#and as much as it made me laugh the fact that they follow my mum is. a little suspicious.
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this account is the most cringeworthy thing i’ve seen all day but it’s also hilarious because a) they refer to themselves as a west brit unironically and b) they follow my mum who posts stuff like this: 
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hii! I just saw Wonka for the first time and I loved it, everything was soo good I’d love to request something. Could I request something with Wonka x fem!(or gn)reader in which reader comforts him after everything goes wrong with his shop? He was so sad and it broke my heart when he said that his mum didn’t show up and everything was just a stupid dream, I wanted to give him a hug so bad. Feel free to ignore this if it doesn’t inspire you ofc, have a great day 💞
I Believe In You
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 658
Love love love this request💖sorry I suck at angst but I hope you still like it 
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None of you could’ve ever predicted what just took place. 
Melted chocolate and burned candies surrounded all around as you stood there in disbelief. 
The crowd that quickly grew to love Wonka’s chocolates turned on them just as quickly. All because of something that wasn’t even his fault. 
You, along with the few others who helped, stood, unsure where to go from here. Noodle ran to Wonka trying her best to motivate him, but Abacus gently encouraged her to give him some time before he left. Then Piper left, and one by one the others followed. 
You stuck close to them, about to take your own departure and leave the chocolatier to his own thinkings, but you stopped in your tracks giving it another thought. You couldn’t just leave him there. It wouldn’t be right. 
So back you walked and you parked yourself beside him. 
You sat there noiseless, as you were unconfident of your next words. What do you say to a man who’s lost so much. 
“Willy this is just a minor setback,” you start. 
“No it’s not. This all is just some stupid dream and it didn’t even work. She didn’t even show up.”
Your brows furrowed together, the crease between them deepening. You know grief is difficult and different for everyone, no one reacts the same way and you knew Willy truly believed his mother would appear. Although you didn’t know Willys mother personally it broke your heart to see him like this. 
“She wouldn’t break a promise,” he whispered more to himself with his eyes downcast. 
You made a little, hm, noise pondering on your next words, “…maybe this wasn’t the time.”
Willy’s eyes finally raise, meeting yours and although they still hold emptiness in them you can spot the tiniest glint of curiosity. 
“Think about it. Things went wrong, horribly wrong. I mean it could not have gone any more wrong,” you said getting louder with every sentence and Willy couldn’t help but spit out a single self deprecating laugh at how true your words were. 
“So maybe this wasn’t the time…we try again and when things are right it will happen,” you say sounding more positive than you expected yourself to be, “she will be there. Maybe not in the way you think, but she’ll be there.”
“And what if she’s not.”
“And what if she is.” You said raising your brow in questioning. He seems to mull your comments over. 
“If not for yourself, do it for Abacus. Do it for Piper; Chucklesworth, Lottie, Noodle…do it for me. You have touched all of our hearts. You make us believe in our own dreams because you’re so passionate about yours. Even if you have to start everything all over again we will be right there starting over with you. So just…don’t give up. Please.”
Willy peers up at you, his expression still disheartened. He knew you meant well and he appreciated you for that. It did help to know he had a group of capable people following behind him. 
Willy loved making chocolate, that is a fact that would never change. The way his chocolate affects people is beyond all imagination. But to start over, especially after he disappointed you all. He wasn’t entirely sure if he could do that again.
You wait patiently as he sits there in thought. “Willy,” your hand rests on his giving it an assuring squeeze. “I will be right here with you.”
Willy finally expresses an appreciative smile while he turns his hand in yours, squeezing it back. 
With his cheeks a bit rosy from either the embarrassment he felt or the warmth of encouragement you gave him, he says, “it’ll take some time.”
You nod, “then it’ll take some time, that’s fine. Whatever you need.”
Willy didn’t know exactly how it would all workout but he could tell you truly believed it to be true and because of that…he started to believe it too. 
Feel free to request more Wonka pics I love this man!!!!!
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writerswall26 · 7 months
My Sweet Cairo (Part 8)
Synopsis: The Ravens' Soccer team Captain fell in love for Cairo Sweet
Warning: Slight cursing, Emotions, Mention of death and SH.
Words: 2.4k
Masterlist | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: I was so pumped while writing this. I enjoyed this part so much. We get to know what really happened and flesh out R's father's mind. We also saw Cairo being responsible and using the advices she received to get some help! Happy Reading!
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Y/N tried to avoid being alone the entire day, not wanting to give Cairo the opportunity to have even a minute to talk to her. What Cairo told her a few nights ago is still stuck in her head. She doesn't know if she should be afraid or what.
"Hey, Y/—"
"Will you walk me home?" Cairo cut Jasmine off as soon as Y/N got out of her last class of the day. She was not expecting Cairo to wait for her!
Y/N looked shocked and confused. She gave Jasmine a look. But her friend just stood by and watched the scene unfold. Traitor!
"Y/N, walk me home, please?" Cairo said, sweetly this time, with a smile on her face.
"Uhm, I'm sorry but I have—"
"Uh no, we're not going. I gotta study for a pop quiz tomorrow. Winnie's coming to help me, I'm sorry dude." Jasmine cut the taller girl off.
Y/N glared at her while Cairo smiled widely. "So?" Cairo asked cutely, for fuck's sake!
"Uhm, sure." Y/N said hesitantly.
"Great!" Cairo said happily before she held the taller girl's hand and pulled her.
Y/N didn't say a single word as she turned to Jasmine and gave her a look, mouthing "I'm killing you tomorrow, you traitor!"
On the way home, the two of them did not say a word. They went with Y/N's route instead of Cairo's since Y/N has her bike with her.
"I've talked to Mr. Miller." Cairo started, causing Y/N to stop for a moment.
"Why?" She asked before she followed Cairo again.
"I went to apologise." Cairo started, causing Y/N to furrow her brows. "I'm seeing a therapist now," Cairo said, glancing at Y/N who looked really confused, and cute. "Your mom referred me to a work colleague of hers. Told me it might help with the issues I had."
Y/N is confused, like really confused. "Mum did that? Why?"
Cairo shrugged. "We were together for a few hours before you came when we had dinner. She confronted me about what I did. Told me the same thing you said, how messed up it was. Then she told me about a friend of hers, a therapist, she told me I should check it out, see if it helps. That's why I went to Mr. Miller. I want to sort things out before graduation."
"What did Mr. Miller say?"
"We sat down, talked about what went wrong, what happened. He apologized to me too. He accepted the fact that he was in the wrong too, that he wasn't careful and clear, that he stepped the boundaries and led me on."
Well that's... incredibly surprising. Y/N never thought she'd be hearing a redemption arc between two messed up individuals. Although, she's happy to hear that Mr. Miller's finally seen what he did wrong. That's a huge point. And she's happy that Cairo's seeking out help.
"So, how long would you be going to therapy?" Y/N asked, glancing at Cairo who pursed her lips.
"I don't know. As long as I need, I guess. It's not really that bad." Cairo said, smiling at the thought that Y/N is finally talking to her with anger and resentment in her voice.
"How about when you go to college? You wouldn't know anyone around there."
"My therapist knows a friend where I'm going to go. She said she'd refer me to him and continue therapy there."
Y/N nodded. "That's a good thing."
Cairo looked up at her, a smile on her face, her dimples showing. "How long have you gone to therapy?"
Y/N pursed her lips. "A year and a half, I guess? My therapist told me she was proud of my progress so she adviced that I spend my time being a normal kid. She told me I should come to her whenever I need and so far, it's all good."
Cairo nodded. "That's good. I'm proud of you."
Y/N chuckled, lowering her head. "Alright, mum." She said, which made Cairo laugh as well.
They continued walking silently, comfortable silence this time until they reached Cairo's place.
"Here's you." Y/N said, stopping in front of Cairo's house.
The brunette turned to her and gave her a smile. "Thank you for walking me home."
Y/N nodded. "It's no biggie."
Cairo leaned up and gave her a kiss on the cheek before she walked inside the house, throwing a glance at the tall girl who waved at her.
When Y/N was sure Cairo's finally inside, she rode her bike and went home where she waited for her mum to come home to ask questions.
That night, when Y/M/N came home, she was immediately cornered by Y/N at dinner.
"I was wondering," Y/N started. "What were you talking about with Cairo before I got home that night?"
Y/M/N gave her a smile. "You, Mr. Miller, dad." The older woman answered shortly.
Y/N furrowed her brows. "You talked to her about dad?"
Y/M/N nodded. "Yes, I wanted her to know how terrible of a person she was for doing what she did. But then there's Mr. Miller."
"Who's not entirely at fault."
"But he was indeed the adult in the situation."
"You're defending Cairo, mum."
Y/M/N looked at her daughter, seeing the problem once and for all. "I'm not defending Cairo, what she did was wrong, yes. But don't you think what Mr. Miller did was far worse than that?"
Y/N stayed quiet, thinking.
"Honey, Mr. Miller's case is different from your dad's case. You have to see that." Y/M/N explained, Y/N is being blinded by what happened to her dad.
"I know. I know it's different."
"And?" Y/M/N tried to probe further.
"I'm not defending Mr. Miller either, mum. If that's what you think. Maybe I'm over compensating. Maybe I thought by helping Mr. Miller, I gave justice to what happened to dad. But what if I'm wrong, mum?"
"Are you? Look at it from an outside perspective, honey. Look at it both ways."
Y/N furrowed her brows. She doesn't know where to go from here. It's weird talking about this with her mum but at the same time, the answers are clearer. Her mind wasn't being blocked by her emotions, her father's connection to the case. If there's anyone to blame, it's the both of them, Cairo and Mr. Miller. There's no one to defend, no one to side with.
"There's always a connection, honey." Her mum brought her back to her senses. "But there's a huge difference and that's what I want you to see. Yes, Cairo was in the wrong for seducing Mr. Miller. But is it entirely her fault? Is it really? Why would she act that way if Mr. Miller didn't do anything wrong?"
"Was I wrong for helping Mr. Miller?" Y/N finally asked, looking at her mum with worried eyes.
Y/M/N gave her a smile as she held her hand, squeezing it to assure her. "You did what you thought was right at the time. You saved both of them by doing so. Don't beat yourself up for it."
Y/N stayed up that night thinking of what her mum had told her. She wasn't really thinking when she lent a hand to Mr. Miller. She knew it was wrong, she heard it from Mr. Miller himself. And yet, she still sided with him for what? For her father? No, she thought. It's for personal gain. She had the power to turn the story around, and she did. So what  does that say about her?
She's no different from those students she despises the most. Maybe even worse. Her thoughts are so incriminating, so powerful that she did not blink sleep that night.
So the next day when she got to class, she was noticeably tired. She looked like a walking zombie and anyone who sees her thought so too. Her friends and Cairo saw that too and they were worried.
"What happened to you?" Winnie asked over lunch when Y/N didn't even touch her food, she's usually a foodie.
Y/N gave her a tired look and shook her head. "I'm just tired."
"We can see that, dude. You have dark circles around your eyes." Jasmine said, as worried.
Y/N sighed. "Did you guys think I made the wrong decision? When I stood up for Mr. Miller?"
Winnie and Jasmine turned to one another, giving each other looks.
"I mean, what Cairo did was fucked up. She literally wrote a porn story between her and Mr. Miller." Jasmine said, as a matter of fact.
"However, I don't think Cairo's entirely at fault. I mean, she messed up but not entirely her fault." Winnie said, on the other hand.
Y/N groaned. "Maybe I should've just shut my mouth and let them do whatever to Mr. Miller."
"Hey, woah, hold up." Jasmine started, getting the attention of her friend. "You did what you thought was best, okay? Both of them fucked up, that's a fact. The other one stepped on the fine line, and the other one was led on. There's no winning in this situation."
"Whatever you did, you did it for them both. Struck two birds with one stone, as they say." Winnie said, holding Y/N's hand and squeezing it gently.
Y/N gave them a small smile and nodded. "Maybe I shouldn't really beat myself up with this one."
"Damn right, you shouldn't." Jasmine said, giving her an assuring smile.
After their class, she was already outside Cairo's last class, waiting for the girl to come out. When Cairo saw her, an immediate smile drew her face.
"What are you doing here? You should've gone home and got some sleep. Look at you." Cairo said, holding a gentle hand to Y/N's cheek to look at her face.
"Can I walk you home?" Y/N asked with a sheepish smile.
Cairo was shocked to say the least. She did not expect that. She was expecting Y/N to come around but not this fast. Still, she was happy about it.
"Sure." Cairo smiled, holding out a hand to Y/N to shake her head.
"That's reaching."
"Oh." Cairo said, a bit disappointed but she smiled it away.
"Come on."
The duo walked out of school together. They're all smiles and shit but still, Y/N cannot take her mind off her conversation with her mum. She might as well talk to Cairo now.
So when they got to Cairo's place, the brunette did not expect that Y/N would park her car on the fence and followed her to her front porch. The taller girl sat on the step and patted the space beside her.
"What's going on?" Cairo asked, sitting beside Y/N who gave her a smile.
The taller girl stayed quiet for a moment, contemplating. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened."
Cairo nodded. "What do you want to talk about?" She asked, wanting Y/N to start the conversation.
"I don't know. I just want to have clarity. I had a talk with my mum last night. It was a hard pill to swallow but, I guess it was needed."
""What happened to him? Your dad?" Cairo asked, glancing at Y/N who was looking at the trees ahead.
"My mum didn't tell you?" She asked, confused. She thought they spoke about her dad.
"Not all of it."
Y/N glanced at Cairo, contemplating if she should tell her about it or not. A part of her doesn't want to, because talking about it means relieving it and she hates that. She hates that she's going back to that time. But a huge part of her wants to let it all out, just throw it out there and forget about it all.
She chose the latter.
Y/N took a deep breath.
"I don't know when it started. My dad was really passionate about teaching. He was really good at what he did. He's a great father, you know? He was always present and attentive to my needs." Y/N started, smiling at the memory of her father in every soccer game, every recital, every academic competitions, everything. He was always there, always smiling and looking proud.
"One semester during sophomore year, he came home all happy and giddy, it wasn't unusual really. He was always happy and giddy. But this one's just different. He told us he had met this student in class, he thought she was brilliant." Y/N stopped for a moment, trying to calm herself down before she started crying and shouting.
Cairo noticed how hard it is for Y/N to continue so she held the taller girl's hand in her own and squeezed it. "You don't have to continue. I believe I got the gist of it."
Y/N shook her head and turned to Cairo with a pained smile. "I want to continue."
Cairo looked worried, but she nodded nonetheless. "Okay. But you can stop anytime." She gave out an assuring smile.
Y/N nodded, squeezing Cairo's hand gently. "He told mum and I all about this girl. We were amazed by her. So we told dad to bring her home one time so we could talk. He did. We had a barbeque one saturday, family's all there and she was there. I thought she was brilliant, she was so fascinating with all the things she knew. Little did we know, she would cause the biggest heart break to ever happen to us."
Y/N shook her head. "During the middle of the semester, my father started to act weird. He started getting drunk, not sleeping, he started being absent. One day he came home and told us he was let go of his job. My mum and I asked why, he never answered. The days after that, he became difficult. He would pick a fight with me and mum. He would get angry. He would get drunk, pass out on the couch. I slowly watched my father become a shell of what he used to be. He just stopped functioning."
Cairo could not help it anymore. She stood up and went in front of Y/N, hugging the girl in her arms tightly as she gently brushed Y/N's hair with her fingers, wanting the taller girl to know that she's there, that it's okay. Y/N leaned in Cairo's arms, sighing heavily.
"Then my mum knew about what happened. Turns out the girl orchestrated a plan for my dad to get fired. She invited my dad for coffee one time, asked a friend to take a couple of pictures that looked intimate. The school board didn't like it. Had an entire meeting about it. My dad tried to fight with all his might. Turns out when he started acting weird, that's when he was battling with those accusations. It took only 3 photos and one girl for my dad to lose everything. One day after I won a game, I showed my medal to my dad but he didn't say anything. Next thing I know, I was running to their room. Then I saw him, blood everywhere, his body unmoving. He was gone, Cairo."
This is the most Cairo has seen Y/N vulnerable. Now she understood perfectly why Y/N wanted to help Mr. Miller. What happened to her dad was unjust. So when told the school board that Cairo's accusations were baseless, this is what she meant. What happened to Y/N's father were baseless accusations.
So, she just stood there, holding Y/N in her arms, letting her let out all the frustrations and emotions she's bottled up the entire time.
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iwritefandomimagines · 9 months
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pairing: jess mariano x reader
description: when lorelai gilmore insists on hosting a christmas party, you might just catch yourself under the mistletoe with the boy you, like, totally don’t have a crush on or anything.
warnings: swearing as usual. fluff & a tiny bit of angst. jess smoking and u having a tiny smoke.
author’s note: u asked for more festive jess, and i am hear to answer ur cries! jess mariano i adore you !!!
“Y/N! You’re here!”
Lorelai Gilmore had never looked quite so pleased to see you, her eyes twinkling as they scanned over the Christmas jumper you were (rather reluctantly) wearing.
“Hi, Lorelai,” you smiled, handing her the bottle of champagne you’d been given to bring as a party favour, to which she grinned, “Thanks sweetie, come on in.”
You followed her down the hall and were embarrassingly pleased when your eyes caught those of a miserable looking Jess Mariano.
The moment he saw you he seemed to perk up, and you couldn’t help but notice Lorelai’s smirk as she watched you immediately beeline for him.
“Hey Y/L/N,” he almost smiled, picking at a piece of bread he’d been toying with eating for a while, “You got roped into coming too then?”
You scoffed, “Like Lorelai was going to let anyone get out of the biggest event of the festive season?”
“Don’t let Taylor hear you say that, his 300 different pointless events will be crushed,” Jess laughed, and you couldn’t help but revel in the sound.
You couldn’t quite pinpoint when the joy at finding a friend with whom you had so much in common had become something more, but you didn’t like the way butterflies consumed your stomach when you were around him.
He was your friend, nothing more, and so — how cliche — you wouldn’t even really admit to yourself that you really liked him.
“Nice jumper,” he smirked, and suddenly you regretted adhering to Lorelai’s supposedly strict rule of no entry without a Christmas jumper, “Very festive.”
He was stifling a laugh, and you shook your head as your cheeks burned crimson under his intense gaze.
“Oh fuck off,” you looked down at where Rudolph and Santa were emblazoned on your chest, “I didn’t think I’d get away with no jumper and I didn’t have one, so it’s my mum’s.”
He chuckled now because he already knew that, having already seen your mother wearing the jumper the previous week, accompanied by the fact it was adorably oversized on you and he found it cute that it swamped your frame.
You’d tried tucking it into your jeans to minimise the bagginess, but to no avail.
“It’s cute,” he teased, swiping his tongue over his lips as you looked away, “But it looks warm. Like, crazy warm.”
“Oh, it is. I’m dying here. Anyway I didn’t think you’d actually come,” you shrugged, “If I’d known I wouldn’t have worn the jumper. One, there was no chance you were going to actually listen to Lorelai, and two, I could do without the teasing!”
Jess raised his eyebrows, “Hey, I’m not teasing,” he raised his hands up as if in defeat, “But you think I’d miss all this?”
The sarcasm in his tone as his eyes scanned the room made you giggle, “Of course. Nothing says Christmas like Taylor arguing with everyone and Lorelai running around being the fun enforcer.”
You both watched as Taylor seemed to be enthusiastically explaining something to a frustrated looking Sookie, and saw Lorelai still flitting around the room trying to ensure that everyone was having an at least somewhat pleasant time.
“I could do with some fresh air,” Jess’ eyes almost challenged you, because you knew he was going out to smoke and that Lorelai was inevitably going to have an issue with that, “Wanna join?”
You were well aware that it was in your best interest to not follow him around wherever he went, but you were so drawn to Jess that it was impossible not to.
“Yeah, sure,” you shrugged, gesturing for him to lead the way, “But you better not expect me to cover for you when Lorelai’s like a sniffer dog and finds you smoking.”
Jess just rolled his eyes, “Sure, officer.”
“Woah, woah, woah, where are you two going?” Lorelai asked, eyes immediately catching you both quickly exiting the room and widening in dismay.
“Y/N is wearing the clothing equivalent of a sauna over here, she just needs fresh air,” Jess crossed his arms over his chest as Lorelai’s eyes narrowed.
You smiled sheepishly, “We won’t be gone long, I promise.”
Lorelai didn’t appear convinced, but her expression suddenly lit up when she noticed where you were currently stood between rooms — directly under a doorframe adorned with mistletoe.
“Well, well, well,” Jess smirked, leaning an elbow on the doorframe as he watched you grow shy under his watchful eye, “Pucker up, princess.”
You shoved him slightly, and he almost toppled straight over, “Right, yeah. Like I’d kiss you.”
“Ouch,” Jess pouted, “You wound me.”
“I think your ego can take the hit, Jess,” you bit your lip, overwhelmed both by embarrassment at him joking about kissing you in front of the whole room and the urge to just say “fuck it!” and kiss him.
For a moment he looked genuinely hurt, but he soon resumed his usual nonchalant expression and continue his pursuit outside for a cigarette.
You followed him quickly, scurrying along behind him as he pulled a cigarette from its box and lit it without a moment’s thought once he’d passed the decking.
“Dude—slow down,” you huffed, “You invited me outside and then ran off like you didn’t want me here. What gives?”
Jess rolled his eyes, “Oh please, if you’re going to just question me then do me a favour and go back inside.”
“Woah,” you warned, taken aback by his sudden rude tone when he’d been joking around just minutes prior, “What the fuck is going on here? What have I done in the last 30 seconds that’s pissed you off this badly?”
Jess’ face seemed to drop, like he’d realised he shouldn’t be snapping at you like he was, “It doesn’t matter, Y/N. Just— just go back inside, alright? I’m sorry.”
You weren’t for even a moment going to accept that dismissal, instead sauntering to his side and snatching the cigarette from his fingers to take one single drag.
You didn’t smoke, made abundantly clear by the coughing that followed, so you weren’t sure why you’d so frantically taken it from him.
You shoved it back towards him and he accepted it with a laugh.
“Now you’re laughing? What is up with you?”
Jess rolled his eyes yet again, “I just don’t understand you, Y/L/N.”
You gulped, finally overcoming your coughing fit as your face was lit with confusion, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You came straight over to me when you got here. You giggled and you blushed and you smiled and,” he paused, like he was regretting opening his mouth, before he caved and continued, “And then when everyone’s watching you laugh at the idea of kissing me.”
You scoffed at that, “Says you Mr. ‘Pucker up princess’? Since when did you care if I want to kiss you under the stupid mistletoe or not?”
“Oh, uh, I don’t know… Since the countless fuckin’ weeks I’ve been flirting with you?” he was gesticulating wildly as he spoke, as though what he was saying had been obvious the whole time.
“You tease me, Jess, you don’t flirt with me,” you shrugged, breathing ragged as you pondered what it was he was really saying, “We’re friends and you know I—you just tease me about little things to wind me up. You’ve never ever made any suggestion that you like me.”
“God you’re so oblivious, man,” Jess shook his head, extinguishing his cigarette and tossing it out of sight to step closer to you.
Normally you’d hate the lingering smoke smell, but on Jess it was almost a comfort — though it did nothing to calm your racing heart in this moment.
