#and easy to sacrifice them--especially when it's not even all of them and you've got bigger plans now--to make an even bolder move!
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i think what's really getting me about kozma claiming to have blown up the moon and also claiming to "be" the breach and basically equating "breach collaborators" and "my allies" in the same speech is that. the breach operative we've known since season one, the person who "is" the breach as far the story's concerned, is saskia. and midst is saskia's HOME! she built the black candle with her own two hands (metaphorically, at the very least), she LOVES it there and she loves those people :( and if we take kozma's story at face value, she just threw the "centerpoint" (according to imelda) of her own operation entirely under the bus and endangered the lives not only of innocent people but also of a bunch of her own operatives without their knowledge just to destabilize the trust and frankly that makes me kind of hope she IS telling the truth simply because that's the kind of betrayal i find absolutely delicious,
#midst spoilers#midst#midst podcast#i DO think she's probably bluffing about all or most of it. i bet she was collaborating with the breach but not as closely or with as much#authority as she just claimed and i no longer think she blew up the moon#but MAN those claims leave a nasty taste in my mouth for the exact reasons outlined above.#and it certainly COULD make sense! it's a smart move to encourage/fund/organize an insurrectionary movement within your political rival!#and easy to sacrifice them--especially when it's not even all of them and you've got bigger plans now--to make an even bolder move!#she's a collector! she can move her pieces around the board!#and the scheming of it all only makes her threats have more credibility to the upper trustees she's threatening#except of course that hieronymous is sitting right there having the full perspective & caring about the breach and about saskia specificall#just one more crazy layer to what must have been going through his head during that dinner#frankly. WEEPE has the full perspective too although whether he cares about any of it remains to be seen#i do think kozma is probably going to get killed by the trust/weepe pretty quickly here. but i would LIKE for saskia to get to confront her#if kozma IS telling the truth#it's nuts even WITHOUT the breach component considering she OWNED midst until literally last week. ma'am those were YOUR people.#like to be very clear blowing up that moon was a callous and fucked up thing to do regardless of personal connection. whoever did it.#but the closer the relationship gets the crazier it feels as a thing to do or to claim to have done#i just think saskia deserves revenge or justice on SOMEONE for her home being used as a piece in this stupid game...
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You Sacrifice Yourself for Them Part 1/3
Part 2 || Part 3
Pairings: Legend, Sky, Time x GN Reader
Requested by anonymous: HIIIII OMG I JUST WANRED TO SAY i lovelovrloveloveeeee the way you write so much!!!!!!! ur recent loz post had me kicking and squealing in my sear hehehe T_T could i request a scenario with the chain in a situation where the reader sacrifices themselves to protect the boys? im imagining things begging the enemy to take them instead, protecting them from a hit or even something funny like taking the blame for a mistake they made!!! id love to see some angst from you!!!!! THANK U AND HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!!!💖💖💖💖
Zelda Masterlist 💙 Fandom Masterlist
Shit. Shit. Shiiit.
This was not how this day was supposed to go. This was not how this dungeon was supposed to go! The group calls him 'Veteran' for a reason. He's done more dungeons on his own than the lot of them combined. He's quick on his feet, able to complete the most complex puzzles like child's play, and barely breaks a sweat against the foes that lurk in every damp shadow. Anymore, dungeons are easy (too easy, maybe, compared to some of the rougher...emotionally draining parts of his journeys).
This was supposed to be just as easy. He had no shame in bragging or flexing his skills, yet all that has officially flown out the window in a way that one could deem quite literal, actually. A quick whiz of air and an echoed shatter that would've reminded him of the wonderful sound of broken pottery if not for how horrifying it was in true comparison. No, that sound was far from exhilarating, especially paired with the image of you falling sideways like a lifeless doll, pieces of tile bouncing off your head and exploding in the air like fireworks trailed by crimson.
Legend isn't sure if he managed to catch you in time. He probably did, but in his panic he feared you might've hit your head on the floor as if that's not exactly what already happened to knock you out in the first place. Damn floor tiles! Usually they're just embarrassing annoyances when prepared for them, but that's the problem: he wasn't. When those dangerous squares came flying at him at a blurring speed, he expected to take on the hit, not for you to shield him with your own body. What in Hylia's name were you even thinking?!
For what feels like hours but is really only a few seconds, Legend's mind runs rapidly with petrified thoughts: Are you dead? Did he just let you die for his sake? It's supposed to be the other way around if anything! He's the world's punching bag, not you. You're…too special for any of that…
"Hylia, t-that hurt..." Legend snaps out of it only when you groan, barely able to open your eyes against the blinding light of the torch - the only light in the room - which has long been abandoned behind both of you.
"Are you kidding me?! Are you stupid or something?! What the hell were you even thinking doing that?! Do you know what could've happened if you got hit hard enough or at the wrong angle?! You could've been given a concussion, put into a coma, o-or -"
"- But it could've ruined your pretty face."
Legend’s words choke in his throat as he stares at you as if you've suddenly grown several heads...that or he has just now realized you're the biggest idiot in Hyrule, who knows? Clearly, you're still in a daze yourself, head wobbling around as you blink rapidly with pupils dilated wide. Maybe the whole concussion thing can't actually be ruled out quite yet.
"...Stupid..." Legend mumbles under his breath with a click of his tongue as he looks away from you, "...What about your face then?"
"Awww. You think I'm pretty, too?"
He huffs instead of answering, carefully helping you up before draping your arm over his shoulders and pulling you securely against his side where he can better keep you from stumbling off into something or, Hylia forbid, trip face first into the ground, causing more damage aside from the goose egg already bruising your forehead and the line of blood dripping down it, "We need to get you to the Traveler. ‘get you fix up.”
"Huh? But what...what 'bout the dungeon?"
"We can come back later. The treasure at the end probably isn't worth it anyways if floor tiles are what's guarding it."
You hum distantly, dropping your head directly against his without any notice to the way this makes his cheeks flare unwillingly, "...Hey Legs?"
"Can you please not tell anyone I got beat up by pieces of floor?"
Legend snorts and pretends to think your question over, "Hmm…In light of you saving my life, I guess I can keep that promise."
"Thanks, bun."
"You know, on second thought, maybe I won't."
Sky awoke in a pleasant mood that was only made better upon remembering his current whereabouts. He had a wonderful dream about being back home during peaceful times, and while disappointed to leave such a relaxing feeling, at least he found himself still in that cozy little inn the Chain decided to stay at for the night. What was better was that it appeared to be rather early. The sun was barely shining through the window, only barely peeking over the village roofs, and the room itself was silent aside from the sound of some snoring which confirmed that the rest of his roommates were still fast asleep, thus Sky figured there would be no harm in dozing off for a few extra minutes until he hears someone else get up for the day…That was his plan, anyways…
"...Hey Sky?"
"You, uh, know there's only ten minutes until eight, right?"
In a blink of an eye, Sky shoots straight up, suddenly not feeling so tired. Rubbing his eyes and bearing through his new headache, he's horrified to confirm that you must be right. The window is now glowing in a bright gold, showing a bustling little village outside. You, yourself, are already dressed in your tunic, hair done and ready to go. Legend and Wind, who had been your other roommates last night, must follow the same status seeing as neither of them nor their belongings are here anymore. It's just you and Sky.
In an instant, he leaps out of bed, nearly tripping yet recovering as he hurries to find his own belongings which seems a lot harder to accomplish in his panicked state compared to any other day. You, meanwhile, replace his spot upon the bed, sitting down there with an apologetic look, "I would have woken you up sooner, but I wasn't sure if you were purposefully sleeping in."
"You're alright - uh, thank you for waking me up at all," Sky backtracks when he remembers he had folded his tunic under his bed, kneeling down to grab it along with the rest of his belongings stuffed under there, "Where's the Vet and Pirate?"
"Already at breakfast. Wild dropped by a little while ago to say that it would be ready soon. I'm sure the others are already digging in."
"I'm sure there'll be enough left for us regardless. He always makes so much whenever we stay somewhere with an actual kitchen..." Despite Sky having worn an undershirt to bed, you still feel the need to awkwardly look away as he pulls the rest of his clothes overhead, "You must have a real talent for sleeping because the rest of us woke up to a loud 'thud' and cursing...'don't think Legend will be taking the top bunk at the next inn we reach."
Fully dressed, Sky's first order of business should really be to rush downstairs instead of testing his luck with angry companions, but he takes the time to spare you a glance instead, "Why haven't you gone downstairs yet?"
The question, once thought of, weighs heavy on his mind. You just said that you awoke with the others, however you chose to stay here and risk getting in trouble yourself for tardiness rather than joining them.
You merely shrug as if it’s of no concern, "I figured I'd wait for you. Like I said, I didn't know if you were purposefully sleeping in and I would've felt worse if I fully gambled on that, leaving you to sleep until noon and suffer Time's wrath."
Sky fidgets and stares down at his feet, although when he opens his mouth to say something, you're standing again while pushing him towards the door, "But let's not push our luck too far, alright? Time was pretty adamant about getting out of here at a decent time."
Yes, he was. He had made a strict point of that last night which is further emphasized by the fact that he is already standing at the bottom of the staircase by the time you both appear at the top of it. It appears that he was just about to make his way up to scold you, but since you've so kindly met him halfway, he can do that from here, "I assume there's a good reason for sleeping in yet again, Skyloftian?"
Sky gulps under the Old Man's glare, prepared to take on whatever punishment that will soon follow seeing as he's officially reached his limit of making the entire group late, however as quickly as he begins to dread the thought of taking on an extra watch for the night or doing a supply run with his own rupees, you're beating him to an explanation, "It's my fault, actually. I had a rough night and didn't realize what time it was until Sky woke me. If he hadn't waited for me, he wouldn't have been late so don't be too mad at him, okay?"
"That's not -" Sky's head whips towards you in surprise, however he falls silent when you give him a look that commands it.
Time hums, glancing between the two of you without much sign that he believes your lie. He has no reason to considering that Wind had already mentioned you were up and at 'em this morning. Perhaps if you had crossed his path earlier for this conversation, he would’ve been more inclined then to point this out, forcing you to confess the truth, although it’s five minutes till eight now meaning he'd be wasting time none of you have to argue not to mention he really doesn't care so long as everyone’s ready to go.
"Well, since you're both technically down here before eight, I'll let it slide this time," He narrows his eyes at you both, taking some sort of pride in how you each bow your heads shamefully, however that's the extend of it before he turns his heel, "But it's up to you to savage yourselves breakfast before Wild packs it up and I still expect you all to be out in the lobby by eight sharp, not a second later even if it means you have to go without a starting meal for today."
