#and both immediately call dibs
tblsomedoodles · 2 years
*when Angie is able to open a portal to the 03 verse so his two families can finally meet*
Raphie: "Aw yeah, more sons!"
Don: "Raph you can't just adopt them at first sight like that"
Raphie: "Watch me!"
lol definitely! Raphie spends all of five seconds with Raph (rise) and he already wants to adopt him. He might as well adopt the whole set : )
Though Don fighting Raphie over it is just like
Don: You can't adopt all four. That's selfish. What if we wanted to adopt one?
Raphie: I'll let you have adoption rights over baby Donnie if you let me keep the other three.
Don: Sold. But if anyone asks, i fought with you a lot longer than this. And i wasn't bribed.
Raphie: Sounds good to me. I'm pretty sure baby Donnie already adopted you as a secondary parental figure anyways. You were practically drowning the kid in complements.
thank you! : )
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sanipoyo · 2 months
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note - my hero academia, fluff, this is an example of the trend if your unfamiliar with it!
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you, DENKI, and mina gathered around in a circle to trick him. you explain the trend and to your surprise, he’s never seen it before. you and mina shoot each other sinister glares, excited to prank kaminari after all the pranks and jokes he’s pulled on the two of you. mina volunteered to start it off and you quickly called dibs on going second so the prank would go as planned. “just.. give me my money!” mina exclaimed and it was followed by cheering from you and kaminari. you pinched your fingers together and hesitated a little, “… just gimme my mo-NEY!” you said in a sing-song tone which was followed by cheering from denki and mina. kaminari prepared for his part and mina held her breath trying not to laugh, he closed his eyes and inhaled dramatically, “ju- ju- just.. give me money”, he began to clap and jump but then realized no one else was cheering. his lips curled into a frown and you and mina busted out laughing. “you guys are mean”, he said walking away from the two of you who continued cracking up at him.
you and mina were looking for your next victim for the prank and came across the perfect person. TODOROKI was just minding his business and the two of you approached him and you asked if he could be in your video for theatre class. he agreed and you explained to him what the whole thing was and he understood. you told him he had to go last so he could really grasp the idea of it and agreed. “just gimme my moooney!” mina started, and everyone clapped and cheered, shoto was definitely dry and lacking excitement but it was okay. “just give me my money!”, you said with what sounded like an italian accent? todoroki thought he was for sure about to take the cake with his part, you and mina looked at each other, already feeling the laughter bubble up in your throat. “can i please have your money?” shoto said proudly with a small smile on his face. you covered your mouth, trying to hold in your laugh as the two of you stared at him. he looked at the both of you confused, “did i do it wrong?” you and mina both began laughing uncontrollably as he stood there looking lost.
TAMAKI stood besides you as mirio explained how the trend goes. he was unsure about it because of you and neijre’s non-stop giggling, but he went along with it anyways. mirio did it big for his part, shouting “give me my money!” which caused amajiki to jump a little due to the unexpected enthusiasm. neijre was up next, she cleared her throat and got serious, “just gimme ma money!” she said in a demanding tone and you all cheered. you decided to do an all might impression during your turn (it sounded really good) and everyone laughed and cheered. when it was amajiki’s turn, he gulped nervously and tried to be as passionate as he could, “just give me my money”, he said awkwardly and you all looked at him. he immediately turned around and muttered how he was ‘going home’. of course, y’all apologized immediately but you guys still couldn’t contain your laughter at his response.
midoriya showed you the trend and insisted on doing it to BAKUGO, to which you agreed. at lunch time, deku called katsuki over and he came over, annoyed that his lunch was interrupted. “okay kacchan, we have this.. project and we need you to recite what we say and do, can you do that?” izuku bluffed, he knew bakugo wouldn’t do it if he was told that it was a silly tiktok trend. he refused at first, but caved when he was bribed with two packs of spicy instant ramen. “okay, so i’ll start, then deku will go, and then you, got it?”, you asked and bakugo scoffed at you, “yeah yeah, i’m not stupid.” you started it off and bakugo was hesitant to cheer for you at first, but he ended up just clapping with a scowl on his face. he did the same for midoriya, clapping and unenthusiastically saying ‘woooo’. it was his turn and he didn’t put any effort into it, just a simply “give me my money” as he slowly clapped, which was followed by silence and blank stares. this obviously infuriated him because he did exactly what you guys told him. he began yelling at you two and y’all had to hide the laughter so he wouldn’t blow you up.
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Ⓒ all published work belongs to sanipoyo! do not copy/plagiarize.
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talktonytome · 3 months
Buck’s nervously bouncing his leg on the barstool, hands a little sweaty, as he waits for Hen and Karen to show up. They had invited him to a gay western club, after he came out and he’s excited to finally be here. He’s craning his neck to see if he catches a glimpse of them, when a beast of a man walks up to him.
Wow, Buck knows he’s a big guy himself but this dude is even bigger than him. He’s got insanely broad shoulders, big arms, thick thighs and an ass that had to be sculpted by the gods-
Suddenly, the man is clearing his throat to get his attention. “Excuse me, but I think you took my chair,” he says matter-of-factly, like Buck should have known. And it’s maybe a little infuriating because who does this guy think he is?
“Oh I’m sorry, I must have missed your name on it,” Buck retorts, eyes narrowed at the stranger. The chair was open when he got there and really, it’s a little childish to be calling dibs.
Hot jerk holds his hands up placatingly, attempting to deescalate the situation. “Sorry, sorry”, he says genuinely enough. There’s something about his eyes that comforts Buck. “It’s just, I only ran out to take what I thought was a work call, and I was hoping my spot would still be free. It’s been a long week,” he sighs.
Buck can understand that. It’d been a long week of hectic calls for the 118 and he’s been looking forward to tonight. “Hey, uh, I get it. It’s been a week for me too,” he offers a rueful smile. “I’m meeting some friends so I’ll give you your chair back soon, don’t worry.” If he didn’t know any better, he could swear the man’s face falls a little.
As if by stroke of luck, the stool next to his opens up and hot guy immediately sits down. “It’s my fault really, I know this place is packed Friday nights. It’s worth it for the live bands, though,” he says. “I’m Tommy, by the way. Fighting the great chair war merits name privileges, right?” He winks.
Buck blushes, suddenly feeling a little breathless. “Oh definitely,” he manages not to stutter. “I’m Bu- um- Evan Buckley.” Wow he almost had it.
“Evan,” Tommy tries out and it sounds like the name was made to be uttered by him and him only. Buck gulps.
“Well, since we’re both here, how about I buy you a drink? I owe you that much for being rude earlier.”
Buck can’t help but smile. “Sure, why not?” He nods, “my friends aren’t here yet, anyway.”
“Great,” Tommy grins. “Craft beer okay? Or I can get you something else?”
“Beer’s fine, I’m not picky,” Buck shrugs.
“I am, at least when it comes to beer,” Tommy chuckles, signaling the bartender for two beers.
“Why doesn’t that surprise me?” Buck teases. Why does this feel so easy?
“Hmm, I think there’s a lot about me that’ll surprise you,” Tommy smirks.
Buck may be inexperienced with the same sex, but he damn well knows how to flirt. He tilts his head a little, knows his eyes are twinkling. “Is that right?”
“Oh absolutely,” Tommy declares. He’s so confident in a way that radiates coolness. “For example, I’m a pretty great dancer.”
Buck thinks back to the times he’s tried to dance and winces. “I’m definitely not.”
“I could teach you,” Tommy says as Buck finishes his sentence.
“Really? Is that gonna be right after our beers?”
“I mean I don’t think we can drink and dance at the same time,” Tommy laughs, “at least not effectively.
“Yeah okay, teach me, Tommy.” Buck says dropping his voice, looking right into his eyes.
Tommy’s eyes grow wide and Buck immediately notices the blush on those gorgeous cheekbones. He preens a little because he did that.
“Ok,” Tommy swallows, holding out his hand. “Let’s do it.”
“What about our beers?”
“I’ll buy you another one.”
Buck laughs incredulously, but gives Tommy his hand and lets him lead them onto the dance floor. The band’s playing something sweet and slow, for lovers. Tommy uses the grip on his hand to pull them close together, until they’re chest to chest. He guides both of Buck’s arms around his neck and he circles Buck’s waist with those big hands, finally turning them into a gentle sway.
You got me out there, honey
We danced until I let go
Never been lost in a moment
But there's hours I can't recall
Buck looks down at his feet trying desperately not to mangle Tommy’s. He feels two fingers under his chin, as Tommy tilts his face up. “Eyes on me,” he says softly. “I got you.” Buck obeys and gets lost in Tommy’s eyes- gosh they’re so blue-as they sway and spin so smoothly he forgets about his feet altogether.
Maybe tonight
You'll let me run
Into your arms
And we'll conquer the heart
Tommy’s guiding them into another spin, when Buck can’t hold back from wanting to kiss him any longer. If Tommy’s eyes constantly flicking down to Buck’s lips are anything to go by, he’s on the same page. Buck tests the waters by leaning in, enough that Tommy’s breath ghosts across his lips.
You came in like a fire
Burned all I ever knew
I've been weighed and found wanting
And all that I want is you
Tommy gently grips his chin again, one big thumb slots right in the middle, and brings him in for the gentlest, most tender kiss Buck’s ever gotten. Tommy’s lips are warm and soft as they slide against his. It’s not long, by any means, but when they part, it leaves him breathless, all the same.
