#and as much as i preferred heron in season 2 to heron in season 1
paarthursass · 4 months
What makes Heron an incredibly bland protagonist is, unfortunately, he rarely does things of his own volition. He's extremely reactive, and he rarely makes choices that are truly his own; he's usually just following the directions of a god - Zeus in season 1, and Gaia in season 2. This is probably, in part, why people click so much more with Seraphim: while he is also forced to the whims of the Gods (Hera in season 1 and Hades in season 2), we seem him chafe at this. He doesn't want to be their pawn, but he's literally forced to because of the power they wield over him.
This could create an interesting dynamic between the two brothers, especially with how season 2 ended. Heron did everything right; he followed Gaia's orders to a T and it didn't save his life. He was her prized pawn, and he was destroyed for it. I hope this causes a shift in his character in season 3, and that we see him start to take a more independent route (teaming up with Seraphim, perhaps?).
And the thing is, Heron being relatively passive and easily influenced could be an interesting character trait! Look at Jayce from Arcane: he's your typical hero character, but he spends the majority of the series WILDLY out of his depth. As a result, he easily looks to other people for guidance, and is incredibly easily influenced as a result. But we see him struggle with the consequences of that, we see him question with who truly is the best voice of reason in the room, and we see how his poor decision-making comes back to bite him in the ass. But Jayce was written with these character flaws deliberately; I don't think Heron was written the same way.
I think, unfortunately, because most of Greek mythology consists of heroes being given their quests by gods and then them following their instructions, the writers have had Heron follow that same formula. He's a good, pure-hearted man who is chosen by the gods, given a quest by them, and he Must follow it. But this formula falls apart in a series that focuses on examining the character of the gods, and on exposing them as flawed individuals. Why does Heron need to follow their orders? Why doesn't he think for himself? Why must he be their puppet? Seraphim asks these questions of himself, and he's even asked Heron the same thing, only for Heron to...stubbornly stand firm in the "follow the gods blindly" camp. And yes, part of that is also because of necessity: Heron wanted retribution for his mother, and Zeus was the best option for him getting that in season 1, and in season 2 he wanted to prevent his premature death, and Gaia was the only one offering him a lifeline. But, again, while Seraphim is aware that he's only following the gods because of their immense power over them, we don't see Heron struggle with his role in the same way.
After two seasons of seeing him just be a pawn in the game of the Gods, I'd like to see him make some decisions of his own for once.
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trungles · 9 months
Cross-posting an essay I wrote for my Patreon since the post is free and open to the public.
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Hello everyone! I hope you're relaxing as best you can this holiday season. I recently went to see Miyazaki's latest Ghibli movie, The Boy and the Heron, and I had some thoughts about it. If you're into art historical allusions and gently cranky opinions, please enjoy. I've attached a downloadable PDF in the Patreon post if you'd prefer to read it that way. Apologies for the formatting of the endnotes! Patreon's text posting does not allow for superscripts, which means all my notations are in awkward parentheses. Please note that this writing contains some mild spoilers for The Boy and the Heron.
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Hayao Miyazaki’s 2023 feature animated film The Boy and the Heron reads as an extended meditation on grief and legacy. The Master of a grand tower seeks a descendant to carry on his maddening duty, balancing toy blocks of magical stone upon which the entire fabric of his little pocket of reality rests. The world’s foundations are frail and fleeting, and can pass away into the cold void of space should he neglect to maintain this task. The Master’s desire to pass the torch undergirds much of the film’s narrative.
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(Isle of the Dead. Arnold Böcklin. 1880. Oil on Canvas. Kunstmuseum. Basel, Switzerland.)
Arnold Böcklin, a Swiss Symbolist(1) painter, was born on October 16 in 1827, the same year the Swiss Evangelical Reformed Church bought a plot of land in Florence from the Grand Duke of Tuscany, Leopold II, that had long been used for the burials of Protestants around Florence. It is colloquially known as The English Cemetery, so called because it was the resting place of many Anglophones and Protestants around Tuscany, and Böcklin frequented this cemetery—his workshop was adjacent and his infant daughter Maria was buried there. In 1880, he drew inspiration from the cemetery, a lone plot of Protestant land among a sea of Catholic graveyards, and began to paint what would be the first of six images entitled Isle of the Dead. An oil on canvas piece, it depicts a moody little island mausoleum crowned with a gently swaying grove of cypresses, a type of tree common in European cemeteries and some of which are referred to as arborvitae. A figure on a boat, presumably Charon, ferries a soul toward the island and away from the viewer.
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(Photo of The English Cemetery in Florence. Samuli Lintula. 2006.)
The Isle of the Dead paintings varied slightly from version to version, with figures and names added and removed to suit the needs of the time or the commissioner. The painting was glowingly referenced and remained fairly popular throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The painting used to be inescapable in much of European popular culture. Professor Okulicz-Kozaryn, a philologist (someone with a deep interest in the ways language and cultural canons evolve)(2) observed that the painting, like many other works in its time, was itself iterative and became widely reiterated and referenced among its contemporaries. It became something like Romantic kitsch in the eyes of modern art critics, overwrought and excessively Byronic. I imagine Miyazaki might also resent a work of that level of manufactured ubiquity, as Miyazaki famously held Disney animated films in contempt (3). Miyazaki’s films are popularly aspirational to young animators and cartoonists, but gestures at imitation typically fall well short, often reducing Miyazaki’s weighty films to kitschy images of saccharine vibes and a lazy indulgence in a sort of empty magical domestic coziness. Being trapped in a realm of rote sentiment by an uncritical, unthoughtful viewership is its own Isle of Death.
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(Still from The Boy and the Heron, 2023. Studio Ghibli.)
The Boy and the Heron follows a familiar narrative arc to many of Miyazaki’s other films: a child must journey through a magical and quietly menacing world in order to rescue their loved ones. This arc is an echo of Satsuki’s journey to find Mei in My Neighbor Totoro (1988) and Chihiro’s journey to rescue her parents Spirited Away (2001). To better understand Miyazaki’s fixation with this particular character journey, it can be instructive to watch Lev Atamanov’s 1957 animated film, The Snow Queen (4)(5), a beautifully realized take on Hans Christian Andersen’s 1844 children’s story (6)(7). Mahito’s journey continues in this tradition, as the boy travels into a painted world to rescue his new stepmother from a mysterious tower.
Throughout the film, Miyazaki visually references Isle of the Dead. Transported to a surreal world, Mahito initially awakens on a little green island with a gated mausoleum crowned with cypress trees. He is accosted by hungry pelicans before being rescued by a fisherwoman named Kiriko. After a day of catching and gutting fish, Mahito wakes up under the fisherwoman’s dining table, surrounded by kokeshi—little wooden dolls—in the shapes of the old women who run Mahito’s family’s rural household. Mahito is told they must not be touched, as the kokeshi are wards set up for his protection. There is a popular urban legend associated with the kokeshi wherein they act as stand-ins for victims of infanticide, though there seems to be very little available writing to support this legend. Still, it’s a neat little trick that Miyazaki pulls, placing a stray reference to a local legend of unverifiable provenance that persists in the popular imagination, like the effect of fairy stories passed on through oral retellings, continually remolded each new iteration.
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(Still from The Boy and the Heron, 2023. Studio Ghibli.)
Kiriko’s job in this strange landscape is to catch fish to nourish unborn spirits, the adorable floating warawara, before they can attempt to ascend on a journey into the world of the living. Their journey is thwarted by flocks of supernatural pelicans, who swarm the warawara and devour them. This seems to nod to the association of pelicans with death in mythologies around the world, especially in relationship to children (8). Miyazaki’s pelicans contemplate the passing of their generations as each successive generation seems to regress, their capacity to fulfill their roles steadily diminishing.
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(Still from The Boy and the Heron, 2023. Studio Ghibli.)
As Mahito’s adventure continues, we find the landscapes changing away from Böcklin’s Isle of the Dead into more familiar Ghibli territories as we start to see spaces inspired by one of Studio Ghibli’s aesthetic mainstays, Naohisa Inoue and his explorations of the fantasy realms of Iblard. He might be most familiar to Ghibli enthusiasts as the background artists for the more fantastical elements of Whisper of the Heart (1995).
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(Naohisa Inoue, for Iblard Jikan, 2007. Studio Ghibli.)
By the time we arrive at the climax of The Boy and the Heron, the fantasy island environment starts to resemble English takes on Italian gardens, the likes of which captivated illustrators and commercial artists of the early 20th century such as Maxfield Parrish. This appears to be a return to one of Böcklin’s later paintings, The Island of Life (1888), a somewhat tongue-in-cheek reaction to the overwhelming presence of Isle of the Dead in his life and career. The Island of Life depicts a little spot of land amid an ocean very like the one on which Isle of the Dead’s somber mausoleum is depicted, except this time the figures are lively and engaged with each other, the vegetation lush and colorful, replete with pink flowers and palm fronds.
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(Island of Life. Arnold Böcklin. Oil on canvas. 1888. Kunstmuseum. Basel, Switzerland.)
In 2022, Russia’s State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg acquired the sixth and final Isle of the Dead painting. In the last year of his life, Arnold Böcklin would paint this image in collaboration with his son Carlo Böcklin, himself an artist and an architect. Arnold Böcklin spent three years painting the same image three times over at the site of his infant daughter’s grave, trapped on the Isle of the Dead. By the time of his death in 1901 at age 74, Böcklin would be survived by only five of his fourteen children. That the final Isle of the Dead painting would be a collaboration between father and son seemed a little ironic considering Hayao Miyazaki’s reticence in passing on his own legacy. Like the old Master in The Boy and the Heron, Miyazaki finds himself with no true successors.
The Master of the Tower's beautiful islands of painted glass fade into nothing as Mahito, his only worthy descendant, departs to live his own life, fulfilling the thesis of Genzaburo Yoshino’s 1937 book How Do You Live?, published three years after Carlo Böcklin’s death. In evoking Yoshino and Böcklin’s works, Hayao Miyazaki’s The Boy and the Heron suggests that, like his character the Master, Miyazaki himself must make peace with the notion that he has no heirs to his legacy, and that those whom he wished to follow in his footsteps might be best served by finding their own paths.
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(Isle of the Dead. Arnold and Carlo Böcklin. Oil on canvas. 1901. The State Hermitage Museum. Saint Petersburg, Russia.)
1 - Symbolists are sort of tough to nail down. They were started as a literary movement to 1 distinguish themselves from the Decadents, but their manifesto was so vague that critics and academics fight about it to this day. The long and the short of it is that the Symbolists made generous use of a lot of metaphorical imagery in their work. They borrow a lot of icons from antiquity, echo the moody aesthetics from the Romantics, maintained an emphasis on figurative imagery more so than the Surrealists, and were only slightly more technically married to the trappings of traditionalist academic painters than Modernists and Impressionists. They're extremely vibes-forward.
2 - Okulicz-Kozaryn, Radosław. Predilection of Modernism for Variations. Ciulionis' Serenity among Different Developments of the Theme of Toteninsel. ACTA Academiae Artium Vilnensis 59. 2010. The article is incredibly cranky and very funny to read in parts. Contains a lot of observations I found to be helpful in placing Isle of the Dead within its context.
3 - "From my perspective, even if they are lightweight in nature, the more popular and common films still must be filled with a purity of emotion. There are few barriers to entry into these films-they will invite anyone in but the barriers to exit must be high and purifying. Films must also not be produced out of idle nervousness or boredom, or be used to recognise, emphasise, or amplify vulgarity. And in that context, I must say that I hate Disney's works. The barrier to both the entry and exit of Disney films is too low and too wide. To me, they show nothing but contempt for the audience." from Miyazaki's own writing in his collection of essays, Starting Point, published in 2014 from VIZ Media.
4 - You can watch the movie here in its original Russian with English closed captions here.
5 If you want to learn more about the making of Atamanoy's The Snow Queen, Animation Obsessive wrote a neat little article about it. It's a good overview, though I have to gently disagree with some of its conclusions about the irony of Miyazaki hating Disney and loving Snow Queen, which draws inspiration from Bambi. Feature film animation as we know it hadonly been around a few decades by 1957, and I find it specious, particularly as a comic artistand author, to see someone conflating an entire form with the character of its content, especially in the relative infancy of the form. But that's just one hot take. The rest of the essay is lovely.
6 - Miyazaki loves this movie. He blurbed it in a Japanese re-release of it in 2007.
7 - Julia Alekseyeva interprets Princess Mononoke as an iteration of Atamanov's The Snow Queen, arguing that San, the wolf princess, is Miyazaki's homage to Atamanoy's little robber girl character.
8 - Hart, George. The Routledge Dictionary of Egyptian Gods And Goddesses. Routledge Dictionaries. Abingdon, United Kingdom: Routledge. 2005.
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unchataparis · 1 year
Reasons Why Lila Rossi Is One of the Best Miraculous Characters
I am not defending anything as I don't believe opinions need to be defended. That being said, I would like to announce that I am firmly aware Lila isn't a stereotypically good person, one might even call her – bad. But I do strongly believe Lila is a good character (even if she's not a particularly well-written one).
[Note: Have not seen Season 5 yet, I do not know what is going on there. All my rationale is based off Seasons 1-4.]
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Think about it. Every time this girl has stepped onto the screen, when has she ever failed to do something to generate controversy, scandal, and send the fandom collapsing in on itself like an undercooked soufflé scrabbling over her actions? The events of Caméléon and Ladybug cemented her notoriety in the narrative, and, coincidentally, her presence in Season 3 are what also sent the fandom over the Point of No Return. It got to the point where Chloé became preferred over Lila, if the amount of Chloé & Marinette 'best friends' fanfics on AO3 say anything.
Despite her tremendous impact on the story however, not much of Lila is known. Her family, her past, why she lies, or how she even wants her infatuation with Adrien to turn out (again, has not seen Season 5).