"Yes, sir!"
"I'm okay. Worry about the Old Man first."
"Clearly you're not fine. Your arm -"
"- I've had worst -"
"- That doesn't matter. You're still injured."
This argument isn’t going anywhere. Anyone in the group could see that, but are they brave enough to point it out? Considering the fact that they all stand by in awkward silence, probably not.
The last battle was a tough one which may be a bit of an understatement considering Time and you both walked away with some serious wounds to show for your victory. Time had been knocked in the head by a Moblin club, thrown backwards where he then laid unconscious for several moments only to awaken with a gash in the club’s former place, although still a far less visible injury compared to yours. You didn’t miss the way Sky kept gagging when helping you back into camp, unable to so much as glance at the terrible result of a Lizalfos sword slicing through your arm. Provided the extent of these soon-to-be scars, everyone would expect (and hope) that the two of you would be eager for Hyrule’s healing magic, however they were quickly proven otherwise.
“So? I’ll live.”
“Not without medical attention.”
“I’ll take a potion.”
“I thought you didn’t have any left?”
You curse to yourself before sticking your nose into the air with a stubborn change of subject, “You know, last time I checked, a head injury is a lot more serious than a simple cut!”
Time ignores your claim, feeling his face grow warm in irritation (or maybe that’s due to the fresh blood dripping down from his hairline), “You call that ‘a simple cut’?”
You merely shrug, readjusting the crimson cloth you currently press to the nasty slice that parts your skin directly down from your shoulder into your bicep. It no doubt burns like the fires of Death Mountain which you don’t hide despite your persistence in turning down any aid. Your face is scrunched into an expression of pain, a hiss leaving your hips whenever you move the cloth or your arm in any way, yet you still meet Time’s eyes with no sign of budging.
“Twilight, tell him he’s being ridiculous!”
The poor farm boy leaps in place when you both end up turning his way. Although not another word is said by either of you, he understands that voiceless command of Time’s stone cold glare: he isn’t to say a word - not a word - that could be taken as a form of agreement towards your cause. He’s to be a good boy and point out that your arm isn’t going to fix itself, thus you should be the first to be tended to by Hyrule. Of course, he cares about your wellbeing and would definitely side with his mentor and his intimating ways if not for how the older male sways side-to-side with the wind, clearly struggling to maintain himself as the effects of a serious concussion start to take its toll on him.
“...(Y/n)...does have a point..." Twilight mumbles, gulping when Time’s glare darkens.
Thankfully for him and all the others who stand by with their heads down, including little Hyrule who’s been stuck between you both too fearful to make a peep, Warrior has finally had enough of this, officially having no problem taking charge with his annoyance made clear through his stern voice, “The longer you both argue about this, the longer you both go without medical attention, so please, for the love of Hylia, will one of you just swallow your damn pride and let Hyrule do what he needs to?”
There’s no instant reaction, neither of being too eager to see Warrior’s very valid point, however after glancing at you once more and noticing how tightly you’re holding onto your arm, Time sighs at long last, resulting in a chorus of others to follow, “...Fine. I’ll go first.”
This satisfies you, allowing you to relax your muscles and focus on keeping that cloth pressed to your arm while Hyrule begins working his magic to fix Time’s own injury, although as always, the Old Man has to have the last word, shoving his pouch towards you with a grumble, “At least take a red potion in the meantime. It should dull the pain.”
Thankfully, you don’t argue as he feared you would based on your initial hesitation. Instead, you huff, but ultimately dig through the pouch to locate the bottle which you pop the cork off of dramatically, “Fine.”

#legend of zelda#linked universe x reader#linked universe#link x reader#lu time x reader#lu legend x reader#lu sky x reader
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Changing Daemons relationship with his family was such a poor idea. Daemon didnt need to hate or resent his wife and children to be a bad man. He was multi faceted already. Worse even we got hints of an alternate version where he did love them without question.
We see him sitting close with Baela teaching her Valyrian in Pentos where they looked comfortable like he was used to and happy to teach her their language. He even during Laenas birthing scene talking to the healer, being told how Laenas struggling to give birth and he just sort of whispers to himself "my brave girl". And how when presenting with the same choice as Viserys was, cutting the mother open to save the child where Viserys only asked if he could ensure the child lives but Daemon only asks "will the mother survive?" To which he shakes his head no when being told she wont, before realizing she's gone and chasing after her. And a deleted scene of him even consoling his daughters after her death.
It's like they out the foundations of their romance there and they only added specific lines to make sure no one thought he loved Laena over Rhaenyra or his daughters over his eventual sons. Not even going into how awful it was to rewrite Laena to be a "settled for second option" and then written to die a brutal death alone by fire instead of in her husband's arms.
Like, they wanted to push Daemon and Rhaenyra so badly, but like, we see he treats Rhaenyra is no better. They sacrificed a genuinly loving relationship for one that they immediately wrote as toxic and full of arguing and even abuse.
I honestly have no idea what they think I'm supposed to be getting out of Daemon and Rhaenyras relationship that they sacrifice everything else. I mean, they also definitely didnt show best anything of Harwin and Rhaenyra for the same reason. It would risk people liking him over Daemon for her just like they feared people like Laena over Rhaenyra for Daemon.
It's like they have no idea what to do about this relationship, because they're too cowardly to just follow what happens in the books for them now.
I completely agree, I've made a post on why I don't ship Daemyra here.
But let's talk about what you said, all of what you've said is true, I'm a HUGE Laena x Daemon or Daela shipper. So much so I'm planning go make a Daemon x Laena fic in the future on my fic account @ashblooddragons.
What drove me crazy about Ryan and Co doing this, is the fact they changed the Veleryons to black and then make Daemon pretty much hate Laena and his daughters. It made me uncomfortable and it's easy to have ones mind go to Racism. Especially when you add the fact he's pining for his very white niece.
And yeah if there is one person I think Rhaenyra should get with its Harwin. And them giving him little to no screen time in general but especially with Rhaenyra and the Steong boys is very weird to me.
It kinda felt like they tried to be inclusive with the Veleryons only to make them be used or ignored by their partners (besides Corlys). They kinda feel like a after thought to Ryan and Co and it pisses me off cause they were VERY interesting.
Sorry if this sucks you said a lot of my own thoughts and I also have a headache I need to take meds for. Hope this all makes sense.
#house of the dragon#hotd#laena valeryon#daemon targeryan#daemon x laena#laena x daemon#lady laena#laena velaryon#laena targaryen#daela#pro daela#anti daemyra stans#anti daemon x rhaenyra#anti daemyra#anti ryan condal#fuck ryan condal#house velaryon#anons welcome#anon ask#anon answered#send anons#anonymous#thanks anon!
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I had just finished reading your bunny darling with Tighnari post and was kinda wondering how Tighnari would react and how his life is going after our poor got Stockholm Syndrome. If you don't wanna write about that, that's fine but I still wanna know how life's going or what if Cyno found out what he did?
About the fox and the rabbit part one:
I actually have a part two planned, but before I manage to write that, I'll simply elaborate it here. Well, in my previous Tighnari oneshot I mentioned Cyno's undying support for Tighnari ;( after all Cyno did say that he's like a brother to him. Oh also some nsfw mentions may occur.
And what's a better way to help a family member by watching over their pet sometimes? Things happen alright, sometimes our ranger is busy and Cyno has to step in.
That's absolutely infuriating however; how could a man like Cyno, the general, someone who usually cares about peoples wellbeing possibly assist in this?
Well, you see; you're just a tiny bunny. You're so irrelevant and really unimportant that it's simply harm reduction :( to Cyno, letting Tighnari take you is better for everyone. It has a few causes, one that he realises just how important mates are for fennecs. They mate for life alright, and Cyno knows well just how melancholic Tighnari will get if the mate is taken away.
I feel like it's worth a mention that Cyno did scold Tighnari somewhat for this, cause he did mate himself to you on his own accord. But what's done is done, and perhaps it's better to let Tighnari have someone to use his feral instincts on.
Another factor coming into Cyno's understanding is also the way Nari portrays you. Like come on it's just a small rabbit. It's weird really; you're a mate, at the same time you're reduced to a house pet. To be loved, pet, squeezed, without real possession over your own body, but still his mate.
A part of Cyno kinds of understand that. Maybe when Tighnari let Cyno take a look at his mate, he made sure you were too fucked out beforehand to be able to protest and show any sign of the slightest inteligence.
He didn't really have to do that to get Cyno on his side though. As shocked as Cyno was to find it out, I think he was the first one to notice the warning signs before you've arrived? And since you're demoted to a level of a house pet in their eyes, he won't mind watching over you when Tighnari is especially busy.
Oh, same with getting away actually. Don't think you'll get far with two hunters on your back; escape is practically impossible, I mean. Running away itself may be easy, but Tighnari will find you. He always does. And if he can't, Cyno is more than willing to help out.
Like I'm sorry, but you're not that important, and if keeping you locked is all it takes to keep Tighnari's hard working, nice and loving ethic to the public eye, Cyno is willing to make that sacrifice.
Enough about them though, what I planned for darling? Aside from the fact I usually write narration as unreliable, that you're dumb, non important, I'll just mention this once. So I don't have to again, I suppose; darling is definitely a smart person. Like, inteligent, on Tighnari's level, imagine that or even above his inteligence. It works all these ways, even if she's very knowledgeable, but slightly less than Tighnari.
All of these are the same infuriating factors that made Nari decide that you learn your place. What's better way to do that than constant humiliation?
He's a fox okay he needs something to get his feelings out on. And you're perfect to grab and toss around and bend and fiddle and undre- we are digressing here. Well, given since reader is indeed not just a dumb bunny, she doesn't bend to his will when he's not home.
I mean he's a scary fox, but when he's gone, you have a clear route of playing your escape. It gives you time to scan the surroundings through the window, gather items, hide them. You aren't a coward usually; but he's a predator after all. You are fully aware he can't kill you due to the bond, but he never mentioned not being able to mutilate you.
He won't do that, but he's scar okay. Your brain will easily convince you that as longest as you stay alive he will be able to mess with your anatomy in any way to keep you there. And so when he finally leaves the house one unfortunate day you manage to slip out. You made sure he didn't lock the doors or the window properly. Whatever you did, you were on the run.
The forest is vast, so your little expedition took a day or so. But you had food, and clothes, you were prepared. In fact you'd be free and already in Fontaine if not someone saying that a suspicious looking traveler is rummaging through the forests.
