#and formatting i struggle with ugh
pansyfemme · 2 months
i’m starting to realize that my constant typos and mispellings i miss and capitalization struggles may be an actual thing i struggle with and not me just being lazy or unobservant
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mugmegan · 1 year
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The horse hero design I once made for my highschool classmate now turned full OC.
I will now ramble about the design choices
Her costume is supposed to be leather and has these tassel(?) thingies cowboys have like this
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And they are also specificly inspired by this scene from Megamind
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It was just too cool to pass
She has a mohawk to look like a horse's mane and carries a whip tied around her waist which is supposed to look like a horse tail.
The only thing missing from her design is the horse miraculous which are glasses but I thought they would look lame so we are ignoring that detail.
I imagine her to be more of an antihero, a hero who was once good and began to question the order of the miraculous and started to adopt grey morals, kinda like Argos I guess. I thought she looked too much like a badass to be a goody-two-shoes hero.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
I wanna change all my pfps again but it was much easier when I had like, 50 pics of Seb, rather than my uh...current 1k+, ITS LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO CHOOSE 😭😭 HOW DO I PICK
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darshy · 2 months
pretty, pt. 2
some of the formatting on this is screwed, i know, it’s just a struggle adjusting things on a phone ):
n e way, enjoy!!
Megumi Fushiguro didn’t hate Satoru Gojo—at first. It was more of a simmering annoyance, something bubbling under his skin, threatening to slip out and crash. Nothing too dramatic. Tsumiki liked the man enough so it caused Megumi to tolerate him. 
“After all, he saved us. Imagine where we’d be now without him!”
Before his sister said that, Megumi uttered his first curse word in relation to Gojo.
And, after living with the man for about two months, an anomaly occurred. Typically, Gojo would be absent for about a week. He’d say, “I’m just checking on something!” or “I’ve got a long mission—I’ll be back before you know it!”
Now, he’s been gone for a month.
Not that it really matters; the two siblings have a roof over their head and a surplus of food. It’s not their business to be in Gojo’s business.
It’s not Megumi’s business to be in Gojo’s business. 
There’s a creak in the house at two AM. The only creak in this house is located in the kitchen, right in front of the refrigerator. Megumi only knows this because he was tasked—by Gojo—to find every creak in a building as a survival tactic. Just in case he was kidnapped.
Or, if he wanted to sneak some food in the middle of the night. Doesn’t really matter the situation.
Megumi blinks and attempts to wipe the sleep from his eyes. The sound was minor, could easily pass as a tree scratching a window, but Megumi’s gut is twisting. It couldn’t be Tsumiki, she never gets up at night, and it couldn’t be Gojo because he always arrives back in the mornings.
So who is it?
He waddles to his bedroom door, toes twitching against the cold, wood floors. He presses on the lock, satisfied to hear a gentle click. Then, he pushes the door open. It reveals a dark hallway with several other doors in its walls. Tsumiki is just a few doors down to the left and Gojo’s room is the last room on the right. Megumi’s stomach churns as he looks to Gojo’s door.
‘Ugh, it’s so ominous…’
He pushes through anyway. The floor is smooth against his feet as he slowly makes his way down the house. Just as he reaches the middle of the staircase leading downstairs, he hears a murmur. Alarm rings through his mind and his hands shake.
What should he do? Is this an intruder? Should he leave and take Tsumiki with him? Call Gojo? Fight? His technique isn’t very refined—Gojo has been so busy lately that he wasn’t any help—and he’s never actually fought before. He could call for 911 too…
What should he do?
The murmuring gets louder, more audible. Megumi strains to hear from his spot, frozen, too scared to go up but still too scared to go down.
”M’gon’ kill that—- —watch him choke— -“
Megumi leans closer by holding onto the handrail of the staircase while praying that it doesn’t create a creak of its own.
”..she’s…mine. Mine.
“—Megumi, ah, why are you awake?”
Megumi holds his breath as he stumbles down the stairs. He, surprisingly, doesn’t feel the harsh impact of the ground against his bones. Instead, there’s a feeling of warmth and the smell of a girl. Megumi pulls away immediately. He’s quick to mask his face of fear, and instead, replaces it with a glare and a sneer. “Gojo? Why are you here?”
”Am I not allowed in my own house?” His smile is slow going, just a bit wobbly, and rather empty-looking. 
Megumi jerks back even further. “Are you drunk?”
“A question answered by three other questions,” Gojo says with the bark of a laugh. His breath smells weird. Obviously there’s the stench of alcohol but there’s something else there. Lingering. 
”You smell,” Megumi mutters. Gojo blinks down at him. “You’re stinking up the air,” he says a bit louder while conscious of Tsumiki’s gentle snoring. Gojo grins again.
”And you’re drunk. Why are you drunk? I’ve never seen you drink.”
”Awh! Am I worrying you, Megumi-chan? But don’t worry—I’m an adult, so I can do adult things like this.” Megumi cringes at the honorific and cringes even more so at Gojo’s use of ‘adult.’
”There’s no kind of adult in you.”
”..okay! Time for bed!”
Gojo swipes up Megumi and quickly warps the two into the boy’s bedroom. Megumi’s stomach churns and he wants to puke.
But underneath all the smells of alcohol, there’s a twinge of floral essence. It smells like the shampoo and perfume that Tsumiki uses. It smells like a girl.
Megumi opens his mouth to ask another question but then Gojo is gone.
“Why were you awake last night?” Gojo asks as Megumi pours cereal into a bowl. Tsumiki blinks between the two of them, her mouth full.
”I was thirsty,” Megumi says lowly and glances up to his adopted father. Gojo has dark circles under his eyes and his hair is a bit messy.
“I’m glad I didn’t wake you.” His breath permeates the air; now the aroma of mint and toothpaste. His eyes twinkle and Megumi knows that he saw through the lie.
Change is a constant in life. It’s so much of a constant that Megumi is accustomed to it. A new school, a new bed, a new life…
It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t hate change, because he hates change. 
He hates coming home to tiny little curses wriggling about. He hates the new craze in Gojo’s eyes. He hates how the hallways are dark at night. He hates the muffled noise coming from Gojo’s room.
He doesn’t necessarily mind the new smell that tangles with Gojo’s cologne.
He still hates change.
Megumi wakes up at five in the morning. His stomach is killing him. It’s twisting and knotting and spinning.
He moves to the hallway bathroom and is surprised to see the light on, shining beneath the door. Gojo is gone again and Tsumiki never wakes up at night.
”Tsumiki,” he calls gently, holding his stomach. She doesn’t reply.
”Tsumiki, please let me in.”
There’s a shift of a shadow, a disturbance to the light. Megumi recoils quickly and nearly smacks his head against the picture frame behind him. His stomach rolls.
He decides to use the bathroom downstairs, unnerved.
Tsumiki closes the front door behind them. The heat is nearly unbearable so the siblings scramble to remove their socks and shoes. Soon, they lay against the cool tile floors of the kitchen. Tsumiki is looking at Megumi and Megumi is looking at the ceiling.
”It’s hot,” she groans. Megumi nods in agreement. Both of their faces are flushed feverishly. Megumi wants to take a nap against the tiles so he slowly closes his eyes.
”Hey, wanna get some popsicles?”
Megumi opens his eyes. “Yeah.”
The two stand up. Just as Megumi reaches for his sandals, Tsumiki stops him, “I’ll go—I have the money.” For proof, she takes her pocket in hand and shakes it. Change jingles loudly.
”I’m gonna go. By myself. Just tell me what you want.”
Megumi’s eyebrow twitches. “But I wanna go too.”
”Just tell me what you want.”
”…fine.” Megumi proceeds to babble about a specific ice cream before Tsumiki takes off. The last words to leave her lips are: “Don’t forget to lock the door!” He dutifully follows—turning three locks until they click—but is then faced by another obstacle: boredom. He doesn’t have homework assigned and he doesn’t really have any chores that needed to be done.
Megumi lays against the tiles again. He sweats, heating the cold surface up, so he slides to another section of the floor. He repeats this three times until there’s dirt and mini pebbles sticking to his cheeks. Tsumiki is not back yet.
The boy makes his way up the stairs and into his room. He can probably find something remotely interesting inside but—oh.
Megumi pauses. His hand that was raised to open the door falls to his side.
Gojo’s room is making noises. It’s scratching and crying, almost like a sound for help. Megumi eyes the door with a tilted head. He takes a step forward and then he hears it.
Megumi’s guts twist and his fingers flex. He’s struggling to breathe and he’s reminded of Tsumiki’s words of “In through your nose and out through your mouth.” It’s not enough.
He staggers backwards. The noises get that much louder with a few more scratches and a few more sobs. Megumi is torn between investigating and leaving.
He chooses to depart. He moves back to the top of the stairs, grasping the handrails so tight they’ll leave marks in his palms.
—but what if this is urgent?
Megumi blinks and squeezes the handrail again and doesn’t take any further steps.
What if they need help?
He turns back to the door. His mind is full of slush and he’s hot and sticky and he just wants Tsumiki to come back with a bag full of popsicles and ice creams.
What if Gojo is hiding something?
He places his hand on the doorknob. He’s shaking. The scratches have subsided but Megumi can clearly hear a sniffle every few seconds.
The knob doesn’t turn. The door is locked.
What is Gojo hiding?
Megumi squats. He presses his face against the floor and peers into the thin crack under Gojo’s door. A single eye and bloodied finger tips stare back at him.
He screams and screams and screams and runs to the bathroom to puke.
Who is Gojo hiding?
”Megumi! I’m back!” Tsumiki calls from the front door. “And guess who I found!” She doesn’t explicitly say who and, unfortunately, the response she receives is silence.
Then, there’s loud crying.
”Ah—Megumi!” Tsumiki hurries up the stairs with Gojo right behind her. The two find Megumi hunched over the toilet, heaving and hacking. Gojo approaches with open arms, a frown on his face. 
“Megumi? What happened?”
Gojo barely grazes Megumi’s shoulder before he’s shoved away. Megumi’s glaring and sobbing. Tsumiki parts her mouth in shock—Gojo tenses up right beside her.
As Tsumiki leans in to coddle her brother, Gojo stands, watching, eyes wide and fists clenching.
What did he see?
Megumi gasps for air as he’s slammed into the fighting mattress. Gojo stands above him, a simple smile on his face. It doesn’t look real.
”I told you to bend your knees more,” Gojo says with a patronizing tone, “If you had, maybe you wouldn’t have fallen.”
That’s a lie. Gojo would have pushed him down anyway, it doesn’t matter how much force he would of had to use.
“I just… I want to learn my technique more,” Megumi says lowly. He claws at a rip in the mattress. Slowly, fluff crawls out of it. Gojo wipes it away with his foot. Megumi huffs.
”To master a technique, you need to learn basic fighting. How else did you think I became this great?” Gojo laughs obnoxiously and Megumi doesn’t feel a tug of his lips or a happy beat of his heart or anything. It’s all been stowed away since he discovered the person trapped in Gojo’s room. If that’s even a person.
Obviously, Megumi has attempted to open Gojo’s room for a while yet. The time windows have been small, unfortunately. Gojo has stayed home for a while now—the scheduling of his missions have gotten more and more bleak. As if the higher ups don’t need him. As if there are less and less curses.
That will never be true.
And besides, Megumi shouldn’t be so worried about it anyway. He could just be seeing things, or it’s some kind a curse that Gojo just wants to specifically torture. (And, even at that, Megumi’s not sure if the thing is being tortured. He’s not even sure as to what happens in that room.)
