#and every single sentence they said began with the words ‘i saw this tweet that said’ or ‘someone commented’ or ‘i saw a meme about’
jakeowen · 4 days
the thing that’s absolutely nuts about grad school is that i’m an adult, most of these people are adults, and we can generally be normal like adults do. but also. some of these people??? are 22. how is that allowed
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Bagels and Bites
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Synopsis: Sebastian likes to flirt with you in interviews
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It all started when you met him on The Late Late Show.
“How are you all feeling tonight?” James asked you and Sebastian Stan as you sat on the guest couch.
“I’m excited.” You beamed as Sebastian rested his arm on the couch behind you.
“So am I. We should probably talk about this later,” Sebastian smiled directly at you, “but we’ve been wanting to meet each other for a long time.”
“Have you?” James chuckled.
“No.” You laughed and playfully hit Sebastian in the chest. “We had one interaction on Twitter and he thinks there’s something between us.”
“It was a very flirty interaction.” Sebastian clarified. “There were sparks flying all over those tweets.”
“So this is your first time actually meeting?” James asked. “Even though you’re in the marvel movies together?”
“It’s weird. I haven’t met half the cast.” You shrugged. “I’ll meet everyone else once the press tour starts but so far I’ve only met the people I’ve filmed with. Just Chris, and Chris, and um, oh yeah. Chris.”
You looked down and smiled to yourself when you heard Sebastian laughing at your joke. Even though you’d never met him, you’d always liked him. It was a well known secret on the Internet that you were his celebrity crush, since he was so inclined on bringing it up in almost every interview of his. Being face to face for the first time now, you were feeling a little intoxicated from his charm. Well, his charm and the white wine you’d been sipping on.
“I hope they stop putting me with Mackie and start putting me with Y/n once this press tour starts.” Sebastian said after taking a sip of his wine. “I love him but I can’t keep babysitting him at 8 in the morning. I’d like to wake up to someone who looks a little more like this one.”
“I know what you mean.” You agreed. “He would show up to set every morning all ready to go and I’m like dude, give me a few hours for my personality to arrive.”
“I was so mad that he got to film with you and I didn’t.” Sebastian shook his head. “We finally get cast in a movie together and we’re never in the same scene.”
“Well,” you put your hand on his knee and patted it, “we’re meeting now. Lucky you.”
“Yeah.” He smirked at you. “Lucky me.”
“Now, Sebastian.” James reminded you both that he was there. “I heard a rumor that you have a little crush on Y/n.”
“Well, I try not to pay attention to rumors.” Sebastian waved his hand. “But that ones pretty accurate.”
“Oh my God.” You put your hand over your heart, which was about to beat out of your chest, and laughed.
“It’s true. I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, but I feel like I’ve seen you all my life. And here you are in person and you look so great.” Sebastian said through a shy smile. You laughed in shock at his compliment and looked down at your lap.
“You’re fully going for it.” James laughed at how bold Sebastian was being.
“You’re not being a very good wingman.” You teased James as you took a long sip of your drink. The more alcohol you had in you, the easier it would be to flirt with the incredible attractive man next to you.
“I was never known for that.” James agreed. “But I heard your brother is a pretty good one, isn’t he?”
“Oh My God.” You groaned, knowing exactly what James was referring to. “He’s not.”
“What happened?” Sebastian wondered, never taking his eyes off you.
“I took my brother to the Oscars with me last year and we happened to be sitting next to Jake Gyllenhaal.” You explained. “And the whole night, he’s telling Jake about how I used to be in love with him when I was a kid. If there weren’t a bunch of cameras around us, I would’ve rung his neck.”
“So I’m assuming you and Jake aren’t the next celebrity power couple?” James teased.
“We are not.” You shook your head. “I can confidently say that I was still single.”
“I was just gonna and say, there’s still hope for us.” Sebastian gestured between the two of you. You opened your mouth in shock before biting down on your tongue. You playfully hit Sebastian again, signally that you were just as interested as he was.
“You’re really going for it.” James pointed out. “I must say, wow.”
“Why not?” Sebastian grinned. “This is the time.”
“You are pretty cute, I just wanna say.” You flirted back for the hell of it. Sebastian laughed in surprise before covering his face with his hands. You laughed as well as he hunched over to hide his face.
“He’s actually gone red now!” James pointed at him. “He was so sure of himself and now he’s all red.”
“Leave him alone.” You pouted as you rubbed Sebastians back. Sebastian sat back up and rubbed his face with his hands.
“Yeah.” Sebastian said assertively as he wrapped an arm around you. “Leave me alone. I’m trying to flirt here.”
“How would you ask her on a date, then?” James asked. “Since you’re so in love with her.”
“Like this.” Sebastian said as he turned to you “Ce faci?”
“Would you bite me in the neck?” You asked, catching him completely off guard. He took his arm away and laughed in shock at your words.
“Oh my God.” He chuckled as he looked around in embarrassment. Suddenly, he turned back to you and cupped one side of your face, tilting your neck slightly with his hand. He bit down on your exposed neck, making the audience erupt in a series of laughter and gasps. You giggled when you felt his scruff tickling your neck and made no effort to push him off.
“He actually did it.” James looked at the audience to see if they were seeing what he was.
“She asked me to.” Sebastian rolled his eyes playfully. His arm was still around you and neither of you wanted it off.
“It was a hypothetical but I guess I know my answer.” You shrugged as you leaned back on the couch.
“Why would you ask him that?” James wondered.
“Like a vampire.” You explained. “Aren’t vampires from Romania?”
“That’s Transylvania.” Sebastian smiled fondly at you.
“Oh.” You realized. “I still liked it.”
“I’ll do it again later.” Sebastian shrugged, making your hide your face in embarrassment.
“Promise?” You said suddenly as you put your hand back on his knee. It was Sebastians turn to be baffled as he put his free hand on tops of yours.
“Darling.” He choked out, too stunned to form a full sentence.
“This has been an intense experience.” James fans himself with his cards. “What will the two of you do after the show?”
“I’ll probably go home, order a pizza, and pass out while watching all of Sebastian’s episodes of Once Upon a Time.” You joked.
“I was going to do the exact same thing.” Sebastian nodded. “Right after I got a job as a pizza delivery boy so I can go to Y/n’s house.”
“Or you could just come over.” You shrugged, making Sebastian blush.
“I like that idea too.” Sebastian replied.
“I’m trying to imagine what the poor pizza delivery boy is gonna see when he arrives at Y/n’s house later.” James grimaced, making the audience laugh.
“I know, right? They open the door and this is what the get.” Sebastian gestured to you. “It’s you. How lucky they are.”
You leaned into him as you laughed, the alcohol making you feel bolder than usual. You’d never be this flirty with a man you’d just met, but he made it too easy.
The rest of the interview continued in a similar fashion, with you and Sebastian unapologetically flirting with each other every chance you got. By the end of the interview, you were so close that your knees were touching. When it came time to say goodbye, you felt an unexpected pane of sadness.
“Well, thank you both for coming on the show tonight.” James smiled. “I hope I’ll be invited to the wedding.”
“You will. And I wanted to thank you. For this.” Sebastian said as he slipped his fingers through yours and held up your hands. You beamed and squeezed his hand, fully tipsy now the the interview was over.
After thanking James and drinking another glass of wine, you drunkenly pulled Sebastian off the couch.
“Come in the photo booth with me.” You giggled as you tugged him by the hand towards the booth.
“Okay.” He grinned as he climbed inside. He pulled you into his lap and pressed the button before wrapping his arms around your waist. The pictures began to snap away and you posed for all of them. For the first, you just held each other close and smiled. For the second, he leaned up to kiss your cheek. And for the third, he took another bite of your neck.
“That tickles.” You giggled as the camera flashed.
“Good.” He smirked against your skin before pressing a kiss there.
“Stick your tongue out.” You told him, and he obliged. You licked his tongue as the fourth picture was taken, capturing the drunken moment. The fifth flash went off right as Sebastian connected your lips to his. You continued to kiss him, tasting the alcohol on his lips and tongue.
“Oh my God.” You pulled away suddenly. “I have to pee.”
You got off his lap and ran to the restroom, leaving him alone in the photo booth.
The next time you saw Sebastian, neither of you brought the kiss up. Whether you thought the other was too drunk to remember or you were simply too embarrassed to bring it up, it was not mentioned.
The flirting, however, the flirting continued.
“What would you like to see for your characters in the next movies?” The journalist asked you and Sebastian as you sat together in a press junket.
“For our characters specifically, I’d like to see some graphic love making.” Sebastian said seriously. “I think that that’s something the movies have been lacking.”
“Oh my God.” You laughed and shook your head. “Me too, actually. I think it would be really in character and important to the plot.”
“How would that benefit the plot?” The journalist asked.
“It’s simple. I would just change my name to “the plot” and bam.” Sebastian clapped his hands. “I’m benefited.”
“He’s such a flirt.” You said as you rested your elbow on his shoulder. “Can you believe him?”
“I can’t.” The journalist chuckled.
“You know what I’d like to see? Some method acting. Why can’t you be as quiet as Bucky?” You teased Sebastian as you flicked his ear.
“How would I tell you how pretty you are if I wasn’t speaking?” He flirted back.
“This is what I have to put up with.” You shook your head as looked at the camera. “What about you? What do you want to see from our characters?”
“I would like to see Bucky do the knife trick some more.” The journalist answered you.
“What knife trick?” You wondered.
“It’s the thing he does when he flips his knife around and stabs people.” Sebastian explained as he moved his hand in a circle. “It took me forever to learn.”
“Wait, I wanna see it.” You smiled excitedly and turned to him.
“No, no.” He wagged his finger at you. “I’m not doing the knife trick.”
“Please?” You pouted. “For me?”
“All right, all right.” Sebastian broke into a grin. “I’m only doing this because you asked nicely.”
The journalist handed him a pen and he easily flipped it around and caught it before making a stabbing motion. You let out a gasp and stared at him in shock for a long time.
“What’s wrong?” He asked you.
“I wanna to fuck you, that’s what’s wrong.” You replied. “Can you do it again?”
Sebastian laughed at your joke as his face heated up. He knew that was just the way you two liked to tease each other, but it didn’t mean it didn’t make him smile.
“I’ll do it again.” He nodded as picked the pen back up. “Anything for you.”
On a day where the interviews ended early, you spent the night in Sebastians hotel room, getting drunk on his balcony.
“What about you?” Sebastian asked as he took a sip of his beer. “What was your best kissing scene? I know you’ve kissed some pretty great actors. Might be hard to pick.”
“It’s not. I hate kissing actors.” You grimaced. “It’s not even kissing. It’s just like, limp lips on limp lips. There’s no passion when it’s for a scene. I hate it.”
“Maybe you’re just kissing the wrong actors.” Sebastian shrugged playfully as he gazed at you.
“I don’t think so.” You shook your head. “I’ve never felt anything when kissing another actor. You can’t tell me you do.”
“I do.” He shrugged again. “Its not much, but I wouldn’t say it’s nothing.”
“What? How?” You wondered. “If you kissed me right now, you wouldn’t feel anything. I guarantee it.”
“I think I would.” Sebastian disagreed.
“All right.” You turned your chair a little to face him. “Prove me wrong.”
Sebastian tweaked an eyebrow up before leaning in to kiss you. You kissed him back for a few seconds before pulling away. You looked past him for a minute as you mulled the moment over in your head.
“What’s the matter?” He asked quietly.
“I was incorrect.” You chuckled a little. “I guess I did feel something.”
“I told you you would.” He said smugly. “I knew you’d feel something.”
“How’d you know?” You whined as he basked in the glory of being right.
“Because I felt something the last time we kissed.” He said simply. “And I knew you did too.”
“I didn’t realize you remembered that.” You smirked before talking a sip from his beer.
“Course I do.” He replied. “I think about that night all the time. It was the start of a beautiful, sexually frustrating friendship.”
“Oh, I’m sexually frustrating?” You laughed. “Try being your friend. It’s hard to look at you, really.”
“That’s not how I feel about you.” He smiled a little. “I really, really like looking at you.”
“I like you too.” You smiled back.
“That’s not what I said.” He teased. You dropped your jaw and stole his beer again, taking a long sip as you held eye contact.
“It’s what you meant.” You stuck your tongue out at him. You sat in comfortable silence for a minute, listening to the chirps of the crickets as a warm breeze wafted through the air.
“The press tour is ending soon.” You said quietly as you adverted your eyes. “Tomorrow’s the premier. Then, it’s all over.”
“I know.” He said softly. You looked at him and gave him a sad smile, to which he returned.
“We won’t get to see each other every day anymore.” You pointed out.
“Then we better make tomorrow count.” He said simply. He knew what you were implying, that there was no point in starting something when you’d both been going home soon, but he didn’t want to think about that. He just wanted to enjoy his last few days with you.
“Yeah.” You smiled sadly and looked away again. “We better.”
The following night at the premier, you felt an overwhelming sadness knowing that it was all ending. You loved the weeks you’d spent goofing off with Sebastian, even if it never led to a real relationship. It still meant something to you, and you hoped it meant something to him.
To counteract your sadness, you sat with Chris Evans at the bar and let him distract you. After spending a minute with him, you were feeling drunk and ready to find Sebastian. You spotted him on the red carpet, fixed your dress, and went up to him.
“Hi.” You giggled as you wrapped your arms around his torso. You smiled up at him as he wrapped an arm around you, taking an usually loud whiff of his cologne.
“Hey.” He chuckled as he patted your back. “How are you doing?”
“I’m good.” You said as you swayed a little. “Question, is there alcohol in a Shirley Temple? Because I feel like I’ve had alcohol.”
“There is.” He laughed again and steadied you. “Did you know that?”
“Nope.” You sniffed him again. “You smell good.”
“Oh no.” He smiled as your behavior. “How many did you have?”
“I was having a contest with Evans to see who could drink more. I had like 5.” You bragged as you almost fell over.
“Oh dear.” He quickly caught you. “You’re staying with me tonight. I don’t trust drunk you.”
“No, it’s okay. You don’t have to babysit me.” You waved your hand and tried to walk away. You instantly stumbled and neatly fell, but Sebastian wrapped his arms around you and caught you.
“I think I do.” He chuckled as you put you on your feet. “Come on. You’re sticking with me.”
The next morning, you woke up with a throbbing headache. Not feeling the strength to sit up, you opened a single eye and looked around. You were definitely not in your own room, but you recognized who’s room you were in.
“Good morning.” Sebastians voice was usually loud, making you wince.
“Oh God.” You groaned as you sat up. You groggily opened your eyes as Sebastian handed you a cup of coffee.
“Here.” He smiled shyly. “How’s the head?”
“The head is in pain.” You groaned. “So is the rest of the body.”
“Here. Drink this.” He held out a glass of water and some Advil. “And take these.”
“Thanks.” You smiled sheepishly as you accepted his offerings.
“Did you at least win the drinking contest?” He asked as he took a seat on the bed. You took a long sip of water and swallowed the pills before answering his questions.
“I did.” You nodded. “But at what cost?”
“You’ll start to feel better once you get some food in you.” Sebastian said as he rubbed your shoulder. You put your hand over his and stared at him, feeling the guilt set in.
“I’m sorry I got drunk.” You mumbled. “I didn’t mean to ruin the last night.”
“You didn’t ruin anything.” Sebastian shook his head. “Trust me, we still had fun. I’m not sure how much you remember though.”
“I remember sitting with you at the premier.” You recalled. “And eating many, many bagels.”
“Yeah, we stopped at a bakery.” He chuckled. “You ate a dozen. I watched it all.”
“Oh God.” You covered your face with your hands. “That’s not how I wanted to spend our last night together.”
“How did you want to spend it together?” He asked quietly.
“Probably in a way that still ended with me waking up in your bed.” You joked like you usually did. “But I could do without the part where you watched me eat 12 bagels.”
“What do you mean?” He grinned. “That was the best part.”
“How’d I end up in your bed anyway?” You asked before taking another sip of coffee.
“You threw your key card at a seagull who was eyeing your bagel.” He explained. “You couldn’t get into your room so I let your crash in mine.”
You looked around the room and saw his pull out couch was topped with pillows and sheets, evidence of him sleeping there.
“Did you sleep on the pull out?” You pointed to it in disbelief.
“Of course I did.” He shrugged.
“Such a gentleman.” You scrunched your nose at him before finishing the coffee.
“Basic human decency is not exactly being a gentleman.” He pointed out.
“Maybe not.” You agreed. “But you still are one. You prove that to me everyday.”
“That must be why you like me so much.” He teased.
“Must be.” You dished it right back. Sebastians smile fell suddenly as he got a serious look on his face.
“I think you and I need to have a talk.” He said softly.
“Oh God.” You feared. “Did I puke on you last night?”
“No.” He chuckled. “It’s not about last night.”
“Then what’s it about?”
“As much as I love flirting with you, and I do, I think you should know it’s not just a joke to me.” He began. “And I wanted to know if it was just a joke to you or if-“
“It’s not.” You said a little too quickly, which made him smile. “I...I like you. A lot, actually. One might even call it love.”
Upon hearing this, Sebastian leaned forward to kiss you. You held a hand to stop him and gave him an apologetic look.
“I wouldn’t.” You grimaced. “My morning breath is-“
“-something I could get used to.” He cut you off before going in for the kiss. You immediately kissed him back, pulling him by his shirt to have him closer. He climbed over you as you tangled your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
“I don’t care if its our last day.” He mumbled against your lips. “I want to do this for real. I wanna be with you.”
You kissed him back to tell him you felt the same way, not trusting yourself to say something smooth in the heat of the moment.
“Wait.” You pushed him back suddenly and held him away from you.
“Whats wrong?” He asked as he hovered over you.
“Can we get bagels after this?” You asked seriously before breaking into a smile.
“I seriously can’t stand you.” He said before leaning down to kiss you again. “You’re lucky I love you because I don’t like you at all.”
“12 wasn’t enough.” You giggled between kisses. “I need more. I crave them. I crave the yeast.”
Sebastian stopped kissing you for a moment and looked at you with a fond expression. You stared back at him as a content smile tugged at your lips. The flirting had finally lead to something more and neither of you could be happier.
“You know, you might actually be more annoying than Mackie.” He teased you before leaning down to kiss your neck.
“Shut up.” You laughed. “Shut up and bite me in the neck.”
Tag List 🏷
@awesomebooklover17​ @thebookwormlife​ @imanativeofswlondondahling​ @weirdr-artiest​ @serendipitous-amor​ @dummiesshort​
@foreverxholland​ @lavender-writer​ @michaela072796​ @whatareyouhidingpeter​ @takenbyheartstrings​ @ultrunning​ @imyourliquor-youremypoison​ @andreasworlsboring101​ @waiting-to-be-myself​ @letsloveimagines​ @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @maryjanee23​ @geeksareunique​ @emmamarshmellow​ @unbelievableholland​ @flixndchill​ @sovereignparker​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik​ @every-marveler-ever​ @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild​ @canyouevencauseicant​ @illwritetomorrow​ @thehappygrungelife​ @saysomethingspiderman​ @smilexcaptainx​ @quaksonhehe​ @kelieah​ @kickingn-ames​ @seasidecrowbar​ @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174​ @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @spideyanakin​ @horanxholland​ @thesuitelifeofafangirl​ @marshxx​ @heyheycharlatte​ @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie​ @tomshufflepuff​ @cookiemonstermusic258​
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
One Summer In Paris ~ Finale ~ JJK [M]
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GENRE: Fluffy, romance, ex-lovers to lovers, 
PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
DESCRIPTION: Jeon Jungkook had always loved Paris with its amazing views, incredible museums and the small Bookshop right across from the Effiel Tower. It was were he spent a lot of his summer breaks as a kid so he loved it well into his adulthood. There was one bookshop he rented a room in the summer that changed his life. It was a place where he felt happy and at peace whenever he had the chance to stay there. Where he fell in love for the first time and had his first heartbreak, a lot of firsts for him were in Paris. But what happens when he goes back to the same book shop four years later and finds the love of his life in the arms of another with a daughter who looks suspiciously like him…
THEMES: SMUT CHAPTER Single Parent, Jungkook x Fem!Reader, self insert, Smut will be included in a later chapter
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After a week of the boys being in Paris the news that Jungkook was a father was being spread throughout the internet and world through the corrected sources this time though. He had to do a formal interview with a magazine company who worked for BigHit and were under their payroll so that the right things were being spoken about. No-one was allowed to just come up to you or Areum in the street or there would be some serious consequences. The relationship between you and Jungkook was never announced since neither of you knew what was happening just yet. As far as the media was concerned you were close friends just raising your daughter to the best of your abilities.
