#and did things to Nemi and I
nuwildcat · 1 year
WIP Wednesday Public Claiming
*clears throat* I may have stumbled across the Public Claiming tag in Ao3 while tagging for another fic and gone running back to @luckydragon10 with it in my grubby little paws. What resulted was two feverish writers scrambling to get the ideas out of their heads and onto virtual paper. IF YOU HAVEN’T READ IT GO CHECK OUT ASCENSION on Ao3. Nemi crushed this prompt. I am still working on my version, but I’m giving you all a little teaser now.
Welcome to the historical AU with war prize!Porsche fic that wasn’t supposed to happen...
Kinn stares down at the man pinned beneath him, who pauses for barely a moment before he’s squirming to get out from under Kinn. No, that won’t do. Kinn uses his larger frame to pin Porsche in place, seating himself above svelte hips and grabbing ahold of first one wrist and then the other.
Porsche glares up at him, fury written all over his face. Earlier he’d moved like a leopard, swift and sure; now he looks more like a disgruntled kitten. The thought pulls a grin across Kinn’s face and makes Porsche hiss, “What?”
Kinn leans down, pressing into Porsche’s wrists and feeling the other man’s hands twitch. “I believe this means I’ve won. Again.”
Porsche scoffs, turning his face away and showing Kinn his sharp jaw and vulnerable neck. It would be easy, so easy to lean down and lick that sweaty sun-kissed skin. Kinn’s eyes track a droplet as it slides down Porsche’s long throat. The bravado from a second ago is completely missing from Porsche now. He’s frozen in place, staring at Kinn from the corner of his eye.
“What do I get as my reward?” Kinn says lowly, letting the words hum in his chest. The moment stretches between them, the tension sticky and thick. Porsche is a temptation laid out like this, Kinn’s for the taking, but he will not make a move without the other man’s concession. Kinn had not been lying that first night. He beds men who want to slip between his sheets, not those that are there reluctantly or out of duty.
Porsche’s eyelids slip to half-mast, long lashes alluring as though there are hidden desires in Porsche’s eyes if Kinn can pry them out of him. Between one blink and the next Kinn is imagining Porsche splayed out in his silk sheets. His night robe slipping from one shoulder. It's red and embroidered with golden dragons. Desire curls low in his abdomen at the vision.
“What does his highness desire?” Porsche asks, voice smokey and sweet in a way Kinn has never heard before.
This, Kinn wants this. He wants this beautiful man yielding to him. He wants Porsche flushed and panting from taking his cock. He wants to know what Porsche sounds, and tastes, and feels like. The desire grows inside him like an insatiable beast.
“What will you give me?” Kinn murmurs back.
That gets Porsche to pause; it almost seems to shock him. Porsche doesn’t expect Kinn to care what he wants, and that is what makes Kinn move back instead of taking those tempting lips. He watches them morph into a pout and can’t resist the need to brush a thumb over them, feeling Porsche’s breath ghost across his skin.
“When you have an answer to that question, darling, you know where to find me.” Kinn stands leaving Porsche sprawled on the ground as he collects his clothes and sword. “Don’t leave me waiting for long,” he tosses over his shoulder as he leaves the glade.
It’s Porsche’s move now. Kinn has laid the bait; all he has to do is wait.
ALSO! Tomorrow Chapter 11 of Silvered Perceptions comes out, so keep an eye out for that. If you need to catch up before hand you can find it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44397949/chapters/111665977
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brutal-nemesis · 10 months
Feel free to ignore this and im sorry if i word it poorly, but I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious and want to learn as I don't know any aroace people in real life! You said you have a boyfriend, but you don't feel romantic attraction. How does that change having a friend vs having a boyfriend?
No worries I'm happy to talk about it!! This might get kinda rambly but oh well shove it under readmore so i can talk forever
So I think for my boyfriend, I think it's just like more intense platonic feelings? The sorts of things I want to do with him are things I would be fine doing with someone else, if that makes sense. Cuz a lot of aromantics/aro-adjacent people struggle with telling the difference between romantic and platonic attraction, myself included. At some point I defined romantic as wanting to do certain things with Them and Only Them, while platonic is like I would prefer to do xyz thing with them but if I did it with someone else it wouldn't be weird. "Doing things" in this case ranges from eating a meal together to cuddling (for me things don't go beyond that physically). Idk if I explained it well enough but that's the definition I use for myself.
So like I still love him and care about him a lot and everything but it's not quite the same way he loves me (he's straight). I at least can sense a sort of difference in how we feel about each other, idk if he can, but it makes me more certain that my feelings for him aren't romantic, and that is okay. He's known I'm aroace since before we started dating (he was super scared to ask me out because of it rip bozo) so we've always been on the same page about all of that.
And you're probably wondering why I did agree to go out with him if I don't have romantic feelings for him. For starters, I've never been opposed to the idea of having a partner, but it was more of a "if it happens great and if not that's fine too" kinda vibe. In the months before we started dating we'd gotten really close as friends and did some cuddling because that shit can totally be platonic yk. He caught feelings somewhere along the way cuz Straight and when he asked I said yes cuz I do want to be with him. I wanna hang out all the time and go for hikes and watch Ghost Files and make dinner together and let him have some of my ice cream.
I could do those things with someone else and still have fun, but I'd rather do them with him. So it's platonic, in my eyes, but it's still very much love.
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stxrmnight · 9 months
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Brick and Mortar ohhhhhh
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nemiisnemisis · 3 months
does anyone have that moment when theyre feeling like shit for no discernible reason yet also absolutely refuse to reach out to others because theyre just sorta used to it?
yea me too :D
0 notes
yoditopascal · 3 months
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“I made it, I'm home.”
Four times Sanemi wants you to use his first name and the one time you do.
pairings: shinazugawa sanemi x fem! reader
warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort, slight angst, sanemi is bad at feelings and communication, slight sanemi/giyu if you squint
a/n: first sequel is up! My Nemi is 18+ so minors DNI
The first time Sanemi crossed paths with you was the day you were introduced to him.
He’d recently become the Wind Hashira and you were requesting to become a tsugoku.
They were all gathered for a hashira meeting to discuss the next training procedures for the lower ranking slayers. As time drew on, Shinazugawa found himself mentally thankful as the meeting drew to an end.
“Before we draw this to close, I’d like to bring one last thing to attention.” Oyakata-sama paused before continuing as you stood behind him head bowed in respect as he spoke
“I’m sure you’ve heard of a demon slayer who has been performing above expectations,” Oyakata-sama said gently. “She’s an exceptional swordswoman and has been recommended by Tomioka-san.”
The training grounds remained silent as the nine hashira waited for their master to continue.
“After some thought, I have reached the conclusion ….” Oyakata-sama smiled. “I’m assigning her to one of you as a tsuguko.”
“Shinazugawa-san,” he offered Sanemi a kind smile. “Since you both trained under the same master I think she would be best in your care.”
“Not interested.”
“Maybe Tomioka-san would be interested then since he-“
That got his blood boiling.
If he didn’t want to do it, why the hell should Tomioka be the one to replace him?
“With all due respect sir,” he said, Tomioka’s head tilts in his peripheral. Sanemi’s index finger plays with the hilt of his sword. “I don’t think Tomioka can cut it.”
“Why does it matter to you Shinazugawa? You already said you weren’t interested.” Uzui raised a brow at him, a hint of teasing behind his words. Obanai nodded his head in agreement in the background.
“It's because I doubt she can handle my training.”
“I’d like to prove myself to you if you’d let me Shinazugawa-sama, '' you said, stepping forward. You were significantly shorter than him, probably around Obanai’s height.
“Cut the -sama bullshit.” He fired back, also stepping forward. He practically towered over you at this point. You were cute he had to admit albeit a little annoying.
You had to admit from your distance you thought he was attractive too. His lilac eyes and fluffy white hair were striking, his scars added a liveliness to his features that you also liked and don’t get you started on his muscles that he proudly had on display.
“Fine then if you think you can keep up with me I’ll take you.” He said snapping you from your thoughts.
“Very well, then.” Oyakata-sama said, pleased. “She will continue training from here on as Shinazugawa’s tsuguko.”
“I can’t wait to work together, I’ve heard so much about you from Giyu-san!”
Why the hell were you already on a first name basis with him?
“It’s Tomioka to you brat.”
“My apologies I didn’t mean to-“
“Don’t let it happen again.”
The remaining hashira grinned teasingly in the background, at the commotion. For someone who had claimed to hate Tomioka’s guts he sure was defensive about the first name thing.
But that wasn’t it at all.
Did he just take on an apprentice because he didn’t want Giyu to have you?
Yes, yes he did.
Did he also correct you just because he didn’t want Giyu to have the satisfaction of being on a first name basis with you?
Of course he did.
He was Sanemi Shinazugawa after all and he had a reputation to uphold.
He had no idea how you two had even met each other with your breathing styles being so different and all or why the hell you two seemed so close to begin with but if you were to train under him he had to squash that in the butt right here and now.
Sanemi was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that the meeting had officially ended. As the hashira began filing out of the courtyard you approached him startling him from his inner monologue.
“Are we ready to begin training Shinazugawa-sama?” You asked
“What the hell did I tell you about that honorific shit?” He groaned.
“Fine then how about Shinazugawa-sensei?” You replied cheekily
Knowing that he wasn’t getting through to you he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He decided then that he doesn’t like being called Shinazugawa by you.
The second time
“Fuck off.” He rasped. You had just reached the inn you were staying at when you noticed him wincing.
“You’re hurt.” You mumbled, noticing the blood dripping onto the floor beneath him.
“‘m fine,” He shook his head, but the state of him said otherwise.
The blood around the wound had already started to congeal, sticking to his skin and clothes. He was starting to go dizzy from the blood loss.
“No, you’re not,” You frowned
“I told you I’m fine.”
“If you’re as fine as you say, then you won’t mind me taking a look.” You persisted with a grunt he submitted to you and your examination
You were looking at the cut now, nose wrinkled as you assessed the damage.
“Well the good news is you’ll live.”
“Oh joy.”
“The bad news is this’ll probably scar up pretty bad” you said standing to gather the necessary medical supplies before returning to his side. You two had foregone bring Kakushi with you this time as you weren’t that far from the butterfly mansion.
“Let me bandage it up so it doesn’t become infected.”
Wringing a rag out, you forced Sanemi to sit as you began to dab at the wound cleaning it, little sparks of pain ate away at him at each stroke of the cloth, his muscles tensing under your delicate touch.