Once Cyno learned the description of said.. travel. It was up to him to help the man he called his best friend. Perhaps he'd notify Tighnari and let him have the thrill of dealing with you, perhaps he'd grab you by your plush ear and drag you back to Tighnari.
Whatever happened you end up back where you started, and you won't hear the end of it. Oh how worried sick he was, how stupid must you be to run away anymore? You're just a bunny, you're safe here! How he cares about you and other infuriating bs, most importantly he's really mad. And he's not the type of a guy to beat you up even when he's mad? The most you get is being suffocated and railed till you're simply crying.
A part of that is due to the fact that he doesn't want you to keep your brains. Surely if he fucks you hard and well enough you'll understand? ? ? I mean that's how it must be working. If he does that each time before he's gone you'll be docile and sweet and soft like a bunny is supposed to be!
Tighnari didn't really do that as often with you before, so it really did work in keeping you brain-dead after he finally found you again. And since you did have some brains, you were unlikely to develop any attachment to him; then again your intelligence went out of the window the moment he saw you. He's terrifying to put it short, even if you heard people say how sweet and nice he is before.
He himself proved to you just how scary he is, and with him keeping your brain fuzzy for months on end after this endeavour, you're not sure if you don't find yourself slipping in your sanity. Perhaps letting him do these things IS better than having to be constantly on the run !
#yandere tighnari#yandere tighnari smut#yandere tighnari x reader smut#yandere tighnari x reader#smut#tighnari x reader smut#tighnari x reader
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First part of a Astarion/Karlach thing I'm writing. Basically a little rewrite of some Act 3 scenes. Could become something bigger, who knows.
"Well, at least you've met my family now," Astarion says. "Pity. You and Violet would get on quite well. Haha."
His tone is light and dismissive, especially for a midnight familial attempted kidnapping. But there's a desperate edge to it, too, like he's worried she might finally see sense and run for the hills.
Karlach's never been accused of being sensible. If Astarion burning his brother in a sunbeam while his sister screamed didn't scare her off, this little evening interruption sure won't.
Karlach does hope she will have a chance to meet his siblings properly, once they're all free.
"I wouldn't've let them take you anywhere," she vows, chest heaving, still very much caught up in protective Mama K mode.
"I know. Deep breaths, darling."
Astarion still looks wary, as if he's expecting the other shoe to drop. She can't cool down, she realizes, not yet, because she's still angry.
Angry at him.
"You lied to them. About the ritual. Like it was easy."
He scoffs. "It was easy. They aren't exactly the brightest candles in the chandelier, you know."
"You're really gonna sacrifice your own brothers and sisters? Betray their trust in you like--like they're nothing." Like Gortash did, she thinks but doesn't say. There are some words you can't take back. She loves this pasty bastard too much to actually believe he'd go through with it, anyway.
"What does it matter? They're just my...colleagues in suffering. Expendable. Pathetic." Oh, Astarion's giving her the old monster routine, one of his thinner disguises. She can see the aelf-loathing clesrly beneath without even really trying. "And let's not forget they are vampire spawn. Hardly innocent."
"Fuck, Astarion, none of us are! You only give a shit about yourself, huh?"
"Why not? No one ever looked out for me. No one ever said a kind thing to me. You're the only one," he insists, getting a bit heated himself now. "Other people don't have a heart like you."
"Damn right, soldier," she replies quietly, tapping a fist against her engine as it ticks and whirs her numbered days away. The rage fades. "Sort of the problem, isn't it."
"I-- shit, Karlach, I didn't mean--"
There he is.
"Hey. It's all right."
It isn't, not really. Nothing is all right anymore. But they will be.
Karlach just can't be the only good thing he sees in this world. It's not fair to either of them. Gods only know how much more time she even has left, besides; Astarion shouldnt be alone, not after everything he's been through. She needs him to be okay without her, selfish as it is.
"Scares me when you talk like that," she admits. "Like other people are just things to you."
"I'm sorry, Karlach," he says, miserably. "I don't know if I can be anything else, here."
Karlach's mother always told her to never go to bed angry. After ten years in the Hells, it felt pointless and silly, but tonight with his siblings' blood staining the floor, she thinks she might understand the wisdom in that advice.
"C'mere, Fangs."
She opens her arms. Always gives him a choice; touch is complicated for both of them in a lot of ways. And, yeah, there's her cuddly Astarion after all. Must be exhausting pretending to something he's not all the time. Thought so since she met him that day by the river. All those masks and yet none seems to fit quite right. She knows the feeling, more or less.
"You're loved, you hear me?" she tells him. "So fucking loved."
His skin is a pleasant balm; hers is still smoldering a little. They don't let go.
"You make things so difficult," he complains softly against her collarbone, affectionate despite the actual words.
"Knew this wasn't gonna be easy. But I swear, tomorrow we'll kick Cazador's ass," she murmurs, holding him tighter. "I've got you."
"Ugh. Get a room, you two," Shadowheart grumbles from her bed.
They have a room, though. This room. The others will simply have to deal with that.
It's gonna be okay.
#bg3#baldur's gate 3#astarion x karlach#astarion#karlach#a bg3 fic from me that's not second person?? i know wild. karlach didn't want to do that i guess#bg3 fanfiction#baldur's gate iii
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Short/one shot w/ Moira from Overwatch, platonic/romantic or just platonic: Moira needs a new lab rat so she hosts a "vaccine clinic" as a front to find/kidnap one, and darling is just *perfect* for the role! And hmm, darling seems to having a reaction to the "vaccine", they should come to the back room with Moira, surely it's nothing that can't be fixed with a little medical attention... - 🧪
Sure! Kept the pairing vague for this once I got to properly read the request 😅
Doctor Says
Yandere! Moira Short
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Drugging, Kidnapping, Human experimentation, Manipulation, Implied Stockholm syndrome, Forced/Dubious companionship, Sadism, Dehumanization, Degrading behavior.
To continue her work... Moira realized she needed more test subjects. She's worked on animals, she's worked on herself, she's even worked on some humans. Yet her thirst for knowledge is... never-ending.
This is what started the "vaccine clinic". Despite her just being a geneticist and not a licensed medical doctor, she still managed to make a fake vaccine clinic work with help from Talon. This was how she planned to get a wide range of subjects.
The plan was easy enough. She fills a few syringes with anesthesia, convinces a few people that they're having a reaction, and do what she wishes with them. People who came into the "clinic" varied in size, gender, and age.
But amongst the crowd of her chosen subjects... she found you.
At first she thought she has enough subjects already. Her plan was working and she managed to convince about five to be under her care. Then she saw you... someone she felt would be perfect... some she just had to have.
You looked at her with so much trust. You wanted to try the new vaccine. However, Moira didn't feel bad when she injected you with the drug.
"Dear, you look sick..." Moira coos in a worried tone, rehearsed perfectly as she had said it for all the rest. "Why don't you sit down?"
Just like that, you're out like a light...
and at her mercy.
While Moira was intrigued by you at first, she treats you like all the other patients. Your encounters with her usually involve experiments. Sometimes there's pain... sometimes you're too drugged up to notice.
You can't speak much for the other "patients" as you have never seen them. Moira keeps you in a separate room and she's the only one to ever see you. You ask her if there's other doctors... she says nothing.
Once the first few experiments take place is when you realize you've been trapped. By the time you feel pain and are told you have a disease you had no idea you had, you know you're being lied to. You've been tricked...
Now you're forced to endure Moira's twisted ideals.
Moira was never a person known for her empathy. To her, the sacrifices you and others are giving will help humanity move forward. All that matters are results.
Yet Moira will admit she's gotten... attached to you as experiments go on.
To you, time is irrelevant. You have no idea where you are. There's no visible clocks, only bleak walls and a dull pain in your body. Along with the drugs often being coursed through your blood to make the experiments easier... you are never performing at your full potential.
All that you get to see is Moira, your "doctor". At first you hated her, you despised what she's done to you. You doubt you're even fully human anymore.
Yet now... she's really all you have. When conducting experiments she reassures you she's making you better. You don't believe it, especially with the discoloration of your skin. Despite your distrust she's the only comfort you have.
In fact, you start to lean into her. You admit she's the only contact you've had in who knows how long. Moira's reaction to this was rather... neutral.
Although later on Moira began to feed into this. After a test is ran she praises you and gives positive encouragement. In fact... you're treated not as a human, but as a pet.
Unexpectedly... you're living for it.
You lean into her touches and allow her to do as she pleases. Your "doctor" appears pleased at her developments. Not only do you yield promising results...
But now she has a little pet... a lab rat to test and reward.
You looking forward to seeing her was a change she didn't know she wanted. To see you eagerly wait for her in your testing clothes like a dog waiting for their owner was... cute. Out of all her subjects... you were the favorite.
It gets to the point even when she greets you she compliments you and asks how you are. She wasn't expecting to be so attached to you. Yet now she can't imagine parting from you.
At this point... she may not even need the other subjects. She's fine with just you. Only because you're so compliant.
You listen to every order. Every little thing she tells you, you obey. It's what the doctor says, right?
Moira feels accomplished when she finds and "trains" you. You're the perfect lab rat. The best part?
She gets to keep you all to herself.
Her little experiment... one that listens to every order she gives.
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At lvl 87 Endwalker quests.
The Venat duty absolutely destroyed me.
I was planning to get Elpis done this weekend, but I struggled almost an hour and an half (maybe even twoish hours, didn't precisely track it) on this duty until I, for probably first time while playing this game, turned down the difficulty of a solo duty, and I'm pretty exhausted, so the rest of Elpis is left for another day.
It's a fantastic encounter because it sells you just how powerful Venat truly is really well, but it's another bit of gameplay proof to me that the difficult content of the game probably isn't something that is for me (and makes me incredibly grateful for the lower difficulty options for solo duties).
(At the very least I know progging some of the Savage content and especially Ultimates would probably drive me up the wall.
Extremes, I do want to give a try because they generally seem less time-intensive and lenient. I won't *completely* exclude tougher stuff, but at the very least I know that kind of content would get unfun fairly quick for me because of what it is by nature.)
It's the orbs that got me with every class I tried; just couldn't get enough of them in time, but as said, I'm pretty grateful for the 'easy' button.
With this out of the way, I think there is actually a good amount to say about all of the lvl 86 and 87 content up to the solo duty.
It can be actually summed up pretty easily: it's all just a lot of characterization, but it is characterization for a bunch of different characters and essentially an entire culture. More than any other zone, I think it is the motivations and perspectives of the characters that matter the most.
