#and bc I like seeing my chars suffer ofc
girlvinland · 1 year
Do not let me attempt Whumptober this year. There is a voice inside of me saying “oh, think of how fun it would be to do Whumptober with a certain collection of OCs at my disposal!”
That is the devil speaking.
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strawberryseeded · 2 months
i wish we had gotten more of kugisaki nobara. i just watched dis vid and all my contained RAGE abt dis topic suddenly HIT ME LIKE A TRAIN GOD IM UPSET
ive talked like 32893882 times already (and its still NOT ENOUGH) abt how upset i was abt nobara's death cos she was such a good character, with so much potential!! i really REALLY liked her. she was funny, strong, confident and kind!!!! i loved her char design!! her cursed technique and weapon were cool as hell!!!!!!
and her (recently SOMEWHAT(?) confirmed(?)) death sucked so fucking much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she was just. fucking fridged. as much as it pains me to admit it. from a narrative standpoint, she died so yuuji would get upset and further develop his character & then move the plot along. even mahito admits that he wants her to die to make yuuji suffer. like yeah he also recognizes her a strong opponent (ofc. cos she is) but at the end of the day he wanted to kill her just to wreck yuuji. and he succeded.
nobara has no say on the way she dies. she's just.. slapped, kinda. its so sudden. its so... weird. not that she's accepting of it (we already know that she knows she can die at any moment and she's ready for it (cos she's a freak like the rest of the sorcerers lol)), but its weird bc its like its not a personal moment for her. yeah we get a flashback & her speech about how, even tho she always was a person who refused to let other people affect the way she is and decides to live, there still are people who, by being accepting of her, managed to gain a place in her heart... and she's happy for that. its rly beautiful.
but its the impact her death has on yuuji what the story really cares about here.
and like. thats fine! im not even saying killing nobara is a bad choice or that its bad if her death also developed yuuji's character. but the way it was done, its like her death only had that purpose. its a way too transparent device, that's what i dislike abt it. i dont mind being upset bc a character i love dies? i like feeling strong emotions when i engage emotionally with art/stories.
but i think she was killed off too soon. we didn't get to properly say goodbye to her. both her character arc and her death were rushed.
she could have been developed so much more! it feels like she was taken away way too soon in the story. i wanted her to fight sukuna along the others. i wanted her to use her cool technique to help yuuji nail sukuna's soul. i wanted to see just how much stronger she could get. i wanted her to finally meet saori. I WANTED HER TO HAVE A COOL EYE PATCH!!!!!!!!!!!
why is she barely mentioned after she dies??? she was one of the 3 main, dude, are u kidding me? yuuji's the only one who mentions her but he's almost afraid of talking about her. its like the whole world forgot about her!!!!! and what about maki?????? werent they girlfriends?
what is nobara's LEGACY? why did gege not make her death matter in the narrative? even if she (for whatever reason) came back(??) at the end, id still be rly mad & sad abt it cos i wanted to see her DO STUFF!! i wanted to see her kick some ass!!!! i wanted to see her grow!!!!! to open up with others!!!!! I WANTED TO SEE MORE OF HER. IM SO UPSET I WANT OUT
#kugisaki nobara#CW rambly rant !!!!!! ///////// goshh i rly needed this lol..#I TALKED ABT THIS YESTERDAY I THINK but even tho i dont follow bnha seeing so much discussion abt the ending made me antsy lolll#the '''''''''''''''''confirmation'''''''''''''''''''' (not even) of nobara's death also rly got to me.. idk im just aaaaaaAAAAAAAAA#like of course i LIKE jjk otherwise i wouldnt be so cranky abt this !! thats WHY i have bones to pick lol !!!!!#and one of those bones its the treatment of female characters ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡SORPRESA (TO NO ONE)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#which is even MORE upsetting cos ....the fem characters are..GOOD........... they are good.#i wanted more of tsukumo yuki and fushiguro tsukimi as well#in GENERAL it feels jjks characters (whatever gender) are well written but not very developed.. they hv disctinct personalities and traits#and cool motivations and stories. but it always feels like.... you dont REALLY get to know them THAT well?? if that makes sense???#u get bits and pieces which its part of the appeal id say but at times it feels like its not NEARLY enough esp when theyr cool af like yuki#or when you NEED to know them well & get attached to them for their death to have and IMPACT yknow???? like tsukimi#like ...she died and i was like oh man poor fushiguro BUT THATS NOT RIGHT RIGHT???? a character just freaking died!!!!!#why didnt we get to know her a bit more??? even if through a flashback????????#ANYWAYZ IM SOOO UPSET yuki&tsukimis cases rly annoy me but what gege did to nobara's character is UNFORGIVABLE 2 me even if i still like jj#jjk#di4ry
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theysangastheyslew · 2 years
I want to share more suffering with you, homie haha *crying*
What do you think of the episode? Especially 132 part ofc!
