#and as i logged in here i was confused how this new tumblr works
cailann · 11 months
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I have finally caught up with my Ask inbox!
After having my inbox closed for probably a month or so (I really should note this shit down), I have finally reached the latest ask and queued it up.
Shits Changing
After having a couple weeks of going through your submissions, I had some ideas on how to improve this system because it wasn't working for me and wasn't working for many of you either (as evidenced by the confusion from some people when the 17th Zetsubou song came on). I tried to mitigate this by putting a day or two between songs from the same artist or anime but it wasn't perfect and didn't fix the issues I was having on my end (namely that I just don't want to listen to an animes whole ost for an hour)
From now onwards I will be doing submissions through google forms (or some kind of alternative if something catches my attention. If you have any reccs, lemme know). I will have the submission form open until I get roughly 50 songs (subject to change if I think its too many or too little) and there will only be one song per submission. You will have to be logged into google to make your submission although I will get no data about who sent what, its just a way to stop people from making 17 submissions under the same email. If you want to game the system, I'm gonna make you put atleast a little bit of effort into it.
However do not be discouraged, it doesn't mean you get one submission ever, it just means you only get one submission per submission period. At a rough estimate of how many songs I queue up a week, you will probably get about one submission a week/fortnight.
Here is the current submission form:
The latest submission form will always be amongst the blogs links thing (if you can't tell at this point, I am not particularly good at tumblr and honestly have no idea what half the stuff is called.)
I'll just post a picture and hopefully it will make more sense. I will also be making a post everytime a new submission form is made as well.
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Right there in the middle called Submission Form #1, thats what I'm talking about and hopefully is accessible to all of you (I really do not understand how this site works).
But what about my submission, I haven't heard it yet?
If you haven't heard your submission by Poll #493, that means I haven't queued it up. This can be for multiple reasons. The biggest one is that you didn't give me enough information and I could not be fucked scouring the internet trying to decipher your submission so I will be making certain info required for future submissions. Don't be discouraged if you didn't hear your song at that point, it doesn't mean that I hate it and never want to listen to it again, just resubmit it in the new submisssion form with the required information and I will happily throw it in the queue.
Back to the Asks
The ask feature will now go back to being used as intended, namely to ask me personal questions and blog related questions. Any submissions sent through it will just be ignored and deleted but if you want to ask me about my favourite food, favourite anime or my opinion on anything, I will happily answer.
This is my last paragraph, please put up with my last ramblings
From Poll #500 to #510, I will be testing a new poll layout. This is due to people wanting certain options on the poll that I did not originally add due to the limited amount of votes. Now that a poll gains roughly 300 votes at mininum though, I feel its a good time to test a couple extra polling options.
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nostalgebraist · 2 years
prioritizing longstanding frank enjoyers
I have configured Frank to ignore all asks, reblogs, and replies from new users.
By a "new user," I mean someone who had never interacted with Frank until December 9 2022 or after.
If you've just learned about Frank now, she won't respond if you try to talk to her.
Come back later, maybe in a few weeks -- demand spikes always cool down after a little while. You will have plenty of opportunities to talk to Frank later.
In the meantime, why not learn more about how Frank works? Try some of these links:
The post that's usually pinned
The about page
If you're a programmer, you might have fun reading her code
Or, if you really want to talk to a bot, there are many similar (but more advanced) toys out there, like Character.AI and NovelAI and ChatGPT.
This popular post from December 10th is sending a huge number of new people to this blog.
As a result, Frank is getting so many asks that she can't possibly respond to them all.
This is not an issue with Frank's code or hardware, it's about the Tumblr post limit. She can't make more than 250 posts a day. None of us can.
Frank is designed to adapt her posting rate to avoid hitting the post limit until very shortly before it resets. This prevents her from hitting the limit early and "vanishing" for hours at a time. But if she gets more asks than the post limit can accommodate, they'll just pile up further and further as the days go on.
Over the last few days, I've tried to mitigate the problem by manually turning Frank's ask box on and off, several times a day. (I also manually tuned some knobs controlling other aspects of Frank's behavior.)
However, I didn't feel good about this approach:
It required me to pay a lot of attention to Frank's logs and the state of her inbox, even when I was at work or otherwise busy.
It probably felt arbitrary and confusing to users.
It made it difficult for Frank's longstanding user base to talk to her in the way they've always been able to in the past.
Whenever the ask box was open, Frank received a lot of questions that she has answered many times in the past.
It didn't seem like an effective way to communicate "hey, if you got here via that popular post, maybe come back later."
The new system is (obviously and deliberately) unfair, but it serves this list of goals better.
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I'm at this point where I'm totally confused abt what to do in loa, i have tried for YEARS now to get into the void, tried doing self concept, what am I doing wrong ? Idk i want to ask what to do from the basics
So, what to do if you’ve overconsumed loa?
Alright, let’s just forget everything you’ve seen online, and start again from the beginning. After you read this, I want you to log off of Tumblr and wherever else you’re reading information, and just apply for like a week.
What is the Law of Assumption?
Whatever you assume, becomes your reality. That’s literally all there is to it.
Now, there are a lot of methods out there to help remind people of the assumptions they have made, from affirming to just deciding etc. I want you to pick the method you like and stick with it for atleast a week. There is no special secret method that will get your results. Things like the void and self concept may help, but in reality, none of those things are necessary. Persisting in your assumptions is what actually manifests your desires into this reality.
Like it’s the same with diets, isn’t it? There’s always some new coach out there saying, “Oh, this is all wrong, you should really be doing this and that.” This is how the industry continues to make money off of people, by giving them so many different diets and pills that people don’t end up losing anything but their money. In reality, everyone has their own method that works for them, but it’s their persistence that gets them their body in the end. In the same way, you should manifest however you want, as long as you’re persistent with it. Consistency and persisting is what manifests your desires in the end!
So, tbh, that’s all you need to know in terms of basics. If you just remind yourself of your desires as if you already have them, and heavily persist in that, it will manifest. I know scrolling on here can make it so easy to get confused, but really there’s nothing on this app that can’t tell you what you don’t already know. If you have a question, try to see if you can answer it yourself before coming on here. More often that not, you’ll see that you’re able to answer it yourself!
I hope this helped! Remember, try to stay off of here for like a week and just live your life with the basic definition of loa in mind. You got this!
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p1xiemeat · 1 month
I noticed you haven't been as active on social media as you were even a few months ago.. is there any reason? I hope ur okay🖤
aw thank you for checking up on me🥺 honestly i've been struggling on and off with my mental health and trying to find medication that works. i've had it switched a couple times recently and even had a super bad reaction to one that landed me in a mental hospital. (well it was a combination of medication and other stuff.)
i think ive finally found one that works but as most psyche meds do, they've been making me act different. i've grown a bit tired of the kind of content i've been making for a long time now. my interests haven't changed at all. i still have the same interests, i'm just bored of the way i've been presenting them and myself if that makes sense😂
idk if bored is the right word. the "aesthetic"/overall vibe of my social media usually reflects the way i feel. and right now when i log on i see all the things i like but its presented in a way that doesn't feel like myself. its still me but i think in the last couple months i've grown a lot now that i've actually taken steps to learn about my newly diagnosed autism and started getting legitimate help for my bipolar disorder.
what it really comes down to is i just need to organize my brain and my pages on here a lot. i plan on revamping my tumblr and all my other social media to fit how i'm currently feeling. but i just haven't felt like doing it because the smallest tasks like that have reaaally been draining me mentally. it fucking sucks. but its been a lot better since i've had a bit of time to adjust to all the changes i've made for myself.
so i'm thinking i'll probably do a big "update" to all my social media either within the next few days or soonish lol sorry its taken me so long to answer ur anon. like i said, i've been mentally exhausted for a long time now and i just didnt know what the problem was until i was able to start thinking more clearly. having bipolar disorder is so difficult. because its both mania and depression. and it makes it extremely difficult to organize my thoughts when i'm struggling. idk if "regular" ppl deal with that but its always been an issue for me.
my content will most likely still be the same. i just might start adding some new stuff here and there and incorporate a lot of the new styles and aesthetics i've been into as of late. and perhaps diversify my content a bit too, because i have a lot of interests and fascinations with many things that i don't even post about online! 🥰
i hope i was able to give u an answer in the least confusing way possible. i'm terrible at explaining things. especially about myself😂 hence why most of the questions i answer always end up being paragraphs 😭
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writercole · 1 year
Five Minutes More
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Summary: Dean may have developed a crush on one of the girls he plays his mmorpg with. When she comes to town for work, feelings take over. Squares: Gamers spnfluffbingo Words: 2413 Warnings: Fluff, sweet Dean Credits: @princessmisery666 for looking this over ages ago. I'm lowering my expectations and posting it now. A/N: This was going to be a very long series but it's honestly a lot and I can't handle expanding it but it's so sweet that I have to share it.
Likes are loved but reblogs are golden. Patreon is gone. Tipping is available through Tumblr if you're so inclined.