You've got the friendship between Emet and Hythlodeus, the father-daughter relationship between Hermes and Meteion and as I see it a student-mentor (maybe?) relationship between the WoL and Venat.
Between these are less focused dynamics like Venat teasing Emet or the cute budding friendship between the WoL and Meteion.
Then we have the individual characterization for all of them, too.
But before I fully go into them, there is a pretty big general thought I have about Elpis:
It is fanservice.
It is such unquestionably, blatantly, unflinchingly obvious fanservice that it should bother me so much more than it does.
For crying out loud, the entire portion of the story starts with Emet filling you with his aether. They're fully indulging the Emet simps.
But it is also substantial and thoughtful every step of the way, and I think really well told, so I really like it.
So, I'll get into exploring all of the characters in their basics. You could probably an entire massive post about every single one of them, but I just want to go into them in the most concise, simple way for now.
I'll start with Emet-Selch. I think my favorite part about Emet in Elpis is how he reacts when he learns about his actions in the future.
He cannot comprehend how he could be so disrespectful towards the sacrifice of his brethren, while all across the questing during the zone, his actions especially show just how much he cares about the well-being of the Star and his brethren, and that is the exact reason why he ends up doing what he does.
The reason why everything happens is because of who he is as a character. It is fantastic character-based plot writing, which is kind of a trend across all of Elpis (and happens to be probably my favorite type of writing, I love it when things happen because of who the characters are).
It is delicious Greek tragedy fodder.
Next, I've talked a bunch about how I no longer think character arcs are the be all and end all of good character writing and I think Hythlodeus is probably the best example in FF14.
He is just a super fun and likeable good (tease-y) friend. And he doesn't need to be more as a character.
(And everyone loves him!)
Obviously he has much less time on screen than everyone else, and he would probably get old after a while if we had him for a bunch of expansions, but I think he is proof that all you need for a great character is a likeable base personality.
His teasing dynamic with Emet is super fun and his presence only emphasizes why what Emet does and believes in the future makes sense.
Next are Hermes and Meteion.
The more I think on it, the more I feel like they're the thematic core of the story. And both are also carrying another type of narrative I love: stories about feelings.
Technically you can argue all stories are to some extent about feelings because stories are kind of there to make you feel.
But to me Endwalker is specifically about mental illness, more specifically perhaps about depression and despair and overcoming it.
It's fascinating, every time I even type about these ideas, I feel an unease, as if it shouldn't be a big deal, as if I'm making a mountain out of a molehill but also as if I was judging people for it. I feel there is still an unspoken stigma to it.
But it is a very serious issue. I myself have struggled with these thoughts, and though I luckily have found my answer and have gotten better, I still see and feel that judgment and disapproval directed at anyone who is suffering.
"Just stop being sad!"
"It's not that big of a deal!"
And in that sense, I feel Hermes is probably the most real of all of the characters in Elpis.
Is he the anomaly for essentially experiencing depression? Is he the anomaly for not agreeing with the norm of just discarding animals, thus other lives on a whim? For not seeing death as "beautiful" as his culture does?
As someone who has been there, dismissing or simplifying Hermes' struggle rings false to me. This is what mental illness does, what depression does. Mental illness makes everything bigger, creates tunnel vision, so Hermes can't see the good around him and so turns to look for purpose elsewhere.
I remember seeing a video title along the lines of "Hermes should suffer more" or again talking points about him "just being sad" and while it might have been for clickbait purposes, I think I've seen sentiments along those lines a bunch of times and I feel like many people just miss the point of his character and maybe even have this opinion towards him because of how they view emotional struggles like this.
Obviously stuff like this is super personal and hits different for everyone, but fictional characters are also not real people; they serve a narrative purpose and in this case Hermes represents someone going through this kind of struggle.
Among other things, he is a general thematic symbol, an idea within the story.
Even if he had the most awful ambitions imaginable, what message would further torturing a character going through this kind of emotional struggle ultimately send?
The idea of fantasy as a filter exists for a reason; were it real life all of these characters, even the more heroic ones, would be morally abhorrent.
But fiction allows us to explore some of these heavy ideas within its safe framework. And you're not obligated to like art like this, either. I just think that's the brand of fantasy FF14 is going for and I fully read most stories within this framework and really enjoy them.
I don't need characters to be morally good for a story to be good, but I actually do also think Hermes is a pretty good example of a narrative distinguishing between the sympathetic and antagonistic parts of a character's actions.
You're not empathizing with him wanting to destroy the world. The entire point is to just understand where his perspective came from. That is the framing I see.
But again, a text can have many reads. In the end I just disagree with a bunch reads on Hermes.
But to move on from Hermes, I think if Hermes is the most "real", Meteion is probably the most tragic.
She is by nature essentially an empath. If Hermes is the adult suffering from mental illness, Meteion is the child feeling the consequences with no say on the matter.
Meteion feels what Hermes feels and those are often negative feelings; and when he sees Meteion suffer from it, he in turn feels guilty. And Meteion suffers from that in turn.
Hermes very clearly cares for Meteion, but he also ends up using her for his own ends just like the other ancients do creations. His entire reason for creating Meteion was for his wish to see other civilizations to be fulfilled. It's selfish. Hermes is not immune from his culture's principles.
And while it hurts him to hurt her, he still does it. It's a crazy good complicated relationship.
As I said, I think there is so much more to say, but I think I'll move on to the final pair.
Truth is, I'm not 100% sure what to label the Venat/Azem/WoL relationship because while teacher-student is a strong sense I get, I also get a very strong "simple friendship with a fellow traveler" feeling out of it.
I can see why the Emet/Hythlo or Emet/Azem/WoL ships are so strong, but I never got that sense out of Venat.
And I don't see the parent/child parallel that strongly either despite all of the mommy jokes.
I need to think on that more.
But what I do love, is characters that *love* the world.
Who unconditionally, fiercely love it.
Life is a miracle to her and so she aims to protect it with all of her being.
And she didn't use to think that way. It is the pursuit of knowledge that lead her to that conclusion.
And to me, that makes her a fantastic meta parallel to me as a player because that is how I grew to see FF14 as I saw more of its story and then got to eventually play it.
Because at first I wasn't interested in doing any of the side content, only the main story, but as I went on I became interested to the point of wanting to do the blue quests, then yellow quests, then tribe quests, and any of the side content.
My plan for Dawntrail is to really take my time and really take in literally all of it, down to eventually the least significant yellow quests.
It'll take time, but that is my eventual aim with the entire game currently.
I grew to love this story, this world and all of the characters in it.
I'm not sure if this is the meta intention with Venat, but that is how it worked out for me as a player.
"Has your journey been good? Has it been worthwile?"
She asks and while my most immediate thought is "gotta get that audience survey in there", a split second later, all can I think of is "yes".
At this point I have about 700+ hours in the game and the only bit of content I've disliked is traversing the ARR, HW and a bunch of the SB zones.
But going back to Venat, I like that despite being so graceful in image, she has fun and joy in her.
Her being the previous Azem is very fitting in that sense and is another aspect of her character that makes me view her as a adventuring friend.
My overall thoughts about Elpis so far are really that I love how well-defined the characters and the relationships between them are; it is a feast for someone like me who loves character-centric stories.
I look forward to what is coming next; really nearing the final stretch here and I look forward to covering it as I go through it.
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what's your favorite part of TGCF, and what about it do you like so much? ignore me if you've shared this before
omg it's been so long since you sent this ask, I am so sorry T_T I was really grateful to for you sending it, but stuff kept coming up and I simply did not have the emotional energy, and also did not want to give a half-hearted reply. that said I often struggle at articulating exactly why I like something, but I'll try!!
okay first thing that comes to mind when I think of why I like TGCF so much is that I really enjoy MXTX's writing style - of course, what I read was the English translation but I assume her style still comes across. I find the way the novel is written both very easy and very engaging to read. I was never bored and on the contrary had a really hard time putting down each volume so as not to read it all in one go. All the emotions came across really well, the novel succeeded both in making me laugh and making me cry. That's another thing I like about it, that with this story you get the whole range of comedy, action, romance, and horror. It's rare that a story manages to both incorporate and balance these at times contrasting aspects so well.
I also really liked how poetic the writing was at times, and how both philosophical and political concepts and ethics were woven into the plot and expressed through the characters.
Speaking of, I enjoyed all the characters so much. They're so well-rounded and feel so real, and there are so many interesting side characters. Jun Wu is a fantastic antagonist and Hualian are such an engaging pairing. I love both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng as individual characters as well as a couple - right from the start you can tell how much they simply enjoy each other's company, and their romance is just… it really moved my heart.
As for a favorite scene… there are so many!!! it's really hard to pick. I love Xie Lian meeting Hua Cheng “for the first time” at the beginning of the story and being so immediately intrigued with him, it's such a peak romantic encounter. I also love the reveal in the caves, even though (or because) parts of it are so heartbreaking, since it's rare to see Hua Cheng so vulnerable and emotional. I enjoy angsty moments like that a lot, I have to admit….
If I have to pick a single favorite moment, it'd be the battle between Hua Cheng and Jun Wu in Vol 8. First of all, super engaging fight scene, love that. Also epic as fuck!! like them fighting on top of The Heaven-Crossing Bridge that shakes every time their swords clash from how powerful the blows are while Hua Cheng's wraith butterflies face off against the vengeful spirits below? damn.
Then the delicious angst of Xie Lian being absolutely terrified for Hua Cheng, especially when Jun Wu starts to ruthlessly take advantage of Hua Cheng's disability*… and then it all culminating in Xie Lian still defying Jun Wu and sticking to what he's always known is right, and then ending in Hua Cheng's sacrifice, another peak romantic scene that had my heart race and made me cry so many tears. All of it exceeded my expectations for that final confrontation, I was just completely emotionally satisfied.
*Not gonna go into it here in detail since I've already posted it about several times and more in depth, but given the topic of this ask I can't not mention how intrigued I was by the way Hua Cheng navigates their world while disabled, the way he can compensate for it in some ways but not in others. It's a not insignificant part of why I love him as a character so much.
Last but not least the novel accompanied me all through last year and the beginning of this one and got me through some tough times. more than that, it made me take up meta and fanfic writing again after a long creative drought, and I will always look at it fondly and with gratitude for that.
hope this turned out a satisfying answer! what's your favorite part of the novel? :3c
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Feel free to ignore considering it’s a very messy topic. Why do you think SFF communities (especially book communities) attracts so many bad faith actors?
my apologies anon, I took a minute to answer this one.
