#and brings him home for dinner to “meet” rukia
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bendingwind · 2 years ago
Chapters: 2/4 Fandom: Bleach (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Abarai Renji/Kuchiki Rukia Characters: Abarai Renji, Kuchiki Rukia, Kuchiki Byakuya Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship Summary:
“Ryōta Shumayaki is looking to marry off his second daughter. It’s common for nobles to marry younger daughters off to powerful members of the Court Guard Squads when the opportunity arises, in order to increase the family’s overall spiritual power, and you’ve just shown that you’re worth consideration!”
Renji’s brow furrowed.
“That explains the other invitations,” he said after a long moment. Rukia couldn’t help herself-- she burst out laughing again.
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akaluan · 4 years ago
Kisuke's wings are an aberration in that they don't seem to exist.  Yet he can absolutely still fly and it confuses the hell out of people.  What is actually happening is his wings are made of energy that isn't normally visible to humans/shinigami but hollows can see it.  Ichigo also ends up being able to see them. And is therefore very confused when people tell him Kisuke has no wings.
-- prompt from Discord user Yuurei
There’s something bothering Rukia.
Ichigo casts her a sidelong look as they leave the Urahara Shoten, wondering what about the place — or the residents — has gotten under her skin. This isn’t the first time she’s returned from the Urahara Shoten with a crease between her brows and her delicate, ice-pale wings tucked tight against her back, but he still has no idea what she’s reacting to.
Sure, Hat’n’Clogs is an oddball and the definition of shady, but the man doesn’t seem to be lying to them about anything: avoiding the entire truth, yes, but Ichigo hardly expects honesty out of a man like that.
(Urahara seems the sort to have a past, and Ichigo’s seen what that does to a person.)
(So long as the man doesn’t betray them, Ichigo doesn’t care.)
Rukia catches his glance and huffs, crossing her arms over her chest and muttering, “I’ll tell you when we get home.”
“Alright,” Ichigo agrees easily, not in any rush to force Rukia to speak of whatever’s been bothering her; it hasn’t affected their work so far, so he’s content with not knowing.
(Even if it’s driving him to distraction trying to figure out what’s wrong.)
Still, it doesn’t take long for them to get home and head up to his room, where Rukia immediately hurls herself down on his bed and props her chin on her crossed arms. Her delicate wings flutter and then still, and she grimaces a bit as she slants a glance at him and says, “I don’t know how you can just… just not react to Urahara-san.”
Ichigo blinks in surprise, then tugs the chair out from under his desk and straddles it, crossing his arms over the back and resting his chin atop them. “Not sure what you mean,” he tells her honestly. “I react to Hat’n’Clogs being… *Hat’n’Clogs* every time we go there. It’s hard not to, you know?”
Rukia scowls at him. “I mean his lack of wings!”
“His— what?” Ichigo pauses to digest Rukia’s words, wondering what the hell is up that she can’t see Urahara’s frankly gigantic wings. The man doesn’t even attempt to hide them, with the way he constantly rustles and flares and gestures with them as he talks; in fact, Urahara’s wings are a better judge of his mood and honesty than anything *else* about him, which is…
Well, now that Ichigo thinks about it, it’s a bit weird, isn’t it?
In Ichigo’s experience, the shadier a person, the better control they tend to have over their wings. Urahara though is like… like Yuzu, almost, without any real filter between his mind and his wing motions. Between that and the way Urahara’s wings ripple with color as he talks, Ichigo’s been feeling pretty confident on his read of the man lately.
“Do you— doesn’t everyone have wings?” Rukia asks as she sits up a bit. “All the humans I’ve seen so far do!”
Ichigo stares at her for a moment, then slowly asks, “You really don’t see any wings on his back?”
“No!” Rukia exclaims, then narrows her eyes at him and asks, “Wait, you see wings on him?”
“Yeah, I just… thought his whole ‘I’m a shady shopkeeper, look at me’ routine was bothering you,” Ichigo admits a touch wryly. “The disconnect between the words he’s speaking and what his wings are saying can be jarring until you get used to reading him.”
Rukia gapes at him in shock, then tumbles off his bed and darts over to latch onto his arm, practically yanking him out of his chair as she marches towards the door. “Come on,” she demands as she pulls him out of his room. “We’re going back to the shoten and figuring out what’s going on right now.”
“I don’t think—” Ichigo cuts himself off with a sigh and lengthens his stride to catch back up to her, knowing he’s not going to be able to talk her out of anything when she’s in a mood like this. He gives Yuzu a sheepish smile and a wave as they cross the main room and go right back outside.
(He just hopes Urahara doesn’t take offense at anything that’s about to happen.)
(It’s hard to tell with the man sometimes, even with the tells that his wings give off.)
Rukia pulls him to a stop the instant they come within sight of the shoten, and Ichigo immediately sees why: Urahara is outside talking with Jinta, his back to them and his wings partially flared for balance. He seems in a relatively good mood, Ichigo judges as he takes in the crimson feathers laced with gold. There’s no sign of any of the colors Ichigo’s learned to be wary of, though there’s no telling how long that will last.
“Do you really see wings on him?” Rukia hisses at Ichigo.
“Yeah. You don’t?” Ichigo gives Hat’n’Clogs a thoughtful look, trying to figure out if Urahara’s wings are some sort of�� who knows. Illusion, maybe?
(But why an illusion that only Ichigo can see?)
(Or maybe that only Ichigo can see through?)
(… no, that makes even less sense.)
“No!” Rukia grumbles as she leans closer, her eyes narrowed and her attention honed down to a laser focus that Ichigo… actually sort of feels sorry about.
If there really is something weird going on with the man’s wings, Ichigo kind of regrets bringing attention to it; he knows what it’s like to be singled out for something he can’t — won’t — change about himself, and he honestly wouldn’t wish that sort of attention on anyone.
Hat’n’Clogs notices them quickly, his wings closing tight against his back as he rises to his feet and turns to greet them. “Maa, the two of you are back sooner than I expected. Do you need anything else?”
Ichigo eyes the way Urahara’s wings are twitching and the spots of blue-violet that are creeping in across the crimson, then clamps a hand on Rukia’s shoulder and says, “Nah, we were just out for a walk,” despite the offended hiss that Rukia aims at him.
Acid green blooms across Urahara’s wings, though the man’s expression doesn’t betray whatever emotion he’s feeling; a variant on surprise, Ichigo suspects, though he’s not quite sure what exactly acid green might indicate.
(He’s already discarded any preconceptions he has about what colors mean what emotions.)
(Urahara just doesn’t fit into any neat box no matter how Ichigo considers him.)
(Which is perfectly fine, he didn’t really expect the man to, but it still means he’s feeling his way through the dark.)
(Well, he’ll learn.)
“Ah, well, if you do end up needing anything…” Hat’n’Clogs says leadingly, his gaze lingering on Rukia for a moment before sliding back to Ichigo; it’s clear he’s expecting them to say something about his wings — is expecting them to comment on his wings — and that just makes Ichigo all the more intent on not.
“We’ll keep it in mind,” Ichigo declares before Rukia can speak up, then pinches her shoulder just in case.
“Ichigo!” Rukia yelps with a scowl, swatting at his arm.
Ichigo snorts and jerks his head in the direction of home. “Come on, dinner’s about ready,” he says mildly. “You wouldn’t want to make Yuzu sad by missing it, would you?”
Rukia’s scowl deepens and she wavers for a moment, casting a confused look at Hat’n’Clogs, before she gives in with a sigh and pushes past him. “Fine,” she mutters. “But we’re talking about this later.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Ichigo says with a shrug, already expecting a long, rambling lecture from her about… whatever it is he’s stumbled across this time. Not that he particularly minds; it’s interesting to try and piece together what Soul Society is like from the hints she accidentally drops during each one. So far, he’s picked up on a rather telling divide between the noble houses and the average Shinigami, along with some disturbing hints on how loosely regulated the Divisions are, and a whole host of other tiny details that he’s pretty sure Rukia has no idea she’s giving away.
He’s pretty sure this will reveal a whole new array of details about how Shinigami feel about an individual’s wings, which will give him some idea on how they’ll expect him to act if he ever meets other Shinigami.
Still… it’s strange that she can’t see Urahara’s wings; maybe he’ll ask his friends, see what they say about it.
(The mystery kind of suits the man, if Ichigo’s being honest.)
(Who knew there were invisible wings out in the world?)
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taichoh · 4 years ago
let’s fall in love for the night and forget in the morning
pairing: ichiruki word count: 1154 warnings: none note: i wrote this at 3am, the angst was hitting hard and this song just fits :’) ao3 link
Their meetings weren’t frequent, but they worked with what they had, and it seemed like it was enough. Until it wasn’t.
There was no question that their bond could never be severed, but it was in a way. They were still the best of friends, and when they did get together, the cadence of their conversations were normal, steady, pleasant. They bickered like old times, and they read each other like the back of their left hands. But they’d never hold hands. Something was in the way.
“How’s Inoue doing?” Rukia scolded herself for bringing up the last thing she wanted to talk about. It was selfish, because she did genuinely care for Orihime, she’d just rather keep the salt from her wounds. She’s got Ichigo’s attention and she stupidly chooses to talk about someone who isn’t here, someone who’s shoes she’d kill to fill.
“She’s doing okay. It won’t be long now.” They both mirrored each other in their crossed arms and gazes towards the setting sun. Amidst their walk, the changing sky made Rukia stop and lean against the concrete wall of the path, the gentle push and pull of water sung in the background.
Oh, was it her turn to speak? They were talking about Orihime, but She’d forgotten how long they’d been sitting in each other’s company. Part of her didn’t want to talk. She wanted to be selfish and just cherish the time they had left before she had to return home. Rukai went to say something but froze when she realized Ichigo wasn’t looking at the sunset, but at her instead.
“Is there something on my face?” She asked only mildly alarmed. It made Ichigo chuckle and move to stuff his hands in his jean pockets.
“No,” His grin persisted, and it was like his somber attitude washed away in the river before them. She had that effect on him it seemed.
But there was an unspoken rift between them, maybe because they were off in their own worlds, with their own families, but this wasn’t the first time circumstances tried to keep them apart. They’ve found each other like there was some kind of thread keeping them together, no matter how many worlds they traversed. But there was a knot in this thread.
“How are you holding up? Renji giving you any trouble?” Ichigo spoke in a faux threat but the truth was he selfishly wished there was trouble. Trouble for him to fix. Non-intrusive thoughts be damned.
He entertained them too often, and he would fall so deep he’d be on the precipice of saying ‘fuck it’ and doing what he really wants. Doing what his heart is telling him. But then his heart betrays him and changes its mind. Not because of changed feelings, but because the thought of betraying the people he loved for a singular love made his heart ache and it sent him into a whirlwind.
He wondered if she battled with her heart as much as he did. They’d been through plenty of battles, but none like this. Being bruised and bloody was one thing, and being honorable but heartbroken was another.
“He’s fine, I didn’t expect him to be so.. Forthcoming when it came to taking care of Ichika.” Rukia was thankful to be completely honest, being a mother was not something she considered until her brother asked if she had the desire at all. And she did.
Holding her daughter in her arms made her heart swell to the size of a boulder, and for something so small and pure. Soon Ichigo would know the feeling, and Rukia didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Good, I’ll have to get some pointers soon.” He said it like they were of the same mind, thinking about his impending fatherhood.
“Prepare for some sleepless nights.” Pushing off from the wall, they started walking back to the clinic, as the sun was just peeking over the horizon.
It was sadly ironic, because they both knew Ichigo’s had his fair share of sleepless nights. Rukia felt the hilt of the knife embedded in her chest twist at the thought that she caused some of them, especially when he lost his powers, and couldn’t see her. She’d never forget the pain etched into his features as he watched her fade away, and he never saw the tears staining her cheeks.
It could almost be seen as a coincidence, the night they met, she put her sword through his chest to give him his shinigami powers, and she did it again to give them back to him. And if there was one where she could take hers away and do what her heart is telling her to do, she’d hesitate.
Does being in love have to be so selfish? Do so many people have to get hurt or get in the way? No, it could’ve been easier, if only they said something sooner. But they resisted and dug themselves into their respective holes, chained down by their responsibilities. And now it feels like it's too late.
They’re both married, Rukia has a kid, and Ichigo has one on the way. They were fated to be together, but the sad thing about this thread is that you don’t see it. It’s invisible, so you can only assume who it’s attached to. And it can be stretched, and knotted and even severed. But that’s the thing. It hasn't been severed. Rukia is sure of it. Ichigo is sure of it. But they couldn’t do anything about it.
When they reach his street, Rukia begins to prepare herself for the trip back, saying goodbye was easier, but she never looked forward to it. Looking over to Ichigo, his mood is back to being somber, she could tell he shared her sentiment when it came to goodbyes. Especially in front of the clinic. “Next time you guys can stay for dinner.”
“That sounds great.” Her eyes bore up into his, and he sported another faint grin, hoping to give her relief that he was okay. Because he was. He was okay. He could be better, but at least he was okay. Rukia copied him and smiled gently before reaching for her zanpakuto to open the Senkaimon. Ichigo watched as it appeared and opened, a bright white light casting over her. A tiny part of him tried desperately to move his feet and follow her, but he stayed planted, locking eyes with her one last time as she looked over her shoulder, “See ya.” She called.
“See ya.” Ichigo raised his hand and she waved back, finally walking forward to let the doors close behind her and disappear.
They both wouldn’t say anything, but something caught both of their eyes. And the realization made them both internally gasp at the implication. Either way, it would plague their minds for the days to come.
They both went without their wedding rings.
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recurring-polynya · 5 years ago
Hello! To start, I absolutely love all of your stories!! I found your fanfiction only recently and it is so good! I was wondering if you could write a Drabble where Hisana is alive and has a baby with Byakuya? With Renji and Rukia in the story? Thank you so much! I can’t even tell you how much I enjoy your stories :)
My first reaction, of course, why would I ever need to write this, when you could just go read @proceedwithcaution ​’s A Thin Red Line again?, but maybe my valiant asker just read it and needs more? One of the major tenets of fanfiction is, just because it’s already been done (and better) doesn’t mean you can’t write your own. Also, I’ve always wanted to write Renji and Hisana in the same story and this seemed like a fun opportunity.
These sorts of requests are actually much harder for me than it would appear, because I’m not the sort of person that can just write a story in a vacuum. If Hisana is alive, what AU is this? What’s different? When does it take place? What is everyone’s relationship to one another? It’s too much!
So, I sat back and said, what is the tiniest possible AU I can make? In A Thin Red Line, Hisana makes sure that Rukia and Renji never have to be separated, so everyone’s relationships get all mangled, but what if she never found out that Renji existed? What if Rukia and Byakuya, stubborn and emotionally constipated as they are, just never mentioned him until he shows up 40 years later? In other words, what if this timeline is exactly like the regular one, except Rukia has a much cooler older sis and Byakuya is, like, 3% more chill, and maybe tried to help Rukia not get executed, instead of ::waves hand vaguely at canon::
Anyway, I got charmed by this idea, and inspiration isn’t something I’ve had a lot of lately, so I just decided to go for it. It’s not so much a drabble as a series of drabbles-- I have 5 of them in various drafty states, I may or may not write more, depending on inspiration and if anyone cares about this, so if you like this and want more, lemme know! I’m just gonna leave this one with a ? number of chapters, which is not usually my way, but it’s not really a story, it’s just some stream of consciousness scenes.
Takes place shortly after the end of the Soul Society Arc. Warning: I have been reading a lot of Jane Austen lately, and also, my mind has been completely poisoned by this prophetic @unohanadaydreams take on what Byakuya’s kid would be like. The title comes from Pride and Prejudice.
a little in love now and then | ao3 | ff.net |
Summary: Abarai Renji doesn't have a fortune, but he does appear to be in want of a wife, at least in Lady Kuchiki's opinion. Fortunately, Lady Kuchiki also has a sister, and a woefully eligible one, at that. (itty bitty Hisana Lived! AU)
Rating: T, because Hisana drops a curse in some later part
More chapters coming over the next few days
It was going to be really hard to defeat Kuchiki Byakuya in combat, Renji realized. Not because the man was absolute perfection in battle-- insanely fast, ridiculously strong, utterly unflappable. No, what was going to make it really, really difficult was the fact that the man’s wife was incredibly nice and very, very beautiful, and also Renji was terrified of her.
“Good morning, Lieutenant Abarai!” Hisana trilled cheerfully as she barged into the Squad 6 captains’ offices. “Oh, Byakuya isn’t here?”
“He’s at a captains’ meeting, ma’am,” Renji explained. “My Lady.” He couldn’t remember which was correct.
“No matter, I’ll find it myself! Here, hold this!”
Byakuya hated people touching his things, especially his desk, and Renji should probably have stopped her, but he had two armfuls of the 18-month old heir to the Kuchiki Clan and if his reflexes hadn’t been so good, he would also have had a small wooden top up his nose.
“Settle down, Future Lieutenant Kuchiki,” Renji murmured, extracting the top from Touma’s slightly sticky hand, and settling the boy on his lap. He pushed the half-done paperwork on his desk to one side and set the top a-spin. Out of all the skills he had spent 40 years honing, he did not expect throwing tops with Momo’s bratty brother on school vacations to be one that he would find useful as a vice-captain. He had found there to be very little about being a vice-captain that had aligned with his expectations.
Young Touma squealed with delight, and his mother briefly looked up from the mess she was making of Byakuya’s desk (she had moved one pile of mission reports 3 cm to the right, and Renji expected to hear about it all afternoon.) “He likes you,” she observed simply.
“He likes anyone who’ll spin his top for him,” Renji corrected.
“That is categorically untrue,” Hisana informed him, and started in on the drawers.
Regardless of Touma’s feelings for Renji, the kid was yet another reason Renji felt like he might hesitate before punching Captain Kuchiki’s ticket. Touma was a sweet kid, if perpetually sticky, and more importantly, he was Rukia’s nephew, her own blood. The little guy mostly took after his pop, but Renji kept finding things-- the way his hair curled at the back of his neck, the bossy look he got on his face when he wanted something-- that reminded him of Rukia in her youth. Not that he was all that familiar with Rukia-of-late. She was practically a stranger, to be honest.
“Aha!” Hisana announced, waving a folded piece of correspondence. “Invitation to Aunt Etsu’s 475th birthday party. I knew she sent him one!” She tucked it in her sleeve smugly. “Sometimes, I think people send letters to him at the office just so that he’ll forget to bring them home.” She narrowed her eyes at Renji. “You don’t happen to open his mail for him, do you?”
“I don’t touch his mail, ma’am.”
Hisana’s face fell.
Renji had watched his captain read his mail, though. “If I put another letter tray on his desk,” he offered hesitantly, “and label it ‘Home’, I bet he’d stick stuff like that in it as he’s opening it, and I’m sure he’d bring it home at the end of the day. He loves empty trays.”
Hisana jabbed a finger at him. “I like you.” She marched over and retrieved her son, who was not very happy to be retrieved.
Ignoring the tearful child getting snot and tears all over a kimono that was worth more than everything Renji owned, Hisana took a moment to regard the Lieutenant of the Sixth. Her gaze was penetrating, stripping him down to his bones. “You’ve met my sister before, yes? Rukia? You helped Byakuya stay her execution?”
That was one way to put it, Renji supposed. “Yes, ma’am,” he replied.
Hisana nodded definitively. "You should come to dinner,” she declared.
“Dinner?” Renji echoed, his voice hollow.
“At the Manor,” she clarified. “It will be at six.”
“Ma’am, I can’t,” Renji excused reflexively. Of course, he wanted to see Rukia again, that was part of the whole plan, but Kuchiki Manor was not a place where Renji belonged, not yet, anyway. Byakuya didn’t want Renji in his house. Rukia probably didn’t want him in her house, either. Renji had this under control. He was working up to it. He was currently in the process of writing Rukia a letter. He had been working on it for a week. It currently consisted of a single sentence, which he was considering re-writing.
“We’re having grilled unagi,” Hisana added, before disappearing in a swish of silk.
“I must regretfully decline?” Renji called after her.
- - -
Byakuya stared at his desk. “My wife has been here.”
“I am sorry, sir. I couldn’t stop her.”
“No, she is not your responsibility,” Byakuya sighed. He settled himself behind his desk, then looked up. “Did she have Touma with her?”
“Yes, he was very cheerful, right up until he had to leave.”
Captain Kuchiki considered this, and nodded. “He loves the Sixth already. A fortuitous sign.”