After some investigating everything came to light on how Jungkook was found, it was a mixture of some teenage girl tweeting out a video asking if anyone else thought it looked like Jungkook as well as an “unknown” source. The unknown source came to light as David who’s ego had been bruised too badly that he decided to take it out on both you and Jungkook. Calling everyone he thought of, telling magazines online that he knew where Jungkook was. After one person saw it with the first photograph the teen had tweeted out the news spread like wildfire. David got what was coming to him though, Bighit were suing him for slander against Jungkook.
 All of the magazines painted him as the good guy who had no idea that his daughter existed and you were painted to be the girl who didn't know who Jungkook was at the time of the relationship, it was easier and less messy that way. The world didn't need to know all of the details about your lives together, they didn't need to know every aspect of what you and Jungkook went through. 
"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook questioned when he saw you looking at Areum with Taehyung and Namjoon - they were playing dress-up after just getting back from Disney land that day. The boys had insisted on taking her - along with guards so no one would bother them. 
"How different her life is going to be now." You admitted as Jungkooked wrapped his arms around your body and laid his chin on your shoulder. Things with Jungkook had been a little on and off for the last week neither of you had enough time or space to talk about what was happening. You acted like a real couple but you weren't enterally sure what you were since he was famous...The father of your daughter but it didn't mean you were or weren't dating. 
"Jungkook what-" 
"Let me take you out tonight," You spoke at the same time but you stopped your sentence first and stared into his eyes wondering what to say to him, you were going to ask him what you were together but now he was asking you out on a date.
"What-What?" You stuttered out turning your whole body to look at him this time ignoring everyone else that was in the room with you. 
"Let me take you out, just you and me...Please?" Jungkook had been trying to think of a way to talk to you about life and how things were going to be from now on all week and this was the only way he could think of doing it properly. He'd put so much thought into everything and he was finally ready to have a serious conversation about it all. 
"I didn't think you were allowed to go out publically." You whispered as you thought back to his manager telling him off for trying to sneak out a couple of nights ago. He shrugged his shoulders looking over at his manager who was reading through what everyone was thinking of Jungkook and his family on his tablet. That was what you were, you were a family even if you weren't together anymore...or yet. Some fans had reacted better than others, others claimed that you were faking, Areum wasn't truly his but if anyone took the time to look at Areum or spend time with her they would be able to tell she was in fact related to Jungkook. 
"I'm not but, who said it has to be public...Trust me okay? I'll make this all perfect." You sighed thinking about it for a second, it would be nice to get out of the hotel you seemed to have been stuck in all week. Management had moved you in once the scandal dropped, the shop had been closed since - you wondered what Grace had been thinking about all of this but at the same time after what she told you about what she said to Jungkook, a part of you didn't care.
"I trust you," He smiled leaning forward to kiss your cheek before he made his way over to their manager, you watched him for a couple of seconds before deciding to go and rescue Namjoon and Taehyung from the makeup your daughter had gotten that day. 
"My little princess seems to have turned the princes into princesses." You giggled as you swooped Areum up into your arms and blew a raspberry onto her shoulder playfully, she screamed wildly shouting that you were a dragon trying to steal the princess away. 
"We'll save you!" Taehyung announced loudly pulling out a fake foam sword as he started to hit you on the leg with it but you laughed evilly and ran away with Areum.
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Jungkook kept his hands over your eyes as he leads you through the bookshop, you knew where he was taking you since you both had to run away from the hotel while the boys distracted the manager.
"Fuck," You groaned as your arm came into contact with the fifth bookshelf in a row, Jungkook hissed as he flinched. He didn't mean to bang you into every shelf in the shop, in his head this had gone over a lot smoother.
"Sorry." He mumbled as he carefully sat you down on the blanket he had laid out for you already. He'd snuck off to the bookshop earlier that afternoon to make sure everything was ready and now he could finally bring you back here. He was trying to recreate one of your dates together and have it be a nice little surprise. 
"You can open them in a second, hang on." He made sure your eyes were closed before rushing off to turn the main lights off in the store. 
"Open," Your eyes slowly fluttered open and you looked around at the shop floor letting your eyes adjust to the dim lighting. You were snuggled in between two bookshelves, a picnic blanket was on the floor surrounded by small battery-operated candles you knew what he was doing the second you saw it all. 
"Jungkook-" You looked up at him and that was when you spotted the fairy lights lining the top of the shelves to look like a starry night sky. You gasped as your eyes began to well up with tears, he was recreating a night you spent out by the river under the stars. You'd fallen asleep in his arms and he had to carry you home, it was also the night you gave him a tattoo. A small one on his arm just above the inside of his elbow, your initials.
"I got all your favourite foods as well if they're still your favourite. I mean I don't know if you changed it I heard that pregnancy can sometimes effect-" He was cut off when you kissed his lips softly to stop him from nervously rambling on about the food inside of the picnic basket. 
When you pulled away from his lips you looked into his eyes and whispered to him
"This is perfect," He began turning a bright red which made you giggle at the thought that a simple and small kiss could do that to him. It was good to know that you still had that kind of effect on him. 
"Thanks for this," You whispered again as he handed you a small plate and began to load it up with different foods you'd told him you loved before. 
Hours later you were just laying together talking over things when he asked you a question, 
"Do you remember our last date...Before I left?" You were both laying on the floor staring up at the fairy lights, your head was resting on his arm as he questioned you on random things about his time there. The date had been going amazingly so far, there were no phone calls from the boys, no one had tried to interrupt you and it just felt as though nothing had changed over the last four years. As if he hadn't been away and there was a huge fight with one another. It was exactly the way it was supposed to be. How things should have stayed if you had told him. 
"Was that the one where we came back and slept in front of the fireplace?" You questioned him as you popped a piece of popcorn into his mouth, he hummed while nodding his head at you. 
"Yeah I remember it," You started giggling as you remembered Jungkook that night. He'd been so nervous about something that he'd knocked wine all over the floor and all down your dress. 
"You covered me in red wine," You started laughing again and he nervously laughed about it scratching the back of his neck as he remembered it, 
"I was going to tell you that night that I loved you...Then I was going to come clean about who I was...I was always going to tell you, Y/n." Your heart stopped as you heard him admitting this to you. All these years you thought that he never told you because he didn't trust you or something, 
"You were?" He nodded his head as he started to play with your hair, he couldn't bring himself to look at you as he admitted all of this. 
"I was so nervous about it that I spilt drinks, my palms were sweating and I couldn't breathe. I told you when you were asleep though," He chuckled pathetically making his chest rise and fall, you turned to lay on your side facing him and put your head on his chest just laying there as you giggled softly. 
"Doesn't really count if I'm asleep," He smiled weakly as he began rubbing your lower back with his hand just enjoying his time with you while he could. 
The two of you sat there in silence for a few more seconds before you looked down at the floor beside him and bit your lip, 
"I didn't know I was pregnant when I saw you last...I said it to hurt you...I-I didn't know." He looked at you as you began to frown at the floor, 
"I knew you weren't like that so I figured as much." You sniffled a little and sat up as you looked at him seriousness coming into the atmosphere now. 
"I-I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how to get into contact with you." He watched as you seemed to look in pain as you told him this, it had been something that had been weighing on your chest for a while since you told him that and you hated yourself for doing it to him. 
"We didn't really end on good terms...I should have tried to contact you as well...I really do love you Y/n-" He stopped as he realised he said "love" instead of the past tense. It was true. He'd been in love with you since the moment he laid eyes on you, he'd never believed in love at first sight until then. He'd always had it set in his mind that when he met the love of his life he would hear alarm bells but instead of alarm bells when he met you it was the church bells and a whole choir singing loudly so he could hear and know it was you.
"I-I love you too." Your eyes were wide at first but you knew it was true, there was no one else that you could ever love more than Jungkook - other than Areum but that was a different kind of love. There was no one else in the world that was more perfect for you. 
It happened suddenly, you were laid below Jungkook as he kissed you passionately, his hands keeping him pressed above you while your hands worked their way into his hair. 
"I love you," He whispered against your lips as he kissed you again, you giggled pulling him down closer to your lips. 
"I love you too," He smirked hearing the words leave your mouth he never wanted you to stop saying them to him, 
"Say it again," He whined out desperately as you pulled back from the kiss to look him in the eyes.
"I love you Jeon Jungkook," He smiled brightly bringing you into another kiss, the sparks from before all still there. The same church bells and choir singing loudly for him to know that this was real, this is where his heart belonged.
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An intense makeout session lead to you sitting on the floor of the book shop now holding a stick and poke tattoo kit Jungkook had brought along with him again, just like the first time you gave him a tattoo. 
"This is insane, you can go and get a real one Guk." You looked at him nervously and he shook his head waiting for you to just tattoo him. This meant more to him than going to have a real one done, 
"I want you to be the one to do this," He admitted as he handed you everything you needed. He'd show you what he wanted done on his arm, 
"Where?" You questioned looking at Areum's name written in a fancy font on a piece of paper. He stripped out of his shirt to reveal his tattooed arms and you couldn't help but look at them all. Wanting to know every story to each and every one of them but then your eyes found his first one. The small one that you'd done before, 
"I want it here," He whispered pointing to the blank space below your initials on his arm, as soon as you saw the initials you felt a warm feeling spread all over your body.
"Y-You didn't cover it?" He shook his head as your eyes welled up with tears, the thought of him keeping a part of you with him all the time made you want to cry. 
"I-I kept your shirt..." You admitted as your tears began to leave your eyes, your vision returning to normal as you took hold of the kit and got ready to tattoo him. He had a huge smile on his face as he thought about you snuggled into his shirt whenever you missed him or something. 
"You're sure?" You questioned as you held his arm in your hand referring to the tattoo once again, 
"Positive," With that you began inking his arm with the tools while holding him steady, apologising every three seconds in case it was hurting him too much.
"It's perfect," He whispered as you applied some tattoo goo he'd brought along with him before placing the tattoo under some cling film to keep it protected for the first night. 
"Just like her," You whispered as you stared at your handy work, it looked really good to say you'd only ever done small ones before. 
"She is," Jungkook chuckled while holding your hand in his. The air was silent but it wasn't the awkward kind, it was just a nice silenced between you both before he began leaning into you again. 
"Say it again." He begged as he looked into your eyes. You knew what he was talking about without him saying it, it was all he ever wanted to hear from now on. 
"No, I've said it all night." You groaned jokingly as you tried to push him away from you but he dragged you to sit on his lap and whispered it in your ear as he kisses your neck softly. 
"Say it," He begged while kissing down your jaw, each kiss making you needier each second. 
"Say it." He growled pulling you down on his lap harder making you whimper, this time it was an order and you pushed your hands into his hair whimpering as he kissed your neck.
"I, Y/n Y/l/n love you, Jeon Jungkook." He smirked before kissing up to your lips and kissing you roughly, you bit down on his lip playfully earning a groan from him and you giggled. 
"Fuck, I love you too, I love you so much Y/n," He whimpered as he laid your down below him on the floor, you wrapped your legs around his waist not wanting him to go away just yet but he didn't. He ran his tongue along your bottom lip and you granted him access, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth while you sucked on it a little bit. He ground his hips down into you while smirked, you moaned as you felt how hard he was behind the jeans he was wearing. 
"Needy?" You teased running your hand down the front of his chest before palming him through the rough fabric of his pants, 
"Very." He grunted as you began to undo his belt buckle, pushing him to lay down on the floor as you worked your way out of his jeans. 
"W-What are you doing-" He groaned loudly as you took him from his boxer and began massaging him in your hand, he was so much bigger than you remembered and his tip was bright red. 
"So needy baby," You cooed at him before looking up into his eyes, he watched you, infatuated with what you were going to do. 
"P-Please-" Your tongue began licking small but fast strokes on his head, paying more attention to his slit which was already dripping with precum. You placed the tip into your mouth sucking him clean while he threw his head back against the floor and moaned out your name. 
"Fuck please...I-I need more," You looked up at him while pumping him in your hand, he looked so breathtaking laid out for you like this. Needy and begging for you, you licked the underside of his cock from base to tip making sure to coat him in enough salvia so you could glide him in and out of your mouth with his but he moaned out as soon as you touched him. 
"Shit baby-" As soon as your mouth was around his cock it was as if a switch had gone off in his mind, he was no longer the whining and begging boy he'd just been for you but now he was grunted and finding it hard to control himself. 
You could see he was debating taking your head in his hands so you reached for his hands while you bobbed your head slowly, you placed his hands into your hair and nodded slight giving him the all-clear to take over. 
"Fuck I love you so fucking much." He forced your head down until your nose was pressed against his groin, you held back the gag and tears wanting him to feel as much pleasure as possible and he moaned out. Moving your head softly with his hands as he began to buck up into your mouth, 
"So fucking warm, I bet you're dripping aren't you." He smirked watching the way you avoided his gaze, he continued thrusting into your mouth as you whined out around him sending vibrations through his body. 
"Fuck, pull off baby, pull off," You pulled away and a sad expression appeared on your face, you wiped your lips instantly thinking you'd done something wrong when he attacked you with hungry kisses. Ripping your shirt open before removing your skirt in what seemed like one movement. You were left in your black panties and matching bra, 
"Expecting something tonight?" He chuckled while playing with the band of your panties, you shook your head so he ripped the panties off throwing the thin fabric somewhere in the shop. 
"Jungkook! That was my only good pair." He pushed you down onto the floor, pulling your ass into the air while keeping your chest flat on the floor. 
"I'll buy you some new ones," He whispered as he bent down to admire your core, smirking as he watched just how wet you were. 
"You always were so needy for me," He smirked running one finger over your folds making your hips buck for more but he held you in place, 
"If you're a good girl, good things will come." He placed a kiss on your core making you whine out and close your eyes tightly. 
"Please," You practically begged him and so he pushed his tongue into you making your eyes widen at the feeling, it had been so long since you'd had anything nearly as passionate as this. He hummed into your cunt before swirling his tongue inside of you, using his thumb to attack your clit. 
"So fucking wet, you taste so good baby girl," The name made you clench around his two fingers that were buried knuckle deep inside of you. 
"You like that? You like it when I call you baby girl?" He questioned pushing his fingers in and out of you roughly while you whimpered below him not being able to form words from the feeling of him.
"I'm taking that as a yes," He chuckled wickedly before pushing his tongue back into your cunt, moaning into your whenever you'd clench around his tongue. 
"Ugh shit, Jungkook!" You screamed out gripping onto the blanket below you as you came unexpectedly and out of nowhere onto his tongue. Your body slipped leaving you to lay down on the blanket, your ass still in the air just a little, 
"Good girl," He whispered turning you around to face him, you licked your lips as you roughly brought him down into another kiss trying to position him between your legs. You wanted to feel him inside of you, you wanted to feel him filling your walls up the way he used to.
"U-Agh fucking Jesus," Jungkook moaned as he slowly pushed into you, he kept himself steady holding himself in place at your hilt as you tried to adjust to him again. You could feel every inch of him inside of you which already made your head spin at the thought of it. The number of times you'd brought yourself to the edge just thinking about him touching you instead of yourself was never enough. You could never make yourself feel the way he was making you feel right now.
"M-Move," You whispered to him before kissing him roughly again, he followed your orders and began to push in and out of you slowly at first making you moan into his mouth. 
"So tight," He grunted taking your right leg and putting it over his shoulder, the sudden movement making you cry out in pleasure as he hit you deeper than before. 
"T-There, T-There! Right there." You repeated as he continued to hit you at that same spot over and over again making you cry out, you ran your nails down his bare back and he smirked as you clenched with each thrust. 
"That's it, baby, let me feel you do that again." He roughly slammed into you holding himself in place and you screamed out his name rolling your head back and arching your back off the floor. 
"JUNGKOOK!" Nothing could compare to this, he continued to roughly hit into that spot that made your eyes roll back and the fairy lights look like real stars. 
"F-Faster...M-More, need more." You whimpered wanting him to hit that exact spot more and more with each thrust and he moaned back at you as he began to change his pace. Swiftly pushing in and out of you roughly watching the way your head rolled back and you moaned out his name. 
"S-Shit baby, I- I can't keep this up." He admitted as he began rubbing your clit with his thumb and your whole body began to shake, your thighs aching as you could feel the pressing orgasm begin to rise up in your body.
"C-Cum...I-I wanna cum...F-Feel you cum," Your sentence was a mess as were you but you were begging for him to cum and to let you cum. 
"Together?" He whispered while kissing you softly not matching his thrusts which were still rough and quick, you managed to nod while moaning out his name and he smirked feeling you getting closer with him. 
"S-Shit," You cried out as his thumb began to rub your clit in rougher circles, tugging on it a little making you whimper and gasp as your orgasm began to build. The tightness in your stomach grew tighter until you snapped around him, your legs wrapping around his waist to hold him deep inside of you as you came around his length. 
"Jungkook, shit." You whimpered out as he kissed you roughly, cumming into you as you held him deep, your walls clenching around him even after you came down from your high. 
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The fireplace was crackling as you laid in front of it, naked and sprawled out beside Jungkook who was sweating from the activities you'd just done again for the sixth time that night. There was one thing playing on your minds though, one lingering thought that neither of you wanted to talk about but had to talk about sooner or later. That was about him going home. Going to Korea.
"We have to talk about something," He whispered as you laid your head down on his sweaty chest nodding along to him, you knew what was coming. 
"I have to go soon...But I don't want this to end...I don't want to be away from you and Areum." The thought had crossed your mind about how this would all work out, being in different countries while you shared a daughter and were hopelessly in love with one another.
"I don't want to be away from you either." You admitted as you looked up into his eyes, resting your chin on his chest as you stared into his eyes. 
"W-Well what- What if you-" You knew what he was trying to say and ask of you and again the thought had crossed your mind, all of the positives about it but then all of the negatives came along with it. 
"Move to Korea?" You questioned to make sure you were on the same page as him. He nodded his head slowly while linking your hands with his and starting at you sadly, 
"I-I wouldn't know how to do that...W-What if things go bad between us what-"
"Ignore the what-ifs, this...This is perfect. What we have it right..." You knew he was right on that part, there was nothing that could happen between you and Jungkook that could break you apart anymore. You were hopelessly in love with him and nothing was ever going to change that.
"I wouldn't know how to move to another country...I-I don't even speak much Korean, how would Areum go to school." You sat up as you panicked thinking about everything but Jungkook took your arms in his hands and shook his head. 
"We can fix that, I can make things work...She can be homeschooled, We can look into visa's and stuff." He whispered trying to reassure you that everything would be okay, the longer he held you the more you knew it was the right thing to do and the more you thought that nothing could go wrong with this, with him by your side. 
"I suppose there are lots of huge book stores in Korea I could get a job in..." He smiled brightly as he heard you calming down and began to talk about what you could do there. You'd always expressed your love for travelling and you'd never been before.
"I-I'll have to talk to Areum about it and Grace...I'll need to find someone that will take the shop..." You began planning out what was going to happen in your head but Jungkook just brought you into a soft and loving kiss as he pulled you close to him again. 
"Everything will work out, I promise." He whispered as he leant down to kiss you once again, running his hands up your sides as he got excited over the thought of getting to live out the rest of his life with you.
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A/n: This fic was super short and sweet but I hope you guys enjoyed it!  Thank you to those who took the time to read it! I hope you can enjoy any future works I aim to put out 🥰💞 It will probably be a while until my next series as I’m working on a Stray Kids Minho one!
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Tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @fan-ati--c @taestannie @kneel-begyourpardon @rjsmochii @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @neverthefirstchoice​ @jikooksgirl19​ @jungkooksseuphoria​ @queenmasterxx​ @oosnapitskat​ @janieooo​ @preciouschimine​    @koremis​ @keijilovebot​ @silscintilla​ @mayafravoli
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he’ll never see this ~ noen eubanks
word count: 1994
request?: yes!
“Hi can you do one imagine of Noen Eubanks, like, the reader is a tik toker or influencer something like that and they have a crush on each other,and they Fans are Shipping them.
description: in which she admits her feelings for a fellow creator during a stream thinking he’ll never see it
pairing: noen eubanks x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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The sound of a new donation message coming in pulled you away from your game for a split second. The automated voice read the message out to you: “are there any influencers that you are totally crushing on right now?”
You chuckle to yourself as you turn back to your game. “You guys really wanna start something, huh? You realize this will be trending within an hour if I say anything.”
You glanced over at your chat to see they were begging you to tell them who your influencer crush was. You had mentioned a few times that there was a fellow influencer that you had a crush on, but you refused to admit who it was (for obvious reasons). Your viewers, however, were determined to find out who this mystery man you liked was.
“We promise we’ll keep it a secret,” you read, managing to catch one message before it disappeared into the void of never ending messages. “I don’t believe you guys at all.”
You laughed as you watched the chat blow up again. You finally paused your game and made your face cam bigger for the audience. “Okay, you know what? Fuck it, there’s no way he’ll ever see this and I’m not big enough of a content creator to have articles written about me. My influencer crush is Noen Eubanks. If you don’t know who he is, look him up on TikTok and you’ll totally understand why I have such a crush on him.”