“Sorry sensei, I’ll get this done as fast as I can.”
Again, there it was.
“I told you to drop the formalities.”
You pulled the clean bandages tight as you began to wrap his torso with a small uneasy chuckle.
“Force of habit.”
You were warm and he could smell the soothing scent of you with how close you were to him, the proximity was getting unbearable, a knot was beginning to form in the pit of his stomach.
As your fingers gently brushed against his chest with such tenderness he wasn’t used to since Kanae, Sanemi felt a jolt of electricity in his chest.
What the hell was that?
“There, that should do it.” You smiled to yourself admiring your handiwork as you placed a hand on his shoulder.
“We’ll get Kocho-san to take a better look at it when we return tomorrow.”
“Whatever.” He brushed you off but all you did was smile your same smile at him.
Realizing the close proximity he felt another pang in his chest as his cheeks began to dust pink.
Was he developing a heart condition? He’d have to ask Shinobu about that the next time he saw her.
Easing up from his place on the ground he stood with his back to you hiding his flustered expression.
“Get some sleep. We’re leaving early in the morning.”
“Shouldn’t I be telling you that?” You teased.
“Just shut up and get some rest.”
The third time
Sanemi pulled off your haori and tied it to your torso trying to staunch the bleeding. The feeling of the warm, sticky blood dripped down your side as you approached the Butterfly estate.
He could feel the warmth from your blood soaking through your uniform, staining his own.
Shinobu, who had been tending to the grounds outside rushed to his side at the sight of you and ushered him to bring you inside. It was hard to separate him from you, he was holding on so tightly, his grip almost like an iron vise.
A strong hand on his shoulder pulled him out of his thoughts and got him to loosen his grip. He looked to see it was Rengoku who had also just come back from a mission and was having his own injuries tended to. “Kocho’s got this Shinazugawa.”
"Don't worry, I’m sure she’ll be fine."
He didn’t know that, how could he?
“You don’t know shit.”
“I know that she’s in good hands here. The same hands that treat you and all the other Hashira when we need it most.” Rengoku said, placing a hand on Sanemi’s shoulder which he shrugged off immediately. “So just try to keep a clear head Shinazugawa.”
“Don’t fucking tell me what to do.” Sanemi said, storming off in the direction they took you, feeling more irritated than he was before speaking with the Flame Pillar.
It had all happened so fast.
Both you and Sanemi had been chasing after a demon who had been kidnapping and eating children. The absolute worst of the worst.
You were losing your temper and fighting brash, something he’d never seen from you before but not something he was new to entirely.
Just like Masachika.
You were so blinded by rage over the fact that the victims were children that you could barely hear him as he directed you to coordinate your attacks.
The last thing he remembers is going in for the killing strike when suddenly the demon throws a kid at him, a little girl. He stops his attack mid swing to catch her but in doing so he leaves himself wide open to the demon.
Fucking idiot! He thought as he tried to move out of range in time, before the demon could sink her claws into him he felt a hard push and the next thing he saw was red.
It was your blood. Dripping onto the ground forming a dark red puddle around your feet.
When had you gotten there?
You had pushed him out of the way at the last second and had taken the brunt of the attack, your side torn almost clean open.
The smell of copper fills his nose completely and he almost chokes on it.
“Shinazugawa.” Shinobu started firmly sitting at a desk chair snapping him from his thoughts. She had just finished stitching you up and had sent Aoi and the others to get you situated in a bed after you had passed out. “If you need to talk…”
“I don't need to fucking talk,” he said pacing grooves into the the wooden flooring of the hall of the Butterfly estate. “She was a fool for jumping in like that.”
“I know you’re worried about her but-“
“I’m not fucking worried!”
He was but he’d never tell Shinobu that.
His anger clouded his senses, sure he was worried but he was mad more than anything.
Who gave you the right to step in and put yourself on the line like that? For him of all people.
No. To Shinobu he wasn’t worried, he was pissed.
You’re met with the sight of a starch white ceiling as you came to, head pounding you slowly, sit up looking around the room, no one was occupying the other beds. Your body ached at even the slightest movement. For a moment, you thought you were completely alone until a familiar voice greets your ears.
“You finally awake?”
Sitting on a chair next to the bed was Sanemi, his arms crossed over his chest as he glared.
"How could you be so fucking stupid, you brat?"
“It’s okay Shinazugawa-san,” you sigh, “Kocho-san was able to patch me up.”
Shinazugawa-san. As if he wasn’t already irritated enough with you.
How annoying.
“Okay, my ass,” Sanemi grumbled, “and drop the -san.”
“You’re a Hashira sensei, your life is worth at least a hundred of mine.”
“You’re an even bigger moron than I thought if you really believe that shit!” Sanemi snapped “Don’t be so ready to throw your life away!”
“I guess I’m your dumbass then.” You mumble under your breath
“Nothing, don't mind me.” You said waving your hand in front of you as if to dissipate the tension in the air.
Silence filled the space between you two.
“I won’t let you die. Not for me.” Sanemi said somberly, refusing to look you in the eye.
“That’s the only way I’d like to go,” you sighed dreamily, only half jokingly.
“Don’t say dumbass shit like that.”
“You’ve made bigger sacrifices. Let someone else make them for you for a change.” You nodded contentedly at what you said. “You deserve to live a full life just as much as I do so let me help you live it to the fullest.”
You would have thought that was the end of your conversation if Sanemi hadn’t stood with such force it knocked his chair over from your bedside.
“Don’t gimme that bullshit!”
“You think you’re so high and mighty talking about sacrifices when you really don’t know shit about sacrificing anything!”
Before you could say anything more, he stormed out slamming the infirmary shoji doors behind him.
He was right, what right did you have to tell him of all people about sacrifice when you knew about his past?
Sanemi hadn’t told you much himself but when you asked Oyakata-sama about him he had reluctantly told you about Genya and his mother.
If anyone had known anything about sacrifice it’d be him.
Slowly getting up from your bed you found yourself leaning against the wall as you limped through the halls searching for your teacher.
The wind whipped through his white hair as he sat in the garden attempting to meditate. He had initially come out here to cool his head by slashing at the training dummies but when he saw other slayers out there training themselves he opted to go to the other side of the grounds just to have some alone time.
He hadn’t meant to snap at you like he did, gods know you weren't wrong no matter how much he hated to admit it, so why did it piss him off so much to hear you talking so easily about throwing your life away for him.
You deserve to live a full life just as much as I do so let me help you live it to the fullest.
You reminded him so much of Masachika it made his head ache.
The wind picks up once again carrying with it the smell of wisterias and…something else he couldn’t quite place.
It was almost like it was trying to tell him something, like he wasn’t alone.
Whipping around just as the sliding shoji doors open up, Sanemi jumped up and made it to you just in time to catch you as you slipped and fell out into the garden having lost your grip on the wall.
“Dumbass! What the hell are you doing up?!”
“I was looking for you!” You cried “I’m sorry Shinazugawa, you were right, I had no right to be so ignorant!” You tried to bow but the searing pain in your side said otherwise.
He tsked as he went to sit you down on the engawa. Setting himself beside you so you could lean on him if you needed to.
“You really aren’t that smart are ya?” He asked roughly trying to lighten the mood but the way it came out made him wince at the harshness.
Thankfully after months of training at his side you could tell when he was trying to lighten the mood, so you simply smiled and closed your eyes savoring his warmth. “No one’s ever accused me of being a genius.”
It was then that he realized you hadn’t called him sensei, or by any honorific. He was simply Shinazugawa.
Maybe he was finally getting something through that thick skull of yours.
The fourth time
When the two of you arrived at the swordsmith village you split off almost instantly Sanemi muttering to himself something about needing a drink. You were so excited at the promise of hot water on your aching muscles that you hadn’t thought to ask Sanemi if he planned to bathe too.
Which was how you two found yourselves in your predicament.
This was good. Way too good. The hot springs were perfect. From where he sat Sanemi could see the steam rising off from the clear water. The atmosphere around it is breathtaking, decorated with rocks, and lush plants. The scent of it was intoxicating.
He can already feel the relaxing effects of the mineral waters soaking into his bones as he sinks further in. Sanemi’s entire body felt overly warm, whether from the springs or the sake he drank earlier that evening he wasn’t sure.
Something like a splash echoed off in the distance and Sanemi turned toward the sound only to find you, sitting with your back to him, eyes closed as you groaned in pure bliss, the hot water easing your sore muscles.
“The hell are you doing here?!” He screamed jumping up to point at your naked form forgetting to cover himself up as he did so.
“Same as you Shinazugawa-san, taking a bath!” You smiled cheerfully “you’re naked by the way.”
You said averting your eyes from his very bare form.
He quickly sank back down into the water, cheeks turning a bright red before he rolled his eyes at you.
There it was again. If you said his last name like that one more time he swore he was going to-
But before he could finish that thought he caught a glimpse of your back, almost completely unmarred and blemish free save for the gnarly scar that twisted up your side and shoulder as you moved to grab your rag to wash yourself.
Sanemi had never seen your body so exposed before, he hadn’t meant to look, he swears he hadn’t but he just couldn’t tear his eyes away from you.
That was my fault.
“It’s not your fault.” Your voice brought him back to reality before he could get lost in his thoughts.
Now you were sitting next to him, back resting against the warm boulders that surrounded the springs, arms folded, covering your amble chest from his view.
“It probably would've happened either way. I was being too reckless that night.”
“Doesn’t stop me from feeling any less shitty about it.”
A silent blanket fell over the two of you, the rippling of the water beneath you two the only sound that could be heard.
“Don’t get hurt again.” The request came in a tone you’d never heard from your teacher before. There was an emotion in his voice, one that you couldn’t quite place. Fear? Pity?
Nonetheless you smiled at him with a reassuring smile before answering back “I’ll try my best.”
“Good,” he began cheeks tinging pink once again as he looked away from you. “now get the fuck out.”
The one time you do
When the battle with Muzan and the remaining Upper Moons was over and the Corps had officially dissolved, you took your time to heal from your injuries, paid your respects to the fallen and moved back home.
Your childhood home looked more or less the same since you’d left, but it felt different. You couldn’t put your finger on it, maybe it had changed somehow or maybe it was just you that had changed but something felt like it was still missing.
Once you were settled in you resumed work in the family’s tea shop, your family thankful for the extra help. Soon you saved up enough to get yourself a little home on the edge of the village.
It wasn’t a spectacular abode but it reminded you of the Wind estate you stayed at when you trained under Sanemi. A place you like to think of as home.
