#and am trying desperately to hang onto any hope of fixing my teeth up again wit the retainers
applepidotcom · 2 years
i really really truly with everything I have from the bottom of my heart regret not putting on my retainers after I got my braces off :/ what a fucking L
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frozenjokes · 1 year
Signing Back In, Apparently - 1
*contains shipping*
“Hey, Scar, you alright? You’ve been locked in there all day yesterday, and you didn’t even come out for breakfast! Y’know, Scott was over and brought us a couple treats, I thought that maybe..” Sausage continued on, but Scar wasn’t in the mood to keep listening. The pain in his back rippled from its starting point in the middle, all the way up to his neck and down to his thighs. He was sick with pain, and he certainly didn’t want to eat. No different position, stretching, walking, anything , could relieve him. All he could do was lay down in the dark and wait for Mumbo to stop sulking.
“Bad flare up. I’m fine. Just need to rest,” Scar choked out through gritted teeth, forcing a smile despite the fact Sausage was on the other side of his door.
“You don’t want any company?”
“You sure?”
“ Yes. ”
“Well, I’ll leave you to it then. Feel better soon, Scar!”
Scar waited until he heard the heavy footfalls of Sausage’s boots leaving before he dropped his smile, releasing a long, pained breath. He was so aware of his teeth in his mouth, tingling in ways that weren’t painful, but deeply uncomfortable. He felt every nerve in his lower back fire up and buzz in waves, traveling further than seemed fair. Scar hadn’t considered this before deciding on a plan to wipe out his old crew. Live or die. That’s what he was prepared for. Not this. He glared at Mumbo, or rather, his ghost, laying next to him on the ground, blank eyes fixed on the ceiling. Mumbo’s own form was in quite a state of disrepair as well, drifting apart in pieces lined by the orange cracks that splintered through his body like shattered glass.
“What’s your problem?” Scar slid his head over the side of his bed to stare down at Mumbo on the floor, “Are you just going to sit and mope for the rest of your f-aAaugh-” Scar crumbled as an intense wave of pain spasmed through his lower back, stealing his breath. When the pain eased, Scar looked back to see a small smile on Mumbo’s face.
“Does that make you feel better? Seeing me like this?” Scar growled, but his anger only fueled the fire of his pain. He took a deep breath.
Mumbo spoke despite the fact Scar couldn’t hear him and gestured with a cracked hand, ‘So-so’
“I guess anyone could’ve seen that coming,” Scar sighed, settling back down in bed. It hurt. He turned onto his side. That was worse. He rolled onto his back, and then onto his stomach. There was no getting comfortable. At least with Mumbo somewhat appeased, the pain had eased slightly. After about ten minutes though, it was back to unbearable levels. He moved back to look at Mumbo.
“What can I do to get you to leave me alone. What do you want? The rest of your crew is probably having fun plotting my imminent death, why don’t you hang with them?”
Mumbo’s head tilted to face Scar’s, eyes narrowing in passive thought. The ghost tried to sit up, making a frustrated pouting gesture when several pieces of his upper body stayed on the floor. Maybe, another day, Scar would have laughed. But now, he only watched, daring to hope.
“Right,” Scar grunted as Mumbo seemed mostly put back together, but shrunk back with an aggressive point from the ghost, “Guess I’m not in a place to be impatient, but I hope you understand,” Scar forced a smile, but it broke quickly with another spasm of pain. He buried his face in his mattress, muffling his own whimpers. When he could breathe again, he opened his eyes to see Mumbo pointing to something on his shelf. He buried his head back into his bed.
“Not the stupid- no. I am not doing the ouija board with you. I’m not giving you that power over me.”
Mumbo did not move.
“Anything else! We all saw what Pearl did to Kyle when the Kestrels got me that as a joke. Those scratches still haven’t healed! It’s hard enough trying to convince them ghosts aren’t real or haunting me or- come on!” Scar couldn’t crush the desperation that slipped through his tone, but the threat of his pain destroyed every facade. Mumbo wouldn’t care. Scar had given him every reason not to.
Mumbo furrowed his brow and spoke, enunciating clearly so Scar could get a reasonable idea of what he was saying. ‘I’m not Pearl.’
Scar had no choice. Mumbo moved to let him through as Scar left his bed, eyeing him with intense focus. Scar couldn’t help feeling like a prey animal under scrutiny like that. He stopped at his shelf to look at his door, biting his lip.
“You won’t call them, will you? I don’t know how these things work.. I don’t want all four of you at my neck.”
Mumbo shook his head. Scar wasn’t sure he could believe him, but he couldn’t dwell. At this point, maybe dying would be better than the rest of his life spent in this pain. He took the ouija board from the shelf, setting it gently on the ground. Fear bubbled up in his stomach, and he didn’t know anymore if his shaking hands were solely caused by weakness and pain. Mumbo sat across from him, gesturing for Scar to begin. Scar put his hands on the planchette.
“Right then. What do you want?” His voice failed when he tried to force any ounce of authority through it. As Mumbo’s hands slid over his, he felt them, solid and real. Mumbo seemed surprised as well, letting out a small gasp of shock. A gasp Scar heard.
Scar yelled, scrambling backwards from the ouija board. His heart raced- his heart - he was alive. He was okay. Mumbo looked up with wide eyes, hands still resting on the planchette. When he spoke, Scar couldn’t hear him. Ah. Good..
“You can touch me.”
Mumbo gave him an exasperated look, nodding. Scar didn’t need to hear him to know what he wanted. ‘Now come back.’
He didn’t want to. He didn’t want to. But desire to ease the fire in his back outweighed any amount of fear he felt. Scar scooted back across from Mumbo, who moved his hands so Scar could place his own down first. Mumbo’s were solid. Cold. It was a cold that crept all the way up his body, from his fingers to the tips of his hair. As it washed over his back, he felt a deep relief. The pain wasn’t gone, no, but it didn’t feel important anymore, like it had suddenly been placed into the background of his senses.
“This is weird,” Scar managed, closing his eyes. His own voice sounded distant as well, but the fear that had gripped him had been washed away with his pain. He was relaxed. For the first time since he reached the faction isles, he didn’t feel the looming threat of vengeful ghosts. Ironic, considering he was sitting across from one of them. He opened his eyes again when Mumbo squeezed his hands, and startled when he saw him speaking. No sound.
“What? Why can’t I hear you?” Scar said, squinting.
“I don’t know!”
Both of them paused, staring.
“What’s happening?” Scar’s voice was flat. Mumbo looked just as confused. He opened his mouth as a test, speaking slowly, as if the ability might be taken from him at any moment.
“I think.. you have to ask me questions. Makes sense with the ouija board I guess. We might be able to touch each other because of our connection? This definitely didn’t happen with Pearl and Kyle.. not that she waited very long before trying to maim him..” Mumbo trailed off, closing his eyes, “I feel so warm.”
“I feel cold. It’s.. it’s really nice.” Scar hung his head lightly, reveling in his relief. Mumbo squeezed his hand again. Oh right. Questions.
“Back to it then. Clearly you wanted to talk, so..” Scar stopped, distracted by a wave of nostalgia. He had always enjoyed the proximity of the Boatem crew; close as friends, but also the way they had held hands and hugged and enjoyed each other’s company. This- communication between him and the dead- this wasn’t even supposed to be friendly; this was business ! But company the same. Scar shook his head. He burned that bridge. He escaped. But.. until now, he didn’t realize how much he had missed this.
Scar gritted his teeth, struggling to choke down emotion welling up in his throat. Just because the ghosts of his old crew hadn’t moved on, didn’t mean he needed to dwell. He wondered absently if he had to be touching the planchette to keep in this state, where his physical needs were suspended. A state where ghost crews and pain didn’t matter. His body moved before his brain could consider itself, shifting one of his hands slowly out from under Mumbo’s palm and sliding his thumb over the top of his old friend’s hand. Mumbo flinched, pulling the same hand away and grabbing Scar’s wrist. He gasped, trying in vain to pull away from Mumbo’s grip.
“You’re stronger than you were before,” Scar breathed, another wave of cold washing over him. He hadn’t realized it could be better. His back- even his eye and his throat and his stomach- every discomfort he’d been cursed with for all these months seemed to fade into a distant memory. He felt Mumbo’s nails in his arm, and realized he had forgotten to ask a question. “What was it.. you wanted?”
Mumbo’s gaze flickered back and forth from Scar, indecision flashing across his face.
“I don’t.. what are you doing, Scar.” There was no question in Mumbo’s voice.
“I’m not sure. When you touch me I feel cold. It’s a good cold, it takes everything away. It makes me feel.. above it all,” Scar paused, remembering last minute to finish with a question, “How does it make you feel?”
Mumbo’s lips parted, looking quite startled. He furrowed his brow, clearly thinking of how to put it into words. “I forgot what it was like to feel warm. It’s something I’ve imagined.. dreamed about even- not that I sleep but- it feels like I’m alive.”
“I want to be colder. I don’t want to feel anything at all,” Scar veered forward, eyes alight with wild excitement. Mumbo jumped at Scar’s sudden proximity. Scar felt his breath. Mumbo’s breath. “Do you want to feel alive?”
“What are you asking, Scar?” Mumbo’s voice raised with Scar’s own, looking more frightened than Scar had seen him in a long while.
“I want to kiss you. I want this to consume us.”
Scar couldn’t hear what Mumbo said next; he hadn’t asked a question, but he got a pretty good idea based on the alarmed expression on his face.
“I know. I know. It’s crazy. But what’s stopping us? Grian and Pearl and Impulse- they don’t have to know. We don’t have to take it any further- I don’t even know if we can. I don’t care. I just want your body on mine.”
Mumbo opened his mouth to speak, but once more, no words came out. Apparently he had to end with a question, but he didn’t have time to ask before Mumbo was kissing him, hand still gripped tightly around his wrist. It was so delightfully cold. He tried to lift his other hand, still resting on the planchette, but Mumbo’s own pressed firmly on top of it, as if to say don’t let go .
“Well either you better release your hold on my wrist so I can pull you closer, or move in,” Scar mumbled against his cheek, letting Mumbo’s cool touch sink in. He was hungry for it, he needed it , and he’d do anything just to feel out of his own, broken body. Mumbo let go, allowing Scar to drag him in.
No one’s lips had ever tasted sweeter. No tongue more enticing than his. It was everything and a beautiful nothing all at once, and Scar never wanted to let go. He didn’t need to, he didn’t even need to breath-
Mumbo broke away panting, eyes wide as he put his free hand to the rise and fall of his chest. “Shit, that’s.. what‘s wrong?”
Scar stared. That wasn’t right. This wasn’t right. “I didn’t.. I didn’t ask you anything. I can hear you.”
“What? No way! That’s awesome!”
But when Scar started to respond, Mumbo didn’t react to his voice, caught up in his own excitement. Mumbo didn’t.. hear him. Scar yelped, fear shattering the trance. Mumbo’s eyes widened as Scar started to pull away, coming to the same conclusion just too late. Scar’s second hand left the planchette, and all at once; the heat, the pain, all of it , slammed back into him. He laid on the ground, eyes shut tightly. He breathed. He was breathing. His back ached. Scar opened his eyes to see Mumbo staring, looking equal parts concerned as he looked disappointed. But Mumbo didn’t look sad. And Scar’s back wasn’t throbbing anymore.
“Ah. Good deal then?” Scar sat up as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened, and reached to lift the ouija board from the ground. Mumbo blinked in alarm, reaching forward only for his hand to pass directly through Scar’s. Mumbo spoke, words flying from his mouth rapidly, but as usual, Scar couldn’t hear them. Scar smiled to himself as he put the ouija board back onto the shelf.
“You liked that, did you?” Scar turned back, pleased to see Mumbo looking very embarrassed. As well as a lot of other emotions, he was sure. Scar had plenty of his own thoughts, most prominently, oh no. “Well I liked it too,” Scar said, forcing a grin. Mumbo gave him a mortified look. He dropped the smile and turned his attention back to the ouija board on his shelf. “Geez. This won’t work. So we’re definitely keeping this between us, right?” But when he turned around, Mumbo was already gone. Well, that checked.
Scar closed his eyes, allowing himself to linger in the moment. To live in a world where he would ever be able to do that again. But, no. His old crew hated him. Mumbo hated him, as he should! Scar had moved on, he was done with them. Just because he’s stuck with their ghosts, doesn’t mean he had to be stuck in the past too. So what if he was stuck with their damn curses? He would cope. He always did. And anyway, with Mumbo in a better mood, maybe his back pain wouldn’t be a problem for a while.
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sirenascales · 3 years
Hiya! I should definitely start this by saying that I love, LOVE your works ahh. <33 I’m so glad you opened the anon bc I’m shy af when it comes to requesting🥺
I don’t know if you write for him but if you do, I’d like to request a fully NSFW dom!Kunikida x fem!Reader fic with the prompts “You want me to give you your notebook back? You’ll have to make me.” coming from the reader and “You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll.” from Kunikida, I thought it could be fun 😈👀 dominant Kunikida who angry-fucks makes me go weak at the knees
You can include any kinks you want, I’m OK with anything, I’m even more OK with choking and degrading kinks so yeah😇
Thank you so much if you ever decide to write it, if you’re uncomfortable feel free to ignore <3
note: so... this turned out... a bit different? lmfao im sorry, i hope this is still okay. I really just couldn't make him super aggressive or like super kinky? I really don't see him being like that... definitely a bit soft dom-y but thats about it 😩 still, i liked how this turned out and i hope you do too!
warnings: nsfw, smut, smallest bit of angst,
-> Taking Kunikida's notebook hostage. 18+
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You could tell by the twitch in Kunikida's eye that he was livid. Beyond pissed off. He was already four minutes behind for his commute to work, yet he couldn't leave. Why? You were basically holding his precious notebook hostage, holding it tightly to your chest as you stared at him defiantly.
Kunikida took a deep breath through his nose, closing his eyes briefly in an attempt to calm himself. "Please, give me my notebook."
His teeth clenched. "Give me my notebook."
"You want me to give you your notebook back? You’ll have to make me," were the words you spoke next, your lips curling up when Kunikida's face goes completely blank, his green eyes just boring into you.
"I'm going to ask you one more time," his tone is even, though still with the bit of edge that had a chill going up your spine. "Please, give me the notebook. I am already late for work."
That struck a very deep nerve inside of you, your chest blooming with anger as you snarled at him. "Work, work, work! It's all about your fucking job! Well, you're not getting your notebook back, so suck it!"
As you turned on your heel and stormed away from Kunikida, he watched you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly opened as he is hit with a suddenly realization. He saw the hurt which flashed in your eyes before you walked away, and that made him surge forward to follow you, right into your bedroom.
He knew exactly what you were doing by acting like a brat and talking back to him. You were purposely trying to instigate a reaction from him, to make him act, and he was more than inclined to do so.
"What are you still doing here?" you asked, a bite to your voice as you glared at him. Kunikida closed the bedroom door and you watched as he slipped his glasses off his face, setting them down carefully on their rightful place on the nightstand. "Don't you have a job to do? I'm sure Dazai is waiting."
Kunikida is silent as you continued to huff and puff, keeping his eye on his notebook still held against your chest. He slipped off his vest, hanging it on its hanger and putting it away. He he started to looses up the red ribbon around his collar and you just furrowed your eyebrows at him, taking a few steps back as he finally approached you.
"You- What are you-" His large hand is then suddenly clamping over your mouth, successfully shutting you up as he leaned down to stare straight into your wide eyes.
"You better shut that pretty little mouth before I put it to work, doll."
Another chill goes down your spine, your grip on the notebook finally loosening up and it begins to fall. Kunikida skillfully catches it, quickly holding it up high as you suddenly leap forward in an attempt to grab it.
"No! Give it back!" you yelled almost desperately, and the look that Kunikida fixes you with makes you freeze in place.
"You are in no position to make orders here, doll," he says to you, setting down his notebook on the dresser before turning back to you. "You wanted my attention, right? Now you got it. Take off your clothes and get on the bed."
You couldn't contain your glee, a huge megawatt smile growing on your face as you did as told. You couldn't ever defy him, not when he was like this. It made your heart race, skin tingling with anticipation.
It felt so good to finally feel Kunikida's warm skin on yours, to feel his strong hands hold you, claim you, as his. He wasn't rough with you, no, but as always, you were pliant under him. Always so reactive to his touch, his fingers expertly pinching your nipples, making you moan deeply against his lips as he kisses you deeply.
You missed him so much.
You clung onto him tightly, taking his kisses in earnest, and soon his cock as he finally, finally pushes himself inside of you, moaning deeply together with you.
"Shit," he curses while you whine, your head tilted back against the pillow as he slowly started thrusting in and out of you. He took your hands from his shoulders, his fingers lacing with yours as he held them down against the bed. As he continued to slap his hips against yours, fucking you hard and deep like you deserve, the sun shining from the window reflected off the rings you each had on your respective ring fingers.
"D-Doppo..." you moaned his name deeply, whimpering which each thrust he made into your heat, the pleasure he never fails to bring you making your mind go hazy. All you could feel was him, after what seemed to be so long.
You've been so lonely, your husband so caught up with work. He would come home late, and too tired to do much with you. You will always love him for how dedicated he is but... you were a priority too. You had to do something to finally have his attention back on you. What better way was there than to take his notebook? It obviously worked.
He was holding you so close to him, making love to you, his wife. It's what you deserved, and he knew that, and he knew that he has been neglecting you, taking your love for granted. It was shameful of him, really, but he planned to make it up to you.
But first...
"Come on," he grunted, sitting upright before he pulled you up, making you straddle his lap. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, his hands finding purchase on your hips as you started to ride him. You matched your thrusts with his, tossing your head back when he presses a thumb to your clit, rubbing it in tight circles. "Come on, need you to cum..."
"I love you," you cried out, looking at him with blown out, teary eyes, your lips swollen and plump. Kunikida couldn't resist kissing you again.
It didn't take much longer for your orgasm to finally wash over your body, your mouth wide open in a silent scream as your body tensed up, toes curling and your mind going blank for a second. Kunikida continued to fuck you through your orgasm, soon coming to his own release. He didn't think twice before cumming deep inside of you, his face pressed against your chest as he cursed and grunted repeatedly.
You fell back on the bed after Kunikida pulled out of you, heaving as you tried to catch your breath. Kunikida fell on his back beside you, equally tuckered out, his face sheening with sweat.
"Wow..." you whispered before covering your mouth, giggling softly.
Kunikida just sighed beside you, turning his head to look at you fondly, and apologetically. "I've been a terrible husband."
Your mouth fell open. You didn't want him to think that! "Wait... no-"
"I've been neglecting you. For that, I am terribly sorry." Kunikida just continued on and you just shook your head quickly, moving your hands to cover his mouth.
"You are not a terrible husband," you told him firmly before pulling your hands. You both frowned. "I just... I missed you a lot. I know you are dedicated to your work and I love you so much for that but... I don't know, it just made me feel like I wasn't... a priority..."
Kunikida's entire body stiffened, his mouth falling open. "H-how does that not make me a terrible husband?"
"Because!" you exclaimed, waving your hands a bit wildly. "You aren't! Every day I wake up so proud to be your wife! I just... had a moment of insecurity..." You chewed on your bottom lip, knowing that you probably weren't making sense. But it was how you truly felt, and you wanted to be honest with him.
He seemed to understand it, Kunikida nodding his head before he sat up, looking around the room. "I need my phone..."
You blinked. "For what?"
"I'm taking time off," Kunikida answered and your jaw dropped. "My wife needs her husband now," he continues, glancing at you with a small smile. "Plus, we need to have a conversation about this, so something like this won't happen again."
You smiled back at him. "So your notebook won't be held hostage?" you teased, giggling when his eyebrow twitched.
"Yes. Exactly."
You giggled again, leaning forward and pressing a sweet kiss on his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too."
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Requests are closed!
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duskholland · 4 years
Cuddle Buddies | Peter Parker
summary ↠ you’re touch-starved, Peter’s your best friend, and there’s a whole lot of unresolved romantic tension between you; friends to lovers.
word count ↠ 3.4k
warnings ↠ uh oh.... there’s only one bed..? additionally maybe two swear words? also copious amounts of fluff lmao
a/n ↠ so apparently I really wanna cuddle Peter Parker. wbk. this is very cute and made me so soft when I wrote it. I hope you enjoy it! please let me know if you have any thoughts :D
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“God damn, MJ, I think I’m actually going to die if I don’t get a hug soon.”
You’re rambling, your voice full of heavy frustration. Your hair is unkempt and messy from all the times you’ve run your fingers through it, and you stare at Michelle with a wild look in your eyes that makes her press a hand to her hips and laugh lightly.
“Has anyone told you that you’re really good at being dramatic, Y/N?” She replies casually, causing you to mock an outraged gasp. You sit down at the lunch table together, setting down your trays in front of you.
You manage a glare at your friend. “You’re so mean to me,” you whine. “You don’t understand how desperate I am.”
MJ narrows her eyes. “I don’t think it’s possible to die from lack of human contact,” she chimes.
“Who’s dying?”
You startle as a third, familiar voice joins the conversation, and crane your neck to see Peter slipping into the open seat beside you. He gives you an easy smile that stretches all the way to his soft, lovely brown eyes, and you feel your heart ache.
“No one’s dying,” Michelle replies. When Peter shoots her an inquisitive look, she adds, “Y/N thinks she’s going to perish if she doesn’t find someone to hug.”
You scowl at MJ, biting the inside of your cheek as you try not to let the embarrassment show on your face. It’s one thing to have this conversation with MJ - your close friend and number one confidant - but Peter? It’s an entirely different story. He may be your best friend, but your feelings are far more than simply platonic when it comes to him.
“Oh…” Peter looks at you curiously, his eager eyes darting over your face. He leans his elbows on the table and rests his chin in his hands, looking utterly adorable with his face pulled into a cute smile. His grin widens as you meet his gaze, and he nods knowingly. “Hugs are nice.”
You nod in appreciative agreement. “Exactly!”
MJ just rolls her eyes. “You guys are so weird.”
Ned joins the table and begins talking to MJ about a chemistry project, and Peter turns to you properly.
“Hey, so, are we still on for that study session later?” He asks you, his teeth briefly gliding across his lower lip. You try not to focus too much on the curve of his mouth, but it’s very difficult.
“Um, yeah,” you squeak, feeling your cheeks heat up a little as you remember the arrangement you’d made with Peter earlier in the week. “Mine or yours?”
“Yours?” Peter suggests.
“Okay. My parents are still away on business, so it’ll just be us. Is that okay?”
Your friend nods his head, his fluffy brown curls shifting around his face. “Sounds great.” Peter gives you a nervous smile, and it sets your heart racing. “I can’t wait.”
Peter turns up a little after 7pm, a box of pizza in his hands. You spend a while chatting and watching Star Wars, and then eventually pull yourselves around to studying. You opt for your bedroom, with its very comfortable fluffy carpet, and you spread out all of your notebooks and pens around you before lying on your stomach and lazily flicking through your notes. But you can’t quite focus because something is amiss.
Peter is acting very oddly tonight. And he’s normally a little hyperactive, but it’s as if he’s on another level entirely. He keeps glancing up to you, then looking away the moment you bring your eyes up to meet his, and he hasn’t stopped drumming his fingers over the front of his maths textbook all night. You’re already nervous enough being around him, alone and within such close proximity to him, and his antics aren’t helping you at all.
You might have a teeny tiny crush on Peter Parker. Possibly. But you’d never tell him that.
“Pete,” you say, reaching breaking point when you catch him staring at your face for the fifth time in one minute. You sit up and turn to look at him, meeting his guilty, rose-tinted face. “What’s going on? You seem so unsettled. Are you okay?”
Peter opens and closes his mouth a few times, his eyes meeting yours nervously. His voice is more a squeak than anything else as he says, suddenly, “Do you want to cuddle me?”
You blink, totally blindsided by the change in topic.
“Uh, cuddle you?”
“Um, I mean, sorry, that’s such a weird thing to just come out and say, I- I just remembered earlier, with MJ, what she was saying, and I was wondering if you’d want to hug me, if you- if you want a hug so badly.” Peter breaks off, a disgruntled groan coming up his throat as he buries his flushed face in his hands. “I’m sorry, Y/N, shit, that was such a weird thing to ask. Can we just pretend I never said anything?”
You chuckle, your lips pulling into a wide smile. “You would let me hug you?” You ask gently. Peter parts his fingers and looks at you through the gaps, nodding slightly. “I’d like that, Peter.”
He looks so shocked by your statement that it brings another quiet laugh from your mouth. “O-Okay.” Peter clumsily opens his arms. “Um, here?”
It’s painfully awkward at first. He’s sitting at the foot of your bed, his back resting up against the mattress, so you have to do a weird sort of crawl over to him, feeling his wide, anxious eyes pressing onto your figure the whole way. It doesn’t help that you’re practically shaking from nerves now.
You’ve known Peter since the start of high school, but you’ve not really hugged him before. The most you’ve shared is a brief celebratory high-five after acing a biology presentation together, and even that contact had lingered in your mind for days after. The concept of crawling up to and hugging your crush makes your palms sweaty and your mind a numb anxious mess, but you do it, because it’s Peter, and the opportunity to cuddle up next to him is so enticing you think you’d do anything just to feel his arms around your body.
The angle is difficult, but Peter spreads his legs out across the carpet and pats his thighs, and you realise he wants you to straddle his lap, so you clamber into his hold gently. He’s sturdy beneath you, with a pair of dark denim jeans stretched over his firm thighs, and he’s quick to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in. You let your hands find his sides, and then you settle into a very close, very intimate hug with your best friend.
It’s lovely.
He smells of soft bubbles and peppermint, and you bury your face in the crook of his neck, partly because it’s comfortable, but mostly because you don’t want him to see the massive, embarrassing grin fixed to your mouth. Your heartbeat’s going crazy - you can feel it pressing against your ribs almost painfully, and it only doubles in speed as Peter’s hands move slowly across your back, rubbing large, soothing circles over your hoodie. You savour the moment, your eyes closed as you enjoy just being held by your best friend.
“Is this okay?” Peter asks, after a few moments.
You hum against his neck, squeezing his torso softly. He’s wearing one of Midtown’s navy hoodies, and it feels particularly soft against your forehead. “Thanks, Pete,” you mumble, enjoying the moment entirely too much. “You’re really good at hugs, you know that?”
“You’re also a very nice hugger,” Peter replies. You swallow deeply as you feel him tighten his grip on your sides and pull you even closer.
“Sometimes it’s just nice to be held,” you find yourself saying. You’re starting to feel really comfortable now, and find yourself relaxing and shifting further into him.
“Definitely.” His voice is still ringing at a higher pitch than you’re used to, but you put it down to the late evening hour. “Um, Y/N?”
“If you, uh, ever need another hug, you can always text me.”
You’re so glad you have your face buried in Peter’s warm neck because the grin latched to your lips is so large you think you’d die from embarrassment if your friend could see how giddy his words make you feel.
“Okay,” you say. “Thanks, Pete.” You pause for a moment, and take stock of the way he seems to be clinging to you just as tightly as you are to him. “You can always text me too, if you ever want a hug. Or anything, really.” You manage to collapse your smile so it’s more of a weak grin, and you pull back to look at Peter. His hands fall down to loosely grasp at your hips, and you find him looking at you with warm, attentive eyes and a wide smile hanging from his pink lips.
He looks so cute, and relaxed, and perfect, and you really can’t believe your luck that you’re sitting holed up in his arms just now.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he mumbles shyly, eyes flittering across every part of your face. “You’re a great friend.”
You deserve an Oscar for maintaining the smile on your face, despite the way his words stab painfully at your heart.
“You too, Pete,” you mutter. “The best friend ever.”
The air between you holds just a little too much tension, so you shift and push your face back into his shoulder, hugging him again. Peter’s arms tighten around your waist, and you sigh softly, revelling in rare the feeling of him so close to you, even if it isn’t under the circumstances you crave. You’d take anything Peter could offer you, even if it makes your heart ache.
It easily becomes a habit.
