#and all you Four simps deserve better
starlost97 · 8 months
— prettiest.
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summary: With Charles questionable dating history, you didn't want to risk getting into a relationship with someone with that reputation. He was, however, determined to change your mind. And when you did, he couldn't be happier.
tags: fluff, Charles Leclerc is a simp, f!reader.
characters: Charles Leclerc, Carlos Sainz Jr. (mentioned).
warnings: swearing.
a/n: pathetic men begging for a chance? yes please. also love u charles but u would never see a glimpse of any of my female friends <3 anyways don't take it too seriously! enjoy :)
word count: 461.
requested?: yes! by a friend.
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The world is a cruel place.
Charles, however, was the only one to blame in this situation.
He was also the only one that could fix it.
When you told him that despite your feelings for him, you wouldn’t date someone with such a questionable dating history, the driver was extremely sad. Everyone heard the jokes about how you can’t introduce your female friends to Charles, so why would you risk getting in a relationship with someone with that kind of reputation?
Well, the monegasque made sure to show you everything he had to offer.
Liking all your instagram photos, commenting on them — and making all their fans go wild in the process —, shamelessly staring at you — although that wasn’t really on purpose — when you appeared on screen. The world knew how obsessed he was with you.
He stopped going to parties. He only went to them when he knew you were there, and that was clear.
Charles didn't ask you out again for a long time, though. As if he had a plan to complete before allowing himself to bother you again.
But God, he was terrible at hiding how badly he wanted to take you out. To treat you just like you deserved. To turn all his adoration into worship.
He did last surprisingly long, however. It wasn't hard to exceed the expectations when they were that low. Even Carlos thought that he would last two days without telling you how much he loved you.
Well, he lasted four. And he was very proud of it.
“You're so beautiful.” He mumbled, staring adoringly at you. “Such a shame I didn't win you yet.”
“Yet?” You asked, smiling. “So full of confidence, aren't you?”
“How could I not be? I just made the prettiest girl in the world smile.” Charles said, stroking your cheek. “Come on, give me a chance. I'm starting to get desperate.”
“Sorry, starting?” You breathed out, starting to laugh.
“Alright, you got me. I'm desperate already. Hopelessly desperate.” Charles said, feeling butterflies only with your laugh.
You two stared at each other's eyes for some time, sharing adoration.
“You better not make me regret this, Leclerc.” You mumbled, getting up from the couch and walking away.
Charles was quick to grab your hand and pull you to himself. Your faces were now close to each other, and you could feel his quick heartbeat against your chest.
“I swear that you won't.” He said, closing the gap between you and kissing your lips, feeling as relief filled him. “Fuck, how can your kiss be so sweet?”
He stared at you in disbelief. He indeed just kissed perfection, didn't he?
“I might have to kiss you again and again to find out, pretty girl.”
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captainreecejames · 4 months
Pick Me Up || CL16 smau
summary the four times Charles picks you up and the one time you pick him up told through Instagram posts
pairing Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
warnings none that I can think of
note the social media companion to Pick Me Up
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liked by charles_leclerc, pierregasly and others
🔒ynusername date was shit but at least Charles could pick me up
friend1 I'm sorry girl ↳ ynusername it's okay bestie
charles_leclerc not to say I told you so but... ↳ ynusername 🖕🏼
pierregasly boooooo all my homies hate what's his face ↳ ynusername Pierre 😮😮 ↳ pierregasly idk his name
friend2 his loss you look good af ❤️ by charles_leclerc
francisca.cgomes date me!! ↳ ynusername next time you're here babe!
landonorris mamma mia 😍 ↳ charles_leclerc no ↳ landonorris I'm just saying she looks good mate ↳ georgerussell63 and pushing your luck ↳ landonorris okay 😞😞 but you still look very good yn ↳ ynusername thank you lando ☺️
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liked by friend1, yourdadinsta and others
🔒ynusername how the day started vs how it ended. thank you Charles
charles_leclerc anytime ma cherie
yourdadinsta yes, thank you charles for picking up my baby girl ❤️ by charles_leclerc
joris_trouche prince charles to the rescue ↳ charles_leclerc you know it 💪🏼
charles_leclerc why this picture yn ↳ ynusername cause it makes me happy ↳ charles_leclerc 😇😇 ↳ maxverstappen1 simp🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻 ↳ ynusername don't be mean to mon chou ↳ charles_leclerc yeah you heard the girl
friend3 why are we thanking charles? ↳ ynusername because clairo broke down and he picked me up ↳ friend3 nooo not clairo ↳ ynusername i know right?!
lewishamilton the merc broke down 😬😬 ↳ ynusername it's so sad 😞
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liked by carmenmmundt, lilymhe and others
🔒ynusername can yacht pick me up
alexalbon no can YOU pick me up ↳ ynusername of course! ↳ alexalbon only if lily is there ↳ ynusername 😳
oscarpiastri mom?? dad??? ↳ ynusername yes son? ↳ oscarpiastri you guys left me at school again ↳ charles_leclerc we're on our way ↳ ynusername with ice cream ↳ oscarpiastri are you bribing me?? ↳ charles_leclerc is it working? ↳ oscarpiastri if you bring leo too yes
friend2 wowowow you are sooooo pretty ↳ ynusername thank you babe
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liked by pierregasley, francisca.cgomes and others
🔒ynusername bad bitches going to the club >> Charles when he has to pick me up >> hungover me at Charles stomping around the apartment before he leaves for training
friend1 shoutout to that girl who sent us this pic!!! ↳ friend2 she's a real one ↳ friend3 miss her for real ↳ friend4 she didn't abandon us for a friend ↳ ynusername 🥲
lewishamilton if you're gonna use this picture then i think you deserve the headache ↳ ynusername booooo you're being so mean
maxverstappen1 yeah i don't think that's what charles looked like at all ↳ charles_leclerc we weren't facetiming, you wouldn't know? ↳ landonorris yeah but we know you so we do know what you looked like
francisca.cgomes i wanna go out with you and the girls ↳ friend2 yes please! ↳ lilymhe count me in! ↳ carmenmmundt i'll be there too!! ↳ ynusername girls night out 2.0 ↳ friend4 he better be your boyfriend by the time we do this again ↳ ynusername ?? ↳ friend4 oh yn
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liked by yourmominsta, oscarpiastri and others
🔒ynusername I kinda like him or something
charles_leclerc i kinda like you too, or something ❤️ by ynusername
friend1 BITCH FINALLY THE FUCK ↳ friend4 i manifested this shit ↳ friend2 can you manifest something that was bound to happen anyway ↳ friend4 let me have this win please
pierregasly you loooooove him ↳ ynusername if you're not nice to me I'm stealing kika ↳ francisca.cgomes you can steal me anyway ↳ ynusername bet ↳ pierregasly wait!!!
landonorris it's about damn time
joris_trouche bleugh you guys are gross ↳ ynusername pic creds to joris ↳ joris_trouche changed my mind you guys are sooooo cute ↳ charles_leclerc thanks mate
yourmominsta you two are such a lovely couple ↳ ynusername mama ❤️❤️❤️
arthurleclerc okay bestie!!! good thing I lied and said I couldn't pick him up ↳ charles_leclerc i never asked you ↳ arthurleclerc shut up, this was all part of my masterplan
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satoruhour · 1 year
TA! Nanami won't leave my brain so pleaseeee 🥺just him assisting you with lab reports by eating you out
a/n: icy you got me thinkin about my own TA and the failures in which i am too scared to cop him 😭😭😭 / this was purely fuelled by my own carnal need for nanami after last week’s episode because WHEEEEEWWW !
wc: 5.5k
warnings: fem!reader, TA!nanami, reader is a big simp for nanami but vice versa too, reader has long hair in this, slight age gap? since nanami is a TA (27 / 22), m! masturbation, fantasising, semi-public masturbation, oral (f! receiving) / cunnilingus, fingering, hair pulling, little praise, degradation, use of ‘slut’, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink, implied multiple rounds, n*sfw under the cut
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the first time your TA walked in, your jaw drops. with a face and body like that, he should rightfully be in the modelling industry, not teaching you about dissecting and suturing mice and looking at atoms under a microscope.
all you know is that nanami kento was just like every teaching assistant — attending lectures just like the rest of the students, taking down notes for his tutorial and lab sessions, answering curious emails from everyone — but every interaction you had with this man was anything but normal, or at least that’s what you felt.
you’ve never viewed someone in such a deranged and filthy way before: pulling on his blonde hair and taking off that hideous cheetah print tie and telling him to his face that wearing a full suit while teaching makes him insanely older than he actually is; and also maybe after that, to push him right down to your cunt where he’d eat you out like you deserve.
“i just don’t get why he needs to use a suit at twenty seven years old just to teach — you’re doing your masters, like calm down a little.” you mumble more to yourself than your friend, but she likes every juicy detail you have about this attractive TA you keep talking about even if you sound like you hate him with how much you talk about the damn suit all the time.
but your friend only knows that if you could get his trousers, suit jacket, tie and shirt off of him, you would in a blink of an eye.
“maybe he wants to impress.”
your mouth twists, “who? only person he should be impressing is me.”
it’s all in good fun, with the way you’re talking — in reality, you don’t know what you’d do if the opportunity really presented itself to you. gossip, your legacy (or shame) carried by mouth, expulsion from the university, there were countless of unfortunate things if you do decide to go for the teaching assistant meant purely to help students in better understanding the material.
but it wasn’t one-sided. all those glances you thought nanami was sending you weren’t imagined, nor was it because you thought he was squinting due to bad eyesight. he remembers your name from the first tutorial he taught you, caught you lingering around the lecture hall, helps you a little too much during lab sessions and every time, he’s inexplicably drawn to you and your aura.
“good afternoon, ladies,” the familiar deep and collected voice snaps you out of the conversation, heart beating a hundred miles. you were in no way prepared for this, but you’re grateful for even one meeting out of class. your friend is insufferable though — from your peripheral you can see her giving the two of you a sick grin, “any chance i could ask for directions to this particular room?”
that was another thing; nanami wasn’t from this university. having completed his degree in another, he took his masters in the one you’re attending, wanting a breath of fresh air from the four years of his time in kyoto. that’s what you remember from his introduction, amongst many other things: he liked neutral colours, he’s interested in the philosophy of aesthetics, and he loved bread.
“babe, i’m going to head off for a class,” lies. she had no classes today at all, “see you tomorrow!” she bows briefly to nanami who only shoots her a tender smile and you turn to the side to bite your fist. you’ve become good at containing your reactions, though.
“oh! nanami-san, of course. headed there for a class?”
what kind of stupid question is that? of course he w—
“i’m heading there for a seminar, actually, starts in about,” he checks his watch, “10 minutes. the uni invited an external professor to give a talk that merges both the philosophical aspects of questioning life alongside the functions of the body, sparking thoughts of science and philosophy. thought it’d be interesting.”
you swallow and you swear you can feel your core pulsing. hot, intelligent and always pushing the boundaries and capacity of learning? you could only thank the gods that it was a cooler day, not being able to do anything if you actually do melt into a puddle.
“y-yeah! yeah, i know where it is.” you don’t, but the rooms are usually lined up pretty nicely, and you know you would be able to guide him successfully without much trouble; but when you’re checking the seminar room, you realise that they may have changed venues.
“crap . . five minutes. nanami-san, do you think maybe they sent a follow-up email with the change in location?” you’re more on edge than nanami is because you usually don’t like to be late for anything, recalling the jumble of numbers and letters he showed you earlier and lining them with the label plates outside the room.
“uh— oh, shit. yeah, i might’ve shown you the wrong email.” your jaw drops when you see the new venue.
“that’s . . on the other side of campus, nanami-san.”
“how long will it take?”
you wince at the disappointment on his face, “if you take the campus bus, at least fifteen minutes.”
nanami’s understandably mad at himself for his own mistake, knowing he’d miss a good chunk of the talk whilst travelling there, but he’s distracted from his self-loathing — taken aback at the quickness in which you offer to drive him.
“uh . . it’s probably maybe eight minutes there by car. my car’s parked close by if you want a lift—”
and nanami thinks it’s simultaneously the perfect and terrible day to send his car to the mechanics and settle for public transport. perfect because he might accept your offer to be close to you, terrible because he would much rather you sit in the passenger sit of his car rather than the other way around.
nanami forgets to be modest in your presence, so he accepts it without a second beat and follows you in a jog to the parking lot. there are scattered vehicles, possibly belonging to professors and maybe students, and the both of you come to an everyday looking corolla.
“okay! unlocked. i’ll try to speed and get you there in four minutes.” nanami can only manage a soft thank you, touched by your generosity and even more drawn by the determination in your face. with a turn of the ignition key, the man clutches onto the seatbelt as you lurch forward with the acceleration, and then you’re taking off.
you’re not the best driver, driving past yellow lights and terrible at changing lanes, but you get the job done. coming to rest in front of the humanities block, you’re arriving with the seminar starting just two minutes ago, and nanami looks at you like you just moved the moon and stars for him.
“thank you, (y/n)-san, truly,” he’s out of breath, maybe a little shaken up from the drive but it’s nothing he isn’t used to (gojo sucks too), “how can i repay you?”
you shake your hand, “a-ah, no it’s nothing. it was just an eight minute drive compressed into four.”
“no, really, let me pay back the favour.”
you bit your lip — you can’t possibly say the thing that’s on your mind. he would report you, you would have to be kicked out, your future crumbling before your eyes — you go for the tamer request.
“lunch, one day, then.”
nanami smiles at you and you feel like it’s cupid shooting his shot straight into your heart. you hardly see the man, smile, ever, so to have a genuine one directed at you made you squeeze your thighs together. there’s hope bubbling in nanami’s heart when he sees the effect of his smile: a glint in your eye and the quickened breaths, he may have thought your thighs move, too, but he didn’t have the balls to glance down to the one place he knew he wouldn’t be able to resist.
“how ’bout right after the seminar?” fuck. you’re grinning now and you see a little of nanami’s teeth in an amused smile.
“sure, nanami-san,” adrenaline sends you reeling, eyes boring so tirelessly into his that you wish he’d understand all the things you want him to do to you. he peeks a quick glimpse of your lips as they lick it before unbuckling his seatbelt, popping open the passenger door to head out. your hand instinctively goes up to stop him, “or should i say . . passenger princess.”
that prompts a full grin out of your TA, who lets out an attractive chuckle before leaving from your car, “sure, whatever you want to call me.”
you’re driving away happily, kicking your feet once you’re parked in another car park and giggling to yourself. unbeknownst to you of the small little thing nanami says after, “although i’d like it if you call me yours.”
the spiral starts from there. it was approximately two hours — you have two hours of going back to the dorms to choose something you knew you looked good in while continuing to text your friend in excitement. it was chaos between the hours of eleven to one pm, rummaging through your closet to find something suitable. you went through many rounds of outfits and with each photo to your friend you were losing hope.
“‘let’s just stick with the first’?” you scoff loudly after reading out her feedback, typing out a reply to your friend. it sounded a little agitated but you can’t help but heart the message wishing you a good luck.
before you know it, you’re hearing a knock on the window, greeted with the very nice sight of his suit jacket now removed and his blue shirt rolled up at the sleeves. it’s like he’s heard your thoughts too because even his ugly tie is bundled up in his hand.
“the AC wasn’t working.” he simply explains, once he’s in the car and he appreciates your gesture of turning yours to the max. you let your eyes rake over his figure, the pull of his shirt that looks too tight for him and the lines of his forearms, before he finally gets settled in and begs your eye contact.
“bummer,” you click your tongue, “but well, any places you have in mind?”
you start the car, pulling out of the lobby and nanami playfully hums, “not going to listen to your passenger princess’ struggles? do you hate women perhaps?”
“nah, i’m a toxic man who doesn’t care about his girl’s life.” that draws a laugh out of nanami, who sinks more into the seat. he’s more relaxed here than in class, than in lectures and it’s a nice sight to behold.
he echoes your sentiment with a small smile, “bummer.”
you both settle on an eatery pretty easily, with nanami keeping his promise of paying for your lunch (you made sure to pay back just a little with some bread, though, because how does a simple car lift equate to a whole lunch?). he was everything you thought him out to be: insanely insightful and smart; on a more physical level, jacked with such a pretty voice to the point you let him ramble about the seminar. it was the most animated you’ve seen him act.
since then, he’s become more open to accepting food items and hangouts with his students, although they never really hit like the first lunch he’s had with you. it was detrimental to his teaching, really, even now where he glares at your lab partner who you’re laughing with. it makes his stomach turn with jealousy, even as you exchange nudges while completing your worksheets.
he figures he can’t do anything but wait for you to initiate, mind muddled with thoughts of you and the possibility you were just being a nice person from what you did before, until you’re interrupting him from his rage-fuelled cleaning of the lab with a tap to his shoulder.
