#and always got overwhelmed by my other decks
whore-ibly-hot · 4 months
How would Harrison react if reader outright confessed to him and wanted to be in a relationship?
Your writing is really nice btw
-Florida Man
He would be absolutely thrilled, if not a little disappointed only because he wanted to be the one to confess. He had some gran gesture halfway planned out, but maybe he put it off too long.
He's very physical when you confess, but also very cautious. He hides his yandere side better than the other boys, so he doesn't want to overwhelm you with questions. This relationship is all about your comfort. He'll pick you up in a big hug and spin you around, then immediately ask you about sharing his bed, sharing clothes and setting boundaries.
He'd be glad to continue doing the same things he usually does with you, but now under the guise of a date. He's so happy to finally hold you and kiss you, it's enough to make him ignore the stiffy he's gotten. Almost.
You aren't going to be allowed to sleep on your bed on your side of the dorm. You are now permanently glued into his bed. He'll hold you and whisper out sweet things about how happy he is that you're finally dating.
"M' so fuckin' happy..."
"Guess you'll have to wear my jerseys at my games now. Heh, maybe I can wear something of yours for good luck?"
He's determined that since you 'stole' the confession from him, as he so often teases you about, that he's going to be one step ahead from now on. Anniversary? He's got a cozy booth at a local diner all picked out. He likes to keep it thoughtful, and you both used to go there after his games all the time. If your able to get your period, he's all hands on deck. Its... odd he always seems to know your cycle, but he explains it away as just a 'roommate' thing. It's not like he's tracking it or anything.
He'd be more protective, you being the one to ask him out surely means you want all of him, right? He's willing to get more rough with Evan, or report Pez for getting you all high and fuzzy. You'll still love him, won't you?
Since you've agreed to date him, he's thrilled to introduce you to his family, he's always been there golden boy and he wants more than anything for them to like you. The first school break after he met you, when he was back with his parents, he had lots of time to look at family photos and see his parents being domestic. That's when he made up his mind, when he got you to be his, or when you got him, he'd propose not long after. He'd wanted that family life with you, a white picket fence and a home. You practically shared a home anyways, your roommates! He plans to propose quickly, he's not gonna let you beat him to it. Besides, your father wouldn't be thrilled, his schools star athlete dating his only child, it's a match made in heaven.
It's past three in the morning, and Harris9n should be resting, but every moment he goes to close his eyes feels like a moment he wastes, considering he could be looking at your sweet, sleeping form curled up in his big arm. He adjusts his position to let you further press into his chest, and he lets out a shaky sigh as quietly as he can. "Love you..." he whispers. "You're gonna look so pretty on our wedding day, yeah? Dress or suit, I don't care. I think I'd just wanna see you in white." He rambles on throughout the night until you wake up, and his quickly apologizes for talking too much.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
I feel like the minute Luffy gets a crush on someone he panics and straight up hates it. It's like why am I acting so weird like it's just Zoro/Saji/ usopp!!! Every time they compliment them or smile at them, he has to cover his face with his hat. He starts laughing like an idiot and makes terrible comebacks. All of his confidence and stupidity turns into awkwardness and self-consciousness. He's straight up not having a good time.
Luffy would kill himself on the spot. He instantly just jumps into the fucking sea.
Zoro: Something something, of course, my captain Luffy: I- Haha. My heart is beating funny. Haha. Give me a moment, Zoro! <3 *literally just jumps into the water* Nami: LUFFY WHAT THE HELL??? Luffy: Glupglupglupglup
He knows what a crush is, he's not stupid. He just doesn't fucking want it because he doesn't know what to do with so many overwhelming emotions so he genuinely goes to Chopper to make it go away. Chopper is confused af because he genuinely doesn't know what a crush feels like exactly and he thinks Luffy is going to die of a weird illness so he PANICS. And if this happens casually when Law is around (make it around wci), he can't just take it anymore:
Law: Luffy, for the tenth time, you're not fucking sick. You just have a crush on your cook. Luffy: Torao you're the worst doctor in the world!! You're wrong!! I hate this!! Law: Yeah, well, people normally hate it. Deal with it. Why am I even helping you here- Luffy: MAKE IT GO AWAY!!!! Law: I CAN'T MAKE IT GO AWAY YOU FUCKING MORON THAT'S A YOU PROBLEM. IT'S NOT A MEDICAL CONDITION. Luffy: Then take my heart and just??? Throw it away??? Law: I am going to kill you with my bare hands. Luffy: Please? :( Law: Luffy, I swear to God-
The poor thing is so lost and he gets really overwhelmed by absolutely nothing. Like. Genuinely nothing- And the girls are always there to help him out, but sometimes it's just such a funny sight.
[Luffy sitting with Robin on deck and watching the crew just do their things. Usopp practicing his aim and new inventions in front of them] Usopp: Hey, Luffy! Check this out! *does the stupidest most sexiest thing in the whole world because he just looks hot af when he's shooting at stuff* Luffy, blushing uncontrollably, covering his face with his hat and dying from a heart attack: Jndjkandeuiwbkwendknjdkjs *Incoherent noises* Robin: Are you alright, captain? Luffy: Make it stop, Robin :( Robin: Haha, I'm afraid I can't do that. Usopp: Luffy??? Robin: He says it's really nice!
And a little bonus:
[Red Hair pirates and the Strawhats finally meeting and throwing a party together] Luffy: And then Zoro cut that guy in half like it was nothing! It was the coolest thing ever, right, Zoro? Zoro: I would go to hell and back for you, captain, and that's the anecdote you tell him? Luffy: I- It was a really cool fight! Shut up, captain's order! Don't say things like that! Zoro: Mm. Shanks: Oh. *Turns to Beckman* When were you gonna tell me the kid is down bad for his first mate? Benn: Congratulations, you got one out of three. If you guess who are the other two, I'll let you drink more than usual today, captain. Shanks: *Blushes uncontrollably* Chopper: Oh no!! You're sick too??! Shanks: What do you mean, funny reindeer? Chopper: Luffy does that when he's around Sanji a lot!! Shanks: :) The other is Black Leg. Benn: Not fair at all.
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
Hey!…. You uh….got anymore uh dat… y*j*r* stuff?? With the uhhh… stepdaughter reader?
askin for a friend…,
*I meet you in back alley, decked head to toe in an overly large beige trench coat, black rimmed hat, and huge black sunglasses. I'm almost completely obscured, the only part of my body you actually see is my mouth, which set in a hard frown, denoting what a serious affair this is.*
"I brought the goods." My voice is deep as I plunge a gloved hand into my breast pocket, producing a single manila envelope. "As we discussed, it's all here."
*I hand you the envelope, my frown turning into a knowing smirk.*
"Pleasure doing business with you."
*I turn on my heel, leaving without another word. The wind picks up dramatically as I depart, whipping my coat around me as I disappear into the distance.*
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The worst was when he kissed you.
Pounding away at your abused body, dick buried so deep it was painful-Yujiro had no qualms over carving into you, giving you a violent reminder of your position, who you belonged to. Through the endless suffering, distressing waves of pleasure would also be coaxed from your body, as it always was. Despite all your noble efforts to deny him, he knew your body too well at this point, becoming an expert in just where to touch you to leave you a crying, blissed out, mess.
When it was simply fucking, it was much easier to pretend it wasn’t Yujiro who was above you. You could detach yourself, close your eyes and imagine it was ANYONE else who was ravaging you. It was the only escape you had, his power far too great for anyone, let alone yourself, to contest. He could do with you as he pleased, use you and desecrate you in any way that strikes his fancy.
But he didn’t like when you weren’t present. When he sees you press your eyes closed, your brow crinkling in a determined effort to will your mind elsewhere, it provokes him. You are with your daddy right now baby girl, how dare you try and forget that?
So he kisses you. Hard, deep, his mouth smothering yours with a bestial, hungry, focus. His tongue glides feverishly over yours, muscling its way in your mouth until you are forced to respond, if for no other reason than to try and push back, get him to stop.
Your jaw aches with the pressure he is putting on you, his taste and power overwhelming you the more passionately he attacks your mouth. He’ll bite down on your bottom lip, tugging hard with a growl. When blood is drawn, you whine as he sucks it away, licking his lips when he finally detaches from you.
No one has ever kissed you as intensely, or as invasively, as Yujiro. And the condescending smirk that graces his face when he looks down at your puffy, irritated, blood and saliva smeared lips never fails to fill you with an indiscernible feeling of indignation.
“Did I bring you back to earth,” he laughs, pushing you down to your knees to begin the next phase of his assault, “Good. Wouldn’t do to have you forgetting your place now, would it sweetheart?”
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Beginner Witch Starting Points
° . * • ☆ Research starting points ☆ • * . ° The following list is of topics that I believe are good research starting points for beginner witches. I've laid it out in a couple lists of what I consider the most important to research early down to things you may want to research depending on interests.
Important to research early
♡ How to read critically and cross-reference
> Research is huge in witchcraft, knowing how to find the right information and triple check it's not wrong is very important
♡ Witchcraft vs paganism
♡ History of witchcraft
♡ Open vs closed practices
♡ Cultural appropriation
♡ Discernment/Mundane vs magical
> Always ruling out mundane explanations or options before considering magical
♡ Types of witches
> Such as sea witches, kitchen witches, green witches
♡ Types of magic/practices
> Such as art magic, lunar magic, chaos magic
♡ Types of spells and rituals
> Such as spell jars, candle spells, sprays
♡ Basic spell work
> Such as cleansing, grounding, protection, warding
♡ Understanding Intention
♡ Altars and Tools
> Such as wands, tarot decks, bells
Researching interests
♡ The elements
♡ Symbols and sigils
♡ Item associations and correspondences
> Such as crystals, herbs, colours
♡ Dream interpretation
♡ Religions and deities
♡ Shadow work
♡ Whatever has caught your eye during researching so far, research some more
° . * • ☆ Practice starting points ☆ • * . °
As soon as you feel like you've got a good grasp on witchcraft, you'll want to start practising. With everything you've come across, it might prove overwhelming or confusing as to where to start. Some topics are more advanced than others and aren't considered beginner-friendly. Therefore, having practised and got a hold of some basics is a great way to begin your journey, and is always recommended by other practitioners. That way, if you accidentally step too deep too early, you're already equipped with the information, tools, and experience you need to look after yourself.
It's easy to get excited and rush through it to what you may truly want to do, however, I suggest practising the following topics until it becomes a habit and you can throw up protections and wards like second nature without any notes. It depends on how much time you can dedicate to this daily and whether there are any reasons you might have to slow down, such as being broom-closeted or having children. I would suggest 1 to 2 years overall for researching all the topics in-depth and practising it until you have at least one method of each nailed down confidently with no doubts in your ability or knowledge - and be honest with yourself on that.
Where to begin with practising witchcraft
♡ Grounding and meditation
♡ Cleansing
♡ Protection
♡ Circle casting
♡ Warding
♡ Enchanting items
° . * • ☆ Where to get information and resources ☆ • * . °
The internet is amazing for allowing people to write their own informational posts, blogs, and to make their own videos. Sometimes a simple google search for what you’re after will bring you loads of results, which is also why reading critically and being able to cross-reference is so important. You can find resources and information anywhere, such as:
♡ Youtube
♡ Tumblr
♡ Websites
♡ Books
> Ebooks, audiobooks, physical books
♡ Podcasts
♡ Pinterest infographics
♡ Discord servers
♡ Amino communities
This is an updated version of my old post https://thewitchinthecloset35.tumblr.com/post/656426177696874496/beginner-witch-friendly-research-points
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sappy-seresin · 2 years
Fawn (B. Bradshaw)
Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x female!reader
Warning: hints at domestic abuse, hints at toxic relations, mentions of injury, angst, light cursing.
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw is enamored by the Hard Deck's newest waitress. Taking notice of a shift in your demeanor, he finds himself wanting to get to the bottom of your newfound skittishness.
Series Theme Song: I’ll Be Around by Garrett Kato
Word Count: 5.8k
A/n: MY WORK IS NOT TO BE POSTED ELSEWHERE, especially without consent. Do not steal the work of other writers, thank you.
Gif creds: @mads-weasley
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You've always carried yourself with elegant poise, your shoulders high with delicate confidence as you strut your way through life. That’s the first thing Bradley noticed about you, and he’s continued appreciating further the more your presence sealed itself into his life. You’ve been working at the Hard Deck for nearly six months now, and subsequently have earned yourself a space in the Dagger Squad friend group, without being a naval officer. Your space in their lives is a lot like Penny’s, other than the fact that you’re a few years younger than all of them. That fact has had all of them feeling protective over you in their own merit. Each of them have done their fair share of looking out for you, always stepping in when someone was heckling you at the bar or pulling you into the groups antics when you seemed overwhelmed on a busy night. Penny always watches from afar, glad to see you smiling among her favorite squadron.
Admittedly, Bradley loves how easily you melted into the group, and appreciates that everyone seems to care about you nearly as much as he does. He’d never admit it out loud, but you’re the first person he looks for when he enters the Hard Deck. His eyes automatically manage to plant themselves wherever you are when he walks in, an elegant smile taking over his face at the simplest sight of you. You always return the gesture, making a point to pour his drink before he even has the chance to order.
Recently though, your poise has dimmed. Your smiles never quite reaching your eyes when you cater to the aviators beck and call. Bradley attributed the change as stress, at first. The summer months are some of the busiest at the bar and it's your first time experiencing this level of rush. The moment he started picking up on your newfound skittishness, he couldn't shake the feeling that there's more going on than being overworked.
Your confidence is now sporadic, fleeting as you jump at loud noises and sudden movements, always playing it off with a lighthearted joke when any of them question it. He notices the way your smiles falter as soon as the groups focus shifts elsewhere, the facade slipping away when you're sure no one's watching. Yet, Bradley always is, unbeknownst to you, watching your every move. He catches every time you gulp to gain composure and the way your knuckles flash white with how hard you grip your tray after being jostled by a passing customer.
Tonight's no different as Bradley's kept his eyes trained on you from the moment he walked in. He watches you slip through the room in a fawn-like state, doe-eyes jumping around the room as you fade in and out of the shadows. Unlike your old, confident self that always managed to light up the typically muggy space.
“What’s got you lost in thought, Rooster?” Natasha’s voice cuts through his staring, pulling his attention from where you’re delivering drinks across the bar. He glances at her and Bob, who’re both staring back at him curiously.
“Does she seem off to you?” He asks simply, letting his eyes trickle back to you. Natasha’s eyebrows knit together before she follows his gaze, realization filling her immediately.
“Y/n?” She thinks out loud, accepting Bradley’s curt nod as a yes. “I mean, sure. I've noticed she’s been a little more skittish and accident prone than usual lately. What about it?"
Bradley shrugs, sipping his drink, not wanting to overshare a story that isn't his. Though, his mind flashes to the last time you'd spoken, affirming that he'd been right about foul play behind the scenes. Even after you forced another lie to keep yourself from admitting the truth to him in the bar just days ago. "I just feel like something isn't right." They fall into silence, Bob and Natasha accompanying Bradley in watching you. Each searching for any signs of foul play, or make any observation that could give insight on what's going on. The truth is, Bradley knows something isn't right. You confirmed his suspicions three days ago, though you refused to vocalize that he's right.
With his eyes trained on you, Bradley recounts the times you've proven to be 'accident prone' the past several weeks. Wonder fills his brain at memories of you brushing off seemingly small injuries as if they were normal, though you'd barely gotten a scratch in the previous months he'd known you. Bradley's mind flashes to the first time he questioned an injury, his eyes fixated on the soft wrap adorning your wrist as you wiped the counter nearly a month and a half ago. His hand clenches around his drink as he's now able to pinpoint your cover stories, though he has yet to figure out the culprit behind you fabricating those stories.
“What happened there?” Bradley asked, gesturing towards your bandaged hand. His eyes raking over you while you blinked at him for a second, letting a sheepish grin meet your lips.
“Oh this?” You joked, raising your hand absentmindedly. “It’s nothing really. I slipped during a game of one on one and caught myself weird. It looks worse than it is, doc says I need to be in the brace for a few weeks so it’ll heal.” Your voice was light and bubbly, but something in your eyes had Bradley unconvinced that your story was factual.
He took a swig of his beer, clearing his throat as he met your eyes again. Opting not to question you, he smiled. “I guess you need to work on your game.” The gentle laugh you released sent shivers down his spine as he watched you.
“I guess I do,” you agreed, topping him off with another beer before leaving to serve another customer without looking back.
He recounts the second time now. He caught you wincing when you bent down to grab a fresh case of beer you were moving to the back. your tight intake of breath had Bradley feeling uneasy.
“You alright, Darlin’,” his voice showcased the concern he’d been feeling. You grimaced at him, gladly accepting the hand he offered to help you up.
