#and anime kitty boi Sam
kofolacitrus · 1 year
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¯⁠\⁠_⁠༼⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠ಥ⁠ ⁠༽⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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Hes jus chilling (^_^)
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
Ghostbsuter's Masterlist!
Every prompt and idea (outside of the multiple parts: section) is free to use! Have fun. Feel free to credit me as well when you do.
Got a prompt yourself? Drop it into my inbox! Chatting is fine too, haha.
・゜-: ✧ :-
Multiple parts:
Batclan and Catband
Selina is Danny's mom, recently got engaged to Bruce, and now they're meeting!
[ part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ]
The house of Nightingale & Constantine | #the house of Constantine and Nightingale have infinite beef
Batman called for help.
Now, with Phantom's help and Constantines, they might have a chance. If only he knew those two were rivals and enemies in terms of dark houses.
[ chapters: 1 | ] [ao3] (soon!)
[ snippets: part 1 | part 2 | part 3 ]
[ chap 1 snap-shot ]
Wonder MOM
Danny is a godling, born from the stars and son of Diana. Batman rescued him from abduction, and that's how the JL finds out about the son of WW.
[ part 1 ]
Twins, minus the Demon
Demon Twins Au, Damian and Danyal are the sons of the bat, demon and cat.
Implied and referenced past/current Bruce/Selina/Talia throuple.
[ part 1 ]
Magicians way
Danny is the son of Zatanna and John, member of the Young Just us and well... sometimes things don't go as planned.
[ part 1 | 1/4 ]
Team effort
Danny is a member of the Teen Titans!
[ part 1 | part 2 soon! ]
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Stand alones:
Birthday present (read the reblogs!) | (Martian appreciation)
High on fear (read the reblogs!) | (ghosts really like emotions)
Joker's Jr. or not? | (danny being the son of joker and harley)
He's Danny | (Joker's Jr. or not? continuation)
Titan missing! | (phantom is teen titans member and amity got kidnapped)
Wingman | (steph x sam)
Dog-napped | (cujo at it again ft. baby assassin)
One way to crush | (Dani crushing on Lian)
Speed running romance | (Dick x Jazz x Babs)
The Fries | (Nora going ghost)
Arson and consequences | (Roy!!)
Babysitting trouble | (baby yeti outside!)
Visitation | (Sam and young justice)
Syn eclipse | (being chased)
Elephant | (beast boy trolling)
Sibling rivalry | (just dan and danny things)
Team Bonding!!! | (JL + Danny get kidnapped)
Halloween skull | (supersons)
Young Justice Dark | (JLD + their own Jr.)
Actor au | (Team Phantom)
Human born | (Zatanna)
Death defying (not the ship) | (undying)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets of adventures Danny has with various Bats.
College student shaped stray | (dami befriends teen dad danny)
Mom!cass | (time shenanigans end with conspiracy theories)
Calico (read the reposts!) | (nighttime activities as family bonding)
Paranoia | (bonding activity between Duke and Danny)
Harsh truth | (the plans start the moment Ra's fell)
Meta-child | (dick centric)
Villain magnet | (just danny being danny)
Sweet revenge | (danny and bruce)
Diplomatic immunity | (danny in gotham)
Little Brother | (Danny is a drake)
Another Cain | (Danny Cain)
Buying your own mercenary! | (Danny in his deadpool arc)
Grayson's stray | (one police officer picks up a kid)
Robin manifestation!Danny | (child of gotham)
Governmental shit that is (read the reblogs!) | (dead tired)
1 (+3) new child | (scooby doo but its Danny-Johnny-Kitty-Ember and shadow)
Cell buddies | (Dami and Danny)
Its not a habit | (Tim and danny)
Keeping up with the waynes | (wes theories and denial)
Straying Twins | (demon twins)
Bat plans | (robin needs a new buddy)
Mantles | (cass prepares)
How to spot | (night shift bats)
Apologies | (timetravel is a great plot)
Play along! | (Agnes and Beatrice)
Spoiler alert! | (steph and danny)
Infiltration | (dick and danny)
Doubled | (talia and danny)
Strange animal | (damian)
Left and collected | (everlasting trio + baby tim)
Please leave | (he won't leave)
Annoyance at Patrol | (Red Hood shenanigans)
Catnapped | (Red Hood shenanigans ||)
Time anomaly | (Jason Todd and Danny)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets with the one and only! Wonder Woman!
Spiderman meme | (featuring Dani and Diana)
Demigods (read the reblogs!) | (fake it till u make it)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets with the local superfam
Metropolis | (hiding)
Twitter beef | (ft. Superman)
Super representative | (confused Clark kent)
New kid dropped | (they're so confused)
Fake it till u make it | (Jon dug his grave)
Civilian life | (danny is just trying to live)
School way | (Jon and Danny meet!)
Clone Club covers | (kon jumps in as elle)
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Prompts and snippets of adventures Danny has with various Speedsters.
Bart & Danny | timetraveler & immortal (read the reposts!)
Bart & Danny | playdates
Barry & Danny | Found family via Villain
Bart/Danny | Crushing
Bart & Danny | displaced
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Godly shenanigans | #Billy and Danny are brothers in crime and losers in costumes
Prompts and snippets of Billy and Danny trying to survive in the world of adults.
JL's own trouble kids
Double the trouble
Pranksters in disguises
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Anything with Connie
Prompts and snippets of various ways of Danny interacting with John Constantine.
Troubled and Dad shaped
Imprisoned but not dead?
Breaking in
Hell adventures
Rush hour
He when (head wanted, not alive)
Haunted menace
Nail polish
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timeoutsoup · 2 years
Dig You A Grave Part 2
(Again thank you for @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 for the prompt. Also shout out to @spoopyspoony for the hilarious tag)
Klarion had succeeded in his mission of obtaining the tome for The Light, but at a heavy cost to himself.
Teekl had emerged from the Mayor’s Mansion having successfully gotten the book, only to be seen by the junior justice babies. They divided their attacks between him and his beloved familiar. In the end he was able to grab the book as he a Teekl were separated by a blast. Deciding to lead the heroes away and return for his beloved feline, Klarion took to the sky. Once he knew it was safe to return, the witch boy began his search for Teekl.
It had been three days and Klarion had not found her yet. Anger and worry clouded his vision, as he continued his search.
The powerful witch boy was getting sick of the light. All they cared about was their stupid plan. They kept the Lord of Chaos on a short leash, gave him rules to follow, and had him run errands, like some servant. And to top it all off none of them had cared the Teekl was missing. Savage had the audacity to tell him to just find a new one, as if that man had any power over him. He decided to find Teekl and then make his decision about the light.
The Day Before
Danny was excited about fostering the cat he found. She was so sweet, and really well trained. He didn’t even know cats could be trained. His parents had let him foster the cat, when he explained how he had stumbled upon her after the ghost fight. Also mentioning how the feline had orange fur, and it reminded him of Jazz, didn’t hurt either.
Sam and Tucker had joined him when he went to the pet store to pick up items for his new house guest.
“What if she doesn’t like anything?” Danny worried.
“Simple we will donate what we can to shelters and local rescues and come back and get different items.” Sam replied as she grabbed a bag of Churu’s off the wall.
“More importantly, since when do you buy meat products?” Tucker asked, raising a brow at Sam.
“While cats are omnivores, they eat mostly meat. Just because I am a vegan doesn’t mean I’m going to make a poor animal suffer and deny it proper nutrition.” Sam replied, giving Tucker a look.
“Huh, I didn’t know that. Maybe I should pick up a book or two on cats while we are here.” Danny said, pushing the cart down the aisle.
If Sam decided her parents should foot the bill after they had tried to replace her favorite combat boots with pastel pink kitten heels, who were the boys to complain about the Manson’s generous donation for this poor, injured kitty. They got everything, wet food, dry food, bowls for food and water, a water fountain bowl, treats in all shapes and sizes, a wool cat cave bed, a cat tree, toy and more.
Once Teekl (she had a collar with her name on the tag) had been released from the vet, which the Manson’s also paid for, Danny took her straight home, hopeful she liked it. He read the book they got and followed the vet’s advice to start by introducing her in a small safe area. The upstairs bathroom was perfect because only he really used it now that Jazz was off at college. Not everything they bought would fit into the bathroom, so Danny made the decision to put the necessities and a few extras. No matter how funny Tock found it he was not putting the cat tree in there. Carpet in the bathroom is disgusting. Just the simple ceramic food and matching water dish, the new litter box, and the shirt he was wearing when he rescued her, on top of an old pillow that smelled like Danny.
Opening the carrier, Danny watched as Teekl walked out, examining her new surroundings. She gave a courteous sniff to the food, took a few laps of water, and then plopped herself down onto her makeshift bed. Confused but happy that she felt comfortable, Danny continued to watch, making sure she was comfortable.
After a few minutes Danny left her to her own to finish settling in, making sure to close the door. Returning to his room to finish setting all the cat supplies up. Placing a bed between his dresser and the wall so she could hide in comfort. The cat tree between his bed and the window, so she can sun herself, as well as use it like steps to get on his bed. The water fountain off to the side, on a rubber mat, and her food bowl near by but not too close. And a basket, holding a variety of toys slide nicely under his bed.
Checking his watch, the young halfa decided to check on his furry little house guest again. Standing up, and turning around, the ghost boy is shocked. There sitting in his doorway, cleaning their paw without a care in the world, is Teekl.
“Well, I guess you’ve adjusted to being here then.” Danny muttered, leaning down to pick up the orange tabby. Surprised that she not only let him pick her up, but began to purr, he turned around and began to how her his room.
By the end of the day Teekl was sunning herself in the last rays of sunlight as Danny finished up his homework for school tomorrow. It was a nice relaxing moment in his hectic life. He began dissociating and didn’t notice the cat in his lap until she began to headbutt his chin. Blinking back to the present Danny looked down and smiled, gently petting the purring feline. He knows that eventually Teekl’s owner will come for her, and he does want her to be returned, but another part of him wants her to stay with him forever.
Waking up to a warm, purring cat on his chest has to be one of the best feelings in the world. Danny doesn’t want this moment to end really. He feels like a normal teenager for the first time in a long while.
Trying not to dwell on the fact that he isn’t normal, the teen gently gets up to start his day. Teekl decides to lay in the warm spot he just left.
Danny dressed quickly, rushing through his morning routine, making sure he had enough time to take care of Teekl before he rushed off. After checking everything, and topping off her food in water, Danny crouched down beside his bed, eye level with the sweet tabby.
