#and both leon and des hide their eyes..... as if to forget and hide who they are
wisecrackingeric-2 · 2 days
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@courtofparrots @kingflups I decided to combine both of your results (23- a kiss while drunk and 42- a kiss out of spite) into one big stupid fic that I absolutely ADORE for no good reason so I hope you enjoy!!!!! :DDD
Fic under cut!!
Leon stumbled into the side of the door, nearly dropping the empty glass he clutched in his hand onto the nice new mahogany floor he’d insisted on buying.
“Am not drunk”
Luis had to hold back his giggles like his life depended on it as he gently took the glass out of Leon’s hand, placing it on the kitchen bench nearby. It was almost adorable, he had to admit- the way Leon was so stubborn in insisting that he wasn’t drunk. Which he so, so obviously was. He probably wouldn’t have even been so insistent if it weren’t for Luis relentlessly teasing him about his taste in alcohol- but he couldn’t help it, alright! American’s just had bad taste!!
“And I’m the reincarnation of Miguel De Cervantes in the flesh.”
Leon shook his head and tumbled his way to the kitchen counter, sluggishly pulling up a chair opposite to Luis. Who, in return, leaned over the marble with his chin rested in the palm of his hand; a patient, languid expression and small smile on his face.
“C-Cervantes was ugly. You’re waaaaaaay hotter than that guy”
Luis’ smile broadened and his eyes crinkled with curiosity. That familiar, gut-deep warmth that always came in tandem with Leon’s compliments cursed his chest once again- even while knowing he was piss-drink, Luis still wasn’t immune to his praise.
“How so, if I may ask, my dear Sancho?”
“Well for one thing,”
Leon dramatically put one hand up in the air,
“He was ooooooold. Like, hundreds of years old”
“Maybe he is now…”
“And two,” Leon raised his other hand,
“He, like, sat in his room and wrote books all day. Like, who does that?! Who writes books all day?? Eugh!!”
Luis had to bite his lip to keep himself from devolving into uncontrollable laughter, tears already pricking the corners of his eyes as he watched Leon fake-gag.
“O-Okay!! He’s old and had hobbies! Understood! I’ll avoid all those things, I guess…”
“AND number threeeeeee!!!”
Leon slammed his hands down on the counter, leaning into Luis’ space a little bit.
“You kiss booooooyyyyssss…”
Luis made the most atrocious noise from his throat known to mankind while trying not to laugh.
The cadence Leon had said that could best be compared to a schoolgirl telling her best friend about her secret crush- not a grown man kicking his feet and giggling on the kitchen counter.
“Is that so??”
Luis squeaked out, using every muscle in his body to not laugh. Or cry. Leon nodded profusely,
“Yeeeeaaaahhh… you’re a boy kisser… I bet you wanna kiss me sooooooo bad…”
“Oh, I’m afraid not, cariño,”
He gave his lover a gentle smile and a pat on the shoulder, trying to let him down as easy as he could- but his big, wet, sad blue puppydog eyes already had his composure crumbling.
“You’re just a little drunk. It’d be immoral of me to kiss you in his state, mí príncipe”
Luis hoped the showering of nicknames would help soften the blow, but it really did quite the opposite.
Leon looked beyond devastated. You could’ve kicked a puppy and it wouldn’t look as forlorn and heartbroken as the sad little blonde in front of him did. But Luis was about to lose his composure! Not yet, at least!!
“W-What?? You- you don’t wanna kiss me…?”
“Lo siento-“
“F-Fine!!” Leon, in the blink of an eye, went from sad-pouting to angry-pouting. “I-I didn’t even wanna kiss you, anyway!! I bet you’re a terrible kisser!!”
Poor Luis had to cover his mouth to hide his smile lest he be exposed for his unseriousness in this totally serious scenario.
“Awwwww, nooo, my dearest Sancho, don’t say that…”
“Y’know, you’re really missing out! I’m a great kisser!!! Just ask, um…”
Leon looked down to count on his hands,
“Ada… and… Chris… if kissing for a dare counts… and… my ex-girlfirend… whose name I’m forgetting… and… um… and-“
Luis swiftly cut Leon off by grabbing the sides of his face and pressing him in for a messy, unceremonious kiss. His lover tasted like cheap American liquor, just as he’d assumed, but for once he didn’t hate the taste. Maybe that was just because he wasn’t the one drinking it, though. Not exactly the most romantic kiss they’d ever shared… but at least it shut Leon up.
Who, speaking of, was panting like a dog by the time Luis finally let go of him. He was about to say something, probably along the lines of how he’d never do that again for him, but Leon promptly cut him off with the stupidest, most boyish smile on planet earth.
“Ooooooooo, you’re jealooooouuuuuusss…”
“No I am not!!”
“Are too!”
“Am not!!”
“Are too!!”
This went on for far longer than Luis cared to admit. He argued with Leon deep into the night- exhausting him of his energy to the point where he just ended up falling asleep on the couch anyways. And Luis wasn’t far behind; throwing a thin, decorative blanket over their bodies and snuggling up to his side until the two of them drifted off to sleep together.
Luis would have plenty of ammo for teasing in the morning.
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bitter-panacea · 1 year
Me whenever Bronev and Desmond are in the same room
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kickingasssince98 · 3 years
Ikèmen Vampire OC:
The Dark Temptor
Marquis de Sade
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Birthday: June, 2nd
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Height: 1.90 cm
Past Occupation: Nobleman & Libertine Novelist
Vampire Type: Lesser Vampire
"Do tell me all your sins, little dove. I can't erase them for you, but I sure can make you become proud of them..."
