#and also her parents finally came and took my extra/old mattress out of my living room lol
My roommate and I just resigned our lease on our apartment and I’ve decided since I have so much more time in this space I am going to turn my room into what I have always wanted my bedroom to be done I’m an adult and no one can stop me and I’m very excited about it so far
0 notes
gotnofucks · 4 years
My Little Girl
Pairing: dark!Tony stark x reader (ROYAL AU)
Summary: Prince Tony hunts you on the royal hunting trip.
Words: 6.1k
Warning: non-con, yandere, breeding kink, smut, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Why don’t we have more Tony fics?? That man is fire
Part 2   Part 3
When you lived in a monarchy, certain hierarchies had to be followed. A king marries a queen and bears princes and princesses. Similarly, a maid marries a porter boy or servant, and bears kids who work like their parents. You were taught to follow these rules just like everyone else in the kingdom. Your parents were both servants to the king and queen, and once you were old enough you were sent to work in the palace alongside your mother too. Queen Maria Stark was a loving queen and often the soothing balm for her people who bore the stern commands of King Howard Stark. You loved to work for the queen as you got the chance to work alongside your mother and see the royal luxuries. The work was easy enough as there were so many people to help and sometimes when you did something really well you were handsomely rewarded. You took great pride in wearing the gold earbobs given to you by the queen and you stubbornly refused to let your father sell them in exchange for money.
The kingdom was a prospering and peaceful one, much more advanced than their neighbors which made the prince a very eligible bachelor. Prince Tony Stark was a handsome young man and as far as you were concerned, he was a shameless rake. You didn’t serve him directly, but you’d seen a gaggle of girls leave his chamber from time to time and the obnoxious sounds and giggling that escaped through his door made you shudder. You’d heard fellow maids mutter excitedly about spending a night with him and you flushed at how they could allow the prince to compromise them like that. What man would marry them if they got to know of their dalliances with the prince. Your parents were in the process of fixing a match for you in the baker’s family that supplied desserts to the kingdom. As a mere maid, you would be marrying above you and you shuddered to think what your future husband would say if he ever thought you had consorted with other men before marriage. With this in mind, you took special care to stay away from the prince and his lords, always praying you wouldn’t catch anyone’s eye.
You were excited today since you’d be accompanying the Queen and her ladies to their hunting trip. It was also rumored that Princess Virginia Potts - nicknamed Pepper - would also be joining the royal company. Everyone suspected that by the time this trip would be over, Prince Tony’s philandering ways would be over, and he would be engaged to Princess Pepper. Your mother who was not coming with you desperately prayed the royal match would be made, since she hoped that after their marriage your services would be availed by the princess and carry on after she took over as queen. Being a royal’s personal aid was an envied position and those servants who had that honor often had a superior sneer on their faces. Their jobs were more than simply attending to their masters during the day. They would also draw their baths, help them dress and accompany them to every royal event. These were the servants who ordered the other servants around and if you could make that position with the new princess, maybe it would be the baker’s boy who would be marrying above him.
Your mother’s instructions were very clear. Never be rude to any lord or lady and do their bidding without complaint. If you meet Princess Pepper, do your best to catch her eye and make her like you so that when she marries here, she’ll remember you and have you as her maid. More than that, stay away from every other man, be it lord or servant. You didn’t need whispers reaching home about you having a romp in the bushes with a stranger.
The path the hunting party was following was rough and you bemoaned your fate as you walked. The higher up servants travel on mules beside their masters, or in the palanquin with the royals if you were a personal aid. You prayed that Princess Pepper would like you so that in future you wouldn’t have to walk like a common maid. When it was announced that they will be pitching the tents for tonight and will continue deeper into the forest tomorrow, you almost moaned in relief. Your legs ached and your back hurt from carrying stuff on it for most of the day. The only thought you had was serving the ladies as fast as you could so that you could join the rest of the servants in your own tent and get some rest.
Once everyone was fed and you had seen to the comfort of the ladies, you made your way back to your tent that was pitched a little way away from the royals. It had taken longer than expected since every lady wanted extra mesh to keep the insects out or needed you to smoke coal in the corner of their tent to kill mosquitos. By the time you were done tending, almost everyone was in their own tents and only the night guards remained outside. Your tent finally came into your view when you passed the animals that were tied nearby. Walking past you noticed a water trough and paused. Your feet were dirty and itched and pouring a little water on them and cleaning the dried mud seemed like a good way to get better sleep. You approached the trough and lifted your skirt and with one hand splashed water on your feet. The cool water felt like heaven to you and so you poured some more. Between the water splashing and cicadas chirping around you, you didn’t hear anyone approach until their voice startled you.
“And who are you, taking water from my horse’s trough?” Came a masculine voice.
You started and turned around suddenly to the three men who stood behind you. Your movement was fast causing you to stumble on your wet feet and fall face first into the ground. You groaned in pain and three pair of feet rushed forward.
“Are you okay?”, someone asked and taking hold of your arm pulled you into a sitting position. Your breath almost stopped as you gazed into the eyes of Lord James Rhodes. Behind him stood Lord Steven Rogers and – your breath hitched – the prince himself.
“I – I am sorry to trouble you my lord. I am fine, thank you.” You stood up and Lord Rhodes removed his hand from your arm.
“What are you doing here at this time?” It was Lord Rogers who had asked you this and you turned your eyes downcast quickly. His reputation with the ladies was just as notorious as the prince’s.
“I was washing my feet, my lord.”
“You shouldn’t be out in the forest at this time girl. Do you want to be eaten by some wild animal?” Lord Rhodes admonished you and you shook under his glare. “Go back to your tent now and let everyone else know not to wander at night here. You get it?” You eagerly nodded and hoped they’ll leave so you can run back to your tent and die of shame.
Lord Rhodes shook his head and went away, and Lord Rogers followed him. The Prince however stayed and came closer to you.
“You’ve got mud on your face little girl”, and he took out a handkerchief which he dipped in the water and brought it to your face. You stood still, trembling as he wiped the dirt on your nose and cheeks. Once it was clean you slowly raised your eyes to him, and he sucked in a sharp breath as he beheld your bare face for the first time. His lips parted as he started at you and you gulped, taking a few hasty steps away. Your mother is going to whip you for embarrassing the family name by being such a silly ninny in front of the Prince.
“I’ll take your leave, your highness.” You dipped into a curtesy and turned away, ready to run.
“Wait!” Prince Tony said and you stopped, turning to face him again. “What’s your name?”
“Y/n, your highness” You hoped he would not ask your family name. What would your poor paa do if he ever learnt of your mishap.
“Y/n” The prince whispered your name. “Who are you serving currently?”
“The Queen’s ladies your highness”
Tony nodded and you finally turned away. You skipped into your tent, not even bothering to change out of your stained dress before sinking into the thin mattresses that served as your bed and pulling the sheets up to your chin. Your sleep that night was restless, nightmares of being banished from work plaguing you. Despite laying down later than everyone else, you still woke up early and cleaned your dress the best you could. Your supervisor would be about soon with your orders of the day and you had to be prepared.
“Get your asses moving, you lazy hens!” Your supervisor shouted and you cringed. She was a tall woman with a stern face and carried with her a thick stick that she used on the backsides of maids who didn’t work fast enough for her. She gave everyone their orders but when it was your turn for it, she frowned.
“You are Y/n?” She asked and you nodded fearfully. Perhaps she had heard of your stunt last night and was here to whip you.
“You make your way to the Prince’s tent. Your duty is with him until I tell you otherwise.”
Your mouth opened in shock and you gaped at her like a fish out of water.
“W – With the prince?” You squeaked and the supervisor glared at you.
“Don’t you go talking in that voice around his highness and the lords, girl! He has requested you and you are to serve him for the duration of the hunt. You get it? Now run along!”
You stumbled around the campsite and made your way to the Prince’s lavish tent. You couldn’t understand what was happening and you kept chewing on your lips nervously. Reaching the tent, you hesitated before entering. The royal’s tents were better than your quarters back home. The ground was evenly flattened and was covered with a rug. There was a soft mattress on a wooden frame, how they carried it here you didn’t know. The drapes of the tent were velvet and the sheets on the bed were silk. You looked around in awe.
“Ah good, you’re here.”
You jumped and looked at the Prince who you hadn’t noticed in the corner of the tent. You curtsied and he smiled at you. His hair was disheveled from sleep and his robe was open at the top, baring his chest. Head rose unbidden to your cheeks and you ducked your head quickly. Tony walked around the bed to come closer to you and stood in front of you.
“Will you fetch me my garments from the chest in the corner along with my riding gear?” He phrased the command like a question and you quickly nodded, rushing to get what he wanted. The Prince had requested you, but why. You took out his clothes and taking them in your hand you turned around and almost dropped them in fright. The Prince had removed his robe and stood only in his underwear, his hands on his waist with a smirk on his face.
“Well? Are you just going to stare at me, or will you come here and help me dress?”
You walked forward slowly. It was not entirely uncommon for a man to have female servants, but what he was asking you to do was done by personal aids. Those were generally of the same sex. You hesitated before holding open the prince’s tunic for him to slip his arms into. You pushed it on his shoulders and had to reach on your toes since he was so much taller than you. You quickly fastened his tunic and held out his trousers to him. He didn’t take them from you but only raised an eyebrow and you almost started crying. He wanted you to put them on him! You were sure he could see your shivering form as you helped him put one foot in and then the other. He had placed one hand on your shoulder to steady himself and the heat of it was burning you. Thankfully, he buttoned them himself and you fetched his riding cloak and belt.
“You’re very quiet, aren’t you?” Tony asked, and allowed you to don the cloak over him. You took the belt and wound it through the loops before buckling it. Your shaking hands made it difficult and Tony chuckled, his own hands stilling yours.
“You look like a scared kitten, little girl. Do I scare you?” He asked and you nervously raised your eyes to his. He was smiling, his handsome face only inches away from yours.
“No, your highness. I’ve just never done the work of a personal aid before.” Tony hummed and pulled you a little closer by your hands so that his front brushed against yours, only your clasped hands in between.
“You should get used to this now. You’ll be serving me in this capacity from now onwards.” He said. You nodded and tried to get out of his hold, but he held you tight. Your heart kept hammering in your chest and you almost fainted as the Prince started leaning down towards your face.
“Tony, what’s taking you so long?”
Lord Rogers entered the tent and stopped short as he looked at your frightened face inches away from the Prince’s annoyed one. He smirked and folded his hands against his chest. “I’m sorry your highness, did I interrupt something?” His tone was mocking, and you willed your tears away. What must they think of you?
“You have the worst timing Steve.” Tony harrumphed and released you from his hold. You staggered back from him and ducked your head. “This is Y/n, my new personal aid. She was only helping me buckle my belt”
Steve chucked and shot the prince an amused look. You had heard that the prince and lord Rogers were childhood friends, but they had to be seriously close for Steve to call him by his name and without formality. Tony quickly dismissed you then and told you to prepare for today’s journey. You were to travel with the prince’s group. You bobbed a curtesy and left, brushing against Lord Rogers who didn’t move from the entrance to give you way.
You were living your worst nightmare as you walked with the other servants beside the Prince’s hunting party. You were the only woman between The Prince, his two lords and half a dozen other servants. The forest got darker the deeper you went, and you kept stumbling on long weeds and catching your clothes on low hanging branches.
“Stop!”, Lord Rhodes said raising a hand and everyone came to halt. Everyone felt silent and the eerie sounds of the forest seemed to echo. The horses shuffled nervously, and you looked around for whatever it was that Lord Rhodes had seen.
“There” Whispered Lord Rogers and pointed somewhere in the distance. You couldn’t see what they saw from their mounted height, but you stepped back cautiously. What if it was a tiger? Or a bear?
The men readied their bows and arrows and The Prince took the first shot. Notching his arrow and pulling it taut, he looked utterly determined to get his prey. His eyes were dark and focused, a hunter who wouldn’t be denied anything. The arrow sailed past the trees and you heard the sickening noise of it sinking into some animal who whined. Two of the servants rushed towards the sound and a few minutes later they dragged in one of the largest moose you’d ever seen. It was meters long with horns like spread wings. The Lords cheered in appreciation and clapped the prince on his back.
“Well, seems like you got the largest one right in the beginning your highness. I doubt anyone else will bring an animal grander than this”, Lord Rogers said, and the Prince gave him a smug smile. He looked at the dead animal and then to your surprise at you. His lips twitched and you involuntarily shuddered.
“This animal is too large for just two people to handle. Tie it up and all of you take it back to the campsite. Don’t you dare let it drag on the ground. I want everyone to see it in its glory.”
As the servants got out the ropes and started tying the moose upside down to thick logs, you breathed a sigh of relief. You preferred going back to the campsite than being near the Prince and his friends. Once it was done, the men carried the beast on their shoulders and started walking. You walked behind them, trying not to bump into them.
“Y/n, where do you think you’re going?” The Prince called out and you stopped. Turning to look at him with your hands held before you, you softly spoke.
“You said all of us are to take the animal back to the campsite, your highness.”
“All of the men. Not you.”
Your panic-stricken eyes met his and you saw him grin. Looking at the other men you noticed Lord Rhodes frowning at the prince while Lord Rogers sat on his horse in absolute amusement.
“You can’t help them carry the animal anyway. Come along, we still have to make a round around the clearing before getting back before sundown.”
You followed them in a sort of trance, sweat running down your back. Whatever the Prince had planned, you wanted no part in it. You prayed that Princess Pepper would arrive soon with her entourage so that you could get away from the overbearing presence of the Prince. Walking onwards you saw you’d reached a stream and the men dismounted to allow their horses to drink. You unloaded the flask from the horse’s side and served the men before resting against a tree. You were aware of the Prince’s gaze that had not left your person for hours now. What he found so interesting you didn’t know, but you tried your best to skirt around him without bringing more attention to yourself.
“You seem tired.” The prince suddenly arrived in front of you and jolted you into a standing position. You timidly shook your head. “Yes, yes, you do seem awfully tired. You’ve been walking all this time. But you know, I am nothing if not a benevolent prince. You’ll ride with me”
Your eyes started watering and you tried to step away but the tree at your back prevented you from doing so. The Prince placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed.
“Don’t be afraid. My horse is extremely well behaved, it won’t jolt you.” He took your hand then and dragged you unwillingly to his ride. You tried to dig your legs in the ground, but he persisted. You looked at the other two lords and though Lord Rhodes had a disapproving look in his eyes, none of them said a word as Prince Tony lifted you around the waist and swung you on the horse back. You sat side straddled and before you could make a noise, he climbed up behind you and had his hand under your chest in a tight hold. You sniffled as the Prince pulled at the reins and the horse started moving. As scared of riding the animal as you were, you were more afraid of the man sitting behind you, pulling you tight against his body.
“Your highness, please. I’ll walk” You said, your voice cracking. He was too close. His front was pressed against your back and side and you were afraid to move lest you fall.
“Nonsense. As a kind ruler, why would I allow you to walk when you can ride with me, my little girl.” You felt his head dipping low and then his nose touched your head, moving slowing down until it brushed against the back of your neck. You squirmed in his hold, terrified beyond your wits for you knew there was no one who could challenge him. You felt his breath against your skin and then his lips burned a kiss on your skin making you almost jump out of his arms.
“Be still!” He ordered sternly and pulled you back harder into him. His hand slowly caressed your side before it fondled your covered breast and you finally let your tears fall.
“Please, don’t do this.” You begged and you felt him shift behind you.
“You don’t tell me what to do little girl. The moment I saw you last night, you were meant to be mine. So, shut up and stop moving. You do not want to make me angry.” His command was hissed directly in your ear and your shoulders slumped. You raised your head an inch and saw Lord Rhodes had ridden way ahead in order to avoid seeing you. Lord Rogers however was just a few paces away, his eyes leering at you and roving over your body. Prince Tony followed your gaze and clenched his jaw.
“Steve, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll avert those eyes right now. Don’t let me catch you looking at her again. She’s not to be shared. This one is mine.” He said gruffly and immediately Lord Rogers straightened and urged his horse faster to go behind Lord Rhodes.
The Prince hugged you, resting his chin on your head.
“No one else will have you. I can almost smell your innocence, its so palpable. Only I’ll have you. No one else will defile you. You’re mine. Only mine.”
You returned to the campsite in the Prince’s arms, his slow touches all over your belly and chest. He had pressed his lips on your neck and his beard had scraped against your skin. You had felt his arousal against your back, and you were mortified. You had to escape from here in the cover of the night and go back home. You will tell your parents and run away to some other kingdom.
You had asked to be let off a little away from the campsite so no one will catch you riding with the Prince. He had seemed utterly reluctant but then he let you down and allowed you to walk the rest of the way. Once there you quickly rejoined the other servants while everyone returned. You tried your best to keep yourself busy with the work and assisted others in making beds and collecting wood. You were picking off leaves from the hem of ladies’ dresses when your supervisor charged towards you puffing like an enraged bull.
“You girl! What the devil are you doing here? Didn’t I assign you to the Prince? He’s expecting you in his tent! Leave that dress and scram!” She shouted. You hid behind the dress in fear.
“Please madam, I am sick. The forest didn’t agree with me and I am afraid I’ll get sick before the prince. I cannot do him that disservice.” You said, trying to sound like you really were sick. It wasn’t very difficult since the very moment the Prince put his hands on you, you felt bile rise in you.
“Silly child! Why the hell does palace employees incompetent servants like you I don’t know! Go make yourself scarce! Don’t you dare puke on anything, or I’ll tan your hide with my stick. GO!”
You scampered away as fast as you could, offering to wash the dishes and stay out of view. You were thankful that everyone would be tired after a long day and would retire soon. You’ll pack yourself some meager supplies and run away once everyone was asleep. Come morning when they’ll realize you’re missing, you’d be home and on the run. You will not be the Prince’s plaything. Your mother would understand. She would arrange for some relative to take you in.  
You took your leave early, scarfing down some food and laying in bed so no one would disturb you. By the time the beds around you filled with other maids, they already believed you were asleep. Soon their snoring filled the tent and after waiting for some more time you crept out of your bed. You quickly tied some food and a flask in your satchel and moved out on tippy toes. The night was silent, and you gave a relived sigh because no guards were placed before the servant’s tents. Quiet as a mouse you scurried through the dark to the path you’d taken while getting here. You didn’t want to travel at night but you’d rather brave the dark than let someone ruin you.
You kept to the edge of the path, hoping that if anyone passed by, you’ll jump into the trees and hide. How did your life take this turn? You were supposed to marry a baker’s boy, maybe get the opportunity to serve the new princess. Your life was supposed to be simple. Go to work, manage your house, and husband and give him a few children every few years. Its what your mother taught you. You didn’t wear dresses that showed your bosom like some other maids, you didn’t style your hair or steal cologne from the ladies’ room. You were a good girl, keeping her virtue for her husband like you’d been taught to.
So lost were you in your thoughts that you didn’t notice the figure waiting for you in the dark. You stumbled and fell straight into the arms of the very man you were running from. The moonlight glossed over Prince Tony’s face and you gasped in fear, kicking your hands and legs that he quickly held in his own. His eyes were angry, and rage was clear on his face.
“Little girl, I was told you are sick.” He said in a dangerous voice. His hands tightened around your own while you looked at him with a sense of doom.
“Y – your highness” You whimpered, and he growled. Quicker than you could know what was happening, you were dragged into the trees and pushed against one, Prince Tony’s hands on either side of you. Caged.
“You dare to run away from me, your master, your Prince?” He said through gritted teeth, his hands curling into fists and you trembled. He took your hands in one of his and pushed them above your head, the other hand covering your mouth the moment you opened it to scream. “You going to call for help, my little girl? Who’s going to help you? Hmm?”
Silent tears trailed down your cheeks and the sparse moonlight illuminated them. The Prince breathed deeply, his eyes taking in your delicate form. Leaning down he licked those tears away and you sobbed behind his hand and closed your eyes.
“I’ll remove my hand now. If you scream, I’ll gag you with a cloth. Or would you prefer my cock?”
His vulgar words made your body shudder and heat rise in your face. You shook you head, and he slowly took his hands from your mouth and cradled your face. He kissed you hard, his lips punishing with barely suppressed anger. You struggled in his hold, but he didn’t let up, forcing you to accept his kiss. Accept him.
“You’re mine. You can’t run away from me. I’ll have you and if you dare try to escape, I’ll have you chained to my bed.” He vowed. You gave a pained cry and wiggled your wrists that were bruising in his grip. He let them go and examined them gently, a complete contrast to a moment ago. “You must remember not to make me mad. I can be kind to you. You’re my little girl.”
He kissed your abused wrists and then your fingers. Your breathing returned to normal under his gentle ministrations. He pulled you into his arms, head resting on top of yours.
“When I saw you last night, it felt as if I’d woken up from a dream. I had never seen a girl as beautiful as you. Every pore of you reflected your innocence, just waiting to be defiled by me. You were mine from that very moment. You are meant for me and I will have you. You will stay with me and bear my heirs.”
You pushed at his chest and shoulders.
“Your highness, please let me go. You are meant to marry Princess Virginia. I am just a maid.”
Tony looked at you in disapproval and one of his hand clutched your head and tilted your head so he could kiss you breathless again.
