𝓁𝒶 𝓅𝓊𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒
21 posts
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kxias · 8 years ago
Do you believe in extraterrestrial life?? 👀
“ yeah, absolutely. do i think they’re the little green martian men we’ve all conjured up to believe they are ? not really, but i mean, c’mon. we’re just plain ignorant if we really think we’re the only living things out there in the universe. the universe. ”
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kxias · 8 years ago
college is kicking!!! my!!! ass!!!!! honestly, how the HELL i’m still awake and moving is beyond me at the moment but here we are - i’m technically gonna be on hiatus for the next little bit solely because i need time to sleep in between all my fucking assignments ( like, i have TWO PAPERS DUE WEDNESDAY AT 8AM THAT GOT ASSIGNED TODAY, catch me ripping my hair out ) but if i’ve got any free time i’ll hop on and do replies / work on starters ( i have a few drafted closed ones i’ll hopefully be able to finish up for yall soon ) 
ily guys sm yall have no idea, this group is what motivates me to get thru the long ass school day and finish my work so yeah ily all endlessly
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kxias · 8 years ago
Have you ever kissed someone you shouldn't have?
“ not really, no ? i’m not much of a kisser, to be quite honest. “
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kxias · 8 years ago
have you ever broke someones heart?
“ not that i’m aware of, no. “
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kxias · 8 years ago
have you ever broke the law?
" yeah, 'course — drinking before twenty-one, going over the speed limit...the examples are endless. duh. ”
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kxias · 8 years ago
Send me asks n stuff and ill only be able to answer with "yes" or "no"
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kxias · 8 years ago
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      she already knows the answer before it leaves kaia’s plush lips, anticipation thrumming like electricity through her veins. she craves the P O W E R trip the blonde gives her, naive to the way marley’s hues eyes like a snake’s beady ones – its sight set on its next victim. her tone is over saccharine, leaving a sickening taste behind on her tongue. “ thank you so much, you’re L I T E R A L L Y a life saver. ” marley knows how to play the other, taking an interest in kaia’s life for the sole purpose of concealing her own that hangs by its seams. “ if the issue is M O N E Y, i’d be willing to pay for a manicure or two if it means you get to enjoy a bit of color for a while. ” marley offers, dangling her affluence in front of the other’s face temptingly – the favor unknowingly riddled with strings attached. as the two walk into the lavish house, marley nods her head. “ how lovely. i’m sure we’ll have a G R E A T time together. i’m rooming with bradley, so i hope he’s not one of those guys who take their time getting ready in the morning because i N E E D it. it takes time to look this good, ” she giggles, gesturing to her immaculate figure. “ & who do you have the privilege of living with ? ”
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           her feelings on marley have always been MIXED, in truth — some days are good, some days are...not so good, but it’s a new year, kaia reminds herself. it’s a new year, a new leaf, and as far as she’s concerned a slate the color of snow. perhaps things will be different. her shrug is nonchalant as she begins to make her way up towards the door. “oh, it’s no problem,” she replies, and she means this, too, selling it with as winning of a smile as she can muster up. kaia shakes her head quickly, tresses fanning out past her shoulders and spilling out down her back. “no, no, it’s not money; dance department policy states that if we paint our nails, it pretty much has to be clear polish. sucks, but it’s that or get passed on performances. thank you though, it’s sweet of you to offer. maybe on the off-season i’ll take you up on it?” she returns, almost feeling bad for having to gently take her down. she is so desperate to please marley, to have marley’s acceptance and FRIENDSHIP this year that she’s willing to make every step necessary in attaining it, and kaia feels as though every move she has made has been off beat thus far. she smiles, a small peal of laughter falling out of her lips at marley’s gesture. this is why she likes marley so much, a small part of her brain reminds her. marley is fun, marley makes her laugh, marley is a breed of company that can make kaia feel a little bit brighter than usual. “here’s to hoping he isn’t, then. i’m rooming with jed, i think? should be interesting, although i’m much more concerned about the whole 'what happens if he brings someone back to our room to sleep with’ ordeal than anything. it’ll be one hell of an awkward night, that’s for sure.”
