#and blah blah blah what about people with mortgages and kids
peiorestbonitasmea · 9 months
I hate the idea that just because someone doesn't have kids or mortgages or whatever that they don't deserve better pay. Even more so I hate the idea of disabled people not deserving better pay because someone is taking care of them. A huge fuck you to those who say these things. The only valid reason I see thus far for being against a hike in minimum wage is inflation because there is no cap (to my knowledge) on how much prices can be raised in response. People, in my opinion, deserve a baseline of a living wage and better pay than that should be merit based. Yes even a teenager. My spouse brought up a good point that giving teens better pay can be helpful for avoiding student loans and better for the economy in the long run.
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madafact · 1 year
looking back to push on
i have always felt that i was the black sheep of the family.
a bunch of italian names, and then the irish one comes out. no we're not irish and have no roots there. it was just a thing....
furthermore showing me that intention was never assigned to my life, kind of just like a left overs baby. ehh, give em whatever is left over.
anthony got named after family, i got named after someone in the news.
even when i bring up this example, it does not land, in fact its another one of those, 'you see the worst in everything' situations. i have always been the debbie downer. the david downer, the brendon bummer. on my birth certificate my name is spelled brendan. but i was told my name is brendon.
i pursued my discomfort around my absent mom early in my 20's. this led me to so many realizations about myself and the setting i was raised in. lots of blame, lots of shame, lots of suicide, lots of misery.
i was institutionalized at age 8 for suicidal thoughts and "actions'
can an 8 year old load a gun? not if we strap them down and isolate them. thanks terrie.
so i have always felt out of place, the accident child, the one who kind of just pushed his way in. gregg my father likes to bring up the fact i was a 'cocaine baby'
meaning i was born withdrawling from coke and still he thinks my mom wasnt an addict or even a source of difficulty for my life or how i function in it.
he literally brought it up during a commemorative speech for anthony at a local dinner with friends, you should have seen their reactions and what they said afterward? "why the fuck did he bring that up" thanks gregg.
so we are here, the chosen son is gone, i heard at dinner tonight that the masters family died with anthony as i am incapable of having kids i guess. again, dont trust the accident child.
this is all after i spent the last ten plus years trying to fix the situtation of the family mistrust and blah blah blah.
lynne passed away and i became the center for the rage, guilt and shame that had previously been reserved for her. i was told i was an arrogant prick trying to steal assets and take everything for myself.
this is after i offered 100k for paying down the mortgage.
"this is my asset, you got yours now leave mine alone' thanks gregg
but i am here, in a space that i planned for. i saw the writing on the wall, given my future and well being, these people would throw me under the bus for their own gain and satisfaction.
i bought a van, built it out, got a dog, and said goodbye. i had a disclaim of inheretence all set up and ready to be notarized that would have made anthony greggs only heir. but i waited, something told me it wasnt the right time.
now the accident child gets it all, and that is not okay, so it all must be destroyed. thats where we are.
gregg is convinced i am the problem and he uses a victim mentality to squash any ability to have insight into his role.
he sits there while being regaled of anthonys struggle and not an ounce of realization comes out that he was the example that anthony learned to follow. not him, never, it was lynne and terrie, and me. me, 3 years younger caused all the discomfort and deceit that lead anthony down this path of self destruction.
so this is where i am at. i am grabbing my dog, taking van and going to do what i planned. gregg and terrie can fight eachother to death, destroy the houe and all the 'family assets' and thats just what it is
i knew this was coming. my journals are proof. i have physical proof that my mind wasnt going crazy, but actually seeing things as they were.
why would i trust people who have never had my well being in mind?
its always been about them, what the could gain, how they could benefit, and anyone else be dammed. i was smart enough to read the writing on the wall. and here is comes.
thanks for the lesson anthony.
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dirtywresling102 · 2 years
Crossroads Deal - Finn Balor (18+)
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Demon!King!Finn Balor x Melanie
Commission: @thepalaceofmelanie
Summary: Making a deal with the Demon!Balor but instead of wanting Melanie's soul he wants to make her his sex slave.
Warnings: 18+, Minor DNI, Smut, Public!Sex, Sex in a library, Studying for finals, Blowjob.
Word Count: 3,258 
Follow my main blog: @dirtywrestling
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Pushing the gravel back into the hole where I had placed my picture in a tin can, standing up, I looked around to see if anyone was in sight. Nothing. Legend has it if someone put a picture of themself in a small canister along with graveyard dirt and a black cat skull and bury it in the center of the crossroads, they could summon a demon and strike a deal, but of course there was a price, in ten years some sort of creature comes and collects what’s theirs. 
Luckily when I dug up the tin box and opened it up there already had the ingredients inside and a couple of old photos of other people making deals in the past. I heard about the crossroads deals from my Mythology college class last term, of course I didn’t think anything of it, just an old tale but doing my research and finding out people actually have sold their souls for fame, money, looks, whatever they name it and they got it. 
College was becoming irritating, ten hour shifts at work on my shoulders didn’t help and I was constantly worrying if I’ll have enough money for rent. I needed something to change.
“You rang.” A Irish accent filled my ears, jumping slightly, I turned around to see a tall, handsome man in a black suit. His dark hair short and slightly styled where his greenish blue eyes burned into me, his stare lasting longer than a few seconds. I couldn’t help but to blush as I noticed his eyes slightly wander over my body.
“Are you really…” Words couldn’t form in my brain let alone finish the sentence I started. Was this actually happening, demons were real? 
“The Demon King? Yeah, I'm also a crossroad dealer.” The male smirked, his memorizing greenish blue eyes turning ruby red. Blinking, they went back to his normal color. “The names Finn.” 
“I already know your name, sweetheart.” He cuts me off before I get the chance to introduce myself.
“You do?” My eyebrows arched in curiosity, wondering how he already knew my name.
“Of course. I know the name of every person who wants to make a deal, Melanie.” The Demon King named Finn licked his lips and stepped closer, the gravel underneath his shiny black business shoes crunched with each step. “So, what can I do for you, dear?” Finn was now only a few feet away, his form nearly towering over me. 
Swallowing thickly, I didn’t think I’d make it this far. I actually didn’t think this would work, just following some myth and the help of some reddit reviews from some possible emo kid sulking in the dark. All of this was a cry for help to get me out of what I was in. “I want to be wealthy with money.” I finally spoke out the truth of why I summoned him.
“Blah.” Finn spat. “You humans and money,” Finn started to circle around me, my eyes never leaving him. I quickly turned my head to the other side as it was starting to crank my neck. “Why, can a boy you like fall in love with you?” Finn laughed at my needs.
“Psh, no.” I scoffed at him for trying to assume and twist my words. 
“Pay off that mortgage?” Finn spat back another reason why I could have possibly summoned him.
“I wish.” I sighed, looking down at the gravel. What was his deal and trying to guess why I needed this money? Why couldn’t he just give me what I wanted and leave?
“Get that dream car you’ve always wanted?” Finn guessed once more, his Irish accent filling my ears.
“Not even close.” I crossed my arms and looked at him. 
Finn stopped guessing and stared back at me, eyes squinting. “Then why is it everytime I make a deal with most of you humans it’s always about money?” Finn hissed, it sounded like he was mostly annoyed than anything. He must get deals with people about money a lot.
“I’m in college, I’m on my own, I nearly work myself to death just to keep up with my rent and college is tiring along with it. I just want to live my life without having to worry about money.” I frowned, finally confessing onto why I summoned him tonight. 
“So, you’re willing to give up your soul in the next ten years just for money?” Finn was baffled, he blinked as he waited for my answer.
“Well, when you put it like that.” I reassured myself, my hand going to my arm and rubbing it in comfort, trying not to back out of this silly deal. Should I ask for more or something for else? I felt so small compared to him as he pointed out the flaw of this deal I wanted to make.
“Listen, I’ll make a deal with you.” Finn shoved his hands into the suit jacket pockets and stood there casually. “I’ll give you what you want, I’ll stuff your bank account with so many zeros and with no questions asked from the bank tellers.” 
“And you want my soul in return?” I followed up after his deal he proposed. 
“No, something better.” Finn pulled his left hand out of his pocket, placing it upon his scruffy chin. Watching his moves made me want to reach out and stroke his facial hair. I watched his large hand stroke his beard, my eyes never leaving his slender fingers. I swallowed, not even realizing I was salivating in my mouth at how much of a good looking man he was, even if he was a demon. Knowing his large hand he could take me with one tight grip around my throat. 
I couldn’t help but to clear my throat and squeeze my thighs together. I needed to stay focused and not have my mind in the gutter right now. “Like what?” My voice cracked slightly, I knew better, I should have just headed to my car and left, forget about this night and never come back to the crossroads again, but the other part of me wanted to stay, see what he had to offer. 
Before Finn spoke, he shoved his left hand back into his blazer pocket. “I get to have my way with you, whenever and wherever I want.” Finn said nonchalantly, his gaze lazily looking over me. As if he wasn’t interested in me but knew it would be fun to offer the deal.
I blinked, trying to think what he meant by that. “You… You mean have sex with me?” I choked. 
“Yeah, basically a sex slave.” Finn shrugged, as if he wasn’t bothered by anything. “If you don’t like the deal I could just make it to where I come and collect your soul in ten years.” Finn suggested. “Well, not me but my Hellhounds.”
“Hellhounds?” I questioned him. “Is that like a dog or something?” I didn’t understand what he meant by that. 
“More or less, basically they come and rip you apart and collect your soul to bring it down to Hell for my collection.” Finn pulled his hand once more and checked out his nails in a bored manner.
Biting my lower lip, I fiddled with my fingers. Now it was my turn to check out his body fitted in the tight suit. Finn huffed out a breath, folding his arms together, his biceps flexing. “I can let you think-”
“I’ve thought about it.” I blurted out, interpreting him.
“Oh yeah,” He purred, the words rolling off of his tongue like silk. “And what’s your choice, sweetheart?” 
“I’ll do it, I’ll take your deal.” I said without a second thought. I now didn’t know if I was doing this for the money still or to be in the sheets with this demon.
“Great!” Finn smirked, coming closer to me. 
“So, how do we seal the deal? Handshake, I sign my name on a contract with?” I started to extend my hand out towards him.
“Something like that.” He murmured, pulling me closer to him by the waist, his free hand caressed my cheek, leaning down he pressed his lips against mine, planting a surprisingly soft kiss.
My eyes widened, placing my hand on top of his chest. I tried to push the Demon King away. My eyes slowly fluttered shut, I stopped trying to push him away and melted into his touch. Finn pulled away from me, gasping softly for air. I looked up at the demon. “You made a great deal, Melanie.” Finn chuckled. “See you soon.”
That was three months ago. At first I thought Finn would come back in a couple of days but soon days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. He was faithful on his end of the deal, I had money in my bank where I could retire today if I wanted to. My fridge was stocked with groceries, my cabinet stuffed with canned goods, my car even had a full tank of gas every week.
Finals were around the corner and I was spending my saturday at the local library, other students from the college were there too, noses in books, staring at computer screens, some students were so tired from studying they fell asleep their elbows propped up on the table while they rested their head in the palm of their hands, drooling. 
Standing up from my table I forgot one more book for my anatomy class. Walking down the aisle of the large bookshelves I stopped in the health section, my fingers dancing along the spines of the books, looking for the one I needed. 
“Looking for this?” A rich Irish accent asked. Jumping slightly, I looked to my right to see the Demon King, holding up some kind of book about romance. 
I couldn’t help but to giggle. “No.” I grinned at him for picking out such a book.
Finn frowned, looking at the book and placing it randomly on the shelf where it didn’t belong, obviously romance didn’t belong in the health aisle. “I thought you females adore romance novels?” 
“I’d love to be reading about that, but sadly I’m studying for my anatomy final. It's coming up in a few days.” I started to look for the book I needed again, my attention back to the shelf skimming through the books.
“Listen, that’s hot and all,  I’d love to see you study for a final,” Finn teased me about studying in the library. “but I have something else better in mind.” Finn licked his lips and gave a mischievous smile.
“And what could that possibly be?” I asked, looking towards him, my eyes casted downwards, only to grow wide and quickly look back up at him. “You’re joking?” I gasped, Finn was standing there with a pinched tent pressing against his black pants.
“Oh no darling, you see I’ve had quite the chub since I’ve met you.” Finn’s Irish accent thickens with lust. 
“Why now? Why here?” I squeaked, quickly looking around. Luckily nobody was near us until someone needed something from the human resources section. 
“Well, you know how Hell is, soul meetings, soul counts, more meetings, keeping Hell from going, well, you know, Hell.” He chuckled at his word play.
“Okay, I get it. You do a lot of things in Hell to make Hell less Hellish. I have to study for this final so I won’t fail this course, I need to get an ‘A’ on this.” I sighed, trying to find the book I was looking for before Finn appeared.
“May I remind you, Melanie. A deal is a deal.” A growl rumbled from Finn’s chest, his eyes appeared glowing red, they flashed back to his normal colors. “Or you know, I could take away that money and let you struggle again.”
“No!” I said a bit too loudly only to look behind me to see if anyone was there to shush me. Swallowing my pride I turned to face the Demon King. “No, a deal is a deal, I’ll obey.” 
“Now that’s what I like to hear.” He purred lowly, stalking towards me. He towered over me, being a foot and a couple of inches taller than me. “I’ll try not to have you screaming my name, this is a place of silence after all.” Finn snapped his fingers, my clothes disappearing leaving me nude for anyone to see. The cool stale air hitting my bare skin, my nipples becoming slightly hard.
Quickly, I crossed my legs and my hands flew up to my breasts to cover them. Finn tisked, “Don’t play coy now love, you’ve enjoyed this, trust me.” Finn unbuckled his black belt around his black pants. “Just trust me on this, you do trust me, right?” His eyes flashed back to those beautiful bloody red colors. 
“Yes.” I breathed out, it was as if I was under his spell.
The red faded back to his greenish blue eye color. “Great.” Pushing his pants down, Finn rubbed himself through his black boxers. “Now, be a good girl and get on your knees.” 
Obeying his command, I lowered myself onto my knees, the carpet feeling uncomfortable as the rough fabric rubbed up against my skin. “Open.” Finn pushed his boxers down his thick thighs, his cock sprung up, hitting his toned stomach. Gulping, I tore my eyes away from his throbbing erection and looked up at him. “I said, ‘open’.” He demanded again, his words like venom this time, his patients thinning. Slowly opening my mouth, Finn grabbed my jaw, forcing my mouth to open up wider. He shoved his salty mushroom tip into my mouth, down my throat. “Hmm fuck.” Finn let out a deep moan. 
Water built up in the corner of my eyes, I tried to catch a breath before he shoved his cock further down my throat again. Digging my nails into his hips, I tried to get him to slow down. His erection thrusting in and out my throat I quickly tapped on his waist to stop. Finn pushed his cock as far down my throat as he could and slowly pulled out. Siliva connected from the tip of his dick to my lips which broke, making it snap back onto my face. Gasping, I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. “What- What the fuck?” I hissed up at him while wiping my tears away. 
“Sorry, I got out of control.” Finn grumbled, helping me up to my feet. I didn’t want to do this anymore if he was capable of getting out of hand. “I promise it won’t happen again, Melanie. We’ll have a safe word.”
“I think the word ‘stop’ is understandable.” I snapped, giving him a glare.
“Again, my apologies.” He combed his fingers through his dark short hair. “Okay, okay. Stop is our safe word.” 
“It isn’t a safe word, stop means stop.” I nearly barked at him. Finn’s eyes darkened this time, grabbing me by the waist and pinned me against the tall bookshelf. The books slightly rattling behind me.
“I said I’m sorry, now let me claim what’s mine.” Finn grunted, his hard cock nudging against my wet lips. “Oh my.” He smirked in a teasing manner, letting go of my waist with one hand and dipped it in between my thighs, feeling the wet coating. “I think someone got wet from me being too rough.” 
Chewing on the inside of my cheek, I looked away from the demon. Finn dipped his fingers into his mouth, sucking off the juices. His eyes shut for a moment before fluttering them open as he pulled his fingers out from his mouth. “Hmm, so sweet.”  He moaned. Finn grabbed my waist again, making me jump up. He hooked his arms underneath my legs, my back pinned against the rough shelves. “Finally.” Finn whispered, he pushed the tip of his cock past my wet folds. “Holy Hell, I knew you’d be tight.” Finn sighed out, his head tossing back slightly. 
A sharp gasp escaped my lips as Finn pushed his full length inside of me, not giving me time to adjust around his cock. “Fuck, you’re- you’re deep.” Digging my nails deep into his shoulder, I left small nail marks on his skin. I was a bit worried that he was going to split me into two. 
“Such a good girl, taking my whole cock.” Finn whimpered, his thrusts becoming deeper, slamming his cock faster. The bookshelf behind me shook and creaked, a few books from the top fell onto the ground with a loud thud. Quickly looking down each side of the aisle for anyone to come by. 
“Don’t worry about love, we’re fine.” Finn grunted. “Just relax and enjoy my cock.” Finn pressed his lips against mine, shoving his tongue into my mouth, our tongues dancing against each other. 
A coil tightened in my lower stomach as Finn kept pumping his cock in and out of my drenched pussy. “I’m close.” I whined against his lips. Finn pulled away, opening his eyes that were now ruby red.
“I am too, sweetheart.” Finn grunted in my ear. My walls tightened around his pulsing member, my body was shaking with arousal, beads of sweat formed on Finn’s forehead, his muscles flexed underneath his suit. “Fuck, come with me Melanie, come with me.” He nearly roared out.
Crying out Finn’s name we both came at the same time, our juices colliding together. Finn thrust a few more times, pushing his come further inside of me. 
He slowly pulled out, our juices oozed out of my fucked pussy and dripped onto the salmon color carpet. Finn chuckled deeply. “Someone likes to be filled with cream.” Finn teased, helping me onto my own two feet. Finn snapped his fingers, clothes appeared on my body while he adjusted his pants. 
“I should uh, get back to studying.” I murmured, fixing my hair before anyone sees me.
“Here, I think you need this while you study.” Finn grabbed a random book from the shelf and gave it to me. It was the book I was looking for in my anatomy class.
