#and always take care of yourself okay??? put yourself and your safety and well-being first
inkykeiji · 2 years
I loved your latest Touya-nii piece. You said it goes for favorite character. Now I don't have a favorite character, but I do have a favorite actor. Every time I see him I'm squealing: Jason Momoa! In the beginning my little one looked up and was curious. Now he just sighs. Like shut up mom.
I haven't read tag you’re it series yet. Though I want to, I just can't. Don't know why, because I love dark stuff.
How sweet of your mother in law to introduce you like that. It’s such a precious feeling to feel accepted, wanted and cherished by your in laws. Especially when your family hasn't been providing that.
Sorry if it sounds incoherent, but I just wanted to send a message and at the moment I'm at strange place. It will work itself out and I have to take my meds. It's just the aftershocks of my father. But there is no need to worry. I will be fine in long run -🦒
giraffe bb!! so lovely to hear from you hehe c:
i’m so glad to hear that you loved the piece!!! it was very fun and very comforting for me to write for myself, so i’m always super happy to hear that others were able to find enjoyment or entertainment in it as well!! (´∀`)♡ omg jason is a good actor!! tbh i haven’t seen too much of his work but what i have seen him in i’ve enjoyed!! LMAOOOO AWWWWW stop that’s so cute tho!!!
hey, that’s okay! it isn’t for everyone and if it’s too dark or triggering for you then that is 100% completely and totally alright. don’t push yourself or force yourself to read something if you aren’t ready or if it isn’t for you or if it isn’t safe for you to do so. i want you to only consume work that makes you feel good; i don’t want you consuming work that may make you feel upset or may be dangerous for you!!! <3 please please stay safe <3
yes!!! it was so so lovely!! i completely agree with you, one million percent. it’s such a special thing and i am so incredibly grateful <333 i love and appreciate them very much
don’t worry, i love just hearing from you!! i’m sorry to hear you’re in a weird space right now and i hope you feel much better and back to normal soon <3 sending you so so so much love and warmth!!! <3
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hazashiovo · 6 months
Helloooo!! Can I request mako and bolín (seperate) being protective of their (s/o), thank you a lot<33
Ofc u can!
A/n: mako and Bolin have the most requests so far,I'm really glad tbh that people are submitting requests,keep em coming.i also added in Korra and Kuvira ,since this seems like a perfect imagine for them.
Genre: Fluff
Mako x reader, Bolin x reader, Kuvira x reader,Korra x reader (all separate)
Overprotective Lovers
Warnings: none.
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Starting off with Mako,he's the kind of guy that doesn't take well to someone talking to you in some kind of mean way in front of him, especially if you're more a more naive person.
Even if you take care of yourself, he's still there making sure you're away from harms way.
If you ever get hurt or kidnapped,it's over for whoever did it, it's not like he's usually a calm person,but take away his favorite person and you got yourself a big problem to deal with.
Even when you're not exactly in danger, he's there. It's sweet really,but it can also be annoying when overdone.
You like being protected by him,but not all the time, he didn't like it when you talked to Korra, claiming since she's the avatar she would draw unnecessary attention over you and put you in complicated situations.
Of course you explain to him that you're a big girl and that you can watch over yourself,but he just can't understand it. {Sigh}.
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Korra? Well she had her ups and downs. But she learned ,ok? Once you two got together ,this feeling that's she allways had grew stronger,her urge to protect you.
Of course she would blame it on the fact that she's the avatar,but really it was her being protective of you.
Even before dating her ,you knew this would draw a lot of attention to yourself, and potential enemies of the avatar would want to harm you. But that didn't stop you,after all you're free to love whoever you want even if it endangers you.
When Korra faced Amon she used to be Terrified something bad would happen to you, even her dreams would be hunted by dark images. She would see Amon preparing to take away your bending,but each time she would wake up before anything happened,in cold sweat,with you by her side.
If you're a light sleeper,you would assure her nothing happened to you,and that you're okay.
Even after she defeated Amon, more villains appeared,making Korra constantly worry about you. But one thing is sure, that she would always be there to protect you,and in case anything happens,to save you.
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This boy is the most carefree of them all. He doesn't really have to worry that you would be kidnapped or hurt most of the time,but if it ever happens, either someone hurt you or something went wrong in the mission?
He's full boyfriend mode on. He wouldn't be like Korra or Mako, first thing he would do is bring you to safety, revenge not being his thing.
If you're okay ,that's what matters to him. But now if you're especially targeted by someone? He's not as chill as before. Especially since he recently learned how to lava bend, which makes him a pretty strong bender, definitely not the kind you would want to piss off by chasing around his girlfriend,nu uh.
Bolin knew it was a mistake to introduce you to his boss, Varrick.
That man would make flirty jokes with you,which always made Bolin roll his eyes and mock him quietly.
So what if he's smart and rich? You wouldn't like a prick like him.
Whenever Varrick got too close, your boy would be there to put distance between the two of you. It's not that he's jealous,but he knows how his boss is.
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Yeah no. I doubt anyone would even try to threaten you while she's around.
After all the power and respect she gained, expect people to fear you just because you're with her. So mostly Kuvira doesn't have to worry that anyone is gonna try anything.
After all she made quite a name for herself.
Even so, being The Great Uniter's s/o came with it's disadvantages.
For example,if someone really wanted to hurt her,they would target you. You're her soft spot,and she knows it.
Yes,you have your personal guards picked by Kuvira herself. Just because she doesn't expect you to be attacked it doesn't mean she won't be prepared for it.
You're hers,and the world knows it.
A/n : I really enjoyed writing this,I might make another part with different characters :)
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chilschuck · 5 months
Hear me out...
Witch/mage half-foot reader x chilchuck? Iy would be cute i think?
Maybe they have that carefree, mad hatter-y vibe that makes chil grow white hairs every single moment lol
(sorry for any mistakes, english isnt my first language)
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ THIS IS SUCH A CUTE IDEA and i hope i did it justice!!! struggling to write for some reason lately but i got this out for you and i’m so happy that i finished it!!
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— CHILCHUCK: x mage half-foot!reader.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader!
꒰ wc: ꒱ 570
✦ hope this turned out okay!!! i am trying to get out at least one request a day! <3 enjoy!!
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✦ You made it very known you were interested in joining the party, and Laios suggested it wouldn’t be too bad to have another magic user around. Since no one had really any objections to it, you became the party’s second half-foot member.
✦ With a smaller amount of mana than other races, you used your magic in smaller bursts. Even with having to be more observant of when you used it, you were definitely more of a carefree soul than the other members.
✦ Running headfirst into whatever monster made an appearance was common for you, and Chilchuck grabbing you by the collar and pulling you to safety with him was as well. You seemed to have a knack for making Chilchuck grow more gray hairs, whether it be by scaring the hell out of him with reckless behavior or disappearing for a span of time before popping up right behind him. (He didn’t want to guess what exactly you went off to do.)
✦ Chilchuck, when given the chance, would grab you by your shoulders to get onto you about your reckless behavior. To his dismay, you usually gave him that sly, carefree grin you always did. You two were definitely polar opposites in some regards, and Chilchuck had to routinely keep his heart from stopping when you put yourself in danger.
✦ That isn’t to say you weren’t skilled at what you do: even Chilchuck knew you had talent. It was more so that you had a bit more fun than needed, which caused the already older half-foot to feel like he’s aging more.
✦ All his concerns and reprimanding aside, he really did enjoy your company. Maybe it was your whimsical sort of outlook or the way you carried yourself, but he was definitely drawn to you. The first time he realized this was when you scared him so badly that he thought he had lost you. After letting him know you were fine and that it’s nothing some healing won’t fix up, he knew you had begun to grow on him.
✦ You made sure to tease him about his concern over your wellbeing, letting him know you were more than capable of taking care of yourself. Maybe even purposefully putting him on edge with some of your shenanigans just to see him freak out a little.
✦ Secretly, Chilchuck admired how gutsy you were, even if your mad hatter-like personality gave him heart palpitations. He wondered what it must be like to not have any concerns like that, sometimes catching his attention being solely on you and your work.
✦ It didn’t help that you and your personality were pretty charming, after all. Maybe he even found it cute how engrossed in certain aspects of magic you’d get. And how excited you got when you succeeded at something. Also how you’d sometimes catch yourself daydreaming and get lost in thought. The list goes on, much to his dismay.
✦ The half-foot would always deny it, but sometimes Marcille sees the way he looks at you and absolutely teases him. Apparently, it reminds her of a romance novel she read once, about a grumpy man and this mage that taught him how to live life to the fullest. Chilchuck swatted her away, trying his best to ignore the feeling in his chest at that. He definitely has some thinking to do… (And feelings to acknowledge!!)
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— dividers by @/cafekitsune! <3
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sanguineterrain · 1 year
Hii so for the requests if this is too dark please just ignore 💜 how about jason x reader with "[ BACKUP ]   sender calls receiver panicking after committing a crime" where maybe reader gets assaulted and in self-defense kills the criminal and is panicking and calling jason because she knows he can help her and is the only one who won't judge her. Thank you for considering 💖
hey anon! i really liked this prompt, not to worry. it reminded me of that scene in the punisher when amy shoots the guy, but frank "kills" him, so i ended up incorporating that here 😅 thanks for requesting!
i also combined this with another request i got for the prompt "hide. hide now." with jason bc i felt they went well together :)
jason todd x gn!reader | tw: gun violence. reader shoots a man whose intention is to harm them. panic attack, blood. you are in charge of the media you consume! | 843 words
prompt lists are here! i reblog all fics to @sanguinelibrary
You don't know how you get back to your apartment. All you can hear is your pounding heartbeat and the footsteps of one of Two Face's men.
You shouldn't have been out this late. You shouldn't have been out alone. So many shouldn'ts run through your mind.
"Run all you want! I know where you live now, snitch! You ain't making it out tonight!"
You take the stairs two at a time, tripping over your feet. Sweat pours down your face. Your chest is tight with fear.
"Yoo-hoo," the goon sing-songs. "Where are ya, birdie?"
You unlock your phone and duck into the laundry room. Quickly, you pull out your phone and tap on your first contact.
"Jason," you whisper. The phone shakes in your grip.
"What's wrong?" he asks, instantly on alert.
"There's a—I was—I'm at home. I-I didn't know where else to go. Two Face's guy saw me, he chased me—"
"I'm on my way. Are you inside?"
"In... in the laundry room... Jay, I'm so scared."
"I know, I know, it's okay. I'll be there in two minutes. Go to your apartment and lock it. There's a gun taped behind the pantry cabinet. Don't hang up."
"I don't remember buying a—"
"I put it there. Go."
You don't even have the thought to be mad; Jason has always been protective of you, and right now, it might be the only thing that'll keep you alive.
"You there?" he asks as you stumble on your feet to your apartment.
"I know you're up here, snitch!" the goon shouts from two floors below.
You gasp and nearly break your key in the lock. But you manage to get it open and lock it behind you, just how Jason ingrained in you to do. You find the gun exactly where he said it is.
"Okay. I have it. Jason, I've never—"
"I know. Listen to me—shit—okay, you see the safety? You remember what I taught you about taking the safety off?"
"Yeah, y-yeah." You take the safety off. The gun is heavy, way heavier than you remember it being when Jason had shown you how to fire it in a field outside of town.
"Alright. Now take the gun and hide. Hide now."
"Where? Jason, he's coming—" You're crying now, face slick with sweat and tears.
"Listen to me. I'm three blocks away. I will be there, okay? I won't let him do shit to you. Go to the bathroom and lock it. Be careful with the gun. Finger off the trigger."
You walk on jellied legs, half-stumbling to the bathroom. You do what he says and press yourself against the tub, gun under your palm. Your phone is on your other side.
"You still there?" he asks. "Talk to me, sweetheart."
"I'm here. I think he's—"
You flinch hard as your apartment door splinters. You cover your mouth to hide your cries. The light is off, but you doubt this is the first time this guy's hunted someone in their apartment.
You hear the squeal of tires through the phone. Jason's close; he'll be here soon, he'll—
The bathroom door tears from its hinges. The doorknob makes a hole in the wall.
You don't think.