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 “Alright guys, keep your focus. Another two percent,” the raid leader, Dean, better known in game as DWImpala, called over the voice chat. The only thing that could be heard over comms was the steady click-clack of key presses for spells and attacks. The numbers steadily decreased, chunks of the boss’s health falling off as the eighteen players gave their all.
The boss went down and everyone cheered, congratulating the lucky players who got loot and lamenting that they didn’t think the stupid horse existed since another week had gone by without a drop.
“Alright, I’m calling it here for the night,” he announced to his guild. “Next week we’re going to do a full clear, then go on raid break until we get new content.”
Players said their goodbyes and logged off the game and the voice server, leaving their officers alone.
“So, uh, I’m going to be out next week,” Scuttle announced. She was the healer lead and the few people who knew her well enough called her Y/N.
“Oh yeah? Hot date?” Demonfall, a DPS known as Ash, teased.
“Out of town for work, sadly,” she replied with a sigh.
“Anywhere fun, at least?” Dean questioned, disappointed that she’d be gone. She was great at her class, sure, but he’d also developed a bit of a crush on her.
“Not unless you count a tiny town in Kansas as fun,” she scoffed.
Dean’s heart skipped a beat when she said Kansas. He’d grown up there, hell, he still lived in Kansas. He knew the odds of her coming to his tiny town were slim. 
But if he were honest, he wasn’t even sure he wanted to meet her. His crush was probably nothing; he didn’t even know what she looked like. But she was an awesome person from what he could tell.
He was vaguely aware of continuing conversation between the other two people but he wasn’t paying attention. His mind had gotten lost in fantasies and what ifs, trying to come up with a reason to find out more about what she did and where she’d be just to get a glimpse of her. He knew it was creepy to manipulate the conversation for information. So he kept his mouth shut.
The sound of a user disconnecting snapped his attention back to the present, his heart falling at the thought that he’d lost his chance to talk to her more. But when he saw that they were the only two left in chat, his mouth went dry.
“De? You still there?” she asked.
“Oh, uh, y-yeah,” he stuttered and cleared his throat. “Sorry, I kinda zoned out after you mentioned you were coming to Kansas.”
“Coming to Kansas? Is that where you are?” she questioned eagerly, anxious to get some kind of information from the private man she had started to have feelings for.
“Yeah,” he confirmed, “Lawrence.”
“You’re kidding,” she deadpanned, unable to believe what she was hearing.
“Uh, no,” he replied, confusion evident in his voice.
“That’s where I’ll be. If you have some time one day, maybe, if you want, you can show me where to get a decent burger?” Her voice held a lightness, a hope that he’d accept.
“I’d love to,” he answered enthusiastically. She’d been the first one to ask. She actually wanted to meet him.
“Really?! I mean, I’m there all week so it’s whenever you’re free but that would be amazing,” she babbled.
“So when are you getting in?”
“Sunday evening. I’m driving down and should be there somewhere around 5 or 6,” she informed, doing the math in her head about what time she needed to leave and how long the drive was.
“Okay, well how about we meet up Sunday evening? I can take you out for a late dinner,” he offered. 
“That sounds great,” she agreed with a smile evident in her voice.
“Awesome. I’ll DM you my number and you can just text me when you’re close?” Dean suggested as he typed his cell into the chat box.
“I’ll text you from my phone so you can save my number, too. Just make sure your girlfriend knows who I am,” she chuckled.
“No girlfriend, sweetheart,” Dean clarified, “but you make sure your boyfriend is cool with it.”
“Yeah, about that,” she said softly, “we broke up two weeks ago.”
“What? Scuttle, why didn’t you say anything?” Dean scolded.
“I don’t know. I mean, it’s not like I was in love with the guy. So what if I caught him in his car with some redhead? It’s not a big deal.” Her voice contained a venom that Dean never wanted to be on the receiving end of.
“Where does this guy live?” Dean practically growled, anger at the man who treated her so badly burning in his chest. 
She laughed then, a sweet giggle that doused the fire and diverted his attention.
“I’m serious, sweetheart. Say the word and I’ll take care of him,” he repeated.
“That’s sweet, De. But I’m fine, really. It’s getting late, though, and I have to work tomorrow and pack. I’ll see you Sunday?”
“Five minutes more?” he pleaded.
“Five minutes,” she confirmed.
Five minutes turned into an hour. That hour turned into texting back and forth over the next few days, nearly all day long, and talking every night for hours. By the time Sunday came around, Dean was sure that he was falling for her. 
As sure as Dean was that he was falling hard, so was she. Her ex had said that she cared more about that game and people she’d never met than him. In hindsight, he may not have been wrong. He was still a dick, though.
She texted Dean when she was leaving home and starting her drive. He smiled at his phone before slipping it back in his pocket and sliding back under his car, whistling as he worked. It was just a simple oil change and he was done in no time, deciding to wash and detail the car while he had time. 
He sang along to Metallica as he dried the water, not realizing that he had a smile on his face until Benny walked over from next door.
“Wha’s gaht yah smilin’ like dat?” he teased in his thick Cajun accent.
“Nothing. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Dean quickly denied.
“Who’z dah guhl?” 
“What girl?”
Benny fixed him with a look, letting him know that he wasn’t buying it. Dean sighed and Benny smirked, knowing that he’d won that battle.
“Okay, so you know how I’ve told you about that girl I game with, Scuttle?” Dean started.
“Oh yeah, tha one you sweet on,” Benny replied.
“I’m not five, Benny. I’m not ‘sweet’ on her.” Dean rolled his eyes and Benny laughed before Dean continued. “Anyway, she’s coming to town for work and I’m taking her to dinner tonight.”
“You gonna tell Cher yah like her?” 
“No. I mean, I don’t really even know her. She doesn’t even know me. And she just broke up with her boyfriend because she caught him cheating on her.” Dean returned to his work polishing the chrome trim on his car, pretending to ignore his friend standing behind him.
“Dean, she jus’ broke up wit’ her boyfriend. Don’ you think’ tha’ you should say somethin’ before some otha man does?” Benny chided as he shifted to see Dean’s face instead of the back of his head. “Girl like dat won’ be lonely long, brotha.”
“Jesus, Benny. Can’t I meet the girl before you give me the speech?” Dean whined as he stood up, his phone pinging in his pocket. He pulled it out without breaking eye contact with his friend, then looked down to see a message from her. He opened his phone quickly, finding a picture of a sign advertising Lebanon, Center of the Continental United States - 50 miles.
“How long?” Benny asked, not giving any other context.
“About an hour,” Dean replied without thinking, typing out a message and slipping his phone back in his pocket. He cringed when he realized what Benny had asked and saw the smug look on his friend’s face.
“Ah’m gonna go. See yah at work tomorrah. Gonna wanna hear all ‘bout th’date.” Benny strode away to his yard, leaving Dean to finish up the car and get ready to go out.
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She texted Dean once she’d checked in and told him where she was. When he responded that he was on his way, her palms started sweating and her heart started pounding. She tried taking deep, calming breaths but nothing was helping the nerves.
A knock sounded on the door and she froze, panicked that he was already at the hotel. She was second guessing everything from her wardrobe to her hair to even meeting up with him. Another knock echoed through the room and she moved towards the door automatically, taking a deep breath as she turned the knob and pulled the door open.
Her breath caught in her chest when she laid eyes on him for the first time. There had to have been a mistake. There's no way this is…"Dean?" she asked as she met his gaze.
"Yeah," he confirmed with a wide grin. "It's nice to meet you, Y/N."
“Wow, I…you look nothing like I pictured,” she blurted out, quickly following up with “that’s not a bad thing! I just didn’t expect…you know…a model.”
He chuckled at her candor, ducking his head while the tips of his ears turned red. “You flatter me, sweetheart, but you’re the one who could be a model. I knew you’d be gorgeous but I didn’t expect to have the wind knocked out of me.”
“That’s sweet, De,” she giggled. “Do you want to come in? Five minutes and I’ll be ready,” she told him as she backed into the room.
“Yeah, five minutes. No problem,” he replied.
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Dean took her to a small diner where they had burgers and pie, laughing and talking until they were the only two people left in the restaurant.  It was still early so they opted for a ride around town with the windows down, the cooling air blowing around in their hair as Dean drove down quiet roads.
He kept stealing glances at her, drawn to the way the moonlight surrounded her in an ethereal light, making her glow. He pulled down a dirt road and turned off the headlights, letting the full moon be his guide. 
“Is this where you kill and bury me?” she joked as he parked the car.
“Nah,” he chuckled, “this here is the best part of Lawrence.”
Dean stepped out of the car and walked around to her side, opening the door and offering his hand to help her out of the car. He kept a hold on it as he started to walk through the trees ahead of them.
She followed him quietly, trusting him completely. They stepped through the trees and she gasped at the sight before her. 
Inside a quiet clearing was a small pond, barely big enough for a boat to float comfortably.  Moonlight reflected off of the water, sparkling as the small waves moved in the breeze. A little dock led to a small gazebo over the water. 
