#and every time i tried to sit down & write my brain just shut off lol very sexy of me
sandersontheside · 2 months
thought i would give some options (or multiple in one if ur feeling ambitious lol) from drabble list 5 + prinxiety ! 6. "We need a strategy." 41. "Don't you want some advice?" 59. "If there is a problem, I don't want to hear about it."
Thanks for the options! I ended up using them all and writing some romangst. I've never really written canon compliant stuff before, but that's where my brain went with this. Hope you enjoy! (prompt lists: 4,5,7)
Roman appeared in his room still trying to hold back the tears that were pooling in his eyes, and immediately curled up in his bed. It was foolish, he knew, how upset he was. He was being a drama queen, as usual. Poor Roman, can’t handle things not going his way, too used to being the center of attention. 
But in his defense, Thomas was planning a music video. If any of them should’ve been in charge of this, it should have been him. It was his idea, his song choice, his artistic vision. And they were all more than happy to take his ideas at the start. But now that it was in the practical planning stage? Suddenly it was “colorful lighting and smoke effects are too expensive, Roman” and “maybe Thomas should just sing the song in his living room”  and “it’s not fair to always ask Thomas’s friends for help.” 
Roman wasn’t stupid. He knew that his big ideas would have to be pared down for practicality. And he knew that paring them down was Logan’s job. But it still hurt, the way he was completely shot down time and again. Patton tried to reframe it as encouragement–“Don't you want some advice, Kiddo?"---and maybe Roman would have believed that before. Things change. Heroes fall. And no matter how much Patton insisted he was trying to help, Roman still felt stifled, even as he continued to rattle out ideas to be scrapped for parts. 
“We need a strategy,” Logan had eventually snapped. “Not a daydream.” 
That shut Roman up for a long time, as the others went back and forth on the aforementioned strategy. Eventually, he got tired of being ignored and passed over, and decided there was no point in sticking around. He didn’t even say anything, just raised his arms and began to sink out. None of them even noticed. 
Or that’s what Roman thought, until he pulled from his self pity by a familiar, low voice. “Trying to slack off, Princey?” Virgil’s tone was light and teasing, but Roman wasn’t in the mood. 
"If there is a problem, Dark Knight, I don't want to hear about it,”  he snapped, sitting up. 
“Woah,”  Virgil put his hands up. “There’s no problem. Except maybe with you. Why’d you leave?” 
“No one’s asked for my opinion in the last ten minutes,” Roman shrugged, feeling guilty for lashing out at his—at Virgil. “I don’t think I’m needed up there.” 
“Well, that’s stupid,” Virgil shoved Roman over on the bed and squished in next to him. “As soon as you left, so did Thomas’s desire to work on the music video at all. All he had to listen to was Logan pointing out the impracticalities and me worrying about his audience hating it. We need you to balance us out, Roman. You know that.”
Roman huffed. “That may be the case, but it doesn’t change the fact that Logan and Patton won’t listen to my ideas. Every single thing I said got shot down.” 
“Come on,” Virgil leaned against him, warm and solid. “You know your ideas can be a little out there sometimes. We all have to compromise. That’s what balance means.” 
“I know, I know!” Roman threw his arms up. “Intellectually, I know that. But lately, it all just feels like an attack. Like they all hate me.” 
“You know it’s not, though, right?” 
Roman didn’t say anything. 
Virgil reached a hand to cup Roman’s cheek, tilting his head and forcing him to make eye contact. “Look at me. It’s not. Patton loves you. Logan loves you. I love you.” 
Roman blinked, feeling his eyes mist over again, and pressed into Virgil’s touch. “I’m just—I’m tired. Ever since the callback, everything with Logan and Patton has felt off. I’m always walking on eggshells around them and it’s exhausting.” 
Virgil sighed. “I know, and believe me, I have been on them to make it right with you. It’s going to take time before things feel normal again. But I promise they still love you.” 
Roman sniffed. “Thank you. I guess I’m just not doing well with all the changes. Janus getting accepted, my brother getting acknowledged. God knows he’ll be accepted next, and then Thomas won’t need me at all.” 
“Ro,” Virgil wiped a stray tear away with his thumb. “Even when Remus is accepted, Thomas will still need you. You’re more than creativity—you’re his passion, his drive. I don’t think Remus has any of that.” A pause. “Well, maybe ego.” 
Roman snorted. 
“As for De-Janus, I really don’t think he’s out to get you. He’s just….Like That.” 
“I really don’t like that guy,” Roman shook his head. 
“That’s what you said about me once, Princey.” Virgil smirked. “Look where that’s gotten you.” 
Roman couldn’t fight a smile at that. “I think it’s gotten me right where I need to be.” He kissed Virgil softly. “Thanks for coming after me, Stormcloud.” 
“Anytime, Princey.” Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman and pulled him in tight. “I know things are difficult right now. But you’ve always got me.” 
“I know we still need to work on this music video,” Roman leaned back, taking Virgil with him until they were fully horizontal. “But can we cuddle for a bit first?” 
Virgil laughed softly, repositioning himself so his head was on Roman’s chest and their legs were tangled together. “We can.” 
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Hi! Just found this blog recently and I really like how you write the characters, was wondering if you could do a story with eyeless jack trying to confess to a male reader (or gn reader if it's more comfortable for ya)
I wanna know how you think he would handle something like that, would he be nervous, confident, straightforward?? Giving me brain worms rn lol
Ty ty! It always makes me feel so nice when people like my writing!
Thank you so much for requesting!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Eyeless Jack confessing to a Male!Reader
Jack is not the best when it comes to feelings
He's always so deeply buried in his work that he's simply never had time for relationships
He has that mindset of "more brain less heart", so when he first had those feelings people often associate with having a crush, he both immediately knew what he was experiencing and also very confused
And so he pondered
And pondered
And pondered
And after multiple weeks of pacing, giving himself long hard looks in the mirror and over thinking every possible thing, he comes to a conclusion
He loves you.
At least, he thinks he loves you
There's still that small part of him that tries to rationalize his emotions, blaming it all on natural hormones and societies strange fascination with the idea of being in love
But in the end, he realizes that he's fallen into your trap and wants nothing more than to experience that over dramatized, over capitalized emotion known as love
And he wants to experience it with you, no less
When it comes to confessing, there are multiple ways he's planned it all out in his head
He could just march right into the living room, proclaim his love for you for all to see in a grand gesture that is sure to steal your heart
.....or scare you off and make you think him an obsessive creep
He could ask you out on a nice date, somewhere private where you two can be alone and focus on nothing but each other with a nice picnic, or perhaps even a nice restaurant
But there's always that stinging fear of rejection that lurks over him
He's only snapped out of his thoughts when you wave your hand in front of him, your scent catching him off guard
"Hellllloooo?? Anyone home in there?"
Your voice sounds like an angel singing, which he would've had more time to daydream about of he wasn't shaking the thought out of his head as quickly as it came
"Yeah, I'm ok. Just thinking." He responds
"About what?" You ask curiously. It always was a wild card with Jack, as thinking seemed to be his favorite pass time
"You know, this and that." He hums
You had been sitting in the kitchen for one of the big "family" meals the entire mansion comes together for at least once every few months
Every instinct in him was telling him to confess right here right now, but again with the grand gesture, it's likely he would scare you off
So he instead excuses himself and takes a long cold shower, once again....pondering....
After you finished dinner, you snuck into his room and made yourself comfortable as Jack showered
Don't worry dear reader, he was fully aware you were there and this was fully within the boundaries of your friendship
As you listened to the water run, you began to think
Jack had been acting off lately, shutting himself up in his room for longer periods of time and even when he was out, he always seemed to be thinking
This tends to happen periodically with Jack, but that doesn't mean you don't worry about him
You hear the water shut off and look towards the bathroom door as you hear the shuffling of cloth material and the clink of the shower curtain closing
Jack emerges in his sleep wear, his ear flicking when he picks up on your scent
"You're upset." He mumbles, walking around his room and reorganizing clutter here and there
"I'm not upset, just worried. You ok, man?"
You grab him by his wrists and sit him down on his bed before he can shuffle away again
There is a moment of awkward silence before you finally speak up again "you know you can tell me anything, right?"
He stares at you silently for another moment before taking a breath in
"I want you." He states in an almost longing tone "But I don't know what to do or what to say" he speaks in a whisper
You are taken aback, but still respond nonetheless
"Is that what you've been thinking about this whole time?" You ask in a hushed tone, reaching up to tuck some hair behind his pointy ear
He nods "Please know that I had planned to tell you in a more formal manner. Perhaps with flowers and a nice array of candies"
This makes you laugh loudly, which in turn, makes him flash you an embarrassed yet dorky smile
Your laugh dies down and you cup his cheeks softly "it's ok, I like this"
You press his forehead to yours with a small smile "though, I won't say no to flowers"
A small purr emerges from his throat as he wraps his long arms around you, holding you closely to him as he breathes in your scent
If he knew all he had to do was just flat out say it, he would've done it a long time ago, but he's glad he has you now <3
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alsofortheb0ys · 1 year
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I love angst and Homelander so I really wanted to write a series on it! I'm very sorry my writing is not very good cause English is hard and I'm not really used to writing long fics but I want to start so I'm sorry if it cuts off weirds. Also I didn't proofread so lol :) ENJOY!
Homelander never felt right. Like something was missing.
Well, there was so many things missing. Parents, family, childhood, normalcy, companionship, love.
Nothing could fill the feeling of gnawing emptiness.
There were moments that made him forget. But they were just that: calm for a moment.
Sex filled the void but once a quick high faded the emptiness returned. Deep down he knew that sex didn't mean love. That people slept with either cause they were too scared to say no or they did it to manipulate him.
Fame gave him a sense of worth but knew that his fans only loved his superficial self. They wouldn't love him if they knew how he truly was. Homelander wasn't a complete idiot, he knew he had done things that most would consider morally wrong.
Their cheers drowned out the feelings of painful lonely but once again it was short lived.
Scrolling through social media and seeing the outstanding amounts of praising comments made his happiness sky rocket but once he saw the single hate comments made it crash straight to the ground.
You did nothing wrong be wanted to be treated with love.
The human part of himself speaks. The other part, the one in the mirror calls him a child. Calls him needy.
You're weak. A pathetic excuse.
It whispers.
It's love that makes him weak.
He promised himself to get rid of the burdensome dreams of belonging but most nights he laid awake in his cold bed in his characterless room that felt more like a prison that his home. There was no decorations to his taste. Just an overwhelming coldness.
He layed tears streaming down his face. The other him looks down in disgust from the mirror above his bed that was too large for just him.
Again with the crying. It gets you NOWHERE!
Homelander wishes he were like the man in the mirror, so numb to the pain. No tears ever touched his face. No emptiness that rips through his heart. No loneliness overtook him.
No part to feel human.
Homelander remembers when in a moment of weakness, he brought up to the Madelyn how he felt alone. She tried easing his mind by telling him that he was a god. That he had the whole of his devoted followers, Vought and her surrounding him.
Gods weren't lonely.
She than precedes to give him the quickest handjob he's ever had.
Once Homelander's head cleared he was all but he wasn't assured. That their love was only so deep. Sex, manipulation, control.
To try his best to achieve that, Homelander shoved every crippling emotion as deep down as he could.
Till it came back just to overwhelm him. To combat those feelings his brain would just shut off, making him numb. So numb, he'd sometimes blank. His memories fuzzy.
He always made the worse decisions when it happened. It was when he killed Madelyn or when he made that girl jump off a roof after he found out Stormfront took her own left.
Homelander, for the most part liked feeling the numbness. Made him feel nothing and that meant no pain. No loneliness. No anger.
Absolutely nothing.
But part of him had fear of what he could do if he blanked. He had no one he really cared for after Madelyn and Stormfront died so he had no one to worry about hurting.
Well, all but one person.
Ryan, his precious son.
Once, Homelander was sitting with Ryan by his side building a new Lego Star Wars set. He was happy just talking with him and enjoying their father son time.
Homelander became so overwhelmed thinking how his life would have been if Soldier Boy had been in his life. Would he have love him that same as Homelander did for Ryan?
Homelander's chest tightened. His breathing labored.
His mind went dark and the next thing he remembers is standing in an alley covered in blood but no bodies to be found. Fearing he had hurt Ryan, he flew quickly to Vought tower.
He felt his eyes prick up with tears and did nothing to stop them.
You hurt him didn't you?
The other him spoke.
Homelander flew as fast as he ever did but it was like time stopped.
As he step into his apartment, Homelander's heart beat quickened even more.
No sign of blood and he didn't smell any. Only the blood on his now soaked uniform. He quickly used his x-ray vision to scan the large floorplan.
Homelander breathed a sign of relief, seeing Ryan asleep in his bed. His chest slowly falling up and down, no signs of injury on him.
Homelander was unsure how his son was put to bed but at the moment it was the least of his cares.
He entered in Ryan's room, crying even more now just knowing he's safe. Homelander gentlely pulled the sleeping boy into his arms and into his lap.
Though Homelander was careful not to wake him, Ryan awoke to the sudden movement and the sound of his father sobbing.
"Dad, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, buddy. Dad loves you, you know that?"
Homelander let out a weak sob as his touched his son's cheek, double checking he didn't hurt him.
Though Ryan was confused, he saw the fear in his father's eyes and said nothing, only pulling him into a hug.
"I do. And I love you, dad."
With that Homelander began to sob even farther and soon crying himself to sleep with Ryan still in his arms.
The night Homelander fell asleep to a feeling that felt so unfamiliar. That time he let himself feel loved.
He knew it the feeling would fade in the morning but for now he let Ryan's steady breathing calm his mind.
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Play like grown-ups
Hello lovely people!
I've had this fic sitting in my WIPs way too long... I've wanted to write more but yeah well. I devour smut like there's no tomorrow but I seemingly can't write it. Because every time it gets real spicy my brain is like 'LOL... Nope.'
Oh and as English isn't my first language, please excuse any cringe phrases or mistakes. No one read it beta (I only use Word for the gravest grammar mistakes).
☠☠☠ indicates a shift of perspective (from reader to Frank and vice versa)
So here we have
Pairing: Frank Morrison x fem!reader (I gave her a name and a tiny background, it's kinda easier for me to write and I tried to keep the description of physical features to a minimum)
CW: fem!reader / fem!body, knife play, breath play, smut, blood, general Dead by Daylight themes (violence, death, torture),BDSM stuff, dom!Frank/sub! reader and I think that's about it, maybe name calling (Sweetheart, darling, etc.)
Credit for those awesome pictures goes to the people who created them, so if you know any artist of those give me a holler I'll credit them properly! I don't own any of the pictures or DbD characters.
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The dizziness from being thrust into this weird realm was enough to make her stagger and falter in her steps even though she was just standing and coming back to her senses. She was becoming aware that she wasn't at the campsite she had been with her best friend just a few seconds ago. At least it felt like a few seconds. In truth she didn't have the slightest idea how much time had passed.
Taking in her surroundings, she noticed that she was standing in the middle of a yard that seemed like it came straight out of a nightmare. Caved in stonewalls and rugged pathways indicating that they were once part of a bigger construction.
Lifting her gaze, she squinted through the mist gathering around her. There was a castle like building to be seen, the top burned off and debris littering the ground around it. She slowly started walking in the direction of the main building, her head twitching left and right every five seconds. A strange twist in her gut told her to keep her mouth shut and keep going. She desperately hoped to find other people who shared her predicament. There had to be other people around. There just had to be.
She entered the building at the corner of the remnants of a conservatory, when a strange sound reached her ears. Some sort of mechanical whirring accompanied by the buzzing of sparks. Slowly following the sound, she found a man kneeling in front of a diesel fuelled generator.
"Oh god finally!" but she recoiled when the man flinched so hard that the wires, he was working on, touched the wrong way and exploded straight in his face. "Fuck!" he cussed and dragged his hand over his face. "Damn girl, you really scared the living daylights out of me. Fuck me!" he exclaimed once more.
She felt bad for scaring him like this. "Man. I'm so sorry... I thought you heard me. I woke up and I don't know how I got here. Do you know what's going on?" she asked him hopefully. He turned around and let his head drop against the generator. A skull tattoo with flames around it was to be seen on his throat.  For a moment he kept his eyes shut and took a deep breath.
It gave her time to take in his appearance properly. The sand-coloured hair was down in the back but the front part was fluffed up and slightly curved. Almost like a bedhead. A square jaw and sharp cheekbones made him dangerously good looking but the one thing that topped the look off, were the snake bite piercings adorning his lower lip on which he was chewing nervously.
He released another harsh breath and stood up. Muscled thighs bulged beneath the somewhat rugged looking dark jeans. His shoes looked like they'd been dragged through a puddle of blood. When he spoke, her eyes flitted over a black leather jacket and a dark grey shirt up to stormy blue eyes. He crossed his arms and they seemed to be so massive that the leather was creaking. All in all, nice to look at. "Okay, newbie. As far as I figured we have to get enough of these gens here going to power up exit gates to flee the grounds. There are other survivors to help. Four, I think. But beware there's a killer on the loose to kill all survivors. Why or how... I can't answer. The last thing I learnt is that all these realms are ruled by the Entity.' It sounded so strange that she was inclined to chalk his information up as batshit crazy but a tiny voice inside her head warned her that there was a certain truth to his words. Either way he was all she had at the moment and being together definitely beat being alone in this weird ass environment.
So together they looked for the next generator to repair and during their search she learned a few details about the mysterious stranger. His name was Frank, striking her as a bit out of date but who was she to judge when her name was a colour. 'Nice to meet you Frank, I'm Roux. Born and raised in lovely Louisiana.', shaking his hand she noticed how his gaze lingered on her face. She also learned that he was a drop out from Ormond, a tiny town in Ontario. Nothing but snow most of the year and an abandoned ski resort where he would meet with a few friends to kill the time.
A strange smile flitted across his features and he grabbed her wrist when he saw the four flickering lights of the next gen, high above them, mockingly looking down on them. 'Look... Over there. You keep working on it and I'll go looking for the other survivors.' before she could even protest that she didn't know how to fix it, he was gone. Like a lightning.
For the fifth time the fucking gen exploded in her face. Pulling her navy-blue hoodie over her face she screamed in it as loud as she could. A huge part was the frustration she had, another part was the sheer panic her heart had been causing her on and off now. Every time she'd heard a twig snap and a bush rustle too much her heartbeat would pulse very loudly in her ears. But that went away rather quickly. When another set of poppets finally started moving smoothly, she'd do a little jig but that was interrupted rather harshly when a high pitched, blood curling scream echoed throughout the place. And then she saw it. Boom! Another explosion? No, it sounded way darker and deeper, more like an energy blast she'd seen and heard in Sci-fi movies. The gen exploded once more. Stupid machine she cursed silently. An elderly man ran past her, in tow a masked man with a knife raised high above his head. Another scream, this time deeper and shorter. Surely the guy with the knife got the older man, too. When two people were injured or even worse... That left her and Frank. But he didn't come back and was nowhere to be seen. When the last poppets started moving and the fourth spotlight shone brightly above her head, she took another deep breath and went looking for Frank. In a brisk pace she started looking in the outer shack, lockers and basically everywhere she saw a generator. As methodical as possible she walked in circles, to not miss him in case she didn't look behind a certain corner. With every step she took it unnerved her more. She had a constant thundering heartbeat but she couldn't see anybody.
Once she came into the, what surely used to be the grand auditorium, she was sure she was alone with the killer. Because she neither found him nor any of the other survivors.
Among the aisles of old wooden chairs, she suddenly saw the killer. Bright blue gleaming eyes and a Cheshire grin of crude drawn teeth with blood smeared partially over the eggshell-coloured mask. A dark grey hood hiding most of his features but the rugged jeans looked awfully familiar, the leather jacket he was wearing, too. But she refused to believe that it was him because how could he be survivor and killer at the same time!?
Roux stared at him intently and saw him wiggling his blood dripping knife in his right hand while simultaneously moving towards her.
Until she couldn't confirm if it really was Frank or not, she decided it was her smartest choice to run. Maybe she could hide long enough for this nightmare to end.
So, she turned on her heels and sprinted in the opposite direction, the heavy echo of her own heartbeat continuously following her.
This new approach for his hunt was priceless. He should thank Susie for that later. Pretending to be a fellow survivor and then hunting them down gave his chase a whole new level. All the adrenalin flooding his veins had him giggling like the maniac he was. He licked his lips, almost tasting her fear. This is what he was born to do. Hunt. Kill. Torture.
Lovely silken hair barely reaching past her shoulders, complimenting her bright eyes perfectly. She was the last victim. And unfortunately, the first who stumbled across his path but she was more than easy on the eyes. In fact, he found her very attractive and the way her pupils were expanding once she got a proper look at him told him the feeling seemed to be mutual. He saw her stumbling over junk lying in the yard. It would have been so easy to finish her right here right now but instead he just used his entity given fury and sprinted past her, slashing her arm and shoulder. The gashes were deep and thick droplets of blood started running down her arm and wrist. He had to be lying to himself if he claimed that this didn't get his dick stirring in his pants. He was still am man after all. A cursed and rageful murderer but still a man. He waited behind a shabby shack that sat in the far corner of the former mental institute. He unclenched his hands several times, waiting for the cramps to pass that always seemed to come when he was using his rage speed. He hated them, they made him feel like an arthritic 80-year-old grandpa. Snap! His head shot up, a sinister smile forming underneath his mask. He tapped against his temple and the eyes in the mask turned from neon blue to a crimson red. It was a tiny feature he added with junk they've found around the Ormond Resort they were forced to stay in while they were not in trials. It was tedious. Always snow, always cold, he sometimes welcomed the blistering heat of the Dead Dawg Saloon or the unbearable humidity of Backwater Swamp.
As soon as the cramps had passed, he leaned and peered around the corner to see Roux frantically covering up her cuts with rugs of her sweater. And by all unholy things in this forsaken realm her baby blue tank top was a sight for sore eyes. "Such a beauty." he whispered quietly to himself before leaning back again, giving her another two minutes to gain her breath. When a relieved sigh reached his ears, he knew it was time for a second round.
So, he started softly padding towards her, knife raised high above his head but when he was within a ten meter radius, she burst into a sprint, dashing in zig zag patterns across the yard. He had to give her credit for that, she was quiet the runner. He chased her for several more minutes across the grounds. She was vaulting through windows, across walls and she even tried to hide herself in one of the many lockers, that were scattered everywhere. But he was so used to survivors hiding in those, that he just had to strain his hearing to figure out which of them she was using. And once he was sure he was standing in front of the right one he pulled the door open, seeing her cowered into the corner. Chest heaving, eyes wide with fear, her lush lips slightly parted with shock and surprise. And yet... She didn't scream, she didn't bolt out of the locker smacking him with the door. No, she just sat there and looked up at him with her round eyes, lips slightly parted. Maybe it was a whole other feeling than shock or fear...
Ramming his knife into the back of the locker, leaning towards her, he spoke softly to her "Are you afraid, gorgeous?" His head cocked to the side, he took a deep breath. And how delicious she smelt. Like a mix between air dried laundry and petrichor. It was like a drug. Actually, it came pretty close to the thrill of hooking a survivor and seeing them being taken by the Entity. She shook her head. "Well, you should better fear me darling, for I am death in this cosy enclosure." he whispered in her ear while tracing the blunt edge of his knife along her chin. A satisfying grin crept across his face as he saw Goosebumps rising over her arms and a slight shiver wracking her body. Her breathing became more laboured and the tiniest of whimpers slipped past her lips. Squinting his eyes, he realised something. She was into this. He wasn't sure if it was his knife, the chase or himself. But if he should take a guess, he would say it's the knife. When he was living in Ormond he had a few girlfriends, nothing too serious and rather short lived but one of the flings he had beside his relationships was so into knifes. He sometimes came undone when Frank was touching him all over with just the knife and nicking him here and there. Fond memories, when his girlfriend at the time was nothing but toxic and exploiting him. So, he fled into a fantasy world where the girl didn't exist and his fling was the window to a better and healthier relationship.
But it ended just the way it started abrupt and nasty just like everything else in Frank's life. And since Nathan broke things up between them, Frank went into rampage mode. He kicked Cathy into the wind and started hanging out with Susie, Joey and Julie. And one thing led to another, people ended up dead and the four of them discovered how good they worked together and how addicting the thrill of a kill was and boom they'd became slaves of the Entity for all eternity.