I think the most parsimonious answer is that they don't, especially, it's just that bad faith actors are basically everywhere. like, is it really true that there are more bad faith actors in SFF than in say, music? film? 'literary' fiction, or other genres like crime or erotica? i think if I was as immersed in any of those worlds as I am in SFF, I'd know about just as many stories of petty cruelty, exploitation, bizarre dramas...
still, some speculations about factors playing into it, that aren't necessarily specific to sci-fi.
the thing about SFF is that it's a subculture, and one that's pretty niche. not quite as niche as like, BASE jumping or something lol - most bookshops around here will have an SFF shelf, and obviously SFF films and games are almost as mainstream as entertainment gets - but for dedicated sci-fi fans it's seen as a sort of refuge of 'people like them' (generally some variety of autistic nerd archetype), and there is a lot of anxiety that comes with maintaining that.
this sort of attitude is commonly associated with the old guard of reactionary fandom - the infamous Puppies - but I think by now we've seen that the current overtly queer/progressive/whatever you wanna call it generation is just as capable of lashing out at perceived intruders. (for an obvious example, this kind of sentiment was a major factor in the Isabel Fall incident.)
besides that, what are people fighting for anyway? what are the 'stakes' of scifi/fantasy fandom? intuitively, they're tiny. but...
within any niche subculture, it is possible to achieve a certain degree of fame and influence. if you can play the rhetorical game, you can establish yourself as a microcelebrity/tastemaker, promote your friends and make a show of casting out the enemies, and set up the rules of the discourse... in your small bubble. until sooner or later the wind changes and you get knocked off the pedestal, anyway. so part of it is just people wanting to rule an insular little fiefdom.
but then there's also like... 'being an author'. SFF lit is not especially popular these days. you can't really make a living from short stories anymore (too few magazines that pay, too hard to get in, too little reward). however, if you get very, very lucky, make the right connections (probably at Clarion), you might just be able to get some novels published, and maaaybe they will find an audience and earn out their advances... and if everything goes perfectly, you might just manage to make a reasonable middle class sort of income.
and that's not nothing! especially if other forms of work are inaccessible. i have a friend whose circumstances were changed very dramatically when they got a big advance on their novel. but ultimately I don't think it's about that, nobody would sensibly try to become an author for the money, it's an obviously terrible gamble.
however, within the subculture, being a published author is a still big deal. it's a sense that you've 'made it', people will look up to you, or resent you if they don't feel you deserve it. there is a strong divide between 'authors' and 'fans' that structures interactions between the two. I don't get the impression that this is actually very fun for the authors, but it's easy to see that from outside and think "I wish I was worthy of that kind of respect too".
much the same applies in other fields - for example animation. maybe it pays shit and demand insane hours with zero job security... but for the fans, you come to have immense admiration for the 'real animators' and want to feel you could be their equal one day. and people are willing to sacrifice a lot for the sake of that idea of accomplishment, even if it's still very unlikely.
so with all that in mind... science fiction authors are usually science fiction fans. there's not really any other reason you'd write it lmao. so could speculate that for the ones who have 'made it', the situation is still precarious, or seems like it. there's little guarantee you'll get published again if a book doesn't sell. and you depend on a good reputation to stay in the game. so you have a bit of power (enough to go to your head) and fear of losing that power and sense of accomplishment... that's probably sufficient to motivate a whole lot of horrendous behaviour that would seem incomprehensible from outside.
none of this is really specific to science fiction/fantasy. but then I don't think SFF is really all that unique.
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I saw people giving criticism to Sebastian's mom. Jesus!
Tell you've never been outside the Us without telling me you've never been outside the Us
Please, most Euopean and Asian moms belive in blunt approaches, but they love their kids. Most Romanian moms' love language is making fun of their kids and no, they do not hate them. They also believe in the idea of: Let me tell you the harsh truth before a stranger does because at least I do it out of love and the need to protect you. They do it to hurt you. That's how they think thet prepare you for real life.
Being a parent is VERY HARD.
Especially being in Georgeta's shoes, who lived in communism most of her youth and her childhood (I bet especially after Sebatsian's dad left and helped othersz she was also followed by the Security + her whole family), got divorced young and left her the country without her son😭 (and she did not speak German), then came back to get him and lived in Germany, got remarried and moved to another country. THE AMERICAN dream country. She did not speak English well, she was still scared... Imagine leaving your parents behind, your friends, your country. She barely had any people to speak Romanian with... her native language. Imagine that! Of course she told him to be someone, to take this chance, to be good! She was hard on him maybe, but he said multiple times he was a bit difficult and tbh imagine raising a teenage boy back then when the world was changing? She wanted the best for him.
She (+Sebastian for a bit) lived in Romania during a hard time for the country (there were food resteictions, you were listened to by everyone in case you spoke against the regime... especially if you were an artist, books and music that could be seen as against the regime even a little were banned. Western films? Not allowed.)
Is it good to put pressure on gour kdis? No. Is the intention good? Yes. Out of love and protection. Imagine how much she sacrificed and risked...
As Sebastian said, after The Revolution everything was chaotic. The country's properties got sold slowly, people started to buy things from Turkey and sell them extra ⬆️ in the country. The money had no value after... Just imagine having your whole life change and no one in charge wanted the good for the country... for the people.
Georgeta is brave, and I think Sebastian loves her now more than ever because he is old enough to realize things would have been completely different if they stayed... even in Germany.
These parents love their children very much (but they were raised not to show love through words -> they give you things, sacrifice themselves, buy you things... that's their love language, trust me)
It's so easy to judge people... We should all mind out business when it comes to such complex topics.
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Show vs. Tell in The Darkest Hour
The thing about Lancelot's sacrifice in The Darkest Hour is that his motivations are all over the place. I welcome a debate over this, but I find it very difficult to see it as a sacrifice for Gwen, or even Arthur, even though that's clearly what the show was going for.
On the one hand, you have the influence of Arthurian legend, which ties Lancelot's story firmly to Arthur's and Guinevere's. We see this reflected in their close bonds in the show; more with Gwen, but Arthur also was shown to think highly of him in previous episodes (they didn't have many interactions in this two-parter, and none that weren't about Merlin).
We also have his spoken motives: he and other characters bring up his duty as a knight (his conversation with Merlin in Part One where Lancelot tries to convince him to go back to Camelot). Additionally, there's the promise he made to Gwen. So you've got both his affection for her and his sense of duty pushing him to protect Arthur (he says this himself during his conversation with Merlin in that cabin TDH2, that he'll go on with the quest that it's because of the vow he made). At the end of the episode, Gwen also says this (to Arthur, during the pyre scene.
In terms of composition and design, everything points to these being Lancelot's motivations.
And yet. None of this fits with his actual actions during the episodes.
We can overlook him talking almost exclusively with and/or about Merlin, because creating a relationship with the main character is a fast and easy way to endearing him to the audience, in addition to giving him more screen time, which would serve the same purpose.
But, if looking after Arthur's his first priority, how come he immediately tries to get his sworn protector to leave? Sure, Merlin's not a warrior, but it's not like combat skills are of any use against the Dorocha. Also, of the three episodes they'd met before this one, twice Merlin's proven to have privileged information about the threat they were facing. Even just as an extra hand to do chores, look for firewood so no one's ever alone could be useful. Lancelot ought to have known that having Merlin around could only make Arthur safer, yet he insisted that he should leave.
But, okay, let's say that, as a knight, he doesn't feel comfortable with anyone who doesn't know how to fight or who didn't swear an oath endangering themselves; especially if they're his friend, like Merlin is.
How does he justify leaving the quest to take Merlin to Camelot? Any other knight might have volunteered if he'd kept quiet for a bit longer and he could've advised them to go through the Valley. By being the one to take him, he's pretty much abandoning Arthur to his luck and breaking his promise to Gwen. Sure, all the knights are sworn to protect Arthur, but he and Merlin are the ones most devoted to him, for their own reasons. Or they should be. Instead of protecting him with his life, as he promised, Lancelot chooses to take Merlin back to Camelot, despite Merlin's own protests! You know, the guy who always seems to know more than anyone else what's going on and who wants above all else to protect Arthur? (Then again, Lancelot may not have heard said protests, being in such a hurry to ride off that he interrupted his goodbye to Arthur lmao. Sorry, that scene's kinda funny to me, like, Merlin begging Arthur to let him stay and Lancelot in the background, tapping his watch.)
So he rides off with Merlin, leaving Arthur to finish the quest alone, except that they run into the Vilia and they heal Merlin. What does he say to their statement that Arthur needs them both? No can do, I need to get Merlin to Camelot. It's okay, they'll heal him! As he sees for himself the next morning! This should make him change his mind about going to Camelot, right? Except no, it does not. Even after seeing him running around, spearfishing, after trying to smack him with a stick, when Merlin wants to get back to Arthur, Lancelot immediately shuts him down. Even once he agrees, it's only after Merlin makes it clear that he'll go with or without him.
(Then you have that convo in the cabin where he's like "I have to go because I promised Gwen that I'd protect Arthur" like babe you left him. 0/0 would not ask for a promise again.
The funniest thing is that having them go on their own also serves a literary purpose. It gives him and Merlin the opportunity to talk in privacy, giving the audience their due exposition, when around others they'd have to censor themselves to keep their secrets, Merlin's magic and Lancelot's love for Gwen.)
Then skip to the confrontation with the Cailleach. He already knew that Merlin was planning to sacrifice himself instead of Arthur. Arthur himself was unconscious. The only thing he had to do to protect him is stand there and look pretty. For all his penchant for self-sacrifice, we already knew he feared death, because he said himself that it was difficult to imagine knowingly giving his own life. But he still walked through the Veil.
Let's be clear. The person he saved by doing that was Merlin.
Not to say that there was no way of seeing that as protecting Arthur. He'd just been told by two magical sources (the Vilia and Kilgharrah) that Merlin had a huge destiny. It's likely that Merlin had told him the same thing before, as he was pretty loose with his declarations of how he was meant to protect Arthur. So, it's not impossible that he thought that the best way to protect Arthur, not just that once but in the future, was to save Merlin. You can definitely say that. Just like you can definitely get from Spain to India by sailing west without ever stopping on land. You will have to doge a whole ass continent that spans two hemispheres, though. And have fun in the Pole!