“I’m hardly good with like, feelings, am I?” he leaned forward, so close you could feel his breath on your face, “I thought I was doing a good enough job at, like, I dunno— I mean I called you princess, for fucks sake. You think I’d do that if I didn’t like you?”
You sighed, “I just assumed you were joking around, trying to make me flustered to get a laugh out of it… I mean, princess? Really? That’s an awful choice and— I just don’t believe for a second that you like me.”
“And why not?”
“I—, well—,”
He didn’t let you fumble over your words any longer, dipping his head to press his lips firmly to yours and pulling you closer to his chest.
“I really do like you Y/N,” he exhaled as he pulled away, his voice quiet and low, “I should’ve made that clearer, and I just got annoyed that the mistletoe could’ve been my chance to kiss you and you blew it off like it was a hilarious idea.”
“Only because you joked like it was!”
“To protect my ego as you so kindly put it,” he quirked his brow, no longer mad and instead still giddy from the kiss, “But I got my kiss in the end, eh?”
You chuckled, “Don’t push your luck, sunshine.”
“You haven’t even told me you actually like me back yet, either,” Jess huffed, and you could detect the faintest pout on his lips as he paused, “This is going to be hard fucking work, isn’t it?”
You leaned in to peck the corner of his lips gently, a small smirk playing on your face, “Mhm. Get used to it, Mariano. ‘Cause I like you too. A whole fucking lot, in fact.”
“Good, now do you fancy going back in there and giving the mistletoe another try? I’m sure it’d spice the party right up.”
You shook your head, eyes rolling at the teasing look on his face, “Let’s just stay out here for now, huh Romeo?”
You were silent for a moment until he kissed you again, hands wrapping around your waist as yours found the back of his neck.
“Sounds good to me, princess.”
thanks for reading guys !!! this was a lil ooc but fun to write so i hope you enjoyed. please let me know what you think ! <3
here is my masterlist for more of my works :-)
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cher-rei · 6 months
afterglow- pt 6 [ T.A.A ]
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pairings: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: young and aspiring marketing and business major jamie carter (you) is privileged with working alongside the liverpool marketing and public relations team while also getting entangled with their star player and right back, trent alexander arnold.
genre(s): friends to lovers, workplace romance, fluff
[wc: 4.6K] [part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12]
notes: this chapter is a bit longer but it was so funny to write. and of course, it was sitting in my drafts for like 50 years... enjoy!
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if someone were to ask you to pick between your mother and your father you wouldn't be able to answer the question, much like most people in the world. they both offered qualities you needed respectively and you were grateful to have them both in your life. kind of.
seeing as you spent most of your life in london, despite being born in liverpool you grew up with your mother and spent a solid 22 years in her presence with nowhere to go. you loved it in london, it was your home and you couldn't let it go. but what it lacked was your father— your best friend.
you were living with him right now because of the whole "alex has chicken pox" situation but you were welcomed home to a facetime from your nephew so that was fun. it was easier with your father, you didn't have to walk on eggshells around him, you could talk about anything and laugh about everything together and that's what you loved about him— his neverending support.
it started with taking you to football practice without your mother knowing, her thinking that he was accompanying you to weekly ballet. when instead, he'd have your kit in the car ready at all times, and supporting you from the sidelines all the way until high school.
and then when your mum was against your university major in marketing instead of law as you had "agreed" upon, your father took the drive from liverpool to london so that he could have a chat with her. and to your surprise she gave up and let you do as you pleased with much reluctance.
so when they got the divorce when you were 16 and he moved back to liverpool, the decision was seamless but you still stayed with your mother seeing as maya already had a job position on that side. after all, you couldn't leave your mother alone. the woman gave birth to you for crying out loud.
all that just for you to move to liverpool eventually because of a really bad break-up. which brought you to your current point— the one where your father wanted to wring every single man's neck no matter how they looked at you.
you felt like a teenager sneaking out like this but you had no other choice. you were going on a drive to lord knows where with a freaken football player, "the most unloyal men on this planet", as your father liked to say.
but of course, he had to catch you in the act, a look of confusion plastered on his face as he stood in the living room, getting ready for bed. "why are you walking around like you did something wrong?" he gasped at your guilty expression, "are you leaving me already? you're just like your mother."
your anxiety vanished in an instant at his joke, an attempt to get the truth out of you. "it's too late to be making jokes like that."
he crossed his arms over his chest. "and it's too late for you to be walking around the house like you're in the 'quiet place'. seriously jamie, why are you tiptoeing?"
you raised your hands in defence, "I thought you were sleeping. my bad for being considerate."
he let out an unconvinced hum and eyed you up and down. he took in the fact that you were in a pair of sweats and a navy blue zip-up hoodie. "you're not a teenager anymore." he shook his head and let out an amused chuckle.
you watched as he made his way to the kitchen and you couldn't help but follow behind him, "what's that supposed to mean?"
he didn't answer your question for a moment and continued to rummage through the fridge for something, happily taking out a box of doughnuts you two had bought earlier. "it means that you can leave the house when you want to. just tell me first."
it was times like this that you forgot you were an adult. to be fair you never really considered yourself to be one, or to act like one either. "oh." there was a moment of silence that passed but it was interrupted by your phone going off.
the way that you darted to check the message said enough to your father, and he let out another amused chuckle. "go on now. don't keep the boy waiting."
your eyes widened in shock, your mouth dry in disbelief but he waved you off. "leave before I go outside to meet him. or should I just--"
"--stay here! I'll be home soon!"
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"so do you always drag girls out of bed to keep you company in your car?"
trent rolled his eyes at your question from the driver's seat but kept his attention on the empty road, only the city lights illumating the dark night. "first of all: I didn't drag you out of bed, you could have said no. and second: no I don't usually do this."
you looked at him with your eyes narrowed, not sure what possessed him to call you at 10 in the evening for a drive. "oh so I get special privileges now? care to explain why?"
"I just wanted to go for a drive that's all," he answered honestly with a shrug of his shoulders but that still wasn't quite the answer you were looking for.
you fought back your amused smile. "you have friends for that trent, I'm sure."
the car stopped at a red light which allowed him to look over at you sitting comfortably in the passenger seat of his car. it wasn't the first time after all— there were many trips to the academy, sometimes having to shoot content with him and even that one morning when he picked you up at your sister's apartment for work.
you'd never forget that day and the innocent look on his face when he called you to say that he was outside just as you were grabbing your car keys. it was strange but you didn't mind it.
he let out a sigh and continued to drive after the light had turned green. "all my friends prefer to spend their evenings with their girlfriends and wives so yeah no thanks. and besides--" he shot you an appointed look, "--are we not friends?"
your mouth dried up. that was a little more than you wanted to get out of him, not sure how to respond. colleagues? definitely. banter buddies? sure. but friends?? you were sure that there was some sort of boundary for that and you were never sure if you two had managed to get there yet.
"you could have asked skylar."
oh shit.
you bit your tongue in immediate regret. it was a genuine accident at how quickly it left from your lips and telling by the flicker in trrent's expression, you had hit a nerve. you were just about to apologise when he interjected.
"skylar," he emphasized her name, his lips curved into a smile as he spoke to you, "wouldn't be caught dead eating takeout in a mcdonald's parking lot at 10 in the evening with me though."
you didn't know what to think of his answer, but instead of overthinking it, you decided to make the most of the moment at least. there was no point in making this awkward and it's not like you didn't enjoy his company. trent was easy to be around. most of the time.
so that's how you found yourself parked at the far end of an empty mcdonald's parking lot with hardly any street lights in sight. you unbuckled your seat belt and reclined the seat further back for some more leg room, trent watching you as you did so.
"oh, you're definitely not new to this."
which was true, you weren't. you've had your fair share of late-night drives to get some fresh air back in london. the only difference was the person you were with, a distant memory that you weren't too fond with but maintained at the back of your mind.
you were sat with a large fries, a chocolate milkshake and a mcflurry. you dubbed it the ultimate late-night combo and trent was eager enough to take your word for it, and to his surprise it did not disappoint despite being so simple.
it didn't take long for the atmosphere to clear and for you to ease into conversation. dabbling a bit in random aspects of your lives, to movies, to football and to just nothing. you loved how easygoing it was, not much thought had to be put into anything you said which left you with room to just relax.
"so your mum's not from liverpool?"
you shook your head and took another sip from your milkshake. "she's from london, my dad's from liverpool. but they lived together here for a bit, and two or three years after I was born we moved back to london."
the explanation made trent tutt in disappointment. "and here I thought you were a purebred brit. your accent's probably fake too."
"the accent is real thank you very much," you defended with a hand to your chest.
he quirked a brow, "let's be honest here. you probably dated colwill. you were probably neighbours or something."
your eyes widened a fraction at his comment in utter shock. "levi?" well wasn't this just lovely, you couldn't help but laugh at the thought. "he's three years younger than I am."
trent scrunched his face at you, not convinced by your answer almost as if he knew something you didn't. "age is just a number or whatever they say. but no," he thought for a moment, "you couldn't have been with him because he would have said something by now."
it was strange to see this considering that trent literally played with levi in the england team, so the dots would've been connected long ago if you were in fact in cahoots with levi. it was quite the compliment, knowing that you were paired up with someone that attractive.
"if I were with levi then I wouldn't be in liverpool right now. I'd be back in london living my best life." your answer seemed to pique trent's interest, questions bubbling at his throat the more he found out about you.
"why is it that you left london?" he leant back into the seat, his full attention now on you in the dimly lit car. "I'm sure it's not just because of work."
oh definitely not. you just happened to get lucky there.
your lips pursed as you thought, not sure just how much he wanted to know or how much you were willing to tell. but it wouldn't hurt right?
"uhm," you cleared your throat, "bad breakup."
trent's intrigue increased at your answer, one that he wasn't expecting to be honest. he was expecting something more along the lines of running away from home because your parents' divorce or to be closer to maya.
"you don't look like the relationship type," he answered truthfully and your eyes widened in slight shock, feelings mixed and a bitter taste in your mouth.
how were you supposed to interpret that? negatively? positively? was he calling you independent?? the internal struggle was mind boggling.
you pushed the comment to the back of your mind and let out a hum. "no yeah, he cheated on me."
"oh fuck."
"with my best friend."
"oh fuck."
a laugh escaped your mouth at his reaction and how it got progressively more concerned with each passing second, and your nonchalance wasn't making him feel any better. he fumbled over his words for a bit, switching between the usual "I'm so sorry" and "you've got to be joking right now".
you assured him that you were fine, a closed lippsed smile drawn across your lips. "but like hey," you raised your hands jokjngly, "his name was michael so..."
trent blew out a breath at that and quirked a brow. "yeah, no you definitely asked for it then."
your rolled your eyes and played along for a moment, "I know right. and it didn't help that she was literally his best friend before we got together."
it was every cliché in the book to trent which only made the situation less serious, and seeing that you weren't showing any sort of discomfort towards it he didn't stop himself from laughing and getting back at you. "you just love making horrible life choices."
you nodded eagerly in agreement, saying that it was actually your forte— a gift that you just happened to be born with. it didn't take long for you to ask trent how he didn't know about the breakup. "I'm not famous but it was all over twitter for quite some time."
you came to learn that he wasn't a social media buff and preferred to keep to himself by just staying at home and enjoying his own company and you respected him for that. for you however, it was slightly different because your entire life was on social media but you didn't regret it.
the people that you met and the content that you had the opportunity to create were more than you could ever ask for. but obviously there were the downs— public breakups, hate comments, death threats. nothing out of the ordinary. quite a bit of your life was on display for the world to see so you understood trent's want to keep his life as private as possible.
you were getting to that point as well. you had a total of two friends— maya and clara. your daily routine consisted of waking up, going to work, pilates, pop into a barnes and noble, settling in at home and going live for a few hours. that was your quiet life and you were thoroughly enjoying it.
and trent did a damn good job at keeping his life private, skylar was an absolute myth to everyone. that and you felt that it was time to shift the attention to him for a bit.
"so what happened between you and name not to be mentioned? seeing as we're getting emotional here."
he wouldn't use the word "emotional" but a heart-to-heart was blatantly taking place, even though it wasn't planned. there was a look on his face that screamed how do I explain this? and it had you chewing on your lip for answers, any sort of answer.
it took trent a moment but he eventually let his guard down. "well rumors say that I cheated on her with some random youtuber's girlfriend— which is insane by the way."
not really.
"we dated for nearly two years, she was nice, came to my matches, said I made her heart do flips or something like that." the way it fell from his lips wasn't the slightest bit tasteful, no good reminisce or fondness in his tone at all.
you continued to listen to trent as he explained his relationship with skylar a bit more, furthering into how they met and whatnot. it wasn't anything crazy, just through a mutual friend and he decided to take her on a few dates just for fun, until they're eventually hit it off.
"I thought it was going well but then she said she needed a break out of nowhere, and I was like excuse me?" he said with just as much enthusiasm as if he were still in the moment, his forehead creased in confusion as he looked at you.
he was hurt and it was subtle but not subtle enough to miss. "and she just left without explaining?"
"no," he sighed. "she said she couldn't handle the restriction and needed some time to live her life but obviously the lads thought otherwise. robbo said it was emotional manipulation but I don't know."
"that girl is insane trent. she uses your bank card more than you do. she flakes out on most of your dates and when you try to speak to her about an issue or how you're feeling she gets emotional and starts playing the victim, while you try and apologise. get her out of your life."
this was at least a ten times worse than your situation and you were sympathising at this point. skylar was in fact a manipulator and trent wholeheartedly did not want to admit that.
"and now what? she just shows up and you're fine?" the question came out a little harsher than you intended so you immediately apologized, not wanting to ruin the moment and make him feel awkward. but it was a genuine question and you were borderline worried for him.
there was a moment of silence that enveloped the two of you, filled with even more uncertainty than before. "I don't know to be honest. she hasn't said anything yet but I haven't really been in the mood to confront her yet— I have bigger things to worry about right now."
okay, that was true. his head had to be in the game, and with his team, not some girl who came to lounge around for whatever reason. but you genuinely felt bad for him, a new light shone over him after this evening— one that revealed a little more vulnerability than he let on and it tugged at your heart strings.
driving home about an hour later with that knowledge sitting at the back of your mind wasn't the easiest and you just knew that it was going to keep you up tonight. plaguing your mind, sounding over your other thoughts that were probably more important, for example— the script that you had to give to one of the p.r members for an episode of Up the Reds!, the schedule for certain uploads and how the accounts had to be managed, as well as certain photoshoots and interviews that needed to be prepared beforehand and the packing you had to finish before--
"hey sweetheart," you cooed into the receiver end of your phone which just happened to catch trent's undivided attention but yours was out the window, as you adorned a soft smile.
"don't 'hey sweetheart' me," the voice of the teenager bit back but you swear you could hear him smiling. "you didn't tell me you were making the trip."
oh, he just had to go and tell the entire world huh?
you huffed out a breath, "in my defence, I only made the decision today." an unconvinced hum rang through your hear and you stifled a laugh. "are you going to be there?"
"no duh."
you rolled your eyes at the attitude he was giving you, which was nothing out of the ordinary. "I'm leaving in two days for the week so--"
"a week??" the shock in his tone was evident and you knew were this was leading. "he convinced you to stay for the week? and you said yes?!"
"I said yes so I could spend more time with you I swear. if you really think about it, I'm doing this for you."
"hm, oh really?" he dragged out and you pursed your lips to stop the laughter from escaping your lips. "I'm holding you to this. bye I'm leaving to try and comprehend the amount of lies that just came from your mouth."
"come on you can't be a--" you interjected but the boy was adamant.
you laughed sheepishly. "I love you."
that was nothing short of the usual phone call you seemed to get, a ghost of a smile still on your lips as you put your phone back down into your lap while trent mustered up the courage to say something.
"so." he gained your attention, his gaze immediately averting in front of him to the empty road as he drove a little slower than usual. "you're going somewhere?"
you perked up and nodded. "It's supposed to be to relax but I'm pretty sure I'll be more stressed out on that side of the world. I'll be back by next week though."
he probably should have asked where you were going but before you knew it, you were in front of your dad's house. and as suspected, all the lights were off but you knew he wasn't sleeping. he wouldn't even think about it until he knew that you were at home safely.
it was exactly 1:42 a.m., and only then had it hit you just how long you had stayed out. trent got out of the car and watched as you walked to the front door— the urge to say something tickling at his throat. something other than "goodbye" but it wasn't there yet.
you gave him a small wave and put your hand on the door handle, but before you could turn it, it was pulled open from the inside— your dad stood against the doorframe with a sly grin that you were so close to slapping off his face but he was quick.
he put his hand out and waved at trent, the footballer slightly amused at your reaction and harsh movements to push your dad back inside, a laugh echoing as he waved back politely. "good evening mr carter."
you whipped around and sent a glare trent's way but he was far more than pleased.
"jamie, why didn't you say that your boyfriend was a footballer?"
your heart dropped to your stomach. "dad! i swear I'm going to--"
your father continued on playfully. "and he plays for us? so you do have reasonable taste in men. and here I thought I raised an idiot."
trent was as a loss for words by now, his eyes flickering from you as you tried to loosen yourself from your father's grip on your shoulders. he knew you were blushing, but his was masked well by the lack of lighting.
"anyway, thank you so much for returning my daughter in one piece trent. I hope she didn't bother you too much." he tightened his grip on you and ruffled your hair. "she's rather irritating in my opinion."
"not at all," trent managed through a laugh. "she's great company."
your father didn't agree with his answer at all and he made it blatantly obvious until he finally bid trent goodbye and got back into the house where you basically jumped onto his back, your arm wrapped around his neck in a chokehold.
"why are you like this?? I have to see him at work!"
"that's your fault for dating a colleague!"
"we're not dating!"
"that's exactly what your mother told me about her and shawn. and now look where that led us!"
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
hello, would it be possible for you to do a Sanji with a virgin woman if you have the time? Thanks a lot !:D
A/N: I love doing virgin content! (Does that sound weird??? Lol but we need more of it!:)) tysm for requesting! Hope u enjoy!
Also I made this one super long as a thank for for 500 Followers in less than 2 weeks omg AMAZINGGG thank u all sm :)🤍🤍🤍
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“Prettiest Thing I’ve Ever Seen” Experienced!Sanji x Virgin! Fem Reader (FLUFF/NSFW)
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Black Fem Reader in Mind
Bad Summary: Feeling embarrassed about beinging the only one who’s haven’t even kissed a guy before. Sanji finds out and reassures you that it’s nothing wrong with waiting for the right one.
CW: A bit of a slow burn, Virgin! (She can also be implied as a bit Chubby ) Reader, Experienced!Sanji, A Bit of angst, Oral, Alotta of kissing and reassuring, Reader hesitates a lot, Vaginal sex, Blood, Love Confessing, Lotta fluff and a bit of Aftercare,
(Also, there is very vague shaming of being a virgin. Let me just say that there is nothing wrong with being an adultlt virgin. That whole “late bloomer” stuff is bull and you shouldn’t feel pressured to lose it to anybody, once you get a certain age, or especially if you’re not ready. It doesn’t make you any less of a woman or man if you’re in your 20s, 30s or 40s and still haven’t had sex it’s okay. My mum always said be the one everybody wants and can’t have, than the one everybody has already have.)
“The asshole didn’t even let me finish! Ugh. “ Vivi groaned taking another sip of her drink.
“You should have charged him for your time at least.” Nami suggested making you all chuckle at her typical response.
You all were finishing up a 3 days celebration with Vivi and to end the party you all decided have a moment to unwind and get to know each other more. Chopper went to bed early so Vivi insisted you all play a little drinking game to REALLY expose some facts about yourselves.
Everybody went around talking about their worst hook up during the 2 year hiatus and it actually shocked you how much experience your crew mates had gotten as they grew older.
“Even YOU Luffy?!” Vivi laughed as you all were dumbfounded that your 19 year old clumsy captain managed to lose his virginity.
“Well yeah I don’t really remember much of it though. She didn’t feel that great.” Luffy shrugged leaning his body on you fiddling with his fingers recalling the forgettable night. “It kinda just happened just before I left training with Rayleigh…”
You chuckled taking another sip looking away at the sea as the Sunny was still docked and ready for tomorrow’s departure. You didn’t get to meet anybody while training. If you were being really honest though, you couldn’t.
You probably had one of the best transformations out of the entire crew managing to lose over 40 pounds. You still had some fluff on you considering you were naturally a relatively big girl, but you still looked amazing & Everybody even seen you in a new light. Your hidden curves popped, your breast didn’t grow much but they were beautiful and supple, the only thing was you still didn’t lose much of your face fat so your chubby cheeks still remained.
It was a process trying to gain the confidence after losing weight. You’ve heard every insult in the book from men so trying to get into a relationship felt impossible.
“What about you y/n? Got any wild nights with any guys? You probably have with that smoking new body of yours.” Nami teased making you all giggle except yourself. You were a little self conscious to reveal that you couldn’t get anybody to come back to spend a night of passion or even just a quick fuck so you awkwardly scratched your head.
All eyes were on you ready to spill, especially a certain blonde taking a puff out of his cigarettes across from you gazing at you calmly waiting for your response
“N-no…none of my stories are interesting…I didn’t really have time t—-“
“What do you mean you didn’t have time! You look amazing! I know so many guys were all up on you—“
“Or was it girls, Y/N-San?” Robin crossed her legs across from you. Everybody except Sanji who was having a nose bleed at the thought “oooh”d and “aaah”d wanting to hear the spicy details of that night
“Oh No, haha I’m straight, but…I mean..one girl was interested but—NO! I didn’t sleep with any girls! Change the subject! Zoro—!?”
“What about me?” He turned his head back at you mid sip. “It was only a couple girls I met, but it wasn’t a big deal.”
“Those poor women…” Sanji sighed with disgust on his face before taking another hit to his cigarette.
You giggled at Sanji’s response while playing in Luffy’s hair after he fell asleep on your lap. When you heard that Sanji has slept with a few women (granted 2 of them were from brothels) you were a bit shocked. I mean you all are pirates and pirates do—-that kinda stuff. It had you wonder as well if he was a good lover? Did he bleed on them? Was he good with his tongue perhaps?
You know what no that’s nasty to see your crew mate in that way.
The rest of the conversation went on, but you decided to turn it in and head to your room for the remainder of the night since you wanted to wake up early to shop before leaving tomorrow.
You started journaling the past 2 years, at first it was to keep track of your weight, but now it has become something you enjoyed when you wanted to express yourself.
So, You were showered and ready for bed, but you wanted to include a bit more in your notes before heading to sleep;
“….and I felt so embarrassed not telling my friends that I couldn’t even get a guy to like me. Hell I never even kissed a guy before. I guess me losing this weight didn’t help much….I mean it’s whatever but man EVERYBODY got a little sum sum except me? I mean what’s wrong with me? I guess I’ll just stay a virgin…how pathetic…”
You heard a knock at your door, “Come in.” Your desk was right next to the door so you didn’t have to call out. It was Sanji peaking his head in with a cup. “Oh, hey Sanji.”
“Hello, my love you look stunning as usual!” He chirped walking in closing the door behind him to lean on. “I just wanted to know if I can add some stuff to the grocery list you had if that’s okay. I can give you some berries too.”
“Oh sure you can. Let me get it for you.” You took off your glasses (ignore this if your don’t wear em)to get up from your seat without thinking and walked over to your nightstand. “Just give me a second…”
He hummed admiring your body for a moment, how snug your sleep shorts were cupping your butt, and how you still don’t wear anything except that, some socks, and a bra before bed. It was so cute to him how your small rolls poked out from the side. He took a sip of his tea and noticed your journal from his peripheral.
