#and dw mecs
asrielmerrymoon · 2 months
did you guys know that you, as his audience, are his favorite definitely?
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chaotictomtom · 4 months
vous rendez vous fou vous même pas 1h que l'épisode est sorti en ligne ça commence déjà à spoiler. enfin le post date de y'a 45min donc la personne là commence à spoil alors que ça faisait même pas 15min que le bail est sorti. aussi pourquoi show uk sort en ligne en premier à des heures us ça rend zinzin ça aussi ils ont pas assez de trucs eux là ???? bref dw fandom aussi nul que successionfandom pour les périodes de sorties d'épisodes vous êtes pas mieux que les sunday girlies on retient on retient
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urbanhermit · 3 months
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lallemxnt · 5 years
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Twisted For You
One doesn’t love people, the other doesn’t trust them.
Eliott doesn’t date, he doesn’t get attached and above all else he certainly loves no one expect himself. He thinks that there is no simple love stories. If it’s simple, it’s not love. If it’s love, it’ll get complicated, and complicated is just too complex for him. So he does what he considers is best for him and fucks around blatantly. Lucas doesn’t like people, he doesn’t do emotions and trusting people is unforeseeable. Trust issues come from being fucked over, and he’s been fucked over enough in his life to not trust anyone again. Emotions are messy and hard to figure out, so he does this simple thing, and runs away whenever things get complicated. Entering his first semester of college, Lucas’ guarded world opens up when he meets Eliott, a mysterious and brooding rebel who makes him question all he thought he knew about himself-and what he wants out of life. ao3
Chapter One
“Sometimes it seems like you’re the only person in the world who’s struggling, who’s frustrated, or unsatisfied or barely getting by. But that feeling’s a lie. And if you just hold on, just find the courage to face it all for another day, someone or something will find you and make it all okay. Because we all need a little help sometimes. Someone to help us hear the music in this world, to remind us that it won’t always be that way. That someone is out there. And that someone is going to find you.” - Lucas Scott, One Tree Hill.
Lucas’ POV
I get up to hit the button on my alarm clock on the table beside my bed to switch it off. I take a deep sigh. Today was going to be the beginning of a brand new chapter in my life. University. To tell you the truth, I never imagined that I’d be attending one considering the state I was in the past but here we are now. I roll out of my tiny, yet comfortable bed. While neatly tucking the corners of my bed sheet into the headboard, I take my time because this is the last morning that I will be completing this task for months. The knots in my stomach grow with each step I take towards the bathroom, by the time I’m taking a shower, it’s nearly unbearable. I spent the last few months anticipating college. My days were spent studying and preparing while my peers were out getting high and wasted. When I received the scholarship letter, I couldn’t really believe it. Getting a full ride scholarship to not just any university but Paris-Dauphine, was rare to say the least. Mr. Theodore had cried for what felt like hours and I was quite proud of myself since all my hard work had finally paid off.
The hot water loosens my strained muscles and- how long have I been here? I hurry up washing the soap out of my hair and body. I wrap a towel around my body and check my reflection in the mirror. My blue eyes seemed wider than usual my pulse was racing. Today was really going to be my first day of College. I hear my phone sending out yet another alarm alert and realised I was going to be late if I didn’t get going now.
I walk over to my closet and you’d think that I have a variety of options to choose from, eh? But no, I simply pull out a plain black hoodie. I don’t want to attract too much attention to myself, I just plan on spending my next three years in a smooth flow.
I quickly get dressed and check my reflection for the last time in the mirror, before picking up my keys from the nightstand and locking the door behind me.
I stood impatiently at the bus stop. It was five minutes late. I paced back and forth until I felt a familiar dizziness consume me. I stopped and sighed. Why was it late today? Of all the days to be late, it chose today. I began to chew on my bottom lip, a nervous habit I’ve had since I was young. Suddenly, I heard that familiar sound, the sound of an engine bustling around the corner and I smiled in relief. I paid my fare and hurriedly found a seat. I was constantly tapping my foot against the ground, yes, this habit I’ve developed in the past few months. The man who sat in the seat ahead of me shot me a dirty look and I stopped the action. The bus ride felt like hours even though I reached my stop in thirty minutes.
