#and finally 3. kill spencer. for obvious reasons hopefully
fly-rye · 1 year
summary of what happened during the minecraft sesh with @wanderingmoonmen tonight:
i ran around in the desert getting assaulted by phantoms while she rambled about the shitty changes made to the birkins' story and personality in the remake of re2
"leon is ugly" "oh my god i was going to say that too! leon is ugly!"
a lot of other stupid resident evil discussion because we're insane
i had a mental breakdown about chickens. because a creeper snuck up to the edge of the chicken enclosure while i was facing away from it and blew up the fence. and then chickens got everywhere. and i had to scramble to put blocks up in the way but THE CHICKENS KEPT STANDING WHERE I WANTED TO PUT BLOCKS. so way too many escaped. and then i murdered all of the adult chickens left in the enclosure while ranting and raving like a lunatic and then ran into the forest to hunt down the ones that escaped. and then i made signs on pretty pink cherry wood about how much i hate the stupid chickens and also the creeper that started the debacle
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Doctor Agent Super Genius (Spencer Reid x Reader)
Summary: You’re in a band and you wrote a song about Spencer. 
Warnings: Language. 
Notes: Not me going from posting nothing for months to posting two fics in one day. Nope, I’d never do that. Also this is kinda a Dumbass!Reader x Spencer, but like not really. That’s how I started it but it didn’t really end like that so whatever. Fluff, as usual. Spencer blushes way more than any normal person.
Word Count: 2.4k
You and Spencer couldn’t be more different.
Well, that’s not entirely true. You’re the same age, live in the same city. You both like reading and sci-fi. You both listen to a lot of music and love your jobs.
Of course, you can’t agree on any of those things. He reads classic novels in their original languages, and you read cheesy romance books. He likes Star Trek, you like Star Wars. He listens to classical music, and you listen to rock. He’s an FBI agent with multiple doctorates, and you’re a part time bartender/part time lead singer of a not-so-famous band who barely graduated high school. By all accounts, you two shouldn’t work. But somehow, despite all your differences, you’ve been dating for nearly a year now. 
Your relationship really couldn’t be stronger; you live together, you’ve met his mother, he’s met your parents- but there was still one line the two of you hadn’t crossed. Meeting his coworkers. You know that he’s told them he’s dating someone, after all, they’re profilers. They could tell he was with someone after your first date. But for some reason, Spencer was still hesitant to introduce them to you. You tried not to let your insecurities cloud your thoughts, but well, how could you not? Was he embarrassed by you? Did he think they’d judge you for your lack of education and career? Would he break up with you if they didn’t approve?
You’d brought up meeting his coworkers on multiple occasions, of course, but he always had a reason to put it off. 
“We’re all so busy, we’d probably get called off to a case before they even get to know you.” 
“They’re just gonna profile you, Y/N, trust me, you don’t want that.”
“It’s a team bonding thing, I don’t want you to feel left out. Next time?”
So, when you found out the entire BAU was getting a week off after almost non-stop cases for the past two months, you knew this was your chance. You didn’t care if they were going to judge you, or profile you, you wanted to get to know the people closest to Spencer. So, when Spencer came home that night, he was met with you, holding a flyer for your band’s next gig.
“What’s this?” He asked, taking off his bag and putting it on the ground next to the door. Normally, you’d scold him for that - “There’s a perfectly good hook right there, Spencer.” - but you let it slide this time. 
“Band’s doing a gig at the bar on Friday. And you have this week off, which means you get to come!” You handed him the flyer, and planted a kiss on his cheek as he answered.
“Of course, you know I never miss your-”
“And so can the rest of the BAU!” You cut him off with a sweet, and convincing smile on your face. 
“Honey…” He started, but you wouldn’t let him talk you out of it this time.
“C’mon Spence! We’ve been together for almost a year now! I want to get to know these people, they’re basically your family! What’s the harm in having them come to the bar?” You paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before your next words, “Do you really think they’ll hate me so much?”
“What?” Spencer was shocked you would even suggest that the BAU wouldn’t like you - how could they not love you? “No! They’ll love you!”
“Then why won’t you let me meet them?”
Now it was Spencer’s turn to share his insecurities. “W- I just...you and I are so different,” He started, before you scoffed.
“Yeah, no shit, Spence. Unless you have secret nipple piercings too.” You said sarcastically, enjoying the redness that covered Spencer’s cheeks at the mention of your piercings. 
“Anyways...you and I are really different, and they’ll point it out. And make fun of me. And..and probably make you realize that you could do better than nerdy old me.” Spencer let out a breath at his confession, feeling a weight leave his chest that he’d been carrying for months. 
“Are you insane? Spence, if anyone can do better it’s you!” Spencer opened his mouth to protest, but you kept talking, “I mean really Spencer, you’re a badass FBI agent! You’re a doctor! You’re a genius! Any girl would kill to have a guy like-” Spencer cut you off with an intense kiss. When he finally pulled away, just for a moment, he spoke quietly.
“So Friday, huh? You really wanna meet them?”
“Yes, you idiot. I really wanna meet them.”
When Friday came rolling around, you were both extremely excited and nervous. On one hand, you were meeting the BAU, who are practically Spencer’s family, and you knew their opinion of you could make or break your relationship. But, you’d written a song this week that you had yet to show Spencer, and you couldn’t wait for him to hear it at the gig. Again, you were nervous for him and the team to hear the song, but part of being a musician is being vulnerable.
You’d been rehearsing the song with your band all week - they were a little mad that you’d wanted to add a brand new song so last minute, but they all agreed it was good enough that it had to be on the setlist - so you hadn’t gotten to spend as much of Spencer’s week off with him as you’d have liked. Hopefully when he heard the song tonight, he’d forgive you for it. 
“Why can’t I go to your sound check again?” He asked you for the fifth time that day, as you were getting ready for your gig. Normally, you’d love to have Spencer at sound check, and he much preferred watching you perform when there wasn’t an obnoxious crowd surrounding him.
“I told you, I have a surprise for you during the show, and if you come to sound check-”
“It’ll be ruined, I know. I was just hoping you’d change your mind.” He pouted, making you almost regret saying no to him. Almost.
“Trust me babe, it’ll be worth it. Go to dinner with the team, and I’ll meet you all at the bar at 8.”
“Are you sure you want to meet them?”
“Yes, genius, I’m sure. 8 o’clock.”
“Okay, 8 o’clock.”
When you walked onto the small stage with the band, you could immediately spot Spencer and the BAU in the crowd. There was a decent turn out, but Spencer stood out like a sore thumb. At least, he always stood out to you. You gave him a smile and wink, before standing in front of the mic to introduce the band. 
The set started like normal, playing the songs Spencer knew by heart (of course, he only needed to hear the songs once to know them by heart, but it still made your heart soar when you saw him singing the lyrics in the crowd). You noticed the other members of the BAU enjoying the songs as well, which settled your nerves greatly. You saw who you could only assume to be Garcia and Morgan dancing provocatively together, the two other women - probably Prentiss and JJ - dancing modestly together, pausing to talk every now and then. You recognized Rossi from the back cover of his books, enjoying the music with a scotch and a slight bobbing of his head to the beat. The last person, from the process of elimination, Hotch, didn’t appear to be enjoying himself at first glance - but you could see a hint of a smile on his face as he lightly swayed to the music. 