Donatien Alphonse François, also known simply as the Marquis de Sade, is a French nobleman, ex-revolutionary politician and philosopher who had became (in)famous for his scandalous erotic writings, which combined philosophical discourse with pornography, depicting sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence, suffering, sodomy, crime, and blasphemy against religion.
De Sade spent almost half of his life in jail and later in an insane asylum as punishment for his freedom of thinking, but he was revived as a vampire by his old friend, le Comte de Saint-Germain, and brought to live in the 19th century together with him and his other well known historical residents.
Detached, indifferent and covered in mystery, De Sade seems like a very unapproachable man.
However, even the Devil himself was once a beautiful angel...
Messy neck-lenght, strawberry red hair with silver gray bangs
Tall and well-built
Eye color: Charcoal black
Has a long scar over his right eye
Black cross piercings in both his ears as a mocking simbolism to the fact that he's a vampire and that the cross had been used in the past by the romans as a torture device
I will start this up mentioning that De Sade is not everyone's cup of tea most often than not. He's a very difficult person to be around to at first. He came back to life full of barely surpressed anger thanks to the trauma of his past, seeking out and picking fights just for the sake of it. So don't be too surprised to find out that he's not getting along with anyone in the mansion, not even with the sweetheart that is Vincent van Gogh and that is saying a lot...
Spiteful. He has a personal beef with Napoleon especially, due to the fact that our boy Leon, when he was the emperor, was the one who ordered the arrest of the anonymous author of the infamous novels "Justine" and "Juliette" and imprisoned him without a trial. De Sade is not the one to forgive and forget that easily...
But he's very intelligent and wise
Rafined and full of grace...
Listen... Thanks to him the term "sadism" was invented. He's yandere self is top notch and can make Shakespeare feel like a walk in the park any day, so choose your battles carefully around this guy
Sarcastic most of the time
And he's a man of a few words. Doesn't like to waste his breath and time explaining himself and is very anti-social
On the reverse of the coin, if you get to know him better, you gonna find out that he's a very sad and depressed person
Wanting nothing more than someone to accept him with all his flaws and traumas, someone who's willing to not judge him for the simple fact that he just wanted to explore the nature of the humanity with all its darkness and sins and speak freely about it...
Writing, philosophy, politics, dancing waltz, taking long walks on the garden at midnight
Fine clothes, luxury, comfortable and cosy beds
The taste of champagne, birds, hypocrisy, being restrained to can't speak his mind directly
In Love:
Like I said above, Donatien is a very difficult person to approach at times due to his rough past. But this doesn't mean that, when a certain little human lady walks into the mansion through that mysterious door just Le Comte seems to use it, he's not as curious and interested like the rest of the vampires. Actually, he's the second character MC meets after Napoleon.
Picture it (Sicily, 1922... Lol, jk, but if you know, you know😉) after hiding behind a curtain, Napoleon's trying to find a way to help her out... Only to meet the owner of the footsteps that had made Leon going into hiding in the first place. A long arm coated in dark green velvet reach out, leaning its palm on the wall next to MC and Napoleon's heads, cutting their way of exit, a tall shadow looming over them
"My, my... And what do we have here? Why, Vôtre Majesté... the handsome man with bloody red hair who the arm belonged to couldn't help a sardonic grin to lift up a corner of his mouth. Sneaking mistresses into the house at night? I must say, I have expected this from that dim wit of a womanizer, but from you? I'm shocked really... Speechless"
From that encounter alone you're in for one hell of an emotional roller-coaster.
You can't help it but being attracted and fascinated by his darkness from the beginning...
Lots of angst? Sure. Lots of drama? You can bet. His dark eyes, black as the sins his at fault for, hides more than just harsh and mean, empty words to keep himself at distance.
If he falls in love, De Sade will give gladly and selfless everything that he is to you. He's a yandere so expect to be super possessive with you, to want you for himself.
He will tie and bond you to him (sometimes literally if you're into this, after all he's one of the pioneers of bdsm *wink*), keeping you safely into his arms, cuddling and opening his heart to you as time goes by and your relationship evolves into one of full intimacy
He'll respect and seek for you, adore you and protect you with all that he has, you're his world, his one and only true love that he ever known...
Trivia/Fun facts:
The long, ugly scar he have on the right side of his eye is the result of an old fight he got himself into in his "glory days" as a convict in Bastille. He might tell you the story if he trust you well enough
After all the years living in prison, sleeping on cold floors covered in rotten hay, smelling of igrasion and wearing a rag of a jail uniform, De Sade developed almost an obsession for fine stuff like clothes and smooth, cosy and so comfortable beds that he can feel himself sinking into them, things that offers him comfort, warmth and a sense of safety
He's one hell of a ballroom dancer, waltz being a personal favorite. If you're invited to a ball in the 19th century make sure to ask him for dancing lessons, you won't regret it. He'll make you a pro in a blink of an eye :)))
Even though he appears like a total jerk and some people will state that he is a real, scandalous monster, he can be a real charmer if (and when) he wants. He's a nobleman after all, he's a gentleman by default and can easily rival Le Comte smooth attitude if he cares to show his true colors to the right person
Being brought back to life as a vampire haven't made De Sade wanting to blend in with his new existence so he hadn't even bothered trying to find a new identity like his other house mates had for themselves. He prefer to go by his title of birth and if someone asks him out of pure curiosity he is his own "descendent". He's amused that even to this days some pleope whispers about him - his "ancestor" - with fear and contempt
He posess a ball python snake as a pet that goes by the name of Jaunir and De Sade has a real sadistic pleasure to let her roam around the house to scare the other residents. Sometimes you can see him wearing Jaunir roped around his neck like a scarf
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hibiscuswolverine · 3 years
Ha ha oops-
My THH rewrite?? Ghost Au??? Idk everyone the same except Makoto gets tired and is somewhat himself. Ghosts get angry and you might think I took something before writing this all down.