Tommy rests their foreheads together. “Was that okay?” He whispers, a little awestruck.
“More than,” Buck grins, playing with the hair on the nape of Tommy’s neck.
“Good,” Tommy replies, pressing a kiss to Buck’s bicep. “I do have a confession to make.”
Tommy tangles their hands and pulls Buck away from the dance floor. The song is over by now, so they make their way to the edge, where they can lean against a railing.
Bucks stomach drops. Did he get it wrong? Was Tommy not interested? Was he about to let him down gently?
“Hey, hey, look at me,” Tommy cuts into his spiraling. “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t.”
“I’m a little embarrassed to say it now,” Tommy breathes, “but.. that wasn’t my chair.”
Buck finally lets out a breath he didn’t know he’d been holding. “Huh?”
“Erm, where you were sitting? It wasn’t actually my chair. I just… I saw the most beautiful man I’d ever seen all alone and I knew I had to talk to him,” Tommy rushes out. “Upon reflection, my approach could have been better,” he mutters.
Bucks laughs, but makes sure to squeeze Tommy’s hand in reassurance. “It was… not good,” he laughs again.
“Come on, hey!” Tommy exclaims in mock offense.
“But- you did it anyway. You came up to me all cocky and hot, not knowing the outcome, and it worked out so,” Buck shrugs.
“You think I’m hot?” Tommy smirks, playfully bumping his shoulder.
“Oh like you don’t know?”
“Did I mention you’re the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen?” Tommy looks at him in a way that’s too fond for having just met.
“Maybe, but doesn’t hurt to hear again,” Buck grins. “Thanks for the dance, by the way,” he adds shyly. “It was pretty great.”
“I had the best partner,” Tommy says.
They look at each other for several beats.
“So, you wanna get out of here?” Tommy jerks his head toward the exit.
Buck doesn’t know if he’s ready for what that sentence entails, but he really likes Tommy.
Just like before, Tommy notices his apprehension; he’s so goddamn considerate like that, apparently. “Not like that,” he clarifies. “I’m having such a great time with you and I’m not ready for the night to end. I know this place with the best tacos,” he gives Buck his best puppy eyes.
Buck breathes a sigh of relief. He’s not ready to part ways either. “You had me at tacos! Lead the way.”
Tommy wraps an arm around his waist as they start walking toward the exit, when Buck remembers, “oh wait, my friends!”
“You sure they’re coming?” Tommy raises a doubtful eyebrow.
“I dunno, they said they would. Let me-“ Buck pulls out his phone and opens his messages. Sure enough there’s a couple from Hen.
Sorry buckaroo, Denny has a stomach bug and we’re pretty sure we all have it now :(
We’ll make it up to you, we swear!
Buck can’t feel too disappointed, when he got Tommy out of it. He texts back a quick ok feel better! and slides his phone back into his pocket, then reaches out to take Tommy’s hand again.
“Their kid has a bug and infected them so they are, in fact, not coming,” he explains.
“Kids and their germs,” Tommy laughs. “So you’re free to go?”
“Yes, I- I am free.”
- inspired by the chair (george strait) and conquer the heart (orville peck)
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
i’m inlove with the oneshot u did with the lucifer and adam
can you please do a smut of them sharing you or something? 😋
Sharing (is Caring)
A/N: Requests are reopened.
“What if we shared?” The question hung heavy in the air.
Both men turned to look at (Name). She looked between them a few times, her face red, before she shrugged. “Sharing is caring.”
“I go first, dibs,” Adam exclaimed.
Lucifer rolled his eyes. “That’s not how a threesome works.” “I get to fuck her first.” “We should flip a coin for it!” “Nope, I called dibs. Dibs rule.” They bickered like siblings arguing over a toy. “Ugh, fine,” Lucifer conceded. They each grabbed one of (Name)’s hands and led her to Lucifer’s bed.
There was more than enough room for three people to be on it, and (Name) shimmied up to the headboard while Adam and Lucifer were busy taking off their clothes. They both left their boxers on, and climbed onto the bed, one on either side of (Name).
Adam, who was bad at sharing, immediately claimed her mouth with his. Lucifer let him for the sake of beginning to undress (Name). He ripped her shirt to get it off and she whined, irritated.
Lucifer didn’t care, moving to her pants and unbuttoning them before slowly tugging them down her legs. That left all of them in their underwear, but it didn’t last long, Lucifer hooking two fingers under (Name)’s panties and sliding them off.
He dragged two fingers through her wet folds and (Name) moaned softly into Adam’s mouth. Adam didn’t like that he wasn’t the one eliciting moans, so he reached for her chest, which he knew to be sensitive. He squeezed her tit before rolling her nipple between his forefinger and thumb. Sure enough, (Name) moaned.
Adam smirked against her lips.
Lucifer rolled his eyes, and competitive as ever, slid two fingers into (Name) without warning. (Name) whined, her hips shifting. With his thumb, Lucifer rubbed at her clit. Adam left her mouth to begin sucking hickeys onto her neck.
Lucifer added a third finger, marvelling at how wet she already was.
The idea of being shared was really turning (Name) on. Adam’s hands massaged her breasts, occasionally pinching her nipples, while he marked the column of her neck.
Boldly, Lucifer added a forth finger, and (Name) cried out, her back arching. Adam bit her.
Lucifer pumped his fingers in and out, making wet squelching noises that were absolutely unholy.
“I think she’s more than ready for us,” he told Adam. Adam released (Name)’s neck from between his teeth. “Yeah? Are you a little slut for us?” (Name) whimpered.
Lucifer pulled out his fingers, sucking them clean, making eye contact with (Name) while he did. She squeezed her thighs together before Adam was manhandling her onto her stomach, grabbing a pillow to prop up her hips. “Are you comfortable?” he asked. “Cause you’re gonna be here for a minute.”
(Name) nodded, biting her lip in anticipation. Adam and Lucifer switched positions, Lucifer kneeling at (Name)’s head while Adam settled between her legs. At the same time, they pulled their boxers down, releasing their dicks.
“Mine’s bigger,” Adam said. “Bullshit!” “Boys,” (Name) groaned. “Really?”
They refocused their attention on her, Adam dragging his dick up and down (Name)’s slit before aligning with her opening. Up at her head, Lucifer laid down on his stomach to become face to face with (Name). He kissed her, the taste of her juices still lingering on his tongue. He swallowed the moan she let out when Adam entered her.
Always impatient, Adam thrust in all at once, only giving her a moment to adjust to his size before he began thrusting. “Fuck, she’s so tight.” Some would think it rude to be talked about rather than talked to, but in this situation (Name) found it hot as fuck. Lucifer pulled back from her lips to reply. “Oh yeah? Are you tight, baby?” he asked (Name).
She didn’t answer, not that Lucifer had been expecting one, and sat back on his heels to watch Adam fuck her. He grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his aching dick and she began to pump.
Adam’s thrusts were hard and deep, eliciting a cry from (Name) every time he pushed in. He would pull out so just the tip was in and then slam his hips against her ass, driving his cock deep into her.
Lucifer’s eyes were glued to where (Name) and Adam’s bodies connected, his mouth watering as he waited for his turn.
Adam’s pace picked up, pounding into her. Her pace of the hand jerking Lucifer off faltered. Lucifer didn’t care, the view in front of him more than satisfying. He ran his fingers through her hair, whispering praises to her while Adam decimated her pussy.
“Fuck, I’m close,” Adam grunted. His thrusts became sloppy as he neared his climax. “M-me too,” (Name) said. Knowing she was close, Adam tried to keep his thrusts steady to keep hitting that spot deep inside of her that made her see stars.
“Adam!” (Name) cried out as her orgasm crashed over her, pussy clenching around Adam. Adam groaned, cumming as deep inside her as he could.
Lucifer was anxious for his turn.
“Pull out,” he demanded.
“Give me a fucking minute.”
Still arguing.
Adam caught his breath and recovered before pulling out, sitting back to admire his cum steadily beginning to leak out of (Name). He pushed some back in with two fingers and (Name) gasped. Then, finally, he moved from between her legs and he and Lucifer traded positions. Lucifer pulled her up onto her hands and knees and slid in slowly, mindful of overstimulation.
His thrusts started out slow and smooth. Adam gently lifted (Name)’s head up by the hair, presenting his dick in her face, still covered in cum and slick. “Clean it.” (Name) opened and took Adam into her mouth, sucking and matching Lucifer’s pace.
Lucifer’s pace didn’t remain slow and steady for long. He felt like his turn took forever and finally being inside of her felt so good. His hips began thrusting faster. (Name) moaned around Adam’s dick, the vibrations making Adam groan.
Lucifer grabbed her hips and began pounding into her, matching Adam’s previous pace. (Name) had to focus on not choking on Adam’s dick every time Lucifer’s thrusts pushed her forward.
“Fuck,” Lucifer and Adam swore at the same time. “I’m cumming,” Adam warned (Name), before spurting his seed down her throat. This time she did choke a little bit and Adam quickly pulled out. He bent down to kiss her forehead and praise her. “You’re doing so good, baby, you’re so good for us.”
