#and each time he chose to stand against kol in ANY way
philtatosbuck · 2 years
the hate boner some people have for freya is Insane how do you actively sit there and portray dahlia in the right for what she did to her and blame freya for shit that ELIJAH and REBEKAH decided to do
now which is it. is freya strong and manipulative enough to trick elijah and rebekah to do her bidding and completely blindside them or are elijah and rebekah smarter and stronger than freya and capable of running circles around her.
#the k*lvina fandom is unbearable with this#of all the reasons you have to hate freya that's not good enough and you just gotta make shit up huh#lmfao not to mention victim blaming her for esther SELLING HER TO DAHLIA.#and dahlia ENSLAVING THE GIRL????#dahlia being wronged by esther does not justify what the fuck she did to freya#nor what she was planning to do with hope#the truth of the matter is that elijah barely gave a fuck about kol#and each time he chose to stand against kol in ANY way#it was a choice#holding him down to be daggered. prioritizing everyone else over him.#agreeing with esther being resurrected over him. killing davina.#because let's just say it: elijah would not have gone along with the sacrifice if it was one of his sibling's s/os#y'all wanna bitch about freya when she met kol like. two weeks prior to that shit#(not including their first meeting)#elijah has known kol every day of kol's LIFE#THAT is the bigger betrayal.#when kol found out what they did he said 'why would my brother do that'#not why would freya and elijah. my brother#the biggest betrayal came from elijah. not freya.#but it's easier to blame freya for everything huh LMFAO#how did davina realize what the ancestors did was the consequences of her actions before y'all did ...#anyways. elijah picks every one of his siblings beyond MAYBE finn over kol each time he's given the chance#you just want to scapegoat freya so you don't have to admit elijah fucked up more than she did#idk about you but if it were ME? i'd be more pissed at the brother i've known all my life over the sister i met five minutes ago#this isn't to say freya is innocent. she's not. she KNOWS she's not.#elijah however.... Continuously stands against kol. uses davina. but crickets!#okay then.#freya mikaelson#elijah mikaelson#to be clear. i don't care enough about k*lvina to hate freya or elijah for what they did i'm just keeping it a buck 98 with y'all
0 notes
milliedazzledust · 4 years
Turning Pages (Kol Mikaelson imagine)
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Request by @scallisonbaby : Could you write an imagine for Kol, she’s the daughter of one of his main enemies, she tried to keep it a secret but he finds out and klaus tries to kill her saying she’s probably spying on us but Kol proctects the reader.
Words: 2858 words
A/N: this doesn’t follow the chronology or history of the show. Kinda felt inspired, this is long
Y/N knew she was screwed the moment she saw him. The brown eyes, disheveled hair, handsome smile and smartass attitude, not to mention this british accent that could make her swoon. Yes, Kol Mikaleson really was her weakness.  She suspected he knew it and played with it anytime he could. She hadn’t known the Mikaelsons for long but had helped them countless times.
Several years ago, before the family came back to New Orleans, she had come to seek shelter. Her path had crossed Marcel’s. He had come to her rescue before some vampire could kill her one night and she confided a whole part of her story she wished she could forget to him. She had expected him to ask her to leave and never come back to his city, but instead, he had agreed to help and hide her.
Ever since, she had kept that secret and had sworn no one would ever find out. Before New Orleans, she had another life, another name. A one she despised more than anything with a man she no longer considered family. She’d learn of his implication with Klaus himself later on when the man she had succeeded to avoid for years came back, hellbent on revenge against the Mikaelsons.
« How exactly do you think this is gonna go when they’ll find out ? » Marcel asked her, handing her a bottle of beer.
She sighed. Sitting on the couch in his living room, her feet crossed on the table, she took the beverage and leaned back, staring at the ceiling.
« I think Kol is gonna kill me » She answered.
« Kol isn’t the brother you should be worried about »
She gave him a side look and pursed her lips before taking a sip from her bottle.
« Family’s a real bitch sometimes, huh ? » She half heartedly joked.
« He’s not your family, not anymore. Not since you came to New Orleans »
She smiled at her friend.
« But your father has become powerful enough to kill an original over the past couple of weeks and you know he’s gonna try to destroy them »
Again, she sighed.
« What am I suppose to do ? »
« I know you don’t want to see him, but you might just be the only one who can stop him »
« Do you really think he’ll listen to me ? After all I’ve told you ? »
« Lucien is … well … complicated, but not beyond reason »
She chuckled.
« Complicated ? Is that your definition of psychotic maniac killer ? »
Marcel stood up then turned to the girl, offering her his hand.
« You owe it to yourself to at least try »
She rolled her eyes.
« Damn you and your moral Marcel » She muttered, taking his hand and getting up.
With a heavy heart, she let him take her to the compound. So far as she could remember, she always had felt scared of her father. When she was a child, often she felt like she couldn’t breathe. Her heart would race at the simplest sound of his feet approaching. Countless times she cried herself to sleep, hoping he wouldn’t hear, otherwise he’d come to show her what it was to be strong and not weak, as he would put it.
Marcel took her to the French Quarter, knowing whatever Klaus was planning, it was certainly to lure Lucien into the compound. He wasn’t wrong. The moment they step foot inside the Mikaelson’s mansion, one of them was already flying across the room, landing with a loud noise on the staircase. The vampire she had once known as her father was standing in front of Niklaus as his brother got back on his feet.
« You should’ve ran while you still could » Klaus threatened him.
« And miss an opportunity to kill you ? » Lucien laughed.
Klaus grinned, taking a step back. He silently nodded at his sister Freya. She instantly started chanting ancient words, a grimoire in one hand, the other raised in defense against him. In a matter of seconds, Lucien was on the ground, screaming in pain.
All this time, Y/N stayed behind Marcel. It was her way to shield herself from him. No one except Kol acknowledged their presence. Instinctively, after a quick look at her, he put himself in front of her. For a moment she thought it was to allow his brothers to attack, but when she felt his hand clasped around hers, she knew he was trying to protect her from the fight to come.
Suddenly, almost as quick as it started, her father stopped screaming and laughed. She’d recognize that evil, wicked sound anywhere.
« Did you really think this would work ? » Lucien proudly stated, standing up.
Freya took a step back, glancing at Klaus. Whatever spell they had planned, it wasn’t working on him. They all looked tense when he casually crossed the magic border around him with ease.
« Let’s get this show on the road, shall we? » He grinned.
The Mikaelsons spun in a defensive stance. Elijah launched himself first and made Lucien fall, but the vampire was quick to get back on his feet. Klaus used his speed to attack but the other creature anticipated his move and threw him against a wall. Angry, he got back up, breaking a chair and stabbed him with it. Lucien took the weapon out of his chest and Elijah used this distraction to get behind him and try to strike. It was no use. The other vampire turned before he could do anything and grabbed his arm, breaking it in the process. Seeing his brother struggling, Kol glanced behind him at Y/N before rushing to help him.
« Don’t move » He warned her.
He squeezed her hand one last time and ran to Lucien, punching him and making him lose his grip on his brother. Y/N watched in horror her worst nightmare happening. Soon, Marcel joined the fight and the violent dance started against the vampires. Her breath suddenly got caught in her lungs when she saw her father twist Kol’s arm, making his knees hit the floor. When Elijah and Klaus tried to get closer, he pulled harder on his shoulder. Kol winced in pain and his brothers stopped dead in their tracks.
When Y/N saw her father’s fangs retracting and the black veins running on his face, she swore her heart stopped beating. Right then, out of pure fear for the man she loved, she deciding she could no longer stay back.
« Enough! » She yelled.
His mouth wide opened, close to Kol’s arm, he looked up at her and smirked. For a moment it all sounded quiet. Everyone was completely still and no one moved over the silence of the room. The invisible tension was almost palpable as she took a tentative step toward him.
« Let him go » She told him, her voice quivering.
Still wearing that god awful smile, he looked back at her, pleased by her intervention.
« Stay back, Y/N » Kol warned her before, worried she would try to come closer.
She stopped in her track. As she looked around the room, she could see the questioning stares around her and she knew this moment would change everything, but she couldn’t let him hurt this family.
« Please … stop » She whispered, her eyes watery.
« Why would I ? » He darkly chuckled.
« Because I’m asking you »
Her lips quivered as she forced herself to take a breath.
« Y/N, step back. He is dangerous » Elijah advised her.
Lucien let out a sinister chuckle, raising an eyebrow.
« They don’t know, do they ? »
She pursed her lips, silently answering his question. Once again he loudly laughed, finding the situation amusing.
« Marvelous ! »
From the corner of her eyes, she could see Klaus started to put the puzzle into pieces. She was screwed and she knew it.
« I’ll come back if you let them go » She offered, ignoring Kol gaze on her.
He bitterly smirked.
« You chose your side when you fled my home, Y/N. And for that you will die too »
He tightened his hold on the vampire beneath him when he started to fight back at his words.
« And your pathetic lover with it » He spitted.
« You left me no other choices ! »
« You were supposed to rule by my side! » He screamed. « You were suppose to defeat the Mikaelsons with me ! »
« Those were your plans, not mine » She cried.
Again, she saw his fangs retracting and she felt the fear growing in the pit of her stomach.
« I’ll teach you what happens when you betray your own father, Y/N ! »
This was it. They finally knew. She saw each Mikaelsons widened their eyes in surprise. Marcel took a defensive step toward her when she noticed Klaus starting to shift, angry. What hurt her the most was the way Kol stared back at her. His jaw tightened, his fist clenched, he looked betrayed and it broke her heart. Before any of them could process the news or react, she watched her father plugged his fangs into the arm of the man she loved, making him scream in agony.
« No! » She shouted, running to them in a vain effort to save him.
Before she could even reach Kol, she felt her body being pushed and her back violently smacking a wall. The force of the impact made her close her eyes just for a second but when she opened them back, she noticed her father had fled. Ignoring the physical pain she felt, she tried to stand up.
« I’ll kill you! » She heard Klaus yelled at her.
He reached her at an impressive speed, clasping his hands around her neck. With all the power he could, he strangled her, and the girl was no match against Klaus Mikaelson. Marcel was quick to come to her rescue and threw the vampire attacking her across the room.
All Y/N could focus on was Kol cries. The man was on the ground, Freya and Elijah by his side, fighting an invisible force trying to kill him, fighting a fate brought by her father. He screamed in agony as his brother tried to hold him still while their witch sister had already started to gather ingredients for a spell.
« We don’t have long » She told them.
« Why are you protecting her ?! » Klaus shouted to Marcel. « That wicked woman lied to us! »
« She had no choice, Klaus! »
« So you knew ! You knew she was a spy send to destroy my family and you said nothing! »
« She’s not with him ! »
« Do I care about terminology ?! He is her father ! »
Elijah watched Y/N as she tightly shut her eyes at his brother’s words.
« Enough, Niklaus! » He shouted at his brother. « This is not the place, nor the time »
Kol was still restless on the ground, the spasms making it harder for Elijah to hold him still. His skin had started to become sickly pale. Y/N stared at him, a few feet away. Never had she felt so guilty and ashamed. She could see his misery and knew the mere sight of it would haunt her for the rest of her life.
« Freya, do something ! » Klaus urged her when his brother stared to violently shake.
« I’m trying ! » She responded.
She quickly gathered everything she needed around her, working as fast as she could.
« I’m gonna need Lucien’s blood » She informed them.
The brothers shared a look. They knew wherever the man was, they wouldn’t reach him in time.
«  Would … would mine work ? » Y/N softly suggested.
« Yes »
« You’re not coming anywhere near him! » The hybrid shouted back.
« Niklaus, let the woman help! » Elijah answered him.
He nodded at her and she almost ran to Freya, offering her arm to her. She winced when the witch cut her skin but her eyes never left Kol. Freya finished her spell and mixed all her ingredients, adding Y/N’s blood then handed a cup to Elijah. He brought it to his brother’s mouth, forcing him to drink. The girl waited by his side, anxious. She hadn’t noticed the tears on her face, nor her hands trembling. She let out a breath of relief when she saw the man stopped shivering.
« Leave, now » Klaus firmly ordered.
« Are you serious ? She just saved your brother! » Marcel warned him.
« It’s … it’s alright, I’ll go »
She stood up, shaking with emotions, ready to collapse in tears, and walked to the door. She took a look back, needing to make sure he was alive.
« He’s gonna be alright » Elijah reassured her.
She nodded, glad he at least wasn’t showing any sign of anger toward her then glanced one last time at Niklaus.
« You and I share one thing in commun, we didn’t choose to have a crappy father. I thought you of all people would’ve understood that »
He pursed his lips, holding himself back from answering.
« I’ll leave New Orleans tomorrow » She told them. « I’ll try to draw him out of the city »
« You don’t need to go » Marcel told her.
« Just … tell him I’m sorry, okay ? » She asked, looking one last time at Kol.
Marcel sadly nodded at the girl before she disappeared. For a while, she just wandered around the streets, enjoying the eery atmosphere of New Orleans one last time before going home and packing.
Leaning over the balcony of her home later that night, she stared at the life still roaring so late in the city. A man on the street was playing the sax while some people danced to it. She could hear the noise from Rousseau’s, the laugh, the music, the chatter. Bourbon street and its live music and vibrant people felt so alive and inviting, a chaotic contrast to what she was feeling. Time seemed to slow as she tried to photograph this memory, a keepsake to give her strength in the rough times she knew would come against her father. She felt a sudden gush of air behind her and shivered, knowing what it was before he even spoke.
« Were you really expecting me to let you go that easily, love ? »
She closed her eyes, a tear rolling down her cheek. All the noises around her disappeared. All she could hear was the loud silence and his heavy presence. She tensed when she felt him take a step closer, scared he might say something that would definitely hurt her.
« Kol… » She whispered.
« Why ? » He simply asked.
She pursed her lips, trying to come up with an answer that would be enough to make him understand.
« I was scared »
« Of what ?! »
« My father has done terrible things »
He grabbed her wrist, making her sharply turned to face him.
« Y/N, have you seen my family ? » He argued. « Did you think I would judge you ? Do you think so low of me ? »
« Are you alright ? » She suddenly asked, not acknowledging any of his questions, her eyes scanning his body for any sign of injury.
« What ? »
He seemed lost for a moment.
« Your wound » She explained. « Has it healed ? »
« That’s beside the point, Y/N »
« You almost died because of me »
« Because of him » He corrected her.
In a second he was in front of her and entangled his hand in her hair, his thumb softly stroking her cheek.
« Why, Y/N ? » He asked in a whisper, his eyes pouring into hers.
She felt small under his gaze, unarmed and vulnerable.
« I didn’t want to remember » She admitted. « I just wanted to forget him, forget he existed, forget the years of … »
She stopped herself and he knew why. He didn’t need her to say it to know Lucien had hurt her, badly.
« I didn’t think I’d see him again » She kept going, a lump forming in her throat. « I thought I was free, Kol »
She starred right back at him, a sob escaping her throat.
« I thought I was finally free » She told him, her shoulders shaking with every word.
He dragged her to him, squeezing her as she melt down in his arms. It was more than crying, it was the kind of desolate sobbing that comes from a person drained of all hope. He felt her sank to her knees before she could touch the ground and tightened his hold of her. He waited patiently until she was calm enough to take a step back.
« There’s no way I’m letting you leave the city, Y/N »
« I have to make him go. Besides, your brother will have be beheaded if I don’t disappear »
« The hell with Niklaus, he can go fuck himself for all I care »
She rolled her eyes at him.
« I’m not letting you go » He vehemently stated, cupping her cheeks.
« He’ll come back for you. All of you » She muttered.
« Well good. We’ll be waiting for him »
« Kol … »
« Mark my words, Y/N ; I am NOT letting you go » He repeated.
He leaned into her and kissed her forehead, then her nose, then softly, her lips.
« I can’t let him get to you » She confessed.
« And I can’t let you go near him. This is a dead end, love, and you’re not winning this argument »
She chuckled.
« I really thought I’d lost you for a moment »
He smirked.
« Never. You’re stuck with me for an eternity »
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wasteland, baby! | kol mikaelson - chapter eleven
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Summary: Kol makes a deal with the Hollow to revive the first woman he ever loved. Unfortunately, it doesn’t go as planned.
Trust’s Note: Please like and reblog! I hope you enjoy. I added some Rebekah and Aniya content for y’all <3
Word Count: 2,300
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten
❝ forgive me, for the things i did but most the ones i did not ❞
KOL WATCHED SILENTLY as Keres set a grimoire in front of him. The small building in the cemetary was lit up only by faded sunlight and several candles, scattered around the area. Aniya lifted an eyebrow at the witch, critical eyes watching for any reason to turn away from Keres and search elsewhere. Her mouth twitched when Keres suggested Henry Pearl's sacrifice, posture shifting at the smug look on the witch's face. Her fists clenched together, body void of any amusement as she prepared her attack against the younger witch.
Kol cleared his throat, stepping in front of Aniya. Frankly, he wasn't sure who he was protecting. He was only sure that there seemed to be a smug look on Keres's face. He narrowed his eyes, but quickly replaced it with a polite smile.
"The human is off the table, unfortunately. Perhaps we should move onto some other possible victims," Kol suggested. He all but shoved the grimoire in Keres's direction, a quiet suggestion that she find another solution.
It was an odd dynamic. Physically, Keres was much older than Aniya and Kol. She was a dark-skinned woman in her mid-to-late twenties, while Aniya and Kol were frozen in their teenage years. Still, Kol found himself a bit offended. Keres would have known to offer some respect to her elders.
Aniya lifted her chin, hand lightly pushing Kol to the side. She stared Keres in the eyes, as if daring the witch to lie to her. "You're quite insistent, aren't you? So willing to sacrifice my Henry for a spell you wouldn't stand to benefit from. Keres, he has no power; no ties to the supernatural world -- and yet, you suggest we trade his life for a thousand year old immortal witch?"
She had a sharp tongue for a girl her size. It was odd. She was different from the girl he'd found curled up in the foyer that night. Aniya Grover was strange, in a manner that made his lips curl at the edges and eyes glitter in amusement. She'd had a chameleon soul; an inner indecisiveness that was as wide and wavering as the ocean. Had it been Henry Pearl that awoke this fire within her?
Whatever the answer, Kol's stomach twisted at the seams. The thought of her wrapped in his arms was enough to make him gag. He couldn't bring himself to understand why.
Keres turned the grimoire in Aniya's direction, a smug look painted across her face as she pushed it toward her. "Sacrificed are more likely to work when the emotional bond is the same between the victim and the vessel. Tyaag spells are known for failing. It's more likely to work if you care as much about the person you're sacrificing, as you do the person you're trying to bring back. So, a best friend, a brother, a boyfriend..."
It registered then that Aniya had none of those. She'd only had Henry. Kol shifted his stance. If Keres's words were true and she chose to sacrifice someone she cared for, she could only choose Henry. As far as Aniya was aware, the Mikaelsons couldn't be killed. And regardless, she'd said once that they had all been family to her in her human days. Surely she wouldn't throw that away in exchange for a human she'd just met.
Surely she wasn't that idiotic.
Aniya's jaw clenched, a bitter smile spreading across her face. Her dark eyes bored into Keres's. "No."
Keres's eyes glimmered with delight, a smile spreading across her red lips. Her tone shifted, mocking the girl in front of her. "So you'll let an innocent human die in exchange for your brother? You are cruel, Aniya."
"He is innocent." Her confidence never seemed to waver. Her right hand clenched into a fist, the whites of her knuckles beginning to peak through her olive skin.
"Perhaps we should focus our attention on smaller spells," Kol cut in, the rising tension in the room seeming to eat away at him. "How many humans do we need for the memory spell? Fifteen? Fifty?"
"Five." Keres stared at him as if he'd gone mad. "One for each of the Mikaelson siblings."
Aniya questioned, "I thought Finn died."
"Mikaelsons never properly die. We never learned," Kol responded, then turned back to Keres. He would explain later. "Five humans in exchange for decades of memories. It's quite simple, don't you think?"
"You were humans when your memories were erased, so we only need to erase human memories." Keres explained. "They all need to be eighteen at the youngest and in their thirties, at the oldest."
Aniya frowned. "And what of Mikael and Esther? We won't be returning theirs?"
Kol nearly laughed at her question, the past centuries replaying in his brain. Mikael had hunted he and his siblings for centuries, in the hopes of murdering Niklaus and doing God knows what with the rest of them. He'd been killed and brought back countless times, once in particular as a result of Davina Claire.
Esther had been murdered by Niklaus a thousand years ago. She was killed and brought back several times as well, and each time she'd carried a sort of vendetta against her own children. It was as if she'd made it her life's goal to wipe them from the face of the Earth. But then, it had been Esther that had resurrected him in the body of a witch, and it had been Esther that introduced him to Davina.
Part of him resented her for it. Davina had made him a better person, that much was true. He'd fallen in love with her, convinced himself that the moon and sun rose and fell by her will alone. She had bewitched him, in ways he could not bring himself to justify nor understand. It had been Esther that introduced the pair; but then, it had been their meeting that caused Davina's death in the first place.
A heavy weight seemed to drop onto his chest. Aniya would never know the cruelty of his mother's actions. He might have envied her for it, but there seemed to be this part of him that felt a bit relieved.
"You're better off assuming they've truly died," Kol said after a moment.
"You two really have a thing for being melodramatic. Y'all deserve each other," Keres stated. "I'll get everything you need for the spell. Bring me five people, and I'll erase one year of their lives for each year you knew the Mikaelsons."
Aniya lifted an eyebrow. "And how do you benefit from this?"
"My people have lost their ties to the ancestors. We have no power and no idea how to practice earth magic. Tyaag magic is the closest thing we've got, so I wanna learn more about it," She answered almost too perfectly.
"These spells can't be practiced by ordinary witches--"
"So we'll make a new branch of magic," Keres shut her down immediately. "One where we don't have to die to become all powerful."
Aniya's face twisted into a glare, baring her teeth at the witch. Kol narrowed his eyes at Keres, immediately understanding the gravity of the situation. Tyaag magic had been forgotten, buried and disrespected for centuries. It had originated from polytheistic beliefs, with the hope of appeasing their gods. Aniya and her brother had given their lives to sacrificial magic and rituals, and now it would be stolen and forgotten without so much as a thought.
"People have lost their lives to practice these rituals," Aniya said. "You mean to tell me that you're willing to put the lives of children on the line, for the sake of convenience. You have the ability to practice earth magic, why not use it?"
"I'm trying to help you. Why ask so many questions?" Keres spoke as if Aniya were a child, trying to put her back in her place. Aniya seemed to fall back under Keres's gaze.
"I'll provide you your humans. I'll need only a few days."
She turned on her heel and made her way out of the cemetary building. Kol stared after her, a small voice in his head screaming to defend her against Keres. Before he could so much as let out a word, Keres said, "She's stubborn. You might want to find your humans sooner. I'm sure Klaus will figure out you're lying eventually, and we wouldn't want that."
'No.' Kol would be daggered and shoved in a box before he could begin to defend himself. In regards to Aniya, there was no telling how he would react to a betrayal from someone so foreign, and vulnerable. For all he knew, she would be killed as a form of punishment. His consequence for disobeying direct orders.
Niklaus had become a madman, a dictator over the years. Perhaps he'd spent a bit too much time with King Louis. Whatever the reason, it occurred to Kol that there was no telling how he would respond to twenty years of ancient memories being thrust toward him. He had hoped the twins had been close with Niklaus in their past lives. Then he might be a bit more lenient about completely slaughtering the poor girl.
Kol nodded half-heartedly at Keres and made his way out of the cemetary. Maybe there would be some humans in his path, grieving over a lost lover or family member. Maybe they would be heartbroken enough to wish to forget their grief, exchanging it for a bit of amnesia and the aching feeling that they were missing something... indespensable.
To be quite honest, Kol wasn't sure how he found himself in front of Davina's grave, how he'd somehow managed to wander there despite the exit being several paces away. He was met with a crack in the cement, the old stone beginning to harden, immortalizing the girl that lied behind it. He knew that he could not make anyone understand the insurmountable grief he held in his chest. He could not make anyone understand what was happening inside him, and he could not begin to explain it himself.
Immortals such as he should not have been able to love the way humans do. Humans loved based on survival, lived viscerally and vulnerable out of fear of their own morality. With the destruction of the stake, Kol feared nothing of the sort. Davina had feared it all, and she had loved him regardless of his dirtied fingers and blood-drenched lips. She had saved him, resurrected him when his family had all but forgotten him once more.
He knew he should have had the courage to move on. Humans die, witches die. It was what they were made to do -- and yet, he simply couldn't bring himself to let go of the girl that had loved him so dearly. The one that had given so much to ensure he would come back. He owed her that much.
It was when he turned the corner that he was pulled out his thoughts, attention now focused on a drunken man tossing old beer at a gravesite. Kol lifted an eyebrow.
"Excuse me." He made his way towards the man. The old man couldn't have been any younger than forty, perhaps fifty. He would be able to fill in for Finn. Nearly thirty years of memories shouldn't have too much of an affect on a bastard such as this.
"Oh, hello," He slurred, words tainted with a heavy Swedish accent. The man moved recklessly, beer spilling out of the bottle and landing on the ground. Kol wrinkled his nose in disgust. "Please, ignore me. I'm simply having a drink with my wife."
"Yes. Well, you're being quite disrespectful to her memory. Most men would kill to have had a happy marriage," Kol paused for a moment, his eyes fixating on the man's bruised knuckles. A bitter smile formed on his face. "Tell me about your wife."
"Ah, she was beautiful. We met in secondary school, you see. She was this tall brunette girl, quite beautiful in her own way. Our parents despised each other,  a sort of Romeo and Juliet-esque situation. We were together for two years before we ran off to America, claiming it was for university purposes." The old man had a tendency to stop in the middle of his sentences, taking a short sip of his drink. He let out a laugh. "My son does love to keep me away from this stuff. Says it's bad for me, the fucking idiot."
"Your son," Kol repeated, gaze flickering to his knuckles once more. His mouth began tasted of blood, a hatred beginning to sear inside of his chest. "Tell me, how did you manage to end up in New Orleans?"
"Ah, it was our first stop. Woman wanted to go to Tulane or whatever it was, but she chose me over her studies. Smart move on her behalf, perhaps one of her only ones," The man chuckled. "A while after, we found she was expecting. We had a boy, and she became ill a few years later. I stayed by her side during that time. I had promised her till death, of course. She was ungrateful nevertheless."
"How's your son?"
"Ah, he's all right now. Twenty-three, but works in a diner like his mother. Fucking idiot doesn't know how to make something of himself," He scoffed. "Sleeps all day, too."
It clicked then. Kol felt as though he'd ate the world raw. He nodded to himself and grabbed the man, wrapping a hand tightly around his mouth and squeezing until he went limp in his arms.
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alehaj15 · 5 years
More than just enough
Klaus Mikaelson x reader x Kol
Imagine: Kol kisses you and Klaus immediately comes to win you from his brother's arms.
Warning: smut, jealousness
Late night in New Orleans made you want to go out and have some fun. You never went out alone. Always one of the Mikaelsons went with you. Tonight, it was Kol, because he loved parties and he also offered himself. Klaus, as your boyfriend, didn't really like that idea, but he had enough work to deal with by protecting you from his enemies. As he didn't want to confine you, he eventually agreed. You and Kol were leaving, when he stepped in front of Kol.
   ''If anything happens to her,-'' he said with his 'threatening face'
   ''I know, i know, brother. I'll be daggered for another two centuries.'' he grinned.
   ''Don't worry, i care about her too. Nothing'd be able to even touch her. I swear.'' Kol added and then both of you left.
When you arrived the club, the party was already underway.
   ''We came here to have fun, so let's go.'' Kol said as he grabbed your hand and led you to the dancefloor. You went with him. The music was energetic and as you were dancing, you became thirsty.
