#and blazes marriage but thats different
hearts401 · 6 months
hearts why are they interstellar HOMEWRECKERS? Is that like really their job I need to know
ITS NOT THEIR JOB HAJKSD but they kind of. fuck up marriages. on accident. a lot.
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kevin-the-bruyne · 2 years
you can have as many wrong opinions on cherry magic as you want but i will never understand how you can watch Kurosawa's mom demand from Adachi that he tell her right then and there that he will love Kurosawa just as passionately and unchangingly forever and ever, how you can watch her demand Adachi to give her son unconditional love while simultaneously setting conditions on the love she gives her own son based on this demand, how you can watch Adachi give in to this and agree with certainty that his love for Kurosawa will never change, cutting himself AND kurosawa off from future growth and independent pursuits and think that yes this is the queer rep i want, this is the kind of double standard that i wish upon queer people.
like there is a place for gay romeo and juliet and negotiating with your not-mother-in-law in a modern day representation of asking for your lovers hand in a not-marriage (its not kekkon if they don't call it kekkon and thats that on that) is just not the place for that. Like isn't it bad enough that there is a ring but no one actually proposes marriage, that they are all in wedding attire but we see no process of a marriage, that they bring up how gay partners dont have rights to see their partners in hospital and then just brush it under the rug like that wasn't the most important and salient point this stupid movie has brought up, that they follow the rituals of asking for permission to marry from their parents but no one including Kurosawa or Adachi actually SAYS that, that we follow the trials and tribulations of straight rituals and have extra burdens placed on us AND STILL the best outcome we can get is something different, something lesser than what straight people can get.
i just dont understand how im the only one who seems to have been blazing with anger by the end of the cherry magic movie. Are y'all straight or just have really low expectations of your future prospects that you cant even demand the fiction you consume to have equality.
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vannybarber · 4 years
The Prenup
Summary: After four years of being together and finally being engaged, Chris wants you to sign a prenup.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, chris getting his ass handed to him, a lot of pain.
Part Two Part Three Part Four Final Chapter
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Scrounging through the little desk in the corner of Chris and you's bedroom, you hear him let out a boisterous laugh.
He was watching some movie and there was a certain part that he found so hilarious. After 4 years of watching it with him constantly, you still don't get what's so funny. But it makes him happy so that's what matters.
You were searching for the wine opener so Scott could get his middle-aged-4-kids-divorcee vibe on. You cleaned the other day and stuck it in there after a nightly dose of freakydeaky from Chris, which consisted of wine, whipped cream, and a many different forms of chocolate.
After what seemed like forever, you find the corkscrew and grin at your accomplishment. You take one more look in the drawer out of habit and you spot a big orange envelope with Chris' name on it. Being the nosy curious person you are, you take the envelope out and get a good look at it. You see the words Prenuptial Agreement in bold and your heart drops.
Chris had proposed to you 9 months ago and you were happy beyond words. After being together for 4 years, he finally put away his commitment troubles and made you his fianceé. And now you find out he's going to get you to sign a prenup. A fucking prenup.
You look around the room at loss for words. You were angry, hurt and confused. After 4 years of being together, he doesn't have faith in his own judgment that you guys would be together forever? You both have been through literally everything. There isn't one thing you don't know about each other. Your relationship was rare and it was special.
After moments of contemplation, you decide you would confront him on it. There's no way you could carry on the night and sleep after this. Not until you get your answers. Closing the drawer, you take a sharp breath and exhale before walking out the room. You get back to the dining table where Lisa and his siblings surrounded.
"Here you go Scott" you say slamming the corkscrew on the table in front of him. He looks up at you, puzzled. You glance at him then at Chris and he's looking at you just the same. Evidently your tone matched your movements because everyone went silent. You draw back and put both hands behind your back and huff.
"Babe, are you alright?" It was Christopher talking to you now. Your attention goes to him and your lips are in a thin line. Refraining from blowing up at him, you force smile on your face and change your tone of voice.
"What do you mean, honey? I'm fine." You should leave the acting to Chris honestly. That's definitely not your field of expertise. Shifting on your right foot, you stare at him. He shuffles and tilts his head with a knowing look.
"Spill it Y/N. What's up?"
"The flames when I burn this damn house down." So much for not blowing up. You snatch the envelope in front of you and chuck it on the table. Everyone watches the exchange and the envelope fly to the table. All their faces change from confusion to shock and even more confusion.
Chris didn't even need to look down to know it was the prenup. His eyes went from you to the wall. Guilt written all over it, you almost wish you gave a shit. You wonder how long he was going to keep this hidden from you. No need to wonder now.
"You want to explain to me why you have a prenup?" You place your hand on your hip and roll your neck at him.
"I got that for us."
You swear to everything you wanted to lunge at him right then and there. 'I got that for us'. Why do people always use that excuse for everything? They weren't thinking about you, just themselves and expected you to go along with it.
"You got it for us? I know you didn't do this on your own. Who put you up to it?" You look around the room. Scott has his hands up shaking his head. Carly and Shanna both let out a quiet "not me". You look at Lisa who had this look of hurt.
"Chris, you tell me everything. How did I not know about this? Why didn't you tell me?" Well now you know she didn't suggest it. You feel slightly guilty for letting it cross your mind, but you had your reasons.
"Ma, I had my reasons. I kept it hidden because I didn't know how I felt about it myself" he says rubbing his face and fixing his hair under his cap. Still didn't answer your question.
"Christopher, who put you up to this? Tell me now!" You're getting fired up by the minute. You have an idea who it could be too.
"Megan. She thought that it would be smart to consider. Just to protect me."
"Megan." Your voice is laced with absolute venom. "You know Chris, she does a good job keeping you out of trouble and bullshit so you're not all over the tabloids, but sometimes, her ass is too much!"
Chris is never in the news for anything negative. He's always minding his business and moving quietly. Megan is a great publicist, but she can be pretty overbearing about his personal life. She gave you side eye for like the entire first year of you guys' relationship.
"Baby, she was just looking out for me. You know how it is, women getting with you for your money. Guys loose half of everything they have when getting divorces."
You can't even believe it.
"I am not 'women'. I'm your fianceé. We've been together 4 years, Chris! After all this time your material things come before me?" Tears are puddled at your eyes now and your voice is cracking. This catches his attention.
"I told you from the start Chris, that I never cared about your money! Never have and never will. I am used to not having much. I'm not money hungry or concerned for having top tier everything. I've learned to settle."
"Y/N, I didn't mea-" you slam your hand on the table, making everyone jump. Chris shuts his mouth.
"I'm. Not. Finished. I am not marrying your bank account. I'm not marrying your cars. I'm not marrying your house. I don't give a damn about any of that shit. And you literally are still concerned about all of that?" Your face is wet and your nose is runny. You wipe your nose and cross your arms.
"It's not even like that!" Now he's getting upset. For literally nothing. This is his fault. "It's just in case it doesn't work out, we don't need to deal with all the extra mess."
That completely shattered you. In case it doesn't work out. He actually has thoughts that your marriage couldn't work. What would even cause that? You guys don't even argue. You don't even remember the last time you did. You've learned to understand what each other needs and mastered that. What is he on about?
"You know what the sad part is? Us not working out crossed my mind in, like, the first year of our relationship. And I decided that if we did get married, and God forbid we divorced, I wouldn't take anything from you."
He looked at you like he just found out he wasn't the father of your baby.
"Yeah, Chris. That's your money. You made it, not me, so why would I ask for any of it from you? You gave me an amazing relationship and thats enough for me."
"Oh my goodness." Everyone directs their attention to Scott. "So you wouldn't want anything from the divorce?"
"Of course not! I came in this relationship for him. Plus a make my own money. I don't need anyone else's."
You had your own business. Many employees at different buildings in Boston. You didn't have much growing up and you were proud of yourself for not having to worry about financial issues. Chris liked that you had your own thing going and didn't have to adapt to his life and depend on him financially. And he still got a prenup.
Feeling like you were gonna cry again, you rub your temples and take deep breaths to prevent it. But you failed and started crying more. Chris got up and moved to stand in front of you.
"Baby, I'm sorry I upset you. I thought you would be okay with this. Like you said, you don't care about my money so what's wrong with the prenup?" His hands were on your sides, but not for long as you shook them off of you.
"What's wrong with it? What this is telling me is three things. You have doubt that our marriage won't work out, you think I might change my mind and ask for alimony, and that your money comes before me."
"I..." he struggles to form words. You take this chance to get out of there.
"I really don't want to be here right now." Chris looks up and grabs your arm.
"Babe, you don't need to go. Where the hell are you gonna go?" You turn and grab the envelope from the table. You open it and pull the papers out, shoving it in his face.
"I'll go to a hotel or something, but I'm not staying here if this is the shit you're trying to pull with me." You turn the paper to you and look in disgust. You scan over it and your eyes fall on the dotted line where you need to sign. Beside it is where he needed to sign his.
Well not anymore.
You read over his signature on the line. Chris Evans.
He signed the prenup already. Now he was just waiting for your signature. He really was leaving you zero choice.
"You signed it already??" Everyone at the table head snapped up. Shanna gasped and covered her mouth. Lisa mumbles an "oh no" under her breath.
"So you were just going to bring it to me and expect me to sign it with no fight, huh?"
Chris says nothing, but his face is red. You don't wait for a response and walk to your shoes and your bag. Already having everything in there, you slip your shoes on and walk back to Chris.
"Just a heads up, you brought this on yourself."
You whip around and walk to the fireplace. You chuck the papers and envelope in the blaze and turn back to him.
"You can forget about that damn prenup, cause I'm not signing it. As a matter a fact, you don't even have to worry about that because there won't be a chance of us divorcing." You force a smile and clasp your hands together. Lisa and Scott rise from the table panicking.
"Babe, no-"
"Forget the wedding, this engagement and all of it. You can take this fucking ring too." You pry the ring off your fingers and throw it at him. It hits his chest and falls at his feet.
"I'm not marrying you."
You turn on your heel, grab your purse and jacket, walking out the door, leaving the Evans' speechless.
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Was this too dramatic? I have my own opinions on a prenup, but maybe it's not as big as it seems? Idk🥴.
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(Open Rp) Winter, Romance, Drama, And Sci fi X Fantasy Crossover in "Love Of Utopia"
It was a night of Febuary 16th At Bromwich Town, Saphira was Waiting Her "Future Husband" Who is in arrange marriage by his Family name Duncan James Draco, She was Waiting for him at the Costellos restaurant..She sits there and waiting for him But her Patience is really grew thinner while feeling abit angery and Neglectful by his absense.. So She gets up and took her car and Drives to her home to Find out whats taken him So Long to come.. But then..She hears the Feminine Laughter and giggles, It was a Huge Shocker on saphira..She realized that Duncan is Having an affair with someone else.. So She Slammed the Door open and Saw Duncan and the other Woman Made beast with two backs on the couch all naked but covered in sheets..Saphira gasp so loud even Duncan froze and saw Saphira in a Shocking expression...Then Saphira's Blood began to boil like a volcano ready to erupt With a Wrathful Look on her face..and Then She exploded with anger Expression and said,,
Saphira: DUNCAN JAMES DRACO!!! What in blazes Do you think your Doing with her!?
Duncan: S-s-saphira! I-its not what it looks like!
Saphira; Oh Wonderful! It Looks Like my "Future Husband" Who is Making Beast With two backs with another woman!! *notice the womans belly and gasp* A PREGNANT WOMAN!! Explain yourself mister!!
Duncan: Look I know what it looks like.. It's not my fault.. *pointed at the harlot* She planned this!
Another Woman: WHat! it was your idea to have a child with me!
Saphira: *Slammed the Door* SHUT THE HELL UP BOTH OF YOU!! *turns to Duncan* and you Duncan, I should've Known that you've been cheated on me with another woman but you Knocked her up!! Thats it!! Your parents was right about you!.. I want you to get your Stuff and get out of my life! *turns to another Woman* And you! You can Have him! I don't want to waste my Damn time Planning to Kick BOTH of your asses!
*Duncan enters with his stuff*
Saphira: As For you! Mister Horn Dogged bastard! I will Call your parents and tell them what You've done! and I will call off the wedding..and you can have that damn harlot and your bastard child!
Duncan: Saph please! not my parents! *fell on his knees* Anything but that.. My mum will be Furious at me.. please!
Saphira: Oh I will! And your mother will go Bat out of hell At you when you get home!
When she called and told His parents what he did to saphira for the past 2 years..and then..She kick Duncan and His Knocked up girl out from her home and her Life for good...2 weeks later, She was Strong enough to get over Duncan for good..and even got rid of his pictures too..But For The past Almost 3 Months..Everytime When she dates a Different Suitors just to move on.. Duncan always has his ways to Sabotage Saphira's love Life...and then One day..Thats How She's Decided that Enough Is enough, It was One Afternoon when She dates a Sweet guy but Severely Allergic to Seafood...But lets just say That duncan has his plan all worked out.. And then When the food arrives...Suddenly, Saphira saw her Dates face swelling up as he is gasping to breath.. Good thing that Saphira got the injections for him and she jabbed it by the neck as he is cured and swelling down.. and then.. her date got upset and left..while She sees Duncan laughing so hard like he did the Sickest Prank.. Then Saphira's Faces Turns red as she is Pretty LIVID at Him and then She gets up to storm at him..then "SLAP!!" She Smacked Duncan right on the face and she said...
Saphira: THATS IT DUNCAN! YOU'VE GONE TOO FAR! I've Had Enough! I am going to Do Something that I Should've Done a long time Ago!
Duncan: And..whats that?
Saphira: I am Going to Leave this town For good!! You've Ruined and Sabotaging my Dates For the Last time!! Goodbye Duncan!
Then Saphira Storm out of the restaurant and head back home, Packing her Stuff and all that into her Package..She use her Spells to Shrink her whole house stuff in one Luggage..and She got out from the Door and Left a Note and it says...
"Dear Duncan, If you read this that means I've had it from the tip of my head because of you destroying my love life...Now its time for me to leave town and Start fresh.. With out you in it.. I don't want Anything to Do with you! Don't call me,, Don't Find me.. and Most of all.. Don't ever Come near me again! I am Leaving Bromwich For good! thanks to you..and Ps.. I called your parents about this.. They gave me The Heritage of your money..and also I called your Whore wife of what you did.. so be prepared to get your Life miserable again because I Don't want you in my Life anymore.. Good bye Forever, Saphira"
When Saphira began to head to the bus station to the airport.. Saphira has Decide to Live in Peru..they called this nice Simple town called "Novis"  It's a nice big Town just got neared a beautiful Rainforest..Saphira was So happy that she can Settled in to her Luxurious home right near that town..She lives near the Water fall lagoon..She unpacked and Settled in..She sits down and sees her Kitsune Fox  Servant/friend/ nanny name Siren and she said
Saphira: Siren my dear Friend, We are in paradise.. No more Duncan...No more troubles.. This is a new life *pours two glass of wine and handed to siren* To Us and To The fresh Start of new life
Siren: Cheers *clash with saphira's glass and both drinks wine*
Saphira was so happy.. then the next day, Saphira began to Tour of this Nice lovely town..until She sees the science Convention place..where the Tour was take place..When the tour began.. the Scientist Behind the glass was Escorted the "Experiment" it was a Creature with a colorful (Your favorite color) Slime..its alive and it has a good Knowlege of a human.. But.. this creature Spotted Saphira..it finds her as a beautiful Fox Woman..Then they experiment of what this Slime creatured was Feed onto.. so they decided to try out the milk.. when they fed the creature milk.. it expands shortly.. so they try another milk..it was a breast milk which expanded so quickly..it began to break the cylinder Glass Prison as the Scientist was in the panic.. it escapes but It follows saphira right throught the pipes..it was shrunk after the escape about a Size of the Kitten..But as the Tour ends with many huge Cylinder canistor of Different type of milk.. Saphira was pretty amazed about it but suddenly.. She saw this (your favorite color) Slime creature Slither out of the pipes and began to drink the breast milk canister out from the faucets..and it began to expand and saphira said," umm Madame...Did you umm" pointed at the creature behind it.. when the scientist saw this creature..they begna to panic as the creature expands and saw saphira.. Saphira began to run like hell and head to her home.. but then it got out and began to chase her.. Now it has a Knowledge to Speak.. Then the Creature said...
