#and for them how could bianca cuddle them if theyre big right
cheemken · 11 months
Everyone is already tired of Eepy after a month, mf is even starting to piss off Iris because he won’t listen to her
So imagine how defeated everyone felt when Iris came home with a Tyrunt , a Pokémon that likes to bite even more that Gible, and their bites are known to hurt like a bitch
Even Drayden is starting to think letting Iris bring home wild baby Pokémon is a bad idea, if the broken TV is anything to go by
I just imagine the lead up to that was just, Iris sitting them down on the couch and looking at them in the eye seriously
“I’m going into the next room to do some paperwork”
“Tyrunt!” “Ble!”
“Promise me that you’ll behave by yourselves until I’m done”
“RuntRunt” “Gible!”
“Ok, I’ll get this done as fast as I can”
And not even five minutes later does Iris hear a crash. Girly is really contemplating whether she should let Drayden find the mess first or just go clean it up herself
On the bright side, Eepy finally stops biting them 24/7 and instead bites Tyrunt when they play together
No bc in the first ask you sent me I was gonna add like, a small bit of Eepy following Iris during the league meetings and ofc, he's there biting her, and ofc it was expected of Cynthia to say that's normal for Gible bc when her own Garchomp was still a Gible it wouldn't stop biting her too, it still has a habit of biting Cynthia really (Iris hopes and prays everyday that Eepy won't keep that habit when he evolves, please Arceus just this one good thing), but also Diantha saying how it reminds her of her own Tyrantrum when it was still a Tyrunt too, and Iris was just "really? I mean, doesn't your Tyrantrum have Strong Jaw??"
"yes, he broke my bones back then"
And that's how the Champions found out that Dia took a year off from completing the Gym Challenge bc her Tyrunt bit her arm hard enough it broke her bones lmao
And that in mind, when she found her own Tyrunt, well, she's glad at least that it's Eepy he bites, not her, bc she'd rather not want broken bones too lol
But also now it's Eepy and Terry, im gonna call him Terry bc of Dinosaur King I love Terry so much he's so cute, causing trouble in the league, Caitlin's chambers is off limits now like she legit put up a psychic barrier so the two lil shits won't be able to disturb her while she's sleeping hahaha
Imagine Eepy and Terry just following Iris to another league meeting, Hilbert just gives her a look™
"Well, I can't just leave them!"
"yes you can!! Why don't you leave them with Bianca?! They listen to her more!"
"because I'd be a bad parent and partner if I just leave them with Bianca all the time! Plus, she has her own meeting"
"Okay how about this: give them to trainers!! To Dragon trainers! Can you at least do that?!"
"and you think I haven't tried??? These little shits wouldn't leave!"
On the bright side, at least y'know, Eepy and Terry just bite each other and their toys now, not them which made the meeting a bit more bearable lmfaooo
But y'know imagine it got to the point Iris has to beg Bianca to train Eepy and Terry not to bite anyone bc she's the only they listen to, and ofc, Bianca agreed, saying she'd have more time with her lil darlings, Iris still doesn't understand how Bianca's not tired of em, Eepy especially lmfao
The downside of that is that while Bianca did train them to not bite anyone, they would legitimately listen to only Bianca now, like Iris is their actual trainer but they won't even listen to her cjkdjdb hahaha now they follow Bianca around so at least she has more company when doing field work, plus, Eepy and Terry doesn't bite people much anymore so that's an added bonus ig hahah least the league wouldn't have to deal w Terry and Eepy anymore hahaha
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skeletal-kitt · 4 years
The big three kids and their magic items: hear me out
This turned into a story about that one time Hades enchanted Nicos skull ring with similar powers to the helm of darkness. (TOA cannon, takes place a couple weeks after Apollo left camp for the quest, slight mention of Solangelo).
So Percy has a pen that turns into a sword and had a wrist watch that could turn into a sheild at one point.
Thalia has a mace canister that turns into an electric spear and a bracelet that turn into Aegis the sheild.
It would be pretty cool for Nico to have a magic item like that.
I know he already had a Stygian iron sword but I’m talking about something to help him with his powers. Something kind of like Hades’s helm of darkness that Nico could draw power from instead of having to use his own.
I’m thinking about that skull ring with ruby red eyes that he twists around his finger a lot. He seems to always be wearing it. (I think Bianca gave it to him or maybe Hades I can’t remember wich).
Hades enchants the skull ring as a birthday present for Nico. (He’s trying to be a Good Parent’TM). Except he wants it to be a surprise and it’ll take a few days to enchant it so he takes the ring while Nicos sleeping and he has no idea.
Nico wakes up and immediately feels like something’s not quite right. He’s not sure what it is but somethings off. He goes through his morning routine and gets to breakfast. He talks to Will and tells him how he feels.
That’s when Will says “is it because the skull ring you always wear is missing?” He’d been holding Nicos hand and noticed the ring was gone. Nico is shocked because yes that’s exactly why he feels weird but how?! He never takes the ring off he sleeps with it on!!
