#and enjoying it and getting just as emotional over it as i am???
alkaisen · 2 hours
the earth is still warm from you — william j. moriarty
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william j moriarty x gn!reader. he's aging, but without you.
all i do is get tear up at my own fics 💀 i need to be better again, being sick is making me a lil too emotional.
tags; short, you're dead btw, not proofread cause im lazy
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a smart part of him will always wait for you to come back.
despite his logical mind, he can't help but hope—and so hope he does. hope is all he can do. most nights he's chasing the flickering shadow that is you in his dreams and by the mornings he'll wake up, rub his eyes, and let the tears flow. it's unfair, terribly so; the unfair proximity of dreams.
you are gone.
he misses you.
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when he has his meals, he doesn't have you to share it with.
when he's laughing, it feels hollow because you aren't there to complete it. he's come to realise his moods are extremely dependent on you. now with you elsewhere, life has come to a stop. everything zooms past him but he stays — stays in that old house that was once yours too. it will always remains yours. as long as he keeps finding tidbits of you around the place, your favourite books on the bookshelves, the clothes you wore that he can't make himself throw.
he still finds your hair sometimes in the shower, or in front of the vanity mirror where he'd spent a very long time just enjoying combing your hair. the length didn't matter, just to be able to hold a part of you, watching as the bristles momentarily disappeared and reappeared was calming.
no matter how much he cleans the house, a part of you always, always remains. he should throw them away, but he can't. that same hope—that thin streak of hope, it always clings onto him. he believes if he collects enough pieces of you, he'll be able to put you back again. he'll see you again.
or perhaps it's just because his eyesight has grown worse over the past few years. his vision is now blurry, and it's a shame that he can no longer look at you, look at the photo frames of the two of you in it. he's slowly begun to forget what your face looked like. and it pains him.
"you definitely can't die before me." your voice still rings out in his ears. now that he doesn't have the vision, all he has is the memories to rely on for fragments of you.
"neither can you." william remembers saying so. it was initially said as a joke, a light conversation between the two of you. "if you must, take me along with you."
"alright then," you'd smiled up at him. "i promise." then you stuck out your pinky finger at him and he laced his own with yours. "we're going to go down together."
"you make it sound like we're going on a mission, dear."
"isn't life exactly that?"
and now he holds his hands over the ears of his heart. you've broken your promise. he's not sure it could take it.
william understands, it is the nature of life. someone has to leave first. this is a very old story, and there are no other versions to it. it's unfortunate that it wasn't him. grief is an unfinished staircase and he continues to stand over it.
perhaps he always will.
there's a room full of clay in the house somewhere. every evening he returns, lights a dim light, and his hands start molding the clay to the shape of your face. it's a race against time, both his vision and memory are failing.
"you forgot to get groceries while grocery shopping? you -of all people?"
"we wear the same skin, i'm bound to make mistakes."
"maybe you're getting old." you said. and he blinked at that. maybe he really was. it didn't scare him at all, though. it was nice-the thought of growing old with you was nice, and it made him feel warm and fuzzy inside.
"perhaps i am." he snaked his arms around your waist. or was it your shoulders? he can't recall. they're fading.
"it's time you get a physical reminder so you remember.*
"a physical reminder?"
"a physical reminder. anything physical to remind you of something. groceries, for example. note that down."
william wants to be certain it’s flawless—to be sure that something as simple as clay could capture the intricacies of your face. this is all he has left of you, a fragile sculpture that could soften and crumble with the slightest warmth.
this is all that remains.
oftentimes, by the end of his session, he'd end up with a sore back, clay caked under his fingernails and cheeks and shirt smudged with streaks the colour of clay. he doesn't mind it one bit. it's his final physical reminder of you.
william's vision is gone and his memory has diminished.
his dexterity remains — decades of practice in those aging hands of his, now trembling when he picks the houseplant you both took great care of watering when you were alive, ceaselessly writing and more. the habit hasn't left him. now, instead of subjects related to his field of interests, he writes you letters. he can't seem to write straight, with his vision gone — he only has the lifelong experience to depend on.
but even that fails him. sometimes the sentences overlap, words crash against one another and the gaps between them are too wide. it's not like he would know, though. nobody tells him. he thought aging would be beautiful, but you're not here. and now he looks piteous.
to my dearest,
i know i said i'd keep track of the letters i write — but my memory no longer serves me well. i hope you will forgive me. winter is quietly approaching the land. my brothers say the chill is setting in, but i do not feel it. your presence has left such a lasting warmth in my life, in my world, that even now, the earth still holds it.
no winter could ever take that warmth from me. i've met so many people, and while they're all wonderful, none of them could ever compare to you. no one else even comes close. you shone brighter than them all, with a light that still lingers even now. to me, even in death, you feel more alive than anyone left in this world.
and i miss you, more than words can say. i love my darling. my darling is dead.
p.s. i'm sorry i can never mail these letters to you. your new address is unknown to me.
william will continue to sleep on his side of the bed, just as he did when you were here. your side will remain untouched, and your pillow will remain fluffed — as if you're just a breath away. he’ll keep your space beside him; always and one day, when he finally closes his eyes for the last time, he’ll leave this world the same way—still holding your place, still waiting for you. his last wish will be simple: to rest beside you, in the place where he's always belonged.
there is an empty grave besides his own.
if they finally find your body, his six-word will carries only one request: "please put (name) next to me."
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hypernova-writes · 22 hours
Hi :)
I saw yoyr request was open. I want to suggest something for Sniper, Engineer and Soldier.
Can you write some headcanons or imagines for the mercs having a bad day (maybe) even crying and their s/o cheering them up? :)
A/n: Hiii~! :) Sure I can! I hope you Enjoy!