Sure, why not? Renji saw no reason to argue. “Er, sir?”
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
Renji winced. There was no easy way to put this. “Your wife invited me over to dinner. I tried to turn her down, sir, politely, of course, but she… ignored me.”
“You cannot decline,” Byakuya stated simply. “When my wife invites you to dinner, you remain invited until she decides otherwise.”
There was a long silence. Byakuya contemplated his new mail tray, which he did not recognize, but approved of, in principle.
Renji swallowed. “Sir, I am sorry to have to ask but… does Lady Hisana know about me and Rukia?”
Byakuya had been trying to get his pile of mission reports back to its exact previous position. He looked up, horrified. “What is there to know about you and Rukia?”
Renji waved his hands frantically. “Nothing! Nothing, sir! Just us growing up in Rukongai together, remember I told you about that? When you asked me to commit treason with you by destroying the Soukyoku and keeping her from getting executed?”
“Ah, yes, I do remember.” Captain Kuchiki paused for a moment to consider whether or not this information had reached his wife's ear. “I have no idea.”
Renji changed his mind. He could probably find it in himself to kill this man after all.
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kuronanox · 5 years ago
A new beginning - Ichigo Kurosaki
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It was another raining day in Karakura town for Ichigo, life was moving by slowly. He was thankful because it made him feel less old than he really was. The shinigami work was slow because the young rookies did most of the work and the hollows weren't big threats to the town.  
It's been about 3 years since he had gotten into a divorce, when he heard that rukia had moved on with her life he decided maybe it was his turn also. It's not that Orihime was a bad wife it's just that the love wasn't there for him anymore. Of course he would always love her but not into the intimate way. He didn't take custody of kazui so his son lived with Orihime while he stayed back at the same place he grew up at. Although they both agreed there would be no bad blood between the two they both provide kazui with love and care.
Ichigo and Kazui were at the park when it started to poor cats and dogs outside, he remembered checking the weather and it was suppose to be sunny all day. He didn't bring an umbrella so they made a run for it and stopped by the nearest cafe to wait the storm out.
"Ichigo?" (Your Name) called out from behind the counter, he looks back with widen eyes to see an old friend. Someone he never expected to see. "(Your Name)." He says and smiles, it has been probably 8 or more years since she last saw him.
"I can't believe it's you!" She says and runs to give him a big hug. "What are you doing back in japan?!" He says with a big grin on his face as Kazui stares at his dad in confusion. He's never seen his dad hug a girl before besides his mother so the little boy looks at (Your Name) and takes in her features. She was medium height, and her hair was lightly curled with the light of the store shining on her hair she looked pretty. Kazui blushed as she then looks at him.
"Is this your son?" She asks happily and extends her hands out to grab the smaller ones. Kazui shyly hides behind Ichigo and Ichigo cooly just scratches the back of his head and nods. "Yeah this is my son."
"Oh! How's Orihime! I came back to japan 3 years ago and I lost everyone's contacts so I've been basically alone since." (Your Name) recalls as she seats them down and plates a few deserts for the two.
"Well, me and Orihime are no longer together." He says laughing to break the tension and looks at his son who was to busy throwing down the macaroons in his mouth to pay any attention. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that." She says smiling lightly so she could keep the atmosphere more light.
"Um well, it's nice to finally get to see you again!" (Your Name) says and takes a seat with the two. "This is my cafe by the way."
Ichigo takes a look at the surroundings, it was cute. He guessed this was her place because it brought him back to high school when they were really close. The place was artsy like she was.
"So you haven't seen anyone since you got back from America?" He starts the conversation again as she leans onto her elbows and nods.
"Yeah it's been so long, I decided to come back because I didn't like America as much as I thought I would. After you defeated ywach and everyone got married I decided to make a new life somewhere else but as years passed I didn't really meet anyone significant so I decided to come back to Japan."
Ichigo looks out the window and could only agree, he often wonder if he rushed into marriage or falling in love and wondering why it fell apart fast. "How's rukia? Still like her?" She jokingly asks whispering so the little boy next to them wouldn't hear.
"Oi shut it will you!" Ichigo sighs and rolls his eyes. "Don't lie! I miss her sometimes too."
(Your Name) smiles sadly and recalled when they were all so young. When Ichigo found out the Rukia and Renji were going to be wed he asked out Orihime. (Your Name) had fought side by side with them for the years that the world was threaten and never once she ever showed any interest on Ichigo because she knew that Orihime already claimed him hers so she stayed in the shadows and then the two got married so she left for a better life.
"How old is your son now?"
"He's 10, the little shit is growing fast." He smiles and ruffles the kids hair as (Your Name) smiles.
"I guess I've been gone for a long time."
"Yeah, I've miss you sometimes." Ichigo admitted as she looks at him. He was definitely older and more mature, the boyish haircut was gone now and he had very faint wrinkles around his eyes whenever he smiled.
"Me too. Sometimes I wish I didn't leave japan but I can't say that. I enjoyed America too."
They talked for hours till it was night and Kazui had fell asleep. "I can drive the two of you home, it's dark outside." She offered even though Ichigo refused a few times till he gave in and she closed the cafe down for the day.
"Still living at the same house? I forgot where it was."
"Yeah I'll show you the direction."
After the drive they bid a farewell. "(Your Name) can I have you new number?" He asks before she drove off. "Of course, here!"
He smiles and waved her off.
Overtime Ichigo would come visit the cafe and would just chill there. He would read there, study there or even help around when he was free. (Your Name) was happy she had some company, she missed everyone especially her friends in soul society.
It was a Friday afternoon and she was teaching Ichigo how to ice a cake. "I don't remember you good at baking back then?" He teased as he watched carefully and she rolled her eyes and threw some at him. "You know people change over time."
"I'm just saying!" He laughs as she carefully finishes the top and add the last bit of the topping. "So mister what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Have you changed?" She asks as Ichigo dumbfounded tilted his head and hesitantly tried to answer. He never really tried to think about it, has he changed over the year? Maybe his feelings have but him personally.
"My feelings have, but not really me." He answers blandly as she sets the cake in the fridge and makes her way to espresso machine to make a cup.
"I don't know, you seem like you changed to me. You seem less happy." She answers to him truthfully as he quietly stares at her and she gives him a small smile.
"Maybe we both are lonely but choose not to acknowledge the change."
Ichigo doesn't say a word and stares at her for a long time as she just keeps managing the business. "Well?" She asks him trying to hint that maybe it's time to move on from the past and move forward.
"I know how much it hurt when Rukia married Renji and when you basically decided to choose Orihime as your significant other without actually taking time to find out what you really wanna love, I'm not saying you don't love her but I'm saying the love is different." (Your Name) continues as she finishes the expresso off with some cream and powder.
"I guess kinda like me, I moved on from the past and came back stronger. Maybe that's what you need Ichigo, a fresh new start."
Ichigo sighs he was lost for words. Lost for words because she was right. After losing his powers for those two years he was miserable and after defeating ywach it felt like this was the last of his adventures and then everyone started to settle down and moving on.
"Yeah maybe you are right." He mumbles to her and she smiles and gives him a small hug. "You know I'm always here for you. Don't feel alone. I know I can't replace some stuff but I can help patch some pieces."
It had been several months after that conversation and he was learning how to heal himself and find self happiness and Ichigo was feeling lighter. On both their days they would go to the library and read poetry. Well Ichigo would try to analyze Shakespeares poem and (Your Name) would read besides him as they quietly enjoyed each other company.
A few times (Your Name) would go over and cook dinner for Ichigo since sometimes he would work late hours and forget about his meals. It was welcoming to see Yuzu, Karin and Isshin again. Today was different though, Isshin was off on a business trip and the twins were off to a friends sleep over.
"Are you sure it's okay? Wouldn't it be rude?" She asks Ichigo as they closed the cafe together and he nodded his head a big smile. "Yeah! Let's eat out tonight. You are always cooking, I guess this my way for treating you."
They picked a nice restaurant that served ramen because it was a cold night and she wanted something warm in her. As the months progressed she notice Ichigo was looking better and even talking more about himself since they were making up from all the lost time.
"How's Orihime?"
"Inoue? Awe her and Ishida are together!" He happily says and she smiles too. "Finally glasses dude told her his real feelings."
"That's great, I always knew he liked her."
"Yeah I told him to tell her actually." Ichigo sheepishly says and slurps up his ramen. "Really! Wow, so weird." (Your Name) laughs as Ichigo just laughs with her. "I won't let anything go in vain everyone deserves to be happy." He finally says.
After dinner they were going to part ways again but he grab her hands and asks for her to stay with him for the night. "U-um not like that." He says blushing like a High school boy, like he was 15 again. Ichigo thought she was going to refuse but surprisingly she agreed to.
"Yeah I'll stay."
After settling down for the night they sat on the couch side by side and scrolled through shows on tv. "Why is it so cold today." She says and shutters grabbing the blanket next to her. "Well we live pretty north." He answers as she rolls her eyes and lean into him for warmth. He hesitantly tensed up from the gesture but slowly loosen up and cuddled up next to her.
"Let's watch black clover."
"Sure, seems interesting." He answers her and she hums and watches in silence. Ichigo was so into the show that hours past by and he saw she was fast asleep under him.
"(Your Name)." He calls out and she turned the other way trying to get comfortable. Ichigo chuckles and picks her up before setting her down on the bed. "Good night."
The next morning she groans and covers her eyes from the shining light, it was still really early but the sound of birds woke her up and a heavy body next to her. Ichigo was sound asleep with his arm wrapped around her waist as she started to blush. "I feel like a teenager again." She mumbles as she study his facial features. Even after years passed by she still thought Ichigo was still handsome.
Ichigo eyes open as she yelps but he refrains her from leaving the bed. "Shh, it's so early." He mumbles in a deeper voice than normal and pulls her closer. "Ichigo, what are you doing?"
"I'm not stupid (Your Name) I'm making both our happiness come true." He sheepishly says and looks up to her. "W-What?"
"Rukia told me." He bluntly says and sits up the bed now. "Rukia? When? Where?" She says sadden that the smaller shinigami didn't visit her.
"A few months ago, she told me that you've loved me."
"Oh." She responds and looks down.
"I'm sorry, I guess I was to obsessed about what was going on I didn't notice that you were there for me, it's my fault. We've could have been together and you didn't have to move to America all by yourself."
"It's okay, you know stuff happens for a reason."
Ichigo smiles and pulls her in a embrace and hides his face in the neck. "Let's just start over. Both of us together. I don't mind."
(Your Name) looks up to his smiling face and also smiles
"I don't mind starting over either."
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california-raccoon · 5 years ago
eye's on the sparrow
He just stares at her, like he’d been wishing for his mom but she appeared instead. This belief - in wishing, in divine intervention, in fate - is probably the reason why he chooses to believe in her. BLEACH / AU / ICHIRUKI • [PART 1/?]
A/N: It figures my first official attempt at fanfic is gonna be for this old ship in the wildest year 2020. Apologies in advance because I am no writer, but like a kid messing around in a kitchen, I hope you enjoy it anyway. Bone apple teeths, my dudes.
The first time she meets him, he’s by himself on the side of the road. He isn’t doing much of anything, just a lot of crying, same as that day his mother died. Rukia wasn’t there to see it happen, but she saw the officers and the cars all hovered around the scene in the aftermath, a pop of bright yellow about her height wailing like a siren. 
For all of her seven years of living, she is precocious enough to understand death and loss, but when she greets him weeks later, she has no kid gloves to treat him with, just her bare-knuckled fists knocking into his shoulders. He loses his balance among other things, face no longer crunched together in tears but spread wide with shock. 
“What’s wrong?” says she, without any hint of sympathy. The boy offers her nothing in response. His hand is on the pavement, catching himself.
He just stares at her, like he’d been wishing for his mom but she appeared instead. This belief - in wishing, in divine intervention, in fate - is probably the reason why he chooses to believe in her. He swallows his tears long enough to tell her “I lost my mom here,” with a glint of hope in his eyes as if she could find her for him.
“Was she pretty?” Is all Rukia asks, trying to imagine her, and the boy cracks a smile.
“The prettiest. She made the best blueberry pancakes for breakfast and held my hand while we walked. I was supposed to protect her… but,” The boy chokes, big drops forming on the sides of his eyes.
“Just… don’t forget her.”
The boy gulps at this, not really understanding but nodding anyway. Maybe it’s Rukia’s imagination of his mother now in her mind, as pretty and warm as the sunshine, smelling like pancakes and blueberries, that causes her to reflect. She squats down next to him with a frown on her face.
“You’re lucky, I don’t have a mother to remember.” Rukia says, “So whatever you do, don’t forget her.” 
He looks up at her then, eyes as big as saucers, and she helps him up to his feet. They say nothing else in the exchange, but he keeps looking at her, so she ruffles his hair to make him stop. She likes that she’s a little taller than him that she can do that; the other boys she knows are older and too tall for her fingers and fists to reach.
When she sees him the next day, he isn’t crying anymore but he talks. About little things, at first. A lot of stories about his mom, so he won’t forget. How she warmed the room with her presence, could peel apple skins in one long strip and loved reading books about funny English plays. As the days go on, it mixes with stories of things he’s learned in school, or his classmate in karate who he can never seem to beat. Rukia listens. They walk together down the road on his way home.
“Where do you live?” he asks one day, between showing her this new Pokemon card he’d traded Mizuiro during recess. It’s another rainy afternoon, but he’s okay, and they’re sharing his umbrella on the road home.
“Up that hill over there,” she says, pointing past the street they’re on. 
“That’s pretty far. You can take my umbrella with you; I live right here.” The boy exclaims, stopping right in front of a family clinic. There’s a chipper smile on his face as he hands her the umbrella to hold.
She doesn’t really know what to think, the gesture unusual to her, but she takes it with a small thanks before parting ways.
Ichigo is six the first time he invites a girl over to his house. He doesn’t really know her name, nor does he know much of anything about her, now that he thinks about it, but they somehow walk home together every day and he’s happy for the company of his new friend.
She doesn’t accept at first, but once she manages to sneak up to his window by climbing the adjacent tree, it’s as if she’s always been there. He shares his manga and his favorite snacks and teaches her how to play Pokemon among his growing collection of cards. She’ll stay over an hour after sunset, the pair of them reading and laughing until he has to head down for dinner, and she’ll leave the way she came. If his dad is wise to the situation, Ichigo doesn’t really know, but the man is all too happy to give him extra snacks to carry into his room whenever he asks.
On one weekend Ichigo finds himself packed in with his sisters in the car, dad behind the wheel with a list of things to buy and the promise of candy and ice cream at the end of the day if they behave. When they pass the hill, all he sees are lush forest greens and the Torii that pokes its head among the body of stairs. There are no houses, so he asks where they are.
“There are no houses there, son. Just the orphanage near the Shinto shrine.” His dad answers with unexpected gravity. 
Ichigo says nothing in response to this, but he looks up what an orphanage is later in the dictionary once they get home, remembers the girl with no mother and cries.
He notices it, seeing her again on his way home from karate. She usually comes up to meet him from the river, playing by herself. Her clothes are a little too big on her, waiting to grow into them like the hand-me-downs his sisters complain about.
He can’t really bring himself to say anything to her, though he really wants to. It’s on the tip of his tongue, to tell her that he knows, but he never gets the chance to because they’re home before he realizes it and the door bursts open just as soon as he gathers the courage to speak.
“Welcome home, Ichigo!” His dad surprises him outside their doors just as they’ve arrived. There’s a sly look on his eye that Ichigo is too young to decipher, but he feels as if some secret’s been found out when his dad turns to the person frozen in place next to him.
“And who is this young lady accompanying my son home today?” 
Ichigo’s mind is racing to respond but he can’t find a simple answer. Static bubbles out of him instead in stammers and incoherent half-words that only stop when she says her name.
“Rukia,” his dad repeats with gentlemanly charm. “Thank you for keeping an eye out for my son. Come in and stay for dinner.”
His dad figures out everything but he’s surprisingly lenient about it. She’s allowed to stay as she wishes, for snacks, for games, as long as she heads back before nightfall. The terms are fair, especially with the long summer days ahead of them, and sometimes his dad will leave work ahead of schedule so they can have earlier dinners with her as their guest.
It’s how most of Ichigo’s summer unfolds: him, his sisters, and Rukia eating dinners together, watching tv and playing video games. Her drawings of bears and rabbits mix with Yuzu and Karin’s on the refrigerator. The newness of having her over gives the family something to talk about, and they welcome her openly. The rest of the days are a haze of laughs and pixelated dungeons where they save princesses. 
“Why do you always play by the river?” Ichigo asks her one afternoon. The question stops her in her tracks, thrown off by the question. They’re on the way home, the usual babble of the river filling her sudden silence. She’d been talking to him about her strategy to defeat the boss at the Fire Temple. He’s a little guilty he wasn’t paying attention.
“My friend Renji was adopted a week before I met you,” she tells him. “We used to sneak out and play by the river all the time before he went away.”
“Will you go away too when you get adopted?” 
“I don’t know. Probably.” She shrugs, but her fingers are tightly wound like the first day they met.
Later that night after she leaves, Ichigo tugs on the bottom of his dads shirt as he’s putting away the last of the clean dishes and stares up at him.
“Can’t we adopt her?” He chokes out, vision wet and blurry as he says it because he already knows the answer.
His dad sighs, picking him up by his armpits, and suddenly he’s four years old again, crying on the kitchen counter. Ichigo is surprised to find himself tightly wound in his dads arms, a hug so warm and sincere he thinks he could choke if he doesn’t remember to breathe.
“Sorry, kiddo.” His dad ruffles his hair when they pull apart, and looking up at him, his eyes look wet too. 
The last of his summer is a countdown till it finally happens. It’s a normal sunny afternoon walking back from karate. He lingers over the view of the river before walking home alone for the first time in months. There’s a pit in his stomach that he ignores and he mostly sulks in his room the rest of the evening.
She shows up two days later with a big smile on her face that he’s never seen. He knows before she even says it.
Her smile is so big it eclipses the frown that threatens to show on his face because the more he listens to her, the happier he genuinely feels for her. A young couple from Tokyo, and the woman is warm and sunny just like any mother should be, she says. 
“The man isn’t as goofy as your dad, but he seems nice… I’m moving with them to Tokyo this week once the papers are signed.”
The mention of the move makes her nervous, the only other emotion she’s expressed in her retelling of the past two days. They spend the rest of the afternoon on his father’s computer looking up pictures of Tokyo, then find a map in the garage to see how far it is from Karakura.
On her last day, Ichigo and his dad go out to buy a small bouquet of flowers in congratulations, and they snap a photo together along with his sisters, who are hugging her in a fond embrace. 
“Write to me,” he says with a grin, hand stuffed in his pockets, suddenly feeling too cool for goodbyes. She ignores it completely and gives him a fierce hug.
“Of course.” She laughs at him, then punches him fondly on the shoulder for good measure. “Thanks, Ichigo.”
The words throw him off, the first time she’s ever called him by name, and he tries hers in kind. 
“See ya later, Rukia.”
They write to each other the way pen pals do, in a pattern of energetic bursts of conversation between the pauses of closing signatures that grow wider until their lives fill with classes, exams, friends and families. The letters stop coming at the end of the year.
[PART 2 → ]
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everything-withered · 6 years ago
How do you think each of them, Ichigo and Rukia, would propose to the other?
The conversation happens like this: 
“We’ve been together a long time.” 
He smirks. “None I can think of at the top of my head.” 
“Remind me how we managed to be together this long?” she asks, rolling her eyes and jabbing an elbow into his ribs. 
“I fight everyone who so much as looks at you whenever you’re not in the mood to fight them yourself?” 
“One time,” Rukia retorts. “And you had way too much fun doing that. How Byakuya-niisama forgave you for it I’ll never know.” 
Probably because he’d blatantly implied that the ‘suitable’ candidate to Rukia’s hand in marriage, decided on by the elders of the Kuchiki family, needed to meet the door as timeously as possible (preferably in a pile of his own broken bones). Ichigo was nothing if not agreeable to the assessment. 
Though, that did bring him to this moment, fiddling with a ring box in the pocket of his jacket as they walked home. 
He’s been carrying it there for months, though now that he thinks about, it’s closer to a year. 
His dad had given him the ring on his parents’ wedding anniversary, winked and said, “It’s about time, don’t you think?” And Ichigo didn’t say no.
It’s not like he’s never thought about. 
