#and anyone's free to ask questions!
ever-growing-green · 2 years
Just found this project and I think it’s awesome someone is continuing the series. So. Jen, still being as competitive as before?
Thank you! I'm really happy that a lot of people seem to feel the same way about AoS, it ended far too soon and had so much potential to include, so I hope to make people happy with what I have planned.
As for your question, I intend on keeping a lot of the Smashers original traits as best as I can, so Jen will be ready to compete the moment she gets challenged. As Jen herself would put,
"I'm a lean, mean, winning machine!"
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miriaocs · 5 months
GET TO KNOW YOUR TWST OCs (and their relationships)
(Or how I make up excuses to blabber about my OC lol. Most of the "who" questions are aimed at the twst cast, but feel free to include other twst OCs as well!)
Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
Inspiration: Is your twst OC inspired by any villains? Concepts? Anything Disney-related?
Age/Birthday: How old is your twst OC? When is their birthday? Whose birthday (among the cast) is closest to your twst OC's? Does the horoscope lie or do they get along well?
Dorm: Which dorm is your twst OC in? Why? Which qualities they have make them suitable for said dorm? Do they have a roommate and how is their relationship?
Class: Who is your twst OC's classmate(s)? How would you describe their relationship? Did they have different classmates in previous year and did they get along?
Height: How tall is your twst OC? Are they conscious about their height? Are they close to someone with similar leg length?
Hair/Eye color: What are your twst OC's hair and eye colors? Who got the closest/opposite palette to them?
Homeland: Where is your twst OC from? Do they know anyone from the same hometown prior to NRC?
Club: Which club does your twst OC join and why? Is there anything memorable about the club fair day/their first day at the club? Which clubmate is their favorite?
Subject: What is your twst OC's best subject? Worst? Do they study with another whom excels at the same subject? Do they ask anyone for help with the subject they are bad at?
Hobby: What are your twst OC's hobbies? Who among the cast will they possibly ask to join in their pastime?
Pet peeves: What are your twst OC's pet peeves and which one in the cast accidentally (or not) commit the "crimes"? How will your twst OC deal with that person?
Food: What is your twst OC's favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
Talent: What is your twst OC's talent(s) and who can properly appreciate that?
Unique Magic/Signature spell: What is your twst OC's UM (if applicable)? What can they do? What is the incantation? Is there any weaknesses/loopholes and who can exploit those?
Quote: Give me something your twst OC will say. Either something they always say or something iconic they said. Something that helps solve the problems or something that is a catalyst to even more issues.
(Ok I'm kinda running out of ideas here) Personality: Give me 3 adjectives to describe your twst OC. Or an essay. Whichever works. Whose personality among the cast is closest to your twst OC and do they get along?
Backstory: Tell me anything about your twst OC's backstory. Their childhood, their parents, their siblings etc. Does their backstory affect how they are as a character now and how they interact with the cast?
Pick only one: Let your twst OC pick only one and explain the reasons: only one favorite from each dorm, only one favorite housewarden/vice housewarden, only one favorite first/second/third year etc.
(For my beloved yume shippers) Partner: Who do you ship your twst OC with? Are they in a relationship? If yes, how did it start/end? If no, why?
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delinquentsofberk · 1 month
Introducing our silly httyd ocs!
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A cute little idea spiraled into 72 pages worth of lore, a plethora of art, animatics, blurbs, and brainrot. We are so normal about all of them.
Here’s the *cast:
Hilditonn (Hildi), she/her - @midoristeashop
Lodinhofdi (Loafie), she/he - @jackshiccup
Klaufi, she/her - @vindikaetion
Tafi, (she/her) - @secretsivekept
Rowan, (she/her) - @bignostalgias
Opna, (they/them) - @alkalinefrog
Njótr, (he/him) - @santathegrey
Askr, (he/him) - @jjackfrost
Birk, (he/him) - @yanleafy
Kastandrazi (Drazi), (she/her), - @droptoposmosis
Katla, (any) - @hawwokitty
Fiadh, (she/her) - @sweeetcheeese
[redacted] - @twiafom
*bolded names are what we use the most for them lol
Anyway get ready for content
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the-august-axolotl · 8 months
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Welcome to the third annual Nightmarch!
This is an UNOFFICIAL event, I do not own Nightmare or Dreamtale. Anyone is free to participate, and all ships and AU’s/variations are welcome as long as Nightmare is part of the focus! Art and writing are welcome, as well as any other mediums.
Feel free to tag any entrees #Nightmarch2024
You ARE ALLOWED to repost this prompt list to other websites if you wish, however please credit me. You may not repost any of my other work.
Again this is unofficial, Nightmare and Dreamtale belong to Jokublog
Previously asked questions under the cut
Do you have to do the prompts in order? - You can do any of the prompts in any order you want! No rules y’all.
Is NSFW content allowed? - Yes. Feel free to make whatever you want and use the Nightmarch tag freely. Everything is welcome. I do ask however to please not @ my blog in anything explicitly NSFW.
Do you reblog entrees? - I will try to reblog as much as I can! I love seeing everyone’s work. I do warn you however that I am quite forgetful, so apologies if I miss anything.
How/why was Nightmarch created? - For more info on the events creation look at this post: https://www.tumblr.com/the-anxious-axolotl/677367715212771328/introducing-nightmarch-a-whole-month-for-the
Should we be concerned over your apparent Nightmare obsession? - Yes. It is growing exponentially.
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rebouks · 2 months
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“What’re we doing here?”