“Yeah,” you breathed, discomfort evident when the case slid against your rib cage. “I tweaked a muscle at the gym last night. Just a bit sore is all.” Your cheeks tinted pink at the twinkle in his eye with all his attention solely focused on you. He pushed himself from his position at the bar, inserting himself behind the counter before lifting the case from your grasp with ease. Your sheepishness grew when he leaned to brush past you, grab the last case before glancing over his shoulder at you.
“Where do you need this?” You gaped at him for a moment, not expecting him to do the work for you, but collected yourself quickly. Leading him to the back instead of responding.
“Here’s perfect,” you told him, gesturing where the other cases were already stacked. He obliged, putting the cases in their designated spot, shooting you a content smile. “Thanks for doing that.”
“Not a problem, darlin’,” he waved off, knowing fully well he’d move a thousand more cases if you needed him to. You blushed again, the gesture melting his heart in the same way it does every time it graces your cheeks.
“Well, I appreciate it,” you reached out to squeeze his arm, the movement making the sleeve of your t-shirt slide up in the slightest. Bradley swears he saw a finger-shaped bruise peeking out just below the worn fabric. He eyes flickering back to your face quickly to keep you from noticing he’d seen anything. “My tweaked muscles do too.”
His mouth felt dry as he studied you, mind reeling about what's hiding behind the inconspicuous lie. Your hand dropped when his grin faltered, suddenly worried that you'd made him uncomfortable.
“I guess you need to work on your form,” he knew he was wearing his emotions on his face, though his tone remained intentionally light. Though he wanted to inspect the blemishes hiding under your sleeve, he knew it wasn’t his place. Mentally though, he pulled you against his chest and gently assured you that he’ll protect you from whoever gave you those bruises.
Your face dropped at his words, hands fidgeting against the fabric of your jeans. “I guess I do,” you agreed, deja’vu hitting you after repeating the words you'd spoken to him weeks prior. You hesitated, realizing that his subtle repetition means that, to a certain degree, he knows your explanations don’t match the truth. The thought of him not believing you made the room shrink around you, blurring Bradley’s figure with the anxiety of him finding out. “I should get back to the bar.” Though you were talking to him, the statement seemed to be whispered to no one before you brushed past him with a forced smile.
The last time he questioned you was just three days ago, and the memory of the sight of you has his hand strangling his glass, his blood boiling when he catches sight of your split lip from across the bar.
He'd been dismayed by the fact that you were, not so subtly, ignoring everyone in the squad that night. He noticed how you always kept your back towards them, sending another server to their table whenever they tried flagging you down. He lost sight of you for awhile, though his eyes never stopped scanning the room, hoping to pinpoint your figure assisting customers somewhere in the crowded room. He thought you left after ten minutes of gruel searching. The belief had his shoulders feeling heavy, his mind reeling with questions as to why you'd been silently swerving everyone all night.
His attempts to find you were forgotten as he came to terms with the fact that you didn't want to be found. Until he excused himself to go to the bathroom, needing a moment to collect himself to escape the thoughts of you.
The plan averted the second he gripped the bathroom door handle, the thick wood flung open before he'd even had a chance to pull. A string of apologies left your lips before you froze, realizing that Bradley was the one you'd nearly taken out with the door.
"Y/n, what-" His words caught in his throat after getting a good look at your face. You gaped at him like a deer caught in headlights, showcasing a bruised cheek and split lip that had him prepared to blow a gasket. His expression tightened as he scanned over the rest of you for anymore blemishes, though there wasn't anything else out of the ordinary. You let the door close with a soft 'smack' unable to cover your stunned demeanor. "What happened to your face?" He cut straight to the point, itching to find the "someone" that hurt you.
You opened your mouth to speak but he waved his hand to stop you.
"Another basketball game or a mishap in the gym?" A gentle sarcasm graced his voice, his eyes indicating that you can't get out of this one without telling the truth. His reference back to your past excuses made your hands shake anxiously.
You blinked at him, pointing a pleading look in his direction. Knowing he wasn't going to drop it, your shoulders deflated, though you weren't ready to accept defeat just yet. Lifting your head high, you wiped the shock from your face and replaced it with tenacity.
"Nasty spill while surfing yesterday," you quipped, no evidence of hesitation in your tone as you blatantly lied through your teeth. You hoped he would respond in the same way he had the last two times you found yourself in these subtle moments of confrontation. Wanting him to crack a lighthearted joke about working on your drop-in's, but you knew he wouldn't so you continued. "My board smacked me right in the face before I could stop it."
He sighed in frustration, ripping at his neat curls before dropping his hand again. You flinched in surprise, unknowingly giving him more belief that his suspicions were right. "Now you're just blatantly lying to me," he sighed, relaxing his face so you could see the sadness in his eyes. "Y/n, if someone's hurting you, I need you to tell me. You don't have to manage this on your own, and honestly, I hate that you don't feel like you can trust me. Let me help you."
"There's nothing for you to help with," you immediately insisted, though your teary eyes told him a different narrative. "I'm just clumsy is all." There was deep conviction weaved in your weak explanation, paired with an unwillingness to shed light on the truth. Which was that your boyfriend, Tanner has a short temper. His latest outburst being the cause of your battered surface and spirit.
"Y/n," Bradley pleaded, stepping closer to you, but you shuffled a step back.
"I have to get back," you rejected his advancement, brushing past him without another glance. He'd been frozen in defeat for the minutes following the chance encounter, staring in the direction you'd retreated with a heavy heart. Shaking himself off, he entered the bathroom to splash cold water on his face, hoping it was enough to rid his face of the worry lines wrinkling his forehead after speaking to you. Though he wanted to find you when he made his way back to the table, he forced himself to sit down, knowing you wouldn't speak to him about the topic and further.
The rest of the squad is seated at the table by the time Bradley's able to pull himself out of his head. Mickey tips his head at Bradley upon noticing he'd tuned back into the conversation for the first time since Mickey had sat down. Bradley musters a wink in Mickey's direction, bringing his cup to his lips to soothe the dryness of his throat, though his eyes subconsciously trickle over to you, mind reeling on how to get you to tell him the truth.
A loud crash sounds from across the bar awhile later, interrupting everyone’s attention away from the story Coyote was telling. Bradley had managed to distract himself from his thoughts enough to actually enjoy the night with the squad, periodically laughing as everyone spouts off ridiculous stories.
Bradley’s eyes flit over the room, expecting to find an old drunk struggling to pull themself off the ground, or maybe even the beginning stages of a brawl. What he doesn’t expect to find is you, standing frozen in place with your face resembling a ghosts. The second you squat down to begin picking glass up off the floor, Bradley’s moving to break the space to help you, eyes caught on the man towering over you with an infuriated expression.
“Where the hell have you been?” The man’s voice rings in Bradley’s ears once he’s close enough to hear. “I’ve been calling for four days, why haven’t you answered?”
“You broke my phone,” you snip. Your annoyed tone contradicts the trembling of your hands as they clumsily gather jagged shards into your hands. “I haven’t had the time to get a new one.”
“Everything okay, Y/n,” Bradley cuts in, sizing up the guy in front of him as you look at him for the first time in days. The man's got a few inches on Bradley, but he’s far from intimidating. The stranger clenches his jaw at the sight of him, his lips curving into an arrogant sneer as he puffs out his chest in Bradley's direction.
“Y/n’s fine,” he answers for you, balling his hands into tight fists. “Right, baby?” The nickname makes Bradley’s skin feel like it’s on fire due to the way it drips off the man’s tongue in a sickly sweet manner. Bradley's known you have a boyfriend for awhile. He was disappointed to find out after Hangman had jokingly tried his chances with you. Your admission of being taken was the sole hold up on him outing his feelings for you, but the sight of the guy shooting daggers at you makes his skin crawl. No man should look at his girl in the way this guy's looking at you.
Bradley watches your hesitant nod, your eyes barely ghosting over him as Penny slides a broom into your hand, helping you off the floor. You quietly thank her, gently assuring her that you’re okay, before returning your attention to cleaning the mess. Clearly wanting nothing more than for your boyfriend to be anywhere but here causing a scene. Penny observes the three of you, mentally weighing whether or not to respect your assurances that you have the situation under control. One nod from Bradley is enough for her to return to her spot behind the bar, assisting the few customers that aren't watching the altercation unfold.
Growing more irate with your lack of attention, the man takes a step toward you. "You want to look at me while I'm talking to you?" Bradley's blood boils at the malice directed at you, his instincts forcing him to step closer to you as well, ready to jump in if he tries to lay as much as a finger on you.
"Tanner, you need to leave. You can't just come in here, guns a-blazing, while I'm working and expect the conversation to go well while you're causing a scene," there's a waver to your voice when you say his name, your attempt to remain composed is only half effective when your eyes jump back to the floor after catching Tanner's icy appearance.
"Where the hell else am I supposed to find you when you're obviously doing everything in your power to avoid me," Tanner snaps, his face glowing red with anger. "I tried your apartment four times and you were never home. So, where the hell have you been?" You instinctively flinch when he raises his hand, shocking Bradley into registering that Tanner's the culprit to blame for your split lip and bruised cheek. Your reaction to him walking into the bar, and now flinching at his sudden movements, is enough affirmation of what Bradley previously suspected.
"Alright man, she told you to leave, so it's time for you to go," Bradley's speaking on autopilot now, stepping forward enough to place his hand on Tanner's chest to keep him from advancing any closer to you.
Tanner sneers at Bradley, his gaze falling to the hand planted on his chest. "I suggest you get your hands off me, before I make you," he snarls, shooting Bradley his best intimidating glare before contorting his face in understanding. "So that's what you've been doing the last few days." He backs out of Bradley's grasp, looking at you with a fake humored expression.
"What the hell are you talking about?" Bradley's eyes follow your voice, noticing the way your eyebrows furrow together in confusion.
"You've been screwing him, haven't you," Tanner accuses pointing a finger at Bradley. "I've been looking all over town for you and you've been fooling around with this prick. Dude, you're wasting your time. She's not even worth it."
Bradley interrupts before you can discount Tanner's words, refusing to let this piece of garbage tarnish your character. "She's worth more than you can comprehend, clearly. I can assure you that she's not fooling around with me, or anyone else for that matter. I know her well enough to know that she wouldn't cheat, even if it's warranted for a guy like you."
"A guy like me," Tanner replays those words, emphasizing them while he gestures toward himself, feigning surprise. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know exactly what I mean," Bradley quips, narrowing his brows. He's surprised when Tanner raises his eyebrows, urging him to voice his thoughts. "A guy that's dumb enough to lay a hand on a woman." You suck in a breath at the declaration, your eyes flying to watch Tanner's ego take a hit at the fact that he's been caught. You shudder, knowing full well that Tanner being caught means that your lies are out in the open now.
"My girl, my business," Tanner shrugs, "You're way out of line buddy, and I suggest you-"
“Do we have a problem here,” Bradley’s glad to hear Jake’s voice for once, some of the tension in his own chest alleviating at his colleagues authoritative tone. Jake stands tall as he positions himself in front of your shaken figure, his pointed gaze fixed solely on Tanner. He makes a point to flash his toned biceps by crossing his arms over his chest to add to his hard exterior, letting his eyes do plenty more talking while he sizes Tanner up.
“That’s up to him,” Bradley responds, nodding his head towards Tanner, who looks seconds away from throwing a punch.
“This is so like you, Y/n,” Tanner laughs bitterly, shaking his head. “Letting your friends save you from your own battles instead of handling them yourself like an adult. You get off on being the damsel in distress, don't you?” He's glaring at you over Jake's shoulder, seemingly unfazed by the aviator acting as a human shield.
"Y/n's more than capable of handling herself," Jake assures Tanner, tightening his expression. "But here at the Hard Deck, we have a strict "no harassing women" policy, and you're disrupting the peace." Jake's eyes fall on Reuben and Javy who are now on standby behind Tanner, prepared to restrain him if necessary. Reuben gives him a curt nod, winking at you for a little extra encouragement. They've got you covered. "Now, you have two options. You can either walk yourself out of the bar, and leave my friend Y/n here alone. Or, I'll drag you out and let Rooster have his way with you." Jake pauses again to give Tanner a second to process what he said. "I can assure you that only the former is going to end well for you."
"Now you're threatening me? You seriously think I'm afraid of a few boys in pansy ass navy uniforms?" Tanner's expression grows more manic with his incredulous words, unable to keep himself from chuckling in disbelief.
The response is enough to make Jake snap, his arms falling to his sides as he swiftly nods at Javy and Reuben as a cue for them to move. "Alright, parties over buddy." Tanner thrashes the second the men intercept him, easily dragging him towards the door.
"You bitch," Tanner shouts, eyes locked on you while he lamely tries freeing himself from their grasp. He has a clear shot of you now that Jake's not planted in front of you. Instead, he's trailing behind the three of them as a form of damage control if a last line of defense if necessary. "You'll pay for this."
Bradley shifts to dart in Tanner's direction, his slow burning anger transforming into full-blown rage at the mans threat toward you. Though, his movements freeze when a hand grasps his forearm, his fiery eyes meeting your tearful ones as the ruckus in the room fades from his ears. The room around him spirals out of focus with you being all that he sees as he struggles to refrain from ripping away from you to beat Tanner until he forgets your name.
Your touch is feathery while you blear at him. He swears he's going to light on fire until you utter the only request that could possibly cool him down. "Please, stay with me." Bradley immediately returns to a grounded state, the thoughts of giving Tanner a piece of his mind dimming while you wordlessly beg him not to leave you alone. "Please, Bradley." Those words are all it takes for him to break the space, shamelessly pulling you against his chest to shield you from anymore hurt. You fall against him in exhaustion, your hands fisting the soft Hawaiian button up he's wearing to give yourself more assurance that he's there.
"I'm not going anywhere," he murmurs into your hair after a few moments of holding you. You're sniffling into his chest while the atmosphere of the bar returns to normal, the onlookers suddenly feeling wrong about watching you break in Bradley's embrace.
Bradley easily flags Penny down with an urgent look, grateful that she stops what she's doing to assist him. "I need to get her out of here," he informs her in a hushed voice once she's close enough to hear. She wordlessly nods in understanding, sadness crossing her features at the sight of you practically rattling in his arms. "The glass is all in one place and just needs to be thrown away."
"I've got it covered, go," she encourages him, noticing that the three who'd taken Tanner outside have yet to return. "I'll have Pete pull your truck around back so you don't have to worry about any confrontations."
"Thanks Penny," Bradley hums, making sure not to jostle you too much while passing his keys to her. You lift your head to thank her as well, mustering a delicate smile as she carefully squeezes your arm in reassurance.
"Take care of my girl, Rooster," she commands lightheartedly, but he picks up on the weight behind her statement.
"Of course," he breathes, running his hand up your back to get your attention. "Ready to go, darlin'?" You bob your head in response, itching to get out of the sticky bar after having far too much attention on you. The interaction with Tanner replays in the back of your mind while Bradley guides you toward the back door with his hand rested on the small of your back.
Pete already has the Bronco parked by the back door when you guys reach the exit. He pulls the door open just before Bradley's able to reach it, stepping aside to let you two pass before bowing his head at Bradley.
"Appreciate the help, Mav," Bradley affirms, which Pete just shrugs off as a silent way of telling Bradley it's the least he could do. Pete makes sure you're both in the car before walking back inside, sympathy overtaking him at the image of you deflating in your seat.
The car ride is comfortably silent outside of natural road noise. The fact that Bradley has no idea where you live dawned on you about ten minutes into the drive, but you don't bring yourself to ask where he's taking you. Preferring not to be anywhere that Tanner can find you.
Your friendship hasn't gone much farther than hanging out when he visits the bar, other than the few times Natasha invited you to meet everyone at her place when you got off. Oh, and the movie night everyone had at Bob's when you offered to be their DD when they'd still been around by last call. Yet, you trust Bradley enough to feel at ease as he navigates the nearly vacant streets of San Diego.
"We're here," Bradley announces, putting the Bronco in park after pulling into his driveway. He glances at you with a comforting smile, rushing to hop out so he can open your door for you. You gracefully accept the hand he offers you, climbing out of the truck timidly. His hand finds a home on the small of your back again, acting as a guide while he leads you to the front door and lets you both in.
"Your place?" You think out loud, as he unlocks the door, gesturing for you to enter before him. He grins, suddenly feeling sheepish as he drops his keys on the small table next to the door.
"Yeah," he nods, scratching his neck. "I figured you shouldn't go home. Is this okay? I can take you somewhere else if you want."
"This is perfect," he blows the air out of his cheeks at your assurance, making a point to lock the door before guiding you to the living room. He gestures to the couch, which you gladly plop down on, relishing in the plush comfort of the cushions while Bradley watches you.
"Can I get you anything? There's water, tea, and probably even a few beers left from the last time the guys came over," Bradley curses himself for sounding so soft, though you don't seem to mind.