“nanami-san?” the students have filed out by now, a shell of what used to be a lab full of students groaning at the innards of the rats they were cutting open and the whispers of confusion at how to sew them back up.
“what is it?” he turns around too fast, almost knowing over a beaker by accident and when his hand goes over to catch it, you stabilise it as well. your hand encases his, the both of you resisting the urge to smile while you try to remember the question you so desperately tried to think of; anything to just talk to him.
“this is about um . . last week’s experiment about gas chromatography.”
“yeah?” nanami leans against the table, arms crossed and all and suddenly looking too buff that you feel a little lightheaded. his eyes skim over your body, a tight fitting shirt that accentuates your tits whilst you have some yoga pants on and if he bent you over, he’s confident he can see your pussy lips from behind the fabric. he knows it’s because you had a yoga class this morning, because he’s too invested in your life and you willingly give him what he wants.
“if the two mixtures contained the same alcohols but filled up to different amounts, do you know a method via the gas chromatogram to distinguish between the two mixtures?”
nanami looks collected but he is sweating, approached at such a random time that he doesn’t have time to prepare except stutter through his answer. you don’t notice how you’ve been stepping closer and closer to him, either, until you’re an inch from one another.
“oh! alright, that makes sense.”
“anything else?” your TA looks down at you, hands just itching to bring you in. the lab is so quiet, now, save for the shuffling feet of the students outside but thankfully the windows are opaque. you could probably hear a pin drop if it wasn’t for your hearts pounding so loudly in your chests. your finger twitches with your incomplete lab report.
“right— well, yes, i was asking if you c—”
“babe!” the lab door slides open at the same time your friend calls out to you and you cough in embarrassment. nanami only clears his throat as the two of you step away and your cheeks burn, and he has to loosen the tie around his neck just for a bit.
“you told me to wait for you outside, right? well you were taking too long and . .” the other only continues his ‘task’ of cleaning up, looking anywhere but your direction as she continues to ramble, but he doesn’t miss the look of recognition on your friend’s face.
she mouths to you— i’m so sorry for interrupting, before she has half a mind to say something out loud and you’re clasping your hand over her mouth and ushering her outside hurriedly.
“shush— okay, thanks mr. nanami-san!”
he only waves a hand in farewell, but as soon as the door closes he collapses onto the seat. with head in hands, his mind wanders to the proximity in which the two of you were engaged in and the very, very uncomfortable boner in his pants. he’s so big that everyone can probably see it, frozen in place as he gets a sick idea.
“yeah, i told you to wait for me but not to barge in like that— oh my god! you should go on the records for having the worst timing ever.” you aren’t entirely disappointed, but it did seem like a good opportunity. you’re partly glad, too, because your mind now feeds you countless scenarios of nanami’s expressions turning into disgust and shock.
“dang, i’m sorry, but we do have to get going if we want to make it in time for that cafe event.”
your mouth twists, “yeah, i guess so.”
“if it makes you feel better, maybe he’ll want you more after this interruption.” she winks and you shove her playfully.
“now, you’re just trying to justify your bad timing!”
in that short time, you’re unaware that nanami has unzipped his pants and pulled out his hard-on through the hole of his boxers, insanely hard and body burning with regret. “lord, forgive me.”
he imagines you propped up on the (clean) lab tables, feet on his shoulders as he eats you out from below, or even hitting it from the back as he “helps” you with your lab report in the dorm, knowing damn well you won’t get anything done, or maybe even your mouth full of his throbbing cock sucking him off as he teaches.
nanami strokes his length in the empty lab room, knowing there wasn’t any classes any time soon from how often he’s looked at the timetables. there, he simply pumps himself under the table, biting at his shirt sleeves to muffle his grunts that he drools. it drops to the table, but he’s caring not one bit, because the feel of his hands just feel too good against him and the images of you only get lewder and lewder.
“s-shit . .” nanami swears quietly, hoping the slickness of his pre-cum doesn’t give him away, squeezing and moving his hands faster along his cock. his tip’s so sensitive — what would your mouth or pussy feel like? would you have let him rip your tights and fuck you silly just now? his hips are bucking into his hands, now, thinking of turning your sweet, sweet smile into something of pure sex, and before he knows it, he’s shooting his load onto the floor with a loud groan, thumbing his tip shakily. nanami’s breaths are ragged, guilt burning him alive while he washes his hand at the sink beside the tables and crouches to the floor, cleaning up after himself — nanami definitely wouldn’t be able to face you after this.
he was right. his mind was flooded with you in obscene positions and your saccharine voice twisted into moans and whines, he wonders if you taste as good as the pineapple juice he had the other day. even in tutorials, the students were wondering why the AC was turned up so high, because one glance from you made him hot and bothered. he liked to book it straight out of class, too, directing all questions to his email which he highlights very clearly in his slides, muttering something about being on a tight deadline with his thesis for his masters, but it’s never that serious — he’s usually heading back to quell the uncomfortable boner in his pants.
“prof? nanami-san?” you knew you’d find him in here in the professor’s office, probably going over lesson plans. your professor only shoots you a friendly greeting as nanami turns in his chair, he’s always happy to see his students while nanami swallows when you’re back in your yoga getup. it’s been a week, already?
“need anything, (y/n)?”
“oh, i need more of nanami-san, since it’s relating to my lab reports.” your professor usually conducted lab sessions, but nanami was the one to help with the reports, conveying the information of what to write and whatnot; well, it was also easier to talk someone who isn’t so intimidating and cool as your professor.
“kento, help me lock up after you’re done, alright?” your professor throws him the keys and you stifle a laugh at the way he stumbles out the door, “going home early to the wife, ahah . . guess i’m falling for her over again.”
that draws a laugh from both of you, bidding him goodbye with a smile on your faces before the mood turns tense again, and nanami looks up at you from his chair. you take him in: the manspread, the head tilt, the intentional (but you don’t know that) deep voice.
“yes, (y/n)?”
you gulp, remembering what your friend said — keep eye contact, slowly walk up to him, keep your voice nonchalant — it was easier said than done.
“cat got your tongue?”
you sputter and exclaim, “no— no i’m okay. i just wanted to ask about the alcohols used in the experiment last week.”
“ah, you’re still on that?”
his tone is laced with a slight disdain, possibly from how much he hates how you make him feel, coming in here to ask about your stupid lab report when he know you’re a bright student who hardly needs any help, coming in here like the two of you don’t want each other.
“y-yes, nanami-san.”
he stands and easily towers over you. from here, you can see his broad shoulders take up his shirt as he walks you back, buttons unbuttoned to reveal a bit of skin. you feel like prey being cornered, but nanami still has some sense of chivalry when he wraps an arm around your waist to prevent you from hitting the frosted glass door.
“mind telling me why your lab report from over two weeks ago is taking so long to be completed?”
reality seeps in for just a moment and his hand removes itself, hovering just over your body, “we still . . have a week to finish it up, nanami-san . .”
your TA takes a deep breath and you think that maybe that was the wrong answer, but all nanami does is step even closer to you and your hands have no choice but to rest on his toned chest. he can only hope no one can see your figure when you’re pressed flat against the frosted glass, but he knows this part of the uni is a little deserted this late in the afternoon.
“that’s not wrong . .” his voice is down to a whisper, closing his eyes for a moment when your hands travel over his chest. when he opens them again, they’re more than just the pretty, hazel ones you like to fantasise about, stained with a darker sort of lust that involves taking you, even if it meant doing it in the professor’s office. “but you’re always submitting it pretty early on, aren’t you? what changed, hm?”
you can feel his breath on your lips, wishing he would just take the first step because frankly, your pussy is throbbing and your body is already leaning into him even without his hand on your back. it feels natural like that.
“i got distracted.”
nanami’s breath moves from your lips to your neck, and you cheer in your head as he plants a gentle kiss there, but it’s not quite what you want. he hums into the crook of your neck, torturing you with wet kisses and sucking lightly.
“by what? your friend? or perhaps it’s some external commitment that’s taking up a lot of your time?” nanami already knows the answer but he enjoys the way you squirm. “what is it?”
by now, your hands are trailing up his body, wrapping around his neck and playing with his undercut. his skin is so soft and he smells so damn good, and he sighs at your hands.
“by someone, actually.” you bite the bullet, forcibly removing him from your neck which is definitely starting to show the obvious blue black on the skin there. his hands this whole time have been placed against the door behind you, but the carnal need is too prominent that he wraps that same arm around your middle. the other, on your nape; the sheer size of his hand makes you whine and nanami smiles at that.
“mind telling me who is it? maybe i could give them a good talk, tell them to stop tormenting my smart girl.”
that draws out a visceral reaction from you, melting into his arms at the simple praise. nanami helps you a little, leaning in with an expression as needy as yours.
“you’re gonna talk to yourself?” a laugh is the last thing you hear before he crashes his lips against yours, a hand smartly going to the door to flip the lock before he pulls you flush against him. you moan softly when you feel his hard-on, against your front, manhandled easy by nanami’s arms as he whips you around to walk you to your professor’s desk.
“do you think he’ll sue us?” nanami kisses down your neck with him between your legs, hands fondling every inch of your body while you grind up against his pelvis. with such thin material such as your yoga tights between you, it feels so damn good.
“at most he’ll remove me as TA . .” as he speaks, you can feel the vibrations along your skin, legs instinctively bringing him closer. he doesn’t let you, instead pulling away from your body and goes to his knees, seeing just how soaked you are. he thanks god you weren’t wearing black, because there’s a wet patch that leaks too much — it’s clear you didn’t bother to wear underwear at all. “but that is if he finds out about this, right?”
you smile, feet pushing at his back towards your dripping cunt and you moan softly when he licks at your pussy through the fabric.
“yeah— yeah i guess so,” you’re then expecting his hands to pull at your waistband and you lift your hips knowingly, but you hear a stark riiip! that echoes throughout the office and you gasp, too focused on his pretty face to notice he’s dug his fingers into the yoga tights to tear it at your centre. the action turns you on, entirely sure you felt your pussy flutter at the sheer strength that he had.
“i’ll buy you new ones, baby,” nanami presses a gentle kiss against your clit and you shiver at the contact, hot breath threatening your demise by his hand, “they’re of terrible quality, by the way.”
you huff, “yeah, you kinda ripped it, nanami-san. plus, what’s terrible — not in quality but in looks — is your tie.”
nanami chuckles, caressing your inner thighs with gentle fingers, blowing lightly on your cunt, “personal vendetta against cheetahs?”
that sends shivers along your whole body, “n-no, just don’t really like the look of it.”
nanami hums, “i’m wounded.”
“you’ll live.”
he only laughs again, “okay, enough talking. i’m starving.” and starving he was — he latches his mouth onto your clit like a vice, sucking and flicking his tongue relentlessly you have no choice but to cry out his name. “taste so fucking sweet,” the sudden swear catches you off-guard, paired with the rasped voice and your hips willingly hump his mouth, “pussy made for me.”
“don’t say shit like that . .” you whine, embarrassed at the filthiness of his words and yet you’re sat here on a desk, pushing your sex more and more into his lips. “it’s embarrassin’.”
nanami clicks his tongue, “you’re still here.”
“yeah, shut up.” you push him further into your cunt to silence him, a loud moan leaving your lips as nanami slobbers over you — you’re so wet, spilling onto the floor. without warning, nanami slips a finger into you, easing it in and the sheer thickness of it prompts more mewls from you.
“k—kento . .” you hear nanami groan at the first name basis, shoving his finger deeper into you. he pumps it as his tongue works overtime, the slickness of which your pussy sounds out echoing throughout the room. “i’m c-clos—”
that seems to fuel nanami further, memorising how your body feels under him. you clench repeatedly around his finger, thighs twitching against him while your whimpers increase in volume, just like your incoherent babbles.
“i’m g’nna— kento, i’m c—” your back arches when you gush all over his face, juices squirting and making a mess out of his hair. nanami groans into your sopping pussy, slurping up your arousal shamelessly as you continue to give him everything of you. you’re shaking around him, moans slowly dwindling due to shame. by now, you’ve soaked through the bottom of your tights, letting him rip the seams for a little more access.
“wanna hear you, baby.” he easily multitasks, turning you around while removing his underwear, looking back at him while you shimmy your ass back into him. with a low moan, nanami drags his tip over your folds, collecting your cum and pushing it in with it. the stretch makes your jaw drop and legs tremble, pussy still sensitive from the previous orgasm.
you hold on to the wooden desk to the best of your ability but your iron grip makes the wood creak a little; it isn’t long before nanami starts moving.
“f-fuck . . you’re so tight,” the lewdness of the situation, your ruined tights, your ass moving with the force of his hips has him gripping your hips harsher than intended. his cock is just so fat, hitting your spots effortlessly as he rams into you from behind, “will this be enough motivation for you to finish that lab report, hm?” your perked up ass is receiving all the abuse from his pelvis, rutted into with pure primal need as the slaps of his balls against you gets louder and louder, just like your moans.
“g-gonna need more than this, kento—!” you’re whining as he reaches around to rub at your clit, messy and fast, surely drawing marks down the once flawless wooden desk. he just hopes there’s no one who requires the professor’s assistance because there was a clear indication that the office was open with the shining ceiling light but he was in no condition to answer any questions without panting.
nanami pushes down your lower back, cockhead hitting your spots over and over, “need more? of course you do, fuckin’ slut.” it’s a total 180 from the gentle way he’s kissed you earlier — a choked whine and a clench of your pussy tells him you like it . “oh . . she’s cock drunk already, huh?”
“yesyesyes! mmff— kento, please . .” he pulls on your hair from behind, made easy by the ponytail you had it in and you moan at the mixture of pain and pleasure. he takes it a little easier, resting his large palm at your neck and pulling, together with your hair. nanami sucks at the same spot as earlier, and the overwhelming sensations has you both arching your back and fucking yourself back onto him.
“pretty arch you got here, darling,” he pants out, fucking so hard into you with his support that your hands don’t even need to rest on the table. nanami knows you’re already close by the way you’re unresponsive, mindless babbling leaving your mouth while you let him use your limp body. “is it all for m-me?”
“mhmh— it is, it is—” you’re fucked senseless, letting him turn your head to meet him in a sloppy kiss. by now your pussy juices are spurting all over the place, staining the floor and table, dripping down his balls where with every slam of his cock you can here the wet pap! pap! pap!’s of it.
“y—yeah i know it is; that’s all you are, aren‘t you? a little cocksleeve for me.” nanami groans out, letting go entirely before wrapping his arms around you and trapping you between his front and the table. he’s flush against your back, thrusts faltering with each plunge into your warm, tight pussy as he feels you clench tirelessly and you don’t even to say it before you’re jolting in his hold.
“cumming, i’m cumming . . fuuuck . .” your body is so sensitive, shaking around his cock that continues to move into you. you cum all over him, listening to the dirty whispers he’s dumping into your ears.
“oh . .” nanami groans, “that’s a good little slut, s-shit—” your hips continue to move even though your brain tells you to stop, hands making terrible effort at reaching for him.
“wan’ you to cum in me, kentoo—” your grip on his forearm is tight, pleading with your doe eyes and small voice that has nanami grunting out in a dilemma, but your pussy’s too warm that he cums suddenly. his voice reaches a higher register, stuttering pelvis rutting into you with the intent of breeding you; he pumps you full of his seed, ropes upon ropes of white filling your womb. it’s so thick that you shiver again, yelping softly when he pulls out.
“look at that . .” nanami marvels at the amount of cum he’s dumped into you, using a finger to scoop it up before pushing it back in that you jump from the coldness of his finger. “a smart girl turned so dumb just from cock.” you give him an intoxicated smile, lazy and hooded as you lay limp on the table.
“only for your cock, nanami-san . .” you lick a stripe up the palm of your hand and he indulges you by stepping closer. he moans softly as your hand makes contact with his shaft, “or should i say . . sir?”
nanami ended up driving you back to your dorm, helping you to your room from how sore you were after that.
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Invisible Smoke - Four
Summary: There is something going on with Jake’s favorite mechanic. And he doesn’t run.
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin/F!Reader (No Y/N)
Word Count: 10.9k
A/N: I do not keep a tag list!! Life is still weird but thank you all for sticking with this little story of mine. I really appreciate all the kind words you sent on the last chapter. Only one more chapter to go!
Warnings: Naval inaccuracies, stalking, bodily injury, domestic abuse, and unhealthy coping mechanisms. Also, Jake is a (stubborn) simp.
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Someone had slashed your tires.
Well, you shouldn’t say someone. You knew who had done it. It didn’t exactly take a doctorate to read the context clues—but you were pretty sure your insurance would drop you if you put in another claim, so you begrudgingly prepared to pay the hefty towing fee to the nearest tire shop and fork over even more cash for four new tires. This was one of the few times you wished your little bungalow actually had a garage. And god, you were so tired of this. So tired of the mind games he thought he was playing with you. He thought he was clever. But it was all just so repetitive. You had half a mind to just wait, out in the open, to let him do what he wanted just so it would be over.
