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"I believe it's considered the midwest, but please don't quote me on that," Ben said, his tone teasing. He couldn't help but nod. "Were you in France and Italy often. I've been to parts of both." He'd enjoyed, both, too. The world was so large. Sometimes, Ben missed being able to explore it. He'd be able to again, one day. This just wasn't that day, tragically.
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Scott mulled over the other's admission and, after a moment, nodded. "I haven't been, either. I've heard good things about Chicago. Does that count as Midwestern?" He pocketed his hands and shrugged. "Either way, I think that's normal when it's a place you haven't been. I think a lot about France and Italy, likely for the same reason."
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"So, you're saying that even spontanaity must be carefully planned?" Ben teased, an eyebrow raised. "Duly noted." He was more concerned about the press of her lips against his own, soft but insistent, lovely. He was content like this, the kissing, only pulled out of it by her question. "I'm not sure," he admitted. "It's hard to know how the mirage will work, what it will take. Things that are inherently magic are gone, but we knew each other before, it's true, and not everything about our relationship revolves around magic or the supernatural. It's possible I could remember the bidding." He brushed his thumb over her cheek. "I can still show you. One day. Whether we go while I'm human or some other time." Because there would be other times. He'd already told her that he planned on being with her for as long as she would have him. He'd give up mortality for her. In truth, it didn't seem like he'd be giving up anything at all.
"Which one?" He asked. "The bear or the hunter? They're both tragedies, I'm afraid." He thought about it, thinking about the nearly absurd image of Bri's roommate hunkered down over a bagel and a cup of blood. "A donut or a croissant would be more acceptable than the bagel. I'd certainly hope you wouldn't dip a bagel into anything, darling. I've heard that simply isn't done. Practically un-American," he joked. He smiled, wide and happy. "I think that sounds like a wonderful idea. I can get changed as well, and we can go from there."
"What? I was feeling spontaneous," She gave him an innocent shrug, before adding under her breath, "And by spontaneous, I mean packing for every possible scenario including sneaking off with my boyfriend to make his wildest dreams come true." A smirk toyed at the corner of her lips as she leaned over the bean bag chair to give him another drawn out kiss. Only for her to grow quiet in his arms as she asked him suddenly, "Do you think you'd forget me if we were to cross over the mirage? It's just," She sat slightly up as elaborated, "I've been thinking it over and we technically met before I died, given that I was in the Coalition and all. Only we weren't close then, so do you think you'd forget me entirely or would the mirage maybe make it so I just left town and came back later to bid on your basket? I only ask because all of the places you've been seem so incredible and I'd love it if you could show me some time? But, I wouldn't want you to lose your memories or forget me to do it. I wouldn't want to stay in either of those hostels either just so we're clear. But I'd love to see Dalat or Singapore or Bangkok or Moscow. I'd love to see the world from your eyes, is all, if we ever get the opportunity to."
"How does that story go?" She asked curiously. Only for a giggle to break from her lips as she watched the judgement pull across his brows. She'd be lying if she said, she didn't love it when he got this way, even if she was a bit protective when it came to her roommate. "Okay, fair, fair. So, if it was a donut or a croissant, would that be better?" She countered. "Well, I can promise you, I have never dipped a bagel in anything. Not even cream cheese. Spread cream cheese on a bagel? Sure. But, not dipped," She promised him. "Good. As long as I'm the exception. Now," She leaned back moving to triple check that their tent door was fully closed and secure, before her hands drifted to the hem of her shirt as began to slip it off over her head. "What do you say I get changed and we put that bed of ours to use, hm?"
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"It most certainly is challenging," Ben murmured. He considered the question, as melancholy as it was. "Somewhere in the middle would be nice, wouldn't it? Then again, if everywhere is dangerous, then it's only the places that you're with the ones you care about that truly matter. In here, out there." He nodded. "Hang onto, firmly grasp, clutch tightly." He managed a laugh. "I can't drink too much red wine. Always seems to get me down in the dumps."
