#and basically everyone is doing ivf because they just Can't
frenchifries · 1 year
so stupid how peak fertility is like 18-27 when those are the years you're supposed to be chilling and doing whatever you want and then by the time you're in your mid-to-late 30s and finally more settled in life and ready to be a parent you're a "geriatric" pregnancy with sharply elevated risk of complications and also you probably won't be able to get pregnant without medical intervention anyway
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sensei-venus · 1 year
@gemini-sensei , because now I’m on a Yasmine and Moon role🫣
Some times I like to imagine that when Poly! Moon and Yasmine decide to start trying for a baby with Reader they try it more old fashion like.
They go through all the loops for a good sperm donor (in this case I would imagine it is a friend of there’s, so they have access to the goods at a drop of the hat.) and they feel ready to start actually trying. But they want to do it differently then doing professional IVF. They want to all be more connected during the process.
That’s why Yasmine goes online and buys a dildo with a cum pump built in.
Instead of putting fake cum into the pump they put the real sperm into the small pump and they take turns fucking into Reader.
They try to make the whole process as enjoyable as possible for everyone to enjoy. They take turns pounding her poor pussy from all kinds of different positions. They make sure to fuck as deep as they can into her tight wet pussy. They rut up against her trying to make sure the head of the fake cock sits directly on her tight cervix. They make sure they are basically bullying the fat head into her womb.
Most of the time one of them is fucking her wide open and the other is holding her or at least touching her to make her comfortable and relaxed. The pace is always different, from slow to fast, hard to soft.
They both tell her all kinds of things and whisper how good she is doing, how they know this time it will take. How pretty she is and how they can’t wait for her to get all fat with their baby soon. She whimpers, all she can do is nod as they split her wide open on their fake cock all night long until it takes.
They rut against her cervix as they squeeze the pump's balloon sending rope after rope of hot cum into her tight cunt. It spill out but they know she’s full. She’s filled the brim by the end of it. Moon always makes sure to have a plug on hand so that she can stuff it into the women’s raw frothy pussy. To make sure their attempts have the best chance of taking.
They all lay down after a good round and cuddle together, placing kisses along Reader’s skin. Mumbling and whispering about what they hope for the baby.
Moon wants the baby to have Reader’s nose and full cheeks. While Yasmine wants them to have her eyes and lip shape. Reader just can’t help but think about her baby in general. She can’t wait to grow with it, to feel the first kicks, to one day hold the little thing in her arms with her beautiful wives by her side.
They all can't wait to see if their newest round of fucking takes with the next pregnancy test.
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gaykarstaagforever · 1 month
Get ready for the "pronatalists," coming to a political election near you in the next several years.
They're an unofficial Silicon Valley cult that is basically just good-old-fashioned eugenicists, including the thing where they say it isn't their fault SCIENCE and MATH say rich white people are the best humans.
They unironically think Elon Musk is the paragon of human existence, and like him, a big part of their thing is romanticizing autism...or what they CALL autism, but isn't autism, it's just them being selfish assholes and declaring themselves beyond criticism because it is a "condition." Which they openly think is also the next stage of human evolution, which is why they have to quickly breed their superior genes into the race that will "save the world" from too many poor brown people existing. Because them liking money a lot is going to help save us from climate change...? It immediately gets muddled, once they've declared their practical white supremacy.
But all this, OF COURSE, isn't racist. They're just "realists" about how bad the Earth will be when uneducated brown non-billionaires who don't even own companies get to make decisions! Because it's a paradise now, since it's being run by white billionaires.
They think of themselves as left-wing, but the progressive left hates them for obvious reasons, so they are now affiliating with the far-right. For obvious reasons.
The only things that separate them from Fundamentalist Evangelicals is that they are atheists, pro-queer, hate Trump, and are pro-choice. But the pro-choice thing is really only about them wanting the right to discard "substandard" fertilized eggs, because they use AI to tell them which embryos will be "more intelligent" than the others.
...An odd thing to claim, considering IQ is not an actual measure of anything besides how well you do one time on a test, and you CERTAINLY can't predict it by looking at genes. But the US refuses to regulate this kind of gene selection, so of course eugenicists are going to take advantage of it.