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realise that Roux had shaken herself out of her stupor. She tackled him with all her might, left shoulder first, aiming for his solar plexus. But despite being so absent he was quick to catch her. Roux groaned.  But it didn't sound like an annoyed or frustrated groan more like an invitation for more. "My dear, do I sense something dark underneath that pretty little façade of yours? Do you like being touched by my knife? I bet it gets your little panties wet, that you're being manhandled... Does this turn you on, hm, sweetheart? " He boldly asked. He never was a shy one. Not even at the tender age of 16 when he realised that he was interested in both boys and girls. Whatever piqued his interest. Once he got to know somebody properly, he was quick to being bold, cocky but funny as hell. But in general, his demeanour was an arrogant one. He knew his strength; he knew his looks and he knew that the world was giving zero fucks about his life and so he started doing the same. Only people who stuck around for long enough knew that he was a real softy deep down. But he wore his arrogance and competitiveness like a proud mantle of proof that he didn't need anyone. Strength through pain. That was his motto. And he religiously followed it.
"Now, now little kitten… no need to be a scaredy cat and run. Why don't you spend some quality time with silly old Frank? I can be a lot of fun, I promise."
He saw her eyebrows knit in confusion as she took in his words. "B-but Frank is dead. You monster killed him, like that old man!" she accused him. That provoked a soft chuckle from him "Silly girl. I. AM. FRANK. And to be honest… I've been called a lot of names and monster is like a loving pet name. Call me Satan, call me God. I don't give a damn. In fact, I've managed to convince some to call me God. If you know what I mean…" he trailed off, basking in the disbelieve that settled on her face. She pushed his shoulders but it was futile. "You fucking liar! I don't believe you. The Frank I met was a bright and friendly person. Maybe a bit sceptic but who wouldn't be, in a place like this. And he sure as hell wasn't some sadistic asshole." That somewhat caught him off guard. He hadn't been described like that in ages. It felt good but also very foreign. He pulled the mask off his face. He was gonna show her what the word sadistic really meant.
He lifted his mask and once again, those blue greyish orbs scanned her face. A look so intense that she didn't know where to look. Roux decided that his boots were the safest spot. But then he lifted her chin with his knife, nicking the soft skin at her throat. A breathless gasp of pain slipped past her lips and his eyes became narrow and dark. They were trapped in this moment, like time itself has ceased to exist. Frank tilted his head slowly down to her lips. Getting closer and closer, so that Roux could make out what he smelled like. A mix between iron and leather and the biting chill of a snowy day. And for a moment she really expected him to kiss her. Their lips were almost touching but suddenly Frank gently twisted his head, so his mouth was right beside her ear and whispered "Let me show you what and I quote 'some sadistic asshole' can do to a pretty girl like you." With those words he turned her around, twisted her arm behind her back and pushed her against the closed locker. "Now be a good girl… and run!"
The second she felt that his warm body wasn't pressing into hers anymore, she started to bolt. Her head a scrambled mess from the intensity of his gaze and the feeling of his bulky body dwarfing her own. And for a split second she thought she missed that warmth. Shaking her head, she kept running. With her heart still beating very loudly it was hard for her to concentrate on where she was going. She realised too late that she was upstairs and that she ran straight into a dead end and the thundering of her heart told her, that Frank was closing in on her. The only opportunity to get a nook for hiding, was the patient room to her right. Desperately trying to keep the panic at bay she took some deep breaths to at least calm herself a bit. The dwindling hope of Frank not seeing her in this room was the only thing keeping her sane. She really dreaded what he would do to her once he found her.
When the first bed was flipped over and flung across the room, Roux knew that her gamble was a lost cause and that she would meet her end in a mouldy, run down room, in a weird ass reality, where she wasn't sure that there would be any escape from. Tucking her head between her knees she still hoped for the impossible.
But the harsh pull of her hair and her head being angled backwards told her, her time was finally over. "Silly little girl. Didn't run, just hid from me. Do you know what happens to silly little girls who don't listen?" Frank asked with a drawl in his voice. Roux only shook her head and waited with baited breath what was next to come.
"Well… silly girls get punished. But..." he paused, letting the silence wash over them "if you listen well and do as I say, you'll get a reward. Do you understand?" he quietly asked. Still too stunned to process everything correctly, she remained quiet. In her peripheral vision she saw Frank cocking his head to the side, his mouth twitching dangerously. The next thing she felt was his knife, slowly cutting through her tank top. Through gritted teeth he repeated his question accenting every word with a flick of his wrist. "I. Said. Do. You. Understand?!" and by the last word, her top slipped open, revealing her lace covered breasts. She nodded heavily. That earned her a tutting from Frank. "No pretty girl. Use your words." and with that he pulled her to a stand, his hand still firmly tangled in her hair. She exclaimed in pain and grabbed his wrist hoping to ease some of the pain. Shoving her against the wall, she cried out "YES! Yes, I understand. I'll be a good girl and do as you say!" seemingly satisfied with her answer, he let her hair go and Roux could finally drop her arms, what caused her tethered top to fall to the ground. She slowly turned around and looked at him. A storm was brewing in his eyes as he said to her "Now, I want you to drop those sporty pants of yours." with a dark and raspy voice. The dynamic that developed between the two of them wasn't exactly new for Roux, she had seen movies, read some books handling this topic and if she was being honest with herself, she'd always fantasized about finding somebody whom she could explore this kind of BDSM practice with. She should be weirded out, more so, freaked out by the whole situation. But doing this with a total stranger, a murderer even, in a weird ass realm, didn't seem so bad because she saw the thrill and excitement in it and she was getting wetter by the minute. She absolutely didn't care how she got here in the first place. Not when she was having someone as powerful and demanding as Frank dominating her so exquisitely. It ticked off all her kinks and fetishes and she knew what to do. So, she stepped out of her black spandex pants and dropped to her knees, looking at his feet again, awaiting his orders.
She heard him inhale sharply, almost like a hiss. He made some tutting noise and she saw his feet shuffle around and stepping back into her field of vision. "Oh sweetheart, black lace on both bra and panties… One could think you're the one seducing me." His voice was dripping with anticipation. As if he couldn't wait to peel those last offending items off her body.
"Stay put. There is only one more thing to do. And then... We finally can play like grown-ups." he fished a matted coin out of his pocket and whispered into his fist what he needed, then he burned the coin.
Roughly half a minute later a rumbling sound was to be heard and Frank knew the Entity had accepted his oblation. He whispered a quiet thank you and rummaged through the large chest. A soft blanket, some candles, a few ropes, a blindfold and assorted whips were inside. He was quite indecisive when it came to blindfolding people, especially subs he had under his tutelage. For the time being he decided against it, rather curious to test her self-control and to see the fear and lust in her eyes. She still sat obediently at the feet of the bed awaiting his commands.
After placing the candles around the room and beside the bed, he laid down the blanket and tied her a noose around the neck. "Be a dear and lay down on the bed for me, will ya?" he saw the tiny smile tugging at the corner of her lips. He expected her to make a snide comment about the shabby state the room was in or how in the world the blanket was so freaking pink. But surprisingly she remained quiet and climbed on the bed, resuming her kneeling position from a moment ago.
"My dear... It seems you are a bit dense right now. I said lay down. Not kneel. Now I have to punish you." he tutted and pulled the noose slightly tighter around her neck. No real pressure was applied but it wasn't loose either.
Roux's lips parted slightly in a breathless gasp. Apprehension was floating around like the proverbial elephant in the room.
She nodded obediently and lay on her back, her hands digging into the plush material of the bright pink blanket. "This feels so nice. How the hell did you get your hands on such a lush thing?" she wondered aloud. His eyebrow quirked up as he reminded her "My dear, that was your third strike... And that means the sadistic asshole is going to show you what pain means. " As he pulled the noose tighter again. This time he saw her actively swallowing against the knot. Her breath was still flowing but much more laboured than before. Deftly he tied her hands and feet to the bed poles.
He tugged at his knots to test their strength and once he was satisfied, he took off his leather jacket and mask, carefully folding it and laid the mask on top the neat pile. The shoes came off second and once he was barefoot, he swung his leg over her hips and straddled her.
As soon as his crotch met the apex of her thighs, Roux was done for. The heat seeping through his jeans was more than she could bare as she arched her back off the bed. He just sat there meeting her disbelief with satisfied smugness. "Poor girl, has it been that long since a real man touched you?" he asked, not hiding the lust filled gleam in his eyes. "Yes, sir. Please touch me." His voice was dripping with anticipation "Oh I will... Don't worry." he said while he let his knife wander between the valley of her breasts, ever so gently scraping the skin along his way. He took in her dishevelled state. Her hair wild and unruly like the crown of a fallen angel. Frank was sure she didn't even know how enrapturing she looked right now. He bent down to nip at her neck and delightedly discovered that this was one of her ticklish spots. 'I can't wait to see what other spots make you sing like that.' he whispered as he finally cut her bra open and her gorgeous breasts spilled out. Sitting back on his hunches, he admired her body for a moment.
She felt him shift his weight, seeing how glossy his eyes were as he stared at her bare upper body. Next, her panty was ripped off and she was completely naked and at his mercy. Her strained breathing was making her lightheaded and electrified her at the same time. While she tried to keep her wits, he did the next thing that made her loose a bit more of her sanity.
He took off his jeans, placed it on the pile in the corner and rose to his full height, broad shoulders outlined by the flickering candles and after Roux caught a glimpse of the well-toned thick thighs, disappearing under stretchy material she thought 'fuck me, this man may be a knife wielding lunatic but fuck he has a body I'd love to ravage.' She heard a low chuckle and icy showers ran down her spine. She had spoken her thought out loud. With firm steps, that resembled the prowling of a wild animal circling its prey, he came closer to the bed again but made a detour to get a riding whip. Once more within an arm length to her, he slowly let the whip caress her body.
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cq-studios · 1 year
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(For This)
Okay, I figured someone would ask about this one lol
So before I get into it, for context, this year I was working on the local production of the Mean Girls musical, and I was the director’s/choreographer’s assistant and the lights and sound director. All this to say I was there like every practice, and I’d seen the show about 100 times over, and sometimes I’d get bored and be like ‘huh but what if I were to swap out the actual characters with the KHUX characters? How would that change things (dynamics, storybeats, and whatnot)?”.
So, uh, this one is definitely very self indulgent, kind of a joke, and probably doesn’t make much sense for the characters. I did it because I was bored then continued to play with the idea after the show was over because it was fun. Even when I write something for it (it’s just a long list of notes rn), it’ll probably end up staying in my doc forever (and it’ll probably also just be a edit of the musical script) lol
(Also disclaimer: I’ve only seen the musical and not the movie so it’s based off the former)
So this AU follows the larger Mean Girls plot, that being ‘previously homeschooled character infiltrates group of popular girls to ruin their leader from the inside’. The roles each character (loosely) plays in the story are as follows
Regina George - Lauriam
Gretchen Weiners - Elrena
Karen Smith - Ven (very very loosely)
Janis Sarkisian and Damian (I forget his last name lol) - Ephemer and Skuld (interchangeably)
Candy Heron - Player
Aaron Samuels - Strelitzia (also very very very loosely, her plot changes the most from the show)
Kevin G - Brain
Mrs Norebury - Ava
So in this Lauriam and Elrena are much more similar to Marluxia and Larxene in the sense of their meanness. Ven the Karen of the group because he’s only being mean because of the others and doesn’t really see what’s wrong about it. Ven and Lauriam used to be friends with Ephemer and Skuld, but they started getting meaner after hanging out with Elrena and eventually ditched them. That would be why Ephemer and Skuld want their revenge.
So, when Player shows up and Lauriam shows interest in recruiting them, the duo takes the opportunity. Player is a bit reluctant at first be eventually goes along with it after seeing how mean they can be.
In the background Strelitzia is doing her whole crush thing on Player, which is why Lauriam shows any interest in them in the first place. But once he realizes that Player might be trying to take him down and using his sister to do it he tries to shut her down by telling lies about Player to her.
Bla bla bla plot of Mean Girls. Player changes who they are to fit in, ousts Lauriam, throws a party that Strelitzia goes to, they have a moment where they talk but at the end Strelitzia’s like ‘Lauriam was right about you actaully’, does some pretty trashy things to Ephemer and Skuld so they have a falling out, Lauriam does the whole “World Burn” thing, Player gets blamed for it, they have the whole thing in the gym, Lauriam gets hit by a some big explosion spell (did I mention there’s still Keyblades and stuff in this? I don’t think I did), and Player gets in all sorts of trouble.
Aaaaand because of that trouble they get in they have to do a math competition with Brain, a much more bored version of Kevin G lol. Strelitzia’s there handing out water and her and Player kind of make up since Player’s gone back to being themself. Then, after the competition, they apologize to Ephemer and Skuld and they make up too.
School dance thing happens and whoop story over.
But yeah that’s kind of the gist of it.
Again, very self indulgent. Just a random thing I did while sitting in the sound booth and I’ll finish once I get my hands back on a script (we photocopied them like the criminals we are lol)
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fluffomatic · 2 years
I'm curious about what happened in your dream!
Ahhh I'm glad ur curious! So I'm just gonna paste the story how I told my friend cause I don't feel like retyping it all. The only thing I changed was how I referred to them cause when I told her the dream they were still unnamed, undesigned characters. Hope you like a bit of a long read! Nothing too bad and I'm not going into a lot of detail but maybe one day I'll write a fic about it! Rest under the cut!
So basically, I had a dream with one of my antags warriors getting captured by Tanner and Anna. The warrior is a white-haired, expert magic user, so they secluded him in this white room, attached bracelets that weakened his magic abilities and removed his shoes, replacing them with "special boots". Sure, you can figure out what kinda boots they were, lol. I've been seeing others designing tickle shoes so I guess my brain decided it really liked it 🤣 So Ilkari didn't know what the shoes were at first and was demanding answers but he was ignored as the workers who changed his shoes left him in the room alone. He sat there waiting until suddenly the shoes slowly started filling with a liquid that made his feet more sensitive and shortly after the shoes flared to life. It started slow and very soft to let him know what exactly was happening. He was left a giggling silly mess. After a while of soft, gentle tickling, the boots get worse and worse until he's screaming with laughter. After enough time, Tanner shuts the boots off and joins Ilkari in the room. They take them off him and rub his feet to calm him down and starts to ask him questions about Lucifer. He quickly spills cause Tanner is actually nice to him, and he doesn't realize a leader could be nice. Embarrassingly, he realized he actually likes being tickled. Tanner gives him this belt thingy and sends him back to his old master. Tanner isn't gonna hold this guy prisoner, and he's too embarrassed to tell Lucifer what happened to him so they're fine. The belt is more like a corset that doesn't actually smoosh anything, lol. Basically, it's connected to this mannequin torso that Tanner has, and every time Ilkari is alone before bed, Tanner will tickle him via the mannequin. One day, Ilkari's friend, who is also a warrior, comes to visit right before the whole tickling thing is supposed to happen. His friend, Ulrich, looks like Thor but from the game God of War, but instead of red, long hair, it's shorter, and he's got a big beard. He's super tall and kind of stoic, but he has a soft spot for his friends. Big demon softy, basically. Ilkari tries to get Ulrich to leave but he won't and soon he's doubled over trying not to laugh. Ulrich is confused and he has no choice but to explain what happened, which was hard cause Tanner was going ham now so he was laughing like a maniac. Ulrich takes him back to Tanner's castle and they bring them both to their bedroom. They take the corset off of Ilkari and let's him rest as they and Ulrich sit and talk. After some time he realizes how much better Tanner is and they both decide to stay. And now they both get tickled by Tanner cause of course Tanner would try to tickle Ulrich too! They collect lees.
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hyogonokitsune · 3 years
hii omg I've been trying to refind your blog n im so happy i have lmaooo i hope you're well and taking care of yourself!!
i have a request i don't mind if you make it a headcannon/drabble/story n I'm not sure what the character limit is so I'll suggest a few n you can choose - I like giving people somewhat freedom when they write.
okay so, take your pick lovely : tsukishima, kageyama, atsumu, hinata, kuroo, kenma, ushijima.. literally anyone that would destroy me one way or another aksgsakshgs.
the scenario could be like idk the more experienced guys try teach the others how to make a girl cum... or like kags and hinata/tsukki try see who can ruin their s/o first... if you have any other ideas go ahead
i have too many kinks to try include them lmao once again take your pick : dégradation, breeding, use of "puppy" or "kitten", choking, spit, sadism n masochism, praise, dumbification, overstim.. the list goes onnnnn
anyway okay that's me done im realising that's a lot but like i wanna give you a chance to experiment n write what you prefer. enjoyyy
I know I took a long time getting to this, so thank you for being patient!!
lesson -- kozume kenma x reader, kuroo tetsurou x reader
use of “kitten”, choking, spitting, praise, slight degradation, creampie
2900 words
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Sex with Kenma was always good, but even several weeks into your relationship he still couldn’t make you cum. You had tried to reassure him that it wasn’t too big of a deal, you still had fun sleeping with him anyway. But his frustration with himself over not being able to do it only grew over time, and he eventually swallowed his pride and went to the one person he could confide in.
Kuroo’s suggestion was a little… unconventional. But your boyfriend’s desperation to satisfy you had convinced you to give it a shot, and so you found yourself in-between the two of them, undressed and equal parts nervous and excited.
“You okay with me here, kitten?” Kuroo’s low voice purred in your ear as he settled himself behind you, one arm wrapping around your waist to pull you flush against his chest. His skin felt warm against your back, and you could feel a flush creeping up your neck as his teeth lightly nibbled at your earlobe.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, voice barely above a whisper.
“Mm, good,” he hummed as his free hand traced along the inside of your thigh. “Want Kenma to see what I’m doing.”
Your gaze flickered up to your boyfriend’s face, eyes locking with his as he knelt in front of you. He had one hand on your other leg, tightly gripping your knee, but his expression didn’t look nervous at all. He stared at you for a moment before shifting his attention back to his friend’s hand.
Kuroo’s fingers glided over your clit, his light touch making you jolt in his arms. You could feel him grinning as he pressed a few gentle kisses into your neck. “It’s okay to tease her a bit,” he said, his fingers running just along the edge of your thigh. “Make her want it more. The anticipation can be just as good as the main event.”
He repeated the motion, the pads of his fingers brushing over your clit teasingly before moving away again. You couldn’t help but whimper; after the amount of time Kuroo had spent undressing you, his mouth leaving hot kisses all over your body as the knot in your stomach began to form, you were eager for him to grant you release.
“Please,” you breathed out, the word slipping past your lips before you could stop it. Kuroo hooked his chin over your shoulder and looked at you with a smirk on his face. Your eyes slid from his to Kenma’s and back again, silently pleading with both of them.
“You’re so impatient,” Kuroo murmured in your ear, his low voice sending a shiver down your spine. His teeth nipped at your skin as he sank one finger into your cunt, your head falling back against his shoulder at the feeling of finally having something inside you. A soft chuckle sounded in your ear, and you could hear the smile in Kuroo’s voice when he spoke. “So wet already. You want another one, kitten?”
You nodded, eyes falling shut as he fit a second finger in. The heel of his palm rested against your clit, pressing into it each time he pumped his fingers in and out of your pussy. A soft moan escaped you as he lifted his free hand to play with your nipple, and you could feel the knot in your stomach rapidly tightening.
Opening your eyes, you looked up at Kenma again. He was staring intensely at your cunt, his hard cock straining against his boxers. You spread your legs a little further apart, wanting to give him a better view of what Kuroo was doing. Your breath was coming out harder with each passing second as he brought you closer to the edge.
“God, she’s so tight,” Kuroo murmured. “Bet she feels amazing.”
“You’re not gonna fuck her,” Kenma told him in a hard voice.
Kuroo rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, I know.” He kissed along your neck as his fingers increased their pace. “You getting close, kitten?”
“Y-yeah,” you managed to say in a shaky voice. Your fingers were gripping his forearm tightly. “I’m g-gonna cum… o-oh—”
Kenma’s eyes drank in the sight of your muscles tensing as you came, the strained moans and curses leaving your mouth music to his ears. He licked his lips, eager to make you feel that way himself.
“Good girl,” Kuroo purred in your ear. He kept finger fucking you slowly as you came down from your high. When your walls stopped clenching around him, he finally stilled and lifted his hand away to put his wet fingers in his mouth, moaning a little as he licked your essence off of them. “Fuck, you taste so sweet.” He took his fingers out of his mouth and pressed them past your lips. “Clean these off for me, kitten.”
You did as he told you, but you had your eyes on your boyfriend’s face the whole time. Kenma was looking at you with a mixture of nervousness and hunger, and his expression only fueled the desire you felt. One of your legs shifted to wrap around his waist, trying to pull him closer.
“You want Kenma to touch you now, baby?” You hummed in assent, unable to say anything with Kuroo’s fingers still in your mouth. “You heard her,” he said to his friend, removing his fingers and brushing some loose strands of hair out of your face. “Try going down on her.”
Sliding back a little on the bed, Kuroo’s arms wrapped around your body and pulled you down until your head was resting on his lap. Kenma positioned himself between your thighs, palming himself through his boxers with one hand as his other moved up your leg.
“Tease her some more,” Kuroo said as his fingers smoothed lightly over your hair. “I wanna hear her beg for it.” Your brows furrowed as you glared up at him, but he only gave you a self-satisfied grin in return. You didn’t have time to focus on it, however, because the feeling of Kenma’s mouth on your knee drew your attention back to him.
He started slowly kissing up your thigh, almost hesitantly at first, but every shaky exhale that left your chest encouraged him more. When he reached the end of your leg, he lifted his mouth away, warm breath fanning over your pussy and making you shudder, before continuing his kisses up your other leg. You couldn’t help but whimper, your body squirming in frustration. Kenma nipped at your thigh, making you gasp.
“Hold still, will you?” His voice sounded almost annoyed; you immediately stopped moving, allowing him to resume his gentle kisses.
“I think she likes being bossed around, huh?” Kuroo said, still smirking at you.
“Do you?” Kenma asked. You could feel your face heating up in embarrassment as you bit your lip and gave him the slightest nod. The expression that glinted in his eyes made your heart thrill.
“Tell him what you want him to do, kitten.”
“I want you to touch me, Kenma.”
Kuroo clicked his tongue. “Be more specific.”
“I-I want you to use your tongue,” you said, keeping your eyes on Kenma. “I want to feel your tongue on me. Please.”
“Go on, then,” Kuroo said, “lick her.”
Kenma’s head dipped down, but instead of putting his mouth on your cunt, you felt him slowly lick over the inside of your thigh, so agonizingly close to where you really wanted it that you felt like you could scream. He was teasing you much more than he usually did, egged on by his friend’s presence. You whined, unable to keep the pitiful expression off your face as you tilted your head to look at him.
Kuroo let out a breathy laugh from above you. “What’s wrong, kitten? Isn’t that what you wanted?” He lightly traced a finger between your hip bones, the grin on his face widening when your shivered from his touch. “Why don’t you tell him exactly where you want his tongue?”
You sucked in a breath, furious at both of them for making you say the words out loud. “On my pussy,” you said in a quiet voice. “I want your tongue on my pussy, please.”
“Was that so hard?” Kuroo was still looking down at you with a smile. “Better give her what she wants, Kenma, since she asked so nicely.” His gaze finally shifted away from your face. “Start slow.”
After all his teasing, you couldn’t help but jolt a little when your boyfriend licked a long stripe up your pussy, so slowly that your chest burned with frustration. He repeated the motion a few times, reveling in each shaky breath you let out.
“Focus on her clit,” Kuroo said in a low voice, his hand running absentmindedly over your hair as he watched Kenma eat you out.
A breathy moan left your throat as his tongue circled around your clit. The wet sounds coming from his mouth only made you feel more turned on. The heat of Kuroo’s body behind you coupled with the warmth of Kenma’s mouth on your cunt was making your mind feel hazy, the tension in your stomach growing with each deliberate stroke of your boyfriend’s tongue.
“Play with her tits a little, too.”
Kenma reached up to touch your breast, rolling and pinching your nipple between his fingers as his other hand pressed beneath your stomach to keep you still. Moans were freely falling past your lips as his tongue increased its pace. You buried your fingers in his hair, gripping tightly to let him know how close you were. His eyes were trained on your face as he pushed you over the edge, even as your own eyes screwed shut against the pleasure.
“Slow down a bit, but don’t stop.”
You could barely register Kuroo’s words, too caught up in the orgasm washing over your body. It wasn’t until you started coming down from your high that you realized that Kenma’s tongue was still licking your pussy.
“K-Kenma, it’s t-too much,” you gasped, legs trembling on either side of him.
“Shh, you can take it, kitten,” Kuroo told you. “Don’t you want him to make you cum again?”  
You didn’t respond, unable to form a coherent thought other than how good Kenma’s mouth felt. Each movement of his tongue over your clit made your brain feel a little foggier as you surrendered your body over to the pleasure.