Soon enough, it’s been three months, and you’re spending almost every evening with Peter. The more you meet up, the more natural folding into his arms becomes, and soon you find that your favourite parts of the day are the moments you share curled up together.
Sharing affection with Peter is easy, but it comes at a cost - it ties your heart up in knots to spend so much time pressed up against his chest, acting so intimately with him, but then to pull back and go back about your day like nothing really happened. Every second you spend hugging him hurts you because your heart yearns so deeply to have more, but you just can’t bring yourself to tell him how you feel. You value your friendship with Peter too much to risk ruining it all because of a stupid crush, and you’re not ready to stop your evening shenanigans, so you decide to just put up with it and suffer in silence.
A few months into your arrangement, you find yourself at Peter’s when the power across the city goes out in the middle of a thunderstorm.
“Holy shit,” you mutter, shivering as you glance outside and see a flash of sharp lightning cut across the city. The rain pelts down against the pavements so loudly that you can hear it through the gap in the window. You turn and look at Peter, wide-eyed. “Bet you’re glad the Stark internship let you leave earlier than usual today. I’m not looking forward to walking back in that later.”
“Y/N, you can’t go home in the middle of a thunderstorm, especially if the power is out,” Peter tells you firmly, his arms crossing over his chest. He looks so cute with his eyebrows scrunched into a caring scowl that you can’t stop yourself from smiling. “Stay here tonight. May’s out of town, but I can sleep on the sofa. I don’t want you to go across the city by yourself at the moment.”
You bite your lower lip, eyeing the slants of rain that pour over Queens. “It does look pretty horrible out there,” you admit. Your expression shifts into guilt as you eye Peter closely. “You can’t sleep on the sofa, though. I will.”
“No, I’ll sleep on the sofa.”
“Peter, it’s your apartment, I’m not about to kick you out of your own bed.”
“Then join me.”
“In your bed? With you?”
“Yes.” Peter’s face is a bright red as he flusters, “Um, only if you’re comfortable with that though, Y/N. You don’t have to. I just thought that- because, y’know, we’re kinda… close now, you might want to. But you don’t-”
“I want to,” you say, the words tumbling out before you can think them through properly. You’re rendered utterly incapable of sensible thought, because Peter’s looking at you so intently that it whips the breath straight out of your lungs. “Really, Pete, that would be nice, if you’re sure you don’t mind..?”
“No! I want to,” he replies. Peter runs his delicate fingers through his brown waves, pushing his strands away from his face easily. His smile is gentle, and it grows as you return it shyly. “I’ll go get you some clothes.”
You make light conversation as you both get ready for bed together. Peter even finds you a spare toothbrush in the cabinet beneath the sink, and you pull faces at him in the mirror as you brush your teeth together side by side. It feels so domestic, but also incredibly comfortable and normal, and you decide that you feel more at home by Peter’s side than you do anywhere else in the world. You realise that maybe you’d just been deluding yourself each time you’d dismissed your feelings for him as simply a crush. Maybe, your feelings run a lot deeper for your friend - far deeper than you’d ever intended for them to grow. Because you realise, as Peter laughs loudly when you pull a face at him in the mirror, that your feelings for the boy have taken firm root in your heart, and you’re absolutely fucking in love with him.
“So, um, I normally sleep on the left side, but I can swap if you want that side,” Peter tells you. The power has finally come back on and the weather has cleared up, but neither of you comment on it as he closes his bedroom door behind you and gestures at his nice, gingham-patterned bedspread.
“I can go on the right side,” you offer.
Peter turns off the light and you both shuffle to your respective sides of his bed. You’ve been in his room a thousand times before, but you’ve never ventured beneath his lovely soft covers, and you find yourself sighing slightly as you shuffle beneath the duvet. His pillows are light and feathery, and your head sinks into them easily.
He seems intent to stay as far away from you as possible, and he clings to the far edge of the mattress. It brings a frown to your mouth, but you let him be; if that’s where he has to be in order to feel comfortable, then you’ll let him stay there. Just because you feel something else fluttering about in your heart for him, does not mean he feels the same way - even if you were sure he’d been hugging you a little closer, recently, and staring at your lips more than he used to. But maybe that was all in your head.
“Do you need anything?” Peter asks slowly. You stare up at his ceiling, your eyes taking in the dark curves of his smooth roof.
“No,” you reply. “Your bed is very comfortable.”
You hear the sheets ruffle as Peter slowly turns over. You fold over onto your side and find yourself facing him, his bright eyes twinkling slightly beneath the light that streams in from the city outside. He looks very cute, with the duvet bunched up beneath his chin and his fluffy hair all messy and waved out across his forehead, and it makes you happy to see him so relaxed and free. Sometimes it feels as though Peter carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, and you’d give anything to see him gentle and carefree like this. It makes you feel a surge of pride to know you can give him just a little bit of peace.
“Yeah, I dunno where May got the mattress but it’s amazing.” Peter breaks off, shifting around a little, and you freeze up when you feel his hand brush against yours beneath the covers. “Oh, uh, sorry,” he mutters, immediately jerking his hand back. You can just about make out the dark flush of his cheeks.
“‘S okay,” you murmur, biting your lower lip. A beat passes, and then you add, “We hug all the time, Peter. You can touch me, y’know.”
He takes it as an invitation, and he tenderly reaches out. His warm hand finds the curve of your waist, and you stay remarkably still as he slowly shuffles a little closer.
“Is this okay?” Peter whispers into the air.
Finally you unstick, your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You shift towards him, as if magnetised, and your hand goes up to rest on his side, too. His t-shirt feels soft beneath your hold, and you find your mind reeling as you take in his warmth, his scent, his touch.
Peter’s face is very near you now. Your legs are tangled together. Your head shifts onto his pillow, and suddenly he’s holding you flush against him, your noses almost touching.
“Y/N,” he says slowly. His eyes are wide and nervous, and they keep dipping down to settle on the curve of your lips.
“Pete,” you respond, your voice fragile. You can hardly keep still, for how nervous you’re feeling now. He’s pulled you right against him, and for the first time, you question whether your feelings are actually one sided. His warm fingers burn against your side, tracing delicate circles over the material of your borrowed shirt. “You’re really close.”
“Do you want me to move?” You’ve never heard him like this before: all warm, and gentle, and inviting. It ignites a whirlwind of butterflies inside your chest, and you really can’t stop yourself from saying, quietly,
“I want you to kiss me.”
Peter’s lips are on yours before you know it. Soft, at first, and a little bit bumpy and awkward. But he loosens up as you reach up and wrap your fingers around his hair, and you kiss him back with all that you have. Peter pulls you closer as you kiss him deeply, savouring the feeling of his warm, pillowy lips and enjoying the way your heart blooms in your chest as your best friend kisses you back. He releases a small noise of enjoyment into your mouth as you nibble over his bottom lip, and then he’s pushing his tongue into your mouth, and you’re making out, your figures lazily intertwined.
It feels so right to be kissing Peter that you briefly wonder why you’ve never tried this out before.
“I, um, I really like you, Y/N,” Peter whispers against you, when you finally pull back. Your lips tingle as you giggle into the air, your fingertips trailing through the soft strands of his chestnut hair. “In fact, I… I’ve been in love with you for months.”
Your mouth runs dry, and all you can really do to stop the tears of relief from slipping out of your eyes is lean in and kiss him again, hard. You kiss him like you’ve been dreaming about for months: slowly, passionately and lovingly - growing in tempo as you fervently try to convey everything you’ve kept hidden away inside your heart.
When you break away, you keep your lips nuzzled against his and breathe out a deep, “I love you too, Peter.”
You giggle together, and you feel so overcome with adoration for the boy that you simply have to kiss him again.
“D’you want to go on a date with me?” Peter asks gently, between gaps in your soft kisses. You finally move away from his lips and settle nearer, your forehead finding his chest as his arms encircle your waist and he holds you close in a warm, consuming cuddle.
“I would love to go on a date with you, Peter,” you mumble against his front. You smile softly as you feel his lips trail across your forehead, and your heart stirs happily in your chest.
“Okay,” he says, sounding immediately relieved. “I’m excited.”
You hum sleepily into his chest, your fingers curling around his strong back. “Me too,” you mumble.
“Night night, Y/N,” he says, his voice already being carried away as you drift further into dreamland. “I love you.”
“Love you too, Pete,” you reply. You know nothing else will compare to the feeling of being holed up in your best friends arms, with his lips scattering a dusting of kisses across your forehead, and you try to cling desperately to every single moment and sensation. “Sweet dreams.”
Peter leaves a final kiss on your forehead, and then you drift off to sleep with him, your figures entangled, and, for the first time, your hearts beating together as one.
any feedback?
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santigarcia · 4 years
Bot 🤖
Human Touch Part One
a nathan bateman x f!reader fic~
word count: 3.3k
rating: T - nudity (non sexual), mentions of masturbation
summary: After a wrong turn on a hike, you find yourself on Nathan’s property and joining him for dinner. 
a/n: ahhh this is part 1 of 10 of this series! i cannot wait to share it all with you!! remember these will be posted at 9 CST. check here for the schedule so you won’t miss one!! thank you to @punkpascal for encouraging this and listening to me yell nonstop! and thank you to @sergeantkane for your support and for making the moodboards for this series!! 
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You only agree to this because of the view. Not for any other reasons. No. No. Certainly not.
Your cousin owns a timeshare in Norway for her work. And she invites you to come up for a few weeks. You’re in desperate need to get out. She won’t even be there half the time, which is even better. You love your cousin but you’re ready for some quiet. Some space. The fresh air. And you’ve seen photographs, the mountains outside her door look beautiful.
Those are enough reasons for anyone to go.
But it’s when you find out who her ‘neighbor’ is that has you chomping at the bit to go.
The term neighbor is a loose term, the neighbor in question lives two hours in a different direction. It’s a secluded private area. But it still gives you some strange hope you might see him.
“I’ve only seen him once,” you remember your cousin telling you. She wasn’t that impressed, but you – you’re dying to see him.
Nathan Bateman, the multi-billionaire CEO, and creator of Bluebook. He’s a celebrity crush of yours. Half the reason you have a Bluebook phone in your pocket is because of him.
There’s something about him. You’ve followed his career quietly, but more than anything you think he’s handsome. Gorgeous even.
He’s a hot topic for gossip since he remains in seclusion, working on his mysterious projects. To be that close to him sends a thrill down your spine. And he’s all you can think about on the plane ride over.
Your cousin picks you up at the airport and you spend the next few days hanging out with her and relaxing. She leaves on the third day and you spend most of it reading that book you’ve been meaning to finish.
As you sit near the window, you can’t help but admire the mountains. The lush greens of the field at the foot of it, the rich white snow. The crisp air feels good to you, even if it gives you chills.
You decide that you want to go hiking. Your cousin mentioned there are several easy trails and you think you can figure them out.
You get to packing that night. You shove your backpack with things you think you’ll need. You don’t plan on being gone long, so just some essentials for the hike.
The next morning is a lovely one, that mountain air is crisp, and it fills your lungs. You feel rejuvenated. The trails are easy to follow and you walk for hours. You stop to rest every so often and keep hydrated and eat.
You have every intention of turning back when it begins to rain. Hard. Within minutes you’re soaked to the bone. It’s freezing and if you don’t get warm you worry you’ll get sick. You try not to panic, but the rain is coming down so hard you can’t see the trail.
Somehow you take a turn and find yourself going down a decline. Maybe you’re near the trails edge.
The rain continues to pour, but through it you see lights of what looks like a house. Shivering, you make the long walk to this place. It’s your port in the storm.
It’s not your cousin’s house, and you don’t remember seeing this one on the way in. You bang loudly on the front door, hoping someone will hear you over the rain. The house looks huge.
“Hello?” you bang on the door; you feel tears welling up in your eyes. You’re so cold. “Is anyone home?”
After a few moments, the door is opened. And you’re not sure who is more surprised. You or the one and only Nathan Bateman standing across from you.
“It’s you,” you gasp, shivering violently from the cold. “Nathan!”
He blinks, his eyebrow ticks up in bewilderment.
“How the hell did you even get out here? Are you okay? Yeah, come in. Shit, you’re freezing. Umm… yeah. That’s me.”
He opens the door wider so you can come inside. The warmth hits you like a wave, and it almost hurts. You haven’t stopped shaking. And now you’re trembling for any entirely different reason.
“I was hiking, and it started raining and I got lost and…” your teeth are chattering. And Nathan looks confused but concerned.
“This is a hell of a way to get introduced, but-“ he pauses for a beat. “We need to get you out of those clothes. You’re gonna get sick.”
You follow him in this maze of a house, and he takes you to a large open bathroom. He turns on the shower and you take a step towards it, but he stops you.
“This is for the steam, you need to get warm slower, you’ll go into shock.”
You’ve heard about this, and you know he’s right. One of the best ways to prevent hypothermia is warming the body through skin to skin contact and body heat.
“Look, shit, I know this isn’t ideal,” he snorts, “but you need to get naked. I won’t look.” He smiles softly and you feel sick. Maybe it’s the hypothermia.
You turn your back to him and begin to awkwardly peel off your clothes. You’ve never felt so embarrassed in your life. He’s turned the opposite direction and isn’t saying anything. You almost wish he would.
“Ok,” you tell him. You’ve turned back around with your arms covering your chest. He’s taken off his shirt, and he’s quick to wrap you up tight in his arms before you can think too much.
His bare chest is warm. His arms squeeze you tight and he rubs your back. His beard tickles your ear, and you feel all of him all at once. It’s making your head spin. Is this? Is this how you’re meeting him?
“I’m Nathan,” he chuckles softly, “but it seems you already knew that.”
You tell him your name, and he chuckles again. “Interesting meeting huh? Story to tell the grandkids.”
That gets a soft laugh from you, and you can feel him physically relax. The awkward tension has been cut.
“You’re feeling warmer now, less shivering.” He states this as if you don’t know, but it’s impossible not to shudder while naked in his arms. He seems to pick up on this, because of the look he gives you when your bodies pull apart. “You okay?” he looks at you, his eyebrow up again.
Tears well up in your eyes and you can see a look of slight panic cross his face.
“No,” he whispers, “No, hey sweetheart, it’s ok. No need to be embarrassed ok? Do you need me to call someone for you?”
“There’s no one to call,” you sniffle out. “I’m staying with my cousin at her place, but she’s out of town.”
“Do you- you wanna stay here tonight? Get warm? We can figure out shit tomorrow.”
“I’m not an inconvenience, am I?”
“Not even a little. You’re the first person I’ve seen in… months. And… it’s way too cold out there. You’re safer here. Just as long as you’re not a serial killer or somethin’… you can stay.” He gives you a little smile, and hands you a towel to wrap yourself in.
”Definitely not a serial killer. I killed a spider last week and I screamed.”
He chuckles while he dries off his chest and pulls his Henley back on.
“Is it just you in this house?” you ask trying to keep the subject off your nudity.
“Yeah, just me. It’s… yeah, it’s a little lonely. But it’s the ideal working environment. No distractions. No noise. But sometimes, it’s too quiet. Listen, hey we can talk later. You should get in the shower, get warmed up ok? Don’t turn the water up too hot alright? I’ll have my housekeeper set aside some dry clothes for you.”
He exits quietly closing the door behind you with a soft click. Once he’s gone, you drop the towel and step into the warm spray of the nicest shower you’ve ever seen.
You try to process what just happened, and you decide this must be a sign or a dream.
At one point there’s a soft knock on the door and you briefly see a woman set a stack of clothes on the counter. She exits as quickly as she arrived.
You wonder why he’d said he’d not seen another person in months when there she was.
After you dry off, you reach for the stack of dry clothes which you assume are his. There’s a soft pair of sweatpants and a warm Henley that looks like the one he was wearing. They smell fresh and clean, and you pull them on eager to not be naked in this house anymore.
You step out of the bathroom and no sooner do you step foot into the hall do you see his face.
“You don’t have any kind of electronic device on you, do you? Like your phone? Just until you leave, for security purposes. It’s just a precaution.”
“You scared me!” you laugh and touch your chest. “And I do, in my backpack. Which I don’t remember where-“
“It’s in the dining room, I’ll show you.”
Once again you follow Nathan through this maze. Your backpack is sitting on the table just as he said. The fabric is soaked, and you have little hope anything is dry on the inside. There’s a neatly folded towel next to the backpack and you spread it out to take out the contents of said pack.
Your phone is in there, and it looks dead. Soaked from the water.
“I can fix that,” he tells you and extends his hand for the phone. You hand it to him, and he pockets it.
After your phone is out, you dump the backpack onto the towel and all your stuff spills out. A clean shirt, a small first aid kit, a phone charger (just in case), and to your horror – a forgotten vibrator that had been stuffed in the bottom of your pack.
You look up at him with fear in your eyes, but he’s got that eyebrow up again.
“Carrying the essentials huh?”
“I have so many questions about why you’re hiking with a vibrator, but you look way too embarrassed to answer them honestly. You can keep that for yourself.”
You quickly shove it and the rest of your things back into your soaked backpack.
“So, you’re just… in the middle of the wilderness, alone, with a phone and a vibrator. And no one to call. And you’re sure you’re not a serial killer?” he winks playfully.
“I swear I forgot that was in there!”
“Hey, sorry. I am the last person who’s gonna judge you for somethin’ like that. And you’re not the only person here with a vibrator,” he winks again.
“You sure you’re not a serial killer?” you flush.
“Would it make a difference if I said no?” he can’t help the grin on his face. “Kyoko, my housekeeper, is done with dinner. Would you like to eat with me?” He picks up the damp towel from the table.
“That would be nice, thank you. You’re a good host.”
“I’ll admit, I don’t get a lot of visitors. Or… any visitors, really. But against my better judgement, I’m not gonna let you freeze to death outside. And you seem… relatively harmless,” he smiles again fiddling with the towel in his hands.
The woman you saw earlier sets plates of food down on the table, and Nathan hands her the towel.
“This looks amazing, I can’t thank you enough for your hospitality.”
“I’m glad you’re feeling better. You kinda looked like a wet cat when you got here. No offense,” he bites his lip and glances over at you.
“None taken,” you laugh.
“Do you drink?” he glances at you when he sees you reach for an empty glass.
“I’m not much of a drinker, but I like the occasional wine!”
He chuckles fondly, “We can definitely do wine. I have a Chateau Lafite 1787 and a Cheval Blanc 1947 that are begging to be opened. And… from the look on your face, you have no clue what that means. Kyoko, grab the Cheval.”
“I admit I don’t know! But I can tell you do. You seem to know a lot about a lot of things. Including saving someone from hypothermia,” you almost grimace at the memory.
”That’s why they pay me the big bucks,” he chuckles taking a generous sip of his freshly poured wine. “Damn… this is the good shit.”
You watch him drink and it’s beginning to hit you. This is really him; this is the Nathan that you have his social media accounts on notifications. This is the Nathan that you’ve watched random tech videos you have no interest in but wanted to hear his voice. And now you’re sitting across from him, at his table, watching him drink wine.
“You definitely seem to enjoy the finer things in life, don’t you? And yes, this is good, especially with the meal. I’m not used to this much luxury. I feel like I don’t belong here,” you bite your lip. He’s a genius. Famous and sexy as hell and you’re just-
“Well, you get used to a certain way of living when you’re… me,” he chuckles.
“This wine probably costs more than I make in a month,” you laugh taking another sip. “I don’t know what I’d do if I even had a million dollars.”
“I can wire your bank tomorrow.”
“Wait, you can’t be serious.”
“As a heart attack,” he shrugs. “Pocket change. Consider it a get well soon present. So, what’s home like for you?” He changes the subject so abruptly, but you go along with it, but it’s hard to keep up.
Suddenly you feel like spilling your whole life out to this man. That you’re stuck. You live at home because you can’t make ends meet and nothing seems to stick. You’re looking for something, but you don’t know what it is.
“I live in a small town. It’s cozy. Simple. But sometimes it feels too small. That’s why I wanted to get away. See something new. I realize how I’ve not experienced much in my life. I want excitement. I want- well I want to move away. That’s what I want.”
He takes another sip of his wine and you can’t help but stare at his delicious beard.
“I specialize in exciting, honey. You stumbled into the right place,” he grins, another soft chuckle escapes his lips.
“I think I did, though it sounds like you know something I don’t know.”
His brow raises as he smirks devilishly, “there’s a lot you don’t know, kitten. There’s a lot I can show you. I didn’t come out here just to be alone.”
Your stomach drops and you feel your face heat. He’s called you two pet names back-to-back. His eyes are fixed on you, watching every move on your face. He’s calculating, tucking everything away into his memory.
“K-kitten?” you find your words, but you sputter on your wine. “Did you just call me kitten?”
His smirk only seems to grow. The confidence is oozing out of him and it’s thick in the air.
“You liked that, didn’t you? Your pupils are dilated.” He causally sips his wine as if he didn’t just ruin your whole life with a short sentence.
He’s rendered you speechless, the very air in your lungs is gone. And there’s a feeling low in your belly. A pang of arousal and need and thrill hits you all at once.
“I-“ your words are lost again, but he speaks up for you.
“Look, kitten,” he punctuates the word, he’s teasing you now. “You obviously did. Can we just skip to the part where we have the conversation?”
“The conversation?”
“Y’know. The one where I tell you I’m not just interested in you because you’re the first person that’s come around here, like… ever, but because you’re beautiful and interesting and genuinely fun to be around. And that you need to make the first move if you want this as much as I do because I’m not some rich asshole who’s trying to take advantage of the fact that you’re completely vulnerable right now. That conversation.” He sips his wine again, and you feel like you might pass out or jump across the table into his lap. You’re too frozen to do either.
“You think I’m beautiful?”
“Honey,” he sighs setting down his wine glass and folding his hands together resting his elbows on the table. “I don’t mince words. And let me put it to you clearly. You’re exactly my fuckin’ type.”
“Is this really happening?”
“Only if you want it to baby. But I’m as real as it gets. And I couldn’t have made a more perfect woman if I tried, and I have.” He mumbles the last part into his wine glass, it’s so quiet you almost don’t hear it.
“Look Nathan, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m in love with you.”
Both his eyebrows raise in question and a smile grin spreads across his face.
“No, I mean,” you bury your face in your hands, “I mean I have a crush on you, you’re kind of… my celebrity crush,” you wince a little and peek out from behind your hands. “My cousin really does own a timeshare and I really did want to get away, but I came because I thought you would be nearby. I didn’t actually think I’d be having dinner with you after you saw me naked.”
“So, that explains the vibrator then,” he scratches his chin, pretending he’s lost in thought. He’s messing with you but when he sees your obvious distress he leans back in his chair. You think he’s about to apologize when you get up and walk down the hall and pick a random room that’s open.
You sit down on a couch and look up to see a Jackson Pollack painting on the wall. Lights are angled at it, it’s the focal point of the room.
A few moments later you hear a soft knock on the doorframe.
Nathan walks in and leans against the desk under the painting, he’s facing you. His arms are crossed, but he doesn’t look angry.
“Look, I wanna talk to you about earlier. I know I come on….strong. And it’s a shitty excuse but you’re the first real woman I’ve seen in months that isn’t my housekeeper and what I said before about you being my type? Shit. I scared you, didn’t I?”
“It’s just overwhelming,” you flush. “My celeb crush saw me naked today and wants to have sex with me. Not to mention you offered me a MILLION dollars without batting an eye!”
“Okay, okay. How can I put you at ease about this? We obviously have a connection. And you might as well stay until I can fix your phone.”
“What about the money?”
“I could put you to work. I’m writing a thesis. And I need to make sure it’s readable to someone who may not understand all this,” he moves his hands around in the air.
“Is that worth a million dollars?”
“It would be to me; I need help on this.”
“Okay,” you nod. “I’ll do it.”
“Really?” he smiles, he seems so excited. “Great. I’ll take you to a room you can stay in. Let me give you a tour of the place.”
Your tour ends with the bedroom. He tells you goodnight and disappears down the hall. You shimmy out of the sweatpants but leave on the Henley and slide into the bed. The sheets are soft, silky. There’s a thick warm blanket on top and you snuggle deep under the covers.
You’re thinking about your day, what a crazy day it’s been. You try not to linger on the naked part, but you think more about his skin. The warmth. The touch of his beard. His obvious desire for you at dinner. You wonder what he’s doing right now. You wonder if he’s thinking about you as much as you are thinking about him. Maybe you have some charge left in the vibrator….
if this looks familiar....it’s because w/ permission from @sergeantkane, i wrote a fic based on my thread w/ her on @thatortheschlong!! 
next part will come on thursday feb 18th!
tagging: @punkpascal​, @pascal-isaac​, @wasicskosgirl​, @velvetmel0n​, @huliabitch​, @shadow-assassin-blix​, @writefightandflightclub​, @aellynera​, @softboywriting​, @veuliee2​, @spider-starry​, @mylifeliterally​, @millllenniawrites​, @ntlmundy​, @foxilayde, @writingletterstothefire​, @mandoplease, @anetteaneta​, @feelmyroarrrr​, @artsymaddie​, @shakespeareanwannabe​, @thevalentinowhitebag​, @deanfanatic​
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
Warmth - a Bakugou x Reader Christmas special
its finally done hhhhhh I love how I was just like “Oh yeah I’ll do a short little fic for Christmas” and then I ended up typing this long ass fic. I mean, its not that long but it took me days to write cuz I lack motivation always so it feels long lmao. Anyways, haven’t wrote for my explodey boy bakugou yet so here it is! Let me know if I gave the reader any specific pronouns or features by accident and I’ll fix it right away! I hope you all enjoy! Please feel free to reblog if you wanna give my fic more exposure, I'd really appreciate it 😚
Summary: You get caught in the middle of a snowstorm, and when you get home, you’re desperately craving the warmth of your exploding, ragey boyfriend. 
Word count: 3.3K
Warnings/other info: swearing, itty bitty reference to sexy times, spoiler for Bakugou’s hero name, just a lot of fluff (you guys are so mean to each other tho lmao)
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You hated winter. Actually, scratch that. Let’s rephrase. You hate snow. No, you had nothing against the actual season. Winter brought you cute Christmas movies and catchy songs, as well as the gift-giving holiday itself. However, snow was a demon, and it could fuck right off. Especially when it was blowing directly into your face like it was now, your snow-covered boots trudging through the thick snow as you held grocery bags in each of your gloved hands. Even though you were wearing a thick winter coat and hat, and had your scarf covering half of your face, you felt like you were about to shiver out of your own skin and god you could barely fucking see with all of this snow going directly into your eyes.
“‘It’s right down the street, y/n, just walk there.’ What am I, fucking stupid?” you muttered.
You had figured it would be better to just walk to the store rather than using up gas or spending money on transportation, and fuck were you dumb for making that decision. Bakugou had warned you too, taking one look outside and telling you it would be better to just go get groceries tomorrow. But noooo, you just had to get it done today. And honestly, it looked like the roads were gonna be shitty for the next few days, so better now than later. Speaking of the roads, there were barely any cars driving on them, which was expected. The plow didn’t look like it had come through yet. However, a vehicle slowly came towards you, going under the speed limit to avoid sliding on the road, and you could hear The Christmas Song playing loudly from inside as it passed. Chestnuts roasting on an open fire? Yeah, the only thing going to be roasting on an open fire was your ass the second you walked through the door. And by an open fire, you meant the heater, which Bakugou better have on full fucking blast, or else you swore you were going to wring his neck.
As your apartment building became closer in view, you doubled your efforts and tried to speed up your pace, but the snow made it almost impossible when it was almost past your shins. Still, you grit your teeth and pushed through, letting out a relieved groan when you walked through the front door of your building and felt heat blast you in the face. Releasing a sigh, your grip tightening on the grocery bags as you traversed up the stairs to your apartment, and when you jammed your keys in the lock and pushed through the door, it was just as you suspected. Too fucking cold.
“He’s dead. He’s a dead man. He knew I was going out in the fucking arctic tundra that is the city right now, but he chose to keep the thermostat at fucking 70 degrees?!” you thought, grumbling to yourself as you set the bags down in the kitchen and marched over to the thermostat.
“Hey, take your fucking boots off, will you? You’re tracking snow.”