"Water would be great," your supportive smile is the first Bradley's seen all night, sending his stomach twisting in knots as he retreats to the kitchen. While he's gone, you take time to study the living room, your smile widening at the old family photos with his parents along with various pictures of the squad scattered across the shelves. The room is tidy and smells subtly of cologne, it's coziness urging you to melt further into the couch.
Bradley freezes in the doorway, secretly admiring how cozy you look in the safety of his house. I'm screwed, he thinks to himself, shaking his head to rid himself of being awestruck by you. You glance in his direction at the sound of his feet shuffling across the floor, graciously accepting the glass he slides in your hand.
"Thank you," you whisper, clearing your throat after taking a sip of the cool water before placing the glass on the coffee table in front of you. Your body stretches back into the couch as Bradley fills the space next to you, making a point to leave enough room so that you don't feel claustrophobic.
A thick silence falls over the room, neither of you knowing what to say now that you're alone. The impending conversation weighs on both of your shoulders while the two of you look everywhere other than at each other. Bradley speaks after several moments of grueling silence, unable to bare the elephant in the room.
"I'm so sorry for not vocalizing my suspicions sooner," the apology surprises you, not having anticipated the softness of his response. Part of you assumed he was going to be angry with you for not fessing up and asking for help when you had the chance. "I mean, I know you don't play basketball, and then I saw those bruises on your arm, but I didn't feel like it was my place to pry. I should've just said something before he had more chances to hurt you." He frowns at the newest blemish on your lip, scabbed but still fresh with only being a few days old. The bruise on your cheek has faded into a dull yellowish green, time giving it enough time to kickstart the healing process.
"It's my own fault. I was dumb to ever get involved with him," you croak, downcast eyes trained on the floor. "My friends told me he was a walking red flag and I didn't listen. I willingly fell into his trap on my own accord. So please, don't apologize for not saying anything sooner because it's been my fault all along. Your questions were all I allowed you to do."
"Hey," Bradley whispers, wordlessly asking for consent to cup your jaw in his hand, his thumb gently swiping the tear gliding down your blemished cheek after you nod in approval. "None of what he did to you is your fault. You hear me? I don't want to hear you blaming yourself for a man that didn't know the first thing about treating you right." Bradley's voice is gentle as he addresses you, not leaving any room for you to feel insecure in being with him. He never wants you to feel small again, and you won't as long as he has anything to do with it. "He had no business laying his hands on you in a way that misconstrued love as violence. The blame is solely for him to carry, not you. Okay?" His eyes plea that you absorb everything he's telling you. He needs you to understand that Tanner is the perpetrator at fault, not you. The tears flooding your cheeks are indication that you're grasping what he's telling you, but he has to be sure.
"I need to know that you're hearing me Darlin'," the statement is more of a request as he wipes at more of your tears, his heart quenching at the subdued sob that forces its way out of you. All you can do is nod, not trusting your voice. "I need to hear you say it."
"I'm hearing you, Bradley," you sniffle, stammering over the knot in your throat. "The blame isn't mine." With that, more choked sobs erupt from your body, encouraging Bradley to pull you into his lap without caring whether it's the appropriate move or not. Your lack of opposition assures him that you're okay with him holding you while you come unglued in his embrace for the second time.
Countless encouragements that he's got you and that you're going to be okay quietly float from his lips while you melt into him. The innocent closeness brings you a small sense of the relief you're craving. His softness allows you to feel safe enough to simply let yourself accept the truth and feel all of the emotions you've been numbing as a form of self preservation for the last few months. For the first time in months, the breaths filing your lungs aren't clouded by heaviness because an inescapable weight has lifted from your chest. You bask in the weightlessness of your breathing, the sensation bringing a fresh round of relieved tears. Your sobs transition into meek sniffles as Bradley patiently comforts you, his own tension releasing when he senses that you're going to be okay.
"Thanks for rescuing me," you murmur after a few moments of quiet, thankfully allowing him to rid your cheeks of the final evidence of tears. Bradley loses his own breath when his eyes fixate on you again. Though your eyes are bloodshot and glazed from crying, cheeks flushed with a delicate pink tint, Bradley swears you've never looked more beautiful.
His hand tenderly cups your cheek again, his eyes the softest they've been all night as he drinks the sight of you in. The rational side of him wants to curse himself for being so enthralled by you at such an unfortunate time. You just experienced one of the most humiliating nights of your life, and spent the last twenty minutes broken in his arms for God's sake. But all rationality escapes him as he soaks you in, completely defenseless against the relentless adoration beating against his ribcage.
"I'll rescue you any time it's needed Darlin'," he promises, and you know he means it. You bask in the comfort of his arms for the rest of the night, enjoying the lighthearted conversation and the way he seems comforted by your presence. In the dim light of the room, with a TV show softly playing quietly in the background, you eventually lull to sleep, Bradley's steady heart beat being the last thing you remember before succumbing to the delicate darkness.
A/N: That's it!! My first TGM fic is on the books!! I've got various works in the making, but this one flowed so naturally as I was writing and I'm ecstatic to share it.
There's a part two dancing in the back of my mind, but I'll let feedback and continued inspiration decide whether or not the story continues or ends here.
Tagging some moots/pages that I enjoy. Feel free to request whether or not you'd like to continue being tagged in future fics <3
Tags: @glen-powells @bradleybeachbabe @writingshae @happilycameron @rosiahills22 @roosterforme @avaleineandafryingpan @fandomxpreferences @fanboygarcia
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pink-amethyst-tarot · 10 months
The Universe has a message for you
Take what resonates and leave the rest, only you can decide what is truly right for you...
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P I L E 1 - P I L E 2 - P I L E 3
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P I L E 1
Strength, Two of Pentacles, Six of Pentacles, Page of Pentacles, Temperance, Nine of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Ace of Swords
The universe is proud of you. You have found the strength and confidence to keep going even though you have been doing a balancing act, one you may have been doing alone. As I look at the Six of Pentacles, I see the scale in the hand of the person that is giving gold to the poor. I see this as a sign that when everything is balanced and settled, you will be able to give in a way that you have been wanting to. You have always been such a loyal and faithful person. Someone that people could always depend on. With the Temperance card, I'm getting that you have found the balance - so much talk of balance - that you needed so that you could take care of yourself as well as others. You learned how to put yourself first. That is paying off for you. You are about to achieve things you can't even imagine. You are being rewarded with success of all kinds because you put in the work. It will come to you like a vision. You may have been dreaming of this or will start dreaming of this new life soon. I'm also hearing something about clearing the path. The path is being cleared for you.
Channeled Message: I am clearing the path for you. Don't worry about a thing. I'm going to make those mountains into ant hills for you. I will move oceans for you. I've got you covered. Don't worry about a thing. I have been looking over you. You are protected.
If you want to know more about your own personal situation, see this post to find out how to book a reading with me.
If you feel called to bless me, my c@sh@pp is $oddlycozycottage
P I L E 2
Ten of Pentacles, Ten of Cups, The Lovers, The Moon (Reversed), Four of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, The Fool
Not only is this a love reading, but this is also a soulmate reading, so buckle up!!!
This energy feels so intense and glowy and beautiful! The first thing I heard was, "Do you know how lucky you are?" I don't even know where to begin! This is going to sound so insane, I don't even believe that I'm bout to say it but you're person is this sexy CEO type, like in those books. This person may make music or own a company related to music and entertainment. This so some happily-ever-after fairytale type of stuff! Y'all sharing the same values feels like something that's really important. I'm freaking out right now! I'm just so excited but slightly overwhelmed! This is the kind of person that you can come home to and they will ease your mind after a long day. I'm hearing, "It's okay, baby, I got you" AAAAAAAAHHH!!!! Like, this person isn't going to let anyone talk crap about you and that includes you. This person is going to be so protective over you and wanting to take care of you because you are their person!! They see you and see that you have been through some things, and they want to help you through that. This person wants to protect you from the world! I'm getting that this person could be a little bit jealous and maybe possessive, but they are aware of it and acknowledge that it's toxic and they work on that. You may meet this person at work or a work-related event. It will be like a movie where you lock eyes, and the words just seems to fall away. This is the kind of love that is healing, loving a nurturing. I'm also getting that your person is going to have you on their arm at these fancy events, like some high society type of stuff. Don't be afraid of this love when it comes in because it will change your life for the better. Wow.
Channeled Message: I'm on my way!! This is the sign you have been looking for. I am all that you have dreamed of and more. You are such a big part of me and I don't even know you. I am so lucky that you chose me. I'm going to show you off to the word. I am a fool for you, my love. I come off cold with others but that's only because I'm saving all of my warmth for you.
If you want to know more about your own personal situation, see this post to find out how to book a reading with me.
If you feel called to bless me, my c@sh@pp is $oddlycozycottage
P I L E 3
King of Swords, Queen of Swords, Four of Wands, Ace of Pentacles, The Hierophant, Page of Pentacles
Bottom of the Deck: Death
For some reason, the universe decided to turn this post into a soulmate post for 2/3 readings so here we are!
To put it plainly, you are about to come into union with your soulmate! I can see that you balance each other very well. One of you is very fun and witty and the other is very cool, calm and collected. Some of you might already be with your soulmate. Whether you are or are not, I can tell you this, you are marrying this person. This wedding is going to be the talk of the town too! Everyone will be celebrating your love. With this Ace of Pentacles, I am seeing that a new opportunity is what is going to bring you too together. It might be work related, like pile 2. (They might be connected so if you feel called to check it out, go for it!) This is something that you manifested. You prayed for this kind of love. I feel like this will be a traditional relationship in a lot of ways, however that may look to you. Specifically, I think it's the wedding that will have a lot of traditional elements to it. This is going to catch you so off guard. This is BIG! This person is going to make you so happy. It's going to feel like coming home.
If you want to know more about your own personal situation, see this post to find out how to book a reading with me.
If you feel called to bless me, my c@sh@pp is $oddlycozycottage
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Page Divider by @bunnysrph
LEGAL DISCLAIMER: FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. THESE READINGS ARE FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. no guarantees are implied. These readings are not a substitute or replacement for any professional help or services. My readings are not a substitute for any form of professional legal, medical/psychiatric, relationship, religious/spiritual or financial/ business advice nor consultations. You should always see a professional legal/trained adviser for help in any matter. I am not responsible for any decisions/ actions you take.
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anonymityisfunwriter · 6 months
Timeless - Part 5: "We Really Were Timeless"
"I'm gonna love you when our hair is turnin' gray. We'll have a cardboard box of photos of the life we've made, and you'll say, 'Oh my, we really were timeless'..."
Summary: It's the kind of love you find once in a lifetime, the kind of love you don't put down, and somehow, you know you would've found each other in every life.
'Timeless' Chapter List | The Grumpy Sunshine Series
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You smile down at the cardboard box that sits in your lap. You hold up a yellowing photograph, "Oh, I remember this! This was one of our very first assignments with the three of us. It was a complete disaster."
"Why? What happened?"
"Oh, what didn't happen!" you giggle. "We were after some bad guy - an arms dealer, I think. They almost got away. We had an entire building evacuated because we accidentally started a fire, which they still blame me for. We bickered the whole time." You look down at the photograph, at you, Bucky, and Sam, at the whole box filled with photos of the life you made. "And it was the most fun I ever had."
"I can't believe it," Sam awes from the other side of your porch. 
"It feels like yesterday," you agree. 
"No, I still can't believe that after all this time, you still won't admit that you started that fire."
"I didn't!" you insist. "We've been through this time and time again, Sam. I didn't start that fire."
"What about-"
The question is cut off by the slam of the screen door and a begrudging sigh, "You're supposed to be helping them with their project, not doing it for them, Mom."
You dismissively wave off your oldest child, Thomas, "I'm just telling stories."
Your oldest grandchild holds up a picture from decades ago. One of you and Nick Fury. Side by side, you wear a beaming grin that looks even more bright compared to his stoic frown and crossed arms. It was taken on the day you celebrated his birthday against his will. "Who's that?"
"He is the man that saved my life. We named your Uncle Nick after him."
"So how did you and grandpa meet?"
"Your Uncle Sam introduced us."
"That's right, you're all here because of me!" Sam boasts from the porch swing across the deck.
You chuckle and roll your eyes, "We all worked together. We would've met either way."
"That doesn't mean he would've talked to you if it weren't for me."
"Don't listen to him, kids. He's full of sh- He's full of it. I said it!" Bucky announces, refusing to put another dollar in the family swear jar.
"Nice save." You pat Bucky's leg with a soft chuckle. "It's true, though. He didn't like me very much when we first met."
He settles beside you with a gruff muttering, "That's not true."
"What?" Your oldest grandchild pouts, "Why didn't Grandpa like you?"
"I don't know." You shrug, turning to Bucky with a teasing grin. "James? Why didn't you like me when we first met?"
"Trick question, I always liked you."
"What'd you like about him?"
"It was those eyes," you reply. "The same beautiful blue eyes you have."
"What about these? Is that you?"
You smile, remembering that antique shop from a lifetime ago, "It was us in another life."
"Can I see that?" Bucky asks, jutting his chin toward the box in your lap. You slide the box over to him.
The years came and went. You knew that. But as you look around your porch, at the proof of a love that would last much, much longer than a lifetime, you're left wonderstruck.
The family you found. The family you built. The life you that never ceased to amaze you.
You look at Sam, the smile lines now permanently etched into his face. You look at Bucky, his dark hair now grayed with time. But those blue eyes, the same eyes you fell in love with on that very first day, those were still the same.  
Time broke down your bodies, but it never touched your soul. It was an age old classic. It was your age old classic. The story started long ago, at that very first hello. 
"Oh my..." It's not very often Bucky gets struck by overwhelming waves of emotion. He flips through the box to find much more than a lifetime's worth of memories. "We really were timeless."
The clanging of the grandfather clock startles you, tearing your eyes away from the photo. "Sorry, I think I got lost in thought there."
The shopkeeper chuckles at you, waving her hand at you, "It's no problem, dear."
You chuckle, "That's the second time that grandfather clock scares me."
The shopkeeper quirks her head at you, "What grandfather clock?"
"The -" You point in the direction of the clanging. Your brows furrow when you turn to see nothing but more stacks of books there. "Uh, never mind....Thank you for showing me around. You have a lovely store. I should be getting back now."
"It was my pleasure, I'm sure you and Bucky will have lifetimes worth of happiness."
"Thank you." You offer a smile in return. It takes you a moment to realize that you never told her Bucky's name. "Wait, how did you-"
But as you turn back around, she's gone. The store is as empty and silent as it was when you first walked in. 
Though there's a strangeness you can't ignore, there's a something else more important that you need to do. You walk out of the storefront, and immediately dial the only person on your mind. You know he probably won't answer, not with how chaotic his mission turned out, but still, you just need to hear his voice.
"Doll? Is everything okay?"
You sigh in relief, a lightness filling your chest and lungs. Tears unexpectedly spring to your eyes, overwhelmed by the stories of love and triumph. It felt so real. It felt like it was you and him. A love as timeless as they come. You shake your head, clearing the knot building in your throat, "Yeah, yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice."
He groans dramatically. You swear you can almost see the grimace he wears. "God, I miss you."
"I miss you, too," you softly exhale, wiping away the stray tear that slips down your cheek. "So, so much."
"I have something to tell you, by the way."
You finally perk up. "Yeah?"
"Turn around."
You softly gasp, whirling around to see him. His smile is brilliant. The faint orange of the setting sun only makes his eyes shine even brighter. He's here. Standing before you. You bound into him, throwing your arms around his neck.
"I missed you so much," you mutter into his shoulder. 
"Me too."
You're not sure how long you stand there holding onto each other in the middle of the cobblestone streets, but you do know you're going to be fine. You were going to be more than fine.
As long as you were his and he was yours, it would all be fine. 
You were going to be timeless. 
AnonymityIsFun Masterlist Inspired By Taylor Swift Masterlist Bucky Barnes Masterlist
As always, let me know what you think! Reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes@beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064
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lieslab · 4 months
Somewhere only we know
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Seungmin X gn reader
Summary: You find yourself in an overwhelming pit of depression when your boyfriend interrupts with a plan to cheer you up.
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 2.7K
Trigger warning: Depression and self-hatred.
A/N: I finally got around to this request!! This idea has lived rent free in my head for a while, so I'm glad I've finally gotten the chance to put it to good use. This might be one of the only pieces I've written that has me giggling and blushing. Enjoy <3
_ _ _
The lights were off again and the ghosts were roaming. Whispers of hatred and the acidic self-insecurity had taken control of the reigns. You couldn’t remember the last time you smiled. It had been so long since you spoke, you couldn’t remember what your voice sounded like. 
What was new? Trapped in another bottomless pit. Choking and screaming, you used to fight to stay floating, but something had just changed recently. Why was it so hard to be happy? 
When did waking up feel like a chore? The walk to the bathroom felt like climbing Everest. Picking up your toothbrush was like picking up a boulder. Why did it all have to be so hard? 
There was a permanent curve in your spine now. You couldn’t remember when your eyes were bright. Everything was easy when you were a naive child. Unfortunately, time changed and life went on. You didn’t have the safety of adults surrounding you. 