“Hm?” Sanji tilted his head to read your last journey entry and his eyes widened. YOU really never kissed a guy?! No way! Is that why you were so awkward tonight? He thought maybe it was an old paragraph but seeing the date at the top confirmed you had just wrote it. He mindlessly kept reading further down reading your journal, but had to stop himself after realizing he was completely invading your privacy.
“Here you go!” Your eyes quickly shifted to your opened book of secrets and for a moment you nearly panicked but you seen Sanji just smiling leaning on the door. “This is the um…the list…you can give it to me in the morning.”
Sanji had a tiny of pink on his face as you approached him trying to play off him snooping through your business. You looked down to close it and place the journal inside your desk drawer.
“Thank you, Y/n.” He said calmly patting your head before heading out. “Sweet dreams.”
“Yeah…” you hoped Sanji didn’t read anything. The book was right beside him. You sighed heavily going to lay on your bed.
How were you supposed to sleep now if he knew your embarrassing secret?
The next day as you went shopping with the others Sanji couldn’t get you out of his mind. You really felt that way? You still don’t feel beautiful? Why was it so bad that you were still a virgin? You’re in your 20s there’s nothing wrong with that. But he understood your feeling. He sometimes regrets losing his virginity to some random woman. The night wasn’t passionate, there was no love into it, and it was really just the heat of the moment because he wanted to rid of himself of being a virgin.
He sometimes wish he would have lost it to someone like you.
Someone beautiful, caring, sweet, charming, so so soft, and just his type.
You and Sanji were of course friends, but you never actually had one on one time with him. It was were few moments it was only the both of you traveling in a pair but you both usually ended up fighting some enemies you encountered so there wasn’t much casual talk. He thought about maybe using this new go round to get to know you more. Maybe show you that none of those other assholes that denied you of love were worth it.
“NAMMIIIII ROBINNNNNN! HERE ARE YOUR DRINKS!” Sanji swirled to the women lounging on the deck as the ship set sail.
You finally came back out of your room wearing a pretty white short dress. You usually never wore them but you felt a bit warm and wanted to relax a bit.
“Y/N you look stunning in that dress.” Robin complimented taking the drink away from Sanji who in turn gave you big heart eyes. You sparkled in perspective, your legs looks so beautiful, your curves were more than enough, you looked like a Queen.
“Oh. Thank you.” You giggles holding the bottom of the dress. “I got this for my 23rd birthday but never got a chance to wear it.”
“Oooooh did a guy get you that?” Nami said smiling sipping her beverage. You did an awkward laugh of course not wanting to say the entire truth that you got it for yourself for a date but got stood up.
“N-no I did.”
“Y/NNNNN!” Sanji spun to you down on one knee holding the empty tray in one hand. “Please do me the honor of coming to the kitchen with me my love!”
You nodded shyly and took his arm to the kitchen, he pulled out the chair for you, “Thank you.”
He smiled before walking to the fridge and handing you a generous slice of cake.
“Oh! This cake is so pretty! What’s the occasion?” You looked up at him as he scooped out some off the cold spoon.
“Well…Your Birthday was a week before we all reunited and so I wanted to still celebrate it with you. Open.”
It was your favorite flavor! Did he really remember when you told him that 2 YEARS ago? It was just a brief little fact you told him without thought. You opened your mouth for him to feed you and the cake practically melted on your tongue, he executed it so perfectly.
“This was so good, Sanji.” You giggled licking your finger before reaching out to hug him. “Thank you. You didn’t have to.”
Sanji hummed and blushed smelling how sweet you were your fluffy arms around his neck felt so comfortable almost like a pillow.
He wondered if your whole body felt like that
“Oh anything for you, my love! I’ll do anything to make you smile!” His typical love eyes popped out smiling at you.
“I guess I had a good reason to wear this dress”.
“And you looking stunning in it, y/n! It fits you perfectly! If we weren’t in the sea I would have taken you out on the town to show off how gorgeous you look!”
You breathed out your nose looking down at the half eaten cake closely chewing. Sanji meant no harm by what he said of course but it just reminded you that on your birthday a guy you did really like was supposed to take you out with that dress but stood you up.
Sanji noticed your face change immediately and calmed down from his proclaims to sit beside you, “You okay? What’s wrong?”
You held your lips shaking your head, your stomach suddenly felt weighed, as delicious as the cake was you couldn’t finish it. You really felt kinda pathetic thinking back to all the times you were made a fool by men you liked.
“Hey…” Sanji quickly grazed his thumb on your cheek. You didn’t even noticed a tear escaped and it made you upset. Why the hell were you crying? “I-I’m sorry if I said anything wrong I—“
“No I—-I’m sorry. I’ll finish the rest of the cake later I just…have to go really quick, Sanji.”
Your voice choked out at the last few words making you grunt in annoyance. Sanji didn’t even have time to finish what he had to say before you stormed out the kitchen holding your face.
You were in your room crying softly so nobody could hear from the other side. It sucked feeling so insecure even after weight loss. Even after getting stronger. It just didn’t seem enough.
“Y/N…you in there, love?”
“I um…” you hand stopped it self from opening the door. Should you let him in? What if Sanji laughs about your issues. They were silly. Even though that would be completely unlike him. Sanji cared about all his friends feelings and yours was never an exception. you guess he wasn’t too bad considering he didn’t even wait 5 minutes before coming after you.
You sighed and prayed that if you let him in he doesn’t make you feel more worse than you already are because you were tired of holding these feelings. You slowly opened the door sniffling giving him a fake grin, “Sorry I le—“
Sanji wasted no time coming in to hug you. When you stormed out he recalled your actions when Nami talked about your dress, when you were asked questions last night, and from what he read in your journal it clicked. Something must have had happened on your birthday.
“It’s okay, Y/N.” He kissed your ear to then get a clear look at your tear stained face. “You can talk to me.”
Your chubby cheeks were being slightly smushed by Sanji’s cold soft hands and looking into his eyes. He looked more genuine than you’ve seen in a while which is probably why you started crying more in his hands.
“Come here let’s talk.” He shut and locked your door and guided you to your bed. You just wanted another hug for right now and once you sat on the edge with him you couldn’t help but to rest your face in his neck, staining his collar. “It’s okay, Love.”
It was a comfortable silence until you sighed, “During training I met some guys…but they all didn’t like me. So for a while I just focused on getting better fighting and then after the weight loss…I met a guy…and he was really sweet so I thought maybe he was someone I could be with. But me being an idiot I believed what he said when he told me he wanted to take me out. He wanted to do it for my birthday so I…bought this dress, and waited for him for 2 hours, but I found out I was just a bet to see how easy I was to falls for his lies.” You pulled back from Sanji’s embrace to wiped your eyes, “He said he’d rather sleep on a train track than he caught seen with me.” You lightly chuckled trying to ignore the pain raising up inside you. You laughed alone though. Sanji was furious at such an asshole talking to you that way and taking advantage of your kindness . It was absurd?! Why do that to a woman? Or anybody for that matter?!
“I’m still a virgin…” You confessed before looking at his furrowed face. “I never kissed a guy. Never went on a date with one. I don’t even think I held hands with one, haha…sad, right?….I know romance shouldn’t be our focus right now but…I don’t know….I at least want to be desired… I see how men look at Nami and Robin and it sucks because they turn to me and think ‘Why the hell would they have that kinda girl on their c—-“
“Stop it.”
His voice was stern which made you look back at him as your fake smiled faded. He almost looked like he was about to cry too, but he shook his head in disappointment instead.
“Stop repeating those things about yourself like those assholes were right. They were not, true. None of it was or is. You’re not..you’re not —-“
Sanji wish he could find the correct words, but somehow they failed to come out, so he grabbed your hands. His thumbs rubbed against your skin, you looked back up and next thing your know Sanji’s nose was touching yours.
You don’t tend to feel hot in the cheeks but your face felt hot all over.
“You’re not that. Even before you loss the weight you were so….breath taking.” It was almost like something clicked in Sanji. Remembering his time with you, how funny you were, how careless you were willing to put your life on the line for all of them, how selfless you were as well, and he even remembered the nights he would hear you cry behind your bedroom door. He didn’t know why but he always suspected maybe it was from the men he had to beat up because they made fun of your weight.
Sanji always found you beautiful. He just wished he would have told you then. His eyes were almost reflective of the sun setting through your window, he cigarette long gone and on the floor looking into your pretty doe eyes.
He leaned in slowly nearly attaching his lips to yours until you whispered, “You don’t have to feel sympathy for me…”
He stopped, lips just barely over yours and he sat back slightly embarrassed clearing his throat.
“N-no! It’s not sympathy I really….I really feel this way…Y/N I…I should have told you before but..I love you.”
You blinked, his voice wasn’t flirtatious, his eyes weren’t filled with his typical hearts, he genuinely meant what he said. It nearly scared you see how serious Sanji was.
“I love you and…I want to..I wanta….I want to show you it….”
He intertwined his hands with yours, and you let out an airy giggle, “You’re my first hand hold with a guy.”
He matched the same laugh, “Im glad…can I…be your first kiss too?”
Your heart started to nearly beat through your chest for the first time in a long time you felt butterflies AND AROUND SANJI TOO. You always was flattered by him. He was so sweet and charming but you never felt flustered. It was a new kinda feeling and you liked it a lot.
He scooted closer and you closed your eyes. Your lips were parted for a short while feeling Sanji’s warm breath feel closer, you were shaking in anticipation until you felt a weight on your mouth. It was a still kiss.
Sanji didnt Move. He knew you never done this so he wanted you to get the rhythm right. The kiss made you grab ahold of his hand tighter until he opened his eyes.
“Like it?” His voice was hopeful, comforting really, your kids slowly opened to his Pinked out cheeks. It was so cute. Seeing him like this.
“Mmhm.” You nodded sucking your bottom lip to still try and taste him on you, “yeah I really liked it….can you teach me more?”
“Y-yeah! We can absolutely!” Sanji was relieved seeing you be so vulnerable with him. He leaned forward into you holding your chin now and moved his lips. You struggled to follow his motions for a second but he slowed down and allowed you to get a steady pace with him.
It didn’t take much time until you laid back not detaching from him. He got a little more firm with his lips, placing his hand just shy on your wide thigh. His fingers rubbed your fluffy skin so gentle and with care you barely noticed his hand up your dress which overwhelmed you for a moment so you pushed him back softly.
“I um…”
“You okay? Did I hurt you?” The panic and concern in his voice thinking he made you uncomfortable was ironically comforting.
“N-no I just…—“
“I’m sorry, love we don’t have to further this…I dont—“
“No…I want it….I want you to…be my…—-“
“I want you to take my virginity, Sanji.”
You mentally cringed at your words but what the hell do you say? You could see his adams Apple bob from the harsh gulp. He never taken a woman’s virginity and it’s YOURS so he wanted it to be perfect.
“Okay..” He breathed with that special smile, it was a rare one he barely did but it was so cute because it showed the faint dimples he had. “But listen to me…Y/N…if at any point your want me to stop just tell me okay? I want us to be safe..okay?”
“Okay, Sanji…can you um…well can you kiss me a little more ?”
You were so fucking cute to him right now.
He laid you back down to continue and this new go your kisses weren’t as shy. Sanji was able to move his lips how he wanted, “You’re a faster learner, sweetheart.”
You blushed, he kept kissing you and squeezed your thigh to get a reaction out of you and you felt embarrassed doing so arching your back, but Sanji didn’t care he just glided his tongue in your mouth to hear you moan more.
“Mm..” you hummed in his mouth. His touches became more confident moving up your dress again and rubbing his thumb on what feels like a thong and in turn made Sanji’s cock twitch at the thought.
“You’re so sensitive.” He whispered.
“Is that bad?”
“No! No! That’s perfect…just means you’ll feel even more.”
You wanted to question what he meant but he kissed your neck making you breathe out sharply.
“‘M ganna take these Off okay?” He tugged at your panties.
“I…wait…can you tak—“
“You want me to take mine off first?” He was already unbuttoning his shirt off the bed asking so you just said yes.
He stripped down and you mindlessly began to rub your thighs together waiting in anticipation. You never seen a guy naked before (except Luffy that one time) but this was different.
“Okay..” He pulled down his boxers to show his semi-hard cock. It looked huge, granted though you never had anything to reference it from , you chewed your lip nervously looking up and down his lean yet chiseled body, he had a very nice built for a slim looking guy, “You okay?”
“Mmhm…. You’re very …pretty.”
Sanji chuckled at your shyness, it’s a different view on you, but he moved closer to kiss you again and cupped your cheeks.
“You wanna go now?” He asked on your lips. You nodded again and stood up, he helped you out of your dress and your underwear, but you rushed to cover your body, you had many scars from past battles including some stretch marks. You were prepared to see Sanji look disgusted but when you looked up from having your bra thrown to the grown his eyes were enamored it was almost as if he found the All Blue.
“You’re gorgeous.” Was all he whispered at you before he laid you down. He continued to kiss you again, a little bit more sloppily than the first few times, internally he became impatient but he knew he wanted to savor this moment with you.
“Sanji…” you moaned feeling him nip and kiss at your neck, one of his hands were slowly pulling your arms off your breast to fondle them. “Sanji!”
“You are really sensitive…it’s cute.” He kissed your ear. “Tell me when to stop okay? You can do that for me right, my love?”
Something about his soft gaze and reassertion to your pleasure made you clench, it was attractive.
“Good Girl.” He winked at you lowering his head down to your breast. “All of you is so beautiful…”
He sucked and licked his tongue all around your erect nipples. You hissed at the new wet contact on your body and suddenly felt his hand intertwine with yours.
He lowered his head down your tummy and seen a big scar you always had since Thriller Bark. It made you stop wearing crop tops and he noticed this, his let’s go of your hand to brush against the large mark and kissed all over it. The sentiment made a tiny tear fall the corner of your eye, but you brushed it off.
“Your whole body is beautiful…it always has been.”
He didn’t leave a part of your body kissed and appericiated. He kissed down your legs mentally smirking at them clenched together.
“Can you open your legs for me please?”
He pulled apart your legs and your hummed at the cool air hitting your glistening folds, you didn’t realize how wet you got just from kissing,
“What are you sorry for, my love?….you look perfect.”
Sanji sat on his knees and admired your pretty pussy just for a moment, “can I..taste you..?”
“Yes please….” You nearly sounded like you were whining at this point. You didn’t care your body was shaking waiting for him to just—
“Oh!” You moaned out. His tongue worked wonders inside you, you were still so sensitive to a man’s touch you didn’t realize you were begging for more with his body.
“H-hey…” He smacked his lips off your clit, you stopped and covered your face feeling that you were bucking your hips without thought. “It’s okay…don’t be embarrassed I want you to feel good..”
He reached over and grabbed your pillow, he lightly tapped your side to raise them and lay on it.
“See. Better.” He kissed you inner thigh and went back down.
“…Sanji ah—!” He kept humming and groaning inside you with both of his hands on your thighs.
His tongue felt amazing, so amazing in fact you felt the bottom of your tummy twist.
“I’m—! W-wait I feel like…I feel like I have to pee.”
“That’s okay just let go..”
You jerked your face at his words, he wants you to pee on him? You thought.
However you didn’t have to pee and he knew that so he sucked and licked on your clit with more pressure until….
(Actually fun fact when women squirt it is indeed piss mixed with other bodily fluid but let’s pretend it’s not💀)
“S-Sanji yes!” You screamed out your throat, Sanji noticed your hands reaching out and immediately grabbed onto them both looking you in the eyes as you released on him. “Sa—ah!”
He gave little peppered kisses on your pussy and crawled back on top of you, his cock was glistened with pre cum and it was so pink. You actually were afraid it may not fit.
“You okay?” He brushed some of your curls back admiring your panting fucked out face, “You tasted so good, baby.”
“C-can we do that more…like another day?”
Sanji looked at you shocked and red from ear to ear, “Y-you��you’d like to do this again?”
“Well yeah I..I really like you Sanji and I….I thought that because we were doing this you felt the same and wanted to be with me…”
“Baby..” He grabbed your chin carefully and kissed you making you moan into his mouth and tasting yourself in his tongue, “We can do this as much as you want….I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too.” You smiled.
“‘M ganna Stretch you out with my fingers okay?..wanna make sure you’re okay.”
“Okay Sanji i Trust you.”
You kept making this man so damn flustered he nearly forgot what he was about to do, but he shook his head and looked down seeing the mess you made.
“There you go…” You hissed a little at just his index finger, “You are super tight—fuck.”
“Is that bad?…I never um…touched myself before.”
He snapped his eyes at you. REALLY?
“It’s okay!” He kissed your cheek, “Don’t be ashamed of that…”
Half of his body was on your side as he held himself up with his elbow while his other hand was pumping in and out of you. It felt kinda weird at first but Sanji managed to squeeze a second finger.
“Feel good?” He looks back up at you. You barely at a moment to respond seeing at your eyes were shut and furrowed slowly nodding. He bit his lip and used his thumb to rub your clit “There you go…”
You got used to the stretch of his fingers, moaning near his ear as he sucked and kissed your neck and came once again. It wasn’t as powerful as his tongue but it still made you a panting disaster.
Sanji lifted himself up and rubbed your inner thighs, “Oh—should I um—“
He seen you reach out for his cock but he grabbed your wrist, “don’t worry about me, sweetheart. It’s all about you. Lay back okay?”
He gently pushed you back on your back and he grabbed his shaft and swirled his tip inside you.
“You like that?” He looks up at you holding your knee.
“Okay baby imma go slow—-grab my hand.”
You let out a shaky breath and Sanji noticed, so he lowered himself closer and looked you in the eyes.
“It’s ganna be okay. Im Right here. You squeeze, scratch, or even bite my hand if it’s too much okay? Anything you need I’m here.”
“Okay.” His words were something to put you at ease, mostly because you knew he meant it. Sanji had a goal and that was to make this time special for you. And he plans to do just that so he slowly put his tip inside making your whine.
“Come here, I gotchu ..” He pushed his lips onto yours to help you get your mind of the sting and pressure, “It’s ganna hurt a little okay?”
“It’s okay…I Like it.”
He finally slid himself in very slowly, you gasped when you felt a little bit of liquid trickle down between you both. Sanji noticed it and looked down to see you bleeding.
“Okay..I’m inside you..do you…feel—ah.” Sanji moaned feeling the tightness wrapped around him and squeezed your hand. “Let me know when I can move okay?”
“Y-you can move.”
Sanji went unbareably slow, he seen the contort in your face and steadied his pace a little bit more faster but shallower.
The room began to fill with slapping of the skin and you both moaning into each other mouths. He felt amazing and you felt incredible.
“Sa—san…Ji! You feel…so good! Ah!”
Sanji started to feel his head get fuzzy, he began moving faster to the point the headboard was knocking on the wall in rhythm
It was painful just for a second until you felt his cock brush and find your g-spot.
“Y-yes! Sanji there! Yes!”
“Yeah? Ah-you feel amazing sweetie comhere—“ his last words were muffled from your lips he couldn’t stop at this point. He didn’t want to. His hand reached down to your clit rubbing messy circles to get you close.
You muffled that you were cuming, you felt tears running it felt so good, the same twist you felt before was coming back but this time it was more intense.
“San—Ji! Please…c-cum…cum inside me!”
He rolled his eyes back hearing your naughty request. He usually wore condoms but he wanted you to feel all of him.
“O-okay! Whatever you want baby whate—ah! Fuck cum with me please!”
You held onto his entire body tightly moaning and biting his shoulder. This was the best orgasm Sanji has ever had with you. You were so soft against his muscled body the whole time he didn’t want to left go. He moved his arms under your butt and squeezed you tightly against him making your lower half be lifted off the bed. Your fingers dug into his back repeating his name like a song. And it was to a Sanji. Your moans were beautiful and your scent was so addictive. You were definitely the woman he can do this every night with.
You both finally calmed down and he gave you one last sweet kiss before pulling out and seeing the damage. His cum was leaking out of you with a tinge of red liquid pooling through as well.
“Sanji..” Your Voice brought him out of his trance, “hold me?”
“Of course Baby of course!” He laid beside you and pulled you in close and you rested your head in his chest. “Good?”
“…did it…did it feel okay?”
“Yeah…felt amazing.” You played with his chest giving it small kisses of appreciation. “Thank you, Sanji.”
You looked back up at him and pecked his nose making him giggle lightly. “Thank you, for being my first.”
“Anything for you, my love.” Kissing you back once more, “And I hope to be your only.”
And that he was.
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
Hi i LOVE your “Baby Hughes” one and begging you for another dad!Quinn Hughes please!!!! but this time can you add angst into it? When Ellie was about 11 months old, Quinn and the reader took Ellie to Michigan to spend the summer there with the Hughes family, and one day the Hughes family decided to invite close friends and family to join a barbecue party. But the reader did not know that there was a close friend (also an ex-girlfriend of Quinn, Quinn childhood friend), until Jack told the reader, after jack told her that the reader was always acting strangly and but reader didn’t notice, Quinn wants to clear things and prove to the reader that he has no feelings for that ex-girlfriend anymore.
And of course, during that party, readers caught both of them interacting
sorry about my bad english 🥲🥲
Baby Hughes.
Note: honey, your English is good! I loved the idea btw.
You paced around the backyard with Ellie perched on your hip. The people, music and fun going around her had her all excited and definitely not sleepy.
Ellen had invited some close friends to spend the warm and sunny Sunday by the lake and you were having fun. You truly were. But every once in a while, that redhead caught your eye. She was beautiful and looked like a model. Ellen had told you she was her friend's daughter and neighbors. Her name was Susana and she had spent the whole day around Quinn.
You didn't want to be jealous. You trusted him so much. But still, you mind wandered. She was pretty and single and definitely hadn't had a kid. Plus, she made him laugh a lot. Your Quinny was laughing so much around her and somehow you felt less unique on his life.
There was also the fact that she hadn't acknowledge you or your daughter in the whole day. Not even when Ellie had been playing with her dad by the water. She had just ignored the sweet little girl and had gone directly to him.
"Here, have this" Jack passed you your favourite soda and sat next to you. Ellie instantly squeaked and made grabby hands. "Wanna come with your favourite uncle?"
You chuckled and passed the girl to Jack. "She just loves Uncle Jacky a lot"
"Jacky" She giggled and patted his chest.
"And Uncle Jacky somehow always gets her to sleep so he is going to help mum, right?"
Jack shook his head with a laugh and laid Ellie back against his chest. He had discovered one day that running his fingers over her little feet was magic.
You observed how Ellie slowly fell asleep and then how Jack put her in a more comfortable position.
"What's wrong YN?" He whispered.
"Nothing is wrong."
"I know you. You are... You are not yourself today" He explained.
You looked down at Ellie and played with her blonde curls.
"Who is her, Jack?" You asked without looking at him. Somehow, he already knew.
"Susana..." He took a deep breath. "They dated for a while. We had all been good friends since childhood"
You bit your lip and looked at them. They were with other people but still, she was closer to him than anyone else.
"You don't have to worry, YN"
You sighed.
"You mum only told me she was a friend" You wondered why Ellen hadn't told you more.
Jack took a deep breath. "I don't think they ever knew about it, to be honest. It was something short. A summer break thing"
You bit your lip and looked away. "She is..."
