#and especially listen to sugar cloud
jklovesfandoms · 2 years
I haven't seen anything like this (except that one literally amazingly written fanfic) yet, but I feel like I am very qualified to talk on this subject, and I want to talk about it, and maybe possibly avoid the ignoring of this conversation before it starts.
Quick TW, bc it is dark, I will be talking about SA with a few details, but not going into super duper specifics, so please don't feel pressured to read this just bc I'm talking about RTC and Constance Blackwood.
Also, please don't read this if you think you'll mentally struggle bc of it, please prioritize yourself and your mental health over me projecting and not quite shit posting.
Please put yourself first over my projecting and ranting. And take care of yourself <3
So, if you've seen the musical, or read the script, you know that Constance lost her virginity to a carnie in a port-a-potty, about 3 hours before the Cyclone derailing.
However, I'm going to include this part of the script, bc it's very important. "He was ancient. Like 32.... Anyways, my virginity. I just wanted to get it out of the way. I just wanted to do it, so I didn't have to think about doing it anymore. No, actually. I just wanted to lose it in the most horrible way possible. 'Constance the lifer, lost it to a carnie, in a crap-box, in a crappy town! Why, of course she did...' " She says this right before Jawbreaker, the monologue leading into Sugar Cloud, if you were somehow not aware.
Now anyways, my projecting.
Constance is talking about her virginity like it was the only thing she had to offer. She also lost it to a man who is 32 years old. She is canonically 17.
Now, do I believe that this started consensually? Yes. I don't think it stayed that way.
And before you go "James, but how can you say that?"
I'm a survivor of SA. I lived through (not at all the same situation) but very similar SA. It started off consensual, and very quickly my no's were not being heard, and suddenly I was SA'd in the side stage and dressing room of the theater that I had longed to call my home for years. Suddenly, I was SA'd in the bedroom of my ex-partner, who was the one who did it. Suddenly, I was SA'd in my own bed. And sadly, many other places.
So yes, I'd say I'm very qualified to speak on this. I hope, for Constance's sake, it started off consensual, bc in my experience, it's worse when it doesn't.
Also, just the way she's talking about it. The way she mentions it so casually. Emotionally, yes, but casually, even more so.
That is exactly how I talked about my multiple SAs.
I made jokes, constantly, about me "having intercourse" with my partner at the time. I put "having intercourse" in quotation marks there, bc it was only consensual a handful of times. It wasn't intercourse, it was SA. Now of course, I'm still recovering. It's been over a year, but it's still a struggle.
Constance Blackwood hasn't had a year. She hasn't even really had a day. Sure, she had an ambiguous amount of time between her death and the start of the musical, but based on how the choir reacts, it wasn't processed time for them. The world was spinning, and then they were in a warehouse. Which means, that by the time Jawbreaker/Sugar Cloud happens, she's had approximately 4 hours to process.
Let me repeat that.
One time that I was SA'd, about 4 hours later, I was on a discord call to play some random online game with some ex friends. I made so many jokes about what happened, making it sound consensual, bc I didn't want my friends to worry. I had barely processed the fact that my pleading hadn't been heard yet. That wasn't the first time, and it wasn't the last, but it still took me a full 3 days to process that it wasn't right.
Constance wouldn't have had ANY of that.
(Btw, I call them ex friends, bc despite every single one of them being told my story, they claimed that I was so joking and proud of the intercourse, that I was lying about a "perfectly fine man." And all of them, to this day, are still friends or friendly acquaintances with the absolute a-hole who SA'd me.)
Now guaranteed, the choir would have been a lot better friends than those people. The choir would've almost, or actually, murdered that man, as soon as Constance came to terms with what happened, and told them. I believe that the choir cares that much about her, about each other.
However, I sadly can imagine how Constance would've lived if she had either been voted back, or if the Cyclone had never derailed.
For context:
To this day, I have an English class with my SAer. Last year, I had science and English class with him. I also still act with him constantly, because we are both still members of our high school drama club, and we're both male seniors. I get sent into auditory (and I'm sure if I could visualize in my head, they'd be visual too) flashbacks, every single time this man speaks. I can't walk into the theater without getting nauseous, especially in two very specific places in the theater. My heart starts beating an average of 20 bpm (recently it's been 30) faster when I walk to my English class. And yes, I keep track of that due to my watch that tracks my heartbeat. Even my own bedroom. For about 4 months after I was SA'd in my own bed, I struggled to exist in my bedroom. I'd sleep in either of my college siblings beds, on the couch, on the floor, anywhere as long as it wasn't in my bedroom. I refused to change in there, and would only change in the bathroom. I still have trouble sleeping to this day, bc some days are a lot worse than others.
Constance, if she reacted anything like me, would not be able to bring herself to use a port-a-potty for several months, to a year. Not just that specific port-a-potty, any port-a-potty. She wouldn't step foot near another carnival for a year, if not more.
But yk what I definitely project onto her? (totally not in spite of my ex friends)
She'd avoid all that with a smile on her face, and a lie on her tongue.
Bc that's exactly what I did. I got asked, why do you struggle so much in English or science, and I'd lie about homework, about outside stress, and how I just can't focus that well. And I said it with a smile on my face.
I got asked why I arrived 45 minutes early for tech week and performance week of our musical last year, fully ready with costume on, makeup on, and contacts in, with 30-35 minutes till call time started, and well over an hour before mics were called.
I said I was anxious about time, how I just wanted to be ready. How I wanted to do personal warm-ups before the group ones.
I'd say that I sat in the pit (a place actors were not supposed to be) for well over an hour bc I didn't want to over heat, and it was the coldest place in the theater. How the dressing rooms were just too crazy. That I wanted some time to talk to some online friends, or play games on my phone. I wanted to check my props and set pieces, I wanted to make sure I didn't still have the fake cigar in my bag.
And I said it with a smile on my face, and lying right through my teeth.
At the time, I was (and still am) anxious about time, so I arrive everywhere 30 minutes early. I was ready early, but I didn't have to be that early. I never once did personal warm-ups. I sat in the pit bc it had the calmest scent (bc of all the lumber), and kept me calm before having to face people. The cold kept my heart rate lower before it rose from dancing, running, and hearing my SAer's voice. The dressing rooms were 20 times more chaotic at the end of the night than when I got there. I didn't have any online friends at the time, I only had 3 games on my phone. I checked all of that other stuff the moment after I entered the theater and signed in.
You can't tell me that Constance wouldn't do that exact same thing. She would very happily lie through a smile if it meant her friends were happy and not in the know. And she would keep doing that until she broke. Yes, she would break eventually. Even if the Cyclone never derailed, she would've broken just like it was supposed to.
Her moment, talking about this right before Jawbreaker? This monologue that brought me down this rant, that brought me to tears the first time I saw it bc it was exactly how I reacted, exactly how I acted? This is her first crack in the wood. It's the first shatter in the mask. And I wish we got to see her fully break, bc I know exactly how that looks and feels.
I know the fear, the pain, the panic, and the overwhelming sense of relief that comes with a proper break.
It's the reason that Sugar Cloud is my second favorite song, that's basically in a three way tie for first with Jane Doe's Ballad (3) and Space Age Bachelor Man (1). We don't see a full break, but Sugar Cloud is at least accepting that it happened. Sugar Cloud is recovering from the small shatter in the mask that is the title of "The Nicest Girl In Town" and I love it. It's exactly what I need, and it's exactly what calms me down. It's recovery, and it's a break at the same time, and I adore it.
Anyways, I don't really know how to end this? Bc I went very very far off track. I don't know how this post happened, but it did, and it feels really good for this to actually be off my chest a little, even if it's only on the wide open internet.
So, if you did actually read this, thank you. Sorry for just getting dumped with trauma, even if I tried to keep the details a little down.
But yes, as an SA survivor, Constance Blackwood is one too, and that's why Sugar Cloud is amazing.
Stream Ride The Cyclone, I promise it'll be more than worth your time.
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lamemaster · 6 months
Made of Sugar
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Request: Hi! Hope this finds you well, mind if i req for a Thranduil x reader where they're like telling legolas how they met, maybe they met during the war of the last alliance? anyways love ur work especially the angst but now i need some not angst? cus im actually going to cry lmao
Pairing: Thranduil x Wife Reader
Genre: Fluff
AN: This has been due a long time! I'm sorry for the delay but this writer suffers from smooth brain 98% of the time.
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“Legolas Thranduilion!” Your voice rings out loud, breaking his thoughts. For once, he wishes his father's presence was there. “Have I not made it clear that you are not to go to the wine cellars?” You pinch your nose blinking furiously as was your habit when agitated. 
Legolas hasn’t known love stronger than the one he has felt for you, his eme. Your stories, your songs, the little stars you paint on the roof of his room– Legolas absorbs them with the wide-eyed devotion of a sunflower turning its face to the first rays of the sun.  
But all that love does not diminish the distress of your anger. You, the one who laughed most easily, whose smile could chase away any shadow, were now a storm cloud gathered over his head.
The familiar scent of cinnamon and woodsmoke that clung to you did little to soothe the storm brewing in your eyes. Legolas flinched – he knew the terrifying, steely glint that hardened your gaze when truly angered. It was a sight rarer than a dust storm in Greenwood, but all the more impactful when it came. 
 At barely 80 years old, facing your wrath felt far more daunting than any monstrous spider lurking in the Greenwood.
"You are too young," you said, your voice tight. "Just you wait until I tell Thranduil." You paced around the room, pinching the bridge of your nose, a telltale sign of your agitation. "Maybe he will listen and move the wine cellars away from the main palace."
Staring at the untouched cakes, Legolas yearned for nothing more than for this tension to pass. He longed to see your easy smile return.  The sight of untouched cakes, usually a source of joy, only emphasized the heavy weight of your displeasure. He longed for the days when your laughter filled the room, chasing away any shadow.
“Beloved queen of mine,” Thranduil sauntered in, his footsteps barely a whisper on the polished floor. The scent of pine needles and leather, a familiar trail, announced his presence even before he entered. “The cellar unfortunately cannot be moved.” Thranduil is already in the process of taking off his heavy robes while detangling his hair from the crown's tiny branches.
Legolas watched with a flicker of worry as your eyes narrowed in annoyance before you gave up to help his ada. "He went in there today," your gaze felt heavy on him even as you busied yourself helping Thranduil detangle the crown. "What if he drank your wine? That thing is disgusting and Legolas is too young. You must move the wine somewhere else." You placed the crown on the table.
Thranduil threw him an amused grin as your back remained turned to them as you instructed the staff to bring fresh snacks and tea. "What if I didn't get there in time…good thing Feren was kind enough to inform me."
"I am disappointed Legolas," Thranduil looked at him without an ounce of anger, and your glare at the king of Greenwood told him that this did not go unnoticed by you. "But I am sorry, my love," He looked up at you with a mischievous glimmer in his eyes, "The cellars must remain untouched. I would never in a million ages, change the place of our first meeting."
Legolas' breath hitched in his throat. You frowned. And Thranduil snickered in delight.
"You cannot be serious!" You replied indignantly.
"You met in the wine cellars?!" Legolas asked at the same time.
"We did, ion," Thranduil adds before you can cover his lips with your palm. Thranduil throws his head back and lets out a hearty laugh, the sound echoing through the room. A weird sight to see you this flustered, this agitated.
"We did not!"
"We absolutely did!"
"Well, I was 120," you say, a blush creeping up your cheeks. "You were not  princeling."
The servants gawk at the term of endearment that slips past your lips. Some almost drop the trays of food as they put them in front of you. But both you and Thranduil are too taken by the task of bickering like decade-old elflings. "Oh yeah, I too was of age," Thranduil counters with a twinkle in his eye. "Almost of age. Only 4 years shy of it."
Thranduil straightens up, taking a playful bite into a fruit cake. "Four years too young, my love," you smirk, the topic of Legolas' transgression long forgotten. The steel of your rage softened into its original inky warmth.
"I acquiesce, my respected elder," Thranduil bows dramatically, sending another wave of laughter through the room. Legolas watched in amusement, a flicker of relief washing over him as the conversation shifted. Your voices rose in a playful argument.
Legolas, eyeing the untouched cakes, finally understood. Your gentle nature thrived beside his father, much like the sweetness of a cake is best appreciated with a pinch of salt.
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georgiapeach30513 · 7 months
Steve Rogers x me 🙋‍♀️ number 32 or 50 please
Oh!! I love this one so much, but...just don't hate me with this.
There Goes My Life
Summary: just one last time
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, PIV sex, a smidge of dirty talk, creampie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 1.2K
Series Masterlist
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He sighs as his blue eyes peer at your sleeping form. You never listened. It was too easy for him to get in through your window, and just gaze at you while you sleep. He warned you that there was a target on your back. Especially the moment you left SHIELD. It just didn’t seem right anymore. Not without Steve, and not knowing what you now know.
You look peaceful, which is more than what he can say for himself. Your windows seem smaller now, or maybe it was just because he felt he could never get too close to you. The picture of the two of you still sits beside your bed, and he feels an ache in his chest as you cling to his pillow. By now his scent would have worn off considering how you had your face buried into it.
“Cap, you have a short window. I’ll buy you some more time. Enjoy your girl.”
“Thanks, Sam,” he whispers, leaning over to remove his boots. If he didn’t have this need to hold you and enjoy you while he could, he would tell you how stupid it was to leave your window unlocked. But he also knew why.
You are also painfully aware that Steve had someone watch your place. Everything changed in such a short time. You didn’t think he would be coming back, much less as often as he did.
Removing his suit, he lets the mess of what was Captain America drift into your floor. Fully naked, and for a reason, he lifts the blanket on his side, and slides in. His eyes rake over your beautiful sleeping face. There wasn’t enough time for him to just watch you, but he did it all the same. He missed you so much it hurt. So much that he couldn’t even focus on the task at hand because he was waiting on you to tell him what to do. But this isn’t SHIELD, and you no longer were in his ear.
Your full lashes flutter with his warm breath. Your body sidles up to his even more. He’s so proud of you, even in your sleep you knew it was him. He reaches to pull the pillow from your grasp, wanting you to use him instead when your sleepy eyes blink away the clouds from your vision.
“Shh,” he whispers, his nose pressing up against yours. Every moment with him is bittersweet because you know he’ll be off somewhere else before you wake up again. Leaving you feeling like everything was only a figment of your imagination.
Your lashes flutter close as you absorb his warmth. His breath. And when his lips press against your trembling ones. “Sugar,” he pleads, but you don’t want to waste time. Each time he visited you felt like it would be the last time, and that killed you inside. “Stop.”
“Steve, just take me. Make me forget that you won’t be here in the morning.”
“You make me feel like the biggest asshole.”
“Language, Captain,” he chuckles on your lips. Hoisting his body to hover over yours. His legs positioned in between your own, and he slides his apart as he sinks lower over you. His silky steel cock, lays over your bare mound, and you shutter at the feeling.
“I really hate that you were privy to that moment.”
“Why’s that?” You tease as he grips his length in one hand and runs it through your slick.
“Because every time I growl out filth in your ears, I want them to be your words only. Because even though you hold your head up high, and you look so regal walking into SHIELD, you’re my dirty little slut.”
“Your dirty little slut wishes that you would just fuck her…ahh,” you gulp as his thick veiny member plunges into your depths. Fully sheathing himself into your wet heat, and his weight settles on yours. It is the best kind of smothering. “Tell me you love me.”