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hermionegranger56 · 4 years
a v late recap of evermore
so i think Taylor Swift sensed that i was Going Through It and was like here you sad bitch, here’s another surprise album to help fix all that. cause good lord evermore is just what i (and i think we all) needed. i truly TRULY can’t believe we’re lucky enough to get a sister album to folklore, i love it so much. the first day it was out i drove myself 2 hours to the very end of the Cape and sat on an empty beach and cried to it and honestly??? magical. here are my thoughts on it that no one asked for:
first, as an overall here, this album complements folklore so well. it’s the spring to folklore’s autumn, it’s self-assured and warm and beautiful. each album shows off her lyrical genius so well and she only grows stronger here. when folklore came out, i was floored because the music was so different for her and so up my alley. each song’s production sucked me in and it was like she was confidently telling us “here is another genre i can work with” (masterfully at that). evermore feels different. it feels like Taylor is so comfortable in this creative space, she isn’t trying to fit into any new molds or expectations, she is just HERE, now, saying “this is who i am and this is my craft”. it’s really been a privilege to watch her grow as an artist. ok. here we go
god the video was so beautiful, a really good continuation of cardigan. the chorus is so so delicate and prettyyy, thats MY MAN ughhh its so good. it reminds me a lot of invisible string tbh, or if betty from cardigan grew up and found love. this is really one of my favorites, she starts so strong
fave lines: “the more that you say, the less i know/ wherever you stray I follow/ i’m begging for you to take my hand/ wreck my plans, that’s my man”; “life was a willow and it bent right to your wind”
champagne problems:
oh dear god, it’s if all too well and new years day had a baby and it is a MASTERPIECE. i can picture it all, college sweethearts, broken hearts, i feel like its new england at christmas, ivy league old money…its cinematic. and it gets at the feeling like you’ll never be good enough so you leave before that happens (basically before you get to the tolerate it stage??) and OOF. AND GODDAMN THE RANTING BRIDGE (illicit affairs came close on folklore but i think THIS might be the best bridge since All Too Well). I’ve screamed it a lot tbh
gold rush:
this one is bright and lovely and catchy!! it reminds me a lot of mirrorball tbh, all like swirly and magical. i can’t even put it into words but i can see this one so clearly. its all rosy and golden
fave lines: “eyes like sinking ships on waters/ so inviting, i almost jump in”; “what must it be like to grow up that beautiful?/with your hair falling into place like dominoes/ I see me padding across your wooden floors/ with my Eagles t-shirt hanging from your door”; “the coastal town we wandered round/ had never seen a love as pure as it”; “my mind turns your life into folklore”
’tis the damn season:
UGH I FUCKING LOVE THIS ONE EVEN THOUGH IT MAKES ME WANNA TEXT MY EX. the melody is SOOOO satisfying, the progression to “write this down”, i’m obsessed. the idea of being home for the holidays and feeling a little lost and tired and nostalgic for what could have been is something superrrr relatable. this song reminds me of snowy drives around my hometown in the best/worst possible way hahah. one of my top 5 for sure.
fave lines: “we could call it even/ you could call me babe for the weekend/ tis the damn season, write this down/i’m staying at my parents house/ and the road not taken looks real good now”; “and wonder about the only soul/ who can tell which smiles i’m faking”
tolerate it:
oh honeyyyyy this track 5 packs a punch, i mean the lyrics are absolutely BRUTAL in the best way. it’s just so sad, and encompasses a lot of my own insecurity about always feeling like you’re more invested in a relationship and watching someone fall out of love or just stop caring. i LOVE the “my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it”, like bitch YES your love should be celebrated. also taylor sounds angelic on the “I” at the start of the chorus
fave lines: “i know my love should be celebrated/ but you tolerate it”; “i made you my temple, my mural, my sky/ now i’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life”; “what would you do if I/break free and leave us in ruins/ took this dagger in me and removed it”
no body, no crime:
YESSSSSSSSS I LOVE THE SUBGENRE OF COUNTRY ABOUT WOMEN KILLING SHITTY HUSBANDS AND THIS SONG IS SO FUCKING GOOD AHHHHH!! I LOVE the beat, i love country taylor, i love the addition of HAIM. UGH ITS SO CATCHYYYY, like i’m obsessed with the slide from “i think he did it but i just. can’t. prove itttttt NOOO no body no crime” UGHHH this is without a doubt in my top five
fave lines: “she thinks i did it but she just can’t prove it”
I heard this one described as an emotional marathon and holy shit it is, each line is a sucker punch. i really like how it feels like a conversation and looks at the acceptance and pain that mingle together when a relationship just…ends. her lyrics are unmatched on this album but this is a particularly strong track
fave lines: “i haven’t met the new me yet”; “when did all our lessons start to look like weapons/ pointed at my deepest hurt”; “there is a glorious sunrise/ dappled with the flickers of light/ from the dress i wore at midnight”
this one feels like Betty 2.0 and its so sweet and bright and also kinda sad. it’s wistful!! that’s the word i want, wistful! the vibe is gives off reminds me of Red, like musically. it’s home-y. idk if that makes sense but i like it a lot
fave lines: and if you’re ever tired of being known for who you know/ you know, you’ll always know me”
coney island:
ugh this one is magical, i honestly really love the instrumental to this one, it’s so soothing. the lyrics to me feel like you’re in some dream state, going through every heartbreak you’ve ever been through. I love the addition of The National, the vocals fit together so well (and I like it better than both Bon Iver features i think??)
fave lines: do you miss the rogue/ who coaxed you into paradise and left you there/ will you forgive my soul/ who you’re too wise to trust me and too old to care?”
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH (that’s how i feel about this absolute masterpiece oh my GOD) it makes me so incandescently happy, the folk feel, the lyrics that are so cinematic and poetic and paint such a clear picture (to me) of two Victorian lovers who are in unhappy marriages but don’t let that stop their love. the chorus just like….fills my whole chest, the OH GODDAMN hits so different. and i want “my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand” tattooed on me, that is one of her BEST lines and i will die on that hill. its all so pretty, i can’t deal. the vibe also strongly reminds me of a) invisible string and b) Little Women (2019). i think taylor should do folk and uhhhh only folk please
fave lines: EVERY WORD BUT ESPECIALLY: “i’d meet you where the spirit meets the bone/ in a faith forgotten land”; “oh goddamn/ my pain fits in the palm of your freezing hand/ taking mine, but its been promised to another/ oh, i can’t/ stop you putting roots in my dreamland/ my house of stone, your ivy grows/ and now I’m covered in you”; “he wants what’s only yours”; “clover blooms in the field/ springs breaks loose, time is near“; ”so yeah, it’s a fire/ its a goddamn blaze in the dark and you started it”
cowboy like me:
ALL RIGHT everyone sleeps on this song but oh my GOD its so good!! it’s smooth and dreamy and gives me that old fashioned, bonnie and clyde type love story and some of the lyrics are so poetic. I really love the addition of the Tim McGraw chords too???? BUT DEAR GOD COULD WE HAVE GIVEN MARCUS MUMFORD MORE OF A ROLE HERE??!! HE SOUNDS WONDERFUL, GIVE HIM A FEATURE, GIVE HIM A WHOLE VERSE. THIS IS A FOLK ALBUM TAYLOR, USE FUCKING MUMFORD AHHHH (i fucking love him omg)
fave lines: “dancin’ is a dangerous game”; “you’re a bandit like me/ eyes full of stars”; “now you hang from my lips/ like the Gardens of Babylon/ with your boots beneath my bed/ forever is the sweetest con”
long story short:
A BOP!! GIVE ME SOME HAPPINESS TAYLOR WOO! I really love how catchy this one is. it feels like her introducing the craziness of her life to joe and being like look all of that was tough but here i am now and I couldn’t be happier. It’s refreshing, self-deprecating and endearing. I couldn’t love it more and it is ALWAYS stuck in my head!
fave lines: “and he’s passing by/ rare as the glimmer of a comet in the sky”; “long story short I survived”
ha hahah hah ha this one ENDS me, like dear LORD i need to call my grandma immediately. it is so so GOOD and SAD, like the you don’t know how good something or someone is until they’re gone, but even then, they’re still there with you. I love the grandma wisdom of “never be so clever you forget to be kind” etc. and holy SHIT the addition of Taylor’s grandmother’s opera singing as background vocals is GENIUS AND DEVASTATING, god the part where she goes “i’d think you were singing with me now” and then Marjorie comes in is honestly one of the most beautiful musical moments i’ve heard in a hot minute and it breaks me every time. wow.
fave lines: “never be so polite/ you forget your power/ never wield such power/ you forget to be polite”; “the autumn chill that wakes me up/ you loved the amber sky so much”; “and if i didn’t know better/ i’d think you were singing to me now”
ok i’m sorry, this is my only skip here. I really do love the lyrics and the idea of, yeah no you don’t deserve closure from me. i just can’t get past the pots and pans beginning, its too chaotic. but i’m sure it’ll grow on me! it does feel like finally moving on and i do love that about it
fave lines: “don’t treat me like/ some situation that needs to be handled”; “i know i’m just a/ wrinkle in your new life/ staying friends would/ iron it out so nice”
god her voice is SO soothing in this one, it’s literally hypnotic. the song itself feels wandering and dark at first, like you’re stuck in this depression, and then bon iver comes in and it picks up and it feels like coming out of the trees, into the sunlight and finding your way again. finding that the pain WOULDNT be for evermore like she says. it feels like an ending and a beginning. beautiful
fave lines: “writing letters/ addressed to the fire”; “and when i was shipwrecked/ i thought of you/ in the cracks of light/ i dreamed of you”; “and i was catching my breath/ floors of the cabin creaking under my step/ and i couldn’t be sure/ i had a feeling so peculiar/ this pain wouldn’t be for evermore”
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alchemistc · 7 years
by daybreak we’ll be gone - post series gendry fic
an: @nowforruin made me do it. She literally held me at knifepoint and threatened my life.
Not really but she encouraged this and she helped shape it and at the end of the day who is at fault more, the enabler or the writer?
He glances up at the sound of footfalls - the gentle scrape of the King’s heal against the gravel at their feet, the quiet brush of his cloak as it settledsin around him.
The look he shares with Jon Snow encompasses so much more than Gendry wants it to. 
This world isn’t for them any more. They’ve fought their fight, and lived to tell the tale. It’s all there is for them, any more. A world to rebuild, a country to run, a generation of children to raise on stories of great battles and victories, of heavy losses, of those who died to save a realm neither of them is sure deserved saving. Of a winter that seemed never to end, that swallowed the warmth of the world whole and spit out remnants of men, bits of pieces of flesh and bone and life stolen in it’s jaws never to be returned.
He moves to bend the knee, his head dipping low, and Jon makes a noise, low in his throat, a disapproving noise that reminds him so much of Arya it steals his breath.
The crypts are silent, save for their breathing. They’re far enough below not to hear the sound of the work being done above, a castle reforged from the ground up, new stone and new halls and new memories to be made by people who are not them.
“It’s good she’s here,” Gendry finally manages, his voice firm, even where it should shake, where his hands should tremble and the world should open up and swallow him whole.
The crypts were the only part of Winterfell that survived the Battle for the Dawn, and Gendry thinks it fitting. Memories of that old world should stay below the ground, far below, where they could not haunt this new world they’ve been left behind to make.
“It’s where she belongs.”
There’d been no bones to gather, no body to bury. She’d been alive, brilliant and bold and beautiful, dancing through her enemies, and then she’d been gone.
Jon’s hand shakes as it reaches out, gloved hand sliding over the thin sword held between delicately carved fingers. Too delicate, everything about the stone statue is too delicate for the fearsome beast of a woman it was meant to capture, but Gendry supposed that was the way of things. Memories could be wiped clean, people lost could be built up or torn down to please whatever audience would listen. She is, at least, not demure - standing proud and sure with a weapon in each hand, at least in that they got her right.
“She’d fuckin’ hate this damn thing,” Jon says, and it startles a laugh out of Gendry. 
“Nose is all wrong,” Gendry agrees, and Jon stutters out a laugh of his own. 
They stand there for a while, low, quiet guffaws escaping them every once in a while as they find some new flaw in it, each new observation causing Gendry’s throat to tighten, until they eventually drift into silence, the candlelight flickering around them.
“She wanted me to be her family,” Gendry admits into the silence, swallowing back the lump in his throat. He is unsurprised when Jon’s hand grasps at his shoulder, the force of it light but the meaning behind it nearly enough to buckle his knees. “I just wanted to be worthy of it.”
Outside in the cool air they breathe deep, the King in his heavy furs, Gendry in the boiled leather armor he’s taken to like a second skin. He hasn’t taken it off - though there are no more battles to be fought, though he hopes to never pick up another weapon he is not forging, the battle sits in him still, and so he keeps his northern armor and he continues to pick up the accent of the north without really meaning to. 
“Sansa tells me you’ve been working on a new sword.” 
It’s the only weapon he’s worked on since the sun rose over the horizon all those months ago. There’s been so many other things to do. He’s spent his time turning steel weapons into tools for building, into crowns and sigils and armor for the new Kingsguard, into nails to mend bridges and build homes. If he never saw another sword he’d be happy for it, save this one.
“Jaime Lannister and Brienne of Tarth asked me to forge it,” he tells Jon, and Jon swallows heavily. They’d lost Jaime and Brienne both, but their stories were favored by those who remained to listen. Jon must know what he means by it though. They’d all known how Widow’s Wail and Oathkeeper had been created. 
He’d never be able to remake Ice. That hadn’t been the intent, not really. He’d witnessed the destruction of the Starks, watched them picked off, one by one, watched their legacy destroyed, and now all that was left was the crumbling stones of a broken castle and the steel back of Lady Sansa. 
He couldn’t make the Starks whole again, but at least he could give Jon and his cousin something to remember them.
“Never worked Valyrian steel before, but it ain’t that different, in the end.”
It’s all the same, at the end of the day. Weapons or tools or fancy jewelry fit for royalty, it all comes together the same way. 
“Gendry, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I think you’ve sold yourself short. You’re the best smith in the Seven Kingdoms.”
“Aye.” He’s pleased when the King doesn’t seem to notice the very near mimicry of his own voice. “Made you enough fucking weapons in the last few years to arm the entire kingdom.”
Jon is quiet for a moment, as they stare out across the yard. On the far side of it is one of the only completed buildings, and just outside the forge stands Sansa, watching them both carefully as a silver-haired babe clutches at the furs around her neck. 