Speaking of the devil, the arrival of Shinazugawa Sanemi to your village was a spectacle. He sent whispers and murmurs everywhere he went, the town buzzing with excited chatter and imaginative speculations but to you it fills your belly with fluttering butterflies.
You hadn't seen him for months since the final battle, a battle you hadn’t even had the luxury of sharing with him since you were with Shinobu at the time. Had he changed at all? Would you remind him too much of the past? What if he didn’t want to see you? Had you changed?
All those thoughts gripped at your head as you walked home from the store, groceries tucked tightly under each arm. It’s as you approached your home that you stopped dead in your tracks nearly dropping your bags.
There, standing in front of your door, was Sanemi himself.
He was thanking an old man, a regular of yours at the tea shop, on your front porch.
“Thanks for helping me find the place, old timer.”
“It’s no problem, oh there she is now!” The old man waved you over.
“Welcome home! I bought you a visitor!” The man cupped his hand around his mouth shouting excitedly as you approached.
“I see, it's been a long time Shinazugawa!” You smiled at them.
Sanemi looked different, he had even more scars and was missing fingers on one of his hands. Even though he appeared more battle hardened there was a surprising gentleness to his features now. As if there had been a weight lifted from his shoulders.
“It’s good to see you too.” He replied, surprising you with a soft smile.
“You wouldn’t expect it by looking at him, but Shinazugawa is really good with kids.” The old man, who you both realized was still there, teased. “We found him helping out some of the village kids before he asked for you.”
Face reddening, Sanemi ears tinged pink.
“Shinazugawa-san, you’re blushing! Ah I remember my first love…” the old man trailed off, his expression dreamy despite yours and Sanemi’s vehement protests in the background.
“I’ll leave you to youngsters to it then.” He waved you two off as he turned to leave, you quickly pulled Sanemi inside, cheeks equally as flushed as his own.
You invited him in and ushered him towards the back before the old man could say anything more. The two of you soon found yourselves resting on the engawa outside as you served him and yourself tea and ohagi, attempting to awkwardly catch up with one another.
You can tell he’s tired from his eyes as he spoke, and he has every right to be. The battle was hard fought not without great sacrifice even if it was months ago, Sanemi had a lot of recovering to do still.
The two of you sat in silence for what felt like hours admiring the beautiful scenery around you. More than once you caught Sanemi’s gaze lingering on you but he always caught himself and looked away before you could say anything.
“Forgive my intrusion.” He broke the stifling silence first.
“There’s nothing to forgive, I’m glad you came to visit.”
“I really wanted to see you, I even thought about coming to visit your estate but I figured, after everything….” You paused
Maybe you didn’t want to see me.
“You might have needed some space.” There’s a pause before you continue. “Have you been to see him yet?”
“I visit his grave as often as I can,” Sanemi says with mournful eyes that can’t quite meet yours.
“It’s all my fault… Genya….” His voice sounded watery as he trailed off. “I didn’t want anything to happen to him.”
“Please don’t blame yourself. It wasn’t your fault.”
“It feels like it is. Maybe if I hadn't pushed him away…”
He’d still be here.
If only he had taken his place. Sanemi thought as he swallowed thickly trying but failing to hold back tears.
“We’ve all done things we’re not proud of, we all make mistakes, it’s what makes us human.” You said placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
How was he supposed to be going about doing this?
All he wanted was to come visit you, see how you were doing, not spill his guts out to you in the courtyard. He never meant for this to happen.
“I can see the love you had for him. I know he saw it too, otherwise he wouldn’t have fought so hard to get your approval when you pushed him away. People have different ways of showing affection." You started, Sanemi remained silent, his eyes fixed on you as you spoke.
"Genya might not have chosen the path you wanted for him, but he was with you all the way until the end and that’s what matters."
"He was a dumbass," he muttered, wiping stray tears from the corners of his eyes.
"He was your brother, and he loved you to pieces. He forgave you even when you couldn’t forgive yourself. I think it’s time you started trying to forgive yourself too." You smiled warmly. “You’re not alone in this sensei. I'm right here with you.”
“Drop that sensei crap. We’re both civilians now, we’re equal.”
“Sorry, old habits.”
A thick silence envelopes you two once again, this time a little less awkward than it was before as a hint of sadness lingers in the air.
“Please allow me to accompany you on your next visit, I’d like to see him too.” You said leaning into his side.
“I think I’d like that.”
It was getting late, the sun was starting to set over the mountains surrounding your village. The two of you had retired inside your home where you offered to make him dinner. Sanemi accepted and the two of you ate peacefully while you reminisced.
After clearing and cleaning up a bit you returned to your engawa where you sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying each other’s company.
Refusing to meet your eyes, Sanemi moved to place one of his hands over yours. The gesture has your heart thumping wildly in your chest, his too. “I very much wish… to see you again.” His words came out as though he was struggling to say them.
“I’d like that too…Sanemi.”
His name falling from your lips makes him stop in his tracks, looking up at you instantly.
“Say it again. My name.” He breathed out, he wanted to say more, but he’s too caught up in the fact that you finally called him by his first name.
“Sanemi.” you said tested it out on your tongue once more, pronouncing each syllable
At that he smoothly bridged the gap between you, pressing his lips softly against yours.
You almost forgot how to breathe. Cradling your face, he reaches his right hand around you and pulls you closer, deepening your kiss, relishing in the feeling of you.
It was then that you knew what was missing all those months ago when you returned home. It was him, he was your home and your village just didn’t feel like it had a place for you without him.
You're the first to pull away from the kiss, lungs not at all what they used to be back when you had to constantly use Total Concentration breathing, resting your forehead against his you stare into his lilac eyes with a shy smile.
“Stay with me tonight Nemi,” you murmur, fingers lightly tracing along his cheek as he hums in contentment. “Let me take care of you.”
Sanemi does not answer you, instead settling to pull off his haori while going in for another kiss, this one a bit rougher.
You admit to yourself right then that the name Sanemi rolls off the tongue so much better than Shinazugawa does.
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peachdues · 1 year
The Thing About Genya — WIP (daddy!Sanemi x Lunar Hashira)
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Major thank you to @umekohiganbana for reminding me about Genya and how Sanemi needs to fix that ASAP
Post- Bundle of Joy
NSFW teaser included at the bottom.
“You only noticed me because I was bleeding all over you,” Y/N corrected. “And you only continued to pay attention to me because you thought I had a ‘kickass breathing style.’”
Sanemi rolled his eyes, lifting the feeding bottle back to his infant daughter’s mouth. “I did notice other things, too ya know.” He grumbled.
Y/N laughed softly and Sanemi felt his cheeks heat, her smile still capable of making him blush even two years after he’d begun warming her bed.
“All I’m saying is if you want Genya to leave the Corps, there might be a better way to do it that doesn’t involve maiming him.”
Y/N leaned over and smacked her lips against his cheek before ducking to peck their happily gurgling baby’s head, and sauntered off to the couple’s private bath.
Sanemi’s eyes trailed the Lunar Pillar’s retreating form until she disappeared from sight before turning his attention back to his daughter.
“And what do you think, my little flower?” He cooed, his daughter’s eyes crinkling in a wide smile as Sanemi brushed his nose against hers. “My plan’s better, right?”
The infant girl pulled off the feeding bottle, her tiny mouth twisting down. She coughed once, and Sanemi swiftly put her over his shoulder, against the small cloth he’d draped there to shield his bare back from her impending spit-up.
“Tch, since when do you side with Mama?” He grumbled, lightly patting his daughter’s back. She gurgled, signaling that she had finished upchucking her late dinner over her father’s shoulder.
He brought her back to face him, playfully glaring at her as he kissed her small, chubby cheeks. “Traitor. You’d better cut that shit out right now — or else I’m gonna go put a sibling in your mama’s belly.”
Peep below for a NSFW teaser because my lovelies deserve horny Sanemi, always).
“‘Nemi,” Y/N giggled, swatting playfully over her shoulder at her lover. “Not in front of the baby!”
“Why?” Sanemi grinned, raining a trail of kisses down her neck and to her shoulder, his hands squeezing her hips. “She should know how crazy her daddy is for her mama. Besides,” Sanemi pressed his groin slightly into his wife’s tantalizing rear, causing her to shoot her hand out to steady herself on the doorway. “She can’t see when I do this.”
Y/N glanced furtively back at their daughter, who was busy giggling at the way her parents’ Kusagi crows pecked at the assortment of seeds and nuts they’d left out for them.
Baby properly distracted, Y/N mischievously ground back once against her lover, his fingers digging into her in warning.
Sanemi suppressed the groan bubbling in his throat, not wanting to call his daughter’s attention away from the crows. He slid his hand from Y/N’s hip to her neck, tilting her head back so he could press his mouth against her ear.
“Send one of the birds to Uzui’s wives. Tell them we need someone to watch her ‘til morning,” he murmured huskily into her ear, Y/N shivering as he grazed her lobe lightly with his teeth. “Make up some excuse, I don’t care. But you’re mine tonight.”
His voice dropped to a low growl. “And you’d better not stay quiet.” He pressed his hardening length sharply into her ass once more, in promise.
Y/N nodded, flushed.
“That’s my girl,” Sanemi grinned, slapping his wife’s ass, giving it a firm squeeze before moving aside, leaving the Lunar Hashira a blushing, bumbling mess behind him.
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meowzfordayz · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet — Shinazugawa Sanemi
Author’s Note: technically didn’t finish this, but enjoy nonetheless. 😅 As w/ all headcanons, these are simply my opinions in this exact moment of writing, and are subject to change depending on the context/my mood! 😉
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NSFW Alphabet — Shinazugawa Sanemi
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader
Word Count: ~1,100
CW: 18+NSFW, explicit language, Fem!Reader, spit
Aftercare? what they’re like after sex
Sanemi is sooo stern about aftercare, to the extent that sometimes aftercare feels not so caring. 😆 #soft dom vibes It doesn’t matter how exhausted you are; he’s coaxing you into a bath (or shower 🚿 ), watching you eat a full meal (full meal = at least one glass of water and a lil snick snack 😋), and making you brush your teeth. He’ll absolutely carry you from one location to the next, tenderly wash and pat dry your body, spoon feed you if you pout hard enough, and massage you to sleep 😴, but he’s not letting you pass out smelling of sex. 😒 “Dehydration is serious, my love, and I know you came at least once.” <— You definitely came more than once. 😌
Dirty Talk?
