#and also like the first thing i did after downloading the game was to see if anything would happen if i played a whole arcade round
spookberry · 4 months
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Fruit Ninja Sona
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rqbossman · 2 months
I found out about tma from my friend because he asked me to make an edit of michael distortion and got into it a few months later. I LOVE TMA. I mostly listened to the whole thing three times when I was mostly offline because I have the 200 episodes downloaded on YouTube and now I'm finding out that there's some stuff I missed, there's bloopers, q&a and I was in the wiki because i wanted to see how many times the admiral was mentioned and theres one what the ghost episode? IM GOING INSANE. I love tma. I think it's rotting my brain... it's everywhere, it's in my veins. I need to know everything but when I try to search these things up on YouTube it only shows me rusty quill gaming which I will be watching later but where do I find the other stuff where is the best place to listen to tma and find every extra lore even if it's just the tiniest squeeze of lore? I need to know y'all really did an amazing job with tma, I don't think I'm ever going to get tired of listening to it. I need to relisten to it before hell— I mean... School starts again. Lord save us for another year of merciless torture. Also I was trying to type this fast and forgot to say hi. hi Mr Alex, I hope you're having an amazing day/night when you see this. I promise to listen to all the podcasts rusty quill has after I learn every little squeeze of tma lore. Where is the best place to listen to and learn every little squeeze of information of all of rusty quill podcasts? (I absolutely did not install Tumblr just to ask this what do you mean 😓😓😓)
Lovely to hear from you and thankyou for the kind words. To list good locations for TMA Lore: 1) The podcast feed is obviously first port of call and includes some bonus materials between seasons 2) Our Patreon has an absolutely enormous amount of content in there now and I believe it should at this point be organised into collections so you can just look up TMA and it's all there for you (although that is behind a paywall) 2) Any video QNA's/events etc. not included in the main feed should be on our twitch channel. 3) Rustyquill.com has various links dotted around that have snippets too 4) The fan wiki is a very strong resource. Like any wiki there is the odd error here or there but for the most part its astonishingly accurate and detailed. 5) Special mention to whoever keeps our TV Tropes pages up to date. It was when I saw a proper entry for The Magnus Archives on that site that I actually started to call myself a "proper" writer.
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lovable-liar · 7 months
Schlatt watching y/n with the kids and just loving how they interact with them. Like Y/n hitting Schlatt over the head for teaching them about Andrew Cuomo and the kids laughing...
...I have baby fever.
...as do I, and it's his fault.
I also went very off task with this, I'm sowwy 🥺
When you got a message from Ludwig asking if you would like to be a contestant on a new game show of his, you were honestly very excited!
You were a huge streamer on the platform, but it wasn't often that you were called upon to compete in real life games!
You were a fan favorite on Name Your Price, for your style and your ability in the game, so after Ludwig pitched Unpaid Intern to you...
You were hooked.
And you were reeled in even further once you found out who you would be competing against!
Daniel Thrasher, a man of many talents and one you found yourself quote tweeting about a lot on your alt to "thank" him for his "service" in "aiding" you to "learn piano"
Lily Pichu, a lovely little lady that (when you ever encountered her) had only ever been the kindest thing to you
Kyedae, a friend of yours that you frequently streamed with and raided!
And jschlatt, infamous, Jonathan Schlatt.
A personal friend of yours!
You and Schlatt first met during the days of the Lunch Club, dark days, sure, but Ted, Charlie, himself, and yourself pulled each other up by the boot straps and created salvation!
Chuckle Sandwich was is that salvation.
And through salvation, you two had formed a strong bond. You created inside jokes for your communities, inside jokes between you and your co-hosts, and inside jokes that only the two of you would ever come to understand.
But, to say you were just friends is an understatement.
To be honest, neither of you really knew what you were.
But you both liked that!
Sure, it became a pain when trying to figure out if you could go out on a date with someone, but it was also nice because technically nothing was happening, you didn't have to hide anything from viewers.
But, Schlatt was always one of the first people you turned to if ever something happened, which, something had happened! You were competing against each other soon! You had to text him-
jslut: yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
toots💙: wat
jslut: ur on upi?
toots💙: upi?
jslut: unpaid intern
jslut: luds thing?
toots💙: ah yes upi
jslut: r u?
toots💙: yes...? 👀
jslut: kk
toots💙: ur so dry over text wtf?!!?!
jslut: i love you too, sugar tits 💙
jslut: how long r u gonna be in texas for?
toots💙: couple days prob
toots💙: im trying to find ppl to film/do stuff with bc i dont wanna fly over just to do one thing and then just fly back
toots💙: productive, you get me?
jslut: film with me
jslut: ill find something for us to do
toots💙: alr but ive got a lot of bitches on my roster so be grateful im spending my time on you, slut
jslut: shut the fuck up, you're the slut here
toots💙: that's blatantly (racist/homophobic/sexist/etc.)
jslut: bye
toots💙: bye bye bbg, daddy can't wait to see you again <3
WHEN YOU GOT TO TEXAS (swear to god if you interrupt me again-)
You texted Schlatt a picture of you in the airport, stood in front of a promotional poster that had the american flag on it, saluting.
You shoved your phone back into your pocket in search of some good fucking food, but you couldn't quite focus on reading the menu while your ass cheek vibrated with fifteen (you counted each vibration) messages.
jslut: first of all, ur supposed to put ur hand on your heart, not fucking salute
jslut: second of all, what airport r u at?
jslut: i'll come get u
jslut: don't order an uber, they're shitty
jslut: i'll be ur uber
jslut: ill bring u a red fucking carpet
jslut: toots
jslut: toots
jslut: babycakes
jslut: did u order an uber?
jslut: did u get kidnapped? wtf
jslut: answer me toots
jslut: send me ur location
jslut: as soon as i see u im downloading a fucking tracker onto ur phone
toots💙: can you stop vibrating my ass for two seconds? im getting food
jslut: vibrating ur ass?
jslut: i wish
toots💙: food acquired, im at dfw
jslut: kk omw
toots💙: where should i meet u?
toots💙: r u kidding me?
toots💙: fuck u
You hunkered down in the food court to wait of the arrival of your beloved uber driver while you ate and played on your phone
You were expecting him to text you back any minute now since he never left his messages unanswered for too long (that's not entirely true, he never leaves *your* messages unanswered, ever, but he'd never tell you that, ever.)
But as 1:00pm became 1:26pm, you began to feel a little anxious
How long have you been sat here for?
Does that man want to sit here?
Should you move?
Are people staring?
Okay- just, stay seated, he'll be here soon.
Where are your headphones?
Where are your bags?!
Oh- okay, it's right there... where you left it.
And your headphones are around your neck.
Do you have your wallet?
Yeah, it's in one of your bags.
"Heeey, toots! 'S good to see you again." A deep, familiar voice calls out, he has your bags too!
"I got you a baggy of fruit from seven eleven!"
"Aww, you shouldn't have!" He twirls his hair around his finger.
"Gotta feed my baby girl right."
"Alright, you're done." Schlatt announces, before bending down to grab a handful of the meat just above your knees before throwing you over his shoulder and tucking your bags under his other arm.
"Jonathan! You put me down right now!"
"People are staring!" You whisper shout.
"You called me 'baby girl' 'n the first five finger-fuckin' seconds of our first face to face conversation in three months instead of kissin' me, 'm not puttin' you down."
The walk back to his car consisted of kicking your legs, lots of people staring, a surprising amount of awing, Schlatt having to readjust your clothes every two to three seconds just so you'd keep a semblance of your dignity, and a security guard even opened the door for him!
I mean- this man could have legitimately been kidnapping you, and nobody even *attempted* to help you!
But, then again, you weren't really putting up *much* of a fight.
Once you reached his car, he opened the trunk and shoved your bags in before sauntering round to the passenger's side.
After he so chivalrously opened the door for you, he plopped you down into the seat from your perch on his shoulder, making sure to hold your head so you wouldn't bang it before he placed one hand on the dash and the other on the head rest.
He leaned you back slowly, playfully, before finally accepting his kiss from you.
It was nice.
It re-awoke the butterflies in your tummy that seemingly crisped up and died whenever he wasn't around.
After the extraordinarily drawn out kiss, you embarked on the scenic drive to Schlatt's house, where you found yourself having the first 'argument' with him in the months you hadn't seen each other.
"Where're you stayin'?"
"I booked a hotel-"
"Bull-fucking-shit I'm lettin' you stay at a fuckin' hotel, hotels are good for nothin'. You sleep in my room."
"But I paid money for that hotel room?"
"Ok? I'll pay you back."
"Anythin' in these bags ya don't want me findin'?
"I'm unpackin' for you, sweetheart."
"No, wha-"
"Ya jet lagged, go sit on the couch, watch somethin', I don' care."
Schlatt then proceeded to haul your bags upstairs and into his room, where, promptly, he shouted for you.
"Toots, I thought you said there was nuthin' in here! I've seen one of these before! 'S a.. fuckin' 'rose' vibe, or some shit?!"
"Don't touch that!"
"Whaaat?! Like I haven't seen your toys before! Like I haven't *been* your toy before."
He also found your outfit for Ludwig's video.
"Heeey! This is cute! Gonna look like a little 50s detective more than an intern, but shit, are you gonna look adorable. 'S this your perfume? Shit, that smells good..."
He absolutely douses his own clothes in it
ONTO THE MAIN EVENT! (If anyone's still reading, anyway.)
You and Schlatt arrived together at 9:44 (which ended up giving you 2 points, whereas it landed Schlatt with 1)
After being presented with your first task, keeping a trio of toddlers entertained for fifteen minutes straight, you went straight into action.
You managed to find play dough, bubble wrap, a box of legos, some cardboard boxes, and some coloring materials!
You were the first of the bunch to entertain the kids.
"Helloooo everybody! Who do we have here?"
"Elijah!" "Rooney!" "Caleb!"
"Hey guys! I'm Y/N. Can you spell that? Let's see your handwriting, huh? On the board, can you guys write your names and then my name?"
Overall, you have an absolute blast with these guys.
First, they wanted to pop as many bubbles on the bubble wrap as they could while your phone counted down a ten second timer.
You laid out a sheet of the wrap before you all stood on your own section of it and danced, bounced, and rolled on it until the alarm sounded.
Then, the kids wanted to decorate their own boxes as cars that you pushed them around in!
A chorus of giggles and squeals could be heard emanating from the conference room from all the way across the building, even your own chuckles!
After that, Rooney, Elijah and you sculpted with the play dough while Caleb built with the lego.
Rooney made a dinosaur and Elijah made a lion, but you all gave extra props to Caleb who built all of you!
You were a little disappointed when the fifteen minutes were up, you gave each kid a high five and a ruffle of their hair before you stepped out of the conference room and closed the door (but the interaction truly ended after you pulled a face at them through the window.)
(That face definitely ended up as Schlatt's home screen.)
Next up, you were burdened with having to ensure that your backward speech is coherent and understandable!
Your key phrase was "Can I hold it while you pee?"
Surprisingly, VERY HARD!!!
You managed to get 'hold it' and 'pee'
But the rest of it?
"Do people actually wanna hold guys'... you know... when they- pee..?" Daniel asked.
"Well- surprisingly, yes!" Ludwig, oh so helpfully, replied.
You immediately turned to Schlatt
"No, you cannot hold my dick while I piss."
Everyone erupted into laughter.
At this point, you were tied with Daniel in first!
For the map task, you were paired with Schlatt.
You two made a fucking powerhouse of a duo.
With his drawing skills and your knowledge that there was a map on the wall right to the left of you? You were UNSTOPPABLE.
And, with the last and final task, you immediately had to opt out.
The simultaneous, wet chewing sounds of EVERYONE in the room?
You were not gonna be in that room for another *second*
But you didn't have to be!
You had already surpassed everyone else with flying colors.
Lud even gave you extra points for opting out because he needs a 'well-behaved employee who won't blow bubbles and stick gum to the underside of the desks.'
Schlatt did offer you some of his gum though, and when you stuck your hand out for, i don't know, a pristine, unchewed piece still wrapped in it's packaging, you got the complete opposite!
Just a glob of fluorescent pink, wet and chewed gum in the pit of your hand.
But, that's also how you found yourself here, in Schlatt's car after a long day, waiting in a drive thru.
"Today was great! You were real great with those kids, toots."
"Hell yeah!"
"I kept the lego figure Caleb made of me."
"I wanna fuck a kid into you."
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moonrise0111 · 3 months
Karasuno on a plane
Daichi: is definitely a total pro at putting the bags in the overhead bin. If he sees anyone struggle for a millisecond, he's taking their bag and putting it up for them. He'd spend an hour ensuring all the bags were secure up there so nothing could possibly be damaged if the flight attendants didn't ask him to sit down.
Suga: is a perfect passenger for SURE. He has the utmost respect for the flight attendants and what they have to deal with, and he does his absolute best not to cause problems and to help alleviate any issues that may arise. He also doesn't mind or complain when annoying kids are on the flight. If there are any kids around him, he's definitely making silly faces and trying to entertain them as best he can to give their parent(s) a break.
Asahi: had a fear of flying since he was young, so he self-medicates and sleeps through the entire thing. He usually has to bring someone with him so they can wake him up after they land. He learned from that one time he flew by himself and ended up being woken up by a very concerned flight attendant who was afraid he died and in the commotion of him waking up, he spilled his water all over his pants. He’s still embarrassed from that day.
Nishinoya: is Asahi’s confirmed travel guide and personal alarm clock. He’s also a very light packer so he usually only has one bag for all of his things. Since Asahi is asleep for most of the flight he tries his best to entertain himself quietly (or as quietly as he’s going to get) for the bulk of the flight.