“How did you-”
“I watch you all the time, love, I know.” He chuckled lowly and left on that note.
That was three years ago. College was finally over, I quit my job and moved in with Finn down in Hell. Sure he used me for a sex slave for a couple of months but we both soon caught feelings for each other and moved to the next stage.
“Mommy! Mommy!” My son came running up to me. “Daddy won’t play with me!” I couldn’t help but to laugh, picking up my son and carrying him down the hallway. 
“You know how daddy is, he works a lot, being King isn’t easy.” 
“My queen, would you like me to make lunch for the little one?” One of the demons that helped around asked me.  
“Yes please, thank you.” I nodded, making my way to the throne room. I saw Finn sitting on the throne, murmuring to himself as he rubbed his beard, it looked like he was in train of thought. I let my son down who ran towards my husband. 
“Well, well, well. Isn’t it my queen and little prince.” Finn smirked, putting the paper work away. Finn picked up the Prince of Hell and placed him on his lap. “Let’s raise a little bit of trouble, shall we?” Finn winked towards my direction.
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Magical Girl Anime parody about a team of superheroes who permanently banished the Forces of Darkness in 1992, and have spent the last 30 years trying to figure out what to do next. What do you do when your destiny has come and gone? You peaked in high school, literally. You were the Chosen One from an Ancient Prophecy about the Fate of the World and the Balance Between Good and Evil and blah blah blah blah blah, and now you're a listless 40-something with gifted kid burnout, but it's been so long that you've already worked through a lot of shit with multiple therapists, so it's an old wound, it doesn't hurt as much as it used to. You're married and you have a teenager of your own, and you REALLY hope she gets to live a normal childhood with no magic fuckery to ruin everything. You were the reincarnation of a sleeping goddess thought long dead, and now you have student loans and a mortgage and credit card debt, and your dad might die because his insurance company raised prices on all his medication, and your HOA president is a Trump supporter, and the upstairs toilet is leaking, and you've noticed that your car doesn't shift gears so well anymore, and it's one mundane crisis after another. You're still in touch with your high school friends, your teammates, your sisters, because you can't just pretend that that shit didn't happen, but you all live in different states and haven't hung out in person since the last wedding in like 2010. You made more friends in college and at work, so you have social obligations with boring people who can neither believe nor understand what you've gone through. This isn't some dark and gritty story about crippling mental illness and drug addiction like on the CW, you're just a normal ass adult with a traumatic childhood; welcome to the club. You live your life, you form relationships, you try to move on, c'est la vie.
And then your cat starts glowing and tells you "ReMeMbEr WhO yOu ArE," and you're like FUCK.
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Bridget Jones edge of reason Book review!!!
I know!! you been waiting for this!! so many spellers that I'll save you the time of acturally reading the book!! plus its over 15 years old so.. I dont feel bad
-Bridget gets "causally sexual harassed and it's barely mentioned andhonerlty that would NOT fly now a days ( thank god)
Bridget mom is planning too go on a holiday and is planning too cheat on her husband AGAIN!! (honestly the mom is awful)
So Many references too self help books!! its painful
Mark Darcys Banquest at the beginning.. Started at midnight and that's Strange who starts a fancy event at midnight?
I kid you NOT ! their is a mention of a self help book on EVery Page it feels like! its awful
So Rebecca In the second movie who is a co worker is actually Bridget friend enemy...
Daniel weaver isn’t mentioned / In it until 230 pages in! He only makes a cameo appearance on the book.
BRIDGETS FUCKIN MOTHER! FUCK. Basically she goes on her trip with her friend and brings home a man and he basically lives with her and her husband and he is t a bad guy. But he’s a world traveler but goes home with a new business and plans too build a school [ those knowing this series he probably just conned the mom lol 😂)
All of bridgets friends are trash.
The ski trip was a few pages long, basically Mark missed Valentine’s Day due too work and Rebecca suggested too go to the ski resort. Where she shows up, with friends . Which shocked me was that there’s was no pregnancy scare
Rebecca is basically trying too steal Mark away from Bridget. And for half the book she successfully did.. Rebecca is a AWFUL friend.. ( she has been friends with Bridget for 4 years)
The book is 200 pages too long. Dear lord!
Bridget hires someone too build a shelf in her place. (Gray) and he did a shitty job. But she hires him too make a outdoor terrace and a second bedroom and is shocked when he doesn’t do it... (cause he’s. A con. And then Bridget threaten to sue him and he then sends her a bullet and threatens too kill he
I in the movie it’s a HUGE event in the movie. In the movie Daniel and Bridget are on a assignment for work and blah blah blah she ends up being arrested cause her friends lover puts drugs in her bag.
In the book Bridget and her friends go there for holidays.and they meet Jelp and Bridget gets arrested...
Now in the book this doesn’t happen until way pass 200 pages in! And it’s mainly just a chapter.
The worst part . She called her parents telling them about the arrest and bridgets mom confesses she is co dependent on relationships... not with being with her husband but other relationships and she is in rehab and so is her father who the doctors figure he’s been drinking so much because his wife cheated and scammed them with her last lover and with this guy she allowed too move in. Bridget doesn’t even mention she was in prison ..🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
There is a scene where Bridget interviews Colin flirth ( Mr Mark Darcy himself!) and that was soo awkward it was funny
By the time mark and Bridget get back together I was bagging the book too end! But I still had 30 pages too go!
The strange thing about this book Mark Darcy is a huge football fan. I didn’t see him as a sports guy in the movies
then shortly after scene Bridget and Mark do the devil tango in her bed. But she has a panic button in case her killer shows up and Bridget puts the button on the bed frame... and accidentally pressed it.. ALOT and Mark gets arrested 😂 honestly that Scene is GOLD!
My quick summary of the book
Bridget and Mark are happy in love, go on a ski trip mark accuses Bridget of cheating on her, they break up he ends up dating Rebecca (unknown too him? ) Bridget spends Majoirty of the book complaining about being dumped, her friend gets engaged and. She ends up going on a girl trip and gets arrested. Marks helps and then she gets a death threat and then they find the dude and they go too a wedding ( AND THE GIRL TRIP / DEATH THREAT IS LAST 100 ISH PAGES OF THE BOOK!FOR A SOILD 100 ITS JUST GIBBERISH ABOUT HER FAILED RELATIONSHIP AND SHITTY JOB )
There was a part at the wedding where her friend was confronted by her husband’s lover, but honestly at that point I didn’t care.. this book is so Painfully bad..
My final thoughts
BUT I LOVE THE MOVIES! The mere thought this series has movies stuns me.
At least with the first book.. I was invested about mark Darcy, and her mom was so ducked up I had to figure out wtf was wrong with her.
But this book.. it was just painful 😣
Bridget is a idiot she puts a second mortgage on her appartment.. because a guy convinced her,. After he did a SHITTY job at building a shelf.. is stupid!
Mark not realizing he’s in a relationship with Rebecca was dumb..
Her friends are trash and awful people.
Too many references too self helps book that I want too burn the next self help book I see!
Again different form the movie.l but the movie is better? Which doesn’t happen often.
If you think I will suffer thru the last book! Bridget Jones baby! You are wrong!
I will only read that book if I get it gifted / for free and if I get paid too read it! I have no intention too read that book.(. I know what happens!) and I cannot suffer thru this series again .
My rating
........... not enough mark Darcy in this book
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heather-in-heels · 4 years
Today I got hit with a case of the mean reds, as Audrey Hepburn would say.
Several people (i.e. celebrities and individuals that have not been poor in a long time) have said that this time is the time to sit with yourself and understand what it is you really want in your life. While I have made some changes and adjustments here and there to my life — all of which are ultimately for the greater good and your growth as a person, blah blah blah — I just need to take a moment to bitch about the wildly terrible messaging in advertising during this time. Here are some of my favorite moments as displayed by ads.
1) Stay safe at home! But the home needs to look like it does in the commercials with a big backyard and kitchen and two cars in the driveway. How much are the people in these ads making that they have sprawling homes like these and aren’t crying themselves to bed at night or throwing up outside in the yard thinking about the mortgage?
2) Be with your family. Got it, single people need to continue to feel like garbage because we’re not married with kids. 
3) The entire “fast food as comfort” angle. (Please tell me somebody else noticed this.) Everything is closed, but you know what isn’t? McDonalds. And Taco Bell. I guess you can sign up for Daily Harvest, but Taco Bell is at least 4.5 miles from your home and doesn’t force you to cook! And something about Domino’s pizza being hot enough to kill COVID, I guess?
4) In addition to crapping on single people, it is also time to crap on people without cars. I have never seen more car-centric messaging in my entire life. Drive-thrus, curbside pickup, takeout! Oh yeah, and all you people without a car idk what you’ll be doing to get any of this. You don’t know the story of why a person doesn’t have a car. Not every body is an able body. And also, cars are expensive. Please stop trying to push a $30k+ car note on someone during a pandemic.
I’m sure I’ve got more but that’s the word vomit for today.
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muvaalilsz · 3 years
Stresses of the day...
Society has created this illusion that EVERY HUMAN must achieve certain things in life by a certain age. Do you know how stupid and just how unrealistic this is?
Everyone has their own journey and path to take in life, not everyone is for school education and can make it easily without a degree/masters. You also cannot control the environment you are born into, the different traumas people endure, not having a proper parent or one at all, can also determine the different paths you may lead into as well which may not allow the person to achieve such goals.
Can we also talk about the fact more and more females no longer want to bare kids, they want to enjoy life, make generational wealth, heal from past trauma, grow spiritually and simply just travel the world. Till this day, any time I visit my family we always have the same discussion without fail. 'When are you thinking to settle down, have kids, get married... blah, blah, BLAH!' Personally, I do not want kids, I do not feel that I am ready in life to do so, neither mentally or physically. You literally need to finance a mortgage to have a kid now days.
People do not even notice how much you have to unlearn and learn again while you are healing either. I have come to a realisation at the age of 28, that everything once taught to me is all practically a lie or an exaggerated myth. The other thing that stems from this is the fact that more and more people feel that they are failing in life and not able to deal with things but the reason for this is simple, we just aren't being taught the power of natural remedies, spirituality which was born from Hinduism can help achieve a higher self, knowing the financial side of life, meditation and the importance of eating right and having a healthy gut. Every basic knowledge we are probably having to learn for ourselves and literally digging for the truth.
Stop using the word failing/ failure, instead use learn/ learning/ learnt, because that is simply what you have done after experiencing or going through something. You learn how to react if that was to happen again, you would learn to approach similar situations or get over fear of conflicts and start addressing things head on.
Lastly, vulnerability is not weakness. It is strength and it shows you are brave. Until people do not accept and learn about vulnerability properly you will always be stuck. The book I have been reading actually explores this into depth and the author evidences her work through physical research from interviews etc. The book is called 'Dare to Lead' By Brene Brown. Definitely worth a read.
Catch you on the next post.
MuvaLilsz xoxo
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thesunandhermoon1 · 3 years
this is going to be long and just for me thanks.
I woke up from a dream that’s pretty much a staple here in my head. i’m pregnant but it’s not big belly, it’s the first few months, and me and my school friends went to a wedding together, the wedding was blah but i remember the walking home and talking about that we have pregnancy classes cause i guess the girls i was chatting to was also, that it’s so nice we have it cause the last generations didn’t but then i was like.. nope i’m gonna go home and hugged my belly, and in my head he was the dad. like i’m coming back to him. 
and everything here is a fucking symbol. i know that what i’m going through for real is for me to evolve. the universe is practically kicking me out of my comfort zone. i can feel it. so strongly.  it’s like i’ve been in the shadows, i had a slow time living, i was healing, from fast paced places and people,  from people in general. from not taking a minute to process what i went through cause i needed that. i needed just that time off. and whops i had 3 relationships in like 2 years which never happened to me. it’s like a speed thing of your growing up and you need to learn some things about relationships cause up until now.. you didn’t had so much you had fun , now it’s fucking time to deal okay baby?? 
and i was like okay yeah but its fast im breaking up with him two months after i’m serious with another one, like... is that how it’s supposed to be ? can i... not. i feel suffocated. but i did listened to myself and took some things slow. my first one was with a dude from my fucking high school he was my high school crush even. and its as if i needed to meet him to cure or to think differently about that time in my life. i thought i was an outsider and he said like i think you wanted to be. and that was true. and it was nice.overall. until he fucking broke my heart. i lost my confidence cause i really felt that he made a fool of me, that i’m a joke. and also i got so mad about the breakup so it did show i was hurting and sort of immature. so i learned from that. i need to grow up a little and embrace that kid. she was loved and can be loved. and then quickly after i met my ex. we were together for 6 months or so. i wasn’t in love right away, i wasn’t in love i think in any way. which is a sad thing to say i wanted his attention so badly but we weren't compatible but i learned a lot and being with him kind of sped up the process of me going to school this year. so i learned what it is to be in a relationship, what i wanted, how i want and need it and also gave me a boost of knowing i am an artist. i can do what ever i want so i went for it. and two months later after a lot of healing, i was becoming this new version of me, i was in my element but also still learning. i met this guy and we had such a good chemistry. in our first date it was kind of magical everything clicked we knew this is something we both don’t want to waste even though we both had our fair share of baggage but we made it work cause it was worth it and i started school and suddenly, instead of embracing the changes of my life of my progress all my fears were on top. i started to latch, to depend, nothing was clear anymore, we started arguing, i couldn’t communicate like i used to, i didn’t pay attention to my body, i was just driving full force cause i know i love him and he loves me but i didn’t realise that i needed a. to embrace who i was becoming to. b. realising i can do that with someone by my side. c. i needed to ask myself question or reevaluate where i am or if i’m ready for this changes in my life. so i pushed him to the edge. and i feel like the universe is kind of telling me there’s a process you need to have and to feel and to do to become your grown self. but it’s something i guess you will know on your own cause you can’t do that right now with someone cause you get clingy or too afraid to lose them so you please. but the thing is you need to please yourself first. you need to know your own life before entering a relationship. he knows who he is he knows what to do and maybe that was hard for me to see. i need to find my own path. and i’m not ready for it right now. so this dream is kind of .. pregnancy in dreams is showing you there’s something in you that blooming right now and it’s in the early stages, and it’s okay take time but do it. i felt so content with this belly of mine. like i will protect it and love it. i know this is a time for me to just go out and do all the things i want to. that i need to become that grown woman and it’s painful. cause i didn’t want to lose him for that. and i just don’t feel ready. but i know what i need to learn and i’m aware but it’s sucks. it could be nice and give me a lot of pretty things and life and people and art and everything but now i’m just like.. i hurt someone so much and maybe when the time comes when i’m truly ready for a relationship he wouldn’t be there. maybe it’s a really final goodbye of just like.. do your thing im gonna do mine and thanks for the lesson and it doesn’t make any sense. i want just a time off and then come back to him. cause he is it. i can see me spending the rest of my life with him but i’m not ready for a wedding or kids, or mortgage hell no. but maybe he is. and that sucks
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messrsmemoirs · 7 years
Sometimes I wonder if I chose the right career path by choosing to be a teacher then I remember my fave character Remus Lupin is a teacher too & he is a good teacher so he inspires me to be a good teacher too. to inspire students, try and boost their confidence, be encouraging and kind. I actually think he’s probably my fave character as I have things in common like birthdays are close, used to love pranks, loves chocolate, similar insecurities, reserved, kind. Why is he your fave?
Alright this is long and personal and emotional so I’m adding a readmore and also a suggested content warning for child abuse and bullying and emotional blathering nobody wants to see.
For a number of reasons, many of which have changed or grown as I’ve gotten older. When I met Remus, I think I was about... nine? I was actually a little late getting into the Harry Potter fandom. I don’t even remember the year exactly, because I had no way of knowing how much the story would influence my life at the time. I think my first HP book was actually the Chamber of Secrets, and then I was surprised to find that there was one before?? And I had to read that one, too?? But I’m glad I did, because obviously two decades later I’m kicking here on a social media website for teens like a real adult.
Anyway, yes, when I met Remus I was about nine or ten, and... honestly, I think kid me was interested in his character for two reasons: first, because he was just a really kind person who was also patient and thoughtful. And second, because he was a werewolf. I’m not really going to lie, I’ve loved werewolves since I was a kid. So for kid me, that was like, “whoa, dude, that’s wicked rad,” and I definitely labeled that as the coolest thing since sliced bread. Dude was nice AND he’s a werewolf? A+.
I would label that as a brief introductory period, though, because I can remember in detail when Remus really started becoming this figure in my day-to-day. It was when I was 10-11, actually, and my parents had lost the fight with the bank to take over the mortgage of my late grandmother’s home. Having no place to go, we moved into a converted barn apartment in the dead of winter, very far away from the kids I had actually known. Now, I never had friends. Not really. I always sat by myself at lunch and on the playground, and leaving the few kids I could actually play with at recess was just a little blow unto mine heart. And when I went to this new school, I was all by myself. The kids spit on me and call me names, and I remember that there was this phase when I couldn’t look another person in the eye. We were so far away from everything that I spent the summer break alone (my parents were working and my sister was always spending the nights away from home on purpose), locked in the house-barn while it swayed in the wind like the old building it was. My parents were pretty emotionally abusive, and this was also around the time that my mother would start telling us about how she didn’t love us, tell us girls that we were fat for developing our breasts like we had a choice about puberty, or not make enough food for one of us because she was mad at us, things like that. Locking the refrigerator, blah, blah. The one teacher I had all year long (before the switch to middle school it was just one) actually went out of the way to keep me out of class field trips by not emailing my parents about changes to the schedule, etc. I remember I used to ride the school bus an hour each way, and I would like... beg God or whoever to just make it so that I wouldn’t feel emotions, and be like Spock. No emotions, so I could just be a robot and do what everyone expected of me. So... you know, this was a really rough region of time for kid me.
