#and by take the money i mean redistribute my wealth
bainofjustice · 6 months
Kitty's Notes On Episode 1 Of The Payday 2 Web Series
According to Bain Crime.net is a organization which is a notable definition of the group & program, it isn't just a program but something with structure to it.
Bain says he seeks out the top theives, thugs, drug dealers & hustlers for the organization.
To me this implies a heavy focus on contracting work out to contractors (thugs) and some independent work, possibly with members having to pay to be a member but get some benefit like being directed to targets or having costumers pointed to them, along with protection from the law (theives, drug dealers & hustlers) (starting scene)
He does outright say he hookups them up with contacts & “sets the stage”, so my immediate thoughts are right on that.
Also he says “they think they are working for themselves but they just can't see the bigger picture”, given this there might not be a membership fee but more splitting what they make with Bain since he “did them a favor”
Bain in this starting scene says that he is training the Payday Gang for the greatest heist of all, which my interpretation is he is either speaking of the White House pardons which I remember is mentioned to have been one of the first heists he planned or perhaps a heist involving the Katrau, maybe not a literal heist and more stealing it's secrets.
When starting the real part of the episode it says “DC, Present Day” which means First World Bank happened around when the episode came out, but given that would have been around 2012 & 2013 but FBI files indicate that the first batch of heists take place 2014 it is likely this was retconned
They do use the in-game escape van within the show
Houston starts off strong with talking about his ideology which includes the following 
Banks are stealing from the people 
Houston says that some call the gang modern day Robinhoods & seems to agree with that, this leads me to assume that he either is under the belief that Bain redistributes the wealth the gang steals or that Houston himself is doing that & assumes the other gang members are too
He also says others don't understand that they/we have a choice, which he doesn't follow up on instead saying that Newton said for every action there is a equal & opposite reaction and that The Payday Gang is their reaction, this ties in more to how Houston views the banking system & likely government systems as corrupt & hurting the general population 
“Am I a criminal? I don't think so, everyone needs a job, right? We all need a payday.” -Houston, to me this really suggests he sees working with the gang as a means to survival aka what money tends to be used for most, that it isn't the thrills but that message from above and also his own need for money to do things like pay off debts & pay for things.
Wolf seems concerned with hiding his identity taking steps such as a likely real human wig to 1. Give him “cool recognizable hair” & 2. Fasle DNA to be left at the scene, this is probably why in canon no one seems to know his previous identity at the time of Payday 2's end (perhaps this will come up more in 3's story?)
Houston is shown as the planer for the team on First World Bank, directing Wolf & Chains on what to do & explaining what Dallas is doing, at the start of 2 it seems likely he was second in command to Dallas, Chains doesn't seem the happiest about this as he rolls his eyes after the fact
Wolf does a literal wolf howl before the heist in the escape van, I just find this sort of cute/a interesting part of character 
Chains seems to be the voice of the gang when Dallas isn't around as he's the one to tell civis to get on the ground at the start of the heist
Later though Houston also does some speaking for the gang, which is a little less threatening and seems like more a set up for Dallas's speech, so pretty internally for planning had a different purpose for the heist.
We hear/see early in the heist one of the guards within the bank be directed by a female voice who has some camera access, this is probably a GenSec guard & operator like how the pagers work
I have to assume given that Dallas/”Natehen Steele” isn't arrested during his questioning later at FBI HQ that the director wasn't able to see him attack this guard.
The security cameras go down before Dallas attacks so that explains the above
We see that Bain is able to detect when silent alarms have been triggered, this is probably a normal part of his set up during Payday gang heists 
Houston is the one to give a speech once the civis are on the ground, given how calmly it's delivered and how it's a good lead in to the First World Bank speech it is probably written by Bain or Dallas & Houston memorized it alongside the plan
We see that the gang checks money packs for tracers & dyepacks before bagging them, using some sort of scanner, saying clear before each one is bagged, we have to assume that there is also a word like “skip” or “traced” to indicate to skip a money pack for bagging.
Houston is shown using what looks like a normal smartphone as a timer during the bagging section, I don't even know how to begin to explain how bad an idea that is irl, so we can probably assume that the phones the gang uses have been altered in some major ways likely by Bain & Wolf (Bain on software & Wolf on hardware)
Wolf in the credits section which shows who plays who is “Wolf as Himself” funnily
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drdemonprince · 1 year
oh my god can i get trans masc self infantilization for 500 alex
Quick hate read of this piece:
my relationship to gender was mediated (isn’t it always) by capitalism. I could not meet another trans man who could tell me how to behave, but I could shop for one. I could buy distilled trans expertise, and tell myself I was putting money back into “the community;” I was engaged in political action, redistributing my middle-class cash to support people I had never met, but whose welfare was, nonetheless, my business.
oh my fucking god Jude buying a huge crop of trans books at the local indie bookshop is not political action. I know booksellers who work at beloved indie-progressive bookstores quite intimately so if you haven't heard yet, I'll be the first to tell you: no matter their feminist branding, these places treat their workers like shit and pay them minimum wage. And often these stores are hell to be in for trans femme people.
edit: whoops he didnt even claim to support indie bookstores, it was a chain in a mall wtf
Also, it's baffling to me that a published author like Doyle can claim buying books is somehow redistributing wealth to poor, trans authors. First, wealthy people are widely overrepresented in publishing, and two, the vast majority of published authors never see a single cent of royalites. Over 90% of books never "earn out". You'd be kicking them about $2.50 of a $25 hardcover sale even if they did. stop making your consumption seem righteous dude.
These authors didn’t hate people like me; they didn’t disagree with me or dislike my general aesthetic. These authors literally hated me, me personally, the dude who had recently given them money. 
the ENTITLEMENT!!! How dare these trans authors post openly that they disagree with you and your tepid liberal politics, you bought one of their books and (maybe, but probably not) gave them $3 !!!!
To a shy eleven-year-old boy on his first day of school, which is what I was emotionally and even hormonally at the time, it was devastating. I cried for days. I was on vacation.
a middle aged incredibly well connected man in publishing is pulling "im a little birthday boy -- hormonally" shenanigans. I get that reading critical comments about yourself hurts. I have been there buddy. I've received repeated misgendering, misogynistic criticisms and insults while I was newly on HRT and not even out to anyone! I was also a 30 year old adult man with a career and coping tools. I was not an eleven year old boy. I was not the victim of anything, really, except for my own lack of comment moderation habits at the time.
the amount of real life transphobia i have since lived looms so much larger that little petty online slights doesnt even rank. we're not talking about threats or doxxing here. we're talking people on twitter thinking he shouldnt be the face of trans politics.
because I know who this author is and move in the same circles, I have seen the message of hate that he's talking about. People mostly talk about him sardonically and insult his worst opinions and most hastily-written pieces. That's not even hate. That's just begging him to be responsible in his work and to maybe not write apologia for trans cops (one of the bad takes he was most openly criticized for at the time).