Sniper, Engineer and Soldier being Comforted after a bad day.
Usually after a rough day, Sniper goes straight to his camper. He doesn’t like showing his emotions too much, he already gets teased enough by the other mercs.
But with you, He feels like he can open up more, that you would accept him for who he was. And not make fun of him. You’re such a breath of fresh air to Sniper so he feels like he can go to you whenever he has a problem.
He would enter your room, and at first, you excitedly head over to him, enveloping him in a hug. You rock him side to side, but stop when you feel tears on your shoulder. You pull away to see tears in Snipers eyes. “bad day?..” You ask and he nods slowly.
You usher the Aussie onto your bed, helping him get out of his clothes and into something comfy, Sniper watches as you scurry around your room, getting blankets and pillows, Some snacks that you knew he liked and grabbed a movie to put on.
“you don’t have to say anything babe, Come on, let’s just cuddle. You can tell me later..”
Sniper doesn’t say much besides: “Thanks..’roo..” He lays on your chest as he feels your hands run through his hair. He felt relaxed, as he looked at the tv. The movie was the last thing on his mind as he felt safe in your arms.
“I got you Mick..” You mumble as you kiss his forehead, you smile softly as him and he gives a small one back.
He felt safe. He felt okay, knowing that even when he doesn’t say what he’s feeling, you always find a way to comfort him.
Engineer is usually one to keep his emotions in tack, even when he’s upset, he tries not to let it show. But sometimes, he just can’t help it.
The battle when to shit Today, everyone was getting on his last nerves, the project he was working on just wasn’t going right. He could feel the frustration bubbling up and he let out a sigh. He places his hands on his face as he tried not to cry.
He’s so caught up in his emotions, that he doesn’t hear you come in calling his name:
“Dell! Dell, Sugar, I Brought you-“
You cut yourself off when you see him with his head in his hands.
Coming up behind him, you actually end up spooking him placing your hands on his shoulders. “Oh? Darlin’ I didn’t hear ya come in?”
You give him a small kiss on the cheek and slowly guide him away from his work station, he only chuckles as he allows you to pull him away to his bed. He knew you weren’t going to let him be upset for long.
You help him get ready for bed, stripping the male down to his boxers and tshirt. “Suga’ you shouldn’t have to do this..’m alright.” you ignore him and walk around his workshop, cleaning up his little area and turning off his machines before coming back over to him.
He can do nothing but smile as you sit on the bed, and he lays his head in your lap, allowing you to rub his head.
“Tell me about your day Sweetheart..” He just melts at that.
And he surely does, tells you everything that had went wrong that day and how frustrated he was, he ranted and ranted until he got tired, and you smile down at him and laid back, letting him sleep on your lap.
It’ll be really easy to tell when Soldier is upset, because he’s usually running around, yelling and eager to challenge someone in combat.
But when you stop by to see him, he just has his head in his hands, staring at the loaf of bread you had given him earlier.
“Solly? You alright? You didn’t come and see me after the battle like you said you would?”
“..Correct, Cadet, I am just not in the mood.”
Immediate red flag.
You use all the little strength that you have and pick this man up, he’s confused as you carry him off to the kitchen. “CUPCAKE! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TAKING ME??”
“To the kitchen. We’re making bread.’
You always have dough prepared for moment’s like this. Soldier could only watch in Awe as you commanded him around the kitchen, and he listened! You were making bread for him after all!
You looked over at him every know and then to make sure he was okay before continuing on to the next step.
Soldier would eventually forget what even made him made, so when you came and asked him: “what was bothering you Solly?”
He stares at you blankly before smiling brightly. “I DO NOT REMEMBER”
You chuckle before kissing his cheek, Continuing to make bread with the male.
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Hope you enjoy!! Remember! My asks box is open! I'm making my way through asks 💞
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zevrra · 2 days
Hello! I was hoping to request something for Gaara with his wife reader? Like them making up from their first real argument and it gets NSFW?
tags: suggestive content, 18(+), slight nsfw, naruto, gaara x fem!reader, short & sweet, anon request
creator notes: sorry this is for one, so short! and for two, sorry it took me a little while to respond/finish! i started writing it and was several paragraphs in before i realized i was writing something else completely unrelated to your request so i had to start over aaaaa!!!! so so sorry about that but i hope you enjoy! thanks for requesting!
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It didn’t take a genius to figure out he had been avoiding you. Anytime you’d reach for his hand, he’d pull away just far enough so you didn’t touch him. And when he did let you touch him, during any moment of intimacy, he broke all of it off after mere moments. Claiming he was tired and needed to go to bed early for some meeting in the morning.
You had been married to Gaara for a year or so now so it wasn’t as if you two were teenagers sneaking around anymore. It was frustrating but mostly strange to you. His actions made you second guess yourself. What if he was rethinking your relationship? What if he was falling out of love for you? So many emotions and thoughts ran through your head on the daily but today you were getting answers. Even if it was going to be a hard pill to swallow you had to know what was being done wrong.
And as soon as he got home from his work that day, you confronted him.
“Welcome home. We need to talk,” You say, trying your best to put on a brave face and voice.
Gaara looks at you with his usual gentle face. He’s hesitant for a moment, as if he knows what is coming, before he settles into a chair at the kitchen table.
“What’s been going on recently?” You ask. His eyes avoid you. Shame written on his face.
“It’s nothing,” Gaara whispers. His colder tone makes your gut twist.
“Nothing?” You scoff. “I think avoiding me for as many days as you have been isn’t ‘nothing’.” You mutter, irritated.