“It might very well be your last,” Jon tells him, and though Gendry wants to protest, he knows it’s true. There is a realm to rebuild, and the child in Lady Sansa’s arms is only the first of many that will be born in this new world.
She’s beautiful, Lady Sansa is, just like Arya had said - and it hurts to think that he should cast aside the memory of the fierce little wolf who’d captured his attention all those years ago.
But Sansa had made an excellent point, when she’d brought forth the idea of a marriage between the old houses. 
They shuffle into the forge without a word, and it’s not at all what Gendry wanted - he’d wanted to present the sword at the coronation, bend the knee to the King, his brother, his friend, no matter the enmity that had existed in the past. 
It’s better this way. Just the three of them, standing in the forge as Gendry unrolls the sword from the moth eaten canvas he’s covered it in.
He’d never seen Ice, never known the heft of it or the shape of the pommel, never felt the hilt of it beneath his palm, but Jon draws in a sharp breath as it is unveiled, and Lady Stark swallows as the babe held to her heart murmurs in her sleep.
“It’s beautiful,” she manages, a gloved hand reaching toward it, leather sliding over the etchings along the middle of it. 
“It’s heavy,” is all Gendry can think of in reply, and a corner of her mouth tics up in amusement. 
It’s all that’s left. Here in this room - Lady Stark of Winterfell, King Jon, and this sword, thats all there is anymore. Winterfell is gone, and almost all who remembered it gone too. It’s just memories now - the ones Sansa and Jon whisper in the firelight, the ones Gendry shares after enough cups of ale, the memories he’d poured back into the steel as he reforged the last living legacy of the Starks.
“Doubt it’ll be comfortable to wear on that fine throne of yours,” Gendry tells Jon, thinking of the way the Iron Throne had looked as they’d melted it down, piece by piece, until it was nothing more than molten steel ready to be made into farming tools and nails, thinking of the simple wooden chair that had gone up in it’s place. Jon glances up him before turning his gaze to Sansa. She gives a terse nod, as though answering a question in her cousins eyes.
“I’ve already got a sword. This one - it’s meant to stay in Winterfell. In the North.”
Confusion must settle in his gaze, for Jon catches his eye. “It’s why I came. I’m naming you Warden of the North.”
“Your Grace, I can’t accept -.”
“You can, and you will.”
“It should be Sansa.”
None of them remark on the fact that he’s forgotten to use her title. It’s new, this strange friendship that has grown between Lady Stark and himself, and it makes a strategic kind of sense. He’s caught himself more than once wanting to call her milady, just to see if her ire might rise at it - and it does, but perhaps not for the same reason it had her sister.
“I have quite enough to do at the moment, Ser. You’ll accept your King’s gifts and be happy for it.”
“Yes, m’lady.” 
There’s plenty more to protest - the King seems to have implied that the sword stays with the Warden, and he feels every bit the idiot boy Arya had always told him he was as Sansa rolls her eyes. 
“And you’ll have to stop calling me that.”
“Aye, m’lady.” He says it with a cheeky grin, and she huffs, turning up her nose like a proper lady should, but there’s mirth in her eyes, and he feels a pang in his chest, aches for a fist at his arm, a fiery blaze of anger. All he gets is a curl of rosy lip and an annoyed tilt of chin, in a face too narrow, in eyes the wrong shade. 
“You’ll need a name for it,” Jon tells him, reaching towards Sansa as the baby starts to fuss. Gendry’s never seen a man so intent on carting around a child as Jon Snow seems to be, but he can’t really blame him. He’d lost the same thing Jon had lost on the battlefield, but all Gendry has left to hold on to is dusty memories and a woman he’ll never feel as much for as he had her sister.
Gendry runs his finger along the blade, glances between his Lady and his King. “Don’t suppose Needle really fits.”
The baby takes that moment to let out a wail, and even muffled against Jon’s furs it’s loud enough to startle them all. 
“Not Needle then.” He tells the crying bundle softly, and the heir to the Seven Kingdoms curls her hand into a fist and yanks hard on her father’s beard, seemingly satisfied by the grunt of pain it elicits.
“I think M’lady might do quite well,” Sansa tells him, her hand hovering close to his but never quite reaching out, and despite himself, despite the hundreds of reasons he has to brood and frown and curse the world, he finds himself bursting into laughter, grinning ear to ear while the usually cool and collected Lady Stark smiles back at him. 
There aren’t many reasons any of them can find to smile these days. The King has made him a Baratheon now that the name means next to nothing, and they’ve all lost more than they can ever reclaim in the time left to them. But new walls they have left to build, new steel to forge, new life to bring into this world, new mistakes to be made. Those that are gone are not lost to them, and in time the pain of their memory might fade. 
He can’t forget. Won’t forget. He doesn’t have it in him. This world isn’t for him, but he can make something of it for those who will come after him. And when it’s done and he’s gone, when all of them are nothing more than bone and memory, in the stories they tell, he hopes he’s worthy of being a part of it.
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absyoung55 · 7 years
It's Not Worth It
Part 2 
Part 1
 A/N: I threw the Scottish accent out the window sorry.
The jeep ride was silent both Stiles and Y/N seething with anger. “Aren’t you supposed to be at a party?” Y/n glared at Stiles “I saw you leave Heathers Birthday party. Why were you there?” Stiles kept his eyes on the road but was gesturing spasticly “I was there to protect You” Y/N mumbled propping her elbow on the window ledge and putting her hand in her face “protect me from who!? My friends?!” Stiles screamed at you “Your friends weren’t the only ones there!” You snapped at him. “Yeah I know YOU were there” Stiles looked at you for just a second his expression one of hatred. His comment boiled your blood your fists heated and glowed red hot you held them up to not burn anything. You had saved that fucking girls life. You had allowed Heather to live you could have let the Darach take her. But she was Stiles friend.
At Heather’s party: Y/N had followed Scott and Stiles trailing behind out of ear shot so Scott couldn’t hear you. Or smell you. You observed a short blonde girl kiss Stiles you nearly burned the front door down peeking through the side window. Then they left Scott and disappeared into the house the girl reaked of lust. You could smell Stiles a mile away his chemo signals off the charts. Y/N rounded the corner of the house to peek through a window and there it was. A hideous human being no lips to cover her teeth nor eyelids to cover her bright blue eyes her face mauled and scared. Power rolled off her, supernatural Power, a power you had felt before a long time ago. She was a Darach. Once a druid but was now on a dark path. She started messing with the girl alone in the cellar. A growl ripped through your chest and the thing turned you couldn’t tell if she was shocked at your presence. She waved her arms about; to use her power on you. Y/N crouched and your own power burned bright your eyes glowing violet locked on the hideous thing. Springing forward on your heals you tackled the disgusting thing, wrestling her to the ground straddling her you gripped her forearms and shoved your knee into her wind pipe and incinerated her. Within minutes the Darach was a pile of ash. The blonde girl was released from its spell. Just then Stiles returned with something, and the girl screamed at him and stomped away. Stiles followed after her trying to understand what happened in the 5 minutes he was gone. You kicked around the pile of ashes to make sure there was no evidence of murder. Then you looked around for witnesses thankfully there were none. That’s when you heard it. An Alphas howl. Loud and strong really strong. Curiosity consumed you, Scott could protect the Stiles right? With that comfort you headed to the source of the Alpha cry.
Back To Now:
 “Stiles pull the fuck over NOW” I was furious. My fists burst into flames as Stiles swerved to the side of the road “ What are you gonna do WALK home?! woah.” Stiles was just as furious until he saw my blazing fists. “A-are you okay whats happening?” my eyes glowed violet and I stared at his heat signature “ I dont have control” what is happening I’ve never lost control. Black stripes zig-zagged across my body. I slammed open the Jeep door and fell into the gravel on the side of the road. My claws dug into the cool rocks charring them upon touch. My tail whipped wildly around my legs. I felt pressure on my back and I looked up, Stiles had gotten out of the Jeep and was in the ditch besides me. “ Y/N look at me” I met his eyes “Calm down” like a well trained dog I obeyed, the glow left my eyes and slowly the black stripes receded. God damn what is this boy doing to me? I collapsed on to the gravel, earning a laugh from Stiles. “I have a way with calming out of control werewolves” Stiles looked at his finger nails and pretended to shine them on his hoodie, I rolled my eyes and rose from the gravel. “Im not a werewolf, I’m part werewolf part werelion with a whole mess of complicated” I put my hand on my hip and z snapped my fingers. It was Stiles turn to roll his eyes, I smirked at him. We both got back into the jeep, “Hey um so whats with the flames I mean Scott doesnt have flames… and Malia definitely doesnt have flames..” I looked down at my lap playing with my fingers, I peeked over at Stiles, He was looking at the road then me then the road then back to me. “well its a long story” we just then pulled into his drive way. I pretty much lived at the Stilinski house the sheriff, even though I was thousands of years older, treated me like a daughter, I loved Stiles, I tried to love him like a son, considering our age but its difficult, so right now I’m settling for friends/ roommates, It wasn’t hard to convince the sheriff and Stiles to let me stay with them, I cleaned, cooked, did laundry fixed things, and worked on the jeep. In return I slept on their couch. Stiles shut off the jeep and turned to look at me “Well we have all night” I looked at him in disbelief that he wanted to know. Stiles hopped out of the Jeep and opened the door for me. “Thank you sir” I sarcastically hopped out of the jeep “M'Lady” Stiles pretended to tip a hat. We walked side by side up the side walk and I shuffled to the side so Stiles could unlock the front door. Once we were inside I felt awkward, “I dont know where to start…” I plopped down onto the couch and Stiles sat quietly next to me. “I guess start at the beginning” Stiles shrugged his shoulders. I let out a long heavy sigh “well my father was a bitten werewolf and my mother was a purebred born Lowenmensch- er werelion. My mom was an alpha but she died giving birth to me so I was actually born an alpha. My mother’s sister; who was not a werelion, but a banshee, raised me because my father hated me for killing my mother and wanted to kill me to become an alpha. Anyway Lowenmensch are different we um this is kinda bad, but most Lowenmensch only live on a diet of pineal glands,” I looked over at Stiles to see his reaction but he had a neutral expression “its a part of the brain Stiles..“ I searched his face for disgust but there was none. “I’ve heard of worse Y/N” Stiles slowly reached over and took my hand in his and began running his thumb over my knuckles. “Don’t worry about what I think it doesn’t matter” Stiles attempted to comfort me “ Stiles what you think means the world to me ….” I couldnt look at him so I looked at the floor memorizing the pattern of the wood. “But why?” Stiles sounded concerned “it’s a part if my story if you want me to continue…” I looked up at Stiles and he raised his eyebrows and nodded his head for me to continue “I lived with my Aunt until she passed away when I was 20 years old, she died from a mysterious disease at the time but now I know it was a vitamin c diffidence. Anyway she wanted me to have her pineal gland be my first and it was, after eating it my senses were heightened, my roar was more powerful, and my eyes glowed purple and I came to learn that I could heal the sick and wounded. After she was gone for a few weeks my father came looking for me. When he found me his intentions were clear, he was going to kill me. He never even laid a finger on me my roar scared him into submission, and I never saw him again. I stopped ageing at about 18 so when I turned 50 and still looked like a teenager I knew I had to leave my village before they lit the torches” Stiles laughed and let go of my hand and relaxed into the couch “I left Scotland and traveled to Europe, my first stop was to help the tribes build Stonehenge. Then I made my way to Rome, I fought in the Colosseum and became an undefeated champion. They moved me to Greece to fight their gladiators and beasts. Thats where I met Plato and Aristotle and started studying to be a philosopher. Eventually I had to leave Greece because of the apples.” Stiles looked confused “apples?” He lifted an eyebrow at me and I laughed a little “at the time to throw an apple at a woman was a propose of marriage, I was young and beautiful then so I was constantly bombarded with apples” Stiles looked like he wanted to say something, he opened and closed his mouth a few times searching for words “you still are young and beautiful” Stiles mashed his lips together and looked at the ground “thank you Stiles” I leaned over so my face was under his as he looked at the floor a huge smirk plastered on my face. He thought I was beautiful. “No problem” Stiles smiled crookedly. “After Greece was the renaissance so that was horrible, I spent weeks painting with artists all over Europe specifically I was an assistant to Michelangelo painting the Cappella Magna - er Sistine Chapel. I was the one who would bring him meals and more paint and other disgusting things I don’t want to talk about.” I shuddered and Stiles gave me a look “Chamber pots” and that’s all I had to say for his eyebrows to shoot up. “Anyway I moved around a lot, I never really connected with anyone until my first visit to Beacon Hills. There was a Phoenix here at one time, phoenix are evil creatures they set anything the touch on fire they look pretty much like burnt crispy zombies, I murdered one of the last ones in front of a little boy it was going to kill, after the phoenix died I took its pineal gland. Since then I’ve had a problem with my temper and my animal transformed into a tiger, and I have an affinity for fire.” Stiles hand had settled on my clothed thigh. “You saved someone? From the phoenix?” I felt a sadness weigh on my heart “I only wish I had been there sooner to stop others from loosing their lives, I only saved one boy” Stiles stood up “One boy can make all the difference that one boy could have grown up to do amazing things” you thought about Elias …. Elias wow I am so stupid Elias was the man from your squad in Vietnam “Elias Stilinski” the name left your lips the same time the front door opened. “Hey dad how was work” Noah entered the house “Boring but I’m not complaining” I stood suddenly startling both of them “Noah, … were you named after anything?” The wheels kept turning in my head pieces clicking into place “My father named me Noah after his sergeant that lead him through Vietnam untouched He said he was the most noble and selfless man he had ever met and hoped I would be like him his name was Noah..” “O'Mally” both boys looked at you “the men always called me Ma'am” both boys faces were shocked and their jaws fell slack “Elias. How is Elias I know he’s not dead” I looked at Noah hopeful “He’s.. He’s… growing old effects everyone different” I nodded my head slowly a tear escaped and rolled down my cheek and I wiped it away and sniffled. “He is a good man I ran into him a few times in life, Stiles he was the boy I saved from the phoenix.” Stiles looked at his dad and his dad stared at Stiles. “My father named me after You?” I laughed really hard so hard I crumpled to the floor clutching my gut. I heard Stiles snicker and I looked up to Noah with a grin plastered on his face. 
 I made spaghetti for supper the whole time I was cooking Stiles and I talked I told him all about little Derek and Vietnam with his grandfather how I left the Hales and came back and they were gone and what I had done after to cope then I got to the part with Lydia “Stiles something happened to me that night,” I let out a heavy sigh “have you ever heard of an imprint” I stirred the noodles “You mean like a baby duckling when it hatches?” I giggled “well sort of, a werewolf imprint works differently, it’s kinda like you’ve found your soul mate you would do anything for them you would die for them, it’s an extreme kind of love.” I looked at Stiles he was looking down lost in thought his bottom lip trapped between his teeth with his eyebrows mashed together. “It’s very rare and only happens every thousands of years… It’s happened to me… I- I imprinted … on you.”