Those guys were my heroes, was the thing. They were the ones I had wanted to teach me how to act. I used to imagine conversations with them, think about what I would ask if I got the chance.
Buddy, you said you literally just discovered these authors mere weeks or months prior, having bought up every book published by a trans guy that you could find. It's not like you had posters of them hanging up on your bedroom wall as a child. And even if you did, youre a grown man in your forties who writes very inane takes. Some critique from your contemporaries comes with the territory and is in fact a compliment. it means people recognize youre a significant cultural voice and they want you to do better!
When I get into conflict with another trans person, when I stumble on the thread where my elders are shit-talking me, I am not looking at my computer. I’m in my math class, after lunch period, hearing the squeak of metal on linoleum as someone drags their desk a few inches away.
your elders??? are you talking about people who are like, three years older than you Jude .I understand that hostile middle and high school experiences bring massive trauma, but holding adults who are intellectually critiquing you, a fellow adult, responsible for the trauma you endured as a teen is so wildly inappropriate and immature that i cant stand it.
It would be one thing if Doyle showed any self-awareness of the disjoint here, and was just talking about being triggered, but he doesnt, not anywhere in the piece. he implies throughout that it's people being mean to him on twitter who are really at fault.
oh my god he likens himself to Isabell Fall later on in this piece i cant
i just cant with this dude hes always taking so many unnecessary Ls and gets hired so fucking much to write about trans experiences when he clearly has next to zero community connections and sense of scale when it comes to the issues we face. its so annoying!!!
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nanpierce · 1 year
How I think my Succession mothers are spending mother's day ❤️
Gerri (before): Baird got the girls up early to help make her breakfast and get her gifts ready. Later he would tell her how lucky and grateful he feels that she's their daughters' mom, and she's better at it than she thinks she is. She disagrees, but loves his kindness and faith in her.
Gerri (now): She gets a happy mother's day call from each of them. They stopped trying to do anything for her when she'd always cancel because "something came up" at work. She tries not to think about the closeness with them that she lost along with Baird.
Caroline: Gets offended when the kids don't call her, even though she doesn't want to talk to them. When they do call her, she criticizes them for doing it on American mother's day (she is once again laid low by their father's influence), and only on mother's day.
Nan: Takes Naomi to visit her mom's grave. Nan says Naomi's mom would have been proud of her, and tells a story about her that Naomi has heard before (she doesn't mind hearing it again). In the car on their way home, she thanks Nan for filling in.
Rhea: Calls or visits her Socialist mother in Georgia, and is told that if she really wants to get her something for mother's day, she can start with redistributing her billionaire girlfriend's wealth. Rhea laughs and reminds her she siphoned a few million in hush money out of Logan's bank account, at least, which she says is "a start."
Cyd: Has never once in her life entertained the notion of having children, but the young gay people at Waystar call her mother, which she correctly understands to mean they worship her. They fetch her iced coffees and share their gossip with her, so she finds it entertaining. This does significant damage to Tom's psyche, which is a bonus.
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rei-ismyname · 3 months
My friend's 6 year old - 'Scrooge McDuck is mean and he has all that money and won't share. That feels unfair.'
Me, wondering if it's my place to break this kid's heart and radicalise him - 'I feel the same way. He has more resources than he'll ever need. He's the villain of Duckburg and Donald and the kids are class traitors for defending his wealth from the Beagles.'
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6 year old - 'Aren't they the bad guys? What does class traitor mean?'
'Ask your teacher about that one. I'll ask you a question - considering that everyone needs money to live in this show - to buy food, to pay rent, medical expenses, clothes, the basics...'
'But Donald Duck doesn't have pants on.'
'Exactly. He doesn't have pants because Scrooge has all of the money in this world. Him and his nephews spend all their time working for him for 10 cents an hour. Let's say pants cost $10, how long will it take for that family to buy pants?'
*He counts on his fingers for a while and screws his face up.*
'I don't know. A long time!'
'That's right. A long time. 100 days for just one pair of pants. In the meantime they're working without pants, they need food, and they wouldn't even have a job if they weren't related to Scrooge. So they're not being paid enough money to stay alive by someone who has all the money.'
'That's really sad. I don't want to talk about this anymore.'
'I hear that. Have a think about how you would make the situation better, hey? I'd be interested in your opinion.'
Wealth redistribution for 6 year olds. Legit interested in a child's opinion on the matter. I've felt for some time that the material base for a working class revolution is insufficient, and branding might be a factor. McCarthyism and a century of red scare propaganda has been really effective in poisoning the well. I am an anti capitalist in that I believe the basic needs of every human on this planet are more important than profit, and that capitalism is inherently incapable of delivering it.
A child right now is growing up in the most unequal wealth distribution in history, this 6 year old grew up in a pandemic with wars and genocides going on. Maybe the socialist theory of tomorrow will come from them, neo socialism. I certainly hope so, bc this shit isn't sustainable.
Fuck this guy.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
There is something wrong about the narrative...
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You know this kind of graphic, right? The population pyramid. And I do have a problem with it.
No, not with the pyramid itself. The pyramid is okay and valid. It just shows how the population looks in regards to age. No, my problem is with the narrative around it: "The pyramid is top-heavy and now the pension and care does not work anymore!!"
Technically this is wrong. And yes, the pyramid originally was exactly about that. About showing how the work done by the young people would pay into the system, so that old people could retire at some point and get care. Because originally, of course, we needed that bottom-heavy pyramid to make sure that there were enough people to do all the important work and take care of older people reliant on care.
Only... that it really is not true anymore, right? It more is like... it is just again the system being broken. Because capitalism sucks.
Let me address the two supposed problems with the entire pyramid and what not: 1) "Who is gonna pay for it?" and 2) "Who is going to do the care work?"
Who is gonna pay for the retirement?
See, the theory over here in Germany is technically that during your work time you pay into the social security net and should get back later what you paid in. But, obviously, you technically do not just save up for your own retirement. The money you pay into social security right now gets paid out to the people currently receiving their retirement benefits.
Hence the problem: When more people are on retirement benefits, while fewer people pay into the social security, the math does not work.
But... Like literally all problems related to people suffering from poverty (like a lot of old people are doing) it could be easily solved by redistributing the immense wealth of the super rich. Literally nobody needs to have more than 1 billion dollars. Heck. Nobody really needs more than 10 million, if we are really honest.