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Hi friend! :'))))))))) Ooooooh honey that gif is such a mood XD I’ve been trying to collect my thoughts and this is the best I can do atm. Sorry it’s kind of wordy but here we go 🥲
Ok! So ever-present pacing issues aside, the overarching story made for a solid episode and the animation was incredible. Hell, even the things I disliked objectively looked well-done out of context. Overall, that was no small feat to pull off, especially in such harsh working conditions. I truly do want to acknowledge that.
But in regards to 132, you guys already put into words how I feel better than I could. I may not have anything new to add, but I’ll say what I liked first and then put my issues under a cut.
As someone who actually really likes Yams’ art style, I loved that they consistently kept Hange’s face accurate to the manga. It was really inconsistent throughout the final season and they struggled to not make it too short a lot of times. Hange was always still stunning of course but the difference always stuck out to me. Here everyone was drawn well, but you can tell she got some extra attention.
The way they inched Levi closer to where Hange was sitting while talking with Yelena. Insignificant yeah but consistent with their past behavior. Also I’m glad they tweaked the position of his bandages so it looked less like they were painfully tugging upwards on his nose.
The pained expressions of the kids and Hange watching Levi struggle to even hold his gear
The “unrequited love” exchange. It had most of the softness and emotion from the manga even though the weight of that line will never be realized in non-written form. The camera lingered on each frame in a way that conveyed the sentiment. This is what got my hopes up that they would stay truer to the source material with DYH.
I'm so glad they left in Hange's lines to Flochroach about not giving up. Helps show—once again—that they wanted to live
The choked way Levi said “Devote your heart” + Hange’s widened eye and soft gasp at his words. Though not tearing up like in the manga, the shot still looked lovely for the half second it lasted. He doesn't pause halfway through saying it though so this one I'm still wrestling with.
Of course, the last stand. Onscreen, Hange took out at least 16 colossals (including the ones we see trip and get trampled) and definitely more offscreen (when they cut away to show other characters) and for the last few, did it while in the most pain a human body can feel. 7/10 for combat, my ass. Idk about y’all but I can’t stop hearing Romi Park’s screams in my head. I knew it would be nauseating and brutal but dear God. At the same time I cannot put into words how proud I am of them. That's my commander 💜
Ok “like” is definitely not the right word for this but I had wondered when I first read 132 how Hange’s gas tank was so well-insulated that it didn’t ignite, and.. well I got my answer.
I’m thankful that they didn’t show a glimpse of Hange’s bloody, crushed remains the way you see in the og panel. That at least felt respectful to me. This is wishful thinking I know but the defined charred outline makes me choose hope they fell more off to the side from where the titans were walking so at least there was maybe still a body left to recover someday.
The afterlife scene, the kids all sobbing their hearts out, Levi holding his own hand in the aftermath trying to process what just happened, and Onyankopon confirming the plane’s significance all really were appropriately gut-wrenching.
I really recommend taking a little break between The Rumbling and Sinners. It definitely makes the shift in emotion less jarring and less
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When I did that with my rewatch it helped with the flow of things.
Ok, now twist me up and call me a pretzel bc here there be some salt :|
I’ll try to leave out my og issues with the manga chapter itself (like how painfully obvious it was all just to make Armin commander and how unnecessary Hange dying was IN THE FIRST PLACE and IF it had to happen at all how it could have been done at the final boss skelepalooza showdown, etc.) and just focus on the episode.
