#and despite where they end up the bishops are fun to think about in their early years
supercasey · 11 months
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“Long ago, Narinder believed his brother Kallamar to be the bravest god of all.”
Day 29 of participating in imakestuff1987's COTL Inktober prompt list! When I first played COTL, I wasn't a huge fan of Kallamar, but he's grown on me a lot since playing the Relics DLC (he's so freaking cute as a follower)!
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skyartworkzzz · 4 months
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The Followers (pt 1)
HEY YALL!! Finally got around to designing some of my COTL OCs which will be taking part in some future stories
Down below is some info about each of them from left to right! Some of it may be subject to changes futurely...
Enjoy <3
Astrid (she/her)
Rescued from Darkwood
Nurse apprentice
Was rescued by the Lamb while running away from heretics that chased her down the woods
A little clumsy, but tries her best and has an overall bubbly personality
Fun fact: Astrid was based off the pink-bow bunny from the official COTL animations!
Beau (he/him)
Rescued from Darkwood
The yellow cat! <3
Head-farmer and gardener of the cult, he is the one who decides which crops will be planted
Was a single child of a farmer family, they used to donate their crops to those who needed food
Managed to escape the heretics a few times, until eventually getting caught to be sacrificed to the Bishop of Chaos, thats when Lambert found and saved him
Felix (he/they/it)
Our little freaky lemur 😌 most of the followers think hes weird, but he does not mind and even finds such aversions quite amusing
Felix is a Witness. He was born in the cult a few years after Narinder became a follower, and turned into a Disciple somewhere before Lambert set off to free the Bishops from their Purgatory
One of the closests to the Lamb, he's seen as their little guy
Was raised by a lesbian couple that is still alive and love him very much <3
Tetris (she/her)
Rescued from Anura
Head-nurse of the Healing Bay, she mentors new nurses and defines their tasks
She used to have a family of her own, until they were taken away by illnesses and heretics
Very sweet and patient, sometimes quiet even, it takes a lot to get on this woman's nerves
Nanaty (she/her)
Rescued from Anchordeep
Widower; also used to have a family of her own, until they were slain by the heretics. Ever since then, Nanaty has resented the Old Faith and sought revenge
Was converted after fighting the Lamb during one of their crusades, with them promising to find the ones responsible for her tragedy. Once it was done, she swore her loyalty to the Lamb and became their guard
Loves children and is a natural mother, putting her guard down for the little ones whenever needed
Morris (he/him)
Rescued from Anura
Despite being a loyalty enforcer now, Morris was the first to dissent and very skeptical on his first days at the cult
Challenged the Lamb to a fight pit once, where he was brutally beaten up but spared at the end, taking the experience to learn from his stubborness
Nowadays he is the friendliest one to welcome new members of the cult and help them get used to their new home
Fun fact: altho Morris was based off on 2 bison followers I had in my gameplays, I also took inspo on the bison we see in the official COTL animations!
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 1 year
Crush On An Archer PT.4
Kate Bishop X f!reader
a/n: Honestly, I know I took forever to write this but I'm proud of myself for coming back and doing it haha. We all know how I can be when I fall off the writing wagon for a bit. Anyways, I think this part was pretty good! Let me know what you think! For those of you asking, there will probably be one to two more parts after this. Most likely one but we'll see if I change my mind. Happy writing!
Word count: 2250
Warnings: Not proofread, drinking
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Waiting for 7pm too roll around felt like weeks. You tried watching tv, scrolling tiktok, literally anything to pass the time. You ended up settling on taking a nap to make time move quicker and so you’d have no problems this time staying up a little later. Your alarm goes off at 5:30 and you get up to get ready. You settled on some beige shorts with a black tshirt and a fitted cap to match the shorts. You threw on your chain and rings and hit yourself with a mist of your cologne before you were ready to head out. You had about 40 minutes until 7 when all of a sudden your phone went off. 
“Hey any chance you could come to mine for 7 instead? I ended up having to host the pre game. Sorry about the inconvenience.” Kate said in a text. 
“Sure omw in 10.”
Kate dropped you a pin with her location as a reminder of where she lived and you started to head over. 
Despite the constant texting and good amount of time spent together so far, you couldn’t help but be nervous. You don’t drink often and when you do secrets spill so who knows how this is going to go. You send her a text saying you’re close and as you walk up the steps to her front door the door swings open and there’s Kate with open arms and clearly already tipsy. 
“Y/N!!!!!” She says as her arms wrap around you and her body weight almost completely falls onto you. You’re practically holding her up until she finds her footing. She looked gorgeous. Her hair was down, she was wearing this beige tank top style shirt that was tight to her body with super high cut black shorts. You were practically drooling. 
“It is SO good to see you. Let’s get you a drink. We’re playing some games.”
You walked into her house and around the corner there were about 10 other girls some of them you recognized from the team some you didn’t. 
Kate quickly did a run down of who everyone was in the room for you while cracking a vodka soda for you and handing it off. 
“Do you know the rules of flip cup?”
“Yeah I think so.”
“Want to watch us play one round then join in?”
“Yeah absolutely.”
You sat there and watching a bunch of drunk girls playing flip cup but honestly your eyes were stuck on her. Fuck she was absolutely gorgeous. Her smile felt like it was lighting up the entire room. Every feature on her face was your favorite. Your heart was just melting looking at her and she had no idea. 
“Y/n??” You zone back in. 
“Yeah sorry?”
“You saw how to play. Think you’re ready to join now?”
“Yeah absolutely.”
You played a couple of different drinking games that Kate walked you through for about an hour and a half and had a pretty strong buzz going when one of the girls announced that the party you were going to go to got shut down. 
“Well it’s not too late, we could always just go to the bars instead?” Kate says. 
Everyone nodded in agreement, you were honestly a little relieved because house parties weren’t so much your thing. A bunch of the girls went to touch up their makeup while you waited by the door ready to go. Kate walked over to you and waited with you, of course she’s so naturally gorgeous that she wears practically no makeup. 
“I hope you’re having fun!! I know you don’t typically do this sort of stuff.” She says. 
“I am yeah I’m excited to go to the bar too.”
“Good.” She says with a soft smile as you two stay making eye contact in this dark entrance to the apartment. 
“C'mon you two let’s get going.” One of the girls says as she stumbled between the two of you bringing you back down to earth. 
Everyone was ready to go and you all started walking towards the strip of road with about 5 different clubs and bars on it. Luckily, Kate’s place wasn’t far at all from the area so it was only a short 8 minute walk. After IDs were checked you all headed in, the music was blaring, drunk people dancing, yes you absolutely felt over stimulated and were trying to keep your cool. 
Kate looks over at you and sees the concerned look on your face. She grabs your hand with hers and motions towards the bar with her head. “C’mon let’s go get a drink” is what you think came out of her mouth but it's practically too loud to tell. 
Kate orders the two of you a shot and a vodka cran each as the bartender makes eyes at her, you can feel her grip tighten. 
“Thank you!” you try to yell over the music as she hands you your drinks.
Kate winks at you as you cheers your shots, tap them on the table and throw them back.
“Let’s go dance!” She screams over the music. Her free hand grabs yours again and pulls you to the front of the dance floor right in front of the DJ. The two of you bump into some of the girls you came here with who are so unbelievably plastered they had absolutely no shame in dancing any which way. You however felt shy, although there was copious amounts of liquor coursing through your body you were still sober enough to be nervous. That or the nerves were so bad they were sobering you up. You decide to down your other drink for courage and try your best at dancing. Kate was a natural, she went out with these girls all the time, they practically all had a dance routine created based only on their time drunk dancing in bars. Your second drink was starting to hit a little harder than expected so the nerves were settling and you felt like you could relax and have a little bit of fun. Was the room spinning? Yes. But it was spinning in the best way possible.
You and Kate were jumping around having an amazing time screaming the lyrics to whatever Taylor Swift song the DJ queued up (there were a LOT) when all of a sudden you saw all the emotion drop off her face. She got real quiet and started to stand a little behind you. You look at her confused as you follow her eyeline three people down to a guy who just walked up with his friends. Fuck.
“Kate? Everything okay?”
“What’s going on?”
“I just haven’t seen my ex since we broke up. I know it was inevitable with us living in the same town and going to the same school and everything but it still took me off guard.”
“Did you want to leave?”
“--fuck no. He doesn’t own the bar. I’m not going to ruin my night just because his dumb ass showed up.”
You see the guy she’s looking at make eye contact with Kate. Fuck is he walking over here?
Kate’s fingers are entangled in yours as she clutches onto your hand behind her back. 
“Hello ladies.”
“Why are you over here?”
“Woah Kate, no need to be so hostile. I just wanted to come say hi. Why don’t you introduce me to your little friend?”
You could see fire lighting behind Kate’s eyes. She quickly squeezed your hand twice and pulled you around in front to reveal your hands locked together.
“Girlfriend actually.” Kate says confidently as she releases your hand and puts her arm around your shoulders. Your arm naturally fell to her waist and your heart was beating a mile a minute as your hand gripped around her side. 
His eyebrows raise as the two of you hold each other. “Yeah…okay…sure.” He says. 
“I don’t know who you are but you’re making my girl very uncomfortable so I think it’s time you go.” You say with the most fake but hopefully believable confident tone. 
““Your girl” yeah?” he says with air quotes. 
You just raise your eyebrows in response. He scoffs, looks at the two of you back and forth and walks away. A huge sigh of relief comes out of your mouth as you watch him walk away. No way would that have been possible without the amount of liquid courage you downed just beforehand. You snap back into reality as you feel a kiss planted on your cheek. Your eyes widen and your face more beet red than it already was turns and looks at Kate. 
“You were GREAT thank you so much for playing along with me.”
You got a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, arm around her waist. Why did you feel so shitty? Why did it feel like your heart fell out of your ass to then get trampled on? 
You managed to crack a smile out as your eyes looked at Kate with lust and love and how all you wanted was for it to be true while she seemed obliviously happy that it was just you two again.
Her friends came back over to you guys after getting more drinks and Kate told them what just happened as you stood there still trying to process it all and how you felt. The rest of the night felt hazy, you tried to dance with Kate and her friends but fuck all you felt was out of it. That whole thing really fucked you and your night up and it never improved. 
You check your watch, “1:27am”
“Hey Kate, I think I’m going to go home, I’m feeling pretty tired.”
A frown comes across Kate’s face when you say you’re leaving. “Okay…but I’m walking you, I don’t want you walking alone at night.” She says. 
“No, it’s not a big deal, stay with your friends.”
“No y/n, I’m walking you home, you have no say in this.”
You let out a small chuckle and agree as Kate turns around and says bye to all her friends. 
The two of you push your way through the crowd and manage to make it outside and damn fresh air never felt so good. 
“So…how was your first night out experience?”
“I had a pretty good time, yeah.”
“So glad to hear it! I hope you come out with us again soon.”
“Yeah for sure.”
The two of you talked about all sorts of different stuff on your walk home, school, friends, archery, you had some laughs but for the most part you were still feeling really weird about everything that happened earlier and you weren’t doing a very good job at hiding it. 
“Thanks for walking me home…but now I’m worried about you walking home alone.” You say with a chuckle. 
“It’s okay, I can call an Uber.” Kate responds. “Uh…y/n..can we talk about something for a sec?”
“Yeah for sure what’s up?” Fuck. You can feel your heart racing again.
“Are we good?”
“Yeah of course, why do you ask?”
“I don’t know, it’s just I felt like we were having a really good time and then after my ex came over and that whole thing you seemed really off the rest of the night.”
Fuck. What do you say? Do you tell her you have feelings for her? Do you shrug it off? One of those sounds a lot easier than the other.
“Yeah! No, yeah of course we are good. Yeah that whole thing was definitely weird but there was no issue.” You say with the fakest smile ever. At this point you were worried she could hear your heart racing.
“You know if there are ever any issues you can tell me right? Like if I crossed a line or something, just be honest.” She says as she takes a step closer to you. 
“Yeah of course. No issues here.”
“Okay good. Because I have really enjoyed getting to know you and I love the friendship that we have…”
Is she just saying that to make it abundantly clear that we are only friends and will only ever be friends?
“...or whatever else we have too.”
You felt a lump get caught in your throat as your eyes were making lingering contact. Heart thumping so loud you can feel it in your eardrums. Your eyes were scanning her face, fuck all you wanted to do was grab her face pull it in and kiss her. Your body is just full of adrenaline, it's practically shaking out of you when all of a sudden you tune back in. 
“Yeah, I love our friendship too.” You say with a big goofy smile and take a small step back from her. 
What the fuck was that?
Kate’s face was fighting back every emotion it was feeling. Struggle was painted across it. She clearly had something to confess that she practically did but you are such a big pussy that pushing her back and away was the only thing you could do. 
“I should um get some sleep.” You say. “Text me when you get home safe?”
“Sure– uh– yeah.” Kate says looking confused as you start backing up towards your door and walk through it. Back against the wall as your head tips back in frustration trying to figure out why the fuck you would do that. 
– End of PT. 4 –
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms @oohlala666 @kates-abs-slay @scmg11 @uselessgaez @katebishops-simp @d0ingitwithpassi0n @wuwu96 @ar23northlondon-forever 
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five-bi-five-mind · 1 year
Prompt: Maya and reader weren’t official. Maya said she didn’t do relationships and you said you weren’t just her fuck toy. But what happens when Jack (or anyone) tries flirting with reader??
Late Night Calls
Fandom: Station 19
Pairing: Maya Bishop x fem!reader
Words: 4.4k+
Summary: You were trying to move on, you really were. It was only so many times you could be completely let down by Maya Bishop and you were trying to break your habits. But then she's Maya Bishop... and it's really hard to resist her.