Except that he hasn’t. Not really. 
Getting married seems like a needless, complicated reason to change something that’s already good.
But maybe -
“Are you...happy?” 
“Happier with another Chappy in my collection,” she teases, but at the serious expression on his face, Rukia turns concerned. “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” She fills his silence with an annoyed huff. “Is this about niisama and that argument he’s in with your dad? You know we don’t have to do any of that.” 
Ichigo didn’t know he needed to hear that until she says it, and she starts laughing at the relief in his exhale. “I promise I won’t take that personally,” she teases. 
“No, that’s not. It’s not that I don’t want to marry you.”
She hums, giving him the time to sort through his feelings, to pick the words to describe them, before, “It just...seems stupid.” He’s annoyed with himself now that that’s the most he could come up with, but Rukia just huffs out a laugh before nudging him into the line, waiting for the bus. “Want anything from the vending machine?” 
He shakes his head no, and Rukia’s slipping her arm free from his to go, though not before she pecks at his cheek, teasingly consoling to his inability to not be emotionally constipated. 
Resisting the urge to scowl, Ichigo watches her leave and wishes he had better words to say it. 
Getting married is not life and death, they’ve already done that, and they didn’t need a dumb wedding or ceremony to see the end of it, or to have what they have now.
Ichigo can’t help it, childish annoyance aside, he does think it's stupid. 
But, “If you want to.” 
She blinks, trying to get back on his train of thought - after almost half an hour bus ride of silence, she can be forgiven for the confusion, and then she clarifies, “Get married?” When he grunts, Rukia teases, “Are you really proposing to me on the bus?” 
“How would you do it?” he retorts. 
“I’ll show you mine if you show me yours,” she says with a wiggle of her brows and producing a ring pop from her pocket. With a dramatic a throat clearing, she says, “Do you, Kurosaki Ichigo, really want to spend the rest of your life and death stuck with me?” 
“Cute of you to think I didn’t decide that when I went to Soul Society the first time, Rukia.”  She snorts, disbelieving. “And,” he adds, “I can do a whole thing - make a public announcement, and we can make everyone uncomfortable when we make out after.” 
She snickers. “Someone thinks very highly of his chances of getting lucky.” 
“Well I’d be proposing with my mother’s ring, so it would be a dick move to say no,” he deadpans which only causes her to lightly hit his arm, and exclaim, “No way!” 
Producing the ring box from his pocket, she covers her mouth in surprise. “Holy shit.” 
“Yeah,” he says quietly, and despite his own absurd feelings about weddings and marriage, Ichigo thinks he understands proposing at least - the way Rukia is looking at him - she does it all the time,  but Ichigo doesn’t think he notices it enough, doesn’t give it enough attention as he should. He will though. After this. He’ll do it all the time, even when she gets annoyed and complains about the dumb face he keeps making. 
Then they’ll argue over dumb stuff, and fight over pillows, and debate over what they’re having for dinner, and fight side by side, and yell when the other does something dumb and hurts themselves, and spend every social event thereafter judging everyone else together. Like they always have.
Nothing will change that.
“Gee thanks, you made my proposal look like shit.” 
“To be fair,” he tells her, “we did propose to one another on a bus.” 
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ninjaemi93 · 6 years ago
You Couldn’t Keep Me Away
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Chapter 7
She went to her room to gather stuff together to take a bath. Once she got together her things she walked to the bath house. After bathing she dressed herself in her newest shihakusho. Back in her room she dried and brushed her hair. She put minimal make up, like she did every day. When she finished she checked herself out in the mirror. She looked presentable enough to be in front of Captain Kuchiki. Next she began to put together things for her two-day trip to the World of the Living. Once she got her things together, she made her way to where she was to meet up with Rukia. They were going to spend some time together before dinner. They went to different stores and shops looking at things to buy. In one shop Asami found a pen she wanted to give to Jushiro. It was fairly expensive though and if she bought it she couldn’t buy anything else for a while. She debated for a little while then decided to buy it. She had it wrapped up nicely and then she put it away in her bag. “Who’s that for?” Rukia asked raising an eyebrow. “An old friend from Division 4. They like to write. I thought they’d like a new pen.” Asami lied. She gave Rukia a smile. She hated to lie to her, but that was the way things had to be for now. “Let’s drop your things back off in your room, then head to my home for dinner. Once at the Kuchiki Manor house the two of them sat down at a table filled with food. They waited a moment for Captain Kuchiki to walk in. When he did he wore a scowl on his face. He sat down across from Rukia. “How was your day?” he asked Rukia in a monotone voice. “Great, we went shopping and I got some things for my room.” Rukia replied respectfully. “And our guest is?” he asked turning his eyes to Asami. He looked her up and down with no expression on his face. “This is Miss Asami. She’s the new fourth seat in Division 13” Rukia said introducing her. Asami bowed politely to Captain Kuchiki. “What Division did you come from? What seat were you?” he asked her. “Division 4, sir. Fourth seat.” “I see.” He said taking a bite of food. The other two then began to eat. “She takes care of the Captain’s medical needs.” Rukia said. “You must be skilled in kido.” Captain Kuchiki said. “I’m fairly good at it.” Asami said. “Rukia’s fairly good too.” Captain Kuchiki said to Asami. “You never told me that.” Asami said excitedly to Rukia. “I didn’t think it was that important to mention.” Rukia said embarrassed. “I hear you two had a duel.” Captain Kuchiki said. “Uh, yes. The other day. She fought extremely well. I almost couldn’t keep up.” Asami said with a smile. “You won though?” he questioned. “Yes, I did.” “She hadn’t fought in years either. I guess I have to practice more.” Rukia said bowing to her brother apologetically. “You’re doing just fine.” He said quickly to Rukia. A look of awe went across her face, like she hardly heard such words from him before. “Miss Asami is going to the World of the Living tomorrow. It’s her first time since the Academy.” Rukia said bringing up Asami’s agenda. “Really? Where are you going?” “Karakura Town. Its only for a couple of days.” Asami said with a nervous laugh. “Hmmm.” Catapin Kuchiki said. “I wanted to thank you for allowing me to come eat dinner with Rukia and you.” Asami finally said after some silence. “You’re welcome whenever Rukia so wishes.” He said finishing up his meal. “I’ll take my leave.” He finally said getting up and bowing to the two young women. He then left the dining room. “That went better than I thought.” Asami said sighing. “I was thinking the same thing.” Rukia said with a laugh. “Well I need to get going too Rukia. I’ll see you in a couple of days.” Asami said getting up. “Be safe!” Rukia said to her as she left the room. When Asami got back to Division 13 she headed to Jushiro’s quarters. It was fairly late by this time and she wondered if he was asleep or not. Luckily his light was still on. She stopped at the door and called in. “Jushiro?” “Come in.” came his reply. Asami entered to see him still sitting at his desk. “Have you moved from that spot yet today?” Asami asked him coming up behind him. She placed her hands on his shoulders and began to massage them. “I ate dinner just now.” He replied relieved from the massage he was receiving. “How was eating with Captain Kuchiki?” he asked her. “It went well. Better than I was expecting.” Asami said telling him all that had happened. She then jumped up, remembering her gift that she had bought for him. “I’ll be right back!” she said running to her room. She grabbed the wrapped box with the pen in it then brought it back to Jushiro’s quarters. She hid the box behind her back when she entered his room. “What have you got there?” he asked her quizzically. She placed the wrapped box in his hands. “I got it for you.” She said a bit embarrassed. He opened the box and smiled as he pulled out the pen and held it in his hands. He happily admired it then placed it on his desk. “I love it thank you.” He said taking her by the hands then wrapped his arms around her to hug her. Asami loved his hugs. She felt so safe and secure in his hold. She rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes, listening to his heartbeat. It was beating fairly fast. She smiled. He must have been nervous with her being so close. “I wish we could stay like this.” Asami said to him. “Me too.” He said kissing the top of her head. She looked up as him and smiled. “I have to get going to bed. I leave early in the morning.” She said to him. “I know. Get some good sleep.” He said letting her go. Asami stole one last kiss before leaving the room.
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descieux · 7 years ago
Not in Lone Splendour, part 2
Summary: A Jedi on the run needs to travel light. Without attachments. But maybe, this boy can be an exception.
Excerpt: Not a stitch of clothing extends above the sloping ridges of his lower abdominals as he slants his upper body above the sink and lightly shakes his dye-wettened hair = my convoluted way of describing shirtlessness  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Author’s note: Part 2 of this Star Wars AU/crossover in response to day 7 of ichiruki month. I’m sorry about the lack of timeliness 😬. You can also read here.
“Stop. There’s someone with aggressive intent waiting to attack us.”
The sense of a lurking peril started as a tingle along the back of Rukia’s neck and now flares as they stand on the threshold of the Kurosaki family home.
Alarm momentarily flashes across Ichigo’s face before he appears to realize something and simply rolls his eyes. “Oh, don’t worry about that. It’s not a real attacker, it’s just my —”
A long metallic shaft swings out from the shadows of the darkened home, meeting the bisecting arc of Rukia’s lightsaber, ignited out of instinct. Rukia’s sword arm is already twisting to deliver a reverse grip counter-attack when she discerns that what she just cleaved in half was a household vibro-mop. The middle-aged man holding the remaining half of the mop tosses it and bounds toward them as if Rukia were not brandishing a blade of pure plasmic energy near his limbs.
“Now that’s my boy! I send him out to get groat chops for dinner, and he brings home a girl!”
“Dad, she’s not a girl!” Ichigo hisses, promptly wincing at the erroneous assertion. “She’s a Jedi! She’s the one who helped Yuzu and me in the market earlier.”
Extinguishing her saber and tucking her loose padawan braid back into her ponytail, Rukia attempts a smile. “Sorry about that, sir. I haven’t encountered many friendly strangers these last few days.”
“There’s a lot of people trying to arrest Rukia,” Ichigo elaborates.
“Considering what just happened in the marketplace, I’d say there’s probably a lot of people trying to arrest you too,” she shoots back.
“I see…,” the amused father remarks. “Well, why don’t we get both of you past the doorway, and we can speak in less conspicuous and less audible quarters?”
Rukia allows them to guide her deeper into the house, but protests as the sandy-haired sister emerges to offer her steaming sapir tea from a thermajug. “Thank you for your hospitality, but the longer I stay here, the more danger I place you all in for harboring a Jedi. I have to find this smuggler Urahara and get off Corellia as soon as I can obtain a serviceable ship.”
“Oh, but Daddy knows Urahara!” Yuzu tells her, insistently pressing a sticky sweetmallow square into Rukia’s hand to pair with the tea. “We visit his shop sometimes, but Urahara-san always warns us to not touch anything because it might explode in our faces. Or it tends to be illegally acquired.”
“Indeed I do know the man,” Isshin affirms. “Old friend of mine. I’ll contact him right now and ask him to come over. Ichigo, find Rukia-chan something to wear from your sister’s wardrobe. She’ll attract less attention out there if she looks less like a Jedi.”
It’s a cozy home, Rukia observes as she trails Ichigo into his sisters’ room. At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, she, adhering to the ascetic lifestyle of the Order, retained only the most basic of material possessions — a rigid boa-wood cot, a workbench, a week’s worth of rough-spun brown and black Jedi robes. Everything else was communally shared, and her eyes inquisitively study the various personal items in the girls’ room.
“Is this droid broken?” she asks, brushing dust off its ochre plating.
Ichigo glances over his shoulder, snorts, and goes back to rummaging. “I don’t even think that mishmash of junkyard metal qualifies as a droid. Yuzu spotted it in Urahara’s shop years ago. She thought it was cute so he gave it to us for free, but I never managed to fix its programming and get it working. It’s an EG-9, and its logic circuits are a complete mess because his components are from at least three different droid models. Here, see if this dress fits.”
A quick, soft laugh escapes Rukia as she shakes out the rolled up fabric. She hasn’t ever owned anything this flowery. Even when she’d lived with Nii-sama and worn dresses more frequently, the silk had been of the plain, unpatterned variety in accordance with her adoptive brother’s tastes.
“Oh, um, you might also want to do something about your hair.”
“My hair?”
“Well, that braid signifies that you’re a padawan right? You keep tucking it back, but it’s probably easier to just wear your hair in a style less preferred by Jedi but more common among girls generally.”
Rukia blinks owlishly at him. Sure, she can unravel the braid, but she’s in low possession of ideas of how to alternatively style one’s hair; training and fighting have never demanded that she cultivate such knowledge.
Sighing, he strides over to her, snatching up a brush along the way and muttering, “Well, Yuzu wore it like this for months.”
Ichigo moves behind her, and this time, it’s the skimming graze of his fingertips dividing her hair into two parts that elicits a lingering tingle at the back of her neck. Running a warm hand over her right temple to smoothe the hair back, he gently loops one bunch of hair through a fastener before coiling the interim pigtail into a bun above her right ear.
“You do this for your sisters?”
“When there are three kids on the continual verge of being late for school and a dad’s proposed solution to hasten morning routines is to offer to chemically perm everyone’s hair, you learn things.”
As he finishes securing the twin bun above her left ear, Rukia uncoils the plait of hair he’d left alone, her padawan braid, and decides to let the strands hang loose, framing her face with slight curls.
She does not look like a girl on the run, as Isshin excitedly proclaims upon their rejoining the rest of the family in the room where Urahara has arrived.
“Kuchiki-san, it’s a relief to see a member of the Order still standing,” he tells her, his eyes shaded by the brim of his hat. “I don’t know if you’ve had the chance to access the HoloNet recently, but the news from Coruscant is that former Chancellor and now Emperor Aizen issued Executive Order 66 on some fabricated basis that the Jedi tried to assassinate him and seize power for themselves. Since then, there’ve been reports of clone troopers slaughtering Jedi on —”
“Every planet where we’ve been stationed during the end of the Clone Wars,” Rukia finishes grimly. Names, belonging to strangers in relation to those currently in the room but names of people precious to her, coat the tip of her tongue — is Kaien alive, is Renji okay? “We were on Kuat for months with clone troopers that we trusted with our lives, as our comrades. When the first person fell from a shot in the back, the others were still processing that it was going to be our fellow soldiers gunning us down.”
“Do you have a plan, Kuchiki-san?”
“Admittedly, not really. I was just planning on finding some route to the Outer Rim and reaching out to any other survivors. I can’t stay here, especially since our wrecking of the bazaar earlier will doubtlessly reach Imperial intelligence.” Rukia jerks her head in Ichigo’s direction. “An Inquisitor in the marketplace specifically identified him and was out to capture. Apparently, the boy’s Force-sensitive.”
Said boy does not confirm or dispute her words, instead seemingly immersed in contemplating the holographic portrait of a smiling woman above the family’s dining table.
“Ah, I suspect the Inquisitor’s effort may have been part of Project Harvester,” Urahara supplies. “Rumor circulating around that Arkanis Academy has stepped up their recruiting of youths recently, and they’re not just looking to produce your typical Imperial cadet. If all this is true, they seem to be trying to develop a distorted substitute group, loyal to the Emperor only, in place of the Jedi Order. May I suggest an alternative to your plan?”
Pivoting to address Isshin as well, Urahara continues, “I don’t know if Imperial agents have flagged your son by name for capture, but at the very least, they will receive reports of a young man with such a...distinctive hair color causing a ruckus in Treasure Ship Row as well as —” He swivels to gesture with his fan at Rukia. “A young woman with a well-crafted but currently impractically flashy sword — we shall get you a nice blaster pistol Kuchiki-san, and yes, I know you Jedi regard it as comparatively uncivilized, but it’s more prevalent among civilians. Isshin, what I think would be best is for you to take your family off-world and lay low for a few weeks in case more Inquisitors come looking for your son at your address here on Corellia.” Urahara’s eyes focus past Isshin’s shoulder, toward the same holograph Ichigo was gazing at. “Masaki-san’s ancestral home is still intact in Naboo’s Lake Country, is it not? You could comfortably keep a low profile there.”
Scowling, Ichigo retorts, “That’s the Emperor’s homeworld too. We’d be right under his nose if we went there.”
“Oh I think he’ll be quite preoccupied in Coruscant for a while, trying to subjugate the galaxy and all. If anything, I predict that like other despots, the Emperor will reserve his more lenient border policies for his homeworld’s economy while cracking down on other worlds. As for you Kuchiki-chan, I think you should go to Naboo with this lovely family.”
“I already sent a message to my brother Senator Byakuya,” Rukia objects.
“And has he responded?”
Rukia says nothing, the jut of her lower lip, stifling excuses she would otherwise make for her brother, and her tense posture telling enough.
“Alright, that’s settled then. Kurosaki-kun, those are some singular auburn locks on your head truly, but might I suggest a temporary coloring agent?”
The family disperses speedily to prepare for their journey, Isshin to ready the Corellian light freighter that will carry them to Naboo, the twins to pack — lightly, their father emphasizes, and surly-faced Ichigo to apply whatever hair dye Urahara has procured for him. Rukia’s pacing in the hallway, debating whether she dares sending Byakuya another plea for help via subspace transceiver when Ichigo sticks his head out of the ‘fresher doorway to ask, “Hey, want to give me a hand with this so I don’t walk out with random orange patches in the back of my head?”
Inside the ‘fresher, not a stitch of clothing extends above the sloping ridges of his lower abdominals as he slants his upper body above the sink and lightly shakes his dye-wettened hair.
With tufts of his hair already turning black, he looks like Kaien, she realizes with an ache.
“I don’t think shaking like a dog helps the pigment spread,” Rukia mutters as she enters his radius cautiously. She hates asking people to bend down so she gingerly places her fingertips on his clavicle and applies enough pressure to direct him to sit at the edge of the bathtub. Sheathing her hands in disposable gloves, she squirts out more of the dye, attentively combing the inky substance through his orange spikes root-to-tip with her fingers while trying not to press too close in his personal space.
“So you have a brother?” Ichigo asks, shoulders rolling and neck arching slightly. His eyes are closed so she can’t decipher if teasing the dye through his hair is producing an unpleasant sensation or a more relaxing feeling, but she figures that he’d be the type to gripe openly if she were really hurting him.
“Sort of. We’re not blood-related. It’s simpler to refer to him as brother, but in truth, he’s my brother-in-law. My sister’s dying wish was for him to bring me into the family, give me a home so I wouldn’t persist as some feral gutter orphan.”
A tick of silence before Ichigo ventures, “How come he hasn’t responded to you? Did your message get through?”
“Nii-sama,” she says slowly, trying to describe the man who still remains an imposing enigma to her. “Has very strict views on the importance of abiding by the law, and technically, I’m on the wrong side of the law right now.”
“The law isn’t always right.” Ichigo’s eyes are open now, brown irises flaring with conviction as he says, “Adopted or not, he accepted you into his family. That’s not a promise he can revoke. That means you should get every protection an older brother owes to a younger sister.”
Rukia shifts her position a step over; it’s awkward standing in front of him between his lanky legs so her fingers run through the roots at his hairline with particular efficiency before transitioning to smear colorant across his right temple. “Maybe that’s true for other people, but I don’t even know if I can really call him my brother anymore. You give up all your attachments when you commit to the Jedi Code because the Order becomes your family and because you’re to cherish all lives equally. So that we can protect as many lives as possible.”
“Are those words straight from the Code? I like the sound of that…” he says softly.
She leans in to brush the excess dye from the shell of his ear, and their noses nearly graze as he abruptly turns his head toward her to add, “But that seems very hard for any flesh and blood person to practice.”
Rukia straightens immediately, her lashes flitting over irises determined to not reveal her discomposure. “Looks like we’ve sufficiently converted you from a ginger to raven-haired for now. Finish up and rinse. I’ll see you outside. About time we say farewell to this world.”
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darisu-chan · 8 years ago
A Change of Heart
Prompt: Historical
Summary: Rukia, the daughter of an important noble, had been betrothed as a child to the son of another important noble. She had never been eager to marry him, and the feeling was mutual. She never thought she’d learn to love Ichigo. Yet, she found herself getting more and more comfortable with her new husband. Were her feelings changing?
You can also read it here.
