#and for my non-Muslim moots and followers
lightgriffinsect · 1 year
🌙eid mubarak y'alls🌙
may Allah bless the rest of your year with success and happiness. may you receive everything you wish for, or if He wills it so, something even better. may your family, your friends, your nation be blessed with guidance and mercy and barakat beyond your dreams. may Allah protect you and your loved ones, and guide us all to the straight path, and grant us Jannah in the akhirah. ameen.
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Non-kpop related ask.
This is coming right out of left field, but the way you logically work through your ideas makes me very curious about your answer to this question:
What do you think about abortion? Rather, the abortion debate, specifically in the US.
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It’s a bit sadistic of you to ask me this publicly, in a post- Roe vs. Wade -world.
But I'll bite.
I’ll use the US as the basis for the discussion here because I think their abortion debate is the most sensationalized.
People take it for granted that just because women have been giving birth to babies for thousands of years that childbirth is a very safe procedure. The reality is that it’s not. Unfortunately. Many women today die in childbirth, even if everything went relatively well during pregnancy. In the US, the maternal mortality rates for Black women is 3x higher than it is for white women due to unequal access to quality healthcare and other factors. And none of these factors are changing soon.
And so, it seems like a no brainer to me that since the only person exposed to life-altering and life-threatening outcomes not just in carrying a fetus to term but in the delivery of the baby, is the woman or person carrying said fetus, then that person should be the only person whose opinion determines what happens to them regardless of the fetus. So long as the fetus is dependent on and physically attached to that person’s body, it’s their call. With their doctor’s counsel. That to me seems like the most humane approach, especially for a society that refuses to provide structural support for childcare, food affordability, education, and a means for people who have had children to seamlessly integrate into the workforce again.
You know, all the things that society would do if it valued life and the fulfillment of it.
No offense to the Catholics, Muslims, and Zoroastrians who follow me but if you’re not pro-choice, why aren’t you?
The nature of the abortion debate in the US and many other countries, the way it’s framed in the first place, kinda bothers me tbh.
“Pro-life” is a misnomer. It only actually represents being anti-choice. That is, the moment you’re pregnant, the choice to carry the fetus to term has already been decided for you by the government. A power that only a deity or god is supposed to have, has now been given to the State. As a woman or person carrying a child, your free will is rendered moot and you become nothing but an incubator, carrying a child that the State immediately loses interest in the moment you deliver it. And that’s if you’re one of the lucky ones who actually make it through childbirth. The less lucky ones could end up with life-altering injuries impacting the quality of the rest of their lives, an added burden that could tip the most vulnerable people further into poverty (since the US provides very limited structural support), or they could literally die while giving birth and this is more likely to happen in the US if that person is a Black woman.
It’s grotesque.
And yet, the country cannot bring itself to admit the barbarity of a 12 year old child forced to deliver a child. If the priority is to save lives, why would the government force pregnant people into a situation where not just one life could be ended, but two?
In fact, one of the most disappointing indications that we’re probably in the later stages of societal collapse in the US, is when the abortion debate became the litmus test for 50% of the country’s voting decisions. In my opinion.
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papirouge · 2 years
“Hinduism and Islam encompass "compassion" so much that the first one established discriminatory cast systems…” Christian countries enslaved massive portions of the globe, along with everyone else. Countries that share our religion have committed genocide, they’ve entrenched racial and homophobic violence into their codes of law (sometimes in specifically religiously motivated ways), they’ve abused women and limited their freedoms. Societies the world over have committed moral atrocities, regardless of majority religion. Someone’s morality or goodness as a person (and as a society!) isn’t tied to their religion, and implying otherwise feels pretty… demeaning to others, I guess? Like I hope you never say something like that in front of a friend who isn’t religious, or in front of a coworker who’s Muslim or Hindu. No one is better than another person just because they adhere to a specific religion. The way you speak about other religions (and the non-religious) is giving me supremacist vibes, and it makes me really nervous about my decision to follow you. I hope you’re able to reflect on the way you think about non-Christians in a way that allows you to be more compassionate to them. There’s no need to publish this ask if it made you feel uncomfortable or defensive—I promise that wasn’t my intention, but this particular topic makes me feel very strongly so I apologize if I came off as rude. I hope you’re having a nice day otherwise, and take care of yourself! ☺️
Hun, your entire narrative becomes moot the moment you realize the mess people fr Christian countries wasn't out of obeying the Bible. The same couldn't be said about the Sharia of the discriminatory cast systems that is rooted in Buddhism or Hinduism spirituality.
Please, show me where in the Bible where it is ssid slavery is okay. I'll wait. Even for sodomy, that is acknowledged as a sin in the bible, there's no prescription for Christians to harm or hurt homosexuals (or anyone).