Silence falls between you two. Which is not unusual but this silence is painful. Thick and suffocating. Not the usual calming, healing silence you two share. This silence made your heart race far too fast.
“Is it me?” You ask in the coldest tone you can muster. “Have I done something wrong? Am I not enough?” You speak harsh words. Yet they’re the words that have haunted the back of your thoughts for days now. Souring the image of yourself inside and out.
Gaara jerks at the words. He looks at you in pure disbelief as if he can’t understand what you mean. “No-“
He tries to stop you but the floodgates have already opened. All of your feelings and your thoughts pour out of your mouth like rainwater. Tears fall when you try your best to will them away but it doesn’t help. You sob into your hands as Gaara moves to your side.
He’s no longer hesitant as he wraps his arms around you. Lifts you into his chest in a warm embrace. Hugs you so gently it makes you hiccup.
“I’m sorry,” He mumbles into your hair. Apologizing like his life depended on it. He smooths loose strands of your hair away from your face. Wipes the tears from your cheeks and eyelids. All while he kisses the crown of your head. It was more affection you’ve received from him in weeks and it damn near broke your heart all over again. “I’m so sorry.”
You quiet your sobs. Breathing in deep in the hopeful comfort of your husband’s arms. One of his hands moves to clasp at your neck, using a finger against your jaw to lift your gaze to his.
“It’s not you.” He whispers. A kiss is placed on your forehead. “You’re amazing. Truly perfect, my dear.” He adds with a quiet chuckle. His thumbs swipe across your cheeks to collect whatever trail was left behind by your tears.
You sniffle. You must look like a horrible mess right now but it doesn’t stop him from kissing you. As if a fire has broken out inside of him, he kisses you with every ounce of passion he’s ever had. Tears threaten to spill once again at the first kiss you’ve two have shared in such a long time but he pulls away before that can happen.
“I want you so bad.” Gaara admits with a shy look on his face. His thumb swipes across your bottom lip. “From the moment I wake up, I want you more than anything,” He whispers under his breath as he soothes circles into your skin. Touching you so delicately like you might disappear. “It scares me how badly I want you. And I’m…just nervous my feelings will run wild and I’ll end up—hurting you.” He mumbles, glancing away from your gaze.
You suddenly realize he means the sentient sand that is always at his disposal. Sand that acted on its own sometimes and he was so worried about it hurting you he tried to keep his distance. All because of his love for you.
Your own emotions overcome you as you kiss him in response. Arms wrapping around his neck with ease as his own wrap around your waist. And now he holds onto you for dear life. Touching every inch of your skin he has so desperately craved but had been so hesitant to reach for. All while kissing you like it might be the last time. Passionate, eager, and hungry.
You two had some catching up to do.
“To bed?” You mouth against his lips between kisses.
He breaks ever so slightly, a red blush to match his hair spreads across his face. “Are you sure?” He responds. Shy even as his hands, body, and soul yearns to devour you.
God you loved him.
“Oh, I’m more than sure.” You whisper, capturing his lips once more.
Without another word, Gaara is pushing you along to your shared bedroom. Eager to make up for his wrongdoings by giving you enough pleasure to make you forget every negative feeling you've ever imagined.
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please know that every comment and reblog on smoke signals makes me so so so so emotional and happy. i put my soul into this series and its probably the first one i will finish and im so grateful for the positive feedback i've received on it
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wexhappyxfew · 6 months
you, me, and the stars
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(a/n): judy x rosie girlies, this is for you!! this is for all the ones who have never been in love, who are trying to protect the last parts of themselves in the face of others, and for the ones deserving of love!! these two represent all those awkward, newly-found emotions and feelings, that surprise even themselves, so please enjoy! :)
Judy had dwindled into down to just this; home was more of a feeling, not entirely a place.
The flak house was beautiful, an escape, somewhere to get one's mind off of the mental torment that was the God-forsaken war they all seemed stuck in.
But, it wasn't Thorpe Abbotts; with its metallic scent of air, voices and grinding machine parts echoing at all hours of the day, the marching, the footsteps, the way the air danced through the tree leaves. The flak house was quiet, save for the occasional flight path overtop. Thorpe Abbotts was loud and enough to make you feel like your brain was being knocked about inside, but it was home in a way the flak house wasn't.
The thing that made Thorpe Abbotts feel like home was especially the people. All the men in the 100th, their leaders both lost and MIA, and the women of Silver Bullets.
It was just like her home, in North Carolina. With Ma and Pa, that large house on the river, big meals to feed all six kids, making sure the lambs, chickens and cows were kept up with, that laundry was hung, crops harvested, plates and bowls washed in the river.
They didn't have much, but they had each other.
And even across the ocean they still did - in more ways than one.
Now, Judy felt them even in the women beside her. Strong and courageous, putting on their brave faces against the waging war of the world. Something her family had done ever since they'd come to America.
"The stars are so bright out here," Bessie said from Judy, their arms interlinked, sat side by side on the steps in front of the flak house, the light dripping out from the main door where cool, night air rushed in,
"I almost wish Tommy could see it." Judy looked towards her with a small smile.
"He does," Judy whispered quietly, reaching a hand forward to gently brush her hand over Bessie's calloused palm, "where ever he is right now. He sees it. Maybe not this instance, but he does." She watched Bessie smile, the corners of her lips turning upward, before she glanced over at Judy, a big grin on her face, her eyes glowing, the softest they'd been in days, the least stressed Judy had seen the navigator.
"You know, when we were kids," Bessie started, "we sat in his parents' apartment, right by one of the windows and watched the stars one night, all night practically, side by side. Not only was it my first kiss, but…he also told me he'd name a star after me. I think he named it 'Bee'….something or other." Judy giggled into Bessie's side and clasped a hand over her mouth with a gleeful smile.