It had only been two days since the dog fight football game and the following get together at the Hard Deck. Two days since you caught Jake’s eye at the water’s edge and felt your entire chest twist. He knew now. He knew what you were hiding.
You hadn’t been able to read the look in his eyes but Bradley had taken you aside before you slipped away for the night and basically told you that Jake, for better or for worse, was wanting and willing to help. “Give him a chance, Punch. Don’t you think he deserves that, at least? And you deserve to be happy.”
“When did you become a fortune cookie, Bradley?”
But you wanted to believe him. You did.
But Luke had made you glaringly aware that you weren’t really capable of having a relationship aside from a handful of hours with someone who’d forget your name by morning. You had expected to feel some sort of relief in knowing that Jake hadn’t wanted to wash his hands of you after learning about Luke, but all it did was make you feel like you were painting an even larger target on Jake’s back. He really did want to play hero, didn’t he?
You pushed the thought away as you texted Natasha, telling her you’d be late for brunch and she was quick to tell you not to worry about the tow, she’d send one of the boys to get you to the tire shop. You were expecting Bob and his reliable GMC; he’d been invited to brunch as well anyway.
But a familiar Ford F-250 pulled up instead and Jake stepped out of the cab, looking like a GQ model in a tight Henley and jeans that hugged his thighs a little too well to be fair. He looked at your car and your destroyed tires for just a moment before turning his gaze to you. Your heart gave an answering leap but you tried to not let it show and rolled your shoulders back as he took wide strides toward you.
“Did he do anything else? Did you check your windows-”
“You shouldn’t be here.” The words tumbled out of your mouth before you could even pretend to think of a more polite greeting.
Jake arched an eyebrow before setting his hands on his hips. “Well, that’s just too damn bad, Punch. I am here and I’m not leaving until you tell me what's going on. Now, did anything else happen?”
You wanted to send him away. Wanted to keep him safe. But he was here. He was here and looking at you with those stupidly beautiful green eyes. “It’s just the tires,” you muttered, giving in. At least in this regard. You could handle everything else later.
Jake’s mouth set in a thin line before he moved to look at your tires again. He dug at one of the tears, the edge of his finger easily passing through the ruined rubber. “Jesus.”
Perhaps you should have been surprised when he turned back to the bed of his truck and pulled out a tire and then another and another until four new tires were stacked neatly beside your car. But you had a feeling Jake would always be three steps ahead of you. Infuriating.
“Please tell me you didn’t buy me new tires.”
“All right. I won’t tell you that.”
“Seresin, you can’t be serious. Tell me how much I owe you.”
Jake leaned forward just enough to steal the keys from your hands and popped open your trunk before handing them back. “I don’t want your money.”
“Well, that’s too fucking bad,” you retorted as you followed him to the back of your car. “Tires are expensive! I can afford it. Just let me pay you! You’re already saving me money by not making me take a tow truck. And I might actually make it to brunch on time because of you, too. If you don’t give me an amount, I’ll have to guess.”
Jake moved the mat in your trunk and found your jack and tire iron and then gently grasped your hand that you’d set on the lip of your trunk and moved it before closing it. He then tugged you closer with that damn dimpled smirk and stared down at you with his stupid green eyes. “I’m not taking your money.”
“I will shove money into your pockets at the most inopportune moments and ruin every conquest you set your eyes on.”
But the threat fell flat as Jake’s smirk widened. “So, you’re planning on sticking your hands down my pants…repeatedly?”
Heat washed over you in an angry wave and you pulled your hands out from under his with a grimace instead of a snarl. “Only you would say something like that.”
His smirk continued as he stepped back and set the jack beneath your car and started to twist. “I’m not taking your money.”
“I’m paying for your drinks at the Hard Deck forever.”
As he twisted the jack, your eyes were drawn (inevitably) to how his sleeves strained with his moving muscles. That shirt was fighting for its life and you were ogling him like a piece of meat (again). This whole situation was ridiculous! The man who’d tried to kill you twice had slashed your tires and you were flirting (possibly, maybe) with Jake like you didn’t have a care in the world. All of this was wrong. And incredibly stupid.
“Whatever. I’ll do what I want,” you lamely replied, hoping it sounded stronger than it felt.
“I’m sure you will, Punch.” Each word was dripping with something you couldn’t and wouldn’t name and you hated that Jake was able to easily have you smiling when he was there to fix a problem you created.
The tires were changed out within an hour and you invited Jake inside for a glass of water and asked if he wanted to tag along to brunch, it was the last you could do, right?
“I wouldn’t want to intrude-”
“You’re not intruding. Bob’ll be there, too.” The brunch had been an impromptu plan anyway, cobbled together while you’d worked on Natasha and Bob’s jet and listened to Maverick and Cyclone berate the Top Gun students who had started another fight on the tarmac (apparently having learned nothing from the dog fight football games). You’d just been happy your pilots hadn’t been caught in the crossfire this time.
Jake looked at you over his half-finished glass of water and you had to keep yourself from shrinking away from his gaze. His glass clinked against the linoleum as he finished and you tried not to notice how he licked his lips free of the last few droplets of water. “So?” You pushed out, trying to keep your voice level. “Wanna come along?”
Jake’s silence turned at something in your stomach and Bradley’s not-at-all true observation was echoing at the back of your mind before Jake’s smirk returned. “You’re going to try to pay for brunch, aren’t you?”
You hadn’t even thought about it but… “Well, I invited you, so-”
You groaned, snatching the glass from him and setting it in your dishwasher as Jake chuckled behind you. “You’re being a child.”
Jake rounded the corner, pushing further into the kitchen behind you, and crossed his arms over his chest (and no you weren’t looking at his arms again). “Why won’t you let me do anything nice for you?”
You frowned and matched his stance and crossed your arms, too. “I let you do nice things. You came with me to Junior’s party with me.”
“After you drove me there and tried to have me take credit for your gift and you introduced me to that group of brass to help me with my career.”
“That was a coincidence.”
“But you still did it.” He stepped closer and you hated that it was instinctual to take a step back, too. “Want to tell me why everything I do for you has to be reciprocal?”
That wasn’t the question you were expecting and your fingernails dug into the meat of your arm as you tried to keep your face neutral. “There’s give and take to everything. And I… You should just let me pay you.”
“I’m not gonna let you pay me, Punch. And you’re going to learn that not everything is a give and take. Who taught you that, anyway?”
God. You hated this. You hated these questions and the soft look in his eyes. “Does it matter?”
“Of course it matters,” Jake scoffed.
You could see Jake’s jaw clench, tendons working and tightening. But as quickly as it started, it stopped. He just shook his head and the tense silence in the kitchen continued to stretch until it was finally broken by Jake’s next question. “Are we ever going to talk about it?”
And you knew what he was asking. And you wanted to hate that he was connecting dots that you had tried to erase. “What is there to say? You know everything now.”
“I heard it from Rooster, not you. It is your story, Punch.”
“Rooster knows it just as well as I do, I think,” you muttered with a shrug, trying not to shrink away from him. “What else is there for you to know?”
Jake stepped forward, enveloping you in the scent of his expensive cologne and tinge of jet fuel that seemed to cling to him as he closed the distance to stand at your side and brush his arm against yours. “I want to know everything. Haven’t I told you that?”
You gnawed at your lip for a moment before stepping away from the counter. “I don’t know what you want me to say. Luke was an asshole then and he’s an asshole now. I should’ve seen the signs, I get that. I do. But he was so good when he wanted to be. And after being an afterthought for most of my life, it was nice to pretend that someone was choosing me.” This was just pathetic. Stop talking. Stop talking. If he hadn’t thought of washing his hands of you before, he was surely doing it now.
“What do you mean you were an afterthought?”
You rolled your shoulders and turned just enough to look at him before glancing at the little clock above your oven. “Doesn’t matter now. But, if we leave in the next five minutes, we’ll probably beat Natasha and Bob to brunch. So, are you coming?”
The ride was mostly quiet on the way to the restaurant Phoenix had picked overlooking the water. But Jake knew you were thinking about telling him something else as you sat in his passenger seat, watching the road pass your window. So, he just told himself to be patient. Again. It was a bright spot to finally know what you looked like in his truck. God knows he’s imagined it more than he’d like to admit, like some lovesick teenager.
You were picking at your cuticles without taking your eyes off the passing scenery. Jake had never seen you nervous, not like this. Even when the Daggers had to ship out for a short deployment and you had to watch them all take off from the carrier, you didn’t act like this. He watched you lean forward just a bit and your eyes narrowed and then it clicked. You weren’t watching the world go by—you were keeping an eye on the cars following the truck in the side view mirror. You were making sure Luke wouldn’t try to run you off the road again.
Jake looked in the rear view mirror and saw sedans, coupes, and a handful of SUVs, and a smaller number of trucks. But not a single black charger. It was clear for now. But you still picked at your cuticles and didn’t peel your eyes from the window.
Jake reached out and set a hand over yours, stilling your picking. You jumped under the touch and Jake curled his fingers over yours a little tighter, trying to anchor you to something else a little less destructive. “We’re okay, Punch, all right?”
You looked at him and Jake hated that he had to look at the road for safety purposes when you searched his face for something. “For now,” you said in return, once again turning to look out at the cars.
Jake squeezed your hand again and didn’t let go even as you muttered the next handful of directions to the restaurant. He awkwardly shifted into park and took the keys out of the ignition after finding a spot in the steadily filling lot. Your shoulders were slumped as you turned back to him, face unreadable except for the pinch between your brows that he wanted to smooth with a brush of his thumb.
(Maybe one day.)
“All right. We’re gonna go in there, eat our weight in overpriced waffles and then I’m going to take you home and double check your windows and locks. Okay?”
Your eyes swept up to look up at him and Jake felt that familiar warmth starting to unfurl in his chest. Your thumb swept over his knuckles but he wasn’t sure if you were aware you were even doing it. “I can’t afford to buy you your weight in waffles.”
Jake barked out a laugh and shook his head. “You’re not going to buy me brunch. Stop trying.” He had to bite back the pleased smile he felt growing when he heard your gasp after he raised your joined hands and pressed a kiss to your fingers.
“You are ridiculous.” Your voice was tight as it wheedled out from between your lips before you (slowly) pulled your hand from his and reached for the door handle. “C’mon. We need to get on the list.”
The air was tinged with the scent of sea salt and syrup as he followed you into the glass and metal building, already teeming with people. You were quick to give your name and group size to the hostess who said it would probably be a fifteen minute wait. Just as you turned to grab one of the oddly shaped bar stools near the door to it for your name to be called, Phoenix was striding in, too. She pushed her sunglasses up her hair before sweeping you into a hug with a loud kiss to your cheek. “I knew you’d beat me here.” Then her dark eyes dragged to Jake as he stood behind you. “Hangman. What’re you doing here?”
“He drove me,” you said. “I figured it would be fine.”
“Of course it is,” Phoenix said, waving it away but Jake knew the gleam in her eyes. She wasn’t quite finished. “You two arrived together?” She asked, eyes bouncing between you and Jake.
“Ken fixed my tires. Figured I could treat him to brunch as a thank you.”
Jake had to groan at that, knocking his hand into your hip and earring a halfhearted swat at his arm in retaliation. “I told you, you’re not paying for me.”
Phoenix hummed and anchored her gaze on Jake and he fought the urge to stand a little straighter. “Yeah. That was awful nice of him. When you told me that the neighbor kid slashed your tires, I thought Hangman would be a gentleman and drive you to the tire shop. Not fix them himself.”
Neighbor kid. You had lied to Phoenix? Granted, her text had just said that your tires had been slashed and that you’d needed help—it wasn’t exactly filled with details. Jake had assumed that she had known. But that didn’t matter now and he plastered his well-used smirk on his face. “Well, I’m a-”
“Don’t stroke your own ego, Bagman.” She then glanced at something over his shoulder and smiled. “Bob just got here. Bob!” She threw up a hand to grab the WSO’s attention and he jogged toward the group when he spotted her. He nearly collided with a waitress and they both apologized—profusely—before going their separate ways. By the time Bob reached their little group, his face was a vibrant and familiar shade of red.
“Nearly swept that pretty girl off her feet, Baby on Board.” Jake braced for the hit he knew was coming and winced when Phoenix’s fist collided with his arm.
The group was seated soon after and Jake had to bite back a grumble when Bob was the one to pull out your chair for you when you reached the table. When Jake went to do the same to Phoenix, she hit him again.
Bob was nearly the shade of a strawberry when he realized the woman he’d nearly bowled over would be your waitress and nearly dropped his silverware roll when he noticed her striding over to the table. Food was ordered—both you and Jake ordered waffles while Phoenix wanted to try the brioche French toast and Bob wanted eggs Benedict with steak—and mimosas (and pineapple juice for Bob) were poured as Phoenix regaled the table with her run-in with a guy at the gym on base. The Ensign hadn’t realized Phoenix a) outranked him and b) wasn’t interested in bulging muscles and whatever the younger man could(n’t) provide. The interaction ended when Phoenix “politely” challenged him to a friendly competition to see who could handle more weight while doing hip thrusters. Phoenix started out with thirty pounds more than him and he called her a dyke so she had him barred from the gym and probably had a meeting with his commanding officers on Monday, too.
You giggled and tipped your mimosa flute into Phoenix’s before you both took a sip. It was good to see you smile like that.
The waitress came by a few minutes later with the food and she was quick to divvy up the plates but Jake watched her make sure Bob’s was the last plate and she stood at his side and carefully set it down, making sure to bend down just enough to brush against his arm. “Careful, the plate is hot,” she practically purred.
(Phoenix quickly had Jake’s laugh turning into a poorly disguised cough when she sent him a look across the table.)
“I’ll be careful. I can handle it.”
Then the waitress actually giggled and stood straight, setting her hand on Bob’s shoulder for just a moment. “I’m sure you can. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?” She then turned and walked away with an exaggerated sway in her hips which Bob completely missed because he was busy unrolling his silverware.
The group watched him as he carefully cut into his meal and shoved a bite between his lips. He went to take another when he noticed the stares. “What?”
“Robert,” you started, voice strained to avoid a giggle. “She was flirting with you.”
His fork froze before it reached his mouth.”No, she wasn’t. She told me the plate was hot.”
Phoenix reached over and patted her back seater’s shoulder. “Oh, Bob.”
The other man’s blush returned and he shoved the bite between his lips. “How is telling me that the plate is hot flirting?”
Jake shook his head and fought a smile of his own. “Listen, do you like her?”
Bob chanced a glance at the waitress at the hostess booth and immediately ducked his head when she caught him and wagged her fingers at him with a wink. “She’s beautiful.”
“But?” Jake prodded, hearing a slight hesitation. He had always been good at reading people (you were an exception), and Jake had played therapist to a handful of the Daggers since he proved he could be someone other than Hangman. He wanted Bob to be happy.
“But I don’t know. She looks like she’d eat me alive.” He fiddled with his fork. “Can we talk about something else?”
Jake was the one who shifted the conversation to the insufferable group of Top Gun pilots that would thankfully be leaving soon enough. A friendly bet was placed on who everyone thought would actually get the trophy and Jake tried not to smile too much when Bob knocked his foot into his as a quiet thank you and you, seemingly unaware of Bob’s quiet gratitude, set your hand over Jake’s arm for a moment in your own show of appreciation. As soon as it happened, it was gone again.
That was okay. Jake was determined to have it happen again.
Brunch continued on and finished after another round of drinks and splitting a funnel cake that the waitress insisted they try. Jake was sure the woman pouted after not receiving Bob’s phone number when he signed his check but he wouldn’t mention it. Jake liked this strange bit of normalcy. With you. He even if both Bob and Phoenix made vague threats against his life if he hurt you. Jake was determined to have more of these moments with you. Even if you grumbled about Jake hustling to get to the truck before you so he could open your door.
The tension in the cab on the way to brunch was absent now and Jake didn’t even care when you teased him about his choice in radio stations—calling him a cliche for listening to early Tim McGraw. But you said it with a laugh and Jake had to laugh, too. He liked that it was you who brought up Bob and his interactions with the waitress.
“I want Bob to be happy. And he’s mentioned once or twice that he’d like to have a family.”
Jake thought for a moment before the perfect person popped into his thoughts. “I know a girl.”
“No, you don’t. I don’t trust your taste in women.”
And Jake had to laugh at that. Had to. You were his taste in women. But the person he had in mind for Bob would be perfect. “She’s a CPA. Wears glasses. And she only drinks ginger ale despite helping Penny with the Hard Deck’s taxes. And she’s the only person outside of Texas that I trust with my tax return.”