“Alright cutie, I have to go to school now. I topped off your food and water. There are plenty of comfy and warm places to take a nap. Stay out of the fridge. I’m pretty sure the hotdogs have overthrown the ham. Also stay out of the basement. It’s dangerous and my parents wouldn’t know lab safety if it bit them.” Danny stated as he rubbed her head.
He stood up. Two rings of bright light engulfed him, and a moment later a teen in a black and white hazmat suit, white hair that seemed to move with no wind, and a pair of glowing green eyes.
“I’ll be back after school.” Danny said with a wave, turning intangible as he rushed off to school.
In his hurry he didn’t notice the glint in feline’s eye as he rushed off to school. Softly jumping down from the bed, she made her way to the door and down the stairs, only stopping for a bit of food and a drink of water.
Teekl would have usually returned as quickly as possible to Klarion, but this time was different. The being that helped her had smelled of death and power, and she was curious, after all she was a cat.
Danny had made it to school on time for once, and was able to grab some food before class started.
“Wow you're on time for once.” Tucker snickered.
“Yeah, I woke up early to take care of Teeks, and no ghosts, so I also grabbed breakfast.” Danny bragged.
“Teeks? You already gave her a nickname? Danny, you know she’s not your cat.” Sam stated.
“I know. It’s just a nickname, don't worry.” Danny replied as he turned toward the board as the bell range.
By lunch Danny was bored and missed Teekl. His idea of sneaking out and checking on her during lunch got thrown out as his ghost sense went off. Lunch Lady was back and had taken over the cafeteria. Ducking for cover behind an overturned table, he peered out to a scene that made his blood run cold.
“No animals in the cafeteria!” Shrieked the ghost, hurling meat at an orange tabby. “Get out now or I’ll turn you into meatloaf.”
Klarion had been flying around for hours searching for his familiar and he had finally tracked her down to a school. Racing down the hall, dodging fleeing teenagers, he finally reached a set over double doors, flung them open and was shocked by the scene in front of him.
The black-haired teen, who had asked him out during his fight with Young Justice was standing on a pile of meat, holding his beloved familiar, and wielding what looked like a thermos that was sucking up a ghost wearing a hair net. A truly chaotic site to behold.
After capping the strange device, the interesting blue-eyed boy turns to the remaining occupants of the room and opened his mouth.
“I have only had Teekl for a day and a half, but if anything happened to her, I thermos everyone in this room, and then myself.”
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fruitmilkshake · 3 months
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Situations/Headcanons that I scriped in my Supernatural Rd;
My native lenguage isn't English, so i'm sorry if i make a mistake at writing this.
Team free will 2.0 f.t Claire.
-Dean likes to play on the arcade machine games outside the convenience stores.
-Jack likes to chew ice.
-Castiel Dissociates himself with no warning sometimes.
-Sam was those kind of kids that were terrified by watching Courage the Cowardly Dog.
-Dean likes to call Edith (my oc) "Onion eyes", cuz she's always crying.
-Sam has nickname for Jack: "Jacko".
-Castiel likes to try and make pizza with Jack in special occasions.
-Edith's nose is always runny.
-Dean watches weird movies with Edith, like Coraline.
-Castiel smells like wet plants.
-Dean was scared of Toads as a kid.
-Sam likes to listen horror podcasts while he researchs for hunts.
-Edith cried watching; lion king.
-Claire's favorite band is; Kittie.
-Jack has allergies at Pollen.
-Sam smells like dust from old books.
-Edith can't taste the taste of tomates.
-Jack and Edith loves to go and pet stray cats.
-Sam has a box under his bed filled with fidget toys.
-Dean always laughs while watching the movie; Mean girls.
-Edith tried to get a Raccon and a Opossum inside the bunker once.
-Claire likes to sing on the shower.
-Jack's favorite animals are; turtles and monkeys.
-Dean smells like dry leaves and gasoline from baby.
-Claire likes to chew on mint Bubblegum.
-Edith has sensitive skin, so she's always covered in bruises by bumping against hard things.
-as much as he complains about it, Dean is Getting used to the music that Sam and Edith listen to(He'll always be a Metal/rock dude tho).
-Dean has problems remembering things (ADHD)
-Edith draws a lot of monsters on her sketchbook.
-Castiel likes popcorn.
-Dean argue with a waitress once because they mistook Edith for a boy.
-Claire hates the smell of fresh paint.
That's all! I have a lot of headcanons and situations that I want to write here, but i don't have the time or self explinatory to do it.
I Hope you enjoy reading this and this helps you in your supernatural Dr or other Drs.
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dp-marvel94 · 5 months
I just finished your cat acquisition portal au fix and I loved it! Missy my beloved. I can't help but imagine Danny instinctively going invisible and intangible out of sheer 'oh shit' at the end, which would NOT make either of them more calm. Ahdjfkf I also read the end note and I think I speak for everyone in that we would LOVE to hear your deranged ideas <3
This is in reference to this story, An unconventional way to get a cat.
Thanks for sending the ask! Missy really is the best girl. I can definitely see Danny turning invisible and intangible and freaking Jazz out even more. XD
Okay, so you asked for more details so get ready. This is going to be a ride. 😅
Fic below the cut, featuring my favorite: spilt Danny. And Danny literally becoming the ghost portal? About 3k words
So right at the end, something bigger than anything else he’d felt so far came through the portal but disappeared, right? There was a big flash of light as the ghost portal opened through him, and Danny was a ghost. He and Jazz both freak out about this, thinking he finally actually died. Then he turns human with another flash of light. And he’s back to normal, except with a weird ghost that looks just like him laying on the floor, very confused and disoriented.
Que more freaking out. The ghost runs off, just as freaked out as Danny and Jazz. The two siblings throw out a lot of ideas about what just happened. Maybe the weird ghost is some kind of shape shifter? They have no idea and no way to find out. They definitely are not telling their parents. And how are they supposed to go after the ghost? So they just… try to move on, try to find a way to stop Danny throwing his guts out, and enjoy some kitty cuddles.
Having a ghost that looks just like him flying around the town is weird for Danny, though. He has weird dreams, as if he’s seeing Amity Park from above. Weird, random feelings. Thoughts that echo, that feel not quite like his own but somehow unquestioningly are. And… memories of green swirling clouds and purple doors. Danny feels… strange. He’s felt weird since the accident but this is something else. An invisible line connecting him to… something. The feeling that something is missing.
Danny ends up hacking up more ghost animals, even some humanoid ghosts. He gets weird dreams of fighting ghosts… even when he’s awake. School starts and he inevitably has to tell Sam and Tucker. The trio encounter the Lunch Lady, and Danny’s weird ghostly double. Looking at the ghost boy is very strange. It kinda makes his head hurt, like he’s staring in a funhouse mirror. And Danny has an uneasy feeling that the dreams he’s been having aren’t quite dreams.
Things get even more strange when Danny blinks and finds himself floating above Amity Park. He… can’t snap himself back to his body. Shocked, he’s actually here, floating in the air. Like… just before his look alike showed up. Did the ghost possess him (semi-possess?) him again? That must have been what happened then. The ghost came through, immediately overshadowed him and then got thrown out. Except Danny has control of his body and there isn’t another voice in his head (at least not anymore than normal). He manages to fly back to his house. To find himself freaking out in his room.
So apparently the ghost switched bodies with him. And the ghost, Phantom, is no help. He has no idea what is happening. He doesn’t even know who he is. All he remembers is floating on the other side of the portal, guarding it. One day there had been a pain, a green flash and he’d been in the Zone in front of the ghost portal and he knew it was his job to guard it. He wasn’t very good at it though. Ghost animals kept coming through and… it was calling him. Or maybe something on the other side was. But he just knew he had to come through. So he touched the rift and found himself in the human world. That weird…possession was crazy but when their body turned warm and human, he was just Phantom again. 
This answers very little. Eventually the two switch back. The memory, thought, and emotion sharing is even more intense now. The two keep switching places. Danny fights the ghost in Phantom’s place. The ghost gets an… oddly familiar taste of Danny Fenton’s life. And inevitably, the two bond, forming an odd friendship through their efforts to hide their weirdness from the Fenton parents and the town as a whole. They find they have a lot in common too. Phantom loves puns as much as Danny does. The human boy’s love of the stars is as great as his ghostly friend’s. Music, books, movies, games. They squeeze so many shared interests into the quieter moments. Sometimes they but-heads because of how similar they are but… overall Danny is happy. Phantom feels like the brother he never had. Maybe the ghost is his twin that he absorbed in the womb. Maybe he’s just a random ghost that he was lucky enough to meet. Either way, it’s nice to have met him.
But, things are not all good. The portal is getting worse. More ghosts are coming through. More fights, worse injuries. Phantom’s powers are growing, including new, hard to control ice powers. And the portal feels colder too. Danny can feel it swirling. He can feel the tenderals spreading, wrapping around his bones and organs. It… shines through his skin. He can see it, a ball of neon green below his ribs. It flashes bigger, blinding him when it opens. And… each time, the spot of light is a little bigger.
One morning, Danny wakes up to a tingling feeling on his skin. Like the occasional invisibility and intangibility he experiences when he’s Phantom but… it's pervasive, spreading from his stomach to the surface. He lifts his shirt and… the portal is there. On his skin? In his skin? Above his skin? It does not make any sense but it is there, bound to him and visible. The size of his fist, it swirls below his rib cage. He brushes it with a finger and… it is like touching his own skin. At the same time, it is like brushing cold mist. His hand sinks in, not intangible but like sticking his hand in a bucket. And he shivers. He can feel it, the cold atmosphere of the Realms on his hand… and the portal swirling around his wrist. He feels the mist brushing the hand and his mist brushing the hand. Like he is  both hand and mist.
Danny rips his hand out, as if he has been burned. Horror sinks into him. What is happening to him?
The switching keeps happening and the portal keeps growing. And Danny is scared. He hides it from his friends and sister. At first, it’s not that hard. A shirt is enough to cover the swirling gate below his ribs. But it spreads onto his shoulder, below his belly button. He switches to long shirts and hoodies. He is nervous and on edge, avoiding his friends, changing the subject whenever Jazz asks what’s wrong.
But there is no hiding from Phantom. Not when half the time Danny’s body is his. The ghost is oddly quiet about the problem. Sometimes Danny catches the ghost looking at him, brow furrowed with thought. Phantom is closing off, acting more distant.
But Danny can barely notice as the dread turns to terror. His heart races, he can’t sleep, can’t eat. Every minute, he can feel the portal getting bigger. He can feel it eating at his insides, invading them, turning them to ice and mist and evaporating them. He can feel it grow and tear, lashing out to replace and pull apart. And it doesn’t even hurt. It should hurt. Being unmade, being changed should hurt. A part of Danny wants it to hurt. The portal is killing him. In the end, it will destroy him. And he doesn’t want to die. Or… 
A much worse possibility screams at the back of his mind, in the way he feels his shirt above the portal entrance, can feel small ghosts flitting through. Mutation, transformation, horrible violating change….