Lucifer’s eyes closed in concentration as his orgasm built. He pounded into her relentlessly until his hips began to stutter, and he came inside of her.
He bent over her back, resting his forehead between her shoulder blades as he came down and caught his breath. “That was amazing, duckling.” “That’s a stupid pet name.” “Bite me.”
“Oh my god,” (Name) groaned. “Guys.”
She collapsed onto her stomach before rolling onto her back, and Adam and Lucifer laid down on either side of her, sandwiching her between them. “That was great,” (Name) told them. Adam and Lucifer agreed. “Maybe we should share more often.”
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russo-woso · 3 months
45 with alessia please!!
Asleep || Alessia Russo
Prompt list here.
Summary A movie night with the team ends with a cute moment between you and Alessia
“Is everything ready, lessi?” You asked as you walked downstairs and into the lounge.
It was always stressful when it was yours and Alessia’s turn to host team bonding but you figured the best way to keep it simple and fun was to have a movie night.
You had quickly just gone to shower whilst Alessia began to set up and to your surprise, when you returned back downstairs, everything was ready.
“All done, love.” Alessia smiled, placing her lips on yours for a quick kiss.
You looked around at the lounge, blankets and pillows had been laid out everywhere.
The smell of popcorn was evident throughout the house.
A series of different drinks and snacks were laid out on the counter for everyone to choose from.
“Thank you for setting it up. I needed that shower, I’m absolutely exhausted.” You told her, almost collapsing onto the sofa.
“Oh, love. We can postpone team bonding tonight, so we can get an early night.” Alessia offered and your heart melted at her thoughtfulness.
“No, it’s okay, baby.”
Just as you were about to press your lips on hers, the doorbell went and Alessia got up to open it.
A series of voices entered your house, all of them sounding loud and excited.
Most of the girls walked into the lounge, greeting you before calling dibs on their spot.
After what felt like hours, but was actually twenty minutes, all of the team was there, and it was time to finally relax and put a movie on.
Alessia sat down next to you and you immediately cuddled into her chest, throwing a blanket on you both afterwards.
She started stroking a hand through your hair, pressing light kisses to your forehead.
Halfway through the film, the girls agreed to stop the movie for a refill of snacks and drinks.
“Are you okay, baby?” Alessia asked and you hummed, your eyes closed. “Would you like anything?” Once again, you didn’t say anything, instead shaking your head against her chest.
Within just five minutes, you were completely gone, fast asleep in Alessia’s arms.
Some of the girls walked through from the kitchen, laughing their heads off.
“Shh, Y/N’s just fallen asleep.” Alessia whispered, and they all cooed at the sight of you fast asleep cuddled into her.
Alessia pressed play on the remote, before deciding that it would probably be best to move you.
She gently picked you up, and carried you up the stairs (the muscles gained from her recent gym sessions helping her).
She placed a kiss on your forehead before heading out the room.
“Lessi, stay.” You murmured, again the pillow.
“Okay, baby. Let me just tell the girls. I promise I’ll be quick.”
Alessia stuck to her promise, being back in the room within thirty seconds.
You curled up into her side and fell asleep once more.
As long as Alessia was there, you could fall asleep anywhere.
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strwbrryeyes · 9 months
𖦹°。⋆ kenma as a best friend
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⟡ cw: fluff, friends to lovers, little video game rage, terrible suggestive pick up line, awkward everything tbh, lmk if i missed anything else.
⟡ a/n: i had to make this slightly awkward and cringe i couldn't help it. also my bf actually said that pickup line one time while playing bedwars. i threw a fireball at him after bc it was bad.
⟡ best friend series: lev, yaku, kuroo || masterlist
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best friend kenma who you met when he bumped into you while playing on his portable gaming device.
best friend kenma who felt bad but didn't know how to apologize properly because he was bad with people.
best friend kenma who you just giggled at because it was funny watching him try. you accepted his 'apology'.
best friend kenma who you got closer to when you ran into him again outside the volleyball gym, this time he was in his practice attire and you poked fun at him for actually being athletic.
best friend kenma who glared at you playfully as you teased him when kuroo came out from the gym to tell him to hurry up and get inside.
best friend kenma who hit kuroo when he saw you and immediately started hitting on you. "sorry, didn't know you called dibs" kuroo said and soon got hit again with kenma saying you weren't dating and you just responded with "yeah! we're only besties now!" which kenma cringed to.
best friend kenma who didn't really expect you to actually come up to him and talk but didn't complain because he actually liked having you around. you balanced him out with your outgoing personality.
best friend kenma who let you play on his gaming device whenever you would stop by to watch practice so you wouldn't get too bored while waiting for him.
best friend kenma who was in shock when practice was finished and saw that you had beaten the final boss of the game he's been trying kill for the past week and a half.
best friend kenma who called you a closeted nerd when he tried prying information out of you because there's no way it was just a 'fluke' like you said it was.
best friend kenma who went over to your house when you finally and gave in and admitted that you were a video game fanatic and told him that you had a pretty extensive collection of consoles and video games.
best friend kenma who would now come to your house every day he didn't have practice to play games with you.
best friend kenma who you always fought with over supersmash bros. and mario kart. you guys got really into it one time and didnt talk for a week before kuroo and yaku both lectured you about your rage issues.
best friend kenma who you went to the same college as and got a shared apartment because neither of you wanted to deal with roommates you didn't know.
best friend kenma who started streaming his gameplay since he had more time now since he didn't play volleyball anymore. he became popular relatively quick.
best friend kenma who invited you to play games with him on stream, mostly overwatch and minecraft. you became a fan favorite but you were made a meme when you tried valorant for the first time and failed.
best friend kenma who you made a vlog/irl youtube channel with where you guys would try different challenges.
best friend kenma who actually really disliked doing in person challenges but only did them because it made you happy.
best friend kenma who embarrassed himself during a cooking livestream when you were trying to teach him how to make apple pie from scratch.
best friend kenma who said he'd never do another cooking video with you again because he will never recover from it. he did another cooking livestream two weeks later and redeemed himself when he made a near perfect omurice.
best friend kenma who realized his feelings for you when you ate the omurice and saw your eyes light up and practically inhaled the rest of it. you looked like a goof but he found it adorable.
best friend kenma who while streaming minecraft bedwars came up with a bad pickup line when you said "i'll get bed defense" to which he responded with "you can come defend my bed" which caused you to freeze up, get distracted, and die when someone came up behind you, broke the bed, and killed you.
best friend kenma who actually didn't realize what he said until you died and turned to look at the livestream chat which was going lightning fast.
best friend kenma who ended the stream immediately after he realized what happened and ran to your room to apologize but only saw you curled up in a ball in your chair.
best friend kenma who apologized (terribly, like always) and accidentally blurted out that he loved you so that's why he subconsciously said what he said.
best friend kenma who curled up into a ball as well when he again realized what he said.
best friend kenma who was surprised when you finally broke the silence when you said you loved him back and asked if he wanted to be your boyfriend. he said yes obviously.
best friend kenma who is now boyfriend kenma who started the stream again an hour later like nothing happened but ended the stream by saying "okay gotta go cuddle with yn now".
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suikung · 2 months
I can’t stop thinking about yan! kakashi. The moment you join his team after Sasuke left the village, he calls dibs on you. He knows it’s a childish thing to do, but if his students can call dibs on food other things why couldn’t he do it to you? The only way he could describe you was venomous. Your presence infiltrated his life just how vemon will infiltrate a perfectly healthy body. Kakashi was a collected man, never showing too much emotion when unnecessary, but you? You brought out his carnal desires. His desires to have you all to himself and keep you away from these pigs who call themselves men. But he couldn’t just give into it, so he had to make you fall for him the right way before his patience ran out.
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First he offered to have private trainings with you. This was shocking to you, THE copy cat ninja, your sensei was taking time out of his day to help you. This was his perfect plan to get closer to you and to get your to agree, which didn’t take much, he told you how taijustu was your weak point in battle. So his plan began. It would begin with light sparring to first asses which areas you needed to improve.
“You need to tighten your stomach if you sense a punch coming (y/n)” He came up behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist to “test” how tense your could make your stomach to avoid unnecessary injuries. His breath mere inches from your ears, you could hear how his breathing quickened with every second his hand seemed to linger on you. Slowly he detached himself from your soft skin, immediately feeling cold air whipping your skin, wishing he stayed even a second longer. You can admit, your sensei was a handsome man even only seeing him with his mask. But you pushed aside those thoughts, not willing to jeopardize these training sessions over your silly school girl fantasies.
And so you guys continued, he kept coming at you and you kept dodging and when the possibility presented itself, you struck. But one wrong step caused you to come falling down onto Kakashi. He saw this coming, grabbed your shoulders pulling you into him, and allowed his chest to cushion your fall. Your head now laid directly on his chest, while your legs were fixated between his own. Such a compromising position would surely get both of you in trouble, but secretly Kakashi hoped someone would walk into your training area and see. Hopefully it would be one of those pigs who would make advances at you. Your head moved up and saw Kakashi staring back at you. You felt the quickening rise of his chest, and something poking you?