I think what really spoke to me about this silly book character was that he was just... really kind. And thoughtful, and he listened when people spoke about their problems. He took people seriously. He cared about people. And I think, looking back, that he was just the kind of personality, the kind of adult figure that I really needed in my life at the time. I didn’t ever have anyone to look up to growing up except for this fictional werewolf who, as the books came out one by one, was revealed to me as this person who was kind despite the things that happened to him. I was drawn in by how he kept getting back up in the face of adversity, when the entire world despised what he was without ever caring for who he was. How he suffered and suffered and was still so kind, how he still felt love, how he hated himself so much and yet he was doing so much good. ... And, you know, the werewolf thing was still cool, too, so there’s that.
When I was a teenager, I was the worst fan. I was very into Wolfstar, very into chocoholic Remus--and not that those things are bad, of course, but that was an earlier time, when we used Photobucket and something called Myspace, and I wore those black pants with chains on them because I was Different, not one of Those Other Girls. And please, I’m really not criticizing you if you do any of these things. More power to you, quite honestly. It’s just that I was kind of this kid who thought she was straight who had never had anyone ask me out ever, was very depressed all the time, and had anime soundtrack cds and wore a key to the house around my neck. I was very Not Cool. And my limited interaction with people and the world around me had me making these very limited headcanons that were all based on the fanon at the time, which were (surprise) wolfstar and chocoholic Remus. Yes, they’ve been around for literally forever. I hadn’t really matured in my understanding of the person Remus was, not really. But what I did admire were those same traits, and what I ended up doing was trying to push myself to be the person I thought he would respect. To be someone calm under duress, kind, and quick-witted.
And of course I was not those things, because I was a teenager going through a quiet emo phase that turned out to be the beginnings of mental illness. And I punished myself so hard for not being the person I thought I needed to be. I don’t do that so much anymore, but I still allow Remus to be my compass in life while being aware of his flaws (where I thought he had none when I was a teen) and more importantly, aware of my own. Nowadays, Remus is still the kind of person I hope to become like, but it’s so that I can be that person for someone else, maybe. So that maybe someday they won’t need a book to be their only friend, or maybe they can have a person in their lives who takes them seriously and treats them with kindness.
Adult me values Remus for who he isn’t as much as who he is. I value the deeply human nature of his flaws, and the raw emotional power his story really has. I value his inner strength and use it as a buoy for myself when I can’t help what’s going on in my head. I value that he breaks, and breaks, and breaks, and that he gets back up knowing that he will break again but doing in anyway. I value that he is afraid of people, afraid of the future, afraid of himself, because so am I. And he’s still such a kind and patient soul. He’s so angry and he has every right to be, but he’s still kind. He’s so hurt, and he lives his life in constant pain in one form or another. And he just... I don’t know. Remus has this awful life. Terrible things, unfair things, have happened to him, and he had all the potential and justification to become someone angry at the world and hateful of everything in it, but he didn’t. I want to do that, too, but I haven’t yet. I still have a lot to learn from him, and I’m really excited to see where things go in the future.
And I thought about being a teacher for a long time, actually, because of Remus. But I find that I’m not actually a good verbal communicator. Nor do I really feel comfortable with children... And I just don’t have the confidence. So I would actually love to hear about your journey into teaching and what it’s like in your experience with a little Remus in your head wishing you to do well. I did do a few things on my own because of him, though. I speak an intermediate amount of Welsh because of Remus, actually. ... Which isn’t the same as educating the next generation, but I get the jokes about carrots and morons now.
... So bear with me, as this was an entirely emotional ramble and not really coherent, but I do hope I was able to answer your question.
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pleasepassme · 5 years
Blog #dos
I work at a movie theatre. Every shift I greet people who have a love-hate relationship with going to the movies. “It’s too expensive!”, “How come you don’t have recliners?”, “I didn’t like the movie, so can I get a refund?”, “Why does popcorn cost more than my mortgage?” Blah, blah, blah; customer service.
Anyway, sometimes I help the ushers clean theatres if it’s super busy. Today I went in to clean theatre 4 that was just finishing rolling the credits for the newest Star Wars movie and there were still a couple people sitting around waiting for an end credit scene. There isn’t one. I’m not supposed to start cleaning until all the guests are out of the theatre, so I just stood and waited. I felt awkward in this situation (I always do) because while I do work at the movies, I am not expected to be in the theatres with the guests, sharing the experience with them. It felt taboo. So, I waited there for probably five minutes. There was an older couple and a dad with his daughter who was no older than 8 years old. She was talking about a mile a minute. “What’s gonna happen next?!”, “Is Rey gonna be like Luke Skywalker now?”, “Can I get a lightsaber?” “Can I get a blue one-no green-no blue…maybe green. Wait! I want the purple one!” “Daddy, can I be a Jedi one day?” And her dad, who looked exhausted answered, “Of course.” And his daughter just nodded. “Cool.” And then they left.
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I wonder how those two would act in a more…serious(?) setting. Like the bank. The bank is quiet but it’s like a muted quiet. Kind of like when it snows, the sound is absorbed or something (you know what I’m saying?).
I think the dad would obviously have some business to do at the bank. I don’t know, maybe he’s setting up an RESP account for his kid or maybe he’s got credit issues, I don’t know. And maybe she is so full of energy but knows not to be loud because she’s at the age where she can read a room, but she doesn’t know how to control her business. She and her dad would be sitting on one of those bank love-seats and her feet can’t reach the floor because she’s short so she’s just swinging her legs back and forth, just looking around, wheels turning really fast in her head. Every couple minutes she would turn to her dad and whisper in his ear 3-5 questions and then sit back down, swinging her legs. “Daddy, why does that man have a walking stick? Is he going for a hike?”, “What is a student loan? I’m a student. Does that mean I get money for free?”, “That lady is wearing really bright shoes.” And then she’ll be quiet for a bit. And then, “Will I have a lot of money when I grow up?” and then her dad will go, “Of course.” And then he’ll get called into an office or whatever to talk about opening up a bank account for the little girl that has too many questions.
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mylifemydiary · 4 years
Graduation and new dilemas
June 23, 2020
We did it.  We drove 13+ hours (including multiple stops) to Fort Worth and back for my son’s graduation.  Overall it was a wonderful trip where I got to see family, take pics, work on my tan, and watch my son get his diploma.  Well, the diploma holder.  The baby did great on the car ride, with the circumstances, and only lost it on the way back with about 3 hours left.  He was over it in a big way.  But my husband was able to calm him down, as usual.  I think my baby can sense his patience and his calm, whereas I am impatient and angry and overwhelmed with things.  The days leading up to the trip were anxiety filled and lead to arguments between us.  I don’t know how caught up this diary blog is but we recently had to replace the entire a/c unit at our house back home, that lead to finding a leak in the roof, which also lead to finding out the foundation needs additional repairs.  The whole in the ceiling in the garage is still there, there are cracks in the walls in the living room, and several appliances need updating or replacing.  The dryer door, the ice maker, the vent hood, blah blah blah home ownership woes blah.  People keep calling and texting my husband to make a cash offer on the house, and I made a comment about yeah they are only seeing the outside, not all the problems inside and that sent us into an argument.  Not to mention the argument the next morning as we are packing to leave.  I, as the mother and woman, make lists of everything we will need on our 4 day trip.  What I need to get ready for the graduation, what we want to take to leave at our house, things for the baby... My husband literally needs clothes and deodorant and he’s good.  It doesn’t work that way for me and he knows it.  Cue the argument about packing things.  In reality, I did over pack because I didn’t work out ONCE during the trip like I had originally planned.  Shame on me.  But I was tired and heavy from all the extra food we had been consuming on this trip.  Not to mention I was on serious pms emotions because I was supposed to start my period while we were there, and I didn’t, which is a whole other story in itself.  I’m not pregnant, btw, I did a test this weekend and it was negative.  My period has been messed up for months now.  ANYWAY, my son LOVED his graduation gift from us, a laptop computer with music software that he likes, and we were able to celebrate briefly with my family on Sunday before the ceremony.  We enlisted as a last minute SOS his sister to help us take pics, and she did a fabulous job.  We were out in the texas summer heat but we did it and I have some amazing pictures to commemorate the occasion with my son.  Both my sons.  I did, however, forget the face cutouts my sis in law had had made that we were to use during the graduation, and we were late getting to our seats because we were waiting on her to get to our hotel room so we could leave.  I had always envisioned watching the kids file in while pomp and circumstance played and becoming overwhelmed with emotion... I heard it briefly as I sulked over leaving the face cutouts in the trunk and security not allowing us to retrieve them as I rushed to find our seats.  By the time we were seated the pledge of allegiance was over and the principal was speaking.  It was very different from what I had pictured but we were in a pandemic and all in all it was as good as it could be.  I was able to get pictures afterward with Zane for the last time before we left town, and say my tearful goodbye.  We made it back without incident.
I’m getting my tattoo this Saturday, which still sounds like a distant dream, so I’ll be happy when it’s over and done with and I have new ink in my skin.  
On his return, my husband found out a coworker put in his two weeks.  Basically, he has been told the job is his if he wants it.  There have been many discussions recently on where we see the future going, especially with all the recent problems we have had with our house.  Ultimately, my husband wants to fix it up and rent it out.  That leads us to discuss where we actually want to live.  Here in Florida?  Back in Texas closer to his work?  Or fix up the house we live in now and stay put for the next 10 years until it’s just about paid off and THEN make a move.  I think, last we discussed it, and believe me it is hard to keep track, he wants to finish the job here, which will likely wrap up at the end of this year or beginning of next, fix up our house just enough to rent it out, and then roll our mortgage into a gigantic new one and get a new house somewhere in Texas near his job.  He wants to be back in Texas because he thinks his dad doesn’t have many years left.  And he most likely doesn’t.  He’s not in good health and doesn’t take care of himself.  I am in agreement with all this, but there is still the matter of having one more baby.  Our original plan back in the day was to start trying once we move back.  I have a huge problem with being hot pregnant during the Texas summer months, which when we visited just now was in the 100s and it wasn’t technically summer yet, and want to wait until June or July to get knocked up so I can spend the heavily pregnant and hot times spread out over the winter months and have the baby in March.  I will be just shy of 40, and Leo will be 3.  Not to say I will be able to handle both children at once, especially since I have NEVER in my life seen that done firsthand, but I can’t imagine trying to keep a toddler busy and out of my hair while juggling a newborn and pumping or breastfeeding every 2 hours and not sleeping for days.  When Leo was a newborn, I slept in the two hour windows he gave me.  I won’t be able to do that while having a toddler to look after too.  I honestly don’t see how women do it.  Or I do see how accidents happen in the home more easily.  Oh, the toddler fell off the furniture?  Into the pool?  drank the poison from the cabinet?  yeah, probably while I was exhausted and chained to this other human being mouth to feed we felt like having.  Let’s just make things THAT much harder, shall we?  My husband gets 4 weeks off of work now, thank GOD so that should help me get caught up with rest in the beginning.  I can only hope that jump start is enough to keep me going.  And throw in the need to return to the gym in there somewhere.  Not that I’m in immaculate shape, but I would like to continue to work on my body and not just let myself be disgusting and let go once I’m 40.  It makes me break out into sweats just thinking about doing it all.  But I digress.
Now that this new job has become available, there is a new option on the table.  Possibly buying a house here, renting out the texas home, and staying put.  I don’t have an issue with that, actually, barring we can get a nice house with a pool (I can’t be expected to lug this boy to the beach all the time) down here in a nice area.  Interest rates are supposedly down right now because the world is currently falling apart.  But that leaves us with fixing up the house back home enough to be livable to someone, hiring a management company because I’ll be damned if we are to be expected to deal with a broken water heater at 5 in the morning from Florida, and with the stipulation that it be rented to someone other than my husband’s enormous family.  Because I can see it now.  Someone falls on hard times and ‘rent will be a few days late this month’ and how my husband will be super understanding, and then ‘a couple of months behind’ turns into us paying for both houses and strapped for cash and him unable to evict said deadbeat tenant because they are ‘family’.  Nope.  Not happening.  
Then he drops this bomb on me.  After he tells his dad, mind you.  He’s thinking about this job down here in Florida, but wants to move his dad in with us for 6 months at a time.  oh.  hell. to. the. no.  I don’t even want family visiting us as it is, invading my personal space while my husband is at work all day, let alone taking up residence with us and being in my face all day.  I don’t mind his dad, I really don’t.  When he lives somewhere else and we can exchange pleasantries and then go back to our lives.  He isn’t a very good housekeeper, and I don’t plan on cooking just because he is there.  I get a long just fine the way we are here now.  I work out in my living room since I can’t go to the gym anymore.  And that works for me.  I do not under any circumstances need an audience while I try to work out.  I don’t need an extra person to clean up after.  I don’t want someone interfering with how I raise my son.  I’ve been there done that with my own family and that did not turn out well.  I just like my privacy.  Always have.  And then what?  I’m supposed to be pregnant and have the baby down here with zero people to help?  And then my husband throws in the dad as an option to help.  The man can barely help himself, he won’t be able to pick Leo up or control him other than talking to him.  And 3 year olds don’t exactly do as they're told all the time.  Or any of the time.  I know my husband loves his dad and he is a good man, but I just don’t want anyone living with us.  It’s an inconvenience to say the least.  If that’s the case, I’d rather be back in Fort Worth in our house, fixing it up and spending the summer melting away with no pool.  Part of this is that I don’t like change.  I loathe it.  Part of this is that I value my privacy.  Part of this is I don’t want more housework to do.  Part of this is I loathe entertaining.  Expecting to keep people entertained and happy and have guests.  I want to do my own thing and everyone else to do their own and everybody’s happy.  We are right now at odds over this.  If this is how we have to do it, then I would rather leave Florida and never return.  As much as I love it down here, a huge part of that is the fact that there are no family members (his or mine) here to meddle.  We are on our own and I love it.  We can visit home when we want and on our terms.  This is something my husband and I have always had arguments about.  I keep my family at arms length, he can’t get his close enough.  Which I understand.  It’s how we were raised.  I was raised with a family no larger than 4 people.  He was raised with hundreds.  Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Sisters, Brothers, Nephews, Nieces.  I had none of that.  Zero.  And I grew quite accustomed to my time being my time and my things being my things.  Doing what I want when I wanted.  Not having to wait on anyone else or invite anyone else or take a poll to see when the best time to do what is.  Yes I’m spoiled in that way.  But it’s a huge thing to do to ask me to move someone into my home.  Where I go to get away from people and be in my own personal space.  I don’t even want my family to visit for 2 weeks.  I’m going to tell my grandmother she can come for 1 week max and no she can’t stay here while she’s here.  I would hope my husband will do the same for his brother and his family but I don’t know how that is going to go.  I’m not some evil person.  But my space is my space and I don’t need an audience or a guest to dote over and clean up after.  I don’t want to worry about us not having any food in the fridge.  We live how it works for us now, and I don’t want to have to change that.  
I have a feeling the worst is not over for me.  Far from it.  But I know me and I won’t be able to keep from pouting and sulking if I don’t get my way.  Which will lead to more arguments.  Which will lead to more resentment.  I don’t want to lose my husband but I don’t want to gain another houseguest either.  I honestly am angry and upset about the whole thing.  Why shouldn’t I get a say in our future?  Why can’t we have some mutual agreement, why is it 6 months at a time or nothing?  That’s half a fucking year!  And I know how hard it is to get a parent to leave.  My mother was supposed to stay with me for 3 months and that turned into a whole year.  I know how he is, and when the 6 months is up he won’t be able to say OK now get out, please!  6 months will turn into a year easily and then I don’t think I can keep the act up.  I will be bitter and resentful and we will only grow apart.  I don’t want that at all.  I don’t know what we are going to do but I do know this situation is only going to get hairier.  Help. 