Down in the empty portal one night, Danny cries alone. All this struggling, all this hiding and for what? He really is going to die down here, where he should have all those months ago. The portal has spread to just above his knees, to his elbows. He can barely stand, barely walk now. He can’t fill his fingers. But he can feel it, every inch. The portal is killing him, tearing him apart. It pulses, ready for release. And part of him wants to give in but… his friends and sister. Phantom, his precious double. This would be giving up, leaving them. But… he can’t do this, can’t keep fighting forever.
“Danny!” Phantom is there, kneeling in front of him.
The human (Is ever human anymore, with this.. thing parasitizing his body?) blinks, surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“You can’t give up.”
Danny hears the words but… it’s too much. “I’m… I’m scared.” He cries. Just moments ago, he wanted to let the portal rip him apart. Dying was terrifying. But… “I can’t… I can’t keep fighting it. I…” A flash of cold. Danny feels the green claw up his neck. “It’s going to rip me apart. It’s going to kill me, really kill me this time. But…” He hiccups, the sound part cry, part laugh. “What if I don’t die? What if…” A tendril curls passed his knee, half way down his calf. “I can feel it, the portal. I can feel it like… like it’s my own skin. What if it… it destroys me but I… I’m still…”
He can’t force out the words, not with the cold tickling his throat, with the tears drowning his voice. But the thought…. What if the portal destroys his body but he still exists? What if it breaks out of his fragile human body and becomes him? What if he becomes it? The un-living gate between worlds, trapped in his cage of metal. Without sight or sound, just… his thoughts and the ghosts swimming through him forever.
“You won’t be trapped.” 
That… is not what Danny expected Phantom to say. He opens his eyes, tears cutting off in his shock. “What?”
The ghost shakes his head. “I figured it out. Why the accident made me, why you called me through.”
“I don’t understand.”
“We really should have figured it out months ago. The shared memories was a big hint. And the switching bodies.” He rolls his eyes. 
“What are-”
Phantom takes his hands. “You are the portal. There’s no denying it now. It’s part of you. It is you.”
“No.” Pure despair. The word echoes, more thought and emotion that sound, Danny’s throat replaced by the green. 
It’s true then. A few more minutes and he’ll be nothing more than a cloud of mist, hanging in the frame. At least he’ll get to say goodbye-
“Stop that.” Phantom reprimands. “This isn’t the end. You’ll survive this.” 
Danny narrows his eyes. He appreciates the attempt at comfort but it was too late for comforting lies. Even if he wouldn’t die, this is still the end.
The ghost points up the stairs. “You will walk up their stairs in a few minutes and go to bed. You’ll go to school on Monday and the Nasty Burger and bug Jazz and…” Phantom is crying now too. “We’ll… we’ll do it together.”
Danny feels it, Phantom means every word. He is so sure but-
“I’m your ghost. I’m your ghost, Danny.” The ghost boy shrugs, eyes glistening with tears. “I always have been. Your accident made me. You made me. You called me through the gate. You made me, an echo, your friend. And now…” He sniffled, a soft smile blooming. “I’m… I’m becoming something more.”
Hands still clasps, Phantom brings one of Danny’s to his hazmat suited chest. The still-flesh fingers feel and… 
“That’s… that’s impossible.” Danny’s eyes widened awed. There under his hand, in Phantom’s chest is a heart beat.
“Is it really?” The ghost raises one eyebrow.
“Yes! You’re a ghost. This is…” Danny trails off. No, of course, it’s not impossible. He’s becoming a ghost portal and Phantom… “Why are you telling me this?” His mind whirls. He imagines, Phantom as a human. Like so many times before, laying in his bed, doing his homework, going to school, hanging out with his friends. Danny can’t help but smile. The thought of his fading away and Phantom taking his life, the tastes he’d loved so much becoming real…
“No. I said… I said we’d go up those stairs together.” Desperation in Phantom’s voice.
Danny blinks. He does not understand. 
“When I first came through the portal, and we shared a body and mind. It only lasted for a few seconds but…”
Dread, excitement, anticipation bubble in what once was Danny’s stomach. In Phantom’s chest he can feel his, their heart pounding. “But…. Phantom, what happens to you if that… if… if we…”
The ghost shakes his head. “We’ve always been a step from being the same person. I think…. We’d finally fall into step.”
They’d fall into step… 
The portal pulses, his arms and legs consumed. 
“I’ve always been you.” Phantom says. “And you… you’ve felt it too, the link between us. We’re intertwined.”
The ghost is… right. Of course he is. Danny feels it in Phantom’s bones. The tip of his nose disappears…
Fear on Phantom’s face. “What matters is…. Not matter what happens to me, you won’t be trapped in the frame. I…” The ghost steels his face. “I wouldn’t take your life without you in it. Go back up those stairs with me.”
Danny stares for a long moment. He is just a pair of eyes now, two hands, and two feet. The pleading, the desperation in Phantom…. His other self’s eyes. “O… okay.”
The boy-who-was-a-portal pulls his ghost into a hug. His portal self pulses, straining to fill its proper shape. The last of his mortality in ghostly hands… the two fragmented minds intertwine. Ghost and human and something all together other fall into the weave. Danny releases.
The portal explodes out, a supernova of force. Yet contained by its mind. The green mist coalesses, filling the metal machine made by his parent’s hands. The gateway becomes and the new born halfa inside floats out.
The halfa blinks for a long moment, staring at the portal, his other body. A gloved hand over his chest, heart and core intertwined. Ghostly chill in his veins and human warmth.
He breathes out and… laughs with relief. His portal self pulses with mirth, mist curling. 
“I’m… I’m alive. That worked. Danny… Phantom… we did it.”
He is a ghost and he is alive. He is a gateway and he is a boy. He is Danny and he is Phantom. And he is whole.
So yeah, yall know how much I love split Danny so this idea was born out of that love. If you’ve read my other words, you’ll probably notice some thematic similarities to Face to Face, hence why I never wrote this despite coming up with this idea first. Seriously, I was daydreaming about this fic while I was in grad school and supposed to be paying attention in the lecture I was TAing. 😅
The portal consuming Danny’s physical body was an interesting idea which came from free story I read on Kindle years ago. It was either a one off short story or in an anthology but I had not luck finding it. It was about a man who got a case of cancerous pocket dimension. Basically, this pocket of space appeared on his stomach and grew like a cancer, eventually destroying him. It was sad, about his wrestling with his impending death and leaving his daughter behind. About how his new part of space was being created with his life and yet he would not live to see it. He was not becoming the space, no part of his consciousness would stay. And yet, the planet that was visible through the spot, a new planet in a whole new universe, which he told his daughter about and showed her to her amazement, was named after her. A part of him did survive. 
I swear the story was a lot more poignant that my explanation and I really wish I could find it but I’m having no luck. 😭
Anyway, thanks for pushing me into writing this. Feel free to tell me what you think!
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cosmicstarlatte · 2 years
Stripper songs (Obey Me!)
minors/ageless/blank blogs dni or get blocked :c
HC: songs I imagine your fave demon dancing to at a club that he somehow secretly ended up working at.
This was a self indulgent shitpost I guess lol. I also have a [stripper mc and their reaction] somewhere in my notes.
P.s. do you know how hard it was to not list just Lady Gaga songs
anyway, song names = youtube, artists = spotify instead. In case anyone bored was curious to check some out.
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Lucifer: Secrets - P!nk
I imagine him absolutely killing it with this song. Its mesmerizing. Patrons can't take their eyes off this sexy mysterious dancer. They came for fun and left wanting to know more about him. If you see him, you'll spend all you got. No regrets.
Mammon: Mood Swings - Pop Smoke, Lil Tjay
...this song is so dirty and I love it. I always hc he has this song on his playlist whenever I listen to this song. Like, you can't take this away from me. Anyway he's a crowd favorite especially when he dances to this. I also loved the beginning of Glamorous by Fergie bc its definitely something he would choose to play.
Levi: With Love - Hilary Duff
He's cute and sexy on stage. I know he's shaking his ass and hips in such a cute way, he's moving just right. The crowd goes while for this cutie, his interactions are to die for. He treats his regulars well.😭
Alternatively I love the idea of him completely switching to a stage persona and throwing it back and twerking to Bad Ass Bitches by Wiz Khalifa. 😭
Satan: Rude Boy - Rihanna
I thought this one was fun. It's got a lot of energy and I'd die if I saw him dance to this in some sexy kitty costume.
Asmo: Telephone - Lady Gaga
This is the one. This one is perfect. This one just screams Asmo to me. I 100% know he strips to this song.
Beel: Lollipop - Lil Wayne
What a fucking classic, throwback frrrrrr.
God this big cutie knows how to rile the crowd. He knows what he's got. I wanna see him strip so bad. If I could animate this- nvm. You guys wouldn't see me ever again. alakskalslfkgsl
Belphie: The Hills - The Weeknd
He takes his time and you still think it's way too short. The way he winks and he slowly grinds his hips near your face...
I'm not even a belphie stan y'all but this hc makes him a little more tolerable now. You saw it here first guys, my possible belphie redemption arc. AHAHAHA.
Diavolo: Paparazzi - Lady Gaga
He's working that pole. * Working it.* He is bringing that energy. He's making the crowd fall in love with him. He's coming off cute and sexy.
Barbatos: Casual Affair - Panic! At The Disco
Oh your eyes are completely glued to him. Oh he's taking his tie off. He wraps it around you. You cannot look away. He knows it.
You end the night penniless.
For shits and giggles, Simeon: Unholy - Sam Smith 😌
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trevvylovesspence · 1 year
Hi! Can you do a Scott tenorman x fem Cutecore reader? Scott tenorman is from South Park if you didn’t know, if it’s to hard or you just don’t want to write for that then can you do a Miles Fairchild x fem,cutecore reader? It’s fine if not,anyways have a lovely day/night!
OMG MARI YOU ARE SO COOL! You have a lovely day/night. I had to write for Scott the second you brought him up. So here's our lovely boy trying to charm.
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Warning: nothin really, just 9th graders having crushes on eachother, fluff.
Scott was a quieter kid, he listened his music, bullied fourth graders (Cartman's bitch ass) with his friend group and played video-games in class. You weren't as quiet, running around with your friends, wearing pretty and flashy outfits to school and being honestly, the smartest kid in class.