“I think she’s ready for your fingers now,” Kuroo said. Kenma’s hand left your breast and trailed down your body to fit two fingers into your pussy, easing them in gently when you involuntary squeezed down on them. You were panting as you gazed down at him, your hand grasping at his head even more tightly.
“God, you’re so wet,” he moaned into your cunt.
“Yeah? You creaming all over his fingers like a good little girl?”
Kuroo’s words made a wave of embarrassment rush through your body, but you could feel your arousal increasing. You glanced up to find him gazing at your face with a slight smirk on his lips, his thumb brushing lightly across your cheek.
“Curl your fingers up,” he told Kenma, without taking his eyes off you. When your boyfriend’s fingertips pressed into your sweet spot you gasped loudly, keeping one hand on the back of his head as your other reached up to hold onto Kuroo’s forearm. “Now suck on her clit, and keep pressing your fingers up.”
You couldn’t stop your hips from bucking up into him when his lips latched onto your clit, a yelp leaving your mouth as he started sucking. With his fingers curling repeatedly inside you, it took less than half a minute for him to have you cumming again, your legs shaking wildly around his head.
“That’s it, kitten,” Kuroo murmured at you. “You’re such a good girl.”
You were breathing hard, every nerve ending in your body electrified by the intense pleasure. It didn’t relent, not with Kenma still sucking gently on your over-sensitive bud. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from you, mesmerized by the way you were falling apart completely for him. You whimpered, shifting in his grasp to try to get him to ease up.
“Give the poor girl a break,” Kuroo laughed. Kenma finally pulled away and sat up, stroking himself through his boxers. Kuroo drew your attention back by cupping your chin and tilting your face to him again. “You want him to fuck you now, kitten?” You licked your lips and nodded, and he grinned at you. “You’re such a greedy little girl, always wanting more. Better give her what she wants, Kenma.”
Kenma had already slipped out of his boxers and had his hard cock in his hand, stroking it slowly. He shifted closer and rubbed the head between your dripping folds, mixing your arousal with the precum beading at his tip.
You felt worn out after the three orgasms they had already given you, but you found yourself pleading with him for more. “Please, please, Kenma, I wanna feel you inside me… need you so bad.”
Kuroo chuckled again. “So pretty when you’re begging.”
Kenma pressed his cock into you, his eyes rolling back as his sank into your warm cunt. He had been waiting for this just as long as you had, without being able to touch himself as he watched you getting off. He took a few deep breaths, trying to keep himself from losing his composure as he adjusted to the feeling of you around his cock.
You were barely hanging on, panting uncontrollably as he sank further into you until he bottomed out. This was what you wanted, but your pussy was already so sensitive and every point of contact was sending jolts of overwhelming pleasure throughout your body. You were practically crying out, your nails digging harshly into his back as he started thrusting into you.
“Does that feel good, kitten?”
Kuroo’s husky voice made you look up at him. The playful look that had been on his face earlier had morphed into something darker. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you stared at him, nodded slightly, not trusting your own voice to remain steady if you opened your mouth to answer him.
“Lift your legs up for me, baby,” he told you, and you quickly obeyed. Gripping your legs tightly, he pressed your knees to your chest, angling your hips so that Kenma could pound into you even deeper.
“O-oh, god,” you moaned when his cock hit your sweet spot, pressing into it over and over again and making you tremble beneath him.
“You’re so tight,” Kenma groaned, eyes falling shut. “Feels so fucking good.”
Kuroo’s hand slid from your leg up to your neck, his long fingers wrapping around it and squeezing lightly. “Pretty girl,” he whispered, and his grip tightened on your throat. “You’re taking his cock so well, being such a good girl… such a pretty little kitten.” You moaned then, and Kuroo spit into your open mouth, his hand around your neck keeping you still. Your pussy clenched hard around Kenma’s cock as you felt Kuroo’s spit hit your tongue.
“She liked that,” Kenma muttered, thrusting into you faster, his hands gripping your hips tightly.
“Yeah?” Kuroo grinned. “You like being treated like a dirty little whore?” He spit on you again, hitting the corner of your mouth and smearing it over your cheek with his free hand.
“F-fuck,” you gasped. The lightheadedness from being choked was making the rest of your body feel hypersensitive. Every time Kenma’s hips slammed into yours you felt the knot in your stomach tighten, and it only got worse when Kuroo’s hand snaked down between your bodies to rub fast circles over your clit. You yelped from the overstimulation, trying to writhe away from his touch.
“Shh, you can take it, kitten,” he cooed at you. “Just be a good girl for us and cum again, just one more, pretty girl.”
Hot tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes, threatening to spill over with each thrust of Kenma’s cock. You were moaning and whimpering, struggling to hang on as a white haze crept into your vision.
“Don’t stop, she’s so close,” Kuroo said, but Kenma didn’t need to hear it from him. He could feel it from how your cunt was clenching around his cock, so tightly he could hardly move. His own release was dangerously close, but he forced himself to hold off out of his desire to see you come undone for him once more.
A few more thrusts were all it took. You cried out, mind going blank as your fourth orgasm rocked your body. The spasming of your pussy sent Kenma over the edge, his hips pressing flush against yours as his cum spurted deep inside you.
Kuroo released his hold on your throat; the sudden rush of blood made your head pound as you gradually regained awareness. You and Kenma were both panting hard, muscles trembling slightly from exhaustion. He gazed at you for a moment before bending down and kissing you, so passionately it took your breath away. He didn’t pull out even after breaking the kiss, but instead sat up and ran his hands gently along your legs, his chest rising and falling with his labored breaths.
“How was that, kitten?” Kuroo asked you, the smug grin back on his face. You were still breathing too hard to form any words, simply giggling at him and hiding your flushed face behind your hands. He stroked your hair lightly as he looked over at Kenma. “Think you can do it without me next time?”
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yourmidnightlover · 2 years
this one time
pairing: steve x mayfield!fem!reader
summary: reader gets mixed up in the upside down drama with her sister (s2 era) and happens to get a good dose of steve harrington, and she vows it’ll only be this one time.
warnings: ohhhh boy, billy being verbally and physically abusive, fighting, season 2 (aka demodogs and whatnot), illuding to an abusive household (duh), reader being independent as hell (like to a fault lmao bc me too sometimes), kinda sad ending (oops?)
a/n: in this fic, steve and nancy never got together in season 2 :) i think that’s the only variation in the fic. i’m ngl i might’ve cried while writing this but that also could’ve just been me being hormonal lol. also my second stranger things fic!! i’m kinda excited and can’t wait to see how this goes!
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you didn’t quite know why he would always stare at you. to be frank, it was getting weird.
at lunch, when you would be waiting for max, basically every time you were in his line of sight his eyes were on you.
you even had a few classes with steve. luckily you were able to sit closer to the back. the downside to that is that the seats were all right by steve. whether in front, behind, or beside. it was worth it to not be in the front row, but still. it sucked.
you just kept your head down and let the day pass as fast as it possibly could, hoping that steve would mind his own business. sometimes he did. other times he would try to start a conversation.
“you do the homework?” steve leaned over to ask, too sweet of a tone adorning his voice to tell his true intentions.
“yes, harrington,” you rolled your eyes. “i did the homework. could your brain cells not keep up enough to finish it?”
“sadly, no,” he sighed, whipping out a softer, pitiful voice. “i was hoping maybe yours were able to make up for the disappearance of mine?”
“this is the last time,” you widened your eyes, trying to remain serious to the annoying little boy. “why do you never do it?”
“well, it always gives me an excuse to talk to you,” he had a sly grin on that stupid face.
you knew him and nancy were once a thing, but after will byers was found things changed. steve found that nancy was different after everything and they had both changed too much for them to make sense anymore.
but that didn’t mean that you and him made any sense at all.
“yea, shut it, harrington,” you scoffed as you let him glance at your paper to copy onto his own.
maybe he was drawn to you because you were a bit stand-offish. you knew you were. it’s because of billy. you had to be the protective older sister max needed. you were her biological sister, but you weren’t always so mean, only when billy and his dad came around.
you would be the one to defend max to billy. on occasion, you would have to defend max against billy’s dad. this might’ve earned you a bit of, punishment, as they would call it. others would say it’s abuse.
regardless, it wasn’t always like this. used to, you would play with max all the time. you were the one to teach her to skate. you had taught her the importance of self confidence. you were her older sister. she loved you dearly, and you did her. you still did, as did she.
it was just the dynamic that had changed. now, instead of being the sweet older sister everyone knew you were the rude, protective one. perhaps you just didn’t know how to shut off the mask you put up so often, in the house you would never call a home.
it was only a matter of time before you and max got dragged into the wild world of the upside down. you had brought her to the arcade that day lucas tried to explain everything to her. as per usual, she told you everything.
“maybe he just wants to impress you?” you scoffed, the story sounding unbelievable to yourself as well.
“why like this?” she rested her head against her fist by the window. “it’s just so stupid.”
“as are boys this age, max. they’re idiots that would say anything to impress a girl,” you gave her a pressed smile. “boys are stupid. why do you think i haven’t had one?”
“yea, maybe i should follow in your footsteps,” max added.
you laughed lightly before gently nudging her shoulder, turning up the radio to the latest kate bush song that had come out.
so when lucas told max that he had real proof, you were practically forced to follow along. well, not forced. max had asked you to come, in case anything funky was going on, and you happily said yes.
little did you know you would be met with dustin henderson and your very own king steve harrington. steve had directed you all, telling you what to do. the experience was rather ominous up to this point, so you reluctantly listened, but only to protect your sister in the case that they weren’t lying.
and once everything was boarded up, you went inside of the bus and waited. and waited. and waited.
max finally got tired of the silence when she asked, “so you really fought one of these things before?”
steve’s gaze from you was finally broken as he simply nodded his head, continuing to play with his lighter in attempt to pass the time a bit quicker than it was going.
“and you’re like, totally, 100% sure it wasn’t a bear?” she offered, being the sassy mini you she always was, you bit back a laugh.
that’s when little dustin decided to speak up a bit, “shit,” he huffed. “don’t be an idiot. okay. it wasn’t a bear,” but he wasn’t done there. “why’re you even here if you don’t believe us? just go home.”
“geesh,” max got up, headed towards the ladder. “someone’s cranky. past your bedtime?” she asked as she began ascending the ladder.
you busied yourself by fiddling with some old peeling fabric from one of the seats to hide the laugh in your throat.
“that’s good,” steve spoke, seemingly proud of the toddler who had tried to insult your little sister. “just show her you don’t care.”
“i don’t,” the toddler deadpanned, staring him straight in the eyes. “why’re you winking steve? stop.”
“really?” you chuckled, speaking up about the stupid situation at hand. “show her you don’t care? that’s the advice you gave him?”
“well, yea,” steve nodded, still playing with his little lighter.
“and does that always work with the girls you like?” you leant down, getting closer to steve on the floor.
you could hear how his breath hitched in his throat as he stumbled to find the right words.
“uhh yea, mo-most of the time,” he stopped toying with the lighter, focusing on dustin who was simply pacing back and forth, mumbling some incoherent nonsense that you figured you probably wouldn’t be able to understand even if you could hear him.
“most of the time?” you scoffed. “so you told him to be a dick to my sister on account of ‘most of the time’?”
“i didn’t say to be a dick!” he threw his hands up in defense.
“well he was being one.”
“i never told him to be one!”
“next time make sure he knows that, asshole.”
a loud growl interrupted your argument. your body became stiff as you instinctively curled into the arm that he protectively threw over your shoulders as you made your way to see what the ruckus was outside.
“lucas!” dustin shouted. “what’s goin’ on!” he demanded to know.
“hold on!” lucas replied.
silence fell over the group as you shrugged steve’s arm off of you, forgetting he had held it there. if you had paid attention to it, it felt a scarier without his arm there.
“i’ve got eyes!” lucas finally informed you. “ten o’clock! ten-ten o’clock!”
“there,” steve pointed at the creature outside of the bus, crawling low and slow.
“what’s he doing?” dustin wondered.
“i don’t know.” steve answered once more. “he’s not taking the bait. why’s he not taking the bait?” he asked worriedly.
“maybe he’s not hungry?” dustin tried to guess before a lightbulb went off in steve’s mind.
“maybe he’s sick of cow?” he replied smartly.
“wait-you mean?” you spoke up for once before steve backed away, making eye contact with you before turning.
“steve?” dustin asked. “steve, what’re you doing? steve?” he worried.
steve turned back to dustin and tossed him the lighter, “just get ready.”
“you’re not going out there alone,” you huffed at the brown eyed boy.
“like hell i’m not,” he replied, turning to face you once more. “you need to stay safe.”
“no, the kids need to stay safe,” you argued. “i’m going with you,” you told him as you grabbed a metal pipe and turned toward the door.
steve huffed as he rolled his eyes at you.
“are you gonna open the door or do you need me to go first?” you offered, teasing the boy before he reluctantly opened the door and headed out first.
“back to back, yea?” he whispered, feeling your back against his own.
you slowly walked towards the creature making the noise, feeling the whoosh of wind coming from steve swinging his bat in circles, probably from the nerves. he started whistling, trying to draw the creature out from wherever it was hiding.
“come on, buddy,” he teased with another whistle. “come on, buddy. dinner time. human tastes better than cat, i promise.”
“cat?” you whisper-yelled at him.
“i’ll fill you in later,” he replied.
when you heard the growl once more, somehow clearer, you turned to face it. you had to know what it was. the dog cleared, giving you sight of the monster you’d been told about.
“oh, god,” you raised your elbow, ready to swing in case of any sudden movement made by the thing.
“steve!” lucas shouted. “watch out!”
“little busy here!” steve roared before you turned around, noticing the second monster.
“oh, god,” your breathing picked up.
“three o’clock,” you nudged his shoulder to inform him of the new situation.
when he turned to where you were faced, his own face became filled with worry rather than mild fear. backed the two of you up a bit before the bus door flung open.
“abort! abort!” dustin shouted. “steve! y/n!”
“run!” the kids were screaming.
but every which way you looked, there was a new monster blocking your path. steve ran for the car, sliding across it before whacking one of the creatures, hearing it whimper and thud against the ground. you heard one behind your own back.
“y/n!” max shouted at you, alerting you that there was one behind you.
you swung and turned your body in one motion, the momentum enough to knock its body to the ground with a whine. another one was approaching your left, so you did the same thing with success.
after turning to where you last saw steve, he was running to you, shouting at you to move. you were too slow. a creature had tackled you to the ground, luckily steve had swung his bat before anything had happened, knocking the creature off of your body and to the side before he scooped you up bridal style and carried you into the bus himself, dustin slamming the door shut on the monsters.
they were easily able to break through the metal covering the door, leaving steve to knock the things with his nailed bat as the kids ran to the other side of the bus. you had luckily kept a hold of your metal pipe after being knocked down, your leg had been hurt but it wasn’t the time to worry about that.
dustin began to radio on his headset for anyone who could hear, seemingly with no hope. max had nudged your shoulder, motioning to the sunroof of the bus, the open sunroof of the bus. you pushed her behind you and made your way to where the roof was, not getting too close.
you could hear the stomps of the monsters above your heads before one approached the ladder. all you heard was max’s scream. the monster began to lunge towards you before steve put himself between you and the creature.
“come on you little piece of shit!” he bellowed. “you want some? come on!”
all at once the creatures began to turn away, no longer banging on the bus trying to get inside. steve had looked at you once more, a look of both relief and worry in his face.
you hadn’t even realized that you had latched onto steve’s arm. you didn’t care. you kept it there for a moment longer, hoping he wouldn’t notice or mind. you were scared, you could make an excuse.
this one time.
after a few moments of silence, steve had began to make his way outside, you following right behind with the rest of the kids.
“what happened?” lucas asked, all out of breath as if he had been the one fighting out there.
“i-i don’t know,” max hesitated.
“they scared ‘em off?” dustin mentioned, trying to find some sort of positive.
“no,” steve told them. “no way. there goin’ somewhere.”
when you all decided to take off in the direction of the ominous sound, which happened to thankfully break lucas and dustin’s little argument, steve had noticed after a while that you had been taking a bit longer than the others to keep up. you weren’t too slow, just a bit out of breath. he hung back for a second so he could ask you.
“hey,” steve began quietly as dustin and lucas went ahead. “did you get hurt? when you got tackled?”
“i-i don’t know,” you replied, more truthful than saying no. you just didn’t want to be a burden to the group, but you couldn’t stay behind. “i’ll be fine.”
“y/n,” he sighed. “which leg?” he pointed at them both before you lifted your pant leg, revealing a bruise all the way up your shin, a bit of blood from a cut running halfway down your leg. “that? y/n…” he trailed off.
he automatically put your arm around his shoulder, his arm going to your waist, acting as a crutch so you two could limp along together. you appreciated it, which was odd. you were always in depended. max noticed this too. and you noticed max holding lucas’s hand earlier. she had been talking to him on the roof of the bus prior to the, ‘demodog,’ as you came to find out, experience.
what was it with hawkins boys knocking down your walls? you didn’t like it. but, your leg really fucking hurt, so you could make an excuse.
this one time.
the rest of the night went by fast.
the noise led you to this… hospital? you had to pick up hopper, the police chief, will, mike, and joyce, wills mom. you had also ran into nancy and her boyfriend? jonathan. you weren’t sure if they were official.
when you ran into nancy and jonathan you only felt steve’s hold on you get a little tighter. you would only let yourself embrace it tonight. only tonight. you made your way back to joyce’s house, who you already felt this motherly hold over you. you enjoyed it. it was different.
you weren’t quite sure what you were doing. waiting, you suppose. they had filled you in on everything. the upside down, this girl named el, will’s whole experience and now what he’s going through.
then mike starting saying how bob, the man who had passed while saving the rest of them, had started the av club. how he couldn’t die in vain.
next thing you know they’re talking about the shadow monster and the tunnels that’re connected with the hive mind. how everything, the demodogs, tunnels, mind flayer, and even will are connected.
then the kids are telling you about this mind flayer character from d&d to relate this new creature to something a little more understandable. how this creature wants to conquer us, and become the master race. and the only way to know how to destroy this monster, is through will.
you all worked to make his shed unrecognizable. you covered it in sheets and foil and tons of bright lights. then your part was over. it was yet another waiting game.
while the kids were figuring out the morse code will was signaling, steve ushered you to the bathroom.
“what’re you doing?” you sighed, already exhausted from the night you’ve had.
“cleaning you up,” he informed you as he tapped the countertop, wanting you to hop up. “it doesn’t need to get infected and with those demodogs that did this to you we don’t know what bacteria they carry. so,” he tapped the counter twice more to prove his point, his voice like satin.
you lifted your hurt leg to hop on the other, grasping steve’s shoulder a bit so you could get on the counter easier. his hand went to your waist to help.
“alright, you wanna squeeze my hand when i pour this?” he asked as he lifted a bottle of alcohol to pour on your leg.
you nodded. only for tonight.
“one,” he began counting, only he began pouring on two.
“fuck!” you grasped his shoulder with your free hand, squeezing his hand that was in your grasp. “shit, shit, shit,” you whispered, trying not to distract the decoding process. “ohhh i hate you steve.”
the smell of him was a bit distracting from the pain. it was sweaty, but with undertones of his cedar wood cologne able to peak through. but that little distraction, the little peak of him you were able to focus on, was worth it.
“aww you don’t mean that,” he put on a small smile at your anger. “okay… that’s it. now i’m just gonna put some of this on,” he held up some neosporin from the first aid kit, “and then i’ll bandage you up, yea?”
“yea,” you nodded. “that shit hurt more than it did when i got it,” you motioned to the peroxide.
“sorry,” steve didn’t know what else to say as he finished his handiwork, releasing your hand before tenderly wrapping your leg in an ace bandage. “it had to be done.”
“i know, it’s just…” you took a deep breath. “damn,” you both laughed at that.
“okay,” steve breathed out, “all done now,” he bent down and placed a soft kiss to your knee as if he kissed it all better.
“thanks,” you smiled before he placed his hands back on your waist, carefully guiding you down. you didn’t have much time before hopper came barging into the house, telling the kids to get away from the windows.
you and steve marched out of the bathroom, you still rolling your pant leg down before they brought an unconscious will back into the house. you swiftly picked up your metal pipe as steve did his nailed bat, nancy held a rifle, hopped held his own gun, and you waited. waited for something, anything.
you turned where each noise came from, hoping to catch it before it caught you.
“where are they?”
“what’re they doing?”
then the noises stopped. you all panned the area, trying to get a feel for where they went. then a demodog came flying through the window.
“holy shit.” you said in unison with dustin.
“is it dead?” max wondered.
when hopper shoved its head with his foot, we were assured it had died. but then the lock on the door came undone. it seemed as though you could never catch a break in this town. a girl began walking through the door, converse clad with a nosebleed.
mike stepped forward, clearly having a close relationship with the girl. it was like watching the sweetest of reunions.
you turned to max, “is that-“
“el?” she finished for you
“y-yea,” lucas answered. “it is.”
“i never gave up,” mike said. “i called you every night-every night for-“
“353 days,” el nodded. “i heard,” she stepped closer to him, still not believing he was finally in front of her after almost a year
“why didn’t you let me know you were there?” he seemed hurt.
“because i wouldn’t let her,” hopper spoke up, stepping forward in the group.
part of you felt as though you shouldn’t be seeing this. you were so new to the group, you felt wrong witnessing such a seemingly tender moment.
“the hell is this,” hopper began to question el. “where’ve you been?”
“where have you been?!” she retorted, a bit snappy. you liked her.
they responded with a hug, tears began to prick your eyes a little before mike ruined the moment.
“you’ve been hiding her,” he concluded. “you’ve been hiding her this whole time!” he punctuated with a shove to hoppers back.
“hey,” hopper grasped his wrists. “let’s talk. alone.”
he led mike into a room, away from the group to discuss things with a bit more privacy. in the meantime, lucas and dustin began to say their hellos to the girl.
“we talked about you basically every day,” dustin mentioned, leaving el to stare at him before tapping his teeth.
“huh?” lucas and dustin wondered.
“you have teeth,” el rephrased, a bit confused as to why he had teeth.
“oh,” dustin remembered. “you like these pearls?” he began to purr? you think that’s what that was. it clearly surprised el.
max began to walk towards the girl, “eleven?” the girl just stared at max. “hey, um, i’m max,” she stuck out her hand, “i’ve heard a lot about you.”
el just walked past her, rejecting not only a handshake but what seemed like a friendship. but, el wandered into joyce’s welcoming arms.
“what was that?” you questioned.
“i-i don’t know?” max wondered herself, not knowing where she had gone wrong with the incredibly short interaction.
and with the return of eleven, it was as though the master key to a house was returned. everything fell into place as she stated that she could close the gate. she could fix everything.
in order to get the mind flayer’s grasp off of will before eleven shut the gate, joyce, jonathan and nancy went to burn the mind flayer out of him.
meanwhile you were still at joyce’s with steve and the kids. you had been helping max and lucas clean up the living room while dustin and steve were, for some reason, putting the creature in the fridge. mike was just pacing. worrying.
“mike, would you just stop already?” lucas spoke up, somehow annoyed by his movement.
“you weren’t in there, okay, lucas,” mike shouted back. “that lab is swarming with hundreds of those dogs.
“demodogs!” dustin spoke from the kitchen.
“the chief will take care of her!” lucas tried to reason.
“like she needs protection,” you added.
“listen, dude, a coach calls a play in a game, bottom line, you execute it,” steve tried to reason. “all right?”
“okay first of all this isn’t some stupid sports game,” mike rebutted. “and second we’re not even in the game. we’re on the bench.”
“right-right,” steve tried to think of a come back. “so my point is…”
“there’s nothing for us to do,” you finished for him.
“that’s not entirely true,” dustin mentioned, clearly up to something. “i mean the demodogs have a hive mind. when they ran away from the bus, they were called away.”
“so if we get their attention,” lucas interjected.
“we draw them away from the lab,” max added.
“away from eleven,” you finished.
“yeah and then we all die,” steve tried to reason.
“well, that’s one point of view,” dustin retorted.
“no, that’s not a pint of view man,” steve said with an attitude. “it’s a fact.”
“i’ve got it!” mike went into another room, pointing to the drawings of the vines. “this is where hop dug the hole. this is where we get to the vines,” he began to move again. “here, right here. this is like a hub. so you’ve got all the tunnels feeding in here. i think if we set this on fire-“
“oh, yea, that’s a no,” steve interjected, a hand on his hips as he pointed to the child. you nudged steve with your arm, pulling him to the side.