Jack felt horrible. He loved you like a sister, you were a really important part of the family now and he hated to see you so sad.
"She is not you" Jack said with half a smile.
You looked at him.
"What does it mean?"
"You are his only one"
Those words from Jack kept playing in your mind during the rest of the day. You didn't doubt Quinn's love and loyalty to you, but he was a famous and talented hockey player that could probably have anyone he asked for.
"Tss." He called you from the stairs when you were turning the TV off. "Come here"
He had a smile on his lips that eased your worries a bit. You followed him to Luke's bedroom. On the big bed, that was now pushed against the wall, Luke and Ellie were peacefully sleeping. The iPad was in front of them and the film kept playing. You chuckled and turned it off.
"Should we leave her here?"
"He will have a heart attack if he wakes up alone"
You smiles and covered them with a light blanket.
Quinn and you left the room and he took your hand. Once the door closed behind you, his arms snaked around your body.
You didn't know, but Jack had quietly talked to Quinn about you.
"Sorry about today" He whispered.
Your eyes filled with tears. You had been swallowing them the whole time and you knew you were about to break.
"I didn't know you were feeling like that. I should have paid more attention"
You took a deep breath and turned around. You cupped his cheeks and softly kissed his lips.
"It's okay"
"No, sweetheart. I never told you about her because it wasn't that important. We dated for one month and a half when I was 18."
"Quinn, you don't need to explain anything to me" You whispered.
"I know, but I want to." He insisted. "I love you. I love you so much, okay? I know you know that. But I hate that you had to doubt about yourself, YN. There is nothing Susana can give me better than what I already have with you."
The tears were already rolling down your cheeks. He brushed some away with his knuckles and kissed your forehead.
"You gave me a daughter and made me the happiest man alive. You deal with my family every day and have kept me close to my brother's even when they live in the opposite coast. You love them just as much as I do and... You love me just for me. You don't only love Quinn Hughes, but also just Quinny" He chuckled with the last part. "My feelings for her are long go and right now... You ruined everyone else for me YN. There is no way I can find anyone that makes me happier than you."
"I think this is the longest I've heard you speak" You chuckled between tears. Then you cupped his cheeks and kissed him. "I'm sorry I got like this... You are just so sappy"
He pulled you closer and hugged you tight.
"You are my everything, YN. Always remember that. You and Ellie are my world."
"I love you" You pecked his lips and then hid on his neck.
"What about tomorrow we spend the day together? Just the three of us somewhere by the lake"
You nodded. "I'd like that very much"
He kissed your temple and grabbed your hips. "Okay, words have been spoken. Now let me show you, yeah?"
Heat raised to your face and you bit your lip. "I'm all yours"
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CYOA C46 Longer Snippet
It might be a while before I can get chapter 46 updated because I'm not feeling particularly well or energised lately, but I did get one scene fully edited to a standard that I'm happy with so the least I can do is share that with you guys while you wait. I've shared a section of this already but changes have been made.
Anyway, check under the cut if you fancy it!
Private WhatsApp Chat Resumed: Saturday 5th March, 2022, 07:53 Members: James Potter, Remus Lupin
James Potter: is there a tribunal you can report employers to when they go out of their way to set employees up with random celebrities who for all we know could be high-ranking members of all sorts of illuminati-run sacrificial sex cults?
Remus Lupin: What on earth are you talking about?
James Potter: andrew garfield hasn't even WON an oscar remus he lost out to casey affleck CASEY AFFLECK how bad does a man have to be to be the most problematic brother in a family that includes ben affleck, remus?!!!
Remus Lupin: Right.
James Potter: he lost out to a man who has been ACCUSED OF SEXUAL HARASSMENT, REMUS if that's not proof that he's a talentless hack I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS
Remus Lupin: In defence of Andrew Garfield, I don't think that's a fair assessment of the situation.
James Potter: and what about the cults the illuminati cults what of the cults, remus? don't try to claim they don't exist i've spent time in la in tinseltown el pueblo i've seen that city's seedy underbelly in the flesh
Remus Lupin: I say this with love; if you ever happened to find yourself in the seedy underbelly of any city, you'd shit your pants.
James Potter: i would not shit my pants i'd be uncomfortable but i'm not incontinent and aren't you supposed to be on my side?
Remus Lupin: I am on your side, but you have a tell when you deflect your anger to the wrong target, and it's pretty much what you're doing now. You know that your mother wouldn't hurt you on purpose, and Andrew Garfield, poor as his timing was, certainly didn't do anything wrong. Neither of them are the actual problem. If you want to talk about the actual problem, I'm all ears, but I can't help you with things that don't need fixing.
James Potter: i should have had him assassinated when i had the chance
Remus Lupin: You never had the chance.
James Potter: i could have had the chance my parents have money
Remus Lupin: They have money, not mafia money.
James Potter: they might do you don't know my mum can be pretty shifty
Remus Lupin: Mate.
James Potter: no i know did you see your girlfriend's instagram post?
Remus Lupin: I didn't know you were following her?
James Potter: i don't, but i've been checking her posts in case lily showed up in any of them and please don't lecture me about how sad that is i'm aware
Remus Lupin: I have no intention of lecturing you. I saw her post, yeah.
James Potter: so you'll know
Remus Lupin: Know what?
James Potter: that she's not upset
Remus Lupin: Lily?
James Potter: yeah
Remus Lupin: You can't really believe that.
James Potter: yeah i do believe it in fact i don't think she ever was upset
Remus Lupin: I don't know how I'm supposed to respond to what you're saying, except to say that I simply don't think that's true.
James Potter: no no it is true she's not upset at all, she doesn't care about how i'm doing or how it would make me feel to see those photos if she did she wouldn't have let beatrice post them, would she? well?
Remus Lupin: I don't know, I don't think she's curating Beatrice's posts.
James Potter: she doesn't care that i'm stuck here dying for love of her, does she? because she's in fucking paris with her champagne or her baguettes or whatever else they eat over there escargot cheeses and shit she's laughing and posing for photos with a famous actor's arm around her waist as if everything is dead brilliant all of a sudden sorry remus but that's not what upset people DO
Remus Lupin: That's what a lot of upset people do. To save face.
James Potter: but SHE doesn't do that! not with me, never with me, we've always said we'd be honest
Remus Lupin: Maybe that's true, but she doesn't really have you at the moment.
James Potter: i'm right here! i'm not the one who cut her off and i'm not the one who thought we needed a break from each other that was HER, that was all her idea, i've been waiting for her like a dickhead for four days and she hasn't said a word but hey! she's over it! partying with celebrities! now that she's met andrew fucking garfield she's all cheered up and enjoying herself so good for her i guess was he all it took for her to stop giving a shit about me? she doesn't even KNOW him he is LITERALLY just some guy!
Remus Lupin: That's exactly what he is, just some guy who she will never see again after last night, and his meeting her doesn't suddenly mean that she no longer cares about you, or that she isn't upset about your fallout. I have it on good authority from Beatrice and from Lily herself that this isn't the case. In the grand scheme of things, Andrew Garfield doesn't matter.
James Potter: you'll eat your words when it comes out that they fell in love last night i saw his hand on her hip
Remus Lupin: His hand was on her hip because they were posing for a photo.
James Potter: yeah and they're probably sneaking off to some romantic parisian hotspot right now having sex on the eiffel tower
Remus Lupin: What, in front of the tourists?
James Potter: don't laugh at me
Remus Lupin: I'm not laughing. She's not with Andrew Garfield. She's been with Beatrice all day.
James Potter: then he had a prior engagement and they've exchanged numbers and they've been texting at every available second same difference
Remus Lupin: That isn't going to happen.
James Potter: it already happened why wouldn't it happen? why wouldn't he want her? the casey affleck thing aside, i'm sure he's not totally useless
Remus Lupin: It hasn't happened because the hold she has over you is not universal, much as you might believe otherwise. And because Beatrice told me what happened. They chatted sporadically throughout the evening, took a few photos and that was it.
James Potter: maybe beatrice is lying to you because lily doesn't want me to know the truth
Remus Lupin: Why wouldn't she want you to know the truth?
James Potter: because she's figured out how i feel about her and she's trying to let me down easy
Remus Lupin: Given what happened with Skylar, I doubt that she has.
James Potter: please don't mention skylar i regret everything about skylar and you might doubt, but lily's smart enough to get to the bottom of it
Remus Lupin: I think, in this case, that you might be hampered by your understanding of your side of the story. Which Lily has not been let in on. Just try to remember that you don't know hers either. Nor will you, until you talk to her.
James Potter: she doesn't want me to talk to her
Remus Lupin: She probably thinks that you don't want to talk to her.
James Potter: she's the one who asked for a break
Remus Lupin: After you started an argument. Which I don't blame you for, in case you ask me for the twentieth time. But she's had a few days to process it all now, and Beatrice says she's calmed down. Talk to her, and if she doesn't respond you will be no worse off than you are now.
James Potter: if she doesn't respond i'll be much worse off if she doesn't respond it's the end of everything
Remus Lupin: Even if it is, at least you'll know.
James Potter: even you wouldn't be this pragmatic if you were walking in my shoes right now
Remus Lupin: You're right, I have no defence for myself. The only thing I can do is advise you in the way I think best.
James Potter: heavy is the foot that wears the air jordan, i suppose
Remus Lupin: That's odd. Sirius said that you were more of a Crocs man nowadays.
James Potter: i have never bought crocs
Remus Lupin: He said you bought two pairs of Crocs
James Potter: fine, i'm going to drown him in the bath
He isn't doing well.
Sure, James has devilry enough inside him to chuck a vengeful mug of cold water over Sirius while he's lounging in the bath, and laugh loudly at the subsequent, Jaws-like thrashing (he never bought those Crocs! Merely considered it!) but in general…
Yeah. He isn't doing well.
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
i’m getting the feeling that matilda is about 1d!reader, and i already know that it’s gonna break me
Building Harry's House: Matilda
A/N: Sorry this took forever to post but uni work is choking me without a sea view rn so tysm for being patient lovies 💚
SUMMARY: With the world knowing of their once secret relationship, Harry and YN navigate life together as an official couple and everything that comes with it. (9.6k)
GENRE: 1dbandmember!reader, famous!yn
WARNING: mention of abuse (yn gets slapped), excessive drinking, mention of drugs
Previous Song Here!🍷// Building Harry's House masterlist // SINCE 2010 masterlist
SIDE-NOTE: italicized is voice over commentary (I wrote this kind of like the Behind the Album documentary) bold are things Harry actually said irl
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Consistency is something that has always been a part of the spine in YN’s storybook. No matter how many years go by, Penny remains a burst of sunshine with a kaleidoscope of colors—Harry can see how YN came to have her own golden light.
Harry turns the wheel of the car with the palm of his hand and parks into the gravel driveway of Penny’s house. When YN finally saved up enough money to take her mum out of the rickety house she grew up in, she made sure to tell Penny that she could have any place she wanted—it didn’t even have to be in London anymore if that’s what she truly desired. Of course, her stepmum opted for a cottage in the countryside along with a forest for a backyard and greenery as far as the eyes can see. Colorful, homemade pottery, wind chimes, and furniture scatter the front porch, adding Penelope’s psychedelic touch to every little thing that YN’s seen since she was little. 
Harry’s been aware of how quiet his love’s been during their travels. After the unexpected phone call from her father in Italy, he didn’t hesitate to pack their things when she said she wanted to see her stepmum. He immediately called his private pilot and made plans to head to Doncaster as soon as possible. 
He watches as she exits the car without so much of a peep out of her mouth. He follows behind her as they make their way up the stone walkway that leads to the front of the house covered in greenery, much like YN’s home back in LA. He sees how YN pushes her fingers against the glass windchimes on the front porch before twisting the handle on the front door and walking in. 
He sees her stepmum round the hallway corner in a tank top that showcases the few tattoos she has scattered along her arms and tracksuit pants, her face bare and glowing. Her bare feet pad across the tiled floor as she readjusts her long black hair in a ponytail. When she kisses her stepdaughter’s cheek in greeting, Harry notices the yoga mat farther into the small living room. 
The place screams Penny: bohemian rugs, funky lamp shades and handmade paintings hung on every space the wall can fit.
After receiving the warmest welcome and being served tea out of her mismatched colorful mugs, the seal in YN’s silent mask finally cracks and it has her pacing across the kitchen floor. As he watches his love spill out everything on her mind that she’s kept in for the past two days and he can do nothing but lean against the doorframe of the kitchen and listen.
“Like, what could he possibly want from me? Money? Fame? A relationship with his daughter after eleven fookin’ years?” YN huffs out a laugh at the thought of her last suggestion with her hands on her hips. “Dunno how this bloke even got me personal number. That’s some hacker shite right there. And now I gotta change my number again and make sure that—”
“I gave him your number.” Penny blurts out from her seat at the table, making YN stop her pacing in the middle of the room. Her breathing stops altogether and the room goes silent with a faint sound of the glass windchimes from outside. Even Harry’s eyebrows furrow from his spot leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen.
“Whot? Wha—why the hell would you do that, Penny?” YN shakes her head as she tries to wrap her head around the fact that her step mum gave the one person she never wants to see again a leeway into her life.
“Look, I don’t support what he did or how he raised you—”
“He didn’t fookin’ raise me.”
“But he’s changed.”
“That’s like, the most bullshit reasoning anyone has ever given. And how would you even know that? Have you been talking to him?”
Penny fidgets with a strand of her long black hair and twists the ends as she mumbles out, “He’s reached out once or twice.”
“What the ‘ell? Whose side are you even on?”
With a hand on his hip, his other rubs against the stubble on his cheek as he watches the two women dispute back and forth. He doesn’t know if he should leave to give them some privacy or stay in case anything gets out of hand. 
He hates to see his love this way, pacing with frustrated fingers twisting the rings on her fingers so much that they’re sure to leave red marks on her skin. The crease between her eyebrows begging to be soothed out by his lips and the harsh nails raking through her hair demands to be switched with his gentle ones—the kind that has her falling asleep almost instantly.
“I was in the hippie scene, YN! I was young and naive and I fell in love with this bloke. I didn’t know what I wanted or what was right or what was wrong. But the one thing I knew for fooking sure was wanting you to be in me life.” Penny sighs out as she composes herself. “Look, you know I would never do anything to hurt yeh. He first reached out months ago; s’not like he called yesterday and I gave him yeh number willy nilly.”
“So what are yeh saying? That I actually go pay this man a little visit?” Before Penny could even begin her suggestion, YN scoffs and immediately shakes her head. “No.”
“No, not happening. No way.”
When Harry sees her stepmum let out a deep sigh and rubs a smoothing hand over her forehead, he thinks now might be a time for him to step in.
“YN, maybe you should listen to yeh mum—”
“Stay out of this, Harry!” YN snaps at him without so much as a second thought. “This is none of yeh damn business.”
“YN!” Penny scolds her stepdaughter but it’s no use as YN storms off to the backyard. It’s a rare thing for either one of them to snap at each other but when one does, it can be quite scary. Their last big argument was well over a year ago during the making of Harry’s last album and they’ve made it a habit not to revert back to their shitty way of communication. He almost lost her then and he’s sure as hell not going to let her go now. 
Penelope turns to Harry with a sorrowful expression, “Yeh did nothing wrong, Harry. She’s just stu—”
“Stubborn. Yeah, I know.” With a shrug of his shoulder and a sad smile, he says, “S’unfortunately, one of the things I love about her.” 
After walking off some of the steam around the massive yard, YN stumbles upon the garage she helped her stepmum convert into an art studio. Canvases the size of her line up against the wall (a painting in the works up on an easel), buckets of paints and brushes scattered every which way, and a pottery wheel in the center of the room. 
With her arms wrapped around herself, she walks along the shelving filled with miscellaneous items: Penny’s homemade ceramic creations, funky decor pieces, plants, books and the picture they used for the Story of My Life music video framed and displayed front and center.
She runs her finger across the array of books on the shelves, stopping and pulling out a particular book.
“Find anything yeh like?” YN looks up and gives her stepmum a small smile.
“Yeh still have this?” YN waves her old copy of Matilda. The pages were so well loved that one wrong blow of the wind could have the cover fall off of its spine.
“Of course, yeh wouldn’t let that thing go.” Penny takes a cautious step towards her stepdaughter and puts a gentle hand on her shoulder, “But there are some things that you just have let go, right?”
Penny’s ready for the young woman to blow up again, sigh out in frustration, and even walk out of the room. But it’s safe to say that she wasn’t expecting for her to look at her with glossy eyes and a trembling bottom lip.
“I'm scared, mum.” YN whispers out and Penny wastes no time pulling her into her arms.
“It’s okay to be scared, baby.” She reassures her stepdaughter. “But yeh don’t have to be. You have to choose whether or not you want him to have that power over yeh. You are so strong, so courageous. M’sorry that I didn’t warn you beforehand.”
“S’okay,” YN pulls back as she wipes at her cheeks. “If yeh would have warned me I would just keep avoiding him. I think it's a sign, right?"
“Follow yeh heart, baby. You know what to do." Penny brushes the strands of hair away from her daughter's face in a comforting way. "Have yeh told him about what happened?” She doesn't need to say his name for YN to know who she's referring to.
“Does he need to know?” Even YN cringes her face up at her words, already knowing the answer to her question. She blindly points to the general direction of the backyard. "M'gonna go talk to him."
Harry can’t help but think of how much Penny’s house reminds him of his mum’s place he bought for her all those years ago. Like YN’s stepmum, she didn’t want anything too grand in the busy life of London but a cozy cottage with a massive yard. He remembers hearing a lot about how the two mums bonded over gardening and wonders if the sunflowers growing off in the corner of the yard was his mum’s doing.
He gets pulled away from his thoughts on one of the patio couches when he hears the sliding back door open and he’s met with his love.
“Hi,” she breathes out.
“M’sorry I snapped at you. Yeh did nothing wrong.” YN sighs as she keeps her gaze to her fidgety hands, her thumb twisting the ring on her index finger. “Yeh been nothing but supportive and you didn’t deserve that. M’sorry. Can you forgive me?”
He wordlessly pats the seat next to him and she’s quick to climb up close to him. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and gently holds the side of her head and presses a kiss to her temple. He’d forgive her for anything in a heartbeat; that’s how deep his love is for her. 
“S’alright,” Harry mumbles against her skin and feels her shoulders relax against him. “I forgive you.”
“Good. That would have been awkward if yeh didn’t,” YN huffs out a laugh through her nose in an attempt to ease the mood and he can’t hold back the small smile of his face. 
They stay like this for a bit, wrapped up in one another as they look out into the giant, forest-like backyard before them. As much as he’d like to pretend that everything’s alright and move on, he knows that it’s not healthy to. That’s all they’ve ever done during these past couple of years since the band started: suppressing thoughts and feelings in hopes they would disappear and everything would resolve itself on its own. In a perfect world, maybe, but they’ve wasted so much time doing that that they both see what they’ve been missing out on.
As much as he doesn’t want to pop the bubble they’ve created, he knows this needs to be done—or at least try to.
“YN?” When she hums in response, he puts a reassuring hand over hers and is rewarded with the eyes that make him weak in the knees. “Do you feel comfortable telling me about your dad?”
“He’s not me dad,” YN shakes her head instantly. “He didn’t—doesn’t deserve that name. He isn’t me dad. He’s my father and the only reason he even gets that much is because we share the same DNA.” 
YN lets out a deep sigh and avoids her boyfriend’s gaze to look out to the trees scattered around the backyard. She’s never talked to Harry or any of the boys about her father, nor has she ever wanted to. When topics of her family came up during interviews, music video projects, or even group dinners, Penny was only mentioned and brought along. Out of respect, nobody tried to pry her open for any other information about if she had a dad, any other siblings or relatives she was close with. It was only Penny and the Tomlinsons—no one else.
“I don’t want to talk about my father,” As Harry’s head runs around with unfulfilled questions a thousand miles a minute, ready to close the conversation and reassure her that she can when she’s ready, she manages to mumble out, “But I do feel comfortable with you. I love you so much it hurts sometimes and I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’m never going to want to talk about me father but since I plan to spend the rest of me life with you, I need to tell you about this part of my life.”
When Harry turns his body towards her to give her his full attention, her nerves begin to spike up again. But with his hand in hers, it grounds her and makes her feel an overwhelming sense of safety. So with that, she takes in a deep breath before lowering down the wall of her past that she’s kept hidden from the world for years. 
YN, Louis, and some of her other friends ride their bikes down the streets of Doncaster after getting out of school. It was a particularly cold day this time of year and they were all wrapped up in thick coats and scarves. Now, YN isn’t big on birthdays. She never celebrated them in her own household but the Tomlinson’s never failed to give her a cake, collectively sing her the infamous song, and give her a present or two. But this year is different. This year, YN turns 16 and Penny nearly jumped up and down in excitement when her stepdaughter asked if she could bring some friends over for a little party. 
Nobody has ever really been to her house, even Louis—her best friend since she was five years old—doesn’t spend too much time over there either. He was already so used to her suggesting to go over to his house instead that he began to question if she was feeling alright when she told him her plans.
The only reason why she’s even inviting everyone over is because her father said he’d be out late at work and won’t be back until the late hours of the night. Not that she wasn’t used to him not being home, it’s just when he was, he was accompanied by a beer bottle and bitter comments.
The group drops their bikes on the small yard in front of her house before trekking up the short, creaky steps of the porch as they chat and laugh lively amongst themselves. There’s a sense of relief not seeing anyone in the small living room once she pushed and twisted her key in the lock. Her eyebrows furrow for a second when her step mum isn’t there. She did her car in the driveway but brushes it off before turning to the group.
“Alright lads, yeh guys can just leave yeh stuff in here and I can go get us something to eat from the kitchen.” YN smiles at her small group of friends as they all happily agree. Too embarrassed to admit it to herself but she’s actually excited about her little get-together. She’s never hosted a party before and Jay and Penelope pre-made some snacks for her to pass around.
“Let me help yeh with tha—” Louis says as he begins to shrug off his puffer coat when Penny hurriedly comes into the living room. 
“YN,” The young girl furrows her eyebrows for the millionth time at the way her stepmum’s voice shakes and at the fake smile plastered on her face. “‘ello everyone, welcome. Hun, um can I talk with yeh for a second? Ah—Lou, stay there babe. The kitchen is actually a mess from earlier.”  
Louis stops in his tracks as he feels the confusion continues to rise up. Instead of questioning it, he takes it upon himself to entertain the group for the time being as his best friend and her stepmum step off to the side.
“Penny, what’s wrong? Yeh scaring meh.”
“Baby, um,” Penny anxiously pushes her long black hair behind her ears before looking over to her small group of friends in the living room. “There was a little hiccup at your father’s work today...”
No. Please, no.
“Well, wha’s goin’ on in here?” A voice sounds from somewhere behind her and the inevitable chill runs down her spine. 
 When YN turns around, her father stands before her. She’s quick to assess the situation: dirty white shirt, beer bottle in hand, eyes pink and puffy, and the stench of his breath.
“Having a little party without meh or whot?” Samuel taunts with a sickening smile before taking a swing from the dark bottle. Her stomach drops at the sight of her friends’ eyes widening at the man before them.
“Sammy, baby.” YN sees her step mum quickly come to his side and place a hand on her husband’s chest with a gentle voice. “Come on, we were just heading out, right?” 
Please, this can’t be happening. Not now.