When you got to the final song in your set, you were looking right at Spencer as you introduced the song. “So, this next song is gonna be the last of the night -” A roar of upset came from the crowd, causing you to laugh as you wiped the sweat from your forehead. “I know, I know, I’m not happy about it either guys. But, it is a brand new song, and the inspiration for it is right here in the room.” The crowd grew in excitement this time, looking around at each other as if they could figure out who the mystery muse was. Spencer already felt a blush growing on his cheeks as he realized what your surprise was going to be. “This song is called Doctor Agent Super Genius!” You said with a large smile on your face, as the guitarist began playing the beginning chords. 
Spencer’s blush was even more obvious now, especially since all his coworkers had looked away from the stage and towards him. He only shrugged in response, trying to show that he knew nothing about it. Before any of them could question him, you began to sing.
Most girls go for tall, dark, and handsome
But that’s not how I’d describe you
You’re a little scrawny,
Your hair is kinda funny,
And you’ve got enough brains for two
The music began to build, and you were looking right at Spencer as you sang.
You talk my ear off about random facts
That I don’t give a shit about, but, 
I’ll smile and nod
As you go on and on
Cause I want you to take me out
You laughed a little, then began playing your own guitar along with the lead guitarist before the chorus hit.
You see he’s got 
1 2 3!
PHDs, and he knows exactly what I’m thinkin’ just by lookin’ at me
He knows everything about everything
Especially what to do in between the sheets, hey!
As you played your guitar and did your best to interact with the crowd before the next verse hit, Spencer’s blush had hit an all time high. The team, clearly enjoying the suggestive lyrics and the way Spencer had reacted to them, were now all dancing. Well, except Hotch. He was just laughing at Spencer along with the team.
You claim that you don’t have luck with girls
But I don’t see how that’s true
Cause those ladies are insane if they don’t want an agent
Who’s as fucking cute as you
Yeah, you talk my ear off about random facts
That I don’t give a shit about, but
I’ll smile and nod, ask a question or two,
Cause I’m kind of in love with you
Once again, you played guitar as the crowd got ready to sing along, now familiar with the words to the chorus. Spencer wasn’t looking, but Garcia had pulled out her phone to catch his reaction. (She already had plans to play the video at your wedding one day)
You see he’s got 
1 2 3!
PHDs, and he knows exactly what I’m thinkin’ just by lookin’ at me
He knows everything about everything
Especially what to do in between the sheets
Because he’s got
1 2 3!
PHDs, so he shoulda known better than to be with someone like me
He’ll never forget a single moment of it
I just hope he won’t regret it…
Dear God, please don’t regret it!
Doctor Agent Super Genius,
It’s time to be an idiot and,
Fall in love with me
The lead guitarist had one last moment to shine as the song ended, and the crowd went wild before the band exited the stage. 
It had been 15 minutes since your show had ended, and you finally made your way out of the back. After a change of clothes, and a small pep talk from the drummer in your band, you spotted Spencer and the team at a table in the back. As you made your way over, you caught the eye of Penelope Garcia, who immediately stood up and pulled you into an unexpected hug.
“Y/N Y/L/N! I am so excited to finally meet you!” She said, letting you go for only a brief moment before pulling you into a chair between herself and your boyfriend. He only got to give you a brief hello before Penelope began introducing you to everyone. “This is Derek, Emily, JJ, Rossi, and Hotch. Oh! And I’m Penelope, your new best friend.” You laughed at her excitement, taking it all in stride.
“Hi everyone, I’m Y/N. I hope you liked the show!” At the mention of the show, Spencer’s cheeks, which had only just begun to resemble his normal skin tone, turned red again. 
“Oh trust me, Y/L/N, that was the best concert I’ve ever seen.” Derek said, laughing at Spencer’s reaction. 
“You did amazing, as always.” Spencer said, glaring at Derek briefly before planting a light kiss on your cheek. This time, it was your turn to have your cheeks heat up. 
“Please tell me you guys have a CD or something I can buy, I mean honestly, I’d be listening to your music even if it wasn’t for you dating the super genius.” Emily said, causing your face to light up.
“We don’t have any physical CDs yet, but all of our music is on itunes and spotify! We’re hoping to put together an album soon, once we record Doctor Agent Super Genius and a couple other songs we’ve written recently…” And you were off, talking about your music was always something you could do for hours. 
As you got to know the team, and they got to know you, Spencer realized how stupid it had been of him to put this off. Sure, you and Spencer were completely different, but you fit into his life perfectly. He could already tell the team loved you, and knew you’d be a part of all of their lives for years to come.
When you got home after a long night of talking at the bar, you were surprised to immediately be pulled into a kiss by your boyfriend. When he finally pulled away from you, your could only laugh before you spoke.
“What was that for?”
“Doctor Agent Super Genius.” Was his answer, before he pecked your lips one more time.
“Oh yeah? Did you like the song?” You asked, even though you already knew the answer.
“I loved it. Although, you got something wrong.” You laughed lightly, expecting him to correct some grammar or fact from the song. “Falling in love with you wasn’t stupid. It’s the smartest thing I’ve ever done.” You beamed before kissing him this time, pouring all of your love into it as best you could.
“But you were right about me knowing everything. Especially in between the sheets. Care to let me prove it?” He said once you pulled away. 
You happily let him prove his genius all night.
taglist: @dr-reid-ismyspiritanimal @la-vie-en-amour1 @peculiarinsomniac @andreasworlsboring101 @rexorangecouny @rosyskies
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I Loved Him... Once - CH 6
Title: I Loved Him… Once
Author: jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Heid (Aaron Hotchner x Spencer Reid)
Rating: This ones General but eventually as the series goes it will be Explicit
Tags: canon typical violence and gore, eventual smut as the series goes, angst, fluff, pining., its gunna be a slow burn guys.
Summary: A series following the team as they solve crimes and take down the bad guys.     
In Part one of this series, we follow the team as they take down a serial killer that has taken a piece of one of their own. And through it all, Spencer and Hotch come to a few conclusions and realizations of their own.
*** My works are not to be posted on any sites without my permission! But comments and reblogs are love! <3 Please and thanks!!
Chapter six
     Spencer slowly walked into Eric's house. He had been here so many times in the past. Back when they were in university together they spent most of their time here, rather than studying in the overcrowded campus library, or Spencer's way too small single dorm room. But all the times he'd been here, he never once in his life thought he would ever be here as a profiler instead of a friend. 
     Being here again, it was strange, almost like he was in a dream. Like he was floating and couldn't get his feet back on the ground. As he slowly wandered through the small bungalow there were constant reminders of the fact that he and Eric had been as close as they were. Pictures on the walls of the two of them graduating, the entire collectors edition of the Sherlock series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle that he'd bought him for his twenty eighth birthday, the awful matching ugly christmas sweater they had bought for one of the few parties they had been invited too, Spencer still had his and wore it every christmas. Everywhere he looked it seemed Eric had tried to keep him close even when they were far apart. It made him hurt even more that he hadn't seen Eric in over a year, that every time he tried to make plans with Spencer for a visit he had to call it off, most of the time because of work. He always thought there would be more time, now he knew he should have never taken any of it for granted.