The shot is louder than you expect, and your ears ring from the sound. Blood splatters on your bathroom tiles. The goon hits the floor with a shout.
"Oh my God, oh my God," you babble, still squished against the tub.
"You bitch!" the goon shouts, blood bubbling from his mouth.
Jason runs in then. He quickly kicks the goon's gun away and steps on his chest when the goon tries to get up. Jason cocks his gun in warning.
"Stay down, shithead," he snarls.
"I killed him," you say, tears flooding your eyes. "I didn't mean to—I didn't—"
Jason kneels in front of you and gently takes the gun from you. You look at him, stomach rolling.
"I killed him," you say again, cringing as the goon yells in pain.
Jason shakes his head. "No. Hey, you didn't kill him. You defended yourself. You just shot him, okay? See, look—"
He fires a single bullet without looking. The goon is instantly silent. You wince.
"Okay? You didn't kill him. I killed him. Me. Not you."
You whimper, face falling into Jason's chest. He holds you tightly.
"I was so scared, but I didn't want to—I thought he was gonna—"
"Shh, shh. You didn't do anything wrong. Okay? I got you. You did good. You defended yourself. It was you or him and you made the right choice."
"Don't leave," you cry, clinging to Jason's tactical vest.
He squeezes you tighter, shielding you from the body.
"I'm not going anywhere. I got you, sweetheart. Don't worry. Nothing's gonna happen to you."
You sit like that for a long time, Jason whispering gentle reassurances in your ear as you cry into his chest.
"I promise you'll never be in this situation again," he whispers when your cries have become sniffles. "I swear."
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billskeis · 3 months
Heyy, I saw that you write for Tokio Hotel and I just-----
I have a request, just something I've been thinking. 2005 Tom with a female reader who broke her leg. Like she's part of a band too, and during a show she ends up falling off the stage and breaking her leg. And her fans are super worried and sad for her, but Tom takes good care of her. All fluff and such.
Thank you <3
˖ ࣪ ⟢ a broken leg & nurse tom
it was going well, super fucking well. the venue was overflowing with fangirls and fanboys as tokio hotel’s world tour boomed internationally. the crowd was going wild, as everyone got their groove on, shrieks and screams echoing, sweat and tears were shared. the night had always been young when the five of you performed.
pressing the mic into his lips, bill smiles at you and crowd during the encore, “thank you, berlin! for an amazing night!” waving to the hundreds—no, thousands of people presented before all of you.
he turns to you for a speech, expectance as it was rehearsed, but you were too busy looking behind you to tom, who was already watching you, with the same expression as your twin brother. he signified to you that it had went silent and everyone was now waiting for you to say something, “oh—OH! i just wanted to say.. you guys were amazing, and the whole reason we are here today, we love you!!!”
as you ran, you ran across the stage with bill, waving a goodbye to the many fans that you adored as much as you adored them. however, the adrenaline seemed to have gotten the best of you, a turn for the worse.
losing your footing, your body had unconsciously expected you to take another step upon the platform, only to be meet with the absence of a foundation, leading you to fall at least a metre down, hitting the ground with a significant impact.
pain. pain is all you could feel, your vision now blurred as your head spun from the unexpected crash. hazy, you skim around your surroundings to then avert all attention to your leg. it’s broken, it’s. fucking. broken. you wanted to scream, scream so loud that could break glass miles away, but you didn’t. it just, wouldn’t come out. gasps and voices concerns exchange through the crowd from your sudden collapse. everyone was worried.
“y/n!?! Y/N!!—oh my gosh, tom!!” bill screamed as he made it down to the platform first.
you winced, tears streaming down your face as you bit your lip, chewing so hard at the muscle blood threatened to bleed. balling at the grass beneath your body, you do everything in your power to distract yourself from the pain.
tom jumps off from on the platform, quickly followed by georg and gustav who all surrounded you. immediately, he scooped you within his arms, a tight grasp on your body to ensure your safety. he held you with no struggle, as if you were light as a feather. pressing you closer to his body, all tom could do was breathe. he couldn’t speak, he didn’t know the right words to say. obviously he wasn’t going to ask you if you were okay, that’s ridiculous.
with how close he shoved your body into his, you might as well be one body altogether. the pain was excruciating, overwhelming, and you could feel your consciousness blacking out, eyelids becoming heavy to hold, all you heard before you passed out was ‘i got you y/n. you’re with me now—someone get me a fucking ambulance!”
okay. now let’s get to the aftercare! tom, is crazycrazycrazy overprotective of you now. he BABIES YOU. even after being put in a cast, he literally would not let you get up to anything, even if it was as simple as going to the washroom or changing your clothes. he 100% would do it for you without hesitance.
“y/n. i will tell you once more and continue to tell you again. you cannot get up from this bed.”
“but tom..!”
“no buts, now lemme get you those snacks that you like so much ‘kay?”
*a month later*
“lemme get that for you schatzi,”
“tom. are you serious?” as the item you reached to grab was set beside you on the table.
spoils you fucking rotten. during your recovery, he stays every night to watch over you. again, he cannot take his eyes off you for one second or you’ll try to do something of your own accord again! c’mon now, let the man do his thing :3
cause every morning, he will go and get you flowers.
“you bought me flowers?”
“you didn’t think i’d buy you flowers?”
*your room is filled to the brim with bouquets of them*
every afternoon, he will go and put on a movie that you know he hates but you like because you deserve it.
“since when did you like the notebook?”
“i don’t.”
“then why watch it?”
“because you like it!”
“you don’t HAVE to watch it because i like it,”
“there’s nothing i wouldn’t do for you, y/n.”
every night, he will bathe you, soothing the water over your body as he gently washes you, soft touches of his hand on your skin to put you at total ease. would also 10/10 trace his fingers over your cast, and draw on it. stupid silly little doodles of you and the band, and your initials put in a heart together >\\\\<.
“feeling better baby?”
“mmhm! thank you tomi, i really appreciate it.”
“yeah? where’s my kiss :D??”
he found you crying one night because the pain of your leg, on top of not being able to do anything involving the band and helping with music just became oh so overbearing. so when he saw tears fall down your face as you wept quietly, swipes them off with his thumb, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he looks to you with total admiration.
“i just—i feel so useless!”
“you’re not a burden. this isn’t your fault.” as he pats your head, now running his fingers through your hair, “let’s worry about this stuff after your leg is fixed hm?”
“baby.” he looked at you with a stern but gentle look. he just wanted you to know that you’re his girl and he and the band would NEVER think you were bringing them down.
“that’s my girl.”
your fans were so concerned. from the incident to your recovery journey, many would constantly ask on any social platform how you were doing. however, tom was on top of it all. it’s so cute, he would constantly post selfies of you and him together, either watching a show, sitting around the house, at some point the healing was going well that you were able to go back to the studio to record.
the fans ate that shit up, knowing them, they definitely read into the pictures too much that they examined and noticed EVERY. SINGLE. LITTLE. DETAIL there could’ve been in each update photo. from your casted leg being propped up from within his lap, the hand holdings, how in the photos it’d just be the two of you. a new ship was set sailing that’s for sure!
*comments under tomkaulitz’s post*
“oooohhh i see u tom 😏”
“they’re so cute! glad to see y/n is healing well <3”
“i wanna be tom so bad”
— tomkaulitz replied to _ “you could never be me :D”
“tom! that was so mean!” as you leaned over the shoulder, watching as he typed out his reply, smirked, and pressed the ‘post’ button to send his comment reply.
“what?? it’s true, and you wouldn’t have it any other way 😁.” laughing at his phone as he kissed your cheek.
now i need a boyfriend so badly to take care of me WHO WANT ME???? btw he looks so cute here
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whipped this out of my ass lowkey highkey and i hate it but :3
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vesora · 2 years
dealing with fear of abandonment through LOA + general tips
personal backstory / long post ahead
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“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.” ― Neville Goddard, Your Faith is Your Fortune
as a child, my needs were not met and therefore, i developed a schema that people were meant to disappoint me and leave me and my relationships, both platonic and romantic reflected EXACTLY that.
countless times, i was ‘left’ without any reason, always strengthening the notion i had always felt that people were meant to abandon me. even if i was close to someone, i would still engage in self-sabotaging behaviours when i felt disappointed by the expectations i had set for them. feeling this lack of control when it came to relationships because i was so deathly afraid of being left alone; of disappointing the other. not putting myself first because i felt the only sense of worth i had was through whether another found me worthy. this is all very hard for me to say of course, im a private person but i felt maybe someone at least needed to hear this. my parent would be nice at one point and disinterested in the other, i felt i had to work to gain their approval and for them to be nice to me all the time. i needed them to view me as perfect, so they wouldn’t leave me. but guess what guys? thats stupid, bcos fuck perfection.
in my abandonment activation strategies/self-sabotaging behaviours, my body would go into a state of desperation, in dire need of any sort of relief and safety, crying my heart out because i was so scared, leaving people because i was scared of being left first. being scared i was being clingy by asking for reassurance which in turn sends me into another frenzy, isolating myself from people so i have no chances to be hurt, feeling resentment when someone doesnt meet my expectations/needs through no fault of their own. my inner child would just take over my body, repeating the same distress i experienced as a kid. 
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but i am not a kid anymore. i am a well-functioning adult and i cannot continue this abandonment schema. so what do i do?
i use loa. 
how to use loa + general tips for this:
recognise that everything and everyone is you pushed out. your relationships play out the way you assume they will. this is not to say at all what happened when you were a child was your fault. we are not to blame. our needs were simply not met.
change the way you view relationships, no matter how hard it may be. if everyone is just us, how can anyone else abandon us? not even that, why would anyone leave us? we are amazing and fun and good people
be someone YOU are proud of, irrespective of what other people think. all is mind, so why do you think you need to impress someone who’s just another part of you? a part that can easily be molded
you are not clingy. you are not desperate. you are not unworthy. you are not unlovable. repeat affirmations that you are lovable. that you deserve to have your needs met. that everyone meets your needs. that you never feel abandoned. that you love yourself unconditionally. YOU are on the pedestal, NOT anyone else.
if someone is emotionally unavailable, this DOES NOT mean they do not love or care about you! they might be busy, not be well-versed with showing emotions in a healthy way, express their love in a different way than yours or they may simply be going through something in their lives right now. 
when this happens, you can talk to the person about it and usually in my experience, the person understands and reassures me that they still love me and that we are okay. if a person is not willing to make sure you are okay, maybe rethink their position in your lives. you are the pedestal, not them. now just because someone reassures you doesn’t mean you don’t work on yourself. you do work on yourself through LOA and useful strategies.
take deep belly breaths when you feel yourself get triggered. it is okay. you are going to be okay, i promise. the next day im sure you will feel fine. it is not the end of the world, i promise you. the world IS you. just change it.
reassure your inner child and your adult self that you are okay now. you are the best version of yourself right now. you are safe. you are secure. you are not in danger. your life is in YOUR hands. YOU are in control. YOU created this life. the only way to change it is within.
if you feel impatient and you want things to change IMMEDIATELY, i.e. when youre having a panic attack, take deep breaths and remember this is temporary. remember you are in control of what happens but also do not be attached to any outcome, just have faith that everything works out in your favour.
if you feel resentment when someone doesn’t meet your expectations, do NOT use strategies to hurt them or leave them. just calm down and view them with a gaze of love. transmute this feeling of resentment and abandonment to love and understanding, you can even visualise it. they still love you, you can manifest them to love you the way you want to idk but still they love you! don’t try to make them jealous, don’t distance yourself, don’t do whatever you do to get ‘revenge’ idk, it is NOT healthy. it only hurts YOU in the end. plus, LOA dictates the way people act with you is a reflection of yourself, so all you need to do is change self.
no matter what, KNOW you are loved. even if your body is freaking out and wants to flee, tell yourself in the moment it will pass. it has to. your trauma trigger reactions are NOT you. 
it may be hard to believe that someone loves you. for me, i felt like i was delusional. that i was kidding myself, because how dare i assume someone loves me? that’s why i kept seeking external reassurance for any semblance of love because i was not giving that reassurance to myself internally. and when someone didn’t give me that reassurance in the 3d, i’d freak out, even though i had manifested it unknowingly. how can i go to the 3d and ask for love when everything, good and bad, is within me? as the creator, how can i not tell myself i am worthy of love and that people close to me love me? how can i not believe that when all is me? it is a bit stupid to think like that, no? well i did, and to an extent i still do. but i’m recovering. i deserve to live a life where i am not constantly afraid. i deserve to live a life where i can speak with confidence that someone loves me. it is hard for me, even now, but i know i will get through it, as will you. 
let’s be brazenly impudent together, shall we?
“Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to to its fulfillment.” ― Neville Goddard
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baurbiediv · 2 years
hate to be lame
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PAIRING ➔ jj maybank x pogue!reader (readers always a pogue unless stated otherwise)
WARNING(S) ➔ cursing, screaming match between jj & reader, jj throws a glass frame, SPOILERS FOR OBX S3, EP5! (READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
SYNOPSIS ➔ when another one of jj’s risky plans seem to go awry, this time was too close of a call and you don’t know how much more your heart can possibly take of worrying about him and his safety.
BASED OFF THE SONG ➔ hate to be lame
A/N ➔ i love this format bye
“i wish i could say i did that on purpose, but that was the gnarliest power slide i’ve ever done.” jj breathed as he stood on the other side of the road, dusting off his hat.
without any hesitation, pope turned around to his blonde haired best friend, “you’re alive!” pope exclaimed before merely tackling his friend into a hug, letting go sarah pushed jj slightly before hugging him as well, “we really thought you did it this time jayj.”
kiara was a nervous wreck but not nearly as bad as you. there was a constant ringing in your ear that prevented you from hearing anything that was going on behind you.
your legs feeling like absolute jello while standing right at the foot of jj’s mangled motorbike. hot tears poured out of your glossy eyes, your chest feeling like all the air had been sucked out of your lungs.
the worst kind of cry you’ve ever felt. no words, nothing. this could’ve been him and if it was, there was no telling how that would’ve gone.
“y/n?” a hand reached out to your shoulder, which pulled you back intro reality. quickly you turned around to see the blond haired boy sporting his backwards cap. before you could even get words out, your body reacted for you and swatted jj’s hand off your shoulder and walked away from him and back into topper’s car, making sure to find a seat away from him.
jj felt his heart drop into his stomach seeing the exact look on your face broke him. the one person he was worried about the most didn’t even say a word to him or give him a ‘thank god you’re okay’.
the interaction didn’t go unnoticed by pope, cleo, and sarah. the entire ride home was an extremely silent one for you, the only sound coming from you was you playing with small star pendant being dragged across the silver chain jj gave you when you first got together.
topper had agreed to drop you all back off the chateau, the minute the car stopped you hopped out and made your way into the house. “j, you gotta talk her. she’s in distress man.” pope softly spoke to jj as he just simply nodded. jj made his way to the house to find you sitting down in the guest bedroom (which was actually was his.)
“y/n.. i’m so sorry.” jj said as he tried to come towards you, before you pushed yourself away from him. “you could have died tonight j.” you told him as your shaky hands came up to wipe your tear stained face.
jj’s heart was breaking at the sight of you being in the state that you were in. of course be made stupid decisions, but not like this one.
“i know, the headlights were coming up too quick and the cops were right behind me-“, shaking your head you pointed at him, “how could you be this stupid?! you’re not even thinking about your family! we’re all you have left!” you exclaimed, everything was spewing out so quickly, you couldn’t wrap your head around it.
now jj was looking at you in confusion, “i do care about my fucking family! EVERYTHING i do is for all of you!” he said, and at this point your face softened at his words, “wait j, i’m sor-,” you tried to say, but by now he didn’t want to hear anything.
“i would never put my life on the line for someone i didn’t fucking love. that’s bullshit y/n and you know it is.” he screamed at you. this reaction wasn’t something that you expected from him, but hell which reaction one was expected?
everything he said was true, he meant every word he said, he’d never risk his life for someone who did nothing for him.
“will you please stop being so naive for one minute!” you screamed back at him. he scoffed and looked around the room as if you were talking to him, “i couldn’t tell if you were talking to me but i made that decision to save ALL of your asses. yeah it was a dumb decision but we all walked off fine!” he said throwing his hands up in the air.
you shook your head. “i’m done. we’re done.” was the only thing that jj managed to speak out before he turned his back to you as he slammed a glass picture frame into the wall.
you looked at him as if he’d actually gone insane, “y/n. you need to go.” he muttered silently. you looked at him, “what do you mean we’re done?! you can’t just say that!” you said.
now walking up to him, now you were the one putting your hand on his shoulder. he quickly moved away from your touch. “i said go.” he said this time again, this time silence filling up the room.
swallowing all your pride, you nodded and left the room, and you quietly left the chateau. not muttering anything to anyone.
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okay im insane in the head again time for more 2b2t worldbuilding
so a way long time ago now, baghera and fit had a conversation where baghera said she didn't know who the good guys and bad guys are anymore and fit just sort of agreed with her. using my massive genius brain that knows fit's cubito better than fit himself does, i have deduced that he was lying
the idea of "good guys" and "bad guys" isn't something that 2b2t puts much stock in. it doesn't hold much weight in a world where the whole point is that it's every man for himself and griefers and hackers have free reign.
instead, interpersonal relationships function on a simple matrix. are you with me or are you against me? can i trust you or not? that's how you decide who to break bread with, who to let into your base, who to fight alongside and who to stab in the back
first question you may have: how do you figure out who you can trust? well, that's the million dollar question, isn't it? the way fit explains it, it depends mostly on what you need to trust them for. take fit himself. he's a pretty standup guy, by 2b2t standards. he's a straight shooter, for hte most part. doesn't backstab much (it doesn't count if you have good reason to think they'd backstab you first, by the way). everyone on 2b2t knows he'll take your secrets to your grave if you ask him to. everyone knows he won't take them any farther than that. what can he say? he likes the fofoca
if you want a guy who can tell your story to the world and make sure you aren't forgotten in the writhing sea of chaos, he's your guy. if you want someone who will never breathe a word of it, he's really not.
consistency is king in the world of chaos "sure, i betrayed him, but i'd never betray you" is the sort of line to get you betrayed first. you either split your loyalties between a bunch of warring factions and hope they never go to war (they will) or you put all your eggs in one basket while the farmer is having a mental break and throwing egg baskets out of the truck at random. or you do what fit does and eschew strength in numbers entirely and dangle yourself like a juicy steak in front of every roving band waiting to prey on lone travelers
you do what fit does and get good at cutting your losses and going to ground
these are the facts: you are being watched. you cannot shake your pursuers. there is no strength to be found in numbers. there is no safety to be found alone. there is no such thing as an ally
these are the facts: if you name a mob, it will die. if you don't name a mob, it will die anyway.
these are the facts: your son, your beautiful boy made in heaven by god himself, only got two things from spreen. a (pretty nice, to be fair) basement roller coaster and a name.
these are the facts: you are not strong enough to keep ramón alive on your own. you are not strong enough to let him die.
these are the facts: if you place a block at your feet, an end crystal won't do enough damage to kill you. this fact will save your life. it won't save your arm as the lavacast topples down on you.
these are the facts: cutting yourself free from the rubble will hurt. it is human nature to avoid pain. you hope that if you wait long enough, someone will come along and save you.
these are the facts: no one will.
the way things work on 2b2t, fit will tell anyone who cares to listen, is that you always trust that people will be untrustworthy. everyone is a traitor and a backstabber and everyone knows it. you don't have to bother trying to figure out who's a good guy or a bad guy.
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thefiery-phoenix · 6 months
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Thor won't make it certain to ANYONE that he's a yandere at first. And heck, even HE won't have a clue that he's a yandere or not. He likes showing off a little when he's around you and putting impressive thunderstorms and challenging people to life the Mjolnir and that sort of thing to prove he's worthy for you. He's like a little puppy always wanting some form of attention from his beloved. He is clingy no doubt about that always wanting you to notice him and if you don't well... he's going to go around sulking and grumping and maybe causing thunder storms on poor unsuspecting people
He isn't shy for wanting affection from you that's for sure. When he wants something, he will get it. Thor's way of affection isn't that creepy or weird. People might think you're really good friends or something. He loves being close to you and always wants to be with you when you go for missions or something. And even if you're not an Avenger, he just likes being around you. Any sort of physical contact between you both like hugs and hand holding is more than okay for him, his heart will literally be leaping till the moon
He likes seeing you laugh but will get jealous if you direct your beautiful smile and laughs at other people instead of him. So, he'll always have some corny or cheesy dad jokes prepared mentally so he can make you laugh and feel good about it. Man here can be really creative about his jokes, they can range from hilarious ones to cheesy ones to dad jokes and puns and the most weirdest and bizarre jokes you've ever heard in your life. You'll love spending time with him since he makes you feel... warm and nice and also he makes you laugh
Now, he's really protective of the people he cares about and when it comes to you, he OVER protective. He'll always look out for you and will just wave his hand dismissively when you tell him you're more than capable of taking care of yourself. As strong and powerful as you may be, Thor here sees you as a gentle delicate precious flower that needs to be protected at all times. He'll first tell you to look carefully at the road while you're crossing and make sure you don't stay out till late in the night and stuff like that. Till he starts poking his nose into your personal life and matters
Despite his friendly nature and attitude, he ain't one to take shit from anyone, and when someone tries targeting you for something, he'll get pissed. He's one of the most powerful Avengers on the team and he isn't afraid to put his strength and his hammer to good use if someone decides to mess with you since your safety is of UTMOST importance to him
Thor isn't aggressive he just appears to be because of his height and intimidating personality but deep down he's a literal cinnamon roll and a cuddly bear. With issues that is
Loki may or may not tease him for his obsession of you from time to time just to get reactions from him
He'll take you to Asgard soon after his crush deepens even more and then he decides that he needs you to be with him and tell you you'll be the perfect king/ queen of Asgard with him. He will be incredibly sweet, caring and gentle towards you. He knows he can overpower you in literally less than a second but he prefers to tone down the aggression with you since he doesn't want you to be scared of him. His poor heart will shatter if you become scared or nervous around him. He is the literal incarnation of the devil when it comes to others and he isn't scared to get his hands dirty if anyone tries taking you away from him and he'll make that crystal clear. Anyone who even looks at you for a second longer will have his hammer at their neck and he doesn't care of they're a guy or girl
He will shower you with presents and gifts if you're good with him and he'll give you jewelry and things like that. He just wants some love and affection from you so please give it to him. He will give you whatever you ask for, books, music whatever it is. You ask, you get. In the blink of an eye
He won't like it too much if you hang out with Loki than him and he needs constant reassurance from you that you won't leave him or he'll get sad and grumpy. When it comes to punishments, he'll just hold you and ask you if what he's doing for you isn't good enough, if he isn't good enough for you. He's a damn good manipulator, that's for sure. He doesn't like yelling at you or raising his hands at you since that's no way to treat his beloved and he frowns upon any sort or form of violence if he has to deal with you when you're being bad. If you get on his nerves by yelling at him, he'll just lock you up in a room till you're ready to say sorry and calm down
As a yandere, Thor is pretty tame and gentle when it comes down to you. As long as you're by his side and tell him you love him, things will be better for you, him and everyone else around you
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I was wondering how you think Abbacchio would react to a darling that’s in college and suffers from on and off depression? I love your work so much and this is my first request ever (crazy since I’ve been following you since 2020 or 2021 ((i can’t remember but you’re why I joined tumblr 😭))
I’m flattered you signed up to this cursed site to read my stuff. But it’s okay, we’re all mad here right? I even have crazy right in my username.
I rambled on this piece, just trying to think on him so uh don’t mind me.
Yandere! Leone Abbacchio w/ a darling who has on/off depression He’s always there for you, whether you know it or not. He’ll sigh in resignation as he pulls out a key and unlocks the door to your apartment. The slightly stale air tingles his nostrils immediately, it’s not like he could really berate you for anything you haven’t done. As the former cop has been in a sorrier state himself, something he won’t hesitate to admit. Abbacchio proceeds to close the door behind him and reaches over to crack a window some.