However, the Bible contains a whole book where Paul, the most prominent apostle of the New Testament, pleaded to a friend free a slave. If the Bible was defending slavery & colonization, then slaves owners wouldn't cut out entre passage of the Bible to not give "ideas" to slaves.
That's because the Bible is fundamentally egalitarian.
Countries doing shit isn't necessarily representative of a religion teaching. Nobody's putting on Islam the Emirates bombing Yemen ; but Islam is responsible of how poorly treated women are in Middle east.
You're acting like I was talking about individuals when I'm talking about VALUES. And as far as I know, everyone is entitled to consider some values better than others. I'm personally very into not condoning beating women and not considering Black people are inferior 🙃
The Bible compells husband to love their wife like Christ loved the Church - meaning DYING for her. NEVER to harm or hurt her
Meanwhile, just today I've seen an article from a Muslim website arguing to passage of the Quran saying to beat your wife isn't no biggie because husband have to beat her according to the seriousness of her bad action.... Really??
If you follow me for a while you'd know a loathe White supremacists fake christians, but idk why I should shut down my identity in Christ and my beliefs to appease non Christians.
Sorry but you don't have to be a Christian to realize Muslim countries have a problem with women. And no I won't shut up about it. If this statement is enough to be called a Christian supremacist so be it lol
I am unapologetic in my beliefs and will always be
Don't worry anon, you're not rude anon lol But I'm just genuinely confused as of why stating somd values are more positive than other means vilifying entire populations lol
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girlactionfigure · 5 years
More worries for American Jews
Dr. Guy Bechor is an Israeli political and legal analyst who specializes in the Middle East. He often appears on Israeli television and his articles are found in various newspapers and websites; however, much of it is not translated into English.
This interview (video with subtitles and transcript), in which he focuses on the predicament of American Jews, is an exception. His argument can be summarized as follows:
Most US Jews joined Roosevelt’s minority coalition in the 1930s, which cemented their bond with the Democratic party.
Demographic change – a decline in the relative number of Jews compared to blacks, Hispanics, and now especially Muslims – has made them less influential in the party.
Some members of the other minorities in the coalition – for example, Muslims like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, as well as some blacks that admire Louis Farrakhan, have expressed themselves in antisemitic – not just anti-Zionist – ways. The party, apparently having made its calculation of the relative number of votes involved, did not support the Jews against them. This came as a shock to many liberal Jews.
At the same time, extreme anti-Zionist positions, including support for BDS and even terrorism against Israel have become a requirement for “progressive” credentials. “They hate Israel,” Bechor says.
A few Jews have responded by moving to the Republican party. Some others don’t know what to do and have taken a break from politics. And some have chosen to join the progressive bloc that now dominates the Democratic party.
Those in this third group have adopted the extreme anti-Zionist position of that bloc. They had no choice – it is a requirement to be accepted (Bechor compares this to the pressure for European Jews in the 19th century to convert to Christianity).
They have placed themselves in the forefront of the movement against Trump and his supporters. Many Trump supporters understandably see a “Jewish conspiracy” against the president.
This also feeds the violent antisemitism of the extreme right, who find Jewish names in all of the progressive causes that they despise, and then attack the most obvious manifestations of Judaism, like synagogues and Chabad houses (but see my remark below).
Jews no longer have a safe home in America. Both the Left and the Right despise them.
Bechor continues, saying that American Jews have “brought this on themselves” by embracing progressive causes. I disagree. The anti-Jewish extreme Left and Right will hate Jews regardless of what they do; this is the nature of antisemitism, and it has always been so. However, it is true that when Jews join the extreme Left, they alienate non-antisemitic American conservatives that might otherwise support them.
He goes as far as calling prominent progressive voices like Peter Beinart, Thomas Friedman, The NY Times, J Street, and so on, “our [Israel’s] enemy” who are “more dangerous to Israel than Iran.” They are perhaps not dangerous at the present time, when the American administration is pro-Israel, but when the Democrats regain control of the government – which at some point they will – one can expect anti-Israel policies such as were followed during the Obama Administration, or worse. And they will have the full support of Jewish progressives and media like the NY Times.
Bechor expects that the position of the Jews – caught between the Right, the Left, and the Muslims – in America will worsen quickly, as it has in Europe, and they will have no place to go except Israel. And he expects that the tepid reaction to antisemitic expression on the Left in the public sphere will send a message that it’s acceptable. He compares the Democratic Party to Labour in the UK, which is hemorrhaging Jews and decent people as a result of the antisemitism of Jeremy Corbyn and his followers.
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H/T: End the PreOccupation
Bechor advocates that Israel seek support among the Evangelical Christians in America, who strongly support Israel (although there are efforts underway in the US to end this support).
He notes that Israel’s Law of Return includes the provision that a visa may be denied to a person who
(1) is engaged in an activity directed against the Jewish people; or (2) is likely to endanger public health or the security of the State.