That was the one thing that truly sucked about getting older. Sure, you could have friends and you had your boyfriend, but you had to face your battles alone. Your friends couldn’t make life choices for you. It’s not their responsibility to make sure you’re taking care of yourself. 
It’s something you struggled with. Part of you wanted someone to reach out. You wanted a helping hand and yet you didn’t. You wanted to be entirely alone and at peace. Let your eyes glaze over and the muted TV screen colors melt together. You weren’t even paying attention anymore. 
The episodes of ‘The Great British Bake-Off’ blurred together. There were Italian cakes and pies. There were French pastries that you had no idea how to pronounce. The blend of sweet treats meddled in your mind. 
You used to watch this show with such passion. Happily rooting for your favorites and becoming distraught when your favorites went home. Rolling your eyes at silly technical flaws and gasping when desserts fell apart. 
With a scoff and a “I could do that better and I’m not even a baker,” you used to amuse Seungmin. You were the one that introduced him to the show. The two of you used to taunt each other over who could bake what dessert better. They were empty taunts and free fun, nothing less and nothing more. 
You missed him. You missed him more than words described. It had been a while since the two of you had been around each other. Comeback seasons were always hard and there wasn’t enough time to juggle a relationship and his career. 
You didn’t mind it, but he did. He was always feeling awful about not being around. Interview questions kept him preoccupied. Photoshoot poses had to be shot without his cell phone. Music videos had tight deadlines with all hands on deck. 
It wasn’t really a surprise that the last text you sent him this morning went unanswered, but you still missed him. You missed those teasing and the taunts and the- 
What are you doing?
A soft sigh escaped your lips and you shut your eyes. Even the memory of him was starting to physically make your heart ache. The two of you had been dating for a while and yet, you still weren’t used to these few weeks where life seemed a bit emptier. 
Struggling with your mental health only made it harder. Were these dark shadows eternal? Were you cursed to drown in this wave of sadness? Maybe you weren’t meant for all of this. The never-ending wheel of misery that life seemed to be. 
You were spiraling and you couldn’t help it. You squeezed your eyes shut and reached for the remote. Screw it, you were heading towards bed. That exhaustion always seemed to seep into your soul lately. Sleep was the best temporary cure for it. It was starting to get late anyway. 
You pushed yourself up, picked up the remote, and then your body froze. Your ears perked up and you shifted towards your front door. Surely, nobody would be here at this hour? It was almost ten in the evening. 
You swallowed your nerves and stood up. Wooden floorboards creaked beneath your weight. The doorbell rang once more. Closer and closer you inched to the door. Closer and closer until… 
“I know you’re in there! Don’t leave me out here, it’s hot! I can hear you watching that stupid baking show. Let me in! This shit is heavy!” 
You blinked in shock at the sound of Seungmin’s voice. Your hand outstretched and it didn’t take long for you to yank the door open. There your boyfriend stood with two hands full of plastic bags. 
“Thank god, you’re still awake, I thought you’d be asleep. Now move your ass and let me in.” 
“What are you-” 
“Don’t ask until I have it all put together. Go sit on the couch and I’ll tell you when you’re done. You’re not allowed in the kitchen, so if you need me, just holler.” 
“But why? You have work tomorrow and yo-” 
“Nuh-uh. We finished everything early and the company gave us the next two days off. I’ve missed my significant other. Let’s go, haul your ass!” 
He was used to your apartment. This was his home away from home. This safety net of love and compassion. He knew where you stored everything. He knew where your secrets hid and he had seen your inner demons roam. 
You sighed at his insistence, but went back to the living room anyway. Sinking back into the couch, you glanced out of the corner of your eye. The kitchen was partly hidden by the bar counter that shot out of a distant wall. You didn’t know what he was doing with all the bags. 
“If you’re making dinner,” you finally mustered up the courage, “we could have ordered takeout.” 
“We’re not making dinner, but speaking of that, have you eaten?” 
You frowned and your eyes went to the coffee table. The remote and a near full plastic bottle of water were sitting there. You thought it’d be easier to drink water from a water bottle, but it wasn’t. 
“Not yet,” you admitted. “I’ve kind of been too soaked up in the show, I’ve been binging it.” 
Seungmin knew that response was bullshit, but he wasn’t going to press you about it. He knew something was up with you when you stopped responding to his texts. He’d have to wait hours before he’d get a single response. He tried to answer as soon as he could, but then you wouldn’t respond. 
He knew how much you liked to curl inward on yourself when you mentally struggled. You were good at shutting yourself away from the world. You thought it was fine, but he knew that if you kept it up, you’d collapse beneath it. 
“Okay, so you can order us some dinner. I haven’t eaten dinner either.” It was a lie, but he didn’t want to make you feel guilty for being the only one getting food. “What are we thinking?” 
“It’s getting late.” 
“So fast food, it is.” 
You chuckled and shook your head, but it didn’t sway you away. While bags ruffled and Seungmin grumbled and struggled in your kitchen, you ordered the two of yourselves food. 
“Holy shit,” you got out. 
“What? What is it? Are you okay?” He stopped what he was doing and rushed towards the living room. 
“They’re totally backed up on orders! It looks like there’s a few places closed, so if we want food, it’s going to take two hours. I mean we could go get it, but I-” 
“Do you think you can wait two hours?” 
“Can you?” You jerked your head up to glance at him. 
He grinned, “this is perfect. Go ahead and order and I’ll finish setting up.” 
“I don’t like not knowing what you’re doing.” 
“You’ll know soon enough.” 
“What do you want?” 
“The usual.” 
As you ordered, he continued to set up until he finally finished. “Okay, I’m ready! Come out here now!” 
You pushed yourself off the couch and headed towards your kitchen. Before you could make it there, he stopped you and shoved something over your head. You raised an eyebrow as you glanced down at the black apron. “What are you doing?” 
“Every baker needs an apron.” 
He grabbed something from behind you and shoved it on your head. You stared at him in shock as he adjusted the puffy white hat. “Ta-dah!” 
“Did you just put a chef hat on my head?” 
“Maybe you should be thanking me because I didn’t put a rat up there first.” 
You rolled your eyes and glanced over. A wide variety of ingredients were placed along the counter tops. Two large mixing bowls were situated on the counter behind you. You glanced at all of it in confusion. 
“What is this?” 
“Welcome to your very own version of your favorite baking show. The contestants are us and the winner gets bragging rights. The other will never be able to forget that they suck at baking.” 
“You gave me a chef hat…for baking?” 
“Cooking and baking are basically the exact same thing.” 
Your jaw dropped in shock. “I can’t believe you just said that. You watch my show with me and you still don’t know the difference? Baking is usually measured ingredients and it’s baked whereas cooking is flexible and you can add and subtract things into your di-” 
“Spoken like a true nerd. Anyway, let’s get on with the show. Chop, chop!” He clapped his hands and spun around. “Since I clothed you, I expect you to do the same. The stuff is behind you.” 
You tried not to laugh as you put the apron over his head and tied the strings. When you were finished, you placed the chef hat on his fluffy hair and tugged too hard. He yelled the moment he couldn’t see. 
“You’re cheating! Cheater! We’ve gotta cheater and the competition hasn’t even started yet!” He huffed and jerked the hat back up while you laughed. 
There it was. That melodic sound that he thought about every night before bed. It was so rich and so glorious. He wished he could experience it until the end of time. 
“You’re so dramatic!” 
“Well, someone has to call you out on cheating and I’m the only one here to do it!” 
“What are we making?” 
“What if I said I haven’t figured it out yet?” 
Your eyes glanced over in confusion. All the ingredients were sprawled out, but he didn’t know? “So what is all of th-” 
“I just picked out a bunch of random stuff,” he shrugged. “There’s some different fruits. Flour, sugar, baking powder, and baking soda. I got some different spices and some vanilla. I just figured that we’d try our best to make something out of it.” 
“We’re going into this blind?” 
“I hope you know that this is going to be a disaster.” 
“For you, it is. For me, I’m basically a pro.” He rubbed his hands together and then clapped. “Alright, let’s get this party started!” 
You walked over to your bowl, grabbed it, and glanced at all the ingredients. “So what are you making?” 
“I’m not telling.” 
“How are we going to bake something without measuring cups?” 
He froze and his eyes widened. “Wait, I thought you had those! Please don’t tell me that you…” You shook your head. “Oh no.” 
You waved him off and shook your head a final time. “It’s fine, we can adjust. We’ll just use spoons or our hands. Speaking of that, I need to clean mine.” 
“Ha! I’m already one step ahead of you. I’d never poison the judges with germs.” 
“What judges?” 
While you washed your hands, Seungmin headed over to the opposite counter and grabbed the flour. He started to tug, but the bag wouldn’t open fully. With a sigh of annoyance, he gripped the sides tighter and tugged. 
When you heard sputtering, you whipped around with the dish towel still in your hand. You were utterly speechless as a puff of flour blew out of Seungmin’s mouth. The two of you stared at each other in silence. 
It covered his entire face. Both of his darkened eyebrows and eyelashes were coated in it. Sun-kissed golden skin had turned moonlight pale. The chef’s hat tipped back off his head and laid on the floor behind him. A strangled giggle erupted in the back of your throat. 
“Stop it! It’s not funny!” With every word spat, flour slipped off his head. It blew off his nose and freed itself from his lips. When he brushed pale handprints on his black apron, you lost it entirely. 
Collapsing onto your knees, giggles streamed from your mouth. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn’t stop them. Every time Seungmin huffed or grumbled, you laughed harder. He looked like the abominable snowman. 
“You think this is funny, huh?” He grabbed a handful of flour from the table and chucked it your way. The snowy smoke stained the front of your own apron. 
“Hey!” You cried out as you brushed it off. “That’s not fair! You did this to yourself, don’t take it out on me!” He laughed and grabbed another handful. You screeched and ran to the other side of the kitchen. Your hat managed to fall off in the process. “Stop it!” 
“Get back here!” 
He couldn’t help it. Your smiles and laughter were so infectious. He knew it had been harder for you without him around all the time. The two day vacation from the company was a small slice of heaven. 
When you dodged one way, so did he. You slipped onto the floor as he shoved the handful of flour in your hair. You grabbed another one and shoved it to his chest. He yelped as the powdery substance slipped down his shirt. 
“You started it!” 
“You brat!” 
You didn’t know how long the two of you ran around throwing handfuls of flour at each other. Unfortunately for you, the bag of flour he had gotten was bigger than usual. Flour was all over your pants, your cheeks, and your apron. You were even sure it had entered your armpit. 
You finally collapsed onto the ground in the leftover piles. A powdered haze settled over the area. Both of you were breathless and full of delight. 
“Okay,” Seungmin managed to get out, “we call it a tie for now.” 
“Next time, we’ll prepare better.” 
“With an actual recipe,” you added. 
“With an actual recipe,” he agreed. 
The two of you stayed silent for a while. Your eyes shut and you panted. It had been so long since you had a little fun. You forgot how small things like this tended to fossilize in our hearts. This tiny memory was one that you’d remember with such joy and delight, you’d never forget it. 
“I think I choked on too much flour. Everything tastes like bland ass and-” 
“You’ve eaten ass?” 
“You’re about to eat this fist.” 
You laughed and sprawled out your limbs. Your eyes shut and before you knew it, your limbs began to move. Up and down, up and down, up and down. 
“What the hell are you doing?” 
“Snow angel.” 
“This isn’t snow.” 
“A flour angel is the same concept.” 
Seungmin pushed himself up and stared over at you. A small smile was on your face as your body moved up and down. Sure enough, it looked like an angel was forming behind you. The blank pits of the floor created the illusion of wings where your arms were shifting. 
His own smile appeared on his face. Your flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes. God, he wished he could keep you happy like this forever. He knew he couldn’t, but he’d sure try. 
“Okay, come on, angel.” He stood up and reached out a hand towards you. “We’ve gotta go shower and clean this mess up before the food arrives.” 
“Or we could just stay here for a little longer.” 
“Or we could just go get cleaned up, so we don’t smell like grain.” 
“You always have to ruin the fun,” you huffed. 
“Who said the fun had to stop at the shower? You never know what might-” 
You were up within seconds and rushing towards the shower. All he could do was playfully roll his eyes and chuckle. You left white footprints the entire way there. He wanted to lecture you, but for now, he was just glad you were smiling again. 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ |
Taglist: @lina-linny @straykidsstanforeverandever @seungnishi
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pascallftv · 2 years
Dad’s Best Friend (Pedro Pascal x Reader)
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summary: as a retreat from your busy work life, you decide to stay with your dad and his best friend for a few days over the holidays. to your surprise, your dad’s best friend is much hotter than you anticipated. one night after the three of you play a drinking game, pedro waits until your father goes to sleep to make his move on you.
warnings: SMUT! oral (m & f receiving), edging, dom!pedro, dirty talk, some choking, rough unprotected sex, anal play
You never thought you’d be this excited to be back home. Since you’d moved to California, you had constantly been overwhelmed with work. You were thoroughly exhausted, and a short vacation back home was just what you needed to recharge your battery. As much as you loved the fast pace west coast lifestyle, you longed for the quiet of the midwest. You grew up in a rural area in the midwest, but moved to the city when you were a teenager after your parents split. Now your mother was off in Europe with a much younger man, and your father lived with his best friend in a quaint town house. Your dad had always sworn that if he never found his soulmate, he’d move in with his best friend, so that’s exactly what he did.
Your dad moved in with his best friend Pedro a couple years ago when they both decided they were tired of searching for replacement wives. You’d never met Pedro before, and had only heard stories about him through your father, and from what you could tell, he was a bit of a man whore. After him and his wife divorced, he fell into a routine of bringing home different women each weekend. When they moved in together, his habits didn’t change; your father said he’s sure there’s a mini Pedro running around somewhere that he doesn’t know about. Pedro wasn’t interested in dating, let alone having children. So at the age of forty-seven, he was living with your father with the tendencies of a horny, college boy.
You were sitting comfortably on the sofa of your dad’s living room with some sort of soap opera playing on the tv. You hadn’t realized you were zoned out until the front door swung open, and Pedro marched through the door, holding two handles of liquor. A wide grin was plastered on his face as he scanned his eyes around the house for your dad, but instead his eyes landed on you.
“I didn’t know you were here already.” Pedro said, setting the bottles of alcohol on the dining room table, his eyes still locked on you. You sent him a lazy smile.
“Got here this morning.”
“Well, I came prepared.” Pedro winked, gesturing towards the bottles on the table. “Figured we could play some drinking games to get to know each other better, maybe watch a movie or two.”
You simply smiled again. He was much more attractive than you’d imagined. You’d only seen fuzzy pictures of him on your father’s Facebook, and those did not do him justice whatsoever. No wonder he was pulling so many women.
Fast forward to that evening, and the three of you were sitting at the dining room table with a deck of cards playing ‘bullshit’. However, every-time someone lost, they had to drink. You were already pretty far gone, and your dad and Pedro weren’t far behind you. Your cheeks were red hot and sore from laughing, and the alcohol was only amplifying the heat in your body. You kept catching yourself gazing over at Pedro. You couldn’t help but admire his smile and laugh, it was intoxicating. You were convinced he would be an arrogant prick, but he was truly a pleasant person to be around. You couldn’t tell if you were only imagining things, but you could’ve sworn you kept catching Pedro staring at you too.
“You’re fucking cheating!” Your dad exclaimed, throwing his cards down on the table. Pedro was laughing uncontrollably.
“No, you just fucking suck at lying.” Pedro proclaimed through his laughter. He was absolutely kicking your asses at this card game.
“That’s it, I’m going to bed. I’m too old for this shit.” Your dad surrendered, running his hand down his face. He stood up from his chair and stumbled over to you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
“Goodnight, kiddo. Love you bunches.” He slurred, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. “I’ll see y’all in the morning.”
Your dad saluted you and Pedro and stumbled his way to the stairs and out of sight to his bedroom. You bit your lip and smiled over at Pedro who was sporting an amused smirk.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m not tired yet.” Pedro declared, stacking up all the cards scattered across the table. You handed him your cards and sighed.
“Me either, my body clock is two hours behind.” You said, leaning back in your chair.
“Want to watch a movie? Maybe the Hangover?” Pedro suggested, standing up from his spot at the table. His jeans were tight against his thighs, his button up shirt riding up slightly exposing his happy trail. You gulped, averting your eyes before you looked too long. But Pedro had already caught you staring, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Sure.” You said, following him to the living room.
Pedro sat on the middle cushion, giving you only two options to sit, and either way you’d be almost touching. You sat down beside him, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch to lay over both of your laps. You stared at Pedro’s hands as he flipped through the tv settings to find whichever streaming service he was searching for. There was something so attractive about his hands, and your mind began to wander down a dangerous path. You envisioned his hand wrapped around your throat, squeezing at the sides of it. You swallowed hard, pressing your thighs together and the sudden heat growing between them. Little did you know, Pedro noticed your body language. He could feel the attraction radiating off of you. You were so fucking gorgeous, and here you were squeezing your thighs together in arousal all because of him simply existing.
