#and fuck that dementor
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tedwardremus · 4 months
The final Harry Potter book should have ended with the International Confederation of Wizards coming to Britain and setting up criminal trails for not just death eaters but ministry employees
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tomriddleshoe · 1 month
Is it only me or...
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shipspainfulships · 2 months
Y'all ever stop to think how fucking tragic Regulus and Barty's deaths were!?
One got drowned by the inferis and got turned into an inferi himself.
And one got his soul kissed away by a dementor.
Those fuckers will never see afterlife. James and Lily are never gonna see their Reggie ever again. Sirius won't ever get to see and hug his baby brother who actually died betraying the dark lord.
Evan will be forever waiting for his lover to come... he will never show up.
Evan, Pandora and Dorcas will wait for their friends; the sadboi and the crackpot of the group to cross over.... Come to them... They will be forever waiting... Only to be met with disappointment
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balladofmoony · 6 months
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a little collage for dstg lily of @mayescapade because honestly lily evans and the phoenix are all i think about these days.
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dark-elf-writes · 11 months
Do they feel Harry almost lost his soul to the dementors protecting Sirius in 3rd year? Imagine how traumatic that was for all the rest of them, to feel their soul, their very BEING slowly slipping away.
It’s one thing, they all soon agree, feeling each other die or get close to it. It’s never pleasant. It’s always traumatizing, but it’s a fact of the lives they all live that they will die or get damn close to it and comeback a surprising number of times.
It’s an entirely other thing when it’s Harry.
He’s the youngest of them, the smallest, the most vulnerable. Still none of them think it’s even a possibility of losing him until they feel the fire in their veins. Until they feel the burning spread from their arm closer and closer to their hearts with every frantic beat. Until they feel the agony of it stealing their breaths and the certainty that their number will be one less.
Until it stops. Leaving just as quickly as it arrived.
Until later when they see Harry with hallow eyes cradling his arm to his chest and tears on his face. Paler than he should be. Like he had lost far too much blood for his still too little body.
“How big did you say a Zolom was again Cloud?” He asked not looking at them. Not looking at anything but whatever horror has nearly killed him at all of twelve years old.
It’s a very different thing when it’s Harry.
They only wish he wouldn’t nearly die so often.
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elisedonut · 3 months
One thing I like about Marcus is that he's kind of
Schrodinger's Death Eater
Like yeah he's a Slytherin
He's an asshole
He is never mentioned again after the third book.
Not once.
Not even a different Flint is ever mentioned
you don't even hear about like his parent being a death eater which means
You can make him one if you want
if you need him to be for the story you want to tell
Or you can choose not to if that fits better
and immediately neither of these actually go against canon
Which is really fun to me
Because you can make him and his family just literally leave the country if you want
Or maybe he is just a death eater
Or if you like me like him being close to the others that we know around his age and are also allergic to making OCs you can make him a spy with Percy
maybe they both work in the ministry and he uses the fact most people won't watch him as closely as they do Percy to get things done that need to be done. Very Percy is the brains of the operation and Marcus is the actual body of it because they both know Percy really can't step out of line too much.
But similar to how Hogwarts was during that last year of the war people just assume that as a pureblooded Slytherin Marcus is just on their side by default so don't even look twice at him
Or you know just a Quidditch boy
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reignmaefall · 1 year
guys, i'm not sure you understand-
Barty's father, who put him under the imperius curse for intervals so long he got used to it. his father who used him for publicity, who ignored him, who abused him. his father who later let his wife, Barty's mother, die in azkaban just so he could put Barty under the imperius curse and not let him go outside (a line in gof that read "let him go, she said. [...] let him smell the fresh air for once.") his father who he later relished in killing.
his father who didn't follow voldemort. Barty Crouch Jr didn't follow voldemort because Regulus did. he didn't follow voldemort in an act of rebellion. he followed voldemort because it got him out of that godforsaken home.
his loyalty to voldemort wasn't out of respect for his cause. His loyalty was a show of graditude.
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vinepossible · 10 months
Genuinely one of my favorite professor Dementor lines
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Just saw Daddy Issues The Play™️
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psychicdragondream · 4 months
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flags ~ Heteroflexible
full name ~ Draco Lucius Malfoy
misc. ~ BPD
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jegulusofwesper · 1 year
thanks for the tag @grimjobs
He let out a whimper as he felt the dementor get closer to him. He wanted to cower, to run and hide, to scream for someone to help him, to come save him but he knew he had no one.
Poor little Sirius Black, It mocked, it felt like the voice was faux pouting at him.
Sirius wanted to open his eyes, look up at the mouth that he knew would steal his soul and seal his death with a kiss. Part of him knew it was the dementor in putting the thoughts in his head but another part of him wanted to act on it.
Always needing someone to save him but no one loving him enough to come to the rescue.
Sirius had an overwhelming urge to cry as the voice mocked him, speaking his deepest fears out loud. It felt so much worse, more real when another voice spoke his fears in his brain. It was scarier, like the secondary voice was going to make them come true.
I could fix that for you. The voice was drawing him in.
Sirius opened his tear rimmed eyes to stare up at the dementor, looking between the two sockets as if he would find the truth to its words deep within them.
“How?” He meekly whispered. Sirius would’ve never described himself as meek but the pure terror he was feeling mixed with the dominating aura amplifying off of the dementor was making him feel so small he was scared he’d disappear.
A vision of Sirius on his knees entered his brain in response to his question. He looked similar to how he does now but he had tears leaking down his face. He looked terrified but the arousal shining in his eyes as he looked up at the dementor was as obvious as the tent in his trousers.
The dementor’s intentions were clear from the vision.
How will that help me? He thought.
You’ll finally have somewhere to belong. You’ll have a place in the world. Someone who truly wants you, even if it is for your body then your soul. A home, on your knees for your own personal boogeyman. You’ll be mine. The dementor responded, emphasising on the words that had always meant so much to Sirius. He could feel himself leaning into the dementor’s caress.
no pressure tags: @underburningstars @lemndrps @spinderella-umbrella @wanderingdonut
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leogichidaa · 2 years
Can you do magic without a soul? Could zombie BCJ, in theory, have bursts of accidental magic?
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ratabrasileira · 1 year
I am not going to lie to you
I love you art. Especially „After war“ series.
Its so sad, depressing, you literally can feel the emptiness that the character (Harry) is feeling. I literally can feel how LOST Harry is and how he just doesn’t seem to be himself anymore.
Like, wow!🫡
Not everybody can capture those feelings so well👏🏽👏🏽
Thank you 🫡
You really got the message I want to pass. I’m not gonna lie to you, nonnie, but painting the Afterwar serie is helping me to deal with my own depression so I guess the feelings come a little bit from me too –which make it all easier lol.
I really appreciate your message, tho. Have a nice day, sweet
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laski-and-sage · 2 years
Anderson, sighing: Okay... why did the lady kick you out this time?
Alucard: When she walked into the room I tried casting an expecto patronum.
Anderson: Why would you do that?!
Alucard: Well in the last few months she sucked out the joy of everything I do. Excuse me for trying to find a solution...
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Why do electric vehicles sound like they run off the souls of the damned
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