I hurriedly got off the bus and all but ran to the entrance gates of the University. I checked my watch; 8:50am it read, well I wasn’t late, all thanks to my habit of choosing to arrive ten minutes earlier. I looked up to stare at the tall building in front of me. It looked pretty old, but fancy old, like the one’s you see on television. It was white in colour and had double domes. A double dome is built of two layers. There is one layer inside which provides ceiling to the interior of the building. The other layer is the outer one which crowns the buildings.
It looked too posh, and I suddenly felt out of place. I closed my eyes, and I could hear my Mère’s(mother’s) voice saying “Tu le vaux bien fils. Vous avez travaillé si dur pour cela, je suis si fier de vous.” (“You are worth it son. You have worked so hard for this, I’m so proud of you.”) I open my eyes with a smile on my face. If I’m certain of one thing, it is that if she were to be here, she would have been proud of me and that gives me the strength to take a step ahead. But it does not mean that I can’t feel my heart hammer in my chest with every step I take. I’m puffing out air from both my nose and mouth.
After about ten minutes of confusing corridors, I’m standing in front of a faded, red door, the number 11 written on the board, black lettering. Eleven was my lucky number, since it was my birth date. My cheek twitched. I almost smiled, but the feeling was fleeting. I was really nervous right now because I would meet the person I’d spend the next three years of my life with behind this very door.
I slide the key into the old wooden door, it creaks open. The room is small, with two tiny beds and two desks. My eyes travel to the occupied side of the room and widen a bit. The wall is covered in music posters, mostly bands I’ve never heard of, the faces on them covered in tattoos and piercings. The guy lying across the bed has jet black hair, and it’s messy up to the point where it’s falling all across his forehead and his arms are covered in black ink.
“Salut”, the strangers offers, with a smile I find quite intriguing much to my surprise. “I’m Alexandre,” he says and sits up on his elbows.
“S… Sal…”, I clear my throat. “Salut. I’m Lucas.”, I say managing to get the words out somehow.
“Welcome to my, oopsie, our humble abode. Are you ready for three years of utter chaos and complete wildness whilst getting wasted only like all the time?” his head falls back into a fit of laughter and I readjust the strap of my bag just to have something to do with my hands. Alex walks over, closing the gap between us and wraps his arms around me. I’m baffled by his affection and I don’t really like physical affection so I find myself gently pushing him off of me. I think he gets the message because he takes a step back but still has a grin plastered on his face. “I see, you are not much of a hugger now, eh?”, he says it like it’s a statement and not a question. Well, he isn’t wrong. Considering whatever happened with me in the past, I’m not the biggest fan of physical affection. But before I can answer him which I shouldn’t since it didn’t sound like a question to begin with, there’s a knock on the door immediately followed by someone pushing it open.
A guy enters. I think about minding my own business and to start unpacking but he is already walking towards me and I’m glued to my spot.
“Hey, you Alex’s roomie?” The tall guys asks. He doesn’t have as many tattoos as the other boy, but he has them.
“Um…yeah. My name’s Lucas,” I manage to say.
“I’m Idriss. Don’t look so nervous, it throws people off.” He says it with a smile, reaching out to touch my shoulder. “You’ll love it here,” his smile is warm and inviting despite his harsh appearance.
“I’m ready mec,” Alex says grabbing his thick, black bag from the bed. “See you around Lucas,” Idriss says and the two of them exit the room. I let out a long breath. Calling the last few minutes uncomfortable would be an understatement.
(notes: this chapter is especially dedicated to raina aka the light of my life aka @harleyhype bc she;s been really hyped up about it ! and it really makes me happy so here you go bby <33)
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dekuboya · 7 years
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I’ve never drawn Kravitz before apparently so I thought it was about time to fix that.
