#and apparently i am missing
sag-dab-sar · 4 months
It is 77°f in my room because I have not had the energy to put my AC in (no central air). I'm melting.
But. I did finish putting my entire manga bookcase back together which needed to be done first because the mess was in the way of where my AC goes. So now 3 of 4 books cases in my room project are done 🎉
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egophiliac · 4 months
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bring your son to work day
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daeyumi · 10 months
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Through the fog ⛅️☁️
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solarmorrigan · 6 months
Requested by @westifer-dead (I think?? I hope that was directed at me)
This probably wasn't what you had in mind, but in my defense, it absolutely was not what I planned on writing. It sorta snuck up on me. I hope this is okay, though <3
🖤 kissing while crying / goodbye kiss / desperation
Prompt from this post
Tags/CW: transmasc Steve, fairly explicit depiction of menstruation, resulting mentions of blood, mentions of dysphoria, Steve's internal dialogue is rather unkind to himself in this one (soft ending, though??)
Steve’s first, horrified thought when he wakes feeling an uncomfortable amount of damp sticking his boxers to his skin is that he’s somehow managed to piss the bed.
The immediate wakefulness caused by that thought, however, is enough to give him a second one – particularly when he feels the ache low in his gut and spreading down his hips as he rolls over to toss the covers back and reveal the red stain on both his underwear and the sheets.
He’s early.
His period shouldn’t have been along for another couple of days, at least, and Steve hadn’t even thought about putting on a pad before getting into bed—he glances at the clock—two hours ago.
“Motherfucker,” Steve hisses.
He’d gotten home from the world’s most frustrating late shift sometime after midnight and had actually managed to get to sleep by one, and now his body is pulling this shit on him – waking him with pain and mess at three in the goddamn morning, days before it had any right to. And now his boxers are probably toast, and the sheets might be salvageable but he’s going to have to get up and change them right now, and he’s so fucking tired, and it’s three in the morning, and when he shifts to sit up, he’s caught for a moment by the sticky-slick feeling of blood drying against his skin.
He does his best to swallow back the feeling of nausea that creeps up on him at the sensation,  but it’s something he hasn’t had the stomach for since being covered in Eddie’s blood after hauling him out of the Upside Down, and the cramps really aren’t helping.
It’s for all these reasons that he’s probably less gentle than he could be when he reaches over to shake Eddie awake.
“Eddie, wake up.”
Eddie groans and rolls over, curling up with his back to Steve.
Steve huffs and gives him a shove. “Eddie.”
“S’early,” Eddie grumbles. “G’way.”
Normally, Steve doesn’t mind Eddie’s steadfast refusal to wake up for anything less than three alarms and the promise of coffee. Sometimes he even has fun with it, seeing how quickly he can rouse Eddie with other sorts of promises. Right now, though, he has less than no patience, and he grabs his pillow and whacks Eddie in the side with it.
“Wake up!”
“Whatthefuck,” Eddie gasps, bolting upright and glancing around the room for his assailant.
Later, Steve might feel bad; for now, he only drawls, “You awake now?”
“Did you hit me with a pillow?” Eddie demands, eyeing the weapon in Steve’s hands.
“You wouldn’t wake up,” Steve says. “I need you to get up for a minute.”
“What? Why, what’s– oh.” Eddie much catch sight of the mess as Steve twists to shove the pillow back behind himself. “Shit.”
Steve’s face heats with embarrassment. “Shut up,” he snaps. “Just get out of the bed.”
Clumsily, Eddie moves to obey. “I didn’t mean–”
“It’s– never mind, I shouldn’t have snapped, sorry, just–” Steve sighs. “Just let me change the sheets.
He strips the comforter from the bed and rolls it up to toss it into the chair in the corner of the room to be put back on when he’s done, but he doesn’t make it much farther before his body betrays him with another wave of squeezing cramps and a dribble of blood sliding down the inside of his thigh from under the loose leg of his boxers.
He swears and lunges for the tissue box on his bedside table to catch the drip before it can hit the floor, and he can hear Eddie hiss a breath in through his teeth – it’s probably in sympathy, Steve recognizes distantly, but in the moment he still feels like he might die of shame.
“Let me– let me get cleaned up. Just a minute,” Steve mutters, balling the tissue up in his fist and making for the dresser. “Then I’ll finish with the sheets.”
“Why don’t you go take a quick shower?” Eddie suggests quietly. “I can finish the sheets.”