You raised your middle finger in the direction the voice came from, not even looking back
at your boyfriend as you turned the dial of the thermostat and watched the numbers go up until you were satisfied. Turning to look at Bakugou with a glare, you said something that he could tell was filled with frustration and anger, but he could barely hear you when you were talking through your scarf, raising an eyebrow as if to silently say, “what the fuck are you saying?” Rolling your eyes, you toed off your boots and hung up your coat, taking off your gloves and hat next before unwrapping your scarf from around your face and neck.
“I said you’re a fucking maniac. How are you not freezing?” you asked, hurrying past Bakugou to your shared bedroom so that you could change into something warmer.
Bakugou just scoffed, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched you change. “You remember what my quirk is, right?”
Slipping one of Bakugou’s large hoodies over your head, you let out a sigh. “Oh right, I forgot that along with the ability to blow shit up, you’re also a walking heat box,” you said, throwing the hood over your head as you turned to your boyfriend with a small pout.
He just looked at you with an amused smirk, a single eyebrow quirked as he looked you up and down. He had to admit, he’d never get tired of seeing you in his clothes. Though he quickly became worried when a mischievous grin appeared on your face, and he had no time to react when you were running forward and slipping your hands underneath his shirt, wrapping your arms around his bare torso.
“Gah! Shit, you’re fucking freezing!” he yelled, trying to push you off of him, but you just tightened your hold as you buried your face in his chest. “Hey! Don’t you get comfy, get the hell off of me.”
“But you’re so waaarm,” you whined, looking up at him with cute puppy dog eyes. You weren’t lying, he was very warm, and you’d be damned if you pulled away from him anytime soon.
Letting out a growl through clenched teeth, Bakugou gripped your thighs in his hands and suddenly lifted you, and you let out a noise of surprise, not expecting your feet to come off the ground as your legs automatically wrapped around him so that you wouldn’t fall. Carrying you back into the living room, he threw you on the couch and pinned you with a glare when you tried to move, not walking away until he was certain you wouldn’t get up from that couch. Once he turned his back to you, you sat up on your knees and looked over the back of the couch as Bakugou walked into the kitchen, bending over the reach into one of the bags, and holy fuck his ass in those sweatpants was downright fucking sinful. As the cool kids would say, he was, “double cheeked up on a Thursday afternoon.”
“It’s Saturday, and stop staring at my ass, you damn perv,” Bakugou grumbled without looking back at you, and you pursed your lips as you raised your hands in surrender.
“Not my fault you’re so dummy thicc.”
“For the love of god, stop watching TikTok.”
You just laughed and stood from the couch, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the counter as you watched your boyfriend put the groceries away. “You don’t have to do that, you know. I can put them away.”
“Nonsense. You were just out freezing your ass off in the snow. Now get back on that couch before I throw you on it again,” he said.
You smiled at the kind gesture. While Bakugou was often rude and uncouth, not making an effort to hide his frustration or disdain for certain people or things, there was a soft spot deep down in there, and you were lucky enough to be one of the few people he showed it too. Of course, it was hardly willingly. You were persistent as hell, getting under his skin the moment you started going to UA with him. However, he’d be lying if he said he didn’t like your persistence.
Letting out a small hum to yourself, you leaned over and pressed your lips against his cheek, his skin warming up under your touch. “You’re cute.”
A light pink dusted his cheeks as you walked back to the couch and plopped down onto the soft cushions, grabbing the fluffy blanket hanging over the back and draping it around your shoulders. No, if anyone in this relationship was cute, it was you. With the way you stole his clothes and just seemed to always make them look better, or made him his bento lunch with cute little notes inside that he secretly kept in his desk and would look at whenever he needed a little pick-me-up. You probably didn’t realize how much he noticed every little thing you did, but he did, and it made him fall more in love with you every day. Of course, he wasn’t very eloquent and it was hard for him to express how he felt with words, but he was a believer in how actions spoke louder.
“Hey, dipstick! You almost done? I’m about to freeze my ass off over here and I need my cuddle buddy,” you yelled from the living room, and Bakugou’s eyebrow twitched as he scoffed, running a hand over his face. You just had to ruin it, didn’t you?
“Yeah, yeah, wait a sec, would you? Not my fault your body can’t regulate temperature like a normal fucking human being.”
Your head popped up, looking over the couch at your boyfriend with an incredulous look on your face. “‘Normal?!’ What about you is normal, Mr. I-get-unnecessarily-ragey-and-blow-shit-up? Hm?”
“Oh and you think you’re so normal when you bought fucking ice cream in the middle of goddamn winter,” he said, holding up the tub of ice cream you recently bought on your trip to the store.
“Ice cream is good for any time of the year! And you have no room to judge me. It could be a hundred degrees out and you’ll be scarfing down a bowl of spicy ramen like it’s your last meal.”
“You don’t hear me complaining about it though, do you?”
You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest as you pouted. “Jerk. you know, I hope your quirk just one day combusts and you blow up your own face.”
“Mama’s boy.”
Eyes widening, he dropped the last grocery bag on the floor and stomped over to the couch. If you were any normal person, you probably would’ve been cowering in fear just from the pro-heroes intense stair. But you had been with Bakugou for a while now, and what “normal” person would date someone whose first draft of their hero name was Lord Explosion Murder anyway? He placed his hands on the top of the couch, looking down at you as you stared up at him with a shit-eating grin on your face.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
“Oh, I think you heard me.”
“Take it back or I’m blowing up all of your Deku shirts.”
You gasped dramatically, placing both of your hands over your heart as you gaped at your boyfriend before narrowing your eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
He didn’t say anything, simply raising an eyebrow at your challenge before walking towards your shared bedroom without another word. Oh. Oh, he was being serious. Scrambling off the couch, you ran after him.
“No! Nononono, wait. Ugh, All right!”
He turned to look at you, one of your shirts of the Pro hero Deku held tight in his fist and a smirk on his face that meant trouble. You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked at the nearby wall, not wanting to see that stupid little grin on his stupid face.
“You… You’re- not a mama’s boy,” you muttered under your breath, coughing to make the words more unintelligible.
“I’m sorry, what did you say? I think I feel my hand warming up a bit.”
“Ugh, fine! You’re not a mama’s boy. Happy?”
Grin widening, he dropped the shirt and walked over to you in long strides, closing the distance quickly and placing his hands on your waist. “See? Was that so hard?”
“Absolutely teeth-pulling,” you said, dropping your head on his chest as he chuckled, bringing a hand up to gently pat your head. Of course, there wasn’t a lot about you two that was so different from each other. You both had a mutual hatred for backing down. He then looked over at the bed where the green-haired hero’s smiling face stared back at him, and he scowled.
“Why do you have so many shirts of that damn nerd anyway?”
“I don’t have that many, Katsu.”
“You have like ten. You don’t have any merch of me.” His grip on you tightened possessively, and if he wasn’t aware of it, you certainly were, smiling against his chest before lifting your head.
“Why would I need merch when I have the real life thing right here?” you asked, poking at his abs. “Besides, it’s not like I bought them. They were gifts whenever he had new designs come out.”
“And you couldn’t just refuse?”
“Even if you have some weird tension with him, that doesn’t mean I can’t be friends with him, dummy.” You lightly flicked his forehead and slipped out of his grasp as you walked back out to the living room, and he followed close behind with furrowed brows.
“Weird tension? The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
You just looked at him with raised eyebrows and shrugged, dropping down onto the couch before pulling out your phone. It took him a second to understand what you were getting at, and when he did, he wanted to vomit up his lunch.
“Oh, you’re sick.”
You threw your hands up. “I’m not saying I ship it! Your Twitter followers certainly do, though.”
“Yeah well, they’re all weirdos anyway,” he said, sitting down next to you and throwing an arm around your shoulders, and you immediately relaxed into him, content with the warmth he seemed to produce 24/7. “The only person I wanna be…” he grimaced, shaking his head, “shipped with is you.”
You smiled, looking up at Bakugou as you placed your hand on his chest. “I think people would if we didn’t constantly insult each other while we’re out in public. And you know, if you were actually affectionate with me.”
“I’m affectionate!” he yelled, arm tightening around you. “Those damn extras don’t need to see that shit anyway. Not like it’s any of their business.”
You chuckled and moved to straddle Bakugou’s thighs, hands taking their time as you dragged them up his muscular torso and splayed your fingers over his chest. You admired the man below you with a small smile on your face, his hands moving so that they rested on your thighs, giving them a small squeeze, and you watched his tongue swipe over his bottom lip as he seemed to look at you with that same red-eyed intense stare that he always did. Leaning down, you placed a slow kiss against his lips but pulled away before he could deepen it, and he chased your lips with a quiet growl as you let out an amused huff.
“Would you…” You could tell he was hesitant, never knowing how to properly express what he wanted to say, especially when he was feeling vulnerable. You placed your lips against his cheek, gently holding his face in your hands to try and reassure him. “Would you like me to be more affectionate in public? Would that… make you happy?”
Brows furrowing, your lips formed into a frown as you sat back, hands slipping into his. “Katsu… we’ve been together since our high school days. If I had any complaints, wouldn’t I have voiced them by now?” He opened his mouth, but you didn’t give him the chance to respond, grabbing his face again. “Listen to me for a second. Despite what people think about your rough edges and your unpleasant attitude-”
“Watch it.”
You smiled. “I wouldn’t change a damn thing about you. Your random outbursts, your sailor mouth, your shitty nicknames for all of our friends. Those things are what make you Bakugou Katsuki. Not some shitty tabloid with that stupid headline that’s like “Ten things to know about Pro Hero Dynamight!” or whatever. They’re all bullshit. No one sees the side of you that I get to. No one sees the big softie that you really are.” You lightly poked Bakugou’s chest with a giggle, and he swatted at your hand.
“Hey, I’m not soft, you dumbass,” he grumbled, and you just laughed as you leaned into him and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your forehead on his shoulder.
“Keep telling yourself that.”
You heard him sigh and felt his arms wrap around you, happy in his strong embrace. There was nowhere you felt safer than in Bakugou’s arms. They were always there to hold you at night, or to pull you into a hug when you were feeling upset. You loved his arms, but you loved him in general. Everything about him always had butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. When he would gaze at you like you were the only other person in the world, or when he’d come home after a particularly rough day, and you’d offer to help him relieve some stress, but he’d insist that the only thing on his mind at the moment was you underneath him while he memorized and tasted every inch of you. Yeah, you were a love-struck idiot, but so was he. Maybe even more so.
You were brought out of your thoughts when the lights started to flicker before going out, and you waited a few seconds for them to come back on, but they never did. Are you fucking kidding me?
“Um… Katsuki?”
“Please tell me our power didn’t just go out.”
“Our power didn’t go out.”
You smacked his chest. “Don’t be a smartass.”
“Then don’t say stupid shit.”
You let out a groan before whining out his name, and he sighed as he lifted you off of him and walked into the kitchen to grab his phone. It was like you could already feel the cold seeping back into the apartment through the cracks in the doors and windows, and you shivered as you grabbed the blanket from before and wrapped it around your body. Bakugou then came back into the living room, letting out a sigh and tossing his phone onto the couch.
“Some idiot driving in this shit-storm hit a pole and took down a transformer. Power won’t be back until the morning.”
Great. Just magnificent. Who the fuck decides to drive in a snowstorm? Letting out a huff, you stood and went to the kitchen to find a lighter before lighting every candle you two had, hoping they would provide enough light for the night. After making sure at least one candle was in every room, you went back to find Bakugou gathering all the blankets he could and raised an eyebrow.
“What? We both know our comforter won’t be enough to warm your shivering ass.”
“But I have you, don’t I? My personal heater,” you said, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet as you smiled.
Bakugou scoffed. “Yeah, can’t wait for you to suck all the heat out of me.”
“Oh piss off. You love my cuddles.”
Before he could give you another snarky remark, you turned on your heel and walked to your bedroom, pulling back the covers and immediately tucking yourself underneath them. But of course, it wasn’t warm enough. When Bakugou walked into the room, you stuck a hand out from under the blanket and made a grabbing motion, and he just chuckled at you before throwing an extra blanket on top of you and climbing underneath the covers to lay next to you. You immediately sought him out, desperate for his warmth as you wrapped yourself around him and nuzzled into his chest, and his arms looped around you as he tangled your legs together.
“Christ, you’re fucking freezing,” he grumbled.
“Shut up and hold me tighter,” you said voice muffled as you spoke into his chest, and he did as you asked, his arms tightening around you as you let out a content sigh. 
Relaxing in the silence, you felt yourself begin to grow more tired with each second that passed, and your boyfriend seemed to relax as well, which was rare for him. You both were perfectly content, dozing off in each other’s embrace.
“... So should I get a mistletoe for the apartment?”
“Dear god, shut the fuck up and go to sleep.”
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writingoneshots · 3 years
Hey uhm first of all I just wanna say, your fics are really good!😭❤ secondly, I appreciate the amount of effort you put in to your fics so thank you so much!
How about having an argument with Zoro, Sanji, Ace and Law and f!s/o accidentally says "i hate you", what would their reaction be like?
Angst but fluff and comfort ending if u may omg agsjsvs
N e wayz, have an amazing day bub!❤🥺
Sensitive Topic
Hello softiebadbitch :) ! love this name.
I wasn't really sure how to add 4 readers into one story but I think I found a good solution. It's clear to me that you wanted to have 4 separate stories but this would have been too long for one post and you can't use one request for several posts.. sadly. Hope this fixed it - I made one general story and continued with 4 different endings. All of them are in the reader version but the 'extra girlfriends' have their specific names to not make it too complicated.
Kind of like this way of writing.. wouldn't mind more requests like this :) ! Thanks for letting me explore this new style even though it probably wasn't intended.
And thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it <3 especially because I don't know if anything I write is good enough for Tumblr or literally any request. Thank you, thank you, thank you <3 !
- Ace x reader - ZoroxRey, SanjixAna, LawxValeria (if one of these names is yours.. you're welcome) - 2,774 words (but it's a 4 in 1 story) - lovey-dovey, little pain in our chest, signs of smut, still SFW, cute moments
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Spending some girl-time with your closest best friends was a really rare occasion after spending years on many pirate ships. Especially bonding with female human beings was hard. But since you were dating Ace, you finally got the chance after meeting his friends. Some of them were already in a relationship with their current partners and the rest just started dating. After a successful shopping day, you spend the rest of the evening in the fanciest diner on this island and booked a whole room just for you and your better halves. The men were probably still training or doing something unimportant, but none of you cared. "Can you believe the guy from the bakery? He dared to follow us around just to carry our bags..?", Rey laughed and finished her second glass of wine. "Just please don't tell Sanji about it. He is already heartbroken because I went shopping without him.", Ana pouted and sighed a bit sad. You rolled your eyes, "Stop whining. This is the first time after eight months that we could hang out together. And we didn't have to worry about carrying something." "Plus, the guy seemed to be really into you, Ana.", Rey smirked and gave her a flirty wink. "Stop saying that! Sanji could come here any minute! You know how jealous he can get!", Ana warned Rey and glared at her. This was the worst timing ever. "Jealous? Why?! Did anyone touch you?!", Sanji's eyes were already in flames and he almost teleported himself to his girlfriend after hearing these words. The men decided to join you all on the right - or maybe wrong? - time and chose to mock the conversation. "Probably some weird girly things, we don't wanna know about.", Ace grinned and sat down right in front of you. The men sat down on the other side of the table and didn't even choose to greet them with a hug or a kiss, except for Sanji, who could barely let his fingers of Ana. You raised an eyebrow at Ace's comment, "What?" "Just kidding! You had probably something important to talk about.. like which nail color you're supposed to get next week.", Ace added and high-fived Zoro. "Or what hairstyle you should make to match your earrings!", Zoro couldn't stop laughing at his own comment. Ace turned to Law for another high five but he just glared at the topless pirate. "What? You're leaving me hanging like this?!" "Don't drag me into this.", Law turned away from him and faced Valeria, who seemed pleased by his answer. The others were not though. You were still confused by Ace's behavior but slowly understood that he tried to be as manly as possible in front of the others. Sanji sat down on his place after failing to convince Ana to have her sit on his lap. "What do you mean? An hour ago you were talking about how Valeria tried to draw her eyeliner but ended up looking like a panda!", Ace laughed and high-fived Zoro again, who seemed to feel a bit unsure about Ace's comment now. Rey looked down at her drink, already realizing how quickly the mood changed since they started making fun of all of you. Valeria was shocked. She didn't know how to respond and just shook her head, ignoring Law's desperate look on his face. "That's enough, Ace.", you talked silently and poured yourself some wine, not caring about the waiter offering to do it for you. "What.. I-", Ace froze after seeing your face. It pained him to see you being disappointed and he didn't know how that happened. "I am sorry if I have offended anyone.. we were just talking.. ", he cleared his throat and began to feel uncomfortable. He didn't see that coming. "Then maybe you should stop it", you were still not able to look up. "Stop what? Talking?" "Yes.", your eyes flashed up to him now. He didn't expect to see the anger in them. Ace has never seen that glare directed at him. It felt way too painful. "Okay, everyone. Let's calm down now and enjoy this dinner.", Sanji tried to cool down the situation and looked at the food, which didn't look good enough for his girlfriend. "Gonna be hard when you're here.", Zoro commented under his breath and was already eating his meal. "Huh?!", Sanji clenched
his teeth and tensed all his muscles to not smack Zoro for that comment. "Can you just calm down, you two?!", Ana took a deep and annoyed breath, trying to stay calm in this uncomfortable scenario. Ace couldn't stop but to look at you, ignoring him now. "Valeria-" "Don't.", she stopped Law from whatever he was trying to say. Everyone was quiet. Nobody was eating. "..anyone want some extra bread?", the waiter whispered and stood behind you, holding up a basket with fresh bread.
Ace x reader When you arrived in the room of your hotel, you still didn't dare to say a word. You were still furious about his behavior, especially because this wasn't the first time he dared to say something like that. "(Y/N), I am-" "I don't want to hear it." "Please, just let me-" "I said, that I don't want to hear it.", you hit your jacket onto the bed and let go of it a few seconds after. Taking a deep breath, Ace pressed his lips together and didn't know what to say or do. You two never had a fight like this and he feared to say something wrong, which would make you leave him. "I don't want us to go to bed angry.", he whispered sadly and stepped closer to you. You just froze and closed your eyes, trying to remain calm. "You always do this.. every time you make fun of something I do. I stopped talking about my hobbies and literally anything that makes me happy and you caught a glimpse of us having fun, and immediately you chose to mock it..." Ace frowned at that and thought back to all the times he tried to have fun with you. He never understood any of your hobbies or what girls liked, which is why he tried to spend some time with you by making jokes but it never occurred to him that it was actually hurting you. "Why did you never tell me that? I didn't know that it hurt you.." "Because I shouldn't need to tell you! I hate when you try to make fun of me or other people like that! You literally took the joy of me doing my hair, trying to learn how to skateboard or even baking muffins! I hate this, I hate the fights and I hate yo-" Both of you froze right on your spots. "Oh my God..", tears were rolling down your eyes and your knees weren't able to support you any longer. You immediately went down to your knees and hid your face in your hands. "I didn't want to say this.. it slipped.. I don't hate you, Ace!" Your heart was aching at what you were about to say. Ace didn't feel any better. He sat down right next to you and watched you wiping your tears away. "I have caused this... I am sorry, (Y/N).. This will never happen again, I promise. I just wanted to be a part of something in your life.", he took a deep breath and pulled you onto his lap. "I will find another way. Just please.. don't hate me." You shook your head and hugged him tight back, hiding your face in his neck and never ever letting him go. --- Zoro x Rey Zoro came out of the shower, just a towel around his hips and water still dripping down his naked chest. This was usually a sight, which made you jump right onto him but not this time. The pirate hunter had hoped for you to fall for it because he was really bad at apologizing but he knew you had a stronger will than him. He would have fallen for it. You were already in bed, cuddled into your pillow and ignoring him professionally. "Rey.. I can feel that you're not sleeping.", Zoro approached the bed and sighed when you didn't respond. "..are you mad at me?", he whispered now carefully. You raised an eyebrow at this provocative question and pressed your lips together, trying not to give back a stupid answer. But your mouth responded faster than your brain. "No, I am super happy about today's events. We can repeat that tomorrow again, if you feel like making fun of women-things.", you added in a sarcastic tone. "So.. that's a yes?" You turned around, the pillow tight in your grip and pulled the pillow with a loud thud onto his face. When you took the pillow away, you narrowed your eyes at his provocative smirk. "Definitely, yes." "Shut up.", you sighed and were about to turn around again but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you to the other side of the bed until you were facing him. "Stop running away from your problems all the time, lady." "I really hate when you are doing this!", you tried to free your arm from his grip. "What?" "Using your strength to make me do whatever you want to!" "This is literally the reason, why you started dating me. Because I am not a weakling, who gets dragged by everyone like your stupid exes. But if you really hate it, then that means you must hate me
too, right?", he leaned forward, making sure not to miss any sort of reaction in your eyes. You looked at him surprised and didn't know what to say. After a few seconds, you shook your head and sighed a bit. "I couldn't hate you for being you. I hate the fact that you're making fun of girl-things all the time." "Alright, I'll stop then.", Zoro promised and let go of your hand. He turned around and went to the pile of washed clothes on the couch to pick out something to sleep in. Right.. I forgot how easy it can be in a relationship. You talk, promise and go on. Not believing what he just did, your brain had a thousand thoughts about what would happen during this night but it did not involve any sort of clothes. You stood up, went to him, and pulled away his towel. Zoro turned around, surprised by your decision, "Oj.. bad girl." --- Sanji x Ana After this emotional and very unusual dinner, you decided to have some tea. Sanji was still in your bedroom preparing a bath for you even though you've told him that you weren't in the mood for it. You hid in the kitchen and cooked some water, while preparing the rest. While you were looking for the honey, which he was hiding from Luffy, Sanji entered the kitchen. "Oj, what are you doing?", he approached you and immediately figured that you were making some tea. "Just something to warm myself up with a sweet taste.", you smiled a bit exhausted and felt Sanji's arms around you in an instant. "I am sorry for today.. I know that I promised you to not get triggered because of that marimo but his bare existence is to annoy me.", Sanji tried to brighten the mood and gave you a soft kiss on your head. "No, it's okay.. I am already used to it. I just wanted to have a chill day with the girls and this fight kind of ruined everything again.", you shrugged and leaned softly onto him, enjoying his muscular arms supporting you. "Oh.. so you don't hate me, right?" You laughed softly. The relationship had only just begun and Sanji had to question every move of yours. "I could never...", you looked up to him and kissed his warm lips softly, forgetting about everything that had happened in the last hour. --- Law x Valeria Law used his room ability to create a bubble surrounding the two of you. He carefully stepped closer and put his arm around your waist only to see you turn your head away from him. He tensed his jaw, trying to hide the sudden strike of pain in his chest and just decided to ignore it for now. "Shambles." You found yourself in your and Law's bedroom. After a few seconds, you just freed yourself from his arm and went straight into the bathroom, locking yourself in. Law just stood there, not knowing what to do or say. He had definitely hurt your feelings but he didn't know how to apologize for it. "Val..", he closed the distance slowly to the door and tried to listen to whatever you were doing inside. It sounded like you were throwing something away and sniffling quietly. Fuck.. "Valeria.. what are you doing?" "Cleaning.", your response was sharp. Law knew that he was a genius, who could solve the hardest puzzle on this planet or even have a detailed discussion with Robin, but even Luffy or Kid would have been able to figure out what you were doing right now. "Stop throwing away your things. I like it when you put on your make-up." "Are you sure about that? Or are you going to call me a dog or a salamander the next time you talk to others?!", you wiped away your tears and threw away the rest of the make-up, which you bought today. "Stop overreacting. I was just talking about your eyeliner the other day and you hated it too. Take out the make-up again and forget about it.", he sighed and knew that this wasn't something he should say but he also knew that it would trigger you enough to get out of the bathroom. "You know what-!", you opened the door harshly and stepped out, pointing your index finger at him. Law had a hard time hiding his cheeky smile because he already knew you well enough. "I hate what you're doing! Always talking about me behind my back! I hate
you for it!", you crossed your arms at your chest and took a deep breath, trying to control the last brain cells, which are still able to hold you back from kissing his cheeky smirk. The pirate captain raised an eyebrow at that and needed a second to choose his next words wisely. "Did you just tell me that you hate me?" "I said that I hate you for it! Not that I hate you!" "This is literally the same..", Law tilted his head a bit and couldn't quite accept that. "I hate it when you talk about me behind my back before talking to me personally. You were the first one to say 'I love you' but not directly to me.. no! You said it to Bepo first and he told me. Then you said that you preferred my soft cookies more than the brownies but again: you didn't tell me! You told Sanji! And to the newest 'Law is a wimp and can't tell his girlfriend anything personally', you told the boys that I looked like a damn panda!" "But a cute one..", Law smirked now and stepped closer, putting his hand on your cheek softly. You were just about to smack it away but Law was faster. He pushed you against a wall within a second and pressed his body against yours. His hand rested on your neck and he pressed his thumb against your chin, forcing you to look up at him. "Say it again, Valeria..", he purred your name in his dangerously sexy voice. "Say that you hate me." You frowned at his reaction and didn't really understand how this turned him on. "No, you weirdo." "Say it.", he commanded now and leaned closer to you, your lips barely touching. "Make me.", your last brain cells just said their goodbyes. A harsh sound of him pulling out his belt appeared beside you and you couldn't look away. His eyes were focused on yours as if he'd die if he'd miss anything for a second. "Don't tell Bepo.. but you're my favorite panda." "You fucking... I really hate you now.", you spoke through your teeth and tried to push him away. The most heartwarming laugh escaped Law's lips and he immediately locked his lips with yours, not giving you a chance to respond to him laughing. Law pulled your arms behind your back and tied them with his belt. "That's my girl.", he whispered in between your kiss and didn't let go of you for the rest of the night.
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The City Boy Who Never Sleeps
Author: GA!Babe
Fandom: Banana Fish
Summary: In a wonderful au where the ending is happy and everyone is just fine. Sometimes you just gotta exist and cope together. (2097 words)
Eiji laid on his side, watching the twinkling lights of New York City through the window of their secret apartment. When he had first come to New York, he had never thought that this project would have pulled him out of his shell as much as it had. 
Not only did he find a reason to continue on, a reason to get up in the morning...but he found love. What had been a simple tagalong to get an in depth story of life in the biggest gang in America had turned into a whirlwind story of love, death, resurrection, betrayal, and drugs.
But now, it was all over. He would be leaving America soon, actually this time. After the multiple threats to send him back to Japan when things got too dangerous and sticky, he was actually heading home. And Ash was coming with.
"No," Ash whined in his sleep, twisting again in bed. 
Another nightmare. 
They were basically a package deal with Ash Lynx. All of the trauma he had gone through, it would be concerning if he didn't have nightmares regularly.
"Please, stop," Ash moaned right before a soft thud as his pillows hit the floor.
Eiji's heart was breaking as he listened to the blonde relive the worst parts of his life in the safety of his sleep. He wanted to help, of course he did, but Ash was... complicated, especially when it came to comfort. The last time Eiji tried to help Ash wake up from a nightmare, he had almost gotten punched in the face. Not on purpose, of course, but it was quite dangerous to wake up the gang leader in the middle of a traumatic nightmare.
"Leave me alone," Ash whined.
Eiji sighed and pulled himself out of bed. It hurt too much to hear him like this. Maybe if he started making breakfast, something American, then Ash would wake up naturally and the horrors of his life would fade away as he ate some of Eiji's cooking.
Never mind the fact that it was the ungodly hour of 3 AM or that Ash had not liked his cooking the last time. 
Eiji softly padded off to the kitchen, keeping the bedroom door open a crack in case Ash needed help. He opened the fridge and frowned. Of course, none of them had gone grocery shopping since they would be on a plane by tomorrow. So, there wasn't much in terms of variety... or food. Eiji closed his eyes and shut the fridge door. 
Okay, well, nowhere would be open right now, and even if places were open, it's not like he could just leave Ash alone in this apartment, especially when he was already having a bad night. What could he do?