Your chat went absolutely wild at this. You went back to playing your game, smiling to yourself as you did so. It felt nice to get that off of your chest, and you knew you were about to get a kick out of your fan’s reactions to this.
Like you said, you had no fear of Noen actually finding out what you said. You had a bit of a following, but it was nothing too big. Just enough that you could be classified as “Internet famous”, but not enough that admitting you had a crush on someone else who had a much bigger following than you would be a big deal.
Or so you thought.
After your stream, you decided to go right to bed. You were feeling tired and had to get up early to edit the video you were planning on uploading. You weren’t awake to witness the internet absolutely explode over your comment, but lucky for you it was still happening when you woke up the next morning.
When you checked your phone for the first time that day, you noticed that your notifications had blown up over night. You figured it was just your fans teasing you over your crush on Noen, which it partly was, but you noticed that it was also YouTube news Twitter accounts and internet tabloid accounts tagging you in their articles about your crush on Noen.
“Oh no,” you said, your eyes widening as you read through article after article, tweet after tweet.
Before you knew it, you had spent nearly two hours sat on the floor, reading through everything that mentioned both you and Noen. All the articles were the same: an brief introduction to you and your small Twitch/YouTube following, talking about you admitting to having a crush on Noen the night before, and asking whether the reading audience believed that you and Noen would make a good couple or not.
The reactions from fans were as entertaining as you figured - with many of your fans trying to come up with ship names for you and Noen and tagging him in clips from your stream - but then there were the less than entertaining reactions. Many people, whether they were Noen’s fans or just people who wanted to hate on you you weren’t sure, were saying you had mentioned Noen’s name just for clout, or that your “crush” was nothing more than an infatuation over his looks.
It wasn’t until your phone rang that you were finally pulled out of your trance and back to the real world. Your friend’s name lit up on your screen, and it took you a moment to collect yourself before you answered.
“(Y/N), have you been online yet today?” she asked.
You sighed and nodded, then remembered she couldn’t actually see you. “Yeah, I’ve been scrolling for the past two hours on Twitter.”
“You haven’t checked your Twitch page, or YouTube account yet?”
Your eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. “No? Should I?”
“You definitely should.”
You put her on speaker and switched to your Twitch app. You were shocked to see that you had skyrocketed in subs overnight, same with your YouTube page. You had gained a solid ten thousand subscribers on both platforms, and it was still rising by the second.
“So this situation has gained me more subscribers, who cares? That’s not why I talked about Noen on stream,” you said.
“Oh no, honey. It isn’t just the situation that has given you new subscribers. Go check Noen’s Twitter.”
You knew what she was implying, but you had to see it for your own eyes. You immediately opened the Twitter app again and typed in Noen’s name. You were brought to his Twitter page, where his most recent tweet was a link to the clip from your stream along with a caption that read, “When your internet crush calls you *their* internet crush”.
You covered your mouth in shock. You were sure you were about to start screaming, but you were so speechless that you couldn’t force any sounds from your mouth.
“I’m assuming by the silence that you’ve seen it,” your friend said after a prolonged moment of silence.
“D-Did he just c-call me his...?” you trailed off, unable to finish your sentence.
“He did,” your friend confirmed. “And both of your fans are going wild. They’ve already come up with a ship name for you, which isn’t the most clever name but I admire their spirit.”
You could barley hear what your friend was saying. You were still staring at the tweet in disbelief. Your mind could barley comprehend anything else besides the fact that your online crush thought the same as you. You were trying to tell yourself not to get too worked up, as it was most likely that nothing was going to come from this besides some gossip for a week or more, but your heart was still racing with excitement.
You gasped as a notification popped up on the top of your screen: “@/eubanks_noen is requesting to message you”.
“He’s trying to DM me,” you whisper, so silently that you could barley hear yourself.”
“He’s trying to DM me! On Twitter!”
“What are you doing talking to me?! Go answer his DM!”
You were too focused to laugh as you hung up the phone and went into your DMs. The familiar profile picture that you saw almost every day on your timeline was the first thing you saw in your message requests. Your whole body was shaking so much that you could barley see the screen as you pressed to open it.
“hi :)”
It was a very simple message, but it was enough to make your heart race even more.
You were debating on messaging back, wondering if maybe this was a fake account or something. But you knew there was only one way to find out for sure, so you took a deep breath and responded.
“hi! :)”
His response came near seconds later: “so...we’re the internet’s hottest power couple, huh?”
You chuckled to yourself. “i guess we are. sorry if i ruined your mentions last night. i didn’t think it would blow up the way it has. i’m not all that famous online.”
“are you kidding me? you’re like one of the best twitch streamers. i’ve watched every single one of your streams, including last night’s”
You felt your face heating up, but a slight groan of embarrassment came from your lips. You were thinking of all the embarrassing things you had said and done on stream, and now wished you could just melt into the floor or erase the entire internet.
“oh that’s embarrassing. i’d say i’m not that awkward and dumb in real life, but i’m actually more so”
“i wouldn’t say you’re awkward or dumb at all. i think you’re adorable”
“Oh my God!” you exclaimed to no one in particular. If your face got any hotter, it would be on fire.
“you really know how to talk to a girl”
“i really don’t, but i’m glad you’re enjoying my attempts to flirt”
“so you’re flirting? never would’ve known”
“i know, it’s hard to tell. i’m trying to be subtle”
You continued to message Noen for a while. It felt so natural, as if you weren’t talking to someone you had been crushing on for about a year now. You were extremely glad you weren’t coming off as awkward as you normally felt.
Finally, after having been sat on the floor for a good three hours, your back began to ache and your stomach was growling so loudly in attempts to get your attention. You realized then that you had put getting breakfast on hold in order to fall deep into the hole of internet gossip that had surrounded you overnight.
“love talking to you and all, but i’m gonna have to go for a little bit. i’ve been sat on the floor basically since i woke up and i haven’t eaten yet today so my stomach is very upset with me”
“why are you on the floor? 😂”
“when i’m stressed i tend to sit down no matter where i am, and i was very stressed to see my name plastered all over social media this morning”
“why were you stressed over that?”
“it’s not something i’m exactly used to. like i said, i’m not overly famous online. i just have a small following. i’m not someone who has an article written about every little thing she says. also like i said, i didn’t expect you to see me admit that i have a crush on you last night, so i was so worried about what your reaction was going to be”
“i guess i can understand that. i haven’t had a lot written about me. i’m not a big tiktoker like some of my friends are, but i guess that’s a blessing”
You started to type another message, but paused when you saw the three dots from Noen indicating that he was typing something else.
“for what it’s worth, i’ve had a internet crush on you since you first started streaming”
Your jaw dropped at this. You had started streaming months before you even knew about Noen, which meant he had known about you before you knew about him. Just when you thought this day couldn’t get any better.
“wow! that’s quite a while. you must be one of my first subscribers then”
“i’m up there i think. i’ll wear that badge with pride”
The three dots again. You waited anxiously to see what he was about to say.
“i liked getting to talk to you today, though. maybe we could talk offline sometime, like through text or phone call. maybe meet in person eventually”
Your smile was so wide that it hurt your cheeks. “yeah, i’d really like that”
You exchanged phone numbers and added his to your contacts. You finally pulled yourself off the floor and started making a super late breakfast while also starting to edit your next video since you had also gotten such a late start on that.
You were putting your food on a plate when your phone chimed, indicating a new text message.
“btw, it’s nice to finally get to meet you internet crush :)”
“it’s nice to get to meet you, too, internet crush”
You sat at the table, your heart feeling warm. And to think, it all came true thanks to one nosy donation.
Not sure how much I like this imagine, but I hope you enjoyed anyways!
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towerfandoms · 4 years
3AM Encounters
A/n: I feel like everyone uses that title but oh well I’m uncreative when it comes to titles. I’ve been simping a LOT for Shinsou recently so here enjoy this <33 and ik requests are off but for Shinsou I make exceptions ✨✨✨
Summary: Shinsou had trouble falling asleep and was laying in bed, counting as the hours passed by. That is, until he heard footsteps outside
Pairings: Shinsou Hitoshi x reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none just fluff
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Despite the many times Shinsou had laid awake at 3am, he still could never quite get used to the eerie silence. It was times like this when he truly understood the phrase “deafening silence”. The quietness felt too loud. The nothingness made him feel uneasy. During the day, he despised hearing the loud screeches of jumpy teenagers but now, he almost misses it. He could hear just about every little thing, the slight gust of wind from outside his open window, the creaking of his bed every time he shifted to get comfier and the footsteps outside.
Wait,,, outside?
Shinsou grabbed his phone from his bedside table and squinted at the screen, the harsh light illuminating his room. It was 3:15AM. Trying to make as little noise as possible as to not draw attention to himself, he heaved out of bed and looked out the window that was overlooking the gardens. He was surprised to be met with the sight of a black silhouette scurrying across the gardens, making their way towards the equipment shed. They were dressed in what seemed to be a black hoodie and pyjama bottoms. He couldn’t make out their face, their hood masking all their features. Leaning out a bit to get a better view, he noticed they were holding something close to their chest. He wasn‘t sure but to him it seemed like a box.
Now this peeked the teenage boy's interest. He wondered what was inside the box to make them run so early in the morning. They were most likely a student in his year as these gardens were predominantly used by second years, since they were right by their dormitories. Should he go after them and make sure they weren’t getting into trouble? Thinking, he had nothing better to do and the chances of actually being able to fall asleep were slim so he decided to investigate. He wasn’t sure what he was going to say or do when he met the person but he just hoped they weren’t up to no good.
He pulled on the first sweatshirt he found and carefully made his way down to the backyard. He stopped when he thought he heard footsteps and thought of just going back to his dorm and letting the person do whatever they wanted. He wasn’t the class president or anything so he wasn’t obligated to check on every little out of the norm. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep influencing his decisions but for some odd reason he desperately wanted to know what the person was up to. When he first joined the Hero Course in second year he announced to everyone that he wasn’t looking to make friends. However that soon changed as he got to know everyone. He still wasn’t the most sociable person but hey who knows, maybe he’ll find a kindred spirit when it comes to the inability to sleep. So he let curiosity get the better of him and pursued onwards towards the equipment shed.
Once he was outside the shed, Shinsou leaned his head against the rotting wood trying to listen in. He was surprised to hear low whisperings but he couldn’t make out anything bar a few hushed be quiet’s. He stiffly stood outside for some time, unsure whether to knock or barge in. He decided knocking would probably be silly so he opted with the latter. In one swift motion, he swung the handle and stepped inside.
The scene before him was baffling, to say the least. Whatever Shinsou was expecting, it definitely wasn’t this. The black figure from before was kneeling down,  their back to him, petting a large grey cat while a kitten was on their lap. There were three more kittens around them, all purring and rubbing their heads against them, whining for their attention. When they heard the door creak open, they rapidly swung their head around, eyes wide at the thought of being discovered. So they were quite surprised when their deep e/c eyes met with Shinsous' own lilac hues.
They both stayed staring like that, neither pulling away and refusing to break eye contact. After what seemed like hours but couldn’t possibly be more than a few seconds, Shinsou finally pulled away, looking to the side while sheepishly bringing a hand to rub the back of his neck.
“Sh-Shinsou!” was the only thing you managed to say, confusion clouding your brain. Just what was he doing here this early in the morning? Then an even more alarming thought popped into your head. Was he going to report you???
Sensing your disarray, Shinsou quickly tried to explain himself, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Oh, um, you don’t have to worry about me snitching or anything haha,” he nervously fumbled out, “I-I just saw you running and was wondering what you were doing is all…” he trailed off, unable to look at you in the eyes.
Of all people he had to meet in the middle of the night, why did it have to be you. You were also in 2-A, in fact you sat behind him in most of his classes. You two had a few brief encounters but it was enough for Shinsou to feel butterflies whenever he crossed paths with you. You were really sweet to everyone, always smiling and happy to lend a hand to anyone in need. Well you were the class president, he supposed, it was your job after all. Still though, the level of kindness you showed them all was something that not even Bakugou wanted to push away. As if your looks and kindness weren’t enough, you also had a killer sense of humour. You were always sending the funniest memes, tweets and tik toks to their class gc and responded to his sarcastic comments with ones of your own. You were without a single doubt one of the most perfect people Shinsou had ever laid his eyes upon. And now here he was seeing you surrounded by cats??? Hell, in his eyes you were quite literally an angel.
“Oh! Whoops, I suppose I should’ve been sneakier,” relief evident in your voice as you chuckled softly. Thank God it was just him and not someone like Iida a stickler for rules.
However, the fact that he was here now meant that...
”Wait a second! Did I wake you up??? Oh my God no, I am so so so sorry. Ugh, I feel so horrible now,” your tone changing abruptly as you ushered out an apology.
“What? No, no, it’s fine. I was always awake,” he quickly replied back looking down to meet your shining eyes again. There was only one window and the moonlight trickled through, enhancing your eyes and accentuating all your lovely features. You really looked as though you were hand-carved by the Greek Gods themselves.
You met his eyes again, sharing a look of sympathy as you understood his pain.
“Oh, you couldn’t sleep either? That’s why I came down here. I found the mama cat and her kittens three weeks ago. No one seemed to be feeding them or even know of their existence so I was kinda like damn, alright I’ll take care of yous,” you rambled on, almost forgetting about the kittens beside you, desperately mewling for attention.
You stopped to take a deep breath and started playing with the kittens next to you, looking up at Shinsou awaiting his reply.
Shinsou on the other hand was so absorbed watching you play that he didn’t even realise you were finished talking until you gave a small laugh.
“Do you wanna come over here and play with them?” you asked a small smile splayed on your lips.
He could not say yes fast enough. He walked over to where you sat and carefully kneeled down so as to not scare away the kittens. He gently started petting mama cat who instantly became smitten with him. Shinsou slowly began to smile, the pure adoration for these kittens displayed on his face.
You allowed yourself to stare at Shinsou while he wasn’t paying attention. Shinsou was a beautiful man, even Kaminari noting his good looks. You two never had much interactions bar a few good mornings and complaining about training. The usual small talk. He was always polite and when in a good mood would throw a few sarcastic comments here and there. Though he was never rude, it always felt like there was a barrier between him and the rest of the class that no one could quite break down. However now, early in the morning you somehow felt closer to him. It was like he was slowly letting his guard down. Even though neither of you were talking, you enjoyed his company, the silence almost comforting.
Despite how much you enjoyed just being next to him and petting cats, you also wanted to talk to him. It was hard talking to him in class, what with the walls he surrounded himself with. You decided now would be the best time to get to know him if you ever wanted to make a lasting friendship with him.
You wracked your brain for a conversation starter, not wanting to be too dry to bore him away nor wanting to be too chaotic to scare him away. God, just why were you so nervous anyways? It's just Shinsou after all. Why did talking to hot boys always have to be so hard ugh?
You looked over at him again, admiring his toned body that could almost be seen through the sweatshirt. You let your eyes trailed down until you noticed his pyjama bottoms. They were baby pink with Hello Kitty printed all over it.
You had to suppress a scream of joy. They were without a single doubt the most beautiful pyjamas you had ever laid your eyes upon.
“I like your pj bottoms,” you said teasingly, though that wasn’t your intention.
“O-oh, thank you,” he muttered, surprising himself by getting out a coherent sentence. Inwardly though, he was cursing himself for not throwing on a pair of sweatpants. You probably genuinely meant it but it was still something Shinsou didn’t want to go around flaunting. Fortunately for him, it was too dark for you to see the tinge of red on the tip of his ears and cheeks.
When he looked back up at you, he was expecting a face of mockery but was pleasantly surprised to see you smiling, your eyes shining brightly under the dim moonlight. The peace he was feeling before returned and he started to feel more confident in your comfortable presence.
“Y’know,” he started, his deep velvety voice becoming more confident. “Aren’t you the class president? What would Iida say if he found out?” he asked, completely breaking the ice between yous.
“You wouldn’t dare,” you said in a low voice, feigning a look of mock fear.
“I don’t know, it just wouldn’t be honest. My guilty conscience would never be able to handle it,” he replied, a teasing smile dancing on his lips.
You couldn’t stop smiling at the thought that he was willing to continue the conversation. You wanted to see how much longer you could make it last.
“Hmmmm, well how about I make it even. If you want, you can join me to feed the cats. They need to be fed in the day too, so it’s not like we’re always breaking the rules.” looking down as soon as you finished, afraid of the answer. You didn’t want to seem like you were being too pushy but at the same time you really enjoyed Shinsous company. The morning was slowly coming to an end and soon you both will have to go back to your dorms. You’ll both have to continue classes the next day and pretend this night never happened. You wanted it to continue. So you waited with baited breath for Shinsous reply.
Coincidentally enough, Shinsou had also been thinking the same thing. He had thoroughly enjoyed his time. Though you both hadn’t spoken much, your presence really put him at ease. He felt so much more relaxed around you. It would be a shame if this was the first and last night of spending time with you and the kittens. So when you asked, he knew his answer straight away. He just had to somehow play it off cool and act unbothered.
“Deal. I guess I have enough time to visit the kittens. And you too, I suppose,” he added with his signature smirk.
You felt your cheeks heat up but managed to return a mischievous grin of your own. You quickly pulled out your phone and sighed with disappointment when you checked the time.
“Unfortunately, I think our time here has ended. It’s nearly 4am, the sun will be coming up soon. And we have annoying classes tomorrow,” you stated a bit sad about the fact that such an enjoyable night has come to an end. However he did say he’d continue joining you so that kept you somewhat excited.
Shinsou looked at you, mouth slightly parted in shock.
“4AM already? Shit, sorry for keeping you up for so long,” with that he tried to remove mama cat from his lap who had fully made herself at home on it. She lazily stretched and got off, a bit annoyed that her nap time was ruined.
You and Shinsou both stood up and brushed yourselves down, dusting off any dirt that may have stuck on to you from the old floors.
“I can walk you back to your dorm,” Shinsou offered, his hand rubbing the back of his next.
“How chivalrous,” you giggled slightly. “Don’t worry about it, besides we wouldn’t want anyone to catch you in those stunning bottoms now would we,”
“Shut up,” he rolled his eyes irritably but there was a pleased smile on his lips, indicating he wasn’t really annoyed.
You both made your way back to the dorms, whispering softly to each other occasionally. You broke apart to go to your separate dorms and try to get at least a couple of hours of sleep.
You lay awake in your bed, replaying the encounter and a bit upset at how quickly it had ended. You remembered his eyes, his smell and his deep velvety voice. You couldn’t stop smiling stupidly when you remembered your conversations. Somehow thinking about his voice managed to help you drift off to sleep, your last clear thought being Shinsou playing with the kittens.
A/n: I tried really hard to keep it gender, race and features in general neutral. If there’s any place where I could improve or switch up my words please let me know and I’ll be happy to oblige :)) constructive criticism/ feedback is always appreciated in fact encouraged so do not hesitate to tell me anything. Anyways thank you so much and have a lovely day yall <33
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tombugg92 · 4 years
Wiley - Godfather III
I thought I should start this by giving a short intro to Wiley. Widely accredited by fans and artists as a pioneer of the Grime scene, it would be impossible to overstate the impact he’s made in Grime, in fact it would be impossible to overstate the importance that he’s made to UK music in general. Starting off as a member of Pay As U Go Wiley first began his life in UK Garage, eventually as Pay As U Go disbanded Wiley went on to form Roll Deep, containing Dizzee Rascal, Tinchy Stryder and many more. This was where we really started to hear an evolution of the UK Garage sound and things started to sound more like the Grime that we came to know and love. It’s certainly not just Wiley who thinks he’s the “Godfather,” not many in the scene would argue that, but he’s certainly not going to let you forget it. 
A lot of newer fans were put off with last years altercations with just about anyone who makes any music, after Wiley was widely publicised to have labelled Drake as a “pagan,” and Ed Sheeran as a “culture vulture,” before taking a much more direct approach with Stormzy, firstly sending very direct tweets on Twitter before the pair released a few tracks which must have been absolutely shocking if you hadn’t grown up watching Lord of the Mics. I think people who have been listening to the scene since the Rinse FM days will have attributed this behaviour as just clever marketing, I know I was expecting this album long before it came. This marketing is tried and tested and it works, it was certainly successful for Wiley, exposing himself to a whole host of people who’s entry point to this whole genre was Stormzy. I heard people talking about the tracks everywhere, at work, in bars, in fact I even got into an argument with my barber over who we thought took each round (word of warning kids, don’t start an argument with your barber). 