   ''What party would it be without some drinks, huh?'' you smiled at Kol.
   ''What can i get you, darling?'' he asked politely.
   ''Whatever you like.'' you replied and continued dancing.
Kol left you dancing and headed to the bar. After a while, he came back with two glasses of whiskey.
   ''Hope you like this.'' he said as he handed you one of the glasses.
   ''Thanks.'' you replied and rose your glass simultaneously with Kol, then drank all of the liqour.
   ''Why don't you dance with me?'' you asked with a smirk.
   ''May i?'' he replied with the same smirk you had.
   ''Why not?'' you asked as you pulled him back to the dance floor.
Kol liked you since the first time he saw you, and was a little dissapointed when you chose his brother over him. Even though he hated it, he wanted you to be happy. When both of you were tired from all that dancing, you sat to the bar and he ordered another two glasses of whiskey.
   ''To this awesome night.'' you said with a chuckle and rose your glass.
   ''To this amazing person next to me.'' he said and rose his one too.
Both of you let the liquor flow down your throats.
   ''Can i ask you something, (y/n)?'' he got serious.
   ''You just did.'' you chuckled. He did too.
   ''I'm kidding, go on, ask whatever you want.'' you said.
   ''What does my brother have that i don't?'' he asked.
   ''What do you mean?'' you asked in a confusion caused by his question.
   ''I mean, why did you choose him?''
   ''I don't know, actually.'' you said after you realized what he was talking about.
   ''Why do you ask these questions?''
   ''I always liked you, but then you fell in love with him. And i wanted you to be happy, darling, i still really do, but i can't do this anymore.'' his head fell.
   ''I'm sorry, Kol. I didn't mean to hurt you.'' you apologised ''I didn't know.''
   ''Can you do something for me, (y/n)?'' he asked as he raised his head.
   ''Of course, what is it?'' you replied willing to help him.
   ''Don't tell him about this.'' he whispered as he held your head and clutched his lips on yours. It didn't take long and suddenly, something pulled him back.
   ''How dare you, brother?!'' you saw Klaus shouting at Kol while he was choking him against the wall and not giving a damn about him making a scene ''You know how much i love her! This is the way you care about her?!''
   ''Klaus, what the hell are you doing here?'' you asked in shock.
   ''Tell me, (y/n), do you still love me?'' Klaus asked with tears in his eyes not even turning at you.
   ''Of course i do.'' you replied
   ''Leave him!'' you tried to save Kol before getting choked.
   ''Than why did you kiss him?'' Klaus continued.
   ''I don't know. It just happened. But i still love you, more than anything.'' you whined.
Klaus let his brother to catch a breath and turned on you, touching your hair.
   ''Leave, Kol, till i change my mind.'' he said with his eyes staying on you.
You gave Kol a pityful look when he looked at you. In his personal interest, he left as soon as possible. When he was gone, you and Klaus went out of the club.
   ''So, you can start explaining.'' he said with anger in his voice.
   ''What exactly?''
   ''Why are you kissing with other men, especially one of my brothers?'' he continued.
   ''I already told you. I don't know.'' you repeated.
   ''Am i not enough anymore?'' he asked with tears pushing into his eyes again.
   ''You were always more than just enough for me.'' you calmed him and cupped his face. You looked at him and kissed him. He grabbed you by your waist and joined your actions.
    ''Don't you dare to do anything like this again.'' he threatened ''I'll show you what happens if you do.'' he said and grabbed your thigh, so hard there will be surely bruises in shape of his fingerprints, placing it around his waist.
He used his vamp speed and pressed you against a wall in a dark alley. You grasped his shirt and took it off. He, in exchange, tore apart your dress leaving you there only in your black laced bra. Your hands were running through his curls as he was giving you sloppy kisses on your neck. You could feel his hand sliding from your waist to your panties, where he started to tease you and you released a moan. He looked at you and smirked.
   ''Missed me here, love?'' he asked with a malevolent look.
   ''I told you, you were always more than just enough.'' you replied in satisfaction.
He put your panties away and placed a finger inside you. You moaned again. He chuckled between kissing you. He added another and thursted you few times. Then he stopped and looked you in the eye.
   ''I should punish you, love.'' he said as he held your waist in his hands.
   ''How exactly?'' you asked with a grinn growing on your face.
   ''Very, very, badly.'' he said and kissed your neck.
Your hands slid down to his pants and unbuttoned them. Klaus just chuckled and continued kissing you.
   ''What's so funny?'' you asked.
   ''Just how adorable your desire for me is.'' he replied and buried his head into your neck while playing with your sensitive clit. You didn't hold another moan as he teased you with his lenght between your thighs. When he stopped restraining and got inside you, you could feel your walls clenching around him. Both of you moaned in pleasure.
   ''I have to admit, love, i missed you more than i thought.'' he confessed.
   ''It appeals to me that kissing with Kol was actually a good thing.'' you provoked him. His eyes got stuck on yours with a little anger inside them.
   ''Did you enjoyed it?'' he asked.
   ''Let's just say, you Mikalesons know how to satisfy a woman.'' you smiled.
He was flattered and pissed at the same time. He roughly thursted your form.
   ''No more words, love.'' he stated ''I'll prove you that i'm better choice than my childish sibling who loves to steal my playthings.''
   ''So that's what you call me? A plaything?'' you asked.
He thursted you hard again so the only sound you made was moan.
   ''I said, no more words.'' he added.
Your lover began treating you roughly, grabbed both of your hands and held them up with one of his. He held you with the other one. All you could do was just stand on one foot and enjoy your punishment from the big bad hybrid himself. He lifted you up and pressed you against the wall, so now you were in the air held only by the building and body of your love. You started to feel it coming, but all you were able to let out of your mouth were sighs and moans of pleasure. Few more of his reckless thurst, and you were flooded with amazing feeling from reaching the peak. As if you were synced, you felt his hot spurts filling you and he sighed in satisfaction.
   ''I don't understand how could i live without you for so long, love.'' he thought out loud ''You, (y/n), are the best thing that ever happened to me.''
   ''I feel the same way about you, Nik. However, we have to do something with that overprotectivness of yours. As i heard, it caused many more troubles in the past.'' you stated ''And we don't want any troubles beside those between us, do we?'' you chuckled at him. He grinned and nodded his head.
   ''Alright, let's get out of here, before anyone notices you're almost naked.'' he said while he put you down on your feet. The second he let you, to reach clothes of his lying on the ground, where you left them, you tried to stand on your own, but your legs felt like jelly and you nearly fell when Klaus vamp-speeded to you and catched you.
   ''Looks like your punishment was quite severe.'' you left out a giggle.
   ''I hope you'll remeber it.'' he replied with a smirk on that handsome face of his.
   ''Here love, clothe yourself.'' he handed you his coat.
You tried to make a step, but almost fell again.
   ''I guess i'll need your help on this hun.'' you said while trying to stand still.
He just chuckled, but he offered you his hand and both of you went back to their mansion.
When you arrived, Elijah was talking to Kol. Their heated conversation stopped as soon as they saw the two of you standing in the door. You kept silent and looking at the ground, while walking behind Klaus who held your hand, unsure if they won't try to kill each other .
   ''I forgive you dear brother.'' he said with a smile on his face as he kept going towards the staircase with you inches behind his back ''But I must assure you, if you ever, try that again, i won't be so merciful as tonight.''
You didn't look anywhere beside Klaus' back as both of you headed to his room. Elijah and Kol both stood quietly on the same spot and watched you leaving. When you got into Klaus' room, he shut the door and led you to his bed.
   ''Make yourself comfortable, love.'' he said with caring voice ''I can lend you one of my shirts if you'd like to.''
   ''That'd be great, thank you.'' you replied as you took off his coat.
   ''There you go.'' he handed you his dark grey shirt. It sounded like that anger was all gone, like nothing happened and he just cared about you as usual. You put it on yourself and yawned. He came to you and laid on the bed next to you.
   ''You're exhausted love, lie there and let yourself fall asleep. It hurts me to see you tired.'' he said and you laid next to him while he covered you with his royal duvet.
   ''I love you, Nik. I'll always do .'' you whispered nearly asleep.
   ''I know, love. I know. Rest now.'' were the last words you heard.
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misssophiachase · 4 years
With or Without You
For Klaroline AU Week - Day 4 - Enemies to Lovers
Rebekah is diagnosed with a virus and sent to the hospital for observation. To help stop the spread, the two people closest to her in the past two weeks need to self-quarantine. The problem is her best friend and her brother can’t stand each other. Forced to live in the same house, will they kill each other or do something entirely different before 14 days is up?
(Please note: I realise this is a difficult time and the subject matter is serious but this drabble is designed to be just a bit of fun during a tough time.) 
“I can’t live with or without you.”
Day 3
“Honestly, Kat, I’m not sure if I can last much longer,” she groaned. “He sings in the shower, badly. he leaves the toilet seat up constantly and don’t get me started on his remote control form. He switches channels that fast I feel like I’m at a rave.”
Caroline lived in Los Angeles with Rebekah Mikaelson, they’d been friends for years. Her brother had shown up recently from London, where he was based, only for Rebekah to develop the virus. She was going to be okay but had been sent to hospital purely for observation purposes meaning they were imprisoned together as a precaution for fourteen whole days. 
To say she wasn’t coping was an understatement. 
“So, you haven’t had sex yet?” She asked matter-of-factly. Even though she was currently staring at Caroline through a computer screen, she still had the annoying ability to cut straight to the awkward part.
“Kat! She hissed, looking down the hall to check he wasn’t listening. “Your inappropriateness knows no bounds even via Skype.”
“The way I see it is the sooner you have sex, the frustration you feel towards each other and the situation will dissipate. And who knows? If the sex is good you’ll not only have something to do to pass the time but you’ll also be getting your required cardio.”
“Seriously,” she growled. “Is sex all you think about?”
“About 90 per cent of the day,” she quipped. “Tell me you have a better idea?”
“Ah, not to sleep with him because he’s an arrogant asshat who thinks the world revolves around him?”
“I don’t think, love, I know,” he called out. Unfortunately, she chose that exact moment to turn around and copped an eyeful.
“Wow, does he work out?” Kat cooed, obviously she’d had the privilege of seeing him too dressed only in a white towel tied low on his hips, his bare chest and six-pack on full display. Caroline felt her mouth go dry and was struggling to form words he looked that delicious. 
“If you use all of the hot water again, Mikaelson, I swear I’ll come in there and..” she paused, realising what she’d alluded to.
“By all means, love,” he murmured, the dimple in his left cheek making an ill-timed appearance. “Maybe that way we can conserve water.”
“You are unbelievable,” she muttered. “Not if we were the last two people on the planet and we had to repopulate the earth.”
“Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me, Forbes,” he chuckled, shutting the bathroom door behind him.
“You are so screwed figuratively and literally, ” Kat laughed. Caroline didn’t respond knowing her friend was right. 
She should have hated him, in fact she had since they met eleven years earlier. Caroline had befriended Rebekah during sophomore year at high school. They were both cheerleaders and had bonded over music and drama club. 
Rebekah was new to her school, so too her brothers Kol, Elijah and Niklaus. The first two were polar opposites personality-wise but she got along with them famously. The problem was with Niklaus, or Klaus as he liked to be called.
They’d clashed from the outset. It started with a few stray insults and developed into more insults and pranks. Apparently everyone thought it was a passing phase but it wasn’t ending anytime soon. 
However, being locked up with him in quarantine was doing all sorts of strange things to her. In fact, she was experiencing all these not-so innocent urges. She wanted to blame it on Kat’s innuendo or that fact he swanned around the house barely clothed but there was definitely something bigger at play here.
Day 5
“She keeps making me watch all of these bad movies, only cooks meals with weird and unidentified grains and apparently the living room is her personal gymnasium,” he complained. 
Klaus Mikaelson didn’t do roommates and there was a very good reason why. He liked his space and he liked walking around partially naked but suddenly he was thrown into this quarantine situation which was a complete minefield. 
“I said I’d only take this Skype call if you didn’t complain about Caroline Forbes, Niklaus, but yet here we are again,” Enzo growled. “You two need to get a room and pronto.”
“We have rooms, in fact, we have a whole house of rooms and yet that still isn’t enough distance between us,” he muttered. “I am going to go crazy locked up in here with her.”
“And the best dramatic Oscar performance goes to...”
“You would feel exactly the same way, Lorenzo,” he argued. “Caroline Forbes is nothing but a spoilt princess who thinks the world revolves around her.”
“I don’t think, I know, asshat,” she drawled finding her way into his room while repeating his sentiments from two days earlier. No doubt just to push his buttons that much more. 
What Klaus wasn’t expecting was for her to look so wet doing it. Yes, she was wearing yellow, rubber gloves but her white t-shirt was soaked through revealing a very lacy bra and some rather pronounced nipples no doubt due to the temperature. 
“Holy...” Enzo murmured before Klaus shut his laptop with a bang. He figured it was the least he could do to protect her innocence and it had absolutely nothing to do with jealousy whatsoever. Or that’s what he told himself.
“You’re here in my room...wet,” he mumbled, trying to look anywhere but exactly where his eyes wanted to go. 
“I’m trying to clean up after your lazy ass,” she groaned. “You do realise how germs spread right? Maybe if you took better care to clean up after yourself then we wouldn’t be experiencing our current predicament.”
“I’m aware of our current predicament, trust me,” he shot back. “Since when did cleaning end in a drenching. I know you like me, Forbes, but I can see everything.” She looked down in complete shock, his comment having the desired effect.
“Unbelievable,” she muttered, pulling off her wet gloves and throwing them in his direction before leaving his room, no doubt to change her top. 
“I’m the one who’s spreading germs?” He cried out, attempting to remove the dirty gloves from the bed. 
Klaus and Caroline had never gotten along in the eleven years they’d known each other. Klaus decided from the outset that Rebekah truly was evil bringing her into his life and home. Caroline had this annoying ability to get under his skin and Klaus unfortunately let her.
His friends and brothers told him it was because he liked her deep down. Sure she was hot. there was no denying that, but he’d prided himself on maintaining his distance. Well, that was until he was forced to live in such close quarters for two whole weeks. 
His willpower was waning and Klaus wasn’t sure he could go the distance.
Day 7
“Would you stop switching channels so fast, it makes it a little difficult to see what’s actually on,” she offered, rolling her eyes as she said it. 
They were seated on the couch, the long, uneventful days were taking their toll and the fact they still had another week to go wasn’t doing much for their morale. 
“There’s nothing on so it doesn’t really matter,” he replied in frustration. “I’m so bored! And if you dare suggest cleaning again I will confiscate your rubber gloves.”
“Well, what else is there to do?” She mumbled. “And please spare me from running around the place half naked again, I’d like to keep down my dinner.”
“Come on, you secretly love my naked form,” he smirked. Her tell-tale blush was giving her away instantly. “You know I’m not that bad once you get to know me.”
“Funny, the past week hasn’t unearthed any new or redeemable features that I can tell,” she answered. 
“Just so you know those little insults of yours don’t offend me in the slightest bit so please just give it a break, Forbes.”
“Well, what do you suggest we do to pass the time?” She asked, obviously not realizing just how loaded her question was. 
They were seated on the couch, only a few feet apart, if either of them were to just lean forward they could do something really stupid. Or really fun, depending on who you asked. 
“Fine,” she said, reading his mind. “But if we do this, don’t think this means I like you in any way, Mikaelson,” she clarified.
“The feeling is mutual, trust me, sweetheart,” he agreed. They paused momentarily almost as if they were thinking about the very prominent line they were about to cross and weighing up the pros and cons. 
It didn’t take much consideration as he pulled her greedily towards him so she was straddling his lap. Caroline never knew just how crimson his lips were from this vantage point, Klaus was thinking the same about her blue eyes.
He ran his hands along her cheek, his thumbs rubbing circles over her skin. Her heart was racing and given she was practically touching his chest she knew his was too.
There was no going back.
His lips found hers, slowly at first almost like he was taking his time to discover every inch of her mouth. She moaned against him as his tongue dipped into her warmth. She tasted like a heady mixture of mint and chocolate from dessert and now Klaus had tasted her once he wasn’t ready to give her up anytime soon.  
Caroline grasped his neck, her fingers playing with the stray curls at the nape as she melted into his kisses. Klaus knew it wouldn’t be long given just how much he’d wanted her all these years.
He stood up, and wound her toned legs around his waist, careful not to break contact. They made their way quickly to the bedroom excited for what was in store. 
Turns out the sex continued longer than seven days and also out of quarantine. In fact, the sex turned into dating and the dating turned into an engagement. At their wedding, Kat, Rebekah and Enzo regaled the guests with stories about how they got together when they were forced together in lockdown. 
Who said quarantine was necessarily a bad thing?
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bellemorte180 · 4 years
Hey Darling! Just wondering if you could do me the absolute honor of writing me a oneshot/drabble about original!klaroline and how all the mikaelsons have a special bond with her and see her as family.. want to see how the family see how important she is in not only Klaus life but all of them.. Bonus points if Caroline calls him Nik/Niklaus.💗💗 Will love u forever!💗
Hello! I am combing this request with this one: Hey! Dont know if you’re still taking drabbles request for mothers day! But I would love an Original!Caroline where all Mikaelsons protect her and see her as family. I love the idea that her and Kol would be bestfriends.
Both are from anonymous people:
Drabble number six: Based in the universe of my story “If I Die Before I Wake”. You can read that first on A03 or this can be a stand alone read.
“Does this dress make me look fat?” Rebekah asked, admiring herself in the mirror of the small boutique that she dragged Caroline to. Ever since Caroline was awoken from her magical sleep, Rebekah rarely had time to spend time with her sister-in-law; Nik taking up all of her time. That and Stefan finally made a decision between Rebekah and Elena, Rebekah being his final choice. She needed her best friend to help her choose a dress that would knock Stefan off his feet.
“I like the green one better. It brings out your eyes.” Caroline replied, circling Rebekah and gazing at her with a critical eye; trying to find a hint of fault, because if Rebekah was going to have a happy ending, there could not be one. She had hoped that Marcel would be Rebekah’s happy ending but if this Stefan was the man she chose, then Caroline was going to do her best to make Rebekah look drop dead gorgeous.
“Do you not think it is a bit short?”
“Apparently that is what women wear in this century.”
“Scandalous.” Rebekah tossed is a salacious tone. Caroline chuckled, resting her head against Rebekah’s shoulder; looking at their reflection in the mirror. Rebekah raised her hand to grasp Caroline’s. “I’m so happy you’re home with us. Nik was a nightmare without you beside him, but we all were so lost. You really are the heart of this family.”
“I promised Nik that I would never leave him again.” Caroline whispered. “That I would never leave any of you again.”
“Darling!” Kol’s loud voice echoed through the manor and Caroline could not help but roll her eyes as she poured herself a cup of hot tea. Kol was always mischievous, even as a human. However, whenever he wanted something, Caroline found that he could be very sweet and persuasive with his words. Yet, Caroline was one of the few women who Kol was not related to by blood that did not fall for it. “Nik told me that you gave a little witch your number, with the promise of a favor.”  
“I provided Bonnie with my number, yes.” Caroline replied with narrowed eyes. Kol shot her a look with his puppy dog eyes that had covens of witches bending to his will. Caroline tossed him a humorless laugh and shook her head. “No. Absolutely not.”
“Come now. I think she likes me.”
“From what Freya as stated, I think Bonnie has higher standards that you could not possibly live up to.”
“Ouch. That hurt.” Kol pressed a hand to his heart, pretending to be wounded by her words. Caroline did not buy it. “I think that I have grown on her. She asked all sorts of magical questions that I was more than happy to answer. I think there are more delicious things that I could teach her. Hey! Where are you going?”
“Away from you.” Caroline chuckled and left the kitchen; hearing Kol’s laughter behind her. “I’ll think about speaking to Bonnie the next time I see her, but I make no promises.”
“Missed you too Caroline.”
“Elijah, I need a favor.” Caroline stated, strolling into the home office he made for himself. She did not knock but she never did. Elijah always felt like the older brother she never had and secretly wanted. She once confided him Elijah a secret that the only other person who knew was Nik. Elijah never spoke about the child she lost when they were turned, and it bonded them in a way that neither expected.
“Yes, Caroline?”
“Nadia. I need to track her down.” Caroline replied, dropping onto one of the leather chairs that was stationed behind his big oak desk. She crossed her feet at her ankles and perched there elegantly while Elijah peered at her over his paperwork about the Mikaelson family finances. “Hopefully she is still alive. I kind of want to rip her heart out in front of Katerina. Although, I might just lock them in the tomb for a few years together to bond first.”
“You want to use Nadia to torture Katerina?” Elijah sighed and stood from his desk, walking around it before perching on the front of it. “I understand your desire to seek revenge, but Nadia had nothing to do with Katerina’s actions. Katerina did not even know that Nadia was still alive.”
“I turned Nadia for the sole purpose of using her as leverage one day.” Caroline replied in a simple tone. She eyed Elijah curiously, her eyes narrowing. “Oh no. Please do not tell me you’re still in love with her? Isn’t there someone out there that is not a doppelganger that you can fall in love with? They never treated you like you deserve. Either one of them.” Elijah looked at her in contemplation for a few moments before nodding in agreement. Caroline stood quickly and kissed him on his cheek. “Thank you!”
“Give me a week. I’ll have her found. That will give you time to plan exactly how you want to torture her.” Caroline smiled brightly and for a moment, Elijah thought that the room seemed just a bit brighter. She turned to leave the office until Elijah called after her. “Caroline. I stopped loving Katerina the day she took you from us.”
The smile that Caroline shot Elijah was wide and beaming.
Caroline was sitting outside the Mystic Grill, waiting for Bonnie to meet her, when her mobile phone rang; showing an unknown number. Cellphones were still a new concept to Caroline, having been in a magical coma when they were invented. Biting her lip, Caroline picked up the device and pressed it to her ear.
“Caroline?” A voice she had not heard in over nine-hundred years sounded on the other end. She paused thinking about the last time she heard that voice. It had been in Italy; the night before the Five daggered them all and Nik went into a murderous rage. Nik spent fifty years tormented by hallucinations and pulling the dagger out of the eldest Mikaelson brother never occurred to them.
“I wasn’t sure if you would answer. These devices are a marvel.” Finn chuckled and Caroline was flabbergasted at the sound. As far as she could remember, Finn never laughed for as long as she had known him. “I found Sage and she helped me contact Freya. She told me that you’re awake and I wanted to hear your voice for myself.” Caroline’s eyes were wide, and she was about to respond but Finn pressed on. “I was hoping that you would do something for me.”
“Um. Sure?” Caroline’s voice was high pitched, completely unsure where this was going. Finn and Caroline had never been close. Even when they were human and she had married Nik, Finn was nothing more than Nik’s brother who sometimes ate meals with them. “What is it?”
“Sage and I are going to travel for a while. I do not think I will be seeing my siblings for a long time. Nine hundred years is a long time to have a dagger in my chest. I could hear them, when they were near, but they never pulled the dagger out.”
“Neither did I.” Caroline replied. “If anyone could have done it and not faced Nik’s wrath, it would have been me. I could have begged him to pull it out and he would have for the simple fact that I requested it; but not once did I ask him to do it.”
“True.” Finn answered her. “But you and I never really considered each other family. It wasn’t your place.” Caroline thought on Finn’s words and he was correct on that account. “All I need from you is to care for them and maybe on occasion, let me know how they are. I’m angry at them and will be for a long time, but that does not mean I do not care.”
“Just a phone call every now and then?” Caroline asked and Finn confirmed her assumption. She thought on it and for all intense of purposes, it was an easy thing he was asking. “I’ll save your number. I call every decade or so.” Caroline heard a soft breath on the other line. “Give Sage my love. I did like her.”
“You’re the only one who ever did.”
“There are moments when I see you practicing magic and it reminds me of Esther.” Caroline muttered one day as she watched Freya preform a spell in the middle of a circle made of salt and candles. Freya narrowed her eyes at Caroline. “Just saying. I’ve seen Esther preform magic a good bit when we were human and the two of you are kind of similar.”
“That is not a compliment.” Freya replied with steel eyes. Caroline went out of her way to get to know Freya, even though the unexpected Mikaelson sibling had a hard exterior. It took Caroline getting Freya incredibly drunk one night one red wine that she was able to really get to know her. Since then they had a friendship that centered around insults that neither one of the women meant.
“Just being honest.”
“You know, when I spent over a century helping Nik break the sleeping curse, I never expected you to be so annoying.” Freya bit back but her tone lacked bit. Caroline laughed, tossing her blonde hair back. “You know, the way he spoke, one would have thought you hung the sun or something.”
“Maybe I did.” Caroline could see the hint of a smile creeping onto Freya’s lips. She walked over to the salt circle and looked down at Freya who was sitting in the middle of it; legs crossed. “I came in here because I realized that I never properly thank you.” Freya looked at her confused. “For helping Nik. Keeping him sane. Or, at least as sane as you could have. I know it could not have been easy. He can be a bit testy at times.”
“At times? He is like a bloodthirsty toddler on a good day.” Caroline snorted at the accurate description of her husband. “But he is family. I wanted a family for so long that I wasn’t going to turn them away, especially when they needed help. Although, it was Kol who broke me out of that conclave in the Vatican so you really should be thanking him.”
“Oh, I will.” Caroline replied, thinking about Bonnie.
“And I meant what I said about family. We are all a part of this family. At least to me.” Freya added, shifting uncomfortably; getting far too close to real feelings for her liking. “Even annoying blonde vampires who have a tendency to fall victims to sleeping curses.”
“Hey! I’m not the only blonde in this family who was under a sleeping curse!” Caroline all but yelled in indication. Freya laughed lightly and shook her head. “But thank you for the sentiment. I appreciate it. And I feel the same about you. You’re my new sister. Warts and all.”
“Rude.” Freya said simply. “Now get out. I have a spell to do.”
Caroline laid across the king-sized bed, her head tossed back, eyes closed and mouth half open. Her legs were spread wide and Nik’s tongue worked between them. Her hips were being held down by his hands while Caroline’s fingers gripped at Nik’s blonde curls. She bit her; whimpering as her back arched and she came against his tongue.
“Nik!” She called his name as spasms overtook her body. Nik kissed up her body as she came down from her high. His teeth nipped at her nipples and his lips sucked at her collarbone. He settled between her legs while Caroline wrapped them around his waist. She brought his lips to hers, tasting her juices on his tongue.
“I love you.” Nik breathed as they broke apart. He rested his forehead against hers. “I cannot get enough of you. I went almost a century and a half without you. It was too long to be apart. There are so many things I wished to show you. Paris, it has changed since we were last there. You would love it.”
“Then take me there.” Caroline whimpered as Nik’s penis brushed against her clit. “Please Nik. I need you.” Not being able to deny her any longer, Nik slid into Caroline’s heat; groaning at the sensation. Ever since the moment he gave into her demands to have him after she awoke from her magically induced coma, Nik had not been able to keep his hands off of her. He was constantly touching her, holding her, feeling her and loving her. Caroline knew that it was a mixture of his love and desire for her but also reassurance that she was still with him. “Yes! Nik!”
His movements where slow as he gazed down into her eyes face; drinking in each expression. He kissed her eyelids as they fluttered shut or nipped at her neck when she tilted her head back. He pressed their foreheads together as he rolled his hips; hitting that sensitive spot inside her that caused Caroline to grip at his shoulders. She dragged her nails down his back, causing him to bleed. She cried out his name has her orgasm hit and Nik drank in every ounce of her pleasure; unable to look away. His own release hit hard, and he spilled himself inside her.
Once their breathing calmed down, Nik rolled off of her and laid on his back. He grasped her hand, refusing to let go of it. Caroline moved over, resting her head against his chest and closed her eyes. She listened to his heartbeat and felt Nik kiss the top of her head.