Your newest cute outfit however had all his focus on you recently, your bell bottoms adorned with not only patch flowers but your own scribbled flowers, a plain tank-top and a cute pink sweater. It matched your Mary Janes that you wore constantly. And it had his eyes all over you, he was the average 15-year-old boy, obsessing over a girl in his class.
He tried desperately for the next few days to win you over with his bad boy act, and honestly it did. "Dude, you're a loser." His friends laughed, throwing a comic from one to the other. "I just don't see why you're hung up on that one girl, there are like...forty-seven others in this town." He scoffed. "I'm not 'hung up' on her, i'm just testing my charm." His friends scoffed and laughed. "Well I heard from her friends that it's working, she's like super into you."
So Scott had a plan, he'd ask you out today. Maybe today was three weeks after that conversation but he'd ask today. Only problem, you had those stupid cutesy Mary Janes on, that dumb heart sweater and that stupidly pretty pink skirt. And even worse you smiled and waved when you saw him.
"Hey Y/n..." He mumbled as you wrapped your arms around his waist, giving him a short side-hug. "Hey Scotty!" You giggled and he swore he might melt right there. "It's Scott." He muttered, keeping his 'mean, tough guy' act up. You however did not seem to care if he was stoic with you as you smiled and nodded. "Yep, but I'm calling you Scotty anyway." He could feel himself smiling, you had a charm no boy could resist.
"Hey Y/n..." You looked up at him from your phone with a smile and a tilt of your head, "Yeah?" He noticed you had pink glittery lip gloss on and he just wanted to kiss you right then and there. He truly thought about it, and the way the glitter would stain his own lips. "Scott, you there?" He's brought out of his daydream by your confused face. And he just goes for it. He cups your face in his hands and smears your pretty lip gloss all over both of your lips as he presses his lips to yours. You squeak quietly, taken aback by his actions before leaning into the kiss with ease.
Scott leaned back with a large smile, a rare thing to see. "Go out with me...please." The 'please' was quiet and whispered and you cracked a smile yourself. "Yes."
And so you went out with him, deciding to walk around the mall. You running into every cute clothing store you could find and him awkwardly following you like a puppy. Once you ran into a comic store he was confused. "You like this kind of stuff?" You shook your head, "Not really, this is more for you to have fun looking around." Your eyes lit up forever as you picked up a stuffed animal. "But I also like the Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon stuff!" He chuckled, tilting his head as he watched you rummage through the stuffed animals.
"Oh my gods!" He raised his eyebrow and you pulled out a small penguin, he had no idea why a small penguin with a hat and bow had you so excited. "He's Tuxedo Sam, my favorite Sanrio character." you giggled as if it was obvious, he was even more confused. "Sanrio?" You raised your brows. "You don't-...actually it makes sense you don't know, nevermind. It's a Hello Kitty thing." And then he got it. "Ah, I see. You want him?" He asked, motioning to the stuffed animal you still cuddled in your arms.
You nodded softly and he chuckled. "Hand him over, I'll go pay." You raised a brow, "Do you have enough?" He pretended to be offended, "Y/n, are you calling me poor?" You laughed and shook your head, handing Sam over to him. "No, I'm just sayin that cause I don't have enough. My allowance wasn't as much as usual." He nodded. "Don't worry, I got enough for little Sammy here." He joked, and you followed him to the counter where he payed for it and handed it back to you. "Alright, any other clothing stores you wanna walk through? Or are we at that point when I buy you every cute food item you see?" He looked down at you and you laughed, "Nah, let's go look at your kind of stuff now." You blushed and cradled the small stuffed animal in your arms.
So now you had a quiet sweet boyfriend named Scoot who took you shopping and read you his comics.
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naamahdarling · 2 years
In the hope that it helps calm your brain: Our cat, Peter, is being an excellent big brother to our baby. When the baby is crying, he comes to see if there's anything he can do to help, he stays completely calm even if baby is yanking on fistfuls of fur or whiskers (we are working on "gentle touch", but that's a complicated thing to learn when you're just seven months old), they are sometimes managing to play together, and when baby is restless at night, Peter will come to snuggle and attempt to purr them to sleep.
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THAT IS HOW I WAS RAISED! With a cat nanny! It did wonders for me developmentally and temperamentally. I was feral and awkward with humans, I think by nature, but my god, my touch with animals. Cats specifically. My parents didn't worry about them being right in the crib with me so I had two who would nest with me, adult tabby shorthair brothers named Sam and Sergeant. It's lovely to know that they were there, even if I don't properly remember beyond a couple of memories from CRAZY early, when I was still in my padded crib.
It's so touching when a pet understands "baby" and decides to help raise something entirely not their species. Cats are incredible mothers, with a powerful and gentle maternal urge that will accept nearly anything as a kitten and will mother it. But I think we forget that boy kitties, too, have that in them, that urge to take care of family. We made something so wonderful when we domesticated them into a more social creature. It brought out this hidden beauty in them. Too many people don't know about it, or appreciate it, but your kid absolutely will. I'm so glad you will have lots of pictures. Peter is doing such a good job.
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cosmicanakin · 10 months
⋆ 𓂃 ݁ ੭୧ ᳝ ࣪ ﹙ 𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐘. ﹚
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⟡ 𓏲ּ ᥫ᭡ ִ𓂃 ⋆
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C O S M I C A N A K I N ও ݁.﹒ i'm karissa 𓇼 but better known as kari. 𝓈!her ┊ twenty ┊ latina ┊ straight ┊ 𝐚 𝐮 𝐭 𝐡 𝐨 𝐫 virgo sun aries moon capricorn rising 𓂃 ݁ ੭୧
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001. ੭୧ movies / shows. supernatural ┊ the vampire diaries ┊ outer banks ┊ pineapple express ┊ peaky blinders ┊ transformers saga┊ training day ┊ she's all that ┊singles ┊ jennifer's body ┊ that '70s show ┊ criminal minds ┊ sons of anarchy ┊ step up ┊ the great gatsby ┊ top gun ┊ top gun 𝐌𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐂𝐊 ┊ lords of dogtown ┊ american me ┊ step brothers ┊ gilmore girls ┊ spider-man ┊ fear ┊ the crow ┊ sixteen candles ┊lost boys ┊ american heist ┊ takers ┊ fast saga ┊ erin brockovich ┊ elvis ┊ boyz in the hood ┊ desperado ┊ the boys ┊ tombstone ┊ dazed & confused ┊ dawson's creek ┊step up.
002. ੭୧ celebrities / actors / characters. jensen ackles ┊paul walker ┊ dean winchester ┊ sam winchester ┊ castiel ┊ damon salvatore ┊ vinnie hacker ┊ bradley bradshaw ┊ hayden christensen ┊ zayn malik ┊ henry cavill ┊ brian o'conner ┊ beau arlen ┊ tupac ┊ megan fox ┊ jay adams ┊ sydney sweeney ┊ cindy kimberly ┊ madelyn cline ┊ drew starkey ┊ jeffrey dean morgan ┊ jessica alba ┊ stevie nicks ┊ marilyn monroe ┊ margot robbie ┊ natalie portman ┊ zoe kravitz ┊ channing tatum ┊ tom hardy ┊ miles teller ┊ matt dillon ┊ chris cornell ┊ layne stayley ┊ eddie vedder ┊ kurt kobain ┊ chester bennington ┊ heath ledger ┊ randy 'pink' floyd ┊ chad michael murray.
003. ੭୧ bands / artists. korn ┊ alice in chains ┊ led zeppelin ┊ kiss ┊ rihanna ┊ zayn ┊ metallica ┊ the white stripes ┊ the weeknd ┊ linkin park ┊ p.o.d ┊ mack 10 ┊ tool ┊ blondie ┊ the neighbourhood ┊ mötley crüe ┊ kendrick lamar ┊ the rolling stones ┊ stone temple pilots ┊ m83 ┊ limp bizkit ┊ bon jovi ┊ tokio hotel ┊ soundgarden ┊ pearl jam ┊ the cranberries ┊ foster the people ┊ oasis ┊ coldplay ┊ the doors ┊ mazzy star ┊ evanescence ┊ the animals ┊ jack & jack ┊ yeah whatever ┊ godsmack ┊ staind ┊ hozier ┊ yeat ┊ 21 savage ┊ metro boomin ┊ the verve ┊ sublime ┊ lana del rey ┊ journey ┊ u2 ┊ billy idol ┊ future ┊ aventura ┊ eminem ┊ j. cole ┊ red hot chili peppers ┊ kurupt ┊ the mamas & the papas ┊ kings of leon ┊ tamia ┊ fleetwood mac ┊ kali uchis ┊ sza ┊ misfits.
004. ੭୧ more details about kar. writing ┊ bass solos ┊acoustic guitar ┊wrist tats ┊pre rolled blunts ┊karaoke ┊coffin nails ┊iced vanilla latte ┊cats ┊deep sleeper┊ sunsets ┊late night drives ┊classic cars ┊ kim k core ┊pigtails n bows !┊vinyl records ┊lace cropped tees ┊ baggy jeans ┊graphic tees ┊penny board ┊miss dior perfume┊hello kitty plushies !┊tote bags ┊high top converse ┊old skool vans┊y2k core┊big hoop earrings ┊blurry pics ┊nose piercings┊butterfly hair clips ┊blonde highlights ┊long flowy skirts ┊bejeweled lighters ┊lip liner┊juicy lip gloss ┊cherry vanilla coca cola ┊dr pepper cherry ┊dachshund puppies ┊dilf obsessed !┊care bear plushies┊2000 nissan skyline gtr 34┊dickies 874┊black knee high boots.
