#and everyone was pretty positive at the end of callbacks that it came down to me and one other girl
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helluvapurf Ā· 2 years ago
*oop almost forgot to post* -BUUUT, looks like HB's second-half of S1's finale is finally here! šŸ‘€Lets talk about it~
Spoiler thoughts below for those who haven't seen it-
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The Positives:
-The background & Gluttony ring setting were pretty gorgeous to look at, wonderfully sickly sweet & inviting with all the honeycomb/beehive aesthetics~
-Kudos to Kesha making a stellar guest appearance as "Queen Bee(-lzebub)"; a charismatic and charming party girl who turned out to have more of a heart when it all came down to it (making sure everyone was well-fed, nudging Loona to go look after Blitz, her tender side to Tex, etc.), what a vibe~ šŸ˜Š
-Loona gets to shine again in a speaking role, and this time wasn't too overly-moody/aggressive, but more anxious and unsure of how to make friends with all these wild party guests (which I'm sure anyone could relate to, in some degree šŸ„ŗ). Even getting to see her acknowledging more of Blitz as her dad was a nice touch (for the time being at least) ^^
-Nice to see Blitz arrive as he could to help out Loonie, even after he already had a stressful night from "Ozzie's" (+drank himself silly at Bee's party), his daughter's presence being there for him in the darkest parts of his life is what matters most, aww~ ā˜ŗļø
-Tex gets to return as the best wolf bro that he is, and his lil moments with his girlfriend Bee (while arguably a bit overdone with the ā€œroyalty x commonerā€ theme, given some other HB pairs we got atm-) were still pretty wholesome on their own too~ šŸ’›
The Negatives:
-As sweet as it was to see more of Loona's softer/vulnerable side (especially when tending to her dad at the end)... idk, it just makes me all the more crushed at how "Seeing Stars" just threw away that potential development out the window, so her & Blitz actually get along for once here isn't meant to "mean" anything in the long runā€¦ šŸ˜”*sighs*
-Pacing felt a teeeensy bit rushed/unfinished in some parts... like on one hand you have Bee's song running for a good chunk of time (like a standard iTunes single), but stuff like Loona's anxiety/rivalry with those snobby dogs at the party wasn't really addressed afterwards once Blitz entered the picture (opting instead for filler of him drinking/fooling around while Loona's just... kinda "there", up until they go home)? Idk, I kinda get in-hindsight why Viv had to make this a shorter ep, but in this sense I feel like just a few more mins added could've really enhanced the story a lil better.
-While the tonal shifts weren't... too clunkily-handled compared to some of S2's lineup, I'll admit there's some parts that could've used a bit of tweaking in the emotional bits imo (Like Blitz just abruptly throwing up after moping about his love life... while funny initially, it still makes one wonder if it really "needed" to be there, yknow?)
-Enjoyably catchy as a classic lil callback to the early 2000s!era of pop/clubbing musicā€¦ after a few listens. "Cotton Candy" does feel a lil too long/repetitive in a couple parts, I'll admit .w.; Whichā€¦ probably was the intention now that I think about it ('cause yknow, Gluttony-) buuuut, ye lol
-As much as I enjoyed seeing Tex & his friendship with Loona again... ehhhh, with her lowkey still seeming to have a crush on him (+her implied jealousy at Bee), I'm a bit afraid this might lead to some unnecessary love triangle bs if not handled carefully .x.; Since we already got enough of that with Blitz' love life atm, we really don't need more melodrama tbh >>
-Finally... yeaaaaah I know this is already getting kinda "debated" enough already in the fandom, but as far as my thoughts on Bee's design goes? ...Kiiiiiinda don't really know what to think still tbh- ^^;;
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Like, okay there's parts I do genuinely love about it, like the bee-theming, the honey hair & lava lamp aesthetic (+the lowkey-callback to the "Die Young" wolf girl was a cute touch)... buuuuut then you get to the random canine-bod/blue tuft of hair that the design just loses me from there, I'm afraid glkjgk .w.;;
Again, I don't hate the canon Bee design overall, and I'm curious to see if she'll make any other reappearances down the line (even if they might need to recast her for budget issues like w/ Striker)... buuut idk, if I had to personally reimagine her myself I'd personally lean more to her being a cute bee demon imho .3.
-Aaaaand yeah, that about covers it for my thoughts regarding this ep! :> I'd say overall I'd give it.... hmm, a B-rank perhaps? (hehe bee pun-) .3. A lil heavy on the filler in some parts (and in the long run could arguably be one of the more "skippable" eps), but for what its worth it had some good vibing moments for me as a palate-cleanser to some of the "lesser" S2 eps, previously ^^ šŸ‘
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katherine-traylor Ā· 2 years ago
Belated review: 'Midnight Mass'
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My partner and I often have trouble choosing what to watch. Sheā€™s seen almost everything, for one thing, and I hate making her rewatch things. The overlap in our tastes also isnā€™t that wide, so it can be difficult finding something we both enjoy. Last week I randomly picked Midnight Mass, though, and it turned out to be a very good choice.
To make it clear: we are not horror fans. I walked out of IT about ten minutes in, and my attempt at watching Ju-On ended after ten seconds. Weā€™ve both been curious about The Haunting of Hill House, also by Mike Flanagan, but we werenā€™t together when it came out and neither of us wanted to watch it alone. (Maybe now weā€™ll try.) Jump scares are the real issue, at least for me. I feel them like a physical assault, and thatā€™s not a feeling I want in my entertainment media. Fortunately, Midnight Mass doesnā€™t have too many,, and the ones it has are for dramatic effect, so I didnā€™t mind them too much. Overall, itā€™s a beautiful series, with great acting, wonderful music, and gorgeous cinematography.
SPOILERS below, for obvious reasons.
We start with Riley Flynn. While driving drunk, he causes an accident that kills a teenage girl and is sent to prison for four years. The story begins when he comes home to the dying fishing community of Crockett Island. At the same time, Erin Greene, Rileyā€™s childhood friend and sweetheart, has come home pregnant from a bad marriage. Sheā€™s settling into life as a single mom-to-be, taking her own motherā€™s place as the islandā€™s only teacher. At the same time, Sheriff Hassan, one of two Muslims on the island and a recent transfer from New York City, is trying to build a meaningful life in a small, hostile town where thereā€™s nothing much to do. His son resents him for bringing him here, and both are generally made to feel like outsiders. Meanwhile, the islandā€™s few teenagers do their best to keep themselves sane in a place where nothing interesting has happened in years.
Then something does happen: to the shock of everyone in the congregation of St. Patrickā€™s, the local Catholic church, a new priest has come to fill in for the old priest, Monsignor Pruitt, who supposedly fell ill on his return from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The new priest, Father Paul, is very good at his job: kind, charismatic, and a talented preacher. Everyone seems to like him, and attendance at mass is going up. Good things are happening, relationships are forming, upswing, and the community as a whole seems to be on an upswing.
At the same time, though, some pretty nasty things are happening, too. (Content warning, if youā€™re thinking of watching this show: there are lots of animal deaths, including one very graphic one thatā€™s extremely awful.) Father Paul seems to know more than he should, and in general there seem to be lots of secrets for an island with 127 people on it.
Then a genuine miracle happens at St. Patrickā€™s, and suddenly the mood changes.
I wonā€™t completely spoil the rest, but I will say we were just a hair disappointed by the revelation of whatā€™s actually happening in town: the truth wasnā€™t quite as mysterious and strange as the first episodes suggested. But it was a really neat twist on the trope.
The priest (played by Hamish Linklater) was a cool character: earnest, devoted, well-meaning, and tragically misguided. The congregation was also mostly devoted and well-meaning (though, critically, not all of them were) and I thought the director did a good job showing the positives and negatives of deep religious faith. Mike Flanagan apparently grew up Catholic and is now atheist, and you can definitely see that in this series. The incorporation of religious music is very effective, and itā€™s neat how key moments of the story are set at key points during Holy Week, building up to a catastrophic midnight mass on the eve of Easter Sunday where everything finally goes down.
The final scene of the show is really beautiful, and itā€™s a great callback/final summation of all those religious themes, with what felt like a reenactment of some of the earliest days of Christianity. It was clearly very deeply thought through, and really effective. Addiction, the showā€™s other main theme, was really well dealt with, treating the subject with both honesty and compassion. The series also has things to say about life in a small, traditional, dying community. The depiction was really strong, but if it had been possible, I would have liked to see just a tiny bit more of Crockett Island before everything went to pieces. Iā€™m not even sure what state itā€™s supposed to beā€“Maine, maybe? Itā€™s not important, I guess, but it would have been nice to know a little more about some of the extras who died horrifically during the course of the show.
One of the strongest points of the series was Bev Keane, played by Samantha Sloyan. She was a fantastic villain in that I absolutely hated her from moment one. Well done. Sheā€™s a kind of person who feels very familiar, though I canā€™t think of specific examples: a judgmental zealot who resents all the sinners around her for having a good time, and who canā€™t understand why everyone seems to be happier than her when sheā€™s following all the rules and theyā€™re not. There was some interesting little-girl imagery her portrayal (hair in a single braid down her back, Peter Pan collars, a high-necked white dress for mass, and a general air of ā€œmalicious tattletaleā€ attitudeā€) that shows you sheā€™s always been like this. Having never matured emotionally past ā€œteacherā€™s pet,ā€ she has no real depth of soul and isnā€™t able to understand genuine human relationships. Thereā€™s a brief moment at the end where she seems to have gained a hint of maturity, but (spoiler) it doesnā€™t last. It was a really compelling performance and added a lot to the show.
Sheriff Hassan (Rahul Kohli) was another strong performance, though I would have liked to see just a little more of him throughout the series. I loved his relationship with his son and the way the show dealt with the issue of religious conversion and intergenerational culture gaps, plus the irony of Hassan bringing his son to Crockett Island for safety in the context of what actually happened. I would have liked to have gotten a bit more backstory earlier in the series, because I felt like his big monologue (episode 6, I think?) tried to push too much info into too little space, but Kohli is a great actor and did an excellent job.
Riley (Zach Gilford) was probably my favorite performance. I absolutely loved him. Remorse shone through every moment, every gesture, and every word he said, and the dream images of Tara Beth were incredibly vivid and effective. I absolutely understood what he had gone through, where he was coming from emotionally, and whyā€“after being gutted by the guilt of accidentally killing an innocent human beingā€“he would make the choice he did rather than live through that again. The AA meetings between him and Father Paul were some of my favorite scenes. Another of my favorite characters was Joe Collie, a distorted reflection of Riley, who was also incredibly well acted (I would like to see more of Robert Longstreet).
Erin Greene, probably the main female character, was not my favorite. She wasā€¦ fineā€¦ but her line delivery was a little too theatrical for me, and her big final monologue went on for WAY too long. But the actress, Kate Siegel, is apparently the directorā€™s wife, so I guess I should get used to her if Iā€™m going to keep watching Flanagan shows. I did love the relationship between Erin and Riley, though (from the beginning to the end). Another strong note was how Riley and his parents kept trying and and half-succeeding at reconnecting with each other throughout the story after the physical and emotional rift caused by what Riley did.
The show did have a few downsides. My main pet peeve was the lighting: though the show was set during early spring, the constant darkness and general color palette kept making me think it was October. There really is a difference between spring and autumn light, and in a series where so much of the action happens outdoors, I think that should have been taken into account. (Just looked it up and apparently it was filmed in fall because of COVID, which is understandable but unfortunate. I think it would have been better to wait a few more months.) I also felt that the last two episodes of the show were weaker than the first five (possibly because of who was missing). Overall, though, it was a really good series and I definitely recommend it.
Iā€™d like to watch other shows and films by Mike Flanagan, but Iā€™m worried theyā€™ll be too scary. The Haunting of Hill House is one of my favorite books (I reread it almost every autumn), so Iā€™m definitely interested in that adaptation. Iā€™d also like to see The Fall of the House of Usher when it comes out, since we read that story in high school. Iā€™d like to read The Turn of the Screw before I tackle The Haunting of Bly Manor (which is based on that book), so Iā€™ll put that one off for a while. What spooky, creepy, pretty, and not-too-scary horror shows and movies would you recommend?
Image source here. Original blog post here.
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takakuteki-butterfly Ā· 3 years ago
Free! The Final Stroke fundown rundown
I just came out here for fun swim times, and now Haruā€™s evil.
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Ok, Iā€™m just gonna post things as I remember them.
Spoilers, obviously.Ā  And this gets really long.Ā  Have a snack ready.
As a warning, my Japanese isnā€™t fantastic, so I may have missed some things or misinterpreted some things (though, to toot my own horn a bit, I understood a lot more with this film than with other raw Japanese movies Iā€™ve watched).Ā  Also, at this point itā€™s been several hours since I saw the show, and my memory is shit.Ā  Take anything I say here with a grain of salt.
Movie starts off cute, with Nagisa, Rei, Makoto, and Rin making some kind of video about (for?) Haru.Ā  I think it took place in the past?Ā  Because Haru, Makoto, and Rin are in their high school uniforms, so I think maybe this takes place before Dive to the Future.Ā  Maybe.
Thereā€™s a childhood flashback with Hiyori and Kaede.Ā  Seems Hiyori is actually the one who got Kaede into swimming, though Hiyori ended up moving before they ever got a chance to swim together.Ā  If I understood right, Kaedeā€™s family member(???) was also a swimmer.Ā  And in fact, because of stuff thatā€™s shown later in the movie, I think itā€™s strongly hinted that the friend that Coach Azuma lost in his past was Kaedeā€™s family member(???).
Thereā€™s some stuff with a school festival, but it must be joint because Haru/Asahiā€™s university and Ikuya/Hiyoriā€™s university are both involved.Ā  Rin and Sosuke go and Rin and Ikuya tease each other relentlessly, then run off to compete against each other at a game booth.
And thatā€™s all well and cute.
The bulk of the story takes place in Australia, with Haru, Rin, Ikuya, and Kaede (and Kaedeā€™s friend, whoā€™s name I forget, but apparently is a crazy strong breaststroke swimmer) representing Japan in an international tournament.Ā  Stuff happens, Rin and Ikuya both lose their matches (in butterfly and breast, with Ikuya losing to that friend of Kaedeā€™s).
Before Haruā€™s match, he and Kaede are in the locker room.Ā  Albert comes in; Kaede tries to rile him up and is blatantly ignored.Ā  Albert says straight up to Haru, ā€œIā€™m not swimming for fun today.Ā  Iā€™m just here to do my job.ā€Ā  D=
Haru swims against Kaede and Albert, and swims so hard he canā€™t catch his breath afterwards and falls down a flight of stairs (no worries! Ikuya catches him).Ā  Albert wins, but Haru does qualify for the next round.Ā  At some point, Haru yells at Azuma about how to get stronger?Ā  But I didnā€™t really understand that bit.
For the next race (the next day), Albert drops out for unknown reasons.Ā  He gets shit for it later from that old guy who controls him (father? grandfather? caretaker? idk).Ā  Itā€™s clear that Old Guy is using Albert for sponsorship money and to live vicariously through him.Ā  I donā€™t know which is worse.
So Kaede gets bronze in that race.Ā  Haru doesnā€™t place.Ā  Everyone goes back to Japan.
While all that is going on, it also frequently cuts to what the others are doing in Japan.Ā  Makoto has basically taken on coaching Sousuke, and they spend nearly the entire movie together.Ā  Asahi, Hiyori, and Kisume also spend much of the movie together, streaming the events in Australia and talking about the future and stuff.
And in a scene that is a clear callback to the rainy poolside scene in Eternal Summer, where Haru, Rin, and Makoto talk about what theyā€™re going to do after graduation, thereā€™s a scene with Rei, Nagisa, and Gou by the poolside, in the rain, talking about what theyā€™re going to do after graduation.Ā  Sounds like they all have a plan, but if specifics of those plans were mentioned, I didnā€™t catch it.Ā  But they all looked happy and positive about their futures.
And at some point, Sousuke, Makoto, and Hiyori have a backstroke race.Ā  Hiyori wins, though they donā€™t actually show him winning (-_-); they just show pictures of the batsu game Sousuke and Makoto had to do because they lost (dressing up and taking obnoxiously cute photos).
With everyone back in Japan, thereā€™s lots of talking and... stuff.Ā  Then they all go back to their hometowns for New Yearā€™s.Ā  Thereā€™s a scene of Haru and Makoto in that place where the fireworks scene took place in Eternal Summer, and Makoto is about to tell Haru something, but then his phone rings and he remembers that he promised his siblings he would do something with them, so he runs off, leaving Haru alone.
Thereā€™s also a scene of Ikuya and Asahi swimming alone in a pool at night.Ā  They praise each otherā€™s swimming, saying how theyā€™ve both been impressed with one another since middle school.
And thereā€™s a scene with Hiyori in Kyoto (looks like heā€™s at Kiyomizudera, but itā€™s night time and is that place open at night??), and Kaede approaches him.Ā  They talk.
Haru goes to Iwatobi Elementary and is standing under that sakura tree when Rin finds him.Ā  Haru talks about how theyā€™ll challenge the international tournament next year, and they can do it! because theyā€™ll be together.Ā  Rin tells him that he and Ikuya both have decided not to participate next year; theyā€™re going to go pro instead.Ā  Haru gets really upset, because theyā€™re abandoning him and heā€™ll be all alone.
Then he gets possessed by the ghost of Albert and basically tells Rin to piss off and that he doesnā€™t need him or anyone anymore.
The end!Ā  To be continued in seven months!Ā  =D
Other bits:
Though the character count has exploded, I felt there was a good balance between showing what everyone was up to, while still keeping the focus on Haru, as the main character.
60% of the movie was flashbacks to stuff that happened throughout the entire series.Ā  Saving money on animation, or trying to hammer in the memories before the grand finale?Ā  You decide.
Flashbacks also includes the animation from the original commercial that started this all.Ā  =D
The English voice actors for Albert and Old Guy can not act for shit.Ā  >_<Ā  Itā€™s so jarring.
Iā€™m pretty sure I didnā€™t hear any OLDCODEX.Ā  I knew they were on hiatus; I didnā€™t think theyā€™d pull the song from the movie at the last minute.Ā  (Unless that was them, and itā€™s a totally new style than what weā€™re used to.)
If youā€™re here for the shipping, youā€™re going to be disappointed.Ā  There was very little.
There was a preview for the next movie, but literally the only thing I remember is ā€œREI~!! <3ā€³
They also showed the main image for the next movie, which is almost the exact same as this movieā€™s (see above), except instead of looking pissy, Haruā€™s expression is incredibly soft.
The end~!
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teresa-moyocoyotzin Ā· 4 years ago
short recap of my thoughts on 5x09
okay so i was gonna rewatch the whole episode and do a blow-by-blow reaction post but iā€™m not sure iā€™ll have time and i kinda wanna focus on watching my fave scenes from the show before tonight. also, everyone elseā€™s reaction posts p. much sum up my thoughts lolĀ 
nonetheless, i just wanted to give my main takeaways on the episode a week later, in case anyone cares where iā€™m at going into the finale! gonna go over the things i liked first, anyone who wants to just remain positive and not see any salty takes might wanna just stick to reading the first part b/c i definitely rant a bit at the end lmao. weā€™re still having a fun time tho šŸ˜‚
- i mean... i think we know LOL
- obviously. i loved james and teresaā€™s i love you scenes, and kisses, and OOF THAT SEX SCENE. if someone had told me we were gonna get that scene back in like 2017??? i probably would have started literally floating. i totally respect that people had very specific ideas of what they wanted out of those scenes and could have different feelings about it but NOT ME BABES I AM ECSTATIC!!! i did go into the episode with a ~feeling~ that we were gonna get at least one ILY in the episode, and i just had a feeling it would be james, or at least that he would say it first. iā€™ve already explained in my meta about the scenes why i think it makes sense that he said it first and why i love it that he did, so i wonā€™t go into that here. but i went in having really no expectations for it other than that it was gonna happen! i was debating about whether it would happen really casually while theyā€™re talking, or in like a big action scene, or really dramatic or what, and what i would prefer, and i came to the conclusion that i would love it no matter what lol, but i was really into the idea of james just. fucking. saying it. while theyā€™re just talking about something really casually. so therefore i was pretty happy with it when we got sort of a mix! theyā€™re talking about teresaā€™s insane death trap of a plan so thereā€™s that drama ofĀ ā€œi donā€™t want to lose you esp. not before saying ILYā€ kinda thing, but itā€™s also just. so simple and sure! and then teresaā€™s i love you is like the perfect scene for me where one character is super focused on something else (in this case, trying to protect the woman he loves! agh!) and the other is just like.. i love you!!!! SO GOOD
- letā€™s see, what the hell else happened in this ep?