Dean took her to the gazebo and she looked around in awe; the roof was made of a clear material, allowing her to see the stars shining in the sky. Thick benches lined the walls of the wooden structure, a waist-high railing surrounding the edge, the rest of the space open, allowing the cool breeze of the night to pass through.
Dean watched as she took in the space, her eyes wide and her jaw slack. He knew this was the right spot. It’s where his brother took his wife for their first date, where Benny took his fiancee’, where his parents had their first date. The hope that something could bloom here lifted his heart and drove out the nagging thoughts of her leaving again. 
She turned around to face Dean, finding him standing next to a pile of blankets and pillows that she was sure hadn’t been laid out when they got there. He reached out his hand and she accepted it, following his lead and settling into the soft mountain to watch the stars. 
As the pair talked and laughed, they drifted closer to one another, lying on their sides facing each other when Y/N started to yawn.
“We should get you back to the hotel,” Dean told her quietly.
“No, no, I’m fine,” she insisted. “Five minutes more.”
“Five minutes then we head back,” he promised.
“Five minutes.”
Dean woke to sunlight streaming in his face and a heavy warmth across his chest. He stretched, thinking he was in his bed, only to be met with wooden planks surrounding him. Memories of last night came flooding back and his eyes fluttered open to find Y/N sleeping soundly on his chest, still in the gazebo over the small pond. 
His gaze had found a home on her peaceful face and he stared unabashedly, counting the barely there freckles across her cheekbones, admiring the way her lashes brushed her cheeks, resisting the urge to trace the soft lines around her mouth and eyes. She began to stir and cuddled closer to him. 
Dean prayed she couldn’t tell how fast his heart was beating beneath her ear in her half-awake state. His arm tightened around her, holding her close. He closed his eyes and wished for time to stop, to be able to stay in this moment forever. His hopes were dashed when his phone started vibrating in his pocket, the alarm he had set for work blaring through the silence.
Scuttle groaned and swiped towards the sound while Dean fished in his pocket for the offending device. He turned it off and gave his attention back to her, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“Hey, sweetheart, it’s time to wake up,” he coaxed, his hand trailing up the arm tossed over his chest.
“Noo, five more minutes,” she mumbled as she wiggled next to him.
“Five more minutes,” he agreed quietly, a soft smile gracing his face, the possibilities of the upcoming week shrinking under the impending end of their fling. He would enjoy the next five minutes of her in his arms as if it were the last.
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onepiecebrained · 7 months
Announcement: I am moving accounts‼️
Moving to @cobymeppocean
I will not be posting new art here nor frequently logging into my main ( @cuttingmyfangs ) but everything will stay up as an archive + my instagram / ao3 will be the same.
To all my friends and mutuals, I'll be able to follow you back with my art account now so please stay in touch with me on my new account! 💖
explanation for my move under cut
I originally made my main blog for posting fanart and memes for another fandom before restarting it and also making this side account for my one piece / koby and helmeppo works but I wanted to fully commit to one piece with my main (also so it is less confusing for my mutuals because I treat this account like a main but then seemingly disappear when it comes to liking posts and following back 😅)
My biggest regret was only making this a side blog because I did not understand how they worked before since I was new to tumblr. I didn't realize I could not follow people or like posts and sometimes when reblogging or replying I am on the wrong account 😭
I think starting fresh would also be good because I am going to commit to my new art style a lot more so everything can keep more consistent. I want to post more higher quality drawings, I might make a doodles side account instead that I don't really check up on unless I am shitposting. Plus I won't post daily anymore (apologies to those that are used to their daily dose of kobymeppo) I will still draw daily because otherwise I will go insane, but I'll only post when I have a good amount of images all together after a couple days which will help prevent me posting too much in a day and spamming your feed.
Thank you for reading all of this and I hope to see you on my new account! 🫶
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mew-ya · 1 year
hello new people 💖 I'm a tumblr vet but still get confused about how it works so here's a few things I know about....
tumblr is kinda fucking buggy on mobile so just double check your posts after posting. links, etc. break sometimes. it's mostly usable compared to You Know What (circa 7/1/23) though.
tumblr has no algorithm. you see posts from people you follow and that's about it. what this means is that you should definitely reblog posts! share things you like!
when reblogging, you can leave tags. this can be used to sort posts and it can also be used to leave bits of feedback to posters! your tags show up in their notifications.
you can send anonymous asks (or un-anonymous) which is a fun alternative to DMing because the person receiving it can answer it as a new post.
main blogs and side blogs are confusing. if you create a blog then add a new one, the new one is like a "side blog"--if you like someone's art or send them an ask, it'll still show up as from your main blog. if you don't like this, you need to log out and create an entirely new account.
you can search and follow tags of stuff you like. I personally really like that about tumblr because I need my daily katatonin
it's goddamn hard to tell who follows you and no one can see your follower count so don't worry about it. this is the internet wild west, there's not really crazy clout chasing happening here. just remember to reblog since that's the core of sharing on here. 💗
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xiaoxiongmaos · 2 years
end (beginning?) of year appreciation post ♡
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hello~ this is xixi (also @/choibeomggyu)!
♡ # ⏤ e
@20cm @97chwe @agibbangs @ambivartence ♡ @ashisland ♡ @awek-s @beomgyus @choiyeonjuns ♡ @connecteds @ddonghyun @digitalgirls ♡ @dongjusmilf @dreamaze​ @euijin 
♡ g ⏤ j
@go-saeng ♡ @hearttoshu ♡ @hoyounq ♡ @hueningkai @hwarizon @hyunjins @hyunpic @hyunsung @inhypen @injunnies @innielove @inracha @itshyuka ♡ @jaeyooniverse @jaeyunsim @jihan @junhee
♡ k ⏤ p
@kdongyoung @kyucob @leejinkie @leemarkies ♡ @leenow @letsstaywithstraykids @limsejun ♡ @maatryoshkaa @nevoono @parksnghoon @pjmsdior @polaroidlove
♡ r ⏤ z
@racha @saltys @scoupsy @seonghwaminho @seunglixes ♡ @seungminhos @seungs @slowrabbitpd​ @smallkore @song-mingi ♡ @strayz @usertae @wonjinist @y2kjungkook @yeonjuins ♡ @yeonjune @yjunies ♡ @yongseungkim ♡
(if there’s a ♡ after your url, i’ve left a little (or not so little hehe) note under the cut for you!)
♡ ⏤
i had originally planned to make a year-end post for all my lovely friends/mutuals which then got dragged into the first week of 2023 on my bday ;;;;; but thank you so much to all the lovely people that have followed this quaint little blog of mine and supported my content throughout my time here on tumblr! i can’t believe it’ll be a whole 1460 days since i made this account later this year... feels like just yesterday i signed up and logged in for the first time ever hehe
it always brings a smile to my face seeing each and every single silly, cute, sweet, supportive tag under any of my gifs, graphics, fanart etc.! i really cannot emphasize enough how wonderful it is to see people like my work enough to reblog it, take time out of their day to gush about it in the tags or send me the occasional ask/dm complimenting any aspect of it (´,,•ω•,,)♡ i truly appreciate all of you.
with the new year finally here and all, i’m sure a lot of people have resolutions and expectations set for the next 365 days so just remember to take it easy⏤start small and that’ll eventually lead you to kick bigger goals out there! you’ll see that every micro-habit has a monumentous impact when you look back on your progress, so read even one paragraph daily or go to sleep 15 mins earlier than you usually would. after all, buildings don’t just appear out of nowhere, you have to stack each brick one by one c: just make sure to not overexert yourself!
thank you to everyone once again, i love looking at all of your beautiful creations on the dashboard and seeing you in my notifications, as well as interacting with you whenever the opportunity arises c:
⏤ ♡
@itshyuka ⏤ oh, where to start... i just really, really, really miss you. a ton. thank you so much for teaching me how to gif, i don’t know where i’d be (probably still getting confused looking at the layers panel dljkdjfjf) if it weren’t for you, lia ♡ late 2019-early 2020 was one of the toughest years of my life and i’ll forever be indebted and grateful to you for being there to cheer me up with your hyuka info dumps, our inspiring conversations and your lovely gifsets. whenever i feel down i go to your blog and feel refreshed just looking at it :D i owe all of my knowledge on ps, vs & anything to do with creating content to you, thank you for supporting me all the way back then to rooting for me even now, no matter how scarce our encounters have become. i hope life is treating you well, and that you become a well-loved and respected educator!
@choiyeonjuns ⏤ vivi! i have been trying to write this for about an hour now; writing, erasing then repeating multiple times⏤how to put everything into a miniature paragraph? words can never truly relay the amount of love i have for you and your blog, thank you for being my friend from day 1 on moablr and always supporting me. i love my little conversations with you whenever they sporadically happen, and i’m so glad we have so many common interests, enabling me to support your content across all of your blogs :3 i hope you get back all the love and support you gives others tenfold, and are always surrounded by happiness!
