#and also i'm way too young to know for sure
I don't even bother scrolling the ao3 armandaniel tag anymore, I just wait for your glorious art and then read whatever you illustrate...
That being said if you had any recommendations I'd happily take the o' knowledgeable one
ah nonnie i am happy to pull some from my meticulously vetted list
remember to read and mind all the tags
a haunting just for company by valkyrisms
"I know what a breakup looks like," Daniel says. "The better question is, why are you coming to me about it? I'm the one who broke up your little sham." "This is what humans do, don't they?" Armand asks, letting his voice drop. "Crashing on their friends' couches when there's a blip in their romances?" "Except we're not friends. We're actually very much not friends." Daniel shrugs, as if it's all the same to him. "And I can't imagine the great vampire Armand deigning himself to sleep on my fucked-up sofa. That thing's been here since the nineties." "Well," Armand only says. "I saw you have a guest bedroom."
Lie Back and Let Me Unlock You by Thunder_Puss
Independently wealthy man, early 30's, seeks arrangement with young male aged 18-25, not too muscular and no more than 200lbs (anything more would be most unmanageable) to share my apartment and affection with for 1 year until slaughter. All needs up to that point will be met -surpassingly so, I must admit, as I can be rather doting. There will be no need to consider expenses as they will be covered entirely by myself- "-There will be a rigorous interview process consisting of correspondence by email..." Daniel shook his head, laughing. "Of course, buddy. I'm sure I'll have a lot of competition." He raised his whiskey glass to his lips and wet them. "If this sounds like an amenable blah blah... Christ, this guy is verbose. I'll have to bring along a thesaurus to keep up." Daniel Molloy was 24, not too muscular, and no more than 200lbs. He was also steadfast and enterprising -when he could keep his nose clean- and had nothing more interesting to do than chase a story about an independently wealthy man with the screen name Botticelli_Angel who seemed to have the world's most taboo kink. Daniel could play the part, see where the story took him for a while. If shit got too weird, he'd dip. (Spoiler: He doesn’t dip.)
the sin and this mess we're in by ringfinger
He’s sitting on a beach he hates, trading shitty jokes with a centuries-old monster whose body count would put Ed Gein to shame and who is almost certainly also plotting to turn him into a flesh lampshade. “Don’t be dramatic,” Armand says, picking up on that thread, “I do wish you’d stop returning to that.”
how memory makes monsters into myth by blueskiddoo
“I said I’m fine, Alice,” Daniel snaps, and time itself grinds to a halt. Not literally. Ha. The things you have to specify with vampires. Daniel wishes he could laugh, but the sound is stuck somewhere in his throat, along with his heart. Now, of course, his hand chooses to be perfectly still. Why the fuck did he say that? * daniel keeps slipping up and mistaking armand for his ex-wife and the more he looks back on his memories, the less reliable they get. he's pretty sure he married alice molloy, but how do you marry a woman who apparently never existed? armand is armand about it.
chase away my heart and heartache by sahwen
With nowhere to go and an eternity ahead of him, Armand decided to work his way backwards. Or: Armand's Tour de Divorce in six acts.
to stretch the night, to fill it fuller with dreams by typefortydeductions
Armand and Daniel return to Venice to confront some of Armand's oldest demons. Louis comes with them, trailing ghosts of his own.
I am the least difficult of men. All I want is boundless love. by cannibalenthusiast
“Did we call each other boyfriend? Surely not. Sounds weird even saying out loud.” “You were my beloved,” Armand says. “My lover. My boy.” “Your human pet. Your mortal fool. I get it,” Daniel says, not neglecting to notice his use of the past tense. “You want to go see a movie?”
such a pretty box (all fancy wrappings, and a bow on top) by snuffreel
“That is a fascinating shade of scarlet. In the dark, now, it almost matches the color of her blood.” Or: Armand, Daniel, and the age-old question of what's really inside a girl.
flash the camera (you're a star) by exastris_scientia
Daniel is starting to think he should put a little more thought into the promises he makes in the heat of the moment. He’d qualified it a little, sure, so technically he doesn’t have to do it. And it’s not like he needs the money, not after Louis and Armand had thrown his that’s my whore number comment back in his face by actually paying him ten million fucking dollars. But a promise is a promise, even if it’s one literally no one would expect him to follow through on. Whatever. He said he would, so he will. It might be fun. So he starts an OnlyFans.
bang it up inside by leavethebes
"Come on," Daniel goads. "Come the fuck on."
she will be your living end by kanxie
Daniel reaches his hand out for Armand to take. They wait a few moments in silence as the world stops moving around them. The animals hush. The air stills. A faint smell of smoky dust drops from the sky and lifts from the ground. Rural Armenia has always been too quiet for Armand, but this is to a level where noise itself seems to atrophy into a cold, nightmare-like state. Armand takes his hand, and the usual dampened sounds of movement are stark in this nothingness. “It's okay to admit you're scared,” says Daniel. His deep and rumbling voice. Armand keens for it in the lamplight.