And no, giving that money to the rich does in fact not help the economy, if we are going by pro-capitalist logics. Redistributing the wealth, does.
Really, we do not even need retirement funds, if we just gave out UBI for everyone. (Or went communist.)
And that we can finance by taxing the rich. Also taxing any sort of stock trading.
But who is going to do the care work?
See, here is the other issue, where just capitalism is the problem. Because technically there is not a lack of people who would be able to do the care work and would be willing to do it, if only the jobs in care work would be a) fairly compensated and b) actually respected in society.
See, when we look at the job market today, we see in fact a lot of "bullshit jobs", as David Graeber calls it in his book by the same name. Meaning: Jobs that produce nothing of societal value. Jobs, that society could do well without and that quite often aim to enforce the hierarchies of capitalism. Literally.
Hence, heck, even if we had too few people to work in care (something that technically really is not true), we could easily just get rid of those kinds of jobs. In general there are a lot of jobs that only exist to give the appearance of keeping people busy. (The story of why the 40 hour work week is bullshit is a story for another day.)
But yeah, the reason why most people are kept away and pushed out of the care industry is just how underpaid and overworked everyone there is.
See, caring for people is actually something that many people find fulfilling. But not under those circumstances. So, better the circumstances and you will have enough folks to work in care.
So, yeah. Whenever someone keeps whining about "top heavy pyramids" just tell them: "The problem is not birth rates. The problem is capitalism."
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3. Charging rent just to live somewhere *is* pretty outrageous.
+1 Communism
LA FUMÉE, VOL 1. NO. 4 - The writer G. Martin remarks dryly that 'capitalists *love* wealth redistribution, so long as it's only redistributed *upward*'...
You flip back to the front of the magazine. The table of contents unfolds before you.
5. [Put the magazine away.]
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Since we've leveled up Conceptualization, I head back to the wall, but we've lost our bonus from the evening light. No point trying this now.
The bookstore is also closed by now. Only one place left to go tonight.
🎵 Whirling in Rags, 12 PM
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Looks like Lena and the Hardie boys are already gone.
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It's a bowl. There's spit in it, reeking of tobacco.
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Photos of men in overalls, toting guns and Union placards.
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You see hawthorn bushes outside. Hmm...
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GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Can I help you?" He arches an eyebrow.
"About my bill for tonight..."
"Yeah, 20 reál for the night."
"Not yet..."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Good. You got the room for the night, but remember -- you'll need *another* 20 reál tomorrow."
-20.00 reál
Task complete: Find money for rent and pay Garte
+10 XP
EMPATHY [Challenging: Success] - Take it easy on him. Deep down he really hates being the guy who has to remind you.
4. "Good bye." [Leave.]
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Goracy Kubek is also gone from the kitchen. No looking into the shady brew.
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Alright. Time to see if we can get those boots. First we need to get rid of Kim, so we'll pretend to turn in for tonight.
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"See you in the morning."
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There is some more stuff to look at in our room first, however. Perception shows us we can pick up this Empty Cassette Case.
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There used to be a tape in this case, but it was destroyed in a fit of rage. Something about the Etenniers' single Smallest Church in Saint-Saëns must have rubbed someone the wrong way. The label says the song was recorded in '43.
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Words fail to describe how rank it smells in here. They should have sent a poet.
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MIRROR - A mirror hangs on the bathroom wall. In it -- your face, adorned with *The Expression*.
2. [Electrochemistry - Impossible 18] Attempt to stop *The Expression* from happening.
This time I remember to put on my cool jeans and gloves before trying an Electrochemistry check.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY [Impossible: Failure] - Still not happening. It won't come off that easy.
4. [Let the mirror be for now.]
Let's make our way back to the body.
THE HANGED MAN - The man is decomposing visibly now. Every hour he looks less like a creature and more like a pile of intestines...
2. Try to remove the dead man's boots again.
THE HANGED MAN - The body is reluctant to let go of the boots -- as though they were its last bit of dignity.
CUNO - "Whoah. Cuno's little *sneak-pig's* back for the booty... "
CUNOESSE - "Yeah, fuck it to pieces for us. Liar cop!"
Pull on the right boot.
Pull on the left boot.
THE HANGED MAN - It's not completely useless. You're able to reveal a little more of the putrid polymer sock beneath the boot.
2. Pull on the left boot.
THE HANGED MAN - It feels like the leg is going to come off along with the boot, but you are able to get the boot to move a centimetre or two.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - See? The corpse doesn't care if you try to take his boots. He doesn't need them. He's probably *glad* to get rid of them.
Pick up the body and try to shake the boots off.
Step on the corpse as you pull on the boots.
Try to twist the boots off one by one.
THE HANGED MAN - It's heavier than you'd think. You're forced to drop it back down immediately. The corpse lands on the ground with a nauseating thud, looking even sadder than before.
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT [Formidable: Failure] - Damn, you're out of shape... In your defence, the corpse *was* quite slippery.
2. Step on the corpse as you pull on the boots.
THE HANGED MAN - Something cracks in the left leg -- it really is about to come off. The leg, I mean. Not the boot.
VISUAL CALCULUS [Medium: Success] - You may want to slow down. Don't tear into it like that.
3. Try to twist the boots off one by one.
THE HANGED MAN - This is the right method. It takes some time, but eventually the boots come off -- with nasty slices of polymer sock stuck to even bigger pieces of skin and rotting flesh.
Item gained: Fairweather T-500 Boots with Rotting Flesh
CUNOESSE - "Look -- he's skinning the fucker up good. *Puukko* style."
CUNO - "Hell. Keep at it, pig!"
Take stock of the damage.
THE HANGED MAN - The legs look like they've been clawed at by wild animals. As for the boots -- you can't possibly do anything with them until you have cleaned and *disinfected* them thoroughly.
PERCEPTION (SMELL) [Trivial: Success] - Yes. These absolutely need to be washed before. The stink is incredible.
2. [Leave.]
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Don't smell these boots. Better yet, don't even *think* about them – unless it's to think about how you're going to get them clean, that is. For now, they're unsellable, unwearable, and just downright disgusting.
We can, unfortunately, interact with these.
BOOTS WITH ROTTING FLESH - These boots were probably left on the corpse because they were impossible to pull off while it was hanging. They're not exactly pleasant to look at right now, much less smell.
Look the boots over carefully.
Look at the soles of the boots.
Look inside the boots.
[Put the boots away.]