“I will marry whoever I choose to marry. You will be my princess and when I take the throne you will be my queen. You’ll rule by my side and share my bed.”
“Your Highness –”
“Your Prince!”
“My Prince, please. I am a lowly maid. I will marry the baker’s son and you will marry a princess.”
You thought you could make him see reason. You thought he would understand but the next moment you were back against the tree with a hand against your throat.
“Marry a baker’s boy?!” He thundered and you whined under his hold. “I will burn down this whole kingdom and cut open every last man who dares look at you. You are mine!” He bent to look deep into your eyes and your heart stopped. In his eyes was the same look he had when he hunted that moose. He was the hunter and you were his prey. He will not be denied.
He roughly pushed away from the tree and taking your hand hauled you towards his horse. You were too scared to fight, too scared to cry. You kept your eyes downcast and hoped lightening would strike you out of your misery. You rode back to the campsite with him, not saying a word. His hands were steel bands around you, and you thought he would never let go. Once you reached there, he got off his horse and rather than putting you on the ground carried you in his arms to his tent. Lord Rogers stood outside with a torch in his hands and perked up when he saw you both.
“Steve, I want no guards outside my tent. No one enters or interrupts me tonight.” The prince ordered and Lord Rogers nodded. He gave you a sardonic smile as the prince carried you inside, the flap shutting behind you both. Placing you down on his soft mattress Prince Tony finally let you go. He cupped your face and gazed into your eyes.
“You’ll call me Tony from now onwards. When we’re with others, it will be My Prince. Starting from this night, your whole being would be devoted to me and me alone. You will not look at any other man and if any other man looks at you, you will tell me. It that clear?” He asked you and you nodded. He smiled then, the hardness leaving his face. He kissed you slowly, letting you feel him inside your mouth. His hands traveled from your face to your shoulder and then to the buttons on your dress, undoing each. You pressed your hands against his chest and pushed and Tony pulled away with an annoyed frown.
“Little girl, are you denying your prince?”
You shook your head and looked at him pleadingly.
“My Prince” You breathed and then corrected yourself. “Tony, we cannot do this. You are a Prince, no one would dare cross you. But I will be rejected by the society for losing my virtue to a man not my husband. The King and Queen will not accept me, and I would be cast aside. I’ll be ruined.”
Tony’s eyes turned liquid and a look of utter tenderness overcame his features. He sat down next to you and took you in his lap, your head on his shoulder.
“My little girl, my princess, I would not cast you aside. Mother and father will have to accept you. They will, once I tell them you are carrying my heir.”
You wanted to curse and cry but settled for weeping in Tony’s neck. Nothing could be done now. He will have you and he aims to keep you. More than that, he wants you to be with child so that he can marry you. You will never be able to look your mother in the eyes again. You let Tony push you on your back and climb over you.
He took off your dress and helped you unlace your corset and remove your stockings. Left only in your threadbare chemise, you shivered in embarrassment. No man had ever seen you like this. You watched Tony relieve himself of his clothes and when he removed his underpants your eyes widened in shock. If he puts that thing inside you, you will die, you were sure of it. Tony chuckled at your reaction to his cock and stroked it, making it larger and harder and it seemed like you would faint.
“Don’t worry little girl, I’ll be gentle with you tonight. You’ve been a good girl, haven’t you? You’ve kept yourself for me, so I’ll be good to you in turn. It’s your first time so I won’t take your mouth, only your maidenhead. You will be mine in every way possible.”
He slotted himself between your legs and parted your thighs. Cold air hit your quim and Tony took a moment to admire you before licking a straight strip from your entrance to your nub. You trashed at the unfamiliar feeling, and Tony held you down and got to work on you. His tongue swirled in circles over your bud, making vibrations run through your body like lightening. His finger very gently probed your untouched entrance and glided in smoothly because of how wet you had gotten. He ate you out, thrusting his tongue in and out until you released in his mouth with a muffled scream. You didn’t know laying with a man would feel good. Older women often described it as a chore, but you felt like you were floating.
Kissing your thighs and your belly, Tony removed your chemise to stick his tongue in your belly button before laving it on your breasts. He fondled them and sucked your sensitive nipples, making you cry out when he bit on them.
“These will nurse our children, and after you’re done feeding them, you will nurse me.”
His words got you hot and tingles shot through your spine and settled between your legs. Taking your hands, he put them around him, kissing you deep and long and leaving bites all along your neck and chest. He lined himself him your entrance and looked into your eyes.
“Keep those eyes on me, I want to see them when I make you mine.”
He pushed in, stretching you wider and wider, every inch leaving you gasping in pain. He was careful not to rush and when after what felt like forever, he stopped, you looked in his eyes to see them blown almost black with lust. His touch was possessive, and he thrust slowly as first, letting you get used to it and to ease your pain. You let out a little moan when he brushed against your bud and he growled in triumph before he took you like a man possessed. His thrusts were harder and deeper, his balls slapping you in your ass. He kissed you wherever he could and despite how much you hated being caught in this situation, you moaned.
“I’m going to fill you up now and then again and again. I’ll fill you until you’re round with my child. I’ll fill every hole of your body with my essence until you stink of me. You will be my wife, my princess, my queen and the mother of my children.”
Pinching your bud, you came for the second time, clamping down on him and triggering his own release. You felt warmth blossom inside you with his seed and he gave a few more thrusts before stilling. Pulling out, he lay beside you and took you in his arms. He kissed your head and then your lips before resting you on his chest.
“You have been excused from all your duties as a maid. The only thing you’ll be doing from now on is me.”
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years
You’re such a bitch - (Charlie Gillespie x reader)
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Word Count: 2486 Request: no, again @jatpsmut​ inspired me with his fic “What Happens in Hawaii Stays in Hawaii - Charlie Gillespie x Reader (SMUT - 18+)”. I asked her if I could use the Hawaii idea and now I am writing this!
However, some details change from the original fic:
“Charlie and y/n haven't been best friends since they were kids, but from the first season of jatp. y/n is an additional actor on Julie and the Phantoms, also a dancer. Charlie didn't confess his feelings to y/n in Hawaii.
The only thing I got from the idea of @jatpsmut​ is the fact that something happened in Hawaii. So thank you to her for writing this incredible fic, without it this could not happen Summary: You and Charlie were best friends and roommates in LA. One evening, you heard it with a girl, the next morning, everything is awkward, bitchy and everything changes. Warnings: mention of sexual activities - language disclaimer: I don't know Charlie or his family personally or what his life is like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Charlie's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life (family, potential girlfriend…). All of this is not the reality
 Tagged: @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @standingtalllove​ @lukeys-giggle​ @happinessinthedarkesttimes​ if you want to be tagged in my next fic let me know ! 
You try to focus on the TV show you were watching, but obviously your roommate had company. And that company was way too loud in your opinion. You were rolling your eyes in annoyance when suddenly your phone vibrates, displaying the blonde head of your second best friend. If there was one thing you miss since you came back to live to Los Angeles, it was obviously living with this sarcastic character. Vancouver seemed so far away to you. You picked up your phone and Owen's face appeared.
 “Hi sweetie.” Owen told you with a smile “Oh, hey… Why that face?” he clearly noticed your annoyance. "Hi O." you said before complaining "Ugh, I miss living with you in Vancouver so much" "Yeah me too. We had so much fun. But hey, I'm sure we'll have a season two." "I hope so much"
You were an extra cast member on Julie and the Phantoms, you also were a dancer on the first season, just as Tori. You wished so much Owen was right about Jatp season 2 renew but Netflix seemed to enjoy making you patient. But the coronavirus had also literally messed up all your plans. However, you were angry, some series came out long after yours and got renewed while yours stayed on hold. It was clear that fans of the series as much as you were just waiting for the renewal of season two.
A moan came out of Charlie's bedroom with the sound of a bouncing mattress, you rolled your eyes again, groaning with a sort of anger.
"Jesus Christ ..." you complained "Wait, y/n, what's that sound?" “You know what I miss most about living with you in Vancouver O’? Rule #3. " “Rule #3? Rule #3" he seemed to think about what you said when he finally realized "Oh ... Oh! Rule #3! Wait.. Oh my God! Is Charlie being with a chick right now? ” He asked you with stupefaction. "Oh I wish you were wrong"
A laugh came out from you best friend mouth and you gave him a killer look through the screen, making him laugh harder. When you were in Vancouver, living with two boys forced you to set limits and rules for living. The first was; everyone cleans up their own mess. Second, the housework takes turns. Third rule: no one-night stand allowed in the flat. Surprisingly as it may seem, this rule had been followed very well by everyone. But at the same time, the boys' schedules really didn't make time to bring anyone home, and then after all, they were professional. But as soon as Charlie returned from his parents' quarantine, he forgot the existence of this rule, as if it did not apply to Los Angeles. It wasn't like he brought a different girl home every night, or even every month. It might have been the second or third time since you had moved in. But this situation embarrassed you more than you might have thought.
“Owen, don't make fun of me. I've been hearing them for about an hour now. " "Poor you. Now you understand how I felt in Hawaii" he smirked at you. "Wait, what did you say?" you asked him, in shocked. "Oh please y/n ... you heard me clearly"
Of course, you had heard what he said, but you were in shock at the revelation, so you needed confirmation. This story was supposed to be a secret between you and Charlie. The fact that Owen mentioned it could only assume two things.
"Did you hear us in Hawaii?" “I was in the room next door! Of course, I heard you. It's not like you and Charlie are the quietest couple ever having sex ... " "It seems Charlie is the loudest one…" you said, referring to your best friend having sex in the next bedroom. "Oh darling please, I can remind you of what you said that night. You two gave me nightmares." "Please don't. I feel so embarrassed right now"
Last year you went to Hawaii with several cast members and Kenny. A booking error forced you to share a bed with Charlie. It seemed that sleeping with a girl seemed more adequate than two boys sleeping in the same bed. Charlie and Owen had avoided that possibility the second the problem had arisen. One thing leading to another, after a few strong cocktails, you and the dark-haired boy had ended up having a horny night. The shame caused the next day made you both never talk about it again and "what happened in Hawaii will stay in Hawaii". You didn’t know that Owen heard you and it seems that boy can keep a secret for so long now.
The problem was that that night you realized that you felt more than an attraction to your roommate. It went beyond friendship or mere sexual tension at the sight of this Canadian. You wanted every aspect of what you might have experienced with Charlie and more: the laughs, the funny times, the lots of talking, the quiet times watching a movie or just playing Nintendo Switch, the sex. But you also wanted the PDAs, the feelings, just being with him like his girlfriend. But the actor was totally oblivious to your feelings for him, and you didn't even want to try to make him understand it on his own. You just created a shell for yourself and buried your feelings deep within yourself.
 “I don’t understand y/n. Why didn’t you tell him your feeling?” “Because I know he doesn’t love me back, O.” “Oh come on! You two are the most stubborn people I ever met!”
Again, for the third time tonight, you've rolled your eyes. You were pretty sure Charlie didn't feel the same way you did. Since Hawaii, neither of you had stepped forward towards each other, but sometimes your behaviors showed that you were more than friends. Another moan was heard from Charlie’s room and Owen's face on the screen was memorable. His eyes were wide and his cheeks were red.
"Okay, y/n. I'm sorry but I don't want to keep talking to you and hear my other best friend hooking up at the same time ..."
 You laughed and he hung up the phone not forgetting to say goodbye. You tried to focus on your screen again, your headphones being way too far away for you to catch them. Minutes later you finally heard the distinctive sound of Charlie's orgasm and knew you were finally going to be able to sleep.
The next morning you woke up with a high level of fatigue. You casually walk to the kitchen to make coffee. While you were pouring yourself a cup of this much-desired black liquid, a person entered the kitchen.
 "Who the fuck are you?"
You raised an eyebrow, bringing your mug to your lips. The girl looked at you with a disgusted face.
"Roommate, darling. Not nice to meet you." "Why the hell are you wearing his shirt?"
A smirk appears on your lips, far too happy that she asked the question. When you were in Vancouver, it wasn't surprising to see you wearing the boys' t-shirts, although you had a preference for Charlie's, there were times when you wore Owen's. The boys never complained about this mania and you had to continue when you moved to Los Angeles with Charlie. The scene was pretty funny, you were there drinking your coffee in a t-shirt borrowed from your roommate while his conquest from last night stared at you in disgust, decked out in another Charlie t-shirt. You took a look at the Looney Tunes t-shirt you were wearing and just shrug your shoulders.
 “Old habits.” You simply said. "Yeah, you're gonna have to break this habit."
You laughed disdainfully. You didn't like this girl. Not because it was the conquest of your best friend for whom you had blatant romantic feelings. But rather because she had this condescension and believed that spending a night with Charlie gave her every right.
 "What makes you think that, sweetie?"
 You leaned against the kitchen counter, your posture offhand, a smirk on your lips. You weren't used to being such a bitch, but the girl in front of you pissed you off. And it was only nine in the morning.
 "Well, hello, I spent the night with Charlie." "Oh yeah sure, but that doesn't mean you're dating him." "Charlie is a great guy"
She wasn't wrong. Charlie wasn't heartbroken but he was still human and a twenty-two-year-old boy. Just looking at her you knew your best friend hadn't chosen her for a serious relationship with her. The little conversation you were having with her now confirmed that he couldn't date her. Another smirk spread across your lips as she looked at you with disdain again.
 "Who the fuck do you think you are? You are nowhere near his level" she said to you
This time, you couldn't help but laugh sarcastically. Yeah, she really pissed you off. Physically, she was everything Charlie didn't like about a potential girlfriend: big breasts, much bigger than him, slightly shallow. Oh but she had a fucking ass and maybe that was why he had chosen her. Her whole body reflected Charlie's choice for a one-night stand, but not the ideal girlfriend.
 "Oh honey, I'm nobody, but neither are you. Listen. You were just a one-night stand and me? Me, I'll still be here in his apartment with his t-shirts on when he brings you home, telling you that it was cool but that it will not go further. I will always be there ... "
Charlie woke up and headed straight for the kitchen. He greeted her conquest with a nod, giving her a hello. Instinctively, he approached you and put his hand on your waist before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. Charlie was tactile, it was his language of love. You couldn't help but smirk at the girl, giving her a victorious look. The actor looked at your outfit and a smile appeared on his lips.
 "So that's where it was! I thought I lost it in the Galapagos." he was referring to his looney tunes t-shirt
Your attention fell on Charlie and you smiled happily at him. You cheekily handed your cup of coffee.
"Coffee?" "Hell, yeah"
He grabbed your cup and took a long sip, leaving his conquest almost nonexistent to his eyes. The girl was so pissed off that she seemed to be boiling. She cleared her throat, annoyed.
 "Hmm, I'm going to go" she said. "Oh wait, let me have lunch and I'll bring you back if you want." "It won't be necessary."
You bit the tip of your tongue, amused, far too happy to hide it. Charlie's conquest returned to his room to get dressed. Your roommate turned to you and gave you a questioning look.
"y/n, what did you do?" "Nothing. We were happily getting know each other. I'm surprised at your choice, by the way" "Are you getting revenge?" "Get revenge for what?" "Since ... Hawaii, you've scared all the girls I've brought back." "Did I scare them? Stop, I haven't acted any differently than usual." “You scared them away,” he repeated. "Oh come on, Charlie, please, it's not like you're going to date them."
 He pulled away from you with a look of dismay. You were not wrong, he had never called back the girls he had brought back here, he did not intend to call back the one who was currently in his room. In fact, the only person he really wanted to spend time with was you. But since Hawaii, you seemed to be okay with never mentioning your night together again. This Canadian boy has been in love with you for months, maybe even years now. It quickly fell for you when you were in Vancouver.
"You're right. But I could have ..." he finally confessed "It's wrong. You know it's wrong Charlie, I know you, I'm your best friend. These are not the kind of girls you date. "Yeah… I couldn't date any of them. They just aren't you." He said, his last sentence ending in a whisper before hastening to take a sip from your cup of coffee.
You were paralyzed. Did he really just say what you've been dreaming of hearing for months? Did he just drop it like a bomb, in the middle of a morning conversation between sips of coffee?
“Wait, what?” “Nothing” “It wasn’t nothing, Charlie, you said something” “Nothing important” he repeats “Did you just say that if you didn’t date those girls it’s because they weren’t me?” “You seems to hear voices” “Charlie, I’m not joking… Did you say that?!” “Maybe” “Oh fuck, you’re an idiot!” “I am a..”
You snatched the cup of coffee from her hands and hurriedly put it on the counter. Never mind about the stains on the floor, you will clean up later. You didn't want to miss a second of this possibility. You wrapped your arms around Charlie's neck before resting your lips on his. Your best friend seemed surprised at first so much but quickly relaxed and wrapped his own arms around your waist as your lips moved to give the kiss more tender. The situation was most strange and funny; you were kissing your best friend, running your fingers through his long brown hair. You had to admit that even though you had found him attractive with his Luke's look but you couldn't imagine Charlie without that impressive mass of hair. Luke had short hair, Charlie had long hair. End of the discussion.
So, you were kissing your roommate, making up for lost time while in his room, a girl he had fucked the night before gathered her things. Charlie's conquest stepped out to head for the exit. You broke the kiss making Charlie growl in protest.
"I'm not showing you where the door is." you said. "whore .." the chick whispered.
Charlie stepped away from you and brought his one-night stand to the door, apologizing. He wasn't that kind of boy to go from girl to girl and the circumstances were really strange. The girl left, not without forgetting to curse him. When Charlie walks into the kitchen, you were sitting on the counter, a smirk on your face.
"You're such a bitch y/n" “It's my revenge for keeping me awake last night.” 
His gaze was sly, his smile was mischievous and you knew he was going to find a phrase worthy of the fucking boy he could be. 
"I can keep you awake for a while if you want." “A date wouldn't be too complicated, Charlie. Please be a gentleman. "You can count on me"
He gave you a softer look and you wrapped your arms around his neck again before kissing him. Ultimately, not everything that happened in Hawaii has to be restricted to Hawaii.
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4 AM {Cedric Diggory x Reader}
Requested by: Anonymous Wordcount: 3665 Summary: You’re a transfer student at Hogwarts, and all of these changes are feeling restless. You develop a late-night hobby, but a handsome Hufflepuff catches on.
Everybody needed a bit of time to adjust to new surroundings, like a new school. You took a bit of extra time, considering you were in a new continent, a new culture, a new school and a new house on top of all of it. Transferring from Ilvermorny was a tough thing to do, but you did it at the insistence of your parents, who felt that being at Hogwarts under Albus Dumbledore was far better than your old situation. Much safer, they had put it, despite the Chamber of Secrets and Quirrel and Sirius Black. But hey - safety right? At least there was the opportunity to meet new people, something that you liked doing. And maybe you could pick up a cool British accent while you’re over here. They always sounded so sophisticated, while your American accent was just ... American.
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You had been sorted privately into the Slytherin house, which sounded well and good until you reached the common room. It was a bit dreary, you thought. Too much leather on these couches, not enough comfortable fabrics. You became too nervous to sit down in case the seats would squeak and make people think that you had farted. The other Slytherins weren’t the most welcoming, and they didn’t give you a hand as you brought your bags up the staircase to your dormitory. You had to use magic to get them there. The most that you had been given were a couple of side glances. This wasn’t going to be as easy as you had hoped.
On your first night, you had a lot of trouble sleeping. Tossing and turning in the old fashioned four-poster bed. In America, waterbeds were in fashion and you had gotten used to the rolling feeling rather than the roughness of a mattress. It was a good thing that you brought a couple of pepper-up potions to take in the morning just in case this exact thing were to happen.
You had carefully chosen your classes for your sixth year. You planned on doing big things with your life after you had graduated, even if you weren’t sure exactly yet what these things were. You took many of the basics, Potions, DADA, Charms, Transfigurations, etc, but also some things like Care of Magical Creatures and Muggle Studies. You didn’t plan on living among muggles, especially, but you loved the way that they did things. They found inventive ways to work around magic, and you always felt more accomplished when you did things in the muggle way. Especially your secret passion - baking.
A lot of your classes happened to be with the Hufflepuff house, who were a bit wary of you at first, but then became genuinely friendly, and much more welcoming than your own house. Despite the differences, you started to hang out with them more than the Slytherins, which didn’t make dorm life particularly comfortable at times. You still found it hard to sleep in there, and had taken to some night time wandering.
It might be the deviousness of the Slytherin house in you, but you figured out some ways to work around the patrols. If you didn’t leave the castle, you didn’t run the risk of running into Dementors. If you stayed in one place, such as a classroom or the kitchens, you were less likely to get caught by the prefects wandering the halls. You were also able to overhear Cedric Diggory, a handsome boy in your year, tell some fifth year prefects the better ways to go, so you now knew how to avoid them as well.
The kitchens were where you usually ended up going. In Muggle Studies at your old school, you learned a lot about how they baked and they cooked without magic. It wasn’t instant, the way that magic was. You buy a roast, you do a cooking spell, and boom - perfectly cooked beef every time. There were spells to whip the potatoes into the perfect peaks, spells to make icing the perfect consistency for cupcakes, even spells for chopping vegetables if you were feeling lazy. The House Elves in these kitchens didn’t use these spells, they did things more by hand, and it was fascinating to watch. You started coming in on these restless nights as they were making bread for the morning’s toast, and one elf in particular was eager to show you how she did it.