- oh okay i really liked james and teresaā€™s vibes this episode, they were so focused on each other and had this very ride-or-die feeling about them like they knew that each of their plans was increasingly stupid and desperate and might not even get them where they wanna go, but they were IN IT TOGETHER no matter what šŸ˜­i wish we had gotten a callback to that line but at this point, iā€™m p. sure they Know theyā€™re in it together, and we do too. so itā€™s okay. i love that teresa still asks his input and considers his opinions even if she does her own thing anyways hahaĀ 
- oh on that note, i LOVED the moment where their plans to kill Kostya arenā€™t working and Teresa says something likeĀ ā€œIf I can meet with him in person, I can kill him myselfā€ and James just has this LOOK that just is the epitome of theĀ ā€œI am in love with a women who is DESIGNED TO STRESS ME OUTā€ meme lol, it made me giggle, v classic QOTS momentĀ 
- oh and of course, I LOVED that scene with devon and james at the end!!!!!!!! i was also confused about how james was showing all his emotions in that scene esp. since he tries to be stoic about his feelings for Teresa around Devon, but now that iā€™ve read a few peopleā€™s thoughts about, it iā€™m fully on board w the theory that james and teresa already knew this was coming, b/c theyā€™re smart, and b/c james knows devon wouldnā€™t have let him walk away to save Teresa at the beginning of the season without motivation (like having him in place to kill her when sheā€™s no longer useful to the CIA) and THEREFORE james was sort ofĀ ā€œoveractingā€ to make it believable to devon (and the audience lol) that he didnā€™t know this was coming, didnā€™t want to do it, but felt like he had to, rather than the fact that they were already plotting a fake death. that makes a lot of sense to me and makes me really love all the layers to that scene. it does give me a little bit of hope that the finale ~teresaā€™s not really dead~ reveal will be at least a little well executed and not just shoved in at the very end. we shall see though!Ā 
- alright i think thatā€™s what i loved about the episode, if u donā€™t wanna hear me bitching about the little things then u should probably stop here!! just have to get out some of my saltiness lolĀ 
- iā€™m just gonna get it out of the way, yes, i too was supremely annoyed at the amount of KA and Pote take suburbia; it was all 1000% predictable down to the raccoon and the cookies, and the point could have been accomplished in exactly 1 scene, maybe 2, certainly not like 10 or however many we got. whatever. ugh.Ā 
- okay. OKAY. chicho. we need to talk about chicho. i for one, am not mad that he called pote, my boy was stressed. I AM HOWEVER, mad at the writers for making pote come back after saying he trusted chicho to take care of teresa now. like. it totally devalued THE WHOLE THING!! imo, pote shoulda stayed his ass at home where we had to watch him settle all episode, and chicho should have gotten THE HERO MOMENT HE DESERVED (esp. cuz heā€™s on first name basis w teresa now??) which ALSO WOULD HAVE MADE THE SCENE WHERE TERESA GIVES CHICHO THE DISTILLERY AND THE BAR SO! MUCH! MORE! MEANINGFUL!!!!! or just made it make sense at all? like .... iā€™m just so confused by that whole plotline like what was the point? chicho does nothing but call pote and gets Tā€™s whole legacy in NOLA?Ā 
- and donā€™t even get me started on how it makes ZERO sense that pote would have had to charge in at the last minute to save teresa when JAMES THE SNIPER W AMAZING AIM WHO IS LITERALLY. IN LOVE WITH HER. is standing outside like. ur telling me james and chicho (who again, is supposed to be her #2 after james now) just stood there like ā€œoh hey pote yeah you go ahead weā€™ll wait here good luckā€ like WHAT also.. how did pote get past all the guards that made james stay outside? are we meant to believe pote is that sneaky? yā€™all. it just. doesnā€™t make sense. this whole plot situation maddens me more than anythings tbh UGH JUST MAKE IT MAKE SENSEĀ 
- oksanaā€™s daughter..... whatā€™s her name again? idk b/c we only MET HER THIS WEEK....okay this amuses me but iā€™m also annoyed b/c like. there were so many other women who could have taken that spot in the opening sequence... Lil T, Castel, hell even Isabela??? Like idk how they could have done it but they put so much effort into her plot in the first seasons that i really thought she was gonna end up w/ Teresa in the end.. idk that would have been kind cool, Camilaā€™s twoĀ ā€œdaughtersā€ eventually working their way out of the life together..again idk how they could have realistically done it but i really do wish it had been someone we met before. if it had to be someone new this season, they could have introduced her earlier instead of one of the seemingly dozens of random guys we knew for 1 episode before they died... like.. give her some depth please. is she even gonna be in the finale? honestly she better be after making us listen to pote welcome her into the family... like the family u were supposed to leave so u could have an actual baby pote? the family thatā€™s literally dispersing as we speak? also.. since when did pote love oksana so much anyways? also...... just.. if teresaā€™s gonna have some sort of daughter figure or whatever sheā€™s supposed to be, wouldnā€™t it make sense to have her be the one to give the big welcome to the family speech? idk yā€™all..... iā€™m amused but also baffled at the sheer lack of planning behind this. did no one realize they needed someone for the opening scene until like. halfway thru the season? did they plan to have it be castel but they couldnā€™t get her for filming (hence all the weird castel plots?) INQUIRING MINDS WOULD LIKE TO KNOW. itā€™s whatever tho lolĀ 
- i just hope that whatā€™s-her-name gets a lil bit of plot in the finale esp. since otherwise it might just be pote running around being pissy (i donā€™t actually think that haha but i am a lil nervous that teresa wonā€™t come back until the last few mins and iā€™ll have to spend all episode looking at boaz and devon and pote and KA.. i havenā€™t looked at any spoilers tho so iā€™m still hopeful! i will probably make a post about my hopes going into the finale a lil later, both realistic and unrealistic :)Ā 
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into-the-stratosphere Ā· 4 years ago
Sweeney Todd: Revisted
Lol I canā€™t post this on any of my other socials just yet because the official cast list hasnā€™t been posted, but my tumblr isnā€™t linked to my Instagram or Facebook or anything like that, so I felt I could safely post here without getting in trouble. Warning now that this is a LONG post because I overwrite a lot lol
If youā€™ve been following me a while, you might remember last spring I was supposed to be in a production of Sweeney Todd as a soloist/ensemble member. We got through about a month and a half of rehearsals before everything was shut down by Covid, but the company kept promising we would do the show once everything opened up again, just a little while longer and weā€™ll do it, weā€™re pushing for October instead of May, this is going to happen. Honestly, once we hit the school year and no updates had come, I thought this would have to be a show I shelved until an entirely new production came up- until April this year we got an email asking who was still interested in returning.
Somehow we had gotten approval to move forward with the show again after all, and we were being moved to a larger space to accommodate a larger audience to boot! But with the new dates and location, naturally some cast members had to step down from their roles due to conflicts. In fact, pretty much the entire main cast had to step down; our Sweeney had moved in October, our Beggar Woman wasnā€™t comfortable coming back to live theatre just yet, Mrs Lovett would be on her honeymoon during the new show dates, our main Johanna would be working a new job further away, a lot of our younger cast was going to college out of state, like our Anthony and I believe both Tobyā€™s.
In the initial email we were told that if we were willing to return, we could keep our roles and not have to reaudition, but as roles opened up we were also given the option to audition for the new openings. Our understudy Johanna was returning, so I figured they would bump her up into the main role, and I hoped I could squeeze in and maybe get the understudy spot this year, since last year I hadnā€™t made the cut for Johanna at all. I picked my music (Soon from A Little Night Music if anyone was wondering) and my monologue (fairly certain they wanted monologues just to hear that we could do accents because the audition listing said they preferred we did our monologue in accent), and set to preparing again to hopefully have a shot at Johanna this year.
A friend I met doing virtual shows was also auditioning, and when she mentioned she heard the new director didnā€™t want to have any understudies for the main cast, I grew worried, remembering our understudy Johanna said she was returning. Since I didnā€™t know how the director would go about distributing promised roles regarding understudy positions, I continued to prepare to the best of my ability with the slim hope I might get Johanna, but that hope was fading with the knowledge of the former understudyā€™s return.
A few days before the audition however, she posted in our private group that she too would have to step down, as she had just gotten accepted into her dream school and would be out of state during the productionā€™s run. Suddenly the grey area barring me from Johanna dissipated, and all I had to worry for now was the new auditioning pool- this was one of the first in person shows to open in our area since the lockdown, so there was bound to be a lot of new faces trying to get back into the game.
I went in on Sunday feeling far more prepared than I did last year (I almost didnā€™t audition last year because I had only just gotten my voice back from a horrible flu strain), and funnily enough, my friend I had met doing virtual shows had signed up for the same time bracket as me without either of us knowing. Entering the audition room, I immediately felt good; everyone had such a welcoming atmosphere, the director was friendly as could be, but I could also tell he was very professional. I performed the best I could, waited for my friend to finish her audition afterwards, then we went to go talk and catch up while desperately waiting to possibly get a callback.
We chatted for hours about theatre, our virtual theatre group, life, all while keeping a vigilant eye on the time for when that dayā€™s auditions would end and calls would be made. Eventually we both decided to go home, wishing each other the best and hoping to see each other again at callbacks.
I was only halfway home when my phone rang; they loved my audition and wanted me to come in on Tuesday to read for Johanna at callbacks. I was so excited that I started crying behind the wheel, and from the way my phone was blowing up with messages from my friend, I knew she had gotten a callback as well.
Luckily they asked me to prepare Green Finch and Linnet Bird for the callback, because I have known the song for about two years now- I had put it in my audition book about a month before my Sydney trip in 2019, and the hope to perform it in the original production had been the reason I auditioned in 2020 in the first place. I found out there was two other girls they were looking at for Johanna, so I worried day and night that what if they already knew the song too, what if their resumes were better than mine, what if I cracked, what if, what if, what ifā€¦
Tuesday came and I could only hope Iā€™d get another burst of energy after a long day at work. I showed up about forty five minutes early (the drive usually took about half an hour, but the traffic had been forgiving), hearing snippets of the Anthonyā€™s and Beggar Womanā€™s upstairs, and then the first of the other two Johannaā€™s showed up. She was so nice, and with time the second Johanna showed up. We all chatted as the Sweeneyā€™s, and Beggar Womanā€™s came down, and soon enough, they were calling the Johannaā€™s to head upstairs.
The Anthonyā€™s were still upstairs when we got there, certainly so we could read our audition scenes together. The director explained weā€™d be singing our song first (ALL of Green Finch, since thereā€™s no good natural spot to stop in the song), and then taking turns reading with both Anthonyā€™s. Since I volunteered to go first, the director said heā€™d let me go a second time after the other two girls, that way I could adjust any slip ups since I was basically test running the sound and space for the other two girls. The speaker was as loud as it could go, but once I started singing I quickly realized that I drowned out the music and couldnā€™t hear my accompaniment anymore, so I relied on my muscle memory of the flow of the song and my internal meter to get me through to the end. I only messed up on the trill before the final verse, it was so much longer than I anticipated, but I knew Iā€™d be able to fix that after hearing the other two girls. Turns out the other two had only started looking at the song once they got called back, so I had an edge on having it memorized, but once I heard their voices I grew worried because they both had such beautiful tones, trying to react quickly to when they missed something in the music. I went through my second time, correcting my mistake with the trill (which all three of us made the same mistake there) and tweaking a few small things to my blocking, and then we were given a scene to read with the Anthonyā€™s.
We would all get a turn with both Anthonyā€™s to get a sense of chemistry, as well so we could all make adjustments (the director reminded us the context of the scene we were reading after we all finished with the first Anthony, and guided us on a better direction to what Johanna would be feeling in that moment for our second time through). I felt I really connected well with both Anthonyā€™s, familiar with the scene and story so I wouldnā€™t have to be buried in my lines. It was during our read-throughs that I realized the other two Johannaā€™s were likely a few years older than me based on how they played her; more mature, more sure of themselves. I finished my second read-through, hopefully keeping to the context of the scene better than my first run-through, and we were all told that we could head home, that weā€™d be hearing from them in a day or two regarding final casting. Before I hit the door, the director paused me, asking if I still had my original script from the prior production. Heart pounding at the implications his question could be loaded with, I told them I did, and in fact I had it with me. ā€œIt felt like good luck to bring it,ā€ I said, and they all laughed with me at lugging around a four hundred page script for luck.
When we got downstairs, the Johanna I was particularly worried about asked me if I studied opera, which I admitted I did have an associates degree for music. We all talked a while longer before they all headed out, and I sought my friend in the lobby to confide in her; I think Iā€™ve got Johanna.
After talking with her a bit about our auditions, explaining how I thought I had an edge, I headed home, hardly able to sleep as I picked my audition apart in my head and awaited some kind of phone call.
The next day at work I jumped every time my phone buzzed, waiting to see if it was a call. When I was upstairs heating up my lunch, my friend asked if I had heard anything yet, mentioning how she and our Judge thought the director would start making calls after work. I assented- it made sense, plus itā€™s so much better to actually be able to receive the call than to come back to a voicemail about your casting.
As I waited in the hall for someone, my phone started buzzing with a call, and my heart rate shot up. It was still so early in the afternoon, not quite 3:30, and with everything I had knew was good about my audition, I allowed myself a flicker of hope. I knew I had a few minutes, so I quickly answered- and there was our director on the other side.
ā€œHi, is this Shelby? This is (director), from Sweeney Todd.ā€ I responded back, asking how he was, trying not to lose my nerve. ā€œIā€™m great, thanks for asking. Weā€™re just starting to call everyone about casting, and we were just so impressed with your auditions, your first and your callback; we were interested if youā€™d be willing to accept the role of Johanna?ā€
I was trying not to cry on the phone as I excitedly responded YES, I would LOVE to play Johanna- I had wanted to play Johanna for a year and a half at this point, and here was my moment at last. After a few more logistical questions, he bid me a good day and hung up to call the rest of the main cast. I was just bubbling over with excitement, the first thing I did was message my friend that Iā€™d gotten Johanna- she had found out the night before that she was going to be the Beggar Woman since she stayed late at callbacks to discuss a miscommunication with the director (she was accidentally twenty minutes late because her email had the wrong callback time listed, and when the director was made aware, she asked if she could sing again, and he said ā€œwe donā€™t need you to, we saw all we needed your first time through- you ARE the Beggar Womanā€), then I messaged our Judge Turpin, who was one of the other few returning cast members.
My coworkers were all so excited for me, asking me when the show was going to be, that theyā€™d all make a group to go see it together. When I got home, I tricked my parents into thinking I was still nervous about casting, saying ā€œI donā€™t know, Iā€™m just nervousā€¦ I mean, my first kiss is going to be on stage.ā€ And when it clicked that I had gotten the part, my mom screamed and my dad laughed at my mischievousness at tricking both of them, congratulating me.
Iā€™m still waiting on the go-ahead so I can post about this on my main socials, but Iā€™ve just been so excited that I had to find a way to post it secretly somewhere, just so I wouldnā€™t burst at the seams holding this in. Our first rehearsal is in August, so my rehearsal stories series will be returning once those start (I theorized thereā€™s a gap between auditions and first rehearsals because the cast has to be vaccinated for legal reasons, so the handful that arenā€™t can have time to get their vaccines).
For now, I get to wonder who my other fellow cast mates are, who my Anthony will be. Until then, if I cannot fly, let me sing šŸ•Š -Johanna (Shelby)
12 notes Ā· View notes
dukeofonions Ā· 4 years ago
Season Two Episode Ranking
Warning: I get very, very, very, critical in this ranking. Like, angry ranting thatā€™s almost laughable. Should I be getting this worked up over an online series? Eh, probably not. But this is my life and Iā€™ll get outrageously angry over whatever media I want.Ā 
Seriously though, this is all just my personal opinion. Iā€™m not saying you have to agree with me and if you like the episodes that I donā€™t then thatā€™s perfectly fine.Ā 
I tend to overthink things a lot and I spend most of my time analyzing every little details of this series because what else am I supposed to do at work?
So yeah, this ranking is definitely less positive than the one I did for the first season. But I hope yā€™all can still have some fun going over it! And if anyone does their own rankings be sure to tag me because Iā€™d love to see them and see how mine compare!Ā 
Anyways, enough of me acting like this is more important than it is, on with the ranking!Ā 
I canā€™t believe season two only has 12 episodes. Now I went ahead and counted Moving On as one episode in this ranking since my opinions on both parts are pretty similar, but sweet cheese and fish this season started on September 1st, 2017 with Fitting in and right now is left on Putting Others First which came out on May 1st, 2020. And as of me writing this it is now May 2nd, 2021. Itā€™s been a whole year since the last episode and we still have no idea when the finale is coming.Ā 
Like, bruh.Ā 
Also remember how the longest episode in season one was only about 15 minutes long and the shortest one was barely four minutes?Ā 
Well the shortest episode in season two is Crofters- The Musical which is 8:42 seconds. The longest episode is Putting Others First which is a whopping 51:09.
And I wish I could say that the writing was on the same level it was in the first season, but thereā€™s a reason I put that warning up there.Ā 
Well, enough stalling, letā€™s get this ball rolling.
#11 Embarrassing Phases
There are no words in the English language that can describe the sheer amount of hatred I have for this episode. If I could rank this any lower, I would, which will happen once we finally get the season finale. I don't know how that episode will go but it'll definitely be better than whatever dumpster fire this was.
Like, okay. I have some positives. Roman, Patton, and Virgil's costumes were cool. I won't lie I live for vampire Virgil. And the message about embracing your past "phases" and exploring how they helped made you who you are. That's neat. I like that.
And that's it.
My biggest gripe with this episode is Virgil. He just acts like a complete bitch in this! And I don't mean that in an endearing way he's literally so mean for no reason!
He's all "You guys are trivializing my past!"
In response to them going "Hey Virgil, we're glad you're part of our group now and are proud of how far you've come!"
Like okay, even if it was insensitive to call it a "phase" literally there was no reason for him to get as angry as he did.
Just a simple; "Hey, I don't like it when you refer to what I went through as a phase because it feels like you're not talking it seriously."
Isnt that what this whole show is about? Communication???
It wasn't fun watching him just insulting the others, it was annoying!
Like poor Patton, just trying to help and be encouraging, only for Virgil to keep treating him like dirt.
What did I miss here? Virgil was fine in the last few episodes, so what the heck happened?
Oh and let's not forget the great advice Thomas offers Patton at the end of the episode in regards to handling Virgil: "Don't do anything to get on his bad side or else he'll do bad things to you!"
Okay I'm paraphrasing here but that's basically what he says! And since Virgil is supposed to be a representation of anxiety, this is a horrible message!!!
What happened to finding healthy ways to cope with your anxiety? What happened to keeping it in check so it didn't take over your life?
Yeah I'm definitely gonna make a full post about this one episode later because there's a whole lot more to unpack here. But yeah -10/10
#10 Putting Others First
There is just way too much going on with this episode. They try cramming so much in here that I don't even remember more than half of it.
I remember the opening song, then the Lilypadton fight and everything that happens from there. That's it.
And those are the best parts of this episode, but even that has problems because everything with Janus feels like a completely different episode.
Also the whole way they try to teach about morality is all over the place. How did we go from choosing a wedding over a callback to deciding whether or not you would die for your friends to self care is important?
And while the video game sequences, while utilized well in some places, were way too distracting and it felt like they were just trying to shove as many video game references in as they could.
You could take out just about all of them and the episode wouldn't change. Everything they were used for could have been done just through having the characters talk to each other, and knowing this makes the fact that this video was delayed for so long because of it just makes the whole thing worse.
Like the animations were well done, and I don't want to downplay the hard work the animator did. They were just doing their job after all.
But the trolley scenes (especially the second one) hurt my eyes with all the flashing (would have been nice to have some kind of warning for that) and some of the voice effects (especially on Logan's) were grating and distracting.
I want to rank this episode higher, but it has almost zero rewatch ability and honestly besides the ending, when I first watched this episode I was just kinda let down.
#9 Crofters- The Musical
Okay look, the song is a bop and I adore the fact that Logan and Roman got two episodes in the spotlight, but it's just kinda "meh" to me. Plus I get just a tinge of second hand embarrassment but that's just me.