Oscar shrugged casually, “Hanging out?”
Robin scoffed with what little joviality he could muster, “Yeah, right…”
Oscar paused and broke eye contact, staring at nothing in particular as Robin waited. It was usually fairly easy to ascertain the direction of a conversation before it even started, given that people tended to rehearse what they’d say beforehand, but not Oscar. His mind was simultaneously blank and fit to burst; he was making it up as he went along most of the time, but that was one of Robin’s favourite things about his father. It paved the way for genuine, on the fly honesty.
“Figured maybe you’d wanna talk-..” Oscar rubbed his temple, “Ask me whatever you want.”
“Yeah-.. within reason.”
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“Why’d you do it?” Robin blurted out; his eyes full of unbridled curiosity, though his father wasn’t looking at him.
“Willpower is a finite resource, y’know? I had a shitty day and I caved-.. didn’t really think about it all that much, to be honest.”
“What do you mean?”
Oscar sighed, backtracking slightly as he realised that wasn’t exactly the honesty he was going for. “Well, it’s not that you don’t think about it-.. I thought about not doing it a bunch of times, but the second I decided otherwise, I went on autopilot and got it over with as soon as possible so I wouldn’t have to think about it anymore. Probably because thinking on it too hard is uncomfortable.”
“Where’d you go?”
Robin wouldn’t usually have to ask such a mundane question, but he’d struggled to fill in the blanks for himself. Oscar’s memories of the previous night were fuzzy and his thoughts sprawling.
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“The bar?”
Oscar nodded, still unable to meet his son’s gaze. “You remember it used to be a vet clinic, right? Your grandma ran it briefly, years ago-.. we lived in the flat above for a little while, when you were a baby.”
“I remember.”
Oscar sounded surprised. “You do?”
“Kinda-.. you’ve told me about it n’ stuff…”
Oscar shrugged a shoulder, supposing that’d make sense.
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“You don’t have to feel so ashamed.” Robin ventured.
Oscar almost looked at Robin, though his gaze fell somewhere near his shoulder instead. How could a fourteen-year-old boy conjure such compassion? Such accuracy too. Shame.
Sometimes it felt as though he were talking to a man, not a boy. He was still a child, of course; arguing with his siblings over utter nonsense, playfighting, whinging about school and homework, leaving his dirty socks all over the place-.. but sometimes it felt like he understood much more than he should’ve. Oscar couldn’t imagine many people being so emotionally mature at thirty, never mind half as young.
“I’m sure I’ll get over it-.. I always assumed I’d relapse at some point, but as the years went by, I guess I got complacent.”
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“How’d it start? Like, did you just wake up one morning and realise it was an issue or..?”
Oscar shook his head slightly, running his thumb over his beard in thought. “Nah, it was slower, I just ignored it. I’d always been daft and over the top with stuff like that, partying n’ shit, y’know? It was like a crutch after a while though, and eventually, I needed it just to feel normal-.. went too far to feel nothing.”
Robin opened his mouth to speak, but Oscar wasn’t finished.
“You’ll probably get some stupid cop coming to your scout meetings or your school one day and they’ll stand there n’ tell you all about how drugs and alcohol are terrible or whatever, but it’s bollocks. Sure, they’re bad for you, but they feel good and that’s the problem. At least for me it was-.. is. It shouldn’t even be legal, really, not that it’d do much good if it wasn’t-.. it wouldn’t have stopped me, anyway.”
“I’d love to forbid you from going near it, but I’m sure you’ll all try it for yourselves one day. Maybe it’s just something to do, maybe it makes a boring night more fun, gives you the confidence to do something you’re scared of, talk to someone you’re shy around, I don’t know-.. you might hate it, you might not.”
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“You hate that you still like it, don’t you?”
Oscar finally met Robin’s gaze as he nodded. “So much.” He wondered if he was making a mistake, being so open, but it was too late now and Robin had yet to balk or appear uncomfortable. If anything, he seemed concerned and intrigued, glad of the chance to ask whatever he wanted-.. not that he couldn’t usually, but the invitation was clearly welcome all the same.
“All your troubles just melt away, but they’re twice as bad when you wake up and doing it over again doesn’t solve much. It’s not the answer, Robin.”
“I know it’s not.”
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Oscar’s frown softened as Robin slid beside him, threading an arm around his waist.
“You prefer being sober though, right?” he asked.
“Ah, that’s a loaded question…” Oscar sighed. “I prefer my life when I’m sober, but maybe a part of me will always crave that oblivion. It’s just something I have to live with.”
“Do you think you’ll do it again?”
“I don’t know, bud-..” Oscar admitted. “I’d like to say no but I don’t think I can make any promises, that’s not how it works.”
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Robin nodded understandingly; he would’ve preferred it if his father could’ve made that promise, but a harsh truth was better than a hollow lie.
“They don’t mean much if you don’t keep em.” Oscar added.
“I get it-.. thanks for letting me ask you about it though, I know you’d rather keep it to yourself.”
“You’re still young but I know it’d drive you nuts otherwise. Besides, I don’t want it to feel like a dirty secret we can’t talk about, at least between us-.. might not wanna go telling all your friends your dad’s an alky though…”
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Robin buried his face in the crook of Oscar’s shoulder and squeezed him tightly, desperate to convince his father that he didn’t think any less of him.
“Nah, they’re got enough ammunition.”
Oscar couldn’t help but snort at that. “I love you so much.”
“I know-.. I love you too.”