“Then you kneed it like this!” She said in a high-pitched voice, showing you with her bony hands. She moved over so that you could give it a try. The dough was surprisingly warm, and pliable beneath your own fingers. You couldn’t help but smile as the feeling of it filled you with warmth. You could see why muggle bakers woke up as early as four in the morning to do all of this. The smells of the baking loaves wafted over to you and you took a deep breath in, and then a deep breath out. You could spend all day in here, you decided. The only thing that was keeping you from doing so were your classes.
‘Why were you sneaking around last night?’
The note landed on your textbook as you were reading quietly in Transfiguration class. You hid it quickly beneath the book, looking around to try to see who sent it. Your eyes landed on Cedric, who was looking at you equally as closely. You turned away quickly, flushing. You didn’t think that anyone had seen you sneaking away from the kitchens this morning, going back to the dormitory before anyone else woke up. You had been certain that you were careful.
When McGonagall was seated at her desk, you took the note out and wrote back.
‘I have no idea what you’re talking about.’
As you signed the period, the note slipped away from under your quill, fell to the floor, whooshed it’s way to Cedric, seemed to climb up his desk and land on his own textbook. Seemed a little silly, you thought. You could have just handed it to him when the Professor was turned around instead of wasting a spell on it. You thought that the conversation was over and dealt with, when the note came right back to you again.
‘I saw you this morning, near my common room. What have you been up to?’
You scrunched your eyebrows and pursed your lips. There was a murderer on the loose, you knew that, hence the extra security measures but - did anyone really suspect you of having something to do with that? You hadn’t even heard of Sirius Black until you went to Diagon Alley for school supplies!
Rather than write anything back, you underlined the sentence that you had written before. The note didn’t seem happy with that, since it didn’t immediately rush back to Cedric. So you folded up the parchment, waited until an opportune moment, then tossed it over at Cedric. He was apparently not expecting that, because it bounced off his head and onto the floor. There were a few sniggers from other students, which caught McGonagall’s attention. Before she could see the note, Cedric had pressed his shoe over the top of it. She sniffled, then went back to reading, expecting the rest of the class to do the same.
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You watched out of the corner of your eye as he slid the note towards himself. When he finally read it, he glared at you, which made you feel uncomfortable. You weren’t ready to give up your baking secret, or even to admit you were breaking the rules for it was forbidden for a student to be out of bed after hours. But still - he couldn’t really suspect you of harboring a killer - could he?
You had taken a break from going to the kitchens at night, as much as it hurt you to do so. Now that you knew that the Hufflepuff Common Room was close to the kitchens, it felt too dangerous to do it. Especially with Cedric Diggory on the watch for you. You’d noticed him looking at you from time to time, during meals or class times. It felt less suspicious than your note passing in class, and more like - studying.
After a week had passed though, you couldn’t wait any longer. The house elf that you had befriended had told you that you could help her make cakes for dessert! Now that was something that you were interested in, since you thought maybe you’ve mastered bread. Waiting until the others in your dorm were sleeping, you slipped on your darkest robe and left the common room, making for some of the lesser-used stairs to get up to the kitchens. You would still have to pass the Hufflepuff portrait, though, there was no avoiding that. You stuck to the shadows as much as you could, and stopped often, looking behind you for a sign of prefects. The coast seemed clear.
You tickled the pear in the portrait, which giggled at being touched, then opened up to reveal the busy kitchens, getting ready for the morning ahead. Your friend, a house elf that barely reached your waist and was named Daisy, waved at you from by the massive fireplace which heated soups and stews for the whole castle. You started heading towards her when a hand wrapped gently around your wrist, keeping you in place. You figured out who it was before you even turned around.
“Cedric Diggory,” You groaned, turning around. His amber colored eyes took in the sight of you, dressed in your pajamas with a dark robe covering your body. You were planning to take it off and put on one of the aprons, but he hadn’t given you the time to do that yet. “Are you stalking me?”
“You don’t get to ask the questions. What are you doing in here?” He asked, looking around the kitchens now as if he had just realized what he had walked into. A house elf whistled happily as it walked by with a big baking pan, three loaves on it nearly tottering off. But he never lost his balance. “Why are we in the kitchens?”
“I know why I’m in the kitchens,” You said, pushing his hand off of your arm. You turned around to head over to Daisy. “As for you, I don’t know. I still think you’re stalking me.”
“A Slytherin who sneaks out after hours isn’t up to any good,” He said. You rolled your eyes at the stereotype - it was getting old already.
“Technically, I’m a Thunderbird, that will be always be my home house,” You explained, still feeling much more American than you were European. “So none of that evil snake business, thank you, badger.”
You walked towards your friend, smiling so as not to show that anything was wrong. House-elves could sometimes worry too much for their own good, and it could affect their work. You did not want Cedric’s following of you to cause an innocent student some food poisoning. You took her offered apron, and switched out your robes for it, folding down the front nicely. The Hufflepuff boy had hesitantly followed. He might not have trusted you, but he had faith in the house-elves that they wouldn’t do anything bad.
“So what are we doing today, Daisy?” You asked happily, approaching her counter. She was a cute little thing, dressed in a bright yellow smock with an apron over top.
“We are making cakes!” She said, clapping with excitement. It had taken you a little while to get used to her high-pitched voice, especially when she sang, which she often did while working. “Vanilla and strawberry because it’s almost Spring!”
She set you to work mixing ingredients while she measured them. You could see Cedric hovering out of the corner of your eye, unsure of what to make of all this. “Oh come on,” You said finally, not being able to take it any longer. The batter that you were working on was enough to make perhaps three cakes, but there would have to be much more than that before the day is through. “You can help with this, you know. Or are you scared of getting a little dirty?”
You put your fingers in flour and flicked some at him. It landed on his pajama shirt. He tried to wipe it off but it just made a white smear, which made you giggle. “I guess I might as well,” He said, finally letting his guard down. Daisy found him another apron, and set him about working on his own bowl of cake mix.
“No, no,” You said, seeing how fast he was mixing. It had even alarmed Daisy, who wouldn’t dare say anything bad about it. You could just gauge by how big her eyes got. “Slowly - you fold in the eggs, you don’t just ... make it go wild like that. We want a fluffier texture. There’s such a thing as over mixing, isn’t there Daisy?”
“That’s right!” She squeaked.
Cedric conceded. He went a little slower this time, taking your direction rather well. You added in the last bits of vanilla to the mix, then helped to measure them into the pans that Daisy had taken away to put into the oven. “What now?” He asked, wiping his hands on his apron.
“We do it again - unless you’re wanting to go and get a bit more sleep,” You shrugged. “Though that means you’re going to miss the best part.”
“And what’s that?” He asked, raising one of his bushy eyebrows. He didn’t have suspicion in his eyes anymore. In fact, you might almost say it looked like he was having fun.
“The decorating! Fresh strawberries, whipped cream, enough icing to send me into a sugar coma. Oh, it’s Heaven. I’ve been waiting for this day for weeks now.” You said, your mouth nearly watering as you thought about all of the treats that you were going to make. “And then, after dinner tonight, we’ll be at our tables and voila! Cakes! And nobody knows we helped to make them which makes it feel sneaky.”
“Knew there would be a catch,” Cedric said, picking up another mixing bowl since the other one had been taken away for cleaning. “I knew you were heading out at night for some reason. I just didn’t expect it to be this.”
“Oh, so just because I’m Slytherin, you think that I was up to no good?” You asked, feeling offended by his assumptions. You picked up a new mixing bowl as well, and a clean spoon.
“Well...” Cedric said, rubbing the back of his neck. You were both in an awkward waiting position until Daisy came back to measure ingredients once more. “How was I to know it would be this?”
“You could have asked rather than accusing me by note,” You shrugged, spinning the spoon around in your hands. You could smell some of the other bakers beginning to prepare the whipped icing that would be going on the cake. It was beginning to make your mouth water. They might as well be working with ambrosia, the food of the gods.
The little house elf did come running with her measuring cups to weight out ingredients and you were finally able to get back to work. Surprisingly, Cedric stayed. He stayed as the cakes were brought out of the oven and put to freeze to make them easier to ice. He stayed as you struggled with a piping bag, and ended up with frosting all over your apron.
“Stop laughing,” You said, as you saw that he was chuckling. He turned away but you could still feel his shoulders move. You glared at him, wiped a glob off your apron and onto your finger, then flicked it right at the back of his neck. That made him stop real quick. He turned back to look at you and you gave him your widest grin. “Oops.”
“No food fights, please!” Daisy wheezed, which put an end to whatever Cedric was thinking about. He wiped it off, onto his apron, then chuckled again.
“Yeah, no food fights,” He repeated to you, as if you were the one getting the scolding. You rolled your eyes, then went back to trying to get the piping bag right. You managed, without exploding it this time, and wasting the precious icing. Still though, you took little dallops of it off your apron and stuck it into your mouth, savoring the flavor.
“Has there ever been a food fight at Hogwarts?” You wondered allowed, stepping back to admire your handiwork. You could imagine one happening in the Great Hall, given how much food was in there on a constant basis. Cedric looked a little surprise that you were asking him in such a pleasant tone rather than the snippiness that you had been passing back and forth.
“A couple of years ago,” Cedric said, smiling as he thought about it. “You know the Weasley twins, from the Gryffindor Quidditch team? They started one in their first year. Now there’s a spell on the tables where it can’t happen anymore.”
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“I hope Dumbledore forgets one year. Because now, I gotta start one.” You said, thinking that you had to talk to these twins about how they did it. And maybe a Ravenclaw for counter-spells.
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that,” Cedric said, winking at you over his own creation. His was a lot messier than yours, but it would hopefully taste good, that’s what was important. “Strawberries?”
“Strawberries,”  You affirmed. A house elf came over with a basket of the fresh fruit, just washed and shiny. You go to work with a knife now, which seemed a little dangerous. As you took it up to cut the leaves off, you looked over at Cedric. He already had the knife in hand and was chopping surprisingly well. He seemed to have some talent other than Quidditch and a winning smile. And - best of all, he seemed to trust that you weren’t going to attack with him the knife. Pretty big deal for a Slytherin.
When the cakes that you were making were finished, you took off the apron and stiffled a yawn. In the time that it had taken you and Cedric to make three a piece, house elves had finished a couple dozen. Yours and his weren’t as picture perfect as the others, but you were happy with your work nonetheless. “Alright, well, g’night...” You said, stretching as you went into the hallway. You could faintly see the sun beginning to rise through the window, the sky no longer black but a lighter shade of navy.
“This was fun,” Cedric admitted, turning to look at you, flour staining the front of his once-perfect robes where the apron didn’t cover. “You do this every night?”
“It’s usually just bread that I make,” You admitted. “The cake was much more fun than that. But bread is really cool, the way that it’s made with just the simplest things. I think I want to become a baker after graduating, but who knows...” You shrugged. The world was still a dark place. But surely that meant that there was going to be more of a need for baked goods to lighten the load and make people feel a little better.
“You’re great at it,” Cedric complimented. Well, that was a nice touch. The Golden boy of Hufflepuff was giving you a compliment, and making you feel a bit of the honeyglow.
“Thanks.” You said. You took a couple of steps down the hallway which would lead you to the stairs down towards the dungeons, but you stopped, turning around. “Are you going to tell on me?”
“No,” Cedric said, after taking a couple of seconds to think. “I might join you again sometime, though.”
“Well that’s fine then,” You said with a smile. “Goodnight, Cedric.”
“Good morning, y/n,” Cedric said, running his fingers through his hair once more, before turning himself to go to his own dormitory. You laughed as you watched him go, then hurried yourself along to get ready for the day.
At dessert the next night, you were surprised to see not one of the picture perfect cakes that the elves had made, but rather one of the haphazard ones that was definitely Cedric’s. You couldn’t help but chuckle as you saw the uneven strawberries and the frosting dripping over the sides. The Slytherin girl next to you commented on how it looked ‘like a child had made it’ and got up to go down the table to one of the nicer looking cakes.
You eagerly took a piece. The cake itself was perfection, it was just the uneven frosting that made it look a little wonky. As you cut into it, you looked over to the Hufflepuff table to catch eyes with the baker himself. He had one of your cakes in front of him, and had loaded two pieces onto his plate. He gave you his heart-melting smile and you returned the sentiment. You stabbed a piece of the cake onto your fork and held it up as if in cheers. He did the same.
It wasn’t the same as eating with him exactly, but it was nice nonetheless. You had become restless during the nights because of how homesick you were, and you found something which could become a life-long love. And, well, you really didn’t mind that Cedric was along for the ride.
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lonelyreputation · 4 years
Twenty-Four Hours
a/n: Hello!!! I’m back again with some more fluff!! Yay! Not even a touch of angst 😌 In this little piece of writing we have Fiancé!Shawn!! Enjoy! ALSO major thanks to @saysweartogod-og who came up with this idea when I was at a loss at how not make this prompt a cliché of saying bye to Shawn before he leaves for a tour!! Emily always showing up with her creative ideas😌😌
Also, all your nice words make me cry 🥺I love reading your thoughts!! THANKS A MILLION FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! 💞😊
REQUEST: Pulling away from a hug that you wish would last longer
Let’s Chat!! | MASTERLIST
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 3.2K
With a wedding, there comes a lot of traditions.  The bridal shower, bachelor and bachelorette parties, picking out that one dress that feels magical, rehearsal dinners, and the old wives tale of not being able to see your future spouse twenty-four hours before you walk down the aisle.
A whole twenty-four hours.
It was insane really, you had friends who had just gone the night before their wedding without seeing their future and they seemed to be doing just fine.  But your mom got yourself stuck in your head with traditions this and traditions that. You didn’t know how much you believed in the myth that your marriage with Shawn would be doomed before it started if you saw him before your wedding.  But you weren’t willing to take the chance.  Just in case.
You had spent the day with Shawn and the bridal party, enjoying each other’s company like you did when you were teenagers.  There were a lot of drinking games involved that you barely participated in, but would partner up with Shawn if he gazed at you with gentle, pleading eyes.  It was going to be a long marriage if you couldn’t start saying no to him.
With having an early afternoon ceremony, it was the night before your twenty-four hours would go into effect, the last night you would spend with Shawn as his fiancé.  It was a curious feeling; definitely one of excitement because you would finally be able to call Shawn your husband.  But a bit odd because the more you thought about it, the more you realized that nothing would really change.  You two already lived together, already had sex, and already acted like a married couple.  The only change would be your last name and the extra band on your left hand that would leave your skin considerably paler than the rest.
You had just finished getting ready for bed and looked at the time.  It was nearing ten o’clock and you had about fourteen hours left with Shawn until the twenty-four hour rule would come into effect.  Spending a whole day a part from him seemed like torture, but it was a small price to pay for a lifetime with him.
The sound of the toilet flushing and the sink running brought you out of your thoughts.  You were curled into the hotel room’s duvet when Shawn appeared shirtless from the bathroom, sweatpants hanging on his hips.  He turned off the bathroom light and then made his way to the front of the room to turn all of the lights in the room off.
The darkness blanketed the room like the duvet weighing you down, but soon enough, the duvet lifted slightly off your body and you felt the mattress dip down.  Shawn inched his way closer to you so you were able to feel his breath hit your face, “Hi.”
You let out a small laugh, “Hey there.”
Before you knew it, Shawn’s strong arms reached out and pulled you in close to him.  A loud laugh escaped through your lips as Shawn nuzzled his head into your shoulder and pressed soft kisses on your neck.  You were so content with your life right now; every heartbreak you went through before Shawn, every heartbreak you went through with Shawn…everything led you to this moment, laying in bed, with Shawn as your fiancé, feeling like everything was perfect.
“So close,” Shawn mumbled into your shoulder before he brought his head up to look at you.  His face was so close to yours that you could see the excitement in his eyes, even through the pitch black, “Can’t we just elope? I wanna be able to call you my wife right now.”
You let out a laugh as you brought a hand up to his face, brushing away some of his curls, “I think both of our parents would murder us if they weren’t there.”
“Fair point,” Shawn fell back onto the mattress with a thump.  The warmth that radiated off him caused you to close your eyes and scoot closer to the heat of his chest, “It’s just so close.”
You nodded her head against his chest, “Just a little over a day now.”
“And you want to do that twenty-four hour thing?”
“I mean, yeah,”  you lifted your fingertips up to his stomach and started lightly drawing shapes, “Don’t want to jeopardize anything.”
He let out a deep breath, “If you really want to…” He sounded hesitant on the tradition and you poked his chest until he offered up more information, “It’s just––I think it’s a bit silly is all.  We’ve been together for years, and supposedly not seeing each other for twenty-four hours will make or break our marriage?”
“We’ve gone longer without seeing each other before,” you alluded to all the times Shawn had gone on tour and you wouldn’t see him for months, “and besides,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek, “Just think about how exciting it’ll be to see me walking down the aisle.”
A fond smile crossed over his face as he brought a hand behind his head, “I’ve been dreaming about that for years now.”
A smile lit up on your face, much like Shawn’s, when the two of you thought about meeting each other at the end of the aisle.  Like him, you had been dreaming of that moment for years now, probably longer than he has.  
Your dreams were full of him standing with his back to yours, styled up in a sharp black tuxedo, as Brian stood by his side whispering in his ear how breathtaking you looked walking down the aisle.  You could already feel it in your stomach, the giddiness mixed with the nerves that came with walking down the aisle toward a new future with the person you would love forever.
And as you fell asleep in Shawn’s arms, you dreamed of the hydrangeas lined up by the pews, the blue charm bracelet Shawn gifted to you on your first Valentine’s Day together that would be clasped around your wrist, and the look on Shawn’s face when you two were finally able to look at each other after twenty-four hours.
A dream soon to be a reality.
The morning you woke up you were already wishing that you stuck to only not seeing Shawn the night before your wedding instead of the full twenty-four hours.  The realization came to you when you woke up before him and lifted your head up to see him slightly snoring, one hand on his stomach as his chest moved up and down, with the corners of his lips turned upright.
Your heart ached that you were going to have to go a full day without seeing him.  But you already had your rehearsal ceremony and dinner last night, so there was no excuse to have a gathering of people again.
Shawn woke up not long after you, a lazy smile on his face as he pecked your lips after saying one word that made your insides explode; tomorrow.  You didn’t want to go down to the morning breakfast that was being held somewhere in the hotel for just you and your wedding guests.  You wanted to spend all the time you could with your future husband.
The moment just after the two of you were fully awake were spent in silence, enjoying each other’s presence, snuggled up under the covers.  It wasn’t until you were both texted by each of your mother’s requesting your presence in the breakfast room before all of the guests started showing up.  Reluctantly, you two trudged to the bathroom, getting ready side by side.
You followed Shawn out of the room and reached for his hand after he pressed the down arrow for the elevator.  You leaned into his side and rested your head on his arm, wanting to be as close to him as possible with your time ticking down.  When the elevator came, the two of you silently stepped in as he pressed a kiss to your temple.  
Even after years together, butterflies still erupted in your stomach after every gesture of affection Shawn made, and you knew that it would still ring true when you’re seventy and graying.
Thankfully, the elevator didn’t make any stops to pick anyone up, so you continued to enjoy Shawn’s company in silence.  When the elevator dropped you off at the lobby, you quickly walked past the glass doors, a few screams erupting for Shawn were faintly heard, and while he would normally go out and say hi to his fans, you were his only priority for the next few days.  
Once you were in the private room that held the breakfast, you saw a few family members already sitting down and eating.  When your mom and Karen saw the two of you walk in, they took their napkins off their laps and walked to you with beaming smiles.
“There are the love birds,” your mom said in a sing-song voice, “How was your last night together as fiancés?”
“Relaxing,” you said as you pulled away from Karen’s hug, “We were both exhausted so we passed out.”
“Likely story,” Aaliyah said with a smirk as she passed your little group with a plate of scrambled eggs and an assortment of breakfast meat.
“Aaliyah,” Karen reprimanded her daughter, as you and Shawn both let out an awkward laugh, “If they said they fell asleep, then they fell asleep.” Karen’s hard stare on her daughter softened when she turned to face you and Shawn, “I hope you two just slept.”
“Mom,” Shawn whined as you felt your face reddened, the carpet becoming more interesting than either of your mother’s questioning gazes.
You piped up, “I swear we just slept.”
Karen patted your cheek, “Oh, honey, I believe you,” she gave you a warm smile, one that gave off the impression that she had accepted you into the family a long time ago, “I believe you more than this one,” she jabbed her thumb over at her son, which only caused him to whine even more.
As family members and friends slowly trickled in, you and Shawn would greet them together or part ways for a brief moment to make sure you thanked everyone for coming.  Even though you would only be separated for a split second before you wrapped a hand around his arm, it felt too long.  The rest of the morning went like that, slow and always being by each other’s side.  
Breakfast was over and now you and Shawn were checking with your wedding planner to make sure everything was good to go for the big day tomorrow.  Part of you was worried that something was going to go wrong.  It almost seemed too good to be true that nothing had gone wrong yet, but you trusted your wedding planner when she informed you that everything was set.  Only a teeny tiny weight that was lifted from your shoulders.