And I know this is kinda unfair but another reason why this one isn't higher is because of a couple of things. One is that they set up some angst for Roman, he's clearly not doing well and Thomas thinks the best thing to do is tell him that he might get his own jam flavor.
Then he does, and instead of following up on that little plot point from this video, they just rushed out a commercial and completely ignored and potential story telling or character development for Roman.
So yeah "Return of the Jam" is the main reason why I don't like this one as much as I used to. And I actually just got an idea for a new post comparing these two so add that to my to-do list.
#8 Fitting In
I actually skipped this one during my first official watch through for one reason and one reason alone: I wasn't allowed to watch Harry Potter.
But I realized that my parents wouldn't approve of me of watching a gay man's content either so I just said screw it.
And luckily I understood enough Harry Potter references to get what they were talking about and honestly, this episode is a lot of fun.
It's a good follow up to Accepting Anxiety, and a nice way to kick off season two. Virgil is finding his place among the group and everyone is trying their best to make him feel welcome, it's really sweet.
And of course we get the new costumes (which i hadn't even noticed that they were wearing their old costumes at first) and I dunno it just gives off season one vibes and it makes me happy.
#7 Moving On Part One/Moving On Part Two
Yeah honestly my thoughts on both parts of this episode are the same. What can I say? It's really good.
This definitely one of the more emotionally heavy episodes in the series, and we see the characters at their lowest for really, the first time in this series.
I adore Patton's room and how each side gets their own corners. All the little details they add in, including the changing picture in the background, it really gives off that nostalgia feel they were going for.
What I love most about this episode is how (unlike some other episodes) they actually let the emotional moments sink in and don't throw in a joke immediately after. Like the ending is bittersweet, sad almost, and I love that they stuck with the mood up until the episode ended.
Not to say there weren't some jokes here and there (mostly in the first part) but once the mood shifts and things become more serious they let that mood stay. And when there are jokes they all work really well.
This is one episode I've actually watched the least out of season two, so it'll be interesting when I go watch it again to see if any of this holds up.
#6 Why Do We Get Out of Bed in the Morning?
Honestly I only put this one above Moving On because Logan and Roman are my favorites.
This episode is actually one of the weaker ones, which hurts to say because again, favorite characters, but goodness it's all over the place. It feels like a precursor to POF and not in a good way.
Logan and Roman just basically argue back and forth throughout the whole episode, never seeing eye to eye with each other, to the point where I think think the writers realized they couldn't find a way to get these two to agree so they just had Thomas step in and be like, "You guys make a really good team!"
Dude, were you even paying attention? They never even reached a conclusion on their own. And even though they have their little moment at the end, it's all kinda ruined when nothing in their relationship changes.
Yes, in Learning New Things About Ourselves, they acknowledge that there's more work to be done in regards to them, which makes sense. People aren't going to suddenly change overnight.
Yet despite having come to some kind of understanding with each other twice now (both here and LNTAO) in the following episodes they still act like they hate each other! Heck Roman is downright nasty to him for seemingly no reason and I don't really blame him for it.
More like I think the writers just don't know how to develop their relationship and just aren't as interested in them as the others. Logan's been reduced to being Mr. Exposition and apparently Roman's personal issues aren't enough for him to carry a room episode on his own because they felt the need to introduce two new characters before he finally gets it.
Sorry, what was I talking about? Oh yeah, the episode.
There's some funny bits here and there and the little animations are cute (even if unnecessary) but really it's only saving grace is being Roman and Logan centered.
Even though they felt the need to include a cameo from literally every other character because apparently no one has any faith that Logan and Roman can carry an episode on their own.
#5 The Sanders Sides 12 Days of Christmas
This episode is just pure fun. Look, I'm not a big fan of Christmas, even less of a fan of Christmas songs, but my gosh this episode almost makes me appreciate the season.
The way they're all just bickering the whole time, being very confused, and how there's just so much personality from each character even when they're not talking/singing and just being in the background is *chef's kiss* perfect.
There's so many fun little details to pick out during the song and it's fun to go back and watch how each side reacts to different things.
#4 Selfishness vs Selflessness
Gonna be real, this used to be my favorite episode. Until my overly critical brain started finding all kinds of problems in the writing department but I think Iā€™ve been negative enough on this post so Iā€™ll save it for another time.Ā 
Janus steals the show in this one, itā€™s his first official appearance since his debut and he just soaks up the spotlight. Itā€™s refreshing to have an antagonist in the show again, and heā€™s the perfect foil for each of the original Sides.Ā 
He knows how to play into Romanā€™s insecurities, know how to feed into his ego and get him on his side. Heā€™s in direct opposition to Patton, who believes that everything Janus represents is wrong. Heā€™s able to silence Logan and take him out of the conversation, speaking over him most of the time.Ā 
And I guess he and Virgil have some beef I dunno.Ā 
The courtroom scenario is fun, and I love how Janus is the only one who sees how ridiculous it is (even though it was your idea in the first place, Jan) and everyone else seeing it as perfectly normal is hilarious.Ā 
I do like some of the more dramatic moments in this episode, especially that final bit with Janus questioning Thomas until he finally gets him to admit the truth. It was intense and reminded me of the scene where Janus confronts Roman in a similar manner.Ā 
While far from perfect this is still a good episode and I can find a lot to love about it, like Janus in a suit.Ā 
#3 Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts
This episode scared the shit out of me and I loved it.
Okay it didnā€™t actually scare me. But I stayed up to wait for it to be posted, which wasnā€™t until 2 or 3 in the morning. So by the time I finally watched it I was half awake and not expecting anything that I witnessed.Ā 
The result was me being terrified of Thomas with a mustache and it prevented me from sleeping. I was over it the next day though and had Forbidden Fruit stuck in my head all day. Which isnā€™t good when youā€™re running the register at work and you canā€™t stop singing it.Ā 
Thereā€™s a lot of reason why I love this episode, Remus being the primary thing. His entrance is iconic, the first few notes from his theme play as he creeps up behind the TV, him smiling at Roman all creepily until he whacks him over the head and knocks him out for most of the episode.Ā 
Then we get the song, Forbidden Fruit, which is just great. Slight secondhand embarrassment but seeing the finished product and all they put into it, I canā€™t help but love it.Ā 
Still miffed that Janus hasnā€™t gotten a song... specifically a villain song... I wonā€™t ever let that go...
Logan is another highlight in this episode (no surprise) and seeing him go head-to-head against his polar opposite without batting an eye was interesting since I was kinda expecting them to show Logan having trouble dealing with Remus but nope. He handled it like a champ and I love them both.Ā 
Now I am kinda wary as to how theyā€™re going to handle Remus in the future, especially with the intrusive thoughts aspect. Itā€™s a sensitive topic and theyā€™re already screwing up anxiety. But Remus has only been in one episode so far which means I canā€™t make any solid judgments until heā€™s appeared in more episodes, soĀ Iā€™ll have to wait and see.Ā 
All in all, great episode! Definitely deserves to be in my top three.Ā 
#2 Learning New Things About Ourselves
This episode made me feel so nostalgic. I freaking love puppets and grew up with Sesame Street and the Muppets, so Iā€™m probably biased towards this episode but to me this is really one of the better written episodes.Ā 
Perfect? Heck no. But really, really good.Ā 
I love that we get to explore a bit more with Logan and Romanā€™s characters, in a lot of ways this is kind of a Logan episode which has him standing against the other Sides, and itā€™s really interesting to see just how different he is compared to the three of them and it could just be me but it seemed like heā€™s becoming more of an outsider and isnā€™t as close with the original four as he used to be, and this episode is what really kicks that idea off.Ā 
I can also relate to theĀ ā€œWell thatā€™s nice but what do you do for a living?ā€ message, except in my case itā€™s more like I want to quit myĀ ā€œreal jobā€ to pursue what Iā€™m passionate about while people tell me itā€™ll probably never happen orĀ ā€œYeah thatā€™s a nice hobby!ā€ So this episode really struck close to home and I just have a lot of sentimental feelings towards this one.Ā 
I love all of the designs for the puppets, they all just fit perfectly and I wouldnā€™t mind seeing them make a comeback one day. I know thatā€™d be difficult since theyā€™d need a professional to puppet them but hey, one can dream right?
And oh my gosh the song, it just gives off the same feel from Sesame Street and Muppet songs with itā€™s jazzy feel. And I wonā€™t lie I flipped my lid when Logan and Thomas were in the same shot together. We hadnā€™t seen any of the Sides share the screen with Thomas yet and the fact that it was Logan, and he was arguing with Thomas and they were singing over each other? Ah I love it!
Also donā€™t get me started on how Loganā€™s bit in the song sounds more villainous than the others. Iā€™m not saying anything just a neat little observation.Ā 
I have a lot of happy feelings attached to this episode, so despite the few problems I have with it I could never bring myself to hate it. The only one that tops it is...
#1 Can Lying Be Good?
The episode that started it all. The one that caught my attention and sparked my new fixation on this little series that I had just glossed over before.
I really donā€™t know what prompted me to watch this episode, other than I wasnā€™t in the best place and it just happened to pop into my recommendations one day and I figured,Ā ā€œHuh, havenā€™t watched this guy for awhile. Letā€™s see what heā€™s been up to.ā€
Once the episode was finished my first thought wasĀ ā€œHoly shit when did this series start having lore?!ā€
This episode is probably the closest thing to perfect out of all the season two episodes so far. The writing is clever, pretty much all of the jokes land, and oh my gosh the editing in this one is phenomenal.Ā 
The way they show Roman shifting between himself and Joan throughout the episode is what sticks out the most. Having Romanā€™s voice coming from Joan, or having them briefly change back to Roman, I love it so much.Ā 
Not to mention Thomasā€™s ever changing shirt that reflects what heā€™s thinking/feeling is a neat little detail.
Did I mention this episode is hilarious? The ridiculousness of each scenario that they act out, with all the little inputs from Logan and Virgil who are both trying their best to do their jobs besides not even wanting to be part of it in the first place is adorable.Ā 
And of course, the man of the hour, Deceit. Or Janus as we now know him as.Ā 
Is it weird that I like Deceit more as a name? Probably, but thatā€™s just because I donā€™t like how early his name was revealed.ļæ½ļæ½
Okay that was my last negative comment. Promise.
Now since I hadnā€™t watched Sanders Sides in a while I didnā€™t notice anything off aboutĀ ā€œPattonā€ during my first watch. But going back after seeing the rest of the series helped me catch all the little hints they added to clue in the audience that something wasnā€™t right.Ā 
A lot of it is really subtle, mostly in the acting department, but once youā€™ve caught on to everything it makes you wonder how you didnā€™t notice the first time. You can even see Logan and Virgil throughout the episode, knowing that something is off withĀ ā€œPattonā€ but holding back their concerns until Virgil finally calls Deceit out.Ā 
Iā€™ve rewatched Deceitā€™s reveal so many times. When he finally drops the act after Thomas makes up his mind not to lie, you can just tell he no longer cares whether Thomas knows or not. Then things get even more tense when Logan is silenced, and everyone knows whatā€™s going on except Thomas.Ā 
The music starts to build up, Thomas is flipping out, then after Deceit taunts him again he finally demands to know whatā€™s going on and BAM there he is!
Tumblr media
I love everything about this.Ā 
Like, what else can I say? This episode is brilliant. It really shows exactly what this team is capable of when theyā€™re at their best. The pacing, the build up, the writing, all of it combined together to make the perfect episode.
Season Two has been, interesting. The long waits have caused some problems with the pacing and characters, not to mention the departure of Joan from the writing team with new writers entering the room, not to mention the first welcome now unwelcome arrival of Asides, and with only the season finale left before season three, it makes me wonder just where this series is headed.
I know this series is capable of doing incredible things, season one is still solid and it really holds up even after all this time. But season two just feels like a jumbled mess. Sure, itā€™s easy to enjoy the episodes individually, but once you try to fit them all together itā€™s like trying to jam a puzzle piece into a place where it doesnā€™t fit.Ā 
The best way to describe this season is as an experimental season. Each episode has the team trying something new, sometimes it seems these gimmicks take precedence over the story itself. Of course, some of these can work to the episodeā€™s advantage, while others are just distracting and youā€™d know you wouldnā€™t miss them if they were gone.Ā 
Itā€™s a mixed bag thatā€™s for sure. One that has me watching in morbid curiosity as I wait to see whether itā€™ll crash in the end or blow my expectations out of the water. It really is fun to analyze these episodes, and yes I know I can be very harsh but believe it or not this is how I engage with media that I love.
My hope is that team will learn from season two and try to take a more simple approach with their production once season three roles around. Because if they continue at the same pace they are now I doubt there will be many people around to see this series through.Ā 
And on that note, that was my ranking of season two! Iā€™m actually kinda excited now to go back and rewatch everything, I hope I donā€™t have to wait much longer to do so but that all depends on when the season two finale comes. Whether it ends up exceeding my expectations or just beingĀ ā€œmehā€ I know itā€™ll be interesting regardless and I canā€™t wait to see just how they plan on wrapping this all up before the final season arrives.Ā 
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ravenxbones Ā· 3 years ago
Your flash sheet is so cool!!!! I love how many details there are in all of the designs; would you be willing to give the scoop on what your favorites are or what the inspiration/designing process was like for you??
hi! iā€™m so glad you liked them!!
my process was prettyā€¦simple? i went into it with a solid idea for the mama design since that was what originally made me want to draw flash sheets for tbp but i knew i wanted to try and do ideas that were at least fairly original/that i hadnā€™t really seen before (with the exception of like. house of wolves. i think almost everyone includes a wolf in that one). so iā€™d kind of conceptualize what i wanted with that in mind, and trying to draw some inspiration from the lyrics if i could (especially if like. nothing was coming to mind). i was also at least a little bit trying to think of things that could translate well into american traditional since that was my biggest influence! iā€™m not a tattoo artist but i love tattoos (have 2, sort of planning another one atm, hoping to get more) and i really love tattoos that are at least inspired by american traditional (my tastes lean into neo traditional by. quite a bit) so that was what my inspiration was!
my favorite designs are:
cancer ā€” this one was inspired by that one post that was floating around a while back that posited cancer was an aids allegory. now iā€™m not really. committed to the idea that thatā€™s TRUE, but i really liked the ideaā€¦and you have to admit that thereā€™s at least a little merit to it. anyways. thereā€™s a lot of flags in american traditional though theyā€™re usually (obviously) american flags. i donā€™t think ive ever seen a body wrapped in one before though. that being said scythes and spiderwebs and hands with envelopes are all very traditional imagery! this one might be my favorite out of all of them.
house of wolves ā€” this one is a fairly simple idea (wolf. fire. roses. at least two of those are super common in tattooing) but i think it ended up looking 1. super cool and 2. the most like an actual american traditional style tattoo. the lyrics in it are my favorite part of the song (if you count the background chanting as lyrics ig) and i really like the way the wolf turned out! basically the process for this one was to find a reference pic i liked and bolden up and simplify the shapes a little, then use the colors traditionally used for wolves in american traditional. again itā€™s pretty simple but i really like it.
the sharpest lives ā€” fun fact. i was originally thinking of doing a chaise with romeo and juliet (callback to the first couple lines of the song & also to my favorite part of the song which is that it mentions my favorite shakespeare play/ballet) a la the death scene in the play. then i figured that was overly complicated and i would have to draw two small figures in a traditional style and bailed on that idea. so a dagger (i love them) it was and i wanted to include the vampire fangs because thatā€™s the other best part of that song. things i like: romeo and juliet, vampires, blood, fangs, knives. so it worked out. and it was feeling a little empty so a rose found its way in as well. i like the colors in this one a lot (blue isnā€™t something iā€™d usually consider my favorite color but. itā€™s real pretty).
famous last words ā€” iā€™ve seen a lot of designs with a split design but theyā€™re usually black and white/feature pinup-y women with dark hair (both common in american traditional & a nod to fear and regret i believe) & i. well i really like sun and moon imagery and i kind of couldnā€™t believe no one had done something with that before because sun = day = awake + moon = night = asleep. thatā€™s dumbing it down a little but yeah! that was basically the entire idea. it just came down to finding a composition i liked and what do you know, i found one. this oneā€™s also pretty simple but i think the simplest ones turned out the best.
after i came up with the ideas i basically just looked for a lot of reference images of those specific things in american traditional to see if anyone had done it before and then tried to combine the different parts i liked best into something unique and cohesive. sometimes i couldnā€™t find reference (wttbp, blood, sleep) and i had to kind of cobble together something together. again, iā€™m not an expert in tattoo design or in classic american tattooing so i did my best.
thank you so much for the interest/kind words/letting me ramble! i really appreciate it!!
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thewolfisawake Ā· 4 years ago
Since Iā€™m in this brainrot alone, of course Iā€™m just gonna end up thinking of a Hypmic AU with muses and their friends because Iā€™m trash like that. Anyway, to avoid spamming my discord with the ideas, Iā€™m just writing it on here. So a couple muses and those from @arcxnumvitae and @shxtteredillusionsā€‹.
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Starting with Kesil just because he honestly doesnā€™t fit with the rest. His actually came first as I thought of him with his friends from a different platform. He would be rolling with his delinquent/probably doing some illegal shit friends. Their style is more like MTC with the rough and tumble, down and dirty sort of thing. His MC name is actually Shinigami because I gotta stick with his ā€˜thingā€™ no matter the AU! I do not know what his mic nor speakers would end up like. I think most of his themes are related to him as a killer as he in this verse likely only learned and became good with a hypmic just because itā€™s the only weapon he could have. I mean...he probably could sneak one regardless but since most weapons were phased to mics, he probably learned. His rap ability would probably be something like Death Reversal, basically he could deny himself or his comrades of being knocked out as it fits with his actual ability of death force manipulation. Of all the guys I think heā€™s most like, itā€™s probably Rio as I donā€™t feel heā€™s overly expressive. Not because of lack of feeling but just that cool under pressure sore of thing
Anyway onto the Bastion Kids because theyā€™re my faves to mess with
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Ofc Lucienā€™s the easiest to think of this crap for. I do not have a MC name because unlike the creators, I have shame. But probably something wolf related. I feel his mic would be pretty old so look like a carbon microphone (because I think Iā€™m funny) and be pretty simple. Donā€™t know what his speakers would be like. I think his themes are actually rather mundane when outside of battle. But in battle, cutthroat bastard. Heā€™s like absolute annihilation of his enemy, his words are like the maw of a beast, heā€™d rip you to shreds. His ability is Cornered Counter, basically as his energy dwindles, his attacks get more powerful. Basically you gotta be decisive with him because the longer he lasts, the more dangerous he is. So obviously his is most like Samatokiā€™s as it fits his aggressive tone and no back down attitude.Ā 
I have a feeling he probably pissed off the Party of Words and thus if they had the chance to deal with him, they wouldā€™ve. Maybe he and his fam had differing views as to how to take this change in the world. I feel like he preferred the old ways but had to adapt to using a hypnosis mic in order to survive. And survive he did.Ā 
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Katarinaā€™s was somewhat easier to do because sheā€™s very clear in her presentation. I debate if sheā€™d just straight up use her name or if itā€™d be something like Prima (either by itself or being Prima Donna), something denoting her regality. Her mic is likely a stand one fashioned like crystalline ice. Her speakers kind of hard to describe other than like a metallic feminine figure that kind of looks like a warlord, armed to the teeth with swords. Her themes are of betterment of the state of her surroundings, how sheā€™ll change it with her own hands and utmost confidence of herself. Her rap ability I am still working on since while the idea currently works with her actual ability...what it ends up doing runs counter to her personality. Itā€™d be called Dazzle and would basically redirect an opponentā€™s attack to someone else. However the issue is Kat canā€™t choose who it goes to. Since thereā€™s not much I can draw from with the ladies of hypmic, I would go with CL for her sound although I found Chanmina while searching and thought this hits me for Kat. But if I had to choose a character, itā€™d be Ichijiku.
