#and crutches would suck bc no free hands
aropride · 1 year
considering (again) getting a cane bc walking around campus already sucks so bad but i mean 1. i dont want people to look at me . and 2. idk if itd help much? like it would for standing still bc i could lean on it and it'd help get up and down but i feel like canes r best for balance? at least from what iveheard.
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bunnyb34r · 5 months
I wonder if arm crutches would help me fatigue and pain wise... like that's a step between cane and wheelchair kinda? Maybe that would help take some pressure off my spine and legs 🤔
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meruz · 2 years
im gonna reply to some asks but not that many bc the last time i tried to type up one of these posts i accidentally closed the tab and lost like several paragraphs so now im scared
lots of heavypaint questions
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its the fan tool on heavypaint!! which is a free drawing app that i love a lot. and the fan tool is my fave its kind of a crutch actually im trying to use other tools gkfdhgsdg but its so fun i can do a whole painting using it exclusively. heres a video of it in action while i mess w the configuration options. u can slide the noise jitter up and down so its more or less streaky hehe ^^
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thank you!!! heavypaint ROCKS!!!!! I love it... its like the only art program ill be a shameless shill for lol
also im flattered you think of my art while playing splat...i should draw more splat i feel like i havent done enough.
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my phone!! I have a samsung galaxy note 20 that I am still not done paying off LMAO.... but I've been a galaxy note user for years. combined with heavypaint its a shockingly good mobile sketchbook.
I'm sorry it's crashing on your tablet... I don't have a tablet so I don't really have an advice. Unfortunately because HP is a small dev app it can be kind of finicky... especially in between updates. I think if you reached out to vaughn ling/heavypoly he'd probably respond though! he seems to keep up with the community pretty well.
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@hellisrealsign nice nice.. I'm glad our tastes match up a little! hopefully that means you don't mind my frequent fandom jumping LOL. I promise to always be true to my homestuck-loving infinity-train-loving self.
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idk is it worth it to read any shounen manga for female side characters?????? (??) HEAVILY DEBATABLE. on one hand the casual observer would say no but on the other hand femslash shippers are the strongest people on god's green earth and will endure great tortures for paltry table scraps.
I think mha is a good manga but it's still a shounen, some of the tropes they squeeze the girls into kind of suck. I can kind of put my annoyance aside because regardless im still a big fan of cool fight scenes and the power of friendship but I think your mileage will vary depending on how much tolerance you have for that kind of story...? There's an awful lot of chapters afterall. I will say this: though toga and ochako aren't the main characters they're not in the background either. the path of their relationship spans multiple arcs across the entire manga and is both plot relevant and relevant to the greater themes/thesis of the story. it's pretty clear that the mangaka and editorial team are dedicated to giving these characters the time and page space to play out. it's not perfect but thats better than a decent amount of big shounen femslash in my opinion? shrugs
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Thank you! for both the compliments and the concern. but I want to assure you that... to be perfectly honest I don't think I'll ever stop posting my art regardless of AI. I don't want to make this into a hot take like this is an entirely personal opinion and I don't expect any other artists to share my position but: Everything about my art that I consider valuable is inherently impossible for AI to replicate and everything about my art that is replicable and monetizable is not something I'm interested in owning or protecting. (this is also why at the end of the day i dont really care that much about art theft, tracing etc. and i think 90% of the time style theft is just silly)
I believe art should be freely shared and to restrict that is to make art into a product which is morally despicable and moreover uninteresting... to me. lol. I DO RECOGNIZE HOWEVER I'm very lucky to have both more of an online audience than I even want + a fulltime job that takes the pressure off any of my other art to make money. it's totally valid for other artists to have differing opinions on this especially depending on personal circumstances. AND also I make art that is primarily a product above all else for work everyday so im a hypocrite but. yeah thats my two cents.
I love posting art online LOL. I do it because its fun for me.
HAPPY NEAR YEAR!!!!!!!!!11111111
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the unseen one - 18
Pairing: Hades!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: (fun fact i wrote this listening to beautiful ghosts which i have now formally induced into the fanfic’s playlist bc im a nerd who rly likes soft music) this is probably my longest chapter, yay me for writing a long one. hope you guys enjoy it xx
Next Chapter >>
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Y/N looked at her reflection on the golden mirror standing in front of her. She studied the features she always saw in her own mirrors, the same face, the same eyes, same nose and same lips, however the reflection staring back at her was somehow different, similar to those renaissance paintings of mythical female sirens, goddesses, princesses and other deities. She had her once free flowing hair in a hellenic up-do filled with various flowers and a gold like chain intertwined with one of her brains. A few perfectly curled ringlets fell to frame her face which was still makeup free from last night, with a blossoming red tint on her upper cheeks. 
She was dressed in a garment made of two parts, a linen white tunic and a clock held together by an ornamental claps with Hecate’s torch insignia at the shoulders and a light pink sash at the waist. Y/N couldn’t help but wonder what her mother would think of her clothing. When she was younger, she would religiously dress as a Greek Goddess for Halloween yet nothing she’d worn compared to what she looked right now. 