BOOTS WITH ROTTING FLESH - Graceful whorls cover the boots' glossy surface. These will be gorgeous once you get them clean.
2. Look at the soles of the boots.
BOOTS WITH ROTTING FLESH - "Fairweather T-500 / VE" is imprinted under each heel.
3. Look inside the boots.
BOOTS WITH ROTTING FLESH - Still just pieces of sock and rotting cadaver.
4. [Put the boots away.]
We need to find a kitchen to clean these in. I can only think of one... I'm sure Garte won't mind.
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INDUSTRIAL STOVE - This industrial gas-powered stove has been used to prepare food for many hungry hostel guests. There are several pots and pans on hand.
SAVOIR FAIRE [Easy: Success] - Getting the corpse residue out of these boots is going to require patience. And also a huge pot full of boiling water, soap, and white vinegar.
Check out the cookware.
Check out the cleaning supplies.
Master chef out. [Leave.]
INDUSTRIAL STOVE - A commercial pot draws your attention. It's very large. Gigantic, even. It could be used to make enough stew to feed an entire city. And also to boil a putrid pair of death-boots.
ESPRIT DE CORPS [Medium: Success] - Far away, in the darkness of a makeshift morgue behind Station 41's lazareth, Dr. Nix Gottlieb cuts into the cold, dead feet of a murder victim. The veins are oddly black, he suspects a neurotoxin...
2. Check out the cleaning supplies.
INDUSTRIAL STOVE - There is a variety of soaps and bleaches in the cabinet to the left of the stove. There is also a bottle of white vinegar in the cabinet next to the fridge.
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danco110 · 1 year
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“‘King’ Micah. Hmph! A king among your bandits, maybe. Nothing more.”
The financier tilted his head up, so he could better stare down his nose at the thief before him. Micah remained silent for a time, merely arching an eyebrow in response to the theatrics, much to the other man’s chagrin.
“Well? What do you have to say for yourself?”
“I don’t know, Nickolas,” Micah droned. “You called me here, remember?”
“…Right. Ahem.” The financier reached up and made a show of straightening his collar before continuing. “I have an offer for you, in exchange for your…cooperation.”
“A bribe, you mean, to keep me and my fellow supposed lowlifes off your back.”
Nickolas smiled. “Hit the nail on the head! Name your price.”
“Oh, please.”
Micah gave the other man a derisive snort. “You do know we’re planning to rob you, right? You know, redistribute your wealth to the poor and all that. Original concept, I know, but still.”
“Then, why pay us?”
Nickolas grew flustered at his question being answered with another. “Will you name a price or not?”
“Ugh. Fine. We’ll take…half of everything you’ve got. Money, land, weapons, everything.”
“But that’s…er, very well.”
Nickolas leaned back to whisper to one of his assistants behind him. The clerk nodded, then departed in haste.
“That’s an exorbitant sum…but, probably less than what you would’ve taken from me by force.”
“Pleasure doing business,” Micah hummed, before turning to leave. As he walked away, he muttered under his breath, “Probably more than what we would’ve gotten away with…but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”
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non-un-topo · 2 years
oh please please tell us about the next qq fic 🥺🥺🥺
Hello, beloved!!! Thank you for enabling me lmao!!
So I desperately missed writing little queer quartet adventures, but was basically brain dead and fell into a heavy post-fic depression after my last mystery fic. But I've been spinning this idea around in my head for a long time now and will very soon have time to write!! Bits and pieces will likely change, but I can tell you some things so far.
Putting this under a read-more actually because I kind of rambled and I don't want to clog the dash lol
It will take place in India in the mid 1400s. The quartet will have come from Bulgaria, escaping the consequences of a certain mistake that Quynh might have made in battle. Not a small mistake, either. They make it to northeast India and have to stop because by that point they're penniless and starving. Conveniently, there happens to be a noble Hungarian family who has settled there for not-yet-known reasons, managed by the lady of the house, lady Morana, because the lord is off fighting the Ottomans. Anyway, Morana is causing problems with the locals by demanding that they mine for ~~something, ohh~~ even though she hopes she's being a good person by supplying them with jobs and extra food. But whatever she's mining for --- which she has not actually specified --- must be really valuable because she's offering all of the house's gold and riches as a reward to whomever finds it. She has men overseeing the mines who sift through all the resources people find, who might call on anyone at any time if they happen to find the thing. Anyway -- the quartet sees this noble family (and later a very sick population of locals) and think, "hmm. We should con them and redistribute the wealth." Naturally.
Somewhere along this line (I'm still figuring it out) they, or more specifically Yusuf or Quynh, realize the lady might be looking for a fabled substance that can turn iron into gold. That's right: the philosopher's stone. So this is sort of how they try to con her. Yusuf takes on the role/disguise of an alchemist and makes fool's gold, Nico has to pretend to be a leper for a little while. It's a whole thing.
But before all of that, Quynh and Andromache both get jobs working for this family because... food and money are needed, stat. Even though Quynh is morally opposed and grumpy about it, she gets a job as a servant, hoping it will put her closer to the lady of the house so she can learn her secrets (like wtf are you digging the land for, lady). It doesn't quite. Turns out Quynh is hired specifically to assist the lady Morana's daughter, Jana, who is blind. Jana is not helpless like her mother thinks, and she is very smart and well-read. She and Quynh develop a nice little friendship and do anarchy. Andromache is hired as a swordsman to train the eldest child of the noble house, Henrik, who is 16 and acts like it.
I could talk a lot about the OCs because I just spent a few days developing them, but I'll keep it under wraps for now unless anyone wants to know dsfgfd. I just figured the canon characters are probably a lot more interesting.
Andromache will eventually get to beat up the bratty young lord (for a good reason).
Yusuf will put his artist skills to good use, and miiight come across some problems as he pretends to be an alchemist (I mean, lying about the fact that you have THE miraculous alchemical substance has consequences).
In befriending Jana, Quynh may also befriend a Mysterious Character who also works for the household, ohhhh. I was thinking a lot about GoT and HotD lol. Many mysterious spy-like characters there.
And Nicolo will discover some things about medicine that will have lasting benefits. (He might also have to amputate something in order to look like a convincing leper, but he'll get better lol).
I can tell you there will be alchemy (well, not really but you know), lepers, moral issues / grey morality, OCs I am kind of proud of, drama as usual, and very many typical queer quartet shenanigans and jokes.
Anyway uhh yes! There it is... <3 I'm still figuring out the plot and doing my research, but it's definitely cooking. It will also switch POV between the four characters, which I don't think I've done before in one fic yet! I'm aiming for Quynh to be more of the focus though. If this ends up being like 40,000 words and super niche or disorganized, oh well. I'm just happy I have a new idea <3 Thanks again!!