Sanemi’s generally quiet during sex—he’d rather listen to your pretty sounds than himself talking—but sometimes the most lewd things slip out from his mind to your ears. “Fuck yes baby, you like spreading your asscheeks while I fuck you, hm? Makes you feel extra exposed? Greedy? Bet you can feel how wet you are, what a mess you’re making.” He actually prefers when you talk to him, but not necessarily about sex. “What do we need to buy at the grocery store?” he asks nonchalantly, fixated on the sight of his cock inching its way into your pussy, slipping out and then farther in, becoming shinier and stickier with slick as his thrusts move deeper into your heat. “Seri-ously?” you huff, fingernails digging into his arms, unable to catch his gaze as he continues staring at his cock, “We n-need, we need eggs, milk, b-bread-” “I’m sure you’d like to be bread,” Sanemi interjects, voice tight with restraint, “Shit you’re so fucking gorgeous.” “You did not just-” “Shh darling, surely we need more than eggs, milk, and bread?”
Goofy? their sense of humor
Sanemi doesn’t like to be silly during sex, but it tends to just kinda happen anyway. 😅 Pinning you against the wall, one warm hand wrapped loosely around your neck, a muscular thigh nudging its way between your trembling legs? “Uh, Nemi,” you squeak, breath hitching as he nips at your collarbone, “I think I hit my tailbone-” “Seriously?” he grumbles into your skin, other arm slinking around your back to provide extra padding between your back and the wall. “Yes seriously,” you whine, eyes squeezing shut as he licks a hot path from the hollow of your throat up to the tip of your chin. “Shaddup,” he mutters, nose scrunching, “Gonna make me laugh.” “So my pain is funny to you?!” Groaning, he cracks a smile, exasperation expression meeting your petulant one as he shakes his head, “‘Course not, but I thought you liked when I shoved you into walls ‘nd stuff.” “Well yeah, but not when it hurts!” “Relax darling,” he purrs, sucking lightly on your cheek, grinning when you pout, “I’ve got you.” 😒😌😏
Hair? pubes maintenance
Unsurprisingly tidy. Sanemi has a weekly shave + trim schedule (for both his face and pubes). He’ll occasionally skip a week if you insist (sometimes a lil scruff is endearing ☺️), but he feels better knowing things are neat and maintained (for you and himself). Plus, since his hair’s so light, you might think there’s not a lot going on, but it actually grows quite fast 😅, and Sanemi absolutely notices when he starts shedding everywhere (even if you don’t).
No? turn offs
Sanemi would be hard pressed to be physically rough with you, but he’d also be hard pressed to disappoint you. He is capable and willing to explore more dangerous kinks—he doesn’t half ass anything—but best believe you’ll be negotiating and scripting scenes for days before he’s actually comfortable playing. “You really want me to spit on you?” he asks again, voice round with obvious concern, “If you don’t like it, then I can’t exactly take it back.” Your cheeks warm at his tone, eyes gentle as you meet his hesitant gaze, “We can always keep a cloth on standby. If I don’t like it, then you can simply wipe it off.” “That doesn’t address the potential psychological damage.” “Nemi, for me this is like… trying a new vegetable. There’s risk, sure. I might forever remember how much I hate zucchini, and how much it sucked to find that out. But I tried, and that’s what matters most to me.” “Your safety matters most to me,” he retorts, reaching across the dining table for your hand. Your fingers intertwine. You squeeze reassuringly. He cracks a faint smile, sighing lowly as he finally acquiesces, “Fine.” Grinning brightly, you lean in, cleavage visible as your breasts press into the tabletop, whispering conspiratorially, “Besides, I thought you liked claiming me as your slut? This is just another way to do so.” Eyes widening, Sanemi coughs loudly, face quickly reddening, unable to resist glancing at your tits as he mutters roughly, “I mean, yeah. I do. Of course I do.”
Sanemi loves the idea of toys, but they’re So fucking expensive, the hell?!, so you don’t (co)own too many. That being said, he’s game to utilize whatever toys you had prior to meeting him. 😎 Rest assured he’ll pull out the vibrator (always fully charged 😉) when his hands get tired (this man became ambidextrous for the sole purpose of being able to personally pleasure you for double the amount of time 🤯), his pace barely faltering as he toggles through the settings to find your favorite, thick cock twitching in your cunt when a warm gush of slick makes his movements even smoother. “Hm, is my cock not enough for you?” he murmurs teasingly, holding the vibrator steady and unforgiving against the hood of your clit, fucking the breath from your lungs with a satisfied smirk. You manage a loud whine in response, legs trembling while your back arches, hips greedily chasing the overwhelming sensation of your looming orgasm. “So beautiful,” Sanemi rasps, drinking in the sight of your scrunched face, your little gasps accompanying each of his punctuated thrusts, “So. Fucking. Gorgeous.”
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nymphoheretic · 1 year
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Synopsis: You decide to wear the uniform designed for the women and tease Sanemi with it.
Warnings: Spanking (one time), oral (fem receiving), ruined orgasm, bondage, princess-calling, rough sex
Word count: .6k
Pairing: Sanemi Shinazugawa x fem!reader
Love letter from Nymph: Just a short little repost from my old blog. Not tagging anyone except the network: @enchantedforest-network
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Sanemi grit his teeth and he was forced to watch his woman purposely bend over in front of him. He knew you was doing it on purpose because of the sly smirk you sent him over your shoulder.
The Wind Hashira was going to murder the kakushi who designed the women’s uniform. He looked over and saw Tengen sneaking peeks at your barely covered ass and it took everything within him not to beat the shit out of the Sound pillar.
You looked over your shoulder at Sanemi, knowing that your teasing and baiting would get you the punishment you wanted. You usually don't wear the uniform designed for the women, preferring to wear the pants. But today you felt like matching with Mitsuri, much to Sanemi’s displeasure.
You picked up your nichirin sword that you “accidentally dropped” before hooking it in place. You then skipped over to Tengen and pushed your hands behind your back, making your chest stick out. “Tengen, you’re so tall. I bet your wives love cuddling with you.”
When you pushed your chest out and lightly flirted with Tengen was the last straw. Sanemi stomped over to you and tossed you over his shoulder. He ignored your squeak of surprise and slapped his hand across your ass when you tried to wiggle free. “Not a word from you. Looks like you need reminding who you belong to.”
You whined as Sanemi tied your hands down to the bed post, his head buried between your thighs as his tongue did wonderfully wicked things to your clit. You sobbed when his teeth grazed over your sensitive flesh as he sucked on it harshly. “S-Sanemi…m'gunna cum.”
Sanemi smirked into his cunt as he felt your thighs begin to tremble around his head. He pulled away, ruining your orgasm for the second time since you two came home. The Wind pillar watched with an amused expression as you let out a scream of frustration and pulled at your restraints. “You shouldn’t have been such a fucking brat then, princess.” The way he said that nickname was almost mockingly in your ears
You felt tears burning at your eyes as you pouted. “Nemi…” you cooed, trying to wrap your legs around his waist to pull him closer. “Please…I want you. I need your cock inside me.” You arched your back off the bed, rubbing your pussy against his thigh.
He grabbed your hips, grinding you harder against his thigh. Sanemi knew all your tricks. But maybe he would indulge himself in this one. Fisting his thick cock in his hand. He aligned it with your dripping hole. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll go dumb, baby. The only thing you’ll ne able to think of is me and my cock.” With those words said, the white haired man, thrust inside with a smooth stroke.
You opened your mouth and let out a shriek as he set a fast and hard pace, fucking you into the mattress. You wrapped your legs around his waist and lifted your hips to try and meet his thrusting. Fuck, it felt so fucking good. Your breasts jiggled from the harsh pounding you were receiving. “Nemi…N-Nemi….”
“Want to cum?” He asked, his pace going even faster, hips smacking into yours. Sanemi leaned down and pressed his lips against yours and sucked on your tongue. “Then cum. Cum on my cock. Let me feel you come undone and tell me who you belong to.”
You felt your walls begin to flutter around Sanemi’s dick. You opened your mouth in a silent mouth scream as you tossed your head back into the pillow. “Fuck! I belong to you!”
Sanemi gave a few more shallow thrusts before slowing down and kissing you as your orgasm began to settle down. Pulling away with a grin, he rolled his hips. “Ready for more, Princess?”
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theshinazugawaslut · 6 months
Sanemi cannot lie but he knows you pretty damn well, he's been married to you since it was legally possible, and he's been attached to your hip since he met you.
That's why he's not surprised as you tiptoe into the living room with the biggest pout on your pretty face, looking at him with innocent eyes as you open your mouth to ask what he knows is going to tumble out your mouth, "Don't be mad, 'Nemi, but I changed my mind, I want you to order me some food, too... Please?"
You're making yourself all cute for him as you lay down on the couch where he had lazily been reading a book you said you wanted to read, the television white noise in the background as he watches how you lay your head against his thighs, nuzzling into his lower abdomen momentarily before pulling back to look up at him as his heavy hand comes to scratch at your scalp before fiddling with your hair.
"Hmm, that so, dumbass?" he hums absentmindedly, pretending to pay attention to the Barbie Princess Charm School film that you had been watching a half-an-hour prior.
He knew you wanted food despite how you said no when he asked, and with your newborn twin babies sleeping soundly in their cradles, and your two-year old asleep in his bed, he knew you'd be exceptionally hungry despite how you said sweetly that you weren't.
"Please order me some," you says gently, eyes shimmering with hope that he'd be okay with making a second order.
"Hmm... You wanted the grilled lamb chops, triple portion, and the lamb biriyani, right?" he asks and you nod excitedly, he grins down at you and squeezes your cheek. "Already done, doll."
You squeal and hug him, even though you knew he probably already had done so. "And my dessert?"
"Included that, too," he says with a smile as he smooches your temple. "Got that fuckin' diabetes-inducing hot cookie dough shit you like."
And when you kiss him like he's the sweetest thing in the world, he smiles and wonders what he did in his past life to have been blessed with you.
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calypsocolada · 1 year
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PRACTICAL | s. shinazugawa
synopsis: you work at the butterfly mansion and your least favorite hashira comes to visit.
authors note: this is my first fanfic so please be nice haha I kinda just wrote this without any direction. I know nothing about medical stuff so bear with me.
cw warnings: mentions of blood, some cussing, slightly suggestive. that’s it I think let me know if I missed anything!
wc: 2.5k
One word that you’d use to describe Sanemi Shinazugawa was cold. Cold like the icy morning air that stung your cheeks. That made you grab scarf and pull it up over your nose to hide from its sharp bite.