“look, i know i don’t know much about this situation and everything,” you started. “but i don’t think they’ll be able to close the gate at all with all of those dogs for eleven to kill. it seemed like killing only one of them drained her a bit. mike said that place had hundreds, steve. it’s not just our lives on the line. it’s everyone’s.”
he wanted to listen to you. he wanted to help. and he wanted you to know that he cared about what you thought. but he promised them that he would keep the kids safe. he couldn’t break his promise.
while you were trying to reason with him, the kids were still plotting on how to distract the dogs. steve ran his hands through his hair before clapping, getting everyone’s attention.
“hey! hey! hey!!” he shouted. “this is not happening.”
“no buts!” he scoffed “i promised to keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what i plan on doing. we’re staying here. on the bench. and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. does everybody understand that?”
“this isn’t even a stupid sports game!” mike reminded him.
“i said does everybody understand that?” steve repeated. “i need a yes.”
you opened your mouth to begin speaking when you heard a familiar engine revving outside of the house. you and max ran to the couch to peer outside and see who was out there.
“shit,” you turned to max. “billy.”
“he’ll kill us if he knows we’re here,” max told lucas.
“just-just stay inside,” steve motioned to you and max. “both of you, please,” the look in his eyes told you he was serious.
you placed max behind your back and nodded to him, knowing that if he saw you would would know max was with you.
you didn’t know or hear anything that was going on outside. you were just pacing around the living room, trying to remain calm. steve could handle this.
then you saw all the kids duck down from the couch.
“what the fuck guys?” you scoffed at them. “max did he see you?!” the door slammed open, billy walking inside.
“well, well, well,” billy scowled. “lucas sinclair. what a surprise. i thought i told you to stay away from him max,” he said as he got closer to your sister, you were both able to feel his breath on your skin.
“and i thought i told you to brush your teeth this morning,” you got between him and the children.
“she knows what happens when she disobeys me,” he chuckled. “i break things.”
he immediately turned towards lucas before you could move him out of the way. billy had your shirt collar in his hands, shoving you towards the wall before he laid a punch on your cheek.
the kids were screaming, begging for him to stop. he wouldn’t listen after throwing two punches, feeling blood trickling down your nose, he held you tightly once more.
“what is it with that fucking mouth of yours huh?” he chuckled. “always such a bitch. i would imagine that your new boyfriend, harrington would like you much more if you would just keep it shut like a good little bitch, huh?”
“you’re the bitch,” you heard steve announce before he laid a fat one on billy’s cheek, shocking his grip off of you.
you nearly fell to the ground, your balance being less than stellar with your leg already hurting. max was there to help you balance, wrapping her arm around your waist.
“looks like you finally got some fire in you after all, huh?” billy began laughing maniacally. “i’ve been waiting to meet this king steve everybody’s been telling me so much about!” he walked closer to steve.
“get out,” steve ordered.
billy swung, steve ducked to miss the shot before landing another one of his own, sending billy across the room. he landed a couple more blows before billy grabbed a plate, smashing it over steve’s head. steve stumbled out of the room, trying to catch his breath while billy followed.
“nobody,” he picked steve up by his collar. “nobody tells me what to do,” he threw him to the ground.
you could sense that he was about to pound on top of steve, so you shoved billy out of the way, reminding him of your presence to shift his focus. maybe steve would be alright if you were able to distract him for long enough.
“look,” billy chuckled. “little princess with the hurt leg wants to save her boyfriend,” he kicked the hurt leg, sending you falling to the ground, but not before grasping one of billy’s legs, taking him with you.
with billy now on the ground, you rolled on top of him, sending a punch to his cheek. you winded your hand back, ready to send another one before he caught your hand, squeezing it so tight you swear your heard some bones pop.
“he’s-“ you tried to speak through the pain, tears running down your face. “he’s not,” you yanked his hair back with your free hand, shocking him enough to retrieve your hand. “he’s not my boyfriend.”
“right,” he smiled with his head back before spinning you two back over, him now on top of you before landing another punch on your cheek. “he never would be, huh?” another punch. “you’re not good enough for anyone in this goddamn town, as terrible as it is. not good enough for anybody anywhere. you’re just a little girl with daddy issues,” he put his face in your own. “trying to feel love even though you know you’ll never deserve it,” he began chuckling, brushing your hair behind your ear. “you’ll always be that pathetic little whore deep down, huh?”
tears were now flowing down your face, embarrassment long forgotten from the pure pain and torture you felt beneath the boy you should’ve trusted. the boy you were supposed to be able to call a brother. as he spat in your face, you realized he had a hold on one of your hands.
he used the free one to land one more blow to your face before steve tackled him off of you. max had immediately come to your aid, but it wasn’t long before billy was back on top of steve. you pointed to steve, then to the shelf that had the sedative.
“use it,” you nodded towards max.
she marched towards the shelf, grabbing the medicine before shoving it in the back of billy’s neck. he quickly got off of steve, turning to face max. you couldn’t hear what was going on, the ringing in your ears a bit too loud. you saw billy hit the floor, smiling with what seemed like laughter before you hobbled up, grabbing steve’s nailed bat before raising it over your shoulder.
“from here on out you will leave max and her friends alone, got it?” you asked.
he just laughed.
you swung the bat right between his legs, underneath his dick before screaming, “say you understand! say it!”
“i understand,” he finally mustered up the courage to speak.
“sorry, what was that,” you wanted him to be louder.
“i understand!”
“good,” you dropped the bat to your side before grabbing the keys from his belt loop. “joy ride, anyone?” you put on as good of a smile as you could while holding the keys up.
you had told max to drive, your leg still absolutely killing you. you sat in the back, steve’s head on your lap as you doctored up his wounds. it was the hydrogen peroxide that made him wake up.
“shh,” you whispered. “i know, i know,” you ran your hands through his hair.
“y/n?” you nodded at his question.
“let me just clean you up a bit, alright?” you finished pouring the peroxide, letting him squeeze your hand to return the favor from earlier before placing a dab of neosporin and a bandage over each cut while the kids were navigating.
you were paying attention to his wounds but he was paying attention to you. how careful you were. how soft your hands felt on his face, how nice they felt in his hair. was his head on your thighs? they were comfy. soft. he could stay like this forever. until he realized…
“oh my god!” he shouted, moving him from his daydream and back into reality.
“relax, she’s driven before,” dustin tried to convince steve it was fine.
“in a parking lot!” mike added.
steve kept chanting, ‘oh my god,’ as max drove, each of the kids trying to calm him down. it was all stressful and probably too loud for his head. there was definitely a concussion, you just weren’t sure how bad it was.
“everyone shut up!” you ordered. “steve, i couldn’t drive. the douchebag hurt my leg even more, i told her she could, she’s really not too bad. now you have got to breath before you put yourself in worse condition than you already are, got it?” you told him, hands placed softly on both sides of his face to ground his attention.
he nodded, taking a deep breath as you animated with him.
“your face,” he reached up to cup your face, you leaned into his touch.
this one time.
“i’m sorry i didn’t stop him sooner…”
“it’s not your fault, steve,” you gave him a small smile. “billy’s just a douche,” you shrugged. “besides, now i can say that i’ve been in a fight.”
you swore he was leaning into you until max nearly missed her left turn, hitting a mailbox and nearly crashing the car. steve’s arms were flailing everywhere until he wrapped one around your shoulder and the other around your waist.
“jesus, max!” you huffed out. “make a liar out of me, why don’t ya?”
a sigh of relief fell upon the entire group as she put the car in park. “i told ya. zoomer,” she added.
“zoomer?” steve asked you, you laughed and placed your hand over his mouth to shut him up for a moment.
you and the kids got everything out of the car, the masks and goggles to protect yourselves. steve was stumbling out of the car, mumbling about how he told you not to go in there, saying that it wasn’t gonna happen.
“look, steve,” you took your metal pipe out of the trunk. “either you stay here and watch the car or something while i make sure they stay safe or you come with us and help me. your decision,” you shoved his backpack in his direction, along with his nailed bat, before hobbling after the kids.
“y/n,” steve called you back. “you’re hurt. your leg. is this really the best decision?”
“it’s the only decision, steve,” you shook your head. “regardless of whether or not you’re going down there, my sister is not going without me. got it, steve?” he nodded. “good.”
steve jumped in the hole before you, able to catch you so you wouldn’t hurt your leg even more with the impact of landing. you quickly took your hands from his shoulders to turn and observe the tunnels.
“yea i’m pretty sure it’s this way,” mike said, his voice slightly muffled by the bandana around his nose and mouth.
“you’re pretty sure or are you certain?” dustin demanded to know.
“im 100 percent sure!” mike rephrased. “just follow me and you’ll know!” mike began to lead the group.
“woah! woah! woah! hey, hey, hey!” steve shouted. “i don’t think so,” he said as he caught up with mike, leaving max to be your crutch beside you.
“what?” mike questioned.
“any of you little dipshits die down here and i get the blame,” steve said. “got it, dipshit?” you rolled your eyes. “here on out, i’m leading the way. come on, let’s go.”
“my god, what is this place?” you looked around. it seemed like a cave that had little extensions.
“alright let’s keep moving!” steve ordered, moving ahead quickly.
“ahh shit!” you heard dustin’s scream “it’s in my mouth! holy shit it’s in my mouth! ahhh!”
you all ran to where he was, you got on the ground next to him, he grasped your arm as he kept trying to spit it out on the ground, coughing before sitting back up.
“i’m okay,” he breathed out.
“seriously?” you shoved him back before steve held out his hand to help you up, letting his hand linger around your waist.
“really funny man,” steve sassed. “nice, very nice.”
this time he let his hand on your waist guide you through the tunnels beside him, albeit a bit worried about something happening to you. you didn’t mind, you felt max’s presence right behind you.
“alright wheeler,” steve announced. “i think we’ve found your hub.”
it was huge. like a big cave with little extensions in every direction. the little particles dancing around made it hard to see, even still with your adjusted eyes.
“drench it,” mike said.
you all began pouring the flammable liquid you had gathered everywhere, making sure to cover as much surface as possible. this thing would burn. and you wanted to make sure of it.
“you guys ready?” you asked, they all nodded. you turned to steve, his nod ensuring that they were ready before you flicked the flame alive, tossing it onto the ground.
immediately the vines began to come to life, screeching from pain and writhing, trying to escape it.
“let’s go,” steve yelled. “let’s go! let’s go! lets go!” he ushered the kids away, you not too far behind him.
when mike tripped, screaming for help, you were able to whack the vine with your metal pipe, sending it screeching back away from his leg, you ordered the others to keep running before a dog came before you.
“dart?”dustin had asked. “is that you buddy?”
“trust me!” dustin ordered. “hey, it’s me, it’s me. it’s just your friend. it’s dustin,” he took his goggles off to prove it to the creature. “just dustin, all right? you remember me,” he crouched down to the dog’s level. “will you let us pass?”
the dog snarled at him, seemingly telling the child no.
“okay, okay. i’m sorry,” dustin tried to reason. “i’m sorry about the storm cellar. i know it was a pretty douchey thing to do. you hungry?” he reached into his backpack. “yea? i’ve got our favorite. see? nougat,” dustin began to unwrap the candy for the dog to eat, placing on the ground. “look at that. yummy. here, all right,” he backed away from the dog, waving for everyone to pass the creature while he was occupied. “there’s plenty, i’ve got more,” he offered.
you began to ignore his reunion, instead ensuring that max got across safely, your hand on the square of her back as steve led the group at the front. dustin quickly earned his footing ahead of you before you saw the rope.
steve began lifting the kids up the rope as he heard the roaring of the dogs. first max, then lucas, mike, dustin, then the dogs were too close.
“steve?” you looked at him, tears pricking the corners of your eyes.
he grasped your hand, “i’ve got you,” but you opted for wrapping your arms around his torso, his going around your shoulders. you tucked your head into his chest before realizing that they hadn’t attacked you. they were going around.
“eleven,” mike realized.
steve was able to hoist you up, letting the rest of the kids help pull you up before he grasped your hand, you and the kids doing the same for him. once you were all on safe, solid, normal ground, you noticed the headlights of the car getting increasingly bright. eleven was doing her thing. you had helped.
one broken tibia and a month later, hawkins was seemingly ‘normal’ again. you were adorned in a pretty little cast while waiting for max outside of the snow ball dance. you think her and lucas will kiss, she might’ve mentioned wanting to during one of your sleepovers.
you were parked outside of the school, reading the shining for what felt like the 50th time, when a car parked next to your own. you looked across and saw none other than steve harrington in the drivers seat, a dorky grin on his face as he waited for you to wave your hand and motion for him to join you in your car.
“hey,” he opened the door and plopped in. “so, uhhh…”
“yes?” you asked, wanting to know why he had that dopey grin on his face. while it was an obnoxiously cute grin, you still wanted to know what put it there.
“how’s the leg?” he motioned to the one that was bent in your seat, still a bit of grief hit him when he remembers how hurt you had gotten that night.
“y’know,” you shrugged. “it’ll be fine. hurts like hell, though.”
“i’m sorry,” he dropped eye contact with you, opting to look at his hands that were currently cupping his knees.
“for what?” you chuckled. “you didn’t do this.”
“yea but,” he breathed out. “i could’ve. i saw billy when he-he shoved your leg in. you have no idea how-how angry that made me. and how he spoke to you? i just… you are deserving of-“
“hold it, steve,” you put your hand up. “i don’t need you to give me this whole ‘pity speech’ about how i deserve love and how im not broken, okay?” you rolled your eyes. “i know i am and im fine with that. what i don’t need is some guy who thinks he knows me try to tell me that im good enough for him or for anyone else. because frankly, i don’t-i don’t even feel that way, okay? so, please,” you felt tears prick your eyes. “don’t bring that back up. because bill-billy somehow knows my deepest thoughts and fears and i-i don’t want anyone else to even think about them. i just can’t handle it right now.”
“y/n,” he grasped your hand with his own. “it’s okay. it’s okay to not be able to handle something-especially after what you’ve been through,” he brought your hand to his lips. “i care about you. i want you to be able to talk through it, even if it isn’t with me.”
“i can’t,” you shook your head. “i can’t talk to max about this. i don’t want her to see me like this.”
“then she doesn’t have to, okay?” he reached across the console and wrapped his arms around you, letting you cry on his shoulder. “i’m here, it’s okay.”
“it’s just…” you dragged on. “home isn’t good. it’s not even a home. i just try to make sure max is never in the mix when things go down but then i-then,” you choked on a sob before he continued to stroke your back.
he pulled back after a second, “if you and max ever need to just… escape, you know my door is always open,” his eyes searched yours for some sort of confirmation but found a bit of weariness. “my parents are like never home, so you won’t really have to worry about them not wanting you guys around.”
“i wouldn’t want to do that to you,” you shook your head, insistent on the idea that you would be too close to a burden on him.
“do what?” he scoffed with a smile. “rid me of my… i’ll admit, loneliness?”
“steve harrington? the king of hawkins high, lonely?” you rolled your eyes. “yea, i’ll believe it when i see it.”
“then you will come over?” he acknowledged with a shit-eating grin. “see the loneliness, first-hand?”
“maybe, steve,” you sighed. “maybe.”
and maybe you should’ve let yourself hold onto him a little longer. you should’ve let your walls down for him. but you couldn’t. you barely knew him. well, you knew him now. but not outside of trying to save the world. you didn’t know how he was when he was sick. you didn’t know his favorite color.
so for tonight, you let yourself feel. you let yourself weep and break and crumble apart in steve harrington’s arms. chances are he would forget what even happened the next day anyway.
this one time.
tomorrow came. and no sign of steve. then the next, then the next. for some reason you felt disappointed. after everything… no.
you don’t need him. you don’t want him. you are perfect without him. your walls are still intact. you have yourself. that’s all you need.
but max, well, max needed you. sometimes she wouldn’t admit it, but she really did need you. so, you were there.
you drove her to the arcade the fifth day, deciding to stick around and watch her do her thing from inside, cheering her on and handing her more quarters once she ran out.
when you heard the other heathens arrive, you knew who was dropping them off. you opted to not even look out of the glass door. he doesn’t need to know you’ve even thought of his name. maybe you have a bit too much.
“y/n,” steve’s voice rang through your ears. you turned to face him with an obviously forced grin. “sorry i never called, my-“
“oh, doesn’t matter, harrington,” you shrugged. “all is well.”
“i just thought that you maybe wanted to talk since…” he dragged on, not wanting to spill too much with this many ears around.
“look, harrington,” you turned to actually look him in his eyes. “i get that we got a bit close and all because of some life or death situations but you don’t need to pretend to care or be my friend anymore. i just-i need to make sure max is taken care of, and that takes a lot more work than you would think,” you chuckled, trying to break the bridge before your walls became irreplaceable to the brown haired boy before you.
“i was never pretending, y/n,” his eyebrows furrowed at your word-vomit taking a step closer to you while reaching for your hand. “you realize i just want to help, i want to be there for you.”
“i don’t need anyone,” you shook your head, pulling your hand away from his. “i’m fine, harrington. i’ve been fine without someone this far, and i’ll continue to be fine.”
“you deserve to be better than fine, y/n,” he argued, letting your hand fall from his own, as much as he missed its warmth. “and what-what’s happened to ‘steve’? what’s with this ‘harrington’ bullshit again?”
“it’s your name,” you shrugged, avoiding eye contact with the man in front of you. you could feel how close you were to caving in. but you couldn’t. you just… you couldn’t risk it. “i’ll use it how i please.”
“when you decide you want to be more than fine,” he sighed, knowing how stubborn you were. “i’ll always be here. waiting for you.”
you turned around before saying with tears in your eyes, “don’t hold your breath, harrington.”
you felt his hand linger over your shoulder, hesitating to leave his touch before you felt the warmth of his presence retreat. the only sign that told you he was surely gone was the ring of the bell on that glass door and the revving engine of his car.
you wouldn’t have noticed if the glass door had shattered as distracted as you were with the feeling of your own heart doing the same. this wasn’t supposed to hurt. you weren’t supposed to feel anything. but now you felt everything. from the one night, that was supposed to only be one time. so why did you want him all the time?
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sequinsmile-x · 2 years
Could you write a short fic where Jack is jealous of Emily being pregnant? After Haley died maybe and gets in trouble at school or something?
This is 1.4k (which is short for me lol) and I hope you like it <3
As with most of the drabbles/short fics I write, I wrote this on my phone whilst eating and working. So sorry for any errors haha
Warnings: None apart from pregnancy
Emily sighs as she gets into her car, the sound turning into a grunt as she sits down, the baby in her belly pressing on her lungs as she readjusts her position, finally finding some relief. She places a hand on her bump and heaves in a breath. 
“Your days in there are numbered, sweet boy,” she mutters as she pulls on her seatbelt, starting the car as she pulls her phone out, “let's call Daddy shall we?” 
She puts the phone on speaker and puts it down, waiting for the phone to connect as she pulls the car out of their drive. She hated calling him in the morning when he was away on a case, knowing it would worry him, worst case scenarios flooding his brain as her name and picture flashed across his screen. She knew it would especially be worse this time. He was on the west coast, so he was likely just getting started for the day. 
“Em,” he says as he answered, the worry in his tone that she’d anticipated, “are you ok? Are you in labour?”
She rolls her eyes despite the fact he can’t see her. “Hi honey, no I am not in labour,” she smiles, unable to stop herself, “It’s going to be a long 4 weeks if you ask that every time I call you.” 
“Sorry,” he mumbles, already sounding a little calmer, “What’s going on?”
She blows out a breath, “I’ve been called by Jack’s school, I’m going to pick him up, I didn’t want you to worry if they tried you too and you had a missed call.” 
“Is he sick?” Aaron asks, and she can imagine the look on his face, the line in between his brows that she loved to soothe with her fingertips. 
“No,” Emily replies, sighing, “apparently he pushed a kid, I have to speak to the teacher when I get there.” 
“He did what?” Aaron asks, incredulous. 
Emily’s reaction had been the same when the school had called her, her shock enough for her to ask the administrator on the phone if they had the right kid. It was so out of character for Jack, the boy usually so calm, gentle, that it took her aback. 
“I know, I’ll speak to him and try to get to the bottom of it, don’t worry.” She says, trying to calm him down as best as she could from across the country. “I’ll text you ok?” 
“Ok, thank you.” 
She smiles, “You don’t have to thank me, Aaron. We’re a family, it’s what we do.” Any further comment from her is cut off by a sharp kick to her ribs, making her wince. 
“Are you ok, sweetheart?” He asks, his previous concern going back into high gear. 
“Yeah I’m ok, just your kid with his massive feet in my rib cage.” 
He chuckles, and the sound warms her from the inside out. “The Hotchner boys are really giving you grief this morning, huh?” 
Emily laughs. “Yes, it truly is a curse to look after you all,” she says dryly, nothing but affection in her voice, “but someone’s got to do it.” 
Jack is silent the entire journey home from school, sitting in the back and avoiding the eye contact she occasionally tries to gain through the rearview mirror. He immediately runs up to his room when they get in the house, and Emily decides to give him the space he clearly needs, wincing slightly when the door to his room slams shut. 
He eventually comes back downstairs around lunchtime, head down as he looks at the floor when he finds her in the living room, curled up on the couch with a book she wasn’t paying any attention to. 
“Emily,” he says, his voice quiet, “I’m hungry.” 
She looks up from her book and feels a tug of sadness in her chest at the sight of him, the usually energetic and happy boy subdued. 
“Of course, sweetie,” she says standing, getting up slowly so she didn’t overbalance, “your dad left some food in the fridge before he went away.”
Aaron had been insisting she ate better whilst she was pregnant, lovingly preparing meals for her whenever he could, his love for her poured into the food like it was another ingredient, a flavour she would never get enough of. She can’t help but smile at the way Jack looks, briefly, disgusted as she pulls a salad out of the fridge, ready to plate some of it up for both of them. She watches as he slips onto one of the stools at the kitchen island, and she decides to take her shot at talking to him. 
“Jack, you know we have to speak about what happened this morning,” she says gently, leaning against the counter to take some of the weight of her feet. 
He freezes, looking back down at the countertop. “I don’t want to.” 
“You’ll yell.” 
She sighs as she steps closer, and she puts a hand over his on the counter, and he looks up at her. 
“I’m not going to yell, but I need to understand what happened,” She says carefully, “you can’t just push people, Jack. You know that.” 
He stares at her as if he’s trying to figure out if she’s telling the truth, and he finally tells her. 
“Aidan was being mean.” 
“Aidan is the boy you pushed?” She asks, mentally checking the name off of any potential baby names list. She waits for him to nod in response, “Jack-”
“He said you and Daddy won’t love me anymore when the baby gets here,” he says, sniffing as he looks away from her again, his voice a little shaky.
It takes her aback for a moment, the thought of it, something that she felt bad for not even thinking about before now. Her love for Jack as much a part of her as her love for Aaron, for the baby boy currently growing under her skin. 
“Oh, baby, that's just not true,” She says, any thoughts of his actions that day briefly put aside, she closes the gap between them and hugs him, his arms immediately wrapping around her, hands unable to meet around her back due to her large bump, “We’ll both always love you, no matter what.”
“But, he’s your baby,” Jack says as he pulls back, his eyes shining in a way that made her heart ache, “I’m not.” 
She sighs and reaches out to wipe a stray tear away from his cheek. “That doesn’t matter,” she says, and he clearly doesn’t believe her, his eyebrows creasing together, “You didn’t love Daddy, or your mom any less when I moved in, right?” She asks, and smiles when he shakes his head, “But you love me?” Her smile widens when he nods fiercely, as if the question was ridiculous, “It’s exactly the same, honey. When we add to our family, it just adds love, it doesn’t take it away from anywhere else.” She waits for a reaction, but doesn’t get one. “Does that make sense?” 
Jack nods slowly, sniffing again as he wipes at his face. “Yes. I love you and the baby,” the admission makes her eyes well up, her hormones getting the best of her as they always seemed to, “and I still love Daddy and Mommy.” 
“Exactly,” she says, kissing his forehead, “so don’t pay attention to what that boy said ok?” He nods again. “And, pushing or hurting someone is never the answer. If someone says something mean, tell the teacher, or me or your dad. And we’ll sort it out.” 
What she doesn’t say is that she feels like finding Aidan, and his parents, herself, and having a conversation with her badge on show, but she doesn’t, knowing Aaron wouldn’t thank her for it. 
“Ok, Emily. I’m sorry.” 
She smiles at him. “Thank you, Jack. No video games tonight or tomorrow though, ok?” 
He sighs, something Aaron said he picked up from her, but nods. He still looks so sad, his eyes drifting to her belly every now and again, residual anxiety thrumming in his veins. 
“How about we go get Mcdonalds for lunch?” She says, relief flooding through her at the way his eyes light up, and she winks at him, her head tilting over her shoulder to the salad on the counter. “We’ll have that another time.” 