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the-good-spartan · 2 years
Becoming a Spartan Citizen, Part Two: The Phiditia & Contributions to the Mess
To carry on without preamble.... Assuming you managed to survive the agoge until the age of (somewhere around) nineteen, the final threshold to manhood and full citizenship was being voted into a phiditia, mess group. 
Famously, Spartan men, up to and including the kings, were required to dine at the syssition (mess hall) every night when they were in Sparta. There were three exceptions: if they’d just returned from campaign, they were permitted to dine with their family on their first night home. Likewise, if they were returning from making an offering to the gods or hunting. At all other times, they ate with their phiditia.
The young Spartiate was introduced to the mess in the course of his education, and most likely to the specific mess group of his older mentor/lover. I personally believe this would occur once he’d become a paidiskoi - though perhaps it was earlier, or depended on the individual boy's performance or maturity level - we can’t be sure.
As Plutarch tells us:
‘The boys, too, used to frequent the messes: for them it was like being brought to a school for self-discipline, where they both heard political discussion and witnessed the kind of entertainments appropriate for free men. For their own part, they would grow used to making fun and joking without becoming indecent, as well as not taking offence when they were the butt of the joke.’ 
Being Voted to a Phiditia.
This was *the* big moment, and I imagine, if you were a boy who hadn’t excelled in your education, or who hadn’t the wealth and connections of others, it must’ve been incredibly nerve-wracking. 
Plutarch again explains:
‘Anyone desiring to join a phiditia was vetted in the following way: Each member would take a piece of soft bread and in silence would throw it, like a ballot, into the bowl a servant carried on his head. Those in favour threw the bread in as it was, while those against squeezed it hard with their hand… And should they find even one of these, they do not admit the would-be entrant because it is their wish that all should be happy in each other’s company. They refer to somebody rejected in this way as kaddished, since the bowl into which they throw their pieces of bread is called a kaddichos.’ 
Any boy who failed the agoge, or was kaddished at this point, would, we think, become a part of the large social grouping refered to as the hupomeiones, the Inferiors... And as you have probably guessed, this is part of a larger topic that deserves its own space. It’s enough to know for now that we believe they were a mixture of people who had either never earnt citizenship or had lost it later.
Mess Contributions
Perhaps the most important part of maintaining Spartan citizenship was being able to meet your required mess contributions, and we know fairly specifically what they were. 
Taken from Plutarch again:
‘Each member of the mess would contribute every month a medimnus of barley-meal, eight choes of wine, five minas of [goat or sheep] cheese, five half-minas of figs, and in addition a small sum of money for fish or meat. Besides, anyone who had made an offering of first fruits or had been hunting sent a share to the mess.’
I break this down further in my next post, which is more broadly about food in Lakedaimon. [Food for Warriors.]
So how might those contributions go unmet? They were Equals, weren’t they?
It’s said that each Spartan family had a kleros, (allotment of land), which was worked by Helots, and it was from this land that the contributions came. 
Ancient historians propagated the myth that the land had been redistributed equally between all Spartan citizens during Lykourgos’ reforms - and from there, being homoioi (Equals, Peers) was taken to mean that the land and wealth they possessed was also equal - but this wasn’t true. 
It absolutely happened that the wealthy hoarded land - via purchasing it, of course, but it could also be concentrated in one family via intermarriage - basically, you were only considered siblings if you shared a father. A shared mother didn’t count. So (what we’d call) brother and sister could, and no doubt sometimes did, marry, thus keeping land in the family. 
We can safely assume that some Spartans’ kleros was significantly smaller, or less fecund, than their brothers’, making their ability to maintain their contributions less certain.
A few examples of ways that the land might be lost, or fail to provide what was needed:
Multiple sons drawing on a relatively small holding. It must’ve happened sometimes that a family would have to decide which son to send through the agoge if they could foresee that their land holdings wouldn’t be able to maintain the contributions in the end. It’s generally accepted that men with four sons were exempt from tax - and I’d suggest this is why, so he could afford to send those sons through the raising and maintain them as citizens when they graduated.
Inheritance. Land might be left to one son (or daughter) and not another.
Fines. A Spartan who acted against the Laws might be fined heavily. If they had limited portable wealth, they would have to sell their land. 
Bad years. I grew up in a farming family, and I can tell you that being at the whims of the environment is never easy. Sparta in this period is attested suffering earthquakes, occasional rebellions, wet summers and dry winters; and as any farmer can tell you, there’s *always* something: too many caterpillars or grasshoppers; rust in the barley or disease in the goats etc etc etc.
The topic of land ownership and inheritance is actually pretty extensive and less clear cut than it appears here - this is a very brief overview which I hope is useful. 
It also touches on a few topics I hope to explore in more depth later - the Spartan social structure, family (if we can really call it that), the prerogatives of the kings, and the humour and speech of the men - may the Muses give me strength :)
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
The more I look into "landback" shit the more it seems like a grift. The landback website has nothing substantial on it, and so far I haven't found any definitions or explanations for what "landback" means in concrete terms. It's usually nonsense like:
What is the LandBack movement really asking for? The land. Back.
NDN Collectives "Manifesto" is just a bunch of corpo-gibberish bullet points:
It is a relationship with Mother Earth that is symbiotic and just, where we have reclaimed stewardship. It is bringing our People with us as we move towards liberation and embodied sovereignty through an organizing, political and narrative framework. It is a long legacy of warriors and leaders who sacrificed freedom and life. It is a catalyst for current generation organizers and centers the voices of those who represent our future. It is recognizing that our struggle is interconnected with the struggles of all oppressed Peoples. It is a future where Black reparations and Indigenous LANDBACK co-exist. Where BIPOC collective liberation is at the core. It is acknowledging that only when Mother Earth is well, can we, her children, be well. It is our belonging to the land – because – we are the land. We are LANDBACK!
LANDBACK Organizing Principles
Don’t burn bridges: even when there is conflict between groups or organizers remember that we are fighting for all of our peoples and we will continue to be in community even after this battle
Don’t defend our ways
Organize to win
Move from abundance – We come from a space of scarcity. We must work from a place of abundance
We bring our people with us
Deep relationships by attraction, not promotion
We value our warriors
Room for grace—be able to be human
We cannot let our oppressors inhumanity take away from ours
Strategy includes guidance
Realness: Sometimes the truth hurts
Unapologetic but keep it classy
How about an explanation in concrete terms what "sovereignty" is supposed to mean? Or how they're planning to administer the land in relation to the other people that they share it with? If this land is supposed to be Indians' private property, there should be some kind of theoretical explanation for how this real estate transaction is supposed to lead to "the abolition of the United States’ concept of real estate altogether."