“I can’t lose you. Not again.” He whispered into her blonde locks. Her return was fresh and new; only a few weeks old. She knew that it would take a while for Nik to be able to squash that fear of her being taken from him. It was why he held her tighter, loved her gentler and looked at her as though she hung the moon for him.
“You won’t. I’m not leaving. Ever.”
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tvdiaries-imagines · 5 years
Quite The Assumption
Pairing: Klaus x Reader x Kol 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1620
The weather is absolutely perfect outside as you’re reading a book, sitting just outside a cafe here in Mystic Falls. You took a sip of your coffee before placing it back on the small table, allowing yourself to get lost in this novel.
A moment later, a shadow casts over you briefly and you notice a figure take a seat just ahead of you. You glanced up, learning that it’s Klaus and your stomach stirs with excitement but on the outside you remained calm and collected.
“Hello love.” He said, smirking.
“Hi Klaus. What’s up?”
“I just so happened to be in the area and noticed you here all alone. I also wanted to say that I enjoyed our little date the other night.”
“I did too.” You flashed a soft smile, placing a bookmark at the page you left off at before closing the book. You’ve only gone on two dates with Klaus so far and both were amazing. The hybrid has definitely grown on you.
“Do you have any plans tonight?” Klaus asked.
“I’m not sure. I have to check my calendar in a sec.” You lied. You know that you have nothing planned tonight. “Why?”
“I am throwing a soirée at my mansion tonight. You are more than welcome to come.”
“Oh okay. What time does it start?”
“An invitation with details will arrive at your doorstep later.” He reached across the table for your hand, placing a gentle kiss over your knuckles before rising to his feet to disappear along the street.
You smiled from ear to ear at his gesture, unable to focus back to your book. There’s no doubt that you’ll join his party tonight.
It is a quarter past 8. You followed the details of the invitation and dressed semi-formal with a black body con off the shoulder dress that stops at your knees. You paired it with a pair of strappy black heels.
After one quick glance at your rear view mirror, assuring your makeup is still on point, you took your keys out of the ignition and hopped out of your car.
Stepping inside Klaus’s mansion, a waiter was quick to hand you a glass of champagne. The gesture alone instantly felt like deja vu from when you attended the Mikaelson ball not too long ago. You accepted the bubbly and went on your way to search for Klaus.  
Through the crowd of people, you still couldn’t find him but happened to bump into Kol. You were slightly relieved to finally see a familiar face.
“Hello darling.” Kol greeted. “Pleasure seeing you here. Let me guess, you’re looking for Nik?”
“You read my mind Kol. Do you know where he is?”
“I do not. But I can keep you company in the meantime.”
“Sure thanks.” You clinked your glass with Kol’s, followed by taking a generous sip. “What is this party for anyways?”
“My brother didn’t get into the specifics with me. However, I enjoy a good party.”
Glancing around at the guests, you randomly made eye contact with Rebekah, who is conversing with someone you don’t know. She winks at you and you raise your glass to her as a greeting.
“Klaus sure knows how to throw a great party.” You mentioned.  
“Silly me. I forgot to mention how stunning you look in that little black dress.” Kol commented. You fought the urge to blush from his compliment.
“Thank you.”
“And you bought it specifically for this party?”
“Actually no. It’s been sitting in my closet for awhile now. I’ve never found the proper occasion to wear it until now.”
“You should wear it again.”
You let out a chuckle, swallowing down the last bit of champagne. “You're funny. It’s not like I go to these kinds of parties often.”
“What I meant is, you should wear it on our next date.”
“Kol stop.” You nagged as you glanced around nervously, hoping Klaus isn’t in earshot.
“I’m serious, darling.” Kol said.
“You know that I’m kind of seeing your brother.” You rolled your eyes. A waiter came by, stealing your empty glass from you.  
“And I kind of don’t care.” He challenged.
“You’re ridiculous.” You shook your head in amusement before walking off to search for Klaus again.
Finally, you see Klaus at the top of the staircase with the back of his head facing the crowd below. You notice that he’s lost in a conversation with a red headed female and you didn’t want to be rude by catcalling his name, so you slowly made your way towards the stairs. You couldn’t get over how handsome he looked in a suit and tie since he’s always dressed in a Henley shirt and jeans.
As you reached the second step, you noticed Klaus and his female acquaintance exchanging laughs. Next thing you know, she playfully hits him in the chest and that same hand found its way on his chest. You didn’t think anything of it until you noticed that Klaus allowed her hand to linger there.
You annoyingly felt a pang of jealousy and turned on your heel back to the first floor. A part of you hoped Klaus would have at least called or texted you asking of your whereabouts since you haven’t spoken to him since earlier this afternoon in front of the cafe.
“So Y/N, how about that date?” Kol said, suddenly appearing at your side.
“How about a drink first.” You marched towards the nearest waiter and stole a filled glass from the tray, taking a large sip of champagne.
“You see, my brother isn’t right for you. Bad temper, enemies around the world, and not as handsome as me.”
You couldn’t tell if you’re already buzzed from the alcohol or if Kol is downright funny right now. “You’re hilarious.” You chuckled, leaning your back against the nearest wall.
“I forgot to add, not as funny as me either.” Kol stepped forward, placing him palm beside your ear on the wall as he towered over you.
“Okay okay.” You put a hand up in defense. “Enough with all of the comparisons. I get it, you’re conceited.”
“You’re pretty and you have a sharp tongue.” Kol leaned down, whispering into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. “You’re just my type.”
Before you had the chance to respond, you were rudely interrupted. “What the bloody hell is this?” Klaus asked with obvious distaste.
Kol grinned, pleased that he got a rise out of his older brother. He straightened his posture and snaked his arm around your waist.
“Oh hey Nik. I was just showing Y/N which Mikaelson is best suited for her.”
Instead of vamp speeding, Klaus took heavy steps towards his younger brother, holding him by the throat and slamming his back against the wall. He’s raging with so much fury that he didn’t care that all eyes are on him. “You just couldn’t help yourself, now could you, brother?! You’re so pathetic that you had to resort to compelling my date!” Klaus’s hand was so tight around Kol’s throat that he couldn’t breathe out a word.
“Klaus stop it!” You shouted.
“Niklaus.” Elijah announced, attempting to put his brother is check. His hand was placed inside his front pocket, standing beside you.
“Kol didn’t compel me!”
Klaus looked over his shoulder, eyes boring into yours. “What?” He let out in a loud whisper in disbelief, loosening his grip over Kol’s throat.
“Nik, what the bloody hell are you doing?” Rebekah asked, brows furrowed. Her heels tapped along the flooring as she made her way towards the scene.
You shot him a glare before storming off outside, not caring that you’re shoving into people along the way.
“Don’t point fingers at me, Nik.” Kol implied after catching his breath. “Go ask Y/N yourself why she’s cross with you and chose my company instead.”
Klaus followed after you without a response, ignoring the remarks that the party guests are exchanging with each other about what just happened.
The cool breeze hit him in the face. “Y/N, stop.”
“No I’m going home. It was stupid for me to come to this party.” You continued to walk towards your car with your keys in your hand. In the blink of an eye, you found Klaus in front of your driver’s door.
“Tell me, what did Kol say to you?”
“Why does it even matter?” You used all of your strength to shove him away so you can have access inside your car, but he’s got a thousand years on you and you couldn’t shift him. “Why don’t you go back inside and flirt with that red head some more.” You folded your arms across your chest, scowling at him in defeat.
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“You can’t be serious, love.” He said with hint of amusement, which annoyed you even more because he is so goddamn handsome.  
“Leave me alone. And don’t call me love.” You spat, advancing around your car to the passenger side, hoping you can get to your drivers seat from there. But, Klaus beat you to it with his vamp speed. His fingers lightly grasped your upper arms, holding you in place with your back against your passenger side door.
“I was not flirting with anyone. I only fancy you.” You rolled your eyes at his response. “In case you’re wondering, she’s a witch. I was only playing nice to be on her good side.”
“Fine I believe you. But playing nice doesn’t mean it’s okay for her to have her hands all over you!” You shook off Klaus’s grip and made your way back to the mansion.
Klaus snickered, following behind you. “And I thought I was the one with the temper.”
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theworkofxanderking · 5 years
The Originals: Bad Blood (Alternative Season 5)
Episode Six: From Here to Hell Town (Part One of Two)
Warnings: I do not own the original content to “The Originals”, “The Vampire Diaries” or “Legacies” or any of the characters from the television shows.
15 plus, displays of Violence, Gore, Torture, M/M, F/M, F/F.
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Klaus found himself walking through the woods of Mystic Falls which looked exactly like it did a thousand years ago a time when things may have been simpler but were far less tolerable.
He vamp sped through the forest only to find him back in the same spot so he continued to vamp speed and try and escape but kept returning to the same point much to his disappointment.
“No matter how hard you try Niklaus everything always leads back to here.” Nathaniel said to him appearing from out of thin air much to Klaus’ surprise.
“What kind of bloody spell have you cast on me?” Klaus snapped at him.
“This is no spell Niklaus I am only here because I’m on your mind.” Nathaniel replied with a smile across his face.
“Of course, you’re on my mind you’re a treacherous bastard I would’ve done anything for you, and you return after a thousand years to treat me and my family like chess pieces.” Klaus shouted while walking towards Nathaniel.
“That’s not how I recall it I asked you to leave this place with me, but you couldn’t.” Nathaniel responded. “I wanted a life with you and instead we both have had several lifetimes without each other.”
“Why are you doing all this?” Klaus snapped while grabbing a hold of Nathaniel. “What did I do to ever deserve this from you?”
“You ripped out my heart,” Nathaniel replied as Klaus found himself choking on blood only to look down to see Nathaniel’s hand inside his chest. “Now I will rip out yours.”
Suddenly Klaus woke up in his bed shirtless and sweating while heaving panting looking around his bedroom to realize, he was at the compound and it was all just a dream. Sadly, the return of his former love now possible enemy was no dream but a living nightmare.
Hope and Hayley were in the bayou fight training with each other each wearing boxing gloves and gym gear Hope managing to hold her own against her mother but neither hitting the other particularly hard clearly not wanting to hurt each other and training to keep themselves ready for a fight they had a feeling was coming.
“Not too bad!” Hayley said as she threw a punch in her daughter’s direction only for Hope to duck and miss Hayley’s fist.
“I had a good teacher.” Hope replied as she launched her foot at her mother’s legs tripping her up in the process and causing Hayley to fall to the ground back first. “Now are we going to talk about my uncle Henrik returning from the dead all grown up and ready to kill us all or is everyone going to just keep lying to me?”
“We’re not trying to hide anything from you Hope it’s just we don’t really know much right now.” Hayley answered her daughter while rising back on her feet. “Rebekah’s gone to some weird ass ghost town to speak to this Malus guy under some illusion she can get more information out of him I mean if anyone could it’d be your aunt Bex.”
“You know just once I’d like to get a family reunion that doesn’t end in somebody being murdered.” Hope responded with a sigh. “I can’t believe Aunt Rebekah gets to go witch hunting for possibly the most mysterious sounding witch in history and I’m stuck here, no offense.”
“Offense taken,” Hayley said with a sarcastic smile. “Rebekah has history with him and she’s immortal so she’s allowed to go witch hunting you however are a 15-year-old girl who should be studying not hunting.”
“Please mum I’m part wolf and their all about hunting not to mention my father is an original vampire and we all know they are the number one predator.” Hope said making it clear she was not a little girl anymore. “I’m not saying I want to be thrown into every crazy situation our family gets into because quite frankly nobody’s got enough time in the calendar for that, but I want to get involved from time to time instead of always feeling left out.”
“Hope you are involved,” Hayley told her as she gave her daughter a hug. “Everything we do both your father and I is to keep you safe to give you a better life than either of us ever had.”
“I know that’s what you think your doing but I’m not some little princess who needs protecting I’m a Tribrid and I’m pretty sure I could take you.” Hope said as she brushed off her mother’s hug.
“You think so huh?” Hayley laughed. “I’ll tell you what the next Mikaelson mission I go on you can come with but only if you can beat me.”
“I’ll take it easy on you mother by not using any magic because that would be too easy.” Hope replied with a sinister smirk eager to prove herself as a formidable opponent.
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Rebekah drove down an empty clearly run down road while driving a luxury sports car with the roof down so the wind would freely blow her hair as she blared music only for Bonnie who was sitting on the passenger seat to switch off the radio much to Rebekah’s dismay.
“Do you really need to switch off my music every bloody time I’m just starting to get into the song?” Rebekah asked her while keeping her eye on the road.
“You asked me to come with you to a creepy ghost town to meet a creepy witch now is not the time for music.” Bonnie moaned at her.
“You could’ve simply said no and left me to face the wicked old witch by myself after all I’ve faced many in my time.” Rebekah replied to her.
“All three Malus witches are a threat to not only you and your siblings but anyone who possesses magic which includes my witches in New Orleans, your niece Hope who I can imagine is quite high up on the list being an all-powerful Tribrid and then myself of course. Not to mention once their done with New Orleans they’ll probably head straight for Mystic Falls where there’s a school filled with magical students.” Bonnie said to Rebekah making it clear she was literally carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders in that moment.
“You are truly remarkable Bonnie Bennet I struggle to care for my own siblings at time’s Niklaus especially which I’m sure you can understand why and yet you somehow care for everyone.” Rebekah complimented her. “But here’s a little hint from one girl to another loving everybody else leaves very little time for loving yourself and a lot of time for heartbreak after heartbreak.”
“Enzo used to always tell me to be a little more selfish.” Bonnie replied with a smirk before a look of heartbreak crossed her face. “I tried that with him, and it ended with Stefan ripping his heart out right in front of me and me having to be a bridesmaid while my best friend married the man who killed the one, I loved.”
“See that the there is not selfish that’s the epitome of Bonnie Bennet only you would do something like that after what Stefan took from you I would’ve ripped his heart out on his pretty wedding to Caroline and made sure blood drenched her wedding dress purely for the satisfying visuals and dramatic effect.” Rebekah revealed.
“Trust me there were many times I pictured killing Stefan and then he died, and I couldn’t help but blame myself for not saving him.” Bonnie admitted. “I despised him and yet I still felt guilty because my best friend the most loving person in the world lost her husband the same day, she married him.”
“If you ask me Caroline had a lucky escape loving Stefan Salvatore only ends in heartache especially when doppelgangers are in the mix even if Elena chose Damon in the end I’m sure Katherine would find some way of claiming Stefan even from the great beyond.” Rebekah reassured Bonnie in typical Rebekah fashion. “Besides Caroline needs someone who challenges her, someone who can handle her and who she can handle.”
“I swear if you say Klaus, I’m throwing myself out of this car right now.” Bonnie laughed.
“Believe it or not Bonnie but when us Mikaelson’s love we love with every fiber of our being even if the world sees us as monsters.” Rebekah replied with a sigh of sadness.
“I know it’s just when also when you hate you hate with every fiber of your being.” Bonnie admitted causing Rebekah to laugh.
“Bonnie Bennet I think I’m beginning to like you or at least tolerate you.” Rebekah revealed as she gave Bonnie a smile before returning her attention to the road. “I sure hope you don’t wind up dead today.”
Klaus walked into the dining area of the compound to find Hayley, Marcel and Elijah sitting at his table clearly having a conversation which had been hushed by his arrival making Klaus keen to know what his family had been keeping from him this time.
“Please don’t tell me another mistake of mine has crawled out of their graves to torment me further.” Klaus said to them.
“Actually, we just having a conversation about a Mikaelson representative at the faction meetings.” Marcel with a wicked smile clearly ready for the inevitable drama to unfold.
“Finally, some good news,” Klaus responded with a smile of his own. “I promise to try and be as reasonable as possible and perhaps even attempt following some rules.”
“Yeah see I agreed to a Mikaelson representative, but I never said I was going to agree to it being you.” Marcel revealed to him as he stood up from his chair.
“Please there is no Mikaelson better fitting than me!” Klaus snapped.
“History shows that there is no Mikaelson less fitting than you.” Hayley said as she too stood up from her chair. “Out of all the Mikaelson’s you have the most enemies and that’s quite a feat considering Kol has less enemies than you.”
“Kol has the right attitude but fails to make a lasting impression like I do.” Klaus replied with a sinister smirk.
“Brother it really is in the family’s best interest that we make this work this time around with as little bloodshed as possible.” Elijah told his younger brother as he was the last to stand up from his chair.
“That’s easy for you to say I was once a king in this city!” Klaus shouted. “And now you want me to be what another local?”
“Hey at least now you can put your full attention on seeking out Henrik and Nathaniel where are we on that by the way?” Marcel said to Klaus attempting to change the subject.
“Rebekah and bloody Bonnie Bennett are heading to some hell town as we speak to seek them out,” Klaus snapped while looking at Marcel, Hayley and Elijah with pure fury in his eyes. “However, I may advise them to switch sides with me and align ourselves with Henrik instead.”
“Bonnie is the least likely person to ever work alongside you Klaus.” Hayley said with a smirk clearly amused by Klaus’ rage.
“This will not stand!” Klaus shouted before looking at Elijah. “You’re the Mikaelson representing at these meetings.”
“Yes, but I promise to work alongside you as much as possible brother.” Elijah admitted to him.
“Well good luck to the lot of you because the only thing more boring than endless meetings is Elijah and you’ve just aligned the two now that’s the ultimate enemy give me psychotic witches and long lost zombie siblings any day over meetings with Elijah.” Klaus moaned in a fit before vamp speeding out of the dining area leaving Elijah, Hayley and Marcel smirking at each other over his reaction to their news.
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Rebekah’s car pulled up just in front of the graffiti-ed Welcome to Helton signed which was graffiti-ed to say Welcome to Hell town as Rebekah and Bonnie got out of the car and walked over to the sign so that the two of them were standing right next to it.
“Did somebody really have to make this place any spookier by calling it Hell town?” Bonnie asked while looking at the sign.
“Trust me the sign is not as bad as what’s after it and I’m not talking about hooded robes pulling out hearts I’m talking about the entire town seeming haunted. Murders I can take however ghosts of people already dead and usually by me or my blood well they tend to be a little bit trickier.” Rebekah replied to her.
“Why have we stopped here?” Bonnie questioned.
“We’re walking the rest of the way just in case things get messy I don’t want my car coming to any harm.” Rebekah answered her as the two began walking in wards to the ghost town.
“Suddenly I’m finding this place creepier than the person living here.” Bonnie revealed. “And I can’t help but wonder why a powerful witch would reside here instead of somewhere more extravagant or at least less dead although I suppose they do specialize in death magic.”
“Ghost towns make good prisons or at least that’s what Nathaniel would like me to believe is the only reason I can tell this place means something to him I just haven’t figured out what yet and honestly that’s the last question on my mind needing answered by him.” Rebekah admitted to Bonnie.
“You mean like how he went from human to Malus almighty in a thousand years or how he learned about his magic if so far it’s only him, his father and Henrik that appear to have this ancient magic knowing he must’ve taught Henrik and his father was too busy trying to kill him to play teacher.” Bonnie went on to say as they continued their walking inwards to Helton.
“Exactly well that and the added power hungry consuming magic thing.” Rebekah answered. “Don’t get me wrong he seems like more of a bastard than he was a thousand years ago, but I can still see Nathaniel in there or at least I’ve fooled myself into seeing him.”
“You want to trust him, don’t you?” Bonnie asked her as they walked up to the abandoned town center of Helton.
“Of course, I do he was my first friend, Niklaus’ first love although he thought we didn’t know, and he was like family.” Rebekah said with a sigh of sadness. “Makes sense as to why he wants to kill us now.”
“I don’t think he does I mean he removed The Hollow from you and your siblings and only wanted you to free your brother in return.” Bonnie said to her as the two stopped outside the boarded-up Helton Hotel. “As wicked as Malus is meant to be so far, he seems only to be of help to you even though you drained him of his blood. I don’t think he’s fully giving into this magic like his father and Henrik has and that’s the real reason he needs our help because he’s not powerful enough to take down his father alone and he needs help saving Henrik.”
“What you genuinely believe that unlike all Malus witches Nathaniel has somehow fought the darkness within this magic for over a thousand years?” Rebekah asked in shock. “That’s impossible.”
“Is it? We don’t know much about Malus most of it is whispers of whispers and to be honest with you I’m putting money on Nathaniel not being too much of an expert either.” Bonnie replied.
“His father would be though, and it just so happens he’s being held right here.” Rebekah said with a scheming smile. “As long as we’re smart about it, we can finally get the answers that Elijah and Nathaniel have been keeping from us.”
“Or we release the nastier version of Nathaniel into the world and get nothing but lies.” Bonnie warned her.
“Don’t you want to know more about this magic? We are powerful women you lead an entire city of witches and I reunited my family and yet we’re kept in the dark so to speak by men.” Rebekah stated. “Let’s get the answers from the father then we’ll have more sway when we speak to the son.”
“Okay I’m in but if anything goes wrong, we get the hell out of hell town.” Bonnie told her.
“You’ve been dying to say that haven’t you?” Rebekah laughed.
“Perhaps just a little.” Bonnie responded with a smile.
Hope found herself walking down the busy streets of the French Quarter before taking a turn down an alleyway only to be left surprised to see Nathaniel stood in the alleyway instantly recognizing him as somebody with immense power realizing he must be the powerful witch her family had been talking about.
“So, I don’t see any family resemblance so I’m going to guess that you are my father’s ex Nathaniel and not my uncle Henrik.” Hope said to him.
“Ex?” Nathaniel replied with a smirk. “I suppose that is the correct term I must say you truly are remarkable Hope Mikaelson defying the impossible and not being one but three of the supernatural a true hybrid.”
“Less of the flattery please why don’t you get straight to the reason to why your hanging out in alleyways looking for a fifteen-year-old.” Hope snapped at him.
“I would go to Bonnie but I’m afraid one favour is more than enough to owe the Bennett’s and as for your aunt Freya she is rather busy with the whole pregnancy and everything and besides she doesn’t strike me as anywhere near as powerful as you Hope.” Nathaniel explained. “I’ve been working with your uncle Elijah with a plan to rid myself of my retched father and save Henrik’s soul however what he doesn’t know is that’s plan B you my precious little fireball are plan A.”
“And what makes you think I would be foolish enough to trust you?” Hope asked him.
“Because all you’ve ever wanted is your family united and I’m trying my everything to help Henrik be a part of that family.” Nathaniel admitted. “All I’ve ever wanted was for Henrik to live a life different to my own to be free from the curse that comes with this magic.”
“My aunt Rebekah went to go find you she’s going to be super pissed to find out you’re in New Orleans.” Hope responded trying to change the subject only to see Nathaniel’s facial expressions change to that of pure fear.
“Rebekah went looking for me did she not think to run it past Elijah?” Nathaniel asked the youngest Mikaelson as he began to fear the worst.
“Yeah my aunt Bex doesn’t really ask for permission for anything from anyone.” Hope said while noticing Nathaniel’s fear. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m afraid your aunt maybe in great danger I had hoped to avoid him at all costs but I’m going to need you to take me to your father.” Nathaniel declared. “If we don’t move quickly Rebekah’s life could be at risk.”
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Rebekah and Bonnie were walking through the woods of Helton until they saw Nathaniel’s mysterious followers in hooded robes standing in the same circle as Rebekah had seen them before while a lifeless Augustus remained tied to the tree with his heart on the ground next to him.
“So, what exactly is the plan here?” Bonnie asked Rebekah as the two of them hid behind a tree to not be seen.
“I was thinking I fight off the undead while you place his heart back in his chest and then do some barrier spell of your own so he can’t escape.” Rebekah explained quietly. “Afterwards we hope Nathaniel’s ghost squad isn’t too pissed and conduct their own barrier spell as we leave with all the information we’ve been looking for.”
“That’s not a plan that’s a rash violent mission which is bound to get us both killed.” Bonnie warned her.
“Like we haven’t both done much worse before.” Rebekah replied with a smile before vamp speeding towards the worshiper's direction.
Rebekah only got halfway there before one of the robed worshipers raised their hand in her direction stopping her mid flight and forcing her to freeze on that spot unable to move as the worshiper's begin chanting loudly in the unrecognizable language which was becoming far too regular for Rebekah’s liking.
Bonnie moved from behind the tree chanting in Croatian while holding her hands out only to begin feeling immense pain as her veins turned black showing through her skin and her nose began to bleed furiously.
“If you’re going to do something now would be the time.” Bonnie shouted in between chants.
“I guess this means we go to Plan B.” Rebekah mumbled to herself as she fought past the worshiper's magic with the help of Bonnie’s spell and vamp sped over towards Augustus picking his heart up from the floor in the process and launching it into his chest.
“No!” The worshiper's screamed in unison before their bodies began catching on fire the flames burning them harshly and rapidly as the hoods fell revealing them as zombies with rotten skin and bones clearly once human but not recognizable to anyone anymore.
The worshiper's let out a series of screams as Bonnie fell to the ground causing Rebekah to fear for her frenemies’ life only to be further shocked to see the worshiper's explode in unison leaving nothing but body parts and rotted skin behind.
Rebekah vamp sped over to Bonnie kneeling over and picking her up in her arms before shaking the witch’s body hoping to wake her.
“Bonnie Bennett you don’t get to die not here!” Rebekah snapped before she noticed Bonnie beginning to open her eyes causing Rebekah to smile. “You’re quite the remarkable witch how did you manage to kill them all?”
“I didn’t do that.” Bonnie revealed making Rebekah look around the woods only to realize Augustus was no longer anywhere to be seen.
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boogiewrites · 6 years
Choking On Sapphires 63
Title & Song: Gimme All Your Love
Characters: Alfie Solomons x Genevieve (OFC)
Word Count: 9300+
Summary:  Genevieve sets a romantic tone all on her own. She shows Alfie a side of her he hasn’t seen before and they both get completely swept up in their feelings for each other. Confessions of love soon follow.
Warnings/Tags: Language. FLUFF. And I mean FLUFF. First “I love you’s”. Explicit Sexual Content: Making Love. Yiddish, Hebrew and French (phonetic Hebrew). They really go in hard on the flowery words. 
**Chapter song is Gimme All Your Love by Alabama Shakes.**
Click on my icon then go to my Mobile Masterlist in my bio for my other works and chapters. (Had to do this since Tumblr killed links, sorry.)
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There's something different between the two of you, you can both feel it. Something in the air around you as you pet and kiss, the ride back to Paris going by so fast as you'd been lost in each other the entire time. You open the door to your apartment and the crisp but not cold air of the night is moving through the tall rooms from opened windows, the sheer white curtains billowing in the Parisian breeze.
With all of the electricity off in the apartment, tall candelabra's stand in corners, lit and flickering across the space, the warm tones mixing with the cool colors of moonlight through the tall windows, reflecting off the white walls. Debussy plays on a record player, the soft and calming tones of Clair de lune twinkling through the air. Expensive wine and his white rum sit in an ornate ice bucket on the table in the center of the room, a shorter and matching candelabra next to it, fresh flowers billowing out over a crystal vase beside it.
You stand and take in the ambiance, exactly as you'd wanted. You take a deep breath and try to imprint this electricity you felt in the air into your mind. This would surely make for good painting inspiration later. You hear Alfie's footsteps stop behind you.
He narrows his eyes as they wander around the room before landing on you, seeing you let out a heavy sigh. "What's this, love?" he asks, closing the space between you. "What are you doin'?" he asks in a soft but vaguely suspicious way.
You turn swiftly to face him, your face illuminated by the low light of the room as you gesture towards the open windows. "We're in Paris. I thought if I didn't do something romantic it would've been missed opportunity for being dramatic." you give a coy smile.
"Never pass up an opportunity for that, it suits you too well, Genevieve." he grins and a low chuckle rumbles out of him as he looks down at you.