Kuchiki Rukia had always known she was not destined to meet a man, fall in love, and marry him, like it happened in the stories her nanny used to tell her. It was inconceivable that something like that could ever happen to her. Such romantic notions were out of her reach. After all, she was a noble woman, and she had been betrothed from her birth. The man she was supposed to marry was the son of a noble family, almost as important as her own. His fortune was as great as hers, and would become the leader of his clan eventually. The marriage had been arranged a few months after her birth. Shiba Isshin had arrived to the Kuchiki manor to speak to Rukia’s father about a proposition he had in mind. Six months before Rukia’s birth, Isshin had had a son himself. The nature of the proposition was obvious, and Kuchiki Byakuya had accepted after discussing about it with his wife. The union was beneficial for both parties, and it not only would increase their fortunes but the bond between both clans as well. The marriage was soon arranged, to the satisfaction of both families.
Shiba Ichigo was the name of Rukia’s betrothed. He was a handsome young man, tall, fit, and the owner of two deep brown eyes, which shone like embers under the sun. His orange hair, inherited from his mother, added to his personality. However, Rukia couldn’t stand him. They had seen each other several times over the years, even though their estates were far away from each other. Ever since they were children, they had never been able to get along. As a young child, Ichigo had been a cry baby who often complained when Rukia bested him during their games. When they grew older, Ichigo had turned morose after the sudden death of his mother. It had been difficult understanding him, until she had lost her own mother. She had turned cold and reserved, keeping her feelings to herself. Their tempers often clashed as well, and most of Ichigo’s visits ended up in both of them bickering. They had their moments of solidarity and friendship, but those were rare and were eclipsed by their constant arguments. The only thing in which they agreed on was that they did not, under any circumstances, wished to get married to each other.
The last time they had met was on a banquet made in honor of Rukia’s sixteenth birthday. Both Isshin and Byakuya had discussed the possibility of the marriage taking place that year. However, after observing yet another fight between their children, they had decided it was too soon for that to happen, and that they would wait another two years to celebrate the wedding. After her banquet, Rukia had not seen Ichigo again, and had pushed her impeding marriage to the back of her mind, concentrating on other things. This is why it surprised her extremely to receive a letter from her betrothed on her eighteenth birthday.
Rukia had woken up that day feeling excited. She was eighteen, a woman through and through. She wished to spend the day at her leisure, drawing and walking around the gardens of her family estate. Next, she would have a luxurious dinner with her father, and then he would give her a present. If she was lucky enough, Byakuya would tell her stories about her mother and how they had met, which were her favorite. Finally, she would go to sleep with a smile on her face. It would be the perfect day. However, her plans were interrupted when she heard a ruckus outside her home. Byakuya went outside to see what was happening, while she stayed inside, waiting for her father to return. The head of the Kuchiki Clan entered his estate once again with news: outside, a messenger of the Shiba Clan was waiting with presents for the young master’s bride. Rukia gasped when she saw servants bringing in the presents, and she was even more surprised when her father handed her a letter which was addressed to her. It came from Ichigo.
The letter opened by congratulating her on her eighteenth birthday, and Ichigo wishing she had a most delightful day. From the tone of the letter, Rukia guessed his father had forced him to write it to her, which made her snort. Ichigo then wrote that he hoped she liked the presents he had chosen for her. They included several expensive gems and jewelry, high quality perfumes, and most curiously, eight silk kimonos with eight fans and hair accessories to match them. In the letter, Ichigo explained that the gems and jewelry belonged to his family, and now they were hers. One of them, a jade pendant with the Shiba emblem, was to officially welcome her into his family. It meant what Rukia was fearing. They were going to be wedded soon. He also explained that seven of the eight kimonos were meant for her to wear during their first week of marriage, while the eighth one, a red kimono with golden embroidery, was to be her wedding kimono. Ichigo wrote her that all of these were traditional presents for every Shiba bride to be. Then, he informed her that within a week, his father and he would travel to her estate to arrange the wedding details.
It was unbelievable! She had not heard from him in two years, and now they were supposed to get married. Rukia was shaking. Her perfect birthday had been ruined. After reading the letter, she stormed to her father’s office to inform him of the Shibas impending visit, when Byakuya informed her he had received a similar letter from Ichigo as well. Since when was her betrothed so formal? It seemed a lot had changed during his absence in her life.
That night, Rukia resigned herself to the fact that she would have to get married sooner rather than later.
In a week’s time, as Ichigo had said in his letter, he as well as his father arrived to the Kuchiki estate. Byakuya and Rukia went out to welcome them. Both were wearing elegant clothing, Rukia was wearing a pink kimono, while her father was wearing teal robes. The Shibas arrived in a big carriage, and the moment it stopped, Isshin got off the carriage and boisterously greeted both Kuchikis.
“Byakuya! Rukia-chan! It is so good to see you after so many years!” He said enthusiastically. Rukia smiled, amused at her father’s grim expression. She knew he detested to be referred to without the right honorifics.
“It is an honor to receive you here, Isshin-dono.” Rukia greeted her father-in-law, and bowed.
The older man smiled. “We are so glad to be here!” He remarked, and just then the man realized his son was nowhere to be found. “Ichigo! Come here!” He yelled.
Just then, a man emerged from the carriage carrying several packages. “I was just helping Tessai-san with all of our stuff!” He said with a deeper voice than Rukia remembered. Then, he put the packages down, and Rukia could finally observe him properly. She gasped. He was taller now than he was a couple of years ago. His face had also changed slightly. Gone was his boyish face, which was replaced with more defined features. She could also see perfectly his defined body with the black and tight kimono he was wearing. Rukia blushed.
“Ichigo, come here and greet Byakuya and Rukia-chan!” Isshin ordered him.
The young man walked towards them with an unreadable expression. “It is a pleasure to see you again, Kuchiki-san, Rukia.” He said, at least trying to use an honorific for her father.
“Welcome.” Rukia said, her voice coming out raspy. What’s going on?
“Please, come inside, we have matters to attend to.” Byakuya spoke next, and the four of them entered the manor.
Byakuya and Isshin went immediately to the former’s office. Meanwhile, Rukia and Ichigo were left alone except for a servant, who followed them at a proper distance, acting as a chaperone. Their fathers had agreed that their children needed a lot to talk about. Rukia guided Ichigo to the gardens. Although it was a cold winter day, neither wanted to be inside. At first they walked in silence, until the quietness was too overwhelming for Rukia.
“Did you leave your sisters at Karakura?” She asked her betrothed, remembering fondly Ichigo’s younger sisters, Yuzu and Karin.
“Yeah. Since this is a quick trip, we decided to just come the two of us. You’ll see them at the wedding.” Ichigo muttered. Rukia gulped. There it was. The reason for his visit.
“We are getting married, huh?” Rukia said.
Ichigo smiled sadly at her. “In a few months, probably.”
“I honestly never thought this day would come.” Rukia said ironically, causing Ichigo to laugh.
“Me neither, but here we are…” He trailed off, gesturing vaguely.
They went silent again, until Ichigo spoke again. “Did you like them?” He asked her suddenly. “The presents, I mean.”
“Yes, they were lovely. Thank you.” She smiled at him. Ichigo smiled back.
“Rukia.” He called her, suddenly turning serious.
“Yes?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“On our wedding day, can you wear the jade pendant I gave you?”
Rukia simply nodded, intrigued by his simple yet mysterious petition.
Byakuya and Isshin both decided the wedding would be held in two months’ time at the Kuchiki estate. All noble clans had been invited, as well as other rich and important families. The bride and groom would spend their wedding night at the Kuchiki manor, and then they would travel to the Shiba estate the following day. Both Rukia and Ichigo had had to agree, for they have been left with little to no options. Isshin and Ichigo stayed for just three days, as Isshin and Byakuya planned the wedding. Rukia and her betrothed had taken the time to talk about how they would manage their marriage. They had agreed on having time to themselves while they adjusted to their new life, and that they should probably wait until the arrival of their first child.
“You will wear the pendant, will you?” Ichigo had asked her in a whisper just before getting on the carriage.
“Yes, of course.” Rukia had answered.
“Thank you.” Ichigo smiled, and then boarded the carriage, leaving Rukia to her own thoughts.
Why was the pendant so important? She couldn’t tell. She figured it would be best to follow Ichigo’s wishes this once. Rukia didn’t want their marriage to start even worse than it had already. She, then, was surprised to realize they hadn’t bickered once during his stay.
When two months had gone by, the Shiba Clan arrived to prepare for the wedding. Isshin, along his three children, his niece and nephews, and ten elders of the clan traveled with him. They were welcomed by Byakuya, Rukia, and all the clan elders. They were housed on the west wing of the manor, in an attempt to keep the bride and groom separated until their wedding as was customary. During this time, Rukia conversed with her future sisters-in-law, who had been just as eager to see Rukia again.
“You’re going to like it there.” Yuzu said when they were walking on the gardens. “We have a lot of trees in our gardens, as well as ponds with many animals. We can also go to the market, and buy jewels and fabric!” Yuzu kept saying.
Rukia smiled at the girl with tenderness. She thought of both girls as the younger sisters she never had. They would become her own sisters now. She was not sorry about that.
“You’ll have to forgive Yuzu, Rukia-nee, she’s just excited.” Karin said.
Rukia shook her head. “I am not mad. I’ll be delighted if you could show me all those places, Yuzu.”
The younger girl smiled. “Sure, unless onii-chan wants to show them to you himself.”
Rukia blushed at that. It was strange to think that, by the end of the week, she would be married.
Time passed in the blink of an eye, and she was suddenly staring at her reflection on the mirror. She was wearing the red kimono Ichigo had given her for her birthday. Hinamori, her maid, had put on makeup and had styled herself in the traditional up do worn by brides. Beneath her kimono, she had put the jade pendant Ichigo had insisted she should wear.
“You look stunning, ojou-sama.” Hinamori told her, adding the last details to her makeup.
“Thank you, Hinamori.” She said, feeling stunned by her own reflection.
“Are you nervous?” The maid asked her again.
“Yes.” Rukia answered truthfully. She was already dreading the wedding night and what was expected of her.
“Do not worry, ojou-sama, it will all be fine.” Hinamori reassured her with a smile.
“Rukia, it’s time.” Byakuya said, entering Rukia’s room. The bride-to-be gulped, and then followed her father outside the room.
The wedding ceremony went on smoothly. Ichigo was wearing a traditional black montsuki hakama, which fitted him perfectly. He smiled at Rukia in appreciation when he realized she was wearing the pendant. They walked together to the shrine, and recited their vows without stuttering. At the end, their guests cheered, and they returned to the Kuchiki estate, ready to attend the banquet.
The bride and groom greeted a lot of their guests, who congratulated them profusely. They complimented the beautiful bride, and her handsome groom, saying they made the perfect couple. The newlyweds smiled nervously each time. Some guests, like her relative Shihouin Yoruichi, laughed at the expense of the spouses, making crude remarks about the wedding night. Others, like Ichigo’s cousin Kaien, spoke about marriage passionately, remarking the wonders and happiness found in such a union, while looking at his wife. Byakuya watched the banquet with a serious expression on his face. The man was probably saddened to part from his only daughter the following day, and worried about her future. As for Isshin, he was joyous, gloating about his beautiful ‘third daughter’, and the beautiful grandchildren his son and his wife would have.
Rukia was nervous the whole time, dreading their wedding night. Ichigo was fidgeting at her side, not really meeting her eyes. She knew that Ichigo was probably as uncomfortable as she was. That was a relief. At least she would not be dealing with an older and eager man, like she knew many girls had to do during their own weddings. For that, she was grateful her father had betrothed her to a man her age.
When night came, Hinamori showed the bride and groom to a room in a quiet part of the manor, where no one would bother them. After saying goodnight, the servant left them alone. Rukia could hear her own heart hammering inside her chest, so fast she wondered if Ichigo could hear it too. Her hands were sweaty, and she tried to wipe them on her kimono. Ichigo hadn’t said anything since they went inside the room, and the silence was unnerving. She gasped loudly when suddenly Ichigo put his hand on her shoulder.
“I promise I won’t hurt you.” He said huskily. His voice made Rukia feel weird things in her stomach. “Are you nervous?”
“Very.” She said truthfully.
“Me too.”
Rukia laughed.
“Hey, why are you laughing? It’s not funny!” Ichigo exclaimed, clearly annoyed.
“I’m sorry.” She said as she snorted. “It is just ridiculous. We could not stand each other for years, and now we’re married.”
“Yeah, well, we have been intended for each other since we were babies. It was a matter of time before it happened.” Ichigo said dryly.
“And here we are.” Rukia said, gesturing to the room.
“And here we are.” Ichigo agreed.
“So, what do we do?” She asked the young man, feeling nervous once again.
He blushed. “I guess we need to consummate it… the marriage, I mean.”
“Right.” Rukia whispered.
Ichigo put his arms around her waist, gulping loudly. If Rukia hadn’t been so nervous, she would have laughed at him. She steadied herself, putting her hands on Ichigo’s chest. They looked at each other. Rukia could see how scared he was. It was the same for her.
“Just so you know, I do not hate you.” She murmured.
“I do not hate you either.” Ichigo answered.
Then, he started leaning down. Rukia understood what he meant to do, so she stood on the tips of her toes, meeting him halfway. Closing her eyes, she felt how her husband tenderly pressed his lips against her own. My husband. The thought made her feel strange things in her belly. Ichigo pulled away, his cheeks had turned red. Rukia could feel that she was blushing too.
“Do that again.” She commanded.
Ichigo did not say anything. He merely closed the distance between them, and kissed her again. This time, he was bolder, and started moving his lips against hers. Rukia responded timidly. They separated and breathed. Kissing brought a new sensation for them. Who would have thought such a simple act would be so pleasing? Without speaking, they leaned a third time, kissing more deeply this time. Rukia gasped when Ichigo started licking her lips. Out of instinct, she parted them, letting Ichigo’s tongue explore her mouth. She moaned. The sound made Ichigo stop.
“I’m sorry. Did I do something wrong?” He asked her shyly.
Rukia shook her head. “No, I… I liked that…” She said, cheeks still red and her heart beating as madly as before.
Ichigo pressed her body closer to his, and he kissed her again. His hands started rubbing her sides, while hers were playing with his hair. As they continued kissing, Ichigo lay her down on the futon, and he crawled on top of her, his mouth never straying far from hers. Once they had stopped, they looked at each other again. They knew what they had to do, but were unsure and scared.
“We don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” Ichigo told her with sincerity.
Rukia smiled sadly at her. “We both know we have to.”
Her husband kissed her forehead tenderly. “Tell me if it hurts.”
“I will.”
Then, his hands went to her obi, and started untying it, making the red kimono fall to the ground.
Rukia woke up the following morning feeling strange. That was not her room, and she was completely naked. Then, the memories of last night hit her hard. Her eyes opened widely, and she blushed remembering what she had done in that room. Turning to her side, she noticed that Ichigo was awake already, and that he was dressing himself. She gulped as her mind engulfed her with memories of his body, and how it had felt against her. She, then, was aware of a stinging sensation between her legs.
“Good morning.” Ichigo greeted her once he noticed his wife was awake.
“Good morning.” She whispered.
“How are you?” He asked her.
“I’m fine.” Rukia said simply.
“Are you sure?” He asked again, and just then she noticed that Ichigo was not looking at her but at the futon. Her eyes followed his gaze, and found a bright red stain on the white sheets. Oh.
“Ichigo. Look at me.” She commanded. The man did as he was told. “You didn’t hurt me. It was meant to happen. I am fine. Truly. So, do not worry about it.”
He nodded, and then looked away. Rukia realized it was because she was still naked. She yelped cutely and threw the sheets over her, using them to cover herself from head to toe.
Ichigo cleared his throat. “A servant is preparing baths for both of us. Then, we are expected to have breakfast with your father and my family.” Saying that, he got up and left the room.
Rukia collapsed on the futon. Was this how all of her mornings would be from now on? She sighed, and got up. She noticed that there were robes for her to use, so she put them on and walked towards the baths. As she moved, she noticed how sticky her legs were, and flushed. She moved her hands to her belly, praying Ichigo’s seed would not quicken.
For breakfast, Rukia picked out a light blue kimono with pink flowers Ichigo had given her on her birthday, remembering that she was supposed to wear the kimonos Ichigo had gifted her on their first week of marriage as tradition dictated. She wore the jade pendant underneath it, believing that might please her husband. She was not sure, however, why she wanted to please him, but believed it was her duty. Ichigo smiled when he saw her walk into the room wearing the kimono. She felt self-conscious and blushed, but managed to sit gracefully next to him.
Breakfast was mostly silent, except for Isshin, who continuously talked even if no one said anything. He told Rukia about the beautiful scenery they would see during their journey home later that day. He then remarked on how elegant the wedding had been. Next, he tried to jest on how he had been unable to sleep due to the loud noises he had heard, making his three children and his daughter-in-law blush. He stopped once he noticed Byakuya glaring at him. Isshin thought about it better, and told Byakuya about his estate, which pleased the other man.
At noon, they started carrying all of their luggage into the carriages they had brought. Rukia was sad to see all of her belongings being carried away from the place she called home. She had been born there. She had learn to walk, and speak there. It was in the manor where she had lived happily with her parents. It was there where she learned everything she knew. She had been married there and even spent her first night with her husband there. It would be hard to say goodbye.
“We are leaving soon.” Ichigo announced.
She nodded. “I will be ready soon. There is just something I need to do.”
Rukia walked to a room she knew well, although she rarely went in. She opened the door, revealing a shrine with the painting of a woman who resembled Rukia. She had long hair, and deep violet eyes. Her smile was kind and loving. It was Hisana, Rukia’s mother, who had perished when Rukia was a child. She smiled sadly at the portrait. Burning incense sticks, she kneeled down in front of the portrait and prayed. Rukia asked her mother for guidance and strength. She felt so alone without her there, without her advice. Rukia blinked back tears. She would not cry. That would alarm her father, and make Ichigo uncomfortable. She did not want that.
“Rukia.” Her father’s deep voice called her. “Are you ready?”
She stood on shaking legs. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Byakuya walked towards her and hugged her. Rukia hadn’t felt her father’s arms around her since she was a child. Deeply touched by his gesture, she hugged him back, burying her head on his chest.
“You will be fine, Rukia. Shiba Ichigo might be a brash young man, but he respects you. If I wasn’t sure he would be a good husband, I would never have let you marry him.”
Rukia chuckled. She often fought with Ichigo, but she had to agree that he was a good man, and would never hurt her on purpose. “Thank you. I will write to you as soon as I am settled.”
“I will be waiting for your letter.” The father told her daughter, giving her a small smile.
They bade each other goodbye in private, and then both walked outside. Rukia took one last look to her childhood home, and then took Ichigo’s hand. He helped her into the carriage, and then they were off. Her gaze did not leave the estate and the image of her father until they were out of view.
Ichigo and Rukia rode on the same carriage, while Isshin and his daughters rode on another one. The newlyweds rode mostly in silence, only once in a while Ichigo pointing out animals or plants he saw on the way. Rukia asked him a couple of questions, but they did not talk much. Soon, Rukia fell asleep. She woke up only when Ichigo nudged her.
“We’re here.” He whispered and gestured for Rukia to look out of the window. She did and then gasped.
The Shiba estate was as large as the Kuchiki estate. It had luscious gardens and many ponds, as Yuzu had said. Rukia decided she would get used to it soon, for it wasn’t as different as her home was. Outside, all servants were waiting for the arrival of their masters and their new mistress. Isshin exited the carriage first, along with Yuzu and Karin. Then, Ichigo got off, took his wife’s hands, and helped her down.
“Welcome back, Shiba-sama!” The servants greeted their master in chorus.
Isshin smiled at them. “It is good to be back. Let me introduce you Shiba Rukia, your master Ichigo’s wife, and your new mistress.”
“Welcome, Rukia-sama!” They all exclaimed and then bowed at her.
The Shibas entered the estate together. Rukia took in all the details it had, and hoped she never got lost, for it had many rooms. Ichigo took her hand, and led her to a series of halls, until they reached a room.
“This is your chamber.” He told her, and then opened it. It was a simple room with just the essentials. It was fine by Rukia, who did not care for ostentatious things. “My chamber is right next to yours.” Ichigo added, opening another door, and showing her his own room. “And if you open this door,” he pointed to a door right across the room, “you have the perfect view of our gardens.” He opened it and showed it to her. It was lovely. She could get used to a view like this.
Ichigo, then, proceeded to guide her around the manor. He showed her where the dining room was, the main hall, his father’s office, Ichigo’s own office, the library, and other places. He took her to the stables, and showed her his black stallion. “It is called Zangetsu.” He told her. After the tour, they returned to the dining room to have dinner as a family. Rukia expected it to be awkward, but Isshin was very kind and so were the twins. They had received Rukia into their family from the very start. She smiled at the thought. Maybe she would be able to call this place home after all.