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
Bucky Barnes Playlist
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I have a really extensive playlist for Bucky and I’m just posting the top songs that I feel go perfectly with him
These are my Top Picks
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Holding Onto Smoke -Motionless in White
Catharsis -Motionless in White
Fix You -Coldplay
Candyman -Christina Aguilera
Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked -Cage the Elephant
Little Lion Man -Mumford and Sons
Demons -Imagine Dragons
Monster -STARSET
I’ll be Good -Jaymes Young
It’s Been a Long, Long Time -Kitty Kallen
Broken -lovelytheband
Soldier -Samantha Jade
Roaring 20s -Panic @ the Disco
Hold On Til May -Pierce the Veil
Human -Rag’n’Bone Man
Lonely Dance -Set it Off
My Name (Wearing Me Out) -Shinedown
Already Gone -Sleeping at Last
Anti-Hero -Taylor Swift
Shattered -Trading Yesterday
Chivalry is Dead -Trevor Wesley
Run Boy Run -Woodkid
Control -Zoe Wees
The Devil Within -Digital Daggers
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Here’s a big portion of the rest of my Bucky Barnes Playlist
Disguise -Motionless in White
Another Life -Motionless in White
Masterpiece -Motionless in White
Porcelain -Motionless in White
Hello, Brooklyn -All Time Low
Monsters -All Time Low
Hey Brother -Avicii
Bad Reputation -Avril Lavigne
everything I wanted -Billie Eilish
Bad Guy -Billie Eilish
Insane -Black Gryph0n & Bassik
Have a Nice Day -Bon Jovi
Human -Christina Perri
Criminal -Britney Spears
Popular Monster -Falling in Reverse
Wrong Side of Heaven -5 Finger Death Punch
Kill of the Night -Gin Wigmore
Echo -Jason Walker
Monster -Imagine Dragons
Rise -Katy Perry
Part of Me -Katy Perry
Brother -Kodaline
All I Want -Kodaline
We Don’t Talk About Bruno -Encanto
Monster -Reckless Love
In the Stars -Benson Boone
Happier -Marshmello
That’s Just Life -Memphis May Fire
Carry on my Wayward Son (cover) -Neoni
I’m No Good -New Years Day
How You Remind Me -Nickelback
Apologize -OneRepublic
Counting Stars -OneRepublic
Try -P!nk
The Good, The Bad, and the Dirty -Panic @ the Disco
The Only Exception -Paramore
No Way Out -Phil Collins
Strangers Like Me -Phil Collins
A Match into Water -Pierce the Veil
Holding on and Letting Go -Ross Cooperman
Play with Fire -Sam Tinnesz
Killer in the Mirror -Set it Off
Duality -Set it Off
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing -Set it Off
Treat You Better -Shawn Mendes
MONSTERS -Shinedown
Sick of it -Skillet
Rise -Skillet
Feel Invincible -Skillet
The Resistance -Skillet
Animal I Have Become -Three Days Grace
New Perspective -Panic @ the Disco
Here Without You -3 Doors Down
Iris -Goo Goo Dolls
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Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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bd-wlf · 7 months
Sleepover time with the gang
Jody is letting them stay over and that's the reason they're having a sleepover
Jody, Donna, Claire, Alex, Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack all sit in Jody's living room. They moved her coffee table out of the way so everyone could fit.
Dean wears one of his favorite shirts, it has his favorite horror movie character on it, he has Scooby-Doo sweatpants and rainbow socks(they match castiels, they were a gag gift from Sam but they both loved them so much he never mentioned the gag part of it)
Jody and Donna have matching pajamas, not sure if they would have bears on them or if they would have a different animal or just plain colors
Claire is the same as Dean, horror movie shirt but with hello kitty sweatpants and star wars socks
Alex wears black satin pj top and short combo she found one day and got emotional attached to so hard Jody had to buy it for her even tho the only size they had was a size or two too big, they're worn on the edges and very much loved.
Sam sleeps in an old college hoodie and black sweatpants and THICK socks to keep his toes warm
Cas sleeps in a plain white t-shirt dean let him borrow and grey sweatpants that are a little baggy on him and those matching rainbow socks
Jack sleeps in an old Lady Heart t-shirt Sam gave him and a unicorn sweatshirt with grey sweatpants and cat socks
At some point Claire wants to do makeovers on The Boys and Jody makes all three of them do it.
Jack, Claire, Cas, and Donna all color while the rest watch the romcom of the week
Alex puts Sam's hair into braids at some point and then she puts dean and cas's hair in unicorn like hairstyles which amuses Jack
Before the all fall asleep Jack shows them what he do with shadows as he tells one of his favorite stories about Dean and Cas
They all sleep peacefully that night no interruptions or bad dreams
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drunkcartoons · 22 days
List of things I like with no order!(so I remember when people ask me what I like so if your not interested just ignore)
Stuffed animals/Plushies!
Frogs, axolotls and salamanders, lizards, rats and bunny's and foxes
Gravity falls
Magnuse chase(the books)
Steven Universe(recently binge watched the whole thing)
Adventure time! (Currently watching ON SEASON 7!)
Jojo's bizarre adventure!
The rising of the shield hero!
Dragon maid
Beyblade (metal fusion)
Anime and manga in general
Many shows and movies that came out in 2001- 2014(to many to list)
I like collecting vynal records and Cassettes!
Singing Music!
Genres like Otacore,Ska, Ska punk, punk rock, metal, nu metal. Gothic, whimsical, Vocaloid,
Reggae rock and musicals are my big obsessions! (List of bands I listen to is to long so I won't even try but I love every genre!)
Skateboards!(unfortunately due to personal reasons I can't skate, but i love to watch others and to play skate. the game)
Toontown Corporate Clash!
Valhiem(I also just like Norse mythology in general!)
Persona(I've only played 5 Royal and haven't finished)
Sniper elite 4
A way out
It takes 2
Spiderman ps4
Animal crossing! (Sadly I've only played new horizons)
Metal gear solid! (Favorite is snake eater)
Yakuza series (I'm on 4 currently)
Legend of Zelda!
Sam and max!
Pychonauts 1 & 2
Lies of P
Epic mickey!
Dark souls! (Even though I'm bad at it!)
Assassins creedMarket!
Guilty gear!
Titan fall 2!
Tomb raider!
Far cry 4&5
Brütal Legend
Lego games
Indie games! (The list goes on but I'll mention some of the popular ones)
Narita boy!
The outer wilds!
A hat in time!
A short hike!
Fire watch!
Dead cells!
Stardew valley!
River city girls!
Undertale and deltarune!
Journey to the savage planet!
Hollow knight!
Another crabs treasure
Little kitty big city!
Lil gator game!
Chicory: a colorful tale!
Deep rock galactic
No mans sky!
Doki doki literature club
Cassette beasts!
Hypnospace outlaw
Coffee talk
Metal hellsinger!
Bug fables: the everlasting sapling!
Road 96
Untitled goose game
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magsgreene · 1 month
get to know me :
- 18 yrs <3 (b-day : may 24th)
- music : lana del rey, honey gentry, saint avangeline, remy bond, sophie woodhouse, celtic woman, madison beer, the driver era, aurora, lil skies, nancy sinatra, the neighborhood + more 💌
- fav shows : bad girls club, rings of power, game of thrones, the boys, vampire diaries, amazing world of gumball, friends, carnival row, twd + more 🤍
- fav movies : lotr & th trilogies , a midsummer nights dream (1999), alice in wonderland (any version) , ella enchanted, tuck everlasting, the last unicorn, daisies (1966), legend (1985), pirates of the caribbean, high school musical, elizabethtown, pride and prejudice (2005) twilight saga, the love witch, pearl, stealing beauty etc 💌
- celeb crushes : orlando bloom, tom hiddleston, hayden christensen, cillian murphy, robert pattinson (my mains) 😘
- sharon tate is an icon
- fav youtubers : sturniolo triplets, sinjin drowning, slushy noobz, coryxkenshin, caseoh, tarayummy, jake webber, johnnie guilbert, sam and colby, prince ohakam, smosh, sml, the cottage fairy 🍓
- in luv with : chris sturniolo <3
- obsessed with nature and fantasy 🌻
- fav months - august & december
- fav season : spring 🌸
- fav fruit : i love strawberries so much, i love anything remotely related to strawberries like scents, flavors, prints etc 🍓
- i luv glitter ✨
- fav colors : green, blue, red, pink (i hate neon)
- i luv animals especially kitty cats :))
- and there’s so much more to know about me but i’ll stop here because i love so many things <3
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wqintraining · 1 year
We open 5 years ago in the realm of Asgard. There, 17-year-old Danielle Moonstar, 18-year-old Karma, and 16-year-old Sunspot are surrounded by trolls and giants, alongside two new faces, 17-year-old Cannonball, and 15-year-old Wolfsbane. 
KARMA: “Where is she?” 
DANI: “She’ll be here. We just need to buy time.” 
CANNONBALL: “Alright, New Mutants! Here’s the plan!” 
Before Sam Guthrie can begin calling out orders, Dani, far from the calm and mature presence we know in the present, snaps at him, since they’re meant to be co-leaders, and he’s trying to give orders on his own. Sam snaps back at Dani since it’s not like she was tossing out any ideas. 
Roberto, whose voice hasn’t dropped yet, facepalms at these, “idiotas”, while Wolfsbane, Rahne Sinclair, shapeshifts into her wolf form and shouts at the team leaders in an aggressively Scottish accent if now is the time for this. 
As the monstrous hordes attack, Karma supposes no plan will have to be the plan. 
While Cannonball and Sunspot act as the New Mutants’ primary fighters, Sam flying into enemies as the living rocket he is, while Sunspot goes for the tried and true method of punching enemies in the face with super strength. Dani doesn’t use her powers at all, instead alternating between engaging with the trolls in hand-to-hand combat, and firing at them from a distance with her bow. Karma has taken control of on the giants and is using it to fight the others, while Rahne stands guard to protect her from any trolls who try to attack her while she’s defenseless. 
They fight well and successfully clear out all the monsters, but when a giant dragon flies overhead, they all express fear, unsure of how they can fight such a beast after already tiring themselves out. 
It swoops down at them, the five young Mutants ready to do the best they can to defend themselves…but they don’t have to. 
A disc-shaped portal opens up inside the dragon’s head, blowing it up and killing the dragon. As its blood splatters all over the New Mutants, a 16-year-old girl with long blond hair and bangs, armed with a sword, hops out of the portal. 
ROBERTO: “Uch! Gross!” 
DANI: “Cutting it a little close there, don’t you think, Magik?” 
MAGIK, in a deep Russian accent: “I wanted to see if you guys could survive without me for once. Obviously, you couldn’t. You can all thank me now.” 
Rather than cheer her on, the rest of the new Mutants boo her. Magik just smiles and laughs at this, however, as this is just a bit. 
MAGIK: “What would you all do without me?” 
From the bright, innocent smile of a young girl, we cut to the present, where Kitty sits at Magik’s grave at dawn. She’s dressed in casual clothes, she’s holding back tears, and she has another rotted flower for her. 
KITTY: “Happy 21st birthday, Illyana.” 
In the cafeteria, the newly formed Hellions have taken over the student body. Various unnamed students bring Julian, Cessily, Roxy, Sooraya, Brian, and The Cuckoos their lunch, as well as their completed homework. Julian uses his telekinesis on Quentin and the boy he's sitting with, a skeleton with a pink gelatinous exterior, to make them spill their milk all over themselves, getting laughs out of the Cuckoos. 
Along with all the unnamed students who've been blackmailed into servitude, there are also a few named ones. 