"I'm not good at being romantic but I'm...I'm trying." you say with hopeful eyes, batting up at him.
"You only think you're not good at it because you're so naturally oozing of romance that trying to be romantic is pointless seeing as you already are and it confuses you because you're trying to be something that you already are." he says in a grand, sweeping words, closing the space between you and placing his hand on your lower back, speaking closely to your face.
"That would explain your sweetness then." you coo, a slight wrinkling of your nose up at him.
"Nah, I'm afraid it's only natural where you're concerned sweetheart." he leans into you for a brief kiss. "And only then because you have such a twisted notion as to what constitutes as sweet." he chuckles and brushes his nose against yours to tease you.
You let out a soft laugh, putting your hand to his face to sweep your thumb across the planes of his cheek. "Good for me then, yes? No other woman will ever find you sweet and therefore I get to keep you all to myself." you coo at him, your hand falling slowly from his face, fingers tracing over his beard before you rest it on his chest.
"See, that's romantic innit? But what would romance be from you without the vague underlying tone of a threat." he smiles and kisses you as you both hum and titter at his teasing.
"It would seem as if we're made for each other aren't we?" you whisper, feeling the soft bristle of his beard against your lips as you place a soft kiss the corner of his.
The weight of the statement is purposeful for you and you believe you see it in his eyes that he knows it as well. There is no fear in your stare as your eyes flutter and move over his face. Both your expression soft and unfiltered, he closes his eyes for a moment and hums, a small nod of agreement before opening them again.
"And I do not plan on ever takin' the gift for granted again." his eyes dark as his hand reaches to your face, another soft and gentle kiss. "Noadnu lihiyot yakhad, Chanah. (We were meant to be together, Chanah)."
His sweet words you almost understood, the importance of them being in Hebrew and being called by your name of the same makes your stomach flutter with your lashes. "I got most of that." you admit and a bashful smile comes across your face and he lets out a loud laugh, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
"I forget you are still a student." he says apologetically, beaming down at your in amusement.
"Say it again. I'll get it." you request with a nod.
"Noadnu lihiyot yakhad." he says slowly, every tensing of his throat and click of his tongue announced as he speaks clearly and with purpose, his nose once again brushing against yours, keeping your bodies close, not breaking the connection between you.
"Ken. (yes)" You say with a smile, lips to lips. "It would seem as if we are meant to be together wouldn't it?"
"What an apt pupil," he says without condescension. "You are picking up on it quickly aren't you little Chanah?" he gives you a slight squeeze. "But why would you not? A brilliant creature you are."
"I hope to have my bat mitzvah within a year. I'm certainly trying to learn quickly, but I will admit it's complicated."
"It can be yes. But I have no doubts in your abilities, my love." he smiles proudly, a kiss to your cheek in support of his words. "And after that, you will be able to understand all the sentiments I wish to pour upon you. Everything a Jewish woman could ever wish to hear. I'll speak them all to you." he purrs, lips brush against your cheek and moving to your jaw, making you sigh as the sweet talk hits your ears and causes you to shudder. "Mea levavot ihiyu meat midai kdei lehakhil et kol ha ahava sheli elaikh. (A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you)." he whispers, lips moving to your neck, pecking kisses across your throat as he speaks. "Milim lo yekholot letaer et ha ahava sheli elekha. (Words can't describe my love for you.) Ata kol kakh khashuv li (You mean so much to me). Ani ohev otkha (I love you)." the words rush out him, telling you things he longs for you to understand. Some you might've been able to decipher if he'd spoken slower, but it's as if your heart swells with every pop of his lips against your skin. Only your Alfie could say things you couldn't understand and still bring you to your knees.
"You're making me dizzy, darling." you mutter, head lolled back in his hand at the back of your neck. "I don't understand you but I believe I feel the sentiment all the same," you whisper as he kisses his way back to your lips. "How is a woman suppose to be able to withstand such a ravishing with words from your delicious mouth, Alfie?" you hum contently.
"At kol kakh yafa. (You are so beautiful)."  he says with a slow-growing smile, his eyes almost sleepy as his fingers trail through the loose hair at the nape of your neck.
"You make me weak with your words in a way no other man can."
"And I will make it so no other man ever has the chance."
"I am yours, love, you should have no doubt." you say sweetly.
"How can I not doubt something as good as you happening to a man like me my love?" he says sincerely, with a shake of his head.
"But I am only yours, never lack confidence in that fact." you say with a tender smile. "I long to convince you of your worth, mon Fie. For you to see it as clearly as I." you whisper, your fingers delicate across his skin, your eyes with a hint of sadness at his disbelief. "I'd like to share a piece of myself with you that I haven't before tonight, darling. That's what I wanted tonight to be about." you give him a nod of enthusiasm." I wanted you to have me, the whole me in ways no one else has or ever will." you say with bright eyes that penetrate down to his bones with their emotion and honesty. "That's why I had to the maids leave for the night. It's the cause for the candles, the drink, the music. I've never tried to show someone how much I care for them." you say, turning out of his grasp as you spoke, motioning to the table behind you. "But upon deep reflection, I've found that is only so because I have not felt this way about anyone before," you say in a faint voice that lures him closer to the table with you. "Would you open this for me, darling?" you ask, passing him a bottle. "I'd prefer to change into something more comfortable. This modest dress feels constricting and I want to feel free and flowing tonight with you. I have much to share and I don't want any confines between us, not even of my dress."
"I'm surprised you haven't changed already. You never have been much for something understated. I look forward to whatever form you chose to grace me with tonight." he beams, a simple kiss to your lips before you fall back and ascends the stairs.
He looks down at the bottle in his hands only after you are out of sight. It was a bottle of his white rum. He tilts his head in consideration of it being there. He certainly didn't bring it and there was nowhere he knew of to get it in Paris. He hadn't seen you pack any, but then again, you had many trunks and perhaps he just hadn't seen them all. He uncorks it, a special brew he'd made in smaller batches, as he pours a glass for you. He decides to follow your lead, making himself comfortable. He takes off his jacket and vest, letting his braces hang loosely at his sides like he knows you like, unbuttoning a few buttons on his shirt and having a good stretch as he looks out into the night sky with the bright moon cresting over the tower in the distance.
"Thank you." he hears softly from the table as he turns to see you picking up the glass and taking a drink.
You were a lovely fever dream to him as always. Something unreal and almost intangible, feeling as if he tried to touch you, you might vanish into nothing and he would realize you had only been a dream, a fantasy of womanhood he longed to know. As he returns to your side, a hand sliding across your upper back you smile at him over the edge of the glass, finding relief that you were real after all.
You wear one of the things you'd picked out at the boutique, a long and sheer robe of billowing fabric and long wide sleeves that touch the ground in a light pink color. Your dress itself a deep maroon, lace at its hems, hitting above your knee and tight around your full chest as all things you wore were. Your hair is now loose, fully down from the barretts you'd had in it and wild once again. It falls to your lower back and past your breasts, your skin looking pale against it in the cool-toned light of the moon from the windows. The softness the flickering flames from the decorative candelabras give you a glow that he cannot explain. With your lipstick gone, only the soft pinky flesh tone left to adorn the pouting lips. Your large dark eyes were framed with long lashes that cast shadows across your cheeks, even though he was touching you most certainly, his other hand now twisting a piece of your hair in his fingers, he couldn't help but muse the fact that you still might be a glorious hallucination.
"You look like a dream, my love." he tells you. "I feel compelled to touch you to know that you are in fact real."
You lean up to kiss him, he can taste the rum on your lips. "I do hope I am not a dream, for to think of existing without you when you wake is far too painful a fate a bare." you sigh, your finger running across his full bottom lip. "You as always are my perfect portrait of masculinity and its charms." you let out a soft chuckle and a warm smile appears across his face. "The candlelight loves you, Fie. I shall have to capture you in paint like this one day. It's too sublime to not commemorate."
"Is the rum already in effect?" he lets out a deep chuckle against your cheek, kissing you gently.
"Don't be daft my silly man. You should know I find you to be own personal Adonis. I shall make a point to show you how much I adore your physical vessel. But only after I tell you how much I adore your mind." you pat his cheek.
"What sweet words from you tonight Genevieve. Did you slip them in along with this?" he asks, picking up the rum bottle and setting it back down, grinning and pushing your hair from your face.
"I had this from my last trip here."
"You brought it with you?"
"I always bring your rum when I travel." you state obviously and he tilts his head in wonder.
"We were not speaking last you came here." he points out.
"I'm aware," you say with a single nod. "Doesn't mean I didn't miss you." you say with kind eyes. "It reminds me of you when you're away. It's what I drink when you aren't with me. I can pretend to have a tiny bit of you beside me if I have this." you raise the glass. "I can at least recall what you smell like after coming home from work if nothing else."
"Even though we were apart?" he asks with confusion reading on his face. "Even though I had acted in such an unacceptable way towards you?"
"Yes." you answer simply.
"Genevieve you are not human. How can you hold such a capacity for forgiveness for a bastard like me? I don't deserve such consideration...for a goddess like you to yearn for me in such a way."
"The heart wants what the heart wants, Alfie. You know as well as I do that you can't control it." you whisper and smile, patting his cheek and moving away from him to the piano. You move the switch from the player against the wall between the windows and move to the bench. He watches you, eyes never leaving you as you moved. "Would you have a seat darling?" you ask, your hand out the armchair facing the piano. "I want to play something for you." you add in an almost shy way.
"I thought you hated playing piano?" he questions, sitting and leaning forward, elbows on his knees towards you.
"I love it. I only hated my teacher." you correct. "After you left I picked it back up. It was one of the things I used to distract myself. There was one piece of music I played most frequently, and I'd like to play it for you."
"Of course." he says softly.
"I've never played in front of anyone on my own accord before."
"And I am flattered you would offer to show me." he responds with a  nod.
"I wanted to give you something that I've never given to anyone else. And I wanted to show you something that touched me deeply...to share my art with you. You've seen my paintings but, you haven't seen me do this." you nod curtly and graze your fingertips over the keys. "Only second to you, art is what moves my heart in such profound ways. Joining the two seemed to only make sense."
"And all of my senses are yours for the performance." he replies with a  charming smile.
"I wanted to play Moonlight Sonata. Are you familiar?"
"Only slightly. " he says with a shake of his head.
"Good. You can see it through fresh eyes." you straighten your posture and place your feet. "This piece reminded me of you, and somehow it expresses what I felt after you left, but also how I feel with you now. Something that moved me from sadness from your departure. Now it reminds me of you for other reasons, the intensity representing love instead of sadness, an understated happiness showing through something dark such as the danger of our lives. So..." you clear your throat. "This is for you." you whisper before taking a deep breath, not watching his face as his eyes went soft, taking in the image of you backlit by the moon in your gown. Looking much like an angel.
A simple a solemn build, playing with your eyes closed begins. He watches you unravel over the keys, shoulders pressing and shifting, giving yourself over the music. Seeing you in action was something new. He could see the aftermath of emotion with a painting but seeing you physically engage in your expression was an entirely new beast altogether. The music was low and slow, rising and falling your head nodding and shaking as it did. He could see your brow furrow with every low note, your eyes roll under their lids with every high one. The delicate notes contorting your face, a slight snarl of lip as he watched your walls fall away and he was left watching something raw. It was quickly apparent to him this wasn't about showing off a skill you possessed. Your words beforehand were a prologue to the story you were trying to tell him with your fingers. Your control and reserve are gone, something only fueled by emotion, by what he see's as love for the art and for him. You were delivering as advertised, giving him a piece of you no one else had. He wants to return the gesture, and knows only through a showing of his own vulnerability will he be able to repay you. Should he lay himself at your feet? Should he shout off the balcony about how much he loved you? Give you monologues of Shakespeare and tell you how he very well might die if you ever parted?  He's left feeling raw and overflowing, enraptured by your show of yourself to him.
You end with the repeating chords, your eyes fluttering open as you return to your body. You sit back, hands in your lap, reserved and slightly drained for a moment.
"Seeing a work of art perform a piece of art is something I have not even thought of until tonight," he whispers, as your head raises, looking to him with large dark eyes. "You do give yourself fully to the things you love don't you?" his tone still delicate and face thoughtful as he rose, extending his hand out to you.
You take it and blink slowly, still in a haze. "I see no other way to make life worth living." you respond simply.
"And that is what I have been missing isn't it? A passion?" he takes you into the frame of the window, holding you against him, a hand in your hair, smoothing the soft waves as they'd become displaced in your passionate display. "You live with such heart. You feel so intensely for things that most cannot even comprehend or appreciate. You are the most fascinating thing I have come across in all my years. And I have sought out the interesting, the clever and the peculiar. And all for selfish reasons of bettering myself. But you...you Genevieve....my Chanah. You are anything but ordinary. There is not a hair on your head that is simple in its existence. There has never been a word that has crossed your lips that I have not had to revisit and ponder over. But you, even at your least graceful you are such a spectacle of God's creation that I myself am made anew in my faith and in awe of the possibilities that you bring to my life with every breath. You without knowing have charmed me to the point of hopelessness that I should ever be able to function without knowing your grace intimately. Even within your deepest faults, you are perfect to me. And I am a man that does not believe in perfection. But I was also a man that did not believe in love, not truly until I was made aware of your existence. You, without trying, changed the man I am. I cannot be the same after knowing you. I do not want to be the man I was before you, you have touched the deepest recesses of my mind that others have cowered from. You are truly the sun for what was an endless night before. How can a man go back into the cold darkness after knowing the warmth and light of the sun that you exude so effortlessly? You have taken up permanent residence in my mind, my heart....my soul. I do not wish you to ever part from me." he takes your hand from your side, limp and in awe of the words that were worthy of poetry in your eyes, and all of them meant for you. He holds your hand on his chest, covering it with his own.
"Alfie." you barely mutter in awe.
"Even my name is something I have learned to love simply by hearing your voice speak it." he whispers, leaning in closer.
"You say all these things. All these priceless things I could have never dreamed of hearing from another. But do you know how you complete me, Alfie? Truly?"
"I did not believe I was half before you. I was unaware of the emptiness I held. And only with you am I whole. I believe this as fully as any fact known by man. If you feel I can do anything besides be undeserving of such a place in your heart I am blessed."
"You are deserving," you say with a small smile, eyes staring into his. "You are my most favorite thing in the universe. I thought I knew happiness before you, before I knew you, but I have never been more elated to be wrong. I would lose everything to be with you, do you know that? I would rather live in squalor than be without you now. For what is it all worth when you have experienced what you make me feel? There is no other high in the world I would ever chase that could match what I feel simply by waking in your arms. I will try to express it until my tongue turns to dust how deeply you are apart of me now. But I ask you Alfie...my darling...do you know how much I love you?" you ask, your chin nodding towards him. You feel fearless and raw, as if you'd been sliced open and your past sins that made you feel so hesitant to accept the existence of something so sublime, came pouring out.
"Oh but I do, Genevieve. I know it for you have shown it to me. You and your love have kept me alive. For that, I owe you nothing short of dying for you. And I would gladly, my love. My creature that defies all reason of logic to me, do you know how much I love you?" he asks his thumb moving tenderly over your cheek, his nose against yours.
"Oh but I do." you swoon back, taking his words. "I know it for you have shown it to me. You have spoken it to me with your heavenly words and without through your eyes and hands. I love you, Alfie Solomons. I have never loved a man as I do you and I do not plan on loving another after you."
"No one could ever compare to you. I would not even entertain the thought." he says with a smile, pausing and taking a deep breath, his eyes shutting, brow furrowing as he presses his forehead to yours. "I love you. I have ached to say it." he opens his eyes and takes your face into both of his hands. "I love you." he states again.
Your cheeks crease under his hold. "And I love you." you whisper. "I love you, Alfie. My only regret is holding onto my fear and not saying it sooner. For that, forgive me."
"Forgiven." he says as he kisses you. "She loves me." he whispers, a smile on his lips. "I have loved you for so long, Genevieve."
"You have?" you ask with rapidly blinking eyes.
"I would dare to say on a deep, subconscious level I knew I would love you the day you walked into my office." he says with a sigh. a crooked, closed mouth smile appearing on his lips as he wet them. "I thought that woman will be the one to do me in." his smile grows and he kisses you. "And that was proven true. And I wouldn't want it any other way." he says with a brief shake of his head.
"I must admit I knew much later." you say bashfully, triggering a deep chuckle from him.
"I wouldn't expect anything else from a complicated creature such as yourself. To know anything for certain is so rare. And to know you have come to it on your own terms only makes it that much more dear to me, my love." he coos, another peck gifted to you.
"I knew without a doubt the night we kissed at your club." you confess.
"Yes. That was a night I recall feeling it very strongly." he adds with a  nod.
"I knew the night you invited me to your house for the first time. I'd thought I was when you left. What else would've caused me to hurt in such a way? When I told you I was Jewish I had hoped I was in love with you, as I hoped you were in love with me. When Elizabeth died it made aware of that I might be. That night spent in the tub together, telling you of all the ways you appealed to me...my heart was trying to tell my brain something it didn't want to believe. Something I could no longer ignore."
"That night was special wasn't it? I could feel it when I touched you. When we made love that night you were so quiet. So delicate and soft." he says quietly, a relaxed smile on his face, recalling the night.
"But I can attest that from the moment I laid eyes on you I knew you were special," you say with a more cheeky smile. "I felt something coming off of you that I was attracted to. I thought it was you being a powerful man. And I suppose in part it was." you shrug and smile into his hand, closing your eyes for a moment. "But now I know the draw to you was something beyond my understanding telling me to not lose you. That our paths had finally come to a point, and that point was one of no return." you gently kiss his palm and turn back to him, placing your hands on top of his.
"We did meet at an interesting time in our lives didn't we?" he muses, leaning in close again.
"It seemed inconvenient. But there would've been no other time before when I would've opened myself up to someone."
"And I will never forget that without you and your brilliant brain I would most likely not be here right now." he adds in a lower tone.
"Oh, how you haunted me, Alfie." you whisper. "You still haunt me, you know? Only in new ways now. Much more pleasurable ways." you look up to meet his eyes.
"And may I continue to do so?"
"Most certainly. I insist you do not stop." you say with a soft smile.
"Then I never shall." he kisses you. "And what pleasure might I continue to bring you?" he whispers against your lips and you feel your heart flutter as his lips begin to move to your cheek, his breath hot against your jaw.
"For you to indulge in my appetites. To humor my fascinations with you." you rasp out. "To make love to me well and often."
"I will add it to the ketubah." he coos in a deep tone and you let out a deep giggle, your arms moving to around his neck as he moves his to embrace you.
"You will have no trouble remembering to do so, I'm certain." your voice growing breathy as his hands roamed your back, the heat from his body warming you through your thin clothing.
"I forget how to do anything but make love to you at times, I will admit you stunningly gorgeous goddess of mine." he groans, lips moving across your neck as you let your head fall to the side.
"Then let's forget everything but that tonight, mon Fie. I want to show you how much I love you. I want to tell you I do while we're one. I want to know the contentment that only comes with falling asleep in your arms after exploring each other bodies fully. I want to take our time to make the memories of the night we told each other how we felt unforgettable.  I want to remember this night forever." you confess with eyes that had fluttered shut as he cradles your head in his large hand.
"And I will show you how much I love you without words as best I can, my love. I will be a man at worship when I'm with you. We will not be able to tell where we begin or end." he breathes out as he works his way up to your lips. "Are you ready for bed, pet?" he asks first, pulling his mouth from your skin to ask permission.
"I'm always ready for you Alfie. Take me. I'm yours." you purr with an affectionate bump of his nose to yours.
"Then I will take my queen to her throne, shall I?" he says with a dip in his voice, turning you and lifting you up threshold style as you keen happily and put your arms around his neck. He takes the stairs slowly as you hum and kiss at his cheek and ears.
"I do love it when you do this." you admit in a giggle, your fingers playing in the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Carry you to bed?" he asks, bumping the door open with his foot.
"Yes. Makes me feel small and overtly aware of how broad and strong you are. I do love it when I can't ignore how arousing you are, darling." you hum and take his earlobe between your lips.
He gently sits you on the bed, you throwing your legs over the side, looking up at him with big eyes, taking in the breadth of him. "Shall I serve you further by undressing you as well? Would that please you?"
"It would please me very much." you purr.
"Then lie back and I will show you how I love you, darling." he drops to his knees in front of you and you know you will never tire of the sight. "I will use my mouth against your skin to tell you." he whispers, starting with a kiss to your chest. "I will used my hands to worship your body in it's striking beauty."  he continues, running his hands up your bare thighs. "And I will use my cock to worship your heavenly cunt until neither of us can recall the world outside exists." he finishes his promise with a seal of his lips to yours. A biting harshness to it, feeling the way your breath hitched at how he spoke of your body.
Your arms wrap around his neck slowly, the only sounds your mind would acknowledge were the friction of your clothing and the sound of one another breathing. The ambient noises of the night on the streets, the flickering of flames on the dripping candles, the rustling of the wind through the curtains was nonexistent. A single candelabra sits on the vanity across from the bed in its little alcove with the large mirror. The light reflects off it, creating a warm wash across the room, the creeping high moon lights in slats through the windows on either side of the bed, both battling across your skin as your moved for supremacy.  
His adept fingers grip your robe, sliding it from your shoulders, kisses leading down from your lips to follow the fabric down one arm. He brings your hand up to his lips, they brush against your knuckles, carrying across your palms, smooth and sensuous as they envelop each fingertip. His mouth exhales into your ear, sending goosebumps across your skin as the straps of your gown are dragged down. He pulls the silky maroon gown down by the sides under your arms, a quick yank down across the span of your breasts. In the low light, you can still see his chest shift with a heavy breath at the sight of you, a glimpse through his half unbuttoned shirt. His chest hair peeks out, your eyes following how it moves up and connects with the wild and unruly beard that had overgrown through the winter. Your fingers long to get lost in it, feel the roughness of the wiry hair as your fingertips trace down his strong body. You get your chance as he gives over to his lust for your body.
"My love your divine body is utterly exquisite." he lightly moans across your collarbones, rough fingers outlining over the swell of your breasts. His kisses go lower, hands cupping your large breasts and bringing them to his eager lips. A muffled "mmph." of pure enjoyment from him as your hands move to his neck as he sucks and licks away at your softness. "Perfect." he rasps out,  his plush lips moving across your skin. You sigh and let your feelings overtake you. You indulge in the urge to meld together, skin to skin, every limb entangled and covered in a thin veil of sweat. You work away at his buttons, hands making their way to his shoulders under his shirt, your nails raking across and eliciting a moan from him.
He wills his lips to part form your skin, hands moving to your thighs and squeezing, feeling the rough skin across the soft fuzz that covered your thighs, kneading up to your hips, hands slowly gathering the silk slip in his hands. His fingertips trace down your sides gently, outlining the curvature of your body before delving under the fabric to pull it down your thighs. At the unveiling of the fact that you were without knickers his strung-out face licks its lips, nostrils flaring and twitching as the triangle of plush hair is revealed with every distance he pulls down your gown. It falls from your knees to the floor easily with the guide of his hand, then both moving up to capture your legs again, thumbs rubbing against your sensitive inner thighs.
"You are statuesque in your beauty, my love. Why no one has carved you into stone for the world to revel in your magnificence is beyond me." he exhales softly, hands so tender against you, taking their time to feel your softness as they work their way up to under your breasts where his thumbs swipe over your now hard nipples.  "But I would wish to be so selfish as to only have my eyes take in your form like this. Only these cursed hands can find their salvation across your impossibly soft skin. My god Genevieve the greed you light within me for your body." he groans with his nose brushing yours, keeping you so close but wanting to enact on the greed to keep you wanting, watching you take in all the words he wants to seduce you with.
"I wish to see you, to touch you. To act upon the covetous nature you awaken in me with your libidinous words." you trace your tongue across his lower lip and you feel his lashes flutter against you. "Stand Alfie, let me take the pleasure in undressing you now. Let us act gluttonous in our lust." you whisper, seeing his shoulders slump as he finds himself being immersed in your words, something he'd never experienced with another woman before. A woman with a filthy mouth arising want in someone was one thing, a woman that could tame the tongue of a charm spinning man, to make it stutter at her own serpentine one that bewitched him was another. You were surely a creature from another realm to do such things to a man like him.
"As you wish, my love." he purrs, a mild kiss before doing as you request. His half-lidded eyes take you in as you sit back to admire him,  your head tilted in consideration, hair behind you and your body glowing from the light bouncing around the mirrors and white walls of the room.
You stand and work away at his buttons, soft tugs to unleash his shirt, a leisurely descent of your fingers down the rising and falling slopes of his winter bulked torso. Kisses placed to his chest and upper arms as you let the shirt fall to the floor. You kiss with fervor across his tattoos, the broad planes of his chest, your fingers unfastening his trousers. "What a strapping man I've managed to capture." you sigh, nose nuzzling against his chest, lips indulgent, grazing over his nipples and listening to his breath catch. "So strong." you praise breathily, leaving his trousers open and diverting for a moment to his arms, giving them a squeeze and continuing your journey across his chest. You let your fingers cascade down past his own, pushing down his pants as you brush your flat palm over his length, feeling it grow as you loosely grasp at him, passive and tame tugs, one hand after the other, feeling him get hard and humming contently against his chest as you feel the moans move up and out of his mouth. "You gallant..." you rasp out, stroking him with both hands, still a light touch to only arouse him, it wasn't about getting anywhere quickly tonight. You only wanted to worship him with your body the same as he did you. "...potent beast of mine." you coo and look up to find his eyes shut. Those pillowy lips parted and recently wetted as you take in the impressive mixture of rugged masculinity with his touches of delicate beauty that made up his face. Lashes that curved outward over blue eyes, plush and lustful lips, the elegant and straight slope of his nose below that heavy brow that covered his expressive eyes. Knowing he could bring people down with a simple expression, a glance of his powerful face, including you, made you sigh out audibly as you looked at him through the eyes of a woman in love. "Such a dominant figure you are my darling. So dynamic with the softness you show me. And only me...is that right my most handsome lover?" you look up at him with doe eyes, lashes fluttering same as his as he comes back to the surface, looking down at you with eyes that declare you to be his wordlessly.
"It is, my love," he says smoothly, feet moving to rid him of all other clothing as he pulls you to him, skin to skin and connected with a slow kiss. "Only you can bring forth the good that is left in me." he shakes his head and speaks against your lips. You hold his face for a moment, a single noisy smooch before you pull from him, his hands held out and wanting as you spin to get on the bed.
"Come." you say on your knees in the center of the bed. "I want to feel you, mon Fie. I want the heat of you against me." you say with a delicate smile. He obeys and crawls towards you on the bed and the sight of such a predatory beast coming your way makes your chest heave and a satisfied hum escape you. You see him hard, hanging between his legs centered with the dark gingery hair that trailed up his stomach and dusted out to his thighs. You move your eyes slowly, no need to rush  the feast you were taking in.
He watches you bite your lip, tongue wetting them, your eyes dark and roaming as he sat on his knees across from you, sat the same. Watching your chest rise and fall, your hands moving up and down your thighs slowly, he wondered if he'd ever been gazed at in such a way. Only on his worst days, when his war-racked body would ache in it's age and abuse would be feel lacking in his confidence. But if he had you to look at him like this, completely bare and only himself to offer, feeling so wanted and powerful he doubted anything could ever affect his view on his body again.