"You two were meant to be," Judy whispered quietly, "everything you say, about him, about you, about the two of you together. God, you'll make the cutest babies, Bessie, I'll tell ya." Now, it was Bessie's turn to laugh and shook her head.
"You know he told me one time that if he had a daughter, he'd name her Charlotte," Bessie said, "he thought the nickname, Charlie, would be cute."
"Taste." Judy said with a laugh, nudging Bessie's side, "Charlotte McKenzie has a ring to it."
"And so does Bessie McKenzie." Bessie said back, sending the two of them into a fit of chuckles under the moving dusk. They fell quiet for a beat and then Bessie sighed and wrapped an arm around Judy's side, giving her a tight squeeze and rubbing her shoulder.
"Well, I'm heading up, going to get some rest and enjoy waking up and drinking coffee without having to hear a bunch of bullshit from Blakely," Bessie said with a chuckle, "you good out here? Staying up a bit?" Judy smiled and wrapped her arms around her sides and nodded.
"Yeah, just a bit more," Judy said, "you go though, I'll be up in a bit. And…Bessie?" Bessie watched her as she stood and sent her a smile.
"Just...give Lieutenant Bradshaw an extra hug for me," Judy said sadly, "her eyes looked like she'd been crying all night. About Captain Brady, so….incase I get in late, just do that for me, please?" Bessie smiled at her and nodded.
"You think she loves him?" Bessie asked Judy. Judy stilled.
"I don't know a whole lot about love, but I know he looks at her like she's the only woman in the room," Judy said softly, "and she gets all blushy around him, all soft and sweet. I like to think the universe doesn't just do things for the hell of it." Ripping them from each other, Judy thought to herself. Bessie grinned and then looked at her sadly.
"Try and get some rest," Bessie said, "don't stay up too late, okay? You need to keep yourself well-rested. Goodnight, honey."
"Night, Bes." Judy called after her, watching Bessie offer her a smile and then disappear inside. Judy smiled softly, looking forward again towards the oncoming darkness and comfort of nightfall, the singing birds and bugs all around and sighed.
Lieutenant Bradshaw's eyes looked sadder more often than not, but she was trying and that's all the credit a person like Annie Bradshaw needed - that she was being seen.
To be seen, was to be loved.
"Hey," Judy looked over her shoulder and was almost surprised to see Rosie Rosenthal there, coming towards her from the doorway, hands in his pant pockets, his A-2 jacket over his shoulders and a soft smile on his face, "mind if I join you?" Judy watched him for a moment - he looked so….different, a nice different. A different that made her think they weren't in war for a second.
"Of course, sir," Judy said, watching as he came forward and settled down on the step beside her where Bessie had been, "come to watch the stars?" Rosie let out a chuckle and then glanced towards her, his face bathed in blues and purples from the night, his eyes like a doe's as he watched her.
"You could say that." he said, then he grinned, nodding at her,
"How've you been?" Judy watched him, unable to contain the grin wanting to grow on her face and then chuckled lightly.
"Good," she said, and then smiled nervously, "sir, uh, good, being away from base, it's been….a breath of fresh air, I'll admit. Just, not having to get those planes going in the morning, get in the ball turret and shoot, over and over. It's nice to just….." she watched as he watched her, "be."
"Good," Rosie said, his voice light, "good, good, I'm glad. Really. You've all been putting out the last few months. I know that - Pappy's been talking Kennedy's ear off and well…."
"Collateral damage." Judy supplied and Rosie nodded with a small chuckle, looking down at his hands in his lap.
"Exactly, exactly," Rosie said and then glanced up at her, "I'm just glad the Silver Bullets crew is getting some deserved rest. All of you."
"Thank you, sir." Judy said, her voice tender, watching him in a moment of seriousness that was different than a few seconds previous.
He watched her for a moment, just taking in the feeling it seemed, the same she was allowing herself to feel in her heart. They both seemed to come to at the same time and smiled, laughs leaving both their lips as Judy shyly looked away and crossed her arms.
"I'm sorry, Judy, are you, uh, cold?" Rosie asked leaning forward a bit, and placing a hand on her shoulder, "October's never been a great month for short sleeves." Judy watched him, looking between his face, his hand and him. Short sleeves, right, she was in that right now. And freezing; he was right. How'd he know? She glanced down at her short sleeves, her right side hidden beneath his hand and then looked to him, his face full of worry and seriousness. And then she let out a shy laugh and blushed quickly and then nodded.
"A bit, but," she shook her head, "I was planning to go upstairs in a bit anyway, so, it's okay."
"Here," Rosie said quickly, shrugging himself out of his A-2 and then leaning to his side to lay it over her shoulders, "just to warm up." And warm up she did in fact do; to the point, she was blushing all over and inhaling the scent from his jacket and him beside her and suddenly very overwhelmed with his presence. Alright, so it was a stupid feeling she had been trying to hide, but it was a feeling she had never felt all too well. And in a war, she wasn't sure what to even feel. But right now, with this jacket and him beside her, she wasn't as eager to head up to bed anymore.
"Thank you," she said softly, grasping the edges and then looking at him, "I appreciate it really." Rosie watched her with that tender gaze of his again before leaning back a bit and looking up.
"You can really see the stars from here," he said, his voice a small bit of astonishment and adornment for the world above them, glowing with the life of the night, shining little orbs so far away they'd never be able to actually grasp them, "they're beautiful."