During Rukia’s first week at the Shiba estate, she started becoming acquainted with the manor as well as the servants. Her new maid was called Kotetsu Kiyone, and she had been very kind to her from the beginning. Hinamori had been shy when they first met, and it took a while until both girls could talk freely. Kiyone was none of that. She had been extroverted from the start. Many noble ladies would have found the way the girl spoke to be offensive, but Rukia liked it. One thing she admired was frankness, and Kiyone had that quality. Kiyone often told her funny stories about the rest of the servants, or things she had heard on the market. Rukia always laughed at them.
Yuzu and Karin hardly left her side, showing her different places around the manor, and telling her how things ran there. Rukia was grateful for the attention she was receiving from her sisters-in-law. One thing she learned is that they had more liberties than she had ever had. Isshin was much more lenient about the rules of propriety exercised by nobles. Yuzu and Karin were as free to wander as their older brother. Rukia supposed that she too was free now. They took her to the market one day without chaperones, just with the company of Kiyone. Rukia was mesmerized by the sight. She hardly went to the market near the Kuchiki estate, so it was a new experience for her. She was amazed to discover the many colors, smells, and sounds she could hear. Yuzu bought hair accessories, while Karin chose to buy fruit. Rukia didn’t plan to buy anything, until she saw a fan decorated with white rabbits.
“It’s cute! You should buy it, Rukia-nee.” Yuzu told her.
“I guess I should.” She said, and bought it.
Later that day, she proudly showed her new purchase to Ichigo, who snorted.
“Don’t tell me you are still obsessed with rabbits?” He mocked her.
“What if I am?” Rukia said angrily, and then hit him on the stomach.
“Why did you do that for?!” He screamed in pain.
“For mocking me!”
Thus, their first argument as a married couple started. At the end of their fight, they began laughing out of how ridiculous the situation was.
During their first week together, Ichigo and Rukia explored the gardens together. Ichigo showed her all the flowers and trees they had planted over the years. They fed the koi and turtles which lived in the ponds around the gardens. On the afternoons, they drank tea while admiring the view of the gardens from Rukia’s room. It became a tradition for them. As Ichigo had told her to, Rukia had worn the seven kimonos each day of that first week. Rukia also wrote her father during the week, and told him everything was fine, and that she was getting settled. He wrote her back, and told her things remained the same at the manor, and that he was glad Rukia was getting used to her new life.
Although she was more comfortable with Ichigo now, Rukia still feared he would come to her at night so she could fulfill her duty as his wife. However, Ichigo never came that week, or the next week. That made her panic thinking she might have displeased him somehow during their wedding night. Sadly, she did not have a motherly figure to turn to in her time of need. She decided that the best course of action was to wait, and not create discomfort.
The newlyweds spent their first month getting used to each other. Their conversations fluctuated from their childhood adventures, to the things they liked to do, to their new life together. Isshin had also started leaving more responsibilities to Ichigo, and Rukia was learning how to manage her new home. She had had practiced managing some affairs at the Kuchiki estate, but she found that Isshin and her father did things differently, which made it hard for her to adapt. Ichigo and she started spending the afternoons in Ichigo’s office, checking their income and what needed to be bought each week. Of course, this caused her to bicker again and again. However, they were productive anyway and proudly showed Isshin what they had accomplished. The head of the Shiba Clan smiled at them.
At the end of that first month, Isshin seemed as if he were expecting something to happen. He looked anxiously at both his son and his daughter-in-law, but both of them seemed unaware of what Isshin expected. One day, Isshin must have talked to Ichigo for he looked at his wife with an unreadable expression. This unnerved Rukia greatly. At the end of the day, she could not handle the anxiety and ended up storming into Ichigo’s room at night asking him what was wrong. The young man flushed and averted his eyes.
“My father told me that I… I mean… that I should probably ask, or make sure…” He trailed off.
“What is it?” Rukia asked impatiently.
“A-are you with child?” Ichigo finally blurted out, making Rukia’s eyes get wide.
She had forgotten there was a possibility of that happening, mainly because that possibility was nonexistent as of that week. She blushed. “No, I am not.” She said. “And no, there is no possibility of that being the case.” Rukia added when she saw that her husband wanted to ask.
Ichigo understood and nodded. “Alright.”
Rukia breathed deeply and thought this might as well be the perfect chance to ask why he hadn’t visited her yet. “Aren’t you going to come to my chambers?”
Ichigo coughed. “Do you want me to?” He asked her instead.
Rukia shrugged. “I do not know how these things are supposed to go.”
“Me neither.” He answered.
They laughed awkwardly.
“I guess that when we want children, I should start visiting you.” Ichigo told her.
“Yes. Although, I guess it is your right as a husband if you want to.” Rukia remarked.
“I do not want to make you uncomfortable.” Ichigo said truthfully.
Rukia smiled. “Maybe, after some time, you can visit me.”
He nodded. “Alright.”
The months flew by quicker than she had thought. Rukia spent her days managing the estate, and attending to other duties. When she had time to herself, she read from the books in the library, practiced her calligraphy or ikebana. She went to the market once or twice a month with Yuzu and Karin, where she bought decorations for the house. Rukia preferred to have flowers which she arranged herself in most rooms, and changed the carpets of certain rooms. The first time Rukia had put her flower arrangements around the manor, Isshin had wept of joy.
“This estate had not known such beauty since the days Masaki was alive!” He cried, and hugged her.
Yuzu had cried too, while Ichigo looked at her in approval. “Well done, Rukia.”
On the afternoons, she had tea with Ichigo, and then both took long walks in the garden. On one of such occasions, both had been conversing about their childhood, and how Rukia always won during their games.
“It was because you were faster than me, but I assure you I am better now.” Ichigo said smugly.
Rukia rolled her eyes. “I am sure I am still better than you.”
“Yes?” Ichigo raised an eyebrow playfully. “I do not believe you.”
“I will prove it to you in this moment. We are going to climb that tree.” She pointed to a large sakura tree in the middle of the garden.
“What? Are you mad?!”
“Are you scared, Ichigo?” Rukia jested.
“You’ll see! I will win this time!”
Both started climbing the tree, and in no time, Rukia had climbed onto a branch and sat there, watching her husband smugly. “I win!”
“You cheated!” Ichigo retorted, seating right next to her.
“How could I have cheated in this game? Admit it, I am still better than you!”
“Tch.” Ichigo grumbled, and then both laughed.
They stayed there, talking about various things, their hands almost touching, watching the sun set. Their calm atmosphere was interrupted when they heard a voice calling them. Looking down, they found it was Isshin.
“Ichigo, Rukia-chan, get down here this instance!” He shouted, making the spouses laugh. When they had been children, they had often escaped the vigilance of their parents and servants, climbing trees and staying there until their parents came looking for them.
“In a minute!” Ichigo yelled back. Both climbed down, Ichigo making sure Rukia would not slip and fall.
“What were you thinking?! That was dangerous!” Isshin scolded them, while they both laughed.
“Do not worry, we will be careful next time.” Ichigo said.
“Next time?!”
Other times, Ichigo would talk about his late mother, and her favorite flowers in the garden. “Yuzu tends to them regularly.” He said once.
“Maybe we can start tending to them together.” Rukia added. Ichigo smiled at her, making Rukia’s heart beat faster.
On a second occasion, when they were drinking tea together, Rukia asked him why it was important to him for Rukia to wear the jade pendant during their wedding day.
“It was my mother’s. She wore it on her wedding with my father, and I wanted you to wear it too.” He answered earnestly.
Rukia blushed, and played with it. “It is beautiful. Thank you for giving it to me.”
Ichigo entwined their fingers together. “No, thank you for wearing it.”
Their life together was slowly improving, and although they still bickered, Rukia found that they had grown closer. Sometimes, Ichigo would go to her room and sleep next to her. They would wake up in each other’s arms. Somehow, that was not strange or unpleasant. Other times, they would hold hands when they were alone. For Ichigo’s birthday, Rukia prepared a large banquet and invited a lot of people, including her father. She made sure Ichigo’s favorite dishes were prepared, and she bought him a new wooden sword for his training. She wore a green and white kimono, and proudly displayed the jade pendant her husband had given her for their wedding. Ichigo had been delighted by the surprise, and had smiled all through the banquet.
“Thank you very much, Rukia.” He told her once they were alone in her room.
“It was nothing. You deserved it. After all, you’ve been a good husband so far.” Rukia dismissed his thanks.
Ichigo smiled. “It means more to me than you can think of.” Then, he kissed her softly, just a peck on her lips. But it was enough to make both flush and smile shyly at each other.
Their feelings were changing. That scared and excited Rukia at the same time. As a child, she liked to imagine she would meet a man and that they would fall in love. However, deep down her she always knew that it would not happen, for her destiny was marrying Ichigo. Rukia had never contemplated the possibility that she could fall in love with her husband. Sure, she had always cared about him, but loving him was different. Now the possibility was all too real. She wondered if Ichigo’s feelings were changing too. After that kiss, maybe they were.
As for the rest of the family, Isshin started acting strange again, as if each month he were expecting something, but when he did not get it, he could not help but frown. His anxiety had expanded to his daughters. They intuitively knew what their father’s worries were all about, although both Ichigo and Rukia ignored them. One day, Yuzu decided to expose them to Rukia when they were drinking tea together.
“Nee, Rukia-nee, when are you and onii-chan going to have children?” She bluntly asked, making Rukia spit her tea.
“Yuzu! You cannot ask something like that so suddenly!” Karin reprimanded her twin.
“I just wanted to know! You know how father has been lately!” Yuzu defended herself.
Once Rukia had calmed herself, she decided to speak. “Your brother and I decided to wait for a while before having children.” She said honestly.
“I will be honest with you, Rukia-nee.” Karin spoke this time. “Father wants to have grandchildren, and will soon start actively pressuring Ichi-nii.”
Rukia nodded. “I understand his reasoning, however we want to be more comfortable with each other before taking that step.”
Yuzu frowned. “But you love each other, is having children the only logical step?” She said, and Rukia choked again, this time on air.
“What?” Rukia gasped.
“Are you not in love?” Yuzu asked. “I could have sworn you were!” She exclaimed.
Rukia blushed. “I don’t know…”
Karin shook her head. “You two are so slow. Of course you are. We all know. You have been for a while.”
Are we? Rukia asked herself.
When summer was almost ending, Ichigo found himself feeling stressed. His father had given him more responsibilities lately, and kept pressuring to have children. Rukia, his wife, did not know the full reason why he felt stressed, but knew there were a lot of things on his shoulders. She had started trying to make him feel better by asking the cook to prepare his favorite dishes, bring him snacks and tea when he was working, and rubbing his shoulders when they hurt. Rukia could not deny herself anymore. She loved Ichigo. She might have loved him for longer than the span of her marriage, and may have been in denial all this time. The feeling made her giddy. She had not told Ichigo yet, but she hoped that he noticed through her actions.
“That feels good.” Ichigo groaned as Rukia massaged his shoulders.
“Glad you like it.” She said, pleased with herself.
Once she finished, they lay down on her futon.
“Thank you, Rukia. Really. You have been incredible these past few weeks.” He mumbled.
She smiled. “I just want to help you, that’s all.” She shrugged.
Ichigo hugged her and pulled her close to his chest, making her blush. “You are the best wife in the world.” He told her, and then kissed her forehead.
Rukia’s heart started thumping fast inside her chest. “Ichigo?”
“I love you.” The words poured from her mouth before she could stop herself. You fool! What have you done? She chastised herself for saying such things, and waited until Ichigo said something. When he didn’t, she turned to look at him, and found her husband looking at her with a bewildered expression. Rukia started getting nervous until he smiled.
“I love you too.” He said at last, and claimed her lips in a swift motion, making Rukia moan.
She pulled him closer to her body, feeling delighted in the way he kissed her and touched her. That night, they did not get much sleep, nor the following night, nor the next.
One month later, Rukia went into Ichigo’s office with tears on her eyes and a sweet smile on her face.
“Ichigo.” She called him. Her husband looked at her in apprehension. “I am with child.” Rukia announced. She had never seen Ichigo smile as brightly.
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fiercyy · 8 years ago
Till Death Chapter 1/?
Co-authored by @holyfuckabear
This fic began as a bitchfest between me and B. It morphed into an actual story, with plot, characters and world building. Go figure. With only mild disrespect to Kubo’s vision, we present a reimagining of Bleach.
@ichirukimonth for the prompt Agent of the Shinigami + Soul Society Arc: Chapter/Episode Tag
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Ichigo Kurosaki has become a superhero overnight. This entails a lot more oversight than he was lead to believe there would be. Is this his life now? Being stalked by some tiny woman, hellbent on bossing him around?
(For the record: yes.)
 A canon rewrite fic.
Spring is supposed to be a time for new beginnings. Plants peak out of the earth, cherry blossoms fall, a new school year begins and it rains every other goddamn day.
Seventeen-year-old Ichigo Kurosaki hates the rain. It makes his skin itch and his hands clammy. The worst days of his life are tied to drenched shoulders and tears mixing with rainwater. When it rains, more than one kind of ghost comes out to roam. And ghosts have a way of finding Ichigo.
Ichigo is about to learn a little more about the world. From here on out, everything changes. But for today, he feels...
Amazing. It’s the only word to describe it. There is a rhythm to fighting that Rukia cannot replicate in melody. She hums as she attacks. Her legs step to an unheard beat as she flies to and fro, perplexing the dumb creature. It roars and her heart does an internal aria.
Rukia has always been meant to do this. Most days she thinks it’s the only thing she does well. Hollow, merely a whisper in the wind now, she turns to the frightened spirit crouching by the mailbox and thinks, well, maybe not the only thing.
She is not a nurturing woman by nature, but she does what she can to soothe him. Rukia likes the feeling of heavy hands on her head, fingers ruffling her hair, memories of a bygone age. So, she does this for the child-spirit. He seems to take comfort before she releases him to the next life. She hopes that he will not be hungry. She wishes him weakness. Rukia looks up and around her when it’s done. The humans mill around, none the wiser for having narrowly escaped a soul-sucking death. For a moment, she thinks she makes eye-contact with a bearded man in a white coat and quickly realizes that she imagined it. His eyes skip over her and he continues his stroll down the street She has been in Karakura for a week. It isn’t loneliness per se but she feels distinctly invisible. Her voice has started to hoarse from disuse. That’s why she started singing to herself as she fights. No one can hear her anyway, who would mind?
Ichigo squints as he stares into the sun. “What are you looking at?” asks Tatsuki, around a mouthful of kebab. He blinks to adjust his eyes and shakes his head, trying to shake off the strange feeling of being watched. “Nothing.” There was no black butterfly on the horizon. There was no one atop the telephone pole. He’s just tired. That’s what he tells himself.
Ichigo tells himself a lot of things. Especially these days.
That is to say, it looks like he’s talking to himself. Like. All the time.
What he’s really doing is chatting with the weird old cat lady spirit who refuses to leave until the last of her cats are adopted from the pound. Despite the fact that they ate her corpse. He knows this detail because she tells him every time he passes the shelter.
Sometimes it’s not Mrs. Hojou, but Mina, who is creepily keeping her eye on her ex, who moved on too quickly for her tastes.
More often than not it’s Mr. Agano. Ichigo doesn’t know what his deal is but he seems lonely and spends every Tuesday following him around. He learns very quickly to schedule things that require concentration on any other day.
Ichigo works his life around the drifting strangers who can’t seem to leave him alone.
This is how he notices that something is amiss.
He spends next Tuesday alone.
Raito, the teenaged boy who lives beside the river is gone too.
The ghosts of Karakura Town have slowly begun to disappear.
It takes him weeks to realize why.
Someone is singing. It’s a song that’s been playing on every radio lately and god is he sick of it. Whoever it is, she’s basically screaming it between grunts.
Ichigo rounds the corner and sees her. And it.
Holy shit.
A fucking monster the size of a city block is snapping its jaws at the ghost who he brings flowers to. The white of its mask is stark against the clear blue sky. Its black leathery body moves with speed that belies its size.
Between Ichigo and the beast is a girl.
She leaps out of the way just in time to avoid the monster’s fist come down and leave a crater in the ground. She does a backflip over it, draws her sword and HOLY SHIT DID SHE JUST FUCKING FLY?
Wait. Stop. Rewind.
This is the moment that Ichigo Kurosaki’s life changes forever.
Rukia Kuchiki is 4”10, pale as seafoam and as deadly as anything he’s ever seen. And she is singing about love and bunnies at the top of her freaking lungs.
This is fate, but he doesn’t know that yet.
With a slice of her katana (?!?!?) the thing is neutralized. She is still singing.
Ichigo is mildly aware that he is gaping. He looks around to see if anyone’s around, if anyone else is staring. There are, but none of them have so much as fliched. Well, he supposes that he’s used to seeing things at this point.
It is in this moment that Rukia looks up and the tune ends. Her brows furrow as if squinting into the distance. Their eyes meet and Ichigo remains frozen in place. She opens her mouth as if to say something but a roar cuts through the air.
And then she’s gone, as if blurring out of existence.
That. was. weird.
Ichigo arrives home to a kick in the face. Literally.
“Where the hell have you been?!” His father demands, putting him in a headlock.
“I ran into some ghosts okay? What the hell was I supposed to do?!”
“Oh, so it’s the ghosts’ faults huh? I bet it’s a ghost’s fault that your room is a mess, huh?”
While they shout each other down, the two girls at the table sigh simultaneously. Karin, the younger one, spoons more rice into her bowl and pretends she can’t hear them. Karin pretends that she can’t hear a lot of things.
“You’ve got another one Ichigo,” she mutters.
“Huh?” an older gentleman appears over Ichigo’s shoulder. “When the hell did you get here?” He tries to wave him away. He’s done with spirits for the day, thank you very much.
“I wish I could see spirits,” sighs Yuzu, “I mean, I can feel them sometimes but-”
Karin is kind of glad she cant. “I’m not even sure they exist.”
“How can that be? Can’t you see them too?”
“I’m in permanent denial. Just because I can see them, doesn’t mean I believe in them.”
Here’s the thing about breaking and entering. It doesn’t count unless someone sees you.
And no one in Karakura Town can see her.
Rukia has developed a kind of selective hearing. She moves through the world of the living while ignoring the living. In the beginning, she’d look up if it sounded like someone was talking to her, but no one ever was. Slowly it got easier to tune it all out.
It’s been peaceful. The 13th division is so loud. And it’s a different kind of quiet than the Kuchiki mansion.
So when she walks through the wall and lands in the middle of a bedroom that smells like dirty socks and cologne, the last thing she expects is to literally have her ass kicked.
“How strange. You look normal, but you must be defective in some way,” she remarks while examining him like a specimen on a slab in Squad 12.
“I’ll show you defective!”
Rukia tries, she really does. Humans are very strange and this one is not very receptive to simple explanations. Are they all slow, or is it just this one?
And then he touches her hair and ohhhhh was that a mistake.
“Bakudo #1, SAI!”
“What the hell did you do to me?!”
“Don’t struggle, it’ll make it worse. I might appear young to you but I have lived nearly 10 of your lifetimes. I would kill you on the spot if it weren’t against my orders,” a lie, but on some level she thought it might be fun to rattle this one. “Now shut up, you little brat.”
It’s only after she brings the hilt of her sword down on the wayward spirit that she realizes she’d scared the human. She feels bad for a moment but presses on.
“Now, for why I’m here. I’ll explain using small words.”
And maybe some informative drawings.
So you know those days, that change your whole life?
Ichigo Kurosaki is having one of those days; a terrible one.
His hands are free from the kidou but he’s still helpless. Yuzu is unconscious in the house somewhere, Karin is unmoving in his arms and this tiny woman who sings bad pop songs while she fights is dodging around the grappling fists of what she calls a hollow.
The hollow had said that it wanted his soul. It was looking for him, all this time. He brought flowers to a ghost and that made her a target. This thing has been following him all this time, but why?
The same reason it took Karin but not Yuzu; they can see it. Something deep inside them calls out to these creatures. Like a dinner bell.
The hollow grazes the shinigami’s side just as she gets what looks like a critical hit. She skids across the street as she falls.
Intellectually, Ichigo has seen what she can do. She might as well leap tall buildings in a single bound. But she’s so small, and every instinct he has tells him that makes her someone he should be protecting.
