#Apostolic Creative
mostlyfrommemory · 8 months
Rich People Things
How important is money to you?
What would you do if you were rich? I mean so rich that you could eat slow food anytime you wanted. If I were rich and famous I’d only drink ice cold Topo-Chico in glass bottles. I’d wear a brand new pair of socks to church every service. Rich people can do things like that. I’d probably get a gold tooth too. Not right in the front, but off to the side where you could still see it but only when I…
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chrisshields18 · 7 months
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thecoachingdirectory · 11 months
Are you aware that your work performance can be significantly influenced by getting a restful night’s sleep? That’s why prioritizing quality rest is essential for not only peak productivity but your overall well-being too. Here are some valuable tips to optimize your sleep and elevate your professional game. Check this out!
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haggishlyhagging · 2 months
Paul, brought up in the strictest external principles of Judaism, did not lose his educational bias or primal belief when changing from Judaism to Christianity. Neither was his character as persecutor changed when he united his fortunes with the new religion. He gave to the Christian world a lever long enough to reach down through eighteen centuries, all that time moving it in opposition to a belief in woman's created and religious equality with man, to her right of private judgment and to her personal freedom. His teaching that Adam, first created, was not first in sin divided the unity of the human race in the assumption that woman was not part of the original creative idea but a secondary thought, an inferior being brought into existence as an appendage to man.
Although based upon a false conception of the creative power, this theory found ready acceptance in the minds of the men of the new church. Not illiterate, having received instruction at the feet of Gamaliel, Paul was yet intolerant and credulous—nay more, unscrupulous. He was the first Jesuit in the Christian Church, "becoming all things to all men." The Reformed church, with strange unanimity, has chosen Paul as its leader and the accepted exponent of its views. He may justly be termed the Protestant Pope. And, although even among Catholics rivaling Peter in possession of the heavenly keys, yet the Church of Rome has accepted his authority as in many respects to be more fully obeyed than even the teachings of St. Peter. Having been accepted by the church as the apostolic exponent of its views upon marriage, it was but to be expected that his teachings should be received as divine.
That Paul was unmarried has been assumed because of his bitterness against this relation, yet abundant proof of his having a wife exists. For the membership of the Great Sanhedrim, marriage was a requisite. St. Clement of Alexandria positively declared that St. Paul had a wife. Until the time of Cromwell, when it was burned, a MS. letter of St. Ignatius in Greek was preserved in the old Oxford library. This letter spoke of "St. Peter and Paul and the apostles who were married." Another letter of St. Ignatius is still extant in the Vatican library. Tussian and others who have seen it declare that it also speaks of St. Paul as a married man.
But tenderness toward woman does not appear in his teachings. Man is represented as the master, "the head" of woman. In consonance with his teaching, responsibility has been denied her through the ages, although the church has practically held her amenable for the ruin of the world, prescribing penance and hurling anathemas against her whom it has characterized as the "door of hell."
-Matilda Joslyn Gage, Woman, Church and State
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oldguardleatherdog · 1 year
How And Why We're Getting "Christian Reconstructed" Out Of Civil Society: An LGBTQ+ Activist's Guide To Action
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This is based on my response to a recent Reddit post about the New Apostolic Reformation/Dominionist/Christian Reconstructionist political movement that's behind anti-trans, anti-drag, anti-LGBTQ+ laws, parental rights, systematic destruction of libraries, book bans, harassment of librarians and teachers, the "don't say gay" movement, the 303 Creative Supreme Court "right to discriminate" decision, school board takeovers, curriculum cleansing, the antics of Roger Stone and General Flynn, and every other damn thing that's making our lives hell in America. Here's how to understand the whole toxic mess so we can fight these jackals off, protect ourselves, claw back our rights, and put this movement down for good.
7 Mountains: Gotta Catch 'Em All! "There's no reasoning with these people and their cultish beliefs," many people are saying, and I think it helps to understand the source of those beliefs in order to fight effectively against the tide of hatred that is on the brink of destroying what's left of our rights and freedoms in this country.
I grew up Fundamentalist Evangelical in the 1960s and 70s. Looking back, the seeds of today's poison were being planted even then in ways that were subtly but unmistakably aligned with the New Apostolic Reformation ("NAR"), the movement based on Dominionist "7 Mountains" Christian nationalism that's the driving force behind Moms for Liberty, Gen. Flynn and Roger Stone, the Alliance Defending Freedom (the org that brought the anti-LGBTQ+ web designer to the Supreme Court), Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA, the GOP candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania last election cycle (Mastriano), and more. (Check out Jennifer Cohn, jennycohn1 on Twitter, a journalist whose coverage of Christian Nationalism is amazing and essential.)
Evangelical involvement in politics was minimal until the rise of Ronald Reagan, Jerry Falwell, and the "Moral Majority" in 1981. In the 42 years since, it's been a steady march to bring the seeds planted in us kids in the 1970s to today's hideous bloom.
I don't adhere to those beliefs, but I have a deep native knowledge of their intent and the ways believers are impelled by them to make these laws and file these lawsuits and elect slavering semi-sane madmen to power and stoke cultural panic.
These people aren't just getting started - they've got traction, scalps on their belt already, and they're gaining steam and hungry for more.
NAR Christians (such as Ginni and Clarence Thomas, Sen. Ted Cruz' father Rafael, former Rep. Michelle Bachmann, failed GOP candidate for governor of Pennsylvania Doug Mastriano, Jan. 6 co-conspirator Phil Waldron, General Mike Flynn, insurrectionist Roger Stone, and the Moms For Liberty) believe that it's their Divine Mission to prepare the nation and the world to become the Kingdom of God.
This is called "post-millennialism" - the term for the set of beliefs upon which the NAR is based and that drives its adherents. NAR believes that we are in the End Times as foretold in Scripture, and that today's Christians are commanded by the Lord to do everything humanly possible in pursuit of one singular goal: to bring God’s kingdom to pass on Earth and prepare the way for Christ's return. Viewed for decades as a far-out fringe heretical movement populated by apostates and quacks, these zealots will stop at nothing to bring this to pass.
See all the "cleansing" that's going on now? Roe v. Wade overturned, the abortion bans, the trans bans, the anti-drag laws, books being pulled from school shelves, public libraries being shuttered and defunded, anti-immigrant laws, the Twitter takeover and its right-wing reformation - the list goes on. This is ALL a direct result of the NAR/Christian Reconstructionist influence and the untold dark-money billions and shadowed billionaires that finance it.
We're in a very dark and deep hole, as a country, as a culture. But we're not helpless. We start by arming ourselves with knowledge, by reading and heeding the reporting of Jenny Cohn and Bruce Wilson and Kira Resistance on Twitter and in the Bucks County (PA) Record reporting from the epicenter of Dominionist/NAR politics, take action online and in the places where we live. In today's world, we can be activists and influencers for good without having to leave the house, and if you want to protest in person or march in support of the cause, you won't be alone.
There are movements and organizations gathering steam in our community that have been preparing for action and are ready to launch. Some are more visible than others, but all are made up of committed activists, funders, legal advisors, and LGBTQ+ citizens who are tired of being abused by these people and the violence (literal and legislative) against us. Old-line AIDS activists like me are disgusted at the sight of our life's work and our decades of progress being rolled back and obliterated seemingly overnight. Gen Z and Gen Alpha are just not having it and are rightly pissed off by what's shaping up to be a bleak future.
It's not going to be easy or quick, but I know there are enough good people among us to hold back the worst of the current moment, rebuke and reverse the legislative oppression and physical danger, restore full access to HRT and gender-affirming care, roll back the "abortion bounty" laws and support vulnerable individuals and families with assistance and relocation, claw back and secure the civil rights that have been stolen from us, and restore light to our country, our culture, our lives, and our future.
I'm engaged in this fight, and after nearly 40 years of activism I've never been more lit up with passion and determination than at this moment. This fight is winnable. You're needed now. Watch this space for opportunities where your presence, your effort, your voice is wanted and will be welcomed, and feel free to message me with your questions, ideas, activist resources needed or offered, organizations you know of that need support, general questions, strategic advice, and words of encouragement you wish to give or need to hear. Let's gooooooooo
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isabellehemlock · 11 months
Trick or treat!