Eiji took out his phone and began texting their friends Kong and Bones to bring some food if they were up.
Much to his dismay, they both responded relatively quickly. He pinched the bridge of his nose and groaned. Does no one sleep properly in America? Sure, he was also awake now, but still. 
That definitely sounded louder than a couple of pillows. Eiji set his phone down and as he was turning towards the bedroom, Ash was already bursting through the bedroom door.
He was beyond disheveled, the sheet still tangled around his pale legs, his blonde hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, and a gun hanging limply in his hand. 
"Eiji," He breathed, relief washing over his entire body. In just a few steps, Ash had closed the distance between them and thrown his arms around Eiji's shoulders. Almost automatically, Eiji's arms settled around Ash's waist and pulled him closer. The blonde stuck his face in the crook of Eiji's neck and inhaled deeply. 
Goosebumps ran up and down Eiji's skin. He pulled Ash closer and noticed that he was shaking ever so slightly in his arms. He pressed a gentle kiss on Ash's shoulder, almost afraid to do so. He didn't want to kiss anywhere that would bring terrible memories flooding back from all of Ash's time being used and abused by Dino.
But...if he were to fall into his fear, he wouldn't ever kiss Ash again and that was out of the question.
"Ash, how are you feeling?" Eiji whispered despite already knowing the answer. Ash just shook his head.
"Are you hungry?" Eiji asked, pressing another kiss to the side of Ash's head.
"For your cooking? Pass" Ash huffed.
Eiji had to mentally restrain himself from shoving the blonde away. He's struggling. He needs comfort. Just because he's an asshole doesn't mean he should be left alone. 
"Your friends are bringing food soon." Eiji said through gritted teeth.
"Mm good. You read my mind," Ash said and kissed Eiji's neck. Eiji rolled his eyes and flicked Ash in the ear.
Ash yelped and jumped back, covering his ear with one hand and pouting. How this man ran the most powerful gang in all of New York City was just beyond him sometimes.
"Why'd you do that?" Ash whined, rubbing his ear with the butt of the gun he still held in his hand. 
"You're being mean." Eiji said simply and crossed his arms over his chest. 
"Mean? You're the one who flicked me." Ash scoffed and finally set the gun down on a nearby counter. "You're the mean one."
"I can get meaner." Eiji warned with a raised eyebrow, mischief brewing in his mind. It had been a while since he had seen Ash smile...maybe there was a way to fix that.
"What are you thinking?" Ash asked, looking his Japanese boyfriend up and down. Something was brewing in that boy's mind.
"あなたはくすぐったいですか、アッシュ?" Eiji asked, not wanting to immediately let Ash know his plan.
"Uhhh...?" Ash responded, not sure what any of that meant. It was very rare for Eiji to speak to him in japanese, but whenever he did, it meant that playful trouble was about to ensue.
Eiji pounced, wiggling fingers ready to make contact with Ash's sides. 
And then... he didn't make contact. One second Ash was standing right there and the next he wasn't. Eiji didn't even get a second to think before he was swept off of his feet and landed -- surprisingly softly -- face first on the floor. Ash sighed as he straddled Eiji's waist, as if this whole ordeal was just another day. 
"Now, I have a feeling as to what you thought you were doing, Eiji, but I just don't understand why you thought you would win," Ash said, smirking as Eiji huffed and wiggled in frustration underneath him. Maybe jumping onto New York's more powerful gang boss wasn't the best idea. 
"Let me go," Eiji sighed, pressing his forehead against the cold wooden floor. This was quite humiliating. Bones and Kong would be here any minute now with the snacks he had asked for not too long ago and if they were found like this it would be... embarrassing at best. 
"Tell me what you said in Japanese." Ash said, pressing a hand against Eiji's back. 
"There's... no translation." Eiji lied, his face flushing pink. He was suddenly very aware of his position here and how helpless he was underneath Ash.
"I'm sure there is, Eiji. I'll let you think about it." Ash said and for a moment, Eiji felt as if he was going to get out of his whole ordeal without any sort of consequences.
And then Ash's fingers began wiggling against his sides and Eiji felt his entire body go rigid. 
"Are you ticklish, Eiji?" Ash asked teasingly. Eiji groaned and grit his teeth together in an attempt to hide his bubbling giggles. The wiggling fingers tickled over to his ribcage and Eiji began kicking his legs desperately. 
"You seem to be struggling for your words there? I can help with your english if you need," Ash teased, noticing how much Eiji was struggling to hold in his laughter. It was kind of cute actually and it definitely helped with his post-nightmare mood. 
There was one thing though, he did want to see Eiji's smile. In a quick fluid movement, Ash flipped Eiji onto his back.
"Hello there," Ash said and gave Eiji a quick kiss on his nose.
"Are you going to let me go now, Ash?" Eiji asked, trying his best to look as cute and vulnerable as possible so that Ash would have to release him instead of unleashing ticklish hell upon his poor ticklish self. 
"Sure thing, Eiji, once you tell me what you said in Japanese," Ash said sweetly. And Eiji's stomach dropped. Should he just tell Ash what he asked? Would that help or hurt his predicament?
"I don't know the translation, sorry Ash," Eiji said with a very overdramatic sigh. He was very bad at lying.
"You're cute," Ash said with a shake of his head. "But if I have to kill you, I will."
That would have been absolutely terrifying coming from the Ash Lynx. In fact, Eiji was absolutely terrified of him right now. Sure it was a different type of terrified, but still. 
Ash began wiggling and pinching his fingers up and down Eiji's soft sides. Eiji squeezed his eyes shut and his face scrunched up as he struggled not to laugh or giggle.
"You look like you're really struggling there. Would you like my help finding the English words?" Ash asked as Eiji weakly tried to fight back. 
Eiji didn't know what was worse, the actual teasing or Ash pretending not to be absolutely taking him apart right now. 
"Does this tickle, Eiji? How about here? I can't tell," Ash asked as he poked, pinched, and prodded at Eiji's ribs and sides. Something was bound to make him crack. 
Then, it hit him. He took both of Eiji's wrists and held them above his head with one hand.
"W-wait, Ash, I-i was just going to--" Eiji began desperately as his most ticklish spot was suddenly available for Ash to fully exploit. Ash pressed their lips together, stopping Eiji from speaking. Sure, he wanted to know what Eiji said, but he was having too much fun tormenting his boyfriend to stop now. 
With his free hand, he began spidering his fingers underneath Eiji's arm. Immediately, the trapped giggles began to flow from his lips. Those giggles quickly turned to laughter as Ash began kissing his neck as well. 
"Ahahahahaahahahash!" Eiji laughed, his feet kicking against the floor as the ticklish feelings overwhelmed him. 
"Your laugh is so cute," Ash hummed though he hoped that his soft musing would be lost amongst the laughter in the air. 
"Ahahahasshu! Quihihihihihit it! Teihihhihihishi!" Eiji laughed, unable to keep translating to english as the ticklish feelings took up every thought in his brain.
"Did you forget how to speak English, Eiji?" Ash chuckled, a little proud of himself. 
He took his hand away from Eiji's wrists and stuffed them both under Eiji's arms. With a screech, Eiji's laughter jumped up several octaves and tears of mirth pricked at his eyes. 
And finally, Ash stopped. Eiji was left as a giggly puddle on the floor, attempting to catch his breath. When he opened his eyes, he saw not only Ash standing above him, but also Bones and Kong. They were all looking at him fondly.
Quickly, Eiji stood up, his face turning bright red. 
"We brought some Mickey D's." Bones said in a sing-song voice as he pulled up several greasy brown bags. Eiji wanted to make a comment about how any sensible restaurant should be closed at this hour, but decided to keep to himself.
"And I'm going to beat you in smash this time around, boss!" Kong said excitedly, taking a bag from Bones and then hopping onto the couch. Ash chuckled and took a bag from Bones as well then settled next to his friend.
"You alright?" Bones asked in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear. If it were possible for Eiji to turn a deeper shade of red, he would have. Bones just laughed and handed over a bag of food. Eiji begrudgingly took it then went to take a seat next to his boyfriend. 
As the game loaded up, Eiji wrapped an arm around Ash's waist and sighed.
"Would you like to know what I asked, Ash?" Eiji asked, his voice barely above a whisper. As tilted his head in curiosity, but his gaze remained on the game.
"Are you ticklish, Ash?" 
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pretendrocketships · 4 years
About: Shawn uses a surprise vacation and his tongue to make you forgive him (angst/fluff/smut BUY TWO GET ONE FREE) 
A/N: 2.2k. Combined a soft!shawn and vacation request, so I hope you don’t mind! Sometimes soft smut being reassured how much someone loves you is a nice change of pace plus its all oral so here ya go. As always leave feedback if you want! (plz) 
Song: Paradise by Bazzi
“Fuck, this is beautiful,” you muttered, staring at the ocean at the waves crashing before you. 
“You’re beautiful,” Shawn said, leaning around to kiss your cheek. The ice from your fresh drink he brought you dripped down your forearm. You rolled your eyes and peaked at him below your sunglasses. 
“Flattery will get you nowhere, Mendes,” you reminded before settling back into your seat. He laughed to himself and put his own drink on the small table between your chairs. He moved your legs open, then settle himself in between them.
“It’s worked pretty well for me so far. I’m here on this beautiful, private island with the most beautiful girl in the world. So, I think flattery’s worked out pretty well for me.” His goofy smile disappeared when he saw you weren’t smiling with him. 
“Let’s get one thing straight,” you said, bringing your glasses down to the bridge of your nose, “you’re here on this beautiful island with the most beautiful girl in the world because you fucked up, and you needed to apologize and thought 72 hours on an island would do the trick,” you stated before leaning back in your chair, taking a sip of your drink hoping the ice and alcohol would cool you down. “That’s how you got here.” He ran his tongue over his teeth, forcing himself to shut up and think about his next move. He got up and turned away from you, staring off into the sea. 
“This was to fix our relationship, and I can’t do that if you don’t let me.” His voice came out strained. He already felt the sarcastic tone dripping from your tongue, and he could already feel a headache coming on.
“And please remind me why we have to fix our relationship, Shawnie?” Knowing you only use that nickname to annoy him, he was realizing that maybe buying you and island, then whisking you off to it with no warning wasn’t the best fix to your situation.
“I told you I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to ignore you. I was busy. I didn’t even notice I was doin--”
“And that’s the problem! You didn’t notice, you didn’t remember you had a girlfriend who would wait up for you and cook for you and be there for you. You could go out to every record meeting or studio session or hang out with the fucking boys while you expected me to do what? Wait up. Fuck that.” You drank the frozen drink even faster, needing to be drunk to have the same fight over again in the blistering heat. Shawn only now turned back around, admitting to himself, finally, that he was wrong, and he was just going to have to accept that and stop making excuses for what he already knew. He moved to sit on the side of your lounge chair.
“Listen, honey, I’m sorry. I did not think about it like that. I didn’t think about how you felt.” You were up and ready to attack him until he held his hands up in defeat. “And I should have. I didn’t bring us here to just try and buy your forgiveness. I realize the problem was me not making time for you, so here I am,” he said with a nervous smile and shrug of his shoulders, “making time for you and only you.” 
“Yes, me. Only me and the 35 person staff we also had to bring along since you can’t cook, or drive a boat, or--” 
“Honeyy,” he whined and buried his face into your stomach. “I’m trying here!” You threw your head back in a soft laugh, scratching his scalp as he purred into you. You wanted to be mad at him, but he bought you a fucking island. But more importantly, he understands why you were mad and validates that. Since the beginning, that’s all you really wanted. “Tell me you love me.” The neediness in his voice, the way it shook, concerned you. You pulled on the end of his curls a little, forcing him to look up at you. 
“What was that?” you asked knowing full well what he said, but needing him to explain. He forced himself up to sit back, looking you in the eyes. 
“I just,” he looked away, wringing his hands, a bad habit that exposed itself when he was upset or nervous. “I know you’ve talked to me about this before. I know my job puts a huge strain on our relationship, and I know if I keep pushing you, you’ll leave me, with good reason,” he rushed out, “but I--”
“Shawn,” you said, leaning over to sit in his lap and cradle his cheeks. “I’m not leaving you, okay? We’re allowed to have fights like every other couple, doesn’t mean I’m leaving you, yeah?” His eyes were darting all over your face. “I love you, okay? Still. I love you, Shawn.” You heard the breathe that he finally allowed himself to let out.
“Fuck, I love you so much,” he proclaimed. You laughed again and left soft kisses up his neck.
“Love you too, baby,” He moved your head from his neck and forced you to face him. 
“Lay back,” he commanded and lightly pushed you back onto the chair, so you were laying flat. 
“For what?” you questioned as he pushed your thighs further apart, so he was back between your legs.
“You were so good to me, forgiving me for everything. Just wanna make you feel as good as I feel right now.” After months, he could still make your heart race like no other.  
“Shawn, you don’t have to.” He grinned and rolled his eyes.
“Yes, honey, I know that. But I want to,” he said, snapping your bikini bottoms against your hips for emphasis. You stared at him intently, letting out soft moans as his lips grazed your inner thighs. He left a trail up both of your thighs, alternating as he pleased. His nose nudged at your clothed clit, making your hips instinctively flicker up. “May I?” You nodded breathlessly, kicking your legs to help him pull your bottoms down. He carelessly tossed them behind him. He pulled back a little to admire you. “Fucking glistening in the sun for me. So. Fucking. Beautiful.” He kissed from side to side on your outer lips.
“Shawn,” you whined while squirming. “Do something.” 
“Anything for my pretty,” Kiss. “Pretty.” Another. “Girl.” His lips were everywhere but where you needed him. This was supposed to be about you forgiving him, but he knew the more he built you up, the more you would thank him later. He stuck his tongue out, finally, licking flat against you, from top to bottom. You jolted, your thighs temporarily tightening around his head. As his tongue lapped at you, he took both hands and rubbed the outside of your leg, then pushed them further apart. “Gotta open up for me, honey.” 
You nodded, even though you knew he couldn’t see you. He was too busy. His tongue flicked repeatedly from your hole to your clit, like the boxing reflex ball he was always working out on at the gym. This tongue never let up, and just like during his workouts he was beginning to form a light sheen of sweat over his back. After he was sure you wouldn’t close up on him, he moved one of his hands to spread you open, allowing for direct access to your swollen, little clit. He moaned into you at the same time you screaming out for him. His left hand snaked down to palm himself. “Fucking taste so good, just dripping on my tongue, honey. Am I making you feel good?” You were having trouble forming thoughts with his tongue swishing back and forth over you.
“Yes!” Your hips were trashing now, completely moving on their own. He was switching between kissing and sucking now. 
“Shhh,” he calmed you while only speeding up his actions, the vibrations causing you to lurch up. He pulled away from you, chin shining and covered in you. “Could never listen to me could you?” he chuckled to himself, even though you were currently giving him daggers. He pressed three soft kisses to your clit. “That’s okay. Still love you.” He moved up your body. “Love every time you let me see you like this, so vulnerable, all for me.” He was not at your hips, softly biting and smoothing over the areas with his tongue. “Love how you take care of me.” He was caressing your sides, both hands touching and part of your body he could reach. “Love waking up to this every day,” he revealed, kissing from your belly button to the tops of your breasts. He closed his eyes and moaned into you. “Fuck, I love these.” His hands were tweaking your left nipple as his tongue began to assault your right. He loved watched the way they reacted to his touch, perking up with the softest of pulls. 
“Shawnn.” Your broken moans did something to him that he couldn’t explain if he tried. “Please?” you begged, and by the desperation in your voice, he knew you were ready. You whimpered when he came up to your neck instead of going back towards your dripping pussy. 
“Don’t whine, wanna see you when you cum all over me. That okay, honey?” His voice was too sweet for what was coming out of it. 
“Y-yes.” You nodded fervently, not caring what he did, as long as you got to cum. He smiled and kissed you sweetly. You were getting lost into the feeling of tasting yourself on his tongue. He knew you too well. He swallowed your screams and two fingers pushed inside you. The pads of his fingers went exploring inside you, rubbing your walls over and over. He was relishing in the feeling of you fluttering around him. When he pulled back slightly, he took mental pictures of how beautiful your face looked all scrunched up in pleasure just for him. 
“You are fucking breathtaking,” he huffed out, trying to stay focus while you were squeezing the life out of his fingers. You were so close he could feel it. He was pressing kisses to any part of your face he could reach. “Could ya let go for me, (Y/N)? I’ve got you, just wanna see my pretty girl cum under me, just wanna make you feel good. Are you close, hun? Are you gonna cum for me? Wanna see my good girl,” he moaned softly, directly into your ear. The next few strokes were particularly hard on your g-spot and you felt the orgasm ready to crash over you like a wave. You forced your eyes open, staring straight into his eyes with your mouth open, but unable to form any words. He was grinning now, from ear to ear. “That’s it, (Y/N). Just like that, let it go.” Your legs were shaking as you tossed your head back and threw your arm over your mouth to muffle your screams. The orgasm took over your whole body, and Shawn didn’t let up until you were twitching, trying to pushback from how good it felt. 
“S-Shawn, no more,” you moaned brokenly. He placed his other hand over your tummy and pressed. 
“Feel me so deep don’t you, honey? Feels good, doesn’t it? Your little clit is jumping for me,” he said looking down at his hands rubbing against you. He knew, watching and feeling your body react under his touch, he could pull one more out of you. “Hang on, love. Gimme one more, yeah? Just one more wanna make you feel so good.” You were biting then flesh on the inside of your forearm, not sure of anything else to quiet yourself. You were squeezing around him impossibly tight, so instead of adding a third finger, he settled for rubbing your clit. His hand was flying back and forth so fast, he knew you had no choice but to cum again. You moved your arm from your face, and he saw that look again. “That’s it. There’s my girl, my good girl.” There it was again, the praise that made your skin warm. 
“Shawn.” The moans were music to his ears. 
“Go ahead.” With this orgasm, your back wasn’t even touching the chair. The tingles were traveling through your body at lightning speed. You couldn’t think about anything. You felt weightless. You didn’t even hear Shawn coaxing you back to him, calloused fingertips running all along your body. “Did so, so well for me.” You shot him a lazy smile, and he moved you so he could position you on top of his chest. You were still hazy as you curled into his chest. His hands carded through your hair, and he kissed your temple. “Thank you for coming here with me, loving me, and making anywhere I go with you feel like paradise.”  
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lilyharvord · 4 years
The Chain (Part 11)
Hello Darlings, it’s been a long time coming, but here is the next part of The Chain. (: Please know that there is a little bit of forcing in this chapter to make things work, but its called a plot hole, not a plot no (((: Also, she is nice and long for you guys since it has been sometime since she got some TLC. 
I’ve got two words for you all: Time Travel.
Main concept: Two love struck idiots get sent back to a pretty UGH time period in their lives (that required me to reread all the books again) and have to hide the fact that they know everything. Stupidity ensues.
Find the rest of the fic here: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
tag list:  @delilahlbard, @king-maven-calore, @thatoddgirl777, @elliekratzzz, @evangelineartemiasamos, @evangeline-of-montfort, @scxrletguardsdawn, @freaky-freiday, @petergrantkavinsky, @kuwei, @whatsup-gorls, @katiemoore,  @redqueenetwork, @tranquil-dusk (I’m trying to add you but for some reason it wont @... the same problem happens with @thatoddgirl777 and I have no idea how to fix it)
The barge glides through the murky water of the river and beyond the polished silver railing I rest my hand on, the shore of the Stilts rolls by like a faded oil painting. Ahead of me, hanging over the water, is an old tree Bree once dared me to crawl out on. The branches skim the water like skeletal fingers. I curl my own fingers around the railing in response to the memory of Bree’s laugh. I hope I get to hear it again, echoing in my parent’s town home. 
           The footsteps behind me are too light to be Cal. Even with all the work he has done to learn subterfuge, he is still a large human being. He’ll never be very good at sneaking up on anyone. I force an inhale when warm air washes over my side though. 
           Maven rests his forearms on the railing to watch the Stilts with me, his jaw tight and his eyes dark. I didn’t see him earlier today before we cast off, and I made sure he had no reason to speak with me now. I left nothing in those cells when I rescued Farley, not even a dusting of blood for Elara to use against me. Whatever he has come to discuss, it will define every point from now until the end.
           “Have you heard of the chess move known as the King’s Snare?” His voice is softer than I thought it would be, given how hard the planes of his face are.
           I glance at him warily, chewing on a response. I don’t want to talk to him about chess. I know he’s a master of it, that in all the years they played, Cal never beat him. Cal, the future general and war strategist who could throw together a plan in minutes with nothing but a handful of Reds, Ardents, and Silvers, never beat the boy before me. I don’t know why I think I have a hope of beat him or Elara.
           “No. I don’t play chess.” I murmur letting the wind shift the loose hairs hanging by my cheeks. It plays in his curls too, tussling them like a loving hand.
           The corner of his lips quirk up in a ghost of a smile before he turns to face me. He doesn’t flinch from my gaze, but that smile does fall. Pressing off the railing to stand at his full height, he tilts his head to the side as if in thought. “It’s a complex maneuver, and requires turns upon turns of preparation. It is the only strategy you can play once you initiate it. In each step, you make it appear as if you are losing. You let your opponent think they have won, and in the final step of preparation, you let your queen be taken and your king be cornered in a check mate.”
He shrugs before looking back onto the bank. His eyes sweep along the shacks on their tottering stilts. “Then, you take the opposing king with the only piece you have left. A pawn.”
           I raise a brow at it before saying, “sounds complicated. I don’t have the patience for playing the long game, and I especially don’t like playing with people’s lives like they are pieces in my game.”
           A fire lights in his eyes as he drags them over me, his expression hardening again. “I’m not so sure that’s the truth.”
           His words are a warning in and of themselves. Squaring my shoulders to him and stabbing my nails into my palms, I purse my lips in a line to swallow my retort. We stand in a stalemate for a moment before he reaches a finger out to let a strand of my hair curl around it. His expression crumbles for just a moment before that mask slides up and hides the wounded boy underneath.
           “Let’s not play this game Mare.” He bows his head and his lips almost ghost over my brow. I turn my head to the side to avoid the touch.
           “I just told you I’m not playing games.”
           His chuckle is humorless. With a quick step he closes the space between us completely and I have to crane my neck to meet his eye. 
           “You’re still useful to me and mother, but Cal has overstayed his welcome by a few years. His whole life actually, if I’m being perfectly honest.”
           No more dancing around it then, we are going full in with the truth. I twist my lips to the side, letting my sneer finally grace my features. “If you think for one second I’m going to let you two get away with what you did a second time, you’re wrong.”
           “Even if it means you lose everything you have coming?” He asks me that as if he actually cares. It makes me reel back while he smiles like a wolf. “We know Mare, and while it’s adorable watching you attempt to play against us, you played your final card last night.”
           My lightning dances on my fingertips. What I wouldn’t give for Tyton’s brain lightning, so that I could turn Maven’s insides into jelly and leave him on this deck before going after Elara. I should have ended all of this weeks ago. I could have, I know that for a fact. 
           “I haven’t played any of my cards yet.” I warm Maven with a raised chin. I let the mask of Mareena disappear and I let him see Mare Barrow, the girl who bested two kings, the woman who has seen more than enough front lines, and who was born in a storm on top of a mountain. She has been broken and put back together so many times that she knows every piece of herself better than she ever did before. She thrives in storms and turns them to her will like this boy turns words to his.
           “You haven’t seen anything Maven. Don’t for one second think you have cornered me.” My lips curl into a small smile as I look him over with a critical eye. “Besides, while you’re playing chess, I am playing another game entirely.”
           A muscle in his jaw flutters when I speak, and his eyes darken further.
           Pressing to my toes, I let my next words caress his lips like a kiss. “And if you two do know everything, I’m surprised you haven’t removed any and all letter openers from my reach while we’ve been together.”
           His face pales in a flush, and the air around us climbs in temperature so quickly beads of sweat begin to prickle on my brow. Ignoring the monster I’ve obviously poked awake, I set my hand on his chest right above his pounding heart and drop my eyes to his lips before looking back up to meet those icy blue eyes.
           “And as for your mother, I think I killed her too quickly the first time.”
           His tongue darts across his teeth for a second before disappearing as his lips pull back in a sneer. There is a flash of something akin to uncertainty in his eyes though. A thrill rushes through me. She didn’t tell him that part, and she might have even kept his own death from him. Interesting.
           Sliding back away from him and dropping my hand, I take in his flittering emotions he desperately tries to keep under control. I can’t image what is passing through his mind. If Elara didn’t tell him about their deaths, what else has she kept from him? It might be worth it to poke a little more and find out.
           Even as the thought of prying him open and exposing his hollow insides thrills me, I can’t help thinking of how he spent hours near my bedside after Samson had turned me inside out and left me a bleeding corpse. Nor can I ignore that once upon a time, a part of him had loved me.
           “Oh Maven,” I breathe, my chest aching once more as I look him over. “You could have been something wonderful if you had been anyone else’s.”
           His inhale is sharp, and the heat around us vanishes as he sucks it in to fuel the furnace of his emotions. The next words that leave me are as much a truth as they are a weapon that I use against him.
           “I might have loved you too, you know. I might have been happy with you.”
           His entire body goes taut like a rubber band pulled too tight. I can’t imagine what those words have done to him, I know what they do to me. They relive the ache and chase away the cold bite from the autumn breeze that cuts through my loose shirt. I have known for years that he would never truly leave me, that I will always love him in a strange way. But seeing all of this, and discovering that even when I might have had a chance to save him, there was no chance so long as Elara loved him too.
           “The game is beginning. Line up your pieces if you want to play chess.” I murmur to him before stepping around him and heading for the viewing deck. I pause long enough to glance at him over my shoulder though and say, “but just know, it’s hard to beat an opponent that knows every move you will make.”
           Mare finds me between meetings. Her dark hair is swept up in an elaborate hairstyle she picks at nervously, drawing strands out to frame her face. Glancing over my shoulder at the remainder of the council as they pass, I pause before her long enough to say colorlessly, “Is something wrong Lady Titanos?”
           The few sets of eyes that watch us look away with shrugs. Their ears are probably still tuned in, but as far as they are concerned, she is probably looking for Maven and happened to find me first.
           “Farley made contact. The Hexaprin Theater just like before.”
           She’s been gone most of the day with Maven, making appearances and smiling like the dutiful princess she is. I’m not sure how Farley could have possibly made contact with her during all of that, but it’s a relief she didn’t contact Maven first. Meanwhile, I’ve been locked up in Whitefire. My father has hardly let me out of his sight, which I suppose should be understandable. The attempt on my life shook him to his core. Even though I push back, insisting they wouldn’t try again, he refuses to let me leave the castle walls. I don’t know how I will get out to join Mare in this endeavor like she wants with the Sentinels that trail me almost everywhere I go. I guess it now truly understand how Mare felt during her time with us. I don’t blame her for constantly being irritable now. 
Still, my brow rises as the name of the theater. I know it well. When I was younger Julian used to take me to plays and tried to pique my interest in the art form. I had squirmed in my seat the whole time, eager to get out of the dark space and run outside. He gave up once I turned ten, realizing I didn’t have much love for the arts. I knew it saddened him, that he had hoped I shared the same soft spot for them that my mother did. 
My chest tightens at the thought of my uncle. I got him out of Archeon earlier than before, helping him and Sara smuggle away in the dead of night after he got Farley and Kilorn out of the cells. I sent him to Montfort with instructions to speak with Dane Davidson as soon as possible. To try and get him in contact with Guard. There’s no telling if they made it. I can only hope they managed to cross the border.
“It’ll be tough for me to get out.”
“This will only work if you come with me.” Mare insists, her eyes darting past my elbow to the doors of the council chamber. I know who she’s looking for, but she won’t find him.
“He’s seeing to something with his mother.” I instruct, even as I glance around just to be certain. Only a servant passes in a flutter of skirts. She curtsies to me and Mare before hurrying along, obviously loath to be around us any longer than necessary.