Pixie, perky as ever and naive as to what's going on here, tells Roxy it was no problem helping her with her homework. Anything for a friend. Roxy just glares at her, before turning to the other Hellions. 
ROXY: "She thinks we're still friends. Dumb bitch."
As the Hellions laugh, Pixie whimpers, questioning what she's talking about. 
BRIAN: "Next."
Tagging himself, Brian forces Pixie to fly away. 
We pan over to the cafeteria entrance, where Sofia and Noriko stand. Noriko has one very simple question…
NORIKO: "What the in HELL is going on here?!"
What they're seeing is deranged and wrong and obscene on so many levels. Nori can buy Julian and Brian falling in with the Barbie Bitches, but the girls? After what they put Cess and Roxy through? No way. 
Sofia has TRIED talking to everyone over the last couple days, but they've all blown her off. 
NORI: "Yeah? Then let's make them talk."
Nori stomps toward the Hellions' table. Sofia know this is likely to end badly, but reluctantly follows her lead. 
As the two approach, the Cuckoos shoot them triumphant smirks. 
SOPHIE: "What's wrong? Are you two realizing the consequences of your actions?"
NORIKO: "Big talk from the girl who only got her new boyfriend because her name sounds like his ex's."
CESSILY: "Back off, Noriko."
NORIKO: "No, YOU be straight with us."
BRIAN: "Asking the bi girl to be straight. Classy."
Noriko groans.
SOFIA: "Sooraya…please talk to us."
Sooraya just turns her head away. 
Julian stands up. He's just trying to enjoy his lunch with his friends. Anything else they're doing is none of their business. 
Noriko charges herself up, warning him that he shouldn't feel untouchable just because they can't talk to the teachers. Julian lights up and says he'd be happy to have another food fight…
JULIAN: "But if you haven't noticed, I've got a little more firepower on my side this time."
The groups continue to stare each other down. Noriko so badly wants to throw the first punch, but she knows there's no winning here and backs down. 
NORIKO: "This isn't over."
Noriko walks off, but Sofia stays, watching Julian as he sits down. 
JULIAN: "Yeah?"
Sofia shakes her head. 
SOFIA: "Nothing."
In the teacher’s lounge, Kitty, Beto, Dani, and Xuan are sitting around in beanbag chairs, drinking beer, and telling stories. There’s a birthday cake on the table next to them, with Hell-themed frosting, alongside “flaming hot” sodas. 
Kitty recalls the time she got way too angry at Storm for getting a mohawk and changing out of her usual, regal costume into leathers, so Magik cast a spell to give her temporary tattoos and dreadlocks to piss her off. 
KITTY: “Honestly, I kinda wanted real tats, but you know...” 
She playfully flicks her Magen David. 
Dani reminisces about the time she and Illyana saved the rest of these dorks from becoming Emma’s Hellions, AFTER they’d willingly joined her, using time travel. Karma tells her to hold up and that she’s getting her stories mixed up. The time Magik and Dani saved them, and the time they joined Emma willingly were completely separate. 
DANI: “Right, right. Hey, WHY is she still here?” 
ROBERTO: “A million-dollar question, with a billion-dollar answer.” Beto takes a swig of his beer. “Remember that time we were at those hot springs and Sam and I–” 
“Beto, if you tell that story, aye will claw your eyes out.” 
Everyone turns to the doorway and finds their other two former teammates from the flashback, Cannonball and Wolfsbane. Cannonball is tall, muscular, and handsome, and dressed in a t-shirt, jeans, and jean jacket, while Rahne is a petite ginger in a frilly dress with furry arms and legs.  
Roberto’s eyes light up with joy as he gets up to hug it out and welcome his best friend, Sam, while Dani, Xuan, and Rahne all squeal at the sight of each other, so happy to see each other again after so long. 
Kitty looks on longingly at all of them in silence, wishing her own best friend could have walked through that door. 
Sam’s glad Kitty thought to arrange this little reunion. They’ve been saying “We’ll hang out soon” without ever doing anything for too long. 
RAHNE: “No Amara?” 
DANI: “Magma’s busy. We’ll try and catch her another time.” 
As they all sit down to have some cake, we get a better idea of who Sam and Rahne are as they explain what they’ve been doing since graduation. Rahne has been working with the Mutant detective agency X-Factor; Rahne namedrops Multiple Man as the team’s leader. 
SAM: “And it’s same old, same old for me. Still just working with–” 
Before Sam can finish that sentence, everyone else starts horribly singing the theme song to the Avengers animated series Bobby was seen watching several episodes ago. 
SAM: “This is why they don’t like you guys.” 
Kitty giggles, but her face quickly falls afterward. Her friends notice and ask what’s wrong. 
KITTY: “I don’t know. I just…never stop thinking about what we could have done to save her.” 
ROBERTO: “She was killed by a virus, not a supervillain. There was nothing any of us could have done.” 
DANI: “She definitely would have been happier going down in battle.” 
KARMA: “Mmhm.” 
Kitty kicks the leg of the table. 
KITTY: “Yana. Doug. Warlock. My dad. Everyone else on Genosha. Sometimes I wonder what’s even the point of keeping up the fight if we’re all gonna get killed eventually.” 
ROBERTO, whispering in Sam’s ear: “She’s always such a mood killer.” 
Sam punches Beto’s shoulder. 
Sam tells Kitty he knows it’s hard. With everything they’ve been through and everyone they’ve lost, how could it not be? But it’s like “The Cap” always says: You have to keep rising up no matter how many times you fall. 
Kitty and the New Mutants proceed to fall through portals. 
 In Laura’s room, Noriko, accompanied by Sofia, is shouting at Laura that she needs to do something about the Hellions. They can’t get help from the teachers, and they can’t force them to stop themselves…
SOFIA: “We considered seeking help from some of the other more powerful students like Quentin and Armor, but we don’t think even they would be enough.” 
…but since Laura is both a kid AND an X-Man, maybe she can stop this. 
While they’re talking, Laura is pacing around and packing a duffel bag. To their dismay, Laura tells them she wants no part in this. If this is what the rest of the squad wants to do, she doesn’t care. Unless they start actually hurting people, she’s gonna keep hanging out with them too. 
NORIKO: “You can’t be for real.” 
SOFIA: “Laura, what if the Cuckoos are hurting ALL of them?” 
LAURA, zipping her bag: “Dust would have told me. She tells me everything.” 
NORIKO: “Uh-huh. Where are you going anyway?” 
LAURA: “Logan called. Needs me and Warpath to come help with a job.”  
SOFIA: “I feel like I never see Mr. Proudstar anymore. How is he?” 
Laura just shrugs. 
LAURA: “Hellion is clearly still processing what he went through. What I LET happen to him. Let him be. Trying anything dumb could make things worse for everyone.” Laura brushes past the girls and turns around, looking at Sofia. “If he does hurt you, I’ll cut his dick off.” 
NORIKO: “And if he hurts me?” 
LAURA: “Eh.” 
Laura departs. 
NORIKO: “I hate this stupid school.” 
Kitty rubs her head as she wakes up somewhere with red ground and a pale yellow sky, questioning what happened. The New Mutants wake up around her and instantly freak out. They know where they are because they’ve been here plenty of times. 
ROBERTO: “KItty, welcome to Limbo.” 
Rahne shivers and hugs herself. She always hated this place. 
Kitty looks in awe and horror at the demons flying through the sky and the creatures crawling all around them. She’d only ever heard about Limbo, the realm between Hell and Earth which Illyana had ruled over as a teenager, and had never been here herself. 
“In that case, my question is only for the rest of you.” 
The six Mutants turn around and find a devilish-looking demon in attire similar to a Roman emperor’s approaching them. 
BELASCO: “Do you like what I’ve done with the place?” 
Cannonball questions who this guy is and what he wants with them as the team prepares for a fight. Belasco introduces himself. 
BELASCO: “Not long ago, I was the absolute ruler of this domain. A perfect plan was in place to exterminate the mortal life that those like you fight so hard to protect. The Earth was to become the playground for the true gods to lay waste to as they saw fit. But then, my plan was foiled, my throne was taken, and I was killed, all by a little girl with a sword. 
Kitty snort laughs. She gets it. This is the bastard who kidnapped Yana as a kid so he could turn her into a vessel for the jerks he worshipped, only for her to teach herself magic, kick his butt, and escape. Now he’s back and wants revenge. 
KITTY, glaring: “Sorry buddy. But you’re too late. She’s gone.” 
Belasco isn’t surprised to hear this. He was informed of her death as he took his throne back not from her, but from his old number 2. And while the thought of Illyana Rasputina dying slowly and painfully is an appealing one to him, it does him no good. He is the king of Limbo once again, and he is determined to pick up from where he left off. He spent years corrupting that girl’s soul, and he’s not about to start over with someone else. 
BELASCO: “It’s your lucky day, New Mutants! You’re going to aid me in restoring your old friend to life.” 
Kitty and the New Mutants stare Belasco down, all combat-ready, none of them stupid enough to go along with a devil’s devices. Belasco is unafraid and grins back at them all. 
At The Grindstone, Noriko is working her shift and slinging coffee to customers. She’s wearing the forced smile mandated by all service jobs, but she’s unable to keep that up as Julian, seated with the other Hellions, sans Cuckoos, calls out to her. 
JULIAN “Hey Ashida!” He proceeds to dump his coffee on the floor. “Come clean this up for us.” 
Noriko struggles to keep control of herself as the Hellions all laugh at her. As she goes to get the mop, her boss comes up to her. 
LUNA: “Aren’t those guys your friends?” 
NORIKO: “Nope.” 
LUNA: “Right. Well, try and keep a lid on whatever’s going on between you, okay? I only took a chance on you because Xuan asked me to.” Pause. “Has she asked about me lately?” 
Noriko faux gags as she grabs the mop and walks off. 
As Nori cleans up the spill, Julian mocks that this feels a lot more right than her hanging out with them, Cessily and Brian laughing at that as Julian floats off to the bathroom. 
Noriko, spotting an opportunity while neither Julian nor the Cuckoos are present, puts down the mop and slams her hands down on the table. She demands they tell her what’s going on right now. No more games. 
Roxy and Sooraya appear guilty, while Cessily and Brian tell her to not stick her nose where it doesn’t belong and to get back to work. In response, Noriko tells them that if they aren’t upfront with her right now, she’ll have them all banned from this place. 
The four Hellions exchange glances before one of them finally snaps. 
ROXY: “Shit! Okay. Fine.” 
CESSILY: “Babe, don’t.” 
ROXY: “Don't’ “Babe” me right now, girl.” She turns to Noriko. “I don’t know what, but the Cuckoos said something to Julian that convinced him all this nonsense was a good idea.” 