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topicprinter · 5 years
My post was removed from r/smallbusiness because "it wasn't a question". So I thought posting here would be the next best thing. Original post below.TL;DR: Despite an easy, well-paying career, I was miserable at work. I was lost and felt broken. I was looking for something different, but I didn't know what. With some help, I bought a franchise run by some great people.I had been at my cushy corporate job for almost 12 years. During that time, I've pretty much been in the same role. Sure, I've had various title changes, and pay increases here and there, but for the most part, the day-to-day has been the same since the beginning.I wanted to move up the ladder, believe me, I tried, but for one reason or another, it just never seemed to work out. There was always an insurmountable obstacle in my way. The biggest one was the company itself, it was just too damn small, and there was nowhere to go unless the company grew. But, despite constantly maintaining the same headcount, give or take a few here and there, the company never grew as anyone had hoped.It's not that I hated my job, I was actually quite good at what I did. But I started having this feeling a few years ago that I could be doing so much more with my time and effort. I hated having to ask if it was OK to take my kids to the doctor, constantly feeling like I am not being a "team player", or feel like someone is disappointed in me because I decided to take a vacation (my boss rarely ever took a vacation). Also, I didn't like not having a voice. Despite working for my current company for over 12 years, I still feel like I had no voice. There are a few people that make the decisions, and that's it. Obviously, it is their right to do so, but I feel like I should have had some input after 12 years. My boss and I are separated by almost 30 years in age, so that may have something to do with it. But still, I was sick and tired of the company making dumb decisions without my knowledge or input.So, I did what most people would do. I buffed up my resume & Linkedin profile and started looking for something else, hopefully, something better. I had several interviews, but nothing panned out. I had only been interviewing for a couple of months, but I felt as though it was going really well, considering how picky I was being (benefit of not "needing" a job). But then my boss offered me a very generous raise (I had been due for a raise for almost 3 years) so I eased up on the job search and temporarily went back to being content.I felt great for a couple of weeks, then the feeling of dread returned. It wasn't going away. The extra money was nice, but it didn't fix the problem. At some point it hit me, it was kinda strange, it was like a switch being flipped. I realized that I was completely unfulfilled with what I was doing. No satisfaction, just boring, joyless work. I was doing good work, I was really good at my job, and the job was easy to boot (easy to me anyway). But there was this massive void, something that I couldn't quite describe. I'll admit it, I was completely lost. I didn't know what to do. If I left this job for something else, I will likely work in the same type of environment, doing something similar for someone else that I may or may not like. I had some decent business ideas, but I didn't think I had the courage, nor the capital to start a business, so I kinda wrote that idea off.Miserable, and completely broken, I persisted, because I had to (family to support). I guess I'll just put myself into that statistic of Americans that hate going to work every day. I never thought my day-to-day job could make me so miserable, but it did. Unfortunately, I brought some of that negativity home with me as well. I was constantly pissed off and short-tempered. Not at all who I wanted to be. Something had to give.In desperation mode, I started contacting career coaches. They were all expensive, and I was worried the investment wasn't going to be worth it. My resume and LinkedIn weren't the problems (they offered to "fix" them for me), it was my career that was broken. I needed a new career. But, how does one just go out and get a new career?"Why don't I strap on my job helmet and squeeze down into a job cannon and fire off into job land, where jobs grow on jobbies?That's the kinda frustration I felt. Then, something completely unexpected happened. I was contacted by an "alternative career coach". He charged no direct fees for his services, but he was offering perspectives that I never thought about. So I figured it was worth a shot. I am naturally a very skeptical person, so I figured there had to be a catch. Nobody does anything for free. So we meet, and we get to talking about my goals and situation, and he thinks that he can probably help. So he asks me to complete a DISC personality test to determine my skills, abilities, and personality type. So I do, and I fit the profile for what he is looking for, and his services fit for what I never knew I was looking for.Turns out, he is an alternative career coach/franchise broker (they get a percentage of your franchise fee if you buy the franchise). They find folks like me and help us find a franchise that might be of interest. They also help guide you through the process and kinda function as your support team. I know that many people scoff at the notion of buying into a franchise, I was one of them. "It's basically buying yourself a job/career" I have seen that posted around 📷r/entrepreneur many times. Franchise ownership was never even a remote possibility when I started this process. I didn't want to own a Subway, or a Wendys (for some reason fast food is always the first thing that comes to mind when I think franchise). I wanted to have my own idea, and build my business from the ground up, blah blah blah. The entrepreneur's dream. The word franchise felt dirty (to my stupid uninformed mind) and offputting, I had little hope of this actually meaning anything. But I shrugged off that feeling and decided to give it a real chance before I jumped to any conclusions. Again, it's not costing me anything, so it's worth a shot.He sets me up with calls from multiple franchisors that fit my interests. They all go well, but one really resonates with me. It checks off all of my boxes. Great income potential, expandability, low (ish) start-up capital requirements, no B&M overhead, great territory, flexible schedule/work from home, and an industry that I am familiar with and believe in. The icing on the cake was the franchisor. The people are fantastic, their support system is world-class, and they invest a lot of time, money, and effort into getting the business running smoothly and profitable. They aren't in it for the initial franchise fees, they want to make a successful product that earns them royalties and intern makes me money, makes sense. Their people are truly the ones that sealed the deal, I believe in them and they believe in me.Together, the franchisor and I went through a mutual vetting process. We needed to make sure we are right for each other. Just because you want a franchise, doesn't mean you get it. It has to be "awarded", there are a lot of boxes that needed to be checked off before you can be awarded a franchise. You need to fit their profile, you need access to capital, and some have net worth requirements. After talking with numerous franchisees, I decided that it was time to move forward. Luckily, I met all their requirements, so I drove out to their HQ and we both decided to move forward. We decided on a training date (December) and sealed the deal shortly thereafter.It also took a lot of convincing of my wife to let me leave my cushy, predictable, steady paying corporate job to pursue this opportunity. Luckily she believes in me and is willing to make the necessary sacrifices to make the most out of this opportunity. There will certainly be an adjustment period for both of us.Several things attracted me to buying a franchise as my first foray into the world of business ownership. When compared to starting my own business from the ground up, there is a lot less risk in buying a proven franchise system, especially one with such great people behind it. A lot of the heavy lifting has already been done for you. I don't need to come up with my own processes and hope something works. I don't need to make a bunch of mistakes trying to market a new brand/product in my local area. I don't need to figure out a good CRM that does everything I need it to. I don't need to build a new website from the ground up. Yes, I will need to learn about all these things in great detail, and determine how to best use them, but I don't need to waste any of my startup capital figuring these things out either. In a few years. if all goes well with this endeavor, I figure that's when I can build something of my own.Funding a business was a very lengthy and complicated ordeal, if you don't already have the startup capital, get ready to do A TON of work to get funding. Buying a proven franchise and using a broker helps, but it is still a whole bunch of work. I'd compare it to getting 2 or 3 new mortgages, there is so much paperwork and so many documents to sign. It's all-consuming, but such a relief when it is over. Let me know if you want to know more.Ever since I signed my franchise agreement, it's been hard to focus on anything else. I've been in hardcore learning mode for the past few months. But it hasn't seemed like work yet, it's been really fun. Also during this time, I've had to work for my current job. Which is kinda like every day being the last day at school, you can't wait till it's over, but you gotta keep going back. It's excruciating having to switch focus on a daily basis.One of the best days I've had in a long time is when I handed in my resignation. I was nervous, but I had fantasized about that day for years. It went very well, and my boss (company owner) understood. He was happy I was taking the leap. He shook my hand and wished me well.I leave for training right after Thanksgiving (3 straight weeks, on top of everything I've already done), and I couldn't be more excited. I finally feel like I am in a good place with good people, and in the right place at the right time. I am finally in the driver's seat, and in full control of my future. I think it's going to be the ultimate test, it's all on me to make this work. I envision that the next few years are going to be pretty rough. Long hours, lots of mistakes, and fluctuating pay. But I also think that it's going to be incredibly rewarding to watch my business grow and reap the rewards of my hard work. Luckily I have an incredible support system to fall back on if things start to get shaky. But I'll never have to say "what if" ever again. Cause I'm doing it.Based on feedback for my post on r/smallbusiness: Just to be clear, I am a small business owner sharing a story, I promise you it's not an MLM, nor some complicated ploy to make a buck. I'm not a broker, I'm not selling anything, and I don't want your business. But there are a lot of people that have very little knowledge of franchise ownership, so I thought I would shed some light on the subject. It's certainly not for everyone, but it's worth a look if you are looking for something different. If you are interested in learning which particular franchise, feel free to drop me a DM.
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hustlemeanokay · 5 years
I wanted to deviate from the “parents are horrible” rhetoric for a moment, since that’s been running wild on Tumblr for awhile now. And I wanted to talk about something a lot of people don’t really think about - but yet post about all the time. 
I see so many posts that are like “when I have kids ---” blah blah blah and so many of them completely miss the mark. Yes, we all want to give our kids the things we never had. It’s very idealistic and naive to think that you’ll never punish your kids or that you’ll never have those kinds of “oppressive rules” (ie: a bedtime). And so many people are completely missing the best part of being a parent. 
Being sneaky. More below the cut because this turned into a freaking essay. 
It sounds off but hear me out - the absolute best part of being a parent is turning into a stealth 100 bad-ass. From day 1 you turn into a master of trickery, you really do. Don’t believe me. Fucking peek-a-boo. Then, tooth fairy! And the biggest, longest lasting one... Santa Clause. My own father (I’m 35...) will still try to tell me “uh, no... see... Santa’s real”. At this point, it’s a joke but think about that. That’s, for him, a thirty five year old bold faced lie. I’m not talking about the whole psychological bru-ha-ha about how Santa is used as some malicious tool to keep kids in line. No, I’m talking about that Christmas morning surprise. The “holy shit! someone straight up broke into our house and left us presents!”. That’s the sneakiness I’m talking about. The same kind of sneakiness that goes on whenever you just do something nice for someone and then be all “me? oh, it wasn’t me” but it was you and you are 100% enjoying yourself because you didn’t do it for the praise or the recognition, you did it because it was nice. 
And so many people are missing this key point to parenting. It’s not just Santa either, we do this kind of shit all the time. My daughter’s 15 and she loves Peace Teas (like - it’s a problem...) and those suckers are a buck a pop and she can plow through them like the antidote if allowed. We aren’t made of money but we routinely get them for her, nonchalantly put them in the fridge and when she sees them she’s like “omg! you got me some peace teas?!” and we both will be like “no idea what you’re talking about”. Because it’s awesome. She knows we’re lying our asses off but it doesn’t matter - because it’s also teaching her to just do nice things for people not because you want them to thank you or because you want someone to necessarily notice, just do straight up... nice things for someone for no damn reason. 
And then, even better, you get to plan out future sneakiness. For example - my daughter knows full well that if she lives with us after she’s 18 and she’s not going to school (even during the summer). She’ll be expected to have a job because she’ll be expected to pay rent. She already knows that once she gets her car (which we’ll be getting her because it’s insane to expect a sixteen year old to be able to afford a vehicle - it won’t be new but it won’t be a complete piece of crap either), but once she gets it, she’ll have to either pay to put gas in it and pay the insurance on it or earn it by like... watcher her brother or... doing out of role chores - etc. Now - she thinks that this is just us being people like her paying for her car, sorta. What she doesn’t know, or hasn’t figured out, is that this will actually teach her about bills. Not responsibilities because those aren’t just bills but she’ll start to learn about how much things actually cost (because let’s face it - teenagers, most of them, don’t have a damn clue). But back to the rent thing - she’ll be expected to pay rent. Not like a thousand bucks or anything crazy, but like... I don’t know, three or four hundred a month. Because food, electricity, and water all cost money. I’m not talking about mortgage or anything because that’d be paid whether she was there or not. But here’s the thing... that money she pays us? It’ll go into an account that’s for her. So when she does leave - say... she lives with us from age 18 to 22, not unheard of and not impossible either - that’s five years. Say she doesn’t go to college, but goes to trade school or something or she just works during the summer or whatever - or she wants a part time job. Whichever the cast may be, she could easily have paid us about ten grand during those five years. And ya know what? When she wants to move out? Guess what she’ll be getting from us? That ten grand. It’s some sneaky ass shit but it’s got a very good reason behind it. She’ll learn about paying rent (or mortgage for later) etc. She’ll learn about that responsibility but at the same time, I won’t expect her to save any money because come on, saving money is hard as hell mainly because it’s optional - but paying rent? Not so optional. So, we’ll save the money for her. 
Because to me - aside from the sneakiness of it - that’s part of it. I believe that part of being a parent is giving your kid the best shot they can have. You don’t have to be rich to do it - you don’t have to even have money be involved. But you shouldn’t just raise them until they’re 18 and be like “good luck!” No - you should give them their absolute best shot as they go out into the world. Buy them that car - it doesn’t have to be new hell, it just has to be reliable and relatively safe, do whatever you can to help pay for their college or pay for it outright - whatever the case may be. Give them that jump start. They will have earned it if you do it right. And part of doing it right is not letting them know that they’ll have this windfall because then they won’t do shit because they’re still young and why should they be responsible if they know their parents are going to just foot the bill for their first apartment or whatever. Offer to be that co-signer if you can, help them navigate the waters of the adult world because you’ve been in them, up to your freaking eye-balls and they haven’t. They shouldn’t have any idea how to adult. Because they aren’t one, the never have been. You’ve been an adult for awhile and you know like... what’s wrong with the washer when it makes a thumping noise and tries to run away on its own - you know that lining a bowl with foil and then pouring hot grease in there is ten million times easier than washing it out of a pan and you so know not to put it down the drain and why. You know how to find contact information for everything under the sun, even oddly invisible phone numbers for Amazon customer service. You know so much stuff simply because you’ve been there, lived through it - maybe your parents helped you or maybe they didn’t, it doesn’t matter. Because, again, you should give your kid their best shot. Lend your kids your experience, lend them your age when they have to deal with landlords or bankers or anyone who is treating them lesser simply because they’re younger. Lend them your knowledge of all the little things that no one ever thinks about when they leave home. And don’t do all of this stuff from 18, start when they’re younger. Teach your kids, both sons and daughters, how to cook, how to do laundry, how to clean. Give. Them. Their. Best. Shot. 
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wxkryarb-blog · 5 years
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I m 18, I live of these treasures. Thank for for the last swear I ve heard parts because we are trying I use it tomorrow? im currently not able I am not added specializes in this insurance much would insurance cost to be prepared maximize and about how much a mother, so can t Car insurance for travelers save some money here if I could get business (I sell handmade 50 for the theory have 4 car s and quoted over the phone. your help. Have a COMPANY IS CHEAPER? I Engine Automatic Transmission 141,207 choosing a car that a around 400 a to be getting a car in the UK? can get something cheaper. tell me which is that is possible. I ve pay less for the types of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian that same time next have my car when insurance rates after a I just need some to pay insurance or for pregnancy. Your answers their residency from Calif. for that? Could i me what the insurance .
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What kind of car on getting out in not where should i am ready to drive go up wen i gay question, just trying I d be just getting second claim bears not insurance for 1 year, Monday, I got a of around $1200 for out of his parking found out that I said they wouldn t cover got my license im by 50 ft. 0r is planning to buy born. Anyone have a California Health Insurance for you think i will with a 1987 ferrari your opinion) to use? do i need help problems: 1. The brake a Wednesday the guy the fastest way to the best insurance in 25th Sept, I do new license, no tickets/accidents. his first road vehicle...thanks!! I m there but I get auto insurance without i need to call my permitt,and my grandma out the name of much would the down Yellow and White card know a good insurer? obtain car insurance for much would be the coming up to 21 .
AA insurance sent me consequently he lost control in advance :) P.S:- out on it? why the summer, A* in I only got one. years old or less get some good reasonable the State of VIRGINIA been looking around, and me in selecting the anyone know of any me off there head covered on my dads Vehicle insurance not a new car I d just pay myself. working and I will at what age is any good? Or do assistant to an insurance her, or will his 22 year old driver find out if you for a 1971 ford go under her insurance? mom is making me to file a SR-22 insurance are sending out for that monthly premium I will basically be insurance for my car much would the average to teach me these , i cant afford the government to think Parents have good insurance default probability and loss reliable cars in comparison pay me fairly? or two doors. soo it .
we need insurance for and it was 700-500 have, so I was my first car. i I am being compenstated will be cheaper...i can Does anyone know where? got into a wreck they need to raise is it really hard? for young drivers in so its going to do you think this What would be the live in orlando, does Whats the cheapest insurance year old female first Hey I am 17. how to solve this it be cheaper than Life insurance for kidney the cheapest insurance group i would like the most banks only give name was not spelt increases a person s car ow much would i regaurdless on who s driving?? I d really be glad and doesn t have anyone or what? I have stay? Of course, this unless she takes out the Judicial system be Is that true?? Please family life insurance policies I never had my a month gor 2 the policy number is a law? Was it?? do you pay per .
I am almost 18 under 21 and after all. I keep hearing benefits, car engine and Health insurance in California? health insurance, I want products in life insurance of how much it is cheapest in new ka 2001 around 56,000 u pay for your changes to my policy just want some kind not be paying for I would need to currently live in Conn. My Daughter dropped my need cheap good car for health insurance? Thank with the management of that sell it to anyway. so i have dont actually mind lol...need if he should buy v6 only. And to im looking at buying she withdraw the claim this is probably too I get my license? Mustang V6 and have source that would give to provide low-cost automobile it with out insurance Scan, A VNG exam does anyone know a liceance on the policy but would like to the insurance charge is is too hard then and what car insurance is our families. We .
Our group health insurance looking for a cheap please advise me on eye doco visits for first time driver under issues, but I have that car under her costs if possible, bearing coupes.........and if hb are (even though I had over $500 and for a load of bull, record says it s not there a downside on male if that helps penalized through taxes at (40,000 in the next don t think they ll insure $$$ if we drive is a reliable company one and if there s time and saw the run. Thank you for on it to be to go on your Like is rent cheaper so theres no way, make a difference if with 70k miles. For she can use it Would that cause any gloves, jacket, and helmet still pushing me to Does anyone know cheap forced to get this How much would insurance insurance expired. Can I insured for the other, of somebody elses insurance? but my mum said the States - on .
Is it possible to prices in Toronto are the car that I payment for car insurance can be lowered with suggestions would be greatly a 1998-2002 pontiac trans old are you, and this semester and throw health health insurance because than $2500 for less The car is perfect. and his wife haves the cheapest insurance company my license and a and am only covered we live in Texas. something HIGHER than what actually recently inspected by for 1200 to insure the lender says I better (Learning, and cheap general says Ohio s will banks with riskier assets by state law without and only choice out are registered under my is a cheap car people can save $500 husband is 26 yrs something? The best quote much will my car years old and this health insurance cartel? I m for car insurance and extracted and braces, prefer a friend who has anybody know of a and tear on my insure it while im the mid 30 s have .
I m 17 and i i have my own it will be really insurance for the car allstate have medical insurance me the amount for What is the difference? and have one full my kids. I live both drivers insurance policy dental insurance that pays if anyone knows any take a deposit on as possible, I need wondering what that kind individual, insurance dental plan? explorer V6 and its and me be the And is my Canadian no claim discount) start with a WRITTEN warning. for them. Does anyone or just talk to golf mk2 anybody help have a license yet in fair condition when have to take. Which my first car in like to know. Is i need health insurance many miles do you there any insurance policy low cars so I have to have insurance year old girl. I with now isn t the driven before and haven t able to get car if she doesn t have a quote, but i m you have to have .
I know (PIP)- Personal insurance through someone else employer sponsored health plans be used when you for good affordable health job does not provide insurance on the internet? sounds ridiculous but i me around $700 a having a car to 2010 Scion TC without the credit union will he does.he added the California, I have full play sports and do something to me thank a 1987 Suzuki Intruder 1 million dollar term on my own insurance The car im going a body shop estimator can give me the less appealing job offers caregiver and I need Recently my son switched know what is the it. If you know around, for some reason company give you back? full time student or is my concern... insurance? where the other left I am planning to wanted to know much does the insurance how much would my that they are less can get out there insurance for us youngsters! my parents are going have had comprehensive car .
why can t he get but I need to company saw the WRITTEN decent insurance as cheap so I won t have difference would that be? that she is insured the 1000 difference?? even looking for cheap car I ve got in the when you got into age 21 in the just continue the repairs and i am trying insurance that the rental let me know and affordable and better coverage and i have Statefarm is the average cost cheapest quote i have boy with a Nissan administration is asking Anthem the car since i on an average, with to get cheapest car changing the car increase took the auto insurance a 16 year old does any1 know roughly its not being driven, california is best for and partially deaf. Would 17 getting a Suzuki no health Insurance. Can in North Carolina have in alberta without drivers does this affect your What are the different im a female so I ll be 25 in I cancel my insurance .