“Come on, let YN have her party and we can go out for dinner like we planned.”
“No,” He says sternly, shrugging his arm away from her gentle hand. “S’me house. I paid for it. Why do I ‘ave to leave?” He slurs.
“S’alright, we were just leaving.” YN tries her hardest to not make this a bigger scene than it’s already becoming. “I actually forgot I left the snacks over at yeh house, Lou. Why don’t yeh lads head over there and I’ll be over in a sec.” 
“I don’t think—”
“Louis, I’ll meet up with you guys over there.” YN smiles reassuringly but her eyes tell a different story. He can tell that she’s just begging him to take the group away next door and let her deal with her father in the privacy of the worn down walls of the house. 
She feels ashamed and embarrassed by the way her friends awkwardly gather their things and shuffle out of the house. 
“Hanging around with that Louis bloke again?” Samuel provokes as soon as she closes the door behind the group. YN wouldn’t usually give in to one of his verbal pokes and digs, but whenever he brings up her best friend, it makes the fire in her chest burn hotter. 
“Got fired again?” She retaliates in a bored tone.
“Yeh being smart with meh? Yeh just think you’re so smart, huh?”
“Well I did skip a grade so what do you think?” YN tries to brush past her tispy father over to the kitchen to grab the pre-made snacks but it’s easier said than done. He immediately blocks her from walking any further.
“Do you think you’re better than me?” Her father yells in her face and the smell of alcohol washes over her stronger than before. It makes her scrunch her up nose up at the scent and she keeps her gaze on his dirty shirt than his eyes. “Yeh think yeh can do whatever yeh want and invite people over? Just like that? Yeh can’t just do anythin’ yeh want, Marilyn!” 
This wasn’t the first time Samuel has called YN by her mother’s name, drunk or not. Marilyn left her father when YN was merely four years old, too fed up by her husband to deal with him for another day and too selfish to bring her daughter to her new life. YN remembers the yelling from downstairs and loud shut of the front door. 
She remembers the bright blue and red lights from the police car flashing from her backyard later on in the night, and the two officers saying something about a car accident. She also remembers how it was the first time she ever saw her father cry. 
She doesn’t remember a lot about her mother. When she was older, she found a few pictures of her that her father kept away and needless to say, she was shocked. She almost thought they were pictures of her until she saw a younger version of her father next to her.
“Yeah, and you know what? I wish I was her.” YN bites back through her clenched teeth, finally having the strength to look up and meet his eyes. “I wish I was her so that I can fookin’ leave you like she did!”
As soon as the words leave her mouth, she feels a hot sting on her cheek. The strong impact startles her, her body reacting on its own from the unexpected action that her hands have to catch herself before her face can hit the ground.
She hears her step-mum yell, but it sounds muffled. Everything around her fades into a high ringing noise. It wasn’t uncommon for YN and her father to have some heated, verbal arguments. The both of them get red in the face and nasty words are exchanged that should never be said between a daughter and a father. As much they both had the urge to do so, never, never has he ever laid a hand on her until now. 
YN puts a hand on her burning cheek and whips her head around to look up at her father. His chest is heaving in anger, eyebrows deeply furrowed and she can practically see the steam radiating off of him.
As she picks herself off the floor and Penny is quick to her side but YN pushes the woman away from her while keeping her stern gaze on her father. 
Without another word, she marches towards the door. She thinks she hears Penny calling out after her, maybe even her father, but she doesn’t care. She swings the door open and makes headway towards her discarded bike.
She pushes her feet quickly against the pedals, her legs burn at how fast she’s going but continues on. She doesn’t even spare a glance at Louis’ house when she rides past it—her surroundings just all become a big moving blur. The tears on her cheeks feel ice cold as the wind whips at her face, but it simultaneously soothes the fresh marks on her skin. 
“I used to think that if I pedaled hard enough, I would fly away. Like some blue bird in fookin’ Snow White or something.” YN wraps her arms around her legs as she brings them to her chest, resting her chin on her knees as she continues to keep her gaze on Harry’s hand in hers. She hasn’t been able to look him in the eyes since she started to share her truth.
“Where did you go?” Harry asks softly.
“Well I wanted to run away, but I literally had nothing on me. So after circling around Donny for a bit, I sneaked into Louis’s room that night. Penny found me easily,” YN lets out a watery chuckle and wipes under her nose with her sleeve. “Was the first place she looked but I um, I didn’t come back home for about a month. Pen brought me clothes from home and stuff; she knew I didn’t want to go back there.”
“And your father?”
YN looks out to the orange sun set that peaks through the trees of the spacious yard and shrugs. “That was the last time I ever saw or spoke to him. Pen still stayed with him, I stayed at Jay’s and when the summer came around I went back when he wasn’t there. Two months later I had me XFactor audition and I never came back home.”
“M’so sorry, YN.” Harry’s index finger nudges under his nose to help keep his tears at bay.
YN shakes her head and kisses her teeth. “Don’t be. Y’know I hate it when people give me pity and all that. Makes me feel like I can’t hold me own. If anything, I just felt bad for me mum. Like I just left her there to go on tour with the band for two years before I could come up with the money to buy her a decent place of her own.”
“Baby, you don’t have to feel guilty for any of that, you know that right? You should never apologize for simply growing up and trying to move on, YN. Hey, look at me,” Harry gently nudges his hand under her chin to turn her gaze to him. “There’s no doubt in my mind that you can handle yourself. I mean, look how much you had to deal with and are still here; your golden light shining through the darkest of times. But you don’t have to do this on your own anymore.”
When he pulls her further into his arms, he hears her sniffle back her tears and snuggles further into his chest. His heart breaks at the sound and he feels so helpless, like he could have done something to ease her pain. She was hurting right under his nose and he didn’t do anything. But he’s reminded that this isn’t about him, it’s about her. He can’t imagine going through what she did for so many years. He doesn’t even want to humor the idea of something like that happening to his own mum.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t surprised by her response muffled into his chest.
“Can you um...do you mind coming with me to see him next week?”
The day to go meet up with her father for afternoon tea came around sooner than YN expected. She barely slept the night before, tossing and turning every which way to release the pain in her temples. If it bothered Harry so much, he did a good job at hiding it because with every wiggle and frustrated sigh, he adjusted their position along with her. He peppered loving kisses to anywhere her skin was near his mouth at the time and whispered sweet nothings in her ear, encouraging her to relax. 
It wasn’t until Harry tugged her on top of him, tucked her head into the crook of his neck and massaged his blunt fingers into her scalp and back that she was finally able to succumb to sleep when the sun began to peek through the sheer curtains. 
After a few phone calls from Jeff and work related matters, Harry walks back into the master bedroom of his home in London with his eyes on the phone in his hand. 
“Darling, wanna start heading o—?” He stops when he sees YN still in her pajamas and her hair messily clipped to the back of her head. She sits criss-cross on the floor with plastic packaging and cardboard all around her. “Baby? What are you doing? Why aren’t you dressed yet?”
“Look, I finally framed my ABBA poster. It’s been rolled up and stuck in that closet since forever and I found these fancy frames I ordered a while ago but never put them to use. I think I’m actually going to order more and just redo all my posters and stuff.” YN rambles on with her hands on her hips as she looks around at the items surrounding her.
“Oh! And I have to show you this viral TikTok I saw earlier.” YN scrambles to her feet, moving around Harry and swipes her phone from the dresser behind him. “It’s a life hack on how we can maximize space under the bathroom cabinets because as much as I hate to admit it, we both have loads of skin care stuff and this way we can stay organized! And then—”
“YN,” Harry grabs a hold of her shoulders. When he sees her wide eyes look up at him, he gently takes her jaw in his hands. “S’okay to feel nervous. We don't have to go to your home if you don’t want to, lovie. You did nothing wrong and if you don’t want to go, there’s no harm in that.”
He sees the way her wide, tired eyes soften as he can practically see her working the gears in her head. 
“No. No, you’re right.” YN lets out a deep sigh before kissing her teeth. “I hate it when you’re right. Bruises me ego.” 
Harry huffs out a chuckle and presses a loving kiss to her forehead before heading towards the connected bathroom.
“Come on, I’ll even get the shower going for y—” Once Harry opens the glass door of the shower stall, he eyebrows knit together at the balled up pieces of clothing on the floor banded together by rubber bands. YN gives him a sheepish smile. 
“I learned how to tie-dye.”
It’s hard not to notice the way YN’s knee keeps bouncing and her hands fidget with the rings on her fingers. He doesn’t point out the way she keeps moving the dials for the AC or how she tweaks the volume of the music every other minute. 
He licks his lips before giving her thigh under his hand a loving squeeze and saying, “Baby, do you mind grabbing me that chapstick I put in yeh bag?”
YN rummages her purse in search of the tiny tube. Harry glances at his love and finds that while one hand is shoved sifting through her bag, the other one holds an abundance of items: her keys, her wallet, a snack-size bag of Haribos she bought at the airport and their two passports.
“I can’t bloody find this stupid, little—”
“Hey, hey. S’alright, forget about it yeah?” Harry takes the items in her hands and tosses them in the spacious footwell of the car. He intertwines his fingers with hers and brings their hands to his mouth. “Thought it would take your mind off of things but I guess it only made you more upset.” Harry chuckles, trying to lighten her anxiety by pressing kisses to each of her knuckles. 
“Sorry, I’m sorry. Fook.” YN brings the heel of her other hand to her forehead and closes her eyes. Harry can feel the frustration radiating off of her. It’s heavy and bleak, and not like his YN at all. He’s suddenly thinking of making a “wrong” turn to the airport to go back to Sunny California where her golden smile shined the most. Or even pulling over at the side of the road to say how there’s a suspicious noise coming from the engine and how they need to wait it out before they continue. “I know m’being a bother. I just can’t stay still. I feel so silly—”
“You are not silly for feeling the way you feel. This is a huge step for you and I just want to thank you for allowing me to be with you during this time. I never want yeh to go through this alone, I know you wouldn’t let me go through this thing alone if it was the other way around. And if this turns out bad, I got a few—” Harry pinches his index finger and thumb together and brings it to his lips. “—back home we can do after.” 
“Yeh could have told me that before we left?”
He laughs at her disappointed tone before making a turn onto the designated property. “I didn’t think we’d make a good impression on your father if we showed up stoned.”
“Holy shit,” YN ducks over to Harry’s driver’s side window at the mansion driveway they pull into. “Are you sure this is the right address?”
“You’re the one who put it into the GPS.”
Like second nature, Harry opens her car door and intertwines his hands with hers before making their way up the driveway.
“Now I feel fookin’ underdressed.” YN adjusts the cardigan that keeps falling off of her shoulder. 
“You look fucking gorgeous.” Harry leans down to plant a kiss to her cheek. 
“Oh, no.” YN cracks a smile and pinches at his lips with her knuckles. “I’ve been a bad influence on you, haven’t I?” 
“Wha’ do yeh fookin’ mean?” She giggles as Harry micks her Yorkshire accent. Him and the boys would like to make fun of her accent throughout the years but Harry’s always done it to defuse her anger, to bring a smile on her face and ease her bundle of nerves. “This is how I bloody talk and shit, innt?”
“Is it now?” 
“Aces, man.” Harry smiles brightly at the way she covers her laugh with the back of her hand as he reaches over to push the doorbell. “Just buzzin’ in excitement, aren’t yeh? Oh bloody ‘ell, bloody ‘ell.”
YN and Harry’s laughter gets cut off by the front door opening. There stands an older woman, probably in her late fifties. Her blonde hair looks like it was freshly done at the salon and looks like a fluffy yellow cloud on her head. The woman’s sparkly cocktail dress and matching red lip are way too fancy for an afternoon tea, and if it wasn’t already for the massive size of their house, YN might have been surprised at her attire. 
“Hello there. We were just expecting you both.” The woman’s American accent rings through YN’s ears. As the woman extends her manicured hand to greet the couple, YN’s eyes immediately go to the sparkly rock on her finger. “My name is Della and you beautiful young lady must be—”
“YN.” A voice continues from behind the pristine woman, the same voice that runs a chill down her spine as it did when she was a kid. 
A man appears at the doorway, his eyes widening like he almost expected her to not come at the last minute. 
She doesn’t know who this man in front of her is, but it certainly isn’t the man she remembers. There’s no beer bottle in his hand but a gold wedding band on his ring finger. Instead of his stained shirt, a freshly pressed white button-up and a sweater vest covers his chest. Her nose doesn’t burn from the stench of alcohol but of minty freshness. 
But even though his eyes aren’t surrounded by pinky, puffiness, she can tell that those are her father’s eyes.
“Hello, Samuel,” YN utters out the words with as much professionalism as she can, almost as if she were interviewing him for a prestigious job. 
“I’m—I’m so glad you were able to make it.” The older man huffs out a laugh of disbelief as he runs a nervous hand over his thinning hair; his clean, combed and styled hair. 
When Harry sees his love swallow thickly from uncomfortableness, he extends an outreached hand, “Hello, m’Harry. It’s nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Barlowe.”
YN just stands with her hand still clasped in his as the older couple shakes her boyfriend’s hand. 
“Please, please come inside.” Della steps aside and opens the door wider. 
YN can feel her skin tingle by the feel of her father’s eyes on her and she hates the way she’s having trouble meeting his eyes.
It’s an uncomfortable experience walking through the spacious house, everything clean and neat that it almost looks like no one has ever lived in it before. The couches and decorative carpets are white and aesthetically minimal, grand chandeliers hanging in every room they pass and a kitchen that looks like it’s never been used. She almost feels the need to take off her shoes in fear of leaving a mark on the perfectly clean titles. 
As YN looks around the museum-like house, she quickly looks down at the feeling of Harry giving their intertwined hands a reassuring squeeze. Even if he can’t do anything about her situation, she appreciates the fact that he’s letting her know that he’s here with her for any support she needs. 
Once the group sits down on the patio outside, YN almost jumps in her seat when two women with white aprons come out with trays ready for their tea. 
Della and Samuel move in sync with one another as they drink their tea. They might as well be robots, lifting their white tea cups with such delicateness and gently dabbing their cloth napkin around their lips precisely three times. It’s borderline scary, like a jumpscare out of a horror movie was bound to pop out any minute. 
But she has to admit, Della isn’t a stuck up monster as she initially thought upon meeting her at the front door. She’s actually a very sweet woman who smiles at her husband with so much love in her eyes.
YN’s learned that her father was working as a janitor at a law firm company shortly after she and Penny left his life. There, he was inspired to go to law school and with some help from some people in the company, he was able to attend. He soon worked his way up to become a partner at the firm and the small company became bigger than anyone ever expected. He met Della in 2015 when she was working as the firm’s secretary and married a couple months into dating. 
“He would always stop by my desk and take from the lollipop bowl I had there. He would always ask me to go out with him and I kept telling him no—I honestly think it was because he liked my accent and I was playing hard to get.” Della whispers not so quietly and it makes a chuckle bubble out from YN’s throat. It puts a smile on Harry’s face to see his love more relaxed, not totally letting her guard down but enough for her shoulders to come down from their pinched position. 
“What made you change your mind?” YN questions with a sincere smile and takes a sip of her honey-induced tea.
“This guy—” Della playfully slaps her husband's chest. “Got in front of the whole office, guitar in hand and sang to me. Oh the name of the song is slipping from my mind...how did it go again?” Della snaps her fingers as she racks her brain. “Um... don't care if it hurts, I wanna have control...”
“I want a perfect body,” Samuel says along.
“I want a perfect soul,” YN finishes and looks down at her lap. “That's um, that’s Creep by Radiohead.”
“If m’not mistaken, that was one of the first songs I taught you how to play on the guitar.” Her father smiles and sits up straighter in his seat. 
“Yeah, you let me use your old Lancaster.” Harry sees the way her smile falters at the mention of the memory. YN was in middle school when her father showed an uncommon amount of kindness one day. It was the day she rummaged through the garage and found the pictures of her mum along with his old eclectic guitar. Instead of scolding her to not look through his old things, he sat down with her and showed her the simple cords to the song (thanks to the years of practice from Penny, she was able to pick up the melody pretty quickly). They smiled, laughed, and bonded. But like many things in her life, consistency crept its way back in.
Samuel saw sight of a picture of his deceased wife peeking out from YN’s hoodie pocket and a switch flicked inside him. He suddenly snatched the beautiful guitar and smashed it against the ground. After three swings, the base completely disconnected from the neck. He walked out without so much as another word and left YN panting, frozen in a state of fear and shock.
“I loved that guitar,” YN says softly and she’s back at avoiding his gaze. 
“I did, too. S’a shame I don’t have it anymore. Sold it to an old buddy of mine back in the day.” Samuel sighs out in disappointment and YN’s eyebrows quickly knit together. When she looks up at him in confusion, he sees him shake his head in reminiscence.
“Hey, maybe you should treat yourself and buy a new one, huh?” Della puts a hand on her husband’s arm with an encouraging smile. “There’s got to be a store somewhere that sells some.”
“Reckon’ you’re right, D.” Samuel smiles. While he leans over to give her a kiss on the cheek, Harry too leans over to his love. “That’s a great idea.”
“Baby, y’alright? Wha’s wrong?” Harry whispers.
“S’just that—”
“Okay, so I would hate to have you both feel uncomfortable about this and Sam warned me not to bring it up,” Della chuckles. “But before you two leave, would you guys mind signing a CD for my kids? They just love both of your music and they would absolutely die if they knew you guys were here without a little something.”
“You have children?” YN raises her eyebrows in surprise.
“Two girls,” Della smiles brightly. “Sydney just got back from college—oh sorry, uni—last month and our little Abigail just turned the big 16 last week. We had a little surprise party for her and we invited all of her friends over. Oh, it was so much fun. And the cake was just so delicious—”
“Della, honey.” Samuel puts a gentle hand on his wife’s. “I think we’ve heard enough about the party—”
“I would actually love to hear more about it.” YN speaks up, straightening up her back and turning her full attention towards the older woman. 
“YN,” Harry whispers gently into his girlfriend and puts a comforting hand on the back of her chair.
Della nervously chuckles. "Oh, I don't know-"
“Please. Please, go on." YN insists. "Did you bake the cake yourselves? Did you spend all night the day before preparing little snacks for all of her friends, too? Did you guys buy her a sentimental gift? Samuel?”
YN gives her father an expected look, patiently waiting for his answer as he squirms in his seat. He nervously coughs into his hands before saying, “Um, we uh...well she just got her license not too long ago so we um...we put some money together to buy her a car.”
Della shifts her gaze back and forth between her husband and his daughter as the tension begins to build up. She sees the way YN purses her lips together and nods. 
“She had been asking for one for so long and since it was a special occasion, Samuel wanted to do something nice.” Della reasons with a wavering smile. “I’m sure that Sam here did something just as special for you when you turned her age. What did he give you?”
Harry—all of them really—can see the way Della tries her best to lighten the mood but right now he knows that she should just stop talking altogether. 
“A slap across the face.” YN nods nonchalantly, not at all bothered by the horrific look on the older woman's face. “Yeh know, the kind where yeh least expect it and the force of it is just so strong that it actually knocks yeh off your feet. Makes you hear a little ringing sound, too. Isn't that right, Samuel?”
Della looks over to her husband as he furrows his eyebrows and as much as Harry hates to admit it, the resemblance she has with her father’s current expression is undeniable. 
“I’m sorry,” Samuel shakes his head as he clears his throat. “I actually have no idea what you are referring to.”
The wind immediately gets knocked out from YN’s chest and if it wasn’t for Harry’s hand on her back, she’d think she was dreaming.
“M’sorry whot?” She scoffs. “So you’re telling me that you don’t remember the reason I left home?”
“Yeh went on to become a world famous singer. I always knew you would someday.” 
Harry can feel the anger radiating off her body as her father lies right through his teeth. Till this day, she can still hear his drunken words slurred to her:
You’re a waste of space.
Yeh think you’re gonna make it as a singer? You’re pathetic. 
You’re not worth it.
Just as Harry mentally (and almost physically) prepares himself from standing in between his girlfriend and her father when she goes off on him, he’s taken back when she lets out a laugh. She’s laughing. Her eyes squeezed shut with one hand over her stomach and the other over her mouth.
“Why is that funny?” Della looks around at the people surrounding the table.
“Sorry, m’sorry,” YN says in between giggles. “But that’s the biggest load of shit v’ever heard. So you’re saying that yeh don’t remember all of those years of yelling at me? Yelling at Penny? Drinking excessively? Breaking things violently in front of me? Hitting me?”
“Enough!” The loud bang to the table and the movement of the fine china startles everyone as Samuel’s voice booms throughout the patio space. “I invite you into me house to try to rekindle our past, to heal wounds and move on yet you bring up with shite?”
“Rekindle our past? Dunno how you expected to do that when you can’t even be honest about what yeh did to me! And heal wounds? Hate to break it to yeh Samuel, but those wounds aren't wounds anymore. They’re scars now. Already patched up and healed with no help from you.” YN lets out a small chuckle to herself before shaking her head. “I don’t know why I even came here. Della, you seem like a smart woman so I would advise yeh to have a little chat with your husband because he clearly isn’t the man that you know. Thank you for the tea.” And with that, YN’s chair screeches against the pavement before standing up.
“So that’s it?” Samuel spits. “And you? Harry, you’ve barely spoken a word since yeh got here.”
“How believe me, I have plenty to say,” Harry bites back as he stands up and puts a protective hand on YN’s back. “But out of respect for the love of my life, all m’gonna say is that you’re a piece of shit, man.” 
“Get the hell out of me house!” Samuel yells as he abruptly stands from his seat, the metal chair falling loudly to the ground behind him and he points towards the door.
“Glady.” YN scoffs and once Harry intertwines his hand with hers, they make their way out of the house. 
It’s a known fact that throughout the years of the two being in the public eye, they’ve been media trained to be the sweetest people they can be towards anyone they meet. Harry has been portrayed for years as a ‘bad boy’ who's never done anything bad and YN the ‘good girl’ with permanent innocence. It’s been rumored around the fandom since the band started that as sweet and soft spoken as they come off for their jobs, when they get mad—they get furious. So while many fans think it’s one of the many delusion based fandom-facts, no one has truly seen how scary the two can become when they get angry. 
“Wait!” The couple turns around to find Della quickly making her way over to their car but the two ignore her calling as Harry proceeds to open her door. “YN, please!”
With an annoyed look to her love and a sigh, YN relecutaly turns around, “Whot?”
“I’m so, so sorry about what happened back there. I had no idea he had done those awful things to you. If-if I would have known...”
It doesn’t take long for it to all click in YN’s head. Her expression softens as she recognizes the look in the woman’s eyes from a mile away. 
“You don’t know about me past.” She tilts her head to find Della’s eyes. “But you have experienced it, haven’t you?”
Harry’s surprised by the bold assumption, but when he flicks his gaze over to the prestigious woman, his heart strings pull greater than they have ever before.
“I don’t know what happened.” The older woman brings a shaky hand to her mouth as her eyes begin to water. “It first started shortly after we got married all those years ago. He was nothing like that when we met.”
“What I said back there is true. You are a smart woman. You know what to do. Think about your girls. They deserve the world, not this. Don’t let them go through what we did.” She surprises herself by wrapping her arms around the older woman, Della is quick to reciprocate. The hug doesn’t last longer than a couple of seconds,
but it was somehow something they both needed. So as she watches the couple drive away, Della is left with a truth she pushed back facing years in the making.
