#and also english obvi
I heard you say you were good at math, do you happen to have any good tips at studying math? Genuine question here, I just failed my final exam for a math course. I am bummed and looking for advice. Sorry if this was a weird question to ask of you on this blog. And for also asking on anon, im a bit to embarrassed to ask this on my account.
I'm not sure if I have any good types and tricks...math was just my Neurodivergent Perk that I've had since I was a kid...also full disclaimer that I completed my high school math credits in middle school and my college math credits in high school so while that is a pretty epic gamer moment, it also means I have not touched a proper math course in like 6 years
Fun time math lesson with Danny below (:
One pattern that I used to do (at least when it came to formulas) was kinda organize my work into categories, if that makes sense.
So let's say you have a physics (shush it's still math) problem that's looking for the potential energy of an item weighing 7kg that's 5m above the earth --
What's the formula? - PE = mass * gravitational * height
What's the values we already know? - m = 7m, g = 9.8 m/s^2 (this is an always constant value for earth's gravity), h = 5m
Plug it in - PE = 7 * 9.8 * 5
Final answer - PE = 343 J (Jules)
Sometimes you're going to have to use other formulas first before you can get to the meat of your main problem. So let's use the same example, but now the height is 7 feet. You'll need to convert that first into meters before you can plug it into your formula and it can help keep track of your work --
What's the formula? - meters = ft/0.3048
What's the values we already know? - ft = 7
Plug it in - m = 7/0.3048
Final answer - m = 2.1336 (usually round off to nearest 100th, so we'll use 2.13). meters = height // h = 2.13m
What's the formula? - PE = mass * gravitational * height
What's the values we already know? - m = 7m, g = 9.8 m/s^2, h = 2.13m
Plug it in - PE = 7 * 9.8 * 2.13
Final answer - PE = 146.18 J
Now let's say we know the PE is 68.31 J and it's resting at a height of 8m, but we don't know its mass? Simple! Do the same exact sequence of organizing and you'll be able to tell how to work backwards.
What's the formula? - PE = mass * gravitational * height
What's the values we already know? - g = 9.8 m/s^2, h = 8m, PE = 68.31 J
Plug it in - 68.31 = m * 9.8 * 8 // 68.31 = m * 78.4 // 68.31/78.4 = m * 78.4/78.4 (this will cancel out completely, so it will NOT be m * 0) // 0.87 = m
Final answer - m = 0.87
My overall suggestion is to focus on memorize your equations first and foremost, and from there use the 4 steps to organize your work. The variables will always be given to you, so as long as you can remember which formulas (and constant variables!!) are necessary for that information, you should be golden! Then, you can plug and play as needed, but keep in mind you may need additional equations to get all of your variables first. If you're able to, there tons of free specialty calculators you can use specifically for certain formulas! I used omnicalculator's Potential Energy Calculator to check my work here in fact, give or take a few decimals.
Granted, this information mostly applies to math likes physics, algebraic, and trig. I am dogshit at geometry because I can't visualize and angles vex (heh) me so...man good luck to you if that's the field you're struggling in.
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codgod · 11 months
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more symbiote au doodles yippee ^-^
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tokenducks · 10 months
Charles’ patches and pins :)
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SKA pin: Quick History lesson because I had no idea what it was: definitely google more:
SKA is a music genre that originated in Jamaica. In the 70s a lot of Jamaicans immigrated to the UK. Punks and young Jamaican immigrants felt a sense of unity due to both being screwed over by the system. This led to 2 Tone SKA which mixed SKA with punk rock elements. While 2 Tone SKA is a genre, it was also a movement that focused on racial unity.
Rude Boy patch: In late 60s Jamaica RudeBoys were young “delinquents” who listened to rocksteady music. Term was used in England to refer to fans of SKA and 2 tone. Think the other insults used for punks that have been reclaimed.
Checker Print pin: Represents racial unity in the movement. 
Target patch: Symbol for the Mod subculture. Google this one to.
Union Jack pin (on bag) and patch: He sure is British
Smiley face pin: I believe it’s just a generic smiley face but it could be a logo. 
Unknown metal(?) pin: I can’t get a clear enough look at it to even begin to guess what it is. 
Unknown pin: I have no idea. The one between the metal one and the checker print. No a clue.
Unknown flag(?) pin: A flag with horizontal blue, yellow, and red stripes but I can’t find anything with those colors in that order.
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I love learning ASL it’s so good. Makes me happy to learn it. I’m so glad my university has classes for it with professors actually steeped in Deaf culture.