Your face scrunched and Jake knew you were thinking it over. “Just because they both wear glasses and have an affinity for Seagram’s doesn’t mean they’d be a good match.”
“Just trust me. It might take a minute to get her to look him in the eye-”
“She’s shy?”
“So shy. It’s adorable. And just what Baby on Board needs.”
You scowled at him but he knew you didn’t really mean it when you knocked your shoulder into his over the center console a moment later. He eventually pulled into your driveway and threw the truck into park before turning to you but you were scrambling out of your seat and up to your front door before he could even get a word in edgewise.
Jake wasn’t sure if he’d ever been rejected as soundly as that before. But then he saw you waving him forward from your front stoop and Jake nearly clocked himself in the face with the seatbelt buckle as he hurried to follow you inside. He shut your door behind him, engaging just two out of the five locks as you hurried toward something just down the hall.
“Just a moment!” You yelled in return.
Jake resisted the urge to settle on the couch again, like he’d done weeks ago. Everything seemed different now. You weren’t trying to push him away and he could hear you shuffling something in the other room and he was suddenly struck with a daydream of coming home to you, waiting for you to notice his presence and smiling when you saw him. “You’re home!” As soon as the vision came, it was gone, and Jake shook himself a little as if that would help him forget what he’d conjured up. What he’d wanted since the moment you first called him Ken, even if he never admitted it out loud.
You walked back into the living room and slapped something down onto the small table you had lining the back of your couch.
“Whatcha got there, Punch?”
Your answering smile was all teeth, like a cat who got the cream and Jake saw that it was a fifty dollar bill as it peeked from between your fingers. “Well, I added up how many miles it is from base, to my house, to the restaurant, then back to my house and then guessed on how many miles you get per gallon. And, you use premium gas, right? Either way, this should be enough for gas, but if you use diesel, this should cover it.” You slapped another fifty atop the first after pulling it from your back pocket.
Jake looked at the stack of cash and then back at you before he sighed, a long put-upon sigh that he knew was obnoxious but it was worth it when he heard you try to stifle a laugh. God. You were relentless.
“First, I don’t know how to break this to you, but you’re awful at math. Like, so bad.”
“And second, I’m still not taking your money.”
“You’re being stubborn.”
“I’m being a friend, Punch. Friends drive each other around and help them when they need it. And I’m willing to bet-“
“I’ll take that bet.”
Jake continued on, ignoring you, “-that you wouldn’t expect to be paid back if our places were switched.”
You pulled your lips into your mouth for a moment and drummed your fingers against the money. “I lost that bet. Guess you’ll have to take the money.”
Jake groaned but he could feel a laugh starting to bubble in his chest. “You’re impossible.”
It was too soon to call this a victory, but you were sure you were closing in on one. He would take the money and then you could pretend to feel fine about everything he’d done for you. Sure.
“Actually, I have something you could do if you’re so hellbent on paying me back.” Before you could ask what he meant, he was unlocking your door and jogging out to his truck and pulling something out, tucking it behind his back as he returned. “Can you sign this for me?”
Then he dropped a purple book in your hand and your stomach dropped to your feet as you looked at the gold lettering across the cover. “You snooped!” You said, too embarrassed to be angry. You held the book up to your chest as if that would guard you from his knowing look or the embarrassment starting to churn your stomach.
“You knew I would! Why’re you surprised?” His smile was back and he took a step toward you. You took a responding step back until he was crowding you against your bookshelf, hands landing on the shelves on either side of your shoulders. And it could have been a threatening stance, an unnerving cage, but all you felt was safe. Safe as he blotted out the rest of the world and it was just you and him and your books in the quiet of your home.
You should not feel like this, you knew that. It was stupid and dangerous and you couldn’t stop it. What had happened to your resolve that you had just yesterday for keeping him at arm's length?
Your fingers drummed against the paperback and you hurriedly flipped it open when your eyes tracked down to his mouth. Oh. “Should I sign it ‘To Ken?’ Or-”
“Could you actually sign it for my sister Mia? She reads your books in her book club.”
“Oh.” Was all you could say. That was…that was actually really nice to know. You knew people read your books; Danny had framed a newspaper clipping showing your second book reaching a top ten spot one of the Best Sellers lists and had gifted it to you for your last birthday. They were mildly popular, you knew that. But to actually be confronted with the fact that someone you vaguely knew was reading your books was something else. You reached back and grabbed one of the pens you kept in a cup on the shelf. “Mia? She’s your oldest sister, right?” A quick glance up at Jake had your heart twisting. His look was too soft. Too happy.
“Yeah, Punch. That’s her.”
You took the time to write your pseudonym with extra flair and then added a heart next to Mia’s name, too. “Is this for her birthday or anything?”
“She’s…” Jake paused for a moment. “She’s just going through a rough patch right now. Your books make her smile.”
The pen stalled on the page for just a moment before you shoved at his chest to get him to back up just enough to grab at your ARC for your newest book and quickly scrawled, Wishing you expensive champagne and good memories! Happy reading! You then signed your name again and added a half dozen hearts next to Mia’s name at the top of the page. You slapped both books against Jake’s chest with a frown. “That book hasn’t been released yet, so I may get in a bit of trouble with my publisher if she tells anyone.”
Jake’s hands covered yours on the books and the toe of his shoe knocked into your socked feet as he moved closer, dragging your attention back to his stupidly handsome face again. “She won’t tell anyone but I know I’ll probably get an earful about how I got them.” His thumbs brushed against your knuckles and you would swear that you could feel it behind your ribs. “Where’d you get that name anyway?”
You almost snorted at the way he phrased that question, like you found it on the side of a cereal box. “My parents were obsessed with Stephen King—they actually met at a book club specifically for King’s books. My sister, Georgie, was named after the kid who got their arm ripped off at the beginning of It. And my brother, Danny, is named after the kid in The Shining, Danny Torrance.”
“And you? I don’t think I’ve read your name in his books.”
It was a fair enough question. King had dozens of books and Jake didn’t seem like the type to clamor for the newest release. “I was named by my grandparents after they discovered the reasoning behind my sister’s name. If my parents wanted to stay in the will, I had to have a name they picked. Of course, when my brother was born, my parents picked something a little more innocuous so they wouldn’t rock the boat again. But, anyway, to actually answer your question; I took my siblings’ names as a sort of thank you to them. Georgie became Georgia and I took Danny’s literary counterpart’s last name. And Georgia Torrance was born. I wrote most of my books when I had downtime on deployments. I took a chance and sent it off to an agent and I got a nice contract with a moderately respectable publishing house. It isn’t Stephen King money by any means, but I can upgrade my plane ticket to Business Class if I wanted to once or twice a year.”
“Your parents must’ve gotten a kick out of that.”
You tried to fight the sigh you felt growing in your throat but lost. You also lost the wherewithal to keep a single secret from him. “I don’t know. I don’t really talk to them.”
“After Danny got sick, all of their attention was on him, which I understand. I do. But I was still just a kid who needed her parents every once in a while. But it was like I ceased to exist to them until they remembered I could help with the hospital bills. Georgie was already out of the house and getting her degree and would call but it wasn’t the same. I kinda gave up on having a relationship with my parents after they forgot about my rowing meet and I waited to be picked up for three hours before eventually just walking home.”
And once you started, you couldn’t stop, like a can of pop shaken and bursting. “Danny was hooked up to like six different machines and was high off his ass and he apologized for all the…all the bullshit. I told him it was unnecessary. He was sick. I’m just happy he’s healthy again.”
God. You really knew how to ruin every moment, didn’t you?
Jake set the books on the shelf just beside your shoulder but was quick to lean over you again and you hated how Jake really was a certifiable blueprint for a romantic literary hero. You could write a single description of him in your next book and you’d know it would skyrocket to the top of the Best Sellers lists but you had been actively avoiding trying to piece together a story from your life. And, as if he knew you were debating something, the bastard actually propped his other arm up on the bookcase and leaned over you. Oh god. He was doing the lean and was going to ask you something about your fucked up childhood.
Alarm bells were ringing in your head, letting you know that this moment could be disastrous. So, you decided to not let it go on any longer. “Jesus. Sorry. I really know how to kill a good time, huh? I think I’ve taken up quite enough of your time for the day. Let me know what Mia thinks of the books, okay?”
You ducked beneath his arm, intent on leading him to the door, but Jake grasped your hand and pulled you to a stop. “No, c’mon, Punch. Don’t do that again. Don’t shut me out. I’m happy you feel like you can tell me stuff like that, that you’re comfortable enough to trust me with that. Don’t pull away again. Not from me.”
You knew that if you looked at him right now, his green eyes would be wide and pleading. So, you just didn’t look. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do right now. I don’t know why you’re doing this, Jake.”
“Doing what?” He asked softly, as softly as his hand on yours.
“Buying me tires? Driving me around? Being…being this fucking nice to me all the time when I’ve only been a dick to you?” You asked as you felt your chin wobble. “Why?”
Jake was quiet for a moment. Just a moment. “You know why.”
“No! No, I don’t because…” You couldn’t finish the sentence because then it was real, it would be real and you didn’t know how to deal with that again. You looked up at him and tried to remember what you were protecting him from. Pulling your hand out of his, you set your hands on your hips. “Because you can’t.”
Jake’s shoulders rolled before his lips set in a thin line. “I do. And I know you feel the same.”
You scoffed and tried to ignore the warmth in your chest that he was right. He felt the same. Wouldn’t that just be the worst? “You really think that highly of yourself? You’re so sure that I-”
Jake leaned closer and the rest of your argument stalled. You could smell the mint on his breath from the stupid toothpick he was chewing on in the truck just beneath the warmth of his cologne. God. He was intoxicating. You almost hated him for a moment because every ounce of fight you had drained out of you. “Ken.”
“Tell me to stop and I will.” He moved closer. Closer. Closer.
His warm hand skirted up your arm until it settled against the gentle arc of muscle between your neck and shoulder and the other settled on your hip. You could feel each of his fingers pressing into your skin like a brand. Every breath he took brushed against your mouth and you licked your lips without a thought as he leaned even closer.
“Last chance.” You could feel his smile against your mouth, growing with each syllable.
And you had to smile. Had to because he was your Ken and this felt inevitable. Jake was inevitable. “Do your worst.”
He kissed you and it was instantly all consuming. Surely, he could feel your smile, too. You actually laughed against his mouth as your hands pressed against his chest. Jake pulled back just enough for you to see his smile before he kissed you again, catching your bottom lip between his and tugging to have you gasping. His stupid, perfect teeth nipped at the skin and he was quick to soothe the sting with a flick of his tongue.
Then you were moving backward, guided by his gentle movements, until your spine went flat against the wall beside your bookshelves. The kiss was all smiling lips and searching tongues as Jake held you tight. Everything was warm and tinged with the mint on his tongue and Jake Jake Jake.
His thumb pressed into the hinge of your jaw and he sighed against your panting mouth. “So fucking good.” His voice was hoarse and you could feel it curling in your stomach.
But your entire body seized when you felt his hand move to wrap around your throat as his mouth continued to work against yours. You couldn’t help it; you flinched. The kiss ended abruptly as you pulled back despite you not wanting it to end. But it couldn’t be helped. Not yet. You watched an array of emotions flash across Jake’s face before it settled on despair.
“Fuck.” The single syllable was wrenched from his throat as he took a step back and his hands fell back to his sides and left you cold. “Fuck, Punch, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking, I-”
“W-wait…I just…” How could you even phrase this without sounding unhinged? “I just need a moment.” Your next breath rattled in your lungs but you still reached for his hand and raised it again, moving it just enough for his fingers to encircle your throat once more. The roughened planes and angles of his hand had you shivering but you managed to drag your eyes up to his and tried to not show how nervous you actually felt. “It… you can, if you want. I’d actually prefer to have some good memories of something like this instead of-”
The rest of your rambling was cut off as his lips pressed against yours. The grip on your throat grew a little more insistent, a little heavier, but nothing stronger than just a simple weight, an anchor at your pulse. His other hand smoothed up your arm to curl over your cheek just as he pried your lips apart, delving into your mouth to steal the building whine from your throat.
Your heart hammered behind your ribs as you felt the warmth of Jake’s hand bleed through your shirt as his palm brushed the side of your chest. He moved forward and your legs instinctively parted to accommodate the thigh he was shoving between yours and your next breath caught in your throat when the denim brushed against the crux of your thighs.
“Fuck,” you hissed when Jake’s lips seared a path across your cheek and down your throat to bite at your thrumming pulse. You hadn’t even remembered when your hands had dropped to wrinkle his shirt again but you still pulled him closer as every nerve ending sparked. And then-
“Dancing Queen, young and sweet, only seventeen!”
Immediately, you pulled away from Jake with a grimace as ABBA’s song continued to fill the air. “Oh Jesus, that’s Natasha’s ringtone. She never calls.” You ducked beneath his arm for the second time tonight and pulled your phone off its perch on the kitchen counter and answered it as you heard Jake sigh. Turning to look at him, you saw his head drop to his chest for a moment before standing straight again and following in your footsteps toward the kitchen.
“I asked Rooster out and I think he thinks it is just as a friends thing and I want to bash my head against the wall.” Tasha screeched, words running together in a rush. She continued on, explaining that somehow she and Bradley had been roped into helping Penny restock the Hard Deck before opening today and Natasha had (finally) acted on her (reciprocated) feelings after Rooster had been his usually flirty self the entire time and then dragged Natasha to the piano and made her sing along to Elton John’s Your Song. Jesus.
You looked over at Jake to see him looking at you with another soft look on his face and a bit of pink in his cheeks. “I’m sorry,” you mouthed to him.
He waved it away before stealing a quick kiss, too, that had your heart rate picking up again.
“Punch? You there?”
You pushed out a breath and shook your head as you pressed a hand to Jake’s chin, keeping him from doing it again. You could feel his self satisfied smirk against your fingers. “Yeah. I’m here. And, um, I don’t know. I think you’d be surprised with Bradley. He’s probably picking out his nicest Hawaiian shirt in preparation.”
Tasha groaned but you had to smile because Jake nipped at your fingers. “You think?”
“I do. It is gonna be great. I know it.”
She sighed, crackling the line, but eventually agreed. “He can’t be that oblivious right?” She asked, making you both laugh. “Also, don’t think I’m forgetting about you and Hangman coming to brunch together. We’re gonna talk on Monday.”
“You don’t forget anything, Tasha. I’m well aware.”
You eventually said your goodbyes after promising her you would talk to her on Monday and then dropped your phone on the counter again and your hand from Jake’s mouth.
“I never thought you’d be a tease.” His tone let you know he was joking but you also could have guessed with the smirk pushing at his mouth, too.
Your jaw dropped for a moment before an embarrassed giggle rippled out of you. “I said I was sorry! I was worried!” Biting your lip as you looked at him, you shook your head. “I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”
“It was quite the moment, huh?” His smirk had fallen to a soft smile despite his self assured words.
“Yeah, it was.” You didn’t even want to tease him now but then a small voice whispered at the back of your mind that it wasn’t a moment to him. After all, who would want-
“Steak or seafood?” He asked, knocking the rest of your thoughts right out of your head.
“I have a list of restaurants that I want to take you to, if you’re willing to let me pay and bring you flowers.” The usual bravado that bled through all of his words wavered now. Was he nervous?
“Sounds like you’re asking me out on a date, Ken.”
“I’m trying here, Punch. So? Steak or seafood.”
Hope and happiness were blooming and twisting and growing within the confines of your ribs now. He wanted to take you out on a date. “I’m allergic to shellfish,” was all you could say through your smile.
“Steak it is. I’ll update my list when I get home.” He reached out and swept his thumb across the slope of your cheek and you found yourself leaning into the touch a little more. Jake seemed content to just hold your face in his hand for a moment before he leaned forward to press a kiss to your temple. “I should go. I want to do this right with you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I want to wine and dine you, darlin’. Want to earn those lips of yours again,” he said as his thumb moved to press at the heated skin of your bottom lip. “You deserve it. And I want to be the one to give it to you.”
For just a moment, you worried that Jake would hear how hard your heart was beating. No one had ever said anything like that to you before. “Oh.”
This was different. Jake was different. You just had to give him permission to show you.
“I’d like that.”
He smiled and stepped back, hand dropping back to his side. “You’re a good friend to Phoenix, by the way. Bradshaw, too.”
You smiled again. “They’re good to me. All of you have been.” Slowly, you herded him toward the door, knowing he had a plan.
He stopped at the door, just after you undid the locks. “Does Phoenix know?”
You shook your head, knowing exactly what he was asking. “It’s hard enough to be taken seriously in the Navy as a woman. She had her own battles, Luke was mine. I always thought she was so strong and, for a while, I thought she’d just see me as weak if she knew what I’d put up with. But I know now that is an unfair thought. Tasha is and always has been one of my best friends and staunchest supporters. I should tell her, right? And maybe I will, after all of this is over. I don’t…I don’t want anyone else I care about to be wrapped up in this. I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.” And you tried to ignore the sinking feeling that you had once again put Jake in Luke’s crosshairs.