You inch closer, a subtle smile on your face, fingertips light across each other's skin as you melt together, chest to chest. He moves to kiss you and you pull back, a smile with your tongue peaking from your teeth up at him, as his eyes flutter to meet your own with a look of confusion. You graze his lips with yours, only teasing, making him wait, wanting to savor the sensations of touch fully before interlocking completely as you were sure to lose yourself in him. Your tongue licks his lips gently, running your lips open across his cheek before returning, a denial that he wasn't sure of at first. As he leans in to only share breath with you,  hands deliberate across each other's bodies. Moving between legs and across shoulders, dragging up from your ankles to resting on ribs, his senses are heightened, existing in the moment with you. You both move and switch places in turns, chest to chest, back to back with heads lolling and fingertips gripping into hips from behind. You roll aimlessly on the bed with entangled limbs. Your lips light against each other, taking in every bead of sweat and gasp as you taste each other's most intimates places. Juices from your fingertips and lips, sucked off your own fingers or spread into the others mouths, sharing and building in connection slowly with no other motive than to show the other how much you adored them. You take him into your mouth, he takes you into his, from palms to between your legs, nipples, earlobes, and lips all thoroughly explored and worship to a pert pinkness.
And just as this heartfelt affair had started, unintentionally but seamlessly, while above you, your legs wrapped around him, feet caressing his thighs and bum, he slips inside you. A soft exhale with his lips to your throat. His exploration across the pulse in your neck as slow as his hips, a lazy pendulum, slow and steady rubs against you. As the first loud moan builds, a faint gasp, an arching of your back that waves up your body to release the build-up of the wanton sound. He captures it in his mouth, your hands to either side of his face as he moves above you. You force your eyes open, you want to watch him and find he's already doing that same to you. Your body wants to dissolve into nothing but pleasure underneath him, but your heart is telling you this is something more. You're left open in every sense to him, both your eyes half-lidded and dark, lustful but still controlled as you had conversations with no words, but with moving lips against each other. Your eyes served as windows, as the poets say, to your souls that had felt so hindered before they found each other.  You move his hair from the peaceful oceans of his eyes, it now hung limp and damp as yours, falling into his face. You take the time to feel the strands through your fingers, the thick softness, the wiry almost curl of the ends, still long from his winter coat that had gone untrimmed.
HIs fingers surprise you, his broad and ringed thumb slipping over the pulsing and sensitive bud, already wet from the previous release his sucking lips had brought upon you. Your body, tenses at the feeling, eyes fluttering as a masculine smile falls across his face at what he's doing to you. You hum and your hips shift, hands leaving the cozy nest of his hair for a moment to roam his arms, his back, his arse, feeling his muscles move and tense underneath his skin. You feel the strength of him beneath your hands, moving up to his shoulders again, the caps barely contained by your whole hand, trying to grasp him as another wave of pleasure builds and washes over you. A whimper is passed between you as you feel his arm slip underneath you, a deeper moan that turns into a smile, as he pulls your body off the bed. As he rises, your fingers slide through the unkempt curls at the base of his neck, pulling out of your grasp, sliding out of your hands, left hanging and reaching for him. He pulls his legs underneath him, pushing into you deeply as he does so, a non verbally praise of the depth he was reaching before you are left with only your head on the bed. You push off with your hands, answering him with your movement as he whispers, "Come." to you as he brings your bodies together chest to chest. Pulling you into his lap, his legs now straighten out in front of him, you wrap your legs around him, planting your feet behind him on the bed. It takes only seconds to feel the growing desperation in his hands, and then as you look down as his parted and panting lips, you see he's passed his limit for control and you welcome it.
Your one hand strong to the back of his neck, the other resting, your back slightly reclined as you held up your weight on the bed. His hands move to your hips, although they do not need the instruction to move, you use your thighs to grind yourself against him. The fullness of him inside you in addition to the tension from the muscles in your legs make you let out a breathy moan into the air. He answers it quickly as one hand moves up your back, large and holding your weight with it, pulling you closer to him. His mouth hangs open, leaning fast into the valley of your breasts. Your arms push them together, as he glides back and forth without grace to each nipple, taking one into his mouth, then the other, sucking and lapping away at you like you were the last thing he was ever going to taste. With one hand firmly on your most lower back, fingers gripping you by the gap of your bum, keeping you moving against him as he moans into your skin. Another hand, now freed moves up your body as he continues nipping away at your hardened nipples, it moves frictionlessly across the slicked skin up to your neck, to mirror your grip. With a loud breathy exhale, he pulls his lips to yours with the harshest movement of the night. Open mouths meet, tongues writhe between mashed and pliant lips, broad swiping strokes to fragile entangled movements with your tips before more cries rise between you. Moans and groans pass faster between you. You break the connection, your breathing growing too wild with the movement of your hips, as they started to seek out release while the tightness between the two of you grew. You let your eyes shut, giving yourself over to the feeling, focusing on his hands on your body, moving you both faster as he bucked into you, your hips taking him in deeper still. With your hand fully fisted into his hair, the other clinging to his upper back, your thighs make up the difference his hips and hands moving can't as you let your head fall back, your hair brushing across his thighs, tickling it as his skin grew more and more sensitive the longer you two were entangled together. Your mouth wouldn't close now, leaving room open for every noise he pushed up and out into the dim room. He cranes his neck, his nose and lips lightly pressed to your throat as your head lolls back. You can feel the pattern of his breathing through the flutter of his breath and the press of his chest against yours.
Taking him deeper and grinding down, him pushing in and out of you, you build to a wondrous crescendo, your lips whining and seeking out his, low brows pressed together as his hand held you taut. Panting mouths and rolled back sets of eyes show your vulnerability, letting no noise go unheard, no reservations of showing any weakness for the other now as you poured out the wordless praise as your thighs shook and your nails dug into his skin. It was intense but not boisterous, a subtle hand to show his work was not going unappreciated. You felt helpless, floating with him in suspended bliss as his grunts tell you he let himself give in this time too.
He filled you up in every way, physically and emotionally. With the desperate moans passed, the kisses come crashing hard again. Whimpers follow presses of lips in their fluctuating patterns against one another. His arms now fully embracing you, you come down together, your thighs now lax and knees spread at his sides. Staying inside you, He lies on his back, keeping you close. The indulgent nature is lazy and heavy, both slick with sweat, muscles tired from a full day and a fuller night. As your breathing regulates, kisses more shallow, pauses between them with hums and brushes of your noses, he rolls you to your side. Your leg stays around his hip, arms wrapped around his neck as he moves to carelessly kiss your neck and shoulders, still silence between the two of you. It was a practice in wordless communication, this love making you both took your time with. It wasn't its purpose as it happened naturally, but it leads to a deeper understanding of each other.
With sleepy eyes and heavy limbs he rises, a familiar grunt as he bends at the waist and reaches for blankets you'd turned down. A soft and clean whoosh of air over you as they settle against you. He leans back against the headboard, a king among the pillows, and you, his queen sliding against him to his side. He covers you to the ears, one hand lazily stroking your hair, pulling it off your shoulders, creating some control to the chaos of the cloak of it wrapped around you during your romp together. As every exhale had been since you'd told him you loved him, you felt a tiny bit of your old self fade away with the heavy sigh that escaped you as you pressed your cheek to his chest.
"Alfie?" you ask in a voice that feels almost foreign. It was fluffy and light and girlish, a whisper from a child who didn't know heartbreak yet is how is name left your lips.
"Yes, my love?" his voice and face are relaxed, and how long had it been since they both were at the same time, he could not recall. The lightness of the white room, the air that caressed his damp face and hair, moon and candlelight bouncing off each other as he looked to the mirror across the room from the bed, a calm tone set that he was sure he would only ever be able to experience again in your arms. He studies your bodies under the covers in the reflection,  how there was no discernable shape of two people underneath them, but a two-headed creature that lay in wait, concealed from the prying eyes of the outside world. And wasn't that just so fitting?
"Bien qu'il n'ait pas besoin detre parle avec des mots apres que nos corps l'ont dit avec le toucher, je me trouve toujours desireux de vous le dire dans ma langue etrangere." (Although it does not need to be spoken with words after our bodies have said it with touch, I still find myself longing to tell you in my foreign tongue)." your voice is sweet, just as the smile is on your face. "Je t'aime. (I love you)" you confess again, eyes closed with a fluttering of lashes against his skin he takes the time to feel.
You were so soft in his embrace, one hand reaching over to stroke your cheek, the other rested on your arm to keep you close. "Et ja t'aime mon petite.En France, votre coeur et votre foyer nous ont amenes ensembles vers cet endroit. Il est juste que nous le disions dans la langue maternelle qui l'a fait sortir de nous." (And I love you my little one. In France, it has been your heart and your home to bring us together to this place. It is only right that we say it in the mother tongue which brought it out of us.) His voice is quiet, the words making you feel young. Imaging yourself still sitting in the tiny first apartment you had, chin in hand and staring out into the expanse of the city, longing to hear a man with a voice and mind like his tell you things that were now a reality.
"Et c'est encore plus doux que je n'ai jaimies imagine. (And it's even sweeter than I ever imagined). Combien il est lourd detre des mots si simples. (How heavy it is to be such simple words) Je t'aime. (I love you). Creer ou detrruire une vie avec si peu de mots. (To create or destroy a life with so few words)" you muse, your voice quiet, delivered sleepily against his skin.
"Et quelle chance nous avions de le dire dans la creation.(And how lucky we are have said it in creation)" he whispers, voice as tired as yours, a contented hum in repsonse from you. " Je souhaite construire une vie avec vous, Geneveive. C'est mon intnetion de le faire. Je t'aime. J'ia attendu toute une vie pour fe trouver et ja prevois de nouse rejoindre officiellement bientot. (I do wish to build a life with you, Genevieve. It is my intention to do so. I love you. I have waited a lifetime to find you and I plan to join us together formally soon)"
The words feel like a dream, you wonder if you've already fallen asleep as the promise brings you no worry and only a warmth that goes deeper than that radiating from his body into yours. "Je t'aime Alfie et je t'attendrai. (I love you Alfie and I will be waiting)" you whisper to him. Because you do, and you will.
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elejah-wonderland · 6 years
The Sun And The Moon Curse/8
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Part 8
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
ft. other tvd characters - Klaus Mikaelson, Esther, Katherine 
set after tvd 3x14/15
TVD AU story
Summary: At the Mikaelson Ball, Elijah asks Elena to tell him what his mother wanted form her. After Elena discloses what it was to the Original vampire, and the ritual fails, she is prompted to leave with him, leaving Mystic Falls behind, embarking on a new adventure.
a/n: Thanks so much for reading this story, as it was the first tvd fanfiction I ever wrote. xoxo
Warning: Fluff, witch ritual, vampire blood
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @captainshurley @cassienoble2000 @goddessofthunder112 @hides2000 @elejahforever @idkhaylijah
If you wish to be removed from the tag list, please let me know 
Katherine arrived in Bucharest and once again stood there empty handed. Yizel could see that there was a very unusual magic surrounding Lia's villa and when she tried to come close to it, she suddenly felt weak and very nauseous. 
"Dark magic -ahh"- she felt a sharp pain kick in her stomach as if she was stabbed.
Katherine took the opportunity and now grabbed the dagger from the witch and decided to cut her losses and leave the witch behind. Something very odd was happening and she opted to lay low for a little while.
In Cluj-Napoca, Transylvania
The next day
Elena woke up and moved, rubbing her eyes, finding that Elijah was gone. But, there on the pillow was a rose. Elena smiled taking the rose, and now sat up. 
 As she got ready, she walked to the kitchen to make some coffee. 
“Good morning”- the witch knocked at the door of the kitchen -”I apologize for letting myself in, but I have a message from Elijah.”
“He went to run some errands, I guess.”- Elena said and now offered the woman a cup of coffee. 
“No, thank you. I thought that maybe you would like to accompany me into town?”
Elena accepted the invitation. Lia needed to get some particular herbal essences for the ritual. Grabbing her bag, the doppelganger and the witch left the apartment.
They entered a shop that sold many different varieties of organic cosmetics. It was a beautiful rustic looking shop. Elena went up to the stand where perfume bottles were on display. The shop-keeper brought all that was on Lia's list, then looked at Elena and suggested a fragrance that would suit her. She spoke to her in Romanian and Elena apologized for not understanding. Lia translated.
"Jasmine and Lilac with a hint of orange blossom. It's an antic fragrance. She thinks that one would suit you best."
Elena smelled it, and she liked it, and bought it. They got out and Lia then suggested they have a cup of coffee and a a bit of breakfast. They got into a cafe across the road from the shop.
"Are you all right?"- Lia asked Elena, who appeared to be absent-minded as they got into the place.
"Yes-just- I-hm-so much has happened-it's crazy to think about  normal things like the dress and perfume-and - none of my friends are here and - I should have told them that I kind of got engaged. I know it sounds crazy "
"Why? Because he is a vampire? And something like that is not to be?"-Lia asked.
"No, it's not because he is a vampire. I don't even see him like that.  I am sort of supernatural, aren't I? And now I am going to be immortal! It's just that I have not imagined it like that- I wanted my mom and dad to be there when I get married "-Elena said, adding -”And the harsh reality is that it will happen in a place so far away from home!"
"This is home - crazy as it sounds. I feel at home here. I mean-you are family, aren't you? Technically."
"Thank you for considering me to be your family. You and Elijah were meant to be-the Sun conjuncts with the Moon - it is foreseen to have a stable and long lasting relationship, with great romance, but it has the effect of unification of purpose, emotions and will, instills loyalty, trust and faithfulness. Your Sun sign is the other person's Moon sign and the other person's Sun sign is your Moon sign. It works reciprocally. It said that each of you would have a profound effect upon the other. And I have seen it. The way you speak to one another, the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him. You may have felt that you are soul mates and that is because of your Sun and Moon aspects within you. It is said that together you can endure almost any hardship. Nature doesn't bestow that upon just anyone. You were chosen."- Lia said.
Hearing what Lia had said made Elena feel elated, inspirited, but also somewhat anxious, especially for the part about hardship, as she knew that things that they would be facing would not be a walk in the park, to put it mildly. She was very much aware of it all, but now she wanted to linger in the dream of the night before, accepting his proposal wholeheartedly.
"My friends would not understand how I feel- and probably say that it is a very bad idea." - Elena said.
"It's called being in love"-Lia said-"if you forget for a moment about the scrolls, you fell for the man he is, his human counterpart." - the witch said.
"Yes, I did."-Elena said dreamily, thinking of all that drew her to Elijah. But she also flashed back to their first ever meeting.
 “When I first met him- ah- that was - ahm - crazy."
Elena told Lia of all that had happened between them.
As Elena finished telling the witch shortly about her and Elijah’s short history, Lia had this to say -
"The need to save them and you was the cosmic inclination to find the kindred soul. You may look the same in your appearance, but I have told you that your souls are different."
"What I don't understand is, well, if he wasn't turned and stayed human- well, we would never have met?!"
"Now that is something we will have to leave with Mother nature, but I believe that you and him would have met."
"How? There would have been -or Elijah would be a doppelganger too?"
"Maybe. As I said Nature has it worked out."-Lia said-"shall we go and look at some dresses? Let's just be women indulging in some girly time out?!"
Elena agreed smiling a little. Even if it was for a few hours, she needed the escape. As Lia said, she wanted to think of it as a ceremony and not as a ritual that would align their forces to  fight a very dangerous enemy.
Klaus pondered his next move. No matter how many times Elijah and he didn't see eye to eye, and there have been plenty of occasions, he knew that Elijah would still be on his side. But now with all that he found out it seemed that  this time it was not so. It was very clear to him that Elijah used stalling tactics to go against him once again, same as he had done in Mystic Falls.
"Family"- he sifted angrily- "what a joke!"
The Hybrid  then turned to one of his compelled followers and told him to pass on the message to Julius.
"Let the games begin!"- Klaus said- "let's see who will be the King of the world"
Meanwhile, in Romania, Transylvania
Elijah returned to the apartment sometime before Elena and Lia. He took out the rings he had made in the Viking custom. 
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Ever since he became aware of what he customs of the viking society were and where his place as a man was, he thought of doing everything slightly different. He thought of his father and mother and their union of marriage, which their parents had arranged, love being insignificant. He had always wanted to do the opposite. He wanted it to mean so much more than just serving a purpose. He remembered once listening his father talking about negotiating a marriage at the Thing, which was a vikings Council meeting. There was talk of brautkauf or brideprice. It was a very elaborate economic exchange between the families. Now his thoughts diverted to the present and he felt that, although, it was nothing like the old days, Elena was forced into the union, for a particular purpose, and his heart wished that this dark cloud were not hanging over them, that they were just two people who fell in love and wanted to be together.
Back in Bucharest he had told her that he had loved once before, but it was not the whole truth. He had loved been in love with a woman warrior, Thorunn. And thought she had pledge herself to him, she went to marry another man.
A thousand years ago
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“Ah, Thorunn chose Bjorn”- Kol said as he now crossed the path with his brother, who saw Elijah earlier gazing at the blonde shield-maiden. 
“Leave me alone. I am not in the mood for your clever remarks.”- Elijah said walking by his brother.
“I wasn’t going to make you feel bad. I thought you cared for someone else - this new girl  that came with the witch. Tatia?”
“No. I mean - yes, I care, but - that is all. I think that she has feeling for Niklaus.”- Elijah replied.
“Yes, I saw him - all flirtatious with her. I think that they have even spent a night together.”- Kol now said.
Elijah now shook with his head and continued to the horses pen. 
“Come on, one day you will find the one!”- Kol shouted behind his brother.
The one. Elijah now thought. Yes, Elena was the one. His heart knew that before he was ever aware of that. He now smiled a little, thinking of how all came about. It had in actual fact always meant to be as he now thought about what the scrolls entailed. Like Elena had said, he had always know that that someone was out there waiting for him. He had always known. His heart had never been completely taken, like it was since he had met her. Not for Thorunn, his first love, nor for Aya. 
He now put the rings in its antique ring box. Hearing Elena and Lia come up the steps, he put the box with the rings in his suit pocket.
Not long after Lia and Elena walked into the apartment. Both women now put down a big load of shopping bags on the floor. 
The witch and the doppelganger greeted him. Elena’s eyes shone lovingly at him, and he responded in the same manner. Her spirit was exactly like the sun that managed to lift up all the darkness. 
"I overdid it"- she then said looking at the bags- "I don't know what happened- I just forgot, I guess, that it is just a ritual."
“I see.”- Elijah said with a small wag of his eyebrows.
“I will see you in a little while.”- Lia then said and excused herself, leaving them, stepping out of the apartment.
"You had a nice day out, I gather."- Elijah then said nearing her- " and you changed your hair -I like it!" 
The Original brushed his fingers through the doppelganger’s hair.
"I did.Yes"- Elena smiled, adding- " I wanted to- I want it to be special."
"And not just another ritual, where you are forced to something that no one asked you whether you wanted it or not"
"Elijah-what is it?"
"I just wish -it all was different for you- us. That is all. I wanted to protect you from it all. It's a natural impulse of mine. I know that you are so courageous and strong-willed."
"And that I will be fine."-her eyes assured him -" I will always have you-and we are together in this!"
"So we are."- Elijah now he took the box out of his jacket pocket presenting it to her.
"What is this?"- Elena said looking at him curiously.
Elijah now opened the beautiful box, showing the wedding bands.
"Oh -they are beautiful!"- Elena said taken in for a moment.
”How did you - when did you- get them?”
“I left here before dawn. I remembered an antique jewellery shop in Budapest - I went to get them.”- Elijah replied. 
Elena looked at the Original with a surprising look, even though all she had already learnt about him so far shouldn’t have done. 
“I hope this is not too much - this is a big step-” - Elijah said gulping a bit-”and I would absolutely understand if you - ”
“Elijah - no - I mean - yes - I thought about everything. Like I told you - my whole life changed the moment I have found out I was the doppelganger, and - “
Elena paused for a moment, placing her palm on the Original’s cheek, continuing- “I am sure of this. I am sure about how I feel.”
“You are?”- Elijah muttered, his heart exhibiting a tender flutter, his heightened feelings now making his whole being tremble. 
He stood there with his heart and his soul bare in front of her, looking at her with adoring eyes. 
Elena nodded a little, her eyes smiling dreamily at Elijah -
“I've never been more sure of anything in my life.”
Elena now put her hand out to Elijah, and he now took the rings out of its box.
And before he put the ring on her finger, he said -
"I understand how people felt when they were about to go to war and leave their loved one behind, and when they wanted to vow to one another that they would be theirs forever-and this is maybe the least romantic place-  but I would like to pledge here and now my undying love for you"
He then took the ring and placed it on her finger saying-
 "With this ring I bind myself to you Always and Forever."
She then did the same saying- "Always and forever"
Slowly pulling her to him, Elijah lips brushed over Elena’s. Soft and gentle, gripping them more firmly The wave of deep felt love streamed all over them, spilling out from their hearts.
Whether it was in the most beautifully decorated church, a darkest forest or just a tiny room, it was the same for them at that very moment. All that mattered was that this was their private moment they would always remember. 
Lia’s knock at the door of the bedroom, now brought them back from their happy cloud to the harsh reality. 
“Just a moment”- Elijah said as his eyes still danced happily, gazing at his beloved, holding her close.
They knew that it was  time to go to the location where the ritual of the conjunction was to be performed. 
“It’s ok. I am ready.”- Elena said -”and - if you don’t mind I would like to go and have a shower.”
“Of course.”- Elijah said, placing a small peck on the lips.
“Love you”- Elena said as she now opened at the door, turning to the Original.
Having showered, and changed, they left for the small hamlet outside the city, close to the  forest where the ritual was to take place. 
There they were met by an old women and her granddaughter. It was clear that they were witches that knew Lia very well. They came up to Elena, and Lia nodded at the doppelganger that it was perfectly safe for her to go with them. 
“Where are they taking her?”- Elijah inquired not happy that he was held back by the blonde witch.
“To prepare her. You don’t have to worry. They will not harm her.”- Lia reassured the Original.
Elijah nodded a little, and waited. Not long. Elena returned dressed in an elegant white dress, wearing a flower crown on her head.
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Elijah at Elena mesmerized, putting his hand out to her. As she came to him, he now uttered as if compelled-
“You are so beautiful”
“Thank you”- Elena slipped taking his hand. 
“Ready?”- the Original now said and the doppelganger nodded.
 The witch led them to the point in the woods where a perfect circular clearing existed. It was known in the old days as the circle of the Immortals. The magical circle was already prepared. As it was a marital rite of some kind, the circle was adorned with flowers among sacred plans and scented candles.
"Please stand here"- Lia said to them showing where to go, then looked up in the sky to see how long it was for the Sun and the Moon to line up.
"Open your palms"
They did as the witch asked.
Elijah could hear Elena's heart racing wildly but she assured him with her look that she was fine. 
Lia now cut into the palms murmuring words they didn't understand smearing them with the mixture of herbs she had bought earlier that day and now told them to joint their palms together.
 Soon both of them could feel a strange tingling in their palms as the witch continued chanting and then looked up at the skies once again, and when she saw the sun and the moon were in complete alignment, she bound their hands with a ribbon laced with all different sacred flowers.
As the chanting finished Elena felt a tad bit faint. Her whole being shook and she felt her heart stop and start again. She beamed her eyes at Elijah, hearing his heartbeats now. They were as apprehensive as hers. 
Nothing seemed to be different and yet all was different. Something was pulling them towards one another, like a force unknown, They now moved closer. 
With the unusual tingling streaming all over them, they held onto one another firmly. A mystical surge ran through them.The body, the mind and the soul became one. Enveloped in the magical haze, they looked at one another with love. As her lips touched his, the conjunction was sealed.
Heart beats fast Colours and promises How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall? But watching you stand alone All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow One step closer I have died every day waiting for you Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years I'll love you for a thousand more Time stands still Beauty in all she is I will be brave I will not let anything take away What's standing in front of me Every breath Every hour has come to this One step closer          
a/n: one of the best Elejah vids, in my opinion, and just had to add it.                 
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eternityunicorn · 5 years
Love is Madness: Part Four +18
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Author: eternityunicorn 
Genre: Romance/Drama/AU
Pairing: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Warnings: Smut (*Smut chapters marked +18)
Summary: AU of an AU: Elijah and Eternity had been lovers centuries ago, in a brief but profound love affair that ended terribly when Eternity had betrayed Elijah by choosing duty over the heart and nearly killing him along with his siblings. Now in present day, they find themselves forced together by dire circumstances that have intertwined their paths once more, but what will become of them when it becomes clear that their love for each other is still as profound now as it had been all those centuries ago?
NOTE: OC and original elements are from my up and coming novel series!
One rainy, cool night, Elijah found himself drinking alone at Saint James, four weeks after Eternity’s visit to Marcel’s place. Gia had another engagement with Marcel and his vampires that he needn’t be involved with. He could have insisted on going with her anyway, but had decided it was for the best if he didn’t join in. He wasn’t much in the mood for a lot of company or any really, not even his family, especially with Kol and Eternity always around, acting so in love with each other.
It was too much to bear. 
Though he lived across the river, Elijah was always being summoned to the Mikealson compound to deal with family matters and to check up on Hope. Or he went for his own strange need to torture himself by bearing witness to the love affair unfolding between Kol and Eternity. Not that he ever done so intentionally per se. It was merely a side effect of going there, yet he found he couldn’t look away from the sight of them together.
In truth, the real reason why Gia was not with Elijah right then was because she had begun to sense his wound up demeanor, ever since Eternity had returned to his life with that damned premonition. It had begun to cause some tension between them on the rare occasion that the baby vampire made the journey to the compound with him and had witnessed the way he watched Eternity with Kol in that horridly pathetic longing and jealous way no doubt. He had tried to play it off as nothing when the young vampire bluntly confronted him about it, but she was wise enough to see what was going on and had gotten angry with him over the matter.
Not that Elijah could blame her for her agitation. He was still in love with the woman from his past, the very one that his little brother had snatched up for himself. Despite her betrayal, he still wanted Eternity for himself, but was too fearful and stubborn to pursue her.
The Original took another hearty drink from the bourbon he was nursing right when a flash of white caught his eye and he turned to find Eternity standing there. 
He was surprised to see her there, even as he admired her. She was stunning, dressed in a short mini dress of scarlet red and silver pumps. Her hair was put up in a stylish updo to show off the teardrop diamond earrings she wore. She had a small smile upon her rose pink lips and her eyes twinkled with slight amusement, no doubt at his appreciative staring. 
“What are you doing here?” He asked gruffly, in a borderline rude way, in an attempt to cover up his lusty feelings. “Where is my brother Kol? Surely he is accompanying you.”
“Actually I am here on my own,” answered Eternity evenly, unperturbed by his attitude. “Kol does not know I am here.”
That piqued his interest. “Why not? You two seem rather inseparable.”
She did answer immediately, coming over to lean forward against the bar top next to him. She gave a slight shrug, “Kol is sweet, but he is like Niklaus is all the wrong ways, always has been. He likes to kill indiscriminately, without thought or mercy for his victims. He’s impulsive and reckless. 
Elijah nodded in agreement. She wasn’t wrong in her assessment of his brother.
“Despite knowing that,” Eternity carried on, “I had thought maybe things had changed, maybe he had improved since last we were all together over a century ago. So I gave him a chance, since....” She trailed off, flashing him a look beneath her lashes, before she looked away again while licking her lips, “Alas, it seems nothing has changed. Though I do not know why I expected things to be different. We are talking about Kol Mikaelson after all.”
Elijah could tell there was something she wasn’t telling him, besides her near slip up regarding her hopes that he and her might get back together. He pushed that aside, not wanting to go there himself. Instead, he focused on the former verses the latter. 
“What happened?” He asked.
“I bore witness to Kol slaying an innocent human couple a few days ago,” she confessed. “It was the first time since that century and a half prior that I saw that side of him. I had thought that maybe he wasn’t the reckless, merciless monster he had been. I was wrong in thinking such things. I had attempted to stop him, to talk him down before he killed those poor people, but he played the killing off as if it were nothing, as if those lives didn’t matter. They were only food to him.”
The older Original became concerned then. The words automatically slipped out, “Did you kill him?”