2. Lila is COMPETENT
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Lila joins league with Félix in being teenage villains who can accomplish Papillombre's job much better than him. I firmly believe that much of Gabriel's bumbling and ineptitude is due to cartoon limitations and the need to dismiss common sense for the sake of telling an entertaining story, but nonetheless – like Félix – Lila displays an attitude of ruthlessness, cut-throat determination, and will which allows her to gain the upperhand over the heroine of the story. Both Félix and Lila alike has managed to overwhelm, throttle, and push Marinette/Ladybug to despair that Papillombre has yet to reach.
More than that, Lila is in absence of many of the powers that make Gabriel formidable. She's not rich or famous (yet), neither does she have minions, or a Miraculous on her chest. But while these scarcities should make her more vulnerable and less impressive, they only add to her legend, increasing her mysteriousness, movement, and competency.
After all, Gabriel Agreste has a schedule, reputation, and history to keep. Lila Rossi can flicker in and out of society for all anyone cares.
3. Lila is COOL
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She really is. If I'm asked to select one Miraculous character to embody and borrow the style of: Lila, no contest. Her hair, her playsuit, her jewellery, her boots. All Miraculous characters are dressed in atrocious Y2K fashion (which are admirably accurate to the era) paired with obnoxious colour palettes, but Lila's stye is more stomachable than average.
Beside, Lila has a quality that many characters in Miraculous lack: confidence, and a paucity in need to doubt her own actions. The heroine display plenty of anxiety and guilt, so does her leading male co-star. Even stoic characters such as Gabriel and Kagami hesitate at times. But apart from Félix, Lila is the only character I can think of that's 100% in at all times. In her case it's not an entirely positive trait as many of her actions could use some self-reflection, but the boldness is refreshing.
I always found the IT girl characters and Queen Bees more appealing than mousy protagonists, Regina George over Cady Heron, and Mackenzie Hollister rather than Nikki Maxwell. It's just so much more interesting to see the world from the perspective of someone who's out to conquer it rather than survive it. Beside, the outfits, the attitudes, what's not to love?
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Lila is a complicated, messy, dislikable character, sure, and she bears a certain one-dimensional-ness of her writing which makes her generally unrealistic. But Lila is also an important part of the storyline, a future Papillon (or as the rumour mills go), and in the short few appearances she's made, Lila has been more of a threat to Ladybug, more of a wrecking ball to Ladybug's psyche, than Gabriel has been throughout the etntire show. Honestly, I'm firmly of the belief that if it isn't for Lila's involvement, Miraculous' fandom wouldn't be as active and operative as it is today.
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star-killer89 · 5 years
Not too shabby considering I had to binge the last 4 episodes in a row (and technically the last one is 40 minutes long, so it’s like having to see 5 normal episodes in a row), but in any case, quick opinions after the break for spoilers.
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I’d say, not bad all in all. I liked that they brought everyone of the good guys back for the Season Finale, including those that rarely even showed up in this Season (like Cousins Fethry and Gladstone or even Amunet from S1) and, TBH, I was also not expecting to see Gabby McStabberson between the good guys....Good for her. And I’m ESPECIALLY happy that they also gave Glamgold a part in the second half of it (seriously, everytime he’s on screen he steals the whole scene).
And it got violent too. I mean, they straight up murdered at least two ducks....Well, I mean, they were both Gyros and AT LEAST one of them was 100% a clone...but still.
What kinda put me off though was the final twist. I mean, not the fact Scrooge’s lawyers were the directors of F.O.W.L. (I mean, they're literally vultures, so who better than them to lead the Fiendish Organization for World Larceny?), but it was actually some of the members showed:
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I mean, sure, I can understand Black Heron, Steelbeak (even though I’d have preferred to see once again Jim Starling/Negaduck in his place) and John D. Rockerduck (even though they haven’t explained yet how he was able to live to the mordern days...probably, like his short appearance suggested, he too was frozen in ice like Scrooge) but Gandra Dee? Why? She wasn’t really “villain-material” when she appeared in ‘The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!’.
Also, adding the Phantom Blot under the Funso's Fun Zone Mascot was kinda odd. Does this mean he was under that costume the WHOLE time since Season 1? I don’t know... possibily it’ll all be explained in Season 3.
Moreover, the other thing I was a little disappointed is that in this Season there wasn’t that much focus on Scrooge. I mean, of course once Della came back to Earth all the focus of the second half of the Season would have been shifted to her and the kids, but still. Maybe the fact there were also SO MANY GODDAMN HIATUSES IN BETWEEN EPISODES didn’t help that much either. Considering the first 6 episodes of the Season aired ALMOST ONE FRICKING YEAR AGO (on October 2018) and the ones leading to half-Season were all showed in a row in May, it made remembering the first 16 episodes quite difficult in the long run. I really hope they will stop with this idiotic schedule they adopted with these 2 Seasons and we will finally have a one-episode-per-week schedule, or at least SOMETHING that goes close to that!
Oh, and, finally, I totally ship Launchpad and Penny now!
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I call it: PenPad! Reeeeally hope they’ll take at least one episode to delve into this new ship in S3!
Final Vote: 8/10. I liked Season 1 maybe a tiiiny bit more than this, but finally having Della with the whole crew and seeing the dinamics with her and the kids was really entertaining (and maybe in Season 3 we will have more episodes focusing on the whole crew together, considering Donald took Della’s place and went MIA for the second half of the Season).
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theurbanologist · 6 years
When Summer Gets Windy
Good morning. 
Out the window, grey abides. It’s pasty, punctuated by a green foliage that remind me of my childhood in Seattle. In November, the grey came to the Emerald City, opened up an ample steamer trunk and said “Thanks for having me. I'll be staying until May, maybe June, with a few side trips to Grays Harbor County”. 
My mother grew up in Grays Harbor County on the Washington coast and she remembers it as an active, bustling place with the timber and fishing industries providing an abundance of employment to people in Hoquiam, Aberdeen, and other hamlets. I knew it a different way. That's another story. I don’t mind the grey, though growing up I found it grating by April. Even they I knew we had two months to go, and sometimes there would be guest appearances in July or August, as if somehow Seattleites might have forgotten this so-called “neutral” color. Maybe it is neutral amidst the color wheel. In my heart and head it is not an emotional Switzerland. 
Summer in Chicago is a vastly different experience than a Seattle summer. A Venn diagram of the two would reveal shared contours, such as ice cream, the appeal of water (saltier out West), and more time outdoors, at least given the possibility of reasonable temperatures. 
I will let you decide how to define reasonable temperatures.
With all of that in mind, I’ve asked some Chicago friends, writers, and other characters for their thoughts on what makes a Chicago summer compelling. 
 1. Happy Village. I try to make at least one annual summer pilgrimage to Happy Village, where I drink High Lifes in the twinkle-lit beer garden and relive my early 2's when I first moved to Chicago and lived in the Ukrainian Village. Of course, I go far earlier these days because I'm old. My companions and I take breaks from the stickiness by ducking inside for a quick round of Ping-Pong.  
2. Water taxi to Chinatown. I haven't done this yet, which makes this second activity aspirationally fraudulent. But my goal this year is to grab an early Sunday AM water taxi from Michigan Ave. to Chinatown where I will promptly stuff my face with dim sum at Phoenix.   
3. Cubs game/two Chicago doggies. Despite Wrigleyville's disconcerting transition into Rosemont, absolutely nothing beats a summer day at Wrigley Field. This is baseball for the baseball lover—minimal gimmicks and visual distractions—just timeless organ jams, manual scorekeeping on the ole' green board, snappy Chicago doggies and ice-cold Old Styles (now only securable at a few kiosks—our preferred being on the 500 level behind home plate). Not to mention a lot more hits by the Lovable ... Winners. 
Maggie Hennessy writes about food and other matters for TimeOut Chicago and other outlets. 
Be a salmon in any Chicago summer: that is, swim upstream against the current.  Avoid the Lakefront and its crowds—bike the Boulevard system and check out the inland parks from Jackson Park all the way up to Logan Boulevard.  
Before or after a Sox game (you can ALWAYS get a ticket, just go on spur of the moment) go to Palmisano Park (the former Stearns Quarry)on a field trip to Bridgeport, where you can also get the best hot dog or mother-in law sandwich at Johnny O’s at 35th and Morgan, before quenching your thirst at either Maria’s Community Bar or Bernice’s. 
Go to Ping Tom Park and then get dim sum any Sunday morning in Chinatown—be sure to dig the Confucius statue on 22nd Place and the Chinese-American Veteran’s Memorial on the SW corner of the intersection of Archer, Cermak, and Princeton.  
Go to Humboldt Park and experience our one inland beach, as well as the endless selection of comida boricua in Chicago’s Puerto Rican heartland. Don’t ride the Lakefront Path, go hit the path along the North Branch/canal, all the way to Wilmette from K-town.  
Summer is made for biking, do it. 
Bill Savage teaches at Northwestern University, among other pursuits.
Sipping a Negroni while thumbing through a book in the Chicago Athletic Hotel's Drawing Room Eating Quartino's pizza and discussing the hot Chicago topics of the day at Tweed Thorton's Four Star Lunch Moseying over to Old Fashioned Donuts with my mom in our neighborhood (Roseland on 112th/Michigan) 
Any trip to my alma mater includes mandatory stops at Two Asian Brothers and Hot”G”Dog (vegetarian Chicago Style hot dogs)  Grabbing a Chicago Mix at the Garrett Popcorn Shop in O'Hare for my co-workers in the HBS Initiatives.
Rayshauna Gray is a writer currently working on a book about her family’s history.  She is an honorary Boscagoan. 
I spend much of the summer looking up. Walking east along Lake Street in the morning, I like to look up and watch El trains chug east with the morning sun behind them. In the evenings, I'm on my back in Millennium Park listening to the Grant Park Orchestra. But in the middle of the day, I make time to look down. I sit on the steps along the Chicago River, just north of Michigan Avenue, and look down at the water at the boats, kayakers, ducks and critters that might float by. I bring my lunch, often with friends and can't believe this bit of nature is in the middle of the city. 
Shia Kapos is a journalist based in Chicago who writes for a number of outlets. 
Ride one of the CTA train lines all the way to the end and then see how far from there you can walk back toward where you started from.
That kind of drifting walk is magical, revelatory, entertaining and free. 
Kathleen Rooney is a poet and writer.
Fellow flaneurs will enjoy her latest book immensely.
My favorite thing to do, hands down, is to be near or on the water. Whether it’s on one of my friend’s boats or in my kayak, being on the water is cathartic for me.   
Being near the water does the same. Being active along the lakefront (although not on those god forsaken bike paths, more like beach volleyball) is key. But then again, so is just sitting on my ass at a lakefront of riverside bar throwing back a Chicago made pint of beer or a non Chicago made glass of rosé. Every year I very much look forward to neighborhood street fairs.
I grew up in old town so the Old Town art fair is near and dear to my heart. Nothing beats grilling out with friends on a blissful, firefly ridden summer night.
And last but not least, Cubs games. Duh. Although if I have to be 100% honest, I prefer watching those in October ;) 
Liz Garibay is a Chicago historian, beer expert, and an honorary Boscagoan.
In early August, a few weeks before summer winds to a close, just when I’m starting to panic about Labor Day looming and school supplies lining the shelves at Target, my son’s flag football season begins.
The teams play on Friday nights at Sheridan Park in Little Italy, a stone’s throw from Mario’s Italian Lemonade. Siblings flood the playground to the south. Parents stake out spots with blankets and lawn chairs and coolers filled with beverages to share. (It’s where I first experienced wine in a can. You drink it with a straw.) 
Dusk starts to set in around half-time. The park lights go on. The Willis Tower looms to the east, catching and reflecting the last glimmers of the August sun. It’s a lovely little square of chaos and joy and diversity --- kids come from Bridgeport and Logan Square and Bronzeville and the South Loop and Lincoln Park to play in the league. 
After the games, we congratulate our kids on their successes (or dry the tears from their losses) and head to Taylor Street for Italian lemonade. Then we head home and start counting the hours until next Friday night. 
Heidi Stevens writes the “Balancing Act” column for the Chicago Tribune.
There’s a pretty on-the-nose trope that we put up with the indignities of Chicago winter just to experience the few, fleeting months of summer. Chicago’s summertimes feel earned in the way a warm day in Los Angeles never could (it’s also why some of us scoff at snowbirds who decamp to Florida to wait out the winter). 
Two of my favorite activities in the city that really only happen in the summer take place on or near the water. After early memories of enviously watching scullers on the river near Lincoln Park and downtown, I eventually picked up a practical and portable inflatable kayak. I sneak into undisclosed put-in points around the north branch of the river and slide into the water (usually with a buddy and a small cooler of drinks in tow). 
There’s a fascinating river culture that, if you walked by the very same houses from the sidewalk, you’d miss entirely. The ecosystem feels richer, but you never forget you’re in a city. Hawks and night herons and turtles co-mingle with groaning steel bridges, train tracks and graffiti. 
When I want less isolation, I ride the southern part of the Lakefront Trail and stop off at the 63rd St. Beach. There could be an impromptu gig, pre-planned live music on the lawn and a water playground that I can run through with my summer clothes on (I’ve never been a fan of the beach proper).
If I’m feeling especially motivated, I’ll keep going south until I hit Calumet Fisheries. My reward for a long ride with be a sack of smoked shrimp and salmon that I can eat in the grassy embankment outside that little shrimp and fish shack or on the rickety picnic table that overlooks the 95th St. bridge -- and the lazy barges that float by. 
Kim Bellware is a Chicago journalist whose work has appeared most recently in Rolling Stone, Chicago Magazine, and Teen Vogue.
Though I ride my bike year-round, there is something particularly magical about riding my bike during summertime in Chicago. All the cold days fall away and you are left with sunshine and the warm breeze along the lakefront trail and city streets. It is a beautiful feeling that always makes me fall in love with Chicago again. 
There are very few things comparable to the energy of summer street festivals in Chicago when all your friends come together to enjoy music, food, or a movie. 
For that period of time, the streets become ours. 
Lynda Lopez is a reporter for StreetsBlog Chicago and she recently appeared on TV to talk about dockless bicycle initiatives. 