But this time had to be different. It had to be.
Jake shook his head and cupped his hands at the back of your head before touching his forehead to yours. “We’re going to finish this, okay? We will.”
You nodded and smiled despite it all when he pressed another quick kiss to your forehead—it was like he couldn’t stop kissing you. And you weren’t about to complain. “Get home safe, Ken.”
You watched him get into his truck and waved as he pulled out and you knew he was telling you to lock your doors through the windshield. Your phone rang again just as he disappeared down the road and you knew by the way Jerry Lewis blared that it was now Bradley calling.
It had only been two days since Jake kissed you and had promised you a date. Two days and it was like the entirety of Top Gun was trying to keep you apart. You barely saw each other after he got roped into helping Captain Mitchell and Admiral Simpson into looking over the files of the next hopeful batch of aviators who could be called to San Diego. But it was fine. Sure. It wasn’t as if you could walk in holding his hand; you were still in the Navy and there were still protocols and rules you needed to follow. You had a feeling you and Jake would be breaking a lot of them.
You were kept busy with repairing Harvard’s jet after he managed to land safely after a bird strike. Your lunch breaks and evenings were spent talking to either Natasha or Bradley about their upcoming date-not-date while not revealing that you knew what the other was thinking. You did, however, mention to Bradley that Rueben and Mickey had started a betting pool about how long it would take Bradley to admit who he was in love with after Mickey spotted him with a pad of paper during lunch which was apparently filled with a speech about loving someone for years. You then spent the next hour workshopping the speech he was going to say to Natasha. It was beautiful and heartfelt and filled with analogies you tried to trim down (gently). He was still, annoyingly, assuming that their dinner on Wednesday was not a date in Natasha’s eyes but he was still going to try to confess his feelings and hope for the best.
You knew he’d be over the moon with how Natasha would react.
As Wednesday bled into Thursday, you were nearly dead on your feet but you’d been watching Natasha and Bradley all day, trying to decipher how their date had gone by their body language. You drove home that night without many answers but your phone rang just before you pulled down your street and quickly answered when Natsha’s name flashed on the screen.
“He said he’s in love with me!”
“Hello, Tasha. How are you? I’ve had a great day. How was yours?”
“Oh, shut up!” She laughed. “I’m freaking out! He said he was in love with me—has been for years, apparently—and all I did was kiss him afterward. That’s not fair, right? I also need to have a speech. I can’t let him win this. I want to do a PowerPoint.” You had to mute your phone at that so she wouldn’t hear you snort. Everything was a competition. “Do you have that picture of me and him from Mav’s birthday last year?”
“I do,” you said, knowing exactly which one she was referencing. It was of Bradley and Natasha at the piano. Bradley had just led everyone through a rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’ for Mav and there was still a flush on his cheeks. Natasha was right next to him in a stunning blue dress and smiling at him. It was the picture you promised to yourself that you would show at their wedding. You rushed inside, pinning the phone between your ear and shoulder and hurriedly shut the door behind you before darting toward your bedroom without bothering to turn on any of the lights—you said you’d drop it off at her apartment as soon as you’d found it. You were going to be in and out. You flopped onto your stomach, overturning the small mountain of pillows you had at the headboard, before grabbing at the storage container beneath the bed frame. You hauled it up and onto the bed and flipped the lid. To your chagrin, your “filing” system was essentially nonexistent when it came to photos and you started to sift through them as Natasha continued to talk, telling you about the date she’d planned and laughing about how much Bradley had stumbled over his speech.
God, it was so nice just to hear her laugh. They were going to be happy together. You knew it.
A door opened and closed slowly in the distance—your neighbor must’ve finally sprayed his door with WD-40 because it didn’t creak. Good. It only took him three years. But your heart nearly stopped when you heard your neighbor’s door open a few seconds later and its distinctive creak filled the night air. Something thumped down the hall and your spine went rigidly straight, still holding the phone to your ear as blood roared in your ears. You hadn’t locked the door. You had been inside for less than five minutes and you hadn’t thought it was necessary–you would have been leaving again soon anyway.
But you should have taken the time. A careless, stupid mistake.
The noise came again and sat up on bed, spilling the pictures in your hold onto your blankets. “Punch?” Natasha asked, pulling your focus. “You still there?”
“I…I think there’s someone in my house,” you whispered. Every part of your body was telling you to run. Right now. But where could you? Your house had one door and the person was in your living room.
Natasha was quiet for just a moment before whispering, “I’m gonna call the cops, okay? You hide.”
“N-no,” you hissed. “Don’t hang up. Stay with me.”
“Okay. Okay. I’ll stay on the line with you, but-”
The line went dead with three terrible beeps and you wrenched the phone away from your ear to see ‘Call Lost - Try Again?’ written across the screen. No matter how many times you tried to call or text, nothing went through. The little icon at the top where you usually saw the lines denoting your network was now just a terrible X. The network was either down or whoever had come into your house had turned on a jammer. And you knew which was more plausible—but god, you had never wished for a network outage more.
Slowly, you slid off the bed and into the hall just as you heard the distinctive sound of a boot hitting the corner of your coffee table. Someone was in your house.
Mia had loved the books. Apparently her book club had ooh’d and ahh’d over the signed book but she had, as Jake knew she would, kept the copy of your newest book a secret but had rattled off her opinions to Jake. “And I can’t believe you know her!” She squawked on the other end of the line. It had been so good to hear the smile in his sister’s voice again. It was priceless. Jake had also evaded any questions as to who you were–it wasn’t his secret to tell–but he hoped that you’d be the one to tell Mia sooner rather than later.
It had been a good day. For the most part, anyway. He would have preferred to have had more than just a small smile and wave from you for the last few days, but he could be patient.
When Jake’s phone chirped with a new message, he’d expected something from Javy, keeping him up to date about the conversation he was hoping to have with his girlfriend’s father. The ring Jake had helped Javy pick out was burning a hole in his pocket and Jake hoped that his best friend would be able to plan a cool as fuck bachelor party and then make sure the whole wedding goes smoothly.
And maybe he could ask you to be his date. He could dance with you and make you smile and-
Any happy thought he had evaporated when he looked at his phone.
Someone broke into Punch’s house! I’m calling the cops!
Jake was in his truck before he could even think to type out a response and sped toward your house as the group chat started to explode with a barrage of texts he didn’t read. He knew who had broken in. There was only one possible answer.
Jake just hoped he’d get there in time.
You needed to get out of the house…or at least get to something you could use as a weapon. The baseball bat you kept near the bookshelves could work, right? Slipping further down the hall, you tried to tell yourself that you could get out of this.
You clapped a hand over your mouth as you pressed your spine to the wall, trying to quiet your breathing.
He was in your kitchen. You knew the sound of hard soled shoes on the uneven tiles. Could you make a run for it? Could you trap him in the laundry room? That had to be your only option. You turned the corner into your living room and your stomach fell to your feet.
Luke was standing in your kitchen. Knife in hand. Waiting for you. He looked almost exactly the same as he did the last time you saw him. His brown hair was still cropped short. His brown eyes were still narrowed and cold. His clothes were rumpled designer brands. He hadn’t changed. And that was terrifying.
You dove for the baseball bat, curling your hands around it before you turned and swung blindly. The bat cracked against his arm and Luke yelled, low and guttural as he staggered backward for a moment. But then he was lunging forward and grasping at the bat to wrench it out of your hands. He threw it across the living room and it smacked against the wall, shattering the glass in two frames before knocking them to the floor with a terrible crack. You couldn’t go for it again. There was no way past him now.
You should have aimed for his head.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, baby?”
You cringed at the nickname but didn’t take your eyes off the knife in his hand.
Luke didn’t wait for an answer to his question before barreling on. “And look what you’ve done. Got all those nice pins on your shirt, moving up in the ranks, and…” he paused as a smirk slithered across this mouth, “you got my dad’s money. A nice little nest egg.You’ve done well for yourself, haven’t you? And you didn’t have to work for any of it.”
He took a step forward and you took one back, ankle colliding with your coffee table.
“And what about me? I’m so glad you asked!” He snarled. “I’ve been dishonorably discharged. And you want to know why?”
“I had nothing to do with that, Luke. W-we had an agreement, remember? I keep my mouth shut and you…you were supposed to stay away from me.”
Luke’s tongue clicked against his teeth before he waved the knife. “You had everything to do with it. That LoA in my file was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I could’ve been given another chance if you had just kept your mouth shut when I told you to back in the-“
“I didn’t say anything. You were going to get Bradley killed!” The words bubbled out of you before you could think of the repercussions.
Luke was on you in a flash. The tip of the knife pressed over your sternum and you could feel it with each labored breath you sucked in between clenched teeth.
“He would’ve been fine! I know how to do my job! You ruined everything and then took my dad's money!” The knife pressed closer closer closer. It started to tear through the thin material of your shirt and shallowly cut your skin. The whimper you felt blooming in your throat died when you saw the gleam in Luke’s eyes.
Before you could even stop to think of an alternative, you threw your hands up and caught the knife. The edge sank through the delicate skin between your fingers and into your palm but you didn’t recoil. Couldn’t. You were only able to drag the knife down, the tip cutting against the skin just above your stomach.
Fresh pain bloomed across your face and it took you a moment to realize that Luke had slapped you. And then he did it again, making sure to send your head flying backward to slam into the wall hard enough and have stars dancing in front of your eyes. Your grip almost fell, loosening a fraction, and just for a moment everything was silent.
Just a moment.
You’d never be able to describe the pain that bloomed as Luke moved and drove the knife in, slotting it between your ribs and twisting with a vicious flick of his wrist. Your next breath stalled just behind your tongue as every nerve ending exploded with heat and teeth and a terrible popping sensation bubbled beneath your skin. “L-Luke…”
He pushed the knife deeper as he pressed his cheek to yours in an echo of the hugs he used to give you. “I used to miss you, you know. Did you miss me? I treated you so well. I was good to you. So good. I gave you everything.” The knife rocked back and forth and you felt the ridge of it with each movement. You felt all of it. Your grip faltered against the knife gain but you knew you couldn’t drop your hold.
He would kill you.
“And you had to ruin it. You ruined my life.”
“I need to hear you say it, baby. Tell me you know what you did. You had this coming. All of it.”
“I didn’t,” you wheezed. Your chest was collapsing in on itself like you had a boar sitting on your sternum.
“Say it! You don’t get to play victim this time. You were the one who ruined my life.”
“You were a d-drunk! I did all that work for you until you told me you’d kill me if I made you l-look bad again!” Each word was a crack against your ribs, sharp and biting, but you couldn’t stop. This would be your only chance to say this, you knew it. If you were going to die tonight, you were going to let him know what you really thought of him. “You…” You sucked in a breath that only served to make you ache. “You only got through basic because your daddy bribed someone. You only got into the Navy at all because he made a phone call to someone after you failed the ASVAB. You…you fail at everything you do. You were a shitty AD. And you couldn’t kill me.” Blood dribbled out of your mouth and you felt it slid down your chin. “Twice. So you better make this count.”
Luke’s teeth glinted in the low light and he ripped the knife out only to plunge it back in. You felt the blade scrape against the edge of your hip as you let out a scream that fizzled out to a gurgle as more blood filled your mouth.
“I’ll make it count!” Luke seethed as he drove the knife deeper and pushed you into the wall.
Everything burned. Everything ached. And all you could do was scream as your knees knocked together, strength dribbling out of you with each frantic pulse of your heart.
Luke leaned forward to press his forehead against yours and the knife twisted. “Do you feel it, baby? Do you feel me inside you?” His breath smelled of the expensive cognac you knew he liked to guzzle and rolled your stomach.
“Luke.” You didn’t want to die looking into his eyes. You didn’t want to die at all, but you weren’t going to have your last earthly memory be of Luke and his cold eyes, so you shut your eyes as the tips of your fingers started to tingle.
The screech of a siren broke through the haze of your mind. You had to laugh but that, too, was cut short when Luke pulled the knife out and rushed toward the window to see the night sky filled with red and blue lights. You crumpled. Your hands slapped against the floor for just a moment before you slumped in a heap against the carpet as your arms gave out.
You vaguely heard your front door slam against the wall and knock another picture from its perch. There was an answering sound of glass shattering before warm, rough hands gently grasped at your shoulders. You struggled for just a moment when your scrambled brain thought Luke had come back to make sure you were dead. Unfocused eyes barely registered Jake kneeling above you.
“Punch? Punch, c’mon darlin’. There you are.” His voice was muffled but you felt yourself smiling anyway as everything started to prickle like you’d pinned your limbs beneath your weight for too long. The smile quickly died when Jake’s hands clamped down over your wounds and a surprised yelp punched out from between your teeth. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, but I gotta stop the bleeding.”
“I-it hurts.”
“I know. I know it does. But it’ll only hurt a little longer, all right? You gotta stay awake for me. The cops are almost here.” His grip tightened. “We’ll get you fixed up and-”
“Where’s…Luke?” Was he still in your house? Would he hurt Jake?
“I don’t know, darlin’. He’s gone. We’ll find him, okay? We’ll find him and he’ll never do this to you again. But I need you to stay awake.”
Black dots were pushing their way into your line of sight, blotting out Jake’s worried face. “Ken…Jake…I wanted to get steak with you.”
Jake pressed harder and you could only whimper. “We will go get that steak. It’ll be the best date.” His voice was muffled, like you had shoved your head under water. And you struggled to hear him at all.
“Promise?” You asked, blood on your teeth.
“I promise.”
You smiled, despite it all. And then you were gone.
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chaengluva · 7 months
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Reneé Rapp x Fem!Reader: 1.3k words
Being Reneé Rapp's girlfriend had its advantage's, I mean she's hot, protective and tall, what lesbian wouldn't want her. At times like this , you start to notice all the negatives. Since mean girls came out, a lot more people are simping for Reneé, that doesn't bother you but the hate you get does.
Reneé is very proud and open with her relationship with you, some fans support you but there are many that don't, they always leave comments on you posts that say Reneé deserves someone better, making you feel slightly insecure. You knew that wasn't her fault, and you can't blame them for finding her attractive.
She was currently on tour, and you misses her more then ever, you called every night but it was never the same, you texted her a lot but it just made you feel further apart. Some nights, your emotions got the best of you and started to cry, being alone in your bed, eating dinner alone, and you're one year anniversary was coming up and you knew that would be hard to spend alone too.
You thought she was mad at you because she hasn't been responding to your calls on the day leading up to your anniversary, you tried texting and calling many times but, you got no answer which made you worry. You tried not to panic, but it's been a week since she has contacted you, and now your anniversary is tomorrow and It all started to hit you, she as probably is too busy for you now.
You sat on the bed, feeling very empty, being with out her was hard enough but her not texting back really hurt you. You didn't realise you were crying until you felt the sleeves of your shirt start to soak up. You laid down, looked at your phone to see if she might have texted back, but there was nothing, you sighed, putting the phone down and closing your eyes.
You woke up to a loud bang on the bedroom door, you jumped up and gasped. Someone was inside your house. You didn't want to check, you're first thought was to call Reneé, hoping she would answer this time. You called her, but coincidently as soon as you called her you could hear a ringtone coming from the other side. You rush to open the door, you came face to face with your girlfriend.
"Happy anniversary baby." She smiles, holding roses and a gift bag for you. "R-Reneé...I don't have anything for you...I didn't know you would be home-" She cut you off by pulling you in for a long awaited kiss. The both of you don't pull away, she pushes you on the bed and finally loses contact with your lips. "I missed this." She says while kissing your collarbones. You almost gave in, but then you remembered that she had ignored you for a week. "Stop." You say.
Reneé looks at you with a lot of confusion, "You've been ignoring me for a week.." You tell her with a lot of sadness in your voice. She sighs. "Y/n, I'm really sorry I've been really busy, the only time I've been on my phone was when I planning the surprise for you." You raise an eyebrow, "Surprise?" You question, she giggles nodding her head. "Well I guessed I've said it now. I've talked to my team.. they have allowed me to bring you along for the rest of the tour!" She smiles. You gasp, you could probably burst out into tears, you were so happy. "Pack your things baby, our flights in four hours."
You spent an hour packing and getting ready, and a lot of kissing Reneé, she tried to make out with you, she manged to get your shirt off and give you a few hickeys on your stomach. You wanted to continue but you knew you wouldn't be able to stop if you did. You put your shirt back on and Reneé grabbed your bags and you headed down to her car, she opened the door for you and then put your bags in the back.