“I love you so much,” he grunts as his hips piston in and out of your walls. Pushing and pulling into every bit of you. Molding the two of you together again, and you hope that this was the normal. That you didn’t have to wait months until you got to feel him again. That this was a bad dream, and Steve wasn’t an enemy of the country.
You focus on the way his body cages around yours and how the two of you had so many beautiful plans. Feel only the way his thicker body made you feel so small. The tickle of his beard as he nips along your neck. You swear every part of him got thicker. And it made you more needy for him.
You took every bit of his hard and deep thrusts because your body was made for him. Nobody pulled out the sounds from your lips. There was nobody else you trusted the way you trusted him. In a different world you and Steve would have already been married, and have a baby on the way. He would have given up this fight with the Avengers just to live a normal life.
But those dreams weren’t reality. Now it was a dream that the man you love was becoming so feral with the limited time he had with you. His hands slam on the headboard above you, and his hips stab into you with so much force you start to see stars. This is how he always ended things. He wanted to make sure you almost passed out with pleasure and pressure.
His thrusts make the picture frames rattle on the walls. Your hands cling to his wide hips as you feel yourself start to go blank. Damn this beautiful man. He couldn’t even bear to say goodbye. The solution was to fuck you stupid. Fuck him.
You try and hold on. See the image of Steve gritting his teeth as he forces his orgasm away. Waiting on you to succumb to your exhaustion. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your walls clench down tight around his cock, and he gets a few more ruts into you before ribbons of hot thick cum fill your belly up.
He stutters his movement as he watches your head lull to the side, and he hates himself for doing this. Hates having to be so careful. There is nothing he wants more than to bask in your silky walls all day. He pulls himself out of you, and smiles when you sleepily whimper at the loss of him.
Giving himself just a moment to stare at your gaping cunt leaking of him. “Captain, it’s time. We gotta be careful.”
He leaves you laying there, but covers you back up. Leaving behind the scent of him on your sheets, and the regret that things aren’t different. This had to be the last time. He was putting you into too much danger. Slowly he’d call the eye from watching you. He’d let you go because that’s how much he loved you.
“I’m always careful,” he says, slipping back into his suit.
But this time — he wasn’t…..
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @pandaxnienke @harrysthiccthighss @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87
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f10werfae · 2 years
Pregnancy On The Brain
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry x Short!Shy!Wife!Reader
summary: Now that Henry’s successfully knocked up his precious darling wife, he has to keep an extra eye on her and their little miracle (Dom!Henry) (Emotional loving 🥹)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶
Disclaimer: 18+ / Lumberjack!Henry Masterlist / Henry Masterlist / Full Masterlist
“Whas wrong sugar? What’s got my woman all teary” Henry frowned seeing his wife all upset in front of the mirror, her lips pouted and her face flustered. “I-I don’t f-fit into my d-dress anymore” Y/n whined seeing how the lemon printed dress barely made its way up her hips, stitches being ripped the harder she pulled on it. “Oi stop it, there’s nothin’ wrong, especially when there’s more of my bunbun to love on” Henry smirked groping the bits of skin Y/n was complaining about.
“B-but- well maybe I-I should e-exercise with you more?” She pondered looking up at him still visibly upset, in fact her chin was starting to wrinkle up from shaking so much, the new changes in her body clearly causing her distress. Henry could tell by the way her stutter started to make itself more visible. “No way. Precious things like you don’t belong on the heavy equipment sweetpea, you want exercise? Let me fuck your pretty pussy till ya sweat” He smirked bending down to nuzzle his nose with hers, his cock hardening once he saw her giggle n latch onto his bicep with both hands.
“T-That’s so naughty” She whispered cuddling the side of her face into his bicep, his other hand pulling back down the dress till it hit the floor, allowing him to play with her ass easily. “Listen while i’m out collecting log wood today, wan’ you to put on another pretty little dress that I bought ya last week, preferably the lilac one, n’ I want you to make somethin’ nice for us to eat when I get home. Can ya do that for me sugar bun?” He whispered running a finger up and down her cheek, his eyes having a dark glaze over them as he looked down at her.
“Mhm mhm! I can!” Y/n smiled happily, the ingredients for her cherry pie already listed out in her head, her cravings for it suddenly growing ten times in a mere few seconds. “Good n’ when I come home, i’ll have a surprise for ya” He grinned kissing her lips softly, before pulling away and grabbing his baseball cap, blowing kisses at her every two seconds as he walked towards his truck. Leaving his wife to her own special mission, the cherry pie.
“Oh I gotta get the cherries!” Y/n giggled slipping on her shoes, grabbing the wooden basket Henry had gotten her especially for her daily walks. Her face vibrant as she skipped down the secluded lane of their back yard, full of luscious fields, heading towards their cherry trees at the edge of the field. Her lilac dress flowing in the slightly cool breeze, her arms swinging the basket back and forth as she hummed a silly little tune she made up. Her eyes widening as she saw the amount of cherries on the tree, there were so many!
“Wow, y-you guys have all grown! Thank y-you so much” She said adorably picking a handful of sweet cherries from one branch, carefully grabbing her glass jar from the basket and plopping them in until it was full. “Well, I suppose it won’t hurt to taste one of ya” She whispered pulling out her blue blanket she always kept in her basket for emergency picnics, her several glass jars of cherries sitting snug inside the basket, while she lay down munching on her home grown fruits.
She still remembers the day she had complained to Henry about his poor eating habits and demanded he bought her seeds for her own plants; now here she was basically nurturing her own garden of babies, ranging from apples all the way to carrots.
‘That one looks like bonnie the rabbit’ Y/n thought looking up at the scarce white clouds flying overhead, her stuffed animal back home looking like one of them, then another looked like Henry’s axe and then one looked like a cherry. “Oh my phone, m-musta left it at home” She giggled realising, her hand reaching for the missing phone to try and take a picture to send to Henry. The warm sun gracing her face, distant sounds of birds providing a sweet lullaby, one which she slowly fell asleep to.
Meanwhile… Henry on the other hand was just about ready to head home, like clockwork he checked his babygirl’s location on life 360, smirking to himself to see that she had stayed at home like she said she would. Heading off back through the country in his pickup truck, he stopped off at a pharmacy by the gas station, picking up his surprise gift for his bunbun; one he knew would solidify their relationship forever. His body sweaty and hot, even though he was wearing baggy jeans a vest, his body painted with a light golden tan.
“Home sweet home” He whispered to himself, dusting off before going inside, remembering how much his precious wife despises their home being messy; Henry still smiles at the memory of her showing her domestic side, how she wouldn’t let him leave without breakfast and would always pack him lunches. Henry on the other hand wouldn’t let her go anywhere unless it was him driving her, after all what else was his purpose other than to look after his naive lover.
“Sugar pie, where are ya?” He shouted throwing his vest off to the side, his boots thundering against the creaky wooden floorboards, his steps leading him into the kitchen; the ingredients for her famous cherry pie laid out on the counter. But no Y/n. His nostrils flared seeing her iphone left beside the ingredients, who knows how long she’s been gone?
‘Did she really fuckin’ leave?’ Was Henry’s first thought, the veins on his neck popping out purely just from the thought, no wonder her tracker hadn’t moved once. Although the thought of her leaving dissipated once he saw Marly the cat coming inside from the fields, their backdoor was left wide open, the sunshine peeking in gratefully. “Ah the fields, the fuckin’ fields” Henry chuckled shaking his head, course she was out there, he knew how much his wife loved exploring the great outdoors; bringing him different coloured rocks and pebbles, watching giddily as he’d place them on the mantle as if they were to be treasured. And they were, because she got them for Him.
Walking out the backdoor he started off walking down the lane, the meadows further away shining green and healthily, but nothing deterred Henry from finding his little love.
Stopping at the start of the line of trees, he saw her, clearly snoring away on her soft picnic blanket; her basket full of jars of cherries beside her. Henry scoffed and smirked seeing just how silly she was, but he couldn’t blame her, not with her current condition. Looming over her figure, she whined and whimpered before opening her eyes fully, a sleepy smile gracing her lips when she realised it was none other than her husband.
“You fuckin’ scared me baby, didn’t know what ta do without ya, ya left your phone n’ everythin’” Henry whispered hunkering down onto his knees, watching as she slowly sat up, her face all puffy and sun-kissed from her nap. “m-m’ sorry I-I forgot it n’ I was too b-busy lookin’ at the clouds a-and”
“s’okay baby, your man knows, can’t blame ya for a little forgetfulness” He chuckled darkly, seeing how sleepy she still was, guiding her to hop onto his back while he gathered up her blanket and basket. “Missed you s-so much” She whispered kissing his back softly as he whistled a tune, “Ah was only gone for around three hours sugar” He chuckled walking down the smooth path, their large luxurious cabin coming into sight. “I-I know that, but I missed you a-anyway” She sighed rubbing her head against his warm back, her eyes threatening to close over once again.
“n’ I missed your pretty pussy-“
“My What!” Y/n’s eyes shot open at her husband’s vulgar words, his back vibrating from his chuckles travelling through, “n’ your tits and your-“
“Stop i-it that’s embarrassing and t-they ain’t pretty mister” She whined kicking her legs which were in his hands, his footsteps stopping abruptly with a deep sigh, “What do I gotta do to prove to you, that I think you’re fuckin’ sexy as hell, n’ I have to stop myself from whipping my cock out everytime I see ya smile” He grunted lifting her up a bit higher before continuing on down the trail, “W-whippin’ your wha out?!” She giggled loudly, her chin resting on his shoulder as she looked at his face from the side.
Henry smirked turning his head to the side, capturing her lips with his, his tongue reaching out for hers but quickly retracting once she wanted more. The tease. “You’re such a m-meanie, no more kissies for you” She grunted moving back to rest against his back, his hand leaving her leg to reach back and spank her ass with a pop; her body jerking up with an excited squeal.
“Try that again sweetheart n’ we’ll see what happens” He growled finally stepping into the cooler cabin, setting her down on top of their counters, beside his plastic bag from the pharmacy which had her small present. “I-is my present in here?!” She said excitedly picking up the bag, only to pout when Henry pulled it away from her grumpily.
“I dunno if you deserve it honey, ya worried me today, had me thinkin’ ya left your man up ‘ere in the mountains” He ‘tsk’ed and caged her in with an arm on each side of her, his nose rubbing up and down her cheek sensually, her hands fisting his shirt desperately as she pouted. “I-I dunno what happened H-hen, I swear! M-m jus’ forgetful nowadays” She whimpered nuzzling into his chest like a kitten, her legs caged around his waist, her face dipping down to place kisses onto his neck and up his chin.
“Alright alright fine, since you wan’ it so badly” He smirked cupping her face and kissing her nose, his hands reached into the bag and pulled out the small box, a clearblue box. “Ya know what this is bunny don’t ya?” Taking out the small stick and twirling it in his hands, he passed it to his wife, who was visibly shocked and shaken at what he’d just given her. “A-a pregnancy test?” She whispered looking at the foreign object, was this the condition Henry was talking about?
“I wan’ you to take it for me babybun, see if we have our present in there already” He smirked nipping her lip playfully, his hand rubbing over the bottom of her stomach affectionately, her small gasps filling his ears. “I-is this why my dresses d-don’t fit?”
“Find out n’ see baby” He smiled taking her hand in his, and pulling her into their large bathroom, with a bathtub big enough to fit four people at the most. “W-will you stay with me? M-m scared” She whimpered pulling up the skirt of her dress, her face flustered at the thought of him watching her pee, but then again this wouldn’t be the first time. There’d been multiple times where he’d simply barge into the toilet while she was in there, just for his routine goodbye kiss before work.
“Don’t worry sugar pie, m’not leavin’, not now and not ever” He smiled, almost sickly, his hands holding onto hers, quite comical because his wife was simply peeing yet needed all the support possible. “Alright pass it over ‘ere” He said watching her finish up, the test still in her shaky hands. “N-no way it’s full of my pee” She gasped horrified putting it down onto the counter herself, turning to distract herself by washing her hands.
Those three minutes felt like utter hell for them both, with Y/n ultimately sitting on Henry’s lap whilst he was on the toilet cover, his voice softly shushing her small whimpers and nervous hiccups as she looked at the test left on the table. “S’okay pretty girl, daddy will look after ya both” Kissing her neck wetly he could already feel her pussy throbbing at his words, even during a nerve wracking situation like this, a life altering moment.
“Ya promise?” Holding his deep blue eyes, her own looked glossy and scared, her hands fiddling with his fingers erratically. “I pinky promise” Linking their fingers together he kissed her lips softly, her head pushing forward wanting to deepen it, she missed three hours worth of his kisses today; she was not having it!
Although their little kiss session was interrupted by the beep of the timer on Henry’s phone, Y/n jumping up to her feet and leaning her head over to look at the plastic stick, her breath hitching in her throat. “what does a cross mean?” Her voice came out dry and hoarse, and for once not a stutter was in sight, she knew what it meant. “My gorgeous little wife is pregnant, with my baby” He smiled to himself still sitting on the toilet cover, he already knew the result, months of vitamins and unprotected sex would eventually have lead to this; all it took was some time.
“I-i’m gonna be a mommy?” Her hand softly slid down to cup the slight pouch on her stomach, her fingers grazing over her fabric slowly, a small smile finding its way onto her cace. “I-i’m gonna be a mommy!”
“mhm, so prouda ya babygirl” Henry smirked feeling up her thigh, his hand going up to grope her bare ass, his new baby momma still coming to terms with the fact she was carrying their little life; yet all he wanted to do was to fuck her good, and if he could he would knock her up again. The idea of his wife all round and big, full of him, got him so hot and bothered, her tits all swollen along with her belly, safely housing their own miracle.
“H-how do we know when i-it’s comin?”
“I’ll sort all that out baby, ya don’t need to worry your pretty self, after-all ya got pregnancy on the brain. Don’t want ya forgettin’ anythin” He cooed standing up to kiss her forehead, his arms enveloping her against him, feeling her nod and relax in his arms. All according to his plan.
After he was finally able to get her to come to bed with him, he found her hands naturally gravitating towards her stomach, her protective maternal instincts already kicking in so early. “I-if we have a g-girl can we name it a-after a flower?” She asked innocently looking up at him, her hands on top of his, on her stomach. “N’ what if it’s a boy babybun?” He chuckled kissing the tip of her nose, “I dunno haven’t t-thought of it yet! Stop stressin’ me out!” She whined almost inaudibly as Henry murmured sweet soft apologies, his lips coating the side of her face in gentle kissies, her favourite.
“T-thought you said you was sleepy” She whispered wrapping her arms around his neck, caressing his nape as he continued to plant little love bites on his lover, his kisses leaving her all hot and bothered. “I am, wasn’t lyin’” Henry pulled back quirking his eyebrow, “T-then tell it to calm down, o-or else ya won’t be able to sleep” Y/n said shyly pointing at the tent starting to grow in Henry’s trousers, ignoring the fact that Henry had basically bunched her dress up to her breasts, his fingers rubbing over her slick wet folds.
“Why don’t you tell my pussy to calm down” He grumbled rubbing her own slickness all over her, acting as if it was lube, his fingers greedily pinching her swollen jutted out clit. “Y-you started it! baby, tell your d-daddy to stop bein silly” She whined looking down and rubbing her still stomach, even though there was still no dramatic visible growth, the potential of it made her emotional and excited.