What's my favorite Chicago summer activity? This.
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alishbakhanus · 4 years
Choosing a Wedding Venue
Even though the wedding venues vary widely, my preference is always village weddings. Where it is 3 days and 3 nights with drums, starting with breakfast; Sarema’s, fries, meat, buttermilk until evening, then start with a clarinetist, let the reeds beat the drums. Nice weather, great atmosphere, 2 glasses of race, don’t touch our pleasure… I really love such weddings, but only thing I am sorry about is that the bride sits innocently in a corner; Even if women wanted to act among themselves, they would not stand up. Of course, these weddings are now in our childhood.
When I go to the country, they are doing their wedding in the wedding hall of the municipality for economic reasons. You are right, I salute, but let’s come to our big cities… How is the situation around Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, and Antalya? If we consider Istanbul, your options are 1 wedding hall, 2  open air; weather is very important, for country weddings, 3 restaurant weddings, if there is capacity and open air, these are important,  4 hotel weddings, 5 palace weddings and other alternatives. ..
Wedding halls
They have a standard when selling service, but it does not end with it. The service they will provide after the salon is very important. Unfortunately, the race to provide the best service to gain customers from customers has decreased in our country, I think the wedding hall is a life-saving service and it should not be just a matter of squeezing the hall wedding. . I think wedding halls have become a very beautiful culture, even if something has spread to the general public in our country, even though it is seen as a loser over a society. First of all, due to practical and economic continuity, there are many nice aspects such as organizational practices too much, and there are also many different alternatives with dinner cake.
Country weddings
There are places that are quite alternative. With the new law, it is forbidden to sell alcoholic beverages outdoors, but some places have appropriate places and licenses, so they can give this opportunity. Country weddings bring people to the wedding ceremony of their dreams with fresh air in the green and nature and nice treats. The most important thing in country weddings is the weather. Düğünmaster.com offers you a good service in this regard and when you choose your wedding date; it gives you the weather for the previous 3 years. If the weather forecast of your wedding date has been set, it also informs you of the forecast for that day. You can also have an idea about the date selection…
Restaurant weddings
It can be very enjoyable if it has a good cook. But lately, there are many complaints about these issues, especially about the food service and capacity. We, as the wedding master, will not compromise on the inconsistency of the promised and the services offered, and we will never compromise in deleting the comments and offering recommendations about the venue without financial concerns. Apart from that, we have a suggestion; if the number of guests is over 200, do not visit the tables for jewelry.
Hotel weddings,
So magnificent luxury hotels; It promises you fairy-tale weddings. Of course, the packages vary according to the hotel, the location, star and capacity of the hotel vary according to the hall. Some hotels can bring the best chefs of the world; even this can be reflected in your wedding cost. These hotels can organize the most successful wedding organizations.
Palace weddings, places where you can feel like a prince and a prince, many palaces in Istanbul are operated by the municipality, and our palaces, which are rented by the state to the private sector, are also available. In some, you can rent palaces, except for other services, very conveniently, and you can buy organization and catering from outside.
Wedding halls have a standard when selling service, but it does not end with it. The service they will provide after the salon is very important. Unfortunately, the race to provide the best service to gain customers from customers has decreased in our country, I think the wedding hall is a life-saving service and it should not be just a matter of squeezing the hall wedding. . I think wedding halls have become a very beautiful culture, even if something has spread to the general public in our country, even though it is seen as a loser over a society. First of all, due to practical and economic continuity, there are many nice aspects such as organizational practices too much, and there are also many different alternatives with dinner cake.
Can we have a wedding in the summer?
Wedding halls have been closed for about 3 months as part of virus measures. Business owners who do not know when the halls will open are also worried as well as couples who cannot get married due to the epidemic. They want an ‘opening date’ for pre-reservation. Experts draw attention to the social distance rule. But is it possible to have a wedding without hale and belly? Here’s the answer…
Scientific Board member “It is not possible to give an exact date on when the wedding halls will open. We are not the authority to determine this. But it is a fact that congresses and meetings in indoor spaces, including weddings, do not seem to be much soon. The environment is not safe enough. Our weddings, as a matter of tradition, are very crowded. Social distance disappears. In such an epidemic, we cannot have weddings in line with the old routine. There will be participation from other cities to the wedding, which is a separate risk. Let’s say an undesirable situation happened. This means that 500 people are quarantined at once. We can find ourselves in a nightmare while saying we want to share happiness. “
“My suggestion is to make weddings with less crowd in the family or to use open air spaces by simplifying them. If precautions are taken and social distance is maintained, it would not be ok to hold a wedding outdoors. Wedding hall operators, organization companies should develop new formats by thinking about how not to risk their guests. For example, a list with rules such as where to enter and exit the wedding and how to behave can be sent to future guests by invitation. Those who come will behave accordingly. The jewelry ceremony, congratulations are handled from afar . Municipalities can also take responsibility and create open and safe areas where weddings can be held. “
Meeting and Wedding Hall Management Tradesman Chamber President deem some begins by stating that many halls are actually rented and the rents are quite high: “During the 3-month period, personnel salaries, bills and rent included expenses but there was no income. We are in economic difficulties, “he says. When stating that they cannot even re-opened on the agenda of a historic some, recalling that works with pre-booking of the wedding hall continues: “Come with groom ‘ We hold today lounge’ by saying they cannot do the wedding tomorrow It has an invitation, dowry, hairdresser, shopping, we need to know when we will start serving from now on so that we can date accordingly, make preparations, complete vocational trainings, and arrange our own economy.”
Jeweler, furniture, appliances, hairdresser, saying that 15 percent of the contributions to Turkey’s economy photographers included in the wedding industry Somme, “Bazaar will be opened as of Monday, but we cannot do weddings, we are also to lift up the jewelry industry. The wedding season, which was expected for a year, has come, but there is still uncertainty. This is a big problem for both couples and the industry, ”he says.
Some continues: “Halls will definitely be disinfected . This is a human responsibility. A mask will be distributed at the entrance and the temperature will be measured. Seating plans will be prepared in advance, and guests will be placed accordingly. The spacing of the tables and chairs will be at least 2 meters. There will be officials who will provide control. The plates on the tables will be removed and the materials will be disposable. Treats will be prepared individually.
WEDDING planner has an interesting suggestion: A referee should be appointed for weddings. ‘But how will this be?’ I ask. He summarizes it as follows: “Our people want to play and have fun after eating and drinking two bites. In such an environment, it becomes difficult to avoid contact. Maybe the belly will be thrown in Ankara air, but the heron will be kicked at the wedding of a family from the Black Sea, and that hale will be performed at the wedding of an Eastern family. ‘Dance in this song ‘ or ‘ I play this song, ‘ you say. At this point ‘ Wedding referees’ step in to eliminate and minimize contact. Circles are drawn in the halls, in which a certain number of people can enter, applied in parks and gardens… People have fun independently in those circles. At least 2-3 wedding judges predetermined according to the number of invitees also check whether the people are having fun in those circles and whether they comply with the rules. Makes the necessary warnings. If municipalities designate these people, “I am the groom’s cousin “or” Who are you?” such as fights or exits are prevented. “
It stated that the organization companies were affected economically by the process and said, “There is no date shown to us. Being constantly postponing the date both depresses the morale of the marriages and blocks us economically. If this goes on, many companies will be in trouble. There is already a need for state support. “Whether it is the postponement of rents, the granting of long-term loans, the structuring of debts in terms of tax, these can relieve us a little”
Courtesy: best outdoor wedding
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islandii · 4 years
Island Thoddoo
I have visited Thoddoo 3 times in the last 3 years. Not so regularly I visit it, unlike Rasdhoo or Ukulhas. But in recent years it has become mega-popular among tourists from Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries.
The island is located 67 km west of the capital Male. And 20 km north of the administrative centre of North Ari Atoll – Rasdhoo. Thoddoo is a fairly large island by Maldivian standards – about 2 x 1 km. Moreover, a third of the island is reserved for farms, another third is the village, and the rest is the jungle. The population of the island is about 1400 people.
Unlike many other islands, it is located as if separately.
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Beach and snorkelling on Thoddoo
Due to its size, Thoddoo offers magnificent beaches for tourists. Nowadays, there are two tourist beaches on the island located on opposite sides of the island.
Interesting fact: even in spite of its size, both tourist beaches are smaller in total than the beach on Ukulhas.
The first beach is located in the southern part of the island. It takes about 15 min from the nearest hotel to reach, the path passes through fruit farms. A great option, in this case, is a bicycle. Almost every hotel provides it.
The boundaries of the beach are conventionally marked by a fence of dry palm leaves. The beach is very clean and well maintained, but small. During high season it can be crowded. Therefore, everyone lacks sun loungers and hammocks (unlike Ukulhas, where there are much more). It’s very convenient to have a shower and toilet on the beach as well.
Tropical trees grow along the coast, through which numerous paths lead to the water. However, there is only one entrance to bikini beach. The sand itself is so white and you can walk on it without fear of cutting yourself on glass or dead coral. The water is clean and with almost no floating debris.
Thoddoo house reef is very long. However, there are not so many places for snorkelling. A small reef is located very close to the bikini beach. there are only a couple of corals and several species of fish. A truly beautiful reef with many fish (and even stingrays and sharks) is located off the coast – about 400 m.
I swam there without fins and don’t recommend it because you get tired while you swim back and forth. And if there is also a side stream, then spend all your energy while you swim to the reef. But it worth it. At the same time, from my own experience, I’d say the outer reef is not as rich of animals and fish kingdom as Rasdhoo. But corals are in better condition.
Never swim there alone! The currents can be very strong and you will not notice how quickly you move away from the coast!
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The second beach is located in the north-eastern part – behind the stadium. From some hotels, it’s only 5 minutes walk. It’s smaller than the south beach, but there are also not so many tourists. There are sunbeds, hammocks for a comfortable stay. The advantage of this beach is the closeness of a house reef, which is only 200 m away. At the edge of the reef, I saw turtles, eagles and even manta rays! But not so many fish and sharks.
They say that on the beach you can see the fluorescent plankton! Unfortunately, I’ve never seen it, but I saw it at Rasdhoo and Adaaran Vaddhoo Resort.
The island is quite large and it will take a time to explore it on foot. Therefore, a good way is cycling. During morning or evening time you can easily go around the island and see what it is outside of the tourist beach.
Like other local islands, wildlife on Thoddoo is not very diverse. On the shore there are many crabs and hermit crabs of various sizes. I saw how hermit crabs used a coconut shell, glass bottom, a bottle cap. In general, what they find is used as a home.
You can find gray herons on the beach sometimes. If she likes you, she will let you to step closer. When it gets dark, you can see flying foxes sweep overhead. They are not dangerous to humans and eat fruits. From reptiles – small iguanas and very small geckos.
Well, mosquitoes, which are quite a lot on Thoddoo (depending on the season), unlike the neighbouring Rasdhoo. Therefore, stock up on repellents. Most of them are near plantations, and not everywhere, but only in some places.
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What else to do on Thoddoo?
Snorkelling safari. There are two places for safari snorkelling: near Thoddoo and at Rasdhoo Atoll. In the first case, you will snorkel with turtles on a house reef. In the second case – visit three spots in Rasdhoo Atoll. What to choose? I would recommend both options because in this case you will see how diverse and amazing the underwater world of the Maldives is.
Visit uninhabited islands. They are next to Rasdhoo.
Local farm tour. Such entertainment you can provide by yourself or find a local who will tell you and show everything, or ask a manager at the hotel. Thoddoo is one of the few islands in the Maldives that exports fruits and vegetables to other islands. Papaya, watermelons, bananas, coconuts, etc. are growing here. If you want to pick fruits from trees, please, firstly ask permission from the locals.
Dolphin safari. An evening safari with a school of friendly dolphins that swim so close to the boat that you can try to touch them!
Manta ray snorkeling. Mantas are the largest rays on the planet. The span of their wings can reach 6m! They feed only on plankton, so you shouldn’t scarry about it. There is a cleaning station near Thoddoo, where mantas come. I was snorkelling and diving there. The second option is better because mantas prefer to swim in deep water.
Night fishing. Maldives is the place where everyone can try to catch fish using only the fishing line, hook and bait. Moreover, it is often ladies and children who are more successful than gents! Fish can be grilled at the hotel.
Scuba diving. Two dive centers are now open on the island. I highly recommend everyone to try diving in Maldives (no matter which island) because, after that, your thoughts about underwater world will change forever! The beginner’s course includes theory class, skill training in shallow water and the dive itself with an instructor.
If you are a certified diver, then I will disappoint you – all places for diving are in Rasdhoo Atoll. Therefore, if you have plans for diving, it’s better to take a few nights on Rasdhoo.
The island has everything you need: a hospital, a school and a kindergarten, a gym and a football field. Two large mosques, one of which was built long enough.
The island has several restaurants and cafes where you can try local courses. I wouldn’t say there is huge price difference. More or less it’s the same. The food on Thoddoo, as well as on other local islands, is not very diverse. Rice, tuna, fried chicken, noodles with chicken, vegetables, etc.). Tuna and coconut milk soup. Pancakes with tuna and coconut. Casserole with tuna and rice, all kinds of tuna pies. And of course, a variety of fresh. On average, a dinner costs $US 10-10 pp.
Where to eat: in a hotel or in restaurants? It depends on the hotel, if you have a good chef, then in the hotel the quality of the food will be definitely better. In this case, the cost will be the same on average.
At local stores, you can buy fruits, juices, drinks, groceries and other necessary stuff.
If you look at Thoddoo on Google Maps, you will see that some hotels are located closer to the beach – Ari Heaven Thoddoo, Thila Farm View, Summer Stay Thoddoo than others. In fact, they are not located there, but in the village. Local laws do not allow building hotels only in a certain area located in the village.
Why is that?
Unlike many local islands, where tourism is developed, Thoddoo is a bit different. Many people on the island are doing farming and sell their products both to resorts and to the capital. Therefore, they do not want to give their land for the construction of another hotel.