”—despite the challenges, which you’ll go through by the way, you’ll always come out on top because you have me, Megumi! Oh, and… Hey! Are you listening?”
”No,” Megumi replies before he spots a fist coming right for his forehead.
Megumi watches the two dogs zip around each other. They nip and preen and jump and yap. Their furs brush and mix and it’s pretty to look at.
Tsumiki watches too. She sits next to Megumi, playing in the grass with her toes. Leaves are falling and snow will be arriving soon, but Tsumiki is comfortable going around barefoot and wearing shorts and a tank top.
“Is it a lot of work?” she asks, “To make them play, I mean.”
Megumi shrugs. The dogs freeze for a second, a moment of stillness, but then they’re back to enjoying life.
“Well—at least it’s nice to see.”
Megumi agrees. He doesn’t say that aloud.
Gojo has a girlfriend. She smells a little like Tsumiki.
She’s sitting next to him at the table, hands in her lap, head swirled in his direction. Tsumiki admires her a lot. Megumi shifts uncomfortably in his seat as Gojo spoon feeds her. Under the blindfold, Megumi can imagine the heart eyes.
Later, the couple settle onto the couch, deciding to watch a movie. Tsumiki and Megumi are instructed to go to bed.
”Megumi…!” Tsumiki hisses when Megumi stops at the top of the stairs. “Gojo told us to go to sleep. I don’t want to be in trouble because you’re caught watching TV!”
”She’s wearing gloves, Tsumiki.”
”She’s wearing gloves inside.”
”Well it’s fall and maybe she runs cold,” Tsumiki says, leaning against a nearby wall. “Or, maybe, she doesn’t have her nails done.” Tsumiki sighs dreamily. “She really is perfect.”
Megumi’s eyebrow ticks. “Ew.” He turns back to look down the staircase. 
Gojo’s standing there, hands on his hips. His lips are puckered in a pouting way. “I said go to bed!!”
Tsumiki laughs.
Megumi’s up in the dead of night.
He makes his way to Gojo’s room with expectations of the sounds of creaking and moaning and crying.
There’s nothing—even as he crouches to peer under the crack of the door, whispering back, promising to help this time.
There’s nothing but faint scratch marks on the floor.
The girlfriend—you—has been around more often. Sometimes it’s babysitting while Gojo is gone (which, by the way, the siblings have never had a babysitter before, as per Gojo’s terrible parenting skills), but most of the time it’s while Gojo is around. The two of you stay in the bedroom for a majority of the visit, so Tsumiki clings to Megumi until you come out.
Currently, this is a babysitting scenario. Gojo’s been gone for two weeks and you’ve been doing your due diligence for the kids. Cooking, cleaning, and playing house seem to be your specialty.
”You’d be a great mom,” Tsumiki says. Megumi physically flinches and you pause your mindless surfing on the TV. You’re still wearing gloves.
“Oh, you think?” you ask rather awkwardly. Tsumiki nods.
”I’m just waiting for the day Gojo proposes.”
Megumi pops his mouth open, to tell Tsumiki to knock it off or something but then she stands up and announces that she will grab some snacks.
Megumi’s eyes immediately find yours after that. “I’m sorry. I…don’t know why she said that.” He feels miffed.
”It’s okay,” you smile gently. It appears that you want to say more but then stop. You curl into the side of the couch, on the complete opposite side of Megumi. You look almost sad, like something is missing in your eyes.
”You don’t have to stay here, you know,” Megumi says and you blink up at him. “I know that Gojo can be a bit pushy—“ he’s under exaggerating— “but he can’t boss you around or anything. You guys haven’t known each other for that long, right?”
Your lips part and just like before, you stop. It’s frustrating watching you pause and struggle by simply not saying what you want to say. Then it’s awkward when your eyes dart up to the clock, waiting for your cue to shout I should head home now!
And just as Megumi gives up, slinking into his side of the couch, face pressed against the armrest, you talk.
”Satoru told me what you guys have been through—so don’t think I’m upset about Tsumiki. I honestly thought it was kinda funny.” You grin a little and Megumi pouts back.
”She still shouldn’t have said that.”
”It’s whatever.” You shrug but still grin and there’s a sparkle in your eyes that is similar to Tsumiki’s. Oh. That’s what was missing in you. That’s probably what made Gojo fall for you.
You’re really nice looking.
Megumi’s face warms. He distracts himself by looking at your gloved hands. Like clockwork, you hide them in your lap, with an uncomfortable look on your face.
”I’ve, um, known Satoru my whole life,” you blurt. Megumi realizes that you don’t want him to question the gloves. “He would visit the US during his holidays and he would find me.”
Megumi leans in and curiously questions, “Find you?”
”Because he wanted me—us—to live here, in Japan, together,” you say and the sparkle leaves your eyes. You’re not so pretty anymore. “And guess what happened.”
You and Gojo must have broken up. The teacher has been disturbed lately. He screams and breaks everything in his sight and he almost appears to lose control. (Of course, this is while the kids are—supposedly—sleeping. He wouldn’t dare show unruly behavior to growing and easily-influenced children!)
Thankfully, he doesn’t lose control, less Megumi be six feet underground.
And Megumi isn’t sad. Your absence doesn’t make his heart heavy. Doesn’t make him want to cry and throw things too because that’s how Gojo does it and Megumi isn’t him. Megumi is simply Megumi. He doesn’t want you back like Gojo does. He’d just appreciate it if you visited once in a while. It would help the broken plates. It would help with the increased amount of curses.
”No Megumi! Sensei.” Gojo corrects.
”That’s what I’m saying!” Megumi groans. “It’s not like I’ve never said this before. I literally go to school, Gojo.”
”You mean sensei,” Gojo says with a sly smile. Megumi groans again.
He’s growing up. It feels slow, like each day is dragging by. It doesn’t help that Tsumiki has fallen ill, even to the point of bedriddenness. But it’s okay. Because Megumi is growing and he’s going to fix her.
He’s going to fix everything.
“Geto Suguru.” Megumi looks up to his soon-to-be teacher. “You knew him?”
Gojo shifts uncomfortably. “He was my best friend! And now I have to kill him.”
”Oh,” Megumi utters because there’s nothing else to say. He looks back down to the sheet. He squints at a near familiar name. Shoko Ieiri. Megumi taps the small picture of her. Gojo grins.
”Another friend. I don’t have to kill her.”
”Oh,” he utters again, because there’s still nothing to say.
Just before school starts, just before Gojo officially becomes Megumi’s teacher, you’re back. Standing in a pretty outfit, beaming at the two from inside Gojo’s home. Megumi stiffens and attempts to meet Gojo’s eyes. His attempts are ignored in favor of you, however.
The two make it inside. They’re sweating, at least Megumi is, from the relentless practice. And he wants to ask what you’re doing here. Why you’ve shown up out of the blue in a pretty outfit, smelling a bit like Tsumiki and not wearing gloves at all. 
He’s going to ask but then you place food in front of the two and Megumi can’t say no to this.
So he eats. 
There’s comfortable conversation for you and Gojo. It’s weird not having Tsumiki sitting next to him, whispering, prying. She would be waiting for you to finish. She’d wait and wait and wait.
Megumi keeps eating. His mind feels like it’s running a little slow.
”Of course I would, Satoru… Why do you think I’m here?” You say while smiling. It looks weird.
”For me.” Gojo’s smiling too. His is easier to decode than yours. It’s a simple cypher: right corner of his mouth is a bit down and his front teeth are gnawing into the flesh. He’s not upset but maybe a bit annoyed at… something. Megumi’s not so sure. The teacher always carries a look like that when Megumi misplaces his foot. Or when the teen is up at night, creeping into the halls.
Just as Megumi’s head droops, his forehead hovering right above the countertop, he hears you gasp. Blearily, he looks to his two elders. Gojo’s hand is clutched around a wrist you’re attempting to tug back. The teacher’s face is bright red with his glasses slipping down his nose sloppily. “Satoru…!” you whine and pull back.
It’s terrifying how quickly Gojo leaps across the counter to get to you.
Megumi closes his eyes.
Itadori is a mess. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t even be alive.
He shouldn’t be in Megumi’s dorm room, but he is, and he’s poking and prodding around. He says things like: “Woah Fushiguro!! What is this?!” and it’s a book about psychology. When Itadori began to open Megumi’s drawers, a pillow was thrown to his head.
“Ahhh Fushiguro, your room is so clean… Where’s all the posters?” Itadori asks. He’s peering over Megumi’s shoulder. Math homework peer right back at him.
”What posters?” Megumi attempts to shrug the other away. Itadori stays and gestures around the room. “You know, like, really hot girls in bikinis! And big butts! Like Jennifer Lawrence.”
Megumi’s face turns red. “Hell no!” And he finally swats Itadori away.
Megumi resumes his work for a few minutes longer before looking over to Itadori. He’s, again, snooping around. Megumi’s eyebrow ticks. “Put that down.” Itadori’s holding a picture frame before flipping it to green eyes. ”Who is this? Your mom or something?”
Soon-to-be. Right. Gojo and you are engaged. Have been for about a month. The wedding will happen in about three weeks from now.
Feigning boredom, Megumi looks back to his papers. “Gojo-sensei hasn’t told you about her yet? I figured he would blab about her every second he could,” he mutters. Itadori appears a bit skittish after hearing that.
”I mean, he talks about his fiancée…”
”Oh… OH!” Itadori jumps up and Megumi can practically see the cogwheels turning in his head. “So she will be your mom! Wow, okay!” Itadori turns back to the picture frame. Suddenly, a mouth manifests out of Itadori’s cheek and laughs.
”I’m sure she’ll make a great meal!”
Megumi barely suppresses the punch heading for Itadori’s face.
A runaway bride is what you are. Fleeing the night before the wedding.
Gojo has held a stifling quiet for the past 32 hours. His eyes are dull. Megumi wants to reach out and offer some sort of comfort. Instead, he says simply, “It’s probably just some misunderstanding.”
Gojo doesn’t look up. Doesn’t react, doesn’t move, and Megumi would think that he were dead if not for the gentle rising and falling of his chest.
”I’m tired of her running away,” Gojo says after a pregnant pause. “I know what she wants and she knows what I want. It’s not like I’m going to kill her.”
Megumi’s stomach rolls and it reminds him of being a kid, sneaking around and trying to get into Gojo’s room because he thinks someone’s trapped in there. It’s silly, looking back on it, but his stomach is rolling all the same again.
He makes his way back to the school. He dreams of his warm bed and warm shower and warm clothes. He’s tired of the fighting. He’s tired of Tsumiki not waking up and nagging him. He’s tired of the looks of his friends, each exhausted and on the brink of death after each mission. He’s tired of it all.
As Megumi passes a local store, he smells something like Tsumiki. Floral-ish, like flowers, like how most girls smell. It smells nice and comforting and like you.
He turns to the store. His heart seems to stop in his chest and his mouth dries.
You notice him back. Your eyes lock with wide green ones.
Megumi is right in front of you in half a second. His arms are stretched wide, a hugging gesture, but you don’t take it. You shuffle, holding a wrinkled bag in your hands. Megumi drops his arms.
”Hi,” he whispers. He doesn’t know if you’re real or if it’s just the hysteria creeping into him. He wants to touch and feel, maybe poke and prod while he’s at it. You look like you, but are you really? You smell like you, but is this fake lying?
”Hi Megumi,” you whisper back and Megumi hugs you. You’re stiff (and you shouldn’t be) but you manage to wrap your arms around his middle. Your hair tickles his mouth and he just hugs you closer.