“The bloodbase.” Mare’s voice drops to a worried waver as she sets her hand on her pocket. I know she has the book hidden in the pocket of her jacket, the one Julian gifted her with the name of every Ardent he found within Norta’s borders. She sleeps with it under her pillow, her fingers curled around the faded cover as if Maven will creep into her room at night and steal it away.
Shaking my head, I grab her elbow and pull her into an alcove when I hear the sound of more steps approaching. I squeeze into the space between the pillars with her until our bodies almost have to become one to fit. Her hands rest on my chest as she evens out her breathing, recognizing a hiding place when she sees it.
A group of nobles pass us, Osanos and Iral judging by the colors of their clothes. I purse my lips and wait until they leave the hall to look back down at her and whisper. “I took care of it. I printed out all their names and wiped them from the database. They’re safe.”
“Unless Maven is already going after them.” Mare mutters bitterly.
“He hasn’t. I checked last known whereabouts too. Everyone is accounted for.”
“People lie on those stupid records Cal.”
“Not when you’re the first person in years to click on the page.” I let my lips curl into a knowing smile. She can think I’m stupid and hardheaded all she wants, but I do know my way around my own world. “There is a clicker at the bottom of each record to indicate the last time it was opened. I am the first one to look at them in years. You can’t lie to that program.”
           She expels a breath, before look up at me through her lashes. “You’re too stubborn for your own good. We’re meddling too much now.”
           “At this point, does it really matter?” I ask, repeating words I spoke to Julian in the dead of night when he questioned my decision to send him to Ascendent.
           Her lips draw into a tight line that pales her already painted lips. “No.” She agrees before sliding out of the alcove so I can follow her.
           When we step into the light, I watch the shifting sunbeams as they cut across her face. She crosses her arms before looking down the hallway and saying, “We need to get into the afternoon showing. Can you do that?”
           I grimace thinking about my father and the hawk like eyes he has kept on me recently. “It’ll be difficult, but nothing I can’t handle.”
           “Do you want to rehearse with me?” She teases, eyes lighting with laughter when she notices how I chew on my lower lip.
           “I think I’ll tell my father that I’ve decided Evangeline can take a long walk off a short pier and that I much prefer you and I plan to make heirs with you as soon as we enter than theater box.”
           Her eye widen and a blush paints her cheeks. It’s so ferocious the makeup almost can’t hide it. It makes me chuckle before reaching a hand out to cup her jaw and stroke a thumb along that warm puddle of red staining her skin. “Kidding love. Although I think that he’ll be so surprised and horrified that he lets me go just to see if I’m serious.”
           “Mess up my nice skirts Tiberias and I will take your hands for it.” She snorts before pulling away and throwing a smirk over her shoulder. “Get us tickets to the show and be there with me. Also, it might be a good idea to assign Walsh to a... different part of Whitefire.”
           I grimace, remembering the last time I saw her foaming at the mouth while I tried to close her throat to keep the poison from spreading. I sent her for Mare, trusted her with the secret that I met a Red girl in the Stilts and cared. Regardless of what Mare might have thought of me before when that moment passed, I did care. A part of me had been horrified to watch the light leave Walsh’s eyes.
           “I’ll make sure of it.” I whisper.
           The theater darkens, and I sink back into my chair, keeping an eye on the Sentinels standing in the doorway. They are here to protect Cal. Allowances had to be made so that he could leave Whitefire, but its an allowance that may cost us our meeting with Farley. There are more of them than before, but they’re simply a hinderance, one that will have to be dealt with at some point very soon.
           Honestly, Maven and Elara trying to kill him has simply become an annoyance now. If they hadn’t, it would be so much easier to sneak around with Cal.
           “They have to go.” I murmur, letting my eyes flint to them as I edge a little closer to the railing of the box and glance over it into the crowd below.
           With a quick nod, Cal leans back in his seat. Before Maven gave the secretary that came with us a mischievous smile and quick order to get rid of our tail. Cal can do no such thing without raising suspicion. It’s already gotten out that I am the one that shouted his name and stopped the bleeding during the Sun Shooting long enough for Sara Skonos to get to him and save him. But Cal spread a faster rumor behind it, his words burning like wildfire through the High Houses, erasing the rumor I know Elara started about us. My shout hadn’t been in fear according to his account, it had sounded like nerves. Maybe I’d lost Maven in the crowd and gotten overwhelmed by the proceedings, and when I had seen Cal I called to him for help. Because of that, I had been close enough to stop the bleeding when the gun went off.
           I had been shocked at the lie he told with an abandon to his father and the court, and how well he crafted it on a moment’s notice. Perhaps he needed to stop spending so much time around Dane. I had noticed that crafty man spending a suspicious amount of time trying to craft Cal into a better Statesman in the recent years.
           “Sentinel Osanos, if you could take the others into the antechamber.” He nods over his shoulder to the small sitting room attached to the box. “I doubt you and the others have any interest in this show and your presence is unfortunately ruining Lady Mareena’s first impressions of it too.”
           “I have my orders, sir.” The Sentinel warns, his eyes darting between the two of us.
           “I can handle anything that comes.” Cal lets his lips quirk into an arrogant smile. I haven’t seen it in a long time, but it’s one of the few soldiers masks in his arsenal. It still makes my stomach flutter. “Besides, Lady Mareena has proven herself quite capable of saving my life if need be.”
           Osanos debates it for a very long second as the murmurs below us quiet and the curtain rustles with the start of the performance. During that second, my heart pounds. I don’t dare look up at the grating above out heads where I know Will Whistle will appear.
           “Of course, Your Highness.” The Sentinel bows his head and then nods to bring the others with him into the room. The door clicks shut, and the lock engages. I grab Cal’s hand and squeeze it in silent praise, before glancing at him side on.
           His smile falls as he looks away from the door and forward again. “We’ll have to be silent. We’re lucky my father didn’t send an Eagrie with us.”
           Unfolding from his position in the chair to relax further, he turns his hand over to lace his fingers with mine. The touch sends waves of reassurance through me. Now we just have to keep him hidden long enough that Will doesn’t recognize him and gets us to Farley. After that, I’m not quite sure what we will do.
           “Farley won’t let you on the Undertrain without a fight.” I murmur, glancing at our joined hands. He sweeps his thumb along my skin in a soothing motion even as his eyes stay forward on the stage as it comes to life.
Gentle touches in the dark, so very like how our relationship started. It almost makes me snicker. I suppose things never really did change between us.
He doesn’t reply to my comment, but I know he’s thinking about it all the same. His palm heats with his frustration, but he doesn’t show it on his face.
I let my eyes wander to the stage where I finally get a look at the play I never watched before. Brightly colored costumes dance across the stage and I tilt my head to look at them, trying to understand the story. “We never went to any of the plays in Ascendent.” I murmur to him.
There were plenty of playhouses, and I know for a fact Julian got us tickets to one he loved. We never got the chance to go, but now I wish we had.
“I’ve never been a fan of theater.” He chuckles and finally turns to look at me. He traded his finer regalia for a more toned down jacket and black shirt today. With the aid of the darkness, I can almost imagine we are in Ascendent, that it’s just another weekend and we decided to do something we’ve never done.
“Then when you annoy me, I am going to drag you to shows when we get back and tie you to a chair so you can’t leave.” I say with a smirk.
The ceiling panel above our heads slides away, and his eyes dart up at the same time as mine. We’re both accustomed to how the Guard functions. The sudden disappearance of the tile doesn’t surprise him like it did Maven.
“Show time.” I whisper to him before dropping his hand and stepping on the seat of my chair. Grasping the edge of the hole I haul myself up into the darkness. When I glance down to help him though, he is already half-way into the crawl space with me. The panel slides into place as soon as Cal vanishes in the shadows. I wait half a second for Will to sound an alarm to notice that I don’t have the right prince with me.
He does no such thing, simply speaks into the darkness the same words he did before. “Be quick and quiet. I’ll take you from here.”
I reach for Cal’s wrist in the dark and grip it tightly with a reassuring squeeze. Will turns and begins to climb through the space, not waiting for us to follow.
“Watch your head,” I instruct as I skirt the edge of the ceiling panel. “It gets low in a few places.”
Cal grunts in understanding but follows at a pace that surprises me. It was a tight squeeze for Maven, so I don’t really know how Cal manages but he does. I’m sure he has Farley’s work with him to thank for that. He crawled through enough sewer tunnels and drains with us while we were at the Notch after all. I’m sure while I was locked away with Maven he was doing the same thing too.
The sounds of the play overhead mask our movements as we drop down ladders and steps and through little trapdoors. Cal only smacks his head once, and I flip around to grab his head to check for blood when he curses soundly in the dark. I grimace when I feel the nasty knot already taking shape on his forehead near his hairline. That will have to be explained away when we get back, but we really truly don’t have time to assess it too much. Will sets grueling pace, and Cal practically shoves me forward when the Whistle almost disappears around a turn.  
It takes only minutes for us to drop into the access tunnels that connect to the Undertrain platform. The damp chill of the space presses through my thin jacket and pants, reminding me of the march we did into Archeon to save Cal and everyone from the Lakelander invasion. Cal drops lightly down behind me though, and instantly the space warms and the memory fades. It’s still too dark to see his features clearly which is only to our advantage. I can’t have Will trying to stop us now.
That cover does not last long though. The platform is haunted by a lone torch, and when Will turns around with a sharp smile, ready to bask in our surprise, his eyes widen as he takes in Cal behind me. I set my hand on Cal’s chest in response, trying to push him back into the shadows while I light my hand with lightning.
Will never gets a chance to act though, the furious screech of the Undertrain as it rushes into the station shakes the walls and announces Farley’s arrival. As it coasts to a stop in front of us, Will spins to the doors and waves his arms while trying to shout over the screeching of the brakes to give a signal to not stop. The train grinds to a halt though, and the doors still open to spill more light onto the platform.
Farley unfolds from the chair like a spring let loose. Her hand flies to the gun at her hip, and I spin to face her with my lightning at the same time. Even with my ears ringing from the sound of the brakes engaging, I can hear the click of her turning the safety off as she draws the gun.
“Farley—” I try to shout, but Cal beats me to speaking, his voice a dangerous warning echoing in the tunnel as he glares Farley down.
“Diana, stop.”
He would have gotten the same reaction if he burned her alive. Farley’s eyes widen at the usage of her birthname, and her fingers wavers on the trigger long enough for me to speak.
“He’s with us.” I urge as I drop my hand, but I don’t dismiss the lightning bouncing between my fingers like webbing. It’s my own warning to her. She knows what I can do, and like her, I don’t miss anymore.
Her laugh is unexpected, and I almost jump at the sharp bite of it. She keeps the gun raised, but her fingers slides from the trigger to rest alongside the barrel. It’s the only sign she is still listening to us. “The little prince was right. He’s whispered his way into your head.”
“The only ones whispering into anyone’s heads is Maven and Elara .” Cal speaks quietly, his eyes scanning the track and the platform for any more Scarlet Guard operatives. There are none to be seen though.
Farley tilts her head to the side, her eyes narrowing to diamond colored slits. Her jaw tightens, but she doesn’t pull the trigger or even move her finger in the direction of it.
I expel a slow sigh of relief and take a step forward. I can feel the burn of electricity in the train, screaming like an upset toddler to be released. Gritting my teeth against the heachache forming because of it, I murmur, “you trusted me to get you out of that cell, trust me in this Farley. Hear us out.”
Her eyes moves past my shoulder to Cal who staggers his stance to move in either direction if he has to avoid her bullet. Her jaw ticks, and the electricity reaches an all time high pitch that stands my hairs on end. I haven’t felt anything like it weeks, not since the shield during Queenstrial exploded around me and tried to contain me.
“Make your decision, the Undertrain won’t wait.” I grimace as I reach up to press my fingers to my temple where the ache is strongest. If she notices my use of the train’s name, she doesn’t say anything.
Cal takes a step forward, stealing ground, only for Farley train that gun on him again and rest her finger on the trigger. 
“Not another step, Your Highness.” She squeezes gently, putting enough pressure on that trigger that even the slightest movment on her part will fire the gun. I side step to put myself in front of Cal should she overestimate her abilities, but Cal simply pushes me to the side again.
With quick movements he unclasps the bracelets around his wrists and holds them up to the light for Farley to see. “Incentive,” he murmurs before tossing them in her direction. She lowers the gun to catch them one handed, almost dropping them due to their weight. I inch forward, my hand extended for them in surprise. I trust Cal to make a tactical decision, but he just threw his own tactical advantage five feet away from him.
The metal bands glint dully in the odd florescent lights of the Undertrain, but Farley glances down at them, unimpressed. With a quirked brow she raises the gun again, although its much more hesitant this time.
“I’m nothing without them.” Cal instructs while he sweeps his arms out from his sides as if to accentuate his point. “Keep them until we finish talking if it pleases you. But we do have to talk.”
“I know.” Farley reasons, her eyes narrowing before darting between the two of us. Even if I didn’t know her as well as I do, I could see the distrust and unease in her eyes. I can’t imagine what Maven has told her, but I know that he hasn’t spoken to her since before the Sun Shooting. It is our only advantage right now, that and the fact that Julian and I were the ones to get her and Kilorn out of the cells below the palace. It doesn’t hurt either that by the time we got down to the cells, the king was more concerned with his son almost dying than the rebels trapped in the cell before him. There had been no time for the interrogation that I know almost cost Farley her arm. She got off easy, too easy, because of us.
Whatever battle she is fighting with herself ends, and she steps to the side to let us pass.
Narcery is more disheveled than I remember. Perhaps it’s because I’ve already seen most of it repaired and turned into a decent city again years from now. Or maybe it’s because I’ve truly forgotten how downtrodden the world was before we began to right it. Either way, it’s hard not to grimace as we slink through the streets toward the café Farley stomps toward.
The Reds in the doorwards gasp and whisper as Cal passes, and I reach down to grip his hand. None of them are New Blood that I know of, but if someone gets it in their head to finish was Farley started, they won’t make it more than two steps.
He gives me a reassuring squeeze as we pass through the crumbling doorway of the café and into the dimly lit space. In his little booth, Kilorn practically almost leaps to his feet, his eyes wide while his hand flies to the gun on his belt.
“Stand down.” Farley orders smoothly, earning a frown from my friend. He doesn’t immediately listen, but his fingers eventually relax and drop back to his side. I release the tension in my shoulders in response. The air in the room shifts with the change in heat and static that Cal and I bring, but the ice in Kilorn’s gaze might as well be tangible too.
“And why haven’t we shot him?” He asks Farley as she drops into the booth.
With a wave of her hand, she dismisses him and glares in our direction. Cal’s bracelets clink against the dusty table as she sets them out in the open. With a tilt of her head, her expression relaxes and the nasty scar cutting through her lip softens. It never ceases to amaze me how young she really was when this all started. We were all still just children, playing games we never should have.
“They want to speak,” she says, her eyes dropping to our entwined hands. “And I have to admit I am curious what excuse Mare will give to explain blowing our entire operation to pieces.”
“We hardly blew it to pieces, you were almost completely successful.” Cal huffs behind me, and I dig my elbow into his side in response. No use pissing off Farley, or enticing her to pull that gun out again. We both know she will too.
Glaring at Cal for his comment, I address the other two sitting in the booth. “Maven gave you Cal’s name, but he was not the original target.”
“No,” Farley agrees, “he wasn’t.”
“It was Ptolemus Samos.” I turn my eyes back to her, and am rewards with a quirked brow, the only sign she is surprised by my knowledge. Kilorn is not as good at hiding his emotions. His brows dart up towards his hair line as he shakes his head in disbelief.
“You missed that meeting, the one where he gave us the original names! He told us that he never told you them... you can’t possibly have known—”
“I know because I’ve already been through that shooting before. You don’t get Ptolemus that time either.” I step forward and leave Cal behind me, safely in the line of my body. If Farley wants to shoot him at any point in time, she’ll have to shoot me first. “The Sun Shooting was a disaster that time, and it was a disaster this time.”
Kilorn blinks at me, confusion sweeping over his face now. Farley is simply more skeptical, and rightfully so. I didn’t exactly explain anything, just created more questions and puzzling conclusions for her.
“What are you getting at Barrow?” She murmurs as her eyes dart to the broken window behind me. I don’t dare look at who might be there. If its Shade, I will never be able to leave these ruins.
“You have to promise to listen to us, to let us explain as quickly as possible.” Cal speaks for me and the heat that rolls off of him washes over me as he steps closer, soothing tense muscles I bunch in preparation to run. His hand presses into my lower back only a second later. “We don’t have much time.”
Farley’s eyes narrow even further as she takes in how we stand next to each other, and how we remain close enough to protect the other at all times. Even if Maven told her that I was slowly teetering toward Cal, our body language suggests a deeper relationship and understanding of each other than could ever be established in a few weeks. Not to mention Cal knew her name, her real name. There’s no way in hell he could have found that out on his own.
“Who are you?” She asks quietly after a moment, earning a worried glance from Kilorn.
My lips curl into a slow smile as I take in her uncertainty. I can’t remember the last time Farley was on the backfoot. She has always been so headstrong and driven, but she reels back now, like a horse seeing a snake under its hooves. “We’ve all met before, and known each other for years.”
“Bullshit.” She says, pushing to her feet and advancing on me. Cal’s fingers curl around my arm to pull me behind him. I stand my ground though and raise my chin as she stand over me.
“How’s your dad? The Colonel? Has that eye healed up yet?” I ask with a quirked brow. Her breathing fluctuates at the mention of him while she stops dead in her tracks. Her eyes dart to Cal as if to assess how much he reacts to my words. He does nothing but glance down at me and drop my arm, catching on to what I’m doing. Farley won’t be bought over with a cute story like what we told Julian and Sara. She will need cold hard evidence, painful evidence if need be.
“It’s kind of cute that you decided your code name would be lamb, since his is ram.” I tilt my head to the side, earning an strangled inhale as she backpaddles. “Even more so given how infuriating he can be for you.”
Her whole face goes red, and tips of her ears tinge pink immediately. Kilorn opens his mouth to say something, thinks better of it, and closes it again. I don’t blame him, the fury in Farley’s eyes is enough to burn me to the ground.
With her lips pressed into a firm line, she presses her shoulders back to stand to her full height. “Are you Command?” She asks stiffly, her eyes roaming over me and settling on Cal when he barks out a dry laugh.
I elbow him again and shoot a glare, but he laughs at my expression. Turning his amusement on Farley, he says, “no. I’m not even on the list of people they would open a position for.”
“We know those in Command though.” I shoot a single spark into Cal’s arm to shut him up, making him snap back and rub the spot.
“I don’t believe you. Its not possible.” Farley growls setting her hand on her gun.
“I would appreciate you not drawing that gun Diana.” Cal warns his amusement dying as fast as my comfort with the situation.
“Who told you my name.”
“I know it from previous experience.”
“Don’t see how that’s possible.” Kilorn grumbles before rising from the booth as well. His eyes dart between the two of us, and as he starts to form his own opinon the curiosity in his eyes bleeds away into brittle resentment.
“Like I said, we’ve known each other for years.” I push past my locked jaw. This is starting to look next to impossible but if we have any hope of saving ourselves from the disaster to come, then we have to get them to listen to us.
“To be more clear, we will know each other for years someday.” I correct my previous statement quietly, letting the words hang in the too heavy air for a few seconds. Farley quirks a brow, realization crossing her features as she starts to put things together. She’s always been quick as a whip, and that works to our advantage.
Right when I think she’s about to say something though, she laughs. Kilorn blinks at her, taking a hesitant step away. I doubt he’s ever heard the sound, but I know it well. It still cracks on the edges the same way it does in the future. Honestly, it always sounds like she never laughs, even though I know for a fact she does that more than anything someday.
“Barrow, I have seen what you can do. And while it turned everything I knew about the world upside down… you cannot expect me to also factor some form of time travel into this whole mess.” She shakes her head, and dismisses me with a wave. Still laughing to herself she sinks down into the booth, and takes to fiddling with Cal’s bracelets. There is a hint of uncertainty behind her eyes though, and I know exactly who and what she is thinking about.
“There are hundreds—thousands like me Farley. You haven’t met all of them yet, but there are abilities far stranger than mine. My brother’s for instance.”
Her expression pulls tight for a heartbeat before she smoothers the emotion. I pull on that line though, and step forward, pointedly ignoring Kilorn who is still gapping like a fish and trying to come to the same conclusion as Farley. “I know he’s alive, and that he’s here with you. He jumps, appearing in different places in seconds. I make lightning. There will be a New Town girl who becomes our friend that can kill you with a thought and silence Silvers in the same way. There are three other Reds just like me in Montfort. There is a girl who can bathe everyone in a bubble of silence so no one outside of it can hear you. Another woman can remember every single thing she reads or that is said to her. Another older woman can change her face to be whoever you need her to be.” My heart squeezes at the memory of all the Ardents I rescued and then sent to their deaths. I promised them safety, security, and then pulled all of that away from them. All because one man told me I had to do it. “Is it so hard to believe then that there is someone years from now who can send people back in time?”
Those diamond eyes snap to me and look me over before Farley’s lips twist into a half sneer. “Your brother is dead Barrow, he was executed for—”
“Farley, please.” I whisper, coming to stand over her. Even sitting she is almost as tall as me, but I channel every ounce of military prowess she tried to teach me as I glare down at her. “If I walk out of this room, I will find him in less than an hour, and you will feel incredibly stupid when I do.”
Her lips pale as she pushes them together, tighter than ever before. Her eyes dance to Cal beyond me again, who has thankfully kept his mouth shut this whole time and has decided to simply sit on the edge of a table to watch us.
“He came with me.” I soften my tone and slowly sink down into the seat opposite her. Her eyes follow me like a rabbit would a wolf. Her fingers are cold when I take them, even with how warm it is in the room. She doesn’t pull away though, and I wonder if somewhere, her future self recognizes my touch. “I need you to trust us. I know how hard that is with everything that has happened, but Farley you have to.”
“Do we win?” She asks the question so quietly, I almost miss it while I’m speaking. Every muscle in body tenses against the truth that wants to escape though. I glance at Cal, wondering if he heard the same thing as me. He simply looks down at his boots, unable to offer any aid.
Swallowing past the rock in my throat, I look down at the table top. It’s dusty and cracked in some places. But it has no answers either. We have already done so much to destroy the path we were supposed to be on, what was one more change? “Yes,” I whisper and her eyes flash bright and wide.
“But we pay may terrible prices for it.” The last part almost doesn’t make it out. Shade’s death tries to claw that statement to ribbons, Archeon burning, and all the people we lost in the Harbor Bay siege and the final Archeon siege weigh heavy against my chest. The silence stretches to the breaking point around us as those memories consume me. I wish I could take back those words, swallow them and refrain from admitting to what I’m sure she suspects. She must read the memories as they pass across my face because her expression softens a hint.
“Its war Barrow,” the Farley I know so well comes to the surface when she switches her grip to grab my hands instead. “I never expected to win for free.”
She narrows her eyes at Cal then, who simply gives her a tight nod she doesn’t return. “I still don’t like you.” She announces a second later. “And I hope I never do.”
“You give me a hard time for years, I promise you that much.” He teases, some of the light returning to his eyes. I crack a weak smile at their banter, even though I ache at the reminder of the future relationship they share. Farley never does let him off the hook, and every chance she has to remind him of his past, she does. I don’t blame her though, she never lets herself get too congenial with anyone.
“We trust him… just like that?” Kilorn tries to burn a hole between Cal’s eyes with his glare. He doesn’t succeed, especially when Cal smirks at him and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees. He’s the picture of ease, and I know that drives Kilorn insane.
“Relax Kilorn,” I tease, and then beckon Cal over to me. “He knows that if he steps out of line I won’t hesitate to put him back in his place.”
Farley glances between the two of us before saying, “So the second prince wasn’t lying. You two are…”
“In this together.” Cal finishes for her. His eyes narrow at what Maven might have inferred even as he looks down at me for confirmation.
“We don’t have time to get into details,” I add, making room for him in the booth as I lean forward to start drawing a map of Archeon in the dust on the table. “Maven and his mother know what we know. Which means they have been pulling the strings and trying to sabotage any advantage we have. They will not hesitate to wipe the Scarlet Guard off the map this time around.”
“I don’t understand.” Kilorn grumbles and crosses his arms tightly across his chest. “I thought we trusted that prince?”
“Maven is the one we have to worry about.” I finish drawing the bridge and narrow my eyes at the crude drawing. “He was always going to betray us.”
“How?” Farley sneers, obviously not happy with me inferring that she made a mistake in judgement. Maven was her recruit after all. “He’s given us names, information.”
“All fed to him by his mother, who is counting on us tomorrow night staging a coup and failing so that she can murder the king and remove you and any true Scarlet Guard opposition.” I murmur and watch as Farley’s fury melts into horrible understanding. My stomach drops but Cal speaks before I can.
“He’s already spoken with you and made the plan.” His voice is cold, even while the space around us starts to burn with the heat he releases. My own lightning wants to be unleashed as well. It takes more effort than I like to reign it in. I was wrong. He did speak with her, about more than just me and Cal. 
“He said Barrow would try to come to me and change my mind, that I had to know she was in collusion with you and planned to stand by your side when the time came. That she would ultimately betray me.” Farley breathes, her eyes widening. “He said that the coup was the only way we would win, remove you two in one swoop.”
“He and Elara were counting you believing him wholly and me not bringing Cal.” I growl, and swipe my hand through the map on the table to erase it. The plan is useless at this point. Maven already took it and molded it to his needs. I should have never spoken to him on the barge, maybe I should have just continued to pretend I was some stupid girl that didn’t know how to play the game. I may have destroyed any hope we had of beating him and Elara now.
“They also aren’t counting on us having any other plan. Or my support.” Cal murmurs before drawing his own map in the dirt. The angle is far different from what I drew. “They don’t know that I know the future or that I am with you all. They think Mare is the only one.” His finger moves through the dust and Kilorn finally edges closer to see what he draws.
“So we play into their hands.” He murmurs as he glances at me for my support.
“What?” I wheeze as I watch him draw the same offensive we instigated last time. “Cal, if we do that—”
“Then it all goes the way it did before, with the added benefit that when you get captured this time, we can stop Elara. We know what’s coming and we can plan for it.” Cal finishes drawing his map before drawing a second more detailed map of the Whitefire next to it. “This time, we won’t be alone in that room.”
I struggle to keep up with his thought process, trying to determine exactly how he plans to make this work. The only way Farley and the other Scarlet Guard members will make it into that room is in shackles like me. Elara will slaughter us all like pigs then. 
“The tunnels run under Whitefire right?” He asks Farley who hesitates for a second before nodding tersely. He etches a few makeshifts ones into the picture and then sits back to say, “when I take Mare captive for treason, you and a small unit will move through the tunnels and get to the throne room. From there, you wait for a signal Mare and I will give. When that happens, we take Elara and Maven.”
“Bold.” Farley murmurs as she glances over the plan. “And suicidal. We’ll never make it in.”
“You will if I don’t station anyone at a specific entrance. Name it, and I will keep the regiments away from it.” Cal waves his hand over the picture and glances forlornly in my direction. “If it fails, we still go to the Bowl of Bones, but this time we’ll know what to expect.”
My heart pounds in my chest as the memory of the too thin sand shifting beneath my feet almost overtakes me. Even though it is years behind me and days ahead of me, the heat of Cal’s fire trying to catch on the sand still burns my cheeks and my stomach twists at the echoing sound of the bar punching through Arven’s chest.
“In the meantime, you need to evacuate Tuck.” I whisper forcing the bile down as I look up at Farley. She blanches at the command, but I narrow my eyes to silence her. “Elara has seen in my mind. She knows about Tuck, she knows about a number of other Scarlet Guard strongholds like Narcery too. Did you not find it strange that Maven was not afraid to travel to a supposed heavily radiated place?”
She opens her mouth to argue with me, only to shut it like a trap and narrow her eyes. The thought never occurred to her, and I understand why. He probably got on the Undertrain and immediately started spilling honey and poison in her ear until she couldn’t even hear herself think. I can’t blame her for anything, he did the same to me, and I lapped at it like a starving child.