Licking into her mouth Henry held the back of her neck gently, both of her hands still on her stomach, while his other hand was busy messing with her second set of lips. Tugging, rubbing and spanking at her sensitive button, causing her body to jolt and shiver into the kiss, her tongue actively sucking on his passionately. Her chin slowly growing wet and slick, both of them not caring at how much filth there was. Kissing her sensually one more time he pushed her fully onto her back, his knees straddling her.
“Oh baby I hope they got your eyes, gon’ have me wrapped round their lil finger jus’ like their momma” He groaned seeing her just batting her eyelashes at him, a mischievous smile on her face as she felt up his torso, “I-I wan’ them to look l-like their daddy, s-so handsome” She whispered looking away from his eyes shyly. His hands now pulling the dress up fully over her head, giving her tits a bounce and grope; his voice chuckling deeply in her ear as he licked up her neck, “You’re so g’damn sexy, can’t wait to see ya all full of me, walkin’ around so everyone knows I pumped ya full of my cum”
“mhm s-so dirty” Whimpering and writhing, she felt his fingers go back down to her slick centre, the tip of his cock slapping against her clit roughly, almost imitating the spank of a hand. “Aw baby, we both know you’re the dirty one here, weren’t ya the one beggin’ me to kiss your pretty little pussy the other day?”
“Y-you said if I needed help w-with the tingles ya would help” She whined feeling the head of his shaft slip through her sensitive folds, his nestle of curls at the base of his dick softly scratching against her button, his heavy balls sitting against her swollen lips. His length slowly slipping in through her puffy pussy, both of them sighing out in relief and pleasure as he bottomed out inside of her; Y/n’s hands cupping his face to keep his forehead on hers, nuzzling their noses together for comfort like they always did.
“Gah hav’ knocked ya up and you’re still so tight, almost like when ya were a virgin honey” Henry growled pecking her pouty lips, her voice whining at his choice of words, her legs securely wrapped around his waist. “You take me so well honey, could fuck your pregnant pussy all day n’ night if a could”
“W-well you can, y-you jus’ don’t” She snarked back, clearly regretting her decision straight after when Henry quirked his brow at her, making her shut up in a mere few seconds. “Say that again n’ i’ll tie ya to the bed, won’t be leavin’ since ya want me to play with my pussy so much” He teased thrusting in and out at a slow pace, his one hand cupping her face, while the other toyed with her nipples. “Can’t wait to see these pretty tits fill up with milk, I already know it’ll taste as sweet as you do sugar pie, you’ll let me have a taste won’t ya?”
Small mewls left her slightly opened lips, her eyes widen open and already glimmering with tears as Henry slowly moved their position, where he was now spooning her, their hips smacking together to create a lewd sound. “Mhmhm” She moaned pushing her tits together just for him, knowing how much he adored just simply looking at them, sometimes he’d even hide her bras just so she’d walk about their home, her pebbles nipples poking through the fabric.
“So gorgeous, my pretty wife” He smirked leaning over and spitting right onto the valley between her breasts, hearing her squeak as he watched her massage his spit onto her globes, she was so dirty for him; only him. Before she had met Henry, Y/n L/n would never have even stepped a foot out of line, and now she was the one making the line. Hugging onto her, he kissed her shoulders and back so affectionately, he wanted to make her cum. “I-I love you so much pretty girl, ya make me so happy, you n’ our lil’ miracle” He moaned feeling her clench around him, his hand reaching over to momentarily slap her breasts together, before reaching down and drawing figure eights on her button.
Hearing no reply he looked over to see tears filing down her face continuously, her lip hidden between her teeth as she bit down harshly, her hands fisting the sheets tightly to keep her from squealing at how deep he was going. “What’s wrong bunny? Am I hurtin’ ya?” He said slowing down, concern lacing his voice as his rough calloused hands felt up her sides. “N-no, a-am jus’ really happy, love you too hubby” She smiled blinking away a few stray tears as she turned her head to face him, her tongue outstretched already waiting to tangle around his, muffled squeals leaving her lips as she felt him return back to his rhythm.
“I’m close babybun, ya wanna cum with me?” He asked breaking away from their kiss with a peck, their lips still touching as he spoke, her eyes staring up at his softly but intensely, her head nodding; her lips wanting nothing more than to his his soft ones. Thank God she had forced him to start wearing lip balm.
Y/n found herself clawing onto his arm that was wrapped around her waist, her teeth clenched, sobs wrecking through her body purely just because she felt so loved and so intimate. Henry’s warm cum flooding her almost instantly as she herself felt his fingers rub her button at the same time, her hole clenching around him for the last time, giving out once she let out a raspy breath.
“Did so good for me sugar plum, don’t worry I gotcha, ya can rely on me” He whispered kissing the shell of his ear, feeling her clench around him a few more times before pulling out slowly to not make her uncomfortable. After a few silent seconds of Henry combing her hair back with his fingers, his soft voice shushing her quiet sobs as he rocked her back and forth against his body.
Henry couldn’t help but worry, he’d never seen his precious give such an emotional reaction, had he pushed her too far? She hadn’t used her safe-word ‘cherry’ so he had assumed she was still okay during their intense love-making session. The tiny tattoo of a ‘H’ on the back of her neck receiving wet kisses while he waited for her to calm down.
“Hold on pretty, m’jus’ gonna run us a bath alright?” Receiving nothing but a shake of a head and a ‘don’t leave me a-alone’ He smiled picking her up against his still nude body, sitting her on top of the counter as he filled up the tub with warm water, making sure to put in some of lavender bubbles she adored so much to relax in.
“c’mere sugar, don’t worry i’m here too” He whispered helping her step into the purple coloured water, letting her sit sideways on his lap, her head laying on his shoulder; that’s how big their bath tub is.
“M-m sorry for bein’ a crybaby, I didn’t mean it” She whispered lifting her head up to kiss his beard covered cheek, her energy clearly spent and gone.
“Don’t you ever apologise for bein’ you, what’d I tell ya? If you’re cryin’, i’m here, if you’re angry then i’m here, you’re happy then i’m here. This is for life sweets, nothin’ is gonna put me off ya I promise. Well except sometimes ya stink but-“
“Stop it!” She said smiling a little, Henry’s heart lightening a little seeing her vibe jolt up a bit in comparison to earlier. “Now that i’ve seen that beautiful smile a’ yours, care to share what’s buggin’ my wife so much?”
“I-it really was nothin’ bad. Was jus’ thinkin’ about how- how happy I am w-with you. W-When I think back to when I was 17, I-I was always so worried i’d end up un-unloved because of my problems; but y-you’ve never made me feel like a burden, n’ now w-we’re havin’ a baby together” She smiled finishing her explanation, looking up at Henry with a blissful smile on her face, her hands bringing his to her stomach, “O-our baby” She giggled wiggling excitedly on his lap,
“There’s no other woman on this Earth i’d rather have a baby with-“
“So i-if an alien”
“Shut it you. Let me continue my speech to you now that you’ve done yours” He chuckled sprinkling water in her face playfully, “You’re the one for me, n’ you’d never be a burden because I want to bother with you, I want everything with ya. Gah, you’re just fuckin’ irresistible n’ I don’t think I can live without ya. I don’t know what piece a shit has said things to ya but, you’re my precious sugar plum princess. In our little world, right up ‘ere where no one can get us, I promise to keep ya n’ our little miracle safe. Cause you’re both mine n’ i’m not afraid to show it” He finished, twirling the wedding band round her finger, his eyes staring at her; simply smiling she leant forward connecting their lips together, “N’ y-you’re mine”
PSA: I really am proud of this piece, and hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it 🫶
Library blog of works: @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
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@thecdairies @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @uwiuwi @marvelgurl @stormcloudss @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @mischiefsemimanaged @nikkitc0703 @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @lastwandastan @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @helenaellie @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
Hope you all have a lovely week🫶
Can’t wait to write more dad!lumberjack!Henry xoxo Fae
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poraphia · 1 year
"One Tall Coffee With Cream And Sugar."
lvjy!wilbur x manager!reader 2467 words • 8.16.23 cw ~ coffee, lovejoy, large crowds, almost falling off stage, kith mwah mwah wilbur soot masterlist!
pt. 1 ~ "Four medium-sized coffees, one big fat work crush."
After this concert, it'll be all over. So here you go, Wilbur, your last morning coffee of the tour! From me, your manager <3
“Order for (y/n)!”
I smiled at the barista, placing some coins in the tip jar before taking the cardboard tray of coffee in both hands. I looked down to make sure each order was perfect: one iced coffee with mocha drizzle, one small double-shot espresso, one cappuccino, and one tall coffee with cream and sugar. After ticking down my mental checklist of Lovejoy’s coffee orders, I pushed open the glass door, feeling the breeze of the LA air on my face.
Today was Lovejoy’s last tour in America.
It’s been more than two months since I’ve been with Lovejoy and their first tour around the States along with my first time serving as a on-the-road tour manager. With all good things, they must come to an end, and I’m grateful for every moment I’ve spent with the crew and the band, but what pained me the most was a certain member having to travel across seas back home.
Every moment with Wilbur felt like I was on cloud 9. Even through difficult venue scheduling and working with different states, he was always behind me to back me up. Sometimes I would notice that before going on stage, Wilbur would be hiding in the lounge room, fumbling with his fingers while pacing back and forth. “Pre-concert nerves?” I would ask. He would look at me with a worried look painted in his eyes. He would shake his head, biting on his fingernails. I would walk up to him and hug him tight, listening to his pacing heartbeat gradually slow down.
“You got this, Will. I believe in you. Everyone is going to love you, and even if you do play the wrong chord or sing a little offkey, who cares? Just keep playing because that was what you were born to do.” I would say, rubbing his back. Five minutes later you wouldn’t even think twice about that man being nervous on the stage because he was hopping around and screaming into the microphone, occasionally shooting a look at me that said “Thank you.” I smiled, reminiscing on the memories.
“Need a hand, sweetheart?” I looked up, only to be met with the chocolate eyes of Wilbur fucking Gold. There he was, opening the door for me with his guitar strapped to his back. It felt familiar. Like the first time we met. Especially with me clutching the cardboard cup that hosted all the coffee orders for the band. I smirked at him, brushing right past. The only difference was that I was at least confident enough to even talk to him.
“I’m good, Will, but thank you.” I chimed. He chuckled before catching up to me with his hands in his pockets.
“How you feeling?” He asked. I hummed a bit as we talked together through the venue.
“I guess kind of nervous? Since we set up a lot of things for the finale of the America tour. Like all the effects and all. You know what I mean?” I said. He nodded, pushing open the backstage door so I can walk through on my own. As I walked past though, he grabbed the tall coffee from its holder before taking a sip. I looked at him, giving him a lecturing face.
“What! It’s my drink!” He exclaimed, holding his hands up in defense.
“And what if it was someone else's?” I said with a joking attitude. He shrugged, walking away so that the door may close behind him. He takes another sip, savoring the taste.
“I’m really gonna miss this coffee.” He sighed.
“It’s nothing too unique, really! Isn’t this what you would order back at home?” I said, rolling my eyes. I placed the coffee on a nearby table before turning around and leaning back. My palms supported my weight as I looked at him.
“I mean yeah but—” He was placing his guitar case down, unzipping it to retrieve his guitar. “I guess it wouldn’t come from you anymore.” He said, a bit sorrowfully. Before I could respond, Mark, Ash, and Joe walk through the door, all with their respective instruments and bags in hand.
“Hey guys, is venue all ready?” Joe asked, waving at the both of us before putting down his instrument. I walked up to him with his respective coffee in hand.
“Yup. Just waiting on you guys for soundcheck, and here’s your coffee!” I said, handing it to him. Joe smiled, taking the coffee and giving it a sip.
“Thanks, (y/n), we’re gonna miss you and the crew as our team.” He praised, giving a mini-cheer with his coffee. I smiled, noticing that Mark and Ash had already gone and grabbed their own coffees. Will was standing in the corner, staring at me. I tilted my head at him. With a cheeky smile, he tilted his head as well. I chuckled a little before turning to look at the other guys.
“Okay, so you guys just need to do some sound checking which should take roughly an hour? Then an hour after that we’ll have our final gig! The team is already onset, so just hook your instruments with everything and we should be good to go.” I explained. Ash nodded, taking a sip of his coffee while holding his bass, while the rest made some voices of approval.
We all headed out on stage, and I told them where each person would be standing. Wilbur would be in the front with the mic, Joe would be somewhat to the right of him a little bit back with Ash basically the same just on the left. Then Mark would be just behind Ash with his drumset.
Everyone plugged in their instruments and began strumming random patterns just to make sure that the audio was coming coherently. The soundcheck person adjusted accordingly. I hopped off the stage and stood in the middle of the venue, making sure that the positions were as perfect as I envisioned. After a long stare, I realized that Will was a little bit off-place. “Will!” I tried to exclaim over the noise. Wilbur looked at me, and playfully, he began to strum more violently. “Wilbur!” I tried to shout again, but he simply smiled at me.
Slightly annoyed, I hopped back on the stage, now standing directly in front of him. He looked down at me with a smirk right on his face. I grabbed him by the arms before moving him into position. He leaned down, still strumming on his guitar. I chuckled.
“What’s with that look?” I asked. He hummed a bit before responding.
“Nothing, you just look cute.” He said. Suddenly he brought his face close and planted a small kiss on my nose. Flustered, I stumbled back and nearly off the stage before Will caught me by the waist. My hands were clutching tight on his collar.
“S-Sorry!” I stuttered. I was near the edge, but with Will’s support, I was nearly floating off with one leg up. In one quick swift, Wilbur pulled me up and walked backward, landing me on a safe platform for me to stand on.
“Are you okay?” He asked. He held my arms so that I maintained my balance. After I felt steady enough, I looked up at him. I felt my breath getting caught in my throat. His face was so close to mine that I just wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t have the confidence he had.
“Y-Yeah..” I mumbled, still getting lost in those eyes. “Yeah, I’m fine..” I managed to stutter out. I stood up properly and brushed myself off. Wilbur backed away to give me some space. I wish that with my sleeves I could wipe off the embarrassing flush of red that was painted all over my face. “I’m gonna take five. Just— Stay in position for me!” I ran off the stage and to the back where I grabbed a bottle of cold water to cool down.
Oh boy. This was going to be hard.
After some time, security showed up and fans started loading into the venue. The place was somewhat massive, making it one of our biggest shows (not counting festivals) yet. I peeked from the stage curtain, seeing the rows of chairs being filled with all kinds of people. I turned back around to see the band. Mark was having a beer or two, Joe was practicing a little bit of his guitar solo, and Ash was scrolling through Instagram. “Hey guys, do you know where Wilbur is?” I asked. Mark looked up.
“Oh yeah, I think he’s in the outer lounge area? He might be just tuning his guitar though.” He said, pointing at the door with his beer.
I nodded and thanked him before pushing through the door. The room was much quieter than the previous lounge. Wilbur was sat on one of the couches with his guitar in his lap, but he wasn’t strumming or turning the knobs. It more looked as if he was deep into thought. I approached him carefully, yet he didn’t notice me until after I spoke up.
“Hey, Will?” I snapped him out of his thoughts. His hands fell into gripping his guitar defensively before frantically looking at me.
“Ah, hey (y/n), sorry I was just thinking.” He said, sighing. I raised an eyebrow before sitting next to him, crossing my legs.
“Well, thinking about what?” I asked. “Just— out of curiosity. You don’t have to tell me.”
