#and an ice cold topo chico
eithernich · 6 months
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todayontumblr · 9 months
Friday, December 29
Everyone's opinion is valid unless your opinion is that seltzer water is bad.
IT's sPiCy. iT tAkEs lIKe sTaTiC. IT's lIkE bEeZlEbUb hImSeLf bUrPeD iNtO mY wAtEr.
Grow up. Enjoy the effervescent appeal of bubbly water. Feel the love of a thousand tiny friends caressing your esophagus as you sip on a Topo Chico.
Your ancestors' ancestors could never dream of quenching their thirst with something as magnificent as water with bubbles in it. You're spitting in the face of the Universe by not taking advantage of the privilege you have to live on this Earth at the same time as seltzer water.
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domini-porter · 5 days
[westcoastposting] I miss Sizzler
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gideonisms · 1 year
series of steps that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE:
Before bed, fill a clean pasta sauce jar with coffee grounds about 1/3 or 1/4th of the way and fill the rest with room temp water
Leave on counter overnight. Sleep for a long time
wake up and filter the grounds out. How you choose to do this is up to you, I have a pour over but you can just stick a paper filter in some type of cone atop a cup and get the same result
Put ice in a cup
Fill the cup about 1/3 full of topo chico or other sparkling mineral water
Add some of the cold brew coffee you just made
Add a bit of half & half
add some vanilla syrup, the kind you use for coffee flavoring not the kind you use on ice cream
consume the most refreshing spring beverage in the world
realize you have enough ingredients for like 5 more of these
peace and love on planet earth
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theharrowing · 1 year
Top 5 ask:
Cocktails/drinks! 🍹😊
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oooohhhh, okay. i am going to stick with cocktails/drink combos that are well-known, but i do a lot of craft cocktail experiments at home, and those unnamed boys tend to be my actual favorites. (like making a basil simple syrup and a raspberry jam, pairing it with a nice gin -- a classic or a botanic, depending on what kind of flavor you're going for...) i also really used to be a beer girlie and i am losing my taste for most beer, so i am not going to list any lmao. idk.....i'm just getting tired of everything.
5. Old Fashioned i come from WI, where Old Fashioneds are done a little differently, and while i do still hold the brandy sweet with muddled fruit in my heart, since moving to CA, i have really grown to enjoy the standard whiskey OF without the added sweetness.
4. Stone Cold Steve Austin Margarita i'll be honest, i don't know what sets this one apart from a Cadillac Margarita, but my partner got really into following his specific recipe over pandemic, and i know it by heart, and have made and consumed so many.
3 ounces, Silver Tequila of your choice 1.5 ounces Triple Sec 1.25 ounces lime juice Few drops of agave nectar Pour over fresh ice in a lowball glass (salted rim) 1 ounce Grand Marnier on top
3. Whiskey & Soda i like to taste the whiskey, but when it's a cheaper bottle, it needs a little soda water. (recently, my partner asked me to order him a "whiskey & soda" and i thought it was weird bc he always wants whiskey & coke, but i was like "ok cool" and got us whiskey & sodas and he was not too thrilled. he wanted coke. 😅 i should have asked, but he has worked at bars and he should have known better lmaooooo. words have meaning!)
2. Fresh Soju i love a handful of flavored soju, and original, but fresh has just a tiny hint of sweetness to it that is really nice when it's chilled. (some of the flavored ones, depending on the brand are too sweet for me, or too artificial tasting.)
1. Gin & Tonic i really just prefer a nice, simple gin & tonic over all else. these days, i don't really have a sweet tooth, so it is rare that i will get the drinks that are on the sweeter side.
i also like a seltzer. honorable mention: seltzers. but not the ones with artificial sugars and weird flavors. i like a handful of the white claw flavors, some topo chico. truly is icky. mom water is offensive. and i like ciders and wines, but i have an autoimmune sensitivity that those two really trigger so i don't drink them often.
ask me my top 5 of anything! 💌
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apatheticfluorescence · 9 months
Waking up hungover and drinking an ice cold topo Chico is. Good
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spicedrobot · 2 years
GENUINE question. how do you drink sparkling water. do you add things to it? ice? room temp?? i feel like it could be so good. maybe i am missing something (sorry this is a stupid ask fhfjdk)
I prefer it best very cold! I will drink room temp in a pinch, but I always keep a case chilled in the fridge (iced also works but you lose some fizziness when you pour it)
Best flavors IMO are either plain (no flavoring), and then citrus flavors (lemon, lime, tangerine specifically) I usually just go with good old fashioned lacroix since some of the new fangled brands taste a little perfume-y which I dislike (Bubly, for example). For plain flavor, you can't go wrong with Topo Chico or Perrier (but i'm cheap so I usually just get the stuff in cans).