After the meeting with your wedding planner went better than expected, you were in a car to one of your favorite restaurants.  It was just past noon, you had just under three more hours with Shawn.  And much like the rest of the day, you spent the car ride in silence.  This would be your final thank you said together to your guests before you were Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Mendes.
The lunch went off without a hitch; jokes shared by friends, toasts said by both of your parents, and stories told by your grandparents.  You had not stopped smiling throughout the whole ordeal and that was partly due to the fact you kept gazing at your husband-to-be who sat next to you.  Every time he rested a hand on your knee out of habit, you smiled.  Every time he stole a piece of food off your plate, you smiled.  And every time he leaned in close, his breath tickling the side of your face, to whisper how much he loved you, and only you, into your ear, you smiled.
Guests were coming up bidding you farewells and saying how they couldn’t wait for the big day tomorrow.  You would laugh and agree with them; I’ve been waiting for this my entire life, Shawn would always say in response as he looked down at you with a glint of love he always held for you in his eyes.
It was quarter to three and your mother kept reminding you every ten minutes how much time you had left with Shawn. Now, it was only your closest friends and family left in the back room where lunch was held.  While your families mingled and your friends laughed, you and Shawn were still sitting at your seats, chairs facing each other, knees touching.
“Can’t we just do the thing where we don’t see each other the night before?” Your voice was shaky as you squeezed the top of Shawn’s hand that was resting on your knee, “Tweak it just a little.”
Shawn let out a small laugh, “Last night you were going off about how you didn’t want to jeopardize anything, what’s changed?”  You shrugged your shoulders and broke eye contact with him.  “Hey, look at me,” Shawn softly whispered with care in his voice as he lifted your chin up with the tips of his fingers, “Not getting cold feet, are you?”
“Shawn,” you weren’t in the mood for joking.  It was the day before your wedding and you should feel the happiest you’ve ever felt in your life.  But for some reason you felt devastated.  There was a weight in your chest that became heavier whenever the clock ticked closer and closer to three o’clock.  You couldn’t wait for tomorrow––to finally be able to call Shawn your husband––but you didn’t want to be separated from him.
“Sorry, sorry,” he offered you a smile, but you failed to return it, “But what’s up?”
You were silent, focusing your attention on your breathing.  You opened your mouth, but closed it back up quickly when you felt it go dry.  You tried to swallow down your emotions, pressure building in the back of your throat as you told yourself you weren’t going to cry.  You didn’t care that your jaw hurt from clenching your teeth so hard, or that the stinging behind your eyes was causing your throat to feel scratchy.  
You weren’t going to cry.
With one more try, you opened your mouth to share your worries, but your mother had successfully cut you off, “Okay, lovebirds!” Her voice was far off, not wanting to disrupt the moment you two were sharing, “Officially less than ten minutes! Time to start saying your goodbyes!”
But instead of saying his name in a berating tone, you said his name out of desperation.  A single tear leaked from your eye, voice cracking, as your breathing grew heavier.  It seemed to click with him that you were upset about parting ways with him.
He immediately pushed his chair back, reaching down to your hand, and pulling you right up into his chest for a bone crushing hug.  You pressed your cheek tight up against his chest, hands clutching the back of his shirt, no doubt wrinkling his navy button down shirt.  His taut arms were wrapped equally as tight around your waist.  It was a bit difficult to breathe, but that didn’t matter to you at the moment, spending time without Shawn before the wedding already felt like you were suffocating.
With each kiss he pressed to the top of your head, a tear would fall from your eye.  There was no emotion other than joy that described how you felt about marrying Shawn.  He was your person––your home––and you felt safe in his embrace.  From the first time he hugged you, you could feel the care.  He was gentle with his touches, but there was always a firmness to his hugs, a need for him to protect you.
His hugs felt like home; a place you were able to confide your deepest sorrows, a place where he made you feel safe and appreciated for the person you are.
He pressed another kiss to the top of your head as he went to pull away, but you weren’t ready, so you only wound your arms tighter around his torso.  He let out a deep sigh, not wanting to be away from you either, “It’s just twenty-four hours,” he whispered only for you to hear, “Twenty-four hours in exchange for a whole life time together.”
A lifetime together.
You smiled through your tears and loosened your grip around his waist.  He took advantage of the little room you gave him as he slightly bent down and wiped his thumbs under your eyes, “I can already picture you walking down the aisle,” his eyebrows were pulled together, eyes glistening with tears that had yet to spill over as he smiled, “You’re going to look so damn beautiful.”
You choked out a laugh, tears still spilling out over your eyes.
“My dreams are coming true,” a tear finally slipped past his eye, “In just twenty-four hours, I won’t need anything else in the world.”
Instead of a cry of sadness, a cry of happiness passed through you as you dove your head back into Shawn’s chest.  You could feel a few pairs of eyes on you, but that didn’t concern you.  Your only concern was to be as close to Shawn as possible before your mother interrupted one of your moments again.
You savored everything from the hug; the fast thump of his heart against his chest, the scent of his shirt that had made its way into your clothes that were mixed in the wash, and the security that his hands brought when he rubbed up and down your spine…you tried to memorize everything.
Your mother didn’t have to come over to break up your moment; you knew that ten minutes was up and that it was time to part ways.  Shawn was first to pull away, and while you hummed into his chest in protest, you would rather have your moment ended by Shawn than your mother who was politely staying a distance away.
With his eyes closed, Shawn tilted his head to press a soft kiss to your lips, the last kiss before your wedding.  The kiss tasted salty from the small tears that continued to slowly fall from both of your eyes, but you still felt him pour all of his love into it.
Reluctantly he pulled away and gently rubbed his nose against yours, “See you in twenty-four hours, Mr. Mendes.”
It was the first time today where you felt the pre-wedding jitters in your stomach disappear.  The weight you felt on your shoulders, the anxiety you felt creep up your stomach; it all disappeared in that moment.  
“See you in twenty-four hours, Soon-to-be Mrs. Mendes.”
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The Call of A Siren - Chap. 5
Chapter One / Two / Three / Four
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A/N: I’d like to thank seenalready for agreeing to be my beta! It’s been a huge help. Also, thank you to those who not only took the time to read but to favorite, follow, review, or leave me a message on this story!
I don’t own My Hero Academia. I only own my own characters and the story I create within Horikoshi’s masterpiece of a world I’d love to live in.
“So how’s school going, Cordelia?” Her father asked while passing her the mashed potatoes. She smiled as she plopped some on her plate. “It’s going fine. Just some normal start of the year stuff.”
Her mother was cutting her baby brother’s food into small pieces across from her. “Make any new friends? You didn’t have any last year.” Delia ignored that small barb. Her mother was Miss Popularity when she was in school - something she was reminded of constantly in these small sweet ways. 
“Yes, mom. No official friends yet but definitely some classmates I seem to get along with fine.” 
“Give her time, Amaya. She’ll make friends but make sure not to forget to focus on your studies. Bells always get top marks in school. Right, Cordelia?” Her father is ever the peacemaker between them but always manages to slip in his opinion in the same sentence. She hoped neither of them noticed how tense she became, because despite going ahead with her plan of secretly attending U.A she still hated lying. She was good at it but hated it. She distracted herself and took herself out of the conversation by wiping the gravy off of Henry’s mouth who just painted more on with every uncoordinated bite. 
Later in her room, she made sure all her U.A stuff was hidden because her parents, especially her mother, who didn’t believe her children were entitled to privacy. She would deny it until she was blue in the face even when Delia confronted her with obvious evidence. Delia would find some things moved or pockets left unzipped that were closed when she left for school or a run so now she just made sure anything she didn’t want discovered to be hidden. She had hiding places in between her mattress and bed frame, one in a loose floorboard by her dresser, a notebook taped behind her desk, in her suitcase in the back of her closet, and it goes on. Her mom wasn’t too creative in looking but Delia didn’t want to take any chances. She changed into pink leggings and an old Mayday Parade t-shirt and went for her usual run to the beach. 
Shake it out, shake it out
Shake it out, shake it out, ooh whoa
And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back
So shake him off, oh whoa
'Cause I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I'm gonna cut it out and then restart
'Cause I like to keep my issues strong
It's always darkest before the dawn
 Delia laid on her back in the grass to catch her breath as she ran an extra mile on the sand today before running back. Once again, she was grateful to have a park like this near home to gather herself before returning home. 
She had her eyes closed as she listened to Florence and the Machine but opened them when a shadow came over her. Angry Boy stood over her and his mouth was moving but because of how  loud her headphones were she couldn’t hear what he was saying. She rolled her eyes and closed them again as she felt no need to listen to his rant during her peaceful time.
Her left earbud was roughly yanked out of her ear. “I was talking to you, dumbass!”
She rubbed her ear and glared up at him. “So? Since when do I have to listen to you?” 
“Move out of my spot.”
“Uh, yeah no.”
“Move before I make you.”
“Try it, Big Tits.” She raised her eyebrow at him in challenge because she knew damn well he couldn’t use his Quirk here without getting in trouble. It was far more noticeable than hers which she would definitely use if he tried to physically move her. Knowing this, he growled and stomped over to his workout bag a few feet over. He picked it up and then threw it on the ground practically on top of her legs. “Fine, brat. If you won’t move, I’m working out right here still.” 
Delia was going to push it further, but her watch beeped signaling she should start heading back home. “Saved by the bell, jerk.” Pushing herself up onto her feet, she kicked his bag off her leg and brushed off some  grass on her shorts. 
“Yeah, fucking sure brat. I’m saved.” Delia rolled her eyes and walked away a few steps before stopping and turning back towards him, unable to help herself from asking. 
“Why did you do that?” 
He was already doing sit-ups in the spot she had just vacated. “Because you were in my spot, idiot.” 
“No. Not that. Battle training.” Bakugo slowed to a stop for a moment and then continued like she hadn’t said anything. 
She tried again. “Was it worth it?”
No answer again but he picked up the pace on his sit-ups. Delia hummed, “Thought so.” She went to turn away when he finally spoke up, “I kicked that weakling’s ass. Its always worth it to put Deku in his fucking place.” He wouldn’t make eye contact with her. Delia pursed her lips and turned away finally. Before she went out of hearing distance she said one last thing, “You didn’t put him in his place. It seems more like you were shown yours. It wasn’t as high as you thought it was, was it?” 
As she jogged back home on the trail, she could feel those red eyes trying to burn a hole in her back. 
As she walked up the hill to U.A, she was fiddling with her stupid tie when she heard a lot of voices. Looking up from what she was doing, Delia saw a mini army of reporters covering the entrance of the school. 
“Oh, crap!” Delia started to panic as she realized she had to go through them to get inside. She grabbed some sunglasses from her bag and took her hair out of her usual braid and tried to cover her face. They were jumping on students as soon as they got close, but Delia wasn’t having that. 
“Hey, kid!” Someone put their hand on her shoulder. Nope nope nope! Shaking them off, she passed Uraraka and Iida getting questioned and walked even faster. A few other reporters tried to get her attention, but she was not risking getting caught on her second week of school by her mother seeing her on the morning news. 
Mr. Aizawa was  in the front of all the reporters to stand guard and crossed his arms as a particularly aggressive woman demanded All Might. Delia was safe now on school grounds but didn’t dare to take her glasses off or fix her hair until  she was in the building. Out of curiosity, she peeked through her hair to see Mr. Aizawa finally walking away and an aggressive reporter took a step too far only for these giant alarms to start throwing up walls all around the school. Ha, serves you right, Delia thought a bit smugly.  
She finally fixed her hair into a braid when their homeroom teacher walked in and called them to attention. He ruffled some papers and then addressed the class on their performances from last week’s combat training with All Might. “Decent work on last week’s combat training, you guys. Due to technical difficulties, I wasn’t able to review the video feeds until yesterday. I went over every team's results. Bakugo. You’re talented. So don’t sulk like a child about your loss, okay?” Delia fought to keep her face straight as she was seated in front where Mr. Aizawa could easily reprimand her if she didn’t. “ And Midoriya. I see the only way you won the match was by messing up your arm again. Work harder. And don’t give me that excuse that you don’t have control because it’s already getting old.” 
He called out a few other students with some advice before she heard, “Bell. I see you have the ability to think and react quickly as shown in your battle, but you have a long way to go with understanding your Quirk. That is basic and essential. You need to work on that as of last week.” 
She nodded, “Yes, sir.” 
When he finished, Mr. Aizawa switched gears to something a little more mundane. “You all need to pick a class representative.”
Kirishima stood up with his hands in the air, “Pick me, guys! I wanna be class rep!”
Kaminari raised his hand, “I’ll take it.” Jiro followed suit with her hand up as well, “Yeah, you’re gonna need me.” Ashido and Aoyama threw their hats in the ring too. Bakugo even started yelling behind her to be elected. Delia, despite knowing what a big deal it would be, just sunk further in her seat wanting no part of it. 
“Silence, everyone, please!” Iida grabbed everyone’s attention to tell them the responsibilities of class rep when she decided who better for this job than Mr. Responsibility and Lecture himself? She was sure he’d thrive at the job as he already organized how they would choose and simultaneously advocated for himself. 
She snorted when Aizawa basically told them to figure it out before his nap was over and curled up in his weird yellow sleeping bag on the floor. Despite how strict he was, Delia loved how weird their teacher was. 
After everyone handed Iida their small pieces of paper with their vote written, he quickly and very neatly wrote the results with his shoulders slumping along the way. 
Izuku Midoriya - 3
Momo Yaoyorozu - 2
Well, that was unexpected and immediately questioned by even Midoriya himself. Who exclaimed, “How did I get three votes?” 
She turned in her seat when Angry boy slammed his hands on his desk, “Okay, you idiots, who voted for him?” Delia raised her eyebrow at him, “You mean instead of you?”
“What, did you honestly think anyone was gonna vote for you?” Sero said. She barked out a laugh at that and put her hand up in a high five. Sero returned the gesture while Bakugo fumed even more. 
“What did you idiots say?!”
“Hey, Bell!” Delia’s head snapped up from her tray and saw Uraraka waving at her from a table. “Come and sit with us!” 
“Thanks, guys. What’s up?” She greeted as she sat down next to Midoriya. 
“Hi, Bell. We were just talking about how Midoriya would be a great class rep. His courage and quick thinking will help make him a worthy leader. Not to mention the strength you’ve demonstrated. Those are the reasons I voted for you, at least.” Iida explained before taking the next bite of his lunch. 
She nodded. “Oh, for sure. You’ll be great.” 
Uraraka looked puzzled. “Iida, didn’t you want to be rep really badly? I mean you look the part cause of the glasses!” 
“ Well, that's not exactly how you should base things.” Delia jokes, pointing her fork at the small brunette. She just shrugged in response and grabbed another ball of white rice. 
“Wanting a job and being suited to it are quite different things. Observing the Iida family’s hero agency has taught me that much.” 
“Right there. That’s why I voted for you.” Delia pointed her pork at him before shoving the deliciousness in her mouth. Ugh, I’d go to this school for the food alone.
Iida had his mouth open as he stared at her, “You were my one vote?” 
She smiled at him, “Well, yeah! You seem perfect for the job to me based on everything I’ve seen so far.” Her eyes widened when she remembered who she was sitting next to and waved her hands at the boy, “No offense, Midoriya! You’ll be great at it as I said.” He waved her off before turning his attention back to Iida.
Taking a few more bites, she heard her phone chirp in her pocket. She pulled it out to see that her mother had texted her. 
Mom: Cordelia, we are having dinner with Josephine this Friday at 7. Make arrangements to pick up Henry from the babysitter’s house. I’ll write the address on the fridge. 
She rolled her eyes but sent back a quick ‘okay’ that she will pick him up. Whenever her sister was free, they ran to her side to devote all attention to their favorite child. It probably helped that their favorite child encouraged it every chance she got which irritated Delia to no end. 
She was pulled out of her thoughts as the bell went off abruptly. 
“Warning. Level Three security breach. All students please evacuate the building in an orderly fashion.” 
Orderly fashion, my ass! Everyone was soon swept into a massive mob of pushing and shoving which Delia did not care for. 
“Ow! Goddamn watch those elbows dude!” She held her side and then was shoved against the window next to Iida. “Oh seriously! Iida look out the window!” 
“Who would dare try and - it's the press that was outside!” He immediately tried to yell to everyone which proved useless. She heard Kaminari and Kirishima trying to calm the herd as well, but that wasn’t working either. “Iida we have to tell everyone that it’s just the stupid media!” Delia yelled to him as her face was smushed up against the glass. 
“I have an idea, Bell. I need Uraraka! Will you be okay?”
“Go and stop this, and then I’ll be fine!” She used her free hand and helped shove him forward to their poor classmate who was getting dragged away by the frenzy. Her braid was then yanked which caused her to smack her forehead  against the glass again. Freaking jesus! Calm the fuck down people! C’mon Iida! 
She managed to get her head up in time to see Iida flip thirty times in the air then smack into the wall above the exit sign. Ouch. 
“Listen up, everything is okay!” With that, everyone stopped pushing and looked up at the guy balancing on an exit sign. “It’s just the media outside. There’s absolutely nothing to worry about. Everything’s fine! We’re UA students. We need to remain calm and prove that we’re the best of the best.” 
Within the next half hour, the police pushed back the reporters and the teachers came inside to corral them back to class. Delia clapped a hand on Iida’s back who blushed a bit when she said,  “That’s why I voted for you.”
 In a strange turn of events, Midoriya had stepped down as their elected class rep and nominated Iida in his place. Something that made Delia grin when he walked up to the podium with barely concealed pride and immediately went into his responsibilities. She especially liked that he sent a nod her way with a small smile before strutting back to his seat.
“Now that’s out of the way.” Aizawa rose from the corner where he was attempting a short nap and slipped out of his sleeping bag. “We can head to the training room for Combat class. Everyone change into your gym clothes and meet me in ten minutes.” 
A few minutes later, Delia sat on the floor next to Jiro and Tsu stretching. Aizawa was already setting up a row of punching bags while they waited for the rest of the class to trickle in from the locker rooms. 
“Yo, whassup girls?” Jiro, Tsu, and Delia turned to see Kirishima and Kaminari heading over to them on the mat. They plopped down next to them. “Hey, guys. Ready for training?” Delia asked as she turned to Jiro with hands outstretched. Jiro caught on to what she wanted and had her feet meet hers and grabbed onto one another's arms then pulled back to stretch Delia’s back. 
“Oh, we’re ready. So pumped to finally get into real hero stuff!” Kirishima pumped his fist in the air with excitement. 
“It’s a bummer that it’s a non-quirk class though. I was feeling extra juiced today!” 
“This is even more manly in a way, Kaminari! Real combat without quirks can be a whole ‘nother level of seeing what you’re made of!” He said to the blonde who shrugged in response. 
Delia slowly pulled back to stretch Jiro and laughed at the boys, “I agree. You don’t need a quirk to punch someone in the face which can be just as great as electrocuting them.” 
The class was finally assembled and facing their teacher who stood over them with a small tablet in hand. “Alright, class. As you know this is our Non-Quirk Combat Class which is self-explanatory so if you weren’t aware of that already you shouldn’t be in my class anymore. Now, we are going to start with basics to see where everyone stands before we up the ante. Grab a spot in front of a bag, and we will be doing basic 1-2 punches until I say stop.” Aizawa quickly demonstrated what he meant with the correct form and then shooed them towards the bags he had set up earlier. 
Delia grabbed a bag in between Midoriya and Todoroki who was already hitting the bag with perfect form. Seems like he’s done this before. She curled her hands as Aizawa showed them and hit the bag. Huh. She side-eyed Todoroki before trying again. It felt awkward at first but once she found a rhythm...Man this feels great! Her knuckles were beginning to hurt as she hit as hard as she could but she sort of liked it. The past week and a half had been stressing her out and running was usually her only outlet, but she was finding this was a great way as well. 
“Midoriya, turn your back foot a bit more. Good.” She heard her teacher making the rounds as the class hit the bags non-stop. “Good, Bell and Todoroki. Keep it up.” Delia practically glowed and hit the bag with even more energy than before. 
Through the first half of the class, they were shown punches, kicks, and then some fighting moves when they were joined by Ectoplasm.  He demonstrated some defensive and offensive maneuvers before the class was split into partners to practice for the remainder of class.
Delia was paired with Kaminari which was fine as she had nothing against the good-natured albeit immature guy, but the moves involved getting physical with your partner. She had played twister as a kid but not for some time and never held hands with a guy much less threw her whole body at them. Oh my god, you prude. Get over it. She chided herself.
Kaminari gave a confidant smile and squared up to her, “Don’t worry, cutie. I’ll take it easy on ya.” 
Delia raised an eyebrow at him, “You’ll take it easy on me? How kind of you.” Okay, nerves have left the building and have been replaced by a mini super pro feminist ready to hand him his ass. 
Their teachers had them go through the motions one step at a time collectively as a class before they were given the go ahead to let loose. As soon as Ectoplasm gave the green light, Delia felt a bit more solid with  her moves and was ready to try in real time especially since Kaminari hadn’t lost his smirk. “Ready, babe?” 
“Let’s go, Sparky.” Ectoplasm hit a buzzer and Kaminari swung at her almost immediately, but she grabbed his wrist and pulled towards her. Before he could react, she used the momentum of pulling him to knee him in the stomach (reminding herself to not use full strength as this was training). While he was coughing, she swept her leg under his causing him to fall on his back. 