Anyway, this isn't meant to be a shipping manifesto. And while I love those two, and enjoy screaming about them to the void, it isn't even about them either. I most definitely don't mean to undermine Lancelot’s love for Gwen. I just wanted to point out this discrepancy between what the show says (Lancelot sacrificed himself for Gwen, Arthur and Camelot, in that order) and what it does (Lancelot sacrificed himself for Merlin).
#Merlin BBC#mbbc 4x01#mbbc 4x02#The Darkest Hour Pt 1#The Darkest Hour Pt 2#The Darkest Hour#Lancelot#Merlin#Merlance#Mercelot#lit analysis
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3, 10, 12 !!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
Oh hmmm genuinely hard because I like to mind wipe whenever I see a bad take. The *one* that I remember was from twt too. I'll describe it anyway even if I have talked about it here before. It was something implying that Jon wouldn't take another character's trauma seriously. Since it's the violence ask I'll mention that the other character was Martin. The first time I saw it I genuinely blank-screened in a negative way because it did NOT compute. It was set in S1 but even then I can't imagine Jon not having at *least* an "oh, shit" moment. Especially since Martin's trauma in the thing was childhood trauma. Got me going 😒
10. worst part of fanon
Originally, I had three whole paragraphs about aspects that I dislike but I realized they all just point to one thing— flattening.
Flattening of characters, of morality, of the concept of the entities, yadda yadda. This has happened in every fandom since time immemorial for either comedic purposes or sorting purposes. We love putting things in neat little boxes because it just makes things easier to digest and communicate. Martin is the sunshine one, Jon is the tsundere, Tim is the flirt, Sasha is the Girl™️, Elias is the Ad Campaign Villain with a twirly moustache. It's easy to understand but just less...interesting? I don't want to rag on stuff made for fun/memes, I like funny haha fandom memes. It just feels like a lot of fights about the characters boil down to ignoring the multitudes they contain. The contradictory aspects which make them who they are.
Everyone has probably already said their piece about character flattening so I'll go about the morality thing and how people really like to fight about who's in the right and who's in the wrong. Guys, this is tma, they've all done bullshit. No one is ever going to be completely in the right in this show they've all been shitty people to each other at one point, that's what's *fun* about it. My favourite part is that how, even though I may disagree with a character's actions, I can understand *why* they do it. It makes them feel more like people to me. For an easy example I'll just choose the Gertrude-Michael thing. Yeah, Gertrude sacrificing a human being to an entity who tore his who from his what is pretty shitty. One strike in the wrong. However, from how Gertrude and literally everyone else understood the world at that point, her actions can be considered heroic because in their mind, she just stopped an apocalypse! Saved billions of people from becoming Fear Food. One strike in the right. However, as we soon will know it was basically useless. Gertrude will find out that the Ritual would have never worked anyway so all the sacrifices she did (Michael, Jan, who knows who else) were in vain! Yeowch! Two strikes in the wrong. Ain't it fun? Yet I still see Gertrude interpretations that act like she just did it for fun or something, not that she thought the whole world would end if she didn't sacrifice this one dude to the Distortion.
Honestly I'm not satisfied with this ramble and I think there are plenty of flaws in it but I don't want to write anymore and I don't want to think. Yeah, flattening stuff is fun sometimes but not when it seeps into serious-ish discussions.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Look hear me out– Basira and Peter Lukas.
Basira to me is compelling to me for so many reasons. She's the most mentally....secure? character in the show, like she logic'd her way out of the *Unknowing*, and it's implied that she's had to be like that from a young age. Based on her S3 pre-Unknowing statement about how that's how her father raised her. But, she's also so controlled by her emotions. Most clearly and notoriously with Daisy, but another example is when her fondness for Jon in S2 overrode her goal to catch him for potential murder. Her emotions matter to her but also calm logic. Which can lead to a lot of interesting and *frustrating* contradictory moments. Again, notoriously with Daisy and how she treated her vs Jon in S4. She's so incredibly flawed and I love it. She's so secure in her own mind that she doesn't even challenge her own biases and instead present them as fact. It's *such* an interesting character trait and it would be so fun to dig into. However, I also realize that probably also the exact reason why people dislike talking about her. She's a hypocritical murder cop accomplice and that can give anyone an incredibly sour taste in their tongue thinking about her (it gives me a sour taste rn like, should I really be writing about her?)There's just so much I want to pick her brain about though. Insert thing here about liking her as a character does not mean I like her as a person.
Peter Lukas is a piece of shit, but he's a funny piece of shit and I like that. He's living apathy and he's so useless and skfjejcjsnnd
Yeah I can't even defend him he's just such garbage, but I find him fun to bully. Someone once pointed out that when he lost the bet with Elias he acted like a little kid throwing a tantrum and I found it so funny. This man isn't doing anything, he's not even the captain of his own ship in anything but name, Tadeas does all the navigation shit. He really is just some rich kid. A sad strange little man and he's unwillingly a fave because of it.
#abellasks#choose violence ask game#thanks for the ask i'm still scared but it was fun#def not maintagging this#negativity#long post
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Ship Bingo: Gajevy

Thank you so much for the ask @loosesodamarble! I've split your ask into two separate posts since you've asked about two of my favorite ships in Fairy Tail (and probably some of my favorite ships of all-time) so I had a lot to say about both of them and didn't want one to get lost/overshadowed by the other. 😅 It is really hard for me to pick a favorite ship in Fairy Tail but Gajeel x Levy might be my favorite (or definitely tied for favorite at the very least). 💖 The Bingo card for Gajevy is below, and my thoughts, songs, and a few headcanons are below the cut!
Part of the Relationship Bingo Ask Game!
Gajeel Redfox and Levy McGarden

A much deserved Bingo for them!! 🥰
(Warnings: Spoilers for Fairy Tail)
Okay so elephant in the room: while this ended up being my favorite ship in the series (probably, if I had to pick), it definitely didn't start off that way. I knew going into the series that they were supposedly a canon ship so I was really confused and concerned by the way the way they "met," not going to lie. I usually don't like the enemies-to-lovers trope, but I tried to keep an open mind. That said, I definitely didn't start shipping it until later. I think I started to see their relationship more favorably when Gajeel protected Levy from Laxus, but I really started shipping them in the Tenrou Island arc. As the series went on and the two of them grew closer, I got more and more invested in this relationship, and honestly towards the end of the Fairy Tail series one of my biggest, most intense motivations to finish was "I have to see Gajeel confess his love to Levy" (I had heard rumors of a great, heart-wrenching love confession scene on the horizon and wanted to get there so bad. When I did, it was everything! More than I even imagined, and I was so emotionally wrecked from it that I actually took a long break from Fairy Tail to recover).
This relationship was just such a journey and so masterfully done, in my opinion. I think it can be really easy to rush an enemies-to-lovers relationship, but what Gajeel and Levy had was really enemies-to-friends-to-lovers and this kind of slow burn in which Gajeel feels genuine remorse for the actions he took in the beginning, seeks Levy's forgiveness and tries to make it up to her for no other reason than that he knows he messed up and knows he owes her an apology and atonement. There is something so genuine in the way that he slowly earns Levy's trust, then they build this really beautiful friendship with each other based on that trust and mutual respect. It is really out of that friendship that their romantic love for each other grows and develops, and it is that is that love that really inspires both of them to become the best versions of themselves. It is an incredibly compelling storyline for them, especially for Gajeel who grew and changed so much over the series.
I think it's really important to note that (in an similar way to what I mentioned in the previous post in regards to Jellal), Gajeel is really motivated by the fact that Levy believes in him and chooses to see the good in him, but when he changes for the better, he isn't changing so that Levy will go out with him--he's changing because he wants to be the man that she believes he can be. On some level, he doesn't even believe he deserves a life with her, but he still wants to be his best self for her even if they never get to be together. There's really something selfless in that which I think can get lost sometimes especially in an enemies-to-lovers scenario, so I was really impressed and very moved by the fact that was so clear from their story. And of course, he loves her and wants them to be together forever, but he is willing to sacrifice what he wants for what is best for her, even if it means giving up his own life (literally).
On Levy's side, it is clear that she also loves Gajeel and wants the best for him too, and it is obvious that she wants to protect him just as much as he wants to protect her. It was really interesting to watch Levy slowly fall in love with him because it wasn't this big dramatic jump from choosing to forgive him to wanting to have a future together. There are all these small moments of her growing to love him along the way, and I think there is something so real and so solidified about that. Love isn't this fleeting feeling for her, it is a decision she has made. She knows the best and the worst in Gajeel and has watched him grow and change as a person, and she freely chooses to love him where he is. It's not an infatuation. It's not a matter of "I can change him" or of loving his potential. Levy recognizes his strengths and his flaws, the good and the bad in him. She truly knows and sees him, and ultimately, even despite or perhaps because of that, she chooses to love him.
I love so much about this relationship that I'm not sure I can even begin to address it all. I loved their banter with each other and their affectionate teasing. They really had all of these just delightful moments in which you could just tell that they really do enjoy each other's company and have fun together. They also just had these great, very down to earth interactions with each other that really added this element of realism to their relationship. And my goodness do not even get me started about that confession scene. I have chills just sitting here thinking about it, but I think I've rambled more than enough already so I am going to cut myself off. I'll just end by saying these two deserve the world, and I want nothing but happiness and good things for them! 💖
Some Headcanons:
Gajeel isn't much of a reader himself, but he does love when Levy reads aloud to him (and eventually their children). It was something they started in the early days of their relationship, and he keeps it going because he thinks it's adorable that she gets so passionate about it even going so far as trying to give all the characters different voices. In the future, when she reads books aloud to their children, Gajeel sometimes even gets more invested and excited about them than the kids.
Gajeel designs and makes Levy's engagement and wedding rings himself using his magic.
They do have a wedding--a small one with the people they love most in the world in attendance. Gajeel starts to tear up when he sees Levy, and she ends up crying because he's crying. Best Man Panther Lily prepared for such an occasion and comes to the rescue with handkerchiefs for both of them.
Levy loves forehead kisses, and Gajeel will often wake her up with one.
When Gajeel goes away on jobs/quests for the guild, Levy likes to write little notes for him and hide them in his knapsack for him to find later. He eventually catches on and starts looking for them right away so she has to get more creative with her hiding places. He once found one hidden in his boot after mistaking it for a pebble in his shoe. Though her notes aren't usually very long, they are always very heartfelt and mean a lot to Gajeel who thinks Levy really has such a way with words.
Once when their kids are a little older, Gajeel and the children surprise Levy by putting on a bit of a "family concert" for her with them all playing various instruments, sometimes off-tune, but Levy is incredibly touched by the gesture.