Minthe had been silent throughout most of it, sometimes even giving her judgmental looks whenever she questioned about the fabrics and flowers being used to adorn her. She didn’t completely blame her for doing such things, deities were only found of mortals for two things: war and procreation. It didn’t take long for her to return to the gardens, being placed in front of Hecate who was commanding her maidens like a captain on a ship. 
      - Do you know anything about gardening? - she looked down on the mortal dressed in deity clothing, which she had to admit, seemed to fit her better than the cheap satin piece she was wearing. 
       - I can manage. - Y/N rubbed her hands out of anxiety when talking to one of the goddesses of the Underworld. 
       - Well, pick something and get to work. - Hecate pointed aimlessly towards the groves and their dying flora. Y/N heart tightened at seeing the muddy green colour that the plants had beginning to take, a stark contrast to the lively, colourful flora of its surroundings. Her eyes locked on a particular rose bush whose roses were brownish white, some of its petals constantly falling to the ground whenever the slight summer breeze hit it. She took it upon herself to tend to it, walking over the to wilting bush and sitting gracefully on the grace, hands softly touching the dead flowers which she once imagined to have been the most beautiful flowers.
Y/N decided to take care of the flowers the way she took care of her little plants back in her flat. She started by getting rid of the dead leaves, carefully pulling them from the branches and onto the floor, trimming it to the best she could possible manage. Y/N kept on trimming, eventually reading the thorny white roses, some which were just in desperate need of water and others which were past the point of no return. She directed her attention to those, pulling a few out and onto her robes until a specific one found itself a challenge. The young girl extended her hand deeper into the rose bush, pulling the flower at its base, finding it rather hard to pull it from the branch. She kept on pulling and the flower eventually gave up, detaching from its base and sticking one of its thrones deep into her thumb. She let go of a tiny wince, not wanting to bother the other maidens. 
Carefully, Y/N removed the thorn from the flower, throwing it forcefully on the ground before turning her thumb so she could face it. It had a tiny wound, so tiny that if she hadn’t known it was there, she would’ve never realised it was there. However, it was bleeding heavily, the scarlet liquid dripping and running from her skin to the green grass nearby the bush, staining it the same colour as the liquid. 
She sucked on her thumb, mindlessly dabbing it against her clothing and returning to get rid of everything that did not belong to a healthy plant. Y/N was so into her craft she didn’t notice James returning to the Elysium. He watched her from afar, her lips and nose crunched as she inspected the rose bush with a might which in his mind was the most adorable thing he’d ever seen. 
      - Did you discover anything? - Hecate walked up to the God of the Underworld, curious for any developments. 
      - We are not entirely sure of who stole the pomegranate but we did discover her friend is an oracle. - Hecate rolled her eyes, if there was any type of witchcraft she hated the most it was prophecy telling. The prophecies were always unnecessarily over-detailed and more like riddles than actual pieces of helpful information. She already couldn’t stand the Fates and their seeing eye, but mortal oracles? They were the worse. 
      - Tell me you turned her into a fish ... or a plant. - Hecate was particularly found of permanent punishments. She thought curses and death were much too simple, however James was one to dabble in cursing rather than metamorphism. 
       - Y/N wouldn’t be very happy with that.
       - Y/N is not the Goddess of the Underworld is she? 
       - You have absolutely no reason to despise her that much, Hecate. It is out of character for you to judge before meeting. 
       - I know how this ends, Hades. You are not the first god to take liking to a mortal and trust me it never ends well. - she sighed, arms crossed in front of her white gown. James had to agree with her, he knew way too many myths of when a mortal relationship went wrong but he couldn’t help it, she was just so magnetic and entrancing. Besides, part of him wanted to be next to her all the time and make sure no harm came to her which harshly differed from other deity/mortal relationships which were normally based on lust or petty jealousy between other deities. - You’re a King before you are a man. Remember that. 
Y/N got up from her crutching state, standing on her legs as she patted the dirt and petals off her garments and onto the floor, a proud look on her face as she looked at the relatively healthy looking plant. She let out a little happy sound, hands clasped in front of her collarbones as she turned on her heel to go and find something else to do. Instead, her eye caught James’ figure who was standing next to Hecate in what looked like a innocent conversation. 
She wanted to wave at him, maybe even give him an innocent kiss but Hecates’ words were still very much present in her mind “You are not to be intimate with the god of the Underworld” so were Minthe’s remarks about how he was expected to be seen with someone of higher blood. She wouldn’t want to get him in trouble and perhaps they could speak some other time when they weren’t surrounded by other people. 
      - What are you doing standing up there? - Minthe came up from behind her, a condescending tone present. - Ogling the god of the Underworld?
      - What? No. - her cheeks turned into a colour that matched her pink sash, as she tried to hide her face in her hands. Somehow, the fact that he was, well, he was who he was, made her feel like she needed to keep everything shrouded in secrecy. - Is there something else needed?