Genre: Smut & Angst & Fluff (tiny bit)
Warnings: Alcohol mention, top!Maya, bottom!r, jealousy & possessiveness, fingering (r receiving), semi-public sex, bathroom sex
A/N: I'll be honest, this fic feels a lil messier than I'd like it to be. But I hope y'all enjoy my first Station 19 fic!
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“Oh come on,” Maya groaned as she rolled over to face you. “Don’t be like that.” 
You were currently sitting on the edge of her bed, angrily pulling your shirt back on. It happened again, you thought things were different and you were sorely mistaken. When were you going to stop falling for her sweet words and seductive tone coming from the other end of the phone? It always happened when the sun went down. She would call you and tell you all the right things to make you squirm where you sat. She’d tell you she wanted you. No – craved you and every time you’d fall for it and find yourself hopping into your car and speeding to her apartment. And lately, the last few times you arrived she would take your breath away, claiming you in a way that only she could. Touching you in a way that only she knew how. At the end she’d kiss you so deeply that you thought you two were on the same page. But the moment the kiss was over she’d untangle herself from you completely and not so subtly hint for you to leave. Your hopes would instantly be crushed. What should’ve been an amazing night would turn into one of self hatred and disgust. You couldn’t help, but feel used. Any time she’d start the conversations about no sleepovers, you’d fight back by telling her that the next time she called it had better be for something more. Of course, despite your warning, she would still call and that’s why you kept thinking things would be different. It never was. She was starting to make you believe all you were good for was a quick fuck and you didn’t like that feeling.
This time you didn’t even bother to start the argument again. When you two were finally spent, you waited for her to say something, anything of meaning, and yet again she started with the same words. “It’s getting pretty late…” Immediately, you knew it was her way of telling you to leave. This time, when she said it, you just huffed and started to pull on your clothes. The only thing you said in response as you wrestled with your shirt was “Don’t call me again, Maya.” And that’s when you finally got a different reaction out of her. 
“We had fun tonight, didn’t we?” She said behind you, her hand reaching to run her fingers across the exposed skin of your back as you continued to struggle with your shirt in the dark. All you did was recoil, not wanting to entertain her words with any sort of answer. 
She sat up when she noticed your response to her touch. The fact that you pulled away from it did something to her. The harshness of the way you recoiled sat in the pit of her stomach and she didn’t like the way it made her feel. Maya tried to shake off the feeling, telling herself if she reasoned with you it would make her feel better. 
You felt the mattress shift as she scooted closer and you squeezed your eyes shut tight in anticipation of her next words. “Listen,” she sighed, her hand yet again reaching out to brush her fingers along your back. This time you didn’t pull away, but you just sat still as you waited for her to continue. Whatever she was going to say next was going to disappoint you. You knew that deep down. It’s not like this would be the first time she hurt you like this. Yet, still you waited and hoped she’d say something real.  “I told you when we started that I didn’t need a girlfriend.” 
“Yeah,” you sighed. This conversation always goes in circles and you were tired of having it. Of course, Maya couldn’t ever talk about her feelings with you before. Why would this time be any different? “You also said this was a one time thing.”
You didn’t have to turn around to know that Maya was wearing that annoyed frown she always gets. She never says anything when you throw that back in her face, but it was true. Maya made it clear the first time you hooked up, but then she broke her own rule and she called you again… and then again… and again until you were at a point where you lost track of how many times she would ask you to come over. 
Instead of waiting any longer for her to make up some other excuse to get you to leave or to sweet talk you into not being so mad, you got up and walked towards where your pants lay on the floor. Maya stayed silent this time. The air had drastically changed. It felt heavy, suffocating even. Usually, after this conversation happens, it’s tense. But this was different. There was a sense of finality in the way you moved across the room, gathering everything you two had flung off. Maya understood that and watched silently as you pulled the rest of your clothes on. 
“Goodbye, Maya.” Your voice echoed through the uncomfortable silence. Maya turned her head from you, refusing to meet your eyes as you waited one final time for her to say something, anything to get you to stop. She remained silent. You took her response as her own acceptance of the finality of the night. This was the end of whatever this situationship was. With your things gathered, you looked back at Maya once more, her eyes still glued to a random part of the room. The lack of reaction from her strengthened your resolve, and finally you left. That night was the last night, you told yourself. It would be the last time you had this conversation, the last time you answered her calls, the last time you fell for Maya Bishop.
After that night, Maya would call and you’d send her to voicemail. When she texted, you would purposefully leave her on read. It took longer than you thought it would for her to finally stop trying to get you to come over. The texts and the calls had slowed to a stop and you tried to ignore what that might mean. Did she find someone else to answer those calls? As hard as you tried to deny the hurt you felt from walking away from Maya, you knew it was for the best. You deserved more and you knew that, but you still couldn’t help but want her. 
To distract yourself from her, you would go out with your friends. They kind of knew what was going on. Not all the details, but still, they could tell that you were heartbroken. It had been a month now of you trying to avoid Maya Bishop and her insistence to break the bad habit that you formed with you. You were holding strong, so you decided to be bold. A month was a decent amount of time. Maybe you weren’t over Maya, but maybe you were ready to be under someone else. A hook up, that’s what your friends convinced you that you needed to get the ball rolling. A hook up wouldn’t solve everything, but maybe it would fix your bad mood. 
So you got dressed up and went out. Your intentions were to find someone, flirt, and see what happens. And oh, did you flirt.  You really flirted. More so than you usually would. But there was a good reason for that and that reason was currently staring daggers at you from across the bar.
It was driving Maya crazy, in fact. Having to watch you fawn all over another person. That person being Jack of all people. Part of that pissed her off even more. She saw you the minute she entered the bar and, unfortunately for her, you saw her at the very same time. That’s when you shifted all your attention to Jack. She knew it was, because you caught her coming in. She chose her usual spot and luckily it had a clear shot of where you were currently, in her opinion, draping yourself all over him. He, of course, was loving all of it. He had a shiteating grin on his face and it was quickly testing Maya’s patience. After a few minutes of this little show, Maya was ready to snap. 
Jack was clearly enjoying your attention too and that’s what was making it even worse for Maya. He was leaning close to and talking you up. Maya kept seeing the telling smile he flashed at you and, to her horror, she knew what that meant. Finally, he flexed and of course you laughed and all Maya could do was grimace. 
Maya’s fists were shaking in anger as she watched this shitshow unfold in front of her. She tucked her hands under the bar to hide their shaking as she watched you touch his arm like it was the most casual thing in the world. If looks could kill, the one she was giving Jack would’ve made him drop dead. And honestly, she hated herself a little bit for wishing that he’d disappear right now. Did he know what he was doing? Maya thought she told him about the little situationship she had with you, but maybe he didn’t realize it was you she was sleeping with. Or used to be sleeping with, she guessed, since it had been a month. Hopefully, though, that was the case, that he actually had no clue who you were. But if he actually knew it was you that she was seeing, then he might not be leaving this bar in one piece tonight. 
When he leaned in and whispered something in your ear that was the last straw for her. Maya knew Jack well enough to know that he was close to convincing you leave with him. She’d be damned if she let that happen. After one more long drink of her beer, she slammed her bottle down and shot up from her seat. Walking right up to where you and Jack sat at the bar, she didn’t even look his way once before pushing herself in the small space between you two.
Jack’s eyebrows shot up and he leaned back on his barstool as he watched Maya get into your personal space. “Can I talk to you for a second?” Maya’s voice was clearly tense as she practically seethed. A knowing smirk formed on Jack’s face as he watched her haul you off your stool. Bingo. 
“I uh- I guess?” You stuttered. Not that it mattered, Maya was already pulling you toward the bathroom. 
You practically jumped out of your skin when Maya slammed the door behind the both of you. She reached for the doorknob and the sound of the click echoed through the room as the lock slid into place. Alright, you thought, this night was going to be a long one. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Maya whipped around on you as you walked further into the bathroom, wanting to get a little bit of distance between you and the woman you so desperately wanted to forget. 
“I’m not doing anything, Maya,” you said, trying your best to play it neutral. Truth is, you knew exactly what you were doing. To be fair, this wasn’t your plan at the beginning of the night. You definitely didn’t just walk into the bar, find Jack and decide tonight was the night you’d try your best to make Maya jealous. In a way that wasn’t your goal at all, but in a way, deep down, it also was. No, your plan for the night was to try to forget Maya once and for all. 
Okay, so you picked a bar that you knew she frequented, but to be fair you hadn’t seen her there in awhile. When you went with your friends, as much as you hated yourself for it, you would look at her usual spot and she wouldn’t be there. So, there were two reasons you decided this decision was safe: The first being that it was a familiar bar where you knew other people who frequented, so if you went alone and something happened, you had people around who had your back. The second was that you really didn’t expect Maya to suddenly start coming the first night you decided to go out without your usual group of friends again. Your hopes were to find someone to flirt with, to forget maya for, or to at least go home with. Of course, that wasn’t going to happen now. Especially when you hadn’t even finished half of your first drink before being torn away from Jack. 
Your night hadn’t even started and she already ruined it. She was going to watch your every move the whole evening, you knew that just by the way she was looking at you from across the bar. So, since you were angry, you found an easy way to piss her off too: Jack. Yeah, you knew him. He was charming, he worked with Maya, and you kind of knew they had a history. Honestly, anyone would’ve done the job but he was sitting right there and you wanted to be effective. So you flirted and they both ate it right up. Was it cruel? Maybe, but honestly if you didn’t know any better it felt like deep down Jack knew exactly what you were doing too. Either way, your little plan to piss Maya off clearly worked since you were now being stared down by her as she kept getting closer and closer to you. 
“Jack? Really?” Maya stopped right in your personal space, but you weren’t going to back down. 
“Why not Jack?” You shot back. 
“Because he’s… Jack! He and I- well we- we work together!” Maya’s arms shot up in frustration, but you weren’t phased. If anything, you were a little smug. “And you two were practically all over each other.”
Your eyebrow shot up at that. You hoped your plan to make her jealous would work, but you didn’t think it would work this well. It took everything in you not to smirk at her in triumph. “Why does that matter?” 
“Come on!” Maya huffed. “You know why.”
“No,” you challenged. “I don’t. Why don’t you enlighten me?” 
“Because I-” Maya paused for a minute. You could see as she struggled to find what to say next. “Because it could get messy.”
You let out a sarcastic laugh and shook your head. She was really trying to avoid having a real conversation about her feelings, and you watched as she did mental gymnastics to get around it. “We were just having fun, remember? So nothing should get messy,” you fired back. “Unless, either you or Jack has feelings for me, then I don’t see why anything would get messy? And I mean… Come on, Maya, I don’t really know Jack that well so I don’t think he would be the one to catch feelings for me. Do you?”
You didn’t stop the smug smile that time. Maya stood there dumbfounded and you practically beamed at her with how proud you were of your own argument. You had her, she might not want to admit it, but you finally really did. Maybe she’s moved on, maybe she found your replacement, but that’s not going to dampen your victory. At least you can rub it in her face right now that she’s not allowed to have you anymore, while also confirming that she felt something. 
“You know that I don’t-”
“Do girlfriends,” you interrupted. “Yeah, I know. Listen, Maya, I’m done with this. If you don’t have something real to say then I’m going back out there.” You took a moment to see if Maya would respond, but she just stared back at you with wide eyes. Finally, you stepped around Maya, trying to reach the door. But you didn’t get a chance to even touch the lock.
Suddenly, Maya’s hand was wrapped around your elbow, pulling you back and turning you around. You stumbled awkwardly, reaching for the bathroom counter to steady yourself. “Maya, what the f-”
Her hand was on your chin in a blink of the eye. She held your head still as her lips came crashing onto yours. All words of protest you had were quickly, utterly lost.The both of you stumbled back at the sheer force of her kiss until your back was fully pressed to the counter, but her lips still didn’t part from yours. Your hands wrapped around the edge of the counter as you tried to keep yourself upright. Her lips pressed harder into yours and the hand that was once on your chin moved to tangle in your hair. The kiss was sudden and your brain didn’t register what was even happening at first, but when it finally did you should’ve stopped it instantly. Except, no matter how much your brain was screaming at you to be logical, you couldn’t. The kiss was breaking all the rules you set for yourself when it came to Maya now. But it just felt so fucking good.
Instead of pushing Maya away like you probably should’ve, you kissed her back. When her lips met yours with full force, you instantly accepted them. Even though your hands were currently busy steadying you, you still tried to push forward to have your body press fully to hers. The minute you felt her tongue trace your lip, you knew it was all over for you. The voice that was still telling you to stop went completely silent. Whatever Maya wanted, she could have. As long as she touched you the way you so pathetically wanted and so desperately missed, she could do whatever she wanted to you. 
You couldn’t stop the whimper that left your mouth when you felt one of Maya’s legs push between your thighs and press up slightly. Maya took that opportunity to slip her tongue into your mouth, running it against your own. As much as you hated yourself for it, you were drowning in Maya. How could you deprive yourself of this feeling for as long as you did? She was everything you’ve been craving for a whole month. There wasn’t a second that went by that you weren’t filled with the overwhelming desire to feel her hands back on you. Each time she called, you hesitated to send it to voicemail. Each text, you found harder and harder to ignore. You tried to push all these feelings for her back down. God, how you fucking tried. But now one of her hands was slipping under your shirt, her nails were dragging down the skin of your stomach, and her tongue was licking into your mouth. Now, she was filling your every sense and you were willingly letting yourself get lost in it. 
