#and every time i look at it i just feel like ''yay!!!! yippee!!!! good for him!!!!''
blujayonthewing · 6 days
so in juniper's campaign we've just found ourselves in a high-stakes situation that I as a player do frankly find stressful and am anxious about, but hey hi also the DM was like 'okay here are the exact mechanics of how this is going to work because I don't want to surprise you with serious repercussions, also here are all the options you will have to try to do something about the situation-- [affected player] what do you think? honest feedback, I don't want it to feel unfair, I want to be clear that I am not just trying to kill your character, and if it ends up being badly balanced we can revisit it down the road' and oh my god I could COLLAPSE and WEEP with gratitude
#[tears in my fucking eyes] WHAT IF DND WAS GOOD!! WHAT IF A DM THAT'S GOOD!!!#LIKE I've said actually MOST of my DMs are good but because of the way this situation was presented specifically#where-- as NOT the affected player-- it does feel like the way it came up was a little unfair and I AM worried about the stakes--#I REALLY SPENT SO MUCH OF THAT ABOVE-TABLE TALK GOING OH WOW I FEEL LIKE OUR FRIEND ACTUALLY LOVES US AND WANTS THIS TO BE FUN!!#I DON'T KNOW THAT I AGREE WITH WHAT HE'S DOING HERE BUT I TRUST MY FRIEND AND IT'S SAFE FOR US TO TALK ABOUT THINGS LIKE THIS PLAYER TO DM!!#WOWIE THAT FEELS RELEVANT TO MY DND EXPERIENCE RIGHT NOW LMAO!!!#'I've looked at your stats and inventories to try to make this serious but balanced but if it doesn't work we can retool it'#'I want to be extremely clear that this situation could kill destal so I want to be extremely sure that you're comfortable with that--#-- and with how the mechanics are designed around it'#I am fucking. on my KNEES WEEPING. at the contrast with how punishing and DEEPLY unfun felix campaign has relentlessly been the whole time#and how little of a fuck it feels like THAT DM gives when he's like 'this random rolltable encounter was deadly :)'#'you guys didn't get hit last time and got all your spells back right?' uhhh wrong and wrong and we TALKED about that last time#are you gonna revisit the balance on your fifth in a row 'if you fail you'll TPK' scenario? no? yeah I figured lol#christ knows HE'S never invited feedback on his DMing. you KNOW I don't feel safe to say 'hey this doesn't feel fair or fun' with him#AND LIKE!! WITH A DM I TRUST I FEEL SAFE ENOUGH TO REALLY PLAY WITH SOMETHING TERRIBLE HAPPENING!! YAY YIPPEE STAKES AND PATHOS!!!#I don't just want nothing bad to happen ever! but I don't want it to feel careless or heartless or just... Not Fun#anyway. grasping william's hands so tightly. my beloved friend. my wonderful friend. what a relief to have a DM that's good#after the shit we've been through in our now most-frequently-run campaign#the thing I'm mad about is that destal has been making a mystery saving throw every night-- but this was imperceptible to the characters#so we weren't acting on it#and now that he's failed it three times the situation is 'okay NOW you will be maming a con save every night and accumulating exhaustion'#'which can't be removed by sleeping' [six levels of exhaustion Kill You]#so like!! well okay I wish we had had ANY way of knowing how urgent this was before we got to 'now there's a deadly countdown' BUT OKAY#but like I said. he clearly put a lot of thought into the math for the mechanics#he made sure that we DO actually have ANYTHING we can do to mitigate the condition and outlined several options specifically and clearly#he checked in with justin about whether that seemed fair and opened it for future retooling if necessary#so I'm just at 'that was kind of a rugpull dude :/' instead of DESPAIRING lmao#this is a level of Oh Shit that's juicy! this is a level of Oh Shit that might force dramatic character choices out of desperation!#THIS IS AN OH SHIT WHERE WE STILL GET TO PLAY DND ABOUT IT AND HAVE ANY AGENCY WHATSOEVER. WHAT A CONCEPT.#ANYWAY!!! GOOD DND SAVE ME!!!!!!!!!
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copiawife · 1 year
in my version of canon i really like the idea of copia being more directly involved with the deaths of the previous papas because i think it's more like. narratively interesting...like taking his fate into his own hands and revenge and stepping on the corpses of his brothers to grasp what he feels is truly his after being discounted and pushed aside,,,,proving that he's a force to be reckoned with....yeah yeah yeah yeahh
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ppenguinpperson · 11 months
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cardiomyocytes and connective tissue @nopanamaman
I’ve wanted to do a fic like this for some time now, a ‘thank you’ letter to PAFL and its community of sorts. I’m happy I finally got around to writing it:) 
I wasn’t sure whether I should do this or not, but, hey! It might make someone feel a bit better!! Or, reading the fic will. That’s enough reason, I think, and you don’t have to read this, of course, no matter who you are.
First of all, I want to talk about PAFL a bit.
The first PAFL song I listened to was PiP. I saw its thumbnail when listening to some other music youtube, and so, I listened to it. Oh boy am I glad I did:) I remember thinking how cool it is that someone's making songs for their OCs and that people are interested in them. I could see so much love for the characters in it. I was so happy when I discovered there were more songs like that!! This was around when Comfort Zone had first come out, a week or two after at most. That was two years ago. I’ve been obsessed ever since.
I love PAFL. I genuinely love that songs haven’t been coming out much lately. Like, there’s media that comes out weekly and sucks shit. I’m glad Ferry is taking their time with this!!! Even if all we get each year is one song, that’s cool, because the community is wonderful and we also get doodles and art and now patreon stuff.. yippee yay… !!! And even if we didn’t. who the fuck caressss!!!!! I love coming up with AUs and OCs and theorizing with my friends!!! the time between songs gives us time to do all that:)
The characters are so charming. Every member of the cast has been a fave of mine at some point or another. They’re all so, real! I love them! I love how they fuck up and I love how they get fucked over and I love how they get exploded and killed and shot and hugged and saved and helped!!! They’re human… might not make sense, but i rlly do like them…
It’s so neat looking back at older songs and seeing how stuff’s changed. The art style, the music, it’s all so nice to look back on. Even if I wasn’t there for it.
And don’t even get me started on the worldbuilding..  Everyone say thank you to Boris Strugackij and Arkadij Strugackij for making roadside picnic and inspiring Ferry to make this… so lovely and neat. wonderful. I have not read it myself, but I might, just to be able to make my own pafl OCs more swagger..
So. This fic.
I can’t mention two years ago without at least mentioning my depression.
I can’t remember most of last year, speaking truthfully. Parts of 2021 are also fuzzy. Depression and anxiety are terrible, would not recommend. This feels cheesy to say, but it does get better!!! Slowly, unsteadily, it gets better!!! I don’t mean for this part of the post to be a ‘feel bad for me’ thing at all. Do not. I am safe and healthy now and I couldn’t be happier to be here right now.
Is life good now?? Sorta, but what matters to me right now is, I’m happy!!! It feels so surreal. I never thought I’d be like this. A part of me wants to be angry, to get depressed again about how I could have been happy all this time. But I won’t!!! Because then I’d spiral and forget another year, and, I don’t want that!
Which is so cool!!! I can like, fucking, do stuff now!! I can throw away the bad thoughts, embrace the good ones, encourage myself!!! I do things!!! I go outside and goddd dude that’s so good!! I go outside!!!
I’m doing stuff! I’m drawing, writing, cleaning my room, taking care of myself!!! If I didn’t stay alive to enjoy these small joys, what am I even here for?? 
And I’m alive!!! I’m here!!! I made it, I’m here, writing this on 10th november, 2023, and I’m ALIVE!!!! How cool is that??? 
And yea, the world is shitty, it sucks ass, but, my friends don’t!!!:3 and that’s more than enough for me… SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS!!! I LOVE YOU DUDES!!!
Moving on:
It doesn’t feel right to say that I’m here now only to PAFL. But, what I can say is that it’s been a wonderful crutch for me!! It’s been something to focus on, something silly, but also something I can relate to, and something that inspires me to make my own stuff! I’d most likely still be here, were it not for these silly songs.. but, not sure I’d be as alive as I am now! Unsure if my heart would feel right in my chest! And I wouldn’t have met my amazing friends!!!! Everyone here is so nice.
Dima may be a bit OOC in this fic, and that's because! This fic is based on my own experiences, which, i don’t think is bad…
I could talk here forever about how it gets better. Butttt to be quite honest I don’t wanna lol. I just wanna say, Thank you! to Parties are for Losers, for being cool. 
(Though I also wanna say, don’t put Ferry on a pedestal, they’re human, we all make mistakes, all that stuff.)
Ok time to go back to my manly Sergei ways and never talk about emotions ever again. or as anya would say: FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
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alicethepiper · 5 months
i should probably label this as a series or something or number them idk how to do that right now tho i'll bother with it later
MY MODS STOPPED WORKING AND I SPENT LIKE TWO TO THREE HOURS GETTING THEM TO WORK I AM SO SMART MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (i am so glad they work) (i love dressing everyone up) (it's like playing with barbies) (except i can't make leon and the merchant kiss like i could with barbies) (dammit)
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This was my reveal that the mod worked and i think it's funny, like, look at that poor dude's face. get ada-wonged, nerd.
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title title title
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crouch (i'm so good at labeling these images)
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i love this outfit because it makes me feel like i'm in the last of us or something
(every day i crave tlou part ii remake) (simply to play the bonus content) (i crave it) (but alas) (i dont have a goddamn ps5) (its a sad time)
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look at her looking so cool and shit ahhhhhhhhhh (i didnt care too much for ada before but this dlc is actually making me like her a lot ahhhh)
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she is so COOL can i be cool toooo pleaseeeeeee
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merchant time (he is gay) also the music for the typewriter goes so hard?? the music while shopping from the merchant is cool too but the save theme is actually SO GOOD. re4make normal save theme is like whatever, but it's got NOTHING on the original re4 save theme. this is like a cool blend of both and i love that.
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okay i took this shot because i was like "omg yay ada and leon are in the frame together yippee! my boy!!" but now that i look at it, it looks like i was just taking a boobie shot i swear that's not what this is
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hehe she's so cool girlboss slay
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and here's shots of the boy again hehe hehe hehe
playing through the dlc and i'm being like "omg i know where leon is right now!! he's just over there!! ahh!!" this shit has me giggling and kicking my feet i can't with this afjdhafjweifbejibfwjuifbi
mods i used:
Valerie's Outfits - RE Resistance - Ada Wong - Glitch (Glitch5970)
Leon Long Sleeves - pakjuaan
Leon's Alternate Hairstyle - notryzer
(i also used a mod that let's you use ada mods in separate ways) (and i have a mod that keeps her hair fluffy in the main game but that doesn't really apply here, but it might be why her hair is normal and not in the braids that the mod came with) (idk) (just a guess) (i need to find out why my punsiher isnt pink >:((((( )
i literally love you glitch, so many of the mods i have come from you you are so cool for these ahhhh
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snowbellewells · 2 years
Happy Birthday @hollyethecurious!!! ~*~
I’m sorry this is so late in the day, but I hope your birthday has been a wonderful one @hollyethecurious - full of all the fun, celebration and love you deserve! Your writing has brought SO MUCH joy over the years, and I wanted to celebrate some of my favorites of your works. As I looked back over them though, I had a hard time narrowing them down, there were so many that have been so good, so varied, and each one has taken us on a different adventure with our pirate and princess! You’ve been so much fun to get to know in fandom, and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your writing with all of us!!! 
Without further rambling, here’s a Birthday Top Ten List of Hollye’s Fics! :)
#10) Mix of One Shots: “Huzzah!” // “Teacher’s Lounge” // “Welcome to the Show” // “Yippee Ki Yay” // “Ghost in the Void” // “A FINE Friendsmas” // “Ballet (Mis)Steps”  I love every single one of these so much! I just really couldn’t leave any of them off the list. Some are funny, some are hot and steamy, and some just lovely and heartfelt, and all of them are unforgettable. If you’ve missed any of these along the way, treat yourself and check them out. 
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#9) “Some Legends are Best Kept as Legends” This fic was originally written for the @cssns and has such an eerie bit of the spooky supernatural and a lovely hint of history mixed in as well. Maybe it’s the literature teacher in me, but I loved how Holly worked “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow” in there too. This is a really intriguing take on CS and you won’t be able to put it down!
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#8) “A Different Kind of Fun” This version of Killian as a musician is absolutely irresistible. This is the only unfinished WIP on this list, but you can still enjoy this playful band modern AU as is. I’ve never been able to get it out of my head - it just feels like such a natural iteration of both Emma and Killian, and their friends, and you won’t be able to read without getting into it too.
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#7) “A Toast to What If” I was lucky enough to get to serve as a beta for this story, and I would get so excited for each new bit I got to look over. This story just got better and better with every addition. I love the movie that inspired this one for the @captainswanmoviemarathon​, but seeing it with Emma, Killian and the rest of the OuaT gang in the roles made it all the more lovely. The setting, the plot, and all of this one will draw you in and you won’t want to stop reading until you reach the end. <3
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#6) “Avowed” This one is a short little story built of interconnected prompt drabbles, but I have always had a soft spot for it. I love the setup, the action and drama it kicked off with, then the twists and turns its plot took along the way. It’s another AU version of Emma and Killian Hollye has created that I can’t get out of my head, and it’s an exciting adventure to read along.