     - You know what? - her face contorted into a calm expression she couldn’t really figure out. - We could use some help from some new maidens.
     - New maidens? - Y/N felt like a child, questioning everything and everyone around her. 
     - Yes, you see if you go straight ahead until you reach the river and ask the Charon to take you South you’ll be able to find them. Tell him it’s for Hecate.
     - Oh, alright. - she nodded her head and wandered off into the groves, looking around at the decay. It looked like that particular piece of land of the Elysium was doomed to disappear. She kept on walking as instructed by Minthe until she reached the river where a boat was awaiting her with the same faceless figure. She had to admit that it freaked her out that someone without a face could speak but she tried her best to stay climb as she climbed on the boat, putting on her best courageous face. - Hecate asked for you to take me to the South. 
     - The South? - his voice was rather warm for such a menacing figure. - Are you sure?
     - Yes. 
She couldn’t see him do anything, however, she understood he had accepted her request once the boat started to move. Y/N remained silent, repeating Minthe’s words in her mind. How hard could it possibly be to lead a few maidens back to the Elysium? It was easy, she kept telling that to herself even as the boat reached shore. The sky had turned into a dark scarlet and the chirping of birdies could be heard no more. She looked around but all she could see was darkness.
    - Are you sure about this, miss? - the Charon questioned, noticing the uneasiness of her step as she disembarked. - I’m sure Hecate can arrange for someone else.
    - No. - she shook a forced smile out of her worried expression. - It’s fine. Thank you.
    - Of course, m’am. 
You can do this, she told herself as she stepped onto the darkness. There was no sound, the once dark scarlet sky had faded into pure darkness and it was cold, so cold. Her hands went to her own arms, rubbing them in order to keep warm as she dwelled deeper into the unknown, the only sound heard being that of her shoes clicking against the pavement. 
    - Hmm ... Hello? - she spoke up, gathering every bit of courage. She was in the Underworld after all and this was no longer the Elysium.
She kept on walking until she hit something, a blue and reddish tint coloured the dark room but once she saw what she had hit, her heart stopped beating for a second. She was standing in front of a skeleton. As she place her hand over her chest to regain her breathe the bony arm grabbed her cloth, forcefully pushing her and ripping her tunic. 
    - STOP! - she pushed her hand against the skull, trying to get away from the grasp, eventually gathering enough force to walk back. Screw this task. However, once she tried to find her way back she found herself surrounded by more skeletons and translucent figures all coming towards her. - HELP!
James and Hecate were still in their friendly debate with the goddess being of the opinion that all of this was madness and mainly caused by both of them being ignorants, something he had already heard before. As he was about to shut her to go and tell Y/N of the developments, a bunch of water nymphs came running their way with worry written all over their faces. 
    - My Lady, there’s been a security breach in the Tartarus. - they all said at different speeds and different pitches, which made James’ head hurt at all of that. Hecate took a defensive stand, turning to look at James who just moved his head is disbelief. 
    - How is that even possible? It’s probably just a false ala ... - he was about to dismiss their claims until he noticed a very missing Y/N from her once beloved spot. His eyes scanned the crowd of maidens looking anywhere for her but she was nowhere to be found. - Y/N!
Once he heard no one calling back, his mind immediately rushed to the Tartarus. She couldn’t be there, she had barely been in the Underworld besides no one would take her there, she was a mortal. However, in a snap of his figure he’d been transported to the Tartarus, staff in hand as he strutted down the halls of the Tartarus. He hit one of the walls with his staff, which turned dark blue, giving light to the constantly dark Tartarus. With the new founded light, he could see a bunch of condemned souls surrounding a particular spot. 
    - THAT’S ENOUGH!  - he screamed in a tone that could scare even the biggest of deities, even Gaia herself. The souls, noticing their leader was amongst them, broke their surrounding, returning all to him. - NOW DON’T MOVE IF YOU KNOW WHAT’S GOOD FOR YOU. 
James strutted further into the Tartarus, finding bits and pieces of white linen which could belong to her along with several fresh white roses. Maybe she had been picking them prior, he did not know. His heart clenched as he called out for her name but heard no answer, maybe it wasn’t her, maybe she wasn’t ...
    - B...Bucky? - James heard her faint voice and as fast as he could followed it until he found one of the souls pressing her against one of the walls, boney hands around her neck. He hit the staff against the ground, the once pressure around her neck vanishing as she slide to the ground, hand coming to touch what he guessed was a very sore spot now. She lifted her head to stare at him, a look of regret and fear in her beautiful eyes. - Bucky, I’m so sorry.
    - Y/N. - he rushed over to her side, leaning so he was standing at the same height as her, hands coming to hold her jaw. - Are you hurt? 
    - I’m okay, I’m okay. - she leaned her head onto his shoulder. It didn’t take long for him to feel his clothes had begun to dampen. - I messed up ... I messed up. 
    - Hey, look at me. - he tried to move his shoulder so that she would look at him, but she refused, maintaining her face buried them. - Y/N, c’mon, sweetness.
