quivering voice.
“...How far?”
“U-Uhm...for a month and a h-half...”
Then, Torrent started to make a sound. A sound of...laughing. It started out low, then it grew into a joyous bellow of laughter. Zips felt the joy radiating from his brother, making a watery smile as he tears up yet again. Torrent looked...happy...!
“You’re Carrying!” Torrent laughed breathlessly, placing his other hand on top of Zips’ head. “By the sea gods you’re Carrying! Your first clutch! I-I can’t believe it! This is wonderful Zips! You’re going to have guppies!”
“I-I know!” Zips laughed too, unable to help but join Torrent’s overwhelming contagious joy and happiness. “Uhm, H-Harper is the one that made me pregnant! Me, Harper and Riff are gonna be parents soon!”
“Amazing! I-I’m so proud of you...!”
Torrent hugs (carefully this time) Zips for the second time, both brothers crying together. But instead of sadness...it was from happiness!
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“I can’t believe that I didn’t realize this sooner!” Torrent said with a light sob. He pulls away to look at Zips fully as he added. “You were Carrying this whole time! And I...I wasn’t...”
Torrent looked down, Zips blinking when the captain said with a tone of regret. “Zips...I am so sorry. All this time I didn’t know...and what you’ve been through for the last month until now...you suffered. And I wasn’t there for you...I-I’m sorry...!”
“No!” Zips quickly said as he lifts his brother’s head with both hands. “Torri you have nothing to apologize for! It was all me! I should have told you the moment I found out that I was Carrying! If anyone’s to blame, it’s me! I was just a c-coward and a fat dummy for letting it go this far!”
Torrent glared a bit at what Zips called himself. “Zips...is that what those idiots told you...?”
“...Y...Yes...but it doesn’t matter if they’re right! S-Spark knew I was coward, so it’s not news to me-”
“She called you a coward...?!”
Zips gulps at the anger from Torrent. He...probably should have kept Spark out of this...
Torrent growled before he shot up. “I’m going to kill her.”
Zips squeaks before pulling Torrent back down. “No! Don’t do that! It’s not worth it! I-I’m definitely okay now! Honest!”
Torrent growled for a moment, huffing before he hugs Zips again. Never mind her or those idiots. What matters now is his pregnant baby brother.
“If anyone insults you again,” Torrent said to Zips with a look that promised pain. “You tell me right away so I can deal with them personally.”
“I-I don’t think it’ll happen again,” Zips meeps out at the glare, snuggling close to Torrent. “But o-okay!”
Zips suddenly felt a lot better. All those fears and anxieties...they all melted away from Torrent joy and protectiveness. Finally...he felt at peace and was so happy that he told his brother at last.
Torrent chuckles softly, placing his hand over the swelled belly of Zips. “But...I truly am happy for you, Harper and Riff. Knowing how well you three are in raising Jade, I don’t doubt that you’ll be great parents for this clutch.”
“Heh,” Zips giggles a bit. “You think so?”
“I know so. And...I’m still sorry for neglecting you. I just hope you can forgive me for my ignorance.”
“Of course I do, we’re brothers aren’t we? I hope you can forgive me too for avoiding you for a month.”
“You has your reasons. There’s nothing to apologize for Zips.”
Zips smiled at that, both mako and great white held on to each other close. Their hearts felt lighter now, finally free from the negativity they felt for a month. Now, it’s replaced with joy and excitement for the coming clutch.
“...You know,” Zips said as he grinned at Torrent. “I think we should apologize to Gramps too. He had to watch this whole mess unfold.”
Torrent groaned out in realization, facepalming himself. “Of course! He must be really mad at me!”
“Heehee, yeah.”
[The Cavern, Archives]
“Mad would be an understatement. You’re furious at the little tyke.”
“No I am not. I was just disappointed.”
Zeus chuckles at the pout from Poseidon, holding him close as he and the Oracle watch the two brothers from the pearl orb. The ancient relics were glad that they finally talked this whole thing out. Zeus knows that this was finally putting Poseidon at ease.