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choupichoups · 5 years
mec i need a favour(dw if you can't) i need a high quality(or at least somewhat high quality)pic of lucas/axel with his messy hair. it's for science
This sounds ominous 
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nedsecondline · 3 years
In Myanmar, military matters are a lucrative family affair | Asia| An in-depth look at news from across the continent | DW | 09.04.2021
In Myanmar, military matters are a lucrative family affair | Asia| An in-depth look at news from across the continent | DW | 09.04.2021
Military business revenues ‘dwarf’ civilian-owned companies It’s impossible to fathom the extent and depth of the Tatmadaw’s economic power without first delving into the army’s two holdings: Myanma Economic Holding Limited (MEHL) and Myanmar Economic Corporation (MEC).  Both were established in the 1990s when the country was ruled by a previous iron-fisted military junta. They are run by both…
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mundolatinomedia · 4 years
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Canadá y Estados Unidos extienden hasta el 21 de noviembre el cierre de su frontera – DW (Español) Aunque la frontera terrestre está cerrada para turistas, los dos países permiten el tránsito de mercancías para mantener el flujo comercial como socios del T-MEC (Tratado México-Estados Unidos-Canadá).
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J’ai regardé un arc de l’ancienne série de DW hier soir, Kinda, et dedans, il y a un type un peu (complètement) dingue qui prend le pouvoir, et le mec ressemblait grave à Macron quand même. Avec des cheveux longs.
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How Dreamworks got a spot for Voltron with Netflix
DW CEO: HAY NETFLIX GUY so we were thinking Voltron, you knwo the old mec series, but we were thinkign liek do a good reboot this time not something shitty and we need a place to put it...
Netflix Guy: wow sounds exciteing let me see you have a hueg number of sucessful shows with us allredy sign us up.
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renato71amorim · 6 years
Ex-aluno de Olavo de Carvalho fala em “expurgo” no MEC e aponta traição de Vélez - Revista Fórum
Ex-aluno de Olavo de Carvalho fala em “expurgo” no MEC e aponta traição de Vélez – Revista Fórum
Ex-aluno de Olavo de Carvalho fala em “expurgo” no MEC e aponta traição de Vélez  Revista Fórum
Nas redes, Olavo de Carvalho pede que seus alunos deixem governo Bolsonaro  UOL
A tensa relação entre governo Bolsonaro e imprensa  DW (Brasil)
Estadão: discípulos do guru de Bolsonaro são expurgados do MEC  Catraca Livre
Vélez faz dança das cadeiras no MEC em meio a críticas de Olavo de Carvalho  Fol…
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chaotictomtom · 1 year
le fait qu'il reste plus que 2 episodes de rain dogs + dernière saison de barry va commencer + la dernière saison de succession continue aussi..</3 et ces trois séries le même jour auUUGH merci abbott d'être sur un autre jour purée
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mirohed · 6 years
ooo yea omg most anime ops are complete bops?? it’s like the whole industry collectively decided to drill catchy op songs into our ears,,, the animations for them are so pretty too uwu RELATABLE i keep procrastinating on doing things on my to-watch or to-read lists. the problem is that once i start?? i. can’t. stop. the first anime i ever watched was detective conan HAHAJWJ but tbh i kinda prefer reading manga over anime? like i get that w anime issa whole Experience but,, there’s sth about
the stillness of manga that’s just? so nice?? idk sometimes anime can be a lil overwhelming to mec in a way it’s is a lot more immersive than manga — the amount of tears i’ve cRIED could probably fill a whole river by now. oo i’m defo gonna check attez out they seem hella cool!! watch as i procrastinate,, i first got into kpop in 2016 w blackpink! im actually going to their concert tmr and iM SO EXCITED FOR IT!! it still doesn’t feel real omg.. have you been to any concert before? - lil anon
RIGHT and some of them (cruel angels thesis & guren no yumiya im lookin @ you) are so iconic that even if you havent seen the anime (even tho i watched s1 of attack on titan) you sTILL KNOW IT??? like ive never seen evangelion but i prob know the whole song sdsds