Armand and Daniel are at home when the bell tolls.
Backroads to Sonoma by burntcrimson
Where the hell have you been, Daniel wonders, and why me? A bloody American summer in the belly of the AIDS crisis.
open eyes and behind your teeth by tisiphones
It wasn't fascinating, the way the boy didn't know whether to lean into the touch or away from it, confused by the comfort and the pain it offered in equal measures. It wasn't. Armand could do the same thing — did do the same thing, whenever Louis deigned to touch him at all — and Louis still thought he was boring. It couldn't be this that had captivated him. But that didn't mean it wasn't fun. --- Armand weighs the pros and cons of dog ownership.
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consulting-ghosts · 2 days
Something stuck me in the morning and I really had to write it down. 
This was supposed to be short but turned out like always. 🤣
Marvel and people can pretend if they want that what Wanda did to Agatha was an act of kindness or whatever. If you think about this it was in fact an act of cruelty.
I mean she left her trapped in her own mind like in a prison without any control whatsoever. Agatha hates not having control, which is reasonable considering that back in Salem when she was young, she let her guard down and she was almost killed by her own family. They died instead and she was left all alone to fend for herself. I mean it leaves a mark if you think about it. More than that, though. 
We can assume that Agatha is still immortal, so she left her like that for eternity. Even if she isn't, without her powers, she still would be living there longer than most humans.
Wanda didn't have any intention of coming back. She should have left Agatha in Westview without puting her under the spell and get her the chance to decided what she want. Get her a chance to run or stay in the town. Instead she put her in a life that was in many ways misserable.
You can blame it on Agatha if you want but Wanda was a villain of Wandavision and it was Wanda all along. Not Agatha.
Sure she was being Agatha (cousing mischeef and stuff) and enjoying it but she didn't do anything truly wrong in Wandvision except  killing Sparky. I mean she never even trapped boys in the basement, since as soon as they both got out of the house we saw that boys were both home safe. She just used magic to make Wanda believe that. 
Also if I would be in Agatha place I would take Wanda powers too, at least some of it, considering how cooko banana she was at that point. Wanda did exactly the same thing when she took her powers so they even about this.
Wanda would never listen to her if I tried to teach her control. Also if Wanda just answered her questions, Agatha will never make her relive what happened, but that seems like a minor thing considering what Wanda was doing to people in town. 
Let's go back to the topic. If Teen didn't show up Agatha would be still trapped in the spell. And it wasn't a good dream if you consider it. And as far as we know  she would be stuck like that forever if even Wanda's death didn't stop it.
 I'm not trying to make excuses for Agatha because I don't think she needs any. I just say how I see it, but people really need to stop making one for Wanda. 
Also do Teen and Rio work together, because it was hell of a coincidence that they both showed up at the same time?
Anyway, I will just post this and avoid this place like a plague. Until I finish work and get back home where I can watch a new episode. At least 8 more hours. Uhhh.
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impactdial · 1 day
white coat syndrome
warnings: fear of fatphobia (no actual fatphobia takes place), very slight implied disordered eating, medical setting/language used
small Usopp-centric drabble I made myself finish, so I'm not too happy with it towards the end, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless! also, sorry I couldn't resist throwing in a bit of implied sanuso too!
Usopp bounces his leg anxiously, habitually nibbling his thumb as he glances over at Chopper sifting through several papers scattered across his desk and scribbling notes every so often. The reindeer's stethoscope still dangles from his furred neck, possibly still warmed from contact with Usopp's bare chest, and the cuff of the sphygmomanometer lays just to the side of where Usopp's slouching on the infirmary cot.
He had been dreading this interaction ever since the Strawhats had reunited and Chopper had insisted he wanted to update everyone's medical files for posterity's sake, examining them individually and addressing any medical concerns. Usopp normally didn't mind Chopper's thorough prodding. He trusted the young doctor's knowledge and capability, but after he'd heard Chopper's brutal verbal beat down directed towards Zoro's apparent nonchalant reply that he'd knowingly neglected his established pain management, he was more than a little anxious about what the reindeer would say to him.
Usopp was very aware he had physically changed a lot in two years. He was, of course, proud of the amount of muscle he had managed to gain during his training on Boin, a testament of his own growth and dedication to his friends, but-Well-
Boin still had heartily rich foods, and even with daily exercise and mindful rationing, he couldn't lose all the weight he had gained during his time there. There's a generous distribution of fat padding his frame, most of which he's gained in his soft stomach and broad thighs. Usopp's not disappointed in the slightest at this development; no, far from it. He's quite proud of the fact that once he's dug his heels in, it's a formidable task to move him. He'd gladly throw his weight around, finally feeling the confidence of strength in ways he previously couldn't. Even roughhousing with Luffy has left the rubber man at least a little winded and sweating.