“That’s even worse,” Zeus objected with a smirk. “But knowing you, you wouldn’t harbor those feelings long.”
Poseidon sighs, smiling at Zeus. “You know me too well.”
“Well, I’ve known you for nearly a million years, haven’t I?”
Poseidon chuckles, kissing at Zeus’ cheek (the megalodon blushing at the kiss).
“I’m just relieved that there’s only happiness to look forward to from now on,” Poseidon said as he looks at the brothers laying back down, seeing that they plan to rest again. “Soon there will be more little ones to love and cherish.”
Zeus also smiles, nodding in agreement. “Indeed. More guppies to spoil rotten.”
“Hohoho, very true.”
The two laughed together, Poseidon leaning against Zeus lovingly.
It was true on what the Oracle said:
Now there’s is only happiness, no more fear or sadness can overwhelm them again.
And that’s something that would put their hearts at ease.
And that’s that!
Zips finally told Torrent! :D No more sad boi anymore!
Thank you guys so much for your patiences for this! I hope that this fic was worth the wait tho :’3
All that’s left now is the arrival of the guppies~! Yaaay~!
Zeus (c) @lasirenacanta
Harper and Jade (c) @dolphinstrolls-au
Spark (c) @nectoclaw
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olivia200312 · 4 years
Meeting Again~ Ratchet x Alister's Daughter! Lombax! Reader
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Requested by the lovely @Teaganlombax: "How about Ratchet x Alister's daughter! Reader?"
This is Lombax reader obviously. Don't forget to choose what the reader is in requests. It makes the authors hard what to choose. -_-
Warning: I never played Crack In Time but I do saw the clips where Ratchet met Alister and the final battle.
Note: the pic goes to Insomniac Games!
There was a beautiful young 18-year-old Lombax named Y/N Azimuth. That's right. She's Alister's daughter. She looked a lot like her dad except she had H/C hair and E/C eyes. Her father was a Four-Bolt Magistrate of the Lombax Praetorian Guard and an elder councilman for the Center for Advanced Lombax Research. The General lived once in Fastoon, the home planet of the Lombaxes. He was Kaden's best friend, who was Ratchet's father. But did you know that Y/N and Ratchet met each other as babies? Y/N was only born a week later so Ratchet was the oldest. Both Kaden and Alister were so happy when their kids were born.
Life was pretty normal until Taychon appeared with his big fat ass lies. He started to brainwash the Lombaxes with his plans. Kaden was the only that didn't trust that evil Cragmite. He warned Alister to not trust him, but the General didn't listen. And thanks to that, Alister made a huge mistake...
Kaden punched Alister in the face and was so angry at him. Taychon attacked the Lombaxes with his army. No one saw it coming. Many Lombaxes tried to hide, escape, and help others. Many were not so lucky and got killed. Lombaxes got their hands on the Dimensionator and escaped through the portal. They were in a Lombax Dimension. Kaden helped other Lombaxes to escape while his wife hid Ratchet. Once Kaden came back to get his wife and son, he relizead that she's gone. So Kaden went to get his son. Luckily, he managed to send his son to Solana Galaxy. Kaden was soon killed after that by Taychon. If you're wondering what happened to Alister, he took his daughter with him. His wife was killed. Alister flew to planet Torren IV that was located in Polaris Galaxy just like Fastoon. Alister at least found a place to live with his daughter. He trained her and watched her grow up.
That was years ago. Y/N was 18 now and does her best to help her father. She even wanted to impress him that she's strong and smart. She was busy cleaning her room while her father went off to check something. He told Y/N that he saw something so he went to check.
"Dear, can you come out, please? I have someone to introduce to you," It was Alister.
Someone, to introduce? That barely ever happened. That caught Y/N be surprised. She wasn't gonna lie. It was boring without having visitors. It would've been nice if she and Alister had some time to time.