CW: talks of gore, and brief mention of attempted su//c//de
-Sayaka is the first ghost he encounters, both in a dream/nightmare/somewhat memory and then in real life. The Nightmare starts somewhat normal enough it’s a memory of a younger him and Komaru walking along the Santa Cruz boardwalk, they escape their babysitters and run off to the beach. Komaru dares him to play hide and seek with her in the mirror/glass maze that’s on the beach, he declines at first(because it’s dark and she made him lose the candy apple he was eating) but after Komaru calls him a chicken it is on. She goes first and then he goes in *cue cute kid running into every other glass mirror*
-NOw the lights were on (dimmed) but then at some point they go out completely and baby Makoto ain’t really feeling it. So he still looking for Komaru with more urgency and starts to call for her.
-When he does find her it’s like they’re in their own solitary cubes but they can see each other through the glass wall. Komaru tries around all sides to get out and reach her brother but she can’t, so then Makoto tries but to no avail, even the side that he came in is blocked off. And then the light behind Komaru’s cube turns on and nothing is there BUT then the left and right lights begin to flicker. Yeah, so uhm she’s screwed but they’re both 5 and 6 and don’t watch horror movies so they don’t know that yet.
Anyway, Makoto and Komaru are obviously very scared and both are trying anything to break the glass but then they freeze because something does crack neither of them caused it. It’s the glass behind Komaru, then it’s the one on the left then the right.
-Do you remember that one scene in Pennywise 2 where Pennywise smashes his head against the glass and then eats the kid? Yeah so Rip Komaru. (I don’t really have a design(s) for monster Sayaka but the middle would be like one based on her actual death, while the other two would be based on her unused execution.
-After watching his sis get eaten Makoto is in a panic but he’s frozen he doesn’t know what to do because like Komaru he is surrounded on all sides. So he huddles himself into a ball in the middle and tries to ignore the glass breaking, it goes quiet and he uncurls himself only to get jump scared.
- Then he wakes up and he gets jumpscared again!! By Sayaka’s actual ghost who proceeds to choke him (causing him to levitate and eyes roll back) and he passes out.
- He wakes up again its morning now the day after the 1st trial and goes to get ready hesitantly in his own bathroom. And finds marks around his neck, and a big ol’ scabbed stabbed wound in his torso, and a few other ones around it. He is very confused cuz he knows he locked the door so he’s just very confused.
-At some point He gets fed up with Sayaka and her ghost shenanigans(scrapping on his door, screaming at the top of her lungs, banging on the door) and just puts a circle ring of salt around his shower. He also has one on the outside of the bathroom door too just in case!
-Speaking of Makoto’s bathroom it is trashed except for the toilet, sink, and tiles. He shattered the mirror and destroyed the shower in a fit of insanity because Sayaka's hallucination was taunting him. So he uses the bathhouse instead for hygiene needs.
-Oh no I didn’t forget about the others, they’re there. They also help him lose his mind.
-Some don’t do much; ie Chihiro, Hifumi, and Sakura (she mostly hangs around Hina but she did have to knock him out once because he was about to take his own life) and Muruko.
- Taka: gave him a really bad migraine for skateboarding in the halls.
Leon: Idk why but he makes him spit up a baseball? I dunno I might change it but for now, he spits up a baseball.
Mondo: kinda takes a chunk out of his calf (with the pickaxe) but the cherry on top is he gets him in the shoulder and by shoulder I mean like really close to the joint but he missed a few inches. BUT he then tries to rip upward and during this process because mondo got melted guess who’s muscles are getting melted??! Luckily Taka walked by stopping the process before the pickaxe could rip through his shoulder blade.
Celeste: I actually wrote about what she did in my goretober Fic! And I am too lazy to state it so you can read it here- :)). OH! BUT I didn’t mention that she set him on fire, (that’ll be explained later)
Sakaya: Well you know.
-The apparitions do get better over time, but when they first enter the spirit realm they’re kinda pissed at first. Now Makoto and his hallucinations of them are a different story.
-The survivors don’t really know what to do with Makoto tbh, like they know he’s suffering and often find him asleep just anywhere. (Makoto doesn’t fear death at this point so if monokuma were to tell him he’s going to die he would just shrug and go back to sleep and that isn’t despairful at all so he lets him get away with it).
-B//ut I do want the kids to have fun so they do with what they got. Not individually too! Like all 5 of them being homies! They play a game of drunk uno, dance to Queen in the concert hall, watch some movies (i.e mostly horror movies cuz I feel like that’s what junko would leave), a jumping contest in the pool, Act out little plays and scenes from books, they play Mario kart- wii sport - just dance-, s’moRES, ARTS N’ CRAFT-
-The Ghosts are there too but only Makoto can see them, and the more the chapters or time progresses the more ‘back to normal’ they begin to look. How? Through ghost therapy sessions, or FTE events idk.
-At one point in time he’s going to kinda lose his cool at one of them and it’s going to be celeste. She woke him up by setting him on fire because he was so deep in his sleep. She called him because the other four (kyoko not included) were attempting to summon something and celeste claims that she can’t fight the thing they summoned that’s in them (now earlier she told him at some point that she was quite a powerful demon,) and needs him to do it. All he does is beat the thing out of them with a bat (one or two hits).
