#and fell asleep in class but I didn't disturb him
yessoupy · 2 years
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slayfics · 1 year
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You fall asleep on Katsuki.
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You got onto the bus excited to get off of your feet. Your class had just finished an off-campus training exercise and was now heading back to UA. The training which required sparing with your classmates left you exhausted.
You were the last to climb onto the bus, as you had sustained some nasty injuries after the training. You moved slowly up the bus steps feeling your body scream at you. Scanning the seats left over, there didn't appear to be many options left.
Of course one of the open and closest seats left was the one next to Katsuki. Whatever, you thought, and made your way over to sit next to him.
It wasn't that you disliked him the way the rest of the class did, but he was the sparring partner who had left you in such bad shape today. It would have been nice to get some space from him.
The bus started up and began to move. Luckily Katsuki wasn't much of a talker. He stared silently out the window making it easy to ignore him. You felt your whole body sink into the seat, your muscles thanking you for relaxing. You leaned your head back against the seat.
"You good?" You heard Katsuki ask next to you.
"I'm fine," you replied. Although in actuality your whole left side felt like it was on fire. Katsuki had landed a direct hit on you, an exceptionally strong blast from just a short distance away.
"Thought you were gonna dodge that last hit dumb ass, I wouldn't have used such a strong blast," he grumbled still looking out the window.
"I said I'm fine," you responded back shortly. Your eyes were beginning to get heavy and you just wanted to nap.
"Yeah whatever," he said and fell back into silence.
You let the hum of the bus and the rocking moments of the road lull you to sleep. The bus went over a bump large enough to throw off your balance from leaning back against the seat, but not large enough to wake you up. As a result, you landed resting your head on Katsuki's shoulder.
Katsuki jumped silently surprised and looked down to see you were knocked out and hadn't leaned on him on purpose. "Ugh-" he grunted in annoyance but looked back out the window deciding not to disturb you.
Mina sitting in front of you guys had not stopped talking to Ochaco since she sat down. She turned around in her seat to ask you a question, when she noticed you knocked out and resting on Katsuki.
"Awe how cute!" She exclaimed.
"Shut the hell up! I'm only allowing it because I beat them down pretty hard today," Katsuki barked at Mina.
"Mhm~ ok Bakugo," she giggled and turned back around.
"Tch-," Katsuki grumbled and looked back out the window.
Katsuki yelling at Mina had disturbed you enough to become slightly aware of what was going on, but not enough to shake you fully awake. You became aware of the sensation that you were lying on Katsuki's shoulder and realized you must have fallen over when you fell asleep.
You were surprised he didn't kick you out of the seat the second you fell over and leaned on him. You decided to play off being sleepy and wrapped your arm around his and dragged it down bringing his shoulder into a more comfortable position for you to rest on.
"Hu?," Katsuki turned to look at you nuzzling up to him. "You're really testing your luck, you know that? If you drool on me I'm kicking your ass off this seat," He barked.
Ah- there it is, you thought laughing internally.
Katsuki leaned his head back against the seat, and you allowed yourself to fall back into a deep slumber.
After some time the bus finally arrived back at UA. Students began to get off and once again Mina turned around to look at you both.
"Ah! Uraraka look!" She exclaimed, pointing to you two.
Katsuki had fallen asleep as well but instead of his intent on keeping his head rested back against the seat, the bus movements caused him to lean into you. His head now rested on top of yours.
Mina quickly took out her phone and snapped a picture, alerting Katsuki to wake up.
"The hell?" He blinked hard and noticed the camera in his face. "The fuck are you doing raccoon eyes?? Give me that damn phone I'm going to explode it to hell!" He yelled.
"Do what you want but it's already on my story," Mina teased, sticking out her tongue and pulling down her eyelid.
"We better go!" Ochaco said, nervously pulling Mina off the bus.
Katsuki’s moment and yelling had shaken you awake. It took you a second to come back to consciousness and realize the situation. You pulled your phone from your pocket to check the time and realized a notification of being tagged in a photo from Mina.
You curiously opened the notification and were greeted with the sight of a picture of you and Katsuki passed out asleep leaning on each other. Your face instantly flushed.
Katsuki looked down at the picture on your phone, "Those damn extras need to learn how to mind their business," He spoke, irritation laced in every word.
You nodded not knowing how else to respond. The truth was you loved this picture, and you knew you would stare at it until it disappeared from Mina's story. That was until a moment later when Mina sent you a text with the picture and a message that read "You're welcome ;)".
"Come on let's get off this damn bus," He said motioning for you to get out so he could too.
You got up and made your way off the bus, Katsuki trailing right behind you.
"Alright let's go, I'll walk you to Recovery Girl she'll have some burn ointment that will help with that," Katsuki said, eyeing your left arm that he hit with a strong explosion.
"Awe, it's cute how much you care Bakugo," You teased him.
"Shut the hell up! I just know if I don't take you you'll be too stubborn to go on your own. I know how much of a wimp you are with anything remotely doctor related," He laughed trying to retort back but you could see through his ruse.
Katsuki wasn't the type of person to vocalize how he felt, ever. Instead, he showed it with actions, and even then he would try to disguise it as if it was a bother to him. Like it was something he couldn't stand doing. However, you knew better, it was too easy to tell that Katsuki just struggled with these types of things.
Whether it was how he was raised or something he experienced in his past, affection, and kindness didn't come naturally to him so he showed it in unique ways that the average person might miss. You wondered how many people weren't able to see past his temper and understand him. It made you sad to think about how many people he might have accidentally pushed away. And you wondered, how many people didn't take the time to understand?
"Thank you Bakugo, I appreciate it," You said, smiling at your classmate.
“Yeah yeah, don't think too much into it or whatever," He said as he began to walk towards Recovery Girl's station.
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Thank you for reading! I smiled a lot when writing this one hehe~
@unofficialmuilover @snowmist-hashira
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soulidarity · 7 months
Rafayel and reader did that it was readers first time but in the morning she gets up early she had an important class so she leaves and she forgets to text Rafayel and Rafayel would feel very anxious?!? Idk if it makes any sense
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left alone
hurt/comfort | rafayel x mc / reader | 694 words
as she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a purple tuff of hair on her chest. her face softened as she played with it for a moment, remembering the events of last night. it had been such a meaningful experience. wanting to thank him with breakfast, the girl started getting up, careful not to disturb her partner.
as she checked her phone, she realized the time. she was about to be late for work. quickly getting dressed and leaving a goodbye kiss, she made her way out of the artists house.
a few hours later, the lemurian woke up, feeling unusually cold as he realized where this lack of warmth was coming from. he turned around and saw that his bed was empty as he recalled everything that had happened.
had she really just left him? used him? was that all she wanted from him? everything that their relationship had been building up to be up until this point was for nothing?
As the tall man stood up and looked over his house for any sign of his partner, he grew even more disappointed, but not of her but of himself. had he not been enough? if she just wanted that type of relationship, she could've said so. he just wanted her in any way he could. even if it was at his expense.
the day went on, and he laid on his bed. time moving fast, but he paid no mind to it. maybe thomas had called him a couple of times, it couldnt have been anything important since he didn't burst through the door while scolding him.
he tossed and turned in the bed, her scent surrounding him, making his chest tighten. After a bit, he fell asleep again.
He turned around as he woke up, taking in his surroundings.
"Did you sleep all day? Thomas texted me saying he couldn't get in touch with you."
"So you pay attention to Thomas' texts but can't even leave me a note?"
"What? What do you mean-?"
"You left me."
Her teasing smile dropped as it dawned on her what she had done.
"Oh my god I... Rafayel I swear it wasn't like that"
"It's fine," he interrupted, sitting up on the bed and looking down. "If you... want to see me in that way and only in that way... It's fine, just please..." Strong hands held her wrists. "dont leave me."
Both of them sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity, the clock on the wall seemingly unmoving.
At the lack of response, the lemurian looked up to see her holding back tears. "Why are you crying?"
"Because I just left you there! And you're just... accepting it?!" She shook off his hold and stepped off the bed.
"Why are you getting angry at me?"
"Im not angry at you, Yel. Im angry at myself. What happened last night was really special to me and I really wanted- want to thank you. But I woke up late and Tara had been calling me so I ran to work. I am... truly sorry."
He stood up, chuckling at her tear stained face.
"It's okay, my love." he caressed her cheek, her hands quickly flying to hold his. "It's not. You've told me countless times how scared you are of me leaving, and it feels like I continue to make that fear come true. And I'm really sorry... I... wish I could give you what you're looking for-"
Her rambling was interrupted by soft lips pressed against hers. It lasted a few seconds before he pulled away.
"I should really buy you a lip balm" her mouth was slightly open in bewilderment as he chuckled.
"It's really okay. Both of us need to work on our things. You should be better at letting me know when you have to leave, and I should be better at letting you leave. As much as I wish to have you for myself, you have responsibilities, and you love your job, I can't take you away from it."
"To make it up to you, how about I make dinner?" she smiled.
thank you so much for the request! english isnt my first language so i apologize for my mistakes.