Ā I actually think her mother mightā€™ve been a good soldier for the Party of Words but then she kinda sorta ended up falling in love with the enemy. Whoops. Except like the Party of Words didnā€™t know she did (supposedly). And so she left and went to be with Katā€™s dad, who was a resistance member but wasnā€™t able to use a mic. So Kat is like the kid that was like...yā€™know we could live in peace if weā€™re not super oppressive. I feel like Petra taught her how to rap as itā€™s the only viable weapon for Kat so thatā€™s what she uses.Ā 
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Croweā€™s is a pain because heā€™s a pain. I donā€™t have a MC name either maybe Shadow? Too basic? I dunno. His mic either a headset or futuristic kind of shades he wears. Iā€™m sure everyone finds it odd. His speakers look more like cameras and briefcases with like a dicey looking umbrella. Itā€™s huge frickinā€™ homage to spy stuff yā€™all. And youā€™ll figure out the function of them when he turns his speakers on you. Electric volt briefcases, umbrella gun, that kinda stuff. His themes are pretty pessimistic, the secrets of others, the ability to get his hands dirty and what those dirty hands can and canā€™t do. His rap ability I feel would be based on his gorgon blood so likely named such (Gorgon) or Eyebite and would work where he paralyzes an opponent from taking their turn. Who I draw most for him is actually Jakurai although obviously his voice is no where as deep.Ā 
If there had to be a traitor, itā€™s probably Crowe. He isnā€™t particularly happy about it but at the same time, itā€™s not like heā€™s brave enough to deal with his overlords. Not when he knows the things they COULD do. Or maybe heā€™s doing spy stuff on Chuuoku and is in a continuously perilous position but canā€™t or wonā€™t talk to anyone about it. Basically he still has his paranoia but for a different reason.Ā 
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Hmmm Taylorā€™s giving me a lot of problems because I just canā€™t pin down a lot for her. I donā€™t have a name for her nor any idea what sheā€™d go with. Maybe something food based? The only ones coming to mind are Red Velvet and Matcha. Her mic? I think sheā€™d use a hand held mic. Kind of like the ones you do karaoke on in terms of shape. Her speakers? * confused noises * Her themes mmm....I think hers are rather upbeat although not without bite! Her rap ability still eludes me. If Iā€™m thinking of sound, I would put it as something like Calliope although again her words are lighter than hers.Ā 
I feel like Taylorā€™s family ended up with her parents not surviving the war and thus was left with Rhett to try to keep his siblings from being separated from him. She didnā€™t view a need to learn how to rap--after all a lot of the population doesnā€™t seem to--but her mind was changed after being kidnapped for ransom and subjected to the effects of a hypnosis mic. She ended up saved by then then ragtag kids and wanted to learn so that she was never in that position again.
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Hooo boy, Emil has that instinctual attention to tone shift going mad. Oh god. I do not have a MC name for him either. I feel Prince would be far too on the nose. So something else. I think heā€™d have a stand mic, I think his would be like I think itā€™s a certain kind of ribbon mic? Like this? Makes me think of like old school announcers that fits with his lively personality. I feel like his speakers would be more like ice fragments that feels like they should be falling but donā€™t. His themes are like half light-hearted and inviting, about having a good time with others. But the other times itā€™s about masks and charades. He is the kind that has that tone drop and you can tell itā€™s anotherĀ ā€˜presenceā€™ to Emil. One that is vicious and will have you sinking. His rap ability is Frostbite, which would essentially have any battle of his become a race against time. His ability starts sapping the energy of his opponent and of course if they drop...itā€™s game over for them. His sound when light-hearted is more like Hifumi in like vocal tone but withĀ Ramudaā€™s flow. Yet I feel like the perfect sound for his is Gentaroā€™s verse in Stella (Emil, I hope you know you are the biggest pain in terms of style) in terms of like how he sounds in alternating between cutting and light.Ā 
I feel like his mom had stayed in the Chuuoku under the Party of Words but had seen Emilā€™s dad while outside of the ward. And then she fell pregnant and was in love with Emil when he was born despite him being a son than daughter. And when faced with either handing Emil over to his dad or leaving Chuuoku, she chose the latter. This was her baby. Emil had grown up with both but his mom passed away...his father suspecting it to be Chuuokuā€™s doing, moved away far from the ward. However Emil grew curious of the hypnosis mic that his mother had used when she was alive and so he ran off near Chuuoku, where he met a...unkind mentor (basically his grandma in normal verse stuff) that did teach him but did affect his candor.Ā 
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Cipriana I have also am having some trouble thinking things of. I do not have a MC name but I think itā€™d be cool if she chose one thatā€™s like...reclaiming and being proud of herĀ ā€˜runtā€™ status. Also am not sure about her mic. I think sheā€™d have a handheld one though. As her mic, maybe theyā€™re in the shape of spools with like threads all around and at least one connecting her her mic. Her themes I feel would be a bit like that somber hope? Like it sounds a little sad but itā€™s ultimately about a better day eventually. Which contrasts to how she is in a battle as I imagine she is very loud in presence since this is more or less a fight and she isnā€™t getting knocked down again (her mindset of chasing down Lucien absolutely frightens and intrigues me). I just thought of her ability being like By a Thread, where she essentially she cannot be ringed out and can be a little harder to knock out. Her set up kind of makes like a net or wrap around her to keep her from falling (also makes her look like a doll in some aspects, oooh callback). I think of her sound very much likeĀ Nemu.Ā 
I do not know how she runs in this story except maybe that she was normal and just simply ended up in the whirlwind of hypnosis mics. Although sitting here now, Iā€™m thinking if Arsenio had a mic and had used it against her--since itā€™s basically inflicting psychic damage--on her even though she didnā€™t have one (which is illegal btw). And Vini had it with his shit and used his own and having the same mindset as in her original verse, she actually took one of their mics and used her words against Vinicio, still causing their original rift...just worse. A lot of the same plotting from there maybe? Eventually she meets the rest of the kids.Ā Ā 
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Aspis has been rather hit or miss. I am still thinking on his MC name but Yaksha has been in there. I am thinking of his mic to be handheld and I canā€™t think of anything particular for its design. I think of his speakers looking like demon masks with the speaker part within the mouth. Itā€™s kinda intense looking especially since you know heā€™s so sweet. Gotta keep his contrasting aesthetic somewhere. His themes are usually about mundane things as well. Musings about those of his past and present. I feel heā€™s the least biting towards others in battles? Like a lot of battles are attacking something about your opponent or about oneā€™s own ability. I think Aspis would rely less on tearing someone down. Not saying he canā€™t but I feel like itā€™s gonna be a bloodbath if he does. His rap ability would be called Katashiro, where he links to another person (usually an opponent) where when he is injured, that damage is shared between him and the opponent. Which coupled with his odd endurance, could drop whoever he linked with before he falls. If I think of his sound, I think of Kukoā€™sĀ flow but also Ichiroā€™s lyrical way.
I feel like Aspis gonna have all the crap things of being a war orphan for himself. Pretty self-reliant and not one to take help because he kinda doesnā€™t know how to. But I think music saves him, I think Daza might be a DJ who even if she didnā€™t have a mic, she got him understanding of flow and the like. And it was just a comfort for him. She probably helped him obtain a mic. And he was friends and the like with Yukina until she went with the Party of Words.Ā 
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Ayaā€™s is like Aspisā€™ hit or miss in terms of what I can think of. MC names are harrrrdddddd. I feel like her mic I alternate between it being the kind you see a cabaret singer use or a handheld. Maybe one of the first that does both??? I canā€™t think much in design other thanĀ ā€˜shimmery.ā€™ Not like gaudy but like you watch her move or light hits just right and you see it shine...like her. Her speakers looks more like a theater. With like velvety curtain backdrop and everything. And her attacks look pretty until they hit you. Iā€™m thinking like razor flower petals sort of thing. Her themes...mmm, I feel like overall itā€™s justĀ ā€˜pop-yā€™ and light. Itā€™s nothing like her battling. I feel she just sounds pleasant but then has some serious cutthroat bars. Despite this, I think of her rap ability being Renewal, being able to make othersā€™ attacks stronger and cutting the damage they take. Super supportive skill which she probably took a while to figure out about. I actually found her sound while looking at other stuff. Which I think is Jeon Soyeon easily.Ā 
Also not quite sure where she would be in the story other than I think Meg wouldā€™ve procured her a mic for her protection. And I think she cultivated her rapping to have a rap ability. And I feel like Meg was worried about it and wanted Aya away from eyes that would witness it. Because although it has no offensive power for Aya herself (at least not that anyoneā€™s made her come to that point), it is useful for like...a team or ally situation. So useful for the Party of Words and what Meg wants to avoid. But she canā€™t really stop Aya from doing what she wants with her mic.Ā 
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iraqdinar Ā· 4 years ago
Iraq Dinar: Manager of Currency Exchange Makes Startling Admission
Since September, Iā€™ve received first-hand information from two different credible, named sources, which by all accounts appear to be newsworthy developments to IQD holders/investors/speculators, as well as anyone sitting on the fence trying to make a decision of whether and how much if any to invest.
To be clear, I donā€™t have anything from an official source... Well, thatā€™s not entirely true. I do. It was a person I believe to be a very high-level insider who first brought the Dinar RV to my attention. However, I will not elaborate upon that nor who the individual is that told me. For one thing, I donā€™t even know his name/identity, and I know better than to ask for it. I suspect thatā€™s one of the reasons he talks to me. An image search of my name with and without myĀ ā€œFat Lesterā€ twitter handle reveals a sampling of some of the people I know, am friends with, have worked for and/or met. This person is WAAAAY more connected than I am or ever will be. But his information isnā€™t new, and was pretty general in nature. It essentially said that buying IQD might be a good move, and that anyone who agrees but hasnā€™t done so yet may want to consider not waiting much longer. What makes it significant is who said it, andĀ that it was said to me first-hand (as well as publicly). But since I donā€™t know the identity of who said it, just that the individual is an extremely connected insider, Iā€™ll not name his social media profiles in this post.
Manager of Local Currency Exchange Makes Startling Revelation
The first of the two developments I believe to be newsworthy came from the manager of a local currency exchange business (photographic proof below). I folded the receipt so the name of the business isnā€™t showing because I donā€™t want to contribute to the lady being fired or getting into any trouble at work.
I was there to buy Vietnam Dong, and I asked why IQD had recently been removed from her employerā€™s website. She said the federal government had come to them and told them they were no longer allowed to sell IQD. They could buy it, but anything they bought had to be exchanged for dollars and could not be resold. That conversation occurred September 08. I purchased IQD through them in July after a six week wait (the waiting list was long). IQD had been listed on their site as recently as a couple weeks before that day. I can only think of one reason why the US government would do that. Maybe Iā€™m missing something so please comment if anyone reading this can think of any I may be missing.
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Mid East Banknote Dealer: Iraq Reduces Amount of IQD One May Leave Country with from 10,000,000 IQD to 1,000,000 IQD; Begins Strict Enforcement
At the height of the shortages mid-summer, I used my experience selling online to find a collectible Mid East banknotes dealer who was selling IQD for about 60% of the lowest eBay prices at the time.
Heā€™s been my supplier ever since, and weā€™ve developed quite a rapport and friendship. He is very grateful that I found him because he had no idea about the RV. Heā€™s based in Ankara, Turkey, and since IQD became hard to find he started going into Iraq to get it (or going to the border and paying Iraqis to get it for him).
Well, since he started having to drive to the border to get it, Iraq has had a 10 million IQD limit on the amount of cash one can leave the country with. That said, according to the gentleman whose name is Laeth and whose last name Iā€™m not able to spell, that limit had never before been enforced.Ā The most recent trip he made, the amount of cash one could leave Iraq with had been reduced from 10 million IQD down to 1 million IQD, and Iraqi officials had security teams at every border crossing, and were thoroughly searching every individual and every vehicle trying to leave the country. I repeat, they were searching everyone who was LEAVING Iraq.
Itā€™s not uncommon for cars and people to be searched at border crossings. But usually itā€™s the country theyā€™re entering whoā€™s doing the searches. And theyā€™re looking for things like drugs, guns/weapons, trafficked people. Not cash.
These two developments are pretty powerful. I will reveal the identity and name of the employee and business from the first story to someone with an audience so they can verify that Iā€™m not making any of it up. I must ask though that they not publish the managerā€™s name nor place of employment, and only tell readers/viewers that I did disclose both, and that they independently verified that what I said is in fact accurate, the conversation did occur, and she is in a position to make such a claim and has no incentive to lie about it.
Worth Mentioning: Same Currency Exchange Manager Says RV Totally Legit
One other thing Iā€™ll add: I asked that same lady point-blank if there was legitimacy to all the RV talk Iā€™d been reading about. She unequivocally told me that yes, itā€™s legit, itā€™s really happening, but that she couldnā€™t tell me which if any foreign currencies she owned personally because of her job position. The way she said it and the context in which I asked implied that she herself owns IQD & VND.
I wanted to ask her more but right then other customers came in and she went back to being professional as opposed to being candid.
Neither of the two people cited herein has any incentive to lie. Laeth didnā€™t know about the RV until I told him, and he knew I intended to buy as much as I could afford anyway. [Redacted] knew I was buying anyway, and only talked to me when we were alone together and even then only when I asked after weā€™d completed the transaction shown on the receipt.
Take it for what itā€™s worth.
Journalists wishing to validate the claim regarding the GM of the currency exchange business may reach me at 985-590-2253. Please text me with your name, organization/channel and callback number. By inquiring about her identity, you are agreeing to keep her identity and place of employment confidential unless she explicitly grants permission to publish that information. Reproduction of any of this material in any form is allowed as long as attribution is given to Peter Egan Jr. of Iraq-Dinar.com.
Laeth, the banknote dealer out of Ankara, can be reached by visiting BuyDinar.online . His domain ends in .store or .shop, and he has a Turkish and an Americanized version of his store. Much like his last name, Iā€™ve struggled to remember his store URL so I registered the domain name above and forwarded it to his site for my own convenience when making purchases. He has agreed to speak with anyone who seeks to corroborate the story contained herein.
Note: The URL for Laethā€™s original website and the one I purchase from is as follows:Ā https://numizmatika.store/shop.
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popculturebuffet Ā· 5 years ago
Jake Reviews Stuff: Steven Universe: The Answer
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Happy pride everyone and naturally, it just wouldnā€™t feel like a celebration of pride in animation without one of the frontrunners of LBGTQ represintation in Childrenā€™s television, as well as quality in storytelling in general: Steven Universe.Ā  Since your seeing this you probably know the gist but as my idol peter parker would say letā€™s do this one last time:Ā  The story of Steven, a 14 year old, though he dosenā€™t look it, boy with a boundless amount of love, compassion and empathy,Ā  lives in beach city with his borderline homeless dad , surrogate moms and surrogate until we find out they actually are kinda related sister: Garnet, a fusion of two gems in love and thus the sum total of both them and their feelings, Peal, an emotional but loving gem who grew from a servant to Roseā€™s right hand, sometimes lover, and confidant, and Amythest, a gem born long after the war that brought everyone else here who acts like a 20 something or teenager half the time. Steven soon finds himself fighting alongside themt o protect earth both from the monsters caused by the final battle of the war his mother fought to save earth from distruction and let her army live life how they choose, and the gem homeworld as it starts to take an intrest in earth again. And as the fight goes on Steven also starts to see just how flawed his family is and how much they havenā€™t moved on from his moms death and finds himself forced to help them past it while grappling with his momā€™s terrible and complicated legacy, everyone expecitng him to basically be her, and what it means to be aĀ  being thatā€™s truly one of a kind.Ā  I absolutley love the show: itā€™s not without flaws; Characters tend to be ingnored for seasons or episodes at a time,some arcs are really weirdly paced and the slice of life episodes can be jammed in the weirdest places. But the showā€™s strength: a devotion to having emotional resolution be even more important, and sometimes just as powerful animated and framed, than fighting, though the showā€™s fight sceneā€™s are incredible, incredibly deep characters with fully fleshed out arcs and growth, and a love for tackling deep, heavy subjects through metaphor or even directly, taking on things such as gender identity, societal conformity, ptsd, grief, gender identity and many many more with grace and weight and helping kids with them in the process.Ā  The show is also the frontrunner for LBGTQ+ representation in cartoons in the 2010ā€²s. While other shows had bits nad pieces, series creator Rebecca Sugar was the one responsible for making Marcline and Princess Bubblegum ex-lovers and making it obvious as possible without saying it because standards were bullshit, Steven Unvierse decided to say fuck subtley and thus had PLENTY OF gay content: Garnet is a fusion of two women and the embodiment of their love and relationship, and when the two show up their very affectionate with one another to the point of bullcrap censorship in less tolerant countries such as india and russia, while Pearl out and out had a CENTURIES LONG romantic relationship with Stevenā€™s mother who was explictly pansexual, and thatā€™s just the main cast!Ā  But I genuinely believe that itā€™s thanks to Steven Universe that childrenā€™s animation is as LBGTQ+ positive as it is now. SU wasnā€™t the first to have gay leads but it was one of the few kids shows with the balls and, at least in the us, network support to explictily have gay characters as some of the main cast, and I feel the showā€™s success softend execs at CN and other companies to let more representation too. Since SUā€s airing, most CN shows have had gay content great and small, Nick has had gay parents and a bisexual lead, not to mention the korra ending kicking it all off, and Netflix has said hold my beer, having not only multiple gay main characters, but having the finale of she ra be built on a decleration of love between two women saving the universe and being the climax of the entire series.Ā  Not that those crews likely still didnā€™t have to FIGHT for most of that, iā€™m not bilind and NOelle Stevenson has outright admitted she had to be sneaky about catradora for season 1 as to not get it shut down, but I feel SUā€s sucess and Rebecca and crewā€™s own likely fights put the various studio goonā€™s reflector shields down and got more representation into childrenā€™s media. And thatā€™s a wonderful thing.Ā  So naturally the show was a lock for this month and for coverage here.. iā€™ts just given the showā€™s heavily seralized nature and the fact it dosenā€™t really have any long romantic story arcs. Sure therā€™es plenty of romance, but itā€™s mostly either in the past or between an already married couple thatā€™s also a person. The showā€™s arcs were more focused on worldbuilding and character building, which I do prefer and will be doing one in July.Ā  But it did make it tricky to find an episode to spotlight the character I wanted to spotlight: Garnet Garnet is easily my faviorite character, with pearl a very close second: she has a great dynamic, is a decent if flawed mother and leader, and is also damn funny with her deadpanned reactions to things being utterly divine. As well as whatever the hell this is.Ā 
The problem is I also wanted to spotlight the parts making up her: Ruby and Sapphire, their relationship etc as they themselves are fantastic and iā€™m 100% convinced were the inspriation for one mr mc skat kat and one paula abdulā€™s magnum opus in stevenā€™s unvierse
The problem is most rupphire episodes are tangled in bigger arcs. They debuted at the end of the invasion arc, they had the baseball episdoe together shortly after another arc, and their wedding is tied up in the reveal rose was pink diamond and the reception is crashed by the climactic battle with Yellow and Blue that sets up the final arc of the whole series. But thankfully season two gave us The Answer to my problem.. ironically named the Answer, basically Garnet Year One as Garnet tells steven how she came to be, a story so beauitful they made a storybook out of it.. and itā€™s my honor to present it here after the cut.Ā 
We open at the Barn... as a refresher at this point the Gems and Steven have been staying at Gregā€™s old family farm in order to have theĀ  space and suplies to build a drill to stop the cluster from hatching and destroying earth, with Peridot reluctantly working with them. So as such Stevenā€™s sleeping there when Garnet wakes her.. and in a notable departure for her itā€™s sanā€™s shade, which shows her adorable excitment as she wakes Steven. Turns out itā€™s his birthday! And.. I donā€™t really begrudge the show for takin ga break for two episodes to celebrate it: besides being the only time steven went up a year, on screen, it was a nice break from the peridot/cluster storyline for a second, and this and the following episode are pretty great and both add a lot to the world as a whole. Itā€™s why i donā€™t MIND when SU takes a break from the plot, as long as they do it for good reason.Ā 
