#and finder of arachnids in the snow
photozoi · 2 years
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“Mom! Mom! Pleez come and see mine spider! It is a snowing spider and walks on the white stuff on the top! If I gets four more legs can I walks on the top of the white as well? Coz I am a Majesty and I should get to do that!”
The Imp was very excited to find the spider in the snow. It is that black speck behind him near the fence. A treasure.
the Imp (Silken Windhound) and His IMPerial Majesty Finder of SnowSpiders
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My MC (Remake)
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Her name is part of a joke with the Snow White in japanese (Shirayukihime), her full name is Ai Yukihime.
She was 20 years old by the start of the exchange program, she already had her birthday beforehand.
She has no living family members, lost her twin sister and father to an accident, her mother died at childbirth. She was taken care by her mother's twin, a businesswoman, she died of an illness not long before Yukihime was sent to devildom.
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She is around 5'4 but will appear taller as she likes wearing platforms.
Yukihime is fairly quiet, having trouble putting her thoughts into words. She uses a lot of actions and facial/body expressions.
She loves idols! Yukihime herself has a pretty good singing voice and is great at dance moves and rythm games. And yes, she is a gamer, though not much of an otaku.
She is fairly independent and hardworking, but although she knows how to use her money, is very diligent at her studies and many responsabilities, she completelly despises having to organize and clean her bedroom and house, even though she is not even that messy.
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Her first impression of demons was exactly: "They are all incopetent"
Instant 'I want to be friends with him' when she met Levi.
Took a while for her to see Mammon as more than a demon who she now kept on a leash.
Wanted to free Belphie at first merelly because she didn't like Lucifer, after talking with Beel, it was both for him AND because she had a bone to pick with Lucifer.
Only stopped disliking him after the body swap incident with Satan, speaking of which, she respects Satan, and still can't find enough guts to fangirl with him about books.
She is incredibly fond of Asmo and Solomon.
Yukihime has real mixed feelings directed at both Simeon and Diavolo, she is still pretty awkward around Luke as she is not exactly that acquainted with children. Respectfull towards Barbatos.
She often still has an adrenaline spike whenever Belphie is in his demon form while she is in the attic.
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She has a lot of moles all around her body.
Her favorite food is pancakes!
If she was an ice cream flavor she would be Apple Pie Ice Cream (again, a joke with Snow White lol)
She loves insects and arachnids, not exactly fond of other creatures such as cats and dogs.
Not much of a fan of tea, coffee or alchohol. But compromises with the first two for the sake of sleep and being functional in the morning.
She does yoga stretches every morning.
She has a diary, it's locked, and she wears the key as a necklace.
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She is prone to biting the skin off her lips.
Yukihime is EXTREMELLY curious to the point it could lead to problems.
She is quite unfazed by injuries on herself, but will lose her mind if on others.
Finders keepers: she has no problem keeping things people have dropped to herself.
Actually was not afraid of death even before the exchange program.
She is a bit of a insomniac
Her worst fear after the exchange program is losing those she loves again.
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Bonus details:
Yukihime's twin sister's name is Shiro! Together they are the full Snow White joke.
Her dad is named Akihiko, her mom Rin (nicknamed Ringo, japanese for apple, the one to blame for the Snow White Joke) and her aunt Hana.
Hana was happily single with no wish for kids, but gladly took Yukihime under her wing for the sake of her sister and friend, though Yukihime was already 14.
Yukihime's love for pancakes comes from the fact that the only most edible food her father could make was pancakes.
She loves idols because for her, singing, dancing and acting feels like a way for her to both express herself and an attempt to have a small break from reality.
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(Old design)
Though she says she doesn't like animals much, it all comes from her fear of losing things precious to her. Her love for insects actually does come from admiration though.
She was actually about to baseball throw her diary off the balcony the moment she was summoned to the Devildom. It was empty, it was a present given to her by her aunt before she died, though she carried it with her all the time, she never wrote on it before.
She stopped celebrating her birthday after her twin's death. When the brothers celebrated it, it was the first time in 6/7 years.
Going to the Devildom gave her determination to finally fully grasp onto love and start fighting for it. She will find her own happiness, no matter what it takes.
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