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#5) “Varcolac: A Hybrid Tale” This MC is from the inaugural summer of the @cssns event, and it is still one of my favorites from that collection. I’m a sucker for anything werewolf related, but this has its own unique twist on that supernatural genre. I loved how Emma and Killian first met here and how they banded together to face danger. The drama and action get intense in this one and I loved every second! I really can’t say enough great things about this one, and if you’ve missed it, you have to check it out now!!!
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#4) “We Make Our Own Fate” This AU MC is extra lovely because it mixes a lot of less common elements into a CS fic - we get to enjoy Killian with his sweet little Alice, some lesser used enemies along with a few of the usual baddies, and a take on Colin’s movie What Still Remains, and yet it still makes use of the relationships and characters we love from OuaT. I looked forward to every new chapter as this was being written, and it is still one of my very favorites!
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#3) “Conviction” This fic gave us such an affecting alternate version of Emma’s character. You couldn’t help but have your heart go out to her - just like this story’s Killian did. This one also has a bit of a historical element to it (those seem to be some of my favorites of Hollye’s works) and I love that Liam and Graham, Ruby, Granny, Belle and Will all have parts in this too, which only adds the the enjoyment of it for me (some of my favorite supporting characters who don’t always get to be present). You’re not going to be able to put this one down!
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#2) “Hope is the Thing With Feathers” This story is a collaboration fic Hollye wrote some years ago, but it has never lost any of its beauty and it is hard to top. I don’t even know how many times I’ve re-read it. I love the sweet way Killian rescues a young Henry new to Storybrooke, and how in turn Henry and his mother bring life back to this version of Killian too. I love how Smee (sort of) and Belle both make important cameos in this - they’re perfect! The bittersweetness and bits of melancholy in this one make the wonderful way the ending works out all the more amazing and unforgettable. 
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#1) “What Lies Beneath the Mask”  I wouldn’t be surprised if Hollye is shaking her head and laughing at my predictability right now, because there was no way any other story but this one was going to be my Number One pick. This was the first story of Hollye’s I read, and it has never been anything but my undisputed favorite. The angst, the whump, the love story, the mystery, and the suspense -- all of it is top notch! I even have a print book version of this one! I read it so much that it was an absolutely necessary investment!! There’s a bit of Hunchback of Notre Dame, and a bit of Man in the Iron Mask in this, but it is 100 percent a CS masterpiece and celebrates all the things Hollye does so brilliantly in her writing. Just talking about it makes me want to get it out and read it again. If you’ve never read this, you HAVE to - as soon as possible!
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** And that concludes my list! Once again, I hope you’ve had the very best of birthdays @hollyethecurious​ !!! ***
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felidthing · 3 months
oh my goddgdgd i did so much shit today not even a lot of individual things but i did also post Four Hours Ago while deep in one stop so. ive been out since like 5 i think. this is a fun time yay yippee recounting btw nothing to complain about yay :] :] im so tired tho.
we went to old navyyyy because i needed some specific shirts and my brother needed shorts for work ya know. my surgery scars are all up in my armpits so literally just having my arms down was causing discomfort/pain bc of skin to skin rubbing and also the glue/residue being annoying. so for the first time in all of history i was explicitly looking for a shirt that was snug around my arms/armpits. gasp. and i found Exactly that!!! incredible! its an athletic shirt! one that just the right size rather than the usual comfortably loose fit i go for in normal shirts. so its a stretchy soft shirt that hopefully is also good with sweat because. its Right Up In My Arms. i got 3. i also got three button downs/"hawaiian" shirt i guess?? never know how to refer to those. when does it become a hawaiian shirt. what does that even mean. but regardless i got some summery all-over print short sleeve button downs. they are awesome. one is very green with macaw-looking parrots but theyre very pink toned, also got a black with white flowers and a white one with a lot of summer fruits and crabs. i love them all sm. and then i ALSO also got a graphic tee with a photo of some california poppies because i Love those flowers so much theyre everywhere in washington (lol) i love em.
the old navy we went to was in a mall so we ended up going to a few different anime/gift type stores.. teehee... and i got THEEESSEEE THEY ARE. SO CUTE I LOVE THEM
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i spent uh. 52 dollars. they werent even both $25 like tbh i would be okay with them being $25.. or maybe i just think that bc i was primed by them already costing more but idk i feel that way cant help it.. they were FOURTYYYY EACH but all the plushes were buy one get one 75% OFF?? THATS SO MUCH OFF. they got me. i could have just bought the pig but the allure of a simulated $10 stuffed animal that "would have been 40 otherwise"........ they got me -_- being aware of marketing tactics does Not make me immune to them. but look at these thangs... theyre delightful
less exciting last stop was GOCEY SHOPPINGGGGG i love grocies. but even though its a wednesday night it was so weirdly busy.. we had to get so much shit i spent $294. kill. and me and ridley were so goddamn tired and both of us are already incapacitated on some level AND we had NOTTT EATEN ANYTHING REAL TODAYYYY HELL HELL HELL so we were fighting for our lives to get everything baggded and then into tha house and THENN. THEN, THERE WAS STUFF MISSING we looked one thousand times in every bag and checked the car and it was straight GONE so we were like.. we are going to go back to the store and see if we can get this stuff back Because it was all on the receipt i pieced together that we must have left a bag at the store. so my brother took me back and i approached the self checkout attendant bc they were closest like hello... i was just here and i have some stuff missing its on the receipt.... and they were like oh yeah there was a bag left at that checkout! it had some ice cream and i was like YES its just some frozen stuff and they sent me with another employee that took us to a cart of stuff and they gave me MY EXACT BAG OF MISSING GROCIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY SAVED IT YAYYYAYAYAYAYAY i was literally so happy i wanted to Cry i felt Shaky i was Overwhelmed With Relief And Joy MY GOSHIES!!! it was ice cream and forzen veggies and pizza rolls and MEATBALLS I GOT FOR MY FWIEND bc they forget to get them and we GOT EM BAAVCK HELL YES
triumphant grocery rescue mission. got clothes and Touys. spent so much money like that was most of All my money. hell. but we Won
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x-lulu · 2 years
quotes from ‘christmas movies I‘ve seen in 2022’ ↳ contains: christmas with you, falling for christmas, die hard I and II, deck the halls
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christmas with you [ 2022 ]
what good is surviving if you’re not actually living? just having an image isn’t actually having a life. you gotta take risks. […] I never thought I’d let anyone in again ever… and then here you comes. it was never about the song for me. it was you. it was always you. and I think you feel the same way. I can’t. you can’t or you won’t?
I don’t wanna be pitted against you. I wanna cheer you on, I wanna celebrate your wins!
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falling for christmas [ 2022 ]
I just want people to remember me for more than my last name.
what we need is a miracle. haven’t you heard dad? christmas is a time for miracles
sometimes you can't rush things. you just have to take your time. you know, my mom always said, "the worst tangles will sort themselves out if you just give them a little help."
I'd introduce myself, but I have no idea who I am. I can tell you I'm pretty much a useless human. I can't do anything right. you'd think I'd have some sort of skill, wouldn't you?
it's not you. okay, actually, it is you. look, ever since you got here, well, you've made me feel things, things that I didn't ever think I was ever going to feel again. and, yes, you're right. this place does have a lot of memories for me. I guess I'm just, you know, afraid of making new ones, even with somebody like you.
I told you I promised your mother that I'd take care of you. well, looks like you're starting to take care of yourself.
*jake thinking he's talking to Sierra* look, okay, I know we barely know each other, and you'll probably going to think I'm crazy for saying this. but I can't let you leave without telling you I'm falling in love with you. *tad rolls down the limo window* well, that's very flattering, but I have other plans.
what a christmas, guys. yeah, it's one I'll never forget.
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die hard [ 1988 ]
only John can drive somebody that crazy
welcome to the party, pal
now I have a machine gun ho ho ho
yippee-ki-yay, motherf*cker
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die hard II [ 1990 ]
you're the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. story of my life.
oh man, I can't fucking believe this. another basement, another elevator. how can the same shit happen to the same guy twice?
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deck the halls [ 2006 ]
that’s what christmas memories are made from, they’re not planned, they’re not scheduled, nobody puts them in their blackberry, they just happen
I want my house to be seen from space
I pray every day for the strength to not run them over *talks about daughters*
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Here is the Dakota infection fic that I mentioned before! There is emeto in this because I can't resist.
Content Warning: Description of infected wound, blood, vomiting
The smell of grilled sausages greeted Dakota before he opened his eyes. They were having a real fire-cooked breakfast that morning because Blair insisted on making the most of their camping trip. It didn’t matter that there were muffins in the car; they were in the great outdoors, and they would act like it, gosh darn it!
Madix and Riley appeared to only have gotten half the message because they were fine with roasted hotdogs, but not so eager to leave their phones in the cars. At least there was good music coming from the speakers. Ah Ariana Grande—the sound of nature.
It took Dakota’s groggy mind a second to remember that he spent the night in a tent, but his achy muscles soon reminded him. Actually, his whole body hurt as if he ran up and down a hill all day yesterday.
Oh wait, he did do that.
The four of them had walked to the lake where they found a rope swing attached to the biggest tree. It was the perfect spot for launching themselves into the water because of the hill that the tree grew from. So, they spent the day running back and forth between the water and the rope.
Their perfect camping grounds were hardly a secret, but that was okay because it meant someone provided them with a rope swing. Unfortunately, it also meant that the ground was littered with metal and glass from disrespectful campers. They picked up as mush as they could find before doing flips off the rope.
Apparently, they didn’t have the best eye for trash because Dakota’s foot found a piece of a glass bottle that they missed. He had been coming back from the water, soaking wet with the biggest grin on his face, ready to jump again, when the glass shard cut into the bottom of his foot. Now Dakota, like the campers who littered in the first place, had been quite drunk. He felt the pain, certainly, but he soon forgot about it when the water washed the blood away. Until he got back to the campsite where he covered the cut with a bandage, he walked around with his skin torn open.
Dakota didn’t know it, but that cut was what made him wake up with the sickest stomach, and it was the cut that would eventually make him collapse during a hike. Well, not the cut, but what got into it.
The bandage was still on his foot when he woke that morning to the smell of breakfast being cooked. The smell turned his upset stomach, forcing him to crawl out of the tent.
Everyone was already awake, meaning he must have slept in if Riley was up before him. Blair was kneeling by the fire, turning the sausages as they cooked. Madix and Riley were sitting in their camp chairs around the fire, munching on peanuts. Chipmunks joined them for breakfast as well. The little animals scurried to where Riley held his hand open. When Dakota zipped open the tent, his friends all looked his way.
“Morning, baby!” Blair called. Her hair was in a messy bun that Dakota knew for sure wasn’t done deliberately. She looked sunny and wonderful.
“How did you two sleep?” Madix asked while shooting a glance at Riley. “Hopefully, nobody invaded your sleeping bag in the night.”
“Hey, I told you I got cold.” Riley countered. “And I heard a noise that sounded suspiciously like a bear.”
“And I told you there are no bear sightings in this forest.”
“Fine, it was a fox then.”
“What does—”
Dakota didn’t listen to his friend’s playful banter. It was a lovely morning with lovely company, but he wasn’t feeling so lovely. Everything from his head to his feet hurt, and one foot hurt more than the other. It almost felt like he had the flu, with burning eyes and aching muscles.
What made the morning even lovelier was seeing Blair so smiley. That at least helped how he was feeling. God, he really hoped he wasn’t getting the flu in the middle of the forest.
“I slept okay,” Blair said as she placed the sausages on a paper plate, “How about you, Kota? You’re waking up pretty late.”
Dakota couldn’t remember anything disrupting his sleep, but the fatigue in his bones made him question his answer. “I slept fine, but I feel weird.”
“Weird how?” Madix asked, accepting a plate from Blair.
“I don’t know. A little sick.”
“Well, you look sunburnt,” Riley said. “It’s probably from the heat.”
“Maybe.” Dakota shrugged and crossed his arms over his middle. The smell of the food was getting to him bad. It churned his stomach, reminding him of the reason he crawled out of the tent. He really didn’t want to worry Blair and take the smile away from her face, but he could feel the need to puke getting stronger. His mouth filled with saliva, and not because he was hungry.
While his friends ate, he pulled himself out of the chair and began walking away. He had to get far enough away so he wouldn’t upset Riley. Running wasn’t an option he discovered, as he needed to keep weight off his injured foot.
Dakota barely got twenty feet away from the fire before bending over with his hands on his knees. He only needed to burp once. The belch dislodged something in his stomach and suddenly he was retching up last night’s dinner onto the ground.
“Oh shit.” He heard Madix say. He didn’t know what Riley was doing, whether he was running away or covering his ears, but he felt bad either way. He hoped Riley was running away because he wasn’t close to being done.
By the time the second gush rushed up his throat, Blair was by his side. She patted his back as mostly-digested burgers and smores splattered at their feet. “Easy, babe.”
Dakota didn’t take it easy. He didn’t know how. He threw up everything in his stomach without stopping. He was hot and sweaty when he finished. Rather than feeling light-headed, he felt the opposite. His head pounded as if someone were trying to shove a million cotton balls in through his ears.
“Sorry,” he said simply while wiping his mouth. “That happened fast.”
Blair was still rubbing his back. “Are you hungover or something?”
“I don’t know.” This felt different from a hangover. He wanted to let his legs go out from under him. He wanted to lie down forever. He also didn’t want to stop Blair from having a good day.
“Are you okay? What do you need?” she asked, like he knew she would. She started leading him back to the tent with a comforting hand on his shoulder.
He let out a groan as he entered the tent. “I need to go back to sleep. I’m fucking exhausted.”