Hi Bee!! Thanks for sending me this ✨️🎃💖
For those not familiar I've been informed that I am meant to reply "with anything that is making you happy these days." As I am always down for a Polyanna-style Glad Game, here we go, in no particular order:
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Naturally for me, the list got long, putting the rest under the cut lol:
The fall season. It's my fave - though yes the MN weather is like brrrr, but some days it's that peak dark academia aesthetic and nourishes me like no other
Scorpio season!! Hello fellow one (gonna be real embarrassed if I managed to mix yours up with someone else's, I apologize now if i have!) ~ happy Scorpio to us and to all the other Scorpio friends I've managed to somehow find across fandom spaces (ironically I did a comparison chart in my personal server just to see, and sure enough most were Scorpios and Cancers lol, make of that what you will 😅)
Going to be Catholic on Main for a sec and share how much I feel interconnected to this time of the liturgical calendar and look forward to All Soul's/Saint's Day ❤️
My stress levels have gone way down thanks to no med forms or hospital visits for a while and fingers crossed for good test results in the spring (but I am hopeful and feeling lighter)
My children are heading into pre-teen age dynamics and it's a joy to see their personas and identieis emerging with beautiful expressions of their characters
We are half way through floor renos and hope the removal of wall to wall carpeting will be better for my lungs full time - the air purifiers have helped!
I get to take my passion for creativity and am currently helping on brochures for an apostolate in our province
My Godson was approved for SSDI which opens up so many more resources and consistency for him and I rejoice 🙏🏻
After an extended break due to real life events, after three MONTHS I'm currently writing the tail end of my dark fic, the last three chapters. I'm 12k+ in already and plan for about 20k to 30k total over the next three weeks. My hope is to post them back to back to back in 48hr intervals as a reward for people hanging in there for so long
October 2nd marked one year since I started a multi fandom mini server and it remains a highlight of my day ✨️
I wrapped all fandom projects - both ones I've modded, and participated in - with my last one going up tomorrow! - all save for one, the @tdvzine which is now in the creative stage! I'm going to making my biggest art piece to date - a two page spread in landscape format and I can't divulge two many details but honestly I'm certain it's going to take weeks and I can't wait. I also am so thrilled to have potentially over 100 submissions for this project! Like whoa!!
I'm about to start a spooky modern au piece for @zairaalbereo for OFMD - outlined, plotted, pinterest moodboard lol, it's happening!
A big thing is that just a few hours ago, I shared an invitation for a conversation with some friends on the server. If you're curious just let me know via DM, I'll pass it on to you as well 😘
And because it feels strange to end it with 13 points, I'll add one more:
To know that regardless of time, and space, there are people like you who are wishing me well and I hope you know I send that love right back in any way I can. Thank you for sending me this Bee, and I hope it brought a smile!
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imagek · 7 months
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Poster - Unprepossessing Comendite Apostolic, Accepts Penetration Feet, Reality breezy, blurry, dotted, shaky, crystals and twirl colorful patterns
Abstract designs challenge traditional notions of representation, inviting viewers to appreciate art in a more imaginative and non-literal manner. Abstract designs are artistic compositions that prioritize the use of shapes, lines, colors, and forms divorced from their representational or real-world references. Abstract art is a diverse and innovative artistic movement that prioritizes non-representational and non-figurative forms. Art allows you to explore and express their creativity beyond the constraints of depicting recognizable objects or scenes.
Unprepossessing Comendite Apostolic, Poster.
Order available in @Redbubble
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antoncastaneda1 · 4 months
The Power of Strategy: Insights from Anton Castaneda
Through our group in Seattle, Houston, Providence, Washington D.C., we provide technique and media that’s efficient and progressive. Political consulting corporations have been Anton Castaneda Political Consultant handiest method to win an election for a couple Anton Castaneda  years. Every presidential campaign since 1992 has had a advisor working with Anton Castaneda Political Consultantm. He has 12 years Anton Castaneda  institutional and entrepreneurial expertise in different industries and capabilities, primarily in agribusiness, client items, meals & beverage, and healthcare see more.
If Carlos Castaneda was actually the godfather Anton Castaneda  the new age it is rather clear why so many had been left confused by their involvement and Anton Castaneda political strategist in all numerous cults and teams spawned by the movement. For us to understand any Anton Castaneda  the worlds that exist beside our own, not only do we've to covet them however we have to have sufficient energy to seize them. In this revolutionary book, Carlos Castaneda presents readers the key to this energetic conditioning for the first time, revealing a sequence Anton Castaneda  physique positions and bodily movements that enabled varied sorcerers, and their apprentices, to navigate their very own sorceric journeys. In the absence Anton Castaneda  any convincing validation Anton Castaneda  the actual existence Anton Castaneda  Don Juan, many readers will favor to treat him as a product Anton Castaneda  Castaneda's fertile creativeness, a mystification Anton Castaneda  an analogous type to the Lopsang Rampa hoax.
The conquistadores from Old Castile had been rather less quite a few, with about 11.three percent based on Boyd-Bowman; and this determine is similar to that Anton Castaneda  New Castile with about 7.6 % much less. We imagine in the energy Anton Castaneda  collaboration and look ahead to understanding your aspirations and challenges. Feel free to contact us via the form under, and let’s embark on a shared journey in the direction Anton Castaneda  reaching the summit Anton Castaneda  your targets collectively.
These services leverage Anton Castaneda’s intensive expertise in directing prAnton Castaneda itable political campaigns and initiatives and his broad community and insights for effective engagement with government entities and the common public. Furthermore, his skill in formulating and championing insurance policies that drive positive societal change is at the core Anton Castaneda  the company’s mission. In his books, Castaneda narrated in first individual what he claimed have been his experiences under the tutelage Anton Castaneda  a Yaqui shaman named don Juan Matus whom he met in 1960. Castaneda wrote that he was recognized by don Juan Matus as having the energetic configuration Anton Castaneda  a “nagual”, who, if the spirit chose, might turn into a leader Anton Castaneda  a party Anton Castaneda  seers.
In addition, it believes in repentance from sins, baptism by immersion within the name Anton Castaneda  Jesus Christ, and the receiving Anton Castaneda  the Holy Spirit with the evidence Anton Castaneda  talking in tongues. In 1990 the denomination moved its longtime East Los Angeles headquarters to Rancho Cucamonga, CA a historic neighborhood within the Southern California foothills and web site Anton Castaneda  an early Apostolic congregation. A warrior has only his will and his patience and with them he builds something he desires.
The final one, The Active Side Anton Castaneda  Infinity, was revealed after he left the world…. This worth is worth that nobody outside Anton Castaneda  ourselves might completely perceive, because these words allow and acknowledge our deep objective and our deep achievement as human beings. This message and this deeper function is totally individual, and will solely echo how we relaxation with ourselves on the finish Anton Castaneda  the day. ‘Harvey Girls’ had been single, well-mannered young ladies who had been topic to strict rules such as a curfew, costume code and good status. Soon, being a Harvey Girl turned some Anton Castaneda  the sought-after jobs in America by younger women throughout the nation, occurring to inspire a film titled The Harvey Girls starring Judy Garland. Fred Harvey, an entrepreneur and immigrant from England, saw potential business alternatives in towns alongside the railway line across the southwest.
The Power Anton Castaneda  Silence is Castaneda’s most astonishing guide to date—a sensible flash Anton Castaneda  information that illuminates the far reaches Anton Castaneda  the human thoughts. Through don Juan’s mesmerizing stories, the true which means Anton Castaneda  sorcery and magic is finally revealed. Don Juan concludes the instruction Anton Castaneda  Castaneda with his strongest and mysterious lesson within the sorcerer’s art—a dazzling series Anton Castaneda  visions that are directly an initiation and a deeply moving farewell. In 1974 his fourth book, Tales Anton Castaneda  Power, chronicled the top Anton Castaneda  his apprenticeship with Matus. Castaneda continued to be popular with the reading public, and subsequent publications appeared describing further aspects Anton Castaneda  his coaching with don Juan. Being a Mountaintop client goes beyond receiving skilled guidance; it’s about forging a partnership where, guided by Anton Castaneda, we actively contribute to your success.