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kxias · 8 years ago
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if this was any indication of how her year was going to go she was in for one hell of a school year. adelaide glanced around, letting out a heavy sigh. ‘i should probably get up, right about now’ the thought stirring about in her head … she was sure people were looking at her, wondering why she had yet to get up off the ground. a part of her had wished she’d picked her self up and ran off towards the house when a familiar voice came from a short distance away. the blonde wasn’t quite sure whether she was happy to hear the girl or not but there was no way she was about to go all regina george on her fellow blonde. after all she did enjoy the other’s company just not the odd sensation he got at the pit of her stomach when she was around. “i’m okay, i mean i’m sure i’ll wake up with a bruise somewhere in the morning but other than that, i think i’ll live.” a breathy giggle slipping past her relaxed lips as she finally decided to bring herself back onto her feet, with the help of kaia. “thank you,” a smile making its debut on her features. “i figured i underpacked last year so overpacking was the way to go this year?” seeing as last year she was forced to go out and buy necessities she’d forgotten all the way back home. this time around she refused to forget a single thing. it was easy to say it was likely she’d brought far too many things this year. “maybe next year i’ll find a beautiful inbetween…” the blonde shrugged as her eyes darted towards the female beside her. “how was your summer, k?”
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"year’s barely started and you’re already trying to tap out, huh,” kaia teased as she helped pull addie off the ground, reaching over and brushing some dirt off one of her sleeves. “we like having you in one piece, y’know.” her eyes flitted over to the stack of luggage that had gone down with her fellow blonde, swinging her dance bag higher up on her bag as she grabbed one of the handles on her suitcases. kaia nodded in agreement, beginning to walk in the direction of the house. “understandable, although i’m sure your back isn’t thanking you any for lugging all this stuff along. that’s the way to think; now that you’ve gone off both ends of the spectrum, you know just what it’s gonna take to get the just-right goldilocks outcome,” she offered optimistically. incredibly detail-oriented herself, packing was always a feat in kaia’s realm — there simply was no such thing as just shoving things into a bag and moving along. she had two entirely different packing lists ever since she’d shown up for freshman year probably a little too prepared for the start of a new chapter, and it typically worked out alright for her. being in the house was going to be a far cry from dorm life, or even living with her sorority, but it was a new adventure and she had her hopes rather high. her eyes cast down towards her feet at the mention of her summer, shoulders rolling in a nonchalant shrug. “oh, it was alright,” she replied. “counted down the days until move-in, if we’re being honest. summer’s not exactly my favorite time of the year. what about you, though, ads? do anything exciting?” 
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kxias · 8 years ago
i promise starters will be coming super soon, it turns out that college is literally out for my blood and wants me Dead and i’ve just not had the time to give all of u the quality content u deserve so pls forgive me okay 
i’m gonna go pass out now because the hair dye is seeping into my brain, i’m sure, but i’ll be on mobile lurking and replying to plot msgs that went unseen (i’m garbage)
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kxias · 8 years ago
( ✩ * º — ┋@kxias !
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‘ is it just me, or is this place sort of TERRIFYING ? ’ she said, looking to kaia. the house was luxurious to say the least. after spending the last three years ( and her entire life, really ) in rooms the size of a shoebox and sustaining herself off of a single shared, tiny bathroom, luna wasn’t entirely certain of how to handle the new amenities handed to her. ‘ i mean, it’s cool and all, but it seems almost too good to be true. ’ luna flopped back onto her bed ( her own bed, in her very own room ! ) only for a moment before sitting back up. ‘ it feels like we’re in some fucking nightmare right now — the good part, before it gets real scary and catches everyone off guard, y’know ? after spending the summer — and basically my entire life — sharing a room with my sister, having my own room just doesn’t feel right. ’ being alone with kaia, after spending the majority of her day acquainting herself with new faces in a new house, felt almost therapeutic, though it was still difficult to ignore the noise outside. 