From outside, he heard Madix and Riley come back to the site. Madix poked his head into the tent. “Hangover or heat exhaustion, that is the question.”
“I’m sorry, Mads. I’m so sorry.” Dakota said with his hand over his eyes.
“Don’t feel bad. You couldn’t help it.” Madix looked back, probably checking on Riley. “Now, did you drink too much, or do I need to worry about heat stroke?”
God, no, Dakota thought to himself. Madix would undoubtedly make them pack up their tents if he had heat stroke. He didn’t think he was sick from drinking, but he wasn’t about to end their trip so soon. “I’m probably hungover. I just need to sleep it off.”
“Are you sure, baby?” Blair cooed while running her hand through his hair. “You don’t look good.”
“Listen, you guys go to the lake this morning while I rest, and I’ll be good to go on the hike this afternoon.”
Blair put two water bottles by his pillow. “You have to promise to drink lots of water.”
“I will, I promise.”
His friends eventually agreed to leave him in the tent to rest. Everyone wanted him to get better so that he could enjoy himself later.
Everything will be fine; it isn’t heat stroke. Dakota’s groggy mind replayed this sentence until he fell asleep.
He was right about it not being heat stroke, but wrong about the other thing.
Rustling in the nearby bushes woke Dakota from his nap. Checking his phone, he realized that he slept for nearly four hours. He let his head fall back onto his damp pillow. The nausea was slightly better, but everything else was worse. Every part of his body was throbbing in pain so maybe that’s why he didn’t bother to check the heat emanating up his ankle. Besides, there was enough heat on his forehead to roast that night’s marshmallows. The water bottles that Blair gave him were still full and now warm. He was sweating out every ounce of fluid left in his body, but the thought of filling stomach with liquid made him want to zip himself up into his sleeping bag and use it as a casket.
The rustling got louder and was accompanied by voices. It was his friends returning from the lake. For some reason Dakota suddenly thought that chugging the water bottles would make everyone happy. It would ease Blair’s worries about him being sick, and maybe it would even give him the energy to get up. And he wanted to get up so bad, so that’s what he did. He quickly found clothes in his duffel bag that would be good for hiking.
The water sloshed in his stomach as he greeted his friends around the firepit. He braced himself on the back of a chair and put a smile on his face.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Blair asked. She got up on her tiptoes—a sign for Dakota to bend down so she could kiss him.
“Better. I think a hike will be good for me.” Said no one ever who just finished puking their guts up. Dakota just said it, but he was a liar.
Apparently, he was a good liar. “Yay!” Blair exclaimed while swapping her flip flops for running shoes.
It wasn’t long before the group was ready for their hike. It was an uphill hike. Yippee, Dakota thought. It also wasn’t long before he started to fall behind in the marching order. Blair led the charge with Riley. The two of them played twenty questions while leading the way. Madix fell back as well. Dakota wasn’t being very subtle in his suffering. He knew that Madix was keeping an eye on him.
He huffed his way up the trail, feeling worse with every step. Feeling even worse with every other step as his right foot momentarily held his weight. He was back to being nauseous and dizzy, and feeling like the sky switched places with the earth. With how blurred his vision was, Dakota was surprised that he didn't trip. Maybe it would be okay to trip. It would give him a second to rest on the ground.
Aw hell, he didn’t need an excuse to rest.
Dakota called out to Madix in a weak voice. Luckily, Madix heard him even when a coughing fit broke up his request to stop. The coughing turned into gagging and forced Dakota back into the position from that morning with his hands on his knees. It was the sound of him gagging that made Madix call out to Riley and Blair, telling them to keep walking. He and Dakota would catch up soon.
Madix carefully stepped around protruding branches to reach his friend. “Why don’t you sit down.” He gestured to a group of large rocks on the side of the trail. Well, he picked a good place to stop.
Dakota held up a finger and then heaved up the water that sloshed and gurgled in his belly. It didn’t take many retches before the water was gone, leaving only bile left to throw up. One harsh retch had him toppling to the ground where he finished being sick on his hands and knees.
“Jesus, Kota,” Madix said while helping him up. “What, are we back in our undergrad?” He meant it as a joke; a throwback to the dorm room hangovers that made even water impossible to keep down. Madix’s easy expression turned serious when Dakota sat on the rock with his head in his hands. He looked bad. Far too sweaty for how little they walked. And something else seemed wrong. Madix put his hand on Dakota’s shoulder. “Hey, are you shaking?”
Dakota was indeed shaking. Shivering in the summer heat. “This is gonna sound ridiculous, but I’m cold.”
Madix frowned. He moved the hand that was on Dakota’s shoulder to the back of his neck. His skin was burning hot and slick with sweat. That wouldn’t have been too weird, but it was the shivering that worried Madix. “I think you have a fever. Something is making you sick and it isn’t the booze.”
Dakota was hardly listening. Everything hurt. He didn’t have the energy to theorize with Madix about what was making him feel like garbage. The ache in his head and his stomach was nothing compared to the throbbing inside his shoe.
“Dakota, are you hearing me? I want to take you back to the campsite.”
The boy didn’t move. He didn’t say anything as he bit his tongue in pain.
The shaking of his shoulders managed to pull him out of trance. “Sorry, sorry it’s my foot. It’s killing me.” He couldn’t take the pain anymore and kicked off his shoe. “I cut it the other day and it still hurts like hell.”
“Let me see,” Madix said, moving off the rock to get a better look. Immediately, the red and yellowish stain on Dakota’s sock made him worried.
Once Dakota took off the sock and the bandage, Madix recoiled with a hand over his mouth. “Oh God, fuck, why didn’t you say anything?” The smell hit Madix first. It wasn’t as bad as some wounds that he’d seen at the hospital, but it still caught him off the guard.
The cut was deep enough to warrant stitches, but the biggest problem was the yellow pus leaking from it. The entire bottom of his foot was red and swollen. After getting over the sight of the cut, Madix started thinking about how painful it must be to walk on.
“Is it bad?” Dakota asked, though he already knew the answer from the look on Madix’s face.
“Yeah, it’s bad. It’s infected.”
“Can you fix it?”
Madix shifted on his knees, trying to see the cut from a better angle. “If you showed it to me before it got this bad, then maybe, but not now. You need to go to the hospital.”
“Shit,” Dakota mumbled as he carefully put his sock and shoe back on.
Madix helped Dakota up and let him lean on him. “Shit is right. God, why do you make me worry so much?”
“It’s gonna make Blair worry too.” She was going to be even more upset than Madix. He hated being the reason she was upset. And it wasn’t even because he cut the trip short, but because he didn’t take better care of himself. “If only I weren’t so lovable.”
“Ha, you won’t have to worry about that anymore,” Madix said breathlessly. It was a lot harder to hike when a whole person was hanging off your arm. “See, all the appeal was stored in your foot, and now we’ll have to cut it off.”
Shockingly, Madix was being facetious. There would be no foot chopping that day, or any day. There might be a scolding from Blair but that was it. The cleaning of the wound would hurt less than the look of concern that Blair would wear. It was that look that would eventually make Dakota paranoid about treating every single cut, no matter how small. He could never see that look again.
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parismemes · 4 years
“you touch my baked beans, i put dog shit in your pillowcase.” “every other person in this miserable place is literal garbage.” “books on tape? what's the appeal of that? don't the pages get stuck together?” “when in doubt use a confusing acronym. military types love acronyms.” “FML. that stands for fu--” “i’ll bend down and kiss your boots, how’s that?” “i wanna know every step you take and how much shit gets stuck on your shoes and in-between your teeth.” “you know, i think i'll probably move to LA, but that's like what everyone does. i mean, what do you think?” “i’m gonna skin your cat for this.” “i’m actually thinking of adopting a stage name.” “i’m gonna smash cut your empty skull against that rock if you don’t shut the fuck up!” “i wanted to call it desert titties, but that shit was taken.” “ah, there goes the bechdel test.” “you should interview the illuminati!” “real talk here: i'll be your genie in a bottle, i'll do whatever you want, but after i grant you your three wishes, you gotta do something for me, whaddaya say?” “my ceaseless existence is an eternal torment!” “next time he calls you please, just, let it go to voicemail. don't transfer to me. okay?” “i can’t even hear myself think in this blizzard of idiocy!” “did you attempt to witness any other particular individuals in the general vicinity of the area in which the crime scene was alleged?” “i just wanna be included!” “funny, the vultures usually show up after the slaughter.” “you’re a little bit crazy, aren’t you? i like that.” “consequences... don't always take the shape we expect them to, do they? they're funny like that.” “...are we still married?” “people are quick to jump to conclusions. they see something, or hear something, and fit it into a preconceived emotional box.” “please don’t make me regret what i’m about to tell you.” “whoa, hold up--i just realized how much i don’t care.” “SUCK IT, NEWTON!” “we said we wouldn’t talk about that!” “help me be the best at being lazy.” “it was a simple mishap with my vanilla-satin scented candles!” “why is he naked?” “HOW DO YOU BURN DOWN A WATER PARK, ___?!” “we’re definitely not just saying that because she could kill us.” “for far too long our people have been oppressed, crushed, under the weight of ourselves! if we don't start standing up to our mortal foe gravity, by god, who will?” “we’ve never needed intelligence before!” “why doesn’t anybody die and stay dead?” “oh, cool! foreshadowing.” “who wants a poisoned pumpkin frappuccino?” “i quit. i’m not going. i’m staying here.” “you’ve always been selfish, but this is bullshit!” “you know, i liked them better when they were funny.” “it’s a bop-it.” “sleep. means. death!” “i know ___ said we should split up, but i was thinking maybe we split up together, you know, because it's scary!” “you talk about ___ a lot.” “this is a big city. so many places for snakes to hide. they could be everywhere all around us. watching us... licking their snake lips...” “jesus, doesn’t anybody speak esperanto?” “err is not a word.” “why do you look alone?” “why don't you tell us what's going on, and we can decide whether to kill you or not?” “looks like we've got quite the sticky mess on our hands!” “oh, i know all about sausage parties! uh, wait, that came out wrong.” “when I least expect it: whambo! you pry open my mind prison and suck out my brain beans!” “i realize now that i’ve just spilled all my brain beans.” “we're just a bunch of dumb rejects hurling ourselves against impossible odds.” “i’m only saying something because i’ve been used enough times in my life already.” “nice! super awesome of you guys! that was sarcastic.” “don’t care. just help me with my dramatic exit.” “that's a great idea! i was just about to suggest it.” “i always say a marine without a code is like a car without a road.” “i always say the best defense is a really tall fence.” “i always say a good soldier is like a rollin’ boulder.” “i always say a mantra a day keeps death at bay.” “i've grown soft around these uncultured philistines.” “goddamn, i can’t believe i have to hear this shit in stereo now.” “you two look cozy.” “i didn’t realize you two were close.” “you’re being too hard on yourself. you’ve changed over the years, i’ve seen it myself.” “i've grown from being a dishonorable killing machine to an honorable killing machine. that's quite the journey.” “i changed my mind. you are evil.” “you don’t have to destroy the past to have a future.” “strategizing can wait until breakfast, at least.” “i killed them. i MURDERED them. i set my vengeance free upon them and it felt so good!” “are we gonna do some snooping around?” “have you ever considered a life in showbusiness?” “try harder, fuckface!” “can we please just bury the hatchet and focus on what's important?” “your mother’s lasagna is mediocre!” “if you guys had to get shot somewhere in your body, where would you do it?” “i can't hear you because some idiot shot my ear off!” “this whole situation is garbage enough to begin with, but... at least we're in it together.” “no plan survives first contact with the enemy.” “the only thing that would make this better is some music.” “we were pawns in their game. but the thing that I love about chess is that sometimes pawns kill kings.” “no, actually, i was raised by wolves. in the forest.” “sometimes i feel like people barely acknowledge my presence.” “something weird might be going on around here.” “anyone who's acting that squeaky clean must have some deep dark secrets.” “ha! gotcha! that's exactly the kind of things bad guys say!” “they used us, they destroyed our lives, and they haven't been made to pay for what they've done.” “you obviously love the sound of your own voice, so why don't you use it to tell its where the fuck our friends are?” “i’m going to kill you so hard, you’ll wish you were dead.” “we fought alongside each other for fucking years. how can you just turn your backs on us like this?” “you don't get to give orders if you're on the bad guys' side!” “now I have gonorrhea and a dead friend.” “stop. touching. my face.” “buckets! oodles! oodles of noodles and toaster strudels! tiempo de mucho. mucho de tiempo!" “yeah, well, i don't remember you being anything but a huge dick, but here you are being cool, so people change.” “yippee-ki-yay, motherfuckers!” “but.. i never got to say goodbye. or thank you for being my friend.” “i'm gonna need a week at the chiropractor when we get out of here.” “is it possible to hallucinate with your ears?” “i’m not here to kill you.” “uh-oh spaghetti-o’s.” “fuck me! fuck all of this!” “you should totally kill me if it strikes your fancy! no pressure!” “the world's best swordsman doesn't fear the second best. He fears the worst, because he can't predict what the idiot will do.” “i can't imagine us doing anything but making this all worse.” “shit, dude! you’re the best we’ve got!” “i like pushing small children down wells.” “can we please settle on a consistent denomination? are we using cardinal directions or are we using clock positions?” “i'm so sneaky. they don't even know what's happening. you can't even see me right now, ___. you're so confused.” “shut up and help me punch this fucking tank!” “as far as days to die go, it's a little overcast. so let's check our corners and make these bastards pay!” “let's light the fires and kick the tires!” “let’s dance with these monkeys and give ‘em what for!” “let's put the pedal to the metal and the rubber to the road!” “let’s get jiggy with it!” “let’s shoot this monkey full of heroin and put it on youtube! actually, let's not do that, it sounds completely horrible.” “let’s teach these midgets how to tango!” “honor, schmonor.” “scout's honor! except I was never a scout because I'm afraid of badges.” “why are we here?” “we don't know why we're here. it's still one of life's great mysteries, isn't it?” “i’m sorry i tried to kill you, it wasn’t personal!” “you'll be stuck between a rock and the frying pan.” “if i said that i would weep for them, would it make you feel any better?” “best friends should be able to say goodbye.” “i think you are cool. like, super awesome, amazing, cool and... i, i always felt like really awesome too, when we were hanging out together.” “i know with my other friends--who, even if you add them all up together aren't really cool as you--i know we're all gonna be okay.” “if you kill me, you'll just perpetuate this never-ending cycle of revenge and retaliation!” “he asked us to deliver an important message to you all. but then he just sang the ducktales theme song and fell back to sleep.” “you know i’ll never forget this, right? i mean, PTSD is forever, isn’t it?” “it’s not the sum of your parts that makes you who you are.” “these people have shown me that real heroes are not born, they're forged. a friend told me once that there's no fate but what you make. and i think he's right.” “alright, well, i'm just gonna try to forget that ever happened and never bring it up again.”