Y/N came out and walked towards her dad and an... Lombax! A male Lombax around her age! Y/N's eyes grew wide in shock and in surprise. She saw that the Lombax had the same expression. But what was more shocking was that the new Lombax blushed. He couldn't help but find Y/N beautiful. Y/N was blushing too.
"Dear, meet Ratchet. Ratchet, meet my daughter, Y/N."
Ratchet and Y/N both shook hands while giving each other shy smiles. Alister couldn't help but chuckle. Once the greeting was over, Alister started to explain about Kaden, that Ratchet and Y/N met each other when they were babies and other stuff. Alister even gave his amulet to Ratchet so that he can see the pic of his father.
"I have so many questions. How do you know him?" Ratchet asked.
"Kaden and I were good friends. He was a great Lombax. Smart as they come. He was the first outsider to theorize that the Great Clock even existed."
Y/N was amazed by what she heard from her father. So Kaden was the first outsider to theorize that the Great Clock even existed? That's super cool!
"And this 'clock,' you think Clank's in there?"
Y/N looked at Ratchet. "Who's Clank?"
Ratchet looked at her and couldn't help but blush again. He then explained who Clank was and what happened to him. Y/N couldn't help but feel sorry. "I'm sorry to hear that."
Ratchet gave her a small smile that it was ok. It wasn't her fault after all.
Once Alister spoke, the two Lombaxes turned to Alister. "Clock is a rather crude translation of the runes on Quantos. Specifically, they say 'Keeper of time.' But, yes, I suspect he is." By that time, Alister was at a big chest and opened. "You see, according to Fongoid lore, the Zoni are the guardians of time. If your friend is connected to them, he must play some part in its operation." Alister then looked through the big chest. "Now, where are those blasted things?"
Ratchet was now looking at some papers that were hanging. So Zoni's took Clank? Ratchet was wondering what Clank was playing some parts. That's when he realized something. "Wait, I thought my father was the only one to stay behind when the Lombaxes left. Why didn't you go with them?" He was now facing Alister.
"Sometimes the universe has a cruel sense of humor," Alister said. What did he mean by that? Then the white Lombax found something that he had been looking for. "Ah! Here they are. Your father's Hoverboots. Ready for your first lesson?" He showed Kaden's Hoverboots to Ratchet.
Ratchet nodded with a smile.
"My daughter tested it out once. She's good at it."
Ratchet then looked amazed at Y/N, who blushed a bit.
Skip where the final battle holds~
"So, I can't talk you out of this, can I?" Ratchet asked. He was sad.
"Ratchet, we have been on many adventures, but the clock needs someone to protect it. It is what I was built for," Clank said and stuck his metal hand out to his best friend.
Ratchet then kneeled down and pulled Clank in a hug. Clank was shocked but accepted the hug. They both were best friends that never left each other. It was pretty sad, hard, and difficult when you had to leave your best friend for a good reason. Clank wanted to protect the clock.
Y/N smiled sadly at the scene. Even though when she never had a best friend, because she was only a baby when Fastoon got attacked, she knew that it was hard for Ratchet and Clank.
However, Alister was different. "Wait, so that's it? What about the Lombaxes?"
"They're not in danger. They've just moved on. And we'll find them. But the past stays where it is. Come on, pal. I'll walk you." He then looked at Y/N. "Wanna come?"
Y/N smiled. "Sure." She then went with Ratchet and Clank.
"You were never a sidekick. You know that, right?" Ratchet said.
"I always thought that you were the sidekick," Clank joked.
Y/N couldn't help but laugh. Ratchet and Clank joined too in the laughter. But the white Lombax behind was suddenly angry.
"Where are you going? This is your responsibility. You can't just walk away! The Lombaxes need us! Don't walk away from me! I said stop!" Then Alister shot his electricity towards Ratchet and it hit his chest! Y/N and Clank stopped in their tracks, shocked. Ratchet felt weak while holding his chest. Just as Y/N and Clank reached for Ratchet, it was... too late. He fell.