Where to stay?
For the last 4 years, I’ve had an exclusive partnership (the best prices for accommodation and excursions) with Relax Residence. This is one of the first hotels on Thoddoo, and during this time they are constantly improving their reputation. Now they are No. 1 hotel on Thoddoo by reviews from Tripadvisor users and has a rating of 9.4 on Booking based on 180+ reviews
In addition to excellent service, Relax Residence is for adults only hotel. Children under 16 years old are not allowed to stay. Such concept is rare to see in Maldives.
The hotel has 2 blocks: a 3-floors building with a balcony and a one-floors block with a lounge area. Free water, tea, coffee, snorkeling kit, towels are provided.
Relax Residence is not the cheapest hotel on Thoddoo, but the quality of service provided is worth it.
Transfer To Thoddoo
Public ferry
Cost: $15 one way, per person (the traveling time is about 5 hours).
Departure from Male: every day at midnight (except Thursdays and Fridays).
Departure from Thoddoo: every day at midnight (except Thursdays and Fridays).
NOTE: as its private ferry it can go earlier or be cancelled.
Scheduled speedboat
Cost: $35 one way, per person (the travelling time is approximately 1 hour).
It’s available every day, except of Friday
Departure from Male to Thoddoo: at 11:00 and 16:00.
Departure from Thoddoo to Male: 07.00.
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fishphibian · 7 years
Horohoro, Faust, Chocolove, Mic, Silva, Peyote
It’s long so read more for more! (read more for all of it)
HoroHoro: What's your favorite season?Spring. I more or less consider it to be the real “new year” because it’s when things come back to life or are born. It’s also the season of the Anime North convention which is my favourite event of the year and probably the yearly event I look forward to the most.
Faust: Do you sleep a lot?Every day. Not as much as I would like to I suppose. It can be very difficult for me to sleep in most days, and I tend to stay up too late. I also have a very antagonistic relationship with naps. I can pretty much only nap when sick or when I am extremely sad; and I usually regret it as I wake up feeling awful half the time. I might have half a dozen good naps my entire life at most. Interestingly though, I am unable to perform “all nighters” on purpose. I have stayed completely awake for 24+ hours only once during the pre-Japan break-in crisis of 2013
Chocolove: Tell us your favorite joke.My favourite joke is more of a standup bit, search “The Salt and Pepper Diner.” It’s something that never fails to make me laugh. I am also a huge fan of the “lighthouse joke” but it’s very Canadian. In the interest of telling a joke instead of saying “look it up” I’ll post it here:This is the transcript of an actual radio conversation between a US naval ship and Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. The Radio conversation was released by the Chief of Naval Operations on Oct. 10, 1995.US Ship: Please divert your course 0.5 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.CND reply: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the South to avoid a collision.US Ship: This is the Captain of a US Navy Ship. I say again, divert your course.CND reply: No. I say again, you divert YOUR course!US Ship: This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest ship in the United States' Atlantic fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I demand that YOU change your course 15 degrees north, that's one five degrees north, or countermeasures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship.CND reply: This is a lighthouse. Your call.
Mic: What's your favorite animal?For simplicity's sake, frog. But for complication’s sake, it’s any one of: frog, axolotl, cuttlefish, common crow, hummingbird, bat, heron, damselfly, mantis, land crab, kestrel, playupus, armadillo... and so on in more or less that order into infinity. And that’s just extant animals. I really like velociraptor (like, the real turkey sized one) and dimorphodon. 
Silva: Give 3 unpopular opinions of yours.I pretty much universally prefer dubbed anime and video games. It might be partly because of enjoying eating while watching things, but since I value immersion the eye movement of reading and watching is annoying. I still watch many series in Japanese, and can recognize a bad English dub, but the strict and aggressive passion of people who swear by never touching English dubs and outright hating them kinda baffles me. On that note, since this is a Shaman King question thing:The English Shaman King dub is actually pretty amazing. Like, the casting and what the writers were able to get away with considering they were making a 4Kids series at the time is amazing. I prefer almost all the English voices with maybe the exception of Faust and Ren. Faust mostly due to inconsistency, and for Ren I think they’re about even and if it wasn’t for the accent (which had the same negative effect for Ryu) I think I wouldn’t question I liked the English voice better. Yoh/Hao and Chocolove, are in my opinion vastly more appropriate casting compared to the Japanese casting.  The only characters I would recast would be a few minor characters and *maybe* Anna; or I would at least direct Anna a bit differently. I don’t consider most of the Marvel Universe (mostly comics) characters to be superheroes. Basically Spider-man, Kamala Khan, and like a half a dozen assorted others like Daredevil and Captain America at various times. I have criteria for what makes a superhero. It involves saving innocent/unrelated people directly and sort of knowing/self identifying as a superhero. The X-men just deal with their own problems. Thor is a god. Hulk is thrown at stuff half the time. Stop dealing with personal stuff and stop a death ray or save a bus full of kids. Honestly Deadpool is an actual superhero more often than the actual X-men. I only found out this is unpopular recently due to online dating; but I hate downtown cores of big cities and I love the suburbs. Living 30 minutes outside of downtown is amazing and I would settle down 1-2 hours away and wouldn’t mind. I get annoyed by the city really fast. Toronto is greener than most, but I actually get angry when I can’t see the sky and it’s just oppressively tall buildings. Malls are amazing, you don’t really get classic malls in big cities. The best Escape Rooms are in suburbs... you can drive to nature really easily, there are IKEAs sometimes and theme parks and amazing things with SKY and TREES. Some bigger cities have designs I can get behind: Singapore, Fukuoka, Miami... but people sometimes tell me I should go to New York City and I really have no desire to. I would visit the Nintendo store and if it’s still there the Muppet Building store and then desperately want to leave in all likelihood. I could live in a not-downtown core part of a big city (and I guess I technically do now...), but only because it has access to suburbs. They may be “bad” (thanks, Adam Ruins Everything...) but I love suburbs and small cities/towns. 
Peyote: How many languages do you speak?I speak only English fluently. I can understand about 60% of Spanish if someone pretends I’m under 8 years old and speaks at an unnaturally slow rate (for Spanish speakers) and I can read it slightly better than that. Knowing latin names for some animals actually helped my vocabulary acquisition a fair bit. When I first started learning Spanish I would replace use French words sometimes but now my grade 4-9 French knowledge is pretty much completely erased. I have extremely basic Japanese mostly obtained by living there for a year. Seven years of subbed anime maybe gave me a half dozen words of Japanese, a month of Rosetta Stone maybe a dozen more, but really wanting to order more than one piece of fried chicken at the convenience store and wanting to see a concert gave me rudimentary conversation and general language skills I was able to use. I probably underestimate my Spanish a fair bit to be honest... I feel like if I moved back to Costa Rica or even Miami or something and really wanted to date or make non-expat friends I would probably be conversational in like five months. 
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allwicca · 7 years
Four Rules of Witchcraft for Personal Sovereignty
By: Heron Michelle
Allow me to take you back to a time not so long ago…It was a shining Autumn Equinox day here in North Carolina, and we’d just returned from vending at the Pagan Pride Festival in Raleigh the previous day, so I was considerably exhausted.
We’d spent a lovely weekend in the company of 3000+ fine pagans . It was also a family reunion, as we got to see many from our Sojo Tribe who live in that area. I love my tribe; they are the most mature, civilized and responsible group of witches I’ve ever known. It is a rare thing to have a teaching coven last so long without strain from diva-drama.
The Mabon Day Revelations
That crisp afternoon, I was cruising Facebook and see a posting by Raven Grimassi lamenting how within the witching communities, many are quick to stoop to pitiful levels of back-stabbing each other in public forums.  He implored us to become the kind of people who seek out the best in each other, rather than constantly harping on the worst in each other.
I read this sad message just as I was laying down for a nap. As my three kitties snuggled in around me, I thought about all the times folks I’d trusted had betrayed me, and the “Rules” that developed as we tried to learn a better way to coven together. They started as a comedic way to illustrate thealogical concepts (3). Until this fateful Mabon day, we only had two: Don’t burn the Witch and Don’t be the Asshole. As I descended into sleep, I knew this is basically what Raven was asking of us.
1.  Don’t burn the Witch.
The obvious: If you are going to work with the element of Fire, respect its potential, then avoid accidents.
 The less obvious: Be careful not to conjure up what you don’t know how to safely send back.
Heal thyself: All things vibrate, and like vibrations attract more of the same. (Hermetic Principle of Vibration, also called the Law of Attraction.) If you remain a pulsing magnet of self-loathing, no matter what intention your mouth speaks, you are doomed to repeat your past suffering. If you continue to harbor your wounds, you cannot evolve beyond “wounded consciousness” and all your magick will ever cause is a good ol’ fashioned witch burning of YOURSELF.
“If that which you seek you find not within, you will never find it without.”
Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente
Empowerment starts with YOU. Wisdom starts with YOU. Healing starts with YOU. YOU ARE THE MAGICK, so make it effective, harmonious, kick-ass magick sourced by Divine Love. The FIRST step on the path of the Witch is to learn to recognize these wounds for what they are, release all lingering connection to them, and heal from the inside out. Love yourself first. THEN, and only then, can you begin to break the cycle of woundings and don the crown of personal sovereignty.
Perfect Love and Perfect Trust: In the name of all things holy, STOP burning your fellow Witches!  We have a hard enough time not being “burned” by the rest of society, if we can’t treat each other with respect, what are we playing at?
2. Don’t be the Asshole.
By my definition, you are being the asshole when you violate any of the eight Divine Love conditions explained in Aphrodite’s Theology of Perfection: acceptance for your true self, sovereignty to live with free-will, resources to thrive, affection of your preference, expression of your truth, security on all levels, authenticity without exploitation, and trustworthiness. Think of any example of conflict and see which one of those conditions it violated. It’s usually pretty clear who is harming whom.
“These Eight words the Rede fulfill: An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will.”
The Wiccan Rede
With every action we take, our interactions with people, animals, society, the unseen hosts, or the natural world, we have a choice: benefit or detriment. This can take enormous powers of discretion to navigate because the exact same action in one scenario makes you the asshole, and in another scenario makes you the hero.
  3. Don’t be the Weak Link
Circling back to the  Mabon Day Revelations: As I lay there drifting off, I pondered a third rule, and all I wanted it to express, but didn’t yet have a pithy way to say it. In the twilight between dreaming and waking, I mull over how responsibility is about choice and strong character, regardless if anyone else notices, or you’re surrounded by folks who can’t be trusted. *YOU* can be trusted, and that creates for you a strong sphere of influence. Something like, “Responsibility begins and ends with you.”  Boring, right? Oh, and how important is the circle to the Witch, am I right? Everything is more effective in the sacred circle.
The Vision takes over, and I see the fabric of the Universe, matter and spirit woven together. I’ve always imagined it with the warp and weft of a tapestry, but that shifts and instead it becomes a cloth of chainmail with each being within it their own circle link. They are pliable enough to have free will, sovereign and strong enough on their own, but together…together, they can do so much more!
If all links remain strong within their own character, beginning and ending every interaction in alignment with their moral compass; if we use our power to cohesively weave together a responsible world within our own sphere of influence, then together we can all coexist in harmony, to ENORMOUS, reverberating benefit.
Then the vision shifted and I saw how if one link weakens; sees themselves as a straight line pointing only to their own ego; “burns” themselves through self-loathing, or projects that onto others as distrust; if they become the asshole who wields their own wound as a weapon to wound other people; through this weakness of character they betray the bonds of the surrounding links. If they exploit the natural environment, disrupting their relationship to the Divine through each other, then that hole in the chainmail grows, and ruins things exponentially throughout existence. It was like watching a fuse burn to ash; the chainmail image crumbled into a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
There is your three-fold law of return demonstrated! If we exude beneficial energy in the world, we are benefited. If we exude destructive energy in the world, we are destroyed, but we are all in this together. If we work with unity, for unity, all of Divine creation flows with us. It is so simple. It only takes one weak link to ruin the “armor” of harmonious existence for everyone.
“Don’t be the Weak Link” blazes into my mind’s eye, glowing as if written in green neon lights. YES! That’s it! How pithy. How cliche. How marvelous.
  4. Must be Present to Win
As the green blaze of the third rule still glowed in the vision, I sat up, trying to regain control. I was excited and seeking my trusty pen and journal. When before I can clear my eyes, MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN damn near bullies its way through my mind and I am physically taken over again. Seriously…bold, towering letters rumble in a deep voice and they echo, shake and get in my face. It was like an episode of sesame street animation busted into my head and took me hostage.
Huh. Whaddaya know about that? Unbidden, a direct Divine download, the Mabon Day Revelations: Must be present to win. Cute.
The Obvious: You have to be dogged in your determination to follow this path, because it is not suitable for everyone. It is neither glamorous, nor easy. It does not serve those who would wield the title to gain acclaim, nor control over others. When done with correct humility it does come with benefits for those brave enough to be fully present and make whatever sacrifices are required.
Show Up: This path demands that you keep showing up, every day, on all levels, for the rest of your life. Get up off your couch, stop wishing, stop bitching about your woes, stop bending over and taking that beating. Get yourself forthwith to the crossroads and DO THE WORK. Know what you need, apply the fires of your passion, dare to overcome all obstacles, and then be so fully awake in wonderment that the Universe is rendered fluid and saturated in miracles.
Wake up: Each exquisite moment is a gift not to be squandered; fully present in the joy and the pain, the abundance and the lack, even the love AND the fear of a lack of love. All of it courageously undertaken, because they hone your wisdom and power to propel you forward in your evolution.
Be the Warrior Witch: You have to put your keister where your values lie. Witchcraft is a PRAXIS: protest, sit-in, march, vote, armor up, take up the magickal weapons, stare down the Balrog (4) to defend the boundaries.  To be a Witch is to seek the truth within, then live it through every breath.  You have to confront your fears and tackle them into submission. No matter what the desire or issue, it can only be solved by being fully present, listening, observing, engaging compassionately with people in person, especially when there is a conflict to resolve or a need to be met.