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liilaac · 4 years
i don't know why but 136.“I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point it’s really go big or go home.” and 137.“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.”  are incredibly funny for me so jfjfufj
Omg Nana yes !! 😂 And this felt too much like reddie lmao so I just HAD TO write it for them.
(And tbh I’m pretty proud of what I wrote so I hope you’ll like it too. 🥺👉🏻👈🏻)
Ship : adult reddie (It 2019)
Notes : this takes place during the final fight with Pennywise. A little ✨fix-it fic✨ because we all know this is how it should’ve ended !
Richie tasted bile at the back of his throat. All that running, and yelling, and being so fucking afraid wasn’t easy. Maybe if he’d had a healthier lifestyle, he wouldn’t feel so miserable right then... But yeah, it was a little too late for regrets. So he kept running, dodging Pennywise’s vicious attacks as best he could.
When he noticed that Eddie had fallen down, vulnerable to It’s atrocious claws, he barely hesitated before running straight to him. He grabbed a piece of scrap metal on his way, waving it vehemently while screaming all the atrocities he could think of. He reached Eddie at the same time as one of the tentacles and, with some kind of frenzy taking over him, he brought his makeshift weapon down on It and slashed the devilish arm in two. The clown screamed behind him, retracted what was left of one of his limbs. Richie grabbed Eddie by the collar, almost dragged him to one of the tiny caves that surrounded the place of the fight.
When he finally let go of Eddie’s vest, Richie realized how fast he had acted. He wasn’t feeling as scared anymore, he felt fucking ecstatic. Adrenaline ran through his body and, for a second, he thought it was better than alcohol or weed or any of the other drugs he had tested in his teenage years.
“Richie... Fucking hell, man,” Eddie panted, slowly standing back up, his legs still wobbly under him, “You just saved my fucking life.”
“Yeah, I- I fucking did, Eds. I feel like a fucking knight in shinning armor right now.”
“Oh and what does that make me then ? The damsel in distress ?” Eddie laughed when Richie nodded cheerfully. It seemed crazy to have such a nonchalant conversation when they had just escaped death... But it was them, and it had always been this way. And Richie wanted to keep being Eddie’s knight, dreamt of getting that famous happy ending...
But now wasn’t the time to daydream, Richie thought. They needed to get out of there. Richie made sure Eddie could stand firmly and they headed deeper into the cave. After a few more near death experiences, they found themselves back into the main cavern. The monster was even bigger than it had been when Richie cut one of his tentacles in two... Anger was boiling in Richie’s stomach, he felt it flow through his veins. When he saw Mike about to get eaten by the It, he did the first thing that came to his mind and threw a rock at the clown’s head. It was a fucking stupid idea, but it was the only one he had. Thankfully, it was enough for It to drop the loser he was holding. That gave Richie a little confidence boost and, when It turned around to face him, he decided not to run away. He grabbed a rock off the ground and, with all the strength he could find, yelled, “Yeah that’s right, let’s dance. Yippee kay yay, motherfuck-“
Eddie watched his best friend’s body drop dead, his limbs hanging loosely while he was stuck in the deadlights. He was terrified. But, in his fear, he heard a little voice. You’re braver than you think. You’re braver than you think. You’re braver than you think. You’re braver than you think. The voice was Richie’s. And, repeating this mantra to himself a few more times, Eddie decided he had to be brave. He grabbed a loose pole he found on the ground and launched himself at the monster.
“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage,” he yelled while throwing the rod right into It’s horrendous mouth. Richie fell down and the clown cried with pain, curling up in his lair.
Eddie threw himself on Richie’s unconscious body, grabbed his shirt and shook him awake. “Did you see that, Rich ? Did you see it ? I think I killed It, I think I did it !”
Richie blinked a few times before realizing how close Eddie’s face was to his, how their body were pressed against one another... Then he looked up, saw Eddie’s triumphant smile. He felt his heartbeat pick up ; he knew it was now or never... Without thinking about it for another minute, Richie grabbed Eddie’s face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. At the same time, another one of the clown’s tentacles passed right over their heads, missing them both.
Before Richie could even register Eddie’s reaction to the kiss, they fled to another one of the small caves. They escaped in extremis. Richie was panting again ; damn that clown for making him work out that much ! When he finally looked at Eddie, time seemed to slow down around them.
“What was that?” Eddie asked so softly it was almost a whisper. He looked breathless too and Richie couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of their kiss or all the running...
“Another one of his ugly arms, I think. The fucker’s not dead yet.”
“No, I- I mean... That kiss.”
“Oh.” Richie took a deep breath. “I already know that I’m going to hell. At this point, it’s really go big or go home,” he tried to joke. When Eddie stayed silent, he added, “I just couldn’t help it, man. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids and I- I realized tonight might be my last chance to be honest with you. I just couldn’t die without you knowing that you are loved. Not only by me, obviously, but- but yeah. I love you, Eds.”
Eddie was looking away and Richie almost wanted to reach into his pockets to grab his inhaler ; he was about to have a fucking panic attack ! Now that the adrenaline was slowly fading away, he realized what he had just done. He had never been this vulnerable, at least not in a long time. He thought it would feel good -and it did, for a second-, but the silence between them was tearing him apart.
“Rich.” Eddie looked up, his gaze piercing right through Richie, which sent a shiver down his spine. “Remember when you told me that I was stronger than I thought?” His voice was soft, soothing. Richie hadn’t even realized he had taken a step forward. He nodded. “Well, I think you’re braver than I ever will be... Because I’ve been in love with you since we were 10, and never in a million year would I have found the strength to confess it to you.”
And, before Richie could really understand what this all meant, Eddie’s lips were on his. He had launched himself at the taller man, his hands linking behind his neck and pulling him down into a messy and desperate kiss. Richie stayed frozen for a few seconds, not even able to kiss him back. Eddie noticed it, broke the kiss but kept their foreheads close. He looked up at Richie and as soon as he did, Richie knew. He saw the pure honesty shinning in the back of his big brown eyes and he knew Eddie’s confession was as genuine as it could be. He cradled his face gently, rubbed his cheeks with his thumbs. He wanted to pinch them, but he knew Eddie hated that so he didn’t. Instead, he closed the gap between them by kissing him again. And again. And again. And he felt like he never wanted to stop kissing him. Every centimeters of his skin that was touching Eddie’s was burning deliciously ; he couldn’t even imagine how cold he would feel when they’d have to part ways. For a second, Richie thought it wouldn’t be that bad to die in that cave, to have this be his last moment. But then he broke the kiss and looked at Eddie who still had his eyes close... He thought about all the moments they could have together if they got out of there alive... And that was enough to give him all the confidence he needed to kill the entity that had been terrorizing him since he was a kid. Eddie kept his hands behind Richie’s neck and the kiss turned into a hug.
“Alright Eds,” Richie murmured into the other man’s ear, “how about we continue this after we kill this fucking clown ?”
“Sounds good to me.”
Eddie stepped back and, before he let go of Richie completely, placed a quick kiss on his lips. As innocent as it was, it sent shivers down Richie’s entire body on fire. He grabbed his hand, and headed back into the cave.
Right before they reached the entrance of their hiding spot, Eddie added, “Oh and don’t call me Eds,” with a smirk.
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lunar-jimin · 4 years
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i don’t want to fall in love, if he won’t be here next year
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: best friends to lovers, fluff, wee bit of angst
Word Count: 3.9k
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: feelings, soft kookie, swearing, kissing
Summary: The universe was evil to make you spend Christmas Eve alone with your best friend who you definitely are not in love with. 
A/N: This is for the lovely @namluve​ through @btswriterscollective​ Secret Santa project! Happy holidays, love! Sorry that it’s at the later end of the posting period, but I hope you enjoy!
“For fuck’s sake Jungkook, can’t you unzip your own damn pants?”
“It’s not my fault they got stuck,” he whined, back arched awkwardly as he attempted to see what he was doing, “and I can’t see it because the zipper is in the fucking back.”
You sigh. The mall had started using Santa suits with the zipper in the back after some curious kid showed off Jimin’s candy cane boxers to the entirety of the shopping center last year. Now, your unfortunate best friend had managed to get the damn thing stuck.
“Move,” you frown, taking the zipper from him. You wiggled it back and forth a couple times before it finally moved down the rest of its track.
“Oh, thank god, I thought I was gonna be stuck in these forever.”
“God, you’re so overdramatic. It’s a wonder you make it through the day without me babying you every step of the way.”
“Hey, that’s not fair. You were the one who almost burnt down the kitchen making ramen.”
You roll your eyes.
You continue to strip yourself of your itchy elf dress and the god awful red and white striped tights to match. It takes everything in you not to glance over at Jungkook who is now inevitably just in a muscle tee and tight black underwear.
So what, your best friend was one of the prettier humans to ever grace this planet? You were a grown woman. You had self-control. And you definitely didn’t want him to bend you over this sticky locker room bench and fuck you into the next century. You don’t even need to think about the fact that you were maybe, kinda, sorta, totally, irreversibly in love with him.
“So it’s just you and me tonight, huh?” his voice is less agitated, now that he’s free of his confines.
You snuck a glance and were happy to find him in matching grey sweatpants and sweatshirt. Still deadly hot, but your panties would stay dry. For now.
“Yeah, I suppose. I’m gonna miss our holiday ragers.”
Normally, you would spend Christmas Eve getting black-out drunk with your friends. This year, however, most of them were going home to their families or had started families of their own. Which left you and Jungkook alone with each other for the first time in years.
You were nervous. And you hated that. There was no reason why you should feel like throwing up at the prospect of spending an evening with your best friend. You had done this a million times, why was this time so special? Maybe it’s because you can’t remember the last time you spent more than two hours alone with him.
Ever since Jungkook started dating some girl from his animation class last year, the time the two of you spent together had decreased drastically. You couldn’t blame him, everyone around you was finding themselves in long-term relationships, excited to build a future now that college was almost over. He was just doing the same, and for a while, you thought she would be the one (a thought that left you crying in your bed for a week). You’re embarrassed to admit how pleased you were when Jungkook arrived at your doorstep four months ago, piss drunk at three in the morning to tell you she had cheated on him.
That was the last time you had spent a decent chunk of time and he was either crying or asleep for most of it. But now, here you were, following Jungkook to his beat-up Toyota Corolla, with the intent to spend the night with him. And while he hadn’t shown so much as the slightest hint that he may share your feelings, you couldn’t help but hope.
Three hours later, your nerves have been calmed by the half-a-bottle of wine you’ve downed. Your face is warm, but the spot on your thigh where his hand rests is warmer. Jungkook had convinced you to watch the Holidate despite your better judgment, and now you wanted to bleach your eyes.
“I can’t believe we watched that,” you groan into his shoulder, “I should be able to sue the production company for the two hours of my life that just got wasted.”
Jungkook lets out a buzzed giggle at your complaint, body shaking lightly next to yours.
“It was terrible,” he agreed, “but Seokjin said it was good.”
“Jin has a terrible taste in movies, and you know it.”
He turned to look at you, little sparkles in his doe eyes as he gave you the sweetest smile. Your stomach flips.
“So, what do you want to watch?”
“I think you know the answer to that.”
“Do we really have to?”
“Don’t pretend like you don’t love Die Hard just as much as me,” you slap him playfully, “besides, you know you’re going to make me watch Love Actually after this.”
“You know it’s true, Kookie. We all know you’re a hoe for Bruce.”
“Am not.”
“If you want to live in denial, who am I to stop you.”
Despite his vehement denial of loving the movie, Jungkook quoted nearly the whole damn thing. If it weren’t for his adorable ‘yippee-ki-yay motherfucker’, you probably would’ve smacked him.
“You didn’t have to quote the entire thing,” you grumble.
He looks up at you with his doe eyes and you melt.
“It’s fine, just don’t do it with Love Actually. It’s confusing enough as it is without you talking over it.”
“I won’t, I won’t. Just admit to me you actually love the movie though.”
“I really don’t see the appeal.”
“How can you not see the appeal? It’s a cinematic masterpiece.”
“Yeah, but it’s confusing with all the different stories and I don’t understand British people at all. Also, as a single person, it’s incredibly painful.”
“How is it painful?”
“Because I want someone to fall in love with and cuddle me throughout the holidays.”