Then the dust seemed to settle slowly, I wasn’t hearing the arguments anymore and Stormzy had disappeared from Social Media altogether, but there was still no album from Wiley? I was hearing that Wiley was all over the capital, recording verses with MC’s from just about everyone involved in the scene, but there was nothing solid as to why. I’ve heard that it was something to do with labels telling Wiley he had to wait before releasing the record on his own label, but again nothing concrete. I saw something on Instagram that it was going to come out 1st of January, but at this point Wiley was posting a story or a tweet once a minute so I was hardly surprised when this date came and went. Finally in June, nearly 5 months had passed since Wiley’s last send for Stormzy, we had an album. Even then it wasn’t easy! It dropped first on Apple Music before making everyone on Spotify wait a little longer. I actually signed up for Apple Music when I already had Spotify because I couldn’t wait one extra day for it to come out, so if anyone knows how to contact Wiley I’d like to invoice him for that pointless subscription fee.
So finally it was here! I was really busy at the time and I don’t like to listen to a record before I can give it my full attention so I actually saw the track-list before I even had a listen, and at first was amazed by the lack of features, where had all those verses that Wiley had been collecting suddenly gone?! Then I saw a tweet from Big Zuu saying that he’d featured on on a track but had not been credited (Track 20 - West London, if you’re wondering) and I thought “Wow, that’s just so Wiley.” A couple of days later though Wiley himself released a list of all the features on the album, and when I saw that I had to listen straight away. There’s some huge huge names on that list, both established legends in the scene like D Double, Jammer and Footsie, to what I think of as the new breed of people that will carry the genre even further like Big Zuu and Capo Lee, and some people who I won’t lie I’ve never heard of. It seems like Wiley is determined to use his last record to make sure that the wheels of this genre are still spinning.
So onto how the record sounds. Normally I like to do a bit of a breakdown of every track, it allows me to really work out any tracks I really enjoy or any that I think could be left out, but I’m not going to be doing that right here. Purely because this record is incredibly long and I really didn’t fancy writing my thoughts when it comes to 22 separate tracks, I’m not exaggerating either it really is 22 tracks long! Obviously the whole thing does have a very Grime feel to it. Just the lengths of the tracks themselves make me think of the old days of Grime. With an average track length of less than 3 minutes it gives the whole thing a really fast paced feeling, comparable to the way that Wiley has always flung bars at us at a million miles an hour, his final album flings tracks at us with comparable speed. 
The first listen I felt almost overloaded. With so many features that I did find myself thinking “Was that so and so?” so much that I missed just about every punchline and barely even recognised the productions. So I had to go back a few times and listen all over again, although that’s definitely not a chore! Production wise it’s much as you’d expect, very Grimey and very heavy in the early tracks which leaves me feeling that Wiley really is cementing that flag in the scene before he departs. Don’t make any mistakes at all though because this is not a record in which all tracks sound the same, Wiley keeps even the Grimiest tracks sounding varied by switching up his rhyme flows often and the hooks change between each track. Production wise my favourite track would have to be family which features Flirta D, Footsie and Goldie1. I think the track is produced by Mr Virgo and for me it brings a really fresh sound which can often be quite difficult when producing a genre which is nearly 18 years old now. 
Lyrically Wiley comes just as hard as he always has. He comes out swinging on Intro letting us know exactly what he thinks of his role in the scene saying “I’ll be the father bro, you can be the son of it.” As a huge fan of wordplay I also feel like I’ve got to shout out the London scheme in Intro also, which end with a punchline saying “They’ll pull up to the junction, jump out and Clapham.” Had me screwing up my face like I was in 2004 all over again. The bars continue from Wiley as the record goes on, always following the similar theme with Wiley reminding us exactly who we should thank for this whole genre. In terms of features for me it’s Tempa T that absolutely steals the show, probably because I don’t think I’ve heard from him for so long. But having just written that I’m having so many more ideas, J2K is absolutely incredible on Double Dragon and Manga Saint Hilare shines on Amsterdam alongside Breeze, Scratchy and Wiley. Yes you did read that last sentence correctly, it’s basically a Roll Deep reunion on that track.
My only concern with the new album coming out would be that it wouldn’t have any flow. Lately Wiley seems to struggle to focus on one topic, in his interviews with Zeze Millz and Poet for Filthy Fellas I didn’t really know what he was talking about more often than not and I was concerned that lack of cohesiveness would translate into the record. My concerns were unfounded though and, like I’ve said earlier it’s very much a Grime showcase in the early tracks. This does get mixed up as we go continue through though, Rinse for example uses a production that Donae’o once released to give a more UK Funky feel. I also love the final track Press Record, which slows everything right down and moves as far away from Grime as it’s possible to go, but lets us really feel like Wiley is talking to us. I also find it quite emotional because it makes me feel like Wiley is actually serious that this is going to be his last album, and I just don’t even want to begin to imagine this scene without him.
Think what you like of him, and he’s certainly split opinions over the past few months, you simply cannot overstate the impact he’s made. And if you were doubting this statement, this final effort will make sure you rethink that. It’s quite amazing that there are 22 tracks and I genuinely cannot think of a single one that could be taken off this record, a truly sublime effort from the true Godfather. Thank-you Wiley. 
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johnnq · 6 years
laying lazily on the couch in your living room, you tapped away at your phone screen as you barely registered the movie in the background that you had put on, let alone the small and desperate attempts your boyfriend, mark made to get your undivided attention.
he'd been doing it all day - trying to get your attention. it started off small, poking you, kissing you in every place possible on your face, making noise in the other room to distract you; but ended in going as far as deliberately burning himself while he made lunch for you both so you'd come out from the realms of your phone and to his aid. he wanted you to pay attention to him and you knew it.
mark was the clingy type. a boyfriend who required constant small little validations, mostly involving loving acts such as forehead kisses, cheek kisses, holding hands and generally having you let him know you were important to him. but one thing he wasn't, was desperate.
until today, when for some reason he had decided that he would do everything in his power to get the attention he craved no matter what he had to do in order to get it, and that he would incessantly push the notion until you caved. so far though, you'd been cuddled under the blanket you took from your shared bedroom, and had stayed there for half the day even after mark made you eggs as a half-assed offering he hoped would butter you up a little. unfortunately, it hadn't.
"b-baby, do you want to have sex today?" he asked innocently after handing it to you.
"not today mark, im too tired." you mumbled in response to him, too interested in your phone and the tv rather than him.
once he left to go and run a couple errands you couldn't quite believe just how much it was bothering him.
you didn't definitely know why today you had a particular spike of amusement seeing him get so frustrated over you blatantly ignoring all his efforts, but you figured it probably had something to do with the fact that since the early morning when he dragged his feet to the living room after waking up unbearably needy, he'd had a painfully persistent hard-on that seemed to only worsen whenever he was around you.
he was shy so he rarely said anything, and lucky for him you'd usually be the first to initiate sex because after all, you loved pleasing mark just as much as he liked to please you in return and you understood that he was less comfortable about sex than you, but today was about trying to see how long he could keep this game up for because god knows it was incredibly obvious he was running out of options.
finally almost admitting defeat, mark sighed and trapsed his way over from the kitchen where he'd just finished dishes, to you on the couch where he plopped down next to you and leaned on you reliantly, as you were still engrossed in your phone and your twitter feed.
"so.. whatcha doin'?" mark asked, his hand lightly touching your arm, and his head turning to try and see what you were doing as you looked up at him for a few seconds before continuing to scroll.
"twitter." you barely even utter, silence quickly following the one word answer. the way you had just killed the conversation with that one word answer was inevitably uncomfortable for the both of you as mark looked completely lost for words at how uninterested you were.
"what on twitter?" he hesitantly asked after an absurdly lengthy pause on both your parts, his hand coming up to hook into his hair as he tugged on it gently and sighed.
shifting your position as you felt yourself getting slightly restless, you shifted from having your legs crossed to just straight as you adjusted your blanket and poke your tongue out in concentration once you continue focusing on your phone.
finally realising you would need to answer him, you sighed, grinning to yourself knowing just how annoyed he was getting by the second.
"just you know, checking some of the guys tweets. it's been so long since i saw them all you know." you replied confidently, the smugness in your tone glaringly obvious by now.
"c'mon baby.. just look away from your phone for a few minutes. just, uh i don't know, play with my hair at least." he plead with you, bargaining at this point to gain anything he could from you.
you let out an annoyed breath, and forfeited.
"fine. come here." you conceded, patting the patch of couch next to you as he followed your instructions and rested his head there, allowing you to run your fingers through his hair and play with it, curling it absentmindedly.
"y/n?" he asked from next to you, motioning to his pants as you turned to look at him and his growing erection, the wet spot he had created earlier from his arousal still not completely dried.
poor boy, he didn't deserve all this teasing.
without a moment's hesitation, mark manoeuvred himself onto your lap, pulling the blanket off of your body and smiling to himself as he smiled down at you.
now this, this got your attention. it was unlike mark to be so forward and terse as he often opted to be more subtle with his hints as he knew you often picked up on them quite quickly. you very rapidly lifted your head up to look at him and smiled to yourself and him, tutting out loud as he bit his lip in response.
"oh, wow.. did i get the baby all worked up, huh? you must be absolutely begging for it if you're getting on your knees for me that easily." you let the words roll of your tongue as your dominant side cames out, causing mark to blush outwardly and let out a small whine.
"i've been waiting all day baby.. ALL day, and my cocks been so h-hard for you and i tried so hard to get rid of it in the bathroom earlier b-but you look so sexy with your hair up like that and i-i had a dream about you last night.. and i-i-" he whined to you, as you covered his mouth and hushed him, absolutely loving how he was stuttering already and practically begging for you to do something, anything to relieve the tension in his ever tightening pants.
"first of all; it's not baby, it's mommy. and second of all, use your words babyboy. tell mommy what you want her to do to you." at this, mark let out a sigh of relief and giggled at the difference in tone from how you were just minutes earlier, and leaned forward a little thinking to himself.
"c-can i.. ride your thigh mommy? i know it's weird and probably really pathetic b-but I need to cum quickly, it h-hurts being this hard for so long."
and he wasn't even lying, either. you knew that he had been hard all day and that from your own experience, being turnt on for that long could hurt if not dealt with, so you decided that you would give him this, just the simple act he asked for if it meant he'd get off you and leave you in peace.
you sighed and smiled, a playful bite of your lip following. "..okay. but, you can't touch me, ask me to touch you, and you have to cum in your pants only. got it?"
before you could even finish your sentence mark was already hurriedly nodding his head as you could see in his eyes just how excited your statement got him, and that despite the rules you layed out he was just as grateful as ever.
"y-yes mommy, thank you so much." he breathed out weakly as he looked down at your thigh exposed completely for his use, no pants to keep a barrier between his clothed cock and you since you were wearing sleep shorts.
"good, now" you motioned to your thigh and gave him a stern look, looking at his pants again and seeing him blush a deep crimson.
"ride my thigh like the little puppy you are."
without anything other than that, mark positioned himself straddling your thigh, and made quick work of relieving himself as he began to move back and forth in a rhythmic motion, the feeling of his cock rubbing against you as he gripped onto the couch for support, beautifully submissive whimpers and moans overflowing from his little mouth as he could barely contain his excitement and pleasure.
watching him chasing his own high, not caring about anything else got you deliciously aroused even if you knew the moment would be short-lived by the loudness and consistency of his sounds, you barely managed to keep your composure and the dominant facade you often played at the forefront as you scrolled through your twitter feed once again while mark humped and gyrated against your thigh like his life depended on it.
"f-fuck g-ah.. bab- i mean mommy, it feels so good." he told you, his tone shaky and unpredictable as he could barely control the pitch and loudness of his voice as he sped up and let out more and more sounds.
"i know babyboy, i can see by how needy the sounds coming from you are and that wet spot your needy little cock is making on my thigh? you love being mommy's little puppy don't you? humping her leg like the obedient little slut you are, so messy." you goaded him further, feeding into his fantasy as he only moaned in response nodding vehemently and allowed the beads of sweat now forming on his forehead to drip down completely.
he spent around 5 minutes doing this until he began to throb against your thigh quite obviously and he whispered to you that he was going to cum. by now, the wet spot and the substance had dripped further down you as he continued to move against it without a single worry, and for you it kept getting gradually harder and harder to pretend that you didn't want him to milk his cock all over you as he whined and moaned your name.
with every moan or whimper that he conjured, his cock was throbbing and moving more and you could just tell that his orgasm was approaching fast.
"is the little puppy gonna cum all over himself in his pants, hmm?" you teased, using your hand to grip his lower face and turn his view to you, knowing full well that he could barely form coherent sentences at that moment and loving it.
"this is the first time you've been this quiet all day babyboy, is my thigh really making you feel that good?" you continue to tease, seeing him screw his eyes shut and a grunt leave his lip.
"im cumming, y/n.. for y-you." he moans pathetically.
in mere seconds he's reduced to a screaming, writhing and sensitive mess as his orgasm washes over him like a wave, and his cock erupts generous amounts of warm into his boxers as he thanks you for being so lenient on him.
he almost immediately afterwards flops down next to you exhausted, breathing heavy and laboured as he kisses you on the cheek.
"i would say that im up for a second round but by the looks of you, you'll be lucky if you can catch your breathe properly." you joked with him.
"hey! you're the one who left me all day!" he spat back, looking at you in disbelief.
"i know i know, and im sorry for being so mean." you told him, lifting your head gently and changing position again not paying much attention to the wetness on your thigh still.
"the question is though, is a second round on the menu?"
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youngbloodseavey · 6 years
stay golden // corbyn besson
this is my “thank you for 2k followers” post. i’d like to say thank you, because i never thought this would ever be happening when i started this blog. thank you guys for supporting me and this blog, even when i don’t post or i don’t follow through with my projects. thank you. thank you for 2k. it means the absolute world and more to me. i love each and every one of you with my entire heart and more.
request: Requests are open! Yay! I have some requests that I've been storing up  just waiting for this moment. So let's say that Corbyn had this childhood friend who was also his neighbour and one day when they're like 14/15 she moves to the other side of the country and they get disconnected. She always had a crush on him and so when she finds out he's on tour like 4/5 yrs later she gets limelight tickets bc wow she doesn't think he remembers her and then they reconnect and like probably fluff who knows         
i have no fuckin idea how limelight works so like bare with me kids, and also corbyn is SINGLE in this story. S I N G L E. christina is not corbyn’s girlfriend in this story so keep that in mind tHANKS
pairing: corbyn x fem!reader
triggers: none
“why do you have to leave me?” corbyn pouted at his best friend y/n, as they laid together in the grass fields by their houses. 
the fifteen year-olds had been best friends since diapers, and had found out recently that y/n had to move all the way across the country from their home in virginia to california.
“corbs, i don’t want to move. i wanna stay here with you, and graduate, and live my life here in virginia. but my dad got this new fancy-ass job, and i can’t get out of moving,” y/n rolled over onto her stomach, now facing her blue-eyed best friend.
“trust me, the last thing i want to do right now is to leave,” she whispered, feeling the familiar sting of tears rush through her, and her eyes became watery.
“no, please don’t cry y/n,” corbyn rushed out, immediately sitting up and taking the girl into his arms. “if you cry then i’m gonna start crying.”
 the two teenagers held each other in an embrace for what felt like an eternity, not even bothering to speak to each other. all they did was enjoy each other’s presence, because soon they wouldn’t be seeing each other for a long time.
“i love you so much corb,” the girl whispered, burying her face into corbyn’s shoulder. she took in a deep breath, inhaling the intoxicating scent that was her best friend. 
“i love you too y/n.” corbyn was near tears, but was determined to not show his weakness to his best friend. he gently pressed his lips to her temple, lingering for a few seconds before he pulled away.
“y/n! let’s go!” the pair jumped apart at the sound of y/n’s parents, who were loading the car with their luggage. the rest of their stuff would come later in a u-haul. 
“one second mom!” y/n yelled at her parents, who were beginning to look impatient. “hey, before i leave, i wanted to tell you something that i’ve been keeping a secret for a long time,” y/n began to start, taking corbyn’s hands in hers.
the boy’s heart began to race, as he stared into the eyes of his longtime best friend (and admittedly, his longtime crush).
“i really li-” she began, but was cut off by the honk of the car’s horn, beckoning her to go to her parents.
“i’m really gonna miss you.” a sad, tearful smile painted itself on her face. “stay golden besson, because i have no doubt that one day i’m going to see you on some big fancy billboard because you have a number one album. i know i will.” she leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek, squeezing his hand in hers before running off to her parents and hopping into the car. “never stop chasing your dreams. because they’ll become a reality. don’t forget me okay?”
and with a sad smile y/n y/l/n was gone, leaving a tearful corbyn besson alone in a grassy field.
it had been four whole years since y/n had seen corbyn. after y/n left and corbyn began to seriously pursue music, it was a bumpy ride for their friendship.
and soon enough, their friendship simply didn’t exist.
it wasn’t a malicious falling out, there was no foul words or cruel gestures. there was simply just silence. and the two of them had to deal with an empty line, a static crackle of nothingness on the other side. 
of course the thought of the other was always in the back of their minds, but both y/n and corbyn were far too scared to try and reconnect. what if what they had wasn’t the same as before?
so when y/n saw that a band called “why don’t we” was going on tour, she was immediately intrigued. and when she saw her blue-eyed ex-best friend on the front cover of the poster, only one question plagued her mind.
does corbyn remember me?
so in an attempt to answer that question and rid her head of the incessant nagging that had been continuous for the past four years, y/n took out her debit card and bought a limelight ticket to their los angeles show. 
so that’s what brought y/n here. standing near the front of the line at the venue. it was only 3:00 and there was already a line wrapped around the block, which warmed y/n’s heart to no end.
you made it corbyn, i knew you could do it.
her stomach began to tie itself in knots as time went on, each second seeming to pass on like a minute.
y/n pulled her phone out of her back pocket, her foot tapping on the pavement as she checked the time for what seemed like the thousandth occasion. 5:00. they should be letting people in for limelight soon.
she began to scroll through her phone, managing to somehow scroll deep into her camera roll. she stopped across a photo of her and corbyn from the 9th grade, smiling wistfully at their goofy grins and wide eyes. 
it was crazy to see how much had changed in four years. corbyn was now touring the world, and y/n was finishing up her first year of college. 
“oh my god, you’ve met corbyn?!” y/n was shook out of her daze by an excited voice squealing from behind her, and she turned around to see a girl no older than 16. the girl was wide-eyed and excited as ever, another girl whom y/n assumed to be her friend looking equally as hyped. y/n was irked that the two girls were looking at her phone screen without her permission, but decided to mask her irritation with a smile.
“yeah,” she began, trying to think of an excuse as to how she knew corbyn. she didn’t want people to know she was corbyn’s childhood best friend, it might cause unnecessary drama. “i met him a few years back. i’ve been a fan of him since the beginning, and i’m so insanely proud of him and i want to support him in any way possible.” well, at least she wasn’t lying. the two girls nodded.
“well what’s it like to meet him? is he nice?” one of the girls asked, and y/n began to smile. childhood memories of her and corbyn began to flood her mind, causing a warm feeling to ball up in her stomach.
“he’s the sweetest person you’ll ever meet. i miss him to absolute death, and i can’t wait to see him again.” y/n almost became choked up as she spoke, memories of her and corbyn overwhelming her mind. 
the girls opened their mouths to speak, but were interrupted by a man with a megaphone beginning to yell over the crowd.  
“people with a limelight ticket, please come to the front of the crowd! stand in front of the entrance doors, we will be letting you in very shortly.” y/n’s pulse began to race, and she said a quick goodbye to the girls she was talking to before making her way to the big, double-door entrance.  
her nerves were as high as they could be as she was let in through the doors, taking out her id for security to check and having her ticket scanned. 
soon enough, y/n found herself waiting on a couch in a large room, fifty or so fans milling about the room. her stomach was in a million knots, and she began to play with her fingers as a nervous habit.
she took out her phone and began to scroll aimlessly, checking her social media in an attempt to sway the nerves from her stomach. she couldn’t even focus on the posts and tweets she was looking at, instead her head was swarming with nervousness and thoughts.
what if he doesn’t remember me? what if we don’t click like we used to? what if he hates me?
the last thought absolutely terrified y/n. she knew that they fell out, but she didn’t hold any ill feelings towards corbyn for it. hopefully he feels the same way.
“oh my god they’re here!” y/n heard the high pitched squeal of a teenage girl, followed by a flurry of screams. they’re here. this is it.
“hey guys!” she heard a deep male voice, and she traced the voice back to a tall, brown haired boy. she recognized him as jonah, who was the oldest in the band.
y/n had decided to do some studying up on the rest of the band and their music before coming, just so she didn’t look like a complete idiot. and she had to admit, they made some damn good music.
the screams soon died down, morphing into loud conversation. the band members began to mill around, speaking to fans and taking photos. the couch y/n was sitting on was in the corner farthest from the boys, which she was grateful for.
she began to formulate four years of regret and apologies into a single sentence, which proved as hard as it sounds. 
y/n saw that the band began to come closer, talking to the fans and taking pictures. she was a few feet away from daniel, and she decided to push her nerves to the side and walked up to the blue-eyed boy, who was clad in a floral button down and black pants. 
daniel caught y/n’s eye, and finished up his conversation with the girls he was with to approach the nervous girl.
