#and even then what does mr. hc even DO as a yakuza? i know he has(?) a family under his control but what does he DO
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mr-paleta · 3 months ago
i feel like a lot of why mtc comes off cringe is because they're supposed to be the gansta rap group but they made up said group with one(1) actual criminal while the other two are a cop and a soldier. the rest is bad bars 💀
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foryoupeko · 7 months ago
Stuck at my dad’s office so YALL getting silly Peko family HC
Peko’s dad is Kiyotaka’s grandfather, a disgraced politician, and Kyosuke’s mom. The mom wanted to keep the baby but the dad didn’t want the secret to come out. After the baby was born, the dad ordered the yakuza to kill her, aka Fuyuhiko’s dad was called for a job. Mr. Kuzuryu accessed the situation and went, wait, she’s the product of two family known for their sword skills? Well if no one wants her… and faked Peko’s death with a fake doctor. Mr. Kuzuryu then took Peko and made her his unborn son’s retainer.
Fast forward years later, Kyosuke checks on Chisa’s class, to see what kind of rift rafts are in her girlfriend’s class. Who does he find? Someone who’s a splitting image of his mother??? Kyosuke uses his ultimate student council president skills to find out that’s his dead sister??? He confronts Mr. Kuzuryu with big dick energy and goes “Hey I know the situation. I will give you money to free my sister from your service”. Mr. Kuzuryu didn’t want to lose such a loyal retainer but he has a soft spot for Peko. Her adoptive parents gave their lives for the Kuzuryu clan and Peko been working very diligently. Not mention it would be shameful of Kyosuke revealed that Mr. Kuzuryu lied about an accomplishing a hit. So Mr. Kuzuryu retired Peko from the gang and Peko was surrendered to Kyosuke’s family,
Kyosuke confronts Peko and flats out say “I don’t respect you because you was raised as a sheep. However, becuase you are family, I will take responsibility for you. I will make you a respectable person. “ and forbids her from interacting with the Kuzuryu ever again. For reasons that Kyosuke does not understand, Peko did not like anything he said. She didn’t say anything, but her glare said a thousand words. Peko stuck with Kyosuke because she was told to do so, but Kyosuke felt daggers coming from her.
Kyosuke explains his situation to Peko’s teacher, hoping for advice. Instead he gets admonished for talking so rudely to a teenage girl. Even Kyosuke’s boyfriend, the man that defend him through anything, was shocked Kyosuke was so bad at talking to children. So Chisa went to Peko, with her mommy teacher energy, and explained that Kyosuke is an asshole but he means well. And then they both fortnite danced.
That’s all I got for now. Other than Kyosuke bringing in Taka to convince Peko not everyone in her family are assholes. I mostly thought of this because Fuyuhiko explicitly saids that Peko is retired from the gang in the DR3 anime. And Kyosuke literally looks just like Peko. He even has a fucking sword!
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koiyyo · 5 years ago
SDR2 “modern” au HCS!
 -modern au where students of hopes peak academy don’t have ultimates and don’t take part of the killings games. but they daily lives reflect their ultimates n’ stuff!     -mod corn
 Byakuya Twogami
 - you thought it was me, professional business man, but it was me, Twogami!  - used to be a cosplayer, but cosplayed Byakuya once and loved the attention  - runs a Byakuya fanpage, constantly fights Toko in comments over who has the better one  - still a good guy despite the obsessive appearance
 Mikan Tsumiki
 - shy nurse assistant   - has bandages from accidentally falling on medical equipment  - despite her goof ups she’s a very dedicated nurse  - lowkey good at cooking but you know,, she drops it a lot  - cries when patients are rude to her so she has to work with older people that are nice
 Nagito Komaeda
 - was known in highschool as the kid that had a failed rapping career  - uses the word hope instead of wish  - threatened kids he would become a stripper.. it’s not a threat to them??  - works at an animal shelter  - has pet rats named after Hajime. yes there are multiple. Hajime. Mrs Hajime. Hajime Jr-
 Akane Owari
 - people lowkey thought she looked like Aoi like.. this her long lost sister?  - professional gymnast, wants to achieve gold medal in olympics but has only gotten silver so far  - she’s so close tho!! next time that bitch going down periyat.  - the media jumps her every given chance cause she isn’t afraid to show off her body  - constantly eating. says she became a gymnast to work off all that weight. big fan of Sakura’s cooking show  - went to Teruteru’s restaurant once, got kicked out because she ate everything from the “ all you can eat buffet”. tried to sue but they said you couldn’t eat anymore cause.. you ate.. everything