He thinks BDS supporters among progressive Jews fit this definition. I do too, but as you will see, I don’t expect that many of them will want to come to Israel.
Predicting another Holocaust gets people’s attention, but history never repeats itself in precisely the same way. America today isn’t Germany of 1938, and American Jews aren’t European Jews. The most likely scenario, in my opinion, is not a disaster that will cause American Jews to flee to Israel en masse. Yes, antisemitism will continue to increase. Street violence against identifiable Jews, attacks on synagogues and other Jewish institutions, and the prevalence of anti-Jewish stereotypes and discrimination will all become more common. But barring a literally revolutionary change in government, it’s impossible for me to imagine that the institutions of the state will ever encourage or even turn a blind eye to violent manifestations of Jew-hatred. There will be no purges and no Nuremberg laws. It will not become impossible for a Jew to live in America. Things will get worse, but Jews will get used to it. They always have.
At the same time, the current process of cultural extinction of non-Orthodox Jews will continue, thanks to their below-replacement birthrate and an intermarriage rate near 70%. The problem of antisemitism will soon become moot for them, because even those that still identify as Jewish will be barely distinguishable from non-Jews. The members of “If Not Now” will not be beating on the gates of the Jewish state to enter, because they will be just another anti-Israel organization. Nobody will care if their grandparents were Jews.
For Orthodox Jews, today about 10% of American Jews, I expect that there will be increased friction with non-Jewish neighbors, who will continue to harass them as well as oppose the expansion of Jewish neighborhoods. Densely populated Jewish neighborhoods, reminiscent of European ghettos, will come into existence. Some Orthodox Jews may go to Israel, while non-Zionist factions will have no option but to concentrate in rural or urban areas that they will fortify however they can.
The Golden Age of American Jewry, which I somewhat arbitrarily designate as the period from the end of WWII in 1945 to the Pittsburgh Massacre of 2019, is over, although many American Jews haven’t noticed. Jewish history will continue, but its center will be here in Israel. Where it belongs.
Abu Yehuda
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creepingsharia · 5 years
New Jersey: School District Scraps Posters Calling upon “Allah” to “Shower” Students with Blessings After Threat of Lawsuit
Despite the school district taking down the posters, FCDF is continuing to investigate the matter—including submitting a public records request—after alarming new facts have come to light about the extent of Islamic influence in Memorial High School.
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Two days after FCDF sent a “cease and desist letter” to the West New York School District, attorneys for the school district’s Board of Education notified FCDF on Friday that “the poster(s) that may have been deemed legally impermissible in a public educational setting have been removed from Memorial High School.” Early last week, a Memorial High teacher had contacted FCDF, expressing grave concerns that the high school was unlawfully promoting Islam.
Despite the school district taking down the posters, FCDF is continuing to investigate the matter—including submitting a public records request—after alarming new facts have come to light about the extent of Islamic influence in Memorial High School.
At issue is two Muslim high school students going class-to-class during school hours, interrupting lessons, and trying to convert students to Islam under the guise of teaching them about Ramadan. The students are also allegedly responsible for creating massive bulletin boards promoting Islamic religious practices and inviting students to learn more about the benefits of being a Muslim.
According to FCDF’s investigative findings thus far, the two Muslim students’ proselytizing is sponsored by the North Hudson Islamic Educational Center’s “Dawah Committee.” According to its website, the Dawah Committee’s mission is “sharing the guidance of the Glorious Quran and the mercy of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with our neighbors and friends.” The committee is “also committed to empowering Muslims to be advocates of the message of Islam.”
In an article entitled “Sharing Islam (Dawa) in Public Schools,” the Muslim advocacy group Sound Vision states “Dawa [or Dawah] means to share the message and traditions of Islam with fellow non-Muslims.” Sound Vision declares that “spreading the message of Islam” in the public schools is part of the “obligations of Dawa.”
“For years, courageous Americans have been sounding the alarm about the threat of Islamic indoctrination in America’s schools, only to be smeared as Islamophobic, anti-Muslim conspiracy theorists. What is transpiring in this school district is no doubt a conspiracy, but the blatant Islamic proselytizing here requires no theorizing—it is fact.”
Daniel Piedra, FCDF’s Executive Director
As part of its public school outreach, the Dawah Committee provides a School Ramadan Outreach Kit 2019. The kit teaches public schoolchildren that Mohammed is “a prophet and righteous person” and that Allah is the “One God.” Among dozens of “activities” and lessons, the kit also encourages teachers to have their students fast, invite imams to school to extol students about the “spirit of Ramadan,” and “arrange for students to be part of an Iftar gathering at the Islamic Center or a [Muslim] parent’s home.” The kit encourages teachers to email the mosque at [email protected] for more materials.