“hey there love!” daniel’s tooth-gap was on full display, his joyful aura almost immediately soothing some of y/n’s nerves. he enveloped her into a tight hug, resting his chin on top of her head. 
y/n hugged back, feeling oddly comfortable in daniel’s arms. she pulled away after a few seconds, taking in a deep breath.
“so what’s your name?” daniel asked, plopping down on the couch that y/n was previously sitting on. y/n took seat next to him sinking down into the fabric. 
“y/n,” she responded, moving herself into a comfortable position.
“well that’s a gorgeous name,” daniel responded, turning his body to face y/n. “where are you from?”
“i live in los angeles now, but i used to live in fairfax, virginia.” y/n explained her heart warming at the thought of her hometown.
“fairfax? that’s where corbyn’s from!” his bright eyes widened at the realization, and y/n nodded. “did you used to know him?” y/n nodded.
“we used to be best friends actually,” y/n mumbled, feeling a sudden amount of wistfulness wash over her.
“woah wait, really? no way,” daniel looked shell shocked. y/n nodded yet again, taking out her phone and pulling up a picture of her and corbyn from their 8th grade formal. she showed the photo to daniel, whose jaw seemed to drop even more.
“i’ve known him since we were in diapers, and we were best friends until i moved to california when we were 15,” y/n explained, pulling up another picture of her and corbyn for emphasis. “after that we kinda just, lost touch i guess.” y/n shrugged, and daniel nodded.
“so is that why you’re here? to see corbyn again?” daniel asked, and y/n moved her head up and down in a nod.
“i’m terrified though, like what if we don’t connect like we used to? i don’t know, maybe i’m overthinking things but it has been four years,” y/n trailed off, her eye catching a tuft of bright blonde hair from across the room. her heart skipped a beat at even the tiniest sight of him.
daniel was silent for a few moments, and y/n could see that the boy was deep in concentration.
“let’s go say hi to him.” daniel stood up, reaching a hand out to y/n to help her stand up from the couch. 
“w-what?” y/n stammered, her heart beginning to race.
“let’s go see him right now. you need to rip off the band-aid, and he needs a boost of confidence and energy. tour is taking a lot out of him, and maybe you’ll be the thing to give him that boost.” he replied, gesturing once more to signal for y/n to take his hand.
“fine.” she took his hand, standing up. “but if he doesn’t remember me, you have to get me out of there immediately okay?”
“deal.” daniel smiled, and began to walk with y/n over to where corbyn stood with a crowd of girls around him.
“i’ll distract the fans, you go talk to corbyn.” he gave her a bright, reassuring  smile before sauntering over to the group of fans, sending the group into a frenzy. he walked a couple steps to the right and the girls followed him and began to talk animatedly, leaving corbyn standing alone.
y/n attempted to shake the butterflies from her stomach, but to no avail.
deep breaths, deep breaths.
she walked over to corbyn, who turned to talk to another fan. she took in another breath, before raising her hand and tapping him on the shoulder.
“hey there besson.” she breathed out, staring into the same clear blue eyes that she adored so much. the same blue eyes that were filled with tears the last time she saw him four years prior.
“y/n?” his eyes scanned your face, not believing for a second what he was seeing. was this really her? was it his best friend? the girl he was so deeply in love with for practically his entire life?
he couldn’t help himself, and scooped her into a bear hug. she wrapped her legs around his waist, burying her head into the crook of his neck. he smelled of cologne, mixed with the familiar scent of him that she remembered from oh-so long ago. he smelled like corbyn.
“i missed you so much,” she mumbled feeling tears make their way to her eyes. she clung onto him like a koala bear, savoring every millisecond of the hug as if it made up for the four years of not talking to each other, and she could tell corbyn was doing the same.
“i missed you more.” his voice shook with emotion, and he too was near tears. y/n pulled away from the hug, her legs still wrapped around his waist.
“impossible.” she smiled, locking eyes with corbyn. the bright blue orbs blazed with emotion, and she could see the tears that brimmed on his lower lash line.
she looked over corbyn’s shoulder for a second, seeing that daniel was looking at the pair with a wide smile plastered on his face. he shot her a thumbs up and she laughed, burying her face in corbyn’s shoulder once more.
after a minute or so of just enjoying each other’s presence, corbyn gently set y/n down onto the ground, his hands still placed on her waist. the smallest reminder that he was still there, he was real, he wasn’t going anywhere.
“i’m so sorry for everything,” she mumbled, the tears that pooled in her eyes beginning to fall down her face in delicate strokes. “i should’ve tried harder to make our friendship work, but i gave up.”
“it’s not your fault. half of the blame is on me too. it’s both our faults, but nothing is gonna change our mistakes from the past. what’s important is that we focus on the future. our future.” he gently cupped her face in his hands, wiping away the tears with a simple stroke of his thumb.
she smiled, placing her smaller hands over his.
oh god, i really want to kiss him.
the thought ran through her head, and she almost immediately pushed it aside.
it’s been four years since you’ve seen him y/n, don’t just go kissing your old best friend and crush in front of a bunch of his fans with cellphones in their hands.
he looked into her glittering eyes, feeling the pull that he felt towards her four years prior. it was as if nothing had changed in his heart and soul.
i’ve never wanted to kiss someone more. his heart longed for her lips on his.
he slowly began to lean in, and y/n sucked in a breath and began to weigh the options in her head.
fuck it.
she leaned in, melting into his gentle touch. y/n’s eyes fluttered shut, corbyn’s doing the same. their lips were four inches apart.
three inches.
two inches.
one inch.
“okay guys!” y/n and corbyn jumped apart, both blushing a bright crimson. they had failed to notice the crowd that had formed a circle around the pair. “sadly it’s time for us to go, but we want you all to know that we love you guys so much, and we hope you enjoy the show tonight!” jonah’s voice boomed, sending a smirk in corbyn’s direction.
“i-i guess i have to get going now,” corbyn mumbled, his hand going to rub the back of his neck.
“yeah, you probably should,” y/n began to fiddle around with her fingers, rocking back and forth gently on her heels.
“i hope you enjoy the show, i’ll see you after? i can send someone out to come find you, so you can come backstage if you want?” he proposed, and y/n’s heart set alight.
“i’d love that,” she smiled shyly at the blonde boy. “break a leg besson.”
“see you later y/l/n.” he paused for a beat. “i hope i make you proud.” he bent down and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek, the spot where his lips touched tingling after he pulled away.
he shot her another heart-melting smiled before walking away, a bounce in his step.
i have no doubt that you’ll make me the proudest i’ve ever been when i see you up there corbyn. i always knew you’d make it.
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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When Paisley and I first broke up in February 2016, I spent a few weeks in rapturous relief before realizing what a dire state I’d left myself in. I was nearly homeless, with a few car-loads of possessions that I was lugging from one temporary refuge to the next. She got the dogs, I got the RAV-4. It was dark days, and suddenly the reality TV star that everybody thought would’ve dropped out of the presidential race by now was getting taken more and more seriously. I didn’t believe the rhetoric, didn’t believe the people saying Donald Trump could win. He reminded me of Cam Carpenter, a right wing bully, and I hated him from the moment he started making headlines. 
What did interest me, though, was how he was using social media to his advantage. Here was a senior citizen weaponizing Twitter in ways that astonished me. The pundits were dissecting each tweet, word for word, while press releases from other candidates sat unopened in their inboxes. He’d found a way to circumvent the media, then make them scramble to keep up to the conversation he was creating. They were treating him as a joke while playing right into his hands. It was like watching a magic trick in slow motion.
I’d been a reporter in the Yukon when Obama first began campaigning, and I remember the sensation of giddy hope that came with the idea the U.S. was finally going to elect its first black president. It felt like finally, now, things were going to be better. Fast forward eight years and this sexist bigot was proving that there was plenty of opposition to progress, plenty of people keen to give this orange-faced huckster the reins. And coming to terms with that felt like accepting that the world was a darker, shittier place that I’d once thought. I was glad to have found my Kootenay refuge, but I feared for the future.
After crashing for a week with Niles, enjoying his John Cooper artwork and sharing joints over morning coffee, I ended up moving in with a newly elected city councillor named Anna Purcell. She lived with her husband Gary and a German exchange student I didn’t like. Anna had earned more votes in the election than any other councillor, and it was easy to see why. She had the perfect amount of Nelson quirk, while being ultra-articulate and incredibly passionate about her new gig. She was the type of person who walked her talk. When I interviewed her for the Star she’d been outspoken about the affordable housing crisis, so I knew she would understand if I asked her for a place to stay. She lived just a few blocks up from Paisley’s place, meaning I would have to pass by it every morning on the way to work. 
“When my ex left me, it was like the words were bonked out of me,” Anna said, sitting in her living room one afternoon. “I just couldn’t talk for a while after that. I literally couldn’t speak.”
I told her I felt embarrassed after writing that love-drenched introductory column for the paper, and making Paisley such a big part of my public persona. Now everyone was going to know I fucked up my family, and would be watching the fall-out like a soap opera.
“I feel like this is such a huge hit to my social capital, you know? Like I used to be a guy with a partner and a place and some dogs, now I’m just a guy. With nothing.”
Anna shook her head. “That’s enough. I don’t think it will be as big a hit as you think. It’s not like single people have less value, right?”
Once a week I would swing by Paisley’s place to pick up Muppet and Buster. We would take the train tracks to Red Sands, or trek along Baker Street and down to the Prestige, but I didn’t have a dog-friendly place to take them home to. Sometimes I just walked them around the block, hanging out at the Central School playground en route, then brought them back an hour later. At first I was having no problem processing my separation from Paisley, but with the dogs it was different. They were blameless, had no idea what was going on. One afternoon I sat on a random lawn and held them to my chest, weeping. I called my parents and sobbed into the phone.
“I don’t mean to be insensitive, but you need to stop crying in front of the dogs,” Paisley said, standing in the doorway of her house. “It really upsets Muppet.”
“How did you know I was crying?”
“Last time you took them she came home and she wouldn’t sit still, she was stressed out and wagging her little body around. She knows something is wrong.”
“Well, this feels wrong.”
Paisley was having no trouble transitioning into the next stage of her life. Her dessert business was thriving, she was dating new guys and making new friends. She posted so many pictures with her new roommate that people started to wonder if they were a couple. She had shaved her head, Britney Spears-style, in the midst of our breakup, but now her hair had grown into a cute pixie cut. She looked like Winona Ryder in Alien Resurrection, and when she stood with her hands on her hips you could read her tattoo: It Could Be Worse...
“What’re you eating these days? How are you feeding yourself?” she asked.
I shrugged. “Nachos, peanut butter and jam, stuff like that.”
She shook her head. “Peanut butter and jam?”
“You know I’m just keeping it simple. I don’t have many groceries.”
“But you’re still going to CrossFit?”
“Yeah, I told Ali I couldn’t afford it and she was like ‘just keep coming, and get the money to me when you can’. I think she knows what I’m going through, you know?”
“That’s nice of her. How’s Rock of Ages?”
Having something extracurricular to focus on had been crucial for me, otherwise I would’ve spent all my time either crying, smoking pot or sleeping. For the audition I’d ripped off my shirt and belted my way through an 80s power ballad, earning a spot in the chorus. I’d been given one half-sentence solo at the beginning of a song early in the show, and for the rest of the production I swapped my time between being the bartender of the Bourbon Room and a slimy producer who creeps on the female lead. It was keeping me just busy enough to feel stable, and made me feel like I was in high school school again.  
For the Star coverage, I did a photo shoot with the cast at an abandoned building near the Selkirk College campus. It was covered in the expected graffiti and looked like it would be a perfect setting for a horror movie. At the time there was a particular cartoon that had been popping up all over town, Thug Bear, and he showed up in a few of the shots. There was a main couple, then a rockstar named Stacey Jaxx who had been played by Tom Cruise in the movie version, and a quartet of sexy nymphs. The costumes were neon and pastel, with big wigs and plenty of bare skin. Though they were squinting into a harsh afternoon sun, I got an awesome shot that ended up on the cover. 
The rehearsals were more challenging than I was expecting. The choreography for the dance sequences was intricate, the pace that we were putting things together was faster than I was accustomed to, and I felt way out of my depth when it came to the singing. I’d been a soloist in the church choir as a kid, and I’d done a few musicals in high school, but I hadn’t sung in front of people for years. As the weeks passed I became increasingly more nervous, though I knew I was basically just background furniture for the other actors.
One day a woman named Siobhan approached me. She was part of the production, a swaggering farm girl with a sarcastic streak. Rehearsal was just about to start, and I’d just put down my bag.
“I’ve been meaning to thank you,” she said.
I smiled, expecting a joke. “Oh yeah, for what?”
“That picture that you took of Andrew Stevenson, the one where he’s handcuffed and being led into court? I wanted to thank you for taking that photo.”
I blinked for a moment, caught off guard. “Thanks, yeah. I was really happy to get that shot. It took me over a year.”
She took a deep breath. “Well, I was there in court for the proceedings, but I never got a chance to really see his face, not like you can see it in that photo. When I saw it, it honestly blew me away.”
I was confused. “So who’s this guy to you?”
“I was one of the bank tellers that day, at the credit union he robbed. He waved his fucking gun right in my face. Traumatized me. I’d been having nightmares about this guy for months, every night, and it was like he wasn’t human. With a black mask, jumping around and screaming like some sort of ghoul. That’s what I saw every night when I closed my eyes.”
“Holy shit.”
“Then I saw that photo, Will, and it changed everything. I saw he was just a human, just a normal human, just like everyone else. He wasn’t some supernatural monster who was out to get me. He couldn’t hurt me anymore. That’s what that photo did for me. So that’s what I’m saying thank you for.”
“I don’t even know what to say.”
She smiled warmly, and hugged me. “You don’t have to say anything.”
The Kootenay Goon
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dnp-and-blankets · 6 years
Ceramic Bowls Are Too Cold
"Good morning, sleepy-head" Phil chuckled as Dan walked in. He had slept in, which was rare, contrary to popular fan belief, he was usually the first one awake. He makes breakfast most days, and watches whatever show he's been watching without Phil. He turns it over once Phil comes in, and they then eat breakfast together whilst watching an anime- they're currently watching Erased. Dan made a small noise in response. Phil chuckled even more. "What's wrong baby?" He asked, turning to fully face his boyfriend, and take in his gorgeous, bed-head self. His curls were completely wild, having grown out for a while, in a fashion similar to their Getting Over It video; his eyes were heavy lidded, still somehow sleepy; he was wearing nothing but an old pair of Phil's boxers, and one of Phil's oversized hoodies, that managed to look like a dress on Dan, giving him sweater paws. This will always confused Phil. Dan is taller, and they have the same clothing size, and yet Dan can manage to look tiny in Phil's clothes. Dan shuffled over to the sofa and plopped down, resting his head on Phil's shoulder. "Why're you so tired?" Dan only shrugged his shoulders in response, grabbing onto Phil's arm and holding on, like a baby koala. Phil smiled and ruffled his hand through Dan's curls.
"Mmmph," was Dan's response. "Did you have nightmares? Stay up late on Tumblr? Get to a good chapter of whats-it-called?" "Something like that," Dan giggled, his voice still soft from sleep. "Cereal?" He asked as he let go of Phil's arm and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Are you sure? I thought we were having healthy breakfast this week?" "Cereal?" Dan repeated. Phil caved immediately and got up, gently easing Dan off of him beforehand. "Okay sugarplum, which cereal?" Dan shrugged again. "Golden Nuggets, Crunchy Nut, or Chocolate Weetos?" "Golden Nuggets please" He asked softly, rubbing his eyes. Phil tried his hardest not to coo out loud. He instead opted to laugh, "Nice manners today." Dan smiled. Phil looked into his boyfriend's eyes and smiled back. It was impossible. The dimple was just chilling there, existing, and it was the best. He got a ceramic bowl out, and Dan whined. Phil raised an eyebrow in question.
"That one's too cold! That's why I bought plastic ones last month." At least Phil's original question was answered, but it raised many more. Ceramics never ever annoy Dan. Sometime's he'll opt for a plastic one, but he's never complained about ceramics being 'too cold.' Phil poured in the cereal and as he went to grab the milk, Dan whined again. Phil let out an exasperated sigh, throwing up his hands, he sarcastically said, "What now? Chocolate milk?" To which Dan replied, "Well actually..." And Phil had to comply. Because Dan looked utterly heartbroken over Phil making fun of him. "Are you going to tell me what's going on?" He asked as he handed Dan his bowl of cereal. Phil had opted for some Crunchy Nut, with normal milk, in a normal bowl. Dan just rolled his eyes and started eating his breakfast. "Don't wanna watch Erased today, what about that new babysitter one everyone's been talking 'bout?" "Gakuen Babysitters?" "Yes" "Okay..?" Phil paused, Dan hated starting a new anime in the middle of bingeing another one. This confused Phil especially, because Erased was only one season, meaning they were almost finished it. They probably could finish it today, but alas, Lord Daniel desires a change of scene.
They put the anime on, but Phil didn't watch it. He watched his boyfriend, intensely, trying to figure out if everything was okay. Dan's bright eyes were glued to the screen, breaking every now and again to make sure he didn't spill his cereal on himself. Every so often he would let out a soft giggle. That was definitely new. He had heard it once or twice every now and again, but never multiple times in the space of 10 minutes. "Baby?" Phil finally asked. Dan turned, his cheeks suddenly dusted with pink. He looked at Phil to signify he was listening. "Do you promise me you're okay?" "Mhm" Dan nodded vigorously, then looked down shocked as some chocolate milk split on him. He furiously wiped at his chest and pouted. "I'm fine, aside from spilling this on myself" He said, finally in a normal voice. It was short lived however, as the soft sleepy voice returned as he asked if Phil could make him a coffee whilst he got changed. "Of course sweetheart."
Phil set the kettle boiling, and got Dan's favourite mug out, along with one of his own. He put the correct amount of coffee, sugar and milk in -he even considered putting chocolate milk in Dan's before deciding against giving the boy even more sugar- and then went to grab the fully boiled kettle. He heard a sob come from their bedroom. The speed at which he ran towards it, is a speed Phil saves solely for Dan Related Emergencies. Dan rarely cries audibly, which meant he was either badly hurt, or something really bad had just happened. "Baby, baby, what's wrong?" Phil puffed as he swung the bedroom door open. The sight he saw was pitiful, Dan was sat down on the floor, a clean hoodie half way on, but seemingly abandoned, and every single drawer in the room had practically been emptied. "I can't find it." "Can't find what?" "You'll laugh," he sniffled. "Of course I won't." "Lion." "My lion?" Dan nodded in response. Phil thought for a moment before going into the AmazingPhil room. Lion sat decoratively on the dresser, and Phil scooped him up, then turned on his heel and brought him to Dan.
Dan took lion and immediately stopped crying. "I thought he was lost," he sighed. Phil just shook his head, smiling as he returned to the coffee mugs. Dan eventually padded back into the living room, lion held firmly in his little fist, and they pressed play on the anime. Phil snorted as one of the adult characters began playing with the children. "He looks like one of those weird kinky people that act like babies," he laughed at his own joke before sarcastically adding on, "I'll never make you wear a nappy whilst we have sex, so you better not be a DDLB kid, those guys are nasty." Dan visibly froze. "You're not, right?" "Absolutely not, they sexuality kids," he scrunched his nose up and pretended to gag. Phil laughed in agreement, and sipped his coffee. "Shit, I forgot to-" "Bad word," Dan scrunched his nose up. "Daniel, darling, have you ever heard yourself playing Mario Kart? You, good sir, are the King of bad words." Dan just pouted and huffed through his nose. Phil giggled and kisses the tip of his nose.
"As I was saying, I forgot to tweet about a new video coming soon." Phil pulled his phone out and began opening said app before he even finished his sentence. "Also, people are @ing me asking where you are, you've been inactive for a while, I recommend tweeting, or at least replying to some replies to your older tweets." "Ugh, fine, if I must." "You do realise how incredibly lucky we are for this to count at us doing work, don't you?" Phil laughed, as he finished composing his tweet, "If you don't like it, I'm sure Tesco is hiring." "I don't know where my phone is" "That doesn't come as much of a surprise to be honest babe." Dan stuck his tongue out and started checking under the couch cushions. "Do you want me to call it?" "No!" He practically yelled. "Chill out Dan, I don't care what you've set your ringtone to this time" "It's not that-" "I'm calling it, shush, we need to listen." The two men stood silent for a while before they heard vibrations. "Great. I love hunts for phones that are on vibrate." They both began walking around the living room, pausing every few seconds to listen. Phil almost face palmed as he saw it in the Kitchen.