It didn’t take long for you to let Maya’s body push your own up and onto the bathroom counter. Maya broke her hold on you to grab your legs and hook them over her own waist. If you weren’t already gone before, now, with the way Maya was between your thighs, you really were. You didn’t care about what promises you made to yourself, what this would feel like the next morning, all you wanted was Maya to keep doing what she was doing and you wouldn’t let anything get in the way of that right now. So when your legs were locked around her and her hands had moved to your pants, you didn’t stop her from popping open the button and undoing the zipper. Maybe, if you were being rational, you should’ve at least insisted on not doing this in the bathroom of a grimey bar, but you weren’t being rational. Honestly, if Maya stopped for even just a second you thought you’d explode. So instead, when Maya’s hands toyed with the edge of your underwear, in your irrational, impatient state, you grabbed her hand and pushed it further down. 
Maya also had absolutely no cares in the world. She didn’t care if they kicked the damn door down, she wasn’t going to let anything tear her away from you. In this moment, she tried with all her might to show you that the only one who gets to have you was her. Fuck Jack, she thought as her fingers were instantly met with your wetness when they grazed your folds. She was the one to cause that, she was the one to turn you on and have you already so deliciously disheveled in her arms. It was her, not him. It would never be him or anyone else, she promised herself as her teeth pulled at your lip and you let out a desperate whine. Only she would be the one to touch you like this from now on, she would make sure of it. 
Your body shuddered when you felt Maya’s fingers move down through your folds, collecting your wetness. Maya wasn’t wasting any time. She knew, with the precarious location that you two were currently in, that she didn’t have time to draw this out with you. Despite how much she wanted to take her time reminding you of how good only she could make you feel, that would have to come later tonight. At least Maya hoped for it, but with the way you were panting into her mouth as her fingers circled your entrance, she was pretty sure it wouldn’t be hard to convince you to hear her out and go home with her for more. 
Maya entered you with two fingers and you immediately let out a small gasp at the feeling. Her lips moved from yours finally and went to your neck. As she began to drag her fingers out of you slowly, you felt her whisper against your skin “fuck, I’ve missed you.” Your teeth sank into your bottom lip as her fingers stopped right at the tips before practically slamming back into you. And then she set a steady pace. It took everything in you not to let a moan slip from your lips as she started to fuck her fingers into you. Her pace wasn’t fast, but her fingers still moved in and out of you with an intensity so strong that her whole body rocked with yours. Your hands moved from their grip on the counter to wrap around her back and hold her closer to you as some sort of anchor for the sheer pleasure she was causing. Maya’s free arm wrapped around your waist to hold you upright while she pressed her whole body more fully into you. Her fingers kept moving and her tongue and teeth were busy running up and down your neck. When her fingers curled inside of you, she also picked a place to focus on your neck, no doubt leaving a large visible mark in her wake. 
Her increasing pace and the way she was latching onto your neck was way too much for you. You knew if you were just a little too loud then someone might notice. Yes, there was loud music, but still even that couldn’t drown out all the sounds Maya seemed to be trying to elicit from you. You pulled away from her lips that were currently making their way across your jaw and buried your head into her neck, trying your best to muffle the pitiful whines that were coming from you. Maya was now the one who was utterly smug, loving that you were struggling so hard to control yourself. She pulled your body impossibly closer and buried her own face into the top of your hair while she continued to fuck you. 
With her lips now free, Maya began repeating the absolute filthiest things to you as her fingers kept hitting just the right spot. “You feel so fucking good around my fingers,” she groaned as she continued to pump into you. “Cum for me, baby. I want to feel you cum all over my fingers.” All you could do was moan into her neck and grind into your fingers, trying your best to take them even deeper. Maya kept her pace until she felt you tighten around her fingers. Your nails were digging into her skin through her shirt and with one long moan, barely muffled into her shoulder, she felt you cum. Eventually, she slowed her movements to a stop and let your body slump against hers. Your hands relaxed their hold on her back, but you still kept your arms around her. 
The room was silent, apart from the sound of both of you trying to catch your breath. Maya pulled her fingers out of you slowly and a shiver ran throughout your body, but you stayed with your head buried in her shoulder. Honestly, you just didn’t want to face her. Now that the heat of the moment was starting to wear off, the shame was setting in. You threw caution to the wind and now you knew pain was coming. To add to all of it, you let her fuck you in a dirty bar bathroom of all places. 
Surprisingly, Maya’s arms didn’t leave you. In fact, she didn’t pull away at all. Instead, you felt her lips press to the top of your head.   Another moment passed like that and one of her hands moved to run through your hair. The softness of it all was shocking to you. Definitely not a usual move of Maya’s after a night like this with her. 
“Come home with me,” she finally whispered. 
“Maya…” you tried to pull back from her, but her arms tightened around you and held you still against her body. 
“It’ll be different this time.” She was clearly nervous as she spoke. You didn’t answer her, instead you let her continue to hold you against her. Your mind was weighing your options, trying to gauge how serious she was, but then she whispered a gentle, “Please… I promise it’ll be different.” Without a doubt, you heard the sincerity in her tone that time and, finally, you nodded in agreement. 
That night she took you home with her. Jack watched from the bar, trying to cover his knowing smirk with his drink as Maya proudly walked you past him and out of there. To your relief, Maya kept her promise. For the first night, you fell asleep in her strong arms. There was still much to talk about and in all of this Maya still hadn’t actually told you how she felt. But you knew, deep down, you knew you meant something to her. Right now, that was enough.
A/N: Just so you know, next time I write for Maya... I want to destroy her emotionally. So send me some angst requests
taglist: @demonicbaby666 @storiesofsvu @geekyandgay98 @desperate-gay
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pumpkinpie59 · 2 months
i have like. 10 main au’s now fjdkdksk
my fanfic, a life rebuilt
a 2012 au where tang shen survives the fire tho is severely injured and chooses to raise the turtles with splinter. the story follows shen throughout the 2012 series and how she’d affect the events
alice in wonderland au
not rlly an au, more like an episode with a dream sequence. based on the wonderland musical by frank wildhorn. set in 87, lotus falls down an elevator shaft and finds herself in wonderland surrounded by her friends reimagined as wonderland characters.
rapunzenardo au
so uhhhh. this was actually max’s idea/joke that i couldn’t stop thinking about and i made it an actual au. so it’s the plot of tangled but with 87 leonardo and lotus blossom.
his mask tails are very long.
the 2012 team who existed when the main 2012 team went back in time go to space only to be forced into an alternate universe where there are no ninja turtles— a version of 87 where the turtles never mutated. they want to go back desperately but discover that this universe needs their help, and they start to get attached.
the fun with this au is that it can fit into 2012’s canon.
code 59
an original au that takes place in the future where mutants are mostly accepted into society, but splinter is scared of the enemies he’s made in his past so chooses to keep the turtles in the sewer anyway. too bad they become teens.
kind of my main au that follows the traditional tmnt formula.
an original au where the boys are separated from splinter as toddlers and end up on different parts of the galaxy. somehow they find each other and have to learn to become a family again despite wanting different things.
sons of bishop
an original au where the turtles were mutated and raised by bishop as his soldiers. but on their first mission, they start to realize they might be the bad guys.
circus freaks au
my newest original au. april tries to investigate a mysterious circus and discovers it full of mutants and aliens. word gets out to the epf and puts them in danger.
pirate au
a fun original au i’ve come up with with my friend @sailing-ever-west .
still brainstorming a plot but i was inspired while thinking about one piece and pirates of the caribbean. takes elements mostly from 87 and 2012.
fantasy au
EDIT. I FORGOT THIS ONE. this is a mostly 87-inspired au where the boys are separated, but instead of a sci fi setting it’s a high fantasy world.
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wheelsvoid · 2 months
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⇢ your sister, kate bishop, has many enemies and one of them takes you to get to her. you’re left with no choice but to fight for your life, with her by your side
genre: platonic, angst
word count: 924
warnings: kidnapping, violence, weapons, minor injuries
request: “If you don't do male reader please substitute with the pronouns you prefer!! But the idea would be Kate Bishop's younger brother who isn't a fighter and is a gentle soul being kidnapped by one of Kate’s enemies but like his fight or flight kicks in and he fights back a bit and Kate and him end up fighting due to adrenaline and Kate is horrified by what happened to her brother? You can take it from there wherever you want to!!!”
yes yes yes! although, while i don’t mind writing for male readers at all, i like to keep it gender neutral so anyone can read it :) hope that’s okay
My head was spinning, aching. For a terrifying moment, I couldn’t see. I glanced up, struggling to make out anything through the mess of colours and swirls that was my surroundings.
I went to rub a hand over my eyes, only to find them pinned behind me. I strained my muscles attempting to free them, but had no luck.
When I could see again, I hit me that I had no idea where I was. I glanced behind me, only to realize that I was tied to a chair, in a room I did not know.
Naturally, panic hit me first. Confusion followed soon after, but I was mainly panicking.
Where was I and who did this to me? Because I’d be damned if I somehow did this to myself.
I struggled to break free from the itchy, painfully tight rope around my wrists.
“You’re awake.” A voice broke through the silence of the room, startling me and causing me to whip my head up to see who was standing there. My eyes met the cold ones of a tall, unbothered woman. She looked as though she’d rather be anywhere else, despite clearly being the reason for my unfortunate situation. “Finally.”
“Who are you?” I found my voice quicker than I thought I would.
“That doesn’t concern you.”
“You kidnapped me. I think it does.”
Now, she looked amused. But still, she decided not to answer my question. “Your sister has been more trouble than I expected her to be. Unfortunately for you, you’re here as bait.” She sent me the smallest smile, “fun, isn’t it? You’ll get to see her at work!”
I had already decided that I hated this woman, but now I was not only furious, but annoyed. She thought she could use me to get to my sister, and she was laughing about it? I was outraged.
A small beeping sound was heard, and I watched as she pulled her phone out of her pocket. She grinned like she was pleased before speaking over her shoulder, “she’s here.”
For the first time since waking up, I realized that we weren’t alone. In the distance, multiple men and women with both big and small weapons alike were standing there, waiting. They kept close to the darkness, keeping their eyes on me and our surroundings.
They were waiting for Kate.
I sucked in a breath at the sudden silence, and held it. I listened, and soon, a distant sound reached my ears. I heard grunts, yells and the smashing of glass.
Then, the door slammed against the wall as it blew open, a smoking arrow stuck in the wood next to the handle.
I met the familiar eyes of my sister, and she gasped at the sight of me. “Y/N!”
“Yes, yes, a very touching reunion, but that isn’t why I’ve brought you here.” The woman rolled her eyes, but I kept mine on Kate. She was giving me a look. I saw both panic and calm in her eyes, somehow.
As the woman continued speaking on and on about a plan that neither Kate and I cared for, my sister held up her bow, and released an arrow towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut, but sighed in relief when I felt the rope on my wrists slide off, hitting the ground in two different pieces.
I got to my feet in seconds, and just as Kate had knocked one of the men unconscious, she called my name, and tossed something in air. With a scream, I caught the knife, before staring at her in disbelief.
“Kate! You can’t just throw a knife!”
She looked equally as shocked as I was, “I’m sorry! I don’t know why I—”
“Enough!” The woman yelled out, running to Kate in an instant. I didn’t have time to look out for my sister, because before I knew it, a woman was at my side.
A part of me wanted to run; to take off and selfishly leave Kate to deal with this. Still, I knew that it wasn’t right and it was far from smart. With the amount of people here, I would be chased down and taken in seconds, and Kate… I had faith in her but I couldn’t do that to her.
Without thinking about what I was doing, I swung the knife. I sent kicks and punches, regardless of how good my form was, and tried my hardest to stay alive.
I wasn’t meant for this. I wasn’t a fighter, I barely even got through the day without tripping over my own feet. With Kate by my side, somehow it was easier to pretend I was doing all right.
As Kate sent an exploding arrow to the last group of guards, I let out a breath of relief, relishing in the quietness that had joined us.
“Y/N.” Suddenly Kate’s hands were on the sides of my face, and her eyes scanned me at a rapid speed for any injuries. “Are you okay? You’re okay right?”
“Yes,” I tried my hardest to calm her, but her mind was probably going so fast that she didn’t hear a word. “I’m okay, I promise—”
“No, no, you’re not.” She rubbed a thumb over my forehead, and I flinched. “You’re bleeding. What did they do? Do you remember?”
I frowned softly, thinking. “No… not really.”
“Not really?”
“Um,” I pursed my lips. “Not at all, actually.”
She tried not to gasp, “Y/N.”
“No, no, we need a doctor.” She said. “Let’s go.”
“Let’s go.”
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doctor-badadvice · 6 months
You know, I often make fun of Bishop, as one does. I call him a man of strong fashion opinions, a nerd and a wretched little gremlin. It’s all part of the process and it’s necessary when you end up liking an idiot of his caliber.
I’ve talked about his personality before. Yes, it’s very black and white (and red) under many aspects. I made a whole post about how that affects his outfits throughout the show.
Though when it comes to relationships, it isn't all so straightforward. Bishop has obviously invested all his charisma points in intimidation. This definitely helps him work as a villain, but his short temper and ingrained need to feel in control of the situation often get in the way of his objective.
Having to deal with people isn’t easy for him. Almost impossible, even. He can spit some raw lines but it also took some real effort to stop himself from strangling the president, which may not be the best course of action, you know?
The only situations in which we see him succeed to some extent are whatever concerns his organization since there is standardization. Times change and so do people. Keeping up with new costumes over the decades is time consuming but military practices? Those rarely change.
Bishop is obviously a good leader. His men execute his orders without questioning and with the highest professionalism, despite the occasional threat of being subjected to unspeakable experiments in case of failure. He also historically enjoyed the respect of at least one president, where again he just has to act like a good agent to get what he wants. Yes, the fake invasion counts in this regard since it proved to the president just what a good investment EPF was.
He even keeps Baxter in line for the most part since they have a very clear deal they both surprisingly stick to (though Baxter has a major hand in this since he knows what’s the amount of snark he can afford on the workplace).