So Nico goes back to the Hades cabin and looks all over for it. He tears apart the bed thinking maybe it fell off and got lost in the sheets. He looks in every drawer in his room and bathroom. Rifles through the laundry looking in anything that has pockets.
Nico searches every nook and cranny of the Hades cabin for that ring. After a couple days he gives up on looking for it there. Maybe he left it in Apollo cabin, he spends a lot of time there with Will, Kayla, and Austin. He can’t find it anywhere there either.
At this point he’s asking random people he runs into if they’ve seen the skull ring. Campers start making jokes about it, saying Nico treats the ring like a lost pet. Someone puts up wanted posters with a drawing of the ring and quote “ if you found this ring please return to Nico di Angelo “.
Nico doesn’t even care. Let them make all jokes they want, at least it’s something harmless and kinda funny this time, not like all the jokes they used to make about him being creepy, a scary loner, or an oddball outcast.
Anyway Nico ventures into the underworld to look for the ring in his room in Hades’s palace. He runs into his dad in front of the doors and asks him if he’s seen the ring.
Hades literally has the ring in his hand behind his back, he just got back from Hecates place to finish up the enchantment, but Nicos birthday isn’t until tomorrow and he can’t blow the surprise so he makes the split second descision to reply “no I haven’t seen any rings but I’ll keep an eye out for it, hope you find it”
So Nico continues to his room to look for the ring and Hades sits at a drawing desk writing a note to explain the enchantment of the ring and a small apology for not letting Nico know he was going to take the ring for a few days and wishes his son a happy birthday
Nico can’t find the ring in his room wich means he’ll have to search the whole palace. But he spent most of the day traveling through the labyrinth to get to the passage to the underworld so he’s a little tired.
He texts Will (let’s pretend they have phones) that he’ll be spending a few days in the underworld to search the palace for the ring and to tell Chiron he made it there safely. They say goodnight and Nico goes to sleep.
Hades leaves the note and ring on the nightstand for his son to find when he wakes up.
Nico finds the note written in Ancient Greek and the skull ring and he’s ecstatic to have it back. The note explains the rings powers. It’s basically like Hades’s helm but to a smaller degree.
It can shroud Nico in shadows at his will like he’s practically invisible. The ring has its own power source connected to the underworld so Nico can draw some power from it for shadow-traveling and raising the dead and doesn’t have to use as much of his own power. That’ll come in handy when tired or drained.
It does kinda have a time limit though, if all the rings power is used in a short period of time it has to wait until at least an hour after it gets dark to get its power back. The ring charges it’s power better in darkness by absorbing the shadows.
Hades, Nico, and underworld creatures are the same way, theyre all more powerful in the mortal world at night.
Nico was surprised to read the slight apology from Hades for taking the ring (Hades rarely apologizes for anything, especially not for small misunderstandings like this), and for the happy 15th birthday. Nico had forgotten about his own birthday.
He neatly folded the note and put it in his jacket pocket and put on the ring. It looked as though it had been recently polished. The silver was shinier and the ruby eyes gleamed at him brightly. (Nico later finds out that the ruby eyes glow in the dark now).
He tried looking all over the palace for Hades to say thank you but he had vanished. He was probably busy with running the underworld. Nico sent a text to Will telling him all about the ring and that he’s coming back to camp now.
Later that night at dinner in camp, Nico sacrificed a whole meal of Hades’s favorite foods to him as a thank you.
Nico had his favorite food for dinner. Will, Kayla, and Austin had made him a huge chocolate birthday cake. It was a little lopsided and the icing was uneven. But Nico didn’t care about that. He was happier than he’d been in years for his birthday. Will led a sing-a-long at the campfire and Nico told scary stories afterward.
He slept over in Apollo cabin that night. They stayed up and talked and giggled for hours and built a giant blanket fort and watched Disney movies. Nico felt happier than he’d ever been, surrounded by his best friends, twisting the skull ring on his finger and knowing his father was watching out for him. He dozed off during The Lion King cuddled up with Will and slept peacefully though the night.
(No shut up I totally did not cry writing this, you probably cried reading this you big sap).
Now a little bit about how Nico uses the ring:
When he’s on mini quests he tries not to use it too much because he doesn’t want to be totally dependent on the ring and doesn’t want to use up all its power in one go. He only uses it in emergencies when he’s fighting and getting drained or already used up too much of his own power.
When he’s just chilling at camp and nothing much is happening he casually uses tiny bits of its power to mess with his friends or get out of awkward conversations or for playing hide and seek or sneaking into the Apollo cabin or playing pranks on campers or stealth tactics for capture the flag.
The ring always recharges fully at night, there’s no harm in using tiny bits of it throughout the day. Nico isn’t as tired as he used to be and doesn’t have to take as many naps. And no more passing out right after shadow-traveling.
Well that’s about it. I just wanted to explore the possibilities of Nico having a magic weapon like Percy and Thalia.
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