#the Khristian Kongelese Klan?🤔
papirouge ¡ 2 years
“Hinduism and Islam encompass "compassion" so much that the first one established discriminatory cast systems…” Christian countries enslaved massive portions of the globe, along with everyone else. Countries that share our religion have committed genocide, they’ve entrenched racial and homophobic violence into their codes of law (sometimes in specifically religiously motivated ways), they’ve abused women and limited their freedoms. Societies the world over have committed moral atrocities, regardless of majority religion. Someone’s morality or goodness as a person (and as a society!) isn’t tied to their religion, and implying otherwise feels pretty… demeaning to others, I guess? Like I hope you never say something like that in front of a friend who isn’t religious, or in front of a coworker who’s Muslim or Hindu. No one is better than another person just because they adhere to a specific religion. The way you speak about other religions (and the non-religious) is giving me supremacist vibes, and it makes me really nervous about my decision to follow you. I hope you’re able to reflect on the way you think about non-Christians in a way that allows you to be more compassionate to them. There’s no need to publish this ask if it made you feel uncomfortable or defensive—I promise that wasn’t my intention, but this particular topic makes me feel very strongly so I apologize if I came off as rude. I hope you’re having a nice day otherwise, and take care of yourself! ☺️
Hun, your entire narrative becomes moot the moment you realize the mess people fr Christian countries wasn't out of obeying the Bible. The same couldn't be said about the Sharia of the discriminatory cast systems that is rooted in Buddhism or Hinduism spirituality.
Please, show me where in the Bible where it is ssid slavery is okay. I'll wait. Even for sodomy, that is acknowledged as a sin in the bible, there's no prescription for Christians to harm or hurt homosexuals (or anyone).
However, the Bible contains a whole book where Paul, the most prominent apostle of the New Testament, pleaded to a friend free a slave. If the Bible was defending slavery & colonization, then slaves owners wouldn't cut out entre passage of the Bible to not give "ideas" to slaves.
That's because the Bible is fundamentally egalitarian.
Countries doing shit isn't necessarily representative of a religion teaching. Nobody's putting on Islam the Emirates bombing Yemen ; but Islam is responsible of how poorly treated women are in Middle east.
You're acting like I was talking about individuals when I'm talking about VALUES. And as far as I know, everyone is entitled to consider some values better than others. I'm personally very into not condoning beating women and not considering Black people are inferior 🙃
The Bible compells husband to love their wife like Christ loved the Church - meaning DYING for her. NEVER to harm or hurt her
Meanwhile, just today I've seen an article from a Muslim website arguing to passage of the Quran saying to beat your wife isn't no biggie because husband have to beat her according to the seriousness of her bad action.... Really??
If you follow me for a while you'd know a loathe White supremacists fake christians, but idk why I should shut down my identity in Christ and my beliefs to appease non Christians.
Sorry but you don't have to be a Christian to realize Muslim countries have a problem with women. And no I won't shut up about it. If this statement is enough to be called a Christian supremacist so be it lol
I am unapologetic in my beliefs and will always be
Don't worry anon, you're not rude anon lol But I'm just genuinely confused as of why stating somd values are more positive than other means vilifying entire populations lol
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