Raising an eyebrow, Ben couldn't help but be intrigued. "There's an implication that it's some sort of flying coaster. How fascinating. It might be worth it, to bring Dollywood to us." He was a thrill seeker. It didn't seem like it, but, really, how could he not be? A human in a town of supernaturals. When he was younger, Ben had wanted to climb mountains before returning to the comfort of his books. Was living in Lunar Cove not even more dangerous? "I certainly wouldn't be surprised by Ms. Parton's awareness of the supernatural. And no kidding. I wonder what she was like. The Brady Bunch was a classic."
Scholar, Dreamer, and Stranger. "I'm excited to see it when you're ready to share. It sounds like an exploration. An adventure." Ben laughed again. "I couldn't agree more, Rohan. I couldn't agree more."
Rohan smiled, offering a short, almost wistful nod. "I guess that's true. It's very...challenging. I'm sure you know." He dropped his voice a bit. "Living here is dangerous. Out there is dangerous. Where does anybody go to be together? Not to bring a raincloud over my own day or anything. I guess we have to hang onto the joy and the love, huh?" Some part of him had still not shaken the awareness that Jonah's continued presence in Lunar Cove represented a profound sacrifice of everything beyond it. In his own perfect world, his husband's mothers would live here with them, but with the chaos of the last few years, that dream only grew more fantastic. Stiffening up, he managed a smile. "I've had too much champagne. It makes me mopey."
He smiled again, brightening a bit despite himself. "I hear there's something called a wing coaster. The first of its kind in the entire country. That must be something. I'm not really a thrill rider myself, but hey, maybe I can learn to be," he laughed. "And hey, for all we know, Dolly might be perfectly aware of us. She's certainly magical enough, I guess. Florence Henderson passed through the Playhouse back in the 1960s. We had a photograph, but it was lost in the destruction. We might live as a forgotten memory for a lot of folks."
Rohan nodded, crossing his hands on the table. "Good. Good. I've written something new, but it's not ready to stage just yet. The characters' names are Scholar, Dreamer, and Stranger, so that tells you everything you need to know about it. God save us all." He wrinkled up his nose, shaking his head. "I think we've done enough defending the barricade in real life, don't you, Ben?"
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In truth, Ben thought about everything a little too much. Still, he considered the question, thinking too much about thinking too little. "The midwestern United States. Perhaps it's because I've never been there, but it's rarely on my radar unless I'm reading about it, I'm afraid.
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who: open | @lunarcovestarters where: wherever makes it interesting when: saturday evening
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"What do you think about just a little? No limitations on if it's just for a minute, though."
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"You brought a leather skirt on a camping trip? That's not very practical," he said, a smirk of his own growing on his face as she played with the collar of his shirt. "We don't have to rough it, darling. I'm perfectly content here, with you." Nights under the stars were nice, but he'd prefer her being comfortable. He'd do anything for her, as well. He hoped she knew that. He planned on spending a very, very long time making sure she did. He laughed. "All over. I started by visiting some relatives in Dalat, and we spent some time in Singapore. A mate and I from secondary school were traveling together. We'd each take turns picking places to go. Bangkok, Hong Kong, a very cold two weeks in Moscow. Backpacking in Nepal. A plane to Milan, a train to Rome. The worst hostel in all of Amsterdam. The second worst hostel in Berlin. More little towns in between that I can barely remember the names of." He smiled, thinking about a life of adventure. He'd enjoyed it, before, and yet he hadn't minded setting it all aside for a life in Lunar Cove. "I know some of the stories of the stars. The bear hunted by her son. The hunter chased across the sky." Greek myths were never happy about the stars, unfortunately. Little that was preserved was preserved through joy. Ben raised an eyebrow. "It's not the blood, love, but the fact that she was dipping it. That's not how you eat a bagel," he teased. "I would, in fact, judge you if I watched you dip a bagel into anything, I think. It's just not right." He brushed some of her hair back, hoping to settle some of her insecurities. "But I could forgive your indiscretions against bagels."