Goes without saying but it bears repeating: pacing. 75% of my issues with the execution of DYH would be gone if they just slowed down a bit. Just let the weight of it sink in a little. That this moment —all shreds of shipping aside— is the end of the line for these two heroes who have been supporting each other for ten years while bearing the weight of the world on their shoulders. But Mappa completely reversed the timing of the sequence of events. In the manga we had a longer, more intimate farewell followed by a last stand that was so short even when you knew it was coming it left you reeling from how fast it was from start to finish. Whereas here they hurried it along to get to the “main event”. Hell, it flows better in gif sets than it does in the actual show.
To me, it felt like Hange’s demeanor didn’t really change from talking with the kids to speaking with Levi, making their false bravado seem like less of a front. I know their tone was meant to sound like they were keeping up appearances, but with how often Hange just gets reduced solely to being a titan freak the way they had Romi say the lines made it sound like actual excitement, especially with the way they drew Hange's facial expressions (more on that next)
Hange’s little smirk after the salute. I kinda get what they were trying to do here but to me it came off as very flippant and dismissive of Levi’s choice of words, especially since they all but got rid of their lips trembling and eye beginning to well up with tears. I wish we’d gotten the big fake smile and laugh because that would have shown better that Hange was overcompensating by trying to put their brave face back on after starting to lose their composure. Their fear is obvious in the manga but it just simply didn’t come through as well throughout this entire exchange.
Sooo Hange almost tears up when Pieck said their words inspired her yet minutes later when their Best Friend tries to say goodbye there’s nowhere near that kind of reaction? Sure, Jan
Levi’s face. Ok look. It’s not a lack of emotion on his part that bothers me. It’s that it’s an entirely different one to begin with. He looks bummed at first yes, but then that changes to what I’m guessing is supposed to be determination which comes off as anger or annoyance (kinda like what changed with his scene with Armin on the stairs). They removed what made this parting different from previous ones, which was the sense of open vulnerability and the dawning realization that now he’s going to have to let Hans go too. See it's not like they were in the middle of the battle just yet. This situation came on suddenly and unexpectedly; it wasn't "supposed" to happen. One second they were on track and the next Hange is being torn away by fate. And yes, the highlights play a part in that transition. Anyone who draws eyes knows the importance of placement and intensity and the major impact they have over the final expression. And when drawing a comic you certainly don’t take up valuable page space with three panels focusing on the hope draining out of someone’s eyes if it wasn’t supposed to be the focus. I mean for fuck's sake, even the Final Season!Nendoroid Levi got it right. Plus, if they could make a point of getting Eren's eyes right during the raid on Liberio they could have gotten it here.
When the camera cuts to the kids watching the titans fall the angle doesn’t let you see that Levi can’t bring himself to watch for more than just a second
NOT MAPPA’s FAULT but since I’m being whiny right now I’m going to add that while ACWNR is a mixed bag to begin with, WIT’s adaptation not including Levihan’s introduction saddens me bc Levi asking Hange to keep watching loses a bit of extra oomph.
Really it just comes down to the fact that there was nothing wrong with the original page. It wasn’t overdone or dragged out by any means but considering many other scenes got shot-for-shot depictions I don’t think we were asking for anything outrageous by wanting a faithful adaptation. The couple frames we got that were almost perfect were so freakin fast you barely had time to process them before it cut away.
I wanted to like it, I really did. Especially since MAPPA did so many things so incredibly well as a whole. My expectations weren’t high, and I did want to give it the benefit of the doubt. But when it came to DYH, it felt both watered down and disjointed, like a completely different scene.
But so it goes. At the end of the day, Hange still dies a horrifying, demeaning death for plot convenience, and Levi is left behind to suffer once again. It was always going to hurt and I was never going to be ready for it, no matter how it was done.