     As he continued to wander through, he searched for something, anything, that might help them understand exactly what was going on here, or at the very least lead them to the killer. But there was nothing. The place was as pristine as it always was, Eric was always as much of a neat freak as Spencer was, and not a single thing was out of place. There had been no struggle here, so Eric had been taken and killed somewhere else, and Spencer didn't think they would be finding anything helpful in his house. Which made him all the more frustrated. 
     "Hey, kid, come here!"
     Spencer followed Derek's voice from Eric's bedroom to the pantry in the kitchen. Derek was in the far back corner of the pantry, standing on a small step ladder digging around on the top shelf. "Did you find something?"
     "Yeah," he grunted, passing a few boxes down to Spencer and making more space on the top shelf, then Spencer saw it. 
     "How did you even find that? Who thinks to look for a safe in the pantry?"
     "I wasn't really looking for anything up here," he explained, passing him more boxes of food, "but when I came in just to check it out, I noticed that most of the stuff in here hasn't even been touched. There's dust on most of the boxes of food, except right here the dust had been disturbed. So I looked and found the safe. Now, we can either wait for someone to come and break this open, or we can try to figure out the code on our own. Six digits, kid, what do you got?"
     Spencer thought for a moment, then said, "Try his birthday, November second, seventy-eight."
     "Nothing," Derek shook his head, "got another?"
     "May fourteenth, eighty-four, the day his parents were killed."
     He shook his head again, "Still nothing."
     "Okay," Spencer searched his memory again for another important date in Eric's life, "maybe November tenth, ninety-six, that's the day he was released from foster care."
     "September seventh, ninety-seven, his first day at Caltech."
     "Not that either, kid," Derek sighed and turned away from the safe towards Spencer, "anything else?"
     "Maybe, one second," he quickly dug out his phone, dialing a number and putting it on speaker.
     "Office of the all and powerful Oz, speak your wish and it shall be granted."
     "Garcia, we need your help," he moved closer to Derek on the ladder, lifting the phone more towards him, "we're trying to crack a safe in Eric's house, six digits, can you tell us what his real birth date was."
     "Sure, sure, honey… that would be June twenty-first, seventy-three."
     "... He was eight years older than me…" Spencer whispered to himself as Derek tried the new date and…
     "Not that either. Any other important dates in Mason Maddox's life, baby girl?"
     She typed for a few seconds before answering, "Maybe January eighteenth, ninety-seven? That's the day he made his new identity as Eric Watts."
     "Nope," he sighed then turned to Spencer again, who was now just aimlessly staring at the floor, "maybe we should just wait for someone to come bust it open. Reid? Hey, kid, you still with me?"
     Spencer closed his eyes as his heart sank to his stomach. It was obvious. "Try October twelfth, eighty-one."
     There was a minute of tense silence, no one really wanting to breach this wall, but Derek said anyways, "That's your birthday."
     "Yeah," he breathed, still not looking up from the floor, "try it."
     Derek turned back to the safe, slowly inputting the six digits of Spencer's birthday, and turned the dial one last time. Spencer shut his eyes tight at the click that signaled they had cracked the code, and tried not to let the stinging in his eyes spill over into the sobs he could feel sneaking up on him. 
     "Why your-"
     "He never missed a single one," he said, a little distantly, "called me every year we weren't together."
     Derek just turned his head away again, not sure what he could say to help, and started digging through the safe. 
     "What's inside?"
     "Woah…" Spencer finally looked up at that, a mixture of curious and worried crossing him.
     "Kid, I dunno if-"
     "Just tell me what it is, Morgan!" He was getting a little short, he wanted everyone to stop treating him like he was fragile and just let him work the case. 
     "Alright," Derek sighed, but handed Spencer the file he had just been looking at, "but I don't know if it's a good idea." Spencer looked down at the file in his hands, hesitating. "Reid, it's still closed, so if you don't want to open it you don't have to. You can just hand it back to me."
     He took a deep breath, contemplated what he really wanted to do and weighed all the outcomes in his mind, before looking up at Derek with a slight nod and opened the file. He instantly felt sick, betrayed, angry, he wanted to lash out but he kept flipping through. Inside were pictures upon pictures of brutal murders. Full eight by eleven sized photos of multiple different women being tortured, stabbed, bleeding. Pictures of the dump sites, pictures of these women before they were taken and after they were killed. 
     He could not believe what he was looking at, he didn't know why Eric would have these things locked up in a secret safe. Well, he did, but it was something he didn't want to have to admit, something he didn't want to have to accept. 
     He looked up at Derek once more, not able to say anything, then dropped the phone and file in his hand and ran out of the house. Derek didn't even have a chance to say anything or try to stop him before he was out of the pantry and gone. 
     He sighed, got down from the ladder, and grabbed up the file and phone Reid had dropped. Penelope was still on the line. "What happened?! Is our boy okay? What's in the file?! Oh god, Derek, tell me what's in the file."
     "Our boy's not doing too well, baby girl," he started, gathering the photos and closed the file, "and according to the pictures we found in the file, it looks like Eric was a part of some very brutal murders."
     "Oh… oh my god, poor Reid, oh…"
     "Yeah, and I don't think there's much more we can do aside from just letting him work through it, and being here when he needs us. And breaking this case I'm sure will help too." He reached up inside the safe and pulled out something else. "Speaking of which, there's a laptop in here, baby girl. If I start it up do you think you can connect and unlock it? Start digging through his files?"
     "Yes, absolutely."
     "Alright," he stepped out of the pantry and into the kitchen, "you get that started and I've gotta make another call."
     "I will call you back when I'm in."
     Once she hung up, Derek dialed another number, not sure if he'd get an answer, but the call was answered immediately. "Reid?!"
     "It's Morgan. You guys finished at Tyler Prince's place?"
     "Yeah, he's not here. We're getting officers to go through the apartment now to try and figure out where he could be. How are things at Eric's place? Did you find anything?"
     "Yeah, that's the reason why I'm calling," he hesitated a second, thinking back on what Rossi had said earlier, then said, "I think… I think I need you down here."
     "Why? Is everything alright?"
     Derek turned and looked to where Spencer had run out the back door. Hopefully David was right and this wasn't what he was worried it was.
     "He's not here." Hotch holstered his gun and turned to David who was doing the same. "If he is finished with his revenge list, he could be anywhere by now."
     David nodded his agreement, "Let's get the officers and rip this place apart. Maybe we can find some hint as to where he may have gone."
     They started heading outside to retrieve more officers when Aaron's phone started ringing in his pocket. He dug it out and upon seeing the caller ID answered immediately. "Reid?!" 
     "It's Morgan. You guys finished at Tyler Prince's place?"
     "Yeah, he's not here. We're getting officers to go through the apartment now to try and figure out where he could be. How are things at Eric's place? Did you find anything?"
     "Yeah, that's the reason I'm calling." Then Derek hesitated and Aaron's stomach dropped to the floor. He had been worried the moment Spencer's name flashed on his phone, he had told him to call if he needed anything, and then even more worried when it was Derek's voice he was met with instead of Spencer's. And now, he was sure there was something wrong. "I think… I think I need you down here."
     "Why?" He was sure the panic in his voice was evident to a profiler like Derek, but he couldn't care to mask it right now, "Is everything alright?"
     "It's Reid-"
     "I'm on my way."
     He slammed his phone shut, and without even a single word between them, both Aaron and David ran for the car. 