Robin said nothing a while as his father held him - or he held Oscar - only breaking the silence upon feeling his restless thoughts return.
“It’ll be the summer holiday’s soon, maybe we could go camping or something?”
Oscar smiled fondly. “Yeah, that’d be fun…”
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marclef · 3 months
a special gift for you guys, for this very important Fake Peppino Friday.... after a week of near-continuous work, i present to you the biggest mess i've posted so far to tumblr:
The Fake Peppino Headcanon/Biology/Anatomy/Whatever the heck this is Post
really just a bunch of headcanons, ideas, and other stuff i've complied together for Fake Peppino, illustrated to the best of my ability. i hope you enjoy! ✨✨✨
(caution: lots of text and assorted Frogs up ahead)
now.... who's ready for walls of text and drawings?
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Fake Peppino is a homunculus, made in the shape of Peppino by Pizzahead. He's much taller than the real Peppino, 8 feet tall compared to Peppino's 5 1/2 feet. He was created using the DNA from Peppino (either skin or hair cells), old pizza, and frogs (think Jurassic Park). His entire body, including the hat and "clothes", is comprised of a strange goop, with no flesh organs or bones, though certain areas are made out of specialized goo, meant for an intended purpose.
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He can stretch his body to inhuman lengths, though he usually only does this with his legs, mouth, tongue, and arms. His goopy body is extremely strong, able to withstand tearing and most puncture wounds. Attacks from knives or similar weapons are pointless, as it doesn't really harm him, and will likely just lead to him absorbing the knife into himself and retaliating. However, repeated attacks, especially physical blows, can tire him out, and explosives can harm him, splitting his body into pieces if particularly strong. This doesn't kill him, though, since he can reform his body.
If threatened, or trying to get into a tight spot, Fake Peppino can deform his body into a blob-like mass, allowing him to flee, squeeze into small areas, or melt into the floors/walls. He usually keeps his eyes and brain intact, to see his surroundings and act accordingly. The rest of his body, despite deforming and becoming mushy, can still function, meaning he could still eat in this form if he wanted to. He finds tights spaces comfortable, and can often be found squeezed into unlikely places, such as small containers, trash cans, and cabinets.
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If greatly threatened, though, or sufficiently angered, Fake Peppino can pool all of the energy into his body into growing larger, by rapidly burning energy into making more goop/cells. This is very tiring, generally only used as a last resort. The process generally makes his head and body much larger, with his limbs, as well as eyes/brain, staying mostly the same size. He is dumber in this state, with all energy and thought going into eliminating the target, something that Fake Peppino doesn't like. He avoids lashing out like this unless he absolutely needs to.
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Despite his frog DNA, Fake Peppino doesn't do well with water or other similar liquids. Thanks to his sturdy stomach walls, he can drink most liquids just fine, even fluids that would be dangerous to humans. It's his outside "skin" that's the problem, since it can't absorb liquid properly. Prolonged contact with water or other liquid will quickly cause him to deform, unable to keep his humanoid form, until he's sufficiently dried off/absorbed the liquid properly. He greatly dislikes being wet because of this, and will go to great lengths to avoid it. Warmer liquids are slightly more tolerable, being much more comfortable, so warm, bubbly baths are welcome.
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The brain and eyes are connected directly, with the brain protected by Fake's squishy head, and the eyes popping out the widened eye sockets. The brain is made of very specialized goop, and works very similarly to a human brain, sending signals to all parts of Fake Peppino's body.
However, despite it being the central control center of his body, smaller bits of brain cell goop are distributed through the rest of his body, allowing him to control other parts separately. So, even if parts of him are detached or otherwise removed, he can still control them, for a time. After some time, these parts die off though, losing control and deforming into inert goop. He mainly uses this ability to split "clones" off of himself, controlling them to attack perceived threats.
Being made of goop, Fake's brain can withstand damage a normal brain can't, but he still prefers to keep it protected underneath his head. It dries out a bit in the open, too, which he finds uncomfortable.
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Fake Peppino's eyes are very strong. Though he's often seen with a cross-eyed look to him, he's constantly watching his surroundings, even if it doesn't seem it. He has excellent night vision, often using this ability to easily stalk and sneak up on prey in the dark without being spotted.
He doesn't need to blink, but he still closes his eyes to sleep, when he's very happy, or during certain actions, such as swallowing. His eyes are one of the most vulnerable parts of his body, though, and attacking them would be a way to easily disorient him.
Fake Peppino's sense of smell is also impressive, being able to smell things long before he sees them. He uses this ability to easily find food, prey, or simply something he wants. The mustache under his nose (which, same as his "hair", is also made of goop) is sensitive, and he doesn't like others touching it.
Fake Peppino often sniffs things he's interested in, including strangers, to try to get a sense for them. He never forgets a particular smell, which makes it easy to tell if a familiar person is nearby. He often sniffs others while holding them or being given attention, likely as a form of interaction. Plus, he just thinks most others smell nice.
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Despite, like the rest of him, being made of goop, Fake Peppino's teeth can harden to be extremely tough. They soften if he needs them to, such as when he deforms. His bite force is very, very strong, comparable to a hippo's bite. He doesn't chew his food too often, though, and only really chews up food he finds particularly tasty, such as pizza. His frog-like instinct usually compels him to swallow most foods whole. His teeth are more often used to grip things, such as prey items, or to carry things around. He enjoys carrying things he likes around, and will carry smaller friends around gently with his mouth.
