#and doesnt give a shit about the deadly six at all and likes rough and tumble but always forgets they exist)
sonknuxadow · 7 months
i kind of want to read stc because ive never read it before but i also never finished the sonic x comics but i also kind of want to re read at least part of archie because certain sections of it are just a huge blur to me because of the fact that i read the entire series including spinoffs and side comics over the course of like . 2 months tops. so many choices so many sonic comics to read .
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greasersgyatt · 4 months
THE BLACK PHONE⁉️ *slams credit card in the table*
Could you do some headcanons for the six boys, please? 🙏
{so sorry its so shit🥲}
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Finney Blake Headcanons:
- Definitely has ticklish palms and knees which Robin would take advantage of in class
- loves cheer up tickles even if he didnt wanna admit it
- gets embarrassed by the word tickle which robin and Gwen would tease him with (especially near Donna)
- he acts as if he isnt ticklish since his sides arent really that ticklish and that’s usually the first place people check (but if they try his hips or the back of his neck, hes a goner.)
- when his hair gets too long at the back, it tickles his neck randomly and it makes him quietly squeal
- gets into tickle fights with robin all the time
- thr first time Robin found out Finney was ticklish, robin was cleaning up Finneys bruises on his knees.. it didnt go well
- such a squirmer
- finney is such a sweet tickler
- he knows when to stop
- he loves to start with very soft tickles along his lee’s skin
- raspberries are his favourite things to do
- tries to tease his lee but can barely say the word tickle
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Robin Arellano headcanons:
- very ticklish ribs, especially on his back.
- loud laugh, even sometimes snorts (gets embarrassed by it)
- tries to act tough by trying not to react but it doesnt last long.
- sensitive thighs, armpits and feet
- teases the fuck out of his lee’s
- “oh, it tickles doesnt it?”
- wrestles his lee’s to the ground, pinning them
- always starts with rough tickles, right in the most ticklish spot of the lee
- uses baby talk and is oddly good at it
- likes whispering in their ears, blowing air gently on their ear and neck to make them squirm
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Vance Hopper Headcanons:
- just like robin, he has very ticklish ribs. It drives him insane.
- also, very ticklish neck
- because of his tough act, he can handle being tickled pretty well. He can take it for a certain amount of time before he breaks
- high pitch squeals.
- curses you out when you tickle him
- usually acts annoyed after getting tickled even though he enjoyed it
- lowkey enjoys soft tickles (since he can handle them without laughing)
- raspy ass laugh
- the most meanest, teaser.
- he wont stop until you are literally crying
- holds you down tightly, tickling you everywhere
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Bruce Yamada Headcanons:
- definitely a deadly ticklish tummy and armpits.
- he cant handle tickling, hes too ticklish
- he’ll start laughing before you can even touch him
- just like finney, he cant say the t word without getting all embarrassed
- slightly loud laugh
- wheezes
- genuinely open about not minding tickles
- teases you (but in such a nice way)
- uses baby talk
- cheer up tickles are his thing
- LOVES blowing raspberries and hearing his lee squealing
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Billy Showaltee Headcanons:
- most ticklish tummy
- raspberries kill him
- probably a silent laugh or slightly high pitched laughter
- ticklish ass feet and shoulder blades
- such a squirmer
- he does not go easy..
- bro will tease the shit out of you by wiggling his fingers in the air for ages before actually tickling you
- loves randomly poking his friends
- loves when he has a lee pinned down and acting clueless as he tickles them
- “why are you laughing? Im not doing anything!”
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Griffin Stagg headcanons:
- hes mostly ticklish just under his ribs and his hips
- his laugh is quiet giggles
- begs to stop after 10 seconds
- loves whispering the t word into the lee’s ear
- gives rough tickles
- starts off slow before he digs his fingers into your skin
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shinycorvidae · 3 years
Head Cannon Dump Part 4 of 6
The two Vs, NV/Vic/V Part 1: Physicality and Personality
-NV is Vic, my V, a nomad
-Hiro or SKV, her roommate, then friend, then lover, Street kid background (vaguely), hes @smilepal s
She's 28, at game start
Half Cuban, half white and has lived in a desert for most of her life so she has warm brown tanned skin. Warm yellow/brown eyes which can look piercingly through you or soft and understanding depending on her mood.
Her hair is a blue color with a tinge of green. It was supposed to be a forest green but her sister grabbed the wrong bottle of perma-dye when they broke into the local ripperdoc's clinic to dye their hair.
Her lips are also permanently colored. She likens it to war paint but she doesn't want the hassle of applying it/worrying about it rubbing off.
Ex-nomad, sleeps like the dead anywhere because she's used to having people around to watch her back
Her bones crack like fucking glow sticks.
-Johnny: how are your bones in worse condition than mine were?? I was in my 30s?
-Vic *just finger guns*
Vic sleeps like an idiot, all contorted and sideways
-Hiro tries to push her back into a normal situation so she doesn’t wake up with her back hurting more than usual.
Has a snake tattoo snaking around her chest for Viper, got it with funds from the first mission with Jackie. She also has a devils head and Chippin' In lyrics on her back from her teen years.
V really didnt want to admit to Johnny that she was a samurai fan so she goes out of her way to not look at her back while hes in her head. "Who? Is that some bushido reenactment shit?"
This goes well until Johnny has control of her body and goes to the bathroom to check on her ribs, thinking he broke them.
-J: "I know, Vic."
-Nv: "What?"
-J: I know about your secret."
-Nv: "Ehehe secret? Wha-"
-Nv: "oh fu-"
She has a pair of mantis blades, which are basically a safety blanket for her, weapons that can't ever be taken away so she's never helpless. So when she's nervous/feeling helpless she runs her fingers over the seam of them.