IN a great callback steven asks if garentā€™s going to tell him sheā€™s a fusion, as Jailbreak revealed the reason she hadnā€™t yet is she was saving it for his birthday, which is a good joke and a great callback. Garnet cheerfully tells him know but has clearly found a backup: While steven knows sheā€™s a fusion now.. she never told him how she came to be and how ruby and sapphire met after all.Ā  So we journey back about 5000 years to, as weā€™d learn much later with the pink diamond reveal, the start of the gem war. Earth was to be the next great colony, as weā€™d learn next season for pink diamond, but something was in the way: The rebel rose quartz and her brutal right hand pearl were causing tons of distruption, so the rest of the diamonds had come to snuff out the rebellion personally.Ā  So thatā€™s where Ruby and Sapphire came in. Sapphire is a higher class gem, and befiting her caste is a precog, with Sapphires brought in to tell the diamonds the future so they can either make sure it happens or change itā€™s course. Garnet neaturally has this ablility too but vastly improved to see multiple timelines. Sheā€™s proper and distant.Ā  Ruby meanwhile is a shy, if more intellgent then her peers grunt soldier. Rubies as we learned here are basically made in groups to fuse. To homeworld, Fusion is simply a tactic to create a slightly stronger gem out of three other gems, and basically creates one giant person. In Contrast up to this point the series has shown fusion as something important to the crystal gems and requriing more work: It requires all parties to be in sync to even happen much less stay together, and requires an emotional connection; Freindship, romance, kinship... whatever it is itā€™s needed to hold the fusion together. Itā€™s part of what MAKES garnet so impressive: Garnet is a permafusion, only unfusing either when her two halves are needed. or when thier personal conflict is so great they CANā€™T stay fused. It also means due to said emotional resonance and combining the best traits of two gems rather than creating just one big gem, that the crystal fusions weā€™ve seen are vastly more powerful and versitale.. evne if they dontā€™ speak much because Rebecca made the mistake of getting big artist to do the role and apparently refused to just you know.. recast? Itā€™s something that always baffled me. Thereā€™s no shortage of talented poc performers who can sing out there.Ā  Anyways, thatā€™s part of what makes this intresting: up till now, weā€™d only seen one form of fusion.. we hadnā€™t seen what homeworld thought of it and used it for, and to the showā€™s credit it was hinted back during the return arc when Jasper called fusion aĀ ā€œtactic for making weak gems strongerā€, since as far as homeworld used it, thatā€™s what it was and itā€™s a stark contrast to the crystal gems harder to maintain but much more intresting and unique fusions.Ā 
Weā€™ll get more into this later. The two front rubies argue about whose going to punch people whie our ruby just points out the obvious: Their just going to fuse into a really big ruby and punch together. This gets her shoved into sapphire, which despite not being her fault gets gasps and monocle pops from the gems around them. And itā€™s about time I dug into the episodes unique animation style: instead of the usual, only a handful of characters, the rubies, sapphire, and later rose and pearl, are animated normally and even then, at least for the first half, are brightly lit in their primary colors, while the rest of the gems present are just barely animated sytlistic shadows. Itā€™s a really intresting choice and a clever way to save on budget, while still looking gorgeous.Ā 
Sapphire, while refusing Rubyā€™s help getting up, is understanding if monotone, but as wā€™eve seen in the present, thaā€™ts mostly just a side effect from seeing where everythingā€™s going, and likely the reason garnetā€™s own emotional process is much like that; Stoic but willing to emote when necessary. Sapphire however has a reason for brushing her ruby off: the reason she was called here.. Blue Diamond.Ā  This is intresting as itā€™s not only the first time we HEARD of blue, as before this we only heard of Yellow, whoā€™d make her proper debut at the end of this season, but the first time we saw a diamond in any way shape of form. Sure we had murals and such, but given the lack of info about the diamonds this early on it was impossible to tell whow as who and the only giveway there was more than was diamond was the symbols: the era 1 symbols in temples and at the arena showing all 4, hinting at pink, and the modern one shown in jailbreak that was a triforce. We do only see Blue in a hood, covered by her palquin and her voice done by Garnet, but itā€™s still the first tiem weā€™d see any of the diamonds in any onscreen form. The Garnet voice is also notcable as every other voice in the flashabck, including characters who arenā€™t either part of garnet or the same gem type as part of her, is normal.. itā€™s only blue Garnet does a voice for.. and a clever way of covering for the fact they likely hadnā€™t cast her voice actress yet. Itā€™s also notable for the introduction of Blue Pearl, who silently stands by her Diamond teh whole time.. itā€™s weird thinking back to the fact that this was the first time weā€™d really SEEN other versions of our main cast: other rubies and another pearl. Sure we knew they were all part of one type or another with the obvious exception of garnet.. but this episode is notable, and weird to think about giiven how many variants we see as the series goes on, for being the FIRST time we see this on screen.Ā 
Sapphire reveals that while she, and two of her rubies, will poof the rebllion will end here, and Blue is releaved to here this, thanks sapphire and dismisses her. As Garnet explains, Sapphire had no issue with this as she simply saw her life as one straight line: No choice no, option: Fate would just come as it may. Sapphire also muses to Our Ruby on the fact that she finds this planet a wonderful place for a colony.. and that she wishes she couldā€™ve seen more of it. While Our Ruby says theirs more time, Sapphire, while appricating the sentiment gently shoots it down.Ā  This little moment is interuptted however as Rose shouts out, signaling her and Pearlā€™s arrival. The battle has begun. And I do like the clever use of storytelling here.. not in presetnation but in what weā€™d learn muchhhh later with the big reveal: To a first time watcher, we just thought that it was only rose and pearl for story purposes or it was a small attack. After all the rest of the characters weā€™d seen were just shadows, so I, and I presume many others just assumed the rest were off screen or failing that this was just a small strike. As weā€™d learn once we got the full story of Pink Diamond becoming rose.. it was indeed JUST them, and only them at the time. itā€™s probably why in the future sapphire saw the rebellion ended her: Pink while powerful had to reign it in as not to be found out and pearl, while as we see her is already utterly badass and an ace with a sword as she mows down Quartz soldiers, is still one gem going up against a literal army.Ā  Another noticable thing, that hints at when this takes place is the fact that when Rose takes down the fused rubies, poofing two of them and leaving ours to flump to the ground.. she uses her fists. At this point her iconic sword is well established and itā€™s assumed it was just left out for artistic purpose.. but since we meet who made it next season with Bismuth, itā€™s another clever hint this is before there was a proper army. Bismuth wasnā€™t a gem yet so Rose/Pink just had her natural strength and shield to protect her, which wasnā€™t nothing, but the sword probably made it far easier to hold back.Ā 
And thus we come to the moment of truth: Pearl has come back and is about to mow down sapphire.. when Ruby realizes just waht Sapphire meant and waht sheā€™s about to do and thus.. the future changed. Ruby tackles her out of the way. And Garnet is born.Ā 
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I absolutley love Garnetā€™s cotton candy design, both as a sensible evolution, as this is a garnet formed in a moment of passion and accidently versus the one we see in the present or even in flashbacks: a person formed by choice and love and thus having a more stable form. Naturally, Rose and Pearl are baffled by this.. and itā€™s even more understandable.. as the above mentioned pink diamond origin episode explained.. they had never SEEN this kind of fusion before. While iā€™m sure this isnā€™t the first time this happend in gem history, any others were likely killed as soon as it were over or went into hiding as we saw with the off colors. And Pink being sheltered and Pearl being created for her, probalby simply never thought of something like this existing. But they also realize this never before seen to them miracle is their cue to skidoo and book it out of there.Ā  Naturally Blue is pissed and the court are disgusted as the two defuse and both have about the same reacation.Ā 
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Before Blue can murder Ruby for you know, doing her fucking job, Sapphire ttakes her by the hand and books it off the sky arena and the two plummet to earthĀ  while ruby screams no a lot. The foundation of any good relationship.Ā 
They float down to earth.. because sheā€™s Mary Poppins Yaā€™ll. Ruby reveals why sheā€™s upset: Because as she sees it, thereā€™s dozens of her. Sheā€™s not WORTH this. Sapphire has no reaction because for the first time, she has no idea what the future brings, what it means and the future she saw was just shattered. Sheā€™s frozen.Ā 
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Jokes aside I really love that pun. Ruby worries and quickly scoops her up bridal carry style and quickly finds the two a cave. In the cave the two light that flame get that and Ruby continues to freak out over what happened,Ā  upset with her self that sheā€™s supposed to save sapphire.. with Sapphire gently reassuring herĀ ā€œyou already did.ā€Ā  Itā€™s also intresting as it shows even garnet, or at least half of her, had to go through what peridot did.. it went down a bit easier since exile happened right away, but Ruby still had to shake off the homeworld conceived notion that she was WRONG for saving sapphire simply because it lost them the fight and got them fused and all that. Itā€™s also a nice metaphor for someone whose been told, for a nightmarish rainbow assortment of bullshit resaons, that being gay is wrong only to discover they are and having to realize thereā€™s nothing wrong with who they are.Ā 
After a breif flash the two finally talk about their fusion, with Sapphire being suprised considering she figured fusion wasnā€™t anything like they experinced.. only for Ruby to chime in that shā€™es RIGHT: Their fusion wasnā€™t anything like Rubyā€™s normalĀ ā€œme but biggerā€™ fusion.. they lost htemselves.. and both clearly enjoyed it, expressing it through having a third eye for ruby and more than one for sapphiĀ 
We then get the utterly adorable musical number:Ā ā€œSomething Entirely Newā€Which takes the so far mildly subtleĀ ā€œThis is like two people who had sex with the oppsite gender for the first timeĀ ā€œ metaphor.. and just makes it texual as the song basically screams of two people talking over an unfamiliar sexual experince, but in a cute, well done, and intentionally awkward way thatā€™s still approraite for the kids. itā€™s a real beautiful song and also shows the burgoning couple bond on earth. This is important as a previous episode had garent and out and out say that love takes time and work, accurate and that love at first sight simply dosenā€™t exist.. and we also see she practices waht she preaches as the montage does show some time past and even before that the two genuiely bonded. Sure they FUSED on the spur of the moment.. but actually loving each other took time and bonding.Ā 
As the song ends, the two dance romantically,deciding to be Garnet for good as we get some nice callbacks to jailbreak: the two hum the tune to stronger than you, now revealed to be their song and spin similarilty to the way they have when theyā€™ve fused, a nice callback that also addā€™s weight to those previous moments.. and thus two become one and Garnet is reborn.Ā 
Garnet narrates as her past self gets used to her strange new form.. and just as she does she falls down a ditch. Eh couldā€™ve been worse.Ā 
Garnet finds herself face to sword with Pearl. Pearl backs off a bit once she realizes who their dealing with, and Garnet panickedly offers to unfuse.. only for Rose to enter. Garnet narrates them as Rose Quartz and her terrifying renegade pearl.Ā 
Truly a force to be reckoned with. Rose dosenā€™t care about her own feelings thoughĀ ā€œWhat you feel is bound to be more intrestingā€ Itā€™s a good moment both because Garnet , up to this point hasnā€™t had to think about what they are or how they feel.. but more notably... no one but the two gems makingthem up ever cared, not before they were garnet and after all the homeworld gems wanted was to kill her. We also get a great line from garnet: ā€œWhy am I sure that iā€™d rather be this than anything else and that iā€™d rather do this than anything else iā€™m supposed to do?Ā ā€œĀ  Roseā€™s response.. to give a giant grin while saying welcome to earth. As Garnet continues to question things, Rose tells her to never question this, never question what you are... which is a damn good message for a kids show to give out. The metaphor is crystal clear: no matter where you are on that beautiful lbgtq+ rainbow: NEVER be ashamed of who you are, never question it.. just enjoy it. Be who your meant to be and love that person. Itā€™s a damn good message and one badly needed in a medium that for way too fucking long was SCARED to tell messages like this: Of sponsors, of foreign markets, and of idiots like one million moms. it took people like rebecca and her crew to sayĀ ā€œfuck thatā€, to say that queer kids NEED these kinds of stories to know they arenā€™t alone, they are beautiful how they are. They shoudlnā€™t have to wait to find out what they are.. is okay. And thatā€™s beautiful.Ā 
As Rose Tells Garnet that she is the answer, and as we cut back to the present, Steven asks what the answer is. Garnet simply answers: Love. And we close on one great exchange Steven: I knew it Garnet; (wistfully) So did I.Ā 
Final Thoughts: While I remembered the episode being good, hence part of the reason I choose it I forgot just HOW great this episode was, especially post reveal. The art direction is goregous, shot like a fairy tail and rightfully so since this episode is told as one, the story is heartwarming and erica and charlene really act their hearts out as ruby and sapphire while Estelle kills it as both present garnet narrating and past garnet, a garnet ENTIRELY diffrent from what weā€™ve seen but acted beautifully. Itā€™s espcially noticable since unlike the other two lead gems, we obviously wouldnā€™t see more garnets like we would amythests and pearls, so unlike her contepraries estelle really didnā€™t get to flex her vocal range as much playing alternate versions as the seasons went on, with this being the closest she got.Ā  The episode is beautiful, has a wonderful message, and is just utterly charming and is agian why I DONā€™T mind that every su episode dosenā€™t advance the plot: Sometimes it dosenā€™t need to. And even so this one ended up being WAY more important than I remembered, introducing blue diamond and turning out to be MASSIVELY important once the reveal kicked it: For it was Garnet, and the love dthat forged her that changed Pinkā€™s direction. Before the rebellion was simply a way to stop the occupation of earth and wouldā€™ve been snuffed out if not for rubyā€™s actions.. but seeing garnet, seeing how earth and being free from homeworldā€™s restraints could positvely impact someone.. it changed rose. Besides bringing her and Pearl together, it also made her realize just what her rebellion could bring to people and what a gem could be and even more how precious her future home was. By forming in an act of Love, garnet changed the entire future of gemkind. By staying that way she did so once more. And thatā€™s beautifully. overall an underated, even by me, little masterwork with once again a damn fine message.Ā  Weā€™ll get back to SU soon enough, as I plan to cover the series first full arc as we meet peridot, and see into the souls of our heroines. But first Pride isnā€™t over yet, and I have one last card on the table as we todd it up a bit with my first look at bojack horseman. Like this if you enjoyed it, comments subscirbe etc etc and donā€™t be afraid to comission a review for 3 bucks, and until we meet agian, later days.Ā 
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hardnoctlife Ā· 5 years ago
My Thoughts on FFVIIR
Itā€™s been a few days since I finished FFVIIR, and I wanted to put my thoughts on the game into words, but I gotta get a few housekeeping things out of the way.
1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  These are all MY opinions. I understand and respect that others may have different opinions from me, however, that does not make this an open invitation for argument in the comments, bashing, etc. I have no problem blocking anyone who wants to be an asshole. Just be nice, please.
2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  I grew up playing FFVII and all of its spin-offs. FFVII was my first RPG, and ultimately what got me into playing video games. Nostalgia is a -huge- part of why I enjoyed FFVIIR so much, and therefore I am openly biased towards the game. Iā€™m interested to hear the thoughts of people not familiar with the original, because theyā€™re seeing the story with a fresh set of eyes.
3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  With that being said, Iā€™ve already noticed drama surrounding FFVIIR fans who -have- played the original vs. those who havenā€™t, or those who havenā€™t played Crisis Core, etc. I am firmly of the belief that this is a great game for new and old fans and wonā€™t tolerate any condescending attitudes in either direction. Video games are supposed to be fun, so letā€™s just all agree to enjoy the thing TOGETHER, shall we?
Alright, now that those things are out of the way, onto my thoughts. **MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD**
Iā€™m going to be breaking this up into sections, because there is just too much to dissect! Letā€™s start with the characters.
ā€œThe Good Guysā€
Cloud: Still my favorite character of all time, even more so after playing the remake. And of course, he is gorgeous. I could stare into his eyes all day. I know there has been a lot of controversy over getting new voice actors for the remake, but I feel like his VA did a great job. They nailed his personality of ā€œbroody asshole with a heart of goldā€, and I think the remake had reasonable and believable character development when it came to Cloudā€™s interactions with the other party members. His dynamic with Tifa, Aerith, and Barrett was also spot on. I think it was a good move on Squeenixā€™s part to keep him pretty much the same, because heā€™s such an iconic character for the entire Final Fantasy series, so no complaints on my part!
Jessie: Okay, so, I hated Jessie at first. She was too flirty and all over Cloud for my liking, and I felt this strange disconnect between the ā€œI used to be an actress but now Iā€™m fighting for the planetā€ part of her backstory. Yes, she was still spunky in the original, but they didnā€™t draw it out nearly as much (I assume because she was killed off early). I -do- appreciate that the developerā€™s felt the need to give her more depth and show more interactions between her and Cloud and everyone else, but I also thought it detracted from Cloudā€™s relationships with Tifa and Aerith to an extent, especially the whole scene where she was asking him to come back to her place with him (yikes). And, true to Squeenix form, they killed off her character, even while letting Biggs and Wedge live (they both died in the original). So, in that sense, I didnā€™t really care that much for her, although her final scene with Cloud was very moving and redeemed her in some ways for me. So, yay for more screen time, but cā€™mon Squeenix, why do you gotta use your female characters this way?!
Biggs & Wedge: I loved the updates to their character models, and like with Jessie, I appreciate they tried to give them more depth and dialogue to make their involvement more significant. It did throw me for a loop when they both ended up living instead of dying when the Sector 7 plate fell. I was delighted to discover they survived (until I found out Jessie died and they didnā€™t). At times, I felt like their exalted importance detracted from other characters, especially at the end in Shinra HQ where Wedge shows up to warn everyone and Avalanche comes in to try and rescue Cloud & the gang, only to imply that he dies -there- instead. To me, it felt like an unnecessary moment to add in, but hey, there are only so many characters in the remake that people get to see, so why not give the Avalanche crew a more important role? Iā€™m interested to see if this means that theyā€™ll be returning in the next installments as they may be ā€˜fatedā€™ to survive.
Barrett: What a glow up! Barrett looked good, he sounded good, his character was solid and true to the original. I have to say my favorite thing to see was how the banter and dialogue shifted between him and Cloud as you progressed through the remake. They went from basically hating on each other to complimenting each other and being buddy-buddy, and it was truly heartwarming. I even enjoyed using Barrett in battle (more on the fighting system later), which was refreshing. It was a good move on Squeenixā€™s part to show his softer side by including more scenes with Marlene, and heā€™s an excellent foil to Cloudā€™s character, which I feel was consistent for both games.
Tifa: My lady, the love of my life, my HERO. Tifa was -amazing- for me. Also, her VA was probably my favorite of the bunch. The updates to her outfit were much needed, yet she still retained her sexy allure, even if it was a little awkward to hear all the male NPCā€™s talking about how hot she was all the time. Other than Cloud, she was my favorite party member to use in battleā€”what a total badass!ā€”and the scenes with her and Cloud made me squeal with delight. I was grateful for the extra attention put into their relationship, and how it was made clear that she was just as important and strong as the male characters.
Aerith: First, the positives. They expanded Aerithā€™s fighting range, which was appreciated, because in the original I only used her as healer. Her personality shone through a bit more, as she was even ore outgoing than I remembered her being (and even cursed a few times!), and I loved all of her interactions with Tifa and Cloud (my favorite trio/love triangle). Her backstory was pretty well communicated regarding the Ancients and her relationship with Shinra. On the flip side of things, I found her party banter annoying as hell and her voice grating at times (it reminded me of a high school girl), and Iā€™m not sure how I feel about her interactions with the Whispers and what that implies for future installments. There was some hinting at the end of the remake that Aerith may not die like she did in the original (at least that was my interpretation), and Iā€™m not sure whether I like that possibility or not, mainly because Aerithā€™s death is one of the most memorable scenes of FFVII, and that would change the entire plot. For better or for worse, whoā€™s to say?
Red XIII: I loved all of the scenes with Red! His voice fit him really well, and they showed a lot of character development with him and the group in a short amount of time. I was sad you couldnā€™t control him in your party, but Iā€™m hoping that will change in the next installment. Iā€™m excited to see his backstory in Cosmo Canyon when we finally get to that point in the remake.
Chadley: This kid was annoying and weird, and I wasnā€™t sure exactly what his deal was, but he was definitely shady AF. Not sure why he was entirely necessary if he was simply a way to upgrade your materia, but hey, Iā€™ll take that assess materia from ya buddy if it means new stuff for me to use.Ā 
Johnny: Johnny grew on me. Was he also annoying and weird too? Yes. But he reminded me of a Prompto-Gladio lovechild and turned out to be a sweetheart, so I say he can stay, Squeenix.
ā€œThe Bad Guysā€
Shinra executives: Not much to say here for me other than great job in bringing this diabolic group to life. Yep, still hate every one of ā€˜em. They stayed pretty much true to their original selves, and all of them matched what I remembered of them, right down to the dialogue. I thought it was an interesting choice to see Sephiroth kill President Shinra (in the original you just find him dead at his desk, impaled on Sephirothā€™s sword), but Iā€™m not complaining. That guy was a grade A asshole.