Wilbur hummed before sitting back on the couch, moving his guitar closely to his chest. “I guess just… What’s going to happen after the tour, y’know when I get home and all? I’m going to miss all this adventuring and going to different states.” His head then turned to me. He has a soft, sort of vulnerable look on his face. Like a glass of water that was full to the very top, and just one droplet could make that brimming all come cascading down like a waterfall. “I..—”
Before he could finish his sentence, both of our ear monitors went off. “Two minutes until stage time. Please prepare your places.”
I looked over to Wilbur, who seemed a bit frustrated he wasn’t able to finish his sentence, but I had to brush it off for now. I got up and helped him up as well as we both rushed backstage, back to the screaming fans, wires, and bass-boosted speakers. Wilbur found his position next to Ash as I stood in front of them.
“Alright, guys, this is our biggest show in the States yet. I want you guys to have the whole venue jumping by the time we’re done!” I exclaimed all of them cheered with words of encouragement. “And, I’d seriously like to say this has been one of the best moments of my life. I am super proud to be your guys’ tour manager. So, please! Next time you guys are in the States, message me!”
Mark rushed to hug me with a big smile on his face. “We loved touring with you too, (y/n)! Thank you seriously for all the coffee and encouragement you’ve given us!” He beamed. Maybe it was the beer loosening up his speech, but he certainly spoke with pride and excitement. Ash came in too, wrapping his arms around us, and soon joined Joe and Wilbur. It was a tender moment for us all. A core memory that is the end of the tour for Lovejoy.
It took all of our ear monitors going off to break off the little moment. Soon enough, the boys were at the edge of the curtains, waiting for their countdown to end so they can finally step on stage. Once they did, the whole venue roared in excitement. Wilbur did his usual theatrics: talking to the crowd, and introducing the band, before counting down and playing the songs we had planned. I ran around backstage for most of the time, making sure that the lighting crew knew what was doing, and talking to soundcheck to make sure everything was going, but in those rare instances when I had a break, I would look over to Wilbur from offstage.
There he was, glowing in yellow backlights as his eyes fluttered close, plucking at his guitar and singing lyrics he would spend all day and all night revising and humming. I know moments like these are captured by our hired photographers, but my eyes saw something so much more personal. If eyes could take a screenshot, I did exactly that and stored it in the safest part of my brain’s gallery.
It felt like the concert went by too fast because, in a blink of an eye, Wilbur was finishing up his last performance of The Fall. Smoke and lights illuminated him and his band’s presence on stage and before I knew it, it was all over. The crowd cheered for Wilbur's dramatic finale as he raised his guitar high in the air. Sweat dripped off his body, soaking little bits of his clothing. The song finally came to an end as the lights cut off. Nothing but the most bittersweet smile rested on my face.
The tour
Was finally over.
Or was it?
The lights faded back on with Wilbur gripping the microphone. He had given his guitar to someone backstage before they had walked off. “Crowd,” he started. “This marks the end of our United States tour, and you have brought nothing but thrill and pure adventure.” He then turned toward me. “But there’s someone who frankly was, the cherry on top of it all. You may have seen her a little bit on our social media, maybe Ash posted her on his story once or twice. Everyone please, give it up for (y/n)!”
I stood there in shock as I heard the audience chant my name. Wilbur gestured toward me, the mic still in hand. I shook my head, snapping out of my anxiousness before stepping onto the stage. Despite being the background for it all, I’ve never been in front of a crowd. This was all so… Exhilarating.
Wilbur took me by the hand, twirling me in place before placing an arm around my waist and dipping me down. “There were so many times I’ve wanted to kiss you, to tell you how much I’ll miss you, and how we won’t be by each other’s side anymore. I just… I wanted to take this moment now.” He romanced in my ear. With a wide smile on my face, I jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck before pulling him into a kiss.
Finally, those lips that I memorized on that tour bus—
Lips that I only dreamed of kissing.
They were finally on mine.
And faintly, I could taste his morning coffee.
a/n ~ hihi! the long-awaited pt.2 of a request I did a while ago! thank you guys so much for the support I really wouldn't have written it without yall <3 ilysm!
taglist ~ @mrssabinecallas @maddiegotlost @lanaxoxoxoxoxox @imcool-rat @themonsterunderurmom
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anemptypuddingcup · 1 year
Sweeter than sugar.
Vampire Luffy x Female Reader.
A two part series with Vampire Luffy.
Y’all I am so sorry. I had sidetracked myself with the Sanji series and decided to come to Luffy next. Don’t fight me please-
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Part 1 Part 2
Contains: Vampire!Luffy. Luffy hungry for blood. Reader happens to roam into his mansion without knowing it’s his. Luffy allowing Reader to stay in exchange for blood. A segment of storyline before we get in to smut.
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“Hahhh…So hungryyy…”
Luffy groans heavily as he stares out through the tinted mansion window, the sound of rain nearly putting him to sleep as he listened intently. The clouds blanketed the sky with a slight darkness, covering the his mansion along with his land alike. It was a shame he couldn’t go out. Even if it wasn’t the sea, the water still drained him if his energy, especially at a time like this.
A heavy huff leaves his lips while his stomach rumbles with ferocity, his long thin tongue tracing across his dry cracked lips as he yearned for some fresh sweet blood. Not blood from animals but from humans. He was getting a little sick of thick consistency of animal blood, not to mention it was harmful to the animals themselves. It was all based on survival, but at the same time Luffy was picky with this matter.
He hoped that Chopper or Sanji would at least return soon, it would’ve been a better alternative to ask for blood packs instead of hunting for animal blood. It would’ve been more convenient and it could’ve saved up a lot more time, though knowing Luffy he wasn’t thinking about it not one bit.
A bit of drool trickles from his lips and down to his chin as he thought of slurping up the blood of a wonderful human. The consistency and the flavor, he couldn’t help but to be picky with a thing such as this. If only he enjoyed eating food more.
“Ahhh…I hope th’rain brings in somebodyy, how long will I hafta wait..?” He sighs before he wipes the drool from chin and lips. He lets out a little groan as he lifts himself up from his chair and walks over to his window, his cloak flowing slightly in the air as he stood. He stares as the little droplets fell down with slight intensity, the sound of the rain washing a sudden sadness over him and his body. He felt a bit lonely if not hungry.
His eyes scans down his yard, sliding past a little shadow within the thick moist air before he turns away.
The sudden realization made him backtrack to his window and he peers out again. He squints his eyes before they widen with excitement, a thankful little gasp leaving his throat as he stares at the shadow.
He presses his hands and face against the glass before smiling widely, thanking every god for answering his prayers. It was a human, a fresh source of blood that he’d been begging for all this time. His eyes glimmer with delight and more drool spills past his lips before he finally snaps back to his senses.
He shakes his head and looks back in the same direction of the mysterious figure, only to see that it disappeared from his sight.
He jolts as he suddenly hears his front mansion door creak open, his heart beating from his chest as he realized that his meal had entered his vicinity.
Sliding his tongue along his lips, he slowly walks out of his main room and into the long corridor, his feet trailing along the long red rug.
You slowly slide yourself through the large mansion door and quickly shut it behind you, your teeth chattering from the cold temperature of the rain against your skin. Your eyes darts around as you gripped your arms tightly, desperately trying to keep yourself warm after being exposed to such cold weather.
You were surprised that the mansion was clean and pretty on the inside, it didn’t look much like its dilapidated stone exterior outside the doors. You slowly trail through the mansion while your soaked clothing left a trail of water to follow. You huff heavily as you trembled from the cold air hitting your damp skin, looking around for at least some source of heat to keep you warm.
As your wet and damp footsteps echoes through the empty mansion, the sound of a different set of footsteps makes you freeze suddenly.
The ominous sound of a young man calls out to you down the corridor and you quickly turn around to see him standing on the other end. You felt your heart beginning to pound as a sudden rush of adrenaline sends you back, pulling you away from the figure of whoever it was. Your legs move on their own and you run, a bit afraid that you’ve entered someplace you weren’t supposed to.
A sudden flash of his presence makes you pause before you feel your back press against someone’s chest. You don’t dare turn around as you felt the heaving of the person’s chest rise and fall up against your back. A hand to your shoulder makes you jolt as a few tears brim at your eyes. Your brows furrowed as you shut your eyes tightly, bracing yourself for whatever may happen next.
“What’re ya doin’ ‘side f’my place? Are ya lost?”
You feel his warm breath fall against your neck before you felt his slimy thin tongue trail up your skin. He groans heavily at the saltiness of your skin, fighting back the strong urge to just bite and gnaw at your neck right then and there. All color falls from your face as you felt his tongue slowly slide against your skin.
You let out a little mewl before biting your bottom lip tightly, pursing and clamming up your noise. He removes his tongue and giggles and you shiver as you felt the chill on your neck where his saliva lingered. “Ya gonna answer me? Ya shy or sum’?” He asks, his head cocking to the side as he stares at you with his jet black pupils.
You exhale shakily and you tremble against him, the sound of your heart pounding beginning to echo throughout your head. “I-I’m so s-sorry i-if I’m trespassing…I-I need shelter..” You sigh out heavily as you begin to feel lightheaded.
You hear him giggle before he grips your chin and turns your head to face him. A slight blush dusts your cheeks as you admire his features while his eyes glazes your body from head to toe. It seems that he’d gain a slight attraction to what he’d seen, and you probably did too. “Shishishi~ S’fine~ M’not gonna eat ya~” He says teasingly, his thumb pressing up against your soft glossy lips.
Your face begins to burn up before your eyes glance away from him.
Looking back to him, you notice his thin tongue sliding along his lips repeatedly as he stares at you in the eyes. You gulp your saliva as a mixture of feelings began to overwhelm your body. Your body grew warmer against his and you sigh heavily. His eyes didn’t look away from you one bit and you felt as if he was trying to undress you with them.
“You’re pretty. An’ I like that ‘bout ya.” He says to you, speaking his mind. You stare up at and let out a heavy sigh as he moves in closer to you. He slides his tongue along your neck once again and your heart pounds once more. “Is there something that you want?…” You ask reluctantly, his behavior growing more and more aggressive with every lick and tastes of your skin. He couldn’t hold back his urge much longer the more he tasted your skin.
Your question causes him to pause before he looks at you with his brows raised. “Yeah. There is.” He says to you before he slowly pulls away from your neck to face you. “Lemme have sum’ f’ya blood. Ya smell sweet…and it’s makin’ m’hungry.” He admits, his thick and heavy hands pressing hard against your shoulders.
You shudder but suck up any remaining feeling, part of you began to question if it was okay to bargain with such a man.
It was too late now though, by time you thought so you were already speaking.
“May I stay here for a few nights in exchange?” You asked, now desperate to just have a roof over your head and some heat enveloping your body. His brows raise as he listens to your question before his hand begins to ruffle at his hair. His eyes trails around with thought and a smile comes across his face before he grins widely. “Shishishi~ Playin’ hard ta get with me?” He asked, looking to you with an amused expression. You stay silent and look away from him out of nervousness.
“Alright. I’ll getcha whatever ya need. As long as ya stick with ya words.” He says, finally taking a step back away from you.
You feel a wave of relief wash over as he accepts your trade before you feel yourself quickly beginning to grow lightheaded and fatigued. As you begin to wobble he quickly rushes to your side and holds you steady, a small bit of laughter leaving him as he held on to you.
“Ya alright there?” He asked, his arms holding you up and steady. You exhale heavily and nodded. “I’m just…I’m just tired.” You sigh heavily as you lean up onto him. He smiles as he wraps his forearms underneath your body, lifting your body up off the ground as he walks down the long corridor.
You feel yourself ready to fade out of consciousness but you couldn’t allow yourself to, not when there was a bloodthirsty man carrying you down the dark corridors of his mansion. He walked slowly, making sure to take his time as he held your delicate body in his arms.
Among walking the dark halls and staircases, he finally brings you into a warm and cozy area, a room with a fireplace and warm bed far in front of it. “This is m’guest room. Hope it’ll warm ya up a bit.” He says as he walks over to the well-made bed. There was a canopy attached to the top, allowing the silky curtains to fall down and slightly obscure the bed.
He softly sets you onto the bed before walking away to look around in the closet. “Sorry if this ain’t good enough, ion usually have folks here so…just have this f’now.”
You slowly sit up against the bedding to look at him and he tosses a large shirt over to you. You look at it before sighing, you weren’t about it be picky with any clothes after he allowed you to stay in. “U-Um…” You look at him a she stood there with a little grin on his face, tilting his head as you call out to him.
“Hm? What’s wrong?”
“C-Can you…Can you turn around..?” A nervous blush spreads across your face as he stares at you with a blank expression. “Aw, not even a peek?” He asks, a little giggle leaving his lips as he slowly turns around.
You quickly try your best to change out of your sopping clothes as he stood there and waited for you to tell him to turn back around. “Where do I put these…?” You asked as you held your soaking clothing tightly. The young man peeks back before fully turning around and walking over to you. He grabs your clothes and sets them aside before smiling. “Ah, ya can set ‘em right here. It’ll be fine.”
You slowly climb into the bed as a yawn escapes your lips, leaving the young man out to stare at you as you settled into bed. You slowly close your eyes as the drowsiness crashed onto your body, pulling the blankets up farther so you could get comfy.
“Oi. Ain’t ya forgettin’ sum’?”
You slowly pull your eyes back open and see the young man staring down at you, the mattress sinking underneath his weight as he hovered over you. You shoot up from the pillows and stare at him, your body shivering a bit as he stares at you with intensity.
He presses his hand up against your neck and stares at it before trailing his eyes back to yours. You trembled as you felt his fingers trace along the skin of your neck, his fingertips prodding at silky smoothness of your skin.
He lands his hips onto your your lap as he stares down at you, the cheekiest yet darkest smirk spread across his face. “I want sum’ f’ya blood…now.” He says, his tone slightly more impatient than before. Your mouth quivered as his body weight was pressed up against yours, his fingers still tracing along your neck.
“R-Right…I forgot..” You lie. He smiles wider before he presses a smooch along your neck, making you let out a sudden mewl. “Y’aint forgot…Y’just nervous…” He whispers as he peppers kisses against your neck. You feel your body grow warmer as he tried his best to soothe you, soften you up before he was ready to take a bit.
“Ya smell s’good~ Ya skin’s tasty too~” He whisper to you, pressing a small smooch against your ear. “M-Mhh~” You feel heat beginning to spill from you as he kissed and suckled along your skin, making a few noises come out of your lips. He softly pushes your body down along the soft fluffy pillows, pressing more kisses against you before he finally presses a kiss to your lips.
“What’s ya name?~” He asks as he continues to press his lips against yours. “H-Hmm?~” You moan out, your hands now gripping his cloak tightly as the kisses began to feel so good against your skin.
The feeling of his warm rough lips along your skin began to make your mind swirl with arousal. You hear him giggle again as he cups yours face.
“What’s ya name baby?~” He asks, this time adding on a little pet name. You felt your heart swell up with slight joy as you hear him call you such a name. “_-________~” You gasp out. He chuckles. “Pretty name. M’name’s Luffy. Monkey D. Luffy.” He finally introduces himself as he presses another kiss to your lips. You let out a little gasp as his hands trails from your face to your shoulders. “________. Can I touch on ya an’ bite on ya?” He asks, lookin down at you with half-lidded eyes.
You stare up at him before blushing. “Y-Yes…Yes you can.” You breathe out softly. Luffy smiles as he yanks off his cloak urgently before he moves his hands to the buttons of his shirt. Buttons begins to fly everywhere as he pulls his shirt open with a heavy sigh, your eyes widening once you see his sculptured body in front of you.