”I missed you so much,” he says into the top of your head. He pauses for a moment to inhale. You tense up like you’re waiting for bad news—and for good reason. Gojo-sensei has been in his quiet, anger mood for far too long. Megumi can’t wait for it to end.
“We want you back home.” He inhales your scent again. Sweet. Comforting. Home.
”I know,” you say into his jacket. (Despair.)
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alphaformation · 9 months
I can barely find any mutant mayhem Donnie x male reader fics so I was wondering if you could write one please I'll give you this 🍕 as a sign of my gratitude
I GOTCHU ANON (cracks knuckles) keep that pizza in the microwave for me. decided to write it paralleling them meeting april because I think any of these four being clumsy and flustered is cute. I'm still testing out formatting for requests and such so let me know if you guys have any feedback <3 not sure how i feel about the fic itself buuut... i think it's certainly done.
╭────────────.★..─╮ Blood in the water. ╰─..★.────────────╯
Mutant Mayhem; Donatello / Male!Reader Word Count: 1,560 Content Warnings: swearing, maybe internalized homophobia if you squint? but that wasn't the intention as I was writing it. Summary; After a head-on collision in the hallway, Donnie meets the boy of his dreams. Now all he has to do is keep his brothers from finding out about him.
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“Sooo… Leo… how’d that date with April go?”
The banter as the four of them walked home carried on as it always has, the only difference being that they finally had some new material. It’d been months since they’d integrated at Eastman high, and things were still running smooth as ever. It was perfect!
Sure, maybe not everyone was so accepting, but when the four of them were expecting screams of horror and violent brutality from the humans, they could tolerate some sour glances and rude comments.
“Mikey how many times do I have to TELL you guys, it- it wasn’t a date!” 
“Uhh, you don’t have to tell us that,” Raph shot back. “We aaall heard her at Prom-”
Dialogue quickly overlapped as the three of them verbally dogpiled onto Leo, who was struggling to cut through the crosstalk.
“Well- hey, y’know– I can’t be the ONLY one who’s got a… well, a crush. C’mon! You gotta cut me some slack.”
“Even if we did,” interjected Donnie, “we’d do a waaaay better job of hiding it than you!”
Donnie now realized the irony in that sequence of events, looking back to the morning that had followed that conversation. 
See, despite months of attending a crowded high school, Donnie hadn’t really taken the time to unlearn his habit of walking with his headphones on and his eyes closed. Really because it hadn’t resulted in any major tragedies up until then. 
He’d walked to first period so many times he could do it backwards, but as he cracked an eye open to gauge his turn into the classroom, he realized far too late that he’d… miscalculated. 
He tried to move back- to reorient himself, but the flow of movement in the hall behind him pushed him forward, and he collided hard with…
Time slowed down to a crawl as you were slammed against the locker, a moment passing as you recovered from the blow before you’d twisted around. Donnie had almost forgotten the circumstances that had led him here when he was forced against your chest instead of your back, looking up and seeing your face. 
Maybe it came as no surprise that Donnie had a bit of a weakness for cute boys. His brothers hadn’t caught on yet, but if you took a scrutinizing glance at his interests, you may notice the consistency. And currently, he was literally being smushed against the cutest guy he’d ever seen in real life, much like you mash two dolls together to indicate that they’re kissing. 
The awe he felt, though, was only a brief respite from the panic as he saw that your nose was bleeding.
“Ohhhh my gosh, I’m so sorry! It– it was the kid behind me, and I, My uh, my shell is making it– hard to get out, and-”
“Ugh- dude.” You grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him back a bit, causing Donnie to realize that the hall was mostly empty now. 
You rubbed your head with a small wince, and were clearly about to turn and carry on with your business. 
“WAIT!” You turned back, raising a brow, and Donatello tensed at the realization of how loud he’d just shouted. 
“Can I at least walk you to the nurse’s office? I’m really sorry.” Wiping the blood away with your thumb (which was like, anime boy levels of hot, Donnie thought privately), you shrugged and gestured for him to follow. 
He did. Naturally. 
Donnie didn’t know why he and his brothers kept meeting their love interests through near major accidents, but that collision was the start of something fantastic. 
He learned that day that your name was (y/n), and from then on just kept learning more and more phenomenal things about you. Another month seemed to fly by, with the two of you becoming fast friends. Not all of your interests overlapped, but as Donnie learned more of what you liked, the more it became what he liked too.
There was just one small hiccup. 
Donatello… really didn’t want his brothers to find out about you. As well as he’d managed to pretend not to be crushing on you big time, his brothers were like sharks when it came to that sort of thing. If they didn’t know he liked guys before, he was convinced they’d be able to tell just by your presence - like you were blood in the water.
It was going smoothly enough so far, though. The only class you shared was Computer Science, and, well... Let's just say Donnie's brothers weren't exactly jumping at the chance to sign up for that elective.
As he left the building that day to meet his brothers in his usual spot, He found himself once again glued to his phone, takking away at your DMs.
"Ack-!" "Aah!!"
Donnie reared back from the minor bump, flushing a little as he glanced up.
"Dude, you ever gonna stop bumping into me?"
"Uhh... nah. Too much work. Not my fault you're always standing right in my way." He responded, smiling when that earned him a chuckle. "What're you doing out here anyways? Don't you usually take the bus?"
"Yeah, but I've gotta stop by the store on my way home, so I'm walking. Don't you and your brothers usually walk home together? I could tag along."
"Well. Yeahh.. We do. But, we kind of.. Live in the sewer?"
"...Yeah? I remember. I'd only walk part-ways."
"Right, well, uh... I mean-"
"DONNIE!" Raph grabbed both his shoulders from behind, startling a yelp out of him as he whipped around.
"Oh, uh-- Hey guys!"
"What gives? We've been waiting at the spot for like.." Mikey glances at his phone, "..Well, only like three minutes, but you're usually there first."
"Guys, chill out, I told you he was probably just leaving class with someone else."
"Yup mystery solved-- bye (y/n), let's go guys!!"
Wrong move. Donnie could feel he'd messed up when all three of his brothers turned their heads to him.
Blood in the water.
"Woooah, chill out bro, we're not in a rush. So you're (y/n)? I don't think we've met." Mikey turned to you.
You nodded, "In the flesh. And you're... Mikey, Raph, and Leo?" You pointed to each of them as you recalled their names. "I was just asking if I could walk with you guys."
"Hah- well- I don't think we--" "Oh, totally!" "Yeah man, feel free!"
"I'm sure Donnie would love that,"
Donnie exchanged glares with each of his brothers, huffing before pulling up a reluctant smile.
"Yeah, uh.. what they said!"
And so you tagged along as they began walking. It wasn't all bad, Donnie just had to keep his cool and remain nonchalant. Shouldn't be too hard.
"So, we still on for tonight?" You asked, bumping your shoulder against Donnie's.
"Duh- Especially since it's my turn to pick."
"I am not watching One Piece, just FYI."
"You two got a nerd date or something?" Raph interjected. Donnie frowned at him, feeling his fists ball up, but was surprised to hear you laugh easily.
"Kind of. It's a cultural exchange." With one hand gesturing as you speak, the other sneaks its way around Donnie's arm.
Kind of? It was kind of a date? and you were holding his arm??
Donnie glanced down at where you'd held onto him, before his eyes narrowed in a smug glance in Raph's direction. His brother, on the other hand, had his mouth hanging slightly open; his brows furrowed down.
Donnie ran his lip between his teeth before he adjusted his arm, sliding his hand down into yours. It felt.. right. He brushed along your knuckles, how small each of them were under his three-fingered hands- and his heart threatened to melt when you squeezed in return. The dialogue that continued between you and his brothers faded to white noise at that feeling.
"Alright, this is where I've gotta part ways. It was nice meeting you all!"
You leaned down, pressing a quick peck into Donnie's cheek.
"see you tonight!"
You were gone before Donnie could even process what'd happen, an incoherent exhale of noise escaping him as his brothers began hollering.
Donnie's brain kicked into action finally, looking away with a rub to the back of his neck.
"I ahh..... y'know, we're not really sure yet?- kind of uhh.... testing the waters and stuff..?" He lied, shooting a glance over his shoulder to assure you weren't in earshot.
"Dang, you really DO have some rizz after all!"
(y/n) today at 5:14 all good to have you over for the night!
TELLO 🧠💪 today at 5:15 cool cool! so uh... can i ask what the smooch was about earlier??
(y/n) today at 5:18 oh, yeah, sorry!! i just noticed your brothers were teasing you about me figured i'd lean into it & get them to back off lol see you in ten?
Donatello huffed, staring at that message for a long few minutes. Well, that TOTALLY answered his question.
But.. At least he'd learned that you apparently weren't opposed to holding his hand and kissing his cheek. Even if it was something of a performance.
Maybe tonight, he could get a private show.
There was only one way to find out.
TELLO 🧠💪 today at 5:22 yup! on my way
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howaboutcastiel · 2 years
Two Steps Forward (Moon Boys)
[18+ content minors leave please]
Summary: A fun night with Jake ends up backfiring as Marc is triggered to front mid-coitus.
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Content: Smut-ish, Angst, Fluff (the holy trinity). Handcuffs, impact play, getting triggered during sex, yelling and sad times. Reader is in an established relationship with moon boys.
Word count: 1.9k (aka the closest to a drabble you’ll ever see from me)
A/N: honestly this shouldn’t exist but now it does. Read it and weep. Also google cleared all of the formatting so UGH may be some mistakes.
“You’re going to stay still for me, right, baby?” You ran your knuckles along Jake’s bare chest, causing his breath to shudder.
“Yes.” He nodded, breathless. You could see him resisting the urge to pull against the cuffs, which were looped in each corner of the headboard.
“Yes…what?” You were straddling his waist, his boxers still on though he was painfully hard underneath. Jake had begged you to overpower him like this. He was so goddamn tired of having to use force to get what he wanted. That didn’t mean, though, that he was going to give into you without causing some trouble.
He knew what you wanted him to say, but he simply smiled at you, his mouth shut in a thin, cheeky line. You ground your hips into him, putting indirect friction on his poor, desperate cock. Jake let out a choked moan.
“I’m not touching you if you don’t cooperate.” You removed your hands from his chest, placing them on your thighs clearly in his line of sight. You were wearing a matching set of lacy lingerie, and you had no intention of taking anything off until you’d done at least a half-decent job of pulling him apart. “Yes what?”
“Yes ma’am.” He said through gritted teeth. This dynamic wasn’t entirely new to you, but Jake just kept insisting that you get rougher and rougher. He got off on being knocked down a peg, enjoying the pain and even pushing you to involve some danger. You struggled to keep up sometimes, but it was exhilarating to see him fall apart beneath you, so you obliged his requests.
“You gonna beg for me, baby? Gonna tell me what you want?” You ran a teasing finger along the fabric of his boxers, causing his cock to twitch underneath. On particularly energetic nights, Jake really liked to be a brat, forcing you to be more aggressive and truly humble him with everything you had. You could tell that tonight was one of those nights, by the familiar unhinged look in his eyes if nothing else.
“No, ma’am.” The self-assured smile wasn’t leaving his face. Jake had had a rough couple of days and he was desperate to use his violent, erratic compulsions for something that would be beneficial to him—like blowing off some steam with his devoted girlfriend. This was ironically enough the healthiest outlet that he could find.
“That doesn’t work too well, does it, baby? You know that’s not what I want to hear.” You grabbed his face in your hand, pinching his cheeks so that his lips pouted out, effectively getting rid of that cheeky grin. Fire flashed in his eyes at the intensity of your grip; if it was up to him, you’d be holding tight enough to leave a bruise.