But just because he felt that way about his body didn't mean others would feel the same. He was almost sure someone would playfully tease him about having to borrow both Zoro and Franky's shirts in the meantime, since his old clothing obviously no longer fit him. The closest incident had been Luffy's crude, unfiltered observation of how big he thought Usopp’s backside had gotten (followed by Nami's swift smack to the back of their captain's head, telling him he can't just say that out loud).
Chopper hums, checking over his notes again before hopping out of his chair and retrieving the sphygomanometer.
"I'd like to take your blood pressure again, if that's ok with you?" Chopper asks, his blue nose twitching inquisitively. He must have notice the way Usopp nearly jumps out of his skin at the sudden question because he quickly adds, "It was a little high when I checked it earlier so I just wanna double check!"
The process doesn't take long, the same as earlier while Chopper was taking his vitals, the cuff snug around Usopp's thick bicep as Chopper listens with his stethoscope. Soon, he's done and beaming brightly at the sniper.
"Much better!" The little doctor praises, removing his stethoscope from his ears. He takes a few more notes before turning back to Usopp, still smiling.
"I think that covers everything! I'd like to get you started on a new antidepressant which I think I can have ready by tomorrow," Chopper explains, gesturing cheerfully with his pen gripped between the split of his hoof. "Oh, and I trust you know what you're doing with your herbs, but I'd prefer for you to come to the infirmary for your hormones so I can give them to you subcutaneously instead of orally!"
Usopp nods hollowly as he absorbs Chopper's words, absentmindedly rubbing at his inner arm.
"That's all?" He blurts out before he can even think about what he's said, immediately regretting it. He debates aborting this conversation and beating a hasty retreat straight to his workshop.
Chopper tilts his head curiously, ears perked as he squints thoughtfully. "Mm, yeah, I think so! Besides getting you back on track with your medication, there wasn't anything else. You're in good health!"
"Oh. Um, cool?"
The reindeer's blue nose twitches again, quietly observing Usopp's fidgeting and apparent discomfort. "Unless there was something else you wanted to talk about...?" He offers carefully.
Usopp hems and haws, his leg bouncing noticeably faster than before. "I mean-I just thought you'd, uh, you know. Wanna talk about my weight?"
The young doctor waits patiently for the sniper to elaborate further, the two of them just staring at each other for a moment.
Finally, Usopp breaks and breathes out a long, defeated sigh that ends in a weak chuckle, shoving strays curls away from his face before gesturing vaguely to himself.
"I got fat? You don't want to put me on a diet, or something?" The sniper grumbles, feeling increasingly silly now that he's voiced what he's been dreading for the last hour. Chopper seems genuinely surprised by this revelation though, his eyes widening for a moment before his brow furrows and Usopp watches a hoof begin to touch the edge of his presumed file contemplatively.
"I don't think that's necessary," The reindeer replies, hoisting himself up onto the cot beside the space Usopp currently occupies, the file resting in his lap. "I think you should keep in mind it's perfectly normal for fat distribution to change as you age, and there's a genetic factor as well!"
Usopp shrugs his shoulders, plucking at the fabric of his overalls disinterestedly. "I guess so."
“And,” Chopper continues with an indignant huff, “Hormones change how your body holds fat, so I’m not too concerned about it as far as that goes, considering you’re on testosterone. Plus, you have to account for your muscle mass now! Also–”
The doctor abruptly lets out a shriek of laughter, doubling over as Usopp tickles under his chin. Chopper shoves at his arm, trying to squirm away while he gasps for breath between snorting laughter.The sniper grins widely at Chopper’s reaction, amused. 
“I get it, Chopper,” Usopp says, clicking his tongue in feigned annoyance, then teasingly tugging the reindeer’s cap to obscure his sight. Chopper swats at his hand, snorting. 
“Good! You’re my patient, and I’d never lie about your health to you!” The young doctor replies, thumping his hoof against his chest confidently. 
With the tension broken, the infirmary feels less stifling and the earlier tension Usopp had been carrying dissipates. They finish up after that, Chopper reminding the sniper to stop by his office for his medication, and Usopp spends several productive hours in his workshop afterwards. That night at dinner he blinks in surprise as Sanji wordlessly serves him a dessert that looks suspiciously similar to what he’d also served Nami and Robin. He stares for a brief moment at the fancy bowl of sorbet before glancing back up at their cook, who’s still flitting around the table collecting the used dishware but Usopp can see him glancing over his shoulder every so often, like he’ll tell the sniper off if he doesn’t eat it. 
It’s the sweetest thing he’s had in a long, long time. He savors every bite.
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imtrashraccoon · 3 days
Runs in but trips over my own paws, scattering some papers everywhere
So... I have a new thing that has been taking over my brain... Not sure if I'll end up doing all of the prompts and I know I won't have time to do them all on time, but I want to try!