Anything else is a disaster. Romance would be a tragedy from the very first moment. Friendship? We know how that went. Becoming a good person?
Yes, about that.
Bishop’s presidential outfit is extremely accurate. He’s not the man he once was. He has changed his methods and he sees aliens as people he can negotiate with and manipulate when fit. His work has fundamentally changed, as in he at least tries to create something which not only Earth will benefit from.
But he also has a whole room dedicated to spying on everyone through satellites and he personally leads the rescue mission at the Moonbase. The agent never really left, he just comes out whenever Earth is directly threatened.
Do I think that Bishop is still evil in FF then? Not quite.
Having done my fair share of writing for this nerd, I'd say it's somewhere in the middle. Specifically it's a mix of an opportunistic person seeing the chance for a different approach and most importantly, accepting that's actually possible, and a character who was born in part as a critique to real life events that were happening at the time of the show.
At the time of FF, the bigger picture kind of guy has started down a path of good but he still only relatively cares about other people. The public is obviously up there on the list since he has a public image to curate now. Aliens are more or less people. Turtles and random rich teenagers can pick fights with evil (very stupid) shapeshifting aliens if they can make themselves useful. Baxter deserves a second chance despite the little dissection prank he tried to pull.
Still, I can't say it's all Bishop's fault because when you think about it, his two most formative life experiences were both very traumatic events. The alien abducting him right after he got wounded on the battlefield set him off on a path of paranoia and blind revenge. The lab experiment that almost killed both him and Baxter and a symbolic act of kindness diverted him on a more open-minded path, even if the paranoia is still very much there.
Add that Bishop spent like 65% of his life under the military and it's no wonder even when he's genuinely making an effort, he still comes off as manipulative.
Head of State specifically deserves a whole analysis of its own that I might just do at some point because it's a fun episode. But in brief, I think Bishop, in his heavily skewed perception, genuinely considers Baxter as an old friend. He feels remorse for leaving him to die and he actually wants to make up for it.
But again, agent and president are still the same person, even if they may be one clone away from each other. Bishop both resents Baxter for chasing him and the dissection thing (you bet that brought a lot of trauma back. I wouldn't be surprised if people were left wondering what could have possibly prompted the president to take a short period of rest for the first time since ever), and cherishes that the scientist is still alive.
He's just not the best at showing it. But what can you do. Even the most peaceful person will be a bit messed up after living for so long. Bishop has been through really traumatic stuff and definitely wasn't encouraged to be anything but an efficient sadistic bastard for a good while. Even when relearning how to behave around people, he couldn't exactly explain what he has been through so at best, Bishop had to sit on his own and design new procedures like “smile, bring a gift, write a nice speech about friendship and respect”, or “introduce a problem and make it so the one in front of you will suggest the solution you want while thinking they came up with it to ensure they will care”. Or even, “traumatized people need reassurance and physical comfort. I guess I'll have to pet the talking brain and offer him a job”.
If anything, 2105 might be a bit too early. Bishop is still consolidating the PGA, there's no way to get him to work on himself some more.
Perhaps, in a better timeline, FF would have received a second season with a real seasonal arc all about redemption. There's a certain other set of clones who could have benefited from it as well.
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
GitS Asks!
Lots of Chapter 29 spoilers in here!
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@hrshlandturtles I'm so sorry fhgkdjhgd thank you so much for enjoying! I know chapter 29 was a rough one. I'm so glad everyone liked it, I was so nervous about it. It was fun seeing the different reactions from 2003 fans vs non-2003 fans. I feel like GitS is really two different stories in one. It effects both groups in different ways and ough it's so good. I will say, watching 2003 again after Ghost is. Oof. It horts.
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Ghost: I tolerate them both and that's all you can ask of me.
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If this chapter caused you distress, you may be entitled to compensation. Call 555-GOGO to join the class-action lawsuit against Amevello Blue to receive a payout for YOUR emotional damages. (The payout is more GitS chapters).
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Well he didn't lose it, it's just. Broken. Like everything else from his world. Him included.
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The mutation wasn't that big of a surprise, but the Reveal tho ;)
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Thank you!! <3
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Ough I know. Splinter was like "okay he's just pissed off at me and feels bad, he's just mad at me, that's fine" and then the skateboard ramp... The boys love that ramp. And Ghost would never hurt them. That's how he knows Ghost is gone.
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Ohhhh my god I'm so unnormal about that scene in 2003. When Leo's desperately shooting his own brother with tranqs. Don is tearing the base apart and Leo has to fight around him, screaming for people not to hurt his brother, begging for more time to calm him down from Bishop... oof... my heart...
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@sakuracards I'm glad you enjoyed!! And yes, they know now :')
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Ghost knows, he knows Splinter can understand some of it. But Splinter also lived in Japan, where he didn't deal with those things. Maybe he wasn't accepted as completely himself. Splinter definitely went through shit. Ghost knows this. But he had a childhood, even if it was marred with his mother's loss.
Ghost is talking about something much deeper than what Splinter experienced. From the very beginning, Ghost and his brothers were raised knowing that it was only the four of them. They were it. Period. No one else. If they were seen, or caught, they would get taken to a facility and killed and dissected, or kept alive and experimented on. No one would vouch for them because they were different.
There is such a deep difference between feeling acceptance early in life, knowing that there were people who would accept and love you, who would care about your well-being because at the end of the day you are all human, and growing up with only four of your kind. You are alone together. There may be kind people but they will never connect with you on the same level as being a mutant turtle. They are the only four of their kind.
Ghost spent a single year in a world where there were people who would accept and protect them. He was barely starting to learn that he could feel safety in people other than his brothers, that he could connect despite not being the same species.
Then Ghost spent 10 years alone, without any kindness because his brothers were gone. And those old fears he grew up with became ingrained in him once again, made worse by paranoia and depression and anxiety and emerging PTSD.
Ghost understands that Splinter knows something about being othered and shunned despite being human before. What Splinter will never understand is how isolating it is to have grown up fearing everything because it could mean your death.
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Ooouuu... I could see it happening to El and maybe Mike, though with Mike it feels like the wrong... vibe. With Spirit, it doesn't happen. His story is different.
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GitS definitely. That's some wack-ass mutagen Draxum made.
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Spoilers <3
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Spoilers <3
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Yes yes yup yeah exactly!! This is why Ghost is so paranoid! He grew up for 15 years thinking like this! And then he spent 10 years completely alone, the one time he did actively make extended contact with Yokai at that point was going to Big Mama and he was immediately put in a coliseum! Like!!! AH he's literally never felt safe, anywhere. He's never been safe anywhere.
Kinda makes the fact that he just sleeps out in the open in the lair now feel that much riskier for him.
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Lmao I think about that so much, too. Season 4 was the BEST season of 2003, it was the most popular season. It was great. But it got too dark, and when they tried to continue that in Ninja Tribunal, the network went "AH OOPS WELL NO" and it's like. What we could have had.
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Spoilers <3
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Heyyy….how ya doing….its me…💛 Before I start with my request, I find it imperative to let you know that you have inspired me to start writing my own TØP related story. It’s only for me right now and I currently don’t plan on posting it here or anywhere else for that matter, but maybe as it grows that will change (it’s multiple chapters after all).
Anyways, due to the band deciding the middle of a concert was the perfect time to drop a crazy amount of lore implications, I’m on a lore kick…🎉
Okay, but this one I think could be fun and fluffy, especially with how you write torchbearer. Could you do a oneshot where the reader and torchbearer are in an established relationship and torchbearer takes the reader out on a “date night” in trench. Personally, I think this would include them sneaking away from the Bandito camp for a bit, but if you have a different vision feel free to do that one. I just feel like, even though torchbearer can seem like a stickler, he can be a real softie at heart and, especially for those he cares about, he tries to make life in Trench feel more normal when he can.
I hope this ask makes sense. I know it’s a bit vague, but I also feel like it could be fun to see how you interpret it. If you don’t want to do it, that’s all fine. Don’t stress. ❤️
Anniversary Date - Torchbearer!Josh Dun x Reader
Pairing: TorchbearerJosh x Bandito Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 940 (sorry it's a bit short, wasn't too sure where to take it but I think it's cute)
A/N: HEYYY! Hope you liked the lore fic (I was excited to write something as soon as I saw the prompt and started to write pieces of dialogue down on my phone asap. Tyler’s little lore kit was so cute imo). I love that I’ve inspired you to write your own thing! Hopefully you’ll still want me to write tøp stuff for you. This Torchbearer idea is awesome :) Also… wondering if you’ve read my Blurryface fic? I’m so proud of it and have a feeling you’d like it. And if you’re into the lore you should try Break the Cycle, it’s a Clancy x Reader fic. 
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The sun had set in Trench and the Bandito camp was silent as Torchbearer and I returned from our patrol. Every night we wandered through Trench looking for escapees–not that they were very common. We’d gotten news recently that the Bishops had locked down the borders, set up extra security and boarded up the catacombs. I thought about Clancy, how he’d been taken back to Dema, how none of the Banditos had heard from him in months. But tonight was special. It had been exactly one year since I’d escaped Dema. 
As we hiked back up to the camp Torchbearer reached out and grasped my hand. 
“Wait,” he demanded, keeping his tone low and trying to not wake anyone up.
“What?” I stepped towards him and he let out a relaxed sigh. 
“We should do something for your anniversary. Something together, me and you,” he started walking away from the camp and out towards the hills. I followed him, feeling like I was running due to his large steps. Torchbearer and I had been together for six months, both him and Clancy helped me adjust when I first arrived but Torchbearer had really been there for me. He checked in every day, offered to take me out on patrol, and even asked me about my time back in Dema. Despite the fact that I didn’t want to talk about it, he seemed to know exactly what I needed. 
“Come on, we really shouldn’t. It’s not that big of a deal,” I whined. Torchbearer chuckled and continued to lead me up to the top of a nearby hill. 
“It is and we’re doing something,” he stated. I rolled my eyes and continued after him. We passed patches of yellow flowers, reminding me of the first time I met him. I had run as fast as I could through the catacombs before escaping out the other side and a small patch of yellow flowers was the first thing to greet me. That and a man in a green hoodie with a yellow bandana covering his face and yellow tape strapped across his chest. Little did I know that man would end up here with me a year later. Eventually he stopped and sat down, pulling me with him. I positioned myself between his legs and he wrapped his arms around me, yellow flowers surrounding us. I remembered when he first explained the significance of the flowers to me, I had no concept of the color yellow and it took a while for me to figure out all the different shades. The Torchbearer pointed out in the distance towards a small blue light. 
“See that?” he asked and I nodded, squinting a bit to see better. “That’s Dema.” I hadn’t seen the city, even if it was on the horizon since I’d left. It shone beautifully, as if it were safe–as if the Bishops weren’t keeping Clancy held there.
“Is it weird to say I miss it? That I miss my friends?” I held the Torchbearer’s hand and snuggled in closer to his chest. It was warm, raising and lowering with every breath. I couldn’t help but feel guilty that I missed the city, that people were still suffering in there and I wanted to go back. 
“Not at all,” he hummed, pressing his lips to my neck. His lips were warm against my skin, trailing from my collarbone and up to my jaw. “I’d miss it too if I still had people in there.” I ran my fingers through his curly brown hair, feeling every bit of the love he was showing me.
“God I hope Clancy’s okay in there,” I shuddered, trying to not let my thoughts go dark. Torchbearer pulled his lips away from my skin, giving me his full attention. He knew that every night in our tent I struggled to fall asleep, my thoughts darting from scenario to scenario. 
“He’s stronger than you think,” he reassured. “He wouldn’t want you to worry, Y/N.” I knew he was right–the Torchbearer knew him better than any of us did. 
“I love you,” I whispered, untangling my fingers and turning around to face him. He smiled softly at those three words before returning them. 
“You know, when I first met you all I could think about was how cute you’d look in yellow,” he started. “Clancy knew straight away that we’d end up together. I don’t know how he knew but he would tell me every time we were alone that I should talk to you.” He brought a hand to his pocket and pulled out a yellow piece of fabric. His eyes were filled with love and I couldn’t help but blush at his words. “This is the bandana I wore when we first met.” He handed it to me and I brought it up to my face. It smelt just like him, like hope. “I want you to have it, to wear it. I heard earlier this morning that Clancy has made it out of Dema and onto Vøldsoy, which means that sooner rather than later he’s going to be back–that the battle with the Bishops is fast approaching. I want you to have this because I want you to have a piece of me Y/N.” Tears of joy poured from my eyes. It was the best news I’d heard in months. Clancy was coming home, the battle with the Bishops would put an end to everything. The Torchbearer had trust in me. 
“He’s coming home?” I sniffled. 
“He’s coming home and soon, you’ll be able to go home to Dema–you’ll be able to save your friends.”
Hope you enjoyed it :)
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unsettlingcreature · 7 months
5, 7, 9, 13, 25 for the oc ask for Perseus 🫡 💖
5) how far is your oc willing to go yo get what they want?
So Perseus tends to make impulsive decisions that have large consequences. Typically his first reaction is self-sacrifice (like his life or his soul That One Time) but it's always something that only he's giving up. While he would rather find options other than violence, killing or the sacrifice of someone other than himself, that's probably where he draws the line - at least in pursuit of a bigger cause or to help someone else. For his own ambitions, he won't go very far at all partially because he is a very unambitious character overall.
7) what's one way your oc has changed since you first came up with them?
Honestly so much addjdhsksjddd. When I first made him, he was actually pretty bare bones because I was nervous about the (new) group I'd be playing with and wasn't sure how much backstory to give. A lot of the stuff that's now core to his character were things that were discovered through playing him.
