#and don’t think I’m letting those girlies get off easy either. GIRL? dump his ask
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me doing data entry when a man lists his beneficiary as “live-in girlfriend”: mm-hmm. ‘girlfriend.’ enter.
when a man lists his beneficiary as “domestic partner”: mm-hmm. ‘partner.’ enter.
when a man lists his beneficiary as “long-term significant other”: mm-hm. ‘S.O.’ enter.
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dreamwritesimagines · 3 years ago
hiii! i’m back!! i hope you’re all doing well, and you too dream!!
it’s been a couple of days, i got my grade back from that physics exam and did better than expected so yay! (considering the fact that i perform like shit under pressure and that i was feeling sick, partly because i was stressed and tired, and partly because i had taken a gravol, two advils and two caffeine pills to get me through the day. that’s a combo i do not recommend btw, it’s terrible, and i couldn’t even think about food until 5 pm because my body is not used to both the stress and the caffeine 🥴) but i’m back and better than ever! (sort of) so chapter 8, let’s go!!!
that jaw thing that ben barnes does when he’s kinda annoyed, or biting down on emotions is so hot. think ‘fine. make me your villain’. THAT jaw thing. i love this man.
billy’s text made me snort. they’re adorable. i love when they fight like this. it’s cute. i also love that billy purposefully doesn’t remember carter’s name and it’s more and more fucked up each time he names him. also, can we appreciate the fact that she’s more interested in getting krista’s number (ok, i know it’s to scare her off but still) than her own fucking wedding? girlie, you need to get your man and stop leading carter on.
not cotillon night 😭 you’re telling me skittles had a debutante ball? skittles, darling, im so sorry for you. my condolences.
‘magical five seconds’ boy, i know i’ve defended you, but i can’t defend this. i sure hope there was improvement, cause that ain’t charming (see what i did there dream?? i’m hilarious)
‘that’s because it’s not you and you’re marrying a man you’re not in love with’ OK HONEY, PUSH THAT CONCLUSION FURTHER. WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS!? SPOILER : THEY DON’T INCLUDE MARRYING SAID MAN! but skittles is right, it feels very much like her mom and that should be an immediate turn off.
ok the reoccurring napkin joke is funny. i like it. i like that everybody finds it absolutely ridiculous too. but to be fair, i’m the kind of ‘old soul’ barely adult who likes those things. setting up a nice table with nice napkins and fine cutlery makes me happy. we have to appreciate the small things in life
‘oh honey, you’ll have to try a little harder that that to rub it in my face’ oh skittles, to rub what in your face? seriously woman, take a hint. krista’s fucking annoying either way. billy would dump her ass in a heartbeat if you ask him to
oh oh oh, i can’t wait for the coffee shop meeting. the perfume trick she does is so low but gosh i love it. i might use it someday
‘and then you and me forever baby’ oh carter, that statement won’t age well, i can tell you that much already…
sweetie, darling… if y’all know what shampoo brand the other uses on the regular…. y’all already acting like a married couple. can you not put two and two together????
also, thank god skittles is bringing up how fucked up billy’s relationship with krista is. that kind of relationship is so many red flags you’d think it’s a may day parade! that shot is highly against psychology/psychiatry work ethics and she should have her license revoked asap!!!
not krista lying to herself about how acceptable it is because he’s not her patient anymore. bitch, you should be blessed by a jail sentence.
‘oh t, you know. living with billy is actually pretty easy. he’s pretty tidy, right?’ OMG SKITTLES, fuck yeah girl!!
‘i don’t think we’re in the same social circle, but maybe?’ the shade never stops. skittles is plain disrespectful and i admire her for it.
skittles giving the ‘you’re temporary. i’ll always be in his life’ speech always hits. i wish i could’ve had that and that my childhood best friend didn’t end up to be a backstabbing asshole (i saw him today btw, not cool)
‘run along, puppy’ the disrespect never stops. i love you, skittles.
billy seeing right through her game AAAAAAAAAAH boy if you don’t dump that failed psychiatrist, ima drag your ass so hard. you’re being so fucking blind
CARTER MET BILLY HEHEHEHE the war is on and it’s gonna be so entertaining. they really do give as good as they get huh?