"Yeah," Judy said, her eyes traveling back up to the night sky above them, "sitting in the darkness, on the ground, staring at the stars? It's almost like home." She could feel Rosie staring now, and glanced his way. Something so harrowing, yet nostalgic in a way. A mixture of feelings lingering between them at her simple statement - thoughts of home, seemingly so far away now, a place that'd be changed in a thousand different ways by the time they did actually got home - if they got home.
"Where is home?" he asked quietly, leaning to his side to bump her shoulder. She laughed quietly.
"North Carolina." she said, glancing at him in the quiet - she could practically hear him breathing. It was so … comforting.
"A tiny town," she admitted, "nothing big, a river, a general market, a wood mill, friends here and there down the road. But it was home." Judy looked over slowly towards Rosie beside her and quirked out a smile as she saw him sitting there, grinning.
"What?" she said grinning, "Where you from?"
"Brooklyn." he said, looking at her. Judy's face hurt from smiling, but it was okay because it was Rosie.
"Brooklyn," Judy said with a soft smile, "never really been in one of those big cities."
"You'd like it," Rosie said, looking out towards the darkness, "you'd fit right in. Bright lights, the people, the music. All of it." He looked at her. Judy smiled and pulled her knees to her chest, and glanced towards him again.
"Music, huh?" she asked him and he looked at her with a smile.
"Yeah, can't sing real well, but my mom, my sisters, they're pretty good. Far better than me," he said with a nod, and then grinned, "still love music though. You can never go wrong with Artie Shaw." Judy smiled, her thoughts consumed with the idea of what a younger version of this Rosie could've been, home with his family, dancing and attempting to sing. Far away from war and fear and grief. She liked the thought of that at some point, they were all like that. Young, youthful and free.
"Did you do a lot of music and dancing before the war then?" Judy asked him quietly, with a hopeful smile, watching as he comprehended her sentence and then let out a small smile. He shook his head and then leaned forward on his bent knees.
"I was a lawyer before the war actually," Rosie said and Judy's eye widened in near amazement, "yeah, was doing that and then the war broke out. Couldn't just sit back and do nothing." His face grew serious at that last statement and then melted as he looked at her.
"What about you? What was the thing Judy Rybinski was doing before this whole thing started?" he asked, leaning forward, with genuine curiosity and she watched him before letting out a laugh and shaking her head.
"I'm afraid nothing as cool as being a lawyer," she admitted and she watched Rosie's face soften as he tilted his head towards her, "but I was 3 years removed from high school, didn't have money for college so….I worked in the local mechanics, fixing cars, boats, anything and everything. Learning what I could. Made some good money, too." Judy watched him and sighed.
"But….I always dreamed of getting to go to college, continue to learn, allow myself to grow," she said, her thoughts swimming back to that time her parents told her they didn't have enough to help get her through schooling and Judy had cried herself to sleep and then gathered herself together and gone to the mechanic to start learning some trade, "maybe get a job teaching. Maybe geography or something of that sort….I don't know. One day, that's the goal." Rosie stayed watching her, his eyes holding her gaze as she looked at him.
"You should go for it," Rosie told her, "when the war is over, I mean. You'd be a great teacher, great with kids, getting to teach, you just…." Rosie cut himself off for a moment and then smiled at her, suddenly looking more shy and unsure of himself than in recent minutes. Judy watched him, her cheeks warming slightly at his encouragement and genuine thought. It made her stomach twist pleasingly. Rosie let out a nervous laugh and then looked at her, crossing his arms and leaning against his upbent knees.
"You're just someone I like being around," Rosie admitted quickly, running a hand behind his neck and then glancing at her, "and I think you'd be someone good at teaching kids. And being a teacher so….I think you should go for it." Judy was watching him, her cheeks all crimson and her heart racing and for a moment, she caught his gaze and she saw things that made her heart race faster.
Rosie Rosenthal was equally someone she liked being around, but the thought of telling him that made her sweaty and panicky and she figured she'd embarrass herself, so instead, she blushed further and smiled.
"Thank you, sir," she said quietly, and then let out a small laugh, "sorry, it's just….I haven't really told many people that, so…it just means a lot - the support I mean." Rosie smiled at her and nodded.
"You deserve good things after this war, Judy," Rosie said and then swallowed, "all of us do." Judy watched him, this urge to reach out and brush her palm against his cheek inviting her closer, a wish to curl up beside him and let the stars stare down at them, the need for human touch, to be looked at and loved.
By Rosie.
"You too, sir," she said quietly, her smile soft, "only the best." This staring, these lingering glances, they seemed to be whatever they couldn't say and just that look in his eyes made her blush further. Judy tried to control her racing heart, and her breath, and then cleared her throat.
"I think I'll be heading up now," Judy said, and pressed her palms against her cheeks and then sighed and looked to him, "Bessie said she'd braid my hair and I don't want to keep her up."
"Of course," Rosie said, standing to his feet and then offering his own hand towards her, which she took rather quickly, and then stood there, staring up at him like a goof, "try and get some rest tonight, alright?"
"You too," she said, and then chuckled, "sorry, Lieutenant Bradshaw said she couldn't sleep last night and it ended up being the two of you down here, with Doc, unable to fall asleep, just talking and stuff. So….yeah, just, you too, sir." Rosie laughed at her words and then schooled his facial expressions again.
"Thanks, Judy."
Staring at him, she couldn't constrain what she felt and stood on her tiptoes, before placing a small kiss to his cheek, and then turned and walked away, as fast as her feet could carry her and up the stairs, towards the room she was sharing with Bessie. Her mind raced, her thoughts knocking at the edges of her brain as she hurried in, shut the door, and let out a sigh, before turning to the two beds, where Bessie was sat up in one, reading a book and staring at her, confused.