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The stretchiest part of Fake Peppino's body is his tongue, which can stretch to several times his body length. It is very sticky, coated with a clear, saliva-like goop that fills the inside of his mouth as well. Like a frog, he uses it to grab onto and eat food from afar, or to grab items he doesn't feel like using his arms to. It's very strong, and can drag even very heavy objects. The tongue's extreme flexibility allows him to reach it nearly anywhere, even down his own throat if he really wanted.
Usually, Fake Peppino uses his tongue to snatch fleeing prey items, and he can wrap it around their body to make them easier to eat. He often leaves his tongue dangling slightly out of his mouth, due to its length, but also making it easy to strike with if needed.
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Fake Peppino's "stomach" is a very special case. It functions like both an organic stomach, and similarly to a lung as well, constantly moving by pushing air in and out of himself. He can use this to inflate his body, making himself bigger for intimidation (like some frogs do), or to shrink himself down by releasing all air from himself; this is generally used if a prey item is being uncooperative, to cause them to suffocate. To help keep live prey in place as well, he's able to close off his throat with a mass of goop, preventing escape.
The constant movement of the stomach makes digesting meals easier, allowing them to be coated by a specialized goop that absorbs and dissolves what it covers, like stomach acids. Fake Peppino's stomach can digest almost everything, aside from very tough materials, such as most metals, very solid plastics, tough minerals (like rocks), and bones. Anything he can't digest, he simply spits up eventually, generally in a place it can be disposed of, such as the trash.
His stomach is very sturdy and stretchy, able to withstand almost anything, and can stretch as much as needed to fit what's inside. As such, there's not much of a limit to how much Fake Peppino can eat. Eating too much makes him sluggish, though, as his body tries to process it all. Fake Peppino is most content with a reasonably-full stomach, and is generally quite calm and relaxed after a large meal. Belly rubs at this point are greatly appreciated.
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If needed to, he can reach his arms back into his own throat, to grab something from inside of his stomach. He doesn't do it often, due to most things he eats being digestible, making carrying stuff around in there fairly pointless. This is only ever really the case if it's something too difficult to spit up, or something that wasn't supposed to be eaten in the first place.
There is no further digestive system, however; all food eaten is 100% absorbed in the stomach. Everything he eats is converted into more goop like him, leaving no trace behind, unless it is undigestible. Bones from eaten prey such as rats get thrown out, or disposed of in an appropriate spot.
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and... though I didn't get to drawing them, here's a couple extra unsorted headcanons/dumb little tidbits I just felt like sharing!
He makes lots of strange sounds, communicating more through groans and frog-like croaks than trying to speak. He CAN talk, but not well, mostly in broken, short sentences, and usually speaks "backwards". He can understand others just fine, though he struggles with especially long and complicated words. The sounds he makes when not talking are generally unintelligable, but his mood and tone can indicate how he feels. He uses the ability to inflate his body to produce very loud, aggressive sounds when trying to ward off threats.
His gooey body is what allows him to cling to walls and ceilings with ease. He sticks to walls while trying to stalk prey, or just to play around with friends. Though, in some cases, he'll cling against the walls or ceiling if frightened, finding them a safe vantage point. If you're in the dark and feel something creeping its way towards you, it's likely Fake Peppino, silently stalking you from the walls.
Despite his inhuman traits, Fake Peppino generally doesn't like the idea of eating humans. He still sees himself as somewhat human from his time spent believing he was the real Peppino. Attacking or eating things he doesn't see as prey is kept as a last resort, or if he's extremely angered. As of now in my canon/AU, there is only one person Fake Peppino has killed in this way. He didn't like the taste.
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cheekinpermission · 6 months
TWST Ask Game!!
1. Who's hand did you first grab? Why? Would you choose someone else if you could do it over again?
2. Who is on your homescreen?
3. What does your guest room look like?
4. Who is on your main team?
5. If you could have any unique magic / signature spell in the game, which would you choose and why?
6. First SSR? Most recent SSR?
7. Is there an SSR you really wanted but never got?
8. Is there any character who seems to follow you (i.e. they always seem to pop up when you're trying to summon someone else)?
9. What changes would you like to see implemented in the game?
Favorites and Least Favorites
10. Top five favorite characters?
11. Favorite character from each dorm?
12. Least favorite character from each dorm? 13. Favorite NRC staff member? 14. Favorite non-NRC character? 15. Favorite dorm?
16. Favorite character design?
17. Favorite overblot design?
18. Favorite dorm uniform?
19. Favorite event?
20. Favorite book from the main story?
21. Favorite R card that you own? Favorite SR? Favorite SSR?
22. Favorite relationships? (Romantic or platonic!!)
23. Which dorm would you be sorted into? 24. Which character(s) would you get along with the most? 25. Which character(s) would you actively avoid? 26. When did you start playing TWST? 27. What drew you into TWST? What made you stay? 28. What is the TWST related content that you've produced that you are most proud of?
Wild Card
29. What is your opinion on [any character you like!] 30. Make up your own question!
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toonsforkicks22 · 2 months
Could we have some more Kinger x Pomni art from the boxer au pretty please?
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Made this at work yesterday. Drawing @burrotello’s AU Kinger is like trying to draw a giant puffball.
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its-your-mind · 8 months
*deep breath in*
the fears 👏 have always 👏 been (in one way or another) 👏 parallel 👏 to 👏 desire 👏
let me explain.
so many of the statements given by actual avatars center around some sort of need that was met by their entity. Lots of them even had a positive relationship with the fear that drove them.