     With the sirens blasting, the lights on, and Aaron driving with the gas pedal practically floored, they made it to Eric's house in less than ten minutes. Aaron parked and jumped out of the car as fast as he could, taking the porch steps in two bounds, and was skidding to a halt in the kitchen when he saw Derek. 
     He looked up from where he was sitting at the laptop at the kitchen counter and said, "He's out back," and Aaron was gone before he could say much more. 
     David strolled in soon after, joining Derek in the empty bar stool at the counter, and Derek turned to him with a still skeptical look. 
     "It's all good, Morgan, just let Aaron handle this." Derek just turned back to the laptop, still not satisfied with the lack of information he was getting. "What did you find that freaked the kid out so much?'
     He slid the file across the counter to him, not taking his eyes off the screen, "We found a safe hidden in the pantry and broke in. The first thing that kind of freaked him out was that the code for the safe was his birthday. Then I found that and this laptop inside. I told him he didn't have to look, but he did."
     "He wants to see this through," David nodded to himself, knowing he would probably do the same as Spencer in his case, then flipped open the file. He instantly recoiled at the sight of some of the pictures in the file as he filtered through, then sighed and closed it. "I can see why this freaked him out. It looks like Eric, or rather Mason Maddox, was involved in some very dark murders."
     Derek nodded, running a hand down his face and turning to David, "I feel bad for him. He thought he knew this guy, obviously felt a little something for him, and all those years he's been murdering people behind Spencer's back. I can't even imagine being in that position, especially as a profiler. The kid's probably beating himself up over this."
     "You're probably right, though none of that is his fault. From the outside Eric seemed like a completely normal man." He then turned his attention to the laptop in front of Derek. "And what about this?"
     "Nothing yet, but Garcia's working on it. Hopefully she can get it unlocked, there might be something on it to help us find Prince."
     David sighed, looking out the back door where the two agents had disappeared, "I hope you're right, for the kids sake, he at least deserves the closure."
     Aaron ran out the back door as fast as he could looking for Spencer, but he was not in eyesight, so he bounded down the porch steps and into the backyard. Halfway across the lawn he heard the undeniable sounds of retching coming from behind the shed and ran to it. 
     Spencer was there, hunched over the bushes, heaving. Aaron hurried to him, wrapping one arm around his stomach while the other alternated between running fingers through his hair and rubbing his back. He helped him through it waiting until the heaving stopped and his legs gave out, and he let Spencer lean back against him as he softly lowered them to the ground. 
     Aaron leaned them against the shed, holding Spencer against his side while he clung to him and sobbed. But he didn't say anything, didn't ask what they had found that had upset him, he just waited. He let Spencer cry as long as he needed to, with his face buried deep in Aaron's shoulder, and held him tightly until he felt he was ready to talk. 
     "He killed people," he whispered, so quiet Aaron almost didn't catch it, before he lifted his head slightly, "Morgan found a safe and… there were pictures inside."
     "Pictures of what?"
     "Women, so many women," he sucked in a shuddering breath, "he tortured and killed them, and I never knew."
     Aaron pulled Spencer close again, tucking him back into his neck, and running his fingers through his hair again. "You couldn't have known. Some of these people fit so well into society outside of their crimes, we would never know."
     "I could have stopped him."
     "It's not your fault," he turned his face to nose at the top of Spencer's head, "there was nothing you could have done."
     He was quiet for another moment before whispering into his neck, "I feel so betrayed," and his sobs wracked up again.
     "Hey," Aaron soothed, turning to wrap his other arm around him, "I know this is hard, and it's going to be for a while, but know that I am always here for you, and I will never betray you. No matter what, you will always have me."
     He didn't say anything, just dug himself impossibly deeper into Aaron, and they stayed like that until then sun was starting to set and Spencer's sobs had finally died down. 
     Aaron was eventually able to get Spencer off the ground and guide him towards the house. Once inside, he asked Derek to take Spencer out to the cars and wait for them there. And without a word of argument after seeing the state of his friend, he grabbed up the laptop and left with Spencer under his arm. 
     Aaron watched them until they were out the front door then turned to David. "They found proof that Eric was killing people?"
     He handed the file to Aaron who quickly looked through it, then closed it with a sigh. His heart bled for Spencer and ached to hold him again, tell him it was going to be okay, so he decided to hurry this along so he could try and do just that. "And the laptop Morgan took?"
     "He found it in a safe along with that file. He's hoping Garcia can unlock it."
     He nodded, then motioned for David to follow him out, "Let's all head back to the hotel for the night. I'm sure Prentis and JJ will have information to share with us as well, but we'll deal with all that back at the station tomorrow. Call them from the car?"
     "Can do," David said, walking out with him, "and what about the kid? How's he doing?"
     Aaron shook his head, "Not well, but can you blame him?"
     "Not at all. He's actually held it together longer than most people would have," he turned to Aaron then, "you need to stick close to him, he's going to need you more now then before."
     They were at the cars then, Aaron not even giving Derek the chance to argue, led Spencer to the passenger seat of his car then hopped in the drivers side. David guided a quite irate looking Derek to the other car, then both cars left the driveway heading for the hotel. Spencer didn't do much more the whole ride then look out the window, but Aaron held his hand the entire ride back. He needed Spencer to know that no matter what happened with this case, or how much worse it may get, he was not alone.
     They arrived at the hotel and went straight to their rooms. They didn't even bother stopping to see if Emily and JJ had arrived yet, Aaron had already decided whatever they had found could wait for tomorrow. His main concern right now was making sure Spencer was okay. 
     When they reached the hallway where their two rooms were side by side, Derek wasted no time in wrapping a protective arm around Spencer and sharply turning him towards their room. His key card was out before he even reached the door, and without a step of hesitation, the door was open and he was ushering Spencer inside. 
     Aaron stepped towards the door but Derek had placed himself firmly between him and Spencer, holding the door. "I'll make sure he gets some sleep, good night guys."
     And with that firm dismissal, Derek closed the door. Despite the fact that Spencer's eyes never left Aaron's the whole time, and the fact that Aaron so desperately wanted to break the door down and take Spencer back, he couldn't. He didn't want to arouse any suspicion that there might possibly be something there, something between them, especially when they hadn't even had the chance to figure it out on their own yet. Not to mention that he didn't want to put any more stress on Spencer than he already had with this case, so he just resolved himself to turn around and head for his own room. 
     He all but stormed inside and then just stood, stock still, in the middle of the room with one hand over his face. All he wanted to do was get to Spencer, make sure he was okay and that he had the comfort he needed, but he couldn't do that with Derek as protective as he was. So all he could really do right now was sit in his room and stew. 
     David on the other hand, had plans of his own. He marched in after Aaron, going straight to his own bed and grabbing his go bag. He quickly packed his few belongings he had spread throughout the room, and walked past Aaron to the door. 
     "Where are you going?" Aaron asked as he turned back to face him. 
     "You two are killing me," he shook his head with the smallest hint of a grin, "so trust me on this one. You'll both thank me later."
     Without any more explanation than that, he opened the door. And as he was halfway out he stopped, turned back, and said, "Also, I fully and wholeheartedly expect to be the first person invited to this wedding."
     Aaron couldn't help but smile and even blush a little as David left. And if he let himself indulge in the thought of that while he stood there and waited, then that would be his own little secret. 