You got to the airport and there was quite a bit of paparazzi, they were shouting some hurtful things towards you, you tried your best to ignore it. One of them tried to grab your shirt and pull you away from Reneé, if it wasn't for her tight grip on you, they would have succeeded. Reneé gave them an angry look, you could see it in her eyes that she was about to shout at this person. "Reneé, Baby, It's okay." That must have calmed her down because she nodded at you and continued to walk to the gate.
You were at the gate, waiting for them to call your flight number, Reneé was already quite tired from her first flight, she laid her head on your shoulder and relaxed her eyes. Not long after your flight was called. You woke Reneé up, and walked on the plane, it was a bit colder then you expected and all your jumpers were in your suitcase, not in your carry on. Reneé must have noticed your change in behaviour, she took off her leather jacketed and put it on you. You smiled at her and she smiled back and you.
The flight was only 4 hours long but Reneé fell asleep quickly, you smile at her, making sure to take a look of pictures of her, even replacing her lock screen with a selfie of you posing next to her sleeping self. After that, you quickly feel asleep.
Reneé woke you up, telling you that we are going to land soon, once you landed, you quickly got off the plane and Reneé took you to her driver. She still hasn't noticed that you changed her background yet. "Baby, I have an interview for mean girls, you wanna come and meet the cast?" she asked you. You nodded happily.
The driver drove to the interview spot and Reneé walked you in and you could see the cast of mean girls all there. You were very shy around new people, so you stayed clingy to Reneé, she introduced  you to everyone. They were all so sweet. You sat behind the scenes as the interview was going on. You just admired Reneé the whole time and what cut you out of it was one of the questions the interviewer asked.
"So Reneé, we all know that you're girlfriend Y/n," You could see her smile just at the mention of her name.  "Is a look less.. prettier then you, how does that make you feel in public?" The interviewer continued, everyone on cast began to feel uncomfortable, Reneé looked more angry then I have ever seen, "Okay, first of all, my girlfriend is fine as fuck, secondly, i'm going to cut off your tongue if you ever speak my girlfriends name again."
She stands up and walks to you, taking your hand, and taking you back to the car, "I'm sorry that happened baby." She sighed, holding your face. You kisses her lips, "It's okay, thanks for defending me baby," She smiles, "I always will." She gets a notification from her phone, she takes it out of her back pocket and thats when she sees the wallpaper, she giggles, "I'm keeping this." you smile.
The notification was a text from Bebe, asking if you were okay, then the rest of the cast asked same thing, Reneé told them that you were okay and that the both of you were going to the hotel.
The night was spent with a lot of making out, watching movies and talking to each other, you could have never imagined spending your anniversary this way, and you loved every second of it.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Wild: Can somebody pass me my will to live?
Four: Sorry, I can't just throw Y/N across the table like that.
(Tw: Yandarism)
Their obsession definitely bleeds into their nicknames for you over time. Simply using your name, then the usual pet names (babe, love, darlin’ ((i see you twi simps)) sweetheart,etc) But that all… shifts after they spiral. It’s quite subtle at points, “My heart” “My Beloved” “My Sun” Nothing too outrageous, in fact youd actually have found it cute until you woke up one night. You found consciousness before your eyes fluttered open, the sound of footsteps making you freeze. No one should’ve been awake it the inn, let alone at the room. But four pairs of feet (at least you assumed, you kept your eyes shut) filtered into the room. Your fingers grazed the hilt of the knife Four made for you, mentally going over the training Warriors had given you in the preparation for this moment. You had healing potions courtesy of Hyrule, Bottled fairies from Sky, Wind’s Grandma’s soup (just as on par, you were convinced that lady was magic) and enchanted jewelry from Legend. You were about as prepared as you could be before one of the men spoke.
“Are they alright?” …Four? His voice sounded softer than normal, careful to not intrude on the quiet of the room. You heard shuffling move closer, a warm hand gently tucking back your hair
“Better now that vermin isn’t there to disturb the peace-“ Four also mumbled? His voice was lower now, clear and projecting
“Blue.” Four’s voice responded again, now from a point closer in the room. This voice was cool, a little quiet and flat but calming. The voice proceeding it halted its mumbles. The hand continued to card through your hair, cussing your cheek.
“Time won’t be too happy when he finds out. But no one deserves to talk down to such utter divinity and expect to get away with it.”Another voice, calm and cool lien the once proceeding it but with the softness of the first and clearness of the second. You were thoroughly confused now, mind running for answers but not finding any.
“If. With Twilight’s… assistance… I doubt any man or god would find a body to take pity on.” The calm one spoke again, his voice ushering you to uneasy sleep as the other kept combing through your hair gently. The others murdered their agreements, their voices blurring as you fell into sleep.
Needless to say you were more observant since. But it didn’t matter how badly you searched, it’s not like they’d let you leave.
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can you do more love x muerte? angst to fluff maybe?
Of course anon! I love me some angst to fluff. I switch between Death and Muerte to avoid confusion.
Embracing Death
Death comes for everyone, no matter who they are or what they do, their life will come to an end. Death will come knocking at their door and collect them, whether they like it or not.
And it was true, Muerte did not discriminate who he takes. Rich or poor, human or animal, he collects their souls to the afterlife. He is the grim reaper, a force of nature who is neither good or evil. Muerte enjoyed what he does, especially when he collects the souls of sinners.
But he has seen tragedies too. Many times he has collected souls of the innocent, souls whose lives ended before their respective times. Muerte doesn't think of himself as soft, but taking the souls of children, young animals and creatures, it weighed heavily on him. He can't interfere with the living too much, otherwise he wouldn't be Death.
And Love noticed. She always did.
Normally, Muerte returned home with a satisfied smirk on his face. Pleased with himself for taking a soul who didn't value and appreciate their life.
But tonight she noticed his broad shoulders slumping with his head hung low, his expression blank. However, his crimson eyes showed his turmoil. He took off his hooded cloak and placed his sickles on the bedside table before sitting down on the bed, his ears flat against his head.
He was hunched over, his forearms resting on top of his thighs. He didn't even look up when she approached him, slowly moving to sit beside him, leaning her head on his arm.
They stayed like that for a few minutes, silence covering the room.
Muerte sighed deeply, "Lo siento mi amor. Ha sido un largo día."
She hummed in response, caressing his bicep.
"No need for apologies, moy dorogoy. What got you so down tonight?" She didn't want her beloved to keep all his negative feelings inside, otherwise it will leave him in a much more foul mood.
"....I had to collect four young souls today, mi amor. They were siblings, abandoned by their own parents." Muerte scoffed at that, those two don't deserve to be called parents for what they have done. So many people who want to have children but cannot, and yet those pedazo de mierda have the audacity to not value the lives of their own flesh and blood.
It makes his blood boil.
"That's terrible, they're terrible and I know you despise people like them, moya lyubov'. But think of it this way; the children are free from them and you brought them in a better place." She tried reasoning with him.
He stayed silent.
All she can do is stay by his side, until he feels better.
This wasn't the first time this happened and most definitely would not be the last. They don't need to talk, all they need was to be close together. Sometimes, Death needs a warm embrace, and Love happily gives it to him.
If yall want more, just send requests! Or if yall just want to thirst and simp over Death, just send an ask👀
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One of the most weirdest things to me about the fandom is the idea that Nagito would be extra-warm towards Hajime upon waking up, due to Hajime retaining all of Kamukura's talents. To me I think it would be the total opposite. I think there'd actually be a lot of angst deriving from just how alienated Nagito feels around this Hajime, who's not quite the same person he fell in love with anymore. Taking into account what 2.5 implies about his true feelings about talent (that deep down he's always resented what talent has done to the world and his life), I think it could be especially aggravating if Hajime tried to act as if there's no power imbalance between the two.
"...Stop pretending like I'm still your equal. I'm a talentless freak with a brain that's falling to bits, and I'll be gone in a few years. You're the most talented ingenious human being on Earth, and you've probably got a life expectancy of like 250. You don't get to reap all the benefits of being the Ultimate Hope, and then act like you're still an average joe just because you had some profound revelation in a computer world about how okay it is being talentless."
Yeah I feel that. Though it's understandable fandom would run with the "Talent-sexual" Nagito joke given how much he fawns over those with talent and to then apply the logic to "the more talents = the more Nagito will like you". The moment in the anime when he's overwhelmed with adoration simply being in Izuru's presence for the first time also doesn't quite help in this regard, though pretty sure that was put in there more so for fanservice and comic relief.
Funnily enough, as you mentioned, the anime also brought into question how much sincerity Nagito's love for talent truly is. So then it makes you think--if Nagito actually resents talent, then applying the earlier logic: wouldn't the more talents = the more Nagito resents you? Both things are somewhat of a flawed logic, but it's interesting to explore that side of Nagito because it really paints a picture of how deeply entrenched his delusion with hope and talent are. How many layers of denial and repression do you have to be in order to act so sincerely and consistently with your fake ideal that talent=hope and the Ultimates are destined to bring forth that hope? To the point that you circled back around and gaslight yourself into believing it to be a fundamental truth?
At what point did that resentment arise? Did it grow alongside his admiration for talent? Every time he felt his resentment towards talent did he push it back down with positive thoughts of talent instead to try to "look on the brightside/find the silver lining"? Did it get to the point that his resentment was so incredible that he had to think talent positive thoughts 24/7 just to keep it at bay? Is he doing this because otherwise all he'll have left will be hatred, despair, and a bleak view of the world being cruel and unfair? And he'll constantly be wondering why some are blessed with advantage and prodigy while others are seemingly born to suffer and stay stagnant despite their best efforts? Why does the world continue to favor some and crush everyone else? What has everyone done to deserve the life they have?
Honestly, this just further proves that Nagito's obsession with hope and talent are his last ditch attempts at giving himself purpose in a world cursing his existence. Ironically, this unhealthy coping mechanism is the better of two mindsets he chose to follow. Really goes to show that Nagito, despite everything he says, has not given up on himself if he's trying THIS damn hard to keep up the facade and have a reason to keep going everyday. And this is the reason why that OVA is my favorite episode from all the anime as that one line adds so much more nuance to Nagito's already complicated ideology.
Sorry, I sorta derailed things to ramble about Nagito but what did you expect from a Nagito simp after all? He's been rotting my brain for over four years now. But to come back on topic, this post-game Nagito with his looser chokehold on hope and talent would most likely have to contend once again with that resentment, but now with a weaker shield. As such, I do think he'd have mixed feelings about Izuru/Hajime. Part of him would probably sympathize with Hajime's pain from the surgery and the fact that he'll never quite be only Hajime anymore. Izuru is and will always be there. Learning to live with the permanent changes to his body and mind is something Nagito knows intimately--way before he became a remnant. That being said, well....Hajime did get the best case scenario for his outcome. Even some of his emotions returned despite the physical improbability of it happening. And yeah--he gets to keep all those useful talents now too. He's also in better physical health than most of their other classmates and his real name isn't inherently associated with Ultimate Despair. He could go back into society looking the way he does with his legal name and no one would even know he was ever involved with Hope's Peak.
So yeah, that sympathy Nagito has would not be enough to squash down his resentment. I can't imagine him fawning over Hajime post-game given everything that's happened and especially after finding out how Izuru was created (as I talked about in a previous ask). There will definitely be an adjustment period where in Nagito may even be passively hostile towards Hajime. But I think a part of Nagito--the part that white knuckled that silver lining for talent---would try its best to look past that and accept Hajime as a sincere friend. It's just going to take a while for him to get there. But he'll try. Doesn't mean he won't be a snarky passive aggressive guy through out it though. I do think he'll be more blunt about his honest feelings towards others whether they like it or not. Talent be (slightly) damned.
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Ohh loooook, it's me, again-
Bruh now I'm here to talk about another one of my favourite tbhk character, TSUKASA-
I have quite a questionable type, and tsukasa just so happens to fit in that so here I am, simping for him-
But omg your theories and analysis on him and his behavior? That really intrigues me and makes so much sense! I actually never thought about his behavior towards amane to be that way.
You know, out of curiosity I've been searching things like "can one child out of twins be a psychopath", considering how tsukasa's behavior has been described for so long typically. And at least even how I have childishly perceived his character. Didn't make sense to me because if I think this biologically, how can tsukasa's brain develop differently while amane acts sane with emotions in check? Is tsukasa even a psychopath? So after reading your analysis it hits me that ah yes, the boy is just a full blown sociopath who needs Amane's apology, an explanation, and his understanding. Because as you said, he doesn't show the emotions on his face, but you can sometimes determine his feelings through his words.
But also you know how children act the way they act because of their surroundings right? So how why did tsukasa act that way as a child? His little actions, such as crushing the bones of frogs, or just killing them. These little teensy acts of violence, I wonder where he learnt that from. Or maybe it's just me being too much-
He's such an intriguing character because we just don't know what's going on in his mind. You never know. You don't know why, he's doing what he's doing. Why he's acting in such a way, it's all a mystery. And I'm just waiting for when everything gets revealed and tsukasa finally finds peace that he deserves. The boy has suffered a LOT. And if I were in his place? I'd be petty as HELL. I would be angry and all over the place. Because yeah imagine sacrificing your life for your sibling, only to find out he not only killed himself, but also you, who gave their own life just for another. Now that's a tragedy.
Look, Tsukasa leaving people intrigued again haha is a gift he has. Look, if we're going to talk about Tsukasa we have to talk about both of them, let's include Amane.
The twins have had psychological problems since childhood, and we can say this is because of their suicidal tendency. Tsukasa was the first to give up on his own life, Amane gave up later, but gave up.
Consider the situation, if the person you love is going to die and to save them you need to make a sacrifice, what do you think people would do? Generally, they would try to look for another way, or even sacrifice someone from outside, who has nothing to do with it (let's not be hypocrites and let's understand that there are people who would do this, NEVER ALL of them, but there always are)
What would you do? Would you sacrifice yourself or try to find another way to convince God to save that person?
Tsukasa didn't think twice. But, let's overlook it a little due to his young age. And this is another factor, a four-year-old child who decided to die, do you see how impactful this is? Children at this age shouldn't worry about anything, he should just understand that his older brother is sick, but the whole time Tsukasa is trying to please Amane because he knows he's about to die.
Tsukasa is a very intelligent boy, above average, he proves this to us all the time, but I still can't see him in the same way as most people.
Tsukasa has high suicidal tendencies and signs of depression. One of the most important signs that is undervalued by people is shown by him all the time, the warnings: Amane doesn't like me, Amane hates me, Amane will live better without me.
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So, let's go to Amane, he follows the same reasoning.
Apparently Hanako has more psychological problems than Tsukasa. He, in his most youthful phase, appears to have severe depression, high suicidal rates, and the possibility of self-mutilation (nothing confirmed). Depression doesn't happen because you're sad, depression is a disabling pain, and when I say pain, I'm not referring to the body, but the mind.
Suicide is an act of desperation, he wants to get rid of pain. Amane has severe trauma, high rates of depression and suicidal tendencies, and in addition, like Tsukasa, he is unpredictable. The difference between them is that Tsukasa is spontaneous, he does a lot of things that make people scared, Amane doesn't do it directly like him, but he does it.
We found out that he was going to kill Aoi only after it was actually close to happening, he planned everything coldly and while it was happening, he pretended he didn't know anything, he pretended he was helping Nene and Akane find her ( because he felt obligated) and he even questioned her "How did you manage to escape number six?"
Tsukasa kills supernaturals in front of us, he tends to do cruel things at certain times, Hanako tends to do it behind our backs, you don't see or know his intentions.
Remember, the two are opposites. Didn't Tsukasa say that?
They both have a lot of psychological problems, if I'm going to delve deeper into this, I'll have to make a post hahaha but, you have to take one thing into consideration when we talk about the twins.
The supernatural creature under the house.
Tsukasa has lived with her since he was four years old, so he's used to seeing cruel things and thinking it's normal because he's seen it for a long time and there was no one there with him to tell him it was wrong.
Do you think this is a common conversation? He is talking to the creature. Is it normal to ask someone if they have eyes or hands? And even more so calmly and naturally.
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Amane also knows this creature, less than Tsukasa, I suppose, but he also lived with it. The twins are not just two, they are three, the thing is embedded in their chest.
In the heart.
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Tsukasa didn't kill animals as a child, he gave them to the creature, he clearly didn't know what he was doing, I imagine he found out later. He offered a rice ball to the creature to make another wish come true, and when nothing happened he assumed that he wanted an animal because the day before, his lizard had disappeared.
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If he has learned to be cruel, it is probably because of the thing that is embedded in his heart, the creature in the house.
Amane is more responsible than him because Tsukasa saw things that he didn't, but that doesn't take away Amane's guilt. The story develops like this, hiding everything about Amane, about number 7, about Hanako, he hides it, but nothing guarantees that he isn't like Tsukasa, but he hates to admit it.
They are opposites and at the same time similar, to talk about one, we must talk about the other, that's how it works, or better yet, talk about all three. Never forget that thing, ever.