His eyes scan across the living room and kitchen, there were a few things scattered about disorganized. The sink had some dishes in them, yet to be washed with the pile steadily growing. He’d take care of those later, maybe even try to help you do it. Right now, however his selfish thoughts of seeing you overrode the thought of tidying up the place.
It wasn’t hard to hear footsteps outside of your room, that he knew well from the countless times he’s walked in here. He taught you to at least recognize his and Bucciarati’s footsteps, the others never really came to your place unexpectedly so there was no real need to mention theirs. Which is odd to put it lightly, but the twenty one year old couldn’t help but obsess over it. His stand wasn’t necessarily combat oriented, and of course he still had his training from his cop days instilled in his brain. It was just for safety, that was what he told himself with these precautions. The long haired male knew deep down it was sort of wrong but he kept with it anyway.
Your door wasn’t even fully shut when he approached it. It only took a small push for the door to swing wide open. Then there you were sleeping on your bed, hair disheveled and you were still in your pajamas. What time was it now? Thirteen, no wait fourteen hundred… he inwardly cursed himself for glossing over the time. Either way it was rather late for waking up. Yet you were rather mesmerizing sleeping the way you were. He could just sit there on your bed and watch you lay there for eternity.
It took all his mental strength to not silently just stand there like a creep and say your name. It was a gentle and low grumble, but it was loud enough to stir you a little bit. He waits a minute before saying your name again, the white haired male wasn’t that brazen yet. Sure he could stalk you or play you back on Moody Blues without hesitation. Yet there was something gnawing at him to not touch you being unaware right now. Like that was a good place to supposedly draw the line at. He knows he’ll cross it eventually with how much his mind goes to you.
“A…A…Abba…cchio?” You mumbled incoherently, but Abbacchio’s heart stammered immediately knowing those syllables you slogged over were that of his name.
“I just came to check in on you” He told you, although totally unannounced you took his word for it.
He already knew the issues of depression you had, and the mountain of stress that your college classes were causing. He knew the smallest of details that you never told him. From listening outside your open window or using Moody Blues while you were gone. Your eyes looked exhausted from your mental strife, it made him melt inwardly. He was filth, but he reassured himself to keep you clean even if you didn’t know it.
“Are you going to be okay?” He asked as you clumsily sat yourself up.
“I don’t know…” You answered honestly “but I want to try”
He nodded solemnly asking what he could do for you, every little question thumped in his chest. The support you needed and a shadow that watched your every move. From home to classes, to shopping, or even sitting at home. Maybe you knew and despised him, he could be thrown out at anytime, disposed of like garbage. He disregarded that in his current situation, being near something he always wanted. He wasn’t ready to let you go, he’d never willingly do so but he’d help somehow even if it indulged his selfishness.
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uriwoos2 · 3 months
fallin' in love overnight ☾ ִֶָ ⋆ (kjh)
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pairing: best friend!junghoon x gn!reader. genre: attempt at crack, fluff. overview: a trip to the amusement park doesn't go as planned, but no worries! junghoon saves the day. a hint at friends to lovers(?) word count: 3.1k warnings: first time writing crack, so don't expect much( っc ) junghoon and reader are kinda childish^^ ♡ note: this is the promised (belated) lil gift for hoonie's bday! my longest fic yet! I have so so much love for him in my heart, i don't know where to put it ૮꒰ ˃̵͈᷄ ﻌ ˂̵͈᷅ ꒱ა˚ ° anyway, I'm still getting used to writing longer fics, so pls be patient w me^^ and ofc! happiest birthday to our precious boy, hoping he's the healthiest and is eating well! ♡ˎˊ˗ likes & reblogs are super super appreciated! — with love, cream <3
♪₊˚ song: softly — clairo.
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after yet another unsuccessful dial, you sigh to yourself as you end the call. this boy never answers his phone!
the truth is, you weren't mad, not in the slightest.. but he promised to be here soon and it's been almost twenty minutes, how long could it possibly take to buy a couple of churros!?
you puff your cheeks and exhale heavily. you two wouldn't usually opt for separating, always keen on doing everything together, but the ever increasing crowd in the already bustling theme park urged you both to divide the tasks, since you wanted to go on at least some of the rides.
so that's how you ended up in an endless queue for the roller coaster, while junghoon went off to get some snacks for you guys to eat while you waited. but he wasn't coming back, and sure, the line would most likely be big for the churros as well, but it was taking way too long and you were getting just so worried. you just needed to make sure he was okay, but you couldn't reach him through your phone and he's nowhere to be seen!
who has their phone on silent while they're out, for god's sake, junghoon!
your eyes are glued in place, staring in the general direction of where he went off to almost half an hour ago. your anxiety is through the roof right now, making you unable to stand still. you're already feeling a bit timid, being alone in such an enormous crowd of unfamiliar faces isn't such a pleasant feeling.
that's it! I'm going to go look for him!
the impatience got the best of you, and you didn't even care about any of the rides anymore, the only thing on your mind right now was finding junghoon and ensuring his safety.
what if he got lost? that guy has a terrible sense of direction... you think to yourself, as you're squeezing your way through the line of people, getting more and more concerned by each passing minute.
okay.. the churro stand... find the churro stand, yes. hmm... he went that way earlier... right! it's definitely that way!
but you find that it is easier said than done, as you're going in circles trying to locate the churro stand, the stupid churros and that silly boy! where the heck is he?!...
you're getting entirely too frustrated, feeling completely helpless to the point where you're on the verge of tears, and on top of that you're being squished by people all around, the amount of people in the park just seeming to grow continuously. crowding you on all sides, the enormous swarm of people pushes you around, completely cutting off your ability to see anything but the backs of strangers in front of you. a wave of panic hits you when you can't seem to get out of this arbitrary cage they've created for you, the press of the crowd too suffocating.
your legs are about to give out on you from how weak and powerless you're feeling, your mind having trouble to stay focused, when you feel a warm hand slip into your own.
..it's junghoon!!
your eyes regain focus as they meet his and you feel like you can breathe again, he squeezes your hand gently, signaling you to follow him. you slowly manage to slip through the small gaps in the crowd, junghoon’s fingers firmly gripping yours in order to not lose you.
"what were you doing there?" he questions after you both successfully leave the crowd behind, "that was the line for the bumper cars! didn't you say we'd be going on the roller coaster?" there's no hint of anger in his voice, you can tell he's just confused.
ahh.. he probably went to look for me right as I left.. if only I had waited a little longer.
"yes- yes, I did. I guess I got swayed by the crowd by mistake.. but anyway! you were taking just so long, and I got worried thinking you got lost, so I tried calling you but you didn't pick up! then I went to look for you and I couldn't even find the damn churro stand!" you say everything in one breath, as junghoon just stands there listening intently, his features showing slight hints of amusement.
he lets out a chuckle as you're trying to steady your breathing. "huh? is that funny? hey! junghoon I swear to god, if you don't learn to use your phone for it's actual purpose I won't come with you next time, and you can have fun enjoying the rides all by yourself!" you push your hand through your hair, exasperated with the boy in front of you.
junghoon straightens his expression, going back to his default serious face as he responds, "no, it wasn't funny, I'm sorry for laughing." despite his words, there's an undeniable tug in the corner of his lips. clearly, he's amused.
you decide to just leave it at that, feeling so drained from all the overwhelming things that happened today, "anyway, did you get the churros, at least?" junghoon averts your eyes for a moment, answering sheepishly, "it was taking too long, and I didn't want you to wait all by yourself, so I kinda just left..." he scratches the back of his head.
"if you were that worried, you could've just picked up your stupid phone!" you retort, playfully hitting his arm.
he looks at you for a good minute not knowing what to say, and you're staring back, your brows furrowed in frustration. junghoon tries to immitate your irritated frown, but it just looks so unnatural that you burst into laughter, and at that he doubles over in chuckles too.
after a few minutes of uncontrollable giggling, you both attempt to regain your composure, the situation too ridiculous for the both of you to handle. junghoon slips in a little 'sorry' between his chuckles, acknowledging your concern about checking his phone. you examine him for a bit, scanning for sincerity in his apology.
in the end you just shake your head dismissively, going to sit on the bench nearby, but something seems to be keeping you in place, jerking you right back as you try to take a step.
upon realizing that you were still holding hands, you and junghoon dramatically drop each other's hands instantaneously. you're sure your face was the color of a tomato right now, prompted by your heart that was beating through your chest.
how could I not notice I was still holding onto his hand!?!??! how embarrassing...
you take a seat on the bench, resting your palms on your knees awkwardly. junghoon, who's cheeks have flushed pink, follows in tow and sits down stiffly on the other end.
"hey, I'm sorry, I didn't realize-" he begins to apologize, turning slightly toward you, but you don't want to make things even more awkward, so you interrupt him, eager to change the subject, "no, no, it's alright, I think we should just think about what we're gonna do now, because we don't have any snacks, and since I left my line, we lost that too, sorry about that by the way.." you trail off, desperate to distract him.
he rushes to answer you, "no, that's fine, I mean I also abandoned the churros so.." he scratces his head again, while you're trying to calm your drumming heartbeat.
why am I so affected by this!?!??
you rack your brain for any ideas as to what you two could do, when junghoon notes loudly, pointing his finger in a certain direction, "look! the line for ice cream isn't so long, we can go buy that and.." he whips his head around, looking for something, "and then we can get on the ferris wheel! it's gonna get dark soon so they'll turn the lights on, it'll be pretty!.. what do you think?" he looks at you with sparkling eyes, awaiting your response.
he's so excited about it that you can't help but think that he's cute. it's so uncharacteristic of him to be so childish, his usual demeanor, especially with other people being super serious and put together, that when he lets this side of him show you can't let it go unnoticed.
he's just so adorable like this.
you giggle a little at his giddy expression, "yeah, okay, the ferris wheel isn't so busy either, but this time let's go together, alright?" you ask, knowing you're gonna end up in some kind of trouble again if you don't.
he returns your smile, nodding his head happily. the liveliness of today's little date returning, both of your moods lightening significantly even more so as you're stood in front of the ice cream parlor, picking out the flavors.
it's not long after that you're walking back to line up at the ferris wheel, and your ice cream's started to melt already, "that girl put so many sprinkles on mine, oh my god." junghoon is beaming at this point, eagerly savouring his ice cream.
you scoff, coming to a stop as you've arrived at the bottom of the wheel, "yeah, and mine has extra caramel drizzle too, makes up for all the bad luck we've had today." that earns you a chuckle from junghoon, his ice cream rubbing all over his mouth.
"aaah, your mouth got all messy, junghoon would you eat you ice cream properly?" you nag at him, and before you realize what you're doing, your hand instinctively reaches up to wipe at his lips.
"there's so much, and it's everywhere! how can you manage to make such a mess in a matter of seconds?!" you take a napkin out of your bag to clean it off your hands.
"sorry." he says in a soft voice. you look back up to meet his eyes, but he just turns his head to the side, cheeks turning pink.
why is he acting weird all of a sudden?
it takes a moment for you to register the weight of your actions, after what happened before, and that's enough to make your heartbeat rapid again.
why am I so nervous about this? I'm never nervous when I'm with junghoon. this is how we act normally, so it should mean nothing.. right?
even so, you can't help but feel a little shy, the atmosphere between you shifting, a bit different now. you can tell he picked up on it too, but he's way better at keeping his composure.
you don't really talk more, not until you're already on the ferris wheel, both having finished your ice creams and settled on opposite seats in the pod. junghoon breaks the silence with a question, "you think, this thing will shake when we're on the top? it's kinda unsettling." there's genuine concern in his eyes, gaze darting all around, checking for any faults.
he tends to get freaked out quite easily when he's like this, so you rush to reassure him, "no- even if it does, it's not a safety hazard, hoon. besides, it won't even move around so much that it's noticeable." your words seem to sate his anxiety slightly, his figure relaxing into the seat.