You worked at the butterfly mansion, all the great Hashira’s came through here. All of them so different. Giyuu was quiet but kind. Mitsuri outgoing and thankful (you always liked when she was around). Tengen was flirty, claiming that he had room for another wife before winking at you. And although that offer was tempting he was far too much for you, you did like his wives though. You never really saw Obanai much but on the off chance you did you gave him space, he didn’t seem much of a talker. You never met Gyomei. Rengoku was one of your favorites, he went completely out of his way to make you laugh, to share his food with you and sometimes while he was training, he’d teach you a few things. Tokito was adorable, he wasn’t around much but when he was you loved talking with him. Explaining things that he didn’t understand and smiling when he did. Now Sanemi, he was your least favorite hashira. He was rude, loud and obnoxious. You’d pray that you got someone else’s bedside to take care of when you saw him being carried into the mansion, bloody and bruised. He wasn’t even conscious this time and still you were annoyed.
You remember when you first met him, you smiled as you brought his food and medicine and although he didn’t return the sentiment you still were polite. You asked how his day was, he grunted. You helped him eat (both of his arms were broken) he gripped at you to go faster. You gave him his medicine and he laughed when you dropped the cap on accident. When he was a bit better to be able to stand and train his body back he was 10x worse! He called you healer girl even though you reminded him of your name countless times. He never left you alone, he’d follow you around and crack stupid jokes, he’d splash water in your face multiple times during the cup game and once when you were talking with another girl, he eavesdropped and laughed at something you considered a low moment in your life. Right then and there you decided Sanemi Shinazugawa was your least favorite person.
The next few times he came around you purposely made sure you were halfway across the mansion at all times, busying yourself with other things. You heard from some other healers that he was in bad shape after your second day of hiding. You felt terrible.
“Is he conscious?” You’d asked one of the girls.
“No! We’re all very worried!” She answered back. You sighed. You were the best healer and if you kept hiding out because of some stupid things you’d feel responsible for not helping. So you dragged yourself to Sanemi’s room. He was currently sharing a room with Rengoku. A smile lit up your face at the sight of him.
“Ren! What’re you doing here?” You exclaimed as you ran across the room, he jumped to his feet to meet you in a hug and spun you off your feet. You laughed happily as he sat you back down.
“Got here at the same time as Nemi here, I was in a bit better shape then him.” Rengoku fills you in. You turn to look at Sanemi. He was pale, his cheeks flushed, he had cuts and bruises littered all over his skin, his torso was wrapped with white gauze that clearly needed to be changed because some blood was seeping through. “Wondering where you were, thought maybe you were away or something.” Rengoku says as you walk over to Sanemi’s bedside. He was sleeping fitfully, obviously uncomfortable from the pain. You reached out, the back of your hand pressing against Sanemi’s forehead. He was burning up, his cheeks and forehead clammy.
“Don’t tell anyone,” you whispered as you reached for a cloth, dousing it in cold water and ringing it out. “I was hiding.” You told Rengoku. His brows turned in in confusion. You made a face and signaled to Sanemi. Rengoku’s eyes grew as he mouthed the word ‘oh’ as though he understood. You pressed the cold cloth to Sanemi’s forehead and he seemed to relax just a bit.
“I too like to hide away from my feelings.” He joked and your face instantly blushed.
“Negative feelings.” You corrected quickly.
“Negative?” Rengoku echoed. “You don’t have a crush?”
“No! Of course not!” You burned, trying to keep your voice as a hushed whisper. Rengoku cocked his head like a dog at you, you rolled your eyes, turning back to Sanemi. He’d moved closer somehow, clearly unaware of who was currently taking care of him. You pulled the rag away and rung it out with cold water again, pressing it to his cheeks as you pulled the cover from his body. He was radiating heat so before you could change his bandage you needed to get his temperature down just a bit. Rengoku watched quietly as you got to work. Slowly evening out Sanemi’s temperature.
“He likes you.” Rengoku whispers into the silence. Your eyes snap up to his, hand pausing before you checked his temperature again.
“I think you’re very mistaken, Ren.” You corrected as Rengoku squinted his eyes.
“He told me you were his favorite…” Rengoku trailed off, looking up as if trying to recall the memory fully. You shook your head with a laugh.
“Ren, please.”
“No it’s true! He asked for you before he lost consciousness.”
“He probably said healer girl, there’s tons of us.”
“He said y/n.” You paused, looking over at Rengoku.
“He doesn’t know my name.”
“Of course he does! He talks about you the most when he’s drunk.” You blushed deeply suddenly. There was no damn way Rengoku had this all right. The man wouldn’t lie to you but he must’ve misheard. “He talks about your hair, he likes the color, and your laugh and-“
“Shut your- damn mouth.” Sanemi suddenly growled causing you to jump, his eyes were narrowed at Rengoku. Rengoku held in a laugh as Sanemi starts to sit up.
“No, no. You can’t-“
“I feel fine.” Sanemi pushed your hands away but he was grimacing and getting paler by the second. You swallowed before pushing him back down by the shoulders.
“You are not well!” You snapped. He looked at you surprised. You’d raised your voice at him, your eyes like molten lava. He was quiet, didn’t push your hands away this time. Your jaw tightened as you backed up. “You never listen to me so I’ll call another healer to-“
“No.” Sanemi cut you off. You stared at him.
“No?” You echoed angrily. He didn’t look at you, his cheeks were turning red, he must’ve been heating up again from being awake. He didn’t look even when he talked to you.
“I don’t want anyone else to help, I want the best.” You felt every nerve in your body heating up, your throat dried. The once anger you felt slightly calmed in your chest. Replacing itself with embarrassment or something close to it. You’d forgotten Rengoku was in the room, observing this moment when he cleared his throat.
“I think I’ll go for a nice walk, leave you two to… this.” He said, leaving swiftly. When the door shut and silence prevailed you cleared your throat.
“I’ll help if you don’t fight me on everything.” You said in the silence. For a moment you think he hadn’t heard you until slowly he nodded his head. You sighed, grabbing the rag that had fallen and running it back under cold water. “Lay back.” You directed and just like he promised Sanemi laid back as you dabbed the cold water on his cheeks and forehead. This moment was silent and intimate and for once you didn’t dread being beside him. That was until Rengoku’s words drifted back into your head. About you being his favorite and how he talked about you often when drunk. You almost laughed out loud at the thought.
“What is it?” Sanemi asked and suddenly, you had checked out slightly but blinked and you were back to reality.
“Hmm?” You hummed in response.
“You look— amused.” He says. Your thoughts must’ve shown a bit on your face. You masked over it and shook your head. You reached back on your cart for some more gauze and some solution and when you turned back Sanemi was watching you, not angrily like usual but almost reverently, like he was interested in what you were doing.
“I’m gonna replace your bandages.” You said and he nodded his head. You helped him sit up, he shivered at your cold touch as you unwrapped his torso. It wasn’t terribly bad, but the stitches were coming loose which had caused some bleeding. “Did you try and get up last night?” You asked as you reached for you medkit. Sanemi cleared his throat and you looked at him. He looked guilty. “You did didn’t you.”
“I felt fine.” He says sheepishly. Then adds. “But I passed out in pain before I could get out of the room.” He says and this time, even though through a patient doctor relationship it wasn’t funny, you laughed.
Stubborn as hell Sanemi had passed out because of his stupid actions. Karma. Sanemi looked at you, watched as you softly laughed and slowly the smallest smile spread on his lips.
“That’s not very professional of you.” Sanemi said and suddenly you realized he was teasing. He wasn’t some angry hashira he actually had a personality.
“You’re right,” You start in doing his torn stitches carefully. “It’s not funny.” You said but you were still laughing. That was when like the world had tilted on its axis and flipped 180 degrees. Sanemi pushed up slightly, damning the pain in his torso to press a fervent kiss to your lips. You froze, the moment slowly dawning on you. Sanemi, who claimed to dislike you and not know your name, was leaned over, hand tangled in your hair as he kissed you as if you were going to disappear at any moment. It was odd, but not a bad odd, just crazy. You’d sooner think lightening would strike you inside rather than this man kissing you. And something even stranger was that you were enjoying it, it felt as though everything else in the world had paused around you. Allowed you to have this one moment to yourselves. He kissed you feverishly, like he’d die if he pulled back. That was until Sanemi cursed against your lips.
“Fuck,” he grunted, pulling back, pain splintering all through him. You blinked back to reality at the sight of fresh blood flowing from his wound.
“Oh-“ you gasped, reaching for a cloth, pressing it against the flowing blood. Clearly he’d lost his mind, so sick and riddled with pain that he kissed you. He probably had no idea he’d done it. You rationalized stupidly as you pressed the rag a bit more and slowly the blood cotted. You both didn’t say a word as you slowly stitched his wound back together, lifting him up to rewrap the gauze. When you laid him back down he weakly caught your wrist. His eyes were so soft on yours. You shook your head. Whatever he had to say it wouldn’t really be him thinking it.
“You’re not yourself right now.” You said but his grip tightened just barely.
“You think a little pain would make me kiss you?” He asks. You burn red all over, you open your lips to speak but he pulls you to him by your wrist, you mouth falling against his. He kisses you more desperately this time. A hand reaching up and sliding into your hair, pulling you even closer to him. You’re coaxed entirely to easy into his lap and you feel him whimper in pain against your lips. It’s a sobering sound. You pulled back, this couldn’t happen.
“Sanemi, we shouldn’t-“
“I want you.” He whispers into the space between you. Rengoku’s words coming to fruition right in-front of your eyes. You shook your head in disbelief. “I’ve wanted you since the first moment I saw you.” You laughed, fully pulling back from him.
“You’re sick.”
“I’m not that sick.” He refuted, you reached your hand out, pressing against his forehead, he was warm but not burning up like before. “Y/n-“
“No. I don’t want to hear what you have to say.” You snapped. Sanemi watched you curiously as you gathered up your things.
“Why not?” He asked as you looked at him in disbelief.
“Because I don’t believe you.”
“I kissed you twice, what’s not to believe?” He argued.
“That you kissed me in the first place! You— you hate me!”
“No I don’t.”
“Yes you do!” You threw back. Sanemi shook his head with some sort of finality.
“No. I really don’t.” You stared at him, anger bubbling up.