"Since when did you get a jacket….like that?" Bessie said, raising a brow, "And that, large?" Judy blushed and then tried to speak and choked on her air a bit before clearing herself up.
"It's just Lieutenant Rosenthal's," she said, stepping forward and settling on the side of her bed to take her shoes off, "he saw me outside, gave it to me because he said I looked cold."
"Judith Rybinski," Bessie, sitting up and then practically launching out of the bed to sit beside her, "you're blushing like a loon! What happened?" Judy looked at Bessie, her heart pounding, her thoughts racing, emotions running high in far too many wacky ways. Bessie watched her excitedly, but then slowly let her face fall and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"I think he's just being nice," Judy whispered quietly and then shook her head, "and then I gave him a kiss on the cheek because I wasn't thinking-"
"-a kiss? On the cheek?"
"Yes, yes, a kiss on the cheek, it was stupid, he was just trying to be nice-"
"Giving you his jacket in this cold is never just him being nice, Judy-"
"It's a part of it-"
"But not all of it!" Bessie said and looked at her, and smirked, "He probably wants to you know….get to know you more." Judy stared at her and then let her shoulders fall and shook her head.
"No….I don't think so," Judy said and then crossed her arms and bit back her lip, "and plus, did you know he was a lawyer before the war? Bes, he's probably, I don't know, someone from some sort of money to do that sort of thing, ya know? My family comes from people who've lived on the streets, we showered once a week as kids. What am I thinking?" Judy ran her hands over her face and sighed, before squeezing her eyes shut.
"It's stupid," Judy said quietly, "it's just a stupid crush, it'll go away. He's just being nice, and I latched onto that because a nice guy, is a nice guy. But that's it. And….it's fine. I'll be fine." She grew quiet and watched as Bessie stared at her, eyes full of that lingering worry.
"It's not a stupid crush, alright?" Bessie told her, "You're allowed to feel that and if someone's ever told you otherwise, they're the stupid ones. He clearly is someone who is interested, too, Judy. Don't discredit that about yourself. You're one of the sweetest peaches I've ever met. And someone like that? You deserve that." Judy looked over at Bessie and then offered a small smile.
"Thank you, Bessie," Judy said, leaning to her side to pull Bessie into a hug, "you're too nice to me." Bessie chuckled into the hug and patted her back.
"You deserve it, Judy." Bessie said, "A whole lot of things, but sweetness is one of the many."
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the-river-runs · 1 year
My best friend Fandom has once again returned and asked me to post to Tumblr for her! Once again, I have permission to post this video and all edits were done by Fandom (http.redshoes on Instagram)
These memes are all based on Cryptid Sightings by @naffeclipse
She has a lot to say this time around!
A message from Fandom:
"Hello Naff!! And hello everyone :D
It’s me, your girl, your local meme and edit maker, Fandom (aka http.redshoes on Insta 😎)
I’ve come back to make another meme comp for you guys! I wanted to make this earlier, but:
1. I was busy saving/collecting ATSV content on Instagram like Pokémon to getting noticed twice by Jack in the Box ☺️
2. I had to create an Ao3 account (understandably ofc AI theft sucks) and was um. You know… being silly in the comment section 👀 (please don’t mind me if you ever stumble upon them - I react and appreciate the stuff I enjoy in weird ways 💔)
3. Was waiting for my friend here to finish reading so I didn’t spoil anything in the memes! We both loved the series so much and man. The Naff do be eclipsing fr in releasing chapters left and right biggest round of applause for one of my favorite authors here 👏👏👏
Naff, you did such a great job writing this fanfic. I’m going to repeat myself from the comment section BUT you need to give yourself a pat on the back, relax, take a break - just reward yourself. You deserve it all and I hope that you take care of yourself for all the hard work you’ve done 💞💞💞
I’ve also included the lovely artist themselves, @themeeplord , again in one of my meme comps.
It’s only one meme but dang they always draw Eclipse to be getting that gain 💪💪💪 (bc of how muscular he is haha.) Mad respect to all of the drawings they create - they’re always a banger to see.
(Most of the memes surround the last episode + epilogue so if you haven’t read those chapters LOOK ‼️ AWAY ‼️ Don’t get spoiled 🤯)
(P.S. for the imagine scenario that’s not a meme, this is what they’re saying in the audio:
“[Amused] You can hear their heartbeats? Come on, that’s a little far fetched.”
“[Soft chuckling] I can hear yours too… Your heart’s beating pretty fast.”
I’d like to think this would take place around the beginning of “The Episode Bedeviling Bodies,” where the Hunter is still trying to understand their dear friend and what they’re capable of. I thought it was fitting ngl and included it in the comp.
There were uh, more memes I wanted to include, but I’m running low on storage space atm. I’ll get back to making more after I’m done clearing that out ^^’)
(P.P.S. Okay I don’t have Tumblr obviously but 🕴️ apparently you guys really liked the SJ memes I made??? Because my friend’s been receiving notifs of it still??? Thank you so much you guys!! I didn’t really expect people to enjoy them that much 😭💘💘💘)
Now without further ado, enjoy the meme comp! >:D " -Fandom
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Dazai truly has become Oda in every way imaginable now. :’ ) the final words he gives to Sigma are the exact same words Oda gives to Dazai in the original scene Asagiri wrote for the end of the Dark Era stage play, 後は頼んだよ, “I will leave the rest to you.”