A Song That Reminds Me of Them:
I promise I have more serious and generalized songs that remind me of them than the ones I've chosen, but I decided to offer two songs, "Deep Water" by American Authors and "The Air That I Breathe" by The Hollies (links below), that remind me of one of my favorite, specific Gajeel and Levy moments (courtesy of the Tartaros Arc):
Image from Episode 254 and the Fairy Tail Wiki
As you can probably tell from the titles of these songs they are a little on the nose 😅, but I think they are still fitting, particularly "Deep Water" which especially makes me of think of Gajeel in both a literal and figurative sense. Yes, in that one specific moment in the Tartaros Arc, he was literally, "sinking like a stone" and being "pull[ed] under" the water, but I think in a more figurative sense Gajeel was very lost prior to joining Fairy Tail and ultimately building this relationship with Levy. He didn't really know what he wanted from life and was kind of drifting as hinted at by lines like "Well, I think there's something wrong with me/Got nothing to believe" and "But I can't find my purpose when I don't know what my worth is." He hadn't "even scratched the surface" so to say, as he was more concerned with obtaining power and strength than on the things that really mattered in life like building meaningful relationships and opening his heart up to others. But then he turns over a new leaf--he joins Fairy Tail and builds first a friendship with Levy and then this beautiful, romantic relationship built on trust and mutual respect, and it completely changed his life in ways he would've never dreamed or expected.
I also really love the lines "I was going for the title/got hit by your tidal wave." I think they really speak to Gajeel's journey and how he thought he knew what he wanted out of life, but Levy kind of reframed everything for him and it was a total shock. Suddenly, he realizes that he was made for something more--that he wants something deeper, something more meaningful. Thanks to her and this love for her that he never expected, this relationship he never believed he could have, and, probably most shocking of all (to Gajeel anyway), her trust in him and her willingness to see beyond his mistakes to the person that he was always meant to be, he finally realizes that he wants love, a family, and a life with her and starts to believe for the first time that something like that is even possible for him. It can be incredibly frightening and very vulnerable to open yourself up to love (a lot like jumping into the "deep water"). I think that's very true for Gajeel especially, and the rest of that refrain really speaks to that and also to the hope in him that if he opens his heart to her, if he allows himself to love her, that she will stay by his side no matter what life throws at them and that she will love him in return.
I was going for the title Got hit by your tidal wave, uh Can't stay in the shallows Please, tell me I won't wash away
When it pulls me under Will you make me stronger? Will you be my breath through the deep, deep water?
American Authors - Deep Water(Lyrics Video) - YouTube
"The Air That I Breathe" is a classic love song, and it's so on the nose in this particular context that I'm not sure I have much to say about it beyond the fact that I can totally imagine Gajeel seeing Levy as an angel and that their life together and their relationship brings Gajeel a sense of peace and direction in his previously wayward life and (somewhat) restless heart. But yeah...I'll admit it's mostly for the air... 😂 I mean the chorus is literally, "Sometimes, all I need is the air that I breathe and to love you." This is just the Gajevy song, I'm sorry I don't make the rules... 😁
(Warnings: this song has a couple of lines that could be considered suggestive, but since it's such an old song, I'm not sure that was the intention when it was written)
The Air That I Breathe (2008 Remaster) - YouTube
#gajevy#gajeel x levy#levy x gajeel#gajevy headcanons#fairy tail headcanons#ship bingo headcanons#i love them your honor#thanks for the ask#erika 💙#part 2 of 2#ship bingo
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Whumptober day 28:
"We might not make it to the morning, so go on and tell me now."
Bloody knife | sacrifice | "You'll have to go through me."
Fandom: Voltron (El dorado Au)
Prompts used: All
Alright so, I have so much I want to do with this au, so this is short and does end on a vague cliff hanger (heheh). If you've watched the movie you can assume the end, however when I get around to writing this fully, it may be different to how you'd expect. This was intended however, to end up as a Klank story (is that right?), and while it's not present in this it will be in the full one.
TW for blood
El Dorado. The city of gold, gifted to mortals by the Gods over a thousand years ago. It was a legend to many, a myth to many more, a hope to some.
Keith and Hunk had differing views, before this whole journey began. Hunk had wanted something solid and tangible- Spain, or any of the civilizations they knew and had seen before their eyes. Keith had adventure in his eyes, a yearning to go and find and discover and MOVE. The map had given them something, a trail to blaze rather than an ocean of peril.
Their semi-stolen, rescuer to rescued, horse hadn't been completely swayed, but was loyal enough to stay with them- which Hunk took as a win. Especially when they found the natives- well they found them- were led to El Dorado, and decided to pretend to be Gods. And honestly, everything had been surprisingly fine!
Until Keith got fed up with Haggar's bs- which yeah fair, but come on!- and now they were… well here.
Confined to their temple- to bask or rest or pray, Hunk couldn't even recall- because tomorrow they had to prove their Godness again. The anniversary of El Dorado's creation and the day before they were set to leave, a big event with the Gods themselves present.
"You just had to upset Haggar!" Hunk is pacing, heart pounding and breaths short and mind racing.
"I didn't know she'd do… this!" He gestures vaguely to encompass their situation.
"Oh gee, the chick that speaks for the Gods that's been on our butts since we got here gets pissed off and talks about a big deal event to get said butts caught!? Wow so surprising!"
"Hunk, I'm sorry, okay! We can figure this out, so stop panicking!"
"Oh yeah let me just turn it off! We might not make it to the morning, so go on and tell me now, what brilliant plan do you have to get us out of here!?" Hunks worked himself up to full on panic.
"If you panic I'm gonna panic! I need your brain! Or else I'm gonna end up jumping off the stairs and hoping I fly!"
"Geez. The horse was right, you two are a mess."
"Lance!" The two turn to find their native guide standing just inside their back entrance, Shiro- their horse- behind him.
"How have you two made it this far?" He mumbles, looking over his shoulder to ensure he wasn't followed.
"This isn't a normal con!" Keith hisses, nerves still high strung, "If they find out we're lying, we're dead!"
"Only because Haggar has her claws in everything. The Chief doesn't like her or her ways, so all you have to do tomorrow is get him on your side and the people will follow."
"You make it sound so easy!" Hunk whines, though both men have calmed down.
Lance is quiet, and the two finally take notice of his own nervous energy.
"Lance? Is there something else we should know?" Keith ventures carefully, the two step closer, each reaching for a hand.
He allows the motion, squeezing gently as he offers up a smile, it falls short to the sunny ones he'd shared the past few days.
"Tomorrow, just… focus on getting out of it alive. You just have to make it through tomorrow then you can take your boat of gold and leave."
"And then WE can take OUR boat of gold and leave." Hunk corrects quickly, nerves growing again.
"Yeah, we have a plan." Keith agrees, intense stare directed at his tan face.
Lance doesn't meet their eyes, instead smiling wide enough for them to squeeze closed, giving their hands one more strong grip.
"Right. I have to go, tomorrow will be fine." Lance pulls away, turning quickly towards where he came.
"We'll all make it out of here Lance." Keith says it firmly, no room for doubt.
"We're in this together." Hunk concurs.
"Get some sleep you two, you'll need your strength tomorrow."
"My Lieges, once again, my apologies for yesterdays… difference of opinions." Haggar offers a smile, long fingers steepled before her, hood hiding her eyes from view. The smile is not comforting, its disconcerting and down right creepy.
"Right well, bigones." Keith waves the lackluster apology away, neutral face hiding how fast his heart is beating.
Hunk and Keith had barely slept, pressed side by side on the plush bed nest, dreading the day to come, trying to think of some feat they could fake. Shiro had been just as nervous, the armadillo that'd been following them around since they arrived curled up on his back as the two almost seemed to converse. To top it all off, they hadn't seen Lance since he left last night. They'd need another miracle to pull all this off.
"I have a gift, one that will hopefully please the Gods this time."
Keith looks ready to protest, to angrily tell her off once again about needless sacrifices, only for the very Earth to shake as a huge stone beast descends from Haggar's temple. The people scream, Hunk frozen beside Keith as they stare upon the crazy woman dwarfed by the glowing eyed creature behind her.
"I have had my eyes opened, the Gods command they do not want Sacrifices, it is because those will not do! The new age is upon us, and a mass cleanse is needed to please the Gods!"
"Quiznak." Keith mutters darkly.
"Unless of course, they wish to speak for themselves?" Her voice is a tad mocking, and the two realize she knows, their jig is up, and these people may very well pay for it.
"The Gods do not deal with petty mortals in their own realm, Haggar!" The voice comes from higher ground, they whip around to find Lance atop Shiro on one of the higher ledges of the city. "You will be judged in their realm and dealt punishment that you are past due for. So say the Gods!"
"What is he doing?" Hunk whispers aghastly.
"Xibalba." Keith utters back, "The whirlpool." He turns to Hunk and sees the realization dawn on his face.
They nod at each other, and turn as one towards the giant beast,
"Yes! Our brothers and sisters upon the higher realm shall judge you accordingly! You, the false prophet, shall not haunt these people any longer!" Hunks voice deepens dramatically as he speaks, false bravado the only thing keeping his panic at bay.
"We shall end this here!" Keith agrees, the people have mostly scattered, but those that haven't quickly follow coarse.
The beast roars, Haggar grinning far too brightly, as the chase begins.
They run through the winding paths of El Dorado, destination clear in their mind, trying to keep steady as every pounce behind them shakes the ground. They suppose they should be grateful Haggar hated them so, or else this chase would be meaningless. Now they simply had to hope this plan worked, lest this be the end of it all.
As the ledge finally comes into view, the area desolate, they slide to a stop.
"False Gods. Now everyone will know the truth of your divinity, and it will be you to be judged! I know what you are, and I know what you are not! And you are not Gods!"
Haggar and the beast block their exit, and they realize they may not have thought this through-
"You're not a God? You… lied to me?" Lance comes, seemingly, out of nowhere, eyeing them both with betrayal.
His eyes motion behind him-
"What? No, he lied to both of us!" Hunk jumps in, pointing at Keith.
"I did not! It was your plan!" Keith fires back, poking Hunks chest.
"You're the one who wanted gold first!"
"Well you're the one falling for your own con!"
"Well at least I didn’t drool at first sight!"
"Oh don't even! Low blow! You gooey eyed him too!"
"You guys said you were gonna ascend! I can't believe you lied to my people!"
They've steadily moved, argument turning physical as they get between the beast and Haggar who watches them with sick glee.