"Ratchet!" Y/N and Clank shouted. They both turned around to face Alister, but he wasn't happy. At all. How could he do this?! Y/N just met Ratchet again after so many years and now that?! Her father turned into a monster! He killed the hero that so many people knew! That's when Alister shot his weapon again towards Clank, who quickly moved out of the way.
Y/N and Clank looked at each other and nodded. They need to control the clock to set 6 minutes earlier to save Ratchet. Without him, they can't save the world.
Once Clank managed to turn the clock 6 minutes early, it was set in stop-motion. They saw Ratchet's shocking expression while the electric from Alister was close to him. Clank and Y/N looked at each other and nodded. Y/N ran at Ratchet and pinned him down just in time. The electric missed him.
Ratchet blushed bright red that Y/N was on top of him. Once both of them were up, they looked at Alister, who had an angry expression. Ratchet was shocked and serious. He knew that it was time to stop the General before it was too late, because if Alister managed to activate the clock, then the whole universe would die! It was a bomb! A trap!
Ratchet, Y/N, and Clank managed to win against Alister. Y/N was sad that she fought against her own father, but she had no choice! Clank clearly said that they couldn't let him touch the lever.
Alister fell on his knees and arms defeated while Ratchet ran towards the lever, and tried to stop. The lever was big so Ratchet needed to use his whole power.
"No! What are you doing?!" Alister asked in an angry tone.
"Come on!" Ratchet said as he broke the lever.
"It's not working. Why isn't it working?!" Alister didn't understand.
"Because it's not a time machine, Alister! The clock isn't meant to alter time! Only keep it!" Ratchet answered angrily, hoping that he would finally understand.
"Thirty seconds until total system failure."
Alister had a guilty expression on his face, while Y/N and Ratchet tried to go further, but they were shot back.
"I'm so sorry," Alister said.
Ratchet and Y/N were about to try again, but Alister came to them, stopping them. "No. Let me."
Wait, what was he planning?
"What are you going to do?"
Once Alister arrived at his spot, he turned to look at Y/N with a sad and proud smile. "I'm proud of you, my daughter." He then looked towards Ratchet. "Take care of yourself, Ratchet. Please, take care of my daughter."
Y/N had tears in her eyes. Her father was going to sacrifice his life in order to stop the clock. Y/N watched how her dad used his weapon to replace the lever and started to push. Once Alister managed to push it fully, Ratchet quickly grabbed Y/N and ran together with Clank. Everything went black...
Once Ratchet and Clank were awake, it was silence. Was it over? There were only ticking sounds of the clock. Ratchet and Clank both stood up and look behind them. They were in shock once the saw Y/N crying silently, holding Alister Azimuth, who was now dead, on her lap. Her ears were dropped into sadness.
Ratchet felt sadness through his heart. He lost someone who knew about his father. Not only that, but Y/N lost her father as well, by sacrificing himself.
Ratchet walked towards Y/N. "Y/N?"
Y/N looked up with tears in her eyes. "He's gone..."
Ratchet looked with sadness. He was about to comfort Y/N, until he saw the amulet open, showing the photo of Alister and Kaden. Ratchet kneeled down and picked it up.
"He did a brave thing, Y/N, Ratchet. You both should be proud of him," Clank said.
"I-I am." That's only what Y/N said. She was proud of her father, but she wasn't ready to lose him. But if Alister didn't do that, then the universe could've been dead for good. She lost her mother while Fastoon got attacked, then years later, her father was now dead too. Alister was for sure with Y/N's mother now, both watching over their daughter and Ratchet, together with Ratchet's family.
Everyone was silent, not knowing what to say since Alister was gone...
When everyone came back to their sentence, they all took ready to go back home, now that the universe was rescued once again. Y/N took her father's weapon with her, in order to feel connected to him. Ratchet kept the amulet since Y/N had another one. They buried Alister somewhere peaceful and they all went back home. Ratchet let Y/N live with him since she had nowhere else to go. She visited her father's grave almost every day. Ratchet and Y/N started dating soon after, making their parents proud and happy.