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And I really love the progression of the way his eyes look in this chapter, and how Sigma is allowed to have this moment of questioning and rebelling against all the faith Dazai had naturally been leading him to place in him up to this point, which is what I hoped would happen. He’s been confused ever since Dazai first chose him, and everything he’s ever known about how everyone sees/treats him turned upside down by Dazai’s words and actions, and just when he’s finally started to feel like he’s found some hope and lowered his guard, Dazai pulls him back underwater, instantly reinforcing all of Sigma’s trust issues and reinforcing that he should never believe in anyone, because (he thinks) everyone lives to manipulate other people. Dazai’s dark eyes here reinforce that, too, and the other panels around this point where they look white and hollow and demonic, all like Fyodor’s. He appears like an evil, looming force pulling him back under, trying to kill him, when Sigma is so close to the freedom of the air he desperately wants (aka free from pain, which is what he’s been seeking his whole life).
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But then Dazai makes this face, and the first one I posted above, and Sigma understands, even without words, that Dazai doesn’t have evil intent: on the contrary, he actually is bound and determined to save his life -- and the light in his eyes comes out through this determination and kindness, arguably the most light we’ve ever seen his eyes have in the entire manga (in the “I leave the rest to you” panel too). The “No” could be Dazai wordlessly telling him to not leave the water, but my first assumption was that it was Sigma telling himself no, stopping his own train of thought about Dazai being the same as Fyodor and someone he shouldn’t have trusted -- he soon realizes why Dazai stopped him, and that he’s still going to try to save him, that he wasn’t wrong about him, and it’s all because Dazai’s earnest expressions get through to him.
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And it’s just so heartwarming to see how far Dazai has come. :’ ) He tried so hard to save Sigma (doing the most physical action we’ve ever seen him do, really), did his best to be reassuring and comforting to him afterwards, and then reaffirmed his promise to ensure he escaped Meursault alive, his final words to Sigma echoing Oda’s and his last action being to save an orphan, just like Oda did in his last moments. Obviously Dazai isn’t actually going to die, he’ll be saved somehow, but I do think as of right now he really does think this is the end for him, and that he didn’t foresee the elevator dropping -- he was examining the wires a few chapters ago because he thought he might need to know how to open the doors in case Fyodor pulled an uno reverse, hence why he looks more annoyed than shocked when the water starts, but here, when the drop collision sequence is initiated, he looks genuinely shook in comparison. There’d be no reason for him to give the thumbs up if he knew more danger was on the way, either; that’d just be cruel. No, I don’t think he saw this coming, and it’s important that that turns out to be the case: it’s important that he spent what he believes to have been his last moments saving someone like Oda wanted for him, and doing what Oda would have done in the same situation. That doesn’t mean that it’s okay that Dazai throws his life away so easily, and cares so little for his own safety; he still has a long way to go in that regard. But it’s still so beautiful to see how much he’s changed, and how much he’s truly begun to embody Oda and his legacy; the fact that he messed up and miscalculated, because Dazai isn’t infallible, but in turn didn’t hesitate to use his last moments to save Sigma. Oda would be so proud for everything he did here. :’ ) 💖
There are a lot of options for how Dazai will be saved, and by who, but personally I hope (and I kind of expect) that Sigma chooses to not give up on him and ultimately plays a role in saving his life, to return the favor and repay him for his kindness. Not only would it be a beautiful way to initiate Sigma’s ADA entrance exam as people have said, but it would bring the Dazai > Atsushi > Sigma chain full circle: Dazai saved Atsushi at the start of the series, allowing him to (spiritually) save Sigma at sky casino thanks to the growth fostered in him by Dazai, and now finally, Sigma could potentially save Dazai thanks to Atsushi kickstarting his own growth (and Dazai continuing it). Fyodor is overly cocky right now and so tunnel-visioned on killing Dazai, it’s possible that he has no idea that Sigma managed to escape the elevator and is now a wild card; even if Sigma doesn’t go as far as killing Fyodor himself (which I don’t want, tbh; that’s endgame stuff arcs down the line and imo Nikolai and Dazai should be the ones involved with that), he could throw a wrench in the jailbreak duel, and help Dazai and Chuuya get out alive. It would be poetic, and only fitting, for Fyodor to underestimate and be outdone by the kind of person Dazai told him is the strongest in chapter 77 -- a self-proclaimed “ordinary man” -- who could only have the strength to take such action thanks to the chain of kindness that Oda originally started. 💖
#bungou stray dogs#bsd 106.5#meta#this chapter was literally everything i could have wanted i am SO EMOTIONAL#I WILL NEVER BE OVER IT#ASAGIRI GIVING ME LITERALLY EVERYTHING I EVER COULD HAVE WANTED#DAZAI HAS GROWN SOOOO MUCH HE'S BECOME SO MUCH LIKE ODA I COULDN'T BE MORE PROUD 😭😭😭💖💖💖#as soon as i saw that big panel of his face i was like........ he looks like oda......... ASAGIRI I SEE YOUUUUUU#AND THE FINAL WORDS#I SEE YOUUUUUUUUUU#ISTG IF DAZAI THINKS ABOUT ODA WHEN HE THINKS HE'S GONNA DIE BEFORE HE GETS SAVED I WILL SPONTANEOUSLY COMBUST#ASAGIRI PLEASE THIS IS THE PERFECT OPPORTUNITY I WILL CRYYYYYYY 😭🥺🥹💖#Dazai was so much like Oda here and Sigma looked just like Atsushi in that one panel DONT TOUCH MEEEE#THIS WHOLE CHAPTER WAS SO PERFECT#I NEED SIGMA TO SAVE HIM NOW#the longest chapter we've gotten in AGES and it was a banger god bless#tbh i really needed this after season 4 lmao i needed a reminder of why i love this series so much :''''') something to soothe my rage#asagiri saw my bitterness at anime sigma and was like 'here u go babe i got your sigma and dazai and oda feast'#probably means next month will be short again and a pov change lmao 🥲💔#gonna enjoy this while it lasts#anyway i was really happy to see that moment of Sigma getting mad even if it didn't last long (and for a beautiful reason)#because he Deserved that#(because that's what i wrote in my fic and i feel vindicated now even if that wasn't the main focus of this chapter looool oops-)