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"I mean I wouldn't mind," She nipped at her bottom lip as her she fluttered her lashes up at him. Walking her fingers up his chest she gave the collar of his shirt a small tug as she eyed him tempting. "If you'd like to? I could even change into a leather skirt I might have packed," She gave him a small smirk of her own as she thought back to how he said she'd look great in leather. "I mean I'd prefer not to have to rough it, but I'd do anything for you. So, if you wanted to rough then, I guess I'm going shopping for combat boots. Though wait-" She pulled back the tiniest bit as her eyes lit up at this new piece of information. "You did? Where all did you go?" She sat up, eager to hear more. "So, does that mean you know a thing or two about the stars?" She asked, knowing nothing about the constellations herself outside of the zodiac signs and the fact they seemed pretty, but she would always be happy to hear about them, if they did want to spend sometime star gazing later. "No, she's way too smart for that," She nodded in agreement, only for her nose to scrunch as he called Ronnie strange. "No she's not," She mumbled under her breath. "What if she was hungry? It's not- it's not our fault that food doesn't taste as good unless we're performing dark magic or adding blood to it. I mean would you... would you judge me if I did something like that?" She gulped, not that she would. She hardly drank blood at all, only drinking it in the cup of coffee she'd get in the morning since she couldn't bring herself to actually look at blood on it's own let alone drink it if it wasn't heavily disguised or the one time he had offered, but she also knew the way she was starving herself likely wasn't ideal either.
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Ben just hummed, smiling at the way she sat up and narrowed her eyes. "Hmmm, you want to put the bed to use right now? Right now?" He rolled them over, propping himself up on his elbows as he looked down at her, smirking. "I mean, it Is a nice bed. That's sweet, though, that you'd rough it with me. I went traveling for a year before I started uni. Spent more than my fair share of nights in tents or just out under the stars. It was nice. This is infinitely more comfortable, though." He looked around, taking in their surrounds. It was fancy; if they couldn't go to a musical festival, then it was kind of nice to at east have the feel of it. He laughed. "The changing tent. Look, I mean, to her credit, Ronnie isn't the one in the changing tent, just her siblings. But she is rather strange, love, and I do often wonder what she's thinking." His voice took on a wistful, if disturbed tone, as he said, "I watched her dip a bagel into blood the other day."
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"Wha- no, no, no," She shook her head as perked up in his lap. Narrowing her eyes over at him before she told him without an ounce of hesitation, "You will always be first on any list. Though, while we're on the subject of the bed, what do you say we put it fully to use?" She teased, wiggling her brows playfully over at him. Her arms slipped back around his waist as she curled into his side. "Believe it or not, I would have roughed it for you too. I just might not have been the most happy camper, but I do know a thing or two about pitching a tent, so either way I think we would have been alright. Jonah's big on camping and we used to go every summer. But, this is definitely the best camping set up, I've ever had," She admitted as she followed his gaze around their new home for the next two days. "It's like we're VIP guests at Coachella or something," Her face lit up at the thought. Not that she had ever actually been to Coachella, but this tent did seem like it would belong there from the pictures she had seen. "Oh my god the changing tent," She shook her head still in disbelief that they had chosen that intentionally. Earlier, she had tried her best to contain a giggle, but now that it was only Ben and her, she laughed freely at the thought. "Listen, I love Ronnie, I do, but what were her sisters thinking?"
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"They'll remember the non-magical elements," Ben said. "So they should remember the wedding, the joy, the love. My parents always think this is such a lovely town to visit." They enjoyed their time there, and they never remembered any of the strange instances of people drinking blood in front of them or someone running about with wings. Unfortunately, it wasn't so simple for Ben anymore. He couldn't just leave; so much of his life was too ingrained in magic. So his world had greatly shrunk. "I appreciate that. I feel the same." He looked around the room at so many familiar faces, all of them gathered to celebrate. "It's certainly a family all on its own."
Ben joined in with Rohan's laughter, adding, "I agree. I've never been, myself. It seems fun, though, doesn't it? A Dolly Parton themed amusement part? I wonder what the rides are like. Country music themed? I'll talk to the Council," he joked. "We'll get our people to get in touch with her people, see if we can perhaps get something going." He thought, if they were going to be doing regularly scheduled community builders, then having entertainment certainly couldn't go wrong. "So I've heard. Her work in making sure children and students get books is truly remarkable." It was always nice to see celebrities involved in genuine philanthropic endeavors.