Tanaka: watches movies and laughs way too loud. I mean WAY too loud. He has to be asked to quiet down by the flight attendants. He also likes to play the mind numbing games that you can play on airplane mode. He’s on level 1467 of some sorting game.
Ennoshita: is extremely terrified of turbulence. He pays all of his attention to the safety demonstration and reads the safety booklet several times. He’s perfectly fine unless things get shaky.
Kinoshita: usually sleeps for most of the ride. The lull of the plane relaxes him and he’s out before the plane takes off. He doesn’t really bother anyone but his throat always hurts after he wakes up because he ends up breathing in a lot of dry air with his mouth open.
Narita: sits down with a good book and reads the entire flight. He’s read a 700 page book in one flight. Kinoshita was next to him and fell asleep around page 14 and woke up 650 pages later. He did it the first time because he forgot a bookmark. He regretted it after because he had nothing for the layover or the second flight.
Kageyama: is not very good with airport directions, so he usually barely makes the flight, if at all. He tries to be unproblematic and fails miserably. They never have any of the drinks he asks for and he simply cannot figure out how to work the small tv if he has one. He also hates when the vent is blowing on him and never remembers to download any music or movies to his phone. He also forgets his headphones.
Hinata: can NOT sit still. He’s the guy that is always walking up and down the aisle just to move his legs. The flight attendants have to keep asking him to sit down and he feels awful for inconveniencing them. He also talks to anyone willing throughout the flight. By the end of the flight he’s told at least three people his entire life story. He tries his best to figure out when people are done talking to him.
Tsukishima: spends about 70% of any flight he’s on trying his best to not throttle the small child that somehow ALWAYS ends up sitting next to him. The other 30% is him convincing himself that opening the doors and jumping off the plane just to avoid the screaming is a bad idea. He has his noise canceling headphones in at all times with music full blast but the wailing child never fails to break right through it. Murder is wrong Kei.
Yamaguchi: is the literal pro of airport snacks. His family is pretty well off so they went on far trips enough that Tadashi could determine where all the BEST snacks were in a bunch of airports. He always tries to get there early so he can bring snacks with him off the plane for his friends or family or whoever he’s visiting.
Yachi: somehow manages to convince herself the plane is going to go down and that these are her last moments. Plane rides are a bit of a draining experience for her. She also spills her drink either on herself or someone else every single time. She’s doing her best.
Kiyoko: watches movies and shows to pass the time. She usually goes for silly movies that will make her laugh quietly to herself. Her go to movie is Mamma Mia and go to show is ATLA.
Ukai: gets drunk on the plane. Enough said.
Takeda: has fallen asleep on the people next to him on several occasions. He’s mortified when he wakes up and apologizes profusely. But no matter what pillow he tries around his neck he seems to simply gravitate to the living being that just wants to make it through this flight unbothered.
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olomaya · 1 year
Shhh!! It's a Library (mod)
27 Sept Update: Found a better shushing sound so I replaced with that. Also added ITUNs for the non computer interactions. Thanks to @cs2te for the Brazilian Portuguese translation! Redownload (if you want these updates) at the link below.
(Note: This mod uses the Ticket Machine animations for the kiosk. If you don't have it, you can download it here. Honestly, it's not that important and without it, your Sim will just stand in front of the machine for a second, that's it)
I'm officially in my Streets era. I'm building out all the community lots in my town so you're going to be seeing a lot of community/town related stuff from me for the next few months. My Sims are trying to be outside!
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First up! This is a small library mod that allows you to search for books at the library using this gorgeous kiosk object from @aroundthesims. If the book is in the library, it tells you where they are by panning the camera to the bookshelf that has the book and putting a blue outline around it for 10 Sim minutes. Pretty simple. 
Browse Catalog… pulls up all books in the library
Search by… Category | Title | Author - pulls up any book that matches your search entry
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Request a Book to Order -  allows you to add more books to the library. 
You can only order the types of books that are allowed in community libraries so no books that are destroyed after you finish reading them (e.g. recipes, song compositions) and no academic textbooks.
You can order written books, including articles, as well as books from other worlds (e.g. Shang Simla, etc) though for the latter, there is a §35 “overseas shipping cost” added to order these books. 
Once you order a book, the mod will check whether the library has enough money to purchase it and then place the order. 
Ordered books are added to the library at 8am the next day and you’ll receive a notification that the books have been added.
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Library Funding
In order to pay for the books ordered, library kiosks have a budget. Every kiosk, upon creation, comes with a §250 budget.
The library budget is the total amount of funds in all kiosks on the lot. Costs are deducted from individual kiosks even if that specific kiosk doesn't have enough money for the book so long as the library budget has enough money.
Support your Local Library
Sims can donate books (up to 3 books at a time) to the library using the book donation bin. The bin must be placed on the library lot (either outside or inside) and you need to have books in your inventory. Your Sim will get 500 Lifetime Happiness points for every book donated. (this is related to another mod that I’m working on. More on that at a later date!)
There is also a computer interaction that lets you donate money to the library. Sims that donate §2500 or more will get a 4-hour charitable moodlet. Donations are added to the library budget.
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Finally, Bookworms and Proper Sims can shush other Sims at the library. Once shushed, all Sims in the same room doing social interactions or playing music instruments will stop. (You'll find, like in real life, people quickly go back to doing what they're doing so it's kind of useless but it was a low lift so I kept it in). If someone can think of a good "shushing" sound from the game, let me know!
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Credits/Thanks: Both credit and huge thanks go to @aroundthesims for creating this beautiful library set and the kiosk which I used as the main object. I did recategorize it to Misc Electronics instead of Sculptures. If you already have it in your game, you may need to remove it or you can just change the script to “Sims3.Gameplay.Objects.olomaya.LibraryStuff.Kiosk”.  The donation bin is from Sketchfab created by TheLatestShit (that’s their name, thank you TLS!) and can be found in Misc Storage.
Read through everything below the cut before downloading please! Important instructions below!
Important things to note:
The kiosk must be placed on a counter. If it’s not, your sim will reset because they can only interact with it if it’s on a counter. If you are having issues with resetting, place it on an EA-made counter to confirm it’s not this issue first before you reach out for support. You can use OSMP counters provided they are cloned from a counter and place the kiosk on there and put it wherever you want (like I’ve done in my photo. the kiosk is actually on an OSMP counter, not the white table).
Pulling up the entire library catalog, depending on how many books you have on the lot, can take a few (or several) seconds. Or maybe it won’t, I play on a brick laptop so it does for me
Keyword searches are case sensitive so “raymundo” yields no results, but “Raymundo” will bring up the 85 copies of that 🤬 book that your library probably has
The search will only check books that are in bookshelves, it will ignore library books that have been taken out of the bookshelf and are being read or lying around.
Book requests and financial donations can only be made at public libraries and not privately-owned libraries. So if a Sim in your town owns the lot, these options won’t come up (it should be the owners’ responsibility to buy books). You can still donate books though.
You can have multiple kiosks on the lot. If you delete a kiosk, its funds (if it has any) will be transferred to any of the other kiosks on the lot so you don’t lose the money. 
There is a debug interaction on the kiosk that allows you to check the library budget.
You can order one book at a time but there’s no limit to how many you can do in a day but once the books are delivered the next morning, the mod will check whether the library has enough money and will only order the books there is money for
Download HERE | alt: HERE
@simstifulccfinds @kpccfinds @katsujiiccfinds @pis3update @wanderingsimsfinds
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themissinghand · 4 months
Mind if I could have a SAGAU request? So the player is burnt out from the game. Like completely. Some characters find a way to your desktop and ask "Why haven't you entered Teyvat lately?" After explaining that you still like/love them, they are disappointed but understandable. Problem is, they can't go back until you launch the game. So the characters sort of become desktop buddies (Showing my age aren't I?) and perhaps helping you out in the various other games the player would play or just vibing as you surf the web, make arr, write stories, etc. As for the characters... Aether and Paimon at least, though adding Kazuha, Yanfei, Freminet, Bennett, Fischl, Childe, and Collei would be cute too.
Genshin Impact Desktop Buddies
Summary: In which your favourite Genshin characters miss you. 
Or now you have them as your desktop buddies until Genshin Impact is fixed.
Pairings: Aether & Paimon, Kazuha, Yanfei, Childe and Fischl x Neutral! Reader! 
Note: Desktop buddies are ancient now lol, but honestly such a cool thing to have back then. Hope you enjoy! 
Warning: None, just fluffy goodness. 
You’re tired. Like really tired. 
Grinding for artifacts, ascension and weapon materials has worn you out. That includes your wallet too.
They were worth it, no doubt about that, but staring at a screen all day every day could tire anyone out. 
And yea, you need sleep. 
For the first time in a long time, you decided to shut down the game, and take at least a few day break. 
It’s not like it would make a big difference right? 
Little did you know, it most definitely would. 
Just a few days later, not only did your laptop started acting weird to the point where you thought of buying a new one, Genshin also disappeared from your desktop. 
Before you knew it, you see little figures that look oddly familiar on your screen…
“Why haven’t you entered Teyvat lately?”
Aether & Paimon
The player spun around, eyes widening at the sight of Aether and Paimon now out of the game, and...hopping around on your screen.
"Aether? Paimon? How... how are you here?".
Aether stepped forward. 
"Our Creator, we've missed you. The others are worried. Why haven't you been to Teyvat?"
You sighed, has it already been a couple of days? Also, since when were you their creator? 
"I'm just a little tired-” There was a dramatic gasp from Paimon.
“Tired of us? Aether! Our Creator is tired of us!” 
“No! I mean, I still love Teyvat and all of you, but I needed a break and I will go back soon." You quickly responded with reassurance, which luckily appeased the floating companion. 
Paimon floated closer, which was like a weird zoom on her face, her eyes softening with understanding. 
"We get it, but... we can't go back to Teyvat until you' launch' the game." She says robotically, but appeared confused right after.
“Ah, okay. Give me a minute.” 
When you tried to download the game via the Genshin website, it stated that there was a website maintenance. 
“Creator! What is happening? The world is changing!” While you were frustrated, Aether and Paimon were jumping and flying everywhere around your screen, exploring how tabs open and following your mouse as you click and hover.
Their curiosity made you smile, and you slowly explain how everything works slowly as with each passing second, they marvel at how advanced your world is. 
“No wonder you’re our Creator!” 
“What’s this!?” Before you knew it, you pulled up multiple websites, and the one you landed on was Disney+.
“Do you want to watch a movie?” 
“What’s that?” Aether asked, curious, followed by Paimon’s cute little head tilt.
(You wished you could just squeeze those cute little cheeks-)
“It’s like telling a story, but you get to see it unfold right before you. Here.” You pull up ‘My Little Mermaid’ and they jump seeing the video move, with everyone inside move. 
“Woah…it’s like another world!” 
Aether seemed to marvel over it, and for a moment, he wondered, maybe, you could traverse worlds too. 
Seeing the stars in their eyes made you feel guilty, as if another misunderstanding arose, but you let them be, as their cute little figures sat down and watched the movie. 
You too, watched it with them, and for the first time in a while, you didn’t feel lonely. 
Throughout the movie, you patted them on the head with your mouse, which the two seemed to like very much. 
(And yes, you did pinch those cute little cheeks)
“I’m glad that you didn’t abandon us, Your Highness.” 
Never in your wildest dreams did you expect to see THE Canadian Aether, Kazuha, on your screen, bowing respectfully to you.
“Let me know if I can help you in any way. Although my form is…not in the most helpful form, I will do my best.” 
You held back a giggle when you saw a shy little Kazuha looking at himself and then at you shyly, and you really wanted to tease him, but you chose not to. 
Instead, you pull up your incomplete art project. 
Might as well since you can’t download Genshin now and might have to wait for a few days.
“Actually Kazuha, I was hoping you could help me finish my art.” He immediately perked up, a serious expression overtook his shy one.
“Of course, Your Highness, let me know what you want to draw and I can help you!”
“Great! I’m trying to draw a handsome and cute man, he has platinum blond hair…” Slowly, you list one by one, the characteristics of the person you want to draw. 
Kazuha learns fast. Soon, he was able to figure out how your art platform worked. 
At first, he hesitated, and didn’t want to interrupt your drawing, but slowly, he learned to add in his thoughts and feedback, and guided your mouse to smooth out the lines, and perfect the colouring.
“He has red eyes…” 
Calming and soothing, his voice made you feel at peace, just like how you would hang out with him at the top of a mountain somewhere and listening to the game music. 
But this time, he was a little closer, where he felt more real albeit still in your screen. 
“Your Highness…isn’t this…me?” His little cheeks was dusted with pink as he quickly covered it with his hands. 
“It is you.” 
“But why…”
“Because you’re one of my favourites, Kazuha.” 
It was all it took for him to become shy again, and he began to cough awkwardly as if to mask his embarrassment. 
“Thank you…Your Highness.”
“Phew! We were so scared that you left us Your Eminence! But…I suppose we can’t do anything until you open up Teyvat again, until then, let me know if I can help you!” 
Yanfei's cheerful voice made you smile as you leaned against your palm. 
Then she turned around, as if taking in her surroundings before looking back at you. 
“Your Eminence, if I may, may I help you organize your…space?”  You blink, and that was when you notice the amount of files littered across the desktop screen, and you realized that from Yanfei’s view, it must’ve been very unorganized.
Yanfei brightens at your acceptance, and hopped a little to show her excitement. 
“Okay! I’m good at this, so leave it to me! Just follow my lead.” 
You were gonna clean up your PC eventually, though you did not expect it would be today. 
Either way, Yanfei was like a referee and a police, asking questions but also making sure everything was organized correctly. 
In a way, Yanfei felt like a Mom asking her child to clean her room.
Even so, it was so cute to see her marching everywhere like a soldier and asking you to organize it in a neat manner.