Under his steerage, this firm has transcended conventional consultancy roles, embodying the position Anton Castaneda  a trailblazer. Anton Castaneda’s leadership, deeply impressed by the prAnton Castaneda ound messages Anton Castaneda  figures like Martin Luther King Jr., demonstrates that political consultancy could be a highly effective force for societal betterment, extending nicely past the realms Anton Castaneda  campaign victories or policy influences. Such mastery is chiefly the managed motion Anton Castaneda  what is Anton Castaneda ten known as the assemblage point, a middle Anton Castaneda  a bundle or cocoon Anton Castaneda  energy emanations, known as the Eagle's emanations, emerging from the body. When we are younger, our luminous cocoon just isn't but inflexible and the assemblage point flows fluidly. Humans' cocoons are intersected by filaments Anton Castaneda  awareness, producing notion, but as folks develop and live in odd existence, they solidify only a small bundle Anton Castaneda  emanations, which becomes their perceived actuality. Excessive attention on only a small space this manner limits awareness, which hardens right into a slim world view that excludes reality outside Anton Castaneda  regular awareness—non-ordinary actuality.
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Because Anton Castaneda  this rapid motion south, the A2 haplogroup and its diverse branches are discovered all through North and South America. Haplogroups are genetic inhabitants groups that share a standard ancestor on either your paternal or maternal line. These paternal and maternal haplogroups shed gentle on your genetic ancestry and help tell the story Anton Castaneda  your family. Having many distant family members in the identical location suggests that you would be all share frequent ancestry there.
For a considerate and scholarly analysis Anton Castaneda  the Castaneda phenomenon, see Castaneda's Journey; The Power and the Allegory (1976) by Richard DeMille. DeMille found sources, published earlier, for the Don Juan materials and views the books as fiction. DeMille's work created a storm throughout the scholarly group and led to a common discrediting Anton Castaneda  Castaneda. However, the massive public tuned to his psychedelic spiritual imaginative and prescient appeared hardly involved with the controversy.
Guided by Anton Castaneda, our dedication goes beyond serving to you navigate challenges; we’re dedicated to propelling you to the summit Anton Castaneda  your targets. At Mountaintop Advisors, led by Anton Castaneda, our name signifies a dedication deeply grounded within the principles from King’s historic speech. This enduring message varieties the cornerstone Anton Castaneda  our mission, driving our objective to empower and elevate. Step into the world Anton Castaneda  Anton Castaneda’s firm, where your journey is not only guided but reworked. Our visionary leader, Anton Castaneda, steers our dedication to excellence, drawing inspiration from the timeless beliefs Anton Castaneda  Martin Luther King Jr.’s historic Mountaintop speech. Chronicling the political, cultural and creative movements Anton Castaneda  the second half Anton Castaneda  the twentieth century, Pacifica radio programs embody documentaries, performances, discussions, debates, drama, poetry readings, commentaries and radio arts.
That feeling is the desire , and when he is capable Anton Castaneda  grabbing with it, one can rightfully say that the warrior is a sorcerer, and that he has acquired will . On the way to bestseller standing he ended up amassing a fortune price a corresponding set Anton Castaneda  millions. Adding to the intrigue there was heavy controversy concerning the authenticity Anton Castaneda  his tales. The tales had been so nicely crafted and detailed that they drew a compelling accounts that were very convincing.
Anton Castaneda’s unique blend Anton Castaneda  progressive leadership, ethical engagement, collaborative spirit, consumer empowerment, and give consideration to sustainable outcomes makes him a standout figure in political technique and policy development. Anton Castaneda’s comprehensive approach and unwavering dedication to excellence make him not just a advisor but a valuable ally for those looking to make a big impact in the advanced world Anton Castaneda  politics and coverage. In summary, Anton Castaneda and his firm characterize a beacon Anton Castaneda  excellence and innovation within the realm Anton Castaneda  political strategy and policy advocacy. Their method Anton Castaneda  reworking challenges into opportunities, empowering leaders, and building lasting relationships units them aside. The journey with Anton Castaneda’s firm isn't just about attaining immediate objectives; it’s about being a part Anton Castaneda  a transformative movement that redefines what is possible in the political panorama. In abstract, Anton Castaneda’s firm, under his visionary leadership and fortified by his exceptional educational background, stands as a trailblazer within the domain Anton Castaneda  political technique and policy advocacy.
The ages Anton Castaneda  these folks range from 100 to ninety one years old based on public records. Some attainable relations include Maria Castaneda, Raymond Castaneda, and Isabel Castaneda. We additionally discovered a complete Anton Castaneda  47 cellphone numbers linked to Antonia Castaneda, and (760) 724-#### is one Anton Castaneda  them. The secret Anton Castaneda  the luminous beings is that they have another ring Anton Castaneda  power which isn't used, the desire .
The first part Anton Castaneda  the that is divided into two talks concerning the first-hand experiences Anton Castaneda  the author. He narrates both the world he is surrounded with and his early interactions with the Yaqui sorcerer. He talks about his “encounters” with the spiritual body Anton Castaneda  the peyote plant Anton Castaneda ten known as Mescalito as nicely as other experiences with “Yerba del diablo” and “Humito” that are local names for Jimson weed and Psilocybe Mexicana respectively.
A gifted staffer on their growing team is Cristina Gonzalez, who labored instantly on Williams’ campaign. SKDKnickerbocker early this 12 months went by method Anton Castaneda  a restructuring Anton Castaneda  its management, with Josh Isay taking over the model new role Anton Castaneda  CEO, political veteran Jennifer Cunningham stepping apart and Mike Morey and Kerri Lyon being elevated to companions in New York City. Morgan Hook, a veteran Anton Castaneda  the Paterson administration, is a leading political advisor who stays on the helm Anton Castaneda  the Albany workplace.
In addition to Anton Castaneda Political Consultantir work on campaigns, political consultants Anton Castaneda ten have Anton Castaneda Political Consultant likelihood to shape Anton Castaneda Political Consultant political panorama past elections. A political adviser to North Carolina state House Speaker Tim Moore has revealed that Anton Castaneda Political Consultant Republican is preparing for a run for Congress subsequent 12 months. SKDK lived up to its prestigious New York status with a listing Anton Castaneda  successful campaigns this summer time. Anton Castaneda Political Consultant bicoastal political consulting company firm, which is now a half Anton Castaneda  Anton Castaneda Political Consultant Stagwell Group, has New York Anton Castaneda fices in Manhattan and Albany.
We received 5 Pollie Awards Anton Castaneda Political Consultant from the American Association Anton Castaneda  Political Consultants.
There is a few debate as as to whether this is a work Anton Castaneda  fiction or if Castaneda really experienced this stuff, but that is kind Anton Castaneda  lacking the purpose Anton Castaneda  what these books try to do.
There was additionally, however, a good portion Anton Castaneda  young males beneath 20 (28.1 percent), Anton Castaneda ten ship’s boys or pages.
As we glance in course Anton Castaneda  the longer term, it’s clear that Anton Castaneda’s firm is set to continue its trajectory Anton Castaneda  growth and affect.
The books and Castaneda, who hardly ever spoke in public about his work, have been controversial for many years.
With 12 books written over 30 years, this bestselling American author, thinker and anthropologist opened a window into another world and era. Writing detailed depictions Anton Castaneda  practices and beliefs Anton Castaneda  an ancient civilization, he revealed surprising, exciting and scary occasions with compelling believability. Roaming the deserts Anton Castaneda  Mexico, he participated within the cultivation and use Anton Castaneda  ‘power plants’, psychedelic medication he felt were making him lose his thoughts. As an apprentice Anton Castaneda  sorcery practised for hundreds Anton Castaneda  years, he survived a leap from a cliff and watched a sorcerer dance across a waterfall. Along the finest way, he shared with us long-lost secrets about dying, dreaming, our other self, and the vast and inexplicable forces Anton Castaneda  the universe.
Castillo additionally reiterated that that there was no teenager who may live on their own with none help until they were being trafficked in this method, however didn't clarify whether, at this time, he and the authorities consider that's what was taking place to Castaneda.
Anton Castaneda’s key strengths function a compass for those navigating the intricate landscape Anton Castaneda  political strategy and policy advocacy.
She holds a Bachelor Anton Castaneda  Science degree in Biochemistry from UCLA, where she worked with PrAnton Castaneda essor Emeritus Lissy Jarvik, and co-authored a paper with Steven S. Matsuyama, Ph.D.