Then there's the NDN Collective itself. Generally, my rule of thumb is that if NGO money is going to something, then it's probably not radical or revolutionary, and that probability goes up the more money it gets. Black Lives Matter was radical and revolutionary, then its radical members "mysteriously turned up dead," and then it got hundreds of millions of dollars from the Ford Foundation.
NDN Collective in late 2021 was named a recipient of a Bush Foundation grant of $50 million. The organization has announced plans to redistribute these funds to indigenous individuals in North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota[15] Through other funding, including grants from the MacArthur and Skoll Foundations, NDN redistributes capital through two loan pools. The Social Enterprise & Economic Development for Indigenous Growth (SEEDING) program offers loans of $500,000 or more, while the Relief & Resilience program provides small business loans to Indigenous entrepreneurs.[16] Prominent donors to NDN Collective include Mackenzie Scott [ex-wife of Jeff Bezos], in 2021, due to her concerns about wealth inequality, discrimination, and the need for investment in education,[17] and the Jeff Bezos Earth Fund, which in 2020 donated $12 million for their work against climate change.[18] NDN Collective was also funded by the Target Foundation in 2022, as one of its "Ecosystem" grant recipients.[19]
So the "collective" is itself an NGO worth tens of millions of dollars. It plans to "redistribute" that money in the form of grants and loans with the explicit aim of "wealth building." According to NDN, it defines wealth as
“Indigenous wealth is a quality of life and mindset that encircles family and community well-being and the care of relationships (self, family, extended family, community, land, environment), and a spirit of generosity. Money is a tool to support basic needs (safety, food, shelter, education) and bring financial security and self-determination so that one can live a “good life,” abundant in social and cultural sharing.
Which isn't really a definition at all. I don't know how "a quality of life and mindset that encircles family and community well-being" is supposed to pay back a half a million dollar loan. I'd be more forgiving I think if there was some explanation about what this money was intended to do, but the Collective Abundance Fund Report doesn't offer much in that what. The grant application does elaborate on what the money can be used for though, including purchasing or expanding a home, paying for higher education, business development, and land purchases.
The anti-Capitalist, pro-communcal stance just seems like posturing to me when instead of distributing this money to the community level for the development of community projects, the money is being distributed on the individual/family level, for the development of private property. This doesn't seem like a fund for all, but one specifically to cultivate a Native middle class along bourgeois lines and provide a return on investment.
To return back to the HCN article, it mentions in one paragraph:
While some private landholders may resist, others, including mainline conservation groups and even art galleries, have already taken it upon themselves to donate property to tribes or Native organizations. These acts are a positive and inspiring step, even if still largely symbolic.
The "mainline conservation group" it mentions is called Save The Redwoods, which seems to have a sketchy past.
During the 2010s UC Berkeley’s Bancroft Library began organizing and curating a particularly revealing trove of primary documents that would allow me to unmask Save the Redwoods League as the first, the largest, and the longest-lasting example of an inward political and economic phenomenon that today we call “greenwashing”— that is, rhetorical support for environmental protection by an institution actually working on behalf of destructive corporations. These were the League’s own records, dating back to 1917, some 200,000 pages of eye-popping revelations that would keep me in thrall for years.
Through deep examination of the League’s papers (I would eventually copy 10,000 pages) and many other sources, I learned that in 1917 a small coterie of powerful industrialists had gathered at the secluded Bohemian Grove, in Sonoma County, during the annual encampment of the exclusive San Francisco Bohemian Club. The industrialists included some of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the nation, and the world, virtually all of whose businesses relied on redwood lumber to undergird the swiftest and most forceful expansion of industry and wealth in human history. They created Save the Redwoods League not to save redwoods as parks, but as standing inventories for use by industry. 
STR is also a massive NGO with a yearly revenue of $20 million and an endowment of over $100 million. It's president Samuel Hodder was a guest on a podcast called Climate One, which is a product of the The Commonwealth Club of California, which is another massive NGO with ties to the highest levels of government and big business.
And on the subject of the highest levels of government, again from the HCN article:
The federal government has slowly and selectively begun to engage with the idea since the appointment of Deb Haaland (Laguna Pueblo) as secretary of the Interior, and of Chuck Sams (Umatilla) as director of the National Park Service, the first Native people to hold either office. The United States is currently piloting tribal co-management of certain federal lands, a step in the direction of LandBack.
If you're getting tens of millions of dollars and aid from NGOs, major universities are putting out papers in your favor, and you're getting help from the federal government, then yeah, I think at the very least there's something deeply suspicious going on.
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askroahmmythril · 1 year
I *know* I've asked this before but I can't find the post on your blog, my blog or even via google but what would Navi versions of your original robot masters be like
That's weird, I do feel like I remember answering that... and yet can't remember what my answers WERE. So let's see...
OrigamiMan.EXE - Operated by a historic tour guide at an old Japanese castle. A focused sort, he helps with tour information for visitors to the site. Passionate about period art.
MetMan.EXE - Operated by a construction foreman. Gruff and strictly business, he aids in scheduling and ordering supplies for his company's construction projects.
VegasMan.EXE - Operated by a con artist, he manipulates online gambling data to benefit his operator. Actually enjoys uncertainty, and would find being caught in the act thrilling.
DevilMan.EXE - Independent Navi that lives in a deep area of the Undernet (thematically, it's probably secretly linked to BN3's Hell Island). A hotblooded battler that loves to test his skill. While he respects Bass' power, he thinks he takes things too seriously.
DiscoMan.EXE - Operated by a nightclub DJ. He helps with sound balance and visual displays and effects for his shows. He loves music with thumping bass, and enjoys putting together flashy displays.
BowMan.EXE - Operated by an activist, BowMan.EXE is every bit a digital Robin Hood. Through less than legal means, he changes financial data to redistribute wealth, indiscriminately of how people got that money, or who actually deserves it. Possibly the sort that Lan could convince to reform and join him in stopping whoever the game's actual big bad is.
GlassMan.EXE - Operated by a web designer, GlassMan is an artistically inclined Navi that helps in designing the various areas of the internet, making them appealing for visitors. Tends to be temperamental about his designs and aesthetics.
FruitMan.EXE - Operated by a young farmer that started a huge orchard. He serves as the mascot for the company and welcomes visitors to their website. He tends to get lonely as he generally stays there, his operator afraid of him getting hurt in netbattles.