“You have me, you know?”
“You know that’s not what I mean, Kookie.”
“What do you mean?”
He’s grinning cheekily, completely aware of how uncomfortable his question makes you. You may be in love with him, but that does not stop you from thinking he’s a little shit sometimes.
“I want, you know, a partner, someone who’ll take me on dates, and kiss me, and do other things.”
“What other things?”
“Jeon Jungkook, you know what I’m talking about.”
Despite being best friends with Jungkook since the pair of you were in pull-ups, you had never felt comfortable talking about sex with him, even before you realized your feelings. You just hadn’t had a lot of experience, limited to a few boyfriends, and the subject wasn’t one you were comfortable with. Luckily, it was a topic Jungkook hadn’t brought up. Until now.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, you just want a holiday fuck buddy.”
You smack his bicep, but don’t respond. Neither does he, simply turning to the screen before him and pressing play.
You’ll never admit it to Jungkook, but you do quite enjoy the movie. Sure it was a little painful to watch a ten-year-old have a more successful love life than yourself, but the storytelling was good. By the time the credits were rolling, you were only a little embarrassed to admit there were a few tears in your eyes.
When you looked over at Jungkook, you were surprised to find a downcast face.
“Is everything alright, Kookie?”
He looks back at you and you were surprised to find tears running down his cheek.
“Oh gosh, Kook, what happened?”
He remains silent, only taking your hand in his, thumb gently rubbing over your skin. His eyes stare down at where your palms meet, and despite your best friend’s apparent distress, you can’t help but notice the warm tingles radiating from his touch. With your free hand, you reach up to brush the tears from his cheek, a pout forming on your lips.
“It’s just,” he sighs, pulling away from you and wiping his eyes, “it’s just, I want it to, you know.”
You tilt your head to the side confused.
“What are you talking about Kook?”
“What you were saying earlier, about the cuddling and dates and shit. I want it too.”
“Oh, Kookie.”
You pull him into, clasping his neck as he buries his nose in your shoulders. You want so badly to tell him that he can have it. He can have all of it and more. With you. But you know now is not the time for confessions.
He pulls his head back to look at you, a twinkle in his eyes that you can’t quite place.
“What is it Kookie?”
He looks down at this lap and then back up at you.
“I don’t want it with just anyone.”
“Well of course not, you’d want it with someone who can love and cherish you just as much as you love and cherish them.”
A dull ache in your heart was beginning to grow. He was so close to being yours, lips only inches away. But yet it seemed a mile still remained between the two of you.
“That’s not what I mean.”
You are once again sent hurling back into confusion.
“Well then what do you mean?”
“I want,” he falters, breathing unsteady like a fish out of water. He grabs your hands again, holding them tightly as if he was afraid you’d slip away. Your heart was pounding in your chest, your mind only just beginning to grasp onto what was happening. Part of you refused to believe, refused to hope, less you were wrong.
“I want you.”
His voice was soft, almost too quiet to hear, but the words were there. You felt your body tense up, shocks running up and down your spine, sirens wailing in your head. You had hoped for this moment for months, no, years, and here you were, and you were totally unsure what to do with yourself.
When you don’t respond, he pulls away and turns to face the TV.
“I’m sorry,” you see him wince in an attempt to stop the tears that are forming in his eyes, “I shouldn’t have said anything. Forget that I ever opened my mouth.”
“Kookie I…”
He turns to look at you and you can’t help yourself. His lips are just as soft as you’d dreamed about during lonely nights. He responds immediately to your kiss, mouth forming against yours as his hands come to cup your jaw softly. Soft glowing warmth radiates throughout you and you are no longer sure whether the tears you feel on your cheeks are his or yours.
You pull away and look into his eyes and at once you recognize the twinkle dancing in them.
Love. Adoration.
He didn’t need to say the words. They were already there. Unspoken. Filling the small space between his body and yours. Radiating throughout the room.
He grabs your waist and swings your body over his so that he is slotted between his thighs. Your hair falls down around you as he stares up at you, his eyes telling you everything you’d ever need to know.
“Will you be mine?”
You nod before leaning down and pecking his lips. You want more than anything in this world to be his.
“I love you, Kookie.”
His eyes go wide, body stiff beneath yours. He slowly lifts a hand up to brush the hair out of your face.
“I love you too.”
A year later, you walk back into the living room with two glasses of wine in your hands to find him down on one knee.
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chyrstis · 4 years
FC5 GFH Tag!
@sharky-broshaw​ and @shellibisshe​​ were lovely enough to tag me to see what my Dep would say as a formal FC5 Gun For Hire, and after spending most of the day thinking this over instead of writing, I think I’ve mostly nailed her down! ;)
Deputy Hana Vao
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With Fangs for Hire
Boomer: “Whoa there, buddy! Aren’t you a sweetheart? God, I...I really wish Rae-Rae were here to say hi to you too, and see how good of a boy you’re being.”
Peaches: “I’m a cat person. I’m not a hundred percent sure it extends to being a big cat person, but I’m willing to try.” / *in a ridiculous voice while sneaking through the brush* “Who’s an adorable murder machine, yes, you are!”
Cheeseburger: “Whoever decided it’d be entirely possible and plausible for me to spend my free time hanging out with a bear, I’d like to give the biggest high-five to, because this? This is really fucking awesome.” / “I’ve always wondered if I’d have the chance to meet a local celebrity, and now I’ve met two! What are the odds of that?”
With other Guns for Hire
*after inviting him* “Oh, now it’s a party.”
“So, apparently karaoke night at the Spread Eagle used to be a thing. You’ve been holding out on me! *both start trading stories about signature songs they used to pick, until they both settle on one and start singing along to it* *some of it’s good, most of it isn’t*
*after a fight* “That was the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Do it again.” / “Hey, Shark? How about you dial it back a little next time? It kind of got a little too close for comfort there.”
“You know what they say about any big bads, right?” *along with Sharky* “If it bleeds, we can kill it! *laughs* God, you’re the best.”
“Hey, Grace? I know you mentioned last time that I really need to work on the whole sneaking, and being quiet, and-” “Not throwing a block of C4 at every problem you see?” “...Shit. I knew I might’ve forgotten something. Let me get back to you on that.”
“Grace? If I offered you twenty dollars to shoot [a hat off of a scarecrow, a can off of a fence, the helmet off of a Peggie, etc]. Would you do it?” *Grace asks if she’s that willing to go broke* “Maybe. I still think that would be pretty cool to see.”
*calls Hana Ms. V* “Hurk! I thought we agreed not to go with that one!” *he throws out a slew of nicknames each one more absurd than the last* “...Um, okay. Maybe that one’s not so bad after all.”
“Hey, I have to ask. What’s with the chimps?”
*calls Hana Depu-Vee and pretends to relay a top-secret message* Hurk, hon. We’re face to face. I’m looking right at you. We don’t need codenames right now.
“I...that’s definitely a description I never thought I’d ever hear. Or visualize.”
“Okay, so I’m only going to say this once, but...” *speaks at a mile a minute* “Fuck John, Marry Faith, and Kill Jacob, and there’s nothing left for Joseph, so just fuck him in general. Done and done.”
“I swear to God, if you ever ask me to fly Carmina again I’m going to crash her. Not on purpose, I’m just that damn bad at it, so please. I beg of you, don’t.”
“How’s Kim doing? If you two need anything at all, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
“Jesus, you’re a hell of a shot. Shooting an apple off of someone’s head would probably be nothing, huh?” *Jess asks if she’s volunteering* “It’s not that you aren’t a badass, because you totally are, but you know how some ideas look fun at first pass, but are probably a disaster in the making? That? That would be one of them.”
In Combat
Seeing an enemy: “You got eyes on them?”
Sneaking:*snaps a twig* “Shit! ...Um, shit. Sorry.”
Killing an enemy: "Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!” / *if you score the hit* “Holy shit, that was a shot!”
Reviving: “It’s okay, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” / “Hold on! Can’t have you dying on me now.”
Hurt: “Ow, motherfucker!” / “Jesus, walk it off. Just walk it off.” / *flamethrower, or Sharky* Shit! Nearly singed my hair...
Downed: “Really, really pissed that they made me bleed my own blood here.” / “Keep moving! Don’t worry about me! *pained sound* “Fuck!”
If asked to drive: “You sure? Well, buckle up and hold on tight. I promise I’ll try and be gentle.” / “God, this is really making me miss my bike.”
Reckless driving: “Jesus, now I know how Grace feels.” / “And here I thought you’d leave the stunt driving to old Clutch. I’m game if you are.”
Changing radio stations: *starts singing along if Barracuda’s playing* / *’if Oh John’ starts playing* “...Fucking asshole.” *sings an off-key, ‘bold and brave’ before making a sound of disgust*
“Hey, hon. How’re you holding up? Better than me, I hope, because I could really go for a cigarette. Might have to bum one off of Sharky the next time I see him.”
“You know, I’m not from around here. I’m from Detroit. Moved around a lot when I was young, so I don’t remember it well to begin with, but my mom took a lot of photos of it. Kept them all in a photo album for me to look at when I was older, and always told me we’d head back there someday to check them out again ourselves. ....Well, I’m about 95 percent certain that when the cult burned my apartment down, it might’ve taken that album with it. Pictures of those places. Of her. All of it up in smoke, just like that. So, here’s hoping there’ll be a Detroit left after all of this, depending on whether or not Joseph’s talking shit, or actually right. Because I’d really like to have a second chance to see all of that. And have a chance to honor her too.”
“I’m a city girl, so the silence out here is...it’s a little overwhelming. But I’d gladly take it over the sound of gunfire. This place is beautiful, and the kind of peaceful you don't really appreciate until it’s gone.”
Hard to believe I wouldn’t have ended up here at all if the Sheriff hadn’t taken a chance on me. He’ll say differently, but there’s a reason why Staci called me-calls me Rook, and why Joey always took the time to answer every single silly question I had. I didn’t have a whole lot of experience before heading here, and...they made it all worth the risk on my end too. Made me feel welcome when anyone else would’ve just shown me the door, and I’ll do damn near anything to get them back.
By any body of water: *voice pitched higher than normal* “Hey, you’re not-that’s looking pretty deep. Think I’ll um, hang close to the shore just in case.” *wanders around it, but never enters it*
At the Spread Eagle: *hanging close to either Mary May by the bar* *Mary May jokes about Hana spending more time talking to her than drinking* “Hey, I’m sparing you both the bad dancing and the bad flirting! Trust me, you don’t want to see either.” / *if by the jukebox in the back, can be found swaying to whatever’s playing*
After liberating the Radio Towers: “I really need to talk to Wheaty about getting Queen on the radio here, because we’re suffering from a real lack of that. Tell me you wouldn’t be ready and willing to kick all kinds of ass after listening to them for a bit.” / *near a Wolf Beacon while it’s blaring* “Jesus, Jacob really took a page out of every horror movie here, didn’t he? Note to self, stay far, far away from these at night.”
In the Henbane: “You want to trust your eyes. You also want to trust your ears, and every last bit of sense you’ve got, but here? You can't. And that honestly scares the shit out of me.” / “You see Faith too, don’t you? Right at the corner of your vision before you blink and she’s gone? Word of advice? Don’t approach her or talk to her. You’ll like what she has to say at first, but...not so much the wolverine taking a piece out of you afterwards.”
At Seed Ranch by the Boat Launch: *if present when Sharky drops the dingus line, she starts giggling until she snorts*
In Holland Valley: “Can you do me a favor? If you ever decide to do a little redecorating - like, say, make modifications to a giant, white three-letter sign up in the mountains - take me with you. Because pissing John off’s really what keeps me going, and lighting that ‘Yes’ sign up would be a thing of beauty.” / *later when John calls post-destruction she mouths, ‘Oh shit’ while 100% making this face:
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Tagging: @amistrio @ma-sulevin @shallow-gravy​ @foofygoldfish @guileandgall​ @ofravensandgenesis​ @fadedjacket​ @seedlingsinner @teamhawkeye​ @redroci​ @risenlucifer​ @tomexraider​ @finefeatheredgamer​ @narcis-the-monk​ @scarlettkat86 @hawkfurze @raisinghellinotherworlds @fromathelastoveritaserum @shelliechen and anyone else that’s interested! I’d love to see your GFHs, so totally tag me if you do!
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boba-xing · 4 years
Captivating {Chapter 8}
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Fem!Reader x Werewolf!Choi Seungcheol (SVT)
Warnings: none
Taglist: @suhappysuho @captain-brie @seekerbabygirl @moon8894 @yippee-kay-yay @sehunnies-hunnie96 @lovinggalaxies @brokenbutchocolate @amixoferrthang @onewoowonderboy @3rachatraingoeschoochoo @sksk-x @haluim17 @jelly-fishy-babie @sakura-uji @psshwa
“I don’t want to think about it, I just want to sleep, okay?” you cross your arms at the sulky boy standing in front of you. He’s so far managed to resist the urge to pull you into his arms, and instead is resting himself against the kitchen counter, leaning back on his palms.
He nods, “Okay, I’ll take the sofa. You can have my room.”
You want to argue otherwise but you can tell he’s not in the mood for that, and to be honest neither are you.
It’s such a strange atmosphere. You’re not sure how to feel, or whether you made the right decision at all. Even with Joshua looking at you encouragingly you can’t find words to say to Seungcheol.
“Thank you for coming back.” Cheol mumbles, looking up at you.
You shrug, “Thank Joshua.”