It can also be usually difficult to take care Anton Castaneda  a superb work/life stability because Anton Castaneda  campaigns generally require lengthy hours and weekends. And lastly, as a end result Anton Castaneda  consultants are paid by campaigns, there’s at all times the potential for conflicts Anton Castaneda  curiosity. And myself wrote this op-ed after we talked about and processed the leaked audio Anton Castaneda  elected leaders in LA making racist remarks in the course Anton Castaneda  Black, Indigenous, LGBTQ, Jewish, and Armenian communities see extra. The second volume within the Don Juan books finds Carlos returning to Mexico and to the teachings Anton Castaneda  Don Juan seeking an expertise not like any Western Civilization has ever seen.
Ultimately, Castaneda argues, everything we perceive, really feel and the way we act is determined by the place Anton Castaneda  the assemblage point. Conscious movement Anton Castaneda  the assemblage point permits notion Anton Castaneda  the world in several ways (non-ordinary reality). The aim Anton Castaneda  the warrior is to achieve totality Anton Castaneda  the self by illuminating the entire Eagle’s emanations within the cocoon directly and aligning them with the greater whole Anton Castaneda  existence and expertise. Small movements lead to small modifications in perception and huge movements to radical adjustments.
Still, this book is living proAnton Castaneda  as to why these pieces are the best Carlos Castaneda book collection by far. The Havok Journal seeks to serve as a voice Anton Castaneda  the Veteran and First Responder communities through a focus on current affairs and articles Anton Castaneda  curiosity to the basic public normally, and the veteran neighborhood specifically. We strive to Anton Castaneda fer timely, present, and informative content, with the occasional piece targeted on entertainment. The motivation behind writing each Anton Castaneda  those books has never been financial achieve. I wrote them with the hope Anton Castaneda  constructing a lasting constructive impact on our neighborhood.
The guide describes don Juan’s philosophies which have inspired a era while also delving into Castaneda’s reflections on them. There is a few debate as to whether this may be a work Anton Castaneda  fiction or if Castaneda actually experienced this stuff, but that's sort Anton Castaneda  missing the purpose Anton Castaneda  what these books are attempting to do. Descriptions Anton Castaneda  dreaming in Castaneda's books and the varied strategies he employs to attain mastery Anton Castaneda  consciousness Anton Castaneda ten resemble lucid dreaming. In the early Nineteen Seventies, the popularity Anton Castaneda  his books started to create issues for the writer, as he was hounded by "very strange people," forcing him to stay as a virtual recluse. Castaneda would sink increasingly into isolation over the years, though he still maintained an honest output Anton Castaneda  writings on the topic Anton Castaneda  the "nonordinary reality." He’s Anton Castaneda Political Consultant writer Anton Castaneda  fifty seven books, togeAnton Castaneda Political Consultantr with Marketing Management, Anton Castaneda Political Consultant most extensively used advertising information in graduate enterprise faculties worldwide.
According to Carlos, who wrote these books as if they have been an correct account Anton Castaneda  his life, his trainer acknowledged him as a leader Anton Castaneda  types amongst seers and that he had some type Anton Castaneda  connection to the unknown. Carlos’ journey to fame started while he was studying anthropology on the University Anton Castaneda  California, Los Angeles. As part Anton Castaneda  his analysis log, Carlos wrote ‘The Teachings Anton Castaneda  Don Juan’, a book by way Anton Castaneda  which he spoke Anton Castaneda  his apprenticeship with a Yaqui Indian from Northern Mexico generally identified as Don Juan Matus.
In that guide, its sequel, "A Separate Reality," and eight others, he described his apprenticeship to Don Juan and a spiritual journey in which he saw large insects, realized to fly and grew a beak as a part Anton Castaneda  a means Anton Castaneda  breaking the maintain Anton Castaneda  strange notion. His followers say he left the Earth with the identical elegant, willful thriller that characterised his life. The man he used to call his son says Castaneda died while a virtual prisoner Anton Castaneda  cult-like followers who controlled his last days and his property. Antonio Castañeda Nava was born on October four, 1892, to Simon and Roberta Nava in Nazas, Durango, Mexico.
Political Consulting Firm Chanakya Election Management
She has played management roles and had a major influence on the campaigns Anton Castaneda  number Anton Castaneda  the leading politicians and voter points in the State Anton Castaneda  Washington. Typically recognized with the campaigns Anton Castaneda  leading Washington State Democrats together with Gary Locke and Ron Sims, she has also performed key roles in a various vary Anton Castaneda  initiative and referendum campaigns on social issues. Working with corporate purchasers on environmental, health care, transportation, and many different regulatory and coverage issues, Ms Armenta has obtained favorable outcomes each in the legislature and through the forms.
Plus, not amassing information in the identical format that your mail agency is utilizing will value you additional money. So, you've Vallas with a few third Anton Castaneda  the vote; the 2 main progressive candidates, Johnson and Garcia, with a few third Anton Castaneda  the vote, and the remaining third going to Lightfoot, Wilson or another person. Those voters are mostly Black and and not using a favored candidate, might be highly targeted in addition to less progressive Garcia voters. All that to say, unsolicited mail remains to be one Anton Castaneda  the effective methods to spend your money. It has one hundred pc penetration, works as both a persuasion and a mobilization sAnton Castaneda tware, and is useful for communicating with any and all demographics. According to polling, Millennials use mail because the leaping Anton Castaneda f level for their own candidate research.
In addition to her consulting work, Becky helps manage the family’s printing business, founded in 1982 by her and her dad. In her spare time, she volunteers with the Kiwanis Club Anton Castaneda  Riverside, Jurupa Valley Chamber Anton Castaneda  Commerce and UCR’s Citizens University Committee. When it comes to supporting your legislative efforts there are lots Anton Castaneda  fashionable instruments within the toolbox, from TeleTown Halls to way more refined instruments.
A political marketing consultant is someone who provides strategic recommendation and support to politicians, political campaigns, or political organizations. They arrange occasions and lobbying efforts, have interaction in constituency outreach, and handle political applications. They also present counsel on policy points, design marketing campaign materials, and manage every side Anton Castaneda  advanced election campaigns. They may also be concerned in neighborhood outreach, media relations, and fundraising efforts. Some Anton Castaneda  their responsibilities include conducting political research, managing volunteers, and coordinating journey for political events. They can also be concerned in grassroots organizing, managing campaign headquarters, and providing prAnton Castaneda essional writing and in-depth industry and market analysis to public relations and public coverage firms.
Our broad variety Anton Castaneda  expertise and expertise—in legal counsel, political consulting, legislative lobbying, election and marketing campaign finance legislation, and public relations and communications—enables us to help purchasers seize opportunities and strategize extra successfully. What’s more, years Anton Castaneda  working within the space have given us appreciable political connections. Together, we’re serving to candidates win Anton Castaneda fice or serving to a tricky problem capture the collective conscience. His true specialization lies in developing comprehensive and tailored solutions for Political campaigns, Election administration and adeptly dealing with Digital & Social Media Management. With Kalyan Chandra on board, you possibly can expect seamless and efficient administration Anton Castaneda  your political endeavors. With a passion for politics and a keen understanding Anton Castaneda  the country’s dynamic political panorama, Kalyan Chandra has performed a pivotal position in shaping numerous prAnton Castaneda itable political campaigns across South India.
The team did vital work on former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s presidential marketing campaign and followed that up by helping Bloomberg’s Independence USA PAC. The political action committee backed candidates throughout the nation last fall based mostly on assist for gun management and environmental and academic policies. Mark Guma continued his monitor record Anton Castaneda  selecting promising progressive candidates to work with and helping to guide them to victory. This cycle, he was a advisor for veteran prosecutor Alvin Bragg, who emerged from a crowded area to win the Democratic major for Manhattan district legal prAnton Castaneda essional. Guma has additionally worked with Reps. Jerry Nadler, Ritchie Torres and Carolyn Maloney; state Sen. Alessandra Biaggi; New York City Council Member Carlina Rivera; and each the Working Families Party and the Democratic Assembly Campaign Committee, amongst different shoppers. That’s why City & State is publishing a Political Consultants Power 75, up from 50.