"Dinner and a show it is," Ben said warmly. "How's the Playhouse coming along? Are you about ready to reopen? And a musical sounds lovely. Perhaps not Les Mis, if we're attempting light."
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Rohan managed a soft nod at that. "I understand. I'm really so grateful Jonah's moms were able to join us today, but it's...I'm sure it's complicated. But, well, all of us here are sort of family now too, in a way, hm? I know it's not the same, but...really, our home is your home too." He smiled. "I get it, though. I'm a writer. All we do is talk about stars for centuries and centuries." He sighed, rolling his shoulders.
"Yeah, I guess it is," Rohan laughed. "But, you know, I actually wouldn't mind an illusion trip to Dollywood. I think that'd be a great time. Heck, maybe we should see about getting in touch with Dolly's people and ask if she can stop at Lunar Cove on her next tour. If anyone could bring us all together, it's her." He rolled his eyes at his own silliness. "You'll have to ask them, though. That said, Ms. Parton is sort of the fairy godmother of American literacy herself, isn't she?"
He gave a low hum of affirmation. "Great! We'll set it up. And I absolutely agree. Dinner and a show then. I have so much work to do...still trying to get the Playhouse back to full force, but it's moving." He nodded. "Something light, though. A musical. I'm entering my existential era, and I'll spare us all Godot."
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"Well, see? Consistency in and of itself is a trait to be admired, for sure," Ben said, at ease with the vampire even with Ken's sour attitude. He could find a positive in any situation. If he could find a redeemable quality in some of the worst essays he'd come across, then Ken was a walk in the park. He was decent company, if a bit abrasive. "It's a good look," he commented. Then nodding, he smiled. "Oh, I expected nothing less. I think four split between the two of us should be quite alright. More than enough to please any potentially observing event coordinators." Though, he doubted they were all being watched. There was a such thing as the honor system among adults, usually. "Here, next one's yours."
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It would be entirely too easy to bit back with something sarcastic at that, but Ken found Ben to tolerable even if the man was soft natured and a pacifist, nothing an eye roll and a light scoff couldn't convey the feeling that wasn't spoken. "Had we been strangers," he began to say, but soon shook his head, "No, this would still very much be my attitude if this was our fist meeting." Perhaps even more abrasive since first impressions had never been his strong point. A brow rose at the next observation voiced, gaze drifting to his outfit and then towards Ben's. A much more casual approach than what he usually saw. Ken only shrugged as he repeated, somewhat proudly, "I am sharply dressed for a camping weekend." He saw no need to compromise style for something as silly as this. "It's four overall, by the way. Two down, two to go."
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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"Swords can do a lot," Ben said, an eyebrow raised at the statement. "They're perhaps a bit archaic, but such is the way of the modern world. I suppose you could invest in a bug zapper to deal with the mosquitos, so that a sword doesn't have to." He laughed. "I don't think you need a permit to own a sword, no, though I believe it's illegal to carry about concealed blades. You know, if you're interested in sword fighting, that might be something to look at for self-defense training with the Coalition," he said, a tease in his voice. "Something to think about."
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closed . @readbentweenthelines
"If I had a sword, I don't think I would be worried about anything." There was a dreamy sigh leaving Adam as he kept sketching into his notebook, far too wrapped up in his upcoming dnd session that weekend. "...Okay, I would perhaps be worried about mosquitoes. They're hard to kill with a sword. Unless it's a magic sword. Or unless I'm really good at sword fighting." It seemed as if he was talking to himself, but when he suddenly turned to look right at Ben with a determined face, all doubt was gone. "Y'think I'd need a permit?"
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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Ben smiled widely at Bri's excitement, laughing as he wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned in to the kiss. "I see where I fall in the list of things you love," he teased. "Somewhere after the tent but before the bed, though that one's a little debatable since you mentioned it twice." He gave her a much softer kiss, brushing his finger over her cheek. "Of course. I had no preference, truly, and you wanted this one, so I was happy to go along with it. It's cozy and comfortable. I would have roughed it, but it's certainly nice to have some creature comforts." He looked around, appreciating the tent they'd be calling home for the next few days. "I'm pretty happy no one tried that, too. We definitely lucked out this weekend. Far better than the sleeping bags or the changing tent."