“Okay, next, let’s organize this folder!” 
“Okay-” Before you knew it, you immediately hit backspace. 
“Your Eminence…who was that-”
“Let’s move on.” But Yanfei stared at that folder with an intense stare. Did she see it? 
With a little nudge and push with your mouse, Yanfei eventually moved on, but she constantly had a smile on her lips. 
It was you cosplaying as her for an event. 
Yanfei would be sure to tell her friends back home. 
“Well, I’m happy to hear that, Your Highness! But…what were you doing? Away from Teyvat?”
Childe’s smile was a little bit menacing to look at, so you pull up what you were doing before to distract him.
And it did, surprisingly. 
“What is this?”
“It’s a game called Valorant.” 
You start the game, and once you get prepared, he too was locked in. 
With each attack and maneuver, Childe slowly became hyped up by your skill and admired it. 
“Your Highness! Why didn’t you tell me before?!” He became to gush, albeit trying to remain civil as he looked between you and your character in game. 
“Again.” In the end, he asked (begged) for another show. 
This time, you changed your agent to someone else, and once again, showed how skilled you are even in melee, which Childe initially advised against. 
But you blew his expectations away. 
“Your Highness, can I duel you?” 
You blink, before you laugh jokingly, but you knew in real life, Childe would absolutely crush you.
But you leave him be, and instead start another game. 
Honestly, Childe would be a great hype man. 
“Ah, of course! How the stars seem to be against us this time…regardless! With me, Fischl von Luftschloss Narfidort here, there is nothing you need to worry about!” 
As expected, Fischl is quite the actor and storyteller as she spews on about how she faced something similar before, something just as interstellar as this. 
You don’t mind it, after all, if you did, you wouldn’t have Fischl on your team the entire time would you? 
Fischl deserves more love is what you find in the fandom, and while she may be annoying at times, you found her passion admirable, and even a little sad when you think this is her way of happiness. 
So you respected that, and listened as she rambled on, and moved as if she was on the stage. 
Perhaps…she would do good on stage with Furina in Fontaine. 
“Fischl, I do need your help on something.” You asked when she finally finished, and she straightened herself with grace as expected from the Prinzessin der Verurteilung. 
“I need your help with my stories. I want you to create elaborate and dramatic narratives for everyone to love.” She froze for a moment, but her grin immediately hid her surprise. 
“Why of course, I would be delighted. Allow me!” With just a few seconds to think, she immediately began her storytelling. 
With her little graceful steps and hops, she almost dances away, but she doesn’t stop sharing her fantasy story full of magic, fate, and stars. 
It was hard to keep up, but you didn’t want to disappoint her, so you did your best to type her word by word. 
Luckily, she seemed to slow down to match your pace, as if the two of you were a duet with the piano and violin. 
When she stops, you end off the story with a dramatic click, and you match her prideful smile. 
Truly, Fischl is a character not everyone can handle, but that’s alright.
After all, you love her for who she is, and maybe, Fischl appreciated that more than anything else.
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utopya-cc · 4 months
Preview) Passionate Gifts| Functinal Designer Bag
Hi everyone. I hope you are all doing well! I have some exciting things to share and show you🤩!
✨This is one of the most exciting updates that I have made. There is more to it than what you saw in the preview video. The video covers just the animation; there are a lot of other features!
Basically, the update will have a whole new mod! So please Try to read the full post. Don't skip to the download page; there are some important things to know before Downloading it and using it,
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The New Animation:
Let's start with the animations. This interaction has multiple animations that they may play each time you perform it. (just some small cute variation to the main animation)
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One major new thing with this interaction is that it's staring from the back. Your sims will come from the back to give the gifts.
The Pros are: I think it looks great, I think coming from the back adds to The intimacy and surprise element of giving gifts, But the Cons are the game interactions are all face to face, so doing it like this isn't the best and the smoothest way to do it,
The New Designer Bag Gift:
The Designer Bag will cost your sim $1500 Simoleons ( I think it's well worth it; more on it later in this post!). The new interaction is located in the passionate gift pie menu under the romance category, with its own Custom Icons.
There are 12 in total swatches/brands that you can get. I will show you some of them now and let you explore the others.
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I first planned to make it into a one-box gift, and then you can change the swatch by build buy, but it was a little bit inconvenience for the gameplay, and I didn't like it that much,
So I had to push it a little bit further, and thankfully, I did manage to figure out how to add all of them (it was one of the main reasons that extended the release date),
So now, every time you give the gift, your sims may give and receive one of 12 different Designer Bags. Each bag has its own Package Box, and the gift will change depending on each swatch. So, basically, there are twelve new gifts in this update.
You can still change the swatch by build-buy, but I think it is more fun to let your sim choose. I have also added a small mechanic to lower the chance of giving Duplicate swatches if you already have that bag in your sim inventory.
(I just want to mention that I added a surprise animation when they see the prize tag! It's just a small detail that I thought it would look cute 👇) 
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The Interaction Outcome:
After performing the interaction, your sim will receive the Designer Bag and its own custom Package Box. Also, your sim will receive some Buffs and moodlets for both the target and the actor,
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As I said, each bag Has its own custom package box. You can sell it for 20§ or decorate your house with it. It can also work as a pedestal for your bag. I have added a slot to it so you can put stuff on it:
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The Fully Functional Bag:
Now, let's start with some more exciting stuff. The bag is fully functional🤩! You can wear it and rename it. It is also live draggable, so you can live-drag it whenever you want, and it comes with its own inventory.
First of all, how do you wear it? You can easily do that from your sim inventory! Just click on it and click on (Wear). You can wear it with any outfit you like!!
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It will be shown in the queued interaction on the left side of the running interactions. You can remove it by canceling the interaction.
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While you are wearing it, you can't access the bag; you have to remove it first, and then you can access it or live drag it.
By wearing the bag, your sim will get a confident Buff.
Also, wearing the bag will slow the decay of some of your sim needs. My idea behind that is that wearing a bag makes youre sim more organized and less likely to get tired.The modifiers aren't that crazy; I think with them, it's just more fun to remember to wear it before going on a walk or to the coffee shop.
I have also added some buffs to other sims around you. For example, they may be amazed by seeing your sim wearing a Designer brand, and your partner may feel flirty if they see your sim wearing their gift.
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The bag is Live draggable; you can drag it anywhere you want and open it. Each bag will have its own separate inventory, which can store almost anything and help organize your sim's inventory better.
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The bag will be fully functional. I am planning on some existing features for it, and I will post some sneak peeks soon, so keep an eye out for that.
There are twelve Bags for your sim to have. I mean, I can imagine that Wealthy Sims will have at least two or three bags, so I have added the (add-to favorites options); you can do that while the bag is on your Sims inventory, so you can keep track of youre favorite used bag while carrying multiple ones for your different Outfits. And you can also rename them!
Of course, you can also collect all of them just to fill and decorate your Sims' closet. So, I have kept the option of buying it from Build Buy. Most of the bag's features will work, minus some gift-related ones.
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To access the bag inventory, You have to place or live-drag it first; you can't open it from the inventory.
Showering or sleeping will remove the bag automatically. (I am blacklisting the interaction where youre sim removes the bag by hand, so if I have missed something, let me know)
The sim who receives the Designer Bag Gift Will automatically be the owner Of that Bag,
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ssentimentals · 11 months
a pleasant surprise {lee chan}
pairing: dino x fem!reader
prompt: 'is that my shirt?' + 'i love it when you moan my name' (this work is part of my 1k event, go check out other works of mine here)
warnings: nsfw (minors, this work is a no-no for you), blowjob, whipped channie, unprotected sex (which is also a no-no but this time for everyone), a tiiiiny bit of dirty talking
chan doesn't find stereotypical 'sexy' things enticing at all. low cleveage, clothes that hug one's body like a second skin, high heels, red lips - all those attributes don't provoke anything in him; he doesn't have anything against them, they just don't affect him in any way. there are other things that excite him and have blood rushing south - you and anything about you, for example. he used to have some views on what is pretty and sexy before but after your appereance in his life, all those criterias changed drasticallly and took a shape of you in a way that is a bit embarrassing to admit. hair color that he finds pretty? exactly like yours. style he prefers on girls? the way you dress. what he looks for in a girl? everything that you have and nothing else. 'don't wait up for me, i'll stay the night,' he says loudly to his roommate.
jeonghan snorts unattractively. 'when you haven't? stop pushing your lovey-dovey relationship right into my face and get out of here.'
chan grins. he knows there's no bite in those words and turns around, sending his roommate a wink. 'don't choke on your jealousy while i'm gone.'
'brat!' jeonghan throws a pillow at him and dino easily ducks, making hannie smile. he may tease him a lot, but in reality he's very happy for his friend. 'get your stupid face out of here!'
'already gone!'
chan never understood this game some people play of acting cold. holding yourself back, not replying as soon as you saw the message, getting late to the dates... all of it doesn't make sense to him. chan's enthusiasm towards you is not subtle at all and he never tried to hold himself back. why would he? he's always happy to see you, always rushes to see you, always eager to reply and meet up. that's why he's practically running to your place, breath coming in short puffs as he speeds up at his maximum. casual and chill nights with you are his favorite and memory of your warm body plastered to his makes him smile widely. he sprints to your room and bangs loudly, taking few seconds to catch his breath.
'coming!' you open up, staring at him with a wide grin. 'that was fast, did you run here?'
'i'm always running to you,' he replies cheekily, loving how even after so many months his words still bring blush on your cheeks. 'and-'
chan freezes. he didn't notice at first, but now when you step back and walk towards your bed, he can see very well what you're wearing and his brain shuts off for a second. yes, chan doesn't find a lot of stereotypically sexy things enticing at all, but this? you wearing this? that's the top on his sexy things list. he closes the door automatically and doesn't move away from his place, following your moving figure with his eyes hungrily.
'i think we can continue watching that anime or if not, i downloaded several movies-' you turn, frowning at his unmoved state. 'channie? why are you still standing there?'
'is that my shirt?' he rasps out, suddenly having trouble swallowing.
you quickly look yourself up and down, shrugging. 'oh yeah, i found it in the closet. it's a bit big on me, but that's fine.'
in chan's humble opinion simple 'that's fine' doesn't cover it. his t-shirt which is voersied even on him reaches right up to the middle of your thighs and it does things to him that he's ashamed to admit. familiar heat coils in the pit of his stomach and he swallows dryly, pulling his phone out of his pocket and dropping it on the table nearby. you wearing his clothes is a plesant surprise, the one that makes his heart beat a little bit faster and his hands itch with desire to touch.
'channie?' you call, confused. 'is everything-'
'please tell me you're not wearing anything underneath,' he interrupts. 'please.'
'i-' you gasp when he suddenly crosses the distance between you two in a blink of an eye. 'um, there is-'
he doesn't let you finish. chan is not known for being a patient person in general and how can he stay patient right now, when you're looking the way you do right in front of him? his hands are on you in instant, reverently feeling up your legs, groaning like he's in pain when he realizes that you're not wearing any shorts. your silky skin makes him salivate in a really unattractive and maybe even concerning way and he licks his lips, staring down at you with lust blown eyes. 'this is such a nice surprise,' he mutters, pushing you towards the bed. 'the best outfit. you should always greet me looking like that.'
you laugh at this and he softens instantly, looking up at you. your laugh is one of his favorite sounds, it makes his heart skip a beat every single time when he hears. that probably isn't very healthy, but chan doesn't care when it comes to you; you make his heart perform acrobatics in his chest and he doesn't even blink, will gladly rip it open for you to see so you'd know what you do to him.
'what's gotten into you, my god,' you laugh as he throws you onto the bed. 'chan!'
he grins when at your loud squeak as he pounces on you, settling his body on top of yours. you struggle, obviously finding it hard to breathe, but chan just lays motionless, grinning at your futile attempts of escaping. 'you've gotten into me,' he replies hotly, finding your mouth with his. 'all's your fault.'
kissing you is like coming up for air when you've been underwater for way too long. it feels like taking that very first breath of air, filling your lungs with it and realizing that you're saved. chan kisses you with all he has every time, never holds back, fueled by idea that if this might be the last kiss then you'll know how much he loved you. he gives it all for you, to you and you respond to it in such a majestic way that it knocks all the breath out of him. your body is his favorite instrument and he knows what to touch and how to do it to make your head cloud with pleasure. he uses it to his advantage, loves watching you turn into a writhing mess under him.
'feels good,' you breathe out when he finally tugs away his t-shirt from you, grasping your breasts.
'yeah?' chan grins, leaning in to lick a fat stripe on your collarbones. 'wanna make you feel even better.'
chan is a pleaser. he likes making you feel good, better than good. he likes hearing your moans, likes knowing that he's the reason of them. likes playing with your breasts and biting lightly on your nipples to make you groan loudly. likes when you first your hands into his hair and tug, when he gets a bit too harsh with his bite marks. likes when you pointedly try to push his head downwards, always shy to speak up and tell exactly what you want. when your chest is covered in tiny marks almost everywhere, only then chan relents, leaning back to admire his work. exquisite. he is so, so in love.
'channie,' you whine, pushing your legs together in a subtle way of asking for attention there.
'hm? you want something?' he asks, fully leaning back and taking a hold of your knees. 'something in particular?' he pushes your knees to the sides, easily fitting himself between your legs. 'what is it?'
you huff in annoyance and try to glare at him, but your hair is a mess and your lips are shiny and swollen from kisses and you look fucked out so your glare is very ineffective in that state. chan chuckles and gets out of the bed to stand right next to it and pointedly reaches for his belt, quickly opening it. 'i think it's your time to work a little, baby.'
chan is a pleaser but he's not selfless. he will die a happy man if he dies with your lips wrapped around his cock. still glaring at him, you quickly switch positions, crawling on bed till you get on the edge, your face right next to the place he wants to have it the most. 'don't glare, baby,' chan admonishes gently, pushing zipper of his jeans down. 'i know you want it. don't you want it?'
your butt cutely wriggles and you lick your lips, making him chuckle. he is so, so weak for you. but good thing is that you are so, so weak for him too. 'say that you want it,' chan mutters, stepping closer and getting rid of his jeans. 'cmon baby, don't lie to yourself.'
your hands push his underwear down and chan hisses when you immediately wrap your hand around his shaft. 'i want it,' you breathe out, looking up at him in a way that makes his dick even harder.