"This is all you're-" Hunk and Keith have a fist in each other's shirts, arms pulled back to sock eachother in the jaws, but before they can do a finishing move, the beast roars once more.
Haggar launches herself at them, knife pulled from some hidden fold of her robes, manic smile bright, only for it to fall as knife plunges into someone else.
Lance stands between them now, knife buried just below his belly button, but face set in a glare.
"You'll have to go through me."
The knife is yanked out- blood splattering across its surface and the stones below- an outraged yell combining with the creature's Earth rumbling bellow. As the beast lunges forward, Keith wraps an arm around Lance as he and Hunk jump to the sides, vine in hand. Haggar's scream echoes, as the ledge breaks off with the weight of the once stone statue, and disappears in the whirlpool below.
#whumptober 2023#no.28#“we might not make it to the morning so go on and tell me now.”#lyric#bloody knife#sacrifice#“you'll have to go through me!”#voltron legendary defender#fic#blood tw#angst#injuries#langst#au#klank ship#el dorado au#el dorado
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good morning!
i was also really excited to go see D1 in theaters. i remember seeing the first AQP in theaters and yeah, all those scares got me! i obviously the suspense was paramount but i think AQP is one of the horror movies that used jump scares in an effective way without compromising that aforementioned suspense.
agreed! i mean it's really easy to poke holes in this franchise and raise questions about the ecology of the death angels, the logistics of anyone surviving when people make so many unintended sounds, but the science was never the point of the movie. it's meant to be believable enough that you can relate to what the characters are going through, see the steps made to make the world-building feel lived in despite the logistical errors, and speculate about all the things an enforced silence and/or the monsters themselves possibly represent. idk if you've seen Lupita Nyong'o's other horror feature Us, but the "science" makes no sense in that either and it doesn't matter at all! it's not the point!
we both same braincelled thinking of Luc when Frodo stole the show, lol. Sam being in hospice was a very interesting choice. it's unusual to see a main protagonist terminally ill, particularly in this setting where almost any other character's motivations are going to be survival. it does too, present some profound food for thought, exploring what the end of the world as we know it means to a woman who's already reached the end of the world as she knew it.
i was glad they brought Henri back! and we get to know his name that time, awesome! AQP2 did Djimon Hounsou so dirty. he didn't even get a name, his death was cheap and served no purpose. gross trope at full throttle in that movie, our mutual friend and i were talking about that when we watched AQP2 together. i know he was horrified to kill that guy, accidental though it was and particularly with his son there, but...it also felt very human and smth probable to happen at some point. that it was Henri talking action though was a good establishing character moment, while i wish he was in the movie a little more, with what we do have of him i totally understand how he was a natural leader for the island survivors.
Eric's entry! holy cannoli, how long was that guy underwater??? i was amused and endeared that Frodo was the very first thing he saw upon emerging and then, ofc, he followed him. i too would probably follow the cat in that situation.
...now, when Frodo leads him to Sam and a man following a cat around in a deserted city shifted into following a lone woman around a deserted, that is the moment i realized why Joseph Quinn specifically was cast in this role. Sam tries to shoo Eric away and he just keeps following her. there's no one around to uh, help if his intentions are bad. she's especially vulnerable bc she's already in a lot of pain...if this guy didn't have the face of everybody's beloved Eddie Munster, a much greater percentage of the audience would've been creeped the fuck out!!! albeit, he does keep a decent distance even when following her, it's not like he's right up on her heels.
BUT obviously context matters. once they get to talking, i was also endeared. Eric is so nakedly human in that moment. Sam is a very caring person. she gave those scared kids her expensive candy bar. she relents, doesn't try to dissuade this scared, soaking wet guy-- who isn't local and probably doesn't fully understand the directions she's trying to give him, anyway.
then, yes, agreed, that relationship really made the bulk of the movie and it was the most important part of the movie. some people thought there should be more action, i'm not really one of them. i appreciated the quieter, more emotive story being told about strangers bonding and caring for each other (and a cat) in the wake of devastation and destruction. the moments of levity they carve out together, the beauty in that, the small sacrifices and then the bigger ones.
i also knew Eric was going to make it...and than as much as i genuinely enjoyed this movie, here is where i do have some negative thoughts. i knew Eric was going to make it BECAUSE THEY SHOWED HIM MAKING IT IN THE FINAL TRAILER!!!!
WHY. that's--- don't do that! these days trailers feel the need to give away the whole movie! no! hold your cards!
also, i uh...i mean, you already know this because you read my fic (which I appreciate and i will reply to your comment soon, thank you, i'm gradually getting back intoe writing again and i am glad you enjoyed) but i, uh...yeah...sorry. if i had been in the writer's room on this project, Eric wouldn't have survived, either.
i understand that Sam's goal was never to get on the boat. she had already been facing her mortality as a terminally ill hospice patience and when the death angels forced devastation upon everyone, dying on her own terms in city she cared about became her driving force. buut i just...hmmm...with the sheer number of death angels that were there, Eric making it to the boat without a scratch felt a lot like plot-armor? albeit i'm totally biased bc i didn't feel right seeing them separated! i also think it could've been an interesting contrast to AQP2 of a failed sacrifice.
in AQP2, Emmett was fully willing to sacrifice himself for Regan, but she used her hearing aid to emit the frequency before it came to that, so neither of them died. if Sam still attempted the sacrifice play, but her making noise wasn't enough to prevent *one* of the death angels from getting Eric anyway, then uh, the opposite would've happened!
i don't hate the ending, given the contextual significance of Sam's character motivations, but still. they parted ways and it felt so wrong. 😭
if i have another negative, it would be that you can feel that some scenes were deleted? like, what happened to Eric's first pair of shoes? something definitely happened to those shoes and why cut that scene if you're going to keep the scene of Sam picking him out new shoes? and Denis O'Hare's character was cut entirely? WHY?
but again, mostly positive things to say. namely about the performances and themes, just downright incredible performances. including that of Nico & Schnitzel! extra praise for the suspense of the subway sequence! in that scene in the tunnel i was simultaneously aching for Eric mid-panic attack and jealous of Joseph Quinn bc i want Lupita Nyong'o to hold my face like that.
good evening, foxy! please tell me all your thoughts and feelings on AQP:D1! but only if you want, no pressure. 👾
Ahhh, thank you for this ask! I just loved it so much. 🧡 I was excited to watch it on the big screen; it was so worth it.
I know, I know, some things just don't make sense in the franchise, but I'm gonna just ignore that, because I'm in for the feels and cool monsters, not for science.
I love deep, emotional themes so Sam being in hospice really got the story off on the right foot for me. I instantly fell in love with Frodo, too, (and thought about how @lucdarling must love him, too). I could totally feel Sam when she risked both her and her "not friend's" life, too, to save him. I would do the same for my dog. The part where Henri accidentally killed the guy on the roof was a memorable scene, too, it stuck with me. Then off to the part where Eric entered. Gosh, the way my heart went !!! when he noticed Frodo, and Frodo adopted him and took him to Sam and went mom, can we keep him? and he was just standing there being so miserable and sweet. It was so endearing how he just followed the duo even though Sam tried to shoo him away. I got teary-eyed when they stopped in the rain and he was so scared to speak, and then just told Sam how he was really scared and didn't wanna die there. Aggghhh! And Sam just gave up and took him in. That was it for me. I was totally sold.
The part where Sam told Eric to kick in the door, and Eric just looked at her like really, do I look like an action hero? but then he did it made me laugh a little. The part where Eric shows up at the bookstore and just stands there again, too.
Then I was so freaking anxious when they were in the tunnels and Eric had a panic attack, but also felt so freaking soft for them. When Sam went over to try to ground him, to hold him, to save him. She was never gonna leave him behind. <3 gaaah
Then I cried when Eric gave Sam the pain patch thing and they agreed that Sam won't die until after they ate pizza. And cried when they held each other at the flaming hole in the ground. And when Sam gave him the sweater. And when he started crying when Sam gave him Frodo and sent him off to run. I was crying a lot.
I knew he was gonna make it, but my heart was still racing. My heart was breaking for the both of them, I wanted them to stay together longer, you know. (Your fic was perfectly soul-wrenching!)
I just loved the three of them so much! Sam and Eric felt so real, so human! The beauty was in the small things, I didn't need more action. I'm a sucker for found family themes, and with the sci-fi/horror backdrop, it was even more my cup of tee.
But the ending was badass with Sam exiting with that song in that way! I mean at the beginning she was just existing, waiting for death in that hospice being either angry or numb most of the time, probably mourning a lot of what could have been. And in the end she was at peace, she saved Eric and Frodo and she was ready to go.
I know I was all over the place, I'm sorry. ---- What did you think?
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having reader be much larger than anyone in madcom's universe gives their position a new weight- when they're on the same level as everyone else, it becomes easier to see them as just another person, but the (actually pretty comical) height difference emphasizes the power they wield and also probably doesn't help the religious implications for jeb and especially phobos (though, again, one has to wonder how the auditor even got them into nevada)
True, we spoke about this before with Phobos, but the implications behind the Player being so grand would definitely hit Jeb pretty hard too. Unlike Phobos, he's not the most devout in the classical follower-God worship type way, so I think you being so obviously otherworldly and powerful would kind of tip him a little more into that direction? He takes pride in the way he's served you before of course; the more personal touch he adds to the compliments he gives you and the way he so easily follows your every word without complaint or resistance is proof enough of his unquestioning faith in you. But now it feels inadequate.
It was easy to believe that you were like him, given your kindness and approachable attitude. But seeing you in this form gave new meaning to what you were to him. Not only were you the person he trusted the most, but you were also a Deity. A God amongst the denizens of Nevada, someone above even the Employers and Higher Powers. With a mere sweep of your hand, you could decimate legions of grunts. Your height made you appear quite imposing, and Jeb was further mystified by the sheer juxtaposition you represented. Strong and unimaginably powerful, but also kind and gentle to those who were good. You've blessed him with your support and a fraction of your might through those strings of yours, so he'll repay you by being more outspoken as your vessel. It's only fitting that a Savior devotes themselves entirely to their God, especially for one like yourself. It's what you deserved after all. Jeb's goal may have been the cleansing of Nevada, but he was your Savior as well.
(Also, you're right, how the Auditor even managed to get you into Nevada is a big question. My guess would be that he just made himself big enough to fetch you since we know he can do that. It's a shame for all those grunts he had to absorb to do it, but it was a necessary sacrifice to get closer to you.)
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