Eternity scoffed, “No! Of course not! I certainly should have. He deserved death, both I’m the past and the other night, but I stayed my hand. Though, in truth, I didn’t do so for his sake.” She looked at him under her eyelashes again, this time meaningfully.
Elijah couldn’t believe what she was implying. That she hadn’t killed Kol for his reckless behavior, not out of love for his little brother, but out of love for himself.
His heart filled with bright, warm emotions he tried his damnedest to suppress at the realization. He stared at her with his mouth agape while his heart racing through his chest in excitement. He didn’t know what to say or do. He remained angry at her for her betrayal all those years ago, but he was also very much still in love with the ethereal woman. He felt his love for her outweigh his anger as he continued to stare at her at a loss for words. 
Despite this, however, he quickly found the reason for his hesitation in responding was caused by the fact that he was afraid to let her in again, to take the risk of being betrayed by her a second time. He wasn’t sure if he should allow her the chance to bring him more pain should she decide to let duty override her heart as she had in the past.
No, he couldn’t let her do that again, Elijah stubbornly decided, upon remembering the pain of that bygone era of his life.
“Well, at least, you didn’t let duty come before the heart this time,” he replied before he could even realize what he was saying, as he downed the rest of his drink. “You must really care for him, more so than you ever cared for me.”
With that, Elijah left Saint James before Eternity could respond.
He headed back to his loft apartment, knowing Gia wouldn’t be there waiting for him. No doubt she would be staying elsewhere for the time being, after their disagreement. It was just as well since he lacked the patience needed in dealing with the baby vampire. 
Once safely inside, the suave Original stood before the blazing fireplace with yet another drink in hand. He couldn’t stop thinking about Eternity, especially about the way he felt about her, despite everything. He feared letting her back in, true, but no matter how hard he tried to resist, the temptation to do so was simply too great. He knew he had been incredibly jealous by her budding relationship with Kol. He had felt possessive and easily irritated by their constant displays of fondness these past weeks. 
Hell, this was why he had said what he had before leaving the jazz club. He hadn’t meant a word of it. He knew that she had stayed her hand when dealing with Kol for himself and not whatever feelings she had for his brother. His cool words had simply been a deflection of the truth, of his desire to reclaim her for himself. 
Yes, Eternity was still very much under his skin, but he was unsure of what to do about it. He didn’t know which path to take. He was at a loss, maddened by his lack of direction in dealing with his desires for the immortal woman.
Ah, love is madness, Elijah thought to himself with bitter amusement, as he drank heartily. 
He was so lost in his thoughts that he never heard her come in.
“Elijah,” called Eternity’s sweet voice, breaking thought the madness.
Though he hadn’t expected her, he couldn’t say that he was surprised that she had followed him. Part of him had a feeling that she might, especially with how he had left things. 
Elijah didn’t turn to look at her, not sure he was strong enough to Starr into her sweet face without breaking. In fact, he didn’t dare to even speak. Any words that he might have said died before they could leave his mouth, leaving him to simply wait for her to say whatever she needed to.
“I know that I chose my duty over you and by doing so, I hurt you greatly,” she told him softly. “The truth is that ever since we parted ways, I have been doing better in finding solutions that appease my duty without sacrificing my heart in the process. I am not the same stubborn woman I was then, who refused to find a different path, who chose to think in black and white.”
Still, Elijah remained silent and ever still.
Eternity sighed, “I understand that you’re still angry with me for the past, but I didn’t spare Kol because I care about him. I mean, I do, but it wasn’t whatever fondness I have for him that caused me to hesitate, to find a different path the other night.”
That caught his attention and he turned toward her to ask, “A different path?”
“Aye,” she nodded, looking away sheepishly. “I made a deal with your brother. He promised me that he would try and be better by denying himself fresh blood, but only if I came and confessed that I’m still very much in love with you.”
Elijah didn’t understand. Why would Kol do that? Was he not in love with Eternity? Were they not together?
“I thought you and my brother were in love,” he said barely above a whisper. 
“I tried to be in love with him, and I had thought I was succeeding, but in the end, we both understood where my heart still lay,” shrugged Eternity, before she looked at him with big doe eyes that shone brightly in the firelight. 
Elijah couldn’t believe it. The words escaped him again as he stood there gazing at the immortal woman, whom despite her past transgression, still held his heart. He wanted to tell her how much he still loved her in return. However, his reservations still held him back from doing so. The need to protect himself was simply far greater than his desires.
No, he couldn’t do this again, he decided with finality.
Licking his lower lip, he schooled his face into an emotionless mask as he curtly said, “I think you should leave.”
Elijah watched as her face fell at his cool dismissal of her. He tried to not let it affect him, as he moved from the fireplace and went around her toward the front door. He made it halfway there, when her next words stopped him dead in his tracks.
“Elijah, I love you. I never stopped,” she said with great emotion. “I have lived a miserable existence without you this past century and a half, but you should know that I have done my best to atone for the mistakes that I made. I have done better when making a choice between heart and duty. Surely you can see this. Please, Elijah, do not deny this second chance at happiness. I need you. I am not whole without you. Surely you feel it too.”
That broke him.
He turned back and with a few long strides, he had Eternity wrapped in his embrace with his mouth latched onto hers passionately. He pulled her bodily against him as he plundered her mouth with his tongue, tasting her sweetness as he hadn’t in so long - too long. 
She reciprocated eagerly, running her hands through his short brown locks as he kissed her breathlessly. They moved downward over his neck, before one descended lower over his back.  
Yes, it had been too long. He needed her. Now!
Without words, Elijah lifted Eternity up so that her legs wrapped securely around his waist. He sped into a nearby support column, slamming the pale beauty into it. His tongue continued to dance in her mouth greedily and with his body holding her up, his hands freely ran over her scarlet clad form and onto the silky smoothness of her legs that were curled around him. 
“God, I want you,” he murmured lustfully against her lips, before pulling back to look at her sweet face.
Eternity groaned in response, her sapphire eyes flashing with her own desire. 
A brief pause of stillness fell between them as they gazed at each other lustfully and then his mouth was upon hers again, devouring her hungrily. All the while her hands began to claw at his clothing, practically tearing his tie from around his neck and then urgently pulling his suit jacket from his shoulders. He aided her in removing it completely by swiftly shrugging out of it, while her hands tore open his shirt. Buttons flew everywhere, but neither of them cared. 
Eternity ran her hands over the exposed skin of his chest, before pushing the ruined material off his shoulders, much like she had done with his jacket. He aided her with that too, practically tearing the fabric from his body, as he then moved to lay open mouthed kisses to her jaw and then her neck, nipping and suckling at the flesh as he went. She gasped and writhed in response, her hips rocking against him needfully.
“Please...Elijah,” she moaned as he licked along her neck upward, before capturing and suckling on her earlobe. “Please!”
Moments later, he released the lobe and pulled back to gaze at her. He smirked at how needy she seemed. Eternity’s eyes were ablaze, her chest heaved, her nails clawed at his shoulders and neck, all in want of him. She look d absolutely feral and it was enough to fill him with male pride, knowing it was he who made her this way.
Unable to resist driving her even more mad, Elijah let one hand slip between their bodies to touch her intimately between her legs. He groaned at the warm wetness that had collected there, stroking over her clit and then dipping a pair of his fingers inside her, thrusting them in and out repeatedly. He watched Eternity’s wild reaction as he alternated between stroking her clit and thrusting inside her, until the ethereal beauty was bucking wildly against him, breathlessly pleading with him to finish her.
Once he felt her walls begin to flutter around his digits did he cease and cruelly pulled away completely. He enjoyed the way she groaned in frustrated disappointment and the way the fire in her eyes increased tenfold as they locked onto his. He enjoyed the blaze of her passion very much. Then to further it, he took the fingers that had been playing between her thighs and sucked them into his own mouth to taste her sweetness, licking them clean with his eyes upon her the whole time.
“Hmm, you taste divine, Sweetheart,” he murmured, once he had successfully cleaned them of her juices.
Eternity moaned at his seduction, before she grabbed the sides of his head and pulled him to her, kissing him for all he was worth. Her tongue pried open his mouth and dove inside to taste him for a change. She moaned again at the flavor she found there, no doubt tasting herself upon his tongue as she sampled him.
While she kissed him urgently, his hands ran over her still clothed body, growling at the hindrance that kept him from her bare flesh. Immediately, to remedy the problem, Elijah took the flimsy fabric into his hands and tore the tiny mini dress cleanly in two. Tossing the scraps aside, he let his hands wander her now bare form, touching everywhere he could, including her soft breasts, while he kept her pinned to column.
Before long, the need became too much for the both of them. With vampire speed, he moved them to the large bed, where he tossed Eternity carelessly upon it. Using that same superior speed, the rest of his clothes were done away with him moving like a predator ready to devour his prey as he crawled over her fully bare. He took a moment to brush back her hair from her face, before kissing her lips tenderly. 
Elijah let his mouth wander from her lips, down her throat, over her breasts, and then down her stomach, listening to her pants and rapid heart beats all the while. He paused just at her mound, grinning at her wickedly, before ascending back up her body until he could reach her mouth. 
Eternity groaned in disappointment.
“I’ll taste you more throughly next time,” he told her playfully, as he briefly kissed her. “My need for you is simply overwhelming.”
The ethereal woman grinned and shook her head at him, before pulling Elijah closer with her legs winding around his hips tightly. She kissed him throughly, before she nudged him even closer. “Please, Elijah. I want you inside me,” she quietly begged, reaching between them to stroke his hardened length seductively. 
He needed no further encouragement. He swiftly pulled her hand from his cock, pinning it to the bed. Letting his mouth descend upon hers again, he kissed her lips passionately and then trailing them down her jaw to her neck. All the while, he moved into position, rubbing his cock over her slick heat teasingly, before he finally joined their bodies with one hard thrust. 
Eternity gasped at the intrusion which turned into a loud moan. To keep herself grounded she let her hands rake through his hair and then down his back as he wasted not a single moment in bringing them both exquisite pleasure. His thrusts were not soft and gentle. No, they were instead hard and fast, full of animalistic need as he rocked into her willing body harshly.
Elijah buried his face in her neck as he slammed into her over and over again. The hand that had pinned hers to the bed laced their fingers together as he held on. The feeling of her wet heat wrapped so tightly around him was as wonderful as he remembered. Then there was the burning sensation of her nails on the hand left free to wander as they scratched down his back, the wounds she inflicted healing immediately. The pain and the pleasure drove him on, rocking into her even harder than before until they were both thoroughly drunk on the incredible carnal high.  
It wasn’t long before Eternity was chanting his name over and over again, becoming louder and louder the higher she climbed. She began to pant with exertion as she moved with him, holding him even tighter to her as she came closer and closer to falling over the edge. 
Feeling the end nearing for himself, he started to move at an even faster pace. “Come with me, Sweetheart,” Elijah whispered to her, upon the sensation of her walls starting to flutter. “Come with me.”
His words acted like a trigger because moments later he felt her walls contract around him, squeezing him for all he was worth as she screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm took hold. Her end triggered his and his trust became erratic until he finally spilled into her with a muffled shout.
Elijah stilled and slumped onto Eternity’s body, unable to keep himself up. She took his weight without a protest, holding him closer with one hand stroking his hair. The chaotic atmosphere of animalistic eroticism gave way to one that was relaxing and peaceful in the afterglow. Her actions were full of love and caring, reminding him of all the other times she had done the same. It was as if nothing had changed.
He lifted himself up just enough to gaze down into her sweet face while Eternity stared back lovingly. He brushed back her hair and laid a chaste kiss to her lips as he did. This was paradise he realized, and upon that realization, all the bitterness and fears of the past seemed to be less significant. 
They didn’t speak in the aftermath, as there wasn’t any need. They simply held to each other, enjoying the tranquility of being reunited.
With the happiness of that thought, Elijah was ready to have the pale beauty all over again. This time, he took her slowly, with tenderness, showing the love he had always had for her...that he would always have for her.
As he moved unhurriedly, he whispered in Eternity’s ear, “I love you, Sweetheart, always and forever.”
To Be Continued....
Tag List: @elejah-wonderland @rissyrapp20 @mikaelson-trash @dendrite-lover @inmylifeilovedthemall @elejahforever @xanderling @hawaiianohana15 @missnmikealson @phoenix-potter-bailey @lolelijahishot @x-memi12 @iamaquarius2 @echosnowflake666 @scarlettsky0998 @zillahvathek
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it’s now or never
ao3 link: here
word count: 2977
warnings: Brief homophobia and misogyny from Mikael because he’s a dick
summary:  After six months of secretly dating, Klaus bring his girlfriend Caroline to meet his mother. It doesn't go well, period.
Caroline twists open her favorite tube of burgundy lipstick and sets to work outlining her lips, studying her reflection in the screen of her computer.
“Hot date tonight, Forbes?” sleazy Damon Salvatore crows as he passes by her cubicle, likely on the way to the break room where he can take a swig of Alaric’s poorly-hidden bourbon. “Remember, when he fails to give you a good time, you can always come to me.”
“Fuck off, Salvatore,” Caroline snaps without turning her head. “You wouldn’t know how to show a girl a good time unless it crawled up your ass and died.”
Bonnie guffaws loudly, the sound travelling through the thin wall of Caroline’s cubicle. “Damn,” she says. “Caroline got you good.”
Damon scowls and slinks off the slimy weasel that he is, and, just as Caroline is about to turn to Bonnie, Klaus Mikaelson, her infuriating boss, sticks his head out his office door and calls, “Forbes. To my office. Now.”
Bonnie grimaces. “I wonder what pissed him off now,” she whispers.
Caroline caps her lipstick and slips it into her purse, assessing her lips in her screen one final time. “Oh, who knows,” she tells Bonnie. “He never needs a reason to fight with me.”
“Forbes,” Klaus repeats, his tone just as loud and sharp as before.
“Coming!” Caroline cries back in a near-scream. She stretches to her feet and carefully maneuvers her way out of her tiny cubicle and to Klaus’s office. She breathes in and out and smooths her pencil skirt down before raising her fist to knock.
After her first rap on the shut door, it jerks open, and Klaus silently beckons her inside. Caroline slowly pulls the door closed and locks it.
Turning around, she doesn’t even stand a chance before Klaus crowds her against the wall, places his hands on her cheeks, gently tilts her head up, and slams his lips against hers.
She sees stars for a moment since his kisses are that intense, their lips moving furiously and passionately together, but her vision clears as the kiss begins to slow. To urge Klaus on, Caroline runs a hand through his neatly-gelled hair, yanking at his curls so that he moans into her mouth.
In retaliation, Klaus hoists her up and pins her against the wall, their mouths still locked together in a punishing kiss, allowing Caroline to wrap her shapely legs around his trim waist.
They continue for a few more minutes. Panting, gasping and sighing while still wrapped up in each other, until Klaus’s sly hand sneaks underneath her blouse to pick at her bra strap.
“Not at work,” Caroline reminds him breathlessly as she pulls away. “Not with all of my friends working just outside.”
Klaus groans but steps away nonetheless. “I can’t deal with this, sweetheart. Watching you work all-day and put Damon Salvatore in his place with your smart mouth. I can’t…” he sighs, and Caroline smiles at this gorgeous man who she can render speechless.
This gorgeous man who she loves.
“I don’t like sneaking around either,” she tells him as she finger-combs her hair back into its bun. “We’ve done it for six months, and it hurts that I can’t announce to the world you’re my boyfriend. Or that I can’t be your date to the monthly events. But you were the one who insisted that we keep our relationship a secret.”
“I know,” Klaus says, still breathing heavily. “I know. It’s just, I don’t know how to face Mother.”
“Esther will have to get over it,” Caroline responds, “but we don’t know how she’s going to react until we tell her.”
Klaus remains silent for a moment before his lips purse into a slight smile. “This weekend is my mother’s annual Valentine’s brunch. She gathers all her society friends and, my siblings and their partners usually attend. Come with me; we can break the news to her then.”
“Great,” Caroline says brightly. “It’ll interrupt our Valentine Day plans, but I guess it’ll be worth it in the long run.” She moves towards the door.
“Wait!” Klaus calls after her. “What plans?”
Caroline smirks at him and drops her voice to a sultry whisper. “Red wine, an open fire and that black, lace lingerie you love so much. Basically my plans of fucking you senseless,” she explains, straightening her blouse out. She hears Klaus groan again as she slips out the door.
“What did Klaus want?” Bonnie asks her as she takes a seat at her desk again.
“Oh, just complaining about the jammed printer again,” Caroline replies lightly as she smiles mischievously at her reflection in her computer screen.
“How do I look?” Caroline mutters out of the side of her mouth to Klaus as they walk up the winding path to the Mikaelson Mansion. She gestures to her floral shift dress, paired with nude heels, pale pink lipstick and her blond curls teased into gentle waves.
Klaus’s tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip as his eyes feast on the delicate curve of her revealed collarbone. “You look perfect, sweetheart. As always.”
She swats his arm playfully. “That’s not what I meant. Do I look like someone your mother would approve for her darling son?” Her tone is bright and airy, but Klaus can see the glimmer of worry in her cerulean eyes.
He stops and turns to her, touching her softly on the bare shoulder. “Sweetheart,” he begins gently, “Rebekah and Henrik adore you. Elijah and Freya consider you a little sister. Kol has learned not to mess with you. You even managed to charm Finn. If you cannot win over my mother, then she must be blind to your inherent goodness and heart.”
She smiles lovingly at him, and his heart constricts for a moment while the soft warmth of happiness and affection washes over him.
Caroline reaches the front door and raises her fist to knock, but, just then, Klaus’s eyes land on a familiar black Mercedes parked further down on the Mansion’s enormous driveway. “Fuck,” he spits, pushing down Caroline’s hands and pulling her behind a column.
“What?” she asks in bewilderment. “I thought the usual practice when you want to enter a house is by knocking.”
Klaus peeks out from behind the column to ensure that the car is actually there. “I saw my father Mikael’s car. If he’s here, my mother is going to be defensive and on edge. This is the worst possible time to introduce you to her.”
“Klaus!” Caroline cries in frustration. “I’m going to have to meet your mother at some point!”
“And you will,” Klaus assures her. “Just right now, we need another plan.” He slips out his cell and shoots a quick text to Rebekah.
Just a few minutes later, Rebekah steps out the front door and hurries to them. “You chose the worst possible time to bring Caroline here, brother!” she tells them.
“That’s what Klaus said. Come on, your father can’t be that bad.”
Rebekah fixes Caroline with an unblinking stare. “When Kol brought his first boyfriend home, Mikael refused to meet him. He even conveniently forgot Kol’s eighteen birthday two weeks later.”
“Oh,” Caroline says. “What about Freya and Keelin?”
“Freya’s his favorite child, his first-born, but he keeps saying that Keelin is just a phase,” Klaus explains, bristling.
“So, your dad’s homophobic,” Caroline states.
“And misogynistic,” Rebekah adds. “He nearly threw a fit when I decided to go into business.”
Sighing, Caroline drags a heavy hand over her face. “I now understand why you hate Mikael so much and why Esther’s going to be in a terrible mood. But what are we supposed to do?” She gestures between herself and Klaus.
“You can pretend to be one of Bekah’s friends,” Klaus says, and Rebekah nods in agreement.
“I have plenty,” she explains. “My parents aren’t going to keep track of who I invite where. Just come on in with me, and Nik will join us in a few minutes.” She extends her hand to Caroline.
“Alright.” Caroline shrugs, shooting Klaus a quick glance as she follows Rebekah to the door.
Esther Mikaelson is an elegant woman with Klaus’s familiar eyes but Rebekah’s golden hair who only smiles dismissively when Rebekah brings Caroline to her and introduces her as “an old friend from college.”
“She’s not always like that,” Rebekah apologizes as they head towards a table closer towards the large windows that overlook the gardens.
Caroline eyes the guests gathering in groups at the tables spread out over the expansive living room and sprawling onto the plush lawn outside. “It’s fine. If there’s anyone else who can relate to awkward, divorced parent reunions, it’s me.”
Rebekah smiles weakly. “I’m going to go get us drinks. I will definitely be needing several before this brunch is over.”
Chuckling, Caroline takes a seat at the table, situating herself in the corner so that she can survey the entire room. She spots Klaus when he enters, having delayed his arrival by ten minutes, and watches him speak briefly to Esther who, judging from Klaus’s expression, responds abrasively.
When he turns, his eyes land on Caroline, and his expression lightens as he takes a step towards his girlfriend, but, then, he’s quickly swept into a conversation with several older women and disappears from Caroline’s sight.
Caroline sighs and slumps back against the back of her wicker chair, waiting for Rebekah.
It’s Freya, rapidly approaching the table.
“Hey, Freya.” Caroline waves slightly, smiling at the older woman. “Where’s Keelin?”
“She’s over in London for a medical conference,” Freya replies as she takes a seat besides Caroline. “Did Niklaus drag you here? I can’t see him anywhere.”
“He wanted to introduce me to Esther, but then we found out that Mikael was here,” Caroline states slightly bitterly. “So, now, I’m hanging out with Rebekah. She’s getting us drinks.”
Freya winces. “Bringing any partner to meet the Mikaelson family is never a picnic.”
“I’ve gathered that,” Caroline says dryly, and Freya cracks a smile.
“I brought provisions!” Rebekah singsongs as she places two flutes of champagne and a tray of little pastries down on the table. “Oh, hello, Freya.”
“Sister,” Freya says in acknowledgement, standing to embrace Rebekah and press a kiss to her cheek.
“I think I’ll have some of this,” Caroline announces as she reaches for the champagne flute and drains it.
The alcohol does nothing for Caroline but fizzes sweetly on her tongue as it goes down, but she still shivers and sighs, scooting her chair closer to the table to allow Rebekah to take her seat.
Three hours pass quickly without even a glimpse of Klaus as Caroline chats with Rebekah and Freya. Before she knows it, guests are leaving until it’s only the Mikaelsons and their partners and Caroline left.
“What now?” she asks Rebekah curiously.
“Mother likes to have lunch with us as a family,” Rebekah explains, leading Caroline into the opulent dining room to take a seat between her and Klaus.
As Caroline settles into her chair, Klaus reaches over to clutch Caroline’s hand and squeeze it gently, shooting her an apologetic glance.
“How are you?” she whispers, because Klaus isn’t wearing his usual cocky smirk nor does his smile reach his eyes.
He rolls his shoulders slowly, keeping an eye at the empty head of the table. “I managed to mostly avoid Mikael so far. Looks like I won’t be that lucky anymore.”
Before Caroline can reply, Esther takes a seat, and a stocky man with sandy hair who Caroline presumes to be Mikael stalks into the dining room to sit across the table from Esther.
“Now, the real party starts,” Rebekah mutters sarcastically from Caroline’s left.
Waiters bring out trays, placing them accordingly on the dining table, and Klaus reaches to lift uncover the closest one to reveal a tureen of steaming stew, ladling some onto his own plate.
Lunch is more of a supper with somewhat traditional English dishes that the Mikaelsons had enjoyed back in London before they moved to America, Rebekah explains, along with some Norwegian family recipes.
It’s when Esther sets her glass of wine down after taking a sip that she asks, “And, where do you work, Caroline?”
“Uh,” Caroline says awkwardly. She didn’t even know that Esther remembered meeting her.
Klaus cuts in quickly. “She works under me at the publishing company.”
Esther hums, but, by now, all conversation at the table has quieted as attention focuses on Caroline. “And how did you meet Rebekah?”
“We both went to Whitmore,” Caroline explains awkwardly.
Now, Mikael takes a keen interest in the conversation. “And, you had no plans of your own for this day, girl?” he asks roughly.
“Father,” Freya chastises, but he ignores his elder daughter.
Caroline is flushing now. “These were my plans,” she trails off.
“More like someone here was her plans,” Kol mutters with a smirk.
“Kol,” Elijah says warningly.
Mikael’s eyes harden as he continues to stare at Caroline who shifts uncomfortably in her seat.
“What about you, Niklaus?” Esther asks suddenly. “What happened to the girl you were dating? Camille?”
Klaus grits his teeth. “It’s been over a year, Mother. We broke up. Different interests.”
“Pity,” Esther comments. “She was much more interesting than that girl Tatia. Such a promiscuous girl.”
Elijah’s nose flares, and he visibly bites his tongue as Katherine scowls. “Can we not talk about Tatia right now, Mother?” he asks with poorly-masked frustration.
“What,” Mikael says. “Was dating a therapist too much for you, boy? Couldn’t help fix your issues?” His words are directed at Klaus who bristles and leans forward.
Caroline sees red. “He wouldn’t have those issues if you were a better father” she snaps angrily.
“Watch your tongue, girl,” he warns threateningly. “Niklaus must be weak if girls like you must come to his defense.”
“Mikael!” Esther says sharply. “I’m going to have to ask you to leave if you cannot behave civilly.”
They break into silence as the waiters bring in desert, but it’s only ten minutes later that Esther speaks again.
“What about your family, Caroline?” she asks.
“My mom was sheriff of the town where I grew up, but now she’s retired. My dad lives in Georgia with his husband,” Caroline explains. “I have no siblings.”
“Well, that makes sense,” Mikael growls. “When your father is like that, no wonder you haven’t had a proper upbringing.”
“Father!” Finn cries at the same time Esther slams her hand on the table and exclaims, “Mikael. I want you to leave!”
“Guess what, Father! I asked Keelin to marry me!” Freya announces angrily. “We won’t be inviting you to the wedding at any rate.” When Mikael opens his mouth to protest, she continues on, “And, no! Keelin is not a fucking phase. She is my wife-to-be!”
“Well, this is just bloody lovely. I think I’ll be leaving,” Klaus declares as he stands up. “Oh, and, by the way, Mikael, Caroline is my girlfriend. We’ve been dating for six months. I brought her here to meet Mother, but things never go as planned, do they.”
He strides angrily out of the room, and, a few moments, the front door slams shut loudly.
Caroline levels an angry glare at Mikael. “Go to hell, you shit stain! Klaus is a better man than you will ever be.” Then she shoves back her chair and rises, nodding at Esther. “It was lovely meeting you, Esther. I’m sorry that the occasion had to go this way.”
Once the hurricane known as Caroline Forbes exits the dining room, and the door is heard closing with a bang, Kol chooses that moment to announce, “I’m dating both Davina and Lucien!”
Only when they return to their apartment do Klaus’s hands stop shaking. He places a hasty kiss on her lips before locking himself in his studio, not emerging until evening with paint-splattered clothes and charcoal-smudged fingers.
“I’m sorry that brunch was so disastrous,” he tells Caroline quietly as he takes a seat on the couch besides her.
“It’s not your fault,” Caroline insists, shifting so that Klaus can lay down and rest his head on her lap. She runs a gentle hand through his curls, feeling him relax until he falls asleep, then she reaches for her phone and calls a familiar number.
“Hey, Bon…I could use your help setting something up.”
The apartment is dark when Klaus returns from a meeting the next day, lit only with candles leading the way to the bedroom door. Caroline can hear him stumbling through the dark until he reaches the door and pushes it open.
“Don’t turn the light on,” Caroline orders quietly from where she lies on the bed. She taps a button on a remote that she’s clutching, and several electric candles, placed strategically around the bed, flicker to life to illuminate Caroline stretched seductively against the pillows.
Klaus’s mouth goes dry. “Sweetheart…”
She’s in a gorgeous lingerie set of black lace, her hair pinned up, and just as stunning as she looked yesterday in her floral dress.
“What’s this?” he manages to ask. “It’s not my birthday.”
She shakes her head with a giggle. “Nope,” she says as she sits up, “but it’s Valentine’s Day. After yesterday’s events, we deserved something good, something just for us.” Caroline extends a hand to him.
He smirks, shutting the door with his foot as he strips his shirt off and joins her on the bed.