“Where will we go?” Kilorn whispers anxiously, his eyes darting to the street outside, as if a regiment might come marching down it right now. I don’t blame him. My friend is brave, always has been and always will be, but a Silver regiment is no laughing matter to him yet.
Cal stiffens next to me and says, “Irabella is the only safe haven. Mare was never there, but I was.”
“I doesn’t matter.” I interrupt Kilorn, and lean forward to speak again. “You just have to trust us. Tell the Colonel you have reason to believe Tuck and a number of other bases have been compromised. That an informate you have high up in the palace you trust explicitly told you that. The Notch is not safe either.”
Farley’s eyes widen, and it is then I realize that the mention of that safe haven is what finally secures her trust. The Notch was her hiding hole. Not one her father came up with. Command might not have even known about it. If what Cal and I said was true, and we were her allies in the future, she may have taken us there at some point. I wish I would have been smart enough to start with the mention of it. We could have saved time.
“And you need to start finding the others like me.” I whisper, as I pull the book out of my jacket pocket and set it on the table. The cover gleams against the dusty surface of the table, and I almost can’t pull my fingers off of it. The fates of so many reside inside of it. Cameron’s furious expression flashes through my mind as I ordered her taken onto the Blackrun. I will not force her into anything this time though. I only hope I don’t have to rescue her from a prison though.
I slide the book to Farley and trail my fingers off the cover as I whisper, “Maven and Elara might already be on the hunt for the Ardents in here, but I circled the names of the people that we rescued together. He will target them first if he is going after them, so you have to beat him to it.”
She picks up the book gingerly before looking between us and saying, “you mentioned the Bowl of Bones.”
Cal smiles wearily but leans back with the poise of a general to say, “we won’t have to worry about it. We’re going to avoid that point all together.”
Farley’s fears are not soothed by Cal’s confidence, and I can almost see the spikes she wants to drive through his eyes. At least she nods though, agreeing with him for the time being. I can’t even begin to express the relief that courses through me as she puts the book in her own pocket and nods once more.
“Then we will go with your signal.”
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jeonsjiddies · 4 years
and then came you | pjm (m)
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summary - Jimin was having a harder time getting over his unrequited love than he’d like to admit. He was desperate to escape the longing in his chest; he was searching for something to make him feel alive again. Jimin was about to give up hope that he’d ever find anything meaningful to cling to again, and then came you. 
rating- explicit 18+
word count-  7551
pairing- jimin x reader
genre- fluff, smut, angst
Warnings - a little angsty/ a little heartbreak at the beginning, some sexual harassment ( from an ex), mentions of cheating, thigh riding, ice play, creampie, multiple orgasms, slight dom!jimin, Oral (female receiving)
a/n - while this story can stand alone, it is based off the 8 letters AU, which can be found here. :) as usual, all the thanks in the world to @sweetnspicy93​ for all your help and thank you for urging me to give 8 letters Jimin his own happy ending. 
Jimin knew it was a bad idea, but he’d done it anyway. He would’ve done anything for the girl with the soft eyes and the bright smile, the girl who was now Namjoon’s. Jimin thought his crush was small enough that he’d be able to assist in making Namjoon jealous and walk away unscathed. At least she would be happy. That would be enough for Jimin. Or so he thought. 
Jimin’s mind wandered back to the way she looked on top of him, grinding her hips into his. His cock stirred at the memory. Of course, it had all been a show, strategically designed to make her roommate and crush jealous. That didn’t stop Jimin’s heart from slipping a beat when her core ground down onto his member. It didn’t stop Jimin from melting when she’d giggled and covered her face to hide it. Jimin knew it wasn’t real, he’d laughed off his boner, but he let himself enjoy the feeling of her skin under his tongue, the soft noises he drew from her which he knew weren’t completely fake. 
He felt empty, lost. Maybe he was being dramatic, but Jimin felt like he needed purpose. He’d feigned happiness when he saw her tucked into Namjoon’s loving embrace, congratulating the new couple as pieces of his heart chipped away and fell into the black hole of his chest. It seemed like his desire to do anything had faded away as quickly as his grasp on her. Now, he moped about his apartment, listening to the dull roar of the rain outside. It had been weeks since Namjoon had finally cracked and claimed her as his own, and Jimin was tired of feeling so… tired, dejected, lonely. 
Jimin decided he needed a change of scenery. The messy apartment with the dingy walls he had been cooped up in for weeks wasn’t doing anything to help him, he needed a fresh start. He didn’t give himself time to think about it, only packed a bag and scurried out the door, through the pouring rain to his car. He didn’t have a real plan, just decided to hit the open road and let his gut guide him until he found a place to explore. He drove through the rain, letting his excitement seep through his bones as he made random turns and took unplanned exits to get to his unknown adventure. 
Jimin drove for a few hours, deciding no matter where he went he wasn’t going to escape the dastardly rain. He took the next exit he saw, something in his chest guiding  him towards the small town it led to. Near the exit he saw a sign illuminated promising a hotel room for only $35 a night. Jimin, having nothing to lose, pulled into the parking lot. Entering the building and shaking the rain from his dripping hair, he looked around to find the front lobby devoid of any life. 
“Hello?” He called out. 
You didn’t hear him enter the building and couldn't see anything past the stack of boxes you were balancing. He didn’t see you coming around the corner. You tripped over a flipped up rug and went tumbling forward, boxes flying out of your hands and landing haphazardly on the tile floor, contents spilling out and rolling in different directions. You would’ve splattered on the floor much like the contents of the boxes had it not been for the beautiful stranger who currently cradled you in his strong arms. Your palms were pressed flat against his chest, and you could feel the toned muscle under your fingertips. Your gaze traveled up his neck and face until your eyes locked with the deep brown pools of his.  Though they were a dark color, they shone with the intensity of the sun, bright and vivid, so beautiful it almost hurt to look at. Your mouth hung open in shock for a moment at how gorgeous this man was before you came to your senses, stumbling back and out of his grip. 
“I am so so sorry! Are you alright?” You questioned, skimming over his body for any obvious signs of injury. You sighed in relief when you found none.
“I’m fine. Are you okay?” He wondered, eyes searching yours. 
“Yes, thanks to you. Thank you. For catching me.” You giggled nervously. 
“It’s not every day a beautiful girl throws herself into my arms. Couldn’t pass up the opportunity.” He winked playfully.
You blushed and looked down to hide it and squeaked in surprise, scrambling to collect the contents of the boxes. Jimin leaned down to help you, collecting items and tucking them safely in the box before lifting it and following you to the counter where the both of you set them down. 
“Thank you, again.” you smiled, taking your place behind the desk. “Were you looking for a room?”
“Yes, please.” he grinned back at you, his tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip. 
Your eyes lingered on the action a little longer than was socially acceptable before you shook yourself back to reality and searched the old, worn down computer system for available rooms.
“Okay, I’ve got a double queen and a single king available. Which would you prefer? They’re both non-smoking rooms.” you smiled politely.
“The single king, it’s only me.” Jimin sighed, his sunshine filled eyes dimming a bit.
“Okay!” you tried not to show your concern, but selected the room and input your employee discount.
“How many nights?” you asked, glancing back up at him.
“Ummm…” he trailed off, looking away as he thought carefully. “Let’s go with seven. For now.” 
“Okay, a one week stay…” your fingers tapped at the keys, and you rung up his total. 
“Okay that will be $187.25. Cash or card?” you smiled sweetly. 
“That doesn’t sound right… it’s for 7 nights right? $35 a night?” he confirmed. 
“I, um, put my employee discount in for you…” you admitted shyly, avoiding his gaze. “It made it $25 a night, plus tax. We’re allowed to give the employee price to friends and family and I was thankful for your help.”
Jimin watched you for a moment, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he appraised you.
“Thank you. That’s… really sweet. Probably the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.” his voice lowered at the end, as if that part was a secret.
“Well, you helped me. I helped you.” you shrugged, trying to play it off and hoping he wouldn’t notice the blaze in your cheeks.
Your hands brushed when he handed over his card and you audibly gasped at the shockwave that shot through you when his skin met yours. His mouth parted in shock as well and you both locked eyes for a moment. One heartbeat passed. Two. The only sound in the lobby was both of you sucking in shaky breaths. 
You gulped, pulling your hand away and swiping his card through the reader. You handed it and a receipt back to him, careful not to touch him again and smiled the most professional smile you could muster. You reached behind you and pulled the corresponding keycard out of its slot and handed it over as well.
“Room 318. If you need anything, you can call me. The front desk number is 0. I’ll be here until 7am, but if you find that Mina is a little too… blunt?..for your taste, I’m actually right down the hall in 338.” you explained.
You weren’t sure why you told him that, you never offered that information to any other customers. Something about him just pulled you in. You wanted to protect him. You wanted to know what was going on in his mind, what could possibly be dimming those glittering eyes. You were enamoured by him, intrigued, fascinated really. 
“Thank you for the heads up…” he trailed off, eyes scanning your shirt for a name badge.
“Y/N. And you?” you offered.
“Jimin.” he beamed at you, causing your heart to skip a beat for probably the 92nd time since you’d laid eyes on him.
“It’s very nice to meet you Jimin. I hope you enjoy your stay.” you told him sincerely.
“I think I will.” he winked, making his way down the hallway towards his room.
*** Jimin couldn’t sleep. He was used to tossing and turning and lying awake until the sun came up, he was no stranger to the way his mind whirled when the silence crept in. He kept himself busy during the day, but when the sun went down, the restlessness set in. Jimin hated the silence. He hated being alone. He glanced at the clock, it was midnight. He sighed and shoved himself out of bed, slipping on his shoes and making his way down to the coffee bar he’d spotted earlier. 
He filled two cups, fixing one the way he liked it and leaving the other black, but grabbing a couple of cream and sugar packets to bring with him. He peered around the corner to see if you were busy before he entered the lobby. You were sat on a stool behind the desk, head leaning on your hand as you struggled to stay awake. Jimin smiled, turning the corner and setting the coffee in front of you.
“Looks like you might need this more than I do.” he grinned, taking a sip of his own. “I wasn’t sure how you liked it so I just brought the extras to you.”
“Oh my gosh. My hero.” you cooed, ripping open the sugar and creamers and dumping them in before taking a sip.
Your head lolled back blissfully and you moaned quietly. Jimin’s eyes widened at the unexpected lewd sound rolling off your pink lips and had to discreetly adjust himself before you noticed the way his sweats got a little tighter. 
“You saved my life. How can I ever repay you?” you giggled. 
“Keep me company? I can’t sleep.” he whined.  
“I’m not going anywhere until 7. You’re welcome to hang out with me here.” you offered.
Jimin hopped up on the desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he peered down at you. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Where are you from?” you asked him.
“Just a few hours south of here.” he answered. “I couldn’t get far in the rain.”
“Oh, you aren’t to your destination yet? Why did you book seven days then?” you wondered aloud.
“I didn’t really have a destination in mind. I just wanted to leave for a while. I had nothing holding me there anymore, and I thought a change of scenery would be nice. So I just kinda went where I felt like going and ended up here.” he shrugged.
“Your grand adventure led you to our little town?” you laughed.
“It’s got it’s charms.” he smirked.
You bit your lip and looked down, willing the blush on your cheeks to chill out. Jimin chuckled, the vibrations of his body shaking your desk.
“So what do you plan on doing now that you’re here?” you asked.
“I don’t really have a plan. I just felt kind of suffocated and needed to get out of my dingy apartment and that stupid town.” he left off the part about how SHE was everywhere he went when he did venture outside his apartment, and how every time he saw her hand laced with Namjoons bile rose in his throat.
“Well, on behalf of our tiny town, welcome. I hope you find what you’re searching for.” you smiled.
Jimin stayed perched on your desk for hours, until the sun started streaming through the blinds in the lobby, filling the room with a soft glow. In your opinion, though, the light wafting through the space couldn’t dare compare to the light that came from Jimin. When his head was thrown back and his body shook and his smile reached from ear to ear while giggles and chuckles fell from his pillowy lips, Jimin shone brighter than the sun could ever hope to. 
You both got more comfortable as the night went on, delving into deeper topics, more personal ones. You told each other stories, shared your hopes for the future, It honestly felt like you’d known him your whole life. The conversation flowed easily, there weren’t any awkward pauses or times when neither of you could fill the silence, unsure of what to say. It was easy with Jimin. Being around him made you feel lighter, less broken. Like the light inside of him was seeping out and filling you with hope too. 
You could tell there was something on his mind, something plaguing him. Who else stays up talking to a hotel clerk until the wee hours of the morning? He was running from something when he left without a plan, but he didn’t offer much information on it. Despite the darkness that sometimes threatened to break through his cheery exterior, Jimin was just… bright. It was who he was, a part of him. He was warm, friendly, and welcoming. 
Neither of you had realized the time until the front door of the lobby swung open and Mina shuffled through, her ever-present scowl plastered on her weathered face. She glared at Jimin the moment she saw him. His eyes widened in fear and he slipped his bottom off of the desk, backing away from it. You sent him a look that said ‘I told you so.’
“Shifts over. Go.” she grunted, pointing her disappointed gaze at you.
You nodded quietly, gathering your purse and walking over to Jimin, who was almost cowering in the corner. You nodded for him to follow you out of the lobby and only spoke once you were out of earshot.
“See what I mean?” you giggled.
“She’s terrifying.” he whisper-hissed.
“She’s old and everything hurts. I’d probably be mean if I had to work here at her age too.” you shrugged, “but yeah if you need anything come find me. She definitely didn’t like the way you were sitting on the desk.”
Jimin nodded, covering his mouth as he stifled a yawn. You laughed.
“Did I wear you out talking your ear off?” you teased.
“No, that was the most fun I’ve had in a while to be honest.” he chuckled. 
“Happy to help.” you smiled shyly, pausing in front of his room with him. 
He hovered by the door but made no move to go in. You didn’t make a move to leave either. You both laughed at how ridiculous you were being. You placed your hand on his arm.
“Goodnight Jimin, sleep well.” 
Suddenly, Jimin pulled you towards him, his arms wrapping tightly around your frame, head resting in the crook of your neck. You melted into his embrace, allowing your arms to circle around his body as well. 
“Thank you for keeping me company.” he quietly spoke, warm breath hitting your ear and making you shiver.
“Any time, Jimin.” you answered back just as quietly. 
He pulled back and sent you a smile before he slipped inside his room. You slowly made your way back to yours, every inch of your skin tingling, relishing the way it felt to be held by him, even for just a moment. In the  arms of his stranger was the first time you’d ever felt like you were home. 
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You and Jimin had developed a nightly routine. Each night, he’d show up around midnight and perch himself on your desk, gifting you a cup of coffee (which he tailored to your tastes now.) The two of you would talk and laugh and just enjoy each other’s presence throughout the night. Maybe you should’ve gotten bored spending so much time together but you never ran out of things to talk about. 
It felt like he’d always been there and he always would be. Even Mina seemed to get used to seeing Jimin when she arrived. She wasn’t friendly but she’d stopped sending him evil looks, which was quite the compliment from her. You found yourself looking forward to work rather than dreading it.  Your favorite part of each day was the time you got to spend with Jimin. On the 4th night of this routine, Jimin wrapped you up in your nightly hug. You’d be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t wait all night for this part, longing to be wrapped up in his embrace, however fleeting the moment may be. 
That night, Jimin surprised you. When he pulled away from your hug you felt his pillowy soft lips rest upon your cheek in a chaste kiss. The moment was over before you had time to process what was happening and Jimin smiled innocently at you.
“Goodnight, Y/N. Sweet dreams.” 
You stood frozen in place, letting your hand come up to touch your cheek where his lips had just been. His lips were so soft, so plush, and you longed to feel them against your own. Your cheek burned in the best way where the lingering heat from his lips stayed. You couldn’t stop the goofy smile from spreading across your face. 
That was until you rounded the corner to get to your room and walked face first into the chest of the man you despised more than anything else. Your ex boyfriend, Stuart, loomed over your like a predator stalking it’s prey, using his large body mass to trap you against the wall. He reeked of alcohol and you rolled your eyes at the familiar scent. 
“What are you doing here? Get off of me.” You hissed. 
“Awww don’t sound so disappointed, Y/N. Don’t you miss me?” He cooed, one finger sliding it’s way up the side of your face. 
“No.” You spit. “Get the fuck off of me.”
“Come on baby… don’t you want to have a little fun?” He smirked and your stomach threatened to release your midnight snack all over his button up shirt. 
“Let me get one thing through your thick ass skull, I will NEVER touch you again. Do you understand?” You hissed through gritted teeth 
“Don’t be like this. Just unlock the door. We can go in your room and play around like we used to. You used to like it when I showed up like this.”
“That was before I found out you were fucking half the town behind my back.” You threw back at him. “If you think I’ll ever get with you again you’re insane.” 
“Quit playing hard to get and open the fucking door.” He growled. 
“I believe she said no.” 
Your gaze snapped to the voice that had just spoken, your eyes landing on Jimin, who was carrying his ice bucket. His eyes were swimming with concern for you but he stood tall and held his ground, refusing to be intimidated by the giant drunk moron who had you pinned to the wall.
“This isn’t any of your business. Fuck off.” Stuart hissed. 
“Actually it kind of is. You’re sexually harassing my friend.” Jimin spoke evenly, keeping a calm persona. 
“You know this clown?” Stuart asked you. 
“Yeah. He’s my friend.” You shrugged.
“You little slut, you’re letting him hit it aren’t you? Bitching at me for having a little fun but you’ll bust it open for anyone huh?” Stuart goaded you.
“Well Stuart, I don’t really think that’s any of your business.” You growled.
“If you’ll put out for him you better put out for me.” He hissed. 
Jimin’s fist connected with Stuart’s jaw before you could reply or react. Stuart stumbled back in surprise and Jimin took the opportunity to grab your hand and sprint down the hallway with you in tow. A roar of rage sounded from behind the two of you which only fueled your legs to move faster. Nearing a T in the hallway, you made a split second decision to shove Jimin into the supply closet and shut the door.
Stuart wasn’t smart enough, especially while drunk, to think of that as an option and you strained your ears to listen as his footsteps clomped past the storage closet, pausing before retreating down the hallway. You let out a sigh of relief, looking up to meet Jimin’s gaze. It was then that you realized how close you were. Your noses almost touching, you could feel his ragged breaths against your skin. You told yourself it was from the running.
“Are you okay?” He whispered. 
“Yes, thanks to you. You keep rescuing me.” You grinned. 
“Well, call me Prince Charming then.” He laughed quietly. “Do you think he’s gone?” 
“I’m not sure. We should probably wait it out.” You sighed.
“Why don’t you call the police?” Jimin wondered.
“His dads the sheriff. He won’t do anything.” You huffed.
Jimin shifted, trying to maneuver around you to set down the ice bucket he was holding. He opted to place it on the floor, bending down to set it beside the two of you. He misjudged the space between your bodies as he stood up, stumbling forward a little, his face ended up in your cleavage, his lips brushing against your cloth covered nipple. He froze in shock, unable to peel himself from your breast. His breath circled your nub, damp and warm. You let out a breathy moan at the feeling and your eyes immediately widened in panic. 
Jimin straightened his posture, eyes locked on yours and lips parted in amazement. Neither of you spoke or dared to move. You could feel his chest rising and falling rapidly, brushing against your own each time in the cramped space. Jimin could feel his cock stirring to attention in his sweats and decided it was time to check if the coast was clear. He cleared his throat and opened the closet door, slipping his head out and checking both directions.
“I don’t see him anymore.” Jimin told you quietly.
You nodded and followed him towards your room. You paused in front of his, shaking with anxiety when he looked at you in confusion. 
“Jimin… I’m scared. Can I… can I stay with you? I’m worried he’s going to come back and I-“ you rambled bit Jimin put you out of your misery. 
“Of course, come on.” He unlocked the door and ushered you inside. 
You followed him inside, thanking him quietly and following him like a lost puppy to the middle of the room.
“Make yourself comfortable. Do you want me to turn on a movie?” He asked. “Are you hungry or thirsty?”
“I’m okay, but I won’t turn down the movie.” You smiled gratefully. 
Jimin flipped on the tv and sat at the opposite side of the bed, careful to give you room and made sure he was under the covers so you couldn’t see his semi. You got under the blankets too, but still shivered in the cold of his room. 
“Are you still cold? I don’t think I have a clean sweater…” he thought out loud, wracking his brain for ideas. 
“It’s fine! I’ll warm up soon.” You assured him. 
Things shifted back to normal for the most part, but there was a lingering tension in the air neither of you were willing to talk about. You fell into easy conversation about the movie, giggling and poking fun at the plot holes together. You continued to shiver despite your best efforts not to show how cold you were. Jimin sighed. 
“Come here.” He instructed. 
“Hmm?” You questioned. 
“Come over here and let me warm you up, you’re making me feel bad.” Jimin motioned for you to join him on his side of the bed. 
“Really I’m fine-“ you began but the look on Jimin’s face had you obeying his command in an instant, crawling your way over to him and snuggling up beside him as he wrapped an arm around you and pulled the blanket up to cover you both, trapping the heat of both of your bodies. 
The hotel mattress was lumpy and uneven, but you’d never been more comfortable in your life. Jimin’s arm wrapped around your shoulder so it wasn’t sandwiched between the two of you and you molded yourself against his side even closer. Your bodies fit perfectly together and it made your heart beat faster than normal. You only hoped Jimin couldn’t hear it. When the movie ended, Jimin switched off the tv and laid down. You followed suit, pressing your body up against his and resting your head on his shoulder, your hand on his chest.
“Tell me something I don’t already know about you.” you requested, voice soft in an attempt not to disturb the peaceful atmosphere.
“What haven’t I told you yet?” Jimin chuckles to himself. 
“What’s the real reason you’re here?” you pondered, bracing yourself for him to close himself off.
Jimin sighed, and you were about to apologize and change the subject when he nodded, glancing over at you.
“Actually, I was kind of running away. I had this friend, and I liked her but she liked her roommate. He likes her too but wasn’t doing anything about it, so we fake dated to make him jealous. I know it’s immature but he needed a push. I wanted her to be happy but didn’t realize how I’d feel seeing them together all the time. It’s actually kind of nice, I haven’t thought about her in days.” Jimin explained.
“I’m sorry Jimin. You’re a wonderful guy and you deserve someone who appreciates you.” You told him, eyes searching his face. 
“Thank you.” He scrunched his nose up in that cute way that made your heart clench. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”
You wracked your brain for information you hadn’t already provided to Jimin during your nightly talks. You noticed then that Jimin was shifting beside you, growing antsy with the vulnerability of the conversation, you assumed. In an attempt to lighten the mood, you threw out the first thing you could think of.
“Hmmm… I can touch my nose with my tongue.” you lied with the best straight face you could muster.
“No way. Show me.” Jimin laughed, turning to watch you.
You stuck your tongue out and tried your hardest to push it far enough to touch the tip of your nose, but failed miserably. You refused to give up and kept trying, making silly faces while attempting to reach. Jimin couldn’t control the laughter bubbling from deep in his belly at your ridiculous antics. 
His smile reached both ears, and Jimin watched you make a fool of yourself, realizing that he hadn’t felt so light and carefree in the longest time, even before the incident with Namjoon and his new girlfriend. Something about being near you just made Jimin turn into a version of himself that he actually liked. Being around you made him feel like it might actually be okay. 
The two of you shared hushed whispers for a while, Jimin absentmindedly drawing shapes on the soft flesh of your hand that rest on his chest. The whispers died down and you were left with the quiet humming of the air conditioning kicking on and off periodically and the sound of Jimin’s even breathing. You lifted your head to see if he was asleep and watched his chest move with each inhale. You allowed yourself to study his features up close. You couldn’t help yourself, reaching out and letting your fingers brush against the skin of his jaw, a featherlight touch in the hopes of not waking him. 
Jimin stirred slightly and you held your breath, ceasing all body movements. You watched his eyes flutter before stilling. He snuggled farther into the blanket and sighed happily. You waited a few moments before returning to your exploration. Your fingers danced lightly towards his lips, letting yourself marvel at how full and soft they were. Your thumb brushed against the tender flesh, and Jimin’s tongue darted out to wet them. You removed your fingers from his warm, now wet mouth. 
His eyelashes fanned across his cheeks delicately, and you gently ran a finger along them, watching them flutter under your touch. You sighed, completely in awe of how beautiful the man next to you truly was. He was painfully attractive, that was a given. But he was also smart, funny, kind, open. You found yourself idly wondering how anyone could pass him up, but you were honestly not upset that she had. It was a stupid daydream, you knew that. There was no way he was into you. But you couldn’t stop yourself from imagining what it might be like to show Jimin the kind of love he’d been missing, the kind he was so clearly desperate to find. 
If anyone deserved to feel raw, unconditional love, you had no doubt that Jimin did. He was so sweet and friendly and had so much love to give in return. You wanted to watch those eyes light up, see how brightly he could shine when properly adored. You wanted to be that for him. He shuffled in his sleep, mumbling something under his breath and his arms reached out, seeking your warmth. He brought you flush against him, enveloping you in his warm embrace. You smiled to yourself and carded your fingers through his silky hair. 
You let yourself melt into his hold, feeling welcome and needed and wanted. You began fading in and out of consciousness, the comfort and safety of having Jimin so close putting your mind at ease. You fell asleep to the sound of his strong, steady heartbeat, which sounded a lot like your new favorite song.
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You woke up before Jimin, the sunlight finding its way through the thin curtain that covered the large window of his hotel room. You blinked a few times and tried to sit up, but Jimin’s arms instinctively wrapped around you tighter, holding you in place against his firm body. You grinned, snuggling back into his embrace and pressing yourself up against him. That’s when you felt something hard pressing against your backside. You experimentally wiggled your hips against Jimin’s, wondering if it was what you thought it was. His sleepy moan and the friction against your bottom proved your suspicions correct. 
Your eyes widened and you bit your lip as arousal pooled in between your legs. Jimin’s rock hard cock pressed against your backside made your head spin. You attempted to remove yourself from his grasp but that only made him hug you closer, effectively pressing his erection against you more. You whimpered quietly, torn between not disturbing Jimin and relieving the ache between your thighs. You pushed your bottom farther into him, hoping to gain a little friction. Suddenly, his hand gripped down on your hip, stilling your movements. 
“What are you doing?” He questioned, his morning voice raspy and deep. 
“I...uh….” you gulped, heat flooding to your cheeks at having been caught grinding against him.
You tried to flee, but Jimin’s firm grip on your hip didn’t lessen, his fingers dug into your skin deliciously. 
“It looks like you were grinding your pretty little ass on my cock.” He purred, his hand sliding from your hip to grasp the fleshy globe of your bottom, giving it a rough squeeze. 
“Ah, fuck.” You squeaked out at his possessive actions, you leaned into his touch and brought a chuckle from him. 
“Hmmmm… you like that?” He chuckled, “you like when I touch you?”
“Yes.” You gasped as his hands traveled farther up to cup your breast, giving it a light squeeze. 
“So needy. Why don’t you do something about it?” He prodded. 
Your brain was fuzzy, you weren’t even registering his words. You didn’t think about what you were doing, you just let your body take control as you turned around then swung a leg over his lap and straddled him. Jimin’s words died in his throat and his mouth hung open in shock. You didn’t let yourself think or slow down, knowing you’d chicken out if you did. You pressed your lips to his in a needy kiss, which he reciprocated after he processed that it was happening. 
His hands found purchase in your hair, tugging gently as his tongue explored your mouth. You moaned into his mouth when his free hand pinched and rolled your nipple between his fingers. You began to grind your hips down onto his, delighting in the way his cock felt dragging up and down your clothed folds. Jimin groaned, letting his head fall back and hit the headboard with a quiet thud before he lifted it and grabbed your hips, holding them still.
“Wait, wait.” he panted.
“What’s wrong?” your hips stilled, embarrassment flooding your cheeks.
“It’s uh, been a while, and if you do that I’m going to cum in my pants.” he admitted sheepishly. 
You bit your lip to hide your giggle when an idea flashed in your mind. You moved your hips so you were straddling his thigh rather than his crotch. You began to rock your hips again and Jimin’s eyes darkened as he stared at the spot where your sex met his thigh. 