“Here’s what you’re going to do for me. You’re going to be a good boy and tell me everything you want me to do to you, okay? I want you to be very specific, don’t leave anything out, and don’t forget to use your manners.” In your own head, you didn’t feel that you were that domineering, but the movement underneath Jake’s boxers was evidence enough that you’d gotten your point across.
“Oh, sweetheart,” his laugh was hoarse and patronizing despite his bondage and lack of leverage. He really wanted you to be as riled up as he was, and he wanted to push you into feeling all the meanness that he was asking you to unleash on him. “You know I don’t beg.”
It took a second for you to think of the right way to respond.
“Sweetheart, huh?” His eyes were brimming with satisfaction. As much as he wanted you to have control of him, he also wanted to make you take it. That’s what you were going to do.
“Someone needs a lesson in respect.” Your hand collided with his face with enough force to leave a red mark, but not much else. You knew that was what he wanted you to do—Jake had been very thorough in communicating his limits with you—but the contact shocked him nonetheless. You expected him to twitch again between your legs, but the response you got was far from your assumption.
The shock on his face was replaced by a distant stare. You thought for a split second that Jake might be on the verge of sub-space, but the tension in his body disproved that theory. He shut his eyes for a moment and you dove off of his waist, ready for him to utter his safeword. When they opened again, his eyes were filled with confusion and, to your surprise, fear.
“What the hell?” Marc mumbled as he tried to process where he was. He pulled harshly against the cuffs, hissing when he realized he was restrained by the metal.
“Marc—” You reached to cup his face in your hand, a sign that everything was okay. He cowered from your touch, panicked.
“Get away from me!” He planted his feet against the mattress, pushing himself against the headboard. There were tears in his eyes and he pulled against the cuffs again, though he knew the struggle was no use.
“Hey, it’s okay,” You tried to make your voice as calm as possible as your hand made contact with his skin. It was meant to be a comforting touch, but he jerked his head away to the best of his range of movement, a tear running down his cheek.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” He was trying to make his voice firm, but it wavered around a sob that ripped up from his chest. His whole face and neck flushed red, and he tried to curl up as much into a ball as was possible in his position.
Your mind was racing and you didn’t know what to do. A switch had never happened during sex before—or during foreplay, technically. The boys were pretty good at keeping that part separate, there wasn’t overlap that would bring another of them to the front. Though you were in a relationship with all three of them, sex was distinct with each one and there wasn’t usually a grey area for things like this to occur.
“I’m going to take the cuffs off, okay?” You spoke slowly. He didn’t meet your gaze or even acknowledge that he had heard your words. You tried not to move too suddenly as you leaned to grab the key from the side table. Careful not to touch his skin, you unlocked the pair of cuffs closest to you.
He didn’t say anything as he brought his hand to his chest. When the other pair was unlocked as well, he rubbed the angry skin absentmindedly. Tears continued to roll down his cheeks, though he wasn’t sobbing. His eyes were unfocused, staring right through the wall.
“Honey, I’m sorry.” You started shyly. You didn’t know what to do or what to say. Hell, you didn’t even know what had happened. Marc must have known about Jake’s more untraditional likes and dislikes in the bedroom, but he himself was much more vanilla. It must have been overwhelming to him.
“I didn’t realize you were close to the front. Do you need me to get you something, honey? Some water, or some lotion for your wrists?” He didn’t say anything. After an entire minute, he finally met your gaze. He wore a pathetic, confused, and dreadful look. He looked so small.
“Did you hit me?” His voice was tiny. It was dripping with betrayal as well as bewilderment. You couldn’t find your own voice to respond, and you had to swallow hard before your breath would even leave your chest.
“I, umm…” How would you explain this? You’d figured Jake had touched base with the boys, what with all the bruises you’d left on him previously after a night of fun. “Jake was back-talking me. It was part of our scene. I—I slapped him.”
Marc put his head in his hands, sucking in a deep and shaky breath. His wrists were raw from his fighting of the cuffs, as if he genuinely thought he was captive for the first moments after he came to the front. You felt guilt running through you, though you couldn’t have known this would happen.
“I’m so sorry.” He muttered into his palms. You moved closer to him, though you respected his earlier request not to touch him. His hands curled into fists and he tugged at his hair frustratedly. “I ruined your night.”
“Hey, no! You didn’t ruin anything.” You leaned to pull a throw blanket from the foot of your bed, offering it to him as he tried to steady his breath. “Is there something I can do to help? I must have given you a pretty good scare.”
He looked pained as another sob washed over him. It was unusual for you to see Marc so torn apart—especially when you didn’t exactly know what was wrong with him. His hands covered his face again as he curled into himself even tighter. He mumbled something you couldn’t understand.
“What’s that honey?”
He looked up at you, shame and dread mixed together on his face. Marc was embarrassed and, despite his understanding of the situation now, he was still scared. He swallowed a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut, pondering if he should repeat himself. Finally he opened his mouth while avoiding your gaze.
“I thought you were my mom.”
An ice cold feeling shot up your spine, replaced quickly by nausea. Now you felt really guilty, and you abandoned your promise to keep your hands off of him. You wrapped your arms around his back, feeling him shake as another sob ripped through him.
“No, baby. You’re safe. You’re here with me.” The words fell from your mouth intuitively. Marc didn’t request a lot of nurturing, but you would be stupid to think that he didn’t require it. He tried to put on a brave face in his day-to-day life, but situations like this revealed to you just how much he was in need. “No one’s here but me and you. You’re safe.”
“It’s pathetic.” He sounded resigned, letting the sobs take over but not feeding into them. “I feel like a little kid.”
“It’s okay to feel like that. What’s important is that that little kid is safe. There’s no one here that wants to hurt him.” Marc didn’t like to talk about his past, but it tended to bring itself to the forefront of conversation at the most inopportune of times. He needed someone to do the talking for him.
You coaxed him into laying down, effectively making him the little spoon as you kept yourself pressed against his back. You could feel his body starting to calm down, the tension slowly being replaced with a desperate receptiveness to your touch.
“I’m sorry.” He said again through a more resigned sob. Marc felt guilty for making a scene in front of you. He hated to burden you with his brokenness.
“Please don’t apologize, okay? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
You held him for a long while, whispering affirmations of “you’re okay” and “you’re safe” for the first few minutes until the panic subsided. After that, the two of you laid in near-silence until his breathing returned to something near a normal rhythm.
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cocogrrrl · 11 months
HIIIIIII ugh ur writings are so freakin good and so fun to read it makes me AHHHH could I request kyle, stan, and kenny (separate) with a f!reader that can’t control her facial expressions at all so she’s pretty much an open book? Maybe have the reader be an artist so when she’s drawing she’s like 🤩😙🙁😋🤨😱😐 THANK UUUUU
(headcannons + drabbles!) the main three's separate reaction to their artist gf who is very expressive whenever they draw (requested!)
main three (separate) x female!reader no cws wc: 1007 overall
an: omg its my first time writing in an hc listed format also the drabbles are a lot more artist gf than the expressive thing sorry huhuuu (also i forgot to reply to the ask last time i took up a request LMAO)
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🍀 k. broflovski (wc: 330)
He really wants to comment on it, but doesn’t wanna bother you
I don’t mean that in a bad way! I just think that he finds it entertaining to see your mood and facial expressions shift around a lot
Like okay imagine you two parallel playing, both of you off in your own worlds
Kyle looks up at you to see you go from happy to frustrated to upset to shocked all in the span of a few seconds
He definitely finds it adorable and just basks in it by the side
Completely forgets what he was doing cause you’re just so gosh darn cute awwww
You were lying face down, arms holding you up, on his bed. You were tasked to make landscapes of any place but from different perspectives and views. To be honest, you were struggling a little bit. Backgrounds and scenery aren’t quite your strong points, but that didn’t mean you weren’t trying! You were lying down there, tongue poking out as you focused really hard to get the drawing looking at least a little bit realistically correct. You were real deep into it that you didn’t even realize Kyle was watching you until you heard a soft giggle in the back, which immediately made your head whip up. “Hmmm?” You hummed, questioning what he was laughing about. “Ah, it’s nothing.” He smiled at your curiosity. The look of amusement on his face was still there, so you had a hint of what was going on. “You’re just really pretty." You felt your cheeks heat up, giddily smiling to yourself as you felt your legs kicking back and forth in happiness. “Thank you…” You hummed. He only laughed more in return. “Don’t thank me.” He said, lifting your head up by the chin with his fingers as he placed a little kiss on your nose.
🍁 k. mccormick (wc: 360)
but definitely teases you about it like
“You should take up acting, YN. You’re really good at changing emotions.”
Do you know how some people make facial expressions and random body movements for reference while drawing?
When he sees it for the first time, with no context whatsoever, he thought you got possessed or something CAUSE YOU WERE JUST FLAILING YOUR ARMS AROUND WHILE LOOKING INTENTLY AT THEM
I can just imagine him lying down, watching you drawing, while he’s kicking his feet in the air HEPL
You and your boyfriend, Kenny, were sat slumped against a wall in the back of some alleyway, spending your time together in the quiet where only sounds of passing cars, footsteps and chatter of pedestrians, and the soft winds blowing every now and then. You were getting into your drawings on your little sketchbook, moving from one doodle to the other and leaving many unfinished. Every couple of minutes, you’d revisit the other, but that was only if you were still up to it. Other than that, you had new ideas pulling you away from your drawings every other second. Kenny was playing with the hair that fell by the side of your face as you were doing your own business—twirling, braiding, and unfurling it over and over again. You stretched out your hand and formed it in a reached-out, grabbing motion, shifting it every so often to get a better view of what it looked like. Kenny watched you observing yourself in intrigue as well, resting his chin on your shoulder. As soon as you were done and about to get back to drawing, he lifted himself back up and started to play with your hair once more. While you were drawing out the hand same hand you motioned earlier, you felt a soft kiss on your cheek, which caught you off guard. You turned your head in Kenny's direction, giving him a look that asked, ‘Why?’ Not in a bad way, just out of curiosity. He shrugged in return, cupping your face in one hand with his fingers resting on both cheeks as he squeezed them. “Cutie.”
🎸 s. marsh (wc: 317)
He doesn’t pay much mind to it honestly
He sees it for the first time and thinks it’s kinda silly, but not much after that
He brings it up sometimes though like
“Oh, yeah, I think it’s funny how you’re really expressive.”
But really its not something that bothers him
If anything, he finds it really adorable sometimes, especially when you get a little too into the zone and you’re just changing expressions every millisecond
Honestly, I think it’s a neat little dynamic since you’re probably really bubbly while Stan’s more aloof
You and Stan were in your favorite corner of the world—Stark’s Pond. Okay, technically, it’s one of the farthest things from a corner, given that it’s a whole landscape, but it was a special place unbeknownst to many, especially people who aren’t from the small town of South Park. You two were sat on a bench by the pond, Stan playing the guitar cross-legged, and you were leaning towards it while drawing on your tablet. You hummed along with the songs he was playing, familiar to you as it was your relationship’s self-declared theme song. Your face was twisted in a pout, trying to get a small detail, but important (to you), correct. You clicked your tongue, flipping your canvas every so often to make sure it looked right or physically possible. You sighed, resting your body weight on Stan as he paused to look at you and your art’s progress. “Frustrated?” He hummed, putting his arm down so that it was more comfortable for you to lean onto him. “No,” you clicked your tongue. “Just need to get around this little part. Like, I can’t  draw feet for the life of me.” You sighed, tipping your head a little further as you ground into Stan's shoulder. He found himself giggling at you, patting your back, and giving you a little kiss on the cheek.