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mouseymilkovich · 2 months
angst angst angst … “stranded” from the one word prompts with a reader who has been left alone in a risky sitch at a party? with TA lip. calling him bc you can’t get anyone else, and he has a secret crush on you plus he would never leave a girl stranded like that. so he comes to your rescue?
anon you're so evil and i love it thank you
7. Stranded ; from 100 one word prompts
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come request something → 💌 100 follower special
TA Gallagher had given the class his number in case they needed someone and they couldn't reach Youens. You hoped disturbing him for a non class related issue wouldn't be too much of a bother...
But you were terrified, you didn't know who else to call.
"Hello?" Lip answered, sounding groggy and half asleep.
"Lip... I'm... at this party and... it's really sketchy, I feel fucking stranded... my friend fucked off..." You said into the phone, your hands shaking slightly. "I'm scared."
"Fuckin'... okay, where are you?" He asked, rubbing his forehead as he sat up.
You told him the name of the frat house the party was at, you heard him audibly scoff. He said he'd be there as soon as he could and for you to not move, for you to not talk to anybody, and most importantly do not accept any substances from anybody.
As you waited, you pressed your back against the wall nearby. He would be here soon, here to come to your rescue.
Lip had a soft spot for you, not that you were really aware of why, but he just did. You weren't really like the other girls in the course that constantly fell all over him and were always trying to get in his pants... not that he would've minded getting you there, but it was nice that someone wasn't just after his dick.
He appeared in the crowd, spotting your lonesome figure against the wall and made his way over to you. "Let's get you outta here, kid."
Once you were out on the sidewalk, he checked you over. He made sure you weren't hurt, that you weren't too intoxicated.
"Do you want me to take you back to your dorm? Cus if you don't care, mine's closer." He muttered.
Was he inviting you back to his dorm?
He noticed the look on your face and smiled a bit at you. "I'm not tryin' to get you in the sack, kid, I just wanna get you somewhere safe so you can rest."
You smiled a little back, and nodded. "Okay... yeah. That sounds nice."
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cute scenario that came to mind, Killer croc making pals with the reader during one of his stays in prison. They’re like in a cell right next to him but end up striking conversation with Waylon out of boredom, where they hit it off from there as the reader talks to him like any old Joe even knowing who he is. The reader being a surprisingly down to earth sorta person with a way of looking at the silver lining, who never really reveals why they’re in prison in the first place besides “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”
sorry if this is too much😅feel free to ignore
"Sharing is caring" Killer Croc x Reader
Don't even worry about being too much! I've just been busy with life stuff which... congrats to me I got one of the highest scores on the final in class. Which. Granted it was only a 75 but that gives you an idea of how stressful this class was. And then scarecrow stuff I was working on and was really excited to show everyone. You're good!
TW: discussions of violence
When they'd first been put in Arkham Asylum for a series of terrible and stupid choices, they expected things to go south very quickly. For fucks sake, most in the criminal world knew the story of Warren White becoming Great White Shark in Arkham.
The new person. The "crazies" at Arkham and how violent they could be. By a stroke of pure luck, they managed to arrive at a time that cells were not shared due to a lack of space. No one to try and stab them in the middle of the night.
Yet their neighbor... They'd heard about Killer Croc. Crimes and atrocities committed. Some said he was trying to turn a new leaf. Didn't stop him from ended up here again.
When the new inmate found themselves bored and understimulated one night during lockup, they managed a small whisper to Mr. Jones. Asking if it's always so, so deathly quiet.
"Nah, usually it's a fuckin' laugh riot. Can't get any sleep."
"So you're sleeping now?"
"What do you think, smart ass?"
It was an exchange that could have gone poorly. Yet they ended up talking until they both fell asleep. They'd wave to one another in passing. More conversations to keep the darkness and the silence away. Then when other more famous rogues came to the facility, it was to block out the hum and buzz of disturbances in the night.
Neither of them spoke to why they were there. It wasn't really needed. There were brief comments here and there about being stupid or violent acts. Both of them on medication to attempt to soothe their minds.
Mostly they spoke about their lives surrounding the criminal. His mother and their path to making up. His grandparents and the sprawling property they sat on. Swamps and weeping willow trees. The new inmate shared personal details of their own. Bonding.
By the time an appeal got turned over this way and that and the newbie was given the chance to leave, they'd become quite close. Talked through wounds Jones was given by guards due to his "dangerous" nature and the electrified collar he was forced to wear. Advice on how to knock a man's teeth back into his throat if he got creepy or too aggressive for the newbie. A silent but obvious vow of protection and vengeance should something happen to one of them.
Waylon was quiet when it was time for them to go. Refused to say goodbye at this point.
"I'm gonna see you later, don't act all sad. Just stop doin' stupid shit and I'll see you." A promise.
Life outside of Arkham was going to get very interesting once the both of them were out...
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callsignfate · 11 months
College Laswell x Reader Pt. 2
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(Part two, baby! Fun fact: I wrote Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and even Part Four in one night. I was laying in bed and I couldn't sleep so I just said fuck it and started writing all of the ideas stuck in my mind. I have probably over twelve things written from that one night. I did fall asleep for probably four hours after I fell asleep writing. I do, however, lightly edit them when I copy and paste them over from my notes app, Enjoy!)
This may contain 18+ content or discussions. Viewer discretion is advised.
Kate read the paper over and over again in your handwriting as she walked her way through the campus. She looked at the small underlines you made uner some facts about her, like they were more important to you. A small smile spread across her lips as she looked over the paper.
Kate's bag weighed heavily against her back as she made her way to your dorm quietly, her hands folding the paper gently before she put it in her pocket. She felt her heart racing with excitement and nervousness. She wanted nothing more to finally admit the feelings she had for you and to hopefully ease your worried mind like the paper and John had done for her.
She knocked on your door, knowing your dorm mate was probably inside as well. She waited as she pushed her grin down to a normal and casual smile before the door finally opened.
Your dorm mate looked at Kate in slight confusion before she told her that you weren't there. Kate's head raced with a slight confusion, you didn't have classes this late, and you were usually in your room.
She shook her head at your dormmates offer to wait for you inside the room, not wanting to sit in awkward silence. Kate pulled out her phone and decided to text you, although she made up a small white lie saying you had left a paper with her, or that she thought it wad yours at least. Although technically, she wasn't lying.
Kate waited for your text back, not so patiently. She wandered the halls before deciding to go to the places she had known you frequent around campus. It took her over an hour before she saw you sitting in the small Café you had both been to a few times. She watched you for a moment through the large picture windows, the way you looked uncomfortable and awkward as a seemingly random man was talking to you, standing close and in your personal space over your chair looking down at you as you shifted away. She couldn't make out what your exact expression was because the your and the seats back faced the window.
Kate felt a bile rise in her throat, anger, disgust, and jealousy made her mind flicker between the small day dreams of punching the man or even announcing you were hers. Although she knew they were unrational, she let her mind play with the thought for a moment.
She pushed the door open with the small bell chiming out in her arrival, your eyes glancing quickly at her before you did an obvious double take and realized it was Kate. A soft smile tugged at your lips as relief washed over you. The near empty Café started feeling comfortable and safe again.
"Hey, I was looking for you." Kate announced over the man's words that she didn't even care to listen to. She smiled down at you before glaring at the guy. Her eyes looked him over from head to toe with nothing but a look of pure disgust.
"Oh- I wanted to study, and my dormmate was.. busy, to say the least." You reply with a smile as you begin picking up and packing your stuff up quickly. The man that was flirting with you was now looking at Kate with the same amount of disgust in his eyes. You could see their hatred for each other. You quickly wondered why, and if Kate knew him from a class of some sort.
"I texted you. Did you not see it?" Kate asked as she finally tore her eyes away from glaring at the man to offer you a smile.
"I put my phone on do not disturb while I was studying." You admitted as you finally stood up abruptly with your bag, forcing the man to take a step back and out of your space, finally.
Kate hummed in response as she held out her hand to hold. You immediately took it happily as you looked up at her before she began pulling you away, not even giving the man a second glance.
You struggled to keep up with her pace. Her long legs and strides made you have to nearly run to keep up, your bag hitting and pulling on your back with your quicked steps. Kate only stopped walking when she felt you abruptly stop, your hands almost slipping out of hers as she almost didn't stop. She turned around immediately to see why you had stopped, worried you had become uncomfortable to her touch.
"Kate- I'm tired, and I have like twenty pounds of books on my back." You sighed with a tired slight laugh as you took a few deep breaths trying to catch your breath and looked up at her from your hunched over tired position.
Kate wanted to get back to her room. She almost considered carrying you or your bag if she wasn't already carrying hers and tired as well. She looked around to see a few people walking a good distance away towards the dorms before she pulled out the paper and held it out at you.
Your eyes went wide. You felt your heart beat wildly against your chest as a wave of emotions washed over you like a wave in an ocean slamming against your back when you were unprepared.
"He- Dammit John." You muttered quietly as you took the paper from her hand quickly and put it in your pocket. "You didn't look at it, right?" You asked nervously as you tried to read her eyes, her expression, anything you could in the brief moment of silence. You felt anxiety pricking your mind as you looked up at her with a worried and almost scared expression.
"I did, and it's not his fault, I waited until he left and looked for it." Kate lied as she looked at you carefully, her mind racing with words she had wished and planned to say on her adventure to find you. She looked at your large puppy like eyes as worry and fear became blatant. She watched as your faces paled except your cheeks that flushed a slight red.