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knightzp · 2 years
HI AGAIN MIKI! Sorry abt this novel of an ask /D UR RIGHT CHILDE'S DESIGN IS UGLY aksjfnaks these arent even hot takes tbh theyre just facts! also candace yeah hers is... i agree. Things i like abt her are her shield + heterochromia (nod) + her colours! and ah dont get me wrong i love bennett, and ofc razor! (he was the first 4star i pulled and im v attached to him) my irks towards their designs are mainly bc i think they deserve better. and i think ur completely right regarding ayato’s design! Smth more traditional (like ayaka’s?) wouldve been a lot neater + fitting! every time i look at his long sleeves i cringe just a bit (hes one my mains tho pfft). and yeah abt sumeru! after all the orientalism, insensitivity, tone-deafness by hyv throughout the region i rlly dont like many of them… at least design wise, tho i like their actual personalities! (srry nilou + nahida + dori) also obvs bc of how white they all are ugh yup ur right. reason why my fave sumeru chars are cyno + collei who imo can do no wrong + i already liked them from the manga lmao (i would type more abt sumeru but its just beating a dead horse @ this point)
Oh yeah i love those designs too! Kazuha is such a bby girl :)) And kokomi!! her pastel colours + attacks are so pretty! what chars have ur favourite ult animations + why? which are the ones u’ll never get sick of? (i love yelan’s, shenhe’s + xinyan aka my beloved who deserves More) I hope im not bothering u w/ these questions btw but i rlly enjoy getting to know my mutuals! (also i rlly appreciate u putting the accents over my name, tysm it rlly warms my heart!) 
TŪĪ HI AGAIN!!! im so happy to see your reply!!
ajsfdlk im VERY GLAD we agree on the childe part (his design really is UGLY) and many of the other things too!!! just saying things as they are bc we are absolutely correct 😌​ oh and yes i understood what you meant abt bennys and razors designs! their designs are indeed quite basic and simple and they could have had better ones for sure. its just that i really like their characters and im already a bit attached with the designs they have but that doesnt mean they couldnt have or deserved better ones! and abt ayato, yes i was exactly thinking he should have like a male version of ayakas design!! and was so disappointed when he didnt. those long sleeves.... ajkdlfs i get you yeah, theyre so WEIRD and useless they only serve as ayatos boba tea storage
abt sumeru... yeah hyv is def not listening and just doing what they want and its. so disrespectful. ughhh the characters do really deserve better design wise yeah. and collei is one of my fave sumeru characters too! i also saw her first in the manga (tho idk if i ever finished the manga? bc it wasnt complete in the official website when i read it) and then seeing her again in the main story, years later and with the remaining sequels of all she had suffered before.... i love her a lot she deserves all the love in the world 💜​
ooh and my fave ult animations! the prettiest for me is probably kokomis animation! i love how she makes like a water swirl and everything turns blue and purple its so so pretty!! i also love kazuha (all the anemo and maple leaves around him is so Beautiful) and ayakas ult (she looks so pretty with her sword and her hand fan right about unleashing a huge cryo swirl) a lot. oh and hu tao yoimiya and albedos too! (i feel like im just mentioning my mains at this point but well ajkdlfk i see their ults a lot so is normal that theyre my faves ig!) and ooooh shenhes ult animation is also very very pretty i really like hers too! and xinyans!! her ult is def the best from all the 4 stars, its sooo cool how she sets her "stage" on fire and YES she does deserve a lot better bc shes an amazing character and i love her a lot too!
oh and dw youre not bothering me at all!!! on the contrary im always so happy to see your asks!!! i love interacting with my mutuals too and i really like talking to you! and abt your name yes of course! i made sure to write it as it is and that includes the accents obviously!
now i have a question for you! well, several questions actually but theyre all related: which are your fave genshin characters? which of them do you have, or rather, which 5 star characters do you have in general? is there any character you dont have that you really want? and finally, what are you fave teams to play with?
okay now i thinks that all for now! hope you have a great day!! <3
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The manga was sad enough but now I find it’s not completely scanned!? NOOOO 😭😭😭😭😭
d-does anyone have this!? Apparently it was published in Indonesian! Pls! I need to read the last volume or so-! I managed to find 17 chapters 🙏
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frenchfrywrites · 3 years
I’m sorry but I really loved the lap dance hcs, would it be ok if I request reader giving the brothers + side characters a lap dance??
don't apologize!! I'm more than okay with this rq
Bros + side chars react to MC giving them a lap dance (here is them giving MC one)
He tells himself that he will be composed and normal, that he will not beg for more..