Jane Prentiss is an excellent example - the Corruption has always been about a form of toxic and possessive love, but she personally has a deep desire to be “fully consumed by what loves her,” and finds a perverse joy and relief at allowing herself to be a home
Jude Perry is another - she fucking loved watching people’s lives be utterly destroyed. The Desolation only offered her a power of destruction on a grander scale, and then gave her a more intense rush of joy as she did its work. When she tells Jon that he needs to feed the Eye before it feeds on him, it’s almost as an afterthought; she was happily feeding the Desolation long before it burned her into a new existence.
Simon Fairchild. Every time that old loose bag of bones wanders into the picture, he is having a fucking EXCELLENT time playing with the Vast. He loves showing people their own insignificance, and he loves luring them into situations where he can throw them into the void as he smiles and waves.
Peter Lukas (hell, the whole Lukas family (except Evan. RIP Evan.)) hated. people. all he wanted was for them all to go away, to leave him alone. The Lonely only fulfilled that desire.
Daisy, Trevor, and Julia, all devoted to hunting those things they deemed monstrous.
Melanie, holding tight to that bullet in her leg because on some level, she wanted it. It felt good, it felt right, it felt like it fit right alongside the anger and spite that drove her to success.
Annabelle Cane first encountered the Web when she was a child, running away from home in order to tug on her parents’ heartstrings in just the right way to have them wrapped around her little finger. Later on she volunteered to be the subject of an ESP study. Hell, she’s the one who dangled the “Is it really You that wants this?” question over Jon’s head in S4.
And that brings us to Jon, beloved Jarchivist, the Voice that Opened the Door. Ever since he was a child targeted by the Web, he was looking for answers. He joined the Magnus Institute’s Research Department looking for them, he stalked his coworkers in search for them, he broke into Gertrude’s flat and laptop out of desperation for them. And when he realized that all he had to do was Ask to get truthful answers to his questions? It was only natural for him to jump at that opportunity.
Elias told S3 Jon that he did want this, that he chose it, that at every crossroads he kept pushing onwards, and the inner turmoil that caused was one of the focal points for Jon’s character through the rest of the podcast.
There’s a certain line of thinking in many circles about the power of the Devil: he’s not able to create anything new. All he’s able to do is twist and warp that which was already present, making it something ugly and profane while still maintaining the facade of something desirable.
Jon didn’t choose the Eye. But he did wander into its realm of power, exhibiting exactly the qualities it was most capable of hijacking and warping to its own ends. Jon didn’t choose the Apocalypse. But Jonah picked at him little by little, pointing him towards each Fear individually. Jon didn’t want to release the Fears. But the Web tugged on his strings just so and laid a pretty trail for him to follow until he reached its desired conclusion.
Jon didn’t choose ultimate power, or omniscience, or even his own role as Head Archivist. But he said “yes” to the right (wrong?) orders and kept on pushing for the right (wrong?) answers. He wanted to succeed at the work he had been assigned. He wanted to protect his friends. He wanted to rescue them when they were lost. He wanted to prevent the apocalypse, to save the world. He wanted to know why he was still alive, when so many had died right in front of him.
The Great Wheel of Evil Color that is the Entities might not fit as neatly into categories in this universe - maybe there was no Robert Smirke trying to impose strict categories on emotional experiences, or maybe the ways they manifest in the world has turned on its head (goodness knows many of them have been showcased and blended in some very fun and new and horrifying ways so far) - but their fundamental foundations seem to be the same. Hell, in episode one we learned that there had been enough individual incidents to create a distinction between “dolls, watching” and “dolls, human skin.”
Smirke’s Fourteen isn’t going to be relevant as common parlance, RQ said that already, but I don’t think that means the Fears themselves (and their Dream Logic-based rules) are different - I think it means that the levels of understanding, language used, and personal connections among people “in the know” are going to be entirely unfamiliar
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rusty-eevee · 7 months
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I've been thinking about these two so much. I've been making a whole story for these two in my head.
By the way I've come up with names! They're Oleander (Ollie for short) the Sprigatito and Cora the Sobble.
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2smolbeans · 7 months
hear me out: mc that is terminally ill but hasnt told anyone, and at one point they just start coughing blood and laughing when the brothers try to help them because they finally feel like they have control instead of the brothers (like replaced au one or just in general with the brothers being to obsessive)
Oh no..In that type of situation, Mc should pray that the brothers never find out about that terminal illness. They also better pray that if they die from that illness that they're going straight to heaven, otherwise that's just a life sentence with the brothers!
I mean, you don't think the evil ancients that were created ever since the creation of mankind don't know a thing about manipulating life itself? I mean, if Lucifer ever so wanted, he could take a living being and separate it from itself - skin from bone- atom by atom. He's done it before, multiple times.
I mean, haven't you heard of realilty flipping demons..? And the seven deadly sins are much higher than those demons, so imagine the possibilities..The only reason why they haven't completely broken your soul and rebuilt it by their will is because..Well, where's the fun in that? They love you for who you are!
So if Mc had a terminal illness, you better pray that it kills them fast or that the brothers don't notice. But I mean, with the pact marks littered all over your body, I think they already knew. At this point their just waiting for you to say something! (The only person who's suffering is yourself..So instead of throwing up and coughing blood, why don't you just ask them to fix it..?) Because at any time they think you're just at the grasp of death - your potential freedom - they could always just snag you back to life and into their arms. I mean, the absolute horror on your face from just tasting death to being brought back to life would be adorable!