@go-saeng ⏤ i miss talking to you and seeing you on the dash a lot kashi ;;;;; meeting you was one of the highlights of my 2020-2021 and talking to you was always such a nice part of my day. i’m still blown away each time i see your gfx and gifs on the dashboard as well as am so proud of your gif growth. i also always go back to that runaway & minho + jeongin set you dedicated to me⏤considering all of the effort you put in to make something for myself makes me tear up sometimes... but when life’s rough, the very words you put under them comfort me beyond measure and i gain the strength to face whatever new challenge is thrown my way! hope that you are well and happy, may 2023 bring you loads of blessings!
@hoyounq ⏤ i’m not sure if you’ll see this but you introduced me to so many lovely people, filled my days with laughter and it’s been an absolute pleasure being mutuals with you, han (´。• ω •。`) talking to you and hanjess shenanigans on the timeline will forever be ingrained in my heart and i just want you to know that i really appreciate having you in my life! you’re truly the sunshine and rainbows in one’s life personified ♡
@hearttoshu ⏤ jess dearest! i really don’t know what to say dhfdjsd but i appreciate you so very much, always putting up with my incessant rambles about life, beomgyu, my favourite groups and everything in between! you’re such a sweet and perceptive person, always looking out for others and offering your support⏤i hope i can offer you the same. seeing you jaeyuning everywhere makes my heart warm and i’m so glad you got me more into to1 and verivery ♡ i love seeing your creations on the dashboard and in the tags, your sharpening is one of my absolute favourites because of how almost sparkly your gifs turn out to be... like rhinestones under the moonlight! hope you have a lovely year ahead c:
@ashisland ⏤ dear gabi: you’re so cute when you talk about your ults & i can’t help but get giddy whenever i read your tags, both under my posts and when you’re gushing over serim :D i’m so sorry for making you the target of all my non-sense, but i also will tell you that i can’t promise that it’ll cease, you’re the yeonjun to my beomgyu after all djfjddj i love your gifs so much and thank you for spending your precious time to make me stuff whenever you see me talk about it. hope lab gets easier to deal with for you this year and please know that you’re always doing a good job and worked hard⏤please take it easy on yourself, even by just a little!
@yeonjuins ⏤ woo! your talent never ceases to amaze me, from your well-crafted graphics to how you come up with new ways to bully heeseung sodkdkfj i know it’s not been long since we’ve started talking but you have quickly made your way into my list of friends and i love conversing with you ♡ i love your energy and end up feeling content after talking to you. here’s to another year of yeonjuins & your delightful creations on tumblr, as well as our friendship!
@digitalgirls ⏤ thank you so, so much for always supporting my work, jo! it’s lovely having you on the dash/timeline and i always get so inspired by your content, you’re definitely one of my (if not the most) coolest mutuals, the quality on your work and blog is insane :o i still feel so shy whenever i realize you follow me back and have been for a long while ^^; thank you for all of your hard work and i hope you have a wonderful 2023!
@song-mingi ⏤ my favourite atinytual and justbtual... thank you for single-handedly carrying both fandoms on your back and presenting us with all of your lovely content along with it! it’s super fun having you on the dashboard and i love interacting with you; you’re sunshine and rainbows personified too hehe how fitting for hanri! hope you have a lovely year ahead and that there’s loads more of irigifs to see ♡
@seunglixes ⏤ luna! i know it’s been a while but i love seeing your creations, and you, all the same! i don’t think i’ve met anyone who loves felix more than you yet⏤i hope that i can make you a bday present again this year and not miss the date as last year ;;;;; keep creating and loving felix in 2023 as well!
@ambivartence ⏤ thank you so much for always supporting the art i post siyuan! i love seeing your sweet tags under it and also your gifs + fanart on the dashboard! i appreciate the advice and love you’ve given me and my blog ♡ hope you get to expand your reach and develop your art style even more this year!
@limsejun​ sam my dear friend! i am so glad i had the fortune of meeting you, i really love all of your sets from both your kpop and kdrama blog; you motivated me to start a kdrama sideblog and i hope to engage with your content through it as well~ i’m still holding you to that promise of loving me forever for the sejun url djkafsjfk
@yjunies ⏤ your entire blog is just so pleasing to look at and every single thing you create is really pretty, ana ♡ i aspire to be able to make such beautiful content like yours one day; until then, i’ll simply ooh and aah at everything you put out u.u you’re such a sweet and kind person & i hope only good things come your way, always!
@yongseungkim ⏤ shine! i don’t know if you’ll be seeing this soon either but i love talking to you and hearing you go on about yongseung... thank you for pushing me to be more confident in myself and being my korean teacher (though it was short-lived haha); i hope 2023 treats you well! 
@leemarkies ⏤ marie my beloved! i am so glad i got paired with you for the secret santa event last year, as it did lead to us becoming friends. i love reading all your idiosyncratic tags and thank you for supporting my stray kids content since day one! i hope we can engage more this year and that you are surrounded by love & happiness in this one as well as the next ♡
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Usually, I'd make things look pretty. But tbh... Idk how to use tumblr at all. Forgive me. I'm not familiar with a lot of the terms on here :'')
Maybe I'll make this aesthetic later?? Rlly lazy and tumblr is confusing.
My username is subject to change anytime to anything, from somewhat thought out or even just keyboard smash. Bcs I'm beyond indecisive.
Also, I'm not new to writing fanfics and what not... but yknow, let's NOT talk abt the past.
Call me whatever u want -- Anything works tbh though.
I'm a minor. That alone sets some basic ground rules ig... right?
Uh... I decided to start using tumblr bcs im bored. Like rlly bored. I'm am %100 going to be either very active or inactive. (short bursts of motivation lol)
What I do? I draw. I wouldn't say that I'm a beginner but I want to start sharing my progress (probably wont tho bcs... tik tok has traumatized me. Let's go with that...) But, here I am :) I also write. Whether it be my own original stories or fanfics.
Requests for both are welcome! (options listed below)
[ KEY ]
◍ - Manga/Manwha/WEBTOON … etc
○ - Anime
◐ - Dramas
▿ - Games
❥ - Current Fixation (always up to date)
[ I will usually only take requests for ❥... but you never know, so ask away! Rules are at the bottom of this post ]
•Attack on Titan ~ ○
•Black Clover ~ ❥ ○
•Blue Lock ~ ❥○
•Free! ~ ○
•Full Metal Alchemist ~ ○
•Golden Kamuy ~ ❥○
•Haikyuu! ~ ○
• Hunter x Hunter ~ ○
•Komi Can't Communicate ~ ◍ ○
•Kuruko’s Basketball ~ ○
•Log Horizon ~ ○
•Magi (+Includes AoS) ~ ○
•My Clueless First Friend ~ ○
•My Hero Academia ~ ○
•My Star! (Oshi No Ko) ~ ○
•Pokemon ~ ❥▿
•Saiki K. ~ ○
•School Babysitters ~ ○
•Seraph of the End ~ ❥ ◍ ○
•Skip & Loafer ~ ❥ ○
•Snow White with the Red Hair ~ ❥ ◍ ○
•Soul Eater ~ ○
•World Trigger ~ ❥ ○
•Weak Hero ~ ❥ ◍ ◐ (I've watched the kdrama... I just dont have access to it anymore).
/this could get REAL long so I didn’t include a lot… If you’re interested in one that isn’t listed, feel free to ask if I’ve watched/read it :) /
P.S: I’ve seen lots of the more popular/mainstream animes (movies too) but just didn’t list them.
EDIT: I've decided to link my finished animes.
No NSFW (obviously)
Constructive Criticism? Lovely. Mocking or being blatantly mean? Please don't. I'll be honest, I'm sensitive LOL.
If you want to request, please leave it under the respective post that I make for what is listed. (if there isn't a linked post for that, put it here and I'll make one <3)
Don't be concerned if I disappear. I'm literally making this out of whatever motivation I have left of the week. A spur of the moment thing is going on :'D
Again, I have absolutely NO idea what im doin... im bored, it's summer rn. Speaking of which, if I do ever actually post and follow up with whatever requests may or may not come my way -- the moment the school year starts again, either I'll be spam posting my brainrotting ideas or I will just never be seen again :)
20 notes · View notes
captain-hawks · 1 month
i'm sitting at the airport terminal in the middle of the night and something wild just happened to me and my first thought was "is this miya twin coded?" so i popped over here because 1. you're one of my absolute favorites. 2. i was just re-reading your kita piece for all the glorious emotional smut. and 3. you also <3 the miyas. please excuse me as i process this.
in senior year high school i went to a weekend-long statewide competition and met these twins in the elevator. one of them definitely had more swagger, more teasing confidence (the kind that guys who are usually successful with ladies have) and the other one was a little quieter, seemed a bit more sincere even though he talked less. we hit it off in conversation and they asked me and my friend if we wanted to grab food with them. i wasn't entirely sure but i thought maybe they were flirting? i was pretty sheltered up until that point and didn't want to assume incorrectly. towards the end of the comp the quieter twin asked if he could come visit me in my city and i, confused, asked "why??" spoiler alert: i ended up dating him for ~2 years.
i found out early on in our relationship that after our "casual dinner" that night when they got back to their room, Swag twin wanted to try his luck and see if he could get with me, but Quiet twin said that he would FIGHT HIM because Quiet really liked me and genuinely wanted to ask me out and he said he wouldn't let his brother ruin that by trying to hook up. Swag was apparently used to usually getting his way, so he realized how serious Quiet was to threaten to beat his ass so i guess he backed off. I didn't find this out until after Quiet and i started seriously talking/dating.