“I’m so sorry sensei!” You said as you pulled away from him, hoping he couldn’t see the tint in your cheeks. “Ah it’s no problem. This just means you have to make sure you’re always aware of your surroundings when you plan to strike”. He picked himself up, facing you with his eyes closed as if he was smiling under his mask, sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. What you didn’t know was that it took Kakashi every inch of restraint he had in his body to not take you then and there. To not pull his mask down, push the back of your head, lips ramming into his and map out your mouth. To not run his hands along your body, feeling every inch and remembering just how soft and warm your skin is. To undress you slowly, but impatiently because you have no idea the countless nights this man had spent imagining you and him. The way he would worship you, allowing himself to be at your mercy. These thoughts made the front of his pants strain and he knew he had to retreat from this situation before you could see what you did to him.
“Alright well, let’s call the end here, you did well. Just be careful next time to not … end up in such position with your enemy”. With a small laugh at the end of his sentence and he was gone, not even allowing you the time to say thank you.
What you didn’t know is he would spend the rest of the morning reliving the moment and like the lovesick freak he was, touching himself hoping that his hand would turn into yours.
A/N needed to get this out of my head. He’s so perverted honestly. Feel free to send requests my inbox is open! I hope soon to build further into yan kakashi.
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ghost-girl277 · 9 months
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you leave the door open when you shower part 1-jjk
Part 2
Part 1-choso, Nanami, ino
Part 2-???
Warnings ⚠️-cumming, mentions of chocking, hotel sex, blow job, reader getting their back blow out, reader has a 😺, shower sex, slight masterbation, spelling errors, 18+
Note- comments, likes, and reblogs are very much appreciated! Thank you for reading❤️👍🏼👍🏼 haven't posted in a while but thank you all for the notes and follows.
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water dripped down every curve of your body, steam from the shower traveling out of the bathroom through the partly opened door partnered with the smell of your body wash, loud and inviting, filling the rooms with your scent.
Ten minutes into your shower you heard the muffled sounds of a door opening, closing, then locking. Choso paused at the potent smell, the scent that smelled exactly like you. "Choso?" you called, making the man walk and turn the corner only to find that the door to the bathroom was cracked widely open, "yeah?" he replied after a bit of silence "do you mind grabbing me my shampoo from my bag?choso blinked before turning around and looking at the set bag that was on your "dibs" bed "...okay." Walking over and ignoring the strange feeling in his gut, he opened it but what he saw was the shampoo, instead it was a pair of your underwear, light blue and lacey, the feeling immediately coming back and going to his- "choso?" you called again, he moved the material slowly and took out the colorful bottle and knocked on the door "come in". At that he paled even more than he already was; you wanted him to go in while you were indecent? And for a moment choso pondered on the feeling in his pants, he was honestly worried out by his this new human body because he never felt like this when he was a curse. He walked in and swallowed at the sight of your body through the thin plastic, which was the only thing that separated him from you. You peaked your head from around the shower curtain suddenly, handing the shampoo to you he couldn't help himself from staring at the exposure of your neck, wet and soapy "thank you" your voice seem to break him from his trance "you're welcome" he wasn't sure what was going on but he felt embarrassed?, deprived, needy, and despite your state he was the one feeling vulnerable "can I-I mean do you mind.. if I join you?" he asked unintentionally innocent.
you moaned, your shower being long forgotten, choso picked one of your legs up and fucked into you at an unsteady rythem. Choso going so deep the air in your lungs practically being forced out causing breathless whimpers to mix in with the water hitting your bodies. "Is this good? Am I doing it right?" Choso was no better, moaning louder than you as you took his virginity, pussy hoping to never let him go as it squeezed around him every time he pulled out to the tip before framing his dick up your wet hole again and again and again "yesyesyes, don't stop!" Your nails clawed down his pecs from his shoulders, continuing their descend to your clit and rub it as your body was building up an orgasm "what are you doing" his curiosity spoke loud "it helps" you breathe out "with an orgasm" "that's a good, right? can I try" shaking your head yes, your hand going to his wrist to guide his pace. "something's happening" choso moaned out, and with that being the only warning, choso's hot cum being fucked into you followed by your own orgasm. But he didn't stop, only speeding up more and more forcing you both into oversimulation "why- you plan this didn't you?" He asked into your ear, still pumping himself into you harder as he leaned his forehead into the crook of your neck "do this again, please"
Nanami pressed his back harder into the headboard everytime he pictured your naked body beyond the crack of the door, not even 10 minutes ago he entered the hotel room and going straight to the bathroom only to stop right before it and see you're sitting figure on the tub turning the water on only wearing underwear
he felt sick, like a pervert for getting a hard on like this for his coworker, for his friend. He tried to ignore the aching feeling and the small wet spot on his pants caused by pre-cum. He took off his shirt and belt, deciding that he'll take a shower in the morning instead and hoping that by the time you returned from the shower he's asleep, slipping off his pants and sighing at the slight friction that was given to his desperate dick, he didn't hear the softness of your bare feet come out of the bathroom, nor see your figure peeking out from the corner. "Nanami?" you called quietly, he turned around quickly completely apone hearing you, forgetting his half-necked state, he paused, the first thing he noticed was your hair wet and hanging down some framing your face, second, the visibility of the small of your neck down to your collar bone to your chest that was covered in a towel, nipples poking the fabric, and third, one of your legs peeking out as you leaned your half necked figure around the corner. Nanami had to suppress and moan, clearing his throat and asking what you needed slightly blushing from your and his state of clothing or like there of; he turned his head to look at the shirt sitting atop your bag that you requested. Swallowing the lump in his throat because there was no way you didn't notice the massive bulge in his underwear, he grabbed it and walked up to you, a little too closer than necessary, his eyes seem to be filled with frustration as your scent only made him realize his desire for you and what he can't hav. You stepped around the corner, now almost chest to chest with the man, making his eyes descend and mouth go agape. You dropped your towel and took your shirt from his hand. "Thank you, Nanami"
He groaned and gritted, eyes shut and concentrating not to be too loud because next door was bound to hear his sounds of pleasure, his hand went up to his face and dragged it down stopping before his mouth. He peered down at you with slim eyes, sat nicely on your knees slightly bent forward and completely naked as you try to take him full, struggling and gagging with just how big he was. A moan slipped, quiet and small, but enough to have you peeling up at him from below and you slowly slid his cock down your throat again. The action causing him to warn you of his upcoming white hot orgasm before his seed shot into the back of your throat in multiple strands, you swallowed then wiped your mouth with the back of your wrist, looking up at him with a smile about to say something smug before he began to talk first.
"My turn"
He tried to ignore it, he did, the sound of your moans, muffled from the steaming water as you pleasured yourself, the feeling of his pants getting uncomfortably tight, but every time he distracted himself your moans seem to be more potent inside his head. When he gave up he started to imagine how exactly were you touching yourself, were you rubbing circles on your clit? Were you teasing yourself? What were you thinking about? Were your fingers buried deep in your sweet pussy walls.? If it was him he'd do whatever you desired, overstimulation or edging you, before he could stop he was playing with himself with the thought of you, rubbing his bulge to the speed of your moans, then he stopped, head turning to the crack door. It felt so wrong, he didn't want to be here, pathetically touching himself and wishing it was you, he wanted to be there and make you feel good, fuck you and treat you so well you never forget him whether you wanted him to pound you like he hated you or show how he feels about you by going nice and gentle. He'd kiss your forehead, his hand coming up and wrapping it around your throat not hard enough to cause you to lose oxygen flow but enough for you to remember that it's there as his hips slam into you, cock going deeper each time and making your orgasm hit hard and the wind being temporarily knocked out of you; he'd fuck you for as long as you wanted and pull as many orgasms out of you as you needed, but, he would never actually have the confidence to go into that bathroom that he knew was left open on purpose. He didn't notice the sound of water being shut off or the sound of you walking out the bathroom, nor notice you were standing in the doorway with nothing on but a way to big graphic t-shirt, but the sound of his name and the way it rolled off your tongue seem to snap him out of his trance.
"Ino?" you questioned, when he turned he didn't expect your face to look confused and a little...hurt? And he definitely didn't expect you to be half-dressed. You walked over to him and sat on your hamstrings right next to his legs as you faced him, your legs slightly open and you notice the way a small moan escaped him as his eyes darted down between your legs. You spoke quietly and he could have missed it if it wasn't for the deep quiet of the room, he noticed that the disappointed expression didn't falter as your words told him you left the door open on purpose, despite already know this his mouth open and closing. Taking his silence as rejection, you got up and headed to your own bed before a hand grab your wrist, pressing his body plush against your back as both of his arms came up and rapped themselves around your middle waist. "Don't go" he was quiet with his words as if he'd scare you off if he spoke any louder "you didn't come in the bathroom when I left it open" you said, playing with the hem of your T-shirt "I know.. give me another chance?"
You were on your back, his arms hooked under your legs as he held them close to your chest from apart "fuckfuckfuckfuck!" You practically screamed, then incredible feeling of your stomach tightening and fluttering making you moan in contentment, his dick hitting so deep and itching all the perfect angles. His hand dropping from one of your legs and to instead play with your forgotten clit just like he imagined minutes ago, he peppered kisses over your face and gave you praise after praise, telling you that it won't be long until you're coming on his cock again, saying that he's going to fill you up so nicely if you let him.
" fuck, pleasepleaseplease go out with me I don't- don't just want to fuck you, I want to be yours please. I'm gonna cum, can I do it inside?" with allowed moan from the both of you, you came together, not stopping and instead pushing his cum deeper inside you. The neighbors was definitely going to have a few complaints in the morning.