#blue chatter#am I good at ASL? hahahahahahaha. no.#ASL and English grammar are incredibly different and even when I remember my vocab I am easily clockable as hearing#but I do have some language capacity now. enough to communicate the basics.#and I just. genuinely really enjoy it. it’s fun to learn and engaging in a way most of my classes just aren’t.#and I can. yanno. communicate respectfully w Deaf ppl. and learn about their culture#which is incredibly important given that I want to go into a field where there is a higher incidence than typical of Deaf people#autistic? you’re more likely to be Deaf!#not to mention the fact that sign language can sometimes be a useful alternative to speech for nonspeaking/nonverbal people#depending on the person obvi; some nonspeaking/nonverbal autistics cannot use sign language and that’s okay#but surely at some point I will encounter either a Deaf client or a nonspeaking/nonverbal client who uses ASL#and when that time comes I should have some idea of how to communicate with them#I also rly like the Deaf church by my parents’ house#their community is really welcoming and their services are really interesting#I think it’s rly cool how they take intentions directly from the congregation#they’ll raise their hands and then sign what their intention is from their pew to the ambo#which is rly neat#it is funny bc every time I go the Deaf ppl I talk to will tell each other ‘go slow she’s hearing’#which is ENTIRELY fair bc. I am hearing. and I do need them to go slower.#but it also makes me laugh bc truly everyone knows within a few minutes.#oh hey the new person? they’re hearing. yeah they’re learning ASL at college. sign slowly for her.#which again makes sense bc a big Deaf culture thing is keeping ppl informed. it’s not gossip it’s getting everyone on the same page.#Deaf ppl do NOT beat around the bush that is like the height of rudeness to them. u say what u mean goshdangit. do not waste their time.#which I appreciate the heck out of bc i don’t have to try and phrase things delicately or w/e#it was also funny bc my mom came w me while I was home for Christmas and they asked her if I was her kid#and she said yes. and the lady running the kid’s craft corner thing was like ‘great you’re doing a craft now’#and I’m sitting there. visibly over 18 years old. amongst several seven year olds. trying desperately to figure out how to say hot glue gun#I made a v pretty pinecone tree it was a lot of fun ^-^
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tumblasha · 2 months
"a dios le pido" by juanes is bakugou's most played song the summer after his first year of high school (span - eng translations in tags)
A Dios le pido Un segundo más de vida para darte Y mi corazón entero entregarte Un segundo más de vida para darte Y a tu lado para siempre yo quedarme Un segundo más de vida yo A Dios le pido Y que si me muero sea de amor Y si me enamoro sea de vos Y que de tu voz sea este corazón Todos los días a Dios le pido
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cyberstabbing · 5 months
from years and years of observation, i've gathered the following information: korean/chinese/japanese mcr fans on twitter are also really into specifically blur, oasis, green day and the beatles.
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writingpun · 1 year
I've been reading thru the untranslated one piece as japanese practice and I looove the way shanks speaks, reading it out loud feels so languid and chill in like a slightly disrespectful way and I vibe w it. Tbh if I was doing a dub or localization or w/e I'd give him a light southern accent...just 2 give that roundness 2 his vowels
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johndonneswife · 2 years
zayn does this thing when he’s singing in urdu that literally just makes 90% of it incomprehensible to me…
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firebirdsdaughter · 1 year
As the daughter of a history major…
… Where the hell are so many americans on tumblr going to school???
I just saw a post about how ‘it’s taught in america that the pilgrims were Good and fleeing religious intolerance but they were actually Bad’ which first off, you cannot make those distinctions bc freaking everyone was up to kill anyone who didn’t agree in those days, but also… People claiming to be american claiming that they were definitely taught exactly that??
Maybe… If you never took a history class past elementary school, I guess. Or maybe you were in Florida (oh, gods, get my mother started on people killing each other in Florida).
Bc, resident American here, albeit one in Massachusetts, and… No. We’re not taught that. You get a romanticised version in early grades maybe, but the higher you go, you get taught that the most Puritans had different religious beliefs than the standard in England, so they took the opportunity to ship off to the colonies. There’s no victimisation, it’s just straight facts. And that usually, that was the category of people shipped off to the colonies—criminals, religious differences, poor people… Like no one in their right mind wanted to go off into the ‘wilderness.’ They did it bc they hated being where they were, and England was all too happy to get rid of them. Hell, they were also completely unprepared and many of them died on the way over. Like that shot went super bad for so many reasons.
I’m not going to claim I remember every detail I was taught, and I had a bit of a deeper knowledge bc my mother is, again, a history major w/ an interest in American history bc it is whacky), and I do remember the ‘founding’ being a little simplified, but I also distinctly remember going into higher grades and having teachers outright explain ‘what you were told as kids was a very simplified version, let’s talk about it in more detail.’ We weren’t taught that there were ‘good’ or ‘bad’ guys, we were taught that these people had a difference in belief and that for that reason, they ended up shipped off to the colonies. We talked about the conflicts, the damage, the ugly bits.