- Now Makoto is frustrated because she woke him up at the ungodly hour of three something, had to do something she probably could have done herself, and then tell him to take them back to their rooms because she doesn’t want them in hers (it's the rec room but shh). He is not having it, he is tired his wounds hurt like a mother and he just wants to go to bed, so yells at her, dogs on her some, and then leaves saying “THESE AREN’T JUST MY FRIENDS THESE ARE YOUR FRIENDS TOO SO YOU’RE GOING TO BE A GOOD FRIEND AND LET THEM SLEEPOVER OK? OK!” I know I know canon Makoto would be a good dog and carry all these bodies down to there dorm but let Makoto be mean for five seconds ok-
- Something kinda chill, because this is being broadcasted (live I assume) right before and after it cuts to commercials, they show pictures that were taken by the remaining students or various artworks of the students from fans, Like SNL.
I Have other ideas for this AU specifically Makoto’s dreams/nightmare/memories and perhaps a few premonitions? But that’s for another time
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tothewaterhq · 5 years
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The 77th Annual Hunger Games were set in a to-scale version of the Mall of Panem, including every Capitolite’s favourite shops. The Games lasted a total of five days, and were filled to the brim with drama, heartbreak, and a finale the nation will not soon forget. 
Tributes launched into the middle of the main atrium of the mall, outside the amusement park. The Career pack dominated the Bloodbath, with Aggie O’Connell gruesomely murdering Geof Carr of District Six and Calix Belcourt easily killing Quinoa Dale of Nine. Both Nike Aurelius and Leon de Castanheira were in trouble, but were easily saved by their allies, Goldie Belcourt of One and Ronni Ruiz of Four. Nova Foster of District Five saved her blind ally Harley Daniels of Six during the fray, after managing to take a coil of copper wire from Freya Messere from Twelve. District Seven’s Landon Browning took a sword from Two’s Leon de Castanheira, while his ally Nadya Vasiliev of Eight bit Eleven’s Cain Whitfield to take an axe. Cassia Finch from Eleven got into a fight with Seven’s Karlin Hazelton, before ally Lucky Villalobos from Ten jumped in to help. Lucky sustained a broken nose, but Cassia was able to escape with a whip.
Tiny District Three tribute Pixel Delaroux killed River Crosby of Nine with the help of Nadya, who simultaneously took out Karlin Hazelton. Cain Whitfield killed Three’s Ayden McIntosh before losing his axe to Nayda, and Freya Messere went right for the eyes to end the life of Eight’s Luca Felton. Six cannons fired at the end of the Bloodbath, signifying the beginning of a whirlwind Games.
Day Two brought in the Arena’s mutts: faceless mannequins with a strong grip and robot security mutts who were prepared to drag away any tribute who approached a closed shop. Additionally, teddy bear mutts with razor sharp teeth came to life in the Make-a-Mutt workshop. Cassia Finch and Freya Messere worked together to get pretzels from one of the shops, which Cassia then enjoyed with ally Lucky Villalobos. Cassia also ran into trouble as she escaped the security mutts alongside District partner Cain Whitfield. Nova and Harley battled a mannequin mutt, as did Jude Proulx, proving that even without the ability to bite, mutts can be terrifying. 
Twelve year-old August from District Five was attacked by mannequin mutts as well, and Seven’s Landon Browning put him out of his misery before sharing a kiss with ally Nadya.
However, nothing could compare to the drama within the Career pack. Calix Belcourt and Nike Aurelius fought a pack of vicious teddy bear mutts, which killed Calix and left Nike alone with his body. When Calix’s twin sister Goldie approached alongside the rest of the pack, utter chaos ensued as it appeared to them that Nike had been the one to kill Calix. Loose cannon Aggie O’Connell attacked Nike, thinking she had been the one to break the pack, and killed her by biting a piece of her cheek off. To keep the pack safe from the untrustworthy girl, Leon de Castanheira attacked and killed Aggie in retaliation for killing his District Partner. In almost an instant, only half the pack remained.
On the third day, the dolls resembling the tributes in the Panemian Girl doll store came to life with tiny knives in their hands and demanded revenge on the tributes who killed their real-life counterpart if they had died, or the counterpart themselves if they were still alive. Cain Whitfield ended up being confronted by a mall security mutt as he fought off his attacking dolls. Lucky Villalobos stepped in to help having already dispatched her own doll, but Cain’s injuries were too severe and she killed him out of mercy.
Landon and Nadya were attacked by Careers Leon from Two and Ronni from Four. Nadya was killed by Ronni, and Landon was killed by security mutts after mourning Nadya.
In a scene that lost audio to the viewers, Goldie Belcourt had a breakdown over the pressures of being a Career tribute, and Leon killed her as she requested - though Capitol audiences are none the wiser. Pixel Delaroux climbed up into the ceiling, crawling through and eventually falling from unsteady structure, resulting in a fall and a twisted ankle. And Five’s Nova Foster got into an altercation with Twelve’s Freya Messere once again after their conflict in the Bloodbath. As the girls argued, Nova fell into her own trap and Freya mercy-killed the dying girl, leaving her ally Harley Daniels protected by the trap and not knowing what had happened. 
Day Four brought a feast, with bags of food from some of the Capitol’s favourite vendors. But before anyone could make their way to a delectable feast, Harley Daniels of Six was mistakenly ambushed by Leon, and shot by one of his arrows. She died from her wounds.
The two remainders of the Career pack, Leon and Ronni, had an explosive fallout before parting ways, and didn’t see each other again until the feast was over. But before that meeting, Pixel Delaroux was found by Lucky Villalobos and Cassia Finch, who took her in to create a larger, if uneasy, alliance. 
The three girls were some of the first to the feast, running in and grabbing food before escaping the scene and suddenly running into Freya Messere. Freya’s protective explosive misfired, leaving the railing over the mall weakened, and Lucky and Cassia let Pixel stay off to the side to watch the supplies. While the two of them fought, Pixel attempted to run off with the goods, though she was quickly tackled down and caught by Lucky. The two decided to eat quickly before rejoining Cassia, who continued to fight Freya.