Part 2
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Comment who you want in part two if you want to, and as always thank you for reading have a nice day 🌞 nigh 🌝 and evening 🌆
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hp-hcs · 11 months
on a slytherin high rn so I'd be interested to see your take on yandere enzo berkshire? (on his own or poly with mattheo or theodore because there's no such thing as too much of the theo's) or just any sort of enzo x male reader.
~yanxidarlings; why you should make your writing blog a primary blog (case study)
poly bc i love my theo boyos ☺️
i tried real hard on this one i swear, just none of my words are wording right 😭
really? nobody has a single request? 🤨🤲
detention — yandere! poly! lorenzo berkshire & yandere! poly! mattheo riddle & yandere! poly! theodore nott x male! hufflepuff! reader
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TWs: possessive/obsessive/toxic behavior, referenced homophobia, implied past repeated homophobia, homophobic slur, implied past bullying, references to past violence, graphic threats of violence, sexual innuendos, implied sexual activities
“…really, I don’t know what you were thinking. Here, this is the detenti- Mr. Riddle! Mr. Nott! Get off of those desks!” McGonagall scolded, snapping her fingers and casting a wandless spell that made them both fall off of their desks and safely into their chairs.
You hover awkwardly at the doorway of the classroom-turned-detention-room, feeling the sudden piercing eyes of three Slytherins on you.
McGonagall huffs in disappointment, pats your shoulder, and leaves without a word. The boys all share a look you can’t quite decipher.
“Well, well, well. What’ve we got here?” One of them drawls, putting his feet up on his desk and crossing them at the ankle. “A pretty-boy Hufflepuff got in trouble?”
You rock back and forth on your feet, biting your lip nervously.
“Aww, he’s nervous,” another Slytherin cooed patronizingly. “What’s wrong, little badger? Afraid of a few snakes?”
The first boy stands up, sauntering over to you with an obnoxious smirk. He holds his hand out for you to shake.
“Mattheo Riddle, darling.”
You slowly take his hand and shake it, your grip loose.
“Nice to meet you,” you say softly. “I’m Y/N.”
“Y/N,” the second boy purrs, joining the first, Mattheo. “Lovely name for a lovely boy. I’m Theodore, sweetheart.”
You swallow thickly, the two taller boys standing over you.
“Leave ‘im alone, guys,” the last boy speaks up. “I’m calling dibs.”
“W-what?” You squeak, your eyes darting between the three as they all share another wordless look.
“Come along, little badger,” Theodore grins widely, predatorily, slinging an arm over your shoulders. “We don’t bite.”
“Unless you ask us to,” Mattheo adds on, joining your other side and wrapping an arm around your waist.
Your cheeks burn with the innuendo and all of the attention. “Er…no, I’m alright. Thank you.”
“If you ever change your mind…” Mattheo shrugs, leaving the offer unspoken.
The third boy finally stands up, swatting away Mattheo and Theodore. They both, surprisingly, acknowledge him and step away from you.
“Ignore these idiots,” he says fondly. “They think only with their dicks and never their brains.”
The Theos™ immediately break out into loud protests at the accusation. The third Slytherin rolls his eyes.
“I’m Lorenzo, but most people call me Enzo.”
“What do you call yourself?” You ask, voice still soft and almost getting lost in the clamor of the two other boys.
“You told me what people call you…but what do you call yourself?”
He blinks.
“Uh, Lorenzo, I guess.”
You nod. “Lovely to meet you, Lorenzo.”
“I have a feeling that it’s lovelier meeting you, Y/N.”
~~~ “So why did you get detention?” Theodore asks, looking up at you from where he lays on the floor of the library, the spot you four had chosen to further converse at after your sentence was served. “You don’t seem like the type to really do…anything wrong.”
You wince, closing your book and relaxing further into the comfortable couch. “I uh, tried to ask this guy to Hogsmeade this weekend-” The boys all sit up at this, a dark look passing over each of their faces. “-but he uh…did not reciprocate,” you laugh humorlessly, running your fingers along your orbital bone.
They can barely see it—it’s still too early—but a definite bruise is starting to form. It’s going to turn into a hell of a black eye by tomorrow.
“He hit you?” Theodore asks, his voice low.
You shrug. “Comes with the territory of being the uh, ‘Puff Poof’, as they call me.”
“Creative. Put a lot of work into that one.”
“Tell me about it,” you grumble.
“Wait, how did you get in trouble then? If you were the one who got beat up in the first place?” Mattheo asks, his face scrunched up in confusion.
“Oh, I called Dumbledore a uh…‘batshit crazy abuser with a sanctimonious attitude and a god complex’. As it turns out, he did not like that.”
They all stare at you for a moment before bursting into laughter.
“Holy shit.”
“Talk about misjudging someone, damn.”
Your laughter eventually dies off and the conversation comes back around.
“So, Y/N, uh, what was this guy’s name?” Lorenzo asks sweetly, innocently. “Just..curious, is all.”
You huff, rolling your eyes. “Cormac McLaggen.”
They all collectively grimace.
“I know, okay? No need to rub it in.”
“You have terrible taste,” Mattheo scowls. “Asking out fucking McLaggen when we’re right here.”
“Yeah, don’t need to worry about him anymore, sweetheart,” Theodore says, sitting up from his spot on the floor and moving over to settle between your thighs and rest his chin on your knee. “We’re enough, aren’t we?”
Your cheeks burn at their words.
~~~ “What’re you all doing, bringing a Puff in here?” A fourth year jeers as the boys lead you through the Slytherin common room to the dorm they all share.
Theodore stares at the kid with his dead eyes; unnerving to everyone in the common room.
“If you even so much as look at him again, I’ll carve your eyes out in your sleep.”
The threat comes not from Theodore, but Lorenzo.
You gape, bewildered, as Lorenzo leads you down the hall, humming to himself like nothing happened.
“Same goes for you, you know,” Mattheo leans down to murmur in your ear. “Don’t even think about looking at another boy, got that, lovely?”
You reach their dorm and are roughly pulled inside, the door being slammed shut behind you all. Theodore pushes you up against the wall, pinning you in place.
“Ours, understand?”
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satirn · 2 months
if Jimmy and Timmy get married, how would the wedding go? Who proposes to the other? how does the proposal go?
this is the best ask ever i forgot how much i love schmaltz <3<3. heres some quick doodles as a bonus <3
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as for the wedding and events proceeding, i think its go well! they deserve a little break from the stuff in their life, as a treat /q. Unless something like the syndicate crashes their party (i.. dont think theyd be that evil to do that tbh, i havent really dabbled w them story wise but idk, its a wedding im sure they'd be civil for once..) or some interuniversal threat pops up that needs their immediate action (something like garnet's wedding from su). which tbh would probably inhance the expirence for timmy, hes a straight menace and thinks stuff like that is awesome </3. but anyways
in general relationship stuff timmy may be the more forward one but i think jimmy would be the one to establish the milestones, plus that hes more traditional in my characterization of him. that being said, timmy would totally unintentionally propose or joke about marrying him and jimmy would 100% take him up on that with no hesitation.
now onto wedding stuff bc damn do i have a soft spot for this kinda stuff <3<3
the flowers i chose are forget-me-nots and pink / peachy orange aster flowers with a touch of roses in those same colors as well. i implore you to look up the flower meanings i had fun w em <3
I chose the color peach/a coral (is that what that color is ??) for the wedding because its a combo of timmy's pink and jimmy's redish orange (vermillion ?). i just think combining their colors when it comes to ships is just so so CUTE <3<3<3. this is also why that jimmytimmy painting i did a while back has primarily those colors <3. it didn't fit the theme but timmy wanted them so he gets a green, hot magenta pink, and purple flowers for his suit so his only family that loves him can be there.
this is uhh kinda angst implied but it wouldn't be something i made without a bit of angst <3. timmy's biological family would not be there, his mother would probably call once she heard that he got married but timmy decided to abandon that life and those people for good, and for the better tbh. the rest of the nicktoons unite crew would be there + maybe their plus one ig, but dib instead of zim, or maybe them both (zim wants to look normal so attends these events where its expected u show up yk, and dib follows bc clearly. hehe). cindy would probably arrive and agree to being a bridesmaid to show she isnt homophobic but would probably cry and/or drink in a corner the whole time </3, losing both of her boyfriend prospects at once /j
when they toss the bouquet danny is the one who catches it.. he looks over to manny and they share a flustered look while everyone else cheers <3
this is how id imagine it to go at least, there might be more sketches of this in the future i just gotta clean em up first </3. aaah this post is so long </3. told u i loved this kinda stuff SHHSHUSH !! <3<3<3
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Tan reluctantly becoming friends with a soft, shy reader (bc lemon) and then one day her shitty ex is outside her apartment and he's about to step in bc hes developed a soft spot for her, but instead he watched her punch him in the face and slam the door on him and hes like, oh shit. Instant heart eyes.
I love all ur tan stuff!! I'm obsessed thank u for blessing us with tan content (pls don't feel pressured to write this or anything if ur not feeling this) 💕💕
hii!! love it !! you’re so sweet, thank you sm!! <3333 thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
tangerine x fem!reader — fluff/ misc
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word count. 582
Tangerine is the kind to keep his circle small. One additional person small who happened to be his brother. But that seemed to change when you got added to the mix.