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mlmvoreconfessionals · 5 months
some nightguards eating animatronics? maybe with springtrap, freddy, and monty?
A great secret ending for the games, if you ask me. Also, since Tumblre sucks and won't let me make bullet points anymore, I'm going to do some new formatting with prompts. Hopefully, make them easier to read. So now I'm stuffing everything under read mores.
“Ugh, shouldn’t have smoked that stuff,” the night guard groans. Taking this boring horror attraction job was good pay for no work, but god did it drag on. He’d brought a joint to try and make tonight more interesting, but now he’s absolutely starving. His stomach gurgled harshly and he puts a hand to it with a groan. God, he’ll eat anything right now. He doesn’t care what it is, so long as it’s edible. And as he’s thinking about that…he sees something walk into the office.
It’s a huge rabbit that smells vaguely of meat. It’s staring down at him with glowing eyes, eating breathing coming from it. The night guard stars up at him for a second before grinning and getting to his feet. “Hey, rabbit is edible, right? Perfect!” S.pringtrap’s head perks up slightly, mostly in confusion. He doesn’t react in time to being grabbed and dragged down, staring into the night guard’s drooling maw. S.pringtrap’s head fits right into the man’s maw, ears forced to fold back. He’s so taken aback that he just lets it happen in shock. A few slurps go over his face and, deciding this was tasty enough, the guard starts to gulp.
He works himself down over S.pringtrap’s shoulders easily, then down his chest. The guard sits down on his chair again, groaning happily as another gulp drags down the rabbit's stomach. He feels the head breach into his stomach, stretching it out and giving him that wonderful feeling of fullness. So he keeps going, slurping in S.pringtrap’s legs. They finally start to kick around, the rabbit coming to enough to realize what’s happening. But it’s far too late by then.
The guard tips his head back, letting those kicking legs sink right down his gullet. His tongue comes out to curl slightly over the rabbit’s twitching feet and he’s drag them into his maw. A final gulp sends them down and S.pringtrap sloshes into the guard’s stomach. The man’s gut eats slightly on the ground, sitting in his lap. He lets out a groan and slowly rubs over his gut.
“Oh man…never had rabbit before. This is juuuust what I needed.” A belch escapes him and he pats his gut gently. “Thanks for the snack, dude. I really owe ya one.” The guard grins down at his gut, which is shifting around as S.pringtrap tries to struggle. His deep voice is muffled by the stomach walls and thick groans, but he doesn’t sound very appreciative of his position. Not that the guard noticed. He gets back to…well, doing nothing. He has no idea he just guzzled down the only threat he has to worry about. So the only thing he has to do all night is digest his meal.
Come morning, he’d be waddling out of the building, belching into his fist. His gut is much smaller by then, a sloshing pit gut that hangs slightly past his waist. He gives it a few pats as he squeezes into his car to drive off. By the time the owner gets there, he’ll notice that awesome suit they found is missing. The guard won’t be coming back for his next shift after getting fired. But he won’t care much. It was worth it to have some good rabbit meat.
“Since you’re employee of the month, you can have any one thing in the room that you’d like!” F.reddy exclaims with a smile. He’s standing in a gift shop with one of the night guards, who was looking around with general disinterest. He didn’t seem to find random gift shop crap a very suitable reward for his work.
His eyes settle on F.reddy again and, after a moment, the guard smiles. “I think what I want is you, big guy.” Seeing F.reddy’s surprised expression definitely tickles the guard in just the right way...for some reason, it makes his stomach grumble a bit.
“You said I could have anything I want in the room,” the guard goes on. “And since you’re in the room...that means I get to pick you.”
F.reddy pauses, looking away with a slight frown. “Well...yes, I suppose that’s how that works. What would you like to do with me then?”
The guard steps forward, looking F.reddy over with a lick of his lips. “I could use some lunch.” A surprised look crosses F.reddy’s face, but the guard doesn’t give him time for more than that. He grabs the robotic bear’s hands and opens wide, cramming them into his jaws. The shiny plastic casing tastes a bit better than he’d expected. So he starts gulping, dragging F.reddy’s arms into his gullet. “Wait, I don’t think--” F.reddy tries to speak, but his arms are slurped up, and a hard shove forces his face into the guard’s gullet.
F.reddy tries to wiggle, but he doesn’t try very hard. He’s both worried about hurting the guard and causing damage to the property. He likely could have overpowered the human, even with the slick, tight gullet walls dragging him ever deeper. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Even if it meant saving himself. So the guard ends up throwing his head back and greedily slurping the rest of F.reddy down.
His gut expands rapidly, buttons popping off his shirt as his gut spills out of it. It hits the ground with a thud, followed by a deep belch from the guard. His gut is massive now, stretching tightly over F.reddy’s curled up form. It’s gurgling with intensity while the guard rubs over it. He sighs happily and slurps over his lips. “Ooooh yeah...this is a way better reward...” He might have to keep getting employee of the month, too. He wouldn’t mind trying gator or fox or rabbit...but for now, he’s got bear, and he’s plenty happy with it.
F.reddy’s little half-hearted wiggles feel absolutely amazing and he was both tasty and filling. The guard gets to enjoy a nice hour-long break in the gift shop, letting his stomach work on its reward. When he does finally leave, he’s hauling around a massive, sloshing gut. It’s vaguely shaped like the robotic bear, although it’s clear that even an hour has given F.reddy some time to start melting and softening up. The guard’s gut hangs down to his ankles now and is sounding a lot wetter.
He gets back to work, going about his night, now with a heavy meal sloshing in his gut. F.reddy’s voice pipes up every so often, warning the guard of his ‘poor nutritional value’ and ‘danger of corporate reprimanding’. These concerns are half drowned out by wet gurgling, and half drowned out by wet belching. As the night goes on, the guard’s gut grows smaller and softer. F.reddy eventually stops moving entirely, and his voice no longer breaches past the deep, bubbling noises around him. When the guard’s shift is up, he’s sporting a rather heavy pot gut, still boiling over whatever remains of the main mascot.
The guard licks his lips and pats his gut a few times, belching deeply as he heads outside. Gonna be a bit difficult driving home with a gut like this but it was absolutely worth it. He’s sure someone is going to ask where F.reddy went, but he already knows what to say. “I had to send him out for maintenance. Thing they’re still processing it.”
The guard sighs as he looks up and sees the shape stomping around up there. He’s standing in Month’s golf, having to find the gator in question. And sure enough, he’s up on the catwalks again. And the guard knows M.onty knows he shouldn’t be. “M.onty! Get down here right now!” the guard calls up. “Don’t make me come up there!” The guard can hear the gator stop moving around up above. No response, though. The guard sighs and shakes his head. “You can’t hide by being quiet, either!”
The guard crosses his arms as he hears M.onty grumbling now. This job was supposed to be keeping an eye on the P.izzaplex and the animatronics. Right now, it feels like babysitting. “Fine!” M.onty yells. “I’m comin’ down. So don’t move!”
The guard can hear M.onty clamoring around now. He keeps looking up, trying to see what he’s doing. He spots M.onty’s fave soon, the gator climbing over the railing. The guard’s eyes widen and he tries to yell, but it’s too late. M.onty jumps over the railing and comes plummeting down to the ground. It’s hard to tell if he really planned to flatten the guard under him or just land next to him to scare him. It doesn’t matter, though, since neither end up happening. Instead, M.onty drops into the guard’s open mouth.
The gator gets out a surprised yell, but it’s cut off as his head disappears down the hatch. I’m only a few seconds, he’s dropped into the guard’s stomach fully. The gut hits the ground with a hard slam and the guard ends up belching deeply. Both of them are left in shock for a few seconds over what happened. And then M.onty starts screaming and thrashing around wildly, making the guard’s gut bulge out all over. The guard tries to settle him down by pushing on said bulges or appeasing M.onty.
Neither do much to help. Wet belches keep rumbling out of the guard, making it hard to even tell the gator to be still. His gut continues to work hard, though, and eventually…there’s a wet crunching sound as the guard’s stomach flexes down involuntarily. The guard belches again, a broken pair of sunglasses flying from his jaws. M.onty has stopped moving now, completely slack. The guard is certain he just broke something important. He pats his belly gently and feels it gurgle deeply back. “…shit. I hope I don’t get fired for this.”
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skribbyposts · 1 month
Cw: slight nsfw!
ugh im too tired to format shit correctly. have some zosan foreplay for wip wednesday guys. similar content to this is up on my ao3!
It’s intoxicating, the push and pull of Zoro’s body against his, the way the swordsman can't seem to keep his hands off of him— rough palms squeezing his hips as he licks every sound out of Zoro's mouth. Sanji had demanded Zoro to ‘lose the fucking shirt’, and somewhere in between the next hickey he sucks onto the swordsman’s bare chest, his own button-down had been opened and was now barely hanging off his shoulders.
Zoro taps Sanji’s hip, and the blonde pauses his ministrations to shoot an inquisitive glance up at him.
“Cook, I—shit,” Zoro breathes, kiss-bitten lips struggling to form the words. “Can you…”
“Mhm?” Sanji sits up a little straighter to meet Zoro’s eyes.
“I.” he cards a hand through mint hair. “I wanna feel it.” Zoro looks like he's going to say more, but then closes his mouth into an exaggerated frown when he sees the sly grin creeping onto Sanji’s face. It looks more like a pout than a grimace from where Sanji’s looking, and the tension in the air is broken when the blonde starts snickering.
“Not funny,” Zoro grumbles, punctuated by a pinch to the skin near Sanji’s navel.
Sanji swats Zoro’s hand away. “Fuck you, don’t pinch me.”
“I’ll pinch you if I want to.”
“You want me to suck your dick, or not?”
“…Point taken.”
hope you enjoyed… writing this is so hard i literally cant 💔. thanks for all the support on my prev posts, i hold all of my precious 69 followers near and dear to my heart!
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alieinthemorning · 5 months
Tug [Shinsou Hitoshi]
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Content: Soulmates, Fluff, Sports Festival Arc
Pronouns: None
Header: @/tizuaka
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Today was one of the most important days of your life, the UA Sports Festival. An event where students would show off their skills and be potentially scouted by pros. You put in so much work into your training. Sleepless nights, bruised body and constant cramming. You had made it through the obstacle race, and had a lot of fun doing it, but…
The cavalry battle kicked your ass. Your team was fourth to last, so of course you didn’t make it to the finale. You were a bit bummed about it, but once you saw that alleged quirkless boy that had been the talk of the school enter the arena, your interest peaked.
But then, all of a sudden
You felt a rough tug.
You had been feeling these little tugs ever since you entered UA, and they had only gotten stronger since entering the festival.
“Ugh—” Another strong pull. You eyed the people nearest to you in the stands. No one else seemed to be affected. However, they were looking at the field below curiously. Your eyes slid over, shocked to see that the two combatants were just standing there. Your eyes flicked up to the large screen.
Midoriya Izuku, the alleged quirkless boy and—
Shinsou Hitoshi
Your brows raised as you looked back toward them. Midoriya stood stiff as if he were petrified. Shinsou however…
“Shinso failed the practical part of the exam, so he lost a spot in the hero course,” You raised a brow as Aizawa spoke, “He got into general studies though, and that’s all he could have hoped for. His quirk is extra powerful, but…given the format of the practical exam. His ability didn’t help him out.” The crowd gasped in awe while you sat in silence. You were fixated on the two, watching in awe as Midoriya silently walked toward the edge of the boundary.