“Did I take it easy enough? Cutie?” Delia stood over him grinning. Kaminari held a hand on his stomach and grimaced. “Okay, point taken.” 
Delia huffed a laugh and held her hand out to him which he grabbed tentatively like she was going to hit him again. Pulling the blonde up, she felt someone’s eyes on her. Bakugo was standing coolly across the room with his hands in his pockets while Sero got himself off the ground. He looked away when he saw her looking back at him. Hmm. 
He would never admit it, but he was impressed on how quickly the brat took down the blonde idiot. However,  he also would never admit that he was watching her in the first place as his eyes slid over to her laughing with her partner as she helped him off the ground. Katsuki chalked it up to pure convenience of sight as he had laid out the guy he was fighting in about five seconds, and she was in his direct line of vision. Since the park, what she had said unsettled him. Katsuki couldn’t get it out of his head and hated that she got under his skin and then walked the fuck away with the last word. 
As if she could sense him, the brat turned towards him curiously. Shit. 
Katsuki looked back down at his partner who was now getting off the floor and rolled his eyes. Tch. I didn’t hit him that hard. Fucking wimp. 
“Hit the lockers. You’re done today.” Aizawa announced. Ectoplasm had left already. “Remember to make sure you do the assigned reading and grab the extra worksheets on my desk before leaving for home. We are skipping Ethics tomorrow for a longer class activity.” 
A longer Quirk Training Combat Class, he meant. His eyes flitted to stupid Deku who was flapping his arms at some round face girl and then over to the brat who was walking back to the girls locker room. He was ready for his next combat class despite what the annoying girl said. He was going to be number one and damn anyone who got in his way of that. 
He pushed the locker room door hard enough that the purple dumbass who was walking before him flew forward across the room but Katsuki was too in his head to bother looking where he landed. He kept seeing those stupid blue eyes looking at him, judging and unimpressed. He shook his head as if to shake the image out of his head.  I don’t need anyone's damn approval. 
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lover series - daylight
Pairing: Carter Baizen x Reader
Warnings: none
A/N: this is what happens when i mention carter baizen more than once a day. also daylight just fits him as a person??? if you wanna listen to daylight while reading this, here. this was inspired by an ask i got in this blog, thank you for the idea 💕
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My love was as cruel as the cities I lived in Everyone looked worse in the light There are so many lines that I've crossed, unforgiven I'll tell you truth, but never, "Goodbye"
   - Get out. 
   - What? - Carter looked at the blonde sat next to him whose eyes seemed to wander to everyone but to him. - Don’t be like this. You’re just nervous about meeting your dad.
   - I don’t need your help anymore or ever again. I should have done this on my own from the start.
  - Fine, if that’s what you want. - he opened the door of the limousine, climbing off the comfortable warmth of their vehicle to be greeted with the darkness and coldness of New York during the warmth. Serena, without as much as looking back at the man who had spent a full year helping her find her father, ordered the driver to keep going. Well, he should’ve known better but once again, his judgement tended to be clouded whenever dealing with pretty women. 
Once again he was all alone again, nowhere to go, no one to talk to. He could just fell his parents awaiting for him to return to them on his knees begging to be taken back but at this point there was too much damage done and Carter was much to prideful to return to them. In all honesty, Carter was much to prideful to even stay with New York. After the mess that had been his relationship with Serena, no doubt the rest of the Upper East Side was gonna go after him with every single little dark secret he had, and he had plenty of those. 
With that in mind Carter decided to do what he always did; start again. That’s what he always did when things went south or when the world became too suffocating. However, after doing humanitarian work and a documentary, he wondered what he could do next. Lost in how to reboot his life for what seemed like the millionth time in his young years, a little fall of rain from the sky started to wet his cashmere black trench coat. He bite his lip out of frustration. Of fucking course, that was just what he needed right now. Before he could let out all his frustrations by kicking a nearby bin, drops of water stopped falling on his coat and instead sounded like they were falling onto plastic. 
    - Are you alright, sir? - a melodic, magical-like voice broke through his mind and his eyes travelled to a woman standing next to him. She was holding a plastic umbrella over him which kept both of them dry and away from the rain. Unlike him, she was dressed in a lesser quality fabric, using what looked like a blue waitress dress and some off brand white sneakers with her hair pushed into a ponytail, everything merely covered by a worn out black cotton trench coat. - Sir? 
I don't wanna look at anything else now that I saw you I don't wanna think of anything else now that I thought of you I've been sleepin' so long in a twenty-year dark night And now I see daylight, I only see daylight
Suddenly, he remembered a faithful sentence from one of the movies he had seen during his youth, finally understanding its meaning. They say when you meet the love of your life, time stops. It was true, time did stopped, everything seemed to move in incredibly slow motion, he could see every single blink of the most gorgeous pair of eyes he’d ever met, hear every drop of rain hitting the plastic of the umbrella. However, the later part of the sentence was also true, once time starts again it moves extra fast, and none was that true as a honking bus drove through a puddle of water, waking them both from a dream-like trance. 
     - I saw you being kicked off a car from my diner. You look like you needed help. - she pushed a few of the fly away hairs of her ponytail held together by a blue scrunchie behind her ear. Unlike the girls of Upper East, they weren’t adorned with pearls or heavy jewelled earrings. - Do you wanna come in for a bit, just while the rain doesn’t calm down?
Carter still found himself still staring at her. God, where had she been hiding his whole life? Did she just decide to pop up now that he had been truly humiliated by Serena. Serena, who was even Serena? He didn’t think he’d ever want to think about Serena, Blair, Beth. Who were any of them compared to that woman holding an off brand umbrella over his head as if he wasn’t one of the most hated people in the Upper East. In normal circumstances, he wouldn’t enter any lower ranked places but her smile and comforting aura just made him want to follow her anywhere she went. And so, with a nod, he followed her inside a small diner just in front o the place he had been so unceremoniously dumped. The place was small and empty seemingly with her being probably the last employee before closing time. Nevertheless, there was some charm on the beat up, too used black board by the kitchen window with various pie names written in beautiful chalk calligraphy. 
    - Do you want to eat anything? My treat. - he wondered why she wasn’t charging, why a woman who clearly was much lower than him status wise and could clearly see he was rich offer him something. Normally people would try to quickly rip him off. - I bake them all myself. A new one every single morning. 
   - You bake a new pie every single morning? - he took a seat on one of the red leathered stools by the main table. - Is this your place?
   - No, I just work here but one day I’m gonna have my own place, my own pie shop and people are gonna come from all over the world to try my pies. - she seemed to get lost in her own fantasy before opening the lid of one of the various glass pies stands to take what looked like a wild berry pie slice, serving it perfectly on a freshly washed plate. - A little wild, wild, berry pie. 
  - Pardon? - he asked as she slide the plate towards him, handing him a fork at the same time. 
  - The pie. - she pointed at the board. - It’s the title. Cream patisserie with some berries on traditional pie crust. I got the idea while watching a particularly steamy scene on Sex and the City. 
  - You created the recipe?
  - Where do you think recipes come from? - she smirked at him. - Come on, I promise it’s not poisoned. 
Carter gave her a coyly smile before sinking in his fork in the beautiful berry coloured desert, taking a piece before bring it up to his mouth. As the sweet touched his tongue, he swore like he melted away from his whole body. The taste was fantastic and Carter was certain he had never tasted anything better than that small piece of pie.
   - God, this is fantastic.
   - Thank you, I try my best. - she smiled. - I’m Y/N, by the way. 
   - Carter Baizen. 
Luck of the draw only draws the unlucky And so I became the butt of the joke I wounded the good and I trusted the wicked Clearin' the air, I breathed in the smoke maybe you ran with the wolves and refused to settle down Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town Threw out our cloaks and our daggers because it's morning now It's brighter now, now
  - Olivia? - Carter mockingly called out, looking around his hotel suit as he wrapped a burgundy red tie around his pristine white shirt. A small high pitched giggle came from behind the leather coach. With a coy smile, Carter slowly moved towards the couch. - Oh, where could my Libbie be?
Another high pitched came from behind the coach and before the three year old could realise what was happening, Carter had already grabbed her by the waist, throwing her to the ceiling before catching her in a fit of giggles, her inherited curly brown hair stuck in front of the same eyes she had definitely gotten from her mother. The little girl giggled once more, tiny arms coming to wrap themselves around her father’s neck. 
  - What are you two doing? - Y/N came out from her bedroom due to all the giggling. Noticing her daughter in her father’s arms she merely rolled her eyes with a smile on her face. - I thought you were supposed to be in bed.
  - We’re just playing hide and seek. - she replied, hiding behind her father’s neck. She surely knew how to avoid confrontation. Y/N merely laughed, walking up to her husband and daughter. - Do you really need to go, mummy?
  - It’s just for a few hours. We’ll be here when you wake up. - Y/N pulled some of her daughter’s hair away from her round, chubby baby face. 
  - Why can’t I go? - she pouted. 
  - You wouldn’t like it, baby. - Carter kissed her cheek before handing her to the nanny who they had hired specifically for tonight. Usually Y/N and Carter didn’t hire nannies as they would rather spend time with their daughter rather than having a complete stranger. Most of the times, Olivia would either be at the pie shop with Y/N or at Carter’s firm office. However, tonight specifically both Carter and Y/N needed to attend a donators gala hosted by none other than Carter’s old fling Serena van der Woodsen. Initially, Carter had been firm on his decision not go, much too uninterested in ever speaking to her or any of her friends ever again. However, after some convincing on Y/N’s part and how he shouldn’t really care about other’s opinion and just enjoy a nice night out, he had caved in. - Trust me, daddy won’t like it either. 
  - Tuck me in? 
  - Okay, baby. - Y/N took over from the nanny, picking her daughter up against her hip before walking away from the main room and into the bedroom of the hotel suit. Carter took to pushing the sheets away from the mattress as Y/N laid her daughter in, puffing her pillows just the way she liked it and pulling the duvet up to her neck. - Now you be a brave good girl for mummy and daddy, okay?
  - Okay. - she nodded, holding onto one of her many stuffed animals. - Night, mummy. Night, daddy. 
 - Goodnight, ladybug. - Carter placed a kiss on his daughter’s forehead before getting up and following his wife out of the hotel room before he could change his mind. His life had gone a completely one eighty every since seeing the group of people he used to hang out with during his youth. He had gotten married to the love of his life who was fiercely by his side no matter what happened, had started his own firm finally riding himself of his parents name, and had brought in the most precious daughter to the world. Whatever happened in the Upper East Side was no longer something that interested him even if he was one of the most wealthy men in New York. He didn’t want Y/N or Olivia to frequent those rotten and cruel places. They were happy in their own little bubble however, sometimes, like tonight, he had to confront the rest of the whole who seemingly still had his eyes on him.
Noticing his tenseness, Y/N intertwined her hand with his, giving him a soft and understanding smile followed by a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
 - You’re gonna be fine, you’ve done way better than everyone in that room. You didn��t inherit what you have, you built it and you should be proud of that, Car. 
  - Well, you have to say that, you’re my wife. - he moved his face slightly so he could kiss her properly. - I can’t believe you’re my wife. 
  - You asked me on a good day. - she looked at the engagement band stacked with her wedding band, simple in silver, nothing too big or too lavish, just something small that both of them liked. 
They were both escorted into the limo with Y/N immediately cuddling up next to her husband unlike so many of his girlfriends before. In all honesty, Carter sometimes thought he was dreaming. He just couldn’t believe he was married to her and if he had told a younger self he would marry someone outside the Upper East circle he wouldn’t have believed it, yet here he was. She was a magnetic, kind, determined woman who had managed to get him out of a rut and push him to his full potential while still living her own dreams. He thought he couldn’t be more in love with her and then she gave him Olivia. He still remembered that faithful New Year’s Eve when she handed him a pregnancy test or when they had to rush out of one of his dinners because she had begun labour. There was nothing in this world that mattered more to Carter Baizen than his girls, something the rest of the Upper East didn’t really understand. However, he was happy, he was happily married, happy with his career and happy with his little ladybug. 
  - Car, are you coming? - Y/N snapped him out of his daze as they reached the gala’s location. Pushing away all the insecurities he had, he pridefully walked down the stairs with Y/N by his side, catching the attention of every single person who stopped their chat to look at the “disgraced” Carter Baizen and the so called “pie girl” he had married.
  - Should we dance? - he gave her grin, offering her his hand eloquently much to her enjoyment. - I wish to dance with the prettiest lady in this room. 
  - Prettiest girl in the room? - she giggled, taking in his hand while the other one held her waist. - Should I ask how many girls in this room you’ve used that line with?
  - Well, Mrs. Baizen, you’re definitely the only one I’ve used that on.
  - You better not be lying to me, Mr. Baizen. 
  - I love you so much, Y/N. - he leaned down to peck her lips, not caring who was watching. 
  - I love you too, Car.
I once believe love would be burning red but it’s golden like daylight
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
Christmas prank
A/N little late but day 12 (lel) This is pure absolute fluffy goodness, Sirius x reader, cause I’m a sucker. 
He snuck up the stairs, checking behind him every few steps to make sure he wasn’t followed. He hadn’t pulled a proper prank in what felt like years but was probably a matter of months, at least since he was made head boy. Not that it stopped him nudging Sirius and Remus in the right direction.
James moved stealthily across the carpet, avoiding all the creaks and old wood, a skill he had learned when he was 10 and wanted to sneak downstairs to steal his parents record player. Downstairs he could still hear the hum of music and voices chatting in the living room where he had left them, but he stopped himself from trying to hear what they were saying whilst he was gone, he was on a mission.
Upon reaching the right door, he lifted it up before turning the knob, to avoid the creak, pushing it open slowly to reveal Sirius’ bedroom. His parents had given him the spare room whilst he was staying with them, and said he could do whatever he liked to it, as long as it wasn’t magically glued to the walls(James was sure they’d heard his conversation with Sirius about the large posters of muggle girls he had left on his wall at Grimmauld place).
James closed the door halfway, so that he was hidden, moving towards the large double bed that had maroon sheets and was covered in Sirius clothes. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the huge poster that sat ontop of Sirius’ wardrobe of Queen, --- staring down at him, as if watching over Sirius’ things. Focus, James, focus.
He pulled back the covers softly, opening the container he had been holding and spilling it’s contents across the bedspread. James covered it quickly with the blanket and clothes before slipping out of the room and returning to the living room, trying to keep down the grin that was pulling at his mouth.
Sirius watched as Y/N left the room, giving her a smile as she said goodnight and James led her up to her room.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush so much,” Lily snorted once their footsteps faded on the carpeted steps.
“So help me Lily, don’t make me regret telling you things,” Sirius growled, throwing a pillow at her which she neatly dodged, still grinning obnoxiously.
“Well if it makes you feel better she couldn’t keep her eyes off you.” Sirius stopped glaring at her then, suspicion creeping into his stomach.
“If you’re just telling me this to match-make-“
“I promise, no set-ups!” Lily threw her hands up, “Just telling you what I saw.”
“Hmmm.” Sirius replied nonchalantly, unsure exactly what to do with that information. Y/N and Sirius had been friends for years now, never as close as herself and Lily who were irritatingly inseparable and had been since first year, but it wasn’t until the year before that Sirius had realised he might like her a bit more than a friend. A lot more.
“Can you please make a move already, I feel like a third wheel around your tension.”
“I don’t know what James sees in you.”
“He loves my meddling ways,” Lily winked at him, leaning back into the couch and sipping a butterbeer, self-contentedly. Lily had invited Y/N to spend a night at James’, since Lily was staying there for Christmas this year and they otherwise wouldn’t see each other. She also claimed to have forgotten to tell’ Sirius and made him get the door when she arrived, leaving him a stuttering idiot as she smiled up at him, her hair covered in little snowflakes and wrapped up in a deep red coat.
James came bounding back downstairs, his face similar to when he returned to the bathroom earlier, weirdly smug.
“Everything ok?” Lily raised an eyebrow.
“Yep, all good, perfect.” James joined her on the couch, his expression unwavering. “Though I’d be keen to head to bed soon actually.”
“You just want to do naughty things whilst us plebs sleep,” Sirius winked at the two of them, leaning back on his hands.
“Well, basically, yes,” James shrugged, but was grinning widely and earned himself a shove from Lily.
“I hope you’re not broadcasting our extra curriculars.”
“Not year dear,” James laughed, moving out of Lily’s range and tucking his feet up on the couch.
When James and Lily had first gotten together, Sirius had a nagging, unwanted feeling that he would be jealous. It was mainly due to his pretty terrible track record of being unwarrantedly jealous in stupid situations, like when he was in the hospital wing and Remus had a full moon without him. But he found that having his two friends finally FINALLY getting together had a kind of calming affect over him, like watching them was watching his potential future.
“Come on, let’s go to bed,” Whilst Lily had been trying to poke James a soft smile had curled on her lip and Sirius saw the familiar twinkle in her eye that meant he should get out of dodge before they pin each other to different furniture items.
“Yes, lets.” Sirius stood up, nodding to Lily and James who hadn’t taken their eyes of each other long enough to even notice him slip out of the room.
He hadn’t quite realised how tired he was until he began climbing the stairs, feeling his legs slow and head begin to fuzz. He pushed the door open to his room and nearly did a double take, covering his mouth to not make any noise. Y/N was lying, asleep, on a mattress beside Sirius bed, where James was definitely meant to be sleeping instead of sharing a room with his girlfriend.
“Fucking, James I’m going to kill you,” Sirius hissed, turning on his heel in time to see the door close and a clicking noise.
“Sorry mate, you need an intervention,” James voices could be heard on the other side of the door, as Sirius tried desperately to pull it open without waking Y/N up.
“I just wanted to sleep!”
“Talk to her!”
“She’s asleep!” Sirius whispered through the crack in the door, wishing he could reach through and rip out James’ hair.
“Well talk to her in the morning, good night!”
“James, no, get back here now!” Sirius could hear his footsteps fading towards the other end of the corridor and his door close. Fuck fuck fuck. Ok this was fine, just go to sleep and in the morning Lily will open the door for you and you can kill them.
Sirius huffed but moved towards his bed, pulling off the clothes and slipping into his pajamas, hiding behind the bed in case for some reason Y/N suddenly sat up and saw him stark naked and standing over her. He pulled back the covers and covered his mouth one more time, swearing under his breath as he saw what had been left there.
“James you bastard,” He stared down at the sliming frogs spawn that was moving uncomfortably across the sheets. After a few minutes of frustratedly pulling off the sheets he found that it had also seeped through to his mattress. Sirius stood up straight, holding his ruined sheets and took in a sharp breath. James was going to die.
 Y/N 4:23AM
Y/N rolled over in bed, trying to get comfortable after a loud banging on the window had woken her up. Keeping her eyes closed she pulled at the blanket which seemed to be stuck on something beside her bed. After a few minutes of pulling she groaned and opened her eyes, immediately regretting it as light was beginning to spill through the window and wake her up. She sat up, leaning over the side of the mattress to see what had snagged on the blanket.
“Sirius?” She whispered, seeing a large figure lying awkwardly beside her, half under the bed, a large mass of curly black hair splayed out behind him.
“Hmmm, what?” He replied sleepily, turning around slowly to face her, blinking in the light. Once he properly opened his eyes he jumped, hitting his shoulder on the bed and swore softly
“What are you doing on the floor?”
“I, uh, sorry, James covered my bed in…er… frogs spawn,” He whispered back, moving his head back towards the bed so they weren’t so close together.
“Aren’t you freezing?”
“Yes, very much so.”
“Come here,” Y/N moved back on the mattress so that there was space beside her and pulled the doona towards her.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m quite sure I don’t want you freezing to death beside me,” Y/N laughed and indicated for him to move. He hesitated, looking at the space between them, before pushing forward and moving onto the mattress.
Sirius settled himself beside her, going to roll to his side before thinking better of it and remaining straight, his arms crossed against his stomach, elbows digging into Y/N’s side.
“Probably should have thought this through,” Y/N snorted, pushing his elbow down so his arm was straight and lying against her. She also tried to ignore the slow increase of her heart rate that seemed to jump every time she felt him against her.
“Yeah one person mattresses don’t tend to fit two people comfortably,” Sirius laughed as well, his body shaking slightly next to her.
“I guess it’s more of a one person on top of the other deal,” Y/N teased, but felt Sirius tense slightly beside her. “A joke, Black.”
“Yeah, I know, Y/L/N,” Sirius rolled his eyes, turning his head to face Y/N who kept her head trained to the ceiling. She could feel his breath on her cheek. Fuck.
“So James and Lily locked you in so that they could canoodle?”
“Got it in one.”
“They are a bit predictable.” Y/N shook her head, bending her legs slightly so they were more comfortable, her toes touching Sirius’ shins.
“Holy Merlin your toes are icicles!” Sirius barked out a laugh, jolting away from her, “Do you have any circulation down there?”
“Gonna be honest, I don’t think I do.”
“Well, let me know if you need me to chop any off,” Sirius teased.
“Oh, you will be the first I’ll tell. Before my parents, I will call you to dispose of my dead limbs.”
“Glad to hear it.” Sirius moved again, trying to get his full body under the covers seemingly without touching Y/N. Y/N snorted at him awkwardly shuffling beside her.