Jack is already heading towards the front door before she can say anything else, and she laughs. Her phone dings in her pocket and she pulls it out, a text from her husband on the screen. 
Everything ok?
Everything is fine, I’ll tell you about it later. 
She puts her phone back in her pocket after she replies, Jack calling her from the door as she walks, waddles, to join him.
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zachsreaderinserts · 4 years
sleepy boys inc x gn!teen! reader headcannons
trying something new! i like bbs and all, but i wanted to write for other youtubers! lemme know if yall wanna see more content like this lol.
this takes place in a minecraft au!!! also, mentions of bad parenting/abusive parents
wc: 2,319
okay the sleepy boys
chaos incarnated, all of them. you can’t deny it
so, when tommy invites a friend from a local village, at first, everyone else is skeptical. since when has tommy made a friend who didn’t hate him within 20 minutes from all the screaming and insults he spewed?
unlike his friends, phil is more excited than anything. though he isn’t tommy’s dad, he feels like it sometimes, so he really wants to meet this new person who has caught the youngest’s attention
techno is very much not on board. he has a hard time trusting people at first glance and having been friends with tommy for the longest, he knows that tommy readily jumps the gun and attempts to befriend literally anything just because he can
and wilbur? indifferent for the most part. yes, he feels the need to make sure tommy is protected and cared for, but he also recognizes that this situation is out of his hands. the best he can do is hope that their friend isn’t an absolute asshole
so, it’s saturday. all three men are sitting on the couch in phil’s cottage, talking amongst themselves as they wait for tommy to come back. techno makes a joke about murdering them, which leads to phil scolding him about his violent tendencies
“you haven’t even met them yet, techno, what the fuck.”
wilbur is simply adding fuel to the fire, making little remarks here and there and watching the whole thing escalate to phil lecturing the piglin hybrid.
because of this, not one of them had noticed that tommy returned, with his newest friend. they both stopped at the sight of phil in dad mode, tommy considering just turning around and taking his friend as far away as physically possible
too late, since techno’s sixth sense made him whip around and stare at the newcomer. this made phil stop lecturing and wilbur quit giggling long enough for tommy to introduce his friend
after saying their name, the friend lifted their hand shyly, face burning from slight embarrassment. their other hand was latched onto tommy’s, feeling intimidated.
can you blame them? the fucking blood god looks like they wanna skewer them and cook them over a campfire.
tommy took notice of their shyness and cleared his throat, “we were planning on going to the carnival in their village if you three assholes feel like tagging along.”
like there was any way they were gonna let tommy and his friend go out without chaperones.
tommy turned back to his friend, “give me a second, i’m gonna go grab my sword just in case.” and proceeded to run up the stairs and towards the guest bedroom in phil’s house that he claimed.
the millisecond he was out of earshot, techno grabbed his friend by the front of the shirt.
“what are your intentions with tommy?”
the friend blinked once, twice, then bit back a smile. “you’re asking that as if i’m about to date that motherfucker.”
this time, it was wilbur who bit back a grin of his own. who would’ve expected the originally shy kid to have replied like that????
techno’s brain short circuited and his grip on their shirt loosened slightly. did.... did this kid just brush off his question???
“can you put me down? you’re gonna stretch my shirt.”
techno’s brain blinked back into focus and he gripped the kid’s shirt harder, shoving them against the nearest wall. “i asked a question, kid.”
“you know, tommy told me something like this would happen. i’m glad i came prepared.” and then, tommy’s friend sucked in a deep breath. techno leaned back, expecting the worst...
oh god, this was far worse than anything he thought of.
he dropped the teen out of disgust more than anything, reeling backwards. if there was one thing that haunted his dreams, it was uwu-speak.
phil started howling of laughter, clutching his stomach and hunching over. originally he was going to stop techno from threatening a literal child but this outcome was so much better than anything he was anticipating
wilbur was no better, already tearing up from how hard he was snickering. he started choking on his own spit at one point, smacking his arm against the couch.
tommy was so fucking confused when he came back down the stairs, seeing the mayhem that was, for once, not caused by him. he glanced at his friend, who had the world’s biggest shiteating grin.
yeah, they were gonna fit in just fine.
and they did! phil took them under his wing (both physically and metaphorically) and allowed them to come visit his home whenever they wished. and whenever they did, phil was the first to ask how they’ve been and what they were up to
to phil’s surprise, the kid was overall calm in their choice of activities. things like playing soccer or drawing or figuring out how to learn instruments in their free time. it seemed like they were desperate to get their hands on anything and everything just to learn
he found it funny, though, when their chaotic side shone through. they easily were on tommy’s level when they got into that headspace and it was so hilarious to him.
his favorite memory of the kid was when they walked into the house and marched right up to where techno was reading idly in the corner. planting their hands on their hips, they spoke.
“if you were to fuck a clone of yourself, would it be masturbation or would you be considered gay?”
phil, who was washing the dishes six feet away from them, just about crumbled into a ball on the floor from how hard he was laughing and sobbing.
of all questions, that was the one that came out.
but he had no idea that the chaos was a coping mechanism. he just thought they were naturally like that in their free time.
he soon found out the truth when they came home with tommy, who was cursing up a fit, visibly angry. his friend was slumped over, as if trying to hide themselves from the world
when phil asked what had happened, tommy exploded.
“their fucking dad took all their money from their savings! said he needed it more than them and when they asked for it back, he called them a fucking disappointment! that fucking bitch--”
phil can count very few times when he felt true anger and he can confirm that when tommy had told him what had gone down, he saw red.
but he knew better than to outwardly show it. judging by how hunched over and defeated the kid was, what they needed was a stable support system
so he walked over and shut tommy up with a hand on his shoulder, “why don’t we take the rest of the night to build up that game room you wanted in the basement. i’m sure if we knock it out before techno and wil are supposed to be back, we can all play something like monopoly.”
seeing where phil was headed, tommy nodded and brushed away his anger. he knew that what his friend needed was a serious cheering up. tommy ran towards his guest bedroom, claiming that he was going to find his blocks.
phil crouched in front of the teen, tilting their head up to look him in the eyes. “you’re not a disappointment. you’re an amazing person with a chaotic joke machine going 120 kilos over the speed limit in your head and you are talented. your dad doesn’t know shit about what you’re capable of doing.”
oh boy, the kid’s crying. those are tears, full on tears.
that night was one of the best nights of their life, however. they enjoyed the entire three hour long game of monopoly where they watched the light leave everyone’s eyes. it was funny when wilbur lunged across the table when he landed on a railroad, out for phil’s blood.
speaking of wilbur, he enjoyed every minute in the kid’s presence. they often asked creative and random questions and went along with the abstract jokes he made, the two of them laughing heartily the entire time.
when the kid first mentioned wanting to learn how to play the guitar, he practically burst through the wall of the room next door, breathing heavily and exaggeratedly.
“did someone say guitar”
yeah, he’s feral. that’s canon.
they proceeded to spend the entire day in phil’s garden, each of them equipped with a guitar. despite their outwardly smooth brain and stupid demeanor, the teen was a fast learner and could play the most basic chords by the time the sun was setting.
wilbur’s favorite moment was the first night they met, when they went to the carnival. there was the game where you shoot the water and fill up the balloons and the kid was going head to head against techno and tommy.
it was when techno won that the teen turned to techno with murder in their eyes and spoke in a deadpan tone of voice,
“you’re lucky you won this time, you gentrified mayo monkey.”
wilbur’s jaw dropped, as did techno and phil’s. tommy was already in hysterics, smacking his hand against the counter that held the guns.
needless to say, wilbur found his favorite, not-quite sibling in a heartbeat.
techno was the last to come around with the child. can you blame him? every time he tried to threaten them or had beaten them at something, they would respond in a cryptic threat--
“i’m going to pee your pants if you don’t let me win”
or just brushed him off. without a second thought.
“anyways, i was murdering a chicken the other day, and the fucker had the audacity to ribbit at me.”
to say he was confused was an understatement. he was terrified of the fact that a literal child held so much power and disinterest in things like their own life. so for the first few months, he avoided them.
but he had seen past that when it was around midnight on a weekday. tommy was hanging out with tubbo and ranboo in their village miles away from the area. wilbur was out drinking with schlatt, niki, and fundy, and phil was already asleep.
techno wasn’t too far behind, sitting in front of the fireplace and staring out of the window that showed the front yard. it was only then when he saw the flash of a familiar face and looked closer as the teen walked up to the house quietly. their head was down and they carried a small bag with them.
techno opened the front door with a long creak as they reached the porch steps. it was only when they jumped and looked up in surprise that techno had noticed a deep bruise on their left cheek in the moonlight.
despite the fact that he kept away from them, techno was very protective and territorial of tommy, phil, and wilbur. and since they were attached to the teen, he became protective of them as well.
so all the voices in his head went quiet for a second. before exploding into a mixture of screams and threats, all leading back to protecting the child in front of him.
without thinking, he reached forward and cupped their face for a better view of the bruise. at the warm and soft touch, tears slipped down the kid’s cheeks and they sniffed pathetically.
the voices quickly took a 180, all screaming to take care of them. make them feel better. so, techno led the kid inside and let them spend the night in his room, with them falling asleep on the bed and him falling asleep on the rocking chair in his room.
phil did not hesitate to officially declare himself as the teen’s official father, saying that their biological father was a “little bitch”
now somewhat living with the teen, techno found an appreciation for their quieter moments, when they were reading or simply daydreaming. it was cute, in his eyes. but he also grew to enjoy when they were absolutely feral, especially toward tommy.
his favorite moment with them was when they had gifted tommy a music disc for his birthday. it was sweet and sentimental and tommy just about burst into tears when he saw it.
all of the sappiness quickly vanished when tommy put it into a jukebox.
tommy had let out the most terrified scream and it practically engrained itself into techno’s brain. it was the first time he ever laughed at something the teen had done and the teen felt proud of themselves.
and finally, tommy. he was already happy to call himself a friend of the teen’s. they were like peas in a pod, working together.
tommy came to them when his insecurity felt heavy and they came to him whenever their dad’s words got to them. they had a nice system of dependency on one another and neither of them would trade it for the world.
tommy’s favorite moment of being friends with them was during their first birthday living in phil’s house. it was a birthday befitting their personality, with brightly color streamers hung and confetti all over the floor. he knew that they enjoyed it severely and once the cake was cut, the kid turned to phil.
“phil, where’s the big tiddy strippers i requested?”
tommy was GONE
he all but choked on his slice of cake and walked away, shaking his head while trying to stifle his giggles. but when he heard phil’s scream of “WHAT”, he just lost it.
all in all, his friend had made a fine part of the sleepy boys. they were a happy face in an otherwise somewhat bleak and dangerous world. and all four men appreciated it.
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vngelis · 3 years
You're going to play now - Shigaraki Tomura
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Pairing: Shigaraki Tomura x fem!Reader
Summary: Quirkless!AU. Your boyfriend will give you the attention you want but don't you dare lose his progress in his game.
Content warnings: NSFW. Minors DNI. Fingering. Edging. Praise kink. Pet used as a pet name. OOC Shiggy.
A/N: I wanted this to be slight praise kink but no lo logré lol, sorry for the extremely ooc Shiggy that I created. Also my brain stopped working and forgot how English works so the writing is probably trash.
WC: 2.1k+
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You look up from your phone and see the same you’ve been seeing for the past three hours; Your boyfriend sitting in front of the screen of his computer playing that stupid war game. You sigh. You were absolutely bored.
“I’m bored.” You say, with the hope that he will give you attention now.
“Yeah.” Was his only answer. You sigh again.
You let your phone fall in his bed, where you were laying and push yourself up, stretching your back and arms and letting out a satisfied moan, Shigaraki didn’t hear or he just didn’t care, the later was most likely. You started walking in his room, observing the few things he had. A couple of action figures in his shelves, one poster so old that it looked like a blank paper, some clothes in the floor and a mirror. You paused in front of the mirror and looked at yourself. Today you had put a little more effort in your appearance, with the hope that that guy who was ignoring you paid you a little attention.
You brushed your hair with your fingers and huffed, letting your arms fall at your sides.
You looked at him and walked the four steps it took you to stand behind his chair and made eye contact with the back of his head for five second before taking a hold of his hair and pulling it so his head was inclined against the head rest. He locked eyes with you with an annoyed expression on his face.
The both of you opened your mouth to say something but were interrupted by some shooting sounds and a change of colors in the computer screen.
A banner that said “you were killed” appeared in the middle of the screen.
“I was going for a flawless victory, pet.” He said with such a monotonous voice that it made you shudder a little.
“Sorry.” You said. He rolled his eyes and tried to look at the screen again to continue his game, but you pulled at his hair again. He groaned annoyed.
“What?” He asked harshly.
“I’m bored.” You repeated your sentence from minutes ago. He rolled his eyes and sighed, after looking at you for like ten seconds he sighed one more time before pulling his chair back. You smiled, thinking he was going to stand up and finally spend time with you, but he just took your hand that was still on his hair and pulled you until you were standing in front of him but facing the screen. All this while muttering something along the lines of “So fucking annoying.”
“What ar-“ You were interrupted as his hands on your waist pushed you down into his lap.
“Grab this.” He handed you the joystick and started pointing at some buttons. “This one is to aim, this one to shoot. This one right here is to move and this one is to recharge.”
“What do you m–” You tried to say again, but your boyfriend interrupted you once more.
“You’re going to play.” He said, with a firm voice.
“Oh...okay?” You pressed the button to resume the game and slowly and insecurely started moving where you thought you had to.
“You’re going the other way.”
“Shit, sorry”. You chuckled nervously and started to move the other way.
“You better not lose.” He said lowly as his thumbs stroked your waist. “Or I'll be really pissed.” You gulped.
As soon as he finished speaking someone started shooting your way. You clumsily aimed where you thought the shots were coming from, when you spotted an opponent you pressed the bottom without thinking.
“Oh my god, look!” You squealed happily. His hands in your waist gave a short squeezed before descending to your hips, where they squeezed again. He leaned his head against your shoulder to have a better view.
“Good girl.” He praised softly in your ear, making your face heat up. “You better not lose.” He repeated as his hands went even lower, reaching your thighs and going under your skirt.
“Sh–Shiggy.” You muttered nervously, looking down at his hands. He pinched your thigh lightly, just enough to keep you looking up.
“Eyes on the screen.” He said firmly, returning his hand under your skirt. ''You wanted my attention, now you have it. Don’t lose.”
You looked up and continue to roam the area, searching for other opponents. Hard task with his hands slowly approaching your panties tho.
Not long after, you noticed someone looking away from you. You aimed and shot, this time it took you two shots, but you managed to kill them anyway.
“You’re really good at this.” He murmured, kissing your temple at the same time his fingers grazed the edge of your panties. “Maybe I should had let you play sooner.”
“Maybe you should had.” You murmured back. He scoffed pinching your inner thigh again, making you squeal.
“Don’t get cocky.” You let out a little giggle at the same time you killed someone who started to shot your way. This time his fingers grazed softly over your clothed clit. You shuddered and Tomura laughed softly. “Keep playing.” He murmured in your neck before giving a small kiss.
His fingers started to rub against you more firmly now. You let out a choked moan as your legs tried to close but he avoided that putting each one of your legs over one of his, keeping them spread. You tried to kill another one, but you missed and they managed to escape. Tomura let out a discontent groan and his fingers left you and rested on your thighs again. “N-no. Don’t stop.”
“Keep playing then.” Was his only response.
You started searching for more opponents slightly desperate so he could be happy and return his touch, but you couldn’t find anyone. “Where the fuck is everyone?” You muttered lowly. He lightly chuckled behind you.
“Look in the small map in the bottom left, the red dots.” He guided you. You looked at the map and started running to where the nearest dot was. Aim and shot. Another kill.
“Yeah, that’s more like it.” He praised as he moves your hair from the side of your neck so he can start leaving open mouth kisses there. One of his hands went up your shirt and started stroking your navel as he continues kissing your neck, the other one rest over your clothed clit again, without enough pressure to get you off but enough so you know his hand is there.
You killed one more and you started to get more confident in the game, starting to get the hang of it, and without the touch of your boyfriend you could starts to get focused. But without your cute sounds and reactions, he was the one that started to feel neglected.
His hands went to your underthighs and roughly pulled them even more separated, your eyes waver between the screen and what his hands were doing, but some shootings made you keep your focus on the game. You started to shoot back but failed. At least the other person failed too and you manage to escape. When another group of people came near your position your boyfriend pulled your panties to the side and made direct contact with your slit.
“Fuck, you’re already so wet.” He whispered as he dragged his fingers up to your clit.
“Shit, I can’t concentrate like this.” You cried out and blindly shoot around you, surprisingly killing two of them.
“Too bad. Try.” He used your slick to push one finger inside of you and you let your head fall against his shoulder. “Hey, hey, eyes on the screen, you are doing good, don’t stop now.” The hand that was on your navel went up to your jaw, positioning your head straight.
“You say it like it’s easy.” You said in between moans.
“You were the one crying for my attention, now deal with it.” He finished his sentence with a pinch in your clit and a squeeze at the bottom of your neck, making you moan.
He moved his fingers down your slit again and this time pushed two digits inside of you, he groaned as you squeezed around them. “So tight.” He muttered against your neck again.
His fingers started to drag against your walls just like he knew you like it and your eyes fell shut for a couple of seconds, enough seconds for the other players to find you and kill you. Your eyes opened immediately when Tomura stopped the movement of his fingers inside of you.
“You can only die three times per mission before it makes you start from the damn beginning. Don’t you dare lose all my fucking progress.” He says with a low and threatening voice. “You only have one life left.”
“Yes, sorr-Ah!” You’re interrupted with the touch of his other hand’s fingers in your clit. “No! Tomura! Too much! I’m going to lose” You squeaked as one of your hands left the joystick to grab at his wrist,
“Both hands on the controller.” He warned without slowing his movements. You loosened your grip and bring your hand up again while your legs began to shake.
Both of his hands started to move in that complex synchrony that you never manage to do on your own and your moans got louder. Your hips were bucking down into his, your grinding making your boyfriend moan underneath you. “Fuck, don’t- Look, look at the screen. Focus.”
Even though he could easily get lost in just your movements on top of him, his hands never falter, and you began to feel your climax approaching.
“Shiggy, I- I can’t.” You whined trying to keep all your focus away from his fingers inside you.
“Yes, you can, look how far you managed to get. You’re doing. So. Good.” Every word is emphasized with a deep trust of his fingers, aimed at that one spot inside of you that makes you cry in pleasure. “You’ve been doing so good, I know you can manage a couple of minutes more.”
“Yeah.” You cried. “I can.” With that you killed one more person in the game, winning a kiss in the temple from your boyfriend.
“Good girl.” He whispered in your ear, and that caused you to clench around his fingers, making him groan. That sound brought you even closer to your orgasm.
“Fuck, don’t say shit like that.” You whined, making him laugh softly. “I want to cum.”
“Not yet.” You whined once more. “Come on, keep being my good girl and kill one more.”
You half conscious started to search for more players so you can make Tomura happy. You killed one more, and you won one more kiss on your temple, at the same tame his movement sped up, your moans and whines getting louder.
“I’m gonna cum.”
“Look, there’s 30 seconds left, just hold it. You’re always so good for me, I know you can.” His words were not helping you, nor did the fact that his movements sped up even more. “Just don’t die, okay? There’s still 15 seconds.”
“I-I can’t.”
Once the chronometer in the screen got to 10, your boyfriend started to count with it. You were trying so hard not to cum before you were allowed, but his fingers just felt so good.
“Three, two, one. That’s it, you can cum now, pet. It wasn’t that hard, was it?” He murmured in your ear. His word fell in deaf ears as you felt like you fainted once you let it go. You were letting out moan after moan. Your legs were shaking over Tomura’s and your hips couldn’t stop grinding against your boyfriend’s hands. He couldn’t help to slightly buck his hips up into your ass.
“Fuck.” You sighed once you started to get your senses back.
Shigaraki took his fingers out of you slowly and you hissed because of the sensitivity. He started to stroke your still shaking thighs with his still slightly wet fingers. “Did you like the game?”
“I mean- Yeah?” You said unsure, you just killed people after all, didn’t know shit about the game itself. “I did’t catch anything of the story, that if it even has one.” You glared at him accusingly.
He ignored you and tapped you legs, signalizing for you to stand up. You complied and smiled at him when he also stands up. It instantly disappears when he makes you sit again, this time alone.
“What happened?”
“Read what is says in the screen. There’s still four missions lefts.” He starts kneeling in front of you. “Now maybe you’ll understand a little more about the game.” Shigaraki smirks as he pulls your legs over his shoulders. “Remember, don’t lose my progress.”
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hannahhasnofriends · 3 years
two people one bed | dream
summary: famous bed sharing trope!
pairing: dream x reader
warnings: swearing, fluff :)
word count: 1.7k
a/n: this fic was weird to write bc i normally write that the character calls him clay but with the setting it didn't seem right lmao – also psa, i have very little knowledge about constellations but i thought it was cute so i left it in lol
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many members from the dsmp decided to take a road trip together (yes they clowned on dream the whole time)
it was a week long trip and it was finally the last day! you'd went cross country, stopping at a few different airbnbs along the way
and at this point, you were kind of over it😐don't get me wrong, it'd been an amazing trip, but you'd had little to no alone time in a week and you were just relieved to be going home after this
until you saw the last house, where someone had to share a bed.... and you and dream had just happened to pull out the two shortest straws…
‘Damn it.’ You mentally rolled your eyes, of course you’d end up the one to share a bed on the last day. You’d been driving all day and considering it was only one night, you had no mental energy to argue over sharing. Dream didn’t even seem phased at the fact, honestly you almost felt bad about how annoyed you were with everyone with how nice he’d been about it all. But he was always like this, he was always kind to you.
That was until you rolled over for the hundredth time that night. The space between the pillow wall you'd built and the edge of the bed was seeming to get smaller and smaller as the night went on. Even though the air was thick in the room, your feet were cold from Dream hogging the blanket and the bed would shake every few minutes from his constant movement. You could tell he was awake even though he was staying silent, and you tried your hardest not to let out an annoyed huff.
Finally, he shifted to peer over the pillow wall. In the dark you could still make out his green eyes and fluffy hair.
"You awake?" He whispered. You groaned internally, literally why does this man want to have a conversation now?
"Oh come on now, you can't say that and be asleep. I cant't sleep. We should do something." He shifted again so his forearms were leaning against the wall, basically destroying it.
"We are doing something. It's called trying to sleep so we can wake up at a good hour and go home." You sighed, screwing your eyes shut.
"It's only like 1 in the morning, we have plenty of time to sleep. Come on.. please, it'll be fun." Whatever, fine, maybe he'll actually calm the fuck down after this.
"Fine. What the hell can we even do right now." You opened your eyes up again, staring at the ceiling.
"We can go for a drive?" You can hear the smile in his voice. This man's love for driving was absurd.
"Uh how about no? We've literally been in the car all day and I'd rather not go back until we have to." You finally turned to face him, he wore a lopsided grin and a crooked pajama shirt. Cute.
"Fine, fine. How about we just go for a walk, yeah?" You grumbled, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and grabbing the hoodie you left on the floor. No way in hell were you changing for this, it was bad enough you were even indulging in it.
“Alright,” He grinned in your direction, slipping a pair of shoes on. “We can walk to that clearing with the little pond we saw on our way here, it's not far."
"That's fine but can we please not be out forever? I'm serious about getting sleep." You recalled the place he was talking about, it was pretty over there. Plus, you were pretty sure you could see the stars tonight.
Dream hummed, "Yeah, yeah grumpy. Let's go and be quiet, I don't want to wake anyone."
"Didn't seem to mind waking me up." You rolled your eyes, the audacity.
"Not my fault you got stuck sharing with me." He elbowed your side lightly.
You decided to keep quiet after that, slipping out of the airbnb. It wasn't cold, but there was enough chill to make goosebumps rise on your skin.
The walk there was silent, both of you just taking in the scenery. Your mind was replaying all your favorite moments from the past week, sure you were tired and ready to sleep in your own bed, but you were grateful for the people around you and how happy you'd been the past 6 days. Dream had invited you to come along almost last minute compared to everyone else. He had messaged you one night and told you he was paying for everything and would be happy if you came, and who could say no to that?
"What? What is it?" Dream had his eyes on you as you came to a stop, reaching your destination. "What's with the smile, I thought you were grumpy."
"Shut up. I'm just thinking about the past week. I had a really good time, I'm really glad I came, thank you for inviting me." You rolled your eyes, but the smile stayed put.
Dream hummed, "Me too. Honestly I thought you were gonna say no when I asked you." He chuckled as his arm raised to the back of neck, scratching slightly.