“Ah—” Another tug, this time powerful enough to have you jerk forward in your seat.
Unfortunately, the tug came at the most inopportune time because once you had collected yourself, Midorya was staring back at Shinsou and—
Shinsou had shifted back a bit.
“Shit…!” You hissed, gripping the railing tightly as you forced yourself from tipping over the edge. When others around you questioned you, you simply told them that you were really interested in the fight.
If only they knew.
After a few seconds of holding his bruised hand, Midoriya ran for Shinsou. He shoved him toward the edge, but Shinsou punched him in retaliation, not ready to give in just yet. Despite this, Midoriya continued to push him. Shinsou tried to grab him by his neck, but Midoriya counted by grabbing his arm and slamming him to the ground. Shinsou struggled to overpower him, and he did, but—
"Fuck—!” You felt another strong tug, and the next thing you knew, you were flying over the railing.
You knew it was over even before Present Mic announced it.
You did this. This was your fault.
You kept your eyes on the ground as you dusted yourself off, listening in on the students of class 1-C, who were only a few seats over, crowded the railing to speak to Shinsou.
“You were awesome out there, Shinsou!”
“You’re the shining star of us general studies guys!”
“You had us on the edge of our seats!”
“You did just as well as the guy who got third in the obstacle course!”
The corner of your lips tugged upward before you could stop them. You chanced a glance at Shinsou, only to find that his gaze was already on you. He was silent for a moment before addressing Midoriya.
“They’ll consider transfers to the Hero Course depending on the results here. Remember that.” Your eyes widened at his statement, “Maybe I failed this time, but I’m not giving up. I’ll show them I’ve got what it takes to make the Hero Course, and I’ll become a greater hero than all of you.”
Summoning whatever courage (and dignity) you had, you followed the soft tugs to him.
You fiddled with your fingers as his eyes widened. “Uh…hi—I’m your—”
“The one who had a hand in me losing the match.”
You winced, “I’m sorry, I—”
He cut you off again, “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure we—”
This time he was cut off by Midnight, who had cracked her whip at the two of you. “Clear the field!”
Shinsou rolled his eyes, grabbing your hand. “Come on. Looks like we’ve got some getting to know to do…” He paused then glanced back at you
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Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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cometrose · 4 months
yap about uhh zhongli and azhdaha (please)
I believe I already talked about zhongli and azhdaha but everytime i reread the last lines of their dialogue together I feel so ill, its just like getting sucker punched
first there are theories that azhdaha could be the geo dragon sovereign and I mean its certainly possible. First he is described as the "Lord of the Vishaps" and he lashes at Morax for being an usurper which is the first time this word has been brought up within the main story itself. Plus Morax also struggled to seal him away during the fight showing immense strength so maybe?? I am leaning towards this theory but I have no idea really.
It would make zhongli and azhdaha's relationship 10x more interesting but a billion times more complex.
But that aside reading through the zhongli's second story quest, I think its interesting how Jiu (evil azhdaha) refers to zhongli as a traitor/betrayer this could refer to the fact that morax sided with humanity to stop him or it could refer the heavens and the authority of the archons.
anyway im still crying because morax sharing his power with azhdaha to stop his erosion is so sad but he can't stop it so he has to watch his consciousness and reason turn to nothing. I can't imagine its not only finding a new enemy but losing a friend.
Azhdaha also holding Morax is very high esteem is also super interesting. Apparently in the chinese text it signals that morax had azhdaha's respect or support in the sense that if azhdaha was the geo dragon sovereign he willingly allowed morax to use his power.
I could talk forever but as you go through act II azhdaha recites a poem "a star appears within the wild...a sun ascends as bright as...jade" LISTEN my number 1 theory for what zhongli's true form is, is that he is a star, just a fallen star for the heavens, so not only is this line super important but it also reflects how much meaning morax had to azhdaha. A blind dragon yearning to see the sun, morax embodied that sun is almost every way.
azhdaha uses kun jun to track down morax but also senses morax is no longer than geo archon, i wonder how he found him then- just the scent of the divinity?
"even without a god above, this remains a nation of men. I was once their god. I ought to be here to witness their rise and fall." ugh zhongli please dont say such things
"you were always the strongest among us, yet it would seem that even you have been eroded" see now im confused and upset. zhongli says he struggled to seal azhdaha away but azhdaha also refers to zhongli as the strongest amongst them. the truth seems as that both of them were very close in power with zhongli just peaking over him. When it comes to their fight in the chasm, it seems morax fought azdhaha alone and out of the chasm while 3 of his adepti prepared the seal in Nantianmen. (fun fact you can see the stone formations where morax "dragged" azhdaha out of the chasm)
BUT azhdaha also says that morax came to him not as an assassin so he was willingly sealed away. BUT then zhongli is like the "movements of the Earth Dragon can tremble the earth and shake the heavens. with your abilities even at my full strength i struggled to confront you, let alone seal you away." First zhongli refers to him as Earth Dragon as in a title so wink wink nudge nudge are you the sovereign azhdaha? then zhongli kind of emplies he wouldn't have been able to seal azhdaha had he not consented to it, but azhdaha also believes zhongli was still stronger than him. I guess for now we have to accept both truths.
Also im upset please dont say such things, like the fact that zhongli has eroded in his own way makes me sad.
"you may live forever, doomed to a lonely existence...yet even this is temporary" FUCK. Like this is also part of the reason I think zhongli is a star, because eternal life? loneliness? the sun shines brightly all by itself casting a shadow on everyone and burning whoever gets too close. zhongli is bright and beautiful but he ends up losing everyone within his orbit, like this is so awful but like the adepti, the archons, azhdaha, guizhong like everyone close to him is always dying. even though he lives amongst humanity now he is still going to watch all of them die. someone hold me!!! Azhdaha does say he will meet all his companions at the end, but that could be an eternity away from now.
Also after this zhongli is like my lifespan can't compare to yours, the life of an elemental being is longer than anything but wait a second, in xianyun's story line she mentions that adepti are pure elemental beings. so like is he or is he not an elemental being. If he isn't why is he called the prime of the adepti, if he is why does he state that he could not compare to the lifespan of an elemental being. then again morax could be non-elemental being that just ascended to the title of adepti.
But- kun jun states that if he were not an elemental being morax would've killed him a long time ago, so maybe it's less of the lifespan but more to do with a cycle of rebirth. In the sense you cannot truly kill an elemental being as they will simply revive or come back to life thousands of years later. who knows!
"that day in the chasm? did you hesitate?" "a heart of stone is a heart nonetheless" I don't even want to talk about it, to this day this is still the most homoerotic line in the entire game. i feel so ill, want to throw up.
I'm kind of curious when zhongli and azhdaha met, because azhdaha is like I was there with Liyue's founder, as in he was there when the harbor was founded 3,700 years ago and was sealed 1,000 years ago. BUT liyue was founded before the end of the archon war, hell it was founded at the climax of the war, so were zhongli and azhdaha already partners when zhongli became the geo archon? If so it could grant more meaning to the idea that azhdaha approved of zhongli as in he accepted morax taking his authority IF he was the geo dragon sovereign.
"you're leaving?" dont talk like that zhongli it makes you sound (and me feel) pitiful
See also zhongli is like “centuries have past since the day azhdaha attacked but the events remain crystal clear in my mind” so like i feel zhongli erodes in a different way than azhdaha i don't think his memories are just degrading away.
BACK to the power thing, zhongli says despite being the victor he cannot claim to be stronger than azhdaha, because in his heart he still retained good will, and although he wished to be sealed away, erosion made him forget this wish. SO azhdaha says morax was stronger but zhongli says azhdaha was stronger.
In this situation, zhongli could be referencing power of will. In the sense that even though zhongli won the physical fight, azhdaha was still "stronger" than him because, despite losing his memories, he still retained goodness in his heart. I will leave the power thing between the two as "ambiguous" just for my peace. But zhongli could also be saying that erosion made azhdaha "weak" in some way and if not for that he could not have bested him in battle.
Erosion talk makes me sad, zhongli describes his erosion as "people abandon and surrender the things the love to pursue the right path". And god it hurts, he loved azhdaha, truly! But to protect liyue zhongli had to turn his back on his companions. there are probably so many people zhongli loved that he couldn't protect or couldn't be with to protect liyue.
Which is why I don't think I can be too harsh on him for stepping down as archon. Not only is erosion more dangerous the stronger the being is, but for a god that has lived so selflessly for all these years I cannot blame him for wanting to cherish the things he personally loves for once. But even then he still loves liyue so much he wants to watch them grow for many years.
So uh yeah azhdaha zhongli hurts me soooo because it was never meant to be, but there are a lot of theories out there that could change the dynamic of their relationship so I am just not sure. But i do like them together I wish azhdaha would come back simply because it would make zhongli happy.
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marrfixated · 3 months
(More thoughts and drafting! Some weird formatting I know but it was all one block in my notes)
Emma is doing just fine. Average. It’s really not so bad.
She’s just been dealing with a lot of change. And with too many things not changing.
Which is… an odd thing to struggle with.
Because she likes hange. Daunting challenges. The unpredictable. Doing new things every day and never being scared of them. And she likes independence.
She had thought so, at least.
After the show, she had been hit in the face with just how… isolated she was. She had only had two friends before the first season, but she had left them behind. Her mother wasn’t doing the best, and she didn’t have any nearby family.
She found herself laying in her bed in the middle of the day most of the time, scrolling through her contacts and old conversations.
Or scrolling through her comments on TikTok.
A few weeks ago, she had tried some stunt involving a motorcycle and an inflatable pool. She probably wouldn’t have messed it up if her hands weren’t trembling.
(She had forgot to check the breaks, and wasn’t sure if they were working.)
(They were.)
The blood dripping down her face and the gash in her lip didn’t sting as much as it did watching the video.
She looked ridiculous, and she probably always did. It was better when she had someone else to do it with. Maybe she was losing her touch.
She didn’t post the video.
She turned back to dancing instead, which did feel less embarassing, despite the constant mocking feedback. Sure, the jokes were “funny”, but she didn’t care about any of it. She didn’t feel the rush, she wasn’t planning every day, and she wasn’t known or loved for anything.
Except for what she lost.
And, the show, to an extent.
-Ugh, she misses the show. She shouldn’t, but as stupid as it sounds, she missed doing crazy things and talking to people. Having a chance of winning. Beating everyone. Being cheered on. It wasn’t always great, but at least it was something. She misses doing something.
And she really misses Bowie. She missed Bowie, but she knows better than anyone that she can’t go back to that. They just- have better things to do now. He probably does.
He’s got Raj- which is great! And she’s happy for him! She’s happy for everyone. For Wayne, however he’s doing, for Julia, despite everything.
And Caleb. For having Priya.
Emma is jealous that Bowie gets to have someone.
Emma is jealous that everyone else gets to have someone.
Emma is jealous that, unlike everyone else, winning the show probably wouldn’t have made her any happier.
She isn’t sure what would.
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sunnflowyyr · 2 years
⭐️ heyy! this is my first request on your page! :D i have a silly idea, how do u think it would go w/ the rise brothers playing a game like mario kart (example: how competitive it would be? who would win? anything!!) i love the way u write! you can include a reader, platonic or romantic, doesnt rlly matter, if you want! april and splinter would also be a funny addition, but don’t feel forced to add them. i request this to be written in a headcanon sort of format, but feel free to make it however you want! also this is not tcest obviously. 😭 also not a very serious request, just for fun! 🫶
⭐️ if not it’s okay and feel free to decline/ignore, never write anything you feel uncomfortable writing!! :))
⭐️ tldr: rise bros (and maybe april + splinter?) playing a competitive game like mario kart, feel free to include platonic or romantic reader if u like.