Your hands trembled against the sheets as you stare at his torso. His abs defined prettily as you stared at them with eagerness. What made his entire look cuter was the X-shaped scar across his chest. A scar that signified lost and pain. A scar that singe deep within his skin. “Y’can touch it if ya want.” He snickers as he notices you staring at his body.
You slowly press your hands up against his scar, tracing it as a shaky breath leaves your lips. You feel him pull you closer as her buries his face deep into your neck. “Can I…Can I bite ya now?” He asks, his hands now shivering against your collarbone. “Y-Yes…Sorry for keeping you waiting.” You apologize, a little gasp leaving you once you feel his tongue along your neck again.
You feel him press his fangs against your skin, imprinting a spot on where he wanted to hit you. “Fuck…M’so ready~ Are ya ready ________?” He asks, his hands gripping your shoulders to keep you still. You clench your eyes shut and tense up as you felt your his teeth graze along your neck.
“Y-Yes, I’m ready..” You say shakily before exhaling softly.
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hard-deckpilots · 1 year
Storm Season.
Fandom: Top Gun.
Pairing: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Reader.
Summary: Whilst visiting Jakes home whilst in leave, the weather takes an unexpected turn. One you’re not use to, but one Jake has experienced many times.
Wordcount: 1.09k
Warnings: Talks about tornadoes. Not a tornado expert. Some swearing. Jake being comforting. Mentions of tornado damage.
Tags: @sebsxphia​
A/N: I’m basing this off a Instagram post Glen Powell just made, which is about a Twister reboot. And despite being one of the films I hate I am going watch and write about it. I was also going to do this one months ago but didn’t.
Images not mine.
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Jake was a bit reckless as a teenager, anytime there was a tornado warning he’d go out in his truck and try to get as close to it as possible. Times have changed though, he’s a lot smarter and safer especially after an incident that happened in his town about 10 years prior. He knew it was a little bit of a risk to bring you home during storm season, but it was the only time off that he could get.
You on the other hand, had never experienced a tornado before so it was an entirely new experience. Growing up in Montanna there was maybe one or two a year, but you had never been around to witness them. Thankfully. The most severe weather you have ever experienced was the snow storms, which seemed to last forever.
Sitting in the living room of Jakes family house, you sat there and the colour of the sky changed. When you woke up this morning the sky was a beautiful blue, but that quickly changed as clouds started to roll in. You went to the toilet and as you came back, you could see that Jake was standing at the window looking towards the sky. 
“Jake, you okay honey?” You asked wrapping your arms around his waist,
“I’m alright sugar. Just keeping an eye on the weather. Just wanna make sure we stay safe.” Jake smiled softly at you to keep the reassurance. Although Jake use to chase storms whenever they turned up, he knew how to read the clouds and the different warning signs that were given. Sitting back down, you noticed that Jake wouldn’t take his eyes off of the window. You turned your attention back to the TV and lost yourself in it for a little while. That was until you felt Jake stand up and head into the garden, you frowned a little and went after him.
"Y/n just prepared to have to go into the basement cupboard." Jake spoke holding your hand softly,
"Why? What's going on Jake?" You asked concerned in his sudden change of posture.
"Babe, look at the circulation of the cloud. That's turning into a supercell, that could produce a tornado at any point." Jake explained watching as the clouds started to darken, and the wind started to pick up slightly.
"Wait... Really? Jake please tell me you're not playing a joke on me." You speak worried, also trying to think why on earth you were standing by the outside in the first place.
Jake turned to you and put his hands on your arms softly. There was a hint of seriousness on his face, one that you don't usually see.
"Honey I need you to listen to me. This is the one thing I do not joke about. If I tell you to get to the basement cupboard, then we both go." Jake explained keeping calm but serious head.
You nod and for the next 5 minutes you stick next to him. Both of you watched TV until a message popped up in the middle of the show. A tornado warning. Jake stood up and grabbed your hand first, then grabbed some pillows and blankets.
"Come on darlin' we have to go downstairs now." Jake spoke calmly taking you to the basement.
You follow Jake, and he sets the blankets and pillows down in the basement cupboard. He sat you down then looked into your eyes.
"Listen to me. I'm just going to run upstairs quickly and I'll be right back down okay?" He stated quietly,
"Be right back yeah Jake?" You asked a bit scared.
"I'll be right back." Jake kissed your head softly and watched as he went back upstairs. You kept your breathing calm, as you waited for him to come back keeping your eyes on the stairs.
You watched as Jake came down the stairs fairly quick, missing a few steps as he came over to you. He sat down next to you and held you in his arms.
"Listen to me Y/n... Not matter what happens I'm going to be with you the whole time okay? I love you and no matter what, I love you." Jake spoke as he squeezed you in his arms.
Looking up at him with fear in your eyes and suddenly your ears pop. You put your hands to your ears trying to adjust to the sudden pressure change.
"I love you too Jakey, so so much." You spoke, Jake hearing the fear in your voice.
He pulled you onto his lap and covered your ears with his hands, trying to help you with the pressure change. But also because he could hear the roar of the tornado close by. He tells you to close your eyes and he holds you right against him.
One of the first thing you noticed when you started dating Jake, he had a wonderful singing voice. One that would calm you down. Where your head laid on his chest, you could feel him humming. Keeping you calm and keeping him calm.
"It's okay sweetheart... It's okay... We're okay... We're gonna be okay." Jake spoke keeping as calm as possible, hearing the roar from the tornado.
After about 10 minutes being in the basement cupboard, the noise had calmed down and Jake finally uncovered your ears.
"We're okay darlin', we're okay." Jake kisses your head and he can feel you shaking. "I'm gonna check outside okay? I'm gonna be right back..."
Jake stands up and walks up the stairs carefully. He reaches the top of the stairs and thankfully the rest of the house is still standing. But the garden and some other houses down the road weren't so lucky. He called down the stairs.
"Baby! It's okay you can come upstairs." Jake shouted down.
He waited a few minutes as you came up the stairs and instantly walked into his arms. You were still shaking slightly, but you were both alive.
"We're okay. It's all over." Jake whispered holding you close. After a while stood together, you finally pulled away and looked out of the windows. Jake opened the front door grabbing his boots and his yellow raincoat.
He stood in the middle of the street, looking at his surroundings and looking at the sky. Only a few homes destroyed. Those homes were already being attended to by emergency services. Jake sighs and walks back in, checking the power cables are still standing.
You could tell he was a little shaken, it was the first tornado in over 5 years that he had seen. But he focused on you. His focus was always on you. He kisses you softly.
"We're okay."
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
KJERKJEKJRKJEKJRJKE YESH! Listen, I'm still 100% A Kunigiri girl- but I also really love Nagiri so this was absolutely joyful to write! This one was so freaking FUN! I've gotcha covered, anon! :3
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13 @chibisstuff @imjusthere07 @riisada
Everything was perfect. 
The room was cool and breezy, the sheets especially soft against Nagi’s skin. The pillows smell incredible- courtesy of Chigiri’s sweet smelling shampoo. His mind was at a place of semi-awareness; knowing he had to get up soon but still able to dream. He let out a soft sigh as he held his pillow closer to his chest.
His pillow squirmed, grunting though sleep as he gently tapped at Nagi’s wrists. “It’s morning. Lemme go.”
“Never.” Nagi snuggled closer, pressing his face further into the pillow. The smell of strawberries tickled his nose, making him smile.
“I have to shower..Sei.” Chigiri cracked an eye open with a small grunt, squirming more in Nagi’s arms. “I also want breakfast. Don’t you want to eat?”
“I’ll eat later…”
“You say that every morning.” Rolling his eyes, Chigiri twisted around so he was facing the pale haired man head on, softening some at the sight. Nagi looked like an angel at rest, cheeks puffed and pink, his lashes long and full. He traced his cheek with the back of his hand, pushing his bangs away. “And like every morning, I tell you we have to get up.”
“But do we have to though?” Nagi leaned into his boyfriend’s hand, eyes half-lidded with sleep. “We can’t just stay like this forever? I like the view.”
So unfair. Chigiri scuffed to hide his blush, turning his attention back to the arms looped around him. The grip wasn’t tight, but past experience taught him not to be so easily deceived. “Nagi. I’ll give you one last chance. Get up or else.”
Nagi hummed in thought. Then that hum turned into soft snores as he relaxed against the pillows. Chigiri clicked his tongue.
“Alright. I warned you.” He wiggled his other arm free as he slowly reached towards his boyfriend. His fingers were inches from his stomach-
His wrist was caught. Chigiri sucked in a sharp breath of surprise as he watched Nagi stare back at him, amused. “Hah. Gotcha this time.”
A standoff ensued, Chigiri holding his breath as he leaned away, Nagi slowly ascending as he loomed over the redhead. “Seishiro..”
“Hyoma.” Nagi whispered back, leaning down to press his nose into Chigiri’s. Then he figured why not kiss him and did, feeling the runner melt beneath him. His grip on his wrist loosened, fingers itching to run through those slightly tangled locks.
That’s when Chigiri decided to attack.
“Ah!” Nagi yelped, breaking free from the kiss when fingers jabbed at his ribs. “Ahaha! Hyohohohma!”
“Gotcha, you lazy ass! You’re not gonna trick me into staying in bed all morning this time!” Chigiri giggled as he watched Nagi collapse, falling into him and burying his face against the redhead’s shoulder as he shook with mirth. “Come on- let’s go get breakfast! That cafe is only a few blocks away, and they serve brown sugar pancakes!”
“Aheahhaha, buhuuhuht thahaht’s a wahhahahalk! Aheahahaha, dohohoo we hahahahve tohoohohoho?” Nagi wheezed, his words sending little shivers along Chigiri’s neck and making him snicker. “I dohohohohn’t wahhhaant to whahahahalk!”
“Come on, it’s not that far of a walk- maybe five minutes tops. Plus they have that blueberry lemon waffle treat you love so much!” He wormed his hands up to Nagi’s armpits, feeling the other physically compulse upon contact. “Think of the waffles, Sei! Think of the waffles!”
“AHEHAAHHA YOU- GEHAHHAH!” Nagi squeaked, losing his will to survive. Half of him wanted to give in, but the other wanted to fight back. Decisions, decisions…
“You're gonna get up-Ah! Aheahhahaa, nohohohohoho!” Chigiri squeaked when Nagi began pinching up and down his sides, pressing into the backs of his ribs and making him arch. “Seehehehehishhihihihihirohoohohoho!” 
“Tahahhaek thahahahat!” Nagi cried, the tickles easing some now Chigiri was occupied. He twisted them in the bed so he could properly trap the smaller man, dancing his fingers along his torso as Chigiri squeaked and cackled against his chest. “We’re staying in bed! Laziness wins!”
“Ahahahahhas iihihihif! Gehahahaha, Iihihihi’m nohoohoht giihihihving uhuuhuhhp!” Chigiri pinched the bad spot along Nagi’s hip, making him jerk. That gave him just enough room to fight back, attacking said spot relentlessly as Nagi howled against the sheets. “Gihihihive in!”
“Nohohohohoo fahhahair, nohohohoho fahhahair, yohohohohu sohohon of a- eheheheheheheahahaha!” A hand to his thighs had Nagi near silent in his laughter, flopping like a fish. The only thing he could do was grab at Chigiri’s ribs from behind, carrying on their tickle fight once more.
Coffee and sweet treats filled his nostrils as Nagi brought a bite of waffle to his mouth, chewing slowly to savor each bite. “Mm…I’m glad we came here.”
“Told you.” Chigiri smiled around his coffee, happy as can be. His plate was stacked high with his favorite brown sugar pancakes, something Nagi never tried before until today. They tasted good. “We should do this every Sunday.”
“Can we still mess around before we go?” Nagi asked, so bluntly Chigiri almost choked on his drink, cheeks hot.
“Don’t just say it out loud!” He hushed him, unable to stay mad as Nagi grinned. “Yeah…we can.”
Nagi suddenly felt more willing to get up on Sundays now.
Thanks for reading!
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daikon-dishes · 11 months
heaven knows i'm miserable now || NakedToaster
Late autumn evenings are always unbearably cold but for Toasty, who always had his airconditioner on no matter what weather, it's like waking up on a warm summer morning. It's been a long day. Company meetings are always such a pain to attend but as CEO, he really had little to no choice since he was the head of the entire thing even if all he had to do was sit there and listen to them talk.
A clouded breath left his lips as he sat himself down on the heated bench and popped his earbuds in, waiting for the train to arrive like everyone else who had just left their strenuous work schedule. His thumb gently tapped against the screen of his cell, trying to search for something good to listen to until his attention eventually landed on a particular song that's been collecting digital dust in his old playlist.
".... The Smiths."
Toasty turned his attention to the person next to him as he pulled his left earbud out, blinking in slight confusion. "What?" It was bizarre to experience a random stranger talking to him. Usually, people kept to themselves and saved their energy, especially after a long work day.
The person laughed, pointing to the bright screen of his phone before repeating, "I said, I love The Smiths." They smiled at him, polite but also excited at the fact that they spotted another person who listens to oldies.
Toasty, still a little shocked by this exchange, nodded. "Oh... Cool." He turned back to his phone, trying to shake the interaction off his mind but he tucked the unused earbud in his hoodie. Why? He didn't quite know. Perhaps he wanted this person to interact with him again.
♪And if a double-decker bus Crashes into us...♪
He sighed, listening to the song he cursed all those years ago. Perhaps just for nostalgia. His music taste has changed quite a bit in the past 2 years but that didn't change the fact that he still enjoyed listening to the songs in his old playlist.
The train skidded to a stop at the station, prompting the crowd waiting to squeeze in as soon as the doors opened. Toasty was one of the many who failed to reach for a seat which led him to just stand in the middle and hold onto the bar on his side while trying to not stumble into the obviously tired worker next to him.
Toasty always had a certain distaste for big corporations with horrible work schedules and, well, corporate slaves. It was ironic, considering he was a CEO, but he preferred treating his employees with actual respect and a proper work schedule.
Maybe he should stop by a restaurant or convenience store on his way home. He hasn't eaten since breakfast and has been running on sugar and caffeine the entire day. Normally, he would be fine with that but lately, something has been compelling him to eat properly and set a schedule on when he should be eating throughout the day.
"That looks... really good." Toasty laughed, continuing to watch them sketch the empty pudding cup as he ate another spoonful. Drawing has never really been a hobby that Toasty prioritized so it was always amazing to watch people draw even if it's just a trashcan or a bird.
"You think so?" The embarrassment was obvious on their face, a clear indication that praise directed at their art was not something they were used to. He wondered why. Their watercolor works were good, better than most would expect from a corporate slave who has little time for themselves or their own hobbies.
"Why don't you post these? These look great." He carefully flipped through the sketchbook handed to him, skimming over the small texts written on the side while eyeing the details of each watercolor painting more intensely. The details were even more impressive...
"I uh... I don't know. I guess I just didn't really think to do that. Besides, it's uh- It's just a dumb hobby."
"It's not dumb, what?? You should take pride in these."
The taste of microwaved lasagna felt bland on his tongue but food is food and it would be a waste to throw it out now. Maybe he should stop hoping it'll be good the next time he buys it and start eating something else. There were plenty of options so why does he keep getting the frozen lasagna with stale garlic bread?
He doesn't even like lasagna all that much.
"Come again!" The cashier called out after him as he left the convenience store, a paper bag full of energy drinks in his left arm while his right hand continued deleting photos and apps he never uses or looks at anymore.