 Ibuki Mioda
 - pawty all night  - lead guitarist and vocalist of popular rock band  - was a scene kid that went to highschool parties, still radiates that energy  - was exposed for “doing drugs” lol no she just is chaotic  - loves MLP and will fight you if you make fun of it
 Mahiru Koizumi
 - does professional photography  - is hired by Sayaka and Ibuki to take photos for their concerts  - during college she’d go to Makoto’s flower shop a lot cus pretty flowers = pretty photos  - kinda micro manages Hiyoko cause she’s chaotic but they’re great friends i swear  - she and Hiyoko co own a white kitty named Shutter
 Sonia Nevermind
 - is princess to a royal family duh  - despite her looks she’s tough  - has many devoted followers because she radiates disney princess vibes  - remembers one of her followers names. Kazuichi Soda.  - why? one time out in public he introduced himself from the crowd then threw up on her shoes  - keeps in touch with Gundham after buying an exotic animal from him
 Peko Pekoyama
 - used to be into fencing, then went into the yakuza and focused on bigger swords  - left the yakuza to do other stuff,, still doesn’t know what “other stuff” is  - has a katana collection  - is married to Fuyuhiko and SHE is the man of the house  - is actually very motherly like behind scenes  - works part time teaching sword skills to kids
  Hiyoko Saionji 
 - mostly spends her paycheck on sweets  - goes to dancing competitions a lot, wins  - favorite time of the year is festival time !! dancing and so many stands = so many foods !!  - was a pageant child  - sometimes does voice acting for children shows  - isn’t hired a lot because she can be sadistic behind scenes
 Nekomaru Nidai
 - originally worked as a physical therapist cause he’s good at massaging  - somehow became apart of Akane’s management team?  - dedicated to cheering her on 24/7  - tbh he’s a clean freak
 Teruteru Hanamura
 - runs a 4.8 star restaurant with his mom !!  - got a bad rating from Akane after lying about “all you can eat buffet”  - is a big mama’s boy even if he’s old  - runs a cooking show too, competes with Sakura for better ratings  - also has a side show where he helps fix restaurants with his mom but is 100% nice about it
 Hajime Hinata
 - goes to animal shelter where Nagito works to hit on him lowkey  - works at flower shop with Makoto  - he’s in charge of selling cause everything he touches just. dies.  - only found this out cus he tried growing flowers for Nagito and it died, he cried  - Chiaki got him into gaming but he sucks he is like a stupid old man
 Kazuichi Soda
 - cries himself to sleep knowing how he threw up on Sonia one time  - has lots of photos of her but not in a creepy way  - works at a repair / mechanic store  - takes pride in knowing he sold and helped Chiaki make her gaming pc years ago  - likes making weird and useless contraptions like a robot that repeats the phrase “Sonia please love me”. i promise the rest of his weird things aren’t this sad
 Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
 - works in the yakuza with his grandfather  - his father ditched the yakuza after threats so he’s the next heir in line (:  - met Peko after working on a case with her,,, love at first site  - when he and Peko get married he’ll leave his yakuza business behind and dedicate his life to fighting crime !!   - works as a undercover detective but doesn’t snitch out his yakuza buddies mwah
 Gundham Tanaka 
 - works part time at the animal shelter with Nagito  - loves his hamster children  - spends most of his time breeding animals,, enjoys breeding exotic ones  - but it’s all healthy nothing abusive and he takes very good care of them  - met Sonia when he sold her a tiger once. he asked why. she said “I wanna be like Jasmine”  - love at first sight deadass
 Chiaki Nanami
 - dedicated gaming youtuber  - has an extremely expensive gaming pc  - bullies Hajime on camera for sucking at games  - won tons of tournaments   - kind of slow but her iq is 300 when it comes to games  - funds Hajime and Makoto’s flower shop with her spare money (’:
askgjjksg bless i made this like 3 minutes after the other one eye- its kinda rushed but i hope your enjoy <3
    -mod corn
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chonzu · 7 years ago
Hello there! Would you happen to have some headcanons for Mr. Compress and Twice? Gen and/or shippy, I'll take everything. :'D
YOU HAVE COME TO THE RIGHT GOTDANG PLACE.  Some of these pertain more specifically to stories I’ve come up with rather than just HCs tho.