“Ok, what now, smartarse,” Sirius huffed, his head facing her again. Y/N felt her shoulders tense automatically.
“Just… ok look, it’s negative 3 degrees and this room is bloody cold,” Y/N tried desperately to keep her voice steady though she was feeling a little ill at the thoughts running through her head. “You can like, touch me you know.”
“Oooo, can I,” Sirius teased, a grin playing on his lips.
“Oh for fucks sake, you know what I mean you prat.” Y/N elbowed him and rolled over to her side, facing the wall. Sirius hesitated again, and Y/N had a momentary sense of satisfaction that underneath his banter she could still make him a little nervous. He rolled on his side as well, facing Y/N, pulling himself against her so they could fit together on the mattress.
Y/N pulled the covers up, tucking it in under her chin. Sirius had kept his arms tucked by his side, trying to avoid touching any inappropriate areas, but as Y/N had begun to fall asleep again, Sirius sighed lightly and lifted his arm up and around Y/N’s shoulder, the other across her waist. Y/N pushed down the urge to make any indication that she had noticed his movements, instead taking deep breaths into her lungs and pretending she had already fallen asleep.
Sirius tucked his head against her shoulders, his lips pressed against the hem of her t-shirt. Y/N felt a small shiver run through her every time he breathed out, warm air trickling across her neck.
Eventually, she felt herself relaxing into him, Sirius’ body warmth lulling her to sleep. As she was on the edge she thought she felt Sirius’ lips part.
“Merry Christmas.” It was so quiet Y/N thought she might have dreamt it. She dreamt she was curled underneath a large Christmas tree, a fireplace blazing beside her, Sirius’ arms wrapped around her waist as he leaned in and kissed her.
 Taglist:  @averytruerayofsunshine @siriuslyjanhvi @blushingskywalker @blackpinkdolan @thebabblingbookworm @cherrie511 @imlukesnirvana​ @avengersassemblee​ @maraudersandco​ @sly-vixen-up2nogood​ @katbernoulli @sirius-lysad​ @evyiione​ @minerva26love​ @aikeia​ @gollyderek​ @greatwombatblaze​  @songforhema​  @your-typical-giggle @myownviperroom
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jellidile · 5 years
A Home For Two (Michael Myers x Reader) Chapter 1
This is the beginning of the longest fic I’ve ever written, brought about by my own shitpost thoughts.
The reader is gender-neutral. Enjoy
Michael yawned as he slowly woke. He was going to do his daily ritual of just enjoying the silence of his home… But there was walking from downstairs. Michael sighed, how long would it be before people just stayed out?? It wasn’t like Judith was haunting the place. Hell the only thing that really haunted the Myers house was him. Slowly creeping to the top of the stairs he listened to the sounds below,
“Oh! Sheriff, good morning!” 
“Well, good morning stranger. Can I ask what you’re doing?” 
“Moving in! I bought this house recently.” Michael stiffened. Someone bought the house? Michael kept peering. This wasn’t right… No one was interested in buying the Myers house. It was a bad house. Michael Myers go to hideaway. This was some sort of joke. But as he kept looking there were boxes piled in the doorway,
“Mind if I help you then? Just to welcome you to town.” 
“Sure!” Michael retreated to his room silently. He grumbled to himself. Normally he would’ve just killed anyone brave enough to trespass onto his property. But this was different. This person lived here now. If they died people would definitely suspect him, or at least something in the house. Sighing he looked out the window and to the very run down shed in the back. It wasn’t comfortable but it was somewhere he could hide. Slipping out of the window silently he crept onto the roof and out to the shed. The shed was messy and filled with pointy objects but it was better than sleeping outside. Settling into the farthest corner of the shed Michael grumbled and fell asleep. 
When Michael woke, it was to crickets and overall silence. Creeping out of the shed, there wasn’t any movement from the house. Much to his surprise the window he’d left the house from was still open. 
Crawling back through Michael was doubly surprised to see the old mattress he’d been sleeping on replaced, with his- oh fuck… He’d left his extra clothes under the bed. He internally cursed to himself. Looking again Michael noticed they were devoid of the usual dirt stains from being stored on the floor. They were also neatly folded with a note on top,
Hi! To whomever these belong to, I thought I’d wash them for you. I understand it’s pretty sudden of me to be moving into this abandoned house. Sorry!
Michael paused, tilted his head and reread the note. An apology?? To him. Michael Myers. Sighing he sat on the mattress and lied down. He practically melted when his back hit the plush fabric. So he had to admit, this was pretty nice. He was content to just enjoy the plushness of the mattress slowly letting his eyes close. It couldn’t have been more than two minutes, but when Michael opened his eyes, gentle sunlight was flooding into his room. His muscles tensed as he shot up. What in the hell was wrong with him?? Angrily he got out of the bed, grabbed his clothes and left the house. 
Back in the shed Michael tapped his foot angrily. Had you come in?? Did you see him? Every so often he peeked out of the shed. But for hours there was no movement. Finally around noon he saw something. In the window of his room you appeared. He couldn’t tell what you were holding but when you looked out of the window he could see you smiling. 
You left only a few minutes later and for the rest of the day didn’t enter the room. Michael grumped as night fell and though he was sure the house didn’t have electricity, he waited till all the dim glows he could see were gone. As he clambered back into his room there were blankets on the bed, and another note.
I thought you might like these. Mystery stranger.
Michael huffed. Surely if you found out who he was, you’d rethink being so nice. But… what if you continued to be nice? Michael scoffed, no, you wouldn’t. Living with Michael Myers is something teens said they’d rather do then some other equally bad situation. 
Quietly he opened the door. It didn't squeak, Michael had figured out how to move silently around the house weeks ago. Padding through the house he heard your gentle breathing come from the room his parents had used. He decided to leave you alone for now. You weren't causing him any trouble and he didn't feel inclined to end your life just yet. 
The door to his sisters room held his attention though. Cracked open the slightest bit, there was a gentle glow. Peeking inside, Michael found a small shrine of sorts. Perhaps a vigil was a more apt name? Either way there on the windowsill was a picture of Judith. Hazy memories of his sister filtered through. She was nice enough. Maybe a little absorbed in her boyfriend. Michael liked Judith. Not that sentiments did much now. 
Blowing out the candle he headed downstairs. Tarps lay over new furniture and paint supplies were scattered everywhere. Though it was dark Michael could sort of tell what the new colour was. Either a blue or white. He liked it. 
In the kitchen, there were still a ton of boxes. It seemed you hadn’t gotten around to unpacking here yet. But all was not lost. There was food on the counter. A small package of cherry tomatoes, it was already open, and in Michael’s eyes. Fair game. Popping a few in his mouth he peered out of the kitchen window. Although he was creeping around in the middle of the night, he felt halfway normal. Eating real food than the sad excuse they had at Smith’s Grove, and just being free in his own house… Kind of his own house. Speaking of food, Michael was delighted to be eating something. The last time he’d eaten he couldn’t remember but he was about two hours away from eating another dog. The tomatoes he decided, tasted much better. Looking to his side he spied a container of grapes. 
His mouth watered, grapes were good. He couldn’t remember how he knew that. He just did. Childhood maybe?? No, focus, he thought. Grapes. Slinking over to the container he could tell it would be too loud to open the container. 
There were holes in the top but the grapes were too far down and Michael could barely get his finger out. He grumbled, resigned to opening the container. Slowly he pulled the plastic lid up from the rest of the container. He was as gentle as he possibly could when-
Of course the damn thing had to make one of the biggest noises Michael had heard in a while. Hissing he snagged as many grapes as he could before leaving the house through the back door. As he left he could hear you stirring upstairs. 
In the shed Michael ate his grapes halfway focussed on seeing what you would do, and halfway focussed on marvelling how much better grapes were compared to dogs! Michael cursed Loomis, if he could ever get his hands on that rat… He’d show him who the real evil was. Leaning against the wall of the shed, his body shivered. It would be winter soon… Glancing back at the house he thought about the blankets waiting for him. It seemed you wholly okay, with some strange unseen roommate. At least… you were. Michael would wait a few hours to see if you’d called the police thanks to his midnight grape theft.
But when no police came Michael stole away into his room. Locking the door he slipped into bed and for the first time in a long time. Slept soundly through the night. Warm in the sheets his boots neatly placed at the foot of the bed. 
When he woke he heard the doorknob jiggle and he quickly hopped out of bed and placed his full weight at the door. He heard you gasp from the other side before sighing,
“I was wondering who locked the door. Good to know you actually exist.” Michael breathed heavy unsure of what to do. Quietly he heard shuffling and a plate being placed on the ground,
“Not big on talking? That’s okay. I know this is probably weird… I guess it’s just nice to not be so lonely… I’ll get you a notepad soon so you can talk back if you like.” Michael sat awkwardly with his back to the door. You were acting like you’d known him for months. Like this was just another day,
“Can I slip something into the room? I won’t look at you or anything. Just a gift.” Michael hesitated. But… You hadn’t tried anything so far. Slowly he unlocked the door and cracked it open a bit. Slowly you pushed a bowl of grapes in and quickly retreated, closing the door for him. With a gentle click he locked the door again. He heard you laugh,
“Next time, maybe don’t open those at midnight.” Quietly he took the bowl popping a grape in his mouth. You continued on about most anything,
“See, I like this house. Last time I was here, it was cold and lonely. But on day one here, it was almost alive. I guess when someone has made a house their home, everything brightens up huh?” Michael huffed. What would you do if he opened the door? Run, scream, beg for your life? 
But...none of that seemed quite right. This was the first time he’d ever heard your voice for an extended amount of time. But from how you spoke, and mentioned how weird you must be… Michael couldn’t help but wonder what you would do. Maybe you would be startled, after all it wasn’t lost to Michael that he was incredibly tall. But perhaps… You’d be alright with him. He heard you groan,
“Well, I’m off to work, but maybe you’ll be around later?” Michael stayed quiet. You laughed,
“Oh, and you’re allowed to look at the rest of the house while I’m away. You don’t have to just eat at midnight.” Michael listened to your footsteps fade away and creak down the stairs. The door closing rattled the house slightly. Michael sat motionless thinking of everything you had said to him. 
He could almost agree that it was nice to have company.
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sticks-and-stone · 4 years
Potts Preserve
September 21, 2019 - September 22, 2019
This was my first time camping since February when I went with my roommate and the dog we had at the time. Before that it was just camping with my father as a kid or drunk with my friends in high school (trips I almost don’t remember at all). So this trip was a pretty big deal with very few expectations or preparedness. I wanted to find a hobby that would not cost much, but would require significant planning and time out of my life before, during, and after. So camping seemed like a good fit. I decided to start planning monthly trips. So this was the first one!
When I first decided to go on this trip, I had next to no supplies. I wanted to go with whatever I had or could improvise as a way to get started on a list of things I wanted to add to my kit. What better way to figure out what I needed than to realize it in the moment! 
This trip was only going to be a quick overnight so that in the event that we realized we had too little, we wouldn’t be stuck out there for days. I found a site that was owned by the Southwest Florida Water Management District and was free to use with a reservation. So I booked the site and called up an old friend, Jenna. Jenna and I did a lot of drunk camping together in high school and she had a foundation of camping with her own father as a child, so I knew she would be right for the job. She and I had also gone a long period of time without hanging out, so it was a good opportunity for us to catch up! 
When we began planning this trip, I had a tent, and some other small stuff, but not a whole lot of anything else. We borrowed a cooler from my roommate, a chair from my parents, and just bought beer on our way out to the campsite.
I wanted to get a good night’s sleep before getting up midmorning on Saturday to meet Jenna and go, but I ended up staying up late. Like a child before her first trip to Disney World, I was restless, excited, and hyperactive. When I woke up (too early) the next day, all that excitement was squashed when I realized I had started my period. I was worried this would happen, but I was hoping my Day One would be on Sunday, but alas, I was going to have to go camping on my period. And not just any camping trip, a camping trip that I wasn’t totally sure I was prepared for. As it turned out, the portable toilets were close and clean enough for me. YAY!
Jenna showed up exactly on time - I really have to give her props for that. She helped me load up the car and then we took off! We stopped at my parents' house (they were out of town) for a little firewood and one of their camping chairs (Jenna did not have one) and also at a gas station for beer and snacks. Then we were on the road for real; it was about midday.
The drive down was quicker and easier than we expected. After not seeing each other  for a few years, we had PLENTY to talk about and catch up on. She told me about all of her drama, I told her about all of mine. It was lovely. We arrived at the campground without getting lost or even a little turned around at all. There were about 4 other groups there already set up and as it was late afternoon on a Saturday, everyone seemed to be pretty settled in. 
We found our spot. Unlike the other spots that people had set up around us, we did not have a fire pit, a picnic table, or a grill. Everyone else seemed to have all three. We didn’t mind and we found a nice flat place to lay our tent out. We found out later that what we chose was not a spot at all and that we were not even supposed to be back there. 
We got the tent set up and I began to work on the air pump that I had borrowed from my roommate. I needed to strip the wire so that I could split it and plug it into the car battery that dad gave me to run the fan. We had no other form of electricity and no other way to pump the air mattresses up. I broke it. I ended up strippping the wires too much and the whole contraption became non-functional. We were only there for one night, though, and what’s sleeping on the ground other than the authenticity of a camping trip? 
From the time of arrival until just before dusk (about 3 hours) we thought it would be nice to open up the tent to allow the breeze and light to enter it. Well, neither did and what did enter our tent was about 10,000 love bugs. So I went in there with our one bottle of bug spray and closed myself in. I held my breath and sprayed the shit out of the aerosol canister until I was sure everyone was dead and I could not hold my breath any longer. 
To give the homemade bug bomb a chance to work, we decided to explore the area and go on a hike. We made it about a mile away from camp and it started raining. The trail seemed to come to a dead end so we just turned around and went back. I have a terrible sense of direction and would have honestly gotten completely lost if it hadn’t been for Jenna to guide us. 
We got back to camp after our hike and I checked on our tent - no more living love bugs, but piles of dead ones on the ground. It was gross. I got Jenna and the broom and we got rid of as many of the dead bodies as we could. We would shake the rest out the next day when we packed up to leave. 
We sat around the fire and played the guitar for a bit when suddenly I realized that we were going to get bored. We had been drinking beer since we arrived and we'd been going through it pretty fast. I never really thought about how to pass the time.  
I went walking around looking for firewood. I had nothing to chop it with or nothing to cut the large limbs, but I could use leverage and my body weight for most of the work I needed to do. 
The entire time we were there, I made sure to keep a list of all the things I thought about having that we didn’t have. The first being string, the next, an air pump that plugged into the car. Then a sponge. I started to realize that we had enough to survive in the woods, but we did not have enough to THRIVE. This trip was rough supplies-wise, but we made do. Thankfully we brought enough beer to ward off TOO much boredom.
As the sun went down and the alcohol made its way further into our bloodstreams, we decided we were hungry and wanted to eat the food I had brought for us. What I had brought was really simple. It was two pre-made PB&J sandwiches, pre-made mac and cheese, and PB&J crackers. 
Dinner was a disaster. The sandwiches I made got soggy from the ice melting and the container failing to do its job in the cooler. The mac and cheese was attempted cold, but then it was decided that we would put it in the pot in the fire and see if we could heat it up. That actually worked out pretty well - but was all we had. Luckily, Jenna came armed with hummus and crackers and had bought some beef jerky at the gas station. 
We went to sleep soon after dinner and made sure we got nice and drunk first because we had forgotten that we were sleeping on the ground that night. After all the alcohol, I was ready to crash. My body temp was high though so I put on the fan and slept on top of my blankets. 
About halfway through the night I was woken up by the feeling of my bones turning to ice and cracking. I was violently shivering in my bed and wasn’t sure my toes were still attached to my body. I had to pee too. So I stood up clumsily in our little tent and put on my shoes. I looked over and Jenna was fast asleep but now wearing more clothes than she went to bed in - I guess she woke up the same way I did.  
I walked to the bathroom and peed. I took comfort in the smelly plastic bin as it seemed to have held on to the day’s heat and trapped it inside. I was suddenly disgusted with myself for enjoying a port a potty, so I walked back to the tent. 
When I got inside I turned off the fan. I looked through my suitcase - nothing but more short sleeved shirts and shorts. I took my shoes off but left my socks on and covered them with a second pair. I took the folded king-sized sheet off of my deflated twin size mattress and used that as extra cover in addition to the small throw blanket I had.  I was able to make it a few more hours like that until the urge to pee woke me up again. 
This time, it seemed warmer outside the tent so I took my double pair of socks off and slipped on flip flops. Jenna was still asleep so I stumbled out of the tent toward the bathroom. I handled my business and came back to the tent - this time, no lingering in the port-a-potty for warmth. 
As I approached the site, I saw Jenna moving around outside the tent with her flashlight. I assumed she was doing the same thing I was - taking a midnight pee - but as I got closer I could see that she was in fact setting up the fire. As I got close enough I asked if she was trying to warm up so she could sleep, and she looked at me confused and said “No, this is today’s fire, it’s 6:30”. I was shocked and confused, but proud that we had made it to morning.
We had no breakfast. So we drank more beer. We were out of water, so I decided it was time to leave. We packed up quickly and cleaned the tent and tarps and then we were on our way out. 
As we tried to exit the gate, our code wouldn’t work and we had to wait for a forest cop to show up and let us out. We probably waited an hour or so, but when he finally did arrive, he was super nice and as it turns out, from Jacksonville! We chatted with him for a while until a car pulled up behind us. We were finally on our way home! 
The ride home was a bit different than the ride there. We double and triple checked my list and talked about all of the things we HAD to get for next time, which things I already had at home, and which things needed to be purchased. Overall the trip was fine, we decided, but we could do WAY better. 
SO MANY LOVE BUGS - they literally covered everything 
We needed to pack the car more strategically - we had to pull everything out to get to the tent and table that we needed to set up first 
We needed rope/string
More stakes for the tarp and the tent would not be a bad idea 
A table or some platform to unpack on would be handy 
Our air pump broke - we needed one that plugged into the car. 
It's super important to keep the tent closed completely. 
We needed a shovel to dig out the fire pit 
We needed more lights around the site - the fire was not enough 
Citronella candles would not be a bad idea either 
Should have brought extra bug spray
We didn’t have much to do beyond sitting and drinking beer. We vowed to bring at least some books and crafts for next time. I want to learn to whittle. 
I needed to stay more organized with the supplies as we unpacked. Things got messy.
Get Outside, 
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nekoabi · 6 years
On the Verge of a Heartbreak - Chapter 32
So, this is the final chapter of the main story. I may come back and write a couple short things, and I do have an epilogue already planned, but this is the end for our boys. I really do wanna thank anyone who’s been interested in this fic at any point, it’s been something I’ve wanted to write for so long and I’m so freaking happy that other people were as invested as I was <3
AU: Human, School Pairing: Moxiety Words: 1670 Warnings: Nothing I can think of. Please let me know if there is anything <3
Summary: Patton packs up his things and moves out with Virgil’s family.
Virgil leant against the doorframe as he watched Patton pack the last of his things into the last of the boxes that had been laying all around the room. It was strange to be here again, and he didn’t exactly feel safe, but he couldn’t let Patton come here alone.
From the moment they’d woken up, both of the boys had been ushered across the road by Virgil’s parents. They stood in silence and listened as the adults of both families talked and argued at the front door. Liliana was vehemently standing by her decision to allow Patton to come along with them, while his mother was trying to find a way to keep her son nearby. It was obvious from the start that she had no true arguments that held up well and she eventually folded.
The Mortensons had then carried extra boxes up into his bedroom and left the two alone to pack up Patton’s belongings. They were given a few hours, so Patton could take his time with packing. They’d also been given that time in case they needed to suddenly get out of the house because of any foul behaviour.
Thankfully, the whole time they’d been in his room, Patton’s brother remained in his own bedroom, utterly silent. It was completely void of sound, no semblance of life inside the room, but they knew he was in there. It made Virgil relax the tiniest amount, but he was still on guard in case Roman decided to show his face.
The emo moved out of the way as his boyfriend silently grabbed the last box and slowly made his way out and down the stairs. Virgil decided to stay up in the room, as he heard Patton’s parents talking to him. He stepped inside the empty bedroom and really had a good look around.
Virgil had only been in here once and yet it still felt so strange.
The baby blue walls were blank, excluding the painted extra circles of darker blue. It was entirely un-Patton-like. Virgil was able to visualise all the drawings and posters and photos that had almost entirely engulfed the walls the last time he was here, as well as from that morning. Now the only things hiding the painted walls were the pieces of empty, blank furniture.
Virgil ran his hand down the doors of Patton’s wardrobe. The stickers he’d placed there still remained, the last sign that this was a room that belonged to the happy-go-lucky child. Virgil traced each one he could reach. He wondered when these had been put on the light wood, how long they’d stayed, if they’d ever been replaced, if any of these were put on by someone other than Patton. At one point, his feet began to slowly drift across the floor, trailing him across the room at a snail’s pace. This allowed for his feet to tangle slightly and his hand to instinctively grab onto the handle of the wardrobe door, causing it to swing open.