     Derek was sitting on the edge of his bed, watching with horror as the young genius paced the room with an almost frantic sense. His movements were jolted and his fingers were taping wildly on the sides of his arms as he moved. And Derek, for all that he knew about Spencer, had no idea how to help him right now. 
     A sudden knock on the door had Derek up and moving, cautious as to not touch or disturb whatever trance Spencer was in, and he opened the door to find David. "Hey, Rossi," he looked down, eyeing the go bag in David's hand then back up with a raised brow, "Something happen? We going somewhere?"
     "Not we, just the kid." He walked in past a still very confused Derek and grabbed Spencer's go bag from under his bed, handing it to him. "Up and attem, kid, let's go. The boss is waiting for you."
     He had finally stopped his manic pacing and was now racing through the room to gather his things, not even giving a second thought to Derek as he tried several times to stop him. So instead, Derek turned on David, "What exactly is going on here?!"
     "We're switching rooms," he shrugged as if it were obvious.
     Derek huffed, shoulders tense, "I can see that, Rossi, but why? What's wrong with this one? Why can't he stay with me?"
     "Aaron just wants to keep an eye on him, that's all," he tried to ease Derek's mind, but it didn't work. 
     So as Spencer came out of the bathroom, his now full go bag in hand and heading for the door, he stopped him and said, "Reid, are you sure Hotch isn't giving you a hard time?"
     "I'm fine, Morgan, I promise." And he was out of his grasp and heading for the door.
     "Kid, you're good with this?! You can stay here you know, I can keep an eye on you too without-" But he was gone, the door closing behind him as he practically ran down the hall. Derek just shook his head and turned back to David. "He really doesn't need to babysit him like this. Reid is fine, he'll be okay. I know this is a rough case for him, it would be for anyone in his situation, but he's got all of us to help him through this. Hotch does not need to keep him on a tight leash and make him feel like he's incapable. And I can make sure Reid's okay just as well as Hotch can."
     "I know, Derek, I know you can, but it's not about that. Any of it," he tried to answer as calmly as he could in an attempt to being down Derek's anger, raising both hands to his shoulders, "just let it be, alright, it's not what you think."
     "Let it go, Derek," he smiled and gave Derek's shoulders a squeeze, "it's nothing bad, Hotch is not giving Spencer a hard time, and he does not think Spencer is incapable of doing his job. The kid's fine, just let him be with Aaron right now."
     "Not like I have much say anyways. The kid's already gone," he said, nodding towards the door, "is it me?"
     Dave couldn't help but laugh a bit at that, patting Derek's cheek lightly as he replied, "It most definitely is not you."
     Since Dave had left, Aaron had also picked up a frantic pacing of his room. And when finally a knock came at the door, he rushed over to open it and let Spencer in. 
     He was standing in the doorway, go bag in his arms and looking anxious, worried, maybe even a little scared. All of which had Aaron concerned. He wanted to ease Spencer, not make it worse. 
     "I…" He started, looking down at his shuffling feet as he spoke, "Are you okay with this? Cuz if not I can-"
     "I would prefer it this way, actually."
     "Good," that brought a small smile to Spencer's lips, the first one Aaron had seen since the start of this case, "me too."
     He walked past Aaron and inside the room, taking up the bed that was still made on the left. He quickly grabbed his pjs from his bag along with his toiletries, and excused himself to the bathroom to get ready for bed. Aaron followed suit after Spencer was finished, and when he came out, he hesitated at the edge of his bed for a moment. 
     He stood and stared at Spencer, Spencer staring right back. It was clear they both had something to say, but neither was sure if it would be okay to say it, worried the other would react in a way that might make things worse. So Aaron just turned away and broke the gaze, getting into bed.
     They both said goodnight and Aaron reached between them to turn off the bedside lamp. He turned over, making every effort to try and sleep, but every thought on his mind went to Spencer, every part of his body itched to touch him and hold him like he had earlier. He wanted to run his fingers through his hair and comfort him, make sure Spencer knew that no matter what Aaron was here and he was not going anywhere. And what the hell, maybe David was right, he wouldn't know anything unless he asked.
     "Hey, Reid," he turned back over and sat up, seeing Spencer was already in the same position as him, "I know today's been hard for you, so… so if you-" And before he could even finish his sentence, Spencer was up and out of his bed. 
     Aaron moved back and held the blankets up for Spencer to shuffle under beside him. Spencer had planned on leaving some space between them, not wanting to just barge into Aaron's personal space, and just happy to be in the same bed as him, but Aaron reached over and pulled him against his chest before he could. And Spencer wasn't going to complain or protest. 
     Aaron laid on his back, tucking Spencer tight against him, his head under his chin and Aaron's arms wrapped tightly around him. Spencer sunk into the warmth and comfort of Aaron's body, digging his nose into his neck and breathing in the smell that was only Aaron, that smell that Spencer found the most comforting thing in the world, and he finally felt himself relaxing for the first time since they landed in California. 
     They laid like that for some time, just content being together. Aaron ran his fingers through Spencer's hair, whispering to him over and over again the same thing, until he finally heard Spencer's breathing even out and he knew he was asleep. And once more, before he fell asleep himself, he whispered right against Spencer's ear, "I've got you, and I promise I will never let you go."
A/N: Lots of Hotch and Reid together in this chapter! Let me know what you think <3
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cutiepisenpai · 4 years
Dear Stranger Series Ch. 7: Scavenger Hunt(Spencer Reid x Female OC)
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Warnings: Depictions of violence by unsub, sexually suggestive behavior, fluff
 A/N: This was my favorite chapter to write because this is where this story originally started for me and I hope you all enjoy it. 
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Spencer had been having trouble sleeping the past few days. He had big plans to make but wasn’t sure where to start. So here he was at three am trying to make coffee quietly, not waking Melinda. A ring is the first place he should start because he hasn’t even been to a store to start looking at rings. For that he’ll need to wait for a day off that will hopefully not be interrupted by a case. And even with a day off he needs to find a way to get out of the house without having Melinda question it. Maybe he could have Emily, JJ, or Penelope help him. No, that would never work, none of them can keep a secret. He’ll just have to figure it out himself. He spends the early hours of the morning pondering what to do next. Not noticing the time he has spent formulating his plan until Melinda walks into the kitchen. “How long have you been up?” She asks groggily. “Uh.. just a few hours couldn’t sleep.” He says as he wraps her in a hug. “You know you could wake me up. I'm great late night company and you might have a better chance at going back to sleep.” She responds nuzzling into his chest. “It’s alright if I wake you up then we would both be exhausted at work.” They begin going about their usual morning routine making more coffee and a light breakfast before showering, getting dressed and heading out. 