"hey, weren't you the one who suggested to go on this ride in the first place? why'd you do that if you're so frightened?" you ask, bewildered.
he seems reluctant to respond, but does so in a quiet tone, "because I didn't want this outing to go to waste, especially when we don't really get to spend much time with each other these days." he scratches at his forehead, "I wanted you to enjoy this trip, and I couldn't let our day be ruined just like that.. you even made time to come with me today, so.." he trails off, thinking for a moment and then adds, "i- I mean I'm not even that scared either, so you don't need to worry."
he was willing to do it, even if he was afraid.. just for my sake?...
your heart swells at the thought, instantly feeling shy at his words, your mind going into a frenzy, "thank you.. for thinking of me. but you know I'm fine with simply spending time with you, right? we don't need to do these things for me to have fun, even sitting in silence is nice when it's with you." you respond with a smile, feeling so nice at the thought that junghoon cares so much.
but what you failed to pick up on was the effect your words had on him, because you we're too busy thinking about his own. the boy was a blushing, fidgeting mess, eyes looking everywhere but you, already having forgotten about his concerns for the safety of the pods.
junghoon was struggling to keep a straight face, fighting off the brightest grin, relishing in the fact that you found his mere presence pleasant company. it got so bad that he covered his mouth with his hand, cautiously looking at you from the corner of his eye, checking to see if you'd noticed anything. but much to his relief, you were already way too captivated with the view in front of you.
the evening sky gradually dimming, letting a couple of stars shine through it's dark veil, along with the colorful carousel lights glimmering brightly down bellow, making everything look so picturesque. junghoon was right, the view is beautiful from up here.
the boy himself, however, wasn't really paying attention to the view, eyes now fully fixed on your face, admiring the way your eyes twinkled at the mesmerizing sight out front, and the way your mouth parted slightly in awe at the glowing lights.
at this point his heart was drumming through his chest, confusing him with this surge of unfamiliar feelings toward you. the thoughts in his mind were going wild too, all tangled and muddled, no coherency in the way they were being thrown at him. but despite it all, one tiny thought managed to slip through all the chaos, displaying itself loud and clear before him, 'pretty.' taking him by surprise, immediately going beet red at the mere thought of it.
he didn't get to think about it much before you were interrupting his little internal monologue, "hey! look, we're at the very top already! there's so many stars now.. and you were totally right about the lights being pretty, I like it so much!" beaming from ear to ear, it was impossible not to notice the pure joy radiating from you. this simple fact calmed junghoon's heart, relieved to see that you were enjoying yourself.
he sunk back in his seat with a tender look in his eyes and a soft smile on his lips, all of it directed toward the person in front of him. he didn't know what the feelings he felt toward you meant right now, and he didn't want to figure them out either, because this was more than enough, having you before him, happy and smiling. if he could watch that for eternity, he'd be forever grateful.
you were so captivated by the beautiful view that you couldn't really notice the slight shift in the air, everything feeling so much more intimate in the tiny ferris wheel cabin, as it always tends to get. but when you pulled your attention back to junghoon, you were met with a gaze you couldn't quite label with a name, and in spite of that it made you blush, knowing he'd been staring at you the whole time, "hey, why won't you say anything? it's making me feel embarrassed for being so excited about this.." you ask sheepishly, wanting to break the silence that settled between you.
junghoon, however, seemed to be zoning out, your words snapping him out of the daze he was previously in, "no, i- I'm just glad you're enjoying the view, didn't want to interrupt you, since the ride only lasts for a few more minutes." he pushes his hair back, stray strands falling onto his forehead, another mesmerizing sight you've seen today.
you're so focused on it that you forget to reply, but the pod's doors opening quite literally startles you, making you jump a bit in your seat. junghoon chuckles briefly at that, before leaning forward to talk to the guy working the ferris wheel, "we'll take another round, please." and then turns back to you, giving you a smile.
I think he can read my mind. either that or he just knows me too well. either way... he's being so nice to me..
you're trying to accommodate your heart with the amount of appreciation you've just accumulated for junghoon, feeling so well taken care of and cherished that your heart is about to burst. you realize you have to actually vocalize your thoughts to him though, so you go to thank him quickly, "hey, I appreciate that a lot, thank you. but we can enjoy the view while talking this time around, I don't mind at all.. I'd like to, actually." you feel a bit too bashful saying the last bit, but you feel like you need to, really really need to.
junghoon seems to be caught off guard by that but doesn't let it show too much, "alright, okay, hmm.. wanna talk about that book we've been reading? well, I'm already forgetting some of the stuff so we better pick it up again soon." he chuckles, making you laugh as well, admiring his ability to start a conversation so simply, and naturally.
you guys spend the second time around the wheel talking about the said book, and on the third one you count the stars, and on the fourth you talk about everything and nothing, laughing so much, that when you finally get off the ride, both your guys' cheeks hurt from smiling so much.
you don't know if you like junghoon like that yet, and you definitely have no idea if you'd want to act on those feelings either, but you don't need to rush to find out. that's the good thing about being friends with junghoon, you know you can go at your own pace with things, and there's no pressure to figure anything out, knowing he'll never make you feel uncomfortable about it.
it's fine, this is normal.. and I can give myself time to think about this. what matters now, is that we have fun together, and that's all I care about.
you're basking in the aftereffect of the beautiful day you just had, when you feel a jacket being put on your shoulders, "it's got pretty chilly since we went on the ferris wheel, don't you think?" junghoon is stood in front of you now, zipping up the jacket after you've put your arms through it.
he's so sweet to me, I can't help but feel all soft at the sight of him. maybe I really do like him like that...
you can't seem to take your eyes off him as you answer, "yeah, maybe.." he looks up at you, meeting your eyes and then ducking his head in shyness again,
he's too cute, how can I not.
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devotedlykoneshots · 8 months
genre: 🔞, minors dni, werewolf San, San and reader dated in the past, reader is still in love with San
word count : 1729
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"Where are you going?" You wake up from your nap to see San trying to sneak out of your place quietly and he sighs upon getting caught. He'd shown up at your door earlier that night, wounded and in need of your magic touch as he liked to call it.
"Away" he admits and you frown, sitting up and letting the blanket fall next to you on the floor.
"Without saying goodbye? Don't I deserve some closure?"you asked, obviously sad that he tried to leave without saying goodbye yet again.
"What did you see?" He asked instead.
"Nothing"you've always been a terrible liar and its not the first time you've been caught lying.
"I can hear your heartbeat" he reminds you of what he is and you're the one to sigh this time.
"Okay , fine. I saw your wolf form" you admit and he nods, its not like he wants to leave you but he knew he couldn't stay.
"Then you know why I have to go" he turns towards the door again but you're up and grabbing his arm before he can walk too far.
"That's an excuse" you scoff and he looks at you, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Is it? Look me in my eyes and tell me you're not scared of me" he tells you and you look into his eyes, wholeheartedly telling him the truth.
"I'm not scared" he blinks , taken aback by the fact that you were being honest that time and honestly he wasn't sure if that made you naive or not.
"Would I bring you into my home if I was?" You asked him this time around and he steps closer to you, neither of you stepping down and cowering because you needed him to stay.
You missed him.
"Why did you?" He questioned you and you frown.
"Because you needed help and I couldn't leave you like that" you told him and he shakes his head.
"That's not good enough" he tries to pull away but you grab his other arm as well and he raises an eyebrow at you.
"I love you"you say and his eyes close as he takes a deep breath, he missed you too but he couldn't live with himself if he hurt you.
That's why he broke it off the first time, werewolves don't have good control and its exceptionally difficult for the bitten ones.
"I still do , okay and when I saw you again I just knew I couldn't let you go" you admitted and he pulls his hands free with ease, grabbing your shoulders and shaking you lightly.
"You know the danger you put yourself in?" He asked and you nodded your head because yes you did know but you didn't care.
"It's a risk I'm willing to take" you tell him and he scoffs, shaking his head and pulling back.
"I'm not"he cared too much about you to be selfish with you and gamble your safety.
"That's not your call to make" you counter.
"I'm a monster, a werewolf! Do you not get that?" He's becoming frustrated with your lack of understanding the danger that comes with being with someone like him.
"You're not a monster, there's good in you. I've always seen it." You cup his face and he rolls his eyes, grabbing your hands.
"Y/n look at me" you shake your head, not willing to accept that he was a monster.
"I am looking at you , I'm looking here and my heart knows you're not a monster" you place your hand over his heart and look up at him, tears blurring your vision.
This is what he wanted to avoid.
"Stay"you tell him and he shakes his head, leaning his cheek into your palm and nuzzling his face there.
"I can't" he's now getting emotional and you know he doesn't wanna go , you know he'd do anything to keep you safe.
"You can , for me? Please" you beg, pulling him down to press his forehead against your own and his hands go to your waist on instinct, his resolve turning into mush in your hands.
"I can't"he doesn't sound as confident as before and that was all you needed , he watches you with hooded eyes as you pull him closer and forcing his lips onto your own.
He lets out a whimper as the last bit of his resolve is snuffed out of him , your lips molding together in a deep and passionate kiss.
Your hands grip onto his shirt as you pull him against you and he groans softly against your lips, hands reaching for the back of your thighs.
"Fuck- jump y/n"he pants softly against your lips and you do as he says, wrapping your legs and arms around his waist and neck.
He carries you to the bedroom and lays you down on the bed, hovering over you and tilting your head to lather his tongue on the skin there.
"Fuck-"you whisper and tilting your neck to give him more room to decorate your skin, he's careful not to bite you and let's his clothed bulge press against the center of your shorts.
"San"you whimper his name, only causing his cock to harden and press against your shorts harder as his hips start to rock.
"Take them off"you cry out, reaching between your bodies and pushing your shorts down. He groans as he grips the back of your neck and uses his other hand to help you tug down your shorts before he pulls back to yank them off.
The slightly ripped material beging thrown behind you as he spreads your legs and licks the seat of your panties, you gasp and tangle your fingers in his hair.
"You smell so good"he moans softly and burys his face into your panties, his nose rubbing against your clothed clit and you mewl.
"Please san, do something"you begged him and he looks up at your frame, your shirt bunched up to show the underside of your bare breasts through your thin tank top.
He licks his lips and pulls your panties off next but he doesn't waste any more time as he laps at your clit with his tongue, you moan softly and tug in his hair.
"Shit"you curse and he groans softly at the tugs to his hair, sucking your clit into his mouth before dragging his tongue through your folds and sucking on your flesh.
"Taste so good"he moans against your pussy as he pulls you closer against his mouth and sucks harder, licking faster and flicking your clit more frequently.
"I'm gonna cum"you warned him and he pulled away, licking his lips and shaking his head as he crawls up your body to kiss you again.
"Why'd you stop?"you pout and he smiles, flashing his teeth but he doesn't answer just yet and instead he focuses on getting you completely naked.
"Wanna cum inside you"he whispers against your cheek as he hovers over you again and slaps your pussy , earning a squeak from him before two of his fingers thrust into your awaiting hole.
"San-"he shushes you and you whimper, his fingers curling and thrusting into you at a slow pace.
"Need to stretch you out first pretty"he rasps and you buck your hips against his fingers, an amused laugh leaving his lips.
"You like my fingers, yeah?"he asked and you nodded , you liked anything as long as it came from him. Choi san , your hot werewolf ex boyfriend.
Said ex boyfriend speeds up the pace of his fingers and thrusts them into your hole faster, your body thrashing around with each jerk of his fingers.
A mewl leaving your lips as he drops a  mouthful of spit onto your pussy and hearing the squelching sound from your arousal as you take his fingers, back arching as you buck your hips faster.
"Cumming!"you cry out and san shows you mercy this time as he lathers up the other side of your neck, you cumming all over his fingers as your hand covers your mouth to keep you from crying out too loud.
San pulls back as he pulls his fingers out of you and he licks them clean, a deep growl resounding in his chest as you watch him with hooded eyes.
"S-sannie"you reach for him and he removes the rest of his clothes before burying his face in your neck, letting you welcome him into your embrace and stroke his hair.
Your legs wrap around his waist again and you bite your bottom lip, he kisses your lips again and drags his tip through your folds as he collects your arousal before he slowly pushes himself inside of you.
"Is this what you wanted?"he doesn't give you time to adjust as he immediately starts to thrust into you, catching you off guard and wrapping a hand around your neck.
"San"you cried out, tears welling in your eyes as he doesn't show you mercy.