If I had to pick one thing, it'd probably be his love life/sex life LMAO. Originally, I had him envisioned as a disaster bisexual and yeah, he definitely was in the end LMAO but I kind of viewed him as the kind of person to just end up stalling when it came to romance or sex. He was definitely awkward when flirted with and he was going to just pine uselessly when he realised Oh No I Have Feelings For An Idiot. And yet? The PPZG threesome happened so easily?? Good for him. Was a ménage-à-trois a sexual awakening for Persy? Yeagh. Good for him.
9) do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your oc?
Lyrics are hard because I have a full playlist of songs that I think are Perseus coded and ordered according to his character arc/the campaign plot. Am I allowed to use a quote from my own writing?? Because I'm gonna. Also it's kind of long 😳
Once, he would have questioned where he fit in and what his value was. The templars would have made him a bishop. Caedis, a pawn. But Perseus knew who he was now, with his family - because that's what the Last Flame were - fighting alongside him. He was a Rook, one of the strongest pieces on the board and he’d stand between them and Unity for as long as he could.
13) if you met your oc, would the two of you get along?
I like to think so! Perseus is definitely one of my least abrasive characters despite his low Charisma and I think we could at least be on friendly terms if not become actual friends.
25) what is your favourite thing about your oc?
I think maybe his growth or just how through him, I've made some wonderful friends and created wonderful things with them. With Perseus, I got to meet all the players in the Last Flame and I think it helped me become good friends with Jojo (who played Aegis, Persy's brother, and is overall a really cool dude) and Rachel (who played Yesriel, aka the third honorary Rook sibling, and is really fun to play with at Empire) in particular. All of the players were awesome for that game tbh! Last Flame i miss u. Reunion tour when.
Not just that, but he really became a creative outlet for me - I drew and wrote so many things that I'm really proud of. I'll always throw Rook, Bishop, Pawn at people wanting to understand more about Perseus as a character because I think it's really well written (to toot my own horn) but having that fic be referenced in-game before the final fight was... it legit brought my to tears, I love my DM/brother so much sometimes.
It didn't even end once the campaign came to a close. Me and Lotus endlessly spawned AUs for that campaign, including the Velseus AU which we both loved so much (and that one day will definitely become more than scattered notes). There was the Modern/High School/Coffee Shop AU that became such a big point of collaboration between everyone and that is now the setting for my current big fic I'm working on!
I just ooouuurrgghhhhhhhhhh I love Perseus so much. He might be my roman empire.
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dalesramblingsblog · 7 months
Brief Thoughts on Judge Dredd Novels, Part VIII: Silencer by David Bishop
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Well, despite Bishop himself apparently not seeming too fond of Silencer in later interviews, I found it to be by far my favourite of his three novels for Virgin.
After the stripped-back simplicity of Cursed Earth Asylum, I was wary of the book's return to a more sprawling narrative in the vein of The Savage Amusement, but I honestly think Silencer manages to demonstrate the appeal of such storytelling. It allows for a sense of scope, which is fitting enough given the novel's heavy ties to the contemporaneous fall of Chief Judge McGruder in the comics.
Indeed, one of the more pleasant surprises from this whole Virgin run has been the way in which the politics of the Justice Department have ticked along so smoothly in the background of the novels that even I, who have never read a solitary page of 2000 AD in my life, can walk away from the experience feeling broadly satisfied.
The actual plot of Silencer probably isn't much to write home about, with unstoppable barely comprehensible eldritch killing machines having been practically a dime a dozen for these books since the days of Deathmasques, but there's such a breathless, sleek dynamism and professionalism about the whole thing that it's tough to avoid getting swept up in it all despite yourself.
Unlike The Savage Amusement, where Bishop's many spinning plates ultimately just ended up making a mess all over the kitchen floor, Silencer manages to land most of its punches with as much acumen as I mix my metaphors. There's something inherently satisfying in watching all the various quirky threads of Mega-City life - some of them carried over from Bishop's earlier two novels - collide with one another, even if it might not be the most cerebral of pleasures.
I don't have as much to say about Silencer as I did some of the more recent books like The Hundredfold Problem or Dread Dominion, but I think that speaks to its straightforward elegance. It's probably the most consistent fun I've had reading one of these novels since Dreddlocked, which isn't to say that the intervening books didn't have their own charm, but sometimes there's something to be said for a simpler approach.
Current ranking:
The Medusa Seed
Dread Dominion
Cursed Earth Asylum
The Hundredfold Problem
The Savage Amusement
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theriverreview · 9 months
Ode to a child who is now Mr. Gould (s/o pablo neruda, s/o bishop nehru (been jamming those old albums), s/o to haruki Murakami) my word is bond | Christian Rene, 2023
I have caffeine withdrawal. I’m so broke that I’m scared to buy coffee. I know I have the money to buy coffee, cigarettes, and gas for my car at the least. But I find myself caught in my usual strange behavior, enslaving myself to fears that are unworthy of acknowledgment.
“I can run outside today. Enjoy the fresh air and the surroundings God has blessed me with.”
I had a friend at the age of 10 who was the same as me. He lent me a couple of films, invited me over to his family’s apartment, laughed with me, talked to me for countless hours, never made fun of my stutter, called me quite often, gave me quality time that 10-year-olds don’t often realize they have, and I believe he loved me — a true brotherly love.
I abandoned him after his family moved away. He’d call me often, and I’d pretend I had no time to talk. All I did afterward was watch cartoons, play with toys, and play with other boys. I never returned the couple of films he lent me. And I haven’t a clue where they are today. I lost my brother’s film, trust, and love.
What if, on a nice day, with such nice weather, I decide to run outside, and my long-lost brother finds me on the sidewalk? Running around as if I had never broken a person’s heart, as if my brother hadn’t relished in the thought of this day for 16 years, as if I, the clueless ingrate on the sidewalk, never apologized.
Only if he knew that I missed him for some years after he left. I was near the age of a man and I missed the consideration of another. I hope he's forgotten about me. I hope he no longer likes the film he lent me. I hope he loves himself enough to dance outside of his yard, with a cold bottle of Budweiser that hurts to hold. I hope he has found a passion. If he's a richer man than me, then I'll be an even happier man than him. I hope he loves someone that fucks him often. And if he doesn't care for sex and his lover cares for him, may God bless their union.
I'm sorry. Let me plead to you, at least! I thought about calling you, not too long ago! I searched all over the internet for you! To find you! To find your phone number!
I smiled when I found your Facebook. I found your phone number. Your looks haven't changed much. You're still a lanky kid with glasses. You look kind of dorky. That was one of your charming qualities.
I wanted to call you - I nearly did. But I wasn't high enough.
Mr. Gould, if this thought compensates for the hurt I might've caused, I wonder if I love you. If you died tomorrow, I think I'd feel something -
a rusty slash against my wrists, loss in my heart, a loveless wall stopping my fist, or the comfort of 10 Budwesiers in my stomach.
I doubt, that I'd cry, but a beat in my chest would momentarily go off rhythm.
I'd walk down the sidewalk and trip - not thinking of the direction I'm going, but where you'll end up after death.
Mr. Gould, if this thought compensates for the hurt I might've caused, I think about dying often. Not because I want to die. I just wonder about you often and I know if you were angry while driving, you might have the urge to kill me. I'd understand. I think I deserve it.
I pray it happens now.
Because I'm you, Mr. Gould. I lost a best friend. A sister. I didn't give her any films. I gave her records. I didn't have any money, so all I gave her other than music was sincerity, love, and the clothes on my back.
I'm sorry, Mr. Gould.
I didn't deserve your love, your final phone calls. Why didn't you call me to ask for your film back? Or say "I know your love is leaving, but I'll always love you despite yourself! If you find me again, put down the blunt, you unloving fool! You won't ever have to call me! Tell you love me! I don't need your friendship! Just tell me that you love me!"
I'm sorry, Mr. Gould.
I now miss you. I remember the film to this very day.
I'm sorry, Mr. Gould.
If I see you again, I'll strip off all of my clothing and give them to you. Just don't kill me, Mr. Gould!
I'm sorry, Mr Gould! I'm sorry, Mr. Gould! I'm sorry, Mr. Gould! I'm sorry, Mr. Gould! I'm sorry, Mr. Gould! I'm sorry, Mr. Gould! I'm sorry, Mr. Gould!
I think about you and can't even eat, Mr. Gould! I can't even drink, Mr. Gould! I can't even sing, Mr. Gould!
I thought I'd never love again, Mr. Gould! But I thought about you,
I love you, Mr. Gould!
0 notes
enamoured-x · 4 years
Sweet Release | Part 2
Angel Reyes x Reader
Summary: Things don’t go as planned when you attend Ez’s party. 
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Angst
Word count: 4.8k
Excerpt: “Your salvation and your destruction kneeled before you, ready to prove to you how deadly the mix of the two was. Your angel on his knees ready to sin.”
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*gif is mine!
a/n: thank you for all the love on this mini series! With that being said there will be a part 3 and it will be the final part! Enjoy! (part 1 can be found here)
Part 2
One long fucking month. Since the day you left Angel at the clubhouse with his come leaking out of you, you had been a wreck. Honestly, you were proud of yourself for holding it together so well when you broke the news to him. Maybe because you knew eventually you’d break. You were a mess. Hating Angel for what he put you through, hating that he led you to walk out on him in the first place. He tried calling every day for the first two weeks and then it simmered down to a call every few days. None of which you answered. For some reason you couldn’t bring yourself to block his number just yet. You still cared for him, still wanted to be able for him to reach out if something was wrong as long as it didn’t pertain to your failed relationship. You didn’t want to talk about how stupid that logic was because you knew keeping his number was because a part of you still wanted it to work. 
You played with the idea of maybe. But you couldn’t tell him that because you weren’t sure. You put yourself through all of his shit already and if he was going to do it all over again if you gave him a second chance you’d kill him. It would kill you. With that being said, you were going to let this play out. You knew you were supposed to get over him, knew you made a choice that day to end it with him. But a girl could dream that he’d make some grand gesture to win you back like in the movies, but this wasn’t a movie and Angel definitely wasn’t the romantic male protagonist. 
“Angel’s a mess.” You glared at Ez for bringing him up. You ignored his comment and sipped your coffee. You and Ez still kept in close contact over the month, sharing funny videos and checking in, just the usual stuff. Today he invited you to hang out and catch up since you hadn’t seen him since that day and you had agreed, happy to go somewhere that wasn’t work or your home. Happy to see your friend again.
“How’s pops?” You asked, trying to get the topic off Angel. You weren’t here to talk about Angel, he made his bed and now he could lay in it. If you were open to the idea of giving him a second chance, and that was a big if, he would need to do a lot more than having Ez tell you how miserable he’s been. You had been a wreck long before you broke up with him, he deserved to know what it felt like. 
Ez sighed and didn’t bring up Angel again, “he’s fine, he sends his best.” You nodded, making it a point to stop by soon and say hi, just because you and Angel broke up didn’t mean you couldn’t be friendly with his family still. They were practically your family. 
Ez twiddled with his coffee cup and you sighed. 
“Go ahead.” You told him, crossing your arms and leaning back in your chair. The outside seating offered you a breath of fresh air you desperately needed when talking about the one and only Angel Reyes. 
He stopped his movements and looked up at you, “what?”
“You obviously either have an opinion on the breakup or you told Angel you were meeting me and he asked you to tell me something for him. Hell, maybe you only asked to hangout with me to deliver a message. Whatever it is, spill it, Reyes.” You knew Ez enough to know when something was on his mind or when he was holding back. This was one of those times. You weren’t exactly mad at him for it but after your grief died out, you were just confused about Angel. You knew you made the right choice at the time but it didn’t mean you still didn’t miss him. It didn’t mean you were over him. 
Ez held his hands up, “I swear I just wanted to see you. No secret motive. If Angel wants to work things out with you, he can do it himself, I'm not his messenger.” You sighed. You knew he was telling the truth. 
“There’s something you’re not telling me.” He was still holding back. He may not be there for some ulterior motive but there was something. 
“You know I’m getting patched in…” He trailed off and you nodded your head. You were excited for him when he told you the news a few weeks ago. Ez had put all his time and effort in the club and he was finally going to become an official member. He deserved it. 
“The club is throwing me a party.” He stated and you shook your head. 
“No.” He scoffed at your answer and sat up. 
“Come on, you have to come. You don’t have to talk to Angel, just stay with me the whole time.” He begged. You groaned at the idea. 
“Ez, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s the best idea.” Showing up to the clubhouse just a month after you broke up with Angel and fucked him in the middle of it was probably not the greatest idea. 
“Please. You’re my only friend outside of the club, I want you there.” Ez’s brown eyes pleaded with you. You were his only friend and as that friend you owed it to him to show your support, even if it meant having to see your ex again. 
You bit your lip and Ez smiled, knowing he had you. 
“Fine, but I’ll be glued to your side the whole time you’ll regret asking me to come.” You pointed at him and he laughed. 
“This should be fun.”
You should’ve taken that as a warning. 
You hated the fact that you were putting effort into what you were wearing to the party. Trying on basically all the clothes in your closet. You figured if you were going to see Angel you had better make it good. Eventually you settled on a simple red summer dress, flowy enough to be innocent but short enough to showcase your legs. You opted for some white sneakers with it, deciding that you were definitely not going to dress up to this thing, Angel or no Angel. Either way, this night wasn’t about him or you, it was Ez’s night and you were going to be there to support him. 
Your nerves got the best of you when you pulled into the packed scrapyard, Chucky directed you where to park and you took a deep breath before stepping out. The party was already in full swing, people scattered outside and around the fire, already drinking and having a good time. 
“Hey, you made it.” Ez said as he walked up to you as you made your way toward the clubhouse. You had yet to spot Angel and you were thankful for it. 