"Well- they're just notes on what you like, nothing more." You muttered out as your eyes looked to the side and away from hers. You could feel your mind begging for a better lie, something to say to escape the rejection you expected.
"Sure, and the date ideas?" She teased as you realized she didn't just look at it. She read it. She read every word and probably looked at every detail. How very 'Kate, of her, she always did look at every detail possible.
"They were for someone else. Someone else likes you." You muttered out quickly as your eyes began to flicker between hers and anything else you could find to look at. You were pleading she'd believe you. You weren't ready to hear her possible disgust for you liking women or the rejection you had basically expected.
"Who are they? Why are you helping them? Why is this in your handwriting? Why does it say your name, then Laswell?" Kate said as she crossed her arms and looked at you with a small smile. You could tell she was teasing you. She knew it was a lie, although you already knew you couldn't lie or hide anything from Kate if you tried she read you like a book.
"Okay! Alright, I like you, but you knew that." You huffed out as your embarrassment came out sounding like hushed anger. "You knew the second you looked at the damn paper." You muttered out as you forced yourself to face the truth.
"I did." She stated almost simply, like she was waiting for you to look at her again. You finally tore your eyes away from the brick building you had your eyes glued to. She had that look, the look she always did when she was helping you with work, and she was waiting for you to realize the answer.
"Let's get into the dorm building. It's getting cold." Kate muttered quietly as she grabbed your hand again and began leading you towards her dorm building rather than your own. You noticed this only as you were walking in and down the halls. Your mind was preoccupied with the words you had planned to say. Your plans and scripts you had made with John or in your head didn't fit, leaving you endlessly worried you'd mess everything up.
You followed her into her room quietly, your mind racing as you tried to decide your next words carefully, like the wrong sentence might ruin everything in a moments notice. The second tour in her room, the heavy door closes behind you as she sheds off her bag and hangs it neatly on the hook where she always put it.
You had been in her room multiple times and had even fallen asleep in her chair on nights, where you both studied until you passed out. This time felt different. You watched her awkwardly from only a few steps in front of her door as she took off her hoodie and shoes, immediately picking them up and putting them away.
Silence. You couldn't tell if it was uncomfortable, comfortable, or awkward, but it was a loud silence, like she was waiting for you to speak first.
You opened your mouth to speak with a small sound, escaping your lips before you shut your mouth again to find the words you were too distracted to search for. She finally looked at you with a confused expression as she walked over with a gentle smile, her hands immediately moving your backpack straps off of your shoulders as she touched and moved your arms with soft but firm hands.
You were so dumbfounded that you didn't even move to help her until she was done taking moving one of the straps of your heavy backpack. It was only when she tried to take it from you that you stopped her.
"I've- I've got it, Kate." You muttered as you pulled back slightly from her, not allowing for her to take your bag.
"You can study here, I have a small paper to finish editing." She said as she put her hands up in a playful surrender as she walked away and sat at her desk where she usually did, her back facing you as you smiled to yourself. She wasn't going to make you say anything, although now that the conversation you were so nervous about having wasn't, you felt a twinge of sadness. You sat down in the small round fuzzy basket chair with your bag and began to pull back out your work quietly.
The words you could usually focus on well enough to understand were nothing but confusing and frustrating as you wanted nothing but to focus like Kate was on her work.
Kate tapped away at her computer quietly as she waited for you to say anything. She didn't want to force you to say anything you weren't ready to. She snuck a glance when she heard your pencil scribbling on your paper. She quickly could tell you weren't writing or doing work, you were drawing.
She watched you out of the corner of her eye as you looked up at her and down at your papers multiple times, focused intently on the task you had given yourself.
Kate's mind raced with thoughts on work, you, and why you were being so nervously silent. Her mind ran through your conversation since the Café before she realized what she had failed to say. She groaned under her breath and facepalmed.
Your eyes and head snapped to her in confusion from her sudden noise and movement. "You okay?" You asked in concern. Usually, she liked working on papers and didn't have any issues with her work.
"I never told you I liked you back, I just made you confess and then forced you to study." Kate muttered as she ran her hands over her face in frustration at her own distracted actions.
Your words and had caught in your throat like a ball as you tried to think of something, anything to say. You watched Kate as she turned to look at you and leaned her head on her hand as she rested her elbow on her desk.
"You said you were looking for me earlier? You didn't go to my room, did you?" You asked as you hoped she hadn't.
"Yea, is that a problem?" She said back with her tone full of confusion and playful defensiveness.
"Well, Blair, my dormmate, she was," you trailed off as you tried to find the words to describe what you had left to study at the Café for. "She had a boy over and had asked if she could use the room. So, if you knocked, you probably interrupted their, yea."
Kate laughed as she realized that's why she looked so disheveled and confused about why Kate was showing up when she usually didn't that late. "So that's why she looked so upset, and the room smelled so bad."
"Don't say that! I have to go back and sleep in that room." You playfully whisper yelled at her as you threw your pencil at her. "I swear I might just sleep in the hallway outside of my room." You muttered in half honesty as you dreaded having to go back to your room having to deal with the awkward silence and the smell of sex.
"Just sleep here." Kate offered with an innocent smile, almost too innocent as she looked down at you in her chair.
(IM SORRY FOR NOT DOING THE SPICY PART I DIDNT REALIZE HOW LONG THIS ONE WAS I WAS GOING TO COMBINE PART TWO AND THREE ITS COMING THOUGH! also, let's not talk about how this was posted at almost midnight est, I was super busy, and I do most of my writing/editing at night.)
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sakurayukou · 4 months
"If someone is reading this article, it's basically about me and my boyfriend being together. It's my first time writing this kind of article in English, which isn't my first language, so there might be some mistakes. I hope you all can enjoy it. I'm sorry if my English isn't that great, but I hope you'll like it. I'll also continue to update." (>﹏<)
My honey
It start off at a month that is near summer you confessed your feelings at April 29, 2023 The most special day of my life.
On the evening of April 28th, I accidentally spilled a drink, causing the whole class to not be able to drink anything. The first thing I thought of when I got home was telling you because I noticed you really like to have a drink during class. I told you, and you said it was okay. Then you mentioned you had something to tell me too, and I agreed to listen. I waited all night to hear what you wanted to say, but you never said it. I even fell asleep waiting.
On the next morning, April 29th, turned out to be the most peculiar day of my life. The first thing I did when I woke up was to check if you had messaged me about what you wanted to say. But what confused me was how nervous you seemed. I thought maybe you had accidentally broken something of mine, but since you weren't online, I figured you were still asleep, so I didn't want to disturb you. I went about my morning routine and later had to attend classes in the afternoon. During class, my best friend kept asking about you and your friends, whether they were still together as a couple. They bombarded me with questions about you, and it felt strange. After school, I decided to get my hair cut into my favorite style, the Hime cut. I remember receiving strange messages from you and my best friend during the haircut. You told me we couldn't be friends anymore, and when I asked why, you said I already knew the reason. I briefly wondered if it was because you liked me and wanted to date, but I dismissed the thought because you didn't seem like the type to be interested in someone like me. My friend also kept asking me odd questions, like if I'd be upset seeing you too close to another girl, to which I kept saying no. I questioned why they were bombarding me with such peculiar inquiries.
After getting my hair cut, I went to a convenience store and sat there for two hours, eating pudding and watching my favorite anime. Meanwhile, you and your best friend, along with my best friend, were having a conversation in a group chat. My friend kept urging me to join the call, but I was busy enjoying my pudding, unaware that they were screen sharing the conversation with me. You seemed nervous and your friend kept trying to reassure you, while I leisurely indulged in my dessert. However, my friend's persistent nudges finally made me head home; otherwise, I might have stayed there for over three hours. Once I joined the call, you seemed too nervous to speak, and your friend kept encouraging you while my friend kept pointing out how oblivious I seemed. I started watching a video and kept commenting on how attractive a certain character was, until my friend asked me to be serious. So, I shut off the video and listened attentively when you finally managed to say, "l-i-k-e y-o-u." I was stunned for a minute, unsure whether to reject you or not, but realizing I actually had feelings for you, I replied, "we can try try." And that's how we ended up together. Later, I asked you why you suddenly confessed, and you explained that you had actually told your friend back on April 27th during club activities that you liked me. Then, after school on the same day, while we, along with my best friend and a male classmate, were all together buying drinks, your best friend whispered to you that I liked the other guy, which prompted you to confess because you were afraid I would start dating him.
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sonarstories · 2 years
MHA|Denki x GN!Y/N|Fluff
Summary: Denki sneaks into Y/N's room when they aren't there, demanding to be cuddled upon his feathered classmate's return. Without much arguing this time around Y/N complied.
A/N: I love Denki- god dammit, he's so perfect for this and it wasn't even planned! Uh- Y/N has a wing mutation type quirk and that's about it. It's honestly just fluff and I'm here for it.
It had been a long day, Y/N sluggishly entered their room after helping out with cleaning up after dinner. Something they had come to regret and would never be volunteering for again.
"God- I am never doing that..." They groaned, moving their hair from their eyes.
They didn't comprehend Denki was in in the room until they were at the end of their bed, noticing the energetic blond sitting cross-legged on their bed.
"How long have you-" shaking off the question they sighed.
"Never mind- Denki, I thought I told you not to come into my room without telling me," Y/N sighed as they rubbed their eyes.