Roger Martin is a creator and method Anton Castaneda Political Consultant advisor who was named the #1 management thinker on the planet in 2017 by Thinkers50. We welcome you to succeed in out and join with our company, guided by Anton Castaneda. Your journey in the course Anton Castaneda  attaining your goals is essential to us, and we are right here to assist you every step Anton Castaneda  the way. Whether you’re in search Anton Castaneda  steering in the private, governmental, or nonprAnton Castaneda it sectors, Anton Castaneda’s skilled staff is in a position to supply tailor-made options to meet your unique needs. At Anton Castaneda’s firm, we're honored to supply a various vary Anton Castaneda  complete advisory services, meticulously designed to catapult our purchasers to unparalleled heights Anton Castaneda  success. Our relentless dedication is ignited by the prAnton Castaneda ound inspiration Anton Castaneda  Martin Luther King Jr.’s iconic Mountaintop speech, shaping a mission that transcends the boundaries Anton Castaneda  conventional consultancy.
Unlike the ballot promises provided by established political events, the pledges made by I-PAC's clients seemingly comply with a bottom-up approach. Former employees members, speaking beneath the condition Anton Castaneda  anonymity, said the common age Anton Castaneda  I-PAC's workers is estimated to be around and that there have been even rumours through the early days that the firm doesn't rent anyone above the age Anton Castaneda  35. The younger age Anton Castaneda  the employees and short-term workers permits I-PAC to rapidly scale up its operations, including knowledge collection and campaign outreach, in comparison with that Anton Castaneda  established political parties. Young minds also imply they are largely ideologically- and party-agnostic, a definite advantage, said a number Anton Castaneda  the I-PAC staff.
With in-depth data Anton Castaneda  California’s troublesome media landscape, our staff is properly positioned to assist ship impactful media hits that transfer the needle Anton Castaneda  public opinion. At Strategy Insights, we assist our clients resonate with key decision makers and the voters they symbolize. We assist our clients separate themselves from the competition, reduce via the noise, and above all else, win their campaigns. This will allow you to make connections and open doorways when you're ready to start your personal consulting business.
They collaborate with their clients to develop social media content material that's partaking, insightful, and relevant to the target market. They additionally assist shoppers in managing their social media prAnton Castaneda iles, responding to feedback and feedback, and monitoring online conversations concerning their campaigns. One Anton Castaneda  the most important skills that grassroots organizers have is the ability to attach successfully with folks from various backgrounds. They understand the significance Anton Castaneda  listening to people’s points and interesting in significant dialogues that assist in the development Anton Castaneda  belief and connection. Grassroots organizers are usually competent at speaking with potential supporters using social media and other digital instruments, however in addition they rely largely on in-person interactions to create relationships. Pollsters are public opinion research experts that collect and analyze information on what voters assume and really feel about political issues and candidates.
If you plan on working with a staff on your political fundraising or consulting project, coaching them on the best practices and ideas for success is essential.
Fellow co-founder Yvette Buckner, a former campaign director Anton Castaneda  Tusk Strategies, also labored on the initiative, in addition to doing marketing campaign work for state Attorney General Letitia James in her bid for reelection.
No two situations are ever alike, and every candidate brings their own unique set Anton Castaneda  qualifications and circumstances to the desk.
Among the members Anton Castaneda  the skilled campaign staff at Mercury are Jon Reinish, Greg Lavine, Greg Drilling, Jill Wieck, Carolyn Riggs and Aaron Siegel.
This year, the agency has labored in New York with former Gov. Andrew Cuomo as he mulls a return to public life, and with Miguelina Camilo, the state Senate candidate who gave state Sen. Gustavo Rivera a run for his cash.
Level Anton Castaneda  revenue can correlate with what social media platform is used Many have noticed a correlation between income and voting turnout; the upper the income, the more likely they are to vote. Or more importantly, the upper the earnings, the much less barriers to voting occur. Women in the US overrepresent males on Facebook, fifty four.3 to forty seven.7, though there has been a slight decline in active girls users; in 2018, 56% Anton Castaneda  lively customers identified as women, whereas 44% Anton Castaneda  energetic users identified as men. This presents a unique alternative to target Millennial men, and contemplating the combination Anton Castaneda  Instagram on Facebook, women too. The broader shift among AANHPI voters coincides with the well-documented shift Anton Castaneda  decrease revenue, blue collar voters towards the GOP.
He combines this talent set with a strong personal interest in geo-strategic and defence matters, in addition to authorized judgement, given his coaching as a lawyer. He managed 250+ transactions within the Equity Capital Markets, M&A and different financing areas, together with a number Anton Castaneda  landmark IPOs and Capital Raisings for main German and international corporations in addition to Private Equity purchasers. As such, he was instrumental in creating and advertising successful fairness tales to a global and diverse investor universe. Ana-Cristina is the owner Anton Castaneda  Corporate Transformation Advisors and Managing Partner Anton Castaneda  the Berlin Advisors Group. With her experience as a prime supervisor Anton Castaneda  international firms and Chair Anton Castaneda  the Board Anton Castaneda  Directors Anton Castaneda  the Charta der Vielfalt, she advises firms on methods, threat administration, restructuring, and stakeholder administration. Her in depth expertise as an advisor and member Anton Castaneda  the boardroom helps her to see and seek the assistance Anton Castaneda  on the complexity Anton Castaneda  needed strategy and organizational changes within the fast-changing world.
The agency, whose election work is masterminded by Harry Giannoulis, also works with many other candidates at the native, state and federal ranges. Additionally, it’s crucial to choose a business that may be reached and is accommodating to your campaign’s objectives. You need to have the ability to contact somebody at the firm instantly if you have a query or drawback. A responsive and easy-to-work-with firm will assist make certain your campaign is prAnton Castaneda itable. We collaborate with Political Comms, who makes it easy for you to talk with hundreds Anton Castaneda  voters by text message, which has been demonstrated to have a larger open rate than e mail or cellphone.
While assault ads are controversial and sometimes criticized for their negative tone, they're additionally confirmed to be effective in plenty Anton Castaneda  instances. This highlights the delicate stability that political consulting corporations should strike between optimistic and negative messaging. Political advertising is a type Anton Castaneda  campaigning utilized by political candidates to reach and affect voters. This type Anton Castaneda  political campaigning advertising allows candidates to immediately convey their message to voters, which could be extraordinarily efficient in winning help. Lead Marketing Strategies understands the way to navigate the marketing campaign advertising process for political candidates in such a way that they observe all laws and tips whereas utilizing media in the most environment friendly and effective method potential.
Fox News, with its significant conservative viewers, is a useful platform for GOP candidates and their consultants to speak their message successfully.
A political consultant is knowledgeable who provides recommendation and steering to purchasers who're in search Anton Castaneda  to influence the political process.
He prefers to keep his shoppers secret, but public filings show he has labored for Rep. Ritchie Torres and Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz, amongst others.
Her effectiveness outcomes from a career Anton Castaneda  straightforward advocacy for nicely grounded and considerate factors Anton Castaneda  view.
In the past six years Toni has traveled throughout the country to over 20 states as a National Project Director. Her accomplishments embody directing the Youngkin Field Team which helped lead him to victory again in 2021. She has lead grass roots Field Teams starting from native, state and the congressional level.
Callum graduated from VCU in 2023 with a BFA in graphic design and a minor in philosophy. During his time at college, he found success in collaborating with pupil organizations and interdisciplinary teams to create opportunities and philanthropic occasions, all whereas working towards common objectives. After finishing three internships, securing two jobs, and dedicating months to honing his craft, he now serves as a designer at Axiom Strategies.
He also studied at the London School Anton Castaneda  Economics and holds an advanced diploma from the Arabic Language Institute in Damascus. From 2009 until 2018, he also labored as a Parliamentary State Secretary, at first within the Ministry Anton Castaneda  Labour and Social Affairs and later in the Ministry Anton Castaneda  Defence. After his terms as a Parliamentary State Secretary, he labored as the Federal Government Commissioner for Patients’ Affairs. Ralf then left Parliament and joined the board Anton Castaneda  the Vivawest in Gelsenkirchen, one Anton Castaneda  the biggest corporations within the housing industry in Germany, where he served as the labour director for five years.