I decided to take a similar approach to the fic I wrote from the last prompt list I did, Have Some Empathy, Dear. So, rather than write for Classic Papyrus all month, I'm going to split the prompts up among the four Papyri I have created. Some I haven't expanded on much or barely written anything in general, so this is exciting for me! First up, my Underfell Papyrus - Scar!
Thanks to @starlikeswomen for the awesome prompt list! (Let me know if you don't want to be constantly tagged for these...) (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
Paptober '24: Nyeh Heh Heh! (Warm up)
Word Count: 1,884
It was a warm day today but rather than finish unpacking your apartment, you decided to go outside and get some sunshine. You were between projects anyways so it's not like your clients would get upset if you took a break. After grabbing your phone and credit card, you locked the front door behind you and set out to explore the city. Maybe you'd even try out a new restaurant for lunch if you encountered anything interesting.
It seemed like everyone was out and about today, either enjoying the warm weather like you or just going about their business. You didn't live anywhere particularly fancy, but there were plenty of new businesses in the area and your street had become a popular hang out spot for young people. It gave you some hope that you could start a new life here and make some new friends.
The sun was so bright that you almost wished you had remembered to grab your sunglasses but there wasn't anything you could do about it now since you didn't want to go all the way back home. For now, you kept your head down so you wouldn't have to squint constantly, at least some of the taller buildings occasionally blocked the sunlight.
A bus pulled up to the sidewalk up ahead and half a dozen people disembarked. On instinct, you moved towards the buildings so they could easily move past you, but in doing so, you noticed a very tall skeleton in the middle of the crowd. He seemed rather out of place but instead of asking for help, anyone who got too close received a harsh glare.
Despite Monsters being on the surface for quite some time now, they were still a rare sight since they tended to keep to themselves. The general public seemed to like them but you knew there were still many Humans who not-so-secretly disliked them. It just made sense for Monsters to stick together in a world that was still brand new to them.
You waited until most of the crowd had dispersed before attempting to approach the skeleton. He was dressed sharply, and thanks to his sharp teeth, that seemed to be a good word to describe him. Maybe his clothes were a bit too warm for the current weather though.
He had on a bright red scarf, a classy tan trenchcoat, dark slacks, and well-polished leather shoes. He was also wearing dark leather gloves, making his skull the only visible part of him. The most distinguishing features about him were the two jagged cracks that passed through his left eye socket and his scarlet eyelights that seemed to boil with barely concealed frustration.
Just as you were debating if you should bother talking to him or not, he seemed to notice your presence and turned sharply towards you. For a moment, you got the distinct impression that he was evaluating your appearance but he broke eye contact as soon as the thought occurred to you.
"Are you alright?" you asked carefully.
He stiffened and shot a glare at you. "Of Course I Am," he growled in response.
You weren't that surprised by his harsh tone but a part of you wondered if you should just excuse yourself and continue on your way. "I just wondered because I'm new to the city and I know the feeling of being lost quite well," you commented. "If I may ask, do you need help getting somewhere?"
His expression softened ever so slightly but his earlier frustration continued to hold on stubbornly. "No, I Am Not Trying To Go Anywhere," he muttered.
You raised an eyebrow but before you could say anything else, he let out a huff and crossed his arms. "But, If You Do Not Mind, What City Is This?"
You hadn't been expecting that question at all but you managed to keep a poker face rather than betray your bewilderment. "We're in Mountsburg."
His bonebrows furrowed and he propped his chin up in one of his hands in a thoughtful manner. After a moment he huffed again and turned back to you. "I... I Have No Idea Where I Am," he confessed.
You blinked in surprise and looked around but no one seemed to be paying attention to the two of you. So, you moved a bit closer to the skeleton before responding, "I can try helping if you want?"
He nodded, albeit hesitantly, and finally allowed himself to relax some.
Even though you had to basically crane your neck to look up at his easily seven foot frame, you smiled and introduced yourself before asking for his name in return.
He opened his mouth to respond before apparently thinking better of whatever he was going to say. "Scar. You May Call Me Scar," he answered.
A part of you wondered why he'd been reluctant to tell you his name but you decided not to pry for now. You were a complete stranger and he was in a bit of a tough situation after all.
"Would you like to go somewhere so we can talk? I was planning on getting some lunch anyways if you want to join me?"
"That Is A Good Idea," Scar started to say slowly. "Are There Any Good Monster Owned Places Around Here?"
You shrugged, "I don't know but we can find one."
After searching through some local review websites for a few minutes, you settled on one that was nearby with reasonable prices. It turned out to be a little hole in the wall place but on first impressions, it seemed clean at least. Other than Scar giving you the occasional odd look while you were looking for the restaurant, he had no complaints so you decided to give it a chance.
He picked a table in the far corner of the dining room and you noticed he chose to sit with his back to the wall, as if he didn't like the idea of not knowing who might walk in the door. After ordering, he leaned a bit closer to you, resting his arms on the table as he did so.