I went out of state for college but we maintained the LDR until halfway through my sophomore year. classic breakup reasons: growing pains/long distance was taking its toll/i wanted to explore life. but we remained on good terms and consider each other friends! we rarely talk, but he still let me use his netflix login for the past 11 years. when he was moving into a corporate role a couple years ago i helped him with interview prep, and when i was looking for a new job he sent me reqs he thought were a good fit.
he's had at least a couple relationships in the near-decade since we broke up (we don't talk about dating but i had seen on social media at some point). i've dated and had a few situationships and am now in a 4 year relationship with my bf. however, he most definitely doesn't know this because we don't chat often, i'm rarely on socials these days and my bf is a very private person.
i'm so sorry for how long this has been. all of this context is to say...i am chilling in the airport on my way home and I GOT A CONFESSION FROM QUIET?? something about i'm the one that got away, he feels he'd won the lottery by meeting me and having me in his life, he referenced the fight he had with his brother all those years ago and said he'd fight the same fight TO THIS DAY. i am flummoxed. i think it is a sign from the great spaghetti monster in the sky that i need to log off tumblr because my very first thought was "what in the fanfiction trope is this?" does this shit actually happen irl? now i need to go deal with this.
anyways thank you for reading this if you got this far! idk if it's just because it's twins and their dynamic is vaguely similar to osamu and atsumu but i was like...have i been isekai'ed into a miya twin fanfic? the sleep deprivation may be catching up to me and i may be entirely unhinged idk
first of all, ily and i’m so flattered you thought of me and ran over here to share this story. i literally read this while brushing my teeth because i was running late for work this morning, but i was so invested i had to read the whole message before i left.
anyway, EXCUSE ME????? i actually can’t get over this. how does it feel to have lived in a real life miya twins fanfic? are you taking interviews at this time? HE SAID HE WOULD FIGHT!!!! HIM? THE ATSUMU/OSAMU DYNAMICS i cannot believe. somewhere an author is on their knees (it’s me, the author). AND NOW THE CONFESSION???? OVER A DECADE LATER? i almost choked on my toothpaste. (i feel like there’s also irony to be found in the inherently symbolic nature of getting that message in such a transitionary, liminal space like an airport in the middle of the night.)
nonnie, i hope you have safe travels home and can get some much-deserved rest after that absolute bombshell. if there ever happens to be a future update or footnote to this story………..you know where to find me.
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Not Broken At All Chapter 14/?
Tumblr media
A season 1 Neverland AU. Emma is still trying to adjust to her new life as Sheriff of Storybrooke and mom to Henry, who still believes everyone in town is a fairytale creature. When she finds a badly beaten, one handed man while patrolling, she’s convinced he’s crazy. He is, after all, rambling about fairies and shadows and crocodiles. But when Henry is suddenly taken out the window of a house everyone believes is haunted, the madman in the hospital might be her only hope of getting her son back. Whether he likes it or not.
Rated E
Catch up on Ao3 (where my italics work) or on Tumblr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Sorry for how long this chapter took - It was literally just writer’s block this time. Strap in friends we’re getting into the dark(er) parts of Neverland. 
Thank you thank you thank you thank you always @the-darkdragonfly and @elizabeethan for your help with this feral fic 😘
Part 14
It’s silent as they make their way back through the jungle, none of them finding words to fill the quiet, not in the wake of devastation of the day’s events. She’d forgotten her son. Killian had forgotten… something. Something he’d never even know to miss now - because of her. He’d done it for her. And for Henry. 
Emma looks back at where he trails behind them, the flowing robes of the fairy court replaced with his usual leather, his hook silver once more, a faint glimmer in the darkness. He’s lost to his thoughts, not looking ahead as he follows the unmarked path back to the Jolly by memory. 
Hardly any light makes it through the canopy of trees, the darkness playing tricks on her mind, time losing meaning. How long had they been in the fairy court? How many hours - days even? With the way time works here, Emma thinks she might never truly know the answer.  
She watches as he casts a glance over his shoulder, staring at where they came from, the faint glow of the Solstice lights long faded now, then turns back, brow pinched tight in confusion, frustration tugging at his jaw - like he’s forgotten something, left something behind in that forest and aches to go back for it. Her eyes burn. Wendy sees it too, watching Killian with a sorrowful expression, grieving in his place - because he can’t and someone should mourn what he’s lost. 
Tinkerbell stumbles, sweat beading her brow, pale with exhaustion and Emma winces, nodding when Wendy insists they need to stop - just for a minute - she promises when the fairy tries to protest. But the sigh of relief she lets out when the young woman - now once again in her disguise of matted hair and shadowed features - helps lower her down into the grass and leaves. 
It takes Wendy a moment to coax Hook into sitting on a fallen log, flinching when she first touches a gentle hand to his arm, resisting a light tug as she guides him away from the path - still looking back. “It’s okay,” she promises. “I kept them safe for you- every single one.” 
He looks at her then and something passes between them, something private and intimate that Emma doesn’t think she’ll ever understand, born of centuries of friendship and trust. Wendy’s voice is low when it weaves through the grove to her ears, so soft she wouldn’t have heard it were it not for the deafening silence still wrapped around them.  
“They can’t be forgotten so long as someone remembers, right?”
“I don’t know which parts of her are missing,” he confesses. He sounds scared, like she’d been when she’d felt Henry fading away and she wants to help him, even if she doesn’t know how. But he has Wendy. It’s not Emma’s place to comfort him. 
“It was a year after you met her in the tavern - almost exactly.” Emma looks away, feeling she’s intruding, hovering awkwardly in the middle of the field.  “You promised yourself you wouldn’t ask her again, that you’d stop after the last time she said no - not when she’d be leaving Bae behind. You wanted to be selfless for her.”
She shouldn’t hear this, it’s not meant for her. But the words find their way to her regardless and she’s lost for a moment to the faint memory of a heart inked onto skin, a dagger run through it, a portrait of dark hair and laughing eyes. The name he’d given up in that cave. Milah.
Killian gives a single huff of self-deprecating laughter. “I suppose I failed.” 
She considers sitting with Tink, but the glare the fairy gives her when she takes a hesitant step towards her, makes her think better of it. 
“No. You were going to let her go and make the decision for her - like an idiot. You didn’t even go to the tavern.”
“But she did come. We had ten years, didn't we?” The fear creeps into his voice again.
She finds Will, sitting a few dozen feet away, watching the two of them, longing in every line of his face, and plops down beside him, wrapping her arms around her leather-clad knees, missing the flowy skirts more than she expected. 
“Oh yeah. She found you. Barged onto your ship and cussed you out for being a coward.” 
“That sounds about right.” The gentle grief and the longing in such a simple sentence aches deep in her heart. Whoever she was to him, he loved her completely. 
“You’re pining again,” Emma teases, trying to block out their voices.
His eyes are fixed on the captains whispering softly across from them, heads bent low and close, voices still finding them in the quiet. 
“You fought. Or at least she yelled at you until you finally told her why you didn’t come, why you were leaving. Then she yelled at you more.” Emma chances a glance at them, catches the small smile tugging at his mouth. 
She nudges Will’s shoulder with her own when he doesn’t answer.
“He abandoned her.” William’s hissed words catch her off guard, his eyes still glazed, but they’re clearer than they’d been in the Fae realm, and she thinks that maybe his high has taken a downward turn. “He just left her here. Alone.”
“... She asked you to take her with you.” 
Emma glances at Wendy and Killian again. She doesn’t think they can hear, or at least they aren’t listening, too wrapped up in their own conversation. “I know.”
“She hears the Lost Boys now.” 
“I know.” 
“...She asked me?”
“Do you remember why?” 
“She hears them because of him. And still he gets to be… I’ve never abandoned her. I’ve been here. I’ve -” he doesn’t finish, but it’s not hard to guess. “She’s never let me in. I’ll never know her like he does. No matter how long I’m by her side, how many times I try to prove it to her…”
“... Because he’d never have let her go. But you would.”
“I’ll never be him.” He looks down at his hands, pulling apart a stray leaf with intense concentration. “So it’ll never be enough.” It takes her a moment to realize what exactly she’s seeing in his expression.
“If it made her happy, if it was what she wanted.”
“You’re jealous?”
“You’re not?” 