‘game on, skittles’ boy oh boy do i enjoy this
I LOVE THIS CHAPTER AND THIS PART OF THE FIC SO MUCH! i hope you had a good day and that you’re feeling well rested! love ya!!
Omg congratulations on the exam love, but please take care of yourself! ❤❤
The jaw thing 😂
Billy damn well knows his name but refuses to use it lolll😂
Skittles hated that ball so much 😂
I think Skittles is so ready to get the wedding over with, and she's basically blaming napkins for it 😂
She already decided to hate Krista 😂
Carter is a naive puppyyyyy 😭❤
I feel like Skittles wanted to bring that up with Billy too but then decided she'd hit Krista with it first 😈
"blessed by a jail sentence" LOLLLL OMG 😂😂😂
Aw I'm sorry to hear about your childhood friend 💔
Skittles went like "no survivors, how about that" 😂
Love you too, you're so sweet honey, thank you! ❤❤❤
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kxias · 8 years ago
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...so, yeah, don’t rlly know how the fuck i got accepted to be quite honest w you??? like that definitely sounded fake but yet here we are??? anyways, hi, i’m red (she/her pronouns please) i’m 19 and i live in the est timezone and i am so, so excited about this roleplay — like i said, highkey was not expecting to get accepted so it certainly came as a shock when i refreshed the main before leaving to grab dinner and saw my post? i’ve been dying to put this muse of mine into play for a month or so now but i really haven’t been able to find a group that i was Down for up until i saw this one ! i am a heaux for uni rps, an even bigger one for the greek life rps since i in a million years would never be able to join greek life (yay introvert!!) and while i wasn’t here first time around, i’m happy to be here now and writing w all you lovely people ; i’m working on getting her stats and wanted connections up so pls bear with me, classes started back today and i’m trying to sift thru all the junk of my online courses while attempting to enjoy my last moments of freedom but they’ll be up soon ! in the meantime, there’s a bit beneath the cut about my baby angel and a few ideas to tide you over, make the heart go red and i’ll pop in your ims for plots ! and yes, i do ramble like this all the time so Get Ready !!
tw: death, slight depression, mentions of verbal/emotional abuse
have you read the gossip blog lately ? apparently, a GIGI HADID lookalike was seen strolling across campus with their DANCE textbook. but nah, that’s just KAIA ZAMAN, the TWENTY year old JUNIOR, i’m sure you know HER. they’re mostly known as THE SANGUINE because they’re very SILVER-TONGUED and INTREPID but also RETICENT and GUILELESS.
so kaia was born and raised in chicago, illinois, the only child her parents ever had due to a few factors — one of which being that it was incredibly hard for her mother to carry a child + rushed into an emergency hysterectomy right after kaia’s birth, so she was their rainbow baby
her parents did everything in their power to make kaia as happy as they possibly could since she had been everything they’d wanted for so long, so whether it was letting her watch another cartoon before bed or enrolling her in dance classes at the age of three after a full-fledged obsession with the nutcracker reached its pique, they pretty much granted her any wish she could’ve possibly had
at age four, a few nights after christmas, kaia and her parents were on their way home from dinner, taking a road that was pretty notorious for collecting black ice in the winter and got into a really bad accident, and this cost her both of her parents
so in her father’s will + due to a lack of any other eligible family members, kaia was left in the custody of her uncle ( dad’s younger brother ) and it was...disastrous, to say the least; daniel had pretty much resigned to a life of forever being a bachelor and fucking around and now he had a four year old niece that he was expected to raise???