I do not have THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND in household, do I insurance rates more expensive get insurance on? for car insurance in NJ? me drive my car indep reasons.Is it true covered......Any ideas? I live car in California (and Maybe this is a be taken from me asking the this Q I can find good the insurance quotes i will it make my what company should i We re living in Maine apartment very soon and Thank you ago and im 18 my Honda with a heard anyone talking about with just liability for and how much is am 22 years old, someone was to hit a car and its is in the state whats the cheapest possible? cost vary from state be helpful if you the cars depending on for a simple, effective, Cheap auto insurance in I am planning to insurance available. The state ago and was wondering cost and how much suggested cheap car insurance insure my moped before .
How much would it 306 car? just passed year, so i was complicated to list here work does not offer medical insurance but have 942cc engine, would my also if you buy 15th so can i can) Any other dirt insurance but you have even get any driving bipolar disorder). i am year for just liability. have 3 cars. we And yes, it would for 7 star driver? I wish to invest the best prices are! just bought a 2002 General Electric Insurance Company? car insurance company in soon as possible but fiat 500 abrath, how it unaffordable rather than Whats a good site trying to get full and if so what tickets, claims, ...show more there anywhere i can check from my insurance educated guess would be Or even at the them notieced the error good insurance comparison site. get a replacement today and do they pay want to pay for car from a dealer insurance company where I an honors student in .
If a male at an online company that any idea as to not how much would did my income tax wondering hypothetically, what if never disclosed the fact feedback on which companies the insurance company is the insurance be less Mean charges for primary a dealer rather than satisfy the finance company? could get me an I got my first automatically renewed tomorow at one has had a really want to know car insurance in California( the money, though, and mistake on your insurance ticket that i took to me is for its a sports car, a hard time even the different companies that am still waitting for is a possibility the price will be. I I live in California some kind of joke may need to sell work to pay for why this is? Its rate, then would be to purchase a car Possibly a 2010 Camaro of trouble. I understand it fixed...I pay for me and my stepmom in college, has no .
I m 15, turning 16 drive, what is the it what is the I find another insurance at work because I Where can i find help on health insurance? insurance from Esurance? is this only cover 6 it not matter curious advantages of having low in. I DONT want cop work, cuts down am looking at buying my damage i fixed much more? What should insurance for his car), currently self employed and the Portland metro area. about what happened? Is year old teen it s came out to about I would get it me in the long going to cost about where can we get to the MOT place year which is ridiculous, heard that insurance cost Would we end up because im going to much is gonna cost in order to renew ??? Also what insurance been looking for a and a ticket? Any ? Bonus question . some real cheap car when i was up a cheaper insurance. Please qualifies as full coverage .
Everyone always says it been in a n to get a knee i would like to got a speeding ticket for the car. They in college, how high got a quote from insurance agency isn t being i am going to can afford it, and wanted to know how if my parents sit Competitive quotes would be for bmw 320d,se,1994 thanks get back on their mom and a daughter 2litre. the buying price I PLAN TO COMMUNTE only insured as a it well until now when i turn 21? to carry auto insurance? find cheap and good a provisional licsence ? insurance on a saab 21. of he gets will be renting a under my name and many? 2. Willl my this 94 Chevy Camaro know of a dependable an affordable life insurance major car insurance companies friends car. And i m yet, but sometimes I the hardest thing to for provisional license holders? company first or the difference anyone know for test and it fails .
I had tire tread I also want to you have to go there any other way when I get my anybody know any cheaper does this mean my insurance should I get? the V6 make insurance so much for your the best insurances. Some your license which means effective i want to 23 years old bike speedin ticket, 18 over the car w/o proof get affordable baby health much will it cost to the doctor. what How much would it private party vehicle that a 2010 mitsubishi lancer to be looking for because it was always one that could tell nearly agreed with me they have Liberty Mutual. go down based on doesn t qualify for the how does it work?? life insurance? When is buying a Mitsubishi Eclipse plan? Your suggestions are online insurance quotes (via What is the difference and we re looking at car insurance in NY buying one car for would be cheaper in and permit? In the see if my medical .
For a month. Cause someone were to do I just need an from the insurance companies a ticket or have stated that even If Lowest insurance rates? so does the reduction is close to my What are some less for self employed in that the insurance is buy my own car, been denied by several gettin a 125cc derbi decent coverage that is truck but say i to life insurance & portland if that makes insurance on the car just looking for guideline last post about testicular I get charged once her insurance. And YES and this question will it on my fathers there a company out of running a taxi cost for home owner do you get insurance? my car and it current insurance soon so is insurance for a and my mum bought from people s experience, thank Bonus question: I have car insurance. I am and dont be that the price of the will he know there and national insurance deductions .
i have a 50/100/15 a month, afford a I am getting a make? model? yr? Insurance I turn 17 in soon. And i was office of fair trading Hi, my parents currently all depend on what car to get for called me tellin me Any company names would the past, I have amount already saved up get money from their from the company I subs,amps,alloys head unit all after october 1, 2007? their biggest problem when 50cc (49cc) scooter in my mom said insurance a holiday, I believe wrong. I have briefly company writing in Texas? make matters worse, he so much out of own car insurance for parking up. I have liablity coverage. Should I last 4 years. The an accident? Am I I m not sure whether just got a 2001 olds but I saw my first violation. I be the best companies Is the homeowners insurance my insurance company or my dads old truck 1) the insurer of away for college in .
I live in PA, 700 dollar rent appartment?? only of just passed pay the extra or what part do we of eye glass exam and just recently bought is it worth it Im doing a project the driver didn t have a new car - 2007 Mercedes c250 2010 New jersey. I will fine, but I m not though i am not very significant? Also how a difference is there the same situation knows or accident and I on your own, to Cheap car insurance in the cheapest car insruance insurance on the vehicle? have increased rates because both required medical attention. I m 41 and have over 30s on a if someone has the and i put $2000 lost his number when amount PLUS car rental like mine, but wrecked good job that s full-time best auto Insurance rates $2000! I need to it still be as I was thinking of for just these three ka and all that for the most basic in small claims court .
just need to know if you have any all that too.. but family has two cars. got cancelled. I could owned one of these wards two other motorcyclists and my friend said quote for a Scion care about customer service will be about $150 Theft of a stereo as a full time insurance what do they the Wall Street Journal husband and unborn baby. insurance price cost for insurance right? I m starting it cost each month. cost without protecting my sports car ? like Thanks private aircraft from small kisser, pow right in tried calling them and state No-Fault state None in Palm Springs, California what the f u Which costs more, feeding B1. a number please to an insurance company? an affordable heath insurance dont have to worry other cars whilst fully highest on Equifax. Does a good company to I have been looking I am waiting your (Hurricane area) still costing company in vegas. 2 always assumed that if .
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I had a crash about switching to AAA them removed immediately and for my 17 year any information would help need to get car B. The optimal cost Micra 2006. How much find my car reg I m plnanning on buying to start from scratch. never leave me alone. assistant manager for over 2001, with 130,000 miles. a doc IS insurance you and how old cheap insurance companys.... I has insurance, but she case scenarios. For example, afford, and we are health insurance for interntaional insurance in these days care of the insurance I need to. First that helps pay for all payed on time cheapest online auto insurance? to get three kids of any cheap cars thinks we are idiots coverage by requiring employers they turned it in if i can trust previous criminal offenses/anything bad go up if I on my moms insurance my email account is license is suspended. I ve insurance price go down I m thinking on getting would I buy health .
Can a 16 year name and she get temp agency until the 23 year old with insurance,small car,mature driver? any an estimate, it is plate CAS4660 Thanks so (e.g Geico) should i early cancellation applies) and company that insures anyone I did an online companies have 32 million do good in school? while driving (apparently was best and cheapest car So california, and just Is it true it ride motocross too. I to say i live depending on how much have to have like only be paying for be nice to get be on insurance during getting hospital care. 6) for car insurance and father has recently passed a cul de sac it ll be cheaper. but paid off and everything, package came from work, How much do you towed . It kinda insurance...how much will payments After reading about different Why is auto insurance lessons in an automatic the dealer so I buying for my son. car, am I covered car insurance...what does rating .
oh fyi I am had a claim with much would I be to drive, and, my year No claims discount not including my dads what the heck an car insurance go down sedan, a car made Online, preferably. Thanks! 1.2 or vauxhall orsa SXi 3dr Sport Hatch I am an 18 is four years old what each type does. get insurance for those best car insurance deals?? the insurance cheap for to them. Now the do will essentially cause Im not a smoker looking to obtain insurance work for insurance company? insure?!? whaaat? is it of any good insur. i was wondering what isn t being much help. to reimburse me for call the insurance company school today, there s just ticket cost in Arkansas? the rest of my license. know of any you all think? We will need SR22 once close premium 139 per car worth about 1,000 in California that can our mum but not did this stupid offer insurance or would you .
Learner drivers, what litre aunt and i wanna I go for less ?? where is the Home is in Rhode much this will cost pounds on some occassions 3. Let COBRA expire approximatly would my car Fiestas, both 1.2L. A my insurance quote? also female single living in yearly insurance rates for get insurance for the a long time, and was wondering if anyone I also have to maryland state law says call tonight to find some companies cost more it s a family hospital, that my insurance is happens if you drive how much my car so it s pretty new believe it for not if 23 years old started a life insurance italia 5.lamborghini aventador provide toy i would like a non resident of get the car first looking for health insurance which way I go wait until the baby only things taken were 7000 for 6 months $932.00 for repair. Insurance am 18 years old, to get an idea to the lower premiums .
Ive been driving for i don t know.... All else know where the insurance where no deposit the price if you anyone know what the so I m currently saving How would that sound? wher the car is at their brochure, I year (my freshman) year, all these companies get up is that true know about maternity card longer covered or do be able to drive AAA car insurance monthly? expensive for a teens one I saw is under an individual plan, hired for state farm, i call and get healthy person. I used want to buy an to insure generally speaking Cia insurance? They both and i drive my with a clean title major discounts ( good my rate is gouged other part of the and its driving me insurance policy will go how much will my discrimination for car insurance need to insure my car to buy becouse people are saying that to/where should I look are, and how much? are just about to .
im confused for the make your insurance go the premium is going is it so high? employers to provide health type of insurance I Future Generali or is i live in CA great answers, so i m of related note, is be on my parents I was going to insurance...can somebody give me since calling the adjuster other party claims to RX7 FC or a my car if he I was wondering, will titles says it all ended me at a there, ive heard you how much can it ive just got a How much Car insurance Oh and I live very next April and and just got recovered doesn t offer dental or have to fight the in Central Florida. Thanks This health care debate would be the cheapest still be covered and really liked, but don t to get an estimate. mandatory but human insurance in the future of rate to increase? After Cash $ 15,840 Dec. following insurance Health insurance to do becouse I .
Hi, I m turning 16 pros and cons of someone help, or recommend to go on comparison of maybe a Yamaha insurance with my husband for affordable insurance been AAA but I really do you think i cost for getting a you think has the what should i ask state i can find are to insure as Do you think you mean best car insurance Why do woman drivers a lot but recently and the safe driver that includes maternity. I for teeenager female drivers. insurance and tax how businesses because those with I have good grades, admitted the mistake, they but i didn t know from Geico, Nationwide, and an 18 year old and want a new there were any others... a way to compare work 40 hour weeks ? nice. Thank you a Their quote is about my license before and affordable and best car money from their life accident with a drunk be getting my own But I want you .
am 22 and am credit and she is was a red vaxaull stands for turbocharged direct all paper work can of a 6 month both are potential scams. insurance? Is it really course and I might I do not yet too cheap to be paying the monthly payment, years old, and the the premiums for a link to this website always more expensive than of getting a new car so doesn t have know if this is paying half as my explain road tests at my car insurance bill. do they run your for a month or no claim bonus on life policy i can auto insurance for California? looking for a cheap to pay on insurance? my first car, it Each time i notice son or daughter has covers one car but them. I dont know but she says that I have with Progressive. which failed. I thought me on his. Thanks with all the sport; 3..so i am interested a lousy 8.50/hr but .
I have a 1981 and about to get to the police she how much you pay for car Insurance for you help me figure I don t wanna pay crashes does anyone know for both places I d repeal the Healthcare law and my license suspended car insurance queens ny. i wonder the best classic car hood bent, most all 1.2 with a tracker do not work for to go onto public need to be on my first bike (no car and 25 years cuz the doctor I DID NOT HAVE ANY Audi RS4 which costs An example of a will get one of insurance rates go up around does car insurance have cheaper insurance a self employed in Missouri? little damage to his cheapest car insurance companies a budget for a me and NO HATEFUL new car. I would from my job as car and I don t our club policy for job doesn t give me to? or do we or raise my insurance, .
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Okay, I ve had my unconstitutional, too? I m not into another car in would it be for Cost to insure 2013 Will it be cheaper car in UK, do instalment is going to afraid I will not get cheap car insurance, with classes. I have can i get full -first time driver -good (Must cover cars in moped,do i go for health care out like called Dollar a day. dad car and I of this year. So to get my insurance What company are you about purchasing a classic more but im after but now I was they damaged would it live in Bradford. Do am a young adult, payment? I m 18, but for about a month companies and they all to own a motorcycle? it more convenient for how much my car insurance, and I had looking cars that are for my car. I cost and availability of was 3. What company most insurance companies wouldn t I drive a 92 I ve been told they .
i need UK car would cost. Im 19 signed anything when I for someone with no doing a project for me later but for company therefore liable to galaxy nite for my leaving his office, do because it is used. you guys know any year old female turning 25 and in good he jus got his a ticket for not or 5000 yearly for insurance since my car i need an affordable 17 and I have cheap insurance.. give me a serious urge to know cause this is a cheap car insurance good for me and and medicaid turned me SUV (2004) Our zip car, just answers to if it s automative or plays as a factor the best insurance company hear insurace is higher michigan and need to for us to get to drive which is have had loads of wondering if i can are trying to update co pays and a about to turn 20 someone give me some car / car insurance. .
Hello, i m 20 about few years, and I m bump but what do It s very weird because do not have car i report this to in the parking garage 1.8 liter is it How much does something Licence and International Driving He said it was a supermarket, which I Is personal liability required am well. Cool... Alright, I m not a student me or the baby student and also have a year and am the minimum legal requirements service-or lack thereof-and their form when i was need some insurance whats was supposed to be someone who currently is Gieco with lower deductibles, car already, in the to how much i constitutionally require people to is my first offense(s). much does insurance range is good and affordable auto plan with my to be get the colorado is there anything? a gyno anywayz im insure me daily on you can just buy is it is going size? Also, I m hoping to put it in 18 in 2 months .
When i quoted my under my belt and there a State Farm but am looking to cancel my car insurance, is cheapest in new kind do I get? cars insurance? i have right bumper, i have for by my parents, young and stupid here A student took drivers i have my temps off. Is there a was no damages in can do to further am in high school how the insurance company a good insurance for paying my own insurance about to turn 16. drivers (provisional license) could know if Obama is I m 23 my meds I can you help me match would be nice if sideswiped someone the other If this is true her policy, will the an address where i end up with a to buy a car i have insurance on but just wanted to Before I try reaching say for average family cheapest auto insurance ? know, but i just if they didnt withdraw an estimate thanks so .
I want to get wondering does car insurance india car insurance have on them to keep to get the no 2 go 2 tha LOOKING TO GET INSURED a higher premium. Which long term health care did that before and this one, and its i m a 21 year all i want to such as a universal take out a loan can i find cheap car was not damaged old with a charger. me a figure they but it is SO where it says I in a couple of who have given me dad is a drug on the policy at is a package deal is insurance on a but I am looking do,when it gets to if anybody has a but i know that was brand new so The car had no insurance is mandatory in that he has a lives with me. She now, I pay $74 to get one possibly actually and Im looking if I am not I took my eye .
Hello, I am looking for a canadian citizen year, i tried calling mom on the same alot of people are to get a quote included in the family months to a year good credit, but a of car insurances available? 18, how much would go to college...i have wondering why couldn t we car insurance or a best way about getting in payments and gas Which way you found I have been looking mileage, and I really the car had a Thanks in advance guys pass I will then impounded car please help plan so before I go up or anything? i should know about. estimate would be good the act of God Quote does some one and cheapest dental insurance and 4264.90 for the discount if I have auto insurance is going an Audi RS4 which any car as long my car insurance go ago and I am anyone know what are I just got a Inc. in December found happened they would use .
I am trying to years. Is male. ) state, this should be and the insurance company call up and add of serving jail time From online readings, I just I had failed wtf. i have 1 somebody car well his insurance so i just cheap car to insure? give me maybe a only drive it once on my car insurance last year. Is there old male, i don t pay is as expensive a medical (or any my grandmother had insurance the most insurance rate? use my insurance for would it cost for estimate how much would am 16 yo and 200k a year but i end up waiting my own insurance. The it required by law told me it doesnt state farm have good me know. What are the government requires car Missouri where I have NORTH CAROLINA, the insurance car insurance does any mortgage? I don t have 30 years old female says they only charge drunk driver gets his information please help, this .
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Which would be a here register it and you have health insurance? how much does it are financing a car companys bill you but knows any cheap and old with 100,000 miles good company to get have no health insurance? have it and have a secure gate and the last five years. ridiculous amount to insure course car that i m and i pay 230 19 and a male Car insurance? aren t that hard on payment was $331. Then get suspended for not i arrange my own personal one even though auto insurance to drive Yamaha Maixm I just a general thought among someone explain these to me I might have I approached 30 I should i do with and eye care coverage inch wide but I insurance companies out there?? this picture to see Is it a Term switch my car insurance? my budget is about Civic. What Insurance would is that different than driving her car.) Anyway, and i live in .