The Turks: Love, love, love how they portrayed each of these guys, and showed how they are also unwilling participants in all of Shinraā€™s shit. They definitely made them more likeable from the get-go and I felt a lot of callbacks to Advent Children. Reno cursing and being sassy was probably one of my favorite things out of the entire game. He had -so- many great lines, even if they werenā€™t direct translations of the Japanese. Iā€™m hoping they will include more of the Turks in future installments (like Cissnei in Crisis Core) and continue fleshing out their story arcs.
Rosche: Okay, unpopular opinion, but I did not like this guy at all. Iā€™m not sure what the hype is about him all over my social media. Could be the mullet, which is an automatic ā€˜noā€™ for me (Gladio from FFXV being the only exception), but he seemed like an irritating and very pointless addition to the game. His sole purpose appeared to be to prepare you for escaping Shinra and fighting from Cloudā€™s motorcycle towards the end, but I felt like he could have been taken out of the story entirely without missing anything. I didnā€™t hate as many of the newer characters (like Leslie) as much as I did him, but I guess he and I just didnā€™t vibe. Iā€™m assuming heā€™ll return later on, so maybe my opinion will change. (I sure hope so.)
Leslie: Okay, at first, I was like, ā€œwho is this knock-off Noctis wannabe?ā€ but I really enjoyed the backstory and depth they gave this seemingly minor character. I see that Squeenix is trying to provide new things for older fans to take interest in, and in this case, I felt he was a nice touch. (Edit: I was told that Leslie, Kyrie, and some of the other new NPCs were featured in an audio book?! Which I had no idea even existed, so...the more you know!)
Don Corneo: Even slimier and creepier in HD! Honestly, hats off to Squeenix for translating what was possibly the most cringy and controversial part of the original in a ā€˜tastefulā€™ way in regard to all of Wall Market. This guy was definitely a worthy villain in the remake.
Rufus: Holy hell. I never ever in my life thought Iā€™d be saying this, but wow, is Rufus hotter than I remember. Thank you, Squeenix for giving me another foxy bad boy to drool over. He was also, for me, the hardest and most frustrating boss battle (even more so than Sephiroth), but it was totally worth dying to watch all the cut scenes with him over again. Canā€™t wait to see more of him in the next installment.
Hojo: God, I hate this guy. I know youā€™re -supposed- to, but he is such a creep. Hearing his dialogue in the remake was even worse than reading it in the original. Gotta say, dealing with his four wards in Shinra HQ was my least favorite part of the game by far, but I know he will get his comeuppance later down the road. All the dialogue was just as shocking as I remember, so, yeah. Good job?!
Sephiroth: Alright, anyone else feel like they made Sephiroth EXTRA SEXUAL in this remake?! You too? Oh, good, good, same bro. Now, it could just be me projecting, but anytime he came on the screenā€¦panties were dropping yā€™all. Of course, Iā€™m not one to complain about Sephiroth content. On the contrary, I lap it up like I just walked through the desert and found an oasis, BUT, I will say thisā€¦you barely see Sephiroth at all at this point in the original. As a reminder, the remake only covered the first 4-6 hours of the original game, and I get you canā€™t really do a remake without at least SHOWING Sephiroth for the people who have been waiting to see him in HD, but with that being said, he was VERY involved. I love Sephiroth, heā€™s a great villain, but they are definitely changing things with him, so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens.
My one criticism? His voice was my least favorite out of the main characters. Not saying the VA didnā€™t do a great job, but it didnā€™t sound deep enough to be as intimidating. I prefer the VA who voiced him in Advent Children, but Iā€™m sure it will grow on me in time.
Battle system: When the remakeā€™s demo was released, I remember a lot of people were complaining about how ā€˜difficultā€™ the new battle system was, but I absolutely love it. Itā€™s just the perfect balance of turn-based and real-time, with plenty of options for customization. If you want more real time, you can set your short cuts, and if you want more turn-based, you also have that option. My only real complaint was that item use is also tied to the ATB bar, but overtime I figured out when to heal myself in a timely fashion (after dying more than a handful of times). Button mashers wonā€™t enjoy this battle system because it requires a little more strategy, but I think the point was to create an updated version of the original fighting style that would appeal to both old and new players, and it definitely delivered. Seeing the classic limit breaks used and being able to run around during battle was so much fun for me, and I about died when I saw Cloud strike his OG victory pose in Wall Marketā€™s coliseum. Also, the transition between running through Midgar and entering battle was SO incredibly smooth and seamless that at times you didnā€™t notice the shift. Phenomenal.
oĀ Ā  Boss Battles: As much as I enjoyed the battle system of remake, some of the bosses felt unnecessarily hard and/or tedious (Iā€™m looking at you, Hell House). Making use of the assess materia early on definitely helped me out, but I legit got bored at times, especially that damn giant robot you fight with only Barrett and Aerith when escaping Shinra HQ. This is really just a minor complaint, but there were a couple bosses where I died several times (*cough* Rufus *cough*) before I figured out the secret to defeating them, while others were super easy or just not that interesting. Meh. For context, I played on ā€œnormalā€ mode, but it truly felt hard in certain scenarios. (That could just have been me trying to get used to the new fighting style.)
oĀ Ā  Materia: speaking of materia, I did notice some new materia in the game, which was neat, and although I didnā€™t care for Chadley (dude, where are your parents?) it was nice to have a way to develop and earn new materia throughout. I found it somewhat strange that summon materia was just a thing you could get so early on instead of having to work for it, but I was excited to use it. Shiva and Ifrit were definitely my favorite summons (which hasnā€™t changed from the original for me). My one big question: where is the freaking ā€˜allā€™ materia?! I know they kinda split ā€˜allā€™ up into many different types of materia, and you do have ā€˜prayā€™ for healing your entire party, but man, that was so versatile in the original so that was a hard adjustment for me not to have use of it.
oĀ Ā  Weapons: I think itā€™s cool that they developed an upgrade system to make use of your weapons long term, giving them their own abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Made me think of FFX where you used the spheres to upgrade your characters. Also? I loved being able to see materia in my weapons when I switched them out. That was a really neat touch.Ā 
Music: And here I thought they couldnā€™t make the music of the original game any more epic, but they definitely outdid themselves in the remake. I enjoyed hearing all the remixes and ways they wove the classic themes into different parts of the games. I think my favorite was when youā€™re going through sector 5 with Aerith and have to control the giant robotic hands. The music in that section SLAPPED.Ā The in-game jukebox was also a nice way to honor the old school classics. Hearing Aerithā€™s theme for the first time just about made me cry, and listening to One-Winged Angel fighting Sephiroth? Nothing could beat that moment musically for me.
Side quests: Iā€™m not sure about anyone else, but I really didnā€™t care for the side quests. They werenā€™t very fun for the most part, and considering how linear the game is, they felt more like chores that needed to be completed because I had to, and not because I wanted to. The only exception was Wall Market, but all-in-all, most of them didnā€™t add much to the story, unlike in FFXV where I could go down a rabbit hole of sidequests for hours and hours.
Graphics: This is clearly stating the obvious, as anyone with eyes will tell you, the game is nothing short of gorgeous. I cannot tell you how many screencaps I took of just Cloud. It was definitely a world that I wanted to run around in for hours (and did) and will do so again and again just to look at all the little details. My favorite thing to do is watch comparison videos of the original and remake openings side-by-side. How crazy is it that technology has come this far!
Playtime: My biggest critique of this game is that it was too damn short. Stretching the first 4-6 hours of the original into 40 was definitely impressive, but considering I waited 20+ years for the remake, it was pretty disappointing to finish the game in less than a week. Like most people, Iā€™m wondering just how long they plan on stretching this out, how many installments there will be, and when the second part will be released. Hopefully not another ten years, but it -is- Squeenix weā€™re talking about...
Most people who played will tell you that most of the remake stayed very true to the original, even lifting some of the exact dialogue and scenes. The nostalgia hit me so hard in parts that I was literally in tears. The first time I watched the opening in the demo, I cried. Thatā€™s the power this game has over many people, including myself.
In other ways, the remake improved on parts of the story or re-imagined them. We always knew it wasnā€™t going to be a copy and paste of the original story, which Iā€™m sincerely grateful for. I would seriously hope that after 20+ years they would have thought of ways to improve or polish FFVII and make it new and exciting for returning fans and people just picking it up.
My pros regarding the updates in the story:
- They fleshed out many background characters and added in new ones. Most of the core group spent more time interacting, and the party banter felt natural and progressed realistically as the game went on.
- New mini-games and side quests expanded on the slums and made the areas larger and more interactive, yet they still kept the nostalgia of iconic locales.
- Plenty of fuel to fan shipping fires with emotionally charged scenes and pretty boys abounding (Cloti and Clerith especially).
- All of Wall Market was brilliantly done. I was wondering how theyā€™d update it for the new generation, and it was seriously the best part of the game for me (and had me laughing the entire time).
-Ā  Hinting that Zack is alive and/or Aerith may live is something Iā€™m listing as a pro, only because I would love to see these characters used to their full potential, however, this is also a con for me, and Iā€™ll explain why.
My cons:
Whispers: If you played the original, you probably had the same reaction as I did when the ā€˜Whispersā€™ showed up. ā€œWtf are these dementor-looking things?ā€ At first, I thought they might be something similar to what we saw in Advent Children, and that they were ā€˜remnantsā€™ or parts of Sephiroth, or somehow his minions, or even souls from the Lifestream, etc. When I found out they were actually supposed to be ā€˜protectors of fateā€™ or whatever, I rolled my eyes, especially when Barret was ā€˜killedā€™ by Sephiroth and then miraculously brought back to life. It felt very ā€˜deus ex machinaā€™ to me in the sense that ā€˜everything has to go a certain way because we said so.ā€™ While it makes sense, I really wasnā€™t buying it, but Iā€™m assuming that we will learn more about them in the second installment.Ā 
The Ending: The whole final boss battle of the remake was surprising, because it felt almost exactly like the final boss bottle of the original game, right down to the cutscene where Cloud is thrown through space and faces off against Sephiroth one-on-one. Before you defeat the ā€˜harbinger of fateā€™ (anyone else get KH heartless vibes?) and fight Sephiroth as the final boss, Aerith goes on her long spiel about ā€˜fateā€™ and ā€˜destinyā€™ and ā€˜this will change us,ā€™ and itā€™s laid on so thick that itā€™s almost like they were setting us up for an alternate timeline, which is entirely possible, but thatā€™s all speculation at this point. Regardless, they made it clear that whatever is coming next is going to be -very- different from the original, or possibly is going to be another timeline of the story, especially since Zack was shown alive and well. One criticism I heard from someone who hadnā€™t played the original game was that they treated Sephiroth and Zack like people you were supposed to know, and I can agree with that. They didnā€™t spend -any- time explaining their significance, backstory, or why people were so afraid of Sephiroth other than showing you little flashbacks into Cloudā€™s deranged memories, so in that sense, the ending might have fallen flat for those who donā€™t know exactly what Sephiroth represents or who he is, or why he stole Jenova from Hojoā€™s lab, etc, etc. Plus, throwing in Zack at the end is something that anyone who played the original game or Crisis Core would get, but new fans would also not understand the significance of. Personally, I screamed when I saw Zack because I was so happy , but I can see why that ending would be very unsatisfying and/or confusing for some.
Overall: 9/10
No, it doesnā€™t get a 10/10 for me, even as someone who absolutely loves Final Fantasy VII, but hey, no game is perfect. Itā€™s honestly hard to live up to the hype this game has created since it was officially announced, and all things considered, Squeenix -did- live up to it. I will still be eagerly awaiting part two, playing the shit out of this game and squeezing the most I can out of it until I get to experience more.
Iā€™d love to hear what other people thought (so long as the discourse is respectful of course). If you read this far, thanks for listening to my ramblings!
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aion-rsa Ā· 4 years ago
Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2 Episode 22 Review: Evox Unleashed
ThisĀ POWER RANGERS BEAST MORPHERSĀ review contains spoilers.
In the end this is how it was always going to be. For as excited as I was after last weeks triumphant Power Rangers Beast Morphers episode, there was no way this episode could live up to it. ā€˜Evox Unleashedā€™ is good but itā€™s not great and much of that can be put down to the mandate that has held back Beast Morphers from living up to its true potential.
As Iā€™ve mentioned many times before but bares repeating now, when Senior Vice President of Power Rangers Franchise Development and Production Brian Casentini left the franchise he left us with this revealing quote.
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
ā€œI am a big fan of serialized storytelling, but most broadcasters across the globe want more episodic storytelling for scheduling ease.ā€
Knowing this was a limitation helped me understand the series more and review it under the proper context. It improved many episodes knowing the plot line wouldnā€™t continue and I could appreciate what they did in such a short time. It hurt others when they didnā€™t use the standalone story to give us more insight into the characters or even tell a proper one and done lesson. Standalone doesnā€™t mean it has to be completely disposable.
Casentini went on to say in that same interview that, ā€œI think we found a really great balance (between serialized and episodic) with Power Rangers Beast Morphers.ā€ To give the show credit, many of the serialized episodes did work. The problem was that they more often felt like glimpses into a fully serialized show than proper serialized stories in of themselves. Something felt off about them even when they were good.
Thatā€™s not to say only the serialized stories had merit. Some episodic plots were fairly fun and a few were great. Most of them though werenā€™t used to develop the characters in a meaningful way. Without that the serialized moments the show was able to have couldnā€™t land. Without character arcs even the biggest of plot moves feel empty.
So itā€™s no wonder that when we get to the finale we get a lot of great moments that are kneecapped by a lack of development from earlier in the series. The start of the finale is great. Itā€™s tense, we get a tearful moment between Zoey and her mom, and thereā€™s an incredible sequence of the Rangers busting out old weapons. I still wish they had put more time into explaining how the Ranger Vault came to be but it was genuinely clever to have them use old weapons to get around Evoxā€™s ability to absorb their own. Great way to have fan service but still impact the story.
We also get some good callbacks to last episode when Nate says, ā€œI made you, Evox, but today weā€™re gonna destroy you. As a team!ā€ Perfect way to cement the lesson he learned. Evox later saying, ā€œitā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve taken out a civilizationā€ was an excellent RPM callback.
Steelā€™s sacrifice was also powerful and devastating. More than anyone else weā€™ve gotten to know and love Steel over these two seasons and heā€™s always been a delight. Seeing him sacrifice everything was a huge shock but very effective. It gave the rest of the episode more weight. The problem is that while the solution the team comes up with is a good one (combining their human DNA with Morph-X) itā€™s rooted in the message that the team is strong because theyā€™re human. Thatā€™sā€¦ true, I guess? But the finale acts like this is something thatā€™s been building up the entire show. It hasnā€™t. Outside of Steelā€™s desires to be human this was never built up as a central theme. This wasnā€™t a constant problem the characters had to deal with in their episodic adventures. I guess you could stretch and say Ravi felt like a bit of a robot when he had to ignore his feelings for Roxy and his love of art but thatā€™s being generous.
Far more effective would have been the very simply message of you donā€™t have to solve your problems alone. That would have tied into pretty much everyoneā€™s stories in the series. Devon needed to take advice from his dad but refused to listen. Zoey was determined to solve big problems but often tried to do it all on her own. Ravi hid away his feelings and suffered alone. Nate felt isolated from the world and had to build a brother to find friendship. Hell, that would have been a great way to bring in Ben and Betty who while bumbling have always worked together.
And making the ultimate theme of the show, ā€œyouā€™re strong because youā€™re humanā€ is even more head scratching when you remember the Beast Bots. Are they not strong because theyā€™re robots? Are they only strong because they have human best friends? Is Steel only strong because heā€™s half human? Itā€™s an odd message with some alarming undertones if you sit there and analyze it. Just looking at on the surface it boils down to ALL MACHINES ARE BADā€¦ when the show did a lot of work to make the Beast Bots sympathetic.
Much of the weight of the start of the episode was able to establish is lost in this confusion and in Steel coming back to life as a human. Itā€™s cute that he finally gets what he always wanted but it robs the show of a more powerful ending. I can understand not wanting to kill a Ranger even if he is a robot but if there were anytime they could get away with killing a Ranger, itā€™d be here. The human ending is also strange because they add Steelā€™s voice to his human version. I get why they did it and it was okay in the body swap episode but here it felt too silly. Just give him a regular voice. It would help sell the scene instead of distracting the audience with unintentional comedy.
We then cut to one year later and the montage of scenes is mixed. Itā€™s incredible that Mason Effinā€™ Truman comes back for a small cameo that also ties off Scrozzle. It subtly does some world building (Corinth and Grid Battleforce are in more contact) and it allows Ben and Betty to finally get some development. Anytime Power Rangers uses James Gaylyn it gets an extra point.
Devon suddenly being a commander doesnā€™t really work. He moved up in the ranks that quickly? After one year? Thatā€™s a little far fetched. Was he even officially enlisted in Grid Battleforce? No one can go from being a recruit to a commander in one year. If he was a commander-in-training I could believe that. This, not so much. Did he even express a desire to be a commander? If this was rooted in an episodic outing earlier in the series it might have been a little easier to buy.
Zoey and Nate working on clean energy was nice though and a good reminder of the franchiseā€™s progressive history. Iā€™m glad they took the time to explain how the city moved away from Morph-X to something thatā€™s attainable in the real world. Power Rangers loves a good message and this was a small but needed one.
General Shaw (love this promotion!) painting with Ravi was cute although it just reminded me how human Roxy was barely in this show. Same with the very bizarre bit with Steel becoming an actor and Blaze being his stunt man. Uh, that came out of nowhere? Steel being an actor, okay, heā€™s a wacky guy and I can buy that. But Blaze being a stunt man? Yeah he did karate a few times but nothing in the previous episodes set that up. That would have made a nice episodic story that could have reminded us Blaze existed!
The series closes out with the team throwing Steel a birthday and they sing ā€˜Itā€™s Great to be Humanā€ cementing it as the very odd theme of the show.
Parts of the finale do work, especially the first half, but without any buildup of the shows central themes or the character arcs it all feels flimsy by the end. Its competent but the episodic mandates on the show as a whole crippled its chances. This could have worked with more planning on how the episodic stories could have supported a larger theme but that wasnā€™t allowed or simply wasnā€™t done. It makes the finale feel like a slapdash ending that wants to be big and grand but can only manage the trappings of it. The human DNA mixed with Morph-X was a great solution to destroying Evox but rooting it in ā€œitā€™s great to be humanā€ just made it fall flat. Itā€™s a decent finale but one that will sadly be more known for finally wrapping up the Venjix cliffhanger from RPM than wrapping up Beast Morphersā€™ story.
This leaves Beast Morphers in a middle ground in the history of Power Rangers. It was a decent series with a lot of potential but ultimately couldnā€™t deliver on most of it and felt aimless for much of its run. There were genuine moments of quality throughout and you could see a great show in it. Sadly the episodic stories were not up to a high enough quality to sustain the series between the serialized ones, where the show seemed to spend much of its energy. This was Beast Morphersā€˜ biggest mistake.
Those standalone stories could have been structured in a way to still be episodic while forming a backbone to the show that let those serialized stories thrive. Without that backbone the attempts at serialization just felt like reminders of wasted potential instead of solid stories in their own right.
Iā€™m very interested to see where Power Rangers goes from here. Simon Bennett is one of the more experienced show runners to join the franchise so his influence on the show could be a positive one. Hasbro has also Ā gotten out of the training wheel phase with Power Rangers and could have a better idea of what they want out of the franchise. I hope they take the lessons learned from Beast Morphers and use them to find the best way to work within their mandates to make Power Rangers the best show it can be. It has the potential, Beast Morphers showed that. Letā€™s hope they can live up to it.
The post Power Rangers Beast Morphers Season 2 Episode 22 Review: Evox Unleashed appeared first on Den of Geek.
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theresa-of-liechtenstein Ā· 4 years ago
3, 7, 19, 20 for the writer ask thing!
sure!! here you go <3
3. What is that one scene that youā€™ve always wanted to write but canā€™t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
The incredibly cheesy ending scene to the epistolary novel Iā€™ll never write (which I described here), which is the only scene that will be written in anything other than a text message, a handwritten note, or otherwise. i will not provide any context x but yes this is a coming-of-age story. itā€™s supposed to be a subversion of the usual archetypal american high school story tho
Seeing that her parents and Lucasā€™ were most likely gearing up to converse for the rest of Time itself, Lou decided to traipse around the field for the last time.