"I Am Not Sure Why I Am Here," he started to say in a low voice. "But A Small Skeleton With A Large Paintbrush Told Me To Find Someone With The Same Name As You. The Next Thing I Knew, I Was Here And Well, You Know The Rest."
"You just appeared here?"
Scar thought for a moment before nodding. "That Is The Best Way I Can Describe It."
"Can I ask where you're from then?" you asked.
"I Live Near A Place Called 'Surface Home'." When you have him a curious look, he added in slightly exasperated tone, "Our King Is Very Bad At Naming Things..."
You couldn't help but chuckle. "Considering everyone calls the East side of the city 'Monster Town', I'm not that surprised."
"Wait, Humans And Monsters Live Close Together?"
"Most live here in the city but I know some don't like living in the shadow of the mountain, which makes sense."
Scar nodded quietly.
"You know, I could try looking up your town or city on my phone. Maybe that could help you figure out where you are?" you suggested.
He only shrugged in response, although you did catch a glimpse of a curious glint in his eyelights but it vanished almost immediately.
Try as you might, you couldn't find anywhere that was called "Surface Home" or even any other instance of the former Monster King naming another Monster settlement. When you tried asking Scar about himself or anything else that might give you an idea of where he was from, he seemed to grow a bit uncomfortable, so you changed the subject and tried to make casual conversation instead.
You learned that he liked animals and owned a small hobby farm with his brother outside of their town. He used to be in the Royal Guard back in the Underground as well, which is how he got the two scars. You got the impression that while he acted tough, he really just wanted to be left alone, which was something you understood quite well.
Interestingly, you caught him closely studying you while you searched for his town on your phone. He attempted to play it off when he realized that you'd noticed his staring by complimenting the burgundy highlights in your hair. Then, the waiter returned with your orders so you brushed it off for now.
While eating, you noticed how he kept looking around at the other patrons. It was casual, as if he was only curious about what they were wearing or the occasional bits of conversation you could overhear. However, you began to notice that he was actually surveying the room for potential threats. When you asked if he was alright, he seemed a bit startled but gave you a gruff nod.
He insisted on paying separately when the bill came around and you noticed that he paid in Gold. It occurred to you that he could have requested a Monster restaurant for this specific reason but you supposed it could've also been for the food and familiarity.
When you stepped outside again, you turned to Scar. "Do you have any social media? Or maybe a phone number I can use to get in touch with you?"
He cocked his skull and gave you a confused look. "No? I Do Not Know What That Is..."
Well that put a spanner in the works. You should've guessed that he wasn't the type to care about what other people were doing online. That left you wondering what he would do next since he was alone in a strange city with no way of finding his way home. This led you to offer something that you normally wouldn't have if he was anyone else.
"You could crash at my apartment for a while until we figure out how to get you home."
He physically balked at the very suggestion. "No. You Do Not Need To Put Yourself Out On My Account."
"You were supposed to find me, right?" you pressed. "Maybe together we can find out why, but for now, I'd sleep a lot easier knowing that you have a roof over your head."
He frowned and looked away. "I Suppose You Are Right..." he muttered. "But I Do Not Want To Be A Burden..."
"Nevermind that," you huffed and planted your hands on your hips. "I've lived with roommates plenty of times and I doubt you'd be half as difficult to live with as some of them were."
Something about what you said got him to laugh. Maybe it was your tone of voice or maybe it was the sight of your much smaller frame glaring up at him like an annoyed chinchilla, either way he couldn't stop the smile that threatened to overtake his usual sneer. His laugh was very distinct, almost comical, like a truely maniacal villian, except he was a well-dressed skeleton who apparently hated the idea of being indebted to anyone.
"Nyah! Fine! If You Are Going To Be So Stubborn, I Accept Your Offer, Human," he huffed, although he still had a mildly amused look in his scarlet eyelights.
And so began the most interesting period of your life to date.