They’re her weapon of last resort though so if you find her at home cleaning the blood off them, you know a mission went fucking sideways
They were her dad, Michael's, which he got from the army so they're military issue high end suckers. Also around 50 years old lmao.
They make Vik weep because finding replacement parts is impossible
V only smokes the occasional joint and gets drunk once in a blue moon. She's managed to avoid smoking completely and is pissed that Johnny tried to sabotage that.
“She gives him the occasional cigarettes "as a treat"
"Aww Johnny you were actually a decent human being, here have a cigarette"
"I'm not a fucking cat V"
"Just say thank you, Dickhead"
"Fuck off"
"Love you too"
Has a bullet wound scar on her thigh which is covered up with a simple black band tattoo. Her only other significant scars are some on her chest from a motorcycle crash as a 16 year old. She's always had decent access to a ripper doc so while she's been injured a lot, she doesn't have many scars
V is a sweetheart. She honestly believes the best of everyone. She grew up in a nomad community where everyone worked together for the good of everyone, and kind of expects the same of everyone in night city.
She continues to trust people blindly, despite being burned a couple times. She has faith in herself to be able to fight her way out of a bad situation should she get backstabbed, so shed rather bet on people being generally good.
Life can be rough in the badlands. Resources are scarce. Vic learned how to conserve resources from a young age. Shes frugal with her money, hoards anything that might be useful, and is really into reusing/recycling things. Shes brought Hiro cyberware she pulled out of dead bodies and is generally handing with mechanical fixes.
This also applies to food. When youve had days were literally the only thing you had to eat that day were some dusty grasshoppers you managed to forage, your standards for food fall drastically.
This drives Hiro and Johnny nuts who often have to stop her from eating random/possibly poisoned food.
The fact that shes a blindly trusting person just amplifies this.
*V walking in with a plate of cookies*
"..whats that V?"
-Nv: "Oh hey, the neighbor gave me these cookies! Want some?"
*Johnny and Hiro who both know you shouldn't accept random food from strangers in Night City, immediately disposing of them.*
-Nv: "What a waste of food :("
-J: "How did you live before us?!"
-H: "Jackie. It was definitely Jackie, the Saint."
-...Not very long later,
"we see you V, don't eat those out of the bin"
-Nv:" :("
She's very secure in her sexuality, a naturally attractive and sexual person. Her clan had very little sexual stigma at all, its hard to have any shame over sex when there's only tents without soundproof walls. Her whole clan was definitely also very into free love/poly/open relationships, to the point were most kids didn't know who their parents were and were raised communally. Having sex was just a platonic thing that just sort of happened.
-Nv: “It’s hard to get all embarrassed about privacy when you grew up in a place with only tent walls. It’s just sex.
-SKv: “V, you blush and get tongue-tied whenever the hot neighbor even vaguely looks your way.
-NV: “WELL I didn’t normally have to ASK for sex, it just kinda happened and flirting is HARD, AND YOU NIGHT CITY RESIDENTS ARE ALL SNEAKY ABOUT IT”
Shes used to having sex with her platonic friends, her first couple of one night stands in NC were just an absolute mess--then she tried to sleep with Jackie which went predictably well.
-NV: “Do you want to have sex?”
-Jackie: *Chokes on his tequila. “What?! I’m with Misty??”
-NV: “...and?”
-Jackie: “I mean...I mean you never gave any signs?!
-NV: “Signs??”
-Jackie: “Hermana, most people in NC don’t just sleep with their friends. I mean. They do. But they don’t. It’s complicated.”
-NV: “Obviously.”
Considering that, V is. HORRID. at flirting in Night City. She's never really had to do that kind of verbal dance before and a lot of come on/innuendo goes over her head. She also has zero body shame and often walks around their apartment naked and will change nonchalantly in public.
-Nv: *Noticing people staring at her at the club and going into work mode*
-Hiro: *Noticing Nv counting the exits*
"what's wrong?"
-Nv: "That man's staring at me. Maybe he's Arasaka."
-Hiro: "He's staring at your ass, V."
-Nv: "Oh."
Definitely has the occasional “why the fuck didn’t you just say so?!” moments with the boys
*Cue SKv trying to be seductive all day, dropping things and bending over to get them all slow, changing in the living room/working out shirtless, ect. Nv is appreciative but she doesn’t really do anything, and by the end of the day*
-SKv: “For the love of god JUST FUCK ME ALREADY”
-Nv: “What? Alright, geeze all you had to do was ask.”
As trusting as V is, she's an amazing soldier. Her ex military father has been training her to kill people and protect their clan since she was six. She killed her first human at 9 years old.
Due to this while she is a friendly, happy person when she's in a fight or during a mission, she becomes a cold and calculated person, all emotion wiping from her face. She makes quick, decisive decisions, cutting her enemies down at the knees before they have a chance to fight back.
She's a brutal shot with her sniper rifle, knows her way around precision rifle and is deadly with knives both as a close range and throwing weapon.
Vic has a tactical brain/training and is always planning. Its instinct by now. Planning the exits to a room, the quickest way to take down any possible assailants, an enemys open weak points. She takes pride in her skills as a soldier as she sees it as her way of protecting/providing for her family.
As outgoing a person she is she sometimes goes too far when in 'work mode' and needs Hiro to be her moral compass/pull her back.
Her ways of tackling missions is finding a snipers nest and waiting patiently until the perfect moment presents itself, no longer how long that takes. Plus a healthy dose of stealth and pinpoint accuracy.
It takes a lot to push her to revenge but if you threaten her family, she will pick you, your backup, adult (v doesnt touch kids.) family and resources apart methodically, patiently and brutally until your the last one standing. Then she will let you stew, waiting for her final shot. It could come immediately, a week later or even a month
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