The blond frowned hearing that, the guy acted like a child when faced with being confronted for sneaking in.
"Come on, you know why I'm here!" He protested, as if that was meant to tell them anything.
"How long have you been waiting for?- Don't lie."
"Uh-... Not long I swear!" He said, his hands raised up to his head. A stupid smile soon finding its way onto his face.
On some occasions when Y/N was sat on the couch watching something and minding their own business someone would plop down beside them. This was usually Sero, Mina, Tsuyu, Denki or surprisingly enough Todoroki. Which in Denki's case usually resulted in similar situations like the one they were currently presented with.
The boy was persistent Y/N could say that much, this plan of his didn't usually work. While on the rare occasion they just gave in to his somewhat childish antics.
Did Y/N know why he started doing this? Absolutely not, they just figured it was similar to how he'd play with Ojiro's tail during normal classes. He found their wings to be equally as soft, making up some ridiculous set of excuses to cuddle in general.
Y/N sighed, they were too tired to tell him to leave this time. In the end they caved and just nodded.
"Alright, move your ass over. It's my bed after all." They yawned, causing Denki to smile like an absolute idiot as he claimed his victory with a small happy dance on the bed before scooting over.
What an idiot they discovered their classmate to be, but in a way Y/N enjoyed these types of things. It just felt like they were wanted, as they got into the bed beside Denki who moved just enough for their wing to slip behind him and pull him in.
Denki continued to smile from ear to ear, as he curled up close to them. Silently moving his fingers through the feathers, being careful not to ruffle them too much.
That was how their night ended, with Y/N resting their head on top of Denki's. Soon the pair fell asleep that way, both smiling as one succeeded in getting what he wanted and the other because they could finally sleep, hopefully without being disturbed for a few hours.
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fallingstarnovel · 2 years
Chapter Nine
"Uh, hi," Evan said.
Ashlin didn't say anything in return, so Evan barrelled on nervously.
"I'm Evan. I should have introduced myself, haha... um. Did you... overhear...?"
Ashlin slowly nodded. Her pale eyes were bloodshot and bleary, which gave them a filmy, glossed over kind of look. Maybe Evan could convince her she was having auditory hallucinations due to lack of sleep?
"It's nice to meet you," he added, because awkward silences made him compulsively want to fill them.
"I recognise you," Ashlin said, eyebrows drawing together.
Evan nodded eagerly. "We're in the same class as Aliya. I've seen you there too."
"No. I've seen you in my dreams."
Evan deflated in his chair. Why couldn't he make friends with normal people? "Oh. That's... nice."
"I saw you making a cup of coffee."
Time came to a standstill, digging its feet into the ground and refusing to go no further. Evan went perfectly still. When he next spoke, it was casual, obviously so. "What do you mean?"
Instead of answering him, Ashlin picked up a pen and started drawing on the paper beneath her, tracing circles around circles in long black loops. "I don't think it means anything. It's just a dream I had. There's nothing special about making a cup of coffee."
"Oh," Evan said, like his hands weren't gripping onto the chair beneath him, white knuckled. He forced them to relax. "That's a boring dream to have about someone."
"Isn't it interesting?" she continued. "You looked so unhappy. Stirring and stirring and stirring..."
Evan felt his breath catching sharp in his chest. "Have we met before?"
Ashlin considered this, giving him another filmy look. "No. No, we've never met. Oh, you look unhappy again. I have a nicer dream if you want it."
Warily, Evan nodded. Ashlin began drawing more intensely, hand swirling around and around on the paper, though she wasn't even looking at it.
"I saw night walking through a meadow wearing her cloak of stars. You were following behind her, your eyes glass, on three legs, too afraid to touch. I saw you gather the courage and pluck a star right off her cloak." She yawned, her head drooping. "And then I saw you put it to your mouth. Did you eat it or did you kiss it? It was so interesting... I just wanted to keep watching..."
With that, her head fell on the desk again. Evan jumped in surprise.
Did she just fall asleep again? Just like that? And did that even count as a nicer dream?
He poked her, but she just murmured and let out a long breath from her nose. It was then Evan realised his hands were shaking.
It was fine. It was just a weird dream this girl had! Obviously she ate too much cheese before bed time. Or she was on shrooms.
It felt rude to leave her there alone, especially when Aliya had booked out the study room, and it wasn't like she was disturbing him, so Evan ended up staying there and getting some work done after all. It was better to focus on his studies than to think about... literally anything else.
Evan could not stop thinking about it.
He did literally the bare minimum of work, before bailing and heading to the nearest café for something sugary.
Ashlin's words kept knocking around his head and catching him off guard. Not just her weird dreams – though they were scary enough – but everything else too. Like the fact that there was a simple solution all along.
While he waited in line for a pastry and some hot chocolate, he sent off a text to Ruth.
> hey ruth sorry to bother you! i just had a quick question
The response took a little while this time. Evan was already sitting at a table with his order when Ruth finally replied.
You're not bothering me. <
> heh sorry
> but um anyway, question!
> today i heard that curse marks can get removed through being blessed, is that true?
Another long gap. Evan drank his cocoa and ate his pastry and didn't feel any better for it when Ruth next replied.
Sometimes. Where did you hear this? <
> well this is actually a very funny story!
> you're going to laugh
> i accidentally ended up studying with the demon from yesterday
These responses were very quick.
Did she hurt you. <
I am not laughing. <
Did she hurt you in any way. <
> no it was fine!! don't freak out, sorry, i probably should have opened with the fact nothing bad happened...
> but anyway yeah, blessing! why didn't we try that out last night?
> we should give it a go, right?
It might not work. <
> let's try anyway. i mean, i thought being blessed was a good thing! so even if it doesn't work at least i'll be full of good vibes and stuff!
> maybe we can try it out tonight?
There was a long delay, so long that Evan had finished his drink and left the café by the time he got the response.
Something came up. I can't come over tonight. <
Oh. Oh.
Well, that was fine. Evan blinked down at his phone, firmly ignoring his first reaction – which was childish and stupid, and tasted a little like betrayal.
> haha that's fine! maybe another night then :)
I'm sorry. <
> why are you apologising haha? these things happen, don't feel guilty!!!
I said I would be there for you. <
He did say that, didn’t he? But even Evan didn’t take it that seriously. He knew better than to expect someone to actually be there as much as they said they would be. Life was too complicated - something more important always came up. Always.
Since Ruth was busy, Evan could entertain himself. And he didn’t need an angel to bless him! There were churches full of people who could give blessings, right?
His mind made up, Evan pulled out his phone and started looking up nearby churches to visit.
Evan hovered in front of the church doors, too hesitant to actually cross the boundary and enter past the threshold. The doors were huge, made of old black wood, and were studded with iron nails - they looked like they were designed to withstand a siege.
There was a smaller door cut into the wood that visitors could enter through. Inside was too dark to see. Evan listened, but he couldn’t hear a sermon or a service or whatever.
He just had to go in, find a priest, and ask for a blessing.
He couldn’t do it.
It was too embarrassing, and there was a huge chance that whoever he tried to tell about his curse mark would think he was insane. Curse marks? Angels? Demons studying in the library?
His own memories of going to church were vague and unhelpful. Hard wooden pews, his feet dangling in the air, and an unbelievably tall vicar droning in the pulpit about… something to do with a ribbon wrapped around an orange. He wanted to eat the communion wafers because they looked like biscuits, but he was never allowed.
Not helpful at all. He should have paid more attention back then. Now he had an actual, practical reason to listen!
But Evan had never been back to church, not for a long time.
He took a deep breath and edged through the door, entering into the cool, dark interior. The inside was… surprisingly modern. Light wooden floors and caramel wood pews with pleasant cushions. Spotlighting on the dais and the pulpit.
A horrible electric thrill ran down his back, congealing over where he knew the mark was. It tingled and sparked, like it knew it was in dangerous territory.
Evan swallowed, and crept forward a step. There were one or two people sitting in pews, heads bowed in silent prayer. Before he met Ruth, Evan would have felt terrible coming into somewhere like this, where people were actively worshipping, while being somewhat indifferent to the concept of God. Like he was a sinister interloper hiding in a flock of sheep.
Now, though, he had rather pressing and deeply personal reasons to be here.
Evan started sweating as he tried to figure out his next move. He really didn’t feel like he was supposed to go deeper into the church, as if the closer he got to the pulpit, the stronger the feeling of imposter syndrome would be.
When an older woman in a dark shirt with a customary white dog collar appeared out of a nearby door, Evan made accidental eye contact with her and immediately regretted it. She smiled at him and made her way over - but Evan took a few steps back. Old, uncomfortable feelings were pressing down on him again, things he felt long long before he came to university.
“You look a little lost,” she said kindly.
Evan tried to make his mouth work. “No, I’m… I need… Can you…?”
As her smile turned into a confused frown, Evan flinched, before hurriedly tripping over his own feet in his haste to get away. He spilled out of the church and onto the pavement, strangely out of breath and flushed red with mortification.
The sun seemed very bright out here compared to inside. He was so distracted that he didn’t notice that he was about to bump into someone until it was too late: he and the stranger went sprawling.
“I’m so sorry,” he blurted out on autopilot. “Shit, are you okay - wait, you!”
The stranger he had knocked over was no one other than… hm. Evan had forgotten their name. Tree? Rock? Branch? No, it was probably Rock, right?