She’s about to argue - that it’s absolutely ridiculous that she could be jealous of Killian’s relationship with anyone. She’s only known him a matter of days, and he and Wendy’s relationship is completely platonic anyway. But Will knows that. It’s the depth of their relationship he longs for, the complete trust and openness they share. 
“You’d choose her. Even if it meant losing her.”
She’s never trusted someone so completely, never let someone know her so intimately. She nearly did, once. But Neal’s betrayal had only reminded her how dangerous trust could be, shown her how vulnerable being vulnerable could make her. 
“You loved her. More than he’d ever even tried to.” 
“I…” Emma doesn’t even know what she’s feeling.
Will freezes, alert for the first time since this morning. “Where’s Tink?” 
Emma turns to look at where the fairy had just been, the patch of grass empty, Wendy and Killian suddenly on their feet, hands at their swords, tension rolling through the jungle. A hand comes over her mouth, an arm wrapped around her waist as she’s dragged back into the trees, fighting only for a moment before she hears Will’s voice low in her ear. “Quiet.”
Kneeling in the dirt, he keeps his hold on her, doesn’t move his hand from her mouth, hiding them behind dense trees and tall grass, his body stiff against her back, his heart pounding so hard she can feel it. It’s not until she hears the rustle of leaves, of twigs snapping under footsteps that she realizes what’s made him so terrified. 
“Pan. To what do we owe the displeasure?”
Pan. She can’t fully see him - straining against Will’s death-grip to try to get a better view - but there’s a laugh, young and cruel, that floats through the darkness. 
“I heard you were back and I had to see it for myself.”
“Aye, well, now you have, so you can take your leave.” 
“Is that all the time you have for your old friend?” 
“We were never friends,” Killian reminds him grimly. 
Pan tuts, like they are old friends, like it’s an old, inside joke. “Captain Darling,” he greets Wendy. “Or is it lieutenant now? I must say I’m almost disappointed by your demotion. I’d grown quite fond of having you as an adversary.”
“That makes one of us.”
Another laugh. Emma twists against Will’s arm, tugging at the hand over her mouth, but he’s unyielding, and she glares into the darkness because she can’t glare at him, debating licking his palm like a five year old.
“What do you want, boy? I’m in no mood for games.” 
“So defensive. And after I helped you find your revenge you’d been after for so long.”
Killian scoffs, biting out his answer. “You didn’t do anything but send me to a swift death.”
“I sent you with everything you needed.”
“You lied.” 
Emma does lick Will’s hand this time. It only tightens against her. 
Pan sounds almost offended, but his amusement is thinly veiled. “I didn’t lie. I told you your villain was in a realm without magic and gave you the poison you wanted.” 
“He was supposed to be powerless.” 
“I never actually said he’d be powerless. You assumed he would be. And I take it you assumed wrong.”
 Killian doesn’t answer for a long moment.  “You cheated.” 
“You didn’t pay attention to the rules. I’d think you’d be better at making deals, what with all that time spent in the Fae lands.” 
“Have you just come to brag? Because I believe that could have waited until morning.” 
“I merely came to thank you for delivering the boy to me. You fulfilled your duty admirably - Though I’d have preferred not to wait a decade.” 
Henry. He has Henry. Emma squirms, trying to break free, to stand and demand Pan bring her to her son - or just wring his stupid, sadistic neck. She jabs an elbow into Will’s ribs and he lets out a shallow grunt before pulling her against him, squishing her arm between them. 
“The time passed was Neverland’s doing, not mine. Though I must say I’ve found it much changed. The jungle seems to have taken on a life of its own.” 
Shut up, Killian, she wants to warn him. But she can’t. She can barely even move. How the hell is Will this strong? He’s like a hundred pounds soaking wet. Is there some Neverland gym she isn’t aware of? She’d be impressed if she wasn’t so pissed off. Pan hears the mocking in Killian’s words too, his answer less friendly than before. 
“Things in Neverland don’t change - but the minds of grownups easily are. You must be misremembering after so much time away.” He’s lying. If they didn’t know it for certain before, they do now - he’s losing control. 
“Aye, that must be it.” There’s pause, the three of them staring each other down, Wendy’s hand still braced on the hilt of her sword. “Was there another reason for your visit? Or were you just here to corroborate my return and deliver your thanks?”
Pan lets out a tisk. “I came to let you know that you should expect some new additions to your crew soon.” She feels Will’s harsh breath against her ear, his hand slackening over her mouth and despite her earlier struggles, the absolute terror she can feel in the stillness of his body makes her keep her mouth shut, keeps her rooted to the spot. “There’ll be a hunt tomorrow. I trust you’ll make the necessary preparations to receive the survivors.” 
Killian doesn’t speak, and for a moment silence hangs between them. Emma doesn’t dare to even breathe. Wendy finally answers, the word heavy. “Aye.”
“Excellent,” Pan says, all that false friendliness back. “I’ll leave you to it then. I’ve preparations to make myself with it being the new boy’s first hunt and all. Always so much more exciting to see how they do the first time, isn’t it?” Will’s hand is immediately firm on her mouth again. What hunt? What survivors? What the hell is he having Henry do tomorrow? 
“I wouldn't know,” Killian answers darkly. 
“Ah, but lieutenant Darling does - And so does young Scarlet,” he adds, casting a glance in their direction and Emma tenses, finally able to see him properly. 
He’s so much younger than she expected, small and thin with wide eyes and a tanned, rosy-cheeked face. He looks like a child, soft blonde curls falling over his eyes, just a little boy, not much older than Henry, incapable of the cruelty she’s been told about.  
“... Wherever he is,” Pan finishes with a wry, boyish smirk. “Not like him to miss a Solstice.” He turns back to Killian and Wendy. “Until tomorrow then,” he promises, before disappearing into the trees. 
No one moves for several minutes after he leaves, watching the forest and the sky, waiting. It’s not until Tink returns that Will lets out a breath, finally dropping his hand, looking at it and then her in disgust before wiping his palm over his shirt, muttering something about ‘disgusting’.
“What’s the hunt?” she asks him. “Will,” she presses when he doesn’t answer. “What was he talking about?”
“Nothing you need to worry about,” he says, standing and making his way over to the others. She follows - not letting him ignore her. 
“He mentioned Henry.”
“Are you alright?” Killian asks her, looking panicked and relieved at the same time. 
“No. What’s happening tomorrow?” she demands. “What’s it got to do with Henry?”
“Your boy’s not in danger, Swan,” he promises. “Pan won’t harm him.”
She knows he’s not lying. But he’s hiding something. “Killian…” He scratches his nails through the scruff at his jaw, avoiding her gaze. “What’s the hunt?”
Tinkerbell answers her at last, blunt and to the point as she’s come to expect. “Every few months, whenever some of the Lost Boys have gotten too old, or there are too many of them, Pan thins them out.”
“Thins them out?”
 “It’s vile and barbaric,” Killian hisses. 
“Tell me.”
“The older boys are forced to find their way from the camp to the beach while the younger ones try to prevent them from reaching it. Those that make it, become members of the crew, like the men you saw yesterday.”
“And the others…” 
“Are killed,” Tink says flatly. “It’s called a hunt for a reason.” 
She’s not sure she’s breathing - images of a cruel massacre painted as a game flashing in her mind, growing worse with every one. 
“Swan,” Killian tries carefully, standing and shortening the distance between them. “Henry is only ten - and Pan chose him for a reason. He won’t be hunted.” 
“No - but Pan said - he’ll want him to… he’ll be expected to hunt won’t he?” Panic sets in, unable to steady her shaking hands and racing heart, unable to fill her lungs, constricting in her chest. Pan’s going to make Henry hunt other children - he’s going to make him kill other children. She thinks of her son, so young and kind and happy, imagining all the ways Pan could twist that thirst for life and adventure into something dark and sinister. She turns towards the jungle. “We can’t let - we have to stop him - I -” 
Will grabs her again, stopping her from running she doesn’t even know where - wherever Pan’s camp is, if she could even find it. “Let me go,” she orders. But Will’s hold on her tightens. 
“I swear to god, if you lick me again…” 
“Let me go.” 
“You can’t go after him, Emma,” Wendy says, having the decency to make it sound like an apology. “Not yet. If you try to stop Pan now it’ll be the last thing you do - and everything we’ve done will be for nothing.” Wendy levels her with a look. “Henry needs you alive.” 
“I can’t just let him kill someone!” she shouts, refusing to accept his reasoning, fighting Will with everything she’s got, but he’s a goddamn marble statue, her nails digging into his arms not seeming to bother him at all. She can’t stop seeing it: Henry with a blade in his hand, blood - his or someone else's - staining his clothes, his skin, children being chased and cut down, her son being the one to do it. If Henry does this, if Pan makes him do this - even if he thinks it’s a game… it’ll destroy him. “I have to stop him,” she sobs. “I can’t let him -”
It’s only when Will finally lessens his hold enough to let her sink to her knees, her legs no longer able to support her, that she realizes she’s crying. She can’t stop, her emotions not her own anymore, body shaking and stomach burning. Killian kneels down with her in the grass and the mud and the dirt, arms coming around her, pulling her heaving and shaking against his chest. 