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“no, it’s definitely borderline terrifying,” kaia chimed in, sprawled out across luna’s bed and staring at the ceiling. luna certainly had been handed the better hand of cards in this deal, by far — having her OWN room sounded like a luxury that seemed nearly unattainable after the last three years of living on campus and kaia was already beginning to plot on ways she could wriggle herself in at dark and sleep on the floor. she had nothing against her roommate, but it didn’t compare to luna’s setup by any means. she hummed quietly in agreement, glancing over at her friend as her lips started to curl in a smile, turquoise eyes housing a mischievous glint in them. “what if this is all just some plot? i mean, you said it yourself, just saying it sounds too good to be true. although, i guess it’s only too good to be true for you leaders; the rest of us didn’t get anything outside of the ordinary.” just being within luna’s company was like a breath of fresh air, and it always had been, ever since she’d met her. lying across her bed and worrying over whether or not luna’s solo room was indeed a trap was probably the only indication of homeliness she’d felt since she’d stepped through the doors of the new house. “but this is a new adventure, right?? it could turn out to be exciting, best thing to ever happen in our college careers, the annoying story that always gets repeated at get-togethers.”
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kxias · 8 years ago
hi babies ! it’s been a long long day but i’ll have a little more time on me tomorrow (thank god for only one class) so with that being said, make the little heart on this post red if you want a closed starter from me and kaia !
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kxias · 8 years ago
Kindness is often mistaken for softness and let me tell you, friends….that is a mistake you don’t want to make. 
Kind people are not born that way, they do not stumble into it, kind people are forged in fire and darkness and imploding stars…they have steel cores. Throw a punch and you’re going to break your hand. 
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kxias · 8 years ago
“Yes mom, i’ll be fine.” A smile, forced as per usual, gracing the porcelain face just moments before giving her mother a peck on the cheek. Taking a step back, onto the curb, she hoped the equally as blonde women would drive off into the distance to find her way back to the airport to get on the next plane back to Alabama but alas she did not. Instead deciding to remind Adelaide of the importance of her succeeding this semester, as if the younger blonde had not been told that for numerous pre-semesters in her life time. To her mother every semester was important, life altering even. “Mom, you know how important this is to me…” this being her education. She’d hoped her mother had known how important this was to her because in all reality she’d lost sight of how important it truly was too her and if it was even all that important to her to begin with? She did know that her mother’s as well as father’s pride in her was important to her and that alone was enough for her to put forth her absolute best when it came to her academic career and refrain from questioning the matter all that much.  “I have to go get settled in. I will call you and dad tonight, i promise.” Turning on her heels, the smile the blonde wore had nearly dissipated into mere existence. The look in her eyes going dead for a moment in time until she’d remembered she wasn’t alone, but instead surrounded by her peers. All preparing themselves for the semester that was soon to begin. A deep breath escaped the females parted lips as she started down the sidewalk, a suitcase in each hand, each balancing two rather large duffel bags on top. How she’d managed to balancing one on top of the other was a mystery to Adelaide herself. Maybe she’d been lost in her thoughts, a usual occurrence for Adelaide or maybe she’d just neglected to pay much attention to her surroundings but before she could quite pick up what was happening she’d dropped to the ground, luggage dropping to the dirt paved sidewalk along with her. “Welcome back to Crawford,” she mumbles to herself, a small smile appearing on her face for a brief moment. If she hadn’t laughed at what had just happened it was likely she would cry, so this was the better of the two options.