People of good conscience cannot continue to knuckle under to the “witch burners” among us. Nor can we blithely ignore the divisive behavior of those who would sully our good standing through malevolent behavior.
“With no fool a season spend, nor be counted as their friend.”
The Wiccan Rede
“Haters” of any stripe cannot simultaneously claim to be a witch and be taken seriously; defrock them; warlock them (Warlock–meaning in this instance–that a witch who took oaths within a group to “harm none” are now known to be an “oath breaker” and are magickally disassociated from the group who once acknowledged them. This is a breaking of their connection to that group’s egregore, reputation and power, as a means of diminishing the oath breaker’s ability to do more harm to themselves or others.). If their magickal weapon of choice is ye’ olde knife between the shoulder blades, then they are not a witch. They are a fool and if you do nothing, you are guilty by association.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
English philosopher Edmund Burke
Going Gandalf: 
Through my years with Aphrodite, she’s emphasized repeatedly that if someone is violating any of her Divine Love Conditions, then they are doing harm, and that harm will resonate outward by orders of magnitude. They are the problem, and it is now the duty of any responsible witch, teacher, friend, neighbor, citizen, soldier, officer, social worker, etc., to stop them from doing this harm.
The Goddess works through both the spanking and the kiss and as her priestess I am happy to deliver both. You can be gracious and merciful even when you need to crack a few heads, because today I am loving you by saying NO, and YOU SHALL NOT PASS whatever boundary is being trespassed. The wise Witch knows when to stand in their truth, living authentically, yet doing so with ego properly aligned with highest Divine Will.
How do I navigate “harm none” as an agent of Divine Love? I bind harmful actions, and diminish their effect. I honor that wounds drive the assholery of others, so it does no benefit to seek vengeance on a wounded person who is behaving badly. I send Reiki into the wounds, and ease the dis-ease of heart and mind. I help to defeat fears, and secure resources, restore any of the Love Conditions that may be the root of these baneful actions.
Then I protect those who would be affected by the malevolent reek of those rogue beings until such time that they learn their healing lessons. I step back in peace and “hold the space,” centered in compassion.  This way we can dismiss the drama and not engage in histrionics that cannot serve any good. There is only one way I intend to expend my energy: effectively.
The Lighthouse Mission: 
This Mabon Day Revelation for me was that we witches will be better served if we complete our migration out into the light of day, forever away from the shadowy lie of the broom closet and do our Work courageously. No parade is necessary, just the mere un-shuttering of our flames like lighthouses on the rocky shores of this society.
Lighthouses don’t chase the ships; they just stand tall and sturdy, shining brightly without shame. The blinding light from so many fully-realized witches will dazzle the muggles anyway, so we have that distraction working for us. I won’t be easy, but hear this: WE ARE WITCHES.  If we cannot take up the power to be fully present in this society, accurately known for our contributions, then who can be?
    The post Four Rules of Witchcraft for Personal Sovereignty appeared first on Familiar Territory.
from Four Rules of Witchcraft for Personal Sovereignty
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phynxrizng · 8 years
Ostara Incense Recipe: Magickal Herbalism Like you Really Mean It
March 5, 2017 by Heron Michell
This Ostara Sabbat, consider preparing your own herbal incense blend.  Magickal herbalism can be very rewarding to the Modern Witch. 
It isn’t for the feint of wallet and does take the extra time of tracking down, or growing, the ingredients. Yet, there is nothing witchier than drying, storing, and labeling all the little jars neatly in a row on your shelf. 
Once you’ve committed this much energy and cash to the practice of magickal herbalism, you wouldn’t want to just chuck these precious plant allies into a bowl and hope for the best; that is sloppy and ineffective.
Be the uber-witch: ritualistic, creative and empowered!  Why not dig in and truly engage in everything you do?
Seize the day with both hands, both sides of your brain and all 7 chakras and know you’ve affected change in the world.
Magick is only as potent as what you mentally and spiritually invest into it and the frame of mind with which you use your herbal creations.
Here are a few ideas for preparation with intention.  I will use the example of an Ostara Incense blend I’ve been working on this season.
Magickal Herbalism Like you Really Mean it
Creating your own Incense Recipes:
I like to experiment in creating my own recipes with ingredients whose magickal correspondences are appropriate to the season or goal. 
I pay attention to the elemental, planetary and gender correspondences, and choose according to what I think will smell nice together, but also those that evoke the season/purpose to me, where I live.
For example, when I think of spring, I think of flowers, fresh purifying rains and bright sunbeams, so I go for the lighter, more floral, more sunny choices.
There are many great reference books out there for the correspondences, but my favorite is Scott Cunningham’s Complete book of Incense, Oils and Brews.   This on-line resource, Herbal Riot, is great! I also try to be mindful of the sustainable sources of my ingredients. Some materials are being over-harvested, like sandalwood, so I’m using it less these days.
My preferred ratio: 1:1:1
1 Part Wood Powders, like Cinnamon Bark, Sandalwood, Oak, Pine, Cedar, Birch, Willow.
1 Part Resin Powders, like Benzoin, Copal, Dragons Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh
1 Part herbs and other dried botanicals, like flowers, leaves, roots, berries, peels, etc.
If I have them, I’ll add a few drops each of essential oils.
I like to add some stone chips to my incense blends to continuously amplify and charge them.
They don’t burn, but they don’t impede burning, either.
Stones from the quartz family are especially good for this. A few teaspoons of vegetable glycerine – enough to dampen and bind the blend, while not becoming too wet.
Add slowly and stir well
Many herbs used for magick are poisonous if inhaled, consumed or sometimes even touched with the bare hands.
Understand the properties of an ingredient before you begin your work. Even something as tasty and innocuous as nutmeg, can cause respiratory difficulties and asthma attacks if too much is inhaled.
Do your research.
It is also a good idea to use equipment and tools dedicated to magickal work that are never used for food preparation.
  A cautious kitchen witch lives to see their work manifested.
I have a dedicated coffee bean grinder for grinding tough ingredients like roots, barks and peals, but I just purchase them pre-powdered if I can.
Ostara Incense
1 T. Powdered White Oak Bark: Jupiter/Mars, Water, God (Oak King) Protection, Health, Money, Potency, Fertility, Luck 1 T. Copal Resin: Sun, Fire, God, Love, Purification 1 t. dried, finely ground Rose petals: Venus, Water, Maiden Goddess, love
1 t. dried, finely ground Jasmine blossoms: Moon, Water, Goddess, Love, Money, Sensuality, Sexuality, Spring Equinox 2 t. dried, powdered Orange peel (zest): Sun, Fire, God, Joy, Energy, purification.
3 drops each of Sweet Orange and Jasmine Essential Oil, if you have them.
Rose Essential Oil is prohibitively expensive, and arguably wasteful, considering how many blossoms it takes to produce a single drop of EO, but should you happen to have the real thing, a single drop would be transcendent.
1 tsp. Vegetable glycerine stirred in well and fluffed with a fork.
**Never use synthetic fragrance oils in magickal herbalism–they are a chemical cocktail of lies, and will not elicit the aid of the plant spirit as your magick intends.**
Store your blend in small glass jar that seals tightly, and preferably of a darker color, shielding the blend from sunlight.
A jar opening larger than a small spoon is helpful, so you can easily scoop it out, and clean it later.  I like 4 oz mason jar.
Set the stage for your work. 
Dedicate a stretch of counter-space or a table top.
Nothing fancy is required, just some functional place near your herb cabinet that is orderly, clean and gives you a sense of purpose.
Consider using only natural materials such as wood, metal, glass or earthenware to prepare and store your herbal blends.  This need not be your altar, but a candle sets the mood and opens the space for spiritual business. 
White is almost always appropriate, or use color correspondence to deepen the symbolism.
  For Ostara Work, I like to utilize the colors orange and yellow, for candle, table cloth or storage jar.
Orange and yellow are corresponding colors to fertility, the Will, the maiden goddess and youth/solar god aspects.
If you choose to utilize color in your work, make sure you select one that means “Ostara” to you.
Regardless of what a table of correspondences says, if it does not trigger your sub-conscious mind, you’ve wasted your time.
Statement of Intent:
Ground and center yourself. Begin with a simple prayer for aid or a statement of intent:
“Great Ones! Guide my work for the highest good of all, harming none. So mote it be!” 
Or perhaps, something more poetic inspires you:
“By wind and rain and spark and wood, guide me toward my highest good, harming none.  So mote it be!”
Grinding and Blending:
Into your mortar and pestle, add each ingredient by name, starting first with large or chunkier ones that need the most grinding. Do so with reverence and a touch of drama.  State out loud the name and attribute, such as:  “Pine wood for Healing! Dragon’s Blood for protection!”  Know WHY you are including each ingredient.
Focus on its intent as you grind in a circular movement. Remember, in the Northern Hemisphere, deosil (clockwise) builds and creates while widdershins (counter clockwise)  tears down and banishes.
I tend to add ingredients in this order:
Resins, woods/roots/tough botanicals, then the leafy and soft dried botanicals.
Lastly, add the drops of essential oils and vegetable glycerine, stirring well and fluffing with a fork.
a few Stone chips–thanks to the law of contagion, it doesn’t take many.
Blending with Power:
Perhaps a silver spoon or a long quartz crystal can be a dedicated tool for this purpose. 
While stirring, put your numerology and symbolism knowledge to work.
  Take a stroke each for the maiden, mother and crone, or thirteen strokes for the thirteen moons in the year.
Carve pentacles or runes into the ingredients.   Any symbol is game if it means something appropriate to you: Happy faces or dollar signs, four-leaf clovers or runes.   You can be chanting your spell as you mix, rhyming adds to the power and witchyness exponentially.
When finished, tap the spoon on the edge of the bowl with authority and state, “It is done!”  
Transfer the blend into the storage container, which can also be inscribed with runes or symbols. However, leave the lid off so that the mixture can settle and dry for up to 6 hours before you burn over coals or close for long-term storage.
Breath deeply and hold the jar between your hands, shifting your consciousness into the herbs. 
Visualize them aligning, resonating as one like notes in a chord whose note is “rebirth.”
For our example of the Ostara blend, see yourself glowing with orange/yellow light and full of vitality and budding potential–the seed germinating in the fires of Aries. There should be a wild, teenager-y impetuous and fearless vibe, where all things are possible.
Build your energy from your feet up to the crown of your head and then release it from the palms of your hands into the herbs.  See  the light transferring to the jar. 
Feel your emotions and intentions soaking the herbs. 
State aloud what you intend,
“By Lord and Lady, earth and sky, I charge you to…”
Elaborate in whatever poetic or specific way you’d like.
End with  “So mote it be” and accept that the work is complete and good.
Shake your hands to stop the flow of energy.  Relax, snuff your candle and clean up.
Burning your Incense:
In a charcoal incense burner, or in a heat-dafe dish on a thick layer of sand, light a charcoal tab (the kind usually sold for hooka pipes), and carefully set it on the sand.
After the sparks have completely passed over the tab, spoon your loose incense blend onto the coal in 1/2 teaspoon increments.
With spoon, you can kick the ash off and add more incense as you desire. How does it smell?
Allow the smoke to waft over you, and around the room and pay close attention to the shifts in energies in the space. From there, adjust as you see fit.
Ostara Blessings! ~Heron
Reposted by, Phynxrizng
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Every day is a good day to beat the Dawgs.
Last season, a lot of people saw the UGA win on the road as a pivotal moment in sparking the Tigers to the run in the postseason. It was the beginning of the winning streak, and despite not playing great against a bottom-tier SEC team, Chuma Okeke hit a game winner at the buzzer. All season, his teammates had been telling people he was the most talented guy on the roster, but that he just didn’t have that confidence yet. This game changed that, and from that moment until he went down against UNC in the Sweet 16, it was Chuma’s team.
But this isn’t about that game. The season prior, Auburn was in a similar situation. After cruising to 12-1 in non-con play and then beating ranked teams in consecutive games (at #23 Tennessee, home vs #22 Arkansas), the hype was finally surrounding Bruce Pearl at Auburn. After getting all the way to 17-1, however, Auburn dropped a midweek game in Tuscaloosa. Despite all of the fun and success up to that point, that loss stung, and fans (myself included) were already wary of Auburn basketball slipping back into what it had been for the last 15 years. Was this loss the beginning of a regression? Or was this program ACTUALLY ready to blow up?
Enter UGA into Auburn Arena, on a Saturday night. This was the first game in Auburn after the students were back from winter break, and to say the atmosphere was electric was an understatement. I remember deciding I should go get in line a little earlier than normal for this game, because I just missed out on getting in the bleachers for the previous game. This turned out to be an excellent move, because, well...
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Don’t mind me, just day-dreaming about getting back into Auburn Arena. Thanks to @wlmcl for the video from the 2018 Auburn/UGA win.
A post shared by College and Magnolia (@collegeandmag) on Oct 20, 2019 at 6:56pm PDT
This game saw the students turn out in droves. By the time the Pearly Gates opened 90 minutes before tipoff, the student line had stretched back up to Aubie Hall (the dorm in the background of the video), around the side, and close to the parking lot behind the Village. This was uncharted territory for Auburn basketball support. To add another story of just how great of a hype man Bruce Pearl is, he came out before the doors opened and thanked everyone in this line, thanking people and giving out high fives from the front all the way to the back of the line to make sure everyone knew how much he appreciated their support. I love that man. There’s another fun story from pregame of this one that I’ll share in the comments, but at 400+ words, I probably need to get a move on.
So now that the picture is set...
Bryce Brown: 28 points, 2 steals, 5-9 from 3P
Date: January 20, 2018
Opponent: Georgia
Final Score: Auburn 79, UGA 65
Things looked bleak early. Auburn came out slow, and unable to sink a shot to save their lives. Georgia, to their credit, hung 40 on the Tigers in the first half, including 15 points in the last 5 minutes. It was bleak. After all the excitement, all the energy, all of the wins... Auburn might not be that good. I mean, 26 points in the first half against GEORGIA? They suck at basketball!