“Holy shit, you look so sexy right now…” he hummed thoughtfully, his hands coming to rest on your hips again only to grind you down harder on his toned muscle.
The arousal pooling between your legs was soaking through your clothing, and you were certain Jimin would feel it soaking his flimsy sweats soon. You whimpered at the friction on your clit and when Jimin tensed his thigh it sent a wave of pleasure through you.
His fingers found the edge of your shirt and he glanced at your face to make sure it was okay. When you nodded, he lifted it off of your frame and tossed it aside. He licked his lips as he surveyed your skimpy bra. His lips attached themselves to the tops of your breast while his hands slipped behind you to unclasp the fabric preventing him from seeing all of your upper half. The bra fell off your shoulders and Jimin whisked it away, taking a moment to admire your breasts.
“I think I might have died if I didn’t get a chance to have a proper taste of these.” he hummed, eyes flicking up to yours as a smirk graced his lips.
“Fuck, Jimin.” You whimpered pathetically as electricity shot to your core. 
Almost immediately, his lips were on your nipples.His soft, plump lips sucked at your sensitive nub, his teeth gently scraping along the flesh. Your movements on his thigh stuttered, your mind going blank at the shivers coursing through you. His tongue darted out and swirled around your nipple, before he moved his delicious assault to the other breast. This time, he bit down, pulling the nub between his teeth. You yelped, arching your body closer to him as the sinfully pleasurable pain raced through your veins.
Jimin smirked against your skin, biting and soothing it with the flat of his tongue afterwards. He blew cold air against the red marks on your breasts, and you shivered. Your hips picked up speed the closer you got to letting go and Jimin sensed you were near your high. His fingers dipped past the waistband of your pants and panties, and he began rubbing your clit harshly, until you were just about to fly off the edge, then he ripped his hand away and held you still.
“What the fuck?!” you whined.
“You don’t cum until I say you do.” he growled, “you were a very bad girl, rubbing up against me and teasing me, using me for your own pleasure. So fucking sexy.” 
You whined, trying to rock your hips against him once more, but Jimin was stronger than you. He grabbed your waist and flipped you over so he was hovering above you. The tips of his fingers teasing at your waistband. Your breath caught in your throat, the palpable tension growing thicker with each passing moment. He quickly discarded his own shirt, giving you the most glorious view of his toned chest and stomach. 
You made no attempt to disguise the way you ogled him. You licked your lips seductively as your eyes raked over his body, drinking him in. You reached up to let your hands rake down his chest, fingers tracing the lines of his abs and brushing over his nipples on the way down. His body jerked and you smiled to yourself. Your perusal of his body came to rest at the elastic in his sweats.
“Someone’s eager.” Jimin quipped.
“Someone might not be so eager if she’d been allowed to cum.” you huffed, tugging the sweats and boxers down in one smooth  motion. 
Jimin laughed, standing up and kicking the clothing off of his body before crawling back onto the bed.
“Mouthy little slut. Don’t you know only good girls get to cum?” he shot back, pressing you flat against the mattress and kissing down your neck.
You squirmed under his touch while he worked his way down your body, stopping just above your aching sex. He placed a soft kiss to your clothed folds, making your body react and arch closer, seeking relief. He chuckled to himself and shed you of any remaining clothing. The contrast of the cool air meeting your aching heat caused a shiver to rip through your body. Something lit up in Jimin’s eyes and he removed himself from the bed and walked over to the mini fridge, opening the freezer compartment.  You watched curiously as he returned with the small ice bucket he’d filled before finding you last night.
“Feeling thirsty?” you joked. 
Jimin raised an eyebrow, shooting you a half-smile before taking an icecube and running it over your already hard nipple. You cried out, the stark contrast of his warm hands with the freezing cold of the icecube was divine. You watched as it slowly melted, water droplets rolling off your body and falling onto the bed.
“Jimin…” you whimpered.
“Mmm?” he smirked, repeating the action on the other breast.
Your back arched, seeking more from the man above you. He was playing you like an instrument, and he knew all the right notes. You were putty in his hands, and he knew it. It stroked his ego more than you would’ve cared for but at this point you would’ve done anything to get some attention on your sodden pussy.
Jimin popped an icecube in his mouth and moved up to kiss you. It rolled around between your tongues until it melted between your combined heat. Jimin kissed the tip of your nose before moving his face down between your legs. He pressed his tongue flat against your clit, and the coldness from the icecube that he’d just had in his mouth stunned you. He left your clit to tease along your folds, letting his tongue dart experimentally inside your heat. 
You groaned,writhing underneath his ministrations. He flicked the tip of his tongue against your clit quickly, building the heat in your belly as he moved. He slipped two fingers inside you, curling them and hitting that delicious spot with every pump. He paused for a moment, and suddenly there was something very cold and very wet pressing against your walls. 
You gasped, the ice pressing against you as Jimin moved it in and out with his tongue. The melting liquid joined your slick and spilled out of your hole while Jimin flicked his tongue, and the remaining ice against that spot that drove you wild. Once the ice was gone, and you were panting enough for Jimin’s liking, he doubled down on his efforts, tongue pressing against your walls and fingers working beside it while his other hand worked your clit in small, deliberate circles.
Jimin pulled away abruptly, and you nearly began crying as another orgasm slipped away.You groaned in frustration, reaching down to play with your own clit but Jimin caught your wrists and clicked his tongue.
“Nuh uh, darling. What did I say? You don’t cum unless I tell you to.” he purred, licking a bold stripe along the veins in your wrist, which was strangely erotic.  “I want you to beg for it.” 
“What?” you hissed.
“Beg me to cum. Beg for my cock.” he smirked.
You sighed audibly, and Jimin just watched you, the smirk still pasted on his stupidly handsome face.
“Please…” you mumbled.
“I’m sorry, what was that darling?” Jimin chuckled. “I can’t hear you.”
“Please fuck me, Jimin. I need to cum. Please!” you whined, all of your pride flying out the window as your pussy clenched around nothing.
“That’s my good girl.” he cooed.
“Please hurry.” you whined.
“Shit. I don’t… I don’t have a condom.” Jimin realized out loud, shoulders slumping.
“I have an IUD and I’m clean.” you panted, fingers wrapping around his neck and bringing him to meet your lips. “Are you?”
“I’m clean,” he assured.
“Then fuck me.” you whispered, nibbling on his ear.
Jimin wasted no time obliging your request. He lined himself up with your entrance and slid in smoothly, aided by your dripping arousal, courtesy of your two denied orgasms and the skills of his tongue. Jimin bottomed out, both of you emitting a low groan. Jimin wasn’t super long, but his girth more than made up for it, as well as his ability to move his hips in the most delectable ways. He filled you up perfectly, hitting spots inside you that you were unaware even existed. 
“Jimin.” you moaned, clawing at his back as he thrust in and out of you at a painfully slow pace.
“Say it again.” he whispered, hips picking up speed.
“Jimin.” you repeated.
“Louder.” he growled, snapping his hips in and out of you with vigor.
“Fuck! Jimin!” you cried. 
Jimin pounded in and out of you, causing your body to bounce with each movement of his hips. He loved the way your breasts bounced and the way you bit down harshly on your lip, overwhelmed with pleasure. His head fell into your neck as he pistoned his hips against yours, one hand sneaking between your joined bodies to expertly rub at your clit. You could no longer form a coherent sentence,gibberish falling from your lips as the familiar fire built deep inside you. 
“Jimin.” you warned, your cunt clenching around him.
“Are you gonna cum for me? Cum all over my cock? Do it, baby. Cum for me.” he coaxed.
His teeth sinking into your neck was the last push you needed before you were careening off the edge. Your body trembled at the most intense orgasm you’d ever experienced in your life. White dots clouded your vision and you screamed so loud your throat felt raw. Jimin came soon after you, working you both through your shared euphoria. His thrusts slowed and he stilled inside you, breathing as heavy as your own.
“Holy shit.” he groaned, and you could feel his muscles shaking just as much as your own.
He pulled out of you, watching in awe as his cum seeped out of your beaten hole. He slid a finger along your folds, gathering his seed and bringing it up to your lips. You obediently opened your mouth, wrapping your tongue around his fingers and sucking them clean, the taste of your own slick combined with his cum coating your tongue. Jimin shivered at the sight.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” he sighed breathlessly.
He stood up, walking into the bathroom to dampen a towel with warm water and bring it back to the bed, gently cleaning you up. You bit your lip, suddenly feeling vulnerable under his gaze. He made his way back into the bed, snuggling up next to you and pulling you into his arms. He watched your expressions and you watched him. You both giggled nervously.
“Do you maybe… want to go out sometime?” he asked, teeth raking over his bottom lip nervously.
“I’d like that.” you giggled, hiding your face in his chest.
You both lay there in comfortable silence, holding each other while your breathing returned to normal. You nodded off, spent from the activities of the morning, and it was Jimin’s turn to watch your peaceful face as you slept. His eyes trailed over your features, adoration and a tinge of something more filling him. True, Jimin had arrived in this small town running away from something. He was searching for something to make him feel anything but the jealousy and pain that had settled deep in his chest. Jimin felt like he was running toward something now, a possibility of the two of you. He knew he wasn’t “fixed”, but he felt good with you, whole with you. 
Jimin knew both of you had a lot of learning to do, and a long way to go and a long way to grow, but he couldn’t stop the excitement bubbling in his chest because for the first time in what seemed like forever, Jimin was happy. Truly, unabashedly happy. He’d started this journey of his running. He thought he’d never recover from the darkness that had taken him over. He thought he’d never find joy again. Jimin had gone desperately searching for something to give him hope.
And then came you.
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anthonyjlockwood · 3 years
8, 27, and 30 for Boggie?
Lilly 💜✨
Thank you for the prompts!! I didn't exactly turn them into a sickfic like I KNOW you wanted though 😂 but I hope you like this anyway! ily/p
Here it is on ao3!
Bobby just really wants to know how he wound up here.
This morning, he woke up at the perfectly acceptable hour of ten-thirty A.M., had a killer bacon-egg-and-cheese for breakfast, got ready, and left the house… with band practice and some vague plans to hang out with Reggie afterwards the only things on his agenda for the day.
But now… he’s in the emergency room.
All because Alex and his pseudo-responsibility weren’t available, and Reggie wanted to go ice skating -- for once, Bobby’s glad that Emily Patterson has been on her son’s case lately, because Luke was instructed to go straight home after Bobby’s house, so he wasn’t able to join in on Reggie’s near-death experience.
When Reggie had the idea to go ice skating, alarm bells went off in Bobby’s head. There were just… so many things wrong with the idea. Reggie on ice. Reggie in sharp, pointy shoes. Reggie in an extremely cold room when Bobby knows for a fact that the boy does not own any sort of weatherproof clothing -- no matter what Reggie says, his leather jacket is decidedly not weatherproof.
But Reggie is Reggie -- the only person who could actually get Bobby to agree to something he knows wouldn’t be a good idea. Because Reggie just has this way about him. He has these infuriating, adorable puppy dog eyes and a personality to match - doing something to upset Reggie, or go against him in any way, feels like it should be illegal.
(Alex calls that ‘being whipped’. Luke calls it ‘totally unfair’; ‘blatant favoritism’. And Bobby doesn’t call it anything, because calling it something would be putting a name to the feeling… and that’s just not something Bobby does -- when the feelings are his, anyway.
Alex calls that ‘emotional constipation’.)
Bobby just had a severe lapse of judgment that afternoon, it seemed. Because his parting words of wisdom before Reggie had skated away from him and completely face planted on the ice were, “Just try not to die. I -- the band -- really can’t be bothered to replace you.”
Reggie had taken that warning about as seriously as Luke had taken all of Emily’s warnings that he’d be grounded if he failed his last math test -- and since Luke is at home, and not here, Bobby thinks that maybe Reggie should’ve tried a little harder.
To listen to something that somebody told him, for once, but also to just… not completely bust his ass at an ice-skating rink.
Bobby shifts in the uncomfortable hospital waiting room chair and glances at the clock on the wall. Reggie’s been in the back seeing the doctor for what’s getting to be a worryingly long time. But just as he starts getting up, to ask the nurses’ desk what’s going on -- for probably the fifth time in as many minutes -- he finally sees Reggie hobbling down the hallway.
On crutches, with his ankle in a cast.
A whole new set of alarm bells starts going off in Bobby’s head now. The extra-loud kind that automatically dispatch the police. He races to meet Reggie halfway down the hall and stops there, blocking the other boy’s path back to the waiting area.
“Reg, what the fuck?”
Reggie answers Bobby’s disgruntled concern with a sheepish smile.
“I… might have sprained my ankle,” he explains.
“Sprained your--” Bobby pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezes his eyes shut, and takes a couple of those stupid, calming breaths Alex is always going on about -- inhale for four, hold for seven, out for eight, Bobby! I told you, it helps! “You said you didn’t think it was that bad!”
“That’s ‘cause you were on one of your ‘mom friend Bobby’ rampages,” Reggie explains. “I had to calm you down somehow. Besides, it doesn’t even really hurt that much! And these crutches are kinda cool. Look, I can use them as a swing!”
Bobby throws out an arm, in a desperate effort to stop Reggie from using his crutches as a playground toy. “Are you trying to make it worse?” he snaps. “I can’t freaking believe this. I agreed to go to the ice rink, and you promised me you’d be careful, and now you’ve broken your freaking ankle, Reggie! What the hell am I supposed to do with you?!”
Reggie’s silenced momentarily, looking at Bobby with wide eyes like a toddler who’s scared to tell his mom he knocked over the cookie jar. And for a moment, Bobby actually thinks he might stay that way. To just accept, for once, that he messed up, that he’s hurt, that maybe he went too far -- maybe Bobby was actually right for once.
But then, because he’s Reggie, he opens his mouth anyway.
“Sprained,” he corrects quietly. “Not broken. Just sprained.”
“Alex is gonna kill me,” Bobby laments. “Oh god... Luke’s gonna kill me. They both trusted me to watch you today, and -- and now I’m bringing you back broken!”
“I’m not a child,” Reggie rolls his eyes. “I don’t need a babysitter. I’m perfectly capable of spraining my ankle on my own, thank you very much. If they yell at you, I’ll tell them it’s not your fault.”
“But it is my fault,” Bobby groans. “I’ve severely overestimated your ability to do anything without getting injured!”
“No!” Bobby clamps his hand over Reggie’s mouth; Reggie’s eyes widen even more, like one of those stuffed Beanie Babies. But wisely, he doesn’t try to interrupt again. “No ‘but’s. I’m taking you back to the apartment.”
Reggie sighs, dejected, and adjusts his crutches to prepare for the trip back to Bobby’s van. “So… I guess this means we can’t stop for ice cream on the way home?”
Bobby wonders exactly how many of Alex’s ‘calming breaths’ he’s going to need to get through the rest of this day.
They finally get back to the apartment, up the elevator, and through the front door, and Bobby helps Reggie plant himself on the sofa.
He pushes the coffee table closer to the couch and grabs one of the extra throw pillows, slamming it down on the table impatiently as if he’s having a pillow fight with its old, scratched up wooden surface.
“The nurse said to keep it elevated. So sit here, put your leg up, and don’t move.”
“Damn, I’m really feeling the love today, Bobby,” Reggie grumbles. But he obeys, wincing in pain briefly as he adjusts his leg into the most comfortable position he can.
“What was that stuff she said about rice?” he wonders. “Ooh -- maybe we can make chili for dinner!”
“Oh my -- rest, ice, compression, elevation,” Bobby says, through gritted teeth. “She also said you can take over-the-counter pain meds -- thank God they didn’t give you anything stronger.”
“Thank God you’re not a nurse,” Reggie shoots back. “Terrible bedside manner, really.”
“Well who else is gonna make sure you don’t die?” Bobby asks. “You can barely get up off the couch. Actually, I should probably hide your crutches. So you can’t do anything to injure yourself even more.”
“Aww, come on, Bobby,” Reggie complains. “Have a little faith. I’m not gonna make it worse.”
“Well, you also won’t take care of yourself properly,” Bobby argues. “I don’t trust you to. So... I will.”
Reggie deflates, relaxing back into the couch cushions, and Bobby takes it as a win.
“Now stay there,” he repeats. He whips around and heads for the kitchen.
When he gets back, he finds that Reggie’s drifting off into sleep, head lolling to the side at what looks to be a pretty uncomfortable angle.
Bobby grabs another throw pillow and situates it behind Reggie’s head. “Is that better?”
Reggie blinks up at him blearily, eyes landing on the ice pack in Bobby’s grasp. “What’s that?”
“I brought you some more ice,” Bobby explains, gently setting the ice back down onto Reggie’s injured ankle. The other boy jumps a little from the sudden cold; a shiver runs down his spine, but after a moment he settles. His tired, unfocused eyes fix on Bobby again.
“I didn’t ask you to --”
“You didn’t have to,” Bobby cuts him off. “I’m… I care about you, remember? I’m Nurse Bobby today.”
“I was just joking, ‘bout your bedside manner,” Reggie mumbles. ““You’re the best Nurse Bobby ever.”
Bobby sits down next to Reggie, gently pulling him down so that his head rests on Bobby’s shoulders, careful not to jostle his ankle.
He presses a kiss to the top of Reggie’s head as the other boy’s eyes slip shut, and eventually Reggie’s breaths even out as the other boy fully relaxes underneath him.
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runrundoyourstuff · 4 years
(A Steven Universe Fic, 2632 words)
Written with love for a holiday exchange with the wonderful @mimik-u !
Prompt: Steven teaches one of the Diamonds about something beautifully mundane (a la Peridot learning about rain.)
It’s almost comical how the Dondai pales in size when compared to the Arm Ship—and the magnitude of the difference only grows as Steven descends the ridge. There are some items, both of human and Gem origin, that seemed larger when he was smaller—when he was younger—when everything mysterious in the world, every new thing he learned about himself, filled him with wonder. The Diamond ships, however, are not among these items. They’re as large now as they always seemed to him, if not quite as foreboding. As are the Diamonds themselves, and he is reminded of this, as Yellow disembarks from her spacecraft.
She doesn’t see him right away. Or if she does notice the car, she doesn’t have the frame of reference to recognize it as his, and even after he parks it beside the ship and gets out, it’s several moments before she turns around and acknowledges him standing there.
“Hey, Yellow.”
“When I called, I hadn’t realized…” She sputters. “Your...your family returned my message to inform me that you were leaving on a conquest—”
“A conquest?”
“Yes, they said that you were going to travel—”
“Yeah, but not on a conquest!”
“Of course, of course, a scouting mission, then—”
“No! Nothing like that! Just a trip! I just...needed to hit the road for a while. Figure out what’s next.”
“I...right, of course. Your—I mean, the Pearl said that you would be taking a hiatus from your Diamond duties…”
At this, Steven chuckles. “Pearl wants me to.” But then he becomes serious. “I shouldn’t laugh. She’s trying to make sure that I take care of myself. She—all of them really, want to make sure I know that I don’t have to be involved in any Gem stuff if I don’t want to. That it’s my choice. And ya know, it’s true that I don’t want it to be my whole life, not like it was when I was a kid. And because there’s no hierarchy anymore, I do want to give other Gems a chance to manage things on Earth if they want to—to show them it doesn’t always have to be a Diamond, and I’m not a Diamond anyway—but I do want to be involved, ya know? Or at least know what’s going on! I put so much work into everything, and not all of it was bad. I was really proud of a lot of what we did, and the Gems are my family…” A pause. “Anyway, that’s all to say that I routed some of the messages from the Base to my phone.”
“I see. I…” She pauses. “I didn’t intend...You did not need to come. I merely called because I didn’t want to catch you off guard. Give your...our...Given my history, I thought if I showed up on your planet unannounced—”
“It’s not my planet.”
“No, of course not. I meant the planet on which you reside. I’ve already...I did not intend to make you feel that…that you needed to come fix—”
Steven raises a hand. “I know. I just happened to be in the area, so I thought I’d stop by. Say hi.”
“Ah. Alright.” The silence resounds. Yellow’s eyes flit away.
“So,” Steven says after a moment—looking for something, anything, to cut through the quiet. “Why Zona?”
“Is that what this place is called?” Yellow glances around. “I needed an area of the Earth where I would cause the least disruptions, where I could dig a sufficiently large hole such that I could access the Cluster. I initially planned on going to one of the Kindergartens, as we’d already irrevocably destroyed all hope of organic life thriving there—I thought I could minimize the destruction. But each already has a fairly extensive subterranean framework that makes it impossible for me to dig deep enough.” She sighs. “I realize this place isn’t perfect. My digging will certainly disrupt some of the plant life. But it appeared at least that there were few humans in the vicinity…”
“Mm.” Steven leads against the hood of his car. “I’m surprised you brought your ship out here and didn’t just Warp. We’re not that far from the Beta Kindergarten, and there’s a Warp there...”
“Those Warps weren’t built for us. We’re much too large.”
“I guess that’s true, but you could always shapeshift.”
“Hmm. I suppose. But there was also the equipment to bring.”
“Yes, I...There are...billions of shards in the Cluster. I figured...if I am going to dismantle it and reconstruct each of the Gems whose shards it conatiend, it would likely be easier for me to do it on Earth, rather than bringing all the Shards back to Homeworld. I don’t want to risk losing any of them or damaging any of them even further in transit…And while I may need to ultimately to transport some of them back to Homeworld to locate all the pieces, and though it may be disconcerting for the other Gems to reform on Earth...I…” She leaves the syllable hanging in the air, turns her head away. Steven can just barely make out her tense jaw as though she is gritting her teeth. Sparks radiate from her skin.
“Yellow? Are you...okay?”
“I’m fine!” But then she bows her head, inhales and releases, murmurs: “I apologize, Steven. I am not angry with you. I simply…It has been difficult enough for me to face each of the Gems I have reconstructed on Homeworld. Once they recover from the shock and the terror, they have each looked at me with such disdain. And those Fusion experiments, while they were certainly terrible, pale in comparison to the Cluster. I can only imagine what each of the Gem’s contained within it will feel. And I will deserve it. I hurt so many Gems in the service of the Empire.”
Steven opens his mouth to respond, but before he can, Yellow continues, speaking ever rapidly, ever louder, as though desperate to expel the words. “Do not try to assuage my guilty conscience! That...is not your responsibility. I shouldn’t have just put you in a position to think that it was.”
Another tentative backpedaling, Steven thinks. A walking on eggshells moment, like he’s witnessed with the Gems and Dad over the past several months. And difficult though it is for him to sometimes believe, it’s not as though Yellow is wrong, at least not if he trusts his therapist. But there is a distant look in her eye, a panicked tension in her cheeks, which, when coupled with the fact that this is the first time he’s seen her since his breakdown, makes Steven wonder if she is remembering that day on the beach.
His own memories of it are fuzzy-to-nonexistant; he remembers the pain, and the panic, and the anger he’d held despite knowing that he shouldn't. Then, he has a vague impression of multiple embraces, of Connie kissing his forehead, of crying hot, cathartic tears...And then he’d woken up in the Cluster’s hand, with the eyes of most of the people he loved and almost everyone he’d ever fought all on him.
Despite his own lack of recollection, however, Connie assures him that she’d given everyone—the Diamonds included—something of a blunt talking to that day, a rallying speech, but she won’t elaborate on the specifics of what exactly she’d said. Might that—whatever its contents— be behind Yellow’s hasty assurances now?
“Okay,” Steven responds finally. “I won’t try to make you feel less guilty. But can I show you something?”
Yellow furrows her eyebrows. “Very well.”
“It’s just on the top of the canyon.”
They deliberate for a few moments on the details. Yellow offers to carry him, but even if she’s not White, Steven declines being held in a Diamond’s hand, and while she could shapeshift to fit in the passenger seat of the Dondai, she ultimately elects to simply follow behind the car as Steven slowly drives it up the cliff.
They reach the plateau just as the sun begins to dip in the horizon, casting a golden glow over the grass, over the Autumn leaves, just starting to paint themselves with the vibrant shades that return year after year.
Steven opens the door and steps out. “You never spent much time on Earth, did you?”
Yellow considers. “No.”
“Do you know what I think my mom fell in love with about this planet?”
“Organic life, of course. Humans.” She gestures to Steven. “Obviously.”
“Well, yeah, but not just them. Us. I think it was this stuff too.”
Yellow squints. “These weeds?! These...dying outgrowths?!”
“With things that change. Things that grow. There’s so much of it here.”
Steven paces over to the grass, then sinks down onto it so that it brushes against his bare calves. It’s mostly soft on his skin but there are dryer patches too, scratchier places on the ground as some of the longer areas start to dry out for the season. The sun dips lower in the sky, and it leaks hues of pink and orange onto the daytime canvas of darkening blue. Yellow looms behind him.
“Feel this.” He pats the ground next to him, and tries not to wince as Yellow’s gargantuan hand settles down on the grass. “You might not be able to tell, but it’s growing. Even right now. By the time the snow—frozen water that falls from the sky—starts to cover it in a few months, it’ll probably be a few inches taller than it is right now. And then it’ll take a break for a while, but when Spring comes next year—when the weather gets warmer again—it’ll start again.
“The trees too. Look out there—they grow taller every year, and every year the leaves change into those beautiful colors you can see. And the shades are similar every year, but never exactly the same. Then the leaves fall off, and then bud again and come back. And the trees keep getting taller. And every time the leaves return, the whole tree is a little bit different too.”
Yellow hesitates. “These are familiar to me. Someone, I believe a Peridot—your Peridot—”
“She’s not my Peridot, but I know who you mean.”
“Yes...Well, she brought some of these...trees...from Earth to Homeworld, and determined how best to make them grow there. I’ve been gazing at them through the windows of the palace ever since, but I hadn’t realized how elaborate, how ever-present, their growth cycles were…”
“I’ve lived on Earth my whole life, and I only just started thinking about it recently. It’s easy to take for granted, but it’s really incredible when you stop to think about it.” He angles his head upward. “And it’s not just the plants. Look at the sky. It changes like this every day.” A pause. “Well, it’s really not the sky that’s changing—Connie told me that it’s an effect of how the planet moves around our sun. But from down here on Earth, it looks like it’s always changing. In a different way every day. I don’t think it’s like that on Homeworld.”
Yellow settles next to him at last, squatting, and then kneeling. “It isn’t. Things are constructed on Homeworld—not grown. We have a sun, but our sky does not transform like this.”
“Exactly. And I think that’s why my mom fell in love with the Earth so much. She was so in awe of how everything naturally grew and changed here.” Steven sighs, clenches him gemstone beneath his hand. “I’m still angry at her a lot of the time, but, like, I get it. She saw herself as this monster.” Here Steven pauses, glances away for a moment before finally letting the words return. “And she didn’t think that she was capable of growth or change. All she thought she could do was pretend to be someone else. And then she found herself on this planet where all anything did was grow for real, and she wanted to be a part of that even in some small way, so she made me.”
“But the point is, she was wrong. She could have grown as herself. I think she did, even if she couldn’t see it. And she and I aren't the only Gems that grew. All of my friends and family have. None of us is the same as we were when I was a kid. Maybe it just took coming to Earth to see that, ya know? Gems can grow and change, just like the trees can, and the grass, and the sky.
“So yeah,” Steven continues. “White hurt you, and you hurt Mom, and Mom hurt Pearl and Garnet and Amethyst and Spinel and you, and everyone she hurt hurt me, and I hurt Jasper and Dad and a lot of people and could have hurt a lot more, and you hurt all the Gems who were corrupted, and who became the Fusion experiments and the Cluster...and that’s all true, and we all have to deal with that and make the things we did wrong right the best that we can. And it’s hard, and it sucks. But the ways we’ve been hurt and hurt other people aren’t all we are. We can grow and change too. As ourselves. I think the Earth is just one big reminder of that.”
Yellow’s brows are once again furrowed, her jaw agape. “I…”
“So, yeah, it’s going to be hard to face all the Gems in the Cluster as you put them all back together. But it’s the right thing to do. And if it ever becomes too much, you can always come up here, and watch the world change and grow to remind yourself that you’re growing too. You’re better than you were, and if you keep working at it, you’ll keep getting better.”