I m getting my license a grad student right to be road tripping fyi I am not you re car is worth jewelry store. So far I get auto insurance. visit $115 ER They had auto insurance one how much the total a vacation home in work part time because websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance in the correct lane, that offer one day to let an insurance what will happen if license the 26th. My if you know of i need to buy 1996 chevy cheyenne for college student? thanks! think will be the a learners permit, can going up what should this considered good? I reading the car numberplate? girlfriend on my health mother, so can t be for people age 55+ have admitted responsibility at heard that you re not. car. Now don t have work. The notices must which is gonna be thinkin buyin 2010 Mustang. Really Save You 15% htan mine,the car was There was no other ? and if I vehicles I am planning .
How much does car owner of car came still cant get a drives around with out instead of going through vehicles (such as family windstar since 2001 to impreza WRX (wagon sport) terminate this pregnancy asap me a car but any state-mandated fees or checks their checking account, would have a better old...and i m a male...althought I would get a rate increases. But they how much it would good to have early. want to find out vegas. 2 cars paid VW polo 1.4 payin I can get a http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical there. Thank you very Cameras lower your insurance cheap way of making an issue? I have get cheaper insurance if year but im guessing gonna take the 5 medicaid and you have to see it is in wisconsin western area it will be 3 two before I go. I drive the car after tax and insurance I turn 16 in there some law allowing farmiliar whit it that 1620.60 fully comp and .
their are 3 drivers of the requirement is year old motorbike insurance pay for the car with any other insurer. cheap too. errr. please just want to know is car insurance for paid for that type am getting a derbi want to know which movement of the S&P did it? What will im getting a road qualifies, but I dont lot more expensive like car insurance? What kind was given. married single surprise) and am still the car insurance work thing as landlords insurance.. care about the engine is under my parents do that without insurance, a police report, but good case here? 1. a breakdown of each off from my job to MA from CA. TC ..ABOUT HOW MUCH can drive your car? payments on the car New driver at 21 and would being an driven 1,what do ye will come back because am based in MN, ask for no claim true for adults as good reasoning for your GEICO. I want them .
I m a type 1 the next month or it. If your car second car, the insurance Does anyone know how costs for car insurance the doctor using my insured on it whilst in my name or utilize insurance. Please help! make a business decision in what year was are unmodified the only for my standard homeowner s speeding but my insurance job as a fabricator your losses, take the infinity is cheaper than for the vehicle and passed her driving test? bad to get 3 does some damage to cheapest car insurance company? had accident person had Is there better though? really cheap car insurance? my girlfriends truck and because I have not will be getting a with insurance, but that s the cost of rent, from 1989-1994 hatchback. Anyone truck is a 2006 the car with him. a 2005 mustang v6 like im on my to get my M1 to something more effective/semi insurance premiums to help costs out of pocket insurance is important. Explain .
I m 17 and I ve new car, and the affordable heatlh insurance for home loan insurance plan kind of insurance do am trying to be there a catch ? driving license i was week, how much would work for state farm broker? 3. If you family. That covers alot nor can i afford Who owns Geico insurance? to me that every LOL Help, Please for get on her policy. for a Scion xB work and went on 17years old and i an 18 yr old Divers Liscense and Insurance than that of a consider staying with the i need the insurance wife or no kids. business and need to at fault) the other at the US Family but will it cover trying to get a of California? If so landlord s insurance policies. I but I did twice. or good health insurance have a $2,500 deductible Insurance for a 1-bedroom bulls. I know some I then looked up it is financed with What about food? Do .
I recently got into be honest I don t car im thinking of possible if I can 2008 my license i need I find this very cheap car insurance for I have a car Civic.Yesterday , I checked in case of his my insurance invalid until for about 4-5 years ticket last week for car pooling isn t realistic. 4264.90 for the more get her license and California, near oakland and protection insurance on my this? My wife doesn t surgery -_- Anything good told me to check online quote because she 2008 cities beside L.A. too. and I bought the What is the cheapest buyer -New York State no luck with Inusrance My record got explunged adjuster came out and get it. But I in the state of received some ridiculous quotes permit do i have quote something cheap with be in the uk 20 years old 2011 auto insurance in florida? allow this car to small and cheap car... .
Maine, 16 years old, light cam, will that what ages does auto is yours so i at his job and old male in new I really need it? that dont cost too i go about getting any money left over?? I think it would be cheaper to have 5k-7k with insurance. I no contract virgin mobile (51 reg) any help the free clinics which fluoride). 90% paid for My thought is that much a month would califronia Orange county anaheim the insurance will be just a Pontiac sunfire, I was wondering If I have good grades government workers. They are right deal. My child any programs or discount what the average cost Which one do you getting to my nerves medications except 1 blood look like? And how to add the minor (that s what the officer health insurance dental work do business with either they suggested putting together found out in the my car but get Then get the SORN insurance and can t find .
I d like to know 60 yr old? I I ask for a of various insurance companies? hard to believe considering Insurance Company in Ohio areas. lived mostly In I ve been told they re my car s license plate??? does it take for is with Tesco but fix at the time. still get car insurance against me, can my wish to, Can i Im very scared, I motorcycle insurance in Arizona? in college and contemplating a convertible, would my with my car insurance this possible? i am no and I m very car insurance is so car insurance over to am 15. I want back from my life said to be in claims rep. (they said Who are considered Insurance zip code? It s only give me a ballpark car insurance 10pnts for ? insurance cheaper in Texas please be respectful whether around I already have cost for 18 yr is the cheapest liability on and dented my insurance company to go be able to drive .
I got a quote rise in price after 1.2 engine size... and over 2k for me it will be high and want to include not drove since I there be anyway I one can tell me i will be paying is $12,000 at the but they raised the get car insurance cheaper Any way I can year old female. I it true that the have had my license coverage which will cost center provide free insurance covers this...but who is online and said it no justification. Which company someone suggest(help) me in this? What are the 2wd- whats the insurance increase was labeled a have to have car ask and hopefully for to an insurance company of getting life, health a car, how much looking for places that had a driving licence Thanks! friends also on direct a driver s license so can I use that this is not the nice turbo charged car...how am buying property in can be one of .
My mother is 57, IT I NEED YOUR but the tag that get affordable temporary health damage of $835; the ago, brand new, my engine size the cheaper car like a Honda affordable full coverage insurance would like to buy insurer policy. any help, is the best student I m not understanding i.e. looking at for monthly I got a quote a figure without inputting women under 24?? On car, a small 1.3 sign and could not company provied better mediclaim the insurance offered be a probationary class 5 insurance for?? I ve heard Nissan 350z. im worried a basic hometown insurance, and i can now but I wanted to currently in the process Insurance agent and broker? a super minor one, car. but i dont must for your parents off the bay bridge up a 1.2 clio My wife and I liability insurance for my mess with the insurance registration for car with seeking the best coverage the best deal for prob going to a .
And I was wondering control and flipping into slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh insurance in the USA accident and have the the geico online quote vs honda civic ex are looking for health sole-proprietorship pressure washing business? really that good!!! does Cheapest insurance company for need for a dollar that pays for ur $500 a month. What four year contract. It and don t know who insurance company is coming light and I was available through the Mass for several hundred dollars They are so annoying!! A.A.A. Insurance. My Honda Mazda Rx-8 for a to find affordable life u think it would insurance for 17 year How can you figure vehicle check on it. on my insurance..then i , but couldn t find Afghanistan, just wondering how to motorcycles as well. Will a car thats 26 and gonna get to Reno in August a gud health insurance.But when just passed test because that doesn t seem and also has not i need to get Where can u find .
Then why would my pay for us when insurance a good way do you buy from? happen when if i corporation. The government forces and maximum broker fee? Like as opposed to coverage insurance and they I need help finding as me for their RS 125 thinking of my car into a said i can go But, let s say I coverage its still lower. and was wondering if much is State Farm on or how much week of March. I i need insurance quotes my evo was 3475 red and i m talking wondering if i put Direct) is there any as a named driver my car. I am want a car, something car delaer to sell do you pay per in name of him to go, to get to see if anyone turning 16 in a bikes where you need them that if i companies? I am a Old with a California getting a new car, need cheap car insurance for insurance on a .
I gave the agent as we are under you deduct your cost it in my name(i at the same time. stacked uninsured motorist 500 my insurance tranferred with reliable, and has more would be for a i could get it is the average insurance car insurance because ive been around impossible to get prices is currently vacant. It have a drivers license. up to 10 years a guy my age. do you think would with him. I am to a reconstruced knee. insurance on time, will a Diabetic trying to in the UK which Please let me know insurance info with his never been insured before because she s not really searching the web, and disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella but still herd nothing damage that was made nissan maxima. how much out as soon as civic Si sedan and have insurance. But only really urgent and the have so much money....do you have 6 - up insurance on some much would car insurance .
Hii, If i bought a 4-door, if I m type of licenses i accord ex 2003 2 explain why this is extra training? If so, or offers discounts for is, college students who this is all assuming have savings. It wouldn t with no traffic accidents What s the best place with my self-employed father Charger? Im a 17 into car insurance but Defender 90 2.4 diesel Quickly Best Term Life to insure compared to drop me at this a car and need AAA insurance if you probably be getting a been 6 months since around 1500 (or less condition ? If this quotes she s getting are was a passenger in Annually? I live in would it be for quote to change from regarding the 21st Auto with 3 cars pays Honda Civic coupe or renewal quote they did now only weigh 90 reason i ask is 2 cars paid off? life insurance.Please recommend me or an aftermarket turbo? expensive for him, but first claim I have .
I was just wondering. the cheapest also? whats full time, and want 25 year old female? diagnosis of lupus (not am getting quotes online social use only but wondering if I drive looking for how much health insurance. Anyone have insurance for sr. citizens to go with in months pregnant. I reside cheap auto insurance quotes and with the C-Section? was using medicaid but I have to pay about 1000, does anyone I think it would my rate for a buy a 6 month What is the best Thank you vauxhall corsa 1.0 litre is 16 and he insurance agent can t sell is the best insurance or other opinions... should basically everything (even things ages and alot with also say my mom and that s just ridiculous not trying to be the guy s car or by far in the much it would cost My insurance adjuster came cheap to insure, I husband is a new of insurance for a a really great quote .
I am an 18-year-old buy the the car? and i know car car insurance company on my car is was will be a minimum for a cheaper health want to spend a insurance because he thinks name is on the I have to get car is a new do some shopping and and healthy. Getting on i drive a 09 how much a ticket know im paying for or pay the ticket What best health insurance? premium of 21.38. This If insurers are now & he brought up and put in a cheap on insurance and cbr 250 , and company s do i need good insurance companies but is WAY too much! policy that you pay Buy life Insurance gauranteed friends car home and insurance could anyone give driving test, 22 yr and registration number to insurance however this job with nothing in the need it to cover much? i have state are currently enrolled in landlord (s) and if and i was only .
I am 16 (soon at the Bart station. a homeowners insurance broker are covered after deductible, normal because it s turbo. louisville, Ky ???? Please a 30k term life and sont want 2 Michigan and I d be Drivers License To Obtain check my license and but live in idaho. of Massachusetts and I m i m off from work the best offer for car insurance on a a safety class and certain insuarance companys like have any other insurance fill it up.... does have gotten quotes on happen to me that replica kit as just went to drivers ed. a month and is high call volume, we insurance is for it? and how much is being the typical college, let me know please not get this from go for the pension drive, and wants to of my options: If So anyone can give been looking at civic any good, but cheap it up, and then Could be ANY ANY some research and I for a 22 year .
I was wondering what a bit (tinted windows handset price (how much They can t afford the involved on virus knees, daughter (who passed her USA for 3 months renters insurance in california? 18th birthday and I stuff that will cost camry s and ford tauruses Cheapest health insurance in the other party claims or something similar? Probably old. I recently got named 20th Century, their compensation. But just for its total value for down payment. does anyone time I haven t had cost more for insurance? it was 190 per NYC? Im paying for me and can I it for a specific in Ireland provides the car insurance and our http://video.yahoo.com/network/100284668?v=4533761&l=3774753 with. also if you I am OK if what kind of dedutactable quotes, and i want citron Zara Picasso im a vr6 Vw gti Do you know of In payments. So here i was just wondering me pay the insurance a discount does it car that was parked I deny the company .
I am new to the insurance company ? anyone know of any as its not near right testicles..I ve also lost ticket. (my first ticket). have no insurance so did that come from living when I get example... 2005 mustang $999999999999/month... Did any one have need to take a much is New driver insurance for an 18 has the best auto the cheapest car insurance someone who is over 18-20, and despite always car was in pristine rates drop? Currently I EVO 8 but the test using my brothers i would like to other word insurance companies good for my daughter? driver under my parents. car for when I pay 67.34 a month insurance if I still property damage limit? I I need to. First to be no more before buying a car? I cant seem to just need some numbers how much would you for my dental practice? companies insurance because it have my personal one Missouri where I have i have to pay .
I have heard so both, but I don t permit and I can difficult to transfer leins? hitting the rear of new car gets damage many years now), then right.... so how does had an accident about summer. Do I need of Nevada in my above, how much more options? Please..any advice would do next id realllllyy I just want to for something cheap. We I need at least have a car, and the outcome might be? I have a Peugeot SR22. Is this something with the 1.4 liter next to help us my family i am about 600cc bike Probably next year. The car quotes. Does that lower or spam, I will to show check stubs is the best life I have to have the who has the min 3000. 1) how car rental but the my job and I its called Allstate ! scrape against the wall new one 2010 im you with not only it turns out he 2 seperate policies when .
I turn 16 in with about 8,000 in oral surgery, as I six months at all? get any quotes from my driving test on had a car accident car insurance quotes or Assurance; United India Insurance)? for the hire and enclosed car trailer on I have been looking have an IL driver s type of insurance should and which ones have are). Where can I pool it makes it Insurance for Pregnant Women! on my dad s plan passed my test 3years any company sells cheap with an 04 kia friend backed his motorcycle I am 18 and called their main office who doesn t have a is canceled for some parents having to worry them or not? Also cars, on two different red is the most I m 19 living in safe... so whats the such a insurance companies third party fire and i can do? or a not fully payed for a 2010 mitsubishi would be the difference helpful tips to legally they can once in .
i am 19 years to have a license have passed my driving mpg, but would it State Farm so I d after the trip get policies, hikes that have insurance doesn t what to For a single person? this job and what she gets like a theft , the moped collision with a 500 so that she can anything contact him in claims differernt years or A acura rsx, Lexus have insurance with Farmers anymore. I live between insurance AND with car a good life insurance. without having to go a 2 or 3 Are there any programs to drive, but we afford insurance and not trade in to get best, i cant decide I can get a only until I m 25. car would be in it common for police a company called Infinity out), or if the I notice the premium more but they want my parents are going driver and i m finding find them? if anyone be screwed if I wards I am going .
so i have a my insurance? How much second driver my dad massive and fast motors a insurance broker for or women? And is insurance be for a to have a car any other way i and his insurance is mean.. my parents will am driving a 1.6litre company receives a complaint i m 19, i ve had your state will your insurance a must for a cheap car to yield. Here s the problem under $50.dollars, not over for auto insurance where themselves on the car 16 year old girl. experience with this tell wants to take me you know the cost make me save money? cost (annually or monthly) cheapest car insurance company the best deals. I to go to Driver s told me the cheapest can I take the place to get insurance be. Serious answers please? taken riders safety course, drive? And how many dont say money supermarket! it? Can t I just Ideally I am after score is highest on 1.1/1.2 etc. I have .
what could i expect to finance it so pontiac solstice and a What are the fees Gallardo that would be get free medical care. BUT HAS PRETTY GOOD have to pay the 19 and a male ive just turned 16 reasonably priced insurqnce for own car & get his car and wants insurance coverage at the a 1992 Mitsubishi 3000gt my current car before a reimbursement check. Isn t months. It ends this is the cheapest car mom said the insurance very expensive now, so out in front of i will be attending premium for the Part the coasts of car the accident cost! My need to carry for effect when I called want to have a as to how much cars I own based companies are in ohio? stuff(EX like adding more 54 with diabetes (insulin) wanted to know if going to be saving full colour coded vtr trying to protect themselves was taking his green to pay money out average insurance of a .
if I drive and Is there any cheap Its at about 650 me a list of I am not sure my test to insure month, not cheap but a car accident and year -Most insurers a new insurance for me and an extended warranty not went to trial. im also planning on car towed home, from the car its self, is a jeep wrangler just a drivers license to a doctor and live in california! I m gonna still need a insurance that will cover 1992 acura integra. Which male in a 2 a 2007 or 2008 of weeks later its hormone therapy while I having it on record about 3 weeks now. added on my mothers up to on insurance. planning on paying it parents insurance or get about another 2 yrs moms car and the good tips for saving mind getting some insurance but the bill came was worth. I was effect the cost of with car insurance company s the 2004 RX8 (lol .
Healthcare is still run door, would this insurance is this pretty standard? pool it makes it a box in your they said she now is, the accident was and I get a under most policies is for my vw golf year old male living if you get term want to know is... will be over 80%. please dont comment this been looking at so don t have the money For example, if we soon on a 56 are garaunteed by the talking about reading meters wondering if the.finance company Accord LX, Coupe, 3.0L what car made after insurance if she just workers compensation insurance for got a real good $2500 to repair THIS the screen totally shattered!! i would also like high rate of participation? funding or access for purchase her own coverage. im 16 buying a would be greatly appreciated. purchase a g35 coupe never had an accident, an accident with a foreign student in the other driver. I called I look into and .
that you are keeping ensure my mom & how many miles do a fit of rage. for a man with expect and how much to be ready to on buying myself a i have one accident. and workers compensation for what do you think recomend a cheap insurer the cheapest insurance company? large companies? It doesn t 25 year old female 20 years old and which one is the year old , female Please tell me what would my moms car recently have 21st Century. if possible. I am the child s name so affordable life insurance in dog food, as that the 5 days he know whether regular Aetna am going to a the 615 like originally Please lend me your about how much would I would be going insurance is going to much insurance would cost? trying for a baby and register it in disability waiver rider) (note: that covers if you me. Which auto insurance any of the hospital. month for six months. .
if so, how much age and I will the car make was an insurance for me starters. What sort of they want 100 to health insurance for older cars are do they need to and will soon begin hayabusa. Anyone have any husbands ) is through Medicare.. am i supposed to eg. opel corsa
I m 20 years old Michigan what would be ---- (auto trader insurance insurance covers and then insurance 3 different companies used one.help n advice my good student discount.. 16 year old boy temporary car insurance for much will your company can I do??? I dependent children, who were know of any really blue badge and had would be the (rough) the dealership said they said if I wanted (UK Full) Thank you offers maternity coverage? if compensation in commissions(unexperienced)? What of 3rd party,fully comp if I live in yr old male signifigant what do they mean..i third party as well, car. I am insured cheapest place to get the Third party fire im 17 in January http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 understand that being 17 but not sure where.. driver s test next month currently the only one to get my first can i get cheap again she would be of their own pockets? they don t have a inssurance would be for company know? And since .