The plain white back stared Virgil in the face, with the daylight streaming in through the window shining off the empty metal bar at the top. He’d never seen inside the piece of furniture, but the emo could easily imagine all of Patton’s colourful clothes hanging up inside, creating a rainbow of bright and pastel colours. He could see his boyfriend standing where he was as he attempted to pick out his outfit for the day.
A squeaky yawn caught Virgil’s attention and he turned to the now-stripped bed. A gentle smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he watched the small dog stretch and curl back up, ready to nap once more. Virgil took a seat at the edge of the bare mattress and carefully petted the small animal. He knew Reilly was extremely important to Patton, even though he’d only met the tiny dog a few times when Patton had brought him outside. Virgil had listened to Patton whenever he’d rattle off all the great things about the dog; how soft he was, how friendly, how loving. The emo was really only able to see a couple of those things as the small dog seemed to think negatively of him, but he believed Patton, for the most part. Reilly was even one of the ways Patton’s parents attempted to keep him around, arguing that because Reilly was seen as “Patton’s Dog”, it wouldn’t be right to leave him alone. Virgil’s dad had quickly responded by casually saying they’d take the dog as well if he was so important to Patton. Virgil was only absently stroking the dog as he got lost in his thoughts, which meant he wasn’t ready for Reilly’s sharp yap that told him to stop petting.
The emo stood and backed away from the dog, “Okay, I’m stopping.” He quietly assured the dog, who only curled up again and began to nap once more. Virgil dragged his feet across the carpet, heading to stand in front of the window. He looked out towards his own house, or rather his old house. He ran his hand over the empty windowsill, mentally pointing out where each and every random decoration was last time he looked. It was going to be so strange, moving to a brand-new place, not seeing his usual view out the window anymore, not writing on his window to talk to his boyfriend and instead being able to just talk to him pretty much whenever he wanted.
Just as he was thinking about going to check on Patton, as Virgil realised he’d been gone for quite a while now, the soft voice called from out in the hallway, “Hey Virge? Is Reilly still in here?”
Virgil turned around just in time to see Patton coming around the doorframe and entering the room. He watched as the boy made his way across the floor and sat himself down on the mattress, sitting close to his dog. There was something that just looked so sad about the whole picture. Virgil moved to sit on the opposite side, wrapping an arm around his boyfriend, “It’s okay.” He whispered, rocking Patton softly in order to try and comfort him better.
“But why do I feel so sad?” Patton asked into the empty room to no one in particular, “I should be happy. I’m getting to live with you and I’m getting away from here.” He didn’t go into specifics, as he knew Roman was probably trying to listen in. “I should feel so happy, and I am excited… but I’m also just so sad…”
Virgil squeezed Patton for a brief moment, “It’s okay to feel sad, Pat. You’re leaving all you’ve ever known and your family, it makes sense. It won’t be easy, but you’ll get through it, we’ll get through it and be stronger because of it.”
Patton snuggled closer to Virgil, “I suppose…”
The young couple stayed in their embrace for a little while, neither really having the drive to get up and head downstairs. It was only once they heard Jason calling up to them that they finally moved. Patton bundled Reilly into his arms and led the way down the stairs. Virgil shut the bedroom door behind him and gave one last look towards Roman’s before following.
As soon as they touched the ground floor, Patton’s mother wrapped him in a tight hug. She said her goodbyes through her tears, while his father merely stood behind and waited for his turn to speak. Virgil slid past and went to stand outside with his own parents, so he could give the Ashworths their time alone.
“Where’s Patton?” His dad asked once he saw Virgil exiting the house alone.
“Just saying goodbye to his parents, I think…” The young man looked behind him in order to emphasise his point.
“Ah, right. Well, you two are still okay to be travelling in the car with Logan, right?”
Virgil had almost forgotten that his parents were going to have to take the moving van that was full of all their belongings, while he and Patton were having to go along with Logan in the family’s car. Virgil shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets, “I guess. I don’t really care.”
Jason ruffled his son’s hair, causing the emo to flail a little in an attempt to get him to stop. There was a soft laugh from behind them as Patton was walking towards them, a slightly happier expression on his face.
“Everything is loaded into the van. Are we ready to go?” Logan called from the back of the van.
Everyone agreed, and they piled into their respective vehicles. Patton and Virgil sat in the back seats together, preferring to keep each other company like that, while Reilly sat on Patton’s lap. The Ashworths came to stand outside their home, watching and waiting to wave goodbye to their son and the other family. Roman still refused to show his face, however.
Patton watched, his heart aching as the car started and began to roll down the street. He waved to his parents until they were completely out of sight. He knew this was all for the best, his life would be better now he could be away from Roman and his influence and all of that, but that didn’t make it any less scary. His free hand was shaking slightly, the other was occupied in steadying the tiny dog in his lap.
All of a sudden, Virgil’s hand was slipping beneath Patton’s, their fingers interlocking loosely. The young man smiled and turned to his emo boyfriend, watching as he pretended to ignore Patton’s gaze and stare out the window at the moving scenery. Everything was going to get better, they would prove to Roman that it wasn’t a mistake, that both of them were going to make each other the happiest people in the world. With that comforting thought, Patton was finally able to relax a little more and enjoy the car ride.  
Last Chapter —– Next Chapter
My other stuff: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/myworks Mobile Accessible Masterlist: http://nekoabi.tumblr.com/post/181954641376/fic-masterlist
Abigal and Ayana belong to me. Reggie belongs to @not-so-innocent-bi-sander Daniel belongs to @doces-e--tuga Ana, Em and Asher belongs to @fangsandrainbows Sophia belongs to @notalwaysthevillian
General Tag List: @not-so-innocent-bi-sander @didsomeonesayprince @llamaly @justanotherpurplebutterfly @iaminmultiplefandoms @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @lowkeyvirgilobsessed @louisthewarlock @fangsandrainbows @xxladystarlightxx @sleepyssnail @ao-koshka
OtVoaH Tag List: @daughterofsomnus @chaoticcharm-stone-posts @notalwaysthevillian @iamsilentwolf @ab-artist @6tick6tock6 @lesliealiceinwonderland @kiwisandsprinkles @luckybanana948 @planetsandanxieties @nienna14 @theunoriginaldaisy @absolutesandersidestrash @fiive-second-cookies @i-read-by-lamp @analogical-mess @icing-on-my-lasagna @quietwords-loudthoughts @reinefandoms @hanramz-the-fander @sevencrashing @blenderkit17 @iolanomsgranola
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Two Moons Are Better Than One
Part IV.
“Your neighborhood is so quiet,” Hannah remarked in a hushed voice as Nate pulled his truck into the driveway.
“It’s a little too quiet right now,” came Nate’s gruff reply.
Maybe he was just being paranoid. He was never home in the middle of the afternoon on a Thursday, maybe the level of quiet was normal. Maybe the terrier that barked all night was only able to do so because it slept through the day. That had to be it.
The power was out, he noticed immediately when he entered. Everything electrical has a hum: the fridge, the TV, the small orange nightlight plugged into the hall. It’s the kind of white noise thing nobody notices until one day it’s not there. Nate was acutely aware of the lack of it. No wonder the neighborhood felt too quiet.
He set Hannah in charge of the hall closet, where big Costco sized packs of paper towels and toilet paper rolls waited wrapped in plastic. It took her two fully loaded trips to get it all hauled into the bed of Nate’s truck.
Nate was making a rather more thorough tour of his house, hunting down blankets, camping gear, water bottles. He met Hannah in the kitchen. She had pulled in two coolers from the deck.
“I thought between your house and mine we could get these filled” she explained.
“Good idea. The cabinet to your left has nonperishables—grab that box of Ramen.”
“You need boiling water to make Ramen,” Hannah protested, but even as she said it Nate was pulling an electric kettle down from another cabinet.
“It’s for camping: electrical or battery. I know there’s bowls in the break room so no worries there...”
After the easy nonperishables they moved on to the produce. The vegetables would spoil quickly without power but fruit would hang on a few days either way.
“Do we have any idea what’s really going on?” Hannah muttered to herself over a small pile of apples.
“We really don’t.”
“All those people... Oh, Goddess.” Hannah sniffed and put her sleeve to her eye. She was not fully crying yet but she was close. “Do you think it has anything to do with that second moon?”
Nate shrugged. “I don’t see how it could. Yeah the extra light keeps me awake at night, but it’s not driving me that crazy. Not like... Robbie.”
At the mention of the name Hannah gave a loud dry sob. “Oh Robbie. That was awful.”
“He yelled at you and threatened to fire you,” Nate reminded her.
“Yeah but he didn’t deserve to die... You know? Back in the day? People used to think the moon caused madness. That’s why they called it lunacy, like lunar.”
“So twice the moons means twice the madness?”
Hannah flinched at his sharp tone, and he immediately felt ashamed of himself. He had to keep reminding himself that she was having an even worse day than he was. Speculating about the situation might not be helping, but snapping at someone who was already scared and upset was even less helpful.
“Sorry. It’s just, this Bird Box shit has me on edge.”
“Yeah. No, no worries,” Hannah mumbled. “Bird Box? You think it’s something like that? Monsters you can’t see until you can, or that manifest as your worst fear or whatever?”
Nate shrugged. “Honestly I have no idea. I don’t know if it’s the moon, or monsters, or a zombie apocalypse virus. I just know that people are dying and we have no idea what’s triggering it.”
“It seems like most of the people who’ve gone crazy so far did it while they were driving. But Robbie didn’t go anywhere today...?”
“We don’t know that. The people driving are just the ones who have caused damage, the ones people are tweeting about. Who knows how many more people are going crazy right now in their own homes?”
Hannah’s face turned grim. “We should hurry up and get to my folks.”
Nate could only agree. They threw the coolers into the back of his truck.
They tried to get the radio to work while Hannah directed the way to her house, but less than half of the usual stations were transmitting. Most of the ones that came through were in Spanish. The traffic advisory channel on AM came through, but there was nothing it could tell them that they could not observe with their own eyes.
Nate understood what Hannah meant by his neighborhood being quiet when he arrived at her house. Hannah and her family lived on the edge of a trailer park right off the highway; they would be subject to traffic and truck noise at any and all hours of the day.
Right now though, with the streets already clogged, with all the remaining traffic slowed down, and without the familiar hums of electricity, her neighborhood was also unnaturally quiet.
Or it was.
A gunshot sounded nearby. Right in front of them, actually. It came from Hannah’s house.
Stricken, Hannah fumbled for the door handle and practically fell out of the truck. She ran in a blind panic to her front door.
Nate was only a few steps behind her; he grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back before she could touch the screen.
“Whoever. Is. In. There. Has. A. Gun.” He said each word deliberately. Hannah sobbed again.
“Mom. Dad,” she croaked pitifully. And Nate was not without pity. But he also could not let her run into danger blindly. It was a single-wide for God’s sake; where could she run? Where could she possibly hide?
An answering sob came from inside the house. It was, at first, inarticulate wailing. Like the cry of an inconsolable baby filtered through adult lungs. Gradually some words began to filter through the cries.
“Irene...” the voice cried out between blubbers.
Hannah began thrashing against Nate’s grip on her. “That’s my dad!” she screamed at him, just before breaking free and running into her house.
Nate hesitated for a second, torn between going after Hannah and protecting himself against being shot.
Hannah’s scream was the tie-breaker, and Nate tore after her without thinking.
Entering Hannah’s parents’ living room was like entering a labyrinth of dusty tchotchkes and brass picture frames that together covered so much of the walls you almost couldn’t tell what an unpleasantly dark, dated shade of fake wood paneling was under them. A kitchen to the right sported dark cabinets with brass hardware, and the trend continued down the hall to the left with paneled walls and brass doorknobs.
It was from that direction that Hannah’s scream had apparently come, and Nate threaded his way around small laundry piles and stacks of magazines until he reached the end of the hall.
The door to the master bedroom stood ajar, and just inside it: Hannah, standing with her back pressed against a picture frame on the wall, staring in mute terror at the floor.
Hannah’s mother, who must have been Irene, lay on the floor, dead or nearly so. She was surrounded by a pool and a spray of her own blood, her discarded oxygen tank a few feet away beside the bed.
And sitting on the bed, with hollow eyes and a decrepit hand wrapped around a 9mm pistol, was an old man. He was staring down at Irene in shock.
“Dad?” Hannah finally squeaked out. The old man flinched but he did not look up.
“Mr. Jennings?” Nate prompted. Hannah’s dad flinched again.
“Mr. Earl Jennings?” Nate said again, after a brief whispered appeal to Hannah for her dad’s first name. At the sound of his first name, he finally looked up.
“I had to do it,” he wheezed in despair. “I had to do it. She was going crazy. She was... oh, Irene.”
Nate turned toward Hannah, but her face was white and her lips were sealed, and she would not or could not speak.
“What do you mean, Mr. Jennings? What do you mean, she was going crazy?”
Mr. Jennings wailed. “She was talking all this crazy talk, about how the whole world had to be cleaned. She said she was going to the moon while the world was cleaned, and when it was done bein’ cleaned she was gonna come back and be queen here. On a new clean Earth. She was...crazy. She took off her oxygen mask and hit me when I tried to put it back on her.” And truly, ugly bruises were forming on Earl’s face and arms. “She started screamin’. And then. Then she just stopped. She went all silent and cold-like. Then she said. She said.” He paused.
“What did she say, Mr. Jennings?” Nate prompted after a few moments of nothing but Earl sobbing.
Earl took a shuddering breath. “She seemed calm. But she took a knife from the kitchen. And she said the world had to be cleaned, and she’d do the cleanin’ if she had to...Oh God. She was gonna kill me, I could see it in her eyes. Irene...” he broke off again into inarticulate wailing.
After a few minutes he subsided, and he finally looked up at Hannah. “I’m so sorry baby. I’m so sorry.”
He held the pistol up to his own temple and pulled.
Hannah screamed. Nate screamed. Earl did not scream. The force of the shot flung his body down against the mattress. The blood sprayed out and flicked all over Nate and Hannah’s clothes.
Nate turned as quickly as he could, threw his arms around Hannah and pushed her head against his shoulder, forcing darkness over her eyes. He was not quick enough to spare her the sight of her father’s death, but at least she would not be able to keep looking at it. It also prevented Nate from having to look at the body any longer than necessary. He was actually feeling like he might be sick if he did not get them out of this room quickly.
Hannah sobbed and screamed into Nate’s shoulder and alternated between struggling against his grip on her and clutching his shirt. She let him herd her out of the master bedroom, but her legs gave out in the living room and she collapsed onto the threadbare sofa.
She stayed there, curled up and sobbing, for at least another ten minutes. Nate was powerless to do anything but sit there next to her, trying as hard as he could to get the image of Earl’s last moments out of his mind. The image would not go away.
First Robbie, now Hannah’s parents. Was the whole world going crazy?
—the story continues—
<<Part III  | Part V>>
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tsw-story · 6 years
Chapter 83 - Doin’ It For Themselves
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Sweat ran down from beneath Lucy's hair and down the bridge of her nose as her muscles tensed—hands locked on pieces of metal to adjust the direction of their teleportation mechanism. Mara helped as well, though she wasn't quite tall enough to reach it all. Meanwhile, Kali stood back with her eyes closed, and pointed in various directions.
“That's right. A little bit to the left... stage left. That's the other left. And up next. I think.”
Lucy was feeling exhausted, as were the rest of them. They had been tirelessly working toward finding and putting a stop to their sister's scheme. At the very least, they wanted to speak with her. “You think?”
“Right there! It's hard to narrow it down to a specific point, but I think Kevin is right about there. You sure about this, though? We'll probably be popping right into a prison cell or something. You know what they do with wizards there.”
“I know.” Lucy shook her head. “But this is personal now. We should no bias towards their decision to capture wizards. But we do know Anzu spoke with officials after that attack, and it's our responsibility to make sure such a disaster doesn't happen again.”
“I still can't believe she'd do something this extreme,” Mara muttered.
It was finally prepared. Lucy stood before the center of the room, and she opened up a smoking fissure across the stone floor. The glow of flickering flames could be seen within. One by one, they hopped inside. Lucy, Mara, and then finally Kali. It sealed up behind them as if it was never there to begin with.
Taj's hand trembled with frustration which caused the plastic of the radio's case to crackle. Beside him sat a table with Kevin's belongings, as few as they were. A bracelet, a ring, a wallet, and a phone. His captive, the boy in question, refused to speak, which was not all that surprising. But once again he raised the radio up to his mouth and stared daggers. “You're so certain this isn't your friend?”
“I'll give the call to execute him then, if you're so confident!”
“Go ahead and try!”
He slammed the radio down on the table next to the other items, and whipped his wrist out forward. The bandages that made up a layer over his outfit unravelled from his arm and flew through the air like a snake before wrapping around Kevin's neck. It tightened unbelievably quickly, so much so that it caused Kevin to jump in his seat and widen his eyes.
“I was tasked with getting certain information. And you should know that we have no obligation to let you back out of here. So then, knowing that, will you still not speak? Your parents still live, and I doubt they'd want to hear of an unfortunate accident.”
Kevin's gaze blurred under the pressure of the noose. His eyes squinted as he countered the man's sharp stare with daggers of his own.
Unknown to them at first, a crack started to form across the tiles of the floor near the far corner. Smoke and light began to emerge, and it caused Taj's attention to snap in an instant. He retracted his bandages, and leapt back to the wall where a phone was mounted. It was dialled with no hesitation. “Intruders! I don't know how they managed to open a portal in here, but—“ His statement paused as he saw the shape of the intruders appear.
Three devils, each a different height, but related. Lucy stood in the front with two of her sisters behind her, and her expression was fierce. Flames trailed out across the ground and up the walls around them, and he remained with her arms crossed over her chest. Slowly, the fissure sealed behind them.
“Lucy!” Kevin shouted as his vision barely spotted them behind.
He dropped the phone and raised one hand into the air. “Stop right there. You're intruding on private government property. It doesn't matter who you are, Princess of Hell. This is strictly forbidden!” He lunged forward, and his bandages whipped out to grab Lucy by the wrist. Like a bolt of lighting, Mara zipped towards and through the material, snapping it in half with one whack of her wrist.
“Don't touch my sister!” she shouted.
Before Taj could react, Kali was already feeling up his captive. She pet him on the head and whispered, “It's all right. You're all mine now.”
Kevin tensed up back against the chair. “I'm what?”
“Calm down. We found you, because I put a little shadow inside you.”
“You did what?”
“Get back!” Taj shouted as he moved to sweep across her legs. Before it could connect, she vanished into a poof of black smoke. She was then back behind him, with her allies once more.
The door flew open at that moment and a few armed guards hustled inside with guns locked and loaded. The barrels were all aimed directly at the three newcomers, but Lucy didn't recoil.
“We're here on exceptionally important business,” stated Lucy. “I must speak with the one in charge. It's about the attack on Spokane. The one who lead the defense force, and the one who brought this boy into custody, is the one we must see.”
“You don't get to make demands—“
“Stand down,” boomed a familiar voice.
The sounds of heavy boots pressing down over old tiles echoed out from the halls, and smoke wafted around the corner and into the room. Whitfield stepped inside with a cigarette pursed in his mouth, but he wasn't completely careless. He had a pistol in his hand, though aimed down at his side. “These three aren't here to fight. Not a chance.”
“Yes, sir,” Taj said as he retreated back to the wall. The men around them lowered their weapons as well.
“Are you the leader here?” Lucy asked.
“That's what I've been told. For now at least. I heard on the phone there that you're here to talk about the attack on Spokane,” he muttered as he leaned down to lift the fallen phone from the ground. He returned it to its dock, but grunted as he made his way back up. “Good. Because when demons start attacking a city in the United States of America, I frankly get a little pissed off.”
“We apologize, but it had nothing to do with us. We might know who, however, and you may have spoken with them already. Have you talked to a demon since then?”
Whitfield grinned. He removed the cigarette from his mouth, and exhaled an extra wide cloud of smoke up towards the ceiling. “What if I have? I have no obligation to share that information.”
“She probably used an avatar. A round, bat-like creature.”
“Maybe I did. I reckon you're looking for them right now.”
“And you're not?”
The man sighed. “Listen here. All of you, out right now.”
One by one the soldiers, even Taj, left them to be once again alone inside. He took one long draw from his smoke, and put it out on the nearby table. As he looked between them all, he raised his fist to his mouth hand began to cough.
“All right. You're chasing the one who attacked my country? Good. But you know what? I've got a job to do here. I'll tell you what, ladies. I can't go and lose everything right now, but I'll tell you the god damn honest truth. I want that demon executed for what she did. I'll broker you a small deal here. Off the record.”
“This whole trip is off the record,” Lucy replied.
“Good. I'll tell you where you might find her. Or, instead, I'll let your two friends go. I can't do both. The higher-ups find out you three came and freed them, they'll be pissed but they'll also understand that I couldn't stop you. If you capture this runaway demon, they might be pissed too. But both? I'll lose my damn head.”
Lucy's fiery glance moved to Kevin only momentarily. “I want her location.”
A strange feeling washed over Kevin. She wasn't there to free him? He was actually happy, as he was about to shout out for them to leave him behind. But on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a feeling of dread.
Whitfield chuckled, and coughed once again. From his pocket, he removed a pen and paper, and scribbled something down. “Cold. But fair. Here then. Take this. It's your best bet, and trust me when I say I wouldn't lie about this.”