'go ahead then.'
it's a really hard mission not to come from the first three strokes. just like he knows what you like, you also know how to make him buckle his hips helplessly. your nails digging into his skin, your hot mouth wrapped around him - chan grunts with an effort of not fucking up into your mouth. you look sinful like this, so sexy that it makes his head spin; he grabs your hair in order to stay focused. your head bobs enthusiastically, you create your own rhythm and chan groans, knowing how you like when he's vocal about his pleasure. 'just like that,' his fingers automatically pull your hair into a ponytail, tugging. 'doing so good, i'll fuck you so good afterwards, baby.'
your answering moans revebrates around your throat and he shivers from additional stimilus, bucking his hips. this action makes you choke and you pull back, his hands immediately on your face, caressig your cheeks in apologizing manner. 'sorry, sorry,' chan says, quickly checking if you're okay. 'all good?'
you nod, wiping away spit from your chin. your hand reaches out to stroke him and chan groans, when you look up and lick your lips. 'all good,' you say, smirking. 'if i knew wearing your clothes would get you like this, i-'
'you'd be the death of me,' chan finishes and tugs your hair harshly. 'lay back on the bed.'
chan is a weak man. if he were stronger then at the sight of you naked he would have taken his time to worship your body, but... chan is a weak man and he has no patience. his fingers find your heat in seconds and he tries to slow down, he really does, but one finger becomes two way too quickly even if you're not complaining.
'chan, oh my god,' your back arches as he thrusts up two fingers in a pace that is too quick.
'i love it when you moan my name,' chan whispers into your skin, lavishing your breasts with his attention. 'can you take more?'
chan prays you agree because he feels like he might burst any second now; when you nod, his sigh of relief is almost palpable as he adds third finger, reveling in your wetness and your loud whimpers. he likes how vocal you are, how you don't shy away from pleasure, how you seek for it in the most erotic ways when your head is on the cloud nine. your body moves along with his fingers, wants them deeper and he curses at the lewd image it makes, moving a little downwards.
'i'll fuck you so good,' he promises - babbles, really. 'you've been so good to me, i-'
his words die out as he bottoms out, flesh to flesh. it's always heaven to be locked with you in this way, to feel your warmth all around him. he always has to take few seconds to calm down, to find his footing, to relish in this feeling before he moves. your hips start moving, calling out for him and he is not that strong to resist your call. sometimes chan is in the mood to draw it out, to be slow and tease you until you're crying, but today is not that day. his patience snapped long time ago and he instantly sets a punishing pace that makes you choke on your moans. grabbing at the pillow desperately, it takes you few moments to start moving along with him, bringing you both to pleasure much faster. his grip on your hips is bruising and when chan moves his fingers to grab the back of your thighs and change the angle, you squeak, almost biting your tongue in the process.
'good?' chan asks, concentrating all his strength in holding your legs up higher. 'like this is good?'
'yes, yes, so good, chan,' you drool a little, succumbing to the pleasure fully. 'so fucking good.'
chan only groans at that, snapping his hips harder. he can hold off for you, but it's hard when you're so wet and warm, when your body is so honest in letting him know how exactly he makes you feel. chan prides himself in this, how he can make you crazy with it, how he gets to be the one who sees you like this. it's a privelege more than anything and he will never take it for granted.
'close,' you manage to croak out, gasping for breath.
chan nods in acknowledgement and doubles his effort, losing his rhythm in favor of bringing you to the peak closer. sweat runs down his face and he huffs, falling on his hands. your legs wrap tight aroudn him instantly as his mouth latches on yours, swallowing all your sounds eagerly. 'so pretty for me,' chan whispers into your mouth, looking at you with hearts in his eyes. 'always so good, cmon, you can come baby, i know you want to, don't hold it.'
there's something about his whispers that makes you cry, shaking with pleasure. he sucks hickeys on your neck while you get off from your high. little shocks run through your body and you turn your head, bumping noses with him. 'channie,' you call, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
you sound so satisfied that chan grins. 'can i?' he asks and at your nod, he uses your body to chase his own high. it doesn't take him long to pull out and spill all over your stomach, groaning. 'fucking hell.'
your chuckle makes him smile and he flops next to you, kissing you senseless. he knows you're about to get whiny and bratty at the sticky semen on your stomach, so he quickly stands up, searching for anything to wipe it off with. 'let's just go to the shower,' you call, reaching out of him. 'i demand to be carried.'
chan can't even pretend that he doesn't like it. he can't even for a second keep the barrier of a stoic and cool guy when he's with you. not when he turns into a poodle, not when he's ready to give you everything you ask for. he easily lifts you up, smiles warmyl at your giggles and carries you to the shower, kissing your forehead. 'i'm so leaving my hoodie here,' he says, carefully putting you down. 'greet me in it next time?'
a/n: it's funny how i try to make chan gentle and make it more like love making and not fucking and then my fingers live their own life and he ends up the way he did here :D - nini
tagging @prpldahy
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lynk-zee · 5 months
Hii hope you’re having a wonderful day and congrats on the 100+ subs! Here is another request if you’d like to take it, if not it’s okay! It’s about how the LaD boys would be if the roles switched, like now we’re here smiling and our wallets suffering but what if it had to be their wallets suffering? (I want revenge for my wallet and need to see what kind of f2p in suffering or Forced2Pay kind of player they would be) if we were the otome character, and at first when I thought about this Zayne doesn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d play but I’m pretty sure he’d play because of a patient insisting or sum, Xavier and Rafayel are more likely to end up playing otome so I don’t think it’s difficult to think of them playing this kind of game.
Role Reversal
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Zayne wasn’t interested in something as childish as an otome game. His co-workers always gushed over the characters in the break room, but he never paid any mind to it. Until he caught a glimpse of your character in the nurses phone. And my, were you breathtaking!
He’d try to deny these thoughts. You weren’t real—you were a character! It’s silly to want to see your face more and hear your voice. After mulling over it, he downloaded the otome game just to see what the big deal was about, and boy! The game had him in a chokehold!
You were just so pretty…He went red every time your character talked to him. When it came to the poke and touch interaction feature, he had to put his phone down from how flustered he got! You were his favorite, naturally, and he wasn’t interested in any other character in the game.
Would he spend money on the game? A little. Zayne knows it’s a little ridiculous to empty his wallets for an extra feature. But ten dollars for a banner every once in a while isn’t so bad…right?
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Rafayel had a commission based on your character and thought it was ridiculous. Usually he would flat out say no to commissions because he believed his art sold itself, but this was a long time patron to his art gallery, so he had to oblige. He looked up your character to use as a reference and was absolutely stunned. Hummana-whaaaaaat? When did video game graphics get so good? You were so beautiful! And looked so real! He felt his heart pound while he looked at you.
So, he downloaded the game to see what it was all about. When your character greeted him for the first time, he fell in love.
Would totally spend money on banners and events— take all his money and give him more content of you! His art starts to resemble unrequited love— that of a merman in love with someone on land, worlds apart separated by the clear surface of the water, representing how he feels being separated from you by the phone screen. Is he being dramatic, yes. But he’s an (Y/n) stan. They all are.
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Xavier came across your game through an ad on social media. At first he wasn’t exactly interested, scrolling through his feed for something to entertain him before work, until he saw the ad for your character. It was like he was on auto-pilot— his thumb moved to the download button and bam! You were on his phone.
Despite you being a fictional character, he felt shy interacting with you. Choosing the answers that made him sound cool, making decisions that didn’t look stupid. He was especially protective of you during the combat feature, fingers flying across the phone screen to destroy every monster and made sure you never got hurt.
When it came to spending money, he was a little hesitant. I mean, he has better things to spend his money on. But then your beach day banner came out and Xavier gave the app all of his money. He also may have spent a little more than necessary on your sexy Halloween costume during one of the events.
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darckxlady · 6 months
could you please do a tutorial of your game of thrones 'so much for stardust' gifs where it has the ripped paper textures? it's so pretty, and i'd like to learn how to do one with just the texture in the middle and two gifs on either side, like half and half and just having a rip in the middle. it's so cool how you did a gif in the middle though so i wanted to ask as well! all of them are so cool looking. you are extremely talented. if you don't want to though i understand :) thank you
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thank you so much for your sweet words, dearest anon and i'm sorry it took so long to answer but it's here now so i'll try my best to explain <3 disclamer: this is the first tutorial i ever made, it's very screenshot heavy and it assumes the basic knowledge of ps and gifmaking. if there's something you don't understand, don't hesitate to ask <3 so, let's get to it!
1. PREPARING THE BASE As you can see in this shot there's a lot of space between Rhaenyra and Alicent and that makes it perfect for the ripped paper overlay without hiding much of the base gif. So the first thing i did was to crop it like this:
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Also you want to make sure that the highlighted box (delete cropped pixels) is unchecked! After taking the usual steps for the animation (creating frames from layers, reversing the frames, setting frame delay) you continue with the video timeline and convert your frames into a smart object. psa: if you don't have the motivation or the time to play around with coloring here are some psds i recommend: 1, 2; as for the sharpening i think this one is the best.
now that you have your smart object sharpened and colored what you want to do next is drag it to the end of the canvas and duplicate it. after that you move the copy on the other end like the original and make sure it's under the coloring layers, like this:
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After that you have to create layer masks (the highlighted icon above) for both smart object and the copy and change the blending option of the copy to screen or lighten (whatever looks best!). So this is how it looks now:
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pls ignore that there are no layer masks on the smart objects i just added them after changing the blending rip </3 Now, as you see both gifs are like fighting eachother for their rightful place on the canvas. (fgfgfdf) To fix that you have to use a soft round brush to delete the parts you don't want. (feel free to play around with the brush however you want to get the result you want!) Here's my result:
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Now for the both gifs you want to use for the ripped paper effect you pretty much apply the same steps as the ones you did with the gifs for the base. Here are the two gifs i chose:
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Before blending both gifs however you want to create a clipping mask for each of the smart objects coloring layers, like this:
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And now you're ready to blend both gifs together! You choose the group with one of the gifs and change the blending again to screen or lighten and place the said group on top of the other. So this is how it looks now:
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optional: if you feel like the base gif doesn't pop out enough you can always add a gradient map on one of both gifs and play around with the opacity and the color you think fits best.
Then you add a layer mask on the overlay gif group and again play around with the brush to delete what you don't want. So this is the final result:
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ps - don't repeat my mistake by placing the group with the layer mask under the other group. it should be on top and the blending option should be lighten or screen.
After blending both gifs together, you're ready to place them on the base. So first thing you want to do first is place both groups of each gif in one single group together. Then you duplicate the said group in the psd of the base gif and create a layer mask. This is how it should looks:
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Now, in order to create the ripped paper effect, you'll have to download a ripped paper brush pack. This is the one i use. After loading the brushes in ps (if you don't know how here is explained) you're ready to begin! Change the size and angle however you'd like to make it look how you want. And if you want you can move the overlay gif by choosing both groups in case you aren't happy with the adjustment. This is how it looks like so far:
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We're almost done! Now you have to find a paper texture, (i got mine from google) place it between both groups of your gifs and create a layer mask, like so:
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What you have to do here is pretty much the same thing you did with the overlay gifs. Still, make sure there's enough space for the text you want to write in. However, if you think that the space isn't enough you can just delete a bit more of the overlay gifs. Here's mine:
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You're finally ready to type out the text you want! If you're having troubles with choosing the right font and size, here are my text settings:
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You can always play around with the angle and if your text is too small, zoom in so you can place it just how you like it. And since i'm a bit lazy to deal with it later, i choose to add the highlight color while it's still zoomed. You just have to add an layer above the text and use a soft round brush with opacity from 70-75% and flow from 15-18%.
For the repeated text you want to make sure you create a big space for writing so it can contain the whole space of the torn paper. Also, write where the text will be seen only and use the tab button to skip the space where the gif is. This is how it looks:
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Once you're done with writing the repeated text, you want to select all the character layers and the highlight layer and move them under the overlay gif and on top of the paper, like this:
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With the layers still selected and in order to contain the text within the paper the last thing you want to do is create a clipping mask. And that's It. You're done! This is the final result:
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 2 months
Link Click Musical update 180 🌟🌟🌟
(LC-mu postcard project🎉 + summary of BilibiliWorld videos: musical actors meeting VAs trio and Wang Minhui's vlog ✨)
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Hello! This will be quite unusual update, since I want to report about our fan project. But also, to make up for my inactivity, I bring lots of tasty treats for you >:3
Links in replies: meeting of LC donghua voice actors trio and LC musical trio at BilibiliWorld event, Wang Minhui's vlog from there, 1h+ livestream from the entire LC musical segment + google drive link where you can download the postcard illustrations and print it for yourself 😘
OKAY 🏃‍♂️✨
LC-mu postcard project summary
A fellow lc musical enjoyer friend, Vale (@/_Setsuna_iro_ on twt & @/setsuna_cos on ig, follow her for great cosplays!) reached out, said she'll be visiting China and considers going to see the play. So OF COURSE I got hyped up about it 😤
I wanted to arrange a postcard for her to give away after the performance (like we did with Elara for 100th performance). To let the actors and Chinese audience know we appreciate the musical ^^ There was no better person to ask for help than a legend, an icon, a master of musical-inspired LC fanarts @wrathyforest 🙇‍♂️💖
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So Forest drew this amazing✨ illustration 🙇‍♂️ (and yes, you can download it and print it too!). I only suggested some details like adding XiaoJuan pig squishie and Zhang Jiahao eating a chicken leg (from 100th special encore).