NORI: “And you just went along with it?” 
ROXY: “He wanted us to. And the Cuckoos got secrets from all our brains.”
NORI: “You have secrets so bad it’s worth doing all of this?” 
ROXY: “My parents do.” 
SOORAYA: “And I don’t wish to think about what those monsters could do with my mother’s location.” 
Nori bites her lip and nods, glad at least two of them aren’t total assholes. She then turns her attention to Cessily and Brian. Cessily explains that Julian is acting out right now over his injury and rejection. If they ditched him too, he’d probably only get worse. 
NORI: “Laura said something similar.” 
CESSILY: “Laura is much smarter than you; you should listen to her.” 
BRIAN: “Plus, you know, we’re not half as bad as the bullies I dealt with back home. And it’s kinda fun being the one pushing others around for a change.” 
CESSILY: “It is kinda nice.” 
The giggle and fist bump, Noriko rolling her eyes. She tells them that’s nice and all, but if they want to get things back to normal, they should just tell Julian–” 
JULIAN: “Tell Julian what?” 
Hellion returns and asks Ashida what she thinks she’s doing talking to his crew. Noriko calls him out herself, saying she won’t let him keep making them do this. 
JULIAN: “Making them? I know you’ve never had any besides my ex, but they’re my friends. They help me because they want to. Like, say, if I asked them to take you out back and teach you a lesson, I’m sure they’d be happy to help.” 
Nori mocks that idea but then notices the other Hellions glaring at her. 
NORI: “Oh, you cannot be serious.” 
Cessily just mouths, “Sorry”. 
We cut to a wide shot of the coffee shop. We don’t see what happens behind it, only an explosion of metal and dust as we hear Nori swear at the top of her lungs in pain. 
In Limbo, the old New Mutants command structure gives way as Kitty takes the lead. She doesn’t want Karma trying to go into this guy’s head, unsure of what could happen, and just being realistic, Sam, Beto, and Rahne probably aren’t strong enough to hit him head-on, so she instead orders Dani to project Belasco’s worst fears on him. Even a demon lord has to be afraid of something, right? 
Belasco’s smug grin shifts into a sneer as a projection of 14-year-old Illyana appears before him, mocking his past defeat. 
“ILLYANA”: “Honestly, if I were you, and I’m glad I’m not, I would have stayed dead. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to bring me back to life and then lose again? A HA HA HA HA HA!”
Belasco grits his teeth and spits that he does NOT fear her as he smashes the illusion. With him distracted, however, Cannonball is able to catch him by surprise, and, with momentum behind him, get Sunspot into range to deliver a powerful first punch to the face, before swinging back around and hitting him himself from behind. 
Belasco blasts hellfire at the two men, but Sunspot is able to just absorb the attack. Kitty, meanwhile, phases through the flames and flips over Belasco, phasing her hand through his head and pulling something out the other side. 
Kitty shakes her gloved hand with disgust as she drops the gooey, maggot-infested organ. She doesn’t know what that was, but she hopes it was important. 
Belasco is fed up. 
As Wolfsbane attacks in wolf form, Belasco simply grabs her by the neck and slams her into the ground knocking her out. 
Dani is incensed by this and manifests a spirit arrow in her bow, but, before she can fire it, Belasco controls the landscape of Limbo itself, and juts blunt spires of stone into her and Karma’s stomachs, knocking the wind out of them before he renders them unconscious with a dark energy wave. 
ROBERTO: “Of course a beast like you has no trouble hitting ladies.” 
Belaso looks at him with annoyance, before laughing. 
BELASCO: “Sunspot, yes? You don’t belong here.” 
Beto freezes up for a moment, unsure of what that’s supposed to mean, leaving him vulnerable. As Belasco attacks him, Sam flies in to try and get him out of the way, but they both end up getting knocked out. 
Belasco licks his lips at Kitty. 
BELASCO: “And that just leaves the one who loves her most.” 
Kitty looks around at all her unconscious friends, and, taking into account that none of their attacks were able to even do anything, realizes the best thing she can do right now is give him what he wants so they can at least get more information. 
Kitty surrenders and asks how he plans on bringing Magik back. 
At the school, Noriko groans in pain. In their room, Sofia is patching Noriko up, mentioning how her mother taught her basic first-aid, and she just hopes she’s doing this right. Sofia can’t believe their friends would do this to her, even given the circumstances. 
Noriko, who’s covered in cuts and bruises, but nothing serious, groans again as Sofia sews up one of the deeper ones. Honestly, she doesn’t blame Soo or Roxy. They’ve got things worth protecting. Cessily and Brian are dead to her though. 
Sofia shakes her head. This is her fault. She should have been firmer when she tried talking to everyone herself earlier, but she was too nervous and awkward because…
NORI: “If you tell me it’s because you blame yourself, I will zap you.” 
It is NOT Sofia’s fault that any of this is happening. She didn’t have much to begin with, but she is officially out of pity for Julian. Normal people don’t do this kind of thing just because their ex didn’t want to get back together with him. 
SOFIA: “Well…that isn’t strictly true.” 
Noriko looks at Sofia in tired frustration. 
NORIKO: “No. Seriously? Really, Princess?” 
Sofia explains that she meant “No” when she told him, but after thinking about it and speaking with Laura, she decided that, in spite of everything, she did want to be with him after all. She was just too late. 
NORI, hurting her shoulder so she can grip Sofia’s shoulders: “Sofia, get this through your unnaturally symmetrical face: Julian is a dick. You can have any guy you want. You can kiss Laura if you just want a warm body to smooch. But let this go!” 
Sofia thinks for a moment before shaking her head. She can’t do that. Not until she knows exactly what the Cuckoos said to him. 
Sofia stands up and asks Nori if she’ll be okay here. Nori sighs and just asks her to grab them some food on her way back; she doesn’t feel like dealing with the cafeteria. Sofia nods and flies off. 
In Limbo, the New Mutants wake up, again, this time in a cell. 
ROBERTO: “So…we didn’t win?” 
DANI: “No, Beto. No, we did not win.” 
As Kitty welcomes them all back, Sam asks her what happened. She explains that she surrendered after Belasco kicked their butts, and is hoping that however, he’s planning on using them to “bring back” Illyana, they can take advantage of the opportunity to escape. And maybe…actually get Illyana back. If they’re lucky. 
KITTY: “It isn’t much of a plan, but it’s what I’ve got.” 
After a little moping, Dani slams her fist against the ground. How did they lose so easily? They’re all trained warriors. 
DANI: “I’d fear teaching had made Karma and I lose our instincts, but the rest of you failed just as miserably.” 
Xuan tries to comfort her, reminding her how Illyana’s power was god-like while she was down here when she was queen, so Belasco is possibly operating on a similar level. No X-Men could have won that fight. 
Dani, her warrior’s pride hurt, isn’t helped by this knowledge. What does help her is Rahne, without a word, turning into her wolf form and cuddling up against Dani’s lap. Dani giggles as she pets her friend, saying this isn’t fair; it’s hard to stay mad when your soulmate wants you to cheer up. 
Sam kicks a rock. He knows they’re all good heroes, but at the end of the day, that’s because of their training, not their gifts. Beto is no Colossus, he’s no Northstar, and Dani and Karma are obviously no Jean. 
SAM: “How many battles did we only win back in the day because Magik was there?” 
RAHNE, purring as she gets pet: ‘She wasn’t always around…” 
BETO: “But she was always there when we needed her.” 
While the mood slightly brightens for the others, Kitty starts crying. 
KITTY: “We’re all going to die.” 
Sam tells her that’s not going to happen and she needs to calm down. Even if it’s a half-baked plan, they have a plan, and they’ve all been through worse than this. Kitty just shakes her head. They have no hope in a situation like this without Magik, Magik was killed by a Mutant targeting virus the US government actively allowed to spread, and now they’re all going to be killed too, because that’s the inevitable fate of all Mutants. 
SAM: “Kitty Pryde, you’re the senior X-Man here! Quit the doom-saying, get a hold of yourself, and–!” 
KITTY: “You weren’t there!” 
As the girls realize what’s going on with Kitty, and Rahne crawls over to Kitty to give her a hug, Sam starts shouting again, only to be cut off shortly by Roberto, who places a burning hand on his shoulder. In a rare quiet moment for him, Beto, the only other person here who DID see the aftermath of the Genoshan incident, just shakes his head at his friend. 
Kitty sniffles and hugs Rahne back. 
At night at the institute, Julian is outside on the basketball court, by himself, taking freeshots, and retrieving his ball each time with his telekinesis. He isn’t doing very well. Julian swears and disconnects from his metal hands. They drop to the ground as he screams how much he hates them. 
“Don’t blame them.” 
Julian’s ball is blown away and into the hands of Sofia 
“You were never good at freeshots with your old hands either.” 
Julian doesn’t say anything as he puts his hands back on and pulls his ball back into them, and resumes missing shots. 
JULIAN: “If this is about Ashida, she got what she deserved.” 
Sofia tells him this isn’t about her. It’s about them. Julian insists there is no “them” anymore. She made that clear. He’s with Sophie now, and he’s happy (he says, very clearly unhappy). 
SOFIA: “Really? Just like that? You don’t find me, “Beautiful” anymore?”
 Julian grits his teeth and shakes, charging up with energy until he pops his ball with it. This isn’t fair! She told him she didn’t want to get back together and she was right to! So what does she want now?! 
Sofia shakes her head in frustration. 
SOFIA: “You pigheaded, self-centered…I NEEDED TIME! You broke my heart, and I needed to think! You, after all your chasing, just gave up when the next pretty girl whispered in your ear. I don’t know what’s wrong with me that I still…” 
Sofia trails off as her eyes widen. Julian is looking away, despondent, holding his arm. 
JULIAN: “Go on. Finish. Say whatever terrible thing about me you were going to. We both know it’s true.” 
Sofia floats over, closing the gap between them, and asks what he’s talking about. 
JULIAN: “I realized who I am. What I am.” 
SOFIA: “And that is?” 
JULIAN: “Exactly like Ashida’s always said: A future Brotherhood member.” 
Julian tells her to just think about it. His human parents don’t want him, the only Mutant adult who doesn’t see him as a nuicisance at best and a future villain at worst is the former supervillain, he uses the only people who care about him, he treats everyone like dirt, including her, and, without his hands, he won’t even be skilled enough to ever join the X-Men - or Hellfire for that matter. 
JULIAN: “One day, when you’re leading the X-Men, I’ll just be another thug you’re handing over to SHIELD. If I’m gonna be the bad guy, I may as well start now and enjoy it while I can.” 
Julian starts flying off, but Sofia meets him in mid-air. 