He pressed play on The Hangover, setting the remote down on the coffee table in front of you. He leaned back, stretching his arms over his head, and coming down to rest an arm behind your head. Such a cliche move, but somehow it affected you like you were a teenager again. Your heart was thumping against your chest so loudly that you swore he could hear it. You hadn’t realized you were so fucking touch deprived that you were desperate for you father’s best friend. Your thoughts were running wild again, and you fantasized about Pedro bending you over the dining room table. You pictured his hand running up the bare flesh on your ass, spreading your cheeks in front of his eyes so he could admire your holes that were desperate for him touch. You yearned for him to fuck you senseless, making you scream his name, hoping your father wouldn’t hear.
You were already drenched under your shorts. Your core was lit on fire, throbbing so hard that it was painful. Pedro side eyed you. You wouldn’t stop fidgeting; you kept adjusting your legs, and you were playing with your fingers in your lap trying to distract yourself from the longing between your thighs. He smirked. He loved the effect he had on you. He didn’t even have to try and you were an aroused little mess beside him. He slowly moved his arm from behind your head to rest on his thigh. He slowly tapped his forefinger, deciding whether or not he should act on his desires. You were his best friend’s daughter. He wanted more than anything to bend you over the couch and slam into you until you were drenching his cock, but every alarm was going off in his head. Did he want to risk losing his best friend over a fuck? There was something so intoxicating about you, and it frustrated the hell out of him. There were so many women on the back burner that would throw themselves at him, yet he wanted you. Perhaps it was the thrill of the chase.
He felt himself hardening in his jeans. He cleared his throat, his hand sliding underneath the blanket, resting half on his thigh, and half on the hot, supple skin of yours. Your skin was so fucking soft. Slowly, he moved his hand to fully rest on your thigh, giving it such a light squeeze that you thought you imagined it. If your heart was ready to thump out of your chest before, you were nearly about to have a heart attack now. His thumb began massaging slow circles in your thigh, traveling dangerously close to where you were craving him the most. You began breathing harder, turning your head to look up at him. He stared back at you, his brown eyes full of lust. Your eyes traveled down to his mustache, then to his pouted lips. It was as if a magnet was pulling you towards him, and your eyes fell to his lips, getting closer and closer.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Pedro whispered, his gaze focused on your parted lips. He squeezed your thigh harder this time, resting inches away from your core.
You say nothing and move even closer to him, your lips millimeters from touching. You could feel his hot breath on your mouth.
“Touch me.” You breathed out so quietly that you weren’t sure he could hear you. You were proven wrong when his fingers traced along the crease of your tights, grazing over your crotch through your shorts. Pedro began breathing harder the closer his fingers got to your waistband. His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of your shorts, traveling down to your folds. You gasped when his fingers spread your folds, gathering up your juices.
“Such a dirty girl. Already so wet and I’ve barely touched you.” Pedro teased, ghosting his fingers over your clit that was throbbing with sensitivity. You whimpered at the softest pressure he applied to your bundle of nerves. You couldn’t hold yourself back any longer, you needed to taste him. You closed the gap between your lips and kissed him hard, trying your best to communicate your lust through the rhythm of your kiss. He moaned into your mouth, his free hand moving to tug at the hair at the nape of your neck. You were driving him insane. He pulled away momentarily to stare at you with hungry eyes.
“Do you know how wrong this is? Kissing your daddy’s best friend while he’s asleep upstairs.” He growled, slamming his lips back into yours while simultaneously slamming two fingers into your entrance without warning. You couldn’t help but moan a little to loud at his intrusion. His hand left your hair to wrap around your throat with a tight squeeze. “Keep fucking quiet. Wouldn’t want your daddy to hear, now would we?”
Your hand traveled down to his hardening erection and grabbed it firmly over his jeans as he fucked you hard with his fingers, a low groan escaping his lips. His hot breath was becoming more frequent against your mouth. He pulled away suddenly, his hand still gripping your throat.
“Can you suck my cock like a good girl?” He muttered, his fingers leaving your hole. You frowned at the loss of contact, but felt yourself throb at the thought of tasting his cock in your mouth. You nodded quickly, moving to get on your knees between his legs. Pedro was panting, his belly rising and falling quickly under his shirt. He unbuttoned his jeans with ease, unzipping his fly slowly. He lifted his hips off the couch to slide his jeans down his thighs, his jeans falling to his ankles. His cock sprung free from his jeans with no underwear constricting his erection.
You leaned forward, taking his length in your soft hand, admiring his size and girth. Your mouth watered at the sight of pre-cum dripping from his tip. You ran your thumb over his arousal, wetting his sensitive tip. You locked eyes with him, lowering down to slowly take his cock in your mouth. You teased his leaky tip with your tongue, swirling it around so you could get a taste of him. Moaning at the salty taste coating your tongue, you gradually lowered your mouth onto his length, soaking him with the mixture of his pre-cum and your spit. His head fell back on the couch, his hand tangling itself in your hair. He whimpered quietly and you began to stroke your hand up and down the leftover shaft that you couldn’t fit in your mouth. With your free hand, you cupped his balls, massaging them in your palm.
“Fuck.” Pedro breathed, sucking in a harsh breath. He gripped the nape of your neck, squeezing with his fingertips. “Taking my cock so well.”
Your hand moved from his balls up to his abdomen, running your fingers across his happy trail. You lowered your mouth even further, filling your throat with the rest of his length. You bobbed your head, the only sounds in the room being the wet noises of you sucking his cock, and his shaky breaths. You moaned on his length, the vibrations making his cock twitch in your throat. You lifted your mouth off his length, bringing your hand to the ridge between his shaft and his tip, stroking in quick milking motions. His legs began to shake, and a low moan escaped his lips. He grabbed your hand, stopping your movements.
“F-fuck, if you keep doing that I’m going to cum.” He mumbled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you up off your knees. He stood up from the couch, pushing you to sit in his spot.
“Take off your clothes.” He ordered sternly, reaching for the buttons on his shirt. He quickly undid them while he watched you strip down to nothing. No panties, no bra. You drove him fucking wild. His cock twitched at the sight of you completely bare in front of him. He stripped his clothes off completely, kneeling where you just were.
“I’m going to taste you, then I’m going to fuck you so hard that you won’t remember your name.” Pedro said, spreading your legs completely open. Cold air hit your folds, your arousal glistening before his eyes. “Look at you. So fucking wet for me.”
He lowered his mouth to your core, spreading your folds open with his fingers, thrusting his tongue in and out of your entrance. His other hand traveled to your clit, rubbing soft, quick circles into your sensitive nerves. You gasped, your hand landing in his hair. It took all of your will power to stay quiet. The last thing you needed was for your dad to walk down the stairs to his best friend eating you out.
Pedro thrusted three fingers into you, not allowing you time to stretch to the fullness before finger fucking you so hard and fast that you were seeing spots in your vision. You were so fucking full, but you wanted his cock more than anything. His tongue flicked over your clit, sucking on it lightly while his fingers slammed into you, curling perfectly to the rough surface of your g spot. You weren’t going to last much longer. You slapped a hand over your mouth and whined into your palm. You orgasm was so close.
“I’m gonna cum.” You whimpered through your fingers, locking eyes with Pedro as he finger fucked the life out of you. Your legs were trembling, and your toes began to curl. You were seconds away from reaching your high when Pedro halted his actions, and pulled his fingers out of you. You wanted to cry; you were so fucking close it hurt.
“Did I say you could cum?” Pedro slowly rose from his knees, his hand wrapping it’s way back around your throat. He pressed his lips to yours in a hasty kiss. You whined into his kiss. He pulled away, taking your bottom lip between his teeth briefly. “You’re going to cum around my cock like a good girl.”
His words went straight to your core. You were in pain. You needed release so badly. You didn’t have a moment to comprehend what was happening until Pedro slammed his cock into you, your walls spasming around his sudden intrusion. You cried out, grabbing his biceps to squeeze. You were full to the brim, and the oxygen completely left your lungs when you felt him hit your cervix from how deep he was inside of you. He slapped a hand over your mouth, his lips lowering to you ear.
“I don’t want to hear a fucking sound.” He growled, his fingers finding their way back to your clit. His fingers worked in fast circles, your eyes rolling back into your skull. He thrusted in and out of you at an agonizingly fast pace, his tip hitting the deepest part of you over and over again. You orgasm was near, and it was coming fast. You entire body trembled, and you dug your fingernails into Pedro’s toned back. Your face fell into his neck, your teeth lightly biting the supple skin there to refrain from screaming out.
“Are you going to cum?” Pedro breathed out, gripping your hips as he pounded into you. You nodded vigorously into his neck, feeling your vision starting to leave completely. With the nod of your head, Pedro slipped his cock out of you, and his fingers abandoned your clit. Tears began brimming at your eyes. You felt yourself on the verge of a meltdown when Pedro kept you from your orgasm for a second time. Without warning, Pedro flipped you onto your stomach, your knees propped up on the couch cushion, and your arms gripping the back of the couch to steady yourself. He slammed back into you from behind, grabbing your hips for leverage. He didn’t care how loud your skin slapping together was. He knew how terrible the acoustics were in the house, and how thick the walls were. He’d fucked so many women in this house to the point of screaming and your father still never heard.
You cried out as he somehow hit you even deeper than before. Pedro wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to fuck you until you couldn’t remember your name. In that moment, the only things you knew were how deep he filled you, and how perfectly he bottomed out inside you. His balls slapped against your clit, adding to the euphoria you were experiencing. Your nails dug into the fabric of the couch so hard that you thought it was going to rip. Just when you thought you couldn’t be stimulated anymore, you felt Pedro’s forefinger tease your tightest hole. He brought his index finger to his mouth, sucking on it until it was coated with his spit, then brought it back down to your rim, pressing it slowly inside. You groaned out at the foreign sensation.
“You like that?” Pedro leaned down into your ear, his torso laying against the curve of your back and he filled both of your holes. “Has anyone ever touched you here?”
You shook your head, lowering your head to bite down onto the back of the couch. You wanted to fucking scream. Your body was overwhelmed with pleasure. The feeling intensified when Pedro added a second finger to your asshole, alternating between thrusts there and your pussy.
“Such a good girl.” He moaned out, slamming into you even faster than before.
Your body couldn’t take much more. Your body was trembling, and there was no way hon would survive if you were denied your orgasm for the third time. Your eyes rolled back in your head and a hand reached back to the thick flesh of your ass to spread your cheeks apart, hoping it would bring Pedro deeper.
“God, you’re such a slut.” Pedro growled, placing his hand back to your neck, choking you harder than before. He lowered his mouth to your back, pressing a kiss to your spine. “I need you to come for me.”
His permission was all you needed before you were cumming around his cock, your walls clenching down hard around him, bringing him closer to his orgasm. Your jaw went slack as your orgasm hit you like a freight train, your entire body being set on fire. You’ve never came so hard in your life.
Pedro’s fingers left your asshole and he wrapped his arm around the soft flesh of your belly, continuing to fuck into you with all the energy he had left. Your walls were extremely tight from your orgasm, constricting intoxicatingly around his cock. He moaned as he reached his orgasm, coating your walls in thick spurts. He whimpered as he filled you full of his cum, both of his hands reaching around you to grab handfuls of your breasts, pinching your nipples as he came down from his high.
Your eyes were squeezed shut still recovering for your powerful orgasm. Your body went slack against the back of the couch as tried to recover.
“What’s your name?” Pedro asked breathlessly.
You didn’t answer. You’d heard him, but your mind was so far into the clouds that you didn’t comprehend his question. You chest heaved in heavy breaths.
Pedro chuckled, squeezing your tits once last time before pulling out of you. You whimpered at the feeling; you were way too fucking sensitive. He pressed a soft kiss to your ass as he left you alone to grab a towel to clean you up with. You were still coming down from your high when he returned with a damp towel, and began gently wiping up his seed that spilled from your entrance. You trembled as he touched your sensitive folds, and you whined out.
“Shhhh, almost done.” He whispered, holding the towel there for a moment longer.
When he finished cleaning you up, he lifted you up and sat you down on the couch facing him. He picked up your shorts and helped slide them up over your soft legs, then lifted your arms to put on your sweatshirt. He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead then lazily dressed himself, not bothering to button his pants or shirt.
“Let’s get you to bed.” He said softly, picking you up. He cradled you in his arms as he carried you up the stairs, your eyes heavy with exhaustion.
He carried you to the guest bedroom, and held you up expertly with one arm while he pulled back the covers so you wouldn’t be laying on top of the sheets. He carefully laid you onto the mattress, tucking you in under the covers. He couldn’t get over how blissful you looked. Your cheeks were bright pink, and your lips were swollen and plump. He bent down and kissed you one last time before leaving you alone in the guest bedroom. You drifted off to sleep before you could even realize he was gone. Before you knew it, you were waking up the next morning with soreness between your legs and a longing for your father’s best friend.
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spiderplanter · 18 days
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Rainy Days
Hi! So this is just a goofy little scenario. Some of it is inspired by a RP I had with a mutual. Other parts are just.. well… me. Hope you enjoy the read!
This is my twist on the best classic romantic gesture in my opinion and how I imagine playing it out.
I had the perfect day planned. Wake up, cook breakfast to enjoy in bed with you, get ready for the day, and start the perfect adventure. The plan was to go on a beautiful and relaxing bike ride around the city before it got too hot, end up at the park to have a romantic picnic and play some board games, which tend to be my favorite because we’re both stubborn and competitive as hell.
I had my alarm set for 7AM, just early enough to watch the sunrise but as I open my eyes to the dreaded alarm ringtone, I look out through the window to see dark stormy clouds and a heavy downpour of rain. I glance over to see you still asleep next to me and an overwhelming sense of sadness and disappointment rushed over my body, causing my eyes to tear up. I had been dreaming of this day for months, getting more and more excited as each day passed because I knew it was rare for both of us to have days off of work like this.
I get up and go downstairs to get a cup of coffee and ponder my thoughts when suddenly I hear you walk up behind me.
“Some kind of weather we’re having am I right?” You say as you look at me and chuckle. Immediately I look at you and the tears just start pouring. You swiftly maneuver over and pull me into a tight hug.
“I know we were really looking forward to today and the weather messed that up, but it’s okay! We can make the best of it right here in the house.” You said trying to comfort me. “It won’t be the same though..” I sniffle into your chest. “No, but it’ll be better. How about you run over to your parent’s house for a few hours and I’ll try to pull some strings here and I’ll let you know when it’s safe to come back.”
As I sigh once again, I go put on some comfier clothes and grab my umbrella, I make my way a few doors down to my parents. An hour or two passes by of catching up with them about the last couple of months when I receive a text. “Hey my love, I have everything set up over here, so feel free to come back when you like.” A little smirk creeped over my face as my gloom slowly starts to fade. I thank my parents for the lovely time and assured them I’d be back over soon and that they’re always welcome to stop by as well.
I opened the front door to a trail of rose petals that traveled up the stairs and assuming into the bedroom. Peeking around the corner into the kitchen, I see my favorite Chinese take out sitting on the table. *Where could you be hiding?* I think to myself, beginning to wander upstairs. My jaw drops to the floor as I open the bedroom door to see you lying on the bed full of rose petals shaped like a heart with a gift bag in hand. Tears forming in my eyes again, I think of how lucky I am to have someone who loves me enough to commit such a beautiful gesture.
As I walk up to you, curious what’s in the bag, you pull me by the waist and start showering me with kisses all over, and listing reasons why you love me between each one. Giggling and drunk on love, I try to reach for the bag but you snatched it away. “Ah ah ah, you didn’t think you’d be getting this so easily did you? This is for later when we determine who wins majority of the games I have lined up.
Getting up and leading me back downstairs, sitting on the couch was Twister, Battleship, a deck of cards,Hues and Cues, and last but not least, Sorry. My heart started to race, knowing all of these games by heart, I was NOT fixing to lose them. As I sit down, assembling Battleship to start off, you turn on the LED’s and puts on our shared music playlist before going to get the food. Many hours pass by and I had won everything but Twister, due to a certain someone tweaking the small of my back and making me buckle. “Sorry, I had to win at least one game, even if I had to play dirty.” You said with an evil smirk.
“Yeah, yeah, what’s my surprise though? I’m dying to know what’s in that bag!” I say as you glance at me completely flustered, hoping I had forgotten about it. You reach back to grab it and then hand it to me. The first thing I pull out is a card, I open it to read “Love, I know today wasn’t exactly what we were hoping for but I hope this can make up for it.” Underneath, I pull out a new set of the prettiest lace maroon lingerie with small diamonds scattered all over. At the bottom of the bag was an assortment of tools including two long and stiff feathers, an electric toothbrush, a hairbrush, and a bottle of baby oil.