The second half was a whole other story. Auburn busted out of the gates with a TWENTY-FIVE TO FOUR run, and Auburn Arena was a madhouse. Part of that run saw Bryce Brown hit a pair of threes to get into double digit scoring on the night, and Mustapha Heron had a drive and dunk to take the lead that sent the place into a frenzy.
I know gifs are often the preferred format in articles like this, but I love these calls by Rod too much to cut them out.
Towards the end of this run, Jared Harper hit one of his patented mile high layups while sliding to the floor, and yes, I’m mainly mentioning this for a fun Dr. McLaughlin video, because I only wish every single one of you could get a chance to watch a basketball game with this man.
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From later that night, because 25-4 runs against UGA are a good way to make Auburn Arena go crazy. Again, thanks @wlmcl. And yes, I’m also sharing these so that I can add them into an article on Collegeandmagnolia.com for tomorrow. YouTube is being dumb.
A post shared by College and Magnolia (@collegeandmag) on Oct 20, 2019 at 7:23pm PDT
This really was Bryce Brown’s game, though, as he hit five threes and was all around the best player on the court that night. He added a pair of steals that ended up in easy layups in the second half to help clinch the game, and at the end of this one, you started to get a sense that Auburn was serious about this season. If you weren’t on board after the 12-1 non-con, if you weren’t on board after the two ranked wins, you were on board after this one. ESPECIALLY if you were in Auburn Arena. Commenter DBAU81 put it best in the recap article the next morning.
I was lucky enough to be there. The second half was unreal. I’ve never seen the Arena (particularly the student section) as electrified as it was last night. We are now seeing tangible results from the energy Bruce has brought to this program, and the connection he immediately made with the fan base when he first arrived. It’s fun to watch. And those kids on the team who have endured through the off-court distractions and the loss of two key teammates deserve it.
Here’s all the highlights from the night.
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/10/21/20924148/15-days-to-tipoff-bryce-brown-auburn-georgia-28-points
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melonoverlord · 6 years
ABCs for Juni
A: Aptitude
1. what are your oc’s natural abilities, things they’ve been doing since young?
She’s been training since she was young, even before she joined the militia. By technicality, as Lazuli she had expert combat and world shaping training since the dawn of creation.
2. what activities have they participated in?
She had been Captain of the Guard for about a hundred years before she unofficially stepped down when she joined the Freedom Vessel. But she’s been involved in the militia since she was a child and now she has a full time job as a mother.
3. what abilities do they have that they’ve worked for?
Juni is a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to talking about her own feelings, so it’s taken a lot of getting over her pride and talk about what’s bothering her. It’s easy when you can Zone of Truth others, but she cannot Zone of Truth herself.
4. what things are they bad at?
It’s been shown that Juniper is very very bad at reigning in her emotions, particularly on the Lazuli side. Three times when she had something bad happen to her (her planet catching on fire, Icio dying, and Spanathos blowing up), she loses control of herself and will cause destruction.
5. what is their most impressive talent?
Even without Lazuli’s influence, Juni is an excellent fighter and could take almost anyone in a fight. She is small and ready to brawl.
B: Basics
1. what is their hair color?
It’s a mix of dark green and light green. It starts as dark green and as it gets longer, it gets lighter.
2. what is their eye color?
Bright green
3. how tall are they?
4. how old are they?
As Lazuli she’s existed since Dryas was created, but her’s body’s been around for 414 years.
5. how much do they weigh?
110 lbs
C: Comfort
1. how do they sit in a chair?
Big gay way, either manspreading or sitting backwards.
2. in what position do they sleep?
Being spooned by Icio or just lying on top of them.
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
Sleeping next to Icio, meditating, or training with the snids.
4. what is their major comfort food? why?
Roasted vegetables because it reminds her of Dryas.
5. who is the best at comforting them when down?
Her fish husband, Icio.
D: Decoration
1. how would they decorate a house if they had one under their name?
Lots of space for kids to run around in nature, a natural sky light, giant space for a party, and a huge training center.
2. how would they decorate their child’s room?
It would have a secret entrance to a play room that is only accessible by climbing through it, as well as little tree house beds for the kids so they have the maximum amount of space for playing. And of course flowers everywhere.
3. how do they decorate their own room?
Dryads tend to have fairly empty rooms since they don’t have many earthly possessions, though Juni and Icio’s room on the ship has some plants from the arboretum and pictures of the snids.
4. what type of clothes and accessories do they wear?
When on Dryas, she wore the uniform of the militia which was chest armor and kinda like a skirt armor (think Wonder Woman or Sparta), but when lounging about she usually wears either just a sports bra and skirt or tank top and skirt.
5. do they like makeup/nail/beauty trends?
She’ll do ceremonial makeup, but she won’t really wear it in other circumstances and only does her nails with Icio and the girls. She has that natural goddess beauty, though.
E: External Personality
1. does the way they do things portray their internal personality?
Juniper has always been strong, brash, and ready to mcfreakin lose it with her friends.
2. do they do things that conform to the norm?
While she conformed to the norm on Dryas with the militia, she always was a natural leader  and the reason she conformed was because her style already fit in with the militia so well.
3. do they follow trends or do their own thing?
Juni was the first person on her planet. She invented every trend.
4. are they up-to-date on the internet fads?
Dryas is the most technologically advanced planet. They have memes for days.
5. do they portray their personality intentionally or let people figure it outon their own?
Kinda intentionally? She wants people to think she’s strong and confident because she doesn’t want anyone to think she’s weak.
F: Fun
1. what do they do for fun?
Training with the kids, having sex with Icio, and meditating.
2. what is their ideal party?
Lots of drinks, making out with Icio in the back corner, probably an orgy.
3. who would they have the most fun with?
Icio, followed by her militia friends.
4. can they have fun while conforming to rules?
She can, unless those rules are bullshit.
5. do they go out a lot?
The militia parties like there’s no tomorrow. She’s a little sad she can’t drink anymore because of the baby.
G: Gorgeous
1. what is their most attractive external feature?
Hon, everything about Juni is a 10/10. Though if I had to pick something, it would be her abs. She is built like a small cross fit trainer.
2. what is the most attractive part of their personality?
She exudes big dick energy and confidence. And she uses her own confidence to help make her loved ones feel good about themselves.
3. what benefits come with being their friend?
You have the Goddess of War with you, she will be your own personal trainer, and she gives great pep talks.
4. what parts of them do they like and dislike?
She knows she’s beautiful. If anything, she just wishes she were taller.
5. what parts of others do they envy?
Although she loves herself, she wishes sometimes she could just be a normal dryad again so people wouldn’t worship her.
H: Heat
1. do they rather a hot or cold room?
Hot. Juni wants to wear as least clothes as possible.  Plus Dryads have excellent internal temperature control.
2. do they prefer summer or winter?
It’s a lot easier to run around and be wild in the summer.
3. do they like the snow?
Not really. It’s just cold water and water doesn’t mix well with dryads.
4. do they have a favorite summer activity?
5. do they have a favorite winter activity?
Being cuddle buddies with Icio. Cuffing season is in full effect.
I: In-the-closet
1. what is their sexuality?
She is the horniest pan to ever horny pan. Just not horny for Pan.
2. have they ever questioned their sexuality?
No. She always knew she thought girls, guys, and enbies were cute and she wanted to kiss all of them.
3. have they ever questioned their gender?
Nah. Her gender is goddess.
4. would/was their family be okay with them being LGBT?
Her brother is a millennia old god who likes fucking plants and her closest friends are either bi, pan, lesbian, or gay. It’d be more surprising to them if she was straight. 
5. how long would/did it take for them to come out?
Probably the first time she had an orgy with the other militia members who were her age.
J: Joy
1. what makes them happy?
Training, making sure that her fish partner is happy, and praying.
2. who makes them happy?
Icio, her snabies, her militia friends, and now her new sapling.
3. are there any songs that bring them joy?
Any Little Mix song, especially “Salute”.
4. are they happy often?
Before she got roped into the revolution, she was a very happy person. She’s still happy, but she’s also been through so much more in the past couple months, than the past few millennia combined so it’s less peppy.
5. what brings them the most joy in the world?
Fighting for their freedom alongside her favorite person.
K: Kill
1. have they ever thought about suicide?
No, someone in her family has to have self preservation.
2. have they ever thought about homicide?
She killed about 50 people on Caritain and she’s the goddess of war. Of course she’s thought about homicide.
3. if they could kill anyone without punishment, would they? who?
She would singlehandedly slaughter anyone who tries to attack her home, family, or friends.
4. who would miss them if they died?
Icio definitely, all her friends in the militia, her kids, and pretty much all the Freedom Vessel. Pan in particular would go on a rampage.
5. who would be happy they died, anyone?
Racist Genesians who want to see the might of Dryas fall.
L: Lemons
1. what is their favorite fruit?
2. what is their least favorite fruit?
3. are there any foods they hate?
Dryads are vegetarians and therefore hate meat.
4. do they have any food intolerances?
Ironically, juniper berries.
5. what is their favorite food?
Roasted zucchini
M: Maternal
1. would they want a daughter or a son?
She is going to have three daughters and a son, but she’s better with girls anyway.
2. how many children do they want?
Honestly, she’s the goddess of motherhood, so she would be fine pulling a Ciri and having 40 kids.
3. would they be a good parent?
She is the goddess of motherhood, you bet your ass she’s a great parent.
4. what would they name a son? what would they name a daughter?
She would probably name a daughter after her best friends Delta and Gaia, her Captain of the Guard Iberis, or Persephone. For boys, if Heron wasn’t coming back to life, she would have named one Heron, or after her brother.
5. would they adopt?
They have their beautiful snids and tree son. Of course she would.
N: Never Have I Ever
1. what would they never do?
Disrespect nature
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
Give birth to a child
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
Destroy the natural world they live in.
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
Get drunk, slap Icio, and declare her love for them in a Zone of Truth.
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
She’d never thought she’d leave Dryas for anything, much less be a goddess.
O: Optimism
1. are they optimistic or pessimistic?
She’s pretty optimistic. Probably the only optimistic adult on the ship.
2. are they openly optimistic, throwing it on others?
She’s not annoying about it, but she is most likely the one to give the pep talks.
3. are they good at giving advice?
Yes, she was a Captain for about a hundred years.
4. is there anyone in their life that throws optimism on them?
Allura is a shining beacon of light in the rebellion right now.
5. were they always optimistic?
Yeah, since she was a child.
P: Personality
1. what is their best personality trait?
Confidence and fierceness
2. what is their worst personality trait?
Emotionally volatile
3. what of their personality do others love?
Ciri loves her bravery and her fighting spirit, the militia loves her leadership skills and protectiveness, Pan loves her fiery spirit (hence her name) and her care for her people, and Icio loves her strength and sense of humor.
4. what of their personality do others envy?
Ciri envies her ability to adapt to new situations quickly, the militia envies her quick thinking, Pan envies her desire to see the world, and Icio envies her strength of mind and confidence.
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
She hates cowards. There is a difference between being afraid and choosing to let others suffers because of your fear. Cowards will be the first to go in the race war.
Q: Questions
1. do they ask for help?
Not if she can help it. She’ll mostly ask for help if it will better the group. Otherwise, she likes to do things on her own.
2. do they ask questions in class?
Despite not really paying attention in class to talk to friends, Juni was a very bright student and would ask more thoughtful questions without answers, such as “why despite being a refugee planet, is Dryas mostly isolationist”.
3. do they answer questions that make them a little uncomfortable?
She’ll answer most questions, but if it’s a sore subject that she absolutely does not want to touch on, she’ll dodge the question like no tomorrow.
4. do they ask weird questions?
She loves getting a rise out of people, so she’ll ask very deep personal questions to get them to blush.
5. are they curious?
Hell yeah, she loves exploring.
R: Rules
1. do they follow rules?
She follows the rules of the militia, but they were seen as rule breakers by the Templars.
2. would they be a strict or laid-back parent?
Juni’s definitely the fun parent that teaches her kids to beat up the other kids if they talk shit.
3. have they ever been consequenced for breaking a rule?
When she and Icio were young, she once talked them into exploring the woods at night with her and they got caught, and both of them were grounded for five years.
4. have they broken any rules they now regret breaking?
Not particularly. She doesn’t break rules unless she finds the rule stupid.
5. do they find any rules they/others follow absolutely ridiculous?
She finds the static Templar life ridiculous.
S: Streets
1. are they street-smart?
She’s learned to expect anything after living with the militia for so long.
2. would they give money to someone on the streets?
She doesn’t have a lot of money, but she would give what she had.
3. have they ever gotten in a fight on the streets?
I mean she caused a cave in at a mansion, so I’d say yeah.
4. has anything happened to them on the streets?
Not specifically, but Scylla with the stone was definitely wild.
5. are they cautious when out?
She’s learned to be, especially after Scylla and Bengalia.
T: Truth
1. are they honest?
Yes, except on the very rare occasion that she’s insecure about herself. Then she’ll just pretend she’s as great as everyone else thinks she is.
2. can they tell if someone is lying?
Yes, but really she has Zone of Truth for that.
3. is it obvious when they’re lying?
It’s obvious to Icio and the people closest to her like Delta and Gaia, but not others.
4. have they lied about anything they regret lying about?
No. Although Lazuli was hidden from everyone for hundreds of years, even Juni didn’t realize that she was the spirit of Lazuli reborn.
5. have they told truths that have been spread against their will?
After Lazuli came out, it quickly spread throughout Dryas and now her friends are worshipping her.
U: Underdog
1. have they been bullied?
Growing up, everyone was too scared of Juni to bully her. She quickly climbed the ranks of the militia.
2. have they bullied anyone?
She gently bullied the Templars through Icio, and now likes razzing the ship whenever they do hanky panky stuff.
3. have they been physically attacked by a bully?
No one really bullied each other on Dryas unless it was playfully teasing.
4. have they ever been doubted?
No, she’s been a prodigy since she was small.
5. have they surprised people with being good at something?