As they got up, though, Pixel tripped and fell into Lucky, who put all her weight on the weakened railing, and ended up falling down through the atrium to her death. Pixel ran from the scene, and Cassia succeeded in taking down Freya, who died amongst the rubble of her failed explosion.
The remaining final three were Leon de Castanheira of Two, Pixel Delaroux of Three, and Cassia Finch of Eleven. 
As the three met up amongst a collapsing theme park in the center of the mall, Pixel immediately turned tail and ran to hide from the two much older tributes. This left Leon and Cassia to fight it out, and the boy from Two emerged victorious from the battle. He was left to search for the last tribute. 
Eventually, Pixel tripped, due to her injured ankle, and Leon was in the brink of finishing off the Games for himself when the collapsing theme park became lethal. Pieces of twisted metal and scraps of rollercoasters and ferris wheels began dropping on top of the two tributes. Leon, acting on his protective instincts, shielded Pixel from the falling debris, and the girl was knocked out cold by a metal bar landing on her head. 
The two were trapped under a pile of scraps when Leon met his end, more pieces of a theme park ride piercing through his body. 
The Capitol and the country waited in dread for an extensive amount of time as Peacekeepers descended into the arena. And it wasn’t until they pulled the redheaded fourteen-year-old, concussed and injured, out of the rubble, that the Gamemakers could solidly announce:
“Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner of the 77th Hunger Games. Pixel Delaroux of District Three!”
1. Pixel Delaroux, District 3 // Victor of the Games 2. Leon de Castanheira, District 2 // killed by Arena cave-in 3. Cassia Finch, District 11 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 4. Ronni Ruiz, District 4 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 5. Freya Messere, District 12 // killed by Cassia Finch 6. Lucky Villalobos, District 10 // killed by Pixel Delaroux 7. Jude Proulx, District 10 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 8. Harley Daniels, District 6 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 9. Nova Foster, District 5 // killed by Freya Messere 10. Cain Whitfield, District 11 // killed by Lucky Villalobos 11. Goldie Belcourt, District 1 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 12. Landon Browning, District 7 // killed by security mutts 13. Nadya Vasiliev, District 8 // killed by Ronni Ruiz 14. Aggie O'Connell, District 4 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 15. Nike Aurelius, District 2 // killed by Aggie O'Connell 16. August Solarin, District 5 // killed by Landon Browning 17. Calix Belcourt, District 1 // killed by stuffed animal mutts 18. Phoenix Jung, District 12 // killed by Leon de Castanheira 19. Luca Felton, District 8 // killed by Freya Messere 20. Ayden McIntosh, District 3 // killed by Cain Whitfield 21. Karlin Hazelton, District 7 // killed by Nadya Vasiliev 22. River Crosby, District 9 // killed by Pixel Delaroux 23. Geof Carr, District 6 // killed by Aggie O'Connell 24. Quinoa Dale, District 9 // killed by Calix Belcourt
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vanna-ch · 5 years
Auteur Theory about Mike De Leon Films: Batch 81´ & Kakabaka Ka Ba?
Auteur Theory about Mike De Leon Films: Batch 81´ & Kakabaka Ka Ba? A Movie review for Film Language, Midterms part 2
 Introduction & Auteur Theory
 Mike De Leon a Filipino film director whom also made an amazing amount of recognitions as well as several types of film that becomes outstanding later on at the awarding because of how he was able to handle and manipulate his own imaginations and ideas that he tried to express silently that shows the interactive oppressive side of our society with his creations to provide deep meaning, intention and was they were later showed on as a movie also especially during the Marcos era too, later then proves what he is trying to tell President Marcos back then on how Filipinos are being pained during the days of his regime. From his films he then latter inspires the youths as they keep watching the films that he made, watching films again and again can let you see that the movie he makes is trying to explain or tell you something. He was an intentional, and creative as a film maker when he experimented on his films and you can tell from the way he directed his films with meaning and there are actors that are only prescribe to his films over and over again starring his films without any difficulty designating them and the repeating patterns from the casts to who it dedicates to could be seen from every part of his films. His films created in the 90’s are the types of films that has several dictations and they each have their own flows in their parts, not just your ordinary series meaning, that the film he creates has hidden agendas and he completely has control over the variables in each of the scenes and literally you just do not stare at the cinema just to see how the movie comes and goes, you somehow become intrigued and questioned that what if you were in their shoes what would you do, how will you survive in those situations. It’s one of those movie directors that gives emphasis on what reality can do to you and how your mindset will be evolving of, but that is if you had not watch the film he makes yet. You’ll end up beguiled and unexpectedly want to change the fate of the protagonist’s choices and ended up doing it for them in your seats. The way he writes his scripts are with the ordinary, harsh, reality life that anyone goes through and you will understand what will happen next but you won’t actually get the right concept that it will shock you and you will think that the characters will obviously do that, but only ending up doing other decisions that you have not thought of. You never expect a Filipino to get these kinds of achievement in life, a wise and cunning tactic he had created to hide the root of his intended target for his films. Mike De Leon creativity does not often appear much like the creators of this generation, yes some current directors can satisfy the wants of millennial youths with their genres but the agenda to that is how the directors will be able to actually satisfy the mind of the youths into understanding the factual truth of today’s actualization like how he was able to confidently hide his true message to the masses much more to the President Marcos back then which he was attacking the system of President Marcos because of how he was handling the country and it’s fellow citizens with communism, the difficulty of being able to provide and be provided is thought to be simpler with Marcos as the leader thinking that he’d do great things, which in some ways President Marcos did but the citizens were never satisfied with anything for the pain and suffering were the cries and that made Mike De Leon think that maybe he’d create something for fun but with realization of the countries situation that is how amazing Mike De Leon was and his mindset for every film remained the same and still sane for all he could use his skills was to announce to the public that are qualified enough to understand his films to shout the prejudice of many Filipinos. Moreover, the films that was chosen for us to watch and critique were that of the contently the same that of Lino Brocka films that was also chosen and watched then critiqued with all the creative idea of the society in general within the Philippines no hidden secrets but actually showing the brutal side of those people with power of how much they are able to do.