You were much unlike the other two within your newfound group. You were quiet and shy, soft and gentle in ways the twins could never be. Many would think that the combination of your personality with theirs would clash - but you all felt the opposite. You all got on incredibly well.
Tonight was movie night over yours with both Lemon and Tangerine. You had dibs, so you put on one of your favourites that you've been trying to put the brothers on. Initially, they were displeased, rather unimpressed with your choice, but all bickering and protesting subsided when they got into it.
But that didn't last long. All enjoyment halted when you heard a series of erratic, irregular knocks at your front door. The twins' being their usual protective selves, jumped at the chance to protect you - one suggesting to hide you, the other offering to get the door. But you knew who it was, the same person who's been knocking at your door for the past week.
Usually, you would hide somewhere safe within your apartment, but not tonight. Maybe it was the reassuring and protective presence of your friends that gave you the confidence to do what you've wanted to do for a long time. So you waved the brothers off, shushing their disputes and pointing them into your bedroom - silently asking them to wait in there.
When you answer the door, you see him - that pestering piece of work ex lingering on your doorstep.
"I don't want you here," you stand your ground, talking to him through the small, ajar gap of your door.
"Can we talk?" he slurs, clearly drunk.
"I don't want to talk to you," you push the door closed, struggling when you meet resistance on the other side.
"Come on," he continues, using his weight to keep the door wedged.
"Let us have him," Tangerine says sternly, talking to you from across the room - ignoring your prior request, his demeanour a whole one-eighty from before.
"I got it," you brush him off, wavering your hand at him. "It's fine."
You turn your attention back to the dick on your doorstep and open your door just enough for you to slip an arm through. It was as if the twins' habits were rubbing off on you, and instead of reasoning with your ex, you decided to punch him - landing a forceful shot square in his nose.
Slamming the door closed, you lock it immediately and turn around to see the brothers staring at you with the most impressed and shocked look on their faces.
You shake your hand, working out the ache from your knuckles - an uncomfortable expression slapped across your features. "That hurts. How do you guys do that?" you chuckle, your spirits lifted.
Lemon turns to look at his brother, watching the love form within his eyes - utter adoration on his face. But that stops when a slap across the arm snaps him from his thoughts.
"Down bad," Lemon whispers, subtly nodding at you as you make your way across the room.
"Fuck off," he slaps his brother back, now following behind you. "I got it," he calls after you. "Go sit on the couch. I'll get you some peas and clean you up."
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sluttybaka · 7 months
I haven't been active in a really long time, but hear me out because big inspo just hit. Immediately calling dibs on the idea. Picture this shit.
Soulmate AU with Bakugou. You have a boyfriend, who has recently just proposed. You love this dude, you really do. You've been dating him since your first year of college. You've both talked about how you wouldn't leave one another if you ever found your soulmates because you're both so in love. Soulmates be damned, you CHOSE HIM. You thought he would always do the same until boom, one day he finds his soulmate and leaves you. Doesn't even hesitate to do so. You're heart broken and have decided that love is stupid, you'll never fall for anyone again and the idea of soulmates becomes even more distasteful for you. Imagine then having an encounter with Bakugou who is your soulmate a few months later and wanting nothing to do with him. He has other plans though and is hell bent on not leaving you alone.
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gabessquishytum · 23 days
Hi Gabe and welcome back 💖💖 I’ve got a particularly delicious ask for you hehe
So TJ-Dragonblade and Delta-Pavonis both wrote incredible fics on the concept of immortal gigolo to the supernatural, Hob Gadling, and Dream finding out about said occupation in modern day.
But what if Hob had the opportunity to service Dream in 1389? Then 1489, and 1589…you get the gist. 
Maybe Hob is the token mortal at the agency who happens to become immortal because Dream just finds him so irresistible and he wants to fuck this mortal way past his normal lifespan. Or maybe Hob’s already met Death and gotten immortality another way from her, and now he’s heard all about Dream and is eager to please.  
Maybe they both think at first this is just a nice arrangement, a good way to get a mindblowing orgasm once a century but oops, Hob’s caught feels! And Dream has too but he’ll be the last to admit that.
Anyways, how do you think their 1789 meeting REALLY went in this scenario? 😏😏😏
Hey beloved seiya!!! Thank you for this ask - I have been thinking about immortal gigolo Hob SO MUCH. My brain immediately went to 'Hob started the agency and is like the brothel madame and only very occasionally takes on special clients'. The idea of Hob as a somewhat morally grey person who takes in supernatural waifs and strays and kind of grooms them into the perfect escorts really tickles my brain. Of course when he sees Dream, Hob immediately calls dibs on him because he's so fucking pretty no one else is allowed to have him.
As for their 1789 meeting, I have so many thoughts about Hob getting dressed up beforehand. I mean it in the nicest possible way but he looks like such a tart at that meeting (in all fairness so does Dream) so I can't help but imagine all the other employees helping Hob get ready for his big date - he's got a selkie coiffuring his hair, a couple of ghouls helping him with his garters, a werewolf giving him a manicure. It's like cinderella getting ready for the ball. Hob books the private room for them to have their little tete a tete... and of course he doesn't forget to specify that he wants a bedroom.
How can Dream resist this particularly tasty morsel? Hob looks better than ever in 1789, he's really made a go of it in the business world... Dream may disapprove, but he appreciates the results. Add the fact that Hob is so eager for him, so clearly prepared and thrilled to be fucked by his mysterious stranger... well, Dream has an ego. He's only too happy to sprawl back against the mattress and allow Hob to suck him off - not once, but twice. His hair comes lose from his pretty ribbon and Hob doesn't look so different from 1389, long haired and dishevelled and grinning. Dream is about 30 seconds from taking him off to the dreaming forever. Why limit himself to once a century, when he could have this every night?
Alas, they are interrupted.
Instead of accusing Hob of being the Wandering Jew, Lady Constantine calls him the Devil's Whore. She's not exactly far off. Lucifer is a client of the agency, but Hob never serves them personally. In fact, Hob only serves Dream. But Dream doesn't need to know that. He believes that Hob spends his immortal days in the debauched company of many, many beings. Believing anything else would be admission of something special between them, and Dream can't allow that...
Not for another 250 years or so, anyway!
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So I had some time to think tonight at work (in between operating heavy machinery, swearing at the materials, and trying to keep the line running, fun times!) And I asked myself, "self, hypothetically, what might @inexplicifics Accidental Warlord AU look like in another generation or two - once people really get used to witchers being The Good Guys (TM) and helping out?"
And I was like "well, they'd probably get invited to social events - ooh! Who'd like which events best?!? What would that look like?"
Geralt, as we all know, detests anything too formal or Warlord-focused. He enjoys weddings and receptions, but his TRUE favorite is baby christenings. Seriously. Put him in a room with a tiny baby and he's happy as a clam. He'll happily growl away (or weaponize his puppy-dog eyes against) grannies, aunties, and other family members to hold the baby for as long as possible. He's also 90% of the reason that witchers are now rumored to be able to bless babies.
When Mouse and Treyse bring this new rumor to the council, everyone has to just sit. And process for a minute. Because what the ever-loving fuck?!? (Jaskier immediately writes the sweetest lullaby ever, "A Witcher's Blessing", and it is the ONLY song that Geralt ever sings in public, and only ever to babies and small children. Multiple women blame this for their immediate conceptions.)
Jaskier adores weddings and festivals of all types, and if a happy couple includes details of how they met and/or fell in love with their wedding invitation, there's at least a 50% chance that he'll show up to the wedding with a personalized love song, holy shit.
Ciri loves tourneys. Loves watching them, loves displaying in them, loves sneaking into competing in them (omg, heir, NO), loves WINNING them. She's a menace. She has various stealth coats of arms that she rotates between when she's not supposed to be competing, but her favorite is the battle goose. Obviously.
Eskel doesn't like crowds or being the center of attention, which are almost inevitable with public invitations, but he does enjoy being the +1 for his family. Several of his and their interests overlap, and even where they don't, he likes to see them enjoying themselves.
Yennifer becomes well-known as an extremely efficient - albeit terrifying - treaty negotiator. She'll talk to both sides, get a list of their must haves, deal-breakers, would-likes, and don't-wants (as well as - perhaps more importantly - the reason why each of those are on that particular list). Then she draws up a draft and viciously negotiates a compromise. She is genuinely surprised the first time that both sides thank her for her help.
Vesemir, with all his long years of teaching, loves visiting schools and seeing any sort of student performance or sporting event. Kindergarten to university, drama to music to dance recitals to track and field meets to football games to student symposiums to science contests to... He buys out bake sales and funds club field trips and donates several fortunes worth of antique knick knacks to various schools. He's invited as a guest lecturer, a commencement speaker, a competition judge, a referee.
Lambert and Aiden, at some point, discover bachelor's parties, call dibs, and never look back. People learn very quickly not to invite witchers to their stag nights unless they want the entire party to get horrifyingly drunk - but at least Lam and Aiden will make sure that everyone makes it home (or to the wedding) safely. Perhaps not soberly, or sans hangover, but definitely without major injury. (And if the bride asks nicely and the groom and friends weren't total jerks, Lambert can usually be counted on to make a hangover cure. He really is a softie at heart.)