Yanking a pair of briefs out of the dresser, Steve slams the drawer shut. “I can clean up my own damn mess, Eddie.”
“I know you can, but you don’t have to,” Eddie says, much more patiently than Steve probably deserves. “I’m betting you’ll feel ten times better if you get the chance to rinse off, so go ahead. You know how much I love wrestling with the fitted sheet.”
Steve should probably say no. It’s stupid to make Eddie clean up after him when he’s perfectly capable of doing it himself.
He should say no, but he doesn’t want to.
He glances back at Eddie, who looks nothing but sincere in his offer, and nods. “Thanks,” he mumbles, and Eddie gives him a little smile and a nod in return.
In the bathroom, Steve makes the water as hot as he can stand it and pops two Advil before stripping and shoving his boxers straight into the trash. If he tried hard enough, he might be able to get the stain out, but he doesn’t have the mental fortitude to contemplate doing that right now. His t-shirt has been spared any blood, but he puts it in the hamper to be washed, anyway. It just feels dirty now.
There are some months where Steve’s period comes and goes without any fuss; it’s an inconvenience and a bit of a drain, but hardly worth comment. Then there are some months that shove Steve headfirst into ten different stages of dysphoria and various neuroses for no apparent reason.
This one feels like it’s going to be the latter.
Even once he’s standing under the shower spray, the blood already sluiced down the drain, Steve doesn’t feel like he’s ever going to be clean again. He knows it’s his shitty brain lying to him, he knows that the feeling will go away in a few days—a week, at most—but that doesn’t help him now.
He wastes an extra ten minutes in the shower, trying to convince himself he’s only staying in because the hot water is helping his cramps (only partially true; he’s so tense that they haven’t really abated, and in fact have crawled up his sides now, seizing on the scar tissue from his bat bites and yanking his whole abdomen in tight, but he’s hoping it will help with his cramps), but he does eventually manage to force himself out and dry off.
With the fuck-off-biggest pad he owns shoved into his underwear, Steve heads back to the bedroom and stops short inside the door.
The lights are still dim, and Eddie is waiting up for him, sitting against the pillows with his book. He’s not only changed the sheets and fixed the comforter, but he’s laid out a pair of pajamas for Steve – the exact pair he prefers when he’s having a particularly bad day. And for some reason, that’s it for Steve.
The tears hit before he can even try to choke them off, and Eddie must not be very immersed in his book, because the first ragged breath is enough to alert him to the fact that something is wrong.
He looks almost wounded when he catches sight of Steve standing in the doorway like a weepy idiot, and Steve would feel bad, but Eddie’s already up and out of the bed and coming towards Steve with his arms open in offering.
And with anyone else, Steve would shy away; this isn’t a part of him that anyone needs to see, this weakness and inability to cope. But from Eddie– even as stupid as Steve feels right now, he knows he doesn’t have much that he needs to hide from a man who will help him clean up his own blood and then offer to hold him while he cries about it.
He accepts the hug, allows himself to be led back over to the bed and sat down, and then lets himself be held.
Eddie presses his lips to Steve’s forehead and then swipes his thumbs over Steve’s cheeks, wiping away whatever tears fall and kissing him there, too, like he can replace the evidence of his distress with love.
And hell, maybe he can.
In a while, Steve will want to get dressed and they’ll both need some actual rest, but for now, Steve thinks he’s more than willing to sit and let Eddie try.
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dinoserious · 2 years
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beast wars season 1 episode 3 the web
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mochiajclayne · 21 days
Marineford Law is no question interesting to me because he pulled off a surprise, motherfucker moment and the timing was so good to the point that both pirates and marines least expected it.
Before I proceed with this self-indulgent lawlu meta post, I will go ahead and say that everything that happened between them in Marineford is a catalyst of establishing their connection later on in the future arcs. I am a firm believer that those feelings™️ started to truly bloom in Punk Hazard and went downhill in a good way in Dressrosa.
Long post ahead. Enjoy!
When I was rewatching Marineford arc, the part where Buggy was already carrying an unconscious and injured Luffy and Jimbei, their conversation sparked my interest.