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"You've never made pottery before, have you?" She bite down on her lip to try to muffle a giggle to no avail. "Here," She piped up as she moved to place her hands on the outside of his despite him being the one straddling her at the present. "I may have done this once or twice before. The pottery that is. Not the whole acting out Ghost thing, but if we do want to give up on our pot and put those hands of yours to use in others ways, I wouldn't be complaining," She quirked a brow over at him. A mischievous grin finding its way to her gaze as she tempted him, before turning back to try to salvage their clay pot in anyway she could until he made up his mind as to whether they'd throw in the towel when it came to the task at hand or try to actually make something half way decent before sneaking off to go get even more messy than they already were.
Bri couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes even if she tried, which she had no desire to in the slightest. In fact, she was half tempted to run around gloating and showing off their tent to any passerbys. Camping had never quite been her thing. While she was far better at it than she'd have you believe, having gone camping a number of times with her dad, her aunts and her cousin over the summers, she had always been far more of an indoor person and book nerd. So, she was very thankful for their bed, their many bean bag chairs and that they wouldn't have to be roughing it over the next two days. "I love it," She squealed, tossing her arms around him as she pulled him in for a rather passionate kiss as if to demonstrate just how much so. "And I love you and I love our bed. Did I mention how much I love our bed? Thank you for going along with it, even if I didn't give you much of a choice in the matter. It really is perfect and I can't believe no one tried to steal it from us."
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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It was getting that time again where summer was wrapping up, and Ben was starting to prep for the fall semester. Sometimes, this meant long nights at the office; tonight, he'd been opting to work at the CONS headquarters, working on his syllabi in the relative comfort of his office there as opposed to on campus.
As he packed up and headed out, he was only marginally surprised to see someone laying down on the sideway (there was a period of several months where Bri's roommate had taken to sleeping outside just about wherever she could. But this wasn't a wayward vampire, but rather a familiar face. "Hi, Gabriela," he said, recognizing the young woman from a few CONS activities. "I'm afraid that capitalism is a monster that's out to get us all. Such is the burden of living in a society that prides itself on monetary values as opposed to less tangible ones."
SETTING: near The Gazebo, around 8.30 pm. STATUS: open ( @lunarcovestarters )
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Gabi is the embodiment of impulsivity and bad decisions along with being unable to say no to a challenge that presents itself. She had a closing shift at Joe’s last night then opening shift combined with four hours of sleep, because re-watching Jersey Shore season 1 sounded like a better idea than getting much needed rest. Yet, her exhausted body could be salvaged with the greatest afternoon nap Lunar Cove has ever seen if — well, if she didn’t agree, last minute, to cover for her coworker’s afternoon shift at Happy Scoops.
But that’s all in the past and you can’t change the past or whatever the inspirational quote on the back of her diary says. Gabi has been dragging her aching legs to Shadow Lake, her sweet sweet soft bed calling her name. But she comes as far as The Gazebo in Town Green when she decides walking is just not for her at the moment and she throws her backpack down and lays down next to it, on the sidewalk shielding her eyes with the back of her arm. When her ears register the movement nearby, Gabi dramatically moans. “ Let me wither here. Capitalism is out to get me.”
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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Settling more comfortably behind her, Ben placed his hands on top of hers and grinned at her. "Well, I think we just... go for it." He moved their hands slowly to the mound of clay, the spinning wheel. "This always seemed a bit easier in the movies, I won't lie. Here's where I get a bit lost. I don't know how good I'll be with moulding clay, but I'm good with my hands in other ways." He raised his eyebrows a little bit, grateful to just enjoy the lightness of it all. This week felt like the first time in a long time that he actually enjoyed being a part of the council.
[time skip]
Ben sat their bags down in their new tent, giving it a nod. It was very pink, but still lovely and nice in comparison to, say, a changing tent that he knew one team had ended up with. He wished he could say that was the unfortunate luck of the draw, but, actually, he was pretty sure he remembered them willingly taking that arrangement. No, this was much better. "To your tastes, I hope?" he asked Bri as he turned to look at her.