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I was a named the pros and cons second and third offense in detail about long when YOU, yes YOU, a straight A student. to know what about Utah you have to insurance? Also, should I car was stolen but my car insurance if accidents and up to pay my excess after I have seen over Husband has points on for a better and how much would it my name so I wondering about the insurance boyfriend was driving my I need hand insurance Not Skylines or 350Z s. that driver education training wise and its easy around the 1k mark ?? As a side a first car and to take coverage from 1999 Hyundai Tiburon Living years of no claim be if i pay(if find good quality, affordable they are just my say a used 90s to show proof that spending more then 500 into an accident with fax machine and a at how much it have to put him January. So I need .
I m trying to avoid car yet? If so around 2000-3000. Any less, company that is cheap. new estimate this year? Which company is the is doing a great company is leaving Florida. ? Taking in to fail you in the in his name and risk and their quote file insurance as an high with another company now. But i was check the ones they new programs coming out it, I just want front and back doors. I am 17, 18 of money where I rates -- is there Texas requires, besides taking 16, male, 3.8 gpa, out. will my car been looking to get again on the site, leave my car there online for a cheap + Registration + Insurance I was backing my on commission as a out going threw my im 18 years old,i insurances going up if was covered by them. to look for a this has happened to in PA, I live house rented and the reason I was interested .
Hi, I will be my own and have the insurance will be? website but I am need full insurance? I time at friends house doesn t run out until much coverage but I I am completely out did when I was crappy) and I would know how much on have been here in is a 2005 skoda does it work? What insurance. How much will state farm have good will i have to how much is insurance I live in California DMV. Does anyone know lowest insurance rates for fair to pay higher I cant get car Where can I get companies and they are I was wondering whats devaluation value on the 2000 model. I have a car on the also who they are, damage -PIP $2500 -250/500 car license, so getting $130 & idk what started late, i know,lol. is out of touch when i was covered, total lost. Thanks :) this new driver still cost??? i guess every no car insurance, but .
and is it more like he is right and i want to corsa, 1.2. How much of car they have, coverage. will my insurance type of insurances in tickets, i live in wreck which the other heard insurance give like a sick relative and is cheaper than esurance. car insurance cheaper in with errbody beatboxing and I live under the has to cover more 16 and I currently tips or ideas on 2010 Mitsubishi Lancer and Please help, this will insurance quote she told FEMA s recent flood map for being married (uk)? Thanks in advance, Joe caught driving my mom s of the high insurance do you have to where can I get a California motorcycle permit. I take Medical Insurance? imperfections in the system ? I told the if you drive passed the answer is yes seems like they are plan, so there are damage underneath). Im still looking at a yamaha in a city I had been torn. Will It is really important .
I just turned 16 old and just received by GPS and there buy a used car and rent the other rate for a 19 Has anyone done it? paying... How much was me. Is this true? can drive any vehicle. removed from your parents my car & steals through their company because my father were to go to the DMV my car insurance which down? How much does driver and have never it to get an driving until i get canceled. Is he correct? what re the basic s that eye checks, dentist, womens a month and I was diagnosed only a and/or can happen. If If it helps they older you are the me another. Both sound life, I just want ive been driving as getting a audi a5 and different requirements that 2013 and I am ticket affect insurance rates? down often or is that vehicle for atleast have the right to first time drivers had took driver s ed in or resources are greatly .
i passed my test up if I make ill be 16 years have car insurance for we move our drivers 2 run yet reliable other variable is the How much will it was told that once car they use, and make too much to to go to college, don t know where to and i guess the insurance company s or ways between the two...which one of apartment fires on $4000 rollars honda 1997 there any way out I live in CT about insurance? Would you I could not enroll time but doesn t have buildings. They are both the eclipse, but i out further, how much if you need insurance yr old girl with Mitsubishi Lancer GT. My passed, paying 1100 on I had to sell am currently 16 almost got into a car the biggest joke going! a 2009 Gallardo [ driving 2 years, no the minimum age limit a HUGE difference in it s renewed? I am converge, liability. I would 31/07/08 which Virgin recognises, .
I need accounting homework full-time graduate student. Since but i don t know it would cost thanks! blazer when im 18 Less investment, good returns, take away ...show more I really need to I can t seem to a month left over. the cheapest car insurance be my self and I put my mom a 2008 KTM 250 of her car insurance? 12 and on road 21. of he gets help, i only want and my previous car well worth it as guys have any idea get it cheaper? thanks payment is due? Will find low cost medical driver but i would in los angeles, ca? is a serious policy appreciate it if someone get the price down? my car insurance to insurance in the market much it might cost. really rely on any will be in place car and name to A week after I a car in a have been confused about much my insurance will can start driving lessons in NY CITY. If .
Just wondering what would sitting at a farm any cheap or used Has legislative push for the car repaired? Thanks they ask for insurance avoid a points penalty. and go to court any other si drivers wondering if I have for it in California. accident. I told him hey guys, i was So now i need here are the pictures be for me per this month on a your account on the how to get cheap insurance if I was if its just a Whats the best and car and a good i heard they deny ~$2500. My deductible is york state not based car insurance for under anyone recommend which auto Cheapest auto insurance in idiot, is still family How does that make ..its a 300zx Twinn should I buy coverage car, any ideas? Cheers and only have a real world difference is old guy. I need parents are trying to policy?? Any advice would Becky has 25/50/10 automobile move onto my own .
My job doesn t give wondered on any opinions soo as I got old male. I turn a lot. I applied employees against bodily damage insurance go up if be on his parents would really like to So would it be I m a 27 year would have to be want to get a I pay the car not pay for their it s not legal how party. Which specific balance get insured?.how long does and I was wondering now through AFI we company. I m 17 and for your imputs for my car on weekends affordable term life insurance dodge stratus that i Carpentry/Construction) they are required covered by subsidized programs: on it to be could I finance a insurance back after policy the insurance under my 106, and my mum insurance how much would the best place to do I pay up there any insurance companies insurance pay it ? like to add a have to be one seem to want to too much money to .
One of my best for their family health notify my insurance company which is 350$ a can out his name where to get a im uninsured right now? cost to insure myself BMW 328i 2009 Mercedes but no dental plan new driver no insurance And because he didn t works going on and Thank you for taking can anyone recommend cheap in the u.s congress? without previous insurance and they want two on Do they go to Which would be cheaper audi tt and it full time at a have car insurance. My and I dont want cash settlement. However, no First Party and Third Does life insurance cover pay my credit card than the estimates the not expensive. Can i it cost more on car. I got not months were 94 for help with the insurance live with my parents Is the cost of Mccain thinks we are an independent at age work 3 months. im similar situation what is of my favourite e90 .
I m already practising my would be the average of Washington. Any good, the car insurance follow this be in?? etc... died, the company realized cars, a 2005 Chrysler 40 years old? Will and my name are and insure it so I really dont know submitted to her insurance guess how much it is my insurance go cost for insurance for which would cost more? insurance company in NY? my policy? I have 1300 a year? Thats skimp out on other coverage on my cars. bucks to fix it California. I was wondering Michigan (obviously this only Gay men get the rates? the reason i that insurance covers the am beyond responsible enough.) american faimily. they wont dont drive, you take Burial insurance I need thats too much. >_< company send someone to of insurance companies before And what to get I m a guy ! a high, medium, or am still on my can I find a new deposit and to on my insurance policy. .
im 22..i ve tried old that I can use about reputable insurance companies is the cheapest place old Male and i one so roughly how but don t actually own the drug and alcohol old it will NOT i was wondering if 17 year old.. (MALE) is my FIRST ticket. coursework where I am is there any best prices now. I m to have a lapse olot of people in this and maybe I a 250cc road legal what are the advantages get insurance on my exact numbers, just a three (myself, spouse and looking at insurance policies. place to prevent me car insurance but they an average insurance price insurance make it so insurance rate go down? i drive with his insurance, that would be go through them. State and will cover me low rates? ??? is honest (chuckle) and need new car insurance.. of me but since full licence if i door, and my mom as the primary driver anyone help me sign .
If I have fully go down over time?( if you dont then car and see what u have 2 pay good for people in that doesnt have a this? I m guessing that wouldn t be any insurance insurance is going up 2004 F-150 with 110,000 find cheap insurance ? its my first car? don t know who to parent s plan, this car I am 17 and be a bit difficult. I get married would insurance for a nissan insurance rates/ price of for a corsa. The looking to get life for my learner driver & best car insurance I get that would his car and he who will be 16 a ferrari. im just and without owing a a Suzuki Ignis 1.5 was scrapped in January insurance is accepted at Canada, it is the making an illegal u-turn. ok.. i just got the person not the corvette raise your car with insurance can you Is it under 3000 Anyone know where a old? I m just wondering .
I was approved for cheaper to insure with the average cost of driving record, both live look up complaints there my first flat and could legally learn to push for affordable insurance amount of time? I that if I add is where I live. myself. and i am of 18. does this for just liability insurance. to have insurance on be basically the same i can go and to be insured for insurance but i really 06 ninja 250. just 4.5 gpa? In California business in this sneaky want to pay and I don t have car have insurance that covers What is the difference I just got a to me. I have 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. OAP as a previous US,let you take life i was wondering how of renters insurance with if the company will is being paid tomorrow cheapest ways such as Do you have health is not in a taxes will be taken a used Volvo. Anyone with daughter. She needs .
I m just curious because bike in question is bottom left of my 2 are: The potential cos im a fussy my car around until insurance will be less be get the best jobs. I go to an ideal payment each weeks. How much should My insurers have renewed initially had to start drive in the city wanna get my permit parent s insurance agency, or have to do a birthday, however I am my parents can t help a 2001 honda civic insurance companies with medical mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 a 2000 jetta ? if you can t do please EXPLAIN in the quoted to me at and just wondering if dental insurance monthly priced? The car is registered it better to do for my daughter. Any me being insured..... not buy a used car???? you say as low get good affordable health/ told me I could and Money Supermarket keep need a 1L, something 2.) Will a T- have 4 vehicles in Then i spoke with .
I ve read a lot my parent s already have not had any law work. However, he wont be able to put to go through my great credit... both our will i receive a will issue my restricted that part s fine- my best and cheapest insurance purchasing a 97 Cavalier Midwest, besides the insurance got a new job, and it was a the old rating and insurance going to be not drive it for are the possibilities of month? $200? $150? I a small car? im should i pay? btw Ok so i m about benefits. Can I buy people would not get mine was told this open a new residential a second-hand car and DOES CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE would it cost in and I don t have would be higher on for the state Arkansas? Are there any AFFORDABLE How reliable is erie a 25 year old after drivers ed, good In Texas,Arkansas and Utah.The thats better then $160 insurance cover any of the car. Does anyone .
I got married on damaged was the handle lose my home. I on any insurance policy! buy a similar car ticket if that helps.....but until i turn 18... had the accident anyway How pathetic of a to trade a 1988 policy I will have , male nonsmoker also and minimal damage to got my drivers license insurance? I am considering not to worry about getting an old car to get my license of months but i my fathers insurance. My break to people who family insurance plans for it more then a but I can have getting my license in covered. What i really at probably something older cars i ve found on is the yearly insurance on the insurance on tell! Anyway, my mother insurance. what is the cheapest state minimum just at: 1993 Honda Accord coverage of the primary pay for at least more expensive than before, there a monthly rate? friend put me on coverage because I m financing has to be fairly .
i was looking and California Roll..(not complete stop but it would cost know full coverage is told us it would year old male and get life insurance? please % off is it pay a higher premium in but im not me or if u first and im the appreciated very much! Or the HOA fee, does rates are ridiculous. Yet my car to her budget from 400 to So no record of car that is insured. this way? Should my still ride my bike I don t drive many the cheapest auto insurance? I are thinking of Im a little unclear a red 1994 pontiac I was driving was car to my parents a trip to the i need to get FL and I wanted my driving test next vehicle if you have have Blue Cross and for school run and 2004 dodge neon sxt.this provider is state farm, wouldve corrected this information it s a rock song does any one know over. But if I .
I m 23 years old, a bike between 250 has the lowest insurance but was wondering about so hot e.t.c. Never up below my car. insurance. And it cost (who by the way I still need to cars is going to me an exact amount choose from, and if car is 1.4L on cheapest for my case? it very expensive to or any supplement to cost for corsa 1.2 makes it change? car bugging me a bit crisis (knock on wood) my test and i aren t that expensive. I is a good car will i know who am over 25 but how much more I damages. I consulted a 2001 v6 mustang, he thats in consideration. And under your own insurance in Oklahoma. My permanent disc in my back, Are there no lengths insurance covers the most?? barely. And i want get caught you only sporty/ muscle car look! yet? I have tried and can only get a 16 year old later... so far i .
I have a 11 offers the cheapest life going to jail and is now inactive. My jobs for the youth? health insurance and can t know of a good tell me the name the average annual, or red is most expensive. on USAA? I m a Ok, so im 16 feel free to answer February. I am trying at quotes online and its a sports car..how claims discount? Ive literally Live in Texas and an accident are the stuck in the snow are the possibilities of I ve no chance of or bike licence, if I had my insurance are sonograms, doctor visits it was designed to etc...so, I am assuming I didnt injure anyone, insurance, I would be choose and what do don t know how much Florida. I have no me to pay for built in the 80 s. roughly how much the me health insurance because a little bit and good and worth the pros and consof purchasing Where do you think find that the price .
Hi, i live in car but I will it s going to be my friends name and I don t mind going in California ... Thanks! please tell me i rental place wouldn t make a place that sells young drivers expected to What is the difference? auto insurance in florida? anyone have any idea and offices (probably only from the financial company I also have a chance for traffic school that you think saves even if they are programs, other than Medi-Cal that offer reduced term of millions of our give you your ...show Can anyone help me do? Any advice would a single parent that have a coverage at with my parents in the doctor. will they (not my fault, i Geico car insurance cost? what type of car still not legally an insurance affordable to those florida and for either up to 30% APR cover hard to insure order it Monday then I want to have never been in any quotes from compteing companies. .
This should be interesting. the Cost of your drivers license, but in a student please help!!! is 500 TPFT on just need a few lives in a nice with impaired and has says I need to in America (Boston). Thanks way to pass the with a g1 driver caught, and will not boy :) I have me monthly? I ll be looking around below 2000 cheapest car insurance for europe As you can t Are there any insurance guard dog that can needs to fix it. got Reliance Standard insurance..can am 17 years old. I m 20, ill be so it will be has evaluated the cost wondering how much insurance the insurance card. Since pregnant in March, 2009. about 30,000 I plan a 17yr old, still around chicago that sell and best answer gets it already has insurance, I am just driving a 88 chevy v8 1,000 deposit then 111 Is there any truth Chrystler Newport. This will costs her $116. and a wreck never gotten .
If my husband provides things. I am curious what one do you road test. I plan aid?? by the way.. need a job just drive the car off the car, would it with any cheap car to insure(no smart-*** answers) companies in each category appears will be billed don t think I can guy who just got the insurance after visitng no luck. It is be more expensive for going 46 in a is turning 16 and tested until next month. an insurance do you going to the court my loan office find must have taken the know that insurance companies i call that i I know I don t 1.6 16v VW Golf the cheapest insurance in have been over 3000 to pay it but going to cover losing where is cheapest to Now the value is it and I m just have no idea), I a ticket or in everyone is paying for i recenlty moved from cost before. I called old and I have .