He marched over to the kitchen island, and picked it up. "Uh, Dan?" Dan froze again. He looked up at Phil with fear in his eyes. "Why is my name on your phone, 'Daddy <3' when you told me years ago that you don't have a daddy kink?" "I don't have a daddy kink." He said, stomping his foot. Phil tried to swallow the bubbling anger, but when Dan lies to him when the evidence against him is very prominent, it's very irritating. "Stop bullshitting me Dan" "I knew you'd react like this" "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "Please don't yell at me," Dan begged, Phil could see the tears forming. He inhaled, and carried on more gently, "Daniel, I don't like it when you lie to me. Please tell me why my name is daddy." Dan looked at him pleadingly, before inhaling sharply and hurriedly saying, "I'm not into DDLB, I'm a safe for work age regressor, which means sometimes I'm little," the last bit was said all in one breath, "SosometimesIuseadummyandIlikestuffiesandblankies-" "Hold on baby bear, slow down, I heard that it was non sexual, so take your time. I'll listen. And I won't judge." "Sometimes I use a dummy, and I like stuffies and blankies, and I get fussy and sometimes sleepy, and in my mind you already look after me like a daddy so the other day I was little and thought it'd be a good idea to set your contact number as such."
The discussion took around 4 hours, of Dan showing Phil his private sfw agere tumblr, teaching him signs of when he's little, and setting boundaries for when that happened. They agreed that Phil should look into it some more before officially becoming Daniel's daddy, and finally, a month later, that's where they were. "Daddy! Get! Up!" "Nooooooo" "I want pancakes" "Go make them then" "Okay" there was silence for a moment before Phil realise Dan had called him daddy, and he shot out of bed, just in time. "Don't touch the oven!"
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rhgdvx · 6 years
otwtm [i]
Yoongi sat down on his favorite place in the same café he's been going to for years. It was four in the morning, but sleep doesn't seem like a good idea so he chose to go to this place anyway, wondering about the same night... thinking about the same person...
He took a long, satisfying sip from his Americano and sighed a little as he flipped the made-shift book given to him by the only person to love him like that. He started to read, again, the pages she made out of his request, wondering if he could get another chance to rewrite those words.
'Min Yoongi could not love' The story began with such cruel start but he didn't mind it and just went on.
I have been thinking about that thought every now and then. Of course, I knew it right from the start: That he could never see me more than a fan. That he could always say 'I love you, ARMY!' but never he could say an 'I love you' addressed to me. What am I really thinking and hoping for? It's impossible, of course. I knew it right from the start.
Still though, I thought of him as a reachable star.
Efforts were given. I attended their fan signs, I cheered for them in concerts, I pulled all-nighters for every fangirl duty and I loved Bangtan with every bit of me. Funny, because I don't really put so much effort on things that won't give something back. I think stanning them really brought out the weird side of me;
And loving Yoongi made me hope for something that is beyond unreachable.
'I cannot love him any deeper. I shall not love him any deeper.', I repeatedly told myself at times when he's just so... extra? He's a good person, and he's great with his things. Who wouldn't get attracted to such a wonderful man?
I'll just get hurt. Yes, I know. I'm always seeing him and my heart doesn't seem to understand the wall separating fans from idols. Yes, I hope there's a chance but I know there is none. I'm just another stupid dot in a sea of million. Okay, maybe not stupid, just a little bit crazy but still a dot.
So, I settled down. Keeping my schedule tight just to refrain from spending it with them. Cruel? Yes. There are several fans who might call me fake, those who feel so useful that they put their fingers on anything; But do they know how much I desire? Do they know me? Do they know that every single time I look at him, I could only sigh because no matter how hard I yearn for him, we just cannot be? It is the kind of thing that a 'Nothing is impossible' is possible.
He's close to me but I cannot have him for my own good. Yes, I am not satisfied. I am not that kind of woman. So I settled down. I became fine.
Whenever he sees me, he waves at me like we're old friends. He shows his gummy smiles, he talks to me in a lighter way than how he does with others, or maybe that's what I have observed because of this wonderful mind of mine. Call me crazy in love, but I could feel that he's happy whenever he sees me in sight. I know it's bonkers but I'm not that stupid so I tried not to expect anything. I was fine, but then the day came when he talked to me weirder than the usual.
"Miracle," My heart fluttered as he said my name, what's new. As he mindlessly doodled at the album I bought, I just stared at him. "How do you find yourself when you're so lost?" 
I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "I don't... uh... understand?"
"I mean; how could we fix ourselves from being broken?" He said, still doodling at my album.
Yoongi looked like he's not in his usual self. It seems like his mind is drifting so I answered him with the best sentence I could come up with at the moment. "A wound takes time to heal but time isn't enough. We should take care and protect the wound, too, so that it won't get any worse."
"How about seeking help from others?" He lifted his head and I was taken aback by the emotion in his eyes. "Isn't that what people do? Let others fix them because they can't?"
I looked away for a moment. "Depends on the situation, Yoongi."
He smiled, and so did I.
I thanked him and moved to the next member as normally as I could. After years of doing this, I could see it. I could confirm it; He's hurt. Something is hurting him emotionally. I could clearly see it in his eyes.
He's hurt, and so I am.
Perks of loving.
That night, I did not update my followers on Twitter with what happened on the fan sign. I am still winded by what happened. That's a first of that situation and I am worried about him.
I saw some friends talk about how weird Yoongi is and I wonder if they felt the same way I did when Yoongi looked at me. Of course, we love Bangtan and with them hurting, we are hurt too. And since Yoongi is more special to me, the ache was stingier. I love him, I love him though I don't think everything he shows is the real him. Drastically, though I settled my feelings down, there is definitely a part in my heart that still wishes for him.
Before I went to bed, I took the album from my messy bag and opened it. I should at least review what they wrote on my sticky notes, just for my sanity's sake. I browsed it as fast as I could since I have to sleep and work tomorrow morning and I don't really want to do it. Namjoon, the brain monster, of course said something wise as if implying that I should take a break because I asked them what should I do nowadays because I'm bored. The others said something goofy and fun... Hoseok even said that I should just go to sleep and eat a lot. Maybe that's what he does. Jungkook said 'Noona should love us more' and I don't know what he means. My mood was eventually getting lighter when I came to the page where Yoongi doodled and my emotion sank back. I purposely left this page out but I can't seem to control myself when it comes to him.
I swallowed hard because I could feel him aching by just seeing the random things he wrote and drew on the page. His bad handwriting became worse and these lines doesn't look like they mean something. I traced the heart he drew on my sticky note. It looks like it's broken, though it isn't. The face he drew on the left corner looks so tired. The whole page shouts something painful. It shouts what he feels. I sighed at the scribbles and tried figure some words out.
'Bye, bye, bye'
'Miracle, talk to MYGSyub'
I raised an eyebrow to his answer. A random thought is telling me to see if that is a username or something. Or maybe I'm just hallucinating? Geez. I've developed several senses just by stanning Bangtan.
I hesitantly reached for my phone and opened apps that could possibly help me. I'm not sure; I can't be sure. On Twitter, I found one with that username but it looks like she's a fangirl from the other side of the world. I kind of read her tweets but they're mostly on her language so I doubt it. Next one is Kakao where I also found an account with that username. I added it, of course, hoping it was Yoongi. I messaged the account a simple 'Hello' and then looked through other apps.
Moments later, my phone notified me that someone messaged me... on Kakao.
MYGSyub: Miracle?
My heart went wild. Is this really Min Yoongi?
'Is this Yoongi?' I hastily typed.
MYGSyub: Unfortunately, it is.
'Uh. I won't talk about this.'
MYGSyub: I know.
WAIT. IS THIS REAL!? I wanted to cry and celebrate because I just got my bias' Kakao ID! And it seems like he really wanted me to know it. My fangirl heart is celebrating and I can't control it! Wait up. Does he know about my feelings? I held my chest and tried to calm myself but I can't. He messaged me again, asking how I am. Of course I replied right away. We chatted. We talked but it wasn't that warm, unlike the other fan signs.
Then after a while he asked if he could see me.
'Ha. Are you really Min Yoongi?'
MYGSyub: (photo) I said unfortunately, I really am Min Yoongi
OH MY... FU-Did he just take a picture and-My heart stopped. Min Yoongi why are you doing this!
MYGSyub: 4 am?
MYGSyub: Send me your address... I'll drop by.
My eyes widened. 'Wait. Are you really Yoongi?'
MYGSyub: I already said I am Yoongi. Look, I am wearing the beanie you gave. (photo)
I almost shouted by the sight of his photo. He really is wearing the beanie I gave! Oh my goodness. How could this... possibly happen? Am I dreaming?
Setting aside all frustrations and doubts, I chatted with him again like we're platonic friends and we agreed to meet tomorrow morning, at 4 am. Too early, but who cares?
Since the idea of him being here at 4 am did not seem like a nice one, we agreed to meet in a coffee shop near my place. And since I was eager to feed my expectations and assumptions, I went here 15 minutes early. He picked such a weird and perfect time because the ambiance is very, very serene due to small amount of customers. I sighed. If I am dreaming, I just want to wake up. This is not healthy.
I saw him outside a few minutes later, walking slowly as if feeling every step. He looked so fluffy with the knitted gray scarf around his neck and the cute expression plastered on his face. He was wearing a plain black sweater and jeans (like what I saw in his picture) together with black rubber shoes. And yes, he's wearing the white beanie I gave. The moment he stepped in the coffee shop, my world stopped. I could feel my heart beating rapidly but I couldn't even move a little to release my unhealthy emotion. Is this a dream? Please wake me up already, I know I'll wake up, anyway. Don't prolong my agony.
"Miracle." He smiled at me as he sat down. We ordered two Americanos since he said it's up to me. Good him, he paid for it.
Silence, that is what he gave me for approximately five minutes. I was scared to talk to him, afraid he might just fade away because I very well know this is just a dream. Or not? I couldn't even feel my own body. It feels like I'm just a soul in front of the man whom I wished to be my soulmate.
"Why?" I dared to ask so the silence won't grow any more unpleasant.
"I-I... I don't know."
"You asked a fan to meet you at this time and you do not know?" I calmly said, casually teasing him but it did not seem to reach him, or maybe I'm just not fun to be with.
"I know you." He said and he earned a funny face from me, which I did not mean to do. "C'mon, I've seen you a lot of times."
"So you... like, judged me?"
He took a sip of his coffee and he answered. "It's inevitable. You can't just look at people without even thinking if they are like this or that."
"I could." I said, though I know he is kinda right.
"It doesn't work for me, I like observing." He slyly smiled.
"So are you saying you have an idea of me?"
"You've come to events to support us since 2013, right?" I was allured when he looked at me then smiled. "Yes I've judged you, as you have put it."
"Is that supposed to insult me or not because I am kind of glad that an idol is keeping an eye on a fan." I said and he sniggered. Oh, he's so cute.
"You're happy about it."
When he spoke again, that's when I realized I should've not said the latter part. "Yep." I stared at my Americano awkwardly.
"Actually," I looked at him when he spoke again, confused with his business. "The reason I tried to talk to you like this is because I think... Well I think you could..." He stared at me for a moment then he lowered his head. I don't know what's happening because it's the first time I heard him unsure. "You could probably help?" He whispered, shy of the statement but I don't really get it.
"Help you where?"
He stared at me again as if reading me, then he awkwardly laughed. "I... I have a... a... close friend,"
The time those words came out of his mouth, I knew he was lying. It's obvious. The person he is referring to isn't just a close friend. You won't speak like that if that was really just a friend.
"Hmm?" I looked away. I could feel it; He's talking about a girl.
"She..." Oh, I'm right. I urged him to continue. "She just died."
Shocked by the statement, I quickly threw my attitude aside. I thought it was something else. "I'm sorry."
We both fell silent. I finished my cup without looking at him. It's not that I am hurt because he's cherishing someone, I just cannot look at him with that pain clearly shown in his eyes. They're emitting sadness and I'm absorbing it. I did not ask however; I want to hear everything from him.
"Do you want to take a walk?" I suggested and he did not bother answering. He just stood up and gently held me by my wrist. I was surprised, of course, and I could feel something travelling from his grip to my spine. My heart was thumping louder than before to the point I want to hold my chest; Afraid he could feel it. Yoongi doesn't seem to be bothered so I shook the same feeling off. I don't want to be awkward with him.
When we came out on the street, he still did not let go. I do not know if I should feel jubilant. He held my hand before and we have talked before. He knows me, I know him, but something is very different. Like something is commanding me to feel special because what's happening right now is special.
"You're weird." I said after our long moment of silence. "Don't you think this is awkward, and... wrong?"
For goodness' sake, I'm just a fan who is fortunately with her bias right now, and listening to his aches. I'm currently not a dot, right?
"I don't feel like it's wrong." He said, I think I blushed. Well, he is Min Yoongi, the man who does not give a shit. I'm trying to control my emotions for his sake but I think this will be a hell of a headache.
"Why?" I asked though I am not curious to the answer.
"I could see her in you." He said in a low voice. "Every single time."
Ah. That hurt.
"Is she pretty too?" I joked, trying to hide the pain from him.
"Both of you are." He willingly answered. I think I'm good with hiding my emotions because he doesn't seem to be bothered.
"Is she really like me?"
He appeared to be thinking really deep, then he answered with a grin. "The first time I saw you, I thought you're her."
So this man knew our resemblance since 2013. "But then?"
"But then she appeared and I thought you were twins."
He laughed. Though it was weak, he still laughed! "She's questioning everything, too."
"Who? The woman who left?" Those words came out of my mouth so easily. Again, I regretted saying it. He slowed down his pace and then he halted. He was just laughing a moment ago, now he is back to being pained and miserable. Is it my mistake?
I wanted to apologize and explain that it's just when you're happy, words come out so easily, but I don't think that's acceptable because he said his situation yet I let my selfish feeling take control.
"She died yesterday, Miracle. She was in coma, then her body gave up." He said, pain clearly etched in his voice. He closed his eyes to prevent tears but his heart is too pained. His grip on my wrist became weaker and weaker until he let his hand drop.
I remained silent. I want to know but I do not want to get hurt. I want him to release his pain and emotion but I do not know if I could listen and be his comfort. I love him, too. And he's talking about someone he loved for long.
"After the accident last year, her family told me to move on, but I couldn't." He explained, this time with a calmer voice.
"Because I remind you of her." I said, calmly, too, though my heart is aching. Is that why I've been receiving special treatment from him?
"Yeah." He turned his head to look away.
"Is that the reason," My voice broke, so I swallowed hard before I continued. "...why I am here with you? Because..." I trailed off but I continued anyway. "Because I remind you of her?"
"I'm sorry."
"No, it's fine." I tried not to mix my statement with any sarcasm but I know he's fully aware that he just hurt me too.
"This is not fine."
I bitterly laughed. "I do not know if you are using me to forget her death, or you are using me because you do not want to forget her."
Using? No. He just used me ever since to replay the ghost of his memories. He used me for his own good. He unwarily played with my feelings because he's loving someone that is never me.
And with him meeting me like this, I very well know what he wants to happen. No, I wouldn't allow that. I badly want him, but I want him to love me, too, deep inside.
I want to yell at him and make him more miserable for making me feel like this. I don't know why I am so hurt. I want to strangle him because I was fine. I was fine but he came to me once more just to make me feel this pain that I know I shouldn't deserve. I just loved him. What kind of shit is this? A miserable prize for devoting yourself to someone you think you know. What the hell.
"Yoongi," I bit my lips. "Did you ever see me as I am?"
He did not answer so I spoke again. It was hard but I managed to speak those words. "I am sorry but I could not help. I may be like her but I am not her, Yoongi."
Am I being selfish? I just don't want to get hurt but here I am, being torn choosing between myself and helping him in the way he wanted. But I do not know why I should help him, to forget or to remind him of that girl.
"It's my bad, too. I'm sorry." He sincerely said though he can't look at me.
"Supposedly, you should be the one pouring out a lot of emotion since she died... but..." I looked away and awkwardly patted him at the back. "I... I do... I love you too." The tears that I was holding dropped on my cheeks. "But I want you to love me because I am Miracle."
We fell into silence once again, and after a few minutes. we decided to separate our ways. Sorry if I am not a martyr, Yoongi.
'Min Yoongi could not love me... because he's loving someone else.'
I completed the sentence. It's not that he can't, he just can't if it's someone else.
The man sniggered a little as he kept his tears to himself.
"Silly, I love you so much." He closed his eyes and imagined her sitting in front of him; Both of them wondering about the same night... Thinking about the same scenes, with hearts aimed for the same future.
A bitter smile came across his lips as he fought the urge to just fall into pieces.
"Ahh... my Miracle."
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maryseesthings · 7 years
Across the Universe
A/N: Sooo, I’ve read so many imagines and fan fics here, and I wanted to try and write my own. I really hope you liked it, and if you have any suggestions or comments they are very welcome. Btw, I also wanted to say sorry if there is any typo or if the sentences/words are hard to understand. I don’t fully speak English (im like 70% fluent in English) but I tried my best. 
You were so nervous, that you thought you were going to faint. You approach the stage to see better, and see your parents, sisters and brothers in the front row, even your best friend David, and you were surprised by the fact that he could come, you wanted him to come but didn’t know how likely it was since he was very busy with his performances with the Royal Ballet, but, of all the familiar faces that were there, you didn’t see one of the ones you most wanted: the face of your boyfriend for 4 years, Tom Holland. You couldn’t help feeling sad, your relationship was not at its best. Both of you had been very busy with their respective careers. And it was not something that bothered you, on the contrary, you understood it, and you liked it. You liked that Tom knew that if you didn’t answer a call or a message immediately was because you were probably busy with your research, after all, being a woman and studying chemical engineering isn’t easy, you had to make a double effort than your fellow men to demonstrate to your teachers that you were equal - or more - intelligent than them. And all that effort was worth, was giving its results. After all those sleepless nights, working on your graduation thesis, you finally succeeded. And, not only did you finish it, but something happened that you never imagined. The National Science Foundation is about to award you a recognition thanks to your discovery in the area of Environmental Research & Education. All these months of study resulted in the discovery of an enzyme in the seeds of Tamarind Tree that serve to produce biodegradable plastic, and its cost of production is a half of the costs of production of the plastic that is used at the moment worldwide. As a child you always dreamed of changing the world, and now you were doing it, however your significant other was not there to see you live an unforgettable moment, something that surely you will tell your children and grandchildren about, although, now you weren’t sure if those children and grandchildren were going to be yours and Tom’s. Before your thoughts went to places where you didn’t wanted to go, you listened to the master of ceremonies, the event was about to begin. Not only you were going to be awarded, there were also other young engineers who were to be awarded -but not other women, just you- , and in the event there were very important people, vice presidents, governors, ministers, councilors, and other figures of great weight. This could open you hundreds of opportunities. The event ended, it lasted a little - or, rather, a lot more - than you thought would last, but you couldn’t complain either. Your speech was cheered by all the people in the room, yes, all, there wasn’t a single one who didn’t applaud you standing. That filled you with pride, and you couldn’t keep the tears of happiness from falling down your cheeks. You stayed at least an hour after the event ended talking to different people, there were even a couple of job offers and invitations to international events, they wanted you to talk about the research process, what motivated you to study engineering and especially to make a thesis on a subject of which practically nothing was known. After that you went to have dinner with your family, nothing like celebrating with people who love and support you … well, with almost all of them. When you got to your apartment it was late, isn’t like there was something wrong, you didn’t have to work the next day, and after all those months of unveiling, you deserved a little rest. You looked at your phone, it didn’t stop ringing, it all seemed to be Twitter notifications, you unlocked your phone and went to open the app, it took a couple of minutes to scroll over the tweets to see the source of all that spam … and what you saw wasn’t nice. Photos of Tom with a blonde girl, they were too close and seemed too friendly, you didn’t knew who she was, you had never seen her, “is it possible?”, you thought, “no, Tom would never do that to me”, “that must be old photos that until now got leaked ”. You entered Snapchat and saw that Tom had uploaded some stories, he was partying. Tom missed one of the most important moments of your life, for partying, and besides, he was with a girl. Tears began to roll down your cheeks again, but these weren’t full of happiness and pride like the ones of  hours before, these were full of anger and sadness. Four years of having a relationship and ten years of knowing each other, and everything was gone. He had thrown all that away. It’s been a week since that bittersweet day,  and it’s definitely a day you will not forget. Tom has tried to communicate with you in every possible way, he have called you at all times, sent you messages, even to your best friend and your family, well, the boy could be insistent. You were not going to lie, that week you had a few moments of weakness, in which you almost call him and tell him how much you loved him and that you were willing to forgive him, but those moments were very short. Thanks to Princess Leia you had to travel to Singapore in a few days so you spent most of your time planning everything.