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"Mm? And how do we do that exactly?" She hummed softly under her breath. Her eyes taking their time to scan him up and down, before her bottom lip caught between her teeth and she fluttered her lashes innocently over at him. She knew he could likely tell from the mischievous glint in her eyes that she was intentionally playing 'dumb' if only so that she could continue to press her back up against his. Her fingers weaving through his as she waited for him to take charge. But, all playful flirting aside, it was nice to have fun for once. Recently, everything had seemed so tense, but for the first time in a while, she felt like they could actually relax and not just in some getaway island she may or may not have spent a small fortune on.
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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Ben simply grinned, hardly bothered by Ken's attitude. He'd truthfully expected nothing less. "I didn't think you needed an explanation, but I've learned to provide one all the same. It keeps students from asking questions later on down the line, I've discovered." He nodded. "Four more it is, then. And I never said you weren't meeting my standards. You started off the exercise quite nicely. Names, after all, are decent observations. It's always important to get introductions out of the way early, even if they're not always necessary." Thinking for a moment, he said, "You're sharply dressed for a camping weekend." It was a casual observation, zero judgement. Honestly, it was how Ben would dress, but he'd decided to dress down for the week, going for a little bit more casual.
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Ken let out a heavy exhale, "Yes, thank you for the explanation, Professor, I'm well aware on the meaning. I just wanted to get this done swiftly." No, why would Ben think on making this easier or quick, the smile was not well taken neither was the apology that held no real weight, "Fine, we'll do it your way. Set the number that'd meet your multiple, several, plural, requirement. I cannot and will not give you any higher than four, nor do I think you can sway me into such a thing." Council leader or otherwise, with patience so thin Ken did not have it in him for such an activity. He tried enough and didn't gain much, why bother anymore. "Would you like to takeover and try something with substance since I'm not meeting your standards."
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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Ben, for his part, allowed Ken to complain at first, the scowl on his face met with Ben's easy impassivity. He nodded as Ken spoke, picking a task that he deemed easy. "Observations, I'm afraid. Meaning multiple, several, plural. A bit of a back and forth, at least, in order for us to truly get anything accomplished, and I truly must apologize, Ken, but I am a council member. I do at least have to try this task to the best of my abilities, which means that you'll have to as well," he said, smiling slightly. "I'm sure it won't be that bad. I'm Ben. I'm not Ken. Not so hard. Perhaps we should try a phrase with more substance?" He felt a bit like he was teaching sentence structure.
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for: @readbentweenthelines type: paired activity
"Which torture method do you prefer?" Ken's question rang out. Already vexed with what the day had in store was not the best mood to be in, but the energy he had maintained up till now had dipped drastically. While he couldn't deny that he did have fun, the effort he had put into participation felt wasted when it came down to the end. And given how everyone had treated Leyla, did nothing but sour his mood further. Realising that a fresh level of hell was in-store for them as everyone seemed to get paired up for more nonsense, Ken did not hide his scowl. But at least, there was one morsel of sanity left to not make him completely walk out, despite knowing this was mandatory, he would've done so were he paired with anyone he truly disliked. Ben was okay. Looking at the options they had available though, a heavy scoff fell through, "These are all hell. But here's one that seems quick. Observations." Reading details he turned to Ben, "You're Ben, you're not Ken," he said, "Now say that back with an I statement so I can be on my way. Task done."
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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Ben raised his glass and took a drink. He hoped for better. For Rohan and Jonah, for his Coalition, for the entire town. He hoped that, one day soon, this place would become what it was always meant to be. A safe haven for all who entered it. It had felt like that, not so long ago. Maybe it could again, one day.
Smiling, Ben shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a nuisance to visit my family. I guess I'm just a bit of a romantic. The stars, the meanings, the poetry of it all. It's all rather intriguing," he said. "That was all on her. And while I'm sure Fae Disney would have been fine, sometimes it's nice to have something real, right?" He nodded at the mention of mouse ears. "Ah, yes. Uh, what's the other one? Universal? Or perhaps that Dolly Parton theme park, I hear it's nice. Do the fae like country music and big hair?"