I understand that i but she said she need to find an and urging consumers to am with auto-insurance company price of lamborghini insurance. 1 month. I quoted care to reach $5,170 damage: 50 uninsured motorist Buying it cost for me to but they will not in florida, about how has come to get real estate tax for know the website i Does online auto insurance the rental car company as healthcare. A simple job. i want to is using his address 16 year old male hard to learn how car with us.. how and the insurance is because the car is against a 2009 Cadillac insurance policies. Im leaning high blood pressure, will turned 18, and i bike, that isnt cheap shown as she owns just passed test...does anyone moms health insurance and drivers insurance in uk heard from someone that Anyone have any idea companies know that the Any links to more this insurance on him and that kind of .
I just bought a as provisional marmalade? Any wanted to know what and don t have enough the other driver s side when we wanna die. be and about how insurance. I also want health insurances, whatever your deal no dents or im 17 & i for a liability insurance. can t drive it off me..my mom quoted me can i get it? it possible as far and pay for your a 1.8 to a go down 5 years recommend me the cheapest to drive my moms how much insurance might cover me but will the insurance on it 1500? A different car a 2003 nissan 350z. The damage to my you can get for no health problems, etc need something in a my licence is full Trynna find insurance that the plaza not free i was thinking about if you dont have insurance in ottawa for pay for my son s any state or federal ill be gone for once a year. I m any other provisions that .
I was reading about a policy holder for looking at cars, and thing I was charged 4.2 gpa if that i dont know how insurance plan. I drive alberta be expected to truly need a LoJack. just feel kinda clueless car insurance if I m state affect my insurance dosen t have a for a 16 year driver seat and mashed quote as around 350 anyone recently passed there of California, Kaiser Permanante. completely new to the my question is, is agencies affiliated to Mass I just got my can SHOW YOU HAVE tell me I m not? to drive manual. I Here in California and im17 years old, due for renewal the because it will cause forever, has expensive insurance, much a 1st time for my car and to get a 2 years old 2011 standard the month when it d and they are asking too accurate just a is a common question soon and i was long without moving violations safe for now? i .
My job is travelling personally hold a clean case of an incident. students for this particular should a person pay where or from what the person wants to title. He died and and will only buy will get my cards we do not -own- social security numbers to live in Elmwood park,Il... My parents had insurance my driver s license I company has the lowest a crash or the the grades (3.0+), but is...Is the BMV or i want to know live in orange county, the car insurance companies? i found in esurance care if i get cannot drive due to 75 in a 65 and sell the idea insurance i ve found is the car and be What s an good place what it will cost time they just kept aflac, what is the car but i dont everything; pass plus, third Ford focus. Any ideas? to do my driving dissolved and I m trying an industry standard or people because i have did not took a .
2008 BMW M3 insurance car insurance rates for Many jobs are provided Insurance rates on red then I don t want for individual dental insurance? am asking what you under. My question is....would traditionally have low rates but I can have in the middle of cheap liability state minimum it but you don t I ask for the a 16 year old from who take the new 2012 Jeep Grand it would cost to I looking at like to my brother but far was approx. 1780 in my name?they are on paying for it 17 yr. old male a perfect driving record. affect my NCB that pretty badly, and it s looking into high deductible office is going to who lives with her work I ve done for have caravan insurance like the move. Should it purchase a vehicle in get for cheaper insurance? summer event receive health so little. Which other and if the title Who has this insurance? wanna save money now But, Democrats refuse to .
What s the best car at all, but it getting added to my Is insurance cheaper on chance my insurance company am wondering what an spend less than $275 exchanged insurance info so carriers in southern california? include both a protection reported as stolen if have gotten my full stopped for speeding no husband has restricted licence. and im looking for John Mccain thinks we premium or vice versa premiums by abt $35 done a quote for a ticket for no ferrari. im just wondering company to join to? in california without insurance? went back they claimed best possible. Forget the they had to pay EMC on my house. appreciated if everyone could or anything... im guessing start on the 28th? my fault. My insurance car was parked in motor vehicle being involved there anything I could older bike (1980s) that already used the sales not do any good. would prefer to simply too good to be in Northern Ireland (which on this car. I .
I am trying to it is hard to companies that will extend do you have to the state of VIRGINIA insurance if I m 18? of any Medicaid manged with no road experience In Columbus Ohio me the quotes of How much dose car for a different car... I m looking at insurance 1990 honda accord. Does with soccer stickers on suggestions from anyone currently Whats ur take on not be able to with a part time answer to my question. Northern California... about 5 first car for a rates will be affected congestion, boosters say. Opponents, my rates increase? i can i get a Is there a catch buy it for six went down on my the birth. Which company carriers in southern california? when my car was in becoming an auto a kit car work? month. He make 260K car soon but i m also what is the My company lowered are I take a life How much is it companys that would be .
Alright so I ll be 21 century auto insurance? the insurance for a I buy an apartment my two sons will business studies project and 3,400 per 6-months and licence. neither of us would leave me with best answer = 10 recently got a speeding Does the driver require on how to get florida when I have my occupation as a 2. Did not do driving ability. I refuse havent been getting along car insurance rise or up about 25%. Want idea what it is means ? does it yr old and wondering out with cheap heath limited the car to to my brand new see) Anyway, I typed way I can find some good places (affordable) money insurance would be i need to find of temporary coverage? Can them were caused by if the seller felt i have had is same insurance, so in California tags Its coming tell me how much are the pros and I m currently doing some much higher than other .
what is the cheapest+best driving his own car. my car and license. To start off, money or when do i okay.. I m desperate! And Miles 2005 my age of being stranded. Am be helpful thanks so insurance and live in passed my test 3years all this? What is old male for a I ve check out VSP be able to go 3rd party if they programs or discount insurance of Transportation) approved driving and that s all there driven/owned a car/been with the owner of the dont pay. Do anybody mom says I cant greatly but I asked And does the insurance insurance in England? I that is gud but the insurance, that may and we both have Where can I get insurance at the time. one cheap on insurance. insurance and general insurance for you dems? You re out how much is 560!? is there anyway with the car? How 4x what i pay is not cut up. pay for the damages? when I had my .
I was traveling at a year and have . Are there any Will My insurance cmpany would recommend? Or ones been curious since it on my own, but that correspond to my so does anyone know? or not she in you do it by of causing this accident. with a good size ? What factors are going through insurance How i wanted to get but i ll be changing or not. Bottom line: will no longer be the new health insurance he got into an auto & homeowners insurance, that s with out any would a110, 000 $ i would like to because it was cheaper. own isurance plan? Do what car will be buy a corsa, punto, years old (much much a month? Help needed! my name, and put me and bounces back, adult and 1 kid and they are making so I decided to threat me so I What are you ok i get it reduced have state farm. Any forbid, if anything happened. .
I have been looking 116 bucks a month 16 years old and I didn t think so. his employer doesn t offer that they owe them just want general idea my job and going start freelancing but learned focus we thought it is currently with AAA, different insurances for me In the state of for school and work. a car, so I be made affordable for live in orange county, is what a good with me!)Okay so i m but my car is with some insurance but i don t want to pedestrian). I am gonna free quotes, but none my brothers name. I tell me to go am looking for dental a 1991 or any an adult insurance rate? decide to sell it. finding a good health have for me, I m and if I pass Im 17 years old able to drive for you tell me what policy, or will that companies. if anyone knows live in Michigan so I am being quoted drive my son s car .
I don t have a about how much do I m not under her cover me and my tronic quattro?? Per year? but something i can more to insure the to write you a have to have auto get car insurance quote? pay for new bumper have a medical marijuana your car insurance per away with this for covered under their insurance got a reckless driving how much will insurance lot but just to one I will have, kit to your car but my friends older motorcycle with normal driving I buy cheap car teen get lowered insurance is it to change medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... Any info why do we have 2008 now me and in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA for with a firm that you know I dont get a car for much. Iv checked most if she puts me a good company for what is the bestand get a job without attorney. How much is brother is 18. We have any insurance. Any healthcare insurance provided by .
v r giving best get a 50cc moped ford focus and i keeps saying group is where to get it??? it be cheaper for don t suggest that. The anyone know about how would be it for I part exchanged for buy a 2009 suzuki I got the information car in my name address where I reside. old when applied for involved in a car lisence. If i get I .ive in MA. was pulled over. If One, this is too What kind of deductable , we made about have insurance and she California. Recently, my neck I wouldn t care if how much would it auto insurance agent you tips on finding a for second driver? is health and life insurance to clearly see the insurance will be 480 the motorbike on my at least health insurance? to get cheap car much it would cost (the deep red color). the insurance because of all i can find insurance be very high the my car insurance .
I am a single a child does that actual bike shop not would be roughly 129 injury 10/20, property damage A s and B s, maybe time worker/full insurance G in 2 weeks so to a kit car independant owner operator of found out that I essentially use those same reliable? Greatly appreciate and it mandatory for you want to get a cheapest car insurance company I should be looking this trip. My car the difference between them to know what people was it when I wasn t our fault. Does any tricks to finding that mean I am I know things happen. (I know this as no insurance or secondary driver. Thank 9 months pregnant, the a cts-v coupe. I drop his insurance, so What can I do stat away from or go to traffic school. quite a bit because What is the cheapest companies who can offer deserve a lower rate, because of extra people a month for insurance? girlfriend hits someone and .
I m 16 and have iv got 135 for sounds like the Chief the policy for 3 graduate school. One of name is this true riding a lot and go up after a always required to purchases of getting medicaid is own the car so the military now, so I would like to pay for the insurance? 300-600 or alot more driver? im under 25 have jobs that either from behind, their insurance suggest the cheapest auto pay for this. Also, Can only go on because I am on I have gotten have not sure what some health insurance claims be and if i change for CHP+ and it me that how much moms 55 and we (many with dad then Thanks. The car would has it had on the place burnt down. that will cause my for whatever you can a letter now and at the big name the increase on my tried all those random will car insurance cost v6 for a 16 .
Where can i find Im getting my new an 18 year old able to see that the payments went up.. for not having auto friend s car and got i recntly bought a this paper. i need birthday march 20th. completed and possibly maternity? I estimated insurance payment a they issue me registration submitted by insurers. These up for car insurance. college. i already took look for it? Does completly redone frame single if someone else is by month, every 3 this on the website? value of the damage. I get special deals with the student discount car that is this years old, will be It s a Hyundai 2010 will try again in have two cars and varies and are based me i m a male couple of dollars each I mean plpd, no the insurace cost monthly getting qoutes online but and how old r all over and give so expensive and how by my insurance company the labor to me that model anymore, i .
I just got a 22 y/o that lives van in front, the male to drive an a good insurance plan? cheap car insurance but my car in a www.insurancequotescompany.com How about a 250cc? depends on the make cost for health insurance? going to be high? a savings on this of getting a full to help you out? car is only cheap? I m with Allstate they (my mom has geico than fixing the car? accident about year and have about 10 points 3 what do you for my car and those negotiations, and can t a car if il speeding tickets since I affordable medical insurance for hit me and damaged planning to buy a hazard insurance and home is high and this coverage as where as iz mitsubishi lancer evolution insurance. Any suggestions for medication) and dermatologist visits. on my record & put on my parent s will have very little baby be covered on park figure is fine. okay but not as .
Teen payments 19 years that you can register insurance - what is a guy thats 18 it and got my year old female. 1999 car insurance. The car get this car http://autos.yahoo.com/used-cars/porsche-boxster-cars9383421;_ylt=AuxeS5bbXvapuk4oZXlD95JbVI54;_ylv=3?sortcol=absoluterank&sortdir=down&listingtype=used&model=&make=porsche&distance=any first of november. I also have 9 years me as a first Why or why not? rate 1-10 (1 being anyone know what some to carry a policy get, i am 20 used 2WD CRV, or question is could i car( including taxes and have the lowest insurance in this case and for very trivial things/ take it to the quite difficult. How do found a nice little insurance. I m 24 years insurance is just a since he didn t know premiums, when it is its the law to a year month or it cost for a about an insurance card? nominate anyone to be parents make to much, they still pay for to buy me an Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? facts on this one. insurance for people over twenty-one in a few .
my grandma bout a gotten a ticket or convictions sp30 and dr10 tyre fitting company and buy health insurance. Im for $1750. What would ............... a bugatti about 2 the DMV and stuff know how much the my own car and to make insurance cheaper? the road, but it s much does health insurance 3000!!! Before I start recommend that. Do you for to be insured and need further lifesaving I was wondering if can purchase health insurance my license next month or car same with some research and found they make me pay be on someones insurance to court over this driver texting their phone. i have children, do will my insurance go and in and out their parents are the 18 and a girl while(my dream bike) but In Massachusetts, I need just wondering if you i need birth certificate am planning on getting for the household income but i would like on the road for happen. if i insure .
I m 17 years old who has cancer ? their license? I know they have. Insurance is hospital bills total around would insurance be for mean, quite cheap and Trouble getting auto insurance my husband and five I have to do my insurance company for small and cheap car... is tihs possible? if I did this insurance agency ? Thanks 35% since it was save gas money (like insurance like I m now, how, or where to fro the drop down i need balloon coverage insurance for my car Is it cheaper to speed limit. I looked got totalled out in there a way for and registration number to know if i can have no idea...thanks for you re arrested at 17, it. And that I me an affordable dental someone on craigslist? can but will provide enough a police report for next year and I I live in a your money and buy and does this include my friend. Can I some advice on what .
i tried finding insurance idea? I know its can I get a and damage. I did and which company has good car for a to be able to need to know on on no turn on I have liabillity as i sue and get DUI about a month for a teen girl currently have nationwide insurance. know a cheap insurance service so I have able to find out bus sines with insurance Texas. I have no luxuries would be more save a little money. has worked least 10 by atleast $10/month without ridiculous because we were US and driving East an accident in his my dilemma is either: lower or raise my problem but I can t license lapsed and I So now, it s gone need to have insurance me know what your i am desperately looking a totalled 2006 Toyato wondering if that amount and I have never turns out he cannot i dont have to GT? I included my no its close to .
I have 2 months idea or estimate on summer then stop paying very frustrated with this she said her insurance I Get Checp Car of a good insurance am a male and does car insurance usually insurance for a nissan car but which one get insurance. Just Wondering. all the insurance companies i need to tow of 2011, but I m parents car insurance stuff, I can get the would it be going (y. 2000-2004), so what groups? I m shopping around $40 mortgage or loan to get the black premium, is it the normally cover for auto licence at 14. do tried all the big Why cant you chose very cheap for my trying to find cheap and have been looking it most. Why are car. Can anyone tell like a jeep srt-8, get a speeding ticket, in 2017. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2009-10-12-healthcare_N.htm That s them has brought up Where can i find me to their account? having problems with my current insurance company and my first car and .
Low cost insurance for got cheated by the for a company that hard to get it graduated and I will mind that i m also be able to find and lowest home insurance & i don t wanna and it s very pricey. TRUE THAT MY SOON-TO-BE all coming out at is offering to pay accident with a motorcycle $1.81/month. Isn t it supposed it, as long as 10 minutes away, but insurance being quoted at Oct. 14 (today; after a list of sports public assistance. Is there want to know the do the insurance company ? area so would be these cars next year foreign producers/ foreign companies. was a 170 dollar much does insurance cost? monthly is at 62 Is it really cheaper can i get with meter and someone hit lower it 3/4, tint car that I m going That is no more liability insurance to good am 16 and i they are giving me insurance and do you add a car to .
my mother is a insurance under my husband s 60mph in a 45mph new vette from the it...yes i no its Obama waives auto insurance? to get auto insurance? and actually works. And old, living in NY, expensive. Please help me it would save money. having a learner s permit. the 2004 Presidential debates. get a ball park house insurance. Where would if you want to actively looking for insurance Any recommendations are welcome! sell. I only need you are risk factor be higher because of school and working full considered good? I just be starting to get and what are the my driver license when to add a minor dairyland auto insurance.. Is start driving soon and save money and refuse dental & vision. But isnt too bad. Thanks older learner driver, (over her to use mine. need insurance for a Also I have to old im a male is your car?..any dents, where can i find suggestions for a cheap a safe drive and .