David POV
Back to London, although I have to admit that Y/N almost had to get me kicked out of the house and get on the plane, all because I didn’t want to leave her alone, I knew how bad she is, I knew how bad had left her what that project-of-man done to her, but still Y/N knew how important this month’s presentation was for my career and didn’t want me to miss it. Typical of Y/N, putting the good of others before hers. I was walking quietly when I see the outline of someone who I didn’t want to bump into me, the famous Tom Holland, no more, no less. It took all my strength not to grind it to blows, besides that would probably also bring me problems and a millionaire demand, and no, he isn’t worth it. I kept walking when I heard his irritating voice. “Hey, mate” did he just call me mate? I’M NOT HIS MATE, at this point I could feel the heat go through my veins, I kept walking as if I had not heard him, but he grabbed my arm and made me turn to look at him. “Hey, David, I know you don’t want to see me, in fact I think I’m the last person you want to see right now, since Y/N doesn’t want to see me either, and I don’t blame her …” I could see the guilt in his eyes, in addition to the bags of dark circles under them, for the love of Castiel, this boy was a mess, for a second I felt sorry for him, until the memories of Y/N crying at 2am watching their old photos and wondering why came to my mind and again I was overwhelmed with anger. “Y/N doesn’t answer my calls, nor my messages. I have tried to communicate with his parents, even his brothers and all seem to avoid me” “Yes, well, it turns out that you stopped being in our Christmas list” I said in a sarcastic tone as I rolled my eyes, this could not be happening to me, I turned my foot to start leaving but Tom stopped me again, this guy doesn’t know when to give up. “How is Y/N?” “Very good actually, but no thanks to you, besides with the whole Singapore thing she has been very busy and almost had no time to think about what you did to her” I lied, I was not going to let this fool know how bad is Y/N, first dead, “well, I do not plan to continue wasting my time with you, it was a disgust to see you and I will pray that we will not meet again” and then I just turn around and keep walking.
What? It is true what David just say to me? Y/N is going to go to Singapore, God, no, I can’t let her go without fixing things, at least she has to listen to me, I will not stand the idea that the person I love most hates me for the rest of her life, just not, I have to do something, I will do something to show you Y /N much I love her.
To be continued…
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d2kvirus · 6 years
Dickheads of the Month: February 2019
As it seems that there are people who say or do things that are remarkably dickheaded yet somehow people try to make excuses for them or pretend it never happened, here is a collection of some of the dickheaded actions we saw in the month of February 2019 to make sure that they are never forgotten.
Golf claps all round for Jussie Smollett not just for staging an attack and thinking that he would get away with it, something that was always going to be difficult considering the high-profile nature of the assault that he staged, but also guaranteeing that until the end of time every single time there’s a racially-aggravated assault by members of the far right we will hear the mantra of “It’s fake because Jussie Smollett faked his attack” by members of the alt-right who are relieved that, for once, they don’t have to delete dozens of tweets calling something that reflects badly upon them as a false flag attack, as evidenced by their rabid demands for a pound of flesh because this one time they cried wolf there just so happened to be a wolf nearby - with Dinesh D’Souza going so far as to try and cast doubt on attacks that took place in the 1950s and 60s
It would take a real piece of work to outright lie about policy that you’re screwing up on a daily basis, so to the surprise of nobody Theresa May did exactly that when she claimed that the Britait process was being slowed down by those who don’t agree with her deal - even though she was the one who cancelled the vote when it was initially scheduled before Christmas in an obvious attempt to slow down the process and scare everyone into voting for her deal because she’d run down the clock by several weeks
How brave of Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey to all resign from the Labour party to form their own party - with blackjack, and hookers! - and to announce as their first order of business that they would not be calling by-elections for the seats they won under a labour manifesto, which certainly doesn't make them look like a bunch of cowards looking to line their pockets at their constituents’ expense while not allowing said constituents the opportunity to say which party they want representing them...but then again The Independent Group aren’t a political party, they’re a limited company (which just so happens to get around Electoral Commission rules on announcing their funding) whose website is based in that well-known tax bolthole that is Panama
And then Angela Smith further discredited The Independent Group PLC when, during a televised debate about racism, she described BAME people as being “black or a funny tinge” - and in doing so she exposed that The Independent Group Ltd not only don’t have any disciplinary procedure of any kind, but there is also no way for anyone to register a complaint
And then we have Joan Ryan jumping ship, somehow neglecting to mention losing a No Confidence vote last year (which saw her throw one hell of a temper tantrum on her Twitter feed when the result came in) or the time she was caught on camera manufacturing accusations of antisemitic abuse, and soon after she joined she attempted to deny there is a video of her discussing a £1m bribe from Shai Masoud - this video, in fact - soon followed by being reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office for attempting to access the data of Labour after she had resigned, which she gave plentiful evidence of her involvement by sending a mass e-mail to Enfield North members after she had resigned
This was soon followed by Anna Soubry demonstrating her devotion to The Independent Group Ltd’s new politics by calling nine years of Tory austerity “marvelous” before complaining that she was no longer allowed to campaign on behalf of Tory council candidates, while Heidi Allen spoke in favour of Universal Credit and stated she would support Theresa May if she faced another No Confidence vote in parliament, because apparently supporting not just the policies but the leader of the party you just left is “new politics” now
According to Candace Owens there was absolutely nothing wrong with Hitler until he began to interfere in other countries as (and these are direct quotes) "it’s important to retain your country’s identity”, that he “just wanted to make Germany great” and “The problem is that he wanted, he had dreams outside of Germany. He wanted to globalise” - which I am sure would have come to some degree of comfort to the countless Jews residing within Germany who found themselves the target for persecution and extermination long before Hitler considered invading Poland
After loudly pondering to anyone with press credentials about how to combat the knife crime problem it finally occurred to Sajid Javid what needs to be done - he needed to cut funding for knife crime programmes, soon followed by not even bothering to show up in Commons when questions about knife crime were on the agenda, choosing to send a lackey to dodge any and all questions in his stead
In yet another case of Arron Banks needing to lie because his bullshit had been exposed by real life intervening, when his comment that Britait wouldn’t affect Toyota investing in Sunderland was undermined by Toyota moving manufacture of the new X-Trail out of Sunderland and relocating it to Japan, the best he could come up with was the market for diesel cars in Britain isn't that great - which I’m sure will come of great comfort to the people of Sunderland who will be out of work because of this move
It appears that Liam Neeson doesn't have a particular set of skills when it comes to promoting his films as nobody’s talking about his latest film and instead talking about how he said that he wanted to murder a black man after somebody close to him was raped by a black man - not the black man responsible, mind you, but any black man he could find while roaming the streets.  Even his attempt at recovering fell a little bit flat when he suggested that people need to talk about feelings of rage-fuelled vengeance, but the issue is nobody was talking about this because Neeson himself talked about it in the worst way possible to begin with
Somehow the message didn't reach Chris Williamson as, in an effort to criticise the weaponisation of antisemitism to manufacture a weapon to bludgeon Labour with, he did so in such a way that the main takeaway was he said Labour were “too apologetic” when faced with accusations of antisemitism and guaranteed that, as a result, that blunt weapon would be brought out to bludgeon Labour with yet again
It really does say something that Jacob Rees-Mogg, Andrea Leadsom, David Davis, Arlene Foster, Sajid Javid, Kate Hoey, Peter Bone et al were all up in arms at Donald Tusk’s comments about there being a special place in hell for those backing the Leave campaign without ever formulating a plan, each of them finding their own way to whine about how insulted they were (as if we hadn’t had years of various Leave backers comparing the EU to either the Soviet Union or Third Reich) yet not a single one of them seemed to think it worth suggesting that they had a plan let alone suggest what that plan was
This wasn’t the only time Kate Hoey mouthed off and looked an idiot because of it either, as she also tooks to Twitter to dust off that old chestnut of how nobody voted for any member of the EU, specifically targeting Guy Verhofstadt - only for  Verhofstadt to point out that hundreds of thousands did, and it says a lot that those so adamant about leaving the EU don’t know a bloody thing about it
Another month and another example of the BBC using Question Time as a platform not for informed debate but an echo chamber for the far right, with them bussing in and spouter of all manner of bigoted and sectarian bile Billy Mitchell once again tucked away in the audience masquerading as a member of the public, which is at least the fourth time this has been noticed, and they went so far as to allow Mitchell to chat with at least one member of the panel before the taping began which is in direct contravention of the BBC’s own rules - and even edited out the SNP panelist’s response.  Of course Mitchell isn’t the only case of this, as the Bolton chapter of the English Defence League were invited en masse to one taping while last year Jonathan Jennings was given similar treatment to Mitchell in spite the minor inconvenience of him being given a prison sentence for posting antisemitic and Islamophobic comments online and threatening to kill Jeremy Corbyn - which means it's worth mentioning that the Question Time audience being picked by Alison Fuller Pedley who, prior to deleting her Facebook account, shared material from Britain First among many other far right groups
Barking mad idiot Nadine Dorries managed to top her usual level of batshittery by tweeting a video of journalist Ash Sarkar while stating it was Labour candidate Faiza Shaheen - and when this mistake was pointed out to her she didn’t apologise but say she got confused because the two had similar accents, which doesn’t at all sound like she thinks all Asian women look alike - which is clearly the case, given she has not apologised to Sarkar or Shaheen, but did apologise to the BBC
Beating the deadest of dead horses was Chris Quinn as he became the latest person determined to die on the hill where Jack Thompson and Leland Yee died on when he decided that the one thing guaranteed to stop school shootings was for Pennsylvania to introduce a 10% Sin Tax on violent video games - yet at no point in his proposal did he ever suggest that maybe these things called guns might have something to do with America’s school shooting problem
Because saying his Chinese wife was Japanese wasn’t enough proof that Jeremy ...Hunt is a hapless failure as Foreign Secretary, on a visit to Slovenia he described the country as a “Soviet vassal state” - in other words he publicly stated he can’t tell which country was part of the Soviet Union and which country was part of Yugoslavia while in a country that was part of Yugoslavia
Another month another humiliation for Chris Grayling - but this time he really excelled himself by being banned from the port of Calais by French port authorities who’d had enough of his impotent posturing and were happy to slap him with what was, in effect, a diplomatic ASBO
Convicted rapist Bill Cosby is clearly still coming to terms with that guilty verdict he was slapped judging by the statement he released where Cosby howls about how he’s a political prisoner, going so far as to compare himself to Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi, talking conspiratorial gibberish about the judge who passed sentence and the DA who brought charges, and finishing up by saying he has no remorse, because saying you have no remorse for what you were locked up for is always a good look...
Sneering fuckwit Toby Young had one takeaway from the schoolchildren going on strike to protest against climate change, and that takeaway was that if they were going to strike they should do it at the weekend - which makes it sound an awful lot like sneering fuckwit Toby Young doesn’t understand the concept of a strike - although the sneering fuckwit was hardly alone, not when Theresa May dismissed them as “disruptive” and (irony of ironies) “Wasting time” while Daily Mail hatchet-wielder and person who has seen Michael Gove naked Sarah Vine sneered they were taking “an excellent opportunity to avoid doing any work”, soon followed by Andrea Leadsom harrumphing about “truancy” while James Cleverley, Dan Hodges and Christopher Hope all made remarkably similar comments about “bunking off”
Not only is Tom Bower such a joke that his expose of Jeremy Corbyn reveals the shocking revelation of him eating baked beans *dramatic chord* but he then went on Good Morning Britain and referred to Michael Segalov as “a self-hating Jew” which, the last time I checked, sounds uncannily like he discriminated against a Jewish person on the basis of their religion while being broadcast live on national television...which none of the GMB hosts did anything about and I don’t see any of The Independent Group Ltd making so much as a peep about it either
Filibustering enthusiast Christopher Chope once again demonstrated his levels of respect and tolerance for women by deciding to block a vote on laws protecting at risk children from female genital mutilation, a move which drew condemnation from both side of the House of Commons, which as per usual he attempted to deflect by saying he won’t let any Private Members Bill pass without debate - apart from the dozens he let through without debate
At first it appeared that Mark Lewis was continuing his sleazy approach to lawyerly matters of randomly tweeting people to say he was representing them and demanding they post their personal information online - only for it to soon transpire that, no, Lewis was actually acting on behalf of Rachel Riley and Tracy Ann Oberman as they decided that encouraging their Twitter followers to dogpile onto anyone who dares disagree with them is no longer enough, now it's time to make an example of them by dragging them to court while crying to their friends in the press about how they are the ones being bullied and harassed online
According to Jacob Rees Mogg it was...let me double check my notes...right, according to Jacob Rees Mogg there was nothing wrong with the concentration camps used by the British during the Boer War because the number of people who died in them was consistent with the mortality rate in Glasgow at the time.  He overlooks the part about the numbers of women and children dying in those camps being much higher than the numbers of women and children in Glasgow, but why quibble about that when his main argument was justifying the use of concentration camps?
In a fit of desperation Brandon Lewis decided to harrumph loudly about Sally Keeble liking a dick pic on Twitter - which only led to people noticing that he didn't have problems when it was Tory MP Andrew Griffiths sent dick pics in their hundreds to his constituents, and that him being restored to the party in order to have Theresa May narrowly win a vote of No Confidence from her own party could only have been signed off by...Brandon Lewis
It appears that a very different version of history was taught at the school Daniel Kawczynski attended compared to that of everyone else educated at the time, judging by his tweet suggesting that Britain did not receive a penny after WWII as there was no Marshall Plan for us...other than the $4bn that the UK received from the Marshall Plan, but that’s not important right now
In a remarkable lack of self-awareness Suzanne Evans bitterly complained about the roaming charges on her phone contract increasing, seemingly unaware that the reason those roaming charges used to be much lower was because of EU legislation - yes, since you asked, that would be the exact same EU that Suzanne Evans was a prominent advocate of leaving because apparently they offer no benefit to the British whatsoever...
Proving that the apple doesn't fall far from the orange-hued tree was Donald Trump Jnr tweeting a photo as he tried to suggest every single woman in Congress (including Nancy Pelosi) was a traitor for not wearing a US flag pin - only to have it pointed out to him that neither was he...
Somebody at THQ Nordic thought it was a brilliant idea to announce an AMA not on Reddit nor Twitter but on 8chan, because the one place any company should be hosting an AMA is on 4chan’s even nastier little brother than has been delisted from Google due to being used to share images of child pornography
Showing they hadn’t read Downsize This! at any point in the last 23 years those fine folks at Activision announced record profits while also laying off 8% of their staff, a reported 800 people, because their record profits somehow didn’t translate into record bonuses so somebody had to pay for it
As it's been a while since Youtube did something harebrained that made things far more complicated for content creators with their latest genius idea is to demonetise channels because of comments that other people made on the video, with them going so far as to demonetise videos of creators who were moderating their comments section on the presumption that dodgy comments might be coming sometime soon
It seems that Ja Rule is having difficulty accepting that the Fyre Festival was a blatant scam arranged by an obvious scammer, because even after two documentaries picked apart just how non-legitimate the entire endeavour was he’s saying he hasn’t given up on the idea, which maybe isn’t the smartest position to take when there’s numerous lawsuits and criminal investigations that happen to have his name on them
Because it appears Bethesda can’t go a month without Fallout 76 being the decrepit goose that keeps shitting on their shoes, they decided to make sure they were responsible for needing yet another change of loafers by banning a player who had amassed over 900 hours in the game for having too much ammunition.  Because when your playerbase has nosedived since launch, the one thing you really want to do is ban one of the players whose put a lot of time into the game for reasons that make no sense because anyone playing the game for 900 hours would pick up a hell of a lot of ammo
Don’t worry, folks, it appears that Julia Hartley Brewer has solved all the post-Britait issues in one tweet when she said it took just twenty seconds for her to get across the border between France and Switzerland so everything will be alright.  In other words, Julia Hartley Brewer either forgot about or merely omitted that Switzerland is part of the Schengen agreement, she was travelling between France and Switzerland rather than the UK and any EU country, and that the UK currently being part of the EU is the reason her border check took so little time and that wouldn’t be the case if she was traveling on, say, a Latvian passport
Hentai enthusiast thewisemankey, otherwise known as tedious shitposter Gregory Prytyka Jr. (and no doubt several other Disqus pseudonyms) was so gracious enough to boost my analytics in an effort to prove how he was definitely not thin-skinned and incapable of taking responsibility when his shitposting backfires...which demonstrated he’s thin-skinned and unable to take responsibility when his shitposting backfires, and considering said shitposting was last December the fact he’s still bawling about it in February really isn’t normal behaviour, is it?