Ahh.. Now thinking about it..Isn't it hopeless either way?
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nebuladreamz · 23 days
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Finally fucking snapping hey chat- because EVERYONE AND THEIR MOMS AHVE BEEN TELLING ME TO GIVE IN
This is probably the. only post i'll probably make about him cause i know this rot won't last long before i submit to FNAF or horror again but anywho HI YEAH THIS IS MY BOY I MADE HIM OVER A YEAR AGO HES MY BABY HIS NAME IS GEO HE IS MY BABY BOY
Something something; he's a fortune teller that people can come to if they need the guidance! He sees the future through the gem in his eye but can only see what could happen instead of anything concrete
@saltyfryz cause you. fucking pushed me /silly /lh
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wrathofrats · 6 days
Wrath I humbly ask you go into insane detail about your characterization for Alpha
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Welcome to wrath’s in depth guide to alpha ghoul and his story as I currently believe it to be and usually write it. Subject to change during random fics for my convenience or if I decide differently in the future but this is currently how the story goes
Including omega, delta and pebble details because I find it important to the story.
Idk how long this is going to be, probably very. I apologize in advance.
Alpha was summoned alongside omega. Two ghouls bonded from the start. Alpha to be a guard and omega to book keep and run the infirmary when they weren’t busy with the band. Primo found them to be sweet, good company while he summoned water earth and air to complete the band. Omega and alpha didn’t talk much to them at first, at least alpha didn’t. Omega was friendly, welcomed them with open arms. But alpha was stoic, and only kept to omega most of the time. He was meant to be menacing, not to mess around.
He was in love with omega. Time spent in practice close to his side, and outside of guarding primo he would sit in the library while omega made records of new and old important information about ghouls that the ministry could use. Helping him find the books he needed or sneaking kisses behind the shelves, they were borderline disgusting in their behavior, but primo and the other ghouls found it endearing, so no one mentioned it.
When secondo was sworn in he promised heavy changes to the ministry. The band hadn’t taken off like he wanted it to. Primo was soft, didn’t have the backbone needed for the job. Secondo though had the heavy hand to make them great.
Alpha was to stay by his side at all times. Almost no break from being his ghoul. By his side at the pulpit, outside his door, he was summoned for the purpose of protecting his papa. Omega stayed doing the jobs he was assigned, only seeing alpha when with secondo or late in the middle of the night.
They were forbidden from seeing each other outside of band purposes. It was a distraction, the ghouls shouldn’t be in relationships with each other, they’re religious servants and not much more. Lake and River got away with their relationship because truly secondo didn’t pay much attention to earth, air, and the constant rotation of water ghouls. But alpha and omega? They were distracting to everyone.
They would sneak off in the middle of the night to spend the twilight in each others arms before the sun would inevitably rise and they’d have to sadly walk feet away from each other in order to be at mass on time. Sometimes alpha would fake a cough or a sprained ankle just to feel omegas touch again.
Secondo eventually stepped down and was replaced with Terzo, along with two new summons. Delta, and pebble. Terzo did away with the harsh rules, and alpha and omega could be together once again.
Delta and pebble ended up being more … interesting new summons. Delta didn’t like to be touched or talked to much, mostly sticking around pebble. While pebble was loud and rebellious, much to omega and terzos dismay as he wreaked havoc around the ministry with delta in tow.
Omega wanted to retire, it was all becoming too much, and now that he had alpha back he wanted to spend all the time he could with him.
Delta was wrong, like any other water ghoul was. Something off about his demeanor that made omega sick to his stomach to witness. He would go feral, it was only a matter of time.
Delta begged, pleaded with omega to change his element, even though omega constantly denied him because it was too dangerous. Delta didn’t care, he didn’t want to succumb to the fate of the others. He stole books and whatever he could find from the library, and locked himself away to do it himself
The transition worked, but only barely. His eyes went dark, his personality changing, the quintessence eating away at him, killing him from the inside. Omega tried every spell he could to help, but all of the fixes never lasted more than a day.
Pebble blamed him, omega could’ve stopped delta. He could’ve just given him what he wanted instead of watching him do it himself because he knew he would fuck it up, pebble was convinced omega could’ve saved him if he tried. Hell, delta was omegas replacement. If omega just decided to keep performing they wouldn’t be in this mess.
Omega went to Terzo for help, begging for whatever forgiveness he could. Day after day not sleeping in his bed with alpha, going back to Terzo to be comforted. It wasn’t a problem at first, alpha understood why omega was upset. But the bed no longer smelled like him, his clothes were halved because he kept taking them to where Terzo stayed. It hurt, that was his mate, and now he’s found someone else?
Alpha would use pebble to fill in the gap, at least sexually. Pebble was easy, and a shithead, someone he could take his frustrations out on and he would continue to ask for more. It didn’t fill the hole in his heart, he never felt better afterwards either. But it was physical touch, he could feel needed for the hour and that’s what he really was after.
Pebble told him to leave omega, he didn’t deserve to be treated like that. Omega killed delta, and was now abandoning alpha? It wasn’t fair. How could he make all the mistakes just for the consequences to come down on everyone else. He told him to go to earth, hell even air. Anyone else, leave omega in the dust.
But alpha didn’t. He sat, and waited for his mate to return to him.
Ivy was summoned along with a plethora of new ghouls, including one to replace alpha as he had decided to retire.
Pebble found solace and love in Ivy, now spending all his time with him instead of alpha. And omega never came home. He was left alone to talk to mist sometimes and watch pebble and ivy fawn over each other while his room became his once again instead of sharing it.