Arriving at the office they don’t have much down time before they are whisked away on a case. Not even having gone into the briefing, they would be briefed on the plane. There had been multiple male bodies found in some remote woods in Washington. During the discussion on the plane Spencer’s mind drifts off back to the plan he is currently putting together maybe if they can get through the case quickly he would have time when they got back. Or if there is any free time he can try going to a jewelry store in Washington but then someone on the team could notice and … "Reid?...Reid?!" Hotch is calling out to him. "Yea sorry about that." "Is everything alright?" Hotch asks, seeming concerned. "Yeah did you know getting lost in thought or "zoning out" is actually quite common. The regions of the brain that become active during mind wandering belong to two important networks…. Researchers say a wandering mind may be important to setting goals, making discoveries and living a balanced life..." Spencer is rambling on. "Ok Reid, I just wanted to make sure everything was ok." Hotch says. Everyone is given their buddy assignments for when they land. Hotch, JJ, and Melinda are going to the police station, Rossi and Emily to the disposal site, and Reid and Morgan to the morgue. "So what was that all about earlier?" Morgan asks on the drive to the morgue. "What do you mean?" "I mean you totally just checked out on the plane. Are you sure everything is fine?" "I really wish people would stop asking that. I said I was fine." Spencer says in a huff. Morgan figures it's best to just leave him alone for now. When they get to the morgue the five victims that have been found so far all show the same pattern multiple stab wounds pre and post mortem but the cause of death for all was cyanide poisoning.
 The team determined that this unsub was a "black widow" killer that had been killing one victim a year over the course of at least ten years based on the other bodies that were found.They were now trying to find a connection between the victims to find the unsub.  
Four days later they had finally caught the unsub. She was a thrill seeking psychopath luring men in with her looks and then trapping and torturing them for a year before repeating the process. The team was happy to be done, the case dragging on and taking its toll on them all. On the flight home almost everyone is asleep except Spencer. In the minuscule amount of spare time they had with this case he finalized his plans and would set everything up as soon as they arrived home. Finally arriving back at the apartment everyone agreeing the paperwork could wait, Spencer waited for Melinda to fall asleep before getting up and getting everything ready. 
The next morning when Melinda wakes up Spencer isn't in the bed again. She really needs to get him to talk to her about what's bothering him so he can get some rest. She gets up and heads to the kitchen where she had been finding him every morning. But this morning he isn't there. She can smell the coffee which means he was here, on the counter is her favorite mug with a sticky note attached. "Running errands will be back later. I think we should have a date night." - S. He is rather strange at times but it's just added to the list of the reasons she loves him. She pours herself a cup of coffee. Since she has her own errands that need to be done she might as well get it out of the way while Spencer's gone. She needs to pick up last week's dry cleaning, drop off this week's dry cleaning, stop by the pharmacy and go grocery shopping. After showering and gathering up everything she will need she is out the apartment door locked behind her. 
Spencer was thankful to know his girlfriend so well that he could figure out her course of action if he was gone. Once she leaves the apartment he goes back in to set up his surprise.
Arriving back at the apartment in the late afternoon Melinda is surprised Spencer isn't back yet. There is another post-it on the door "You must go on adventures to find out where you truly belong." - Sue Fitzmaurice She had no idea what he was up to but it seemed like it would be fun. Under that post it lay another "Some take me in the morning, others in the evening, but one thing you should know, that when I'm "taken" I don't go anywhere." And now there are riddles, she likes riddles and he knows that, even if this one is simple she'll play along. After putting the groceries away, she goes to the shower since that is where the next clue will be. On the bathroom mirror sits another note "When I put on my clothes it takes off its clothes. What is it?" She laughs walking into the closet, a hanger, but what exactly is she looking for? Behind the closet door that leads to the bedroom is a garment bag hanging. Now that wasn't there earlier and on the floor lies a shoe box. She unzips the bag to reveal a beautiful dress, one she hadn't seen before and she assumes the shoes in the box are a match. This game he has set up is becoming more fun by the minute. She takes a shower, puts up her hair, and applies light makeup before slipping into the dress and sliding the shoes on. At the bottom of the shoe box is the next clue "Some visitors pause here and strangers announce their reason. Things that decorate me can indicate a season."  Heading to the front door thinking he had to at the door. But she is wrong, he isn't there but had to have been recently, sitting at the foot of the door is a vase of sunflowers that were not there when she arrived home. "A necessity to some, a treasure to many, I'm best enjoyed among pleasant company, some like me cold, some prefer mild, some like me bold."  Melinda heads into the kitchen checking around the coffee pot but there are no other notes, maybe a mug she thinks going through the cabinet. Okay so it's not in the house she grabs her purse heading to the coffee shop they frequent down the street. She isn't really sure what she should be looking for and they are never here this time of day so she doesn't recognize any of the workers. Maybe if she orders something they will give her the next clue. "Melinda!" She hears someone shout "Small coffee for Melinda!" She hesitates for a moment before walking over. "Um I'm Melinda but I didn't order this." "Oh I know some really handsome fella came in and paid for it." She says handing the coffee over to her. At this point she is appreciative of the coffee, this was quite some adventure he had her on. The note affixed to the top of the coffee reads, "A pile of words, jackets of hordes, take a quick look in a place of books." That one was by far the most obvious clue. She exits heading to the library. As she walks drinking her coffee she thinks of all the times Spencer and her had taken this walk on a morning off, she enjoyed anytime they had together. Arriving at the library she tosses her empty cup before walking in. Once inside she isn't sure where she should be going. Nothing draws her attention, no one is looking around expectedly so she just begins to walk around following the same route her and Spencer always take. She rounds the corner and that's when she sees it, another note. Maybe she should change her routine and not be so predictable. "A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others. - L Frank Baum (The Wonderful Wizard of Oz) she knew exactly where this was leading her. Heading towards the section and finding the only copy of the book she pulls it off the shelf. "If an adventure is what you want, take a look, open a book" inside the book awaits the final note simply reading "turn around". When she turns around, down on one knee ring in hand is Spencer. "Melinda, I love you more than I thought possible, would you join me on the greatest adventure and marry me?" Failing to hold back tears, in barely a whisper "Yes". 
The next morning waking up for the first time in two weeks with Spencer by her side. She smiles leaning over to place a gentle kiss on his cheek. Her movement makes him stir slightly as he moves closer to cuddle. His face in the crook of her neck he returns the kiss, "Shouldn't you be sleeping." He says in his scratchy morning voice. "You can't really expect me to sleep. I'm so excited I don't know how to contain it." She giggles out. She had been playing with the ring since he placed it on her finger, it felt so surreal. "Well if you're not going to sleep there is something else we could be doing." He says placing more kisses on her neck, moving down to her breast. But just as quick as their activities had begun they halted because the phone was ringing off course. Garcia called them in for a new case. Both groan in frustration sharing a few more kisses before separating to get ready and go into work. Arriving at the office everyone has the same look on their face, the why can't we just have two consecutive days off for once look. Spencer and Melinda were so caught up in the mornings frustrations they forgot about their recent engagement until Rossi came up to congratulate them. "Congratulations on what exactly?" They both ask. Rossi's comment had alerted the team to them immediately. He gestures to the ring on her finger. "Oh yea, thanks." Melinda beams out joy flowing through her. "Almost forgot about that after that phone call this morning." They are met with a sea of congrats. Emily and Penelope are already arguing over who gets to be maid of honor and asking if they already had a date in mind. The BAU family was hectic but it was home and they were excited to see what new adventures await for them
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stalkyou4ever · 7 years
Pretty Little Liars Endgame Theory - A.D. is Spencer’s Twin (and Wren), and Charlotte’s Killer is Melissa
POSTED 6/06/2017 - Before 7x17 Aired
PLL blogs - Reblog for a follow! I want to lay out the evidence that is personally convincing to me for my (hopefully) final PLL theory. I believe fully that Melissa is Charlotte’s killer. That seems clear to me. As for A.D., I’m less certain, but I’m willing to commit to the theory that Spencer has a twin who is A.D. and Wren is her ally. I’m still somewhat hesitant to be completely gung-ho about this theory, as there are multiple notes I will make that show the theory is shaky, but there is still a significant amount of evidence that points me to that conclusion anyway, whereas no other theory I’ve considered has evidence quite as convincing.