Dragonfly and Serrit get tapped for the odd bachelorette party or ladies' birthday parties. Anything that falls under "I want to be able to drink and party with my friends without worrying about some strange guy hurting one of us." They are extremely protective and have both been drunkenly proposed to several times. (Livi finds this terribly amusing. Gweld just wants to know if he can watch.) Milena and Zofia sometimes go with them.
Milena loves going to wedding showers and baby showers, but outside Kaer Morhen, she has to stay in sight of Lambert or one of his brothers. Lambert's rule. (She got KIDNAPPED, okay? He's allowed to worry!) Usually she'll take Geralt (there might be babies! He's excellent protection!) or Eskel (he's very quiet and has excellent manners, and his signs are impossible to fight) for the more, ah, female-heavy events. If anyone asks, they're her brother-in-law and genuinely like spending time around kids. And very, very married.
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Session 0 - Damian Priest x Tattoo Artist
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Part 1 of 6
Rating: T
Beta Reader: @jstarr86
“Trust me Dam, she’s the best at what she does. It doesn’t hurt that I’d trust her with my life. You’ve been going on about finally getting that back piece, there’s no one better.” Rhea practically herded him towards what looked like an absolute hole in the wall, his nerves judged it based on first appearance.
“Most of my art was done by her, I’ve been meaning to introduce Dom as well. You got first dibs of course.” She paused at the door giving him a single raised brow, “You do trust me, don’t you Damian?”
Cornered he let out a sigh, it doesn’t hurt to at least take a look to appease her. 
“Fine, after you.” 
A bell above the door could just barely be heard over the heavy rock that beat like a pulse within the confines of the lobby. Framed detailed tattoo sketches hung upon the walls, behind the front desk were a collection of awards and licenses to prove this place was legit. Folders full of premade basic bitch designs sat on the coffee table by comfortable leather chairs, Rhea pressed a button at the front. No sound could be heard but in a span of seconds a young woman came out from the back.
“How can I- Oh! Shit! Rhea! Hey girl! Why didn’t you give me a heads up that you were coming?” Priest looked up from one of the framed pieces he was admiring. Apparently the new arrival hadn’t noticed him from the angle he was standing, not something he was used to given his size. He took a moment to admire the person before him…
Purple faux hawk with an under-fade, full tattoo sleeves on both arms, legs, and back, several piercings both visible and one not, brilliant blue eyes with some intense metallic goth eye makeup and a stunning smile. A pair of fake leather leggings with lace ups on the outside of the legs, a fishnet crop top under a Beetlejuice tank top, tying it all together was a basic durable black dog collar and a pair of Demonia knee length boots.Unlike the blonde Barbie she was finishing up, Rhea’s friend wasn’t stick skinny. She was probably a good size 9 or 10, there was some plump flesh but it appeared to have some sturdy muscle underneath. A full pair of breasts accentuated beautifully with the fishnet, and hips perfect to dig fingers into.
“I brought a friend that I thought you might like meeting, he’s been talking about wanting a new big tat for awhile now. So I told him there's only one person I’d trust with that.” After a moment the girl turned to look at him, there was immediate recognition as well as shock across her features. It was brief and fleeting before putting up a friendly facade.
It took Rhea slapping on the bicep to smack Damian back present, realizing he’d been staring at the artist long after the gal she’d been working on had left happily. Meaning he had given her an intense resting bitch for a good minute now. Incredibly embarrassed Priest offered a hand which she accepted with an impressive firm hand shake.
“You can call me Minnie, only people I like get to use that.” Rhea playful shoulder checked her with a warm smile,
“It’s short for Minerva, her parents were from Athens originally”
“So your namesake is a Goddess of War, seems fitting.” Bright sky blue eyes flicked up from the sketchbook she’d grabbed to start jotting ideas from him. And without pause blossomed like a Sunflower, taking note of the dimple on her right cheek. 
“Best make sure you never get on my bad side, Rhea has some great stories of me chasing off her exes prior to Wrestling. I’m only five years older than her, not to mention like 5 inches shorter even without those elevator shoes she stomps around in.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed that at all. Both of you still don’t have me beat.”
“Well you clearly discovered immortality in high school, because you haven't aged a bit.”
Rhea perched herself on the spare stool in the room, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes as she watched the two getting comfortable with their back and forth.
“What she neglected to mention is the three times she chased them off with a metal bat wrapped in barbed wire and nails welded to it.”
“Jokes on you, I still sleep with that bat beside my bed. Safety first and all that fun stuff. Safer than a machete, I’d rather not accidentally stab myself in my sleep.”
“That’s why we’re best friends.” The Aussie grins before giving Minnie a cheeky wink.
“Why do I feel like I got led into a trap?” She wrinkled her nose at Damian before opening the sketchbook before her.
“You have nothing to worry about Butterscotch, I take my art very seriously. Now let’s start discussing what you’re looking to get and where. I’ll let you know now, that while I’m sure you’re likely VERY blessed… I don’t do anything where I gotta see dick or vag.”
Priest momentarily choked on his saliva while Rhea guffawed in glee. A quick side eye glare at her smothered the sound to a quiet chuckle. Something about her felt like she was messing with the poor Puerto Rican man, akin to a cat staring directly at their owner while pushing a glass of water off the counter playfully.
“You’ve already got plenty of gorgeous pieces on that flawless flesh. What are you thinking of doing?”
No hesitation he pulled his t-shirt up and over while turning to show the empty expanse of his back. Her breath caught audibly, eyes briefly went wide glancing at Ripley wildly. The female wrestler grinned like the Cheshire Cat, watching each interaction with fascination. Plans coming to fruition.
The tattooer bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to focus on what he was actually saying. Once locked in, Minnie began to sketch up fluidly upon paper, at one point he was leaning over her shoulder admiring the work of a talented creative. Bringing his vision to life on the crisp white paper, each description rumbled like incoming thunder located in the man’s voice box. Thank god for hyperfocus cuz lord only knows this was gonna be a genuine challenge for her self-control. All she wanted to do was trace those tattoos on him with her tongue. She had to shake her head to focus back in again, hands working on autopilot, taking in his words with each glide of charcoal across parchment. 
When he finished describing it she looked back up at him with a friendly smile,
“How big are you thinking of making it? So I know what to prepare for, as well as how many sessions to schedule in advance.” He tilted his head in thought momentarily before answering,
“Ideally I’d like it to cover a majority of my back.” She nodded in agreement,
“Alright, I’ve got the sketch started. I'll email you three different versions and you let me know what you like and what you don’t. And if there's aspects you like in one and want to add it to another one, just let me know. This is your tattoo on your skin, I want you to love it decades from now. How’s that sound?”  Damian was genuinely impressed with her professionalism, even as he controls the strong desire to flirt with her. This was a time to behave, she was Rhea’s best friend, and thus not someone to attempt to make any moves towards. 
“That sounds great to me, thanks.” Her smile was so sweet it could have made him diabetic just looking at it. 
“Great. Oh and Rhea, let me know when you want to come in and do those matching ghost tattoos with Dom.” 
“No rush, he’s busy planning his wedding right now so it’s gonna be a bit.”
“Sounds good to me. Now unfortunately I do have another client coming in twenty minutes so I gotta start prepping.” She pulled a business card from her bra, handing it over to Damian,
“My email and personal number is on there in case you think of something you want to add to the tat.Sound good?” Minnie gave a bashful little smile, and it made something deep in his chest want to say something incredibly forward. Rhea snagged him by the elbow, grinning like a cat that caught the canary. 
A nod of thanks was all he got out before being ushered back out, quicker than able to verbalize his appreciation. Ripley called back loudly,
“Thanks love! I’ll make sure he remembers to check his email regularly.” As if he didn’t already do that for work contacts to begin with. Once back in the car Priest gave his companion a look of utter suspicion, he could tell that she had ulterior motives. Nothing vicious or cruel, but she’d tried to set him up on a couple dates in the past, none that worked out. He’s focused on work, most women didn’t appreciate not being number one in his life. It’s been a string of disappointments, to where he bluntly asked Rhea to stop playing cupid. 
“This better not be an attempt at matchmaking again-” She cut him off with a sigh,
“I’ve long accepted that the ball is in your court from now on. I really truly just wanted you to go to an artist I’d trust my life with. She’s a good one, professional, talented, she spent twenty years as an apprentice before taking on her own clients. To top it off, she’s loyal, fun, and could use more genuine friends other than me. Can you blame me for that?” Her tone of voice was honest, after how much time they’d spent together, he could easily tell when she was bullshitting. Damian nodded to her as a show of acceptance to what she was saying. Her attention locked on the drive back to her place, Buddy was gonna get some sparring practice in with the other man. 
His gaze trailed a spot in the distance, trying to keep that woman out of his thoughts… failing miserably. She had such a lovely face, and all the art on display was impressive to be sure. The name Minerva fit her perfectly, especially with how protective she was of the Australian wrestler. It was endearing how she was barely 5’3 and was ready to take on the world to keep her 5’7 well-muscled friend safe. He hadn’t noticed the small smile that spread across his features, but Ripley sure took note of it. Keeping her features stoic while internally she was so pleased with herself. 