Then, without waiting for Yellow to respond, Steven stands, walks back over to the Dondai. “Now, I gotta hit the road. I want to get to Vegas by tomorrow. It was nice to see you, Yellow.”
“You as well, Steven.” Yellow rises to her feet.
“Good luck,” he calls out the window as he pulls away, and glancing in the rearview mirror, he sees Yellow’s arm raised in farewell, something like a small, apprehensive smile on her lips.
Six months later, after a sojourn up and down the West Coast, Steven returns to the ridge en route back to Beach City for a visit. He pulls up just as the sun is rising over the canyon, glinting off Yellow’s arm ship, and off of the chest and arms and backs of the little gaggle of Gems gathered next to the ship and the adjacent hole. Yellow is not among them, though. She stands on the crest of the cliff, gazing at the trees, at the little buds beginning to spring into being on each branch.
“Steven.” She turns to him in greeting as he gets out of the car.
“You’ve been busy!”
“Yes, we’re progressing nicely.”
Yellow nods. “Some of the Gems I reconstructed from the Cluster decided to remain here to help. Then others in Little Homeworld—and even a few on Homeworld itself—learned about what we were doing, and traveled here to volunteer.” She pauses. “They’re here for the sake of the Gems inside the Cluster, not for me. Still, it is nice not to be alone.”
Yellow turns from the trees to the canyon, in the direction of the rising sun. The growing orange light catches her Gemstone too, and it glimmers in it. “It’s a beautiful morning.”
“Yeah,” Steven says. “It is.”
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serasvictoria · 3 years
You said I could so I'm going to.. ask for Chuck and number 35 off that list (a kiss on the space between shoulder blades).. 💜
Hope you’ll like this. Chuck got a bit dominant in this which I don’t think you’ll mind ^_^ (I know I didn't anyway)
“Chuck, we can’t. It’s too cramped in here.”
“I can make it work.”
“What if someone wants to come in?”
“Then they can fuck off.”
“You say that like it’s so easy.”
“You know it is.”
Not giving Cat another chance to object to this again, Chuck put his hands on her ass, lifted her up and pinned her up against the door. She wrapped her legs around his hips a split second later, like she had done many times before. This was a first though, because it had never happened in such a cramped space. When they were in Aldbourne, he usually took her outside. There had been many times where he had pushed her up against a wall or laid her down in a field, but it wasn’t like he had a lot of options available to him now. The way the wood creaked behind her didn’t bode well already, but he wasn’t going to let that deter him.
“You know, this is kinda reminding me of something else.”
“That first night in Aldbourne?”
“Uh-huh.” Cat wrapped her arms around his shoulders and squeezed her thighs around his hips a little bit tighter. “We sure had fun that night.”
“Sure did. More room though,” he replied with a grin. “That why you kept rubbing your foot against my leg? You wanted a do-over?”
“I did not do that. You’re imagining things.”
“Next thing you’re gonna tell me that I was imagining you lifting your skirt up.”
“Didn’t do that either. Just you and your lively imagination.” Pressing her forehead against his, she looked at him with mischief sparkling in her eyes as she trailed her fingertips up and down the nape of his neck. It was more than obvious that she had wanted this to happen and had been pushing him in the right direction for the last hour or so. “I borrowed this dress ‘cause I wanted to look nice for you. Can’t help it that the thing starts riding up whenever I cross my legs. I hardly ever wear dresses anyway so it’s not like I’d know.”
“You trying to tell me that it was unintentional?”
“Well, I definitely didn’t notice it.”
“Baby, you are the worst liar I have ever met.”
“Not lying.” Cat pouted at him briefly, trying to somehow convince him that she was displeased that he wasn’t buying her bullshit. “Not my fault that you’re always looking at me as if you’re undressing me with your eyes.”
“That’s probably because I am.” Chuck pressed his lips against hers hungrily and they moved in unison, like they’d been caught in this dance for many years. It always struck him how natural it seemed, like it had been meant to be this way. “When we arrive in Edinburgh, we are going straight to the hotel and then I won’t let you leave the room for the rest of the weekend.”
“You promised me that you’d take me sightseeing.”
“We can leave the room for a short while tomorrow.”
“That’s it? Just what are you planning on doing to me?”
“I don’t want to spoil the surprise.” Dipping his head down, he started kissing his way along her exposed collarbone since he’d undone the top buttons of her dress moments earlier and murmured against her skin, “But I can tell you that you won’t be wearing a lot of clothes during our stay.”
“Ah. One of those trips.” There was a sharp intake of air when he slipped one hand down her ass so it could rest between the cradle of her thighs. “You know, it would be nice to actually leave the room to eat for once.”
“Eating out is overrated.” He couldn’t stop himself from chuckling over the thought that popped into his head as soon as he had said that. “Unless I’m eating you out that is.”
“That was a terrible joke,” she said with a deep sigh. “Honestly now. I expected better things from you.”
“I’ll make it up to you.”
“Famous last words.”
Cat yelped when Chuck suddenly released her and lowered her down onto the ground. He could see her swallow hard when he placed a hand next to her head and loomed over her. Staying in this position for a few seconds, just because he wanted to see her squirm as she tried to figure out what he was going to do, he pressed his lips against her forehead first before brushing them against her ear and saying, “Turn around.”
Remaining quiet, she did as he asked and as soon her back was facing him, he pushed her up against the door with some force and knocked the air out of her lungs which elicited a breathless laugh from her end. Tilting his head down, he kissed her right between her shoulder blades and stuck a hand under her skirt to pull her underwear down. He didn’t even have to tell her to pull her dress up, she’d done that all on her own already. Slapping her now bare ass first, he then started kneading the flesh in his palm, squeezing her so hard that he’d probably be able to see the imprint of his hand on her skin for days to come. She kept pushing back into him and moaning every time she made contact with his groin.
“Really?” She managed to get out in between her little gasps and moans. “You’ll make it up to me by fucking me up against a door?”
“That’s exactly what I’m going to do,” he growled low in her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard and fast that you’ll never even know what hit you.” Slipping his hand between her legs, he found her wet, willing and more than ready for him. “Then I’m gonna pull out, come all over your ass and then I’ll clean you up with your panties.”
“Messy,” was her short reply, but it was kind of difficult for her to hide that she got even wetter when he said that. “And then I’ll be without my underwear for the rest of the journey. What good will that do?”
“I’ll be the only one that knows about it. It’s all purely for my benefit.”
“I’d argue against it, but I can tell that you got your mind made up already.”
“Yep. And when we get to the hotel, I’m going to throw you onto the bed, lift your skirt up and then I’ll have my mouth on that sweet pussy of yours until you scream my name.” Chuck pressed his hips against her behind so she could feel just how hard he was. “Just let me get this over with already. This was supposed to be quick.”
“Well, maybe if you didn’t get so distracted all the time…”
“And who’s fault is that?” This was already taking too long. He undid his trousers hurriedly and pushed them down so he could free his erection. Putting his hands on her hips, he pulled her back so he could get a good angle to enter her. Seeing her standing there, ass pushed out, hands pressed up against the door, quite possibly made him go even harder. He gave her another sharp tap on her already reddened rear. “Good girl. Now shut up. I don’t want anyone to interrupt us…”
“So just fuck me already.”
“Why’d you have to go and say that, baby?”
“Come on,” she whispered back. “Just do it. Give me something to scream about.” She hissed through her teeth when he finally slipped inside her. “Oh fuck...”
He started pumping into her, hands on her hips and holding her tight. With every rough thrust, he pushed her harder against the door. If anyone would walk past, they would be able to tell what was going on inside in a matter of seconds. You didn’t have to be a genius to be able to figure that out. Her hand was clasped over her mouth so tightly that she wasn’t able to make any noise at all. All that he could hear over the continuous noise that the train was making, was her laboured breathing. That just made him want to fuck her harder. He desperately wanted to wreck her, wanted to make her scream until she had no voice left.
It didn’t take long for her muscles to start contracting around his cock and he snaked one hand to the front of her body so he could press his index finger against her clit as he thrust into her harder and faster than before. She whimpered, clearly audible despite trying to muffle her moans. Her body jerked, muscles twitching the faster his finger circled round her clit. Pressing her cheek against the door, he drew a muted whine from her throat at the same time that her walls wrapped themselves tightly around him.
His frantic rhythm started to falter, his own groans growing louder the closer he got to his own release. He caught sight of her looking at him over her shoulder and being on the receiving end of that intense blissed out gaze was what set him off in the end. He managed to pull out just in time, spilling his cum all over her just like he had said he would. When he was finished, he fell back and sat down on the toilet that was right behind him. It took him a moment to catch his breath, but his eyes were firmly fixed on the pale skin of her behind, the red outline of his hand and his cum which by now had almost reached the top of her thigh as it continued to drip down.
Reaching down, he pulled on the underwear that was bunched up around her ankles and she stepped out of it. Chuck got up, readjusted himself in his trousers and then he cleaned up the mess that he had made, folded her underwear up and stuck it in his pocket. He wasn’t going to be giving her that back anytime soon nor would he allow her to grab another pair out of her overnight bag.
“I’ll just hang onto this,” he whispered in her ear as she lowered her skirt. He looked her up and down quickly. No one else would be able to tell that she wasn’t wearing any underwear. “Should I go out first?”
“If you want to.” Cat moved back and pressed herself against the wall so she was effectively hidden when he would eventually open the door. “After you, sir.”
“Much obliged, ma’am.” He unlocked the door and opened it just enough so he could look out. There wasn’t anybody out there so he was safe to leave. Before leaving, he pulled the door shut again and pressed a searing kiss down on her lips before exiting the cramped space. “See you in a couple of minutes.”
“I’ll rejoin you when I’m able to walk.”
“That bad?”
“Chuck, it’s always that bad.” She swatted his arm when he started chuckling in response. “Don’t act so surprised. You’re pretty intense is what I’m saying.”
“As long as it’s a good thing.”
“Very good.” She pulled him down for a quick kiss. “Do you ever hear me complain?”
“No. You’re amazing. How’d I find you again?” He gave her another quick kiss for good measure and then added, “See you soon, baby.”
Opening and closing the door quickly, he waited until he heard door click back into the lock behind him and then waited for a few more seconds just to see if the coast was indeed clear. When he was perfectly satisfied that it was, he made his way back to their seats and she rejoined him again a few short minutes later. Chuck managed to behave himself for the rest of the trip, even if she did try to unsuccessfully provoke him again a few times. He’d get back to her for her teasing. They just had to get to Edinburgh and the hotel first.
For once in his life, he could wait.
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
Ineffable Holiday 2020 - “Schemes and Dreams and Kisses and Things” (Rated PG)
Summary: In the hopes of getting a first kiss from Crowley, Aziraphale hangs the largest ball of mistletoe he can find over his desk. And then ... he waits. (1514 words)
Notes: Written for the Ineffable Holiday 2020 prompt 'mistletoe'.
Read on AO3.
Aziraphale looks up.
He looks up again. 
He double-checks obsessively to see that it’s still there. 
Why wouldn’t it be? He hung it up only a few hours ago. Then he checked on it – twice. He looks, on average, three times every five minutes.
His neck is beginning to smart.
He tacked it up good and tight. There's no reason for it to fall. Besides, if it falls, it would fall right on him. No need to keep checking. 
That’s what he tells himself.
But a minute later, he checks again.
Aziraphale had waited until after the wine had been drunk, the cookies eaten, and a sated Crowley had retreated to the sofa in the bookshop's backroom before he hung the mistletoe directly above his desk chair, making sure it was in the perfect spot for Crowley to catch him sitting under it. It's the largest ball of mistletoe he could find - a massive floral bezoar wrapped in red velvet ribbon and adorned with a silver bell. Three poor birds have flown into his window already, attempting to get at the thing.
There should be no escaping this for either of them.
Aziraphale is determined.
He has every intention of sitting underneath the darned thing until Crowley gives him a kiss. On the lips, the forehead, the cheek - it doesn't matter. Just some combination of Crowley's mouth on his skin would be deemed acceptable.
Crowley and Aziraphale have been more than casual visitors in one another’s daily lives going on five months now. One might even say they’ve become closer to intendeds. In the traditional sense. Crowley drops by, they have tea, they talk, but that's the extent of it. To date, as far as securing a kiss is concerned, they haven't even come close.
Sadly, mistletoe is the best idea he’s had for getting one. 
Of course, he should probably learn to say the words, “Crowley, I really wish you would kiss me,” before relying on props like this semi-parasitic shrub. Regardless, he’s going to sit there, book in hand, and wait for Crowley to notice. Because what’s the use of mistletoe if Aziraphale points it out? He might as well go up and kiss Crowley, right? If that’s the case, he should have done it months ago.
God, Aziraphale realizes with wide-eyed intensity, I should have kissed him months ago.
Aziraphale glances up again and sighs.
Yes, he should have. But when it comes to Crowley, Aziraphale can be a bit of a coward. He's not too proud to admit that.
He’s not going to push. He’s waited 6000 years. What’s another one? Or ten? Or hundred? Now that they’re together, he’s going to let things progress at their own speed. 
Even if that speed is the excruciating crawl of another seventy-five human lifetimes.
A groan.
A mumble.
A curse.
A shuffle.
These are the sounds of a demon rising to greet the day.
Well ... the afternoon.
And Aziraphale’s brain stops working.
There had been several close calls when Aziraphale thought Crowley was getting out of bed, but he simply rolled over and fell back to sleep.
Not this time.
Aziraphale feels every step Crowley takes, the wood floor creaking as he navigates a path with eyes shut to Aziraphale's small kitchenette, putting on a pot of water for coffee. Aziraphale hears Crowley hum to himself - a mixture of an ear-worm Christmas tune and a song Aziraphale vaguely recognizes as being performed by the band Queen. 
A love song to a velocipede, he thinks?
Aziraphale taps his toe anxiously as he waits ... waits ... waits, shifting positions, trying to figure out which version of him reading Faust seems more casual. With his elbow resting on his desktop? Or him reclining back in his chair? 
Aziraphale pops bolt upright when he hears Crowley click off the stovetop and pour. He crosses his legs when Crowley's heavy footsteps head his way, then uncrosses them when Crowley finally emerges. He's dressed in the same clothes he fell asleep in - swanky black trousers and jacket, a grey silk shirt, his glasses fixed firmly onto the bridge of his nose. He miracled the wrinkles out of his clothes and his hair into a semblance of neat waves, but he still looks like he slept in the gutter outside. He walks in carrying two steaming mugs, raising one as an offering and a greeting.
“Uh, hello, my dear,” Aziraphale says, fighting with all his might not to glance upward. 
Eyes half-lidded, Crowley sets one of the mugs in front of Aziraphale. “Hey, angel. Here ya go.” 
“Oh. Thank you. That's very kind of you." Aziraphale toys with his mug, turning it left and right. The coffee is cloudy, but not with cream. A sniff tells him that Crowley topped off his mug with a generous dollop of Bailey's. Thank goodness! he thinks. Liquid courage. Even with this good fortune staring him in the face, Aziraphale doesn't lift his mug to drink. "Any plans for today, dear boy?"
"Hmm ... not really." Crowley yawns. "Thought I might just hang 'round here, bother you if you don't mind."
"I don't mind at all," Aziraphale says. "It's always wonderful having you around."
"Great. Oh, by the way, your book’s upside down." 
"Uh ..." Aziraphale flips to the cover and discovers that yes, indeed, it's upside down. So much for casual. “Thank you.” 
"Don't mention it. I'm headin' back to the sofa. You should join me, read your book there."
"Should I?"
"Mm-hmm." Crowley takes a sip from his mug. "How else am I to bother you if we're in two separate rooms?"
Aziraphale nods. "Yes. I see. Well, in that case, I'll be right in."
Aziraphale sighs as Crowley passes in front of him, staring into his cup, missing the mistletoe entirely. 
That was a disaster, Aziraphale thinks. One for the record books. 
Wasn't he determined to sit under the mistletoe until Crowley kissed him? 
Yes, but he doesn't want to turn down an invitation to spend time together either. 
Maybe he can bring the mistletoe with him into the backroom, sneakily set it up in there. Crowley probably wouldn't notice if he Aziraphale hung it not so sneakily. He looks like he has one foot stuck knee-deep into unconsciousness as is. 
A step through the threshold, Crowley stops when he notices Aziraphale isn't following him. He takes a step back and looks at him - book closed around his index finger, cheeks pink, his lower lip pinched between his teeth, eyes aimed down at his feet. He looks embarrassed about something. 
And disappointed.
It can't really be because Crowley interrupted his reading. Aziraphale has read that book thousands of times. Which is probably why he was reading it upside down. More of a challenge for him.
But Crowley didn't get up for coffee. 
He got up to give Aziraphale his Christmas present.
Mostly because Crowley can't wait. 
If he doesn't give Aziraphale his present now, Crowley will think up a dozen reasons why he should wait.
A dozen bullshite reasons.
"Aziraphale?" he strolls over to his angel, waking inch by inch with every step he takes, and sets his coffee mug on the desk.
"Yes, my dear?" Aziraphale looks up. "What is ...?"
With a sleepy but mischievous smile on his lips, Crowley puts a hand behind Aziraphale's neck and kisses him, drawing out the moment before, giving his angel all the opportunity in the world to tell him to stop.
But Aziraphale says no such thing.
Crowley’s mouth is soft and warm and tastes like Bailey’s, but what Aziraphale loves about this kiss is it’s in no way urgent, the way high-romance novels make people believe all kisses should be. According to the lovely publishers at Harlequin, first kisses must be desperate to be passionate, painfully so. 
Crowley kisses Aziraphale as if he's claiming something that has always belonged to him, something he lost track of, and he wants to savor it. Crowley kisses Aziraphale as if they could stand there all morning long, all day long, and kiss, and Crowley would be perfectly content. This is where their Tuesday is going to begin and end - with Crowley kissing Aziraphale.
Crowley pulls away grinning, but Aziraphale looks dumbfounded, not a single word left in his head to express the thoughts sparking off one by one like fireworks.
"Wot?" Crowley asks, mildly self-conscious that his plan may have not gone off the way he'd hoped.
“Uh ... oh ... mistletoe?” Aziraphale asks, eyes darting up towards the obvious culprit behind this moment.
“No,” Crowley says. “I’ve wanted to do that for months now. I just never got the chance.”
"So ... you gonna let me bother you?" Crowley teases, and for the first time, Aziraphale catches on to the fact that bother in this context means kiss.
Perhaps more.
And yes, Aziraphale definitely wants that.
"That sounds ... lovely." He stands from his desk chair and takes Crowley's hand, leaving his ridiculous bundle of mistletoe, and their coffees, behind.
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devendrasbeard · 3 years
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My Body Is My Weapon, So I Keep It Loaded
Prompt: Belly Bulge / Cum Inflation Relationships: Geralt/Eskel Rating: E Content warnings: Belly bulge, Explicit sexual content, Anal Sex, Crack!fic (kinda), but with a happy ending Summary: On his way to Kaer Morhen for winter, Eskel gets cursed by some faes, making his cock too big for any partner to handle.He turns to Geralt for aid, and Geralt is more than willing to lend him a helping hand (and more!)
Also on ao3!
Geralt was on his knees, his lips stretched thin around Eskel's enormous cock. He knew (and experienced himself more than once) that Eskel was well endowed, but this time it was just ridiculously too much. He barely took the head in his mouth and the tip was already bumping against the back of his throat. He looked up at Eskel with shock and amusement, eyes already watering.
Eskel tangled his fists in the bedsheets, using all his willpower to not buck his hips forward and choke Geralt even more. But he was already so desperate to get at least some friction around his cock, after all these long weeks of forced celibacy.
Geralt didn't want to believe him at first, when Eskel had arrived in Kaer Morhen frowning, slightly panicked and with a visibly big bulge in his breeches. "Geralt, you're not gonna believe it, but I need your help."
And so Eskel told him about that one time a few weeks ago, when he had tried to take a shortcut through a deep forest, instead of staying on the Path. He stumbled onto a fae sanctuary and before he could retreat, they've "attacked" him.
"They've put a weird spell on me and, well... My cock's now twice as big as usual," he sighed with a frown.
Geralt couldn't help but burst out laughing. "I don't see how this is a problem."
"You're laughing, but I couldn't get laid in over two months now," Eskel said weakly, shoulders slumping. "I've been in three different brothels on my way here and it all ended up the same - as soon as I undressed, the girls would just give me back my coin and straight up leave. 'No way in hell I'm gonna let you stick that monstrosity in me,' one of them even said."
Geralt threw his head back, muffling his chuckles with a fist. He wiped tears of mirth from the corner of his eye. "I'm so sorry this has happened to you, but at the same time it's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard." 
"Geralt," Eskel let out an exasperated huff. "I need you to help me, I have no idea if the spell will wear off by itself. And also, please don't tell Vesemir."
"I am so fucking gonna tell Vesemir," Geralt grinned. "But first of all," he licked his lips, scooting closer to Eskel, "let me take a look at what were dealing with here."
Eskel undid his laces with an embarrassed huff, looking away from Geralt's face. Geralt slid his pants down and gasped. Eskel's cock was resting against his thigh and it was much bigger soft than Geralt's dick has ever been when hard.
"Fuck me," Geralt whispered with a hint of awe in his voice.
"Please don't tease me like that," Eskel whimpered, his cock already stirring under Geralt's hot gaze. "I'm hanging by a thread here, I'm damn sure I would stick it in a tree hollow by now, if it weren't so cold outside."
"No, I'm serious," Geralt replied, voice husky, gaze fixed between Eskel's thighs. "Will be a challenge for sure, but I'm so willing to try."
Geralt released Eskel's cock from his mouth with a loud pop. His lips were already red and swollen, and he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes. "You're gonna fucking destroy me."
Eskel propped himself on his elbows and looked at Geralt with half-lidded eyes. His expression was pure lust, his fists still tangled in the bedsheets, but he exhaled deeply and forced himself to talk. "You really don't have to do this for me..." He huffed and swallowed thickly. "I will... manage somehow."
Geralt didn't say anything in response. Instead, he stood up and nonchalantly slid his breeches down, freed himself of his shirt and then got on all fours on the bed. He looked at Eskel over his shoulder, taking in the astonished expression on the other Witcher's face. "I want to do this for you. And I also want to see how it feels to be utterly ruined by you," he accentuated his statement by perking his butt up. "But if you want to fuck me, you have to work for it."
Eskel worked him open patiently and steadily, pouring the oils generously over Geralt's hole and his fingers. Geralt took him in eagerly, and he had already three fingers deep inside him. Geralt's heated moans and huffs send shivers down his spine and Eskel stirred with arousal and lust, hoping for his wait to be over soon.
"Can you fit another finger in?" Geralt's voice was dark and hoarse. He stared at Eskel from behind his shoulder, looking already wrecked - skin damp with sweat, eyes half-lidded, his hair a mess. "Open me up good," he stretched that last word out, making it sound so much like a needy growl that sent sparks of lust straight to Eskel's cock.
"Geralt..." Eskel started weakly, his mind going dark with arousal, all of his thoughts focused on the promise of sheathing his cock in Geralt's welcoming heat.
He took his heavy cock in hand and lined it up with Geralt's ass. Geralt shot him a half-angry look from behind his shoulder. "No way I'm gonna let you ram into me like this. I'm gonna ride you."
Eskel laid on his back and propped his head on the many pillows, watching Geralt intently from under his heavy lids. Geralt lined himself with Eskel's cock and started sliding down, excruciatingly slowly. Eskel's hands darted forward to grab on Geralt's hips, the tension almost impossible to bear. Geralt grabbed his wrists firmly and pressed them into the mattress. "Don't you fucking move," he coarsed, his jaw clenched and brows furrowed. "I need to concentrate."
Eskel watched mesmerized as Geralt slid down his shaft, inch by inch, exhaling deeply with every little twitch of his hips. By the time he bottomed out, Geralt was panting heavily, his forehead adorned with beads of sweat, eyes darkened with lust. He hesitantly released Eskel's wrists from his grip.
Geralt has never felt so full in his life, the stretch almost unbearable, stinging pain blurring his vision and causing his breath to hitch. No amount of preparation could make him prepared for this. He felt as if all of his insides have made space for Eskel to fill him out completely. "If you move, I'll die," he whispered, more to himself.
Eskel looked at him, eyes widened, the golden brown of his eyes swallowed by his blown pupils. He reached out with one hand and placed it just above Geralt's hardened cock, completely disregarding the way it was leaking precome onto his stomach. Geralt's abs, usually rock hard and firm, were now unnaturally bulged, his belly round and sticking out. Eskel shuddered with excitement and pure desire - when he pressed his hand more firmly to Geralt's stomach, he could feel his own cock twitch inside of him.
Geralt looked down at him, equally mesmerized and only a little bit worried. He's also noticed the bulged belly and the way he could feel Eskel both directly under his skin and deep on the inside. "Are we doing this?" he asked quietly.
Eskel nodded, licking his lips and placing another hand on Geralt's stomach. "I want to feel it move inside you," he whispered hoarsely. He then looked Geralt in the eyes and added, "At your own pace, I'll leave you in charge."
Geralt swallowed thickly and propped himself on Eskel's chest, the slight change of his angle already causing him to tremble. They both groaned at the new sensation. Having braced himself, Geralt started moving.
He moved so terribly slowly, still trying to get used to the enormous stretch and the feeling of being so incredibly full. Eskel's eyes were constantly fixed at his stomach, and he watched Geralt's belly round up and then turn flat again while he moved up and down. He pressed his hands down more firmly to not only observe, but also to feel how full Geralt was.
With every move of his hips, Geralt moaned and whined and Eskel moaned with him. The sensations were driving him crazy, even though Geralt didn't speed up at all, stretching his every move out to impossible lengths. Eskel looked up at his Witcher's furrowed brow, his forehead wet with sweat, lips twitching with every move, eyes fixed on Eskel's medallion. Geralt was somewhere else entirely, his body moving up and down along Eskel's shaft, but his mind and soul have reached a totally different plane.
Eskel reached out with his hands and skimmed them over the damp skin of Geralt's hips. He so wanted to grab him tightly, to pull him up and then ram back into him; he wanted to be fast, filthy and aggressive, but he didn't want to hurt Geralt nor break off the reverent feeling Geralt was clearly now experiencing.
Then Geralt closed his eyes shut, guiding Eskel's hands to grab his hips, Geralt's own hands resting on his round belly. "Do it," he whispered with a broken moan. "Ruin me, Eskel."
Eskel hesitated just for a few seconds, then sat straight up, pulling Geralt into a heated kiss - the first kiss since they've started - and moved his hips. The sound that left Geralt's lips was definitely not human, he growled like a wild animal, something feral and primal coming deep from within. He grabbed Eskel's hair firmly, pulling at it to expose Eskel's neck. He bit down to muffle the obscene sounds he was making with every move of Eskel's hips, and that send Eskel over the edge.
Eskel bucked his hips up a few last times, making Geralt's stomach bulge unnaturally, his thrusts frantic and unforgiving, every brush of his cock against Geralt's prostate making him leak streaks of precome. Eskel grabbed Geralt's thighs firmly, his fingers digging painfully into Geralt's flesh and he came - the sensation making him see white and shudder with every spurt of spend leaving his cock.
Geralt whined and wailed, his teeth still biting at the crook of Eskel's neck and he trembled under Eskel's touch, finally finding his own release. He kept quivering through the aftershocks, still holding one hand on his stomach, feeling Eskel's cock turn soft inside him, but still stretching him to the fullest.
He moved up very slowly, freeing Eskel's dick from the tight heat, and toppled onto the bed, panting heavily and unable to speak. He felt wrung out and awkwardly empty, but at the same time extremely satisfied. 
After a moment, he turned to Eskel, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Do you think we need to tell Vesemir right away?" he asked hesitantly. "Maybe the spell will be lifted after I... dry you out?"
"You're fucking insane," Eskel replied, still unable to move nor open his eyes. "We can try lifting the curse this way, though," he smiled weakly.
"Oh, I think it's definitely more a blessing than a curse." Geralt chuckled, hugging him closer. He would surely not be able to walk straight for a week, but he was more than ready to try again soon.
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