Highlighting the bit where Buggy was confused about Law's verbal tic of using the suffix -ya in referring to anyone, overall doubting him, then asking for Law's name. Don't forget that Law is a little shit (affectionate) so he proceeded to ignore all of those questions to say this:
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Interestingly enough, this part is tricky to translate. I found two translations that closely encapsulate what Law wanted to say here but mind you, and I will sound redundant about this with everything that has got to do with Trafalgar Law's speech patterns: he likes speaking in runarounds, purposely using terms with double meanings and connotations on them, and he's both reticent and cryptic. (I wouldn't say not to trust on his words but don't take them at face value.)
Law described his connection with Luffy as 悪縁 (akuen) which directly translates as evil destiny or connection.
Forgive me for a bit of sidetracking but the kanji used for akuen is the same with Robin's epithet which is "Demon Child" (akuma no ko). To further elaborate, 悪 (aku) means evil--both as intent and violating a moral code. It is also used to refer as the direct opposite of good.
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Going back to 悪縁 (akuen), in true Law fashion, this word doesn't only mean evil destiny or connection. Depending on the context, it can also mean unfortunate love.
(It sounds tragic coming from him, isn't it? If your mind was blown after this part, no worries, I am too. This part gave me so much whiplash when I was researching about it.)
So, considering these two interpretations of 悪縁 (akuen), that begs the question, what is Law's connection with Luffy?
On surface-level, they are enemies as Law said so himself. They're rivals when it comes to One Piece. Their common ground, which is only known among people that Law trusts the most, is sharing the same secret name of D. However, I will take one step ahead and say that they both went through the same tragic fate of losing their loved ones, for being weak and powerless to protect them. They were both involved in circumstances where if they were capable enough, they could've saved the person they loved the most. Doomed by the narrative and subjected to trauma that breaks their heart and spirit should they be lesser men to handle such misery and grief. It is unfortunate, disastrous, and cursed to love fully knowing the fact that the other person could die like the ones before them but these two have the biggest heart.
Of course, Law will never say it directly. Thus, settling for 悪縁 (akuen).
It gets better. He did say 悪縁も縁 (akuen mo en) and 縁 (en) itself means fate or destiny (especially a mysterious force that binds two people together). Additionally, も (mo) is also a particle that is used for emphasis.
The implication, in turn, of what Law said to Buggy can be translated this way: Strawhat-ya and I (will) eventually be enemies, but an evil connection is (the futuristic possibility of Luffy becoming his enemy) is fate (that binds them).
Law made sure to emphasize that their "evil connection" is fate: specifically, that mysterious force brought them together and compelled him to be there, that he was meant to sail to Marineford, and help Luffy escape.
These two translations are the closest that I found to be accurate but it's still scratching the surface of what Law said:
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This entire panel between Ivankov and Law makes it funnier because he clocked him IMMEDIATELY.
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Ivankov asked if he's friends with Luffy to which he replied: no.
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He also emphasized that that he doesn't have any obligation to help him but then went on to say this:
親切 (shinsetsu) means kind, generous, gentle, considerate. 不安 (fuan) refers to anxiety, uneasiness, worry, apprehension. These are surprisingly direct words but of course, Law had to go back and be cryptic again when he followed up with 理屈 (rikutsu), which could mean two things: theory, reason, logic or (unreasonable) argument, excuse.
I think this panel did a good job for translating it.
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Law himself is providing Ivankov here the benefit of the doubt. To reiterate, Ivankov beats him to the punch which makes their entire interaction so funny.
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Again, brilliant translation for directly calling out Law's bullshit. Lmao. Ivankov says 直感 (chokkan) here. It means intuition, instinct, hunch. Please take the next statement that I will say with a grain of salt but "instinctively moving your body" is usually associated with the context of being reckless to the point of directly exposing oneself to danger, consequences be damned, in order to protect someone.
Even Law himself acknowledged that he's not obligated to be there, so why?
Unfortunately, this is the elephant in the room that Law will never address. Several characters even made sure to point out that he helped Luffy two years ago and he purposely dodges that topic.
One thing I can guarantee is that Law never did it to get Luffy to agree for the alliance. Hell, he thought of the alliance after reuniting with Luffy! He adjusted his plans by then. Additionally, he never used the fact that he saved Luffy's life as his bargaining chip and leverage to get him on board the alliance.
Lastly, this is too much for saving a life on a whim, isn't it, Law?
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the-broken-pen · 2 months
hi I saw your recent post I hope your moving went smoothly!
I have a loose prompt, if you wanted/had time/had WiFi to write: an interrogation room meet-cute between villain and non-field agent hero
As soon as the door clicked shut behind them the hero realized they were in the wrong room. A very wrong room.