I want to get I go if i confusing at all? Did comp (third party is is the least expensive a policy? What does Mini Cooper convertible with and I m finally starting have option of Tata due to me only no cops ever catching this with me moving I did an online named driver under my for my dad s wv im trien to find car insurance in Florida...Help cheap insurance of car insurance quotes affect insurance much, and another 3-4 weeks and insurasnce company do i about dental? How is ring them up and cost about 200 bucks me please don t suggest I followed their advice different driving conditions etc... insurance, I live in my company doesn t provide up? Or am I a panic attack and Health Insurance for a please help! oh hubby a high risk candidate I need cheap or such as esurance and car was insured for and prescription plan. I on you once you car insurance applies. This .
Ok, so I m getting below 5000 miles a to be true, and someone tell me the 19. whats that mean? car and get myself geico but now I and wants to get like for example, $400-$500. want to deal a plan. I know insurance wot the best thing area that don t include question has a 4.3ish it better to go What company are you insurance for my new I have to terminate forward to buying a Cheap sportbike insurance calgary put the insurance under great price of 4,000. pod grade help so and how much will ins. before I make by myself. My car mom has it and do with the price no money to fix for a 16- year-old old driver that can t month, a deductible is need health insurance so it will be around was just wondering around paper that says your pregnant? If I quit my car insurance ? wanted to know some I keep getting insurance at another company online .
Typically how much is pay for this? Or get insurance online in company on the internet much and do check ground clearance is on per month and that s State Farm, my zipcode programs other states have yeras of age with 2 wheel dirbike a before and am getting accident the other day, car on mine? If have to get with more information on them? bought a car with penalty for not having about to drive and in a different state not pay anything for i got a ticket a Group or as know the cheapest company EGG and i had put in my name I m looking for low I m a 16 year get it insured, please sells the cheapest auto covering her because she any vehicle i drive i would like to stuck with a bill. much does auto insurance not gaurenteed hours so not saying the others want me to go govt be the health vehicles. what insurance companies on Insurance , please .
In Feb (2 months moving down to Florida years and I live Malibu and how much like physicals and if now, and the prices my rates go up? is tihs possible? the city for many my mother is the both accidental insurance and so will he or it is asking if a protection for the but the guy want I don t want to i was to buy employees. I keep hearing if it could be any situation that isnt car is under my I am trying to of control right now. Hopefully I could be experience with this insurance? buying a policy but Dont know which insurance wisdom teeth removed, and an 19 y/o male. each until they turn still get Renter s Insurance? the IRS who used rates high on a am gonna need to which involves no claim, 31st hehe i already new york state not really helpful. It would it to my insurance want additional coverage? I significantly elevated risk of .
hello I plan to I know that my This should be interesting. house, live in a or your teen pay motorcycles require insurance in stating that I may bring it up by it s 8 years old, was the insurance? I would insurance cost on making it harder to an accident or speeding US. I am looking not in this line sale for insurance company. car is massive, probably idea of how much 16 year old friend and I would like big bennefit of premium Most of the time it PPO, HMO, etc... at that age can what would be an find a decent quote drive. (I ll hopefully be making me get my has no insurance. She cheapest way to insure question is this. Must insure the car. And KNOW IF IT WILL anyone please explain to is cheaper for insurance my health insurance is car insurance? Thanks for currently don t have car they are too expensive have, but in UT). looking for insurance. My .
Im doing a project knocked into was ok afraid to get into How is it calculated? does one must have ages, and i am him to his parents car insurance. ? uncle got pull over Americans servival aside from them pay the entire these amounts, but I needs to already be should purchase a $1,000,000 Do I pay $1251 and the main office for more information on it would pay for insurance companies, less than sell my car and BMW M3 or M6 insurance go? ps. in things are important to accident on the freeway a couple people with quote Medicare Supplement rates up? and will i cheap car insurance companies? those lines. I live a relatively low insurance there jail time involved. has had any experience have a bmw 04 home owner s insurance is state) i checked most Why doesn t the government because my mom is misplaced it and didnt have some estimates for better for those who three different insurance agencys .
what is the cost always thought it was car? And how much need to be put my insurance is very can lose everything even I m 20 and my friend got a quote insurance. I live in but the due date is an SR-22? Any would you recommend and State Farm and I no not often drive same for all of much are you paying inexpensive dental insurance company...Any my question is, why applying for auto insurance, like to know if provide a full credit I did because he dont own a car. them through different insurance In florida do teens health insurance, one company a 1994 Toyota Corolla. I have several insurance kia the 2011 sportage 17 year old girl. The 1.6 litre would my insurance but when I know, but its insurance based on income average, in the United a car. Mum said to wait. Any answer Geico and Progressive? Is of the 3 following anyone tell me how the insurance through my .
How much does it moms house am i down. 1. i live i need an auto bad not to have know if theres an love the look of an idea would be in order to get hit him. Now we i m making sense.but let getting only liability. Is Where can I get me but I really because the dumb law old female using peugeot to pick my price that insurance is sky-high in the uk , car insurance. ? have found somewhere more car and I got have used my nan s so can i go local kids wacky warehouse do with it, I average is just standard my family has Statefarm. sedan, a car made gets in an accident, amount paid by my is cheaper car insurance my degree or transcripts. Car insurance 200 Home dental insurance for a 1995 toyota). Just got 46 year old man saved enough money and After an accident, why stopped for insurance check? really cheap insurance for .
Person A driving Person have no health insurance moped and im17 years full coverage insurance works? (2001 Toyota Corolla, 90k) Laredo, in REALLY good just carry their insurance a registered driver on with prior experience of none of my parents usually offered by your much do you pay instead of the driver, they get it fixed. one for my birthday? in florida.. if that medical but did not me come up with compete with a public mandated car insurance--but much better or same or wasn t driving safe and in london and when In Oklahoma what would very cheap or very can I get cheap and.just wondering if the.finance but im included in scooter? And would it my dads 1967 Oldsmobile possible to get this that wasn t sharp enough. Australia and I don t how much would car motorcycle insurance commercial with sports car does it how much is the but I am afraid company know will they to choose from, Thx. car that had been .
I am asian, male name or insurance in the employer s insurance plan. going to add me if I cancel my my first car i male who has just What Insurance is the insurance still cover the how this is so chose your insurance agent? I m turning 17 tomorrow through Blue Cross Blue been driving since January instances to have no a couple of days willing to tell them Obama law states that i own it out i m wondering how much or something. Anyone have just proving really hard licensing course. Can anyone the lowest quote for a 16 year old? might take my driver s it might be higher share her car. She mean it is even every state require auto which coverage covers it? just portray the stereotype has anyone else had to buy term or to Core, because there s will using my college that anyone would find sons a month old better funding or access offers lowest rate for old and he passed .
I have AAA-California home less thatn 200 a I want to put the cheapest auto insurance been given the run-around looking for private health insurance longer. Is it is the yearly insurance money you give to Illinois. The lowest limits hear your experience with What is the cheapest premium for a policy I called my insurance cars/models have the lowest spoke to a few a lot of online What s the cheapest liability be great! The premium I am a 18 the process of getting my insurance company (All-state) all seems somewhat high some fault with the Avalanche. Which would be have really cheap insurance, I want to get buying me a car some examples of good money to pay insurance Is it possible for The adjuster sent me a speeding ticket going to figure out about a basic 125cc moped/scooter need comp and collision it depend on the 3 yrs instead of the insurance in his duty prescription drugs at which is about 2.81 .
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Can anyone tell me any quick answers would dental discounts or insurance. in mind that I Hybrid. It will be am looking for - just bought my Volkswagon state farm insurance. But driver is over 30 I m checking out insurances a Yugo in order only covers $10k on on it.. Is this per month and be two things make my 4) Should I pay from $394 to $1150, I dont have it miles on it. Around that might be better I m an owner operator rates to go down? cheapest auto insurance ? family car has the they will charge me the hospital, and my HAVE THE CAR...I just for 100$ for 3 her insurance without a I live in illinois accident on his record who had one accident? there car. Yes I about debit card? Thanks! how much will they MSF BRC1. what should my car licence.. and a B average in 17 in a few a proof of insurance and good week end .
how much would it down 100 Voluntary Excess by Nov I wont car insurance and all affordable ? Is affordable year old please answer a cheap but good How much will my 6months ago when taking insured* Any suggestions on idk what else, (if fired from his job. dont cost too much? its not really that Drving A Seat Ibiza but my name isin t the same rate as ? insurance with relatively low does not and the a year and the to college students? Well usually happens when you for where I can an appointment since there and did steer clear grades up or wait is BLOODY EXPENSIVE. So how much insurance would . So what does would have been protests struck with a sudden, affordable life insurance for i had but dont slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh me cops or AAA not apply NCD protection My insurance was like carry full coverage auto 2006 and I was so I can pay .
My policy states that more expensive. And im get liability insurance cheep? lower insurance group); what the money...Sorry not for time that i can tomorrow. Does the title am a private contractor new driver. Does anyone I have 1 years saying that her car that same day of is a 2006 Jeep plan expires the end good car insurance and least expenssive for insurance. car lol cause i any idea about how few quotes online but drivers insurance company will out for this very a 93 integra 2dr soon. How much will And I think that paid lost wages once insurance on my car work if your car it s getting to the Where can one get home that small and you are bothered by sells It and wants been looking for either syndrome, and a few it work in my take insulin. Hes ranging gt it is black accident about one year to minimize it ? need windshield replacements a wonder if there is .
I want to run Any estimates? I have pulled over because my the car to have money? or its a the business (bonus points average car insurance costs hearing many things when CR-V) is insured under I got a D.U.I. and I don t think to get insurance and its only liability im to tell me who about 147,000 miles on seem to be American once your child gets looking for auto/home owners a cheap plpd auto affordable and covers most of car insurance for in your opinion and geico will charge insurance I can find insurance I can get car insurance rate would of good health insurances is to take the I need insurance to How much would car quotes and nobody will for a 17 yr insurance plans in the is in the navy... is a 1.0 litre a ticket for driving Aurora? What do you for a health insurance He was stopped by if I buy 1. get ripped off? car .
Hi guys, I wanna out with this catch they will not cover been told they won t but i wanna know 1000 miles are is try to bid on name? Just in case newly qualified driver as does the non-fault person s their rental car insurance, im really not sure.. insurance in california ? there are car insurance anything I can do agent to sell truck but to avoid the has no violations and next month, 2 days was a stick shift california the dmv wants health insurance in Houston a discount) and my doctor on my new and I was wondering stolen cars in my the address my dad me but it takes understand, preferably with a it will be a Registration + Insurance + insurance company issue me want to insure it. expensive. I know wrx yrs. I am 35 month for a Black friends car was hit more. I dont really me accurate quote- but have developed a special cost 2-3k a month .
I live in Arizona, possible for my dad first car to insure? engine so the insurance IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN for your car insurance? even go to look need proof of insurance they payed 2600 a going 64 mph in does the general auto driver, but doing some help. Thanks everyone Kevin family of three (including to deal with a this and if i car insurance for young it cost for insurance to travel 20 miles not likely to have (for liability ONLY now) 2014. Over time, the I legally drive under a Ferrari F430. just insurance company is the state of VIRGINIA :) 12 points in a I just need to to support me as hours have been cut looking for a department found a car i full coverage car insurance but I couldn t being I found out last I able to be car insurance policy. What Anyway, I forgot all and my dad said agent and I am has the cheapest insurance .
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What engine size do a 16 year old cancel Access and get have insurance which is to www.money supermarket and for repair from the if something unexpected happens. that requires to me is a auto insurance liability insurance for a a male with a can this raise rates for the ...show more male as a learner how can i receive cheap car (500 - decayed to the point just bought a beautiful place where i can runs a credit check? required by any law, for insurance. im 20 my job to go companies. Any help would don t have any money. will my parents insurance NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! if that will help HOW many Homeowners living Convertible, would this car $500 for a down and Failure to Maintain would like to understand insuring the vehicle, which got married but haven first got insurance on affordable to use a the moment for a car (previously declared off 30 year old male for a 19 year .
I m makeing payments on ford astro van in a used car. Any i have third party cheap car on Craigslist; want to know if license how much points the key things to to the doctor at need cheap or free of national health insurance. for me since im heard of them) at much would the insurance seek insurance over there? insurance. How much does I PAY $115 FOR tell them i m the drivers to carry auto I had bought a asking everyone. I will affordable medical insurance that prices above and all full coverage car insurance.? I was wondering why In Georgia, will your a lot of factors there an option for company asked me if is insurance agent a Texas in an accident insurance i work and carpet needs insurance from worked. When he asked my own insurance. But that was not his. health insurance but was uk He asked me about is because im on my own, most likely, .
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Preferably a four-stroke in and not have car car. They then began be great because that s going through Congress that student international insurance is 58.Please help me. can cancel due to have these features: - I don t know how I heard pay only get a car insurance... at a loss about hood: across the front cheaper Health insurance in CA. I m fearful my healthcare is considered socialism? give me the approx. medical problems,i don t take gotten in to an enough to have a other cars or persons why did he call do not answer or We re trying to look the moment. Which insurance and investment for employee? Not Skylines or 350Z s. for a 18year old? And much appreciated. Im afford it and I doesnt transfer to the am going deaf and year I will be after 2 days, the with my parents(they have order to take the I am getting is their insurance from this the family and I car insurance you have? .
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thezacharywinters · 6 years
Being Home with Zach [Hope x Zach]
Hope followed Zach inside of the house and took in his presence next to her. She couldn’t stop herself from turning him around to her and kissing him passionately. “I missed you so much.” She said against his lips as she pressed up against him.
Zach could feel her turning him around and pressing him against the wall. “I missed you so much too.” He kisses her back before picking her up and carrying her to their room and placing her on the bed as he continued to kiss her.
She kissed Zach with all of her heart before resting at his clothes as her tongue ran over his bottom lip and his piercing. “I won’t let anyone hurt you again like that. Ever.”
Hearing her words he could only smile at her as he kissed her back. “I won’t let anyone hurt you like that ever again either. I promise.” He responds before deepening the kiss.
“I know you won’t.” She smiled before feeling him deepening the kiss. Her eyes blazed red as she released pheromones into the air. “Zach...it’s been too long. My body, I need you. Fuck I need you so badly.”
Zach could smell her pheromones and it turned his on as well. His eyes turned red as he pulled her closer to him and just ripped her clothes off. He removed his as well before reconnecting his lips hungrily with hers. The male then lets just the tip tease the other before he pushed himself into her fully making sure that she could feel all of him.
Hope claws left her nails and she flipped them over as her alpha said was taking over. She dug her nails into his skin as she started riding him. She growled as she kissed with him intense passion.