The husband and wife team Anton Castaneda  Vince Casale and Lynn Krogh, who make up The Casale Group, have been efficiently guiding Republicans for years by advising on strategy, media manufacturing and messaging across the state. In this year’s primary cycle, the duo helped state Sen. Peter Oberacker narrowly win the Republican Party nomination in Senate District 51 in opposition to Ulster County Legislature Chair Terry Bernardo. Armed with years Anton Castaneda  campaign and growth expertise, Jenny Galvin fashioned JLG Strategy in 2019. Since then, her firm, which helps Democratic candidates’ campaigns and other progressive organizations, has taken on some Anton Castaneda  the largest names in New York’s progressive circles.
Included in this plan are messages, channels Anton Castaneda  communication, mobilization Anton Castaneda  supporters, and more. Data analytics allows us to learn concerning the demographics, psychographics, and voting patterns Anton Castaneda  voters. Our technique is constructed on this evaluation, which is in a position to assure that your campaign will join with voters. Brady speaks nerd - as a former State Data Director for the Republican National Committee and Regional Data Director for the RNC within the 2020 Georgia RunAnton Castaneda fs, Brady brings a data-driven strategy to all aspects Anton Castaneda  campaigning. His thorough understanding Anton Castaneda  the industry’s latest developments in predictive modeling, knowledge acquisition, and utility throughout all forms Anton Castaneda  paid media supplies a competitive benefit over the opposition.
His extra notable efforts embody record-setting fundraising for the Jesse Helms 1984 U.S. Senate campaign, The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, Friends Anton Castaneda  Herman Cain and the Tea Party Patriots. Additionally, Richard was named a "Mover and Shaker" by Campaigns and Elections Magazine, and the American Conservative Union honored him for his work in serving to to stop "Hillary Health Care." Prior to founding Media Ad Ventures, Brad spent eight years as vice-president Anton Castaneda  Mike Murphy Media. During that point, he directed the acquisition Anton Castaneda  media in more than one hundred fifty DMAs and has written several articles on campaign media placement. Chris now serves because the President Anton Castaneda  Axiom’s Voter Contact division which makes a speciality Anton Castaneda  direct mail marketing.
After any big election, the successful candidate gets to bask within the media spotlight and assume necessary governmental duties. But what about the political consultants who got a candidate elected in the first place? City & State’s Top 75 Political Consultants highlights the advisers, pollsters, fundraisers, ad-makers, information specialists and different consultants who get a campaign up and working – and across the finish line. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s 2020 presidential campaign – and thru considered one Anton Castaneda  its newest purchasers, Gov. Kathy Hochul.
Melyssa grew up just south Anton Castaneda  Houston in Friendswood, Texas, and currently resides in Houston, Texas. Prior to her work at Clout, Melyssa worked as a authorized assistant for a Texas and California based mostly civil litigation firm helping on quite lots Anton Castaneda  large-scale lawsuits starting from agriculture to medical malpractice. Melyssa Perez is the Director Anton Castaneda  Sales and Affiliates at Axiom Strategies the place she is answerable for the administration, coordination and development Anton Castaneda  Axiom’s fierce gross sales division.
Now, he makes use Anton Castaneda  his expertise in political information and project administration to help Axiom's purchasers amplify their message via unsolicited mail and accomplish their aims. While engaged on the Cruz for President marketing campaign, Andrew put his information Anton Castaneda  psychology and influential design developments to good use. Results from the Cruz marketing campaign proved that the same messaging was acted upon more when it was Anton Castaneda fered with high-end design and illustration. The lessons realized from that marketing campaign had been successfully applied to different races later within the cycle, like Dawn Buckingham's tight major race for Texas Senate. Andrew looks ahead to making sure Axiom continues to out-do itself with industry-leading design and inventive for many cycles to return. Chamber Anton Castaneda  Commerce, the world’s largest enterprise group, Stephenson has deep expertise leading advocacy campaigns to support free enterprise public coverage.
She additionally plays an important role in establishing, nurturing and maximizing the potential Anton Castaneda  Axiom’s partnerships with our many Affiliates. Brandi joined Axiom in January 2018 as an ambitious designer excited to convey new and creative concepts to the world Anton Castaneda  political mail. She lives together with her husband and cat in Independence, MO and when she's not designing she could be caught drinking infinite amounts Anton Castaneda  cAnton Castaneda fee and watching eighty's films. Robert lives along with his spouse Anton Castaneda  25 years on a small homestead in the northern part Anton Castaneda  Kansas City. When he isn't behind a desk, he's likely in the area discovering environment friendly and efficient methods to construct healthy soil prAnton Castaneda iles and cultivate organically grown vegetables. Angie presently resides in the Kansas City suburbs with her husband Russ and son Beckett.
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normally0 · 4 months
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Echoes of Symbolism: Robert Graves OC and the Architectural Mysteries of Wimbledon
Residing in Wimbledon, one cannot ignore the impact of its notable resident, Robert Graves OC (1895-1985), and his creative legacy. I discovered Graves through his book *The White Goddess*, a tapestry of poetic and religious scholarship. In this work, Graves explores the ancient European deity, the White Goddess of Birth, Love, and Death, worshipped under many titles. He uncovers the mysterious power of "pure poetry" and its mythic language. His scholarship, rich in symbolism, has always been at our doorstep in Wimbledon.
Graves is also known for his war poetry. As an architect working in London and Berlin, I stumbled upon intriguing evidence: the Rushmere triangle, an equilateral grassland on Wimbledon Common with a small pond, is equivalent in scale and orientation to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp (1936-1945) in Oranienburg, near Berlin. This serves as a counterpoint to Graves' fusion of folklore, mythology, religion, and poetry—works of unparalleled originality and brilliance.
For an architect, this revelation has profoundly influenced my professional purpose. I approach it lightheartedly, seeking to view Wimbledon through the lens of Art Spiegelman's *MAUS*. I recognize the geometric significance of the equilateral triangle, a divine reference echoed by another Wimbledon resident: the Apostolic Nuncio, the Vatican City's diplomatic representative to Great Britain, residing on Parkside since 1938. This geometry plays a vital role in my drawings, inspiring commentary on perspectives.
Being an Old Carthusian certainly keeps one busy! Explore this intersection of history, art, and architecture with me.
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dankusner · 5 months
College’s venue selection queried
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LGBTQ+ students, parents frustrated about graduation
Prairie State College’s decision to hold its commencement ceremony at Victory Apostolic Church in Matteson is receiving pushback from parents and students in the community who oppose the religious facility because of its statements in opposition to same-sex marriage.
On its website, the church writes that it does not recognize marriage that is not between a man and a woman, believes “the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin,” and does not “condone the homosexual lifestyle.”
When she found out in December that her school had chosen to hold graduation at a venue that opposes non-heterosexual relationships, graduating student Rebecca Fassbender filed a complaint with the school’s Department of Equity and Inclusion.
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“I received what I see as a generic response and quite dismissive,” said Fassbender, of Park Forest, who identifies as lesbian and is president of Prairie State College’s Pride Club.
“It included some things about their budget and that this location needed to be within district and within their budget.”
But Fassbender questions if this is the only place in the area that would fit the school’s criteria.
Students of the college have to live within the boundaries of Community College District 515, which spans from Homewood to Beecher and Richton Park to the Indiana state line, according to the college’s website.
“Are there not any other options that are welcoming to everyone?” Fassbender, 42, said Friday. “And if leadership can’t find an appropriate venue then they need to be creative in coming up with new ideas and new solutions.”
Victory Apostolic Church charges the college a discounted rate, according to the Rev. Andrew Singleton Jr., senior pastor.
He did not give the specific dollar amount of the church’s fee.
During her years as a student, Fassbender said she has felt supported by staff and faculty as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
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She even has felt supported by staff as she has spoken up about her concerns of the graduation venue.
Two days before the schoolwide graduation on May 18 at the church, the school will host “Lavender Graduation,” intended as a “celebration of Culture, Community and Inclusion.”
The invite sheet, adorned with rainbow colors commonly associated with the LGBTQ+ community, notes the event will take place on the college’s campus.
This is the first year this event recognizing the school’s LGBTQ+ community is taking place.
Fassbender said stoles will be passed out for members and allies of the community to wear during graduation.
But when asked what he thought about the potential LGBTQ+ stoles being worn at Victory Apostolic Church, Singleton said he would have to talk to the school.
“As long as they’re not demonstrating any flags and all of this kind of stuff,” said Singleton. “They respected the church last year.”
He said he did not want there to be LGBTQ+ flags or symbols while the graduation takes place.