It was sad to write this one. Sorry that it took so long. I got another request so hopefully, soon I can update fast. I'm planning to write one-shots of Kaden and Alister soon enough so stay tuned!
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the-colony-roleplay · 4 years
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Reverend Enoch Lynch | Forty Nine;  Elite
House: Torren Status: Infected — Increased Vision Elite Specification: Therapist
First there was Enoch and his mother and his father. She was happy and robust. She fed the animals, kept the house warm and her two boys fed. His father was healthy and worked the land. He took Enoch out onto the rolling hills with a rifle the moment he was able to hold it. Enoch knew how to shoot a rabbit before he knew how to read. He knew about Death before he knew about Life. He knew about God before he knew much about other people. The trio lived a simple life for a decade.
Then there was Mordecai and Reuben. A healthy pair of boys. His mother was still robust. His father was not unhealthy but he stopped working the land. Enoch helped to feed the smaller livestock, lit the fires, and he went out into the hills with his rifle by himself. It wasn’t long after that his mother’s belly grew once more.  
Then there was Eunice and Dinah. A frail pair of girls. His mother was hollowed out. His father unhealthy. Enoch was only twelve years old and he fed the livestock, cut the firewood, lit the fires and cared for his father. He still believed in God more than people. Hard work, quiet and unforgiving work at the whims of a fallible mother made it more and more obvious that humans were not perfect and never would be. He prayed on the lonely hills and always found a rabbit when he needed a meal.
Silent and observant Enoch began to understand. He saw his mother not as most children saw their parents; infallible, all-knowing, like how most people view God. He knew she was simply a woman, scared and tired of watching her husband die. A woman who wanted to yell at God till he gave her answers, till he gave her a miracle. A woman desperate to finally have a daughter and knowing her husband’s health was about to nose-dive rushed into the pregnancies. She thought the four children were a cruel answer to her fervent prayers, that if she asked for something God would give her too much to handle as a poetic punishment of sort. Enoch had opinions on that, he never shared them. He kept working hard, ran what little he could of the farm. Just enough to keep himself and his family fed and warm.
The Lynch family became something like pariah’s living in their isolation with an ill father, failing farm and fanatic mother and her small brood of kids she could hardly contain. Except for the eldest who seemed to belong to an entirely different family. Many called Enoch unnerving. Unaware or unwilling to see how much was piled onto the young boy’s shoulders when he did well in school, turned his steady unflinching gaze onto a task and completed it. The closest thing to a friend he had was the school chaplain. Even then, Enoch would arrive too early for school and settle in the school chapel, no-one quite sure what the boy was looking for. No-one asked so Enoch didn’t share.
Enoch’s interest in medicine had many assuming some sad story relating to his father: a naive wish to ‘heal’ people. Instead, he wanted to understand people like his mother. He wanted to help others in a less tangible way than fixing a failing body. It came down to it, Enoch thought, that the mind was the greatest struggle anyone could face illness or not. Human’s greatest gift from God but they’re the most sorely misunderstood of them
Pursuing his education meant choosing between his family and himself. His mother called him selfish and wicked; Enoch knew he could do more for them with a career and income than if he tried to prop up the failing family farm without any help. It was the first time his mother disowned him but not the last. Enoch always knew she was unstable, it was no surprise.  After that she’d made sure Enoch understood to never show his face anywhere she would see him. Easy enough, except for Sunday mass. It is how he found himself in an Anglican church. Whilst from an outsider’s perspective Roman Catholic to the Church of England wasn’t a big difference, Enoch found it to be an entirely different world. Without knowing about his mother, he finally found some sort of belonging.
Finishing up his masters and finding work, he proved to be a natural. When he was working, Enoch was to his patients a constant calm presence. Kind but not coddling. The work suited him, mostly. There was something missing. A few more years of working alongside getting more involved with his local church something finally clicked. People often ask about the ‘moment’ that would make someone decide to become a Priest. Enoch found that he never could pinpoint the exact moment. At some point, the thought occurred to him. Then a little while later he decided he should. So he did. Like with most things Enoch set his mind to he succeeded in it.