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the constant game of "am I chronically ill or is it just the malnourishment and dehydration"
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suddencolds · 2 months
#not a vent just a journal entry (feel free to scroll past; there is no snz here and this is also not that interesting)#realizing now that i never thought of myself as#someone whose absence would register to others in any other way than just neutral/detached recognition?#phrasing this really badly and i am truly going to delete this later bc it is embarrassing LOL#i think when i was young and posting all this fic into questionable places (the f*rum) i was like#(@ an unfinished work of mine) no way anyone could be bothered by these cliffhangers 👍 they can just imagine the ending#even though i would frequently be bothered by other people's cliffhangers. that exact same principle just wouldn't apply to me in my head#and when i did not respond to people i was like.. i'm sure i wasn't really an important part of their lives so they won't mind it#if i stepped away?#i never really entertained the concept of people missing me or looking forward to my responses 😭 i never thought of myself as someone worth#missing... so when i disappeared it was always with little to no sense of guilt. i think even now i struggle with#seeing myself as someone that inhabits like a tangible enough space in other people's lives that my absence would be felt#(and i don't mean that in a morbid way. and i do recognize that it's quite hypocritical)#on the flipside of things i frequently miss people and look forward to their responses. and sometimes i wonder like#do they all know? do they all know that i miss them because they somehow understand this aspect of human nature better than i do?#or are they in the dark like i am? are these things assumed or are they only known when they are said... 😭#i am a little bit of a coward so i am not saying anything (also because can you even say this kind of thing to someone??#i would probably die of embarrassment) but#how strange it is to have someone suddenly inhabit a space in your life that is substantial enough that#when they're gone you feel that space open up and you miss them#the few times in my life people have conveyed that sentiment to me i remember feeling puzzled that my presence could have that kind of#weight to them. i think my problem is that i purposefully do not read between the lines if the conclusion is something favorable towards me#because i don't want to bank on something good that might or might not be true 😭 anyways this is way too long already. if you read this#then good morning or goodnight
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shannonallaround · 6 months
After pondering on it for several days, I have officially decided I did not like the direction of KFP4 and have banished it from my brain. It is no longer canon. KFP4? What's that? Don't know what you're talking about.
#spoilers ahead#it wasn't all bad#I really truly loved the scenes with Li and Mr Ping they were wonderfully hilarious#and the music was great#BUT#I just did not like the direction they took Po's story at all.#and I'm kinda furious they subtly undermined Shifu's character#by making him “fine”/“not fine” with Oogway picking Po as his successor instead of him.#it was only a thing for 2 seconds for the sake of humor but it completely undermines his inner peace character development#first off why can there only be one successor#and second off why can't Po take primarily the fighting side and Shifu take the spiritual side#It FITS HIM#don't know if most people would notice that shifu's character was undermined but because he's one of my favorites I sure did and it HURT#also um the furious five WHY didn't we have them be the main characters with Po instead of the fox chick no one cares about#literally their interactions with Po that's WHY WE'RE HERE DREAMWORKS#also it's become really obvious to me that the fox girl was literally written just so they could cast a specific voice actress in a big rol#nothing against that actress I love her in other stuff but that was a bad move Dreamworks#and another thing#the movie's message about change not always being bad is perfectly fine and good in theory#but such character change is only satisfying from a storytelling perspective if the audience actually WANTS the character to change!!!#I don't WANT Po to stop being the dragon warrior! I don't WANT him to pick a successor! That wasn't satisfying!! like whyyyyyyyyy#Plus he's like way too young?? to be worrying about this??? Oogway didn't worry about it until he was literally 900 years old#Shifu is what in his 60s? 80s? and he hasn't picked one#why would they make shifu worry about po doing that any time soon literally at all#so there dreamworks#I banish this movie#I banish it for one thousand years#kfp4#kung fu panda 4#po kung fu panda
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rosemaryreality · 2 months
Obsessed with the idea of Megumi coming out of the whole Shinjuku thing without scars...and being miserable because of it.
I just have this image in my head of him looking at himself in the mirror and feeling like...dysphoric about it, outwardly he still looks like the kid of a few months ago, the one that still had hope for his sister, the one without her blood on his hands, the one that had never felt what having his body stolen from him felt like.
And yet, Megumi will never be that person again, he will never see himself, or the world around him the same way again. That boy in the mirror is not him, he looks nothing like Megumi feels, that youthful face doesn't represent the misery Megumi has endured, the way he feels as if he has lived a hundred years already, the innocence in his features despite the blood on his hands made him want to puke, and the lack of any sort of scars felt like a mockery, despite everything he had been through, the face in the mirror could be mistaken by someone that had never been harmed before, someone ignorant of the cruelty of the world, the face in the mirror failed to reflect everything Megumi has endured. That is, except for the eyes.
There was no light in them, not a trace of hope or will to exist. And while the rest of his face felt insultingly flawless, his soulless eyes never allowed him to fall for the illusion, to forget what Megumi really was, an empty husk of a person. Nothing like someone that deserved to be saved.
And it was as he looked at the way too young, yet still haunted face in the mirror, at the same face of the naive kid that, despite considering himself a realist, was still foolish enough to hope that the world would give him a break, that he started to feel something, he felt...anger. Anger, resentment, and hate for the boy in the mirror, feelings so strong, that he started to shake because of them.
In the end, Megumi couldn't handle looking at that face any longer, and without thinking about what he was really doing, he smashed his hand against the glass, shattering it.
Finally, is as he looks in what's left of the mirror, with Megumi's reflection looking broken due to the cracks, that he finally feels satisfied with how it looks. As the shattered face in it finally represents him.