“Then why call me healer girl? Never using my name when I tell you too! Or annoying me and being rude? Is that how you treat people you care about?” Sanemi stared at you as you spoke. He swallowed and looked away. Nodding his head a moment later.
“I didn’t want to.”
“You didn’t want to what? Treat me like a person?”
“I didn’t want to fall for you.” Sanemi growled, eyes jumping to yours. Your mouth fell open with the confession. “I thought if I was rude to you that you’d just— that you’d stay away from me. But you didn’t. You kept showing up, being charming and unbelievably beautiful and stupidly funny I couldn’t— I couldn’t help it!” Sanemi growls, huffing. You blinked. You felt as though this was for sure a dream. You pinched yourself but you weren’t waking up. You were really unsure what to say. You’d spent so much time despising Sanemi and now you weren’t sure how to feel about him at all. Everything made sense now. He was always around, you were always trying to help. You tried to make him laugh and talk when he didn’t. He was falling for you all this time and you had no idea. “Say something.”
“I don’t know what to say,” you said truthfully.
“Maybe you feel the same?” He asks and you shook your head.
“You never really talked to me. I barely know you.” You said practically and he looked away from you embarrassed. But you were attracted to him, you felt something when you kissed. That had to count for something. You swallowed dryly and set your stuff back down. You walked and set on the chair by his bed. You went through the motions, checking his vitals and temperature. It was quiet and awkward. When you were done Sanemi caught your wrist as you stood.
“Let me apologize.”
“Apologize?” You echoed.
“For how I treated you.” He says and you roll your eyes.
“Shut up.” You said and when his eyes widened in surprise you leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to his lips. The kiss lingered this time, something fluttered in your stomach when you felt his hand just barely under your jaw. When you pulled back he huffed, his breath tickling your cheek. “You better be very nice the next time you see me.” You whispered in the space between you.
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kyojurismo · 1 year
Emergency request
So my appendix burst?? Which like I didn’t know that was a thing thing but I could use some spice because like smut heals?? Or maybe I’m insane who knows
How would genya (aged up) and sanemi be at dirty talk?
I just know those boys be kings
▸ ANSWERING. omg i’m so sorry 😭 i thought i already posted it but in fact i didn’t ): i hope you’ll get well soon anon 🫂
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▸ FANDOM. kimetsu no yaiba
▸ CHARACTERS. sanemi & genya shinazugawa x fem!reader
▸ RATING. nsfw
▸ WARNINGS. aged up genya, dirty talk, implied penetrative sex, i wrote it for a fem reader btw i hope that’s alright, not proofread
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sanemi knows how his voice turns you on. he uses it at his advantage of course.
“look at how wet you are,” he smirks. his thick fingers keep caressing your slit, spreading your wetness around. “what a messy girl you are.”
sanemi uses his thumb and point finger to stimulate your clit, moving them in rapid motions. your juices keep gushing out of your clenching hole and he knows that most of it comes from the way he’s talking to you.
“n-nemi,” you cry out, lifting your hips from the futon. “where you think you’re going?” he pushes you down with his free hand. “you gonna make a mess? yes, baby?” he coos at you, noticing how you’re desperately gripping the sheets.
you in fact make a mess, cumming hard in his hand. sanemi keeps moving his hand tho, making you grind on it. you want him to stop and keep going at the same time, it’s addictive.
“you like that, don’t you? fuck— you’re so beautiful like that.”
when he finally sinks into you and bottom out, his head kissing your cervix, he presses his forehead into yours. “oh shit, you’re taking me so well baby. that pussy was made for me.”
he’s almost there? well, “fuck baby, you really want me to fill you up if you’re squeezing me like that.”
genya slurs a lot during sex. but damn if it’s hot as fuck.
“fuckfuckfuck— you take it so well, baby,” he grunts into your neck, gripping your hips while he thrusts deep into you. “you hear that? shit, you’re making a mess all over me,” he can hear the wet smacks becoming louder and your whines are more and more frequent.
genya’s cock is probably rearranging your insides because you’re seeing stars, on the verge of passing out.
“you’re so fucking good for me, baby. so fucking good.”
“that’s it, take it. take it like a good girl— fuck.”
“you close darling? oh yes you are, look at the way you’re gushing.” the fact that he can pleasure you that much spurs him on, really.
your puffy clit grinds against his pubic bone while his cock keeps moving rapidly into you and one of his hands is groping your breast, making you cry out his name.
genya grunts while filling your womb with his semen, you follow soon after, arching your back off the futon. “you did so good baby,” he kisses your neck before reaching your lips.
“gonna give me a fourth one, yeah?” he smirks down at you.
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▸ BEFORE LEAVING. reblog and comments are super appreciated. i can’t add the read more button into this, i’m sorry. anyway i hope you guys enjoyed it <3 have a good day / night !!
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loloslaystheday · 7 months
Me and My Husband
pairing: sanemi shinazugawa x fem!reader
prompt: he’s scared of leaving you alone because of the demon slayer mark rules. it’s caused a lot of arguments, but even still, you’re staying with him for as long as you can.
note: this lil picture thing is stupid but it’s also cute so yeahhhh🫰🏾 blame my terrible editing skills
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“sanemi?” you call, padding around the house in search of your husband.
he’d been distant lately and you found it weird.
did you do something wrong?
but you turned the corner and there he was, suddenly sat on the couch with his head in his hands.
“you scared me.” you say, a coy grin on your face.
“sorry.” he utters in his gruff voice. you notice he seemed a bit off.
“is something wrong?” you ask as you trail over. taking a seat beside him on the couch, you take his hand in yours to try and reassure him about whatever’s going on.
he glanced at you. a soft look glossed over his eyes the moment he saw you and for some reason he couldn’t hold back his tears.
tears? from sanemi? you’d never seen him cry before.
“nemi…” you muttered, kissing his knuckle and running his back with your free hand. “what’s wrong?”
he leaned into your shoulder, his hair tickling your chin.
“i’m selfish.” he says simply.
you manage to hold in your laughter as you ask, “and how is that?”
“in four… no, three years, i’m going to leave you and…” he sighs deeply, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you close. so close that you could feel the love he had for you. “and our kid. i don’t want to leave you to raise them by yourself.” he whimpered.
you felt terrible hearing him cry like this. it was such a rare thing, you thought it’d never happen ever again.
and suddenly, you started crying.
“he won’t even know who i am!” Sanemi choked out.
you pet his hair down.
“yes he will. i’ll make sure of it. tell him everything there is to know about you, like how much you loved him and how much you cared.” you try to assure. but the reality sunk into you.
you only had 3 years left together? that wasn’t nearly enough time. and the days only seemed to pass by quicker and quicker every year, and in a flash it’d be 2 years and then…
you just wished that somehow the rule didn’t apply now that muzan was gone and you could raise your son together.
“sanemi, i love you.” you say. and in that moment you think you meant it more than any other time you’d said it.
“i love you too.” he responds near instantly.
and no matter what, you’d make sure that your son would know how much his father loved him and you and how he’d sacrifice the world to save him.
because at least in that lifetime, you were sticking together.
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lunagojo · 1 year
Various Anime Boys: Being Told "I love you" For The First Time (Part 2!)
a/n: yeeeeeah i should be working on my essay but here I am
Featured: Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kento Nanami, Keigo Takami / Hawks, Atsuhiro Sako / Mr. Compress
Warnings: Swearing in Sanemi's, stitching up Atsuhiro's boo boos
~ Part 1 ~ ~ Part 3 ~ ~ Part 4 ~ ~ Part 5 ~
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
(was anyone gonna tell me he and Satoru share the same English dub VA??? It's so weird hearing Gojo's voice coming out of Nemi XD)
The other Hashira could not understand it. How did you manage to calm Sanemi down so much? It’s like your presence alone was a soothing balm to his damaged heart. Even he didn’t fully understand why he was so drawn to you, like a moth to a warm, glowing light. You were kind, patient, understanding…all things that he yearned for. And you made him ohagi, which, of course, was a bonus.
You were sitting together outside one evening, simply enjoying the peace and quiet together. Sanemi was unusually quiet, his lips pressed into a thin, firm line. He was getting annoyed with how he felt around you, and how lately you had refused to make eye contact with him.
“Hey,” he said suddenly, his voice rough, “Why the fuck don’t you look at me anymore? It’s like I’m ugly or somethin’ to you.”
You immediately raised your hands and shook your head adamantly, “No, no, it’s…it’s not that at all, Sanemi! I’m sorry.”
“Then what the fuck is it? And don’t tell me it’s that you’re shy or some shit.”
“N—No…it’s not that either.”
“Then just tell me, dammit. You’re starting to irk me.” He huffed, narrowing his eyes at you.
You blushed and swallowed harshly, looking embarrassed. “…I love you, Sanemi.”
He froze in place, his eyes going wide. “What?! You better not be fuckin’ joking or I’ll kick your ass.” It was an empty threat, Sanemi would never hurt you. He’d kill anyone who tried.
“I’m not joking!” You replied quickly, your cheeks darkening. You looked down into your lap, terrified that you had just made some sort of big mistake. Sanemi’s hand found yours and he squeezed it, bringing it to his lips. You looked back at him, surprised.
“I love you too, idiot.”
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Kento Nanami
(violently drooling over this man)
It had been several long, toiling days of work at Jujutsu Tech for you. You’d barely had any time to rest, having to wrap up mountains of paperwork that entailed the various curses that had been exorcised in the recent days. It was going to be another late night, everyone else had either gone home or gone to bed in the dorms, and it was just you, awake and working hard to finish up your work.
That is, you thought it was just you.
You didn’t even notice Kento standing in the doorway, watching you as you typed away on your computer. He didn’t know how you could look so stunning even when you were exhausted. He cleared his throat, which ended up startling you.
“I’m sorry,” He said as he entered, “ I didn’t mean to scare you.” In his hand was a paper bag.
You exhaled, relieved it was only Kento. Giving him a tired smile, you gestured for him to sit down in the spare seat. “It’s alright,” You assured him. “I guess I’ve just been way too absorbed in getting this done.”
“I can see that,” He replied, opening the bag. “You’ve been working tremendously hard lately. You need a break.” He took a wrapped sandwich out of the bag and offered it to you. “I know it isn’t much, but you do need to eat.”
You gratefully took the sandwich and didn’t hesitate to start eating it. You were starving.
“It won’t kill you to take a break,” He said. “Working overtime is never healthy.” He folded his hands in his lap, offering you a kind smile. You blushed at the sight. Kento rarely smiled around anyone.
You sighed softly and sat back in your chair. “I know…but I need to get this done.”