That was the second time his mother disowned him. When he told her that he hadn’t realized she’d ever ‘owned’ him, she’d only called him a wicked boy and he smiled at her for the first time in a long time. Enoch forgave her but that didn’t mean he was going to let her slither her way back into his life. Good didn’t always mean nice.
Enoch had his own parish, a greater sense of belonging and he could help anyone who came asking for it. It was good, he was happy. The happiest he’d ever been and at thirty-six, to be feeling truly happy for the first time, the melancholy of that wasn’t lost on him. Still, Enoch never let it stop him, it simply meant he wanted to do better by those around him.
Eleven years of this happiness and D-Day struck.
Enoch Today
Enoch woke up in the wreckage of his modest apartment. Crawling out of the rubble he felt sick to his stomach and the world spun. Normal, he assumed, for having a building collapse around him. With no serious visible injuries, he feared he had a concussion. Enoch set out in a confused haze towards the only place he could think of: his church. It felt fitting to find it, one of the only structures in the town left standing. A few windows shattered: but it still stood, proud and tall among the rubble and a desolate landscape. Pushing through his nausea Enoch sought out official help, seeing if anything was left of communication lines or the emergency services.It became apparent there was nothing and no-one but himself and God to rely on. He waited out the sickness and double vision. Later it would become clear he had an Infection: Increased Senses. Sight, specifically.
The first few years he spent based out of his church working methodically through the town. He sought out the living, first, knowing they couldn’t wait. After he’d found what seemed like the only living left in town he began to seek out the body of parishioners, just to give them proper burials. The church became what it was also supposed to be: a beacon of hope. Fortunately for his new flock, anyone who thought they could take advantage of the ‘kind’ priest were usually met with his rifle and unnervingly good aim. Hunting rabbits all those years came in handy.
The congregation ( as they began to call themselves ) were self-sufficient when the first Crusades began. It was optional, at first, for people to join the nearby Colony that cropped up. Enoch was tired enough that he considered the offer but politely declined. He stayed put, finding stragglers and once in a while people from the nearby colony would drop in to see if anyone wanted to come back. The third time they visited something felt off.  Enoch found that if he listened in on conversations between the Crusaders and his own people, it was less of an offer and more thinly veiled threats. They seemed particularly interested in those with gifts — infected, they called them. Called him.
It was a beautiful day in July when Enoch felt compelled to pack a bag, his rifle and leave. He told everyone in the building to leave tonight. Some listened, most didn’t.  The second wave of asteroids destroyed the church entirely. Enoch watched the building fall, knew that he couldn’t have convinced them all to leave. He’d done his best. And he was tired.
This last year has been spent alone: just Enoch with a bag of belongings and his rifle. He was alone but not lonely. He spoke to God still. Never lost his faith even as he picked his way through rubble and chaos. Even as he hid in the shadows watching Looters destroy and pillage he never lost faith.
Practically walking the length of England he came across a lot of people but found that more often than not, he never felt compelled to join them. He was still so tired, so unsure what his next steps were. He simply kept moving, settling down for a week here or there before he’d spot more survivors and find he desperately wanted solitude.
One day, he came across a crusading group which didn’t make him immediately turn tail. Enoch watched from afar and quickly realised they were simply scavenging for supplies. It was a ragtag looking group, not the usual gruff men who came to his church collecting his strays. He waited for them to settle down for the night and decided he’d done enough these past six years and he could let himself be taken someplace safe. Enoch approached with open arms, rifle tucked out of sight. Hands held out in greeting. Putting on his clerical collar may have been overkill but it tended to put people at ease. The next morning, he walked into Colony 22.