Most of everything here is not all too original (most of my own thinking is really just in the ‘Melissa is Charlotte’s killer’ section) but I hope my straight-to-the-point bulleting format will be useful to see the best evidence for these theories laid out in one place. Even if no one reads this, I wanted a record to show that this was my theory in case I turn out to be correct.
To start off, I believe this to be absolutely true:
Charlotte was in the bell tower the night of her death to marry the love of her life, Archer Dunhill. She was holding the flowers that she took from Alison’s house because they were acting as her wedding bouquet. 
Evidence for this: Charlotte’s death was eerily similar to Spencer’s college paper she wrote for her criminology class, as revealed in 6x12. And in the murder that Spencer’s essay was about, the victim was specifically killed on her wedding night. The only explanation for PLL’s random inclusion of this detail (seriously, there was no good reason for it unless it’s this) is that it was hinting that Charlotte was getting married that night.
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Evidence for Melissa being Charlotte’s killer:
As we learned in 6x17, Charlotte had called Wren and told him about Melissa’s involvement in Bethany’s death, which caused Wren to end their engagement. Melissa was furious with Charlotte for doing this. Therefore, to get her revenge, Melissa killed Charlotte on her wedding night out of spite for Charlotte ruining Melissa’s relationship and chance at marriage.
^ One more point about that. This makes sense because it is basically the ultimate culmination of Melissa’s character. She has been defined throughout the entire series by her anger with Spencer for stealing or messing around with both Ian and Wren. Melissa is basically cursed with having her relationships ruined by female family members (Charlotte being her cousin). Charlotte ruining Melissa’s engagement to Wren finally caused Melissa to snap and take physical revenge - the final explosion after 5.5 seasons of being wronged.
In 6x16-17, we learn that Charlotte’s murder weapon was a hollow rod with a rectangular opening on the end, which perfectly describes Melissa’s broken luggage handle. A.D. gets their hands on it in 6x17 and that’s the last we heard of it. Also, Melissa lied about her arrival to Rosewood (she was actually in Rosewood secretly at the time Charlotte was killed). It hasn’t been explained why she lied.
Seasons ago, there was a flashback of Melissa and CeCe seemingly fighting the night that Alison was buried and Bethany was killed. This flashback has never been adequately explained. There was a brief suggestion that the flashback is unreliable because it was Jason’s memory and he was high that night, and Charlotte said in 6x10 that it couldn’t have been her with Melissa, so Jason simply must have seen Bethany with her instead. I just don’t believe either of these cheap cop-outs; the latter doesn’t even make sense as Melissa definitely did not talk to Bethany that night. Which means it was surely CeCe and Melissa fighting. We have no idea why (could the N.A.T. Club explain it?) but clearly Melissa and Charlotte have had a history of conflict that is STILL shrouded in mystery (and ready to be explained in the series finale!)
Melissa and CeCe were also on that boat together in Cape May, if CeCe is to be believed that Melissa took the photo. The fact that the show still hasn’t delved into these two characters’ connection makes me believe it will be a topic of the series finale, which means Melissa has to have SOME role in relation to Charlotte, and being her killer would certainly be a big payoff to that.
It’s been proven time and time again that Melissa has always tried her best to protect Spencer (such as burying Bethany because she thought it was Alison whom Spencer had killed). With Spencer’s former tormenter released from Welby, killing Charlotte could have been one more effort of Melissa’s to protect Spencer from being tortured again.
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*NOTE: I realize that this may seem a little TOO obvious, what with Melissa actually being an in-show suspect of being the killer. When the Liars suspect someone out loud, that usually means the suspect is not the culprit. But these circumstances are different. Usually, the suspect is ruled out within a few episodes so the Liars can move on to a new one. The Melissa suspicion was expressed but then dropped from the show with no resolution, and it was long enough before the series finale to not be the freshest thing on general fans’ minds. Its resolution will come in the finale when Melissa is finally back and revealed as Charlotte’s killer.
Also: Remember when Marlene literally showed CeCe in a black hoodie in 4x11 spying on Ezria and then never elaborated on that until she was revealed to be ‘A’? She gave us the answer far before the reveal and never brought it up again so fans wouldn’t think about it much. Same thing Marlene is doing here again with Melissa.
Now for A.D. theories. Even though I think Wren is only an ally to A.D., I’m going to lay out evidence as if he actually IS A.D.
Evidence for Wren being A.D.:
A.D.’s main goal seems to be to expose whoever killed Charlotte. This means, logically, that A.D. cared for Charlotte and was possibly close with her. As far back as Season 3, we learned that Wren was helping CeCe get into Radley by faking her identification badges (which PLL conveniently reminded us of during the Spencer-Ezra-Wren scene in 7x15). Sounds like something a friend would do for another friend. Charlotte also called Wren over the 5-year time jump to tell him about Melissa’s involvement in Bethany’s death. Why would she call him and try to help him by enlightening him to his fiancée’s secret, unless Charlotte and Wren were friends? They clearly have a (platonic) relationship that has not been explained whatsoever on this show. Not much time left to explain it except for in the series finale when it’s revealed that Wren and Charlotte were super close and he’s avenging her death! 
How many times has Executive Producer Joseph Dougherty told us “all roads lead to Radley”? Wren literally worked there, giving him access to any files and information he needed to become as knowledgeable about Spencer’s origin with Mary Drake as A.D. is. How did A.D. get their hands on Mary’s letter to Spencer (as seen in 7x11)? Wren could’ve gotten it when working in Radley. Also, there was that whole deal with Radley’s basement in 6B. In 6x20, we learned that the Records Room in the basement was turned into a secret room and all the records were taken except for one file of Mary’s. 6x16 ended with A.D. messing with electrical switches down there, so A.D. clearly knew about the room and probably took the files. The show tried to distract us with Sara Harvey seemingly being the only one who knew about the basement, but Sara’s dead, and Wren would know about it too since he worked there.
A.D. has consistently been associated with a doctor aesthetic. Rubber blue gloves have been a staple feature of A.D.’s outfits since early 6B and A.D. seemed to be in full doctor garb at the end of 6x11 in their scene with Jenna. Hanna was also forced to perform surgery on the life-sized doll of herself in 7x13. Archer is dead, so that leaves Wren as the last suspicious doctor character.
Wren’s last pre-S7 appearances had him looking extremely suspicious in 4x10. Drawing what seemed to be Red Coat. Eyeing Hanna and Caleb angrily from his car. Calling someone and saying “We have a problem. I’ll take care of my end, you take care of yours.” (It would make sense if it was Charlotte on the other end of that phone call). Eddie Lamb didn’t trust him and then vanished forever. Mona didn’t trust him, and when has Mona ever been wrong? There’s only one last chance to explain this never-resolved character development - with an A.D. reveal in the series finale.
Also in 4x10, Wren was trying really hard to stop Eddie Lamb from bringing a book to Spencer’s Radley room, at the same time that Spencer was doing her ‘A’ duty of kidnapping Malcolm. How could Wren have known that Spencer wasn’t in her room unless he knew she was working for ‘A’ (Charlotte at the time) and wanted to stop Eddie from messing that up?