Terzo is killed. Taken and beheaded in front of his band. News spread to the ministry before the clock struck midnight.
Omega was distraught. Destroyed what he could get his hands on in the chapel while alpha stood and watched, let him take out his emotions in whatever way he could. Omega returned to alphas room, night’s that weren’t spent at Terzo grave instead spent in alphas arms while he let him. He never mentioned the past. He never held it against him that he left. He was back. And that’s what mattered.
And omega would eventually heal, he would spend more and more time telling alpha he loves him instead of saying how much he missed Terzo, and with every I love you alpha forgot more and more of how they had gotten to this point. It didn’t matter anymore, he had omega back.
That’s how they stayed. The ministry’s resident old married couple. Often flirting with their arms wrapped around each other in the common rooms or making inappropriate comments just to hear the newer ghouls whine in disgust. They were cute, in love, and only those who had been there really knew what happened.
Alphas an old grandpa who shows he cares for his fellow ghouls with food and remembering their favorite colors and animals, and carrying them to bed when they fall asleep in weird places, but can’t voice his own feelings with words.
I hope this helped! Sorry for the … very very long ramble
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alluralater · 4 months
how to flirt with girls as an inexperienced lesbian? i have no clue how, but i wanna try😭 once i get past the “you’re so pretty!” and “i like your ___!” i never know where to go from there
hi! i’m gonna go with the exact format you presented because it is very common. i got you <3
“you’re so pretty!”
“i like your ___”
okay so let’s do a little editing here.
“you’re gorgeous” not said in like a yelling extreme cute way but in a purposeful + hot way. there’s nothing wrong with excitement and personally i love it but if you’re trying to give some DEFINITE signals, whip out the thesaurus and speak with intention. magnificent, handsome, beautiful, radiant, attractive, etc. don’t be fake about it, obviously. be sincere and deliberate. choose what feels most right for the person and what they make you feel. ‘pretty’ works just as well if your delivery is good! i usually tend to avoid for a first impression just because it’s a little too broad for the way i flirt.
“i love your top!” and if they say thank you then you ask them if they thrifted it or bought it, maybe make a comment on what specifically you like. basically the goal here is to get out of the compliment area and into the conversation area without too much effort. keep things light and causal and flowing. i find nervous flirting super cute and endearing because i’m a very confident flirt and the ‘opposites attract’ is deliciousss on occasion but i get how that isn’t for everyone.
from either of these options you should begin giving someone a little preview of what you’re like, because that’s what this is, you’re giving someone an interactive little trailer to the movie of you :) so be yourself. being a fake version of yourself just to flirt is lame because it’s not as though that person will just never find out, ya know. if you intend to move things forward in ANY regard, they’ll learn you were posing. it bothers me a LOT when this happens because ofc you cannot and should not attempt to keep that same energy forever if it’s not sincere. i like my cuties genuine as fuck.
okay onto the next thing. is your body language giving flirty?? i have other asks i’ve answered where i’ve talked about green flag body language. i’d suggest reading up on it and understanding your own. flirting like this is as much a physical experience as it is a vocal one. are your arms held super tight to your body/are you covering parts of your body? are you standing stiffly? do you appear comfortable? if you’re comfortable, whoever you’re talking to is likely to gather that and feel similarly (if they’re into it). stand in front of a mirror (if possible) and try to flirt it up with yourself for a few minutes. don’t like analyze every movement- just try to generally observe and see what kind of vibe you might be giving. *if unsure, ask a friend to fake flirt with you like a little test trial. nothing wrong with asking for help if it’s making you nervous/if you can’t tell how you come off :)
at the end of the day it’s not about blind confidence, it’s about comfortability and confidence in yourself. don’t flirt with intention to gain something. it really makes all the difference. i flirt because it’s fun and i like chatting people up that i meet. puts a smile on their face and mine, and that’s more than enough for me. i feel like that guy from ratatouille. anyone can flirt!
trust me when i say it is insanely flattering when someone that nervously flirts comes up to me and does exactly that. like??? they could have easily just not but they DID and im so beyond pleased by that + grateful for their EFFORT. flirting can be very vulnerable. i do it all the time and still find myself flustered pretty much constantly <3 inexperience means nothing aside from building ‘in the field confidence.’ flirt however feels most comfortable for you. as long as you’re not being too invasive physically or asking questions that are truly none of your business, you’ll do great!
ex for clarification) don’t randomly start oversharing about potentially triggering topics, and definitely do not ask anyone about something that is commonly potentially triggering. this may sound like obvious info but i’ve been on the receiving end of this from total strangers and i cannot tell you how quickly my smile left my face while i wondered who else they had done this to. there’s nothing worse than being flirted with by someone that refuses to acknowledge the boundaries of others.
if someone doesn’t seem to be into it, wish them a lovely day and do not press them for more or expect anything. when i give someone a compliment- it is just that, a compliment. i don’t expect conversation or a phone number simply because i turned someone’s head or got their attention for a moment. it grosses me out when someone pushes and pushes when i’m very clearly not interested (saying thank you but not looking at them or specifically looking elsewhere, keeping tight body language, not encouraging conversation or responding, etc. these are particular to me ofc but i make my nos very loud while trying not to hurt someone’s feelings. some people SHOULD be humbled though for their lack of boundaries and i’ll straight out tell them they’re making me uncomfortable if that’s the case bc maybe no one else has done that to them and they need to know. hurt feelings are not more important than feeling safe).