"Is this what you want me for? To fuck you dumb? Every night?"your eyes roll into the back of your head as he thrusts into you harder, your headboard slamming into the wall repeatedly from the force of his hips.
"Fuck- fuck!"you cry out and he throws one of your legs over his shoulder, his cock reaching deeper with this new angle.
"Oh my god!"your voice cracks and your body arches, fingers digging into his arms and he moans deeply.
Your fingers scratching down his back as he burys his face in your neck, your body squirming underneath his own as you cum but he doesn't slow down.
His hips plowing into your hole faster and fucking you into overstimulation, it's only when you start to squirt does he pull out and watch you try and catch your breath.
"I'm not done with you, turn around"his voice is stern and you don't want to test him, you flip onto your stomach and he grabs the back of your neck as he angles your head towards the mirror.
"Watch me fuck you dumb, I surely hope you don't have any plans for the next couple of days"he smirks and you catch his eyes glowing a deep red, you gulp.
Oh shit
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maxislvt · 1 year
will u please do a dark! or not wanda x spider reader who gets injured often and how she cares for the reader
warnings: injury, medical stuff
Being in love as an Avenger was difficult, even if your significant other wasn't one themselves. Missions were long and dangerous, some would even require no contact for weeks at a time. Training was tough and the paperwork could become overwhelming. That wasn't to say that it couldn't be done.
You and Wanda were proof that even the toughest conditions couldn't stop love from blooming. When the two of you first met, your identity was a secret. It was a complete accident that Wanda even found out who you were. She was scared for your safety at first. There wasn't a single fight you'd been in that hadn't been recorded and uploaded to the internet a thousand times. You were the Spider-Punk after all. Who wouldn't be dazzled by your super-sonic guitar and acrobatic abilities? For others, watching you fight was a spectacle.
For Wanda it was just plain scary. To her everything was a bruise, a cut, or a concussion and there was almost no comfort in your accelerated healing. Both of you had learned the difference between accelerated and right the hard way. The suggestion to have Bruce look into your crooked finger had been lighthearted, but the examination revealed just how harmful your methods of fighting were. One of your bones was so messed up you needed surgery. The cost financially was nothing to Wanda, it was the emotional part she couldn't handle.
She's become a bit overprotective of you ever sense. It was cute at first, but you couldn't stand coming home at 3am and seeing her wide awake just because she wanted to patch you and replace any bandages. Wanda had a job that was just as dangerous. You couldn't let her lose sleep because you were stupid and got whacked around a bit. That wasn't fair.
So tonight, you did it yourself.
You took a little detour to a pharmacy and bought some bandaids and tried your very best to tend to your wounds. You had definitely taken some hits that a bandaid couldn't fix, so your solution had been to just put on multiple in one area. The adhesive was stuck uncomfortably to your skin, but something was better than nothing. Just nothing wasn't good enough for Wanda.
"Oh, you're home early." Wanda gave you a gentle smile as she placed her book on the nightstand. "Come on, let me patch up. Dinner's already in the oven so we can eat after you take a bath." She reached for your shirt only for you to push her hand away.
You kissed her cheek. "I'm fine, we can just eat dinner." You tugged Wanda towards the dining room but she didn't budge. A frown appeared in your face. "I promise you I'm okay. I didn't even fight anyone today." That was a lie, but Wanda didn't like reading your mind so she wouldn't know. Well, everyone told you that you were a bad lair, but you never lied around Wanda so who would she know?
Wanda raised her eyebrows. You always cracked under the pressure of her states even if you didn't do anything wrong. Even if that didn't work, you always left behind footprints. "Alright. Just give me a hug, I really missed you." Just like that, you'd fallen for her trap. Technically it wasn't a trap because she did miss and wanted a hug. The offer just had some ulterior motives. She wrapped her arms around you tightly and kissed your forehead. "You mean the world to me, you know that?" She softened you up with honeyed words until her hands reached your back pocket. Wanda's hand pulled out a ball of paper. "Is this…are these bandaid wrappers," She asked incredulously. "Don't tell me you tried to patch yourself up with bandaids that had your little logo on it."
You sighed in defeat as you sat on the bed. Embarrassment burned bright red on your face. "Just…just get the medkit." Wanda left you to stew in your own pool of embarrassment while she got the needed tools to patch you up. You peeled off as many of the little bandages before giving up and waiting for Wanda to take them off. "Don't laugh at me…I was trying to not worry you," You grumbled.
Wanda giggled and kissed your shoulder. "Baby, I worry about you because I care about you. Spider-Punk or not." She sat behind you on the bed and started to remove the decorated bandages. Everytime she pulled one off, she kissed your cheek. Then it was followed up with a little 'I love you' or 'You're adorable'. By the time she'd wiped off the adhesive and replaced it with proper bandages, you were nothing but putty in her hands. "Is my little spider ready to shower and eat dinner?"
"That was a really bad way to convince me not to do that again, but yes."
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More Than Friends
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: oral (f,m receiving, marking kinda, praise kink Matty, unprotected sex (wrap them joysticks okay), creampie, implied cockwarming
Genre: smut, some fluff
Summary: Somehow the fact that your roommate is daredevil isn't as big a secret as the way he feels about you
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You whistle to yourself as you munch on your last slice of bacon and set your dish in the sink.
"Good morning." Your roommate Matt strolls into the kitchen.
"Morning." You hum back.
"What's for breakfast?" He asks.
"Well, I made myself waffles." You say.
"Wait what about me?"
"Oh was I supposed to make you breakfast too?" You joke with him.
"If you don't, I'll spend all day at work losing cases because all I can think about it is how empty my stomach is."
"First of all, settle down drama queen. I was joking. Secondly, what do you do when I'm not here Matthew?" You scoff picking up his plate off of the counter to place it in front of him.
"Starve until you get back." He says and you fix him with an incredulous look as he smiles cutely at you.
"You are so annoying." You roll your eyes.
"You've told me before."
"Clearly not often enough." You muse. "I'm supposed to believe you can fight crime but can't make your own food." You shake your head.
"That's an entirely different skillset sweetheart."
"Maybe you should make it applicable lest you starve." You shrug.
"You are evil, woman." Matt shakes his head with a chuckle.
"Aw? Did I hurt the devil's feelings? How ever will I go on?" You gasp dramatically. Matt laughs casually while you tug open the fridge to put something back.
"Hey can I have some orange juice please?" Matt asks. You grab the bottle and pour him a glass. "Thanks." He mutters when the cup hits the island.
"Just a heads up Matty I'm going out tonight so I'll see you when you get back from patrols later okay?" You tell him.
"Wait you'll be out until I get back from patrols?"
"If I'm out that late I'm probably not coming home tonight at all." You muse but the way Matt's brows knit together makes you kill your laughter. "No- I expect to be back before you finish patrolling but I won't be here when you get off work and I didn't want you to panic when you came home to an empty apartment." You say.
"I would not panic."
"You always panic."
"Well where are you going?"
"Just- out. Meeting someone for drinks."
"Someone? Who's someone?" There's something in Matt's tone that you can't pick out.
"No one you'd know Matty. I don't have to tell you everything I do." You laugh.
"I'm just curious. We're friends, it's not uncommon to take interest in your friends lives is it?"
"Why're you asking me that like you've never had a friend before." You chuckle.
"You're derailing the conversation."
"And you're going to be late." You say. Truthfully you just don't want to tell Matt the details of your date. You haven't thought of navigating dating while living with him and you're hesitant to go there with him for reasons you don't want to admit.
"Wait what time is it?" He asks you.
"Quarter to nine."
"Shit- why didn't you say something?" Matt hops out of his seat.
"You're usually very good at keeping time, I didn't realize my personal life would be so distracting." You joke. Matt huffs as he grabs his cane and briefcase.
"Look- if you won't tell me who you're going with at least make sure someone knows where you are and who you're with. For safety reasons."
"Yeah my girlfriends already know." You chuckle.
"Who knows?"
"I'm not telling you Matty. Stop being nosy and go to work before Foggy starts ringing." You tell him.
"Just- be careful." He grumbles, leaving your apartment.
"A more dramatic man has never existed." You chuckle. Less than a minute later your phone rings. You let out a huffed laugh when you check the caller ID. "Hello?"
"I heard that." You roommate sasses.
"Good!" You nod before hanging up the phone. "You hear everything all the time anyway." You muse to yourself though you're sure Matt heard that too, as if he has nothing better to do. You put Matt's empty dishes is the sink and finish getting ready for your own job. You leave out maybe fifteen minutes after Matt, hoping to have a good day and an even better night.
When you return from work, the apartment is empty. Which is totally normal, Matt has a tendency to work well into the night, usually until somebody drags him from the office or he hears a crime six blocks away. You change from your work clothes into the dress you've picked for tonight. It's a satin cami dress that cinches at your thigh on one side and drapes to your knee on the other. You pair it with a clutch and matching heels before heading back out of your apartment. You quickly flag down a cab and give the driver the restaurant address. 
The drive isn't long and when you walk into the restaurant you instantly see your date sitting at the bar. You're meeting with a guy you met at a cafe a couple of weeks ago.
"James! Hi! I hope I'm not late." You smile at him as you walk over.
"Hi. No no no, you're fine. I got here early actually." He stands to give you a quick hug. The two of you quickly fall into conversation, laughing over drinks and snacks for a couple of hours. Eventually, you decide to continue chatting while walking, not ready for the night to end exactly but ready for a change in scenery. You gasp and let out a short yell when you trip over a cracked sidewalk.
"Oh jeez, are you okay?" James chuckles helping you up.
"Yeah I'm-"
"Is this guy bothering you miss?" A deep voice behind you startles you. James puts himself between you and the red suited man you know as your roommate.
"Woah dude where did you come from?" James looks him up and down.
"Excuse me I asked the lady a question." Matt says.
"Do you know this guy?" James frowns at you.
"No!" You say at the same time Matt says,
"Yes." You glance at him quickly.
"I met him once. It's not like we actually know each other but, we've met." You explain.
"I was nearby and heard the scream. I wanted to make sure there wasn't any trouble."
"Well thank you for your concern but I just tripped. I'm not in any danger." You say. "But you will be if you don't get out of here." You add quietly enough that James doesn't catch it but you know Matt hears.
"As long as everything's okay, you guys be safe." Matt nods.
"Yeah man, have a good night." James says. Matt brushes passed him, practically bumping James's shoulder as he walks between you and you have to stop yourself from scoffing at his petty behaviour while he walks away without a word.
"Geez." You whisper.
"Who was that guy again?"
"The devil of Hell's Kitchen. They call him Daredevil. He's Hell's Kitchen's personal vigilante."
"What's his problem?" James muses with a confused frown.
"Your guess is as good as mine. Maybe the vigilante thing is getting to him." You shrug.
"You said you've met him before?"
"Yeah, just once."
"But you don't know him?"
"No one does I think. He wears the mask and by all accounts works alone. Ya know, lurking in the shadows. I don't think he's ever even seen during the day."
"Nobody told me when I moved here that there'd be vigilantes doing wellness checks." James jokes.
"To be fair I don't think that's standard practice." You laugh. There's a momentary lull in the conversation before James checks his watch.
"Oo, it's uh getting kinda late. Maybe be we should call it a night here?" He suggests almost awkwardly.
"Oh- uh sure. Yeah let's call it. I had a nice time." You tell him.
"Yeah- ditto. Did you- are you good getting home?" He asks.
"Yeah I live, just around the block. I'm alright. Thanks."
"Cool cool- I'll see you, then. Goodnight y/n." James says quickly. He squeezes your arm for just a moment before walking off. You're not sure from his pace but it almost feels like he's rushing off and you're not sure where the change came from. When you turn to cross the street you swear you catch a flash of red in one of the alleys that makes you suspect the reason for James's sudden anxiety.
"Oh you are so dead when you get home." You grit out, making your way back to your apartment. You don't even bother turning on the lights as you walk into your apartment. You toe off your shoes with a frustrated sigh and make your way to the bathroom, quickly taking off your makeup and getting in the shower. You're tempted to spend hours under the steaming hot water but you'd rather be done getting ready before Matt tries to sneak back in so eventually you get out, put on lotion, and throw on a large hoodie and shorts. You shuffle out of your room and into the kitchen intending to do the dishes. You don't even have to look to know Matt's back, the breeze from the window giving him away before you've seen him.