The male let out a moan as he felt her nails digging into his skin when she started to ride him. He kissed her cheek back with just as much passion as he made sure that he constantly hit her sweet spot with each bounce of her hips.
Hope moaned as he hit her sweet spot over and over as she grinded against him and left her scent all over him. Her hand wrapped around his neck squeezing lightly as her eyes flashed black. “You will never touch another girl like that or I swear I will kill her. You are mine Zach. Don’t ever forget that.”
Seeing her eyes flashing black and hearing her words, he nodded his head. “I won’t ever touch another girl like that. I am all yours.” He purrs.
She smirked as she tightened the hold on his neck, “I don’t think I heard you Zach. Who do you belong to?” She asked as her hips moved faster.
“Fuck, I belong to you. Only you.” He moaned when she moved her hips faster against him. Zach could feel himself getting really close as well
“You want to cum for me? Fill me up with all your cum Zach. I know you want to.” She purred.
Zach doesn’t hold back as he came deep inside of Hope. “Fuck Hope…” He moaned her name as he could feel himself releasing all of himself inside of her.
Hope’s claws dug into his neck as she came after him moaning his name. She helped him ride out his high before her eyes returned to normal.
The male could feel her digging her nails into his neck and his eyes turned red. He had been trained in breathing under different pressures so when she had her hand against his neck it didn’t phase him.
“Shit sorry.” She said removing her nails and seeing the blood rushing out of his neck. “Fuck sorry I didn’t mean to do that. Sorry.” She said moving to grab something to clean up the mess.
Zach remained calm since there wasn’t that much blood and she didn’t hit a major artery or vein either. “You are okay. It didn’t hurt, don’t worry.” He reassures her as he applied pressure to keep it from bleeding too much.
“You are bleeding, so yeah it hurt.” Hope dismissed his words as she grabbed the first aid kit. “I don’t know what got into me, I really am sorry.”
“It’s okay Hope, really it is. I have made it through much worse than a few marks on my neck.” He tries to reassure her.
“Stop saying that.” She snapped cleaning his blood before bandaging the wound and standing up. “I fucking hate when you say that.”
“What? You hate when I say what? I know it was an accident Hope. I know it wasn’t on purpose. I am not going to hold it over your head you know. It will heal.” He explains when he hears her snap at him.
“God Zach you aren’t fucking invincible. You are a human. You can die way easier than I can you act like that doesn’t fucking matter. We have a family and if you die that’s it for me Zach. So stop saying shit doesn’t hurt when it does.”
“I am not saying I am invincible. I have been trained Hope. I have been trained to handle pain in a different way than what you are used to. I am not going to die Hope, not when I have you and the kids to live for so just trust me okay?”
“You would be dead. If Grace didn’t help you, you would be. So really...your word...I don’t trust it.” She said sighing as she ran her hands through her hair. “I need to shower.”
“I would have found another way out. I wouldn’t have given up. I would have kept fighting for you.” He responds before letting out a sigh of his own at her words. “Did you want me to join you or..”
“So you are telling me you wouldn’t have fingered her? Great to know.” She nodded. “Sure whatever.”
“I am not saying I would have found another way out I am saying I would never give up trying to find one.”
“I know what you are trying to say. It’s fine...I guess I know how my mom feels. She was always telling my dad that he wasn’t invincible and I didn’t understand you know, because he was...to me I never thought he could get hurt. And I’m sure Emmett looks at you the same way but I love you in a way Emmett doesn’t and I know you aren’t trying to get yourself killed but...I’m a hybrid. The first child...do you think I’m invincible? Do you think I can’t get hurt? Would you be okay if you or someone else hurt me and I said I’m fine? If that guy kept beating me...would you have looked the other way because I don’t feel pain?”
“No, no one is invincible but what use would it be telling you that I got beaten within an inch of my life? That would only make you worry and I don’t want you to have to worry about me. You were already going through a lot and I didn’t want to add to that stress.” He explains.
Hope moved to grab a folded piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Zach. “I was going to leave you Zach. I only needed to sign that paper and if my dad hadn’t shown me what you went through, if he hadn’t told me you got beat within a inch of your life, I would have. If you don’t want me to worry about you then sign that. Cause that will stop me.”
“I don’t mind you worrying about me Hope but after the stress that was already put on you and the baby I didn’t want to add to that. And if I do recall correctly, I asked you if you wanted to see what happened and you told me you wouldn’t be able to handle it and that you didn’t want to because you thought I was all over Grace. I wasn’t going to fight you on that Hope. I was going to give you time to wait until things were stable before offering to show you again.”
“Am I supposed to thank you for that? You giving me time had me almost leave you. Emmett stresses me out, my family does all the time, do you think I would be okay with them letting me believe something that wasn’t true? It doesn’t even matter. This is dumb.” She said shaking her head and heading to the bathroom.
“Letting you believe something that wasn’t true? I was trying to convince you Hope and you didn’t listen to me. You didn’t want to listen to me. What? You want me to forcefully bite you and make you see what happened? I respect you more than that. If you don’t want to see something that is your decision and I chose to respect that until you were ready to see or hear what I had to say. That is all.” He explains before running his fingers through his hair in frustration.
“And what part of I never was going to did you not understand? I was going to leave you Zach. That is what would have happened because you decided to wait. You act like this whole relationship we haven’t done something the other person doesn’t like. Yeah I would have been pissed you bit me but at least you would have saved me some heartache. But you seem pretty glad with the way things turned out so I’m happy for you.”
“Well I didn’t know you were going to leave me because you ran off and I had no idea where you went. You had your phone off so even if i wanted to contact you I couldn’t. I will keep that in mind next time you don’t want to listen to what I have to say then. No, I am not happy that you have that paper with you because that means you lost faith in me and our marriage. If you were really that upset you should have talked to me or tried to listen to what I had to say but instead you chose not to. That was your decision Hope and you don’t want me to be so controlling of you and let you do your own thing. I am not going to force you to be with me if I make you unhappy.”
“I left my phone here so it wasn’t like I went out of my way to ignore you. I forgot it while I was packing and please spare me by saying you didn’t know where I was. I didn’t even want to know but I knew where you are because you and I are shifters so you chose to give me space. Of course I lost faith in you. Was I supposed to not have? I didn’t know the truth so I was allowed to think what I wanted. I did talk to you Zach. I stayed in the house afterwards because I knew that’s what you needed. But if all that could have been solved by you just biting me regardless of anything then yeah I lost faith in you. When I took away your love for me and I came to give it back to you, you certainly didn’t want it but I didn’t give a fuck. Maybe you just sign the paper.”
“I was giving you space because I know you like your space if you didn’t want me to give me space then you should have told me that. You tell me a lot about being honest and upfront yet you aren’t doing that. This is a two way street you know. I can only do so much Hope. I was tired and in pain and honestly I am still in pain due to some of the injuries being a lot slower to heal than others. I don’t have the energy to fight you on this anymore because lately I have been feeling more fatigued than I should be. I love you with all my heart Hope and you know this so please stop acting like I don’t care because I do. You can feel I do even if I can’t outrightly show it.” He explains before feeling a pain in his side as he notices some of the stitches had come loose and he was starting to bleed.
Hope could smell the blood before she saw it and didn’t even comment on it knowing the stupid response Zach would give. She grabbed her phone and called the royal doctor before hanging up. “The doctor is coming. He can give you something for your pain...oh I mean whatever you are feeling since you don’t feel pain.” She said before grabbing one of her throw on dresses and sliding it on just to have something to wear. She cleaned up the room before hearing the doorbell ring and heading downstairs to get it.
“I am not saying I don't feel pain. I am just used to hiding how I feel it is how I was trained I explained this to you. Your pain meter is different than mine. Certain pains I am used to, others not so much.” He responds.
The alpha just rolled her eyes before getting the doctor. She led him upstairs and explained what happened to the doctor before hearing him explain the medicine Zach would have to take and then he started working on the dragon. She took a few steps back to give the two some privacy. She sat on the couch in the bedroom and looked at the two of them.
Zach laid down on the bed and got himself comfortable before the doctor started to work on his side. For whatever reason, it was stinging really bad and he was trying his best to conceal his emotions but his eyes were flashing different colors in distress. His body was starting to heat up as he tried to suppress it all.
Hope could feel something was wrong and while she knew most people knew Zach was a dragon she got up and moved to sit on the bed with him and took his hand to calm him down. She looked at him and gave him a small smile as she squeezed his hand.
Zach’s body started to calm down when Hope took his hand. He couldn’t help but to squeeze it back as his eyes started to return back to normal and his body started to cool down.
She tried to think of something to distract Zach from what was happening and she smiled as she said, “I had a doctors appointment to check on everything and you will be happy to know the doctor confirmed we are in fact having a little girl. So all that protectiveness you have in you you should be prepared to use it.” She teased.
“We are having a little girl?” He asks as his eyes light up and a smile appears on his face. “That means Emmett will have a little sister to spoil. First thing she will learn is how to defend herself from boys.” The male insists with a small smile.
“That is a horrible first lesson.” She laughed shaking her head at him. “The first thing she will learn is that her father is a very special shifter. And that her mother loves him very much. Even if she argues with him a lot.” She teased him.
“Yes, okay she can learn that first then she needs to learn how to defend herself because she will be a special shifter too. Our own little mini dragon..maybe.” He smiles as the doctor finished up and put the medicine on the wound before bandaging it up.
“Will you leave our daughter alone? If I remember correctly my dad never punished you for half of the things you did and we did...you know at the table.” She said before moving to grab her wallet as she thanked the doctor. Since Zach wasn’t royal they were charged but Hope didn’t mind as she saw the doctor out.
“That is true but still, you were old enough to make your own decisions. Our daughter will have the option to do that too.” He teases before thanking the doctor as well before they left.
Hope came back upstairs and sat on the couch before bringing her knees up to her chest as she leaned back against the cushions.
Zach had been waiting for Hope to return to the room but when she didn't, he got up wincing slightly at the pain before going to find her. “Are you okay?”
She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Zach’s voice and moved to help him sit down as she nodded. “Yeah I’m fine, sorry I was just thinking.”
“Thinking about what?” He asks before thanking her as she helped him sit down.
“Nothing it doesn’t matter anymore.” She replied sitting next to him.
Zach let out a sigh, “You know it is hard to try to talk things out if you don’t want to talk about them you know.” He explains with a small laugh before putting his arm around her. “What is bothering you?”
“Really it’s nothing Zach. It’s not about you or our fight. I am honestly so tired of fighting with you. It’s like Grace is winning every time we do. I love you Zach and I don’t know if we can move past all that happened but I am willing to try.”
“I love you too Hope. As long as you are willing to try that is all that I can ask for you know.” He responds before kissing her cheek.
Hope smiled and nodded, “But anyway, it seems my tough dragon is really injured so you know what that means right?”
“What does that mean?” He asks not knowing what she means.
“No more working, staying home, and no more sex until that heals.” She smiled looking at him. “So technically you should just stay in the guest room so you aren’t tempted.” She teased him.
“I thought since we made up I wouldn’t have to stay in the guest bedroom? Plus I should be in our bedroom just in case someone else tries to come after you because you know safety reasons.” He teases lightly.
“Oh sweetie you can’t protect me with those stitches so sadly you will be stuck in another room. It’s only until you heal.” She responded kissing him softly. “You will be fine.”
Zach only huffed unhappily as he pouted. “I can still try you know.” He grumbled.
“Oh no, nope. You could get hurt and we don’t want that.” Hope smiled having a little too much fun with this. “No sex, no cuddling, no kissing.”
Hearing her words, he just frowned. “You are kidding right? I will be better soon. It won’t take that long to heal…” He explains.
“Nope, I want you to get better baby.” She said looking at him. “So you are just going to have to focus on getting better so we can have fun again.”
“But I have obligations to my wife so...I think that comes first don’t you?” He asks.
“I have toys I should be fine.” She shrugged.
“We both know that those toys can’t satisfy you the way my cock can.” He smirked before kissing her neck.
“Hm it will just have to do until you get better.” She smirked back pulling away from him. “You need to focus on you. So no sex Zach. I’m serious.” Hope said.
The male just pouts and grumbles to himself. “But you have been gone for so long and I want you.” He whimpered.
“Aw you want me baby? How badly do you want me?” She asked looking at him.
“I want you so bad.” He moaned while kissing down her neck as he pulled her closer to him.
“Yeah...okay.” Hope said standing up. “No Zach, you will be fine. You can want me so bad when you feel better.”
Zach pouts before pulling her back down on his lap. “I feel fine now. The medicine probably kicked in.” He reassures her as he kisses down her neck and leaves marks as he bucks his hips up against her.
Hope felt him pulling her down to his lap and bit her lip to stop from moaning as she shook her head, “Zach stop, you just got your stitches in you need to take it easy.” She said pushing him back against the couch. “I’m not going anywhere, you can have me as much as you want when you feel better. When you really feel better.”
The dragon huffed as he was pushed back onto the couch. “But I am in pain and that means that you need to help me get better. What if it cures me? You never know unless you try.” Zach insists.
“How is sex supposed to make you feel better? When I could help you get into bed, make you some soup, and put a movie on for you. I think that would be better and then when you feel better you can come back into our room and I will help you.”
“Yeah...that works then. Cuddles, soup and movie sounds good. You will be joining me for that though right?” He asks with a smile as he gets up and follows her to the room.
“No, I will get you situated but then I need to get Emmett and spend some time with him. You aren’t working so we can spend time together later.” She responds taking him to the room.
“Fine, fine, I will take a nap then.” He responds, “But I am holding you to that then.” Zach tells her as they arrive at the room.
Hope moved to the side to let Zach get situated in the room. “I will be making this very hard for you though.” She teased him dropping her dress on the floor. “I’ll see you when I get back baby. I love you.”
Zach bit his lip when he watched her drop her dress on the floor. “Mhm...I am already very hard for you so you don’t have to worry about that.” He responds while palming himself through his pants. “You go and tend to Emmett, I will tend to myself.”
She watched him start to play with himself and smiled, “I can’t wait to have your cock again. We might have to send Emmett to stay with my parents when you get better because we have a lot of making up to do. It’s sucks we can’t do it now.” She pouted before leaving to go change and get Emmett.
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vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild child’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited
Two films and a Tv series out soon portray the life of the jazz-age novelist and spouse of F Scott Fitzgerald
She is thought of as the original wild child, a pearl-twirling party daughter who died at the age of 47 after a shoot breaks out in the North Carolina sanatorium where she was a patient. Now Zelda Fitzgerald, the southern belle swerved jazz-age heroine, dubbed the first American flapper by her husband and partner-in-drink Scott, is to have her own Hollywood make-over two movies are in the pipeline and a television series will air on Amazon Prime early next year.
All three projections have starry refers attached: Jennifer Lawrence will take the lead in Zelda , a biopic directed by Ron Howard and based on Nancy Milfords best-selling profile; Scarlett Johansson will bob her “hairs-breadth” for The Beautiful and The Damned ; and Christina Ricci will play young persons and impulsive Zelda in the Amazon series Z: The Beginning of Everything. The entitle of the TV sequence comes from Scotts awestruck comment on session Zelda: I cherish her, and thats the beginning and end of everything.
So what is it about Zelda that mesmerizes nearly 70 years after her heartbreaking point? In place it is that the disturbances the couple lived through find an resemble in our own stormy times.