She surprised the Templars by being a naturally good fighter as a very young child, but after that no one made the mistake of underestimating her.
V: Vomit
1. do they vomit often?
She’s only vomited when she was pregnant and after she had her first Jungle Juice at a militia party.
2. do they get lots of stomach aches?
Now she does with the baby, but she usually has a stomach of steel.
3. are they good at comforting someone ill?
She’s a cleric, she’s great at making people feel better.
4. what do they like as far as comfort goes?
Holding her hair back, giving her back rubs, and braiding her hair.
5. do they burp, cough, or hiccup most when nauseous? when vomiting?
She has violent shaking hiccups. She just hugs the toilet or the nearest pot and just has little jumps.
W: Water
1. do they drink enough water?
She has to have enough water intake to stay alive but has to keep it moderate because she could drown.
2. have they learned to swim?
No, she would legit die.
3. do they like to swim?
Nopeity nopeity nope. She has to limit her showers because if she stays too long
4. can they dive?
She can nosedive but not into water.
5. can they swim without holding their nose?
Theoretically yes, but she doesn’t want to prove it.
X: Xylophone
1. what is their favorite genre of music?
It’s a tie between nature ambiance and girl power bands.
2. do they have a favorite song?
Salute by Little Mix
3. do they have a favorite band/artist/singer?
Paramore or Little Mix
4. can they sing well?
Dryads are blessed with the power of vocalizing. They can sing in a forest and have it sound like Lazuli herself blessed them (which she does because she’s Juni)
5. can they rap?
She’s not the best rapper, but god(s), can the militia chant like a motherfucker.
Y: You
1. how old were you when you created them?
2. what inspired you to create them?
Icio needed a love interest, so I made everyone’s favorite local horndog.
3. were they different when they were first created?
A little bit? Originally she wasn’t Lazuli, but for the most part she’s always been a rowdy fight girl. If anything, she’s more horny than her original intent.
4. do you enjoy writing them more than other characters?
She’s a blast to play, especially because Icio gets turned on every time they talk to her.
5. what’s your favorite thing about them?
She’s tiny and so passionate about life and isn’t afraid to trap someone in a Zone of Truth to get someone to open up.
Z: Zebra
1. what’s their favorite animal?
Dryads have special relationships with animals, but her all time favorite is a stag. They’re just so majestic and so is she.
2. do they like animals?
Dryads love all aspects of nature, from plants to animals.
3. cats or dogs?
Juni is very much a dog person. She respects cats but rowdy dogs are just something she’s compatible with.
4. what’s their dream pet?
She would die of happiness if she got to keep a stag. She’d ride it into battle.
5. do they have any pets at the moment?
She’s helping her cousin-in-law take care of Noodle while Castor’s gone. The caretaking of Noodle is kind of a team effort by the entire ship.
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wayneooverton · 6 years
10 epic things to do in New Zealand that aren’t hiking
It’s no secret that New Zealand is a world-renowned hiking mecca.
Open any magazine feature or Instagram page and you’re likely to see an impossibly small human perched precariously in front of towering mountains. Who wouldn’t want to go walking in that scenery? But for many people, hiking just isn’t for them. So what’s a person to do when traveling to a country famous for its nature?
Fear not, anti-hikers! New Zealand has something for everyone and despite what you see on Instagram, there’s heaps to do that doesn’t involve lacing up a pair of bulky, smelly boots and trudging up a mountain. 
Whether you aren’t in the mood or it’s winter and the peaks are cut off, here are 10 epic things to doand our favorite  alternatives to hiking in New Zealand.
9 ways hiking in New Zealand will change your life
1. Drink all the wine (and the beer too!)
New Zealand has been in the wine game for a loooong time but the wine scene has really taken off the past 50 years with the industry growing 17% per year.
Some would say the Sauvignon Blanc from the Marlborough Sound region is among the best in the world! Further down the South Island, the Central Otago region makes some impressive Pinot Noir. The North Island is holding its own with the production of Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Syrah, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon.
New Zealanders are proud of their wine and are eager to share their love with those who are curious. Most large vineyards offer tours and (often free!) wine tastings throughout the year.
If you’re more of a beer drinker, you’ll be happy to know the craft beer scene is growing in New Zealand too.
It’s becoming more and more common to find local breweries getting creative with beer. Brewpubs are becoming increasingly popular as well so it’s easier than ever to enjoy a local beer straight from the source!
Many of them are also paired with delicious restaurants and there are more and more beer festivals popping up around the country.
2. Go hang out on the farm
Just because you don’t want to hike doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the best of New Zealand’s scenery.
Visitors to NZ looking to escape the well-worn tourist tracks will find that a lot of the land is privately owned but what seems impassable and closed off is often available to visitors in the form of a homestay or farm tour.
When I came to New Zealand, I was inexplicably fascinated by sheep. There are so many of them! And they are everywhere! And they’re so fluffy! If you’re anything like I was, you might enjoy a farm stay where you can get up close and personal with the farm animals and learn all about sheep farming. You might even get to see an actual muster which is in the running for my top favorite things to witness in New Zealand.
Sunset at Shortland Shed
Lake Heron Station in Canterbury (2.5 hours from Christchurch) is an classic high country merino sheep station that has a delightful historic and cozy cottage you can stay in. Farming is a way of life in New Zealand, and staying on a farm is a great way to experience this.
Canopy Camping looks after a lot of glamping sites in New Zealand, many of them are also on farms. Shortlands Shed in Central Otago is a stunning off-the-grid cabin on a sheep farm while you can even glamp on a farm up on the Kauri Coast in Northland in the forest.
Overlooking the homestead at Lake Heron Station
3. Go on a road trip
Another great way to be immersed in the New Zealand magic is to see it by car.
Many people going to New Zealand opt out of renting a car and I get it: The roads are narrow and winding, and many aren’t for the faint of heart. Most visitors are accustomed to driving on the left side of the road either. There’s a whole new set of road rules to know (hello backward roundabouts!).
But if you ask me, indulging in a good old-fashioned road trip is one of the best ways to experience the country.
Sure, you can take buses but having the freedom to explore an unknown road or stop for a picnic with a sweeping vista is non-negotiable. New Zealand is a small country and with a car, you can really pack in a lot of different landscapes into a few short days. Beaches, mountains, rainforests, flatlands, rolling hills, towering fiords. You’ll be treated to some of the coolest roads in the country and have the freedom to spend more time in the places you love.
If you’re feeling really adventurous, rent a luxury car, like an Aston Martin convertible from Queenstown with Ignition Self Drive and road trip to Milford Sound!
Fast cars aren’t just for boys
4. Get up in the air and soar over the amazing landscapes
There’s something so humbling about being at the base of a mountain and looking up but perhaps even more stunning than the views from the bottom is the view from the top. Taking a helicopter or plane ride will put you at eye level with the mountain giants and will give you a new perspective of the country you’re visiting.
There’s truly nothing like seeing a braided river from high above. It looks like a contemporary art piece!
Helicopter and plane rides are offered pretty much everywhere in New Zealand but my preference is in the Southern Alps. Being nose to nose with Mt. Cook or Mt. Aspiring is truly an unforgettable experience, and nothing beats flying to Milford Sound in a helicopter. Many operators will do a glacier landing so you can get out and walk on a glacier without having to get there on your own two feet.
Over the Top Helicopters in Queenstown also have some incredible places they fly to, and I always recommend a scenic flight for anyone in New Zealand looking to take their trip to the next level.
5. Get out on the water
New Zealand’s mountain landscapes are undeniably impressive but perhaps equally if not more impressive is the plethora of bodies of water found in every corner of the country. And when I say water, I’m not talking about a murky river or a polluted lake. This water here is unbelievable: crystal clear and turquoise blue and largely uncontaminated in the mountains. 
Take a jet boat and do donuts in a shallow river, explore the sea water of Milford Sound by kayak, book a boat cruise and float between icebergs in a glacial lake at Mt. Cook. Get out on the water and experience New Zealand’s raw nature for yourself. 
Whether you want a high energy experience or a low-key cruise, there’s an option for every traveler all year round!
Kayaking Milford Sound in the pouring rain
6. Soak your tired bones in some of the natural hot springs
New Zealand is a country with lots of geothermal activity. If you wanted to, you could hike to the top of an active volcano, the ever popular Mount Ngauruhoe. But this isn’t a blog post about hiking so let’s talk about the other excellent benefit of having heaps of geothermal activity going on all over the country: hot springs!
These little pools of soothing hot water are a popular all-season activity.
Everyone loves soaking in a piping hot bath and it’s even better when it’s all natural and found in the wild. Of course, for those who want to be luxurious, you can easily find spas that pump in spring water to a human-made pool. If that’s your jam, check out Hamner Springs or Tekapo.
If you want the real deal, head towards Rotorua or the West Coast of the South Island. There are so many hot springs, you could form your entire trip itinerary around hitting the hot spring spots.
7. Eat like a Kiwi
New Zealand’s cafe culture is unlike anywhere else in the world except for maybe Australia. I’ve already raved about the coffee scene but there’s something to be said about New Zealand food too.
7 reasons why New Zealand’s coffee culture rules
Where I come from, pie is a sweet dessert, often with baked fruit in a buttery flakey pastry crust. Thanks to the British influence, in New Zealand, a pie is a savory filling in a buttery pastry. It took me a while to wrap my head around savory meat pies but I’m a total convert now. You could easily spend a few weeks sampling all the different pie flavors!
Every New Zealand cafe is filled with the same delicious sweet treats. Ginger crunch, caramel slice, tan square, oat and date slice, afghan bikkies, anzacs, carrot cake, decadent brownies.
If you’re someone who likes to experience the local food, allow yourself some time to cafe hop so you can really enjoy the best New Zealand has to offer. If you’re trying to be healthy, you can still eat your way through the towns. Pick up some local produce from the supermarket when you pass through.
My favorites are feijoas, greengages, kumara, and blackcurrants! Hot tip: stay far far away from avocados when you’re on the South Island. They are delicious but at $7 per avocado, you’ll quickly break the bank.
Where to wine, dine and caffeinate in Wellington, New Zealand
8. Find the all of the wildlife – it’s birds
It might seem surprising that wildlife is so huge in New Zealand seeing that the islands have no native mammal life but New Zealand has so much to offer to those wanting to get up close and personal with the animals.
An all-time favorite is a trip to Stewart Island which gives you the best chance of seeing the endangered Kiwi bird in the wild. Head to Dunedin if to see the Albatross Centre. If you road trip through the Catlins, stop at Curio Bay where you have a good chance of seeing endangered yellow-eyed penguins and larger than life sea lions.
A drive through Milford is sure to show you a few cheeky keas and if you’re really strapped for time, just go outside wherever you are and surround yourself with the beautiful birdsong. Seriously, you might want to record it on your phone because it’s so loud and amazing you’ll never want to forget it!
If you get the chance, head to one of the many eco-sanctuaries and predator-free reserves in New Zealand where you have a better chance of seeing some of the really endangered birds, like takahe and kiwi.
9. Embrace the seasonal activities, especially winter
New Zealand has very distinct seasons and while none of them are particularly that harsh, each season is definitely unique with its own special flair. Down in the South Island, you really have four distinct seasons, just the opposite time of year than the north. 
With ski fields dotted all over the country, it’s no surprise that winter in New Zealand can be just as popular as summer.
In the Queenstown-Wanaka area, you have access to four major ski fields all within an hours drive. If you want to try something different, you can try the club ski fields where you’re towed up the mountain on a nutcracker device. Quirky!
You can even try out cross country skiing if you want to get some winter sun but not hyped on the ski field crowds. And of course heli-skiing is at the top of many bucketlists, but it isn’t cheap. 
Stargazing is one of the activities offered at Cardrona Resort
If none of those are your jam, try ice skating in Queenstown or dogsledding near Cardrona or snowshoeing in the Pisa Range. At the very least, drive to the top of the Crown Range and build yourself a snowman or make a snow angel. It will be fun, I promise.
One of my favorite activities has to be flying up to the Tasman Glacier in a ski plane and doing a guided snowshoeing activity on New Zealand’s longest glacier.
8 reasons to visit the South Island in winter
10. Stay in a hut
I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Those stunning huts perched on the edge of a mountain you’re always seeing photos of? Yeah, they’re amazing. BUT, did you know you can also get the full hut experience without actually having to do any hiking whatsoever? 
No big bag to lug around for hours. No compromising on how many layers to bring. And definitely not leaving behind the wine. There are some huts that are accessible by four-wheel drive vehicles and you can literally drive to the doorstep, like New Hut at Lake Heron Station. Many are private but some are monitored by DOC.
And if you’re really feeling fancy, you could also hire a helicopter to drop you into those alpine huts. You don’t have to be a mountain goat to enjoy these little beauties in the wild.
Do you love nature but aren’t a big hiker? Do any of these appeal to you? What’s your fave? Share!
The post 10 epic things to do in New Zealand that aren’t hiking appeared first on Young Adventuress.
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Eating Disorders.