It only takes a moment of silence before you head upstairs, collapsing onto Seungcheol’s bed and embarrassingly enjoying his scent. You frown, if he’s part wolf does that mean he can smell you? Shouldn’t you know that from your obsessive reading of folklore tales...but then again Josh basically made half that stuff out to be untrue.
Your eyes fall on the picture of Seungcheol’s sister on the bedside table. She’s young, pretty and the look on her face is of pure joy. You wonder what happened to her, why she died. And in your chest, you feel your heart sink slightly.
You’re woken by the sound of shouting only metres from the bedroom door, and with some struggle you manage to roll over and check the time on your phone.
7 am.
You let out a groan, rolling back over only to scream at the face of an intruder. You somehow leap backwards, foot twisted in the duvet and just manage not to fall off the bed.
“Oh my god, I’m sorry!” Jeonghan stands up from his seat on the desk chair and looks awkwardly at you.
“What are you doing in here? Holy shit, you scared me so much!” you breathe, frowning at the man,
“Seungcheol asked me to keep an eye on you to make sure you’re okay-”
“-While I sleep?” you furrow your eyebrows, “That’s so creepy!”
“No, I’ve only been here for like five minutes! He knew the boys would wake you up so he didn’t want you to get scared.” Jeonghan sits back down.
“Oh yeah, he really succeeded there.” You roll your eyes, positioning yourself back on the bed steadily. “Are they like this every morning?”
“No, it was an eventful night so they ended up arguing.”
“An eventful night?”
“Yeah a lot of fighting for territory, another pac- sorry, you probably don’t want to hear about this.” he scratches the back of his neck.
“No, I do, go on.” 
“Well, I don’t think Seungcheol would want me to tell you either.” 
“How am I supposed to trust any of you if you won’t tell me anything?” you roll your eyes again, earning a slightly judgemental look from Jeonghan. “Whatever, I’m gonna get changed. So if you don’t mind...”
He nods before heading out of the room. 
You get changed quickly and by the time you’re done the shouting has stopped and an eery silence has taken over the house. There’s the occasional footstep or clatter of utensils from the kitchen but it seems as though all the energy has been sucked out of the building.
You find Seungcheol in his study, peering over the edge of the door to see his figure observing some sheets on the desk. He seems to have changed a lot from last night...he’s no longer the broken man who cried at your rejection, but rather an intimidating leader who means business. 
“You can come in, love.” you’re slightly startled by his gruff tone but enter the room anyway. He nods at the seat in front of the desk, eyes not leaving the paperwork just as yours don’t leave the floor. “I heard Jeonghan scared you.”
You look up at his now softened voice, and his dark brown orbs gaze back at you. You’re not sure what to say so instead you fidget under his observation. “Mhmm.”
“Sorry, I didn’t know he would startle you like that.” He glances back down to his work, “Have you had breakfast?”
“No.” you bite your lip, “A-are we just going to act...normal?”
“What do you mean?” He looks at you again, this time putting his pen down and focusing on you properly.
“Like, are we just going to act like nothing happened?” your gaze falls to the floor, nervous again.
“I don’t see why not.” His voice is so soft now, softer than you’ve ever heard it, and you’re thankful because otherwise you’d probably rush out of the room in anxiousness. “It’s-it’s a normal thing for the rest of us, so maybe if you just act like it’s normal and like you’re used to it then everything will be just fine. It will only take a little time and a little learning to feel fully comfortable around us, okay?”
“Okay.” Your teeth pull at your lip.
“Are you mad at me, ___?” he sighs, “Please tell me how you’re feeling.”
“I-I don’t know how I’m feeling, okay?” you frown, “I thought this was the perfect relationship and I was really getting to know you and like you. But then it’s all changed and I’m confused and I don’t know what to believe and what not to believe. I think I’m going crazy.”
“Sweetheart, you’re not going crazy.” He reaches his hand out and you take it, letting him run his thumb soothingly over your fingers. “You just need some time, okay? Don’t think about it too much, and just relax. You’re safe, you’re cared for, you don’t need to worry, okay?”
“Okay.” You nod.
“Why don’t you text Jihyun and ask if she wants to come over? We can order some pizza or something.” Seungcheol suggests, “I think it’ll help you get more comfortable.”
You nod again, pulling out your phone and curling into the seat. Seungcheol’s eyes softly analyse your features, admiring the way your lips pout and your eyebrows furrow as you concentrate. He finds you absolutely adorable, beautiful but more adorable.
“She’ll probably reply later,” You lick your dry lips, looking back at him, “It’s a bit early.”
“Mmm.” His eyes travel to your lips and back before his gaze settles back at your eyes. “Why don’t you go and get something to eat, sweetheart? If you need anything I’ll be in here.”
“Okay, thank you.” You quickly make your way out and hop your way to the kitchen. 
“Morning.” Shua smiles at you as come in, cutting a piece of waffle and stabbing it with the fork, “Here, try this.”
“Oka-” you don’t even get to finish your sentence before he’s shoved the breakfast food into your mouth, watching you eagerly.
“What do you think?”
You take a moment to swallow. “It’s good.”
“Just good?”
“It’s a waffle, Joshua, it’s not going to be mind blowing.”
“I made it myself.” he says, “Normally Mingyu makes everything.”
“Well then, it’s the best waffle I’ve had in my life.” you smile, “Mingyu could never make one as good as this.”
“___, he can definitely hear you, and he’ll probably be down in a minute to show us his cooking skills.” Chan wonders over, snatching the waffle plate from Joshua and gulping it down in record speed.
As if on queue, Mingyu appears in the kitchen, arms crossed and a pout on his face as he stares directly at you.
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kitty-otome · 3 years
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RELEASE DATE: january 22nd 2021
SUMMARY: you may be a trust fund baby, but you work hard to achieve your dreams: making your mark, and maybe finding love along the way. sadly, your parents have other plans, surprising you with a fiance. are you bound to you parents choices? or does the voice beyond your balcony offer something more?
p. s. “first impressions” means i only read the prologue and the first chapter of every main story available. i make a lot of assumptions and i’ll probably go on a tangent at some point or another, so please be warned.
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in short, the mc (you) is a rich kid who dreams of becoming successful without the help of your parents (just like every millennial born wealthy, how predictable). unfortunately for her, her father unexpectedly throws her into an arranged marriage (on her birthday, might i add) with the flashy ceo of an entertainment company. in this story, your fiancé is chosen for you, so the other love interests are not other wealthy men, but people who work for your family/with you (AKA people your parents wouldn’t approve of). meaning, unless you pick the fiancé’s route, we’re falling into a romeo and juliet dynamic (hence the title of the game).
i think the premise is fine. it’s nothing new or original, but that doesn’t necessarily make it bad. who doesn’t love a good forbidden romance? i think it’s interesting that your fiancé is picked for you, rather than you pick the fiancé, i think it’s a good chance of pace.
the writing is quite good, much like the writing in most of voltage’s new stories. there isn’t too much description (at least in the prologue/first chapter), thus quickening the pace of the story. so if you’re someone (like me) who likes slower paced stories, you might find that these first chapters feel a bit rushed, i know i did. but if you’re someone who hates descriptions and long monologues, and who just wants to see action, you might really be into this style of writing.
personally, i love long descriptions and endless monologues describing the train of thought of the mc/narrator, but i know i’m of the minority.
furthermore, i find that whoever wrote this is very good at creating intrigue. although the writing isn’t particularly poetic (in my opinion, at least), it definitely sucks you in in other ways. the writers managed to spark curiosity in the readers without confusing them (something voltage writers then to do when attempting to create intrigue), which is quite a feat.
there are currently four love interests that you can play at the moment, they are keiji fujieda (the butler), haruto miyake (the chef), yoshiki minagawa (the coworker) and shotaru uekusa (the childhood friend). the love interests that are not available at the moment are hisashi aoyama (the fiancé) and motoki takahashi (i don’t know what he does, you don’t see him in the prologue, but i assume he works for hisashi based on the information available about him).
they’re all very attractive characters, aesthetically they’re very nice to look at. keiji truly does not interest me at all, he comes off as a cardboard box with a high sex drive, and hey if that’s your thing then get your thick brown packing material sis, but that’s just not for me. haruto seems alright, he comes off as quite immature to me, but i find that him and mc have good chemistry. yoshiki interests me. i’m really curious to see what he’s like when he’s in love (since he’s always as. stiff as a board). his main story seems pretty good too. however, i feel like they might’ve tried to recreate a takuto moment with his character design? who knows. shotaru seems pretty cool, i find his relationship with mc to be very cute. however, the love interest i want to play most hisashi. he seems like a very complex character and i’m really curious to know what are his motives behind marrying mc. i feel like he has a really fascinating/tragic backstory.
i don’t know what i feel about the mc. i think it’s still too early to really make a true judgment of her character. however, from what i see, she’s basically the stereotypical angsty rich kid who wants to live like one of the middle class kids, and i’m not crazy about that to say the least. i’d honestly rather have a bratty and self centered mc than an arrogant and “rebellious” mc who tries to act like she wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth, because then at least she’d acknowledge her privilege and have room for growth. but that’s just my opinion.
with that being said, her desire to distance herself from her parents is very understandable. her father is a raging misogynist and and her mother is an airhead-ish enabler. so her dislike for her parents is very understandable.
(off topic but, i think i should mention that her father’s words really hurt me, like actually hurt me. they gave me flashbacks from my own childhood, so if you’re sensitive to parental abuse or misogynistic remarks/insults, i would probably steer clear from this game.)
now, earlier i called the mc rebellious with quotation marks. the reason why i did that is because this mc has a very.. anticlimactic way of showing rebellion (in my opinion). this mc has a regular office job. there’s nothing wrong with having an office job, but if you hate your parents and want to rebel against them, shouldn’t you a) become a heavy metal singer so your parents are too embarrassed to be seen with you or b) become so successful you parents can’t interrupt your life anymore? who the hell becomes a regular office employee to rebel against their overbearing millionaire parents? not only that, but she explicitly says she isn’t completely satisfied in her current position. if she was satisfied with her job, then it would be a completely different story, but she isn’t. so, how is it rebellion? how is working a job you’re unhappy with supposed to make anyone jealous or envious? i honestly would’ve loved an angsty alt mc, who’s more interested in touring the world with her band than getting a husband, or a really brainy mc who’s more interest in pursuing higher education than getting married, or even a really business oriented mc with a wildly successful company who’s more interested in making bank than babies.
just imagine picking a job that you’re only half satisfied with when you have all that money at your disposal? that’s humiliating.
plus, she talks out loud to herself a lot which makes me weirdly uncomfortable. i understand you’re frustrated girl, but just get a journal or something. you’ll wake up the entire neighborhood with that blabbering.
most of the plots actually seem really good. in keiji’s main story, you realize you’ve fallen for him while he’s helping you plan your wedding. in haruto’s main story, you make a bet with him that you’ll fall in love with your fiancé, but you end up falling for him instead. in yoshiki’s main story, you start falling in love with him as you work together, but then you realize he might have sinister motives (much like a certain plot from irresistible mistakes). all of these plots seem great!
shotaru’s main story, on the other hand, seems absolutely pointless. in his story, you fall in love, but then he starts falling for a maid and you start falling for your fiancé, but for some reason, you’re trying to save your relationship, even though it sounds more convenient for him to marry the maid and for you to marry, well... your fiancé. (???) i promise i’m just as confused as you are. maybe the summary is just written really weirdly. i assume that’s what it is because the reviews are really good.
unfortunately, there’s no music. although they let you know of that aspect at the beginning of the story, it still bums me out a little.
the sceneries are kind of boring, most are just old recycled backgrounds that i’ve seen a million times before, but the driving animation looks really fantastic (you know, when the love interest is driving)! it’s a different pov, the mc is in the backseat rather than the passenger AND the steering wheel is finally on the left. yippee-ki-yay! i know the steering wheel is usually on the right in japan, but as an american, i was very happy to see it on the left. that right side steering wheel irked me so much for some reason. it’s such a small detail but it brought me so much joy.
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so, will i buy one of the main stories? maybe, mostly because i’m genuinely intrigued by where this story’s going to go. i’ll probably buy yoshiki’s main story, or hisashi’s main story, when it comes out. motoki looks to be my type, but i don’t know anything so far about his personality, so i couldn’t say for certain.
have you already bought any of the main stories? if so, what did you think? let me know!
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captainxsassafras · 4 years
Angel Voice
Ok, so this is really the first piece of writing I've actually finished since I graduated from college. Haha, yeah. I've been a bit of an unproductive writer the past lil bit, BUT I'm here today and I finished this. Not gonna lie, I am hella nervous for this. It's nothing emotionally involved or really intense (ok, there’s not angst, but I get real emotionally involved in fluff, so maybe I’m a liar), but I read the idea of Shinsou doing ASMR from secondhand-trash and the anon over there and, ya know, magic happened! Haha, I kid. Just cuteness, a few saucy phrases here and there! Please be kind to me!
(Also, I’m so sorry. I will figure out how to put stuff under the cut. Please be patient with my tech illiterate ass!)
Angel Voice
Shinsou x Reader
Warning: lots of fluff?, attempted assault (not Shinsou!), suggestive comments, a hot mess of a reader!
Word Count: Just over 5000... I think.
Fucking fuckity fuck fuck. You had not slept at all. Not a single wink.
Sorry, kind sir. I have no spare winks to give. No winks here.
This had been going on for months. Months!
It was starting to affect you.
Hahahah… That was a lie. It had been affecting you. You were just adaptable and great at lying so nothing was really wrong! 
…Ok, that was a lie too. Your sleep schedule was shot. Your brain was shot. Your work was… by some miracle still ok, but you weren’t about to keep betting on that.