No matter how many years they’ve been working together, writing songs together and making music side by side, Harry still manages to get nervous showing her his work. But this isn’t any kind of love song he’s written about her in the past. This was on a deeper level of intimacy between them. This isn’t just about himself or his feelings of longing and loving towards her, but of her past.
He taps his leather journal in his open palm, gathers his tin container and with a deep breath in, he makes his way over to her where she’s seated in his backyard. In the middle of his closed-off yard, she’s sitting on a blanket he put out earlier, a guitar in her hands as she mindlessly plucks pretty melodies from the wired strings.
He leans down to press a kiss on her exposed shoulder before lifting the spaghetti strap of her dress back up and plopping down next to her. She easily flicks open the lid from the container and she smiles at the sight of a lighter and the familiar rolled up substances. 
“Romantic dinner for two, Mr. Styles?” She pauses her movements when he puts a hand on top of hers and she looks up at him expectantly.
“I uh, before we get into it, I actually wanted to share something with you first.” YN notices the familiar journal in his lap and gives him a cheeky smile.
“Another love song about meh? M’starting to think you fancy me.” When she notices his knowing look, she gives him a closed lipped smile. “Sorry, go ahead.”
When she sets down her guitar, he reaches out and takes into his lap instead. She’s pleasantly surprised by his actions. He usually writes on piano as his choice of instrument and feels the butterflies start to flap their wings in anticipation of what’s to come.
He leans over himself to make sure his fingers are placed correctly over the strings and right as he’s about to begin, he stops, “Don’t make fun of me, alright? M’still practicing.”
She laughs and grabs a hold of his chin as she plants a sweet kiss to his lips, “Promise I’ll keep my opinions to myself.” Her giggle is muffled when he pulls her back in for another kiss but sits back and patiently waits until he’s ready. 
With a final deep breath in, his fingers begin to pluck beautifully. He still needs a little finer tuning on his part but he’s doing a wonderful job so far. 
You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal"
And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels.
YN tilts her head at the lyrics but lets him continue on.
Nothing 'bout the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now.
So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal.
It’s been a few days after the visit to go see her father and after crying and venting to her mum about what happened, the couple hasn’t brought the topic up since. 
You don't have to be sorry for leavin' and growin' up, mmhm
There’s still so much she’s holding onto, so much still sitting on her chest that she's still unable to let go of. But Harry knows her more than anyone and understands her love language right down to the T: music.
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright
YN lets out a watery chuckle at the book reference, the one she loved so dearly as a child.
But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead insidе.
You showed me a power that is strong еnough to bring sun to the darkest days.
It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind.
“This song was inspired by an experience YN and I had with a mutual friend—a person who we disguised as Matilda by Roald Dahl.” Harry explains from his interview chair for the Harry’s House documentary. The couple agreed without a doubt that they wouldn’t fully explain that the song was about YN. They usually never do but the song speaks for itself. “I played it to a couple of friends and all of them cried. So I was like, ‘Okay, I think this is something to pay attention to.’”
You don't have to be sorry for doin' it on your own.
It shocks YN to realize that while she went through this part of her life by herself, she wasn’t alone. Ten years ago, YN gained brothers, a family consisting of the boys, her managers, tour and production crew, and the fans. She had a family by her side this entire time and she didn’t even register in her mind. 
You can throw a party full of everyone you know
You can start a family who will always show you love
You don't have to be sorry, no
As soon as he plays the last note, YN quickly shuffles on her knees over to him and wraps him up in her arms. She digs her face into the crook of his neck as he grips onto her shoulder blades, pulling her incredibly closer to him as he can. 
“People have so much guilt with things that they don't necessarily need to have guilt with sometimes. I think it's your right to protect the space around you and be protective of yourself and look after yourself.” 
“I’m sorry you went home to that.”
YN shakes her head reassuringly and takes his face in her hands. She’s been crying so much lately that she’s surprised that she hasn’t run out by now. She has so much love for the man in front of her. She was serious about before: she’s never felt this way about anyone ever before. YN presses her lips lovingly to his. “You are my home, Harry.”
Her favorite dimpled smile appears on his face and she presses her forehead to his. 
“You are my home, YN.” He says before pulling her back into him for more kisses.
“I think this song is going to touch a lot of people. It speaks to so many who’ve gone through toxic family members in their lives, people who weren’t loved in the way that they should have been loved,” YN gives the interview camera a sad smile. “S’a powerful one, this one.”
Back in the studio, YN can be seen in the recording room sitting in front of a Casio piano. With her chunky studio headphones on she plays along to Harry’s voice singing in her ears. 
Oh, there's a long way to go,
I don't believe that time will change your mind.
She can’t help but tuck in her lips in an attempt to hold back the tears that threaten to escape. 
In other words
I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go.
YN takes in a shaky breath and closes her eyes as her fingers continues to press on the keys.
You can let it go.
In a cathartic way, she finally releases the bands that she kept from her past. She lets go of her abusive father and the power he held over her for all of those years. She lets go of her biological mother’s name and accepts that she was never her, she’s her own person. She lets go of the guilt of leaving home, of leaving Penny—of leaving her mum there with her father for two more years and lets gratefulness seep in for the fact that her mum isn’t in that position anymore. 
But most importantly, she lets go of the nasty feeling her father soaked her in. 
She’s not pathetic, she’s brave. She’s not worthless, but worthy. She’s not a waste of space, she lights up the room with her golden light.
“It’s a weird one, because with something like this, it’s like, ‘I want to give you something, I want to support you in some way, but it’s not necessarily my place to make it about me because it’s not my experience.’” Sometimes it’s just about listening.” Harry sneaks a discreet peek at his teary-eyed girlfriend from her seat somewhere behind the camera. “I hope that’s what I did here. If nothing else, it just says, ‘I was listening to you.’”
Next song here! 🇬🇧
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @s8tellite @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @teawithcyb0rgs @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead @futuristiccroissantlampsludge @onecrazydirectioner @valluvsu @itsgabbysblog @awkwardbisexuall 
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metalmonki · 3 months
Rafael Barba x fem!Carisi!reader
1k word count
Summary All you wanted was to be a lawyer like your big brother Sonny. So what happens when you get a job working under the famous ADA Rafael Barba
slow-burn, colleague to friends to lovers
Next Chapter
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The day had finally come. I had successfully graduated Harvard Law. My Mum, Dad, brother Sonny and sisters Bella, Teresa and Gina had made the trip out of Staten Island to witness the graduation. The youngest of the Carisi clan, I choose to follow Sonny into the criminal prosecution career track. Sonny had recently transferred to the Elite Manhattan Special Victims Unit and was also studying at Fordham Law ‘to make myself a better detective’ he had said. Sonny and I, despite our 11-year age gap, were completely inseparable. He had been the one who got the rest of our family together to be here today. Sonny is the whole reason I was graduating today. He had encouraged me even after Mum and Dad had voiced their disappointment at my choice.
I had barely made it off the stage when Sonny had scooped me up in his arms and began spinning us around. He had the worlds biggest smile on his face and repeated over and over again how proud he was of me. Our parents and sisters soon joined us.
“I’m going to cook a big feast tonight just for you” Mom smiled.
“You always cook a big feast, that’s every meal for you” Dad scoffed.
“Oh shush you cranky old man” Mum swatted at him with open hands.
We all laughed at the pair and walked off to the cars. We had a long drive ahead of us back to Staten Island. After dinner I would then have to drive back into Manhattan with Sonny. I had come here with Sonny yesterday from his apartment in Manhattan and had no choice but to go back there with him tonight. Now I had graduated I had no clue what I was suppose to do. I had been applying for positions in almost every law firm in New York with no luck. I’d even applied for the DA’s office with no success. I knew Sonny would let me live with him for however long it took for me to find my feet. He had insisted on it in fact when I’d moved back to New York last month. This had been Mum and Dads complaint. I would waste my time on a piece of paper that would lead me nowhere. I’d even put in an extra two years on a masters degree just to increase my chances.
“Hay kiddo is everything okay?” Sonny spoke up “You’ve been silent for the last 45 minutes and you look worried”
“Maybe Mum and Dad were right” Was all I could get out.
“About what? Don’t tell me your doubting yourself now” Sonny smiled over at me.
“I spent the whole month applying for positions with no luck, all I’ve managed is a minimum wage bodega job. I can’t rely on you forever Sonny, you have your own life, the woman at work you said you fancy, while I just wasted six years to get a piece of paper that’s turning out to be useless. I wanted to be up there with the greats like Alexander Cabot and Rafael Barba” I sighed picking at my nails.
“Y/N Carisi always worrying” Sonny chuckled “Give it time you’ll get something soon; you don’t need to rush”
“I’m not trying to rush I just don’t like not knowing” I threw my hands up.
But wait I did. For 9 months I applied for any law jobs that came up. I worked my ass off at the bodega, saving every penny I could to get out of Sonny’s flat. Then one day it happened. I had been busy cooking dinner, a simple chicken alfredo, when Sonny basically smashed his way through the door. I hadn’t expected him home until much later. I knew they were having trouble catching the Central Park Strangler as the papers had dubbed him. A horrid man who would stalk lone women in central park, strangle and rape them. Sonny had said he was escalating an attack every night, he hadn’t killed anyone yet but Sonny was sure he would soon. He had made me promise not to leave the flat alone at night until they got the guy. He had left DNA at every scene so as soon as they got him he was going away for life. No chance of a plea bargain, no way to weasel out of it. Sonny had a huge smile on his face as he walked into the kitchen.
“I’m guessing by the smile on your face you caught your guy? That or you finally grew a pair and asked Amanda out and she said yes” I chuckled.
“Yes, well no, but yes” Sonny stumbled over his words while he hung his coat up and took his shoes off.
“Well which is it?” I laughed.
“We caught the guy, Barba had him shipped to rikers an hour ago” Sonny put his brief case on the bench and dug through it producing a manila envelope. “I also got this for you” he handed the envelope to me. 
I wiped my hands off on my apron and took the envelope. I turned it over in my hands taking note of the District Attorneys office logo in the corner. I disregarded it as just being an envelope Sonny had handy. I turned the envelope over once more and unwound the string keeping it closed. Inside was a stack of paperwork maybe 30 pages thick. Written on top of the first sheet in bold letters were the words OFFER OF EMPLOYMENT. I looked up shocked at Sonny before looking back at the papers. We are pleased to offer you a position as an assistant to ADA Rafael Barba at the New York District  Attorney Office.
“Oh Sonny this is amazing thank you”  I pulled him into a hug.
“It was nothing I just called in a favour when I heard Barba needed some extra help”  Sonny chuckled “All you need to do is fill in the forms and drop them off to Barba tomorrow. He says he’ll in his office from 3 onward”.
“I’ll fill them in first thing but for now lets eat!”.
“Oh you mean the food that’s burning on the stove?” Sonny chuckled.
“Shit!” I spun back to the stove but it was pointless the chicken had already started turning black and the pasta was almost boiled dry.
“I’ll order out and you can trying to salvage my pot and pan” Sonny laughed walking off phone in hand.
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ughgoaway · 9 months
Hello I've been sending you a few asks recently so I've decided to be 🎄 anon 🙂
Anyway I was thinking about how Matty would be when teacher is pregnant. Obviously she works full time so he probably can't keep an eye on her as much as he'd like to, and I bet in those early months she comes home from work absolutely exhausted and just wants to lie on the sofa all the time 😴😴
hi!!! thank you so much for sending asks, 🎄 is yours now!! :))))
as soon as matty finds out you're pregnant, he is treating you like you're made of glass. if you want absolutely anything, he's getting it for you.
"matty. I can get my own cup of tea!! the baby is only the size of a pea right now, I am still allowed to do things, " you say as matty takes the kettle out of your hand and ushers you back to the sofa.
"Ah ah ah. they might be the size of a pea, but they're our pea, and you need to relax and keep them safe. just sit and let me take care of you both sweetheart, it's my job as dad anyway"
I think that you get pretty bad morning sickness the first trimester, and matty fucking hates it. he always sits with you, rubs your back and holds your hair. he makes you herbal tea to try and settle your stomach but nothing works. its just something that happens, but he can't help but feel so awful for you, and kind of guilty it's his baby causing all the sickness.
I imagine he talks to the bump about it after one particularly bad morning, "Hey, little pea, can you please stop making your mum so sick? she's just trying to keep you growing, and it's very difficult when she can't keep anything down. " You laugh at him and stroke his hair.
"matty I don't think they get to choose if I'm sick or not" you giggle as he rests his head next to your bump and continues to try and convince your baby to stop making you sick.
if you have a craving, he's getting it. the first few months all you wanted was crackers, they were all you could stomach so you just ate them endlessly. within a week of you telling matty, he had organised a massive shipment to be delivered to the house, "so you can always have something to eat my love"
you're definitely right with being exhausted in those first few months too, working with kids all day is already tiring - let alone when you're growing a baby at the same time.
I can see you getting home and immediately passing out on the sofa, just fucking knackered 24/7. matty catches on soon enough and starts setting up blankets and pillows for you. basically creating a cocoon for you to rest in.
the fact that he can't follow you around all the time and make sure you're okay is killing him, so he'll do whatever he can.
so if he can't wrap you in cotton wool for 9 months, he'll just wrap you in blankets when you need a nap instead.
he sleeps with you when you ask, spooning you and holding your bump. even when there isn't really a bump yet.
"matty, why are you holding my stomach?" You groggily ask as he lies behind you.
"I wanna hold them!" he defends, rubbing his hands over your non-existent bump.
"There's nothing there yet. They are barely a baby at this point," you say with a smile on your face. his love for this baby was the only thing getting you through these early months, obviously you were over the moon to be pregnant but fucking hell it was hard.
"they're still in there. They've got to get to know their dad early"
Annie also joins you for a nap sometimes. She is normally full of energy after school, but every once in a while, she comes home with heavy eyes and is clearly exhausted.
Annie sees you lie down and comes up to the sofa, gently patting your shoulder to get your attention.
you open your eyes and softly smile at her, "You okay, sweet girl?" You say with a yawn, Annie rubs at her eyes with closed fists and nods slowly.
"Can I cuddle with you y/n? I don't have a baby in my tummy, but I'm really sleepy too, " Annie says shyly, fiddling with the corner of the blanket matty had draped over you.
you pull back the blanket and shuffle back on the sofa, patting the spot in front of you and saying, "Of course angel, jump up and cuddle with me. it would make me feel so much better"
Annie grins and slides into the spot you created for her, and you wrap her up in your arms, tossing the blanket over the two of you.
quickly, you both fall asleep. Soft snores from Annie caught mattys attention as he came in from the kitchen.
walking in and seeing you and annie curled up together, and knowing you were also pregnant was something he would never forget. this was his dream for so many years, and it's finally real and happening. the years of delusions had paid off. his little family was growing, and saying he was giddy was an understatement.
his daughter was always the most important thing in his life, and now he has 3 people that he would die for.
he never thought he'd get a chance at this again. he thought that once he decided to be a dad, that was it for him. no more grand romances, no more falling in love. it was just him and annie, and he was okay with that.
but when he met you, it all changed. he used to dream of you just talking to him, giving him any sort of attention. he could have never imagined that one day you would be dating him, pregnant with his child and be completely in love with his daughter.
he takes a photo of you and sets it as his background, and it stays that way until 9 months later. it finally changed when he snaps the first picture of the 3 of you in the hospital bed, with Annie's new baby brother in her arms and you watching over them with a soft smile on your face.
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The story of how Mordred called Merlin mom and then proceeded to call Arthur dad and now he's adopted into the family – part 2
"Sire, the outer walls need repairs but I believe a new design for better structure and materials..."
Mordred had stopped listening an hour ago, he noticed he wasn't the only one as he saw Sir Gwaine wiggling his eyebrows at Sir Elyan who was trying not to snort at Sir Gwaine's ridiculous facial; Sir Lancelot seemed to be one of the few attentively listening when the conversation was interrupted by the King.
"Sir Mordred, what are your thoughts of bridging the gap between Camelot and the druids?"
'What...? When did the topic change?! I should've paid attention!'
King Arthur stared expectantly at him, they all did even Merlin which at this moment made him nervous and just a tiny bit giddy of receiving his Lord's attention that he was bound to say something stupid.
He did in fact, said something stupid.
And utterly embarrassing that he yearned for a hole to magically appear and swallow him up.
"I believe Momlin, I mean mum, er no, uh Merlin can help because we druids would follow Emrys...did I say I'm a druid?"
King Arthur's eyes widened in surprise and as Mordred took a quick peek at Merlin, he saw how much paler his lord looked.
'Oh Goddess this is my fault! I've ruined everything!'
"Mom I'm so sorry. I meant Merlin, I didn't mean to say mom but it's a habit now, an internal one." He nervously chuckled.
Mordred could hear Sir Gwaine laughing probably, maybe he could help Sir Leon tomorrow provided he doesn't die from embarrassment or thrown in the dungeons perhaps.
Of course he's digging his own grave.
Hands clenching he blurted out more treasonous words.
"Forgive me mum—Merlin—Emrys my lord! It's just your magic is beautiful—"
Percival the gentle giant whispered sincerely to Gwaine, "I never knew Mordred was Merlin's son, Merlin must've had him at a young age."
Gwaine loving the drama added his own to it.
"I knew Merlin had experience in being a mother. How else would he have survived years being Arthur's manservant? Aren't mothers great!"
Gwaine grinned and relaxed in his chair, this roundtable meeting has turned out to be unbelievably interesting and enjoyable.
Elyan pitched forward, voice soft and curious.
"Since when did Merlin have magic? Is that how he gave birth to Mordred?"
Mordred prayed for a miracle or for something to shut himself up from blurting out more ridiculous sentences; he would also appreciate it if someone could stop the knights from theorising whether Merlin was his mother or not.
Because that would be impossible. Maybe. Who knows? Magic is natural and weird.
"—which in turn brings out your ethereal beauty, not that I'm flirting with you because that would wrong when I see you as a mom and uh..."
'ABORT! ABORT! STOP!' His brain tries to tell him however his mouth is running on automatic.
"Sir Mordred—" Arthur began to speak when Mordred turned to look stiffly at his King before words rushed out of his unreliable lips.
"Sorry dad...Er I meant—"
Mordred felt sick.
Literally he wanted to vomit out his guts because first he called Emrys his mother than outed himself as a druid and pretty much told everyone at the roundtable about Merlin's magic! Then he called the King, Arthur Pendragon, his father...in what realm of unfortunate situations and unbelievable events made him call the King his dad!?
He has to do something to salvage the situation and hopefully in Emrys eyes he could be forgiven, maybe King Arthur would forgive both of them.
'Think Mordred, think! What can I do to change this around!?'
For obvious reasons, Mordred's brain refused to think, therefore it spewed out whatever thought was in his mind at that very moment and vocalised it to the world, or at least to just everyone sitting round the table.
♤To be continued♤
Part 1
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Merry & Bright | Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: no - for @raincoffeeandfandoms ‘s Secret Santa Event
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) still gets her wish of having a white Christmas, even if it came down to the last possible minute.
Warnings: mentions of alcohol, smoking
Word Count: 3021
A/N: figured it would only be fitting to ring in December with a little Christmas story. I wrote this for the secret Santa event, where my receiver’s wishlist was Tommy Shelby and fluff. I hope that I got it down. Also I hope it’s ok that I’m 21 words over 3000…I tried my darnedest to cut it down haha. I pulled inspiration from the song White Christmas for this. Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
"Busy, Tommy?" (Y/N) asked as she peeked her head into her husband's office.
"I am," Tommy answered him, just briefly looking up from the paperwork he was busy filling out to acknowledge her presence.
(Y/N) entered the room then, walking over to where his desk was situated. She looked at the papers strewn across the desk before she continued to the large window. She pulled the curtains back and peeked out, looking at the bleak scene with a frown on her face. Christmas was fastly approaching and snow had yet to fall. The thought of not having a white Christmas made her sigh in sadness.
"Something wrong, love?" Tommy picked up on her sigh.
"No," she answered him initially before looking away from the window. When she did, she found that Tommy had spun his chair around and was now looking at her with his signature raised eyebrow expression. It immediately told her that she wasn't going to be getting off of the hook that easily. "I'm just sad that there's no snow on the ground yet," she told him, exhaling another sigh after she was finished speaking.
Tommy frowned at her statement. He knew how much she loved seeing snow - granted that she only liked it up until December 25th, and knew that its absence was really dampening her mood. The fact that Christmas was now two days away was not helping her case. He slowly stood from his chair and made his way over to her, placing his hands on her hips as he swayed her in time with him slightly.
"What're you doing, Tommy?" she questioned him, her hands falling onto his shoulders as she moved with him.
"You'll get your white Christmas, love," he told her, matching his eyes with hers as he spoke.
"You don't know if that'll come true," she pointed out, a pout on her lips, "and we usually have snow by now...I think it'll be different this year," she added, the words paining her to say.
"Never say never," he said to her, pressing a kiss to her forehead before he ran his hands up and down her sides.
"I won't get my hopes up," she still kept her somber tone.
"Do you have any plans?" he asked her then, trying to change the subject so that she wouldn't be dwelling on it any longer.
"I was going to start wrapping the kids' presents," she answered, looking up at him again, "I suppose that you'd have no interest in helping," she added, a smile tugging the corners of her lips upwards.
Tommy was unable to stop his smile as he let out a soft chuckle, "I think I'll pass," he agreed with her statement, his words making her laugh.
(Y/N) smiled at him as she reached up and buttoned one of the top buttons that he'd left open. Tommy chuckled at her actions before he pressed his fingers into her waist. "I'll let you get back to work," she told him then.
"Ok," Tommy agreed, leaning in and kissing her before he dropped his hands and took a step back, "have fun," he added, sending her a wink.
"Oh I will," (Y/N) grinned before she made her way back to the door of his office. Tommy watched her as she exited the room before he got back to what he was doing.
"Mum! Dad! Wake up! It's Christmas!" the sound of excited footsteps followed by children's screams made (Y/N)'s eyes flutter open two days later.
She wasn't able to do much before she felt the distinctive thud of three, little bodies jumping onto her and Tommy's bed. Instead of feigning sleep, she scooted up in bed and rubbed her eyes, a smile on her face as she was met with the view of her grinning kids.
"It's Christmas, mum!" her oldest, Jackson, said as he clambered over to where she was sitting. He fell into her arms the second he made it to her side. He’d always been a mumma's boy.
"And Santa's came!" Eleanor, the middle child, added her wide, toothless smile on display.
"Oh yeah?" (Y/N) asked the children with excitement in her voice, although she knew full well that there were presents under the tree.
"Yes! There's so many presents!" Robert, the youngest, said, nodding frantically as he added his bit of information.
"Well we'll go down the second your father wakes up," (Y/N) told them, a grin on her face as she looked over at Tommy, who was still peacefully sleeping on his stomach with his arms stretched above his head. He wouldn't be asleep for much longer, she thought to herself.
"Dad!" the children exclaimed in unison as they rushed to his side of the bed, confirming what she knew would happen. Tommy groaned at the feeling of their bodies falling on top of him, and he lifted his head to see what was happening, his one eye barely open. (Y/N) couldn't help but laugh at his wild bedhead.
"What's happening here?" he questioned, grogginess in his voice. For once he was actually sleeping when he was met with this wonderful wake-up call.