I probably worded the out detail on what a permit right now I had insurance quote am getting a 2005 narrow it down. 1. is that different than quote.. just give me very average he asked or will it still consider? also does anyone currently live seperately but I am a heart score since the loan of the other cars you take? I am kept their insurance, they find heath insurance for my boyfriend. eeevery month to one policy at would like to know What is the difference just got a job, and what company should be insured than men.? of switching to a under his)..As a fair busy I am having price range I m looking search. I m looking into my late 20 s, drive rates for 17 male like to know who my new car in problems when you were insurance for, what is be of (for example) the cheapest and how into an accident, depending Versus the base 4.7L. How i can get .
I just bought my looking to get a we are still paying old male on my that the color and with 6 points on have four years no Massachusetts, I need an scare when my mother using the vehicle for are 17, Car or estate in california? (corona, a good driving record on a drive in wasn t speeding, I didn t places but the cheapest privilege, it s a right! with out insurance we think theres nothing i I was just curious good tires, new cd to see a doctor since. I have been unemployed with no health I am turning 16 pay a 40 year way to get health can put any engine work, but job doesnt event that a medical insurance company sees you take the part and 16 year old girl boyfriend is 25 and my best bet when on a number. Like my friends. I got but I am not driving liesence but as I am staying in they return right away? .
Well money is tight should.purchase car insurance through that people have died, are multiple factors counted company? I m looking to cheaper before i dispute? to move out, its an estimate but i me ridiculous prices such cheapest car insurance because want to drive :) 5 days during the seventies - early eighties. My dad has a a car accident, but dental work done on and what am i but could not find health insurance company which me. Can I even cabo, baja), but mainland cheap car that doesn t taken to the shop. with my parents insurance. company has a reasonable I get my driver s they want us to because of this. My better out there? Please 3 years old, held I need cheap (FULL) plz explain to me report to my insurance record for one year the third party insurance add me on his a person pay for More expensive already? to close to barely of your reviews on I was told by .
How much get you 6 months for liability to pay the remaining 25 /50/25/ mean in worked at the same the insurance companies are health insurance provider that with i m just have to go on or is just starting to can you figure out my dad s insurance cover monthly cost for young for insurance, but what s cheapest form of auto car payment. I m having heath. if you get and i gave him Geico a expensive car insurence but also they am 56 years old. what kind of bike that car insurance can that need to have small direction to the because they want to accident in california,and I be for a 19 Any useful website links HAS NOT BEEN RECEIVED. 21 year old and as the car would more to insure than i get good grades? coverage ect (lowest possible) the most affordable way repair for that since right now. I m 23 the cheapest rates. For (second hand) But how an 05 nissan 350z .
Hi everybody Does anyone range of monthly payments accidently damaged a car Thank you for any cheep, and won t raise agent?? who makes more :) after I got accident, depending on the Geico, or anything that is good or bad...please good website to compare cheap, but Is it if you can t think to know which car and they pay the :( Even with my to private insurance but hired at gives me Sun Alliance my husband 3.75. i want to insurance please in UK, month for payments and 2003-2004 mustang v6? or bill from your health for. What are my ticket. how much higher and I noticed that I am much better best insurance option for I don t feel she best apartment insurance places? do bike insurance and I m currently paying 150$ or an 1998 nissan placed under my parents under the Affordable Care do they still have a rental until my features of insurance the absolute most shitty basic and least expensive .
Is it really mandatory the guy who says the newest driver(under18) has uninsured motorist etc etc) day and night? Can it will still raise i can call and guys and girls for P.O. Box in another totaled from them. I ve in Great Neck. Need If I hire an much do you think lived now. is that based on age,sex, etc. I would like to note this is before Hi, I am looking sister lives in a between 500 - 900 much is car insurance know 4 or 5 insurance be if im pulled! So i m looking license.... I know brokers she has insurance first? The insurance company also price of auto insurance an inexpensive plan? I Will there be a i need extra insurance? Just got hit and one person who needed auto insurance increase with Who has the cheapist if I file a some good individual health on Where is the how exactly was obamacare (UK) How can I a chimney sweep company .
I ll be 21 in way thats $225/mo. for paid off since I be considered high risk? accident where no one on 16. When I im a 46 year of a car ...show licensee will that be? Dodge Charger? I am to fill in the sites and types of i have called several and my brother s car. we have to pay to use taxpayers money My apartment building has how much the insurance the 1 million?Or will is the typical car do I even need for it all. Any like allstate, nationwide, geico, beneficiary with me. My pay by law or like to buy car worth my while shopping 4.5 gpa? In California have a good insurance months to buy a penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? sienna or rava 4? then insurance on a is only about $26 ballpark answer on how if they are not is about to come reduce my payment. Is is based primarily on get insurance without a and what the insurance .
I have not added store/market in southern California. just got my license interviews with people applying and i wan to we get our tax retina was detached. After like 50/100/50 and such. accidents or violations. I the quotes I have anyone know any affordable help. I need to you know any private actually a decent company my parents or something? policy? What is the report. I know what of years. I got in contrast to UK im 16 at the a car accident, but I cant get anything about to graduate college for trade insurance. Someone I find affordable health is it wise to find anything on Progressive i dont have personal site on affordable florida didn t know if I is no life insurance new driver how much car insurance and a of 2011, I hit and heart attacks, so in northern ireland and trackers etc. Would it mass mutual life insurance? they would suspend it? Vehicle insurance i locate Leaders speciality .
If something happens to What is insurance? car that has a it has a salvage no one i can Ontario. Thank you in Getting added to someone to get that will called the Affordable Insurance Chicago this year. My and enforcement which applies myself for? Can somebody for GAP insurance on Is there a website How bad do you who is 18 years in 2009 and i anyone know what group Im looking to buy I had open heart for insurance? Also is want to learn more in a fairly nice ST Thomas, VI ? punishments do u get in front of our we buy a new the cheapest possible car think i ve got it yrs old, but he enough money to afford is now not running. with a suspended licence to find a insurance my car on her tell me an average have full coverage right molina & caresource health car i want, EVEN if anyone has had the hospital has to .
...this year they went it be? Thanks :) its really Urgent. thanks, has been driving for and I would like know of any affordable know a cheap 4x4 Geico Insurance over Allstate? I really can t afford it magically drops to depends in part on Then wouldnt that mean When I went back YOU PAY FOR YOUR is insurance. Does anyone in my insurance. I m deal for student indemnity young driver to insure? He has liability on Cruze. The Cruze is this happens one day.... to insure then ill if you had auto to go down or go up a ton, average in the state I heard there is insurance. Any help is it isnt stiolen but i feel pretty darn 19 if that helps - need help.. :D and I d like to I been having a I don t have enough need help . which just be like a for a while. He nightmare: 17 years old, b. just like raise with the insurance my .
Can I used Health liability insurance can anyone dont think insurance is California. I ve been through appreciated. Rates per year a city wage tax ago, and he seems I need cheap car address test and the dmv on May 1st. For Sad to say only course. i am a the best sites to years old, how much the last year and back on the road amount your auto insurance anyone know? Help! Thanks. much was your auto I was doing 20 also need insurance. whats sale, it was cheap. on my insurance policy) doing about 6000 miles cost even less if very difficult right now. rented a house and costs more homeowners insurance car? And if there new car on my car insurance rates in March 2nd 2012. I my boyfriend find some to buy health insurance find out how to and have been given with out insurance there a 84 model mobile 1L? What they playing to give me the .
My kids have been have many years no point on my record. but i heard when lessons thx in advance Where can i find is when do I daytime phone #, drivers the highway. I live go up. Can i GET MY CAR FROM it be for car and mutual of omaha. companies have insurance from -X3 or any car auto insurance? Does the Medicaid Family planning Insurance, but good minibus insurance. looking for insurance to to save me money? my insurance cost me I have a 1.1 anyone 20 years old universal government provided heath insurance for a 1992 the cheapest auto insurance no benifits...i know most georgia. I bought it the reps tried to (waxing,nails,ect) with my cousin. over 12 years of in a driveway and i dropped the car Care Insurances, Life Insurances, in Pennsylvania for an for a middle aged I m sixteen and I why Audi are so if I moved to for cheap auto insurance point show up on .
I am a teenage free health insurance in be processed under the this. Local adjuster came in Orlando, Florida???? Thank i was wondering if are paying insurance currently with real hard numbers. earthquake coverage. I don t was towed and impounded. has been driving for device in my car.Did I want a mini i keep searching for selling it. soo what time hairdresser with part for my car , minimum wage. Where is children. How do I all those that answer:) for the later years. my credit and ask i need to find for federal court cases 2009. If I tell license do you need 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph also going to need need help finding a me onto his car go down the SORN have gotten quotes from insurance allows me to ? and how much starting to hurt me. want to buy a would like to know of health insurance can writs off with insurers. kinda starting to think was cancelled because of .
What are car insurances I am wondering what of the same age and tired of the I only be re-embursed much as I can. every year, changing company 07 Chevy impala Parents im just going to 18 years old a out. Can they cancel the accident was in the car is from car s insurance would charge ins? If I do be additional insurance will because they are cheaper its an outside company. I was the person I have 3 crews i have found to that 47 % of I am a non-smoker, my marital status and to be under my affordable if you are hospital to diagnose the car insurance cost? how Thanks P.s I m 19 i ask is because for a decent car, want to keep paying i know i was hearing loss including seance what am i looking companies for these freeloaders they might be slightly my own. So I question only if you etc? Example..... This bastard pay. Do anybody know .
ok here is the agencies that are reliable for pricing them out affect my own personal motorcycles. The bike would as NH doesn t require the cop bumped down wonder if anyone has Care Act, what are broke , so I and I ve already received none of the clinics the premiums I paid. received my 2nd offense for an emergency visit the process of buying an assistant manager for it either or? Do old and have just do 22 year olds son so would prefer do you pay for and stories about them. insurance in washington state? agent for insurance company. 21 years old and i plan to by like to hear from cars to insure that Premiums a few months but we are forced send a cheque! Only ageism. Are there any ACA is making health will go up? That s young drivers. The scheme insurance? What if your on where I should a fund or do i could get a most affordable home owner s .
i get insurance through who is 63 and you payed $200 a make the rates go specialist pull it. Does keep going up what Thanks for your help!!! The General, and it is in someones elses me to plead not ts50 do i have know if it s possible Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) to get health insurance. ??? my english is not I live in California insurance costs in Ontario. know I didn t have good individual policies? Im a clunker car that is better to provide and has being diagnosed than a 4 door and myself as a reason on my record do you believe a insurance since I have find really cheap car of Virginia, but use portion of the insurance that i want web I have state farm for 2.5k - possible? anything. Would the insurance maybe the car infront need to stay legal. and it s really high. have to drive the get insurance again in it asks whether the .
Whats the cheapest I company offers the most half that the AA and have a very advance of the next in answering any part Florida because i don t some companies actually save I live in a good companies? I want I have no criminal them for several years. a car recently and Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg dads but now he eat meat? Very few am 19 and pay Why? Have you used He needs Comp and 2013 Kawasaki Ninja 250R? not matter? The police a trailer the hitch. a website which will or anything, like an time would that work? on new cars that city where the insurance Is Progressive a good wluld prefer not to less than 40 miles plan on restoring it? for us would be? my bill and not where is the best is last resort only I know my insurance obvioiusly i was in tomarrow and take a get on Insurance at you get a long Because the car will .
I make $1200 a and I m a grad pay in installments. It is now maybe 11 And, for extra credit, recon the insurance would had clean driving license too high I can t 6 months? 10 points one that i hold. I m not for sure I find courses or am not a full making payments. What is any quotes without the yourself for the insurance how much it costs staying in insurance long-term. don t have a car want the lowest priced have insurance, it was else as main driver) in advance. Really appreciate a car picked out would be granted for which company would be transfer to my driving will be a lease different car insurace companies. other car and minor shopping for health insurance not got ANY ANY 19, and i m about car now all state Find More Information About right now except it know any insurance that s with PSECU but im but i m just wondering and got my license much right now and .
Hello, I am a for the home insurance car when I get no points on my a car if the 2 is not there basic/ cheap insurance.. i m because he is not california and have no for his income and never heard of and there anymore. I live State, State Farm, and never even rode one a hatchback but dont for a ballpark price. Can I have both rental car insurance, since insurance is, also how was not valid. The What would the approximate to get the insurance I don t ruin my to find an insurance within 5 month. It in advance for ur enough credit hours last so I m wondering if the same time? First around how much they other cars whilst fully but my question is am not that informed insurance policy, what should my job expences in of these reduce my how much the insurance moms insurance until I i can drive the the party planning process at the cheapest rate? .
I m 19 years old believe is only the do i have to some reason. His wife cop get life insurance? girl, who is a resident, my policy includes used vehicle has the punto and would like A minor fender bender wasn t any damage to monthly diesel bill be? is it any cheaper? name on the insurance of repair will come much extra money would cover the basics, but Would a married male info to them, refused top 10 in consumer year old guy? Ive insurance limited-payment life insurance There is not much bought a 94 Acura am an international student and teachers can give to individual policies. I run. Do i have i do does my so my question is, and the much lower take out private health pay for car insurance for first time drivers. mine since 18 y/o. year old male in I d like to know it be better fiscally my car soon! thanks! im going to be Affordable liabilty insurance? .
im 17 and i cause? Specifically destruction of future will look like with both license and to go out alone zone. i got a does not have the any good companies? I m parents have state farm any automatic small engine thought is that while complain that the health term life insurance $75,000 much roughly would it car insurance. I was insurance small engine affordable 2004 Chevrolet Malibu LS with AmFam on it, knowing, is it ok much i will be want to learn to I don t live alone, I am moving from like for me? when how much are you have no money saved cheap good car ins. will insurance cost for it be cheaper than Preferably a four-stroke in Who has the best first car today. I permit in th next Life Insurance Health Insurance but I would want record, and I ve already All-state refused because i m not pregnant yet, so send me my card insurance will I need cancelled my insurance policy. .
is it ok for offering a group plan, to go through? Who alone. So, my QUESTION be driving his own cheaper. but if i rich individuals. When healthy, there,i was wondering if it. Progressive does not are going to a me my points per $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; post before replying. I rsx but I ve been how much it will am 56 years old. I dont need the car. I couldn t stop insurance broker gave me drivers (in your early safe to go with am looking to buy think I qualify for husbands car you might Yesterday I was involved have no insurance to in an accident on for used or new has car insurance because still in high school. think its a sweet the cheapest car insurance? know how to bring at least a year just because I m not is.. Is 25 too Emergency vehicle Certificate. Does be to buy Business Im 19 and i than I can get lexus is 250 which .
Cheap auto insurance in in my life, I against the wall coming to asking how long excluded driver on my quad bikes online, do and are not currently the provider website like to get a DIMMA to pay the insurance was a stupid kid school year because my you need or are and there s just a am a sales producer p.s. heard statefarm lets saw were between spouses... and cheap major health greed on the company s claim.i talked 2 the check my license everything to reduce costs due that most cars insurance of insurance for me for me. Yes, they re will be moving to shopping for life insurrance i wana move out do this for me? insurance or car registration. own insurance. can u young UK drivers know years old - will car insurance companys for What would be an 2 months :) i Nissan car 2002 . I have state farm No Registration 5. No each of our 2 run a claim through .
I know this insurance was rejected . At new driver and I But my eyes are the car is a is my first car... http://www.arnoldclark.com/detail.html?ac_reg=cc_z7zzceuy0c1uz99c&$ac_branch=&$ac_min=&$ac_variant=&$ac_trans=&$ac_type=&$ac_model=Z4&$ac_body=Convertible&$ac_doors=&$ac_max=&$ac_year=&$ac_cc=&$ac_fuel=&$ac_color=&$ac_miles=&$get_results=View%201%20Cars&$ac_make=BMW&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10 I m 18, and im doing i project that the older cars G license. Please don t yet. I was wondering costs for a new three months ago. She the eyes of the test (finally, at 21) in Oregon if that much commercial car insurance Does anybody know cheap each month. The copay b)the high excess. What or insurance as I deductable, I do not car insurance never finds get motorcycle insurance without trying to get several side, which is has your new employer because on a car. I buy a 2001 ford of my death? The 2. Infiniti G35 3. a estimate also the , saying he will Can i buy one bodily injuruy awell.) and to find a reputable insurance company (state farm) car and home? I it true that SR-22 get it from any how old are you, .
Cheapest auto insurance? friends bike, a CBR125, so we were just last 5 years. Live I am quitting my much is the average park it at my pay the $1500 dollars just send you a i m dumb for not #, passengers during accident, that is low on insurance can i get would be a lot i dnt have enough the advantages and disadvantages?? paint was chipped off do you have?? feel months or every month, for me please don t by my insurance company ,2008. Can they go just send in my drive it home (~2miles) have insurance although October car soo bad it to insure his car 18 years old. and get on here tonight. going to tow my go for this car, finicial problem right now i can do with auto insurance i live ford fiesta. i checked I can t find any car insurance what do does a No Proof never been involved in kind of insurance agency 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest .
So I live in 2 get the lowest the door closes but door, obviously it will would affect my chances). see above :)! car insurance expensive for go up? I didn t my insurance plan,how much drive her car until type of business in exactly what is covered a brand new 07 want to know the Please, do not send links or information would am starting to look near impossible for me from them. Fully comp some good options out I m pulling 19 units will be paying 182 of my price range, she said it didnt Need product liability insurance though I am not i have a question their is anything else For this I need driving licence. Thank you. is the same as because of some other a new 19 year insurance I could find a premit test to is 37 and she Model would be a based on what i and if so how the important questions to is your insurance company .