Caroline straddles him, trailing kisses the length of his bare torso towards his sensitive neck, her lips finally reaching his earlobe, which she sucks gently into her mouth. “Happy Valentine’s Day,” she whispers into his ear.
“Happy Valentine’s Day to you too, love,” he replies before flipping them over and running his hand over Caroline’s stomach then between her legs, her moans echoing in his ear.
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I’ll Take Her Place (Chapter 8)
Summary:  AU. When Allura breaks the news that she is to wed Prince Lotor in order to continue the peaceful relationship between Altea and Daibazaal, Pidge knows that she has to do something to change that. And so, with a little help, she comes up with a new plan. A better plan
Pairings: Keith/Pidge (main) ; Shiro/Allura (minor), Hunk/Lance (minor) ; Lotor/Allura (one-sided)
Chapter 1 - Previous - Masterpost
Also posted on AO3 and fanfiction.net
It's been a while, but I'm back with another chapter! No current plans for any writing challenges/events until April, so I'm free to focus solely on this fic. (Though I absolutely have plans to write something for Hunk's birthday this week, and probably for Shiro's in February.)
Chapter 8
Pidge looked up at Honerva, unsure of how to respond to such a statement. Why would the Empress want to talk to her about Lotor? Did she suspect the paladins were plotting against her son and had picked out Pidge as the weakest target? Was she about to be threatened?
“My son is... a complicated individual,” Honerva said, choosing her words carefully. “And I fear that most of what he does is to cover up just how dangerous he can be. I have no doubt that you have heard the stories others tell.”
Pidge nodded hesitantly.
“Good. Then I do not need to tell you to use caution. I do not know what Lotor wants with Princess Allura or where she fits into his plans, but I do know he will not take your actions lightly,” Honerva warned.
Never once had Pidge imagined having such a conversation with the Empress. The subject of Lotor was a sensitive one, even between Allura and the paladins. To hear Honerva speak about her misgivings so freely was a shock and spoke volumes about how much truth was within the rumors.
Honerva regarded the Green Paladin curiously. “You know all of this, yet Lotor is not the one who worries you.”
“It's not that Lotor doesn't worry me, it's just...” Pidge hesitated, trying to get her thoughts in order. “I know what to expect from him. I know he can't be trusted and that we've only delayed whatever he's planning. But with Keithir... I don't know. Until a few days ago, I'd only heard about him in passing.”
“He's an unknown to you,” Honerva said in understanding. “I remember the feeling well.”
Pidge's surprise must have been easily readable on her face, because Honerva laughed softly.
“When I first met Zarkon, it was because Alfor requested my help with a project on Daibazaal. I was so focused on what I was there to do, that it took me months to put together that all of his gifts, all of his visits to talk and learn about what I was doing, it was all his way of asking permission to court me,” she said, smiling at the memory. “The only reason I found out was because Alfor caught me researching the topic on my own. I had... grown fond of Zarkon's visits. It isn't often that anyone outside of Alfor or my team takes an interest in what I do and I found it flattering.
“But once Alfor pointed out that Zarkon had been trying for months, I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure how to act or what to say. I spent days trying to figure it out, hiding myself away from everyone. And then Blaytz came to see me, and I'll tell you now, what he told me then: 'Just be yourself.' That was it, and yet, it was like a great epiphany!”
Pidge couldn't help but smile, easily picturing the scene going down.
Honerva reached out and placed a hand on Pidge's shoulder. “Just be yourself. Keithir appreciates honesty and he'll find it hard to trust you if you are not. He needs someone he can trust. And so do you.” She paused, giving her words time to sink in before lowering her hand back to her side. “Zarkon and I leave for Daibazaal in a few days, but we will be back after the courtship period as passed and then we'll make the official announcement of your engagement. If you have any questions about what is expected of you, I will be there to answer them. Or, if you feel more comfortable, you could ask Alfor. He is quite knowledgeable about Galra culture.”
“I... thank you,” Pidge said quietly. Her mind reeled with the new information, quickly processing it all. There was one thing that stuck out to her as something important – something she needed to know more about. “You mentioned a courtship period? What does that mean? I mean, are there rules to it? Are there steps I need to follow? I don't want to accidentally offend him or give anyone a reason to think I'm not taking this seriously.”
“It's nothing as formal as what you're imagining,” Honerva assured her. “The minimum period of time is three months, during which you simply spend time together when you can. Dinners are the most common, as are walks, but there are no specific ways, so long as you are getting to know one another. As it progresses, gifts are exchanged. These should be more than simple trinkets – they need to mean something.”
“Like something he's interested in?” Pidge asked for confirmation.
Honerva nodded. “Correct. This is also the one step that has a very important rule, and that is that you may not ask for advice on what to get him. It must be something you think of yourself.” She paused to wait for Pidge's nod of understanding. “Now, once you feel more comfortable with each other, supervised off-world excursions are typically the next step. At the end of all of that, if both parties are still interested, an official engagement is announced.”
“That's it?” Pidge asked, feeling relieved. She had been imagining a big, elaborate affair with more rules than she could keep track of.
“It is. Alfor is rather fond of saying that the Galra are a simple people when it comes to love, and there are times when I find myself agreeing. Alteans have a tendency to overthink things, and from what I've seen, Earthlings share that trait,” Honerva said. “But I've taken up enough of your time this morning. Unless there is more you'd like to ask?”
Pidge shook her head. “I'm okay for now. Thank you, Em- Honerva,” she said, quickly correcting herself.
“You're welcome, Katie.”
Shiro and Allura exchanged worried looks as Pidge fled the room. They both knew it would be some time before she returned, if she decided to return at all. There was nothing they could do about it at that moment, especially not with Keithir in the room, so they kept quiet and instead focused on helping the injured prince.
“I'm sorry, Keithir,” Shiro apologized. “I should have been paying better attention.”
“It's fine. I've been hurt worse sparring with Kol-- my trainer,” Keithir quickly corrected.
Shiro wondered what it was that made the prince not want to talk about the other people in his life, but chose not to pry. “Allura is right though. You should have someone take a look at that, just in case.”
Keithir struggled to his feet, wincing a little as he attempted to move his arm to keep balance. “I'll get Ulaz to take a look at it later,” he said as he readjusted the ice pack. “I'll just head back to my rooms for now and wait for him there.”
“Would you like an escort back?” Allura asked.
Keithir shook his head. “No, thank you.”
Shiro watched with concern as the Galra prince walked away, leaving him alone with Allura in the massive room. He felt awful knowing he had hurt him and hoped it hadn't damaged their newly formed friendship. It was the first time in years that he felt a wave of loathing for his prosthetic limb.
Allura shifted a little closer to him, but it was her sharp gasp that really caught his attention. “Shiro, your arm!”
He automatically looked down and froze momentarily, unable to believe what he was seeing. He slowly raised his arm, watching with wide eyes as the silver-and-black was replaced by what appeared to be unmarred human skin. Logically, he knew it was just a new trick of the technology (one he had not been informed about), but it looked real.
“Father gave it cloaking,” Allura said, her soft voice filled with awe. She reached out and laid her hand on his arm and Shiro sucked in a breath at the strange, tingling sensation. “This is the next level he's been talking about. I knew he and the other alchemists were working on something involving using the body's natural quintessence to enhance prosthetic's, but is beyond anything I imagined!”
“It's more than that. Allura, I can feel you touching me,” Shiro told her.
Allura quickly withdrew, her cheeks turning pin. “I'm so sorry!”
Shiro calmly took her hand with his metal one. “Allura, I can feel this.”
Her eyes went wide in understanding. “Oh!”
Shiro wasn't sure how long he stood there like that, reveling in the feeling of holding her hand, but eventually it had to come to an end.
It happened with the slide of he training room door and Alfor's entrance with Coran at his side. Allura quickly dropped his hand and stepped away.
“Welcome home, princess!” Coran greeted, oblivious to what had been happening just seconds before. “How was training with the paladins?”
There was still the slightest hint of pink across Allura's cheeks, but otherwise she looked as composed as ever. “It went well. I do not think Hunk was pleased about the drazlís interrupting his sleep, but other than that, I heard no complaints.”
Shiro tried to remember what kind of creature the drazlís were, but failed to come up with anything. He hoped that meant they were of the non-dangerous kind and only had a habit of proving themselves a nuisance.
Alfor chuckled. “I remember a time when someone convinced me it would be fun to gift one to Allura as a pet.”
Coran didn't look the least bit embarrassed. “And I stand by that. Though perhaps it would have been wise to speak with Queen Alanna before doing so... I don't think I've ever seen her so angry in all my years.”
“You were really going to give me one?” Allura asked, delighted by the idea.
Shiro really hoped that meant they weren't dangerous. Sometimes it was hard to tell with the Alteans.
“Oh, yes! We went out and, with a little help from King Gyrgan, rounded up six of them so you would be able to choose your own! Of course, they got loose when we got them back to the castle and interrupted the Queen's lunch with important delegates from Olkarion. They seemed amused by it, but the Queen was furious! Wouldn't speak to either of us for a full movement!” Coran said, wiping away a tear of laughter. “Good times.”
“Shiro, how's your arm treating you?” Alfor asked once he was sure his adviser was done talking. “Has it given you any problems?”
“No. No, it's perfect,” Shiro said, struggling to express his gratitude towards the kind who had done so much for him – for all of them – over the years. In the end, all he could manage was a simple: “Thank you, your majesty.”
King Alfor smiled. “You're welcome, Shiro.”
Keithir had to admit, the Altean ice pack did its job much better than he'd expected. By the time he got back to his quarters, his shoulder no longer throbbed in pain, and though he hadn't looked at it yet, he was sure it had already bruised a deep purple-black.
He hesitated as he reached for the keypad, knowing Thace would be waiting on the other side with a lecture about remaining vigilant once he was sure he wasn't hurt badly. If Keithir was really lucky, Ulaz would be there to provide a distraction, though he wasn't willing to bet on that considering he'd barely seen the other Galra since their first day on Altea.
Keithir finally tapped in his pass-code and walked inside, only to find his worries were for nothing. He listened for a moment, his ears straining to pick up on any sounds, but there was nothing. As he made his rounds through the rooms, double-checking to make sure he was right in believing that Thace and Ulaz were elsewhere in the castle, he found a note from his mentor.
I received a response from Kolivan regarding what you asked me about, and he has promised to have someone look into it. In return, I have been asked to take on a secondary assignment and will be leaving for a short time. Ulaz will remain at the castle with you and Kolivan will be sending another member of the Blade to act as your guard while I am away. They will arrive in two quintants.
Should you need me before my return, you know how to reach me.
- Thace
Keithir's shoulders slumped as he read Thace's letter. He was glad Kolivan was taking his request seriously, but did he really need to send Thace off somewhere else? He couldn't help feeling guilty, knowing Thace and Ulaz had been looking forward to spending some quality time together while they were grounded on Altea.
He reread the message and sighed, knowing it was too late and there was nothing he could do. He just hoped his mentor was right and it really would be 'a short time', unlike his last mission when he was away for nearly seven months.
Keithir didn't stop to wonder who Kolivan would be sending to fill in for Thace. He suspected he already knew who it would be.
For a second time, Pidge found herself standing in her room, staring at an assortment of clothing and trying to piece together something appropriate to wear on her date with the prince. Sure, she could put on the dress given to her by Lance, but she was pretty sure it would be breaking some unspoken social rule if she did so.
A glance at the clock showed her that she didn't have time to try and find something else if she wanted to eat dinner with her friends before the stroll through the gardens. (And when had her life become like something out of a cliché romance novel?)
“Dress it is,” she decided, hastily throwing it on before she could change her mind and debate the merits of going to Lance or Allura for fashion advice.
Pidge could sense a shopping trip in her future. There was no avoiding it, but she'd rather deal with it later than sooner.
She gave her reflection a once-over glance and deemed herself presentable enough that no one could complain, and then set off for the kitchen, where she was sure Hunk was hard at work preparing dinner. All she wanted was a friend to talk to – someone who would talk back, and the Yellow Paladin was the perfect choice.
Part of her knew she should go to Shiro after the conversation she had with the Empress. He needed to know about the warning she'd been given regarding Lotor. And yet, with everything else happening around the castle, it didn't feel like the right time to tell him.
Greenie's disapproval rumbled through their bond.
“I'll tell him later, girl,” Pidge murmured.
She entered the kitchen a short while later and found Hunk there, perusing his handwritten recipe book while checking to see what ingredients they had in stock. He glanced up when he heard her footsteps and greeted her with a warm smile.
“Aww, you look so cute! Is that the dress Lance got you?” Hunk asked.
Pidge nodded as she stepped up to the counter and rested her arms on top. “Yeah, it is. Speaking of Lance, is he around?”
Hunk shook his head. “We ran into Coran on our way down and he said something about how Shiro and Allura have been in the training room all day, so Lance went to go check on them. Do you need him for something?”
“Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something first. I'm... I'm not sure how to ask Lance without him getting too carried away about it,” Pidge explained nervously. There was the spark of worry that not even Hunk would be able to curtail Lance's enthusiasm, but it was too late to turn back. (And she really did need the help.)
Hunk set his book to the side and gave her his full attention. “Okay, what do you need?”
“Don't laugh, but I need to go shopping. For clothes.”
His expression went soft in understanding and he reached across the counter to rest his hand over her. “Just leave it to me, Pidge. I think I know exactly what to do.”
Pidge felt a stab of guilt at assuming Hunk would laugh at her predicament. There was a reason she went to him when she needed help with something and didn't want to feel judged.
“This means we're going to the space mall, right?” Hunk asked, turning back to his cookbook. “Hey, do you think that alien who sells stuff from Earth has anything new for us? Maybe he has another cow! Not that I want him to have kidnapped another one, but Kaltenecker seems a little lonely and I think she could use a friend. Or maybe...”
Pidge let her friend ramble on about the possibilities of what they could find on their trip as she moved away from the counter to go sit at the table. She smiled as Hunk moved onto the topic of food and what he hoped he'd be able to make for them. The sound of his voice helped her relax, and took her mind away from thinking of all the different ways her upcoming walk with Keithir could go wrong.
Prince Keithir showed up at her door at precisely seven o'clock, standing tall and unreadable to her eyes. He attempted what Pidge thought might be a nervous smile as he offered his arm to her.
Pidge began to reach for it, and then paused. She needed to start the night out right. She needed to mend the bridge she'd destroyed after their dinner together.
“I'm sorry about before,” she said quietly.
Keithir's brow furrowed in confusion. “About my arm? That was my fault, for not paying attention.”
“No, not that,” Pidge said with a shake of her head. “When we had dinner and you walked me back to my room. I'm sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have gotten upset about that.”
Understanding dawned on Keithir with the force of a tsunami and he inwardly panicked. How was he supposed to respond to that? He had been fully prepared to pretend like it had never happened, but there she was, already tripping him up. (Not intentionally, he knew.)
What advice had Thace given him? He couldn't remember. “I, uh,” he tried stalling as he fought to find the right words, but ended up blurting out: “I'm sorry too.”
“You didn't do anything wrong,” Pidge told him.
“What I said upset you, and I'm sorry for that,” Keithir tried again.
Pidge gazed up at him, unsure of how to respond. She'd expected so many things: acceptance, a demand for an explanation, anger, frustration over the lack of understanding between them... To receive an apology in return gave her hope that maybe, just maybe, they would be okay.
She slid her arm over his and gave him a small smile when he stared down at her in surprise. “You said something about a walk in the garden?”
“Oh, yes.”
Pidge felt a gentle tug as Keithir started walked at a comfortable pace, and though she knew the way there even better than he did, she still let him lead her through the halls and out of the castle to the Queen's meticulously kept gardens.
There was the ever-present awkward silence between them, occasionally broken by a bit of small talk, but it was different than before. Whether it was how close they were standing or if it was because their apologies really did heal the rift between them, for the first time, they both wanted to talk.
“How was your mission?” Keithir asked.
Missions were neutral ground, right? Not too personal, but a little more than “how was your day?”
Pidge reached up and adjusted her glasses with her free hand. “It was more like a training objective than a mission. We have these bonding sessions with our lions every now and then, where Allura directs each of us to a planet and we spend a few days alone there,” she explained. “Greenie and I always get sent to planets with abundant nature. It's our guiding element or something. I don't really care for the bugs and humidity, but I haven't been attacked by anything yet, so I guess I'm luckier than Hunk.”
“It sounds nice. Peaceful. At least your training lets you get outside and see other places,” Keithir said wistfully.
“Maybe, but I don't usually get to enjoy the sights. It's always 'focus on the goal, sightsee later' and there's never time later,” Pidge said.
“Yeah, I know what you mean. This is the first time I've been on another planet and allowed to relax. There's always someone I need to talk to or training I have to do. No time to just...” Keithir stopped himself and looked away, afraid of letting his bitterness taint their evening. The gardens weren't exactly a private place either, and he was expected to maintain the image of a proper prince.
And proper princes didn't complain about their responsibilities.
“No time to just be yourself.”
Keithir looked down at the young woman on his arm.
“Always someone to impress. Someone looking to you for guidance. Even when everything feels wrong, you have to be in control, because everyone's looking to you for the answers,” she continued, her voice low.
He swallowed. “Exactly.”
Pidge pulled away from him so she could face him fully. As she opened her mouth to say more, a glint of light from the window of a distant guard tower caught her attention. Terror spurred her to action before her brain could register what was happening. She used her entire body to tackle Keithir to the ground, effectively getting him out of harms way.
She felt something graze her left arm, but didn't dare take the time to look at it. All she could hear was the sound of her own heartbeat as she activated the emergency beacon around her wrist and struggled to keep Keithir pinned to the ground.
“Stay down!” she snapped at him.
“You're hurt!” he yelled back. “Let me help you before you bleed to death!”
Pidge stared at him in confusion. She'd only gotten clipped, so of course she was bleeding, but it wasn't that serious. She'd been hurt much worse before. It was the risk she took as a Paladin.
“Katie, please,” Keithir begged.
The shock of hearing her shortened name fall from his lips, coupled with the very thick distress present in his voice, prompted her to finally look at her injury. It was with mild shock that she registered that the entire sleeve covering her left arm was quickly and heavily being stained crimson. “Oh.”
It was also at that moment that the pain kicked in and she groaned, shutting her eyes.
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golddaggers · 7 years
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pairings: kol mikaelson x female!reader, damon salvatore x female!reader.
warnings: cursing, fingering and oral sex (female receiving). generally NSFW +18, you know me. hahaha :)
a/n: well, here I am to feed my readers with some kol smut and I hope y’all enjoy this just as much as I enjoyed writing it. also, all feedback is welcome. :D
word count: 1720
“Sweetheart, what happened?” Kol quizzed, his sweet brown eyed gaze confused at my jittering figure standing on his doorstep.
I didn't know exactly what I had chose to go to his place, but I sensed he was the only one who would be able to calm me down after finding out my boyfriend, Damon Salvatore, had been fucking my best friend, Elena Gilbert, for the past two months. Upon seeing them together, my heart shattered into a million pieces; and it didn't make it better when he told me that it had been going on for some time now. I didn't want to feel betrayed any more. It was too much!
The Original vampire pulled me into a tight, warm hug, walking us both back inside his place. Effortlessly, he collected me on his arms, taking me to his bedroom, where the man placed delicately me on his bed, then went off to search for some clothes to replace my soaked wet ones. When I got to the Salvatore's mansion, saw what I saw, heard what I heard, I just ran out, not bothering to avoid the pouring rain outside. The result was that now my entire body was shaking due to the cold temperature.
Kol did not say a word, he only handed me a large sized t-shirt and a pair of baggy sweat shorts, alongside a fluffy blanket. Like a gentleman, he turned his back so I could change, slipping in the new pieces of clothing. Once I was done, I cleared my throat, trying to get myself stable again. This shouldn't be affecting me so much.
“Are you ready to tell me what happened?”
“I guess.” I muttered, exhaling loudly whilst curling up inside the sheet and glaring at him unsure. “This morning I called Damon to ask if I could swing by his place later so we could spend some time together, you know, as a couple. At first he didn't want to agree, but ended up accepting, saying it would actually be good for us, because he needed to talk. I knew things weren't okay, nonetheless, I never thought he would do that to me.”
“What did he do?” He questioned, cautiously taking a seat beside me on the bed. “I swear I'm going to crush his head and make a soup out of it for what he has done to you, but first I need to know happened. Tell me, babe.”
“He… He cheated on me.” The tone I used was so low I could bet no one else except him would have been able to hear me. “I got there earlier, heard some weird noises and when I went up to see what it was, I found him nailing my best friend.”
For a brief moment, the brown haired man stayed silent, his beautiful eyes narrowed in a mixture of anger and surprise. Afterwards, he stood up on his feet, swiftly trudging to the room's door, punching a hole in it. He also emitted a growl, beginning to pace, nervously. I suddenly became tensed, scared of what he would do.
Ever since we met, Kol took a special interest on me; initially, he was all flirty, asking me out constantly, but I was with Damon and I loved him. Or so I liked to think I did. Either way, as the time progressed, he stopped with the bullshit, becoming one of my best friends instead. The kind who would bring me ice cream during my period and be the shoulder I could cry on whenever feeling upset, bummed out or simply sad. The younger Mikaelson understood me in ways that - fuck - no else did, which made me feel weirdly fuzzy around him.
“He is so bloody stupid.” He mumbled through gritted teeth, going back to sitting next to me, on the corner of the bed. “How could he do that to you?”
“What do you mean, Kol?” A fresh trail of tears began to stream down on my face. “Damn, I'm sorry to be bothering you with this…”
“No, you never bother me. Not at all.” His thumb wiped away the insistent teardrops, gazing at me so sweetly my mind literally went blank for a second there. “Is he stupid? I mean, how can he choose Elena over you?”
“She must be more interesting than I am. Or prettier. More like his taste. I have no idea. All I know is that I wish he had just broken up with me, it would hurt, but it would be infinitely better than finding out he cheated.”  
“Oh, love, that's not true at all, the part where Elena is better, and I wish there was something I could do to make you see it…”
He sighed, consuming me with a deep meaningful stare. I was fully aware that any involvement with him would be wrong, especially in this situation, yet… I couldn't quite put a pin on it.
His face was now inches away from mine and I bit my bottom lip, watching him lean forward, getting dangerously close, so much I could catch the mint scent of his breath. Absently minded, I guided my fingers to the back of his neck, tangling them on the soft hair I found there. For minutes straight, we just devoured each other with our eyes; that was until he grew tired of it and smashed his mouth on mine in a swift movement, kissing me like I had never been kissed before.
A gasp crawled out of me once I felt his tongue peeking out to meet my own, which I easily allowed. They fought a while for dominance, but, in the end, I let him win, leading the way, both of us turning into a scrambled mess.
Kol, slightly anxious, broke the fond action, opting to scatter a series of pecks across every bit of skin he found, slowly making his way down to the crook on my neck, where he slurped the sensitive skin, probably leaving a purple mark behind.
“Can I make you feel good, huh?” The man whispered, his eyes mischievous while he played with the hem of the shirt I had on. “Tell me, darling.”
“Of course you can.” I had my lids fallen shut, head thrown back. “Do your best to make me yell.”
“By all means.”
Parting my legs, the brown haired Mikaelson planted multiple kisses on my inner thighs and slowly licked patterns there, earning to himself a low grunt. I had long lost the control over myself, being ruled solely by my instincts; not that I cared though.
One of his digits snuck inside the baggy bottom suit I had on, not hesitating to shove it in my entrance. He pumped twice then pulled it out, directing it straight to his mouth, tasting my slickness.
“Just as good as I had imagined.” Kol hummed, in delight. “Now, babe, how about you get rid of that? So I can feel you twisting under me?”
“Cocky bastard.”
We shared a fun laugh as I lifted my hips, sliding off of the sweat shorts rapidly and showing him my bare pussy, gaining a groan as a response. My friend appeared to be in full ecstasy to be seeing me like that; I wasn't going to lie that it was very fulfilling to be needed again. To be craved. Damon never erupted those things on me. Matter fact, I don't think he had even made me this wet.
Teasingly using his fingers on my entrance, he blew cold air on my pulsating clit, afore diving his tongue on it. I shivered a little bit, but quickly buckled forward, hearing him chuckle, pinning me down against the soft mattress. After making sure I couldn't move, Kol started to please me in a very sinful way; God, I couldn't even stop the string of curses that fell from my lips.
The mocha eyed man slipped two digits within my hot core, curling them and hitting sweet spots, getting my bottom half to move unconsciously. His tongue circled my bundle of nerves mercilessly, increasing the built up tension on my lower stomach. There was so much going on I couldn't even focus properly.
“Open your eyes, baby.” He slurped on my throbbing clit, making a loud moan echoed throughout the room; I was close to reach my peak. So fucking close! “I wanna’ see those eyes sparkling when you cum to me.”
“Fuck! Fuck!”
“Tsk, tsk…” Kol dimmed down his pace, which drove me to complain, entirely edged. “Moan my name, baby girl.”
“Oh, pretty please, Kol…” I reached for his head, pulling his tousled hair and perceiving him grunt on my sensitive skin afterwards. “Make me cum, Kol. Please!”
Experiencing him add a third finger inside me, I couldn't avoid to cry out, my back arching as I longed to feel the overwhelming orgasm that close to break me. My moans grew higher and higher, even further once I spotted him eyeing me.
“Clench that pretty pussy to me, darling.”
The vibration against my pulsating nub was enough to push me over the edge; I came screaming and contorting underneath his sharp thrusts, which, by the way, continued even though I had already archived my peak. He rode me out of my high, only stopping when I giggled blissfully.
Pulling his digits out of me, he cleaned the sticky lubrication from it and lied beside me, a wide smile etched on his face. I heaved still numb from the amount of pleasure I had just experienced. To be honest, I don't think any guy had ever gone down on me like that.
“So… Did that make you forget?”
“God, you did.” A grin slipped and I swivelled, lying in a way I could cuddle on his chest. “If your mouth is that good, I don't even want to know what your cock can do, Kol.”
“Told you that I was good, but you chose to go out with that loser…”
“Shush, I don't want to talk about him, alright?” My fingers rested on his pink lips, shutting him off. “Let's just be us for tonight okay? No thinking it through.”
“I think I can work with that.”
Smiling, I kissed him again, skilfully straddling his lap and ready to get, once more, the fun started.
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tanjamikaelson · 7 years
Rumors - part 16
When I wake up I was on my stomach and Kol was also on his stomach my head was near his. I turned around and took my phone from the night stand to see what time it is and it was 15:10. I slowly got out of the bed and went to the living room looking at the beautiful view of city. After few minutes I went back to the room, I looked at Kol who was still sleeping on his stomach and idea came into my mind, so I lay over him kissing his neck and biting him. He wake up immediately and flip us over so now I’m on my stomach and he is on me.
 - What were you trying to do? “He asked me kissing my neck”.
 - Same thing you are doing right now; “I said with smile and tried to get him off of me”.
 - No, no I’m not getting off of you; “He said”.
I smiled turning my head to look at him and he kissed my cheek then he got off of me.
 - You said you won’t do that; “I said and turned myself around”.
Kol way laying on one side of his body looking at me and smirking.
 - Don’t look at me like that; “I said playfully and hit his shoulder”.
 - You are going to pay for that; “He said looking into his shoulder and smiling”.
 - Oh, yeah? Only if you catch me; “I said and vamp speed out off the bed”.
I knew he would catch me, but either way I looked at the door of the balcony wanting to go there, so I run there but he was already in front of the doors.
 - You are very hard to catch; “He said sarcastically smiling”.
 - That’s just because I let you catch me; I said adding; So how I’m going to pay for this; when I said that I hit him again.
 - Oh, you’ll find out; “He said smirking”.
 - And when will that be? “I asked”.
 - When the time comes; “He said and kissed me”.