I don't usually add anything to it (too lazy) but some muddled fruit or lemon/lime would definitely be tasty! I used to be a huge diet soda drinker, and it took a little bit to transition to sparkling waters, but now that I do I enjoy it so much more. Soda always gave me low key headaches and I never realized until I stopped drinking it everyday. But any way you can get hydrated is a good way to drink! Hope that helps. <3
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mostlyfrommemory · 8 months
Rich People Things
How important is money to you?
What would you do if you were rich? I mean so rich that you could eat slow food anytime you wanted. If I were rich and famous I’d only drink ice cold Topo-Chico in glass bottles. I’d wear a brand new pair of socks to church every service. Rich people can do things like that. I’d probably get a gold tooth too. Not right in the front, but off to the side where you could still see it but only when I…
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troymay · 1 year
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Damn. Just give me an ice-cold Topo Chico Lime and I am the happiest guy on the planet.
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ayanagiann · 2 years
Pickles. Soup. Pellegrino. Topo Chico. Pink Starburst. Reeses Cups. Nutty Buddies. Peanut & Pretzel M&Ms.  Beef Jerky. Frozen Pizza. Corn Dogs. Dumplings. KTMs. American Spirits. Mezcal. Tecate. “Cheap Shots & Beers.”  Virginia. Cold Beaches. Sleepy Beach Towns. Misty Forests. IDLES. Parquet Courts. The Black Angels. The Wonder Years. Saturday Nights. Sundays. Darlin. Lover. Ice cream in bed. Mario Kart. Super Smash Brothers. “Have a good day.” “I’ll see you later.” “babyyyy.” “It’s date night.” Long talks. Long walks. Long hugs. Neck & hand kisses. “dulicious.” “you cook, I’ll do dishes.” Folding fresh laundry. Grocery shopping. Cute animal videos on IG. “What’s for lunch?” “Sneks.” leftovers. wrestling. endless laughing. “hey, I love you.” “you’re my best friend.” “you’re my person.”
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foxilayde · 2 years
list five things that make you happy. Leave this in the inbox of anyone who has made you happy on this hellsite 🥰💐
1. An ice-cold Topo Chico in a glass bottle on a summer day ahhhh simply the best
2. When my dog Django goes alll the way to the park on his walk. He’s a senior dog, so him having that much energy always makes me so happy and proud of him.
3. Smelling new fragrances at Scent Bar or anywhere, spraying those little paper strips, and finding one that blows me away and then walking around all day with a new scent 🥰
4. Disneyland trips with my roommates. Everything about it, it never gets old, we always have the best wholesome time.
5. Having concerts to look forward to, going to see a group for the first time or one I haven’t seen in a long time. Can’t beat live music.
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1ovebeat · 3 years
What is your go to order at cafes?
i don’t have a usual order at cafes. what i order depends on what mood i’m in, what i’m doing, or what the weather is like outside. so they usually vary depending on these factors. i can list some of my favorites for you~
double shot of espresso
warm green, jasmine or oolong tea
iced americano (four shots of espresso + sometimes cold foam )
iced matcha or oolong lattes (unsweetened + oat milk)
mineral water — always have to end cafe visits with topo chico.
i don’t normally order any pastries at cafes but if i haven’t eaten anything i will order a lox bagel (smoked salmon, cream cheese, capers, and red onions).
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unown · 3 years
ok grapefruit flavored topo chico is chefs kiss it’s so refreshing ice cold
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kangofu-cb · 4 years
top five beverages pLEASe
I like the optional variety here!!! BEVERAGES
1. coffee!!!! I love all forms of coffee, I don’t discriminate!!!! hot cold iced whatever, I don’t really love blended coffees because they are hella cold but I would not turn down a free one!!!