The atheism thing seems noble and progressive until you realize it is just very rich people justifying why they don't have to follow the same ethical code as everyone else.
The pro-queer thing also barely counts, because they STILL expect superior white gays / asexuals to use IVF and surrogacy to gift their awesome genes to the future. They've cut out the need for sex to do eugenics. I guess that's kind of a new innovation on the ancient stupidity.
I for one don't trust anyone who looks at Sam Altman and says "this is the Ubermensch." Including Sam himself. Who is of course a fan of all this.
And they hate Trump because everyone with a brain hates Trump, because he's an awful person, all the time, to everyone. Other rich people have always hated Trump. He brags about it. Being rich and hating Trump doesn't make you a hero.
This wouldn't be worth talking about, because these freaks have been around for years, and obviously they have been unpopular with people on both sides of the spectrum. But now, oh boy!, they've realized they are rich and have big dreams for the Earth, so they are of course getting into politics. As Republicans, of course, because any rich person who demands the right to tell the rest of us how to live ends up over there. That's most of their thing.
The family The Guardian talked to lives in my home state of Pennsylvania, because we're purple enough to let you be weird, but red enough to help you be white. I can't wait for this movement to join the coalition of angry extremists that is already the state Republican party, and start pouring money into their master plan to re-Caucasian America. Because everything must be Texas. Because Elon LOVES Texas.
Also they abuse their children. At least, this couple does.
Posting this bothers me, because talking about them is exactly what these people want. So much so that I wonder how much of this is even true, or just them being ridiculous for attention.
But the dad hitting his 2 year old in public, in front of the reporter, like he doesn't even know that's at least bad optics, is the kind of terrible that genuinely comes from a person's black little heart.
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IF anything, I wish they would have written him as an annoyance to April [not in the SA sense, but relentless] and maybe have Ethan check him. Since they leaned so heavily on jealous Ethan, which is hot but also sad at the same time. Also, April curving him and being like, WTF why is he so interested the first few times was funny, and it would've been great to see more because Yaya is fine AF; she deserves two men, one in love with her and one who can't have her that she keeps up at night. Plus she's a NYer I know she has it in her two curve the best of them. They still could've put him with Natalie later in the season since Dominc said he wanted to explore the darkness inside the character and April and Ethan def had enough to break up over without CM. They were on two very different pages with the IVF/baby situation. BTW I've been going through your blog looking for troll material and boy did those Sextoi v. Sexcel gif you grief in 2019 lol. Sad. BTW have you seen the spoilers if not do you want to see them I know everyone is not down with them so I ask first.
ETA: I just realized CM has spoken his language and talked about his family and why he has that dumb ass name, eaten something cultural with Natalie and her mom gave him a Persian spice set. Something they haven't done with ETHAN in SEVEN YEARS. And I know dxxn well Yaya being who she is, she would've had no problem learning some Korean so she could say something. I'm willing to be she coached everyone on Portuguese and Spanish. NBC has the money for a damn chef to cook food from each of their cultures, but they're talking about eating Chilli and Sushi. Too many things to be mad at with this show.
I love this idea! At least April would've kept her damn dignity.
Yeah 2019 was basically a moment for me. I started to really pull away from Tumblr and that day in particular was truly f*cked up. 4 HOURS worth of asks in my inbox over that shit. You would've thought I said that April and Marcel should burn Ethan alive and then screw on his dead body because I hate the AMBW dynamic. And legit there was like five of us but people were acting like I had gun to the showrunners head and I was making all of it happen...it was ridiculous and made me really step back and ask myself if being apart of fandom even mattered.
I was glad they had an spot where they divulged why Crockett's name was so horrible lol. But it felt very...idk. Anyway it was a cool night because Crockett (Darioush) and Helen from New Amsterdam were both speaking Farsi because both are Iranian.
But yes in seven seasons they won't even verify Ethan's ethnic identity. Not even when his dad died, it was all military which is what they always rely on when they want to give him depth. Also...where the hell was his mom? What happened to her and why is she never mentioned past Emily's adoption or his father's affair?
Once again you're noticing some of the glaring issues within the OC universe which seems to be why people are leaving at ridiculous rates. We aren't even to the mid session finale and we very already lost 3 characters.
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