"Really? What makes you say that?" Your nose scrunched slightly, you guys had always had a good relationship, you always enjoyed hanging out with him.
"I don't know! I guess I thought you wouldn't want to spend that much time with me." He was smiling, but you could tell he was being serious.
You frowned, "I'd never say no to something like this. I know I'm 'grumpy' or whatever but I seriously like spending time with you, all of you."
"Thanks, I like spending time with you too." He turned to face you, but you tilted your head up, getting a good look at the stars. Your heart softened at his words, he really was a good man.
There was a moment of silence before you spoke up again, "Do you know any constellations?"
"Uh, I can find Leo probably." His head tilted up to match yours and you snorted.
"Of course you can." You smiled and shook your head, typical Leos.
"Oh, there it is, here look." His finger pointed up at the sky, your eyes following where it led.
"There?" You asked, raising your own finger. Dream shifted behind you, close enough to feel his breath on your neck. He hooked his hand on yours and moved your finger up slightly, "Here." He murmured. His skin was soft against yours, you felt his heartbeat on your back and you could smell his aroma.
Neither of you moved, you could feel him turn his head to look at you. Your cheeks heated and you slowly lowered both your hands. You tilted your head to meet his eyes, your noses were barely touching. The beating in your chest grew faster and your mind whirled as you saw him lean in, just so slightly.
You pulled away and turned around quickly, "We should get back." You cleared your throat. Your palms were still sweating, but for a second your thoughts went blank.
"Um, yeah sure." He shoved his hands in his pockets and started his way back to the airbnb. You stood there for a moment before following after him.
What the actual fuck just happened. You were going to kiss him? Or was he going to kiss you? None of that even matters since you'd just rejected him. You cursed yourself as you kept trudging on.
This whole thing was a hot mess, it wasn't like you didn't like him, it was just you'd never thought about it before. Sure, you'd flirt with him in call or make dumb suggestive jokes, but you'd always assure yourself there was nothing underlying there. They were just jokes.
But now you couldn't stop thinking about it, his soft skin against yours, his heartbeat, the way his eyes looked so intensely into your own. Your brain kept repeating it over and over again, it made you sick.
By the time you reached the airbnb again, you began to hate how you yearned to be touched by him again. That, ok fine, you did want him to kiss you but you chickened out. He didn't help by holding the door open for you when sneaking back inside. You mumbled a thanks, not daring to look at him. You could still feel him behind you as you tiptoed back to your room, which you just conveniently forgot you had to share.
You got situated as fast as you could, climbing back into the bed, holding your breath as you went. You waited to feel the dip in the bed signally him coming to lay next to you. When it didn't come, you peeked at his side, he stood there gathering a pillow and his phone before turning to leave. Your heartbeat sped up again.
"Clay," You sat up before you could stop yourself. "Wait, can- can you stay. Please." Your voice wobbled, but the moments back at the clearing kept playing again and you couldn't just sit there anymore.
He turned around shifting his feet, "Yeah, yeah sure." His eyes seemed to soften at the expression on your face.
Your hand swiped at the pillow wall, this time completely dismantling it and you lied back down. You felt the weight shift as he settled next to you, your breath was still shaky. He lied down facing you, eyes searching your face.
"Hi." You whisper, nerves come rushing back now that he's here again.
"Hi." He chuckles and smiles softly. His eyes are still searching your face, he looks uncertain.
"I– Well I–"
"Listen, don't worry about it. I was dumb I don't even know what I was thinking. We can just forget it." He interrupts you, his eyes darting down and cheeks flushing.
"That's not what I was gonna say." You faltered. He stares quizzically, silently asking you to continue. "Well I-I first wanted to apologize, I was a dick back there. And um.."
The words taper off, lost. You feel his gaze bore into your face, he tentatively raised his arm from inside the covers, hooking your chin with a finger.
"It's ok." He whispers affirmatively. The consequences are instant, your nerves slow and you can only focus on how close he is. His eyes find yours, and he no longer seems uncertain. "Can I kiss you?"
You can only nod, so sure of your decision.
And he does.
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bokutosworld · 3 years
convenience store stranger | suna rintarou
pairing: suna x f!reader  word count, genre: 2.1k words, college au. fluff. another meet cute story lol.  warning: none  summary: in which your late shifts become less boring and more interesting when a cute stranger stumbles in at 2 AM.  a/n: my first time writing for suna god im scared but i really liked how this turned out!! 
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The first time he meets you happens on one of his late night convenience store runs. It was exams season and Suna’s been pulling all-nighter after all-nighter. To say he was exhausted would’ve been an understatement. 
He’s barely making it through on the third night and if he didn’t take a break soon, he was sure he’d have passed out on his desk. With his mind hazy from reading too many words and trying to understand a semester’s worth of lessons in one night, he decides to stand up and get some fresh air. 
Which is how he found himself currently standing at aisle four of the only convenience store that was still open near his apartment. He scans the rack for something that can wake him and his brain up. He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing but he could definitely feel eyes burning holes in the back of his head. 
He settles on a pack of jelly sticks and a cup of spicy instant noodles and heads towards the counter. You mutter a greeting when he reaches the cashier and begin scanning his items. 
When he hands over the cash for payment, your fingers brush with his cold ones, making you recoil harshly as if he was repulsing.
“Something wrong?” He laughs when he sees your reaction. “I know I look like a mess now but I won’t bite you.” He bends his knees slightly, tilting his head to get a look at your embarrassed face.
“No, I’m sorry.” You avoid his intense gaze, continuing to pack his purchase. When you look at him, he’s still staring with his piercing eyes that it almost takes your breath away. 
Shaking your head to bring yourself to reality, you give him his items. “Your hands felt cold and I was just shocked.” You feel that same electricity sparking between you again when he takes the bag from you. “I.. well.. thank you. Have a great evening.”
“It’s 2 AM,” Suna chuckles and you sigh before correcting yourself and bowing to him in goodbye. “See you around,” he shouts over his back as he walks out the door. It was the first time he saw you in that store and he was sure it wasn’t going to be the last. 
The second time he’d actually planned it according to your shift. If his past trips to the store were anything to go by, he’d learned that you always took the evening shift. It was something he discovered after being called out by your co-worker on the third time that he restlessly looked around the store during a visit. 
He should be on his bed, phone in his hand as he mindlessly scrolled until he fell asleep. But with the memory of his interaction with you lingering on his mind, he wanted to see you.
“Hey, got time for a customer?” He greets the moment he steps inside the empty convenience store. You look up from the book that you were reading and quickly stand to welcome him. “What are you reading?” 
Hiding the book from his view, you retort, “Aren’t you going to buy something?” 
He grins, taking in your tired disposition and the bags that had formed under your eyes before retreating to the shelves. When he returns, he slides over a can of energy drink, iced coffee, and a large bag of chips. 
You assume he’d leave immediately once he’s paid for everything. You certainly didn’t expect him to take out the coffee and give it to you. 
“This is for you.” He opens his own drink and leans by the counter. “Doesn’t it ever get boring here? I mean it’s midnight and you’re alone. I’m betting not many people even drop by at this time.” He faces the door, crossing his arms around his chest and staring at both of your reflections at the glass. 
Worn out from your classes in the day, you take his coffee offering, instantly feeling the rush of caffeine flow through your veins and waking you up. “The job pays relatively well. Besides I can’t really work in the mornings, I have uni.”
“So you’re a college student too.” He turns around and extends a hand out to you. “I’m Suna Rintarou.”
You introduce yourself as you shake hands with him. And as soon as pleasantries were exchanged, he immediately launched into a story about how his earlier day went. He was a natural conversationalist and despite this being your first time talking with him, you didn’t feel an ounce of awkwardness. You didn’t know what it was about him but his presence made you feel comfortable. 
You learned about what he was studying (to your surprise, Psychology), how he spends his weekends playing volleyball (he was a middle blocker and an excellent one at that, he boasted), and how he ended up here during the night he first saw you (the all-nighter went well and he passed all his exams). 
He rips open the chips he bought and offers you some as you lay your story before him. He munches as he listened to you rant about how you loathed your course (Business Management) and the many case studies and papers you had to do each day. He nods his head in understanding as you explain why you needed this part-time job (to pay for apartment fees). 
You were having so much fun in his company that you didn’t notice the time pass by. (He arrived to the store at 12:32 AM. The clock on the wall now reads 2:32 AM). And for the duration of his stay, you were surprised that no one ever came by. He only ever left your side when a taxi driver walked in. 
Suna steered clear from the counter and kept his distance as you did your job. From your peripheral, you could see that he watched you like a hawk from the side and it made you somehow conscious. When the customer exited, you playfully threw a tissue at him, 
“I couldn’t concentrate when you were standing there and looking at me like that!” 
He went back to his position but this time, he leaned close with his hands on the counter. “Like what?"  
Well how could you say to him that you thought he looked effortlessly hot in his sweatshirt and track pants? And was that an adorably messy bedhead? How could you say that you liked the teasing smile that he’d been giving you throughout the night?  
You chuckle and shake your head, “Nothing.” You reach for the book you were reading prior his arrival and took your seat. “Don’t you have classes tomorrow? You should go back.”
“Do you not want me around anymore?” 
“It’s not that, I…”
He cuts you off, “Good, then it’s settled. I’m not going anywhere. I like talking with you too much to go back home. Let me entertain you some more.” He sits down at the chair on one of the tables near the counter and then goes back to chatting with you. 
Since that night, Suna had been scheduling more trips to the convenience store. Sometimes, he’d really only visit to bother you. At times, he’d bring his books and laptop with him so he could work on a paper while you restocked the shelves and cleaned around. On rare occasions, he’d help you out on a business plan and the customers who’d enter the store would be amused at the sight of you and him huddled behind the counter with your serious thinking faces on. 
He’d become a part of your life that it felt unnerving not to have him around on your shifts. And it certainly showed on your face how disappointed and heartbroken you were when consecutive nights passed without his visits. Your co-worker even called you out on it. 
“So where’s the cutie been?” She asked one time when the two of you were at the back lounge while you logged in for your shift. You groan at the nickname she gave him and she laughs at you.
“How would I know?” 
“Don’t you guys talk almost every day and night?”
“Only on nights that he visits me.” You pause, thinking about the possibilities why he could’ve stopped coming. And before you knew it, you were ranting. “God, are we even friends? I don’t know his number. Did he ghost me? Is this considered ghosting? It’s been a week. I’m scared I did or said something.” 
She’s watching you pace around the room. “Maybe he got bored of me. Or maybe he realized I’m not really worth his time and dipped. Sleeping is much better than hanging out with me at 1 AM anyway.”
You’re stopped in your tracks when she suddenly grabs your shoulders. “Overthinking is not a good look on you.” She makes you take deep breaths to calm down. “I’m sure he’s just busy right now. He’ll visit again soon.” 
“I don’t know why I’m being like this.” 
The look she gives you is incredulous, her mouth gaping wide at your statement. “Are you serious?” 
“What?” You ask, not anticipating the next words that would come from her. 
“It’s obvious that you like him.” 
The next time you see him was on campus. You don’t know how long it’s been since he last spent time with you on your shift. (Though if you were counting, you were definitely sure that it’s been two weeks and three days since then.) 
You tried not to think too much about what his absence could mean but the pang in your heart never left. Those two weeks that he didn’t show up allowed you some time to think about your conversation with your friend. You like him. 
Back then, you were too quick to shut down the idea. Denying any ounce of feeling for the boy as you saw him as no more than someone who had too much time on his hands to bother you on your shifts. A good friend is what you specifically used to defend your relationship with him. 
So then why was it that your heart was beating so rapidly as Suna waved at you from across the cafeteria? Why couldn’t you stop smiling as you watched him make his way to your table and sit down beside you?
“Hey there.” He slings his arms around and pulls you for a side hug. “Long time no see.” 
You almost couldn’t hear him over the loud thumping of your heart in your ears. He’s still smiling and waiting for you to reply. “Yeah, been a while. I’ve gotten the peace and quiet back in my shifts.” 
He breaks out in laughter while opening a snack bar. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to stop by. I just came out from a major presentation that I’ve been preparing for during the past weeks. And guess what?” 
You perk your eyebrows at his question. “What?” 
“Our group did great.” He raises a hand for a high-five and you indulge him. “The teacher liked our slides and our analysis of the topic. Ah, I feel so good right now!” He leans back with his hands behind his head, but he suddenly jerks. 
“We should go out!” Suna grabs your hands and looks at you expectantly. “You’re free the whole day tomorrow right? You’re not working the shift? Let’s celebrate. It’s my treat!” 
Feeling overwhelmed by his invitation and his overall excitedness, you laugh and pull back. “Calm down, Suna. I don’t know about tomorrow.” 
“Why? Are you busy?”
“Not really but..” 
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” He tucks a loose hair behind your ear, leaning close with his voice barely over a whisper, “It’s perfect. I’ve wanted to take you on a date for a long time now.” 
“What?” You stare at him wide-eyed. 
“Come on, you’ve never thought about us?” He finds the situation entertaining. Your flustered reaction reminds him of the night that he met you. 
“Why do you think I’ve been coming to the convenience store when I could be sleeping at that time? I like being around you. My day doesn’t feel complete if I don’t at least see you or tell you about my day or listen to you rant about the latest episode of your favorite series.”
You like him. 
“Go out with me.” He kisses the back of your hand. “Please?” 
The corners of your lips unconsciously curves up and Suna sends your heart doing somersaults when he says something about how he’s finally got to see the beautiful smile he’s been wanting to see for weeks. 
Your friend was right. You do like him.  
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zaffrenotes · 3 years
To Ruined Friendships
Fandom: Westworld Pairing: Logan Delos x Reader Rating/Warnings: PG-13; spicy language, alcohol consumption, heavy smoochin Author's Note: This entire thing was inspired by a dream I had about one black hat cowboy who cannot for the life of him consume a drink without looking like he's going to inhale it. I tried to work on my other WIPs for an entirely different fandom, but my brain refused to focus on anyone other than Logan Delos. I don't have the energy to create a sideblog for this, so any Logan fans who happen to find this from the tags, please don't judge me for the other fandom(s) I'm in. I already know, lol. Word Count/Reading Time: +/- 2600 words (10 minutes reading)
hell if I know who to tag for this...if I ever write more and you want to get an update, leave a comment, I guess?: @the-blind-assassin-12 @ao719 @the-soot-sprite possibly @ofpixelsandscribbles @burnsoslow
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Another night rubbing shoulders with the elite in a penthouse, and all you want to do is retreat into one of the half dozen empty rooms to rest your feet. Beauty always has a price, and tonight your feet were being sacrificed to the stiletto gods in the name of fashion. As a waiter weaves between guests, you deftly trade the empty crystal flute in your hand for a fresh one off their tray, the slim glass chilling your fingertips.
A tiny, imperceptible sigh slips past your lips as you look out at the wall of windows, city skyline twinkling in the distance. Glancing through the crowd, you try to find a familiar face of one of your girlfriends, when you feel someone’s fingers on your back, ghosting over the ink at the base of your spine. Over your shoulder, a warm, though somewhat world-weary voice makes your body tingle. “Hey gorgeous, I was wondering if I’d see you here tonight.”
You know he’s grinning before you even turn your head; a sly smile spreads across your painted lips when you see you were right, and you lean in to press your cheek to Logan’s in greeting. His beard tickles your face, and the movement is small, but you feel him pull you closer to him, pressing his fingertips into your smooth skin. “You know me,” you reply, gently squeezing his bicep for balance, noses nearly touching as you both move to kiss the other cheek. “Any excuse to squander part of my father’s fortune on a party dress.”
His cheek twitches up as he grins wider, and once more, the grit in his voice makes you want to find a dark corner and do unspeakable things with him. “Only you could make a napkin’s worth of fabric look like couture,” he teases, stepping back to admire your outfit. “I own pocket squares larger than what you’ve got on!” His gaze lowers appreciatively, taking you in, before settling at your feet. You shift your weight from one hip to the other; tilting your head back to take a sip of champagne, you’re surprised to see his dark eyes on you as you swallow and lower the glass. There’s a hint of something there, the way the corners of his eyes crinkle. “Been here long? Why don’t we find somewhere quiet to catch up? You can let your hair down, along with… anything else, to get comfortable.” Were it not for the playful expression in his eyes, his proposition would warrant throwing the remainder of your drink directly into his exquisite face.
But you know Logan. You’ve known him too long for the invitation to be anything but amicable, much to your dismay. You’re well aware of the caliber of women he’s taken to the bedroom, and while you consider yourself attractive enough for the circles you keep, there’s no way he would ever see you as more than just a family friend. Knowing that doesn’t keep you from stroking his ego and taunting him at every opportunity, though. “My hair’s already down,” you tease, grinning as you roll your eyes at him.
“You know what I mean,” he replies, brushing your tresses over one shoulder. His thumb lingers on the strip of silk there, slipping between the material to rest on your skin, before pulling away. “We’ve known each other for years now, you’d think there would’ve been one night of indecency.” Before you’re able to respond, he glances up, noticing one of the other guests. “To be continued,” he says, raising his brows to you. He’s already begun to walk away.
“As always,” you reply, raising your glass to him.
You catch his eye more than a few times as you both make the rounds, catching up with friends and being introduced to new acquaintances vying for a way into social circles and business ventures. He winks at you before throwing back a drink, appearing as if he’d take a bite out of the glass to get every last drop of liquid from it. You nod as you pass by him while he converses with another guest, your arm linked with a friend’s as you walk off to powder your noses. You even catch him looking at you from across the room like he wants to ask you something, but the moment disappears when he pulls his phone from his pocket to take a call.
The evening goes on much longer than you anticipated. Even with windows of interesting conversation to pass the time, you begin to grow weary of the company, drowning out a discussion around you while you stake a claim on one of the pristine white couches. Your legs are crossed in front of you, one foot dangling in the air, while the one closer to the floor looks like it’s about to snap away from the rest of your leg. You’re balancing the weight on a sliver of one side of the heels, and you gaze out at the outdoor pool, wishing you could sit by the edge and dip your feet in the cool, chlorinated water.
Scanning through the guests once more, you notice Logan at the bar. He’s in the middle of a conversation with two gentlemen, but he catches your eye, glancing over long enough to notice your legs again. He flicks his eyes upwards to the rooms, tilting his head at an angle in silent question. You scoff and shake your head, blinking slowly to dismiss his invitation, and give up your position on the couch to go to look for the bathroom. He simply smiles as you cross the room, before returning to the conversation at the bar.
You’re outside on one of the balconies, forearms resting on the brushed steel railing as you lean against metal and glass, absentmindedly staring out at the city. The cool night air feels refreshing against your skin, now warm and flushed from too much champagne and not enough food; there’s never enough food at these things, and you would sell your soul for a plate of loaded nachos or even a tiny slider. Behind you, there’s a click and a hiss from the plate glass door opening. Jovial music and conversation from inside filters through the temporary break, and you sigh to yourself in preparation of putting on your party face to make idle conversation.
“That is one hell of a view.” An all too familiar voice fills the air after the door hisses shut. Logan.
You respond without turning around to acknowledge him. “Your family sure knows how to pick a party venue, I’ll give you that.”
“We do, but that’s not the view I was talking about.”
Body warming at his suggestive tone, you turn around to see Logan’s eyes fixed on your backside, unashamed of his blatant ogling. There’s a glass tumbler in his hand, with barely a sip’s worth of what looks like whiskey in it. “There you go again, getting a girl’s hopes up,” you tease, fidgeting with your hair.
“You know you’re fucking gorgeous, especially in that dress tonight.” His voice travels as he walks over to a darker part of the balcony, swirling the remnants of his drink.
Emboldened by the alcohol still coursing through your system, you play along, walking slowly towards him. “Let me guess, next you’re going to tell me it would look even better in a pile next to your bed.” You roll your eyes at him, but your heart begins to race at the idea.
He grins warmly at you, a tendril of hair knocking loose when he tilts his head and shrugs. You want to reach forward and smooth it back in place, and run your fingers against the side of his scalp. His hair’s longer than it was before; he’s been away at the park for a longer visit this time around. His unnervingly dark eyes are practically black in the shadows, eyeing you like prey. Extending a hand towards you, he reaches for the strap on your shoulder again as if to adjust it, but instead he lifts it and lets it fall off the slope of your skin, staring at the unblemished swath of flesh before him. You feel the material fall until it rests in the crook of your elbow, thankful to be holding up a glass to keep the silk from falling away any further off your body. “A dress like this? I’d have the decency to hang it up first.” He tugs at the fabric again, pulling it up over your shoulder to return your modesty.
“Keep saying shit like that, and one of these days I might believe you.”
“Should I keep talking then?” He chuckles.
You exhale, shaking your head with disbelief. He takes another step away from where you can be seen, and you follow him. “I’m not drunk enough to take you seriously,” you scoff, looking just beyond his gaze.
Logan reaches forward again, fingers landing on the base of your glass, and he pushes it up towards your mouth. “Then by all means, take another sip,” he grins.
“Bullshit,” you utter through a nervous smile, though you don’t stop yourself from tipping the edge of the flute to your lips and tilting your head up, downing half the contents in one gulp.
“Fuck it,” he whispers.
You swallow, and effervescent bubbles tickle the length of your throat so much that it takes you a second to register feeling Logan’s lips at the juncture of your jawline and earlobe. The way his beard brushes against you as you pull the glass away from your lips makes you lose your grip, and the flute falls to the ground, shattering near your feet. You gasp with surprise, unsure if it’s from the shock of dropping the glass or from the fact that Logan fucking Delos just kissed you.
In one swift movement, Logan wraps his unencumbered hand around your waist to pivot you away from the broken glass. His drink-laden hand blindly stretches out to set the glass on the thin metal railing, and he kisses you properly this time, impossibly soft lips on your open mouth and both of his hands are on your waist. He tastes sweet, smokey and woody from the whiskey, setting your lips on fire as he kisses you. Your hands fly up to his shoulders, gripping at his suit jacket as he leads you both towards an exterior wall. The shock of the cool wall against your exposed back makes you gasp again, and you push Logan away. “What’re you doing?” Your head is swimming, blood pulsing from the alcohol and the rush of emotions as you search Logan’s eyes for an answer.
“Might be ending our friendship,” he laughs wryly. His eyes land on your lips, before looking up to meet your gaze. “Want me to stop?”
The look in his eyes is intense; two black pools stare into you, daring you to continue. You tug the lapels of his jacket, pulling him close as your pelvis tilts forward to meet his. “Finish what you start,” you whisper, Cheshire-grin giving away your desire. He kisses you again, grabbing hold of the back of your thighs as he lifts you. You spread your legs, wrapping them around his waist as he presses you up against the wall, the pair of you kissing each other like it’s your last night on earth. There’s an urgency in your actions; if there’s a moment of hesitation from either of you, the spell will break, so you ignore the burning in your lungs to kiss him again. When you feel how hard he is pressed up against you, you tilt your head back and let your eyes flutter closed. He takes it as an opportunity to swirl his tongue against your neck, and you think about feeling his tongue elsewhere on your body.
Your back presses against the wall even more, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist tighter, pinning you in place. As you utter curses of pleasure into the night air, your feet feel relief for the first time all night, weightless as you destroy any propriety that existed with Logan Delos.
You can feel the sun against your eyelids, and the soft sounds of someone typing away at a keyboard. Between the dull ache at the base of your skull and your throbbing temples, you smack your lips together a few times, grimacing at the dryness in your mouth. You turn your face into what you think is a pillow, but determine to be a fleece blanket due to its soft yet formless design. There’s a faint aroma of coffee in the air, and you hope your roommate left some in the carafe. “Dear god, don’t let me drink that much ever again,” you groan, voice strained and scratchy from dehydration. “I made a complete ass of myself in front of Logan.” A minute passes without your roommate’s usual prodding; all you hear is typing now and then. “How’d we get home?”
You’re met with more silence, but your level of irritation is nothing compared to the hangover headache growing with each passing minute of consciousness. You’re about to ask for Tylenol, when you hear the click and hiss of a glass door opening, followed by the sound of someone splashing in a pool. The apartment you share with your roommate has no access to a pool, let alone a back door made of glass. Opening your eyes feels like peeling apart pieces of tape, but with effort you blink slowly and allow your eyes to focus, trying to ignore the glare from the midday sun. You realize the fleece blanket you were resting on was your arm, nestled in the sleeve of a plush bathrobe. It was the kind of robe often seen hanging in the bathroom of high-end hotels.
“That was a side of you I haven’t seen before. Good morning, sunshine.” The voice is distinctively, impossibly Logan’s, with a new note of lightness to it that wasn’t present during last night’s party. “Care to see something interesting?”