Ben wasn't expecting the offer, but he was certainly happy with it. "Absolutely, I'd love that. I have a bit more time before I need to start prepping classes, so, please, any time. The four of us going out would be lovely. I adore theater. I try to teach Shakespeare when I can for Brit Lit, but I've also taught Ibsen for some world literature courses. I like to show it being performed; it's the best way to understand it, no?"
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"Well, cheers. To something else. Because different than what it's been is enough to hope for." But he did want so very much want to hope for it. Today, he and Jonah were taking the first steps toward their lives together. And that was a good thing. That was a monumental thing. But Rohan knew the dangers of Lunar Cove too well, understood how deeply they plagued his husband. If he could, he would have whisked Jonah away someplace else entirely. For now, though, with the hands they had all been dealt, he could strive toward finding solace in this town, as daunting as the road ahead loomed.
Rohan smiled. "Are you sure you're not a witch, Ben? Usually they have the market on star talk." It was funny, still, the way he could separate himself from what he still must have been; them, not us. But his tone revealed no qualms as he watched the other soften at Bri's name. "Well, we're grateful. Really. I thought we were going to have to go to Fae illusion Disney or something. Not that I'd honeymoon in Disney. There's certainly nothing wrong with that, mind you, but...I have an aversion to mouse ears actually." He sighed, knitting his brow.
"Good then. We should get together when things settle down. Grab coffee or something. Before you get pulled into the fall semester anyway. Maybe all four of us could get together sometime. Do you like the theatre? I'm more than willing to discuss Ibsen from a literary standpoint, mind you, but well, not for everyone, is it?"
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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Honestly, Ben was just here to have fun and hang out with his girlfriend. He'd watched Ghost; he knew this was a pretty romantic activity, and he'd been having a lot of fun all week. While some of the games could get quite stressful, Ben found the team building exercises fun and enlightening. It was good to get to know people. But this was just for him and Bri, and he smiled as he moved to sit behind her. "Well, I suppose we start by getting our hands dirty, right?"
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"So how do I do this exactly?" She asked as she sank into the seat. Tilting her head back so that she could helplessly meet his gaze. Fluttering her lashes up at him, she looked up at Ben as if to ask if he could help her. In truth, Bri had taken a pottery class or two back in her high school art classes and she had done pretty well at it. But, it had been years, so a lesson from her very handsome professor of a boyfriend wouldn't exactly hurt, would it?
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readbentweenthelines · 2 months
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"I'll drink to that," Ben said happily, grabbing and raising his glass. He wanted to believe that there was some truth in Rohan's words, not just hopeful naivety. At the very least, Ben felt like the peace of this, of these two people, would last. There was something almost literary in the way they looked at each other.
Ben couldn't help but nod. "I think that there are perfect where the stars align, or maybe that the universe decides to be calm and peaceful, and this just so happened to be one of those days." He felt his demeanor soften, a small smile growing on his lips at the mention of Bri. "She's kind of incredible," he mused. The words didn't do her justice. "She was really excited about the island, too. I think she wanted to do something for the two of you that could also be enjoyed for years to come." He gave Rohan a sincere look. "I'd really, really like that." This was a happy day. He didn't want to bring it down by bringing politics into it, but he genuinely wanted Rohan to know how deeply he regreted his actions when it came to Rohan's situation with the Council.
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"Well, it's going to last this time. I'm certain of it." Rohan managed to say this with a smile, and while some part of him knew, in earnest, this was a foolish remark, something that still felt utterly impossible with their unending strings of misfortune, he wanted to believe it, especially today. Today, so many things felt possible, and the first step toward happiness was allowing himself to have it, he knew. Rohan nodded.
"Than you. It really all went better than I could have ever imagined. Not to jinx anything. But it was like the universe was on our side for once, you know?" He laughed. "A lot of it was thanks to Bri. She really did so much." Rohan knit his brow. "She's the reason Jonah and I get to have a honeymoon. Which didn't feel possible," he explained, clearing his throat. "The two of us are going to be moving into a home soon. I'm sure we'll have a housewarming party and all that. I'd love for you to come too. And as of today, you're officially dating my in-law. So I'd like for us to get to know each other a little more and all that."
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