    - I don’t want you to see me cry. - she sobbed through her speech, arms coming to wrap around his body. Bucky pulled the pin that was barely keeping the now very messy hairstyle up, throwing it onto the floor as her hair descended from the once tight hellenic hairstyle before proceeded to card his fingers through it, every once in a while kissing the top of her head. Y/N eventually stopped her crying, removing her head from his shoulder to stare at him, the look of uttermost regret slowly breaking his heart even more as he saw it on her expression. - I’m so sorry.
   - This is not your fault. - he helped her get up, holding her hands in his as if something returned to dare and harm her. Not that they would, they’d have to be crazy to mess with the King of the Underworld. - I should’ve never taken my eyes off you. 
   - Bucky. - she wrapped her arms around him and for a second it felt like things were back to normal. It felt like things were normal again that she didn’t know he was the God of the Underworld and that she wasn’t doomed to remain in the Underworld. He melted and relished into her hug but couldn’t help but feel how cold she was. She was still a mortal and remaining in the Tartarus would do her no good.
   - Let’s go before you freeze to death. - he joked, not expecting to get a laugh out of her after the current events, however she showed him a small smile. 
He held her hand as he guided her through the Tartarus, her eyes scanning the souls that once were harming her now stood without moving, not even daring to make a sound in front of their King. Something in that made her courage swell up, seeing them helpless standing around her without being able to touch her again. Her head held up high however once she noticed the fresh white roses on the ground, she couldn’t help but stop her step. 
   - They’re beautiful. - she mumbled under her breathe.
   - Are they not yours? - he questioned at her astonishment with the flowers. 
   - No, I wish I could have such beautiful roses. I thought flowers only grew within the Elysium. 
    - Don’t bother your head with it. - he reassured her, although the question was still very much puzzling to him. - C’mon, let’s go. 
tag list: @philogrobizedvee​​​​​  @keithseabrook27​​​​ @inlovewith3​​​​19
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peaceisadirtyword · 6 years
Attention (Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hi! So last night I couldn't sleep (bc it was hot af) and at 02:30 am the inspiration came to me and I had to write this. It’s my first time writing smut (at least in English) and I wrote it in like 2 hours, so probably it isn't very good, but I tried, I promise. When I was writing this I didn't think about posting it here, but here I am, being mature and overcoming my fears. Also, I will try and post the second part of Pity before Monday, and I have ideas for an Hvitserk/Reader, Ubbe/Reader and Alex(Høgh)/Reader. I’m on fire. I hope you enjoy this, thank you so much for reading♥️
Warnings: Smut, Ivar being possessive and my bad writing again.Please, do not read if you're under 18.
Words: 2905 (I hope its not too boring I'm so sorry)
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gif isn’t mine 
"You wanted to see me?" Ivar raised his head at the sound of your voice, turning around to see you standing at the door. "Yes" he smirked before leaning forward to take his crutches "Close the door" he commanded, and you rolled your eyes before obeying him. He had been sitting on a wooden chair, in front of a large table and studying a map. You could see he had been marking some things on the map; of course he hadn't had enough conquering York, he wanted more. He got off the chair, grunting when he stood up and started to walk over to you. The room was large, you were sure it belonged to someone important... Someone who had most likely been killed by Ivar. "You took your time" said Ivar, raising an eyebrow. You crossed your arms, annoyed at him. Since he took the city of York he had been ignoring you, and suddenly he wanted you to drop anything you were doing and run to him as if you were his little faithful dog. It was Ivar's style. "I was busy" you answered "What do you want, Ivar?" He smiled, with that dark, twisted smile of his. "I just wanted to check on you, are you okay? Do you need anything? We haven't spoken for a few weeks" You raised an eyebrow, looking at him in disbelief. "We haven't spoken because you've been ignoring me" you replied. "Well I'm not ignoring you now" he talked to you the same way he would speak to a toddler "So tell me how are you" You sighed, he clearly wanted something from you, and wouldn't let you go until he had that something, so you gave in. "I'm fine, Ivar, bored but fine" "Oh" he mimicked a surprised expression, getting closer to you "I thought my brothers were entertaining you... How silly of me, thinking that you'd be perfectly fine without me and with Ubbe warming your bed" his tone changed, and something dark crossed his eyes. He pressed his lips together, looking at your reaction. You blushed. You had heard the rumors; almost half of the army thought you were fucking Ubbe, you wouldn't have minded if it was actually true. But it wasn't. "Ubbe isn't..." "Don't take me for a fool, Y/N" spat Ivar, with his beautiful blue eyes full of rage "I've seen you, talking to him, disappearing with him for hours and even sleeping together" "I'm not sleeping with Ubbe, Ivar" you replied "But if I was fucking him it would be none of your business, the last time I checked I was a free woman who could do whatever she wanted to" His face contorted in rage. He was getting angrier and angrier, and you started getting an idea of where you were gonna end up that night. You didn't mind, hate sex with Ivar was the best thing the gods could give to you. "I think you're mistaken, Y/N" Ivar's voice trembled with rage as he got closer to you until your noses were almost touching "You may be a free woman, but you're mine, have you forgotten that already? Maybe I should remind you". You looked right into his eyes, challenging him. You hadn't slept with Ubbe and had no intention of doing it, you only enjoyed his company, and, as Ivar seemed too busy with his new role of leader of the Great Army to pay you the attention you