Ichigo glances around for a weapon. To his right there’s a folding chair from the clinic. He picks it up and darts over to the beast. Maybe he can distract it, maybe he can help.
He knows he can’t, but maybe if it takes him it’ll leave his sisters alone. “HEY!” he shouts, “You want me? Come and get me!”
The hollow obliges.
So does Rukia, although, less happily.
She disappears from behind the creature and reappears in front of him, just in time for the monster’s jaws to clamp around her and her sword, instead of him.
“You idiot!” she shouts in pain.
He feels blood on his face. He doesn’t know why he’s thinking about this, but it’s surprisingly warm. He didn’t think a goddess would bleed.
With a surge of strength, the girl shoves the hollow back. It has a large crack down the center of its bone white face. She clutches at her wound and crawls to lean against the crumbling wall of the clinic.
“Oh I am going to kill you when this is over,” she promises with a wet laugh.
“Go ahead and try,” he jokes. He’s trying to stop the bleeding but his hands aren’t big enough.
The hollow looms.
Her sword clatters to the floor beside her. Ichigo dives to pick it up. His right-hand wraps around the grip. It’s surprisingly cold. It chills him to his bones. He tries to lift it up to defend them from the advancing monster but it’s too heavy. He physically cannot budge it and the more he tries, the colder the sword becomes; until it burns.
“Ichigo, do you want to save your family?”
As she says his name, he realizes that he doesn’t know hers.
“Rukia, my name is Rukia,” she sighs and looks at the hollow, still trying to recover. “Will you do whatever it takes?”
“I’d do anything.”
“Then you’re going to have to trust me. I’m sorry.”
And then.
And then.
The pain radiates out from his chest, into every nerve ending. But it’s the sweet kind of pain that builds to a crescendo and releases with a breath.
Black robes swirl around him. In his hands is a sword.
Somehow he knows exactly what to do.
In the morning he wonders if he dreamed the whole thing.
But then she appears in homeroom.
His classmates’ chatter turns into a faint buzzing in his ears as he looks down at her. Her voice is saccharine, she bats impossibly thick eyelashes. With her slight form and girlish voice, she looks harmless, introducing herself to the boys using outdated and formal Japanese.
The illusion is shattered by a glance at the palm she’s held out to him. Smeared already, black ink spells out:
‘Make a scene and you’re dead :)’
His lips form around the word, “You.”
Her smile is sinister.
Here is a list of some changes you can expect from this reboot:
Rewriting the rules of the universe so they’re consistent and make sense.
Ichigo’s family backstory is different
Aging up the characters a little, they’re now 17 at the beginning of the series.
The gang’s dynamics are going to change and include Tatsuki
Speaking of Tatsuki, the characters who really should have had some spotlight are going to get some.
We’re culling the cast of thousands so it’s manageable.
By this we mean rising action, realistic powerups, and escalation that does not get out of control.
Rukia gets the goddamn arc she deserves.
Reducing the length of and amount of fight sequences.
Soul Society is basically completely different, don’t worry Ichigo will be the layman and Rukia, your exposition fairy. JUST LIKE CANON!
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kirby42280 · 7 years ago
Waterfall Eclipse II: The Lost Clan - Chapter Eight
I’m back with the next chapter. Enjoy!
Just a couple of notes:
1. If you haven't read the first part to this story, you may want to. You might miss jokes that I may reference, etc. This story starts pretty much right where the first part ends. Find part one here: Fanfiction.net / Tumblr / Wattpad
2. I finished WE-I back in April 2016, which means my captains and lieutentants don't really match up to what Tite Kubo did in his manga. I am keeping my list for the most part. The only ones I got right were Rukia Kuchiki and Isane Kotetsu. If you would like me to write up a list of my captains and lieutenants, leave me a message and I will reply. If I get enough requests, I may make a side chapter that shows it.
Summary: Hitsugaya Rani is back with the next step in her story - finding out her the history of the crest on her hairpin. Along with suffering from a series of nightmares that somehow link together and the research of one ten-year-old, Rani finds out the truth about her past and what it may mean for her future.
Waterfall Eclipse II: The Lost Clan
Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six  Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight:
Rani was worried. Her captain wouldn't say why the two of them were heading to Squad Eight after they had their lunch. The two walked in, and instead of heading to the office utterly confusing Rani even more, Captain Kuchiki led her to the Squad Eight practice field.
"Why are we here?"
"You'll seen soon enough, lieutenant."
"That was less than helpful." Rani muttered as she rolled her eyes.
"Did you say something?"
"N-nothing Captain Kuchiki." she replied nervously and embarrassed. She then noticed Captain Abarai and Lieutenant Nakano waiting for them.
"Are you sure you want to do this, Lieutenant Nakano?"
"I'm sorry? Do what?" Chiharu asked dumbfounded as her captain burst out laughing. "Captain Abarai?" she asked semi annoyed as she furrowed her eyes and brows at him.
"I'm sorry, Nakano, but you should at least try."
"Try what?" Ranu asked. Then the realization hit. "Wait - you don't mean for Chiharu to go against Captain Kuchiki, do you?"
"Yes." Renji answered.
"Yes, Captain Kuchiki?" the Squad Eight captain replied with an evil grin.
"You lied to me, didn't you? Your lieutenant has no idea."
"Yes, I lied. No, she doesn't know - or well, didn't. She does now."
Rani and Chiharu glared at the cocky captain before them. They each wanted to strangle him.
"I'm gonna kill him." Chiharu said calmly after taking in deep breath. "We'll need a new captain, though."
Rani turned to her friend and smiled. She also let out a chuckle.
"I'll help." she whispered to her friend. "Captain Abarai, do you really think your lieutenant is ready to go up against Captain Kuchiki?"
"Yes, but obviously only shikai against shikai."
Chiharu groaned and then turned to the visiting captain.
"We don't have to do this, Captain Kuchiki. My captain seems to have lost a few screws over the past few days."
Byakuya nodded.
"I think that it is best if we delay this until you feel comfortable. If Abarai wasn't a captain, I would probably drag him by his ear and punish him."
"No worries. I can. He may be a captain, but he sure as heck doesn't act like one most of the time." Chiharu teased.
"I have trust that you'll get him in line." Byakuya stated and then did an about-face and started to leave the practice grounds.
"Well, this isn't fair. I really wanted you two to battle." Renji whined causing the two girls to stare at him. "What?"
"You, Captain Abarai," Rani started, "are despicable." she finished. She then grabbed Chiharu's hand and led her off the practice field via shunpo.
"I can't believe he did that." Chiharu stated in disbelief as she and Rani walked into the office. "Scratch that. No. I can."
"Are you sure you want to be his lieutenant?"
"Eh. Maybe Momo will have a few ideas. She wants to meet for dinner tonight with you, me, and Rangiku."
"Okay. See you at the restaurant. I should get going. My captain will be waiting."
Chiharu smiled and Rani made her way out the door where she ran into Captain Abarai. Rani just shook her head and went on her way.
Once back at Squad Six she found her captain back at his desk, just seated it seemed.
"Would you have battled her if Lieutenant Nakano knew?"
"Yes, because that meant she thought she was ready. Captain Abarai said she was and asked us to come this afternoon."
Rani nodded and had a small smile on her face.
"Thank you for not forcing her to. I know how strong she is, but she still has a couple of weeks of practice to go before she might be ready."
"Mentally she's not. Physically she might be. I am aware of this. I know how strong I am, as do you."
Rani went back to work and at the end of the day was exhausted. She made her way over to the restaurant and met with the ladies. She noticed the Squad Eleven lieutenant also hanging around.
"Lieutenant Kusajishi."
"RANI! How are you!" the child-like lieutenant greeted as she ran over to Rani and gave her a hug.
"I'm doing well."
"I can't believe you turned out to be that lost heir. AND I can't believe you decided to not reinstate the clan. What's going to happen to the manor?"
"I'm not sure. Where is everyone?"
"We beat them here. Kenny's hanging with some of the guys. And we both really love our gifts from Lady Lily. Kenny hung his in the office. He said he'll hang mine in my quarters for me."
Rani smiled.
"She'll be happy to hear that."
The other three showed up moments later and the five went in and sat down. Mid-way through their meal, and after Chiharu and Rani explained what her captain did to her, he walked in and grinned. Yachiru motioned for Renji to come over to her and he obliged, kneeling down in front of her.
"What's up?" he greeted with a smile and receiving a smile in return.
Yachiru didn't miss a beat before she hit him on his head, and hard. All the girls laughed, and a couple of the guys who came in with him.
"OW! What was that for?"
"You're an idiot Renji."
"Why is he an idiot?" Lieutenant Hisagi asked confused.
"Because do-do here almost had Chiharu battle Captain Kuchiki."
"Rukia's -"
"It wasn't her. It was the other Captain Kuchiki." Rani interrupted Lieutenant Kira.
"Say what?" the two lieutenants said in unison.
"You heard Rani. I am less than pleased with my captain, and speaking of which, why are you even here?"
"I can't have a drink or two with friends?"
"You definitely shouldn't." Momo commented. "There's a captain's meeting in the morning, bright and early."
"Crap! I almost forgot about it."
The guys excused themselves leaving the girls in peace. The five enjoyed their meal and eventually headed on their way home.
Rani walked into an empty house almost forgetting that Toshiro was in the Living World on duty. She made herself a cup of tea and sat down at her desk. She pulled out some paper and a quill and ink jar. She started to write, although at first she wasn't sure what she wanted to write. Eventually she chose to write an autobiography and made a list of all of the important events in her life that she wanted to include. She decided to start with what she describes as "waking up" at the front gates of the soul society where she was found and claimed by the Tómasus and proceeded from there.
Four hours later, she was only partially done and decided she should call it a night or else she might never get to sleep. She put the papers into a portfolio in her desk and washed her hands before going to bed.
When she woke up, she was dragging. She realized it was her fault alone and dealt with the ramifications it might bring. Luckily for her, she wouldn't see the captain until after his meeting. She headed to the office and made herself some tea and started on her work. An hour in and she headed to the dojo for her training session with some of the members.
The rest of the day was pretty routine and no real problems surfaced. Rani was headed home before she knew it and she decided to take a relaxing hot bath before bed. She leaned back in the tub and closed her eyes.
"You know, you put yourself in a very compromising situation."
Rani screamed before realizing it was her husband who said that.
"Seriously?" she asked as he laughed at her.
"Now that I got your attention, and scared you half to death, are you okay?" he asked as he sat down on the edge of the bathtub.
"I'm fine. Just had a training session today, but other than that I'm fine."
"No bad dreams while I was away?"
"Nope. I did miss you though."
"I missed you too."
Rani smiled as she looked at him.
"What happened to your neck?"
"Huh? Shit! I had a nasty battle with a Hollow. I must have missed that."
Rani half smiled as she started to stand.
"Hand me my towel."
Toshiro did as he was told and she got up out of the tub. She walked over to the cabinet and grabbed the kit that was under there.
"Take this to the bedroom. I'll be right there."
"Or you could -"
"Shut it. Go." she ordered.
"Yes, ma'am."
After getting on proper clothes, she met him in the bedroom and took care of her husband carefully.
"You know our Reiatsu will heal us right?"
"Yes, but you don't need a scar there of all places. Now shut up and let me be a wife."
Toshiro let her do first aid on him and once she was done, he put the kit back in the bathroom. He came back into the bedroom and handed her a bag.
"What is this?"
"Let me know what you think. I can always run back down to the Living World and grab a new one."
Curious, Rani opened the bag and pulled out the cloth that was inside.
"This will work. It's fine." she replied after realizing it was a kimono for Yoshi's wedding. "I have one that kind of matches."
"Good. Although is wearing a matching outfit a good idea?"
"Matching no. Complimentary, yes. It'll be fine." she answered as she folded it back up and put it in the bag.
"Good. When do we leave for the wedding?"
"Three weeks from Friday, actually. The wedding is that Saturday, but they wanted us there a day earlier for whatever reason."
"Okay. I just want to make sure I put in the correct requested time off." he commented. "And then after Saturday we go on our vacation, right?"
"Yes. The much needed vacation. I'm trying to get all of my work done ahead of time, but I know when I get back I am going to have a pile about as tall as Lily." Rani joked.
"And then three weeks after we get back will be Lieutenant Hisagi's and Kiyomi's wedding, right?"
"Crap. Yeah. I'm going to be busy with her, I can feel it."
"I thought she didn't want a large wedding."
"She doesn't, but she wants to do some wedding related events, like a bachelorette party."
She looked at her husband and noticed he had a confused expression.
"I can't understand her sometimes either, so don't feel bad."
Three weeks later they were headed to the Takayama Clan household with minimal luggage. They decided that they would make a quick stop in between trips to drop off the kimonos and pick up the other luggage since they were only staying two nights at the Takayama Manor.
"Would it be bad if I said I was nervous about this?"
"Relax Toshiro. It'll be fine. They aren't as intimidating as the Kuchikis." Rani said trying to reassure her husband.
They were led inside and were greeted by Lady Sugi.
"Rani! And this must be your husband, Toshiro."
"Please Lady Sugi."
"You guys can drop the "Lady" stuff while you are here. I don't mind, even if I am older than you. Let me show you to where you'll be staying. Dinner will be in a couple of hours, but I'll come and find you."
"In a couple of hours?"
"We eat late here." she explained. "It's fine. It will give you time to look around the manor and get yourselves acquainted with it."
"Thank you."
"Hopefully we don't get lost." Toshiro teased.
"I might just want to nap though." Rani commented. "We both got up early and went into work earlier than normal before leaving early."
"This is true."
"Well, feel free to do which ever you would please." Lady Sugi said as she climbed a few steps and then opened a door. "This will be your temporary residence while you are here. I hope everything is in here that you will need."
"Thank you again." Toshiro said.
She left them alone and Rani made her way to the bathroom first to change into one of the kimonos she brought with her.
"Why change? And should I?"
"You can stay in your captain's garb for dinner. Tomorrow you'll need to wear the other kimono. Sunday you can wear the captain's robe again when we head back to the house before going down to the Living World."
"Okay, if you say so." he said unsure.
"I do." she joked. "I'm going to lay down for a bit."
"Do you want me to join you?"
"It would be nice." she said with a smile as she sat down on the couch.
Within minutes she was fast asleep. An hour and a half later, he woke her up so she could freshen up and look decent for dinner.
The dinner with the family went by fast, much to Toshiro's enjoyment. The wedding the next day was an affair, for sure, but Rani was pleased that she decided to attend. The happy couple's extended families never approached Rani about the Sutahomu Clan, which she was grateful for. She asked Lord Takayama about it, and he told her he never said a word to anyone that she realized who she was. That it would be a secret he will take beyond his grave.
The following morning, although they were suffering from a minor hangover, Rani and Toshiro said their farewells and goodbyes and headed back to their home to switch out luggage and head on their vacation.
"You still didn't tell me where we were going." Rani stated as they entered the Dangai Precipice World.
"And I won't tell you until we get there." he teased.
"Which means it's either where we went on our honeymoon or the other frequent spot of ours." she concluded.
"And what if it is one of those places?"
"Don't get me wrong Toshiro, I am not complaining, but I kind of hate surprises."
A little while later they arrived at the resort, after stopping to get their Gigais at Urahara's shop, that she and her friends loved to visit. He checked them in and they headed to the elevators up to their room.
"Is this the same room from that one time?"
"It might be. I'm not sure." he answered as he put the suitcases to the side. "But let me ask you something."
"Mmm? What?"
"Did you bring that bikini?"
Rani slowly formed a smile.
"I may have. Did you want me to wear it?"
"Maybe." he said as he wrapped his arms around her. "But tell me something else."
"Mm?" she mumbled as she was about to kiss him.
"What the heck was 'Operation: Flabbergast'?"
She stopped millimeters from his lips and went wide-eyed.
"Oh..umm..that.." she stammered and cleared her throat causing him to laugh. She took in a deep breath before answering. "I'm not really quite sure how to explain that one to you."
"I can always ask Umeko or Kiyomi, though, right? Or Chiharu?"
"You'd better not. That would be just mean."
"Then you tell me."
"UGH!" she moaned and tried to get out of his embrace. It didn't work. "So, it was Rangiku and Kiyomi who actually bought that bikini you seem to love so much for me for that trip where we were interrupted by the Hollows and Menos."
"I remember that. You saved my life going against Captain Kuchiki's orders."
"Yeah, well, I wasn't a fan of the bikini. Thankfully they also bought that cover-up dress." she continued. "Anyway, it was Kiyomi's thinking that if you saw me in that bikini that you wouldn't be able to say two words to me due to being in shock."
"Who came up with the name?"
"I do believe it was Kiyomi again, even though they tried to think of a better name, nothing more fitting came up."
"It didn't work."
"Not that day, it didn't. In a way it kind of did the next trip or so that the girls and I took."
He tried to think back to the other vacations.
"It was the one right before my Third Seat promotion party thing, you know, where I got stuck to the floor."
"The one where we happened to be staying in the same hotel that Abarai happened to book for you?"
"Yes. That's the one. Remember now? Your eyeballs, according to Chiharu, popped out of your sockets after I took off the cover-up."
Toshiro cringed at the memory, and his expression caused Rani to laugh.
"And now that I made you bring up something embarrassing that also embarrasses me in a way, shall we never mention it again and enjoy our small vacation down by the water?"
"Sure. Let me change."
Rani opened up her suitcase and pulled out the previously mentioned bathing suit and cover up and headed into the bathroom to change. She came out moments later and he went in to change.
They headed down to the beach and set up their towels on the sand not far from the jetty.
"Shall we go in?"
"If you want to."
They walked hand in hand down to the water's edge.
"Aye! That's freezing!" she exclaimed when the water hit her bare feet.
"Shut up. I know. You aren't bothered by it. But look at my arms. I have goosebumps."
"Well, there's one way to get used to it quickly if you're up to it."
"Diving in?" she half-jokingly asked receiving a nod. "Might as well."
She cringed as the two slowly walked into the water. Once they were waist deep he dove under and she begrudgingly followed suit.
"Okay. That may have been a bad idea." she commented after coming up and fixing her hair so it wasn't in her face and walked over to him
He waited for her on a small sand bar that had formed, but he was sitting so it seemed like it was deeper.
"It's better if you just sit here. It's quite calm, but you're still under a decent amount of water."
"High tide?"
"Nah. It's going out. It will get shallower within a few hours."
"I guess that's a good thing." she commented. "So, what exactly is new about these Gigais that Urahara gave us this time?"
"I'm not quite sure. He didn't really say. All he said was that we would know when the time came."
"That's very unhelpful."
Toshiro smiled as he pulled her towards him into a full on embrace, with her head on his chest.
"Although I may have an idea. And I will tell you what later."
A little while later, they opted to get out of the water and head back to their beach towels and warm up in the sun.
Not soon long after they went back to their room and relaxed before calling room service and calling it a night.
The spent the week relaxing by the pool, on the beach, and walking around the shops and area of the hotel. As soon as it was over, they were back in Squad Ten and Rani decided to take care of the laundry since it was one of her scheduled days off anyway. Toshiro, knowing his lieutenant probably did nothing all week, decided to pop into the office to see what work he could get a head start on before his full day in the following day.
The following day, Rani went to Kuchiki Manor, as per the norm, and two days later she went back to work and the routine for Rani. She also met with the girls to discuss the vacation and Kiyomi's upcoming nuptials to Lieutenant Hisagi.
Chapter Nine
Well that’s it for this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.Thanks for reading!
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chronicleofthetraveler · 8 years ago
all good things
@deathberryprompts so it’s not quite a drabble, but this one is for ‘fuck’ - it’s a post-684 fix it which i hope will bring a smile to your face, and happiness to your heart. inspired by this fanart. and the 12th one here. and my own salty desires. 351 words. enjoy!!
Rukia insists on seeing Ichigo home from school on the first day of her visit after Yhwach’s defeat.
“You’ll be busy at school so I’ll just come meet you there,” she had said with finality. He could just picture the smug look on her face.
The roof of Karakura High is a familiar place. They sit together under the cloud-speckled sky before heading home to the Kurosaki clinic. The breeze is peaceful, and Rukia swears she can taste the juice from the strange carton that Ichigo had opened for her many moons ago.
They soak in the sun’s rays, feeling the strain of the past few months dissipate. Ichigo has had the comfort of his studies to throw himself back into, but Rukia has been living in a war zone. She molds herself into a pillar of strength for Ukitake-taichō and the thirteenth, but her indomitable work ethic has her a bit run down.