SOFIA: “Did the Cuckoos tell you all that?” 
JULIAN: “All they did was accept the real me.” 
Julian tries to fly off again, but this time Sofia holds him back with her winds. Even as Julian fights back with his TK energy, he can’t get past her. 
SOFIA: “How can you be so naive? How can you be brilliant enough to teach a girl who could barely get her feet off the ground to fly, but stupid enough to not see you’re being used?” 
JULIAN: “I dunno. Why can’t the girl who was getting sponsorships when she was 14 figure out a half-decent name to call her followers?” 
SOFIA: “Why you–it isn’t that easy!” 
JULIAN: “Seems pretty easy to me.” 
The two’s glares turn to warm, loving smiles, but they don’t last. Julian appreciates that she does still care about him, but she isn’t changing his mind. This is just how things are. 
SOFIA: “I see. I’m sorry.” 
With no more resistance, Julian successfully starts flying away. 
JULIAN: “If you and Ashida want to rejoin the crew, I won’t complain. But you follow my lead. Otherwise, stay out of my life. For both our sakes.” 
Neither seeing the other, both melodramatic teens shed tears. 
Back in Limbo, Belasco approaches Kitty and the New Mutants, swirling isn’t screaming soul-filled wine. And he isn’t alone. Accompanying him are a muscular, purple demon with a massive sword that looks more like a knife strapped to his back, and a tiny, chubby red demon with a mouth for a face. 
Now that they’re all awake, they can begin the resurrection, starting with introductions. The demons accompanying Belasco are Sy’m, one of the strongest demons in Limbo and his right-hand man, and Sy’m’s daughter, Despair. Now, he knows Despair may not look like much, but she has a very special ability: she feeds on her namesake. And there’s no despair like that which spawns from deep, true love. Like the kind all six of these Mutants had for Illyana. 
SY’M: *SNORT LAUGHS* “Love. Disgusting.” 
Belasco explains that their love and pain are the only ingredients he still requires to complete his spell. 
XUAN: “And that’s it? You take that from us and she comes back?” 
BELASCO: “Well, there are a few other things. For one, the spell WILL kill you all, but I’m sure that’s a sacrifice you’re all happy to make. Or maybe not, considering when she does come back, she will rise completed. There will be no trace of the mortal known as Illyana Rasputina, only her soulless demonic side, Darkchylde. And at long last, Earth will meet its end. Any messages you’d like for me to share with my herald?” She grins right at the team’s leader. “KItty Pryde?” 
Kitty looks around at her team. They know this is hopeless, but all of them refuse to let that show on their faces. In spite of everything she’s feeling herself, she matches that. 
KITTY: “Fuck you.” 
Belasco laughs and orders Despair to begin. Sy’m tugs on his daughter’s hair and spits in her face that she better not mess this up and make him look bad. 
BELASCO: “You do that well enough on your own, you imbecile. Now, Despair.” 
Despair unhinges her jaw, expands her mouth, and sucks out all of the Mutants’ love and pain. Kitty and the New Mutants scream in agony as these powerful feelings are ripped right out of them. Belasco laughs manically as he begins chanting in a strange language and channels all the feelings Despair is absorbing into the rest of the already assembled ingredients. 
This goes on and on, as the Mutants try to use their powers to get out of this, but Karma trying to get in Belaso’s head only increases the amount of pain she’s in, and Dani casts an illusion of Despair’s greatest fear only creates a second Sy’m, who Belasco blasts away. The fighters tell Kitty to try phasing away and leave them behind, but she refuses. 
Slowly but surely, a humanoid form begins to take shape within a spell circle. 
BELASCO: “Yes! Yes! It’s almost complete! My victory is at hand!” 
SY’M: “Uh, don’t you mean our victory, boss?” 
BELASCO: “Silence! You will not ruin this for me!” 
As the light leaves the six Mutants’ eyes, something unexpected for Belasco happens: all of his ingredients explode. 
Despair, distracted, stops sucking, and the Mutants all fall over, in agony and exhausted, but alive. 
Belasco shouts, demanding to know what just happened. 
“A ha ha ha ha ha!” 
The smoke from the explosion clears, revealing Darkchylde. She looks like Illyana but with red skin, horns, a winding tail, metal arms, and goat legs. 
KITTY, drained, with her eyes widening: “Yana…?” 
BELASCO: “No, no, no! The spell wasn’t finished! You still possess a sliver of humanity!” 
DARKCHYLDE, grinning: "Do I? Doesn’t feel like it.” 
SY’M: “What’s going on? How are you here?!” 
Darkchylde laughs again. These fools. She finished the spell once it was mostly complete and resurrected herself. After all, she couldn’t let him kill her friends. 
With a portal right in the center of Belasco’s neck, Darkchylde instantly kills the previously unstoppable demon lord. 
Kitty and the New Mutants have no idea what’s going on right now, but Sy’m knows the best move for him is to bow, dragging Despair down to her knees as well, and grovel before his new queen. 
Darkchylde looks down at them both like they’re worth less than dirt. 
DARKCHYLDE: “I’ll figure out what to do with you two later.” 
Darkchylde teleports the two demons away, approaches the Mutants, and, with a wave of her hand, melts the bars of their cell. 
The Mutants look up at her with a mix of love, awe, and horror. 
DARKCHYLDE: “Sup, guys?” 
Back in her room, Sofia finishes explaining to Noriko how her conversation with Julian went. Noriko groans and lays back in bed. That’s it then. If Julian’s convinced himself this is all he can be, and everyone else is going to enable him, there’s nothing they can do. 
NORIKO: “Still not against the idea of rounding up Quentin, Armor, and Anole to beat some sense into them though.” 
Sofia shakes her head, once again vetoing that. She supposes Noriko agrees that they can’t take up Julian on his offer to join the Hellions? 
NORIKO: “A while back, Ms. Pryde told me about how she never spent time with the other kids here when she was our age, because she was too busy hanging out with the X-Men. She still regrets that. But they’re the ones choosing to break up our group by acting like this, not us. None of them are ever going to make X-Man acting this way, but we still can.” 
Noriko figures if they impress Scott, Emma, and Storm enough, they can get added to the team, find new friends there, and use the authority they’d have to shut the Hellions down. Sofia falls into bed and says that could take several more semesters, even with them being “prodigies” as they’ve been told. And she hates the idea too. Even leaving aside Julian, these are her friends, her first real ones since coming to America, and she doesn’t want to lose them. Nori just responds that it’s all they can do. It sucks, but the old squad is gone. 
Nori turns off the lights. 
In Limbo, Darkchylde waves her arm again, this time fully healing the Mutants. They all stare at her with their mouths wide open. 
DARKCHYLDE: “Well? Aren’t you going to say hello? Or thank me for saving your lives? Some joy at my return would be appreciated.” 
She may not look exactly like Yana, but she sure as Hell sounds like her, and with her seemingly on their side, Kitty’s eyes tear up as she runs up to Darkchylde and hugs her, sniffling. 
KITTY: “I missed you so much.” 
Darkchylde pats Kitty’s head, saying she missed her too. She missed all of them. Sam and Dani shout at Kitty to get away from the demon and that it isn’t Illyana. 
DARKCHYLDE: “Wow. Rude. We’re having a moment here. And you guys are hardly how I remember you, either.” Her eyes flare up for a moment. “Especially you, Beto.” 
Roberto shakes, getting pissed that demons keep saying this kind of thing to him. 
Kitty pulls away and wipes her tears. She needs her to be clear. She IS Magik, right? 
DARKCHYLDE: “Ehhhh, yes and no. I have her face, her powers, her memories, and personality, but I’m not “her”, as you would say.” 
Kitty is saddened by this only being a demonic clone. 
KITTY: “Still, I’m glad there’s enough of her in there for you to have our backs.” 
DARKCHYLDE: “Phh. Of course, I do!” 
Darkchylde opens portals underneath them all. They arrive in Limbo’s throneroom, with Darkchylde taking the throne, the Mutants beneath her on the floor, and all the demons present bowing as they welcome their old queen’s return. 
DARKCHYLDE: “That’s why you guys will get to live and watch as I destroy your world.” 
The Mutants’ eyes fill with horror and nothing else as Darkchylde grins evilly. 
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thief-and-dragonfly · 1 month
Hey I’m Nicole I’m 29,Bi and awkward as fuck
No TERFs,Zionists,Homophobes or Racists are welcomed here at all.Neither are Arya or Dany haters or jonsa shippers.ACAB.We support all of the six wives of Henry VIII here as well as Mary I and Elizabeth.
Here’s a List of the fandoms or stuff you’ll most likely see here
A Song of Ice and Fire especially Arya Stark,Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow
Tudor era/Period Pieces
X Men
Star Wars
Lord Of The Rings
Sailor Moon
Hunger Games
X Files
Studio Ghibli
Avatar The Last Airbender
Here’s a list of my otps/ships
Arya x Gendry (Asoiaf)
Kate x Anthony (Bridgerton)
Jaime x Brienne (Asoiaf)
Ned x Cat (Asoiaf)
Davos x Stannis(Asoiaf)
Penelope x Colin(Bridgerton)
Eloise x Cressida(Bridgerton)
Regina x Emma (Once Upon a Time)
Haruka x Michiru(Sailor Moon)
Chibiusa x Hotaru (Sailor Moon)
Usagi x Mamoru(Sailor Moon)
Rei x Minako(Sailor Moon)
Mulder x Scully(X Files)
Legolas x Gimli (Lord Of The Rings)
Sam x Frodo(Lord of the Rings)
Aragorn x Arwen (Lord Of The Rings)
Eowyn x Faramir(Lord Of The Rings)
Eowyn x Arwen(Lord Of The Rings)
Thorin x Bilbo (The Hobbit)
Willow x Tara (Buffy)
Rogue x Gambit (X Men)
Kitty x Ilyana(X Men)
Wolverine x Morph (X Men the Animated series)
Wolverine x Deadpool (Deadpool movies)
Professor X x Magneto (X Men)
Jon x Ygritte (Asoiaf)
Jon x Dany (Asoiaf)
Jon x Arya (Asoiaf)
Robb x Theon (Asoiaf)
Sansa x Sandor (Asoiaf)
Sansa x Willas(Asoiaf)
Sansa x Margaery(Asoiaf)
Han x Leia(Star Wars)
Luke x Wedge (Star Wars)
Sabine x Shin Hati(Ahsoka)
Katniss x Peeta (Hunger Games)
Elizabeth I x Robert Dudley (Tudor History)
Henry VII x Elizabeth of York(Tudor History)
Beast Boy x Raven(Teen Titans)
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