- 🗝
i'm so excited about this request, because it's such a great idea! i'm also very touched you like my writing; even though i've only posted headcanon-formatted inserts so far, it's great to hear my writing style is still good. (especially since i haven't written anything online in a hot minute)
i did include a reader and mentioned some romantic headcanons, but i left plenty of platonic ones (along with reader-excluded hc's) as well for whatever you might prefer! it's a little longer though, hope that's not a problem. also, i mentioned april once but i didn't include in depth hc's for april and splinter because i don't feel confident in writing them yet, i'm really sorry! i'll try to write them another time.
i really hope you enjoy this, anon! <3
Playing Mario Kart with Rise!Turtles
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mario kart is one of the go-to games you guys play when you visit the lair
you both love playing games together and having fun with just the two of you
and he REALLY loves it
but his heart thumps against his plastron when you ask if he wants to play with his family (brothers, splinter, & april)
Raph is a family man; he loves hanging out with them and playing games is an exciting time
so when you want to include them??? so he can spend time with you both ????
the goofiest, most affectionate grin you've ever seen crosses his face and he nods
it's the day he decides he needs you in his life forever
he's much more competitive with his brothers, i'd think? just that sibling rivalry they share, honestly
if you're a competitive player too, he will so throw the heat your way.
but raph is all bark and no bite .. because he sucks at mario kart (95% of the time).
in fact, his brothers convince him to bet his pizza on some races because they know he'll lose
he's always eager for another round though because he's confident he'll win
but he has his hopes crushed every time, poor boy
.. or so people think
because, even if he was the best player in the world, he would purposefully throw his lead down the toilet if it meant seeing everyone happy
if you're struggling to catch up/win he'll sabotage his brothers on PURPOSE so that you can win
loves seeing you cheer triumphantly and do a lil victory dance (it's funny to see his brothers groan in defeat too)
fist bumps and high fives for platonic reader
big bear hugs and little victory kiss for the romantic reader
"ugh, your lovey-dovey stuff is gonna make me SICK" - leo gags with disgust
the one time he did win, everybody remembers because he SMASHED them, "LIKE A BOSS!"
"what's that smell?" - April
"oh, you wanna challenge ME? the KING of Mario Kart? game ON, (name)!"
you're both in the projector room, and he sits on the floor in front of you and you're sitting in the chair
leo is full of confidence, so you can imagine how much more of an ass arrogant he is when he's in a competitive mood
he talks a LOT of trash when he's racing
purposefully aggravates you to rile you up because he loves to tease you
he's actually pretty good at mario kart; evenly matched with you for almost every round you play.
when he's a winner, he wants a prize
"winner gets a kiss from the loser.~"
if you're not dating he'll just say you owe him a pizza
he possesses that same level of cockiness with his brothers too
pushes their buttons way more than yours, though
"if i win, you all have to do what i say for a week."
makes life hell for his family when they all game together
leo rubs his victories in their pride like salt in an open wound
donnie definitely hits him sometimes for that
but that's okay, everybody plots their revenge against leo when they win and he doesn't
"huh? why are you picking me to do it?"
everybody stares at him hard in silence
"... fair enough; but believe me when i say you'll regret this one day!"
then, the vicious cycle repeats
likes to play teams too just so he can beat his brothers with you on his side
flirts the entire time and makes everybody choke on his corny one-liners
"(name), aren't we the perfect pair? perhaps we should make it official and seal it with a kiss.~"
"gag, 'nardo. stop it."
"i might have to take you up on that, leo-"
i hate to say it, but .. donnie is the mario kart master
everybody dreads playing with him because he IS unbeatable
he knows all of the map shortcuts
if there's cheats for mario kart? he knows them too
is a master even in 200 CC
so he opts out of playing sometimes just because he doesn't have much of a challenge playing with his brothers
UNTIL he plays with you
then he gets riled up about mario kart all over again
he's almost just as cocky as leo is
smirks at you when he's the champion, cause he too wants a prize-
probably not one as intimate as leo's prize even if you're a couple; more than likely makes you test out his new tech or be his lab assistant for a LONG TIME
or he might use it as an excuse to ask you to cuddle with him
OR be his partner-in-crime for prank wars
which get pretty chaotic between the brothers
"wow, look at that. i've won, once again.-"
he'll say it in the most monotone, unbothered voice ever
"you could at least pretend to be excited."
"oh 'nardo, i AM excited .. because i'm getting a slice of your share of pizza for two months."
if you're not as skilled in mario kart, i'm sure he'd teach you some tricks and tell you how to improve (just because he likes you)
but if there's a day you beat him, he'll just play off his defeat with a sarcastic "it's about time." line
but his eyes show just how proud he is of you
with mikey, it's 50/50
he's either winning in another league entirely or doing worse than raph (which everyone deems is really bad)
loves it when you play with him though!
not a big trash-talker when you both play, but he does like to tease you. he can be competitive, but not as much as his brothers
mainly because he's a lil softie and wouldn't wanna hurt your feelings for any reason
though he'll match whatever energy you're giving
so if you're really hyped up, so is he!
if you're both playing with his brothers, he gets more riled up by them
turns his head to look at you with puppy eyes
"not you, sweetie."
wants to impress you by winning, so if he doesn't, he'll definitely pout a little
so you cheer him up by telling him he's your favorite turtle and that you love him
grins like the biggest dork and will pull you into the tightest hug ever
bonus: you make him a "Mikey's #1" poster when he does anything and you bring it to a Mario Kart game sesh to watch him play with the bros
makes him the happiest turtle alive and gets him hyped up to win just for you
"hey, how come mikey gets a cheerleader but not me?"
"yeah, i wonder why." 😐 - donnie's face
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lumosatnight · 3 months
An ask game for writers to procrastinate working on your WIP(s)
Thanks for the tag @orange-peony (x)!
1. 🦈Tell us the name of your/ one of your WIP(s):
DM, The Last I See
2. 🍄Describe your WIP/one of your WIP(s) in the format of “___ + ___ =___”
🦑 + 🪄 = ☠️
3. 🌍What tags or warnings will one of your WIP(s) need if you intend to share it?
dubious consent, major character death, murder, blood, violence
4. 🧭An alternative title to one of your WIP(s)?
What separates the winners from the losers? Well, for one thing, the losers are dead.
5. ⚠️Which WIP your most likely to finish or update next?
I am determined to finish my Squid Game AU wip. I have @romaine2424 and @horriblegoosefest to help keep me in check 🥰
6. 💾What is your document of your WIP/ a WIP called? (not the stories actual title but what you’ve saved it as)
7. 🖍Post Any sentence(s) from your WIP.
“Have you heard?” Wormtail’s voice whispers in his ear. “The games. The way to unforeseen riches, unlimited feasting, unrestrained glory. The way to…” Reincarnation. The word burns silver across the paper.
8. ♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP.
Figuring out which characters to kill off and which to save. It's been a constant see-saw.
9. 🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet?
Neville/Remus cottagecore, Astoria/Daphne revenge fic
10. 🤡How many WIPS are you actively working on?
Ugh, 5 I think? Slowly decreasing in number.
11. 🛠Is there a scene or anything in the WIP you are struggling with right now?
Storyboarding. Making sure it's a cohesive narrative instead of a bunch of random character studies thrown together.
12. ❤️Not a question, just a second Kudos to send.
Tagging (no pressure): @mugsdontlie @scattermeamongthestars @venom0usbarbie @nv-md @apricitydays-lazynights @hoko-onchi-writes @nanneramma @romaine2424
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hazbmymhotel · 2 months
Why does both A03 AND Tumblr eat my italics??? If you want formatting, I guess follow the link for chapter 3!
Otherwise head below the cut!
Chapter 3) Listen, Do You Even Know Shit?
Husker flattened his ears in irritation. Across his chest were bright rainbow letters: Be yourself. Unless you can be a lesbian, then be A LESBIAN.
“It's none of your fucking business, Alastor.”
“Oh-ho! You think after that little stunt, you can talk back to me that way?” Alastor acted as though blood wasn't seeping through the bandages on his neck.
Husk turned his head, flicking his tail. “Excuse me, Alastor,” he said out of habit.
“That's my shirt,” Vaggie snarled.
“I thought it looked cuter on Me,” Angel Dust told her, relaxing with his gun at his side. “But now I think it looks Cutest on Husker.”
Husk scowled at the lot of them. “I'm gonna go fuckin' sleep.”
“I'm sure we got this,” Angel told him, eyes fixed on Alastor. “I got some business to take care of first.”
Husk was already halfway out of the room. “Try not to get anymore blood on the walls.”
“No fighting!!” Charlie said quickly.
“Relax, Toots,” Angel told her, dropping his gun into Charlie's hands. “Do Mommy a favor and take this to my room, huh, Doll?” 
Vaggie sputtered. “She's not your personal–”
“Sure!” Charlie beamed, just happy the weapon was now out of dangerous hands.
Alastor stood, waiting with a bored smile.
He waited, staring at Angel.
“What the Fuck was that about?!” Angel finally shouted.
“Ah, there we are,” Alastor sighed. “Shall we talk in my quarters?”
“What? Now you wanna take me to your bedroom?! You fuckin' asshole, I can't believe you'd suggest this shit right now!”
“Ew.” Alastor looked at him flatly, save for his grin. “I believe I just said ‘talk.’ Get your mind to a more savory location, Angel…” he perked up, “such as My bedroom! Shall we?” The Radio Demon walked anyway, not waiting for a proper answer.
“Ugh!” Angel stalked after him, annoyed. He tried not to think about his lack of socks or slippers…no one was around to even glance at his feet, let alone stare. He looked at his own bedroom door as they passed it, wondering if Husk had tucked himself inside.
“Y'know, I should get dressed,” Angel said, feeling pensive.
“You're not in a rush for answers?” Alastor asked, stepping along.
“I don't wanna sit in my transparent fuckin robe and have you staring my body down while I get those answers.”
Alastor paused.
“Fair enough. Though I expect actual clothing, none of those hot pants.” Alastor shuddered uncomfortably.
“Fine. I'll be there…in an hour. A boy’s gotta look presentable.” Angel took Alastor’s silence as a yes, and turned to hurry into his room.
“Oh fuck, what the fuck am I doin’?” Angel undid his robe and tossed it aside. He didn't see Husk anywhere…which was disappointing.
“What did I even get myself into??” Angel pulled on a long pair of socks, feeling more comfortable with that barrier against the world. He sat back on his bed and groaned loudly, grabbing his face with four hands.
“Are you alright?”
Angel nearly jumped out of his skin. Husker pulled himself out from beneath the bed with a long stretch. He'd abandoned the shirt, but was in another of Angel’s ensembles.
“Fuckin’ hell, Whiskers! You almost scared me to death!” Angel sat up, looking him over. He had to struggle to keep his mind clear.
“Husker, are you just gonna wear all my clothes?”
Husk arched back on all fours, stretching his wings. “The last shirt was Vaggie's.” He stood and climbed onto the bed. “They're just clothes…are they special?” He looked down at himself, concerned he might ruin a piece Angel loved.
“Not until just right now, no.” Angel reached his hand out, adjusting the strap of the tight little top on Husk’s shoulder. “I didn't expect you'd put on girl’s clothes.”
“Clothes are clothes,” Husk shrugged. “Plus…I'm a lot cuter now than I ever was alive.”
“Mmh.” Angel just watched him for a moment.