I still owe more posts about both of them hahaha, it will definitely be one of the big ones. I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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tokiro07 · 6 months
Undead Unluck Week 2024
Day 5 - Favorite Arc: Intro Arc
This is without question the hardest prompt this whole week for me. I don't even have any arcs that I dislike, and you want me to pick the one that I like the most???
How am I supposed to choose between Andy and Fuuko beating Victor by learning that they can reinterpret their Rules in the Autumn Arc, the Union clashing with Under in classic shonen battle manga fashion in the Spring Arc, every Negator banding together to see Fuuko safely to the next world in the Ragnarok Arc, and Feng learning that he's a simp for Fuuko in the Hong Kong Arc??? This is a cruel question that makes me second-guess every decision I could possibly make for it!
However, after much deliberation, I realized that for me, there's only one answer that I could definitively be satisfied with, and one that I think deserves a lot more love than it gets: the introduction
When I say the introduction, I don't just mean the first couple of chapters in Shinjuku, I mean everything leading up to Andy and Fuuko officially becoming seated members of the Union. From their meeting in chapter 1 right up until Juiz challenges Fuuko to work her way up the ranks to become the First Seat of the Roundtable, I consider that entire span to be the first major arc
This is because this is the prologue to Fuuko's development and every single plot beat to follow; from believing herself to be unworthy of living, to realizing that life is worth living, to resolving to make life better for others, the journey of Fuuko's life begins here. Unlearning the lie she believes, learning the truth that she needs to understand, to gaining the confidence to spread that truth, none of that happens without first meeting Andy, then Gina, then Juiz
I really hate to sound like a hipster, but whereas other people had a tough time getting into UU when it started because they felt chapter 1 was too rough, I mean no exaggeration when I say that I fell in love with it instantly. It really did feel like I was the only one who knew it was going to be great all along, and while I'm ecstatic to see that I was right, there's a little bit of a bitter taste mixed in there considering that to this day I see people dismissing its origin
Both fans and haters alike talk about the introduction as if it's this arduous hurdle, something so unlike what comes later that they wish it weren't even there, but to me (and I hope more people reading this than I'm giving credit for), that "rough patch" is an absolute necessity. It is simply unskippable! To appreciate how far Fuuko and Andy come over the course of the narrative, you need to understand where they started, not just as individuals, but as a couple! Everything that Undead Unluck is, was, or will be can be summed up from the events of chapter 1, and the immediately following chapters set up the dynamic of the entire story to come
Without that arc, if somehow Tozuka had skipped straight to Spoil and started in media res, I don't know how attached I would have been to the story. But that's not what happened; instead, I turned every page with wrapt attention, engaged with every single panel, desperate to know what was coming next. And four years later, that feeling has not faded
Every Saturday night I go to bed like it's Christmas Eve; "Undead Unluck tomorrow!" I wake up, roll over, grab my tablet and just start reading the moment it gets uploaded. Everything else in Jump I read in chronological order, but UU? That cannot wait! I need to know what happens ASAP!
All of that excitement, all of that joy, all of that love was inspired by chapter 1 and reinforced by the arc that followed. Other arcs reached incredible highs that I never could have seen coming back then, and nearly all of them are much more refined by nature of Tozuka's growing experience, but the sheer wonder that I could feel being sparked in me from the very beginning? The feeling of the fire continuing to burn is completely different from the feeling of its ignition, no matter how much more brightly it shines
Perhaps future arcs will find a way to overturn this opinion; maybe the final arc will be so spectacular and such a perfect culmination of everything that came before that I can't imagine the story ending any other way, but for now, the beginning that so readily convinced me to follow this series and allowed me to feel so spectacular for so long has to be the one that I consider my favorite
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roseadleyn · 1 year
if u truly like diabolik lovers (according to ur fandom list anyways) then any diabolik lovers ocs that you like and/or love?? and do you have any dl ocs of your own?
OH MY GOD. i have another ask like this. should probably stop procrastinating and answer all 87 of my asks but procrastination is life 😍‼️
btw this list is not in order at all‼️i love you all the same <333
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1. helen harrison, aurora, and lae'la by @/nutaella-kookie
laila isn't around on tumblr anymore (deactivated) but i actively stalk all blogs that contain helen posts. she's my favorite oc ever created and i genuinely love and fantasize about her all the timeeee
aurora is the BEST person in the demon world alongside devyn and gilbert. shut up. u don't get to argue because omg i love this woman
and lae'la... she's so objectively wrong but oh my heavens she looks good while she's at it. girlboss, love her.
2. keiichirou seong by @gingerall
okay but i am so in love with this man u do not understand!!! he's written well, he's drawn well, and he's so pretty 😭💞 yes he's a red flag but red is my favorite color so what are you going to do about it huh 🙄🙄
(@gingerall's art SLAYS btw. go check it out. i dare you. rn. )
3. devyn kang by @secretarykang
devyn is so beautiful???? so girlboss???? like, genuinely, this is the rare female oc who's a compelling female character who doesn't need to beat everyone up to be empowering and i just. hhhh ma'am i love u pleaseee
4. maya by @summercreolefanfictioner
BABIE!!! mentally traumatized, but babie!!! i found maya a while back and read her ENTIRE masterlist in one setting. istg i love her, she's so complex (in a good way!!) and deserves the world for putting up with kanato like she does
5. gilbert by @summercreolefanfictioner
SIR??? MY HAND IN MARRIAGE IS HERE??? literally simp over him as a hobby he's too well written and way too handsome for me to not do that okay??? and also he didn't need to die miss summer he deserves a happy ending with devyn!!!
6. cyra by @mariicake
is she single??? because i am (/j)
okay but like come on. this woman is so. wjsjd she makes me feel things she's so pretty and she slays literally every interaction with those mentally ill vampires and whatever else cooks in the dl abyss
7. asa, akemi and amaya by @crookedherringcolorclodthe2nd
(i'm unable to tag your original blog, my apologies!!)
my go to ocs if i need to laugh??? these girls. i absolutely adore their dynamic and the way they're written, a definite 10/10 for character building
8. malorie by @whitechocolatemochaasblog
MALORIE IS THE PRETTIEST NAME EVER OMG. also i just love how cute she is???? she's so baby, i love her with my whole entire heart and soul
9. makoto by @kirua9
poor girl </3 she just wants some love 😭 come here makoto i can treat u better than he ever could‼️
she's so hurt that it makes my heart ache
as for whether i have my own dl ocs... i have my own ocs, but not dl ones!! i'm considering putting my ocs in dl but i'll probably do it after i've organized this blog a little bit, you know???
currently, the ocs that are out are xander, raymond, roselyn, and caelia, and i'm working on emma (that's her old moodboard) rn <333 seven of my ocs have moodboards but i hated the mbs so i obviously had to remake them all; currently four have been remade, fifth is abt to be done‼️
lots of my mutuals have ocs but none of them are dl, so they weren't mentioned here. they slay nonetheless!!!
...and i've rambled way, way too much again, bye bye 😍
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greensagephase · 1 year
Just read part 4 of nonviolent communication, and reading how you described Miguel’s past and thoughts made me so sad for him!! Actually now I’m just really heartbroken for the reader and Miguel… dang they really deserve better. I love how you called back to previous chapters to explain some of the things Miguel did for the reader, those little details are so good. I also loved the interactions the reader had with Miguel towards the end too, it was so so sweet and it’s the little moments and subtlety that get me. Thanks so much for posting part 4 so soon!! I can’t wait to read the rest of the chapters, and take your time! This story is so good!! ✨
Also same, I can’t wait to see BTSV, I really hope we get more of Miguel’s story and more screen time with him in general. Miguel O’Hara. That’s it that’s the plot.
Hi, anon! Thank you for this lovely ask 🥰
If it isn't obvious at this point, I'm a simp for this fictional man because he's BEAUTIFUL but I also love him because of how INTERESTING he is already despite us knowing so little about him (at least the Spider-Verse version). I'm sure I'm going to be crying buckets when BTSV comes out. It's going to be a rollercoaster of emotions as I truly believe that the next movie will focus more on him. I think the producers purposedly left out so much on him in ATSV, like Gwen interrupting his formal introduction (I was mad about it for days), leaving us with no new info so they can really go into it in BTSV and I'm ready for it. I NEED more screentime for him. I also hope once Miles's storyline is complete that we get Miguel's own movie. I just need Miguel 100% of the time on the screen lol, make him the entire plot!
But, returning to part four in Nonviolent Communication, I felt so sad writing Miguel's part but it was also so interesting to think about his current state of mind and what led to it. Like, is his entire family deceased or is he just estranged from them, and if so, why? What led him to being so unhappy in his dimension that he made the decision to insert himself into Gabriella's universe the moment he had the chance? I thought about it and all I could think was that this man has been through it so much that he made that decision to feel happy for once and lead a somewhat normal life. Also, it was interesting to weave in his line from the movie where he tells Miles that he signed up to be Spider-Man. Like - sir, most of these people did NOT sign up for this but it's just another interesting layer to Miguel's character and his state of mind, and overall how he thinks of himself as Spider-Man.
And yes, Miguel and the reader deserve so much better! I love the parallels of their lives. They're just two people who have lost their loved ones and unlike so many other spider-members, they really have no other family to fall back on (at least in my story lol) . I'm so glad you enjoyed the tidbits of the previous chapters. I was thinking it was going to be repetitive but I hoped that I was providing Miguel's perspective from those days and how he was somewhat struggling with how he was feeling regarding the reader and the circumstances. Also, I loved the interaction at the end, too! This was my nod at the fact that they will start confiding in each other more.
Thank you for the support, and I'm so happy you're enjoying the story so far! I'll have part five out in a few days and I hope you continue to enjoy it. Have a great day/night! 💖
Live, Laugh, Miguel❤️
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daniigrimm-blog · 2 years
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Can we just take a moment to simp about the newest album drop by Black Veil Brides, The Phantom Tomorrow, released October 29, 2021. I know, I know, I maybe should have wrote this post like two years ago but really I had a lot to do in the meantime and wanted to give it the true justice this piece of art really deserves. This release is the second album drop since the band's decision to part ways with former bassist Ashley Purdy, (the first basically being a re-master of their former masterpiece debut album "We Stitch These Wounds", now dubbed cleverly, "Re-Stitch These Wounds") and now this! Can I just say, WOW-wowie-wow-wow-wowzers! omg I am just BLOWN away by what has gone into this piece of art and I feel blessed to be born in a time where I got to truly experience its release. Just wow. Welcome to the band Lonny Eagleton, with a resounding, please please don't ever leave.
The Phantom Tomorrow (Introduction)
Scarlet Cross
Born Again
Spectres (Interlude)
The Wicked One
Shadows Rise
Fields of Bone
Crimson Skies
Kill the Hero
Fall Eternal
Oh hey did you know that Black Veil Brides released a COMIC BOOK?! It apparently goes right along with this masterpiece of an album because WHY NOT? Siri, can you add "Buy The Phantom Tomorrow comic" to my to-do list? Hell yes. I bought Andy's Ghost of Ohio when it dropped so ya know ya girl is gonna hop this band wagon. And who wouldn't? With such an awesome story and a crazy ass cover like that? Name two people, I bet you cant. And if you can I don't believe you.
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From the mouths of babes, as they say. And man is Andy a MAJOR babe. Anyhoo, I figured I would save ya'll a track-by-track personal breakdown because who can do it better than the guys themselves? Amirite? I will say this though, this album feels WHOLE. It feels full. It feels like a really well-rounded album. I'm not a musician myself, but I LOVE music, and I have been watching a lot of different bands grow and rise and it has been an absolutely AMAZING ride. But this band, what a well-rounded flushed out sound they have come to grow into as each individual has honed their craft or joined. And before any of you ask my personal favorite off this particular album is Torch. It's on my On Repeat on Spotify for a reason--but I digress...that brings me once again to Lonny.
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Lonny Eagleton
Who is Lonny Eagleton you ask? Well, he's a sweet boy from Canada who joined the BVB family, and man does he fit RIGHT in. Well, his website Bio boasts he's a professional musician who has worked with multiple recognizable names in the industry, that he's done his fair share of arena/theatre based tours, and a plethora of other hidden talents all backed by a degree. I mean, that's impressive enough but man he is humble and sweet to boot! I don't think I am out of line when I say that the BVB family has scored big with this addition to the band--especially if the "The Phantom Tomorrow", and the latest ep drop (October 21, 2022) "The Mourning" are any proof of what is to come in the future.
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Now that brings me to "The Mourning" EP which I am also very late to mentioning (at least here!). It's four tracks of powerful music that speaks from and to the soul directly. Clearly what went into this was some powerful storytelling, some genius mastery, and some amazing skill-work. Dare I say, that the older these boys get--the more they manage to master their craft? But it's true. And being someone from the sidelines watching them grow, has been a most satisfying experience--man am I PROUD to be in this fandom. NOT TO MENTION the totally amazeballs producer they have, Erik Ron who handled this ep and the previous album before this. Way to rock out with that cock out Erik!
Saviour II
The Revival
Better Angels
"How the fuck is one so evil left to just proceed? All the luck and how deceitful that idle minds can be." Lyrics from Devil really hit close to home some days, especially if you're currently living in America (and I am). It's clear from the tone set by the melody of the guitars when the track first open-fires on your eardrums for an eargasmic explosion of what can only be described as pure Black Veil Brides energy. Straight from the speakers to your soul, Andy Black truly has a way with words and the boys on strings (Jake, Jinxx, and Lonny) really know how to nail it home and build a mood to a harmonious climactic point before bringing it smoothly back down again. And may I say, that CC has really just been on fire these last few albums? He is really kicking some ass behind that kit and I think it's fair to give him a mention for it.
In softer tones Saviour II was second on the EP and set a more serious and tender vibe. A soul bearing ballad needs to be on every album right? At least that seems to be a theme for BVB that I personally hope never dies. They do amazing with a good somber heartfelt melody and these new lyrics that sort of offer different softer, more human side to the Saviour we as a fanbase were used to. The first being: "So hear my voice, Remind you not to bleed. I'm here." the message being a strong voice offering a shoulder to lean on here. A superhero almost. Whereas, the second, "So I'm trying my hardest to be what you made, Like a court jester, my smile won't fade. Giving it all, rising to fall to my grave. Answer the call, living in thrall-You're the one born to save." Is a tooootally different vibe. Like someone human just trying to make it through each day. So-so so good.
The Revival is the third track on the EP and it unfortunately didn't get a video but is still really cool and definitely worth a mention. It feels like Saviour II worked right up into this song. I'm sure they did that on purpose but I can hear/see a story playing out before my very eyes. Maybe my imagination is running a little high, but they have a habit of writing a whole ass story and following it up with a rock opera--so I am not sure because I looked all over for like a track-by-track breakdown and didn't find one (so if anyone has one and can link one to me that would be sugar and spice!) but nevertheless the instrumentals in this song are fire but from 2:19-2:35 it is just the best musical soup I have ever tasted. There I said it. I can say it. It is hot fire.
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That brings me to the final track on the EP, Better Angels. I think instrumentally, and melodically, Better Angels may actually be personally my favorite track. Lyrically it is one of the coolest things I have ever heard. I came from a really strictly and very strangely repressed religious background and when I hear the stories told in these songs tied up in some sort of religious metaphor it really resonates and I know I am not the only one in the fanbase that is dealing with these issues. "Go back to hell with all your demons-leave me alone to find the pieces inside my mind. They came in to control my life. And all the devils devour- Your better angels devour." Whether it comes from a religious place or not, that is a pretty fire chorus, you have to admit. Not to mention the absolute MELTDOWN I have inside my head when the guitars (2:35-2:50) fuckin slap my dudes! I am telling you, if you haven't heard it already, please do--your life will be more complete because of it. It's one of the prettiest things I have ever heard ringing in my ears.
Really can't wait to see what Black Veil Brides has in store for us next! I mean between the comic-book, the album, and the ep, I'm already pretty stoked and I literally have no fuckin clue outside what Andy has mentioned in recent interviews! But I will be keeping my eye out! you bet!
Also before I go please enjoy this acoustic set I found on Youtube.
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mystic-myrtille · 2 years
The Love Square for the ship bingo
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I think it's no secret that I just don't like the square anymore. For a bunch of reasons.