At this point, he should just factory reset his phone with the amount of things left in there that he doesn't even use anymore nor care for. Why does he have Stardew Valley? He barely opens it on steam. A sketchbook app, Tsuki's Odyssey, Wattpad, Roblox; He really should've deleted these a long time ago.
He dropped his bag on the couch, sighing heavily. He gave up on clearing his gallery halfway through. There were just way too many photos and it made his eyes hurt trying to see which is important work stuff and which is just useless information.
"You're... moving away?"
"Yeah uh," They gently tucked a strand of hair behind their ear, seemingly oblivious to Toasty's dismay. "I got accepted to my dream art school! It would be kind of awkward since I'm probably the oldest person there but, you know... Like you said, it's never too late to try."
Would it be selfish to say that if he had known this would be the outcome of his encouragement, he wouldn't have told them to pursue their dream? Maybe. So he won't say it. He'd rather die than shoot down their dream all because he wants them to stay.
"That's..." He held back the sarcastic tone that threatened to spill from his lips, needing to pause for a moment as the person next to him waited in baited breath for what he was gonna say. "That's great." His dismay was hidden well by his cool composure and he tried not to burst into tears as his friend cheered and embraced them.
He really thought he had more time. More time to figure out his feelings. More time to gather courage. More time to bathe in their warmth.
"Listen, I-"
The slight tilt of their head and the smile on their lips made him bite his tongue. What if they don't feel the same way? It would ruin their mood entirely. Maybe it would be best not to say it... But if not now, when?
"I know you'll do great there."
The rapid notifications from his pc made him stir in his sleep, groaning in his chair and trying to rub the sleep off his eyes as he sat up properly. He must've fallen asleep playing Final Fantasy again. He really should've taken a small nap first before hopping on as soon as he got home.
Why is Xyx spamming him again? Ah. A new person joined.
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prairietrashdotcom · 17 days
eee i got tagged to do a tag game by @mrcrepsley thank you :)
im tagging: @stitchedgrave @laceandgore @r0ttdweller @cherubgore @cannibaldotcom @unfading-scrutiny but if you've already been tagged in this one or dont feel like it its cool. n if i didnt tag u please do it if you want to also.
Do you make your bed? if by make you mean pull down the duvet so it can air out, then yes. dont worry about why that is.
What's your favorite number? 3, 9, 13, 27
What is your job? i have been a sporadically employed hermit for the last four years :( i am starting college again next week though (media focused program) and theres a lot of production-like activity where i live so hopefully in the future that works out.
If you could go back to school, would you? See above, but i do sometimes wish i could go back to my uni in canada, but only if i was single so i could at least try n fuck my history prof at least once
Can you parallel park? no :(
A job you had that would surprise people? i have no idea how i am perceived on here so i dont know if it would surprise people that i've ghostwritten a book and worked as an actor in a haunted house. those were probably the least surprising answers but other than that its just bartending and baking.
Do you think aliens are real? duh.
Can you drive a manual car? i cannot drive any car but im working on it, although public transport here is just decent enough that it isnt, like, urgent.
What's your guilty pleasure? i honestly feel less ashamed of my various sexual proclivities than i do about living for TLC's Sister Wives. watching that chode get left in the dust not once, not twice, but thrice was especially delicious.
Tattoos? i have four. both of the ones on my right arm are bird themed but that was unintentional. theres a little bird on my forearm from The Garden of Earthly Delights' middle panel, and then a lawn flamingo on my right shoulder. the lawn flamingo is heavily associated in Winnipeg culture with the Transcona neighbourhood, where my mom's from and where i lived for a few years. everyone else in Winnipeg clowns on Transcona for being white trash, which is not technically incorrect but its my favourite place. On my left wrist ive got a hand with an eye in it, and then a crescent moon surrounded by clouds on my left shoulder.
Favorite color? pink, black, light blues, ive been really into brown this year.
Favorite type of music? i love music in general, any type can be good as long as the people making it care about it but 80s alternative/new wave/punk will always hit so so good for me. and vintage or alternative country. and 90s alt.
Do you like puzzles? i love doing the nyt puzzles stoned every night but i will die before i give them any money to play them.
Any phobias? someone with prior knowledge of my phobias using them to torture me
Favorite childhood sport? i did kickboxing in my teens for a lil bit n it was really fun :)
Do you talk to yourself? chronically, but only out loud if im home alone or out in public alone.
What movies do you adore? to the surprise of no one; horror, especially trashy b-horror/horror comedy. also whatever The Butcher Boy (1997) dir. Neil Jordan (i will never stop evangelizing this movie please watch it sinead o'connor plays the virgin mary) is.
Coffee or Tea? coffee 100%. i live in tea country however. sometimes its nice but objectively the 'tea' people are talking about here (Barrys vs Lyons) tastes like a hot wet paper bag unless you put 3 teaspoons of sugar in it.
First thing you wanted to be when you grew up? either a palaeontologist or a goth, its hard to tell which came first. ironically my mom was much more supportive of my desire to be goth. this is the cognitive dissonance that came with being an early 2000s evangelical christian who listens to Rob Zombie and Evanescence. she eventually relaxed about jesus.
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I'll Show You “Uptight” (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Adult!Bakugou x Black!Fem!Reader (Coworkers to Lovers)
Synopsis: In which a very pissed and very emotionally frustrated Bakugou decides he’s not going to let you get away with your lip that easily and pays you a visit one girls’ night to prove to you that he is, indeed, able to be “looser” after you make a drunk comment about his introverted and uptight personality to your mutual friends and Kirishima “accidentally” spills the beans. 
Story Warnings: Smutty smut (MINORS DON’T READ), 18+, AgedUp!Bakugou (he’s 25 years old), Swearing, Grinding, Public Displays of Affection, Mentions of & Consumption of Alcohol, Consensual Sex w/ Verbalization, Foreplay, Public Kink, Manhandling, Mild Degradation, Praise Kink, Daddy Kink, Spit Play, 69ing, Facefucking, Safe Sex (WRAP IT BEFORE YOU TAP IT), Edge Play, Spanking, Mild Choking, MULTIPLE Positions, MULTIPLE Orgasms for Reader, Aftercare, Reader is black-coded but anyone can read this 
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you! 
Writer’s Note: Was throwing my hips & ass around to some dancehall while writing this. Listen to "Girls Dem Sugar" by Beenie Man ft. Mya if you want to visualize this chapter. Or listen to this playlist here and imagine getting railed by Bakugou to it like I did :) AND GO TOUCH SOME GRASS -Jazz
Ao3 link here!
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.
Chapter Four
To have felt as joyful and as free as you did dancing with your friends should have been illegal. 
You felt that nothing could touch you, even as you bent over and popped your ass, bringing out all of the tricks you kept in your dance bag. The girls were beyond impressed, smacking your ass and hyping you up. “Daaaamn, Y/N!” Mina shouted. “Your ass is just too much! I’m so jealous!” 
“Right?” Toru agreed as Uraraka nodded, flushed in the face from the alcohol and the dancing. “Can you teach me your ways?” You had giggled, feeling warm from your friends’ appraisal and words of encouragement. 
“Maybe you can teach me too?” another voice came, this one unfamiliar to you and obviously male. You turned around to find a stranger standing behind you. He wasn’t bad-looking, but his energy made you nervous. He stood a little too close and his smile was anything other than kind. Mina, Uraraka, and Toru immediately ceased their dance moves and moved a little closer to you, looking at the guy with unease. 
“Oh!” you replied, startled by his presence. “Uh…” You didn’t know whether to say yes or no, the alcohol clouding your senses and making you a bit slow. Before you could politely refuse, someone else, someone very unexpected, did it for you. 
“Back off,” he growled, anger bubbling beneath the surface of his tone. “She’s mine.” 
The stranger’s tone was enough to make the guy stop in his tracks. When you turned around, you found that the stranger was not a stranger at all. In fact, you knew him very well. “K-Katsuki?!” you stuttered out. 
If it weren’t for the arms sinewy with muscle and tatts, that pierced earring that always got you going, blonde undercut with the buzzed sides, and vermillion eyes glaring daggers at the guy, you would not have known it was Dynamight himself. He looked so different out of his hero uniform, especially in casual clothes. The red V-neck he wore hugged his upper torso nicely, snug against his abs and pecs, and his jeans seemed to beckon your eyes downward where it was forbidden. 
Damn, he looked good! 
“And who are you?” the guy asked, squinting at Bakugou challengingly. Either he was too drunk or stupid to realize he was talking to a pro or he was just being an ass. 
Either way, Bakugou wasn’t having it. He practically moved you aside as he got up in the guy’s face, his death stare never faltering. “Same guy who’s gonna make you see God early if you don’t get out the way,” he growled in a dangerously-low tone. “You really wanna try me tonight, bitch?” He lifted one hand in a warning, sparks crackling in his glistening palm. “I dare you.” 
The guy wasn’t up for fucking around and finding out, so he dipped, quickly leaving the dance floor. Bakugou lowered his hand and glanced at you, his eyes softening somewhat but that unreadable look still on his handsome face. You’re too stunned by his presence to even speak. 
“Well,” Mina giggled, a hand on her hip. “look who decided to come outside finally.” 
“And crash our girls’ night!” Toru scoffed teasingly. “So rude!” 
Bakugou barely spared them a glance, his eyes still on you. “The guys are here if you extras wanna tear into them too,” he asked, jutting a chin at the bar where, in fact, Kiri, Denki, and Sero were busy harassing Momo, Tsuyu, and Jirou with their dance moves and tipsy antics. 
Mina paused for a moment, her eyes switching between Bakugou and you like two gold ping-pong balls. Finally, she smirked. “We just might,” she purred. “Come on, girls. Let’s give them some privacy.” She gave you a wink before hooking her arm with Uraraka and Toru. 
“Wait!” you weakly said, but they were already leaving you…alone…with Bakugou in the middle of a club dance floor. The alcohol seemed to make his presence that much more intimidating as he stood before you, close enough to touch you but also giving you enough space to not feel boxed in. 
He stared down at you, giving you an amused smirk. “What’s up, ma?” he asked curiously. “You good? You seem scared.”
The nickname he used for you made your clit jump embarrassingly in your panties. He’s never used that one on you before. Shit, he’s barely even spoken to you like this! “What are you doing here?” you asked, finally finding the courage to speak. 
Bakugou stepped closer to you, making your heart go into hyperdrive. “I’m here for you,” he said boldly, his eyes never leaving yours. 
You were dumbfounded, words dying in your throat. He quirked a brow at you, scoffing incredulously. “What? Don’t have anything to see after talking shit to my friends?” 
You blinked, still taken aback by his closeness and his making conversation with you. “W-What are you—?” 
He cut you off by stepping a bit closer, nearly closing the gap between you. As he did, you were aware that the song switched to one of your favorites–“Girls Dem Sugar” by Beenie Man with Mya’s sweet, soft voice floating over the track as the DJ dipped into his 90s dancehall bag. Bakugou bent down to whisper in your ear, his lips nearly at your cheek. 
“So I’m uptight, right?” he whispered. “You really think that about me?” 
Your eyes widened. Shit. You were caught. You knew you never should’ve said shit at that dinner. Damn those tequila shots and Kiri’s big, fat mouth! 
You licked your dry lips, barely looking at Bakugou. “Katsuki, I…” You wanted to apologize for offending him or making him feel some type of way, but the words couldn’t formulate correctly. 
Fortunately for you, Bakugou never gave you the chance. In an instant, he was wrapping an arm around you and snatching you toward him. You let out a squeak of surprise as you were suddenly flush against him, his face like a full moon to you. “I’ll show you uptight,” he growled lowly. 
Before you could ask what he meant or even ponder the thought, he was throwing your arms over his shoulders and pulling you closer to him before proceeding to bend his knees slightly and grind his hips slowly against yours. Your eyes widened, shocked by what was happening. Katsuki Bakugou dancing with you? Grinding against you? Were you dead and in heaven? 
Noticing your shocked expression, his eyes softened more. “Okay?” he asked, sounding concerned. 
That eased the tension you felt surrounding you and your body. You relaxed into his touch, into his arms. “Y-Yeah,” you answered, swallowing hard. Bakugou chuckled at you. “You’re cute when you’re flustered,” he cooed, making you flush under the lights. “Now you know how you make me feel every single time I see you.” 
Whoa. Wait. There’s no way. 
You couldn’t process his words through your alcohol-fogged brain for long before he was rolling his hips again, wedging his thigh between your legs for better access. “Dance with me,” he whispered to you, eyes on you and you alone. 
His pleading, heated gaze seemed to awaken something in you because you found yourself grinding against him too, your hands moving to run over his broad chest. He moved one hand to rest above your ass, never going lower without your permission. That only turned you on more. Feeling daring, you took his hand and slid it down to your ass, letting him cop a feel as you rolled your body against his, the two of you feeding off each others’ energy.
It felt good, being like this with him. It felt like it was only the two of you on the floor, in the building, in the whole fucking world. You held onto him tightly, pressing your face into the crook of his neck and breathing him in as you continued to grind against his hard body, both hands on your ass now. God, you never wanted this moment to end. 
“Turn around,” he suddenly growled to you. You looked up at him and blinked dumbly at him. “What?” 
“You heard me.” His eyes darkened, gaze firm yet molten with heat. “Turn the fuck around.” With a bit of hesitation, you did as he said and gasped quietly when he pushed his hips into your ass. There, you felt the obvious outline of his hardened dick against your lower back. 
You tried to protest, your mind telling you this was wrong, but Bakugou gently shushed you, pressing a finger to your hips. “Uh-uh, gorgeous,” he purred into your ear. “You’re gonna show me exactly what you meant by saying all that. According to Kiri, you want somebody who’s loose.”
He took both of his hands, gripping your hips and making you sway them against him. “So how loose do you want me to be?” 
He pressed himself farther against you so his front was flush against your back. And so understanding what you were doing to him was undeniable: you were turning him on. Realizing he asked you a question, you tried in vain to search for a response. “I…” 
Bakugou took your hips and began to roll himself into your ass, moving to the beat. “Show me,” he urged. 
And so you did. Bending your knees, you winded your ass back into him, going from fast to slow depending on the song’s tempo. You don’t know how long your dancing on him lasted, but it felt like forever. You could feel him watching you intently, eyes drinking in your every movement. It egged you on along with his tiny whispers of “Shit” and “Fuck” as your ass bounced against his crotch. 
As the song picked up a faster speed suddenly, you went to turn around to get a look at his face, but he never gave you a chance. In a flash, he was wedging a foot between yours and forcing you to bend over. You squealed, suddenly touching your toes, and you could barely believe it when you felt Bakugou’s hips begin to slam into you from behind in precision with the beat. 
‘Oh, my God???!!!’ you thought, your mind racing as Bakugou gripped your hips mercilessly, his fingers caressing up your mini skirt to your thighs. 
“Get it, Katsuki!” you heard Mina scream from the bar. “Fuck her up!” 
You were so sure the man was gonna force you to go lower, but luckily, that didn’t happen. He finally let you come up and turned you around to face him. “That loose enough for you?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. 
You couldn’t speak for a moment, too winded by what just happened between you two. You didn’t know which way was up and which way was down. Your heart was racing a million beats a second, your mind hazy, and your panties soaked. All you could think about was how Bakugou could move in the sheets other than the dance floor with moves like that. 