“So, any thoughts on what you want to do once you graduate?” she asks with a yawn.
“Actually, yeah..” He pauses and glances over at her as she slides down the side of him and forms a little ball, resting her head on his lap. Ichigo scratches the back of his head.
“Well?” she asks in a distant voice.
He takes a deep breath.
“I want to take Kyōraku-sōtaichō up on his offer.”
“Mmmm. I’m happy to hear it.” She smiles and curls a little closer to him, yawning again.
Ichigo looks down to see her eyes close, lips still upturned. For a moment, seeing that expression on her face, he feels like he’s back in the Kuchiki manor after eating her curry for new year’s.
“Fuck, Rukia, no! We have to go soon.” He says with annoyance.
“Well then wake me up when we do, idiot.” She swats at his leg weakly, and drifts off.
I could get used to this.. Ichigo thinks, and lets his head fall back against the railing. His fingers find their way into Rukia’s hair. He lulls himself to sleep by brushing through it, dinner with his family forgotten.
so, a little ending note in case it wasn’t clear: yhwach is defeated (probably by ichigo, rukia, uryū, maybe a few more people too.) and ichigo returns to the gensei to figure out what he wants to do with his life/to spend time with his family before he continues his destiny. ukitake is alive and going to join kyōraku as co-sōtaichō, and thus hand over the 13th division captaincy to rukia, and ichigo will come to soul society full time and take over as rukia’s lieutenant.
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recurring-polynya · 5 years ago
Drabble time again!
This one is response to comment I got over at ff.net, from Chie723:
Would you consider writing a Drabble about Rukia and Renji meeting Hisana's former lady-in-waiting? If I have gone a bit...overboard it's because @kaickos and I were just talking recently about how much we are obsessed with the staff of Kuchiki Manor and I saw this as an excuse. (The bit about Bonnie is also for @kaickos, who told me that's what she thought Hisana would name a dog after I told her that Byakuya's other dogs were named Sakura Bloom Cascade and Mountainside Granite Crest)
You can read this and my collected drabbles on AO3 or ff.net
It’s almost impossible to find someone in Rukongai, the old saying goes, but it’s not exactly true. There are no records, no central offices, so much death and rebirth and death again. It’s hard to find someone in Rukongai, but it’s far from impossible.
Renji found people all the time.
Renji found Rukia twice between the time they met and the time they officially became friends, once because he wanted to yell at her, and once because he needed a striker for a football game. Rukia wasn’t used to being found in those days, and she found it a little terrifying when he just showed up with that sour scowl on his face.
“It’s just a matter of paying attention,” he told her, a few years later, after he got home from beating up a guy who had stiffed him 200 kan on a delivery job. “Asking around. Being the sort of guy people tell stuff to.”
This ancient conversation popped into Rukia’s head one evening as she was telling her maid, Mikan, a drawn out Hollow-hunting story while Mikan brushed her hair. It suddenly hit Rukia like a bolt of lightning that Hisana must have had a Mikan, too-- someone who knew her and took care of her, who listened to her thoughts and feelings and daily tribulations.
This was the Seireitei, not the Rukon. Finding someone shouldn’t be such a big deal. The Kuchiki family was real big on record-keeping, for sure, and Rukia was sure that her brother’s stiff-necked Head Stewart, Seike, surely had the woman’s name and dates of employment written in his tidy hand in a ledger somewhere. The problem was that Seike would sure tell Byakuya she had been asking, and Byakuya wouldn’t approve of this enterprise. Byakuya felt that servants were servants and that to talk to them or engage them in matters that were not related to their jobs was rude and invasive.
Rukia wondered if Byakuya told Hollow-hunting stories to the ethereally handsome valet that brushed his hair. She guessed not.
So, instead of going directly to the source, she tried to pay attention and figure out who might be ripe for asking around. Rukia wasn’t exactly the sort of girl people liked to talk to, especially not the servants, but Hirai, the man who devoted his days to Byakuya’s trio of exquisitely-bred hunting dogs, was a known talker, and also, Rukia never minded going down to the stables to pet the dogs, who had better manners than a lot of shinigami she knew. Hirai didn’t really remember Hisana’s maid, although he figured she must’ve had one. He also happened to mention that the prize-winning grandmother of the current pack, Bon Lanterns On the Current, had actually just been named “Bonnie.” Apparently, Shiba Kaien had told Hisana over dinner that was what his little brother had named the boar Kaien found in the woods for him, and Hisana thought it was the cutest name she had ever heard. When one of the bitches whelped a week later, Hisana immediately staked her claim. Byakuya had pinned a fancy name on Bonnie retroactively, because he felt strongly that you couldn’t just give a dog a regular name. This story had layers. Rukia couldn’t stop thinking about it for days.
When her shamisen lesson rolled around, later that week, she recalled that the genteel elderly woman who taught her had been Hisana’s teacher, as well. “Oh, yes,” Ms. Nanaha nodded as they tuned their instruments. “Yes, her name was Ujiie and she had a beautiful singing voice. You sister had a lovely voice, too. Deep for woman's-- like yours. Singing for too long took her breath, but Miss Ujiee was always happy to accompany. Those were nice times.” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “Lord Byakuya would often be ‘conveniently’ walking through the garden during Lady Hisana’s lessons. She used to bring a pile of chestnuts and pitch them out the window at him. Lady Hisana had a very good arm, but Lord Byakuya was quite skilled at catching.” She smiled mildly. “Such a lovely couple.”
Ohori, the cook liked Rukia because she gave him the only excuses he ever got to make desserts. Ohori loved his job, but he also loved crafting delicate little wagashi. He had been a junior chef in Hisana’s day, and he remembered her maid quite well. Hisana had apparently had a fondness for dorayaki, and also a fondness for eating them in the library while she was drawing. The maid, whose given name was Yoshiko and had light brown hair, always pulled back in a chignon, used to come down to fetch them and also flirt with him. This last bit was delivered with a wisp of fond nostalgia. Rukia felt inordinately proud of her detective skills.
That glowy feeling of success lasted until bedtime, when Mikan was brushing out Rukia’s hair again.
“Do you know if we still have someone named Ujiie Yoshiko on the staff?” Rukia mused to Mikan hopefully.
“We-elll…” Mikan drew out, and then explained that she, too, had been asking around. Apparently, upon a suggestion from a friend in the House Guard, who had it from one of the House Guard old-timers, that she should talk to old Uka in housekeeping. Old Uka was a good person to know, apparently, if you were interested in 300 years of Kuchiki Family secrets and happened to have a tipple of sake about your person. After a quick side trip to another friend, Assistant Sommelier Katsunogi (since when was Mikan friends with the sommeliers??), Mikan had found out that Ujiie had left the household after Hisana’s death. “She apparently went off to become a governess for a lesser noble family after the mother died,” Mikan frowned as she teased a knot from the ends of Rukia’s hair. “She didn’t know which family. I’m sorry.”
*   *   *
“I can’t decide whether to be blown away by Mikan’s intelligence gathering skills or depressed because the trail goes completely cold after that,” Rukia sighed over her own sake, later, to Renji. “I guess it was a dumb idea in the first place.”
“It doesn’t sound like a total loss,” Renji pointed out. “You heard some new stories about your sis, right? Cripes, I would love to see the captain get nailed in the head with a chestnut.”
“True,” Rukia admitted. “Oh, look at this!” She rummaged around in her sleeve and pulled out an old photograph. “I found a picture in the library of Brother and Bonnie-chan!”
Renji snorted at the sepia-toned photograph of his captain standing stoically in hunting gear, the effect totally ruined by the cheerfully panting hound at his side. It seemed to Rukia that her boyfriend had that look on his face like his brain was off engaged on some other problem. He had a tendency to get a little quiet when the subject of Hisana rolled around. Rukia didn't like to press the matter, so she dropped the subject and listened to Lieutenant Hinamori tease Lieutenant Kira about his new haircut instead.
In fact, Renji was busy thinking about something his Ninth Seat had offhandedly mentioned to him once, and thinking about doing a little asking around of his own.
*   *   *
Rukia had never been to the Shirogane’s house, although they were frequent visitors to Kuchiki Manor. She was somewhat surprised to learn that Renji had been invited over for dinner on a semi-regular basis since he’d taken over the vice-captain post from Ginjirou.
“At first I thought he was worried about your brother,” Renji explained, “and wanted to make sure I did a good job. But he later told me that he could tell I had a lot of potential and that he was sure I was gonna get in good with the captain, and was, uh, hoping me and Mihane would hit it off.”
Rukia gasped. “Are you telling me you gave up your chances to inherit the sunglasses store for me?”
Renji stretched and interlaced his hands behind his head. “I don’t think Mihane would have me anyway. Gotta keep my sights realistic, y’know?”
If Ginjirou was at all disappointed at the failure of his matchmaking scheme, he certainly didn’t show it. This was apparently the first time Renji had visited since his courtship with Rukia had been officially recognized, and one would have thought it was Ginjirou’s own child who stood to marry into the Kuchiki main line.
“There’s someone I want you to meet,” Mihane told Rukia while her father dragged Renji off to show him some of his new goggle designs. “She was my nurse when I was little, but she’s been with us so long, she’s practically family. Apparently, she used to work for your family. I didn’t even know that until Vice-Captain asked me if I knew someone by her name. I guess he remembered something I said a few years ago about my mom dying around the same time Lady Kuchiki did. I don’t even remember saying it. He’s got a mind like a steel trap, that guy. It’s awful working for him, you know.”
“I bet,” Rukia echoed numbly as Mihane pushed open the shoji to the gardens.
“Auntie Yoshiko, Lady Rukia is here!”
A middle-aged woman stood on the engawa. She had light brown hair, streaked with grey, and kind eyes that were filling with tears. “It’s true,” she gasped. “You do look just like her!”
*   *   *
“Was it a good visit?” Renji asked gently on the walk home.
Rukia nodded rapidly, too emotional to say anything.
“That was a pretty good trick,” Renji noted. “Tracking her down like that.”
Rukia snorted. “What are you talking about? I mean, I tried. I tried to do what you said, pay attention, ask around, be the sort of person people tell things to. But then you and Mikan found her without me doing anything.”
Renji’s brows scrunched. “When did I say that?”
“I dunno. A million years ago or so.”
Renji slung his arm around her shoulder. “You know I get hit on the head a lot, so you’ll forgive me for not remembering the exact conversation, but I think what I was trying to say was that the trick is finding some busybodies to do the work for you. Which sounds like exactly what you did.”
Rukia leaned against him, and he pressed her into his side affectionately.
“What I want to know now,” Rukia said slowly. “Is how Mikan is getting so much intelligence out of the House Guard.”
“Oh, they’re all terrible gossips,” Renji pointed out. “But if you want to know which one she’s ‘befriended’, I’ve got a sparring date with Guard Captain Kamata on Tuesday. I bet he knows who’s a soft touch for a pair of big eyes and freckles.”
“Gosh, who isn’t?” Rukia sighed. “Maybe we should just let Mikan keep her secrets. I want her to tell nice stories about me after I’m gone.”
“I wouldn’t worry about that,” Renji replied.
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wilwywaylan · 8 years ago
So. 50 questions ask. Kensei and Sojun :D
Let’s do it.... THE PLOUC!AU WAY !! (where Sojun is alive, a rich man of leisure, and father of both Byakuya and Rukia, and Kensei is a grumpy mechanic who adopted Shuuhei when he was found in their little village)
Big steps in the relationship !
0. But, how did they meet ? When you live in a small town, almost a village, you know about every notorious person / personnality, and important people. Of course Kensei knew about Sojun. The Kuchiki family owns about a third of the land around the country. They live in the biggest house in town, almost a manor. On the other hand, Kensei may not be the only mechanic in town, but he’s certainly the best. He can fix any car, no matter how old or rusty or broken it is. Add to this he has a… personnality, and he made himself well known when he decided to adopt that weird kid who was found on the church’s porch, and of course Sojun has heard about him.So it’s no wonder Sojun called him one day and asked him if he could service his cars, for a good fee of course, because they are very precious and need genius’ fingers. Kensei accepted, it’s good money, and it meant going to that beautiful place and get well treated while working. So he packed Mashiro and went. The cars were beautiful, and his employer even more. Kensei started to go to the Kuchiki home each week, taking care of the car collection. And if he always noticed that Sojun was looking at him sometimes, and if Sojun started taking his tea on the terrace that overlooks the garage, and if Kensei washed the cars half-naked and kept asking Mashiro if Sojun was looking at him, well… Who could blame them ?
1. Who made the first move / who kissed who first ? Kensei, but not of his own free will. It took Mashiro a lot of cheering, which evolved into scolding, which in itself was succeded by threats to go and say it herself, for Kensei to finally gather all his courage and go and confess his feelings. He found some flowers, and went to his usual appointment at the Kuchiki manor. Of course, Sojun was here, waiting for him with his usual smile. The kind that gets Kensei all flustered. Instead of talking, he just offered the flowers (read : almost threw them at him) and stood there, not knowing what to do. Luckily, Sojun seemed to understand what it was all about. He brought Kensei inside, put the flowers in a vase, sat down next to him, and gently, very gently, kissed him. Kensei kinda wondered if he was dreaming, because only in dreams does the sexy object of your affections like you back. But then again, it felt very real for a dream, and he wasn’t sure dreams are that good at kissing…
2. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first ? Probably Kensei. If Mashiro wasn’t there watching and cheering for him, then he’ll probably tell the Vizored and Shuuhei first, by bringing Sojun to them for a family meal. Sojun tries to keep it secret, at least until he’s able to tell it to his father and children without flinching under Ginrei’s killing glare. 
3. What do their family/friends think of their relationship ? Mashiro is sooooo happy that they are finally together, because let’s serious, Kensei may be a strong, manly Male, but he’s as bitching and whiny as anyone when he’s pining. Even worse, because he’s whining like a grumpy man. So it means he’s pouting and growling and moping, and the kitchen has already been cleaned three times, and he’s running outside again, and she starts wanting to tie him in the backyard.Shuuhei is on the same boat as Mashiro. At least he will stop seeing his father sigh like a teenager and look wistfully at the horizon. Because let’s get real, he does love his father, but it’s quite scary to see.Byakuya is Suspicious. What does this oaf of a man want to his sweet, delicate father ? Is he going to break him ? Is he going to…. *insta-blush* seduce him and use him, and throw him aside when he’s done ? No ! That man isn’t going to take advantage of him ! Byakuya Watches. He’s the Gatekeeper, the Faithful Watcher, the Guardian ! All for nothing, because Kensei is perfectly courteous with his father, all doors held and chairs pulled. So he finally admits that, maybe, the mechanic could be a nice person, more or less fit for his father, but he doesn’t entierly abandon his suspicions yet. One may never know, especially with someone like his father. Rukia is glad for her father too. He needs someone to keep him company because, even with his family around, he’s kinda lonely. Now he has someone who loves and almost worships him, to take care of him in every way. It’s good, for his health and his mind. The other Vizards are happy for Kensei too. First, because he’s family, and when family is happy, you’re happy. Second, because he stops pouting. Third, because he’s nicer with Sojun around,d and it’s always good to have a happy Kensei. Besides, having Sojun at the sunday dinner makes always good conversations. The only person who’s not very happy with the situation is Ginrei. What, his precious, delicate son with a brute like this ? This will never do ! A Kuchiki won’t find himself in the hands of a mere mechanic ! Sadly, Sojun is a grown man and takes his own decisions, and doesn’t care about what his father wants him to do. It makes for… interesting sunday brunchs, with Ginrei glaring at Kensei the whole time.
4. Which couple/family are they closest to ? The Vizored are just one big, weird, complicated family. When Sojun came around, they just took him in and made him one of them. He's now part of the Sunday lunches (that request the conjointed efforts of at least ten people), celebrations, movie nights and way more. Shizuk even calls him his "pretty uncle".
5. When do they move together ? Where and how ? It took a while, because they both needed to find their marks in the relationship and know where they are going before taking that step. Once they were secure enough together, they discussed moving together. They could, of course, move into the Kuchiki estate. It's big, it's well situated, it's comfortable, and they would be catered too. But under Ginrei's supervisation. And it's too far from the garage. So they decide to move in Kensei's flat. It's moderately big, with lots of open space, and it's always perfectly clean. It took a while to get adjusted. Sojun brought some furniture with him, and a ton of books, and they needed to find some space for his things. After several weeks, everything was finally settled, sorted and found its place. Then, they had to get used to live with each other. Sojun never had to worry about space, about finding somewhere to sit wihtout having anyone around, and even in the rooms around. And Kensei didn't have to share his living space with someone since Shuuhei left. He had to remember how to live with someone who may not have the same cleaning habits than him, and not let it bother him too much. It takes a few discussions and putting things on the table, but they finally get it to work : Sojun cleans after him and always takes care of putting his tea cup away, and Kensei doesn't get aggravated if he forgets.
6. Who proposes and how ? Sojun. Two adults living together for a time don't really need to get married, especially when they don't have children together. At least, that's Ginrei's stance on the question, and he's very adamant about it. So, the next logical step is to do it, because let's be real, Sojun is old enough to stop following his father's orders. Besides, he doesn't know what he's talking about, really.He proposes to Kensei one evening, with a simple ring he can wear on the chain around his neck. Kensei is delighted to learn that Sojun wants to live his life with him. The practical aspects come later, like the fact that Kensei is now his next of kin and will take all decisions related to his medical care in the event of something happening, and all matters of insurance and the like. They talk about it calmly, in front of a nice dinner, then start talking about the wedding, how it will be, who's going to do what. They talk about it until late in the night, and when they finally go to bed, it's with the reassurance that they'll live the rest of their lives together.
7. Where do they go on their honeymoon ? Kensei wants to show Sojun the world ! At least, the world outside their quaint little village and the endless fields around it. Little does he know that Sojun already knows the world outside, and is well-traveled for someone who only sits on his terrace all day long and reads with a cup of tea at hand. They end up going on a trip around the country, choosing the nicest little towns to stop. Kensei drives, they stop at all the cute little inns and old rock'n'roll bars, go on walks through forests and landmarks, and come home very, very happy !
Let’s talk about sex~
8. Who has the biggest kink (and what is it) ? They aren’t very kinky persons, but their favourite kink is somewhat close. Sojun gets all hot and bothered each time he sees Kensei getting all dirty during his job, or all wet when cleaning his cars, or all sweaty when he cuts wood. And Kensei almost had a heart attack when Sojun accidentaly smeared grease on his face. Something about the rough, black subtance marring the delicate features. They don’t bring oil or other weird things in the bedroom, but sometimes, when Mashiro isn’t around, they kinda bring the bedroom to the weird things.
9. Who initiates sex more often ? It's a draw, really. They both find each other really, really sexy, and while they are adults and can keep their hands off each other on most times, they are very happy to enjoy each other's company the best they can when they are alone.
10. What kink/kinks turn(s) one (or both) of them off ? Pain play. Neither of them is into it at all.
11. What’s the craziest place they’d have sex ? On the hood of a car in Kensei’s garage. And strangely, it was Sojun’s doing. Kensei didn’t want at first, because dirt and oil and machineries and dirty and your health is bad !! But Sojun just had to sit on the hood all sexy and bare a little skin, and he was a goner.
12. Who is more aggressive in bed ? Kensei. Can you really blame anyone ? He has the muscles to manhandle his husband how he wants… and of course how the husband wants. Sojun’s word is law in the bedroom. And he likes it a lot too~
13. How does the other person react when their partner wears something special (boots, lingerie, etc.) ? Have you ever seen a grown man blush almost from head to toe ? Because that’s the way they both react. Kensei because he’s not used to see his prim and proper husband wear something… ract. Sojun because when you’re from his family, you don’t learn about those kinds of things, except in those books you have to smuggle into your room unless you want your father to learn about it and look at you in a disappointed way. So it’s way outside of his sphere of habit. And he loves it.
14. Lights on or off ? Depends where it happens, you can't really turn off the lights in the garage when you're having sex in plain day... Most of the time, they keep a light on to be able to watch each other.
Quirks and habits
15. What are their quirks while sleeping ? Kensei is The Log. You put him in bed, he doesn't move until morning. It's perfect for cuddles. But he's also a light sleeper, and the slightest noise makes him jump, ready to fight. It made things a bit complicated at first, because Sojun moves a little, and tended to wake him up. But they work around it. Kensei makes an effort not to jump out of bed. Besides, Sojun's meds make him a heavy sleeper, so it works out in the end.