Those weird rules how Marinette always makes mistakes and Adrien is perfect leads to this weird dynamic of "Marinette has to make herself better so that she's perfect for him while he can do whatever he wants it's fine" and I hate it (maybe there are few exceptions to that but I actually can't think of anything rn so 🤷🏻‍♀️). The ship is very stagnant and only one side has gone through sone sort of developement, which is Lady//noir (and I was not a fan of how their conflict hot handled in s4 at all but that deserves it's own post). Adrie//nette is so painfully cringe and the other two barely exist. That's just so wild to me like you have two people, create four ships with them involved and almost completely ignore two of the ships (I mean I can count Mari//chat/Lad//rien episodes on one hand). You have tons of opportunities and don't use them?? And there's also the constant overstepping of boundaries which is almost never portrayed as a bad thing. I feel like when they simp foreach other, they bring out very bad sides in each other. (To draw a comparison specifically with Lukanette: in every episode that revolves around the square, she comes off as nithing but a boy obsessed teenager who's only motivation in life is her crush and her life revolves entirely around him. With Luka on the other hand, she comes off as her own person who just so happens to have a crush on the guitar dude).
The show feels more like a fanfiction where two teens try to hook up and that's everyone's first priority for some reason, so everything exists only in the context of the square, but if they actually do get together the earth explodes. And I am supposed to take any of this serious?
The thing is, I want to like them. I really do. And sometimes they have scenes together where I go "aww how cute:)" or smth. It's just, there's so much bothering me with the ship itself and the writing around it that I just can't. Not even in fanon. I can't bring myself to consume love square content (the scarlet Lady comics being the only exception).
If I could rewrite the show, I wouldn't make it about romance, I would write them as friend. Very good platonic friends who got each other's backs (probably while dating other people in the background). I guess that's the only way I can enjoy them together
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vermanaward · 1 year
6.4 thoughts: msq + panda
felt a bit like wheel spinning tbh. a lot of back and forth building up to a whole lot of nothing reveals. 'capitalism saves the day part n: garlemald edition' was very zzz. we had this exact same plotline with the ala mhigan refugees subsisting on charity and this being bad for them because only capitalism can give your life meaning or something. brainworms, man. at least i didnt have to be polite to lolorito this time ig.
i did msq before panda only bc i was killing time before my static got their asses online and fourchy getting sulky because i'd left a nightmare in his basement made me smile.
dungeon is neat. music is nice, scenery is pretty, bosses are fast paced and have interesting mechs. gear i think is eden + deepshadow.
the 'zero ran into golbez and dude currently cosplaying golbez back in the day' reveal was obvious as soon as her first exposition came up (even if i didnt call current golbez being the blonde dude right away). personally i would have seeded that reveal earlier but that's me assuming people i write for would pay attention. i've been working for a while on the assumption that the flood of darkness was caused somehow by zodiark's shard being released (maybe that was iggy's bright idea for the rejoining, even; unleash the fragment of her god that was stuck in the shard, only for it to go extremely pete tong). i wish we'd spent more time in 13th!lamentorum. been able to explore a ruined watcher's hangout and find records of how shit went tits up here. voidsent lopporits. pls.
i did like zero's character growth though. figuring out what trust is. what a friend is. [zero voice] 'the wol is friend shaped' /sage nod
yshtola's assumption that the death of the partially rejoined zodiark would have dissipated the rest of his shards though felt like. why would you ever assume that. like when ardbert died that didnt kill the wol. ??? lady you are making no sense
as much as im glad we didnt get a full rehash of iv with golbez being mind controlled by zeromus etc it's still. kind boring that he's a souped up voidsent. golbez being teased with endcaller in the pll feels more like a bait/switch. i still want zodiark (savage) (or dog forbid zodiark (ultimate)) but unless 6.5 seriously pulls the rug out im not expecting much.
normal trial is a lot of fun. took me i think 4 or 5 pulls at like 1am? which you dont often see a normal trial which takes multiple pulls. most people were first time ofc but. the ex should be fun. much improved over rubicante but. low bar etc. music is pretty pog, its more a fantasia on ff4 themes than Yet Another Four Fiends Rearrangement. weapons are all pretty nice too.
panda tier 3
athena came in swinging a steel chair and i love herfor it. mad scientist mothwoman wife. didnt call hermione simping for her but honestly same. i enjoyed that eric told her to fuck all the way off.
athena: you're useless. >'( eric: yeah, and who literally just admitted to deliberately making me that way!!! >(
love that man. deserves much better parents than he got stuck with.
bananabread being bananabread is simultaneously the most boring and narratively satisfying option. to begin with i was like 'im not 100% you're that scenery chewing nutjob i know and meme on' but then he re-embraced his id and im just. okay nm yeah you're him, 100%
part of me is disappionted we never got to Say The Line to lid and part of me is kind a relieved they didnt go there.
the heart of sabik kinda came out of fucking nowhere, did nothing, and then fucked off. confirmed for a shard of the high seraph, i guess. when the scientist guy was holding it at my wol at the end all i could think is that it would be taking every ounce of her self control not to snatch it out of his hand and run off giggling like a gremlin. gib ultima plx.
(something something if athena/bananabread/eric/lid are them but made from memories stamped onto a soul, then... not to be a fraywol shipper on main, but....)
fights were fun. arenas are all gorgeous. p9's music is... weird but either it will grow on me or i'll just listen to something else. p10 and p12 do some cool things with the arenas. p11 manages to avoid being Seat Of Sacrifice... 2! but ig we'll see how savage shakes out. p12 i'm hype for phase 2 just bc Ultima's Perfection (Endwalker).
gear i am aggressively meh about most of the armour but the weapons are all v nice.
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Notes and comments from rewatching Oracion seiz Part 1 (Episodes 52 and 53
Mira just being so casual when saying "Oh welcome back master after he just announced they would need to fight the Seiz is great.
I didn't actually realize it was canon Cobra wore earrings. I thought that was fanon that I was making true in my head(That happens a lot). That's awesome
Also wasn't Gray on the list of hottest male mages after the time skip? What is so different now in this arc compared to then for both Natsu and Gray to not be on the list? Like Gray didn't change at all between the skip so I don't get why he isn't there.
I usually don't mind Ichiya but he is really bugging me with the fact he keeps violating Erza's personal space when she's very clearly showing through body language and words that she isn't interested and doesn't want him touching her.
The fact that this dark menacing music plays when Lyon shows up and he's having a stare off with Gray, meanwhile Natsu is just smiling all happy to find out Lyon actually joined a guild is so precious.
Almost everyone here is just having beef with each other. Like damn, you guys are supposed to be fighting the seiz not each other.
Jura being the voice of reason. Good work my guy.
Everyone just being like 'Wait a child?' when Wendy shows up meanwhile I'm here knowing that 1. She's a dragon slayer and healer so very strong and useful and 2. One of only 2 living members of cait shelter.
The fact this is the only time any of the slayers show any form of recognition for each other in the slightest. Like Gajeel doesn't have a similar reaction to Wendy later and none of them to Sting or Rogue.
I honestly like how Wendy's current outfit because not only does it have resemblance to Grandeeney but it just hints to her being a sky mage just enough, similar to Gajeel having the metal on his shirt, gloves and boots. A hint to their magic while still blending into their designs.
Can the tri men not simp over the 12 year old. Like come on guys, find something to say that isn't complementing on how pretty and cute she is.
Jura is great. He has literally no reaction to Wendy at all. One of the only few not surprised that Wendy was both a child and a girl(something that irks me when both Mira and Erza exist)
Sherry having beef with Carla because she called Gaudy is great.
God dammit, the trimen are flirting with Carla too. Good gravy
Poor Wendy talking down on herself when its literally canon that all slayers are just op as fuck. Like even if she doesn't have combat experience, when paired with other slayers, she does a damn good job with fighting. Like pair her with Natsu or Gajeel on a team and you've got a powerful team going. Putting all four fairy tail slayers on a team would be even better because you've got both Gajeel and Laxus who can do both melee and ranged, Natsu who has mostly melee attacks and Wendy who both has melee, a couple ranged and support magic to boost the others with, you've got a powerhouse going.
Carla does have a point in saying Wendy needs to have more confidence and I love that she actually does get more confidence as she builds up her techniques and magic. She has the most confidence when fighting alongside someone like Edolus where she fights with Natsu and Gajeel, she is extremly confident there and by GMG she has the confidence in herself to hold her own in the fight against Shellia. That was the arc Wendy deserved, not her constantly comparing herself to other girls who are a lot older.
Carla just saying Wendy will drive her to catnip like its some drug or alcohol. I can't
Jura and Ichiya noticing that Wendy doesn't use just any old magic because of her signature leads me to question why they didn't notice that it bares resemblance to Natsu's. But it does further prove that slayer magic is a very powerful subclass of magic.
I honestly don't blame Natsu for forgetting who Wendy is because he literally had his memories altered by the magic of the eclipse gate. No wonder he's pressing on it so hard, its been hidden away by magic.
Ok further confusion with map things being, they literally refer to it as Worth Woodsea in its first official appearance. It is never refered to by the name on the official map once. I don't know if it was perhaps changed later on or something but its so weird.
Cobra is literally fucking smiling at the camera in the picture that Hibiki uses of him. Its like 'oh I'm getting my photo taken? Better look extra sinister or they'll think bad of me'
Also he's just called the snake wizard because he has a snake or his name right? Is it that unbelievable that he could just really like snakes and not have any magic that involves them? Like criminals can like animals and have pets too ya know. They don't always have to be horrible pet owners. Cobra clearly isn't.
Is Midnight really an odd name? Its not common but I don't think its odd either. Its one of the more name like names of the seiz. Especially when you have Hoteye and Racer which no one in their right mind would (hopefully) name a child that.
I actually like the pair system they went with because it is a good idea. Strategy is something that was heavily relied on for Racer, Midnight and Cobra's fights because attacking them head on isn't a valid option because of their magic.
The way Gemini speaks of Makarov makes it sound like they know a lot about him. Its kinda interesting to be honest
Trying to decide if Natsu wanting a Christina is a good or bad thing tbh.
If there's one good thing about the seiz its that they're exceedingly dramatic.
I have never heard someone use the word frosty when telling people to stay alert and now I can't get over the idea that Gray makes ice and cold related puns.
I love how there is something that Midnight holds that just makes wind chime noises. Its great.
Ok so how physically strong is Cobra. Because in some scenes it looks like Cubelious has her full weight on him and he's carrying her but in others it looks almost like she's floating. And Cobra is one of the only dragon slayers in the main series who doesn't have prominent muscles aside from Wendy. And we never see him shirtless so we can't say whether he is secretly ripped or not like with Rogue. So I'm genuinely curious behind this. Is he just secretly strong from always carrying Cubelious or does she use magic to help with that since she is cursed and would be able to use magic since Kinana does learn magic during the 1 year time skip.
I love how Cobra always says "I can hear it" or a variation of it with his sentences like its some kind of scare tactic to get people to fear him.
The fact both Cobra and Racer don't want to listen to Hoteye talk about money makes me believe that they have to listen to that on a regular basis. Especially Cobra if its one of the only things Hoteye thinks about.
To be fair on Lucy, I'd probably be terrified of a guy that's supposed to be super powerful and he didn't even bother to get up from bed too.
Fuck yeah the Oracion seiz ost. I love it. Its such a bop not gonna lie.
Cobra asking if Gray and Natsu need an invitation to fight just satisfies my "he's a sassy bitch" headcanon and I love it.
I love how they up the smoothness of the animation for the fights Like it looks so good. That one scene where Lyon takes a step and his foot melts down into mud is so satisfying to watch.
The trimen getting taken out just seems like their fault since they were too busy fighting over Angel.
Some of these angles are cool. Like the one on Cobra when he comments on Erza's requip where Cubelious' head looks a lot bigger because its closer to the camera. Also I am just filling my phone with pictures of Cobra for refs and such at this point.
The way Cobra just moves ever so slightly and avoids the swords looks great. Like they give it a slight blur when he's moving.
I am honestly unsure if Racer saying "I like fast women" is supposed to be a sex joke or not. Cause on one hand, it obviously fits with him being able to slow others down but the way its phrased and said makes me think its supposed to be a sex joke. I don't know.
I love the art for when Cobra gets behind Erza and how she's highlighted blue while Cobra is shrouded in black with a glowing red eye. Gives very sinister intentions.
This fight reminded me how Cobra can actually hold his own in a fight without Cubelious attacking or using his dragon slayer magic. He gives Erza a good kick to the stomach that is clearly shown to be a strong hit. He's one of the few slayers who has been shown to not relay constantly on their dragon magic (Laxus is the other but he still uses magic a lot to cover his hits, Cobra only uses his ears to give him an advantage) its probably done this way because they wanted Cobra being a slayer to be a surprise for when he fights Natsu but it leans into my theory that 2nd gens are technically stronger than 1st or at least Natsu. (He never beat Laxus or Cobra. Gajeel's hard to judge since we never see him fight Cobra and he had a disadvantage against Laxus by types although canon Gajeel is on par with Natsu so I'd say he'd be outmatched)
I just found an example of where it looks like Cubelious is floating around Cobra not wrapped around him. Also I'm pretty sure she got longer. Like here's actual visual examples I took.
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Ignore the quality, my playstation won't let me screenshot my own dvd so I had to use my phone for the photos.
So from what I can gather, Midnight's magic is kind of like Cobra's in where unless its blocked or sealed then its constantly active even when he's asleep. At least he knows he can't be stabbed in the middle of the night.
Brain just standing to the side like "Ah yes. The screams of teenagers. What a lovely sound" (Because everyone in this fight aren't even 21. Only Ichiya and Jura were above that age and they aren't participating and since we know the seiz members are around Erza's age, literally no one here aside from Brain are above 21. (And possibly Hoteye since he's the older one) Only Ren and Hibiki are 20 while everyone else is between 19 to 16 (Wendy, Happy and Carla being even lower)
Ok so Brain seems quite impressed by Erza so I'm curious if would have tried to recruit her like he did Natsu. Cause clearly he's looking for strong mages and I could believe that he'd know Erza was from the tower if Jellal or someone else he'd scouted out had ever mentioned her. (Erik might have heard about Erza or something similar)
I love how Cobra describes everything he hears as a symphony. Its an interesting way to look at someone being able to hear everything about a person.
Ok so Cobra wasn't aware Erza was from the tower before which could be that he just doesn't recognise her now that she's older or because he never physically saw her but I love the detail of him jumping back and looking shocked because that place was just as bad for him as it was for her and he's now seeing someone who came from the same background but didn't fall to evil. Perfect to use for a redemption arc with Cobra where he starts to rethink his choices now that he knows someone else who went through the same torture and pain didn't turn to killing people.
Continuing on that point with how he drops his guard and says "You were there" which is the first foreshadowing to where the seiz really come from because of the wording alone. He doesn't say "You were tortured" or "You were enslaved" he says there, showing a sense of recognition and familiarity towards a place the audience have learned was a horrible part of Erza's past and its put in naturally. Its not just Erza word vomiting her past. Its her trying to use her bad memories to get an opening in the fight. Cobra was already listening to her thoughts to predict her moves so of course he would pick up on it. This is the kind of character work I love, hinting to things in ways that make sense. This entire situation was a tactic to strike Cobra not some sappy moment. And of course Cobra would let his guard down, he hasn't come to terms with that part of his life yet. He still holds anger and resentment towards the people who did that to him (And possibly Zeref because there has to be a reason why the seiz are the only balam alliance that never do any evil schemes that have any relation to Zeref what so ever) so seeing someone else's experience probably brought up his own memories of how he was treated and perhaps even how he ended up there in the first place (Its never stated but I doubt Cobra was also an orphan before being taken. I personally like to believe he had to watch his parents be slaughtered right in front of him before being taken away but that's just my headcanon)
Also the fact that Cobra isn't the one to defend himself against Erza, its Hoteye. Cobra has clearly had his guard dropped. He's stunned and lost his confident mask. If he hadn't been protected then I wouldn't be surprised if Erza actually hit a strike on him unless Cubelious protected her friend.
Also also, Racer says "Pick up the pace" to Cobra. They clearly don't know what just happened. They just know that he suddenly jumped back and let his guard drop. To them, they probably thing he's slacking or something similar, not baring witness to someone else's traumatic events that mirror his own. And I wouldn't be surprised if frustration from Racer's ridicule and anger about what he just witnessed is why he orders Cubelious to attack. Because he was doing fine on his own against Erza, he even caught her swords. But instead he sends his snake to poison her instead.
Okay at this point I'm just going to agree with Pencilofawesomeness' concept from their papalogia story that Cubelious can just change her size because now she's 3x taller than Cobra after biting Erza.
What is it with dragon slayer villians doing crazy facial expressions. Cobra keeps having one eye widened while the other narrowed (Which I doubt this is actually the case but it is kinda like foreshadowing since the narrowed eye is the one he gives up later in the KOTSH arc. He also does wide smirks which are great fun to watch. This man is a sassy bitch if I ever do see one.
I don't think they ever established how Brain knew about Wendy. Because he says her name and seems shocked to see her but I don't recall ever having a moment where he admits to how he knows who she is (At least I unintentionally gave a reason for how he'd know in the au with the whole pack stuff and such) If I'm proven wrong later after a proper refresher than I will definitely make a note of that
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