Mara snagged the paper up. Without a second thought, Lucy turned her back, and opened the fissure once more to travel back home. He watched as they entered one by one. First Lucy, then Mara, and finally...
“Where's the third?” he asked. But then his nostrils flared as he saw the item table empty as well as the chair itself. His head snapped back, and Kali was standing alone in front of the glowing fissure with her arm tightly around Kevin's shoulder.
“Bye now!” Kali shouted as she winked. Then, she flipped backwards with her trophy in-hand. He hadn't noticed before it was too late. Before he could do anything, the portal was gone, and it was only him in an empty, quiet room.
The man's fist cracked down over Eldrian's head, sending him bleeding to the floor. The man wasn't breaking a sweat. He merely cracked his knuckles, and rolled Eldrian over with end of his boot. The weight of his body pressed down on the wizard's chest as he pinned with down with a foot.
“You try to teleport out? Won't work. Any spell cast at me? I'll break it. We can go on forever. Then I'll bind you, leave, come back, and do it all again. We'll do it until you yourself break, and you tell us everything we want to know. Nobody is coming to rescue you.”
Eldrian clenched his teeth. With a whip of his hand, as quickly as he could, he attempted to flash a blinding explosion up into the man's face. However, his palm was already prepared to stop it entirely. His vision started to blur when the boot collided with his stomach, sliding him into the side of the mattress.
He coughed and climbed on top. Once he regained himself, he turned back to the spellbreaker and backed up against the wall—sweating and exhausted.
“So, how many of you pests are there this time?”
Eldrian stared up. “Plenty.”
“What's that then? Some kind of rebellion?”
“If you call living a rebellion.”
The man laughed boisterously. “If you call being a dangerous freak living. I'll tell you what'll happen. You'll never see any of these friends of yours again. We'll remake you. Built you up better this time. And at the end of it all, it'll be your hands covered in their blood. The truth is this isn't an interrogation. It's preparation. You don't need to tell me a damn thing.”
From his blood-filled mouth, Eldrian let loose a disgusting spit up directly into the man's face. Disgusted, he wipes it off, and immediately stuck out with his hand, expecting a spell. When nothing came, he simply grinned. “If that's all you have left, I guess I won't be able to have much more fun.”
“But we aren't finished yet.”
He gave Eldrian a strange glance. “I might have knocked your brain lose. Or maybe you've just always been crazy. Either way, we certainly can continue.”
“But not for long.”
“And why the hell is that?”
“Because I just won!”
The man jumped at the sudden explosion. He was watching, however, so he didn't cast a spell. Where did it come from? It was the wall. Somehow, the wall let out a booming shock. All of this thought was too much to comprehend in the span of a second, and before he knew it, the wizard was fired directly at him like a bullet.
There wasn't enough time to react. Eldrian's skull collided directly with his nose with incredible force. He could feel the bridge crumble and break from the impact, and the pain dazed him as he fell back towards the floor. Meanwhile, Eldrian soared over top, motivated by the pain, adrenaline, and determination. And in his hands, he was already prepared with another spell.
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anoutlandishfanfic · 7 years
AnOutlandishChristmas - #3
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Beacon Hill is alive with the sound of Christmas carols!
Bear with me now... I’ve jumped ahead to Christmas in my Sound of Music AU. The last I left you, Jamie and Claire were in their honeymoon suite... There will be a chapter in between that and this, which will cover the von Fraser’s escape to Switzerland, aka Boston. This was really meant to be a part of the epilogue of the AU, but I didn’t think you’d mind the sneak peek as a wee Christmas gift.
You can read previous chapters of my Sound of Music AU fic here.
Late Evening of the Twenty-Fifth of December, Present Day. Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
The mattress shifted, announcing Jamie’s arrival. I reached out my hand without lifting my head from the pillow or opening my eyes and asked, “Everyone settled?”
“Oh, aye,” he chuckled as I pulled him down beside me, “I think wee Maggie was asleep before her head hit the pillow.”
“Christmas will do that to a fellow,” I groaned.
The last forty eight hours had been an emotional roller coaster that left me completely exhausted. It was our first Christmas together as a family and the first holiday spent away from Scotland, to boot…
Come to think of footwear, I felt quite like the old woman who lived in a shoe, with all nine of us cram-jam packed into our four bedroom, one and a half bath house on Fury Street. There wasn’t room for anyone to have their own space, which meant things came to a boil rather quickly as each processed these milestones in their own way.
Jamie’s cold hands tickled at the warm skin of my lower back and I squirmed, opening my eyes to see his smiling down at me, “Too tired for one more gift?”
I took his lower lip between mine in answer. He tasted of mouthwash and toothpaste, with a hint of something sugary hiding along the edges.
“You snuck another cookie,” I laughed.
“Mmhmm, I did,” he rolled me onto my back and his breath tickled my skin as his hands and mouth roamed my body, “but you taste sweeter still, mo nighean donn.”
Now wide awake and thoroughly aroused, I moved in kind, protesting in a fit of giggles as he blew gently into my navel.
“That tickles!”
He lifted his head, a tender expression on his face. His fingers fanned out as the heel of his palm bumped against my pubic bone and I held my breath as his eyes softened.
I know, his soul whispered to mine.
Tears burned at the back of my eyes as I pushed away from him and tucked my knees to my chest, protecting the growing life within me.
I’d been the sole survivor of the crash that claimed the lives of my parents and uncle, and the doctors had told me as I reached adolescence that there was a very good chance that I would be barren, and if I did manage to conceive, it was likely that I’d be unable to carry the child to term due to my injuries. It was something that haunted me ever since my marriage to Jamie and a topic we’d only had one conversation about. He’d assured me then that I was more than enough for him, that he had children aplenty, but only one Claire.
Would he feel the same if we lost this fragile, tangible creation of our love?
Would I still be enough for him then?
“Mo chridhe,” he followed me up to the pillows, his voice breaking along with my heart. “Claire, please, look at me.”
Jamie’s hands framed my face as his thumb wiped away a trail of moisture that escaped my tightly scrunched eyelids. He moved closer, curling himself around me, forming a barrier between me and anything that dared to pose a threat to our child. Slowly, my pulse settled into a rhythm that matched his as I clung to him.
“I’m sorry,” I sniffed.
He kissed my brow, “Ye have nothing to apologize for.”
“I should have told you.”
“Nae, lass,” he moved his face back a little bit as I blinked rapidly, trying to focus on his face through my tears, “ye did tell me.”
Jamie smiled, “Your body told me when ye didna have the words to say it aloud.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“Ye havena been a day late in your courses in the six months I’ve lain with ye and —“
“You kept track?! We’re bloody refugees and you kept track?!”
“Oh, aye,” he admitted nonchalantly as his hand gently cupped my breast, “and ye’re changing too, my own... Right before my very eyes. Ye already have that look about ye… that glow.”
I wiped my nose on my sleeve, “I do not glow.”
“Well, maybe no’ in the dark,” he grinned unabashedly, “but, aye, ye do.”
Jamie brought his face close to mine, tenderly kissing me in a way that somehow rid me of the nagging feeling of dread that had followed me for the past five days.
“I… I haven’t taken a test yet,” I admitted.
He nodded in understanding, “Do ye have one?”
“No,” I shook my head, my fingers twining themselves in and out of his curls, needing to touch him, to hold him. I untucked my legs and pulled him closer, “I haven’t been anywhere without the children since… since I realized that I might be… pregnant.”
The word sent a thrill of exhilaration through me with bone chilling fear right on its heels. I felt myself begin to tremble and vainly tried to stop, pressing my body against Jamie’s and tightening my grip around his neck.
He eased us both back beneath the warm covers and began to whisper something low and almost rhythmic into my ear as he held me close, letting me all but choke him in the process. The soothing tone of his voice and the warm vibrations of his chest slowly stilled my tremors. They melted away, leaving me breathless and broken in my husband’s arms.
“I’ll fetch ye one in the morn, aye?” He crooned, rubbing smooth circles on my back, “We’ll find something to occupy the children and steal away up here for a time…”
I felt Jamie inhale deeply, his breath almost catching as he exhaled, his voice falling to the most reverent of whispers as he held me close.
“Dinna fash, mo chridhe. I’ve got ye and I willna let ye go.”
True to his word, Jamie was up and out the door nearly before the sun was up, returning with an armload of pastries and coffee and a hidden pregnancy test in his coat pocket. He’d also picked up a film from the RedBox while he was at Walgreens, and instructed the children not to come upstairs save an emergency until they’d finished it and went outside for at least an hour.
By my calculations, we had roughly three hours before we’d be bothered... possibly longer if my instincts were correct and Jamie had, in fact, bribed them with extra donuts.
There was barely enough room for the both of us in the tiny bathroom at the top of the stairs. It housed just a toilet and a sink as the only shower and tub were in the downstairs bathroom off the kitchen, but it served our purposes and offered the distance and privacy we needed from the children. I’d managed to elbow Jamie in the gut and step on his toes several times before I even took the test, and showed no signs of stopping as we waited together in the cramped quarters.
Jamie sat on the closed lid of the toilet, allowing me to pace in the four square inches between the end of his knees and the edge of the sink. He caught hold of me ‘round the waist and pulled me onto his lap as the final minute ticked down on our timer, murmuring into my neck, “It will be alright.”
I nodded silently, darting my fingers in and out of his hair as I absently studied a crack in the plaster of the wall.
“Claire,” his hands pulled my face to his, “the bairn will be healthy and strong, just as you are.”
“We don’t even know if there is a baby,” I vacillated.
Jamie smiled as he kissed me, “Oh, I ken.”
“Have you become an obstetrician overnight,” I poked him, pulling away enough to narrow my eyes in jest, “or do you have some sort of firsthand knowledge of the future?”
“Neither… I have faith, mo nighean donn.”
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redkiteradio · 5 years
5 Laws Anyone Working in best beginner keyboard piano
Correction Appended
On an album of bittersweet childrens songs that she wrote greater than ten years back, the lady who arrived being known only given that the piano teacher available what, in hindsight, seems like an eerie glimpse of her own upcoming.
Im relocating absent nowadays to a place so far-off, where by nobody understands my identify, she wrote inside the lyrics of a song named Going.
When she wrote that music, she was younger and vivacious, a piano Instructor and freelance songs writer who liked Beethoven and jazz, sunsets and river Seems, lengthy walks and every little thing about New York.
On a kind of beloved walks, via Central Park in the intense sun of a June day in 1996, a homeless drifter defeat her and tried to rape her, leaving her clinging to lifestyle. After the attack, the words and phrases to her tune came genuine. She moved away, outside of Ny city, from her previous everyday living, and all but her closest pals didn't know her identify. To the rest of the planet, she was — similar to the additional famed jogger attacked in Central Park seven a long time earlier — an nameless symbol of an urban nightmare. She was the piano Instructor.
Now, on the tenth anniversary in the attack, she's celebrating what is apparently her complete Restoration from brain trauma. She is 42, married, with a little boy or girl. She's Kyle Kevorkian McCann, the piano Trainer, and she or he wants to inform her story, her way.
Her physician instructed her it could take a decade to Get well, and Sunday was that talismanic anniversary. I really feel my life has long been redefined by Central Park, she reported several days ago, her voice gentle and hopeful. Before park; immediately after park. Will there at any time certainly be a time when I dont Imagine, Oh, This can be the tenth anniversary, the eleventh anniversary?
She spoke in her modest ranch house inside a wooded subdivision in the New York suburb. She sat in a dining area strewn with toys, surrounded by pictures of her cherubic, darkish-haired 2-calendar year-old daughter. A Steinway grand crammed half the home, and at just one level she sat down and performed. Her participating in was forceful, but she seemed humiliated to play more than a few bars, and shrugged, rather than answering, when asked the identify from the piece. She asked that her daughter and her city not be named.
She phone calls that day, June four, 1996, the working day After i was damage.
Hers was the 1st in a string of assaults by the same person on four Gals about 8 days. The last target, Evelyn Alvarez, sixty five, was overwhelmed to death as she opened her Park Avenue dry-cleansing shop, and in the long run, the assailant, John J. Royster, was convicted of murder and sentenced to lifestyle in prison.
Yet the attack about the piano Trainer will be the a person folks appear to keep in mind one of the most. A part of the fascination must do with echoes of your 1989 attack on the Central Park jogger. But What's more, it frightened persons in a method the assault on the jogger did not since its circumstances were so mundane.
It did not happen in the remote Component of the park late at night, but close to a popular playground at 3 from the afternoon. It might have took place to any individual. The strain was heightened via the secret with the piano lecturers identity.
For three times, as police and Medical doctors tried to see who she was, she lay in the coma in her hospital bed, nameless. Her parents were being on getaway and her boyfriend, also a musician, was in Europe, on tour. Finally, one among her pupils regarded a police sketch and was in a position to discover her while in the clinic by her fingers, simply because her encounter was swollen beyond recognition. The law enforcement didn't release her name.
The very last thing she remembers about June 4, 1996, is providing a lesson in her studio condominium on West 57th Street, then Placing her lengthy hair inside of a ponytail and likely out for any stroll. She doesn't try to remember the assault, Even though she has heard the accounts with the police and prosecutors.
To me its just like a fact I discovered and memorized, she said. Like I have been a university student in class researching heritage.
She doesn't consider the man who did it. I might have been indignant for just a minute, although not a lot longer than that, she said. How could I be indignant at John Royster? He was declared not insane, but I guess by our expectations he was.
Dr. Jamshid Ghajar, her health practitioner at Big apple Medical center-Cornell Healthcare Heart, as it had been recognised in 1996, explained to reporters that she had a ten percent chance of survival. Medical practitioners experienced to get rid of her forehead bone, which was afterwards changed, to generate place for her swelling Mind. When her mom manufactured a public appeal to pray for my daughter, hundreds did.
Just after eight times, she came away from a coma, 1st in a vegetative point out, then in the childlike state. As she recovered, she slept minor and talked regularly, often in gibberish. I was acquiring mad at persons once they didnt reply to these words and phrases, she said.
Like an Alzheimers affected person, she had very little brief-term memory and would forget people when they remaining the home.
Over quite a few months, she had to relearn the best way to stroll, dress, study and publish. Her boyfriend, Tony Scherr, frequented every day to Participate in guitar for her. He encouraged her to Perform the piano, in opposition to the recommendation of her Actual physical therapists, who imagined she can be annoyed by her incapacity to Engage in how she when had. Mr. Scherr performed Beatles duets along with her, enjoying the still left-hand component even though she performed the correct.
Which was my finest therapy, she said.
In August, she moved again residence to New Jersey, with her father, an engineer, and mother, a schoolteacher. She visited outdated haunts and named buddies, striving to restore her shattered memory. I had been pretty obsessed with remembering, she mentioned. Any memory loss was to me an indication of abnormality or deficit.
Her therapists thought her progress was terrific, but her two sisters protested that she was not the deep thinker she had been.
What bothered her most was that she experienced misplaced a chance to cry, like a faucet inside of her Mind had been turned off. One night, nine months right after she was harm, she stayed up late to look at the John Grisham movie A Time for you to Destroy. Just following her father had gone to mattress, she watched a courtroom scene of Samuel Jacksons character on demo for killing two Adult males who experienced raped his young daughter.
The faucet opened, and also the tears trickled down her cheeks. I thought about my mom and dad, my father, and whatever they went by, she stated. Minimal by tiny, my experience returned, my depth of thoughts returned.
Urged by her sisters, she went back to school and obtained a masters degree in tunes training.
Not every thing went effectively. She and Mr. Scherr break up up five years after the assault, although they continue to be buddies. She dated other Adult males, but she usually instructed them in regards to the attack without delay — she could not assistance it, she claimed — plus they under no circumstances referred to as to get a 2nd date.
We now have to locate you anyone, her Mate David Phelps, a guitar player, said 4 yrs in the past, ahead of introducing her to Liam McCann, a computer technician and novice drummer. For once, she did not say nearly anything regarding the assault till she obtained to grasp Mr. McCann, after which you can when she did, he admired her strength.
Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani, who experienced typically visited her at her bedside when she was inside the healthcare facility, married them in his Moments Sq. Business. She wore a blue costume and pearls. While she was Expecting, inside of a burst of creativity, she and her mates recorded Even though Have been Young, an album of childrens tunes that she had created ahead of the assault, such as the song Relocating. Her ex-boyfriend, Mr. Scherr, manufactured the CD. On it, her husband performs drums and she plays electrical piano.
Is her lifestyle as it was? Not specifically, although she is hesitant to attribute the discrepancies to her accidents. Her last two piano pupils remaining her, with out calling to clarify why, she explained. She has resumed enjoying classical audio, but easy parts, due to the fact her daughter won't give her time and energy to observe. As for jazz, I dont even check out, she claimed.
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She would want to push extra, emotion stranded inside the suburbs, but she is easily rattled. She attempts to be articles with being house and caring for her daughter.
Dr. Ghajar, a medical professor of neurological operation at precisely what is now known as Big apple-Presbyterian Clinic/Weill Cornell Clinical Middle, who operated on Ms. Kevorkian McCann following the attack, explained final 7 days that her volume of recovery was exceptional. Shes in essence regular, he reported.
Other gurus, who will be not personally knowledgeable about Ms. Kevorkian McCanns scenario, are more careful.
Regaining the opportunity to Engage in the piano may well entail an Pretty much mechanical course of action, a semiautomatic recall of exactly what the fingers need to do, claimed Dr. Yehuda Ben-Yishay, a professor of scientific rehabilitation drugs at Big apple University Faculty of Medicine. As soon as Mind-injured, you happen to be always brain-hurt, For the remainder of your life, Dr. Ben-Yishay mentioned. There is absolutely no cure, There is certainly only intensive compensation.
The more telling part of a recovery, in his watch, is psychological, and on that score he counts Ms. Kevorkian McCanns marriage and child as a significant victory.
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For her aspect, the piano Trainer knows she has adjusted, but she has manufactured her peace with it. I had been form of a hyper —— I dont know if I used to be a sort A, but I had been formidable, she says. Why was I so formidable? I used to be a piano Instructor. I dont determine what the ambition was about. I actually did return to the person Im imagined to be.
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chronal-anomaly · 7 years
Alright since it appears to be a parents kind of day, and I've been playing more and more around with my hcs about her parents, I think I got it.
Lena grew up on a one story ranch on two acres of land outside of the city, with her best friend from down the street, her parents, and a sleepy old basset hound. Her mother had eloped from Ireland to marry her father, who, at the time, worked as a low level lackey for an insurance corporation. Aiden, her father, had a good sense of humor, a quick smile and a willingness to work hard no matter what. Ciara, her mother, laughed loud and long, wore bright colored clothing and could yell and drink her way past anyone that she met. They fell in love fairly quickly, Aiden travelling to Ireland on occasion to visit and Ciara visiting London. Ciara's family didn't approve of him, devoted to the Old Religion, claimed that Arianrhod had abandoned him and Cailleach had claimed him as her own. Ciara disagreed; they argued, Ciara rushed off to London. Within two years, Aiden and Ciara were married.
Aiden, as stated earlier, was a hardworker. A minor promotion allowed them to buy a house in the country. Ciara worked as a waitress on the weekends, a teacher during the week and an art teacher at night. They didn't need the money, but Ciara had a difficult time sitting still. This extra money allowed Ciara to purchase a Cessna and gets her pilot's license.
Lena was born a year into their marriage. Aiden was promoted once again, this time to a high level management position. He worked more, and had little time to be at home. When he was, though, he took special care to spend plenty of time with babe Lena.
Ciara quit her jobs, substituting occasionally, but remained a mostly stay at home mom, and learning to how fly well. Lena came up well, happily. She did okay in school, and wanted with all of her heart to fly the Cessna.
By the time Lena was seven, Aiden began staying nights over at the office. He could reach vp of the area quickly if he kept working. Neither Ciara nor Lena enjoyed it and it was the source of several of the tired fights. None the less, Lena and Ciara and a good time together. Ciara went back to teaching, and Lena moved through school.
They had finally settled for a divorce by the time Ciara was killed.
After her death, Aiden and Lena worked apart more. He left for work trips, staying nights, working early and late and never quite there. Lena was caught up with a couple of friends, went to several parties and overnights in downtown London. It was at these parties that she started smoking weed and drinking. She failed out of school because of it. Lena also lost her virginity on a dirty mattress in a dingy apartment in the slums. Lena was 16.
At some point just before turning eighteen, Lena realized she couldn't keep on this path and enlisted in the Air Force. The news came as a shock to her father; it sparked one of the largest fights they ever had, ending with Aiden throwing an empty bottle of rum at her. There are old, faded scars along one arm from the fallen glass.
Lena moved out the next day, living in the same shitty apartment that she lost her virginity at for a couple of months before moving to training camp.
Aiden relied heavily on alcohol after Ciara's death. He would leave for work, without showering, in a hasty suit. But he continued to do his job, so he was allowed to keep his job. He rarely knew when Lena came or went, and didn't show up to the conference that the teachers attempted to help rescue her from failing out.
Aiden now lives in a rich apartment, ashamed of what he's done to lose his daughter and wife. As far as he knows, Lena died in the Slipstream accident. She has yet to make any changes to his perception.
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