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As for my contribution I did the design on a back (based on the official lyrics book style) and the lil actor doodles. I collected the 42 names of countries from the international LC musical fans. And handled the communication and logistics between all of us ><
Props to Vale for translating the note to Chinese 🙏 the actors and audience got it in Chinese, but you can read it and print in in English ^^ And thanks to @elaraqwqfor all the practical advice about the theatre etiquette and navigation haha 🙏
When time agent Vale rests (and no longer struggles with Chinese firewall ><") I'll try to share more info from her about the musical itself. For now have photos our spy took >:3
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That's the Shanghai Great World, an amusement centre building where the Time Theatre is located. We rarely think outside the 'microvawe oven' of lc musical set, so I think it's interesting to see ;>
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A photo wall with the cast behind the scenes and guests (can you spot director Haolin? ehee). And a fascinating (to me at least) corner where the audience can leave all the fanmade freebies. Like merch celebrating actor's birthdays or performance milestones. The fans go out of their way and make all sorts of things to share, like badges, facemasks with prints, keychains, acrylic stands, prints, stickers, I even saw cookies with chibi actors printed on them ><
I personally find this part of fan culture around the Chinese musical theatre really heartwarming and inspiring ^^ Maybe bc culture around theatre in my country feels very posh and stuck up, snobbish even. So I have lots of love and respect to Chinese theatre fans for making their passion feel welcoming and simply fun 🌟
Again, huge thanks to all my lovely LC friends, Forest, Vale and Elara for making this project possible 😘💙💛
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Link Click Musical panel on BilibiliWorld 2024 convention
For context, this convention is huge (esp when you remember Bilibili is like Chinese ver of youtube, twitch, netflix, crunchyroll and webtoon at once). Li Haolin had his panel there, as well as donghua VAs (that's how they managed to meet, VAs had their panel on same day musical actors came for rehearsal).
So there is an entire 1h+ video from the panel with LC-mu 'representative lineup' Deng Xianling, Cai Qi and Wang Minhui. I'll link it, you can watch it. It's all in Chinese ofc but it's still fun, bc they do lots of games focused on singing songs that you should be able to recognise by now ;>
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A summary of the panel:
1st game: they each get the first lines their characters sing in the play and have to fill out the blank lyrics
then they do slightly extended ver of 'You can forget about it' ('sofa song')
2nd game: they get a line from a lc musical song to sing, each actor with different twist; dxl has to do a dialect version, cq does the singing to a different melody, and wmh does the 'translation accent' (not sure what it is, I'm guessing it's changing the accentuation on words?)
3rd game: is blindfold basketball with third person directing the one that's shooting, so a cooperation game ^^'
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4th game: they listen to the music and when it stops they have to sing the next lines (this part was GREAT bc we get crumbs from main plot songs AND we get to hear actors sing a capella AND there is a banger part where wmh and cq sing in unison 😔👌)
5th game: doing 'Dive back in time' tutting at varied speed (it's funny & impressive how they switch from 2x speed to 0.5x without an issue)
and I lost a count (this video is long and in chinese, forgive me) but by the end, there is also a part where each actor has to say something in character, they chose from categories: A) Exclusive video for waking up - cq, B) Exclusive video to put you to sleep -wmh, C) 'Mood Tips' Video - dxl :> (Lu Guang got very in character, short line, don't get excited)
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OKAY NEXT 🏃‍♂️✨✨
Voice Actors encounter (Li Shimeng, Su Shangqing, Yang Tianxiang) summary
All credit goes to my Chinese friend Yksim (@/treeshu3426 on twt) for translating and summarising the entire video to me 🙏🙇‍♂️💖
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Video has 2 main parts: voice actors giving tips about delivering lines and musical actors teaching them to sing songs. Yang Tianxiang first suggest that musical actors teach vocal actors how to sing. He asks how to sing "我只能预测十二个小时" ('I can only predict 12 hours...', a part from M01 'Time Travel', the first song). Wmh and cq sing it but ytx finds it too hard to follow, gives up and says sth like 'aigh maybe we should start from voice acting' ><. So they first give wmh and cq some tips about how to say lines.
Wang Minhui shares that the producer of LC musical (I'm guessing it was Chen Xiaoyi 🙏) sent him a video compilation of canon Lu Guang calling cxs idiot, childish etc. (as learning material). And he asked ytx to say some for him XDD which the other delivers 👌
Li Shimeng gives Qiao Ling performance. She first acted how to scold cxs and then how to comfort him 🥺 Everyone compliments her, she's great orz
After that ytx seems to be answering wmh's question how to say lines. He said: 'We have to relax our throats. It is also like singing. You have to make yourself comfortable. You don't have to pursue to make your voice very like my voice. I think we are two different Lu Guangs. ' (meaning the range, because wmh's voice is very high pitch comparing to ytx's voice)
Yang Tianxiang asks Su Shangqing for his input and ssq says: 'You can make it natural and like in daily life. Actually voice acting allows you to express a variety of precise emotions within a very limited range of ups and downs. It will be harder than no limits. 其实会比你可以完全释放手脚难 (this sentence translates weirdly so have a transcript) After you get hold of the character's main characteristics, you can relax and do what you want to express.'
Then is time for a singing part. Cai Qi sings a bit from 'Words can't convey the love' for ssq. Which ssq says is too hard >< ytx says 'But this song fits you.'
Wang Minhui sings a crumb of main plot song called 'Broken time' (fully translated by Micha here 💙) It's a very hard and high pitch big song full of emotions that happens after a quarrel with cxs. Yang Tianxiang is impressed ><
VA's strongest soldier enters the ring after ytx says: 'I think Li Shimeng is the best singer among three of us.' So Cai Qi teaches lsm some QL's lines from the beginning of 'You can forget about it' (QL starts it in main plot ver). She repeats after him and sounds wonderful ✨💅
And finally, Deng Xianling arrives from the other musical's rehearsal (on weibo she 'cries' she had to buy wmh a drink as an apology for being late ><'). Her voice is beautiful nevertheless. She sings the same part that cq started teaching ;>
Then they take photos together and say goodbyes 🥰
This one I deciphered myself by google translating subtitles. But please watch it yourself! It's adorable even if you don't speak Chinese
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Wang Minhui's vlog from BilibiliWorld
You may think he'd do sth short, similar to Cai Qi's vlog from the event, but no. Not the yapperton3000, Kamen Rider enjoyer, mister I-watch-more-anime-than-Niebo (I just adore this guy, ok? and you will too. Now.)
Nah, he will give us a tour 😎✨
It starts with him saying he's going on a rehearsal, then a short compilation from that day where they practiced and met VAs. As you can see he and ytx exchanged contact info :>
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After teasing dxl for being late it's fast forward to next day, the day of their performance. He beelines straight to the artist/merch area 🙇‍♂️ He points at almost every alley and says stuff like:
'Take a look at the Honkai Star Railway theme area! Sorry but I don't play hehe' 'Jian Wang 3 theme area, I used to play. I remember when I got into the trap, brought in at my university, my college friends were playing.' *points at a fancy dress at some sort of haute couture cosplay booth* 'Guo Hongxu would look good in this' (ghx commented the vid with a photo of himself swinging an axe with 'Where are you? I brought you a gift 🙂')
Then he comes home 😌 The Link Click themed alley 💙💛
He looks at Lu Guang merch which is-😭💗 *clenches my heart* and talks how he's excited to wear lg's wig already.
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⬆ Interesting thing about these shiguang cutouts, that cn friends Bō🐼 and Yksim pointed out, is that they are a signposts promoting a Chengguang/程光 ship specific event. Recently there was a separate exhibition/fan event focused on uh, you know, top!cxs x bottom!lg, (not necessarily explicit but very much about the romantic coupling) and they had a booth LC alley in BilibiliWorld too.
And no, it's impossible he's clueless about it. You'll see he knows his donghua&anime + they had huge signs with ship name and friends tell me he must've walked past all the doujins. And he goes there twice 🙇‍♂️ Like, do with this knowlegde whatever you want, I'm just describing what happened (personally I'd say: BASEDBASEDBASED-)
*performance time* he gets his makeup and hair done and goes on stage, it's a short compilation from backstage.
HE GOES BACK TO THE CUTOUTS orz... the stylist fixes his hair sprout when he's standing between lg and cxs ;w; while wmh praises his producer for agreeing to work overtime to help him film the vlog 🙏
it cuts to him riding to the different area, he says:
'Now I am going to this one from "Link Click", the booth of the original work. Although today in fact, strictly speaking, I'm not a cosplayer.' 'Because I think we should respect how everyone just generates electricity for love to this level of detail' (I think he means cosplayers, but not sure, it translates wack) 'I think I am still wearing a makeup look for a musical stage actor who (just) came here.' 'This experience is very unforgettable for me, so I hope to use the last bit of time, the moment before hitting the board, to go get one for myself. Including myself, Wang Minhui as a stage actor. I can take two sets of photos. I think it's also a good memory, so I set off!' (it may be confusing, but I think he's talking about using the opportunity of being on a convention in the stage makeup, to take some phots for himself, while humbly acknowledging it's not a cosplay)
(we're halfway in the video, save me, I love him but he talks so much ಥ_ಥ)
He enters the official LC venue (that earlier, was more fanmade stuff/merch alley) and talks about how exciting it is that he can blend in ;w; so he walks around, saying:
'I am so happy!' but then catches himself and says 'Ah, but I shouldn't laugh' (to stay in LG's character 😭) *points at Neo Aurora LG cutout (one with harness)* 'Can you make me a set of clothes like this next time at our theater?' (caption tags the Encore Musicals theatre) *points at a writing board and reads one of fan messages* 'Li Haolin, no more knives!' 💀 and 'No matter the past, don't question the future' motto *proudly high-fives himself* *points at Li twins cutouts* 'Last time I drew a blind box I got Li Tianchen, I have both (?or two idk) of them.' 'So happy. The kind of faint (faint feeling? or faintness? idk) It just came out of here *points at his chest* Happy but I don’t know why I’m so happy! (pls he's so sweet)
Then he points towards the Bilibili Comics venue and namedrops lots of shows he's watching/reading:
'There's a Bilibili comics app, the app that accompanies me on many nights, I recently finished reading Demon Slayer', he also mentions watching Blue Lock and Wind Breaker.
Moving on to individual anime series booths:
*points at Kaitou from Detective Conan* 'I especially liked that character as a kid, so cool/handsome' He sees Solo Leveling booth from a distance and is proud of himself for remembering the name of the show, so much so he takes a picture :'> ''Dungeon Meshi', I've been following for past 2 days (?). At first I thought it was a gourmet show, at that time I liked to order takeout. I feel like it still has quite a story to it.' *sees a mecha animatronic* 'Wow it's moving!' (everybody stfu, he's experiencing a childlike wonder) 'I usually open Bilibili when I have nothing to do', then he mentions watching Freiren, Kaiju no.8 and says that after reading all the Demon Slayer he wants to watch it now.
Post-credits scene: He looks on a stage, says 'Give me a mask and I'll sign up' and then the camera zooms out to show what I think is a group of men doing an otome-themed performance dance (like Tears of Themis/Love and Deepspace type of game idk which exactly ><) 🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️🙇‍♂️ that's all
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To accompany you on this overwhelming wall of text, I give you Cai Qi overwhelmed by the wonders of BilibiliWorld 😇 he was going through it, but had the audacity to later say 'I was a little nervous, Wang Minhui is nearly drowning the mic (from sweating nervously)' under the video with VAs. Brat.
Housekeeping notes: I hope this update makes up for the long inactivity and I hope it lasts you for a while 🙏 I still struggle with my workload and it sucks, so I won't be coming back here any time soon (for 1,5 months at least) sorry ><
But I am still active on twt and discord and I check tumblr inbox regularly if you ever need help with research 💪
There is an increase of LC fans interested in the play (after the zhb and tcp almost-kiss ><') So I am currently gathering questions from newbies to later create the LC Musical FAQs 🌟 If you have ANY questions regarding LC musical, specific actors, the general Chinese musical fandom culture, navigating Chinese social media, anything I could help with, PLEASE reach out to me via inbox, DMs, curiouscat (I linked it on my twt @/niebo_sgdlr), twt DMs or discord. It will help tremendously to create a beginner friendly guide, bc at this point I'm too deep in the rabbit hole and too busy to explain everything to everyone individually🙏💖
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Look at this historical event of Wang Minhui getting the postcard and telling Vale she looks better than Cai Qi 😇 Please give love to all the friends I mentioned in the post and have a lovely day, bye bye!