16. Who is the morning person/night person ? Kensei is the morning person. Up at the crack of dawn, because there’s so much to do ! He starts with a bit of roadwork, then a shower, and then, a nice breakfast. He’s kinda a night person too, to the extent of staying up during the first movie of the evening. But after that, he crashed.Sojun is neither. He often gets up late, and goes to bed reasonably early. His sickness eats away a good part of his energy, and he needs a long night of sleep to recover.
17. Who wakes the other one up with kisses ? And breakfast. And a show of his wonderful body doing his exercizes. What do you want, Kensei just loves giving Sojun the best mornings ever.
18. Who is the romantic one (Valentine’s Day or other) ? Honestly, it’s a draw. You may not guess it when you look at him, but Kensei DOES have a romantic bone in his body. A small one and well hidden, but it’s there. And really, there’s nothing better than welcoming your partner home with a well-cooked meal. Sojun knows that, beside that, Kensei isn’t really romantic, so he doesn’t try too hard. But a few gestures like a walk on nice evenings do wonders.
19. Who would lead in ballroom dancing ? Sojun. As an Important Person of the Land, he had to take dancing lessons during his youth, especially ballroom dancing. That’s even how he seduced his first wife. And sometimes, he just feels like moving a bit. So sometimes, he just grabs Kensei and dance around the garage with him. The music doesn’t have anything to do with ballroom dancing, Kensei is greasy and sweaty, and the ground is covered in metal parts and whatnot. But it couldn’t be more perfect.
20. Who is the one to most likely pick the movie they watch ? Sojun, because he knows what Kensei REALLY likes to watch, and he always takes his tastes in consideration, even when his husband doesn’t want to say what he wants. 
21. Who is the one who would pay for dates ? Kensei is manly ! Kensei is strong ! Kensei pays for dates ! Except that Sojun’s wallet is bottomless, and he has no problems paying for things, even insisting to it. Kensei has slowly learnt to let him from time to time. Sojun needs to feel able to treat his husband too. And it means better restaurants and things that Kensei could afford, honestly.
22. Who takes over the beauty/style department ? Okay, Kensei is NOT the kind of man that figures that a t-shirt and cargo pants are acceptable wear for a classy evening as long as they aren’t covered in oil and grim, but it’s not that far. So of course, Sojun decides to take over, especially when they go out, or when they are invited at the Kuchiki estate. But besides those occasions, he leaves Kensei at his beloved work / military clothes, because that’s how he’s the most comfortable. Sometimes, he even borrows them, just for fun (and for the way Kensei looks at him when he wears his clothes).
23. What would they get each other for gifts ? Sojun buys Kensei top-of-the-line tools, kitchen ustensiles and appliances, and workout equipment. Kensei buys Sojun as many books as he can carry in one go (which means, a lot), lots of refined teas, and beautiful kimonos, because his gorgeous husband deserves the best.
24. Who cusses more ? Kensei, of course. He says it’s part of the job, a mechanic HAS to swear, but to be honest, he kinda likes it, and loves coming with new cusses. Mashiro notes them in a notebook. On the opposite, Sojun never swears. Half his family is sure he doesn’t even know what a curse is.
25. Who remembers things ? And who forgets the birthdays and anniversaries (and has to be forgiven) ? They are both quite good at remembering things, be it dates and anniversaires, grocery lists, etc... The whiteboard in the kitchen and the small post-it notes scattered around the places are mainly covered in small messages.
26. Who is the bigger cuddler ? Sojun is the biggest cuddle Amateur in the house. But his way of asking for them is to walk up to Kensei and get closer and closer until he’s against him. Unless he’s busy cooking something that deserves all his attention, Kensei understands and delivers the bear hug. Not to say that he always needs to be prompted fr that. Sometimes, you just want to hug your small husband very tight.
27. Nicknames for each other ? WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE A NICKNAME WHEN SOMEONE HAS A NAME AS PRETTY AS SOJUN !! YOU ARE NO MAN OF TASTE !! (Sojun likes “my love”. Or “my man”. It’s very cliché. He loves it)
28. Who decorates the apartment ? To say that Kensei's apartment wasn't decorated is an understatement. Functionnal furniture and that's all. Mashiro bought him a few decorating things that he just... put on the tables and shelves, without arranging them. It took Sojun's move with crates full of pretty scrolls, paintings and knickknacks, that he put on the walls and furniture, for the flat to finally be decorated enough.
29. Who initiates duets ? Kensei does not sing. At all. Sometimes, he’ll hum along the music playing in his garage, but it’s more like a toneless noise than really singing. Sojun doesn’t insist. 
30. What do they do to cheer each other up ? The Kensei Theory says that, if it’s sad and it has a mouth, you can put food in it until it’s feeling better. Works better when 1) you don’t try to overfeed the person / animal / other, and 2) you take care of cooking foods the person / animal / other likes. Sojun can always count on a cup of his favourite tea and little pastries when he’s feeling down, with a side of hug. When Kensei is feeling down, Sojun knows that talking is not a good idea, especially not trying to pull it out of him. It always ends in curses. The best way is to sit silently with him, and hug him, or take him on a walk and hold his hand. You’d never guess, but the hand-holding is the very important part.
Daily life
31. Who is more tech-savvy ? Kensei. Not only does he know everything about engines and the like, he’s more than skilled with other things : appliances, plumbing, machines, everything. You have something broken, you call Kensei. He can fix everything. Sojun sometimes calls him “the Machine Whisperer”.
32. Who drinks all of the coffee ? Kensei. Not to say that coffee is his raison d'être, but he drinks quite the quantity all day long. He even put a coffee maker in the garage. Sojun is more of a tea person.
33. Who does what chores ? Leave it to Kensei to take care of every cleaning chore under the sun. That man can get any stain out : blood, sweat, oil, gas… It’s magical. He’s a good cleaner too, and he likes dusting, moping and the like. It helps him relax and empty his mind. On the other hand, Sojun has grown up surrounded by maids and butlers who took care of every chore. He’s not totally inept, but he’s…. not very good at it, and gladly leaves them to Kensei. But he’s quite good as accounting, and balances the checkbooks for the garage and their home. They both go grocery shopping, because it’s fun to do it together. And Sojun can loudly marvel at Kensei’s strength when he carries all the bags and bottle packs, so everyone can hear how much his husband is awesome.
34. Who kills the bugs ? Kensei. It’s not that he’s a mean man who loves to squash innocent bugs. Most of the time, he waves them around and ends up swatting them. Sojun just ignores them, unless they try to eat his food.
35. Who makes the bed in the mornings ? Kensei. It comes with a past in the military, he’s used to make it as soon as he’s up and about. Now that there’s a Sojun in it, it’s harder. He tried to make it around him, but Sojun is not a cat that you can move around, and he always ended waking him up. Now he just waits until Sojun has left the bed, and makes it durung his lunch break.
36. Who starts getting into holidays way before they should ? Shinji. No, really. No one can get into holidays farther than that man. He’s like in perpetual holiday mood. You can’t help but follow him. But most of the time, Sojun is more into holidays than Kensei in every way but planning holiday feasts.
37. Who initiates the couple selfies ? what is that “selfies” thing you’re talking about ? (J/k. Kensei knows about selfies. For a man who counted on his appearance to woo his beloved, he’s very conscious of what he looks like and what he can do. And he wasn’t above using selfies and such to know about the effect he had !)Most of the time, Sojun is the one taking them, whenever they are in a nice place. Kensei sometimes does, too, especially when Sojun is looking very nice (and he does, too).
38. Who always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping ? Kensei. Surprisingly, it’s not even for him, but for Mashiro. He knows she has a gigantic sweet tooth, and can’t concentrate at all if she doesn’t have something to snack on. He already saw her leave work in search of something to eat, without (too much) concern for work. So now, he keeps a snack box under the desk.
39. Who asks to keep the abandoned kitten/puppy they find in the rain ? Everybody knows it : Kensei is weak for everything cute and tiny ~especially with green hair~. When surprised with his umbrella over a tiny puppy or putting some milk out for the kitten living under the shed, he growls and shuffles his feet, all embarrassed. Sojun knows very well his fondness for tiny animals, but that his Kenseiness doesn’t allow him to confess it. So he’s the one asking to keep the animals, to his husband’s greatest delight.
40. So how many pets, and who remembers to feed them ? Does Mashiro count as a pet ? Kensei sometimes half-jokes that he has to feed and walk her or she gets restless. But other than that, they don't keep pets. They take in all the puppies and kitties they can, but bring them to Soi-Fon's refuge, so they'll find a good, loving family. 
41. Who gets babied when they’re sick ? Kensei NEVER gets sick ! Nonsense ! That’s for non-manly people ! (something he doesn’t claim when Sojun is around, because it could hurt his feelings, and he doesn’t want to hurt anything in Sojun). But when a sickness turns out to be manlier than him, he gets put to bed and fussed upon. He protests, of course, he doesn’t think that Sojun should exert himself while taking care of him. But he can’t tell he doesn’t like the attention.Sojun gets babied all the time. That’s the only advantage of having a chronic disease. It means that your overprotective husband will always make sure you’re warm enough, fed enough, comfortable enough, and won’t stop trying to make things better and more enjoyable for you. To the extent of wanting to carry you everywhere because you shouldn’t have to tire yourself by walking, but that’s where Sojun draws the line.
42. Who brings breakfast to bed ? Kensei, of course. Nothing better than waking your cute husband up with a whole assortiment of pastries, pancakes, tea, and a rose in a vase to complete. And nothing even better to see his smile when he sees you first thing in the morning (yes, Kensei is Very Much In Love).
43. Who has sole posession of the T.V. remote ? The one who finds it, gets to keep it.
44. Who comes home drunk at 3am ? No one. Sojun doesn't drink much, he's more of a social drinker, and he likes to take the time to taste his fine sake instead of gulping it down, like that oaf his son likes to be around. Kensei drinks more, and sometimes gets moderately drunk with the Vizored, but nothing more than that. And they both go home early enough after parties and evenings, to keep their rhythm intact. Besides, it's way better to have time to cuddle, rather than crash on the bed (and your husband).
45. What do they do when they’re away from each other ? Mop and pin for each other They mostly get themselves busy. Sojun reads a lot, and takes care of not exerting himself too much. Kensei fixes cars, does the cleaning and laundry, exercizes. Everything to keep busy. Sojun may send Kensei lots of cute messages and pics, and Kensei may check his phone every two minutes, but while the former will just smile, the latter will fiercly deny it with all his might.
46. What are they afraid of ? They are both afraid of Sojun's illness getting worse, and closely monitor it. Kensei tries not to be too mother-hen, but he can't help the knot in his gut when Sojun has an outbreak stronger than usual. Sojun tries to comfort him (Kensei insisting that he's the one in dire need of comfort), but he too is worried, and hopes that things won't get too bad. He doesn't want to saddle his husband with the burden of having to take care of someone too badly ill.Additionnaly, Kensei is scared of Sojun leaving him. Really, that man is beautiful, refined and clever, he could have anyone, and he still chose the grumpy mechanic. Sometimes, he thinks that his husband is going to get fed up with him and leave. He sometimes wonders about it at night, staying wide awake for hours. When he hears about it, Sojun tries to reassure him : he could have anyone he wants and that's exactly who he chose. So what if Kensei is grumpy ? He's protective and takes good care of him, and he loves him, and that's all that matters.
47. How often do they fight ? Almost never. Kensei knows he’s a brash man, and when he gets angry, he really gets angry. Like, scream-the-house-down angry. And he knows that Sojun, even if not a small, delicate flower, couldn’t handle that kind of behavior. He’s not used to it, you don’t scream anything down in the Kuchiki household. And Kensei doesn’t want him to get used to it. So what if he has to go out and run ten laps around the block ? At least he doesn’t lash at Sojun, and they can talk things out like normal persons, without fighting. But they don’t have lots of disagreements, really.
48. What would they do if the other one was hurt ? Let’s just hope that Sojun was hurt by falling down the stairs or something, because if someone dared to touch him, he would have to deal with Kensei’s intense rage, and would either join a monastary and never, ever set foot outside again, or end up as dog food. In either situation, Sojun would get the hell pampered out of him, with Kensei waiting on him hand and foot. Sojun wouldn’t seek vengeance if something was to happen to Kensei, but he would probably do his best to get him the best doctor of the region. Maybe a team of doctors. The best team, so his husband is well taken care of. And if someone DID wrong Kensei… let’s just say they’d need all the luck they can, because if they’re in the wrong, they’ll pay dearly for it. If not, then no problem. 
And once they have kids…
49. How many kids ?
Three ! Except that they already had them. Shuuhei, Byakuya and Rukia are a bit weirded out at first, because unless the Vizards who were betting on the outcome, they didn’t see anything coming, or at least not much (Shinji has a FIELD DAY with that). The first family reunions and Sunday lunches are a bit uncomfortable, because no one knows what to talk about, and they watch with a hint of suspicion Kensei and Sojun interact (both are totally oblivious of the situation).It gets more comfortable, slowly. Talking with Sojun is relaxing, and Shuuhei likes that his stepfather can talk about lots of different subjects, and doesn’t communicate with grumps. Rukia is happy, because Kensei makes the best pastry puffs, and he’s more than happy to bake them for her. Byakuya takes more time to warm up to his stepfather. After all, a brute like him isn’t made for a Kuchiki, right ? And what if he can’t take care of him? What if he’s *gasp* bad for him ? But Sojun is the happiest he’s even been, and he doesn’t show signs of being mistreated. So he lets go… a little. But it doesn’t mean he’s not going to keep watch !
50. Who is the stricter parent ? Kensei. Shuuhei has been raised in a very stric way, and he’s always adamant about his instructions or advices being followed to the letter. It may be rooted in his military past. But he can be leniant on some points. On the opposite, Sojun had always taken the comprehensive and gentle way, trying to guide his children the best he could without hurts.
51. Who stays up late helping with homework ? No one because there's no homework to do anymore ! But that would be Sojun. Not that Kensei is stupid (people tend to dismiss him because he's a mechanic), but he lacks patience. He did his best to help Shuuhei with his homework when he did have some, but he was quite happy to leave the task to Tôsen, the nice neighbourg who used to babysit him. Sojun has the right amount of patience and firmness to get homework done quickly, and Byakuya's and Rukia's were always done to a T.
52. Who likes to take the family out and for what ? Depends of who the family consists of. They don’t often go out together. Most of the time, they meet at either of their houses. Sometimes, they go with their children in a nice restaurant where Kensei doesn’t have to cook and can be waited on hand and foot, but he doesn’t like it that much. When it’s just the two of them, Sojun drags Kensei outside, for a walk or visiting something. He always takes care of choosing quiet activities to enjoy together, without the hassle of a crazy family and group of friends around them.
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ninjaemi93 · 6 years ago
You Couldn’t Keep Me Away
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Chapter 5
Asami after a few moments, decided to take her break. As she got up her knees buckled from sitting for so long that she lost her balance and fell forward. 
“Are you alright?” Captain Ukitake asked coming to her side. “I just sat for too long. My knees buckled.” Asami said laughing a bit embarrassed  only to feel her lip was wet. “You cut your lip here let me…” the Captain said grabbing a towel to wipe the blood up with. He dabbed her lip with the towel, completely focusing on it. Asami’s face turned red from him being so close to her face. He stared into her eyes intently and she stared back. “I’m sorry am I interrupting something.” A suave voice at the door said. Both Captain Ukitake and Asami looked towards the door. “Shunsui!” the Captain said to the visitor angrily. His face was red from what Asami could see, but she had no reason to judge as her face was red as well. “I never expected to see you in a position like that.” The visitor, Shusui said with a little laugh. Asami turned even more red. “Come on Shunsui don’t be embarrassing.” Captain Ukitake said. Asami noticed underneath the pink flowered kimono Shunsui was wearing was a Captain’s Haori. She then recognized him as the Division 8 Captain Shunsui Kyoraku. She had heard the Captain and he were good friends. “So what’s her name, hmm? I’ve never seen her around here before.” Shunsui said eyeing Asami up and down. “She’s my new fourth seat, Asami Fujiwara. She’s from Division 4.” Captain Ukitake said answering his friend’s question. “P-pleased to meet you sir.” Asami said bowing to him. “Nice to meet you too.” He said cracking a smirk across his face. “You’re free to leave for the day Asami-san. Thanks for your help as always.” Captain Ukitake said with a smile. He acted as if the whole situation was normal. “Yes, sir.” Asami said with a bow. She then nervously left the room and went to hers. She was so embarrassed to be caught in such a position with the Captain. She placed her head in her hands and cried a bit from being so embarrassed. It really looked like they were about to kiss. Asami blushed again. A knock at the door took her from her thoughts. “Miss Asami.” The Captain’s voice said. She opened the door and looked up at him. In an instant he leaned down and placed his lips on hers. Asami’s eyes went wide and her face turned red. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. After the passionate kiss their lips drifted apart. They stared at one another for a moment before Captain Ukitake smiled. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said then turned away walking back to his quarters. Asami stood at her door shocked at what had just happened. She even began to wonder if it even happened or if she was day dreaming. She turned back to her room and shut the door behind her. The Captain and she had really just kissed one another. “W-what does this mean?” Asami asked herself. She sighed in frustration. There was no one she could talk to about this. “Are you coming to dinner Miss Asami” Kiyone called through the door two hours later. “Y-yes. I’m coming.” Asami said getting up from her meditation. She walked nervously to the mess hall hoping not to see the Captain or his friend Captain Kyoraku. When she arrived in the mess hall she saw Rukia was there. She smiled and waved to her. “Get your food and come sit by me.” Rukia said. “Okay.” Asami said. She got her food then sat down next to Rukia. “How have you been?” Rukia asked. “I’m doing well. I haven’t seen you in a few days. Have you been eating at home?” Asami asked. “Yes, my brother likes to have me home for dinner sometimes.” Rukia said stiffly as if it wasn’t much fun. “I see.” “Maybe if I ask him I can bring you with me next time.” Rukia said in an excited voice. A shiver went down Asami’s back. “Maybe.” She said back with nervous laugh. “I already told him about our duel.” She said “What did he say?” “Well he told me to get better and train harder.” Rukia said biting her lip. “Well that sounds rude. I thought you did an excellent job. We all need to get better and train harder.” Asami said scowling. “It’s okay I’m used to my brother’s advice, whether it be harsh or not.” Rukia said. “If you say so.” Asami said a bit worried for Rukia. “Anyway I’ll ask him and see what he says.” Rukia said “Okay.” Asami finally said. “Miss Asami!” Kiyone’s voice sounded from behind her. “Yes, Kiyone?” “Will you help us with paperwork tonight?” Sentaro’s voice asked. “How much do you have left?” she asked turning to face the dynamic duo. “Maybe 300 pages.” Kiyone said. “So 100 a piece.” Asami asked. “No 300 a piece to get it finished.” Sentaro said with a nervous gulp. “Seriously you two?!” she said exasperated.”Fine I’ll help.” Asami said reluctantly. “I can help to if you’d like.” Rukia said. “Yes, please.”Kiyone said. They all finished eating then made their way to Kiyone and Sentaro’s office. Asami and Rukia each took 150 pages to work on leaving the remaining 600 for Kiyone and Sentaro. Each took a spot in the office to start their work. Asami finished her work first and decided to take some more paperwork from Kiyone and Sentaro to help them out. After about three hours, the paperwork was finished and filed. “Thanks for your help guys.” Kiyone said giving them a hug. “I can’t thank you enough.” Sentaro said bowing to them. “Try not to get behind again.” Asami said to them massaging her fingers from writing so much. “We’ll try not to.” They both replied. “Good. But if you do, you can always count on us to help.” Rukia said putting her arm around Asami. “Well it’s late everyone. Let’s turn in for the night.” Asami said with a yawn. “Good night Miss Asami, Miss Rukia.” Sentaro and Kiyone said bowing. Rukia and Asami bowed back and went their separate ways. “Good night Miss Asami.” Rukia said bowing as she left to go back home to the Kuchiki manor house. Back in her room Asami dressed for bed. She brushed her long black hair before laying down and closing her eyes only to quickly open them again. She was so focused on getting the paperwork done she forgot about the Captain kissing her until now. She blushed fiercely underneath her covers. She felt a warmth in her chest and butterflies in her stomach. She had no idea what she was going to do tomorrow when she had to do her morning check on him. She had so many questions to ask him. After some hours of worrying, Asami finally fell asleep.
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