“Katsuki,” you breathlessly giggled, giddy, and turned on beyond belief…but his unsmiling expression took the smile right off your face. You suddenly remembered your hurtful words toward him and felt embarrassed.
“I didn’t…” you began, swallowing the lump in your throat. “I’m sorry if I offended you, Katsuki. But I’m really glad you’re here.” 
You stared down at your feet, trembling. You were sweating now, but now from pure humiliation. What if he really hated you now? What if he was just here to teach you a lesson, and gave you that hot ass dance and said all that flirty shit to play with you? 
But all of that went out the window when Bakugou lifted your chin with his thumb, forcing you to look at him. His gaze, heated and sensual, put your thoughts on pause.
“Come with me,” he rasped and was practically dragging you off the dance floor before you could give him a yes. 
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sl33paholics · 1 year
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Darling Dearest
Okuyasu x bimbo black!fem reader
Dating Okuyasu headcanons
Warning(s): None. Only fluff and wholesome shit (for once lol)(possible mentions of lewd here and there)
Song: Attachment (she wanna love) by Kanii
You two are like two peas in a pot. You two were sealed to be with each other based on your first introduction
Brain cells? Ermm, you two may lack some intellect but you both aren't that dumb (maybe)
How could someone as gorgeous as yourself be willing to date a boy like him? Okuyasu puts himself down a lot. Saying how much he's hideous, a burden, and other things. But you cup his cheeks and tell him he's the most handsome and reliable person you've ever met, making him cry each time
It was no doubt he was head over heels for you when you spoke to him, the euphoric feeling of being on cloud 9 whenever you two are alone in the classroom or any private area of the building
Absolutely loves when you call him pet names! "How you doin' sugar?" "You alright, honey?" "Want me to give you a massage, sweetpea?" he can't get enough of it, immediately melting at those words
Small dates here and there. You guys walking around the park and dining at an Italian restaurant, events like this never failed to leave you unsatisfied.
Before you two started dating, he'd always go to his boys, Koichi and Josuke, for advice. What accessories to get you. Do you like dark or lighter colors? Should he buy you magazines or your favorite sweets? When should he make his first move on you? The questions went on and on and on and on, oh you could just imagine the annoyed feeling those two had, but it paid off.
In Summer, you didn't believe he was ripped, as a matter of fact, the thought never came to your mind until you were invited to go to the beach with the boys (and Yukako too) let's just say you were all over him once you saw those muscles, poor Okuyasu was drowning in your affection while the other 3 went on playing on the other side of the shore.
Speaking of summer, Okuyasu tries his best to not act on his urges. You look stunning in your swimwear and the poor boy always looks away from your direction when you're standing in front of him. Getting a boner in a big public area? He'd rather fight the horny rather than go down as a boy who got hard around the girl at the beach.
Around the Fall season, Okuyasu most definitely showed up at your house 2 days before to invite you to the school festival once he heard that you weren't going. Pleading for you to come with him and have a good time on the weekends. Who would want to miss out on the light snacks and sweets there? Especially the plays and dances!
Within a matter of time, you guys made it official.
It was around Winter, and Josuke was holding a Christmas party at his place. Almost everyone was there, it was exciting to see some new faces there as well. A party not too small or big, just the right amount of people to be around with.
Here's a funny moment, while listening to some holiday jingles, you were handed a beer bottle. Only to look up and see a giant with a stern look on his face honestly scaring you for a second. "Take it, I'm sure being around teenagers must be a hassle" just for you to laugh at his face. Josuke pulled him to the side to tell him that you weren't an adult, you were his classmate and he was (secretly) hooking you up with the giddy guy in the corner of the room. Second-hand embarrassment appeared on Jotaro's face and quickly apologized to you, hoping that you didn't take it the wrong way and made you uncomfortable.
Present opening time! Giving and receiving the best of presents from everyone.
When everyone else was busy opening and gifting, you and Okuyasu were in a room together after Koichi said he'll "be right back" with something it's been more than 10 minutes but hey, who's counting? (Okuyasu is counting)
It was time. He turned to face you and vice versa handing you over a small box with a note over first.
— You always mention how you always wanted a new hairpin but I didn't know what kind of color to pick so I hope you enjoy this :)
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A goofy smile appeared on your face when opening the box. "This is very adorable, Oku, thank you!" you said, without a thought you turned the paper around you see more writing
— I love your smile, laughter, your humor. Your (e/c) eyes and the way you carry yourself. We're almost alike in every way! And that's what I love about you. You don't judge me and are always here when I need comfort. To keep it sweet and simple, I want to be your boyfriend, (Y/N). I hope you accept my feelings for you.
You look up to see Okuyasu shaking and trembling in his spot, you could've sworn you saw his eyes shine up with tears. You became flustered and got closer to the boy, wrapping both of your arms around him. "I'd love to be your girlfriend, Okuyasu~" you said teasingly before pecking his cheek.
Tears. Nothing but tears and a sobbing mess after you said yes, Okuyasu felt like the happiest man in the world. After avenging his brother, defeating Kira, and taking care of his father, he can finally have peace with the girl who is finally his! He hugged you tightly and didn't want to let go, saying how much he admires you and so on.
Little did you two know that the door was cracked open a bit, a camera zooming in before a click sound was made. Josuke was quietly snickering while Koichi was trying his best to not laugh, quickly and quietly telling Josuke that they should leave before they get chased around for their trolling. The two are going to tease Okuyasu about this for the rest of their lives.
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stellarf0x · 5 months
Sharkboy & Lavagirl details only I care about! Part 2/?
Max’s Parents Parallels
The parallels between SB & LB with Max’s parents are amazing. Let’s start with Sharkboy first.
I’d also like to mention that both SB & LB must’ve been directly made by Max for the purpose of showing how he views his parents and coping with his own internal conflict.
This character is the first introduced to us with a tragic backstory, one where a father figure is sweep away in a sudden storm. I think this highlights what Max feels towards his dad too. The fighting has driven Max away from both parents, but he seemed especially close to his dad. So Max is trying cope and understand his feelings with this backstory Sharkboy was given.
Max must feel like his dad was too suddenly taken from him, with SB’s dad being literally swept away in a freak storm.
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So which parent is supposed to be represented by SB? Max’s mom of course.
Take SB’s strict nature over Max, much more like a older brother figure would. Yet also ready to fight anyone who threatens him.
Max’s mom is much more of the realist in the relationship, denouncing dreams, because she had trouble following her true dreams. Even quickly telling Max to look to a more secure path in life and not have his heads in the clouds like his dad.
She’s takes her experience as a sign and pushes that onto her husband and son to protect them. Even if they don’t see it as such.
SB takes on her quirks, liking saying that Max shouldn’t have sugar because it gives you nightmares, directly taking a line his mom said earlier in the movie. (He also has a good singing voice, which could link to Max’s mom having one?)
Besides that SB generally takes the logical/cynical part of the duo and is harder on Max.
She’s the heart of the pair, clearly taking Max’s side; being patient and encouraging.
Her personality is directly connected to Max’s dad, specifically his presence before the fighting between parents. Someone who listens to Max, encourages his interests and spends quality time with him.
Her introduction itself wasn’t anything I felt meant anything, she just kinda popped into existence.
She’s also a vessel of Max’s own internal struggle of figuring out who he is. We see her voice her own uncertainty in where she came from, what she’s meant to do. (This could also refer to Max’s dads own struggles)
I feel a bit bad but Lavagirl didn’t have too much to work with. It was all internal and she wasn’t necessarily working towards figuring out who she was until the end. If I missed something please let me know. (I’d like to give her a better role in my fanfic)
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I thought about it some more and both LG and SB are vessels for Max’s character growth anyways, so LG’s sorta plot line growth being vague makes a bit more sense? It’s not as well executed personally I think but it’s somewhat of an explanation on why she herself didn’t feel like she went through much reflection. These characters just merge with each other it’s hard to keep track of if everyone actually gets decent development alone. If that makes sense.
Now to my favorite part.
In the final act of the movie, Max’s parents are swept up in the freak tornado, both putting aside any feelings about their relationship to save Max.
As it’s a life or death situation they have a final conversation about their divorce. Max’s dad admitting that he never truly wanted to leave his wife. Both saying their final “I love you’s” in what they think is the end.
It’s corny as hell but who comes out of the tornado with who in the tornado? Mom paired with LB, and Dad paired with SB.
They saved each other.
That’s all I have to say for these two, I’m not sure what else I have left to analyze in this movie now that I think about it. I might do some random thoughts or moments I forgot about.
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thevampirelevi · 10 months
Adventureland | Part I
"Flight of Icarus." (part 1/7)
cw: vampire!eddie x fem!reader, mentions of grief, mentions of blood, introduction; no actual interaction between reader and eddie (yet)
wc: 1041 ☆
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After the events of the Upside Down, a confused- albeit somewhat the same - 'Eddie the Banished' crawls his way back to Hawkins and seeks refuge in the now abandoned theme park, where he one day finds an equally confused - albeit somewhat the same - you.
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The horizon ahead of you resembled something of an unfinished Michelangelo project with all of its ‘cadmium orange’ and ‘cobalt blue.’ The further south you drove, the more you found evidence of a burning ‘sienna’ in the mix as well, brushed onto that plaster sky still wet from the rain earlier today. You thought if you pushed the gas just a little more, you might soon start to see outlines of God extending his hand to Adam, but you were going 55 now and the only change in scenery was that the clouds were quickly taking on a darker hue.
The sun is setting and you’ve not even touched the asphalt of the fairgrounds yet. Maybe you should have admitted that you were somewhat lost one ‘Sattler Quarry’ ago, but you were too determined to turn back now. You had your mother’s Lou Reed cassette in your car stereo, playing “Perfect Day” from side A. You could sometimes listen to the whole tape without crying, and you had already had your mind set on today being one of those days.
You were also fixed on reliving some of your favorite memories with her, which is what brought you back to good ol’ Hawkins in the first place. Before the days of factory smoke pollution and L trains, you went through a good portion of your growing pains in Roane County. Then your father’s job pulled your family of three to Bloomington, before dreams of your own pulled you out of ‘Indie’ altogether.
But now you’re back, for the first time since the funeral. Has it been a year already? It felt like only yesterday to you, but so did all of your other resurfacing memories at the very moment you drove into your old hometown. Most of which plagued you the second your car neared that playground. You didn’t dare look in the direction of the schools, it took one year in Chicago and a whole other sabbatical year in New York for you to at least try to forget every classroom you’d ever entered since kindergarten. You had to practically reinvent yourself just to be free of any of the names you’d ever been called haunting every mirror you met. You prayed you wouldn’t recognize anyone, and moreover that no one would recognize you, especially those whomst had made you hate this town in the first place.
“You’re going to reap just what you sow,” sings your janky car radio as you cruise down Morehead Street, passing an abandoned house just as the Roane County Fairgrounds come into view. 
It had only just now occurred to you to consider whether or not you were dreaming as you silently sat in your car, staring past your rearview mirror and at the broken bulbs of the large and all too familiar ‘Adventureland’ sign. Last time you had caught even a glimpse of this place was in February of 1986, surely it couldn’t have been completely stranded since then?
The flecks of light snow you’d seen giving the place an almost powdered sugar finish last time, were now replaced with heavy and mangled vines, as well as wilder patches of moss. You could see that a bird had made itself a home in the ‘U’ of the buzzing sign, but there was no telling if it had belonged to the murder of crows that quickly flew away from the pavement at the creaky sound of your car door slamming once you stepped out of your station wagon.
It wasn’t the cold suddenly nipping at your nose that made you regret stepping out just as soon as you did, nor the fact that you were seemingly utterly alone. Rather, it was the slight prick of fear at the possibility that you weren’t.
Be it your intuition or not, you pushed that and all of your other worrying thoughts aside. Catching a peek of sunlight dancing on the broken glass of one of the carousel’s mirrors ahead of you, you used what little daylight there was left and the fact that there was still electricity powering the very broken sign as motivation to tread farther and approach the gates for a closer look at least.
Almost as if a sign to continue and no doubt only fueling your curiosity, you found the undone chain hanging from the rusted iron wickets of the gate to clearly have been cut with bolt cutters or something alike, as if anticipating your arrival. Determined to get at least half of what you came here for, and even more determined not to run away and cry at what might arguably be the biggest roadblock to your plans, you made your way inside the at least somewhat abandoned theme park.
⋆⋅☆⋅⋆───── ⋆⋅ᓚᘏᗢ⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆
The sound of metal scraping against the gravel of the ground made Eddie’s head snap toward the direction of the park entrance hundreds of feet away. Of course, thanks to his annoyingly heightened senses, he’d heard the sound of slightly balding tires screeching to a halt before that - but that itself wasn’t a rare occurrence here.
Occasionally, someone would journey too far past Forest Hills, only to find a more and more desolate and straight up abandoned version of Hawkins. But, like clockwork, they’d all turn right back around and rejoin the rest of society. This, along with the scavenging raccoons in the trash cans and squirrels climbing up and over the fences, or even the whisperings of things lurking in the woods nearby, were all sounds that Eddie had learned to ignore. In fact, most of his time here was spent trying to ignore all signs of life.
But this rare sound, a sound so rare he’d stopped worrying about locking the gates back up long ago, meant that not only was a human nearby, but now they were coming closer. 
So close, in fact, that he could smell the iron in her blood and hear just the faintest ‘thump, thump, thump,’ of her heart synchronizing with the steps she made drawing nearer and nearer to his hiding spot; his favorite ride when both he and Adventureland were alive, ‘Flight of Icarus.’
And man, Icarus sure was flying too close to the sun.
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GN! reader x Wally West
Warnings: Major Character Death
Continue reading under the cut
Even after the funeral it never stopped raining. It was almost as if the whole world was mourning too. Losing someone like the Flash was like a punch to the gut. He was loved by his friends, family, even his enemies. But to those closest to him they didn’t just lose a hero. They lost a friend, husband, father, and an uncle. The death of Barry Allen would haunt Y/N for the rest of their life.
They only knew him for the 3 years that Wally and Y/N have been spending together. Wally’s family is big and full of love and took to Y/N in no time. But out of everyone Barry and Iris were the most excited to meet Y/N. They were so warm and Barry just couldn’t seem to stop hugging them. They didn’t mind though, it’s a gesture that is honestly missed.
And the smile that adorned Wally’s face every time they went to visit was infectious. Iris and Barry were his two most favorite people in the world. Y/N took no offense to this because it was easily seen as to why. Wally not only loved his uncle but looked up to him. Y/N has spent countless hours listening to Wally retell his favorite adventures with his uncle. Y/N laughed, cried, and appreciated every energetic story Wally told.
Y/N and Wally went over to the Allen house as much as they could. Especially when the tornado twins were born, it takes a village to raise super kids. The home was such a comfort and filled with so much joyful noise.
But ever since that day, that same home has been plunged into silence. A dark cloud seemed to loom over it as a family was left in shambles. That same cloud seemed to loom over the cozy apartment shared by Y/N and Wally. Ever since the funeral it was almost as if Wally had taken a vow of silence. He shared a beautiful speech that day, one that left everyone in tears. Even Bruce was sniffing by the end of it.
Y/N was very hands-on leading towards the day of the service. Being a pillar of support for the Flash family. Helping Iris with flowers, putting the twins down for naps, squeezing Bart’s shoulder when it was his turn to lay his flowers, and preparing food for after the service. But when it came to Wally, he acted as if he was fine. Like the death of his uncle wasn’t hurting him as bad as it was.