Niebo out 🏃‍♂️✨✨✨✨
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moonswolfie · 1 year
Thawing out an icy heart
An AU where our omi is an ice skater anyone?😭 (someone said that they like this format in my reblogs so here i am)
@melonnmiru just tagging you since i thought it would be the right thing to do
also suuuper random but I downloaded neko atsume again after YEARS, it feels weird to actually understand what the title means because I've known that game since I was like 6😭
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Ice skater!Sakusa who dutifully attends practice after school and even stays late sometimes to be extra sure he's practiced a jump well enough
Ice skater!Sakusa who often gets crushed on by fangirls only for the crush to fizzle out as soon as they attempt talking to him because they're put off by his personality
Ice skater!Sakusa who's preformance keeps getting reccomended to you on Youtube so you eventually give up and watch it
Ice skater!Sakusa who you're entranced by and suddenly want to know more about
Ice skater!Sakusa who you recognise as a boy in your class from the two moles on his forehead the next day
Ice skater!Sakusa who sighs when he sees you (yet another admirer) watching him from afar since he finds them to be bothersome
Ice skater!Sakusa who you keep wanting to approach in order to compliment his preformance but always get scared off by his scary looking scowl
Ice skater!Sakusa who ends up being paired with you for a class project, giving you a perfect segue to get to know him and giving him a (seemingly) annoying fan to deal with for a month
Ice skater!Sakusa who is very pleasantly surprised by the amount of knowledge you have on ice skating once you start talkingb(you totally did not do tons of research just so you can impress him)
Ice skater!Sakusa who gets wary of you because you're suspiciously fun to talk to, even if it's something that doesn't personally interest him
Ice skater!Sakusa who you cement your feelings for during the project and keep talking to even after the project is done
Ice skater!Sakusa who is oddly distracted by thoughts of you at practice, so much so that he misses a jump he usually always gets and his coach becomes worried for him
Ice skater!Sakusa who desperately wants to deny that he's falling for you since relationships are a hassle for him (and he's got routines to practice for his tournament, no time for dates😤)
Ice skater!Sakusa who freaks out internally (and blushes externally) when you show up to his practice unnanounced one day, which doesn't go unnoticed by his coach
Ice skater!Sakusa who gets handed the theme of "first love" for his free program with no negotiation allowed
Ice skater!Sakusa who mentions attending a tournament soon and is not surprised at all when you invite yourself to it with an annoyingly adorable smile
Ice skater!Sakusa who practices the free program vigorously as always but the coach laments that "he looks like he's supressing feelings of first love and not expressing them" and that makes him go red for just a second
Ice skater!Sakusa who sees you waving to him in the crowd as he skates onto the ice on the day of the tournament
Ice skater!Sakusa who didn't really plan on it, but his feelings for you started showing themselves through his preformance, the coach smiling to himself when he noticed
Ice skater!Sakusa who finally decides to admit to himself then and there that he's in love with you and finally understands what the coach meant with "you have to express love". He dedicates his heart, his soul, his every move in this preformance to you and only you
Ice skater!Sakusa who ends the preformance, booming applause echoing through the stadium and roses from fangirls falling onto the ice, but at this moment, your cheers were the only ones which mattered to him
Ice skater!Sakusa who acts like he usually does after, listening to you talk about how much you loved the preformance with a small smile under his mask as if he didn't just make a passionate confession through ice skating
Ice skater!Sakusa who can't help but wonder if his coach picked the theme "first love" on purpouse...
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anim-ttrpgs · 6 months
I was interviewed on Storyteller Conclave!
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You’ve probably seen several posts on here about how I’m going to be on Storyteller Conclave talking about Eureka. If you haven’t, you’re going to, because there’s still some in the queue and I’m not going to remove them.
But, that happened, and it was a great time! You can listen to the episode here, here, here, or here!
I wasn’t on my A-game the whole time unfortunately, I had some mic trouble for about the first 20 minutes, along with some other distractions on my end that kept me from focusing early on, but luckily I had team member @ashweather to support me and help me out.
If you can bear with the rocky start, there’s a lot of good insight into the design of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy in this podcast, and a lot of it goes into stuff that we haven’t really covered on this blog, especially the themes.
We talk about the realistic and simulationist nature of Eureka and how this serves its gameplay and themes, we talk about how it takes inspiration from John Woo films such as Hard Boiled, its pretty unique approach to the concept of HP, how it approaches and flips the concept of "winning", and its deeply character-driven nature.
Of course we also talk about Eureka's unique and awesome rules for investigative gameplay, and how it improves upon games that did investigative gameplay before it. How it trusts the players' intellect, but also won't leave them totally twisting in the wind after a bad roll or two!
My favorite thing we talked about, near the end of the show, was Eureka’s approach to monsters, disability, and its sympathy towards “bad people.” I’m actually going to be writing a whole essay on this topic hopefully before the Kickstarter ends on May 10th, but you can get a really good gist of it just from listening to this episode of the podcast.
Oh and on that subject, the hosts, two veteran Vampire: The Masquerade players, said in the show that in many ways, Eureka does vampires better than VTM. Like, wow, that’s high praise..
Here’s a reminder also that Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is kickstarting from right now until May 10th, 2024. Back it and get yourself a copy plus custom artwork or the chance to get your blood sucked by vampires as an entry on the random victim tables for playable monster PCs! With every stretch goal we meet, the game gets better and better. Tons of beautiful new artwork, new options for gameplay, and even two entirely new playable Monsters could be added to the book, so visit the Kickstarter and secure your copy today!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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Architect Sanctuaries and Storage.
So! I feel like we don’t talk about the Sanctuary caches from Subnautica enough as it relates to Below Zero.
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Like. First of all, Al-An, where are you going, your people are here. You’re not gonna check to see if anyone else is trapped in a sanctuary with failing power like you were? Granted, I think the Sanctuaries in The Crater are probably Hooked up to the Alien Thermal Plant so they’ll be fine as long as the lava zone continues to be hot. Probably why Ryley wasn’t getting any alien distress signals. But the threat of Kharaa has more or less passed, and these Architects were part of Al-An’s research team, you’d think he’d do something.
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It’s recommended to put them in a compatible medium as soon as possible, you said it yourself get down there and fabricate more bodies!
Also. On the “factory reset” point. I feel the need to point a couple things out.
First of all, in the Dunes Cache, you can download this from the alien terminal
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(Side note this entry specifically is so revealing about Architect society and stuff. PLUS entire other Architect character like I have so many thoughts. Might get its own post at some point I dunno)
It seems like they were storing the memories like… separately from the individual. They were probably also backed up on the network if Al-An’s comments in the whole “How do humans cope with the loss of memories” conversation are anything to go by.
I think the memories just end up feeling less like something the Architect actually experienced personally and more like something they heard about. Like they lose some personal connection to the events.
but still. I think if the Architect’s technology had a flaw like that they’d be working to fix it. And that leads me to a theory on why the Sanctuaries in the first game are so different to Sanctuary Zero where we find Al-An.
I think that with Kharaa meaning Sanctuary sites more vital than probably ever, improving the technology behind them would’ve probably been a priority. I think Sanctuary Zero is perhaps some sort of prototype for improved Sanctuary technology. Sanctuary Zero is bigger, despite storing only one Architect, while the Sanctuary Caches in the first game are implied to store multiple. It’s got this big bulky Architect Containment Cube to put Al-An in, and the PDA makes a point of noting that whoever’s stored inside is able to remain fully conscious with “whole brain emulation” something we don’t seem to see in the first game’s Sanctuaries.
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I think the Network decided to stick Al-An in this instead of a normal Sanctuary both because they needed to test it anyway, and after what he did it’s possible they didn’t really care if it went wrong and he was lost in the process. If it did work, he’d have to continue to carry that emotional weight even if he got a new body, and he’d be forced to be awake, thinking about what he’d done in the thousand years before then. I think the Network would’ve found that to be an apt punishment, without it being only for punishment’s sake, but also part of Sanctuary research. More efficient that way.
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wildflower-otome · 3 months
[Translation] Shuuen no Virche - Creator Interview: Misa Yoshida
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Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation- Official Visual Fanbook Creator Interview
Director | Misa Yoshida
About the project
—First, please tell us how the idea for this project began.
My previous work “Tlicolity Eyes” was undeniably a bright and happy title with no bad ends, but  thinking to myself, ‘I wonder what would happen if I did something the complete opposite?’ was the inspiration for this one.  I wanted to make something that was thoroughly tragic with bad ends. I also had the thought that I wanted to make a title with “grim reaper” as the motif, and the image of the game grew from there.
—Now that the game has been released, were there any big changes from the initial plan?
Before creating the project plan, I always make rough notes, but it really did change quite a lot from my initial concept (that didn’t even make it into the project plan). It had a strong science fiction vibe and was set in a technologically advanced near future world where people continued to live on via ‘memory download.’ The main character was a real grim reaper, and held the power of life and death over ‘men whose existence was inconvenient to this world’.....that was the story. After I wrote it into my notes, I had second thoughts, thinking, ‘No no, this is getting overly complicated!’ and eventually settled on the storyline we have now.
Another thing was that I had definitely wanted Yomi-san for the original art from the beginning, so when I thought of ‘What kind of art did I want to see from Yomi-san?’, I imagined a Western fantasy, that was also a primary factor that caused changes from the initial idea.
—What did you want to place most importance on when creating the game?
What I most wanted to place importance on was how the keywords for this work, “despair” and “salvation” applied to the characters. It must be hard for the players as they see these characters feel pain, joy and sorrow, laugh, despair and experience salvation.....that said, I believe we have brought across the greatest possible despair and salvation they could arrive at from their personalities and situations.
Apart from that, the other thing I wanted to do was to absolutely not use the word ‘happy end.’ When each end is presented, it was done so the words ‘despair end’ and ‘salvation end’ were used in place of ‘bad end’ and ‘good end.’ There is no such thing as an all-out happy ending, that was something I couldn’t compromise on.
—Please tell us if you experienced any difficulties that you can talk about now.
More so than it being difficult, there was a lot of pressure since it was the first time Yomi-san was creating original art for Otomate, but right now as I think about it looking back, 90% of the development period was a tough time. However, back then I was full of adrenaline so I didn’t really realise it myself. It was a sad state of affairs that I realised only when those around me said, ‘You sure went through a lot!’ (laughs). It must have been that the fun I was having was greater than the hardship.
About the visuals
—How was Yomi-san chosen for the role of character design?
From the beginning of planning this project, I felt that I “didn’t want to make the characters feel fictional.” When I saw other works that Yomi-san had created the original art for, from the expressions to their fingertips, they all looked so ‘real’ and unexaggerated I was captivated. Even since then I kept thinking I would like to have Yomi-san work on some original art someday.....I suppose I can say now I did the planning with the feeling of a passionate one-sided love (laughs). After that, my wish miraculously came true when I was coincidentally blessed with the opportunity to get in touch with her.
—Please tell us about how the characters were created.
For the most part, all I did was tell Yomi-san the character’s basic information, their circumstances and situation up until the beginning of the story, along with the essential elements for the character (for example, for Yves it is his mask, Mathis, having a pale complexion from spending all his time inside, and clothes that were easy to move in for Adolphe) and then leaving the rest to her. The characters were mostly exactly as I imagined right from the first draft, so I think now in that respect I was fairly spoiled. What I remember even now is that at the very first meeting I was asked, ‘If possible, I’d like a chronological table’ and that it made me feel even more determined to make these characters feel life-like. 
-Is there anything that changed from your initial plans for the story because of ideas that came about during the character design stage?
There were quite a few, but the one who had an especially important addition was Lucas. The weapon for Bourreau was originally to be only a short sword, but the first design Yomi-san submitted, which had him carrying a spear, looked so very cool we ended up having it become a halberd. I asked that it be designed so that it could fold up much like a three sectioned staff so it wouldn’t be a problem when it came to running around and sneaking into the mansions of Shudie.
—I think one of the standout points for this game is how the fashion suits the setting’s worldview.  How did you decide on things like what accessories the characters wore?
 When it came to characters that were close to the research institute and the center of Arpéchéle, I requested that there be a strong cyber influence. Scien and Mathis’s outfits would be the ones where this is most obvious. Because Arpéchéle is a closed country, I asked for a gothic design for characters who aren’t close to the center. Therefore, for that reason, Ceres, Yves, Lucas and Adolphe, the characters that live in the common district, don’t have a single cyber element. Mathis is in the middle point as far as the ratio between cyber and gothic go, so for him Yomi-san and I compared and contrasted the designs together and used that as a base thereafter. The cyber feel for this game uses electronic circuits as the image, so I had her use that as part of the designs.
—Please tell us if there was anything you paid particular attention to when it came to the general flow and direction of the event CG’s.
There were many times where I would hand over some truly rough notes along with the scenario and mood to Yomi-san and entrust the rest to her. Basically, the same as with the character designs.... Whenever there were any points she was unclear on, she would always ask questions, so production progressed without any worries on my end. She would draw everything as I wanted right down to the finer details so most of the CG’s were done in one go, without any need for retakes. 
—Are there any CG’s that you are particularly fond of?
I am fond of all of them so it’s hard to choose. The first salvation end in the third act in which Ankou gives Ceres the flower bouquet, or the one with Adolphe and Ceres smiling at each other in the field of white lycoris....after much thought, if I absolutely had to pick one, perhaps it would be Mathis’s smile at the end of his salvation end. As per the title, the game is quite serious with many dark scenes, however I feel like this bright CG with its white and yellow colours most suits the words ‘beneath the light of the sun.’ It felt as if it was expressing a single ray of light shining down on their future, no matter how many troubles were to await them from there on, so I remember not being able to help breathing a sigh because I was so moved the first time I saw it.
—What points regarding character settings did you not want to compromise on?
 I am repeating myself, but it would be that they are “living humans.” Although it is a story with the unique set up of ‘memory downloads’ and ‘relivers’, for better or worse, the characters of Arpéchéle, including the ones without sprites, are all human-like existences who fall in love, hate others, want to protect the ones important to them, make compromises, and fear and loathe the things that they cannot understand. “Life” is one of its most important themes, so when it came to portraying humans who are its vessels, I was conscious of the fact it was something I couldn’t treat as unimportant.
—Please tell us if there were any particular aims and themes you had when it came to character settings, interesting inside stories during production or ideas that were rejected partway through.
The line “Dear God, I have killed many people” that was used in the first promotional video was what I came up with for her at the beginning and is where her image grew from, making her development process perhaps a little different from the other characters. Ceres’s image flower is the immortelle, small yellow flowers which mean ‘undying love’ and ‘immortality’ in flower language, and that was how I decided her character.....but it came to me later that yellow certainly has a cheerful image.