As a brand new arrival, he hasn’t had much chance to settle in yet. He’s still on high alert from years in the Wastes but truly it’s from a lifetime of exhaustion. Enoch found himself relieved to be in Torren after hearing the descriptions: Delmas sounded exhausting, Brinks insufferable and Calysets seem like a bore. Even if he seems a touch quiet or too thoughtful for his house, he’s always done what he set his mind too and if passion were their unifying trait Enoch has it in spades. It’d be easier to pry a dog from its bone than shake Enoch from a cause he believes in. Physically he’s not a formidable opponent in the games or training, but, give him a gun and a perch and he’ll terrify anyone.
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Kal’s Story Part 20
Nova’s Body: It, uh, probably sounded kinda weird with Nova’s voice anyways.
Torren: Forgot your stuff?
Nova’s Body: Well, we just finished the dishes so I’ll come with you. See you later, Torren.
Torren: See you, Tama.
*You and Tama leave*
Tama: ... *she seems calm*
Kal: So..that’s nice how you guys sing together like that..
Nova’s Body: I guess. We used it as a coping mechanism while we were in the labs. Its a way to calm down after sometime stressful. All the projects sing. I only ever met Torren, but I can bet there’s more of us just because there were many different voices. *she pauses* We all had one song in particular we would sing. At first I thought it was a surface song, but ever since I’ve come up hear, I don’t think I’ve ever heard it.
Kal: Do you know what happened to them?
Nova’s Body: No, not really. Some are probably dead. Some probably bred then dead. *she shrugs* And some probably defected.
Kal: Do you ever wonder where they are?
*Tama pauses, the silence awkward and pressured* It’s easier not to. *She doesn’t say it but you can tell she’s thinking “Because one day I might join them”*
Kal: ..do you think Torren knows?
Nova’s Body: ... I don’t know. But if he does, he probably wishes that he didn’t. *Tama puts her hand on the door, but turns to you first* Anything else while I’m in an open mood?
Kal: ..No, I guess not
Nova’s Body: ... *she swallows* You know. I’m gonna forget what the stars look like one day. I’m gonna forget how beautiful the stars were. I’m going to forget just how much closer I was to them than while I was the lab. *she’s looking you in the eye, then she looks down* It’s terrifying. *she looks back up at you* Honestly, I’d rather be shot again. *she laughs* But that’s not up to me, is it?
*she pushes open the door* We’re back~!
(Do you get the double meaning of the stars?)
(The stars represent a few things.
1) Freedom: In the lab she never saw the sky. She wishes to have freedom as vast as the sky. She envies that the stars can disappear for long periods of time and that they’re not constantly being closely watched.
2) They stars represent her friends. Once her memory is wiped, she won’t remember any of you. In the lab, she could only interact with the researchers. Being able to see you and interact with people is a dream come true.
3) Her Memories/Her True Self: Once she gets wiped, she had to rebuild her personality all over again. Relearn past social mistakes. Remember how people interact.)
Kal: (Oh man that’s deep) *stunned by how quickly she pulled on her facade, I hover in the doorway and watch her walk away so casually *
You’re Body: You alright, Kal? Looks like you’ve see a ghost.
Red: Ms. Kal, please hurry to your seat, we need to continue.
Kal: *I nod to Scales as I take my seat*
*Red goes on with his lesson and everyone is normal. You glance at Tama every once in a while and occasionally she’s meet you looks with a smile and a wave....
You never noticed it until now, but her eyes hold such sadness.*
(We agreed to a timeskip while we called, right? Anywho, time skip because a month is way too much effort and I do not have enough filler for that.)
*Afterwards you all head to bed.
Eventually, you all get into a routine. During the morning, Jade helps you train while Tama goes to do research. Then lunch, then more training this time with Tama. Then a break. Then more training with Tama and Jade doing research. Then dinner. Then class.
The days go by quickly, and its only a 2 more days until the government’s switch deadline.*
Nova’s Body: What are going to do? We have less than 48 hours before the deadline, and we’re nowhere!
Century’s Body: And other body switchers haven’t worked at all.
Jade: And all the research led to nothing.
Rose’s Body: ? When did you get here?