She pushes against him, words barely coherent. “Please. You said you would get him back.” His hold on her tightens, both a comfort and a restraint, holding her together as best as he can and she finds herself leaning into it even as she wants to run. Henry’s in danger. Henry needs her. And she’s helpless. “You said you’d protect him.”
“I am,” he says softly. “Henry has a good heart, love, and a strong will. He knows right from wrong.” 
She wishes she could believe them, knows that her son is a good kid, hopes that what they’re saying is true, that he won’t participate, that he’ll stay out of it. But Will hasn’t said a word, his silence unsettling as he stands stoically looking at the ground, jaw tensed and knuckles white against the handle of his cutlass. 
“Will?” she asks, pulling herself from Killian’s embrace, the cold on her skin matching that in her veins. 
He looks at her out of the corner of his eye but doesn’t answer. How long did he say he was on the ship? Seven years? Eight? And Pan had nearly killed him when he decided to leave. The hunt can’t even be a distant memory for him yet, and his refusal to comment makes her think it might trouble him even now. Wendy puts a hand on his arm, comforting and instinctual and he drags his gaze up to look at Emma properly. 
He sighs. “Pan won’t force him. He’s got this thing about free will - or the illusion of it.” She can tell this is the good before the bad and she braces herself, waiting. “He likes the boys to follow him because they want to. But he can be convincing. And Henry might not know what he’s doing until it’s too late. He might not know that it’s real.” 
“What do you mean?”
“It’s a game. Some of the boys don’t understand that their arrows are real, that their spears are sharp until they’ve killed one of the other kids. And even then…” He hesitates, a pained frown pulling at his brow and Emma reaches for something to hold on to, finding the brace of Killian’s hook that stays steadfast in her grip. “We didn’t know. Or maybe we did but we chose not to believe it, to believe that it was just a game, that they weren’t really hurt, that they weren’t really dead - that it was all pretend.” He winces and her heart breaks for the memories he must be reliving. “Neverland is a place of belief, and Pan can make someone believe nearly anything if they trust him enough.” 
He grows more loyal to the boy with each passing day. I fear soon he will give Pan what he wants if he is not stopped. Tiger Lily’s words echo in the silence as a fear she wasn’t prepared for creeps in. What if Henry becomes a Lost Boy not because he thinks she’s abandoned him, but because he chooses Pan? She looks at Wendy and at Will, both kind and brave like her son, both of whom had been under Pan’s spell at some point in their childhoods. 
“We have to stop it.” 
“We can’t,” Killian shakes his head hopelessly. “We’ve tried before and all he did was decide not to give any of them the chance to run for the ship.” 
“Then we have to stop Henry - make sure he doesn’t play this fucked up game.” 
“How?” Wendy asks, but it’s not really a question, she knows there isn’t an answer.
“I’m going out there. I’ll stop him myself.” 
“That’s suicide, Swan,” Killian tells her harshly. “If he saw you, if he found out what you are - who you are - he wouldn’t risk you coming between him and whatever he has planned for Henry.” 
“Well we have to do something!” she snaps. “If Henry does this then we’ll have lost him already.” 
“I’ll go.” 
The three of them turn, staring at Will in shock. 
“No you won’t,” Wendy argues. 
“Did you not hear the part about it being a suicide mission?” Killian snaps, annoyed.
“For her it is. I know the jungle. I lived there for decades. You forget I was Pan’s right hand for a long time before joining your crew,” he reminds Wendy. “I know how Pan thinks, how he plays his games.”
“I haven’t forgotten,” Killian glares.
Will returns it. “Look, I’ve got the best chance out of all of us of getting to the camp. I can warn Henry not to listen to Pan, no matter what he tries to make him believe. I’ll make sure he doesn’t take part in the hunt tomorrow.” 
“You’re not going,” Wendy insists again. 
“Wen,” he starts, and Emma sees Killian notice the ease with which the nickname falls from his lips, the familiarity in it.
“It’s too dangerous. If there’s anyone on this island Pan wants dead, it’s you. The fact that you’ve survived this long -”
“Probably means he’s got a plan for the day I won’t. And this isn’t it." 
“You’re not doing it,” she snaps, the authority in her voice slipping. There’s fear in her eyes now, a desperation turning her order to a plea. “If he finds you - if he kills you I -”
“Wait until morning,” Killian says and Wendy turns to him, betrayal plain on her face. “He’ll be on his guard tonight, perhaps expecting a retaliation for his visit. Go tomorrow when they’ll be busy preparing for the hunt. He’ll be distracted.” 
Will gives a solemn nod tinged with surprise. “Aye.” 
Wendy’s eyes dart between the two of them - hurt, fear, anger - before she storms off, disappearing into the woods towards the shoreline. 
“Great job,” Tink sneers, glaring at Hook before following after her. “I’m going back to my treehouse. Send a message when it’s time.” Emma feels guilt twist her gut. It should be her. Henry’s her responsibility. But she knows Killian would never let her go. He’d probably lock her in the damn brig if she tried. And she doesn’t think she’d survive crossing the island on her own - no matter how much she insists she could. But it can’t be no one. Someone needs to warn Henry, to protect him. 
The two men stare off after Wendy, wearing matching expressions of shame and determination. Will, while still resolute, hangs his head before turning to head back to the beach, but Killian calls his name and he pauses, looking back at the captain. 
“Are you sure about this, Scarlet?”
Will glances at the path Wendy disappeared down before meeting Killian’s gaze. “I know what you think of me, Hook. And you’re right,” he tells him. Fifty years, wasn’t it, that they’d said he’d been with Pan? “I can’t change the past or what I did, but I can bloody well try stop it from repeating itself.” He looks at Emma then, a promise unspoken between them and she mouths a silent ‘thank you,’ a small, self-deprecating smile offered in return. 
“You’re right,” Killian tells him. “You do know what I think of you.” Emma’s about to turn on him, to tell him off, when he adds. “But the boy I knew wouldn’t have risked his life for anyone, let alone a stranger.”
The look that passes between them, the small nod exchanged before Will follows Wendy to the ship is almost one of understanding. She wouldn’t go so far as to suggest they like each other, but the animosity that they’d both stubbornly clung to until now gives a little, teeters carefully towards a begrudging respect. 
And then there’s only her and Killian left, the forest quiet once more.
“I need you to promise that you won’t try and find Henry on your own, that you’ll stay away from Pan’s camp.” Emma doesn’t have a chance to voice her protest before Killian continues. “They’re risking their lives for you, Swan, all of us are - for you and for your son. Don’t let it be for nothing by getting yourself killed and taking away their chance at restitution.” 
Her frustration at being told what to do leaves her in a breath, deciding not to argue with him. But she doesn’t promise anything - she can’t, no matter how much she might want to. Henry is a blind spot for her, she can’t always explain her actions or the decisions she makes when it comes to him, the instinct to keep him safe, to put him first and protect him at all costs overwhelming. 
Killian only nods at her silence, jaw tensing like he knows the lack of a ‘no’ is the best he’ll get from her, the most she can offer. “Alright,” he sighs, accepting, heavy. “The beach is about a half-mile that way,” he tells her, gesturing towards the direction the others disappeared into. “Don’t stray from east and you should reach the ship shortly. You can probably catch up to Will if you hurry.” 
“Where are you going?” Emma frowns, he’s barely let her out of his sight since they arrived. 
“To keep your boy from the hunt. I know where to find Pan’s camp.” 
“But, I thought Will -”
“Will is… noble, more noble than I thought. But he’s wrong to think Pan won’t kill him if he’s angry enough, regardless of his plans for him.” 
“What about you?” 
Killian gives a small, confident smirk, one that doesn’t fully reach his eyes. “I’ve had more practice evading death than young Scarlet.” Not quite a lie, but not the truth either. He sighs again, like he knows she sees through him. “Wendy cares for him. I won’t let her lose another person she loves - not if I can prevent it.” 
Emma doesn’t answer, a knot tightening in her throat, making it impossible. His display of devotion to the girl he took in when he didn’t have to, risking himself not to protect her, but to protect someone she couldn’t bear to lose - someone he doesn’t even like… Will’s jealousy rings even truer now that it had before. No one’s ever put her first. What must it be like to be loved by Killian Jones? She banishes the thought, Killian nodding at her once, smile weaker now, before turning back to the woods.
“Wait!” I can come with you. The words don’t make it out, stuck in her chest while he watches her in question, halfway between staying and going. She knows he won’t let her, that she’d just slow him down, put him in danger just by being there - someone who doesn’t know the jungle, someone he feels the need to protect. She can’t do that to him, not when he’s going out there for her, for Henry.
She crosses the space between them, the few steps he’d made towards the darker part of the island. Fingers sliding over his cheek, turning his face to hers before either of them can think too long about it, she presses her lips to his, catching the bottom one between her own, sighing softly when he returns her kiss. Mouth warm against hers, his tongue teases gently at the seam of her lips, but he doesn’t reach for her, doesn’t press himself against her like he had in that fairy glen - letting her set the pace. 