In its “Sharing Islam (Dawa) in Public Schools” article, Sound Vision has a section with the heading, “School Students: Receptive to New Ideas.” The section states:
Schools students are routinely exposed in their classroom to new information and opinions, hence they tend to be more receptive to new beliefs and ideas. Schools are therefore fertile grounds where the seeds of Islam can be sowed inside the hearts of non-Muslim students. Muslim students should take ample advantage of this opportunity and expose their school mates to the beautiful beliefs of Islam.
“Sharing Islam (Dawa) in Public Schools”
At Memorial High School, as part of their Dawah “obligations,” the two Muslim students posted a link on the Ramadan bulletin board to www.mybestramadan.com, operated by a “community of devout Muslims observing Ramadan.” The website has a post entitled “Ramadan in the Public Schools,” which chronicles the two Muslim students’ Dawah efforts at Memorial High School. The post states:
Jazaakum Allahu khairun – way to go! We congratulate Sr. Nour Hasan and cousin for their outstanding dawah educational awareness in the Public Schools. We pray that other students and parents will follow suit in the near future. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala reward them manifold.
We also thank Memorial H.S. for their kindness and inclusivity of our Muslim students.
The post also features a narrative of one of the Muslim student’s “dawah educational awareness”:
The NHIEC Ramadan in Public School Package [see above, the School Outreach Ramadan Kit 2019] was helpful. I also contacted Project Eid Awareness. Sr. Marjana sent me a banner – a white one you can see in the pictures.
I did the Bulletin boards which I have the presentation slides on.
When I asked the school if I could hang a banner up the school made their own banner that they put in the entrance of school.
I did the presentation in 5 different classes: 3 History, 1 English and 1 French class. One was a freshman class and the rest were 10th grades. I made goody bags that had candy and I asked questions. Afterwards, I gave out the treats to whoever answered the questions. I also made some Arabic sweets for one of my classes. No one else helped in the presentations except for my cousin. She did the one about the traditional food and stuff that we have during Ramadan.
The Muslim students’ actions adhere to Sound Vision’s strategies from its article “Sharing Islam (dawa) in Public Schools.” Specifically:
Personal Contact
It has been proven that one to one contact with non-Muslim students in the classroom is the most effective way to share Islam. Personal contact tend to be more informal and tend to be more invitational of the questions from the non-Muslims. It is advised that brother work on the non-Muslim boys and likewise sister work on girls.
Inviting Questions
Muslims can create opportunities for non-Muslims to ask them question by performing simple conducts like: saying “insha Allah” when talking about a future activity; saying that they are going to prayer during Salaat time, not eating during fasting, brothers wearing kufi, sisters wearing hijab etc, not using swear words during conversation, not lying, using modest clothes etc. And the questions that do crop up from their peers should be dealt with in a very concise and eloquent manner. Doing this would require some basic knowledge on the part of Muslim students.
Sound Vision’s other strategies to convert public school students to Islam include
“Islamic books in School Libraries.”
“Encourage the school libraries to shelf books and magazines on Islam written by Muslim, and provide the librarian a list of recommended books on Islam. If the library is unwilling to purchase it themselves, the students should raise funds amongst themselves and from their parents and come up with the required books.
“Including Islamic Holidays in School calendar.”
“Muslims students should approach the school authorities as a group and had [sic] our Islamic date to be included in the school diaries and be considered during the scheduling of important school events.
“Dawa through School Newspaper.”
“Being a writer will give you ample opportunity in providing Islamically inclined articles which will insha Allah open the hearts and minds of its readers.”
“Setting up Dawa tables with Islamic literature”
“Placing advertisements in the school paper with a toll free telephone number for non-Muslims”
“Scanning Textbook for Misinformation on Islam”
“Starting an Islamic Newsletter”
“Incorporating Islam in Class Projects”
“It is highly recommended that all Muslim students should carry Dawa flyers in their schools bags and purses to pass them on to their friends at school.”
According to Sound Vision’s “Bottom line”:
We should use every opportunity presented or created to sensitize non-Muslim peers and school staff with Islam and establish an environment in which every where a non-Muslim turns he notices Islam portrayed in a positive way and get influenced by it and eventually accept Islam with Allah”s guidance, insha Allah.
“Sharing Islam [Dawa] in Public Schools”
Sound Vision also exhorts: “Remember, It was always Muslim creativity, Iman and the help of Allah that has constantly won victories for the Muslims, and schools and campuses won”t be any exceptions.”
Despite the unfettered dawah underway in Memorial High School, West New York School District has indicated that the matter is “moot” and that it will take no further action to protect students and staff from Islamic indoctrination.
If Sound Vision rings a bell to long-time Creeping Sharia readers, it’s because we posted on them before. They produce a book on jihad called "Commanders of the Muslim Army." These are the types of Muslim organizations infiltrating public schools across the United States and the types of propaganda they push on impressionable young children.
Blow the whistle on your child’s school. Contact FCDF here.
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