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papirouge · 1 year
I hate how everything online feels so US centric you know? Like no, stop assuming when I say I’m pro life I’m for this backwards medieval attitudes Americans have towards socialism and social welfare that’s needed to help decrease abortion rates. Being pro life for me means I support socialist systems to care for the poor and those in need that includes women who are expecting babies and the babies themselves. America shutting down maternity wards and refusing maternity leave for workers and canceling legislation that would give kids in schools free lunches instead of fucking school shootings ever week is an explicit American issue. I’ll gatekeep all day on this - Americans are not and never been truly pro life. Especially since they worship their guns so much it’s in their constitution 🙄
The fact they indifferently use socialism, leftism, globalism, communism, liberalism - and now 'wokism'....like they were synonym is enough for me to know they are idiots. I hardly take any political take coming from USAmericans that seriously tbh.
I'm not that much of a political person myself, but USAmericans are the only people acting like advocating for free access to healthcare was instantly making someone a Communist... Only on Tumblr I've been called a commie for advocating for a better wealth distribution 💀 They are insane.
"first they ask for free stuff, then they'll come for my property!!" bestie, we all know you're broke and ain't owning shit. Sit down.
In their mind = getting stuff for free = stealing someone's labor. It doesn't occur in their mind that health distribution can make it happen while everyone getting paid. When I fainted in a mall, got sent to ER, got tested AND went to the pharmacy for medication, I only had to pay 10€ for ALL of this. And yet, the ER, the medics, and my pharmacists all got fairly paid.
It's a well known thing in France that tax evasion loss covers the retirement hole which is the excuse for that reform. That's why ppl are fuckin shit up. That's unfair to make the people pay the price of greedy billionaires. The money is here. Wealth dstribution is the problem.
That's why it's soooo annoying to these twat scream about Communism at the slight possibility of a better redistribution. The fact that they're aligning with millionaires when they're socially closer to the homeless person down their block is cringe.
And yeah, pro life is beyond simply fighting to protect the unborn. That's also why every pro gun pro lifers Americans has cognitive dissonance. They're brainwashed by their savage culture bred from genocide and slavery. They are spiritually cursed. Only a few ones got the Grace to snap out of it.
They really shown they ugly hypocrite asses when they *suddenly* cared about gun violence bc the shooter was trans..... Disgusting.
If me wanting universal healthcare & get pregnant women have free pregnancy care makes me a Communist I genuinely don't care lmao Hail Stalin. I'm absolutely immune to this brand of anathema. Me being a Communism won't make anything that I say any less true 💅🏾
USAmerican hate Communism bc they know it's the only regime that could virtually rekt them, because Nazism was mostly targeting Jews, so the Whites USAmerican don't care that much (they'll never openly admit it ofc, but their obsesssive hate boner against Communism -and not as much against Nazism- speaks louder than words)
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eelhound · 2 years
"In Winners Take All, writer and former McKinsey analyst Anand Giridharadas describes what he calls 'MarketWorld,' which is:
'…an ascendant power elite that is defined by the concurrent drives to do well and do good, to change the world while also profiting from the status quo…these elites believe and promote the idea that social change should be pursued principally through the free market and voluntary action…that it should be supervised by the winners of capitalism and their allies, and not be antagonistic to their needs; and that the biggest beneficiaries of the status quo should play a leading role in the status quo’s reform…The MarketWorld problem-solver does not tend to hunt for perpetrators and is not interested in blame.'
I’ve seen this tendency in myself. It was harder for me to embrace a Left worldview because of the social ties I have with people who are perpetrators of the many harms inherent in our system. I have also seen this in my former colleagues, like a healthcare specialist who volunteered for numerous Democratic campaigns and strongly opposed single-payer healthcare. The definitive evidence he marshalled for why single-payer was a terrible idea was a Vox piece arguing that the system would only save money if doctors were paid less. Clearly, this outcome was more intolerable than 30 million Americans continuing to go without insurance. On his McKinsey [consulting] engagements, he works primarily with doctors and healthcare administrators, the people whose paychecks and jobs would be most negatively affected by a transition to a single-payer system. Their lives and livelihoods are far more salient than the millions of uninsured who exist only as numbers in spreadsheets. Any solution that requires redistribution of any wealth or power from the ruling class (the only class who can afford to hire McKinsey) is not even worth considering.
It is the same situation described by Tolstoy: 'I sit on a man’s back choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am sorry for him and wish to lighten his load by all means possible… except by getting off his back.'"
- Anonymous, from "McKinsey & Company: Capital’s Willing Executioners." Current Affairs, 5 February 2019.
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gatekeeper-watchman · 3 months
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Our Shadow Government
From time to time in my writings, you have seen me refer to “Our Shadow Government” or to the “Power Elite”. Originally, I came up with the former title, borrowing it from the Final Report of President Obama’s National Commission on the Financial and Economic Crisis of 2008, wherein the report referred to our Shadow Banking System (I have since seen it in book titles and other places, however). I thought that title to be very appropriate because, although I couldn’t see or clearly understand what was happening at any given time, I could see their shadows.
Ultimately, I borrowed and came to use the latter title from the book, Who Rules America, by G William Domhoff, an in-depth study of who really wields the power in America–an excellent book which should be used in our schools. The title, Power Elite, is much more definitive in defining the real power governing our nation. It is referring to the very powerful, very wealthy, and the elite; who, in one combination or another (they don’t always agree among themselves) exercise almost complete control over the direction of our nation. They finance our elections, and they even write many of our laws, sometimes going so far as to, through their special interest representatives, sit down in the offices of our elected representatives and write the laws themselves. They are among those behind the infamous tax cuts for the wealthy enacted during the administration of George W. Bush and recently renewed. Their greed and “screw-ups” are behind the financial crisis of 2008. Their greed and desire for even more power have contributed to our huge national debt and their desire to do away with safety nets for our people, i.e. Social Security, Healthcare, etc. Their greed is behind the massive redistribution of wealth from the poor to the rich in the past thirty-plus years, including the diminution of the Labor Sector of our populace.