“I told you I would come.” You pulled him into a hug and he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and then led you inside. 
“Thought you might back out last minute.” He shrugged. You were about to say something when you saw him. The man who had taken up space in your mind this past month. The man you left after reaching one last high with him. He was laughing at something Coco said, his smile not reaching his eyes. You could tell that what Ez told you had been true, that he was miserable. He looked good, just not all there. Both men were standing against the wall, what stirred jealousy in you was one of the club hang arounds to his left touching his arm. You swallowed hard, you forgot that before you and Angel got together, he was a hot commodity amongst Vicky’s girls. Now that he was off the market, you were sure the women were jumping at the chance to share his bed, they probably already had. Lead filled your stomach once again. 
You were about to turn to Ez to take the beer bottle from him when Angel finally looked over and stopped in his tracks. Gone was the smile and in its place was shock. You stared back at him, into those dark brown eyes you loved so much. Seeing him stung more than you cared to admit but you held strong. 
“You good?” Ez’s words snapped you out of your trance and you turned to him, finally taking the bottle from his hands. 
“You didn’t tell him I was coming?” You asked him as he led you over to take a seat at the bar. He looked guilty. 
“If I had he probably would’ve been by the gates waiting for you. Figured this was better.” You couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Hermosa, haven’t seen you in a while.” You turned around to face Bishop. A genuine smile lit up your face and you got up to hug him. He graciously accepted, giving you a tight squeeze before letting you go. Bishop was always so kind to you, always so supportive of yours and Angel’s relationship. 
“Hey, Bish. How are you?” 
“I’m doing good. How are you? Which Reyes brother are you really here for?” He teased you and Ez chuckled. Obviously the club knew about yours and Angel’s split but he still welcomed you with open arms despite it. You were thankful for it. 
“Very funny, but I’m here for Ez.” He laughed and placed a kiss on your temple before excusing himself. 
“Is he still looking over here?” You asked Ez, bringing the bottle up to your lips and taking a sip of the cold liquid. You welcomed the alcohol as it sat in your stomach. 
“Yup and Vicky’s girl does not seem too happy about that.” You felt a sliver of satisfaction run through you. But Angel wasn’t yours, you made that clear. So you had absolutely no right to be jealous, you had no claim over him anymore. At least not in that way but with the way you felt his eyes on your body, you knew you still had some sort of pull over him. He had that same pull over you but tonight was not the night for that. 
“Let’s get you drunk, Eziekiel. You deserve it.” You changed the subject. You weren’t going to sit here and talk about Angel who was a few feet from you during Ez’s party. No, you were going to celebrate the man of the hour. Your friend, arguably your best friend. Also arguably your only friend. 
“Sounds good to me.”
Ez was a bit tipsy but not nowhere near drunk after many rounds of beers and a few shots. You on the other hand kept it to three beers and then opted for some water, not really one to drink all that much. That didn’t mean that you weren’t having fun though. Coco had eventually came over to talk to you during the night and you were glad none of the men held any animosity towards you. It felt nice to see them again and you could honestly say you were glad you came. 
“Six o’clock, mamas.” Coco said and nodded behind you, you were turning around completely ready to see Angel. You were surprised he hadn’t tried to get your attention sooner seeing as how he still tried to contact you weekly. But it wasn’t Angel. The man who now stood in front of you was a stranger, albeit a very handsome stranger who was part of another charter by the patch on his vest. He was tall enough to tower over you, his dark eyes pulling you in. He ran his hand through his raven black hair and smiled at you, even with his facial hair you could still see prominent dimples. 
“Hello, sweetheart. I’m Jay. And you are?” He stuck his tattooed hand out for you to take and you took it into your own. Jay was a tall glass of water, honestly a wet dream. Just not yours. But he could be. At least for tonight. A rebound wasn’t a terrible idea but you guessed there had to have been some rule about finding a rebound at the party of your ex boyfriend's brother’s party while he stood just a few feet away. You still introduced yourself nonetheless. You were a bit too distracted to notice Coco and Ez had left you to your own devices. 
“So, what brings you to this party?”
“I’m a friend of Ez’s.” You told him. You swore you could still feel Angel’s eyes burning through you, you had felt it since you locked eyes with him. Whether he was giving you your space or he really didn’t want anything to do with you tonight, you didn’t know. But judging by the same girl who was still trying to get his attention, you figured he wanted nothing to do with you tonight if it meant him getting laid. 
“Hmm,” he looked you up and down and you shifted under his gaze. You were kidding yourself if you actually thought you’d go through with a rebound. Especially with a Mayan. And you were kidding yourself if you thought a rebound was going to help. As if it was going to magically make your feelings for Angel disappear. As if sleeping with a stranger was going to give you that release you needed again, no, only Angel could do that. You hated it. 
“So, this party is dying down, I was thinking maybe you wanna get out of here?” That was extremely forward, all he knew about you was your name. But who were you kidding, guys like him didn’t care, hell, you’d be lucky if he even remembered your name. You were just about to turn him down when he trailed his hand up your thigh skimming just under your dress. Your eyes widened at the gesture and you shoved him off you and backed up.
“Woah, what the fuck.” You hissed quietly, not wanting to make a scene. He laughed.
“Oh, come on. You're not here for Ez, you’re here to get laid.” What the fuck. You were about to tell him off before a hand wrapped around your waist and a warm body pulled you into his side. You didn’t even have to look to know who it was but you looked up anyways. Angel. Your damn angel.
“You touching my girl, homie?” He asked him, ice in his tone. You were surprised the guy wasn’t on the floor already, Angel’s girlfriend or not, he didn’t like people touching you if you weren’t willing. Maybe he knew punching a guys lights out right now was no way to win you back and it was definitely not needed at Ez’s patched-in party. 
“Nah, man. Sorry, I didn’t know she was yours.” You scoffed.
“I’m not anyones.” You weren’t going to cause a scene but you hated men like this, men who thought women were just objects. You felt bad for the girl he would somehow convince to go home with him. 
“Get fucking lost or we’re gonna have a problem.” Angel told him, fingers tightening on your waist. Your skin ignited at his touch, at him being so close, at his cologne infiltrating your senses once again. It all felt like home. You hated it. The guy held his hands up as he walked away mumbling curses under his breath. Before you could say anything to Angel, he was whispering in your ear. 
“We need to talk. Now.” He didn’t give you room to argue as he led you down the hall and into his dorm room, closing the door. You didn’t like this. You didn’t trust yourself to be alone in a room with Angel right now. Give it another month or two then maybe, but right now? When your breakup was still a month fresh? No. It was dangerous. Angel turned to face you and you crossed your arms looking anywhere but at him, not wanting to look into his eyes. Not wanting to lose yourself in him. 
“What do you want to talk about?” He laughed bitterly, shaking his head. 
“Us. You coming here dressed like that.” He motioned to your dress.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Angel. What’s done is done.” You explained, biting your lip. Seeing him one foot away, eyes locked on you, it was a bit too much. One month was not nearly long enough to get over Angel Reyes. Hell, you didn’t think any amount of time would be sufficient. He was a damn drug, one you couldn’t stay off of.
“So you came here to torture me? Rub it in my face? I fucking miss you and you come to my clubhouse and act like everything’s cool? Act like I didn’t mean shit to you?” He was angry, that was easy to see. But you could tell his tone carried a deep hurt, one he was desperately trying to contain. Your heart ached. You wanted him to hurt, at first. But now seeing him, seeing the desperation and anguish in his eyes? This wasn’t what you wanted. You didn’t like hurting the people you loved, even if they hurt you. 
“Angel, that wasn’t my intention. Ez asked me to come and I wanted to support him. I’m not trying to hurt you.” You explained, stepping closer to him. That was also dangerous, you should be on the other side of the room, not a few inches away from him. 
“Too fucking late.” He ran his ring cladded fingers through his hair. 
“What do you want me to say, Angel? You hurt me, you didn’t make time for me. Our relationship was over long before that day.” It was the truth. You subconsciously knew your relationship was over with Angel before you had officially broken it off. You were just too scared to admit it to yourself, too desperate to hang onto the hope that he’d actually show up for you. But he never did and you knew it was time. 
“I know, I fucked up. I know that. But what you did that day… that was cold.” You chewed on your bottom lip. Part of you did feel bad for giving him a false sense of hope that day, using him for your release and then dropping him. But you needed to end the relationship on a high note, end it with a sweet goodbye and not a bitter storm of curses, in the end it was all just bittersweet. 
“I just… I needed you, Angel. I had missed you so much and I needed something…” You couldn’t find your words but you knew he knew what you meant, even if that day hurt like a bitch for him. He stepped forward, making a move to grab your arm but you backed up and shook your head. 
“Mami, please…” He begged, this time you went still as he grabbed your arm with one hand and cupped your cheek with the other. Your body buzzed to life at his touch, like Angel flipped a switch and you were back on again, like you were just being dragged through life this past month on auto pilot, like he had finally given you the reins back to your body. 
“Angel…” You were weak, your wavering voice gave you away. He leaned forward, his lips grazing yours slightly, his warm breath mingling with your own. You felt giddy as he surrounded you, as he invaded everything you were once again. And when he pressed his lips to yours, you melted into it. He licked along your lips and you opened your mouth, tongues sliding against each other. You moaned into it and grabbed onto his vest, trying to steady yourself at this heady feeling he gave you every time his lips were on any part of you. His hand slid to your waist and you had half a mind to snap out of your daze. You pulled away and he craned his neck, trying to chase your lips. You pushed on his chest lightly, wanting him to stop. 
“No, Angel, we can’t…” You couldn’t get hurt again. You couldn’t just fall back into him just for him to keep you at home waiting up for him and waiting on his call, and when neither came you’d be right back where you started. 
“Querida, I love you… I need you.” He whispered against your cheek. Hearing him say those words only made your heart ache worse and only made you want him more. It was damn confusing. You wanted him but you couldn’t put yourself through that shit again. 
You knew what he meant. I need you. He didn’t just need a release, he needed you. Just like that day you broke up with him, you needed him to give you that high but you quite plainly just needed him. 
“Fine. Let’s fuck and then go our separate ways.” You said, pulling him in for another kiss, needing the distraction. Not wanting to think about how fucking stupid that offer was, how fucking stupid you were. Sex wasn’t going to do anything but fill your base desire, it wasn’t going to give you back that piece of your heart that was ripped away from you when you left. He didn’t let the kiss go on more than a few seconds, pulling away, confusion and despair written all over his face. 
“Fuck me, Angel. We need it.” You stated plainly. He shook his head and backed up from you. 
“No. I need you.” His words pricked another pain in your heart. 
“Then take me.” You offered. You were sure you had lost your damn mind. But you wanted Angel, maybe it wasn’t exactly the way you wanted him but you’d take it. 
“Fuck no. That’s not what I want.” You sighed, he wasn’t making this easy. Because it wasn’t what you wanted either. Yeah, you were desperate to feel him inside you again but it’s not truly what you wanted. 
“That’s all I can offer.” Your words came out softer than you planned, sadder. He scoffed, running his hand down his face. 
“You want a release, mami? I’ll give you one, but you’re not getting my dick. I can’t… I can’t be inside you without wanting to stay there. Can’t give you that if I know you’re just going to leave again.” You weren’t sure what he was offering. But it didn’t matter because he was more upset than he had been just a few moments ago. 
“Angel…” You shook your head not knowing what to say. Fuck, if he fucked you right now you wouldn’t want him to go anywhere either. But that wasn’t your reality. The reality was that he fucked up and sex didn’t fix it the first time and it certainly wasn’t going to fix it this time. 
“I’ll make you come on my tongue, and then you can walk out that door but you’ll walk out knowing only I can take you to heaven.” You swallowed hard at his words as he crowded your space again. Your breath hitched as he pulled you into his chest, making you look into his eyes. 
“I’m not going to stop. Not gonna stop calling, texting, not gonna stop until you give me another chance to prove to you how much I fucking love you. But right now, I’ll give you what you want. Even if it kills me.” And with that he slid to his knees. Your whole world stopped at the confession, at him kneeling before you, ready to worship you in a way only he could. The sight of him on his knees, the rush you felt as he trailed his hands up your bare thighs, it was like no other high you had ever felt. Your salvation and your destruction kneeled before you, ready to prove to you how deadly the mix of the two was. Your angel on his knees ready to sin. 
His lips trailed up your thighs and you threw your head back, steadying yourself by placing your hands on his shoulders. His warm breath getting closer to the place you needed him most had your core clenching around nothing, had you squirming, waiting for him. 
“Fuck…” You breathed out as he lifted your dress to get his mouth right on the skin above your panties. You bit down hard on your bottom lip as you felt yourself getting wetter at his teasing. His lips skimmed your stomach before he forcefully yanked your panties down, a contrast to his gentle and slow movements. You gasped at the action but before you could react further, he buried his face in your pussy, throwing one of your legs over his shoulder in the process. You yelped at the sudden intensity, at his wet tongue sliding through your folds and flicking against your clit. 
“Oh god.” You cried, grabbing onto his hair and grinding yourself into his face. He let you, following your movements, never relenting, never taking his mouth off you. Heaven. He wasn’t wrong, only your angel could take you there. 
“Missed your taste. Missed you.” He mumbled against your slick. He said the last part so quietly you almost didn’t hear him, but you did. You heard him and it stung but the pleasure he was also giving you was overpowering your thoughts on his confession. 
“Feels so good, Angel.” Your words spurred him on as he trailed his tongue to your hole, fucking you. You whined at the intrusion and rolled your hips and pulled his head in deeper. You were drowning again, or flying, or possibly dying. It felt too good, felt too sweet to be anything but something so fucking dangerous yet so damn exhilarating. 