Jade: Not important. Look, we’re all pretty desperate at this point. There’s one thing I want to try, but I only want to do it on one group at a time, so if everyone but Tama and Nova could leave and go to the garden, please. *he turns very stern* And DO NOT come back until I come to get you.
Kal: leave
*You all go into the garden*
Your Body: I wonder what’s he’s gonna try?
Century’s Body: Whatever it is, it much be very difficult if Jade needs to concentrate on it.
Rose’s Body: I’m sure everything will be fine.
Kal: He wouldn’t try it if it were too dangerous, so at least there’s that
*suddenly there’s bright light. A bright white one and a pale purple one coming from room. It lasts for a few seconds before vanishing.*
Century’s Body: What... was that?
You’re Body: No idea.
Kal: *I just stand there with my arms crossed very nervously*
Tama’s Voice: WHAT THE HE-
Nova’s Voice: Language.
Tama’s Voice: HECK.
*Jade leans out the window. He seems tired.* You can all come up now.
-Go up?-
Kal: Yeah
*you return to the room. Jade is still in a chair by the bed. Helooks exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept for a week... maybe he hadn’t.
Tama and Nova are staring at each other.*
Your Body: Well?
Century’s Body: Spit it out already.
Tama’s Body: *he/she? Turns to you* Uh, yeah. Yeah, it did.
Nova: It’s just... a little strange. I’d kinda gotten used to seeing Tama as me.
Kal: *with wide eyes* This is...great
Jade: *puts his head in his hands* I need a nap. *he leans back in his chair and closes his eyes*
Century’s Body: What about us?
Jade: I’ll fix you issue later. I’m so tired right now, I don’t trust myself to do the operation correctly.
Kal: Right. Better safe than sorry.
*Rose huffs and looks away, but doesn’t say more. Jade proceeds to fall asleep in the chair*
Your Body: How does it feel ti be back?
Tama: Short.
Nova: Big and reassuring.
Century’s Body: well, its good you’re back to normal.
*thunder rolls in the distance*
Gold’s Body: *he looks at Rose with a perplexed expression. Soon, it starts to rain.*
Your Body: *turns to you with a grin* Enjoy my abs while you still have them. *he winks*
Kal: *trying to play it cool rather than blushing profusely* I’ll try not to get too attached*
Your Body: *He laughs and pokes you red cheeks* Cute. *he’s grinning* Anyways, when you return, you’ll have some of your own anyways. *he lifts part of his shirt and you see abs. You realize him being in your body has made your body stronger because of his habit to workout when stressed*
Kal: *I look between him and the abs before making a sarcastic retort* you better hope we get switched soon because I’m nowhere near as active as you
Your Body: *he laughs* I hope you didn’t ruin my abs. I had an 8 pack.
Kal: Yeah, totally...I’ve been working out *nodding in an obviously fake way* every day
Your Body: *he laughs and shakes his head*
*Lighting flashes through the window and the sky goes dark*
Your Body: Huh, the weather said nothing about storms.
*Lightning flashes again, the storm rumbling*
Kal: *glancing over at Rose* I don’t think it has anything to do with the actual weather
*he follows your gaze* Probably not.
*Century stands, walks over to Rose, and speaks quietly to her. They then get up and leave*
Kal: *staring out the window* Everyone’s still a little on edge right now, but at least we have some sort of a solution
Your Body: Yeah...
*everyone’s silent as rain pounds against the window. Gold stands and joins Century and Rose*
Tama: *stands suddenly* Let’s fo something. Jade’s sleeping and its raining so we’re not going to train, so let’s do something.
Nova: What do you wanna do?
Tama: I don’t know. But we finally have our bodies back! Well, we do, they don’t but we’re finally ourselves again and nothing!
Nova: *shrugs* We could play a game?
Your Body: what game?
-What game do you want to play?-
Kal: -I don’t know-
Tama: ...
*you all sit and do nothing.
Gold, Century, and Rose finally come back. It looks like Rose has been crying. Century makes eye-contact with you and gives a little “Its all good. Don’t ask” thumbs up*
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