 - So we are playing that game, fine by me; “I said and turn around to go to the bathroom”.
 - Did you bring some blood bags? “He asked”.
 - Yeah, I put them in the fridge; I said and added; But we’re going to eat outside later.
 - Yes we will; “He said and smiled”.
I was in the bathroom in front of the mirror brushing my hair when Kol came and he was standing behind me with the blood bag, putting the blood bag in front of me and giving me to feed. While I was drinking blood he was kissing my neck and shoulders.
After the bathroom I was still in Kol’s t-shirt and I came into the living room where Kol was sitting in the big corner sofa. Next to the sofa was telescope so I was watching the city through it.
 - Turn it all to the right and you’ll have a better view; “Kol said”.
 - You mean, I will be looking at you; “I said”.
 - Who else; Kol said standing up and coming behind me, hugging me from behind and lifting me off of the ground so he can carry me to the sofa.
 - You just can’t get enough of me, can you? “I asked him as he put me on the sofa”.
 - I crave for you more then I crave for blood; “Kol said as he sat next to me”.
 - Well that’s serious statement; “I said looking at him”.
 - Yeah, for the vampire it is; “Kol said leaning his head to me so he can give me a quick kiss”.
After the kiss I laid down, my head was in his lap and legs were stretched out on the sofa. He started playing with my hair as I was looking into his face, scanning every inch of it.
 - He is so damn perfect; Passed trough my mind.
Then I touched his lips with my fingers, tracing them down lightly across his lower lip his mouth began to open. Then he put his head down and our lips come together, first gently, then without breaking the kiss I pulled myself up so I can sit in his lap, his arms tightened around me and the kiss becomes more intense, more passionate. When we broke the kiss we were smiling at each other, I put my forehead against his and I said; Maybe I should start dressing up if we’re going outside to eat.
 - Better do it before this kiss lead to something more; “Kol said”.
 - Haha, like that’s very hard to happen; “I said and got up from his lap”.
I went to the bathroom to take a quick a shower and after that I put a little make up, mascara and highlighter. Then I opened suitcase to see what I’ll wear, as I was looking through clothes Kol came behind me.
 - Having problem with choosing what to wear? “He asked leaning himself on a door frame”.
 - Like always; “I said”.
The problem is I didn’t take too much of a clothes with me so I have a little choice.
I decided to wear dark grey almost black high waist jeans and light grey crop top, I left my hair to look natural.
 - When I finished I looked at Kol and said; Are we going to eat someone or what?
Kol smirks at me and stand up so he can go to the door. He opens the door of our room and say; After you, darling. I smiled at him and walk out of the room.
We were holding hands and roaming through the city for some time. It was really beautiful night outside.
 - I saw some bar that looked nice so I told Kol; Let’s go there.
We came into the bar, the place was nice and loud alternative rock music was playing and it was full of people.
 - Do we sit at the bar or table? “Kol asked me”.
 - Let’s sit at the bar; “I said”.
We sat the bar in front of the bartender and Kol ordered a drinks for us. Then bartender started pouring out the drinks and give us two glasses of whiskey.
 - So much tasty people; “I said as I was looking at them, then turned myself to take my drink”.
 - So hard to chose; “Kol said”.
 - We’ll see about that; “I said and smiled”.
 - Or we don’t even need to chose; “Kol said”.
 - I want to chose, you are free to kill anyone you want; “I said and Kol smiled at me”.
While we were drinking I saw one girl looking at Kol, I didn’t said anything right away, but after couple of minutes while she was still staring and trying to flirt with him every time he turns his head I said to him; I got myself a prey.
 - Who? “He asked softly smiling”.
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 - The girl that’s looking at you; I said and added; Go, talk to her.
 - Are you serious? You want me to flirt with her? “He asked”.
 - Yes, lure her outside; “I said to him”.
 - What if she seduce me; “He said smirking”.
 - She’ll be dead before she can do it; “I said to him smirking”.
 - Okay then, I’m going; “He said and got up from the bar so he can go and talk to her”.
When he came to her she couldn’t take her smile off of her face, I rolled my eyes. I was watching them talk, she took Kol by his hand and pulled him to go outside, before they went outside Kol looked at me smiling. I finished my drink in one gulp and came there 1 minute later.
I saw that Kol was against the wall and she was all over him, almost kissing him, when I saw that she want’s to kiss him I pushed her off of him and said to her; What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend?
 - Nothing, he asked me to go outside; “The girl said in defence”.
 - I didn’t do anything; “Kol said raising his hands in defence”.
 - I don’t care who asked who, you hands were all over him; I said to her and when she didn’t say anything I looked at Kol smiling and said; Maybe I should just eat her and kill her.
 - What? What are you guys talking about? “The girl said with afraid look on her face”.
When I turned around to look at her I already had my vampire face and before she could make any sound I grabbed her and compelled her; I’m just going to drink your blood until you’re dead and you won’t make any sound.
After that I bite her neck and drained her of blood, when I was done she fell to the ground and  I looked at Kol with my vampire face my mouth covered in blood, he came closer to me and slowly touched one of my cheeks and veins under my eyes with his fingertips and then kissed me, when we stop kissing he said; Well she was tasty, you should left something for me.
 - Is she tastier than me? “I asked him”.
 - Not even close; “He said and kissed me again”.
Then some guy came where we were and that girl. We heard him and when we looked at him he saw blood on me and then he looked to the ground where the girl was lying.
 - What did you do? “He asked very afraid and wanted to turn around and call for help”.
Kol and I exchange looks and he vamp speed in front of that guy.
 - H-how did you do that? “The guy said with a shaky voice turning around to look where Kol was”.
 - There is no way to help her now; “I said behind him”.
 - Like there won’t be a way for helping you; “Kol said and compelled the guy not to scream”.
 - Well now that we feed well, we could just go back to hotel; I said kissing Kol; and by the way mine was much tastier.
 - Sure she was; “Kol said and grabbed my hand so we can go back to hotel”.
The moment we stepped into the elevator Kol grabbed my waist and started kissing me.
 - Wait a second, we didn’t push a button; I said through kiss, but Kol didn’t listen to me. He lifted me off the ground and put my legs around his waist, going closer to the buttons so I can push a button to go up to our floor. After that Kol didn’t waste any time he vamp speed us to the wall of the elevator and started kissing me roughly. Couple of minutes later the door slid open and someone came in, Kol stopped kissing me.
 - Bloody hell; “That was all that Kol said when he heard that someone is coming into the elevator”.
He placed me back down on the floor and we were waiting for the elevator to come onto our floor, it felt like the elevator was going slower and slower.
When it came to our floor and doors slid open we got to the room door. I took key card out of my bag while Kol was withdrawing my hair to the side and kissed my shoulders.
The moment I unlock the door we started kissing until we came to the bedroom. I broke the kiss and I push Kol to sit on the bed.
 - Now you’re gonna pay for flirting with that girl; “I said to him trying to be serious”.
 - Wha-; “Before he could finish that word I kissed him and he kiss me back”.
 - I start kissing his neck and he say smiling; Well if this is punishment then I’ll flirt with other girls more often.
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 - Shut up, if you don’t want me to change my mind; “I said to him”.
I looked at him holding my hands on his cheeks and he smirks at me, I smirk back and he leaned towards me, but before he kissed me I push him to lay on the bed. I sit on top of him and pull my t-shirt over my head, he doesn't take his eyes off of me. I put my hands in his hair and lean down, kissing him passionately, without breaking the kiss he flip us over so he is now on top of me and I wrap my hands around his neck pulling him closer to deepen the kiss. He kisses my neck and I take a deep breath turning my head on the other side so he can kiss me better.
I flip us around and Kol starts moving his hands up and down my waist, I grab the hem of his T-shirt pulling it up and over his head and then slowly touch his chest and abs. Kol lift himself so he can sit and started kissing my neck and the skin between my bra, dragging his teeth on top of my breast as he was trying to unlock my bar. I leaned my head back, exposing my skin for him to kiss and I had my hands in his hair.
 - You know enough with that, I want to be in charge; “I said to him pushing him back down and seeing smirk on his face”.
 - I’m all yours, darling; “Kol said”.
I take off my bar and my jeans then started kissing his lips, going down to his neck, chest and abs, unzipping his pants and pulling them down. As I sit back on Kol, I feel his hands touching my tights, I pressed my hips onto his, I was ready to feel him inside me, when he entered in me I was moving my body up and down, slowly. I lean my head back and let out a moan showing my fangs.
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He was grinning evilly as I sucked in breaths and moaned each one out. I lean down so I can kiss Kol, while I was kissing his neck he started thrusting faster into me and the force wracked my body with an instant orgasm.
Few minutes later we were both out of breath and I fall down on his chest and closed my eyes trying to relax myself.
 - You could be in charge more often; “He said kissing my hair”.
I put my hands on his chest and push myself up so I can look at him.
 - We have a deal; “I said and kissed him”.
Then I threw myself to the side and clutched the sheet over my sweating, naked body. He was feverishly hot and sweating as he pulled me into his arms, I was melting in his embrace.
When I felt myself relaxed I again started to kiss his chest.
 - Round two? “Kol asked me”.
 - I’m just hungry; “I said and sank my fangs into the side of his neck”.
 - A minute later he flip us over and said; I’m hungry too.
Then he started gently kissing my jawline and down my neck, sliding his arms over my thigh, then he sank his fangs into my neck, I closed my eyes and let out a gasp from pleasure. Then put my hand in his hair not letting him to stop. I love the feeling of him feeding on me, so little moans were escaping my mouth. As his teeth pulled out of my neck, he began to lick it slowly.
I turned myself so that his chest were against my back and he was still kissing my neck. Then he placed his arms around me from the back so I can’t move and began to spoon me with his body. Kissing my shoulders and cupping my breasts he whispered to my ear; You feel so good, darling.
A little while later he falls asleep, not letting the grip. Then I remembered that I didn’t send message to Rebekah, so I somehow took my bag that was on the floor next to the bed and send her a message so she knows where we are.
Soon after that I drift to sleep. It is peaceful sleeping like this, it feels like time has stopped.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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Kai Parker x Reader (x The Mikaelsons) word count : 4 073 *not my gif _______________________
The day after the party Kai woke up earlier , finding Y/N using his chest as a pillow. All the days before that she had been the one to wake up first and leave the room , leaving him to wake up alone. The way she had snuggled to him - so close , her hand where his heart is , reminded him of the time their first night back in the real world. Everything had been so perfect back then , no Kol to butt in and steal her from him. Kai never knew he could feel rage of this range. Since the first moment he had met Kol , he knew he’d hate the guy. Y/N stirred in her sleep and mumbled something interrupting his thoughts. Kai tucked a strand of hair behind her ear , smiling to himself. “I wish this could be us every morning.” he whispered to her.
Kai and Y/N spent the next 3 days together all the time. Almost. Kol showed up a few times to see what was so interesting about Kai’s room because she seemed to spend a lot of time in there. Alone. With Kai. Y/N could see they didn’t like each other much and it hurt her. When Kol was around , Kai was always tense the glow in his eyes being replaced by burning anger and his hands balled into fists. Friday they spent walking around town , acting like complete tourists taking pictures of everything and over a dozen pictures of them together laughing and making funny faces. If someone was looking at them and didn’t know they were just friends , probably would assume they were a couple. Then later that evening Y/N and Kai went to the local movie theater for movie night. Their time at the movies was perfect - they laughed , threw popcorn at each other… Kai had relaxed a lot since the night after the party , he couldn’t stop smiling when it was just the two of them. There were so many movies they wanted to see and they split them over the next few days. “I don’t remember Baywatch being like this but it was so much fun !” said Kai , hugging her from behind as they walked outside the movie salon , lightly lifting her feet off the ground. “What was your favorite part ? I can’t chose - maybe that underwater kiss scene , who saw that one coming..” Y/N laughed. The movie had indeed been fun and there were so many moments to pick from. “Maybe the morgue scene ? Or when Brody was wearing that dress..” she burst into laugher. A moment later Kai started laughing too. Her laugh making him laugh as usual. As much as he had enjoyed the movie , her company is what he enjoyed most. It felt perfect being alone with Y/N - the way her eyes sparkled when she laughed , her laugh in general … He was falling harder and harder for her and it only made things worse knowing he had missed his chance the night before. Y/N appeared to really like Kol and as selfish as he was , all Kai wanted was for her to be happy… Even if it’s was not with him. On their way home they grabbed a bite and Kai loved the look on Y/N’s face - a mix of pride , joy and something else - after he had healed the girl , compelled her and sent her on her way. Y/N snaked her hand around his waist letting him put his around her shoulder. Kai had gotten really good at this and the only reason for it was Y/N , her patience and understanding. “Wow … I might get jealous if you keep feeding on pretty girls like that.” she teased. “Are you tired ? I don’t want to go home just yet.” Kai wiped a drop of blood from her chin , one that she had somehow missed when she had cleaned up her face afterwards. Y/N felt her skin burn where he was touching her and if it wasn’t for the lights being dim , he would’ve seen her blush. “Not tired at all. Not in a hurry to go back home either.” he smiled at her. More alone time with Y/N sounded like heaven to him. “Good. Because … You owe me a dance , remember ?” Kai smiled to himself , realising what her words meant. He didn’t owe her a dance , she just wanted to dance with him again. He twirled her right there on the street , no music no nothing. Y/N laughed as he twirled her again until her back bumped into him. “I love your laugh.” he whispered to her , feeling her tense for a second. Y/N felt butterflies in her stomach , right where Kai’s hands were at that exact moment. Being with Kai was as easy as breathing. She turned her head towards him , finding his face closer than she had expected. They stood like that frozen in time , their lips almost touching for a few seconds before he let go off her , clearing his throat and awkwardly looking at the ground. It had happened again .. except he couldn’t kiss her now because if Kol was to find out , he’d be dead or compelled to kill himself. Y/N surprised him kissing his cheek , a smile appearing on his face as she did so. She poked him playfully in the stomach until he looked up at her. “I love that glow in your eyes you have just now.” she said smiling. Their almost kiss a few minutes ago had her head spinning just like it had happened at the party. You are with Kol now , you can’t kiss Kai. she reminded herself.
* * *
Three whole days Kai had Y/N’s complete attention and Kol couldn’t stand seeing Kai anymore. He seemed to be everywhere Y/N was. If it depended on Kol , Kai would take a permanent vacation somewhere , never to be seen again but Y/N seemed to care about him a lot and Kol didn’t want to cause her any pain. There was something bothering him though. All of them lived in the same house and Y/N kept sneaking into Kai’s bedroom at night. He felt jealous she hadn’t chosen to sneak into his bedroom and always seemed to want to spend her nights with Kai. A couple of times Kol had lurked outside , listening in to what was happening inside. He didn’t know what he expected to hear - maybe them making out or having sex. He didn’t know what he’d do if any of those sounds came from Kai’s room when Y/N was supposedly with him. Instead what he usually heard was only heartbeats and breathing or them talking until early morning hours. Apparently there were a lot of things they liked talking about , which made him jealous since he and Y/N didn’t appear to have that many things in common. It was finally Monday and Kol couldn’t wait to get Y/N all to himself for the evening , maybe even the night. He didn’t want them to do anything just yet , he just wanted Y/N to wake up next to him …and not next to Kai.
“Elijah ?” called out Y/N , walking into the Mikaelson’s library. The vampire flashed in front of her , holding an old looking book. “Looking for this ?” he smiled at her. Y/N laughed under her breath. “You can read minds , can’t you ?” “No. You just wouldn’t shut up about Weightering Heights and how much you wanted to read the original …” said Elijah giving her his copy. Y/N took it from him smiling , opening the cover. The paper felt different , a little softer than the one used in books nowadays. Even though the book was old , it was very well preserved - the pages still had a little yellowish color though and the book smelled like freshly chopped wood with a hint of something she couldn’t put her finger on it. Y/N flipped the first page and her breath got caught in her throat. “Is this … ?” Y/N’s eyes widened , darting between the book and Elijah. “How did you get her to sign?!” Elijah smiled at the ground for a moment. “We were friends. Over the centuries I’ve met a lot of the writers whos books are in this very room. I know you like to read , so feel free to browse here as much as you want.” “Thank you.” she said giving him a hug before taking a few steps inside. Her eyes taking in every inch of the room - book shelfs from the ground up until the ceiling with a ladder on each row. “Woww… I feel like Belle when the Beast let her into his library… I mean no offense or anything.” Elijah laughed at her coment. “Erh , none taken.” “Knock knock.” Y/N turned her head seeing Kol leaning against the door frame with a smug smile on his face. Carefully she left the book in her hands onto one of the closest shelfs and ran into Kol’s arms nearly knocking Elijah over on her way. “Kol ! I’m so happy to see you.” He held her tight for a moment before his hands slid down her waist , his lips finding hers. The swarp of butterflies in her stomach nearly making her knees buckle. Y/N could hear Elijah behind them laughing under his breath. “Happy to see you too , love. It’s been a long painful weekend without being able ot hold you in my arms.” said Kol , his palm brushing against her cheek making her lean into it. “Excited about tonight darling?” “Yes … but why won’t you tell me what you have planned ?” she asked hooking her hands around his neck. “I don’t like surprises … ” “Oh I have a feeling you will like this one , love.” he said pressing his lips to hers. “Everything is perfectly planned for our official first date.”
Rebekah and Freya showed up a few minutes later , dragging her away on a shopping trip at the Mall. Y/N didn’t want to go , she’d much preffer spending her day until 7PM at the library reading but the entusiasm the originals sisters had in their eyes just wouldn’t let her say ‘no’ to them. Reluctantly Kol let her go , chasing after them a few times just to steal a few more kisses. He pinned her to the first wall his lips smashing against hers , then after Rebekah pulled Y/N away , Kol caught up with them at the stairs spinning her around and stealing another kiss. “You two need to get a room.” teased Rebekah , making Y/N’s cheeks flush. “Let her go Kol or we won’t have any time left to find her the perfect outfit.” “Um excuse me ?” said Y/N pretending to be shocked. Of course they wouldn’t let her decide on her own. “I am perfectly fine picking my own outfit.” “No. You are not.” said Rebekah grabbing her hand and dragging her down the stairs. “Not after that converse incident at the party ! I told you - boots and high heels. You are not in high school anymore.” “But I like my comfy converses.” pouted Y/N which only made Rebekah and Freya laugh. As they got down the stairs , she noticed Kai a few meters away , by the entrance of the compound. He had his hands in his pockets and something about his eyes was different - they were a shade darker. Y/N wriggled her hands free from Rebekah’s grip and runned towards Kai giving him a hug. He wrapped his hands around her , buring his face into the crook of her neck before awkwardly letting go off her noticing Kol’s eyes burning on them. “Where are you going in such a hurry ?” “On a shopping trip … Apparently I am not capable of getting myself dressed properly.” she said , winking at Rebekah. “Do you want to come ?” “Me ? Hang around three girls all day waiting around until they try on outfit after outfit ?” he said smiling nervously. If it had been just Y/N , he probably would’ve said yes. “I think I’ll pass. Plus there is something else I have to do today.” “What ?” “Nothing bad , I promise.” smiled Kai. “You’ve been a positive influence on me , I just … have something to do. I’ll tell you later , promise.” Y/N lifted herself on her toes , giving him a kiss on the cheek. “See you later then.” “Yeah …” he held onto her hand , slowly letting go of her as she , Rebekah and Freya left through the door. Kai looked longingly after Y/N for a moment. When he turned around Kol was standing right in front of him , a smile on his face though his eyes were burning with jealousy. “Hi.” said Kai taking a step around the original. Kol gripped his arm , nearly breaking a bone. “I don’t like you.” said Kol. “I don’t like you being here , spending every single night with my girlfriend… You need to stay in your lane mate.” Kai freed his hand , taking a step towards the original. “You don’t scare me.” he said. “As for Y/N spending her nights in my room - it is up to her , not me. We are best friends , I can’t tell her what to do or not.” Kol laughed under his breath. “You should be scared. I can rip you to shreds just for sport. I am giving you the chance to back off. It’s a limited time offer. I suggest you take it.” Kai used every ounce of will power not to use magic on Kol and send him into a permanent nap. He knew he could take him , but it was Y/N who stopped him. “I will back off when she asks me to. Until then I guess we are stuck with each other wheter you like it or not.”
* * *
Y/N and Kol’s first date truly was perfect. He was the perfect gentleman , so attentative to her wishes , willing to make everything she wanted come true. They had went to a small italian restaurant , he had brought her flowers and compelled a guy to play a violin specially for them. Later on he had kissed her goodnight , dropping her off at her room. Kol had hoped she’d invite him in , but she didn’t. Y/N took a quick shower , thinking about her evening out with Kol smiling to herself. Later on she dressed in her PJ’s and laid awake in her bed until 3.21AM , tossing and turning. No matter what she tired , she couldn’t fall asleep. All in her mind was Kai for some reason , how he is probably laying awake in his bed too , thinking she was spending the night with Kol. Y/N didn’t want him to think that. It hurt her thinking he might be thinking that. She tiptoed barefoot down the hall to Kai’s room which for some reason was locked for the first time ever. He was inside , she could hear him breathing and he was awake too. She knocked twice on the door , hearing foot steps coming towards the door. Kai was right on the other side , his hand on the door knob fighting the urge to let her in and spend the night with her again. He knew he wouldn’t fall asleep without her around but also didn’t want to listen to her go on and on about her date with Kol. “Please open the door or I’ll use magic to open it myself.” she whispered. “Please , I … I need you.. I need my best friend.” Kai sighed , glancing around the room before opening the door and letting her in. “I can’t sleep.” she said smiling at the ground. “I keep tossing and turning and… I need you.” Y/N looked up seeing a small smile on his face. “I couldn’t sleep either.” he closed the door behind her watching her toss herself onto his bed with a smile on her face. “Your boyfriend … Kol … will be angry you are spending the night after your first date with me and not him.” he said sitting on the bed next to her. “Shouldn’t you go to his bedroom instead ?” Y/N rubbed her forehead with her thumb and index finger , letting out a deep sigh. Kai was probably right , about everything - that Kol would be mad , that she should not be in his room right now but in Kol’s.. but something was pulling her towards Kai and the feeling was getting stronger. “If he can’t learn to trust me , there is no way our relationship would work.” she muttered more to herself than to Kai. “Plus I need my best friend. How did the thing you wanted to do today go ?” “Good , it was .. good.” he said clearning his throat, glad Y/N hadn’t started talking about her date with Kol. “Aren’t you going to tell me what it was ?” she asked turning to her side facing Kai. “I will … when the time is right.” smiled Kai , pulling her closer to him. “Go to sleep now.
Over the next few days Kol took her on another date. It felt like he wanted to spend every second of the day with her , which made things complicated. Y/N didn’t want to ignore Kai but getting all three of them to spend time together was trickier because none of them liked the other and seemed to tolerate each other only because of her.
Y/N and Kol went out for dinner about a week after they had met and she had wanted to tell him about her day at the fair she and Kai had gone to earlier that day. At first Kol appeared to be interested in the story but every time she mentioned Kai , she could see his hands starting to ball into fists until he rudely interrupted her in the middle of the story just as she was about to tell him about the pony who liked the blue cotton candy she had gotten. “Why is he so important to you?” asked Kol, trying hard not to let his anger show. “Do you have feelings for him ?” “What ? No !” she said reaching to touch his hand. “Kai is my best friend. Of course he is important to me… and I want my boyfriend and my best friend to get along.” Kol stared at her as if she had just slapped him. “Thats not going to happening , darling.” said Kol. “I see the way he looks at you. Everyone does except for you. I don’t want you to spend time with him.” Y/N pulled back feeling her heart break. “Kai doesn’t have feelings for me. If he did , he would’ve told me. We tell each other everything.” she said getting up from the table. “And you are not the one who gets to tell me who I can or can’t spend my time with.” She started walking away but Kol grabbed her hand. “I’m sorry. I just … I don’t like sharing you with anyone.” Y/N sat back in her chair. “Give him a chance , okay. I think you can be best friends if you can just-” “No , not a chance.” “Seriously ?! You just apologised and now you are doing the same thing.” she got up again , walking away ignoring his pleas for her to go back. When Y/N got back to the compound she bumped into Kai who had an overnight bag in his hands. He looked surprised to see her back that early , even more surprised that she was alone. Something was different about her , Y/N didn’t seem quite herself. Her aura was different. “HEY !” she said wrapping her arms around him tight , all her anger subsiding the second he hugged her back. “Wh-what is this bag for ? Are we going somewhere ?” Kai smiled nervously at her. “I meant to tell you earlier but Kol pulled you away. I got my own place down the street. Didn’t want to overstay my welcome here , specially now that you are with … Kol.” “Oh not you too.” she said taking a step back , her hands hanging at her sides. “Don’t tell me you don’t like Kol. I can’t … ” Y/N held her head in her hands for a moment. Kai reached to touch her shoulder making her look up at him. Her eyes were starting to fill with tears. Of course he didn’t like Kol. He hated the guy , his accent and absolutely everything about him. “I’m sorry Y/N. I think it’s for the best.” he leaned in to kiss her forehead. Kai hated he was causing her pain , he hated even more that apparently Kol had done the same earlier in the evening. Y/N felt completely broken , wondering if Kol had been right and Kai indeed had feelings for her. But if he did , he wouldn’t be leaving. “You have Kol , Klaus .. all his sibling. Plus I’ll come to visit you every day and you can come over whenever you want. I owe you so much Y/N. Without you I’d still be stuck in the Prison World all alone. You thought me how to control my blood thirst. I just .. I don’t want to hold you back.” “Kai .. please.” she reached for his hand as he headed for the exit. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I promise.” he said giving her a small smile before walking out through the door.
That same night Y/N laid awake in her bed, starring at the ceiling and all the pictures on her phone she and Kai had taken during their three day movie marathon days. It was their first night separated in months and she felt a hole in her heart because of it. Y/N hadn’t realised how much she likes being in Kai’s arms until they were not around her anymore. She got up , opening her bedroom window and jumped outside down the street looking around and listening in , trying to figure out which apartment was Kai’s. In the end she spent the entire night walking around town trying to clear her head unsuccesfully.
* * *
Y/N knocked on Klaus’ art studio door. He glanced at her and smiled widely. “Can you spare a paint brush and a blank canvas for a friend?” she asked smiling. “You are not a friend , sweetheart. How many times do I have to say this - you are family.” he said handing her one of his favorite brushes. “You look troubled. Something bothering you ?” Y/N put the blank canvas a step away from Klaus’ and got a pallette from the table near by. How was she going to ask him this without things getting awkward ? She dipped the brush into the blue and white mixing them to a blue shade resembling Kai’s eyes and started drawing a circle on the canvas , not having a clue what the painting would end up being. “There is something actually.” she said smiling nervously. Klaus glanced at her expectantly. Y/N walked to the door , closed it and placed her hands on it muttering a spell , making sure no one would be able to listen to their conversation. “I am going crazy. Kol and Kai hate each other and both are pulling me in two completely different directions… and I .. I don’t know what to do.” she said sitting cross legged on the floor. “Is it possible to love them both at the same time ?” Klaus left his brush and paint on his art table and sat on the floor opposite her. “Of course love. You can love two people even three at the same time , but you can’t love each of them equally.” he said. “Then why do I feel so awful ? Every time I spend time with Kai I feel like I am betraying Kol and when I am with Kol I feel like I am cheating on Kai.” she paused for a moment , looking at her hands. “I’m sorry , this must be so weird for you … ” “Not at all , sweetheart.” he said. “Love is a complicated thing sometimes. But you will figure it out.” “I feel like I am going mad. Tell me what to do.” Klaus scooted over to her , pulling her into a hug. “I can’t tell you this sweetheart. You are one of the smartest people I’ve met in my years on this planet. Listen to your heart.”
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