So, here you were. Finally off work and almost falling asleep waiting for the train in the humid, afternoon heat. 
This is probably what Hell feels like. Sleep-deprived, foggy, humid, and full of sweaty humans.
You jolted fully awake from a doze as the train arrived and people began crowding against you.
Yippee. A crowded train with strangers pressing in close on absolutely zero sleep.
Nevermind. This was Hell. Waiting for the train was just the appetizer.
Your phone buzzed.
It was your best friend. She knew that you'd been having trouble sleeping and had been your solid rock. She'd been your support when it started and had helped you brainstorm remedies when it had continued. So it wasn't really a surprise when she sent you a link to an asmr video with the message, 'he has the voice of an angel! 😇 if this doesn't help you sleep, nothing will! luv ya boo! good luck!!! ❤❤❤❤❤' 
She was right. 
His voice was deep, but soothing. He spoke in a soft, calm cadence that immediately put you at ease.
The video in question was a request from a viewer. It was a description of a calm hike through the woods on a nice day. 
It was heaven.
You had your first night of decent sleep in months.
(And if you were being totally honest, you did actually cry a bit when you woke up feeling more rested and clear-headed than you could remember.)
From that point on, you fell asleep listening to 'Angel Voice' every night. 
And quickly discovered that you couldn't listen to the more...exciting rp videos before bed! They sent your poor, stupid heart wild and kept you wide awake plus some tasty adrenaline! Definitely not the desired effect! Not unpleasant. Just kinda detrimental to the whole helping-you-sleep thing.
But his calm, descriptive videos and dulcet voice sent you straight to dreamland. 
For a month straight you fell asleep to his tones and barely bothered to look at the voice artist's name.
Angel voice worked!
Ok, now you were tired. 
A frantic call to work this afternoon had you covering your sick coworker’s shift. This meant you were both awake way later than you had recently been staying up and you were working with a double shift's worth of leftover energy.
Ok, you were dead. Running on empty. There was no leftover energy.
You dumb, tired feet trudged along the stupid, dark street and your dumb, heavy purse cut into your stupid, aching shoulder.
But despite your exhaustion, you still held a canister of pepper spray--safety off, thank you--clutched tightly in your hand. 
The hackles on the back of your neck rose. The hair on your arms stood on end. Chills ran down your spine.  
You could feel eyes on your back.
Someone was watching you.  
It was a very unpleasant feeling this late at night all alone on a half lit street.  
Ugh, this street was so different after dark! 
You normally made your way home during rush hour when the street was busy with foot and vehicle traffic, well-lit by the sun, and full of chatter and life.
It was almost lifeless and eerily quiet now. 
It needed more streetlamps. 
Humming very quietly to yourself, you tried to keep your mind off of the intense foreboding grabbing at your chest.
That same shivering chill ran through your body right before a harsh hand clawed at your arm, jerking you back. You cried out as your sore shoulder twisted and adrenaline-fueled panic surged through your entire nervous system.   
You whipped around, pepper spray at the ready and a fierce scowl on your face, to empty the canister straight into the guy's eyes.
You wrenched your aching shoulder out of his hand. Without conscious thought, your foot rose and met his groin in a beautifully placed front kick. 
Ding! Ding! Ding!
We have a winner!
He fell.
A convenience store! There was a convenience store nearby! 
Heart pounding, you fled to the little 24 hour convenience store across the street and, from the safety of the front counter, called the police.
Your frantic eyes scoured the area near the man, waiting to see if he would rise and run. 
Although, you did get him pretty good. You hoped he wouldn't run away. That'd be a) frustrating because you didn't really have a way to identify him so he'd probably get away and b) scary because you kicked him in the nuts! Guys held grudges for things like that! 
Was that movement?
It… didn't seem like the attacker was moving… 
Oh! It was another guy and it looked like he was wearing a costume!
A hero?
Looked like it! He was tying the felled grabber up with… not sure, but it was incapacitating the guy who grabbed you, so yay!
You left the store and slowly approached the man. 
"Um, hi," you said with a hesitant wave. "This was me." You bashfully gestured to the man still lying (now tied up) on the ground.
"Hey, there. Thanks for doing my job for me," he replied with a bit of a smirk. He had a deep, slightly rough voice and up close you could see dark, wildy messy hair.
Uh-oh. You needed to explain. This was absolutely self defense!
"He, uh, grabbed me from behind and I kind of panicked and, well…"
"Don't worry. I saw what happened. He started following you a few blocks back, but I couldn't do anything because he hadn't done anything yet."
Oh, damn.
You felt sick. He had… he had been following you?
Your knees trembled.
The hero noticed and stepped forward to you.
"Hey, hey. Come here." 
He led you to the curb and sat you down, a hand rubbing comforting circles on your upper back. "It's gonna be ok. You clearly know how to defend yourself, so I wouldn't worry about.."
His soothing voice soon began to pull you out of your fear and calm your racing brain. His hand continued rubbing your back in rhythmic motions and soon your shaking began to slow and finally stop. Your thoughts came back to the moment and you noticed something. Something very familiar...
"Holy shit. Angel voice!"
The hero stopped his rambling speech, one eyebrow raising in an amused arch. He didn't say anything else, just waited for you.
"Do you do asmr?"
"Uh… yeah?"
Boy, you wish you could've captured his face.
Was that the right word?
Yeah. Pure befuddlement.
Then blushing. 
Holy hell! He was blushing! It was really hard to see, but the slightest bit of red colored his cheeks in the dim light.
"Thank you so much!" you cried, maybe a bit loudly. He flinched just a little, looking surprised. "Ah, sorry. But seriously! You're the reason I've been able to sleep for the past month! I've been having sleep issues for almost a year and a friend sent me one of your videos and, well, tada. Sleep happened!" It was your turn to blush. 
The look he was sending your way now was… hella cute. He looked delighted. Elated. Even in the dark, his eyes were shining and he had a goofy little half smile that lit his whole face with happiness. 
The smile highlighted the bags under his eyes and you briefly wondered if that had something to do with his decision to make asmr videos. The thought fled when he raised a self-conscious hand to rub the back of his neck and started speaking.
"I'm glad they've been helping you!" The very corners of his eyes crinkled just a bit. "It makes my night to hear that!" 
His deep voice wasn't loud or overtly excited, but it was warm and full of sincerity. 
Your stomach did a stupid flip.
Nope. Not happening. You refused to be a hero groupie. Too much drama. Too many fans picking each other apart. Too much shade. You needed sunshine and most groupies you knew threw shade like confetti.
Also, he was a professional at work. This was his job. You needed to respect that.
A deep internal breath had you back where you should be. Thanking a professional hero for helping apprehend a man who had attacked you and thanking him for his generous work that helped you sleep well. 
The two of you talked quietly for a few bit waiting for the police to arrive. It was nice. You asked about hero work. He asked about your job. You two chatted about a couple of random things and by the time the police arrived your chatter was comfortable and easy. 
Everything after was a whirl. You had to give a statement. They needed to take you to a hospital just in case. The hero gave his witness statement and then had to leave to help out with a robbery in a different neighborhood. 
You left for the hospital looking back and feeling little starbursts of melancholy disappointment needling your chest. 
You'd probably never see him again.
Ah, well. Guess he'd stay Angel Voice. 
Crap. Crap. Crap. Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap. 
This was stupid. 
You had barely talked to him for a half hour. And, yeah, he was sweet. Ok, he'd been crazy nice. And so fucking attractive. He'd been easy to talk to and the conversation between you two had been entertaining and full of wit. 
But you had no way of directly contacting him. You'd looked him up, but hadn't gotten much info on him. It looked like he was an underground hero, so that made a lot of sense. It, however, did not make it any less frustrating.
You didn't know what you'd do if you managed to get ahold of him anyway!
"Hi! You sorta bagged a guy who tried to assault me (but I took down first) a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since then even though we had like a half hour conversation, half of which was you coaxing me out of a panic attack. Want to go on a date?"
Of course, you could always comment on one of Utube videos, but that had about a 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance of working and felt a little too…. Stalker-fan.
There was also the raging guilt and embarrassment you felt over crushing on a hero who had just been helping you as part of his professional work. He had been at work! It was part of his job to comfort you! He was literally in the business of saving people and making sure they were ok. And that was exactly he had done. He didn't need to be harrassed because your dumb brain said, 'Oo, shiny!' when he smiled. He had been at work. You shouldn't read anything into his behavior, because there really wasn't anything other than a pro hero doing his duty.
Nope! You needed to get over this.
A notification buzzed and you checked your phone.
Mind_kitty has posted a new video! Watch now!
With a defeated sigh, you deferred the notification for later. You could listen and relax on your way home from work.
A movement out of the corner of your eye caught your attention and you snapped your head up as a coworker hustled over with a look of panic on their face. 
And now, here you were, sitting wearily on the train and hurtling towards home.
Ugh, what a day.
After everything that could go wrong had miraculously (horrifically? Fiendishly? Miraculously seemed too positive…) gone up in flames at the same time, you had spent the rest of your work day running around like crazy putting out all the fires (only one of which was, in fact, a literal fire so not actually a terrible day).
Your feet were sore and a headache that had started with your coworker's news and grown from there threatened to overwhelm you.
There were still a few stops until yours, so you slipped your headphones out of your bag and opened your Utube app. 
Thank you unlimited data!
You found Angel Voice's latest video and began to play.
(Ok, you now had actually figured out his Utube username and finally bothered to remember it, but he'd started as Angel Voice to you and it just worked in your mind!)
Why does he have such a great voice? It was perfect! Deep and smooth and perfectly made to whisper sweet (or not so sweet) nothings in your ear while you gently played with his wild purple hair. Fuck, his hair was so pretty! You'd bet your left buttcheek it was soft as clouds…
Ugggghhhhh... Fine. 
You were crushing on a pro hero. 
Are you happy, universe? 
Your fated journey to become a groupie had begun. Might as well accept it and focus on more important things… like Angel Voice's hair.
Or, you know, his voice…
You fell into the sound of his speaking.
Hah, it was like an automatic reaction at this point. Your shoulders started to unknot and that stereotypical breath you didn't know you were holding in rushed out in a grateful sigh.
However, it didn't take you long to realize that he hadn't started into the asmr immediately as you were expecting. Paying more attention, you rewound the video to the beginning and actually listened to what he was saying.
"I'm not sure exactly how to do this." He let out a dry half chuckle. "I haven't completely convinced myself I should. But, um…"
He paused with a frustrated sigh, then seemed to take a deep breath. 
"Ok, to hell with it. I'm doing this. Dear, girl I met the other night who took a guy out by kicking him in the nuts."
Was he talking about you? Was there another girl who kicked a guy in the nuts on his patrol? Damn, he met a lot of kickass girls on patrol! Good for her! She was getting a personal shoutout from Angel Voice! 
"I know it might seem kind of weird to be doing this over Utube, but I missed my chance at first, then the police arrived and everything was crazy and I had to leave to help out another pro."
Wow, sounds intense. Bet that was stressful. Oh, wait. Hah. You knew it was stressful.
"So I blew my chance to ask for your number."
He wanted her number? Damn! Super lucky girl!
Wait, this wasn't an rp video was it?
You pulled out your phone to check, but the title and description didn't mention any kind of rp. Aww! This was real! And it was adorable!
A tiny piece of sad ripped itself free of the fuzzy feelings you were experiencing. He had been so kind and you'd had such a fun time conversing. It would have been really amazing if this were for you. You had really liked the piece of personality you'd been able to see.
"I'm really hoping you'll hear this video, and hear it in time, because I'd love to go get coffee with the girl who accidentally body-slammed her coworker on her birthday."
That had been you! Your stupid coworker had snuck up behind you at the end of the day in a semi-dark area of work and shouted in your ear to scare you.
It had worked. 
You'd been so scared that you'd grabbed him, flipped him over your shoulder, and body-slammed him into the floor.
And… and you'd told Angel Voice that night as you sat talking about some of your more notorious takedowns. 
This was for you.
This video was for you!
What the fuck?!
This video was for you!?
You had to rewind a hot second to hear what came next.
Then you had to pause and go back yet again, because your mind was in such a frenzy and your heart was beating so loudly in your ears you couldn’t concentrate on what was being said!
“So if you hear this and, um, you’re interested at all, girl who took down a fully grown man in five seconds, I’ll be waiting at the spot we first met at five pm today. I, uh, really hope I’ll see you there again.”
The video ended. 
Your heart was still aiming for professional drummer in your chest.
You could see him raising his hand to rub at the back of his neck with that last statement. He’d done it that night and you could picture it in your mind. 
Wait! What time was it?
4:50 pm.
You were going to miss the meeting.
You were still six train stops away from yours and that alone would take you fifteen minutes! Not to mention the next fifteen minutes it’d take to get to the meeting place! 
Of course, that was walking speed. You could run.
Frantic eyes looked down at your shoes. Not exactly running shoes. 
Whatever, you’d make do.
You wanted to see him again.
You could just imagine the disappointment on his face if you didn’t show and that melancholy from earlier reared its weepy head and cried out in frustration because you didn’t want to hurt him!
And you really wanted to see him again!
The next fifteen minutes were the most agonizing you could remember enduring in recent history. This was worse than the time you spilled coffee on your favorite author and his manager had yelled at you for five minutes while they changed! I mean, that had been pretty bad, but the author had been incredibly nice about it after getting back and even mentioned it humorously in the book you had asked them to sign. It was still easily the most awful you'd ever felt and you’d really wanted nothing more than to run away.