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tyranitarkisser · 8 months
My art is getting too neat and bland looking i dont like it
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sleebyconfy · 9 days
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8cfc00 · 11 months
im literally going to throw up im sooooo mad i never got to trick or treat OR sleepover OR play dnd in all SIXTEEN YEARS OF MY FUCKING LIFE..... im supposed to be a TEENAGER doing TEENAGE THINGS but for some reason i CANT
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bigironjuliette · 5 months
Realizing there are things Wrong With Me
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hey… wait a minute… ok just give me a sec here hang on—
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li-ionfish · 5 months
LRB but like I honestly do just straight up assume if someone dislikes rap or hiphop it’s racism, there’s so much variety and so much of it is catchy and experimental as hell, there is smthing for everyone
Hiphop especially like reminds me of that quote abt how a medium is best known for its aesthetics when broken, ie vhs effects or record scratches, hiphop plays with art itself through samples and record scratches and rewinds and everything that I don’t really know the words for (love the music but I don’t know any music terms lol)
Just smthing truly amazing and even if someone personally doesn’t like it (once again, I can’t explain this without assuming it’s racism bc of the variety in the genre) there’s absolutely no excuse to not recognize it as one of the coolest and most original art genres to have ever been born. There’s a lot of visual artists I don’t like but I engage with bc of their skill and how they’ve revolutionized a genre and I don’t see how music should be any different
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suddencolds · 5 months
hi hi vanessa! what anime have u been watching recently? looking for recs to kill some time (may or may not also be for fetish purposes ehehe)
Hi anon!!! This is such a fun question, and I'm sad to say you caught me at a time where I have a very boring answer to it T.T It's already late April, but I've finished a total of two (😭) animes this year. (So few, I know! I wish I had more to recommend you 💔)
Between work and everything else, it's just been a hectic time... (I also have a couple I have to get around to finishing 😭😭 I've been putting off watching the last few eps of J//JK s2, because the friends that I've watched the rest of s2 with have been busy. I also started Fri//eren back in January; I just haven't found time to get back to it 😵‍💫)
I did finish Cher//y Magic! 🍒 (Though if you're sending me this message, I feel like you probably have already seen it around?). It's such a cute, fluffy romance/slice of life, that—despite its fantastical premise—is actually quite grounded, imo... a very cozy watch overall <3
I've also been wanting to watch Shi//guang Dai//liren (Link Click) at some point! I was also talking about watching Sa//saki to Mi//yano with a friend (if you're reading this, hi!)
Anime-wise, I have nothing to offer you on the snz front 🙇‍♀️ I have been very bad about setting aside time for myself to watch things. BUT if you ever watch any of the aforementioned shows, and want to talk abt them with someone... or if you want to watch/read something with me book-club-style... please feel free to hit me up :D
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torchickentacos · 1 year
So. I had been listening to a song and thought, 'Huh. This is going on for a while, isn't it?" So I checked, and.... hm.
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#I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD HAVE A 37 MINUTE SONG#WHAT THE FUCK DEFTONES????????????? also long tags i start rambling about random stuff. as I do.#listening to their sophomore album. not as much a fan of it as some of their other stuff but it's still fun#i've really enjoyed exploring their discography more#even though I don't pay much attention to the lyrics#some music is mostly about lyrics to me but others it's just vibes#this is vibes to me#it is good noise!!!!#rather than something I'd take time to really listen to on a lyrical level. no meaning I really care to pick apart as of right now#Their lyrics seem somewhat sparse and like separate trains of thought anyways rather than cohesive stories within a song#not a bad thing at all!!!!! I like it. just an observation#but again I am saying this after liking a few main songs and only just now diving deeper into the discography#so maybe i'm entirely wrong!!!!#but it is somewhat shattered and meandering rather than start to finish like your bluegrass. not the linear storytelling aspect to it#not at all to say they're meaningless though because they aren't#just a bit more vague or winding and fractured about how they deliver that meaning I guess.#but again I can vibe with that#i do think a lot of rock songs tend to put more emphasis on emotion and sensation over story but that's a whole thing i won't get into#partially because it's past 1 am#but also partially because I don't have the actual intelligence on the topic to back myself up. it's purely anecdotal#just something I noticed#which could very easily be skewed by the type of music I gravitate towards within the genre for all I know#but again. 1 am. not the time to dissect the theoretical... uh.. methodology i guess? of how I would go about measuring that.#it's soooo interesting but I am not well versed enough to really discuss it BUT I WANT TO BE#goddamn it I wish I had been more. uh. well in high school. I would have loved the analysis stuff#shakespeare actually is very fun to read!!!!! but that gets into a whole other thing i have about how schools tend to teach stuff like that#they suck the fun and theatrics out of it#and it's the fun and fascination that drives kids to want to pick it apart and think about it.#but again. whole other topic. goodnight i am cutting this off here before i keep going about random shit
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armandjolras · 8 months
a certain degree of goofing around or slapstick is fine in a performance but imo too much just starts to get distracting and exhausting. I really want to like Annaleigh’s Mrs Lovett but she’s overly silly in practically every scene, even when the focus isn’t on her. For songs like “my friends” I want her to be fairly still and serious. And she’s constantly rolling around on the floor which just makes me think of starkid draco 💀 It’s so annoying! I do find her very cute and charming though, she has great chemistry with Josh (tbh I think that’s more due to him giving her just the perfect amount of attention)
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