Husk fluttered his wings slightly. “What?”
“I belong to you,” Angel said. “I belong to You.” He leaned over, cupping under Husk's chin. His heart shaped nose blushed red again, and Angel’s insides squirmed.
“What of it?” Husker asked, turning his head to kiss Angel’s palm. He stared down at the bed for a moment, letting his muzzle rest in Angel’s hand.
“I still don't…understand.”
“What?” Angel asked, pulling away to get dressed. He opted for a frilly dress with too many buckles to be practical.
Husk relaxed into Angel’s bed. “I don't get how you turned the tables on Alastor so fast..or…how you claimed me so easily…or how…” he struggled to find the words.
“How I broke my contract?” Angel provided. Husk nodded slightly, so the spider continued, “it's…complicated, Whiskers. I can't say I even know how to explain it. So much of it, from Alastor to, ah, us,” he smiled to himself. He started applying eye shadow.
“I followed my gut.”
“Fuck you. You didn't do all that on a gut feeling.” Husk sat up again.
“Ain't you gonna lie down already? I did. I swear. Mostly.”
“Mostly?” Husk urged.
Angel sighed and moved to blush his cheeks. It was odd to see the little x’s where three of his eyes used to be. It hurt, but it wasn't anythin’ he couldn't handle. “I…Listen, spiders aren't very common down here. We're all part of one big, fucked up family for the most part.”
Husk moved to the edge of the bed. “You got family down here?”
“Hah. Yea, plenty.” Angel made a sour face as he applied lipstick. “Buncha pricks for the most part. Save for my sister. I ain't seen her nowhere in hell…she's probably too good for it, see?”
Husk watched Angel quietly, admiring as he parted his lips to apply mascara.
Angel went on, figuring Husk was just waiting. “We had…lots to do when I was alive. And then the drugs got me. When I died, the fuckers still wanted more. You know how sinners are, I dunno, reborn? We all got special talents?”
“Well, aside from suckin’ dick, I don't really…know much of mine. But my family all has a lot of skills. I dunno, it's fuckin’ magic oowooo garbage.”
“We're in hell,” Husk mused, “isn't all of this some magic oowooo garbage?”
Angel fluffed his hair. “Guess you're right. But…I ain't got a lotta answers. I'm gonna try and get some.”
“From Alastor?” Husk provided.
“Yea…maybe. Maybe he knows somethin’. Or maybe he'll just try to kill me as soon as I get in his room. But that shit he pulled with Val, callin’ me an overlord, that was out of line.” Angel stood up and slid his feet into one of his favorite heels. “I ain't shit.”
Husk stood and grabbed his lower set of hands. “That's just not true.”
Angel’s heart leapt into his throat.
“It's not.” Husk told him. “You've even said so yourself. So go give him hell, Baby. More hell.”
Angel squeezed his hands. “Thanks, Husker.” He held them for a long minute. “Is this where I get to kiss you again?” He brought out his third set of arms and lifted the cat. “I really want to.”
“You own me now,” Husk said, and they both leaned in.
Angel was the first to turn his head away. “There's no reason that should make me feel this good. I'm a goddamned porn star.”
Husk untangled his hands from Angel’s and moved them around his neck. “Maybe I'm just that good.”
Angel giggled as Husk peppered him in soft kisses, from his neck to the new empty sockets on his face. “Fuck, you're full of yourself,” he said breathlessly.
“You could be, too,” Husk said, quietly. Angel felt himself electrified from head to toe.
“I got stuff t’do,” Angel wheezed.
“Later,” Husk promised.
Angel twirled them both before setting Husk back onto the bed. “Listen, you're gettin’ me all flustered. Let Mommy do his job, huh?” Angel tugged Husk’s arms away, once again missing how it made the cat squirm.
“Yeah. Sure. Right,” Husk said tightly, letting Angel push him into the bed. He was even covered with a blanket.
Angel winked at him and finally turned heel, leaving the bedroom.
“Damn, all worked up,” Angel muttered as he took the stairs to Alastor's bastard tower. He knocked firmly on the door, hearing a cheerful:
“Come in.”
Angel did just that, walking into the space and frowning in confusion. “Alastor, don't you got a bed in here?”
“Whatever gave you the idea that I need to sleep?” Alastor's voice cracked. “In any case, welcome. Tea? My dear Niffty brought it up. I encourage you to have some, that is, unless you intend to strip my ownership of her, too?”
“Yea, no, it's probably fuckin' poison.” Angel closed the door behind him. “And you sound pretty pissy about the whole ordeal.”
Alastor's eye twitched, but he just sipped his tea. “You had questions for me, my dear?”
“Uh. Yes?! I'm pretty sure that was fuckin' clear.” Angel crossed his arms and leaned back against the door.
“Yes, yes, of course,” Alastor chatted as though they were old friends. “Do come sit. Surely I wouldn't be stupid enough to try and attack while I'm recovering. Right? Wouldn't you agree? And I like to pride myself in my intelligent choices.”
Angel glared at him, before giving a shrug. “Fine.” He strode forward in two large steps before sitting.
“I'm sure you startled yourself almost as much as you had me with your actions. I had never taken you to be quite so bold.” The deer said around the edge of his cup. “I dare say, I am impressed.”
“Impressed enough to call me an overlord?” Angel accused.
“Did it not work to intimidate your pimp?”
Angel relaxed, if only slightly. He raised his brows and glanced away. “I guess it did.”
“I believe I owed you a favor for sparing my life.” Alastor refilled his tea. “Are you sure you don't want a cup? It's lavender!” When Angel didn't answer, he continued, “we both know you had me. Even your adoration for Charlie wouldn't stop you from killing me…so what was it? A power play, perhaps?”
“I just.. didn't think it was necessary,” Angel rolled the words in his mouth, working to convince himself.
“Oh? But a deal with Me was necessary? That's so foolish, Angel Dust. Try again.” Alastor narrowed his eyes.
Angel crossed his ankles and grunted. He reached out for a tea cup, allowing Alastor to fill it. “You're a creepy son of a bitch, Alastor…but you're my friend. Ain't ya? In some fuckin' sense?”
Alastor sipped his tea, refusing to answer.
“I guess,” Angel swirled the tea in his cup, “I mean I think…I dunno. I guess I know you're still really strong.”
“Ahh, there we go!” Alastor chirped, “it's advantageous to keep me around!!!”
“Ain't it hurtin’ you to talk right now?” Angel sank into his chair a bit. He took a sip, and was surprised, “oh, this is good!”
“Yes, it's why I'm drinking it,” Alastor agreed. “And my throat is fine. I've certainly been worse off.” Angel couldn't tell if he was lying, but figured it was Alastor's own damned business.
“So…I guess goin’ back to overlordin. Where would I even, uh, lord over?” Angel asked awkwardly. “Or were you just gettin’ Valentino outta here?”
Alastor considered for a moment, glancing into his own tea cup. “I think you have…potential. I hope you know I don't say such a thing lightly. Though, you need to have more understanding. And this, I understand, will take some information gathering.”
“You're not talkin’ about readin’ books I'm guessin’.”
“Correct. I'm aware of the Spiders Nest. It would be foolish of me not to be.”
Angel mulled on it for a moment. “I don't really wanna fuckin’ go there.”
“Then squander your potential, as you always do,” Alastor sighed.
“That's a bit dramatic, don't you think?” Angel said with a huff.
“Well, are you going to find answers in a book?” Alastor challenged. “Or do you have a better idea?”
“I don't even know if I wanna do this shit.” Angel slurped loudly, sure it would irritate the Radio Demon.
Alastor rolled his eyes and leaned into his hand. “Are we not speaking candidly, Angel? Are we not friends as you said?”
Angel groaned. “Fuck off, Al, you just basically called me out for that.”
“Now, now.” The deer soothed, “surely you want to protect what you have. All that you have? You've just gained your freedom, more or less.”
“What do you mean, less??”
“You gave your soul to a washed up overlord yourself. What if our good friend Husker decides he wants power once more? He longs for it, you know.” Alastor set down his cup to gesture as he spoke. “It's what my deal with him was for. He's a pitiful, weak man. I can't imagine he'll be pleased as your little pet cat.”
“That's not how I see it!” Angel sloshed his tea as he slapped it onto the table.
“Oh, did I strike a nerve?” Alastor teased. “Surely you called it a marriage or some other such nonsense, but what do you truly know of Husker? And what if you find yourself weak? Will you allow yourself to be a pet? What happens if he gambles you away,” he wafted his fingers in the air, “like the thousands of other souls he'd handed to me. What then?”
Angel stood up, chair screeching against the floor. “I think we're done here.”
“Oh? Such a pity. You haven't finished your tea.”
“Fuck your tea,” Angel was out the door before finishing his declaration, “and fuck you!”
“Always a pleasure!” Alastor called, pleased as punch.
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wheeboo · 10 months
hi raniaaaaa 💗
hers some soft hcs i have shua that i think u might like (some taken from my baking hc post but i mean.. i wrote it, so i think its okay?)
domestic shua hcs
BAKING w joshua
like it'd be so cute, he'd be so gentle
if u had hard time w mixing things, he'd take over and give u massage after
showers you w kisses after
cuddles while things in the oven 💗
what are ur thoughts, and what are ur hcs for this?
HI AMELIA HOPE U BEEN WELL LOVE <33 ok i absolutely had no idea how to format this so ill just put it in bullet points hehe also im no baker but i tried my best LOL
baking w him is sO DOMESTIC LIKE
imagine you both are huddled around one of your phones or this recipe book
and being so indecisive in choosing which thing to bake
when the two of finally decide on something, you read out the list of ingredients while joshua is grabbing them from the pantry like so fast
he's truly a master at following the recipes to a TEE he doesn't want to miss anything so he's rereading it every 5 seconds
somehow has all these baking tools and accessories just laying around and you didnt even notice???
maybe you were pouring flour in the bowl and accidentally got some on your nose or face and didnt notice
and then when you look back at joshua he just has tHE MOST FOND AND LOVING SMILE TO HIS FACE when he sees the small patch of flour on your face
if its at the corner of your lips he'd caress it off w his finger
or if its on your nose he'd give it a little boop w his finger and wipe it off
oR if hes feeling particularly mischevious he wouldnt say anything, only having a hard time suppressing his chuckles
"what? why are you laughing? is there something on my face?" you ask him
"hmm, no there's nothing on your face, sweetheart" (there is, and you dont notice it until a few mins later when you look at yourself on your phone)
then you put some flour on HIS face as payback HEHEHE
imagine mixing the bowl and he just comes up from behind and just ... backhugs you FML
yes joshua = backhugs and no one can convince me otherwise. he is the king of backhugs
places kisses to the back of your neck and rests his head on your shoulder as he watches you whisk away
if he sees you struggling to mix he'd definitely offer to take over everything. and if you insist he'd just be like "just relax, love. i got this"
totally did not just imagine him randomly flexing his arm muscles as i wrote that
"let me takeover, baby. you're going to hurt your hands"
he would def gently massage your hands right afterwards too :(( n gives lil kisses to your knuckles and saying how he doesn't like seeing you hurt
ugh cuddles while waiting for the oven to ding is the BEST part of this entire thing i swear
like after taking off the mitts and aprons he just grabs your hand and pulls you in the direction of the couch, bringing you into his arms as he falls back on the cushion and showers you with a bunch of kisses to your face and already planning for your next baking/cooking session together
"hmm maybe we should cook/bake THIS next..."
melting in his embrace is just the best feeling honestly :((
there's always a touch of magic after cooking/baking w him that just makes the food even better tbh
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