"It's Christmas, dad! You need to get up!" Eleanor exclaimed, sitting right in the middle of her father's back.
"I'd love to do that, sweetheart, but I can't with someone sitting on my back," he told her, twisting his neck as much as possible so that he could catch a glimpse of his giggling daughter.
"Get off of his back, Ellie! We need to open the presents!" Robert exclaimed, grabbing hold of her arm.
"Don't be rough with her," (Y/N) told her son. Although he was the youngest, he was definitely able to hold his own in a fight. And he needed to with having two older siblings who liked to rough house as much as they did.
Eleanor listened to both her father and brother and got off of her dad’s back, allowing him to turn in the bed so that he could sit like (Y/N) was. "Can we go for presents now?" she asked with a dramatic expression on her face.
"I suppose so," Tommy nodded, a sleepy smile on his face as the kids rushed to get off of the bed and run out of the room.
"Happy Christmas, Tommy," (Y/N) said in a soft voice once they were alone again.
"Happy Christmas, love," Tommy responded, his smile still present as they looked at each other. (Y/N) couldn't stop herself from leaning over and pressing a kiss to his lips. "We should probably get down there before they rip everything apart," he said once they pulled away.
"Probably," (Y/N) agreed with him, laughing slightly at the thought as they pulled away entirely. They both got out of bed then and put on some house clothes so that they'd look presentable enough to go downstairs. (Y/N) looked out the window as she was in the process of tying the knot on her robe. "No snow yet," she said with a sigh, a frown forming on her face.
"It's still early," Tommy reminded her, still keeping a positive outlook on the situation. (Y/N) only smiled over at him, although it wavered the second the corners of her mouth tugged upwards. "Come on," he said then, nodding his head to the door. She listened and followed him, the both of them making their way downstairs so that they could be with their excited children.
A few hours later, Tommy and (Y/N) were relaxing together on one of the couches in the front room while they watched their children play with the toys they'd unwrapped earlier. Robert was busy with his horses and wooden barn that he'd been asking for for at least the entire month of December, and Eleanor had somehow managed to talk Jackson into letting her use one of his new cars to drive around her doll. Jackson, the ever-patient big brother, was being a good sport and acting like he was one of the doll's chauffeurs. Christmas music was playing softly in the background. Everything was perfect...well actually not everything. There was still no snow outside. (Y/N) tried not to let it dampen her spirits.
She had her head rested on Tommy's shoulder until he started to move. "Where're you going?" she asked him, sitting up straight so that she could let him stand anyway.
"I want to get changed. Arthur mentioned something about him and Linda coming over...can't let me brother see me in these house clothes," he answered her, motioning to the outfit he had on.
"I'm sure he's seen you in worse, Tommy," she told him, not quite buying the story he was trying to sell her.
Tommy huffed, not necessarily liking that she was questioning his intentions. "I'll get dressed and come right back down," he promised her, his eyebrows raised to show that he was being serious.
"Right back down," she emphasized his final three words.
"Yes," he doubled down on his statement. He waited intently then for (Y/N) to sign off on the deal, looking at her expectantly. He didn't take his first step away from the couch until she nodded, and when she did, he said nothing more before leaving the room.
(Y/N) watched him leave the room before looking back at her children with a slight sigh. She had an inkling that he wouldn't be holding up his promise to her. She'd see in a few minutes.
"Thomas Shelby, I thought you gave me your word that you'd be right back down after you finished getting dressed," (Y/N) announced herself as she walked into his office with her hands on her hips.
"I did get dressed," he answered her, motioning to the white shirt and dark waistcoat that he was now wearing.
"And you said you'd be right back down," she pointed out the part of his earlier statement that he'd failed to hold up, "it's been forty bloody minutes, Tommy."
"I figured I'd come and check on some stuff while I was able to," he saw no use in keeping his intentions a secret, bringing the cigarette he'd been smoking up to his lips to take a drag then.
"You're meant to be with your family."
"Alright, I'm finished," he conceded to her, snuffing out the cigarette in the ashtray before he stood from the chair behind his desk.
"Good," (Y/N) smiled triumphantly as she moved over to where she was standing.
Tommy saw her glance over his shoulder and watched her expression change, knowing just what she was thinking before she even had to say it. "It's still early," he repeated what he said to her earlier, commenting on the absence of snow that was making her upset.
"I'm holding out hope," she stated, smiling at him as she wrapped her arms around his waist in a hug.
"Good," Tommy hummed, returning the hug as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head.
"Leave the gun locked away. It's a holiday," she told him as she pulled away from his embrace, taking it out of its holster and holding it out in front of him.
"I'll be right down," he said as he took the weapon from her and moved to lock it in his desk.
"Right down?" she tried again, emphasizing his final words like she had last time.
"Yes," he repeated the same response he'd given earlier.
"I'll wait here so I know it's true," she told him, popping her one hip out as she rested her hand on it. Tommy only chuckled as he shut the desk drawer and moved to her side. She then led him out of the room, stopping when they crossed the threshold to stand in the hallway.
“What?” Tommy questioned, confused as to why they didn’t continue walking.
“Lock the office,” she told him, her hand falling to her hip again. She most certainly meant business at this moment, Tommy noticed that right away. So with a sigh he conceded and pulled the small key ring out of his pocket so that he could go about locking the door. “The keys, please,” she then held her hand out expectantly once he was finished. “Thank you,” she smiled at him after he handed them over, “let’s go spend time with family,” she then said, taking his hand to lead him to the stairs.
After a day full of playing and a rather eventful dinner, at which Arthur, Linda, and their son Billy joined - (Y/N) and Linda found it rather comical watching Tommy and Arthur stick around and wrangle the children instead of sneaking away to discuss business, the kids were washed up for the night and tucked into their beds.
How late it was didn’t surprise (Y/N). She always let the kids stay up past their bedtimes on this special holiday and enjoyed watching their exuberance. But by the end of the day, she was more than ready to curl up on the couch with the new book that Tommy had gotten her.
She peeked up from her book in time to see Tommy enter the front room. He moved over and checked the fire before he dropped the needle on the record player so that soft Christmas music would fill the room again, creating a warming atmosphere. He then grabbed a glass and the bottle of whiskey that was sitting on the mantle, going about pouring himself some. He turned with it in his hand and glanced at (Y/N) before he made his way over to where she was sitting.
(Y/N) smiled up at him as he stopped in front of the couch, and she scooted herself down slightly so that he’d be able to fit in next to her. “What’re you reading?” he asked her as he got comfortable on the couch. She rested her back against his chest and he moved his arm to drape it over the top of the couch so that she’d have more room.
“The book you gave me,” she answered him, flipping it to the front cover so that she could show him.
“Enjoying it?” he questioned, sipping on his drink.
“Yes,” she smiled at him before tucking herself under his arm so that she could be comfortable again. She read a few lines before deciding that she’d rather make conversation with her husband. “Did you enjoy today?” she asked him, dropping the book to her lap before she turned slightly to look at him.
“I did,” he nodded, a smile tugging at his lips, “you?” he then flipped the question onto her.
“I did,” she repeated his answer, smiling as well, although it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “The only thing that was missing was some snow,” she added, unable to stop the frown from forming on her face.
“I don’t think that it’s missing anymore,” he commented, nodding his head towards the window on the opposite side of the room.
“What?” (Y/N) questioned him, her brows furrowing in confusion.
“Have a look,” he told her, nodding again. This time (Y/N) turned to look out the window. She was instantly able to see snowflakes falling down underneath the bright moonlight.
“It’s snowing?” she gasped with wide eyes as she stood from the couch, “what time is it, Tommy? Surely it’s tomorrow already,” she turned and asked him, knowing how late it already was when she put the kids down.
“It’s eleven, love,” he answered her as he put his watch back into its pocket, “you got your Christmas wish,” he grinned as he also stood from the couch.
“I can’t believe it’s snowing!” she exclaimed as she rushed to the archway that led into the home’s foyer. She ran to the door without hesitation, pulling it open and gasping again at the wintery scene that was presented to her. “It’s so beautiful, Tommy!” she called to her husband, knowing that he was a few steps behind her.
She then rushed outside and extended her arms to either side, spinning in a circle as the snow fell around her. She felt just like a kid again, looking up at the sky as the flakes tickled her face before melting hastily. Tommy followed her outside, standing on the entryway’s steps for a few moments as he watched her soak in the moment. He then moved over to her and draped his overcoat over her shoulders. She’d forgotten one in her rush to be outside, so he grabbed one of his own from the front closet.
“I can’t believe it’s snowing!” she said, sounding just like her children as they opened their presents earlier that morning. Tommy only grinned at her, his heart swelling at how excited she was about this. “Dance with me in the snow, Tommy,” she said then, holding out her hand in his direction.
She didn’t even need to pout because he’d grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him in an instant. After making sure that the overcoat wouldn’t fall off of her shoulders due to the position change, he slowly started to sway them, his forehead resting against hers. “Happy Christmas, love,” he whispered against her lips before he pressed his to them in a slow kiss.
(Y/N) smiled in the kiss, holding it for a few moments before she pulled away to look at him. She couldn’t help but giggle at the snowflakes that had stuck to his hair and eyelashes. “All of our Christmas’ have still been white,” she pointed out before closing her eyes and reveling in the calmness of the moment.
They continued dancing under the falling snow and the moonlight for some time then, only retreating indoors when their noses started to burn from the coldness surrounding them. After adding more wood to the fire, they both laid together on the couch wrapped under blankets, nodding off to sleep with their hearts full, marking a beautiful end to this year’s Christmas.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08
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Bon Voyage (Thomas Shelby x Reader)
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This was based on prompt 22 for the lovely @the-fangirl-diaries , I hope you enjoy it!
Prompt 22- playful teasing
(Still taking requests. Prompts here)
Summary: Thomas comes to visit a workaholic horse trainer Y/N and tries to whisk her away on vacation.
Word Count: 754
TW: Horses
I was brushing Mr. Shelby’s race horse in the stables I inherited from my late father. I was trying to prepare the horse, named Gypsy, for the next big race. The race it was supposed to win. I heard strong footsteps coming from the front of the barn and hurried up my brushing, turning my head to get a glimpse of who was entering. It was none other than Thomas Shelby in his dark haired glory. The man with a fine taste in suits here to enter a dirty old stable. “Mr. Shelby, what a surprise” I said from behind the horse. He walked up to where I was brushing the horse and fumbled with his coat pockets.
“I’ve heard you haven’t had a day off” He spoke in a deep voice that came so naturally to him.
“Have you been talking to my mother?” I grew frustrated.
“Y/N, she’s a good woman. It’s not my fault she happens to like me more” He teased and walked up closer to me, making me simultaneously frustrated and nervous.
“We all need to take breaks, Y/N. Even the best horse trainers in the world take breaks” He informed me.
“And yourself? Do you go on breaks Thomas Shelby?” I scoffed.
He smiled back at me with those crushing blue eyes. I could get lost in them for eternity.
“As a matter of fact that’s why I came here, Y/N. I’m taking a nice long break and I’d like you to join me” He invited.
“Well that’s nice and all but I have to take care of the horse” I tried to shrug off his invitation. It was too much for me to even consider. Going out with a man who I barely know. Who is my boss and could release me from my contract at any moment. It was out of the question.
“I arranged for Curly to take care of the horse while you’re gone. We’ll be gone for barely a week-“
“A week?! Mr.Shelby I have strict plans for this horse I can’t be gone for that long!”
“Curly can follow every instruction…if its something you want” Thomas spoke carefully considering my angsty body language.
“You know you don’t have to be scared of me” He teased again.
“I’m not I-“
“I just know that I used to be the same way as you. Hard working. No days off, but slowly over time your mind starts playing tricks on you. It starts telling you that all you have is your work and that no one else can do what you do…but the truth is we’re all replaceable anyway…So you have to learn to take time for yourself. No one else is going to” He sighed and looked down at the hay covered floor.
“Fine, but I’m only going because my mom told you to do this” I huffed and walked out of the stables with him.
“It was all my idea. Your mom just gave me permission” He smiled.
I laughed and looked into his blue eyes once more. He was growing softer on me. It was a good look for him.
As we neared the driveway I noticed his all black car ready to go.
“I’ll let you pack and you can meet me here when you’re ready” He explained.
I nodded at him and walked up the porch steps, entering my home to find my bags all packed and waiting in the hall. I shook my head and thought about how my mother is never up to any good.
“Goodbye mum” I shouted at the top of my lungs. She was always in the kitchen cooking something.
I heard her footsteps race out to the hallway. She embraced me in a big hug, wearing her apron covered in flour. “Have a good time dear” She blessed me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
I picked up my two sets of luggage and made my way out of the door, finding Thomas standing against his car the whole time with a cheesy grin on his face.
“About time princess” He teased.
“It hasn’t even been five minutes Mr. Shelby!” I scoffed and gave my luggage to him.
He gently placed it in the back of the car and opened up my passenger door for me. I got close to his face and placed a soft kiss upon his cheek that made him turn crimson red. “Thank you Mr. Shelby” I smiled and got into the car.
Maybe I did need a break.
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chaithetics · 1 year
Porce and Shark(hehe) live free in my head right now!THEY'RE JUST THE CUTESTS!!!And the kids?😍😍😍!!!Don't ask me why but I have this idea that Yn loves to bake,especially with the little ones. They're always creating new memories and tradidtions with food and of course daddy Shark LOVES to help (don't mind me, I just binge watch all the studio ghibli animations for the past 2 days)💖💖
Hello, hello, hello lovely Nonnie!
Ah! That makes me so happy! They could definitely afford to be paying you for that accommodation though 🤣 I'm sorry that they're not haha! But thank you! What a compliment Yes they're a household of cuties!
Omg, I hadn't thought about that but I can definitely see that! I'll definitely be adding that info future porce and shark fics! Thank you so much for the idea. It's basically "canon" now!
Daddy Shark made me laugh SOOOO much omg 🤣 it also made me think of Baby Shark...
Here's a few thoughts on this that I'll include in future fics...
To a stranger there's just a random chair in the kitchen but it's the designated chair for Jonathan to stand on when he's baking with his mum.
There's a rostered afternoon each week for Hosseini household baking. Everybody absolutely loves it.
Porce/Roy reader probably wouldn't grown up with a lot of baking or spending time in the kitchen and so she only started in adulthood. She really enjoys the fact that it's something her kids are exposed to from a younger age.
Jonathan loves baking and takes it very seriously, he loves to help out however he can and follows instructions very well.
Stewy actually isn't too bad in the kitchen and has some great baking success but whenever he joins in he's usually more of a chaotic energy.
He's an absolute menace, he'll dip his fingers into batter to eat (that oral fixation) while Porce or Jonathan are stirring. He'll flick and wipe flour on everyone's clothes and faces with a small smirk.
He lives for the baking afternoon scolds he'll get because they're gentle and they look so unserious on you both. Plus toddlers unimpressed expressions are hilarious and we've already established Jonathan is a cutie so we know that would be adorable!
But if he's told to do something/given a baking job by you or sweet little Jonathan, he immediately does it, no hesitation.
After dinner, they'll watch something together as a family while eating some of the baking and it's one of the best parts of Stewy's week.
Stewy never complains about what Jonathan wants to watch even if it's the same thing but he'll have his favourites of Jonathan’s favourites and will try to hint at a certain one of Jonathan's favourites at times.
Also, because of the daddy shark comment it made me think of baby shark. Roman doesn't use ringtones and Stewy and him very rarely ever call each other but as soon as Baby Shark went viral, Roman made that Stewy's ring tone just out of the principle of the act and he was far too proud of himself for that idea.
PS I haven't seen any Studio Ghibli films but I've meaning to! The stills I've seen are so pretty visually and the storylines sound so beautiful. What are your favourites? What would you recommend to start with?
Thank you for sending all of this in Nonnie! It's great, I adore you! Have a virtual forehead kiss and hug if you'd like one!
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aissa-snapped · 2 years
Rescuing A Friend
Summary:After Eloise meets notorious Sirius Black at a ball, she thinks they will become friends at school, but that wish comes to an end the moment he sees her sitting with Regulus Black, thinking she is just like the rest of them.
Word count: 6k+ 
Pairings: Sirius Black x OC
'' Don`t know mate. All I know is that I don`t want to go to that stupid ball my parents are throwing.'' Sirius huffed angrily, placing his chin in the palm of his hand, resting it on the table, unavoidably pushing his plate filled with scrambled eggs and sausages to the side.
'' Well you don`t have much of a choice now, do you?'' Remarked Remus as a matter-of-fact. He took a sip of his pumpkin juice, followed by a bite of toast.
The dark haired boy glared at him, huffing at his comment.
'' A little support from my friends would be much appreciated Moony!''
'' Ok, ok. I am sure it will all go well and you`ll have fun.'' James reassured his grumpy friend, patting him on the back.
'' More like it will go by fast, hopefully.'' Grumbled Sirius, aware that this was their last day of school and tomorrow he will be heading back home for the summer, where his oh-so-lovely mother decided to host yet another fancy ball for the pureblood families across all Europe.
'' Bye Prongs. I'll miss ya. Write to me.'' Sirius hugged his bespectacled friend, pulling away sadly. ''You two as well.'' He glanced at Remus and Peter, who were waiting on the Potter boy to accompany them.
'' Of course we will Pads, but I can`t say the same about you.'' James raised his brows, acting all serious for a few moments before laughing and hugging his brother from another mother a second round. '' Oi I told ya my mum grounded me last summer. There was no way for me to contact you.'' He reasoned.
'' Well then behave this summer lad. Be good and we might see each other sooner.''
'' Ye ye all right. Bye.''
'' Oh I`m so happy for this event. I even dare say I`ve outdone myself!'' Walburga exclaimed enthusiasticaly, clasping her hands together, and taking a step back to admire her work. She gazed around the room, where the ball was being held, to take a look at the fine decor that complimented the walls and ceiling.
'' You mean to say the house elves have outdone themselves.'' Corrected his mother smirking, whilst leaning half his body on the entrance into the room.
Scoffing at her rebel son, she rolled her eyes turning to look at him. '' I was the one who coordinated the whole planning of this. Therefore, it was all my efforts that are now paying off!'' Argued back the annoyed mother.
'' Yes yes but technically it was their physical effort that made it-'' '' WHAT are you still doing here? The guests will be arriving shortly. I do Not have time to waste my energy on such matters. Go get dressed.'' She waved a dismissive hand at Sirius, ushering him back to his chamber.
Defeteadly, Sirius huffed, making a piece of curly hair that was hanging around his face fly away in the process, turning smoothly towards the stairs.
Hours later, the ball was in full motion. Various families were dancing, drinking and conversing delightfully, overall creating a pleasant atmosphere.
At such times you were able to tell the heavy contrasts between the two Black brothers. Whereas Regulus was already blending in and courting several young women, Sirius begrudgingly sitting in a corner of the room, itching to go light up a cigarette but thinking of the consequences, knew better than to do it.
Hovering his eyes over the room looking for a potential person to chat with, his looks rested upon an unfamiliar face. The young girl seemed to be just as out of place as him, so with a grin, he strode over to her.
'' I don`t think I`ve ever met you before. You seem... Lost.'' He remarked, beaming his charming smile at her. The stranger blinked up at him, moving her shoulder length hair our of the way.
'' Yes well, that would probably be because I have never been here before. Hi I am Eloise Montalli.'' She offered her hand for a shake, and Sirius took if gleefully, feeling her soft skin against his own.
'' Sirius. Pleasure.'' He bowed lightly, making her giggle at his courtesy. '' Montalli... Mon-ta-lli. I don`t seem to be familiar with your family. Half-bloods?''
She frowned her brows, shaking her head almost as if insulted. ''Purebloods. We are from Italy.''
''  That explains the slight accent I sensed.At what school do you go to?'' Truthfully, Sirius thought her accent was rather cute and quirky. He liked it.
'' I-... I was home schooled. Our whole family was. We always believed that we can get the most education if we had the teacher`s full attention on just a few of us, rather than a full class.'' She shrugged neutrally, reaching next to the table to grab a snack. '' Oh yes, I understand. And what year are you going into?'' '' 6th. Though, my parents have been asked to move their work specifically here, by personal request of the minister.''
At this, Sirius widened his eyes, piecing all the newfound information in his head.
'' Wait.. so.. does that mean... you're transferring to Hogwarts?'' He asked hopefully, feeling a sudden warmth taking over his insides.
'' Oh.. I- I don`t know yet. Perhaps. ''
They conversed for the rest of the night, Eloise laughing once in a while at a corny joke Sirius cracked from time to time. Usually, the dark haired boy hated these sorts of gatherings. It was no secret he was against everything the pureblood high society stood for. But for once, he seemed quite pleased with this night and he seemed to enjoy every second of it.
Regulus eyed his brother once in a while, noticing his joyful state and getting a slight wave of jealousy seeing him flirt with a pretty girl.
The night eventually came to an end. With sad looks and sighs, the two parted ways, but not before Sirius took the initiative and hugged the Italian girl. Getting a whiff of a sweet flowery scent, he inhaled it deep in his lungs, hoping he could hold onto her smell a little longer and wouldn`t forget her so easily.
Before he even blinked, summer was over and he was returning back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Seeing his friends for the first time in a few months was always a go-to. Reuniting with them felt like his heart was full again.  He could go back to pulling pranks and having a hearty laughter.
But at the back of his head, there was that lingering scent of the stranger girl he met at the ball, wondering if she will show up at Hogwarts. Not knowing if she did, he thought it unimportant to tell his friends about her YET.
The celebration was as boring as ever. Being a first year and getting placed into your house for the next seven years surely was a nerve wracking experience. But as one of the older students, you couldn`t care less about the youngest ones being placed in their respective houses, unless it was a know relative of course.
Sirius couldn`t catch a glimpse of the girl amongst the first years, so he sadlt dropped his gaze on his lap, ignoring his friends talking around him.
'' You all right Pads?'' The scarred boy checked on him, seeing he kept glancing at the first years. '' You looking for someone familiar?'' James asked curiously, forming a grin in a teasing manner.
'' OH no no. I was... just observing the children. They are so tiny, can`t believe we were like them just a few years ago.'' He sighed sadly, trying to convince his friends this was what was keeping him so lost in their conversation.
'' Yeah.. right.'' Peter agreed, looking at him weirdly and then going back to conversing with James.
Unbeknownst to Sirius, the said girl had been sorted into her house previous to the arrival of the rest of the students. She found herself sitting with none other than Regulus Arcturus Black, who was more than happy to welcome her to her new temporary family.
First day of classes was the hardest. Reprogramming your mind to waking up early in the morning, adjusting to both classes during the day, as well as during the night for Astronomy and finding the time to study or do your homework in your free time. Not that these were all things Sirius truly cared about. He was lucky having grown up in a pureblood lineage. They had access to education and all sorts of knowledge that was introduced to them very early on in their lives. So naturally, he was a fast learner and unlike his friends, he spent the least amount of time dedicated to school, since he only needed a few repetitions to fully understand something.
'' C`mon hurry up. I am hungry.'' Peter whined, waiting impatiently by the door, already dressed up and ready for the first day of classes.
'' You don`t have to wait for us. Just go and stuff your face with food.'' Remarked Sirius grumpily, who was putting on his white shirt as slowly as ever.
'' Ugh. You lads always make me miss the first round of sausages. '' And with that. Peter left their shared dorm and with heavy thumping sounds, he rushed towards the Great Hall.