My ler mood already provoked from your devious move in Twister, my eyes were washed over with pure evil. “Go upstairs and make yourself pretty for me.” I demand, also running to the bathroom to freshen up and change into the lingerie. As I walk into the bedroom, you had already stripped down to just underwear and tied up your ankles and one hand, waiting for me to tie up the other.
There you were, tied up bald eagle, every beautifully sensitive spot completely vulnerable to my touch, but I couldn’t help just sitting there and admiring how deeply infatuated with your soul I was, God, you’re so beautiful. The passion I hold in my heart for you, growing stronger and stronger the more flustered and squirmy you get.
I straddle your waist and start kissing your hands, trailing my way down your arm, making my way to the crook of your neck as you struggle more and more to keep your adorable giggles in. Starting at the other hand and trailing tickly kisses down to the other side of your neck once more before I kiss both cheeks, then your forehead, then your nose. Eventually I land on your lips, starting to kneed your sides so you struggle to keep your lips on mine. Then I start kissing your jawline and making my way down the middle of your chest, all over your ribs, tummy, and sides, also making sure to stop and give some raspberries especially over your belly button.
After 5 minutes of focusing on that area, I allow you to take a breather. Grabbing the baby oil, I lather some on my hands and start to massage it all over your body making sure no spot is untouched. I want this moment to feel good and relaxing for you before I absolutely wreck you. As you’re lying there in anticipation, I step out for a second to grab some reinforcements.
Stepping back in to see your terrified face as you process your doomed fate lying in the palm of my hand. That, being a blindfold and noise cancelling headphones. No gag, because I want to hear your desperate yet pointless pleas and helplessly delicious laughter. It fuels my energy to keep being a devious ler.
After a couple hours of bouncing back and forth between each tool on every single ticklish nerve in your body, I gently remove the restraints and pull you into my arms, rubbing away the phantom tickles. You melt into me as I nuzzle into your neck and whisper all of my favorite parts about tickling you, starting with how much I adore the way your skin twitches when I hit the right nerve. There’s also a slight difference in your laugh when I attack different body parts, that I really adore, the way you jump when you can feel my presence as I near your skin with my fingertips. And the way you trust me to exploit your body just enough not to pass any limits, to open yourself up to me in such a vulnerable way is truly a privilege. We both fell asleep soon after but it was worth it because that was the best sleep both of us had gotten in a while. Maybe we should do this more often?
And maybe today didn’t turn out as planned but it couldn’t have turned out any better. Because we’re so in love and happy and wouldn’t want to live our lives any other way.
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yanderecrazysie · 1 year
I really like your writing, I just recently downloaded tumblr since I was looking for more yandere content and you’re one of the first authors I followed.
So for my ask can I get the scenario of the reader being a former fan of the yandere, like reader was borderline obsessed fan girl who always try to help the yandere by making his homework and projects but one day the yandere had enough of reader’s help and humiliated her in front of a crowd and destroyed her hardwork. The reader then moved away due to start anew. Whiel the reader is away the yandere at first was happy but he starts to miss reader more and more to the point that he would go to her old house to apologize and have her be his fan again, but his is shocked to find the reader has moved away. Maybe when yandere is now successful he finds reader again and expecting reader to be inlove with him again flirts with them only to find out that reader attended therapist sessions and is no longer interested in him and is quite embarrassed of their former self. How would the yanderes react to reader no longer being their number one fan?
Thanks for reading my ask, I hope it doesn’t bother you
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I’m going to combine these two requests if that’s okay since they’re similar! I really like this idea, and you should never feel bad about long requests! Thank you also for following me, that means a lot to me! I feel very special to be one of the first!
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Title: Humiliate
Pairings: Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, name calling, death threats (not from Kuroo)
Summary: After an act of cruelty, Kuroo’s number one fan has a change of heart.
Part 2: here
make (someone) feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect, especially publicly:
It’s not until the team is leaving that you manage to catch up to them, a white box clutched closely to the red number 1 jersey you’re wearing. Your eyes are shining brightly as you gush over the team’s captain.
“Kuroo! You were amazing! That last play was spectacular! I’m so glad you guys won, you deserve it!”
Kuroo’s heard it all a million times, not least of all from you. You managed to show up at every game, every event. He knew you mainly by your face, he’s not sure if he ever got your name. Your excitement and fangirlish behavior always managed to overwhelm him.
“It’s a little late, but…” you thrust the white box forward, into Kuroo’s chest. He fumbles it a little, shocked by the sudden assault. The top of the box is clear, showing a vanilla cake with frosting spelling out “Happy Birthday Kuroo!”
Now that’s just creepy. He’s never had a fan as diehard as you, and it makes him uncomfortable. He’s not even sure what to say.
A crowd has gathered by now, mainly of fans from inside the stadium, and it just serves to put more pressure on him as they whisper things about you and him. “Are they dating?” “Isn’t that weird?” “Isn’t that cute?” “Who does that?”
The other fangirls look on with jealousy and disgust, and he can’t help but feel even more overwhelmed by their presence as well. Everything was coming to a halt.
You remained smiling blissfully, unaware that Kuroo was getting sick of all your attention. You’d been at this for so long that this was the last straw to break the camel’s back.
You’ve always disturbed him with your intensity and obsessive behavior. You were practically everywhere he went and always trying to strike up a conversation, even when he clearly wasn’t interested. You’d tried to apply for the team manager position when it was open and then even the social media manager position. You were always decked out in merch and often seen carrying a Kuroo plush.
Kuroo let the cake fall from his hands. It seemed to move in slow motion until it hit the ground with a satisfying sound, causing a smile to tug at his lips. The crowd was silent, you were finally silent, frozen in shock and horror, trying to convince yourself it had been an accident.
“You’re a freak,” he spits out, “You’re always following us around and stalking us on social media and in person. It’s so creepy, you’re lucky you haven’t been arrested for harassment. Just leave me alone- everyone would be happier if you left and never came back.”
The first tear slipped from your eye and more followed quickly after. He watched as you crumbled into a mess of heartbroken sobs and desperate glances, as though you still thought he might comfort you in this moment of despair.
The group of fangirls began to laugh, their voices high-pitched and cruel. The team and several people in the crowd began to as well, and Kuroo couldn’t help but join him. This just seemed to break you more, as you blankly let a couple of sympathetic people in the crown pull you away.
You don’t stay to hear anything else. In a moment, you’re running away, so fast you’re nearly tripping over your own feet. Fleeing the scene Kuroo had created.
You wiped away more tears as you deactivated your last social media account. It was the best choice, after all those fans had sent you horrible messages and even doxxed you. You could barely stand to think about some of those messages.
“Kill yourself” “How pathetic” “Just die”...
You shuddered and turned off your phone. You’d have to change your number as well. At least no one had showed up at your house. What cowards… of course people were more content to sit behind a screen and say awful things instead of actually showing up in person to do anything.
Shrugging your shoulders a little, you turned back to the TV, where your new favorite show was playing. You had been to a therapist several times since the incident and your mood was improving greatly. She had suggested you put the energy you’d once put in Kuroo and his team into something new, like a hobby or something fictional. 
This show was definitely more interesting to watch than volleyball, if you were being honest. And it felt safer to obsess over book characters than real people. At least they couldn’t hurt you like Kuroo did.
Kuroo, on the other hand, had begun to suffer from your disappearance. You no longer showed up to games, and he assumed you must be watching him from your TV. He couldn’t blame you for not showing up in person, but he swore he could hear your cheering voice missing from the crowd.
It was lonely, to be surrounded by thousands of people, but missing just one voice you wished to hear.
However, he didn’t realize that’s what he was missing until he asked the team what happened to their weekly treats. When one of his teammates said that you had sent them in every week, without fail, he felt like he’d been stabbed right through the heart. You did that for all of them? How didn’t he realize that?
He tried to keep it bottled up, tried not to be bothered by not seeing your face in the crowd anymore. But it was getting to him, even affecting his performance in every game. 
He found himself searching for your social media, so he could apologize and let you know it was safe to come back to his games or whatever it was you needed to hear. He wasn’t sure what your name was, but managed to find a video of what he’d done to you and saw a user tagged in the text above. The name sounded right, so he clicked on it.
Deleted account.
Kuroo’s heart sunk in his chest. Somehow, he knew this was you. Searching your name in other social media apps gave him no results- apparently you’d deleted all of your accounts.
Swallowing back his guilt, he searched for something a little less innocent than your name. It was quick to find once he knew what he was looking for. One of his fans had, after all, doxxed you.
He headed out for your house immediately. He’d just talk to you, clear things up, and everything would be fine!
He pulled into your driveway and his heart leapt in his chest when he saw you bringing mail inside. He practically fell out of his car, calling your name to get you to stop and turn around. 
You did just that, looking at him with an expression like you were seeing a ghost. All the color had drained from your face and your lips parted in fear.
“I’m sorry, (Y/n), I really am. I shouldn’t have said those things.”
Why didn’t you act happy to see him? Shouldn’t you be throwing yourself all over him with relief that he cared?
You had made your way to the door and were starting to fumble with your keys. You’d apparently just gotten home when you stopped to grab your mail. Lucky him.
“Please accept my apology! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please just come back to my games…” Kuroo felt like he was being slowly choked, tears stinging his eyes in desperation. He couldn’t understand why you weren’t acting like yourself.
“I accept your apology.” You responded, but before he could sigh in relief, you continued. “But just because I accept your apology doesn’t mean I’m going back. I’ve grown up, I’m over you and your team and just volleyball in general.”
Kuroo remained frozen in place. You were… over him? How could you change so much so quickly? Had he really hurt you that badly? It had only been a couple of months… how could you leave him? How dare you leave him?
As you went back to fumbling with your keys, Kuroo advanced on you like a lion on its prey. If you weren’t going to obsess over him, fine. Then the roles were switched.
He’d change your mind, no matter what it took.
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undercoverpan · 1 year
Spit in my face, my love, it won't faze me
Spider felt a lot of things at the moment. Cold, hot, empty, full. But mostly he felt lonely.
His vision was going blurry, darkening at the edges. He couldn't make out his own hand in front of his face, but he recognized his own blood coating it. If he had to guess, he had wounds on his stomach, arms, legs and back. His whole body was just one big bruise at this point, aching and throbbing like never before. In a sense, he got the blue stripes he'd always wanted. Nevermind the fact that they weren't stripes, just blue spots that were close enough together for him to mistake them as such. 
The thing that definitely hurt the most was the cut around his throat, bleeding sluggishly and coating his body in blood. He had a feeling that it was the source of his trouble with breathing, come to think of it.
Now that he was laying on a cold ship deck and 100% dying, he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. It was like all the emotions and trauma he'd been compartmentalising these past few months decided to pull a quick one on him and now he had so many fears and regrets. He regrets going to the shack, being born, trying to be Na'vi, not doing something while they hunted that tulkun, not doing more when the Na'vi were being threatened. And he was afraid, were the others safe? Did Quaritch let Kiri go? Have they fled the ship just yet? Are they safe?
A selfish, horrible, human part of him wishes they stayed. And because he is dying; he decides to indulge himself with those selfish fantasies of his. He imagines Lo'ak being there, telling him about the trouble he'd gotten up to without him, Kiri talking about the plants and the animals. Tuk showing him a cool shell she found, maybe Neteyam venting about his frustrations or something. Anything but the sound of fading screams and crackling flames.
The smell of blood and petrol hung in the air like a thick fog; clouding his senses with the copper scent. The ocean breeze felt like hell against his open wounds. It was freezing out here, and incredibly dark. Really, he should be happy the others got away. Overjoyed, thankful even. But he selfishly wishes to not be alone right now.
The voice echoes in his ears. Oh. Oh, it sounds familiar, oddly so. He felt a strange sort of calm rush over him; something like acceptance. It felt like a warm blanket on his beaten and broken body; one he desperately needed. No one has made him feel safe like this, ever, except for maybe….
He hates how weak and uncertain his voice sounds, carried like some kind of fragile chord over the winds. He feels a set of hands, warm and realer than what he could've imagined by himself, pawing at his injuries. He sees blue skin and yellow eyes, and he has to laugh at the absurdity of it. 
"Jake, you came back…" he says in astonishment, not seeing the hurt look flashing over the man's face. "Are the others okay? Where are they?" He asked, spluttering out a cough and tasting metal in his throat.
"They're okay, Spider, son, they're okay." He says in English, and Spider doesn't think that's weird at all. He nods to the best of his ability, giving him a wide grin. "Did--did we get them? The demons? Did I do good?"
"Yes, son, we got all of them. Everyone is safe. You did so good, you were amazing, I promise." 
He sighs in relief. At least he had that little bit of solace during his last moments. At least he had that. And you know, he had Jake. Jake was here, and now he wasn't alone. He hadn't realised he was scared of being alone until he was. Dying alone, he'd never considered it, but that was his reality until a couple minutes ago. Jake saved him from having to face that, even if he couldn't save him from his wife. In his heart of hearts, he knows he never intended to.
"Jake, I'm tired–, it–, it hurts. I'm just so tired…" he whispers, strength draining from his body like a river flowing to the ocean. He feels a kiss pressed to his temple as Jake pulls him to his chest; the feeling of his vest against his skin all too alien. The man bit back a sob, instead breathing heavily and unevenly.
"It's okay, son, it's okay. You can go to sleep, you've earned it. Me and the others, we'll all be here when you wake up, okay?" He promises and Spider desperately agrees. "You did so well, we're all so proud of you and we love you, you know that, right? Everything that happened before, that doesn't matter. I love you, Spider." He says with the desperation of a prayer.
"Really…? Even Neytiri?" He asks weakly. The other nods, running a hand through his dreads. "Yes, even her." The boy has to smile at that. "It's so cold." He says, and Jake adjusts his grip so they're better pressed together. "Better?" He asks, and Spider offers a weak nod.
"Oel ngati kameie, Jake.." he whispers. It is the last thing he says before he goes, hopefully being accepted by Eywa. "Oel Ngati kameie, son." His voice sounds broken, but certain. It is the last thing he hears before the world goes dark and his body goes limp.
Quaritch looked at his son's dead body and felt cold. He wonders if this is the same chill Spider felt just now. Like a gaping hole in his chest that the wind passes through, carrying its saltwater breeze like poison. Sully and his brood are gone; left him behind without a second thought. The children had this look of shock when Spider crumpled to the floor the first time, victim to their own mother. They might have screamed. They might have cried. Quaritch doesn't remember nor care.
In his final moments, Spider wanted Jake, the man who left him for dead twice now. And Quaritch could've corrected him easily, but it seemed so needlessly cruel. Spider was dying, his son was dying, why deny him the fantasy in his head? The dreams of family and acceptance that he was never afforded, not by the people he desperately needed it from. So yes, he let his son think it was Jake who held him while he died, and that his crazy wife really did care, even though she's responsible for this. It was disrespectful to the highest degree, but Quaritch thinks that his son is allowed to spit in his face, just this once.
It was enough for Spider, who looked peaceful in his arms, eerily still and pale. He wonders if he should leave him here, let the Sullys find him and give him the burial he wanted. He wonders if the fish would get his body first, or the fire. He wonders if they'd return at all, opting to let the ship burn itself down. It certainly sounds like Sully. He sighs.
Mind made up, he approached his ikran. The journey to the Omaticaya would be long, so it's best that he starts moving. At the very least, he'd make sure his son would be put to rest where he called home. He wouldn't take that from him, not in death, at least.
Decided you guys should feel sad, hope you liked it!!!
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mechaknight-98 · 8 months
Gathering Side story: Overwhelming stampede
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Author's Note: when I started this series it was all vibes and now that it some somewhat coherent a character who got pushed to the wayside was Dino. Which sucks because he's a lot more interesting to write for me than the others. However, at times his powers were tied to Dinosaurs and the toku inspiration I did with his powers seemed incongruent with the tone I was trying to go for. which made writing him harder and harder as I wanted it to gather to be more introspective, but for side stories I can do whatever I want. Dino for me was always a mix of Hayato and Eji from Kamen Rider. Z from Ultaman Z a little bit of Gambit/Deadpool (Comic Deadpool) from X-men, and my personality. As you will see by his slightly changed powers. Whereas TJ was always meant to be more Takeshi, Ren (Ryuki) from Kamen Rider and Cable/Wolverine from X-men, and Max McDaniels from the Tapestry series by Henry H. Neff … (please read it if you haven't.) So this is meant as a mini-story that gives him space to be as crazy and outlandish as possible so for all of my long-time readers here is Dino restored in all his over-the-top Toku temur comic(y) glory.
You know who we should call to fill our game...," Sakura starts before pausing dramatically to Connor and Yunjin. Yunjin and Connor stare at the young woman pensively, before she makes her suggestion.