This. Was. Worse.
So much worse because you couldn’t actively work towards your quickly approaching deadline and destination. You had to sit there… waiting.
Your leg was bouncing up and down and a few fellow train riders were giving you slightly concerned looks. You were too wound up to care.
Finally, finally!
You arrived at your stop, hurried off the train as quickly as you could without being the absolute worst human ever, and ran.
Your shoes remained on your feet until you almost killed yourself stumbling over them, then they were in your arms.
Decorum be damned!
This was a matter of life or date! (And preferably not death by shoe!)
You made it to the spot where you’d met him at exactly 5:12 pm.
You were sweaty. 
Hell, that was an understatement.
You were pretty sure you’d left a trail of sweat behind you and you could feel it running in rivulets down your back. There was probably a stain back there… And on your armpits… and on… everywhere.
You knew your hair was an absolute mess. 
But as bad as you knew you must look, you felt worse.
Your lungs were on fire. You had absolutely no breath left in your entire body. It felt like you had a knife in your side. In both sides actually. Your entire body was trying to imitate an oven with the level of heat radiating off your skin. Your legs were simultaneously wobbly and shaking and you weren’t sure you’d trust them taking another step at the moment.
And now you had sweat in your eye. Stinging.
But none of that even mattered. 
All of that was stupid and trivial and inconsequential because he wasn’t there.
You’d taken too long.
He was gone.
No vibrant purple hair and sleep-deprived eyes.
No stupid half-smile.
That melancholy came back and instead of quietly tugging at your heart, it hit you square in the chest with an emotional cast-iron frying pan. 
You’d really wanted this.
He was… he was so fucking witty and kind that night.
He’d been soft and understanding and hot. And fucking adorable.
And… and… he wasn’t there.
You slumped in place.
Every ounce of your physical exhaustion caught up to you in an instant and you felt the mortifying sting of tears trying to sneak their way out of your eyes. 
Talk about adding insult to injury.
It wasn’t that bad. This wasn’t that bad.
So, you didn’t get to meet up with a cute hero for coffee. Big deal. Poor unfortunate soul. It was nothing to cry about.
But you’d really wanted to see him again.
Guess it didn’t matter anymore.
You turned, ready to march across the street to that convenience store and buy half of their ice cream, but something tickled your brain.
Something out of the corner of your eye.
Your head whipped around.
It was a flash of purple down the street.
Your eyes snapped to that portion of the sidewalk. 
It was purple hair.
Crazy, wild, tousled, purple hair!
You knew that hair!
But your stupid legs literally wouldn’t run anymore. And he was far enough away that you wouldn’t catch up if you could run.
You reacted without thinking.
You really acted without thinking.
You shouted his name at the top of your lungs.
You shouted your own private, very personal nickname that you had only spoken out loud to your very best friend and, unfortunately, him.
In the middle of a crowded street.
During rush hour.
Your brain was an utter masterpiece of stupid.
You stood there, frozen with the realization of your own idiocy, as the head of purple hair stopped, looked to the side, looked to the other side, then tuuurrrnnned around.
Made eye contact with you through the busy crowd.
Then doubled over laughing.
You couldn’t hear him from where you stood, but you could feel him laughing.
You could see it in the way his bent shoulders shook and his torso convulsed, nearly spasming with the force of his laughter.
And there you stood, still stuck to your spot.
You’d called him Angel Voice out loud in a crowd out loud in front of a bunch of strangers out loud.
And as much as you wanted to run, you couldn’t even twitch.
Not as you watched him finally finish laughing and fully turn to face you. Not as you watched him begin to walk toward you through the throng of people (just beginning to turn back to their own business in the aftermath of your outburst). Not as he stopped directly in front of you, a delighted smile on his sleepy, stupidly attractive face and the corners of his eyes still just slightly crinkled with laughter.
“Hey there,” he said and it felt like the softest slap to the face you’d ever received.
Your frozen body finally remembered its fight or flight reflexes and, wouldn’t you know, you suddenly learned how to fly.
As you turned to bolt, Angel Voice reached out, calling to you.
“Hey, wait! You’re just gonna run after all of that?”
He didn’t grab you.
That detail broke through the panic.
Even though he reached out with his hand, he didn’t grab you.
You stopped.
“I wanna run because of all that!” you blurted.
His chuckles sent a wave of heat down your spine, both embarrassed and… otherwise. Ok, fine! He had a sexy voice! And it turned you on more than you liked to admit! 
Who let him have a voice like that?
It was not freaking fair!
“I’d rather you didn’t.”
Fuck, he sounded sincere. 
You slowly turned around, face still burning.
You two stared at each other for a minute.
A smile crooked your lips.
“So, uh, what’s a place like you doing in a voice like this.”
Your hand came up to rub at your forehead as he began laughing again. A full, big laugh instead of a chuckle.
“I should probably just give up on the talking thing, shouldn't I?”
“I hope not. I could listen to you all day,” he said with a small grin.
And now your heart it was afluttering.
“I feel like that should be my line,” you mumbled, watching him catch his breath from all that big old laughing through the fingers splayed across your face.
There was a pause in the conversation. It wasn’t uncomfortable, but it hadn’t really achieved comfortable silence.
“So, um.”
You looked up from your hand.
Good fuck, he was doing the rubbing the back of his neck thing again. Illegal. Freaking illegal is what that was. No man should possess that level of cute.
“I mentioned grabbing coffee in the video. I’d like to assume you being here means you’re interested?” The sentence ended with a slight upturn, indicating a question. He looked up at you, uncertainty in his gorgeous violet eyes.
Why the hell was he uncertain?
This mortherfucking hottie with a voice made for swooning (and spooning) was nervous about asking you to coffee (adateadateadateadate).
Without thinking, you voiced this exact thought out loud (sans the date portion... and the spooning. Spooning was for non-dumbasses). 
Angel Voice looked absolutely floored.
“I’m sorry, but do you own a mirror?” he asked. There was a tension in his voice that almost had you shrinking into yourself.
Well, at least he was blunt.
“You’re fucking gorgeous.”
You met him on the floor.
Dead. Ass.
He just called you gorgeous.
There was a set to his jaw now and a sort of light in his eyes. He looked very… determined. Set, was what you’d call it. He seemed very set on a decision.
"It was great talking to you the other night. I can't get out of my head how funny and smart you were. And you're so fucking cute I want to wrap you up in my jacket and stay there forever."
His face was blazing red now. His ears too. Ok, that was hella adorable. You felt your own self flush with happy bashful feelings. I mean, he himself had just supplied you with the sappiest, schmoopiest mental image you’d really ever conceived.
“I’d really like to go get some coffee together.” He went quiet for a minute, seeming to mull something over in his head, and that stupid hand came up to rub at his neck again.
Ugh, he was gonna kill you with that! 
“Would you go on a date with me?”
If your heart was fluttering before, it was nearly palpitating now!
“Yes! Please! I mean, yes I want to go on a date with you!”
He smiled, a breathless, bewildered, almost (dare you think) dorky smile. It was fucking beautiful.
"Wow," he exhaled.
A snort escaped you. "Again, I feel like that should be my line."
But you smiled back.
And there you both stood, almost dazedly smiling, little happy thoughts buzzing through your minds. 
“We should probably head to a cafe if we’re going to get coffee,” Angel Voice finally murmured.
You started.
The both of you were standing like idiots in the middle of the sidewalk, just staring at each other.
“Coffee, right. Anywhere in mind, Angel Voice?” The nickname slipped out almost by accident.
He held out his hand to you and you took it gently. 
“Angel Voice, huh?” he laughed quietly. “I think I can go with that.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault! You still haven’t told me your name.” You sent a playful tug along the arm you held by the hand and felt a little thrill of joy when he returned it just as playfully. "You're officially Angel Voice until you enlighten me."
The two of you had started walking. He seemed to have a destination in mind. Man with a plan. Nice.
“I know a cafe nearby. Do you mind?” he asked, softly pulling you along in invitation while leaving enough slack for you to object if you wanted.
Man with a plan who asked nicely. Nice.
“Not at all, Angel Voice.” You had a point to make and a guy to tease!
He chuckled again.
“My name is Hitoshi. Hitoshi Shinsou.” That slightly devious grin crept back onto his face. “But Angel Voice works for me.” He snuggled in close to your cheek, the side of his body leaning comfortably into yours. Then he whispered in your ear and you nearly fell over. "Especially if you're screaming it as loud as you did earlier."
Good lord, your knees nearly collapsed. 
His voice, his stupid voice, saying such a frisky thing so close did such a number on you that you couldn't respond for a moment. It was all you could do to keep breathing.
His voice was going to be the death of you! You couldn’t think. Should you respond? What did you say to that? Something equally as frisky! But his voice!
He tensed a bit at your lack of response. 
"Was that too much? Did I cross a line?" he asked, still speaking low right in your ear.
"Son of a bitch, if you don't stop that right now, I'm gonna jump your fucking bones right in the middle of this street." Your voice was full of urgency, but if he didn't stop you really were liable to unleash every single ounce of wild attraction you felt towards him at that exact moment, street full of people be damned!
He stopped walking.
Oh, shit. You could hear the Cheshire grin.
"You mean, like this?"
You sagged against him, letting your knees tremble. Your hand, still tangled, clutched his tightly.
His chuckle this time was less… benevolent than before. "What? You called me Angel Voice." His thumb ran soothingly over your hand. "I had to see if I could tempt you."
You couldn't help it. You turned your face to bury it in his jacket. What a magnificent, teasing butthead you'd just gotten yourself tangled up with. It was amazing!
"That’s going to come back to bite me, isn't it?"
“All the time.”
A tiny little butterfly crept into your stomach. You didn’t want to read too much into it (although after his teasing, you didn't really feel like it was reading into things), but ‘all the time’ sounded like there was going to be, well, plenty of time. It was a very welcome, warm idea.
As soon as your legs de-noodled (Hitoshi making snarky comments like a brat the entire time), the two of you continued on in an easy silence, exchanging teases every so often. The sun was setting and the entire world was covered in golden tones. Rush hour was winding down and the foot traffic in the area was dissipating, leaving a much more comfortable number of people around.
Your brain focused on the soft, warm quality of the light, the muted shocks of excitement zipping through your lower back, and the soft weight of his calloused hand surrounding yours. 
You gave a little, light squeeze.
"I'm so happy I ran, Angel Voice.”
He just chuckled and squeezed back.
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scotchymemes · 5 years
Am I still handsome as an adult? You'll grow into your looks. What the fuck does that even mean? People want to believe they are what they remember. We are what we wish we could forget. If you end up hating New York, we can always still move back here. Come on, you've never seen Indiana Jones? You need to come home. What the fuck, you were fine like five seconds ago? This should be a place that brings people together. It's come back, hasn't it? Losers gotta stick together, right? If I eat a cashew I could realistically die. Is there a password or something? What the fuck happened to me? What's so fucking funny, dickwad? Was this job invented before fun? What the fuck are you laughing at? You remember something we don't, don't you? I remember all of it. Well that shit got dark fast. Did you fuck with the fortune cookies, (...)? Hey! Hey! That fortune cookie's loooking at me! This isn't real! It's not real! The fun's just beginning, right? Wanna come to Derry and get fucking murdered? If you're my friend, why are you hiding in the dark? You're supposed to say three. I've seen all of us die. You stole it? From Native Americans? You put something in my drink? You drugged me?! I saw the whole fucking thing, (...). I'm just saying what everyone else is thinking, man. All living things must abide by the laws of the shape they inhibit.
It's better if I show you. We don't have much time. What the dick is this? How did you build it? This place is a death trap! Oh good going, fuck-nut, you broke his thing! Am I the only one who remembers this shit? I'm just trying to add some lividity to this shit, I'll go fuck myself. I'll do anything to get the hell out of Derry. Do you guys think we'll still be friends when we're older? I'm 5'9, that's average for like most of the world. Splitting up would be dumb, man! She'd still be alive if it hadn't been for you. You look like her, but you're nothing like her. You know that I would never hurt you. You know that, don't you? No one who dies here ever really dies. I think I just shit my pants. No one wants to play with the clown anymore. Play a game with me, would you? I know your secret, your dirty little secret! Hey-ho, silver! Away! Do you hear voices from the sewer? As long as we can still hang out, who cares? Oh my god! I meant as a friend, you dummy! You think I could actually like someone as gross and fat and as ugly as you? It's not gonna pop, it's a mole. You came here for your stinky breath pills? He said you have a tumor...on your dick. I hope your dick feels better. At least I got (...) to stay. You should cut that fucking mullet, it's been like thirty years, dude! No, I'm not alright! I just killed a fucking guy! Please don't be mad, (...). I was just scared. You're braver than you think. It kills monsters, if you believe it does. Do you have any idea how long that's going to take to burn? Fuck, (...)! You lied to us again?! No way I'm falling for this shit again. That thing's a fucking monster. I know your every move, you little bitch. You weren't really sick that morning, were you? You lied and I died. You always knew you would die alone. You wanna play Truth or Dare? Here's the truth: you're a sloppy bitch! Yippee-ka-yay, motherf— Beep beep, motherfucker! I almost killed it... I can smell the stink of your fear. I fucked your mom. You're just a clown. A dumb fucking clown! Honey, he's dead. I legit can't find my glasses. Nothing lasts forever. I've lived my whole life afraid. Be who you want to be, be proud. If you find someone worth holding onto, never ever let them go. Follow your own path, wherever that takes you. See, the thing about being a loser is, you don't have anything to lose. We're losers, and we always will be.
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