craved for, you decided to spend time with his older brother. "I'm no one's, Ivar" You had been Ivar's lover for a long time, since before he went to England with his father, and both of you used to be inseparable. When he and his brothers planned to go to England and avenge Ragnar's death, you followed him without thinking it twice. But since Sigurd's death he had been avoiding you, he stopped talking to you, and sometimes he didn't even look at you, as if you weren't there. "You will stop seeing him" he said with a threatening glare, and when you moved your head to roll your eyes, one of his hands gripped your hair, forcing you to look at him and  "At least when I'm not there to see what you're doing" You felt a familiar tingle between your legs, and realized you were already soaking wet. Yeah, you had missed him and his stupid jealousy. "I'll do whatever I want to, Ivar" you shot him a teasing smile, your eyes sparkling with mischief. He growled, pushing your head forward until your lips met in a savage, passionate kiss. You felt your knees weaken and you had to place your hands on his broad shoulders to avoid falling down. He bit your lip hard, drawing blood and making you moan softly. He took advantage of your parted lips and shoved his tongue in your mouth, savoring your blood. When you finally broke the kiss, your lungs ached from the lack of oxygen, but Ivar didn't seemed to care if you died by suffocation. He only let you breathe for a couple of seconds until he kissed you again, this time more tenderly, with his hand traveling down your back and gripping your ass with a growl, pulling you closer to him. You gasped into the kiss, your hands tangling into his braided hair. Ivar's lips left yours and traveled to your ear, placing open-mouthed kisses and nipping your neck softly. "You're mine, not Ubbe's" he whispered into your ear, his hoarse voice alone could have made you cum right then and there, you pressed your eyes shut and bit your lip hard to prevent a moan "But as you seem to have forgotten that, I might have to punish you" his hand brushed your hip, making you shiver. Ivar smirked at that and cupped your sex through your trousers, pressing down just on the right spot. This time you couldn't help it and moaned out loud, burying your face in his neck and inhaling his scent. Ivar pushed you to the enormous bed located in the centre of the room, making you fall on your back onto the soft mattress. You looked at him through your lashes, biting your lip and moving to stand on your hands and knees, facing him. Ivar watched you closely, standing just before you with his eyes darkened with lust. You sat on your knees, one of your hands traveled up his left leg, until you reached his already hard member. Your mouth watered as you started palming him through his clothes. Ivar hissed, clenching his jaw. You giggled playfully, enjoying the effect you had on him. Ivar was dominant, and you knew that moment wouldn't last and soon you'd be laying on your back, with your hands pinned down and completely at his mercy. Ivar grunted loudly when you licked your lips, looking up at him, and he pushed you away before throwing his crutch aside and climbing to the bed, crawling to you as if he was ready to devour you. You found yourself trapped under his powerful body, with each one of his strong arms at both sides of your head, supporting his weight. Ivar's mouth went back to your earlobe, where he bit hard before whispering: "Do not dare to tease me, Y/N" You turned your head and trapped his lips with yours in a heated kiss. You tried to take off your shirt, but his mouth was a big distraction. Ivar ended up ripping your shirt out, and ignored you when you whined in protest. As always, your clothes didn't survive Ivar's desire, they ended up on the floor, torn apart and useless. You gripped the material of Ivar's shirt, trying -and failing- to get him as naked as you were. His lips seemed to be everywhere; you arched your back when you felt his wet tongue caressing one of your already hard nipples, his hand cupping your other breast and making you moan loudly. You lost the count of how many marks his teeth had left on your neck and chest, but you were sure you would have problems trying to cover all of them up. "Oh, fuck" you gasped when you felt his lips traveling down your body, until they reached your sex. Ivar smirked, noticing how wet you were for him. You were already trembling, your hands fisted on the covers and your back arched. He looked at you as his soft tongue licked your clit, it was just a small, teasing lick, but it had you raising your hips and breathing heavily as you tried to get him closer to your sex. Ivar chuckled, his calloused hands caressing your thighs as his lips hovered over your clit, teasing you. "Stop it" you growled "Stop what? I'm not doing anything" he replied, raising a brow to you and smiling. Yeah, that's the problem you fucker, you thought, glaring at him while he placed your legs over his shoulders. "I don't think you deserve this" his lips barely touching the skin of your thigh, making you shiver and close your eyes "You have been a bad girl, Y/N, sneaking around with my brother and coming late when I call you" he whispered. Your head was dizzy and your legs were shaking. You needed him. "Ivar" you mewled, forgetting about your pride and jerking your hips closer to his mouth. "Beg for it" he ordered looking at you intensely. "Please Ivar, please, just..." You moaned, trying to create some friction to relieve the pressure you felt between your legs. "Just what, Y/N? What do you want me to do?" he tilted his head, biting his lip. "Please Ivar" you begged "Fuck me with your tongue" you didn't even think about what you just said, only tangled your hands between his braids and tugged at them. Ivar chuckled, his eyes directed to your sex as he bit his lip, eyes darkened with lust. "So eager" he muttered before bending his head down. You cried out in surprise when you felt his lips licking and sucking on your clit as if it was his favorite meal. Ivar pinned your hips down with his arm before starting licking your entrance, and you moaned even louder when he finally stuck his tongue into your cunt. His other hand started rubbing your clit with his fingers, leaving you breathless. "Gods Ivar" you