You push yourself off the sofa slowly, adjusting the robe on you - apparently you fell asleep wearing it, and you have no idea where your dress or shoes are - and sit up. Logan’s dressed casually in black, seated at a desk a few feet away, with multiple monitors in front of him. One looks to be running code or tracking stock market activity, but he disconnects the laptop in the middle of the desk and carries it over to the couch, taking a seat next to you. There’s a video clip paused on the screen, and he waits to make sure you’re alert enough to watch, before letting it play.
The video shows a clip from the hotel’s CCTV cameras, pointed at the infinity pool. The only lights are coming from the pool walls, and the timestamp reflects it was the middle of the night, long after the party would’ve ended. There’s a naked male figure treading water matching Logan’s build, and then an undressed woman appears from the bottom edge of the frame, preparing to jump into the pool with him. You gasp, covering your mouth with one hand, making out a tattoo on her lower back - your tattoo - before cannonballing into the pool and making out with Logan just before dipping under the water’s surface.
Logan pauses the video, beaming an annoyingly adorable smug expression across his face as he resists the urge to tease you right away. Instead, he leans over, pecks your cheek, and eyes the glimpse of cleavage availed to him between the folds of your robe. “Lady’s choice - I could fuck your hangover away, or there’s coffee in the kitchen. What’ll it be?”
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softxsuki · 3 years
Bakugo being really cute and loving behind closed doors os?? 😩😩
Bakugou Being Cute and Loving Behind Closed Doors
Pairings: Bakugou x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Mild language (ig), and neck kissing at the end lol
Genre: Fluff, Hurt & Comfort
Post Type: One-Shot
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: In which Bakugou comforts his s/o who is overwhelmed from studying for an exam and just breaks down. 
[A/N: Yeah, this was a really cute request <3. You weren’t too specific with your request so I kind of went in my own direction in terms of the specifics of in what situation he’s cute and loving in. I hope what I chose was okay! I was just a puddle of squeals while writing this :’). I hope you all enjoy!]
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You had been sitting in your dorm room for the past couple hours trying to study for a major test that you had in class the next day. It had been a week with you locked up in your room studying your brains out, meaning a whole week of you not being able to spend time with your needy boyfriend, Bakugou. He would cook for you every night, making sure you at least ate, and he would give you space to concentrate; coming into your room to rub your shoulders once everyone else was asleep or preoccupied enough where they wouldn’t notice his absence. Your whole week of studying non-stop was beginning to affect you though. Your head was pounding, the room would spin occasionally from being overly stressed, and you just felt so down about being locked up in your dorm for a whole week without being able to see your friends and your boyfriend much. 
You felt yourself slowly doze off, your head slipping from your hands and almost hitting the desk every now and then, but a loud voice outside your room quickly woke you up. 
“Shut the hell up you damn extra!” you hear Bakugou yell. 
It had been a long night with no proper sleep in the past few weeks along with the huge weight on your shoulder to pass this exam, and you were just incredibly irritated. You rose from your desk for the first time that whole week and opened your bedroom door to confront the noise. 
“Bakugou, shut the hell up! Do you have to scream all the time? You know I’m busy and you think now is the right time to scream at everyone for no reason? Give it a rest!” you scream at him and slam your door closed. 
You returned to your spot at your desk and went back to studying. Well you tried at least. You kept replaying what you said to Bakugou a few moments ago. It had been extremely quiet outside your dorm now and you felt guilty for screaming at him like that. Having the rest of the class hear you as well just made you feel even worse. You stuffed your face in the palm of your hands and let all your pent up stress and frustration out. Giant tears made their way down your face and you tried to hold back your sobs. You wouldn’t be this stressed out had your parents not been so strict about high grades and being at the top of your class--you were tired of having to live up to those expectations.
You didn’t even hear your dorm door open, or hear the heavy steps of someone enter your room, as you continued to muffle your cries at your desk.
“Why’d you yell at me? Did I do something wrong?,” Bakugou says awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m sorry for being so loud earlier.” 
Hearing his gentle voice that only you had the honor of witnessing made your walls break even more and you gave up on muffling your cries. You let it all out-- sniffling, huffing and puffing, trying to catch your breath, you were full on sobbing now. Bakugou was at your side in an instant. 
“What happened Y/N? Who do I need to blast out of existence?”
“No. It’s not that,” you try to explain between sobs, “I’m sorry for yelling at you. I’m just so overwhelmed and stressed about this exam, I don’t know what to do anymore. I have no idea what I’m even reviewing right now. It just looks like a bunch of numbers to me at this point.”
“Hey hey. It’s alright,” he shushes you.
He kneels down next to you and grabs your face, gently wiping your tears with his fingers. You lean into his embrace, looking for that comfort that you’ve been craving the whole week you’d been studying. Bakugou says nothing, but suddenly gets to his feet and lifts you bridal style from your chair, heading towards your dorm door. You just wrap your arms around his neck and nuzzle your face into his neck so no one would notice your tear stained face. He exits your room and makes his way past everyone in the direction to his own dorm room.
“Are you okay Y/N?" Midoria asks you.
“Don’t talk to them, damn Deku,” Bakugou says with a glare in Midoriya's direction.
Kaminari had a smirk on his face and went to open his mouth to comment, but Bakugou beat him to it.
“If you say anything stupid about this, you’re dead,” he announces as he finally enters his dorm and slams the door closed behind him with his leg. 
He walks you over to his bed and gently lies you down on it. That comforting caramel scent instantly fills your lungs, helping you relax a little as his bed sheets hug your frame. Bakugou just stands over you, watching your every move. 
“A change of scenery was exactly what I needed. Thank you Suki,” you whisper.
“It’s fine. You need to stop overworking yourself like that. How many times have I told you to come to me whenever you need help?” he tells you, visibly upset that you didn’t think to let him in on your emotions and frustrations. 
“Yeah, but whenever someone in class comes to ask you for help, you yell at them and frankly, I didn’t feel like hearing any screaming.”
“Who said you fall in the same category with the others? You aren’t just another classmate babe. I’d never yell at you or deny your request for help Y/N--I thought I’d made that very clear,” he explains softly while reaching down to poke your nose. NFHEIAFNE PLEASE IM SQUEALING WHILE WRITING THIS
“Whatever,” you say while turning away to try and hide your burning cheeks.
He laughs a little at your reaction and walks over to the other side of his room and jumps right into bed next to you. He’s glued to your side in an instant, cuddling up close to you.
“Now, let me give you your long awaited cuddles that we both had to go without for the past few weeks,” he whispers into your neck.
“What if someone comes in?”
“I’ll kill them.”
You roll your eyes, but nudge closer to him. He wraps his arms around your waist and drags you even closer to him, with his face buried in the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath hit your neck and he leaves soft kisses to the exposed skin. I JUST KNOW BAKUGOU IS A NECK MAN PLS Every kiss seems to melt your stress away more and more. You sigh in content at the feeling, just wishing you could stay there in his arms forever. 
“Let’s just take a quick nap together and when we wake up, I’ll personally help you study, alright?” he suggests.
“Alright, I think that’s exactly what I need right now,” you cuddle even closer to him is that even possible at this point?, throwing your leg on top of his own, “Thanks babe.”
“Tch, you don’t need to thank me, idiot,” he grumbles while looking away to hide his pink cheeks.
You jokingly punch him in the stomach at his word choice.
“I mean, you’re welcome.”
You smile at that and once again wrap your arms around him, the both of you in each other’s embrace. Your breathing begins to sync with his own and you both take a well deserved break from the world in dreamland.
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Posted: 4/29/2021
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shoutogepi · 4 years
Worth the Wait
Todoroki Shouto
word count : 9.2k
[ ☁︎, ☀︎, ✘ (nsfw 18+) ] (v lowkey angst//fluff)
themes : virgin!Shouto, experienced!reader (well, more than Sho anyway lol), praise kink?, lil baby couples quarrel, make up sex, and also he’s kinda hung lmfao idk if that’s relevant 💀
bio : You can’t help but notice that every time things start to heat up with your Pro-Hero boyfriend, he shuts you down. After politely ignoring his initial rejections, your frustrations build up, and you decide to confront him.
author’s note : so this fic was inspired by a conversation with the lovely astrid ( @todoscript​ ), who is becoming my cherished shouto confidante! we didn’t talk about it for very long, and it was awhile ago... but my brain would not move on so… this happened. i figured if i’m going to type so much about him i may as well write a fic. thanks for listening to my constant yelling, hope you enjoiii <3
side note : both shouto and reader are meant to be young adults in this fic!! i was thinking somewhere around 25-30 (i didn’t specify the age in the fic) but i thought i would make note of this as that’s considered “old” to still have your v-card, by American society at least (hence why sho kept that info from reader)
  ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
🅃he first time it happened, you tried to play it off as if you hadn’t made a move.
The last few of your friends had finally departed from the Saturday game night you had thrown, leaving just you, Shouto, and the slow, hot tango of your tongues. You hadn’t seen each other all week— with him being busy with his hero work, and you being busy with your comparatively-mundane job, you didn’t get to spend as much time together as you would have liked. Although it was an obstacle for your relationship, you were both young adults as well as devoted professionals, which allowed the two of you to remain on the same page most of the time. It was typical for you to text and call one another for a few hours after work (granted you both had the time to spare) before passing out mid-conversation, your phone screen still lit up and gentle snores exchanged through the speakers. But like any sane girlfriend, having him in person, right in front of you, was always your favorite.
What had started as a peck had quickly evolved into a full on make-out session— Shouto had pulled you halfway onto his lap when you tried to move back from your initially-stealthy kiss, an appreciative hum rumbling through him as his large hands cupped around your face. You didn’t fight him as he brought your lips back to his, and you failed to stop him when those very same hands began to glide down your back, parking just above your ass. His fingers had gradually started to fiddle with the tops of your jeans, thumb running over the denim and dipping down to graze against your skin through your thin blouse.
Yet when your hands slipped underneath the bottom of his shirt, he pulled back from you, heterochromatic eyes guarded as he removed your hands. You had immediately picked up on his reluctance, and threw yourself off of him onto the other side of the couch, embarrassment scorching the back of your neck. Shouto left not long after that, for you had made up some lousy excuse that you were tired and would like to go to sleep, when sleep was really the opposite of your innermost desires.
This would have been all fine and good— because consent was consent after all, and you had no intentions of pushing him to do something he was uncomfortable with— had the same thing not happened just two weeks later. There you were thinking it would be a cute, coupley evening of watching movies and tossing popcorn at each other, resting your head against his shoulder and being content with just that— when then all of the sudden he was pinning you onto the sheets and kissing you til you couldn’t breathe. His hands, once again, wandered all over your clothed torso, palms mapping out each dip and curve as his tongue entertained yours in your mouth.
You were hesitant to kiss him at first, recalling how you had horrifically killed the mood last time, but as his advances became more passionate, you slowly allowed your defenses to slip back, excitement building inside of you. It was only when your legs tightened around his waist, your core brushing up along his thigh and causing you to let out the softest moan did he pull back. That same calm, cool expression was on his face, though his eyes were a bit wider than usual. There was also the tiniest hint of pink dusting his pale cheeks, his lips parted as he gathered himself. It was rather awkward after that— neither of you really knew what to say— so you crawled back to your spot and sat in silence for the rest of the movie, your hands eventually wandering out to hold onto each other. After sharing a soft kiss and exchanging “goodnight”s, you returned to your place, ready for an extra long appointment with your vibrator.
Unfortunately for you, this became a common occurrence. It wasn’t that you hated the steamy make-out sessions with your as-hot-as-they-come boyfriend, no— you thoroughly enjoyed them. The part that you absolutely loathed was returning to your place with your panties soaked all the way through, your sexual frustration meter only climbing higher and higher.
You loved your boyfriend! And of course you respected his wishes. You would wait for however long he wanted, because you wanted your first time together to be special. But fuck, did he have to heat you up just to leave you hanging every time? If he wanted to wait, then fine! But, God, what had you done to deserve this torture? You couldn’t get past first base— you’d never even rubbed your body erotically against his except for that time on his bed, and that was by accident!
And that was what you told the ladies during your Thursday night all-girl conference call, finally needing to vent and get this selfish feeling off your chest. It had been a long time coming, quietly brewing over the many instances of him stunting your advances that you came to a realization.
Enough was enough! You were going to ask him why he wouldn’t go any further with you, and whatever his answer may be, at least you would know what he was thinking! You felt like a weight had been lifted off of you, the girls cheering you on and wishing you luck as you said goodbye, ready to confront him.
— - — - — - — - —
Now that you’re standing here in front of his door, it seems like a foolish plan you’ve made. Your heart is beating out of your chest, thumping frantically against your ribcage as your fist is frozen in the air, knuckle about to connect with the door. Your stomach feels tight and low, throat dry with apprehension as your brain runs through every possible outcome. What would he say once you ask him your question?
Perhaps your breath stinks and it turns him off? Or maybe he doesn’t like the perfume you wear— or is it the way you dress that he doesn’t like? What if the reason he always stops you… is because he’s not sexually attracted to you?
Now that you think about it, you’ve never seen him pop a boner during your tongue wrestling matches, and the realization nearly causes your soul to leave your body. Even though the thought horrifies you, you try your best to reassure yourself that’s not the case. You had caught Shouto checking you out on multiple occasions, his eyes igniting a delicious heat on your skin. Whatever the case, you’re in this too deep to chicken out now. So with that, you let your knuckles rap on the door, steeling your nerves.
There’s a moment of quiet shuffling before your boyfriend opens the door, a pleasantly surprised smile on his face. His hair is wet and freshly washed, shining droplets collecting at the ends and making him appear even more handsome than usual. The gray tee thrown over his broad shoulders has damp spots from the runoff, and you take a second to admire the way his chest looks in the clingy material. “Hey, love,” he says, his voice alone causing goosebumps to rise along your forearms.
You allow him to guide you into his apartment, the door clicking shut behind him quietly. “Hi Sho,” you greet back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and leaning up to kiss him.
Shouto chuckles against your eager lips, long arms gathering you into his chest. When he pulls away, he tucks your head underneath his chin, placing another kiss on your crown. “I missed you.”
Your heart throbs, happiness surging through you and butterflies bursting into your stomach. “I missed you more,” you reply playfully, burying your face between his broad pecs and inhaling his warm, wintery scent. The smell of fresh detergent lingers on the fabric, mixing with his clean aroma and making your tummy flip in circles.
“Impossible,” Shouto quips back, holding your waist tight as he dips you backwards just enough for your feet to leave the ground before he presses his lips to yours again, rendering you breathless. He pulls you back upright after a moment, a cheeky smirk on his face as you try to remember what you were talking about before. “Come in, sit down. I was just finishing up some work, I’ll get you something to drink.”
Following his instruction, you move further into his apartment, gravitating toward the couch and inspecting the files laid out on the coffee table before you. The words blur together for you, the foreign hero work forms long and in what might as well be another language. You lean back onto the cushions as Shouto returns, a glass of water in his hand. Frost forms on the glass as he hands it to you, taking a seat beside you with his knee brushing against yours. You smile at his consideration, taking a small sip even though you’re not really thirsty.
“Was there something you came over here for specifically, love? Forgive me if I’ve forgotten, but I don’t believe we had plans?” He’s looking directly at you, eyes locked with yours as his hand comes to land on the top of your knee. Even just an innocent movement like that has you on alert, your breath catching in your throat as he gives a gentle squeeze.
“Uh… no reason,” you answer lamely, crumbling under the pressure of his watchful eyes. “Just wanted to see you.”
Shouto’s gaze lingers on you carefully, and for a second you feel like you’ve been caught in a trap. But he lets it go, his lips forming a soft smile as he lays his arm around your shoulders. “Well, I’m glad to see you too,” he replies honestly. His fingers caress your arm as his hand falls down to your waist, and he leans in to press another kiss to your cheek. You lean into his affection, mouth curving in content. “So, what would you like to do?” Shouto asks as he shuffles the files away into their manilla envelopes, creating a neat pile in the far corner of the table. He leans back into the cushions, fingers fondly stroking at your side. “We could go out to eat? We could try this new bar afterwards, too, it’s across from my agency. If you’re alright to go out.”
You can’t focus on his words, really— you’re too lost in your own thoughts. Why does he have to touch you like this every time, when if you act on it, he’ll only push you away? You’ve been together for a long while now, and still, he doesn’t take initiative to further your relationship. Every bone you’ve thrown his way has been perfectly deflected, with no sign of weariness from him. If he doesn’t want you, is it because he’s not into you anymore?
An ugly thought rears its head in the midst of your anxiety’s dark clouds.
Maybe he never was.
Taking your silence as an answer, Shouto continues on, looking towards the kitchen over his shoulder. “Or we could buy groceries and make dinner. I think I have bok choy in the fridge, but we’ll have to buy some meat. And noodles, if you want those instead of rice. I’m sure I have that sesame sauce you like, I—” He pauses as you grab his hand, your fingers looping tight around his warm palm, sliding them to rest on your thigh.
With the summer just fading into fall, you were wearing something to showcase the smooth expanse of your thighs, and as you guide his hand to touch your soft skin, a delicate blush blooms across Shouto’s cheeks. The flustered expression on his face only goads you on, and you lean in to capture his lips.
A muffled noise escapes him, your hand coming up to touch his jaw and rub your thumb against his chin. It only takes him a moment to recalibrate before his free hand rises and copies your actions, gliding down the back of your neck before pulling your face closer to his.
You run your tongue against the seam of his mouth, and he swiftly grants you access as his lips move to follow yours. He tastes like mint and sweet herbs, the tea he was entertaining before you came lingering on his tongue. His hand slips out of yours to curl around your waist, grabbing onto your hip and squeezing. As your kisses start getting heavier and slower, your once-occupied hand moves to land on his chest, your thumb pushing into the tender muscle located there. His flesh jumps beneath your touch, but he allows you to continue groping at him through his shirt, his own hands beginning to knead at you. Before you know it, your knee swings over his thighs and you’re hovering on top of his lap, not sitting down on him just yet as you realize the position you’ve put yourself in.
You can notice the change— you’ve faced this exact scenario many times before. Shouto’s hands freeze up, locking into their current position, and he only returns your passionate kisses, not allowing his body much more movement than that. You try to just keep kissing him, but all the doubts and fears quickly pile up inside of you, and you pull away from him. You can’t even look at him. You’re too scared to speak, and too reluctant to get off of him, only leaning back to create a divide between his face and yours. Trying to hide your face before he can see your defeated expression, you dive into his chest, arms folding tight around his neck.
Shouto’s still frozen in place, but he seems to sense your distress. His arms slowly circle around your waist, fingers moving to trace up and down your spine. He softly exhales against your hair, letting out the breath he was holding in ever since you swung onto his lap. “Y/N? Are you alright?” he asks quietly after a brief pause, his voice soft and low, soothing to your wary ears. “You haven’t been acting like yourself today…”
After a long pause, you sigh, trying your best not to get emotional. “It’s just…” I’m so fucking attracted to you but you won’t let me touch you, you want to say, but you’re too terrified to say it aloud. What can you even say to him that would be better than that?
Shouto’s arms around you squeeze gently, indicating his patience in awaiting your answer. “It’s okay,” he murmurs, his lips grazing over your ear and placing a discreet kiss there. “Whatever it is, we can face it together.”
You let out a soft sniffle and Shouto pulls you tighter into his chest, his heart cracking at your sound of sadness. But his words bring a surprising amount of comfort to you, and you clear your throat before you lean back again, looking into his two-toned irises. His gaze is sympathetic, his eyes holding a visible amount of affection and support. “Well, I…”
He nods slightly, leaning forward to show his encouragement. “Go ahead, love…”
“Are… Are you attracted to me?”
It comes out more high-pitched than you would’ve liked, but at least it’s out— and he definitely heard you, judging from the wide-eyed shock painted across his face.
“Am I— What?” He stutters, his head tilting automatically in confusion. “I— of course I’m attracted to you, I’m… you’re my girlfriend.” Shouto looks at you incredulously, his arms falling to his side so that only his hands remain on your hips. “You’re the most attractive person I know, love. You’re gorgeous, inside and out,” he elaborates. “The whole package.”
His compliments butter you up, a small smile forming on your lips as you shyly look to your hands folded in your lap. “Not the whole package…” you mumble, squirming slightly as his hands come to hold either side of your face.
“Yes, the whole package,” he insists, nuzzling your nose against his. “Beautiful,” he declares as he kisses your cheek.
“Kind.” A smooch to the other cheek.
Your heart beats excitedly in your chest, thumping loudly against your ribs with each compliment.
“Courageous.” A kiss to the chin.
“Witty.” A peck to the forehead.
“Sexy?” you blurt it out just as he swoops in to press his lips to yours.
Shouto falters, pulling back just a hair as he looks at you in shock. “S-Sexy?” He doesn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but by the way his cheeks and ears are tinged a bright pink, it’s clear your suggestion was a bit too much for him.
The way he stutters out the adjective in confusion has your heart tearing in two. “Y-You don’t…?”
You’re staring directly at him, his wide eyes locked with yours and his body frozen to the couch. His lips are slightly parted, but no words come out of him.
This is not how you want this conversation to go— you aren’t prepared for it to go like this. The tears you had successfully fought off before come back with vengeance.
Only once Shouto sees you hang your head in embarrassment, your eyes getting glassier by the second, he springs into action. “Hey, no, that’s not…” he starts to speak, sounding more worried by the second. His hand goes to cup your face, the warmth of his quirk evident in his touch as his finger dries over a fresh track of tears on your cheek. “I… of course I think you’re sexy, love. I’m sorry, you just caught me by surprise… You don’t think I know how sexy you are?”
You can only reply with a lame shrug, unwilling to let his eyes meet yours as you hide your face behind your curtain of hair. You try to slide off his lap, ready to retreat to the bathroom and wipe away your pathetic tears, but Shouto doesn’t let you move away from him, his arms locking tight around your waist and forcing you to lean against his chest.
“Talk to me, baby,” he pleads, nuzzling into the side of your face. His voice is more gentle than you’ve ever heard before, and you hate to admit your stomach is doing cartwheels at how sweet he’s being. “I love you no matter what, and I hate to see you so upset. I’m not good at figuring these things out on my own, just tell me what’s wrong, love. Please?”
He gives you a few moments to gather yourself, his fingers massaging your stiff muscles as you cling onto him. Once you’re confident enough to speak, your words come out barely loud enough for him to hear. “It’s just that… whenever I think we’re about to take it to the next level, you pull away. I want to respect your boundaries, Sho, but I can’t help but feel like it’s because you don’t… want me.” The hands on your body still at that, your boyfriend taking in a sharp breath as you pause, then decide to continue. “I’m just… so attracted to you, Shouto… I want to be mindful of your limits, but I can’t help but want to touch you all the time. I’m— I’m sorry if that sounds indecent.”
Shouto murmurs your name lowly against your ear, his large palm once again rubbing over your spine in an effort to comfort you as he tries to piece together the correct words. “This is…  a terrible miscommunication, and it’s all my fault...” he sighs, his voice dropping lower and becoming quieter, his insecurities leaking into his voice. “I’m so sorry to have made you feel like this… I promise that’s not the case.”
His words are enough to numb your worries, and you lean back so you’re able to look him in the eye as you wait for him to continue. He takes a deep breath before he sighs again, knowing he has to tell you the truth now, but worrying that he’s about to ruin everything the two of you have built over these past months.
“The reason that I push you away every time is… well, I—” he gulps nervously, and it’s your turn to look at him with encouragement. You take one of his hands in yours, rubbing your thumb over his knuckles as he tries to find the best way to explain his reasoning. “It’s not because you’re unattractive, it’s— I mean, if anything, you’re too… too attractive, and I get…” he trails off, his cheeks now a bright shade of pink that you’ve never really seen before. It’s the first time you’ve seen the usually collected man so flustered, and a part of you feels guilty for causing him such discomfort. Just as you’re about to cut in and tell him he doesn’t have to continue, he does. “I… I’ve never been with anyone… like that before.”
You blink at him in confusion.
Shouto just seems to get even pinker, and he quickly starts explaining himself as he takes in your dazed expression. “I know you probably thought I had all this experience because I’ve been a top Hero for some time now, but I just— I never met anyone before that cared about me like this and I just never wanted to do— well, to do that with a stranger.”
“You’re… a virgin?”
Shouto’s red at this point, his hot side nearly catching fire as he buries his face behind his hand, too embarrassed to face you at this point. “Yes, I’m sorry to disappoint you, love. I just… I’ve never felt like this about anyone before and I— I wanted to impress you so badly, Y/N. I… I should’ve told you this from the start, I’m so sorry to have caused you such doubt.”