 Batch 81’
 Philippines of today never changes from the old times during the reigns of many Presidents that either created a havoc or do a small change of something anew in the eyes of the Filipino community way back then and it was never placed into a consideration to the heads of many members of the nation that to never forget their own rights as a human living for the betterment of their family or for themselves  to keep up to the ever growing community standards that the society gives to the people who are trying to grind their way to survival and could finally be able to catch up without anyone in peril but all we can say to see that there have been shortcuts to victory that leads the necks of others in need to their demise and despair that thought to give them a free ticket to the good pathway of the pyramid. Society the sole root of burden to those many unwanted human needs of the hierarchy where it claims to be the number one leading standards for a human to normally live and survive without any troubles and diving in to the sins of the many citizens that have sacrificed many parts of their life and soul just to be a part of the invitation to good life to get to the best service that they can experience and be at to know which ones can be the best choice for them. Hardships are seen to our every daily actions in this rugged country that was once beautiful and acknowledgeable to the eyes of foreign and local people, to work through the very top one must endure the harsh environment that they are set up on once born onto this world unless you’re one of the lucky random generated human being that has all the cheat codes enabled and got everything without doing oh, so, much to step up on the ladder of society. Issues of politicians handling these damned system is also one of the cause of hardships that we Filipino’s are facing altogether because of the greed from the entire face point of papered accumulating finances that runs the whole wide world crazy to be rich to afford all of the materialistic totems in the manmade world we are at right now. Family a word, sentence, phrase describe to ensure the strength of trust and love placed in that word so that all will face the harsh trials without anyone dying and leaving the world beforehand while oaths are becoming an ordinary rule to let sure that everyone stays in their path and to not get lost from the road that their family leads them to be. The film Batch 81’ or from its full name Alpha Kappa Omega Batch 81’ sets its title from a fraternity established at a certain unnamed college university to be of assistance to incoming new students that require the need of relationship as a hood altogether to get through many tough times and ensure that all will be able to graduate and finish all the task that is given to them by the fraternity leader. The story begins with the protagonist named Sid Lucero who studies from an untold university taking the course recommended by his mother and lives near the university by boarding alongside his friend. Sid who is struggling from his daily school activities, to tardiness, from low grades and the daily struggle of an ordinary college student stigma until now and does not know what would he do just to make up for all the missed and low grade classes and can’t tell his mother that he is having a trouble breaking down all the necessary goals to become studious once more to be able to finish and graduate without any problems. Alongside with his dorm mate and the best friend that he can always count on in which they both dreamt to succeed without any hardships in their path and tried to find alternatives so that they can graduate with a sweep clean and free of trouble, as they try to survey the different organizations handed out and approved by the university and there Sid ended looking up to the so called fraternities as described by the Webster’s dictionary a fraternity is a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest or pleasure such as becoming a future leader to the organization, or someone looking for a guild, and all fraternities is a men only student organization formed chiefly for social purposes having secret rites and a name consisting of Greek letters, and a student organization for scholastic, professional, or extracurricular activities like debates, sports, etc…more indication of its meaning is the quality or state of being brothers or so called brotherliness and finally about the hierarchy as stated of a person in the same class. Profession, character, tastes, etc…and a fraternity can also be synonymy indicated as ‘brotherhood’ more or less. Moving on to the film, as Sid was looking for a group there he was handed out a paper of the ALPHA KAPPA OMEGA printouts and made a realization to see if he will decide to let this fraternity group be of aid to his academics, although innocently Sid doesn’t know the true horrors behind joining a fraternity that entitles you as their brethren, yet. Unafraid and strong willed, Sid Lucero also invited his roommate best buddy to join together in the Alpha Kappa Omega fraternity so that it may be an advantage to them both academically to be known all the while in the school and enjoy the life of someone with brothers looking out for them mindset, but unknown to the horrors about to befall them just to ensure their life in the campus. The fated day for the applicants for Alpha Kappa Omega fraternity to be gathered and tested in the same day immediately, for the new applicants they are called the neophytes as stated by the Webster’s dictionary a neophyte is a novice, a new convert, fresh from the university alternative synonym for neophyte is an abecedarian or apprentice. As the neophytes gather and went inside the designated room for the application to start Sid begets and nervously went ahead like the others did, as they enter everyone lined up and was ordered to be blind folded to test their confidence and attitude in the midst of shame and trials. Many have failed and feared the ongoing tests that will later on fall upon them, letting only a few remain like Sid and his roommate buddy. Further onto the film, the new recruits along with Sid and his roommate buddy ended up in a horrible tragedy where the gang war between Alpha Kappa Omega and Sigma Omicron Sigma, another fraternity group that was angered because of Sid’s roommate friend had an affection towards the sister of the leader of Sigma Omicron Sigma but besides that another reason why the gang war actually preparedly happened because someone from Alpha Kappa Omega member died and it was Sid’s best friend that was drowned in front of him on a toilet in an abandoned place, making Sid furious and initiated their fraternity leader to start a fight to get revenge to what Sigma Omicron Sigma did to their brethren. Finalization of the film is that Sid ended up being a ‘master’ of the new recruits and handled the brother’s rituals for new neophytes and ending up finishing his college work and many more.
 Kakabakaba Ka Ba?