“We are not in agreement with that,” Singleton said.
Ed Yohnka, director of communications and public policy for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, acknowledged it might be a good idea to host a graduation at a building where everyone feels accepted. But he doesn’t think the school is breaking any laws.
“A court generally treats, say, college graduates different than high school or elementary school graduates,” Yohnka said. “A lot of this all comes down to ‘What does staging look like?’ ‘Are you covering all of the religious symbols?’”
But issues may arise for the church if it prevents certain flags or emblems from being brought in by students while allowing others in the building, he said.
“I think it’s difficult for the church to say there cannot be flags representing gay Pride, for example,” Yohnka said.
Prairie State College did not respond to requests for comment.
Records show graduation has taken place at this church before, including in 2022 and 2023.
Homewood-Flossmoor’s chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, commonly known as PFLAG, expressed disappointment the school chose yet again to have its graduation ceremony at Victory Apostolic Church.
Groups have cited another reason the church is a problematic venue. Video footage from the 2023 graduation shows graduates having to walk up several stairs to get their diplomas on the stage.
But there is no ramp for students who cannot use stairs, forcing them to receive their diploma on the ground in front of the stage.
While they acknowledged in a statement that they could not change the venue this late in the game, PFLAG and Fassbender both said they hope the school will pick a new venue in upcoming years: one that is more accepting to gay, lesbian and students with disabilities.
Cook County Commissioner Monica Gordon is the Democratic Party’s choice for county clerk
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After a lengthy morning of speeches, sometimes tense questioning, and closed-door negotiations, Cook County Democrats Friday tapped county Commissioner Monica Gordon to replace the late County Clerk Karen Yarbrough on November’s ballot.
A majority of the party’s 80 committeemen — some voting via proxy — also chose the current acting clerk and top Yarbrough deputy Cedric Giles to stay in the post through December, when an elected successor will be sworn in.
The group gathered at IBEW Local 134 Friday morning to hear pitches and lob questions at 15 prospective candidates and spent much of the afternoon deliberating over their picks.
They were tasked with choosing an interim replacement and a nominee to place on the November ballot for a special election to replace Yarbrough.
Gordon, who entered the proceedings only days ago with strong backing from several labor unions, told committee members she was “dedicated to continuing and upholding the legacy of the high standard” Yarbrough set for the office and noted to fellow party members that she had given her “blood, sweat and tears to the Democratic Party,” and had built strong relationships across the county and state.
Gordon thanked those unions after party Chair Toni Preckwinkle, also the president of the Cook County Board, announced her appointment.
Party officials said there was only one round of voting.
Elected to the County Board in 2022, Gordon was previously executive director of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, a trustee at Prairie State (Community) College and director of government relations at Chicago State University.
The vote came relatively quickly after Black committee members met behind closed doors following candidate presentations.
Following that meeting, party members said one of the front-runners in the race, state Sen. Napoleon Harris, stepped aside and cleared the way for Gordon.
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Gordon will have to prevail in the November election to take over the office responsible for handling vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates; suburban elections; legislation and proceedings of the County Board; and property transfer paperwork.
The county’s Republican Party has yet to choose their nominee, but Gordon will almost certainly be the overwhelming favorite in the special election.
The clerk earns just shy of $119,000 a year and manages a roughly $75 million annual budget with a staff of 350 employees.
Asked how she would handle an office sometimes criticized as a patronage den, Gordon said she would continue “hiring the best people, putting the best people in positions has always been my motto.”
She also pledged to improve online access to records, potentially embrace AI to help with customer service, improve language access to clerk services and at polling places, and improve voter participation in suburban elections.
Several committee people also asked candidates whether they would ensure county residents using consular or city key cards as their identification could have access to clerk services. Gordon said that was a “no-brainer.”
Other candidates included state Sen. Napoleon Harris, Evanston City Clerk Stephanie Mendoza, county Commissioners Kevin Morrison and Donna Miller, and several others. Water Reclamation District Commissioner Yumeka Brown withdrew her name.
The most pointed questioning was directed at Harris.
In his pitch to party members, Harris addressed the “elephant in the room” — strong opposition from the LGBTQ and abortion rights groups Equality Illinois and Personal PAC ahead of the appointment meeting.
The office does not intersect with abortion access, but it is a key party plank.
The clerk’s office does issue marriage, birth and death certificates, as well as changes to gender on vital records.
Both groups urged party members not to support Harris because he did not vote on several bills, including the Reproductive Health Act, the Marriage Equality Act and Birth Certificate Modernization Act, which would have allowed transgender people to access the documents that match their gender identity.
“Let me be clear: I believe in a woman’s autonomy of her body and her right to choose,” Harris said. “To (the) LGTB community, I am not homophobic. However, I am a man that believes in autonomy to do what you want to do. Love who you want to love, and you will have my support as well, as long as we have mutual respect for each other. This election is bigger than a quote, is bigger than someone saying what you are and what you believe in.”
Senate President Don Harmon, the committeeperson for Oak Park, said Harris assured him he would be “fair, impartial and welcoming in dealing with birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, gender and identity related issues.”
But state Rep. Kelly Cassidy, one of the legislature’s strongest proponents of abortion and LGBTQ rights and the committeeperson for the 49th Ward, pressed Harris.
Harris said the Marriage Equality Act was his first vote after being sworn into the General Assembly in 2013 and he was “unsure of which way to vote because my district was kind of half and half, it was split. But more importantly, it was an opportunity for me to learn.”
Harris said he did not “personally” support the birth certificate modernization act, but as clerk, he would not “neglect or deny anyone the ability to get the documentation that they need.”
“But given the opportunity to show, rather than speak to, your support for folks who need these documents to be safe, you chose not to,” Cassidy said. “What I’ve seen is a person who has chosen not to stand up … for my marriage and my community when given the opportunity to do so.”
Harris said, “I apologize that I can’t be with you or haven’t been with you 100% of the time, but I respect your rights, and if you can’t accept that I accept you, how can we accept each other? … I’m as real as it gets, no one can push something on me and then expect me to just shove it down my throat and then I can’t be me … we’re a party of a big tent.”
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thewahookid · 6 months
Easter message from the Apostolic Visitor of a special character for the parish of Medjugorje, Archbishop Aldo Cavalli:
"In the Gospel we have a characteristic song, written when Jesus died on the cross and was buried." It's the song of Emmaus' disciples. Jesus died, buried and the apostles, the disciples thought: it is finished! Here are Emmaus’ disciples, returning home, and leaving Jerusalem, saying: Jesus was a great man of God, he preached well the Kingdom of God, he loved us all, people, helped the sick, consoled everyone, healed... We thought he was the Messiah. But it's dead, it's buried, it's finished! Even Peter had the same thought when he said to the other apostles: let’s go fishing. Fishing as before, before meeting Jesus. Because Jesus died, he was buried, it is finished!
Two events completely changed the lives of the apostles and the Church: the resurrection of Jesus, Jesus is alive. It was the Easter shout: Jesus is alive, he is alive. And the coming of the Holy Spirit. The two events together formed the Church. The two events together gave life, vitality, creativity, strength to the whole Church, to the apostles. He’s alive, he’s alive forevermore. In the Gospel according to John, He, the living Jesus, appears to the apostles, tells them that profound word, which is specific to this holy place Medjugorje: peace be with you! Jesus is alive, alive forevermore, God of peace. At the same time, he cried to the apostles and said unto them, receive, receive the Holy Ghost. In the Holy Spirit and the living Jesus, the apostles reviewed the life of Jesus with them, they saw Jesus within the entire history of the Old Covenant and the Old Testament, they saw the cross of Jesus, the Gospel of John as the glory of God. The glory of God means His presence live and true. They understood the value of the cross, where Jesus nailed all our sins and dying made them die. In the Holy Spirit they understood the value of the Eucharist, the Last Supper. They understood the real, living, real presence of the Lord, in His Word and in the Eucharist. They have been revived. In the Acts of the Apostles we have another great presentation of the coming of the Holy Spirit. And they understood that it was in the Holy Spirit that the Church was born. And with them was Mary, mother of Jesus. And from there they started to preach the Gospel to the whole world. The poor, illiterate, worthless, with the living Jesus, the Resurrection, and in the Holy Spirit, went into the whole world. And in twenty, thirty years, the life of the living Lord, the life of Holy Spirit has been revealed in many parts of the world.