They blinked. The villain blinked, taking them in.
“You look lost.”
“That’s rude,” they responded before they had the chance to think about it. “I work here.”
“Do you now,” the villain said, and the hero grew abruptly aware of their jacket stamped with the Agency logo, their gloves marking their designation as a touch based hero. It was a miracle they didn’t turn red with the embarrassment of it.
They tried the doorknob behind their back. It rattled, but didn’t open, and internally they started screaming. Just a little bit.
“They don’t open from the inside,” the villain said helpfully. “Security risk, or something like that.”
“I know that,” the hero snapped, and the villain raised an eyebrow. “Sorry.”
The apology blurted out before they could stop it.
“Did you just ‘apologize’ to me?” The villain looked at them incredulously.
“Uh,” they managed. “Funny question.”
“Funny—“ the villain cut themself off. “It’s not a question, I literally just heard you apologize.”
“Maybe you should get your hearing checked out,” they offered, and winced, because apparently every sane part of their brain had fled to France and left them with a singular suicidal brain cell.
The villain’s mouth was slightly open, as if they weren’t entirely sure what was happening. The hero shared the same sentiment.
The villain glanced at the camera, then back to the hero.
“You’re not a field agent,” they said, as if it was dawning on them.
“You don’t know that,” the hero said defensively.
“You’re holding a file.”
“Field agents are capable of holding files,” the hero replied. “Kind of rude of you to assume they can’t.”
The whisper of a smile tugged at the corner of the villain’s mouth.
“Sorry,” the villain said, and it was just barely mocking.
The hero rocked on their heels a bit, drumming their fingers on the file in their hands.
“They’re taking a while to get you out,” the villain observed.
“Yeah, Bob’s on duty.”
“Oh, so Bob doesn’t do his job?”
The hero jerked. “I did not say that.”
“It was kind of implied, though,” the villain said earnestly.
The hero had interacted with villains before: ending interviews for files, the odd informant. Never held a conversation though, and certainly not for this long.
This was why they didn’t do field work.
“What, no response?”
The hero smiled, sickeningly sweet. “I’m compiling commentary to add to your file.”
“So you admit to not being a field agent.”
“Continually makes assumptions, poor listening comprehension…”
“Not a very long list,” they pointed out.
The hero felt their smile sharpen. “The rest involves curse words.”
The villain barked a laugh, and the hero jerked slightly in surprise.
The villain regarded them like they were deciding something, as if they could see something within the hero that they themself couldn’t.
It had been a long time, longer than the hero would like to admit, since someone, anyone, had looked at them like that.
Like they mattered at all.
“I like you,” the villain said finally, slowly, like they weren’t entirely sure those were the words that were going to come out.
“You also like crime.”
“And you know how dedicated I am to that,” the villain said pointedly, a glint in their eye.
“How sweet,” the hero managed after a moment. “This is exactly why I became a hero. To be compared to felonies.”
The villain just smirked. They peered down at the handcuffed hands, then looked up at the hero. They weren’t sure when they had moved away from the door, closer to the villain, but somehow it had happened.
There was something warm to this; it sat in the hero’s chest, light and airy.
“I’ll text you when I get out. Say, next week?”
“You’re going to jail,” the hero reminded, mouth dry.
The villain grinned. “Right,” they drawled, amusement splashed across their face. “Jail. Which is where I am going. And where I shall stay. Absolutely.”
Something clicked, and the hero didn’t have to look under the table to know the villain had slipped their cuffs.
Despite their best efforts, their eyes flicked downwards, like they could see the now empty cuffs below the table. The villain grinned further, as if in challenge.
Are you going to tattle?
The hero swallowed.
“I’m really not supposed to be in here.”
“I’ve gathered,” the villain said. “You work the desk all the time?”
“Personal choice, or…”
“I like it,” the hero said defensively. “It’s just puzzles, and I’m good at those.”
“Putting things together,” they said vaguely. “Routes and evidence and all that.”
The villain’s brow furrowed, as if they were mulling something over. Their gaze returned to the hero, and it was searing.
“You’re the one who found me, aren’t you.”
“Oh,” the hero said, blushing. “That’s-I’m not—“
The villain leaned forward. “Am I in that file?”
The hero tucked it behind their back.
“Are you lying?”
“No,” the hero said with emphasis. The villain laughed.