praised, earning a hum that vibrated trough your sex, making you bit your lip "Just like that" you moaned, and for a moment you felt bad for the men who guarded Ivar's room and who could probably hear you crying out at the other side of the door. His fingers increased their speed, rubbing your clit frantically while he flicked his tongue, making you see stars and start shaking, your legs tightening around his head and your hands pulling at his hair, making him moan. You felt the familiar tension building on your lower belly, and made a strangle noise as Ivar delved his tongue in. "I'm going to cum" you panted, trembling and squirming as your orgasm approached. You came screaming his name, and Ivar continued lapping at your juices until you started flinching away, too sensitive. But he didn't let you go, and replaced his tongue with his fingers, caressing your entrance with them. "Ivar I can't, it's too much" you whimpered, trying to get away from him "Please" He ignored you, letting his fingers explore your sex before burying two of them inside you. You cried out in pleasure again, your hands gripping the bed covers as Ivar leaned forward to lick at your clit. "Come on" he whispered, his lips brushing your clit and his fingers stretching your walls "Cum for me again, love". You couldn't even moan, it was too much and you could feel your second orgasm approaching. Too soon. Ivar curled his fingers just right, pressing on your G-spot, and suddenly he closed his teeth around your clit. This time you came moaning his name out loud, with your legs shaking and, for a moment, you couldn't even move. Ivar growled when your walls clenched around his fingers, helping you ride your orgasm. You felt him taking his fingers out of you, and watched as he licked them clean, holding back a moan. You grabbed his face and pulled him closer to you, trying not to hurt him or his legs. Immediately, your lips collapsed together, making you moan as you tasted yourself on his tongue. You broke the kiss to help him get rid of his clothes, running your hands down his torso eagerly. Ivar leaned into your ear to bite it softly. He had a thing for biting you everywhere. "Did Ubbe make you feel that good? Hmm?" he purred "Did Ubbe make you cum twice with only his mouth and fingers?" You rolled your eyes, turning your head to kiss him again, hoping he would shut up. "Answer me" he growled, biting your lip hard, annoyed. "No, now shut up and fuck me" you said, your hand palming him through his trousers.   Ivar moaned into your mouth as you put your hand inside his clothes and started stroking him. It didn't last too long, as he pushed your hand aside and pulled his trousers down to his thighs, freeing his cock. You licked your lips, reaching out to stroke him, but he pushed your hand away again. "I want to cum inside of you" he positioned himself between your legs and pressed his thick tip to your entrance, teasing you "I want to fill you up, and, if the gods are willing, give you a child" he whispered, pressing your foreheads together. His hands went to your waist, keeping you in place "So Ubbe will know you're mine" "For the last time, Ivar, I'm not fucking Ub..." you couldn't finish your sentence as he slammed his hips into yours, penetrating you at once. You cried out, digging your nails into his shoulders and hooked a leg around his waist, allowing him to go deeper and making you both moan in pleasure at the same time. You started raising your hips to meet his thrusts, and buried your face in his neck, nibbling at it to suppress your moans. Ivar growled, one of his hands clasping around your throat, squeezing it. You closed your eyes as you felt another intense wave of pleasure, but Ivar slapped you softly on the face, making you open your eyes. "Look at me while I'm fucking you" he said. You gasped, your hand gripped his, which was still closed around your neck, and you dig your nails on it, earning a sharp thrust. It didn't take long for him to find your G-spot and start hitting it roughly. "Oh gods Ivar, right there" you cried out, your legs started shaking again, clasped around his waist "Fuck... Harder" Ivar started pounding into you faster, and tightened his grip on your throat, breathing heavily and grunting loudly. Your hand traveled down your body and started rubbing your swollen clit. The pleasure was almost unbearable. The third orgasm was almost painful, you screamed his name, scratching his back with your nails as you writhed under him in pleasure. Ivar moaned out loud when he felt your walls clenching around his cock, making him cum. He was panting when he released your throat and collapsed beside you on the bed with a proud smile on his lips. You were exhausted, with your blood buzzing in your ears and your entire body trembling. When you tried to turn around to look at him, a sting of pain ran trough your body, and you groaned realizing you wouldn't be able to sit in a few days. Ivar seemed pleased with himself as he tuck an arm under your waist and pulled you closer to him. You relaxed between his arms, closing your eyes and sighing happily. The wait was worth it. "You don't... Have feelings for Ubbe, do you?" Ivar asked, staring at the ceiling. You raised your head and made him look at you by grabbing his face. "Ubbe is my friend, I enjoy spending time with him but I love you" you blurted out, blushing as it was the first time you said it out loud "So no, I don't have feelings for him, but if you ask me one more time I will fuck him and make you watch" you threatened, narrowing your eyes. Ivar chuckled, squeezing your waist. "You couldn't fuck any other man in front of me even if you wanted to... Because I'd kill him before he had the chance of even looking at you" You were left speechless, looking at him with wide eyes. "We need to work on that possessiveness of yours" you muttered, still shocked. "There's nothing to work on, you're mine and that's all" he shrugged "Now get some sleep, you look a bit tired" "I can't stay in bed all day, Ivar, I have things to do" you said, but yawned and rested your head back on his chest, closing your eyes. "Yeah, you have to ride me" he whispered, making you snort "So rest well" And just when you were drifting off to sleep, you heard him cooing into your ear. "I think I love you too".