“I’m sure it wouldn’t do any harm to get some sleep tonight.” He pressed gently, removing his glasses and loosening his tie. “If you’re adamant about finishing it then I would be more than happy to keep you company.”
Something about his kindness, his smile, the way he was looking at you, it was almost too much for you to handle. He had always been so nice and thoughtful toward you.
God, I love you.
He straightened in his seat suddenly, looking at you with a wide eyed gaze. It took you a moment to realize that you had said it.
Heat creeping up into your cheeks, you stammered out an apology, ears burning hotly. Kento then smiled again, getting up from his chair and rounding your desk, so he was stood in front of you. His hand gently cradled your face, thumb running along your cheek. “You mean that?” He asked quietly, his eyes searching yours.
You nodded. He responded by pressing his lips to your forehead, murmuring back, “I love you, too. Now come to bed.”
(these are getting longer and longer lmfao)
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Keigo Takami
(sunshine bby bird boi)
“Haaawwwks~! Haaaawwwwwwkkkksss~!”
You rolled your eyes at the incessant sounds of the girls on the TV. Hawks had just rescued a bunch of people from a burning building and, of course, a fleet of his fangirls had followed him. It made your gut twist in jealousy when you saw footage of him taking selfies with some of them. You turned off the TV after that, flopping back on the couch. You knew you shouldn’t be jealous, after all, Keigo and you were just friends, nothing more. But God damn, did he make it so hard, with his stupid good looks and stupid charm and stupid sweet heart and sense of justice.
You heard the window to your apartment slide open and feet hit the floor. “Heyyyyy, Y/N, I’m baaaaack! Mind if I use your shower?”
“You have your own apartment, Kei.” You retorted, turning your head to look at him. He looked a bit scuffed up but still had that doofy big grin on his face.
“But it’s not as fun as being here with you!” He said in a sing songy voice, “Did ya see my rescue? Pretty nifty, huh?”
“Was alright.” You said back, inciting a snort from him.
“You wound me, Y/N.” He feigned heartbreak by clutching his chest. “’Kay, lemme go get cleaned up.”
He disappeared into your bathroom, leaving you resting alone on the couch again. You heard the shower running and covered your eyes with your arms, sighing heavily. You were in love with him and you felt stupid because of it.
In a few minutes he came back out, dressed in clean clothes, his hair and wings damp still. “Wanna order some takeout or something? I could really go for some yakitori, y’know?”
“No, you go ahead, though.” You said back flatly.
Keigo frowned a bit. “Hey now, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He flopped down on the couch next to you, giving you a quizzical look. “C’mon, Y/N, talk to meeeeeee…”
“It’s nothing important, Kei.”
“It’s important to me. You’re important to me.” He pressed further, leaning into you so his chin was on your shoulder. “Please tell me?”
You sighed, finally looking at him. “I told you it’s nothing important, Keigo.”
“Noooo, c’mon, you’re torturing me now. Please please pleeeeease tell meeeee?”
“Ugh, God, I love you, stupid! I always have!” You finally blurted, annoyed and now embarrassed.
Silence fell over the apartment as humiliated tears stung your eyes. You were half expecting him to laugh, half expecting him to gently reject you. But he didn’t.
Instead, he tucked his fingers under your chin, turning your head so you’d look at him. His face had an expression on it that you’d never seen before, his eyes were so soft, his smile so warm and comforting. “I didn’t think you felt the same.” He said. ”Wha—” you began, but he cut you off with his lips on yours. Sparks flew from behind your eyelids at the feeling.
When you two broke apart, he rested his forehead against yours, a tender smile on his face. “…You sure you don’t want yakitori, though?”
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Atsuhiro Sako
(this man needs so much more appreciation, honestly)
“You really ought to be more careful, Compress.” You said as you stitched up a wound on Atsuhiro’s side. “You’re probably the only sane person in the League, besides Kurogiri. How am I gonna deal with the others if you go and get yourself killed?”
“It almost sounds like you care for me, my dear.” He drawled in response, a small smirk playing across his face. Well, what you could see of it through his balaclava. He gritted his teeth, though, when you pulled the thread through again. “Fear not, I shall not leave you to fend for yourself. It would not be very theatrical of me.” His eyes lingered on your face, his grin widening when you blushed and looked away.
“…I was worried,” You admitted, finishing up with his stitches.
His smile faded then, and he placed a hand on your wrist. “I’m sorry for making you worry,” He replied, his brown eyes softening. “I promise I will be more careful from now on, alright?”
You nodded, setting your materials to the side and retrieving a bandage to wrap around his abdomen. “…Hiro?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Hm? What is it, my dear?”
“…I love you.”
He stiffened for a moment, but then a warm smile grew across his lips. He wrapped an arm around you despite the objection coming from his wounded side. Pulling you close to him, he presses his lips to your forehead, nuzzling your hair. “I know.” He said softly. “I love you, too, my dear. You mean everything to me.”
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loveemii · 1 year
𝑲𝒊𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑴𝒂𝒌𝒆 𝑼𝒑
characters: sabito, tomioka, sanemi, and inosuke
warnings: none - enjoy :)
“What the hell was that?”
“What was what?”
inosuke asked in an annoyed tone, y/n’s face grew a little more angry.
“Earlier you moved away when I tried to kiss you! You never do that.”
y/n said in a low voice sounded almost sad but angry at the same time, inosuke looked down to the side as his hardened face now had a softer touch to it.
inosuke just sighed and walked away unable to communicate his feelings, he didn’t want to yell at y/n so walking away was what he thought was best.
“Inosuke, don’t want away from me! Please we need to talk about this. It could affect us in the wrong ways if we don’t communicate with each other.”
he turned around and pulled you in for a kiss, his left arm around you lower waist as his right hand cupped the back of your neck. pure shock was all over your face but you kissed him back.
“I’m sorry.”
inosuke mumbled y/n couldn’t hear him.
“What was that? I-I couldn’t hear you.”
ino sighed and said it a little louder enough for his girlfriend to hear him clearly.
“I said I’m sorry.”
y/n kissed his cheek and held his hand, reassuring him that it was ok and that they will talk about it later.
nemi said as he crossed his arms while turning away from his upset girlfriend, she frowned and stepped a little closer to him so they can face each other.
“What’s wrong? Did I do something?”
“You didn’t do anything I just-”
“Nemi..let’s talk about this. Please?”
y/n asked as he held both of his hands, he made a sound of embarrassment and looked away from her blushing.
“Why did you move your unleash your hand from mines earlier in the district?”
“There were so many people around and I wanted to keep our relationship-”
“Private? I know.. I’m sorry I held your hand in public I know you don’t want any potential danger for us.”
there was a brief moment of silence before y/n spoke once again, she leaned in and kissed his forehead, he looked at her with a somewhat surprising look.
“We’re good?”
“Yeah we’re good.”
“Can you please just tell me how you feel? It’s so hard to read you or even get you to communicate yourself with me.”
y/n asked her stoic boyfriend who wasn’t even looking at her, she couldn’t tell what he was thinking or if he was even going to say anything but his eyes seemed darker than before.
her gaze fell to a more softened look, y/n the gently placed a kiss onto his lips and smiled gently. tomioka then looked at her shocked a little.
“You’ll tell me when your ready.”
tomioka’s expression changed to a calmer look and he nodded as he made and “mhm” sound, y/n and tomioka held hands as they faced each other. her with a warming smile as he smiled at just her sight. he kissed her back and she kissed him.
“Wanna grab something to eat?”
he asked her after some silence, her smile got brighter and y/n nodded her head a little rapid the giggled a little.
giyu then placed a soft kiss to her jaw before they walked into the district.
“What we’re you thinking Sabito?! You could’ve died back there!”
y/n shouted at her boyfriend who was walking away from her in the forest, he walked back to her.
“Don’t you think I know that? I did it so we could survive!”
“And what if you died huh? You were just gonna leave me all alone?! Without you? How could you?”
as she finished what she wanted to say her voice began to break during the end of her sentence, sabito gaze softened and he looked sad now, he hugged her and she hugged him even tighter.
“Hey I’m right here, see? I love you. And Im sorry, things got out of hand. I won’t do that stunt again, I promise.”
his voice was low but reassuring, full of love and vulnerability. she smiled with tears in her eyes, sabito then kissed y/n as he held onto the back of her neck with his hands. y/n kissed him back.
“Come on, let’s go.”
sabito said with a warm smile on his face, y/n smiled back at him and they walked away from the scene they left behind.
hello! i hope you enjoyed this little thing idk what it is but yeah :)
- please excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, thank you
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peachdues · 1 year
Re: bundle of joy - I can't get Sanemi's comment abt how he watched his mom suffer miscarriages at the hand of his father out of my head. What if he saw his mom cry every time she realized she was pregnant again? Like she loved all of her kids, but she knew what their dad would do to them. What if he also helped take care of his mom through her pregnancies and post-partum because his dad never did? I'm just UGH I'm SO SOFT FOR NEMI.
Sanemi was the eldest and therefore took on the most responsibility after his mother, and he was a mama’s boy through and through. I think his mother was his single biggest influence. I actually think his early life observing his father’s treatment of his mother plays a huge role in how he approaches Y/N’s pregnancy — and his relationship with her in general.
I imagine that everything he did for Y/N in Bundle of Joy, he learned by helping his mother during her pregnancies. I agree that he probably saw how difficult pregnancy was for his mother (because let’s be real, none of those kids were born from love, and that’s heartbreaking), and has long since promised that if he ever has a child, he will do everything he can for both his kid and their mother. He’s ecstatic at first, but then Y/N says she wants to keep things in the down-low for a bit, and suddenly he’s terrified that he’s done to her what his father did to his mother, and he would rather die than cause her any pain. I think his deepest insecurity is becoming like his father, and while Sanemi can be a hardass and tough, he cannot be anything other than soft for his lover and their children.
I think that after the kid is born (and let’s be real, he is so girl-dad coded), he would take the most parenting inspiration from his mother. Sure, Sanemi is still going to be Sanemi, but both he and Genya idolized their mother. Not only does he love his kid without limit, but I could also see him trying to incorporate her gentle way of parenting, too. He wants his child(ren) to have everything he didn’t when he was growing up, and he will do anything to ensure they get it.
Something that I wish we saw more of in the Sanemi-realm of demon slayer content is more of an understanding of how he treats women in general. I think there’s a tendency to write him along the same lines of how Obanai treats other female slayers apart from Shinobu and Mitsuri, but I’m not sure that’s entirely accurate.