That works for maybe 2 minutes I think, at max 5
But he caves embarrassingly quick
He's holding onto your hips, looking up at you begging that you give him more- even if punishment occurs later
Makes you promise that you never tell anyone how quickly and easily he begged for you
Cannot for the life of him keep his hands off
Best to tie him up because regardless of threats of punishment, he's still going to touch you
He'd touch you as soon as you're in reach too
Also is blabbing away the entire time (so maybe gag him too)
At first he's like I can last for however many songs you want to dance to I'll just sit here and be patient (lie)
Then not a minute later he's telling you that you look so good, begging that you please touch him, afterall hasn't he been a good boy lately??!
I don't think you'll ever see him as flustered as he is while you're giving him a lap dance
He has his hands covering his eyes, but he's peaking through his fingers, blushing so much, stuttering so much anything he's saying is incomprehensible
And he is very hard
He starts shyly begging right off the bat but will not touch you mostly bc he's like honestly scared to
He'll play like he's not affected, but he's white knuckling the chair/gripping the sheets with so much strength you think they might rip
He's so blushy, and he's biting his lip, and he looks adorable
And he's so so hard, he's trying to subtly rub against you
But even will all this, he's still trying to act like he's not so obviously horny
Eventually there is a straw that breaks the camels back and in a rush he starts begging for more
I think he'd start out hyping you up a lot and babbling but after a bit the words die on his tongue and he becomes speechless
If you tell him he can't touch it's going to take some extreme restraint
Practically drooling as you dance
When he starts talking again (his voice cracks and) it's to beg that you touch him, or let him touch you.
He tells everyone about how great you were and is so looking forward to the day you decide to do it again
He's a pretty expressionless guy for the most part
But he does look pretty awestruck, his eyes wide and his cheeks flushed
Beel keeps on forgetting that you told him not to touch, so every time you have to remind him he mutters a soft "sorry" that tells you he's going to do it again
Though if you try to tie him up he'll probably break the restraints :P
He pleads easily and quick into the dance
He likes that he gets to be sitting and you get to do the work this time
He looks so captivated from you, hardly blinking as he watches you dance
He lasts the longest of all his brothers
But eventually he does start to beg, shyly, softly, under his breath, then louder with each minute
He is not past crying to get you to do more
Man is having the time of his life
He's smiling so much, and doesn't even attempt to hide how aroused he gets from it
In fact, goes a step further and openly tells you how horny he's getting from watching you dance
Another guy that just cannot keep his hands off you
Laughs and "apologizes" (he's never sorry) every time you tell him to keep his hands to himself
Honestly I don't think he'd feel the need to beg simply because he's enjoying this so much
Trying so hard to be polite and let you do your thing
But oh my god he is suffering
He wants to touch you so bad, he wants to do something more, he'll do anything for more
So he looks like he's going to combust because again he's trying to be as collected as possible
He might start touching you with his tail (ofc if you allow it), because that's a loophole, right?!
Simeon is losing his entire mind during this
He's breathing heavy, he's shaking, he's sweating, he's flushed so bad it looks like he has a fever. He might even get a bloody nose. He might even cum from this alone..
Begging and thanking you from the very beginning
He might start taking off his clothes mid way through under the guise that he's getting hot but he's lowkey just trying to seduce you lmao
Cannot make this a frequent thing or he'll go insane
He's so excited the whole time
Biting his nails and grinning like a madman he's just so obsessed with you and the fact that you're doing this
Bratty boy will grind up into you and touch you despite threats of punishment
If you tie him up he gets horny about that
Totally begs that you do this all the time because he think's it's just so much fun
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badanimereviews · 5 years
summer 2019 anime sum-up
lmao i realized i never did this and posted the fall season b4 this.... oops
kimetsu no yaiba: tbh started out kinda meh. and now it’s turned into one of the new big shounens. i was not expecting that. nearing the end got rly good and i was rly looking forward to more episodes! tanjiro gets cooler and cooler! animation is rly nice (thanks ufotable) and the way tanjiro’s water is animated. like. aesthetic asf. it’s so good. i love black-haired emo dude and zenitsu (my spirit animal) and ofc nezuko she is adorable im c r y. side note: the hashira? i think they’re called? some of the ugliest fkn characters i’ve seen in ages like flame boy? stone boy? i HATE them. and the gem dude too like man get a new tattoo artist on god.... he needs it.,,,,,,and inosuke is so pretty it’s unfair
dr stone: ok man dr stone rly went off. tbh. i’ve always been a whore for chemistry since reading the flavia de luce series (btw, i want more books of) and watching this just tickles my noodle brain in a good way... who needs prozac when i get a shitton of serotonin from watching senku dick around....  (btw what is going on with what’s his face and the girl. yuzuriha????? i can’t remember. i love senku don’t get me wrong but i need their perspective too... bc i hate lion dude... so much.... dick....) again i will repeat that i am a whore for chemistry so i get oFF on this. backgrounds are amazing/ animation so nice n clean (most o the time lmao). i thought i would hate the black n white haired trickster boi and ms yellow ponytail and suika but no! dr stone is such a good show that they are now great, loveable characters. also i am senku and chrome’s whore so jfc. man, i love the explanations of all the chemistry shabang, but some things i think would be better if explained! like senku doing physical labour at the beginning- ex. making all those pots and building that shit by hisself. i know he weak af. yes he smart but like. construction? difficult. pottery? even for me the artist . difficult. and that shed of his was filled to the brim. HOW. anyways, i love this so much i am crying constantly
just realized i didnt need to write about dr stone. oh well. 