(In the end, Megumi does get those scars. And he sees them not in the mirror, but everytime he looks at his own hand)
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californiaquail · 4 months
made a post but it wound up being excessive so it's under here
made the mistake against my better judgment of mentioning to my sister in law that i was trying to get a hysterectomy and she literally gasped and was like "what?! that's such a huge and permanent surgery with so many side effects it makes you go into menopause?!" like first of all it is not usually a very crazy surgery at all anymore and second of all if you only remove the uterus it rarely causes menopause. but even if it did ok so then i take hrt for some decades. which while not ideal is barely different than taking birth control for decades which is what i would be doing otherwise. then she asked if this was "the first of multiple life altering surgical interventions to [my] body" and i was like idk :) because she was so weird about it even though i am certain that i will be doing something life altering and permanent to these fucking g cups as soon as i feel like i'm in a situation where i can do so. and this is all not very lgbtq ally of her but quite frankly even if there was no gender component to it and i was a confidently cisgendered woman i would still deserve to have the ability to make such life altering and permanent decisions and not get fucking interrogated and talked down to about doing as an adult something i've been sure about for my entire life (or of course even if it hadn't been that long), which is a very obvious concept to me but clearly not to some people. this woman teaches feminism at the university level btw and has previously been involved in queer student organizations and advocacy. somehow. i give it a 78% chance she will bring it up again in front of my brother
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bloomingonionbitch · 6 months
(I never watched Sex and the City when it was on, but I'm well into Season 2 and Lisa Gilroy's impression of Steve is haunting me beyond words!!!!!!)
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fragmentedblade · 1 year
Insane that Blade during Todd's quest did basically the same thing Dan Heng was doing during this last video
#Fragments and scraps#I talk too much#I had just finished Todd's quest and I had so many questions and hypotheses and then the video dropped#And goodness it gave me even more things to ponder but I also think it kind of cleared things up when it came to what was Blade mourning#I also wondered whether this came after Kafka's companion mission but now I'm pretty sure it comes before it? I think it makes sense#Seeing confirmation of Yingxing being old looking was so hard to watch whilst compared to how young Jing Yuan sounds in Chinese#And when seeing him alongside Jingliu and Baiheng‚ who were both mature women when he was a little kid#No wonder he is so prideful of his craft. He deserves it. I really adore how they implemented a lot of details in the worldbuilding#and sidequests that throw light towards the characterisation and story of some of the main characters#Specifically I can't stop thinking about Yingxing in the context of how we see shortlife humans are regarded by some people on the Xianzhou#and especially in the context of the sidequest about the master and the apprentice. Everything it implies#Anyway... This video broke me. The confrontation between Dan Heng and Dan Feng was hard enough#(guy leave the boy alone‚ *he* has nothing to repent of) as well as beautiful. Some shots were gorgeous and full of symbolism#But seeing the five friends... goodness. Yingxing's bitter smile carries a weight that I think goes beyond him losing to Jingliu#given his age and how young his friends look. The way Jing Yuan reacts as if having the braincell but also teasing them was so him#The way his voice broke later on while reading Imbibitor Lunae's punishment took me out#Baiheng reminded me a bit of March 7th in this video. It may be due to how March reacts to Dan Heng's melancholic air towards the end#And how Baiheng reacts to Imbibitor Lunae's and Yingxing's at the beginning. I don't know if the parallelism was purposeful but I loved it#They all felt actually a lot closer than I expected. Mainly Jingliu. I expected her to be close only to Baiheng given what Jing Yuan says#The images that flash over the sentence were so good and so heartbreaking#Yingxing looking at the figure over the moon‚ his chest being pierced by the sword Blade now wields‚#Jingliu blindfolded slicing something‚ someone suspended in chains‚...#And the heavy absence in those images of Jing Yuan‚ whose breaking voice hovers over them all#Truly brought back to mind Blade's line about him. How he knew better than anyone but he did or said nothing#And how he is not one of those who must pay#Everything was so charged I wanted to scream or jump off a cliff. The way the faces of Dan Heng and Dan Feng superimpose ugh#Truly everything was so good#I have so many thoughts about it I can't stop thinking hahaha#But I better shut up already. I should sleep a bit#I want to scream though. The Dan Heng/Blade parallelism makes me want to drown a sea‚ ontological barriers be damned haha
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plushri · 8 months
As promised, my post on the lobby yesterday
Over 3000 showed up to lobby their member of Parliament and urge them to vote for the Scottish National Party's motion for an immediate ceasefire, to replace the current government motion for a stop of humanitarian aid.
The motion did not pass, in fact it did not even get voted on. Which is what the MPs came there to do.
"As the war in Gaza continues to cause death, destruction, and terror, with over 30,000 people reported dead so far, British MPs couldn't even decide how to decide what they think about it"
The thousands of people who waited outside Parliament were left in the wind and rain with no explanation, as security let very few of us in. I was there 3 hours and got nowhere near the front, people AT the front said they did not get in. The MPs knew we came to lobby. We have a right to lobby and speak to our MPs. We organised and showed up in our thousands, but Parliament didn't accomplish anything. What is the state of democracy in this country?