her uncle was a trashbag with a few shreds of decency (driven by guilt) in him — he wasn’t going to dump her into the foster system but he sure as hell didn’t want anything to do with her ! so in true trashbag fashion, he just decided to completely neglect her, pretend like she wasn’t there and hope she’d get the hint, and it took her a while to figure this out?? kaia was a sweet kid who went from having a shit ton of affection and love to being ignored and treated like she was a nuisance, and it fucked w her head at four years old
she wound up raising herself; all her uncle was good for was giving her a place to live, making sure she had clothes on her back and food in her stomach, and putting on an act when people gave a second glance their way. the only time he really wanted anything to do with her was when he could benefit her somehow, like keep one of his girlfriends around ( they all found kaia adorable and daniel ‘admirable’ for stepping up ) or when it came to the $$, her parents had left her a little but daniel pretty much absorbed it and took it for himself, to throw more parties or buy booze or play sugar daddy to one of his hookups?? like i said, trashbag
kaia and her uncle were roommates at best, and that was pushing it — she struggled a lot with the neglect internally, and her way of coping was to push it down, push it down, suppress with a smiling face and act like all was well. daniel was enough of a decent person to let her continue with the dance lessons which she absolutely adored, dance was her Everything, and by the time she hit high school, she started teaching classes at the studio she learned at in order to make some $$ that daniel wouldn’t take for his own
the older she got, the more she’d fight back a little against daniel and they had their fair share of fights ( which usually ended in daniel saying something to shut her down entirely and she’d scramble away ) but even despite that, sHE NEVER GAVE UP HOPE ON HIM...?? like, kaia always gave him the benefit of the doubt even though he’d proved himself time and time again thAT HE DIDN’T DESERVE IT
to her it was v black and white, she didn’t understand why tf he wouldn’t just get over himself and be a Family ( daniel is Where she gets her stubbornness tbh ) but despite having a little resent towards him, kaia never ever stopped hoping that he’d wake up one day and they’d start being a family and she still hasn’t bc optimist in the highest degree
when it came to college, kaia knew if she didn’t get out of chicago she was literally going to be sick, there was just smth about the loneliness there that made her skin crawl ( she also hates the winter now so she had to get as far away from snow as possible lmao ) and so she was like “alright i need a college on the west coast and w my dance major”, found crawford, and it was Settled
you ain’t getting my gossip blog secret out of me *wink*
anyways, now that the tragic backstory has been #unlocked...onto kaia
she’s the sanguine, which basically means bitch is a ball of sunshine, which she is — there’s no such thing as a stranger in her world, she likes constantly being surrounded by people ( bc she gotta make up for being lonely all those childhood years, thanks a ton dAN ) and making new friends and going out, she just loves people and people usually love her, she knows how to reel them in and keep them by her side, girlie will do Anything
she flat-out refuses to see the bad in people, even if it is staring her in the face, and this is where her stubborn nature comes in to play?? you can’t tell her anything, once her mind is set on something there is no hope of ever talking her out of it, she’s got to come to her senses on her own and even then it’s usually too late or she diminishes the impact of it?? she’s rash and got bad tunnel vision so it’s p clear where disaster lies w her
has the unhealthiest coping mechanisms on the history of the planet, tbh; she thinks the cure to everything is putting a smile on and acting like it’s not a problem and while that works when one fails a test, it doesn’t work w everything and she’s just forced so much pain and depression and anger down that it is Bound to come right back up at some point, so basically homegirl is a ticking time bomb
kaia’s also a people pleaser, she’d literally give you a kidney if you asked, which makes it easy for people to manipulate her?? and she doesn’t always see when she’s being manipulated either?? and won’t always stand up for herself when she’s being treated unfairly??? she just likes keeping the peace if at all possible
blurs the line a lot between doing things because she can and doing things because she feels an obligation to so she doesn’t let anyone down
ever since her parents died, she doesn’t like to give anything a second-guess — if she wants to do something, then she’s doing it, because it may not come back around again or she may not have the chance to. is the Definition of living in the moment, which is nice in theory, but kaia is v bad at compartmentalizing so it’s easy for her to get off track or ofc do things that will come back to bite her
dance is life, i’m not even gonna go into detail on it bc this is long enough already and like.....it’s just her whole world, ok, moving along
she wants everyone to let her in but she very rarely returns the favor, which is why i gave her the reticent trait?? she doesn’t tell people about her parents or her uncle, doesn’t let people see that iceberg of emotions underneath the surface, she acts like if it doesn’t exist then it doesn’t as far as anyone’s concerned???
girl is one of the greatest friends you could ever have but is a piece of work when you think about it, tbh, so that being said come love us !
and if you read this far: the reason this STUPID vine is my ooc tag is bc i have an ex named kyle who is a piece of trash and that vine is a p accurate description of how i feel about him.....plus it just makes me laugh ok going now
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