and my first anime was either inuyasha or dragon ball !! my parents were rlly into it but we watched the dubbed ver that came on the tv so i didnt register it as anime (hence my last response)
&& ive only read a few manga but i feel like i agree regardless?? and it can still build suspense despite having only still images?? like i havent read OR watched the whole thing but theres this one scene in higurashi that i read the manga for that was arguably just as, if not more, horrifying than the animated ver 
(dw abt procrastinating i havent even finished watching the skz show yet and i got into them back in august) and wow !!! lmk how it goes
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wiktoriadobosz-blog · 7 years
Nowoczesne celi w naszym mieście
Ryanair do skraju marca odwołuje loty. Air Berlin po stwierdzeniu upadłości likwiduje ilość połączeń ze kamery Warszawa http://hotelwradomiu.pl/tanie-wesela prywatnej torebki. Co w takiej form dzieje się z biletami pasażerów zdobytymi mało miesięcy wcześniej, jeżeli na kresie nie było ciągle czarnych chmur? Jak poinformował portal Deutsche Welle, przepadło 100 tys. losów na zintegrowania długodystansowe Air Berlin nabytych przed 15 sierpnia br. "Zostały one bowiem pobudzone do objętości upadłościowej tego przewoźnika, który ostatniego dnia ogłosił załamanie także nie podlegają zwrotowi" – czytamy. Sprawdza toż Magdalena Bursa-Łapińska, starszy radca prawny Air Help: Niemniej jednak, ostatecznie, w najsłuszniejszym przypadku, pasażerowie wezmą nie dużo aniżeli 5–10 proc. wartości odszkodowań czy mogą nie uzyskać żadnych wielkości z racje na fakt, że w substancji upadłości, po spłacie innych wierzycieli, usterka będzie minimalnych środków – dodaje mec. Bursa-Łapińska. "DW" dodaje, że inaczej patrzy koniunktura w nawiązaniu do biletów osiągniętych po 15 sierpnia 2017 r. Kiedy uzyska do wymówienia lotów, pieniądze za te bilety są przetrwać odniesione klientom. Też dane potwierdził rzecznik Air Berlin. Zakaz nie chroni pasażerów w ciosie upadku drogi lotniczej – Że współcześnie nie stanowi dotąd żadnych ustawie prawnych, które pielęgnowały pasażerów w ciosie niewypłacalności drogi lotniczej. Takie założenia znalazły się w spraw nowelizacji rozporządzenia 261/2004, nad jaką są dziś prace, jakkolwiek nie pozostała ponad zdecydowana – komentuje prof. Anna Konert, dyrektor Zakładu Prawa Powietrznego oraz Ogromnego Uczelni Łazarskiego i radca prawny K&K Aviation Lawyers. Dodaje, że w wybranych krajach, np. w Niezwykłej Brytanii, zlecono a określone fundusze gwarancyjne, z których regulowane są koszty niewykorzystanych biletów w takich formach. REKLAMA Nie świadczy wtedy natomiast, że podróżni są absolutnie wolny okazji na odzyskanie kapitałów za bilet. Wiele pragnie z owego, w który gotuj go uzyskaliśmy. Prof. Anna Konert wyjaśnia: Jeśli pęd stanowił stroną transakcji o jazda, więc kupiony był los poprzez przedsiębiorstwo wycieczce oraz skoro ruchy został przejęty programem ubezpieczeniowym (egzystuje aktualne pożądane dla wycieczek zorganizowanych), wówczas odbiorą pieniądze za los z ubezpieczenia. Ponadto, pasażer mógł utworzyć zakupu kuponu umową kredytową, wtedy same będzie mógł odzyskać pieniądze za bilet (zwykle umowy ujmują tego wzoru zabezpieczenia). Ryanair odwołuje pędy oraz spłaca odszkodowania Ponownie w odmiennej sprawy są pasażerowie irlandzkiego przewoźnika Ryanair. Ten, chcąc rozszerzyć punktualność oraz szacując się z zabiegiem pilotów, postanowił zrezygnować kilkadziesiąt tysięcy lotów.
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choupichoups · 5 years
Absolutely worth waiting!!! Thanks you thank you thank you. I didn’t expect Lucas to fall that far. It makes me wanna hug him. Though he has quite a lot of self control not to show all his feelings. Self preservation instincts?)I was afraid that Eliott will lose it at the party and everything will go to hell (even more than it is now), like I actually stoped reading to take a breath. I also kinda want Eliott to talk with someone about his feelings, though not sure he knows how or has a person
self preservation is scarlet letter Lucas’ middle name 
scarlet letter Eliott is allergic to talking 
sdfjsdf this is about as hellish as it gets mecs dw
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