People of the UK, KEEP SHOWING UP FOR PALESTINE. Make the national demonstration on Saturday 9th March the biggest so far. Spread the word of it everywhere, encourage people you know to show up.
Our government is pathetic and spineless and they are panicking under our pressure. ONE HUNDRED (!) Labour MPs were planning to rebel against their leader and vote for immediate ceasefire. Do not let up.
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sureuncertainty · 1 year
that validating but also infuriating moment when i see a post that makes me annoyed and then i go into the notes and it’s like 90% terfs agreeing with it like okay good i’m not crazy this post was bullshit. also i think if a ton of terfs are agreeing with your point then MAYBE you should rethink what you’re saying a little bit
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Tagged by the lovely @mademoiseli. Thank you so much, honey!
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aeide-thea · 2 years
my tolkien revisitation has involved many big thoughts but my small thought from tonight's grocery-run-by-bike is: WHAT is up with that one 'hive of ants' simile. like. my guy. i am very sure hives are for bees. ants have hills, or nests maybe, or like, a group of them is a colony. but gandalf at the council of elrond is all:
I came to Buckland and found it in uproar, as busy as a hive of ants that has been stirred with a stick.
i mean. radagast would never!!
#like i guess hobbits are too small to be bees so they have to be ants?? although like. hobbits fuzzy. bees fuzzy. seem equivalent 2 me.#bookblogging#the matter of arda#language#(also thots on Class Dynamics like. sam does call frodo 'master frodo' in the movie iirc)#(but on the whole i feel like it doesn't come off like he's a Servant the way he's very clearly a Servant in the book)#(like. carrying frodo's extra personal items he forgot to pack! what kind of camping trip etiquette i ask u!)#(mind u in the movies i feel like sam gets slotted into the‚ like‚ Hollywood Chubby Sidekick role instead which. debatable if that's better)#(but idk i really just have been extremely Struck by like. merry as Young Scion of the Aristocracy and pippin also‚ i think)#(like that really kind of does explain a lot of his haplessness at the outset)#(and then frodo as like. honestly kind of only barely part of the ton as like. adoptive heir of an Eccentric)#(and finally sam as his Loyal Servant)#(and like. idk. the movies i feel like really kind of collapse that into a 'gang of indeterminate mad lads' energy)#which honestly is probably good! although ALSO honestly probably kind of related to the social dynamics hollywood media tends to feature#(i know PJ and co were not american and i'm sure there's also stuff to be said abt like. aotearoan relative informality)#(anyway like. always a question with adaptations. like i think they tried to tone down the class and gender stuff)#(unclear how much of that was deliberate and how much was just like. if you love these books that's not the part that stuck with you prolly)#(but like. arguably a misrepresentation of the original ethos—#altho idt i really care so much abt that‚ like‚ we amend the constitution‚ we can amend tolkien#let's move things towards a truer expression of the humanism their original flawed founders wanted insofar as they could perceive it—#but also like. issue always of like. you make changes to a Beloved Property and then yr changes didn't even fix things...#like. arwen still total cipher. lady waiting around for aragorn to be ready to receive his prize.)#(REALLY if they weren't cowards they'd have‚ i don't know‚ genderswapped boromir or something. ...wow now i want that.)#(...boromir as like. xena except dressed for a northern climate. fuck i'm a genius and i want that desperately now.)#(oh man that sure would throw a spanner in the aragorn/arwen works though.#like. you're really gonna marry someone you can't go camping with#when instead you could marry yr sister in arms and‚ like‚ cement yr position in gondor by joining yr line to that of the stewards#who have kept yr seat faithfully in yr absence all these generations AND she's a fierce proud hot warrior lady)#(i mean i think you'd have to make boromir less of a himbo for that pairing to quite work but like.#everyone in tolkien's a cipher you can do what you want to them really. maybe boromir loves oral poetry. equivalent-of-homer readathons.)
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manny-jacinto · 2 years
wait who's friends with simu liu and why is that bad?
simu is lowkey shady. there's a detailed article here about his reddit history and it's pretty ugh. he also got very pressed by quentin tarentino's remarks about marvel movies. so pressed that he seriously cannot get over it. granted, he's trying to suck marvel's dick to get his sequel but like... lol. he also lost the lead rode in crazy rich asians to henry golding. people told him he didn't have the "it" actor and i think he was also bitter about it because the way they phrased it, it was almost like he wanted to prove these people that he had "it" because he was cast in a marvel movie lol. he also gives very douchy asian bro vibes. it's a very specific vibe and they're not great people
it's not horrible terrible things but it adds up and it hints that he's not as genuine as he wants to be perceived. and to answer your first question, i'm talking about a youtuber who was on buzzfeed. he's close friends with simu so by association i'm 🙃 about them
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