"You know, I never would have thought that after over a year we would need to have this kind of conversation about boundaries." You say.
"What are you talking about?" Matt asks.
"You and I both know that you didn't just stumble across me and James tonight. 'I was nearby and heard the scream' my ass. I tripped, you know I did. You were just looking for an excuse to be nosy after I told you it wasn't your business who I was going out with tonight."
"I wasn't being nosy."
"So what do you call crashing my date and scaring him off like a total weirdo?"
"I scared him off? If that halfwit can't protect you I definitely did you a favor."
"Matt it was a date not an interview for a bodyguard! I don't need him to protect me!" You huff out.
"I never said you needed him for anything. I know you don't, but Hell's Kitchen is dangerous. You never know what's lurking in the shadows."
"You mean besides my nosy ass roommate?"
"I'm being serious y/n."
"So am I! What made you think it was okay to crash my date tonight Matthew? That was totally out of line." You sigh. Matt is quiet for a long moment before he speaks again.
"I wasn't planning to. I was doing patrols and I heard your voice and- I just couldn't help myself. I was curious, you wouldn't tell me anything this morning."
"Honestly Matt the next time you decide to spy on me don't make your presence known." You roll your eyes. "I can't stop you from spying, your weird superhuman senses make it impossible, but at the very least, don't show up trying to play intimidation games. If the devil doesn't have more important things to do, let him rest." You say walking out of the kitchen, intent on going to your room. You can't change anything about the situation now, it's not worth fighting over it. When you pass by Matt he grabs your arm.
"I'm sorry I ruined your night. I didn't mean to I just- think you deserve better." He says quietly and in this moment he's glad only he can hear both your hearts, or you'd know how hard his is beating right now.
"I liked him Matt. He was nice." You say in defense of your date.
"Nice is the bare minimum. You can do better than the bare minimum." He grits out.
"You're very judgy for someone who doesn't date anyone ever." You scoff walking back around to the other side of the island.
"I don't go out with just anyone who winks at me."
"No you just sleep with them. That's so much better."
"Oh now who's judgy?"
"This is stupid Matt. Why are we fighting over this? I went on a date. You'd think I was working with one of the sickos you hunt down every night." You cross your arms.
"I just think you can do better." Matt shrugs.
"Dude you blindsided us in the middle of our first date. I haven't even decided if I'm going to see him again and now you are all in my ear giving your two cents like this is a wishing fountain."
"Don't." Matt says.
"Don't see him again." Matt says caging you where you are with his arms on either side of you against the island.
"Why?" Your voice is suddenly so quiet you're sure anyone else wouldn't be able to hear you, but to Matt your voice is clear as ever.
"God what are you doing to me?" He breathes out dropping his head for a moment.
"Tell me, Matt. Why?"
"Because I love you, okay? I've been ignoring it for months. Willing it to go away but I can't get you out of my head. I can hear you and smell you all the time, at work, during my patrols- you're all I think about. And tonight, the idea of someone else getting to be with you the way I've been longing for- it's maddening. You are maddening. I love you and that's why you can't see him again."
"You love me?"
"Has it not been painfully obvious?"
"Look Matthew not everyone can hear someone's heart race when they walk into a room." You scoff and he laughs a bit.
"If you could you'd know my heart is beating so fast a medical professional would think it were about to burst."
"Right now?"
"Whenver I'm with you actually, but yes, right now." Matt nods. You place your hand on his cheek.
"You are incredibly confusing Matthew Murdock." You say quietly.
"I think I've been quite clear."
"I mean yeah now. After crashing my date and causing a fight. You could've led with this." You laugh.
"I didn't know how you'd react. I thought it wasn't worth the risk. I didn't want to ruin things. I'm only telling you now because I've managed to piss you off anyway. You're very important to me and I didn't want to lose you because of my feelings."
"Do you think you're losing me now?"
"I can't tell, you still haven't responded directly to my feelings." Matt says. You let what he said hang in the air for a moment before you react. Matt is very attractive, you've always known that and admittedly you've harbored a small crush on him for ages now you just never thought it'd amount to anything. You were comfortable enough with your dynamic that until now you hadn't considered changing that. You pull Matt's face close enough to yours to gently kiss him. His arms wrap around your waist tightly as he kisses you back. What started as something sweet quickly becomes fiery as Matt holds you against him. His hands travel down to your thighs and a gentle tap has you hopping up into his arms, your legs locking around his waist.
"If it wasn't obvious Matty I do reciprocate your feelings." You pull away long enough to tell him.
"Yeah. Got that." Matt adjusts enough to pull you into another kiss with a hand at the back of your neck. Matt walks down the hall with you in his arms, your tongue pushing and pulling against his. When you make it to his room, you hardly realize it, until Matt sets you down. "Every fiber of my being wants to fuck you into my mattress but I want you to know this is more than a quick lay for me so if it's too soon-" before Matt finishes is sentence you pull him towards you and kiss him again.
"If I thought you were just trying to fuck me and ruin our living dynamic we wouldn't be here right now Matt." You tell him.
"I just want you to know you mean more to me than that."
"I believe you Matty, stop thinking so hard." You say shoving him back onto his bed. He quickly sits up, his hands at your hips as he looks up at you.
"It's important to me that you know I-" you cut Matt off by pressing your lips to his.
"You're reckless and sometimes stupid but you're not a total fool. We live together and we like living together. It works for us. I don't think you'd ruin that just to get your dick wet." You tell him and your wording makes him chuckle.
"That sounds so crude." He huffs, placing kisses along your stomach.
"Play your cards right and it won't be the last crude thing you hear from me." You say. Matt finds the edge of your shorts and tugs them down with your underwear and you move back to step all the way out of them, his hands immedately pulling you back towards him once they're off.
"You've always had such a colorful vocabulary. Let's see how long before you're too blissed out to form a sentence." He hums, nipping lightly against your inner thigh.
"That's a big promise Matty." You let out a breathy laugh. He smirks up at you and shifts your legs to make room for his head between them.
"Feel free to scream sweetheart." He says and before you can offer a smart retort his tongue is diving between your folds. You let out a gasp, threading your fingers through his hair. His hands are firm at the back of your thighs as he eats you out. The way his tongue moves against your clit is languid but strong, slow strokes that tug deep at your core. He contrasts his heavy licks with thrusts of the wet muscle inside of you.
"Fuck that feels good." You pant out, tugging at his dark hair hard enough to make him groan. When Matt feels your legs tense under his grip, one hand joins his mouth between your legs. He slowly works you open with two fingers while his mouth focuses on your clit. With each thrust, his digits curl inside you in a way that tightens that coil of pleasure. His fingers move leisurely but in combination with the way his mouth sucks at your bundle of nerves when your orgasm hits all you can do is whine as pleasure crashes into you.
"God you taste amazing." Matt whispers as you tug at his hair to pull him away from you. You kiss him long enough that your lungs burn, savoring the taste of him and the way it mixes with you on his tongue. He tugs you onto the bed beside him and then stands, quickly stripping himself of the suit he hadn't yet taken off. You let your eyes travel freely down his frame, taking in every inch of exposed skin. With all your patching up post daredeviling you're quite familiar with shirtless Matt but this is the first time you're allowing yourself to shamelessly drink him in. "You're staring, aren't you?" Matt asks with a smile on his face that clearly shows his dimple.
"Of course I am. You're very hot." You tell him confidently.
"Am I?" He chuckles.
"Absolutely baby." You stand and with a hand at the back of his neck pull him into another kiss, your other hand roaming across his chest and abdomen. You enjoy the way you can feel his muscles react to your touch as you travel lower, eventually wrapping your fingers around his length. He immediately lets out a groan, breaking your kiss as you experiment stroking his dick. He's heavy and hot in your hand, precum leaking from the tip. Too soon Matt's hand closes around your wrist, pulling enough to make you release him.
"If you keep going I will cum in your hand, very quickly." He tells you.
"Maybe I want you to."
"I have other plans for tonight sweetheart." He tells you guiding you back towards his bed. When your legs hit the edge you allow yourself to fall back, watching as Matt crawls up after you. His lips are on yours again as he situates himself between your legs. You grab hold of him again, lining the head up with your entrance and Matt takes the hint, entering you with one sharp thrust that makes you both moan. Your breathing stutters at the way he stretches you and his hands squeeze your hips tightly as he relishes in the feel of your walls pulsing around him. Matt starts up a rhythm of sharp thrusts, hips slapping hard against yours. You pull him close to you with your arms around his neck, your back arching at the glide of him inside you. You moan a string of curses and drag your nails down his back harsh enough to make him hiss.
"Fuck- do that again." Matt grunts out against your neck. You trail your nails down again, harder this time and the action seems to pull at something inside him. His thrusts get harsher, deeper, intense enough to make you scream.
"God! That feels good." You groan.
"Yeah? You like the way my dick fills you?" Mattt huffs out.
"Yes! Fuck, yes!" You whine out, pulling his hair hard enough to yank his head back so you can see his face. You stroke his cheek gently.
"You're so gorgeous Matty." You whisper.
"W-what?" He lets out a breathless chuckle. Your words cause his hips to stutter but only for a second, and he grunts as he picks up the pace again.
"You're grogeous. Just, so pretty." You tell him. Matt huffs out another laugh and buries his face in your neck again, hoping to hide his shyness. You whimper as he litters your throat with licks and nibbles.
"You are something else y/n." He groans, trailing kisses down to your breast, trapping a nipple between his lips. His tongue against your nipple tugs at your insides making you moan and squirm against him.
"Don't tell me you're just now finding that out." You joke. He quickly bites down on your nipple in response and you hiss out at the sharp pain that he soothes with his tongue. Matt's hand reaches between you, fingers finding your clit with ease. He rubs tight circles against the bundle of nerves causing your whole body to tense up.
"You're close. I can tell. Let go sweetheart." Matt mutters against your skin. He continues to toy with your clit, throwing you over the edge quickly, your breath leaving you as your orgasm hits you.
"Holy fuck!" You gasp, struggling to catch your breath as Matt continues to fuck you through your release.
"S-shit you're squeezing me so tight." Matt grunts.
"You're close aren't you Matty? Cum for me baby. Fill my pussy up Matty, please." You moan into his ear, your fingers scratching at his back again.
"Fuck." He growls, his hips stuttering before they still against yours, heat flooding your insides as he buries his head in your chest. His arms wrap around you gently as he comes down. You rake your hands through his hair.
"Matty? Are you okay?" You ask softly.
"Fine. I just wanna lay here a minute if that's okay. Been a long night." He mutters.
"Busy in Hell's Kitchen?"
"It always is." He groans.
"Even when you're making time to stalk me on dates?" You joke.
"Next time I won't have to because I'll be the date."
"Are you asking me on a date Matthew?"
"Will you say yes?"
"If you ask maybe."
"Will you go on a date with me y/n?"
"Yes, I will. This is totally not how I saw today going."
"I dunno this is the best way I've ended a day in a long time." Matt shrugs and you laugh, kissing Matt's forehead after a moment. You're not really sure what it'll mean for you both going forward or how much things are going to change but for now, you're content laying in Matt's arms with his weight on your chest, listening to his breathing settle as he drifts off.
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Fighting the Tickle Monster
Request: Hi! First of all, your fics are amazing and cute and I'm so sorry for the haters you're getting! If that's okay, I wanted to give you a little prompt for Wanda and reader. Like, since joining the compound, reader has always seen Wanda being the tickle monster (she gave herself that title!) so they get Wanda, only to find out she is a huge and adorable walking tickle spot! You're free to add whatever you want, even other characters, I don't mind :)
Notes: Thank you so much for this cute request! I appreciate your patience waiting for this fic! I hope you enjoy :)
Word Count: 2030
You were new to the Avengers, as this was only your second week living in the compound with all of them. You were still in awe of the structure and layout of your new living space. The highest technology, finest finishes, and updated appliances. For now, you had your own room, but you were never alone for long. Especially since the rest of the Avengers loved hanging out as a group downstairs in the common area.