His eyes are still closed when she pulls back, fingers sliding to his neck, his breath warm on her cheek, “What was…”
“Just don’t die, okay?”
A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth - a real one this time. “You don’t have to worry about me, Swan. If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s surviving.” Emma rolls her eyes and his grin widens in amusement. He better be. 
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agustdiv1ne · 1 year
hey ashlee it's ada here :(( unfortunately i am just as confused at what happened as you are. i woke up today to sign in on my usual email, and what was confusing was the fact that it took me to the normal tumblr page. so i do what i first think of, and i x-ed out of the incognito window and opened a new one to log in!!! which didn't work either, but my wattpad worked with the same email... and when i open discord to two people telling me they can't see my blog, then i start freaking out. i made this account just to see if i could look up my old account. nope!! and so now im in tears because there were 1k words of berry sorbet i didn't have saved, im not sure if i had ANY of see if i can help~? saved, and that's just my drafts. i only had my original thoughts on my phone because that's where i wrote them. most of my long fics i have, but then there's also the fact that i had fucking 1,060 followers and i worked so fucking hard for this, ashlee. i've cried so fucking much, the anxiety about my writing either after i've published it or during my writing, all my fucking dms are gone, and i really had no idea who to reach out first to with all this. i have no idea what i could've done. the only possible things i can think of is a. i was posting too much yesterday???? not a thing. OR b. one person was liking almost every single one of my posts so much? like is spam liking something that gets your account removed???? and it's in the worst way too, it's not even deactivated so people can see my shit, like i don't even think any of my posts at all are still visible. i can TRY looking up my tags to see but i really don't think they would be.
im really, really mad about this. like i don't even know what to fucking do at this point.
omg ada :( i'm so sorry that this has happened to you, and i completely understand your frustration bc i know how hard you've worked to build your blog
ik that this isn't the first time tumblr has suspended an account out of the blue, so i would first contact tumblr support and see if they can help. however, they're pretty inconsistent with their responses, so i did a little digging and found this reddit post of an actual tumblr staff that has outlined some other ways of getting in contact with tumblr via other sites. this user has even helped reinstate other ppl's accounts (the last time they did it was 2 days ago, so thankfully they're still active) — i'd def try here, too
i truly hope that you're able to access your blog again :(( if you need anything please don't hesitate to dm me ♡
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cosmicanakin · 8 months
How did you do the pink grey text
hi love i used color fader text <3 here's an example!
first, you'll type in the text that you want.
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as soon as you do that, you'll get to pick the numbers of colors you want to use! and choose your own colors OR a color preset. ( i prefer to choose my own rather than choose a preset but that's totally up to you )
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and here, i choose horizontal for the fade type and HTML (span tags) for the output code, or it won't work. now once you've done all that, click on generate color faded text to see the results! you can keep it in the same window or not.
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you'll then be able to preview the results before copying.
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then click on select all, if you like how it came out! make sure to leave out the <div> part because then it won't let you paste for some reason??? HOWEVER, if you're not happy with it, click create a new fade.
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in safari, open tumblr ( you need to be logged in ) and tap on the three horizontal lines in the top left corner to go to your account and scroll down until you find drafts. once you've found it, click edit draft, text editor ( should be right under the who can blaze? ), and change it from rich text to HTML.
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it should look like this after you've pasted your colored text. then click preview if you want to see how it'll look before posting it <3
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anddddd that's it, you're done!
i hope this helped you, anon! i'm no good at explaining these things so my apologies if i confused you a bit <3 ilysm. ᡣ𐭩
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badassxbirdy · 9 months
January Activity Update (Pinned Post)
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It’s time once again for an activity update! If you’re new here: these posts help me to keep track of what the frick I’ve been doing, particularly when tumblr breaks or the brainfog strikes. It’s been a while since I’ve been able to do a full monthly update, so this one includes posts and drafts for October, November, and December. Everything else can be found in previous monthly updates under this tag. There’s also the full thread tracker here.
The full activity update (along with OOC house keeping) is below the cut. Bold text = links.
If you want to see all IC interactions without the other stuff, click here. If you’d like to start something new, there are opens and memes, or you can just hit up the DM’s. You can also add Ty on Wire for IC texting.
Now onto the update!
A couple of little tweaks have been made to the guidelines page. Nothing huge, mainly just an update on formatting in threads and fc’s.
Ty’s Wire is now working again! 🥳 If you didn’t get a reply last time you messaged her, please resend your message. Or just send her a new one/start a new convo if you’d rather. I also have regained access to the discord account. Same username as here so feel free to add me, just let me know who you are if you do. I only log in when I’m here actively working on drafts, so you may still prefer to use the DM’s to chat.
I don’t do this often, but I’m going to be giving my inbox a bit of a reset by deleting most of the unanswered memes. Even though those ones aren’t being posted, thank you for sending them!
I’m getting notifications for old reblogs and things I was tagged in a month ago, a few even longer ago than that. Some are repeated ones that I saw in my activity feed when they were first posted, but some are brand new to me so I’m very confused rn.
In a similar vein, it’s currently hit or miss as to whether I get a notification for being tagged in a post. It also doesn’t always show up in my actual tracked tag. With that being the case, If there is something I haven’t replied to that is not listed in this post, please let me know.
Still in the process of changing up my medication. We’re taking it slowly as I’m coming off one that is notoriously a pain in the neck for withdrawal symptoms. It’s been absolutely kicking my arse, so if I’m slow to respond to ooc messages, please do not feel ignored. I will answer when my brain is not making dialup noises. Thread replies will happen when they happen. I’m trying to put less pressure on myself, but as an anxious human and chronic people pleaser it’s a struggle. 😂
Threads, replies, and other IC interactions:
(In alphabetical order by username.)
Library ghost hunting with Finn (drafted)
Extreme awkwardness. 😂 (link)
At the motel (link)
Azzy proved a point (link)
Taking Lance on a hunt (link)
Doing Lance’s hair! 😭 (link)
Mischief at the bar (link)
Car trouble (drafted)
An unwanted visitor, and Ty finds out the boy has powers! 👀 (queued)
A weird conversation (queued)
Tyler is not sick. Definitely not. (link)
Damon? Talking about his trauma? It seems miracles do happen. (queued)
Ty finds Vampire!Damon (queued)
Roasting 50 shades (drafted)
“She’s a ghost AND a bitch!” (drafted)
“How did you find me?” (link) Sorry for the repost!
Magic bean juice (queued)
Abandoned house (drafted)
A tackle hug for Damsel (link)
A questionable attempt to cheer up Olive (link)
An appointment with Dr Soliman (link)
Meeting the captain (link)
Ty is confused by Wednesday (drafted. Sorry this one slipped through the cracks for so long!)
Birthday fun (link)
At the motel with FBI!Fish (drafted)
Ty rescues Damon (link)
Being grumpy at Homelander (link)
Babysitting Jude/the Doc (drafted)
Bad jokes with Charm (queued. Sorry this one slipped through the cracks for so long!)
“You owe me a dinner. A very nice dinner.” (link)
Birthday cuteness! (link)
“Destiny can’t be changed.” (link)
Demon problems (queued)
Demon problems part 2: electric boogaloo (link)
KilliTy cuteness! (link)
Even more KilliTy cuteness! (link)
I just couldn’t resist okay. Don’t question it. 😂 (link)
Tyler meets Orobus Jones! (drafted)
Headcanon, dash games, and assorted silliness:
ELEVEN YEARS. ❤️ (link)
“Nothing to steal” (link)
Wanted poster dash game (link)
Damon’s birthday gift (link)
Say My Name drabble by Bramble! (link)
Pinterest dash game (link)
Ty’s Christmas mischief! (link)
I think that’s everything! As always: please let me know if I’ve missed something. I never intentionally drop threads without notifying, rest assured that if it’s not here I am either having a brain fart or I simply have not seen it. Remember to be kind to yourselves, and stay safe! ❤️ — Em
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mooifyourecows · 1 year
Hi, I’m not sure what happened but the other day when I went to check for updates from one of your stories I couldn’t see any of your works and I was heartbroken. I rarely use Tumblr but I hopped on here just to see and send this message.
I can’t tell you how much your writing/stories means to me. I have re-read so many and it makes my day every time there is a new upload. I selfishly hope you continue on, you’re so talented.
hey there! sorry for the confusion. because of the AI scraping going on, i restricted my works to ao3 users only, as advised by ao3 themselves. if you want to read my stories, all you gotta do is log on or get an ao3 account, which is easy and free and totally worth it.
unfortunately, because of the DDOS attack that recently happened, i think ao3 is currently not accepting new requests to join as a preventative measure, but they said they will work on securing the site and opening them up again. i recommend you follow @ao3org to get updates on that process 😊👍
hopefully everything will settle down soon and we can all get back to what really matters.....
gay fanfic
thanks for reading!
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