We’re told several times that Sanemi is kind to women, but I don’t think that’s limited to non-Corps women. He observes a lower-ranked female slayer being harassed by M*dea and straight up makes the pig piss himself by yelling so much at him. He doesn’t tolerate any disrespect towards women because Sanemi starts every day by drinking his Respect Women Juice. I’m not saying he’s soft on female slayers, but I think he’s definitely more subdued. He’s not going to level personal/emotional attacks against them because that’s what his father did (along with the physical abuse) and Sanemi hates his father.
Honestly, tempted to explore more of the Bundle of Joy universe — like how Y/N and Sanemi actually meet and get together/their time in their secret relationship, and even as parents. Sanemi doesn’t strike me as someone who sleeps with another without already being emotionally invested in them to some degree, because he doesn’t like to feel as though he’s using them as a means to an end. I would like to write some parallels between Y/N’s pregnancy and his memories of his mothers’ pregnancies and show how they directly influenced him later on. We’ll see!
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xxlady-lunaxx · 5 months
I like your scars | {SaneGiyuu}
Theme: Fluff :3
Note: Yk that one audio? Smth that goes like, "I like your scars" 'M-Mine?' "Yeah." 'I like your smile!' 
or smth but i forget the whole thing 😭
Anyways, partially inspired by that, and some videos I was watching earlier
-They're already dating!
-Probably OOC Giyuu bc the videos influenced me to make Giyuu so sassy 😃
-Also a little Nemi insecurity :3
-...and slightly OOC Sanemi at some points because... they're both shit at being fluffy when it comes to words, so at this point this is just what I want to say to a future lover but somewhat in their personalities... 😋
Giyuu rest his forehead on Sanemi's, their breaths interweaving together. It was silent as the two lovers lay together in a single futon, holed up in Giyuu's house as snow fell outside; the temperature dropping by the second.
"Giyuu?" Sanemi asked, after a beat.
Giyuu hummed in assent, his hand resting on Sanemi's jaw, his thumb tracing the scars on his boyfriend's face. "What is it?"
"Does my appearence not hinder your ability to... stay attracted to me?" Sanemi murmured uncertainly.
"Not at all. I like your scars," Giyuu said, a small smile brightening his face. He placed a loving kiss on the scar running across Sanemi's cheek.
"People tell me I'm scary when they see me. They run away. I can't assure people as well when I'm on my missions given of how they react..." Sanemi paused. "No one minds your presence, though. It's comforting."
Giyuu laughed gently, shaking his head. Sanemi watched him carefully.
"Sanemi, people think I'm too quiet. People say you're too loud. They say what they want, but their opinions don't matter, do they? I think... you shouldn't listen to them. They don't know you. You're kind and pretty and cute," Giyuu said, booping Sanemi's nose. "Either they're too traumatized by the demons to notice or they've got something terribly wrong with their eyesight."
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "But as you said, it's their opinion. How is your opinion so different from theirs when so many of theirs is... negative? And I'm not cute, by the way," he said, huffing.
"Hmm, I think you are. You're just proving me right," Giyuu said. "And, to answer your question, it's an opinion, remember? Theirs may be highly defective but trust me to say that I believe my words truly. What I say may be different than others but what I'm saying is also how I feel, how I see you and what I think of you. I love you, Sanemi, and nothing can changed that."
There was a silence for a minute, one of processing as the Wind Hashira pondered this.
"Mm... Then, I like your smile," Sanemi said finally, his voice quiet.
Giyuu chuckled softly, shaking his head in wonder. "And where might that have come from?"
"You kept complimenting me!! If I didn't compliment you, I'd feel bad," Sanemi whined.
"Fine. Why do you like my smile? Kocho-San says it's unsightful and that I shouldn't smile much," Giyuu said, frowning slightly.
"Well, Kocho's opinions are also deeply flawed then. I think it's wonderful. And more so by the fact that I rarely get to see it." Sanemi kissed him tenderly, as if he had to be careful, else Giyuu would break. "But if you smiled more often that would be just as lovely. You look so alive when you smile."
"Do I look like a dead fish when I don't?" Giyuu teased. 
"Nah, you're still adorable when you don't," Sanemi insisted. "Where the hell did 'dead fish' come from, though?"
Giyuu shrugged, moving to wrap his arms around Sanemi. "Some of the other Hashira have called me that before, I think. You did too, no? Before we started dating?"
Sanemi groaned. "Noo, don't remind me, I feel so bad about that..." 
"Don't be, I really was—am?—like one. Also, you hated me then so... sort of justified. And I did conspire ways to get back at all of you when I was particularily upset," Giyuu said, smirking at the thought.
"Oh? That makes me feel so much better," Sanemi said sarcastically. "What were these conspiracies, then?"
"Eh, stupid shit. Mostly just insults."
"Right. I didn't hate you, by the way," Sanemi said. 
"No? I thought you hated me with a, and I quote, 'burning passion,'" Giyuu said, giggling. 
"Oh, fuck off... No, well, I was irritated with you but I didn't 'hate you with a burning passion,'" Sanemi said with a sigh. "I hate myself for saying that, it was so cringy."
"Mmhm, it was funny," Giyuu murmured. "You know, after it all happened and I looked back on it. Why'd I annoy you, though? Was I that irritating?"
"Nah," Sanemi said, conspiciously not elaborating.
"Then... what?"
Sanemi grumbled, slinking down under the covers, his head obscured by the blanket and Giyuu's arms. He nestled himself into Giyuu's embrace, resting his forehead on the Water Hashira's chest. 
"You were so damn cool," Sanemi murmured, his voice muffled by the clothing. "I admired you so much it hurt. I pretended to hate you because it made it easier to cope with the fact that I liked you."
Giyuu raised an eyebrow at nothing, tucking his chin in to look down at the bundle of Sanemi wrapped in his arms.
"That's... cute," Giyuu said, laughing suddenly.
"Hey!! Don't laugh!" Sanemi said, jolting up, his face flushed as he bonked Giyuu lightly with his head.
"I'm sorry!! I'm sorry, I just can't imagine you admiring me. Or, like... Liking me at all. Before, at least," Giyuu said, pulling Sanemi up to his level again. 
Sanemi averted his eyes, his cheeks dusted pink in embarrassment. "Fuck, I was falling for you," Sanemi mumbled. "My ass couldn't admit it, though." 
"Well, it all turned out well," Giyuu said, kissing him. 
"Mhm, and now I've got a hot ass boyfriend who's never going to let this fact down. My money's on the fact that you'll bring it whenever you have a chance just to embarrass me," Sanemi said, pouting. 
"Awee, but you get so flustered easily, it's too cute not to..." Giyuu said.
"Hmm, right. Tell me how you fell for me," Sanemi said confidently, wanting Giyuu to be humiliated as well.
"Let me think back a bit," Giyuu said, resting his head on Sanemi's, closing his eyes. "I think... a couple months before I asked you out."
"How did you decide to ask me out, thought? Were you contemplating it for months?" Sanemi asked, laughing. 
"No, I wasn't going to tell you until..." Giyuu paused. "I don't know. I had this... spark. I think it was something you said."
The Hashira went silent again, lost in their thoughts. 
"Was it the time some bitch came and asked me out?" Sanemi asked, after a long moment. "A week or two before you asked me, some... demon slayer girl? She went up to me and asked me out. Fuck, I turned her down in an instant because my mind was on you, of all people... And she was ugly."
Giyuu snorted. "She was not, don't say that, Sanemi," he chastised.
"She was!! Especially the way she ran off crying after—don't tell me you feel bad for her? She literally avoided my eyes when she asked. You, on the other hand. Your ass walked up to me all, 'Hey Shinazugawa, wanna go out?' I'm going to be honest, you took me so off guard." Sanemi sighed, reminising. "It was a good type, though. You were so confident, somehow. Like, your eyes stayed on mine the whole time and were so..." 
His voice trailed off in thought and the silence slipped back into the room for a second.
"I wasn't confident, really. But I do think it was the fact that you turned down the girl that I asked you out finally. Partially, at least. I was hopeful because you'd turned her down, and... she was, you know, female? I was hoping it was because you were attracted to men. That, and I hadn't stopped loving you after several months," Giyuu concluded. "I guess I gave up on trying to rid the feeling."
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Months," he scoffed. "I'd been trying to stop loving you for a fucking year. Hell, I just pretended to myself that I didn't like you. Good job."
"Eh? For what?" Giyuu asked.
"If you hadn't asked me out, I would've pretended I hated you for the rest of my life," Sanemi said, almost annnoyed at himself. "I'm a coward sometimes."
"Sometimes?" Giyuu teased.
Sanemi glared at him. "Alright, enough talk, let's sleep," he said, wrapping his arms around Giyuu's waist and closing his eyes.
"Hey, it's not my fault you started the conversation in the first place!" Giyuu protested, though he had a smile wavering on his face.
"Oh, fuck off. How did I start it?!" Sanemi complained. 
"You asked if your scars made me not like you," Giyuu said, kissing Sanemi's forehead.
"Mm. I forgot."
"I know."
Another lapse of silence drew on (this is getting annoying, isn't it....) and for a moment, Giyuu assumed Sanemi was falling asleep. 
But then he said, "And if you're wondering, there was nothing that made me ask you that. I was just... looking in the mirror yesterday."
"Oh." Giyuu paused. "But you look... gorgeous. What, was the mirror broken?"
Sanemi, whose head had been previously smushed against Giyuu's chest, looked up. "It was working perfectly fine, that's why," he said. "I can't bear to look at myself sometimes. Reminds me what I've gone through."
"Hmm, think about instead how much you've braved through, then? Or lived through? And you still look hot as hell??" Giyuu said, grinning slightly.
"Yeah... no. And... I didn't brave through shit. I literally just told you that I'm a coward," Sanemi deadpanned.
"We were talking about a completely different thing!!" he insisted. "And you did brave through it. It's not really being all fearless, it's about overcoming it."
"Look at you, being all wordy and practical," Sanemi said, grumbling. "Fine, if you want to give me a pep-talk, I'll accept it so you don't continue."
"Alright," Giyuu murmured. 
"Let's sleep now, 'kay? I want rest if I have to do my missions in dead-winter," Sanemi said, closing his eyes again as he rested his head against his boyfriend's body.
"Mmhm, love you, sleep well," the ravenette said quietly, placing another kiss on Sanemi's cheek.
"Love you too."
« Word count: 1685 »
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