Mr. Domhoff tells us that the power elite has ruled us since the beginning of our nation. They wrote our Constitution and, after agreeing with its content among themselves, put it to the people for their approval. For the most part, they ran our government then and they run our government now. Mr. Domhoff goes on to tell us, also, that corporate and business interests are those most usually pursued and agreed upon–interests that protect and perpetuate the wealth and power of the power elite. Our elected government has the complete power and authority of our Constitution to govern our nation, but they have relinquished their power to the moneyed interests–the power elite. Elections are enormously expensive and they need the money. Where this is obvious in our government, where it comes from the shadows or from under the table is seen in the exercise of power by their representatives, the special interest lobbyists on K Street in our capital. These people buy and control our politicians through campaign contributions, threats and intimidation, luxury travel, jobs after they leave office, and on and on. How many of the candidates for the presidency in the primaries of 2012 went on to work for special interest groups on K Street afterwards? Think about it. We are told our elected representatives spend half their time on the telephone raising money to finance their campaigns and get re-elected. Wow! If you take that time out of their schedules, how much more time would they have to get work done for their constituents?  Maybe, even, we would even see them in the chambers of the House and Senate during debate time for a change. Doesn’t the word debate mean or imply that all parties to the debate are present for the process?
The only way we the people can ever take back our government from these people so that it can become what it is supposed to be, a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, is to take the money out of our politics. We need federally financed elections. All support toward the election of political candidates, federal, state and local, should be government financed and controlled. No political support of any kind (personal, family, business, friends, or acquaintances) should be allowed under any circumstance, whether in the form of money, assets of any kind, jobs, privileges, or whatever, should be allowed. Campaign expenditures should be capped, and campaigns should be significantly shortened. In conjunction with this, we should develop uniform voting laws in every state throughout the nation which will readily enable a multi-party system as opposed to the two-party system we now have. Obviously, strict internal controls and penalties should be enacted to ensure enforcement and accountability. All candidates should be elected based on the issues in conjunction with their abilities and character–not their wealth. Maybe even a qualified poor man can be elected. It’s past time to put truthfulness and veracity back into government. It’s past time for our government to represent the good of all the people. In reality, our elected representatives have the power to do this on their own if they would. As a matter of law, they are the only ones who can affect such a change, but they haven’t. Without our insistence, I don’t really think they will. Do you? It is up to “we the people” to exercise sufficient political action to bring about change. There are more of us than there are of them. Do you really think we can remain on our present course and remain a Democratic Republic if we don’t act? From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ, gatekeeperwatchman.org Founder and Administrator of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Group, Friday, July 12, 2024, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA.,  X … @ParkermillerQ
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wack-ashimself · 10 months
What do I think is the number one thing nobody is talking about that is a major issue and is costing fuck tons of people money? Pay to play games including but not limited to online #gambling. There is absolutely no jurisdiction, laws, or organizations regularly checking to make sure these companies are not cheating. And they are. Like I play a couple mattel card games. They're free, but you can only play so many rounds in a day without paying. And I know for a fact that they purposely will give the AI the advantage so you burn through your credits, and then got to pay with real money (I never have. Fuck them.) Also in these games you can buy perks which give you a huge advantage and almost guarantees you the win. And that's just on #videogames! We're not even talking about online gambling which, by the way, 90% of my life I was told would never be able to be allowed online. Then literally overnight it happened. AND NO ONE QUESTIONED IT. Also happened during the worst #recession in usa history which is still going on (they've proven that people were paid more and things were still more affordable during the Great #Depression than they are right now. They call it the #silentdepression. Because nobody's fucking talking about it, but it's right in fucking front of our faces.) No regulation or people looking into their coding for all these games and websites. I guarantee you this is a multi billion dollar industry that is robbing us blind. And there's nobody to keep them in check.This is one of the few times government could be helpful, but is intentionally not doing so. I mean there's nobody lobbying for this because if anything the #lobbying is to make sure there's no regulation. It's the biggest cash grab of my lifetime that nobody's talking about. And I'm not even going to start with when we made #casinos go digital and we never checked into their coding either. You know we fucking didn't do that. Gambling is one of the most unregulated things in the United States it seems. And I think it's because of how much the government gets in Kick back. It's the easiest way to make #money for them.. No wonder the government doesn't want to do anything. They gain from doing nothing.
Side note I think the ratio should be at max 10:1. It's not like these casinos are actually contributing to society. They still get a profit, but the gamblers actually have a fucking chance. Imo, 5:1. Also I think there should be a #Lotto thing called guaranteed millionaire. They sell 1 million tickets every single day, at 10 bucks a pop, and there is five winners of a million dollars, cash in hand, you owe nothing in taxes.
But you know why they don't do that? Because that would actually redistribute the wealth. And they don't want that to ever happen. Because once we get a fair chance at life, we will never go back to servitude. And they want #debt slaves for life. There's more people in #slavery worldwide right now than there was during USA's past. Largest #prison population, AKA largest slave population.
Is the government in #oligarchy know you exist let alone work for you at all? How are your taxes helping you? Do they at all? Locally we have one of the more important Bridges being closed for 2 years. It takes you two God damn years to fix a fucking bridge? China can build a skyscraper in a month!
The #USA government doesn't know how to do anything right but war and oppression. But I will say they're very good at it. Probably the best. But that's not something you want to be the best at. Being the best at controlling your people and dictating their lives sounds like a nightmare scenario. There's no dystopian future. It's dystopian present with a even worse future in store for us.
My argument goes back to the #economy collapsing. It would make sense that's why they made online gambling. Milk us dry out of all the currency that's going to die, reinvest it elsewhere (land), then when the dollar is dead you have all the resources in either new currencies or actual physical resources. It's evil, but it's also genius. And been done many times before.
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Championing Financial Freedom: The Create Business Revolution in Refunding
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At Create Business, we are advocates and champion of all things Refunding, motivated by the desire to challenge oppression and empower individuals.
As CEO I embarked on this journey driven by a refusal to fall victim to the deception perpetuated by those in power. The government, the education system, and big pharma have often failed to prioritize our best interests. This fueled my determination to create a business that redistributes wealth, taking money from where it shouldn't be and returning it to its rightful owners, much like the legendary Robin Hood.
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Building this business wasn't solely about seeking justice. It was also about carving out a life of freedom, fostering personal growth, and empowering as many individuals as possible. Refunding is a powerful means of reclaiming our power, making a positive impact, and finding financial success along the way.
With ethics and liberation at its core, this venture is set to redefine success. And yes, there's an amazing potential for substantial financial gains - we're talking about billions of dollars. However, my relentless drive is not just about the pursuit of wealth; it stems from a genuine hatred of laziness and mediocrity. I am committed to spreading the message of freedom, seizing every opportunity to empower others through my business.
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Create.Business is a testament to my unwavering dedication to creating a world where everyone can thrive. So, get ready to join the revolution!
Follow my journey and become part of the Refunding movement. Together, we can rewrite the rules, change lives, and leave a lasting impact on this world.
Stay bold, stay fierce, and let's create a future where financial freedom is attainable for all.
Find out more about refund specialist system at www.create.business
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