 Ever wondered what a broken film looks like but holds a deeper intention to the Filipino nation back then? Well, as addictions were later introduced into the industrial life of Filipino apart from the chaotic world that was given to use by adding systems that later on disrupt the many living patterns of all the people living in this county. Different race, identity, uniqueness, personality, attitude, world, interest, and many more mixing our cultures and identities sculpting our traits to be what we are being invaded on. Finding your purpose and meaning while growing into the person you want to be without any one stopping you. Having a mindset of relying to others on a higher levels like of the government to expect them to do something about this problematic chaos that everyone is expecting in which they should, which Filipinos are putting their hopes onto them and becoming more lazy that maybe someday the government will actually do something for them manually. Placing their hopes onto someone else but finding out that they will literally do nothing and deal with the nation’s political problems instead of the state the country is in. Persuading people who are unfriendly and being unaware that the environment that they are currently in endangers them to only be noticed when realization appeared and change to be more obvious to become a motivational act. Losing passion to work, not achievement your dream because of some unseen able force that makes you question your entire purpose in life because of the obscure and confusing actions that many people do to you physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally in which makes you become unstable and unable to create a beautiful difference in this country. Cults a secretive organization that hides their selves amongst the faces of many different people masking their true identity for a single objective or purpose to either oppress and process a destructive yet creative thinking that makes their mind become a dangerous weapon for the politicians or the government in general, exposing the different experiments and actions truer than words that speeches are shown in televisions from the press making the people confused and think that they are in the position to think that we are all living a great life where in fact that it was already stolen from us, our very existence and actions monitored as it is getting sold to the heads of the powerful people without our mentions and approval to as they continue to obstruct the very loud voices of the mass to be closed and unidentifiable forever. This is where the four protagonist from the film involved themselves into a shady people and business with an unseen trouble coming ahead of them because of a single cassette tape that was secretively placed into the first protagonist’s jacket in the airplane boarding to Manila from Japan. All the while the four protagonists that ended up meeting altogether within the plane became buddies and went to dinner, have fun, etc. Suddenly weird people from the Japan branch of cult as well as the Chinese cult wants to get their hands on the cassette tape making their lives in danger as two of the cults tries to pursue the four protagonists unknown to what the cassette hides inside its tasty melody. The four protagonists ended up to certain sites near their areas just to find clue as to what the cassette tape includes and questions why they are after this single tape when the two tried to listen to it at their home they just find a few notes but then goes blank afterwards making it a very mysterious tape for all of them who are both trying to help them and find what it truly holds inside. As they search for clues they ended up in places they thought that were safe and free of touch from the society, a church in the hills of their village and so they decided to explore the sides by disguising as nuns and pastors in practice, unknown to them that the nuns are immediately conspicuous of them and tries to get away with a scent of glare in their eyes to the four protagonists, there they explores the sides to see if one gets to find something like a hidden switch or something that could access into another spot within the vicinity of the church inside or out. No more, no less further along in the film they ended finding a secret door leading to an elevator giving a secret code for the members to enter, spying there they knew the code and went to the elevator going to the basement along with the Chinese cult. There they saw the mastermind of all their troubles and screams, it was a Japanese master the head of all troubles that they’ve been facing and to their addition knowledge it was he who created the cassette tape that holds the ingredients in creating an unending source of opium more likely drugs and other paraphernalia for them to never stop indulging and continue to process and send out by selling making them rich and in control of all the business happening around Asia, like trading pointing out that they are powerful and will continue to reign. But in the end of the invitation of choirs and comediatic pauses the evil doers are always caught and jailed for the crimes and wanted images that they are with their sentenced spoken and the four protagonists ended up helping with a great term and all of them ended up having the nice time of their lives once more and the four of them got married where the action and catching happened, under the hidden area of the church.
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maryandomthots-blog · 7 years
Tula Serye: 3
Mary De Leon
21 March 2010
I’m your mountain, not your home
Your escape to this wild world
A diversion along the road
Every hike, every climb
Leads you to a pleasure
As high as the sky
You’ve explored every possible trail
Conquered the most difficult trek
With pride you never felt with anything else
You love every detail of me;
The fresh air you can’t have in the city,
The breath-taking scenery,
The trees that protects you from the sun,
The river that quench your thirst,
The fog that blinds you,
The rock that trips your feet
And even the dust that enters your eyes.
But the beauty you see
And the peace you feel
Isn't the reality
Because tomorrow you’ll come back
To your usual self,
Doing your usual chores,
Living your usual life- without me.
Though you can’t get enough of me
We knew, this is nothing but temporary.
Black hole
Mary De Leon
Accelerate as you infiltrate
And devour my whole being.
Don’t hesitate, insinuate
To this convulsive feeling
You’re something, the one thing
I won’t regret.
You’re pulling me into something
I dare not control
I wouldn’t want to know.
And I don’t care if I’m not sure
What lies ahead
In the eternity of you and me.
The world falls apart
Right before our eyes
And the light that I see
In this tiny fissure
Of you and me
Makes me want to believe
There’s something in store for us.
And that in the eternity of you and me
We are free.
Mary De Leon
I stopped loving you
Even before you started loving me.
I started loving you
When you stopped loving me.
We have been on this road
Of uncertainty before
And yet you stayed.
Why did you stay?
I left you even before
You thought of staying with me.
I stayed with you
When you started to leave me.
We’re on the same road again,
With the same look on our faces
Anger, sad and tired facet.
Then again you stayed.
Why did you stay?
For the first time you asked me back,
You stayed. Why did you stay?
I touched your face, looked intensely
On your tired eyes and gently
Tucked your hair behind your ears
I couldn't reply but I know
Why I stayed before I thought
I could stay.