You were so lost in your pleasure you almost didn’t notice the door open, Angel obviously didn’t, head still buried in your pussy. The head that peeked around the door was the same woman who had been trying to fuck Angel all night. Her eyes widened at the sight and you should’ve felt embarrassed, but all you felt was that satisfaction again. Angel was here with you, on his goddamn knees for you. Pleasuring you and wanting nothing in return. At your mercy. Your head clouded with need at the thought, not because he was here with you and not some other woman but because he’d only ever do this for you. 
You moaned a little louder and the girl snapped out of her shock and displeasure as she awkwardly closed the door. 
Now that she was gone, you were once again focused on your man. Not your man. Angel said this would kill him, he didn’t know it was going to kill you too even if you got your release. 
“Gonna come…” You cried as he flicked your clit with his tongue. You were yanking at his hair, which only made him moan and made for a sweet vibration on that bundle of nerves. You rolled your hips against his face faster, nearing the edge. The sounds his tongue and your slick were making were enough to put a porno to shame and it only brought you closer. 
“Come, let me take you there.” Heaven. You could see it behind your eyelids, could fucking feel it as your orgasm finally shot through the surface, taking you sky high. You let out a litany of curses mixed with his name, eyes watering at the intensity of your high. Earlier you didn’t know if you were flying or drowning, what you realized now was that you were flying and drowning. A mix of gasping for air while simultaneously flying right through it. 
Finally you caught a breath as your climax started to fade, Angel still licking his way through it with gentle strokes. You whined as you finally came down, finally came back to this world. He lapped you up slowly and then placed a small kiss to your clit before pulling away and looking up at you. Your breath shook as you looked into his eyes, as he kept your gaze and laced his fingers through yours. You let him. Not having the energy to fight him. He knew what this was, he said it himself before he dropped to his knees. It made you feel slightly less guilty about only taking and not giving. 
He finally got to his feet. You saw the tent in his pants but he adjusted himself and cursed under his breath. He didn’t seem to care about that though as he looked at you. You didn’t like the look. A look that held a lot of promise. His beard was slightly damp from your come and your core throbbed at the sight. He licked his lips as if he knew what you were thinking about and took your face in his hands. 
“Forgive me.” He whispered, desperate again. You knew what it was. He said he’d get you off, nothing to it, but of course there was a small part of him that thought you’d change your mind after another orgasm. 
“No.” Your words stung him, you could tell. But his face hardened and you thought he’d pull away. But instead, he stroked your bottom lip with his thumb.
“You will.” And with that promise he was walking out the door, leaving you more confused than ever. 
Taglist: @starrynite7114​ @xladymacbethx @fear-less-write-more @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @glimmerglittergirl @vicmackeybullshxt @miss-nori85 @blessedboo @kalimont83 @ctrlbitch​ @angelreyesgirl​ @langiinspirations​ @lilac-tea-time​ @melancholymelanin​ @-im-fantastic-​ @withmyteeth @isisafrofairy​ @elektriknachosss​ @krysiewithak​ @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @mental-bycatch​ @smurfflynn​ @blackmissfrizzle​ @arination99​ @bucky-iss-bae​ (if you want to be removed from the taglist for this fic pls let me know!)
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the-widow-sisters · 3 years
Hello! I know you prob hear it all the time, but DAM YOUR FICS ARE GOOD! I'm not usre if you have seen this video, https://youtu.be/pg1iUWS6_2g
The entire thing is adorable and i love Scarlett and Flornces relationship, I really think it shines through in the movie! But, if you skip to about 5:23 and just watch Scarletts face as Florence talks its clear she adores Florence.
And so that gave me an idea! (Uh oh, beware.) Maybe Yelena and Natasha could be at the compound at Natasha watches as Yelena does something super childish or adorable and is caught literally just gazing at her little sister by like Clint or someone and they poke fun at her for it. Yelena overhears and being the protective little urchin she is, shuts down whoever was 'making fun' of Natasha. Ending in lots of cuddles!
Totally do not feel pressured to do this! Unlike me, you probably have a life!😂 I just wanna let you know that you're truly an amzing author and i refresh Tumblr everyday just to see if you've posted! Keep up the amazing work!!!💝
A/N: Thank you so, so much!!! That means the absolute world to hear, and I am so, so glad that you like my fics 🥺💗 It's always the greatest gift in the world to know that I have managed to bring a bit of enjoyment to someone with one of my fics 💕
Yes! I have seen that video! It's one of my favorite Scarlett and Florence vids, and I think their friendship is absolutely adorable. It is so clear that they both love each other so much. Florence was so cuddly and it was the cutest thing ever 🥺 And Scarlett was looking at Florence like she hung the moon and that always makes me smile 💕
And thank you for this request! Gosh, I enjoyed writing this one so much! 😂💖 I recently learned about the term crotch-goblin (I know, call me behind with the times or a fossil 🤣) and this was the perfect opportunity for me to use it 😂
I hope you enjoy! 🥰 Have a wonderful day!
Word Count: 2543
“Move over, Peter Tingle! Are you trying to get in my way?!” Yelena demanded, glaring at Peter as she shoved him over into his spot. There was a beat of silence before he replied to her.
“No!” Peter finally squeaked in reply, and Yelena’s eyes widened as she smacked him in the shoulder roughly with her own.
“You hesitated!” Yelena accused indignantly, and Peter let out a surprised noise akin to a yelp as he barely glanced at Yelena before returning his attentions to the screen before him.
“No, I didn’t! I was focusing and it took me a minute to answer you!” Peter cried, and Yelena narrowed her eyes, looking over at him as she furrowed her brow.
“LIAR! You sabotaging little sh—”
“WHOO!!! POWER UP!!!” Peter shouted at the top of his lungs, interrupting her, and Yelena swiftly refocused to concentrate on winning against Peter.
“How do you turn the car? I’m going the wrong way!” Kate helplessly questioned, but Yelena and Peter were so busy trying to win against one another that they did not hear her. Kate let out a deep breath, trying to figure out the answer to her own question.
Natasha barely held back her laugh in response to the three sitting there before on the couch.
Natasha was currently perched on the back of the couch as she watched the group very aggressively playing some racing game on Peter’s console. She was sipping on some green tea as she attempted to avoid Yelena’s aggressive movements from where she was directly in front of her on the couch. Her green tea had threatened to spill multiple times because of Yelena jerking backwards and smacking her in the legs. Natasha was beginning to think that if the tea spilled and landed on Yelena’s head, it would serve her right. Especially since the stuff was not that hot anymore.
“You’re just going to have to wait, Kate Bishop, I’m busy trying to win!” Yelena growled in reply as she tried to move around Peter’s trap he had left in his wake. Natasha chuckled, grinning at Yelena despite the fact that she felt a bit of sympathy for Kate and could understand the brunette’s cluelessness about the video game.
Natasha never usually played games herself, but she oftentimes would watch Yelena when she did, finding great enjoyment in watching the entertaining show that was Yelena when she was aggravated with the video game.
“What’s all the yelling in here?” a voice suddenly piped up, and Natasha looked back to see Clint coming into the room. She grinned at him before looking at the television screen before them where Peter and Yelena were going neck and neck.
“Hi, Clint!” Kate immediately stopped paying any attention to her car on the screen as she looked up at Clint, her eyes positively sparkling as he stopped next to Natasha, leaning on his elbows on the top of the couch.
Natasha found it positively adorable how Kate had such an obvious crush on Clint. However, she also felt terrible for the girl knowing that it was such an impossible thing. But she knew that Kate would likely eventually get over it.
“Looks like you’re going in the wrong direction, Kate. As usual,” Clint commented with the barest hints of a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, and Kate rolled her eyes with a groan, redirecting her gaze to the screen. Natasha raised an eyebrow at him, bumping into his shoulder with her own with a grin, and he just smiled back at her, his expression softening a little.
“Look, I know how to play real games! Like RPGs and first-person shooters are my thing. Virtual car racing’s hard! I’m stuck and I can’t figure out how to turn this contraption around!” Kate whined just a little, and Clint rolled his eyes, reaching down around her and taking the controller from her with his arms barely brushing her shoulder.
Natasha did not miss how Kate froze for a moment, staring at Clint as he proceeded to maneuver the car in the right direction and get it going for her. He then handed it back to her. She took it from him sheepishly, her eyes lingering on his bicep as he withdrew his arm.
“Thanks,” Kate laughed goofily and somewhat awkwardly as she hesitantly turned her attentions back to the television screen.
Natasha almost laughed at the fact that he had not even noticed Kate’s crush yet. Natasha knew that no matter how much she told him, he would never believe her. Especially since he saw Kate as a protégée and maybe even a daughter figure.
“So… Peter and Yelena are back at it again?” Clint questioned, and Natasha nodded in reply.
“Of course. Would you expect anything less?” Natasha chuckled, and Clint raised an eyebrow as he took in the sight of the screen.
“Yelena and Peter are tied as usual?” Clint asked curiously.
“They’ve been tied every single race,” Natasha answered with a smile, sipping her tea, and Clint nodded, impressed at the two of them and their skills at video game driving.
“He’s cheating, Clinton! Don’t let poser trick you into thinking that he earned this spot legitimately!” Yelena griped angrily, and Natasha just snorted in reply. Peter let out a noise of protest, not taking his eyes off of the game despite the fact that Natasha could see how much he wanted to.
“It’s not fair! You have a lot more time to play this thing than I do!” Peter defended himself and Natasha could see the pure wrath in Yelena’s gaze as she glared over at Peter in the midst of her competitive haze that was clouding her every thought and feeling.
“I wasn’t!!! I just meant that school and superheroing keeps me from playing all that much!!!” he screeched in reply, clearly terrified of Yelena and what she might do to him after they finished their match. Yelena drifted her car, ramming into the side of Peter’s as she tried to win against him. Natasha snorted at Yelena’s use of offense.
“That’s cheating!” Peter yelped, and Yelena rolled her eyes, keeping her attention concentrated on the digital road.
“No more than you moving your fat, curly head in the way! Seriously, brush that stuff every once in a while!” Yelena jabbed, and Peter yelped as he tried to evade her elbow coming toward him as she maneuvered the controller. Natasha, however, knew that Yelena was not aiming to do anything to him at all. This was their mode of operation any time that the both of them played video games together.
Honestly, the way that Yelena interacted with Peter melted Natasha’s heart since she knew that the blonde had the biggest soft spot in the world for him. He was similar to a little brother to her even though she would never ever admit it. Natasha knew that she would always come first in Yelena’s world, but she was glad to know that Yelena was such a strong, loyal watchdog for Peter.
“And how did you end up with these animals, Kate?” Clint asked, and Kate just sighed as she kept accidentally ramming the side of her car into the guard rails as she attempted drifting.
“I don’t know… It looked fun before they started trying to kill each other,” Kate explained, and Yelena and Peter both paused for just a moment, looking at her oddly in between glancing back at their individual cars. Kate looked back at them, a little startled by the sudden attention explicitly centered on her.
“We’re not trying to kill each other,” Yelena told her, seeming completely and utterly offended at the implication that they had malicious intent toward one another. Peter seemed almost as affronted as Yelena as he glanced at Kate in between driving.
“Yeah, we’re having fun,” he expressed solemnly, but he was quickly interrupted as Yelena shot up and off of the couch as her car crossed the finish line just before Peter’s.
“YES!!! EAT THAT!!! I WON!!!” Yelena shouted victoriously, fist-pumping ridiculously, and Natasha felt a growing smile on her face as she looked at her baby sister.
“You owe me a slushie, you little crotch-goblin!” Yelena cackled gleefully and Peter’s eyes widened as he gaped at her. Kate immediately snorted, apparently understanding the phrase as she laughed hard. Natasha just quirked an eyebrow, wincing slightly at the words. However, it did not manage to wipe the grin away as she felt her heart swelling with love.
“What does that even mean?!” he yelped embarrassedly, and Yelena started pulling some sort of insane dance moves from the Just Dance game that she so often enjoyed playing. They were poorly executed, but Natasha was still smiling so widely that her cheeks were hurting.
“Look it up in the Urban Dictionary!” Yelena waved him off, continuing to brush off her shoulder as she made an entire dance out of it, moving ridiculously and way too confidently considering her skill level at freestyle dance. Natasha just laughed under her breath at the girl, her eyes glued onto the girl as her heart swelled enormously in her chest.
“Y’know, that really does explain a lot of your vocabulary,” Kate admitted, barely holding herself together as she cracked up.
It was times like this with Yelena that Natasha just wanted to hold her in her arms and squish her adorable cheeks, kissing them a thousand times. Yelena was just so adorably excited about her victory, and she would glance at Natasha every few moments to check that she was watching and that she was approving of her win. Natasha felt a warmth building within her as she gazed at the most important person in her life.
“And you pick on me for being a softie,” Clint quipped, and Natasha looked over at the man as he smirked at her widely. Natasha rolled her eyes, shoving his shoulder playfully.
“Shut up,” Natasha chuckled.
“The biggest softie in the land? Right here,” he continued, and Natasha pretended to ignore him as she shook her head and sipped what was left of her tea.
“Seriously. What happened to the big, mean Black Widow I knew? All I see now is the Itsy, Bitsy Spider,” Clint joked with a much too pleased grin, and Natasha shot him a mock glare that he only seemed to be amused by as she moved to place her tea on the table near the couch.
“That would make you Little Miss Muffet, then, wouldn’t it, Barton?” Yelena immediately spoke up, and Natasha was surprised at how quickly Yelena was standing on the couch and moving into Clint’s space. Clint looked a little shocked himself, and Natasha suddenly realized how Yelena was shielding Natasha protectively, ensuring that her body was between Natasha and Clint. She was not kidding at all, and her hackles were raised as she stared him down with a fire in her eyes.