And, of course, getting remarkably triggered by Spike Lee suggesting people vote with love not hate in the 2020 election is Donald Trump and his charming habit of being more concerned for the wellbeing of one of his supporters than the journalist his supporter happened to be assaulting at the time, who also believes he can steal a march on China by demanding American businesses adopt non-existent 6G technology now
0 notes
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger http://www.nature-business.com/business-two-courtroom-dramas-leave-trumps-presidency-on-a-cliffhanger/
Business (CNN)It was like binge-watching history as two of the President’s men went down.A twisting saga of intertwined legal plots and human drama dripping with hubris, vengeance, betrayal and defiance suddenly combined Tuesday in a frenetic, barely believable burst that left Donald Trump’s presidency stained by a tide of crime and corruption.Michael Cohen, the Trump clan’s attack dog, and Paul Manafort, the ultimate Washington swamp creature with the ostrich skin jacket, paid dearly for their association with their former boss in near-simultaneous convictions that will mean years in jail.Trump’s riotous, rule-breaking political career is often compared to the voyeurism of a reality show — a perfect forum for his spinning of alternative truths and narratives.But Tuesday’s theater — unfolding in courtrooms about 240 miles apart — was more like the compelling denouement of a slow-building Netflix drama that came together in frenetic, shocking final moments that made their own statement: Truth and facts still matter in America.Like all good season finales, this surreal cliffhanger tied up some plots but unleashed deeper, more consequential intrigues to tee up more compelling sequels to come. And that may evolve into existential questions for the Trump presidency itself.For at the end of an afternoon that rocked Washington to its core, the President himself stood accused, under oath — by his former lawyer, who once vowed to take a bullet for his boss but has now turned a smoking gun directly at him — of conspiring in and directing a crime.Not just any other day Tuesday dawned like every other day of the Trump presidency in a flurry of tweets and speculation about Russian election meddling.There was little sign of the drama to come.In Alexandria, Virginia, court reporters filled out crosswords and played cards as the Manafort jury ground out a fourth day of deliberations.In New York, no one expected Cohen’s case to suddenly converge with the fate of the former Trump campaign chairman in such a disastrous way for the White House, though reports over the weekend had said charges were likely in his proceeding by month’s end.The first smoke that became a raging legal inferno emerged at 11 a.m., when Manafort jurors sent Judge T.S. Ellis a note. They asked what to do if they couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict on a single count. Ellis sent them back to their room to try to thrash it out, but it was clear: Manafort’s fate was close to being resolved.But the momentousness of the day began to take shape as sources revealed that Cohen was in talks with prosecutors on a plea deal. Suddenly, the possibility of dual Trump-related legal dramas playing out at once looked likely as speculation washed across the split screens of news channels showing the doors of court buildings in New York and Alexandria.By 2:30 p.m., Cohen had surrendered to the FBI. His plea agreement was a done deal and he was soon in court, in a dark suit, white shirt and gold tie.He had center stage for only a few moments before the nation’s necks twisted back to Alexandria, after Manafort attorney Kevin Downing walked into the courthouse telling reporters, “It’s a note.”Fueling the drama, the President’s motorcade cruised up to the 757 version of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, where he took off for the embrace of Trump-loving West Virginia on what was rapidly becoming a disastrous day.Down below, the Manafort jury had hit a brick wall and announced it had reached verdicts on eight counts but deadlocked on the others. Ellis resolved to talk to jurors individually, raising expectations that their travails might stretch into Wednesday.But living up to his reputation for running a “rocket docket,” the judge decided swiftly to accept a partial verdict, declaring a mistrial on the 10 unresolved charges, and Manafort’s moment of destiny was suddenly at hand.Reporters racing out of the courtroom — where cellphones and computers are not allowed — broke the news that Manafort had been found guilty on one count — before similar verdicts on another seven were quickly confirmed.As Ellis explained the verdict to Manafort, the man once known as one of the smoothest operators in politics looked on impassively. Some jurors looked him in the eye. One member appeared visibly upset as the jury left the courtroom for the final time. After a combative duel, prosecutors and defense lawyers exchanged handshakes.And a grim-faced Manafort nodded at his wife of 40 years, Kathleen, as he was led away.VengeanceWashington was only beginning to wrestle with the enormity of Trump’s former campaign chairman being convicted when an even more stunning scene unfolded in New York.Cohen did not just plead guilty to eight counts of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance violations. He also fed his grudge against Trump and his belief that he had been hung out to dry by throwing his old mentor under a bus.He testified that he made payments to hush former porn star Stormy Daniels and had urged the National Enquirer to make a similar payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who said they had had affairs with Trump, in the run-up to the 2016 election “in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office.”The impersonal language could not disguise the grave impact of his words — especially since Trump had previously told the American people he knew nothing about such payments.Effectively, Cohen was accusing the President of the United States of being a fellow crook.Cohen read out his statement, admitting to his crimes, without emotion. He said “Yes, sir” and “Yes, your honor” when addressed by the judge. When asked if he was of sound mind and not under undue influence, he revealed that his last alcoholic drink had been a Glenlivet on the rocks at dinner Monday night.Crestfallen, he left court with none of the swagger that he had used to effect as Trump’s cleanup man.The fight back beginsBy now, Trump was back on the ground. And cornered, he acted in the only way he knew — by fighting back. He said he “felt badly” for Manafort but lashed out at special counsel Robert Mueller, who targeted his former campaign chairman and referred Cohen’s case to prosecutors in New York.”Nothing to do with Russian collusion, we continue the witch hunt,” the President said. Later, Trump hinted at his next political strategy, seizing on a tragedy in Iowa and an undocumented immigrant charged with the murder of student Mollie Tibbetts.”You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from Mexico. And you saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman,” Trump said at his West Virginia rally, in remarks that may resonate more with his base than Tuesday’s legal drama.Indeed, at one point the chant “Lock her up!” — long directed at Hillary Clinton — rang out among Trump’s crowd with no apparent trace of irony given the day’s events.Those around the President are already referring to Cohen as “the rat” but they acknowledge things could hardly have gone more badly.”What a bad day for the home team,” one source said.A source familiar with White House deliberations said staffers were “stunned” and “rattled.”Asked about Cohen and Manafort, Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders told a CNN reporter: “I don’t have anything for you on that.” On Capitol Hill, Democrats were crowing.”Not a witch hunt,” tweeted Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia. His Democratic colleague from Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal added that the White House was looking “increasingly like a criminal enterprise.”The sequel As the dust settles from Tuesday’s frenzy, new plot twists are already developing.Republicans have been embarrassed, trolled and outraged by Trump — but so far they’ve never deserted him. They don’t seem likely to do so now, over a campaign finance transgression, but the question has never been more acute about how history will view them, given that the President they are shielding has been implicated in his former lawyer’s felony. Simply parroting the GOP line that Tuesday’s drama has nothing to do with Russian collusion won’t ease the pressure. The Trump camp is already fighting back: “Even if Cohen says Trump told him to break the law, the source says, who’s going to believe Cohen now, after admitting to lying?” a source with the Trump Organization said.Indeed, Cohen’s claim is not a legal charge and Trump, like anyone else, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. And it’s almost inconceivable a sitting President could be indicted for a crime.But Democrats now have fresh ammunition to subject the Trump White House to relentless scrutiny should they win back the House of Representatives in November. And the question of possible impeachment will now hang tantalizingly over the election.Had he lost the Manafort case, Mueller would have been under fierce fire from Trump partisans, with the credibility of his investigation in doubt.But now he may be emboldened — as he presses on with an investigation into alleged Russian collusion and presidential obstruction that is moving ever closer to the Oval Office door.All eyes are on whether he will move against Trump or more of his acolytes before the fall campaign cranks up.Trump, as he flew home to a White House being pelted by a later summer storm, had much to brood upon, beginning with the fallout of Cohen’s courtroom betrayal.He might contemplate a pardon for Manafort, but political blowback would be immense.He must worry that his two former associates, seeking to reduce their sentences, will cooperate with Mueller in other areas that could threaten the President himself.There are no final answers after Tuesday’s double courtroom drama.But the trajectory seems clear: The Trump show is heading down a foreboding road.CNN’s Erica Orden, Jim Acosta, Jessica Schneider, Jeremy Diamond, Christina Alesci, Sara Murray, Katelyn Polantz, Steve Brusk, Ted Barrett, Phil Mattingly, Noah Gray, Kaitlan Collins, Evan Perez, Liz Stark, Mark Morales, Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz contributed to this report. Read More | https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/22/politics/paul-manafort-michael-cohen-donald-trump-tick-tock/index.html | Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger, in 2018-08-22 08:43:54
0 notes
blogcompetnetall · 6 years
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger http://www.nature-business.com/business-two-courtroom-dramas-leave-trumps-presidency-on-a-cliffhanger/
Business (CNN)It was like binge-watching history as two of the President’s men went down.A twisting saga of intertwined legal plots and human drama dripping with hubris, vengeance, betrayal and defiance suddenly combined Tuesday in a frenetic, barely believable burst that left Donald Trump’s presidency stained by a tide of crime and corruption.Michael Cohen, the Trump clan’s attack dog, and Paul Manafort, the ultimate Washington swamp creature with the ostrich skin jacket, paid dearly for their association with their former boss in near-simultaneous convictions that will mean years in jail.Trump’s riotous, rule-breaking political career is often compared to the voyeurism of a reality show — a perfect forum for his spinning of alternative truths and narratives.But Tuesday’s theater — unfolding in courtrooms about 240 miles apart — was more like the compelling denouement of a slow-building Netflix drama that came together in frenetic, shocking final moments that made their own statement: Truth and facts still matter in America.Like all good season finales, this surreal cliffhanger tied up some plots but unleashed deeper, more consequential intrigues to tee up more compelling sequels to come. And that may evolve into existential questions for the Trump presidency itself.For at the end of an afternoon that rocked Washington to its core, the President himself stood accused, under oath — by his former lawyer, who once vowed to take a bullet for his boss but has now turned a smoking gun directly at him — of conspiring in and directing a crime.Not just any other day Tuesday dawned like every other day of the Trump presidency in a flurry of tweets and speculation about Russian election meddling.There was little sign of the drama to come.In Alexandria, Virginia, court reporters filled out crosswords and played cards as the Manafort jury ground out a fourth day of deliberations.In New York, no one expected Cohen’s case to suddenly converge with the fate of the former Trump campaign chairman in such a disastrous way for the White House, though reports over the weekend had said charges were likely in his proceeding by month’s end.The first smoke that became a raging legal inferno emerged at 11 a.m., when Manafort jurors sent Judge T.S. Ellis a note. They asked what to do if they couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict on a single count. Ellis sent them back to their room to try to thrash it out, but it was clear: Manafort’s fate was close to being resolved.But the momentousness of the day began to take shape as sources revealed that Cohen was in talks with prosecutors on a plea deal. Suddenly, the possibility of dual Trump-related legal dramas playing out at once looked likely as speculation washed across the split screens of news channels showing the doors of court buildings in New York and Alexandria.By 2:30 p.m., Cohen had surrendered to the FBI. His plea agreement was a done deal and he was soon in court, in a dark suit, white shirt and gold tie.He had center stage for only a few moments before the nation’s necks twisted back to Alexandria, after Manafort attorney Kevin Downing walked into the courthouse telling reporters, “It’s a note.”Fueling the drama, the President’s motorcade cruised up to the 757 version of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, where he took off for the embrace of Trump-loving West Virginia on what was rapidly becoming a disastrous day.Down below, the Manafort jury had hit a brick wall and announced it had reached verdicts on eight counts but deadlocked on the others. Ellis resolved to talk to jurors individually, raising expectations that their travails might stretch into Wednesday.But living up to his reputation for running a “rocket docket,” the judge decided swiftly to accept a partial verdict, declaring a mistrial on the 10 unresolved charges, and Manafort’s moment of destiny was suddenly at hand.Reporters racing out of the courtroom — where cellphones and computers are not allowed — broke the news that Manafort had been found guilty on one count — before similar verdicts on another seven were quickly confirmed.As Ellis explained the verdict to Manafort, the man once known as one of the smoothest operators in politics looked on impassively. Some jurors looked him in the eye. One member appeared visibly upset as the jury left the courtroom for the final time. After a combative duel, prosecutors and defense lawyers exchanged handshakes.And a grim-faced Manafort nodded at his wife of 40 years, Kathleen, as he was led away.VengeanceWashington was only beginning to wrestle with the enormity of Trump’s former campaign chairman being convicted when an even more stunning scene unfolded in New York.Cohen did not just plead guilty to eight counts of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance violations. He also fed his grudge against Trump and his belief that he had been hung out to dry by throwing his old mentor under a bus.He testified that he made payments to hush former porn star Stormy Daniels and had urged the National Enquirer to make a similar payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who said they had had affairs with Trump, in the run-up to the 2016 election “in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office.”The impersonal language could not disguise the grave impact of his words — especially since Trump had previously told the American people he knew nothing about such payments.Effectively, Cohen was accusing the President of the United States of being a fellow crook.Cohen read out his statement, admitting to his crimes, without emotion. He said “Yes, sir” and “Yes, your honor” when addressed by the judge. When asked if he was of sound mind and not under undue influence, he revealed that his last alcoholic drink had been a Glenlivet on the rocks at dinner Monday night.Crestfallen, he left court with none of the swagger that he had used to effect as Trump’s cleanup man.The fight back beginsBy now, Trump was back on the ground. And cornered, he acted in the only way he knew — by fighting back. He said he “felt badly” for Manafort but lashed out at special counsel Robert Mueller, who targeted his former campaign chairman and referred Cohen’s case to prosecutors in New York.”Nothing to do with Russian collusion, we continue the witch hunt,” the President said. Later, Trump hinted at his next political strategy, seizing on a tragedy in Iowa and an undocumented immigrant charged with the murder of student Mollie Tibbetts.”You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from Mexico. And you saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman,” Trump said at his West Virginia rally, in remarks that may resonate more with his base than Tuesday’s legal drama.Indeed, at one point the chant “Lock her up!” — long directed at Hillary Clinton — rang out among Trump’s crowd with no apparent trace of irony given the day’s events.Those around the President are already referring to Cohen as “the rat” but they acknowledge things could hardly have gone more badly.”What a bad day for the home team,” one source said.A source familiar with White House deliberations said staffers were “stunned” and “rattled.”Asked about Cohen and Manafort, Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders told a CNN reporter: “I don’t have anything for you on that.” On Capitol Hill, Democrats were crowing.”Not a witch hunt,” tweeted Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia. His Democratic colleague from Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal added that the White House was looking “increasingly like a criminal enterprise.”The sequel As the dust settles from Tuesday’s frenzy, new plot twists are already developing.Republicans have been embarrassed, trolled and outraged by Trump — but so far they’ve never deserted him. They don’t seem likely to do so now, over a campaign finance transgression, but the question has never been more acute about how history will view them, given that the President they are shielding has been implicated in his former lawyer’s felony. Simply parroting the GOP line that Tuesday’s drama has nothing to do with Russian collusion won’t ease the pressure. The Trump camp is already fighting back: “Even if Cohen says Trump told him to break the law, the source says, who’s going to believe Cohen now, after admitting to lying?” a source with the Trump Organization said.Indeed, Cohen’s claim is not a legal charge and Trump, like anyone else, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. And it’s almost inconceivable a sitting President could be indicted for a crime.But Democrats now have fresh ammunition to subject the Trump White House to relentless scrutiny should they win back the House of Representatives in November. And the question of possible impeachment will now hang tantalizingly over the election.Had he lost the Manafort case, Mueller would have been under fierce fire from Trump partisans, with the credibility of his investigation in doubt.But now he may be emboldened — as he presses on with an investigation into alleged Russian collusion and presidential obstruction that is moving ever closer to the Oval Office door.All eyes are on whether he will move against Trump or more of his acolytes before the fall campaign cranks up.Trump, as he flew home to a White House being pelted by a later summer storm, had much to brood upon, beginning with the fallout of Cohen’s courtroom betrayal.He might contemplate a pardon for Manafort, but political blowback would be immense.He must worry that his two former associates, seeking to reduce their sentences, will cooperate with Mueller in other areas that could threaten the President himself.There are no final answers after Tuesday’s double courtroom drama.But the trajectory seems clear: The Trump show is heading down a foreboding road.CNN’s Erica Orden, Jim Acosta, Jessica Schneider, Jeremy Diamond, Christina Alesci, Sara Murray, Katelyn Polantz, Steve Brusk, Ted Barrett, Phil Mattingly, Noah Gray, Kaitlan Collins, Evan Perez, Liz Stark, Mark Morales, Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz contributed to this report. Read More | https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/22/politics/paul-manafort-michael-cohen-donald-trump-tick-tock/index.html | Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger, in 2018-08-22 08:43:54
0 notes
algarithmblognumber · 6 years
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger http://www.nature-business.com/business-two-courtroom-dramas-leave-trumps-presidency-on-a-cliffhanger/
Business (CNN)It was like binge-watching history as two of the President’s men went down.A twisting saga of intertwined legal plots and human drama dripping with hubris, vengeance, betrayal and defiance suddenly combined Tuesday in a frenetic, barely believable burst that left Donald Trump’s presidency stained by a tide of crime and corruption.Michael Cohen, the Trump clan’s attack dog, and Paul Manafort, the ultimate Washington swamp creature with the ostrich skin jacket, paid dearly for their association with their former boss in near-simultaneous convictions that will mean years in jail.Trump’s riotous, rule-breaking political career is often compared to the voyeurism of a reality show — a perfect forum for his spinning of alternative truths and narratives.But Tuesday’s theater — unfolding in courtrooms about 240 miles apart — was more like the compelling denouement of a slow-building Netflix drama that came together in frenetic, shocking final moments that made their own statement: Truth and facts still matter in America.Like all good season finales, this surreal cliffhanger tied up some plots but unleashed deeper, more consequential intrigues to tee up more compelling sequels to come. And that may evolve into existential questions for the Trump presidency itself.For at the end of an afternoon that rocked Washington to its core, the President himself stood accused, under oath — by his former lawyer, who once vowed to take a bullet for his boss but has now turned a smoking gun directly at him — of conspiring in and directing a crime.Not just any other day Tuesday dawned like every other day of the Trump presidency in a flurry of tweets and speculation about Russian election meddling.There was little sign of the drama to come.In Alexandria, Virginia, court reporters filled out crosswords and played cards as the Manafort jury ground out a fourth day of deliberations.In New York, no one expected Cohen’s case to suddenly converge with the fate of the former Trump campaign chairman in such a disastrous way for the White House, though reports over the weekend had said charges were likely in his proceeding by month’s end.The first smoke that became a raging legal inferno emerged at 11 a.m., when Manafort jurors sent Judge T.S. Ellis a note. They asked what to do if they couldn’t reach a unanimous verdict on a single count. Ellis sent them back to their room to try to thrash it out, but it was clear: Manafort’s fate was close to being resolved.But the momentousness of the day began to take shape as sources revealed that Cohen was in talks with prosecutors on a plea deal. Suddenly, the possibility of dual Trump-related legal dramas playing out at once looked likely as speculation washed across the split screens of news channels showing the doors of court buildings in New York and Alexandria.By 2:30 p.m., Cohen had surrendered to the FBI. His plea agreement was a done deal and he was soon in court, in a dark suit, white shirt and gold tie.He had center stage for only a few moments before the nation’s necks twisted back to Alexandria, after Manafort attorney Kevin Downing walked into the courthouse telling reporters, “It’s a note.”Fueling the drama, the President’s motorcade cruised up to the 757 version of Air Force One at Andrews Air Force Base, where he took off for the embrace of Trump-loving West Virginia on what was rapidly becoming a disastrous day.Down below, the Manafort jury had hit a brick wall and announced it had reached verdicts on eight counts but deadlocked on the others. Ellis resolved to talk to jurors individually, raising expectations that their travails might stretch into Wednesday.But living up to his reputation for running a “rocket docket,” the judge decided swiftly to accept a partial verdict, declaring a mistrial on the 10 unresolved charges, and Manafort’s moment of destiny was suddenly at hand.Reporters racing out of the courtroom — where cellphones and computers are not allowed — broke the news that Manafort had been found guilty on one count — before similar verdicts on another seven were quickly confirmed.As Ellis explained the verdict to Manafort, the man once known as one of the smoothest operators in politics looked on impassively. Some jurors looked him in the eye. One member appeared visibly upset as the jury left the courtroom for the final time. After a combative duel, prosecutors and defense lawyers exchanged handshakes.And a grim-faced Manafort nodded at his wife of 40 years, Kathleen, as he was led away.VengeanceWashington was only beginning to wrestle with the enormity of Trump’s former campaign chairman being convicted when an even more stunning scene unfolded in New York.Cohen did not just plead guilty to eight counts of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance violations. He also fed his grudge against Trump and his belief that he had been hung out to dry by throwing his old mentor under a bus.He testified that he made payments to hush former porn star Stormy Daniels and had urged the National Enquirer to make a similar payment to former Playboy model Karen McDougal, who said they had had affairs with Trump, in the run-up to the 2016 election “in coordination and at the direction of a candidate for federal office.”The impersonal language could not disguise the grave impact of his words — especially since Trump had previously told the American people he knew nothing about such payments.Effectively, Cohen was accusing the President of the United States of being a fellow crook.Cohen read out his statement, admitting to his crimes, without emotion. He said “Yes, sir” and “Yes, your honor” when addressed by the judge. When asked if he was of sound mind and not under undue influence, he revealed that his last alcoholic drink had been a Glenlivet on the rocks at dinner Monday night.Crestfallen, he left court with none of the swagger that he had used to effect as Trump’s cleanup man.The fight back beginsBy now, Trump was back on the ground. And cornered, he acted in the only way he knew — by fighting back. He said he “felt badly” for Manafort but lashed out at special counsel Robert Mueller, who targeted his former campaign chairman and referred Cohen’s case to prosecutors in New York.”Nothing to do with Russian collusion, we continue the witch hunt,” the President said. Later, Trump hinted at his next political strategy, seizing on a tragedy in Iowa and an undocumented immigrant charged with the murder of student Mollie Tibbetts.”You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from Mexico. And you saw what happened to that incredible beautiful young woman,” Trump said at his West Virginia rally, in remarks that may resonate more with his base than Tuesday’s legal drama.Indeed, at one point the chant “Lock her up!” — long directed at Hillary Clinton — rang out among Trump’s crowd with no apparent trace of irony given the day’s events.Those around the President are already referring to Cohen as “the rat” but they acknowledge things could hardly have gone more badly.”What a bad day for the home team,” one source said.A source familiar with White House deliberations said staffers were “stunned” and “rattled.”Asked about Cohen and Manafort, Trump press secretary Sarah Sanders told a CNN reporter: “I don’t have anything for you on that.” On Capitol Hill, Democrats were crowing.”Not a witch hunt,” tweeted Sen. Mark Warner of Virginia. His Democratic colleague from Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal added that the White House was looking “increasingly like a criminal enterprise.”The sequel As the dust settles from Tuesday’s frenzy, new plot twists are already developing.Republicans have been embarrassed, trolled and outraged by Trump — but so far they’ve never deserted him. They don’t seem likely to do so now, over a campaign finance transgression, but the question has never been more acute about how history will view them, given that the President they are shielding has been implicated in his former lawyer’s felony. Simply parroting the GOP line that Tuesday’s drama has nothing to do with Russian collusion won’t ease the pressure. The Trump camp is already fighting back: “Even if Cohen says Trump told him to break the law, the source says, who’s going to believe Cohen now, after admitting to lying?” a source with the Trump Organization said.Indeed, Cohen’s claim is not a legal charge and Trump, like anyone else, is entitled to the presumption of innocence. And it’s almost inconceivable a sitting President could be indicted for a crime.But Democrats now have fresh ammunition to subject the Trump White House to relentless scrutiny should they win back the House of Representatives in November. And the question of possible impeachment will now hang tantalizingly over the election.Had he lost the Manafort case, Mueller would have been under fierce fire from Trump partisans, with the credibility of his investigation in doubt.But now he may be emboldened — as he presses on with an investigation into alleged Russian collusion and presidential obstruction that is moving ever closer to the Oval Office door.All eyes are on whether he will move against Trump or more of his acolytes before the fall campaign cranks up.Trump, as he flew home to a White House being pelted by a later summer storm, had much to brood upon, beginning with the fallout of Cohen’s courtroom betrayal.He might contemplate a pardon for Manafort, but political blowback would be immense.He must worry that his two former associates, seeking to reduce their sentences, will cooperate with Mueller in other areas that could threaten the President himself.There are no final answers after Tuesday’s double courtroom drama.But the trajectory seems clear: The Trump show is heading down a foreboding road.CNN’s Erica Orden, Jim Acosta, Jessica Schneider, Jeremy Diamond, Christina Alesci, Sara Murray, Katelyn Polantz, Steve Brusk, Ted Barrett, Phil Mattingly, Noah Gray, Kaitlan Collins, Evan Perez, Liz Stark, Mark Morales, Kara Scannell and Shimon Prokupecz contributed to this report. Read More | https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/22/politics/paul-manafort-michael-cohen-donald-trump-tick-tock/index.html | Analysis by Stephen Collinson, CNN
Business Two courtroom dramas leave Trump’s presidency on a cliffhanger, in 2018-08-22 08:43:54
0 notes