Tags: @mblaqgi 
If you wanted to be tagged and I didn't I’m so sorry, some people asked me to be tagged on the second part of Pity, I thought about tagging all of you on this too, but I didn't want to annoy you 🙄 sorry, I’m new at this and I’m a disaster too, so probably I’ll mess it up like a thousand times .
Anyway, thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it💞.
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hoosierbi · 4 years
🍌 heres a bunch of random questions bc i find its only appropriate i use the anon option and my free time to harass. Whats your favorite decade (by the pop culture from it) ? Also, Early 2010s pop or late 2010s pop? Flashy colors in matte, or simple/neutral colors but glittery? ... Would u rather live in a big city or a little village type thing. Whats a book that "technically sucks but actually fuck u it doesnt suck its a great book"?? Im out of ideas one second......... Wait i got it. A thing you don't collect but wish you collected??
oh? a little quiz? about myself? ud think id know the answers but ive had to search deep inside myself for these
i think maybe late 90s-early 2000s? idk im not very into ~decades~ if u know what i mean but nostalgia is such a powerful bitch. early 2000s all the fucking way my dude if its not dr jones by aqua i dont WANT it. anything in glitter is.... chefs kiss!! little village pls ive lived most of my life in little villages so big cities scare and confuse me. also i have ptsd so hypervigilance and getting startled easily is a killer in big cities. i LOVE the miss peregrines home saga and like yeah its ya fantasy but im using those books (esp hollow city) as a crutch shhhh!! i wish i could get my hands on some cool ass Fossils man :'(
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jilliancares · 7 years
The Traveler’s Test
Summary: Dan for some reason agreed to go on Phil’s deadly mission, and they now find themselves trying to prove their love to a stranger who wants to kill them. It might be a bit easier if they didn’t already hate each other.
Word Count: 1.5k
this exists bc an anon asked for another kind of fic where they hate each other but are forced to kiss
Dan didn’t know why he had agreed to go on the mission with Phil. Perhaps it was because he was bored and in dire need of an adventure. Perhaps it was because he was secretly a masochist and enjoyed causing himself pain. Either way, it no longer mattered—he was stuck in this situation, stood before a big man with a bigger beard and an even bigger sword, all of which paled in comparison to how badly he wanted to kill them.
Honestly, he should’ve spat at Phil’s feet when he’d asked him to come. They were in training to become the king’s personal guard, and do so was very trying indeed. It was long days of labor and training, only to be followed by longer nights of cleaning followed by more labor—Dan had no idea why Phil was there. Some men volunteered, of course, but others were sent there as punishment—Dan, for stealing. Sure, people wondered why criminals would be sent to train to be the king’s men, but most of them didn’t survive the training anyway. The only real relief was when you were chosen to go on a mission, usually some kind of deed the king needed done, something that he was willing to entrust to them. Missions were what everybody lived for, what they yearned to get chosen to do.
It was, of course, some evil kind of joke that Phil was chosen for a mission—allowed to bring one other, of course. And it was some much more evil kind of joke that he picked Dan. He could’ve said no, he supposed, if he’d wanted to be subjected to endless ridicule. And so a dangerous mission it was. At the time, Dan had thought that maybe he’d be lucky—maybe Phil would be killed on this mission.
Dan was never lucky.
“Drop your weapons!” The mad-man barked, his lips bared and spittle flying. Dan wrinkled his nose, wiping the spit off his face with a gloved hand.
“We already did,” Dan said, enunciating clearly. This was the third time they’d been asked to drop their weapons, and the second time since doing so. It was clear that this man wasn’t exactly right in the head.
“So it appears,” he answered in his deep rumble. His free hand came up to scratch at his beard. “And what’s your reason for trespassing in my territory?”
“We’ve been sent on king’s business, sir,” Phil answered, and if Dan could’ve done so subtly, he would’ve kicked him right in the head.
“King’s business?” the man roared. “Tell me why I shouldn’t kill you right here, right now!”