You had many mentors who helped lead the way for you. As you learned more about how to be a great superhero, you also learned a lot more about the roles around the compound. Yelena was the prankster, roping in Kate and Peter so she could split the punishment. Peter and Kate were young and maybe just a tad bit scared of Yelena. They figured it was better to split the punishment three ways rather than two. Natasha was definitely the mom of the group, caring and strong, while always looking out for your safety and well-being first. Steve was the goofy one, always cracking corny jokes and happened to be an amazing chef as well. Tony was the uptight, serious, all work no play guy around there. Thor, Bruce, and Clint were chill dudes, who bonded over their lack of understanding of what young people do these days. Lastly, Wanda was the one who would do anything to protect anyone, but she also had a mischievous side and couldn’t help messing with people given her powers.
From what you’ve seen so far, whenever Yelena would try to pull pranks with Kate and Peter, Wanda would be the first to punish them with tickles. Her powers allowed her to pin all three of them at once while still having both her hands free. Natasha would sometimes join in to help her or give away Yelena’s weaknesses. Even though you were new here, Yelena still tried to rope you in as much as possible. Today, you were involved in your first quadruplet prank, which you learned the hard way to not do.
The four of you had put on swim flippers, dragging mud prints into the compound, trying to scare the others that an animal had walked through and left footprints. You guys were able to execute it quickly, running into the garage to take off the flippers and hide them. You knew this was a harmless prank since Wanda could use her magic to clean it up in seconds. However, your flippers were stuck and you couldn’t get them off in time, when the garage door opened and Wanda caught you guys in the act. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” Wanda asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing…” You said, avoiding eye contact and trying to move out of sight.
“Seems like Y/N has gotten roped into one of Yelena’s famous pranks huh?” The witch said, knowing that Yelena and the rest of the crew were hiding nearby. 
“I wasn’t doing anything!” You blurted out.
The witch knew you were lying, as she could hear your thoughts. 
“Really?” Wanda said, smirking a little before sending some magic towards you. In seconds you felt ticklish sensations on your ribcage, making you double over with laughter and wrap your arms around yourself, to no avail.
“Wahahanda stahahahap gehehet ihihit ohohoff,” you giggled, struggling to stay standing.
“Not until you spill the truth,” Wanda said, upping the sensation, making you fall to the ground laughing. It also didn’t help that she had added sensations to your armpits. Wanda slowly made her way over to you, as you were a giggly mess on the floor. Your superpower was the ability to shut your nerves off. However, you were too ticklish and couldn’t concentrate enough to focus.
“C’mon Y/N, what’s the matter? Can’t turn your ticklishness off?” Wanda asked, now picking you up and flying back into the living room with you, and pinning you with her powers. With that, she continued the sensations and began to tickle your sides with her sharp nails.
“Better fess up who else is in cahoots with you,” the witch teased, speeding her fingers up.
“AHAHAHA NEHEHEVER,” you cried, unable to squirm and knowing that if you didn’t fess up, she would tickle you to tears.
“Tell the tickle monster, before she makes you pee your pants,” Wanda teased, moving down to your feet.
“NOHOHO NOHOHOT THEHEHERE OKAHAHAY IHIHI GHIHIVE,” you shouted, knowing that once someone got a hold of your feet, you were done for.
“Tell me,” Wanda demanded, as you giggled from the lingering sensation.
“Ihihi ahaha was wihith Yelena, Kate, and Peter,” you huffed out, lying there in defeat.
“Ohh interesting,” Wanda said teasingly, as you knew she already knew all the details, wanted to tickle you to get you to confess.
“You’re evil, you know that,” you said playfully.
“Glad you picked up on that in the short time you’ve been here,” Wanda said with a wink.
“Now what do you say? Want to help me dish out a punishment to your other little minions?” Wanda asked with a smile.
You thought for a second, knowing that either way you would be in trouble. Whether it was with Wanda or Yelena. However, Wanda had way more power, so you took your chances with Yelena and led the witch back to the garage where the others were hiding. In your defense, they didn’t try to save you when you were being tickled to pieces.
You turned on the lights in the garage, telling Wanda where they hid. 
“Thanks, Y/N. I’ll give you a headstart so they don’t try to chase you,” the witch whispered. You quickly ran off, hearing Yelena shout your name to get back there. You let out a giggle and returned to the living room where you found Natasha doing a sudoku puzzle.
“Heard you got wrecked, Y/N,” Natasha said, smirking without looking up.
“Shut up, I did not!” 
“Everyone could hear your laughter throughout the compound,” Natasha said. Before you could respond, Wanda came back in, all three kiddos in tow.
“Why do we keep agreeing to this?” Peter asked Kate, who looked like a deer in the headlights, knowing she was doomed. Yelena was the only one trying to wiggle her way out of Wanda’s grasp, being unsuccessful. 
“The more you squirm, the more she’s gonna tickle you,” Natasha told Yelena.
“But if I escape I won’t get tickled at all,” Yelena said back matter-of-factly.
“Too bad you’re not escaping,” you chimed in shyly.
“You little turd. You’re the reason why I got caught!” Yelena said, pointing at you.
“Don’t worry, I already tickled her to pieces,” Wanda said, catching you blushing.
“Oh man, I wish I saw that,” Yelena said with a chuckle.
“You missed a lot. She’s super ticklish and has the sweetest giggle,” Wanda said, floating her magic towards you, this time on your stomach.
“Nohohohoo Wahahahanda plehehehease ihih’ve hahahad enohough,” you squealed, curling up into a ball. They all laughed at your reaction, much to your embarrassment. 
“I didn’t forget about you guys,” Wanda said, promptly pinning the three of them with her powers.
“Now, who should I start with first?” Wanda said, wiggling her fingers.
“Kate!” Yelena blurted out, before bursting into laughter, as Wanda raked her nails over Yelena’s armpits.
“Since you volunteered someone else, I decided to tickle you first,” Wanda said cheekily.
“IHIHITS SOHOHO BAHAHAD PLEHEHEASE,” the blonde laughed, as Wanda began to squeeze her knees and knead into her hips.
Wanda gave her a break and moved on to Kate, who was the most scared out of all of them.
“Please don’t tickle me! I’m sorry!” Kate pleaded.
“Hmm, no I think the tickle monster is still hungry,” Wanda said, blowing three raspberries on Kate’s stomach. It tickled so much that Kate went into silent laughter.
“Wow Kate, she’s not even doing much,” Peter teased, whose eyes then widened when Wanda reached over and tickled his armpits, making the boy squeal with laughter. She now used her other hand to dip a finger into Kate’s belly button. 
“WANDA NOT THEHEHEHERE IHIHI CAHAHANT STAHAHAND IHIHIT,” Kate screamed. She was getting their two worst spots at the same time. Once she felt they had enough, she sent some magic to all of them, tickling them on their feet and sides. They were all laughing too much to even speak. Meanwhile Natasha had moved closer to you on the couch.
“You know, we should try to get Wanda back. She’s always the most powerful one here, but why not give her a taste of her own medicine?” Natasha suggested quietly to you.
“No way! I’m not suffering through punishment again!” You hissed back quietly.
“You’d rather be in trouble with me?” Natasha said, pinching your side, making you yelp and jump away.
“That’s what I thought,” the redhead said, now explaining the plan to you.
Natasha snuck up behind Wanda while she was distracted, grabbing her from behind and pinning her arms above her head. Meanwhile you came around and quickly sat on Wanda’s waist.
“Y/N! What are you doing??” Wanda questioned, trying to break free from Natasha. 
“I’m here to get revenge,” you said simply.
“Too bad I’m not ticklish, so you’ll have to find another way,” the witch responded confidently.
“We’ll see about that,” you said, slowly tracing your fingers over her sides and stomach. You saw her jolt, as she sucked her stomach in to avoid your fingers.
“Oh what do we have here? Seems like I’m not the only liar here,” you said, now kneading into her sides and tickling her stomach with no mercy.
“Y/N STAHAHAHAP OHOO MY GOHOHOSH,” the witch cried out with laughter. The tickling was enough for her to break concentration, which released the other three from her spell holding them down. Meanwhile, Natasha was using her free hand to tickle the witch’s armpits. 
“Alright everyone, pick a spot,” Natasha said, keeping a firm grip on her wrists.
Yelena went to her feet, Kate was at her knees, and you and Peter would get her upper body, while Natasha got her armpits. 
“Everyone ready?” Yelena asked.
“NO GUYS PLEASE! DONT DO THIS!” Wanda panicked, unable to escape. 
“Who’s the tickle monster now?” You asked, as you all began to tickle her to pieces.
“NOHOHOHO AHAHAHAHAHA GUYS STAHAHAP,” Wanda shouted, overwhelmed with ticklish sensations. 
You raked your nails over her ribs, before digging in between her rib bones knowing that you had hit a sweet spot. The witch tried to kick and wiggle as much as she could, but she was outnumbered.
“Do you admit defeat?” Yelena asked, running her nails over a particularly good spot near her heel. 
“GAHAHA NEHEHEVER SCREHEHEW YOHOHOU GUHUYS,” the witch laughed, turning pink.
“Man she is stubborn,” Peter commented with a small laugh.
“Fine, then take this as revenge for all the times you tickled us. Turns out you’re even more ticklish than us!” Kate said, now tickling the back of her knees.
Natasha had let her guard down a bit, loosening her grip on Wanda’s wrists. The witch saw this opportunity and extended her arms to reach Natasha’s stomach. She wiggled her fingers, causing Natasha to yelp and let go of her wrists. With her hands free now, she immediately turned towards you and reached up to tickle you off of her. You squealed and immediately got off of her. Wanda was able to overpower the others and quickly turned the tables on Natasha, the only one who hadn’t been tickled yet. 
Within seconds, Natasha was laughing and squealing, failing to swat Wanda’s quick hands away. You joined the other three, fleeing to safety.
“You brats!” Natasha yelled out over her laughter. The four of you knew they would get revenge on you guys afterwards, so you guys took advantage of the head start. Even if tickling embarrassed you, you loved the bonding it created between you and your superhero teammates. And the one thing you always remembered was that Wanda was the ultimate tickle monster.
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Smooches~ this rare anon is coming back for the second time! After 3 months- ahem. I will once again share the delulus that goes on in my head [also about Capitano again]
Imagine being this ordinary civilian that lives in Snezhnaya. You're out and about, just strolling through the streets. And then this big scary Harbinger is just trailing behind you like a lost puppy.
Well, he's a puppy to you, his darling lover. But in the eyes of strangers he's of course, scary. Scary dog privileges? Yes. Everywhere you go no one dares to mess with you and it gives you a power trip.
Someone's bothering you? Well, he's... Gone? Some drunk guy hits on you? He ends up in the news... very much not okay. Even when he's not with you he always knows what happened to you. And it never ends well with that person. [I want this to be dark for some reason but I'm trying to keep this light HELP ME]
Safe to say you do take advantage of that from time to time. Don't you just love your dear lover driving away anyone you don't like? The man would do anything for you. And that's putting it lightly~ Because although Capitano loves you like
Anyway~ that's all I have for now. Take care of yourself you lovely angel~ I'll be back soon [this is a somewhat a lie, I will most likely disappear] with more.
♡, 🌼
SCARY DOG PRIVILEGES!!! Ugh I love this <33 Reminds me of going shopping with Capitano and while you're just comparing products he's just standing and hovering over you while everyone is watching. And the store employees are in fear when you ask for help and he's just watching them 😭 It gets to the point where you just ask him to stay home, but he is really overprotective and always worried for your safety. He says he won't bother you but even when he's far behind you he still draws hella attention 😭
I highly doubt anyone would be laying a hand on you, much less even looking at you. Capitano is just that intimidating haha (we love to see it) Him with an ordinary person is my fav thing to imagine tho :( Here we have one of the strongest people in Teyvat and then his little darling lover who can't even lift a sword but has him wrapped around their finger <3 Teaching him "ordinary" things and what other people do. (And that does not include scaring people with your mere presence but oh well-)
Take care of yourself too 🌼 anon 💖 Whenever you come back I'll look forward to it!!
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