Excusing herself, she stepped away from the group. For a fleeting second, she watched Lucas in animated conversation with Martin. [nothing to do with cabin pressure martin, may i remark; it was just a conveniently two-syllable name] There would be time, at least in the next few months or so, for them to talk about what came next.
Tonight would not be that time.
Adjusting her mortarboard cap, she walked away, heading for the bleachers. She hadnā€™t spent time here for the last four years. As she climbed the metal steps and chose a seat high above the field, she realized just how far sheā€™d come since then.
The thin yellow robe was no shield for the chill setting in. Gathering it about her as she sat, she sighed and propped her feet up on the metal seat in front of her.
Her thoughts flew over the past four years. Much had remained the same. She still saw herself in the mirror every day. Her integrity had never been compromised; for the most part, she was fundamentally the same.
But in others, she was not and never would beā€”and those changes would be difficult to quantify.
She sighed again.
ā€œThinking deep thoughts, Lou?ā€
Lou whipped her head up and gasped. ā€œOtto Rhee!ā€
He stood next to her, silhouetted against the setting sun. He looked supremely awkward in an ill-fitting shirt and tie. Lou hadnā€™t seen him in about a year. To her great relief, her friend, had managed to stay just the same as before, as always. At least in appearance.
ā€œCongratulations, Lou,ā€ he said. ā€œYouā€™ve made it.ā€ As he usually did, he sat next to her without asking. Lou made room for him on the bleacher, adjusting her voluminous outfit as she did so.
They looked out over the field in companionable silence, and somehow Lou knew that Ottoā€”Otto who could have been a brother to her, Otto who was a brother to her in all the ways that matteredā€”was seeing the same things on that field. Four years of elongated snapshots, a moment stretched almost too long. UN conferences and dinners in fast-food joints, honors history class. Standing in the deserted road, where the weeds grew between the cracks, and screaming at the sky. And in every microcosm [it was literally midnight, i couldnā€™t be bothered to use that word properly] there they were. Always the three of them. Otto and Martin and Lou, racing down empty hallways, biking to Cassidyā€™s around the corner, scaring each other when they stayed too late at school, the lights gone out and everyone else gone. Significant looks, texts sent across the room.
The way all three of themā€”Otto to Lou to Martin and back aroundā€”when they had asked what they shared in common.
Lou looked sidelong and Otto, and Otto at her.
The spell broke, and they were sitting together againā€”just Lou and Otto, Otto and Lou.
They stared at each other once more before simultaneously saying, ā€œMartin!ā€
And indeed, Martin was running up the bleachers towards them, his black robe billowing in the breeze. Lucas pounded up the steps, not far behind.
Lou and Otto rose to meet them, and they all smiled.
7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?
Detail-oriented. I have to describe everything or it just doesnā€™t work. ā€œShow not tellā€ was always my least favorite rule (though I have always tried my best to follow it!) because Iā€™m telling you a story, not making a movie! Oral storytelling made up a lot of my childhood, and I should hope it shows in my style.
also my dialogue feels kind of punchy sometimes, I rarely have people talk in drawn out sentences bc im the only person i know who talks that way unless itā€™s important they do so.
iā€™m not making it up, people have told me these things in some form or another (mostly in the form of getting penalized for telling rather than showing)
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe ā€˜too oftenā€™, trope you canā€™t get enough of?)
I have a habit of using fragments far too often. And em dashes. i also can never leave out the wind. if i donā€™t talk about the wind at some point, consider it a forgery /s
20. Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism youā€™ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
i wrote a novel about power as a little project earlier this year to distract myself >.< and it was a lot of practice at negative character development; I mean where the character ends up becoming worse at the end of the narrative instead of better, but I donā€™t know if thereā€™s an actual word for that haha. it didnā€™t cross my mind until after Iā€™d written it, though!
that novel was about the price of selling off your soul in order to obtain power. it was set in a political setting to push that point. the protag started off with a humble beginning. but spoiler alert, the protag gets the power she desires at the end of the novel. the clincher is that she does so at a steep cost. nobody respects her anymore; they only fear her. her best friend, sister, and younger brother distance themselves from her and sheā€™s basically alone at the end of the novel, except for the people who have the same thirst for power as she does. the methods that sheā€™s used to gain that power are also INCREDIBLY ethically questionable, and the only way she managed to wiggle free of those was her privilege (as my favorite character pointed out while submitting a resignation letter, which is one of the more satisfying scenes Iā€™ve ever written)
itā€™s also a cautionary tale because the protag and her closest cronies check all the boxes for what people of a certain ideological bent would consider an ā€œinclusivity win.ā€ sure, she ends up in a really high position of power, but itā€™s not really a win after all because of all the heads she had to step on to get there. again, i really didnā€™t think hard about it until i had finished and started re-reading (and even now it sounds like the novel is much cooler than it really is: it was written over the course of three months and it shows!) and once i sent it off to some of the people who asked me to read it, it was immensely obvious how echo-chamber-y the discussion of representation and power can get. for example, one person immediately assumed i was holding the protag up as the very inclusivity win she is not (this person literally asked me, ā€œDid you base Aileenā€™s leadership off of yours?ā€ HELL to the NO! i was literally bout to SCREAM. as a person aileen is pretty decent and i could vibe with her, but as a politican aileen is morally bereft!!) but that could just be the weakness of my writing in retrospect
but i want to close with two extracts from robert boltā€™s A Man for All Seasons, which I couldnā€™t put in the epigraph because it isnā€™t in the public domain and it also might be too long.
MORE: In matters of conscience, the loyal subject is more bounden to be loyal to his conscience than to any other thing.
CROMWELL: And so provide a noble motive for his frivolous self-conceit!
MORE: It is not so, Master Cromwellā€”very and pure necessity for respect of my own soul.
CROMWELL: Your own self, you mean!
MORE: Yes, a manā€™s soul is his self! ...
MORE (Looking into Richā€™s face, with pain and amusement): [...] Why Richard, it profits a man nothing to give his soul for the whole world... but for Wales!
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hellyeahomeland Ā· 5 years ago
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ā€œThe English Teacherā€ | Directed by Michael Cuesta, Cinematography by Giorgio Scali
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Sara: Not really related to this image specifically, but this weekā€™s episode was directed by Michael Cuesta, whom you may remember as the directing executive producer for the showā€™s first two seasons. He directed some of the best episodes of the show: the pilot, ā€œThe Weekend,ā€ ā€œMarine One,ā€ ā€œThe Choice.ā€ I was really, really happy to see that they brought him back for the penultimate episode. That feels fitting and so, so right.Ā 
Related to this image specifically, opening on an image of Carrie literally split in half in the frame feels symbolic. Sheā€™s being pulled in two competing directions, her loyalty to Saul fighting with her desire to prevent a nuclear war.Ā 
Gail: When the episode first started I wondered if she had escaped custody and was standing and waiting to have a passport photo taken like Brody in ā€œThe Choiceā€ (again, a Michael Cuesta episode). (My tin foil hat has been all over the place lately!) But then it occurred to me that itā€™s actually the mirror of the opening shot of Carrie in the first episode this season. The close-ups of Carrie in both scenes have a lot in common, especially that we can only see half of her face. In episode one, the other half of the frame was black and here, the other half is white. I think Sara was right when she pointed out in last weekā€™s Directorā€™s Chair about the transition images at the end of ā€œDesignated Driver.ā€ Carrieā€™s life has always been somewhere in between the black and white.Ā 
Ashley: The way this carefully pans down across her face, only to find that she is actually cuffed to the chair, is pretty well-done. Weā€™ve seen her in cuffs too many times this season, and trapped in other ways more often than that.
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Sara: This image of Carrie watching the suicide bomb footage on TV really calls to mind the visuals in the opening credits of a young Carrie watching war and terror play out on a television screen.
Ashley: How many times has Carrie seen something awful and life-altering on television? She was in this position in season five when she saw Quinn in the gas chamber. Shocking and devastating and just kinda the life of Carrie Mathison, tbh.
Gail: I agree with both of you, this is a great callback to Carrie in the credits and Carrie in ā€œNew Normal.ā€ Carrieā€™s unconventional methods often come at a high price and this scene is another reminder of that. (And how amazing is Chris Bauer, who plays Carrieā€™s lawyer?! Sara, heā€™s even giving you some sweet ā€˜stache!)
Sara: Love the mustache.Ā 
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Sara: Tag yourself Iā€™m Wellington.Ā 
Ashley: We are all Wellington.
Gail: Pretty sure Iā€™ve been Saul all week trying to get my kids to do their e-learning. Iā€™m tagging my son as Zabel and my daughter as Hayes. My husband is full-on Wellington, knowing Iā€™m right but refusing to get involved.
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Ashley: The sharp difference between Zabelā€™s terrible beard and Saulā€™s luscious beard is one of the best things this show has offered us.
Gail: I love that Saulā€™s body language tells a story too. He can hardly bring himself to look at Zabel, let alone face him.
Sara: John Zabel is a real fuckinā€™ slime ball and Hugh Dancy has been so, so good in this role. You can tell he must relish getting to play this evil character, going up against these actors and actors that heā€™s known so intimately, though entirely offscreen, the last ten years.Ā 
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Sara: I love this detail of Saul moving one of his books back just a millimeter or so. It really emphasizes how meticulous he is and also begs the question if heā€™s going to realize Carrie had them all splayed out on his living room floor. Does he keep them in a specific order?Ā 
Ashley: I WAS WONDERING THE SAME THING. And Iā€™m surprised he has so many of them ā€” he was looking at one volume specifically, so I initially was wondering if his commie shelf was just to hide that particular book.
Gail: No small detail seems to escape Saulā€™s attention. Such a small movement, but it says so much about who Saul is. And yes, Ashley, some of those books were just decoys! Carrie figured that out as she was sorting the books, which is also a great detail about who Saul is. Saulā€™s red book collection of asset communication is also his hobby. As Carrie says, the best lies have to have truth in them.
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Sara: Ben Savage as young Mandy Patinkin is some of the most inspired casting ever. I know heā€™s already played a young Mandy Patinkin, but I am still in awe. The flat bill cap was an excellent detail. #hat
Gail: I love how he is wearing a trademark Saul plaid shirt, too!
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Gail: Another shot of a character with only half of their face shown. This time itā€™s a young Saul who already has his fair share of secrets.
Ashley: Spoiler alert, she doesnā€™t shoot him.
Sara: IJLTP.
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Gail: We donā€™t get this close-up shot in this scene until Saul drops his facade and asks her if sheā€™s reading between the lines... He wants to pull a fast one on the useful idiots in the Oval Office and wants her help to do it (ugh, Tasneem agrees!). From a distance, we see Saul in his office somewhere in the West Wing, playing the part of National Security Advisor, but as the camera moves in for this close-up, we see Saul as who he really is: the smart and strategic spy.
Sara: There were quite a few extreme close-ups of Saul this week. What does it mean in an episode where we learn more about his heroic past than potentially at any other time this series? For me this really put into perspective how much we donā€™t know about Saul. Carrie alludes to snippets heā€™s revealed over the years, but even she--presumably his closest confidante--doesnā€™t know. Saul is the opposite of an open book, pun intended.Ā 
Ashley: Letā€™s crack his spine open and see if thereā€™s a note.
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Sara: This slow push on Carrie as the judge reads the list of charges against her is devastating, and not just for Carrie. It is for the audience too, because we know the truth. It goes without saying that Claire is magnificent here.
Ashley: Listening to all of the things Carrie Mathison is being charged with ā€” specifically because we know the character, we have known her for a long time ā€” is painful. For Claire, who has lived in Carrieā€™s skin for so long, it must have been torture.Ā 
Gail: Carrieā€™s lawyer is dressed in red, white and blue while Carrie is dressed for a funeral. Iā€™m sure neither is a coincidence.
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Sara: I do not like the context of this shot, but I love the shot itself. IDNLTCOTSBILTSI.
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Sara: Linus being the only one in a room full of military brass and West Wing staff who understands that somethingā€™s fishy here is a very ā€œof courseā€ moment. I love how theyā€™re framed in shadows here. In a way, he and Saul have both been running a ā€œshadowā€ government all season, working in the background, out of sight.
Gail: Saul has his own circle of trust now and Wellingtonā€™s circle is only bumping up against it, no Venn diagrams here. Saul is playing his cards close to the vest, knowing he is on borrowed time. (See what I did there?)
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Sara: I loved the payoff of the Carrie/Jenna relationship this week. Jenna coming to the realization that Quinn did before--nothing is worth the damage they cause--plays like a terrible dĆ©jĆ  vu moment. Carrie just sits there, silent, as Jenna walks out. As staff writer Jonathan Redding said, ā€œShe was never going to become another Carrie. She canā€™t make Carrieā€™s trades.ā€
Gail: I think Carrie sits silently as Jenna walks out because she canā€™t argue with her. Carrie herself came to the same realization back in season four. Interestingly, as Jenna has her realization that nothing is worth the damage they do, Carrie is sitting at a dining room table, just like Quinn was when he had his realization in ā€œGerontion.ā€ Except this time Carrie is the one who everyone thinks is guilty of a crime she didnā€™t commit. So. Many. Parallels.Ā 
Ashley: Putting Carrie at the dining room table is interesting ā€” sheā€™s surrounded by empty chairs. You canā€™t help but think of all the people sheā€™s lost, and yet another person is walking away. Sheā€™s completely alone.
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Gail: Did Carrie swipe a pair of Saulā€™s glasses from his house? They look similar to asset Annaā€™s glasses as well. Not sure if that means anything, but itā€™s interesting.
Sara: Gail, you can read my tin foil hat theory on that in this weekā€™s TCWTW.Ā 
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Sara: I love love love this transition that reveals the teacher in the photo is the Russian translator. Itā€™s inspired.Ā 
Gail: Me too! I also love that she is in focus while everyone else is not, which adds importance to her character as well. The first shot of her mirrors the photo of The English Teacher. We donā€™t see her full face until she talks to Saul directly in this scene, a small detail that reveals who her character is important to.
Ashley: Her shoulders are squared, head cocked, listening ā€” the contrast from the girl she was in the photo is evident even from behind.
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Gail: Usually when a character is having an important moment, you see their face and reaction on camera, not the back of their head. Breaking that rule with Anna over and over again throughout the course of this scene is extremely effective. Sheā€™s a faceless, non-threatening fly on the wall and surely not the high-ranking Kremlin (and presumably male) official they are worried about.
Sara: The framing of these characters in this shot is amazing. Anna stands in the cameraā€™s focus, head tilted ever so slightly. The other men donā€™t even notice. You can see how sheā€™s been such an effective asset. Hidden in plain sight.
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Sara: Kusnetsovā€™s book is Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. This is the last novel Dickens ever wrote, which is fitting here.Ā 
Gail: According to Wikipedia, the book explores the conflict between doing what society expects and the idea of being true to oneself. When you set that concept against Andreiā€™s role as a double agent, the theme takes on new meaning.
Ashley: Nerds.
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Gail: Saul doesnā€™t yet know how important Anna is, but Michael Cuesta and Giorgio Scali are giving the audience a subtle clue here. By shooting Anna from a low angle it alludes that her character is powerful and has influence, something Saul will come to realize shortly.
Sara: We all agree that it was 100% intentional to cast an actress to play young Anna that looks just enough like Claire Danes to make you think, right? I donā€™t mean that Carrie is the lovechild of Saul and Anna (the timelines donā€™t match!). More that Saul has a type, no?
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Sara: ...And in case we had any doubt that theyā€™re drawing a parallel between Anna and Carrie, we have this transition. This episode is filled with loaded transitions.
Gail: Carrie in the center of the frame, caught in between the dark and light, is an ongoing theme this episode. We see it here again as she makes her way toward Saulā€™s library.
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Sara: There are multiple pans over Saulā€™s giant collection of red books, most of the titles unreadable and blurred. But where do we land at the end? The camera holds on this book, A Womanā€™s Vengeance by James Payn. There is almost no info about this book on the internet, which leads me to believe itā€™s fake. Yet itā€™s in the public domain. Did they just like the title?Ā 
Gail: I read a little about it online. It was published originally in 1872, volume 2 of 3. I read an excerpt of it on Amazon, and the first chapter is titled ā€œA Good Nightā€™s Work.ā€ Having this close-up shot of these books that follow our introduction to young Anna, Saulā€™s asset who is clearly a woman scorned, makes this book title (and the title to its first chapter) feel very fitting.
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Sara: If the Wikipedia entry about The Secret Agent is any indication, this book is a doozy. Basically everyone suffers and dies at the end and an innocent person is accidentally killed.Ā 
Gail: That Wikipedia page is crazy! It also says that Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, loved this book and closely identified himself with the character of the ā€œProfessorā€... which ties into Saulā€™s alias, Professor Rabinow. I live for this stuff--always a mark of a good production when the depth of the details matches the intensity of the show.
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Sara: The phantom horizontal line on the seven.Ā 
Ashley: That is like the ONE thing that I, Ashley, actually noticed and mentioned first. Give me a shout-out, man, I mean, DAMN.
Sara: Shout out to Ashley, who noticed and mentioned this first!Ā 
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Gail: Homeland always gives us the best bokeh. I love its use here. We have a window into Saulā€™s biggest secret, the details surrounding it are hazy to us at first, and we canā€™t see the full picture yet--just like this shot.
Sara: IJLTP.
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Ashley: I love how old-school Carrie is ā€” sheā€™s so visual, and in her own way, just like Saul. She lays it all out and uses her hands to put it together.
Gail: Her bulletin board, highlighters and thread have been replaced by notecards and old carpet that Iā€™d like to think Mira picked out, but the result is the same as we watch Carrie put all of the pieces together. Itā€™s HIGH RED yā€™all.
Sara: ā€œHigh red,ā€ omg. Iā€™m obsessed with the sequence of Carrie assembling the book timeline and figuring out Saulā€™s method of communication. For me itā€™s one of the all-time best Homeland scenes.Ā 
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Sara: The editing in this scene is exquisite. The use of jump cuts adds to the tension and uncertainty as Carrie herself attempts to splice together these disparate clues into something greater, some sort of truth.Ā 
The scene is almost completely free of dialogue. Claire has to convey Carrieā€™s journey to the truth here through only her actions. I love the shots at ground level of her literally on hands and knees flipping through the books. There is a sense of desperation and urgency to it that is thrilling.
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Sara: The Smile.Ā 
Gail: I see what you did there and I approve. IJLTP.
Ashley: Iā€™m a little surprised that Carrie isnā€™t a bit more conflicted here.
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Sara: Cutting Carrie and Saul together at the moment where their minds finally sync is ā€¦ quite literal, actually, but it works. In these twin shots of Carrie and Saul Iā€™m struck especially by how Saul is against a light background while Carrie is cloaked in darkness.Ā 
Gail: These back-to-back shots give the impression that Carrie and Saul are on opposite ends of the same book which rings very true to me. The black and white imagery continues here as Sara points out. We see Carrie just barely ahead of the darkness, looking toward the light.
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Ashley: Mandy just does things with his face sometimes and itā€™s amazing to watch.
Sara: Another extreme close-up of Saul as he realizes that Carrie lied to him.Ā 
Gail: Saulā€™s line from earlier in the season rings in my ears here. ā€œYou are vulnerable to him in ways neither of us can imagine.ā€ But to build on my thoughts on his earlier close-up shot, I think itā€™s an effective tool for us to get a window into what Saul is genuinely thinking and feeling at that moment. The massive implications of Carrieā€™s involvement in a play being run by Yevgeny are devastating and Saul realizes it in one stunning and heartbreaking moment.
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Gail: Anna saving Saulā€™s life gives so much more weight and importance to who she is to Saul. He owes her his life and, thirty years later, his career, too.
Sara: There is something fantastical about this part of the flashback. The backdrop and extreme lighting looks sort of ā€¦ fake? It almost looks like theyā€™re on a film set. Iā€™m interpreting this as a reflection of Saulā€™s memory: we all want to see ourselves as the hero in our movie of our lives.
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Sara: Shout out to Gail for realizing this Charlotte Benson character was featured last season with Ivan.Ā 
Gail: I love a good easter egg and a good callback. Details like this and recurring characters like Scott Ryan give their world realism. I stan.
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Ashley: This is such a terribly effective moment in the show. We havenā€™t seen Yevgeny at all in this episode, and yet heā€™s ever-present; closing on ā€œkill Saulā€ is so fuckingā€¦ ugh. Stupid Homeland.