clarification on good nervous flirting: akin to active gay panic. very cute, very jittery, lots of energy, laughing, breathlessness, etc. it’s even super cute when someone is like “i don’t do this a lot but…” “i don’t flirt very much so…” like yes yes yes tell me please and give me more info about yourself because it helps me know what i should be doing and how comfortable you actually are in this situation. communication like that is such a green flag. if i think you seem uncomfortable, i’m very unlikely to want to continue conversation even if you approached me.
on that note, if YOU become uncomfortable because the vibes are awful and continue to get worse, there’s nothing wrong with dipping out. you don’t owe anyone anything, regardless of if you’re the one who initiated.
basically there are a lot of things you can do right and only a few you can do wrong. this is not an exhaustive list of either because i don’t know you so i can only share from my own experiences <3 flirt with purpose and do so comfortably. figure out what you want to say and how you want to say it. think about what feels most natural to you and go from there. respect the boundaries of other people as well as yourself and you’re sure to do lovely <3
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ninjastar107 · 21 days
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'I'm coming too.' '!?' 'I don't like owing people. You helped me from forgetting everything, lets make sure no one forgets you.'
So! mmRAM!au pseudo game, Rockman World: Red Shift!
The premise is that Quint, who was shaken out of his thoughts of absolute fate, wants to get back to his own timeline/future. In his absence, Wily had once again turned robots against humanity! With no one to stop him, Roll has taken it upon herself to become a hero!
However, shortly after her journey begins, A vortex opens where Quint and Protoman emerge, ready to set the record straight.
(Some small notes about this:
-Blues doesn't exist in the timeline that Quint is from- or rather, he was never revitalized. It was Blue's existence in the past/other timeline that made him realize that perhaps his fate isn't sealed.
-Quint feels conflicted about going home to Light. He worries that he may never be the same household robot he once was, but the spirit of justice still a constant in his coding.
-Blues is there for moral support! in mmRAM!au hes really not supposed to be a fighting robot, despite Wilys modifications to him. He plays the role of a support class or a scout. -- I think he'd feel kind of bad about meeting Tempo Quake woman as an enemy. He doesn't want to hurt her because he knows she didn't have a choice to be combat-modified, but on the other hand.. he doesn't want to turn to paste.
-Quint and Roll meet up, and Roll doesn't recognize him at first. the two fight before Blues appears and tries to explain everything. Roll doesn't trust either of them (She's been tricked a few times on her quest), but by order of 'enemy of my enemy is my friend', decides to let them help.
-Since Protoman doesn't exist, Megman 5 never happened and 4 went a little differently. That is why some of the MM5 robot masters are in the roster, for funsies! -- On another note, the droid on the lower left corner is SRN.000 - Moon. Fan Robot master of course, a star droid who wasn't with the others. -- The other fan Robot master is bet-Woman! Her motif is gold coins! )
Oh! Thanks for reading, here's your bonus of the background without any of the filters n things!
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transmonstera · 1 year
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Hi! I am a UK based trans artist and writer looking to pursue a private hysterectomy. I run an Etsy store (you may even have one of my stickers or badges!) and work part time but am still struggling to save much of anything towards surgery due to debt, living costs, etc so I’m looking for a little bit of help!
The reason I am pursuing a hysterectomy now is due to having cervical ectropion. This condition is where the cervix is essentially inside out and causes bleeding and excruciating pain. Frustratingly enough the treatment for this condition worked for all of two weeks before returning straight back to how it used to be. Cervical ectropion is aggravated by fluctuating hormone levels, particularly estrogen, so if I was to ever experience atrophy and seek treatment for that it would only make my ectropion far worse. The NHS does not offer hysterectomies for this condition due to them deeming it “a harmless condition”. Funnily enough the only procedure they approve of to “treat” this is a tubal ligation which has nothing to do with the cervix (make it make sense). 
I could attempt to get a hysterectomy through my GIC (Nottingham), however their communication is abysmal, I get one appointment a year with them and I cannot sit by and wait for the topic to come up on their terms, they never even spoke to me about top surgery (after telling me they would) leaving me to get that privately too, and I think even if they do approve a referral it’d take far too long and I would have little control in the situation. I simply cannot be in this pain for however long they wish to take to help me. Especially with how things are going for trans healthcare.
So I’m looking to get it privately. I have been recommended Mr Saurabh Phadnis with Nuffield Health in London due to him approving hysterectomies for many reasons and getting rid of everything you wish to remove and not just the bare minimum. I would like to go with him as I wish to remove everything including the cervix. My GP is happy to do a referral for him, so it is literally just a case of getting the funds. I was quoted an estimate of roughly £9000. I’m not going to ask for people to send me that amount as I know it is a huge sum to ask for. I’m hoping to raise as much as I can by about January/February time (through donations, etsy sales, and anything I can spare from my part time job) and look at taking out a loan for whatever is left over and if I can save even a third of the full amount that would help immensely.
A hysterectomy would truly change everything. I don’t want to take depo injections for the rest of my life, I don’t want to be in pain anymore and I don’t want to bleed randomly throughout the day because I dared to go for a walk. This is not just for transition purposes, this is so I can live without fear of further pain, more bleeding, being unable to treat potential atrophy because of an existing condition, HPV, cervical cancer, pregnancy scares etc.
If you'd like to donate:
cashapp: £transmonstera
Even if you can’t donate, please take a moment to share. It’d mean the world to me.
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