Rock was lying on the ground. When they saw Evan, they scrambled to their feet, eyes darting around nervously. “Hey,” they said, laughing awkwardly. “Evan. Didn’t see you coming out of… church.”
Their voice lilted curiously as they saw the doorway Evan just rocketed out of. Feeling very self conscious about the woman inside, Evan darted back onto his feet and held out a hand to steady Rock. “Yeah, I was trying to get blessed.”
Rock blinked. “… what? Why?”
“Because of this stupid tattoo,” he blurted out, and then sighed. “Someone told me to try blessing it, and now that I say it out loud, it sounds weird as hell.”
Rock slowly shook their head. “No, it doesn’t sound stupid at all. The tattoo you were asking me about, right?”
“Right.” Evan tried not to crumble with embarrassment. He probably sounded half crazy. “I thought about asking the vicar here, but I got a little nervous. They’d probably just tell me to stop pulling a weird prank on them if I asked.”
Rock was looking at Evan with a searching gaze, their eyes roaming over his face. They frowned for a second, before seeming to realise something.
“I know a priest,” they said hesitantly. “Someone who has experience with… well, it’s a curse mark, isn’t it?”
“Apparently,” Evan said helplessly. “I still don’t think it’s real, but I trust the person who told me. Wait, you know about curse marks?!”
Rock nodded. “You’re right to be cautious. It may be an ordinary tattoo. But let’s just say I’ve witnessed a curse before. I know they’re real. And this priest can tell us if it’s something you need to worry about or not.”
Taken aback, Evan looked at Rock with new eyes. He thought he was the only person who had experienced the supernatural, and yet Rock was apparently totally up to speed with the concept of curses. What the fuck? Was everyone around him getting cursed or blessed or followed by devils all the time, and he was just too oblivious to notice?
It was possible. After all, he point blank tried to tell Aliya that her study buddy was a demon, and she still didn’t get it. Was he just like that before an angel came along and opened his eyes to the truly abnormal things happening all around him?
“Okay,” he said hesitantly. “If you could, I would really appreciate seeing a priest. Does he. Does he have experience with. Um. Demons and stuff.”
Rock nodded. “Yes. Lots of experience. He travels around doing exorcisms and sermons, all hush because Big Church hates him. You know how it is.”
Evan, who did absolutely not know how it was, nodded and pretended he understood. “Well, lead the way.”
Rock guided them both through the city, down the sloping roads to what Evan recognised as one of the night club quarters. Now in day time, it was quiet and seedy, hemmed in by tall buildings with oppressively uninteresting entrances.
At night, this place was wall to wall with drunk students and youthful locals who wanted to find cheap booze and loud music. Or so Evan had heard.
Rock stopped outside of what might have been a shop front a long time ago. Evan looked up and examined the peeling name painted above the dusty windows.
“… the Blue Angel?” he said quizzically.
Rock shrugged. “Gotta let your clientele know where you are somehow, right?”
They knocked on the door. After a long minute, there was a rattle, and then the door creaked open. An older woman peered at them, her wrinkled mouth pursing in disapproval, but then she stepped aside.
She gave a particularly dirty look to Evan, letting out a judgemental sniff when he walked past. She disappeared into the gloom, leaving them alone in an empty bar that smelled of stale beer and alcopops. The floors were horribly sticky. It felt like they were loathe to let shoes leave their surface, clinging on with disgusting tenacity.
Bemused, Evan swapped a look with Rock, who just chuckled. “You should see this place on a Monday night. Pandaemonium. Alright, follow me.”
Crossing the room, they went down a very steep set of stairs into a basement with a low ceiling. Evidently this place, as damp as it was, was also busy on Monday nights, because there was another bar and a DJ booth crammed into the gloom. The smell was even worse down here, like old hops and vinegar and eggy vomit. The substance that made the floor so sticky also appeared to be on the walls and ceilings, making them shine like a watery cave. Evan swore he spotted stalactites forming in corners of the room.
It was dark, but Rock didn’t seem unnerved. They confidently opened another door, with another set of stairs behind it. There were several signs saying “keep out” and “staff only”, which they ignored.
Jogging down the stairs, the eggy smell got worse, like stagnant water. Evan surreptitiously held his nose. “Are you sure he’s down here?”
“He’s always down here,” Rock replied confidently. “When you need him, he’s always down here. He just kind of knows.”
Perhaps it was a mistake following this person he barely met at a party he didn’t remember to a nightclub he had never visited to see a priest who was definitely banned from every church in the country. Evan was starting to get second thoughts, and he was considering politely excusing himself, when the stairs finally ended. There was another door. Rock rapped on it, and someone inside coughed and yelled, “come in lad”.
Feeling socially obliged to enter, Evan stepped through the door and into a small, dark room. A fluorescent office light flickered above, casting a harsh greenish glow on the only inhabitant of the room. It was a man, maybe in his sixties, with a patchy yellowing beard poking out from his strange cowl. He looked like he might have fallen out of a sixteenth century plague pit, if only he weren’t wearing a grubby pair of white trainers and sweatpants that had seen better days.
Notably, he wasn’t wearing a cross or a dog collar. Evan wondered if this was what priests looked like on their days off.
Rock peered from behind Evan, patting him on the shoulder before scurrying into the room.
“Listen, we’ve got a poor guy here with a big fuck off curse on his bum.”
Evan turned red. “It’s not on my-!”
The old man raised his eyebrows. “Does he now. And why hasn’t he been dealt with yet?”
“Because it’s…” Rock said, before coming to a nervous halt. “Evan, do you mind showing him?”
Maybe it wasn’t too late to go home. But fine. He needed this fixed, and he’d done worse for the doctor, so Evan undid his belt and lowered his jeans just enough to show off the tattoo on his lower back.
The old man whistled. “Bit extreme. Someone really wanted this particular little shit.”
“Hey!” Evan said, but they ignored him. Tree said, urgently, “yeah. Someone did. Someone we both know did.”
Since he was facing away from them, Evan thought they had both gone silent, but when he turned back around, they were staring at each other with the telltale wide eyed look of a pair that had been in the middle of an intense whispered conversation.
“Bugger,” said the old man, and then, “shit me. You’re not really doing it, are you?”
“You fucking kidding? He’d kill me,” Rock said, looking both excited and terrified. “No way I’m claiming that, either way. But a mark like that. What do you reckon he’d pay for its safe return?”
The old man huffed, and spat, and then grinned. “Fine. But you didn’t talk to me. And I want tax. I’m investing.”
“Fine. Deal. So you’ll do it?”
“Yeah yeah, keep your hair on.”
Evan had very much lost the plot. “You know what? This has been lovely, but I think I’m going to head out.”
Rock and the old man stared at him. The only door into the room slammed shut, and the light flickered overhead. Evan suddenly felt like something had stuck the soles of his shoes to the floor.
Oh no. He really should have just gone to that nice, normal church. Even if they laughed at him, he had a feeling he’d be in a better position than he was right now.
“Don’t worry lad,” said the old man, leering with a dreadful tombstone tooth smile, “there’ll be someone to catch you at the bottom. So don’t bite through your tongue. They always bites through their tongue.”
Evan stared at him in bewilderment, and then at Rock. “What’s going on? What are you…”
Rock’s eyes were gleaming. There was a low susurration, the light flickered again, and then a trap door opened up underneath Evan’s feet.
Rock and the old man vanished from sight as Evan dropped like a stone into the void below the floor.
He fell for a very long time.
author’s note: this really happened to me actually
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mikuthedragon · 1 year
Venti had had enough >:(
Bodypillow!Venti who is jealous of the other bodypillows.
Featuring : Tone Deaf Bard and Great Explosion God Murder Dynamight
Bodypillow!Venti had been so excited for today to come. It was his birthday! Actually, he's more sad about his birthday than happy about it.. He's happy to celebrate his friend's birthday, happy he can remember him, happy he will receive attention from a certain someone.. o//o
He feels a certain melancholy from it. This isn't his birthday but his friend's.. but he can't always dwell on it. He'll just celebrate his friend as best he can.
Venti was patient enough when you kicked him off the bed the first time. But how could you hug that other man so tightly in your sleep >::(
Venti didn't want to admit it, but he's jealous, jealous of that other bodypillow. What's so good about him anyways ?? All he can do is cook, clean the dishes, be 3rd in his class and win the sports tournament.. No but seriously, why wasn't Venti being lavished with your affection ALL THE TIME ?? :(
No matter, atleast for today Venti can have all of your love on his birthday :)
But to Venti's dismay and disappointment. His beloved didn't even bring him to her Aunt's sleepover D:
A few hours had passed, where Venti cried.. He was stuck with his pillowform and couldn't walk on his own two feet. He's equally conflicted. He only wanted your happiness.. Maybe letting you go with that blazing guy was what you really wanted.. He almost convinced himself to let you go.. Maybe this is the epitome of his love for you.. Being able to let you be happiest with the man capable of doing that
It wasn't until he fell off the bed again, that he had realised he'd grown legs like the little mermaid! What could this be a sign of ? For once, he was happy to have fallen off the bed, so he could come to this grand discovery.