"Cival," Sakura said suggesting me to her group of friends. Connor and Yunjin look at her wary as the last time they saw me, I was (successfully) trying not to freak out as Sakura let me down easily by telling me that she was a lesbian. Yunjin however saw the excitement on Kkura’s face and ran with it.
"You know what? it's been a while since we've seen the madman and even longer since we have played with him. let's see what he's got?" Yunjin says exuberantly. This leads to them calling me. well, Sakura calling me.
"Yo Kkura what's up?" I ask
"Oh great answered you answered Civy. we need a fourth for our commander game. You down?" Sakura said
"What about Dexter he's usually y'all's resident Temur player," I asked confused
"He's exploring Naya so currently we need an Unhinged Calm Man." Sakura teases
" So you are telling me that Dexter Mr "Yeah I am so Ketria" is trying the shard I told him he would like, and best suit him? Wow, I'm surprised; not really of course, but you thought of me in his stead...well...I am touched. Okay, I'll be there in a bit. Does it need to be a Temur deck or can it be something else?" I respond
"Yes. We are playing our wedges and shards so you need to as well." Yunjin insists in the background
"Okay, Kkura." I groan. I end the phone call. I finish my in-n-out order adding them to it. After getting the food I teleport to Le Sserafim's dorm. the popping noise that accompanied it jolted the people present.
"Yah Cival-oppa you just can't pop in on us like that," Yunjin says holding her heart
"But I have food," I say as I hold the in-n-out bag with their food. Kkura and Yunjin smile. Connor groans.
"Ah no shake shack," he says disappointed
"Hey, when you're willing to pay for it I will pick it up for you all you want. In n Out is cheap and delicious so don't complain. " I say to him.
I hand Kkura her strawberry shake, Yunjin her vanilla, and Connor his chocolate one.
"Oh, you remembered our orders," Yunjin says elated
"Of course. yall are still my friends." I reply
Sakura looks at me guilty and says, "Sorry for forgetting about you Civy."
"It's no big deal. I couldn't afford to move to Korea, and you guys moved on. No hard feelings. the only hard feelings I have are for Dexter. I mean how did he of all people get Eunbi freaking Kwon?" I joke which gets the laugh I was kinda fishing for with Yunjin, Connor, and Sakura.
"So how have you been Civy?" Sakura asks
"Ah, you know same old, same old. fighting monsters taking pictures writing stories.. I reply
"Oh, how are you adjusting?" Connor asks
"Ehh, it's fine. It feels scummy at times but it's a job someone has to do" I answer
"Yeah, it can be weird," Connor says and leaves it at that.
I stayed silent about Voruna and her training me because last I heard Connor and her had a falling out
"So Cival" Yunjin says in a tone and a shoulder shake that lets me know I am not going to really *appreciate* what she says next, "Meet anyone "Lovely?" I groan and reply
"No Jen. I am still a single pringle although I am less ready to mingle." I reply. Sakura looks dejected hearing that.
"I am sorry," Sakura says as she takes a dejected sip of her shake.
I turn to Kkura look her in her eyes and say, "Look Kkura, I don't want this to be awkward. You are fantastic and while I believe we would have made an excellent power couple I understand that your heart is elsewhere, and honestly good for you Siyeon is such a hottie I mean sheesh." Kkura finally cheers up and Yunjin just has to sour the mood.
"See this is why we need you Cival around more. You are the best hype man and Cheerleader." Yunjin exclaims.
"I have been told I am good in limited amounts so that's why I stay in the background," I say before taking a bite of my burger and some fries. Kkura and Yunjin laugh.
"So Madman what crazy build are you on now?" Connor asks
"Borb and Phb food chain, but casual. I have a Thrasios Krark deck in the works but it needs time to bake. Or maybe I should just switch it to Jeska Thrasios." I answer as I ponder my next higher-power deck.
"Is it your definition of casual?" Yunjin asks me pointing. I nod which makes her bring out her "Big Guns"
"Oh, Kaalia my favorite," I say sarcastically. Sakura laughs and pulls out her equally menacing. Simmone and Dina deck. I face her and she points to Yunjin. This leads to Connor bringing out Narset Enlightened Exile.
“Narset!” I point out exaggerated “bleugh now I have to play mean.” I tease
Yunjin smirks before saying, “Cival you always play mean.”
I laugh and give a hyperbolic groan before taking out my deck. Sakura grabs my commander and reads it “Oh I like it.” she says. As we get ready for the game Kazuha walks in and smiles when she sees me.
“Oh hi Percival long time no see,” she said as she walked over to hug me. We hug and I say
“Yeah well, your friends called me up to beat them and I couldn't say no.” I relate to Kazuha. She laughs as she steals a couple of fries “Eh? How rude!” I scoff feigning disapproval while Kazuha just rolls her eyes as she walks out. I turn to face my opponents who laugh.
“I forgot how friendly you were,” Kkura says.
I shrug and say, “Yep friendly and ferocious like a bake kujira.”
Yunjin rolls her eyes before saying, “Ugh you and those yokai.” I shrug her off as we start. I mulligan down to four and then we begin. Sakura opens up with turn one lotus petal and goth Triome. Yunjin starts the game with land, a “Sol ring” and a “talisman of conviction”
“Wow, an overloaded vandal blast or cyclonic rift would be so good here.” I joked and the look I got from the table was hilarious. So I just played a land and mystic remora.
“Civil please don't scare us like that,” Connor whined
“Well gotta keep you on your toes because I know y'all get complacent and that's when bad things happen,” I respond. Curious as to where my replacement was I asked “So where is the big man?”
“Oh, he and Eunbi are working. He's filming a bunch of videos for her new mini album.” Sakura answers
I nod and smile as I say, “You know what…good for him.”
The next turn Sakura plays an arbor elf and an overgrown tomb. Yunjin gets more ramp for her commander plus another land, and Connor plays an esper Sentinel and arid mesa. On my next turn, I play commander and I pay for remora having played another land. To play my commander I needed to use the Jeweled lotus, lotus petal, and rejuvenating springs to play Borb and Phb. On his ETB Sakura flashes in orchish bow masters and kills Esper Sentinel. I chuckle and pass. The door opens and Chaewon drudges in along with Eunchae. I turn around and I see Chaewon and Eunchae make the visible connection.
“Percy!,” the two girls yell excitedly. I groan and stand up as the two race over to hug me.
“How are my two favorite Chaes?” I ask
Chaewon holds me tighter while Eunchae says, “Oppa please bully Kkura unnie and Yunjin unnie they have been teasing me and calling me baby all the time.” Eunchae lamented
I turn to my friends who look at me in terror. I shrug and say, “I have to win now.” they look at me in abject terror as I hear both Chaes laugh maniacally in the background.
Chaewon smiles as she and Eunchae break the hug and say something in Korean I couldn't pick up (because it was too fast) all I got was Astrid Wesker.
“Hold up Astrid who?” I asked
“Astrid Wesker.,” Yunjin said confused.
I turned to Connor who read my confused expression and said “The Weskers are cool now. They have done their time and are repentant.,” My eyes widen as I get back to the game it's my turn and I swing my commander at Sakura. She takes six which leaves her almost out of ad nauseam range. On Yunjin’s turn, I exile Kaalia in response to her equipping a swift foot boots to it. This leaves me open to using counterspell on Narset the next turn. On my next turn I swing at Sakura again leaving her completely out of naus range which gives me space to breathe I play a Ragavan and another land as well as paying for mystic remora and pass. Sakura biting the bullet destroys mystic remora. I shrug and make sure to kill Kaalia, and Narset again. Sakura is missing land drops Simone and Dina aren't opposed to me, and the other two decks are so commander-reliant that facing them equated to don't let the commanders resolve. which I told them, and now they're realizing it firsthand. This beatdown goes on for three more turns before I just draw into the food chain and hit draw my deck before casting Laboratory Maniac. Only for Yunjin to have me lose the game by killing it with Esper Sentinel, with a little help from Kkura and Connor. Instead of casting the breach that was in my hand and brain-freezing them to death. I let them have their pyrhic victory, which of course leads to Narset winning because Narset is good at punishing health totals. After the game Yunjin winces.
Connor laughs at Yunjin's expression then turns to me and says, "Dang Cival back at it again with the big beaters." I shrug and tell them that play better which gets a laugh out of Kkura and Connor Yunjin just scowls then joins in.
Cut to 45 minutes later the girls had just finished getting ready and looked like they were about to head out, "So, what's next?" I ask hoping to tag along like old times.
"Well, we gotta go to Astrid's office. you can come if you want." Connor suggests.
"Ah, I don't know," I replied still reluctant because of Weskers being well Weskers.
"There will be pretty girls there," Sakura said
"I'm there," I responded without hesitation. I didn't come off my adrenaline high until we were outside her office and thought this would be a bad idea. I debate whether this is a good idea but I remember that I have no self-control around pretty girls. So here I was walking into the intimidating gray building with the only thought being "Oh God why am I here"
"Oh hey, Muffins," I say out loud as I walk over to the bakery. The lady working the counter is super nice and knows English which makes my attempts at broken Korean invalidated. Admirable but invalidated nonetheless. I pay for my blueberry Muffins (Because they are top-tier) and begin to eat them. As I walk back into the Lobby I look to see several men with guns pointed at my friends
"I take it you're not security are you," I ask. One of the men angrily gestures at me and yells in Korean. I groan as I can only really make out "That black guy." I finish my muffin and outstretch my hand. when I bring it back to my face I am surprised to see Destroyor. I shrug and slot it into my Riser. I transform in a flash of colors before my Destroyer armor comes on. The guys shout more Korean before shooting me. I sigh as the bullets melt before they can reach me.
"You'd think that they would see the transformation and ponder. Hey, maybe we shouldn't fight the one who just did that." I lamented as I summoned My Lava Lance. I ran to the nearest man in the suit and slashed at him he fell to the ground with a searing wound. I charged to the next one who was still reloading, and slashed at him as well. I turn to the last few who look at me confused. I lift the Lance and spin Lash letting the lava spread all over them. After they were handled The elevator opened and I could hear a high-pitched voice say
"Well it's about time you apologized TJ." I am shocked to see a young lady who bears an uncanny resemblance to Ada Wong, and to her left a tiny blonde woman who is following her.
"You're not TJ. you're much too colorful and vibrant." The not Ada said.
I deactivated my armor and replied, "Sorry to disappoint but I did just help you I think."
"Yes, you did a fine job. Do you want a medal?” the not Ada says sarcastically. I look at her confused before she apologizes and says, “Sorry it's just usually my person who handles this is not here..." The not Ada trailed off.
"You must be Astrid Wesker. I am..." I started but was cut off by the blonde woman
"Percival you are a nexo from southern California, and friends of Connor, dexter, and le Sserafim." The blonde woman says bluntly in her high-pitched voice
"That's not creepy at all." I sigh. "Well, I should probably get going. This was not enough excitement for me, and I am growing bored with this conversation." I say feeling uncomfortable.
"No, since you're here and a powerhouse maybe you can help me," Astrid said not taking the least subtle hint I could give. "I'll pay you good money too."
"Oh well, That works," I say as I follow The two ladies into the Elevator along with Connor, Sakura, and Yunjin. The ride is awkward.
"That's quite some psionic power you've got there Percival how does it work?"
I turn to Emma confused, "So you know who I am but not how my power works." I exclaim
"I can't be bothered to learn every Nexogebics power, especially one so extravagant as you," she said exacerbated
"Your tone indicated that was supposed to be insulting, however, I am choosing to take it as a compliment. To answer your question since you are too lazy to do basic research my power is channeling Primal Elements that have combined with spirits to make armor, and weapons and increase my abilities. I also have some legendary forms based around mythical creatures but if I use those forms my opponent is trouble," I explained, like she was five but hey this blonde lady lost her right to complain when she insulted me. we get to the penthouse overlooking the massive view of the city and we all sit down.
"So how much money are we talking for helping you, and what would I be doing for it?" I ask Astrid excited
"Well you'd be head of Supernatural security for the event and making sure no one gets any ideas. As for payment how does 21k sound for the three weeks of filming and an additional 9k for the preproduction, and POS production (flights travel, etc.)? Also, there is a chance for a bonus if you intermingle with the girls seamlessly to not cause us fuss but that will be based on your performance." Astrid says
"That's tempting, but can I ask why you're not asking your last guy to do this," I ask
"He and I had a falling out of sorts. He didn't like changes in my personal life, and so I made an excision." Astrid says with an extremely rigid tone
I sigh and say, "Fine deal but based on the way you said all of that weird stuff you should just apologize." I reply
"Wait why?" Astrid asks
"Your diction about the whole thing was weird which to me implies you were close and you're trying to use weird jargon to not fall apart about it. So, my take is you should reach out, and see if he is willing to help you." I reply
Astrid looks at me with Narrow eyes, before saying "You are extremely presumptuous you know that right?"
"Okay and. I am just calling it as I see it. you don't get a lot of friends in your life. Especially long ones so keep them close and keep them happy. You'll live longer that way." I said annoyed. The room was silent except for Sakura who was laughing.
"How is he worse than TJ." I heard Emma whisper as the meeting ended as we all discussed setup and various emergency plans.
I turn to her and say, "I don't believe in obstruction of my path I walk forward. Based on your interactions it sounds like TJ plays the game more, " With that I exit the office. the smell of the two ladies competing perfumes made me irritated. As I wait for the elevator I hear a voice I don't recognize. I turn to see an absolute bombshell of a young lady walk to me.
"Oh thank you." the young woman says. her blonde bounces around her neck in cascading waves of gold. to distract myself and not be caught staring I pointed to Sakura and company who were close behind.
"I was waiting for them but you are welcome....um what's your name?"I ask
"Oh, Ahin." the young lady says with a smile.
"Oh like the Momoland Member," I say. the girl chuckles and then looks at me with sparkling eyes.
"Yes that's me she says." my eyes widened at that because my limited recollection of Ahin had more in line with the girl next door and not a vivacious vixen.
"You seem surprised."
"Well, the last time I heard or saw Momoland y'all were cuter...not...this( I say gesturing to her.)
"Do you not like all of this?" Ahin questioned as she gestured to all of her actively alluring curves. I sense the game she's playing but I am too stupid to play.
So my response is not the most Euridite, "Look I wasn't expecting you to be an absolute smoke show or babe okay." I sputter out.
Yunjin, and Connor both laugh at my crash and burn while Ahin just smiles and says, "So you think I am pretty like this."
I turn around confused before replying, "Yeah absolutely." before I can make a further fool of myself the elevator opens and my friends drag me out of the Elevator, but not before Ahin gets my number to all our surprise.
we get back in Connor's car and Yunjin says, "Huh would have never thought she'd be into a black guy." Sakura and Connor look at her wonky. She's from the east coast so I just expect outta line stuff from her. We get back to the apartment when I get a call from an unknown number.
“Hi Ho it's Cival.” I greet
“Hey Cival it’s Ahin wanna come to
A party with me?” the other voice asks. I remain silent for a moment most parties bore me as they only really lead to debauchery and not much else.
“Come on it will be fun. Plus I'll make it worth your while,” Ahin says
“Deal,” I say with no hesitation. I could almost hear Ahin smile over the phone.
“Perfect” the young lady on the other phone purrs. “Send me your address and I'll pick you up in 15 minutes,” Ahin says giddily.
“Okay,” I reply.
Sakura smirks after the call ends at me. I shrug
“Oh does little Civy have a date?” Yunjin teases.
“Kkura I'm still older than you, but no Ahin wants me to probably be her “guard dog at a party.”
“Why do you say that? She was totally into you earlier today” Yunjin laughs.
“Well, little sis I read her body language and it was less. Oh, he's cute and more hmm he's built menacingly but is an awkward dork. Which is the same look Astrid gave me when she saw me after the fight. So based on that and other previous experiences, she's going to use me as her guard dog.”
“So why did you say yes?” Connor asks confused.
“Either there's going to be pretty girls, Food, or Excitement that I don't have to pay for. all I have to do is play the lost puppy role it's a win-win.” I elaborate
Yunjin’s eyes narrow before she says, “I can't tell if that is insanely smart or insanely dumb.”
“It's probably both,” I reply before taking a quick nap.
I wake up to my phone going off and I go down to the apartment lobby to meet Ahin. Upon entering the car I see Ahin is with a guy. The way they're attached makes me assume they are together (or en route to it) I sit in the back and the man who looks about Connor or Siyeon’s age says, “he looks a lot less goofy than you said earlier Ahin.”
Ahin looks back at me. I smile and wave hiding my confusion.
“Will there be food at this party by chance I'm starving?” I ask
The man nods and chuckles “Yes but you're going to need a suit for this party though. I nod and teleport back to my apartment to get the suit, shave, shower, etc, and put the suit on before I teleport back to the car to both of my companion's surprise.
“Neat trick,” Ahin says with a smirk. I chuckle and as we drive a bit more
Ahin noticed I was fidgeting with something and turned back to me
“Nervous," she says with a head tilt that is somewhere between flirty and friendly
I nod lightly, Ahin smiles pleasantly and reaches out her hand. I take it. "it will be fine. You will fit in, and if not you can just teleport out of there."