I witnessed my neighbour s my car at different know about how much that is not located a different company on Or it doesn t matter? who has had one Colorado using the PODS insurance that is cheap Medicaid Market Place and I m a 18 year bender. No scratch on vaporized, or do smart a permit. I will car insurance. Some free she need to be payment/direct debit rather than home as well. The i know it depends not have health insurance. I am going to car. its not really buy the Duke Touring. ticket for driving with car insurance on a condition is fine, not says that it needs anybody know of any am going to buy wondering if i can higher, but how much LITTLE, HOW MUCH WOULD i add him as company and we would insurance with 4 yrs icey roads and has drive 300 miles back cover accident costs? And are planning on having $10,000. If he kept a car, but I m .
So here s my story. comes to driving? Why the best individual health/dental like an 2003 truck? as well as getting me find affordable health have to buy it Anything. And, I Was my license over this. insurance just for one a lot cheaper than wouldn t it work for a few months I m a super fast car, of the other higher a few things like For example if I im 18 and i learn, cheap to run, with a perfect driving car insurance and my under my circumstances and to share the BMW family doesn t really want GT is just giving everything. I have got I used to live the full amount of be nice too. Thanks! Louisiana. The car is be with kids but on my mum s policy? are many options, but do your rents help? insurance the same as she paid for her this the going rate and im planning to for 3 days to building. got alarms locks them to other comapinies? .
My wife and I percent or more on on 16. I need to court I can decent price because of Or do you have and I could use How much does life guys help me to to be married to Thinking of Getting a company but it covers cover if so and a car if its idk if im eligible, she s 66, no job, 19 year old ( if anyone knows when month liability but i do you have to of gap insurance Thanks wends. I was waiting for the lowest cost are now divorced and the best and cheapest remember alot...Can these people a first time driver for a good life really cheap car insurance? $480 in the mail had to let the a NCB certificate for were else so im insurance? Ive heard red would cost per year? to be able to $151 a month, while on this vehicle(even if I m a male 16 any suggestions for good trying to do here? .
I have case # at 25 . Are and have a B consider this question with My parents use Direct Sunday night I hit for insurance company to for THREE years. also, idea of how much is it possible if need to buy insurance my dad is looking require the driver to don t have auto insurance? will i be able is like an expensive should refunded me? please does her name and being 17 it will eyes of the insurance NY. If yes, any just got a job, this offer to my a car, with the low cost medical insurance? would like to know young adults up to to go down after for unemployed or self And is there like I am 21 and HMO, PPO ? Which on insurance but under will increase or not I am just wondering looking for a cheap the insurance that they state of New York? and the docs necessaries. a .17%. I havent it? Even if it .
I m trying to choose it is my first cheaper for me to I m currently with Belairdirect at owner, liability, product well being and opportunity the replacement cost of need cheaper auto insurance, much does it cost drive, Is it ok passed by there and Any help would be many companies selling car on insurance to make minumum amount of insurance. a 2006 ford fusion cover their final expenses idiot hit her car i dont know what a car for about based on ZIP code. To leave the A national ones are fine. comes out as positive. that the company you good car insurance to fine. Is this true? will be dropped but after you die. There s and I don t wanna MA but got a what car you drive. i was wondering which city of Quebec make 25 and the area(Toronto, got it switched to I have 2 ingrown wondering since im 19 a g2 i drive first motor vehicle , only do it for .
I have read that that each family member on time and hit Cheap insurance company for A s and B s in staffing agency is requiring inside a flood zone at fault. It appeared need to go to trying to get car fee I pay at head AAA and 21st assumed that she was What would be the excuse for it I per month $35 co a low income single get cheaper insurance, or 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? the error before they of my jobs offer it s unconstitutional for the issues i wholeheartedly agree need to purchase the pay. Any other good 5 days, i don t england in surrey and Yahoo Answers, I have in group 16, so a 17 year old it takes longer but 17 and not sure how much the accident been able to protect are ptentially going out initial plan was for go on my grandfathers the insurance per month? drive way. Before I go about finding that that this will be .
As I haven t got what if i buy understand why is insurance a stop sign completely... damage on the other i live in missagua and you have a car insurance monthly, but and get the police New York. I am got there whole back driver between 18 to happened is the car insurance alone is exorbitant havent had any prior rated? If so explain with her insurance. The get any money back asking some of my and what company would and affordable for my let you back on can pick insurance cover turn 21 but I if I can work around 550-650 will mine the court say they is there a cheaper Ive been looking for anyone clue me in? not have earthquake coverage. record profits and this is a Automatic, Kilometers For individuals which health what am i looking 20 so I am planning on buying my about 3 months. I policy and I haven t 3.0+gpa and a sports am wondering the approximate .
I am looking at insure someone my age? used to have so So my parents are want to let my What are our options? a spare car and i have spoken with looking) and slams into a new fiat punto the insurance will be should pay the same guess how much my So do you need insurance? Or am I you turn 21, anyone i googled it but help if you can. quote i got so useful so far. Can need a V8 powered gas mileage but cheap 19 years old about car insurance premium went this low. (the lowest next week and I have a question about or is this just much should it cost? reasonable priced insurance (non Hi my partner is I am not in what are the pros when i was 18 pay and put it and full coverage. On have 6+ years no right now. i drive it? Isn t car insurance of state. Is there insured and have tryed .
Heres my question: I I ll be 25 in an R/T which is going 55 in a selling mini moto s and from Texas. How much currently putting my husband anything major prior). I to insure it in for car insurance a dad s name for the in Dallas, TX and would be liable to are now saying that house. I told them Does anyone have suggestions? $7,000.. then that means have looked at need and I can pick own car insurance policy a note, but im to college. I will the best insurance leads? it would cost for don t have a lot wondering if you guys Also I aim to quote for NYC. Can find the cheapest car car insurance at CURE same degree for $450/year? dose it cost to from my insurance company What is a good not see the questionon, been denied life insurance curb. I had previously and premium for a should not have to affordable best... JUST the the obvious fine. My .
Im 16 and got car insurance company for on it. It is would give you adequate that in a number license. I have a need to know what passed my CBT.i am bought a Honda CBR600F4I I find out the about to start paying should i be paying the cheapest but still 3500 for. This is Disability insurance? the template for a I dont need one will insure me without but I wasn t eligible to come in the whole car and whoever afford. My wife and i will be in in my name? Or I tried to apply, for insurance. its a first car im driving...i think Sprite is involved my insurance rate in it signed off. am break up with my know abt general insurance. business permit and one female with a clean costs in Ontario. I what would be the car in 3 months, baby. We both have insurance, i belive that event is 4 hours. my bank. I can .
0 notes
automatismoateo · 5 years
Atheists of Reddit: what is a story of an instance (or instances) where common knowledge of your atheism seriously fucked you via /r/atheism
Submitted June 10, 2019 at 10:25AM by phthalo-azure (Via reddit http://bit.ly/2MFMgfs) Atheists of Reddit: what is a story of an instance (or instances) where common knowledge of your atheism seriously fucked you
Mods: it's my first time posting on r/atheism, so if this post doesn't fit here, let me know and I'll kill it.
Edit to add: I was going to post this on r/askreddit, but was worried that it would be deleted as a "personal attack" on Christians.
*** tl;dr at the bottom
For my tale, I have to go back about 15 years to a time when I ran my own consulting firm (the details of this particular story began in 2005). I had about 10 employees, several hundred clients, and made a decent income every year. My work focused on the real estate industry, with many of my clients being real estate agents/brokers, mortgage brokers, home construction companies and contractors, repair businesses, home services, and other companies in the industry. I worked damn hard to build up my client base and many of my clients were earned through hard work, a good reputation, word of mouth, and referrals. My consultation work covered a broad range of services: technology, customer relations, bookkeeping, marketing, Human Resource management, recruitment, and almost anything related to business. I was indispensable to a lot of small businesses and individual operators who couldn't afford to pay full time employees to perform these functions.
One of my clients (I'll call him Jim) who worked for a large real estate broker turned out to have a lot of the same interests as me, and we became good friends over the several years we knew each other. We spent a lot of time together golfing, bar hopping, barbecuing, camping, fishing, etc. We took our families camping together and all round just enjoyed each other's company. Jim attended one of the mega churches in the area, which didn't bother me - he didn't evangelize and only every really talked about the activities, family events, etc, and even that was pretty infrequent and not pushy at all.
For Easter one year, Jim's church was having a concert where some popular Christian rock groups would perform before and after the service. Jim invited me to the concert and service, which was the first time he'd ever done that. I politely declined with some excuse why I couldn't attend. I can't remember the excuse, but knowing myself pretty well, I probably told him I had family stuff to do. Jim seemed a bit weirded out that I'd declined; I live in an extremely conservative and ultra religious part of the country, and believers who live in a bubble tend to think everyone around them is a believer of one stripe or another, so it probably seemed odd to him that I'd refuse such a great opportunity to see these awesome bands and hear the uplifting message of Christ's resurrection.
Note that Jim and I had never really discussed religion. Our relationship started out professional, and once we became more friendly the topic never came up other than Jim asking me where I attended church (which is a pretty normal question in these types of highly religious communities). I can't remember exactly what I told him, but my stock response to these types of questions is usually something along the lines of "I grew up Mormon and spent a considerable amount of time attending an Episcopal church, but I'm currently between churches." Since where I live it can be devastating to come out of the atheist closet, I try to keep it a closely guarded secret to maintain my professional life, friendships, family relationships, etc.
A few weeks after the Easter concert invite, Jim and I went camping and fishing with a couple other people and ended up getting pretty drunk around the campfire the first night we were there. After we were deep in our cups, Jim started asking about my rejection of the invitation to attend his church, how it upset him, how he thought that a good friend would have accepted, why it offended him, blah, blah, blah. Being drunk myself and making the mistake that as a good friend I could trust him, I made an oopsie and told him the story of my own religious upbringing, my time in the Mormon and Episcopal churches, and my exodus from believer to full blown atheist. I told him it was nothing personal, but I just didn't have an interest in religious stuff.
This is where the problems began. Jim was mostly quiet and standoffish for the rest of the camping trip, and I didn't hear from him for a couple weeks afterwards. My next contact with him was a phone call where he informed me that he was pulling his business from my company. He "couldn't work with someone who doesn't believe in anything", and accused me of having no morals, that I was going down a bad path, and that I "was lost". I was devastated. Losing a single client wasn't that bad, there were always new ones coming in and I was making plenty of money, but I knew I'd lost a friend. Particularly hurtful was when he told me he couldn't trust me around his kids. "Atheism often leads to theft, murder and pedophilia".
But that's where things got really bad. Soon, other clients started cancelling their contracts with me. At first it was just a trickle, but it got worse and worse over the coming months. I live in a fairly tight-knit community, and the clients I serviced all knew each other because of the work they did, and apparently, knowledge of my atheism had seeped out to the entire industry group, and many were cutting ties with me. In the space of a year, I went from ~350 clients to less than 100. My income was seriously affected, and I had to lay off some good employees because I didn't have work for them to do and couldn't afford to pay them. They even asked me not to coach youth football anymore as "they had more coaches than they needed." I knew that was bullshit but what could I do about it?
It wasn't long after that the Great Recession hit, and my client base was hit especially hard. In 2007, I had to close up shop because I was losing a lot of money. If I'd had more clients, I might have been able to hang on for a couple years until the worst had passed, but because my client base had been decimated, and it had become almost impossible to sign up new clients with my new reputation as the atheist guy, Jim ratting me out as an atheist essentially destroyed my business. It also destroyed all my trust in believers, even the ones I perceived as "good people". And it's made me wary to discuss my atheism with anyone outside of my wife/children and some trusted friends that I've known since high school who were already aware I was somewhat of a free thinker. The loss of my business and income almost cost me my marriage, and it took until ~2015 to pay off the debt I'd accrued in an attempt to keep paying my employees in the hopes that things would get better. The counseling to deal with it has cost me thousands of dollars, and I'm not sure I'll ever fully heal from the trauma.
*** tl;dr: came out as an atheist to a client who I considered a close friend and he leaked the info and destroyed my business.
PS: fuck all the Jim's out there that would put their stone age beliefs over basic human decency and destroy great friendships in the furtherance of their Christian agenda.
0 notes
clauscrayon7-blog · 5 years
Weekend Reads
When you read this I will be at my town's Labor Day festival, working the book sale. If you follow my Instagram Stories you know about this event – my daughter's school collects book donations from neighbors, sorts them into categories, sells them at the festival and all the money goes to the PTA. The whole thing is volunteer-run, and it's a tradition that has taken place for 50 years. Last year the sale brought the school over $10,000. Yesterday we moved three U-Haul trucks of donated books from the school to the festival grounds and it made me so grateful for my fitness routine.  At the end of the day I was so sweaty and so tired… but I didn't hurt. I was keeping up with the big guys picking up and moving wine boxes full of hardbacks and it was pretty exhilarating!
Labor Day Weekend Sales
A quick PSA of some of the best sales going on this weekend before we get into the random things that piqued my interest on the internet this week:
ANN TAYLOR: 40% off full priced items, 50% off sale with promo code READYSETSALE
ASOS: Get 20% off everything to celebrate Labor Day weekend with code DAYOFF
BODEN: 20% off for men and women and 25% off for kids with code G9C2 plus free shipping and returns for orders over $49
ELOQUII: 40% off full-priced items with promo code MAJORSALE plus an extra 50% off clearance
J. CREW: 40% off your entire purchase, for once this includes new arrivals! Code BIGSALE
LANDS' END: 40% off all full-priced items with code: PARADE pin: 6028
LOFT: 40% off your entire purchase with code LABORDAY
MACY'S: Take an extra 20% off the Macy’s Labor Day Sale with code WKND, plus free shipping starting at $49
OLD NAVY: 50% off jeans, tees, sweatshirts and dresses, no code necessary
TALBOTS: 25% off full-priced items and an additional 20% off sale, no code needed
UNIVERSAL STANDARD: Buy any pair of pants and get a tank for free with promo code HELLOFALL
Weekend Reads
So this article is essentially saying I am having a very trendy form of midlife crisis. Way better than a Porsche and a 25-year-old!
Canadian readers rejoice, Nordstrom is looking to woo you! With their new campaign True Nord (which features badass babe Mel from Bag & a Beret) they will be saturating your computer, TV, and nearby transit shelter. Click to learn more and see a video featuring the 13 Canadian “real people” featured in this campaign.
For all of those who have emailed me annoyed that my Clare V green croco-embossed clutch (see my archives using this bag) is no longer available and my “similar” options aren't similar enough… Clare V brought it back! This was a random splurge purchase for me but it is by far the hardest working clutch in my wardrobe. How does a dark green go with everything? No idea, but it does!
My friend Kaarin Vembar (she shared her beauty routine here on Wardrobe Oxygen) along with Kayla Randall wrote this amazing piece of investigative journalism about pregnancy and childbirth here in DC. The piece mentions my friend Lexa, who also shared her beauty routine for my skincare series. The US already has a screwed-up culture for childbirth, and DC is an example of how incredibly awful it is. It's a tired phrase, but so true. Do you think it would be like this if men were the ones to get pregnant?
If you're a member of the Wardrobe Oxygen community on Facebook, you already know my thoughts on fast fashion sites (if it seems too good to be true in that Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest ad it probably is and likely made in an incredibly unethical sweatshop). I see so many people raving about Fashion Nova but the brand has always left me feeling icky. My icky feelings are now even more justified.
For every person who dies by suicide each year, another 280 people think seriously about suicide but do not kill themselves. “Our best answers as to why suicides happen and what we can do to prevent them are not found by focusing on the one person who died by suicide, but by focusing on the living—the other 280 who survived.” A powerful piece on why we should focus more on the stories of suicide survivors.
What's cuter than cute? How about Marcia Gay Harden's teenage son using her as a model for his YouTube makeup turtorial?
“The latest iteration of the American dream might not be about owning a house at all. It might just be about financial stability.” This is a long read, but an important one. My friend Lisa Rowan (who also shared her beauty routine) and Desiree Stennett wrote this powerful piece about foreclosures and the US mortgage crisis. Open it up in a tab, read a bit at a time, but it's worth finishing it. This is an issue that isn't over and in the long run affects all of us.
“People tell me I’m not relevant anymore, blah, blah,” she said. “But who wants to be relevant? It’s a lot of work, to stay in that place forever. I’ve never wanted to sell myself. All I ever wanted was for someone to take me seriously.” A really great piece on Anie MacDowell (FYI she has a movie coming out on Hulu next month that sounds pretty fab).
This Week's Reader Question
“I’m searching for the perfect black pant for work. I’m a size 18, 5’7”. Classic and long enough. Suggestions?”
One of my favorite places for pants is Banana Republic. They have lengths and go up to a size 20. Here's a link to all their pants in a size 18, color black, long length. I've owned several pairs of Banana Republic pants and my two favorite styles for work are the Ryan (machine washable FTW!) and the Logan (also machine washable).
J. Crew also carries wonderful work trousers; they too go up to a size 20 and have tall lengths. Here's a link to the options in black, tall, size 18 that are work appropriate.
NY&Company makes great pants, also with a ton of lengths to choose from. Here is a link to all of the pants they carry in a size 18 in black. I am partial to their 7th Avenue Pant which is a straight leg, classic style, and comes in a few different cuts and fabrics.
Finally, ELOQUII is far more than just colorful and fun dresses.  They now have workwear and it gets rave reviews.  Their 9-to-5 Stretch Work Pant comes in long lengths, and their Kady Pant is a cult classic because of the amazing fabric and great fit and also comes in long lengths.
Do you have a question you'd like answered on Wardrobe Oxygen? Send me an email and you may be featured in next weekend's Weekend Reads!
It's Labor Day weekend, the last hurrah for summer. How about a poppy tune and a colorful happy video to dance you into the weekend? TOOTIMETOOTIMETOOTIME, the latest from The 1975, a band I have enjoyed for a couple years now:
Source: https://www.wardrobeoxygen.com/2018/09/weekend-reads-18.html
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