Her original personality is that of a bright normal girl who smiles often, but she grows melancholy after she starts being called a grim reaper, I would be happy if she could become the kind of main character you would want to cheer on as she regains her original self through her interactions with the other characters. 
Speaking from a variety of different points, his image was that of a ‘traditional knight.’ Due to his burns, Yves lost the ability to feel pain, was abandoned by his parents and treated as a monster. So that those around him would love him, he had no choice but to become a ‘knight-like existence whom everyone would seek out and depend on.’ That said, even knights are human too, so course I think he would still have his own worries and trials. Because there is no such thing as a perfect knight like in the stories, one is all the more human and beautiful for being imperfect. Yves’s burns are also the result of the human-like emotion of ‘wanting to save a single girl from a fire.’ I believe that such scars are a symbol of beauty, not ugliness. Speaking of behind-the-scenes stories, the first design image that Yomi-san came up with is now the vigilante corps uniform. The inner shirts and trousers are the members’ personal clothes. 
Lucas Proust
I received various opinions regarding his salvation end, but a person who took away so many lives must be punished…..that was the point I absolutely could not concede on. Lucas dislikes when things are not done the proper way, so the rule I decided on was that he would not use casual abbreviated verb forms in his speech. The only time he purposely deviates from that rule is when he says, ‘I love you too,’ just before credits roll for the salvation end. Completely abandoning the version of himself that those around him had wanted, and the rules he had decided for himself, we see that he is finally able to face Ceres head on as his true self, I think that this was a scene with a lot of impact. By the way, the daggers he stabbed into the hearts he extracted were modelled after crosses (they are also shaped like them too!).
Mathis Claude
For me, he was the first character whose setting I had firmly decided on. Because he is an irregular existence who is neither human nor a reliver, I believe we were able to write a story that displayed Arpéchéle’s twisted way of life and view on romance from a different perspective. We weren’t able to have it come up in the game, but the idea was because he keeps his knife hidden behind his right thigh, he has rather bad manners when sitting on chairs, sitting with his arms up around raised knees like a gym student. That said, if we had included it, it would mean having to keep writing scenes where Jean or one of the other characters tell him off each time, so it was with a heavy heart I decided not to. His character tagline is ‘The man spurning his fate to forgive’, but the hidden story behind that becomes pure humans ‘do ○○’ and the character who wasn’t ‘did ○○.’ I thought that it would be nice if people were able to notice this after finding out Mathis’s true identity as a homunculus.
Scien Brofiise
I spoke about this on the official blog, but initially he was a character that spoke politely in front of his subordinates. But as he is now, he is certainly not the kind of man to worry about appearances (laughs). He is said to be someone that can resolve almost anything, but it must be remembered that is only in cases where a cause has been established, and it is something that has caught Scien’s interest, in the game those conditions just so happened to come together. He does not involve himself at all in things he isn’t interested in, or that go against his personal principles.
By the way, as he is the only character that fights barehanded, I imagined his fighting style to be similar to savate (TL note: french kickboxing). Seen from the point of view that it is something he started doing and learnt on his own initiative, it’s sort of like he just so happened to pick up the skill as he trained in self-defence from being targeted so often. Speaking of which, although he is a short sleeper and rarely sleeps in front of others, once you have his trust, he will sleep while leaning on your shoulder.
Truth be told, right up until the end Adolphe was the character whose setting I had most trouble deciding on. It is mentioned in the story, but since he is the only one amongst the characters who is able to live longer than 23 years, he is the character most similar to the viewers. As I pondered on how to make sure such a character held his own amongst the others, I thought there was no other choice but to turn the tables and make him “normal.” If you think about it, dying at the age of 23 in and of itself isn’t normal, and so once I arrived at the conclusion that the existence of such a person in that situation would become special, the rest of his characterization followed on very smoothly.
People were rather surprised with regards to Adolphe’s intonation, but the reason for it was because I wanted it to be one point in common for ‘Adolphe = Ankou.’ Incidentally, as he has spent such a long time living at the institution and on his own, he is the most able cook amongst all the main characters. 
I believe there are people who may have realized this, but the origin of his name is that of the grim reaper spoken of in the Brittany region of France, which is why I had him appear in the prologue scenes of the first and second acts wearing the wide brimmed hat and cloak from the legends. Even now when it comes to Ankou, I feel an indescribable emotion. Actually, the original plan for his setting was even more beyond saving.  He had continued to fight for the sake of Ceres’s smile, but after spending so long despairing he grows twisted and his greatest wish instead becomes for him and Ceres to die together. In order for that wish to come true he tries to have her make the wrong answer when it comes to Arpéchéle’s curse…..that was the plan, but it was too dark so we changed a lot of things partway through. The title ‘Shuuen’ (eternal demise) bears various meanings, but one of them is in reference to Ankou. When I was directing Ankou’s final scene in the third act, even now I have a strong memory of praying all the while that he would rest peacefully.
I received a lot of comments saying, ‘Even just her name is scary!’ (laughs) I believe the Salome everyone is thinking of is the one who was written as a villainess in the play (TL note: Oscar Wilde’s play ‘Salome’), but actually it is the one from the Bible that I had in mind. In the play, she is the one to ask for Jokanaan’s head herself, but in the Bible she asks for it because her mother, who holds a grudge against Jokanaan, commands her to, she is being used by those around her. I borrowed her name thinking that it was similar to the way [Salome from the game] is betrayed by her own relatives, the royal family. No matter what kind of life one lived, it may become something different in posterity depending on other people’s interpretations and hearsay, I think she became a character with that kind of story.
Perhaps getting off topic, but the one to douse Bourreau with sulphuric acid in the fifth chapter of the common route was Salome. She had been following them with the thought of helping Ceres and the others should anything happen, and took action once she realised Bourreau was still able to move. The words, ‘You let your guard down too easily’ were directed towards Ceres and Adolphe.
The one person who clearly hates Ceres for being Death. In a different way from Adolphe, he is a man with normal emotions who is afraid to have the girl said to bring death next to the people he is close with, but because he seems to have lived for a long time it is not easy for him to say so openly. I think once you become an adult it gets difficult to tell the person you hate to their face that you hate them. I really did receive a lot of feedback on the emotions that he holds, and there were many things I was made to rethink.
Speaking of background information, he talks about having younger sisters in the game, but he actually has an older brother, making for four siblings in total. His reliver mark is on his back, with the meaning of bearing a household, his older brother also has his in the same spot.
As an existence who would not even have been born in a world in a country with a lifespan of 18 years, because of his appearances throughout the second act, to Ankou he could be called an ‘error.’ He is the mastermind behind everything but if not for Dahut, Arpéchéle’s citizens would likely have continued to live closed off from the world, not realising its abnormality as a nation until the day they were invaded by other countries.
His background is that he has a younger appearance than his peers due to the stress he endured when he was younger, but Dahut doesn’t see this as a bad thing and instead uses it as a tool so that those around him will dote on him (let their guard down).
Nadia Proust
‘How could such a thing happen to such a good girl…..’, I received a lot of comments such as these and truth be told, I also agree. To the point that I was racking my brains when coming up with the plot trying to think of a way she could be saved. However, making up my mind that it wouldn’t be ShuuViru if I wrote something so convenient, I decided on that ending.
The scene where Nadia is set free in Lucas’s salvation ending was revised to be as it is at a truly late stage towards the end of development. I believe that it perhaps expresses the scene title ‘Blade of Release’ in the fullest possible way.
It is a regret of mine that we were not able to have a sprite of an older Nadia in the third act.
Being the founder of the Exorcist religious organisation while also holding the position of a doctor, nowadays I think he really was a troublesome character. Because he deals with patients out of goodwill on the surface, wanting the fact that he is actually after money to not be too obvious, Capucine is the single character who had his design completely changed from the first draft. Although he has the role of being the villain who is most beyond saving in the game, as his motivations are firmly set it was very easy to move him around in the story.
The background that was most fun to come up with was actually his research lab.
Despite only ever being written from Mathis’s POV in the game, I had readied a personal history for both his false identity as Jean and his true one as Camille. Not only is it important when creating a story, I believe it shows just how serious “Camille’s feelings about reviving Rosalie” were, that he would go to the lengths of coming up with a history as Jean. It also adds to the feeling of a meticulous plan being put into place.
I also included various small details such as the words ‘Ma cherie Rosalie’ being written in blood on the wall of the underground research lab at Claude Manor along with engravings of the number of victims that wasn’t revealed in the game.
—Please tell us if there were any points that you were particular about when establishing the relationships between characters.
Perhaps it was that they wouldn’t only have positive feelings towards one another. That goes for the other characters towards Ceres, and also the other way around as well. Humans are not made up of only beautiful emotions, because it is not possible to be loved by everyone, I took care so that could be clearly seen, whether as individuals or as groups.
Also, there were actually relationships that came to light after we began writing the scenario! Unexpected chemical reactions occur when different characters come together, and that was especially true for the drinking party scene in the common route. That scene became the decisive blow for Adolphe’s becoming the long-suffering character in the group (laughs).
—Speaking of which, were there any scrapped characters that didn’t end up appearing?
In my first draft notes there was a con-man who had the tagline “The man who celebrates the fate of deceiving others”. His story was that he swindled people in order to save money to treat his sick sister, but once we had decided on Arpéchéle as the setting, thinking that, ‘If you continuously ran scams in a such a small country, you’d soon be found out’, the character was scrapped. The sick sister storyline was inherited by Lucas.
About the story
—Please tell us if there were any specific considerations you had in mind or things you were particular about in the process of writing the story.
It would be the point about, as much possible, not having everything turn out conveniently. In ‘ShuuViru’, an ending where all characters including the sub characters survive does not exist. You could say that it is realistic for happiness to be built on the sacrifice of others, I personally think that it is not possible for everyone to become happy. Nevertheless, when it came to the salvation routes, so that the characters who lost their lives in the events leading up to the ending wouldn’t become mere sacrificial pawns, I always kept it in mind to make all the lives and deaths feel meaningful.
And also, as it is an otome game, no matter the route, I took care not to neglect the “love” aspect.
—Please tell us if there were any troubles you experienced while writing the plot and scenario, or any interesting episodes that occurred during the writing process.
The foreshadowed reveals were really difficult…..the main writer Satomi Nakayama and I brought everything together after a lot of groaning and intensive discussion. There was also quite a bit of fine tuning on where to draw the line when it came to the despair. Going this far might be too much for an otome game, but at the same time since we’re talking about despair, we didn’t want to take a half-hearted approach to it.
As for an inside story, the truth is Adolphe was alive in the first draft of Scien’s route, but thinking that there wasn’t enough despair, and also so that Ankou would be able to talk about the truth after the end, we ended up changing it. Nowadays I think that perhaps might be one of the main reasons people who have played the game often tell me, ‘You’re heartless.’
—Please tell us if there was anything you were particular about in regards to the game system.
That the other salvation ends wouldn’t unlock until the third act’s salvation end was cleared was something that was decided on from the first. I’m sure it must have caused the players a lot of distress [doing it this way] but Ankou being the first one to be saved was a point I couldn’t compromise on. My thought was ‘Who on earth would I save first while leaving behind Ankou, who has continued to fight for the sake of Ceres’s smile for so long?’ Also, another reason was that I wouldn’t be able to write all that I wanted for each of the character’s salvation ends without all of the truths being revealed first. 
This isn’t related to the system, but I took as much care with how things were arranged in the game as time would allow me. From facial expressions, to the timing of changes in the BGM, the movements of the sprites…..I was very conscious of creating a display screen that allows players to immerse themselves in the story without losing interest. By including a lot of sprite cut-ins, not just in the everyday scenes, but in the fight ones as well, I hope that I was able to create a feeling of actually being at the scene.
—Please tell us if there was anything you were particular about when it came to romantic scenes.
Romance is but one aspect of human emotion, so I took care that the flow of the story up until that point wouldn’t feel unnatural. The aim wasn’t to create romantic scenes, but ones that expressed love.
My thought was that as [it is a game with] an overall brutal atmosphere, if I were to forcefully make it romantic, it might cause the kind of heartburn one gets from adding an absurdly large amount of sugar into bitter coffee (laughs).
I also took a lot of care that each of the characters would express their love in a way that was unique to them. 
—Please tell us about a love scene and ending that you were particularly fond of.
I am fond of all of them, but [for love scenes] it would be the proposal amongst the flames in Yves’s salvation route. The reason Yves is able to have the determination to accept everything, both good and bad, is because he is the type of person who has continuously accepted both kinds of emotions. Ceres’s responding with, ‘…..Idiot’ to Yves’s confession, is something I am particularly fond of as it is a response appropriate for a girl her age, in contrast to her usually constrained manner up until that point.
When it comes to endings, it would likely be Lucas’s despair end. Although it is a bad end seen objectively, from Lucas’s point of view it is a happy end in which he is able to become family with the person he loved and live out his last days together with them, as we had the BMG match up with that, I believe it became a scene which left an impression. Also, a ring on a white bony finger is a scenario that I have always wanted to do, I was glad I was able to make it happen.
—Apart from the love scenes and endings, were there any other scenes that you would like people to play close attention to?
It would be the scene where Ankou and Ceres meet, and he smears her lips with blood. It was something I had wanted to do right from the beginning of planning, and when we did, it really stood out visually, so it is a favourite of mine. I think it became a scene with two facets, on your first playthrough, it gives the impression of Ankou as someone suspicious, but when you look back on it after finding out the truth, you are able to feel his emotions and love [for Ceres]. 
—Finally, were there any scenes or routes that ended differently to what you had originally planned?