She pulled into the driveway where her man was waiting, he waved as they got out of the car. Buddy smiled at them, 
“I’m guessing it went well? Minnie is great at what she does. Rhea doesn’t like to share her with people, so it’s a hell of a compliment she brought you.” She gave him a quick kiss before heading into the house calling back,
“Play nice boys don’t forget the Terror Twins have some matches coming up.”
Damian shook his head w a huff before following the ginger towards their personal gym. Somehow he still had a sneaking suspicion that Rhea was playing a long game now instead of all the quick fruitless dates in the past… The image of Minerva slid by again, and for once… he might be okay with that.
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fanfic-obsessed · 21 days
I have a prompt for you, in light of the recent (very entertaining) DCU aus you've posted. If you were going to do a batfam-are-cryptids-but-now-the-justice-leauge-meets-them thing, how would you do it?
Have I told you thank you yet, @somestorythoughts, your prompts and responses make me so happy. Also I almost always end up with  more to write, which is fun.
Now back to the important part.
Fair warning, I screw with ages and timelines with this one. There is no canon here
I think, as far as a cryptid status is concerned this will be a ‘Batman is a founding, and funding, member of the Justice League, but has never revealed his identity’ kind of idea (with all the precautions therein to make sure even the metas can’t guess his identity). There is some speculation throughout the Justice League that Batman does not actually have a civilian identity, that he is the spirit of justice possessing a cape and cowl (Seriously there were three attempted exorcisms).  It is known that Batman always works alone, and that no one is to set foot Gotham, a few of the youngest members disbelieve that Gotham even really exists. 
However there are always rumors that can’t quite be dispelled.  No one in the Justice League can figure out the Watchtower’s firewall (designed by Oracle). Through the years there have been half heard conversations by the JL that almost sound like a wellness check after a fight, going either direction over a com line they can’t access. Sometimes during particularly difficult fights masked strangers will appear, most of which fight with styles similar to Batman, only to vanish again without a word. A few swear they have caught code names (Robin…or maybe Red Robin…Or was it Red Hood…no it was really Black Bat…there might be a BatGirl????) but no one can confirm anything.
In addition, it is impossible to quell the rumor that entering Gotham uninvited means you will disappear.  Not every time and no one can figure out the difference between being escorted out and vanishing, but there have been several heroes from the community who vanished after entering Gotham over the years.
What’s really happening is that I love the Young Justice Team and want a way for it to work with Cryptid BatFam. 
Two of the most notable, the first but certainly not the last, were Bart Allen, Impulse, and Cassie Sandsmark, Wonder Girl who entered the city limits together to try to prove that they too could be heroes. Both were 15 when they vanished.  Unknown to anyone else, at the same time an unnamed clone of Clark Kent and Lex Luthor was also sent into Gotham, as a test of some kind. 
All three of them, for different reasons, entered feeling abandoned or dismissed by the people around them. So when they encountered Tim Drake, as Robin, age 14; he called dibs and adopted them on the spot (Tim: These are my children Cassie, Bart, and the newly named Connor. Yes, I carried them in my very own womb and I am very proud of all of them. No, I will not accept questions. Batkids: Cool! Niblings. Batman<sighs>: At least tell me you didn’t kill someone to acquire them. Tim: I just told you, I birthed them myself).  So Cassie, Bart, and Connor are absorbed into the BatFam. Both Bart and Cassie decide against telling anyone where they are, with Connor not really having anyone to tell.  It should also be noted that the JL avoided asking Batman about the whereabouts of the kids who vanished after entering Gotham, they didn’t want to admit where the kids had gone. 
Three years later, Jason, as Red Hood (Jason did not die here, though it was close. He still took on the moniker of Red Hood after a beating by the Joker), age 19 happens upon Roy Harper, age 20 after Roy had a fight with Oliver and does the same thing. Only Jason dragged Roy home and introduced Roy home as his newest brother, giving Bruce a crazy look that said under no uncertain terms that Bruce better break out the adoption papers immediately; never mind that Roy was not underage.  
At the same time Raven, originally 26, was de aged to about 8 due to an attempted possession by her father, accidentally portals into Gotham and practically climbs Dick Grayson,age 22, in fear. The effects of the spell and the portal wiped her memories past her physical age.  So now Dick has a daughter as well, who he thinks is a Gothamite since he never saw the portal.  As far as anyone from Justice League Dark can tell there was a portal leading to Gotham where Raven disappeared but no one knows what happened (Batman and his family are looking for an adult Raven and never connected her to the 8 year old Rachel that became Dick’s daughter).
Others also disappear, having been adopted by the Waynes
What I am saying is that Gotham is considered quite a bit more dangerous to the caped community and the Batfam encompasses a few people it might not have otherwise. I think it would be funnier if Batman was not aware of his family's cryptid status (It never occurs to him that his kids have never been invited to join any of the younger generation teams).
Something sparks a partial return of Raven’s, now around 14 or 15, memory, enough for Rachel (who is the current Robin) to realize she is Raven. At her request, Batman announces this at a meeting and her intention to remain Dick’s daughter and Bruce’s granddaughter.  The JL react confusingly (they are all losing their collective minds at the thought that Batman has kids AND grandkids).  His response that one of his sons made him a grandfather when the boy was 14 does not inspire confidence.  Eventually, and I do mean this takes ages, it leads to the entire Batfam coming up to the Watchtower.  In spite of the masks Barry recognizes Bart, and after a moment the Wonder’s also recognize Cassie. Both had been desperately missed (the feelings of abandonment had been a misunderstanding).  Though the Wonder’s and the Speedsters both try to hug their missing members, it becomes clear that you can pry them from their mother, Tim, introduced as Red Robin, only when Red Robin is dead. 
The Speedsters look at each other, shrug, and immediately start lobbying Red Robin for Visitation (it does not matter that Tim’s kids are all adults with their own lives in Gotham). The Wonders do not have a chance to do the same as Connor, code name Agent C (he decided he did not want to be a field Vigilante, instead he has taken on a support role, like Alfred, where he is their Mechanic/Mechanical Engineer), drops the bomb that he is a Clone of Superman and Lex Luthor (Connor had not been told enough by the scientists at CADMUS to know what was going on, or even if Lex was aware his DNA was being used but of course the Bats did a DNA, he didn’t even know what the lab was called or where to find it).
Superman does make the connection to CADMUS labs, which he had shut down a few years earlier-though he never put those reports in the Watchtower computers as he considered it an internal matter (Batman would like it noted that all of the Batfam reports end up in the watchtower computer and is irritated that the other heroes do not do the same). 
Connor had been the only ‘viable’ clone but all the records (whether viable or not) had been stamped with ‘failure’, so Superman had not known that there should be a clone of him out there somewhere.  Also the intervening years of being able to process, ‘hey this person I knew, and was once friends with, stole my genetic material to try and create a new person without my consent or knowledge’ without having to deal with the results of said actions (Compounded by the guilt of not being able to look at this miniature version of himself without making the connection to his enemy Lex and his violation, knowing intellectually that it was not Connors fault for being created or that Connor was created specifically to be a weapon against Superman, but still not able move on emotionally, not enough to be responsible for a child) added to the fact that it is pretty clear that Superman does not need to be responsible for Connor means that superman can verify that Connor is happy where he is, which he is. Then Superman can, with a clear conscience-since Batman is undeniably paranoid enough to have a plan if Connor becomes a villain or an actual problem, offer to help with unexpected powers and have Connor meet the rest of his family. 
So Red Robin is simultaneously mediating the reunion between his three children and their other families, all the while ready to take down a Cape that breathes wrong in their direction. 
Red Hood, sans helmet but with a mask, is creatively and rhythmically cursing Green Arrow out on behalf of Roy (I want you to picture a Red Hood that practices and excels in the art of Flyting).  Green Arrow had made an immediate, and poorly phrased, inquiry into Roy sobriety.  Roy has been sober for almost 3 years. 
Damian, codename Firebird, is critiquing several of the last major fights and their fighters while having a discussion about blades and underwater fighting with the Aqua family.  He is also keeping a protective eye on Nightwing and Robin, who are facing off against JLD (who would like to see if what happened to Raven is reversible-mostly to make sure she is healthy and whatever happened is stable, Nightwing and Robin are taking it to mean they want Raven back instead of Robin). 
Steph as Spoiler, Cass as Black Bat, and Duke as Orphan are explaining to a largely horrified audience of former Titans the complicated legacy of the Batman, Robin, and Batgirl names in Gotham (The current Batgirl, Helen Wayne-12 year old daughter of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne- is standing with Bruce and Alfred-mask firmly in place. She is new to the name and this is her first mission outside of Gotham). It is at this point that the Justice League finds out that there are a number of times when the Batman they dealt with was NOT the same person. Someone also brings up the rumor that Batman is actually a haunted piece of clothing, to the entire BatFams bemusement.
At no point during this process does anyone in the Batfam reveal their civilian identities (save the ones that are now known, like Bart, Cassie, and Roy).  They also do not admit to the fact that every single one of them steals and impersonates each other frequently (Tim holds the honor of having patrolled, handled an Arkham breakout, and met with someone outside of Gotham, and handled a world wide invasion in every vigilante identity from Gotham successfully).  
It also should be noted that this does not provide clarity to the Justice League about any topic regarding Gotham or its vigilantes.
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