On at least two occasions (as recently as 7x15), Wren has enjoyed the same drink that ‘A’ has been shown to enjoy. A clue for the observant fans. http://morethantheseashes.tumblr.com/post/161412457232/stalkyou4ever-damn-it
At this point, I feel like the show has had too many random connections to London/the UK for it to not have some significance. Archer being secretly British and a (fake) doctor could really be foreshadowing for a connection to Wren. They could be brothers or friends. Maybe Archer learned how to fake being a doctor from Wren. Maybe Charlotte and Archer met through their mutual relationships with Wren. I’m actually not the biggest fan of this theory that Archer and Wren are connected because I don’t think Archer was really working for A.D., but I have to throw it out there. It’s possible that he was, and it would be a logical reveal for Wren to then be A.D.
There’ve been a million bird references on this show. They’re everywhere. You can look up the posts and theories on that yourself. A wren is a type of bird, so there’s that. Maybe subtle hinting by the writers, maybe not.
If Melissa is Charlotte’s killer, as I really believe her to be, there’d be some poetry to Wren, Melissa’s ex-love interest, being A.D. against her.
This is obviously arguable, but I feel like Spencer and Hanna have gotten the brunt of A.D.’s actions (besides the horrible assault situation with Emison). Wren has the closest connections to Spencer and Hanna, having kissed both of them and ultimately being rejected by both.
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* One problem I have is that Wren still doesn’t seem to have that great of a motivation for hating the Liars so much, other than believing them to be a part of Charlotte’s murder. Still not strong enough to warrant all THIS imo. But perhaps more will be revealed in the finale about his motivation that I can’t foresee.
** The truth of the matter is: Wren WILL be revealed as an antagonist of some sort in the series finale. I hope we can all agree on that much. Even if he’s not A.D., I guarantee with certainty that he is involved in the antagonist side of this mystery somehow. Most of the evidence I just listed above could apply just as well to him being A.D.’s right-hand man, which is more what I’m leaning toward. The only thing that still confounds me at that point is A.D.’s doctor theme. Why on earth would anyone else be wearing doctor’s clothes all the time?
Evidence for Spencer’s Twin being A.D.:
Obviously, the dream/hallucination scene in 7x01 that Hanna has of Spencer seemed off when it first aired and people have ran with it as evidence of Spencer having a twin. There’s the fact that the Spencer in the scene was not rocking the post-time jump bangs that Spencer has, but I’m less interested in that and more concerned about the fact that the dream-Spencer mentions A.D. to Hanna. Uber ‘A’ did not start using the name A.D. until Hanna was kidnapped, meaning, realistically, Hanna could not have dreamed Spencer saying “A.D.” because she hadn’t been exposed to that moniker yet. It could only really be explained if it wasn’t a dream at all, but Spencer’s twin (A.D.) talking to Hanna IRL. “Spencer” also asks Hanna who killed Charlotte in that scene. That’s exactly the information A.D. wanted and kidnapped Hanna for. 3 things in this one scene that hint at a twin.
In Spencer’s 7x13 ping-pong match with Marco, she switches to her left hand to make her winning shot. But we know Spencer is right-handed. A clue that Spencer’s twin is left-handed?
In 7x08, the ex-Radley doctor Dr. Cochran told Sparia that he delivered “two of [Mary’s] babies.” That specific wording suggests that Spencer and Charlotte were just two of some unknown greater number of babies that Mary Drake had. He also mentions that the baby he delivered years after Charlotte went into the care of protective services. We know Spencer went immediately into Veronica’s hands so that baby couldn’t have been Spencer….
In 7x15, we all felt something was off about Spencer’s scene with Wren and Ezra. She seemed slightly jumpy and nervous about being caught with Wren, asking Ezra not to tell anyone she was with Wren, not even her friends. The scene also felt weird because it took place immediately after a scene in which Spencer was elsewhere looking to meet up with Mary Drake, but was caught by Marco. There may have been a small time jump for her to get to the airport, but it sure didn’t feel like it. AND she wasn’t wearing the same clothes she had just been wearing in the previous scene (her trench coat was nowhere to be found). Combine all this with the theory I just went through of Wren maybe being A.D. or a helper, and that scene could have just been two A.D. partners-in-crime meeting up to talk shop.
When asked if we’ve met A.D., Tyler Blackburn said “You kind of have.” This quote haunts me. He wouldn’t have said this if A.D. is just a regular character we know. A.D. has to be some sort of twin, or secret family member, or SOMETHING. This also makes me doubt that Wren is REALLY A.D. - he may just be a subservient partner to A.D.
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As much as I love the idea of Spencer having a twin who’s A.D., I also recognize its faults.
The things pointed out about Hanna’s 7x01 dream scene could be explained by simple pragmatic reasoning. The lack of bangs could just be Marlene’s choice of having Hanna dream of Spencer how she used to look in high school, since most of Hanna’s memories of Spencer would have her looking like that. The mention of A.D. could really just be a mistake on the writers’ part. They probably really wanted to be consistent with using A.D. since it was new and they were writing 7x01 fresh off a hiatus where they could have forgotten that detail. Spencer asking Hanna who killed Charlotte could just be Hanna’s manifestation of wanting to know that answer herself since it got her kidnapped.
Same thing with the ping-pong match. Her switching hands could be completely arbitrary. It really runs the risk of just being fans’ wishful thinking reading into that.
When Dr. Cochran mentions “two of her babies,” he says it in a way that sounds like he really didn’t know much about Mary’s birthing history besides the two he delivered. It was flippant in a way that made it sound like he wasn’t actively suggesting she had more than two babies; he just said “two of” in case she had more than two, but he didn’t actually know either way. 
Also, and this is a kicker in my opinion, if Mary had twins for her second birth, wouldn’t Cochran have delivered BOTH twin babies? He would have said he delivered 3 of Mary’s babies then. (We KNOW Charlotte was one of the babies he delivered). It doesn’t make sense that he’d deliver Spencer’s twin but not Spencer herself at the same time. They wouldn’t switch doctors like that. This is the biggest flaw in the theory for me.
But, despite these flaws, there sure is reason to believe that Spencer’s twin is A.D. and Wren is her right-hand-man. At this point, I’m not willing to say that the twin is also Bethany Young, as one popular theory suggests. There seems to be a lot of pure speculation and wishful thinking that went into that specific theory. I’m not saying it’s definitely false, but I’d need at least one clue that’s more solid to make me really believe that. 
As for motivation, I don’t care to theorize on that much. Theories usually lose me when they get into motivation because they’re almost always based on pure speculation and very little evidence. The simple answer is that Charlotte and Spencer’s twin were siblings and Twincer cared a lot about Charlotte and wants to avenge her death. This is good enough for me for now. (I expect more in the finale though). This would probably mean Charlotte had a relationship with Twincer in order to build this bond, as the twin clearly does not feel much of a bond with Spencer.
Thank you for reading! Feel free to discuss with me! I’d love to before the show ends.
Thank you to the amazing Pretty Little Liars fandom, whom I’ve been a part of for over 5 years now. Can’t believe my last theory ever has been posted! I sincerely hope everyone enjoys the series finale to the fullest extent. Enjoy the gAme!
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