“You’re bad at this,” they said, but it was fond.
“Thanks, I try,” the hero said. They were waiting for the villain to stand up, but they seemed content to just sit there and watch.
“Mhm,” the villain agreed, and for some reason, the hero flushed even further.
The villain’s gaze snapped to the door, and they tilted their head as if listening to something.
“They’ll be here in a minute,” they said. The hero blinked. “To get you out,” the villain prompted.
“Right,” the hero said. They had forgotten they couldn’t leave, but the villain didn’t need to know that. They had a feeling they knew anyways.
“I’ll call you,” the villain reminded.
“You don’t have my number,” the hero protested.
The villain gave them a look. “You’re cute. Do you like pizza? We could do pizza.”
“We could never speak again.”
“Funny, I’ve never heard of that restaurant.”
“Oh look, they’re here!” The villain said cheerfully.
The door swung open, and someone the hero vaguely recognized stepped in.
In the next second, the hero was in the hallway.
“Oh, and love,” the villain called, and the hero cursed themself for blushing. “Don’t be jealous of the other felonies. You’ll always be my favorite crime.”
The hero ducked their face behind the file, but they couldn’t stop the pleased smile that crept from the corners of their mouth.
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robinniko · 1 month
Have you done a follow forever? If not can you make a list? I am totally curious now after your tags. Also love that your blog is a mix of everything.
I have not done a follow forever!!! I am so excited you sent this bc I really wanted to do one!!!!!
@h-isforhome @coffeeisaritual @28cum @cantchangemypast @lamefights @bloodonthedrums @amsterdamlouie @louisarmpits @tommos @kieumy @officialghost @tryhoney @stoned-styles @ashleyyroses @munsonsuccubus @anchorandrope @crimsonfated @goldplated-disaster @stripesysheaven @dahliaaz @graveyarrdshift @srldesigns6277 @theeliampayne @nouies @enigmaticpink @enchantedlandcoffee @muppet4muppett @loverrrrrr17 @superscut @goodriddancegracie @maryoliveoil @taylorswiftaylor @aintmyjewelry @columbusswift @verdantsecretgardens @auswiftic @runwayblues @louisthiccsexyglitteryass @frolencewelch @whenyouvequitefinished @matrixrry @the-girl-almighty @abba-enthusiast @nicogayngelo @hazlouquitefinished @notsomeholylight @slutdick @sunflowerwemadeit @cuzimablogger @bloodmoonlich
i'm very sorry because I definitely forgot people but i love all my mutuals very much!!!! <3
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the-kipsabian · 10 months
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badnewswhatsleft · 4 months
also i found something crazy which looks like the tracks for patrick's live solo performance of sugar shown at the end of the "artist lesson" episode he recorded for garageband ??
apparently he did a lesson for sugar
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and a lesson for i don't care
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after some digging i found some blessed screen recordings of both (sugar, idc - and i ripped them using mediahuman for my own keeps so if u want u can also dl them here!) (they are kinda slightly laggy/unsynced in some places, especially idc, idk if that's a quality of the original lesson or the recording lol)
im curious if those who have garageband.... can view/get these still ?? apparently they were ?? made free eventually for users ?