I think people claiming to have been taught a sanitised version either didn’t take many history classes, didn’t pay attention, or don’t remember much of what they were taught (which no judgement here, I barely remember). Or maybe they’re just trying to sound Cool on the internet? I can’t know. But I remain baffled by certain myths about the us that alleged Americans come out of the woodwork to claim are true when… Your experiences are not universal???
Like I’m happy to criticise the education system, bc excuse me while I cry about not being able to hold a conversation in Spanish, but like. Unless you were in a very particular environment (I went to public school, btw)… No, you weren’t taught that shit. There’s parts missing, sure, but they did not, at least not beyond elementary, try to claim the ‘Pilgrims’ were blameless. I remember being taught that life was harsh and short, and people bitter and stubborn. I don’t doubt that the words ‘fleeing religious intolerance’ might’ve been used, bc technically, yes, they were. But I am also intolerant of trolls, and mosquitos. That’s a statement, it has no bearing on what kind of people either group was.
#Firebird Randomness#I find it fascinating how this site veers between shitting on England and holding it up and some noble paragon#like I'm sorry you wanna shit on the Puritans like go ahead but don't make out like they were any worse than any other religious sect#esp in England at that time#or hell Europe you wanna talk about the Spanish conquests of the Americas??#but I literally just had an exCUSE me??? reaction to that post#like our education system is BAD I wish I could speak another language properly for one#terrible at dealing w/ learning disabilities#and maybe some stuff requires a little effort#but DEF by high school my history teachers made no secret about the effects of colonisation#or the extremism of the puritan beliefs#this is one of those prove you've never been to the us w/out saying it moments#like obvi history is taught differently#per a British friend the US actually disappears from English teaching after the Puritans leave until the revolution#additionally we also get taught that many of them still considered themselves British#like they weren't 'trying to find a new world' they just hated everyone else as much as everyone hated them#but many of them still thought they were 'British' that didn't change until later#but serious geebus people here will just take anything at face value#history is bloody and colonisation and conquest may have most famously started in Europe#but that also means that you can't wash your hands of it and say 'it was them they were bad'#like I'm digressing here I'm just so baffled
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youwerelikeanangel · 2 years
no but think about it. think about all the things we don’t see. louis being and feeling normal, free, without the pressure that comes with being a famous musician in the industry. seeing more of his goofy side (like him dancing? that was so!!!). getting to be vulnerable and just be. you see some glimpses of his flamboyancy come out still, despite being told to tone it down, it’s still there because it’s a part of him
i had this convo with a friend a couple of weeks ago and we were talking about how hl must have these gay dinner parties and are super queer and open and flamboyant and call their friends darling and wear glitter and paint each others nails and . phew . he still is that 18 yo boy. and it just. upsets me . and makes me so happy and heals me and hurts me ? but yeah yeah :(( god. he 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
Thank you for doing dubbed, because I find Ichi’s English voice so cute 🥰
kaiji tang is The Goat i love his performance SO much and it's so perfect
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seis-moved · 2 years
if ppl want canon urls they should just type words in their native language 🫂
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asexualannoyance · 2 years
having watched the boc christmas special i can just say: these guys sure are touchy with each other, eh (good for them)
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yanqings · 2 years
polyglot to-be against my will
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ovrtimelove · 5 months
guys i swear and i promise im working on the last part of exam saga but eggrehegrhegrgrg im so tired and we're making mashed potatoes (by 'we', i mean my mom who just really wanted me to make them with her after weeks of putting it off)
who is also trying to get me to do the laundry while she's peeling the tatoes rn ?????? we handwash them, im not doing that /silly
anyways, i hope u guys r having a lovely time :3 please reemmber to reblog my works to show support!
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sea-buns · 1 year
The more time that passes as I write little one-paragraph theory posts, or get so carried away on a meta/analysis that it becomes a mini essay, the more I loathe those 4-5 paragraph essay structures that were so strictly imposed on us in school. I'm out here having the time of my life ending paragraphs whenever the hell I want. Everything I've written since, even if I end up hating it, has still come out better than any argumentative/opinion piece they ever had me write.
It has been so lovely to just flow in my thoughts without pulling my hair out over adhering to the "at least 5-6 sentences per paragraph" rule or the "your 3 reasons and counter argument MUST come in this order" rubric. Lest I be dropped a whole letter grade and burned in the town square.
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