Kate and Peter had silenced themselves and there was a deafening quiet that remained uninterrupted until Yelena spoke up again.
“Have you ever seen the part where the spider sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away?” Yelena questioned, a threat in her voice, and it was clear to Natasha that Yelena obviously had gotten immensely offended about Clint’s words toward Natasha. Although Clint had been joking, Yelena had obviously not fully realized that, or the words had irritated her anyway.
Yelena had the strangest limits when it came to picking on people and teasing them, and it was all fun and games until that line was crossed. Apparently, Clint had taken a big step over her invisible line. Of course, there was also the fact that no one was allowed to pick on, aggravate, or jab at Natasha unless it was Yelena doing it.
“I was joking, Yelena, calm down,” Clint told her, a serious tone in his voice despite the calm, teasing overlay. Yelena just stared at him wordlessly for a moment, and Natasha brought her hand up to touch Yelena’s back gently. Yelena’s eyes immediately softened and her posture relaxed as Natasha just smiled at her softly. There was a moment more of tension before Yelena just scoffed.
“Yeah, yeah. Next time, watch yourself or I’m going to whoop your tuffet,” Yelena grumbled, but her tone was considerably more lighthearted than it had been.
“Is that something on Urban Dictionary, too?” Peter piped up, the pressure broken as Yelena returned to her ordinary self, and Kate laughed nervously in reply to his words, slowly loosening after the confrontation that had just transpired. Yelena just scoffed at him, waving a dismissive hand at him as she sat back down on the couch.
“Bah. Urban Dictionary wishes it could think of something that cool. That was a Belova Wordbook special,” Yelena assured him, and Natasha shared a quick glance with Clint. He nodded understandingly, a sympathy shining in his eyes.
Natasha had been just as defensive of Clint until she learned to relax just a little more. However, she still was pretty protective of him when anyone else besides her picked on him, though.
Natasha then lowered herself on the couch just behind Yelena, moving so that her legs were on either side of Yelena. Yelena froze for just a moment at the touch, but as soon as she recognized Natasha, she relaxed. Yelena wasted no time in leaning back against her as she settled in to start another game with Peter.
“What do you say to another round, Peter Tingle?” Yelena offered, and Peter shrugged, nodding quickly.
“What about you, Katie?” Yelena questioned, extending the invitation to the brunette.
“I don’t think—wait, don’t call me Katie,” Kate stopped mid-sentence, narrowing her eyes at Yelena. Yelena smirked widely as she watched Kate mischievously.
“But no, I don’t think I’m going to go for another round of this stuff. It’s too violent for me,” Kate commented, widening her eyes a bit as she turned off her controller and left the game.
“Says Miss Call of Duty,” Clint quipped as he started to leave the room, and Kate looked back at him with a playful glare as she got up to pursue him as he headed out, her arguing with him about why car racing was worse than military shooters.
As Yelena started to customize and choose her car, Natasha leaned in, kissing Yelena’s cheek as she rested her chin on Yelena’s shoulder. She then moved her lips so that they were near Yelena’s ear so she could speak to her softly.
“Vse v poryadke, sladkaya devochka. Tebe ne nuzhno zashchishchat' menya ot nego,”1Natasha assured her gently, and Yelena moved her head to the side to touch her cheek against Natasha’s face.
“Nikto ne pridirayetsya k tebe, krome menya,”2 Yelena whispered firmly, and Natasha felt a smile tugging at her lips as she pressed her nose to Yelena’s face, closing her eyes.
She truly treasured this person more than anything in her whole life. Yelena was her world and would always protect her no matter what.
And Natasha would always protect her.
(1) "It's okay sweet girl. You don't need to protect me from him."
(2) "Nobody picks at you but me."
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benjaminmoorepaint · 3 years
red: the color of...grantaire?
Figured I might do another meta post like the one I did for Marius to address the myths and misconceptions surrounding certain characters, so it's Grantaire's turn!
I'm sure we all know Grantaire quite well...a sensitive starving artist, with his Apollo as his muse, and a cynic who pragmatically points out the flaws in Enjolras's idealism, which they quarrel over.
Let's unpack that!
Grantaire is most likely middle class if not wealthy, he is certainly not poor. We don't know what he's studying (if he's studying at all) but he is nevertheless a quintessentially Parisian bourgeoise "student", much like Bahorel. "A rover, a gambler, a libertine..." As the foil of "severe in his enjoyments" Enjolras, Grantaire is a pleasure-seeker, indulging in the excesses that Enjolras disdains.
Again, though we don't know what Grantaire is studying (and I suspect he's just Bahorel-ing it) he's clearly an educated man, judging by the references he throws into his speeches, and he mentions that he once was a student of Gros.
So is he really an artist? He might have been an apprentice at some point, but it's clear he was not particularly enthused by it. After all, discipline is something that Grantaire…lacks. And because it's Grantaire, you can't completely discount the idea that he made it up just for a pun (though I do find that unlikely.) But it's a triple (quadruple?) play--it's important not to take this quote too far out of context because he's actually saying several things here.
It is a shame that I am ignorant, otherwise I would quote to you a mass of things; but I know nothing. For instance, I have always been witty; when I was a pupil of Gros, instead of daubing wretched little pictures, I passed my time in pilfering apples; rapin is the masculine of rapine. So much for myself; as for the rest of you, you are worth no more than I am. I scoff at your perfections, excellencies, and qualities. Every good quality tends towards a defect [...] there are just as many vices in virtue as there are holes in Diogenes’ cloak.
Gros was a well-known neoclassical painter of the time, and I believe Hugo's inclusion of him here is a jab at the neoclassicists, as Grantaire doesn't seem to care for him.
There's a pun! "Rapin"--term for a painter's assistant--is the masculine of "rapine"--to steal.
So he likely means he stole the apples intended to be painted for a still life, which fits his careless attitude... but he's ironically putting himself down for it too, and at the same time
putting his companions down, saying they're no better than him even if they do have more "good" qualities because each good quality has a corresponding downside, so what's the point, really?
You can see that even in this small sample of his speech that Grantaire often has layers upon layers of meaning in what he says. He's a smart guy! But that means you can't always take what he says at face value, as Hugo says, he's constantly "reasoning and contradicting" himself. So let me invite you further down into what I think his real meaning is here (though now firmly into the depths of my own conjecture, so others may have different interpretations.)
I would speculate that "the rest of you" who he professes to mock refers mostly to a specific person, you can probably guess who. After all, Enjolras is surely the paragon of virtue among them, and you could certainly argue that his good qualities edge on being flaws. I think Grantaire is right about that, and it's a sort of theme we see pop up again and again--the Bishop's generosity does hurt the women he lives with, Valjean's self-sacrifice hurts Cosette, and Javert is someone who's tipped all the way over to his virtues being vices.
But like, man, come on. Seriously. "I scoff at your perfections, excellencies, and qualities." Dude. We all know that you're obsessed with this man.
And you might notice that this is just a whole lot of Grantaire talking and talking over people, never letting anyone else get a word in. It's not a debate, Grantaire never actually debates anyone, let alone Enjolras. The idea of Grantaire debating Enjolras and making him see the flaws in his idealistic revolution is wholly a fandom invention.
The closest we get, really, is Grantaire trying to convince Enjolras to send him to the Barriere du Maine...and Grantaire doesn't come out of that looking so good.
“Do you know anything of those comrades who meet at Richefeu’s?”
“Not much. We only address each other as tu.”
“What will you say to them?”
“I will speak to them of Robespierre, pardi! Of Danton. Of principles.”
“I. But I don’t receive justice. When I set about it, I am terrible. I have read Prudhomme, I know the Social Contract, I know my constitution of the year Two by heart. ‘The liberty of one citizen ends where the liberty of another citizen begins.’ Do you take me for a brute? I have an old bank-bill of the Republic in my drawer. The Rights of Man, the sovereignty of the people, sapristi! I am even a bit of a Hébertist. I can talk the most superb twaddle for six hours by the clock, watch in hand.”
I won't bother going too in-depth here since you're probably familiar with all this--Grantaire talks a big game and then fails to follow through. And we see one of two red waistcoats mentioned, neither of which are worn by Enjolras.
Grantaire lived in furnished lodgings very near the Café Musain. He went out, and five minutes later he returned. He had gone home to put on a Robespierre waistcoat.
“Red,” said he as he entered, and he looked intently at Enjolras. Then, with the palm of his energetic hand, he laid the two scarlet points of the waistcoat across his breast.
So yeah, it's actually Grantaire who wears red, at least canonically! I know their popular red/green color scheme comes from the musical, but it might be fun to reverse it sometimes...I think Enjolras would look great in a nice emerald green, and he'd be more likely to wear that, actually.
Why? A red waistcoat like would be a very obvious, in-your-face political statement--perfect for Bahorel, the other red waistcoat wearer, but Enjolras is actually a lot more reserved and less reckless than fandom sometimes makes him out to be. Wearing something that blatant isn't really his style.
The real question is, why does Grantaire, of all people, own one? Why has he read Prudhomme and the Social Contract and the Rights of Man?
Grantaire is not a super sympathetic character. He's a man of means, talent, intelligence...and he wastes those gifts and privileges on doing nothing, he has no aims in life, he does not aspire to do better or make the world better. He may be Enjolras's foil but I would also contrast him with Feuilly, who has spent his life dedicated to improving himself and the world despite the challenges he's faced. He's obnoxious to women, denigrates his friends for their beliefs, and is generally useless. He's given the opportunity to change and he squanders it. He's not so much cynical (because that's a belief) as he is indifferent, which is arguably worse. His indifference can certainly be read as symbolic within the group, their belief versus the apathy of the world.
But, layers upon layers...Grantaire does have a good heart hiding underneath all that. What I've been getting at all along here is that he does care; he may say he doesn't, he may even believe he doesn't, but he does, clearly, care. He says he hates mankind; he loves people. He says he scoffs at his companions; he admires them. He declares himself indifferent, yet he can't help but talk about the sufferings of the world.
Which isn't to say that simply caring absolves him of anything. Up to this point, he's still just been a useless layabout. What does absolve him (narratively speaking) is the first time, possibly the first time in his life, that he chooses to act. He chooses to take a stand. And this transfigures him, as Hugo says.
Grantaire had risen. The immense gleam of the whole combat which he had missed, and in which he had had no part, appeared in the brilliant glance of the transfigured drunken man.
At the last moment, he chooses to believe, and Enjolras finally accepts him.
One last thing: Grantaire never calls Enjolras "Apollo". Furthermore, he's actually the only one who couldn't have called him "Apollo". The only line where this nickname is mentioned is as follows:
It was of him, possibly, that a witness spoke afterwards, before the council of war: “There was an insurgent whom I heard called Apollo.”
Who could have called him that? Not Grantaire, he was fast asleep during the whole thing. So I choose to believe it was Prouvaire…he would.
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pathetic-gamer · 3 years
I FINALLY BEAT SILVER SNOW ON MADDENING MODE I don't wanna talk about how long it took lol (the final battle took 38 turns and an embarrassing amount of time)
recap below:
Okay, it's been a WHILE since I actually finished the run - I'm updating it now (1/2023), but originally posted it in 10/2021. This is normal behavior.
so, the original post:
Ingrid best girl w her almost 800 battles lmao
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And of COURSE I used the wayseer to lock down the pair I would die for
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the update:
I decided to update this because, after giving all the other runs detailed recaps, I thought it would be fun to write down the things I remember about this one. It was my very first maddening mode run, and, despite having already played the entire game four times before this, there were some very basic mechanics I didn't know about. For example: I didn't realize you have to actually equip skills until well into part two LMAO. I basically brute forced my way through nearly the entire run, and I'm actually kind of proud of that.
This was foreshadowing for my Triangle Strategy run, where it took me five chapters to realize you could keep your EXP after losing a battle and eight chapters to realize there are mock battles you can use to level up your units.
Ingrid was, of course, the final MVP, but I don't remember who was the overall MVP because I foolishly didn't clip the recap thing.
I don't remember the majority of the final pairs, but I know I s-supported Seteth and we got netteflix and sylvgrid. I've decided that Seteth is the absolute best s-support in the game. "Courage, my love!" YES
Units and final classes:
Byleth: enlightened one
Linhardt: bishop
Petra: wyvern lord
Dorothea: dancer
Felix: assassin
Ingrid: falcon knight
Annette: dark flier
Lysithea: gremory
Balthus: war master
Constance: dark flier
I remember chapter 13 being absolutely hellish, since the only eagles I was using at the time were Petra, Dorothea as a dancer, and Linhardt (who is a lover, NOT a fighter). I made like a dozen attempts (okay fine, two attempts) at that battle before finally accepting that I wasn't going to be able to save everyone, so I let Caspar die. That was the first time I had ever actually let someone go, and I'm not gonna lie it was kind of devastating. (Whether or not I wrote a fic about it is between me and the Goddess...)
Enbarr infiltration was a nightmare and I ended up having to just have Ingrid and Petra do it alone and win by the third turn, Petra taking Hubert and Ingrid taking Jeritza. Also working on a fic about that one, but it's coming out to around 30k words, I think, and still isn't finished.
The final battle was incredibly difficult and I'm still having war flashbacks about it over a year later. Balthus was a walking disaster and i think 70% of the Divine Pulses I used were on him (and yes, you bet ur bottom dollar there's a tiny little fic about it.). By the time I got to the end of my last successful attempt, I was actually making a list of which units I was okay with sacrificing for the sake of victory (they ended up all surviving, dw). I think it took me around 12 hours to beat (failed attempts included, of course), and I believe I made a total of four tries? The final attempt took something like 34 turns.
so there's the recap from memory! It was very hard and very fun and I will remember it fondly forever lol
Anyway. Luv u bye
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