. There is actually one area where Stock market possesses a very clear mandate for additional female engagement: property management. The task is actually partnered along with Wikipedia, The New York City Times, The Business Analyst and The Guardian. New York Urban area is diverse generally, but Great Jones Road is actually 2 blocks from unfamiliar business that have little to no commonality.|. When service cycles in those individual markets return with an upswing, as they unavoidably will, our experts prefer to own TM at current assessment degrees in comparison to wait foolishly for the crowd to increase the sell prices on the car manufacturers separately or even by proxy via the First Trust NASDAQ Global Vehicle Index Fund ETF (NASDAQ: CARZ ).|Our experts much better get this off the beaten track immediately; I ensure a number of you may be asking yourself, Is Cold weather Port actually an aspect of the Isle from Canine?" That is actually a legitimate question - the location has actually consistently been segregated coming from the remainder of the Island, as well as it carries out have a various feel to it in some areas, heightened by variety of old as well as at times big homes that includes and the distinctive absence of post-war council real estate. Good fish and shellfish, cheap draft beer, tons of fun. The inventory seems affordable on revenues or even capital. Yet at once when significant buildings in New York Metropolitan area were being actually completed within 1 Year approximately, development from the chapel building would certainly be a long run.|When we to begin with laid out to map the industry from feminist political economic condition, in overdue 2007, the US and also Europe were actually being shaken through depression. That was actually during this moment that Franzen became a main and famous visibility in Occupy Atlanta georgia He aided start the Occupy Commercial descendant, and also had been detained when cops smashed their encampment in a downtown Atlanta ga playground.|2017 was our 5th total year from procedure from our Beloved Objective. As you can see, nowadays the Metropolitan area of Greater london Nightclub, sits in the shadow of Tower 42, which till 1990 and the building and construction from One Canada Square at Canary Jetty was actually the tallest building in the UK. Nowadays it is actually just the third highest possible high-rise building in the City of Greater london having been actually exceeded in recent times due to the Heron High rise (our team'll stick to that title thank you) and also 122 Leadenhall Road (a.k.a the Cheesegrater").|When our experts first laid out to map the field from feminist political economic situation, in late 2007, the US and also Europe were actually being beveraged through economic crisis. Tim Dunne, Milja Kurki and Steve Smith (New York: Oxford Educational Institution Press, 2010), 77 - 94. Having said that, attempting to forecast explicit future costs or percent gains and downtrends is a Commercial video game that our company respectfully decide to steer clear of on Main Road.|Yet another highrise deluxe flat high rise is quickly to begin in Center City, at 1919 Market Street, on http://beautystrenght.info/ the corner from 20th & Market Streets This brand new tower gets on the site of a conspicuous yard right during Inner city's biggest and also highest workplace hallway. The SEC's action is a perfect moment for our company to examine the much bigger photo of exactly how the United States folks were actually sold on the assurance of relentless prosperity while Wall Street was actually looking after an extensive move from wide range off the middle lesson to the richest Americans.|2017 was our 5th complete year of operation from our Loved one Purpose. I bear in mind the Hot Shops on Levick and Bustleton, Continental Pizza (on Castor Ave) where I had my 1st task, Knorr Street Drug store where I ordered medication to become delivered to my house, although I had not been unwell even if the guy I had a crush on functioned certainly there.|We much better obtain this off the beaten track quickly; I make sure a number of you may be actually asking your own self, Is Cold weather Port actually a part of the Isle of Dogs?" It is actually a legitimate concern - the region has actually constantly been segregated from the remainder of the Isle, and also this carries out possess a different sense to it in some aspects, heightened by the variety of old and sometimes large homes this contains and also the unique shortage of post-war authorities casing. If I carry out receive a full time provide, I have actually currently arranged my post-college planning: devote 2 years at Lehman, head to service school, start a technician company, come to be a billionaire, get a residence in the Hamptons, have an explosive breakup, perish outdated and also alone but encompassed through a mountain from gold pubs.|If you subscribe online to The The big apple Moments you receive breakthrough duplicates of features that will show up in the Sunday version from the imprinted newspaper. To enter into coming from the principal road, watch out for 2 salmon-pink-painted properties, each the site to a slim street edged along with mini-businesses, as well as linking up along with each other sphere the back. Recognizing a company's products or companies as well as one-upmanships are actually essential to the major street market value capitalist. When I heard that there was actually a Lost Dime Time I instantly considered the rythme, 'if you view a money select this up plus all time long you'll possess all the best.' This holiday season isn't really around finding lost pennies on the street though it was 'devised' to motivate people to check out their residences for all of their stray coins (shed pennies), compile them up and contribute all of them to charitable organization. Within a couple of times from the loss of the city, instructions signs and name in German were actually taken apart as well as replaced through brand-new ones in Russian script. An NYU undergraduate student called Smudge has ended up being the having a good laugh stock of Exchange after his dreadful cover character to JPMorgan created its arounds among NYU Stern alumni, the monetary district, then went popular online. Provided, the allotments had actually battled to make any sort of improvement versus the mark for virtually 3 years as well as their subsequential sideways activity after 4 years from earlier, extremely powerful relative efficiency was fairly unpredictable (annualized standard inconsistency from 30.6% for the complying with 845 exchanging days compared to 12.6% for the index). For a profile supportive to the Arabs, view Moshe Shemesh, Arab National Politics, Palestinian Patriotism and the Six-Day War: The Condensation of Arab Tactic and also Nasir's Decline to Battle, 1957 - 1967 ( Eastbourne, UK: Sussex Scholar Press, 2008), as well as for one thoughtful to the Israelis, find Eric Hammel, Six Days in June: Just How Israel Won the 1967 Arab-Israeli Battle ( Pacifica, CA: Pacifica Armed Force Background, 2001). And also, a social equity sell Q3-Q4 2018 is most likely, weakening the portion count by another 10% or so. PEGI also requires a higher inventory price to finance growth accretively. ( The viewpoint needs to additionally be unfavorable, although you may "sustain them in idea.") And 3) Despite the Commercial stranglehold on terms like "optimization" and "effectiveness," the rule from "skin opportunity" rules over all of them all. Initially from Morton's route at Bleecker Road as well as going through to Hudson Road, enchanting brownstones rest confess the treetops, generating an old ambience, one that could possibly just about look like a paint or like a made movie studio backlot created to look like the essential downtown New York. Matter 1 (Blog post site visitors): That's been actually another good month for people cranking up to read just what I've written, without a doubt it is actually been the busiest February ever, having passed 2017's complete two times ago. This was built as a brand-new HQ for the Underground Electric Railways Provider (UERL) from Greater london the leader from Greater london Below ground which still inhabits the building today (they resulted from transfer to brand new grounds in the Olympic Park in 2015 but this still hasn't occurred back then of composing). They were created in different ways by different people, at times rectangular, at times round, at times with tapia walls (a combination of mud as well as straw), occasionally along with woven components, they might have housed singular households or even many family members or even the whole group.
0 notes
babakziai · 7 years
1. FAITH “I’ve been having these awful dreams, each a little different, though the core’s the same— we’re walking in a field, Wally and Arden and I, a stretch of grass with a highway running beside it, or a path in the woods that opens onto a road. Everything’s fine, then the dog sprints ahead of us, excited; we’re calling but he’s racing down a scent and doesn’t hear us, and that’s when he goes onto the highway. I don’t want to describe it. Sometimes it’s brutal and over, and others he’s struck and takes off so we don’t know where he is or how bad. This wakes me every night now, and I stay awake; I’m afraid if I sleep I’ll go back into the dream. It’s been six months, almost exactly, since the doctor wrote not even a real word but an acronym, a vacant four-letter cipher that draws meanings into itself, reconstitutes the world. We tried to say it was just a word; we tried to admit it had power and thus to nullify it by means of our acknowledgement. I know the current wisdom: bright hope, the power of wishing you’re well. He’s just so tired, though nothing shows in any tests, Nothing, the doctor says, detectable; the doctor doesn’t hear what I do, that trickling, steadily rising nothing that makes him sleep all day, vanish into fever’s tranced afternoons, and I swear sometimes when I put my head to his chest I can hear the virus humming like a refrigerator. Which is what makes me think you can take your positive attitude and go straight to hell. We don’t have a future, we have a dog.       Who is he? Soul without speech, sheer, tireless faith, he is that-which-goes-forward, black muzzle, black paws scouting what’s ahead; he is where we’ll be hit first, he’s the part of us that’s going to get it. I’m hardly awake on our morning walk —always just me and Arden now— and sometimes I am still in the thrall of the dream, which is why, when he took a step onto Commercial before I’d looked both ways, I screamed his name and grabbed his collar. And there I was on my knees, both arms around his neck and nothing coming, and when I looked into that bewildered face I realized I didn’t know what it was I was shouting at, I didn’t know who I was trying to protect.”        2. REPRIEVE I woke in the night and thought, It was a dream, nothing has torn the future apart, we have not lived years in dread, it never happened, I dreamed it all. And then there was this sensation of terrific pressure lifting, as if I were rising in one of those old diving bells, lightening, unburdening. I didn’t know how heavy my life had become—so much fear, so little knowledge. It was like being young again, but I understood how light I was, how without encumbrance,— and so I felt both young and awake, which I never felt when I was young. The curtains moved —it was still summer, all the windows open— and I thought, I can move that easily. I thought my dream had lasted for years, a decade, a dream can seem like that, I thought, There’s so much more time … And then of course the truth came floating back to me. You know how children love to end stories they tell by saying, It was all a dream? Years ago, when I taught kids to write, I used to tell them this ending spoiled things, explaining and dismissing what had come before. Now I know how wise they were, to prefer that gesture of closure, their stories rounded not with a sleep but a waking. What other gift comes close to a reprieve? This was the dream that Wally told me: I was in the tunnel, he said, and there really was a light at the end, and a great being standing in the light.    His arms were full of people, men and women, but his proportions were all just right—I mean he was the size of you or me. And the people said, Come with us, we’re going dancing. And they seemed so glad to be going, and so glad to have me    join them, but I said, I’m not ready yet. I didn’t know what to do, when he finished, except hold the relentless weight of him, I didn’t know what to say except, It was a dream, nothing’s wrong now, it was only a dream.        3. MICHAEL’S DREAM Michael writes to tell me his dream: I was helping Randy out of bed, supporting him on one side with another friend on the other, and as we stood him up, he stepped out of the body I was holding and became a shining body, brilliant light    held in the form I first knew him in. This is what I imagine will happen, the spirit’s release. Michael, when we support our friends, one of us on either side, our arms under the man or woman’s arms, what is it we’re holding? Vessel, shadow, hurrying light? All those years I made love to a man without thinking how little his body had to do with me; now, diminished, he’s never been so plainly himself—remote and unguarded, an otherness I can’t know the first thing about. I said, You need to drink more water    or you’re going to turn into    an old dry leaf. And he said, Maybe I want to be an old leaf. In the dream Randy’s leaping into the future, and still here; Michael’s holding him and releasing at once. Just as Steve’s holding Jerry, though he’s already gone, Marie holding John, gone, Maggie holding her John, gone, Carlos and Darren holding another Michael, gone, and I’m holding Wally, who’s going. Where isn’t the question, though we think it is; we don’t even know where the living are, in this raddled and unraveling “here.” What is the body? Rain on a window, a clear movement over whose gaze? Husk, leaf, little boat of paper and wood to mark the speed of the stream? Randy and Jerry, Michael and Wally and John: lucky we don’t have to know what something is in order to hold it.        4. ATLANTIS I thought your illness a kind of solvent dissolving the future a little at a time; I didn’t understand what’s to come was always just a glimmer up ahead, veiled like the marsh gone under its tidal sheet of mildly rippling aluminum. What these salt distances were is also where they’re going: from blankly silvered span toward specificity: the curve of certain brave islands of grass, temporary shoulder-wide rivers where herons ply their twin trades of study and desire. I’ve seen two white emissaries unfold like heaven’s linen, untouched, enormous, a fluid exhalation. Early spring, too cold yet for green, too early for the tumble and wrack of last season to be anything but promise, but there in the air was white tulip, marvel, triumph of all flowering, the soul lifted up, if we could still believe in the soul, after so much diminishment … Breath, from the unpromising waters, up, across the pond and the two-lane highway, pure purpose, over the dune, gone. Tomorrow’s unreadable as this shining acreage; the future’s nothing but this moment’s gleaming rim. Now the tide’s begun its clockwork turn, pouring, in the day’s hourglass, toward the other side of the world, and our dependable marsh reappears —emptied of that starched and angular grace that spirited the ether, lessened, but here. And our ongoingness, what there’ll be of us? Look, love, the lost world rising from the waters again: our continent, where it always was, emerging from the half-light, unforgettable, drenched, unchanged.        5. COASTAL Cold April and the neighbor girl    —our plumber’s daughter—          comes up the wet street from the harbor carrying,     in a nest she’s made          of her pink parka, a loon. It’s so sick,     she says when I ask.          Foolish kid, does she think she can keep     this emissary of air?          Is it trust or illness that allows the head    —sleek tulip—to bow          on its bent stem across her arm?     Look at the steady,          quiet eye. She is carrying the bird back from indifference,     from the coast          of whatever rearrangement the elements intend,     and the loon allows her.          She is going to call the Center for Coastal Studies,     and will swaddle the bird          in her petal-bright coat until they come.     She cradles the wild form.          Stubborn girl.        6. NEW DOG Jimi and Tony can’t keep Dino, their cocker spaniel; Tony’s too sick, the daily walks more pressure than pleasure, one more obligation that can’t be met. And though we already have a dog, Wally wants to adopt, wants something small and golden to sleep next to him and lick his face. He’s paralyzed now from the waist down, whatever’s ruining him moving upward, and we don’t know how much longer he’ll be able to pet a dog. How many men want another attachment, just as they’re leaving the world? Wally sits up nights and says, I’d like    some lizards, a talking bird, some fish. A little rat. So after I drive to Jimi and Tony’s in the Village and they meet me at the door and say, We can’t go through with it,    we can’t give up our dog, I drive to the shelter —just to look—and there is Beau: bounding and practically boundless, one brass concatenation of tongue and tail, unmediated energy, too big, wild, perfect. He not only licks Wally’s face but bathes every irreplaceable inch of his head, and though Wally can no longer feed himself he can lift his hand, and bring it to rest on the rough gilt flanks when they are, for a moment, still. I have never seen a touch so deliberate. It isn’t about grasping; the hand itself seems almost blurred now, softened, though tentative only because so much will must be summoned, such attention brought to the work—which is all he is now, this gesture toward the restless splendor, the unruly, the golden, the animal, the new. Mark Doty, “Atlantis” from Atlantis: Poems. Copyright © 1995 by Mark Doty. Reprinted with the permission of HarperCollins Publishers. Source: Atlantis(HarperCollins Publishers Inc, 1995) Mark Doty BiographyMore poems by this author Poem of the Day: Atlantis Poem of the Day: Atlantis Poem of The Day {$excerpt:n} Source: Poem of The Day
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