danmachi 2: wtf yo. haruhime is so pretty but not a fan of her personality! bell still cute af and still don’t rly like aiz! animation good as always, and my god i shit myself whenever the argonaut theme starts up bc that is ? one of the best pieces of non-sawano hiroyuki pieces i’ve ever heard? addicted to it. and the opening! love the dynamics, the brief ‘rain’ scenes like when mikoto slashes the raindrops and just her motion basically? as an animator that is what i aspire to accomplish because i just love that. tiny little scene. 
arifureta: this would have been so much better had they dragged out mc’s op-ifying process! made him suffer more! i explained this briefly in my ‘first thoughts’ post for this season, but story-wise and pacing-wise his power-up could have been so much more deserved and gratifying. think shield hero- loser suffers, gets angry, slowly builds up power in an epic payoff! would have been so epic too. and also if they’d made his gained powers less.... crazy nerfed. again: HE SHOULD HAVE SUFFERED MORE AND THIS WOULD HAVE MADE A BETTER SHOW. harem thoughts: yue- meh. sucky char honestly. shea- my fav girl, she is a great character don’t judge- sexy and love her personality and love her character design and love how much fanservice she gets lol. panty flash ftw. dragon girl- discount darkness honestly , tho nice design. and mermaid girl- yuck, annoying,  DO NOT like the ‘papa’ trope! (ahem sao.) it’s gross. also just fuck mc’s classmates honestly- paladin dude sucks ass, healer girl OOF that last episode ruined her, samurai girl is ok i guess. hate ai-sensei too like shut UPP annoying ass HOEEEEE (postscript: opening=very epic too)
kanata no astra: plot twist? check. trillion well-done plot twists? check. this was done very well. i am so happy. all those plot twists and turns would usually suck in any regular anime- but this was written with GODLIKE ability. thank you, lerche. legit, this was such an enjoyable ride, i eagerly awaited each new ep! typically i hate space-related stuff but like! survival stuff gets my goat.... like this was good- (tho maybe more technical-stuff in the survival theme would make it so cooler) what shocked me the most: (spoilers alert) didn’t end up hating quitterie or funi. (tho the puppet made me want to strangle smth) luca’s gender had rly confused me but i’d decided on him being a boy- so basically that reveal left me like WHOA. i died. did luca rly have to show emo boy their tity tho... kanata losing his arm gave me the yeeeks, charce being the traitor was made sO WELL into a surprise even tho i’d kinda already suspected him<- like that was just fucking amazing writing there. gj. and ares the princess! ok man! shocked! AND also the whole clone thing, just fucked me right up. up the ass. like there are probably more plot twist layers in this than a fkn ogre has.... anyway shrek aside, yun?’s character arc was very pleasing, i think that was done very well! and the ending made me UwU like BRO? goals tbh. yeah this is a hidden gem and is just so good, so well-written overall. 