Mary De Leon
I’ve heard enough, no need to fret
No need to fight, we’re in this together
If you let me, will you let me?
What’s troubling you?
I want to know,
I want to mend every bit
Of pain that paralyzes you.
The empty bin of promises
Is waiting for you to make another one
No need to worry, no need to cry
We’ll fly away together
If you trust me, will you trust me?
Our love will cover and carry it all
Believe, just believe.
No matter what the world tells you,
I’m here, I will always be here.
And even if we don’t see
We’ll dive together
To the unseen, dark seafloor
If you’ll be with me
Will you be with me?
Mary De Leon
Hibernation is what you seek
That’s why you’re hiding
For more than a week
I can’t recall what we did wrong
I don’t see why we need
A break from it all
Coz if you need to breathe
I’ll spare a breath for you
And if you need a little space
I’ll clear it all for you
You see there’s nothing
That I wouldn’t do
No need to hide now
No winter can come between us now
Tell me what can I do to keep you
I’m not gonna promise you the stars
But I can help you cover up the scars
We’ll forget it all. We’ll live long.
Mary De Leon
Under time, a minute feels like
Forever in your arms
60 seconds of pure bliss and highs
I almost forgot who I was
You’ve reached the island of my soul
No one has come that close before
You made me lose all control
You’ve hit me right into the core
You said let’s make the most out of
Every millisecond that we have
You don’t ask, what you can’t give
We know this will end
Though I don’t see the end
Sometime soon, I’ll see you at noon.
We’ll make our own history
Exploration of love
In all of its ferocity
We won’t conform
To the pattern of this world
I’ll meet you somewhere, sometime.
Within a minute of your spare time
Mary De Leon
Name me,
I no longer want to be
And yet to be discovered
Name it,
It doesn’t have to be scientific
Just be specific.
Name us.
I don’t care how
But please name us.
What are we if we’re not we?
A special kind of species
In this animal kingdom?
An exceptional type of fauna
Or an exotic flora?
Solve my dilemma
What are we if we're not we?
Tell me.
Mary De Leon
No more hesitation
I’m heading to a new direction
Away from the pull of your gravity
No more you and me.
No matter how hard
We try to fight the battle
We’re never gonna win.
We lost even before it begins.
Let bygones be gone.
No looking back
No turning back
I’m leaving the plateau
And if I’ll see you
So I’ll see you.
Hide and seek
Mary De Leon
Shoe gazing,
Nobody’s moving
We kept on looking
For a blind spot
Amongst the curious eyes
That watches us
Not realizing
That you are my safe place
And I am yours
So why look elsewhere?
I am yours.
Mary De Leon
I grasped for every air
I could fill my lungs with
I'll hold my breath
If only to keep you in
For a bit longer
And make you stay
I know it is prolonging
Both our agony
But I can’t let you go easily
Should I let this oxygen out?
If I do will it ever come back?
I never felt so happy
While suffocating
But I have to let you go slowly
So I can breathe easy.
Mary De Leon
I’m giving back what I haven’t taken
And taking back what I haven’t given
I’ll be content, don’t worry
I won’t ask for anything
I’ll walk away while I can,
I’ll look into your eyes no more
Coz I know it will again
Take me to a place
Where only you and I exist
I’ll let go of your hand now
I won’t say anything
I have let myself stray for too long
And we both know it’s wrong
It’s long overdue
So I’ll let you go now
Mary De Leon
We’re awake when everyone is sleeping
Talking, laughing and whispering
To each other
That night I was captured
And my rational mind
Doesn’t seem to function
Beyond reason and condition
I welcomed you without question.
Trying to make every second longer
We’re gonna make it until quarter
Arms tangled as we try
To fight the coldness of the night
Our lips pressed by tender kisses.
I couldn’t deny how you infiltrate
Through me, I couldn’t fathom
What I’m feeling and what you made me.
I couldn’t sleep but I couldn’t care less
Mary De Leon
I remember how it felt to be
Under your spell
How everything disappears
Whenever our eyes communicate
I never felt so care free
Knowing I’m underneath
A blanket of insecurity
Covering all uncertainty
I was frozen and I couldn’t think
I feel so strong yet I couldn’t resist.
You are my fire place
I can go near to,
Stay for as long as I want to,
Wrap you around me
Without the fear of getting burned
Now I can be the moth
And you be the fire
I won’t argue
It’s enough that I have you.
Mary De Leon
In the deepest part of me, you rest
A memory I will never erase
Like everybody else
I will replay on a phonograph
Like a broken record
That skips and delays
Whenever I miss you
Or when something reminds me of you
You’ll remain as tangible and reachable
Like the first time I saw you
Though I couldn’t see you
Beautiful memories we created
None of it I will regret
A rerun of season
As I see you go on.
Mary De Leon
Head first, as we dive into the cliff.
Free fall, while we succumb
To the current of the wind
Take me wherever you want
No need to ask twice
I’ll go with you
Keeping up with the changes
What will I do without you?
Stay for as long as you like.
You said I can do to you
Whatever I want
What’s not to like?
When everything is gone
You said you’ll always be there
We know not always
But it’s sweet of you to say
Hands free, I can’t imagine life
Without you holding me
Sugar free, you are the best alternative.
Mary De Leon
Every inch away from you
Rips my heart apart
My every nerve wants
To be back on your arms.
I miss your warmth
Without having to touch
My skin yearns for you.
My eyes waiting to meet
Your intense gaze
I let you into my realm
Discover the empty rooms inside
I’ll let you fill it with desire
Let go of all inhibitions and doubt
Just one time and it will be enough
One more touch and I’ll be whole again
If you were here
Posted by
Mary De Leon
1:25 AM
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