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kaia had spent most of the day unloading her boxes and getting things settled on her end of the room, and the very moment her roommate had materialized in the door frame of their room, she was quick to scurry out of their hair and give them some space. living in a house packed to what she was sure was within an inch of breaking every fire marshal regulation meant that any fresh air available within their four walls would dwindle down rapidly to the point of her going a little stir-crazy, and she was a little foolish not to take advantage of the nice day and the last little drops of sand before the time left for procrastination ran out were still circling the drain. she’d done a lap or two around campus, scoping out the swarms of people beginning to move in a few times over. another year under the belt, another mass chaos of adjusting back to a routine. truthfully, she enjoyed the vibes from the first week of school — crawford was undoubtedly her safe and happy place, and there was nothing more reassuring in her mind than being back on a campus where she truly felt at home. she’d almost been run over by a freshman with a cart when her mind rerouted, a kind reminder that she’d left one of her dance bags in her car. kaia’d made her way where she’d parked, fetching the duffel bag from her backseat and closing the door with her hip. no sooner had she turned around, hoisting the bag over her shoulder did she see someone down the sidewalk a ways lose their balance, both them and their luggage toppling over. true to character, the first instinct was to help. the closer she she got, all she needed was a quick glimpse of flaxen blonde hair for the lower part of her stomach to begin twisting in a series of intricate and tightly wound knots as she realized who exactly she was dealing with. addie. “god, ads, you alright?” kaia asked, jogging over to her side and offering her a hand back up. a soft smile curled the edges of her lips. “let me help you with some of your stuff, babe; you’ve got a whole lot of luggage for you to be handling it all by yourself.”
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kxias · 8 years ago
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      jutting her painted, bottom lip out in the B E S T possible pout she can muster, marley reaches a hand out to grab the attention of the nearest person. “ excuse me, ” she says with a soft sigh, leaning up against the side of her pristine, white mercedes. “ would you mind helping me out ? i made the S I L L Y mistake of getting a manicure this morning & i would hate to ruin such a masterpiece. ” her gaze drifts to her nails, painted a pale rose to match the soft satin of her mini dress. the manicure, however, is far from accidental – a necessary step to ensure marley wouldn’t have to do any heavy lifting. “ i’m afraid if i try to lift one of these boxes, i might chip a nail. & they put me on the S E C O N D floor – it’s just not fair really. besides, ” she simpers, running her hand up & down the others arm in an attempt to flatter them, “ you look like you’re a lot S T R O N G E R than i am. you’d be rescuing me from distress. ”
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             she’s only just finished up moving the last of her own things into the house when she feels someone reach out for her and tugging her to attention, and kaia’s unsure whether she’s a little stunned, happy, or entirely indifferent towards seeing marley. carding a hand back through her hair and honey-blonde threads spreading between the gaps of her fingers, she gives a one-shouldered shrug, candied smile flossing its way over her lips. “yeah, i can,” kaia replies, the gentle lilt of her voice seemingly deciding for her how she feels about this. she reaches for a box, hoisting it up into her arms as turquoise eyes glance back in marley’s direction. “i don’t blame you; must be nice to be able to have a manicure with a color other than clear,” is her edging wistful mutter as she glances at her own nails — trimmed short and painted clear per request of her professors. she falls quiet for a split second, only piping back up again at the sound of something that appears a promising conversation starter. “oh, i’m on the second floor, too. d’you know who you’re rooming with yet?”
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kxias · 8 years ago
...so, after 12 hours of fucking exhaustion, i am here and just ready to write and get my mind off things w you guys love yall sm
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kxias · 8 years ago
i legit wanna Die because i have an 8am class tomorrow and this whole summer the earliest i’d go to bed was like, 2?? so i am in for a rude ass awakening, lemme tell ya ! i’m probably gonna hop off here in a few to go watch the bold type and then force myself to go to sleep since i have class from 8-4, yay life, but i finally got my WANTED CONNECTION page up and running so if we haven’t plotted yet, feel free to go check that out and hmu?? i may or may not be around for opening tomorrow (bc again, Class) but if i’m not know i love all of u 
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kxias · 8 years ago
things i like
filled up journals with neat handwriting
scratchy looking art
passionate eye contact
fancy flavors of tea
not-cracked-at-all phone screens
fuzzy blankets and warm drinks
old art in new homes
unique and interesting people
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