cop craft: didn’t have high expectations. i am now,,, quite,,, shocked &,,, blown away. sweetheart this is a good fucking show. so why @ livechart.me DOES IT HAVE 7.40 STARS WHEN FKN ARIFURETA HAS 7.72. can someone explain this to me? i’m outraged. LIVID.  matoba and tilarna were amazing characters btw! loved their dynamic! briefly i thought it might get romantic! nope, it didn’t, so it’s all good. actions scenes were epic, tilarna’s design and outfits were so much nicer than i thought they’d be like. she is so cute. and the op- man, if that is not such a bopper vibe then idk what is. i could watch it forever. it deserves so much more than what it’s got rn.
naka no hito genome: (serious question: is this considered some sort of isekai?) genome gave me btooom vibes honestly but like- this is SO much better than btooom and most game/trap/ kinda shows. fkn BOP of an op, especially the sequence at the end with short clips of each character in action (nutt). paka-san was a good boy and he deserves irl merch. i fell in LOve with all the characters (bubble boy= hot, akatsuki= ok meh actually kinda boring, karin= hot and i want her to punch me, ruromori= beautiful 12/10 would let her stalk me, sleepy eyes boy= baby + dazai vibes and hot af, twin boy= also hot, onigasaki= hot and love him so much, and loli girl= her light grenades got annoying but nice char design) anyways yeah more of this would be epic. i wanna see sakura and her twin reunite, and how they get out basically! also animation quality was very good which is surprising considering it’s a silver link anime.
kono yo no hate de koi wo utau shoujo yu-no: i include the whole title bc this is a good anime. (also livechart.me why 7.27 stars i will fuck you up) only meh part of this is the return to earth from dela granto bc that was like a culture shock and honestly at that point i’d forgotten a lot about what had happened on earth and didn’t care as much. btw, f ayumi and f the other brown-haired oneesan. mio and kanna ftw. obvs i didn’t understand the sayless x takuya thing like dumbass horny teenager . why u gotta creampie the worst girl. u have mio. bruh. (tho mio x ‘oyabi!’ boy is a great ship) also, takuya’s mom? keiko-san? idk if you’ve noticed but that’s literally my name so yeah just glad to finally have some keiko representation. altogether goodass anime. the time travel/ rezero esque reset thing almost got me but this was done well. so no problems. both ops very good. first song was bae, second also bae (just realized it’s by konomi suzuki, one of my waifu idols, so yea nice) and ed2 also so pretty! also yu-no’s design was rly pretty, the outfit colours, and her pigtails rly suited her :)
granbelm: sorry this is the last one lol this was a long ass post! other than the fact i dont rly like mecha this was good.... action, CHARACTER designs aesthetic asf, honestly rly pretty ok. i liked the cast, very diverse and more depth than most shows of this ilk. op was nicely choreographed- especially the part where the girls’ faces are contorted by their gems, showing their magical girl side. nicely done. mangetsu didn’t end up being that bad a char, and honestly? suigetsu is best girl and deserved better. and the ending too- like, bro, that made me kinda sad. some off points: anna’s mom was a little unrealistic as a mom like woman- please learn to control your child, and, white-haired girl’s sister should have played a bigger part, based on how her parts in the opening were emphasized! (quick note- blue girl, love her, great bad guy, when she dumped anna made me so happy honestly, she is beautiful, and i couldn’t actually decide who i wanted to win between her and suigetsu....)
hope u enjoyed this bad review. pls share ur opinions w/ me on some of of these more controversial shows. thank. 
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imaginegladions · 8 years
Hoodoo Boy here we go. I’m just doing the skaters I remember.
Yuuri (Precious KatsuChild)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: outside he plays nice, is ruthless on the ice ;)worst quality: poor angel child has low self esteemship them with: Victor Nikiforov and no one elsebrotp them with: Yuri Plisetsky, and probably Phichit Chulanont bc obvneeds to stay away from: ?? alcohol ??misc. thoughts: at first he was seriously bland for me but then he grew and i cry and also i want to see him in Russia living with victor doing pair skating touring around with Yura let me have this
Victor (Sinningforov)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: the weirdest craziest dork is actually super inspiring and encouragingworst quality: his flamboyance sometimes makes me also want to set myself on fireship them with: His Hubby Yuuri ofcbrotp them with: Chris (THE SIN TWINS FOREVER!!!)needs to stay away from: ?? alcohol ??misc. thoughts: he’s the gayest and we love him for it
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (if he was 18)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: is rude but if you’re rude to his clique he WILL BITE YOUworst quality: cannot emotions XDship them with: … uh, me?brotp them with: Yuuri and Otabek probably (Victor is too much of a dad)needs to stay away from: JJ *triggered*misc. thoughts: Aaaaghhhh do I love this boy, let me tell you how much I adore his determination and his love for skating and his love for his family (even his skating one) and his cat and his awkwardness and and his stubbornness and his sentimentality and his supportiveness of his friends (even if it’s unorthodox) and his care for his fans and his honesty as a character and his awareness of his flaws and of his struggle to fit in but not look like he’s trying and of the pressure he feels to consistently perform better than his last. Let me tell you how brave and fierce and sensitive this boy is, he’s only 15 and he handles himself and his life like a CHAMP. 