James laughed, glancing at Remus and Sirius, and finished knotting his tie, ruffling his hair a bit followed by placing his glasses on.
'' Don`t worry mate. No matter how hard you try, Evans won`t agree on going out with you today either.'' Reassured Remus, before checking his school bag to check if everything was in order.
With a gasp, James stood agape for a few moments, before he started reasoning with Remus as to how he has been developing some sort of strategy that will DEFINITELY make Lily go out with him.
'' - and when she`ll hear it, she will come to ME to cry to-who you laughing at Pad? Put some bloody pants on and fast cuz we want to go down to breakfast.'' Sirius begrudgingly obliged, and with rushed steps they all headed towards the Great Hall.
They were scanning the Gryffindor table in search for their friend, when Sirius glanced by the Slytherin table by mistake and spotted his brother. However it was not his brother that made him pause his movements, but rather the person sitting next to him. It was HER. How come she never told him she was here? And how come he didn`t see her yesterday during the sorting ceremony?
Feeling a pair of powerful eyes on her, Eloise turned to look around for whoever was studying her. When she noticed Sirius, she happily waved at him, showing him a beautiful genuine smile. However, her beam faltered when she noticed he was not reciprocating her actions, but worse, he was glaring at her and quickly turned his back to her.
With a sad gaze, she turned back to her breakfast, only she was no longer hungry and slightly pushed her plate away. Regulus, who was smirking from the previous interaction between the two, altered his emotions, looking at her with pityful eyes, rubbing her back.
'' I told you. That`s how they act. They have no respect for us and turn against you once you join this house.'' '' But- we talked. At the ball... We had a great time..'' With a roll of his eyes, ensuring she wasn`t looking at him, he placed an arm around her shoulders and brought her closer to him, feeling her weight slightly shift into his side.
'' Who was that mate?'' James asked the instant they were all seated. '' Hello?!'' He repeated, seeing as Sirius completely ignored the question. Finally acknowledging his question, he raised his eyebrows at his friend, as if asking silently if the question was directed at him.
'' You were asking me?'' '' No, he was asking your mom.'' Remus remarked, huffing at the marauder.
'' Don`t know. I don`t think I`ve seen her around here before though.''
'' That`s because she is new. Transferred here this summer.'' Chipped in Lily, who just happened to be passing the boys before going to sit down next to her friends.
'' Then how come we didn`t see her at the cer-'' Sirius couldn`t finish his question because Lily was already heading towards her group and James in a rushing tone yelled after her if she wanted to study with him after class.
'' I`ve already promised someone I`d study with them.'' She said cheekily, winking at James and sitting down a few seats away from them.
''Bloody buggers. I hope it`s not that mop of greasy hair.'' He grumbled under his breath, biting down his toast with anger, which caused the other marauders to chuckle at his flustered state.
'' Potions as first class in the morning should be illegal. I can`t brew anything this early in the morning.'' Complained Sirius to James, who was nodding along and taking steps towards the classroom. They were usually partners in Potions whilst Remus and Peter would pair up together, or in this case, they had different classes than the two pureblood marauders.
Taking a seat in the very back of the class, they pulled out their textbooks, and kept themselves busy chatting with one another, planning future pranks and such. That only lasted until one certain student took a seat in front of Sirius, gesturing with his hands for another one to come take the available seat next to him.
Sirius turned towards James with a grimace on his hands, mouthing the word 'Snivellus' and both of them sniggering at the whole new pranking possibilities to make this class more entertaining, for them two at least.
Sirius` snorting stopped, once he recognized Snape`s Potions partner. The girl lightly twisted her body towards the marauders to collect the textbook from her bag, and attempted another smile at the Curly haired boy.
James returned her gesture, already being a gentleman by introducing himself. '' Glad to meet you. I see you have already been corrupted with sitting with the snakes. But I guarantee you, should you change your mind, our table is more fun and friendlier.'' He flirted, taking her hand and kissing the top of it. Not knowing how to respond, she giggled, trying to ignore the rush of heat that was making her way towards her cheeks.
Snape glared at James, and placed a firm hand on the girl`s shoulder, forcefully turning her around towards the front and with her back towards the boys. James frowned at that gesture and Sirius, who had been sitting quietly near his extroverted friend, furrowed his eyebrows at the action, but remained quiet.
A few weeks into the new school routine, Sirius found himself telling the marauders about his encounter with the girl during the ball in summer, followed by his revolted opinions surrounding her sitting with the snakes.
'' Not once did she seem like the rest of `em. I s`pose it was all in there hidden. All that time.'' He commented distastefully. As much as he pretented to now despise the new-come girl, his friends could see how affected he was by her being a Slytherin. It was as if, that small feeble stream of hope that she could`ve been friends with him, all dispersed once he saw her with that grotesque emerald green colored robe.
Eloise would try to greet Sirius every Potions class and sometimes in the hallways, but in vain, as he blatantly ignored her. His friends however often times would say a 'hello' back to her to save her the embarrassment of her being completely ignored.
Weeks later, she came to realize that her greeting attempts were not being reciprocated and so she eventually gave up on him. She strenuously let herself be taken under the wing of the Slytherins. After all, it was them she shared a common room with right?
That, however did not mean she could finally say she had found her people. With each passing day, she would be reminded time after time the reason why this house was so hated. Most Slytherins were too stuck up to even glance at muggleborns, or to ever apologize for something they did wrong. No wonder they all had such a bad reputation. She experienced this on her own skin when she was once being interrogated by her so called friends for reasons she was hanging out with 'mud-bloods'.
'' We were just studying. I was helping Lily with her birthchart, plus she's super nice. That doen`t mean we`re friends.'' She tried defending herself in front of half of the Slytherin students. Even though she started to consider Lily her friend, she wouldn`t dare say it out loud under these circumstances.
That night, remained forever scarred inher brain, as well as her body. The Slytherins saw fit to 'punish' her 'traitorous' actions and, just as taught from their parents, used some sort of stinging spell on the girl, that left her with a fresh wound on her arm.
It was a few months well into school, and the girl had no choice but to comply to the bullying of her own housemates. Not that it happened so often, however, she felt like a prisoner, always being watched by them, abused verbally and reminded not to associate herself with 'mutts'. Though she grew up in a pureblood family herself, she never experienced real school life until now. Her parents never forbade her from talking to muggles, moreover, encouraged her to learn their way of living, to see how they exist without magic. She had a balance around the area. Not obsessed with them but not hateful of them either.
Everytime Lily came up to greet her or ask her about her day, she had to sadly ignore her or keep the conversation as short as possible, seeing as her housemates would have a go at her again. And she was right. She even sensed a joy in all of them whenever she was inflicted in pain, and her cries were not helping her, but rather fueling their resentment towards her.
She had been desperately searching for a safe space for her to hide into, where she could let her tears and sadness out. And that happened to be the bathroom on the second floor, which was already with its own resident, a ghost who seemed to be weeping just as much as her nowadays.
She found the presence of the little girl quite comforting, since she was also sharing her sentiments. Though sometimes she did wish she could be fully alone, she learned to accept the phantomatic presence.
Her crying sessions would usually last hours after dark, with her only returning back to her dorm when most of the students were already fast asleep.
While she was making her way to the dungeons quietly, she heard footsteps behind her. Checking for any signs of a teacher of prefect, she simply couldn`t see anyone. With a new sense of fear, she was hurrying towards the common room, when all of a sudden she felt a hand grabbing at her forearm, stopping her from going anywhere.
Instinctively, she let out a scream out of shock, her heart beating faster than it ever has in her life.
'' Shh... You`re gonna wake the whole castle up.'' And as if out of thin air, none other than Sirius Black appeared before her. More confused than ever, she tried grasping her head, not knowing what just happened.
'' You- out of nowhere-h-how?!'' She breathed out words between each exhale.
'' I`ll explain it later. But more importantly, what are YOU doing here at this hour, and almost every night?'' Eloise was trying to come up with an excuse but then frowned at the words spoken by the boy. '' How do you know I come out here almost every night?'' The Slytherin interrogated smartly.
Sirius, seemingly speechless, gulped as quietly as possible, forming a believable answer to the girl, without giving away their beloved bewitched map.
'' I`ve-... Seen you other times as well. Just didn`t want to come and bother you.''
''Oh.'' That`s all she could say, hoping she was now free to go, seeing as she was becoming tired and needed as much sleep as she could get.
'' Well? What are you up to!?'' He pressed impatiently.
Scoffing, she crossed her arms and scowled at him, something she picked on from her housemates. '' Why should I explain myself to you?'' Acting all tough and mighty, she forgot one minor detail. Her eyes gave away everything.
Sirius was scanning her face, not even flinching at her cold stares.
'' Have you been crying?'' '' WHAT?! You`re honestly so ridiculous. You ignore me all these months, giving me the cold shoulder as if we`ve never met. And I-'' her voice cracked, which took both students by surprise. If she was able to conceal her sadness before, right now a new wave of tears were coming in strong, as she was no longer able to control them.
So she simply allowed each tear to flow down her soft skin, and blinking madly trying to clear up her vision, she proceeded to continue. '' You have NO idea what I`ve been through. And-'' Another voice crack paused her speech. ''- to think I was so happy to come here knowing I`ll have you as a friend...'' She shook her head, simply letting her angry tears take over her as she was starting to shake.
Sirius was speechless. He had no idea what to do at this moment. He was never the right type of person to comfort another, and in this exact moment he was reminded yet again of his incapability of it. So instead of sitting there like an idiot, he decided on a few pats on the shoulder, along with a bit of caressing them.
Eloise was bawling her eyes out in front of Sirius Black, and she was fighting against her own emotions, attempting at caging them inside her. Minutes later, she was finally able to calm down, with only a few sobs here and there. Her breathing was also slowing down, leaving space for her to blink any last tears away from her vision.
Sniffling, she shrugged Sirius` hand off her and dusted away at her clothes.
'' Goodnight.''  Not leaving any room for Sirius to speak, she swiftly turned back around and jogged down dungeons, the Gryffindor being left there in complete shock.
The morning news was the first priority of the day for the marauders, and for Sirius, it was the moment he told me what had happened the night prior.
'' What do you reckon happens to her?'' Asked James, who seemed to be quite involved in this new matter of business that revolved around the Slytherin girl.
'' Couldn`t exactly find out. She was almost choking on her tears so she didn`t have any room for an explanation.'' Half joked Sirius, which caused the werewolf sitting next to him to hit him in the stomach with his elbow.
'' OW. MOONY. IT WAS A JOKE ALL RIGHT? Ugh you and your bony arms'' He grumbled in pain, rubbing at his stomach.
'' I say we go and ask her.'' Shrugged Remus simply, sipping on his pumpkin juice and reading the Daily Prophet.
'' Yeah, that is a good idea.'' Chimed in Peter, who out of all, he seemed the least interested in the matters that involved the girl, but for the sake of his friends, tried to appear useful.
James, who was sitting in front of Sirius, had a clear view of the girl, who was squished between some Slytherin boys, and seemed to be feeling uncomfortable. Sirius followed his gaze, also observing the little hints that might be an indicator as to what happens to her when she enters the coomon room.
The marauders were all revising for a Transfiguration in the warm common room, when Lily and her pals entered all chatting worriedly, instantly getting the attention of the nosy teen boys.
''Lily, my angel. What is the matter?'' James found himself gazing up at the redhead, grinning her way. Her face scrunched up at the nickname, but approached the boys anyway.
'' Eloise, she was crying in the bathroom again. Said she had stinging pain all over her arms. Those heartless idiots..''
'' What are you ever talking about?'' Sirius asked more confused than ever. ''Listen. I shouldn`t be telling you this since it is not my business. But I am worried about her and I trust that in your most absurd and stupid ways possible, you could help her.'' She started, getting their full attention, even Remuses, who until now was still reading from his textbook, but now it sat closely in his lap.
'' She said the other Slytherins used a stinging jinx on her whenever she was seen talking to me or other... Muggleborns. Said they were giving her proper 'education' and she told me we can no longer be friends because she feared going back to her dorm.'' She finished sadly.
'' What the bloody...-'' '' Godric`s knickers I-'' '' We have to help her!'' Exclaimed Sirius, ignoring the weird stares from his friends for his choice of exclamation words. '' Yes but how exactly? We can`t exactly fight off the entire Slytherin house!'' Exclaimed Peter in fear of what his brave friends might be thinking as a solution.
'' Oh but Pete... Can`t we?'' Smirked James, who placed an arm around his chubby friend`s shoulder. '' We are the MARAUDERS. We love a challenge. And this certainly is a big one. We will prank them ALL.'' He concluded the leader,  winking at Lily who rolled her eyes and called on her friends to go up the dorms.
Sirius was satisfied with his friend`s response, nodding eagerly and ruffling Remus` hair in happiness and excitement.
'' Calm yourself Pads before I plant my elbow up your-'' '' OK GOT IT.'' They all laughed at their antics, and began planning their newest and probably biggest project, with homeworks and textbooks seemingly forgotten on the side. Eloise tried to spend as much time away from the dungeons as possible. So she found the library to be one of the best spots for finishing up her homeworks, doing her lectures and being left alone. There was also the fact that she was able to talk to other students from different houses without fearing that a Slytherin might spot her and report it back.
She was returning to her common one afternoon when she came across 4 figures standing ahead of her, at the end of the hallway. Her heart jumped a little, scared they might`ve been the Slytherins but to her relief, she was a reflection of gold and instantly knew those were just Gryffindors. Inhaling deeply, she worked herself up to get the courage to pass through the group since they were in the way. However, as she aproached, she noticed who the group actually was.  
'' Good afternoon, Montalli.'' Greeted James politely. '' Uh, hello.'' She waved shyly, splitting the 4 and trying to find her way out of the hallway but a hand caught her in the same style it did that night.
'' Why the rushing? Running away from someone perhaps?'' Sirius asked intrigued.
'' No-no. I have to get back to my dorm. That`s all.''
'' We wanted to ask you something.'' Imposed James, in a serious tone, unlike him.
Eloise was dragged, almost unwillingly, into an empty classroom where she was interrogated by the 4 teen boys, each taking their turn to question her. She even shed a few tears towards the end of the discussion, yet again unable to control them. What warmed her heart and gave her some sort of comfort was when they told her she was going to be sitting with them during meal times.
She couldn`t really understand why they asked her all this, though they did say if anything were to happen to come and find one of them and the rest would follow. Whilst she was pouring her heart out, she often times felt Sirius inching closer towards her, placing a reassuring hand on her knee or shoulder, which in return made the girl a bit flustered.
After the confessions were made, she solemnly told them she really had to get back to her dorm, so they all offered to escort her there. Positioned in the center of the group, with Sirius and James on both her sides, she felt happy and safe for the first time here at Hogwarts.
Sirius took the indicators that she was feeling better as a sign to confidently grab her hand in his, holding her palm and giving their now locked hands a natural swing whilst they were making their way to the 'snake`s pit'.
What made them pause their walk was a group of Slytherins,  with an ugly sneer on their face. '' What do you think you`re doing down here? You blood traitors?'' Spat Mulciber, one of the students to blame for Eloise`s new forming scars.
'' Escorting a young beautiful lady to her dorms to ensure she arrives safely, something YOU couldn`t be bothered with it seems.'' Snapped Sirius, scanning the venomous students and noticing Snape was amongst them. He got excited silently at this opportunity to bully him.
'' What`s wrong Snivellus? Got jealous Eloise was spending more time with Evans than you?'' He teased, knowing damn well this was a tender subject.
'' Shut your mouth, Black. Leave, all of you before we decide to curse ya.'' He threatened, gripping his now pulled out wand, initiating the same action from the other Slytherins.
Eloise was grateful for what they have done, but she knew that this was not going to end well, and since it was because of her they all came down here, she took a few steps towards her fellow housemates, which in return shocked them at her unexpected actions, but quickly recomposed, wands at the ready to attack the Gryffindors. Sirius and James both frowned at her, motioning for her to go back to their side, but she simply shook her head.
'' Thank you boys, really. But let`s not cause a big fight alright? Have a good evening.'' She said her goodbyes, in hopes of dispersing the tension, but the moment she turned her back, she heard a spell being cast, and fortunately, or not, it was not casted towards her.
Avery, the third Slytherin that was present, directed a jinx towards one of the marauders, which was the trigger for a duel to break loose. Eloise was behind all the comotion, sitting there mouth agape and her heart pumping blood faster. She didn`t know what to do, should she join and protect her friends? Or just sit there awkwardly and try to stop them, fully knowing she wouldn`t be able to do that.
Attempting to shout a 'stop' once in a while, but in vain, she only hoped this would stop soon enough. A few jinxes later, some extra hands and antlers growing uncontrollably out of Mulciber`s head, the marauders all snickered at their results. She took one glance at them to make sure they were all right, and it was safe to say they seemed to have experience in duels, seeming as they all looked fine, with the exception of Sirius who seemed to be annoyed at his now 'ruined hair' and was trying to fix it. She smiled at that, which caused Sirius to look at her and wink.
The Slytherins had to rush to the infirmary to get their abnormalities off them, which meant Eloise saw a perfect escape for her to run up her dorm and lock herself in the safety of it.
The next morning, she remembered how the marauders Insisted for her to join them for breakfast, knowing full well it would cause an ugly reaction from the serpents. She timidly entered the Great Hall, in hopes that she might be able to go unnoticed by the loud group of mischivieous boys, but no luck, as she was spotted moments after she entered.
'' Oi, Montalli, here, here.'' Shouted Sirius, waving his hand and indicating to an open seat between him and that tall boy, Remus. Eloise looked to her left, noticing the Slytherins already whispering to each other as if planning something, but she jogged towards the marauders, making herself as comfortable as one could be around those loud baboons.
'' How did you sleep? Did they bother you?'' Sirius asked concerned, but for odd reasons not touching her as he used to do other times.
'' No, I was in my dorm the whole night. They can`t come up there,y`know. But I wanted to thank you guys for what you did. You truly are brave as they say.'' She complimented, making Sirius look down at his food to try to hide what looked like a blush.
'' Why thank you. But that was nothing. Can`t wait for you and others to see what we`ve planned.'' James informed excitedly, rubbing his hands in anticipation.
Eloise, confused, raised a questioning brow at him, silently asking for a further explanation, but none came as he dove in his breakfast leaving there dumbfounded.
But her wish was about to come true as Mulciber and Snape were fastly approaching the Gryffindors table, specifically for the girl, and when Sirius noticed her heart beating faster, he smirked the Slytherin`s way, whispering a ' relax' to the girl, which wasn`t the most reassuring at the moment.
'' So now you`re ditching your OWN HOUSE, to sit with with these?!'' Mulciber argued angrily, throwing the girl and the boys one of the most venomous looks she had ever seen.
'' What`s it to ya mate? She can sit with whomever she likes yeah, now c`mon leave us, you sort of interrupted our morning chat.'' James waved dismissively, only angering the two boys.
'' Move. Come on get UP.'' Mulciber persisted, directing his full attention on the girl who was shrinking in attempt at becoming invisible. She couldn`t understand how the rest of the marauders were so calm, and even more, smiling. They seemed to have everything under control, which further confused the spooked girl. Feeling a new wave of courage wash over her, she made direct eye contact with the aggressive Slytherin, and squinting her eyes, she said lowly: '' No...''
Mulciber and Snape, shocked at this newfound rebellion, decided to act physically. So then Mulciber went for it and to grab her firmly by her forearms, dragging her towards the green table.
'' You... You.. Associating with such beings. You`re insulting our HOUSE. Ruining our reputation... Can`t believe you dared do that aware of the consequences that lay ahead...'' He started spitting, but towards the end trailed his words, noticing almost all of the Great Hall was staring at him, laughing and pointing his way. This only railed him more as he continued to drag her towards the final destination, but something felt weird. He glanced down, maybe he had some stains on his white shirt, however something even worse was going on.
His pants were laying on the ground, exposing his boxers and his pale scrawny legs. The marauders let out the loudest barks of laughs, pointing at him shamelessly and therefore redirecting the attention of even more students on the hot-headed Slytherin, who had let go of the girl in an attempt to pull his pants up, but due to the anger blinding him and the attention of the laughing students, couldn`t successfully do so, without almost tripping and falling face first on the ground.
Eloise let out a laugh as well, deciding he was too busy trying to scurry away from the shame and went back to sit with the Marauders, who laughed and explained to her how they came up with a charm that whenever someone were to touch her, their pants would fall off.
Over the next few days, life was good for the girl. She was no longer afraid to speak to Lily, or even the marauders, knowing that she was protected by this charm of the boys.
Other instances happened when Snape was the one trying to lead her back to their shared common room whilst she was in the middle of the hallway with Sirius, but the same thing happened to him, causing Sirius to have a go at him in the midst of all the laughter.  
'' Oi Snivellus. I think you dropped something. Oh by the way nice knickers you`ve got there. You shopping from the ladies section?''
It only took this much for the former bullies to drop their interest in the girl and to avoid her at all costs like she was the walking plague. She couldn`t be more grateful for it, so she wished to thank them.
She was walking outside, on a sunny warm day, searching for the boisterous teens, but she could only find the black haired boy, so, with a grin, she approached the peaceful Gryffindor, who was lying on the grass, seemingly taking a nap.
'' Hey.'' She greeted softly, not wishing to disturb the peaceful state he was in. She crouched down next to him, so she was at the same level. Opening one eye only, searching for the intruder, he found the girl that had been making his heart rate go faster each time he was around her, so with a soft grunt, he opened both eyes and propped himself up, resting his upper body in his elbows.
'' Hello there sweet pumpkin.''
Eloise scrunched her nose at the nickname, snickering at it before reminding herself why she came up to him in the first place.
'' So... You see, I wanted to thank you for everything you`ve done for me. I have no idea how one manages such a charm but, I appreciate it and I am glad you`ve helped me.'' She confessed shyly, feeling the grass between her fingers.
'' You want to thank us... or me personally?'' He flirted cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows, causing the girl to blush at his inuendos and scoff playfully.
'' Well obviously all of you. You all had your part in it.'' She decided to continue timidly. '' But... I suppose you more. You seemed to be by my side more often than not.'' Rubbing her neck Ina nervous manner, she looked around her, to avoid staring into Sirius` eyes, who were burning on the side of her face.
Sirius Black seizing the opportunity, smirked and moved his hair out of his face.
'' Yeah, well. I know one way you can repay me for what I`ve done.'' He suggested cockily.
'' Oh yeah, and how might that be?'' She caught on, flirting back slightly, which was something unusual for her. Sirius inched closer to her, Eloise following his lead and eventually being only a few inches away from eachother, to the point the girl was able to feel his soft breath hitting her skin.
'' Move a little closer...'' He whispered, closing his eyes in the process, causing her to do the same thing. Eventually, they locked their lips in a sweet, short kiss, Sirius having placed his palm on the side of her face.
Pulling away shortly after, they both smiled at each other, and just when they were about to go in for a second time, Eloise started giggling uncontrollably at Sirius, which made him furrow his eyebrows questioningly. But when she pointed down at his pants, which left his legs bare and briefs in plain view.
'' Oh nice knickers you`ve got there.'' She imitated his voice mockingly, the same tone he used on Severus a few days prior. Sirius rolled his eyes, but nonetheless grabbed the girl`s face again, bringing it closer to his. '' Oh shut up.'' He grunted before smashing his lips on hers a second round.
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