He doesn't know when or how he did it. But he suddenly felt himself running. Running where ? He isn't sure.. Running to you ? Most probably (not a serial killer moment) Running to his love Kira ? Yes that's what he was destined to do. To be with you
The bard breathless kept sprinting, he couldn't feel the ache of his legs. He could only think about how stupid he was to let you go. How could he let himself believe for a second that he should let you go. Could he claim he loved you if he didn't try until the end ? Who cares if you love Bakugou, he'll make you fall in love with him. He'll be so adorable, you wouldn't hesitate to choose him <3
At the front of the house, Venti couldn't help but smile, how blessed he was to get a chance to pursue you <3. He climbed to your window and quietly slid it open. He had found you fast asleep with a... LINK BODYPILLOW ?? omg he had more competition than he anticipated. Anyways, he dismissed the bodypillow. (kicked him off for good measure heh)
Hmph. The bard scared of disturbing your sleep, decided to write a love poem and sing to you whilst you sleep. Soon afterwards, he found himself dozing next to you and fell asleep on the bed.
"Huh that's strange, I don't remember bringing Venti with me ? Oh and what's this a letter ?"
Dear Kira, as I laid down in the bed we share
Almost dashed was our love story
How dumb I was to not dare
When our tale was never illusory
"Hm I wonder who left this for me, i'm lowkey scared ;-;. Who the heck left this last night ? It only it was Venti.."
woops Venti had just managed to scare you ahhhh. But atleast you sort of confessed ? ;w;
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kaerichan-yatta · 2 years
hi everyone~! i'm back, feeling a bit better and with normal thoughts now, finally.
But what exactly happened?
| Narcolepsy
As some of you know, I have narcolepsy (inability to regulate the sleep-wake cycle) which caused me A LOT of visible and auditory hallucinations, su1c1dal thoughts, /// thoughts, and a lot of things like this.
During my break, this happened infinite times. I woke up hearing disturbing music, only for me to realize it was loud as heck but just in my head.
I kept falling asleep at 1 am until two nights ago, when I starter feeling dizzy as never before and I almost fell asleep on my plate during dinner. One of those moments that I like to call "when I don't even know where's left and right".
I fainted for two days in a row during class cause my brain was completely off and I couldn't keep my head up straight. My eyes literally gave up and I collapsed onto my desk. My teachers got very scared too (I kind of blame myself?? But I understand them tho, I'm really sorry).
Yesterday, I fell asleep around midnight after I took a painkiller cause tennis is "breaking" my muscles (as I don't get proper rest, my muscles are weak as heck and sometimes respond to a ball with the racket is really difficult for me, let alone running to catch it).
Tonight, I have to finish studying Latin (I want to voluntarily go to an interrogation to recover a very bad grade) and then I plan to go to sleep around 11 pm.
| Studies
And now, let's switch to the (probably) worst part of this post.
My studies got way worse, unfortunately. I kept getting bad grades for almost a week, I saved myself with a decent grade but only in some subjects.
That's why tomorrow I want to volunteer to the interrogation. I plan to get a 9 (which -if you don't know- one of the best grades you can get) and recover a 3 (one of the worst grades you can get).
I have to be honest with myself tho, I really didn't study for the test, that's why I got a 3.
I realized a bit too late that my study method wasn't good, so I'm trying to improve and change to get better grades.
I'm planning on not having recover lessons in the summer, nor during the change of the semester, so I'm focusing even more.
| Asthma
Definitely better!
I didn't have to use Aerosol for too long, I only had to do 2 rounds per day and I still managed to breathe properly even during panick attacks, so it improved a lot ^^
| My Bully??
Ok, this is probably the funniest parte of this post.
Cause this involves tickles.
So, after speaking to my parents about this, they talked to the teacher (I'm very shy when it's about talking to an adult I'm not in confidence with, I never talked to a teacher about a very serious problem) and the teacher called my bully here to talk to me.
We had a little discussion where I explained how his videos affected me and my mental healt/condition.
He had no idea my hallucinations could go so far that could lead me to think about ending my life.
He apologized. I could say ue begger for forgiveness cause he really looked sorry, and I forgave him in the end. And strangest but sweet part, we even became friends after three days.
So as we started talking more, he asked me
"But seriously now, are you still mad at me?"
That's when I understood he really was sorry for what he did, but deep inside he was also afraid that I would never really forgive him.
"No, i'm not mad anymore. Honestly, i've never been 'mad', but just upset about it"
But he still looked sad. So, what did I do? Of course duh🙄, I tickled him!
And I'm telling you I've never thought he could be so cute and ticklish. His giggles are the cutest thing and his worst spot is probably his neck (AHHHHH TICKLISH NECKS ARE SO CUTE).
So I managed to get him happy again and he even gave me a hug aw <3
So yep, that's all ^^
My timer is currently at five months and fifteen days without ///ing so I'm really proud of myself, and I started loving my body more than before <3
Thanks to the two anons that sent me kind asks about how I was doing and wished me happy things <33!!
Stay safe & hydratated! ^^
Bye~! <33
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Blood, Flesh, and Tears
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Name: Torment (He/Him)
Race: Zariel Tiefling
Class: Paladin (Oath of Vengence)
Background: Haunted One
Coming back to Torment, we decided to forge a new mace for Shadowheart and new armor for Torment so that he has splint mail. Gave Lae'zel my old armor. While here, we went after the laughing amulet, but this time I let Astarion go and pick up the item instead of letting a strong character hop and skip over to the chest. I allow Astarion to pocket it and we went up to the surface.
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Upon reaching the Shadowlands, much like Nalanthar, we encountered the Harper group who were scouting the place. After assisting them with the Shadows that ambushed us, we got an invite to Last Light Inn. Upon meeting Jaheira, Torment opted to not reveal the reason behind why they're unaffected they the parasite, despite being a True Soul. This time around, aside from talking with Dammon to help Karlach with her Infernal Engine and buying some drip, I decided to talk with a few of the Harpers.
Talking to one Harper, we learn that Counsellor Florrick has arrived at the Last Light Inn! Entering the Inn, Torment and the gang decided to go talk with her first. This is the same area where we can find the comatose Art Cullagh and Florrick discuss how she intends to bring reinforcements from Baldur's Gate, specifically from Lord Gortash and his automaton creations, the Steel Watch. While she tells us not to hold our breath for this reinforcement, she does ask that we continue our trek to find Grand Duke Ravenguard, A.K.A. Wyll's father. Considering that Pero also saved the Counsellor as well, it once again saddens me that I missed these moments in her gameplay which caused her to become emotionally stunted after the fall of Last Light.
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After talking with Jaheria, I spoke with Rolan and learned of his siblings disappearance. Unlike Pero who felt guilty for his circumstance or Nalanthar who didn't tolerate his tone, Torment takes it with stride and makes it his goal to find the missing Tieflings. Speaking of which, he does learn of the Tieflings disappearance and Zevlor's downfall upon the refugees being ambushed by the Absolute cultists. Seeing another path that must be paved with vengeful blood, Torment is about to make it a point to raid Moonrise Towers.
Also, remember how the first time Astarion and Torment were gonna do the whoo-hoo, Torment backed out at the last minute? Well, despite the fact that the pair laid during the Tiefling party, surprisingly, Torment was still completely unaware of the scars that Astarion bared. I didn't take a long rest upon reaching the Cursed Lands, so when Raphael placed his attention on Astarion, Torment became a bit protective and questioned Astarion about what Raphael meant. Which, of course, resulted in Astarion getting naked and his scars being revealed.
Not only that, but because Torment is a Tiefling, he can easily understand Infernal! However, because the message on the back is coded, all Torment was able to sus out was that it involved some kind of pact and a "fire below." After hearing Karlach lament how her Infernal Engine is acting up, Wyll encouraging us to rescue his father, and telling Halsin of Art; Torment fell asleep and met his disturbing Guardian again as she expresses her exhaustion with keeping the parasite at bay.
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jewbeloved · 2 years
Team Stan with a sleepy! S/o😴💤💗💗
Warnings: none
Gender: Neutral
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💙 Stan Marsh ☃️
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Oh? you're sleepy? that's fine with him!
He will let you sleep on his shoulder or his lap!
He also checks If you are comfortable or he needs to bring you a small medium blanket to use or he will give you his jacket.
Hes a bit jealous that you get more sleep then him to be honest.
When he comes off the bus from school and finds you sleeping on his bed, he will smile and join you sleeping <3.
Cartman probably will try to wake you up on purpose by poking your face repeatedly ._.💀💀
Stan will smack his hand away if he tries to wake you up. 🤗🤗
"Fuck off Cartman! Let them sleep in peace!".
"Dude, they're always sleeping for like 13 to 15 hours and they are still sleepy. Don't you find that weird"?.
"Shut up fatty, you're literally a lazybone who eats cheesy poofs for a living you shouldn't be talking!".
"Don't call me fat asshole!".
Overall, Stan really just likes your sleeping habit and it doesn't change how he sees you💙💙💙💙
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🪴
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He is really confused on how you can sleep for many hours and still be tired.
You would be sleeping on top of your desk with everyone and including Kyle staring at your sleeping form.
Mr Garrison would be trying to get everybody back on track while ignoring you sleeping on your desk instead of sitting down.
Literally, nobody is taking their eye off you.
Heck, If you are still sleeping when class is over everyone makes sure they exit the room quietly so they don't wake you up.
Mr Garrison almost did because he was pissed off at everybody not paying attention the whole time.