as a vehicle for tuition the format of the lessons seem a bit shite if im being honest BUT as a trove of really fucking cute patrick+music content it is overflowing with riches and delights and i cant believe it isn't all anyone ever talks about forever and ever /j
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quinn-pop · 11 months
astral things…(aka orb cats)
y’know that cute thing cats do where they sleep with their paws out??? yeah
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sea-jello · 27 days
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hong kong miku,,,
#hopping on the trend jumpscare i’m from hong kong surprise#i haven’t seen that many hk mikus around#lowkey chat i think i kinda ate with this one#however i will say i am coloring in the dark so if any colors look off that’s why#and also i haven’t opened this program in literal months i jumped straight into this no warmup no nothing#miku is what pulls me out of art block apparently i was locked in for 5 hours STRAIGHT#someone needs to teach me how to paint properly holy#not sure how i feel about the bottom left one but that was a quick one anyways#i am from hk originally but i haven’t been back in years so i have no idea about the culture other than food and mirror#OKAY let me explain the context#street food is a big thing in hk and quick and easy things like fish balls egg waffles and like siu mai and wonton noodles are popular#back then people really would just squat down on the side of the road or right in front of the shop to eat it and go#but i don’t think anyone does that anymore city life and all that#ohh i should have done instant noodles breakfasts god i loved those#if anyones from hk if you go to the causeway bay mtr station exit that leads up to the big road near soho. do they still sell siu mai there#that shit was BANGER i remember asking for them all the time#a good majority of parents in hk would get their daughters ears pierced as a baby something about them not feeling as much pain idk#that’s just what i was told#i used the neon for her friendly standard greeting cause i wanted to incorporate the neon signs somehow without actually drawing a whole bg#lots of neon signs in hk. i heard they had to take them down cause of light pollution which is sad but understandable#everyone got their shoes from dr kong. at least when i was younger they did#boy band is self explanatory. i heard they’re really popular my mom listens to them#oh i had her messing with her shoes cause hk people move FAST. you stop for one second and you get shoved#so like a fun little allusion#gave her black roots just for fun. she is violating every school uniform code possible#this is all based off of my memory by the way so like. anyone who knows this better than i do hit me up#hatsune miku#miku from my culture#jellos scribbles#i haven’t tag yapped in so long welcome back my love i missed you
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rolandkaros · 2 months
forever hilarious to me that tennis is promoted as this prestigious highbrow big-brain sport when most tennis fans these days are like. yeah this is my favorite player. yeah i don't know why they're like that. yes they are stupid. no i will not choose somebody else.
#wta tennis#atp tennis#i feel like the era of...shall we say 'federer-esque' players is waning#which i think can in part be related to the loss of the one-handed-backhand#as the sport moves more toward a necessity for fitness and athleticism players do not put as much emphasis on 'art'#which imo is fine! i think the 'art' of tennis is too protected in some ways. which i maybe will expand on later.#but i think it's too much for the tags of a (mostly) silly post#but yeah you can hear a lot of commentators touch on it#i know nadal even said something abt it recently(ish)#but i think as tennis is gradually less associated with this abstract 'image' (e.g. the obsession with federer's 'grace' and 'class')#players are coming in thinking 'this is a physical battle and i am going to win' and very much leaning into the *competition*#which not to say that they're ignoring/denying the mental aspects at all because i actually do think many players are very strategic/aware#and in truth i think many tennis players ARE actually very smart#but i also think it's less apparent because more and more players are able to just hit the shit out of the ball and call it a day#which leaves you with the occasional shot/point/game/set/match etc where it seems like they don't know what the fuck they're doing#but you think about most sports which evolve in phases#it's very normal for certain player profiles to become more or less popular as the landscape of the sport changes#or as new techniques/strategies are developed#or as new communities/populations become interested!#extreme example but think of like. high jump's fosbury flop. that was one guy!#one guy who changed the entire fucking sport! so it makes perfect sense that tennis is continuing to evolve#given how many unique players have come and gone#and how much the sport is changing externally as well as internally#anyways. this got out of hand but i love sports and i love tennis and i love my brainless players.#this whole post was inspired by rewatching sabalenka v boulter and aryna completely missed an overhead by like five feet. lol#love her <3
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feroluce · 3 months
So this is all courtesy of my partner-in-crime @hydrachea, thank youuuuuu ♡, but I finally know what Boothill calls Dan Heng in the original Chinese and I'm so happy. He calls him xiongdi!
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Boothill really just saw Dan Heng and decided they were close enough to call him this in his party join line, he's so affectionate, it's adorable and I love him 💗
I've seen some people actually push back against henghill saying Boothill calls Dan Heng by a familial term, so it can only strictly be a bromance/platonic ship, which is so silly? Like if someone who actually knows Chinese and is a part of the culture wants to chime in and correct me, that's cool, but it really looks like it's not a term that has any one exact meaning.
It can be familial if you want, or it can be friendly if you want. It's flexible and up to interpretation!
Personally I actually love the gangster definition most haha. Because a big part of my draw to these two is the sort of brothers-in-arms feeling between them; Boothill is someone who fought in a war for independence against colonization, after all. I'm sure camaraderie is a big deal and something important for him. And he and Dan Heng are fellow Pathstriders of The Hunt and they share a lot of ideals!
So there's something fun about it, that just feels very much like Boothill, for him to refer to Dan Heng as though they were members of the same gang smzjskozjsls
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asciuto · 8 months
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothin' 🐝
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chickenstrangers · 10 months
the "juxtaposition of a straight couple taking photos" trope strikes again!
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+ bonus juxtaposing straight couples sans photography
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