"You're right," I said which made Ahin smile. She took her hand back as she sat forward and she took my card.
Ahin looks at the card confused, and says as she turns back"Imperial Mega Dragon. Is this a part of a game or toy?"
"Not exactly" I respond and before she can ask more questions we arrive at the party which turns out to be more of a gala/ball. I walk in with Ahin, and her significant other and they guide me to… I squint and see that it's Kim Lip of ARTMS. Kim lip looks at me shyly but Ahin consoles her.
“See Lippie told you I'd find a nice piece of arm candy for you tonight,” Ahin says with reckless energy
“He is also foreign so he can't bore you too much.” I notice Ahin whisper before turning back to me and her date waving at the two of us. we follow the girls in. Kim Lip and I look at each other. As a fan of Loona, I knew that she spoke a lot through nonverbal communication. So it made sense that when I saw her stealing glances at me they were often accompanied by questioning looks.
“Aye don't worry it will be fine,” I tell her.
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bryscorner · 7 months
That’s My Girl - S.H.
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Steve having a maddy perez inspired/confident baddie gf! is honestly everything that he could ever want and more! He loves how you don’t care about what others think, would stand up for yourself or anyone that dares to look at anyone within your circle the wrong way, cutting out those that want to bring you down/don’t bring the loving energy to your table, the confidence and sexiness you exude within your fashion (this for sure turns him on, but he doesn’t want to ruin the vibe yknow), he LOVES how you show him off to anyone at anytime and any chance you got (whether it be excessive pda, having jewelry that has an ‘s’ on it, scribbles of a copious amounts of little ‘steve’ in your notebooks with hearts, etc), or the way that you don’t confine yourself to being put inside a box (whether that be being experimental with your makeup or fashion, heck even trying to set the curve and show others that being smart AND sexy is a big win)! Everyone around you always love that you have the biggest heart and always stand up for others (but you know when to keep it classy or just go full on badass bitch mode fr, you go bestie :)), always making sure that everyone is okay and having a good time when you and Steve go to parties that are just a tad overwhelming and crowded, etc.
At first, your Stevie was too nervous and intimated at ever snagging such a beautiful and sexy girl such as yourself just because he’d never thought a guy such as himself (and to the caliber and reputation that he has now) would (no offense whatsoever) be associated with someone like you! Steve wants to make sure that he treats you like the goddess you truly are, but in the lighthearted Steve way, he always always ALWAYS overthinks and doubts himself that he doesn’t deserve you. He’s glad that the two of you didn’t date or associate with each other when he was still “King Steve” cause he’d had a suspicious feeling that it would’ve been toxic to say the least, but that doesn’t stop your boy from thinking from time to time about letting ole’ “King Steve” shine through when other guys would stare at you too long when you’re in a very risqué (but flattering) outfit (or just when people interact with you for too long ifykyk) and just wanting to absolutely beat the living shit out of them, no questions asked.
The times when Steve overthinks and doubts himself, you always knew what was up. You’d comfort him by throwing your hands around his neck and slide your fingers into his luscious hair as he wraps his strong arms around your waist. Looking up at him you’d always reassure him (no matter how many times) that you’re his and his alone, there was no one you’d rather be with then with your Stevie and you didn’t have a sliver of an ounce of care about who or what person (and bitches alike) you’d deck over that even gawks or bats one single eyelash at what’s yours <3 This never fails to put a smile upon his face and making him feel a tad bit more confident with himself that you feel so much over such a guy like him.
He’s glad to know that before the two of you were dating (within the casual talking stages) that you weren’t afraid to tell him that you’ve gained (and still are gaining) a mature level of independence and financial security to support yourself (if it never worked between you and whoever wanted you at the time), Steve laughs to himself as he knows and never doubted you can (he likes to think you’re his sugar mommy cause you knew how to financially set aside money, but also knew when and where to spend your hard earned money on the both of you <3).
Of course, with being such a badass girlfriend, there are things that somewhat “rubbed off” Steve the “wrong way” (he’s learned to not bring it up with you, nor attempt to even “change” the way you are) and that’s how 100% of the time you keep it real and honest. There were times where you’d put your loving boyfriend in his rightful place when you two would bicker and/or when he KNEW you were right about something (this was a quality about you that confused him because he didn’t know whether or not to feverishly make out with you or clench his jaw and take the punches you threw at him cause if he ever interrupted you, oh he was in for a hell of a verbal beating).
The two of y’all’s relationship has always been perceived as “toxic” or “obsessive” within the small town of Hawkins, but that’s just simply NOT the case, everyone knows or wants to always put their two sense into your guys’ relationship and try to make you leave Steve cause apparently you both “deserve better.” Those idiots don’t know that Steve IS and will ALWAYS be what you deserve in a relationship, you two deserve nothing but the best and bringing out the best in each other is all that matters <3
Regardless, Steve couldn’t find anyone better to be his girlfriend then you <3 you fully support him in everything he does, are there to comfort him when he’s having a bad day, always there to give him the best sex of his life (I mean helloooo have you seen yourself babes? Of course Steve loves when you two get it on), is there to drop everything at the drop of a pin if something happens to him and overall always be the best girlfriend to your Stevie ever! Steve is absolutely enamored, intrigued and doggone IN LOVE with you, you still continuously never fail to amaze him in everything that you do (he swears he’s going to marry and run away with you one day <3)
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tenaciousjalapeno · 11 months
Testing the Cat Lady, Part 2
Pairing: LA Buggy the Clown x Reader
Summary: Captain Buggy drags you back to his ship to show you around your new home
Warnings: language
Word Count: 1,600
A/N: Tried to match the energy of the emotionally drained character, so hopefully that shines through
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The door that Buggy takes you through leads straight back to his colorful ship, where the crew leisurely sprawls across the main deck. “Listen up, freaks,” he shouts, instantly drawing the attention of his crew. “This little looker and the furball are the newest members of the show. We’re going to show them a warm welcome, got it?” Cabaji and Bear-boy arrive, rolling a barrel of whiskey to their captain’s side. “Why don’t you introduce yourself,” Buggy quietly urges you with a nudge forward. As much as you don’t want to, the emotional blows the man has put you through has wrung any and all fight out of you. At least for today. You nervously stutter out both your and Mango’s names to the crowd. It looks to be about twenty people, give or take. They give a collective welcoming shout in return.
Several pairs of hungry eyes scan your body up and down. Being ogled at is nothing new to you, but something about so many people – pirates, at that – doing it at once sends a shiver down your spine. Luckily, this doesn’t go unnoticed by your new captain. “Touch either of them, and you lose your hands,” he coldly states to the crew. All of their gazes immediately drop. Buggy tells you that he’ll give you a tour after he gets some other work done, then disappears back into the tent.
Everyone seems friendly enough and bombards you with questions throughout the afternoon. The whole situation is a bit overwhelming, but nothing you can’t handle. Mango stays settled in your lap the entire time, which helps ease your tension. Not much, but enough. From listening in on some nearby conversations you learn that Bear-boy is the Mohji that Buggy spoke of earlier. If it weren’t for him, you could very well be sitting here with a cat-sized hole in your heart. A wave of guilt washes over you, and you decide that apologizing to the poor guy is the least you could do to make up for his bandaged arms. “Hey! Mohji, right?” you ask after striding over to him.
He nervously eyes Mango, but smiles warmly at you nonetheless. “Yeah, that’s right.”
“Uh, so Captain Buggy said you’re kind of responsible for keeping Mango safe. I wanted to say thanks, and sorry on behalf of this guy.” Mango crawls his way up your shoulder as you speak and stares at Mohji with distrust.
“Ah, don’t worry about it,” he says, brushing the matter off with a wave of his hand. “I would’ve done the same if I was in his boots. I’m actually glad to have him around! Now Richie finally has another cat to keep him company.”
You perk up at his words. “You’ve got a cat too?” No matter how many cats you’ve seen in your days, you’re always excited to meet a new one.
“Yeah, he’s my best buddy! Come on, I’ll show you.” With that, Mohji leads you back to the tent. Pulling back the curtain to a side room, your heart hits the floor. Holy shit! It wasn’t a cat. It was a lion. A big one. He lays comfortably on a blanket and barely acknowledges your entrance. To your shock, Mohji seems completely at ease around Richie and goes as far as rubbing the massive beast’s exposed belly. Even more to your shock, Mango is also unfazed. He leaps down from your shoulders and confidently struts over to the lion that is, no joke, easily a hundred times his size. After a minute of sniffing each other, Mango curls up against Richie for a nap. That cat of yours has always been brave, but sometimes he leaves you truly gob smacked.
You sigh and shake your head at the little orange cat. Once your heart settles, you pelt Mohji with dozens of questions about his, ehh, strange choice of pet. He seems ecstatic to finally have a new person to show Richie off to. Gods know that it isn’t often that they get a new member to the crew. Engrossed in the conversation, you don’t notice that with each question, he inches closer and closer, until a voice shouts behind you.
“Back off, Mohji. Remember what I said about losing your hands?” Buggy enters the tent, surprising the both of you. His face bares a wide smile, but his voice is edging on hostile. The combination is frightening, but at least he seems to be looking out for you. Kind of. Maybe?
“Y-yes captain! I was j-just introducing these two to Richie,” Mohji stutters out fearfully.
Your captain circles the cowering man. “That better be all it was. You,” he says, turning back and setting his watercolor eyes on you, “Grab the furball. I’m going to show you around.” You nod and hoist Mango into your arms. Buggy leads you back toward the ship and yells behind him to Mohji, “Not everyone who likes cats wants to see your dick!” The statement leaves you flustered. Being able to tell if people were flirting with you or not was a gift that you weren’t exactly graced with. In fact, it’s gotten you into a lot of trouble in the past, but it looks like the captain has saved you this time around. You almost consider thanking him, but you’re still too caught up on the whole “capturing you and forcing you to join his crew” thing to show any gratitude.
He takes you to the lower deck of the ship, pointing out the kitchen, laundry, storage rooms, and other main areas before stopping abruptly at a door. You nearly stumble into him, but he catches you by the shoulder and steadies you. The contact makes you blush, but you dismiss it as a weird fear response. After all, he did threaten to kill your cat just this morning. Though you pegged him as an idiot before, the ordeal really drove home that he wasn’t someone to be trifled with. “This’ll be your room,” Buggy states, opening the door and motioning for you to step in. It’s small, but surprisingly clean and even has its own bathroom. You survey the room from its center, taking a minute to fully soak it in.
“Is there something wrong with it?” Buggy huffs, snapping you back to reality. He leans against the doorframe with his arms crossed and an expectant look in his picturesque eyes. Try as you might not to notice, the position does a great job of framing his biceps. The sight makes your stomach flip. As cruel and intimidating as he is, it’s impossible to deny that he’s, well, nice to look at. Even with the clown nose.
“Oh, no. It’s nice,” you hurriedly say. “I guess I was just expecting a shared quarters or something.”
He looks away and shifts his weight. “Well, there is, but I figured since you’ve got that guy, you might need your own space so he doesn’t bother anyone. That and I don’t trust some of those other shitheads around you.”
With a puzzled look, you try to ask, “What do you-,” before he cuts you off.
“Anyway, we’ll talk about my plans for you in the morning. My room is next door if you need me. Don’t bother me unless it’s important,” he says gruffly before heading to his own room. Rude. That blue-haired clown’s mood swings today are really leaving you in a daze.
Closing the door, you see that two little bowls and a large bag of cat food rest on the floor behind it. Once again, you blush, though you don’t know what to dismiss this one as. You set Mango down and fill his bowl with food, which he eagerly starts crunching on.
Familiarizing yourself with your new home, you take another look over everything. A dresser against the wall reminds you that you’re going to be in need of some new clothes, seeing as everything in your house is probably trashed. Still, you decide to open it up and check out the drawers. To your pleasant surprise, it’s filled with your clothes as well as a few of your other personal belongings. A smile spreads widely across your face and you let out a small fit of giggles. Never in a hundred years did you think you’d be so happy to see your clothes, books, and dinged-up old lute. It clicks that this is probably what he was referring to when he said that he had other work. Maybe he’s not as evil as I thought.
In the room next door, Buggy leans over the counter in his own personal bathroom, washing grease paint from his face. He’s lost in his own thoughts. Uncharacteristically, he actually felt guilty about his show earlier. Countless people had been tortured by his own two hands and malicious methods over the years, but never before did he show an ounce of remorse. In fact, it had become something of a hobby at this point. The screams and tears he’d elicit typically brought him satisfaction, but something about yours stirred a foreign feeling in him. Maybe it was just how small you looked standing there, or maybe it was the desperation in your watery doe eyes. Maybe it was any number of things. Fucked if he knew.
 Through the wall, he can hear your giggles, to which he responds with a low groan. “Damn shidiot,” he mumbles to his reflection.
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yujo-nishimura · 1 year
The confession - Part 2
Warning: Non, just fluff <3 Luffy x Reader (before time-skip and on the Going Merry, since that is my favorite ship). English is not my native language, apologies for the mistakes.
Thank you all for asking for a second part, all this Luffy love made my week. <3
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As you made your way to the lower deck of the ship Luffy woke up Zoro and yelled in his usual over excited manner "Crew! Get together! We've got something important to discuss!"
Luffy's boisterous voice reached the kitchen and Nami's navigator room. In that moment, you became aware of the entire crew assembling around you and their self-assured captain.
"What's the matter?" Zoro mumbled, still half asleep, while Chopper and Usopp clung to each other, apprehensive about what their captain might announce on what had been otherwise a peaceful day.
"Well, um… I think it was about dinner…" Luffy chuckled sheepishly, scratching his head.
"Luffy!" you exclaimed, squeezing his arm. How could he forget something he had just decided on one minute ago?
"Oh, yeah, right!"
He glanced at you, noting your nervousness, and squeezed your hand reassuringly with a big grin. He then again turned his attention to the rest of the crew, meeting their curious gazes.
With a confident smile, Luffy spoke up, his voice carrying across the deck. "Yeah, we have something to tell you all. Y/n and I… we're more than just friends. We're in a romantic relationship now." He raised both his arms with the final words as if he was making the most important declaration of the year.
The crew members exchanged glances, their expressions shifting from confusion to surprise. Some of them grinned, while others looked thoughtful as they processed the news. You were also slightly surprised that Luffy knew the term "romantic relationship". And how serious it sounded!
Luffy's announcement was met with a mix of reactions from the crew, each member responding in their own unique way. Zoro, never one to openly express his emotions, simply sneered at the revelation, as if to say, "Whatever, it's your business."
Usopp and Chopper, on the other hand, couldn't contain their excitement. They exchanged a look of sentimental approval, their eyes shining with joy. The two wrapped their arms around each other, their embrace filled with support and happiness, dancing a little dance.
Robin, always the observant and enigmatic one, smiled in her own subtle way. There was a glint of delight in her eyes, as if she had anticipated this development all along. She understood the deep connection between you and Luffy, and her smile conveyed her approval and acceptance.
Nami, always quick to react, was the first to speak up. "Well, well! Looks like our captain has finally found his special someone! Congratulations, you two!"
Sanji, who had been eyeing you and Luffy with curiosity, couldn't help but smile. "I always knew there was something more between you two. Love blossomed on the high seas! Just never break her heart Luffy, or I break your bones!"
Luffy grinned widely, basking in the warmth of his crew's support. He looked at you, his eyes filled with affection, and whispered, "See? They're all happy for us, just like I knew they would be."
He reached out a hand towards you, his eyes shining with affection. "You mean a lot to me, and I promise to always be there for you. We'll face any challenges together, just like we always have."
A wave of overwhelming emotions surged within you as you found yourself the center of attention, surrounded by all these people's gazes. Happiness filled your heart, but at the same time, shyness washed over you, making you feel both excessively excited and bashful all at once. Playfully you wiggled yourself free from Luffy's grip and you started running away from him and the curious eyes of the crew on the other side of the ship. "Catch me!" you shout at him and run behind the captains cabin.
Caught off guard by your sudden escape, Luffy's eyes widened in surprise as you darted away from him. A mischievous grin spread across his face, and without hesitation, he began chasing after you with his rubbery limbs, laughter echoing through the ship.
"I'm coming for you!" Luffy called out, his voice filled with excitement and playfulness.
As you reached the corner of the captain's cabin, you quickly positioned yourself, waiting for the perfect moment. And just as Luffy rounded the corner, you leaped out, surprising him with a passionate kiss.
Luffy's eyes widened for a moment, and then he melted into the kiss, returning it with equal fervor. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in that moment of pure affection.
When you finally broke the kiss, both of you were left breathless, grinning at each other. Luffy's cheeks were flushed, and he couldn't hide the happiness in his eyes.
"Wow, you're fast," Luffy said, a playful glint in his gaze. "But I caught you in the end. You're mine now!"
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