I could write a sonnet on Yuri Plisetsky.
Otabek (most innocent angel boy)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: potential for a LOT MORE CHAR DEVELOPMENTworst quality: only appeared near the very end of the anime :(ship them with: ?? no one ??brotp them with: Yuri Plisetsky (these boys need friendship)needs to stay away from: ?? anxiety ??misc. thoughts: you know what they say about slytherin/hufflepuff friendships? otayuri is that friendship.
Phichit (Cutie Pie of the Century)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: best of all best friends everworst quality: sO EXTRA ISTGship them with: ?? brotp them with: Yuuri needs to stay away from: everything bad in this worldmisc. thoughts: he’s so pure pls protect him keep him safe from harm *prays for it*
Christophe (Sinningforov the Second)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: that face he makes when Phichit announces Victuuri engagementworst quality: the mOST EXTRA IN THE WORLD WHEN ON ICEship them with: lol Minakobrotp them with: HIS SIN TWIN VICTOR SINNINGFOROVneeds to stay away from: any kind of metal polemisc. thoughts: (me at episode 10) is it just me or is he groWING ON ME???
JJ (ohmygoodddddshutupppppp)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his confidenceworst quality: his confidence ( TT^TT)ship them with: his beautiful and amazing long-suffering girlfriend the shiniest gem of all ultimate respect bow down to this womanbrotp them with: ????needs to stay away from: ?? anxiety ??misc. thoughts: the theme of king jj is a form of mind control and if you listen to it you will have never-ending lss damn it miyano mamoru for giving jj your voice ;-;
Michele (does not deserve what happens to him)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: best onii-chanworst quality: just an onii-chan XDship them with: Emil (fyt me)brotp them with: All them skaters tbhneeds to stay away from: Emil (lol)misc. thoughts: he needs to get away from his sister and get some Emil individuality
Emil (needs more screen time than is given to him)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: a bright ray of sun in our desolate gay livesworst quality: not enough screen time ;-;ship them with: Michelebrotp them with: alllll the skaters in his bracket XDneeds to stay away from: ????misc. thoughts: I don’t really have thoughts besides that he needs more sCREEN TIME AND HUGS.
Georgi (just wants to be LOVED)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: so fabulousworst quality: always heartbroken :”(ship them with: um, no one?brotp them with: Mila and Yuri P lolololol protect himneeds to stay away from: his evil freakin exmisc. thoughts: HE DID NOT DESERVE????????
Mila (shipper mom on deck)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s such a mom friendworst quality: ;w; not enough character developmentship them with: Sarah *hides*brotp them with: Also Sarah, I’m a sucker for besties falling in love. Oh, and Yura and Georgi she has to mom them. XDneeds to stay away from: ????misc. thoughts: she needs like… a background it’s like she just exists?
Sarah (also known as: Michele Pls)
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: wants that independenceworst quality: TOO MUCH INDEPENDENCE GO HUG YOUR NII-CHANship them with: Mila lolbrotp them with: Mila, hahahaha. And Yuuri. She’s like the little sis of them all tbh.needs to stay away from: …men?misc. thoughts: i bet all the skaters are like… michele extensions now… if she talks to guy who isn’t a skater she’s got like Phichit gasping and instagramming it with Michele tagged on the photo and Yura forwarding the picture to Mila and Victor giving these guys thE LOOK and maybe Emil low key interrogating them while smiling creepily
Poor Sarah. XD
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