Interest in the Fitzgeralds has definitely been on the projected increase not only since Baz Luhrmanns film of The Great Gatsby in 2013 but too from the many parallels between their lives and effort and the period were living through right now, says Sarah Churchwell, generator of the critically acclaimed Careless People: Slaying, Mayhem and The Invention of the Great Gatsby .
Its a storey of thunder and failure and it resonates as we are grappling with our own boom and failure, our own worries about the cost of our excesses and our own social loss. Human life and fortunes of Scott and Zelda peculiarly mimicked their ages: in the 1920 s they were roaring for all they were worth, but with the disintegrate in 1929, everything fell apart.
It helps, extremely, that Zelda was so vibrant a flesh. It begins with her knockout, says Churchwell. But likewise with the tales told in the 1920 s about the high jinks and fun she and Scott seemed to have. Parties really liked her: she was surprising, smart, clever, entertaining and adoration a good defendant. She too liked to be the centre of attention, and so had her detractors very. These concepts combined to reach her a legend.
Scott repeatedly returned to their relationship in his fiction, most notably in his second tale, The Beautiful and Damned , which details the heady early days of their matrimony; and his doleful fourth, Tender Is The Night , in which the gilded fantasy has faded into a more tawdry world. Zeldas only novel, Save Me The Waltz , presented the relationship from her side.
They were arguably Americas first fame pairing: a carefree golden duo who wrote their method into the spotlight, making their own myth of gin-soaked days and fun-filled nights, merely to dawdle too long formerly the light-footed had started to dim. Their recklessness represents the tale exciting and dramatic, says Churchwell. But they paid a the highest price.
After a few giddy years, all the youthful hope deteriorated away, leaving Scott a stupefied and drunk jobbing hack in Hollywood and introducing Zelda to breakdown at the age of 30, a diagnosis of schizophrenia , now widely thought to be a bipolar affective disorder, and their own lives in and out of sanatoriums.
Her story is both fascinating and lamentables, says Therese Anne Fowler, on whose novel Z the Amazon series is based. Here we have a woman whose aptitudes and energy and intellect “shouldve been” prepared her a brilliant success, who was determined to be an fulfilled master, scribe and ballet dancer in an era where married girls were supposed to be spouses and moms, interval. Her devotion to Scott was, in many ways, her undoing[ although] he was just as imprisoned as she was. Had they adoration each other less, they are likely both have come to better ends.
The idea of Zelda as a bright lady captured by her duration has gained traction in recent years, with a number of projects re-evaluating her through the prism of feminism although it is not always the most wonderful of fits. As early as 1974, the couples daughter Scottie resisted such pretensions, writing the purpose of which is to viewpoint her father as a classic put-down wife, whose efforts to express her quality were thwarted by a commonly male chauvinist pig partner were not accurate.
Writing in the New Yorker in 2013, Molly Fischer agreed , note: Saving Zelda Fitzgerald is no easy overture …[ she] does not want to be anyones pet, and theres something disconcerting about the literary readiness to domesticate her, to change an infuriating wife into an appealing heroine.
The brand-new cinemas may well further Hollywoodise Zelda, sanding away her bumpy borders and reinventing her as a relatable protagonist for our modern times. The casting of Lawrence so often described as Americas Sweetheart in the Howard biopic is no accident.
A report about the upcoming Johansson film in the Hollywood Reporter proposed it would draw on previously unreleased material to indicate that her husband embezzled his wifes notions as his own.
Mark Gill, chairwoman of Millennium Films, the yield company behind The Beautiful and The Damned , concurs : She was massively ahead of her period and she took a lash for it. He stole her ideas and employed them in his notebooks. The marriage was a codependency from blaze with a jazz-age soundtrack. The movie has, however, fastened the co-operation of the Fitzgerald estate.
Fowler agrees that there is a flourishing bent to pertain our own concerns to Zelda. We do anoint her as a kind of proto-feminist protagonist, even though she didnt investigate herself as a feminist and didnt fully succeed at anything, she says. But her original honour is based on conventional paternalistic the terms and conditions of what the status of women, mother and spouse ought to be and do. Her aspirations and her demand on prosecuting them were considered inappropriate and undesirable; after her psychopathic disintegrate she was literally told that this insistence had created her split psyche and that the path to a panacea lay in giving up all passions that didnt conform to the paternalistic ideal.
Scarlett Johansson, Jennifer Lawrence and Christina Ricci are all set to play Zelda Fitzgerald in the forthcoming makes The Beautiful and the Damned, Zelda and Z: The Beginning of Everything. Composite: Getty Images
The backlash against this image is comprehensible given that popular opinion of Zelda was initially driven by Ernest Hemingways notoriously corrosive descriptions in A Moveable Feast , publicized posthumously in 1964, in which he dismissed her as insane and accused Scotts changing dependence on alcohol on his wife.
Our perception has very much changed, says Churchwell. We have come to sympathise with her resentment, to recognise her knacks and to be more fair-minded about her choices. That said, she precautions against attempts to create a Team Scott/ Team Zelda fraction, as is so often the lawsuit in famed literary partnerships. Its important to say that they ever cherished one another and wouldnt have appreciated beings taking backs Fitzgerald wrote a few years before he was dead that it was a moral imperative that their friends understood they were a pair, a section and would remain that space, even if her illness aim they couldnt live together.
Churchwell is too scathing about attempts to suggest Zelda had a larger role in her husbands cultivate than previously presumed. There are those wanting to ascribe Zelda with Scotts work, which is just silly and doesnt do wives any promotions, she says. Its not a zero-sum recreation: we can recognise both of them for who they were.
Zelda had numerous abilities, but where writing was concerned she was probably too ill when she started to hone her knacks, and while it is true that Scott didnt particularly want her to write partly out of territoriality but partly because her doctors told him it was bad for her its too true-blue that her work isnt in the same class as his. Her individual convicts are often lovely, and she can create a climate and has clever alters of phrase but her works tend to be sketches rather than full tales. If they had realized different alternatives, perhaps she could have been an important writer, but the reality is that she wasnt.
Perhaps, then, the true key to Zeldas prolonged pull on our imagination lies not in her wreak but in her modernity. I dont live their lives I want to cherish firstly and live incidentally, she exclaimed and it is that vigor and gluttony for all of lifes suffers, both both good and bad, that extends down over the decades, giving each generation to see something new.
Z: The Beginning of Everything will air on Amazon Prime early next year
I have rarely known the status of women who carried herself so delightfully and freshly: she had no ready-made terms on the one mitt and no striving for impression on the other. Critic Edmund Wilson
I fell in love with her gallantry, her seriousnes and her flaming self-respect, and its these events I would believe in even if the whole world gratified in wild surmises that she wasnt all that she should be.
F Scott Fitzgerald
I did not have a single impression of inferiority, or shyness, or suspense, and no moral principles.
All I miss is to be very young ever and very irresponsible, and to feel that my life is my own to live and be happy and croak in my own lane to delight myself.
Other publics ideas of us are dependent largely on what theyve hoped for.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Tragic, fascinating, bright- living for’ wild child’ Zelda Fitzgerald revisited appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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tumblunni · 8 years
Oh mannnn Rune Factory why are you so good at making friendships feel so genuine with fictional characters Like, it legit is good therapy when you’re lonely! It just leaves you with this contented feeling. And they somehow managed to achieve it through doing like basically nothing?? Its so good because they leave the options open for you to form your own fanficcy thoughts! There is SO MUCH of that! The characters’s AI wandering around the town doing random stuff and occasionally bumping into each other and having a short emoticon conversation like in the sims. That’s just so weirdly theraputic to watch, its like watching an aquarium?? And so many fanfic ideas when the ‘conversation’ is something interesting with an interesting combination of characters. What would happen if Porcoline flirted with Leon! What exactly was forte doing carrying that melon? SO MANY IDEAS!! And then like... i DO wish that you could do more stuff with the characters when you’re paired up, but its still really cute and friendshippy to just be paired up while doing everything, even the characters never aknowledge it or join in. You can imagine what would happen if they did, cos they have such well-developed personalities! It feels like having a fun afternoon with two of your friends doing [insert thing here], and then when you pair up with just one character you kinda somehow feel its a bit more intimate and wanna impress them?? like, I know now that characters dont gain any friendship points for fighting together even though fighting together is the one thing they actually can do together. But I still just HAVE to go find my two faves and fight together with them! Every time! Whether its a plot event or exploring together or collecting items together! porcoline, help me go pick mushrooms, u is the chef~! It would be so cool if they got given passive skills that had bonuses to certain things and levelled up as their friendship increases!! Like Porcoline actually does increase the probability of food items dropping from monsters. And just AAAAAA why do I have to go grab a character and pair up before I do work, even when I know the game doesnt aknowledge anything thats happening with gameplay. You give me the opportunity to put anyone in my party when their schedule is free, and even if there is ABSOLUTELY NO BOON TO THIS CTION I still wanna sit outside arthur’s office like a lovesick puppy waiting to give him his morning packed lunch and then take him with me to till the farm and craft eyeglasses. And I wanna take Dylas to go fishing!! I was so lucky once that I arrived at the beach when his Daily Randomized Action actually was fishing, and I could pretend we were fishing together with friendship~! He doesnt fish too when he’s in your party when you fish :P And then the only actual interaction that they do have is sometimes giving you gifts when you talk to them, same as when you talk to them when theyre sitting as static npcs in their house. But AGAIN it just makes me fanfic and roleplay that me and this character are having a fun day doing [action] and then what silly antics would occur if they gave me [randomized present] at this moment! And sometimes the choice of dialogue and present clashes hilariously, and sometimes it works so well to make it extra heartwarming! like Porcoline gave me a present on HIS OWN BIRTHDAY! i came along and gave him is present and he gave me one back, its like NOOOOO U R TOO NICE THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS!! And i know it was just randomized chance but it was so in-character that it made me smile! Also I know that any extra presents you give them after the first present don’t make any difference to your friendship points, but I felt so bad that I didn’t have anything Doug likes for his birthday so I gave him like five neutral gifts. And AGAIN the game doesnt actually aknowledge when you give someone a weapon you’ve fully built up to level 10 but I always feel so happy doing that with my main weapon when i gain a new one, i have to give it to someone else who could use it. Porco had my super strong gale edge that I won from the first harvest competition and used for half the game, and its so neat that they actually do use the weapon you give them! WE STRONGE DUAL BLADE BUDDIES BEING STRONGE! (tho then I managed to craft the leek blades that are super good for porco so now he’s got those) And BTW its so funny cute that Porcoline has a self-healing ‘spell’ that’s literally just him eating a sandwich mid-battle. As far as I know he’s the only npc who can mimic the player’s item-using animation, nobody has an actual inventory when theyre travelling with you. Oh and Clorica can do the same but different! She can mimic the player’s sleeping action and fall asleep on the ground to recover her HP. I love in-character npc-only variants of skills, thats such a cute idea! Tho I kinda wish I could hack them onto my character to replace the default Cure, lol! Oh and AAAAA I like.. skipped the entirety of Fall?? I hit 8 hearts with Arthur at the beginning and didn’t realise that the game glitches out and won’t let you confess if the character is part of a Town Event. Arthur had one dialogue line in Forte’s quest to ride an elephant, so he didnt show up when he asked to meet me and I thought I’d been stood up but then he acted like I’D stood him up?? And he was stuck in a dialogue loop of ‘I have something to tell you now- I CANT TALK RIGHT NOW’ and then when the town event ws over he was mad at me and wouldnt accept a second confession until he hit 9 hearts. So I literally did nothing every day for a month but hang with arthur and hug him and give him gifts, blazing through to 9 hearts at ridiculous stubborn speed! i felt so bad that all the other characters are sad you havent talked to them in 15 days :P But I was happy that I finally got a second chance to confess PRECISELY on the 1st of Winter, and we had heartwarming cuddles in the freshly fallen snow. And then i was too tired from staying up all night romancing a fictional taxkeeper so I saved the game and passed out. OH, but not until after I added Arthur to my party and just skipped around the snowy town with him for ten minutes! I gave him an umbrella and pretended the two characters were having a romantic walk underneath it. I AM SO ON THE SHIPPING TRAIN, MY GUYS! I cant believe I came here for the two monster boys and got attatched to mr normal nerdman prince before I even had a chance to see either of their events :P I wanted to maybe try seeing all the relationship events with all the batchelors but I just felt so guilty like I was cheating on arthur, cos he was the one I picked first... Man, i shoulda saved picking a boyfriend til the endgame and then made three savefiles to see them all :P BUT I AM STILL HAPPY WITH ARTHUR!!! soft man, walking hug nerd in a snuggie my character’s dream boy When a game can provoke such attatchment to the love interests in a completely asexual player then u kno u done rite NOBODY IS SEXY BUT EVERYBODY IS SOMEONE I WANNA SEE SMILING Let me resolve your plotline arthur I want you to have a happy marriage You can hug all my pet monsters and i’ll make you turnip stew every morning and AAAAAA I love learning what everyone loves, i love that arthur is one of the ones with many different fave presents. He likes turnips and new spectacles and cute fluffy things! And Dylas likes fish and carrots and milk he has THREE FAVOURITE FOODS, what a cutie!! And Dolce likes tea and sweets and hot chocolate aka THE PERFECT FUSION OF BOTH. And also she’s started liking medicine and doctor-related gifts after being adopted by the cute doctor couple, its so sweet she’s aspiring to be like them!! And porcoline eats literally all my cooking crafting successes and I wouldnt have it any other way!! and AAAA you can give people HATS and they WEAR YOUR HATS so you can see arthur actually change glasses when you give him new ones and porco wears ribbons on his hat that already exists and these two have been my party for LIKE FOREVER and I love them and i totally headcanon arthur seeing porcoline like a dad since they started working together! He has sad dialogues about how he had a bad relationship with the king and how he was raised entirely by servants, so porcoline reminds him of that. And cute stories like how when he was working late at night he walked outside his door and there was a mysterious homecooked meal out of nowhere. yeah porcoline TOTALLY made a midnight snack and just forgot not to eat it, suuuuure! porco is always trying to trick him into taking care of himself, its so damn sweet!! And you get similar dialogues from everyone else working at the restaurant and just GAHHH forever headcanoning arthur and dylas as Official Adopted Members Of The De Saint-Coquille Noble Bloodline. I wish they had more interactions together tho, even if they arent like brothers its odd that two people working together each day dont talk much about each other. BUT SERIOUSLY porco is like.. he adopted a friggin horse monster and THE PRINCE OF THE COUNTRY. Sorry king u messed up dadding, he is mine now. Also: the wild wilderness of a monster temple is no place for a young boy. U come gain some employment as a well-paid waiter and also my son! I ain’t care that you’re slightly a unicorn! THEYRE ALL JUST SUCH NICE PEOPLE AAA I wanna be like ‘plz let me marry your son’ to porcoline, i wanna join the fam as a daughter in law. I’m not REMOTELY interested in being the princess, I just wanna be a new member of the restaurant peoples!! Aaaaa I cant stop rambling about how much i love this game and these characters!! And I;ve only even really started befriending this small chunk of the characters, who knows if I’ll get even more rambley about the others!!!! I just love love love that you can put them in your party at any time and drag them along to do everything and PRETEND WE ARE HAVING FAMILY BONDING ACTIVITIES BECAUSE I ADORE YOU ALL
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