After Mr Garrison and everyone else left the room, Kyle was still there gathering his stuff to leave as well.
He looked over to see you still sleeping in the same position on your desk.
He picked you up and putted you on his back and you both walk out of the room together.
Yep, he's definitely concerned on how this is normal for you to just sleep wherever you want.
Expect him to be questioning you when he gets the chance when your not sleepy-
After you explained it to him, he would be all chill with it.
He won't let anybody especially Cartman disturb your sleep while he's around.💚💚💚💚💚
❤️ Eric Cartman 🌹
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Definitely pokes your face to try and wake up you
But he will probably fall asleep next to you after a few pokes.
He doesn't like when you use him as a pillow without his permission.
He instead just pushes you off gently without waking you up.
He literally laughs at Mr Garrison's reaction because you're being a distraction to the whole class.
You would probably get detention for that-
But you didn't care since you always slept wherever you wanted.
Cartman will definitely be annoyed at you for blocking the end of the slide because you fell asleep on it and won't move.
Having a sleepy s/o might make things more interesting and funny❤️❤️❤️❤️
🧡 Kenny Mccormick 🏵️
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Get ready to have something heavy on top of you every time you sleep.
The bed that he sleeps on is always rough and uncomfortable, he when he sees you sleeping he decides if he could take advantage of that and sleep next to you.
There is always drama going on in his life, especially his parents fighting and bickering back and forth.
He just needs a little break from all his problems you know?
So him having a sleepy s/o in his life really calms his nerves🧡🧡🧡🧡
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I demand a whole table full of food now >:C
It's only fair since I wrote this post for you guys :3
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damnedparker · 3 years
pairing: tasm (andrew garfield) peter parker x reader (gender neutral; no y/n) warnings: none i think? this is straight fluff. nothing else but affection from bug boy. summary: a blurb regarding the relationship peter has with mornings (and you, of course).
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Peter used to hate mornings.
Mornings meant classes, consistent yawning from getting little sleep after a night on Spidey patrol, and crawling out of the warmth of his bed to a cold, lonely room.
These things still occurred, but they were a lot easier when the first thing he woke up to was you.
He especially loved mornings like these when he woke up to no alarm, on a weekend, when the two of you happened to have days off that crossed over each other. These were his favorite days of all, when he could spend time with you, no worrying about having to balance work, Spider-Man, classes, and everything else about being an adult.
He slowly blinked his eyes open, first falling on you still fast asleep next to him, a hand almost comically laying on his shoulder, covering his face. One of your legs was still slung lazily over his calf. Sometimes, when sleep was really good and long, you ended up sprawled over half the bed. And him. It was ridiculously cute to him.
He admired your relaxed face for a moment. Eyes closed, eyelashes fluttering across your cheeks, he thought you never looked more gorgeous laying next to him with the morning sun, almost becoming afternoon, filtering over your face. It lit your cheekbones and the high planes of the face he loved so much almost perfectly. He could have melted into the floor.
Slowly, ever so carefully as to not disturb you, he moved close to you, adjusting your arm and your leg so he could pull you close. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pressing a few of the most gentle and light kisses to your temple. You made a contented noise in your sleep, rolling into him and nuzzling your face into his chest like a cat who was bathing in the afternoon sun. Peter smiled uncontrollably. He would never tire of this.
"What time is it?" Your voice cracked a little at the words, having been unused all night during sleep. He chuckled and tucked you further into his arms. He could never have you close enough, not on cold New York mornings under the covers when you had nowhere else to be.
"A little past ten," Peter murmured quietly. It was almost as if he spoke too loud it would break the spell of warmth and comfort that filled the room. "Go back to sleep, baby."
"Mmmnnnooo," you sighed, leaving a few stray, messy kisses across his collarbone. "Wanna remember how comfortable this is." He didn't respond save for a passing hum, beginning to run his hand up and down your back soothingly. He swore sometimes when he did this you nearly purred under his movements. He can't say he reacted any different when you repaid the favor, especially when you would play with his hair, every so often gently rubbing at his scalp. That was his favorite. He fell asleep every time.
"What are you thinking about?" You mumbled. More kisses, this time on his neck and jaw. Tingly goosebumps traveled up his arms at the contact.
"You," he smiled again when your forehead bumped his chin as you wiggled your way upwards in his hold to look at him. Although, he's not sure he ever stopped smiling in the first place. "Hi."
"Hi," you pressed a warm kiss to his lips. His first real kiss from you of the day. It lit his whole world on fire, making the sun shine through the window brighter. "How'd you sleep, bug?"
"Good. Always good with you here." He felt another wave of warmth come over him at the nickname. One that started as a teasing joke, often used as a variation of your favorite "bug boy," but now was soft around the edges, velvety and comforting like a warm blanket wrapped around him.
"Me, too," a soft smile crept across your face. Peter felt like he was on the moon when one of your hands slid up, pushing his surely messy hair off his forehead. You gave him another kiss, followed by a peck on his jaw, then moved slightly away from him to stretch. He watched as you arched your back, a yawn coming over you at the same time. The way the shirt of his you were wearing slid upwards at the movement, showing the smallest bit of your tummy, made him shove his face in the pillow. Peter wanted to scream. At how lucky he was. How happy he was. How cute you were.
You noticed almost immediately the face you loved admiring in the mornings was now gone, and you let out a small jingle of a laugh, moving back towards your boyfriend. Your hands made their way up his back, up his shoulders that so often seemed to hold the weight of the world on them. You rubbed slowly over his shoulder blades, pressing a kiss to his hair as he continued to hide his face in the pillow. For a moment, you almost believed he had fallen back asleep.
Peter peeked one eye up at you, turning his face just so until he made contact with you, looking for a few moments in quiet.
"What?" You let out a surprised squeak the next moment when Peter basically pounced on you, leaning over you with you flat on your back. He pressed an eager kiss to your lips.
"I love you," he mumbled against your mouth in between kisses, only finally pulling back to place another on the bridge of your nose. Peter leaned his forehead against yours, closing his eyes as he continued. "I don't deserve you, I'm a fucking mess."
"So am I, P," you tilted your head at his sudden confession, bringing a hand up to his cheek. "You deserve to be loved. Whatever messes you have, they're mine too, and I'll always help clean them up. Because I love you."
"I don't know why," he mumbled, letting himself down gently to lay on top of you, his cheek pressed to yours.
"Peter," you said his name so gently, so full of love. "Where's this coming from?"
"My brain."
"Okay, smartass," you teased lightly, earning a smile from him that you could feel against your skin. "Get offa me, bug boy." He groaned and flipped the two of you over, now pulling you to sit up with him. He leaned against the wall next to your bed, and you came to straddle his lap so you could look at him properly. "You're the smartest and most caring person I know. You love this city so much that you risk your life every night without question just to keep them safe. And you try so damn hard everyday to make sure the people closest to you know you love them the most," Peter closed his eyes at your words, leaning into the hand still caressing his cheek. His eyebrows just so slightly pinched together as he listened quietly, a tinge of pink lighting his cheeks. When he didn't say anything you pressed further. "Do I need to go down a list? 'Cause we can start at the top. In fact, let's just go down the alphabet. A is for--"
"Okay, okay," he laughed, stopping the beginning of your spiel. He looked up at you sweetly, with those big brown eyes that were, in fact, high up on your list of things you loved about him. It was a shame he wore a mask as Spider-Man, because you were sure those eyes alone would have criminals walking straight into their jail cell. "I just... feel so lucky. So much so that I'm so scared I'm going to fuck this all up. I don't want to lose you."
"I'm not going anywhere, Parker," you smiled at him, wishing he could see your thoughts so he could understand truly how much you loved him. "You're stuck with me. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Oh, I don't know about that," he tilted his head, a smile coming over his face again. "You'd figure it out. It's me that would be completely lost. I can't even do laundry right."
"You did manage to shrink all of your pants in one go that time," you admitted, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He laughed, seeming to come out of his worried mood. You kissed his cheek a few times, then squeezed him tight to you in a hug. "I love you, Peter Parker. More than you will ever know, got it? That's never going to change."
"Got it." He mumbled, kissing your shoulder.
Peter loved mornings.
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flyingraijin · 3 years
MHA Boys React to You Falling Asleep on Them
Ft. Bakugou, Sero, Todoroki, Denki, Shinso, Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima
Warnings: None
Note: Just a lil something while I work on some bigger stuff. Hope you enjoy :)
Katsuki Bakugou
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Surprisingly, he doesn't actually make a big deal out of it.
He's a little taken aback, of course.
After all, he never expected that someone could feel so at ease in his presence that they're able to fall asleep with their head on his shoulder.
When he first notices your weight on him, he has half a mind to shrug you off.
But then he glances down and sees how you're completely out cold and snoring softly against him.
Something inside him just... melts.
He scowls immediately.
"Dumbass. If you'd told me you were tired, I would've let you get more comfortable."
Grumbles about it from the moment you wake up.
But there's no malice in his eyes and you notice him being slightly more cuddly with you, especially after a long day when he can see you're exhausted.
Hanta Sero
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Cheeky boi.
He's so smug about it, especially since you'd been insisting that you weren't tired.
Brushes your hair out of your eyes to see your sleeping face better.
"Aww, I knew you were lying to me, Lovebug."
He can't help but blush a little though.