Mr. Compress HCs.
-45 years old. 
-A very bad cook. But he’s a very good baker! When he is stressed out he bakes and so his whole apartment is, like, full of cookie tins and bread and all sorts of shit. Usually for meals he gets take out or makes very simple dishes.
-Speaking of his apartment, he’s got a big apartment suite under a fabricated name. It’s rather empty, as almost everything but his bed, his couch, and his kitchen are in compress orbs and neatly organized into boxes and containers. He knows where everything he needs is.
-Enjoys shoving round, smooth objects in his mouth. Magnets, his own compress orbs, D&D dice, smooth rocks and gemstones. It’s kind of an impulse.
-His parents were both involved in the yakuza. His dad ran a comics shop on the side and his mom was a well known stage performer. She believed in magic and fantasy and stories and though he got along with both she is the one who encouraged his belief in magic and performance. They were killed when Atsuhiro was 20, though he didn’t even know until then that they were yakuza. (This could change?? I’m still learning about their set up and how they operate)
-He does not like card tricks because they are simple, and they are the first ticks his mom taught him. So he’s been doing it a while. Thinks they’re boring. He enjoys incorporating his quirk into his performances as well, but he has a whole plethora of magic tricks that do not involve it. People seem to be interested in magic without the use of quirks, and that he is a master of.
Twice HCs. Myy friend usually RPs Twice and makes stories with him and so I usually go off of that! These are some that I just really enjoy.
-Twice and Toga are actually uncle and niece. They didn’t really know each other much till they coincidentally met again in the League. They enjoy each other’s company and Twice just craves love from his family. He Needs Validation.
-He was kind of a punk child. Baseball bats. Fighting. Never home by curfew. Started drinking early, smoking early, cloned everything, and never really had a good relationship with his parents so tried to stay away from home as much as possible. Class grades weren’t very good.
-Twice never really killed all of his clones. At the purge? Yes. All dead. But there were clones from prior, and clones that went awol, and clones from years ago that lasted so long they became stronger and became their own persons, in a way. Stronger than the average clone. He knows deep down that this is possible and occasionally feels a clone dying, but he’s never really sure which clone it is, and he’s forced himself to pretend that none of these clones exist.
-Best friends and childhood friends with Giran (who is actually younger than him, he just looks old). Their relationship is currently strained as everything going on has been stressing Twice out, but he doesn’t really hate Giran that much. Giran always speaks to him like a regular person despite knowing everything that had happened, and being the one to find Jin a week after the clone purge. Jin works as a scout for Giran, and was hired for the League based on the experience Giran knows Jin has. 
-Twice never really has a solid, stable place to live. Given that he can clone money just fine, and isn’t as courteous about the economy as Momo is, he kind of just pays for motels months at a time and when he gets tired of it or starts associating things with his time with the clones, he packs up and moves. The League is one of the only consistent things he’s had since the clone purge and also the weird family he’d been looking for so he’ll take what he can get.
Shipping. Not as developed yet since my main ship is Kurogiri/Atsuhiro but I am super interested in developing this more. I just wish they had more interaction or something more in common! It’s easy for me to ship Kurogiri and Atsuhiro because they have a similar aesthetic asfdf.
-Jin and Atsuhiro never really interacted much until the Vanguard Squad attacked the training camp. Afterward they started to feel for each other and after the AFO vs OFA attack started to become closer. 
-Both of them feel comforted with their masks on, and so they understand when the other refuses to take it off. There’s a type of mutual understanding as well with Twice’s large scar and Mr. Compress’ arm. Obviously not the same scale of injury.
-They both know how to have a bit of fun. Atsuhiro really pulls maskless Jin out of his dark and introspective nature and they become loud and kind of overdramatic. But Atsuhiro is also capable of the same level of thought as Jin, and they can go on for hours just talking about whatever. 
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