The same goes for each of the routes, but particularly for the third act, the number of scenarios became much more than we had envisioned. When it came to writing Adolphe and Ankou’s story it ended up becoming longer by necessity, both Nakayama—san and I sobbed over it together (laughs).
When it comes to something I can talk about now, there was actually one more pattern that we came up with for Lucas’s despair end. Roughly explained, it was that Lucas would decide Ceres was a ‘bad girl’ for trying to kill him and cut her down instead. He would raise a baby that was born at the moment of her death as Ceres’s reincarnation, and then when he was near the end of his lifespan, take her along with him in death saying, ‘Next time, let’s be reborn together’…..but it really wasn’t the kind of material that should appear in an otome game so I refrained.
About the sound
—Please tell us if there was anything you were particular about in regards to the BGM production. 
The fairly challenging discussion we had was to create a synthesis of ‘classical compositions that use string instruments and the like’ with ‘cyber techno style noise.’ I had the main theme ‘Shuuen no Virche -ErroR:salvation-’ created first, and even now remembering getting goosebumps hearing the part where the techno noise comes in just before the climax thinking, ‘This is it!’ Just like with the character’s clothing, the techno noise was used as the main music for things with a strong connection to the research lab and relivers, while the classical sound was used for the Drifter legend and everyday life scenes.
Parts of the BGM also feature arrangements from the main theme, which I think is most obvious in tracks like ‘Kaihou no Katsuro -Break-.’
For this game, we asked Ichikawa Jun-san, who has created a lot of BGMs for anime and dramas [to be the composer], his work further expands on the imagery of the scenes for which it is used, there were truly many compositions that went beyond my expectations. There were very few retakes, most were given the OK from the get-go!
-Please tell us if there were any incidents that occurred during the voice recording stage that left an impression.
The voices we heard during the tests were pretty much as I had imagined them to be, so there wasn’t much by way of finetuning. Everyone had thoroughly read through the scenarios and materials, so it felt as if it wasn’t necessary. It was very reassuring when Yoshimasa Hosoya, who voiced Scien suggested, ‘I think this kind of atmosphere would be good for this scene.’
Another event that left an impression was the commotion caused in the booth by how overly realistic Lucas’s voice actor Daisuke Hirakawa’s acting was in the scene where he vomits blood. We were all on edge saying, ‘He isn’t really vomiting blood, is he?!’ (laughs)
—Is there a scene that became more impactful once the voice acting was added?
It would be the scene in Mathis’s route where different memories are downloaded into him one after the other. Along with Kouhei Amasaki’s blood curdling performance, it becomes more obvious that, ‘Mathis’s personality is being replaced’, increasing the atmosphere of despair.
Another is the scene in the third act with Ankou’s line, ‘I want to see Ceres, I can't see Ceres.’ Because of Kazuyuki Okitsu’s performance, I think the amount of pain he went through for centuries feels all the more real. …..If I were to speak about everything in detail, I could go on for quite a while, truth be told, everything became more impactful (laughs).
—Please tell us if you had any special thoughts in regards to the main theme songs, or if you have any anecdotes regarding their production.
OP: Lycoris no Ai (Lycoris Love)
I had a number of detailed requests when it came to the lyrics, so I ended up causing a lot of trouble for LOVERIN TAMBURIN-san…..
I think people who have played the game must have noticed, but the lyrics have a small trick to them, the first time you hear them it is from Ceres’s POV, and then once all has been revealed, become lyrics from Ankou’s POV. I would be happy if my aim to have everyone enjoy even the lyrics was at least slightly achieved. ‘The flowers of demise are an illusion coloured by death’ and ‘I will love you forevermore’ are phrases I am particularly fond of.
Despair ED: Shuuen no Yume (Dreams of Demise) 
From the image of being bound hand and foot, rendered immobile by a fate of death, the discussion was to make a song with a tempo and rhythm that was difficult to take up and hard to sing. Fundamentally speaking, the despair ends are situations in which [the characters] have lost to Arpéchéle’s twisted technology and way of life, so it is noisier and has more of a cyber feel than the OP…..it was that sort of atmosphere I asked them to emphasise.
Salvation ED: Junpaku no Kyuuzai (Pure White Salvation)
The keywords for the song were without a doubt ‘salvation’ and ‘normality.’ For this one, with the meaning of being released from a twisted way of life, I asked that there be none of the [electronic] noisy feel from the OP and despair ED. Also, in the OP there is a line, ‘Taken away by errors, I lost my emotions (heart)’, but in the salvation ED there is, ‘I will live tomorrow following my emotions (heart)’ ….. I am particularly fond of the fact it feels as if part of the phrases in it are in opposition to the OP.
—What was the response like after the game released?
Since I challenged myself with this title in creating different kinds of themes and endings, character relationships and behaviours, I had steeled myself to receive all types of feedback. However, after receiving passionate messages and comments of support, I was honestly as much surprised as I was happy as I hadn’t expected that so many people would end up playing the game. We have received many comments from those who are looking forward to new developments, so as staff we feel blessed to be in such a position.
—Were there any reactions or requests from fans that particularly left an impression?
It would be [comments about] liking not just one of the characters but all of them. There are many who say they are ‘hako oshi’ (TL Note: people who are fans of all of the characters) when it comes to ShuuViru….I am conscious that is something to feel very gratified about.
Another thing is that there were many comments about wanting to know the origins of the characters’s names as well as their birthdays. It would take a very long time to talk about the origins of all of them, as each of the characters has a meaningful name. If I am blessed with another opportunity at some point, please allow me to take the time to talk about them properly.
In this book I am also introducing the birthdays for the sub characters for the first time as well. Since it has still been only slightly less than a year since this title was released and making them official would constitute spoilers for the third act, we haven’t yet been able to celebrate them, but please allow me to leave behind my ambition of celebrating all the characters someday here.
 —[The fanbook] this time includes Yomi-san’s omake comics and illustrations, how did the creation of those come about?
Yomi-san kindly sent them to me saying, ‘So I’ve drawn these as a bit of fun.....’ However, each time I look at them I tilt my head in puzzlement, ‘She did these “for fun”.....? Aren’t these beyond the level of mere doodles?’ During the busy development period I kept them on my PC desktop as a source of encouragement.
There weren’t any back sketches of Yves, Adolphe and Ankou at the time of design, so once it was decided this book would be created, I had her grant my selfish wish to have some drawn.
—Please tell us if there is anything you have planned for the future, or anything else you would like to do.
In September, [Virche] is in the lineup for Otomate Party 2022, so speaking of the near future that would be one of them.
When it comes to something I would like to see, it would be the characters moving around on stage in a play or musical. Because the clothing designs are very showy and splendid, I think the fight scenes would really stand out!
No matter what form it may be in, I would be happy to be able to show the world of ShuuViru once more. I am striving forward with it firmly in my mind that no matter what kind of new developments there are, it must be something that is able to answer the expectations of everyone who has shown their support.
—Lastly, please give us a message for the fans.
To those holding this book, and those who have played ‘Shuuen no Virche’, I am truly grateful. The reason I have been able to work on these various developments is solely due to everyone’s support. Let me take this opportunity to thank you all once more.
Going through material from the first stage of development in the process of creating this book, thinking, ‘How nostalgic, there used to be these kinds of scenes, I would liked to have written this,’ has been very emotional. I am happy from the bottom of my heart to have been granted this opportunity.
It is my earnest wish that you will love this work, and the salvation and despair that they arrived at, here on and into the future.
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tiyoin · 6 months
Taking a step back from twisted singer reader (I'll be back). I really want to expand/give origins ideas to the group chat(s?). Like how reader got the phone, how they got added and other things. Btw love who added that
With that said I'm starting a new agenda: ✨Grandfather Mozus Trein :D✨ Everyone knows that Crowley is *cough* neglectful & irresponsible *cough* always there for his students and never once put himself first 🤠. I feel like reader low-key reminds Trein of Anastasia (red hair) ya know? Maybe it's how reader plays with their hair when they start getting bored or the doodles on the written exams. All these little habits they share. Just an old man missing his family.
Someone has to be a responsible adult for reader and who else is better then a father with so much wisdom. He knows Yuu has a way of communicating and protecting himself so he isn't as concerned ,but poor reader can't do that to save their life :(
So I can see Trein giving them(mostly reader) a phone (B4 book 4). It's nothing new or special; it has an old blue case with a fading pattern and skuffs. The best part about it is Trein paying the bill. The wallpaper is changed to Grimm napping tho
It's kinda an unspoken rule that reader keeps it for the most part. With Yuu and all the things he tends to get into it would last a week if he was lucky.
More then likely the only numbers in the phone are Aduce/ maybe the other first years and Trein ,but I don't really see any of them be texters tbh. So not much coming in. Maybe a few homework questions??
As for apps a see maybe 2-ish games 👁️👄➖
Over all, it's just a classic antisocial person's phone. Until Cater finds out. Next time Yuu has the phone Carter tells him what should be added and how to #sign up for them. And Yuu being the person he is asks "Cater how do I help my introvert make friends?" Cater being the #helpful upperclassmen is he downloads the app and sends the invite.
The app they use is probably the twst discord. I think that's the only social idia has/honestly uses Some of them has like a cover for the icon. Like no one can know they use that app for whatever reason.
Everyone besides reader kinda knows what account belongs to which person. To add a bit of anonymous(ness?). Cuz no way would reader give her honest opinion about Rook or someone else if she knew that they themselves/close friends are in the chat.
Imagine if one of the guys that reader doesn't get along with ends up being one of reader's close/safe online friend. Like idk if you know who Aphmau is but she has a Minecraft roleplay PDH (don't judge me plss) where Aph and Aaron don't like each other irl but are really close online friends.
I'm sorry if my asks tend to be all over the place. I get sided tracked a lot and end up spacing out every 10 works. This was written between 3-5ish am. Also 👉👈 I think the reason we're on the same brain wave is cuz we're air signs.
Also thank you for liking/replying to my ask/yapping ☺️ it's means a lot to me
I've been waiting to get a Mac charger just to answer this ask🤭
because we always see crewel v crowley for custody over yuu.
but I defiantly agree with you that trein would see one of his daughters; especially anastasia in reader. whether it's by a few habits they both share, or how they're sometimes second fiddle to their more out going companion. but trein can see reader's life falling into shambles the more they're in twisted wonderland, the more they're isolated, and it kills him as both a father and educator.
and believe it or not, he cares about his students. they may not think so and curse him in the hallways, but they'll be thanking him in years to come, they always do (he prides himself in that, and the line of students he has at reunions telling him they're the best teacher they ever had.)
so maybe he pulls reader aside after class, ofc he can tell how tense they are, how nervous they are... especially by how intense their eye contact is, a little creepy but trein understands. he tells them to sit down in a chair he magically spawned as he flicks his head at lucien. who is all too glad to use you as a chair. he can see reader visibly relax as they're testing the water's with the temperamental feline, but trein starts talking.
he wants to help them, as he wouldn't be doing his job as an educator if he just stood by and watched you struggle. how he would have failed the pledge he made to crowley and himself if he let one os his students fall under the radar in favor for his smarter ones.
yes that should sting but it's the truth, and to no fault of your own. you obviously had... less than stupor teaching before this, and you have to catch up on a decades worth of stuff due to your... situation. and he is willing to help you during both lunch hours and free period. he also recommends student tutors for this and is willing to work out some kind of deal between you and the tutors. he wants to see you succeed. not just to prove he can turn a pumpkin into a carriage, but because you deserve it.
maybe you're not so much like his biological daughter, but like his step daughter. the one with a soul of diamond but a heart of glass. and if reader ever needs someone trustworthy (and he emphasizes this) that isn't actively split-dying their hair in their thirties or prances around with a bird mask then he is always open.
no matter how burdenous they feel relying on him, or if they think the matters are silly. he will tell it to them straight. he also suggests talking to cater diamond of heartslabyul, that if anyone can help you make friends, its that chatterbox.
dont even try to refute it cause trein AND lucien will be sporting you an unimpressed look.
but I swear to everything cater has a fucking NOSE- a sniffer if you would for introverts. or he has mastered chenya's invisibility spell and over heard your conversation because- I AGREE WITH YOU- yuu would 100% ask cater to help his little ol' introvert make friends.
so he seeks them out, grabs their phone while chatting away, and downloads 'magi cord' dw yuu is there too. cater even goes a step further and adds his contact to their phone because 'tehe he has the elusive reader's number and no body else does! #1inamillion #hewon! #he'sgonnaextrovertsohardit'llmakeyourheadspin 😼
but later that night you're fighting to go on the app when cater sends you a link, the second message he sends you (with 'hey hey! it's your fav upper classmen cay-cay here!' with an obnoxious amount of emojis, being the first)
it's a link to a magi cord group chat called; raven of secrets. (or smthn idk, I pulled that out of my ass) and he explains that the whole point of that group chat is to remain anonymous. there's a handful of members from different dorms and that's all you're supposed to know.
they talk about gossip, homework, assignments etc. the more he talks about it the more it sounds like a secret society. but nonetheless, you join.
and all hell breaks loose 🤭
personally I think that only a few people know who is who in the chat group. like the organizer because they gotta make sure everyone who has the link is an nrc student. and obviously there's a few friends who gave other people the link or joined together. but there's also active polls where people debate who is who.
just so it gives them the extra comfort of anonymity.
IMAGINE SOME ADMITS TO STALKING POOR READER AND IT TURNS INTO A THRILLER AHHHH (everyone knows who rook is. not because of his French, but because of his detailed posts)
NO CAUSE I WAS ALSO AN APHMAU FAN HAHAHAH I used to eat her role plays up. but watching them now... they're super cringe and I can barely watch an episode of phoenix drop high 😭
and dont even worry about it 'being all over the place because I am literally like that and it's so fun being able to bounce all over the place hehe
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