Gail: All of Yevgenyā€™s shots in this scene are done with a steady camera, which gives the impression (illusion?) of his control of the situation. Have we had a scene where Yevgeny isnā€™t leaning? My God, heā€™s even leaning when on Zoom for Spies.
Sara: As Yevgeny reveals the full extent of his play--ā€œKill Saulā€--the camera zooms in on him. Eventually he takes up almost the entire frame. It gives the feeling of stakes being continually raised. And heā€™s still got that trademark smirk and nonchalance, despite what heā€™s telling Carrie to do.
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Sara: Meanwhile, the camera stays mostly the same distance away from Carrie but pans in semi-circles around her, back and forth, back and forth. Itā€™s an interesting choice as she comes to the realization of what Yevgeny is suggesting. The camera is almost like the wheels spinning in her head as she understands the full scope of the choice she must make.
Gail: As Carrie and Yevgeny go back and forth, each one trying to figure out what the other one knows, the shots start to go back and forth as well, mimicking their dance. In film and television production, there is a term called the 180 degree rule. What it means is that there is an imaginary line running through a scene, from side to side, with respect to the camera. The rule of thumb is that the camera should never cross the line because it causes the viewer to feel disoriented and confused. But when used effectively, we get the powerful effect that it had here in this scene. We (the audience) feel the same disorientation as Carrie, the same unsteadiness that is reflected in the handheld camera that shoots her. As I mentioned above, when we see Yevgeny on the computer screen, he is centered, steady and in control. Quite a contrast between the two.
Ashley: I repeatā€¦ stupid Homeland.
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Ashley: Weā€™ve seen so much darkness in this episode, mostly related to Saul ā€” Carrie, for her part, has been pretty much in bright spaces. Despite everything thatā€™s happened to her, I believe that this is the darkest point in her life.
Sara: Carrie hurriedly walks out of this vast, empty mansion as the lights dim behind her. The weight and horror of this decision is splayed across her face. The darkness follows her. The question now as we head into this final chapter: can she outrun it? Or will it finally catch up to her?Ā 
Gail: Staying just ahead of the darkness and trying to find the light. Here Carrie is again living somewhere in between.
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tealspells Ā· 6 years ago
Could you list out everyoneā€™s godtier and explanation? (Godtier because i can only remember knight/heir/rogue outfits) and explanation because Iā€™m curious and I love your au!
sure!!! sorry this took so long to type out, watch out tho, this is gonna be long!
For Mob, I gave him a Rogue of Hope! Reasons being... well:
Rogues have trouble embracing their aspect, in this case, being Hope. Hope is the belief that anything is possible and that positivity is the solution to many things, to embrace belief in yourself and your potential as well as accepting positivity from others. HE IS NOT A MASTER CLASS, which i know seems to be a popular class to give him, despite his power, and my reason for that is because giving his a master class such as Muse or even a potentially OP one such as Page, kind of destroys the point of MP100ā€²s message of "nobody is special" and "because no one is special, your life is your own". I gave him a classpect to help him grow, not emphasize his power. He is given a class to help him overcome his lack of Hope (as well as to create a balance between the idea of positive and negative emotions.) and given the class of Rogue, he has trouble believing in himself, but has no problem motivating others. He is the IDEA of hope, (with many character citing their changes because of him in canon) but struggles accepting his own potential. In canon he is so quick to forgive and believe in the change of so many people, but refuses to forgive and believe in his own change in himself.) Hope players have strong convictions, and very strong sense to do what is right. Thatā€™s not to say Hope is just nice and healing, Hope is the opposite of Rage, and isn't entirely a good thing, combined with the often black-and-white views Hope players have, if their belief is strong enough they can cause destruction if they feel it is right. Hope is the IDEA of positivity, Mob would need to realize positivity can not solve everything, and learn to allow himself to feel negative emotions, and distribute this hope to everyone else, but not blindly. Mob still has his ESP, and is whenever he is prone to exploding, his aspect begins to mirror Rage.
Ritsu is a Prince of Mind!
First off, we know Ritsu is intelligent. As a Mind player, they focus on rationality, not the impersonal. Ā Mind deals a lot with decisions, paths, and the consequences that follow. Because of all the potential paths decisions can make, Mind players are often burdened with the responsibility of choosing the ā€œcorrectā€ answer. Mind players do not have all the answers, and this can lead to overwhelming these players with all the potential repercussions these choices can make. Ritsu has, from the beginning after the incident with his brother, shoved down his sense of self, and built a sort of goody-two-shoes, reliable brother act. He did this to keep his brother stress-free, to avoid the danger his brother could become and bring out. He made this decision at the expense of his own identity, his own emotions and feelings. So in a way, he destroyed his ā€œselfā€ with a decision (tying into his classpect. Princes are destroyers, either destroying with their aspect, or destroying their aspect. In this case, he destroyed WITH his aspect, with his decision). Mind is also the opposite of Heart, and because of this, Mind players have the tendency to, where Heart players are overtly concerned with their Self, Mind players concern themselves the least with their Self. Princes are stubborn, teetering on the edge of control and chaos, and often destroy their own aspect within themselves. While that sounds awful, the way I apply it to is that, the aspect has to be taken into account! So, Ritsu would destroy his own decisions within himself in order to come up with better ones, and at his worst moments, be void of any decisions so he is forced to act impulsively. For Ritsu, his challenge as a Prince of Mind would be to not let himself be destroyed by his decisions, and lack of decisions, and allow himself to rebuild his sense of self while realizing that rationality and self go hand in hand.
Naturally, Tomeā€™s a Space player! A Thief of Space! I went more into depth to why sheā€™s a Space player tho besides.... she likes space (a lot also just being my interpretations.....)
Thieves are well-intentioned, and eccentric, and unlike Rogues, they have confidence in their aspect and hide away their insecurities to avoid looking weak. Tome is shown to be outlandish and loud, making her presence known (taking up as much Space as possible). Space players see things as a whole, not overly concerned with details and mostly go along with the ride. In her canon appearances, Tome is mostly seen lazing around and taking things as they come, and her fascination with space and aliens (as well as telepathy) take up most of her interest space, often becoming overbearing when she talks about her interests. She also uses her creativity, a Space player trait, to get herself out of situations, her eccentricity creating a more believable layer to this (much like how Reigen's sincerity and genuity adds dimension to his advice). Her confidence in her aspect hides her insecurity of wasting time and never pursuing her passion, mirroring in canon where she drops her interest in finding telepaths to focus on her schoolwork. While Tome would use most of her fascination of space to gather knowledge of how to game works for herself (especially anything to do with the trolls since they are aliens she's interested about learning, and her own role to breed the universe frog), her challenge is to use her creative solutions to help further progress in the session, as well as helping others.
A Heir of Blood!
The Blood aspect deals with bonds, leadership, and trust. Reigen, by all accounts, is not a commanding leader, but an inspirational one instead. Considering his class, Heir, they often end up in their roles either naturally or it finds them, and with Reigen, Iā€™d definitely say the role of an inspirational leader both found and gravitated to him. While Reigen isnā€™t particularly seen as a leader (we know heā€™s either clueless to danger sometimes, because letā€™s be real, heā€™s out of his league dealing with supernatural stuff but does his best to manage, and calls his shots based on whether he knows he can deal with it or not), he also is very reliable and grounded, as a Blood player should be. Blood players offer sound advice as well, but thatā€™s not to say Reigen is completely put together himself though! We see Reigen fall apart briefly before putting himself back together when Mob leaves him to his own devices, unaware of the effect Mobā€™s presence gives to him, mirroring how Reigenā€™s presence had an effect on Mobā€™s when Mob first sought him out, and all the advice Reigen has given Mob as well as others. Most Blood players have messy impersonal relationships, think about how Reigen deals with his mother, and how he seems to struggle with and have a lack of relationships outside of work. Blood players also are very ā€œdo as I say, not as I doā€ types, and charismatic, which I think fits Reigen perfectly! Heirs invite manipulation to their aspect, and invite manipulation through their aspect. Reigen would be able to encourage change in bonds and alliances as well as cause change due to bonds and alliances (a good example would be how the former Scar members came to Reigen for leadership).
A Witch of Time! most of this is my own interpretation of her character and a callback to her incredibly passive role in canon so i gave her an active one!
So!!! Time players, above all, value action over passiveness. Time is always moving forward, its players would do the same, not wanting to idle and do nothing. Since Tsubomi is an Heiress as a fuschia, she has long accepted her role and fate, knowing there would be a time she would have to face the current Empress, and lose. She cultivates a likeable persona, not much out of her own desire but to increase her chances of survival. Like in canon, this fits how Tsubomi had to keep up her ā€œidolā€ personal up at all times, and if she slipped, she knew she would be an easy target due to her popularity (such as that time she had sneezed and needed a napkin). Fuschia Tsubomi figured if she was adored and well-liked by most of the population, she could turn the tides in the society and rebel, or at the very least, obtain enough help. She plays her ā€œidol Heiressā€ role to the T, passive and agreeable, and most of it involves keeping herself out of trouble, despite all the death and injustice surrounding her and the society. Tsubomi would definitely be eager to leave her stuffy persona, and longs to take action and take things into her own hands, take charge of her own fate. Basically, not wanting to ā€œsit and look prettyā€. Time players are also goal-oriented, and her keeping her eye on the end to the moment she can finally act is true to this. Witches are breakers and manipulators of their aspects. Time is a constricting, never-ending flow and for a Witch of Time, breaking the flow and breaking from the flow, manipulating it as one wants, as Tsubomi would view it due to her having been stuck in her role as Heiress, freeing.
A Mage of Void!
Void is all about secrets, holding them or discovering them. Itā€™s all about the potential the void, ā€œnothingā€, seems to have, and how something can be built from nothing. Void players are mysterious themselves, their minds and thoughts processes hard to grasp, like their aspect itself. They prefer to exist on their own. From his first canon appearance, very little information is presented about Shou, and while he isnā€™t necessarily keeping his role a secret, he wasnā€™t really telling anyone about it either. He comes and goes, silent as a shadow, observant and keeping to himself until he reveals his presence. Void players cast doubt into what is already considered known, and refuse to bow to intellectual authority, especially when they believe something better can be built rather than what the authority claims. Having been raised by his ancestor, Touichirou, Shou is entirely aware of his plans of domination, having gathered this through poking around in the shadows for answers. His refusal to use Touchirouā€™s same blood color is both an act of rebellion as well as concealing his connection to him by using an orange color instead, effectively hiding himself from his ancestor. Mages understand their aspect and gain understanding with it. Shou was able to gather intellect due to his connection with horrorterrors and from using his caste abilities (heā€™s a blueblood after all, but not mind control like Vriska, more like making the mind believe things, a sort of illusion, and uses it to conceal his presence, ā€œvoidingā€ himself from reality). Mages also experience their aspect personally. Because he is a Mage of Void, Shou could suffer an overwhelming sense of loneliness, as well as the responsibility Shou burdens himself with of defeating and stopping Touichirou, could potentially cause a backlash to him if he fails to heed warnings and act on his knowledge (think of how Sollux, a Mage of Doom, failed to listen to warnings of doom, suffered a backlash of the death of his friends as well as his eyesight). Shouā€™s challenge is to open his mind to different perspectives rather than relying on his own knowledge.
A Knight of Heart! (nothing new, just copy-pasted from that other post, figured iā€™d add it here to have them all together)
Heart deals a lot of with identity. A heart player would concern themselves with their identity and can become a bit self-absorbed bc of it, but it doesnā€™t have to be a in bad way, they just think everyone else think about their own identity like they do. So theyā€™re very self aware. Teru from the beginning is very self-aware of who he is, and who he wants to be. even when he has his change from ā€œprotagonistā€ to ā€œsupport characterā€, Teru still shows his self-absorbed nature but again, he just puts a lot of thought into his identity and grows from being aware of his own self. early on, Teruā€™s issues stem from forming his identity around how people view him, and we see how much it affects him in canon when mob tears down his perfect bubble he built for himself, and feels as if his identity was taken away. and because i placed him lower on the hemospectrum (heā€™s a goldblood), he also tries to make himself seem as special as he can, and mirrors the attitude of those higher on the caste system, and his thought process goes like this: im special because of my identity i worked hard to build up. troll teru is also very hung up on the quadrants, again, viewing it as a way to build his identity and solidify his place as Special. his class, Knight, ties into this because really, teru uses his identity as a facade. we see both dave and karkat (as well as latula) hide behind a facade, SHIELDING their ā€œtrue selvesā€ behind it (bcā€¦ knights and shields lol). Knights hide behind their aspect to hide their fears of failure, which i think fits Teru, again, when Mob breaks down his facade, bluntly telling him Teru is just like him. The challenge for Teru as as Knight would be to accept his skills as they are and not allow himself to be chained to his previous identity.
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Abramazing Spider-Man #2 Thoughts
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More crap.
Letā€™s deal out some of the minor positives I have.
The art continues to be nice.
Having a Spider-Man get into heroing via the influence of their love interest is something different for whatever that is worth.
Ben burning the suit only to then immediately regret it was a funny subersion of expectations. It made me chuckle.
The only thing I noted as derivative of older Spider-Man stories was the clichƩ burning of the costume in the backyard.
The recap page did a good job of catching up new readers. Yes. Iā€™m praising the recap page. Let that sink in.
Okey dokey thatā€™s enough now.
Whilst last issue initially made me vaguely interested before chatter surrounding me converted me into hating it, this issue was more bland and going by through the motions.
The thing is last issue so utterly tainted my (and everyone elseā€™s) experience that I am struggling to look past the fact that this is obviously amateurish and actively deceptive of the readers.
Thatā€™s perhaps made me resentful to most of the things in the story, I know Iā€™m probably not being fair and balanced in my approach to it.
But all I can say here is how I felt about the book and how I felt about it was supremely unimpressed.
I want to address some tiny points before diving deeper. So Peter is a super scientist but somehow he couldnā€™t find or design a camera that would work better for him as a one handed man?
Benny clearly never used the webshooters before and yet heā€™s swinging around with a degree of experience that doesnā€™t make sense when itā€™s literally his first try. Hell heā€™s even carrying someone while heā€™s at it.
I also donā€™t get the passage of time or the physics of the web swinging scene. So they are standing on the ground, he shoots a webline, smash cut to a splash page of them swinging, with the dialogue clearly conveying the latter clearly follows the former. Comic books are sequential storytelling. One scene or sequence should lead into another, in particular when conveying movement. Ron Frenz was a master at this, rarely if ever, were you questioning how characters moved from Position A to Position B. I donā€™t know if this was Pichelliā€™s fault or if it was Henry Abrams just wanting a cool shot but it sucks.
The recap page claims that Ben accidentally hit the bully from last issue harder than he meant to, and maybe Iā€™m just forgetting something, but I did not get that impression. So good job telling me stuff about last issue that the story itself failed to convey.
Finally Faye Ito/Ito Faye/Asian Michelle Jones/Bennyā€™s Manic Pixie Dream Girl stereotype collides face first mid swing into a billboard. But sheā€™s fine. Sheā€™s not even scratched or banged up? What? Would that have made her less pretty or something? Also I guess that scene was a callback to Spider-Man 2002, but Iā€™m not griping about that.
Letā€™s move on to the more significant problems with the comic book.
Iā€™m not the first person to point this out, but I think it bears repeating, this comic book feels like a movie, and I mean that in a bad way.
The panelling feels like a fill storyboard more than a comic book, itā€™s not making great use of the things you can do with the medium or the space provided. You want a great example of the opposite check out the art in Absolute Carnage: Seperation Anxiety #1.
Tied in with this criticism is the idea that the Abrams (well Abrams the younger) have developed this story like a film.
I am going to slightly disagree here. I think itā€™s more as though theyā€™ve designed this as a prestige TV mini-series with a Hollywood film budget. I say this because the way this issue starts and finishes feels like a Netflix episode more than the second half hour of a movie.
Part and parcel of that was the obnoxiously incremental advancement of the Cadaverous and Peter subplots. Cadaverous spewed random cryptic nonsense that existed more to remind us he existed than actually accomplish anything.
Peterā€™s job overseas...again, why is he not just a scientist if heā€™s retired altogether? Heā€™s not even a science photographer, heā€™s basically a grizzled Jimmy Olsen or something. Peter became a shutterbug because it was convenient, he didnā€™t really want to do that long term as a career, his ambitions lay in science, a job that if anything would be far more accommodating for his disability than going to dangerous parts of the Middle East to awkwardly snap photos. Itā€™s not even like being a scientist would preclude him from getting away from NYC or his son if thatā€™s the idea. He could be travelling for conventions and conferences. I also donā€™t get why we needed as many scenes of Peter overseas as we got nor why it bothered to linger on the tragedies experienced by the people there. It wasnā€™t like it was a lot but itā€™s panel time that could be put to better use. At best it felt like a pretentious attempt at being deep, at worst it might be set up that plays into the story later. The thing is the Middle East doesnā€™t really make for great Spider-Man stories, nor indeed most international conflicts.
Getting into the meat of this issue...Faye...fuckign Faye.
Sheā€™s a clichĆ©.
In fact lots of stuff in this story is clichĆ©, itā€™s just that unlike last issue they arenā€™t cliches specifically drawing from older Spider-Man stories, theyā€™re more general clichĆ©s.
The thing that really annoyed me with Faye and Bennyā€™s interactions was that she was obviously being played up as a kind of remixed Black Cat/Catwoman due to her costume. Like sheā€™s supposed to be a bad influence on him or something, exemplified by the fact that she shoots down and subverts Peterā€™s famous motto about responsibility. It didnā€™t even make sense. Having responsibility gives you power...what?????????????????????????
Benny himself continues to be bland and boring as a protagonist to follow. Like so much of this story thus far he feels like a typical film or TV protagonist having issues with their Dad and in that regard is just going through the motions. I dunno if Iā€™d call him passive per se, but heā€™s not too far removed from being passive thatā€™s for sure; but not as passive as Aunt May.
I mean blaming his Dad for abandoning being Spider-Man and his motherā€™s death. I practically predicted the dialogue from the moment that scene started up and whilst okay itā€™s never been done in Spider-Man before strictly speaking itā€™s so generic to countless other forms of media, including other superhero comic books, itā€™s just banal.
His belief that he is a freak is also questionable, specifically it brings into question the world building of this universe. Were this a world where only Spider-Man existed as a hero (more or less like the Raimi movies) then thatā€™d be fine. Even in a world of mutants thatā€™d also be fine, though youā€™d imagine mutant acceptance wouldā€™ve 10+ years removed from when Peter was active. But so far this version of the Marvel Universe feels very generalized in regards to the MCU.
Itā€™s like the Spider-Man and MJ of this universe were generalized versions of the Raimi films iteration, jammed into a generalized version of the MCU where mutants do not exist and the 2012 Avengers are THE Avengers. But if thatā€™s the world Benny grew up in, why would being born with powers make him jump to ā€˜freakā€™? Heā€™s just a superhero, thatā€™s cool in a world where there is no mutant stigma and where the Avengers are revered fallen heroes.*
My final criticism is in regards to the final sequence. It was just weird.
Benny and the civilian he was rescuing had dialogue that was far more casual than the situation demanded. Like dude, youā€™ve been blown up, buried alive and rescued by a bona fide superhero whoā€™s not been seen in 10 years and now killer robots are surrounding you. Who is that chill in such a scenario? Who goes through all that and at the end basically says ā€˜lol classic Spidey lolā€™?????
The civilian also had odd dialogue where it was as though Henry was throwing shade at the premise of the book itself, about how lame an older, disabled Spider-Man with a beard and a kid would be.
But like Henry...YOU came up with that? If you think itā€™s lame why are you making 5 issues worth of it????????????????
My final point is that whilst the artwork is praiseworthy, itā€™s also far from Pichelliā€™s best work. Itā€™s in fact noticeably lower quality than the work she was producing on the 2016 Miles Morales titles or even the debut of that character.
My recommendation?
Donā€™t read this. If you are truly curious wait for the trade to come out and then buy it as cheaply as possible?
As for me, Iā€™m sticking this out to the end but Iā€™m also going to be saving my money and reducing my order to just one copy and have cancelled my pre-order of the trade.
Ever since Spencer showed up Iā€™ve made a concerted effort to support the spider titles I like and want to see more of (thatā€™s code for the titles featuring MJ) and since last issue deceived me and this issue failed to impress, I donā€™t want more work like this from Marvel in the future.
*Also Iā€™m going to be pissed if it turns out a chucklefuck like Cadaverous wound up taking out the Avengers somehow. Like really, this clown did them in?
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