It was then, that Dan noticed another man stood in the trees. Automatically, Dan tensed up, expecting an ambush, but… the man appeared injured. Not only that, he was watching the mad-man anxiously, his eyes wide with fear—not of him, for him. Wonderingly, Dan managed to catch a glimpse of the hand that held the man’s sword, the hand that beheld a ring…
“Because we’re here on a mission of love,” Dan blurted. Both Phil and the man looked at him in surprise.
“What in the blazes?” the man said incredulously.
“By king’s business, what my companion actually means, is… it would be the king’s business. If he were to find out.”
A look of understanding was dawning upon the other man’s face, but out of the corner of his eye, Dan could see Phil looking as stupid as ever. And by God, if he didn’t catch on soon and blew their cover they would both end up dead.
“You see, we can’t get married in the king’s lands,” Dan finally tacked on, solely for Phil’s benefit—he drew in a quick, shocked breath. “He wouldn’t approve of our love.” Dan hoped the stranger wouldn’t look at Phil’s face—Dan was pretty sure lovers didn’t glare at each other like that.
“Oh Harley,” the man in the trees spoke, his voice soft. Phil’s head whipped to the side with panic, just now noticing the other man. Idiot. “Let them pass Harley—they’re just young.”
“They could be lyin’ they could,” Harley growled, his softer expression morphing into a hard one once more. He glared down at Dan and Phil, his eyes darting between them.
“We aren’t!” Phil said hastily. His hand then shot out, grabbing and latching onto Dan’s with unnecessary force. “We’re very much in love. You know—we, we kiss and we have sex and—and all of it.”
“Prove it,” Harley suddenly snapped, and Phil’s eyes went about the size of the king’s golden coins.
“Have sex?” he squeaked.
“No!” Harley roared. “Kiss your lover, if that’s what he is!”
Phil’s eyes flitted nervously to Dan, who was carefully keeping his face entirely impassive.
“We don’t normally kiss in front of others…” Phil tried meekly. Harley snorted.
“I should think not, as you’d be arrested for it in that arsehole’s lands. Well go on then! Prove your love—kiss!”
Heart thudding in his chest and more aware than ever of the sword in Harley’s hand, Dan took a tentative step closer to Phil. God, kissing his worst enemy—what had the world come to?
“Don’t be shy,” Dan said. “This man won’t turn us over to the king.” Dan saw anger glint in Phil’s eyes, and had to use all his strength not to roll his own at the other man. At least he’d found a way to get them through this alive! His mind was a million times quicker than Phil’s, who’d told the savage that they were here on the king’s business—honestly!
Dan had been expecting a quick peck on the lips, a soft kiss good enough to confirm for the man that they were comfortable with doing so from many times of experience. Instead, Dan saw a threatening sort of look come over Phil’s face, before he was being harshly tugged into the other man’s arms. Phil’s arms were tight around his waist and Dan’s hands flung up to settle on Phil’s shoulders, only moments before their lips met.
It wasn’t soft. It wasn’t sweet and slow and plausible. It was hard and fast and Dan was sure it looked like the truth. Phil’s lips were rough against his, his tongue hot in his mouth without invitation. They were both breathing heavily in seconds, Phil moving against him, kissing and sucking and biting, and Dan went fucking limp in his arms.
He’d never kissed anyone before, not that he would ever admit that to Phil, of all people, but it felt amazing. Dan felt lightheaded, likely due to all the blood in his body rushing elsewhere, and his knees were fucking shaking underneath him. He was lucky that Phil’s arms were around him, holding him up, as otherwise he would’ve sunk straight to the ground. He gasped when Phil tugged him closer, when proof that Dan was enjoying this a little too much was pressed against Phil’s thigh. And Phil noticed too, he hummed his amusement into Dan’s mouth, his lips twisted into a smirk. And then he shoved Dan away, left to stumble, red-raced, and try to stay upright.
After it all, only seconds had passed, but Dan was panting and beyond embarrassed, and the strangers looked impressed.
“Well, you clearly haven’t felt very safe to do that where you come from,” the man, still partially in the trees, chimed it. “Harley, it’s obvious they’re in love!”
“I can’t deny it, Rich,” Harley said gruffly. He sounded disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to run his sword through anybody.
Dan still felt shaky. It was a miracle he was still upright when all he wanted to do was slither to the floor and hug his knees to his chest. He’d never even really thought about kissing anybody before—and of course, he’d assumed he was straight but… but…
“We ought to give them the good news!” Rich said from the forest, which he then emerged from. He used tree branches as crutches, the reason immediately apparent: he only had one leg.
“Er—good news?” Phil said. His voice sounded completely normal, the bastard. Dan didn’t think he would be able to speak. Had Phil not been affected by that at all?
“I’m ordained!” Rich cheered. “I can marry you right here—no need for you to travel any further.”
“Oh,” Phil squeaked, his face suddenly pale. “How… wonderful.” Dan shared with him a wide-eyed look, and was helpless to do anything as they were shuffled into the couple’s cabin to be married.
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