Juuuuuust a little.
You just look so damn gorgeous while you're sleeping.
And he's internally doing backflips at the way he can feel how you’re slumped against him, your entire body weight resting against his.
For some reason, he feels really proud that you trusted him to support you while you slept.
Even if you hadn't meant to go to sleep in the first place.
Shoto Todoroki
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He freezes up for a second.
You're asleep on him?
He actually gets properly flustered (internally).
You wouldn't know any of this by looking at his face.
The more he stares down at your relaxed form, the more he worries.
Are you comfortable? Is he too cold? Too warm? What does he do with his hands? Should he wake you up?
You'd never expect him to be a massive over-thinker but when he sees you passed out against him, his brain does a double take.
Eventually he makes the executive decision to adjust his position a little, allowing you to rest against his front rather than his shoulder.
Thankfully, this doesn’t wake you up.
Instead, you actually snuggle into him, which makes him even more flustered.
Denki Kaminari
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For a moment he's sure his brain short-circuited.
You’re asleep? Since when?
He immediately becomes very aware of the fact that you're leaning against him.
Carries on with whatever he was doing before you fell asleep, however he's extra conscious not to move around too much, in case it disturbs you.
He might even shift his arm slightly so he can tuck you more comfortably into his side.
He’s a flirt by nature, but he didn't used to this kind of sincere show of trust.
It sparks butterflies in his stomach and he has to contain his big goofy grin.
Won't stop being giddy for hours after you wake up.
Hitoshi Shinso
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He’s actually pretty chill about it.
Well... for the most part.
When he first realises you're asleep on his shoulder, he really doesn't think much of it.
After all, you were tired after training so why shouldn't you go to sleep?
However as more time passes, and he begins to consider the situation more, he starts to overthink.
He knew you (and the rest of the class) weren't afraid of him or his quirk. He also knew that you trusted him a whole lot.
However this particular show of complete subconscious trust - enough that you allowed yourself to sleep on his shoulder - makes his heart flutter.
He doesn't want to make a big deal out of it though, in case you'd be embarrassed when you woke up.
So he just shifts his shoulder a little so your head rests more comfortably against it and carries on with whatever he was doing.
He can't suppress the small smile on his face though.
Izuku Midoriya
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Blushing blushing blushing.
The moment he realises you're asleep, his face turns bright pink.
Normally he wouldn’t mind as much but, like, this is you.
The most gorgeous person he knows.
He almost stresses to the point where he's muttering to himself in sheer panic.
Until Bakugou has to walk past and say, "Shut up, Deku, or else you're gonna wake that idiot up!"
After that, he pulls himself together.
Arranges himself so you're in the most comfortable position possible.
Gently strokes your hair.
He can't help but wonder what you're dreaming about as he looks down at your peaceful face.
Kinda hopes it’s him.
Tenya Iida
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Surprisingly enough, he's relatively calm.
He could see you were tired form the beginning and so he expected you fall asleep eventually.
The fact that it happened on him, however, catches him off guard.
Wouldn't it be better if you went to bed? At this rate, you're probably end up with a crick in your neck.
However when he shifts, preparing to pick you up and take you to bed, you end up latching onto him tighter in your sleep.
The tips of his ears turn red when he realises you genuinely want to be with him.
Well, it couldn't do too much harm to let you rest here for a few more minutes.
Cautiously he wraps an arm around you.
He doesn't want to do anything that may potentially make you uncomfortable if you wake up.
But the feeling of you sleep against him is just so comforting.
Ejirou Kirishima
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He blushes almost as much as Midoriya.
But he’s also a lot more confident.
The moment he realises you've gone to sleep, he moves you so that you're not in any kind of position that may leave you stiff when you wake up.
Once he's got you situated, he takes a break from whatever he was doing to just.. look at you.
He can't help but feel appreciated - after all, out of everyone in the class you could've fallen asleep on, you chose him.
He’s also gonna make an effort to protect you from your classmates
If someone laughs or makes a comment about you, he gets genuinely annoyed and tells them to shut up.
You're in such a vulnerable state when you're asleep.
It’s the manly thing to do, to make sure no one else takes advantage of that.
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books-and-catears · 3 years
Hopefully I'm not bothering once again but I wanted to share yet another thingy thing I thought of
Mc suddenly didn't show up for 2 classes, so one of the brothers goes to search for them, and see that- They fell asleep, and a small cerberus puppy was asleep on them as well (basically just,, like a different breed of cerberus)
Awww this ask is so freaking adorable I can't~ thank you so much. YOU NEVER BOTHER ME. Ask as much as you want I'm always delighted.
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You're usually a pretty responsible student. Of course you occasionally bunk a class because either Mammon drags you onto one of his misadventures or Belphie doesn't let you leave till late.
But two classes in a row? He didn't like the sound of that. What are you becoming MC?
"Where did you see them last?" Lucifer inquires around as he tries to find you.
It didn't take him too long, you are at the house itself. In the living room, near the window.
With your head tilted against the headrest, your eyes closed in deep sleep. You even had your uniform on. And what's that in your lap? A puppy?
A three headed puppy lay curled up in your lap, all three heads asleep and nuzzling at stomach.
Lucifer broke into a smile, his face reddening. Damnit who gave you the right to look this cute?
If this is the reason you didn't show up... Well he can write some absent notes for you.
Gets his jacket to cover both and the pupper up.
Strictly warns his brothers not to go in and disturb you.
"Oi human! Pick up the damn phone!" He keeps trying to call but you don't pick up. And then sighs knowing you probably can't even hear your DDD cause you keep it on silent.
Classes are boring as they are, now he's even more restless. You are the one person who helps in concentrate in class. Two at a time is too much to take!
Starts hunting for you in the all classrooms and then heads home.
Oh look there's MC! "MC what are ya doing at home- OH!" Shuts up when he sees you sleeping, holding a puppy in your arms.
Involuntarily snaps like 50 pictures of you. One of them is his wallpaper now.
IT'S NOT LIKE YOU LOOK CUTE OR ANYTHING! He just couldn't help it!
Also grumbles at the puppy for a while out of jealousy.
Stays next to you until you wake up.
MC where are you!!! The second class just ended!!! Are you bunking on purpose LOL - Levi constantly kept texting you like this and yet no replies.
Now who will ramble to about the new TSL series? No this is too much.
Gets busy looking for you. Man this is just like that anime 'Hunting down my missing best friend or else I die of boredom'!
Starts a whole detective game sequence where he interacts with anything and everything to get a clue of where you are.
He almost nosebleeds when he sees you and the puppy curled up and sleeping.
Too cute MC. Too cute. You're killing him.
Took a lot of pictures and but it didn't feel like enough. Also low-key jealous of the puppy.
So he just sits there and starts drawing you and the puppy in anime style with different costumes.
'MC you're missing important classes, are you okay?' He also sends you a message. Usually you reply to him almost instantly. He gets worried when you don't.
He usually takes down notes for you and explains when he gets back. And he is certain that sometimes you miss classes just so he can teach you instead.
Detective Satan mode activated. He is also the fastest at finding you.
When he says fast asleep with a puppy on your lap, he breaks into a chuckle.
How typical. You fell asleep exactly the same way in his room with a two kittens on your lap last week.
He also takes a photo adding to his secret gallery 'MC + pets'. It's top secret.
Gently raises your head and places a pillow so your neck doesn't hurt when you wake up.
Decides to stay by your side and make notes for you till you wake up.
Why isn't MC picking up his calls?! MC stop stressing him out, it's bad for his skin!
If you were planning to skip classes, then you could have joined him in a shopping spree instead.
Promptly starts a search for you by charming whoever he can. Creates so much fuss over a missing human.
Eventually Satan tells him and he finds you at home in deep sleep with a cute puppy on your lap.
He will literally set up the lighting and clean up the surroundings so fast and so noiselessly.
He secretly marvels at how much you've accepted Devildom as your own.
A three headed puppy doesn't even faze you, you love and hold it all the same.
Falls asleep next to you. Extra beauty sleep? Yes please.
MC isn't in class? Perhaps they're in the cafeteria? He's usually lost in his own thoughts about what to have for lunch so he didn't notice at first
MC come back he needs to share his snacks. He even got your favourite pudding.
Almost sniffs you out like a dog when he goes home. He chuckles and smiles, as he sees you in deep sleep while the puppy lies on your lap, it's tail wrapped around your finger.
It reminds him of how Belphie used to hold Beel while sleeping when they were kids.
Carries you so gently to the bed, puppy and all and covers you up with a blanket. And he does it flawlessly cause he has had to do it with Belphie before.
Leaves your favorite pudding and school lunch all wrapped up on the table for you to have when you wake up.
He could tell MC wasnt in class cause he couldn't sleep well. He generally sat beside or behind MC, their presence gave him the better sleep.
Of course none of his idiot brothers know where MC is. Ugh. Why does he have to everything around here?
He goes straight home, he knows there is nowhere you like to be alone at school. And he is right when he finds you.
How can someone possibly look so cute when they're sleeping? He cups your cheek and runs a hand through your hair like you do to him when he's asleep.
Also that's a lucky puppy to be sleeping in your lap. He knows it's where he sleeps best.
Also takes a picture and sets it as his screensaver.
And then he gently shoves the puppy aside and rests his own head on your lap and falls fast asleep.
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