2. topo chico!!! good alone! good with lime! excellent with vodka AND lime~
3. white wine
4. prosecco
5. plain water I GUESS
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crpingdeath · 4 years
i was tagged by @greatbigstorm thank you babe!! 💕💓
What color is your hairbrush? black
Name a food you never eat: oatmeal bc i hate the consistency 
Are you typically too warm or too cold? too warm. i live in texas and it’s always too hot here
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? eating lunch
What’s your favorite candy bar? tony’s chocolonely. i had no idea what it was until i saw it at the store a few months ago but it’s amazing and i highly recommend it
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? i've been to a few san antonio spurs games
What’s the last you thing you said out loud? idk something to my mom
What’s your favorite ice cream? sweet cream with chocolate chips
What was the last thing you had to drink? gin with topo chico, strawberry puree and moonshine soaked cherries. it was delicious
Do you like your wallet? it’s fine i guess
What’s the last thing you ate? curry with tofu and noodles
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope i'm not working right now so i'm broke
What’s the last sporting event you watched? idk probably a spurs game a few years ago. i don’t watch sports anymore
What is your favorite favorite flavor of popcorn? just plain old salt and butter
Who’s the last person you sent a text to? my mom even though we’re together in quarantine 
Ever go camping? nope
Do you take vitamins? i take b-12 for energy
Do you go to church every Sunday? no i haven’t been to church since i was 8 years old
Do you have a tan? kinda
Do you prefer Chinese or pizza? chinese
Do you drink soda through a straw? only if i’m eating out
What color socks do you usually wear? just whatever i can find in my drawers so they’re always mismatched
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? ....sometimes
What terrifies you? the future
Look to your left, what do you see? a shelf and a window
What chore do you hate most? doing the dishes
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? my cousin bc she lives in australia with her australian husband
What’s your favorite soda? strawberry sprite from sonic
Do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru? drive thru when i'm getting food for myself and inside when i'm delivering to someone (i'm a delivery driver)
What’s your favorite number? i guess i don’t have one
Who’s the last person you talked to? my mom
Favorite cut of beef? i'm a vegetarian
Last song you listened to? stand by him - ghost
Last book you read? i haven't read a book in years i hate myself 
Favorite day of the week? thursday bc it’s my favorite tv day..real housewives of nyc and ghost adventures come on lmaooo
Can you say the alphabet backwards? maybe if i tried idk 
How do you like your coffee? hot with a splash of soy milk and iced with lots of soy and simple syrup
Favorite pair of shoes? my ysl boots my mom got me for my birthday a few years ago
Time you normally get up? anywhere from noon to 3 pm yikes
Sunrise or sunsets? i like sunrise but i hate waking up
How many blankets on your bed? one lightweight blanket
Describe your kitchen plates? plain white
Describe your kitchen at the moment? my mom and i stripped the old wallpaper off at the beginning of quarantine and we planned on painting  but haven’t had the money to buy supplies yet
Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?  old fashioned
Do you play cards? no 
What color is your car? it’s not my car since i just drive the one my mom’s had for years but it’s white
Can you change a tire? nope
Your favorite state/province/county/etc? texas. i know it can be a shit hole sometimes but there’s a lot of good too and i really do love it. i've lived my whole life here and idk if i could ever leave permanently 
Favorite job you’ve had? i've only had this one unless you count the 2 days i worked at macy’s and i prefer this job over that
How did you get your biggest scar? i don’t have any big scars but when i had chicken pox i got one on my face first before i knew what it was so i picked at it and now i have a small scar that’s kinda like an indentation right next to my eyebrow
tagging: @feeltwoodmac @touchisthemiracle @giveyouthisgiveyouthat @runnin-with-the--devil @thesoftdance @roberts-dick @junkyardheart @mellowyellowwitch @moonchildwildheart @velvetofyourheart @agnetafrieberg @casual-nostalgia
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the-dust-jacket · 5 years
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In honor of Red, White, and Royal Blue, the summer’s perfect read-on-a-beach-with-a-cold-drink romance, I made my friends test my cocktail attempts while performing dramatic readings of epic cross-Atlantic emails, because I am a responsible human. 
Here are the results: an English classic with a Texas kick. 
3 oz vodka (Deep Eddy or Tito’s)
2 oz Pimm’s No 1
1 oz grapefruit juice (lemon juice for the grapefruit averse) 
1/2 oz agave syrup
2-3 dashes of hot sauce
in a cocktail shaker and shake with ice
Pour into chilled glasses and top with Topo Chico 
Serve with a cucumber straw 
Try not to commit any international incidents
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