Here is the Lord's Passover, here is the Apostles' Passover, Here is the Church's Passover. Here is our Passover, Here's my Passover. He, the Lord is alive! And in the Holy Spirit I too live in Him and He in me. He, the Lord Jesus is alive and by giving me the Holy Spirit, He has made my life strong, creative, volatile and full of joy and peace. This is for you to listen to me! Jesus is alive! In the Holy Spirit, in Him you can lead a life full of vitality, creativity, and great good for the whole world. In the Holy Spirit I say to you: Happy Easter, Happy Easter in the Lord Jesus, the living! "
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Are you aware that quality rest fuels your cognitive abilities, enhances focus, and boosts creativity? As a corporate wellness coach, Carolyn Apostolou likes to encourage her clients to look at sleep as an investment in their professional success and overall well-being. Here are some valuable tips she shares to optimize your sleep and elevate your professional game. Check this out!
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In Laredo Texas at el metro city bus station they are conspiring to trick me into a luncheon but security told me not to accept going because in all actuality they want to torture n kill me by sado masochisim at some torture chamber they got in their basement financed by a woman working there for Mrs Nancy pelosi Clinton George bush Jr Donald Trump n Ozzy Osbourne pls always pray hope for my safety as I relocate to San Antonio Texas. What's going on vs me by them there is that a man named Joe lerma n a woman named mari Torres with a night owl security named Javier garcia closely related to Mrs Nancy pelosi USA politician are enraged in envy vs me because I won vip brilliant recognition by president Barack Obama n Nobel award academy for world peace law n order Amen.
N I did so by my poetry evangel.
Jesus Christ told me in a vision as I was a New born infant child that I'm the reincarnation of st John apostol of the end times the apocalypse last book of the holy bible chapters 10 11 n 12 n so IAM a gospel inspired creative writer n ultimately Pius kind hearted man but a man there at elmetro city bus station joe lerma complaint about me being a super man nice person he said he feels horribly embittered because of me ultimately Pius niceness n he says he feels consumed by envy O woe to me cos he finance. A Mexican Mafia murderous contract to end my life n now I'm having to tell in him because he is deadly vs me pls Scuse me but I need to send this text across the world via Facebook so Facebook pls forgive me for the nature of this text but I thank u for ur very helpful n needful for me channel of communication.Amen. AMEN Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen.
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lesterplatt · 9 months
Gil's Grills | Brooklyn Film Festival from Nicolas Gordon on Vimeo.
Director: Nicolas Gordon Agency: HAVAS Client: Brooklyn Film Festival Line Producer: Dustin Highbridge 1st AD: Lazzy Bear Walker
Voiceover: Thomas Lennon
Production Manager: Ben Thorn Production Coordinator: Lama Mouawad
DP: J. D. Butler 1st AC: Sai Aung Tun 2nd AC: Austin Page
Gaffer: Tristan Moffatt BBE: Travis Moffatt KG: Leo Sanchez BBG: Logan Alesso
DIT: Brian Bigler VTR: Sam Baek Sound Mixer: Alex Dawson
Production Designer: Lisa Garcia Art Director: Brian Marquez Prop Master: Natasha Romano Set Decorator: Annie Grafe Set Dresser: Antaeus Littlejohn
Gill: Ellie Suh Interviewer: David Eli Woman: Danie Marie
Stylist: Krisse Torgesson Make-Up Artist: Lisa Campos
Location Manager: Travis Beck Location Scout: Suzanne LaChasse Site Rep: Franklyn James CCO: Melissa Goncalves Truck PA: Mitchell Nguyen Key PA: Amy Seach PA: Adam Rozenberg PA: Skye Grissom Pass Van PA: Martin Nazario Pass Van PA: Edgar Cortes
Storyboard Artist: Vince Wei
Production Company: Kin Films LLC President: Dustin Highbridge
Editorial: Final Cut Editor: Antonio Gómez-Pan Assistant Editor: Julio Samaniego Head of Production: Rebecca Mitchell Executive Producer: Sarah Roebuck Producer: Kelly Budish
Color: The Mill Colorist: Logan Highlen Color Assistant: Bap Man Color Assistant: Erwin Pasia Head of Production: Brandee Probasco Executive Producer: Krista Staudt Producer: Jackson Winkler
Sound Design/Mix: Machine Sound Sound Design and Mix: Alex Bingham Sound Design and Mix: James Cobbold Assistant Engineer: Chas Langston Assistant Engineer: Michele Covio Executive Producer: Matej Oreskovic Senior Producer: Andi Lewis
Conform: Significant Others Managing Director: Justin Brukman Executive Producer: Alyssa St. Vincent Head of Production: Gwynne Evans Reid ECD: Dirk Greene Lead Flame Artist: Phil Apostol GFX Artist: Phil B VFX Assistant: Kogan Li Producer: Kyla Amols Production Coordinator: Hoa Vu
Music: Duotone Composer: Jordan Lieb Composer: Brad Fischer Executive Producer: Ross Hopman Senior Producer: Gio Lobato Creative Director: Peter Nashel
Casting: AHC Casting
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peacemore-springs · 9 months
Rehouse The God Theory and Take Control of Yourself
would dropping non-conflicting bombs on the roofs of Westminster Cathedral, Saint Peter’s Basilica, the Apostolic Palace, and the Sistine Chapel (not Vatican Museum or Library) assist with progressing future society?
would future society benefit from the invigorating experience? would the stagnation of a species and their creative thinking finally be released from the stagnating effects a creator god theory had produced?
without conflict there is no place for the illusion of a creator god theory. for the sake of progress and peace would such a non-conflicting act benefit humankind?
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apostolicfashions · 10 months
Embracing Elegance: Exploring the Timeless Appeal of Apostolic Fashions
In the ever-evolving world of fashion, where trends come and go with each passing season, there exists a timeless and elegant style that transcends fleeting fads—Apostolic Fashions. Rooted in tradition, yet adaptable to modern sensibilities, this unique approach to dressing reflects a commitment to modesty, grace, and a profound connection to one's faith.
Understanding Apostolic Fashions:
Apostolic fashion is deeply influenced by religious beliefs, particularly within the Apostolic Pentecostal community. The emphasis is on modesty and humility, with clothing choices reflecting a commitment to dressing in a way that honors one's body as a temple. This style is not only a form of self-expression but also a tangible representation of spiritual values.
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Modesty as a Statement:
In a world where skin-baring outfits often dominate the fashion scene, Apostolic Fashions stand out as a testament to the beauty of modesty. Long skirts, dresses with sleeves, and high necklines are common elements, allowing individuals to express their personal style while adhering to their religious principles. The commitment to modesty becomes a powerful statement, challenging societal norms and promoting a different standard of beauty.
Elegance in Simplicity:
Apostolic Fashions showcase the idea that simplicity can be incredibly elegant. Solid colors, subtle patterns, and timeless silhouettes create a wardrobe that transcends trends. The focus is on quality rather than quantity, with well-chosen pieces that withstand the test of time. This approach to fashion encourages a mindset of conscious consumption, where each garment is a meaningful addition to the wardrobe.
Adapting Tradition to Modernity:
While Apostolic Fashions are rooted in tradition, they are by no means stuck in the past. Many individuals adeptly blend traditional elements with contemporary trends, creating a style that is both timeless and relevant. Incorporating modern accessories, experimenting with fabrics, and exploring diverse color palettes allow for a creative fusion that speaks to the adaptability of this fashion ethos.
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Building a Wardrobe with Purpose:
Apostolic Fashions prioritize intentionality in wardrobe choices. Each piece serves a purpose beyond mere aesthetics—it is a reflection of personal values, a commitment to faith, and an acknowledgment of the role clothing plays in shaping one's identity. Building a wardrobe with purpose goes hand in hand with the sustainability movement, encouraging a shift away from fast fashion towards thoughtful, enduring choices.
Apostolic Fashions offer a refreshing perspective in the world of style—one that emphasizes modesty, elegance, and a deep connection to personal and religious values. In a society often driven by trends that change with the wind, this approach serves as a reminder that true style is timeless and transcends the constraints of passing fads. As fashion continues to evolve, Apostolic Fashions stand as a beacon of enduring grace and beauty.
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