Wally’s eyes always remained straight forward but were also always glassy with unshed tears. Every time Y/N asked Wally if he was alright or needed anything the answer was always a small smile and “I’m fine.” Y/N couldn’t understand why Wally was adamant about appearing alright. Lost in their thoughts Y/N almost didn’t hear the kettle screaming.
Y/N quickly removed it off the flame and placed it to the side. They reached up to the cupboard and looked for two mugs to pour the hot water into. A black mug with a faded Batman symbol for Y/N, and a shiny new Green Lantern mug for Wally
“I need it!” Wally had said one day while the two of them went to the store one time.
Y/N chuckled fondly at the memory but as the teabags steeped the smile fell from their face. Y/N added cream and just about 50 spoonfuls of sugar to Wally’s cup. For them some honey and milk was just fine.
Y/N picked up the mugs and walked over to their shared room. They bumped the door with their hip and entered.
“Here ya go, half tea and half sugar.” As they walked over Wally shimmied up in the bed. Lifting himself up by his elbows Wally watched Y/N place the cup on his nightstand.
“Thanks babe.” Wally smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes.
And Wally’s short response didn’t sit well Y/N as they sipped on their own tea. Thunder rolled and soon lightning followed after it.
Y/N's stomach was rolling with anxiety but they knew it was time. The conversation was going to be uncomfortable but Y/N could see the signs. Wally’s hair was long, uncharacteristically long. He was another week of not shaving away from having a full beard. His eyes were dark and unfocused almost all the time now. Wally’s side of the bed was always warm, because to be quite honest he barely ever leaves it.
And even though Barry’s passing is fresh, the world goes on. People still need saving, so his indicator has been blowing up left and right! Waiting to be answered, but Wally doesn’t. He just left it in a drawer, maybe in an attempt to silence it. And everyday it bleeped and chirped but Wally just wouldn't pick it up. Eventually the battery on the damn thing died. And even after that it stayed in that drawer.
Y/N sighed and that’s when Wally looked up from his mug. Y/N stared at him and Wally must have known what was up because he quickly looked away. Y/N put their mug on their nightstand and jumped up on the bed. Sitting on their knees they cleared their throat as they attempted to start speaking.
“Wall—“I'm fine Y/N.” Y/N blinked owlishly at Wally.
“I said I’m fine Y/N.”
Y/N lifted a brow at Wally because it was obviously a lie.
“Ok, the fact that you’re saying that before I could even say something just lets me know that you’re everything but fine!”
Wally seemed to ignore them as he reached over the bed for the remote. Wally placed his mug down and started aimlessly flicking through channels.
Y/N breathed in deeply through their nose and exhaled. Attempting to have some patience with their lover. But they still went ahead and snatched the remote out of Wally’s hand anyway.
“HEY I was watching tha-No you weren’t.” Y/N turned the T.V off and flung the remote to a corner in the room.
“Wally, you are not fine. You keep telling me that but anyone can see that you’re struggling.”
Wally sighed and clenched his eyes tight, laying back down on the bed.
Y/N licked their lips as they continued.
“I know it’s been hard and you’ve done an amazing job taking care of everybody else, but you need to do the same for yourself. You’re hurting, baby.”
Y/N reached for Wally hand lacing their fingers together. Wally’s eyes were still closed but he gave a squeeze letting Y/N know he was still listening.
For a moment they just sat together in silence as the sound of the rain tapping the window filled the room.
“I-shit Y/N I really don’t know what to do.” Wally released Y/N's hand as he sat up in the bed. The blanket pooled around his hips. Wally was shirtless finding comfort in just wearing gray sweats. He pressed his back against the headboard and Y/N copied his position.
Y/N grabbed Wally’s hand again, running their thumb across the freckled skin of it. Wally smiled at the familiar gesture, a small yet noticeable one.
“W-when I decided to retire, part of the reason was because I thought the world wouldn’t really need me.”
Y/N was going to say something but decided to just let Wally continue. He was wanted, not just needed and Y/N wondered if Wally understood that.
“Don’t get me wrong I loved being Kid Flash but I found comfort in the idea that people would still have the flash around to protect them. And B-Barry was so supportive even though he tried to convince me to stay. I wanted to experience normalcy and figure out where Wally started and Kid Flash ended.”
Wally closed his eyes, taking a shuddering breath.
“I just thought that well Barry’s got it! He was the Flash way before I was KF so he should be fine when I’m gone! I just-“
Wally suddenly threw his head in his hands. A sob escaped his throat and his whole body shook.
Y/N rubbed the back of Wally’s neck and ran their fingers through red locks of hair.
“It’s okay, it’s gonna be okay Wally, just breathe.” Y/N cooed to Wally trying their best to comfort him. It broke their heart to see Wally like this but he needed to do this. Y/N knew that Wally had to let all of this out one way or the other.
And there’s no better way to release grief other than having a good cry. Of course the pain would still be there but this is just a step that has to be taken in order to make it more manageable.
After a few more shuddering breaths Wally looked up at Y/N. He plopped his head on their shoulder and Y/N leaned over to kiss Wally’s forehead.
“I just never thought that in a million years that I would lose him. It was like I just blinked, and he was gone. And now there’s no hero to protect and represent Central City. Sure Jay and Bart could step up to the plate but, I know it’s me.”
Wally sat up and looked Y/N directly in their eyes.
“It has to be me, doesn’t it?”
Wally stated in a whisper almost as if he was telling Y/N a secret.
And Y/N saw something new in Wally’s eyes since the funeral. A shimmer of light but there was also something very prominent in those eyes, and it was fear.
Y/N swiped some of Wally’s hair behind his ears and cradled his face in their hands.
“The world still needs heroes Wally, and right now Central City needs you now more than ever.”
Wally closed his eyes but stayed still in Y/N's embrace.
“But I’m not ready, I mean hell I haven’t even been training lately!” Wally exclaimed some of that humor starting to peek through.
“So we’ll get you ready!” Y/N chuckled. You’re not gonna be alone, I’m gonna be right here with you every step of the way! Wally West, if there is anyone in this world who can be The Flash, it is you!”
Y/N released Wally’s face and stared at him with an intensity in their (e/c) eyes.
“Iris, Bart, Jay, Joan, and Barry Wally we all believe in you and it’s time for you to believe in yourself too. You can do this, I know you can!”
And just like that light behind Wally’s eyes bursted. As if all his energy came back full force. Wally jumped and embraced Y/N squeezing them tightly. The hug knocked Y/N off balance sending the two toppling over the bed.
Wally was plastering kisses wherever he could on Y/N neck and face. Y/N giggled at the action especially because of Wally’s new facial hair tickling them. Wally’s heart swelled at the sound, realizing it had been a long time since he'd heard it.
Wally finally stopped his assault as he sat up to look down at Y/N. This is why Wally loved them so much. Even at his absolute lowest Y/N not only stayed by his side but somehow managed to help Wally get his spark back.
Y/N cracked their eyes open to look at Wally. His now long curly hair framed his face and his smile was finally reaching his eyes again. Wally looked absolutely beautiful.
Wally leaned down and placed a kiss on Y/N lips. Y/N reached up and wrapped their arms around Wally’s neck. Wally placed his hands on Y/N’s waist and lifted the two of them up, placing Y/N in his lap.
The two finally separated trying to catch their breath.
For a moment Wally and Y/N sat in silence just enjoying the others presence. Wally finally broke the silence when he asked Y/N a question.
“Y/N do you..really think I can do this?” Wally’s brows were furrowed in uncertainty.
Y/N placed a small kiss on Wally’s cheek and then a tender one on his lips.
“Babe, I know you can do this.”
Wally’s smirk morphed into a hug smile and he embraced Y/N once more. But abruptly he stood up and sped over to the nightstand that held his communicator.
“I should uh probably go charge this.” Wally smiled sheepishly as he pressed some buttons on the communicator.
Y/N stood up and padded over to the bathroom. In there they rummaged under the sink. When they returned they had a pair of scissors and some hair clippers in their hand.
Wally whirled around in confusion but then ran his hand through his hair. And an expression of realization dawned his face. Wally also rubbed his face and raised an eyebrow.
“Uhh do we have any more razors in there?”
Y/N laughed as they went back to the bathroom. Their heart swelled because even though there was still more work to be done, they were getting their Wally back. And Central City was getting their hero back.
As Wally started cutting his hair in the mirror Y/N looked over towards the window. The rain had finally stopped.
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tokoyamisstuff · 1 year
Sugar Shock Ch. 2
Hotaru Haganezuka x GN! Reader
Based on this comic by @yuki2sksksk.
Summary: No one - including Haganezuka himself - believed that he would ever get married, let alone be interested in it at all...
...that was until he met you, at least.
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A/N: I personally don't like my writing in this chapter, idk why. Also it's not proofread.
Warnings: None.
Words: 1463
"Uh...maybe we should call for help?" a voice behind you asked their companion. "Doesn't the shopkeeper look awfully pale?"
"Yes, and they haven't spoken a single word since we started walking" the other person responded. "Not even when we asked questions or tried to make smalltalk. Creepy."
"Maybe they're just asocial."
You were currently guiding a duo of Demon Slayers to the hot springs, yet your mind was so obviously elsewhere that even those strangers were concerned by your behavior.
Staring straight forwards without any focus, you wouldn't even bid those two a look, let alone listen to their conversation.
It's been a week since Haganezuka's surprising confession, and even though you couldn't to think of anything else ever since, you were just as unable to find an answer to his proposal.
You cringed internally when you thought back to that moment: Haganezuka was rooted on spot right in front of you - closer than appropriate, to add to that - and in the most awkward silence. If Kanamori hadn't come home earlier than anticipated, you would have probably remained frozen forever.
Who knows what he thought at that moment...hopefully he didn't tell anyone, for it certainly looked like Haganezuka had spent the night or something, with the two of you all alone in your shop before the day had even started.
You shuddered a bit at the memory of your friend walking in on the two of you, only further startling the two swordsmiths behind. "I told ya! They've got fever chills or something!"
Ever since then you hadn't seen your odd admirer, and you began thinking that maybe he's mad that your answer is taking so long.
But hey, a decision like that should be well considered!
There's no need to rush, especially since the broken marriage of your own parents had affected you this much.
To be perfectly honest, the thought of Haganezuka of all people wanting to get married - much less to you - was a shocker.
Not that you thought him to be unfitting for marriage or anything, but you barely even knew him and the other way around. Also, the tad bit you did know was certainly concerning.
You have no shared past, no connection whatsoever. Never dated or even had a proper talk besides that one time in the forrest.
Goddamnnit, you don't even know what he looks like! Not like appearance matter, you were not superficial. But it's just such a basic thing to know about someone.
Well, apparently he likes you, right? He asked to marry you, after all. So he has to like you in some kind of way. But why that? And since when? How?!?
A deep sigh escaped your mouth, shoving the turmoil of unanswered questions in the back of your head for a sheer moment.
"Please follow that trail and you'll find a small house near the river" you instructed the two young men as you pointed to the left side of a parting way.
"Man, I really need to be more careful with my sword. I can't keep breaking it." Tzch, they could at least say 'thank you'. You closed your shop just to guide them here, after all.
Well, Demon Slayers sure are wacky characters sometimes. Always having their head in the clouds. To fight those things you probably need to have a screw or two loose.
Just when you were about to turn around and return to the main village, you overheared something.
"Ah, well at least you don't suffer the same fate as that Kamado boy." You immediately recognized that name - it was one of Haganezuka's few customers he once very vocal complained about. "His swordsmith is really scary and chases him around if he breaks his sword!"
Oh dear, your suitor really needs to overthink his actions and their consequences more often...
"Yeah, so I've heard. Must be tough for Kamado. What's that swordsmith's problem anyway? Going around berserk like a madman." That one you certainly agreed to a certain extend, as far as you know he's still a child after all.
Maybe you should talk about his behavior, to you he might listen, who knows?
You snorted at your line of thought, already thinking about scolding him as if you were an old married couple bantering each other.
As if you had that much of an influence on him...or do you?
"If his blade is so perfect, why did it break so easily? He's the one with the skill issue." Subconsciously balling your fist, you turned around and rushed towards the men who wouldn't even notice you were still there.
"Haha, maybe he's getting too old for this. Better retire already. That man is not fit for this type of work anymore."
Breathe, Y/N, don't do anything reckless...
"Please refrain yourselves from saying such things" you exhaled through gritted teeth as you placed a firm hand onto both of their shoulders.
"Slayers and swordsmiths need each other to make it work. Neither of them are more or less important", you preached to teach them some basic morals. "Everyone here works incredibly hard, so don't you dare belittle people who spend their entire lives in this village making weapons for your protection!"
"But what?!"
You wanted to yell at them, but instead grumbled with a gruff voice, intimidating for your standards even. "You got the nerve to complain when you're not even Hashiras. I find this to be annoyingly pathetic."
Raising an irritated eyebrow at them was enough to scare them off, only a faint "We're very sorry!" audible when they ran as fast as they could.
Suits them right, you thought.
Haganezuka may be a bit blunt and had an issue with regulating his emotions, but you admired the passion he put into his work. He was certainly a good guy, and did not deserve to be belittled like that.
"Huh" you uttered to yourself, "I didn't mean to scare them off. But young people nowadays..."
A crackling noise startled you out of your pondering. It was the sound of a branch being stepped on, and soon enough you found the source.
"If you run now, consider your proposal rejected!" you called after a fleeing Haganezuka, who you had just caught spying on you from behind a tree.
How long has he even been there? Goddamn, this man has zero social skills...
"Haganezuka, please...I need to ask you this: Why me? How long have you-"
"...because- you're distracting." The swordsmith had his back turned to you as he answered out of a whim, but not that it mattered. With the mask on you couldn't decipher his emotions either way.
Now what's that supposed to mean?! Should you knock some sense into him?
"I don't know since when, but you've been keeping my mind occupied."
Those words had escaped his mouth faster than his mind could catch up on, and ultimatively the usually rather quiet man began speaking from the bottom of his heart.
"In the morning I wake up and think about how you would have risen earlier to open your store. When I go for lunch, I wonder what you have to eat. When I see kids eating sweets, I think about how you probably gave them away for free. When I go to sleep, I imagine you already prepared for another day as you get ready for bed."
He paused, and even through the sounds of nature you could hear his fastened pants underneath the mask.
"Even when I am working on my swords, I still think about you." Something like that had never happened to him, that something is equally - no, more important than his work.
"It's so irritating and annoying. I wanted to stop thinking about you for so long already, but I never could. Then I thought, I might as well just get it done and confess to you. Get it all off my chest."
"I expected you to reject me right away..." His voice was barely above a whisper when he finally turned around. "But then you didn't respond, and told me to let you think about this."
Haganezuka's voice was clearly shaking, and he was stumbling across his own words. "Do you know what that did to me? That you didn't outright reject someone like me, and now even defend me from being insulted?!"
Your eyes widened as the man built himself up in front of you, raising his blistered hand to the mask covering up his face to tear it away just a second later.
He...had incredibly kind eyes.
Not at all what you had expected him to look like, but certainly a handsome man.
Long raven hair cascaded over his shoulders, accentuating the sharp edges of his face. His furrowed brows were more fitting for someone like him, almost making you laugh if the situation wasn't so severe.
And - is Haganezuka really blushing right now?!
"You gave me hope" the man now spoke with a calm voice, in huge contrast to the almost desperate expression plastered on his face.
"So now take a good look at how this hope affected me - the hope that I can make you mine."
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