His voice is just above a whisper now, his fingers clutching onto the fabric of your shirt as if he’s afraid you’ll get off his lap and walk straight out the front door at his confession. “Shouto…” You can’t stop the smile that begins to curl the corners of your mouth. This is the reason he wouldn’t go any further with you? Not because he didn’t find you attractive? Your heart feels heavy thumping against your ribcage, giddiness flooding your bloodstream.
Your boyfriend gapes at your smile, brows furrowed in confusion. “Wait, you’re not… disappointed?” At the instant shake of your head, his discomfort eases significantly. “R-Really? But everyone thinks I’m, well… kind of a womanizer I guess, I thought you’d at least expect—”
You click your tongue at him, shaking your head as you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. “When have I ever given a shit about others’ expectations of you, Shouto? I love you for you, Sho… you make me so happy just as you are.”
Shouto melts at your words, a sigh of relief escaping his lungs as he crushes you to his chest. Your sweet scent fills his nose as he kisses the top of your head, and you bask in his touch as you hug him back. “You’re right, love, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner… I hate that you felt unwanted because of me. I promise, you’re the only one I’ve ever felt this way about, I— I’m so attracted to you as well. I love you so much.”
Your lips meet his in a passionate kiss, all the hurt and doubts that built over the last few months dissolving into the shadows. Only the light, warm feeling of your love is left behind, glowing brighter than ever before.
Shouto’s fingers crawl up the back of your neck, bringing your face closer to his as he deepens the kiss, his tongue sweeping across your lips before you allow him entrance. Your fingers push into his silky hair, nails gently scratching at his scalp and he groans at the action, letting your tongue take control and invade his mouth instead. Your breaths starting to become ragged, you both pull away for a moment to breathe. As you look into each others’ eyes, you both begin to laugh softly, the pair of you equally content with how your heart-to-heart had gone.
“So, you do think I’m sexy, then?” You smirk, pleased with this new knowledge.
Shouto chuckles, nudging your face to the side so he can place a trail of kisses down the column of your throat. “Is that all you got from that?” He teases, nipping at your skin playfully.
You close your eyes, enjoying how his love bites feel on your quickly-heating flesh. “One of a few things…” Your breathing becomes deeper as his lips begin to gently suck on the faded marks he’d just made. “Mmm, Sho~”
He hums as your arms wrap tight around his shoulders, tongue caressing the skin he’s sucked into his mouth. Your thighs twitch on either side of his lap when he pulls away, cold breath cooling the wet, darkened patch of skin on your throat. He swears under his breath as his hands trail down your waist to your hips, thumbs resting on the top of your bottoms.
“Would you, um… want to try something new, then?” You offer, sitting back to look him in the eye, ready to catch any amount of uncertainty in his two-toned gaze. But you find none, for he captures your lips again and nibbles on your bottom lip, another hum or approval vibrating against your mouth.
From there he hands the reins to you, opting to lean back into the cushions of the sofa as your tongue guides his in a slow embrace. Your palms both land on his chest, fingertips starting to massage the thick muscles underneath his t-shirt. Shouto sighs as your hands slide down his torso, and just as they dip underneath he sits up slightly, tearing the flimsy material over his head in one quick sweep. With the fabric out of your way, you try to keep yourself calm, your eyes now feasting on his broad, sculpted chest and abs. Saliva begins to pool in your mouth at the wonderful sight, your tongue poking out to wet your lips as you scan over his physique again and again.
Just as he’s about to make fun of your lustful stare, you move in to place a few light kisses to his jaw and neck, the action making him tense up and flex his gorgeous torso for you. Careful not to leave any marks on his throat, you make your way down his chest, taking a moment to leave a ring of wet smooches around his nipple. The muscles jump again for you, his body sensitive to your foreign touch as you slowly take the bud into your mouth, sucking just enough for him to squirm.
“That kind of… ahh, tickles,” Shouto mumbles as your tongue traces over his skin, his bottom lip between his teeth as you move to the other side of his chest and repeat the action. He sighs as you pull away, welcoming the kiss you place on his lips afterwards. His abs become rigid underneath the slow trail of your fingernails that move south, his eyes opening mid-way through the kiss as your hand grows closer and closer to his pelvis.
Just as he’s about to pull away, you move back from his mouth, your shirt flying over your head and onto the floor behind you. Shouto can barely breathe as he looks at your bare skin, the smooth expanse of your shoulders to your hips on display for him, save for the bra covering your chest. He’s fixated on the tops of your breasts, the round, smooth flesh mesmerizing him completely. Sure, he’s seen your cleavage before, but in comparison to this, that’s nothing.
“W-Wow…” he falters, struggling to tear his gaze off of them. There’s a little bow in the middle of the cloth contraption, and he can’t help but compare the sight before him to a present. Oh, how he wants to unwrap it…
You giggle at his awe-struck expression, your self-esteem soaring higher than it has in months. Just as you’re about to instruct him, he moves a hand to cup one side of your bra, his thumb running over your skin. A whimper escapes you when he squeezes you, his face moving closer so that the tip of his nose runs across your collarbone, his lips ghosting kisses across your chest. You wonder if he can feel your heart racing beneath his lips as they trace the cusp of your bra— how it races when he presses his face between your tits, inhaling the warm, clean smell of you that lingers there. “M-Mphhh, Sho…” you sigh as he sucks a hickey into your skin, his mouth pulling your flesh out from under the fabric cup.
Your hands fumble as they move behind your back to undo the clasp, but Shouto doesn’t have time for that, it seems. Instead, he opts to push the straps from your shoulders, tugging the bottom of the material down your ribs and completely exposing your chest to him without ever moving his mouth from your skin. You still manage to unclasp the confining material, letting it fall to the ground without a care. When he does finally let go of you, he moves back to examine your naked chest, his lower lip disappearing between his straight, white teeth. His eyes are half-lidded, and he dives straight back into your chest, circling around your areola with swift kisses and teasing licks, repeating the same process you had done to him. His warm mouth enveloping your nipple makes you let out a stifled cry, your hips jerking against his lap on their own accord.
Shouto moans at the movement, his hand gently squeezing your other breast as he sucks on the pert bud in his mouth, tongue swirling around it with ease. You reposition so your legs are on either side of one of his, placing your clothed core against the rough material of his jeans and beginning to move your hips in slow, wide movements. It only urges Shouto on, for he switches his attention to the other side of his chest and repeats the same ministrations there, one hand coming to cup your ass and move in tune with your slow gyrations.
At this point you can feel yourself leaking onto your panties, your excitement only multiplying as he allows you to grind against him. You’d never imagined he’d be so eager to touch you, after so much time of him rejecting your advances. But you couldn’t care about that now, with your pussy brushing all over his muscular thigh and his mouth attacking your bare chest. The thrill only increases further when you readjust your hips, moving closer to him and feeling the hardness of his erect cock tucked into the front of his pants. You can feel your cunt twitching around nothing, drooling even more for him as you rub yourself against his front, your head falling back as you start to pant.
Shouto whines at the friction, his face falling into the corner of your neck as he tries to gather himself. Was this what he had been missing out on all this time? He sighs as he wonders what you look like completely naked— how you would look with your legs spread for him, wrapped around his skull, or better yet— his waist. The knowledge that you want him is too tempting— he can’t get enough of you, can’t stop himself from shoving his thumbs under the hem of your bottoms. And then you’re standing, letting your clothing hit the floor and leaving yourself exposed for his eyes, save for your panties which have another little bow at the front. His eyes travel up and down your legs— a part of you that has always attracted him, perhaps a bit too much. They look delicious presented like this before him, bare and inviting all along your calves and thighs, then leading to the panties that barely cover your hips. His cock twitches in his jeans as he inspects the marks he’d just made all across your chest, a possessive conscience inside of him murmuring its satisfaction.
“Is this okay?” You ask as you sink to your knees in front of the couch, looking up at him with cautious, yet lust-ridden eyes. The recognition of your desire makes his own appetite spike, and he nods his affirmation to you.
You smirk up at him, moving closer to him and sliding between his legs. He holds his breath as you start to kiss up his thigh, starting from the inside of his knee and moving your way toward your destination. Your hand reaches up to soothe down his chest, your other hand cupping the underside of his thigh and moving in sync with your mouth. Your fingers finally meet the button on his jeans, and he lets out the breath he was holding as you undo the metal zipper. He helps you peel the denim off his thighs, leaving the material bunched at his knees as you inspect his hard member through his tight, black boxer-briefs. You take a moment to thank whatever God there is for blessing you with such a nice cock; you can tell even through his underwear that he’s long, and thick.
The very tip pokes out of the band at the top, him having tucked it up at some point when the pair of you were initially making out. What you can see is dark pink and glazed with a pearlescent sheen of pre-cum, the material at the top of his briefs slightly damp. The legs on either side of you keep tensing and fidgeting, and as you reach a hand for his shaft his hips shift backwards, away from your touch.
“Hey,” you murmur softly, stroking his thigh as you look up at him. His expression is guarded, but you can see the uncertainty that shines through his gaze, the mask that successfully keeps others out futile to you. “Are you sure you want to continue? It’s okay if we stop here, baby.” You push yourself to sit taller using the tops of his knees, placing a long kiss to his cheek and giving him a nuzzle of understanding.
Shouto frowns, leaning into you and taking a deep breath. “No, I want to… I just, I guess I’m a little nervous? I’m not quite sure what to do…” he explains, unsure of himself.
“You don’t have to do anything,” you reply, kissing his cheek again as you continue. “Just sit back and relax, baby. I promise I’m gonna take care of you, gonna make you feel so good. Let me know if you want to stop at any time, alright?”
He smiles at your understanding, nodding and verbalizing an “Alright” before you capture his lips with yours. You kiss him with all the passion you can muster, and it distracts him enough to relax into the couch cushions, your hand coming up to cup his sharp jawline. Your tongues are busy tangling together when your hand lands on his abs, which jump under your touch but eventually they, too, relax after a few minutes.
When your fingers wrap around his cock through his briefs, he tenses underneath you again, his hips pushing toward you as your hand starts to move up and down. Shouto makes a muffled noise as your hand finds a steady, torturously slow rhythm, your hand squeezing around his thick shaft through the dark, cotton material. His hand comes up to the back of your neck to deepen the kiss, fingers curling into the hair at the nape of your neck and pulling slightly. You move your hand in accordance with the muffled sounds that escape him through your kiss, his hushed moans adding fuel to the inferno in your stomach.
After a few minutes of your slow, over-the-briefs handjob, you move back from his searing kiss, a string of saliva extending between your mouths. Your eyes lock with his, intensity sizzling as you both move the briefs off his legs, his cock springing upright in the bottom field of your vision. His length jumps when your fingers brush against the tip, gathering the silvery slickness of his pre-cum and using it to coast your fist down around his shaft, squeezing just enough to create a pleasant tightness around him.
Shouto swears as you start to jerk your fist around his thickness, your smaller hand creating a different sensation and much more appealing visual than the sight of his own fingers wrapped around himself. He moans when your hand glides over the head of his cock, his grip tightening on your hair as his eyelids flutter closed. You kiss his cheek again, catching his attention as he turns to you and allows your tongue to enter his mouth. You take all the whimpers pouring from his lips and greedily swallow them, your lips dancing with his in tune with your strokes.
Slowly you move away from his face, his lips following yours until you gently push him back to rest against the back of the sofa again. He allows you to move him backwards, heaving for air as your hot and heavy kisses leave him breathless. Once you lower your face to his lap, he tenses up, although his hips shuffle forward eagerly. You make sure to lock eyes with him as you move your mouth towards the flushed head of his cock, and you keep his gaze steady as your lips wrap around the very tip of him.
“S-Shit Y/N,” he gasps, watching as his member gradually disappears into your mouth. You glide your lips down his thick length slowly, trying not to overwhelm him as you start to suck on the tip, your hand beginning to jerk his shaft at the same time. When your lips move down, so does your hand, and as Shouto becomes accustomed to the wet, tight heat of your mouth, you slowly take more and more of him into your mouth, until the head of his cock brushes the back of your throat. Shouto throws his head back onto the top of the cushions, a hand pushing his hair off his forehead and backwards as he loudly voices his pleasure in a cacophony of moans.
The noises that slither out of the man underneath you are delicious, and you can’t seem to get enough as your pace begins to pick up. Your hand is still wrapped around the base of his length, his cock too big to fit all the way in your throat, but that doesn’t stop you from trying to take him anyways. Pulling back just long enough to take in a breath of fresh air, you smile at his wrecked expression above you, tongue tracing over your lips. “Mmm, does that feel good, baby? Do you like when I suck your cock like this?”
“Ahhaaaa, fuck— y-yeah, like that, baby… yesyesyes you feel so good,” Shouto blabbers nearly incoherently as your throat glides around his aching member. Given his stuttered response, you happily service him, content to finally have him at your disposal. His length is too impressive to comfortably fit in your mouth, your jaw stretching to accommodate him as you swallow around him, successfully stealing a broken gasp from him in response. You close your eyes and allow yourself to focus on keeping a steady rhythm for both your mouth and hand to follow. His moans just keep getting louder, a breathless array of oh, fuck, shit, yeah, ahh, and yeses with every bob of your head.
As you’re diligently sucking him off, Shouto is barely keeping it together underneath you. His cock is twitching and leaking pre-cum down your throat, his balls heavy with the need to release. He watches your lips move up and down his length, your hand following suit at the very base. His mind wanders as he wonders where you want him to finish; inside your mouth, on your tits, on your face? He groans as he pictures all three, imagining you covered in his sticky seed, wherever it may end up, has him feeling close much too quick. But he can’t stop himself, and he can’t bring himself to stop you, either— you feel so fucking good on his cock. You’re better than he ever could imagine, and it’s just your mouth that’s wrapped around him— he can’t even imagine how between your legs will feel. He barely manages to mumble your name in warning as he feels his climax coming, too charged for him to do anything to stop it.
Luckily you already know he’s about to finish, for his muscles tighten up and strain as ample warning for his imminent release. You move your lips down his cock, taking in as much as you can before he’s calling out your name and shooting a thick, heavy load down your throat. You choke on his release, not much room in your mouth to begin with, with how long and thick he is already. He’s still gushing cum as you pull off of him, a few ropes of white spraying across your lips and chin while his body shakes in ecstasy.
You sit back and wipe his release off your face with your wet hand, licking the excess off your skin as you watch Shouto’s soul return to his body. He’s struggling to catch his breath, eyes barely open as he looks down at you sitting between his legs. Despite the heaviness in his limbs, he still gathers your arms in his hands, pulling you up onto the sofa to hover over his lap. He sighs as he nuzzles his face into your neck, your soft skin helping to draw him back from the euphoric heaven you had just sent him to. His arms wrapping around you loosely, he starts to kiss your neck, his long eyelashes tickling your jaw as he showers your skin in affection. His attention makes butterflies flap around inside your stomach, and that scorching heat ignites again as his fingers slide down your waist to the band of your panties.
You try to draw back to look at him, but Shouto’s grip on you is too secure, and he won’t let you pull away from him as he just nuzzles deeper into your neck. You can’t help but gasp when his fingers dive underneath the sides of your panties— his palms gliding against your bare hips and digits splaying across your ass. “S-Sho,” you whine as he cups your ass cheeks, pulling your hips to slot above his, his cock already erect again. You whimper when he guides you closer to him, the very tip of his cock catching at just the right angle to brush against the wet patch on your underwear. Hell, the whole underside of your panties is soaked with your arousal, your pussy probably more saturated than ever before. You’re so turned on, you can’t think straight as your hips begin to weakly shift back and forth, rubbing his cockhead along your clothed slit.
Shouto sighs as his hand recedes from your panties, instead moving to rub your dripping slit through the drenched material. You moan at the feeling of his hand through the fabric, your slick in such quantity that when he pulls his hand away, a thick string of your arousal trails after his fingers. He groans at the sight, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together to test the viscosity. He makes a mental note that this must be what’s meant when one has a “wap”, or “wet ass pussy”, as he recalls from a certain song. His heart is racing in his chest, the discovery of your cunt so ready for him only making his cock strain harder against your sopping panties.
“So wet…” Shouto mumbles as he touches you again, cupping your core through your underwear and rubbing his palm against your clit. He watches intently as your face contorts in pleasure, and he rolls his palm against your front again experimentally, making a mental note of your increased sensitivity there.
Before he moves any further though, he presses his lips to yours in an intense kiss, successfully distracting you as he slides your underwear to the side. He can feel your pussy twitch and contract against his hand when he lines the tips of two fingers up with the hole that your slick is pouring out of. And he can definitely feel you spasm around him as he slides the digits inside with ease, remembering to curl the tips of them just as the countless guides and videos he had watched in preparation for such activities suggested.
“Y-Yes, ahh my God, Sho—” you gasp at the intrusion, your walls fluttering around the fingers.
His long digits slowly move in and out of you, the tips curling into your spongy walls as they sheath inside you completely. You moan at the sensation of his fingers inside of you, moving a hand to your front to rub your clit. It’s not long before you’re humping his hand, your arousal leaking onto his palm as you seat your hips back and forth on his fingers. Your mouth is hanging open, intense pleasure emanating from his fingertips rubbing that gummy spot located just deep enough for your fingers to be too short to reach. You can feel your orgasm building with each roll of the hips, a slow and steady escalation toward certain ecstasy.
Shouto moans along with you, watching the look of bliss on your face each time you sit back onto his fingers, and committing it to memory. You look absolutely captivating getting off on his hand, but the urge to feel you wrapped around his cock is too strong to ignore. He pulls his hand out of your cunt, watching as the syrupy slick trails after his fingers before severing, the warm, slimy wetness returning to your spread pussy. The sight is too enticing to just look at— he grabs his cock and jerks himself a few times, watching your slick spread across his length. It feels unlike any other lubricant he’s used— spit, lotion, shampoo all nothing in comparison to the sweet nectar your body produces just for him— simply divine. 
If he thinks that’s divine, pressing his cock into you is as if the gates of heaven have been exploded open with dynamite, drowning him in a pool of ethereal ambrosia that he never wants to escape. Your walls stretch around his girth and hug him like never before; it’s wetter, tighter, and hotter than anything he’s ever imagined, and if he hadn’t already cum from your mouth just minutes before, he’s sure he would’ve cum right here and now.
You’re just about there, only a third of his cock managing to push into you before your walls start to clamp, that tension in your abdomen intensifying at an alarming rate. You throw your head back and moan unabashedly as his cock glides into you entirely in one movement, your cunt wringing snug around him as you cum. You’d be ashamed if it were with anyone else, but Shouto’s so thick and long that you just let yourself ride out your orgasm, your cunt pulsing and squeezing him tight. It feels like a religious experience cumming on his cock— he’s by far the biggest you’ve ever taken, and it’s been so long since you’ve had sex in the first place that you’re too turned on to care. A fresh wave of slick begins to leak from deep inside you, the aftermath of your abrupt orgasm coming in handy as you finally come-to enough to move your hips.
Shouto’s holding onto you for dear life at this point, knuckles white as his fingers dig bruises into your hips. He’s never been squeezed so tight before— never felt anything like your pussy, like you cumming on his cock. And even though he’s overwhelmed with the mesmerizing feeling, he still manages to keep his cool somehow, now evening his breath as he begins to thrust up into you. He decides he loves your moans— every noise you make from being impaled by his huge cock is music to his ears, a symphony he never wants to end.
“A-Ahaa ha, Shoutooo~” you cry, fireworks bursting across your nerves. “You’re so big, ah— it— it feels so gooood.”
You can’t seem to close your mouth— it’s too hard to focus on anything besides what might as well be his third leg thrusting into you over and over. His movements are relentless; never allowing you to come down from the high you’d been catapulted into with just one stroke of his cock. He’s so big inside of you, he’s probably the largest you can take while still feeling pleasure instead of pain. You feel like you’re the one losing your virginity here, not him— because, God have you never felt so filled to the brim in your life— his cock stretches and penetrates you so deliciously that you feel like any orgasm you’ve had before this doesn’t really count. It can’t count, can’t compare to this, to him.
Shouto is on the same page as you, desperately drilling into your sloppy cunt as if his life depends on it. It feels so good to be squeezed by your tight little hole, to have your fingernails dig crescent-moons into the skin on his shoulder blades, and hear your desperate cries for him. “Fuck, you— you feel so good, baby,” he pants, letting your pussy fall onto his lap and swallow his cock inside of you. “You’re so fucking sexy, y-yeah… so wet for me, so good for me.”
His praise causes a wave of goosebumps to rise across your skin, a burst of energy surging through you as you start to move your hips in sync with his thrusts. Shouto’s pace weakens as he lets you take control, sitting back and absorbing the pleasure that flows through his entire body at the quick snap of your hips. He feels like he’s in a trance as your hands move to grip the tops of his shoulders, leveraging yourself so your hips swing in a perfect arc that allows his cock to glide in and out of you completely. He watches as your hips swing back, the head of his cock slipping out of you halfway, only to be slurped back inside your tight heat all the way to the base.
Sweat is starting to accumulate and drip down your bodies, but neither of you are paying attention to that— Shouto reaches out and gropes your chest, fingers trapping your nipple and rolling it gently. You mewl at the sensation, your hips working even faster now, the dull ache of another climax forming in the pit of your stomach. You furiously hump his lap, your thrusts becoming off-beat and sloppy as your muscles scream with exertion. Frustration blooms in your heart— your stamina must have reduced in the past few months of abstinence.
“Sho, I’m… gonna cum again, fuck I’m so close,” you whine, pushing your ass onto his lap and stirring your guts with his cock as you swivel your hips.
Shouto hums at your confession, an arm winding around your hips and his hand landing on the plush underside of your thigh. His fingers dig into your flesh as he supports your body with his arm, his hips rutting up into yours with force. Each thrust has stars dancing along the borders of your vision, the power behind his hips much stronger than your desperate humping from before.
“I wanna feel you cum on my cock again, Y/N,” Shouto moans, tongue poking out to flick against your nipple, your tits in his face due to the change of position. “Want you to squeeze me and milk everything out of me, y-yeah…”
You nearly scream when his thumb finds your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves with vigor as those two-toned eyes bore into yours. The surprise quickly morphs into bliss, your cunt wringing around his length as you feel yourself hurtle toward your orgasm for the second time. It’s not long before you’re there, ecstasy rushing through your entirety as you clutch onto him tightly, your toes curling and body shaking from the rush.
“Fuck,” he swears, both hands moving to grab your hips and pound his cock into your quivering cunt, delivering another level of pleasure to your orgasm. His bottom lip is trapped between his teeth, eyes darting between your face and your wet pussy that keeps swallowing him whole. “Ahaah— c-cumming—”
Shouto lets out a loud groan as he pulls out of you, hot, white ribbons of cum spurting across your stomach as he climaxes. Your hand reaches down to jerk him off and he continues to paint your skin with his seed, his body shaking as his orgasm ripples through him. His throbbing length is slick with your love juices, making it easy for your fingers to slide around him.
His head hits the back of the couch as he releases the last of his load, chest heaving while he tries to collect himself. The devastating pleasure of your climax leaves your body feeling weightless and your brain loopy, and all you can do is lean against his athletic physique and catch your breath.
“I love you,” Shouto whispers seriously in your ear, fingers deftly playing with the ends of your hair. He means it; he feels like his heart is so full of happiness, and he’s so comfortable basking in the afterglow of his orgasm with your naked skin on his.
You stifle the laugh that bubbles up in your throat, a small smile playing on your lips. “So sweet~” you tease, cuddling your face into his neck as his hands rub the length of your back. “I love you too, Shouto.”
Shouto hums in content, arms hugging you tight against him for a brief moment before he relaxes again. “I’m so lucky to have you,” he confesses softly, nudging the side of your face with his nose. He can feel your lips turn into a grin against his chest, and he smiles at your content.
“You’re being so sappy right now,” you point out, unable to stop smiling as you turn to look at him. “I really like this side of you, I’m happy to see you like this.”
“I’m happy, too,” he murmurs, his lips pressing against yours in a sweet and short kiss. “I kind of wish we did this sooner though…”
You laugh at that, and his soft smile turns into a grin that he doesn’t bother to conceal. “Mmm, I think it was worth the wait,” you disagree, snuggling closer to him and rubbing your skin against his affectionately.
Shouto looks down at you resting against his chest, examining your blissful smile and eyes closed in content. Yes, he thinks.
You were worth the wait.
  ─── ・°* ゚✧:* • 。゚:*・☽・*: 。゚•*:✧ ゚*°・ ───
wow that ended so soft pls excuse me im on my period and so emotional at the moment lmfaoooo... okokokok but post coitus snuggly sho is KILLING M E ... anywAYY lol let me know if you enjoyed!! this was kinda different from the usual smut i write so! i’d love any feedback i could get :) 
as always, thanks for reading! 💗
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